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Name: 20191009_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 9, 2019
2390 lines.

Alex Jones discusses InfoWars' information, Clinton's plans, Trump's lead, free speech, censorship by China and Silicon Valley, resistance against globalism, impeachment inquiry, and the importance of InfoWars. He also covers topics like vaccines, geoengineering, human-animal hybrids, NBA's involvement with China, Hong Kong protests, and more.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, October 9th, 2019.
And we live in very interesting times.
And we're learning who will really have the mandate of heaven.
Will it be Donald Trump and the American people, or will it be the vicious, murderous chi-coms that again hold the record for the most people ever killed, times at least three times.
Four to five times what Hitler killed.
Twice what the Soviet Russians ever killed.
That's from their own numbers, and that's who dictates to us from the moral high ground Of what can be in a Tiffany's commercial, or what a online video game event can talk about or say in America, or what the NBA managers or players can discuss, or what can be on South Park, or what can be in Matt Damon's The Martian, or the upcoming Top Gun 2.
This has really awakened America and the world.
At a level 50 times what Epstein running pedophile rings did.
The globalists are in deep trouble and the real polls show Trump 17 to 25 points ahead of any of the Democrats.
America is in love with Trump, in love with the awakening, they're in love with Infowars.
And that's why they can't let us have contact with you.
That's why they work as hard as they can to keep us from you and tell you lies about who we are.
And then they have canned studio audiences last week on Stephen Colbert, the comedian posing as a newsman, who's really just a propagandist.
When Hillary came on with her crew there and standing ovations, and now she went on Lair NewsHour.
Last night on PBS and said, yeah, maybe I will go for another run.
Maybe third time is the charm.
I beat him once.
I can beat him again.
No, your massive election fraud almost beat Trump, but you failed in the electoral college and you lost, which.
And she is intending to run.
She told people two years ago she was going to run again, and the Democrats freaked out, and the corruption started coming out, so she withdrew her tentacles for then, but kept fundraising, kept going around giving speeches.
She's running for president.
She's not going to run.
She is running, and you heard it here first.
You know, they talk about the Oracle of Omaha being Warren Buffett.
Well, he always has the inside knowledge.
Well, I study history.
I study facts, and it really is true.
No one is as accurate as Infowars.
And that's not a statement in arrogance.
It's a very dangerous thing.
Because we're willing to tell the truth.
Most people know the truth, they just won't tell you.
Hell, most of you know more than I do.
You don't need to be an oracle to know all this.
You've got to have common sense.
But we are at the crossroads.
You can use that term There's no way to overuse it.
This is it.
And Communist China, the most evil regime in planetary history, is trying to dictate the terms of our surrender.
And why not?
I mean, we've capitulated to everything else.
We've been taught to be good little politically correct minions.
Here's Hillary Clinton.
If you're a radio listener, you're lucky because you don't have to look at her.
She looks like a possessed jack-o'-lantern.
The woman could be in a horror movie without makeup.
Here she is.
I think that crooked Hillary Clinton should try to enter the race to try and steal it away from uber-left Elizabeth Warren.
Only one condition, the crooked one, must explain all of her high crimes and misdemeanors, including how and why.
She deleted 33,000 emails.
Yeah, you know, it truly is remarkable how obsessed he remains with me, but This latest tweet is so typical of him.
Nothing has been more examined and looked at than my emails.
We all know that.
So he's either lying or delusional or both.
There was no subpoena, as he says in a tweet this morning.
So maybe there does need to be a rematch.
I mean, obviously I can beat him again, but... Wow!
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 transmission.
And I want to come in with some original Leonard Skinner deep out of the swamps of Florida for you to remind everybody that I can't sell out.
I can't back down.
I can't turn my guns in.
I can't turn my kids over to pedophiles.
There's no getting me to ever compromise, but here's the deal.
I know you're not going to compromise either.
So let's work hard in the information wars.
We don't have to go the physical route.
But whatever happens, we're gonna win this thing.
You can feel it, you can see it, and the enemy knows it.
So let's go ahead and let them hear a couple minutes of this anthem.
It's time to fly, free bird!
Lord knows I can't change!
Lord knows I can't lie to you!
That's why you just get truth!
That's why it all comes true!
Because let me tell ya, I'm not here even coming up with this information, it's just flowing through me.
And it's going to flow through you.
And instead of getting down and angry like I do as well, we've got to decide to just meet Hillary and meet the globalists with Christ winning our sales and say if they want to fight, I don't know how it's going to end, but they better believe they've got one!
Let's listen to a little bit of this on this Wednesday Transmission.
You don't hear coming out of China.
You don't see anything getting invented over there.
It's all getting stolen.
People may have high IQs, but they don't have creativity because they've been slaves.
I want to free them!
Crank it up!
Feel the energy of the Republic!
That's why they want control, because America holds the destiny of the planet in its hands.
We have the providence, my friend.
We have the future.
And we're going to win in this fight together.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Wednesday Worldwide Broadcast.
We've got a big list of amazing guests coming on and a ton of news, but I do want to open those phones up and shake this transmission up because we've gone past the crossroads.
And I can feel it.
I can see it.
We have now chosen the right path.
It was at the 11th hour, 59th minute, 58th second, but two seconds to midnight.
The soul of humanity, that will to our own destiny.
The beginning of fulfilling that destiny took place, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm so honored to be with you here today.
Okay, let me do it the best I can here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me go over this the very, very best I can here for you.
and really try to break down what is happening and where we're going to be going on the transmission.
Because I really try to just mirror the reality of what's going on and then try to put out the
choices that I see humanity has to take. And then of course from your own perspective, you may agree
with that, you may disagree with that, but everything on this broadcast is coming from a
place of pro-human, pro-justice future.
And that really is my only goal, and that will always be my goal.
So let's break down what's coming up today.
The dam has broken on the world awakening to the Chi Com globalist threat.
And that entire criminal power axis and how we have been positioned to be dependent on China.
And how all of our brainwashing and manipulation that we have lived under by the enemy media, that is the enemy of the people, has been to try to break our will, demoralize us, and have us accept this.
And so realizing that is half the battle.
Then taking action and being a good person and working hard and speaking out will turn the tide completely historically.
There won't be some utopia on the other side of it.
We've still got major issues, but we won't be purposely oiling the skids into hell for ourselves and our children by going along with these people.
Just incredible developments, huge awakenings as people sit back and go.
They're having Video game World Series events with millions of viewers and China is demanding people that are famous video game celebrities be banned from tournaments because they support Hong Kong freedom demonstrators.
China's canceling NBA games and the NBA is groveling to them and apologizing.
Other major organizations like Tiffany's Bowed to the Communist Chinese when they were offended by an ad in a magazine of a woman covering her eye.
Like, oh, this is so exciting with the diamond ring on that her husband just gave her.
Her fiancé.
And so they just virtue signaled and banned that.
When you ban what an authoritarian regime that's killed over 100 million people tells you to do.
The sky's the limit.
That's where we've gotten with the universities and the big corporations and all of it.
So here's the big announcement here.
And I want this to really sink in.
And if I had a Twitter account, I would put this out on Twitter.
But I'm here on Talk Radio and here on the Internet and here at Infowars.com and Newswars.com and Fan.video.
But however you want to say it in your own words, if you agree with me, that this rings true with you, and I know it will, Then, however you do it, you call on the talk radio, you call on the national TV programs, you go give a speech in front of the city council or the state legislature, or you go talk to your state representative when they're in town.
They're still in town right now, about to come back.
And you say, listen, it's time for not just Americans, but the people of the world.
To decide if they're for free speech, because if you lose that, you're living in an authoritarian regime, and then the secret arrest, and the organ harvesting, and having your business taken, and having your children brainwashed.
And being forcibly inoculated and face scanning to buy and sell.
China's now implementing that.
Now it's coming here in major airports.
If we don't start saying no to this, we're going to be taken to a very bad place very quick.
So, the whole world better decide.
Are you with the globalist, chi-com, mark of the beast, authoritarian system?
You're going to throw your lot in with it, for better or worse.
For richer or poorer, till death do you part, or do you want to go with the ideals of the West and the Renaissance and Christendom and Americana?
And everything that made us so great that everybody wants to take over and that now we become decadent and evil ourselves and we're losing.
Do we want to go with what we know works in this race of life, an 800 horsepower Dodge Hellcat, or do you want to be in a Gremlin, 100 horsepower vehicle that's engine doesn't even start.
I mean, it really comes down to that.
We know communism is slavery.
We know socialism is domestication into slavery.
We know evil globalists run all this.
We know powerful robber barons created communist China.
They're victims of the New World Order.
So we have to openly and verbally on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and in your own personal life and calling in to talk radio and calling Congress and getting up in front of your church this weekend.
And if they don't want you to speak at your church, it's not a real church, leave that place.
And say, I support free speech and I support the pro-liberty demonstrators in Hong Kong who fled Mao Zedong 70 years ago, their parents and grandparents, and who have a treaty that China shouldn't be there for 30 years.
And who are being extradited without law to be killed.
That's what they're fighting is a secret arrest law.
An extradition law.
That's in our Declaration of Independence!
The King of England was doing that to the colonies!
It's one of the main beefs!
So, I want everyone to just really realize the fork in the road we've come to.
And I think we've taken the right way here.
We're just starting to go down it.
But we can look back and still kind of go back and go down the wrong way.
But we're going down the right path now.
We're starting to change our direction.
We're turning that big ship around.
All the cliches are true.
You can feel it, the enemy sees it, they're freaking out.
And so we don't need to just say that we support people's free speech, we need to actively engage in it.
And let Google and Facebook and Twitter and all the people trying to help China censor know that we're not submitting to them.
Because, you know, they started with me 14 months ago.
Built up a huge ad campaign.
More criticism of me in the last three years than China has been criticized in the news in a decade.
There's almost never any criticism.
I'm criticized every day.
Sometimes in thousands of newspapers at one time.
Every news program lying about me.
I'm seen as the Americana virus of liberty.
They call me a virus on CNN that could replicate and defeat them.
Because when I'm promoting works, it sells, it's popular, it's historical.
So they built up that strawman to get people to accept this show being silenced.
We weren't silenced.
We didn't roll over and die.
I'm just supposed to believe that when they said it like it's a magic trick.
Nope, didn't work.
Return to cinder, as Elvis would say.
And now it's going to be everybody.
It's going to be you.
We've got to say no!
We're all Alex Jones now.
Like, we're all Spartacus.
We're all Donald Trump now.
We're all Matt Drudge now.
And we're not backing down.
We're not giving in.
And we're saying no to the CHICOMS!
I looked at my records this morning.
It was 16 months ago and 5 days that the third law firm I had engaged, the others did a good job too, I was just hiring different ones to hit different perspectives, that I know is able to lobby directly to the President on policy.
Not classic lobbyists for money, but lobby the President.
I had to write a report up on Communist China's dealings with Apple.
And with Google moving their main systems and code keys over there to every Apple and basically Google user on the planet and how big a deal that was.
And in the letter, we also, it was a three page letter broke down with links in it to where the communist Chinese were buying up our media, where the communist Chinese were financing anti-Trump programs on Netflix.
And of course, what Trump already knew that Communist China was openly working on a whole host of issues to block the U.S.
military from even having parity with the Communist Chinese when it comes to artificial intelligence.
Then, of course, their own censorship search engine that itself was already set up years ago, so it's a red herring.
Dragonfly as well.
Well, Tim Cook got word of that.
And again, my dad, I filled him in on this.
He said, this is very dangerous.
Why are you pushing?
And I just said, somebody's got to do it.
Everybody's scared in Washington.
So we got a lot of reports to him on censorship, on China, on how to take action, on antitrust.
And look, I know Trump already knows all this, but his advisors are all too scared to bring it to him.
And then I had a bunch of the other sub-advisors and people in his campaign who I do know take action.
Notice the campaign's fighting back against the fake impeachment.
The White House really isn't even doing it because they're paralyzed.
They're scared.
They're in a swamp.
And so I picked a fight directly with Tim Cook and I said to my dad, I said, I believe they're either going to take me completely off the internet or try to set me up and put me in prison or kill me in the next two to three months.
And they did try to set me up and put me in prison.
The FBI has asked me not to talk about it on air, so I won't.
And it's an ongoing investigation.
And they also did, obviously, try to take us off air.
You've seen all that.
And they did the mass banning.
But Tim Cook took the bait beautifully.
Thank you, Timmy.
Whatever you're on must have scrambled your little brain when you're over there sucking on the CHICOM fetid poisonous state-run system.
And I'm not tooting my horn here.
I'm just talking about what leadership is.
It's knowing you've got the facts, you've got the evidence.
They're criminals, but no one will call them out.
Toto's not that powerful, but he's willing to pull the curtain back.
The emperor's new clothes.
The emperor's naked.
Only a two-year-old will say, hey, the king's naked.
So that's my job is to hit the barbed wire here.
And your job is supporting us to make sure we've got the energy to climb over the barbed wire and to get the articles and videos out.
I'm gonna play a real clear politics article from August of last year, 14-15 months ago
when this all happened, where I put out the emergency call.
Instead of whining and complaining when they took me off air, I said, "Wow, this is great.
I'm the number one news item right now.
I'm gonna send a direct message to the president to take action on the CHICOMS, and I'm gonna
resend all those letters through the law firms, hand-delivered to the president's office."
And of course, the chief of staff flipped out over it.
A lot of stuff went on.
I got some big death threats.
Had a very well-known CIA individual that's overthrown governments.
Basically called up and threatened me and I just said, fill your hand.
What are we gonna do?
You don't think I don't know you kill people?
The only power I have in front of everybody and God is that I'm willing to go all the way.
I don't want to die, but I'm committed.
And I'm trying to show you the power you have as well to take action.
But we built this platform.
We were patient.
We knew this was coming.
And now we're delivering in royal flush because God did this.
Providence did this.
Not Alex Jones.
Not even you, the audience.
God moved all of us to do this.
And that's why they're so scared.
But I really, it was pressed on me, I've been praying a lot, and I woke up the last few nights, the middle of the night, and the message was literally, from God, my subconscious, whatever you want to call it, Alex, you've got to talk about the fact that you are the leadership, that the audience is the leadership, and that we really are the remnant of Americana.
From which the whole system can come back.
And you've got to declare that leadership because the enemy already knows it and has already admitted it.
I mean, they have CIA reports coming out by the left saying, Jones and Infowars beat us.
Here's how we stop him.
So I have to let the audience know this isn't a game.
Now here's a report that was put out last year, one month after I got banned.
This is about 13 months ago.
And it breaks down why they banned Alex Jones.
And now it's timeless today.
It's evergreen.
Here it is.
This is an emergency transmission from deep in the heart of Texas, the U.S.
resistance against a global corporate combine, empowered and funded by Communist China, allied with the big megabanks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big Tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese government.
They've officially become state-run.
Apple 100%.
Google is now making the transition and announcing a merger and total worldwide censorship.
They are now beta testing using me as the straw man, a demonized version of Alex Jones, to do that.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
Now this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose, reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt and overcome, subversion, paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
Now when the megaton hits us of the total takeover, we try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing.
It's a lethal dose if we accept the dose.
It is the virtual reality AI weapon system now attacking the United States with traitors
inside the major security agencies blocking Trump's resistance of the program and attempting
to stop us from removing the tentacles of the Qaikom/Big Tech banking combine emergency
I have been chosen for destruction because I brought you this information and have been
battering, ramming it out as much as I can.
They want to double use me as they always do in any complex system of mathematical deception
where every angle of my good is turned against us.
So they take what I've said, being sincere, build me into an insincere person in the straw man.
I'm a person that cares about life and children, and is against these wars, and so they make me a herder of children.
And then they build me into this lie to then set the distraction while they're actually censoring all of you to make a debate about Alex Jones.
So even if I didn't sell out to them, they've now used me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction.
I have now been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and is being used against you.
Only your full understanding of this key will break you free from this paradigm.
I have given you the transmission!
Now break free!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
Now there's this report, Fenton Hall the Dragon, very timely made three weeks ago.
You are the resistance.
We tell the basketball people what to do, you submit!
Ha ha ha!
(dramatic music)
We are working with Silicon Valley to make you behave yourself.
Once we have full control, we send you to re-education camp like we do our people when they talk back to the party.
Whatever you do, do not visit Band.Video.
Band.Video is evil Americans.
We'll be right back, folks.
Hillary Clinton is all about you not having a memory.
In fact, there is a operative for the Atlantic Council, that's the private leftist CIA arm, that is making the rounds talking about how I need to be taken off the air completely, and how we've beaten them in the information war.
