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Name: 20150317_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 17, 2015
2871 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics on his show including mainstream media cover-ups, government conspiracies, the Rothschild family, the New York Times reporting that the US is providing al-Qaeda with millions of dollars and weapons to fight against ISIS, new bills prohibiting the ATF from banning popular ammunition, and the satanic Illuminati temple in Napa Valley. He also talks about how Infidel Body Armor can protect against rounds including hollow points and .308 sniper rounds, recent thermonuclear saber-rattling between Russia and NATO troops in Ukraine, the New Black Panther Party's provocative display of guns during the South by Southwest event in Austin, and McDonald's attempt at social engineering. The speakers criticize McDonald's practices and advertising, discussing cryptic skull imagery, additives, and deformed children in advertising as references to negative health effects and "DU babies."

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Welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
We're live.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, the site of South by Southwest media feeding frenzy, we come to you from the InfoWars.com news studios.
We have a very important broadcast lined up today.
A lot of really over-the-top information up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
New York Times reports U.S.
giving al-Qaeda money, millions of dollars, and weapons to fight.
That's a big deal because that's mainstream media admitting something we've known for a long time.
New bill would prohibit ATF ban on popular ammunition.
We also have two forced inoculation bills failing in two different states.
Very exciting, positive news.
I was driving home early yesterday at about 4.30 and saw the new Black Panther Party marching.
I knew we had reporters in the area.
And so I sent them over there and they got some shocking footage we're going to play coming up where they were saying, bang, bang, 20 more cops, you know, dead.
Pretty shocking rhetoric.
That's all coming up.
But first, this report on the Rothschilds from John Bowne.
Just an hour north of San Francisco, and an hour and a half east of the dark energy of the Bohemian Grove, lies the peaceful vineyard-laden hamlet of Napa Valley.
The perfect place to build a satanic Illuminati temple, right?
In 1966, charlatan Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan in San Francisco.
His underground book, The Satanic Bible, attracted a new wave of satanic celebrities like Jane Mansfield.
We're good.
One of the greatest wine producers in history, and a closet Satanist, began the construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley, which his daughter, Philippine, completed after he died.
Springmeier continues.
The name of the building is Opus 1, which means, The First Work.
The project began as a joint venture between Robert Mondavi and Baron Rothschild in 1979.
Strangely, the Napa Valley Register, which reports on all building activity, remained extremely quiet about what was being built.
From the air, the construction forms a Masonic square and compass.
According to one of the contractors who participated in building the pyramid, the project cost $35 million.
Its cover, or front, for the temple is that it is a winery.
The wineries in California, when they open traditionally and normally, are open to the public.
The opening ceremonies of Opus One were shrouded in secrecy.
The opening announcement was low-key and only select people and select international media types were invited.
This opening is extremely unusual for a winery in the Napa Valley area.
Private guided tours are very hard to obtain, in contrast to the other wineries in Napa Valley.
The capstone of the pyramid has a rotunda where skylight penetrates and where viewers can get a look of the entire Napa Valley.
Orchids, which are used by the Mothers of Darkness, are grown all over the area.
The pyramid was built with limestone from Texas, perhaps to accentuate the occultic significance of the limestone pyramids of Giza.
Originally, Opus 1 was scheduled to open around the summer solstice, but the date was shifted to Wednesday, October 30th, 1991, which is the day before Halloween.
Since the opening day, the Rothschilds have had events scheduled around satanic high days.
Ceremonial drinking cups with rams and chairs which had the carvings on the front of arms and legs of fully formed demons were found in one of the rooms, with many closed doors leading to very private areas.
Philippine de Rothschild died in Paris at the age of 80 on August 23, 2014.
Ironically, a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Napa Valley the very next day.
It was the largest earthquake on record in that area in 25 years.
Full report up on Infowars.com and there's a lot of other satanic activities that have been proven with the Rothschilds, not just the claims of Fritz Springmeier that were reviewed there.
Those are his claims.
I believe there's a lot of truth to them when you add the other facilities that have been found in London and outside of Paris.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
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Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body,
I think so.
We're good.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We have more thermonuclear saber-rattling today coming out of Russia, as NATO troops in armor build up for intensified fighting directly with Russian spitsnats in eastern Ukraine.
I can't believe I just said that on air.
It's so dangerous.
It's so epic.
It's so insane.
We have got a lot of positive Second Amendment news, a lot of positive news on health freedom.
Yesterday at South by Southwest, I happened to see what I guess is the new Black Panther Party marching down South Congress from the Capitol.
And unlike an open carry march that's pro-Second Amendment, that's meant to forward proper safety-based, constitutional-based
Open carry to promote the Second Amendment and the fact that non-criminals with guns lowers crime rates.
I saw the New Black Panther Party carrying the guns on their chest, waving them around in a very provocative way that I believe violates state law.
I was going to a meeting, so I knew we had reporters already downtown.
And so I was able to get Josh Owens and others over there to basically interview the new Black Panther folks and some of the other organizations that were with them.
And as far as I'm concerned, this is basically the mirror image of the Ku Klux Klan.
Ignorant, stupid, racist, mindless, but on the black side.
And very stupid, very hate-filled.
They were chanting, and there's some cuss words in this, so the full video is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm not going to air the whole eight-minute video here.
As you can see, it's basically unedited.
You know, large sections of what was being said with the chance of bang, bang, oink, oink, you know, 20 more cops and we're done.
Clearly saying kill police officers and we've seen two shot and killed in New York.
We've seen two shot just a few days ago, obviously in Missouri.
And we've seen a lot of police getting shot at.
And there are a lot of bad cops out there.
And there's a lot of globalization, federalization to turn the police into a very dangerous conglomerate.
An oppressive situation like we see in North Korea or Mexico.
And shooting and killing random police will help that degeneration accelerate.
That's why you've got people trying to stir things up and escalate things like George Soros spending 33 plus million dollars to stir up the little white agitator college students, the little political scientist, to go in and get these anti-police chants going and to say things like, deck the halls with dead cops, fa la la la la la la, shoot them, shoot them.
We've played those videos.
Again, I'm not a cop worshipper.
I've criticized the police turning into a totalitarian force, but it's a good thing I'm not a cop, because if somebody was saying, deck the halls with dead cops in front of me, even if I wasn't a cop and I was there and Joe Biggs and Jakari were there, I'd slap them upside the head.
If somebody was walking around the parking lot here saying, deck the halls with dead info warriors, I'd take that as a threat.
I mean, that is a threat.
It's a serious escalation, and I've been predicting for years you're going to see a civil war start in this country, that if a civil war starts, that the establishment wants, it'll start with cop killings all over the nation.
And they will, just like they fund Al-Qaeda and other groups, and then flip it on the Tea Party and gun owners and libertarians, it's the same thing.
They get a movement of killing cops, like that's the new protest.
You go out and you kill a cop in their squad car, or you kill a cop directing traffic, it's real manly, it's what a revolutionary does, no it's not.
They brand the revolution like that to discredit a peaceful revolution of ideas.
Or even if we have to have a violent revolution to defend ourselves, they want to brand it as illegitimate.
So, that's why it's being done.
Again, I wasn't afraid because I've gone down to La Raza and Black Panther events and Klan events and protested them many times and almost gotten in fights and been arrested by the police.
I just, at this point in my life, I'm a general in the fight.
I didn't pull over and do it, so we should commend our reporters for going down there and being around these folks because people waving guns around and talking about shooting people.
I mean, I just, my instinct is to punch him in the face.
And then that would have not been good, obviously.
So I just did not put myself in that situation.
I think the Austin Police Department was very restrained because they marched down Congress, down 6th Street, all over the place, chanting, you know, basically, shoot the police.
And it's illegal, folks.
It's disturbing the peace.
It is reckless endangerment.
It is a clear provocation towards riot and violence.
It is not the First Amendment.
It is not the Second Amendment, and it was on the news, of course, being used to demonize open carry.
When we went and had the open carry at the Alamo, nobody got arrested.
And we had our guns strapped on our backs, pointed down at the ground to de-escalate things.
But they said it was illegal, but the state law said it wasn't.
The city law was a fraud.
So 1,500 of us, black, white, Hispanic, old, young, marched down there and took back our Second Amendment with the land commissioner.
And that's how you do it when you've got a law that's unconstitutional.
We have the moral high ground.
We weren't spitting at the police.
We weren't saying we're going to kill the police.
When the police chief acted arrogant, we told him he was arrogant.
And told him that he was, you know, acting shameful, saying he didn't support the Second Amendment.
But that's where it ended.
Because we are the good guys.
We have the moral high ground.
And it's that simple.
So let's go ahead and play that clip.
Then Anthony Gucciardi got pushed out and under law, assaulted.
It wasn't totally assaulted, but that's what they would call it, shoved out.
He was already leaving and McDonald's was shoving him out of the free McDonald's GMO so-called food tent.
And then eight police showed up to that and didn't put their hands on Gucci Arty or on our camera people, like the McDonald's security guards were.
Um, and that's, and it was the private rented property of McDonald's.
That's fine of them to throw us off.
It's not fine to touch us.
And the police didn't do that.
It was the security guards.
And of course it turned out off air.
Some of the police were listeners, obviously, but McDonald's was there trying to basically get our people arrested, claiming that we'd done something wrong.
Anthony Gucciardi is going to be in studio with us in about 20 minutes with Donald McRonald.
And if you go to Twitter at Real Alex Jones, you can see Joe Biggs.
He was out there last night.
He's going to be back there in about an hour and a half.
We're going to tell you the location on the Google map for everybody who is in Austin listening to us on 90.1 and other stations, so you can get down there in not a flash mob, but a flash demonstration against GMO, against plasticizers and their McNuggets.
McDonald's is the big kahuna.
And if we can force them to change, which they're starting to do,
And if we can force them to admit what they've done is wrong, we could really break the back of Frankenfoods, which is one of the globalist main tools.
So, Joe Biggs, fighting on the front lines for food safety and freedom.
Will be joining us and then he's going to go down with our camera crew at 1230, so high noon.
30 minutes past noon.
You have plenty of time to go down there.
There's some actually healthy food trucks downtown.
Get yourself some food and then get over there.
But we'll pull up the exact address of the McDonald's facility so you can go there.
And then I suggest you go in with your iPhone.
They can't stop everybody from going in and going up and asking questions about what's in the McNuggets, what's going on.
This is very exciting because it's open to the public.
They advertise it as a commons, they say you can come in, and then they give you free, quote, food.
Kind of like a crack dealer, you know, gives ten-year-olds free crack or free heroin to get them on it.
And they're going around giving free coffee out and free burgers out of these dispensers on interns' backs.
I mean, this is really sick what's going on.
But still, there's not many people there getting the free McDonald's crap.
And I'm sorry, folks, McDonald's makes me physically ill when I eat it.
And if Bill Gates is involved, it is just some of the worst so-called garbage, so-called food out there.
So that's coming up as well.
But before we get into all of that other news, we're going to play this clip, and this is a short clip because of some of the profanity, of the Black Panthers' call for killing of police during South by Southwest armed march.
I know the law, folks.
I'm a journalist.
I've dealt with it.
To go around and talk about, we need to see 20 more cops dead, oink, oink, you know, bang, bang, oink, oink, 20 more and we're done, it is, it's just, it's not the First Amendment.
And notice media matters, everybody run by the White House are always claiming, I'm wanting violence, or I'm calling for violence, or I want police to be killed.
They've been saying that for like six, seven years, because they know I'm doing the opposite.
They know I'm on to Soros and the plant.
So, when there are a bunch of cops getting shot down the road, unfortunately, they're going to blame the Liberty Movement.
They're going to blame talk radio.
And it's a very dangerous trend.
We're trying to stop it and trying to stop a civil war in this country.
We need black and white and everybody to come together in liberty.
We need to be able to be legitimate.
I mean, I've got video on Infowars.com of a cop gets very angry as a man calls him out for parking in a handicapped spot in Boston.
And the cop says, do you know who I am?
And gets in his face.
I mean, yeah.
If you're not in an emergency and you're just picking up hamburgers, don't park in the handicapped spot.
We need to police the police, and they need to police themselves, because that's part of this giant PSYOP, is the police are under so much pressure, they then defend each other, no matter the cops are doing bad things, then that allows corruption to grow, and then the whole thing's discredited, and now the globalists can come in and fully take over.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip of the new Black Panther, not the original Black Panther Party that did a lot of good, the new Black Panther Party that is globalist-funded.
Here it is.
Marching down the avenue!
20 more pigs and we'll be through!
20 more pigs and we'll be through!
A pig is a pig, that's what I said!
A pig is a pig, that's what I said!
A pig is a pig, that's what I said!
A pig is a pig, that's what I said!
Oink, oink, bang, bang!
Oink, oink, bang, bang!
Oink, oink, bang, bang!
Oink, oink, bang, bang!
You can admire people who have the courage to do this, but they're so ignorant and misguided.
It's just pathetic.
It's very, very, very, very sad.
We'll be right back.
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We are back live!
I am your host Alex Jones.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
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I got a ton of news coming up on the Second Amendment, on the Russia situation, so much more.
We're going to have Joe Biggs, Anthony Gucciardi in here about the fight against GMO.
But I just had an idea to do something.
In the next few weeks, we're going to announce the winner of the Billboard contest.
We've had more than 20 contests.
One contest was for $115,000, three winners.
$100,000 first place.
So, we pay out.
Go look it up online on all these contests.
These are real.
I'm doing a contest today for $1,000, just thought of this during the break, for whoever goes down to the corner of, and guys let's put it up on screen for me, put up the address for me so I can give it out to folks right, and blow that up for me please, that's 313 Red River Street, and basically it's by the Convention Center, it's by 4th Street
and Red River.
That's where the McDonald's tent is where they get out free food.
One thousand dollar prize for whoever uploads, I'll judge, the most powerful iPhone or Droid report
Doesn't need to be edited.
Just need to mention InfoWars.com while you're doing it.
Upload it to YouTube or another platform.
Email it to contests at InfoWars.com.
You won't have to wait months for the contest.
I will then announce on Friday who the winner is.
But you gotta shoot it today at 1230 in one hour.
Joe Biggs and my camera crew are going down there.
Joe Biggs dressed up like
Donald McRonald, the kind of anti... It's kind of like McDonald's is bizarro, Joe Biggs is Superman.
It's not that he's bizarro and they're Superman.
He's going to be there exposing the plasticizers in the nuggets.
He's going to be there exposing what high fructose corn syrup does and how toxic it is.
He's going to be there exposing that McDonald's gives out free vaccines around the country.
We're not going to be in their tent ourselves.
But it's open to the public and they have a sign saying they can use... Yeah, let's punch Joe Biggs up since you guys have got him right there.
He's coming in in the next segment.
We're going to...
More and more culture jam and show people how to take over these events.
They've got signs there saying, when you come into that McDonald's tent, they're going to videotape you, they're going to take photos of you, they're going to use you in commercials, they're going to use you in Twitter ads, they're going to use you in campaigns.
