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Name: 20110728_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 28, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're going to have an absolutely jam-packed broadcast transmission for you today.
It is Thursday, the 28th day of July 2011.
Now, out of the gates,
I ended up playing his special report in overdrive yesterday, so I'm going to get back into the actual technicals of what I believe is the greatest threat facing humanity, and that is unchecked genetic engineering, human clones, humans being spliced with plants, animals, insects, reptiles, amphibians, fish,
It's all being done and it's admitted in plain view.
Now we've learned since the 1960s.
But more and more they're admitting they've been doing it secretly.
And I want to break down why this is a threat because I got a few emails and saw a few comments on our special report with people saying, what's wrong with technology?
Well, what's wrong with a firearm?
Nothing unless a bad person is using it to shoot you in the head.
And so we have the headline, breaking down the proof and the facts of all this information at InfoWars.com.
I've moved it back to the top of the page in Featured News.
Genetic Genocide, Humanity's Greatest Threat.
And the name of the video that accompanies the article is Genetic Armageddon, Humanity's Greatest Threat.
And we're going to be going over that more today.
The American Dream Report did an accompanying article
Part human, part animal hybrid monsters are being created by scientists all over the planet.
They go through the proof.
And that was my intention.
I asked other journalists, reporters, filmmakers, YouTubers to look at this information yourself.
You'll dig up even more than we've dug up and talk about it.
Get a buzz going about real issues, not whether, you know, the NFL was going to have a strike or whatever.
Also, tying into this, forced DNA collection without search warrant violates privacy rights.
EFF urges appeals court to block unconstitutional federal law.
Also, Aaron Dyches has a detailed report, also at Infowars.com.
Target Africa GMO crop push is depopulation scheme by the Rockefeller and Bella Melinda Gates Foundation.
We have Sheriff Richard Mack, who's now moved to Central Texas.
Everybody is!
It's great, good to have him here.
The Health Ranger, Sheriff Mack, so many others over the years moving here.
And he's going to be in studio with us coming up in the third hour today.
And we're going to be talking about Operation Fast and Furious.
We're going to be talking about the courtsite situation that is what martial law police state looks like.
We have an article today on that courtside Arizona blueprint for a police state.
We've got the latest on the bankers positioning the United States for total bankruptcy.
We're already bankrupt hundreds of times over through fraud.
We don't owe but a fraction of the derivatives that they've had our criminal, traitorous, treacherous words can't describe it.
Politicians have a sign on to.
Also, there's lots of hyperventilating and fear-mongering going on right now.
Oh my goodness.
We're in such grave danger.
Exclusive Fox News.
AWOL soldier arrested over concerns of possible second attack on Fort Hood.
He was reportedly from Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
Home of the Night Stalkers, and he had come back into the Fort Hood area.
Reportedly, he may have lived there previously, and they're trying to make the connection to Major Hassan, who for two years was run by Anwar al-Awlaki, number three man in al-Qaeda, who of course was getting direct orders from the Pentagon.
And when Congress asked to see the two years of emails they'd been surveilling, they were told national security.
Congress can't see that.
But I wanted to dovetail that with Obama to approve Al-Qaeda embassy in Washington.
Can't make that up.
And also Daily Mail, no porn or prostitution, Islamic extremists set up Sharia law controlled zones in British cities.
And I've looked at the video of these guys, this is definitely staged.
In fact, some people involved that head up the group admit they work with the government.
These guys are MI5 and MI6.
We'll break it all down, stay with us.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are live, my friends.
It is Thursday, the 28th day of July 2011, and we are tracking the Globalist Crime Syndicate as they continue to roll out new pre-planned phases.
of their global government, their private, fascistic, anti-free market, anti-family, anti-private property, criminal takeover of society, their takeover of the genetic engineering of the crops, their takeover of every facet of life on this planet, what the globalists call full-spectrum dominance.
We are here
Attempting with some success and growing success, which is very exciting, to try to activate the warning system, the survival instincts that are within all human beings, that beat deep within our breast a desire to uplift the species, to build, to explore, to trailblaze, and to protect the innocent, the children,
The women, the men, the people of our planet.
We are here to bring hope, but real hope.
The only hope is in facing just how serious the crisis is, just how criminal and ruthless and psychopathic the globe's current controllers and ruling class are.
If you've studied history, you know ruling classes tend to become very decadent, especially when they're in power for a long time.
They have completely eroded the sovereignty of every nation on earth, but a handful of third world countries they're now mopping up.
Does it mean those third world countries are run by good people?
In most cases, no.
The point is, they are not setting up the global eugenics extermination grid.
Russia is extremely corrupt, with a corrupt old line oligarchy running it.
But Russia is not financing eugenics for sterilization and population reduction.
Russia, from my analysis, it's public information, is paying the public to have children.
So I think that's important to add.
China made a secret deal in 1975 with U.S.
Ambassador to China, now declassified through State Department memorandums 200 and others, George Herbert Walker Bush, for China to be the new industrial base and to be at the top of the New World Order after the United States has brought the third world status, if they would begin exterminating
Alright, I am now digressing, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me give you the news that we have in front of us today.
This story is of the utmost importance by Kurt Nemo.
It is posted on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we need everyone to get this report out to their email list, to their friends, to their families.
Busting posse commentatus.
Military cops arrest civilians in Florida City.
Now, I've read Kurt Nemo's article.
It's excellent.
It has scores of links to other examples of this happening.
But it's so much worse than you can even put in an article.
So before I read the article, let me just break something down.
Two years ago, all over California, armed Marines from the bases began setting up checkpoints in multiple counties with firearms on their side, searching citizens' cars, and doing breathalyzer tests.
Completely illegal, in your face, and it was in a CHIPS press release, is the only reason we know about it.
And the Marines defended it, and got very arrogant when we tried to call them and get them on as guests, and basically laughed at us and said, look, we're taking over, that's the end of it.
Shut up.
I don't
TSA, VIPER teams, federal marshals, for more than 20 agencies set up checkpoints shutting down major highways, searching families, trucks, you name it.
When the governor said, you didn't ask me to do this, get out, they said, presidential decision directive 50?
And they also cited the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
And that's all covered in my film Police State 4 The Rise of FEMA.
Absolutely seminal.
To give you a full spectrum.
I just got chills.
Just thinking about that film and what we've proven.
Full spectrum takeover.
Please listen to me.
There's been covert operations that have come out.
I remember in 1998, in the Pensacola News Journal, we have copies of it still on InfoWars.com, actual scans of the newspaper, the Marine Corps training facility with Marines and their cadets, the trainees,
Entered Hobbs Middle School for over five hours, lining the children up at machine gun points, screaming, this is martial law.
Martial law will come to America.
Bill Clinton, this is a quote, Bill Clinton wants you to know what martial law is like.
That was in the newspaper.
I covered it.
By then, my show had become syndicated on a few stations and on shortwave and satellite.
And the paper came out and said, well, they did say all those things, but still Alex Jones is bad for scaring Pensacola.
All on record.
Now remember, as I talk to you, there are hundreds of cases I have confirmed.
I interviewed a Marine Corps captain who got out of the Marines after a decade and who started a computer company.
I went to his mansion and interviewed him there.
And he said, Road to Tyranny, 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Why did he sit down for the interview and show me photos and documents?
He said, I knew it was wrong when I did it, but now I understand why we did it.
And he said, I was stopped at an army checkpoint in Kyle, Texas.
And they've had a bunch of them.
And he said, these are totally illegal.
I'm going to spill my guts.
And he raided gun shops for small gun infractions.
Oh, you didn't fill out the form right.
In the late 1980s, in beta testing, then they created larger teams, he raided gun shops.
I said, oh, you raided drug dealers.
He said, no, gun shops and gun dealers' homes.
Marines, and he went along with it, so he then, you know, traveled up the, you know, the command structure.
And then he became a police officer for a while, but he also got a degree in computer programming, went and made a bunch of money doing that.
And he showed me all his police stuff and the rest of it.
He's a police officer in Florida.
But the point is, is that he is in 9-11 The Road to Tyranny.
It's a two and a half hour film.
It's in the last 30 minutes.
Go watch it.
In the 1980s, they had secret teams of Marines in police blue windbreaker jackets.
That was their uniform.
With police raiding gun dealers, you know, just coming into the family gun shop and with the ATF and local police and having Marines there.
I've been to the urban warfare drills where they train to take your guns.
Two years ago, also in Road to Tyranny, became a national news story.
It was in the Arcadia, Iowa newspaper.
It said the local gun shop is practicing being raided and the town of, what was it, 700 they said, will be shut down and everyone has agreed in the town to have Marines, no it was Army, I interviewed the colonel, we got the colonel on about it, to have the Army go door-to-door and practice gun confiscation in the homes.
Now, just as in the case, just as in the case of other events around the country that we've covered, like Pensacola, after they do this and we make a big stink, the paper attacked us and said we were crazy.
Sure, it was true they were doing this, but it was for Iraq.
I've been to the urban warfare drills, and one of the more famous was in Oakland.
Over a thousand Marines, Israeli troops, French, Dutch, Czech Republic, Australian, hundreds of role players screaming, I'm an American, please not the camp.
They let us into a media guided tour.
They shut down a university to do it.
And they would never let us go into the actual drill areas very close.
And they wouldn't... The former Marine, who was the civilian spokesman, last name was Jones.
He's in the film.
Read his first name.
You'll see him say, no, you can't film this.
Well, we got around the bureaucracy.
They were also giving citizens tours.
So we just checked out and stopped saying that we were media and just reinserted ourselves as citizens wanting to videotape.
as citizen tours and they let us film okay they bring the americans out of the house they put them on their knees they go alright watch this execution and simulate killing americans they simulate and they do it in afghanistan it's admitted they just killed the prisoners uh... they do whitewashes where they release oh they accidentally shot some guys off a motorbike you know they thought they might be al-qaeda that's all a whitewash they have admitted they wipe out entire villages so the point is they bring the american militia people out
And they set them down on their knees and they shoot them and they shoot you in the back of the head.
And then they simulate kicking you into the grave.
That is in Police State 2000.
And you know about 29 Palms and the troops asked, will you shoot at Americans?
You know about the officers coming out and saying, yes, we're being trained to take on the American people.
This is going on.
And the issue here is they've set up Brigade Homeland that was first going to be 5,000 troops, then 20,000 by 2011.
By 2012, and this has been in the mainstream news, Army Times, you name it, 378,000 troops who are former combat troops
From kicking down doors, face scanning people at checkpoints, issuing tracker cards, running drone attacks, running sword attacks, bringing them into America.
When we come back, we'll get into this latest thing where the Air Force Base announces itself they are arresting US citizens outside the base.
But wait, it gets worse.
And this isn't even in his article.
Remember last year, Fox News in upstate New York said, yes, the US
Army Reserve has helped arrest 2,000 people for drugs and guns, and it shows them driving families under roadside car scanners with them in them.
We'll be right back.
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I'm begging you to listen very carefully to me.
I have been to Urban Warfare drills all over the country.
I have sent my film crews all over the country.
Just last year I sent Rob Due and cohorts up to Illinois and we even got from one of our local radio affiliates full media passes.
They trained to put the citizens of Illinois in the sports stadium.
They use Boy Scouts and girls as the citizens to be put in the camps.
They did gun confiscation drills.
I have footage from Hebron, Maryland, where they march up to the camera people who live there and say, you're not allowed to videotape.
And then they threatened to arrest them.
Marines with guns.
We later learned, and it's on tape, in Police State 2000.
That's been out for 12 years.
Came out in 99.
We then learned it was Boy Scouts running around, going in their parents' home.
This is on record.
And the police chief defends it.
And coming back and telling the Marines what guns they have.
By the way, when I was in California in 1999 covering Urban Warrior, I got back to the hotel there in Oakland at 10 o'clock at night, turned on CNN, and they'd been there that day and they were saying, the troops are training for Macedonian operations in the Bosnia-Herzegovina crisis.
And sure, every bit of training they do is dual use, but that was deceptive.
It was all America, America, America.
So I knew they were really training for this in America, that it was illegal, violation of federal law, common sense.
Everybody knows it's the military in Nazi Germany that takes over.
It's the military that takes over in Guatemala.
It's the military that takes over in all of these places.
It's the military took over in Rome with Julius Caesar.
It's always the threat that you get bad government that commands the military against the people.
But it's so diametrically opposed to the American system and law that quietly...
Quietly, quietly, since the mid-1980s, they have been creating cadres, testing troops, seeing if they'll do it.
And here's what's scary.
They've now announced it two years ago that, yeah, troops are going to be on the streets for economic collapse or terror attack.
And you learn then from the RAND Corporation documents in 99, that I learned about because they were in the Austin American Statesman, that they've written the plan to militarize police, the threat fusion centers, that are really spy systems, under federal merger, most of them being put in old military bases, under military control.
I mean, this is so hellish what we're facing.
And now they just roll it out.
Yeah, there's troops at the Kentucky Derby.
We don't have the state police run out when folks, you know, as is tradition, run out on the field.
We have Army run out with guns and pull them.
Every year it's done on purpose as a beta test.
The Super Bowl.
It's all about conditioning, conditioning.
The TSA.
But the military is going to back up the TSA on the streets.
As I told you nine years ago, saw Governor Ridge admit the whole plan, fit into the overall strategy they've had.
Now they just admit it to you.
Now, here's the issue.
People... 15 years ago, we'd talk about this.
12 years ago, we'd talk about it.
They'd say, well, why would the Army want to take over?
They want to protect America.
They want us to make money.
You know, America's good.
Don't say my son who's in the Army's bad.
I'm not saying your son who's in the Army's bad.
They got rid of the laws 15 years ago and then again 12 years ago to where foreign banks could do whatever they wanted and create any amount of counterfeit financial instruments and sell them to states, counties, pension funds.
Sell them to the federal government.
And now that they've failed, not only are we out the money from the investments, they say, oh, well, the whole financial system will be brought down if you don't promise to prop up the 1.5 quadrillion globally, 600 plus trill that the Washington Post says is what the US owes.
Now this is like if I go to Las Vegas and run up a two million dollar gambling debt and I come knock on your door and say, by the way Mr. Johnson or Mrs. Smith, you owe this for me.
If you don't, the economy will collapse.
You'd be like, get out of here you nutcase!
Shouldn't have gone and blown the money in Las Vegas.
But see, these banks maneuvered us into this by design.
They've done this in countless third world countries.
They've done this in first world countries.
And so they started fever pitch, getting the military ready, federalizing the police ahead of this.
And the cops and military that carry this out, they're going to have their pay cut, their pension funds stolen.
They're already all over the country telling police, well, when things go bankrupt, you're going to have to give up half your pension fund.
But it doesn't matter because they're psychologically profiling and testing with these long, 600-question psychological profile tests.
They're finding kind of dudley, do-right, kind of wimp, good guy people.
Like, they're real dumb.
They think they're good guys.
They believe whatever the higher-ups tell them, like dogs.
And they're kind of hiring these, you know, these wimp tough guy types to use them against the American people.
They don't, by the way, they don't hire high intelligence crafty soldiers.
They hire low IQ morons.
We'll tell you about it when we come back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
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That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm gonna open the phones up.
For the first five or ten callers or so, only for military and police that are listening.
It's still a free country.
You're allowed to call in here and talk about things that are illegal and expose them.