And then he inverts reality, we're going to play the clip next segment, and says, That the public's dumb and doesn't know the truth, and so InfoWars is able to manipulate them.
But of course, he's talking about you from his perspective, like Gruber, another former Obama administration official that worked with the gentleman we'll be telling you about next segment, who said, thank God you're so effing stupid, and thank God you don't have a memory, and thank God you're politically illiterate.
Well, maybe Democrat constituents But the truth is, with fake polls and election fraud, the Democrats have stayed in control of their cities.
Can we pull up a map of red versus blue, a national map?
There's a meme out there of, impeach this.
Everybody's been putting out, I think it's on Watson's Twitter, and it was out last week and it just shows the whole red country with a few little blue spots.
I've been in those areas a lot, at the highest and lowest levels of society, and almost everyone secretly supports libertarianism.
I mean it's not just Kurt Russell and people like the living Rowdy Yates and people like John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, folks like Bruce Willis that are patriots.
It's really almost everybody and I'm out of liberty to get into it or talk about it because I'm not starstruck by people just because they're in movies.
Though I did watch Tombstone again last night with my Wifen.
I'm not gay.
I'm not into guys, but it's kinda like that time, uh... Kinda like that time, uh...
A famous basketball player was on one of the late night comedy shows.
He's like, have you seen Kevin Brady up close?
I'm not gay, but that's a good looking man.
He walked up and talked to me and I could hardly talk.
I'm being sarcastic.
But I mean, Kurt Russell did a great job in that movie.
And it's just cool to know that he's a listener, to know he's a patriot.
And that's fun stuff.
And Charlton Heston was a patriot and liked the show.
And I'm not tooting my horn.
It's just we're all fellow travelers.
Isn't it cool?
That like anybody I end up liking in Hollywood, it turns out it's a patriot.
And almost everyone else is just unwatchable.
But most of those people have to keep their heads down.
They have to be quiet because you think the communist Chinese censorship just started?
For really 20 years, they've been vetoing movies and been a big player.
For 10, they've been the majority player.
And now they're super, super, super Dominant.
And the globalists are working with them to have China as an outside state exert the censorship.
In fact, last night I did a bunch of research and I pulled up a whole big stack of articles that I'm gonna go over next hour when Robert Barnes joins us to talk about this constitutional lawyer, all-around smart historian, that All of this mainstream media, from the Wall Street Journal, to AOL News, to PBS, I mean I've got it all right here, came out and praised Xi Jinping censoring China, and then Xi Jinping, the dictator, he's a dictator, never ran for office, didn't run for dog catcher.
Xi Jinping, dictator for life, praised the quote, crackdown on fake news.
And election meddling that got Trump elected.
When China is totally election meddling, totally laundering money through thousands, over 10,000 front companies into the U.S., just use the trillion pound gorilla on our back.
Forget a monkey on our back.
And to just see those articles with my name in them and Xi Jinping praising Mine be taken off the air, InfoWars being removed.
That's crazy!
And I was rereading that stuff from like a year ago, and it was like surreal.
I'm like, okay, maybe this is like Total Recall, and this is like a simulation, and I've gone in and plugged my brain in, and I'm some guy in the future playing, you know, video games, and I'm just imagining I'm fighting the Globalist, this whole crew's actually just digital, and none of this is real.
But you know what, folks?
It is real.
And you're fighting in this whole thing as well.
But it is surreal to see a dictator that killed at least four or five times what Hitler did, his regime, his government, his communist system.
That's just unbelievable.
And then to see people running around to fall down and worship Xi Jinping, and to virtue signal on him, and to bend over.
This country's in a lot of trouble.
But I am very honored That my inspiration, my discernment that God gave me, led the way for so much of what now is unfolding thanks to DrudgeReport.com amplifying some of the things that we said and did without Drudge.
It wouldn't have happened without you, it wouldn't have happened without me.
I just want to give credit where it's due.
Kind of not good to give the credit because they'll come after people, but the enemy already knows who's changing things and who has courage and who doesn't.
So it's a very exciting time to be alive and People need to decide what side they're on.
Now, Paul Watson put a tweet out this morning.
He and I talked this morning, and he's put a video out breaking all this down that's now up on Infowars.com.
Communist China says jump.
Corporate America says how high.
Woke corporate America, stunning hypocrisy.
But it's more than hypocrisy.
They know that we want liberty and freedom, so they manipulate false rights and false liberty to get us to give up our rights to live as we see fit and to control our own destiny.
To choose our own destiny.
Telling us our kids gotta take dangerous vaccines.
Telling us we gotta teach kids how to masturbate when they're five years old.
The state's gonna do that.
That's about power.
Telling us they're gonna take our guns when we haven't committed crimes.
Corporate America helped set up China.
The globalists set it up.
It's not just that they're making money off of it like South Park says.
They see that as a model of slaves they can use to organize beta tests and then deploy it worldwide for a takeover.
But Paul's put out a tweet that I'm asking everybody to get out there and retweet and share or rewrite yourself with your own thoughts because this is the maxim.
This is throwing down the gauntlet.
It's time for Americans to announce every corporation that caves in or refuses to announce China.
These corporations trash American values, then openly embrace and cower to China's dictatorship for profit.
It's clear who their leader is.
It's not Trump.
It's Xi Jinping.
Ha ha ha!
It's nothing like seeing flame throwing truth stomping out on the battlefield.
That dog will hunt.
All thanks to you.
You're amazing.
Everything you've done.
And the globalists thought we'd be off the air by now.
But we're still on the air because of you and in some ways more influential than ever.
You know, they try to block our super viral videos out there.
But it's the hardcore people that are tuning in to Infowars.com, and that's even stronger.
And the military and the police, not just here, but around the world, and the White House.
You listen to those speeches Stephen Miller's writing.
You listen to what other leaders around the world are saying.
It's word for word what we're laying out.
Because everybody knows, you go to the Oracle at Delphi in Greece, and there's just a bunch of poison gas coming out of the ground.
And so people start hallucinating and thinking they're talking to God.
No, ladies and gentlemen, this isn't an oracle.
This is research and focus and studying the CFR and studying the globalists and then putting that template out over the world, which is the real template, so that people understand why the globalists are doing what they're doing.
Now, the globalists aren't in full control and their template isn't complete, but it's the template from which they are taking action.
But I don't want you to think they're in full control and they're history's actors.
If you take action as a leader and simply call them out and don't bow to their bullying and promote countervailing ideas like not killing babies after they're born, like having vaccines not have immunity with the history of secret testing, like glyphosate gives you breast cancer so it should be banned.
You know, things like that.
Everything we do here is common sense.
You know, year after year, for the last 40 years or so, I have studies right here at Mainline News, the flu gets worse every year.
Well, of course it does.
All the studies say when you take a flu shot, it lowers your immunity to other flus by 50%.
Three flu shots consecutively over three years is known to trigger Alzheimer's and dementia in people above the age of 65.
Don't believe me?
Go look it all up.
That's what's so frustrating.
Oh, and now this year will be the most deadly ever!
And then two Fox Sports hosts go, yeah, we both took the flu shot last year when they pushed it on us.
And it almost killed us.
They talked about it on the radio.
They go on TV and say, I'm not taking the flu shot.
What about you?
Everybody I know that takes it gets it.
I'm never taking it again.
Ooh, they need to be fired.
Those dirty Americans open their fat mouths about, yeah, we both took it last year when they pushed it on us.
We got sick!
Remember a year ago, that big push, the Academy Awards, everywhere else?
Of course, they didn't really take it, the Academy Awards.
So, man, I've got just incredible... I mean, Kanye West came out and said there's a bunch of brainwashing, a bunch of intimidation, they're turning us into zombies.
We've got a breakthrough for the Matrix.
Incredibly powerful!
Yesterday's article.
I never even covered it!
It was linked on DrudgeReport.com!
There's hundreds of big things we're not getting to right now, and I'm really mad at myself for not doing it, but I gotta tell you, the fake impeachment, they are going for it though, but the reasons are fake.
The war happening in Syria is huge, and what's happening behind those scenes, and the CHICOM's flexing And to watch the abject groveling like lemmings going off a cliff, it's been incredible.
But to see the backlash has been gorgeous.
And then Hillary said she was going to run two years ago again.
Everybody flipped out.
The Democrats said, don't do it.
You're unpopular.
Give us a chance.
But she kept campaigning.
She kept raising the money.
She kept running the show.
And then I got approached by people that were protecting her.
They said, no, she's running the show.
She's running for sure.
We're going to play that clip from PBS in a moment, then I'll play RealClearPolitics.
And I told people, they're like, oh, Jones, you know, fake news!
Yeah, he said Epstein was running kidnapped kids and stuff 12 years ago.
All true.
Yeah, he said they're geoengineering, but now it's all declassified.
Kim trailing.
Yeah, he said, he said there was a world government.
He said Obama was behind Al Qaeda and ISIS.
It's all out in the open now.
Every major topic we hit because it's already out there.
Human-animal hybrids.
That was in MIT research 23 years ago.
I was on air.
Listeners would mail me stuff because they never saw it on the news, but it was in white papers, so they would get me to cover it.
And listeners would go, oh, he's crazy.
I'd have people come to me in grocery stores and stuff and go, in pizza places, and go, you're a lie.
There's no human-animal hybrids.
I had a guy, Conan's Pizza pushed me.
He'll actually push me.
He was obviously drunk, he goes, I went to UT, I have a biology degree.
There's no such thing as animal-human hybrids, you liar.
And I said, how long ago did you go to UT?
1979, I graduated.
I said, get out of my face before I kick your ass.
I was like, yeah, this isn't a simulation.
He said, put your hands on me again, I'm gonna break your neck.
And it's not that I'm a tough guy, that happened though.
Because he pushed me.
I'm at the counter, he pushes me.
And I let him do that.
I turned around and I said, you're an idiot.
I'm about to beat your ass.
I said, I'm about to break your neck, which I shouldn't have done.
But the point is, is that there's a bunch of ignorant people that live in La La Land and they're scared by those of us that actually research things.
You know, they're experts on baseball or football.
That's fine.
They know what size jockstrap somebody wears.
I don't know what size jockstrap they're wearing.
I know, ladies and gentlemen, that we're on a planet with wonder and incredible stuff all around us.
And we've got a lot of evil people that crave power who believe they have a right to rule us.
And Hillary Clinton has climbed out of the sewer line like Mr. Hankey, or hit the clown, and she needs to go back down the sewer line.
I mean, when you see her now, my wife was watching her last night on Colbert from a week ago.
She said, man, she does look like a demonic jack-o'-lantern.
I mean, I can't even make the faces she makes.
She looks scarier than Jack Nicholson when he's trying to be scary.
I mean, she's a frickin' demon, man.
And she does stink because she doesn't care.
She likes to smell.
Mousy Tongue didn't bathe.
Her daughter from Webster Hubble, you know, just the vampires.
So, you know, here's Hillary.
Oh, she really won?
She says that's a lie.
She says, you know, that nobody... She's fully investigated, yeah, by her own people, Comey and others.
Tarmac meetings with the Attorney General.
And just, you know, all that garbage, ladies and gentlemen.
Everything she says coming out of her mouth's a lie.
Here it is.
And there was a congressional subpoena she ignored.
Just everything that was out of her stinking mouth is a lie.
Here's Pumpkinhead.
I think that crooked Hillary Clinton should try to enter the race to try and steal it away from uber-left Elizabeth Warren.
Only one condition, the crooked one, must explain all of her high crimes and misdemeanors, including how and why.
She deleted 33,000 emails.
Yeah, you know, it truly is remarkable how obsessed he remains with me.
This latest tweet is so typical of him.
Nothing has been more examined and looked at than my emails.
We all know that.
So he's either lying or delusional, or both.
There was no subpoena, as he says in a tweet this morning.
So maybe there does need to be a rematch.
I mean, obviously, I can beat him again.
There was a subpoena.
She destroyed the emails.
I mean, everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie.
Anyone can verify that in seconds.
But they say Trump's the liar and show a hundred jars of gumballs.
I mean, that's just a stunt.
Trump's the most truthful president I've ever seen in my lifetime.
It's dizzying how they spin everything that he's a liar.
And I'm persecuted for supporting Trump.
I don't just get up here because paychecks are coming from Trump.
I support Trump because, compared to Hillary Clinton, he's the second coming.
I mean, she's the second coming of Satan here, folks.
All right, we're going to go to break.
I'll get to the real clear politics.
We've got Barnes coming on.
I want to open the phones up today as well.
It's all coming up today, second hour.
Please tell folks to tune in.
Band.Video, local radio stations, TV stations, Infowars.com, Ford's Live Show.
Your power to unleash us is paramount.
In fact, I'm in your hands.
And also, we had to end the 50% off storewide on the storable foods and stuff like that and a lot of the items, but we've brought in an everything-must-go sale.
Because things are so crazy, I'm not going to sit on any of our inventory.
We have a lot of new things that come back into stock around Christmas, right before Christmas.
But a lot of things aren't coming back in until two, three, four months into next year, because you gotta, they gotta go wild source it, you gotta have the order in, it's gotta be ready, it's gotta be produced, and it comes to you.
That's just gut level.
I've decided to sell everything out, and we're selling at 40 to 70 percent off even hot bestsellers.
Some of these are at cost, and I've just decided to move everything out so that we have cash in our operations no matter what happens to continue battling forward probably six months into next year.
We can go further than that, but I am transferring everything into liquid fuel.
For major launch operations.
I'm following my gut.
So, this sale, probably on many items, is the biggest ever.
And it's the M4's Everything Must Go Total Super Supreme Mega Sale.
Welcome to your life.
There's no turning back.
Memorial is about 9, 10 years old when this song came out.
I remember sitting there at the local neighborhood pool looking at the women, the moms.
I wasn't looking at the teenage girls.
I'm thinking, those look really good.
I don't know why I'm telling that story right now.
But, yeah.
Getting serious here.
I want to go to the Tucker Carlson Report.
I had Robert Barnes joining us.
It's just a huge spectrum of over-the-top vital news and intel.
What would America look like if the Democrats won?
I think worse than what he's even saying here because they want to break our will once and forever.
They thought we were far gone.
Here's his report.
Expunge the records of those people arrested for possession of marijuana.
Decriminalized marijuana automatically expunged marijuana convictions.
Legalization of marijuana but also with an expungent to reverse incarceration is doing more harm than the original offense.
We will expunge the records of those who have already been convicted.
Ooh, the great expunging begins!
So not just legalizing drugs, but legalizing them retroactively.
Well, if that sounds radical, it's nothing compared to what they're planning on doing as soon as they can.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who in effect functions as a kind of one-woman think tank for the Democratic Party, air quotes around that, is now demanding the elimination of prisons on the grounds that they are, and of course you could guess, racist!
Here's the quote.
Mass incarceration is a system whose logic evolved from the same lineage as Jim Crow, American apartheid, and slavery.
To end it, we have to change.
That means we need a real conversation about decarceration and prison abolition in this country.
End quote.
Because of course, there were no prisons before.
Racists in America thought them up!
So with no more prisons, presumably that will mean no more prisoners, right?
So with all those felons back on the street and in your neighborhood, hey felons, you may suddenly be a little bit concerned about protecting yourself and your family, but tough.
In democratic America, self-defense will be banned because they're taking your guns.
So to gun owners out there who say, well a Biden administration means they're gonna come for my guns.
You're right if you have an assault weapon.
The fact of the matter is they should be illegal.
Do you believe in the mandatory buyback of quote-unquote assault weapons?
I do believe that we need to do buybacks and I'll tell you why.
They are weapons of war.
With no place on the streets of a civil society.
Hell yes!
We're gonna take your AR-15, your AK-47.
We're not gonna allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.
That kid is so light, you wonder why he doesn't blow away like an autumn leaf.
But whatever.
And by the way, that'll make home invasions a little tougher to deal with.
Lots of luck with that!
Let's hope you don't get assaulted and need to go to a hospital.
Because in democratic America, you might find the hospitals a bit overcrowded.
Well, the left is giving free healthcare to the rest of the planet.
You support giving universal health care, Medicare for all, to people who are in this country illegally?
Let me just be very clear about this.
I am opposed to any policy that would deny, in our country, any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health.
Do you believe that undocumented people should have health care in this country?
I think undocumented people need to have a means by which they can be covered when they're sick.
People need, this is just common decency.
Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.
Raise your hand if you don't want a single normal person to even consider voting for you ever.
Free healthcare for illegal aliens.
That's quite an idea.
How's our already broke country going to pay for that?
Here's a calculator, you figure it out.
Got a headache yet?
But don't even think about heading to a bar to drown your sorrows with a cocktail and a steak.
In the America of tomorrow, that will be banned too.