So, we're just sick of their propaganda.
We're sick of them coming into our city.
We're sick of them pushing their stuff on school kids.
We're sick of not just, quote, fats and salts.
We're not Bloomberg trying to ban big drinks or salts.
You need salts.
See, Michelle wants to make you eat crud in a prison diet of GMO.
No, we want healthy, good, filling meals for our children and food choice, not food tyranny.
And McDonald's is at the leading edge of social engineering.
We're sick of them.
And this is something that unifies left and right.
You know, Chuck Norris has come out against GMO and against Monsanto.
He has a lot of courage.
He knows what's going on.
More and more conservatives are.
So we're gonna get in there and now Joe separately will try to go in and get a free burger as they're advertising and when they tell him to go he's gonna 100% go.
But he's gonna be out front on the city sidewalk and I guarantee you they're gonna try to have the police like yesterday with Anthony try to tell them to get off the sidewalk which the police basically refused to do.
The full video report is up on InfoWars.com.
McDonald's assaults reporter for asking about McNugget ingredients shot by Southwest.
He has permission to go in, he has permission to film with Josh Owens and Anthony Gucciardi, and they try to throw him out.
So just to add some fun to this, all in Fall Warriors, you have one hour, if you're in Austin, to get downtown, to get parked, and to get over there to basically 4th and Red River to the McDonald's tent.
It's about 50 yards down Red River from the convention center.
I guess you'd say going north.
And you will see
Donald McRonald out there at about 1215.
In fact, I want somebody to volunteer to drive and drop them so they can just be dropped right there and not have to spend an hour finding parking.
And I want to then have this spontaneous hour-long event.
Joe Biggs will be out there for an hour speaking to people, talking to folks.
Let's print out some flyers, or let's print out before he goes,
The CNN headline, Plastic Ingredients or Silly Putty Ingredients in McNuggets.
Let's just print out the front sheet of that, maybe 50 of those.
So in case they're giving us any problems, we'll just say, hey, we're just here even handing out mainstream media about this.
You know what plasticizers do to you?
We're getting aggressive.
We're not playing games.
See, we're involved in the InfoWars to warn everybody.
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young, Asian, purple, polka-dotted, flying purple people eaters.
We want freedom.
We want food choice.
So it's a new $1,000 contest.
It'll pay out Friday.
It'll be judged off quality and views.
We'll be linking to the videos on InfoWars.com.
They'll get down there and be citizen journalists and go in and get your free slop and ask them questions about the ingredients as well.
They can't stop us all.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Donald Ronald is the decoy.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Last night at South by Southwest, Donald McRonald was in a haze.
Sweet, Sweet Connie was doing a right.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting worldwide, and Donald McRonald, the anti-McDonald, is here, exposing the GMO monster that is fast food.
We're not just talking about trans fats, or fake salts, aspartame, or chemically laden, on record.
Toxic, high fructose corn syrup, diet drinks that make you fat and make you go blind.
We're talking about plasticizers in the chicken McNuggets.
This has been known for a decade.
McDonald's won't take it out.
Let's put that on screen.
CNN, Associated Press.
Another crisis for McDonald's.
Japan after plastic found in McNuggets.
That's a separate article.
You can pull up on purpose McNuggets and quote silly putty ingredient, which is a plastic.
You cannot make this stuff up.
See, they're searching for that and found something else.
McDonald's is the tip of the spear of the GMO Monsanto.
Dump that they're taking on everyone.
I mean, there's no other way to describe it.
And there's big business in feeding us crud.
Well, we're demanding higher quality.
Like Gerald Solente says, a renaissance.
We want more service, more quality, a better standard of living, not the austerity of McDonald's.
Now, Anthony Gucciardi went out with crew yesterday, was very polite.
The full footage is up on InfoWars.com.
Ask permission, even though it's a public commons, they invite you in and say they're filming you to go in.
As soon as he asked what's in the McNuggets,
I don't know.
To basically draw attention to what's really going on over there.
And we're taking on the vaccine makers.
We're taking on all of them.
Just yesterday, the Washington Post had to admit that Congress is set to try to pass laws to not let you know what's in a vaccine and get rid of the inserts or drug inserts.
So they won't tell you that, you know, Viagra might give you a heart attack or they won't tell you that things like MMR shots might give you diabetes or narcolepsy or epilepsy or death.
We can show you that on air.
They are moving to shut that down.
So, hey, shut down all you want.
We're going to continue to expose you.
We're at a tipping point.
They're panicking right now.
So, Anthony Gucciardi, tell us about what happened yesterday and then about the genius idea that Joe Biggs, now who's been taken over by this entity,
This clown creature that's fighting GMOs.
I mean, what's going to come up today?
Because I expect they're going to respond like chickens with their heads cut off.
This is going to be spectacular.
We need all the listeners to rush down there right now that are listening locally on the internet or 90.1 and just with your iPhones or whatever, videotape this, upload it on YouTube or get your friends and family to.
And whoever has the most views and who I think has the best video, it may be the most views, maybe the best video.
We're going to showcase it here of you going in and asking questions.
They can't stop everybody.
And then filming what happens to Joe and crew, $1,000 goes to the winner, $500 to second place, I'm just upping it right now, and $100 to third place.
And the first place winner gets a visit, you gotta sign a non-disclosure, to the secret bat cave.
You get to come see the secretinfowars.com command center.
You'll be an audience of one here for at least a few minutes.
It'll become distracting for me, so I like my solitude here down in the Batcave, but literally in the Batcave.
But this is very exciting to be on the offense, and we're teaching folks how to hijack media.
We've already had four national news stories just since last Friday out of South by Southwest, all of them hijacking the enemy.
That's what this is all about.
We just exposed the new Black Panther party calling to shoot police.
We just exposed the people demonstrating against AI takeover of society, National News.
We've got so much.
This McDonald's story is going viral.
And this is how the new independent media, this is what muckrakers 100 years ago did.
You know, the guys with the fedoras.
I mean, this is what the straw hat fedora reporters did.
You'd have ten local newspapers or five local newspapers in a smaller town battling to really get it right.
It was interesting and it was informative and corruption was scared.
So the big banking committees of the Federal Reserve bought up the media and that's been declassified as well.
Anthony Gucciardi, tell us what's coming up today, my friend.
I think, I know you've got another story you're working on, but I hope you go down and join Biggs for part of this and shoot your own angle.
Tell us about what happened yesterday and how exciting this revolution is.
Well, you know, we know McDonald's is losing money month after month.
They've underperformed the market for so long.
For four years.
In February, they lost a colossal amount of money.
They're in bed with Monsanto, the number one manufacturer of GMO seeds.
Monsanto is also losing money.
Both of these companies are struggling.
Just like Coca-Cola, we have a story about that today, too.
These companies are admittedly going out the South by Southwest to get a younger, hip crowd.
They're trying to rebrand themselves.
They know.
These are trendy narcissists that are totally stupid.
This is their target mark.
Exactly, and this is their last ditch effort, and we went in there... We're going to save right whales that don't know and swim right up to the boats and get harpooned.
No, exactly.
I mean, these people have no idea.
We interviewed these people when we went to McDonald's, but here's the weird thing.
We didn't expect to get thrown out.
We actually did not expect... You were very polite.
...for the security guard to assault me and push me out the door, and for them to keep calling the cops over and over and over, demanding that they remove me from the public sidewalk and arrest me.
I didn't expect that.
So we went in... Yeah, let's be clear.
First, they tell the cops to get them off the gangplank, the cops go, oh please, go over here, and then they go, no, we're not getting them off the sidewalk.
Well, the cops admitted, you should be able to go in there, this is crazy.
Yeah, they're on tape saying that.
Yeah, they're on tape, and then we have it on tape saying, you can film.
We wanted to go in, and that's because they get, they're saying, open to media, they want citizens to shoot their own media.
Once you open the door and say, give us your social media, come in here and film.
It's a media orgy, and we've also got the GMO companies blocking the Consumer Association that was set to speak at Whole Foods.
And we want to go in and say, hey, why do you still have garbage in your food?
Sure, they're getting rid of antibiotics in some of their chicken over the next few years.
They're pretending they're natural.
They have high fructose corn syrup, which contains mercury.
They did just announce... Washington Post.
They did just announce they're going to get rid of the growth hormone in the milk.
Yeah, that's exactly right, because their new angle in five years, they're going to have organic stuff there too.
Their new angle is quote-unquote being natural.
Just like Yahoo is now launching health lines.
They're doing all of this to be relevant.
They know that... They can't beat us, so they're going to try to take the movement over with clones.
Exactly, and we need to highlight that.
But we all saw...
John Carpenter's remake of The Thing.
We know that that's not really the Crew Chief.
It's been taken over.
Yeah, exactly.
McDonald's is going to try and possess this movement that we're spearheading.
Don't get in the dark with McDonald's.
They are, in fact, doing that.
And we wanted to go in and talk about the ingredients.
And as soon as I said, what are in the McNuggets that I'm about to buy, they all looked so freaked out like no one had ever asked before.
I've got one that can see.
And then this little security, this huge like fat security guard guy, but he's real short, came over and just started grabbing me, like hugging me and pushing me.
Well, technically that's assault because you hadn't resisted, you were going, you kept saying stop it, and I'm watching the tape, it looks like he was squeezing your arm too.
Oh yeah, he was squeezing my arm, grabbed me really hard and pushing me, trying to lift me up and kind of throw me down.
Yeah, I'm gonna go talk to those guys today and find out why they were doing that.
Yeah, now let's, tell us who you are, sir.
Well, I'm Donald McRonald.
I'm Ronald McDonald's more ethical brother.
You know, I don't like GMOs, and I'm anti-McDonald's.
So, my whole point is I want to go out and expose all the bad things that are in the food.
People shouldn't be eating this.
I talked to people last night.
A mother knew that there were silicone breast implant fillers in the chicken nuggets, and yet she said she still was going to give it to her kids.
They've got to do something.
Well, what's wrong with a silicone additive?
I mean, I guess that means I'm a racist.
I just don't get it.
If I'm against clowns, I kind of don't like you.
Even though you're a good guy, does that mean I'm racist?
Well, I'm not really a clown.
This is what happens when you eat McDonald's food for 40 years straight.
Oh, they brought you up like that?
Yeah, I transformed this way.
It's all the GMOs.
This isn't makeup.
I wake up this way every day.
Yeah, it's horrible.
Well, tell me about what happened last night.
Well, last night, it was shocking.
I was kind of a big star.
Everyone was really happy to see Ronald McDonald, but they had very, very rude things to say about the McDonald's food.
They didn't like it.
That's hate speech.
Yeah, it was racist, too.
I told people, if you don't like GMOs, you're racist.
I guess there's a lot of racism.
How'd it go with the police?
Most of them liked us, but there was one guy who was really rude.
He told me to go do something to myself when I brought up whether or not he liked GMOs.
And I thought that was really rude.
I think we were looking at the footage.
We may even have the tape of this.
It's possible.
Pop tells Donald McRonald to F off.
But I got to get a nice little golf cart ride through South by Southwest and spread all this... Who gave you that ride?
Some nice gentleman who was driving around said he'd pick us up and I used my bullhorn to talk to people and tell them about the flour bleaching agents that's used in yoga mats that's found in their food.
Yeah, tell me what's in there.
Well, there's flour bleaching agents.
It's outlawed in other countries.
And you can be fined $450,000 if you use that.
But for some reason, America allows it to be put in their food.
And then for some reason, McDonald's in America uses 19 ingredients to make French fries.
Hello, a french fry is a potato!
What do I need 19 ingredients for?
So, there's that, there's the chemicals, the propylene glycol, silicone breast implant fillers, I mean, why do we need this in our food?
What's wrong with propylene glycol?
You give that to your cat or dog, they get real happy.
It's a laxative chemical and it's also electronic cigarette filler.
It's yummy!
But I mean, isn't it also involved in antifreeze?
What's wrong with that?
Everybody knows that's nutritious.
Actually folks, that's a joke.
If you're a new listener, it'll kill you in large amounts.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Yeah, so we want to go out there today and ask the people that my twin brother works for, the evil Ronald McDonald, why they're doing this.
Why are they putting all this poison?
What is it like at family reunions?
I mean, do you see your brother or are you estranged?
Well, no one really talks to me.
They don't like me because I like to eat fruit and natural beef and drink organic milk and try to be healthy.
So they don't like me.
They all just sit around and smoke cigarettes and drink, like, GMO beer and eat McDonald's food all day.
It's horrible.
Do you think the security guard was eating McDonald's, Anthony?
Oh, I know.
Well, there was one guy who ran up to me who was really big, and I know he ate a lot of our food.
Well, you know, I actually asked an employee, one of the girls that worked there, I didn't know she worked there, she had a Big Mac, because I was trying to get a Big Mac.
All I wanted were some McNuggets.
I kept saying to the security guy, please, just let me get my McNuggets, please.
And he said, no, get out of here.
You know, actually, the words were, out, get.
Get, out, get.
We can't even talk now.
Out, get, out, get.
Stash quantities.
Why does McDonald's even need security?
They're obviously hiding something.
Well, I just can't believe they had eight cops there.
And the employee girl that worked there, though, I asked her if she eats McDonald's all the time.
She's like, no.
And I said, well, why don't you eat it every day?
And she goes, well, you know, and that's when the manager slash PR woman came over and started escorting her away.
Don't talk to him.
Don't talk to him.
And we were like, well, you know, why can't she talk to us?
What's wrong?
Why doesn't she eat McDonald's every day?
And everyone we asked, even though they were eating it, we said, why don't you eat McDonald's all the time?
Like, because it's killing me.
One guy goes, I'm sheeple.
He goes, he goes, I thought they were getting a free deal.
It's like, why?
Why'd you use the crack?
Well, the man gave it to me free.
Well, why do you give it to your kids?
Because they get a free toy at the end.
That's how they get them every time.
It's just like they used to give toys away with cigarettes and stuff too.
I'm not loving it.
You're not loving.
Now, they covered up for 50 years.
They were adding deadly, sometimes 300 plus, chemicals to cigarettes to make it even more addicted and kill you.
And now that's all come out.
I wonder what's going to happen to the New World Order promoting, you know, McDonald's gives money to gun control, open borders, the whole globalist agenda.
That's another reason we're going after these corporations, is they're going after our freedoms.
And they need to know that when they watch this later or are listening to it now.
We're doing this because we're tired of being screwed over by you.
Then the whole country goes bankrupt because we're so sick.
And then you socialize things.
We'll set up death panels and then set up secret death lists for the veterans so they don't get treatment and healthcare.
We're sick of your agenda.
We know who you are.
Go back to Hades from whence you came.
We need to perform an exorcism.
That's what we need tomorrow.
Perform an exorcism on McDonald's.
And I'm not even kidding.
Donald McRonald.
Donald McRonald.
Let's, uh, Anthony, what do you think of Donald McRonald?
I think Donald McRonald is a good testament to, uh, as well as what was outside McDonald's.
