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Name: 20081210_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 10, 2008
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All right, we're live at PrisonPlanet.tv as we are every day going into the fourth hour.
I'm going to have our guest with us for about five more minutes, because I have a lot of news and other phone calls we're going to be taking on a host of important subjects, so please stay with us.
He, of course, is Captain Kelly Sweeney, Master Mariner, and the author of From the Bridge.
Back in 2003, on Christmas night, their largest ship was boarded off the Dominican Republic.
They killed at least one of the pirates and drove them off.
They had armed guards on board.
We've been covering helm.
There's an international move by the U.N.
to keep mariners disarmed so the pirates can rob them so they can basically call for the Law of the Sea Treaty to have world government take over 76% of the Earth's surface and have armed U.N.
vessels taxing and controlling all commerce.
We're talking to Dan in Texas who is a retired Coast Guard.
I mean, how big a threat is it out there?
I mean, previously before you retired and then now hearing that piracy is up at least 500% in 2008.
Well, Alex, I served from 1983 to 2004.
I'm a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom, in which I served in the port of Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain, when the war first started with Afghanistan.
So my travels are extensive, and I've done port security my whole career.
I ran boats.
I ran gunboats and search-and-rescue craft.
I've been a boarding officer, so I'm familiar with a lot of things.
I've been there and done that.
I got the t-shirt and all that.
I didn't have to go to David Jones' locker to get it.
Any stories you'd like to relate to people about what it's like?
Because you were obviously in the very area right now that's being particularly ravaged.
Yes, I was.
Just the cultural differences was the biggest thing to deal with there, being American.
I was born in Texas and grew up in North Texas, so I'm close to where you grew up and everything.
So I decided to go to the Coast Guard, serve my country, do all that good stuff and do my part to serve the American people.
It's always been my primary thing and I still have that attitude.
It's hard to, you know, break a sailor from their habit.
Why are people... I mean, in your opinion, why are things breaking down so bad now?
And what, in the 30 years they've disarmed ships, did it take that long for the pirates to build up, or what's happening?
Well, it's... I don't know exactly who's behind it all, but it's very, I think, very strategic, the way they've taken everything apart and dissembled it.
Captain Sweeney, you're probably familiar with the coal rigs of 1972, and that's basically the rules of the road that all
All vessels on the high seas conduct themselves by, because that's international communication.
And comms can create a situation where you can have a safe passage and there's no accidents.
And that's why it was created.
But there's no other law after that.
The high seas, as everyone knows, it's been out there, is the law of survival.
And it can take many forms.
And that's why there's so many vulnerable
Things that happen to any kind of craft, it doesn't matter what the size is.
Well that's another issue, is that our people are so busy looking for pirates, they end up running into other ships or running aground or having problems.
Yes, these are all other problems that are, you know, when there is a lack of safety, a distraction can take away from the operator of the vessel and create a hell that you just wouldn't want to live in.
Luckily, I was in search and rescue a lot, and I went out on a lot of cases, and I haven't seen my share of disasters.
I picked a child up out of the water, 11 years old, and was swept off a shrimp boat in Galveston, July 4th, 1993.
I remember like it was yesterday, and I could tell you his name, but I don't want to go there.
I know how dangerous the sea is, and if you don't feel safe and you're distracted by something, she'll take you if you're not ready.
Did you ever come across people that have been killed or thrown off ships?
As a matter of fact, in San Francisco, I picked up a floater there.
I got used to that because we had suicide victims off the Golden Gate Bridge all the time.
PTSD, that's when I first was introduced to that in 1987, but I'm okay.
I can deal with it.
I'm a big boy.
We once had picked up a floater and had a hand tied behind its back, head blown off with a shotgun.
It was obvious as hell, but we had to turn the body over to the coroner so that the county could do the investigation.
Alright, stay there.
I want to briefly come back with Captain Sweeney and have him respond to what you've said, let you finish up, then we're going to take a few other calls from Brandon and others.
Then I'm going to get to other callers on other issues.
Stay with us.
This is part of the world, 76% of its surface, nobody talks about.
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Some U.S.
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I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, doing one more segment with Captain Sweeney.
The more your calls, the more the news I haven't gotten to yet.
Captain Sweeney, what do you think of what Dan, retired out of the Coast Guard, is saying?
Well, Dan certainly has had some hardcore experiences.
And the thing is, Alex, is that all merchant mariners are civilians.
And we all accept the dangers of going to sea.
I've been in 60-foot seas.
I've been in 130-knot winds.
I was on a car ship one time, coming back from Japan.
We got hit so hard off the Aleutian Islands that it buckled the whole of the ship.