We are not in a total secret police state yet unless we give in to it.
And I have hundreds of news articles where they admit the Army, the Marine Corps, they're running checkpoints all over the country arresting U.S.
And I played the newscast here over and over again, that Fox News piece out of upstate New York, where, oh, the army arrested 2,000 people, and it shows families being driven under high-powered x-ray machines shooting through the car.
Just a few years before, you know, the Border Patrol are in lead-shielded facilities to do this.
The people are made to get out of the car, and it's sent over rollers.
But see, ah, let the army grunts die.
We test chemicals, biologicals on them.
We've stolen their death benefits.
We're always cheating them.
By the time they figure it out, it'll be too late.
And the really dumb ones, we'll just hire them and make them police officers.
I mean, that is
One tenth of the proof here, and Kurt's got dozens of examples, but I want folks to see this.
I mean, they think you're complete idiots.
They got the troops out there going, yeah, we catch drugs and guns out here in the middle of nowhere.
Shows families driving under the x-ray scanners.
And there they are just being blasted with irradiation.
I mean, you think it's bad for the family to drive under a high-powered x-ray that makes a chest x-ray look like mother's milk?
Imagine being those troops.
And it turns out for seven years or more, I guess eight, they've known at Boston Logan and four other airports that were testing body scanners that it's massively increasing the levels of cancer.
And when those agents get sick, they just say, go home and die, pal.
Just like they're still blocking health care for the 9-11 responders saying, oh, you're not getting cancer from this.
Doesn't matter, every major institution that studied it and looked at it says they are dying.
You know, the number of cancers in some cases are tenfold.
Their lungs are full of asbestos.
The CAT scans show it.
They just say, in fact I saw it on Fox News, no link to the first responders in cancer.
Remember New York Post attacking first responders last year when they were very close to getting congressional law passed to finally get health care.
And they said, oh, they're just a bunch of rip-off artists, these cops and military and medics.
Remember the New York Post?
They're just a bunch of money-grubbers.
Yeah, I've seen the cat scans, even on the mainstream news, their lungs full of it.
Remember they told you the air was safe to breathe?
Turned out they knew it wasn't safe, but they got to keep that cover-up going.
Yeah, they really care about you.
They really care about you over there at News Corp.
Absolutely sickening.
So remember that police and military, but it doesn't matter.
The types of people, and this was only going on in the last 15 years.
Previous to that, police departments would try to hire smart, tough guys.
They'd go check up on you if you were from the neighborhoods.
You'd get in fights when you were a kid.
Were you a tough guy?
Unofficial manuals even got written on it.
Did you like to go after bullies?
Were you basically like a hunter of corruption?
That's what good, old-fashioned police departments wanted.
Now they want, below 100 IQs, the lower the better, people who will follow whatever orders you give them.
I remember state police 10 years ago in Texas, on average, seemed a lot smarter.
Man, I've run into them now, and you talk to them, and I mean, they seem like they'd have trouble tying their shoelaces.
And we published internal DPS memorandum yesterday about, we are trying to basically only recruit former military right now.
But by former military, they mean specifically the types that really haven't seen combat.
They've just been through drill camp, and learned how to submit, and been brainwashed, and then not seen any combat and been in resupply, who now want to wage war against the American people, you know, you and your wife when they pull you over.
So, that's the model going on here, and so let me explain it.
Criminals took over America, the big banks that run the narcotics publicly, run by the government that ships the guns to the drug gangs in the U.S.
and outside the U.S.
to control the drug trade.
They need really dumb cops who can just go write tickets and don't understand this.
And they're listening right now, some of them.
They're like, what?
The government deals the drugs, but then I arrest people for drugs.
You arrest low-level users who are then put in
Private prisons, publicly owned by big banks that launder the drug money, who then work for 25 cents an hour.
So they make money on both ends of it.
And I know you don't understand that.
You barely know how to put your pants on, put your belt buckle on, I understand that.
That's why you were chosen for the job.
Now, cops that slip through, or older police officers, they know what's going on.
By the way, I learned all this from police in the last 15 years.
You know, getting to know Dallas detectives, Austin detectives, LAPD detectives, getting to know these people over the years.
I mean, it's a running joke.
A running joke.
I mean, I have been in the New York subway and gone up and talked to U.S.
Army that's there.
We even got it on video, but I felt so sorry for these guys, I didn't put it out.
And I'm like, hi, what are you doing?
I'm protecting you from terrorists!
And I went, you are?
And I believe the person had an extra chromosome.
And I'm not putting people down who have that, it's very sad.
But I believe they're actually recruiting mentally retarded people.
I mean, and I was like, you are in the Army.
I am!
And then I also have footage I did use from that same trip.
We're down by Times Square.
There's U.S.
Army running around with 45s on their hips.
And they see us taping them across the street, and the U.S.
Army runs over and begins screaming and cussing that they're gonna kick my butt if I don't stop taping.
And I said, do it!
Do it!
You know what that would do for the Republic if you beat me to death right there?
You cowards ought to just submit it while you just split my skull through and murdered me.
That's what will rise the Republic to your evil!
Strike me down, I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!
And that's why the controllers haven't killed me yet.
They know it!
You think I wanna die?
I love life so much, I'm willing to die!
And some of you haven't figured that out yet.
Now... I'm sorry, I'll just go back to that point.
It's in, uh, what, Road to Tyranny?
Or is it in... Is it in Endgame?
It's in Endgame.
We ought to cue that up later.
I know Aaron was up here late last night, but if he's here, usually gets in by now.
Get him to find that clip.
People won't believe it.
I'm tired of it.
And you know what happened when I rose up to like six or seven military people?
By the way, these weren't dumb people.
These were gangbangers.
Again, they're hiring people who barely can tie their shoelaces from the cornfields, and they're hiring gangbangers.
And these guys were gangbangers.
They got the .45 on, rolling, and you know what?
Obviously racist the way they acted.
Whiteys across the street taping them.
That isn't going to happen in America.
And they came over and they let me, and I said, you know what, go ahead and do whatever you're going to do.
So this is the situation that we've gotten in this republic.
And the government is going to turn all these people loose on you.
You know where the biggest Army, Navy, Marine Corps recruiting station is in the world?
Pull it up.
Mexico City.
Oh yeah, nationalistic, anti-US, get up here, biggest cohorts now in the entire military, illegal aliens, legalize the minute they sign the dotted line.
And they will come into your house, and they will take your guns, and they will ask for seconds in a minute.
And they're ready to fight.
So, by the way, you think I'm joking?
I can play you Frontline, where it shows a bunch of gang member types, and this family's got some firewood in their car, they get out of a field, and they shoot the car up, laughing.
They shoot the car up, laughing, and then run an Abrams tank over it, back and forth, laughing.
Okay, that's what's being turned loose on America.
And I'm going to get into this new information here in a moment, but I want to hear from the military and police.
If I'm wrong, you call in and tell me I'm wrong.
If I'm right, you've been to these urban warfare drills to confiscate the guns, you call in here and I want to ask you a question right now.
Did you think there wouldn't be a response from the Republic?
We may be fat, dumb, and happy in this country, but there's still a shadow of the spirit of 1776.
The spirit of 1776 is alive and well, and it's in my heart, it runs through my veins, it burns in my mind, and it burns in your mind the minute you decide to break your conditioning and join the Republic.
It's 1776 worldwide against the spirit of 1984.
It's that simple!
This country's been taken over by banks, they set up a military takeover system so the criminals can get away with it.
And we've got to get the word out to the military and the police now, and we've got to straight talk right to them so they realize what we're dealing with here!
Now I want to go to Paul Watson.
Paul Watson joining us from the UK, where they've had foreign troops run checkpoints in Scotland and England, pulling families out of cars.
BBC, it's the same everywhere.
Foreign troops, publicly they admit, in a bunch of mainstream news, that they're going to use foreign troops in America during an emergency.
That's AFP, AP, Toronto Star.
We need a master article, Watson.
Next week or something, a full-spectrum article with different sections.
How they're conditioning you for military on the streets, how they're violating posse comitatus, you know, Marine Corps out on the streets at a shooting in Alabama.
The list goes on and on.
DUI checkpoints.
We need an example of the foreign troop admissions with all the mainstream articles with foreign troops, training, NLE09, the rest of it, for domestic.
We need an example historically of what this means and then why they're doing it because of the banking implosion.
Paul Watson.
Okay, we got him on video Skype, but he can't hear us.
Let's get... Hello?
Okay, Watson, good to have you here with us.
Good to be here.
Okay, Watson.
I'm obviously ranting here because time is getting short.
We're coming down to the wire here.
You know in 2008 they announced by 2011 Brigade Homeland would be on the streets of America.
The reports are pouring in now.
A full military occupation.
San Antonio MPs out arresting US citizens.
That's confirmed.
Florida, it's happening.
Was it you or Kurt wrote that article last year where the Marines said the Army arrested 2,000 in New York at x-ray checkpoints on the highways?
I don't remember it, so it's probably Kurt that wrote that one.
But we've got to dig this stuff up and add it to his latest article.
Have you seen the article?
Obviously you have, uh, busting posse comitatus military cops arrest civilians in Florida City.
Uh, I've seen it, yeah, but I think Kurt wrote that one.
I know there's military training exercises going on in Boston at the moment that are gonna run until August 5th.
But more than that, these aren't exercises, these are arrests being made, so we need to, I guess I need to get with Kurt and add examples of the different things that have been going on.
Here at Homestead Air Base,
We have the Crime Stop Hotline that allows anyone either on base or off installation to anonymously report a crime.
Okay, we're reporting that terrorists train at U.S.
military bases.
Explains the Homestead Air Base website.
If you know of a crime that has been committed, if you see a crime in progress, or if you see a suspicious person...
Vehicle or situation that makes you feel a crime may be occurring call the security force Crimestop Headline and then it goes on to report that the military is now Arresting people at Circle K's off base and basically running checkpoints, and they've got the photo here We'll put this up on screen from Infowars.com of the police posing with the military.
What do you make of this Watson?
Well, it's par for the course, isn't it?
They just sent me an article, massive checkpoint operation in Tennessee violated Posse Commentator's Fourth Amendment.
That was in Tennessee back in 2009.
So, I mean, you went to the urban warfare drills, what was it, in the late 90s?
Mid to late 90s, and that's what they were practicing, so now it's coming to fruition.
And there's...
There's exercises going on in Boston at the moment.
And by the way, these exercises go live.
I videotaped Ed exercises on real highways where the Marines, that's in Police State 2000 as well, start arresting citizens.
We've got links in the article.
Now I remember the actual headline.
It was National Guard arrested 2,000 civilians in New York, Fox News.
That's pretty much the headline, but I want to show folks this who are in denial.
Watson, I got you online just basically saying that I want to really start focusing on this because a couple days ago I sent you that RT News piece that's gotten some more attention from two years ago.
Or 2008, three years ago, where they talk about 20,000 U.S.
troops on the streets for economic collapse.
And you're like, Alex, in the I Am Back, you said, this is old.
The point is, they talked about it being in place by 2011, right on time to fully collapse the economy.
The point is, this has all been orchestrated, Watson.
Yeah, I haven't read anything about it, Alex, so I'd have to look into it to see what's going on, but Nimmo posted the article this morning about Florida, so maybe it's worth talking to Nimmo.
What else are you working on today?
I know you follow a lot of reports.
A record number of Americans have basically lost faith in Obama.
And this is important because this debt crisis seems to have virtually guaranteed his 2012 election defeat because the number of Americans that believe the country's heading in the right direction two weeks ago was 21%.
Now it's 17%.
That's a record low.
Um, and you've got 75%, three quarters of Americans who think the country's on the wrong track.
And of course this dovetails with the polls we had earlier in the week saying that a generic candidate versus Obama would beat him for, what was it, 48% to 42?
So, I mean, he's completely had it in terms of 2012.
The corporate brand Obama that they created two and a half years ago has already run its course, and you even have 58% of Democrats think the country's heading in the wrong direction, so he's lost his base as well.
I mean, that's obviously come about, it's intensified as a result of this debt crisis.
But you know what the White House advisors are saying?
Terror attack is the thing that will help Lord Obama.
Well yeah, numerous White House advisors, former Clinton advisors have said that the only thing that's going to reverse his fortunes is an OKC style attack, something similar to the Norway massacre last week.
But I mean,
As you get closer to 2012 that becomes an increasing possibility if they do resort to that kind of false flag because it's the only thing that's going to save Obama now.
His credibility is completely shot.
The Libya thing is out of control now.
They're talking about
Approving an embassy for the Libyan rebels on US soil in Washington.
We've already had Britain say they're going to unfreeze $150 million and give it straight to the Libyan rebels.
Britain has now recognized them as the official government of Libya, even though they don't control
They control less of the country now than they did before the bombardment started.
And they admittedly call them Al-Qaeda, and we're going to be getting into that coming up with Richard Mack later, but then meanwhile they're hyperventilating over the quote Muslim groups hanging up Sharia law signs and these groups are admitted
And we have the documentation of that posted above the article, are admitted MI5 and MI6 and it's all staged.
I mean, they have guys clownishly, you know, with beards and turbans.
They can barely stop from laughing, running around saying ridiculous things, so the government can take all of Britain's rights in the name of fighting the Muslim, quote, menace.
Oh yeah, they set the Muslims against Crusades up against the EDL, English Defence League.
Both organisations are completely infiltrated and run by MI5.
The EDL is just made up of drunk football hooligans who were all infiltrated by British Intelligence Special Branch.
Over a decade ago, even as far back as the late 80s, they were all infiltrated.
And the Muslims are run by this guy who's got direct links with the MI5 British intel.
And they just get them at each other's throats so the media can splash it all over the front pages.
And it's divide and conquer.
It is.
Watson, good job.
I just wanted to give you an update on this military situation.
I didn't even give the number out and our phones are loaded with military and police.
I want to play this news clip though from three years ago about the troops on the street because now here we are three years later and it's actually happening.
We'll be right back with your phone calls.
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Come, you masters of war.
This is so elementary.
So elementary.
Foreign banks took over the U.S.
issuance of currency and credit in 1913.
They then used the United States to basically take over the world.
The same banks were financing Hitler and the Soviets.
That's why they always win.
They finance everybody.
But through fraud, they finance it out of clear blue sky, backed up by the credit and faith of the country.
And now they want us bankrupt.
They want a post-industrial world where you're dependent on government.
They've got most people dependent on government in one way or another.
And without even giving the number out, I got
Police, former police, military, former military.
After James, Brad, Bill, Garrett, Keith, and others, Garrett hung up.
He was a current police.
I want to go to your calls.
But I briefly wanted to play just part of this RT report, and this was reported on because the Army Times put it out, that they want 20,000 and 300 plus thousand troops in the United States for the financial collapse and they add on terrorism.
Here it is.
In three years, 20,000 more U.S.
But not to Iraq or Afghanistan.
According to Pentagon officials, these men and women will be stationed inside of the U.S.
Thousands of additional uniformed men and women set to be trained by 2011.
They'll serve as a response to a possible mass terror attack or civil unrest following an economic collapse.
So how concerned are Americans about this?
20,000 more troops here in the U.S.? ?
I have not heard any of that, actually.
No, I have not.
It's the first time I've heard of it.
Ben Friedman of the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, explained what this bombshell will mean for the U.S.
