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Name: 20101027_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 27, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Feels like a Monday because I've been out of town.
We did do the show live from KSCO out in Santa Cruz on Monday.
We had a retransmission for part of the broadcast.
Paul Watson filled in yesterday on Tuesday.
It is the 27th day of October 2010.
We're going to be live here for at least the next three hours.
Now, we've got some huge breaking news today.
Some huge breaking news today.
We re-aired an interview from two weeks ago with Jesse Ventura.
But he's going to be live again today with us for a little more than an hour, coming up in about 60 minutes.
Because Jesse has gone on a lot of national television shows, on live TV and off air, and gotten in the host's face about the fact that Gulf of Tonkin was staged, 9-11 was staged.
We've got all the election news coming up, the open border news, Obama on Mexican TV in Mexico saying the Republicans are your enemy, you know, vote for the Democrats, this is sedition.
That's all coming up.
But I wanted to get Jesse Ventura on, because he is the most vocal spokesman for 9-11 Truth, because he gets on more national television than anybody else.
And he's obviously a powerful media figure and well-spoken.
But I wanted to have Ventura on, not so much about the TV show and other things that are happening, but specifically 9-11, and go over all the new 9-11 news that's come out.
Now I talked to him about a week and a half ago,
And he knew I was going out of town, so he said, I'll come on after I get back.
You know, after I had returned to Austin.
So I called him yesterday, he's coming on today, and just since I talked to him, even more evidence of what he's specifically coming on concerning 9-11, even more of that information on that specific area has come out, and that's the controlled demolition
of Tower 1, 2, and 7 nine years ago on September 11, 2001.
In the last month, there has been five terabytes, thousands of videos and audio clips released by NIST, by the federal government.
Now, the CIA, going back for decades, will classify millions of news articles a year.
Because once the government looks at something, it doesn't want other people in the government looking at it.
They will classify it.
The news article is still out there publicly available, but the CIA itself classifies it so that their investigators and people in other branches of government don't have access to it in their databases.
Now, most of what NIST has has never been seen before because it was shot by FBI, CIA, local police, Port Authority, firefighters, and other agencies that got their cameras out.
Even 10 years ago, you know, already most agencies had their own cameras to document everything.
If you go out to any type of event or city council member, a city council event, you'll see police there videotaping things.
And so NIST classified these thousands of videos
No one's even chronicled them all.
We know there's thousands.
An organization sued...
The International Center for 9-11 Studies spent years getting these.
They've done an incredible job.
I want to get them on sometime this week or next week to thank them and to talk about the process of getting these.
I want the International Center for 9-11 Studies on as soon as possible.
Thank you.
A note to the producers, because we think on our feet here.
It's all part of a live interactive.
You see what happens here inside our office.
It's all completely transparent.
I want to get them on.
But every day, people going through these videos are finding new incredible bombshells.
The new one today, the new one that's come out today is so incredible.
And it only backs up the hundreds and hundreds of videos that people taped off the news that confirmed bombs in Tower 1, 2, and 7.
The firefighters and police saying they were told to get back.
Building 7 was going to be blown up with a controlled demolition.
Now NIST has released stuff confirming that.
And the newest info just out today is at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And it's one of the biggest pieces of evidence yet.
And Jesse Ventura, coming up in about 55 minutes from now, will join us to go over all of this.
But I'll tell you about this info on the other side of the break.
Get into all the election news and a lot more straight ahead.
This is going to be a key broadcast.
October 27th, 2010.
Hello from eFoods Direct.
The end of October is around the corner and there's no shortage of frightening news these days.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened.
Well, 58,000 of my generation died over something that was a lie.
I didn't touch that.
That's not where I was going.
This one's a lie, too.
Well, that exchange took place after my interview with Jesse Ventura.
That was just a preview.
Now, here's the entire interview with the shy guy, the retiring former wrestler, former governor, actor... Okay, uh, former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura will be joining us live.
It is Wednesday, October 27th, 2010.
And going back a few weeks ago, I noticed that Jesse was going on a lot of national television shows and talking about the fact that Gulf of Tonkin was staged and was a lie to get us into Vietnam, and so was the destruction of the World Trade Center towers.
And I agree with Jesse when he focuses in on the controlled demolition of Tower 1, 2, and 7.
Now I wanted to get Jesse on today, and he's coming up in about 51 minutes from now, to specifically talk about the fact that the International Center for 9-11 Studies sued in the last two years and was able to get, because NIST for many years was refusing under FOIA request, Freedom of Information Act request, to release
The thousands and thousands of videos and audio from police and fire and emergency management transmissions.
Well, now in the last two and a half, three weeks, people have been culling through the thousands of videos, and every day, huge bombshell information comes out.
Remember this video a few weeks ago.
9-1-1 firefighters reveal huge explosions before towers collapse.
And that corroborates all the other mainstream newscasts that showed firemen, police,
Medical workers, FBI, others saying bombs are going off.
There were bombs going off.
There were bombs going off before the planes even hit.
About 20 seconds before and then right before.
This is just incredible.
As they were staging this controlled demolition in phases so that it didn't become too obvious for the public.
Part of other NIST videos that have been released show amateurs shooting video of 7.
And before it collapses, you hear boom, boom, boom, boom.
Then a few minutes later, boom, boom, boom, boom.
And then boom, boom, boom, boom.
It falls.
And NIST was also caught because they released some videos, again in the last three weeks, that
We're already publicly released by other agencies, or that we have a newscast of, and NIST edited out the audio of the explosions going off.
I mean, why are they trying to hide this information?
Now remember, separately we have CNN and local news stations with police saying, get back, they're about to bring down Building 7.
We have BBC false starting and announcing that Building 7 had fallen 25 minutes before it did and saying it had fallen in its own footprint.
Three modern steel buildings falling on the same day.
Never before happened anywhere in history.
Hotels, not even built as well, have burned for days and not collapsed.
And then you have Barry Jennings, the Deputy Head of Emergency Management inside the World Trade Center 7 building.
And saying that their building hadn't been hit by a plane, but there was a huge explosion blowing out several floors, dead bodies everywhere.
That's on record.
And then he mysteriously died right as people talked about basically deposing him for lawsuits so that a new investigation could be forcibly opened.
So all of that is coming up.
But what is the latest
Big news and information coming out of NIST today.
Uncovered 9-1-1 footage shows FBI director asking firefighters about secondary hits on WTC.
And it's firefighters with their cameras at their side.
The FBI director of New York comes over and identifies himself as Barry Ma.
He comes over and identifies himself and the firefighters talk about bombs in the buildings and bombs going off after the planes had hit.
And he says, yes, I know I saw it.
I saw the whole side of the building blow out down on the bottom floor.
Exactly what
People like William Rodriguez, the janitor, said he saw, and then the media tried to demonize him.
When we have all these other witnesses, and here's the problem having Ventura on.
I have probably a hundred plus old newscast videos and eyewitnesses reporting bombs going off in Tower 1, 2, and 7.
The North Tower, the South Tower, and Building 7.
The 47-story building that nobody talks about.
Bigger than most of the largest high rises in major cities.
I know bigger than any building in Austin where I live.
It would be one of the biggest buildings in Dallas, Texas.
The problem is we have all these new videos.
It's very hard to put all this on in a short soundbite fashion.
And that's why I wanted to get Ventura on.
Because he's always on these shows and they try to interrupt him.
He only gets a minute or two to talk about it.
But what Jesse covers gets more attention than most.
And so by having him on and going over all this evidence with him, we'll have a one-hour radio show slash video presentation that'll be uploaded later this afternoon at PrisonPlanet.tv for members that'll stream live today as well.
In fact, IT folks, this is so important today.
I know we can't afford it every day.
Can we start streaming live on video for free and put a link up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com during the second hour only today?
We can do that.
Let's, in fact, just so it's already streaming, we know it's there, make the link live as soon as you can, whether it's five minutes from now or twenty minutes from now.
Let's get that up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You'll go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and it'll say live video link
For 9-11, you know, 9-11 special report live video link or live special report live 9-11 video link report, something like that.
We'll get that up in the next 10-15 minutes and send it to everyone you know.
If you're a radio listener or a PrisonPlanet.tv member,
It cost us $3,000 and we've got cheap bandwidth for most of you.
It'd be more than that, but we buy so much, it's more inexpensive to stream to over 200,000 people, but the computer calculates it's over 150,000 individuals in the 27-hour live broadcast we did a few weeks ago for the Money Bomb.
That cost us over $3,000.
I don't know.
nine hundred thousand dollars so we uh... and that's a rough estimation so we can't afford this every day but this is so important and i want to get out to the full internet now especially all you folks are on youtube and the other video sites uh... like daily motion the rest of them we're gonna go live at prison planet dot tv we're already live at prison planet dot tv for members you know they're right now fifteen cents a day and watch the show but i just don't have this idea to
Put up a free link for everyone for the balance of the broadcast as soon as we can get it up because it's one thing to hear the FBI director of New York saying, yes, I saw the bomb, you know, blow out the side of the building and to hear firefighters talking about it.
It's another thing to see the video.
I mean, a lot of the people trying to debunk 9-11 truth, they just say these videos are fake, even though the government admits they're real.
I see Neocon operations still saying Operation Northwoods isn't real, even though ABC News, Associated Press, Baltimore Sun, you can go to the National Archives online, read Operation Northwoods, the plan to stage 9-11 style attacks.
And they still just say it isn't real.
So it's kind of like 11 years ago, I went to Operation Urban Warrior and other training drills and showed Marines on video training to take American citizens' guns.
You've now seen it in Katrina.
You've now seen them admitting on the news they're training for it.
11 years later, I got hundreds of calls, emails and letters.
Saying it was all fake.
That I had hired the Coronado amphibious aircraft carrier to land.
That I had hired hovercraft and warrior fighting vehicles to land.
Thousands of Marines.
Troops from at least eight other nations.
The giant groups of role players they had to play the part of Americans.
People said I'd hired those role players.
Because they got confused by the fact that the military had hired actors to play the part.
I mean, it was incredible.
People cannot believe this stuff.
But by seeing it, we may be able to make them understand.
We wish 9-11 wasn't an inside job.
It's a lot less scary if a ragtag groups of people, you know, wearing turbans on their heads had done this.
But I got the news flash for you.
They didn't.
And we're only focusing in on the bombs in the buildings because we know we were lied to about that.
And if that's a lie, if Building 7's a lie, everything is a lie.
If that's a lie, everything's a lie, and it is.
Then you study every other area of 9-11.
I mean, here's Fox News a week and a half ago.
I was on Man Cow this morning in a big kind of Republican-style show, and he had to admit, he goes, yeah, Alex, you're starting to really wake me and my audience up.
It's true.
Anwar al-Awlaki, number one in Al Qaeda now, number three at the time of 9-11, at the Pentagon with the head brass and secret meetings and having dinner with him two months after 9-11 when he was on the news as one of the 9-11 masterminds.
That's Fox News.
They got the documents.
Al Qaeda leader dined at Pentagon just months after 9-11.
I mean, you think I like this?
You think I'm glad I've been proven right?
You think I'm glad I've got Newsweek admitting the hijackers were trained at U.S.
military bases?
I mean, you think it's fun to interview the embassy head from Jeddah, Mr. Springman, when they were ordered to let the 9-11 hijackers into the U.S.
even though they were flagged as terrorists?
You think it's fun to be right about this?
This isn't fun.
You think it's fun to risk my life bringing this information?
To risk my name, my family, everything else?
I'm going to cover all the election news.
I'm going to cover all the situations with the border.
I'm going to get into the major political realignment happening, the latest military news.
And then Jesse Ventura is joining us coming up in 40 minutes and 40 seconds.
So he'll be on with us for a little more than an hour, an hour and five minutes total.
So we can go over all these clips and get his take and his view on it on the other side.
What's my ETA on that video link going live, Matt?