Do you ban plastic straws?
I think we should.
But would you support changing the dietary guidelines?
Well, the world awakened when the Chai Koms started telling video game tournaments that they had to fire their star players because they supported Hong Kong freedom protesters.
The NBA began to grovel and apologize, so China banned their exhibition games, only to see the NBA grovel more.
And then now we learn, the general public learns, what we've done a long time here on this broadcast, that China for at least 15 years has basically been controlling what all the major Hollywood production companies can do, because they're not just approving scripts.
Remember the left always criticized the Pentagon that if you use Pentagon money or you use Pentagon aircraft carriers or jets in the production that they needed to approve those parts of the movie it was in.
They weren't going to let you use an aircraft carrier to say the USA sucks or something.
And that's borderline government controlling media.
It's dangerous.
And I was critical of it.
I said it's a slippery slope.
But with China controlling the scripts as a foreign authoritarian dictatorship that killed over 100 million of its own people, and executes gay people, and has 2 million people in concentration camps, and has killed millions of Buddhists and Christians, and does sell their organs, that's not debatable.
To have them buying up the major movie production houses, what if the U.S.
government was buying up Universal and paramount.
But see, that's what's happening here.
There are only like two other big production houses they don't own.
One of them is American Bandstand.
Most people don't know that's actually a huge production house.
It owns hundreds of companies.
Trump stopped that a month into office.
He said, no, national security can't buy it.
So things are really heating up.
And now U.S.
restricts visas for Chinese officials over campaign to erase religion in China.
It's an amazing time to be alive and Paul Walsh has put out a tweet that I really am asking all listeners and all viewers to retweet.
It's at AtPrisonPlanet on Paul's Twitter.
I'm asking all our crew that still has Twitter to get this out.
It's time for Americans to denounce every corporation that caves in or refuses to denounce Communist China.
These corporations trash American values and openly embrace and cower to China's dictatorship for profit.
It's clear, very clear who their leader is.
It's not Trump, it's Xi Jinping.
And Paul's also put another video will air next hour after William Binney, former head of the National Security Agency, technical head, joins us to talk about Spygate 2, Russiagate 2, all of the news that's breaking, everything that's unfolding.
But I wanted to hit this before we go to Robert Barnes, who we're just now getting hooked up on Skype.
Hillary getting ready to run for president, she really never stopped.
The impeachment, what's really behind that, why they're calling it impeachment inquiry, so they can violate all the House rules, cut Republicans out, have a kangaroo court, why Trump's saying he's not going.
Barnes is an expert on that, he'll go through it all, constitutional lawyer, par excellence.
We'll also open some phones up specifically on that issue, but I wanted to show TV viewers and sources for radio listeners just some articles today.
ESPN caves to China, silences host on Hong Kong protests.
So now ESPN is saying that their hosts can't say we deserve free speech.
Now the same guys could attack North Carolina and say we should take football teams and baseball teams and basketball teams away from them because you know they don't let five-year-olds get taught how to give blowjobs in school.
I'm not kidding and all that virtue signaling and you know taking a knee and all the rest of it during the anthem pissing on America's great.
When a foreign power comes in and says you shut your people up they click their heels and say yes sir.
Blizzard blasted after banning Gamer who voiced support for For Hong Kong protests.
Yeah, now they're saying if you do it online or even offline and you play on these giant multiplayer million-person games where people can make millions of dollars, this guy's like a superstar, like a professional athlete.
Well, he's banned.
Because he voiced support.
And that's not even a Chinese company.
And don't forget, the company that's controlling the NBA in China, Tencent, they're the ones that bought Reddit for $150 million.
Of course, they didn't call it buying it, but they run it, and that's when they banned the Donald.
Oh, a Chinese state-run thing buys Reddit and bans Donald Trump's number one website!
More impressions than his Twitter account!
We're just gonna let the Chai-coms do that!
Yeah, now it's, uh... I'm sorry, I said $150 million.
Now it's even more.
Wow, I guess that's... I missed that.
I guess it's $300 million that they bought it for.
Wow, on top of the $150 million, I guess it's $450 million.
It just keeps growing.
I'm sorry, I've got my numbers wrong.
It's worse than I'm saying here.
Excuse me!
Chinese citizens will need to pass facial recognition tests to use the internet.
And that's coming here.
It's being announced by the TSA in the airports.
This has all got to stop, folks.
UK ex-spy chief reveals big tech companies like Google, Facebook know more than MI5 does.
Then I want to show you some articles from last year.
Fake news is in the eye of the beholder.
China is centralizing efforts to stop online rumors.
That's an accurate article out of Hong Kong.
But look at this.
China's heavy-handed reaction to the NBA is just the wake-up call the world needed.
China on U.S.
fake news debate.
We told you so.
And this is where they specifically, Xi Jinping, came out and said, good job silencing all these people.
That was in the first round of our banning.
And the Chinese government actually praised, this is CNBC, praised the silencing of myself and others.
A foreign dictator and CNBC and others would run around tattling about other sub-accounts we had.
Fake news is rampant, even under tight Chinese filters.
Wall Street Journal said, oh, even Xi Jinping can't stop it, that poor baby.
This is all the sick news, all the corporate America worshipping what's happened.
Now they want to act like, because they're being told what to do, that, oh, this has gone too far.
Well, some of them are.
And then these big tattletale things funded by the left out of Canada, the UK and here.
How the far-right extremists rebrand to evade Facebook's ban.
Big breathless article reporting it to China, reporting it to the UK, to Canada about how Paul Watson can still be seen on some people's platforms.
Ban them all!
New York Times, we can't have Alex Jones on air, he called Hillary Clinton a demon!
And he said she never quit running for office, which is now public!
We'll go to break, come back with Robert Barnes.
I haven't gotten to this, I don't know if I will, it's pretty powerful.
But this is a... In August of last year, Alex Jones to Donald Trump, you need to blow the whistle on Chinese Communist infiltration of Silicon Valley and the Democratic Party.
It's a five minute video, and Media Matters put it up, tattling on me!
Going, oh look, he needs to be further banned!
He talked bad about Gigi Ping!
Who again, is an appointed dictator!
Now telling you what you can say and do.
But see, they want to normalize all the tattletailing and just... Are they tone deaf?
They realize they're authoritarian?
No, no, no.
They know what they're doing.
They want to make the most extreme stuff sound normal.
This is normalization.
Hasn't gone too well.
I know for a fact that this RealClearPolitics article got to Trump with the video thanks to the dumbasses over at Media Matters.
Who think if they just walk around and say they're the authority, we'll all go, oh, you're the authority.
Will you please pull your pants down?
Can I kiss your work-covered ass?
Sorry, I'm gonna be good, but family show.
But just give me a break.
We are starting to turn the tide, but they can throw some curveballs.
And we're not out of this yet, but let me tell you, they are in panic mode.
We're going to go to break them up with Robert Barnes to get into how they're going to try to impeach him.
And they're serious this time.
And we're going to talk about what we think Trump and others should do to stop this.
But folks, don't be too confident.
Because the battle's joined.
Yes, we have the initiative.
Yes, the world's waking up because the globalists have overreached.
But that doesn't mean we've got the fish in the boat yet.
So we'll talk about it when we come back.
Please don't forget we had to end the biggest sell we've had since Christmas.
That's the bad news.
Storewide free shipping, double paid free points, 50% off storewide on all supplements, all preparedness goods.
But here's the good news.
We have a new sale even bigger.
That's right.
I decided, you know what?
I'm just going to sell out of everything.
Now, some things we were selling at cost, like the skin cream with the hyaluronic acid and all the rest of it, and the patented SilverSol.
That was a mistake.
I did it 50% off.
That was at cost.
With shipping, we lost money.
That's why it all sold out, the big tubes.
We had the little tubes left at 30% off.
That's still an incredible deal.
I mean, I'm making like a dollar on those.
We are selling a lot of them, but we sold 10,000 tubes.
Yeah, but that's $10,000.
That doesn't fund very much.
We got a bunch of specials.
It's the Everything Must Go Mega Sale, and I'm doing it till we sell out everything which isn't long in 4store.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
This is a syndicated radio and TV transmission that also was the number one political news show in the world, not just online, but period, in 2016 into 2017, despite shadow banning.
Then in 2018, we were completely banned off first 30 or so big platforms, then hundreds of platforms.
The only places we can still be heard is on radio, TV, our own sites like band.video and fullwords.com forward slash show.
And of course, places like cloud TV, where we've been on one year and are not their number one show watched by their subscribers.
Number one show when people buy the boxes, number one show of all their news combined, we are number one.
And I'm not putting down blaze and, uh, One American News Network and Newsmax and all of those combined, and RT combined, we're bigger than all combined.
That's because people want hardcore.
They want unscripted.
They want balls to the walls.
They want the real deal and that's what they get.
Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes is the real deal and I wanted to get him on with us today to talk about this.
The letter the White House sent last night saying we're not going to comply with your quote impeachment Inquiry because it's not an impeachment process under the Constitution.
You don't let Republicans have any power.
You don't let them ask any questions.
You have kangaroo courts.
You say you're going to have whistleblowers over a CCTV camera with blacked out faces.
This is beyond kangaroo.
This is Kafka-esque.
So we're going to go to Barnes here in just a moment.
We have this letter.
They're spinning it like it's obstruction.
Now, I'm not a famous constitutional and criminal lawyer like Robert Barnes, but looking over this, Trump's letter's dead on.
He says, this isn't real.
We've always been open.
We've given you more emails, more testimonies, but now this isn't a real process.
We don't get due process.
We're not participating.
Well, even if it was a real process, the presidency is an executive.
It's a separate branch of government.
Look, the Democrats refused all those subpoenas when Obama was in.
So Robert Barnes, am I right in saying that as we go over these articles and go over these letters?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, it's only obstruction when you have someone doing something illegal to oppose the process.
Doing something illegal is entirely appropriate, in fact, what you're supposed to do in an adversarial process.
And what the president is doing is two different aspects here.
First, the president is in a position, whereas the part of the executive branch, he determines what is appropriate compliance with legislative requests.
And the point that the president is making, he's been making it in court in a wide range of court proceedings ongoing involving tax returns and a range of issues, is that in order for the executive branch to have to comply with the legislative branch, the legislative branch must be doing legislative activity.
And they can't just use their investigative power to investigate whatever they want because they are not the executive branch.
They do not have the power or the authority to simply go rummaging through anyone's private information, even if that information involves executive privilege and the presidency or the executive branch.
So their authority over the executive branch is limited to funding certain operations and certain kinds of oversight that does not include an impeachment process that is rogue and isn't following proper constitutional process.
So, particularly here, there should have been a full House vote to initiate impeachment inquiry and investigation.
That has not occurred.
There should not have been illicit contact between Rogue CIA, deep state agents and the congressional committees.
That has occurred.
Congressman Schiff lied about it.
Congressman Schiff fabricated a story at the beginning of one of the hearings involving this matter in which he created a fake transcript that didn't exist and that was contradicted by the real transcript of the conversation between the president and the president of Ukraine.
So the president is completely unconstitutionally good standing.
The President is being gang-stalked.
The President is being gang-raped.
investigative inquiries that are simply rummaging through all of his personal
and public aspects of his office that go beyond the scope of legitimate
legislative oversight. The president is being gang-stalked, the president is being gang-raped,
the president is being killed by a thousand cuts. I mean 30-plus lawsuits
against us has been rough as hell but the listeners have stood with us.
We've already won most of them.
Nobody even knows that because the media won't report it.
But imagine being the president.
At last number, I've tried to find the number, but it appears that there have been close to a thousand lawsuits one way or another filed against him or his companies or his families since he ran.
You talk about unprecedented persecution.
No doubt about it.
I mean, you compare it to Obama, who the Obama administration refused to comply with subpoenas that really were part of the lawful process.
The IRS Tea Party investigation was Congress's duty to investigate how that was being misused and abused because it related to the legislative authorization of IRS funding on an ongoing basis.
Yet they refused to comply.
The Attorney General was held in contempt because he refused to comply.
So the Obama administration refused to comply when there was in fact legitimate legislative inquiries taking place.
Here you have illegitimate legislative inquiries taking place,
and is in fact the duty and obligation of the executive branch and the president
to protect the executive branch, to protect the elected representative
of the executive branch from this illicit investigative inquiry
that is nothing more than a witch hunt and a rummaging, and they're essentially searching for anything
they can possibly find.
And it's even more frightening, you mentioned the weaponization of the law.
It's very sort of communist-like in the way that they approach the use of the state.
You're seeing the wholesale, whole-scale weaponization of the legal system against the president
and his allies across the board.
You're seeing county governments trying to get his subpoena, his personal tax return,
and tax returns to friends and family members and business associates, going back almost a decade,
when it has absolutely nothing to do with any matter under criminal investigation
and cannot be relevant or pertinent.
And when the tax returns were promised to be privileged and private by both New York state law and most state laws across the country and by federal law.
Because the deal was that, hey, we're going to have you disclose a lot of personal intimate information on your tax returns For tax purposes, but don't worry, we won't misuse it and abuse it later.
But that's precisely what they're doing.
And let's slow down, because you're doing just an incredible job, which is why we don't see you on national TV very often, as you point out.
Real lawyers, they don't put on air, they just put the people that go along with the system.
I mean, that's well known for folks that don't know about business and life.
The courts have all ruled it that when you do all this private stuff on tax returns that already violate your Fourth Amendment, they go, oh, don't worry, it's like HIPAA.
Medical records, we're going to keep it totally secret.
But now, they're just getting rid of all that, President.
It's very frightening.
And when the left then gets your tax returns, they can harass all your vendors and everyone you work with.
We have experienced them.
They've tried to get them, but they got it another way.
Harassing our vendors, going after our merchant accounts.
I mean, we've been under the very same terror attack.
I know you don't want to get into it on air, but explain to people that if it's happened to us at this level, it must be hellish for Trump.
No doubt about it, because what they're doing is, imagine if any city, county, sheriff, anywhere in the country could decide they don't like the president, and they use their criminal investigative authorities, their grand jury power, which is the most extraordinary, invasive power in the world, the power of the grand jury, to investigate, to subpoena, to spy, to force and coerce testimony.
You would never have a president stay in office, you'd never have anyone run, no one would ever even get elected.
That's why there's a jurisdictional issue, and that's why there's a separation of powers, and that's why the president has immunity outside of impeachment.
In fact, that's why the founders set it up this way.
Thomas Jefferson talks about it all the way back to during his presidency.
If a president can be subject to random subpoenas from politically motivated prosecutors, they could end the presidency overnight.
That's why the president is right.
That's why the president is right to be fighting this.
He's fighting this for the fundamental freedoms, not only of himself, but really the whole country and the foundational freedoms that founded this country.
And this is a deep state coup attempt trying to weaponize the legal system in an illicit way that undermines our... Alright, Robert Barnes is on fire, he's told us what's happening, now what does he think the president should do?
Straight ahead, tomorrow's news today, it's InfoWars.
You know, I've talked about this a lot on air.
People ask, how do I take it?
How do I take the attacks?
And I don't say this to act tough.
I say this so that people don't understand it, get the secret.
It's like when you haven't been working out for a while and you go for a 10 mile hike and almost kills you.
But you do it a week later and it hurts, but it's not that bad.
You do it again and it's easy.
The next, you know, about four or five hikes, you're doing a 20 mile hike.
Or, you know, let's say you're doing squats and you haven't done squats since high school and you do it with the bar and then you get so tired, you can barely get out of bed the next day.
But a few months later, you're squatting 200, 300 pounds and you're doing, you know, 10, 15 reps.
It feels great.
You're back in shape or at least close to it.
In this whole victim system, Barnes talks a lot about this, it's true, people get into how they're a victim.
It's like a new class system.
The more you're a victim, the higher on the food chain you are, and you supposedly have representatives that speak for you, and what you're really in is a cult.
But it started in the 80s and 90s when there was a crime wave, mainly the crack cocaine situation, and crime did go up some, and it was dangerous in some areas.
I grew up in Dallas, and it was damn dangerous.
But kidnapping-wise was still pretty rare.
But people thought there were kidnappers everywhere, and Geraldo Rivera had shows about it and everything, and people started keeping their kids inside.
Before, everybody's kids ran around until nighttime.
I still did, you know, back in the 80s.
It's the same phenomenon of, you know, great white sharks kill like 10 people a year globally on average, but people don't want to swim.
I was out in San Diego just a month or so ago, and I was swimming out like, you know, 50 yards.
People were like, hey, you better not do that.
There's great white sharks out there.
And I'm like, what, they eat like one person a year on the West Coast?
I mean, give me a break.
Give me a break.
But that's the mindset.