They had these weird creatures with, like, three eyes and six arms and things.
So they're teaching you that's normal?
Well, it was like, it was almost like, uh, you know... That's the thing.
As mutations increase, they'll say, don't be mean to the mutants.
They won't ask, why is everyone becoming a mutant?
Like, it's always fine to cure, not why is breast cancer 3,000% up?
Why do you think my hair is this red?
This is a mutation?
Well, literally, when they feed GMOs to the third generation of guinea pigs, they have like three, four eyeballs, legs out of their heads, testicles coming out of their mouths.
I'm not joking.
Hair on their tongues.
Their butts on their heads.
I mean, we could show some photos of this.
I'm not joking.
So actually, we're not joking.
I guess they're getting the kids ready that this will be normal.
And then again, just like all the estrogen mimickers making men feminine, and then they have chemical reactions.
This is the mainstream news.
If you say, hey men, this is making you a woman,
There's some people that are artificially gay now.
It's, oh, you're a homophobe.
It's kind of like in the Omega Man at the end, when he tries, Charlton Heston tries to give him the cure, and they go, dude, we don't want it.
Kill him.
They don't want to know, so.
Well, the new thing is, no, if you actually have a literal disease, you shouldn't even try to fight it, you should just accept it.
And let it take over your body, it's normal now.
So, as you said, that's an angle, they're teaching the kids how to be mutants.
Well, it almost reminds me of two, three thousand years ago when there'd be, you know, a fork in the road and there's a sign that says, like, some symbol, some type of, like, you know, there's an angry beast this way, or home this way.
It's almost like, warning, go in here and you'll look like this.
It was these huge, fat, weird blob creatures with, like, X's over their eyes.
Lots of people that eat that are like that, so it's like, makes them feel good.
Mutant Ninja Nuggets!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Nuggets!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Nuggets!
Mutant Turtles!
Mutant children, a half-shell, mutant power!
And don't forget, behind you, you'll see the Ronald McDonald selfie machine.
That was one of my favorite things.
There was a selfie machine where you could go up next to Ronald McDonald and go out to Twitter and everything, how big of a McDonald's fan you are, and people were doing it.
Like grown men, like in business suits, were going up to the Ronald McDonald selfie machine and just taking selfies with it.
You wonder who actually goes here.
A lot of people do.
Ronald's a seller.
A lot of people actually... Look at this guy.
That's the security guy that decided I wasn't allowed to... This is after he pushed me out and I said I'm not resisting.
He's definitely a customer.
And then the cops came and they were pretty much saying this is absolutely ridiculous.
You know, they had called seven police officers.
I thought it was eight.
It was seven, it was like nine total, but the seven were actually there saying, get off the sidewalk area, you know, we're in the entranceway.
And this PR slash manager woman was just staring at me, sneering at me the entire time.
And you notice the people behind me, they're all eating McDonald's.
Those are the same people we interviewed that said, you know, we know this is bad.
Here's that guy saying basically, oh yeah, I can't comment on that.
You know, these people know what they're doing and the cops think this is totally ridiculous.
They're actually really nice about it.
Then they would get rid of those cops and bring up, like, the higher-level cops.
Exactly, so they had- They had, like, the gray hairs start coming out.
Yeah, they had a sheriff come, they had a state trooper, and then they had a bunch of Austin local cops.
And when the cops that would come, like, two cops would come, they wouldn't do anything, they'd call two more.
They just keep calling them over and over.
You can see them on the corner in the video.
There's just, like, seven cops sitting on the corner because they keep calling new ones, and they make them write incident reports over and over.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
I tell you, um,
Well, hopefully a lot of people come out there today at 1230.
Yeah, they think one person asking questions is bad.
How about, uh, 500 people?
Donald McRonald, go out to the command ship.
Deal with the enemy.
Oh, yeah.
We're gonna go out there and expose everything about my brother's business.
Once more, the McDonalds will rule the galaxy.
No one's ever going to remember Ronald again.
It's all going to be Donald.
Donald McRonald, the ethical brother!
Listen, we need to get that domain.
Everybody's doing that right now.
Just grab it.
We need to start having a character that's anti-GMO.
Donald McRonald.
And then they're going to sue us, and that'll get us even more attention.
Then we'll win that lawsuit.
We want the McDonald's slap suit.
We want to fight Goliath.
They are desperate right now because they are losing money fast.
CNN said end of McDonald's is coming.
I've waited for this a long time, my little green friend.
They're removing high fructose corn syrup across the board from other brands.
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Come, you masters of war.
You that build the big guns.
You that build the death planes.
You that build all the bombs.
You that hide behind walls.
You that hide behind disks.
Ladies and gentlemen, if we can expose GMOs and vaccines, if we can expose how these big corporations that are globalist operate, that are funding the New World Order agenda, we can cut off their funding.
Everything they do is about monopolizing culture and having one place you go to eat.
This is about having local, good hamburger places you can go to.
Instead, the left is bringing in their totalitarian controls over salt, and you name it, and over fat, when you need healthy fats.
They're taking control of food, while allowing these big globalist operations to put things on the table that are illegal everywhere else in the world.
General Mills, what they feed you the cereal here is illegal in Europe.
So, this is a serious issue.
And we're going after the globalist, and we're having a big effect.
McDonald's and hundreds of other companies, as you said, going to break Anthony, are in free fall right now.
So now they're trying to become us.
This is the time not to back off, but to go straight in at the jugular.
I know you guys have got to get on the road and get down there.
There's a demonstration coming up in about 35 minutes.
At the McDonald's compound that you point out in the video is like a concentration camp with a choke point barbed wire around it.
I mean, they know what they're doing.
Anthony, final comment, and then I know Joe, you want to get down the road.
Excuse me, Donald McRonald, you're going to lead this operation.
You're like a clown general now.
You're the Superman to the bizarro that is Ronald McDonald the imposter to the true Donald McRonald who's a victim of GMO.
Your closing comments, gentlemen.
I would say that ultimately it's going to be very, very interesting to see what happens because I'm sure they're already calling the police at this point.
I think the police overall in Austin are very good and I think they think this is ridiculous.
We're going to see if we're going to be even allowed to go on the sidewalk outside of the McDonald's super concentration compound with the barbed wire and the security and I'm sure... And then it'll be protest banned on sidewalk against McDonald's.
Selective enforcement, civil rights violation.
We'll just call the cops over and over again.
It'll be very, very... But they can't stop the general public.
And if they shut it down and close it for a few hours, just come back with your iPhones.
The contest will continue throughout this whole day.
$1,000 first place, $500 second place, $100 third place.
I'll pay out Friday.
Upload it to YouTube or another platform.
Send it to us.
We'll put the good videos up on the website.
This is about getting activists going and they can't stop us.
You'll be forced multipliers.
Ronald McDonald.
I mean, Donald McRonald.
Yeah, it's Donald!
I'll be out there at 4th and Red River today at 12.30!
And I'm gonna have a loud bullhorn and we're gonna be telling everybody about all the GMOs and all the bad ingredients in McDonald's food!
So come out and support this good cause!
Absolutely, and you need to get off like at 11th and cut around, but the point is they've got some of the roads closed, but we'll see you down there.
You'll be down there for a couple hours.
Great job, guys.
Thank you.
Let's do a wide shot as these commandos leave.
All right, as they're leaving, I hardly even plugged yesterday, we've never done a 10% off everything at InfoWarsStore.com.
The t-shirts, the books, the films, everything.
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Joyce Riley, that's her turn.
Coming up, stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
He's one of the top comedians in the country, David Cross.
He put out a film, and we're not even going to plug here, where the movie ends
With someone that I've brainwashed over the radio saying he hates black people and hates Jews, and he learned it from Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
He repeats it.
Cross told Joe Biggs, who's talked to him, whenever we get him on the show, Joe hit him on Twitter and then talked to him, that, oh, I'm getting torn up by my fans, and maybe I don't know who Alex Jones is, and I may have to basically apologize.
And we have the text back and forth.
That's good.
We're not going to spend a bunch of time in the next hour with Joyce Rowling on Montel Williams, even though she knew Montel Williams.
She was part of a reality TV show with him.
But she's got some stuff she wants to dish on Montel Williams.
At the end of the day, you know, who really cares about Montel Williams?
Well, the issue is, it shows you what type of folks these people are.
He came out and said that I want to blow stuff up, that I'm a drug addict, and that I'm basically a terrorist, and that I'm as bad as ISIS.
Because we were exposing
Mainstream news articles, Joe Biggs was again, where it was in the Indianapolis Star that they were making fun of troops killing themselves, 22 a day.
I mean, we're not trying to be the good guys here, but we are.
I mean, it's not hard to be a good guy.
You should be against troops committing suicide or secret death lists for the troops.
Why would you attack me for that?
I mean, people are sick.
Look at the Froot Loop, Alex Jones, look at the Kochad, look at the terrorist, look at the con man.
How dare anybody retweet this?
And it wasn't even us tweeting our own articles.
Most people tweet their own stuff.
We do that too, but we tweet everybody's stuff.
You know, that's interesting.
We're just trying to get the word out here.
That's not what we're talking about with Joyce, that's just one of the little issues, but it shows that we're under attack, and I guarantee you, this is being funded, this is being supported, this is an agenda.
Just like I said, George Soros, four months ago, was behind the Ferguson stuff, and Trayvon Martin, and it later came out.
I didn't just say that because it was in my gut, I said, hey, what's on that sign?
It says the group, and I went and looked at the group, and it was Soros funded, in Ferguson, and I looked at one in New York, another front group, and I went and looked, Soros funded.
And then of course it came out in the Washington Times that he gave 33 mil.
I mean, look, I know what I'm talking about.
You do this 23 years, you would too.
I eat, drink, and sleep this stuff.
I was on the phone at 6.30 this morning to England with Paul Watson working on articles with him.
I was on the phone at 7am with Buckley Hammond working.
I mean, I'm not bragging, it's just, wild horses couldn't drag me away.
I mean, I eat, drink, and sleep fighting these people, and I'm not going away, and I'm not shutting up, and I'm not backing down.
And liberty is infectious.
I'm here as a detonator.
Not to detonate a violent revolution.
Not to start one, but to stop one.
With a renaissance of ideas.
And that's why they try to block us with our ideas at any big media event.
RNC, DNC, Shout by Southwest, Comic-Con.
That's why, in media period,
Democratic or Republican, it's so controlled at the top, they bully and threaten anyone that comes on this show.
Big conservative icons come on, they get calls and say you better watch it and not come on that show.
Liberals come on the show, they get calls, you better not come on that show.
Former spies come on the broadcast, they get home visits by the CIA and MI6.
We've gotten similar visits and
Those visits were in confidence, so I'll leave it at that.
The Israeli visit was not.
And I kind of got in the guy's face.
I agreed for him to come here, and then I went to dinner with him and stuff, and they just said, well, we wanted to talk to you and see where you really stood.
And I said, you know, where I stand is for moral rules that I want to be treated by.
You reap what you sow, karma, whatever you want to call it.
It's like Tony Montana says, I got two things in this world, my word and my huevos, and I don't break them for no one.
No women, no kids.
I don't do anything to people that don't have it coming to them, and when I gotta do something to somebody, I don't enjoy it.
And I don't look at people off of what group of religion they are.
I look at them off of what they stand for and what they've done in their life.
They're fruits, as Christ said, and as Martin Luther King echoed.
It's that simple.
That's who I am.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, she's battling very serious cancer right now.
She's not even been hosting her show some days a week.
It comes on before mine at GCNlive.com, syndicated on over 100 stations across the United States.
Captain Joyce Riley, founder of Gulf War Vets Association, a ER nurse, transplant nurse, and then involved in Desert Storm.
Wasn't overseas, but still got the illness.
And she's been out there for 20 years plus fighting this tyranny.
Separately, just to give you inside baseball, you saw David Cross, the big comedian, come out and attack me last week.
Montel Williams.
It's just almost a daily event.
I believe they're being basically told to do this, to demonize this.
Bill O'Reilly's done it.
They always just say things about me that aren't true with no evidence.
Alex Jones is behind the Boston bombing, MSNBC.
Bill O'Reilly, there are sexual predators out there using the internet to stalk women.
Cut to a clip of me screaming about something totally separate.
Alex Jones hates blacks and Jews.
David Cross, no proof.
Montel Williams, I'm a terrorist.
I'm a co-kid.
I'm a con artist.
You know, on and on and on.
It's not about me being attacked.
We're asking the question, why are they attacking us?
Why are they coming out against us?
Why are they doing this?
Because they're not just doing it to me.
They do it with these tactics.
Where someone just hears your name, I mean, we've caught them with subliminals on Comedy Central, flashing up our site with disinfo put on it to make me look like a kook, and it's subliminal.
You know, you've seen them like in the movie The Prisoners, where the child molester is named Alex Jones.
I mean, this is a real effort now to brand my name as something evil.
Very scary.
But I'm really honored she'll join us for the hour.
She wanted to talk about Montel Williams because she knows him well.
So we'll go behind the curtain for five minutes or so at the bottom of the hour for her to talk about the reality show American Candidate, which she was involved in a few years ago.
But she wanted to get on, because I could get her on, she could talk about any subject.
I wanted to get her on.
She wanted to talk about Ferguson, the attempts to startle this racial division, Boston bombing and that incredible thing where the
Yes, sir.
Captain Joyce Riley, powerhour.com, thehour, thepowerhour.com.
We will put that up on screen, thepowerhour.com.
Excellent website and a treasure trove of information on every subject you can imagine.
So, Captain Joyce Riley joins us.
First off, I've been praying for you.
I know the audience has.
How are you feeling overall in your battle here?
Well, thank you, Alex.
I'm feeling awesome.
I really am.
At one point, I was actually in a wheelchair, and now I can actually get around without even a cane at times.
So, it has been, yeah, and it's been a wonderful experience.
You know, I kind of have told people that I'm the canary in the coal mine.
Given the fact that I went traditional natural medicine on everything at first and then had to back down come back and retract that and say nope if I had to do over again I would do it differently and I'm gonna disclose that you know eventually on the program and tell people what I would have done or should have done in my estimation but I'm not there yet to either have a cure or a demise out of this thing so I'm just kind of taking it one day at a time now.
But I do warn everybody and I do want to tell this to everybody who's listening to me on the Power Hour.
If you've quit listening to me and are just listening to Alex and you have not heard me say this, let me tell you that it's important to know where you are with your cancer.
That means
Do the proper diagnostics.
Don't just jump into eating a handful of walnuts a day and a package of grapes and you know whatever else you read about.
That's not the answer.
You've got to know where you are and you've got to get some good experience knowledge from those that are MDs.
And I'm working with an MD now who is in the natural medicine arena.
So, and don't write to me, please, and say, what do I do?
I have cancer.
Please don't do that, because I don't know the answer to that yet.
I'm trying to find my own way, and thank goodness for the people at the Power Mall, and Catherine, my producer, and Cynthia, and Noel, and Josh, and all the people that have been keeping me afloat.