I've had, we don't have doctors on board.
We have, one of the crew members, usually the chief officer, or the second officer, one of the officers, takes on the duties, the medical duties.
I've had guys, you know, hack off limbs, parts of their finger, either, you know, do stuff, emergency things on board the vessel.
I mean, there is no 911 2,000 miles out to sea.
We are the 911.
We fight the fire.
We take care of the emergency.
But you're not allowed to have a gun to defend yourself.
What do you think of this, Dan?
Thousands and thousands of miles of coastline in the United States.
Well, real fast, Dan, real fast, because he's talking in the background there.
Just real quick, I'm going to let you go, Dan, and then have Captain Sweeney comment on it.
I mean, what do you think about arming the people that are on board these ships?
Oh, absolutely.
I believe, you know, people, one thing about mariners that we learn, you know, you improvise, adapt, and overcome.
And the Marines stole it from the mariners, okay?
So, you know, high-powered deterrents and something that will disable a craft,
You know, you throw some line in the water of a craft that's trying to come alongside, and you disable their screws, and then, you know, they gotta go to the grocery store after that because they're gonna be starving, and they gotta survive once their vessel's been disabled.
You know, the flare gun idea?
Well, they are overstretched.
I mean, the Coast Guard is doing... I mean, Dan alluded to it.
I don't even know how many jobs they're doing, but they're overwhelmed.
And we have a huge coastline.
And in my opinion,
If piracy continues to rise like it is, it's only a matter of time before it comes to our shores.
If it hasn't already, we just don't hear about it.
Now, what's the law on that?
If you're in U.S.
waters and you've got a concealed carry permit, say from Texas, is the Coast Guard going to come after you if you're out fishing with your grandson and you've got a handgun in the glove compartment and you're in U.S.
Well, I'm not sure how that would work as far as having a concealed weapon.
Because I deal, you know, mainly with, obviously with merchant vessels, and so I know what's going on as far as we're concerned.
As far as a private individual, and they already have the permit to carry a weapon, you know, I think it would be problematic if they were outside.
The state's waters where it was issued from.
Do we have any idea how many people in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico and on the Pacific side of California are disappearing?
I know it's hundreds of boats a year and it hardly even gets a mention in the newspaper.
They just say, oh, lost at sea and really they were killed and their boats sold.
Oh, I don't think anybody really knows.
And I don't think we ever will know the true story because there are whole industries that go around the romance of the sea.
And believe me, I love going to sea.
You know, I don't want to make it seem like, you know, I enjoy going to sea.
It's an honorable profession, and the work we do is vital for our economy and our military.
But, the reality is, as far as recreational boaters, as we may never know because it's, uh, you hear reports only when they say something.
You know, they're going to go to the authorities.
You know, the authorities will say that somebody gets attacked off Mexico, and they steal their vessel, or they hold them at gunpoint and take everything they have.
Well, you know, the authorities aren't going to mention that.
They're not going to put that in.
In fact, part of the time it's probably the authorities doing it.
Well, there could be a collusion there, all right?
A relative or whatever.
I mean, their whole clan in Somalia.
Grandpa on down to the grandkids that are making money off piracy and ransom there.
And, you know, but even the authorities in Mexico is just one example.
It could be anywhere.
They don't want to advertise that the waters are unsafe down there.
They want people to come down.
So they're not going to put that out to everyone.
Well, we are.
Let's take a call from Brandon in Canada.
You're on the air, Brandon.
Go ahead.
Ahoy, Brandon.
How you doing, Alex?
Ahoy, eh?
Well, first thing, I think it would be important to have our people okay, as North Americans as a whole.
I think it's important to have our people safe.
And if they're transporting goods that other people want to rob, obviously they have to be armed.
And the UN is just basically, in my opinion, all that they are is just running interference.
That's all that they do.
You know, they're just constantly interfering into things that they shouldn't be involved in.
Well, they want to be the authority over 76% of the surface and all the minerals and oil and everything that's on the floor and all the commerce that goes over the seas.
Well, then obviously it should be guarded.
If they're precious resources, right, they should be guarded.
And, you know, we shouldn't be letting people run away and steal.
What, you know, like, the whole thing is, by saying that this boat had this problem, it's going to create more, it's going to increase the cost, because it's simply going to be, well, now we have to have armed guards going with every boat that's carrying oil or diamonds.
Yeah, the answer is...
Exactly, but then if you see what we've gone and done with Al-Qaeda, how we armed them, now we're basically fighting people that we trained.
You know what I mean?