Somebody told me there's a riptide, then I'd be careful.
But there weren't flags up, there wasn't a riptide.
But that's the mindset, is that it's the fear of being involved that makes you the slave.
And so Trump came out in a clip, in a speech he gave yesterday at a press conference, and
he said, "I thrive off of being attacked because it's an important mission I'm carrying out,
I'm getting things done, and I know I'm in the right."
And so it's like he said last week, it's like putting a suit on.
A suit of armor.
It's something you've got to do.
And so it's an honor to be persecuted and lied about by these criminals.
People think, oh, you're getting attacked by the system.
You're losing.
No, no, no, no.
We got in a bad position because people stopped standing up for what was right.
And now, oh, it's Alex Jones last year.
It's Republican senators having their Twitters frozen this year and putting up with it.
And so the Chi-Coms are like, well, let's test it.
Tiffany's, video game companies, NBA, do exactly as we say.
Well, we're still banning you.
Oh, please, master.
And the big corporations, it's not just about money.
They like that submission as well.
But now the corporations are being told to submit.
Now the Chi-Coms, they're kind of bucking it a little bit.
See, that's the separation of powers.
The founders knew that you're going to have tyrants a lot of times in positions of power because they seek it.
Especially if good men don't seek it to protect the country from it.
So you've got to have that separation of powers so that you've got these other corporations in other countries that don't want to be dominated.
They'll fight against a Hitler or against a Xi Jinping or against a Stalin.
And so we're now to that point and we've got a real Americana guy that doesn't want to be dictator.
He wants to be the turnaround guy.
You think Lee Iacocca was big, you know, for turning around, what was it, Chrysler?
That would be a billion times that if Trump could turn America and the world around.
The name Trump won't just be synonymous with victory in business or cards or gambling or whatever.
It will be synonymous with revival and renaissance.
That's why he's for real!
He's an idiot savant level, the things he's done so far, and you've got to give it credit.
Oh, you've sold out.
You're groveling.
All I get is persecuted for supporting Trump.
I could attack Trump right now and all the fake lawsuits and attacks and death threats would go away like fog at sunrise.
But I go into the fog.
I steer into the attack.
We're going to Robert Barnes right in about 30 seconds, but here's Trump talking about how he thrives on it.
Yes, you should thrive on the resistance.
You should thrive as real rebels to the globalists.
Here it is.
What they did is unthinkable.
What they did to this country is unthinkable.
And it's lucky that I'm the president, because I guess, I don't know why, a lot of people said very few people could handle it.
I sort of thrive on it.
You know why?
Because it's so important that we get to the bottom.
We went through the whole Mueller scam.
Two and a half years.
We went through that, and I had three, four days where it was like over.
And then I'm walking into the United Nations, and they released it as I'm walking in.
And then he goes into all of that.
Barnes, I mean, we're not here to worship Trump, but I know you admire him a lot.
And you won the biggest bet in Ireland, almost $400,000.
You are the, admit, even Reuters says you're the most successful, at least public, political gambler out there.
And you're not too shabby on the other areas as well, which again, it shows you can beat the house.
You're a smart cookie.
That's why you're our chief legal counsel.
But how would you quantify who Trump is and this moment we're in, and then what's coming next in this acceleration into 2020?
Well, I was up in New York with my brother celebrating his 50th birthday, and he was discussing how much this paralleled aspects of Watergate, and particularly the untold aspects of Watergate, which was that Watergate really was not about Richard Nixon's, you know, third-rate burglary.
It was about one of the good things that Nixon did was he tried to de-Hooverize the FBI after Hoover's death.
And so he passed over Mark Felt.
have it be less this independent deep state monopoly of political power outside of the
control of the political processes and elected officials in the public will.
And so he passed over Mark Felt.
Mark Felt was the Rand Cointelpro.
This guy was one of the leaders of the black bag operations against US citizens.
citizens over the past 30 years or so, between the late 1940s and early 1970s.
And when that happened, Mark Felt became deep throat.
I remember having a discussion with Ben Bradley, the editor of Washington Post, many years ago when I was a student at Yale.
And we were discussing Deep Throat, and he wasn't wanting to disclose who it was.
And I said, well, maybe the reason you don't want to disclose who it is is that the country knew who it was.
They wouldn't be so enamored with who it was.
He just smiled and moved on.
Well, that turned out to be the truth.
Here we have, and Mark Feld's out in the open, we have a Deep Throat that is a fake whistleblower that is an identified CIA agent, according to the New York Times.
This is the CIA attempting to do a rogue coup against the President of the United States using the Democratic House as their tool and their mechanism of achieving it.
And so it is an extraordinary time the President's facing and I think Trump has recognized all the way through what this is.
That this is the deep state trying to coerce his foreign policy and I think he made a very good decision.
There's two levels at which he's defending himself.
Defending himself in the court of public opinion, attacking what a fraud this is.
Defending himself correctly, legally, by resting on the Constitution.
But also it was very useful that he doubled down on his foreign policy positions.
He's sending the message to the deep state that he's not going to let them dictate and determine our foreign policy.
That's why it's after they launch this coup attempt that he decides, okay, that's it, we're out of Syria.
That's it, we're going to investigate corruption in Ukraine openly and publicly.
I'm going to tell China they need to investigate the corruption and quit buying off US politicians.
The NBA scandal happens not long after and it's probably not a coincidence that right around the same time period it came out that the FBI was illicitly using the NSA and domestic spying technique to spy on Americans on a regular and routine basis that was so upsetting and offensive even though the pro-intelligence community FISA court had to issue a special order saying how outrageous and offensive it was.
So it's not a coincidence that that information comes out.
The president is fighting back, recognizing the deep state wants to misuse its weaponization
of the law, weaponization of the impeachment process to try to take out the president and
prevent him from implementing the American people's will in foreign policy.
So a key area for him to fight back is where he is fighting back.
It's time to implement America's foreign policy, not Iran's foreign policy, not Saudi Arabia's
foreign policy, not anybody else's foreign policy, not the CIA and the deep state's foreign
policy, not the Five Eyes foreign policy, but implement American foreign policy.
You are also seeing the reports come out that he's expanding the scope and that Barr is
expanding the scope of what Dunham is doing in investigating the Spygate scandal that
deeply implicates the Five Eyes.
It's not a coincidence that Barr and Dunham were in Italy recently.
So the President's doing the right thing.
He's doubling down on America.
He's doubling down on the American people.
He's doubling down on the American will.
And in doing so, that's what gives us the best chance to fight back.
But people should not be deceived.
This is a real fight.
This is a true fight.
This is an honest fight.
And the greatest power the president has is the American people in the InfoWars audience
to fight back against these deep state coup attempts to destroy American democracy and freedom.
I mean, this is an epic time, and they keep using gambling analogies.
His chips are all in, and his chips are on the table.
It's the time to pick sides and commit, America.
And I think you are committing.
We're very proud of you.
All right.
The former technical head of the National Security Agency, William Benny, who is recognized as the greatest codebreaker in U.S.
history, a super mathematician genius, probably smarter than the guy that broke the Enigma code, who was a genius over in England.
And of course, I mean, I don't get excited about LeBron James or You know, Roger Staubach.
I mean, it's interesting.
It's cool.
I like watching some of those games sometimes.
I mean, I can think that's cool athletic prowess, but super mathematicians and stuff.
Or, you know, people that can call things way ahead.
That's what I'm into.
That's what I get giddy about.
That's what makes me excited.
And people that have courage to tell the truth, and who are real leaders, and who are trying to build a better world, who aren't chicken-you-know-whats, chicken-you-know-what dimension people, who live in the chicken-sh-t dimension, who just want to keep people down and are upset by other people's success.
Those of us that love justice and love God aren't like that, but the bad people, they're all over the place, they are like that, and we've got to stand up to them.
Speaking of standing up to them, we can't do it if you don't support us financially.
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We ran it for like two weeks.
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And I was sitting back and I said, you know what?
Most of these new products don't come in.
We're about to sell a lot of stuff the next month anyways.
Most of the stuff doesn't come back in until Early December.
And a lot of stuff doesn't come in until next year.
And as you said, the way the world is and how crazy it is, and the fact that we don't have extra money in the accounts for even more than like a month of payroll.
We've never been at that point.
But I'm just hiring people, focusing, taking action, sending reporters out.
I'm just spending every bit of money that comes in right now.
I haven't been paid in over a year, which is fine.
I'm even spending reserve money.
Because I just gut-level know, and I've been good at gut-level, that I need to put everything into the fight now.
And that history's being made.
We did stuff like the skin cream.
And I said, all the stuff was 50% off.
Well, the skin cream doesn't have 50% in it.
So we actually lost money on that.
Of course we sold out of it.
It's high quality silver salt, patented, with the hyaluronic acid and all the rest of it.
We lost money on that.
Now, all the one-ounce tubes are left.
All the three-ounce tubes sold out.
It's at 30% off.
We make $1.25 or something per tube.
But that's something that gets you in the store.
It's a high-end product.
A one-ounce of this would cost $20 at Ulta without the silver in it.
You know, we usually sell it for like, you know, $10.
Now it's even lower than that.
Just get it at InfoWareStore.com.
Everything must go.
Emergency sale.
And it's $40.
Okay, so again, thank you all, but without you doing that, we won't be here.
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15 days up to nine months.
There's different things you can choose.
All right, going back to Robert Barnes.
I've been asking a lot of the questions here, and you've really been laying it all out.
Looking at China, and it looks to me like an overreach, and the corporation's groveling, really was a magic moment for people.
The biggest sea change I've seen yet.
What is your take on that?
There's no doubt about it.
I mean, it was good timing for the president to see, for China to get exposed.
China's unwilling to broach any degree of disagreement or dissidence of any kind, not only internally, but even with their corporate parties and effectively corporate partners, which is what the NBA has become with China.
And the NBA wants access to the Chinese market.
They see it as a potentially, it's sort of the whole corporate approach to China has been let's ship manufacturing jobs and production to China and it was stage one of their corporate involvement.
Stage two was build a big Chinese middle class that's going to buy their products.
And so they've seen China as sort of the future, and that's why there's been this unusual behavior toward China by the corporate elites and the media establishment and the Democratic Party apparatus.
I mean, it's extraordinary.
You have all these people complaining about climate change as in their apocalyptic theory.
Well, anyone who is sincere, I had this debate with Noam Chomsky a few years back when he became very hyped on climate change, and said anybody who's sincere about this would be obsessed with China, not the United States.
yet they're unwilling to say anything about it.
And what got exposed is, it's again the courage of one man, and that old Chinese image of the one guy standing up
against the tanks all the way back to the massacre back in the late 1980s.
You have the same dynamic here where just one NBA player stood up and said,
"I'm with Hong Kong, I'm with freedom."
Didn't even bash China, he just said, "I'm with Hong Kong and I'm with freedom."
And that so offended and so outraged the Chinese government that they were willing to cut off their own countries
and their own community and their own people's access to a sport that they liked, the NBA.
And it shows the degree of mind control and thought control behavior that the Chinese have been engaged in.
And it's probably not a coincidence that China's highly sensitive at the moment because Trump keeps exposing their bad conduct.
There were stories that came out again this week and it was another example of Trump doubling down against the deep state agenda.
In their, in their attempts to have a coup against him a second time.
You know, Trump is standing up in the same way that man stood up to that tank.
The, in the Tenement Square.
It's the same dynamic.
You all of a sudden saw stories come out about how the Chinese are, the government is systematically involved with forced abortions, is involved with various forms of effectively almost euthanasia.
Involved with sort of different mechanisms and methods of which they are suppressing their population.
There's always been long-standing stories about their involvement in Oregon.
Forced organ transplant donations against religious dissidents.
Now it came out that they're doing it against other groups of religious dissidents.
And at the same time Trump exposed China.
Yeah, the story about forced sterilizations, abortion, basically it's a genocide against any religiously dissidic group.
Two million people in camps putting gays in prison and the left worships them.
I have crew members here that I've known for many years.
One guy's worked here 18 years.
His sister won't talk to him and praises China and hopes they quote crush Trump and the Washington Post says that.
Xi Jinping must destroy Trump.
That's a quote to save America.
These people are sick!
No doubt about it.
And the brilliance of Trump this week was his trolling effort, where he said, uh, I demand that China investigate Joe Biden.
And the media's trying to say, oh, that's somehow a terrible thing.
That's in fact the duty of the president is to make sure that we don't have corruption involving foreign governments in the United States.
No, he was bringing up that they'd bought him off, which he now admits he's done.
He does this over and over again.
It's like when he said to Hillary, hey Hillary, I want you to steal it from Elizabeth Warren.
He was talking about how she did it last time to Bernie.
And they went, oh, he's telling her to steal it.
No, he's not saying the full thing, knowing the media will jump on it, turn it against him, and then the whole thing comes out.
I mean, there's no question that what he was doing to China was trolling China.
It's not like China's going to actually investigate their own deliberate, intentional corruption of the Democratic American Party politics where they're involved in the divide.
Let me ask you that question.
What do you call it?
It's beyond trolling when...
One time I was told by this famous talk show host, he said, Alex, you ever try to cram a dollar bill in a vending machine and it won't take it?
But if you act like you don't want to give it to it every time it goes in?
He said, you've got to sometimes be easier with stuff.
And there is sometimes, you know, time to do that.
But the way Trump does it's beyond that.
He'll put it out.
Knowing that it's a little bit nebulous, so they'll attack him, then it becomes a huge story, and then people go, oh, and find out everything he was saying.
It's like he knows how to get them to swallow the poison with the sugar coat, or really for America, the antidote with the poison coating.
I mean, he really, what is that tactic?
I don't see other people doing that.
He's very skilled at it.
Well, it's my favorite law tactic and it's my favorite political tactic, which I grew up on as a kid.
I always just call it the Br'er Rabbit strategy.
So Br'er Rabbit comes from the great stories of slaves used to tell to each other back in the 1830s.
Please don't throw me in the briar patch, but he lives in the briar patch.
That's exactly right.
And so how do you get someone to constantly throw you into the briar patch?
You've got to be Br'er Rabbit.
And he does it.
Oh, Trump is brilliant at it.
He knows, OK, if I characterize it this way, they're going to obsess over thinking they're going to be attacking me for it.
And in the process, they're going to expose the issue I'm trying to expose.
And that's what's happened with Ukraine and Joe Biden.
That's what's happened with China and Joe Biden.
That's what's happening today with Hillary Clinton.
Basically, he's just putting out there what everybody knows is going to take place.
What's wrong with the left?
Why are they so outclassed?
Cory Booker looks like he's taking a dump constantly.
Hillary looks like a demonic jackal.
They're just scum!
Well, the political class as a whole has been emasculated.
You don't really have old school political pros anymore.
You have these professional class politicians who are like the... Well, you've got to have slime, because even if you're corrupt, you don't want to butcher a big powerful country for a pissing contest.
You want to run it.
And so since these politicians are globalist minions, they're just scum of the earth little follower nobodies.
Yeah, I mean, they're people who don't have independent identity, don't have strength of backbone, don't have core of character because of how they've been trained and tutored to be in this position in the first place.
So that's what makes them weak against the president.
Robert Barnes, top lawyer, man in the arena, stay with us.
Five more minutes with you, then you're going to co-host some when William Benny comes on.
We have the former director of the National Security Agency, technical, it's number two man.
Joining us next segment, we're going to have Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, riding shotgun, because I want him to ask a few key questions of this gentleman that can break it all down for us.
The coup against the president, how it can be stopped, Ukraine, all of it.
But I wanted to read two quotes from Robert Barnes and ask him which one he thinks is most important in our day and age.
The man in the arena, Teddy Roosevelt.
It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs, who comes short again and again.
Because there's no effort without error and shortcoming, but who does actually strive to do the deeds, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends themselves in a worthy cause, who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Now that's a powerful speech he gave in Paris after he'd been president.
Over a hundred years ago.
Now here's another one that goes to the enemies.
That's a quote about good men and women taking action.
What about the bad guys?
A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot strive and survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less rementable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely.
His sly whispers rustle through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor.
He speaks in actions familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments.
He appeals to their baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of the nation.
He works secretly and the unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city.
He infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
A murderer is less to fear.
The traitor is the plague.
Marcus Tullius Cicero, historian and Roman senator in the time, of course, Julius Caesar in the beginning decline of Rome.
Your take on that?
Which one is more pertinent today?
Are they both duly key?
I think the latter is the most pertinent because what you have is here you have the CIA.
Conspiring together with the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, the Council for the CIA, conspiring to change the rules retroactively, backdating documents, backdating rules, so that they can have an illicit leak of information disguised as a legal whistleblower.