Is this just the beginning of this expansion of presidential authority, of military authority, here in the U.S.? ?
I hope not.
We've seen the expansion of the use of the military within the United States for some time.
A lot of the concern with this story about these troops being used for domestic purposes was that they would engage in law enforcement, arresting people, detaining them.
They can't do that.
But that hasn't stopped people from speculating.
Alright, that's enough.
It doesn't seem right to have the military... Yeah, the Army Times said they're training to, quote, arrest people and pull triggers.
That was a quote.
Now, I wanted to go to Garrett.
He was current police, but he hung up.
And I got a lot of other police, former police, military, and after I'm done with these five or six callers that fill up the Genesis board, our phone number can take unlimited calls, theirs just takes six calls at a time, I only want to hear from current police and military.
I want to hear from former as well, but I want to hear specifically, you know, this stuff's out in the open now.
I mean, are people concerned, or are they just so dumbed down
That they think this is normal.
I mean, if you've been to any third world country, you see military on the streets.
Because they've got a corrupt government that's robbed everybody.
And of course, the military's for the people.
It doesn't stop terror attacks.
You don't just sprinkle military around for some foggy terror attack.
You can't protect everybody.
It's designed for the people.
It's designed for secret arrest.
It's designed for total control.
Let's go to...
Keith in D.C., who's former police.
Keith, what's your view on all this?
Well, basically, Alex, first of all, let me thank you for the work you're doing.
You're doing a great job.
You're really waking people up.
Secondly, I wanted to let you know that as far back as 1987, when I was on the D.C.
police force, Metropolitan Police, we were taking urban assault training.
There was a time when
A bunch of us, along with some other officers from areas close to us, went to Dover Air Force Base for a weekend of what they called urban assault training.
Yeah, mount training.
I mean, training's one thing.
Now they're publicly merging them.
Well, I understand it, but at that time, what really seemed weird is that there were all these foreign people there, and we were told not to ask where they were from.
Of course, we found out where they were from, but they were from other countries.
They weren't police officers.
They were military people, and they were asking us to instruct them.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay there.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So if you just joined us, all over the United States, they're now having the military openly arrest citizens, MPs from all four branches, regular Army, Marines, National Guard, State Guard, setting up checkpoints, working with the TSA, it's happening.
And I want to hurry through your calls, a lot of folks are at work, they don't have to hold too long.
But as you hear a caller hang up, we're only taking calls from military and police.
And before I could even give the number out, the line's loaded with a lot of former military, current police, current military, former military, all that stuff, former police.
The point is, after these callers are gone, we'll only take calls, and I'll get into some other news at the bottom of the hour, from current military and current police,
Do you see the martial law slow motion takeover happening, or are you just going to go along with it?
And I'll try to just shut up and let you talk for a minute or so, so we can get to the next person.
I just get very upset by this, because I've been to third world countries, I've studied history, I know what the bankers have done, I know this has been done by design, I know it's set up for the American people, now it's admitted it is, and it's just so horrible, because I'm not enemies with the police and military.
I know they're just compartmentalized following brainwashing.
I want to wake these men and women up before it's too late.
Okay, going back to Keith in D.C.
talking about as a police officer training with foreign troops in Mount training.
Go ahead and finish up.
Oh, anyway, thanks for getting back to me, Alex.
What happened at that time was, we were brought in thinking that we were going to be trained, but it ended up being, like, the police officers that were there.
We were training all these foreign troops on how to interact with the community, how to conduct searches of vehicles, you know, how to talk to them, so, you know, talk to the community when you're doing this.
Stuff like that.
We, you know, just didn't understand what all was going on at that time.
I didn't think much about it, didn't question it at that time.
And, uh, you know, after I left the police force, I started noticing all these things that are happening, how it all ties in together.
And, um, you know, a lot of it through your show also.
And, uh, now I look back and like, oh my God, what the hell were we doing?
This was 1987.
They were doing it then.
We didn't even know it.
And now they admit Toronto Star headline.
Canadian and Mexican troops to occupy U.S.
during civil emergency.
The deals are officially signed in last year.
This had been signed a decade ago, but it was publicly authorized by Obama as a national security perimeter.
And even the Congress put out a press release and said, we didn't authorize this.
And they said, sorry, this is under the NAU.
This is under the Security Prosperity Partnership deal.
It's so incredible.
I mean, when you talk to any friends that you still have on the police force, are they starting to see what's going on here?
Or do they just are clueless?
We weren't really supposed to interact with them or anything.
We were threatened with, you know, losing our jobs if we did.
Well, you know what that's really about.
I mean, that's about training you to go under federal control and take the Austin Police Department.
They've sent the entire SWAT team at one time or another to Iraq to go over there and be in real operations and pull triggers.
They're completely merged with the military.
You know, you're totally right.
And what people don't understand, they need to realize, you know, this is not some movie that's going to have a happy ending.
This is real life.
This is what's happening.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
It's a conspiracy fact.
The government is doing things that are slowly eroding, taking away our liberties, taking away our rights.
Well, I hear you, Keith, and they're not even slow anymore.
That's the thing about tyranny.
It always creeps in at the edges, and then starts burning faster and faster.
Image it as the Constitution kind of burning on the edges, and now the whole thing's in flames.
But the good thing about ideas is they're bulletproof.
Just because they're burning the Constitution doesn't mean we can't resurrect that sucker.
All right, James, Brad, Bill, Dale, your calls are coming up on the other side of this break.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, it's become a real problem.
There are so many hundreds of mainstream news articles and press releases where regular Marines, Reserves, regular Army, Reserves, MPs, checkpoints in San Antonio with MPs,
Highway checkpoints in Tennessee.
The governor says you can't do that.
The military says go to Hades.
I mean, I've interviewed the state reps.
The governor's been in the news.
Marines taking over schools and declaring this is what martial law is like and having middle school students literally wet themselves.
Hobbs Middle School.
This stuff's going on.
Troops showing up, blowing up cars in the front of the school, telling folks that terrorists have hit.
I mean, I've been there for that, because I got a heads up on it.
Just a psychological warfare operation.
And of course, they announced three years ago, Army Times, that, yeah, they're going to end up 5,000, then 20,000, then finally, by 2012, 370-plus thousand troops on the streets of America.
Along with the TSA that'll be their bosses.
And now it's here.
Now it's here, now it's happening.
So I want to try to just sit back, talk to the military, talk to police, see if they realize how serious this is and what this means to our society.
Because the real training behind the closed doors, police and military have sent it to me, nothing to do with quote Muslim extremists.
It's all gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, returning vets that have gotten out of the military.
They train the police and military to go after them.
They train the Boy Scouts to, the Explorer Scouts to take on disgruntled military.
They train the ROTC to do it.
Because they're going to have a lot of angry military, all these folks that get out and have their pension funds stolen or their medical care taken.
So they're getting ready, just like Hitler, a year into office, wiped out most of the former military.
Night of the long knives.
Look into it.
But let's go ahead and go to Dale in California, who's a Marine, and Josh, Bill, Brian, James, and others.
Go ahead, Josh.
You're on the air.
Or did I say Dale?
Let's go to Dale in California first.
Dale, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Go ahead.
Alex, I was a part of an operation in Yuma, Arizona.
And the funny thing about it was they had this civilian population who were running around the field.
We were told that what they were to do was to act hostile.
We were told that the people were
Doing this willingly, and it was supposed to be a training exercise for when we go to Iraq, Afghanistan.
Well, the thing was, we came in on Humvees, fully geared, completely ready to do this mission.
We come in, people were running around, and our object was to take these people down and secure them.
Funny thing is, is I don't understand what that had to do with Iraq.
What it had to do with Afghanistan.
It seemed to me like what would happen if there was a riot.
The fact that we were using civilian population for our training exercises really disturbed me, really bothered me.
When this got brought up to any of my superiors, we were told that, you know, anything like this is un-American for you to sit here and to question it.
You do have any type of problem with it.
It was for the security of the nation.
It really upsets me.
I joined the military thinking I was doing service for my country.
Now you know what they're doing.
They're panning for gold.
But in this case, they're...
Panning for tyrants or idiots.
You know, you go into a stream, you pan the gravel, and then you look for little bitty pieces of gold, and you sit there and keep those, and you work hard enough in a good area.
In a week,
You could have five, six, seven ounces of gold.
Well, they're panning.
That's what all these surveys they've given the Marines are.
And they're finding who will shoot at Americans, who will go along with this.
And then, as you go along with it, you're advanced.
Well, absolutely.
I'm concerned as to the direction that we're heading with this.
You know, when I joined the service to help my country and the service has asked me to turn my back on the people which I'm supposed to protect, I take an oath on the Constitution to support and protect the people who cannot do it for themselves.
And I feel slighted and I feel lied to, you know.
It really just upsets me, Alex.
I don't know.
Sir, I need to stop you for a moment.
I understand you're upset.
We have a PrisonPlanet.com article, Courtside Arizona, blueprint for a police state takeover.
Eighty percent of the police said that there's corruption, stealing going on.
They were relieved of command.
This has been going on for a year now.
The council's passing tax increases, and publicly, checks are being sent to secret people of taxpayer money.
The state will not investigate, because this is going on all over the country.
And we wrote the article, Courtside Arizona Blueprint for Police State Takeover, World Net Daily, and there's video of this.
Is now reporting escalation in Arizona.
Firearms are being confiscated.
We posted a video today where they openly talked about more of a civil emergency.
Now understand, the police chief now runs the town.
And they fired the mayor.
You can't fire the elected head of the corporation.
They did it.
It's clearly illegal.
But the state kind of likes it.
This is good.
I mean, police chiefs will now become the hereditary kings of your town.
You know, if the police chief was known as Albert, his great-great-grandson runs things, he'll be known as Albert IV.
That's what royalty is.
And if he wears a crown, most people will bow down to him.
Residents of Arizona Town, that has become a YouTube sensation after police forcibly removed a woman speaking at a recent public meeting, are now experiencing firearms confiscation by the government.
They've also ordered the, what, nine fire police officers that they're not allowed to leave their homes.
And I actually have the City Council video.
I meant to play that today.
That's what I mean, folks.
There's too many of these things coming in for us to even cover them, that they now are on house arrest.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
And the stunning action took place in Quartzsite, Arizona, where Town Councilman Joe Wilson
Has promoted the seizure of guns from local gun dealer and online entrepreneur Michael Roth because Roth allegedly glared at a councilman, blocked his entrance to the town hall, and called him a turd.
Karen Slaughter, the elected Justice of Peace of the region, issued a harassment injunction and it just goes on.
So now they're moving to confiscate people's guns.
I'm sorry sir, finish up the point you were making.
Well, you know, Alex, I've listened to you for a long time, and I try to, I guess, pull the veil over, pull it off of everyone else's eyes around me.
You know, when I read the MIAC report that said that Ron Paul supporters, you know, returning veterans, were deemed possible terrorists, and I showed my fellow soldiers, my fellow Marines, my fellow comrades, these people that I spend day and night with, I eat, sleep, and breathe with,
I showed these guys the stuff and I'm told, you know, you're a communist.
You're told it's un-American.
Well, again, you should get them the literature about the murder of U.S.
Marines, Army, sailors and Air Force personnel in thousands of secret tests that have now been declassified.
And they will tell you you're un-American.
And let me tell you, I talked to one of Rick Perry's employees, that high level that came to my Endgame premiere.
He said, I know this stuff's real, Alex.
Ten years ago, I was at Fort Sam Houston.
And they sent people down here, what do you say, from Fort Bragg, and we shot them all up and they died.
They didn't tell us what it was, and they died flopping around a couple days later.
And then we were told to disinfect the area, and that's how it works.
We do what we're told.
We murder our fellow servicemen.
It's done quietly, it's done lovingly, and it's all patriotic, and you don't say anything about it.
And then you hyperventilate and get scared of the Muslims all day.
I appreciate your call, Dale.
Let's talk to Josh in Florida.
He's current Army.
And then we'll go to Keith.
No, we're gonna go to Keith.
James, Brad, and others.
Josh in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yeah, I just wanted to make two brief points.
And I've been wanting to call you on the point for a while now.
And the first one is that
The Friday right after the London bombings in 2005, I was an active duty soldier in Fort Drum, New York, and me and the other soldiers of the platoon were put on standby in order to, let's say, we were just a couple hours away from New York City, so we were put on standby to respond to any type of thing that might occur, like in the New York subway system.
And once again, we're active duty and they're ready to, you know, put us directly on call for that.
No, they don't admit active duty will be used.
And if you get nerve gas like you did in the first Iraq war and all the brain stem autopsies showed that our troops were hit with sarin, they won't give you treatment because they're patriotic.
You see, it's patriotic to flush our troops down the toilet.
I don't agree with that.
I don't agree with our government teaming up with Al-Qaeda and publicly recognizing them as the official government of Libya and giving them the tens of billions of dollars that Qaddafi has.
But see, that's because I'm bad.
And you're bad, too, because you're able to think, Josh.
Was anybody concerned in your unit when this was going on?
I and another person, I didn't understand at the time because I wasn't, I guess as you say, woke up.
One of the other people I was with, he was woke up, and he said, you know, hey, there's some problems with this.
I didn't understand at the time, but, you know, that, like I said, that was about six years ago, so I've fortunately woken up in the last, let's say, two or three years.
And the second key point I wanted to make was, even probably more than that, was that everything, to corroborate everything you're saying about the TSA, it's very true.
It's warlike because whenever I was in Iraq, in 06 and 07,
I did checkpoint security in Baghdad.
And we had, they brought in the RAPI scans for the Iraqi civilians going into the camp to work.
And they had the body scanners and they also had the X-ray machines.
And I knew that the RAPI scans were popularized nowadays.
I'll tell you what, Josh, I want to hear more about the rapist scans.
The Pentagon admits, that's public, that
Life in America will be like Iraq.
We are all going to be prisoners.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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By the way, the mayor of Quartzsite, who's been told by armed police he's not the mayor anymore.
I mean, who needs elections?
The police now run the town.
Well, I guess the three.
They fired all the others, too, and have declared themselves God.
This has become a national news story.
And even I was watching Fox News Business last night, the Napolitano Show, and they were calling it martial law.
And that's what it is.
So the mayor, he's only popping in for five minutes, so I'll get to Josh and Adrian and James and Brad and Bill.
I was finishing up with Josh in Florida, or was it Bill?
Yeah, it was Josh.
Josh, finishing up with the point you were making?
Yes, Alex.
I was making a point about in 2007, RapidScan was introduced at checkpoints in Iraq.
And when I worked in Baghdad, it had RapidScan with the full body naked body scanner.
It was abused by supervisors who would think, oh, this Iraq female looks attractive.
I want to see what she looks like naked in the body scanner.
Uh, we had, uh, checkpoints, very similar to how the airports work and operate.
It's just a massive police state.
We had the metal detectors, then people would get pat down, and then they go to the full body scanners.
Now, when you go through, look, I already knew this, but it was about four years ago, my wife said, I want some of that Cajun food up the street.
And I went into the, uh, Cypress Grill.
And I went over to the bar, ordered the food, sat there, and while we're waiting on the food to take it home, there was a pile of magazines, and one was MIT Magazine.
And I just reached over and pulled it up, and there they were admitting, oh, MIT developed this in the last 10 years with the Pentagon.