They've been making me look a lot better than I probably have been in the past.
But I feel great right now.
Sitting here, I would not know that I had cancer.
If I did not get up and walk around, I would not know it.
So, let me just say to people, know where you are, get good information, and don't believe somebody just because they're on the internet.
Sure, let me throw this out there.
That's what I've always said, and I've not let people on my show that claim that they have a mineral or vitamin supplement that will cure cancer.
From the deep research I've done across the years, talking to medical doctors, researchers, nutritionists, you name it, try to eat healthy.
Try to get the trace minerals.
Try to stop the toxins that are in the food and water from building up so you don't get cancer.
You do the vitamins, the nutrients, the minerals, the sunlight, the exercise, the oxygenation to be healthy and to get your telomeres more healthy so that they don't start mutating and you get cancer.
But once you get cancer,
Yes, there are alternative treatments that in some cases help in Germany and Mexico, but they're not cure-alls, they're not 100%, and yeah, I know a lot of people that have done the chemo and done the radiation and have then lived 20, 30, 40 more years, but I know folks that have gone on chemo and died in a week.
You know, I've had a dog that had cancer and was doing great, did one chemo treatment, couldn't breathe, you know, the dog died, so it's one poison to kill the fast-growing cells.
It's fighting fire with fire.
It's a very complex issue, but I totally agree.
With you, nothing is a panacea.
Not any of the so-called miracle stuff that's out there.
Not, you know, any of the fix-all, cure-all, silver bullet stuff.
Nothing is a complete silver bullet.
And, you know, we're designed to also at one point fail.
We're designed to move on to the next group, but we're artificially
Infant mortality's up, cancer rates are up.
Yeah, they can keep you alive with the cancer longer now, but why is the cancer up?
We know it's the chemtrails, the GMO, the fluoride.
I mean, this is a fact, Joyce.
Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines.
Please understand.
I think my cancer came from the military.
I did eat well.
I was doing the right things.
And don't just try to have a good diet.
Do have a good diet.
Because you want to know, if you get cancer, that you did everything you could to keep from getting it.
And I think the vaccines play a huge part.
But be that as it may, I want everybody to do the best they can to take care of themselves, but just do it.
Don't just have excuses as to why I have to stop at McDonald's every once in a while or why I have to eat fast food once a day.
No, just stop it because it's not good and it's going to create problems later.
But you know, Alex, I want to address one thing before we move into anything here today and that is, you know, I don't want people saying, oh gee, Joyce has got cancer now so she's buddying up to Alex or, oh gee, Alex knows Joyce has cancer so he's buddying up to her.
I want people to understand that the reason that I'm on here, especially today,
Is because of the truth.
Now you and I have disagreed on a lot of things in the past and we probably still do if we were to have a discussion about it.
But there are things that have to be dealt with in the light of what is accurate and true.
And I hear so many things about you and so many statements that I just want to say, ladies and gentlemen, I've known Alex since 96 when I was first on his show down in Texas.
And if there were all these things going on that Alex is, then I would probably be the first one to tell you.
Because I don't like anybody that's a phony or anybody that's doing what they say they're not doing.
I want to know the truth and I know even to Ted Anderson's consternation there have been times when I've disagreed with you on the program.
You used to call me a snake oil salesman at one time and referred to me like that and now you understand.
That the ways of God's medicine versus man's medicine are true and thank goodness you've come around and seen that also.
Well Joyce, I don't think I ever... I mean, I think what happens is listeners try to get people in fighting and they misrepresent who said what.
I never engage in that.
I'm never involved in any of it.
I'm well known for that.
And so Joyce, I think some of that might be the projections of other people.
I think one time, I think you had one product with one guy that I didn't like
And I told people that privately, but that's a non-issue and like 14 years ago or something.
I absolutely believe in essential oils and all of it because I felt the difference and you're right.
Back when I was criticizing you for stuff, I was pulling in, not eating Big Macs, but pulling in and eating double meat cheeseburgers and got as fat as a pig.
So, you know, back when I was 25 years old,
I might have shot my mouth off, but I don't even want to get into that today because our listeners tune in all over the country and they're concerned about Russia threatening nuclear war, they're concerned about the new Black Panther Party saying shoot police, but I think you've done just incredibly good work with the Gulf War Vets Association.
And have really changed the world and have had incredible tenacity.
And obviously, you know, the fact that you could die, it makes me think about how valuable you are to humanity.
And so that is part of the reason that spurred me, because I'm so busy focused on what I'm doing, to get another talk show host on the broadcast.
But shifting gears out of that, we're going to skip this break because we have more time with Joyce because I've been cutting her off.
What do you think the biggest stories are right now, front and center, Joyce?
Okay, but just let me say that the reason I said all that is because people change, and because people learn, and that's what we're all about.
That's what you're all about and I'm all about, is we learn, and when we learn, we change our positions, our plans, our whatever.
So that's the good thing, and that's what I wanted to bring up.
Let me first start talking about the attorney for the young man who is allegedly standing trial now as Zarniev.
Uh... in uh... Zocar Zarnia.
Yeah, he said he was not guilty, but then his lawyer says he says he's guilty.
Boy, lawyers like that, who needs prosecutors?
Okay, exactly.
But how many of us would want an attorney, which is why I don't think that is really Zocar in there in trial, is because he was, I'm innocent, I'm innocent, I'm innocent, and she comes before them and says, well we know that he's guilty, we just don't
Uh, know if he should be put to death or not.
And that was literally what his attorney Judy Clark said.
Now here's the part that most people don't know.
Judy Clark, who is a no-name attorney, I mean a no-name attorney,
Represented Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
She also represented the Atlanta Olympic bomber, Eric Rudolph.
She also represented Jared Loeffner in the Gabby Giffords trial.
She, or in the Gabby Gifford situation.
She also represented Buford Furrow from the Aryan Nations.
He was an Aryan Nations member at the Los Angeles Jewish Community Center.
Said he was bipolar.
Got him off the death penalty.
And then in 2002, are you ready for this?
She represented Zacharias Moussaoui.
Now, most of these guys are in the federal ADX Supermax prison, but can you believe that she was chosen to represent all these guys?
And in every case here, each one of them got off the death penalty charge, but were convicted for life.
And nobody can see any of these people.
They are all not allowed visitors.
So what tells... something tells me she has been picked for this position.
You're probably going to see her on the Supreme Court before long.
But think about that.
She was picked by all those people, a no-name attorney that you can hardly find... Joyce, you are so on target, and I should have been covering this more because I've been following it, I've mentioned it, and I'd forgotten that she was Kaczynski's lawyer.
For those that don't know, the LA Times reported it when it was declassified in 1998.
That Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was actually a long-time, 10-year project member.
Not just, first he was experimented on in the 60s, but then he was a member of MKUltra.
That's the CIA mind control program that's been partially declassified.
And his entire trial and everything was a staged event.
Who knows what really happened?
He may be a cutout.
And it's the same thing now.
They killed the other brother.
Lied about what he'd done.
Then they tried to kill this brother in the boat so they could then claim he did it.
Now they claim he wrote a confession inside the boat.
And now he comes out and says, innocent, innocent, innocent.
He disappears.
You know, he's probably sleeping with the fishes because they can't have that staged event.
We know it was staged.
They cannot have that staged event come out.
We know the older Tsarnaev brother, his cover was blown two years before the bombing by Russian intelligence.
It was in the foreign news.
They said, who's this guy under a fake name you have a fake passport to that you've got coming into Russia and coming into other Chechnyan areas meeting with Al-Qaeda?
He's your guy, isn't he?
So why is it that in the news that the older brother was under a CIA traveling scholarship out of Georgetown University?
Hmm, Joyce?
Right, exactly.
So when we began to look at these things for what they are, we realized something else is afloat.
So let's look at what happened in Ferguson here.
One of the concerns that I have with Ferguson is that on a local TV show, and it may have been covered nationally, you all may have seen it.
And here in Missouri, we should add that.
Yeah, I'm two hours away from Ferguson.
The agitators, alleged agitators, that are supposed to be the people that are the activists, and they're trying to make them look bad, they were quoted as saying, this is all smoke and mirrors.
This is all smoke and mirrors.
And I have seen that on tape.
And at another time, when the two police officers were allegedly hit by a guy, allegedly in a car on the street, shooting at another guy, it was said, I heard one of the people in the audience say, don't put out a helmet with some look-alike or some blood on it and make everybody think we did it.
So the question is, who really did that?
I don't know, I don't know.
But this guy Durst is getting more attention for a thirty-year-old murder on TV now than Ferguson is getting.
Because it's coming to a head that this has been created.
The shop owners that told me
Or told the television news, and I did copy this.
We called six times to get the police to come.
And never did they come.
We told them six times they were breaking into our places, they were stealing our goods out of our stores, and they never came.
Now you cannot tell me that was not set up by design.
So to me, this is a civil war they're wanting to create.
This is an event they're wanting to expand upon.
In fact, I was told, and I don't know this to be true, but I was told it by someone who said that one of the police officers said they were so disappointed that this thing quieted down after the police, after the, what was the police captain, resigned from his position.
So, I don't know, but I do know there's more to all of these stories, and that's why your listeners and my listeners, it's so important that if they're in the local area, keep looking, keep talking, keep seeing what's going on here.
Well sure Joyce, I've tried to study it from every angle.
We've had our reporters there for weeks doing it, and best I can tell, there's some bad police behavior going on, but the local police
Or just being manipulated.
The Justice Department is in there funding the radicals to try to get things to be violent.
They want a bigger blow-up as a political diversion.
And George Soros has been involved basically financing it.
Well, and I think that's probably very true, and I think this whole thing has been a created event.
They're nurturing it right now.
I don't know what the next shoe is going to be that falls, but the jury's still out on who did the shooting, and were these guys really shot?
Were there two people that were shot?
I don't know.
They haven't released their names, no pictures.
You would have thought they would have shown a stretcher being taken into an ambulance, but that didn't happen.
The drama.
They love the drama, but it just seems like something's not right here.
So that I wanted to bring up.
The other thing I want to bring up regarding the Gulf War illness and the Gulf War is that this situation is only going to be worse now than it has been in the past.
We thought it was bad in 1991 when I served.
I did not deploy to the Middle East.
I only served as a flight nurse on the state side and other countries, but not in Iraq.
Um, is that they are now premedicating these military people prior to deployment.
And I think everybody needs to understand that.
Between 30 and 50 percent of these troops are now being deployed with medications of SSRI drugs.
They say that it is to make them calm.
Since when do you want to make them calm to go into a war?
You don't!
You want them to be more, quote-unquote, vigilant.
You want them to be more proactive.
You want them to be more aggressive, which is what is happening.
And the very fact that the VA now, as I understand, is the biggest consumer
Of drugs, of SSRI drugs in this country.
That should tell you something.
Get ready for more problems, and it's going to be made to look like, see, all these people are so erratic, military people cannot be trusted.
Well Joyce, let me raise this point to you, and I totally agree.
Joe Biggs was in an army combat group.
That saw major action because they had media embedded.
Rolling Stone and Esquire did stories just about his unit that he was a staff sergeant in that just saw weekly battles in the first, well some of the major combat in Iraq and then Afghanistan.
And Joe said by the time they got to Afghanistan they would have truckloads of painkillers and SSRIs
And they would say, we don't want to take this.
And they'd say, you're under a lot of stress.
The army doctors order it.
Take it.
And then they would order Joe to order his men to take it.
And then they would get addicted.
He's off of it all now since he got back.
But he had to go through hell to get off of it.
He's talked about it on air.
And then he talked about sometimes they'd have Russians.
And I looked it up.
And there were stories about Russians doing supply.
Russians would land.
With the opium pills, basically, and supply them.
They were taking so many, and so they're trying to drug up the military to get them into the system for when they come out.
So absolutely, Joyce, we know this is going on.
It's not just speed pills they're giving the pilots.
Why would you want to give army soldiers basically any psychotropic or any opiate drug they wanted?
And they're doing it now in bags full of these drugs.
Oh, they're giving each person big bags of it.
And so, and I have seen these bags.
I have had people call me to their house and say, look at the drugs that I'm on.
And I couldn't believe what they were on, nor what they had, um, uh, that they had been provided in the mail.
I actually talked to one who had been given morphine shots to take himself in the mail.
I mean, this is just, this defies all regulations on these classes.
Well, they say that the troops are the number one enemy.
And so they're trying to spike the already used weapon system.
And then basically get them into the system.
Because once they're drugged up, waive your rights, turn in your guns, we'll keep giving you the drugs.
And get them out of, you know, use more drones, less soldiers.
I mean, why do you think they're cutting down and cutting back on all these soldiers all the time?
They don't want soldiers.
Soldiers can respond.
Soldiers can complain.
Soldiers can say, no, I won't do that.
But drones don't.
That's right.
It's the end of humanity, the end of men in the military, the end of women.
This is the takeover.
This is the THX 1138 program, Joyce.
It's transformation of the military.
All you have to do is go online and look at transformation of the military.
Every, about every ten years and then every five years, there was a new transformation program.
And that's where they're making and manipulating our veterans now.
And they're going to be horrific problems in the future, I'm afraid.
All right, Captain Joyce Riley, ThePowerHour.com is our guest.
We're going to come back with her, and we're going to get into a host of other issues.
Russia threatening to use nukes, what's happening in the Middle East, ISIS, and also some positive news on the Second Amendment front.
Stay with us, I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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As a community moves towards despotism, respect is restricted to fewer people.
That's veteran Denver Police Officer Charles Jones IV smashing an unarmed suspect in the face six times.
Officers accused of using excessive force on a suspect and then trying to erase the evidence.
I'm observing what they're doing and I don't see me!
I don't understand what's going on!
A community rates low on an information scale when the press, radio, and other channels of communication are controlled by only a few people.
Does it raise ethical questions about the use of government money to produce stories about the government that wind up being aired with no disclosure that they were produced by the government?
How can you ask such a question?
What difference at this point does it make?
When a confident observer looks for signs of despotism in the community, he looks beyond fine words and noble phrases.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as president that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just.
Tonight, I'm announcing those actions.
What I say, go.
I'm the law around here.
He came, he saw, he died.
Yes, in modern warfare, our military leaders are finding that words and ideas are highly effective weapons.
We just have to be repetitive about this.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
We are trained to deceive if we have to.
You really don't have to trust me.
You shouldn't trust me.
In fact, by my actually participating in that, I will taint the news.
In communities of this kind, despotism stands a good chance.
Nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Okay, Ms.
Hughes, well, we're gonna do everything we can to help you.
Now, coming up later in the next hour, we'll get a pop-in from Joe Biggs, who's out there playing the part of you saw him here in studio in the first hour, of Donald McRonald, the mutated brother of Ronald McDonald, who's anti-GMO, anti-corn syrup, anti-bovine growth hormone in the milk.
They're going to be out there basically, not even demonstrating, but exposing in the media, hijacking South by Southwest, legally and lawfully, to inject our free speech commentary into how McDonald's needs to change their ways quickly, and not just try to absorb the healthy food movement.