Bill Binney was a legitimate whistleblower.
Ed Snowden was a legitimate whistleblower.
Whatever people think of him, he was legitimately blowing the whistle on corruption and lies by the highest ranking members of the Obama administration.
These people are not whistleblowers.
These people are disguising their illicit spying, their illicit leaks, their illicit coup attempts as a whistleblowing when they're not blowing the whistle on anybody or anything other than exposing deep state corruption by their own corruption.
And so it's very much the latter, because the greatest threat to American democracy and the greatest threat to worldwide freedom is the continued foundation of American democracy functioning against the Chinese model, the Chinese social credit system and its status-driven economy, social, cultural order.
And for America to succeed, that requires American freedoms to stay vibrant.
And that requires people like President Trump to have success and be able to do the people's will.
And the greatest threat to that isn't from China externally, it's from the deep state internally.
The deep state continues to try to undermine the president at every turn.
And he sort of went through it with Mueller, tried to sort of ameliorate them, tried to deal with it.
Now he recognizes the only way to deal with it is to double down, to go in heavier, to go in stronger.
To continue to be who he is and to do so in an unabashed, unafraid manner.
So he needs to be that man in the arena.
And so in that part, the quote is definitely relevant and pertinent.
But the most pertinent part is that our current greatest threat is the efforts of the deep state to completely undermine and gut American democracy by attacking the one man who represents America's will about how we should change our policies around the world, particularly as it relates to war, particularly as it relates to trade, particularly as it relates to China more than anything.
That's right.
This is China's fool.
This guy is really China's agent.
Because China is, we're finally fighting back against China.
We're finally resisting their social credit system with the big tech company collusion.
We're finally resisting their efforts to steal all our manufacturing jobs.
Finally refusing their efforts to dominate world affairs.
And at that very juncture is when the deep state is trying to undermine the president.
That's right.
When Trump says the long surrender to China is over, And then now the deep state on their payroll comes after him.
It's so clear.
Now we know why they're so desperate.
Great answer.
Thank you so much.
We'll be right back with Liam Benning and Robert Barnes.
And we are live broadcasting worldwide in defiance of the Communist Chinese that 14 months ago openly said that I should be taken off the air by name.
Xi Jinping said it's time for America to crack down on fake news.
And then Xi Jinping praised them when I and others were taken off.
Now the leader of the Senate had his Twitter frozen when he dared criticize people coming to his house threatening to murder him.
That's the point we've gotten to.
Now, William Binney joins us via the phone.
We're very honored to have him, very appreciative, constitutional lawyer.
I know a big fan of William Binney.
Robert Barnes is here.
In fact, Barnes was in the studio about two weeks ago praising William Binney as a real whistleblower versus a fake whistleblower and breaking down the law and how it's supposed to work.
And that's when I thought, wow, let's get William Binney on.
So when I learned we could get Binney on yesterday, I called Barnes, a famous constitutional lawyer, very successful, also criminal lawyer, first amendment lawyer, so that he could have some questions of Binney that are a little bit more, let's just say, expertise than mine.
But William Binney has obviously been critical, as the former technical director of the NSA, of these so-called new whistleblowers that are going to testify in secret from CCTV camera blacked out.
uh... the president can't face his accuser unprecedented all the rules have
been changed a real impeachment process is trump can even
i have the process and i know that uh... we've got william bennett set up here
stay we asked him what do you want to cover first
and he said exactly what we wanted him to cover before we told him
and that's what's really happening with the so-called whistleblowers
uh... because again he is a real whistleblower uh... actually expose illegal spying and then was
persecuted for it even though we get it to the proper channels we see the
left attacking saying he's attacking the press and whistleblowers when he
defends himself himself.
He's not arresting members of the press.
He's not persecuting whistleblowers like Obama did, like Obama's SWAT team raided.
William Benney, highly decorated patriot, equivalent of a multi-star general, running the NSA.
So William Benney, thank you for joining us.
SirExposedFacts.org, AGoodAmerican.org, PGKnowledge.eu, some of the great sites that have your work.
You were the top technical advisor, of course, to Oliver Stone on his incredible film, Out of the park, Snowden.
So we're very honored to have you here.
And so we probably should start with a brief recap for folks that don't know who you are.
We have new listeners all the time about your whistleblowing, what happened to you, so they have some context of why you're such a preeminent expert on this.
But thank you for joining us, sir.
Well, thanks for having me, Alex.
It's always good to be on your show and talk about these issues.
So yeah, my whistleblowing started back in 2001 when they first started NSA did.
Actually, it was Bush, Cheney, Hayden, and Tenet who set this up initially.
And it was to spy on everybody inside the United States, U.S.
citizens, everybody.
And it was to take in everything, starting with the metadata from different companies like AT&T and Verizon and so on.
And then it's up to something like 78 other companies now.
And the whole idea was to bring in all the information you possibly could on every U.S.
citizen so you could decide their inclinations, actually get into their thinking process, what their opinions were, who they were organized.
Like, this is the material they used to go at the Tea Party with the IRS.
You know?
It just gives them all kinds of leverage and power over everybody in the country.
And that was started in the second week in October of 2001.
And by the third, fourth week of that month, I was complaining to the House Intelligence Committee members.
Also, we took my group, you know, the five people who were involved, four from NSA and one from the House Intelligence Committee, we took that through.
We even tried to speak to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time, and he refused to see us.
I'm sure the bureaucrats got to him, so they bypassed us and kept us away from him.
So, I mean, they didn't want anybody hearing about this at the time.
And it was all being done basically in secret with only very few people knowing.
Nancy Pelosi was one of the ones who bought into it right up front.
It was in an early meeting in, I think it was the 4th of November of 2001.
She and Porter Goss, Graham and Shelby from the Senate side, the gang of four, the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, they were the first ones briefed in this in early November.
Not just the NSA programs, but also the CIA programs.
And to be clear, this is when, and you're absolutely right, Bush and them helped start all this, and then through Obama, it was bipartisan evil, but I want to get into when you got actually targeted and SWAT teamed with the rest of it.
I just want to recap.
And Obama simply, he doubled down on everything that Bush and Cheney, Aiden and Tenet were doing.
So, and that's basically why Hayden stuck around, if you know what I mean.
And the big takeaway you always point out is that we were really targeting actually bad actors and not violating anybody's rights before, and it was more effective, but this was being done for political control but also makes us less safe, which makes it beyond a dereliction of duty, doesn't it?
I mean, it's a criminal action.
It's a violation of the Constitution and any number of Criminal statutes, the Penn Register Law, the Electronic Privacy Act, Electronic Security Act, things of that nature, plus all the FCC regulations governing telecommunications companies.
That's why they had to give them retroactive immunity, you know, unconditional retroactive immunity because of all the crimes they were committing.
So, and then, you know, so we took that and we also complained to the Department of Justice Inspector General and the Department of Defense Inspector General.
So, you know, we went through the proper channels and all that got us was noticed.
I mean, the Inspector General for the Department of Defense is the guy who turned over our names to the FBI as the most likely candidates for the New York Times article exposing warrantless wiretapping.
Well, I mean, that was simply a lie to begin with, and the NSA knew that because they already, and the FBI did too, because they already knew that Thomas Tam was the member, was the guy who was the source there.
And they also knew that we had no contact whatsoever with anybody in the FBI.
So just recapping this, I know I took you there because it's important, but I want to get into what's currently happening.
You went through the process, you went to Congress, you went to the system, and then they set you up and tried to put you in prison, and if it wasn't for somebody that gave you inside info to save you, to show you how you were set up with parallel construction, then you would have gone to prison, and then obviously you don't like to talk about it.
It's just incredible.
Yeah, they attacked us and fabricated data, fabricated evidence against us, and we caught them at it.
And we threatened them with malicious prosecution.
That's why they went away.
So they've not bothered us since the 2009-2010 timeframe.
And so what is it like for you to hear how horrible Trump is to whistleblowers and to the media when it was Obama that was... He said it was horrible to whistleblowers.
I think this guy that came out, I call him a rumor blower.
He's not a whistleblower.
I mean, to apply the whistleblower term to him, it kind of cheapens and degrades what true whistleblowers are.
I mean, any true whistleblower, by the way, it doesn't matter what law they pass, has been attacked by the intelligence community.
They have attacked them.
Everyone has been persecuted.
They've been sent to jail or otherwise.
These are political wonks that want to continue their deep state coup over America and want to remove the president, in my view.
So they're just simply making all this up in a CIA coup against America.
That's what I see it as.
What is it?
No, that's exactly what it is.
And those are the people that need to go to jail.
We need to put those people in jail.
That's my view, personally.
We're going to walk through all this with William Binney, but for just one more segment, Constitutional Lawyer Robert Barnes is in the right shot, got one more segment, but Robert, what are some of the questions you've got for Binney when we come back?
Oh, I think some good questions are how this overlaps with the impeachment inquiry and what the President has been up to investigating.
How a lot of this is about protecting, Bill did a great job showing how CrowdStrike, it was, how there are technical deficiencies in their various reports of misattribution.
The misallocation of how the what Bill is documenting is how the intelligence committees in Congress have become captured by the intelligence community and tools of the intelligence community.
They're not Frank Church's legacy that was meant to supervise and monitor the intelligence community.
So I think about how this overlaps deeply With both impeachment and impeachment's attempt to cover up, like Mueller, the underlying criminal activity of the Obama administration and the Bush administration and prior administrations and illegal spying on Americans that extended to Carter Page and the Trump campaign.
So I think it would be good to discuss how all these issues overlap.
All right, we've got the expert, William Benny, former technical head of the NSA, respected as one of the top codebreaker mathematicians in history.
Undoubted genius, he doesn't like to brag about himself.
He also, clear evidence, he got poisoned, they tried to kill him after he testified secretly to the, what was it, Senate.
I mean, this is dangerous stuff, folks.
I've just gotten a little bit of it, as far as I've gotten into this.
Let me tell you, it's not fun.
This guy is a patriot.
We know much of what we know, most of what we know, because of him.
A real whistleblower.
William Benny, former head of the National Security Agency, technical, actually ran it, not the politician in charge of it, number two, is here and he is the expert to talk about these so-called whistleblowers.
The first one, third hand, now they won't even say who it is.
The head of the Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, reading a fake transcript and then MSNBC putting it out.
These are bizarre tactics.
Let me ask William Binney what he thinks is going on.
I mean, we hit the break and please get into that more.
You were saying this is a deep state coup.
Get into how you know that, why you know that, and who you think the players are, and what the president can do to counter that, and then just your expertise on what we're facing here with these fake whistleblowers.
Start off by just looking at the timeline.
of this new whistleblower, how it came up, came to pass.
25th of July is the phone call between the presidents of the U.S.
and the Ukraine.
And then by the 1st of August, the DNI's inspector general changes the regulation for accepting whistleblower complaints to must have originally and it should still be must have firsthand information or knowledge of the events you're blowing the whistle on to could input and accept hearsay.
And so then, 11 days after that, the fellow's complaint hits the DNI IG office.
But in between that, this whistleblower is talking to Shifty Shipp and his crew, and I guess they're having the lawyers that work with them to form and write that hearsay complaint.
So, as far as I could see from the beginning, it was a fabrication, and the entire thing was being set up and sponsored and supported by those embedded people, a part of the secret government, the secret cabal that's running our country.
How do you think the President should counter this?
Well, first off, how serious is this threat from being, you know, at the head of the NSA, then being a real whistleblower, and then living through this the last 20 years or so?
Gut level, what would you say?
I mean, I know you briefed the White House, you briefed the President before.
I know you're not supposed to get into all that, but if you were briefing the President right now, there's a good chance we can get this to the President.
What would you say?
I would say send the FBI and Barr's Attorney General's People's Office.
To investigate the DNI, Inspector General, start with him because somebody got to him to get him to change the regulation.
And who that was, you should follow the trace of that evidence that you can get from that investigation.
But at this point, he would not be able to lie to the FBI, then he'd be subject to the same that everyone else has been, being able to go to jail for, I don't know, three to five years or something like that.
So, you know, that would put the That would put the fear of God in these people, and then they'd start to blow the whistle on one another, and they'll all start falling apart.
My understanding is that that's already started.
That's what I'm hearing.
Well, that's my next question from all of your sources that are unparalleled, really.
We can't overstate those.
We hear that there are indictments of McCabe and others.
We know that the Deputy Attorney General said a few weeks ago that they're not going to kill the indictment that's out there because that's where they would try to appeal that before it happened.
Can you speak to that and what other intel you've gotten, Mr. Benny?
Well, all I can say is, I mean, I'm giving you hearsay again, but, you know, so my part is hearsay also.
So, but my understanding is that the indictments are not that far away, I'm thinking in terms of maybe a couple weeks.
And that there's a number of people who are, and you can see that by Durham's expansion of the investigation, it's going into many different things.
The tentacles of this investigation and the indictments, I think, are going to expand over time.
There'll be an initial round early on in a couple of weeks, I think.
But then from there on, then there'll be a whole host of others cascading down through the next few months.
And beyond hearsay, we do have the Deputy Attorney General, when they came to them and said, hey, don't.
you'll kill this indictment and they said no and then on top of that with the
investigation that you mentioned of Durham they're running around like
chickens with their heads cut off the panicked response of the deep state
bipartisanly I think shows that Trump is making his move and Trump says he's
going after him. Robert Barnes? I think the other thing that the whole backdrop
to what is happening the backdrop to Ukraine, backdrop to Spygate, backdrop to
Mueller, the backdrop to impeachment all of it really relates to these deep state
rogue actions that Bill was trying to expose and blow the whistle on almost
20 years ago.
And what it is, is all the chickens have come home to roost.
Oh yeah.
So I was gonna ask Bill about it, because the Dunham investigation
is gonna implicate CrowdStrike, it's gonna implicate various rogue actors in Ukraine,
it's gonna implicate the Five Eyes, it's gonna implicate the weaponization of the NSA
technology to be able to spy on Americans
involved in the illicit use of the Carter Page investigation.
It's probably gonna expose to some degree the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Corps.
Bill was earlier talking about going to Chief Justice.
That's for sure.
Yeah, could you talk about that some more, Bill?
Yeah, because, see, for many years, you know, that they have been lied to by various organizations in the intelligence community.
They have known this and have refused to actually hold their feet to the fire and do anything.
So this court is basically a worthless court that needs to be basically disbanded.
We don't need a court like that.
Just put all this stuff into Article 3 courts, not this... I call this an Article 2 court because it meets on the sixth floor, I think it is, of the Department of Justice building, and only hears the government, so there's no other side view presented to the judge to make a decision.
So it's a star chamber, echo chamber.
That's it.
I thought it was extraordinary what came out this week, Bill.
Can you comment on that in terms of more releases that even the FISA Court, which has been, as you note, a rubber stamp for the intelligence community, was voicing concern about the scope, scale, and size of FBI spying on Americans on a routinized, regularized basis in recent years.
Well, you see, what that is, is they're going into the NSA database, and I've got slides showing that from the government that Snowden had released, showing how they How they access that data directly without any oversight whatsoever.
And they can do that without anybody knowing what they're doing, basically, unless you went into the network log and looked to see exactly what they were asking from the database.
If you didn't do that, you had no concept of what they were involved in.
But that's not the first time.
I mean, this has been periodically down through the years.
You hear from cases now and then.
Biden's court is objecting to something that NSA or analysts are doing or FBI or something.
And as early as 2002...
I think it was August in 2002 when the FISA court found out the FBI had lied to them to get 75 warrants.
So this is a long-standing problem that they've known about for years and years.
It's a deep state that's arrogant, that believes it owns the country, and is now trying to carry out a coup, as William Binney just said.
Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes at Free America.
That's FreeAmericaLawCenter.com.
Amazing information there, folks.
Videos, articles, you've got to check out.
FreeAmericanLawCenter.com and bookmark it.
We'll come back with William Benning.
Bob Barnes leaves us now to get into the rest of the story.
This is just over-the-top exclusive.
We're so blessed to have William Benning here with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Everybody, you know that the real whistleblower is on live right now at Band.Video and Infowars.com forward slash show and over 200 radio stations across the United States.
Well, former Technical Director of the National Security Agency, One of the most famous and important whistleblowers since Daniel Ellsberg in the Pentagon Papers is William Benning.
He exposed the entire giant spy grid being used against the American people for political power and control.
pgknowledge.eu, goodamerica.org, exposefacts.org.
I've been able to have Mr. Binney on for, I don't know, 10 years or so.
And I'm always like, hey, you ought to write a book.
Hey, you ought to... No, he never gets paid.
He doesn't want any money, which you got to have money to live.
I mean, the guy's amazing.