Five minutes, it'll be live at InfoWars.com, and then on PrisonPlanet.com, you'll just click on the link, and there'll be a video box with a flash player right there for you, and then please send it out to everyone they know and tell them to tune in in T-minus 40 minutes to hear Jesse Ventura with the most powerful 9-11 info ever.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're live.
It is Wednesday, the 27th day of October 2010.
Governor Jesse Ventura will be joining us for a 9-11 breakdown of the latest incredible information.
New York FBI Director on the day of 9-11 saying he witnessed
One of the big bombs going off after the planes had hit.
Other witnesses reporting bombs going off seconds before the planes hit.
This is all incredible and the government tried to suppress these videos.
And imagine as the Center for 9-11 Studies tries to go through the 5 terabytes.
5 terabytes!
Even with high quality video, 5 terabytes is just...
Depending on how you compress it, 20, 30, 40, 50 hours.
These are cruddy, compressed web videos.
They have reported that they have just thousands of them they're trying to go through.
And it's just... And this is all the stuff NIST wouldn't release.
They released everything else.
And every video they pull up is bombs going off, police talking about it, firemen talking about it, FBI people.
Don't you know why they don't want this information out?
Because they blew those towers, all three of them, right in front of all of us, and they think we're stupid enough to buy into their official story.
Okay, my head is spinning here.
We've got all of Jack Conway's dirty tricks in Kentucky that are just off the chart.
And the media is ignoring the fact that his brother basically resigned as a deputy prosecutor in another county, and then that the state attorney general warned him through detectives in the department that he was being investigated for narcotics trafficking.
A deputy prosecutor accused of narcotics use and trafficking and then his brother protecting him.
And we're surprised he questions Rand Paul's religion and implies he's kidnapping women.
And they've got these clearly staged events with people scuffling and the media running with it.
But then when the big Democrat unions beat people up all over the country, it gets ignored.
We've got that information.
We've got election fraud and electronic voting scams going on massively right now.
In fact, I want to get Bev Harris on in the next few days of black box voting immediately.
That's a note to producers.
As soon as we can.
Tomorrow, preferably.
She's one of the best experts out there and she's chronicling all this and I've got all the mainstream news on that here in front of me.
We've got Democrats defecting to the Republicans at the federal and state level all over the map.
They are in free fall.
They are running against their own President Obama now.
And I've seen Democratic operatives on MSNBC say, this is a good thing.
Obama's unpopular.
They should be deceptive and claim that they don't like him to win.
And we've still got, what, five, six days?
Seven days?
How many is it till Super Tuesday?
How many days is that?
Five, six days?
I mean, I'll expect for them to say Rand Paul murdered Kennedy tomorrow.
I mean, they'll probably say he's got, you know, women in his basement.
I mean, they'll probably say he killed the Easter Bunny.
They'll probably say he's a Chinese jet pilot from Pluto.
They'll probably say that, you know, he caused the banking crisis.
None of it true, but they don't care.
That's how desperate these people are.
We're going to get into that after the break.
But here's just the news today.
Lawmakers may probe late military ballots.
That's out of the news in Illinois.
It's in Fox News.
It's the Chicago Tribune.
All over the country, hundreds of thousands of ballots.
Troops aren't going to be able to have their vote accounted for.
Nevada voters complain of problems at polls.
County says touchscreens are sensitive, but they keep reporting that they can't vote for Sharon Engel.
The only person they can vote for is Harry Reid.
And Obama is campaigning there, telling the illegal aliens to vote for him.
And in Nevada and Arizona, guess what's being announced?
They are not asking for IDs in those key states to be able to vote.
Notice it's all the illegal alien run states that you can't see an ID.
In Texas, is one of the only states where we're overrun with illegal aliens where they do make you show an ID, but they're now reporting that many counties are not enforcing that law.
But here's another one.
Voters report problem with ballot machines.
I've got another one here.
Arizona voter ID law overturned.
A six-year-old Arizona law requiring voters prove their citizenship and order to register to vote was struck down.
The illegals get to vote.
But the vets, the troops, the active duty, you don't get to.
There's a big boil-down article at PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.net and InfoWars.com.
Election fraud worries already rampant.
Widespread reports of machines flipping votes.
And it just goes on and on and on on that front.
Meanwhile, we've got some good economic news.
Bank of America hit with foreclosure class action suit.
CNN actually being honest for once, trying to stay relevant.
Want to get away with murder?
Become a bank.
How about a super bank, not your local bank?
Karzai, the president of Afghanistan, says Blackwater behind terrorism.
Treasury, Shield City Group, from corruption probes.
We'll get into the Conway behavior against Rand Paul.
It's all coming up on the other side of this quick break.
And then Jesse Ventura.
That live video link, free for everyone, is now live at InfoWars.com.
Spread it!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hello from eFoods Direct.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Wednesday, the 27th day of October, 2010.
The free video link for the special broadcast today, so folks can not just listen but also view, is up at InfoWars.com in the Featured News section for everyone.
The title of the article page that has the free video box is special free live video radio simulcast with Jesse Ventura.
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura joins Alex Jones for a special live video and radio simulcast today to discuss the latest bombshell revelations surrounding the 9-1-1 cover-up.
The 9-1-1 cover-up.
And tell Watson to give it the variant headline for Google News of a special 911 cover-up simulcast with Jesse Ventura.
Special 911 cover-up simulcast with Jesse Ventura.
And you know why I'm gonna do that.
Because we're going to make it the number one Google search.
Haven't done this in a few weeks.
I know you can do it.
9 slash 1 1 cover up.
I want to make that the number one Google search today.
Then we'll have an article out later this evening about all these revelations.
It'll be the number one story on the web and will reach hundreds of thousands if not millions of new people.
So the search term is 9 slash 1 1 cover up.
9 slash 1 1 cover up.
Three words basically.
You know, the 9-1-1 and then the two words cover up.
9-1-1 cover up is the Google search term, another key weapon in the info war arsenal that we all use here together.
I spoke off and on for eight hours and a lot of it screaming out there on Sunday and Monday night in beautiful Santa Cruz with the great KSCO crowd.
It was amazing.
Aaron Dykes was with me.
He's been there the last five years for most of my speeches and he said it was the most powerful speech he's ever seen me make.
There's some low-quality versions of it out there on the web or pieces of it, but we're going to race this week.
To get much of the eight hours of speeches I gave, Richard Mack just showed up because he was in the area, Joe Banister, and post that at PrisonPlanet.tv for viewers.
In fact, I may even take part of the first speech that I think was the more powerful.
The second was powerful as well, but a little bit more subdued.
As they head towards the finish line here with Rand Paul, depending on the poll, five to nine points ahead.
He's lost a little bit of his lead because some people are stupid and believe the incredible demonization that's going on.
So this is very, very close with most polls with a margin of error to three to five points.
But in every poll, even with a margin of error against him, he's two to three points ahead.
Some polls, five points ahead with margin of error added in for the enemy, Jack Conway.
So that is all coming up as well.
But I do just want to ask listeners to put 9 slash 111 cover up into Google over and over again to make that the number one search term today.
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Man, I'm energized.
I'm so fired up, I've got to watch her.
I'm going to go absolutely ape here today.
And we've got a lot of preparation ahead of Jesse Ventura joining us, coming up here in about 22 minutes from now.
So please get the free video link on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, special free video, radio simulcast with Jesse Ventura, and send that link out
I want to recap this before I get into the new information on the election, what we just briefly covered in the last segment.
Lawmakers may probe late military ballots.
Springfield, Illinois, and I'm seeing these reports all over the country, Florida, California, New York State.
It's always the same thing.
We lost your ballots, your absentee ballots, if you're overseas in 60 plus countries.
It just continues from there.
Illinois may not be finished investigating those late military ballots.
Members of the House of Election Committee say they're considering formal hearings into how the 36 counties missed the deadline to send ballots.
They didn't even send them.
And then they've got the other problem of getting them and losing them and not counting them.
So there's a bunch of problems.
To deployed servicemen and other overseas voters.
State Rep.
Dan Brady of Bloomington said there was clearly something wrong when one-third of local election officials missed a federal deadline to ensure soldiers and sailors have their votes counted.
At least let's have some kind of inquiry and let's review, find out what happened for sure, and then take steps to make sure it doesn't happen in the future.
We hear this every election, every two years.
When they lose the ballots, or don't deliver the ballots, or disqualify the ballots, that, oh, let's have an investigation.
And then it gets worse each time.
And it's the same thing with the electronic voting machines.
This is Fox 5 Vegas.
County says touchscreens are sensitive, and then they go and talk to people.
It's the same problems.
Over 160,000 people that vote early in Clark County have been reporting to the media that they're not allowed to click Sharon Engel
against Harry Reid in the Senate race.
So it doesn't matter if Harry Reid's 5 to 10 points, depending on which poll you look at, will he magically win?
Then will there be an investigation?
It's incredible.
The system is scared of real constitutionalists getting elected.
When you see election fraud, when you see the media claiming that people are kidnapping women and hate black people, when you see stuff like that, you better know they're good.
But then meanwhile, Jack Conway, very serious corruption cover-up that's been proven.
I don't know if the allegations of drug trafficking are true, but the police blocked it and worked with the Attorney General, whose brother, whose baby brother, is... And this is in the Kentucky newspapers.
But it's not on Kentucky TV that I've seen.
I've done searches.
I've done web searches.
There's a couple news articles, a big, detailed five-page article that I read as I was getting on the airplane at 7 o'clock in the morning yesterday, stuck on the tarmac for 20 minutes.
I read the whole five-page report.
It's detailed.
It's powerful.
It should have a more powerful headline, though.
It's got a weak headline.
You don't find in the last two pages what Conway admittedly did for his brother.
So, that's all going on.
But when you get some real corruption, true absconding an investigation, true obstruction of justice, nothing happens.
Because he's the Attorney General.
And notice how Ran in the primary had to run against the head of elections.
The people pointed out the corruption there, so he still won handily.
In the primary, about what?
More than 10 points.
This time, it's the Attorney General he's running against.
But lawmakers may probe late military ballots, you know about that.
Voter reports problems with ballot machines.
I mean, this is just coming in from all over the country.
Nevada voting machines automatically check Harry Reid's name.
Voting machine technicians are SEIU members.
So the people running the voting machines are members of SEIU, the mega-union that's openly communistic, and their members have been caught beating people up in Missouri, Florida, you name it, and they never get in trouble, and it never becomes a national news story.
Groups of thugs beating people bloody, but then a supposed Rand Paul supporter
Kind of steps on a woman's shoulder, cop style, to keep her down on the ground.
He didn't, I'm not defending what he did, but you can see he lightly puts his foot on her to hold her down.
He didn't jump on her like the cops would.
But the point is, and what they did to her was wrong, but they thought, they see a woman with a fake wig, looking crazy, running towards Rand Paul when he gets out of his car, they were scared that maybe she was going to do something, and that's what they said.
But once they got her to the ground, this guy didn't need to put his foot on her head.
And I don't know if this was staged, but moveon.org, I mean, George Soros openly funds them.
You've had in Kentucky three separate cases in the last two months of Jack Conway supporters who work for him and volunteer for his campaign, on record, dressed up in clownish outfits, saying racist things.
So, if you've been caught over and over doing something,
You gotta look at him doing it again, but I don't know.
It looks staged to me, but regardless, it's being hyped up.
It's all over ABC, CBS, NBC.
They're acting like it is the end of the world that this lady wouldn't stop rushing towards Rand Paul.
So they grabbed her, she fought.
You can see her smiling while it's happening.
She is really pleased.
She's getting what she wants.
The camera with one of her people is on her.
And then she gets on the ground.
They wrestle her down with limited force and boom, boom, this guy puts his foot on her shoulder.
So, the issue is, my gut tells me it's staged either, well, point is we gotta move forward.
Because there's so much going on here.
But Nevada voting machines automatically checked Harry Reid's name.
Voting machine technicians are SEIU members.
Clark County is where three-quarters of Nevada's residents live and where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's son, Rory, is a county commissioner.
Rory is also a Democratic candidate for governor.