The systems in Iraq will be used in America.
We will have face scanner systems at the airports, and there will be body scanners, similar to what is in Iraq.
And when you learn that when you go into an airport, you are under arrest,
They are declaring that you are under arrest.
It is a custodial arrest.
And then they put you in a scanner.
But what about the troops standing around those body scanners?
They do give you cancer.
I mean, it really is what kills you is being around those all day.
But the scary part is I know the military now tries to recruit goons and gangbangers.
What types of people were like, man, she looks good.
I want to look at her.
Because no self-respecting man.
I mean, a real man wants a woman to want them.
He's into honoring women, love women so much, you'd never, you know, be like, only the scum of the earth would want to defile a woman like that and would want to see a woman naked without, I mean, these are peeping Toms, these are criminals.
I mean, what, was this your commanders that would say, I want to see her, get her in here?
That was actually the head sergeant who is actually the overall supervisor of the Czech
And so he really, and then of course there's Abu Ghraib where they admit all the raping went on.
If he took a particular liking, was she sent to Ghraib?
That I'm not sure, but that was also a thing that would occasionally be threatened whenever someone had a problem with one of the local Iraqis who would be at the camp working.
They would sit with, you know, we'd be told to say, oh, tell them that, you know, if they don't listen to what we say, they got to go to Abu Ghraib, you know, prison.
And it would literally frighten and scare them half to death.
Yeah, because Saddam tortured tens of thousands there, and now the good guys have, including five-year-olds with battery acid.
I'm not going to say how they killed them with the battery acid, but it's what Captain America does.
And I'm unpatriotic, because I'm against it.
So absolutely, that's admitted.
The face scanners that they already have in Iraq, that's now coming to the airports as well.
It's total prisoner induction.
Did any of the troops, when they come back, point out that, wow, this is the same thing happening in Iraq?
There were a few, and fortunately not all of the people I was in Iraq with enjoyed that sort of thing.
In fact, there were quite a bit who would actually speak out about the Iraq War and say, well, it was just about oil and money.
Uh, there were soldiers who didn't like the way that some of their activists were treated.
It seemed like it was more along the lines of, uh, maybe high-ranking, um, higher-ranking soldiers.
Well, that's who they promote is the psychopaths, yeah, who shouldn't be in a uniform.
But the evil armies recruit those guys.
Good armies recruit people where, in George Washington's day, if you did something like that, he would hang you.
You would be hung for doing that to a woman.
But again, he's an Al-Qaeda sympathizer.
George Washington is a demon.
I mean, I have FEMA on tape demonizing George Washington, two police officers, and the cops agreeing.
So that's, and they want the good cops to freak out when they demonize George Washington.
They're there saying, George Washington's bad, America's bad, Bill of Rights is bad, Thomas Jefferson's a terrorist.
And the cops that agree, going right to the top.
Cops that go, hey, what's going on?
You see FEMA marking them down.
I've got 16 hours of these training tapes.
And FEMA just, mm-hmm, you like George Washington.
Marking you down, pal.
These are criminal terrorists.
Thank you so much for your call.
We're going to talk to Adrian, James, Brad, Bill.
I want to get to all of you coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones!
By the way, World Net Daily is reporting that now people that criticize the courtside government, which is the police chief, a couple city council people, they've gotten rid of the rest of the police, put them on house arrest.
I've actually been watching, like it's an evil soap opera, the videos of this.
Um, that they shoot themselves and release.
The city council does.
Uh, where they put the police on house arrest, except for the police chief, and I guess he has two minions.
80 plus percent of the force has been told they're locked down at home for no reason.
Of course, the police, you can't say that.
This is the essence of tyranny.
It's a bluff.
They arrest anyone at city council meetings that signs up to speak, who criticizes them even politely.
Now they've just banned anyone in the government building, so they have the meetings privately, but videotaped them.
They have declared martial law, and the state police are investigating, but the governor's done nothing.
And now they've arrested a pastor for filming on a sidewalk.
They say that's not allowed.
And they're now saying anyone that's criticized them is going to have their guns turned down to the police chief.
And that's Escalation Arizona firearms confiscated.
Judge orders stunning action.
After councilman called turd.
Another guy, they say, had anger in his eyes.
So his guns have got to be turned in.
And the pastor's been arrested.
And this is a microcosm of the New World Order.
Foreign banks, no authority, totally criminal, caught criminal.
Senate committee says they're criminal.
And they run the Pentagon, and the Pentagon is openly trying to take over society.
Now, I take you to Ed Foster, who is the mayor, but he's been told he's fired, and the police are there, and they lock the doors, and they have the guns, and he hasn't escalated it.
He just, you know, says, well, I'm still the mayor, and they say, no, you're not, and there's magic paychecks disappearing into the stratosphere.
They've been trying to find out for a year where those go.
Uh, and, uh, Boss Hogg doesn't have anything on this town.
So, uh, joining us with the pastor being arrested.
Uh, he must have been evil.
Uh, and, uh, the gun confiscations now.
Um, boy, I tell you, Ed, I mean, this is, this is really getting crazy, Mayor.
First off, I gotta correct that.
That wasn't the pastor that got erected.
It was one of his leading church members.
He didn't get arrested.
He got chased to the church.
He took sanctuary in the church.
Okay, well I'm sorry for getting it wrong.
You had talked to my producer and that's what I've been told.
Okay, so tell us exactly what's happened.
They interceded though with a very angry chief of police or he would have been arrested.
He was taking photographs of one of their secret meetings on the sidewalk.
It was standing on the public side.
In fact,
The Attorney General's office, when we complained about the open meeting file violation, he suggested we get evidence for him, or he couldn't do anything.
So this guy was taking the Attorney General's advice, trying to gather some evidence.
Mayor, Mayor, Mayor, I wanted to give you the floor here, because I know you're busy, and we just got five minutes with you, then I'm going to all these current and former military dealing with the same issue.
But, but, but...
Let's just reset here, recap what's happened in Quartzsite, and then if the Attorney General needs evidence, they have released the videos of meetings where they admit that people aren't allowed inside the public council meetings.
So they're very proud of themselves.
The state of Arizona is doing nothing.
My message to the world today is, while Quartzsite burns, Phoenix settles.
And that's what's going on.
Okay, so recap, tell us the names, tell us about the gun confiscation orders.
Actually, that was obscene by Mr. Winslow's own testimony.
He's an unstable, PTS veteran who's himself getting guns and he feels threatened and he doesn't know what he's going to do.
And yet, Mr. Ross Gunther confiscated, not Mr. Wetzel, the one who should have been placed under sanction, and his weapons confiscated by his own testimony in court.
You know, but this is not the way things work in Quartzsite.
It's upside down, backwards, in every aspect of life in Quartzsite.
And we're going to take it back.
We're going to make
Yes, sir, Mayor.
So, lay out the gun confiscation orders, lay out the person being chased, they tried to arrest, for daring to even videotape the City Council building, lay out where this is going, and are they going to declare the Police Chief Supreme Emperor of Courtside?
Well, that's already done, sir.
I mean, when you have a normal state of emergency, the Chief Constitutional Officer
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
But those same policemen are the ones that are under house arrest.
Well, I'll tell you what, there was a hearing today, but right now I'm in Phoenix trying to get somebody in Phoenix to listen, but like I said, Phoenix is fiddling with what's going on.
And I can't get addressed to anybody in Phoenix.
I've tried the U.S.
Attorney's Office.
I stood in the lobby and declared that there's an emergency in Quartzsite.
And their response was, well, send us the written form and we'll write you back.
You know, people are going to get hurt in Quartzsite.
Somebody needs to step in.
Mayor, you know why this is being done.
Did the city manager ever tell you about the comprehensive annual financial reports?
I got no financials at all.
I'm absolutely barred.
When I got elected, I asked to see some reports.
These same consulants who have actually given the chief his 007 license out there in sworn testimony.
One of the sworn officers
And you've not been allowed to see the financials since you've been in there.
Now, let me explain what's happening.
This is all a hat trick, like a magician.
They took a Chicago mob model that they used to rob the city of Chicago from the 20s, 30s, and 40s.
Chicago 1313.
This is on record.
And in the 50s, the feds got all the states and counties to adopt a comprehensive annual financial report system.
That's the real set of books.
Everybody is then, including the kept counsels, like kept juries and grand juries, is only told about the budget.
And then the real corporate officer is the city or county manager.
They hold all the financials and then you're only told about what's on the budget, not about the investments.
And because you found out about the phantom checks,
You know what?
I don't generally subscribe to these conspiracy theories, but now I'm living one myself.
It's becoming more of a reality every day.
The police officers are convinced right now that the evidence they've turned over to EPS headquarters is being covered up.
You know, that their chief is not going to get in any trouble.
Well, no, this is the way you do things in the New America.
But, sir, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, I've made films on it, this is public information hidden in plain view, the double set of books.
It's just that the mafia taught the U.S.
government, and then local governments, basically the system.
So look into that.
But, see, they'll have those in corporate bond filings.
You'll even be able to find that.
They can make the city numbers secret from you through their corruption.
They can't...
I was trained.
I went to a training class on government accounting and auditing.
Yes, sir.
And in that room, there was a large collection of elected officials.
It was like a first-time event.
And there were a lot of people in that room.
And some of them, you know, I was an engineer and I ran some pretty big budgets on projects.
And I know a little bit about accounting, but there were actual corporate accountants in this room.
And by the time we got done, they were screaming because
Government accounting and rules are so obscene and so obtuse that even people with an accounting background cannot trace the money in government accounting methods.
It's just built in.
That's the way they account.
Mayor, speak up for us a little bit please, sir.
Okay, I say when the government accounting and auditing methods are so obtuse that people with an accounting background were screaming when I went through this training
There is no way that they make it so that the average person can understand the books.
They can confuse it, conceal it, hide it, shuffle it around.
The books that they run, and they say they have a state audit, it means nothing.
So you do know about it.
But the big enchilada is hidden in plain view.
It's the Annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report or CAFRS.
Now let me stop you because you're a busy man.
We appreciate your time.
And you just said people are going to get hurt.
You're saying in court to get this gun confiscation ruling.
That one of the council members said, I'm scared, I'm PTSD, veteran, I'm buying guns.
And that's the sign right there of a problem.
And so now, off of calling someone a piece of poop, a turd, I'm sorry to use that term on the radio, folks, but come on, this is news.
It is a family show, but this is a news program.
Got to tell you what was said.
And we're that goody two-shoes, Mayor.
We don't even use words like that normally.
Well, you know, this Chief of Police,
By every law enforcement agency I've talked to, they would agree with my characterization that he's acting irrational.
They've never heard of this.
That's the constant comment I've heard.
They've never heard of anything like this.
Yet he is allowed to stand, as you say, as the emperor of courtside right now.
And people are
Some people have left town.
Some of the political supporters of me have left town because they're actually scared to be in town right now.
We go around in groups to make sure that we're not exposing ourselves alone.
We're carrying audio and video recording equipment with us at all times so that we're prepared to at least record our demise.
Well, you know what Thomas Jefferson said, Mayor?
He said that, and George Washington repeated similar lines, that when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
And we got a big fat T in Courtside.
So, World Net Now is reporting multiple people ordered to turn their guns in to the police chief, and I'm sorry, the emperor of Courtside.
And you're talking about these hearings.
What happened at these hearings?
Well, I was arraigned yesterday.
Mr. Odom, the former first mayor of the town, the person responsible for organizing the town, he was to appear, but his attorneys appeared for him.
Actually, his girlfriend was scared and they left town.
So, uh, the, uh, James was in court yesterday, uh, Jennifer Harris, or Jones, she should come here.
Jennifer Jones was in court with me, uh, we were all being arraigned on various charges, or hearings on various charges that this chief of police has manufactured by his... Oh yeah, I forgot, he's not only fired almost all the cops and put them on house arrest, I saw that on Fox News, he's charging you with stuff.
Oh, it gets better.
Oh yeah, he's charged, you know, and that's just proof that when these officers said that the councilman told them the chief has been ordered to go get them, that really means that he's good at his job.
He's been out there getting us, you know?
So what evil have you committed, Mayor?
I'm nothing.
I'll tell you what, all I ever did in my life was be a hard-working
No, I know, but what are the charges that the Emperor has leveled against you?
Oh, well, I was trying to tell him that he arrested Ms.
Jones on her third arrest, that it might not be in the best interest of the tax court side because of the ongoing lawsuit she had.
You know, I asked him if he was trying to give her an attorney of field in court, and I guess my advice to him was take it as interfering in his police operations, and that's what I was charged with.
Kind of like when she was there in Citizen Communications trying to politely talk, and the police came up and started arresting her, and you're the mayor.
You say, it's Citizen's Communication, and he just said, no, and took her out.
I mean, and so now you're the mayor.
Well, I guess they're saying you're not the mayor, even though they don't have the authority.
They're saying you're not the mayor, and by the way, you're criminally charged.
Well, that's, that's, and so who is this judge?
Well, like I said, we now have, we now, I've been saying it for years that this is,
You know, selective enforcement of any law in town, but now we have sworn testimony to that effect.
We have an officer's sworn testimony, and since then I've had a couple of citizens come forth and say, well, you know, Councilman so-and-so told me the same thing, you know.
So, I have multiple witnesses willing to testify that this council is using police force to enforce their political agenda on the community.
And by the way, folks are saying, why are people getting arrested and facing 90 days in jail for a garden?
Why are people not allowed to have citizen communication?
Why is government so openly corrupt?
They want you to know.
That's why the state government is going to fully back them, Mayor, because they like this idea of a police chief.
In fact, they're trying to do this in many areas, just get rid of government altogether and have a town administrator.
Well, I'll tell you what, it's not the freedom I served my country for.
And as a Marine, I'm not going to let it exist.
I'm going to have to quit my job right now.
Now, they don't even let you in the city council building, correct?
No, no, no.
What they're doing is as a result of the one meeting where they locked the doors and took away people's right to speak and took away, they took away voter martial law or whatever they did behind locked doors.
That's an illegal meeting and cannot prevail.
I've asked the Attorney General to declare that meeting illegal.
If any action is taken behind locked doors, we also declare null and void then.
And if that were so, then they can't... Our meetings are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7pm.
Here lately, since they had that secret meeting, they've been scheduling them whenever they want.
They change the time around.
They don't notify me, but I hear.
I set up on the desk.
We're good to go.
Mayor, in closing, everybody should pray for you and support you.
I'm tempted to fly out there and see this for myself, but in closing, you're saying violence is going to happen.
Are you saying that the Emperor's people might get violent?
Well, they're unstable.
They're acting irrational.
Irrational people do irrational things.
And you can't trust them right now.
In fact, I went to this pastor last night and asked him to speak to this gentleman.
I tell you what, I gotta get to Andre James, Brad and Bill in the military.
But Mayor, come right back and tell us about the guy they chased with the camera.
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Folks, Sheriff Richard Max can be with us at the 8 after.
I'm going to get to Adrian, James, Brad and Bill, ahead of Sheriff Max, coming in to talk about the militarization of police, court site, fast and furious, White House completely caught running the whole thing to blame the Second Amendment.
I mean, this is big, but hey, they're the government, so they're allowed to.
See, that's the essence of tyranny.
And I remember reading about a day into Katrina, it turns out Blackwater reportedly, the mayor's now talked about it, came in and said, we're in command.