And he ran the NSA and he just selflessly goes all over the world and does interviews.
And he's trying to help the EU have systems that don't spy on their citizens, but actually stop terrorists and others.
And he's got ways to fix it.
He designed all this stuff that was hijacked by the deep state in 2001.
They used 9-11.
as their pretext. So getting back to you, sir, I wanted to keep Barnes on, he's a big fan of yours.
He's gone now. I want to give you some time to recap and lay out how big this is, where you
think it's going. And then I want to get your take on Communist China, the most authoritarian
I think that's hands down.
That's not debated.
Really flexing its muscles over American companies now and the backdrop of big tech moving to China, Google and Apple moving their codes there, their operations there, their code keys there for Apple, and then China telling everybody from video game makers to Tiffany's Jewelry to the NBA how high to jump when they snap their fingers.
It's just Really a crossroads right now of what's our values?
What are we going to choose?
So so please from your particular expertise break that down for us your view My view is pretty simple.
I think it's pretty much like you Alex I you know these people think they can because they they give People all kinds of money and bribes and so on that they can get them to do whatever they want So in other words he who's he who has the money And that's basically the view they are, and that's basically a communist view.
That's fundamentally what communism was all about, you know?
It was a matter of, how can we control everybody?
And they're doing it, they're trying to do it with money, instead of having war, like in the old days, in the 1900s, you know, with World War I and II and so on, it was a matter of using military power to control the world.
Here they're trying to use it, the money, to control the world.
I don't see any difference between that and what the older dictatorships were doing, trying to take control of other countries, directly or indirectly, by force or by not.
You're absolutely right.
Look at Silicon Valley.
We shouldn't buy into this.
I mean, this is something, if you don't stand up, I mean, Trump is the only one who's stood up to these people.
I mean, everybody else has just bought into it.
Oh, let's just go along to get along.
Sooner or later, we hope they'll come our way and turn around to do the right thing.
And with communist governments, the first thing you should know is that's not going to happen.
You are credited with helping bring down the Soviet Union, breaking all their codes, and basically being able to listen to everything they were doing.
I know most of that's still classified highly.
But how would you take on China literally buying up Hollywood, buying up Reddit, banning McDonald's?
In our business, everywhere, I know for a fact they've been financing and promoting silencing patriots with Silicon Valley.
As I said earlier, Xi Jinping praised to the Wall Street Journal and others when I and others got banned last year.
That's just a total abandonment of American values.
Yes, it is.
It's like negating the entire Constitution.
Fundamentally, you have the right to free speech and no one should have the right to stop you from doing that.
And that also gets into journalism and the First Amendment for supportive journalists and investigative journalism.
Although, I would say our mainstream media is failing miserably at that these days.
So, you know, it's a matter of them also co-opting being co-opted in too.
There's so many subjects.
I've got hundreds of questions for you.
We've got some breaking news I'll get to in a moment that ties into this.
What else is on your radar?
What else do you want to impart to this audience?
I think you keep going back to it.
It's only Trump taking these people on, and I don't think the average person realizes how once in a lifetime this is, how rare this is.
Yeah, I don't think people understand it either.
One of the things we're focusing on now is how can we make our elections reliable and valid?
In other words, how can we detect People who are not eligible to vote when they register at the polling stations.
And we have a way of doing that and that's already Kirk and I, Weeby and I, have designed that already.
And we're looking to try to implement that in the states.
And we have a few governors and attorney generals who are interested.
And we hope to be able to do that before the 2020 election.
That's exciting!
Dr. Benny, tell us more about that.
Well, it's a matter of how do you validate your voter rolls.
For example, the Judicial Watch has found, the recent evidence they've found, is that there's three and a half million more people registered to vote than are eligible to vote in the country.
So that means there's three and a half million people who aren't citizens voting.
Either that or they're dead citizens or things of that nature.
So, it's a matter of how do you validate that?
Well, there's certain information pools that will allow you to do that fairly quickly.
One is the social security database of people who are still living, what their ages are, what their eligibility is.
Anybody with a social security number is basically a citizen, and they've got a birth certificate and so on.
So, all of that plays into it.
You could use that data to help do it.
You can also use the phone records, the phone books and all that, people who are living in certain areas, locations and names and so on.
And you can use the Census Bureau data, things of that nature, to also do that.
So there's a myriad set of data you could use.
Even, you know, Department of Motor Vehicle Registration, that kind of thing helps and gives you information about people who live in the state.
So all those things put together, when you mash them all into one, you have a very simple way of validating whether or not somebody is eligible to vote before they vote.
You can do this in real time.
I'm saying maybe two to three seconds after they punch their name in at the polling station, you should have an answer as to whether or not they're eligible or not.
Well, we know as Judicial Watch goes around the country, from Maryland to California, they're finding 1.5 million, 1,900,000, depending on the state, 1.5 million in California, of people that weren't eligible on the rolls or who were dead, but that people were voting in the names of dead people.
So this is going on.
Yeah, and that was just in the L.A.
The one point whatever million.
That was just a sample, that's right, yeah.
So, I mean, we have designed a way to be able to see through all of that, go through, correct the rolls before the voting occurs, and then also be able to catch people and validate them as they register at the polling places.
I want to come back from break in our final segment, How Time Flies, with William Benning, and I want to get into this breaking news.
Very, very serious developments here where a whistleblower, supposed whistleblower, I mean a leaker has been indicted.
And so we'll talk about that.
Is it really a whistleblower?
Is it really a leaker?
We'll look at that when we come back.
That is breaking right now.
Major new leak indictment unsealed in federal court in Alexandria.
DIA employee Henry Fress charged with leaking multiple highly classified reports to the media.
From court, Doc.
We'll cover that when we come back.
And then I want to ask William Benny about the mindset of the Clappers and the Brennans that tell Congress that there's never been any spying on citizens and tell these bald-faced lies like saying the Atlantic Ocean isn't wet.
And what he predicts they'll do as they get more and more cornered, and is it almost a dereliction of duty if they all don't get indicted?
I mean, and we just leave these crooks in place.
William Benny's our guest.
Exposedfacts.org, agoodamerican.org, and pgnowledge.eu.
Those aren't his sites, but has a lot of his important research there.
Welcome back.
William Benning, former technical director of the National Security Agency, is here.
Probably one of the biggest whistleblowers in history.
I mean, he headed it up.
He exposed to the government what was happening.
Or at least his to the world.
You'd call it leaking.
But I still think Snowden is a hero.
You could talk about Assange.
You know, how does Trump say, whoever's got it?
It's illegal emails to release Hillary's emails.
That was an endorsement of all of what WikiLeaks did, but I think Julian Assange really should be released.
I think he's been persecuted.
I know Trump thinks they're going to try to then say that he's a traitor if he doesn't, but I think that's one of the big areas that Trump has failed.
I want to get William Benning's take on that briefly as well, but we have this breaking Major new leak indictment unsealed in federal court in Alexandria.
DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency employee, Henry Fresh, charged with leaking multiple highly classified reports to the media.
We have the indictment.
I haven't had time to read the whole thing yet.
I scanned over it.
How do you quantify if somebody's a whistleblower?
If they try to go through the regular challenge sources and aren't, and then leak to the press?
And, you know, we know that there's been selective leaks.
Try to misrepresent what Trump's doing to bring him down.
We see Brennan and Clapper telling people to leak to the press.
Isn't that encouraging people to commit a crime?
At least under Obama's standards, William Benny?
Actually, if you go by the regulations, if what they're leaking or talking about and exposing as a whistleblower Is something criminal, evidence of a crime, or fraud, waste, abuse, things of that nature?
That's all covered under Executive Order 13526, Section 1.7, that governs classification for the entire United States government.
And it says you cannot classify any information, and you must declassify anything that's evidence of a crime, corruption, fraud, waste, abuse, and several other things.
So, for example, the material that we were complaining about to the Inspector Generals and the Intelligence Committees were basically evidence of corruption and fraud and waste inside NSA and constitutional violations, scrapping the Constitution basically, and also violations of any number of laws that already existed.
And again, I would point out, that's why the Bush administration had to lobby in 2008 to get the telecommunications companies retroactive immunity for all the crimes they were committing.
And they knew that.
But anybody exposing those kinds of activities, crime and so on, like Chelsea Manning, for example, although you could say that Chelsea Manning basically exposed a little more than the criminal activity, Uh, you could also say I think that that was also true for Edward Snowden.
He did a little more than the criminal activity, but by and large, he did a lot of the criminal activity and that should not be held against him.
What about Julian Assange?
Julian Assange is a reporter, so if they're going to hold him accountable for anything, they also have to do that for the Guardian.
Washington Post, New York Times, all of them have done the kinds of things that Julian Assange has done and they've gotten classified information.
And so that's what's so dangerous when the press now piles on Assange from him being a hero five years ago, six years ago, to now being this demon and they're all trying to destroy their own protections.
That's insane.
Well, it's not just that.
They're trying to get rid of their competition.
They viewed him as competition because he was telling the truth and they weren't.
So wouldn't you say that that's one big strike against Trump and that he needs to do something for Julian Assange?
Yeah, he really does need to straighten that out, yeah.
I mean it's, you know, he's good at facing things and calling things what they are.
And this, he needs to address this one too.
Let's talk about the mindset of the clappers and the Brennans getting up in front of Congress and saying nobody's ever spied on the American people, telling these huge lies arrogantly.
Phil Mudd, former deputy head of the CIA, threatening to kill the president, threatening to stab Giuliani in the back.
What are they doing that for?
Because they feel they have the power to make it happen.
That's because nobody's addressed this power in the background, all this data they have and all the things they're doing.
And all the threats they're making, how they've intimidated most of the people working for government, you know, in all these agencies.
Most of them are intimidated, but some of them aren't.
Those are the ones who turn out to be whistleblowers, and they're the ones that, thank God, help us understand what's really going on.
So, you know, I just see this as they're basically Absolutely.
of power. They think they've got it and they've got control of everybody, even
the president. And they can control what he does and what he can't do. Because
after all, if they don't tell him something, he doesn't know it. Okay? You
know what I mean? Absolutely. The rumor blowers, as you call them, that the
transcripts and all the evidence shows are lying. What do you call it when you
use national security membranes to leak lies?
They're trying to change the government and how it operates, which is sedition.
everything secret so people can't readily come out and disprove it. I mean
is that treason like the president's saying? I call it yeah I call it sedition
and treason right they're trying to trying to change the government and how
it operates which is sedition and it's a big basically scrapping all the founding
principles of the country which is treason yeah I agree He's calling it what it is, and that's what I like about him.
He does that.
It's amazing that we're at this point where we have a soft civil war going on.
It's getting hot.
The president's talking about a coup attempt.
You agree that's what it is?
They say they're trying to run it.
Absolutely, yeah.
Gut level, you've fought the Soviet Union, all the rest of it, been a whistleblower for 20 years.
What would you call the climate we're in today?
Some call it a civil war, others call it a power struggle.
What would you call this current time we're in?
And gut level, where do you think things are going?
Well, I think they're going to a showdown here very soon.
And I think that showdown's going to scare a lot of people who've been involved in this.
And a lot of them, I believe, or a good many of them should and probably will go to jail.
And I'm hoping that that is in fact what happens, and I'm going to try to do everything I possibly can to ensure that what is done is the right thing to do.
We're living in such historic times and I know there's times in history when you have a confluence of things and they call those sea changes or global realignments.
What is this right now?
Because it seems like things just accelerate and accelerate and that technology's acceleration is what's propelling that to a great extent.
Yes, actually the technology is enabling virtually all of it.
That's one of the problems.
Also one of the advantages, because technology can be used to help resolve all of it and catch all of those who are involved in it at the same time.
So, I mean, it's a benefit.
It also can be used... It's like every advancement in civilization has basically been a double-edged sword.
You know, you have a... If you use it in the right way, that's one side of the blade, and the other side is the evil side.
I keep, like, when I give talks like at the Cambridge College of Mathematics or the College of Computer Science or in any university over here in the States or anywhere else in Europe, I keep saying that we who are designing and solving these problems need to realize and plan for evil at the top.
So, in other words, build in things that aren't documented, that are there sitting and waiting For any kind of manager like Bush or Cheney or Hayden or Tennant to come along and use anything in an evil way or an unconstitutional or criminal way.
And that way we could detect that with this built-in software that's undocumented and so on and nobody knows about.
And then all of a sudden blast everything they're doing all over everywhere in the world.
And I know you can't give out classified things, but you could talk about new things that could be built.
And the word is there was those systems to track who was on the NSA network to make sure it wouldn't be abused.
But when 9-11 happened, they removed that, which opens us up to infinity.
Talk about treason.
So that they can now use it and spy on people with impunity.
That's correct.
And that was a part of the ThinThread program.
It was monitoring.
Who came into the network, where they went, what they did, how long they stayed, everything.
What's amazing about this is if you were the captain of say a cruise liner with 3,000 people
on board, you'd feel a responsibility to not abuse that.
Or when you headed up the NSA, a responsibility to not do that.
And I've interviewed people that were involved in Congress.
They said, you know, when you were running things, none of this was going on.
And then as soon as they get control, they immediately just ram the ship onto the beach,
wrecking everything, thinking that they just have a right to do it because they were in
that position of power when clearly they're breaking the law.
And then now, 20 years later, they think they can remove a president.
This isn't 1974.
They're not getting away with it.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live broadcasting worldwide.
William Benny, former head of the NSA, is our guest.
I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, but we only have these crazy difficulties when guests like him are on.
That's never happened.
A wire didn't might go out, but it did.
Nevertheless, probably just a coincidence.
But going back to William Benny, Just to finish up, sir, I really appreciate your time, your energy, your great work on the Snowden film that reached so many, obviously with Oliver Stone and plus the documentaries that are out there.
I just wanted to thank you for what you've done and give you a chance just in closing to make any other key points you'd like to.
Well, I mean, I think that they need to get, first of all, I would say we need to get rid of the FISA court because that's an impediment to actually succeeding at things and making things Uh, real and, uh, and, you know, constitutional and everything, because that's a hidden court that hides everything that they're doing.
And that's a, that's a major failure in terms of, and being able to do anything significant and, and lawful.
Because you can look and see what's, what's been happening with that court.
That court is just an absolute fake.
And, and it's been, it's been abused and abused over and over again, down through the years, and they know it and they do nothing about it.
So it says to me, very simply put, they don't want to fix the problem.
They just want to keep the problem going and keep all the money flowing so that everybody's happy.
All of those people who are getting all this money are happy.
And I call that the happiness management program.
You know, that's where that's where only certain people get rich and we all pay for it in the end.
So I just think we need to we need to clean house here.
I've said this before, and you know, it's the basic, the idea is that we need to, we need to ensure that the law is followed, which is not being done now.
And certainly the Department of, what I call the Department of Just Us, needs to be corrected and resolved.
And a lot of people need to go to jail for this.
And so I'm just sorry that that's the crimes they've been committing.
They need to be held accountable for them.
That's all.
I just think we need to keep going in this direction and make sure it happens.
And if Barr does that, thank God for him, and hopefully then we'll get a Department of Justice back.
Well, seeing all of the tectonic freaking out going on by the establishment bipartisanly, you can show real changes here.
And Trump really is trying to do what he thinks is best.
It doesn't mean he's perfect.
They're going to try to set him up with this Turkey situation and just all of it.
But we have to understand he's not perfect.
Going into this election, Hillary still intends to run.
And it's just going to be one hell of a time.
Maximum effort to save the country and still live in somewhat of a free nation.
Thank you, William Benny, for all of your time and Godspeed.
Well, thanks for having me, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
Well, that's a real American hero we've got right there.
We're going to go to break, and we're going to come back with Mike Adams, who's got so much to cover, two huge breaking stories.
So many times, Mike just is absolutely breaking bombshells, I think probably more than anybody I know.
And the research he puts out years later, you know, turns out to be verified by many, many others.
I know he had a bunch of stuff already planned.
He tells me there's even more breaking news coming up.
But when we come back, we're going to air a few minutes from the report from a year ago that Media Matters put out.
Like they tattled on me that I'd done something wrong when Xi Jinping was bragging that I'd been taken off the air.
And he was very proud of that.
The Chinese dictator.
Real clear politics.
Alex Jones and Donald Trump.
You need to blow the whistle on Chinese communist infiltration of Silicon Valley and the Democratic Party.
And boy, they're not laughing now, are they?
So that's our job, is to take the hard topics that the establishment doesn't want us to discuss and to force those out there separately.
Didn't plug last hour because I was just too enamored with the great information we were breaking.
We have a new special, and it's the Everything Must Go 40-70% Off Storewide Free Shipping Double Patriot Points.