Since early voting started, there have been credible reports that voting machines in Clark County, Nevada are automatically checking Harry Reid's name on the ballot.
And then it goes through all of the evidence.
But don't worry, Obama is rallying the illegal aliens to vote all over the Southwest, saying basically the Republicans are their enemies and racists.
So you've got the president working with a foreign group of people to have them illegally vote, but you'd say, well, don't worry, they've got to show their driver's license that they're a citizen.
No, they don't.
No, they don't.
Uh, uh, uh, uh.
Arizona voter ID law overturned.
A six-year-old Arizona law requiring that voters prove their citizenship in order to register to vote was struck down Tuesday.
The 9th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the portion of the law, and notice all over the country they give you legal driver's license anyways, that voters present identification before casting their ballot.
Part of a proposition passed in 2004 amends concerns illegal immigrants may try to vote in the state and federal elections.
Opponents of the law argue it would lead to thousands of residents being turned away at their polling places.
And there's all these other articles about Democratic Party operatives, admittedly, being caught on tape at events talking about vote early, vote often.
Yes, we're engaged in fraud.
And it goes on to say that they'd have to show a driver's license, but not anymore.
No, sir.
You don't have to show a driver's license anymore.
No, you don't.
Of course, in Mexico they shoot illegals coming across their southern border from Guatemala.
I think that's a bad thing to do.
But there's no weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth about what's happening to Central and South Americans.
And there's no weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth whenever citizens get killed on the Texas border trying to ride around on a jet ski.
But oh my gosh, the illegal aliens, they need to vote and meanies are trying to stop them.
This is the globalist North American Union SPP takeover.
This is how they're doing it.
Continuing here with election news that I have here in front of me.
Lieutenant Governor Scott Angell switches political parties.
Says Obama does not represent him and is becoming a Republican.
Democrats are now running as being anti-Obama, anti-Obama healthcare.
Democratic candidate, I voted for John McCain.
Democratic candidate, Mississippi has said he voted for Republican John McCain in the Illinois election.
The most extreme example of the current midterm campaign of
An ostensible ally of Barack Obama distancing themselves from the president.
Here's another one.
Obama administration to halt invisible fence.
First they built a fence that didn't work, never really built the whole thing, now they're halting it.
Obama tells Latino voters he can't pass immigration reform alone.
He means illegal alien voters.
And it just continues on from that point.
Now looking at the Kentucky situation.
Here is the article that you want to read.
It is five pages long.
We posted a boil-down from TheDailyPoll.com up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
LMPD probes detectives who tipped off prosecutor under investigation.
Now, when you read the article, you don't find out until page in that it's Jack Conway's brother.
Who was the assistant or deputy prosecutor in Jefferson County.
You don't learn that till page two.
It's a good report, but it should be, the headline should be, Jack Conway gets inside info, warns brother about drug raid.
And you learn that Conway, the attorney general, this is the top cop of Kentucky, gets word that, this is all in the article, five pages long.
He learns that his brother, the number two cop in his county, prosecutor, he learns that Conway, from detectives that he legally told him at meetings, this has now been admitted, Conway admits this,
told them that your brother there's an investigation for narcotics trafficking and usage and we have this from directly from inside someone that was in his home and directly from sources and they're gonna raid him and then the detectives went separately two of them, no three excuse me and met with Conway the Attorney General and his brother and said the raid is coming in two days
And they're all in here saying, well, I thought he was innocent, so I told him the drug raid was coming.
And of course, when they had the raid, Conway, the brother of the Attorney General, who himself is a prosecutor, first lied when it came out because other cops blew the whistle.
Other detectives blew the whistle.
They're like, we're not going to be part of this.
And it's all in the article, word for word.
I mean, they're being interviewed by the newspaper.
That they lied and said we didn't warn Conway's brother.
I mean, look, here's the deal.
Even if he didn't have drugs in his house, and now we'll never know, even if he's not a narcotics trafficker, even if that's not the case, and that's why prosecutors get so corrupt because they're always dealing with drug dealers, a lot of times they make a deal.
The drug dealer says $100,000, you let me off.
Most people are corrupt and do it.
But the issue is crimes have now been committed of inside job cover-ups, obstruction of justice, absconding an investigation.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The admissions in this courier-journal.com article, five pages of it, by three detectives, other prosecutors, Jack Conway, his brother.
They gave him an internal law enforcement warning that he was going to be raided.
They held the raid up for him.
When he was questioned later, he said he didn't know about the raid.
Two of the three detectives are on record, and we've got photos of them up on the video screen for folks watching the free video simulcast at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, where you can see their faces, see their photos, see Jack Conway's brother.
In fact, let's blow up that photo of him for folks.
The guy on top above the detective, the guy in the suit, that's the prosecutor.
That's his brother.
And we'll give people his name as well.
Attorney Matt Conway.
And you don't learn until deep in the article that it's the brother of the Attorney General, or that the brother of the Attorney General had met with the police, met with the detectives, and then they held off the raid and said, uh, we're coming in two days.
And another detective is quoted as saying, whatever you're doing, you better get cleaned up and get ready.
I mean, this is completely illegal.
There is not a grand jury in the country, if they're not corrupt, that would not indict the Attorney General, that would not indict his brother Matt Conway, that would not indict at least two of these three detectives.
Imagine, Jack Conway in Kentucky is going after
Rand Paul claiming he kidnaps women, not true.
Claiming that he is a racist, not true.
That he's against the Civil Rights Act, not true.
All of that disproven.
Meanwhile, for three days, it has been in the two biggest papers in Kentucky that the deputy prosecutor, Matt Conway, was under investigation for narcotics trafficking and usage.
And his brother finds out about it from the police, has secret meetings with him.
They warn him to get ready for the raid two days later.
Then they lie and say they didn't warn him and didn't have prior knowledge.
Now they admit they lied.
They're quoted in the article as saying, I'm sorry I lied.
You've got the top cop of the state of Kentucky running for Senate against Rand Paul.
Is this on CBS News?
Is this on NBC?
Is this on Fox News?
It's nowhere, except in the local news, and it's barely even being reported there.
The headline should say, will there be criminal indictments of the Attorney General and his brother, the prosecutor.
They've absconded.
They've had obstruction of justice.
They've lied to other investigators when they first came to them.
It's all admitted, where they lied and said, no, we didn't get a warning, we didn't warn Matt Conway, the brother.
Conway told investigators he had tried to protect Russ because I just didn't want to see him lose his job over this.
And it was foolish.
I'm sorry, it's wrong.
And you know, I'm paying for it now, the records show.
These are from the police reports!
They're caught red-handed covering up a narcotics investigation of his brother, who's a prosecutor, and he is the Attorney General.
But instead, there's a fight where a Rand Paul supporter gets hurt.
A woman in a wig rushes Rand Paul.
They tackle her.
One guy puts his foot on her head, and that's all over the news today.
One of the top stories in the country.
Oh, we better not vote for Rand Paul, who's five to ten points ahead.
We better vote for Jack Conway.
Meanwhile, he's covered up a narcotics investigation, dealing directly with his brother, who's another prosecutor.
Now, we've got to get this story out.
In fact, maybe we should write an article about it and call it, Jack Conway Narcotics Cover-Up.
And make that a top search term.
Jack Conway Cover-Up.
In fact, we'll get an article boiling all this down out.
I'll get Watson to do it right now.
Jack Conway Cover-Up.
We'll make that the number one search term.
Jack Conway cover-up.
And with this big Jesse Ventura interview coming up in T-minus two minutes, 9-1-1 cover-up is the other search term today, and it'll lead him directly to the article we've written, directly to the free live video link for this radio-slash-TV interview that we kick off with some of the most powerful 9-11 information ever in T-minus 70 seconds!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
You may be arrested and or subject to other police action.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
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The police state isn't coming.
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Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he's with us a little bit into the next hour.
We've got a link up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, so this radio show is not just a radio show.
You can see the video clips we're about to be playing, the new evidence, and I'm going to recap it after the break, but exclusive, uncovered 9-1-1 footage shows the FBI director asking firefighters about secondary hits and saying, yes, he saw explosions going off.
This is added to all the other information.
He's with the mayor.
There's dust all over the ground.
It was shot by the fire department.
FBI, New York Director, Barry Ma.
And we've got that.
NIST tried to block this in the last nine years.
Finally, the International Journal of 9-11 Studies sued because they were blocking their four-year request for the open records and got five terabytes of videos.
They are coming out every day with these videos.
Talking about bombs in the buildings, firefighters, witnesses, the bombs going off, explosions, the explosions before 7 falls at 525 in the afternoon.
And Governor Jesse Ventura is here with us.
Before I introduce him, I want to play this clip where he's about to go live on Fox and they shot video of this and aired it of Ventura getting in the guy's face, his name is Eric Bolling, and saying, look, they staged Gulf of Tonkin, they staged this too.
Here's Governor Ventura.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened.
Well, 58,000 of my generation died over something that was a lie.
I didn't touch that.
That's not where I was going.
This one's a lie too.
Well no, I'm not done yet.
We had to delay one show a week because we didn't want to go.
Head-to-head with the New York Yankees because everybody knows that what's the most important thing to watch out there, I guess, is sports.
And so they showed just a montage of old shows, so it's almost this Friday is like a new premiere again and we'll be kicking off with Area 51 and then we'll progress forward with the remaining six or seven shows.
Governor, and before you leave us, we'll talk about some of the shows coming up with conspiracy theory or hit show and the great ratings it's getting, showing people will have a hunger for the truth.
You have always questioned the official story of 9-11, and as the year... No, no, Alex, I didn't always question it.
I mean, in the last few years.
Yeah, no, give my background on it quickly.
I believed it, like everyone else.
You know, I felt that, you know, we were all so stunned and we were frozen and we'd go almost into a...
Automated mode almost and, you know, everything we were being told and said.
And I went along with it and really, my antenna didn't truly spike.
And, you know, plus you're being a governor, you're busy.
You don't have time to be investigating things and looking at stuff like that.
You've got to take care of your state.
And what caused it for me was right after I got out of office when George Bush announced we were going to invade Iraq.
And that's when I sat back and I went Iraq.
I mean, they told us these 19 guys attacked us and there wasn't one Iraqi amongst them.
There was no ties that anyone knew to Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
And so it was at that point that I stepped back and said, wait a minute, what's the big picture here?
And it was at that point that my doubts started really to enter in and then it was a few months later that I happened, my son kept badgering me to watch this thing on the internet called Loose Change.
And then I watched that and that's when I started to tear it all apart and started focusing on it.
Starting truly trying to use what resources I have.
To learn the truth, because I'm a sucker for the truth, and I just am tired, you know, after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and you read about all these things in our history, and you start doubting, well, can any of this even be true?
Because, you know, when mainstream media reports something as being factual, in my lifetime, I've been able to see that, no, that's not true, that they will sell us stories, that they will sell us positions,
Well, Governor, stay there.
We've got to go to break.
Let's come back and get into the latest information.
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This is Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are live, my friends.
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, host of the hit TV show Conspiracy Theory, premiering a new episode coming up this Friday evening on TruTV, joins us for five minutes into the next hour.
We've got a lot of information.
Eleven different
Video audio clips we're gonna be playing and so folks can actually see this who are radio listeners We're shooting video of all this live.
You can go to prisonplanet.com and the top featured story is special 9-1-1 cover-up simulcast with Jesse Ventura and we're doing two different
Google number one search terms today, 9-1-1 cover-up, that you put into Google over and over again, and Conway cover-up, dealing with the narcotics investigation of his brother, who's also in law enforcement, a cover-up that's admitted to that.
And so we're going to be really exposing all of this today, and this is key ahead of this Kentucky election.
Now, some stations don't carry the last, the first five minutes.
The governor and I were discussing his awakening in the last
He founded the SEALS.
You can watch that on the History Channel.
In World War II, the underwater demolition teams trained in explosives.
That was the first group that the SEALS grew out of.
He's an expert in that.
And he says this is a load of baloney.