And the mayor said, get out of here and they left.
But it's that attempt.
And that's what tyrants do.
They always attempt.
It's kind of like a parrot will test a branch with their beak to see if they can get on it.
And if you bend over, over and over again, it'll get worse and worse and worse, and then government will engage in corruption, and then when you try to take the government back, they can't let you back in.
Because if real government is to take over again, they're going to find all the stealing.
And then people are going to go to jail.
So that's what tyranny is.
I'm going to go to Adrian here in a moment, but finishing up with the mayor of Quartzsite, fired by the police chief and council, though they can't do that, everybody knows that,
Uh, you've got the police, the majority of them, uh, you know, going public, so then they're put on leave.
And I saw it in the news.
They said in the council, yes, you're not allowed to leave your houses.
Uh, and they're now chasing camera people when the Attorney General asked him.
Briefly, Mayor, tell folks about that.
From the Attorney General's office, when we complained about the fact that the council was meeting at one of the council's restaurants, you know,
And I said, well, you got to send us proof.
So this gentleman went to the restaurant, stood on the public sidewalk out front, was photographing license plates.
He was chased from that scene by the chief of police.
He saw a sanctuary at his church, and he is a leading member of that church.
He's got some
He's not wild-eyed, radical, or anything.
He's just upset the town government.
Look at you having to make excuses for somebody to videotape a diner.
I mean, this is what America's come to.
And that's the essence of tyrannies, when cops beat people up and arrest them for videotaping them.
And it's happening more and more.
And they're hiring people that think this is fun.
They're not only hiring people that think it's fun.
They're hiring people that will do it, and then giving them orders to do that.
That's what this council has done.
And then if the mayor says, this isn't a good idea, and then when the mayor says, don't arrest that woman for speaking at Citizens Communication, they turn around and charge you.
I've been charged with lots of crimes.
Let's see, I was charged with felony harassment.
I was charged with false reporting.
I ran a newspaper and reported a problem with public drinking water.
Of course, they raised hell with that.
They tried to charge me.
The county attorney refused to do that one.
When I got elected, they tried to come up with an election fraud charge.
Again, the county attorney said no to that one.
And on this recent one, the charge is interfering in police operations at two counts of disorderly conduct.
The county attorney told me he'd read the report that I'm not guilty of a crime, so rather than charge me with a felony that he had to pursue, they did it as a misdemeanor.
What about Fox News?
Is it true that, I saw it last night, Fox News reported, I think you were on there, Fox News reported that they have ordered the eight police that they've put on leave to not leave their homes?
Yes, they're under house arrest from 8 a.m.
till noon and from 1 p.m.
to 5.
And then they're being called in and being interviewed right now during the day.
Occasionally they're called in.
The one lady who was the clerk in the office, she didn't
Because she's not a sworn officer.
She did not have the same protections that the officers had, so they summarily fired her.
Unfortunately for her and her family, the county attorney's office had a lady that was out on medical leave and a county attorney stepped up and gave her a job so her family at least got
Alright, we'll continue to watch this, Mayor, and be careful.
Boss hug!
I'll tell you what, if they get me, I think I deserve $475,000.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I apologize to the military and police callers that were holding, but this is an emergency with the mayor, and now they're ordering folks to turn their guns in and courtside.
I mean, you can't make this up.
The police
What, eight of the ten police have been sent home, told to be on house arrest because they won't go along with the corruption, or testifying that the council said, get the mayor, and so now they've set him up.
Adrian, who's active duty, calling in, I appreciate you holding, active duty military, they haven't told us army or marine, and we're bringing up the fact that now
Outside Homestead Air Force Base, the police are now arresting citizens off base and working with the police and putting out press releases about how they're doing this and we were getting military to call in and comment on it.
So give us your view please, Adrian.
Alex, good afternoon to you.
I just want to start off by letting you know that
You know, the dumbing down and the blinding of America, it almost seems like it's in full swing.
The other day, I can't tell you, began to tell you, I was absolutely disgusted.
I was watching a sports show, and one of the commercials had a U.S.
Navy commercial on it, and at the very end of the commercial, it said the U.S.
Navy, a global force for good.
The last time I checked, you know, I signed on to the military, and the last time I checked, I mean, I'm a good old boy, but I thought I was here to fight for the sovereignty and the freedom and the liberty of independent citizens of the nation,
And for the enforcement of the Constitution, not to be a global force for good, not to enforce globalism.
It's just unbelievable.
The commercial playthrough, and I haven't heard a single person comment on it, it's just the blinding of America, you know?
So I went to some of my Marines, and I asked them, hey, do you have any idea what we fight for?
Do you know what our responsibilities are?
And one of my Marines had the audacity, I mean, it's come full circle, the blinding of the nation, the blinding of Americans.
The Marine told me, yeah, my job is to do whatever the President tells me to do.
I mean, how insane is that?
You know, it's like, people have completely lost their focus in what they're supposed to, in what they stand for, in who we are.
It's just unbelievable.
So they have no idea, when you talk to them, what our military is supposedly for?
I'm talking about active duty service members.
That was their reply to me.
We do whatever the President tells us to do.
And when we take the oath of enlistment, we don't swear to a president, we don't swear to a person, to an ideology.
We swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
And it just blows my mind how people are just brainwashed and believe that their mission is to enforce the regulations that the President at that time said to enforce.
It's just a total brainwashing of everything that we have
From where we were to what we've become.
And it's sad to see it firsthand.
And I mean, I'm just scared to see what happens 10 years from now, because the dumbing down of America has continued to go.
Things are getting worse and worse.
People are more dependent on the welfare system.
People are more dependent on government housing.
And they're being born and bred to buy into this.
People are born and bred to say, hey, don't do good in school.
That way you can be part of welfare.
That way you can get government housing.
But what it does is it makes us more dependent on the government, more dependent on them to provide for us.
And you go right into a socialist system.
It's just like, I mean, you can see it wide open and people are just so
I don't know if they're unwilling to open their eyes, or they just... Well, it's like the police officer said earlier in the last hour.
This movie doesn't have a happy ending.
I mean, these globalists are really corrupt, really evil.
I mean, they've been caught putting stuff in the food and water.
I mean, bad people are running things, and they're trying to get a straitjacket over us, and they want to send tyrants to our door in a uniform.
We've got to reach out to the police and military now.
That's why they're so upset about Oath Keepers.
That's why they're so upset about Sheriff Richard Mack, who's about to be in studio, now moved to Texas.
That's why they're so upset about us, because they know that the police and military are listening, and now going, wow, this makes sense.
Now I understand why this has been happening.
Thank you so much for calling in, sir, today, and we appreciate you holding.
And it'll be perfect to go to the other callers, James, Bill, and others.
If you're former military, current military, police, you have concerns about the fact that all over the country
They're putting military on the streets to arrest citizens now.
If you're concerned about that or you've witnessed it, we'd like to hear from you.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We are now into the third hour of this worldwide broadcast.
It, of course, is Thursday, the 28th day of July 2011.
And I am going to be back live tonight at PrisonPlanet.tv at 7 p.m.
We're going to start having, really quite often, at least a few times a month, special reports with special guests.
And I'm going to have Mike Adams in studio with me tonight in the new studio, 7 p.m.
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Eastern, streaming live for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Then, starting Thursday, September 1st, we're going to kick off our five-day-a-week, 30-minute news transmission.
We'll be announcing the name and more at the start of next month at 7 p.m.
Monday through Friday on top of the three-hour radio show.
Uh, each day.
So, uh, very exciting, but I hope that you'll join us tonight at PrisonPlanet.tv at 7 p.m.
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We just add more, more, more, more, and we like to have backups, redundancy, because every few months we have a problem with InfoWars.com.
Like yesterday, it was down off and on.
Well, we had PrisonPlanet.com.
And so it's all about getting the information out.
Now for the rest of the hour, we're talking to Sheriff Richard Mack.
Last time I saw him was late last year to a packed house that we spoke to out in Santa Cruz, California.
Former Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, longtime crusader for freedom of individual rights.
In 94, he filed a lawsuit challenging the Brady Bill to stop the federal government from forcing another undue mandate down our throats, and he won.
He lectures and gives seminars on constitutional issues relating to gun control, law enforcement states' rights, the farce otherwise known as the drug war, and the oath of office, SheriffMac.com.
Sheriff Richard Mac, great to have you here in studio with us.
Well thanks, it's great to be here.
I guess you know now I'm a Texan.
Fellow Texan here.
But I want to make sure that everybody knows I'm a Alamo Texan.
I really believe in freedom.
I believe in standing up for freedom.
And these other Texans that continue to say they're Texans and yet they
Back down from threats of the federal government.
Even State Congressman and State Rep.
Dan Patrick said, hey, if you tell us to back down, especially the federal government, that makes us even all the stronger.
And that's really what Texas is about to me.
Texas independence and the spirit of the Alamo and remember the Alamo.
Yeah, I'm not knocking folks moving to New Hampshire to have their Free State Project, but give me a break, folks.
Austin, Austin is, you know, the media says Austin's this socialist paradise.
No, there's a tiny group for at least 20 years with fraudulent election machines robbing everybody here in Austin, but the people of Austin are great folks.
Yeah, and this is a great state.
I love it, and my wife and I are really glad to be here.
We live in Fredericksburg, which is a great town, and the Patriots of Gillespie County
uh... got me there and i work with them and uh... i couldn't be uh... happier about it and happy to be here with in your studio this is a great setup you got here the word is you're building up to what run for sheriff out there uh... that is the rumor but uh... it's not the truth it's not i i i'm i'm too busy doing what i'm doing uh... absolutely you're gonna hear an activist all over the country all over the country i just got back from indiana uh... then uh...
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and I was very active working with some sheriffs there.
They were having their convention at the same place I was speaking.
There's some good sheriffs out there too.
And then I just finished in Mount Rushmore in Rapid City, South Dakota and we did Sioux Falls.
Then I got home and then my wife's actually going with me on my trip coming up because we're going to spend a few days in Florida because we're doing some great events there.
I have to tell you, I'm speaking at the
What, TSA rally in Florida in front of the Sheriff's Convention to let the know, let the sheriffs know that we want them to investigate TSA groping and sexual assaults?
Well, I mean, if an Austin cop goes in the airport and sticks his hands on a woman's breast or genitals, he's going to go, he's going to be charged.
Of course.
How can the TSA do it?
They should, and the Libertarian Party, under the leadership of Adrian Wiley, have actually issued a request publicly, a press release and an official request of all sheriffs to investigate the TSA and take action, including arrest, if the TSA continues to do this kind of crap.
And I'm actually speaking at that rally to let them know this is at least one sheriff here that agrees.
No exemption for federal employees.
No exception.
Well, I mean, the FBI can't stick their hands down your pants.
I mean, they go in the pants.
The FBI can't put you in a microwave oven.
This is just a total federal power grab.
I want to get into... I want to say one other thing that you mentioned already.
You said this was an arrest situation.
I have to tell you, Alex, that the groping and... or let me just call it what it is.
The frisking, quote, the frisking that happens there is exactly the same as when you arrest somebody.
Except it gets a little bit... because I've been through it.
I've asked them.
I said, I'm not taking the picture.
I don't know.
That happens to someone who's arrested, so it gives a lot of credence to what you said, that it is an arrest situation.
They are being treated exactly, everyone that goes through TSA is treated exactly as if they were under arrest.
Or somebody going into Abu Ghraib, and that's where the scanners and all of this got developed.
The Pentagon intends this for the streets of America.
Now, there's so many issues I want to get into with you, Sheriff Mack.
But first off, just because we ended the last hour with this, what is your take on what's happening in Quartzsite?
Well, I need to tell you, you mentioned Oath Keepers earlier, and how, you know, a lot of government officials are getting really weary of Oath Keepers and me, because we're out here saying that, you know, we should follow the Constitution.
You took an oath and you should keep it.
Stuart Rhodes has been asked to be a lawyer down there and help, I believe, Mayor Foster and Jennifer Jones.
I know he's working with Jennifer Jones.
I thought it was the mayor also.
But anyway, Stuart Rhodes is their lawyer.
And he's hopefully going to have a lot to report on that.
The bottom line with Quartzsite is I think it is a typical indication and typical example of government run amok.
It's a small area.
It's a small town.
And it shows a chief of police who absolutely thinks he's king and can do whatever he wants.
And how is it that a mayor
is fired, who's elected by the people there.
If the people want him removed, they can do it.
But for him to be removed in this Gestapo type fashion is absolutely deplorable.
Well, the truth is he's very popular and it's because of reported corruption that that's why they're acting so.
He's been fighting it.
Yeah, he's been fighting and standing against the corruption.
What would you do if you were the sheriff in that county?
Because the sheriff is in power by the state constitution.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but
The cities are under that in constitutional power because they're a incorporated creation of the people.
I mean, is it the governor?
The state police?
What would you do if you were the sheriff and the police are now arresting people for videotaping the city council building?
You know, as sheriff, and I've certainly thought of this scenario before, and certainly this would be one of the worst case scenarios that a sheriff would want to have to address.
But he has to.
He is the ultimate constitutional authority there.
It's his jurisdiction.
I mean, it is.
And I'm not sure which county Courtside is in.
Somebody's going to have to fill me in on that.
I'm not sure.
I know that they're on the way west side, so it could be La Paz County or maybe even Yuma County.
I'm not sure which one they're in.
I think it's human, but... Regardless of that, the county sheriff should be stepping in at this point.
It's gotten way too out of control, and there's far too many constitutional violations, and I fear that if he doesn't... What county?
It's La Paz County.
Okay, I thought it was La Paz.
And La Paz is the newest county also in the state, but it's a very small county, very small area.
And the sheriff there should actually, you know, take the bull by the horn and make sure that Mayor Foster's prediction does not come true.
Somebody needs to come in there and settle this down before violence does happen.
And somebody needs to put that chief of police in place.
And somebody, an independent investigation needs to take place of that chief and that police.
Why do you think the state for a month has been sitting on its hands?
Because they're wimpy and they're go-along government.
Let me tell anybody right now that might have any mistaken notion that...
Governor Jan Brewer is nothing but a rhino.
She is nothing but a rhino.
She's a go-along person.
Her attack on the illegal alien problem notwithstanding.
She's a politician.
And you were a sheriff in Arizona.
I know her very well, yes.
You know her very well.
We can talk about the border situation as well.
I want to get into the militarization of police, the bankruptcy of America.
They admit they're getting U.S.
troops ready to go up against citizens.
What should sheriffs do when all this comes down?
And your phone calls, military and police.
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All right, we're going to cover the waterfront now with Sheriff Richard Mack.
We're going to get into Fast and Furious, new information on that.
Government caught red-handed shipping the guns of Mexico and Miami.
I mean, they're controlling the gangs that they want to knock out the other drug gangs.
We're going to get into the militarization of police and then your phone calls.
I'm feeling a little bit of overdrive come on today, but I've got to not do overdrive today because we're doing a special TV report.
Yeah, I should have thought about having you here tonight for the report.
But who knows?
We'll see what happens.
We'll find out after the show.
But Sheriff Richard Max, our guest, this is a short segment, long segment coming up.
Let's get into militarization of police.
Every week now, articles come in, usually from the military base itself.