I think?
New bill would prohibit an ATF ban on popular ammunition, good news.
Mandatory vaccine bills fail in two states, we'll tell you about that.
A bunch of, just a ton of news.
This just broke at InfoWars.com.
Rapper Azalea Banks, I don't really follow her but I hear about her, I know she's pretty big, said, I hate white Americans.
I hate everything about this country, she said, like I hate fat white Americans.
Well, why don't you get out of the country that made you so rich?
You spoiled rotten pig.
You know, I mean, the Klan or racist black people.
You know, you have this racist...
Uh, frat.
I mean, that's what, these frats hate everybody that's in their frat.
They hate the frat next door to them.
They hate white kids that don't have as much money as them.
Who would want to be around a stuck-up, moron frat?
Like, there's some frats I know out there that are, you know, into guns, or into horses, or into camping, that are cool, you know, but frats are just into how they're the elite group.
All these people just want to be in their own elite group.
Well, that's what these racist black people, I mean, black people, and you've heard this from
Black leaders that are honest out there are just as racist, sometimes more than anybody else.
And, you know, there are black people that don't have a racist bone in their body, and there are black people as racist as a Ku Klux Klan grand dragon.
But it's okay for them to be racist and just make a stupid comment about hating white people in general.
That's what they've created under political correctness is a system where it's, we're going to Joyce here in a moment, I'm going to get her take on this, where whites are over in this group, some blacks are over in this group, so we all just hate each other.
That's what multiculturalism and this modern thing is, is actually everybody in their group only being about what group they are, the inverse of what Martin Luther King talked about.
We'll talk to Joyce of ThePowerHour.com here in just a moment, get her take on that.
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And we gotta vote with our dollars for non-GMO.
We gotta vote for our dollars for pro-Second Amendment groups.
You know, you look at McDonald's and these globalist companies, they're the ones funding the anti-gun stuff.
Go look it up.
Bill Gates and others.
So it's not just they're putting out this toxic food, they're coming after our freedoms.
So we gotta vote with our dollars.
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I want to thank you all and salute you all for your support.
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Now I've been ranting for five minutes, Joyce.
You heard me get into rapper Azealia Banks.
I don't want to get into Russia, geopolitically, the big picture, what you think is at the bottom of the rabbit hole of this New World Order.
But first off, Joyce Riley, Captain Joyce Riley of Gulf War Vets Association, ThePowerHour.com, syndicated radio host on in the mornings.
From what, like 7 to 10, right here on GCNLive.com.
Find affiliate lists there as well.
Rapper Azealia Banks, I Hate White Americans, InfoWars.com.
I hate everything about this country, she said, like I hate fat white Americans.
Rapper Azealia Banks hates white Americans and everything about the U.S.
In a recent interview with Playboy, the 23-year-old Harlem rapper said she wanted to leave the U.S.
because America is blatantly racist.
Well, it is race-obsessed and turned against each other and mind-controlled.
I guess she's right.
See how you get treated in Africa, lady.
Just go hang out there for a while.
I hate everything about this country.
I know a lot of black folks that were racist and they went and spent six months in Africa and they come back and apologize.
You know, just because, or white trendies go there and get killed and find out, you know, I mean, just watch out.
I hate everything about this country, she said, like I hate fat white Americans.
All the people who are crunched in the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative people who live on their farms.
Yeah, they're real bad.
You know how many black people live out on the farms?
You know, I live out in Dripping Springs.
You know how many homeschooling, hard-working, professional, but also blue-collar black folks are out there that come over to my house and are friends with my kids, who listen to the show and are good Christian people?
You're a disgusting racist pig, woman.
That's all I can say about you.
You're disgusting.
But that's what we get.
Joyce, I'm ranting.
Captain Joyce Riley, what's your take on this attempted race war?
Where do you think it's all going?
What do you think Obama's legacy is going to be?
And then, what's at the bottom of the rabbit hole, Joyce?
What really runs the world?
Well I, you know at this point, I need to talk about Montel Williams because that's what we agreed we're coming on for.
And I don't have much time left, but... Well we can hold you a little bit in the next hour.
I mean if you can do it, I'm... Go ahead.
Okay, I just want to make sure we cover the Montel Williams issue.
Let's do it.
Let's do Montel Williams and then this.
Because he attacked me recently and that's the reason, and let's talk about it.
And I'm responding because what I think he said was totally wrong, what Montel said.
And I want people to know how I got involved with this.
You said earlier I was a good friend of Montel Williams.
I'm not a good friend.
I was just involved with him at one point.
Well, you got to know him well.
Yeah, I got to know him on a reality show.
Here's the story.
I was a person that was contacted to be on a reality show in 2004 by Showtime.
didn't know anything about the show but it was called American Candidate and it was supposed to be about ten people who wanted to change the world who didn't like the way our government was running and wanted to change the world in our government in our country so I did respond to it twenty seven pages of information you had to respond and when I was chosen out of they said twenty thousand applicants
I was absolutely astounded that they wanted me on there.
I never did know why.
It didn't make any difference, but they said it was because of my Gulf War veteran involvement and because of my issues in health, like I would take the issue of vaccines.
So that is why I was on the program, or chosen to be on the program.
Everybody had sort of their shtick, if you will.
If you look up American Canada in Wiki, you'll see the ten people that were on there.
One was, you know, PETA.
One was
Gay for gay rights and on and on and on they had their issue that they wanted to promote so mine was veterans issues and I thought because Montel had been in the military and you can look at him on wiki and find out his experience, but he did go to an academy and he was a I believe a captain when he Departed from the military.
I was a captain in the Air Force.
He was in the Navy and
And he did very well in the military.
He has a very good record in the military.
But I wanted to expose, through Montel Williams or this national TV show, what was really taking place with the veterans.
Because at the time, in 2004, you weren't hearing much about this.
You were hearing what we could get out on Genesis and that was about it.
And on Coast to Coast, we were getting some of it out.
Yeah, George Norrie was one of the only people that let you on.
He did a great job reaching tens of millions, and of course, Hartmell before that.
Yeah, and Chuck Carter, and there were a few that were really good.
But it came down to the point, though, that the mainstream media was not talking about it, even though they knew about it.
So I thought, well, here's the perfect place.
And they said, you will have the chance that you can talk about this all you want.
So, we're introduced to Montel.
He was the head of the quote-unquote program.
He was the master of ceremonies, whatever you want to call it.
He was the circus leader.
Well, yeah.
It was kind of like on Survival where you're booted off the island.
Only on this case, you were booted off the ballot.
And every week you would have to do something new and different to be in the program to stay on a week longer and attract the attention of the people.
So, I was booted off, I will tell you, after the fifth week.
Now, Sheriff Richard Mack happened to be on the show, too.
We did not know each other was going to be on there.
And Sheriff Richard Mack was booted off after the fourth week.
So they got the weirdos, the people that were talking about Constitution and stuff like that, out of there.
Let me guess, the gay guy won?
I don't remember.
No he didn't, but the guy who looked just like George Bush and talked just like George Bush won, is what happened.
So anyway, so I thought, oh this is my chance.
So I brought with me volumes of documents, like I always carry around whenever I go around to do a talk or a speech, I carry my evidence with me.
I brought biological
Uh, all the information on the biological weapons that were sold to Iraq just prior to the Gulf War.
I brought biological chemical information we sold to them.
I brought everything with me, vaccine information, everything, in these documents so that I could sit down with Montel and say, Montel, you have MS.
Montel, let's look at how many people come out of the military with MS.
And the fact that now the military has so many people getting MS from the vaccines, I believe, that they're now making it a 100% compensation for the military.
At least they did that time back in... Joyce, this is incredibly important.
Can you stay with us 15 minutes to the next hour to be able to finish all this?
All right, good, because our reporters are being accosted by the police and given a ticket, selectively enforced, when you can use a bullhorn downtown.
We're going to spend a few minutes cutting to them, live video Skype as this happens, so it's on record.
Let's go to our McDonald's coverage demonstration with the police, I guess, trying to frustrate the First Amendment.
Let's go ahead and go to that right now.
And we're going to have folks now drive around and honk in front of it there if we can.
I guess the streets are blocked.
Let's go to that feed, guys.
Here it is.
Alright here is Joe Biggs and the police are there looking like they're very sorry but it's like last year they wouldn't let us hand out magazines until I said go ahead and arrest me under orders of South by Southwest on the street corner then the police backed down but they're selectively enforcing the bullhorn ordinance because I've done it all over Joe did it last night the police know they can't uphold that in the middle of that blaring other people have bullhorns the pedicabs have them this is selective enforcement right now
The decibel level, and they don't even know what the decibel level is.
There's a man right next to us that's blowing us out of the water.
We got a good shot of all these cops, these are the cops here.
Alright, listen, you need to get back, just try to go into the McDonald's facility.
Because McDonald's knows if they send the cops in, you'll just argue with them all day.
Get the ticket, I'll pay it, or whatever, or we'll sue them over it.
I don't want to, we'll sue to overturn it.
Just, just the main thing we need to do is, are there people showing up at the McDonald's facility to go in on their own?
Or have they just shut it down?
We'll talk to Dude during the break and get more on that after Joyce leaves.
We'll continue to monitor the live feed.
Joyce, very interesting that that's going on.
Did you see Joyce, where they're trying to now not have the inserts say what vaccines and drugs can do to you?
And it looks like Congress may actually pass a law to now hide what's in the drugs and in the vaccines, Joyce.
That was in the Washington Post yesterday.
Is that not unprecedented, Joyce?
Looks like we've lost Joyce.
We're going to try to get her reconnected and come back to her in just a moment.
I'm here.
I'm here.
Okay, good.
What do you make of the move to block people, and then we'll go back into the Gulf War stuff and Montel Williams after the break, but so it's somewhat congruent for what I was just talking about.
Did you see the article yesterday where they're trying to pass a law where you won't know what's in a vaccine or the side effects or the drugs?
Drug companies want that?
I know.
Can you believe in this country we would be doing that and exonerating any pharmaceutical company for any and everything they do?
There is no way you can sue a pharmaceutical company now.
Joyce, continue as we go to break about the Montel Williams situation.
Okay, so I approach Montel and tell him, Montel, the vaccines are a major issue.
I am vaccine injured from the Gulf War.
He didn't want to talk about it.
He didn't want to even hear about it.
And I said, if you want to do something, you can really do something now by talking to the veterans, bringing this issue out on a national level like I cannot do.
And addressing it.
I've got all the evidence you need here to know that the veterans are suffering from A, vaccines, biologicals and chemicals the U.S.
government sold to Iraq, and he would not address anything that had anything to do with the government, with the military.
And so I had the stack of documents there in front of him.
And I said, look, this is a life or death issue, and you have a chance to do something about this.
Now, what can we do here?
How can we?
He didn't want to hear it.
He did not want to hear it.
So if it has to do anything with the government or the military, he won't say anything.
Now, of course, he's been jumping all over the VA and been supposedly the veterans advocate for that, which I think, you know, that is so wrong of him to do that.
Stay there, because yes, that's when he attacked us last week and said that I was a criminal and evil was when we tweeted out an article that was mainstream news about people celebrating dying veterans.
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By the way, they ticketed Joe Biggs and basically said, you know, there's no bullhorn, period.
It violates the decimal rule, but everybody else can have a bullhorn.
Police looked apologetic about it, but it doesn't matter.
It violates the Constitution, and we're going to have to make a big issue out of it.
But I'm going to tell Joe Biggs in 30 minutes to have a press conference at Red River.
And fourth street, they're in front of the McDonald's barbed wire concentration camp.
For any alternative media or others that want to be there, we're going to tweet that at Real Alex Jones, that Donald McRonald has been ticketed for free speech, will hold press conference at 1.30.
At the McDonald's compound.
We'll send that out in several tweets.
We'll put a blurb on InfoWars right now.
Everybody go down there and support Joe Biggs.
And he needs to go back into the front of it, put down the bullhorn, and try to go in to get the free garbage food and see what happens.
That's the directive.
That's what I want him to do.
And I want folks down there to support him right now.
And again, there's a $1,000 prize for first place for whoever goes in there and asks your own questions on your iPhone or whatever about the plastic
Emulsifiers and the nuggets and the growth hormone and all of it.
You can't stop the citizens.
They'll go after Ronald.
That means you can go in there today only.
Get your video, upload it to YouTube.
We'll post the videos tomorrow.
And the winner will get $1,000, second place $500.
So Joyce Riley, going back to Montel Williams.
It's not about this quasi-has-been guy.
It's about behind the curtain of how these people really operate.
So you were on this reality TV show with him for a while.
You got to know him pretty good.
Please continue.
Well, I just got to know him whenever he was there, and I do want to say one thing.
I've seen on your posts, some of them, people saying that he is gay.
He is not gay, because he had a girl in every port.
So there was, it was well known that he was not gay.
So I just wanted to say that.
In some of whose posts?
Our posts?
I think, yeah, on one of the stories, somebody was making a comment about... Oh, you mean the commenters, not us.
Yeah, I don't care what his sexuality is.
I don't have nothing to do with it.
Right, right.
But I just wanted to say, no, he had a girl in every report.
So that was not the issue.
Anyway, but the whole idea was, if he was really for the veterans and really wanted to know, like I told him, I said, look, I'm vaccine injured.
I was a flight nurse in the Air Force.
Now, there was no other person.
In those 10 people, an American candidate that had been in the military, so you would think he might have listened to me.
I was a captain, he was a captain.
We were both injured somehow from the military, or at least I thought we might have been injured as a result of the vaccines, but he didn't want to hear about it.
He did not want to hear that the government could do anything bad.
But if you look back now, and Alex, you were to look at what he might have done from 2004 until 9,
Until now.
If he had really looked at the issues of these veterans, he might have been able to do a tremendous amount of work.
A tremendous amount of good.
Saving lives.
Saving those homicidal, suicidal situations from even occurring.
If he had made a stand, and he had a chance to do it, and he had a chance to look at the evidence, but he would not do it.
So, I am saying to him, if you want to debate me on this, if you want to come on the Power Hour, if you want to challenge me on what happened between you and me there at American Candidate, I will be glad to.
Because I've still got the stack of documents that I brought to show you, that I wanted you to know.
Well, he's got to feel stupid, Joyce, because
It's already, you know, you were one of the first to do this, but years later it came out in Life Magazine, you name it, that the mutations in the babies were four or five times higher, 15 times, 16 times higher in Fallujah in the next war, that the troops were hit with a cocktail of bad vaccines, and then of course different chemicals, and the DU, and all the rest of it.
So, I mean, you've been totally validated, and so has Dr. Doug Rocky and so many others.
Yes, but, yes, but, the VA's position still is that if you come in complaining of something like the Gulf War illness, you're crazy.
You're just crazy.
You have a mental problem.
It's still that way.
Oh, you think fluoride's bad before you have a mental problem?
When Harvard and the London Guardian and the British government say it'll hurt you really bad.