So in your own words, continue with your awakening, your questions, and then it's great to have you here now, not just in a soundbite, because we're going to go over the group that sued and got this footage that the government nissed
Didn't want the people to see and now we know why they didn't want us to see this because here's the headline at PrisonPlanet.com Exclusive!
Uncovered 9-1-1 footage shows FBI director of New York asking firefighters about secondary hits and saying he agreed he saw the explosions in the bottom floors.
And we've got a bunch of other videos NIST suppressed.
They didn't suppress stuff, it didn't matter.
They wouldn't release this stuff because it's firefighters, police, all of them, saying we gotta get out of here, there could be bombs in other buildings.
It's bombs, it's bombs.
So that's coming up and with the governor talking about it,
Thanks Alex, always a pleasure to join you.
Well, Alex, when you start truly looking at it and you start asking questions and you start looking at things, like the first thing you always want to judge if government's involved in any type of misbehavior or conspiracy is were standard operating procedures violated.
Did anything go from the norm?
Because military and government runs on standard operating procedures.
They have sets of procedures that they follow whenever anything happens.
And when you start delving into 9-11, you start seeing that 9-11 procedures were violated.
And then you start digging into more documents.
One of the documents that really troubles me the most is the fact that
On June 1st of 2001, how they changed the NORAD interception, that up until that point in time, it was left to base commanders to make the call if the FAA called them with a problem in the air, they had the ability to scramble airplanes and send them up.
Well, June 1st of that year, that was changed by an executive order by George Bush, and now any planes that were scrambled had to be cleared through the Department of Defense.
Well, why this change in procedure?
What would be the reasoning behind that?
You know, the old way was working fine, and people don't realize that jets get scrambled much more often than they know.
You know, it goes on, you know, a weekly, daily, sometimes, occurrence.
It happens a lot.
And yet, on that day, everything was just so followed up in our multi-billion dollar air defense system, they behaved like there was a stand-down.
And then, of course, you then look at situations, I started watching how
We're good to go.
And so you look at the fact that they didn't want a commission to be formed and when pressure came from the families and they demanded the commission, well, who was the first person they come up with to run it?
Henry Kissinger.
Well, there was outcry and outrage over that because of all of his contacts and everything he's into.
So they had to remove him, and then they came up with Keene and the other guy.
And, you know, then you look at it from a logical point of view.
Did they really and truly want to investigate?
Well, when you learn that they spent $100 million to investigate Whitewater,
A hundred million.
Where ultimately, in the end, I guess they learned the President cheated on his wife.
Maybe there's more to it, maybe not, but the point I'm getting to is a hundred million.
And then initially, for the murder of 3,000 people at 9-11, they allocate four million.
Now it ended up, I think, going to 12 or 13 million in the end, but that alone should cause you to say, there wasn't a real investigation going to be done here.
You know, when they're going to spend money like that.
And on our show, we talk, we actually talk to one of the, a pretty main person that functioned in a certain department of the 9-11 Commission.
And, you know, when they start saying they were put under pressure to move quickly and anything that they all didn't uniformly agree on was left out.
So, did the whole report have to be a slam dunk?
Wait, then Alex, you go to other things.
Like, we're a country that's supposed to be a rule of law.
We're supposed to follow that.
This was murder.
They've had nine years now to indict Bin Laden.
Why hasn't that been done?
That's the procedure.
Yet they're creating all this other stuff like, oh, you handle them with the military.
No, you didn't.
Wait a minute here.
Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden and all them are not a military.
They don't represent a country.
They represent a band of outlaws out there.
Much, I guess, if you wanted to say like the Hell's Angels, you know, using something that... There's groups of them throughout the world.
They get established in certain countries where they can get away with what they do.
But the point of the matter is, this was a murder that took place, Alex.
And you have to go through procedures that have happened inside the United States, in Manhattan.
Why hasn't he been indicted?
And then you go to the fact that you go to the FBI website, and you can pull up Bin Laden.
And in his resume, it doesn't even include 9-11.
And then the FBI's final response to that is, well, we don't have enough evidence.
Then you start looking at who's profited from all this stuff that's going on.
Because whenever things like this happen, there are profiteers.
That things are happening for a reason.
And the reason is generally money, power, and all of that.
So who profited the most?
The military industrial.
We're now in two wars because of 9-11.
They've battened down the hatch on our country and taken our freedoms away all over this event that there is so much evidence that says the possibility that this turns out to be a false flag operation just like the Gulf of Tonkin
Just like when they said the Japanese attacked the people in China to start off their end of World War II.
Just like the Rookstog fire.
And what becomes so frustrating about it, Alex, is that these are not new ideas.
And just because other countries did them, and our own country has done them before, why would we suddenly now turn a blind eye to really understanding history and seeing that the majority of all wars are complete set-ups?
Unbelievably well said, and I want you to continue.
I want to back up, though, what Governor Jesse Ventura said, because he's being very conservative, and it's much worse than he just said.
It is declassified, it's in my films, it's on the Pentagon's website, that two months before 9-11, Dick Cheney changed the procedure that had been in place since 1957 of the automatic default of the admirals and generals in NORAD to shoot down a plane after it didn't follow orders over a populated area.
And he took the order and said only Dick Cheney, the president, or Rumsfeld could give that order.
And then two weeks after 9-11, he rescinded the order.
And it's on the government letterhead with the Pentagon symbol, Dick Cheney's order to Rumsfeld.
Then you...
You talked about some of the other things that happened, and you talked about the fact that they haven't indicted Bin Laden.
If they've got the supposed proof, they should indict and put it on record.
But I wanted to bring this up before we get into other reasons you question 9-11 and the latest controlled demolition info in these clips, these new big developments that I want to get your take on.
Here's Fox News.
It was also in AP and other places.
But here's Fox News, October 20th, so this is seven days ago.
Al-Qaeda leader dined at the Pentagon just months after 9-11.
Anwar al-Awlaki may be the first American on the CIA's killer capture list, but he was also a lunch guest of the...
Military brass at the Pentagon within months of September 11th.
It has now been declassified.
Documents exclusively obtained by Fox News, including an FBI interview conducted at the Fort Hood shooting in November, state that Anwar al-Awlaki was taken to the Pentagon as part of a military outreach.
He met with the Secretary of the Army and others.
Now, this is two months after he was the number three guy of Al-Qaeda on the news.
Then you've got the hijackers trained at U.S.
military bases, Newsweek AP.
You've got Anwar al-Awlaki on record running the Fort Hood shooter, and the government's blocked those documents.
Running the Christmas Day underwear bomber, they block that.
Running the Times Square bomber, they block that.
And in the
I don't
Then there was a pop and all this happened and they told us to shut up about it.
Then the government said he was a liar.
Then it came out that the State Department deputy head, the head of the visas, Mr. Kennedy, said, I was told by an unnamed U.S.
intelligence agency to help him get on the plane.
Now, Governor, you got Anwar al-Awlaki who runs all these operations, all these patsies, and he is on record two months after he's on the news as the number three of al-Qaeda carrying out 9-11, and he is at the Pentagon in a cloak.
What does that sound like?
I missed that.
This was on Fox News.
Only seven days ago.
That's why you missed it.
No kidding.
See, that's all new to me.
You know, that's what's interesting about this stuff.
As the puzzle gets put together, more pieces start to assemble and more information comes forward all the time.
I mean, at what point are the American people going to say enough is enough?
You know, another thing I want to touch on too, Alex, is the fact that
You know, you've got the people out there like 9-11 Truth that is now multiplied into many areas.
You've got architects and engineers.
You've got airline pilots.
And the thing people need to understand about that is the mainstream media portrays 9-11 Truthers as being some fringe element, some wild
No, I didn't know that.
Oh yeah, when I was out doing the show tour, Ariana was there for something and her and I had it out pretty good in the dressing room where I questioned and wanted to know why she practiced censorship on me and of course she got a little huffy at the end and walked out and wouldn't talk to me anymore but she still stands by that they don't do conspiracy theories and I explained what I was writing about was not a theory of anything.
It was an event that took place in San Francisco
Thousands of architects and engineers signed a petition demanding a new investigation.
That's not a conspiracy theory, that's an event that took place.
But she would hear none of it, and so we of course left each other on pretty bad terms, I would guess.
I mean, not bad terms to where we'd never speak again, but she clearly knows that I will never write for her censoring Huffington Post anymore.
Well, George Soros doesn't like the truth coming out.
He's gotten a lot of power out of what's happened and the shift in this country as well.
Just to back you up, let me mention a few of the people that have gone public.
The number three man in the Japanese government went public on this show.
The former president of, and this is all over BBC Reuters, but not in the U.S.
two years ago, the former president
Uh, of, uh, Italy.
He also happened to be the former head of their CIA, and he said that he knew in 1980 our government was staging bombings to blame the left, and that's now been declassified.
Operation Gladio, over a hundred bombings.
The former German defense minister's been on this show.
The former head of German intelligence has been on this show, to say 9-11's an inside job and break down the evidence.
Uh, we have literally now one of the, uh,
Most powerful people in the Labour Party of Australia went public last week and said it was an inside job.
He happens to be an engineer.
And they told him, how dare you?
And he said, look, I'm not a coward.
And you cowards don't run things anymore.
And I'm not going to retract what I said.
And he went over Building 7.
So something's happening.
We're seeing a second or third wave of 9-11 truth.
The biggest ever.
I thought it would subdue after Bush left.
It's gotten bigger, Governor.
Well, as well it should because the Bush policies are still in place, aren't they?
Nothing has changed.
We're still fighting in two wars.
We still are being in a lockdown mode in this country.
Like I always tell you when I leave and when I return, I always laughingly tell my friends I'm heading back to East Berlin now.
And things like that.
So I can understand to where it's not going away because they're not going away.
Everything is still the same.
Notice how focus isn't on the wars anymore.
We got kids over there dying and all this.
I did an interview the other day where
You know, I was a young kid on the internet, and he wanted to compare how I was wrestling to politics, and I was going to have none of that.
I said, look, I said wrestling is entertainment, it's sports athleticism.
I said politics is serious.
I said we got kids still dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, people getting killed in wars over there, which in this country now, we seem to have taken some laissez-faire attitude about them.
That, oh well, they signed up, that's their job, and away we go.
Life goes on, why worry about these wars that we're involved in?
Well, Governor, I had Colonel Anthony Schaeffer on last Friday before I went to California.
And I had General Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistani intelligence, who beat the Russians on, and he said, we've already lost over there, we're going to lose, now the entire population of Pakistan is starting to rise up, and that we will be run out within a year if we don't leave now.
And I asked Colonel Schaffer, who'd been there for years and was, you know, part of Stratus IV and, you know, commanded, of course, Able Danger, and he agreed.
He said, we've got to leave in the next six months or we will lose, but the system doesn't care.
And, you know, many of these experts agreed it's all about opium and lithium and those oil and gas pipelines, just as you have said previously.
Oh, yeah.
No, if you look, if you look at Afghanistan, at where our bases are set up,
Our bases are completely set up to go along that pipeline and protect it.
And now, if that's our real purpose over there, then just be truthful with me, Alex.
Don't give me these other stories and all this other nonsense.
You know, I got in big trouble, you know, when I was on Fox, when I said that, you know, we've been practicing terrorism for 50 years.
We just call it foreign policy.
And people need to understand that we've done a lot of awful things out in the world.
And we've instigated a lot of terrible things out in the world.
And then we wonder why we need this huge defense to protect ourselves from the rest of the world?
I think if we would start behaving our country a little more humanely, and start looking at helping people rather than killing and destroying them everywhere, we might not need the military that we seem to require in this country.
Why do we require this massive, largest military by, I don't know, tenfold?
It's bigger than all the military in the world.
It's bigger than all other militaries combined.
Yeah, so why?
What is the root of the problem?
We're supposed to be the bastion of freedom.
We're supposed to be the country that all these other countries look up to and want to emulate.
You know?
And yet clearly they don't because of obviously our international behavior throughout the world.
And just because we have the biggest army and military in the world, we shouldn't fall down that shallow, ignorant path that it's our way or the highway.