And Homestead Air Force Base in Florida is announcing they're now patrolling the town, and they're making arrests at the Circle K and other events.
And they could argue, well, it's a citizen's arrest, same power we have, but it's active duty military doing this.
Sheriff Mack, what's that really about?
Well, it's happening all across the country.
I don't care where you go, and you can see it on YouTube almost every day where another cop is out of control.
What these cops are being trained to do... In fact, there was one on YouTube I just saw.
Somebody just sent to me and asked me to look at it and give them...
Uh, some advice.
Uh, the guy just is seeing some cops go after a lady on a traffic stop and it looked like they were way out of line, you know, handcuffing her and all this stuff.
And he calls them from his garage, from on his property.
He yells out at the cop.
You're a Nazi.
And they come and arrest him in his garage.
They come and arrest him on his property and arrest him.
Yeah, you've seen it.
And I am appalled at stuff like this.
Well, what about when they find a homeless guy who doesn't even resist?
They beat him for five minutes and he dies.
And the police say, that's a good killing.
I mean, this is not about showing off that you're macho and can kill, you know, a schizophrenic homeless person.
And then we have the Jose Guerrera shooting in Tucson, which I, with Oath Keepers, went down to that memorial service.
And it's just over and over and over.
And what has happened is we have a SWAT team mentality.
And in the book I'm writing right now, I have the chapter dedicated to this, and it says, don't SWAT me, bro.
Remember the guy that was yelling, don't tase me, bro?
At some, I can't remember, University of Florida.
No, John Kerry's like, let him finish his question, and the cops go, no, the guy's going, I'm not resisting, and they just shock him.
Right, exactly, that guy.
I've got his name and everything, it's in my book, and it's just... It reminds me of deer hunters that get buck fever when a big buck finally comes out, or they shoot a cow because they want to kill something.
It does.
And it's like, well, I'm going to go ahead and taser you because I want to know.
Well, that shooting incident in Tucson of Jose Garena shows an officer, if you look at the tape, the SWAT team's own tape, there's three officers at the threshold, at the door.
And they push in the door and immediately they start shooting.
You know, nothing about drop the gun or put it down, we're the cops, put it down, you got it, you know, we got you.
Then there's an officer of the SWAT team about ten feet behind him and as soon as the shooting starts,
He rushes to the door, has his gun drawn, puts it over the shoulder of another officer, and is now having the muzzle blast.
And he starts firing, empties his gun, and fires right next to one of the other officers' face, where the muzzle blast is in this guy's face.
And he was wanting to get some.
Yeah, he wanted to be part of it.
He didn't want to be left out of the dance.
And that's exactly what he wanted.
He wanted another kill.
And this is the mentality that I worry about.
That's why you don't want militarized police, because military kills people and breaks things.
And that's what we've done with the SWAT teams all across this country.
We have trained these guys that you go home, that you go home is the most important thing at night.
And instead of, you know what?
It may be the worst thing we could do is shooting an innocent person.
Because that's going to turn the population against them.
We're already seeing it starting where citizens are starting to shoot first, ask questions later.
They're actually escalating it into a war.
Because of the mentality and what the cops are doing.
First of all, there should have never been a SWAT team at the Jose Garena home.
If you wanted to serve a warrant on this guy, stop him on the way home, have him stay there, inform him that he's not allowed to use his phone, take his cell phone away from him, inform him that there's going to be a search warrant served at his house, ask him if there's anything that they need to be aware of in that home,
And say, is your wife armed?
Is she blah blah blah?
I mean, you're obviously a long time law enforcement sheriff, peace officer.
Twenty years.
So you know all this, but just studying criminology, in the old days you always stopped somebody when they were leaving home because that was the safe way.
Safe way.
You don't go do an armed assault on a house.
Well, why don't they do the old-fashioned thing?
Because these guys are trained to be Mr. Macho, militarization, and they're not trained in this stuff.
They're not trained to proceed in logical means.
And it really has me completely baffled why the leadership, the sheriffs, and you know that's what I'm doing nationwide.
I'm reaching out to sheriffs, and I believe that we can change this and stop it.
But if we do, it's going to be sheriff by sheriff.
All right, let's continue with that and get into Fast and Furious, but just the common sense of that, if you really think somebody's doing something illegal in a house, you know when they're going to work.
You just park down the street, and you follow them to, you pull them over, nothing happens.
Instead of charging a house.
Or take him down at work.
Well, that's like David Koresh, who went into town every day and had a business.
They wanted the confrontation.
Yes, exactly.
They wanted the big macho shootout, and they got it.
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Well, I walked back down
We've got Sheriff Richard Mack here in studio with us.
I'm going to go to some of your phone calls coming up for people that are patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
And talking to Sheriff Mack, you wanted to finish up with something about Waco.
I mentioned that it was done as a publicity stunt, and then you talked about your lawyer, from your Supreme Court case, actually confirmed that that is what that was about.
It was a staged event.
No question about it.
The BATF was being considered to be scaled down or completely dissolved and abolished, and had the FBI take over gun enforcement.
And so the BATF knew that they had to stage an event that would prompt Congress to not only not get rid of them, but to make them bigger.
And actually that's what happened.
The BATF actually got an increase of money and manpower after the Waco incident.
They have the second largest building in D.C.
after the Pentagon.
BATF does?
They have a gigantic office building, yeah.
I didn't know that.
They just finished it like five years ago.
I would have guessed the Department of Education, but that's another one that needs to go.
Well, it's in a bunch of buildings, yeah.
They have one giant complex.
Oh, okay.
See, well, this is just another example of out-of-control, stupid government that we have today.
And the essence of tyranny is the enforcement of stupid laws, and that's what we have going on in our police departments and federal government all across the country.
I would just add the essence is when they write laws for law-abiding citizens.
Look at this article.
ATF manager says he shared Fast and Furious info with White House.
We posted that C-SPAN video at InfoWars.com yesterday, but you talk to Larry Pratt.
He's been at the hearings and give us the bad news and the good news.
I mean, it's bad news the White House is this criminal, but the good news is if we keep forcing this issue, this could bring them down like Nixon.
Tell us what's happening.
Well, quite frankly, this is a bigger scandal than Watergate was.
And no question about it.
And that's also in my book.
And the title of my book is The Magic of Gun Control.
And we're seeing the magic all the time, which there isn't any.
It's all an illusion.
And right now we have Fast and Furious, which has literally been the biggest scandal since the assassination of JFK.
And the reason why it has not gotten the play that Watergate got is plain and simply mainstream media.
Now, we have reporter Atkinson, I think her name is Cheryl Atkinson.
She actually was one of the first to expose this.
She works for CBS News.
No, strangely enough CBS broke it.
And then the Justice Department said... And then they back off.
Well, good ATF did their right job and said, look, Border Patrol have been killed.
They went public with this.
And then they said, you're liars.
And it turns out the Attorney General has just perjured himself.
Yes, and not only that, but they have refused congressional subpoenas, which is against the law.
That's a violation of the law.
You cannot refuse that.
Senator Grassley is so frustrated at the response from the White House.
And then when they finally get documents that they've been asking for for weeks, they're all blacked out.
And so, and then they claim national security.
National security?
About gun running into Mexico?
What is national security?
We're not at war with Mexico.
This isn't any secret war or anything we're going at.
What is national security?
Just show the documents.
If you need to take an informant's name out, fine, black that out.
But they're 90% blacked out, and so they're nothing.
And they're completely useless.
And Congress, they're the law givers.
They represent the people.
The executive, just like they launched the Libya war without their approval, is just doing whatever it wants.
And now it turns out that the head special agent ATF in charge of Phoenix, who, and I know it's an oxymoron to say good ATF, but he said, look, I'm not going to do this anymore.
This is criminal.
And it turns out he's told the truth.
And he testified that the White House did know.
Well, of course, now we know the FBI and DEA were involved.
Yes, and Agent Dodson from the Phoenix office was actually the first one to break this whole thing.
He exposed it to Atkinson.
And so this is a gigantic story, but you need to understand, this is our own federal government running guns into Mexico, and the reason they said they were doing it is so they could trace the guns into the cartels.
The only way you can trace a gun into a cartel is if it has a GPS unit.
There was only two guns with GPS units.
So they couldn't trace them anyway.
So they had to know...
that they were going to be used in gun violence and then agent brian terry working for the border patrol is shot and killed his family starts asking for uh... answers and then dawson starts telling the truth from the BATF office in phoenix exposing his own department his own office for the corruption of running these guns down in mexico and you need to know every one of your listeners you need to absolutely know what this was is have you ever heard barack obama get up and say
Even since the Gifford shooting in Tucson, where Judge Roll was killed.
Even since then, you have not heard, even at the memorial service, you have not heard Barack Obama say, we've got to have more gun control.
You know he's a gun control fanatic.
Everybody he has, Eric Holder, everybody in his cabinet are anti-second amendment.
They want to do this.
This was their way of promoting and making sure gun control would become a second
And by the way, there's total proof.
It turns out a year ago, and I was already talking about this at the time, they put out press releases.
Holder came to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and gave speeches saying the crime in Mexico is because of U.S.
They know they're shipping them in.
And that's how they, but now it came out in the Miami papers and others that they're shipping them into Miami to go to Honduras.
And so this is a lot bigger.
It's a lot bigger and it's, again, a lot worse than Watergate, but if we would only get the media.
Now, who do we have really attacking this?
We have Fox News, you, Gun Owners of America, and we still don't have the mainstream newspapers or NBC.
Even CBS, who broke this, has backed off and pulled back now.
And they act like it's, you know, Kit Gloves here for some reason.
So, if the media, if the national media really went after this, this would have already destroyed the presidency of Barack Obama because all of this was an attempt to promote a backdoor
gun control in America and destroy the Second Amendment.
That's all what this was about.
It was a political ploy by the White House, by this Justice Department.
Well, we've had the ATF in Austin send illegals into gun shows.
You know, 90-plus percent are dealers, but private people, if I want to go sell one of my guns, I can walk in with it and sell it.
They want to shut that down so you can't give your grandson a gun or you can't buy your dad a gun.
I bought my dad a gun before.
He's bought me a gun before, many guns, when I was young.
And so they can actually register and track everything.
And we've caught them all over the country.
They send illegals in to buy it from some grandpa.
Then they arrest the grandpa in the parking lot and shut the gun show down.
Mayor Bloomberg sent his own officers from New York City to a gun show in Phoenix to do the same thing.
And he did that to Bob Templeton of the Crossroads of the West gun shows.
So it's not the feds out of their jurisdiction now, it's Mr. Gunn Van Bloomberg.
Right, exactly.
A Republican.
So yeah, it's getting so crazy out there.
People think we make this stuff up, Alex.
You know, truth is stranger than fiction, and folks, every bit of this is documented, and I really believe that this is going to destroy the Obama administration.
Well, you said you talked to Pratt, and it's been confirmed it goes right up to Obama, who as a state senator called for, I've read the quotes, complete abolition of the Second Amendment.
Oh, of course.
That's been their goal.
They know that there isn't congressional support for it.
They know that there isn't American support for gun control.
So they had to fabricate another way to do it, just like he fabricated the health care crisis to bring in his Obamacare.
That is how this man moves.
He is a subterfuge specialist.
And he is the one that has made this an agenda to make sure that they created enough ire and enough public outcry for gun control.
But I do find it encouraging that the ATF people actually started blowing the whistle.
Of course, there are good people.
This proves there are good people in government.
And if there weren't, I'd be out of a job tomorrow.
I wouldn't have a goal and a purpose in what I'm doing.
I'd love to be out of this job.
Me too.
Let's work ourselves out of a job.
We'd live in a free country.
That's exactly what I'm after.
I've told my wife and kids that.
I'd love to work myself out of a job.
Well, people ask me, why do you get so upset?
Why do you work so hard?
At an instinctive level, I get chills talking about it.
Being a slave, having my guns taken, having a government that can raise taxes to destroy my future, to have these corrupt interests selling our jobs out.
I mean, you'd be crazy to not constantly work against this.
People think we're like heroes because we fight tyranny.
You're not going to have freedom if you don't fight tyranny.
It's an eternal battle.
I mean, why do you fight corruption?
Well, it's about freedom and liberty.
That's why.
I owe it to my kids and my grandkids.
If I'm free, and you're not, then I'm not free.
When you're with your grandkids, because they're sweet little innocent toddlers, I don't know if they're that age, but with my children, every time I'm reading to my little daughter, she's almost four, I love them when they're little, she's so sweet, and she's so innocent and good, all I'm thinking about is we've got to beat the New World Order, we've got to beat the New World Order.
And the corruption that's in government is something that I cannot tolerate and I won't.
And I believe that there's a lot of good sheriffs out there that will join us in this great cause.
And I'm asking your listeners to join us in that great cause.
I need support.
I need help with this.
I'm doing as much as I can.
And I'm traveling, and I'm almost exhausted, but the traveling... How key is it to reach out to juries, grand juries, and sheriffs, and to take the states back?
For those that don't know, the founders built this in as a balance of power against an out-of-control federal government.
Well, the sheriff is actually vital in every bit of that.
State sovereignty is still something the sheriff should be very concerned about.
They need to be enforcing that.
Juries, absolutely yes.
But the bottom line is the sheriff will determine what is and what is not enforced in your county.
And so we take back America.
Sheriff by sheriff, county by county, state by state.
We make the federal government irrelevant.
The corruption coming out of Washington D.C., and I'm going to tell you right now, the small arms ban that the United Nations is trying to work out with Hillary Clinton right now, there isn't anything that the U.N.
and the federal government are trying to do to us that the sheriffs can't stop.
When they couldn't get Congress to pass the carbon taxes, they had Obama do it, executively, and then they admitted at the Copenhagen meeting two years ago, led by Schwarzenegger, we're going to go to the cities and do it, and they marched into Austin, San Francisco, and other cities, and put carbon taxes on us!
I mean, these are lawless scumbag criminals!
And if there was nothing more evident of that,
Just look at the process going on right now, the sausage being grinded out through this ridiculous economic process.
What you can know for certain with all of this, looking at $14.5 trillion in debt and our obligations up to about $90 trillion, what you can know is that every bit of that was thievery, corruption, and your government at work at its worst.
And that's why we have got to find a way to make
Uh, Washington, D.C., irrelevant.
Financially, economically, and, uh, socially.
And the sheriffs and the state governments can do that.
You get governors and sheriffs working together on this holy cause of liberty.
We'll get freedom back tomorrow.
And that's why they're setting up the rural councils, the governor's councils, the mayor's councils.
They fly them all up there, those that are toadies, get put on special boards and then get more federal money.
I mean, this is just how the Soviets controlled their satellites, the system they're setting up.
I want to go to some phone calls for Sheriff Richard Mack here today.
Jeff in Louisiana, you're on the air.
Welcome, sir.
Hey, Jeff.
How you doing?
Yes, welcome.
You're on the air.
I just wanted to say thanks for everything, and yeah, I worked with NOPD.
I'm in the National Guard, and I worked with the New Orleans Police Department.
For three years after Hurricane Katrina, which I'm sure, you know, it was all over the news, everybody knows about.
The gun confiscation.
Oh, no, no, no, not that.
I'm saying the first chance the feds had, they did it.
They said, we're not bringing food and water.
We're coming into the neighborhood and take your guns.
But go ahead and make your point, sir.