It's always the same story, and it won't change until people do something about it, and stand up and say, yeah, we want to impeach the president, yeah, we're not going to stand for these politics, we elect you, and then you're supposed to have our, what we want, what's important to us, as your primary target, not your back agendas.
And that's what happens.
These people just want to keep their agenda.
And they just want to screw the people and then, like you say, imprison us, microchip us, and it's coming.
You know, within five, ten years, everyone will have a chip in them.
No more passport, no more social insurance card number, no more bank accounts.
What happens when you stop, like you said, and then they just turn your chip off on you?
All right, good to hear from you.
That's our final caller for our guest.
In closing, Captain Sweeney, Kelly Sweeney, how do we put pressure on these countries' international organizations to stop leaving mariners defenseless, this victim disarmament?
How do we stop the victim disarmament of the seas and let the capable men and women that are on the seas defend themselves?
Well, I think that the people, your listeners, can do a number of things.
They can push their elected representatives to do everything they can to, as Donna pointed out from New Hampshire, to facilitate U.S.
flagships and U.S.
mariners on those ships.
And I know I'm biased today.
I'm a U.S.
mariner and I work on U.S.
But the less reliance we have on foreign vessels, as she pointed out, the less of a target I think that we are in general, because we're taking care of things in-house.
I think on a personal note, what I would encourage everybody to do would be, now there are seamen centers throughout the country that are located in port areas, and merchant mariners go there as safe havens to contact their families ashore to buy sundries.
And then people can go and volunteer at a seamen center and get to know the mariners.
And it's true, it's not only going to be U.S.
mariners, it's going to be foreign mariners too.
But the people they rely on to carry their goods,
And I think that from my point of view, we need to encourage lawmakers to allow changes in laws to have merchant vessels carry weapons on board and convoys, if it gets to that point, through dangerous areas as well.
Because otherwise, if we don't arm merchant ships, and we don't have the military supporting us, really, like in convoys, and have armed guards, or have us armed, you know, we're targets.
Well, in closing, as you said, in 2008, 500% increase, more than half of the kidnappings and ships being seized are not being reported.
The companies, the shipping companies, are quietly
uh... paying the pirates off all over the world from the caribbean to africa to asia and it's exploding and it's up five hundred a thousand percent this year will be two thousand percent in twelve eighteen months now this is already just so horrible and and and the deaths of citizens and people out recreationally boating uh... uh... sailing on the seas this is a huge issue so that's why we're covering it here and as you watch a b c c b s
CNN, Fox, BBC, you hear nothing about arming the mariners, going back to the way it was, so that they're not sitting ducks, not easy pickings.
It's all, oh, we've got to have a world government, we've got to have the law of the sea, we've got to have the UN take over and tax everybody and put UN ships everywhere that'll just harass and raise taxes and board mainline merchant ships and squeeze everybody.
Instead of saying, we're human beings, we're allowed to protect ourselves.
No, the mafia government
wants to not let us protect ourselves like New York or Chicago these mafia cities and then all the criminals move there and then things get worse and worse they have the highest crime rates it's simple more guns less crime and in closing Captain Sweeney again folks can simply go to your websites
And we'll put your picture and website up there on screen.
It's maritimeheadhunters.com and professionalmariner.com, a magazine that you write for.
People can get your book from the deck about your experience and fighting off pirates in 2003.
Closing comments.
Yes, I agree with you Alex.
Traditionally merchant mariners have used weapons on board their vessels to defend themselves against pirates.
It's a long-standing tradition at sea that is no longer the case now, and I think we need to go back to that.
That's one of the facets in really stemming the rising tide of piracy.
Well, it's just like disarming the pilots that used to have guns in the cockpit.
That's right.
Then they take them away.
Look what happens.
I mean, we have to do this.
Yes, I think that's definitely one of the prongs of the attack on stemming the tide of piracy that we really need to focus on, is in making, and to help make the seas more secure.
And to me, it starts with the merchant ships and the people like me and my fellow mariners who are out there doing it.
Well, you have a lot of courage with everything you're doing.
You have a great profession, and we really appreciate you coming on.
And as things develop and unfold, let's have you back a couple times a year, Captain Sweeney.
That'd be great, Alex.
You're very informed.
Your listeners are very informed.
I encourage everybody to visit me at maritimeeditors.com, and I wish you and your listeners smooth sailing until we talk again, Alex.
Take care.
Thank you, my friend.
You bet.
Good to talk to you, Captain Sweeney.
All right, we're going to come back, get some more calls, more news.
Final 40 minutes of the show.
Straight ahead, it looks like smooth sailing.
Stay with us.