And that might is right.
Anything we do is okay because we got bigger bombs than you got.
Well, yeah, that works for a while.
But if you go down through history, you'll see that every military power throughout the world that had the power over the world eventually crumbled and fell.
Well, Governor, you're absolutely right, and the big danger throughout history, whether it was Rome in the time of Caesar over 2,000 years ago, or what happens in third world countries every month, when you build up a giant police, state, military, domestic grid, which they've turned loose on us after 9-11,
Your nation always falls to a police state because why shouldn't the elite use that police state to take everybody's liberty and their freedoms?
When I was with you in Atlanta, you know, watching them wand you and search you because you have a prosthetic hip, had a hip replacement, you know, you talked about, I can't wait to get out of here and get back to Mexico.
I can't wait to get out of East Germany.
I flew out of San Jose yesterday morning.
They had naked body scanners everywhere.
Thank God they didn't try to put me into one because I wouldn't have done it.
I refuse to, too, and tell everybody, refuse to go in those things.
You don't have to be forced into them.
You can, you can, I refuse to.
They don't like it, but I just tell them, and not only that for health reasons, Alex, think about it for a minute.
When you go in and get a regular x-ray,
They cover your private areas with lead.
The person that does it goes in another room.
And now they're going to tell you that, yes, these x-rays are much more minor, they're not to that level.
Yeah, that may be.
But if you're like me sometimes, where you fly and you do, Alex, three and four times a week,
And you start getting microwave three to four times a week going into these things, and then ten years from now you get some brain tumor or something, and everyone's gonna go, gee, how did that happen?
Well, Gov, let me stop you again.
I have the New York Times, LA Times, top scientists on record saying it's 20 to 50 times the radiation they previously said, and that it is a serious cancer risk, and now Forbes reports 500 mobile x-ray vans that are so powerful they look through your walls,
And they're beaming our houses with things ten times more powerful than a chest x-ray.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
There's the headline, Airport Body Scanners Could Give You Cancer, Warns Expert, Daily Mail.
When we come back, though, I want to shift into 9-11 again and the new bombshell developments and what the governor thinks we should do about this.
We've got to all call for a new investigation, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back with Governor Jesse Ventura.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we only got to Gov for about 35 more minutes, and we've got to get through all these clips and have him comment on them.
I want to point out to radio listeners, we have a free video stream up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com today, because hearing this is one thing.
Seeing it is another.
Special 9-1-1 cover-up simulcast with Jesse Ventura.
The video link, tens of thousands already logged on.
Get up there, watch it, capture this video.
We're going to archive it later today at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We've got a big report coming up about this because Jesse's here, as he's done many times, but calling for a new investigation and challenging the mainstream media.
Now we've got a bunch of different clips.
Some of these were already on the news.
I'm going to play some of the old clips first.
There's hundreds of these.
And we've written countless articles about him and put him in my films.
And Jesse's gone and done a 9-11 special report last year for his TV show and interviewed many of these same heroes, police and people like Willie Rodriguez, the janitor, all confirming this.
Because you look at the whole area of 9-11, you dig in anywhere and you find lies, obstruction, six of the ten commissioners saying,
Well, I don't know if it's the biggest one, but it defies Newton's law of gravity.
It defies physics.
And it gets pretty serious when you're defying physics.
And physics tells you that those buildings could not fall and collapse at that rate of speed and hit the ground, you know, the way that they did.
And then you look at them and you apply common sense.
All the cement is pulverized.
It's not collapsed.
It's blown to dust.
Well, that takes huge energy.
And if those buildings had truly collapsed, like they said, the debris would have been way, way more.
You would have had debris piled up probably a third of the height of the trade centers.
And by the way, you're not saying this as a plumber or a doctor.
You are an expert in explosives.
Explain that.
Well, you know, I was trained by the Navy's best.
I went through BUDS, basic underwater demolition seal training.
And as you said earlier, Alex, underwater demolition and seals are synonymous.
In fact, it was President John F. Kennedy that
He created the SEALS when he took the UDT swimmers and he wrote an executive order allowing the Navy to go beyond the high water mark, which they weren't allowed to do before.
And essentially that took the Navy Frogman and made him a third element.
Now the Navy Frogman could not only be in the air and in the water, but he would also be on land.
And so the acronym is SEALS, Sea Air Land Teams.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And there's melted metal here.
And sir, we have video clips of the firefighters on the news that day saying it was like a foundry and we have the NASA aircraft photos of months later close to 3,000 degrees.
Incredible heat and that goes to the thermite.
Continuing though, talking about seven, then we're going to start going to these clips.
Well, then you got Building 7, of course, which, you know, there's the infamous BBC film where the reporter reports on the building falling and talks about it for 7 minutes and is doing this 30 minutes before the actual building falls, and the building is actually right behind her.
And then you've got all the other contradicting statements, you know, that the mayor said we're going to pull the building, the owner said that we all agreed to pull the building, and then they're trying to say that in demolition terms, pulling it doesn't mean exploding it now.
You know, they always come back after the fact and say, well, no, what they meant was something else.
When we meant pull the building, it meant we were going to evacuate it.
Well, I've never ever heard the term pull a building meeting to evacuate it out of people.
That's a new term to me.
Well, we better get started because you just reminded me of the Silverstein clip and now I've got limited time and I'm thinking of all these...
No, no, but everything you say is just backed up by so much proof.
I don't want a listener because I caught myself saying, get that clip too, and we'll never have time to get to them all, but we'll try to get to it all with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Here is the first clip.
Here is New York Fire Department.
Hours after it collapses with commanders talking about the floors popping out and it being a controlled demolition, it was as if they had detonators as the quote, and the beeps you hear are cuss words.
None of this has been edited except for the cuss words under FCC rules.
Let's go ahead and play it.
We made it outside, we made it about a block.
We made it at least two blocks, and we started running.
Floor by floor, it started popping out.
It was like, it was as if they had detonated.
Yeah, detonated.
As if they were planning to take down a building.
All the way down.
I was watching it and running.
Just ran up West Street.
And then you just sort of, this cloud of **** chasing you down.
Couldn't outrun it.
Couldn't outrun it.
So what'd you do?
I jumped behind a battalion car, I hid under the car, it was f***ing dark.
Now, let's go to another clip.
You heard the governor.
You heard me mention lava, molten steel, but we don't just have these firefighters on video to local television talking about molten steel like a foundry.
When you hear foundry, that's where they make the steel.
You know, big, giant containers of molten steel.
You don't just hear them talking about that.
We have video from the news of the molten steel pouring out like lava.
Governor Ventura, again, this is powerful info.
Absolutely, because what temperature does it have?
It has to go over 3,000 degrees to melt steel.
And here you've got a great deal of melted steel.
How could a plane crashing into a building cause steel to melt?
All right, we're pulling up some of these other clips here.
We're having a computer hiccup, but we'll get to that in a moment.
But, I mean, again, the media says, well, steel could weaken and it could fall.
Does it weaken and then turn into lava?
Alex, I can even give you a personal story on that.
It was like two to three weeks after the event that my wife and I were accompanied by Governor Pataki and we were allowed to go right into the ground zero when the workers were there attempting to clean up shortly thereafter.
It didn't really dawn on me that day because, again, you're kind of numb when you go there and it's like walking into where a hurricane has hit after the fact and you see all the destruction and devastation.
But I remember that day, they had to suspend digging because they were running into pockets of molten metal and heat that was so dangerous that they weren't allowed to dig into it.
And it didn't register with me that day.
But now when I think back to it, I go, wait a minute.
How could there be on the ground, everything happened a hundred floors up in the air?
How could there possibly be molten metal down under the ground?
Giant pools of it.
It's not just Governor Ventura saying that.
Here's the firefighters.
Here's that clip.
I think he just did it to... Who knew?
To be honest with you, I think he might have thought that was it for us, though.
You get down below and you see molten steel.
Molten steel running down the channel rails.
Like you're in a foundry.
I think it was like lava from a volcano.
There was a lot of screaming and a lot of yelling.
The clips that NIST for nine years has blocked, but under a lawsuit by the International Group on 9-11 Studies, they've been able to get these videos, and all the videos are firemen talking about molten steel, bombs, are firemen talking about all this incredible stuff.
I mean, is that not evidence of a cover-up right there?
Well, obviously it is, because you notice that they don't include that in their reports at all, do they?
When NIST comes out, NIST has all this information in their possession.
And yet their report chooses to ignore it and not even mention it.
And spend nine years blocking lawsuits to get it.
Yeah, and now how much more simple can it be for someone out there to look at that and go, something's rotten in Denmark here.
Yeah, they didn't release a bunch of nonsensical video.
The stuff they released is the FBI director of New York talking to firemen who say bombs were going off.
And he said, yeah, I saw the bottom of the building blow up.
Why in their report wouldn't they write something to say that these people were crazy and wrong?
Shouldn't they have at least addressed it and said, well, we had many reports of firemen and officials saying bombs were going off and then give an explanation as to why these people were wrong?
Well, we not only have this new video that just came out yesterday as they called for the video of the FBI director in New York saying this.
We have the local newscast that day saying the FBI director of the city said they're looking at bombs.
So, we have it from both angles.
This is all new, ladies and gentlemen.
Here's the first new clip.
That they released two weeks ago calling through these.
This is a group of firemen with blood pouring out of their faces who have been seriously hurt.
One guy's got his face all smashed in and he looks up and they're talking about how after the planes hit they were going in getting ready to go up and there were explosions in the lobby and then one fireman looks up and says we got to get out of here.
There could be bombs in all these buildings.
Here's this new video that NIST didn't want any of you including Governor Jesse Ventura to see.
Here it is.
What happened?
There was an explosion.
He's in the lobby.
The third explosion, the whole lobby collapsed on us.
What was it like?
What was it like?
It's like hell.
You don't want to know.
The whole building just collapsed on us.
Inside the lobby.
Was that a secondary explosion?
Yes, it was.
That was the plan probably?
Yeah, definitely a secondary explosion.
We was inside waiting to go upstairs.
And on the way upstairs, the whole f***ing thing blew.
And we just collapsed on everybody inside the lobby.
Similar to the first tower coming down, secondary?
I don't know about the first one, but I know the second one, it was terrible.
Then there was a third one, too, after that one.
That's right.
Everybody was inside the building, waiting to go upstairs, and they just let loose.
Everything just let loose inside the building.
So, what you're telling me is that there was a plane or whatever hit the building, and then a secondary explosion?
It was like three explosives after that.
We came in after the fire.
We came when the fire was going on already.
We was in the staging area inside the building, waiting to go upstairs, and then it exploded.
The whole lobby collapsed on the lobby inside.
May I'm after that?
No, just may everybody try to make their way out.
Just trying to help all the brothers get out of there, right?
A lot of people's trapped inside.
We're sitting in the Brooklyn Navy Yard across from Brooklyn.
We watched the first explosion.
As we're watching the buildings, a sort of black, very large airplane fly right into the second building.
Came out of the south.
Right in front of our eyes.
It was so surreal, like a movie set.
Second and third explosions also, right?
Now there he is saying this ain't done yet and that was shot at about 12 noon.
He was right.
Five and a half hours later, they weren't done yet.
Governor, you just heard three firefighters, one of them senior, saying bombs going off, explosions in the South and North Tower.
And what's unique about it, you also heard them say they were in the prepared area getting ready to go up.
So this, that clearly lets you know this was before any of the buildings collapsed at all.
That these other explosions were going on.
Now, how can the government sit and say that they ignore this type of testimony?
How come there's nothing written about this in any of the reports?
Clearly that shows
That what they've told us is just plain B.F.
Well, here's my problem.
We only got about 20 minutes left with you and I haven't even gotten into a tenth of these.
I literally, sir, have hundreds.
Well, let's play some more of that.
Okay, this next one, and again, people can watch this at Infowars.com.
We've got a video stream there.
This is another NIST video that they tried to suppress.
And it shows Building 7 before it collapses in cascading explosion noises that go on and on and on and on.