We want you to believe the Prop Agenda, and if we buy it, then we're sunk.
That's all there is to it.
That's right.
Joyce Riley, ThePowerHour.com.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com.
We'll be back with 50 more minutes of our guest.
Then I'm going to cover news, open the phones, and go to a press conference with Donald McRonald, the good McDonald, exposing McDonald's.
This is important, folks.
This is how we're going to bring these people down.
Get downtown in Austin.
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This is Homeland Security.
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But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we
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Crime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us!
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Get electrally.
It's begun.
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
GMO, chemtrails, deadly vaccines, all of it.
Fluoride hits all of us.
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young, Asian, purple polka-dotted.
That's why they want us all fighting with each other over mindless race issues.
Starbucks employs to now discuss race relations with customers.
See, everything's now sensitivity training brainwashing.
That article's up on Infowars.com.
That's what this is.
It's just a full takeover to make us obsessed with fighting with each other and freaking out like mental patients while the megabanks rob the country.
Joyce, I want to finish up in this segment on the whole Montel Williams vets thing and I want to get your take on Russia in the next segment.
But putting bookends on this, you know, it's not just him.
It's all these other mainstream media people, but the mainstream media is dying.
Don't they understand that their establishment lapdog behavior is the reason people are deserting them and the new media is rising?
I don't know if they understand that or not, but I know they know that their goal and their job is to tear down people like you and me.
I mean, these are like assignments with them.
A guy named Fomento, Mike Fomento, had the assignment to tear me down, and he would come on the air and do radio shows and say comments like, oh, her bra straps must just be too tight.
I mean, those were the kinds of comments that he would make based on the fact that it was his job to tear me down in any way, shape, or form.
They put out information that I'd never been in the military, wasn't a nurse.
You know, the kinds of things that are ridiculous to do that anybody's going to see through if they check it out.
But, if they don't check it out, then they're going to go away with the idea that, oh gee, she wasn't a nurse, she's just a phony.
But yet,
Everything, nearly everything that I have said has turned out to be accurate.
Absolutely almost everything.
I mean, without a doubt, the information that I put out in 96 is accurate today.
So, it doesn't make any difference.
I mean, I don't let those people bother me because they do it all the time and they will attack us and they will try to make us look bad.
But when they came to the things that they said about you,
I thought, no, I cannot let this stand.
That is wrong.
I mean, I may disagree with you on some things, but there are some things that we have to come together on and we have to support each other for.
And that is that you're not the things that he says.
You are not creating the events that they say you're creating.
And in fact, it is other people that are at fault for not taking action.
And coming to the aid of the American people on these things, such as the veterans, or such as whatever happens on the Second Amendment.
They're not coming to the aid of us, and therefore when people like you and me do, and everybody else on Genesis, then we're the bad guys.
We are quote-unquote with, you know, air quotes, bad guys.
So, I mean, I don't have anything to lose now.
And I would say to Montel Williams, everything I'm saying, I would say to his face right now, how dare you?
How dare you go after somebody like Alex who is telling the truth about depleted uranium and about the veterans issues when you wouldn't even stand up and you wouldn't do it yourself and now you want to find some other crazy issues that you're attacking him for?
I mean I do have to credit
I think Jakari Jackson did a great job in doing a piece for you.
I really liked looking at that one.
And if they don't want to deal with the real issues, then it's going to become very apparent that attacking Alex or me is just something that they are paid to do.
They have got to be paid to do, because he has more things to do with his time than attack you and me.
You know, he was with Payday Loans, you know, the money... what was it?
Money Mutual Payday Loans.
I would have never been involved with anything like that because... Yeah, there's nothing seedier than payday loans and all that stuff.
I mean... Look who's out there doing it.
It's the veterans.
It's the poor vets who can't get their disability compensation for nine months to two years after leaving the military.
That's right.
They can't.
They can't.
And they're going there.
And I would not be a party to that.
All right, let's talk about geopolitics and what's at the bottom of the rabbit hole, Joyce.
I asked you that question earlier when we got into Montel.
The Russian situation, geopolitics, and where you think it all ends, and where humanity's going.
Joyce O'Reilly, straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
You're listening in Austin.
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They want to stun and dumb down and energy drinks and stuff just cover that up for a while, but then burn you out in my experience, whereas stuff that gets your glands naturally going, goes right to the source.
So, it's pretty exciting and I love it.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We're attacking the archetypal demons of the New World Order.
One of the Beelzebub's chief ringwraiths, Ronald McDonald, has met his match.
His good mirror image, that is Donald.
And Joe coming up in about 25 minutes is there in front of the McDonald's compound on Red River Street by the convention center.
So go out there and give him support, folks.
We have seen some people going in with their cameras.
What you do is you're not even so much covering Joe trying to get in.
They refuse to let him into the free food compound to ask questions.
You go in now, normally dressed with your iPhone, and then you ask the employees, do you know what's in that?
And you upload that.
And that's how you get around what they're doing.
And then you send us the YouTube video of that.
We post it.
And if it's the best one at the end of the week, I'll pick it.
You win $1,000.
Second place, $500.
Third place, $100.
Captain Joyce Riley, founder of the Gulf War Vets Association, is our guest.
And I really appreciate her coming on the show.
We should all pray for her while she's battling cancer.
She thinks she's doing a little bit better right now.
Thank God.
Shifting gears finally here in the minutes we have left with you.
What is your take on Russia?
Saying we were preparing tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.
What is your take on ISIS, the Middle East, the whole world, financial collapse?
I mean those big issues.
Where do you think the world's going?
Joyce Riley.
Well, I think it's going to a financial collapse without a doubt, and I think that most of the people that we trust in the financial industry agree with that.
There's something really wrong.
Even Fox Business is now starting to talk about, ah, is it going to go down now?
Are we going to lose this?
You know, 2008, what happened?
They're starting to kind of look at the other side and I think that's without a doubt what is going to happen.
Now ISIS we know that's a created group of people.
It doesn't look like a war.
Whenever they show it on CNN it looks like a phony cartoon war that's taking place.
The United States we know is supporting and aiding and abetting ISIS and making them what they are.
So all of this stuff is a theater for the mind.
All of this stuff is drama.
All of this is wag the dog scenario.
It's being created for the consumption of the people.
So the more we talk about it and the more we express what we see is happening, the more power we're going to have.
Let me talk in terms of what I think the answer is right now, because I only think there's one answer.
And that we have.
And if you have a better answer, please tell me, Alex, because I want to know.
In the time that I might have left in my world or your world or anybody else's, what can we actually do?
And I really believe that the work that the CSPOA has done, the Constitutional Sheriffs' Group has done, has been more effective than anything else in garnering a number of sheriffs who have all come together under the direction of Sheriff Richard Mack
And have made a huge difference, one sheriff at a time.
That's right.
Now that might sound like, oh, that's going to take too long.
Well, talking to every person in this country and getting them to understand the truth is going to take a long time.
That's what's going to take a long time.
Let's get the sheriffs on board.
And I want to say to everybody out there,
If you have a better answer, Alex included, tell me what it is.
Otherwise, I am financially supporting the CSPOA.
And check out the website at CSPOA.org because, look at this Alex, we've got the best sheriff we could possibly have.
He looks good, smells good, walks good, talks good.
This guy is the real deal.
He's never disappointed us.
He and Sam Bushman that he works with,
Have been phenomenal in what they have done.
They are out there educating one sheriff at a time and supporting these sheriffs when they get in trouble with the federal government.
And backing them, and they're finding out it's the real deal.
And it's counties, and it's states, real...
Real people realizing their power, the people not being enemies of their elected sheriffs, getting good people elected and standing against this globalist takeover.
It is so exciting and of course we've sold his book and had him on many times to promote that.
I think you're right.
Local government getting involved, saying no to the globalists, that is the answer, but also getting our hearts right with God.
Well yeah, and he definitely talks in terms of that.
But I think that literally, in the person of Sheriff Mack, not to put it into any one person, but that organization, where they are above reproach, they have another sheriff working, another law enforcement person working with them who I just dearly love, and they are really the real deal.
Okay, we've got the hard part.
He's put together that organization, CSPOA.
He goes around the country talking about it, supporting these sheriffs, bringing them into the fold.
Now, they need money to do this, and to me, this is the best organization to support that I know of in this country at all right now.
Absolutely, and look at other sheriffs that are speaking up, like the sheriff in Milwaukee for the Second Amendment and things.
That's the power of having good elected peace officers, and as that becomes popular and in fashion and sexy again, we can then influence the culture
That right now, the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center have been running the nastiest, meanest, anti-American groups, brainwashing and giving law enforcement awards.
I mean, give me a break.
That's basically George Soros, folks.
They want to play us off against each other.
Well, Joyce Riley, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Look forward to having you on again soon.
I'm glad you're feeling better, and we really appreciate you.
Let me just add one thing.
With Sheriff Clark that's on TV right now, he's a CSPOA member.
That just shows you it works.
So support CSPOA.
Thank you so much, Alex.
I appreciate the time.
You bet.
Thank you, Joyce.
Yeah, there you go.
Sheriff Clark up there in Milwaukee taking action.
That is so exciting.
And she's right.
It's reaching out to people in government and corporations, you name it, and saying, hey, do you want to be good?
And not have GMO in your beer.
Or in your butter.
And they go, you know what, you're right, we'll do that.
You've spoken, we'll do it.
The butter might go up a cent in price.
Or, hey, you don't want me to trample your rights and you're worried about where the country's going?
You know what, support me and I can do that.
There's a thousand different examples of this where we're really taking action.
And these constitutional law enforcement organizations are excellent.
Sheriff Mack's excellent.
We should get him back on soon.
But also, voting with our dollars, not eating GMO, not supporting the vaccine makers, exposing them, will break their backs.
And that's what we're doing right now.
And getting constitutionalists elected to state government so that we can shoot down these unconstitutional laws.
I don't like Chris Christie.
And I don't like some of these other big Republican neocontests, but I liked him a lot more when he came out and said, yeah, you shouldn't have to take a vaccine.
Notice Rand Paul got criticized for just saying, hey, some of these are dangerous.
You need to really read the inserts.
Oh, you'd have thought he murdered somebody when he just said, you might want to read the inserts.
You might want to look at what's in them.
You might want to look at the side effects.
And they said, he's anti-science.
He said, no, I understand you can get inoculated and not get disease, but he said, sometimes, you know, it has worse side effects than the cure.
Well, it's worse than that.
So for being moderately reality-based, Rand Paul got attacked because the globalists are in a bad position.
Their positions are undefendable.
That's why they say, don't like fluoride?
You're a kook!
And we're like, here's 25 Harvard studies, here's the BBC, here's AP, here's Reuters.
I mean, it's actually in the news!
Where it, 8-fold bone cancer increase in men, 3-fold increase in women, degeneration of the liver, degeneration of the pancreas, degeneration of the kidneys, lowered IQs, destroying the thyroid.
I mean, I just keep hammering fluoride because it's the elephant in the room where it's admitted
It's not even the good calcium fluoride that you eat a little bit of.
You need that or you die.
It's hydrofluorosilicic acid, we call it fluoride.
It is souped up, amped up, chemical type of fluoride that is deadly.
One drop of it gets on the concrete at the water treatment center, it eats through like the blood from the alien in Aliens.
It's so deadly, and speak of the devil,
We sell things that we have researched and we believe in that are something you really need.
It's a win-win-win.
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When I started researching iodine about four or five years ago, sort of taking the crappy type, I did feel better.
I talked to Groove and he said, listen, I've been developing deep earth sources of this.
Right now we've got the cleanest seaweed base in a palm oil that's organic, but we're going to be developing, and if you want to be involved in it, he had to jump through all these DEA hoops and stuff to get pure.
Nine, nine, nine, nine, nine.
I mean, you speak about eating through the floor, it's another halogen.
It's a blue gas, purple gas.
Our stuff on paper turns purple-blue, electric-blue.
The fakes, not fake, it's just bound.
Uh, so-called iodine turns red.
Our nascent iodine acts too.
It is red in the bottle, blue on paper, and it is from the pure deep earth crystals.
Nobody else that we know of has this.
We've had major competitors try to stop us from doing this.
We ended up finding a better source.
It's incredible how the Lord works.
I made a wrong turn yesterday and ended up seeing the new Black Panther Party rally.
It's now a national story.
I was kind of mad making the wrong turn through traffic, and oh, then I caught that.
You never know how the Lord works in mysterious ways.
The point is, we have just amazing, and what it's done for me going in and grabbing the bad halogens, pulling them out, my energy, everything has just been amazing.
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I'll just tell you right now.
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I was going to go to, at the bottom of the hour, to Anthony Gucciardi, Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs, and crew.
There's the police.
They tried to tell us last year that they'd give us trespassing tickets for handing out magazines on city streets.
And the zoning department said so, so we said go ahead and do it, we're going to sue you.
Because the law doesn't say that.
And now the police are back, saying that South By people have ordered them to do that.
Anthony's there, talking to the police right now.
Let's go live to that
I'm saying is, I'm going less than that.
If you want, we will issue you a warning.
And then, if you do it again, then it obviously goes further than that.
But right now, I'm not even giving you money.
I'm just asking you politely.
That way, all of us can get along out here, and you can do what you need to do.
Were those South By officials asking you to arrest us?
We don't have any interest in arresting anybody, okay?
We appreciate you guys working with us.
We just heard from a few people that were listening to the interaction that those South By individuals were asking you to arrest us.
Everybody's just trying to get along, okay?
That's our job, okay?
We don't want to arrest you, bro.
But they absolutely weren't.
They were trying to say that we were trespassing and that we should be arrested immediately.
But as long as you don't create any violations, a lot of which would be going inside there after being warned, or blocking the entranceway, or using the board, you can say whatever you want to say.
If you don't want to stand there and talk to people all day, please do.
Okay, we're not, we're not gonna...
Everybody else was allowed to have a bullhorn.
Last year, they said we could be on the sidewalk.
So now they backed off.
I'm gonna let y'all fight the battle that you choose to fight, okay?
But please be respectful of everybody and do what we need to do, okay?
Well, Alex, just to let you know, I can't receive your audio for whatever reason, but at the moment, what just happened is there was some...
I overheard them talking about trespassing.
Possibly trespassing and that's all it was here.
Which is funny because we're sitting here on a public sidewalk.
Yeah, it's really travesty that they were actually trying to stop him to use amplification, which is his fundamental constitutional right.
Absolutely, and then they were all sitting over there huddled around that Jeep thing and basically calling over and over and over again and everyone kept saying, well you're going to get arrested, you better leave now.
Well, we need to get those info warriors, uh, Anthony, and I think I see your girlfriend over there, Anthony.
We should send her in with a camera, a small iPhone, just to ask a question.
Oh, who is this guy?
Um, who are you, sir?
What's that?
You learning about some McDonald's facts?
What do you think?
Some, some good stuff.
I love chicken nuggets.
Yeah, you like that?
You like GMOs?