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First, the 9-11 Patsies, after seven years of being tortured at the Camp X-Fright,
Guantanamo Bay, we're going to plead guilty just a day after the former head of Pakistani intelligence came out, who worked with the CIA, said that 9-11 was a staged inside job, as well as the Mumbai-Bombay attacks.
Now the Washington Post is reporting.
We have a link to this up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Five 9-11 suspects offered to confess, but proposal was pulled over death penalty issue.
And so now they're withdrawing their pleads, so I guess they'll just continue to be tortured until they plead guilty.
But it's been admitted that most of the people took there were not even in Taliban.
They would just have a roast of a cow, tell the people to come out of the hills and then
Hello, Alex.
How are you?
Okay, and it's Ship.
Sorry, Skip.
Got put in the computer.
I must tell you, I was terribly excited to hear your guest on Monday with the Apple Feed program.
I'm very excited about it.
Okay, well, thank you.
Well, yeah, because I grew up in a small town in Missouri, Rolla, Missouri, was born and raised, and it was, during the 90s Census, the safest small town in America, per capita.
And it also is the lifeblood of Phelps County, which is the most heavily armed militia in the United States.
So I think there's a link between a conscientious public and a well-armed public being able to keep things safe.
There are no police in Rolla because no one messes with anybody because everyone's got a gun.
Well, look at a town, a bedroom community of Atlanta had high crime rates in the 80s, so they passed a law that you have to own a gun, and crime dropped over 95% according to the Justice Department in one year.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I heard you say earlier on your show today you were going to maybe do a small film on Patriot movements and how they're so easily infiltrated.
I wasn't saying a film, I was saying I'm going to do a series of interviews.
Cover that in the future and then also on the different Patriot Mythology con artists that come in to prey, to preditate on the Patriot Movement with all their fake Patriot Mythology, you know, of straw men and bonds.
Something I think that ties into that very well is the education system.
In Rolla, I was a part of a special education program that was an accelerated program.
They called it Quest.
We're good to go.
The judge does the sentencing, the mayor can, you know, he doesn't necessarily have to follow all the rules, you know, but it's about leadership.
Yeah, they teach corruption in school.
They teach people how to go along with the system.
They've dispatched Federal Reserve governors and their minions to propagandize about how great the banker takeover is.
And that's proof that we can affect change.
They know they can affect change.
That's why the bad guys are so active.
They know they've got to keep all these balls in the air.
And if we get involved fighting them, they can't keep all the balls in the air.
I mean, we have Fed governors coming out saying it's a corrupt foreign bank takeover, that martial law has basically been declared.
That's a story by Steve Watson that he links to Bloomberg Financial saying that.
I mean, all this stuff is starting to come out, and it's good to hear from you, Skip.
Dan in Canada, you're on the air, welcome.
Go ahead, Dan.
Hey, I had two quick questions.
One is the first time I started watching and listening to you was probably around six years ago.
You interviewed Gary Busey.
I just wanted to know if you knew his condition of weight or...
No, Gary Busey called me, I guess about seven years ago, about eight years ago, right before 9-11, said he was a big fan, and he would literally call me every few weeks.
And then finally, he said, well, next time you're out in L.A., which I only got there every year or so, he said, come out to my house.
And so I went out there and interviewed him, interesting fellow, very eccentric.
Well, he's been on that celebrity rehab show that's on.
And, uh, I guess he's got some serious brain problems, not so much, uh, drugs.
Well, yeah, he was in a motorcycle accident, and the police reported when they got there, his brain was outside, you know, hanging out of his skull.
And so that's, uh, he almost died.
Uh, but when I was around him, I've actually been in his house a few times, you know, he only eats healthy food, he does smoke cigars.
I, uh, I didn't seem to... Very clean lifestyle.
Well, he smokes cigars.
And we ordered some food over there and we're sitting there eating mashed potatoes and he goes, that stuff's poison!
I want to eat mashed potatoes!
But he's pretty interesting.
Anything else?
Yeah, just one more question if I can.
Sure, we'll come back to you here in just a moment and get into a bunch of news.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
We're live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he smokes cigars, but, uh, and we ordered some food over there and we're sitting there eating mashed potatoes and he goes, that stuff's poison!
I wanna eat mashed potatoes!
But he's pretty interesting.
Anything else?
Yeah, just one more question if I can.
Sure, we'll come back to you here in just a moment, get into a bunch of news.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
We're live at prisonplanet.tv.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Some U.S.
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I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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This is usually the Watson's theme song when they join us from England.
Oh, yes!
Old Hickory!
Alright, I'll at least get to Dan, Vince, Patrick, Brenda and Will before we end this hour.