There's only a few things on there that aren't 40% or more.
That's like the hyaluronic acid, high-quality silver sol, skin creams.
We sold out all the three-ounce tubes.
The one-ounce tubes are available.
But I mean, I can't sell stuff at cost.
That was a mistake.
We even did that.
But this is how we fund ourselves.
Great products.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Those of you that have been buying the products, I want to encourage those on the fence, hey, we've proven we're right, folks.
And we need your support now more than ever.
The critical months of the election are coming up, and this is just such a historic time.
So thank you all.
Whatever you do, spread the word, though, about the live show.
That's how we reach new people.
Mike Adams is coming up!
So again, I'm gonna explain something.
You know about it when I'm getting banned, or shadow banned, because I'll make a big deal about it.
Matt Gaetz was shadow banned, and we told him two weeks before.
Roger Stone told him.
On the phone, and in text messages, we've run you through their system.
We have sites that look at this, we send him links.
You're already 90% banned on Twitter.
Gaetz went up during the committee hearing and said, you're a private company, you can do whatever you want, not even getting it.
So the next day, they shadow banned him 99%.
They go, this guy's an idiot.
We all just lied to him and said we don't censor any conservatives.
He said, that's fine, just don't talk about killing congressmen.
And then the next day they banned him down to nothing.
Then he said he felt victimized.
And I'm not trying to put Matt Gaetz down.
Just, come on man, get it together, figure out what's going on.
Mainstream corporate media is fake news.
They're the enemy of the American people like the President said.
And now, they're coming after everybody.
Now, If you want to get into the real reason all this is happening, I know it's demoralizing.
I don't want to demoralize people, but facts are facts, like having cancer.
It's operable.
We can fix it, Mr. President.
You know the Office of Personnel Management was done by insiders.
That's even come out in intelligence reports.
They try to keep it quiet because it's such treason.
It's unbelievable.
We know China owns the majority of our debt after the private Federal Reserve.
We know they now own Hollywood.
You've helped block some of them buying up American Bandstand, a few final things they didn't own.
We know that they're teaching Maoism in the colleges, and all 50 major state-funded colleges have major Chai Com infiltration.
Some of them are run by the Chai Coms.
Even the Washington Post had to admit.
We know that the People's Army of China has been caught running Dianne Feinstein's operation.
We know their penetration is hundreds of times that of the Russians.
We know they're involved in election meddling and were so arrogant they went to Davos a year and a half ago and said they would stop your agenda, along with Juncker.
Mr. President, America knows you're real.
They know the Democrats are the anti-American globalists allied with the chi-coms, radical Islam, the unelected EU, and others.
If you come out before the midterms and make the censorship the big issue and them trying to steal the election, and if you make the fact that we need an Internet Bill of Rights and antitrust busting on these companies, if they don't back off right now.
And if you don't come out and point out that the Communist Chinese have penetrated and infiltrated and are way, way worse than the Russians, because it's true, and the Democrats are scared of that coming out, and you've got the Feinstein info coming out, and more is about to come out, just as I've told everybody, then they will be able to steal the midterms and start the impeachment.
It's the right thing to do, Mr. President.
It's the truth.
And it's crazy to believe it, it's crazy to understand it.
I know you've been told this.
From our technology, to the South China Sea, to everything, to them having 98% of rare earth minerals, they didn't do that by themselves, they were given that.
David Rockefeller said he was going to move everything to China.
They said they were going to do all this.
And now you've stepped in, the country's coming back from the dead, they're desperate to stop it, and they're trying to stop you and every American from having their speech by defaming me, lying about what I've done, Soros financing fake lawsuits to give it legitimacy, and now deplatforming me ahead of it because the lawsuits are all getting thrown out because they're lies.
90% of what's in these things are total frauds!
And they know we're getting stronger, and they know we're moving forward, and they now have made the wrong move.
I believe they've jumped the shark.
I believe they've won the battle, but they're going to lose the war if you, with your vision, continue to take action and make free speech and this internet antitrust garbage the number one issue and move against them now.
If you don't, they are going to steal the midterms.
They're already doing it with economic contributions of the Democrats, blocking everybody else's speech that supports
America and making it great again and your agenda.
And for the rest of this fourth hour of the broadcast, and thank you for continuing with me.
We've got a lot of breaking news today on the health and science front.
I'll give you a little preview here in this segment then we'll dig deeper in the upcoming segments.
First we've got a story about a new polio outbreak declared in the Philippines and the World Health Organization and UNICEF and the Associated Press all admit that it's caused by the polio vaccine.
That's right, we now have the media admitting what we've been reporting here in the independent media on InfoWars and Natural News and elsewhere, that the polio vaccine causes polio.
In fact, there hasn't been an outbreak of polio, not even a single person has been infected with polio in the Philippines from the wild, that is wild polio virus, since 1993.
Every case of polio in the Philippines, and most other countries by the way, has been caused by the polio vaccine.
And we're going to get into those details here as we continue on the fourth hour.
Again, just giving you a quick preview right now.
Also today, Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $8 billion over its anti-psychotic drug that gives young males breasts.
So this drug gives young males breasts.
This is kind of a transgender hormonal type of effect of this drug, which is a multi-billion dollar drug called Risperdal or Risperdal, depending on how you wish to pronounce it.
And this jury ordered an eight billion dollar payment.
This is huge.
This is one of the biggest settlements ever in the history of big pharma.
We're going to get into those details again later in the show today.
And the reason this is important, because Johnson & Johnson got caught pushing hormone-transgender-inducing drugs onto children.
This is about much more than the corruption of big pharma and the corruption of science and medicine.
This is really about Truly a form of chemical violence that's being carried out against our children all around the world by the drug companies and the vaccine companies, who in many cases are the same exact companies.
This chemical violence is intended to cause brain damage.
It's intended to maim and even kind of lobotomize children in some cases.
It's also intended to cause transgenderism.
And we've talked before here at InfoWars about atrazine.
This is the second most common herbicide that's used in agriculture today.
Atrazine is known as a chemical castrator.
Atrazine, it's in the food supply, it's in the water, it's in your tap water, by the way, in very trace quantities, but it's in there.
We can see it in our lab operations, by the way.
Atrazine turns males into Females.
And now we have yet more proof.
And I want to remind you, by the way, that Alex Jones has been attacked for many years about this.
Mocked, even, for telling the truth about how these drugs cause transgenderism.
They cause hormone disruptions.
They're hormone mimickers in the food supply and in the medication supply.
And when you have an entire country of people losing their minds and even losing their gender
identity, you know, I mean, losing their maleness if they're males and now they're becoming
transgenders, there is a chemically induced cause behind all of this.
And now today we know one of those chemical causes is in fact a prescription drug manufactured
by Johnson and Johnson.
And the jury has handed down the award of $8 billion, confirming that what we've been
telling you is the truth.
And again, we're going to cover that in more detail here on the Alex Jones Show.
Also today, coming up, I told you this is going to be a packed show with medical horrors
Now, I was on the show, I don't know, a week ago.
Alex and I touched on this briefly, but today I'm going to dive into it more deeply.
The genetic sequencing of a common vaccine.
Has found an entire human genome, the entire DNA sequence for a specific male baby is being inserted into the vaccines.
But it's not a normal healthy male baby, it's actually a genetically modified human genome that has been modified to activate up to 560 cancer genes.
So you, if you take these Aborted human fetal cell tissue vaccines, which includes chicken pox, MMR vaccines, and many more.
If you give these to your children or take them yourself, you are being injected with a genetically modified, cancer-infested blueprint of an aborted male baby who is now being used to imprint cancer genetic code into the body of your child.
And this is being done in order to cause more cancer, which is the repeat business model of the pharmaceutical giants, who are some of the most evil corporations on this planet.
So we're going to get into all that and some other topics as well when we return here on the Alex Jones Show, the fourth hour.
Mike Adams sitting in.
We'll be right back after this break with all those details and more.
As I promised, we're going into a deep dive today on some of these health and medicine issues.
It's important for you to support this platform so that we can all be here to bring you this groundbreaking information.
Obviously, you're not getting this anywhere else.
Right now, at the InfoWars store, there is an Everything Must Go emergency sale.
This is really about Really clearing out the current inventory to replenish new inventory.
And it's 40 to 70% off dozens of different products including Survival Shield X3 at 70% off.
A lot of specials all up and down the board.
You gotta check it out.
And I know you've heard this.
A hundred times, but if you don't support this network, then we can't be here to bring you this information.
So your support is greatly appreciated.
That's why I'm here.
That's why the whole crew is here.
And your support, it's, I mean, we thank you.
You know, I thank you.
I'm humbled by the opportunity to be here.
And if you weren't helping this network stay above board and fight off all the attacks, we wouldn't, none of us would be here.
You wouldn't hear this news anywhere, just so you know.
I mean, where else are you going to get this kind of analysis?
So let's jump right into it.
The World Health Organization and UNICEF now admit that the polio outbreak that's been announced in the Philippines about a month ago is caused by, quote, vaccine-derived polio virus type 2.
Now, here is the quote from the Associated Press story, quote, WHO and UNICEF said in a joint statement, the polio outbreak in the Philippines is concerning because it is caused by vaccine-derived polio virus type 2.
That's a quote.
They say, quote, this weakened virus used in vaccines replicates for a short time in children's intestines and is excreted in their feces.
You got that?
So when they say that all these vaccines are weakened viruses, oh, don't worry, they've used ultraviolet light to weaken the virus.
It's not a live virus.
They're lying to your face, okay?
Because it's a live poliovirus, and they just admitted that it replicates in the intestines of children, and then it gets excreted through their feces.
Well, as we've covered here, I'm not going to make this gross sounding, but where does all the feces go?
The feces goes to the city sewage collection center.
From the city sewage collection center, they take the water out, they kind of dry off the feces, and then they take that bio-sludge, which is what it's called at that point, and they dump it on the farms.
And they dump it on the city parks.
And they dump it in forests where it gets drained into the waterways, the rivers, the streams, that then become the water supply for the city.
So polio vaccines become the source for spreading freaking polio.
This is what they're doing.
Polio vaccines are now the number one cause of polio outbreaks all around the world.
Polio vaccines are designed to replicate in the intestines of children and then to have this feces cycle, which is part of the water supply cycle and part of the food cycle.
There are polio viruses now in the food supply, in the water table.
In your tap water in some cases.
This is what it's all designed to do.
And it's just astonishing, think about this, that all of us who have told you the truth about vaccines all these years, we've been banned and deplatformed and defamed, censored, demonetized, you name it, because we dared to talk about vaccines.
Because we told you ten years ago what the Associated Press is telling you today.
Think about that.
The AP admits what Alex Jones told you and what I told you a decade ago, if not more.
Now they admit it, but of course, you're still considered a conspiracy theorist if you believe what the Associated Press just admitted.
Polio vaccines cause polio.
But it's actually worse than that.
Polio vaccines are causing super mutant strains of polio.
Now this is a story from Children's Health Defense.
Which is, of course, a non-profit run by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Polio vaccinations still causing polio after all these years.
And in this story, what they explain is how this creates super viruses or what you would call super bug viral strains of polio that otherwise would not exist.
Because they're giving this polio vaccine in many cases orally.
It's an oral vaccine in many cases.
They're giving it to so many children all around the developing nations, third world countries, and in some first world countries.
And what happens is, in the same way that if you prescribe too many antibiotics to a population, you know how you get the rise of superbugs?
You get antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, right?
You know about that.
The entire medical industry knows about that.
Well, if you keep putting these polio vaccines into children all over the world, what happens?
You give rise to these replicating super bug polio strains that are replicating in the intestines of the children admitted by the World Health Organization and UNICEF.
Imagine that.
And then those strains go on to infect the entire environment.
And then when there's an outbreak, even this Associated Press story that I just mentioned, look at the headline of the AP story.
Well, actually, I linked to it in my story.
The AP story says that It doesn't say that it's caused by the vaccine.
It just says, oh, there's an outbreak in the Philippines.
And they're trying to cause mass hysteria where people say, oh my God, there's been a polio outbreak.
We should go out and get vaccinated again.
So they're using the hysteria of the outbreaks that are caused by the vaccine to push for more vaccination that causes more outbreaks and has more polio pollution in the water supply, in the food supply, in the soils, in the streams.
Because this is their cycle of mass hysteria, quack science, and vaccine violence against children and adults all around the world.
It is a scam.
It is junk science.
It's just as dishonest as this effort to try to impeach President Trump.
It's all fiction.
They made it all up.
When they say that polio vaccines have eradicated polio, They're full of bunk.
In truth, polio vaccines are keeping the polio pandemics alive so they can keep pushing the vaccines.
The vaccine industry is now the number one cause of outbreaks all across our world.
And that is the simple truth that you won't see anywhere else.
Now, we're going to get to vaccines in more detail here, talking about the human genome that has been found in vaccines.
Now, just so you understand, Genetic sequencing technology uses PCR and other technologies to look at, to map out the entire genetic code of cells that are found in these vaccines.
And when they do this, as has been done recently by this lab in Italy, and this was also covered by Children's Health Defense, they found an entire human baby's gene sequence, okay?
It's the gene sequence for a specific individual male.
This was a baby that was aborted in the 1960s.
This baby was going to be born to a psychiatric patient mother.
But of course, they murdered the baby before it was born, and just like they do today with Planned Parenthood, they harvested the organs of that child, and they took those organs, and they took that tissue, and they have been cloning it ever since, growing vats.
...of aborted human fetal tissue, which they inoculate with diseases like measles and mumps and rubella, so they have these festering vats of cloned baby tissue.
This is how they make vaccines.
They take these vats and they stir them up, and they're these putrid, festering disease vats, and then they filter that and they put it into vaccines, they inject it into your children, and they call you crazy if you're not willing to do it.
They are infecting every child with cancer and in other insane diseases that are imprinted into this genetic code.
This is genetic warfare on humanity, and it's happening right now, and this is the only place you're going to hear about this with such force and truth.
Stay with us, we'll be back for more.
You know, sometimes...
I assume that people know vaccines are made out of aborted human fetal tissue, even though it's an admitted fact by the CDC and it's openly admitted by the vaccine makers themselves.
I've asked this question to a lot of intelligent people who aren't aware of, you know, truthful information.
Architects, you know, doctors, attorneys and so on, none of them are aware of this.
They even scoff at the idea that vaccines are made with aborted human fetal tissue.
So, I'm going to let you discover this for yourself and show you the proof.
The CDC openly admits that vaccines are made with boarded human fetal tissue
The two strains are called MRC-5 and WI-38.
Or WI-38. Now, if you'll go to DuckDuckGo.com and if you'll search site colon CDC.gov, that limits your
search to the CDC website.
And after that, after a space, type in MRC-5.
And hit enter on your search.
You will find this document called Vaccine Excipient Summary.
And in this document, the CDC lists the ingredients, or at least the excipients, in the vaccines.
And it discloses that many of them contain MRC-5 cells, including DNA and protein.
And that's actually, of course, human DNA.
And if you look up the history of MRC5, you'll see that that's the case.
It came from an aborted fetal... an aborted human baby in the 1960s, and then they took the fetal tissue and have used it to clone vaccines ever since.
These are in MMRV, which is ProQuad recombinant albumin.
It's in...
What is this?
Varicella, a varivax vaccine, which is chicken pox.
It's in a hepatitis vaccine as well.
So there it is admitted.
Now, just in case you think the CDC is lying to you, I mean, my God, why would the CDC admit there's aborted human fetal cells used in vaccines?
Well, we can go to GlaxoSmithKline's own website.
GlaxoSmithKline has product insert sheets and descriptions for some of their vaccines, one of which is called Priorix Tetra.
And that vaccine insert sheet, I'll read you a quote, it says, each virus strain, this is on the first page, each virus strain is separately produced in either chick embryo cells, mumps and measles, or MRC5 human diploid cells, rubella and varicella.
You got it?
Human diploid cells.
Now when they say the word human, they mean human.
They mean this is a human baby's clone cells that they're using to make their Priorix Tetra vaccine, which is an MMRV vaccine.
Measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella.
That's admitted by GlaxoSmithKline.
And on the second page, by the way, another quote, the product also contains residual components of MRC5 cells, including DNA and protein and trace quantities of neomycin and bovine cells from MRC5 culture media.
Now, if you didn't know what MRC5 was, even though they admit on page one it's human cells, if you didn't know what MRC5 was, you might Maybe you could say, okay, you're not aware that there's human fetal tissue cells in vaccines.
But if you just look at the history of MRC5, you know where they got it and how they've been cloning it year after year after year.
It is human cells that are in the vaccines.