Let's go ahead and just play a short part of that.
Here it is.
It's another explosion.
Oh yeah, that's enough.
It goes on for like 10 minutes.
Um... Yeah, you could definitely... Now that took place before 7 collapsed.
You definitely could hear an explosion.
And it was even identified as one on the tape.
And then we have local news out there with their cameras before the first plane hits.
You hear it coming in and then you hear boom, boom, boom, boom!
And then the plane hits and that's what the other witnesses like Willie Rodriguez said.
About 10 seconds before, explosions, then the plane hits.
This is incredible.
Well again, this is evidence I guess that we're all supposed to say don't believe our lying eyes and don't believe our lying ears.
Let's play another clip that was on CNN that day.
This is, and I've interviewed the police and firemen that were there, and it was on a local news station.
Craig Bartmer and others were told there was a countdown, get back, and then they said, run for your lives, and they heard the 10-9-7-8-6-5-4-3-2-1, and here you see policemen saying, get back, that building's about to come down, get back, that building's about to come down, and that's what Silverstein tells us.
They're referring to building 7.
Let's go ahead and play the clip.
Here it is.
Just in the last few seconds, another building, building number 7, one of the buildings in support of the World Trade Center.
Governor Ventura!
You know, again, I've read about all that.
Now you get a chance to hear it.
You know, and again, clearly, they knew the building was coming down ahead of time.
And, you know, you look at the 9-11 Commission, they didn't even address building 7.
There isn't one word in their entire report.
I don't know.
Well, most Americans don't even know about Building 7, but in most cities, it'd be the biggest building in the town.
Yeah, it was 49 stories high, which is not a small building by any stretch of the imagination.
Now, it is small when you put it next to the World Trade Center towers, but as you said, Alex, in an average city, it would be a major, major building.
And for this thing to collapse in seven seconds, having not been hit by anything other than some debris,
Stay there, sir.
We're going to break the big new clip.
The FBI director talking about explosions and bombs.
They tried to suppress this video.
Stay with us.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we've got to move fast, because Jesse Ventura's got to leave at about 14 after next hour.
We've got a bunch of other news and info coming up, but we're going through all these clips.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
Before I go into the big news, with the FBI Director of New York saying the same thing you just heard police and firemen say, Governor, we talked this morning about a new investigation.
What's your statement on having all of this conclusively proving a cover-up?
What do you think we should do as a nation?
Because clearly,
Everything that was done under Bush is just continuing.
We have no future.
You know, Tyrell and your daughter and none of us have any future if we don't stand up.
They're going to stage more terror if we don't expose it.
Well, that's just it.
What do we do, you know, when they control the power and they control who gets to investigate?
It basically, then, to me, strips down to the most basic essential of all.
The only thing we have in our power, then, is the power of the vote, if we can still trust that.
And, like I've been advocating, people need to stop voting for Democrats and Republicans.
And that doesn't mean the answer is the Tea Party.
Because I find the Tea Party to be a bit of a fraud, too, because they're supposed to stand up for the Constitution, and they amazingly just showed up when Barack Obama became president.
They weren't around prior to that.
Yeah, where's their problem with the wars and the naked body scanners and the Patriot Act?
The grassroots are good.
It's the Republicans trying to take it over that are bad.
But specifically, what about state investigations, grand jury investigations?
More people are going public.
Well, again, if you can get a local official to do it, but the problem is, they're all generally Democrats and Republicans, and you have the power structure that goes all the way to Washington.
When I was way back, when I was mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota,
We had this golf clubhouse that was so dirty that the audit firm of Deloitte Koosh came in and went through, and their official reports said their books were unauditable.
They could not audit their books.
We took it to current Democratic governor candidate Mark Dayton, who was the state auditor at the time.
We showed him all our facts and everything, and he wouldn't touch it because the power structure happened to be his party, the Democrats.
We got to shift gears now into the top story that you're here to discuss.
Exclusive uncovered 9-11 footage shows FBI director asking firefighters about secondary hits on WTC.
This is shot by firefighters.
We bleeped out any cussing.
He addresses them as FBI Director Barry Maughan and then he's there with Giuliani and they walk away.
As this was happening.
This is huge 9-11 cover-up ladies and gentlemen.
Here is the FBI director agreeing with the firefighters that he saw the bomb go off and the bottom of the North Tower blowout.
Here it is.
FBI, bear in mind.
I heard the rumble, and then it was like, please don't film me now, because we knew something was coming.
I saw it!
I saw the thing blow out of sight.
It was right on the side of the road.
Is that ours?
Yeah, that should be ours.
That should be ours.
Okay, and then there he goes with Mayor Giuliani, Jesse Ventura, Governor Ventura.
There is the FBI Director of New York saying, yeah, no, I saw the bottom of the building blow out.
Yeah, I mean, you know, you've got all this evidence, but clearly, when you look at what happened and the results of all of it, it shows clearly that these commissions and these official government investigations are frauds.
They're, uh, you know, they don't seek the truth.
They're there to simply push the government's story of whatever that may be, of what they once said and what happened.
You know, when you look at the whole commission, I mean, it got run by Zelikow, who comes right out of the White House.
He was the guy in charge.
If they didn't unanimously agree on something, it wasn't even entered into it.
Governor, back in 70 seconds, let's talk about how we get a new investigation straight ahead in more clips.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we're into hour number three.
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
The governor's gone here in about 14 minutes with us.
This incredible information coming out from NIST, and it's all bombshell.
You know why they covered it up.
There's the evidence of the criminality right there.
This is just so incredible.
I want to get to Jack Kelly, a news reporter on the ground, also talking about bombs and explosions.
This was on CNN.
But going back to Governor Ventura, briefly,
Where does this start for a new investigation?
How do we expose this big lie?
It's difficult because, you know, you saw the new administration come in and, you know, with Obama, they won't touch it.
You know, they won't look at it at all.
So that clearly shows you that, you know, it isn't Democrat against Republican here.
You know, because if the Democrats had any way, if they truly were at war with the Republicans, and they could expose the Republicans for an atrocity as large as this, you don't think they would?
So that clearly shows that they're both in it.
That the parties don't really matter.
And I guess, where do we go from here?
I would tell people, you know, any grassroots thing starts at its lowest level.
That's why it's called grassroots.
Even in your local elections, stop voting for Democrats and Republicans.
That's a very simple thing we all can do.
November 2nd is just next week.
Don't vote for Democrats or Republicans.
Well said.
Before you leave us, you'll briefly talk about Tom Horner there running for governor.
He's got a shot at it.
Let's go to this next clip.
Jack Kelly bombs in the buildings on CNN.
Here it is.
Joining me is Jack Kelly.
Now, he is a foreign correspondent, war correspondent, and just came back from Israel.
He has some information about these attacks.
Jack, what can you tell us happened first in New York?
Apparently what appears to happen was that at the same time two planes hit the building that the FBI most likely thinks that there was a car or truck packed with explosives underneath the buildings which also exploded at the same time and brought both of them down.
Now that's the first time we're hearing that.
So two planes and explosives that were in the building.
Is that correct?
That is the working theory at this point.
That is still unconfirmed.
So they never discredited the working theory.
They just said it didn't exist and then this is done.
They just ignored it.
That's what they do.
If anything that doesn't fit into their scenario, they simply ignore.
Now, here's another clip we're just going to play.
You know what?
I'm not going to have time.
I've got all the local newscasts with witnesses saying bombs going off and firefighters and people.
And then I've got another newscast before the plane hits, seconds before you hear the clear explosion, then the plane hits.
It just goes on and on.
I want to come back.
That might work, but you have to remember the mainstream media is not the ally.
You can march all you want, but if they don't cover it,
Then the only people that know a march took place are the locals.
Why do you think?
What do you think happened prior to the invasion of Iraq?
There was a great deal of anti-war protest and marching, but you never saw it on TV, because the TV stations mainstream refused to cover any negative about the invasion of Iraq, because they wanted to portray to the public that nobody was against this.
How could you possibly be against this?
And if you were, you were unpatriotic, and that's exactly what they're able to pull off.
Well, that's why you're so important.
You're one of the few national figures who's got the courage and the profile to be able to punch through mainstream media, and you tell it like it is when you're on television, and it has a big effect, and we see 9-11 Truth only growing bigger and more people coming out, Governor.
Yeah, that's true, Alex, but if you notice, I'm getting censored more and more.
The access that I had two years ago, I had way more two years ago than what I'm getting now.
I'm being cut back, too.
I can't get on all the shows I'd like to get on anymore.
Especially the big Fox shows.
We're gonna come back and play a few more of these key clips with Governor Jesse Ventura.
This is incredible new developments, folks.
Get it out to everyone you know.
9-11 search term.
9-11 cover-up.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The key searches today to make him number one on Google Trends, 9 slash 11 cover up and Conway cover up.
We'll talk about the Kentucky situation.
It is big.
After Governor Jesse Ventura leaves us, I'm going to finish up though with some of these clips.
We didn't have time to play while he was with us.
There are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds others.
That's what's so frustrating, Governor, is it's hidden in plain view.
And we've got to expose these people.
I mean, do you agree that if we don't expose the system that's doing this, that they're going to continue to use fake terror as a pretext to enslave us?
And you know, the thing that's most frustrating is mainstream media.
I mean, I guess, you know, when I do my publicity for my show, I've been taking a different tact.
I've been going out and thanking them because I thank them for covering whether pro athletes cheat on their wives, the death of Anna Nicole Smith and all that important stuff.
Because I said, if you covered the things we covered, me, my crew and production company wouldn't have jobs.
I always make sure to thank them for providing jobs for us because I'm just baffled, Alex.
It's beyond words how our mainstream media, which was designed to be the fourth branch of government, the unwritten fourth branch by our forefathers, their job was to be the check.
To be the watchdog and watch the other three branches of government and keep them honest.
And now that they have sold us out, we are in dire straits, Alex, because with mainstream media ignoring things like this, these stories should be the lead stories on TV right now.
And yet, where are they hearing them?
Not to downgrade you and I, but the only place they're hearing that is on your radio show and a few other non-mainstream outlets.
Well, the ruling class, the elite, the social engineers, wouldn't have staged 9-11 if they weren't confident in their superiority over the mainstream media.
But we do see the mainstream media losing ratings, viewers, and in national polls, the public trusts the alternative media a lot more than they do the mainstream media.
Well, and that's clearly shown when the most trusted man, hands down, above all others, with double-digit win, is Jon Stewart.
And he's making a joke about things.
Well, Jon Stewart shows comedy, and it's serious comedy because, you know, he does it with a comedic intent.
But what he talks about, the position he takes, are very good.
And that's why, when I was at Harvard, Alex, I asked all the Harvard students where they get their news from, and it was like 90% of them all said Jon Stewart.
Yeah, he's better than some.
The problem is it's kind of a liberal perspective.
But he will cover topics others won't.
We're almost out of time.
I want to play two final clips and then talk about the TV show and also the governor's race up in Minnesota that you're involved in supporting Tom Horner.
But first, let's go, because you mentioned this earlier, we're pulling this up, let's go to Jane Stanley of the BBC.
And they did it on their other BBC channel at the same time live.
This is BBC World.
It was also on BBC 24.
Another reporter.
...being fed, and they now admit Reuters gave them this, that building seven had fallen perfectly in its own footprint, the Solomon Brothers building, before it actually fell.
Here it is.
...World Trade Center.
As you can see behind me, the Trade Center appears to be still burning.
We see these huge clouds of smoke and ash, and we know that behind that there's an empty piece of what was a very familiar
New York skyline, a symbol of the financial prosperity of this city.
So, meanwhile, right behind her is Building 7, and she's saying it's fallen, Jesse.
Yeah, that's correct.
She talks about it for over 7 minutes, about the third building that has collapsed, that wasn't struck by an aircraft.
The entire time she's talking, Building 7 is right behind her, because she actually did this 30 minutes before the building actually fell.
And the same thing was on CNN with Aaron Brown.
But just like with NIST suppressing their internal videos that show the same thing, BBC for a year said that was fake.