Before we end this radio show today.
Coming up in T-minus 26 minutes.
I want to get into some of the financial news.
There is so much of it.
But let me, before I do that, finish up with Dan in Canada.
You had one other question.
Dan, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
Probably around a couple days after the D.C.
madam there was murdered, you were on Fox News with Geraldo.
And did they know that you were, like, arrested?
Remember when he was in the streets of New York?
And he gave the crowd the finger and you were arrested, taken off.
Yeah, I know.
I mean, how that happened is we spontaneously went and protested Geraldo because we were about seven, eight blocks away, a couple days before 9-11, two years ago, or not two years ago, two anniversaries ago, about a year and a half ago, and on the sixth anniversary.
And we're there and we see him in Times Square on the Jumbotron, so I think his name's Mike Nahr, said, look it's Geraldo, let's go over there.
So we went over there, I got arrested, but people came and protested around the jail, it became a big incident, they let me go.
And then Fox News called, because they had the tape of the DC Madam on the show saying I'll never commit suicide, and I said to the producer, I said, you want me on Geraldo?
You know, I'm the guy that came and protested and bullhorned him.
And he said, no, no, Geraldo knows that, he's fine with it, as long as it's just on the... He's okay with it?
I mean, those guys are bored.
That was like fun for Geraldo.
Did you know Geraldo helped take over a college with like a semi-armed group when he was in college?
And then he became, he was a big street activist, so.
And I know he got a lot of hate mail over that.
I think he was kind of trying to
But then they set me up again about the DC Madam a few months later and I was sitting in the studio here in Austin on satellite and then they packed too much in the show and he said, sorry Alex Jones we can't have you on this time and smiled.
So look, I mean my whole thing is bygones are bygones.
I'm going to go on and talk about how they murdered the DC Madam and I'll go on anywhere as long as it's live.
I will not fly to Fox because
I've had them cancel me probably ten times and I've only made it on once and so I'll still get in a car and drive down to a studio.
That was not the first time I've been in a studio and they don't let me on.
Same thing with CNN.
I was on A.J.
Hammer's Showbiz Tonight twice.
AJ's a fan.
Most of the crew were fans.
They were all, hey, love this video, love that show.
And then they set me up to come on.
I get to the Austin studio, a different one that CNN uses, in the hills of Austin, in Westlake actually, in the town of Westlake, outside Austin.
I get there and they call and say, we apologize.
Believe me, we've already leased the studio.
You're not going to be on the show, but you'll get a call later from a producer.
The producer called and said, look, we've got huge ratings with you on.
This is a huge story.
We had a poll.
Eighty-three percent of people agree with you that it's an inside job.
I agree with Charlie Sheen.
They said, higher-ups told us, no Alex Jones on CNN.
And I said, they said, well, don't say my name and I'll tell you.
We've never had someone from the executive level, non-programming, said system-wide, no Alex Jones.
A few months later, well no, a year later, CNN did do a piece on me, but it was a hit piece saying I was a nut.
So no, I'm banned from these channels.
I don't know how I got on Fox, but c'est la vie I did.
So that's it, I appreciate your call.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah, it sure does.
Thank you.
Alright, appreciate that call.
Okay, look at this story.
Let's just go to document cam.
Punch up my bad boy document cam for folks on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Check it out.
Regional Fed Chief.
Elite insiders have usurped authority.
That's a quote.
And this is not just an article by Steve Watson.
He details it and adds more background knowledge.
This is from a Bloomberg report.
Reports Bloomberg.
These quotes that we have in here
This is from Bloomberg, and the government disinfo people go on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, we post these articles, and they'll say, this is a lie, this has not been said, there's no link, it's all lies.
Now they know people are lazy and dumb, some of them, in the comments, they won't go look and see that there's a link to this.
Just like it has been reported in the Financial Times of London, the headline, and now time for world government.
And it says world government's tyrannical, but tyranny's good, we need to get rid of freedom, the American people and their guns are a problem.
You can go read the article.
People comment on the comment page, because Paul wrote an article about it, we also link to the article, saying, oh, it's not true, it's all made up.
When there was a link, you know, right here to it, and then a screenshot of the article.
These are not stupid people.
This is government operatives trying, and they admit they're out there on the web, sent comments they do it, trying to deflect weak-minded people targeting you, but this was reported in Bloomberg.
You know, in fact, Paul, let's just put the Bloomberg article up on screen.
Google Regional Fed Chiefs Elite Insiders.
Google Web, find Steve's article, and then I want you to put on screen before the show ends, the Reports Bloomberg News.