You like yoga mat chemicals?
Love it.
Well, that's good.
I was just eating a yoga mat for breakfast.
Well, that's great news.
You're a great American.
You are a great American, McDonald.
Donald, are you a fan of this man?
A fan of who?
That individual right there.
He's going to make sure that McDonald's keeps succeeding.
McDonald's is bad!
McDonald's is spreading the truth.
And numerous times we actually did try to enter the event, but now what they're doing is they're ultra-screening it because they think everyone is with us because they actually are with us.
They actually are on our side, and there were numerous people with their phones and their cameras.
Talk to some of the zombies coming out and ask them what they ate.
In fact, I paid someone $20 to get me a Big Mac, but they would not let them in even though they had a pass.
And all I want is a Big Mac.
And of course, it was open to the public.
Hardly anybody was in there.
Now that folks actually want to go in to get the luscious frankenfood, the basically one step up from wax food, because wax food is probably more nutritious, that this is happening.
Oh yeah, I went in yesterday.
I just walked in.
I walked in with Rob Dew.
We had a camera and they said they didn't care and they let us in.
They said it's open to the public.
We could film, do whatever we want.
Obviously, they have now shut the entire place down because of yesterday.
Let's cut a break and come back and talk to Donald McRonald and then Rex Jones is there and get my son's take on all this.
Anthony, you can interview all of them when we come back from break.
And again, I want to thank all the Infowarriors I see showing up, the t-shirts and folks.
The key is, go inside, order some of the slop, some of the free slop, and then just ask people, what's in the McNuggets?
Have you taken the plasticizer out or get a malt?
Or a shake.
And ask them, unless they don't have malts, that'd be too delicious.
Ask them, hey, does this still have the bovine growth hormone in it?
Because you say sometime, somewhere in the near future, over the rainbow, you're going to take that stuff out of there.
Anthony will continue to show the feed up on InfoWars.com forward slash show.
I should add every segment.
We're not just a radio show.
We're the first radio broadcast to not just do video cams 12, 13 years ago, but to actually put in a full camera shoot.
And so that's what we've been doing and now it's a full TV studio with a crew and reporters and it's really three and four dimensional for folks.
Find the free feeds and pass them on to others at Infowars.com forward slash show.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Another major health threat.
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That's Infowarslife.com or call 888-253-3139.
Stand by to engage live transmission.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I have rethought my view on Beards.
And I'm going to talk about that after our guests leave us.
And I'm not being sarcastic.
Remind me.
I'm not against beards.
My dad's had a beard a lot of my life.
My uncle almost always has a beard.
At least a mustache.
It's a very male thing to do.
It's natural.
It's normal.
It's that every trendy has them now.
Basically everyone has them.
And it's weird to have anti-gun people with beards.
So I guess liberals have been so emasculated and they drink so many estrogens and look so much like a woman, they've had their country taken, their freedom taken, their huevos taken, so they grow a beard to feel like they're a man.
At least that's in the right direction.
I don't have a beard because it's scratchy and I don't like it.
Well, I make a joke about beards or something, so I'm not insulting 80% of men that have beards nowadays.
It's just, it's fads themselves.
But maybe that's a good fad, because I was thinking this morning, I always try to wear green on St.
Paddy's Day.
Because I guess I've got some Irish on my dad's side of the family.
Most people in Texas are part Irish.
And I like Irish culture.
And that's an old fad that came out of culture of people that were seen as second class citizens saying, hey, I'm going to wear green on this day.
I'm proud to be Irish.
So I'm all for fads if they come from the people in the grassroots.
The fad is the Second Amendment is getting very popular.
It's not going away.
I don't like globalist fake culture, and South by Southwest is all about manufacturing that.
I'm not just picking on McDonald's here, folks.
I'm not against a chicken fried steak or a big cheeseburger if it's healthy bread and healthy beef and cheese.
It's the GMO.
We're not the Bloomberg crowd that wants to tax salt.
They ignore all the GMO and then go after something, you know, unreasonable.
Just like there's real environmental problems when they go after carbon dioxide that plants need.
So, this is how the globalists control things.
McDonald's gives money, you can look it up, to open borders, anti-gun, globalism, fake feminist garbage.
They are horrible!
And their food is amongst some of the worst.
And so, that's... and Bill Gates is involved.
And so that's why we're hammering this globalist organization.
Pepsi, you know, uses fetal tissue for their flavor enhancers.
I mean, I have to stand up against that.
If you've got stock in Pepsi, sorry.
You know, I don't own money in prisons.
I told you 15 years ago, buy that, it's only going to go up if you're evil.
I won't be part of it.
I won't buy money in, you know, drone companies, because I know it's being used for evil.
Now, you can make your own decisions, but that's all coming up.
And I haven't mentioned all day, and I should have,
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Okay, building a people's-based, liberty-based, Americana-based media system, that's what we're doing, ladies and gentlemen, and taking the culture back
That's what this broadcast is all about.
Okay, let's now go back to the press conference where Joe Biggs is talking to children and others, warning about GMOs.
He has the alter ego now of Donald McRonald, the brother, and of course both of them are the sons of John Wayne Gacy.
Both Ronald McDonald, who follows after his father, and Donald McRonald, who's fighting John Wayne Gacy.
And I mean that as satire, McDonalds, you know that.
Who knows?
Let's just put John Wayne Gacy on screen, though.
There is a likeness to Ronald McDonald.
He probably is his father.
Maybe Obama's father is really John Wayne Gacy, the famous serial killer with all the dead kids in his basement.
No, I'm being sarcastic, but Obama doesn't have a lot of dead kids under his belt funding ISIS and the Al-Qaeda incarnation.
We're going to talk to Joe Biggs as Donald McRonald out there, and then we're going to talk to Anthony Gucciardi.
Jakari can't talk to us, he's on camera doing a great job.
I know that's exhausting.
And then we're going to talk to Rex Jones, my son.
So let's go to Joe Biggs, excuse me, Donald McRonald.
Donald McRonald, what are you doing?
Donald, give us your take on what's going on here.
Well so far the cops have come out here in record number and they're trying to tell me that I can't be out here using the bullhorn telling people about GMOs!
It's pretty crazy!
All we're doing is educating the population out here about the bad additives and fillers that are in McDonald's food and they come out here and harass us and they said if we step foot on McDonald's property again I'm gonna go to jail!
You wouldn't do very well in jail, would you?
No, they wouldn't like me in there!
Because I'll be spreading truth and knowledge!
Alright, here we go, Rex.
Rex is here.
Rex wants to give his take as well.
I'm Donald.
Ronald, why are you protesting against McDonald's landfill?
Well, because they have silicone breast implant fillers inside their chicken nuggets.
They've got silly putty.
You've heard of that, right?
What do you know about it?
I like to play with my food.
But when you get older, you shouldn't be playing with stuff anymore.
You should be eating good and healthy food.
I don't want to be a mutant like those people on the wall over there.
Is that what happened to you, Ronald?
Well, yeah, I'm a bit of a mutant.
You don't want to keep evolving into a mutated form with like three eyes and like extra arms?
I mean, like, how did you eat that food?
Rex, you were saying earlier, he was standing over there and he was saying, hey look, even I know I don't want to eat this garbage.
Tell us about that.
Well, obviously it belongs in a trash can because any ice cream or burger with three eyes and a mouth is not natural.
No, it's pretty simple.
We give these people these
Informational pamphlets here, which actually just say everything that's in the food, in a very limited amount, which is admitted on McDonalds.com, that they do use, in fact, the yoga mat chemicals, they do use high fructose corn syrup, which contains mercury, they do use, you know, MSG derivatives and aspartame derivatives.
We've been giving that to everyone, and mostly they've just been like, yes, we actually know about this, we shouldn't eat this, wow, we're pretty terrible people.
I mean, it's like, really disgusting.
I just have one more thing to say, I'm not loving it.
At all.
I'm hating it.
I'm not lovin' it!
Donald McRonald.
I'm the ethical twin brother!
Hey, don't eat a McDonald's, it's got poison in it!
You know, some guy also came up earlier, in fact I think he's over there right now, and he was saying, it was actually, I hope we can use it in a video, he was saying, well you know, I know McDonald's is bad, but when I see Kobe Bryant make a dunk shot and then eat a burger, it makes me think it's acceptable and it's cool.
He literally said that.
That person's a moron under my control.
Yes, exactly, but the sad thing is he represents a lot of people.
Did you hear when we were talking about that, Rex, earlier?
Anthony, Anthony, hold on one second before you talk to Rex.
I want to get you guys to give us a tour on the outside of how it's like a concentration camp with Barbwire and then these blob creatures that are their mascots that you can look like them or at least your liver can if you eat enough GMO and enough silly putty additive.
Here we go.
So, so, they're basically telling you that space aliens eat this.
Go ahead.
This is the left of the entrance.
That truck right there is where the food is lovingly made, as in microwaved.
There is barbed wire all around the compound till the very end.
There is a truck right there with all of the food that they'll ever need for the next six years because of the preservatives.
And here is the fence, and behind here you can see where they lovingly create this food, where they are loving it.
Some individuals smoking cigarettes over here.
Inside is the
Unattainable compound of the McNugget Factory.
But I wanted to show you the entrance, as well, where we tried to enter, and we were able to enter yesterday, and were thrown out and assaulted.
Those creatures on the side of the wall look like Fallujah babies, and I'm not being mean when I say that.
They actually look like DU babies.
They are Fukushima children, but these are not the worst.
I want to show you the true art.
Before you walk in, here's the entrance here we're getting to.
And I'll try to dictate it verbally as well.
We're walking into the entrance, surrounded by barbed wire, where they will not let you in.
But then there are these, these creatures, representative of McDonald's.
There is a skull at the bottom.
As well as some weird Ronald McDonald's stepchild or something that looks diseased and riddled with acne on its forehead and has... Well, it's skulls!
It's skulls!
There's actually skulls at the bottom, yes, in front of the McDonald's.
Keep it on that, because we're going to Google DU babies, Iraq, and show folks how this is in our face.
Because if you look at the blimped out babies, it's hellish and I almost cry when I see it.
That is actually what it does.
In fact, that could be a McDonald's.
Oh my God.
Look at that poor baby.
Right there, the one that looks like a sleaf stack.
I mean, praise God that we're getting the word on this, but pray for these poor little babies.
In fact, get it off screen.
I can't even look at it.
My God.
Go up, because it looks like DU babies.
I'm not kidding.
The one on the side right there looks like a DU baby.
I don't mean to be gross, folks.
That's what's going on here.
The other side's a DU baby.
Go around.
I mean, you understand the conspiracy, folks?
They psychically have a rule.
This is not the average McDonald's employees, but the higher-ups, they must tell you what they're going to do to you beforehand.
Look, that one has an eye patch on.
That one has scars.
It's like Frankenstein.
And notice how it's almost subliminal.
It's not real obvious.
It's all hidden in plain view.
I can't enter or they'll kill me, but there is one with the eye patch up there as well.
God help us.
This is all around the building.
I mean, let's be clear.
This is all around the barbed wire building here.
All of these.
There's like hundreds of them.
And notice, this is like the mass hallucination of the globalists, where everyone's getting ugly and fat and getting cancer and zits all over us and just disease and just... And then it's just like, they're just showing you what they're doing to you, going, it's ugly, it's sexy, hurt yourself, because they know subconsciously you know the truth.
By the way, I've had dinner with top PR psychologists and psychiatrists that work for major... One of them worked for one of the biggest cereal companies.
I was up in Minnesota once with Ted Anderson, and we had dinner with a radio station owner who worked for these people, and when they called him in and told him what they wanted him to do, you know, it was in confidence.
I shouldn't even go this far because it'll... That was like 12 years ago.
He may not even be alive now.
He was really old, but I looked it up.
He was talking about Smurf Cereal and then the Smurf Show.
And what they were trying to do to the kids with it, and I'm not allowed to say, because it was in confidence, I'm just... The weapons they use!
I mean, this is a Twilight Zone I'm living in, man!
They got skulls and mutated babies all around the McDonald's!
And it's officially their stuff!
I mean, Anthony, can we handle this?
Because I ain't loving it!
No, I mean, you think about the reality that these people are shoving themselves full of the food chemicals, sure, but then look, there's skulls all around next to these deformed babies.
I mean, it's just such a warped sense of existence.
And look at all these people inside.
The line, they said, is 30 minutes to an hour long sometimes, all to get their Big Macs.
And they're sitting in there.
It's like super hot out here in Cuba and disgusting and kind of raining.
They're just sitting in line waiting to get their Big Macs.
And there's just skulls.
I want to go talk to these young women here.
Do they think McDonald's is trendy?
Or do they understand how serious it is?
Let's go talk to them.
And then maybe somebody can take over camera for Jakaris.
We can talk to him later.
I want to talk more to Rex.
I'm also running this camera as well.
Okay, but let's go talk to those young ladies that I just saw on camera.
Or is that another shot?
They didn't want to get on camera.
Hey, what do you guys think of McDonald's?
McDonald's is good.
I like their french fries.
I don't like their hamburgers though.
Do you know what's in the food you're eating?
Uh, no.
And I kind of don't want to know.
Well, what if I told you there was chemicals that could actually cause birth defects, make you sick, give you cancer?
Then I wouldn't eat it anymore.
You wouldn't eat it anymore?
Can you come over here?
We have a pamphlet showing what's in the actual food.
Yeah, sure.
Come on over here.
Let's see if this young woman is actually phased by what's in this.
I know, uh, Donald is over here being a serious celebrity, but we need some pamphlets for this young lady.
Do you have a pamphlet, Donald?
This young lady does not believe that there is, uh, stuff in the food, and she would love, she would love to know, because she says she will not eat it if she realizes there are carcinogenic chemicals in it.
Here we go.
Let's check, let's go through the list together.
This is all from McDonalds.com.
It's a chemical compound found in yoga mats.
And why do we keep saying yoga mats over and over again?
It's not just for shock value.
This is actually a plastic-based chemical that is, of course, used in their bread.
And then also the GMOs.
You know what GMOs are?
It's okay if you don't.
Most people don't.
Genetically modified organisms.
Yeah, there we go.
And it's not just something that's selective breeding as they would like you to believe.
They use a massive multi-billion dollar machine to splice genes and admit they have no idea what it's doing over the next 10 to 100 years.
We'll actually know if we're going to be completely sterile and ruin our lives.
We know that it kills kidney cells and liver cells and damages your gut flora and destroys your intestines.
And this is what McDonald's is selling you.
The chicken McNuggets contain an anti-foaming agent used in silly putty and then don't forget propylene glycol which isn't even on here because they don't admit that on their site that we found but it is an antifreeze based chemical that's in electronic cigarettes and is closely related to butane.
That's great.
Does that appetize you?
No, not at all.
Does that make you feel a little bit different about going in there and getting that Big Mac?
Uh, yeah, but I'm not going to get a Big Mac.
I just want fries.
Do they have nasty stuff in fries?
They have nasty stuff in everything.