And, you know, they use all these code words, you know, like In the grocery store, when they want to put MSG in your food, but they don't want to label it MSG, what do they use instead?
Yeast extract.
So anytime you look at a food label and it says yeast extract, it actually contains MSG.
But they have code words, and the vaccine industry does the same thing.
MRC-5 is a code word for aborted human fetal cells grown in giant festering vats.
You know, clone human babies, okay, with diseases inoculated into them and then injected into your children.
Alright, so I just wanted to prove to you, or even allow you to prove to yourself, that that's exactly what's going on.
So that we can get into more in-depth analysis of what's happening with the genetically modified baby genes, human genes, that are now being injected into your children.
Here we go.
I kind of hinted at this in the last segment, but here's the true, full story on this.
It's an entire male human genome that has been genetically altered to become abnormal to activate as many as 560 cancer genes.
And then this is what's injected into your children.
Now, why would they inject a genetically modified cancer blueprint from aborted human cells into your children?
Why would they want to do that?
The answer should be obvious.
It's a multi-part answer.
Number one, the vaccine manufacturers are the same companies that make money off of cancer treatments.
And what happens is, the cancer doesn't kick in right away, but as you get older, when you get attacked and assaulted by all these other immune system insults, then the cancer begins to fester.
Because when your body becomes weakened, or your immune system becomes weakened, the cancer then can take over And start growing cancer tumors.
And this could happen in your 30s, your 40s, your 50s, or beyond.
It's going to happen sometime for most people because you've been injected with the blueprint for cancer.
The reason they do this is because they know the non-weakened viral strains.
Some of them that are put into vaccines are the kinds of viruses that of course penetrate your cells.
This is how viruses work.
And they reprogram the DNA of your cells.
They reprogram the DNA of your own cells to produce cancer tumors.
So viruses are put into the vaccines as Trojan horses to go into your cells, reprogram your cells to make cancer tumors.
And this is why vaccines are being mandated everywhere around the world because the drug companies, they want cancer profits.
It's a repeat business revenue model.
That's what it is.
But there's another angle too.
It's depopulation.
It's the globalists saying they don't need humans any longer because they've got the rise of the robots, they've got the AI systems taking over.
They are going to replace 70% of the workforce with automated systems, robotics and AI.
They don't need 70% of the humans.
This is how they're going to get rid of humans while extracting every last dime they've ever earned by charging them for cancer drugs, taking all their life savings for their last-ditch experimental emergency medical treatments, which don't work by the way.
They have pre-programmed every child in California and across America through vaccines To not only transfer profits to the cancer industry, but then to die on command.
To die because that's what the globalists have planned for humanity.
You understand that these vaccines are not about protecting your health.
They are about killing you.
They are about murdering children as they age.
It's about activating cancer genes in your body.
This is what it's all about.
And there's also, by the way, there's transference of these genes to reproductive organs, such as sperm cells, for example.
There's transference that modern scientists don't even understand.
They say it's impossible.
They say, oh, if you inject a child with this DNA, it can't go into the sperm later on in life when they're making new sperm if it's a male.
Yes, yes.
Males make sperm, in case you need a refresher on your transgenderism right there.
But, you know, the LGBT denialism is like, what?
There's no such thing as biology.
Actually, there is.
There is DNA.
There are chromosomes, by the way.
Quick reminder.
But, remember the people, the scientists who said they're going to release the mosquitoes in Brazil, and they're going to kill off all the mosquitoes by making sure that these suicide traits never get passed on from generation to generation?
Guess what?
They were wrong.
And they have created accidentally an entire new species of super mosquitoes that now have genes from three different countries.
They're super mosquitoes that have managed to replicate and create offspring in which these genes have been found.
The genes that are supposed to kill them have been transferred through reproduction.
And this is baffling all the scientists of the world today.
They can't understand how this is happening.
Guess what?
It's happening in humans too.
So when they inject you, With these cancer genes that have been engineered into the human cells, they know that some percentage of those genes is going to go into the sperm cells, going to create offspring that are pre-engineered to have cancer and die.
And that's exactly their plan for you.
That's the plan that globalists have for humanity.
They want you to die.
We want you to live.
Stay tuned.
We'll give you more information about how to actually do that through nutrition and having good common sense.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
All right, we're back for a final segment here on the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams filling in for this segment.
Thank you for joining me.
I feel fired up.
I don't know about you.
I feel that the spirit of humanity is rising.
And I feel that the truth is beginning to win, even under all this oppression and censorship and all this bullying.
And the bullying comes from the left.
The bullying comes from the communists.
And there's no greater bully or, you know, worse bully in the world today than China.
And that's the topic of this segment.
Communist China is the bully of the world.
And I know some of this firsthand.
You may recall I lived in Taiwan for a couple of years.
Taiwan is the, sort of, I call it the Texas of Asia.
Taiwan's the free democracy.
And China is the communist regime.
of tyranny and authoritarianism.
And, you know, I've been to Hong Kong and I've toured throughout Southeast Asia when I was on a speaking
engagement before for actually a network security, computer security. I spoke throughout
Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, places like that.
And so I've been to China and I speak a fair amount of Mandarin Chinese and I've lived in Taiwan.
And so I hear things directly from the Taiwan media and the Chinese media in China in some cases.
I hear things that my business associates, family members and friends tell me that are only in Chinese.
Like, you can't find some of this news in English.
It's only in Chinese.
And what's happened is, China has taken over the Taiwan press.
China has been buying its way into Taiwan in much the same way that China has been buying its way into American culture.
The Senate.
I mean, Dianne Feinstein is practically working for the Communist Chinese.
She's a commie spy as far as I'm concerned.
If we should see the transcripts of anyone's phone calls in Washington, it should be Senator Feinstein's office and all of her phone calls to Beijing.
To turn in whistleblowers from China, who then get captured in China by the Chinese police and sent off to organ harvesting camps, which are located right next to the NBA player training facilities, by the way.
So, as they're shooting hoops, people are getting their kidneys ripped out in communist China because that's what communist countries do.
But there's a lot more that you need to know about this situation.
Paul Joseph Watson tweeted out this morning, Alex covered it earlier, it's time for Americans to denounce every corporation that caves in or refuses to denounce China.
I couldn't agree more.
These corporations trash American values, then openly embrace and cower to China's dictatorship for profit.
It's clear who their leader is, it's not Trump, it's Xi.
That's right, Xi, who's the lifetime emperor of China.
You know, I've thought for a long time that these American corporations think about how much they hate America, they hate Trump, they hate the Constitution, they hate patriots, and then at the same time, they worship communist China?
They are, in fact, implicitly approving of the organ harvesting of Falun Gong members?
I mean, people who are just trying to meditate in a city park, they get arrested, they get thrown into a gulag, they get euthanized, and they have their organs harvested.
Because there's a big black market organ trade.
And China says, if you talk about this, you're a bad person, or you're a bad corporation.
Hey, Apple, they say, if you want to sell iPhones in China, you have to bow down and lick the boots of Xi.
Yeah, well, I don't know if Tim Cook is willing to do that.
Maybe he is.
Seems like it so far.
Seems like all these corporations are willing to appease the communists in China.
But I'm not.
I'm not at all.
In fact, I say it's time, it's time for all of us to boycott every American corporation That advocates Communist China.
Every corporation that refuses to denounce Communist China, we should denounce that corporation.
We should boycott those corporations.
Whether it's Nike or Apple or Google, you know, tech giants or beyond.
We should stop giving those corporations our money and our business if they are promoting this holocaust against humanity that's taking place in China.
The human rights abuses alone Are so egregious and so horrific that we must raise our voices against that tyranny and that regime.
And at the same time, we have to understand the genius of President Trump.
In waging this trade war with China, Trump knows something that most Americans don't yet realize.
Trump knows that if you weaken China's economy, that you can spur a political revolution.
And that's what Trump is actually doing.
A lot of people don't know this, but China is already on the verge of falling, or at least it's communist dictatorship falling.
The people of China, some of them are, they're not too thrilled about living under this police state Orwellian social credit score, big tech surveillance system.
Many of them want more freedom.
They don't have economic freedom.
They don't have freedom of speech.
They don't have political freedom.
The only thing that has prevented literally tens of millions of Chinese citizens from marching in the streets is because their economy has been good for a long time.
And their economy has been good because they've had an unfair trade advantage.
They've been taking advantage of the United States as previous presidents like Obama and Bill Clinton, for example, allowed China to do.
Bill Clinton practically gave away America, America's economy, to China.
China was ready to latch onto that and take advantage of that situation.
Trump is telling them, no.
The era of you stealing our money and our intellectual property and devaluing your currency to cause trade imbalances, that era is over.
You're not going to be able to do that anymore under President Trump.
By doing this, guess what's happening?
The factories are shutting down in communist China.
The manufacturing is fleeing that country like never before.
And I hear this from my contacts in Taiwan, that Taiwan is seeing increased business as the manufacturers flee communist China and are going to Taiwan, who used to make all the goods back in the 70s and 80s, and part of the 90s by the way, but then they shipped all their factories to China.
China told the Taiwan companies, OK, you can have your factories here.
We just have to own 51% of your factories.
And so Taiwan businessmen went there and did that.
And they all got screwed.
The Chinese government just confiscated all their companies, just stole them.
Well, now guess what?
Taiwan is experiencing a resurgence in manufacturing as the companies are leaving China.
Why does this matter to you?
Because if we defeat China, if Trump defeats China, America has a chance to beat this globalist tyranny, this globalist scheme to try to crush the United States of America.
We have to defeat China, and the best way to do that is economically, and that's exactly what President Trump is doing.
President Trump knows exactly what's going on.
He's hitting them at their Achilles heel.
If China cannot keep the money flowing to their people and their factories, they will face a political uprising that will make Tiananmen Square look like a walk in the park.
That's what's coming.
China will fall if we can keep this pressure on.
China will fall.
China will also fall for environmental reasons, by the way.
They contaminate everything.
There are babies being born in China as mutants now, with so much heavy metals pollution.
water contamination, pollution of the air.
It's beyond anything that you've ever seen.
And of course, Ocasio-Cortez and all these climate change lunatics in America, they don't
have any problem with China having most of the pollution in the world and all the microplastics
pollution going into the oceans and pushing coal pollution and factory pollution, heavy
metals into the atmosphere that rain down on the United States.
You never hear any complaint about China's pollution, do you?
Because of course, it's never about environmentalism.
It's about punishing America.
And AOC, and Nancy Pelosi, and Adam Schiff, and Senator Feinstein, they're all working for the same people, the same philosophy of communist China.
They're all working to destroy this country.
We have to defeat Communist China if America is to survive.
And Trump is doing exactly that.
And I ask you now for your support in this.
I want you to boycott the NBA unless they come out and denounce China and the organ harvesting and the rape and torture in the Chinese prison gulags.
I want you to boycott every corporation in America that is complicit with this abuse in China.
Corporations want to do business in China?
Well, guess what?
They're not going to get our business.
That should be our attitude.
We should support the Hong Kong protesters.
We should support the calls for freedom.
Those are our brothers and sisters there in Hong Kong.
And again, I've been there.
You know, I've shared Sze Chao dinners and, you know, what they call dim sum dinners in Hong Kong with these people.
They're wonderful people.
They love their freedom.
They had economic freedom until China took over, and now they're losing all remaining rights.
We should support the people of Hong Kong.
We should denounce China, and we should denounce every corporation that is in bed with China.
So start making choices, folks.
Start making decisions about which platforms you're going to go to.
Band.video instead of YouTube.
You know, start getting your news from independent media.
Well, you already do, obviously, if you're watching this.
But make purchasing choices.
Don't purchase from Amazon.com.
Purchase from Infowars store.
Purchase from independent media.
Independent distributors.
Make choices with your dollars and you can help change the world.
Trump is doing his part.
He needs our help.
That's my take on the situation in China.
Thank you for watching.
Mike Adams here, NaturalNews.com and Brighteon.com.
Thanks for watching.
This has been the fourth hour of InfoWars, the Alex Jones Show.
Until next time, take care.
In the next two minutes, I am asking you very respectfully for your attention because these
two products go together like a horse and carriage and they can change your life in
so many ways.
And they also fund the Infowar, which certainly changes all our lives for the better, because if we weren't here fighting back, The globalists probably would have already had things sewn up.
I mean, they legitimately think that InfoWars has been instrumental in spreading rebellion against their globalist operation and the explosion of populism and nationalism because it's true.
Our guests, our listeners, we the people, Have absolutely challenged their corrupt narrative on man-made global warming, on their attacks on the family, their attacks on the Second Amendment.
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Again, Ultimate Bone Broth and Gut Fusion from InfoWarsLive.com.
Gentleman just walked up to me in his picture line.
He says, I have an AR-15 and I will turn this in It means saving the lives of our kids.
People want to do the right thing.
Republicans, Democrats, gun owners, non-gun owners alike.
I think we're naive to think that we can just maintain the status quo.
Beto knows what he's doing.
He's sitting there telling you that, oh, a man just walked up to me.
It's a total lie.
And said, oh, I'm gonna turn in my AR-15 so people don't get hurt.
That's selling the idea.
That if you own a gun, you're responsible for what criminals do with a gun.
That is such a fraud.
It's so anti-American.
Now, you can always tell on Beto's lying.
His lips are moving.
Or his brains thinking.
The man's a total fraud.
His father-in-law's worth $28 billion, a big anti-American globalist, gave a billion dollars to Beto's wife.
The guy wrote papers fantasizing about killing children, running them over with cars.
He got arrested for a hit-and-run.
He got arrested for burglary.
The man isn't allowed to own a gun.
He is a deranged criminal.
But of course, deranged criminals want your guns.
They're now turning their guns and are facing five years in jail in New Zealand, even though the man that shot those people wasn't from New Zealand and got the guns illegally.
The globalists want to have a revolution against America, and they want us disarmed before they do it.
1776 could commence again at any time, because they're losing their information war.
Against us, because we're telling the truth.
And so now, Beto is making his move with others, and he has to be rebuked.
He has to be exposed.
And the way to do it is not be intimidated about your Second Amendment, and let them know that you're fully aware of what they're trying to do.
Beto's campaign says, if you want to prove you're not a bad person, turn your guns in.
Hey, Beto, you turn your guns in.
It's a campaign slogan where he says, turn them in to show you're good.
Lay down your arms!
Hands up!
Come out!
And we'll take you away to the gulag.
They're literally trying to disarm us.
They openly say they want to put conservatives in forced labor camps.
They openly say they want to kill us.
They openly say they want to destroy us because we support Trump or America.
You've got to stand up and say no.
And you've got to fund those that are fighting.
Because we're pro-Second Amendment, we're under massive attack.
Hack attack, lawsuits, you name it.
But you can help us stand against this and spread the word on the street against these bullies with a great shirt like Beto Nye, available at InfoWarsTore.com.
Whether it's supplements or a Betsy Ross flag or a water filter or a book or a film, These are products that are great, that you need, and shopping with us helps us continue to fight for all of our basic freedoms.
Thank you for your support.
Hell yes!
We're gonna take your AR-15, your AK-47... And it is very hard to think about this.
Um... Bill Gates and his father, who ran Planned Parenthood, are right.
We need to dumb down, sterilize, and abort as many people as we can.
We need to put as much fluoride in the water of those that are born to dumb them down as much as possible so they're more easily managed.
You see, I've decided to try to join Bill Gates and try to start thinking like him.
Worldwide, he directed genetically engineered mosquitos to bite us and give us diseases.
But he said it was in the name of helping people.
Just like he funded the projects of these, quote, sterilized male mosquitos that would go out in Brazil and cause the other mosquito populations to implode.
But now they mutated and the numbers exploded!
And suddenly the mosquitos are making people much sicker.
Oh, it wasn't a mistake.
None of it was.
Not malarious?
Of course, transmitted by mosquitoes.
I brought some here.
There's no reason only poor people should have the experience.
Let me tell you, except 5G, 4G, 3G, it's killing us all.
We deserve to die.
And don't go to Infowarsstore.com.
Oh, no.
Don't get high-quality fish oil or turmeric.
It fights inflammation.
Don't get any of the great antioxidants we have.
Don't get ultimate bone broth that's selling out at 50% off.
It's the last week to get it.
We don't support organizations and institutions that are independent and fighting for a pro-human future.
Roll over to Bella Melinda Gates, the rightful rulers of this earth.
Do not go to Infowarsstore.com and support me.
And do not spread the articles and videos.
Just give up and submit.
Give your children over to Billy Boy.
Truth is Satan's good.
Alright, thanks for watching.
And thank you Bill Gates for all you do.
Thanks for those mosquitoes.
Thanks for 5G.
Thanks for the chemtrails.