No, it was just going along with everything you're saying about federalizing police and, you know, the military to work with the police.
I don't know exactly what is going on with the NOPD, but they are federalized now.
So I don't know if, you know, who's working with them, but they may be trying to
Well, New Orleans NOPD has had problems way before Katrina, and they've been very corrupt.
I've followed that one for the last 15 years, and their corruption there has been widespread and very well known, and man have they had problems.
Remember the cops at Walmart stealing everything?
Oh yeah, sure, and they thought it was fine!
You know, they're being interviewed while they're doing it!
You know, that's typical of how far gone New Orleans PD has gone.
What about New York, Petey?
I have footage where they go up to peaceful activists protesting with permits and say, uh, leave or we're going to say you have bombs.
They go, we don't have bombs.
They go, well, we know you don't.
We're going to put you in jail for bombs.
And then they let them go with tape.
I mean, that's a felony.
A cop saying, I'm going to say you got a bomb.
I mean, that shows total criminal confidence.
Of course.
Of course.
And we've got to have a way to combat that, and I believe we do.
We have some great sheriffs, even back in New York.
We've got some great sheriffs that are coming on board.
Because they're elected!
Anything else, Collar?
Jeff, I appreciate your call.
It's such common sense that the police in your area are under state law and they're elected by you.
And then the sheriff is actually going after criminals and working with the citizens.
They need more help.
Get your guns, boys.
We got a guy on the loose.
My mother, growing up,
In Hyde Park in Austin, Texas, the state hospital's like a mile away.
And they routinely would have the police come through and my grandpa would go out and they'd say, hey, get your rifles, you know, we got a dangerous, violent nut that's out, help us.
Or if there was a rabid dog, they'd just go out in the middle of Austin, just shoot it.
Or when you have the tower shooting, all the citizens with their guns.
Look at how much we've changed since then.
We have changed, and we keep sliding down, like Judge Bort says, sliding down to Gomorrah with his book.
And that's exactly what's happening in our country, and we have got to take America back, and there is a place to do it.
There still is a place for hope and liberty and freedom in this country, and it's in your county.
And county by county, we can do this.
Yeah, we got 60% turnouts on average for presidential, 8.2 on average for county and city.
Folks, take your city back.
Get aggressive.
Let's go to Josh in North Carolina, then Ron and Bill.
Josh, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
I listen to you all the time, but not for the reason I think a lot of other people do.
I listen because I think half the people who call on your show are completely nuts.
And I don't think they're as informed as they should be.
And a perfect example is one of your last callers who called and said, oh, I'm military, and I told my Marines, hey, you don't defend the president.
You defend the Constitution only.
Well, he's blatantly wrong.
Every enlisted member of the military swears to the Constitution and the President of the United States.
The only people who don't are officers.
And we were put in that position so that in case a usurper took over office, we wouldn't have allegiance to him, and we could take him over.
But yet this guy is trying to make... Yeah, but expanding on that, I mean expanding on that, they've tried to change the oath just to the President.
That's what Hitler did.
You know, you're given those rules, and you're given the military rules, and you're not to follow an illegal or unlawful order.
So what does military do when they're ordered to go help run checkpoints with the police?
See, I think, and some people are looking at this as something else.
One of your other callers said, well, I trained with foreign military and foreign police, and that just really creeped me out.
We do that all the time.
That's no secret.
I've been in the Marine Corps for 15 years.
Josh, Josh, Josh, I know about training with foreign troops.
They have signed official deals to use foreign troops in America for civil unrest.
Are you aware of that?
Yeah, and we, you know, we get theater cooperation with all of these other people, and we try to keep good terms with every country.
Stay there, stay there.
I understand you know it all, and I'm glad to finally have somebody on who knows it all.
I mean, you know, I guess we're a bunch of crazy kooks who think the military's on the... and TSA!
I said they'd be on the streets eight years ago, and now they are.
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Yeah, I've got the oath that the military personnel swear, and it is true.
I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the state name against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear truth, faith, and allegiance to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of the state and the orders of the officers appointed over me according to law and regulations.
See, you gotta follow the law.
And if you look at the whole history of it, it's been recently changed before it was to defend and protect the Constitution.
But they have gotten rid of that.
But let me ask the caller, because I want to just cut right down to where you stand, Josh.
Are you saying everything's fine?
The fact that they've got signed deals to use, quote, Mexican and Canadian troops inside the U.S.
to, quote, fight terrorism and for other disasters, and I can pull that up for you, and maybe Katrina with the gun confiscation, that didn't happen, or maybe it was needed, or, I mean, because you're saying that we're, the callers are a bunch of idiots, and, I mean, spell it out for us.
Impart to us the knowledge here.
I mean, is it bad that Obama's launching a war in Libya without congressional approval?
I mean, are we wrong to be upset here?
I don't think you're wrong to be upset, but I will say, if everything's a conspiracy, then nothing's a conspiracy.
Everything can't have a double meaning.
And I think a lot of people want everything to have a secret meaning.
It's that everybody's evil.
I know you do your whole Bohemian Grove thing and all that stuff, but we still have... Hey, listen, I've been to the urban warfare drills where the participants are playing the parts of Americans.
Then I've had Marines and Army walk up to me in Texas and say, turn your camera off when they're doing a takeover drill of the town and threaten me.
And I'm talking about people with guns.
So, and I have to tell them no.
In fact, I never even got to the clip earlier.
We're in New York.
Troops run across the street with guns and start threatening me.
And I've had JAG officers and retired people, generals on, and they say the way posse commentatus is written, this is illegal and it's being ignored.
Is it okay to have loaded guns on their side hips threatening me not to videotape them in New York?
And you know that they're loaded.
You said that they're .45s.
We even carried .45s.
I know, they carry Berettas.
I know, they carry Berettas.
Hey, these guys had .45s and I got footage.
In fact, did Rob ever bring that in to you?
I told him to bring that in.
It's in Endgame.
Okay, I told Jacobson two hours ago in there to send you the video clip online.
Just call Jacobson in here.
What caliber do they carry, Josh?
Uh, he said that they were carrying .45s.
But I happen to know!
But I happen to know it's 9mm Beretta, isn't it?
Okay, but yeah, it is.
So what?
They had .45s!
They had .45s!
Okay, so you saw their military ID and you know 100% that these guys are legit military even though they don't carry our standard-issue weapon.
They can just carry whatever they want.
Oh, now I'm having delusions about white vans.
All I'm saying is, you said they were carrying a weapon we don't carry, so... There you go.
Well, I'm glad everything's okay, and there's no inflation, I'm sure, and everything's fine.
You know, everybody's got difficulties, but when you say something that's wrong, I just don't think that everybody should just roll with it.
Like, we have the largest recruitment thing in Mexico City.
You said that.
Where's the proof of that?
I remember reading that in the Washington Post five years ago.
I've worked in recruiting.
We don't recruit in Mexico City.
In fact, in 2003, an Army recruiter crossed the border into Mexico, and he got in a huge amount of trouble because we don't do that.
Does the BATF run guns down to Mexico?
I don't work for the BATF, so I wouldn't know.
You haven't seen those reports and you think that's all a conspiracy thing?
Listen, listen, listen.
A BATF agent, Dodson, reported it.
A BATF agent reported that.
This stuff isn't made up.
Truth is stranger than... Hey, Shelley Castile told us on this show six years ago that they were shipping guns into Mexico and it was the ATF.
And it all came true.
But listen, sir, you notice when you had that pleasure moment and said we don't carry .45s, I said 9mm Berettas?
I said 45s, because that's what they look like to me.
Well, you obviously knew they carried 9mm.
No, the thing is, I saw, the whole group, I saw a big giant 45s.
I thought that was weird.
It's easy to see the difference.
I don't know why, okay?
The point is, is the 45s.
And I think some have Berettas as well.
I got the video clip.
Retransmission starts in 10 minutes!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Okay, I'm going to go back to Josh.
We're going to do 20 minutes of overdrive at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'll be back tonight, 7 o'clock.
I was going to go 7 to 8 with Mike Adams the first hour.
Perhaps we'll just go to 9 with a whole second hour with good old Sheriff Richard Mack here with us.
I'll just work my people to absolute death around here.
But Josh, I don't want to get in arguments with you.
You know what?
I know you thought you caught me there, and actually I haven't even watched this video in about a year of this particular part.
I also watch all the raw footage we shoot and it all mixes together.
I remember on this same trip talking to people.
So now I may have been in the subway marveling, that's a .45 and it looked like stainless steel and all high-tech, and I was going, that's not a Beretta 9mm.
I mean, I'm a gun guy.
Not so much in the last decade because I'm always working, but I mean, I like guns, okay?
Good thing I did because the 15 or 20 guns I bought back when I was, you know, 25 years old, they're all like doubled in value or more.
But I'm going to play this clip and of course he's saying maybe these aren't even military personnel.
Well folks watching on PrisonPlanet.tv and later this will be archived on the Alex Jones Channel for everybody free on YouTube.
Tell me, are these real military personnel right here?
Here it is.
I'm saying get the camera out of my face!
You're on the streets of New York!
So what does that mean?
I'm saying get that camera out of my face!
That's what I'm saying!
It's a free country!
Get this damn camera out of my face!
I said get it out of my face!
I said get it out of my face!
That's all I'm saying!
Look at him, though.
Good job, Alex.
Oh, those are military.
I don't know, Sheriff Mac, those look like military to you?
Long before 9-11.
Well, I didn't check their ID.
Josh says you gotta check their ID.
You ask one of those guys for their ID and see what's gonna happen to you.
Demand to show the military ID and they've got to show it.
No, Josh, you caught us.
It's all not real.
You know, folks said it wasn't real when I had the Coronado land on tape with the hovercraft and the Marines and foreign troops training to take out Americans on video.
And people said that's fake.
He hired those ships.
I mean, that was 2006.
Yeah, that was 2006 right there in New York.
Why were they there?
There were military everywhere.
You'd drive by and there'd be police in the black uniforms of the German shipments.
Why are they there?
They were like searching bags on the subway, everything.
And they all had 45s and Berettas hanging on them.
And I remember going, why are you carrying a 45?
And they would just go, you know, not going to answer your question.
And I don't know.
Well, I'll tell you, most people in law enforcement didn't like the 9mm.
They don't have enough firepower.
And for the military to say, oh, we're just going to use 9mm?
They don't have very much firepower.
They don't have very much knockdown power.
I know 45's got knockdown, but penetration-wise, isn't something like a, you know, the Sig 40 or a 40 Cal, aren't those good?
I would rather have the Sig 40, personally, but...
When the chips are down, most cops want their shotguns.
Oh yeah, that'll get the job done.
You don't have to worry about aiming too much either.
Alright, Josh.
You caught us, I want to admit it.
You caught me.
Those aren't real military.
You caught me.
They weren't either in New Orleans taking guns.
All the guns will be taken.
No one will be allowed to be armed.
Are you saying we're making that up?
I don't agree with everything you say, Alex, but I'll tell you, you know, I made an oath to the Constitution, and I will always defend your right to say it, no matter if I agree with it or not.
But if I hear something wrong, I do feel compelled to correct somebody, like your Rand Corporation statue rant.
It was completely wrong.
Or hearing something about we have the largest recruitment center in Mexico City, that's just wrong.
I don't think people should check you on it.
You're the one who's always telling people, go to Google, go look up this information.
So then when they go ahead and do it, and find you to be wrong, they should call you and tell you that.
Hold on, hold on.
I mean, I go from memory on a lot of stuff, but I remember, it was probably five years ago, there were a bunch of articles where they were opening them in, it was a list of recruiting centers, and they may be recruiting them and getting them up here to the U.S., but it was in Ukraine, it was in Mexico City.
I remember this.
Are you saying that one of the biggest recruitment drives isn't to get non-U.S.
citizens to join the military?
But that's not what you said.
You didn't say a recruitment drive.
You said we have recruitment centers in Mexico City, which we don't.
Yeah, that's what the Washington Post... I got a great memory.
We'll see if I'm exactly right.
I'm gonna search it during the break.
We'll see if I can find it in three minutes.
Josh, you've caught us again.
More calls straight ahead.
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Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive, with your host, Alex Jones broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Okay, we were talking to the caller earlier, Josh, and I was joking when I said, Josh, you got me.
You know, I didn't have the U.S.
Army run up and get in my face and tell me, you know, don't film them.
I mean, they're obviously military, they're piling, and they even have the footage.
We shot footage of the U.S.
plates on the vehicle.
But I've got to be honest, and I've already always told people this.
Check what I say, because I go from memory on a lot of stuff, and so I try to tell the truth, and I know I'm right.
But I searched U.S.
recruiting outside of U.S., and I got 2k.army.mil.faqs.htm, and it says we do not recruit outside of the United States and are barred from doing so.
I think you can show me a document cam shot.
I'll show them this.
But I just sent Aaron Dyke, so I'll probably end up having it tomorrow, out to do a deep search.
Something's five, six years old.
I can't remember the exact headline.
And it said that they had shut up their biggest recruiting centers.
The headline was something like...
Biggest U.S.
recruiting outside U.S.
I think that's what'll find it now.
So I'm starting to percolate.
And it may be, and I'm just going from memory here, like they've set up private recruiting arms.
I remember in the article it says they recruit them, fly them here to enlist.
But no one denies that they're filling the military with foreigners.
I mean, that's not denied.
But the point is, I did go look up what he's saying.
He says he is a recruiter.
So yes, you individually must be barred, but I know my memory.
I remember Washington Post, and you watch.
I'm going to make sure I don't forget.
We're going to find it, and I'm going to cover it here.
Sorry, Sheriff Mac.
Go ahead.
No, that's all right.
But even he, the caller, said that they do outside recruiting.
He said he didn't believe there was a recruiting center in Mexico, but they know.
He even admitted they do.
But that's all lawyer talk.
I remember them saying their biggest recruiting was in Mexico City and Ukraine.
I remember it saying recruiting centers.
Well, he doesn't deny it happens, he just wants, he doesn't believe there's a building that's the biggest building in Mexico City for recruiting.
This is a lot of double thinking.
That's exactly.
Because, I mean... The point is, they're recruiting in foreign countries.
That's the point.
Well, in fact, I should have gone back to him.
Is he still there?
Because he was kind of making excuses for foreign troops.
Well, we have force assistance agreements.
No, you don't bring foreign troops in here.
They're not supposed to.
You heard him say that.
Is he still there?
Sir, tell us your view on foreign troops being used, because I know I can pull that up.
A whole bunch of articles where they've signed agreements to use foreign troops in America.
Well, when I was sheriff, we had U.N.
troops in Arizona.
Oh, you're just making that up.
Everything's fine.
What was that caller's name here?
Josh, what's your view on foreign troops to be used against the American people?
I don't think, I think saying that they're going to be used against the American people, that's fear-mongering.
That's saying, well, I know what they're going to do.
No, they're not going to be used against.
Sir, it's in my film, Road to Tyranny, the screenshot of Reuters saying they've signed a deal to use foreign troops in the U.S.
and then last year, Congress and the Canadian Parliament got mad because they announced, we're going to use each other's troops and they used U.S.
troops at the, at the, at the, the Olympics up there.
I know, I'd pull that up.
Was that used against them?
That wasn't used in a bad way.
We use foreign troops here all the time.