And then they said, OK, it's true, but we lost the tapes.
Now they've done a special and have admitted it.
But just say it was a coincidence.
Last clip with Governor Jesse Ventura, because he mentioned it.
Here's the owner of the World Trade Center lease, Larry Silverstein, saying they gave the order on Building 7 to pull it, demolition term for controlled demolition, and they watched the building come down.
Here it is.
Allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander.
Telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull.
And then we watched the building collapse.
Did you know a Fox News reporter wrote an article three months ago and admitted he was with Silverstein and they made the decision to pull, but then decided not to, so now they admit they were planning to blow it up, but White Silverstein gave this interview a year after and said they pulled it.
I mean, Jesse... You know what I like about it, Alex, is they now use the terminology pull it meant to pull the firefighters out.
That's the excuse they use for it, but you notice he says, pull it, and then ties it right into the bringing the building down, because that wasn't the intent of what he was talking about.
He was talking about bringing the building down.
But in order to cover themselves, they've now stated that Silverstein was simply stating the fire captain, when he used the term pull it, meant that they were going to pull all the firefighters out, but it was a lost cause.
Well, there's just one problem.
We happen to have the New York City logs.
The firefighters were pulled at 1123 in the morning, more than five hours before the building fell.
There you go.
So this information, I mean, we just presented here, that's only the tip of the iceberg, that's pretty darn powerful, isn't it?
It's very powerful, and again, Alex, it amazes me that how mainstream media can possibly say that they're the ones that provide us with our knowledge when all of this is out there and none of them will touch it in any way, shape, or form.
I mean, did you see how quickly George Stephanopoulos got me off Good Morning America or whatever it was?
The minute that I responded that I felt that our government, certainly if they didn't participate in it, they knew about it, they've covered it up.
He couldn't get me off there quicker.
I bet you my segment ended up about a minute 25.
Yeah, he had to bail and pull the plug because you had the courage to tell the truth.
In closing, tell us a little bit about the TV show.
And also, you're involved politically up there for the third party candidate, Tom Horner, running for governor, and he's polling about like you were.
Yeah, he's got a shot at it.
You know, I don't know.
He's right about where I was a week before my election.
Now, does he have the momentum that I had?
I don't know.
But we will not stop trying up here because Minnesota proved in 1998 that they would elect an independent governor, and we've had great candidates since then.
We haven't elected another one, but we'll still keep trying, and I'll still keep trying because, again,
We're not going to get our country back until we stop electing Democrats and Republicans and follow John Adams' suggestion and get rid of these political parties because they are not the solution, they are the problem.
That's right, you've talked about banning... I'll just say the biggest thing to me on the TV show this fall is the confession we have to the murder of John Kennedy.
Extremely powerful, and this episode is Area 51, coming up Friday night.
Yeah, Area 51 will be Friday night, then we're going to do Clean Water, we do the Police State, we do the Wall Street, we do JFK, and there's a couple more thrown in there that I can't think of right now.
Alright, well Governor Jesse Ventura, I appreciate you joining us, and I know in the next month you're going back down to Mexico, so have fun down there, get some rest that's well deserved.
Say hi to Terry and Tyrell and everybody.
I look forward to seeing you back again if we're still here in 2011.
Well, hopefully we'll still be here, Alex.
And again, keep up the good work.
I'll leave you to handle the collateral damage.
It's time for me to go on R&R.
God bless you, sir.
Take care.
Okay, you too, Alex.
Take care, and best to your family, and keep up the fight.
Bon voyage, Governor!
Alright, bye-bye.
There goes Governor Jesse Ventura, ladies and gentlemen.
And he was done doing radio interviews last week, but he did this one just especially, but now they're filming another interview for the Water Special.
He'll do a little bit more radio next week, and then he's gone a few weeks after that back down to Mexico.
But, look.
They blew up the towers in front of everybody.
You have the firemen, the police talking about the bombs, the molten steel.
You've got it all right there.
And I didn't even get to all the clips.
I'm going to have Paul Watson today basically take this Jesse Ventura calls for new 9-11 investigation or Jesse Ventura calls for investigation in light of explosive evidence.
And get that out to everyone.
Because people are like, well, we already know all this.
No, your friends, your family, your neighbors don't.
They've heard 9-11's an inside job.
They know about the lies about WMDs or Northwoods or Gulf of Tonkin.
But then they kind of have the attitude of, well, it's up to me to decide if it's an inside job or not.
You know, I make the decision it's not because it's too scary.
None of us have any future if you don't face the elephant in the room.
And I just played you the FBI director of New York, with the mayor walking along beside him, coming over to firefighters, and he's going, yeah, I saw the bottom of the building blow out.
I just played you the firefighters talking about bombs.
I just went over, and this is what NIST tried to block.
This is what NIST all these years hasn't wanted released.
I mean, don't you see how incredible that is?
So we're searching the term.
Search it right now and search it after the show.
9-slash-1-1 cover-up.
9-slash-1-1-1 cover-up.
I just added a 1 there.
And we'll put that up on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
We're going to keep streaming with free video streams up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com to the end of the hour.
9-1-1 cover-up simulcast with Jesse Ventura.
He just left us.
He did an hour and 17 minutes with us exclusively live here today.
But let's search the term 9-1-1 cover-up.
And let's also search Conway cover-up.
Jack Conway.
I'm going to run out during the break and get my articles that I gave Nemo.
He's writing about it.
Watson's writing about it.
It left Conway cover-up in the headline.
Right as Conway cover-up goes live as the number one search term, if you make it the number one search term, it'll force mainstream media to look at Jack Conway involved, the evidence shows, in a criminal cover-up of a narcotics investigation of his prosecutor brother!
And he's the Attorney General of Kentucky!
You realize how big this is?
Hidden in plain view, in front of everybody.
Will you ask Aaron and Kurt Nimmo?
They took my Daily Poll, my InfoWars.
Pardon me?
They're already back in there?
Okay, we'll find them.
Oh yeah, here they are right in front of me.
Well, I don't have the Daily Paul in the full one.
I need that too.
We'll be right back with this.
We got big articles coming out on this subject.
This is key.
Call everybody you know.
It's on Zoom right now.
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Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
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Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
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Okay, here's the deal.
I'm going to get into some other economic news and military news before this hour ends.
But I want people to really listen to me very, very, very carefully right now.
I'm not mincing words about this.
Rand Paul could lose in Kentucky.
And that will send a message against hardcore patriot candidates nationwide and will serve as a blueprint
To encourage the dirtiest, nastiest tricks we have ever seen in modern politics in this country.
So I want to reach out to everyone to understand.
They lied and said he wanted to get rid of the Civil Rights Act.
We know that wasn't true.
That he kidnapped a woman and made her do drugs wasn't true.
That he wasn't a medical doctor wasn't true.
That he had racists at his events.
Turned out they worked with Conway and the Democrats.
They've been caught.
But Conway is throwing everything he can in the next five and a half days, coming up on Super Tuesday.
He is throwing everything he has got right now against Rand Paul.
It's a national story about some woman with a wig rushing towards Rand Paul, so they kind of tackle her and a guy puts his foot on her.
Meanwhile, they don't show on the national news, though it's on YouTube, that same event.
Rand Paul supporters being beat up.
This stuff happens.
Meanwhile, this actually came out on the 23rd.
So this actually came out on Saturday.
I didn't learn about it until the 26th, yesterday, when I went to PrisonPlanet.com and saw the link to the Daily Paul article.
Then I went and read the article they linked to, Courier Journal.
Then I found a couple other newspaper articles and I searched last night, nothing else.
Maybe one TV station mentioned it.
Listen to me, this is a huge cover-up of real corruption.
They have been caught red-handed.
We can confidently say that Jack Conway and his brother
Have committed a crime.
Multiple crimes.
We don't know if they're really involved in narcotics trafficking.
His brother.
We don't know if he had drugs at his house.
What we know is there was going to be a drug raid on his house.
Detectives in the same county where Jack Conway's brother is the deputy prosecutor.
He's also a lawyer.
His brother is the Attorney General running against Rand Paul.
We know Jack Conway, this is all admitted in police reports, okay?
This is admitted in police reports.
It's a five-page lengthy article in the Courier-Journal.
The headline says, LMPD probes detectives who tipped off prosecutors under investigation.
And it doesn't tell you, till deep in the article,
That this Matthew C. Conway is the brother of the Attorney General of Kentucky.
And they admit, the detectives met with the Attorney General.
They told him.
They met with others.
They went and met with his brother.
They went and met with Attorney Matt Conway, his brother, the prosecutor.
And they told him, you better get yourself clean, these are quotes, and whatever's going on, you better get ready for a raid in two days.
And they blocked the raid to give him time to do whatever he did.
Now we don't know, and it says it was for narcotics trafficking and use.
We don't know if it was cocaine, heroin, we don't know.
We don't know if he's guilty.
You're innocent until proven guilty.
But they are in here, in this article, all of them making admissions of guilt.
This is enough for a grand jury to indict the Attorney General, and I'm calling for that.
And his prosecutor brother.
They are all in here admitting they met secretly with detectives and the detectives warned him and blocked the service of the search warrant and the raid for two days.
And then when this first came out, because they overheard the detectives a couple weeks ago, this happened weeks ago, talking about the case at a restaurant.
That's how other police got tipped off about it.
And then when the police went and talked to him, they lied.
The other detectives admit, they apologize.
They say, I lied because I like Matt Conway and I don't think it's true.
They warned him and then they lied and said, we didn't warn him, we didn't meet with him.
They lied to the investigating detectives.
The detectives did.
Conway is in here lying, saying he wasn't warned.
Matt Conway.
His brother is on record meeting with these people.
They have absolutely obstructed justice.
They have tried to escape the law.
That's called absconding in a criminal investigation.
They have lied.
They are guilty.
Jack Conway, his brother Matt Conway, are guilty of trying to frustrate a criminal investigation, and they're all a bunch of top prosecutors.
They're a bunch of cops!
Now that's who Jack Conway is!
Do I think there were narcotics in that house?
What's a bear do in the woods?
We're on the march.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Now about two hours ago I sprung this on Kurt Nemo and Paul Watson.
They're not going to have these articles done till probably 30 minutes to an hour after the show ends.
But you need to mark your calendar, that sticky note in front of you right now, that when these articles about the Conway cover-up
Go live at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that you need to get it and email it to every outlet in Kentucky, every radio station, every church, any public addresses, fire departments.
It doesn't matter because it comes out in two newspapers from the police files, red-handed, the Attorney General, his prosecutor brother, and three police detectives.
Two of them admitting they lied when they said they had warned Conway about the narcotics trafficking and use investigation.
Now, whether that narcotics investigation would have ever turned up drugs, his brother did resign.
It now turns out, you know, this happened months ago.
And this has been quietly covered up.
His brother left as a prosecutor.
He's gone.
The cops are quoted saying, I guess my career is over.
Well, yeah, there should be a criminal investigation of this.
And there is a criminal investigation.
But the election is now.
Rand Paul has to take all these lies from this slimeball Jack Conway and put up with all this.
So I'm telling you, let's make it the number one search term.
Or number two.
Conway cover-up.
Conway is C-O-N-W-A-Y.
Conway cover dash up or cover-up.
Conway cover-up.
There's another search term.
Nine slash one one.
Nine forward slash one one cover-up.
So nine forward slash one one cover-up.
Nine eleven cover-up and Conway cover-up.
We can expose this globalist con who's conned people saying Rand Paul's out there grabbing women and hitting the doctor and all this other baloney.
I mean, we need to expose Jack Conway.
And even if he gets into office, that isn't the issue.
He needs to be prosecuted.
You've got this slimy Attorney General in there with the police in meetings, warning his brother.
The raid gets blocked for two days.
Oh yeah, it was the head narcotics detective that was tasked to go do the raid that called him and met with him and said, get yourself ready, we're coming in two days!
I mean, what would happen if your cousin was a police detective, the head of narcotics, and he called you up and said, there's a warrant to search your house, get ready?