I want you to go get this article, and then I want you to go link through to that Bloomberg, and I want to put the very article on screen for people.
There's a lot of denial going on about all this.
Kind of like when I had two congressmen on to say seven weeks ago that they were threatened with physical martial law.
One of them said it on C-SPAN, two of them said it on C-SPAN, then we had them on here.
And we said, let's be specific, this is physical martial law.
And they said, yes, we're threatened with the nation going into martial law.
Then Senator Inhofe told the news two weeks ago that that was indeed true, that Secretary of Treasury Paulson had threatened them.
There are still people claiming that this
Never happened.
They are putting NORTHCOM troops on the streets.
They have said it's 20,000.
They are saying the governors will be federal officers under federal control.
They are saying it's for civil insurrection and for the American people.
You know, we told you Ford and GM a year ago we're going to go bankrupt, or we're very close to it.
Now it's happening.
We are accurate.
The establishment is hoping you are stupid and won't check in to what we're saying.
But this is a very important article right here.
Regional Fed Chiefs, elite insiders have usurped authority.
Federal Reserve, Regional Bank Presidents described invocation of war powers by Board of Governors in Washington.
Regional Bank Presidents of the Federal Reserve have described the ongoing financial policy
Several former and current regional bank presidents have intimated that they now have little to no influence over Federal Reserve actions, that the Central Bank has effectively been completely hijacked by high-ranking insiders who are giving it all to private offshore banks.
Now, $8.4 trillion as of last week.
We haven't found out late in the week or middle of the week.
Last Wednesday, AP, Bloomberg and others reported $8.4 trillion.
8.4 trillion.
Did you find that article, Paul?
You need me to pull it up?
Watch this.
Watch this.
I'm going to go to Google.
I'm going to go to Google right here.
I'm going to take this headline.
I could just go to my website and find this, but I'm going to do this for everybody.
Punch this computer up on screen for everybody.
Alright, I'm going to go to screen for everybody right here.
This is like the incredible
childlike denial that the public is in that I have to go through for people.
Okay, and I will put this headline into Google and I will say Regional Fed Chiefs and then I'll put Infowars
Let me just try Prison Planet.
That's actually where this was posted.
Then it will come up.
Okay, now I did that.
Oh, you did find it now?
There it is on screen.
Now, there he is on screen.
Click on the Bloomberg link.
And there is Bloomberg.
And yesterday we posted on screen the Financial Times of London saying, and now for world government, saying world government is good and will save you from the banking collapse and all of the rest of it.
Boy, that computer is loading slow in there.
Yeah, I tell you what, it better be different at the other office.
That's all I can say.
Oh, there it is!
Headline, War Powers!
It says, War Powers!
Now, people will hit the site and hit it hard.
They are now denying this.
Right now, this is being denied.
It's being denied by everybody.
The operatives, they're in there denying it right now.
So, war powers threatened.
No, no, no, excuse me, not threatened, put into place.
So, we're operating under the War Powers Act.
of 1933 with Roosevelt.
So this is high treason, this is tyranny.
Ladies and gentlemen, they are forming a world government run by the banks who have engineered the implosion.
We told you three years ago it would start with subprime mortgages.
It has.
We told you all of this.
Do you still have those articles yesterday about the world financial system and now for a world government?
Let's punch those up on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Let's stop having denial by people.
Oh, it doesn't even matter.
If you want to believe the banks aren't running anything, if you want to believe they're not imploding, or you want to believe $8.4 trillion, here, watch this.
I'm on Google.
$8.4 trillion bailout.
Watch this.
Click on news and the news cycles through so fast I don't see it.
It was in Bloomberg and AP last week.
View all the results.
Now that's old web stuff.
Now here it is.
That's 8.5 trillion.
That's somebody's blog.
They will probably, oh that's pointing to Prison Planet.
So let's go to the Prison Planet article, and then it will link to a mainstream news article.
The San Francisco Chronicle.
See, what's crazy about this is that we're the only ones that seem to be pointing this stuff out to people.
Folks are still talking about the horrible $700 billion bailout.
There you go.
San Francisco Chronicle, government bailout hits $8.5 trillion.
By Kathleen Pender.
You know what?
Ladies and gentlemen, hundreds of top experts are saying that gold and silver are going to double in the next year.
I don't know if that's true.
I know that according to inflation, gold should be at about 3,000 an ounce.
It was 2,500 an ounce a few months ago.
It should be 3,000 an ounce.
All I know is the ComEx has been artificially messed with.
Mainstream News reports that.
They can't suppress it much longer.
Gold has gone up 70-something bucks today.