You're not even supposed to use regular military for policing citizens.
Are you for that?
Yeah, absolutely, if we need them.
Oh my goodness.
Sir, that's the law.
That's posse comitatus.
I mean, you guys may ignore it.
The TSA may ignore the Tenth Amendment, but you're not supposed to be doing it.
More corruption.
You're an officer.
Are you an officer?
I've been with both, actually.
You're on a power trip.
Absolutely not.
I've seen the incredible footage in Houston and Denver of them lying to teenage kids saying, you'll go to jail if you don't come sign this paperwork.
And then they promoted the recruiters who lie and threaten kids.
Do you ever do stuff like that when you're a recruiter?
Absolutely never.
Have I heard cases about it?
And those recruiters are prosecuted.
And I've seen it happen because I've seen recruiters... Wait a minute!
The Denver... They got promoted!
Alright, I've had enough of you.
I appreciate the call.
As soon as he told us foreign troops, you know, and yeah, the military, if we need them, use them on the streets.
But to say that there's no problem with that is the concern I have.
He admits that they're here.
Yeah, but ten years ago he denied that.
When I wrote my first book, back in 1994, for my cold dead fingers, it has in there that 5,000 Chinese troops were here in America.
And the question was why?
Why are they here?
I've got cooperative nugget footage where foreign Eastern Europeans train against American role players in towns that look like the U.S.
But the real reason that if you came up with the answer was because they're not bound by our Constitution, they're not bound by any oath, and they will just follow orders.
Sheriff, everybody knows that the Russians would train from Eastern Russia 3,000 miles over to Western Russia to use it on a crowd.
The Chinese at Tiananmen Square, it took them 10 hours to respond because they brought them in from 800 miles away, a whole different ethnic group.
Everybody knows you don't use troops from the area because when their uncle's out there with a gun and a picket line, they're going to say, forget this and join their uncle.
And how did we stop?
And how did we get somebody to do something at Tiananmen Square?
A citizen stands in the way of a tank.
That's one of the most remarkable photographs ever taken in the last 100 years.
A citizen standing in the way, and that is what we have to do with our sheriffs and local officials against the corruption of our own government.
We have to have sheriffs willing to interpose themselves.
Sheriff Mack, I agree.
I was interviewing you 10 years ago, and I remember you saying, they're going to start using troops on the streets, they're breaking it down, and people will call you a conspiracy theorist.
Now it's admitted, and this guy calls in and goes, yeah, I'm an officer, and I think it's a great idea.
But don't, but don't, but don't take it to the level where you think everything's bad.
I'm afraid of everything!
Kind of like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson said, government is dangerous like fire.
It's a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
I mean, you know.
And we're all, the only thing I'm after.
is I want to be left alone.
Randy Weaver, the only thing he wanted was to be left alone.
All over the country you can't even grow gardens at your house when there's not even a law!
Yeah, and it's just getting so ridiculous and now the state legislature of Texas was standing against the TSA and they were threatened by the federal government and they backed off.
You know why this guy's listening?
He's looking for fault because he doesn't sound like a bad guy, he's made excuses, and he's trying to rationalize what he's doing.
Well, and to rationalize what government is doing all over the place.
And I don't see anything.
Watching what's going on in Washington D.C.
right now, how could anybody say something good is happening?
When this country wasn't perfect but was better than any other, the government gave people land because they wanted folks to have children and prosper.
Now, and I just got chills again, because I didn't used to get these chills.
I'm so upset at a fundamental level, it's such common sense.
Almost everybody I know
And family I have in West Texas and East Texas and other areas can't pay.
And over the decades they've sold off more and more family land to where now they're down to 20, 30, 40 acres.
And it's where the homestead is.
They love it.
They work in town during the day.
They work on the cows and the fence on the weekend.
And the government's getting rid of the tax exemptions and raising sales taxes and everybody's losing their land.
And you're telling me there's nothing wrong with America?
We're losing our very way of life.
We've lost our soul.
We've lost the American soul.
Pat Buchanan, when he ran for president back in 1996, was saying these very same things.
He was talking about the New World Order.
He was talking about protecting our borders.
That's the biggest one right there.
Ross Perot told us NAFTA didn't get what deindustrializes.
They called him a fearful person.
He was absolutely right!
And so was Pat Buchanan, especially about protecting our borders.
He saw it then, and people called him crazy, and an isolationist, an isolationist.
And it turned out, now it's all bitten us back on the butt, and wow, now nobody's saying Pat Buchanan was right.
And what's their answer?
More globalism.
Sheriff Mac, tell us about your speaking tour.
SheriffMac.com, on to jamming a few more calls here.
But, you know, tell us what's coming up next.
Well, I'm going to be speaking in Florida at the rally against the TSA.
The Libertarian Party is getting a lot of different groups, a lot of Tea Party groups and 9-12 groups together.
This coming Sunday, my wife and I will be there in Daytona Beach.
Come on over to the rally.
It's that afternoon, this Sunday afternoon.
Go to my website, you can see the information.
And all the great books, because you need support.
Traveling all over the country.
The best book in the country for finding the solution to what's going on in our country is The County Sheriff, America's Last Hope.
Get that on my website.
Get it to every sheriff.
They need to be knee deep in them.
Every citizen needs to read it too.
You've got to know what to tell your sheriff is his duty to protect you.
And buy a bunch and give them to local sheriff's deputies.
Let's go to Jeff in Georgia.
And make somebody gives one to Josh, our last caller.
Thank you.
We're going to skip the spread a little bit longer here.
I'm never going to get my work done on the TV show.
7 o'clock tonight, PrisonPlanet.TV.
Jeff in Georgia, what did you think of the last guy?
I think he's trying to rationalize why he goes to work every day, because I am an active duty officer.
I think he read the oath a little different, but I don't take no oath to the governor or the state or anything.
That's what I told Alex.
The difference between the officer oath and the enlisted oath, he is correct, is the enlisted guy does take an oath to the President of the United States, the officer specifically, and only to the Constitution.
And that's why it's important for officers to know the Constitution so they know what orders they're given.
Yeah, I was reading the general enlisted, yes.
Right, so... But that's why before, officers had to be always commissioned by Congress so people knew, hey, you work for the people, not El Presidente.
Right, exactly.
And I appreciate everything you're doing, long-time caller, or long-time listener, Prison Planet member, and first-time caller.
What did you think of that guy?
I think, like I said, they laugh at me at work every day when I try to tell them.
You know, like, we actually had a point where we were having a big officer meeting and the guy, part-time, works with the police department.
He said, hey, they're going to be doing random seatbelt checks and registration checks, everything.
I said, hey, we just had a guy get promoted, say the oath of office.
Which violates the Fourth Amendment, and they all laughed at me.
You know, I mean, they just laugh and laugh and laugh, and nobody is awake.
So you're a police officer?
No, I'm an active duty naval officer.
Okay, so, but I mean, the issue here is, for anybody that laughs at the Constitution, well, okay, oh, we can run a checkpoint without a warrant.
But then, next, oh, we can take your bank account for no reason!
Or the police chief can fire the mayor!
Because we say so!
Folks, if you don't have the Constitution and Bill of Rights, you are now in hearts of darkness.
You want to explain that to them, Sheriff?
Well, I think it's so typical, though.
Look at what's going on around you.
You'll see it yourself.
The callers, everybody.
Now we have a naval officer calling that is seeing the world completely opposite of Josh.
And all we're talking about here is look what's going on.
Don't believe me.
Don't believe you.
Check it out for yourself, just like the caller said.
Check it out for yourself.
You heard that guy's denial.
He thought I would put out a fake video of troops running across the street and screaming at him.
Of course those are troops!
Listen, how many people that you talk to at work in the Navy are even halfway awake?
Less than a third.
I mean, because they just want you to keep your head down.
They keep you so occupied.
They keep you so busy.
They don't want you lifting your head up and looking above the bushes.
You know, they just keep you tasked, tasked, tasked.
Well, that's sad.
That's really sad.
You know, and I, you know, I respect Josh for calling in and I respect somebody who, who, uh, or I understand how somebody wants to rationalize everything and make their job look, uh, decent.
And what, what law enforcement officers who say, well, you know, we just have to enforce the laws, you know, and I've got to keep my job.
You know, I'm not, I don't agree with that anymore.
If you're going to prostitute yourself to keep your job, then we don't need you.
Look, it started in Germany at first with Hitler, little things.
Yeah, exactly.
The Constitution is a shield against tyranny, folks.
It's like the magnetic field of the Earth.
If we didn't have that magnetic field, the Earth would set on fire within hours.
It's like the magnetic shield of the Earth.
You were trying to say something, Jeff.
Go ahead.
I mean, to be honest with you, during the first Gulf War, I was totally asleep, ready to go, doing all the stuff they wanted you to do.
But each individual citizen needs to find out what wakes them up.
What woke me up
Ha ha ha!
You know, so you gotta find out what wakes you up.
But I mean, I sat down and cried three days, for three days, when I saw how that I'd sent my three daughters, basically, to an indoctrination corruption camp to be used against me.
You know, and I thought I was doing the right thing.
Indoctrination camp?
You're talking about, you're talking about public schools, right?
Yeah, that's what they are.
Yeah, folks, we are under social engineering.
And it makes me sick to watch these globalists get away with it.
Once you get out of their trance and their con, and know it's a con, it's how con artists work, then you realize how dumb I was ever buying this, and then all you want to do is bring them to justice.
I mean, I burn with the desire to stop these people.
I know we can beat them if we just believe we can and break the trance.
You grave to Sheriff Mack?
Yeah, I mean it is, and we are in a trance, and the brainwashing continues, and the worst accomplice with the government brainwashing is the mainstream media.
I mean, they are all over it, you know.
They're bought and paid for.
Oh, totally bought and paid for, and it's almost like a separate branch, or just another leg of the branch of government.
Well, it turns out MSNBC got hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money in the bailout.
No wonder when they would ask Bernanke, where'd the money go, he'd say, I'm not gonna tell you.
I mean, Rachel Maddow and these people are actually taxpayer-paid to sit there and say, if you don't want government-run health care, you're a racist.
I mean, they are the people trying to create racism.
God bless you, Jeff.
I'm glad you could talk to Josh there.
Well, yeah, we do need to use the military on the streets.
I mean, what?
Move to Guatemala then, buddy.
Move to China.
You'll see plenty of it.
Bill in Florida, you're on the air.
We've got to move quick now.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air with Sheriff Richard Mack.
Hey, Mr. Jones.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, I'm the one that sent the article from Homestead Air Reserve Base about the police officers going over and detaining that suspect.
But it just doesn't stop there on this little base that thinks it can.
It's a lot of brainwashing.
I see them all the time pulling people over on the public roads and waiting for the deputy sheriffs to come in to give them tickets.
They pull him over and then tattle-tale on him to the deputy?
Oh yeah, they have all over the country DUI checkpoints, sometimes 50 miles from a base with armed marines.
Oh, that's great.
Well, I'm going to tell you right now, any sheriff in this country should put a stop to all of those.
Well, I mean, even 20 years ago... Whether they're done by the military or the state.
I was about to say.
Those are wrong.
But I mean, now it's not just checkpoints, it's troops.
Look, I have the newscast.
I'm going to get it added.
Fox News in New York, where they go, we've made 2,000 arrests at Army checkpoints in the middle of the... and they're driving families under high-powered x-ray scanners.
Right, and historically speaking, who was the best one at stopping everybody and checking for papers?
I mean, we actually do that now in America and make excuses and the rationalization of our Josh caller to say that that's okay in America.
That's what, Josh, I'm going to tell you right now, that's what scares me about America, that you, an officer,
In the military can say something like that and tell us there's something wrong with us for being afraid of those types of things going on when that is an exact hand-me-down from Nazi Germany.
That guy needs to read the Founding Fathers because you think we're radical?
I mean the Founding Fathers said
We're good to go.
You jackasses!
And our kids will be slaves!
I'm sorry, but that Josh guy makes me want to throw up his condescending attitude and all of it.
You're right.
Finishing up, Bill, are you in the military or did you just read about this?
I'm retired.
I'm the one that sent the article in and it was on our base website.
But see, our wing commander gave us a commander's call and he told us he was going to have the security forces make their presence known out here to the public for public viewing and
Because we had a murder there, that circle came out two years ago.
It's always an excuse, it's all acclamation.
Yeah, there was a murder so we got to do this.
There was 9-11 so we got to destroy your constitution.
There's guns in Mexico so we got to take your guns, by the way the government gave it to them.
That's right.
Isn't that wonderful?
And it's illegal, and it's breaking international law, and it's all the biggest part of corruption that there ever was.
But this is still, just ask Josh, this is still a great place.
So Bill, anything else?
Yeah, I lost my driving privileges on base for 60 days because they wanted to search my truck and I gave them permission to search my vehicle because you're supposed to allow them when you come on a military regulation.
Well, they told me to open up the doors and the hood of my truck and I told them, uh, no, you can search it, but I'm not going to do it.
And they said, well, you have to do it.
And I said, well, show me a regulation where it says I have to open up my vehicle.
I think, because if I was a criminal in handcuffs, you guys would search my vehicle.
Yeah, if you're such a danger in procedure anyways, they're supposed to stand back, they're supposed to do it anyways.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
So it would be indentured servitude, so what happened?
Well, I refused.
I said, you have permission to search my vehicle.
Well, the security forces supervisor came out and the security forces, there was five guys and they just, they just stared at me.
They couldn't believe I said no.
I said, I didn't say no, you couldn't search my vehicle.
I said, I'm not opening the doors for you.
And they said, well, you need to, because we feel uncomfortable.
And I said, what are you crazy?
They're already getting ready to brand it over to the military.
God bless you and I appreciate your call.
I wish I could get to Ron and Jared.
I bet they've got even more, but I've got to hit this final news item.
Ron and Jared, call me back tomorrow.
We'll do more of this with military and police calling in.
It's always great.
And actually, I'm always, I mean, they actually talk a lot more focused than, you know, just even just a random average caller, I guess, because they've lived in the real world.
It's good to hear from them.
But we're hearing about this AWOL soldier arrested over concerns of possible second attack on Fort Hood.
But then meanwhile, at the Fort Hood shooting, it turns out the government was protecting this guy for two years, and Amir al-Awlaki, that secretly hangs out at the Pentagon, was running him.
So, but here's the report today.
Obama to approve Al-Qaeda embassy.
That's in quotes.
French news agency reporting.
In Washington, and admitting that it is real Al Qaeda is the group that we're funding against Qaddafi.
What's your take on that, Sheriff Mack?
Well, that goes back to truth is stranger than fiction.
I still think of Josh every time you read that.
You're just reading the news.
And what's he going to do?
Spin that to say, well, no, everything's fine.
No, I'm sorry.
Everything's not fine, and we need to change what's going on.
It's a, uh, Professor Griff, a quote in the Obama deception.
He goes, listen, I'm saying something to all the black people out there.
He goes, you think just because we've got a black president, everything's going to be all right?
Everything's going to be just fine?
No, everything isn't just going to be all right.
It's not all right.
Look, you have to be involved.
You have to be jealous of liberty.
As Thomas Jefferson said, you have to defend that jewel because that's the jewel the criminals are after.
Criminals get control of government.
They're God.
We'll be back tonight, seven o'clock.
With a bunch of special guests, PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.