Alright, thank you.
You got it.
And we're just talking to people because
Isn't it interesting, though, that... Ask her who else gives you free stuff and give her the answer.
Drug dealers.
Yeah, who else gives you free things to get you hooked and addicted?
Um, I mean, a lot of... Drug dealers.
And you know why they do that?
So you're a lifetime client.
Because sugar, on average, by the way, is more addictive than cocaine.
Pull those studies up, too.
It is more addictive than cocaine.
They load everything with sugar, but then there's MSG, which is basically an excitotoxin, which makes your brain essentially think that it's having
Anthony, ask Cupcake.
She looks like a sweet, nice person.
Keep going.
Ask her where she's from.
Where are you from?
I'm from California.
Are you coming here for South By?
No, I go to school out here.
Oh, okay.
Do you eat at McDonald's often?
Um, no, I don't.
There's not a McDonald's near my university.
What do you think about our friend Donald McRonald over there?
You mean Ronald McDonald?
No, this is Donald McRonald.
He's his more conscious brother.
He's not a fan.
But they're both sons of Ted Bundy.
I mean he's related to Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy.
Oh yeah, it's John Wayne Gacy.
Sorry, he's the clown.
Yeah, put him on screen.
Yep, he's over here.
Let's go see what he's up to.
Can we put John Wayne Gacy, Donald McRonald's father, on screen please?
So there's silicone breast implant fillers in the chicken nuggets, so you're eating a boob job.
It is actually true.
Silicone's good here, not here.
That's bad.
Not to mention that McDonald's could actually say it's vegan, basically, because it contains zero real meat.
Hey, that's not real beef!
They actually own a company called 100% Beef, so they can actually put in whatever they want!
It's very true.
I'll admit it, on mcdonalds.com, the best source for debunking why McDonald's is supposed to be healthy.
And with that company, they can put fillers in it!
And fillers are all kinds of evil, bad things!
Like GMOs!
And silicone breast implant fillers!
And silly putty and yoga mats!
But it's good for you, Donald!
I know!
It doesn't matter, it tastes good, that's what matters!
I'm wearing an ultra racist because I don't like GMOs!
Well, it's just like if you were to be on heroin.
McDonald's sucks!
And you told someone... Now those girls are bummed out because they don't want... Now those girls are bummed out because they wanted a free lunch.
Hey, go talk to that... Go talk to that lady.
Go back to the other camera shot.
She looks like she wants to talk.
There's a blonde right there looking at you.
Where is it?
Go back.
Turn around.
She was laughing and pointing at you.
There she is right there.
Go talk to her.
What do you want, McDonald's?
See what she thinks.
Yeah, pretty enthused over here.
Um, it's just interesting because I never eat McDonald's at all.
Skip this break.
I did a couple of hours ago after an event last night at South by Southwest.
Did you regret that?
I regret it.
So I'm looking at him going, uh, regret eating it, but it tasted so good.
And once a year is not bad.
So you admit it's like basically a drug.
What tasted good?
The McDonald's.
She said it's absolutely terrible.
We're live by the way.
She thinks like dead possums taste good?
Not a drug.
You don't think so?
I don't think so.
But you admit it's kind of addicting.
Um... Where are you from, by the way?
I'm from South Africa, but I live in Calgary.
Ask her about all the weird skull babies over there.
Yeah, come over here for a second.
I want to show you something.
But I talked to someone from South Africa.
Come over here.
We're gonna look at these weird skulls surrounding this area of the barbed wire compound.
I talked to someone from South Africa yesterday.
He said everyone there pretty much knows that McDonald's is garbage and that they will not eat it.
Do you find that to be true?
I really don't know.
He said basically everyone knows he's giving you cancer.
Come over here and look.
Look at these skulls.
These weird deformed babies with one eye and these skulls on the ground.
What do you think about that?
Does that appetize you?
No, it's kind of weird.
I'm just trying to make sense of it all.
Why do you think they're there?
I really don't know.
Why do you think they all have vision issues?
They all have patches on their eyes and they all have huge bellies and guts and mouths pouring out of their stomach.
What do you think that's about?
They're like
Doesn't it kind of look like a nuclear accident?
These deformed babies?
See, vampires have to tell you this way, Hades.
It's a spiritual law, folks.
We're dealing with Satanists.
Go ahead.
It's like a no trespassing sign.
It's basically saying, look, this is a skull at the bottom of a restaurant.
It's like a skull on a bottle of poison, a rat poison.
They're telling you.
Yeah, it's like the X's on an alcohol bottle.
McDonald's puts skulls on entrance.
I mean, you know, they're letting you know.
I mean, could it be any more... I mean, she's laughing about it.
She's saying, absolutely, you're right.
Could it be any more obvious there is skulls on the entrance of this building, which is also... And it rings it.
It rings it.
The bloated dead babies.
Yeah, there are bloated dead babies all over the sign.
We're going to show you over here again.
She actually believes me, but she just can't believe it, so we're going to show some more.
I thought she really came from the Amazon.
What is she, about 6'3"?
I'd be 9 feet tall.
But uh, I think that she's actually, everyone's falling now looking at me.
Ask her if she's from Dutch Afrikaner stocks, she might.
Are you Dutch?
Yeah, I need to go to, I'm gonna go see Jimmy Kimmel.
What's that?
I'm gonna go see Jimmy Kimmel.
Oh, you're gonna go see Jimmy Kimmel?
We wanna talk to him too.
I love him.
She said she was Dutch?
Yes, she is Dutch, and she's going to see Jimmy Kimmel.
Look how smart I am, folks.
I know like every region, you name it.
I mean, I'm not bragging.
I just know what I'm talking about.
We can say goodbye.
Thank you for looking at dead children with me on McDonald's.
Doesn't that make you feel good about eating it?
I really appreciate that.
You know what?
I think, I actually want to thank McDonald's for letting me know what happens.
Well, they have to.
God doesn't let them do otherwise.
They have to follow the rules or they get big time problems.
See, we figured out the whole enemy code, folks.
We got the enemy code, folks.
I mean, are people gonna listen to us?
We've got the enemy code.
All week I've been talking about, and last week, about the enemy code everywhere.
Let's see what Rex thinks about all this, or anybody else that wants to talk to us.
Let's talk to Jakari.
He's right near me.
Is that alright?
Let's do that.
Jakari... You can tell he doesn't eat at McDonald's.
...about the skulls on the front.
Obviously, he don't eat at McDonald's.
I thought that was really weird when I first came up here.
Because of all the things that you would think to see at a McDonald's restaurant.
You see all the childish looking skulls, the things with eye patches, scars on their faces.
And also I think you took a look, Anthony, over this way when you saw the McDonald's truck.
You guys can see it right there on my shot.
And that's where they're cooking all the food.
Everybody seems
Uh, they at least hear us out, you know.
They use cooking, um, almost sardonically, of course.
Yeah, yeah, of course they do.
And the people we've met out here, they're at least receptive to hear what we have to say.
A lot of them say, yeah, I know, I don't care.
Which is kind of interesting to me, that so many people would know and still choose to eat it regularly.
You know, you always have your people who do it for indulgence purposes.
But, you know, this is a good crowd, a good receptive crowd.
We had an incident a little bit earlier when an officer tried to, well actually he didn't try, he gave Biggs a ticket.
Or should I say Donald?
Whatever his name is.
Donald McRonald.
He got a ticket for bullhorning out here.
But the cops were overall cool.
They were pretty annoyed.
The South by officials kept coming by and trying to get us all arrested for trespassing when we're on a public sidewalk.
That's exactly right.
And... Skulls.
And that's what's going on out here.
A very, uh, a very odd scene.
Let's find... Looking at poor Rex, I think he was so intrigued that he may, along with a few others, try to enter and may have been successful.
So he's been sitting in the bowels, the literal bowels of the skull pit.
And yes, he's on a key mission to retrieve a Big Mac because we are absolutely destined to get one and absolutely not eat it on camera.
Well, when you got the Denver dead baby mural that made so much interest, they painted over it.
We need to, you know, take some HD photos of this and do a whole story about the cryptic skulls on the McDonald's.
Cryptic skulls and deformed babies advertise McDonald's goodies.
It's a warning sign for what you're about to experience.
Well, I'm telling you folks, when you eat fast food like I did some back in college and stuff, you're hungry an hour later, you feel weird, it's like a drug.
These additives have psychoactive effects, excitotoxins, it's in the medical literature, but they're called additives so they get away with it.
Just like cigarettes have additives to make it more addictive.
That's what's going on with this.
That's the big conspiracy.
That's why we obsess.
They try to change it to just fat and sugar's the problem.
The problem is additives in frankenfood and things that aren't natural.
You need fat.
It makes your brain operate better.
You get Alzheimer's if you don't get it enough.
So many old people get Alzheimer's because they don't eat enough good cholesterol.
Anthony, you're an expert on this.
You've interviewed many medical doctors on the fact.
Heading up Natural Society, StoryLink.com and WorkingWithInfoWars.com.
Speak to that briefly.
I think about Russell Blaylock, MD, who talks about excitotoxins, and MSG derivatives, and aspartame derivatives, and basically the Chinese Food Syndrome, as they called it, which was basically just anecdotal evidence because Chinese food did it and had MSG.
McDonald's has very similar things that are actually worse, and it's a compendium effect because of all the other additives that are in their food.
So what happens is, as we see by this skull here, when you eat the McDonald's food, you get a sensation rush in your brain that releases dopamine-type compounds, and you feel really, really, really good.
Like you just did something.
Ultimately, over time, though, like a drug, as you said, you'll basically dismiss any negative things that someone says.
So if I say there's crap, you know, you're eating garbage, they'll say, well, yeah, haha, I know, but they secretly need it to justify their dopamine addictions.
And that is why they make so much money, and then you end up looking like this skull here.
And all the MDs that I've talked to that I know personally, and spoken to, and interviewed, and everything like that, they all agree, this is way beyond just, haha,
Fats and macros and sugars and oh it's so funny.
This is a weaponized effect by Marker.
Well look at that arm!
That arm has like smallpox.
So they're getting it ready that it's cool to have red pus balls all over you children.
Eat it, eat it, uh uh uh uh uh uh.
But these people sit around in marketing rooms for like 16 hours a day and obsess on it and do drugs to keep them awake and think about how to psychologically target literal babies.
Well, what they do is they say these are unhappy yuppies with college degrees that can't get a job and these are failures.
I mean, I've been around these people in some of these marketing meetings where I've been involved in other stuff and I'm literally disengaged.
They go, we're going to use a subliminal of death and dead babies because people know they're trash and they want to see it when they feel like crap going in there to get this.
So we'll just it's trendy to be to fail and be a total slacker.
And the next level of swagger is to have puss balls all over you.
And dead babies, yeah.
Like those DU dead babies.
Let's see what they look like.
Yeah, make it look like that.
Put it in their face.
Now let's go take some drugs.
Yeah, hail Satan.
Overdrive coming up.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We lost the feed with Anthony Gucciardi in downtown at South by Southwest, but
CJ's got quite a few kids and is aware of what goes on on television.
Said you know exactly what all those animations looked like.
The skulls, the rotten kids, the mutated people.
He said it's exactly what you just said it is.
It's the world after a nuclear war with mutants everywhere.
And I guess that's part of McDonald's promotion.
So see, I wasn't just making up my first approximation analysis.
It is DU babies.
It's incredible!
I didn't know that, and now we're looking it up.
It appears that there's been some promotion with McDonald's.
Oh my God!
See, I'm right again.
I can't believe it.
CJ, tell us about the loving show.
It's called Adventure Time.
It's pretty common on Cartoon Network.
All the preteens and tweens watch it, and it's based on a world after a nuclear apocalypse.
So those are DU babies.
Oh my God.
Yeah, the only people alive are a couple humans and a whole bunch of mutated creatures.
And McDonald's is promoting DU Babies.
I knew, I said, I've seen that before.
Because we were out there off and on for like an hour.
During the breaks, I kept watching the feed.
I go, where have I seen that?
Like the bloated lips and the one eye.
That's what the DU Babies have.
I don't want to put them back on screen.
My God!
I mean, I knew it, so I said it to DU, baby.
I knew my gut was right, but I can't believe it's really true.
What's gonna happen here, CJ?
This is getting crazy.
If the new transhumanism isn't robots, it's extra arms.
Well, they've got to make us so ugly first in our minds, they've got to destroy us first before we must fall to the machines.
Because we believe we're made in the image of God and beautiful and sentient and if we exalt, you know, Beethoven and, you know, firefighters saving kids and humans going into space, then we won't be ready to fall and roll over and die, CJ.
You're not ready to die, Alex?
No, I'm not ready to turn the world over to a bunch of psychopathic haters, no.
Give up.
Eat more GMO.
Yep, well, those trendies have definitely given up.
We talked to Google people that were down there last year, they're like, you will submit, of course you'll have a brain chip, ah!
They think because they merge with it, they've got power, and they're always these weak, sickly people that believe they have power because they're under the wings of the New World Order.
You're only under the wings because it hadn't eaten your butt yet.
You're there in the food dish, dumb-dumb.
They'll go, I know I am, eugh!
I mean, how do you counter people that want to be slaves and want to take us with them?
Exactly what you're doing here today.
Put the news out there whether they want to accept it or not.
Man, this is a satanic group though, isn't it?
If you want to listen, you want to listen.
If you don't, then I guess it's your funeral.
You think McDonald's likes the fact that we're exposing them?
Because see, it's not just about the poisoned food, folks.
It's about devil worshippers.
With an evil John Wayne Gacy clown selling you the food.
And what does he do once the clown gets the kid?
We know what he does in the basement, don't we CJ?
A lot of happy, nice, play fun.
I personally think that McDonald's is on its way out.
And this is a last ditch effort to try to get some kind of customer base.
They're going to have to start selling an alternative.
Well, it's just like they create all this sexual dysfunction and then say, oh, the new fad is all these men and women that sexually don't know who they are for our chemical attack.
And then form them into groups as if they're persecuted when the globalists did it to them to begin with.
I mean, that's a sick plan.
And then their new base will be mutants because within three generations any mammal group eating this stuff turns into a mutant.
So they're literally showing us what they're going to do.
And then the mutants won't like those of us who at least tried to keep our kids safe who aren't mutants.
I'm not joking.
You can see their plan.
This is truly sick.
It's true.
It's the rise of the mutant takeover, folks.
My God.
My God, and my genes are already so fried.
I mean, they admit that human genes are damaged.
These GMOs are designed to go into your genes and change them.
Trans-mutagenic, I believe is the term they use.
Is this actually run by humans is the question.
I mean, I just can't believe our own species is this nasty.
Well, it doesn't matter what's running it.
It's happening.
Great job to the crew.
We'll have them go to JustinTV or whatever we use, Ustream.
Live feeds will post to InfoWars.com if they want to keep operating.
This is a seek and destroy disinformation and globalist operation program from InfoWars Command Center.
Alex Jones signing off.
If the IRS is out, his life is filled with unexpected