And yesterday, Ted Anderson bought gold when it was $7.40, so you can pass on almost $70 in savings to you, but not for long.
The new group of coins he has are almost sold out.
We're going to come back and take calls.
We're going to take them right now, but Ted, just briefly, I want to give people another chance today on this deal.
You're almost sold out of some of the coins.
Tell folks about the deals.
You've got one more chance for them to call.
What I have right now are the Franks.
They're at $195.
I have the British Sovereign.
They're at $242.
We have the Walking Liberty Halves.
They're at $8.40.
We have the $5 gold pieces that are in the MS-70 slabs.
They're at $384.
Unfortunately, the 10 Indians and 10 Liberties sold out.
We still have a few Buffalos that we can sell.
At a thousand thirty-six.
So really, uh... Those have a bit of a premium though, because you can't find those anywhere.
No, they definitely have a premium.
I think the better of the buys, the better buy of the bunch is going to be the British Sovereigns or Franks or look at those five dollar gold pieces.
Now let's explain.
You said this earlier.
You know the listeners.
We pitch gold when it's hot, because that's what people buy.
I buy when it's low.
So Ted does it for you.
He buys it when it's low, and then sells it to you at the low price when it's high.
And that's how he annihilates all the competition.
We're talking two to four percent mark up here just to literally pass this through.
Ted is doing this for the listeners of this show.
Insane deal.
How long can you hold it, Ted?
Well, I'm going to hold it until tonight for sure.
I can hold it until midnight if I have to see what's sold, what I have to buy back in the marketplace again.
I mean, I locked in about 1,500 of those British Sovereigns when the prices were lower, and a bunch of the Franks.
I can't remember the exact number, but right now I just can't sit enough.
I mean, every time there's a dip, I mean...
I don't know why people back off and they don't want to buy when the prices drop off and I'll step up and do it because I know what we're in for here.
The United States dollar is going to be doomed.
This bailout here, I was talking to the guys down at the Campaign for Liberty and right now Ron Paul's fighting long and hard.
To stop this bailout for the auto manufacturers, but you know they're going to get it.
I mean, it's just one thing on top of the other.
Deficits right now... But it's not even a bailout.
The feds are just going to nationalize it, then steal parts of it and hand it over to foreign interest.
That's the whole thing.
We're being looted.
They got the country in debt.
They cut off the liquidity.
They're consolidating.
The way to fight back and protect yourself, at least, is to get gold and silver.
Now, silver's up over a dollar today.
You've still got it at the lower price, Ted.
I do.
That was the same price I was handling on those walking Liberty Halves when silver was down at nine dollars.
So, silver's up a buck.
That's a fantastic... We're in silver right now.
Silver right now is at $10.32.
So it's up a dollar.
You're not going to find a better deal on silver out there.
Are those the half dollars?
Yeah, those are the half dollars.
Gorgeous World War II coins.
Call folks before it's gone.
And there are still some of the Buffalos there at an insanely good deal as well.
Gorgeous coin.
They're sold out.
They're gone.
The Mint's not, you know, making any more right now.
And the brokers will be there till midnight Central Time, Ted?
Oh yeah, they can call all the way through midnight to get there.
For the folks that are on the West Coast who get home and want to get a hold of that deal.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, stop procrastinating, stop waiting, stop sitting there like a deer in the headlights.
You fight the New World Order by getting into real things that have had value for time immemorial.
That number.
Thanks for popping in for two or three minutes with us, Ted.
You bet, thanks for having me on.
Alright, we're going to come back and we're going to jam in as many of these phone calls as possible.
We're going to try to get to everybody.
Vince, Patrick, Brenda, Will, and others.
In fact, I'm just going to skip this break right now.
Okay, let's go ahead now and go to Vince in Los Angeles.
Vince, you're on the air.
Actually, it looks like he dropped off.
Okay, let's go to Patrick in Seattle.
Patrick, you're on the air.
They always hang up right when you go to them.
Hey, Patrick.
Patrick, Patrick.
Yes, Patrick, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I have two stories that I want to share with you.
I was listening to the radio, 98.9 at a jazz station, and it was the morning news, and they were saying that people were just giving their guns away.
I mean, I couldn't believe, like, to the authorities.
Yeah, they run those nationwide.
That's called product placement or propaganda placement.
And to create a Pavlovian response of seeing your fellow sheep, treating us like a herd animal, do it!
They have buybacks where foolish old ladies whose 80-year-old husband dies and he has shotguns that are carved worth $5,000 apiece, we've seen this, will show up
And give their guns, and the cops just take them and sell them.
I mean, I don't blame them.
They're not going to throw away some $5,000, you know, carved, you know, British shotgun made, you know, a hundred years ago.
So that goes on.
But the main issue, the reason Handgun Control, Inc., and the Feds, and others pay for this, is it creates the local news image of people lined up handing guns in.
The truth is that most of the gun shops are completely sold out, just like most of the gold shops are sold out, the ammo is sold out, or huge 50%, 100% markups.
People are grabbing guns everywhere, but yes, and Obama's saying, don't worry, I don't want your guns, I just want to restrict some of them.
I mean, what a piece of filth.
So, yes, they're doing gun buybacks.
They also put up billboards in Texas and other areas that don't have all this victim disarmament saying, report illegal guns with a picture of a revolver.
Well, then your idiot neighbor thinks that gun's illegal because they're not part of the gun culture.
So it's all part of a massive hoax.
Yeah, my dad has three, but he has a rifle and two shotguns, so I'm telling you, you know, buy some ammunition.
So they're running, going, oh, it's so wonderful, everyone's turning their guns in, no one wants guns!
I mean, what were they saying?
What was the filth saying for money?
Uh, they were just, like, these people were just, like, all happy about giving their guns away.
Oh, it's so wonderful!
Everyone's handing them in!
I mean, what were they saying specifically?
It was kind of weird, and I got another comment.
Obama, his advisors, he pointed out the guy from Google, and I was wondering, like, what is that going to happen?
Like, what do you think?
Well, Google is run by the CIA and based at NASA, and they're going to take over the web and set up internet too.
Now, they've announced that they're coming after the web.
They're coming after your guns, the First Amendment, everything.
I appreciate your call.
Ira Hayes, Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
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Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
They'll tell the yuppies it's the newest thing and they'll all run off the end of a cliff.
That's why they're going to get hurt real bad by the New World Order.
Brenda in Arizona, last caller.
Maybe we'll have time for Will in Canada.
Go ahead, Brenda.
Yes, Alex, hello.
Skoll, welcome.
Yes, we live in the Constitution-free zone here in southern Arizona, and I'd like to tell you about a little incident that happened to me.
That's right, you live with 100-mile checkpoints, only searching citizens.
Go ahead.
Yes, we do have a checkpoint just a few miles from my house, and my beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed daughters were heading north, and they were at the checkpoint.
One of those dogs went off on the car, and we do have a dog in heat that's been in and out of that car.
Because the dog gets traits when it alerts, yeah.
And so they were pulled over for the secondary inspection, and we have trained them all to not answer the questions, because we are free Americans.
Well, they get rattled, they get scared, they answer the questions.
But the car was completely searched, and they were asked a lot of nosy questions, and so I've been in touch with
Border Patrol, I've been in touch with our local Sheriff's Office, and every time they get pulled over, I'm going to do the same thing.
And I just wonder if you have any advice for those... Well, they're criminals.
They're enemies of America.
These Homeland Security checkpoints are for citizens.
Roaches come in, they don't go out.
The borders are open.
The Mexican tribes can kill and shoot whoever they want.
Kill cops, they don't care.
It's all about squeezing the slave citizens.
And I would go out there with a video camera.
I would tell your daughters that I have one.
I would tell them to go there deliberately with a camera, go complain, call the local media.
I would buy an ad in the paper.
I'd start an access TV show in the nearest town to you.
And I would start a local organization of citizens, it's already happening, that are against these Nazi checkpoints that are for citizens and nobody else.
And Governor Ventura's noticed.
Illegal aliens, they go right past.
But him, boy, they pull him out and get up against the car, Ventura.
You're al-Qaeda, boy.
And that's how this country operates now.
It's all a pretext to enslave us.
In our county, there is a Border Patrol agent for every 120 citizens in my county.
And they're going to run your life.
They're there to get you.
They're there to grab your child if they've got a marijuana cigarette.
They're not there to start the 2,000 deaths on the Texas border alone.
They're not allowed to do their job.
I appreciate your call.
Sorry to hear your daughters ran into a Nazi Germany checkpoint.
I just wanted to say that there's been a lot of information going out about
Stephen Harper, and he just got elected, you know, six, seven weeks ago in October.
We just had an election, and the opposition parties cut deals to get him out.
But I mean, that's how parliaments work, though, is that parliamentary is not like the U.S.
system that is here.
I mean, but should the Queen come in and then veto what the elected representatives are doing?
Nothing to do with it.
That's all on paper.
It was in Reuters.
It says the Queen's Governor General did it.
Oh, really?
Listen, I appreciate your call.
We're out of time.
Call me back and argue tomorrow.
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It was huge.
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