We're coming in two days.
This is incredible corruption, and they're all in the newspaper admitting it, and you don't see this on CNN.
You don't see this on Fox.
Fox is the one place that might run with it.
Hit them with emails.
And the problem is, this is a detailed article by R.G.
Did R.G.
Dunlop ever call us back?
Did R.G.
Dunlop ever call us back?
He never called us back.
We put calls... I'm gonna call him when I get off air.
We put calls into him to get him on.
He went to the police reports, the open records on this, and it's got the cops admitting they knew the raid was coming, they went and warned him, and they had meetings with his brother, the Attorney General, about it.
You understand?
Obstruction of justice!
Absconding a criminal investigation!
In fact, in fact, I wasn't going to take phone calls and I haven't had time to pull up Kentucky law.
I know it's the same everywhere in the country.
Can any Kentucky police officers or prosecutors... In fact, we ought to search... I mean, what are the other charges?
I know there's a bunch of others.
I mean, am I... I mean, I know those are correct crimes and charges I'm talking about, but there's others as well.
Official corruption?
I mean, what's it called when people in government are protecting themselves and giving each other forewarning?
It's a conspiracy to obstruct justice?
There you go.
Sounds like racketeering to me.
You've got a whole bunch of people involved.
I mean, how many other terms can we throw out here?
I'm going to open the phones up specifically.
We've only got about 15 minutes left here, or less.
No, actually 20, excuse me.
I'm going to open the phones up specifically for lawyers or police officers.
I'd like it to be from Kentucky, or pull up your criminal code.
People are like, well I don't live in Kentucky, why do I care if Rand Paul wins?
If they get away with lying about him and smearing him, it's going to be the playbook for all other Patriot candidates trying to take this country back.
You got election fraud in every other close election.
In Arizona, and Nevada, and New York, and Illinois.
The American people are angry, they're taking action, and the system's using dirty tricks, and Conway has been narrowing his lead against Rand Paul, and here's the 64 million dollar question and answer.
If, if,
We are able to force this Jack Conway cover-up story out into mainstream news, because we don't know if there were narcotics in his brother's house, the prosecutor.
We don't know if all this is true, because he got warned, because the police couldn't raid his house, and he's a prosecutor!
It makes it even more imperative.
We know about corruption in high places.
And here's the $64 million answer.
If you can force this out in the next two, three days, and that's why they hate this radio show, because our audience can do it.
If you can call Fox News, Fox Radio, they're one of the more apt groups to do it, but I did a search and haven't seen them cover it.
If you can get this out, this is real corruption.
We don't know about the drugs, but we know they covered it up.
And we know they did things that are illegal.
This is big.
This could get Rand Paul in there.
Because anytime you investigate these globalists, there's always corruption.
I mean, they're just so corrupt.
I mean, who else would vote for Obamacare and banker bailouts but corrupt politicians?
So, this is so hardcore important that you make Conway cover-up the number one search term.
It may be number one, it may be number two.
We'll find out soon.
9-1-1 cover-up and number two search Conway cover-up and Paul Watson and Kurt Nimmo.
But here's the deal.
When this goes number one, in the next hour or two, we gotta have the articles up.
And so we're working on getting those up so that when it's the number one search term, they get led back to Conway cover-up.
And I'm sure there's other listeners that have websites.
Why don't you go write a Conway cover-up article?
And it'll be you up there.
I don't care!
I don't care!
I don't want this corrupt Attorney General caught protecting and covering up and blocking and warning his brother of criminal investigations using his police connections to do it.
I don't want him winning.
I don't want all the dirty tricks he's pulled out of his black bag against Rand Paul and our movement for liberty and restore the Constitution to be successful!
Man, I'm mad!
And you should get mad about it, too!
Let me go look at my IMs here from John.
And, of course, my IM's not launched.
So, John, I'll just hand-take these calls from you right here.
Okay, just as soon as those calls come in.
I want to get people's take in Kentucky, period, of what you think on this.
We'll take a few calls on the subject.
This is so important, what's going on, and my IM doesn't work, so we'll try to launch that right now.
But it's absolutely incredible, and it makes my blood boil to know that the media, the mainstream media, in fact, reading back over the article, this stuff went on earlier in the year with his brother, it's been covered up ever since, and now it finally came out five days ago in the Courier-Journal.com.
The Courier Journal newspaper and several other newspapers and it's all direct quotes and the police reports and all of it admitted in the article LMPD probes detectives who tipped off prosecutor under investigation.
That's why it's a Conway cover-up.
It's a Conway cover-up.
Because Conway is involved in a cover-up of what was going on with his brother, and the media is covering it up.
This is newsworthy.
This information is newsworthy.
I mean, it just shows you who these people are.
Mike in Texas, what's your view on what I'm saying on this?
Thank you, sir.
You are patriots, and I'm a long-time listener, first-time caller.
I'm in private practice down in Texas.
And there are state ethics codes for lawyers, and the information that comes to them, they cannot, that breaks the confidence of everything.
And, you know, I wanted to say that this is, as you know, part of the trend.
The internationalists helping out this Conway guy.
The eco-terrorists who are down there.
I think you spoke about it yesterday.
Eco-terrorists trying to get in there.
And of course, she was violating the law, that eco-terrorist, she was trying to... Sir, sir, I appreciate your call, but specifically, my statements about this being open and shut obstruction of justice, official corruption, whether he is a narcotics trafficker or not, the issue is, he got a heads up to get ready for the raid, and his brother, the Attorney General, was involved in it, then they lied,
To the other county investigators and state investigators and said they didn't give him a warning.
Now they admit they gave him a warning because one of the detectives came out and told the truth.
Do you understand how big that is?
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Chris in Kentucky, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, go ahead.
This is, uh, this is outrage.
Yeah, I live in Louisville.
And, uh, this is a, this, this is disgusting.
The Courier-Journal cover-up and lies, lies, lies.
It's time to get out there.
I'm going to go down.
Well, hold on.
The Courier-Journal didn't run with the right headline for something this bombshell, but they did the report about how they admittedly lied and did this cover-up.
I mean, I'd say good job by the Courier-Journal.
Exactly, yeah.
I'm saying other media is engaged in a cover-up.
So are people, do people know about this in Kentucky?
I'm not sure if they do, but I'm sure I'm going to go let people know about it.
I'm going to go to Jack Conway's headquarters and campaign quarters and say, do you all know about this?
I'm going to go to it.
I'm so angry right now.
And all this bashing, and then this KET... Hold on, that's another great point.
Everybody should call the Rand Paul campaign and say, where are you?
Rand Paul should have a press conference and highlight the Courier-Journal that has the police reports and say, Jack Conway met secretly with police.
Jack Conway protected his brother.
Then the police and others lied to investigators and said they didn't give him a warning.
Now they admit they lied.
They say, I lied!
I'm sorry!
Sorry doesn't cut it!
We have them!
We're Rand Paul!
This is not dirty politics while he's being accused of everything under the sun, and we've got them red-handed in a cover-up, Chris!
Exactly, and you know, you're so right.
And that 84 WHAS radio here didn't even want to cover it.
No, they didn't want to talk about it.
Thanks, Mandy McKyle.
You're just part of that, too.
You don't want to be an American.
But you know, we've got to get out of here.
Get the Rand Paul people in Kentucky out of here.
Those who are listening.
We're in Jefferson County where I'm at.
Get down here and start protesting this.
Hold up signs and a Conway cover-up.
We've got to get active on this because I am so sick and tired of this bashing.
Well, here's the other big issue, Chris.
We don't have our articles ready that boil it all down and have the links.
They're going up in the next hour at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And when these articles go live with all this information, we need you to make a thousand copies
FedEx Kinkos and hand them out at street corners.
We need you to email it to all the media nationwide, not just Kentucky, and say after, I mean look, turnabout's fair play and we have the truth.
After all they've done to Rand, trying to beat him, and they may.
He's losing steam because of these people.
After all they've done with their lies, this is admitted cover-up and obstruction of justice.
We have them if we ram this out now.
It's up to you listeners.
Ram this sucker out.
Get going, listeners, and start printing them.
Get out there and get them on car windshields.
And by the way, I'll tell you, MoveOn.org, who's out there, and all these other people, they're listening to the show right now.
And they're going to come out with their own Conway cover-up stuff to try to, like, Conway cover-up isn't true, or Conway, you know, there's a cover-up, how great he is.
I've seen him do similar things before.
We've got to have all the patriot media, the Daily Paul, everybody.
Write your own articles, excising out, you know, or adding to your article.
All the admissions in the Courier-Journal from the police reports!
See, because it's the week headline of LMPD probes detectives who tipped off prosecutor under investigation, and then later in the article they tell you it's Jack Conway and they've all admitted to his brother and the police to lying and Conway covering it up.
I mean, we have these people.
I don't think folks realize how big this is.
You know, we have real corruption, open and shut, lying, and tip-offs to narcotics investigations.
Ladies and gentlemen, if I know that the police are going to raid my neighbor for a cocaine investigation, and I find out about it, and I go tell my neighbor, and later he gets busted and tells them that, I'm going to go to prison for, oh, oh, it's aiding and abetting!
It's not just obstruction of justice.
It's not just absconding.
It's not just official corruption.
It's not just a conspiracy to obstruct justice.
It is aiding and abetting someone in the evasion of a criminal investigation.
You have to pull up the exact Kentucky Code on that, but I know the states.
It's guaranteed.
Aiding and abetting
The evasion of a criminal investigation.
And if you know there's a criminal investigation for drugs, it's just flat out aiding and abetting.
Aiding and abetting.
Aid and abet.
Aid and abet.
Jack Conway aids and abets his brother, warns him of drug raid.
I mean, we can just smash this guy right into the ground right now.
And I'm willing to fight these corrupt thugs.
I'm willing to stand up here and put my name and everything on the line.
I'm willing to get up here and tell it like it is.
I've studied the law, the common law, the state laws.
I know what this is.
It's all admitted in this article.
Yeah, you can just get the Courier Journal article and send it out to folks, but write the line.
Hey, read the whole article.
They admit obstruction of justice.
They admit a cover-up.
They admit lying to police.
All right here.
All right here.
This is the biggest, fattest, juiciest torpedo to bring down that slime bag.
And even if he doesn't get indicted for all of this, the fact that this comes out something real, this will stick to him.
This will stick to him like black paint thrown up against the side of a white wall.
Okay, this is going to stand out like a sore thumb.
This information is absolutely key.
Jeremy in Kentucky, you're on the air.
What's your take on this?
Yeah, and I'm on the air?
Yes, you are.
Yeah, I would just think this is kind of odd because a few weeks ago during a debate with Rand Paul and Jack Conway, Jack Conway made it out like that Rand Paul wanted to sell drugs to children.
Because he said that victimless crime supposedly... Who do you think is for the drug war?
The people that ship it in!
They want to keep making the big cash!
We don't want to legalize it, we want to decriminalize it!
Cut the money out of it!
Yeah, but I think this is kind of ironic, since this whole deal with his brother and everything, and now he's accusing Rand Paul, and you remember Ron Paul was just talking about this a few months ago, and you had him on air when he said that people in
Texas was acting like I wanted to sell drugs to kids, and they're trying to... Yeah, that's another great point, Jeremy.
Does anybody know about this obstruction of justice situation with Conway in Kentucky?
No, I haven't heard anything about it.
All I can hear is the lies.
You know, they're trying to say that he wants a $2,000 deductible on Medicare, and they keep continuing these lies on him and everything.
It's just... I guess it's just open season for him.
Well, we're going to turn the tables.
The cavalry's coming, Jeremy.
Doug is a Texas cop.
We're going to talk to Doug.
Let's just start going to him now and we'll hold him over.
Doug in Texas, you're on the air.
Mr. Jones, how are you doing today?
What do you think of what I'm saying?
Do you agree with it?
Oh, it's just, you know, the level I work at, in the realm that I work at, this just goes over my head.
I just, I don't understand how this is happening.
It's just beyond me, honestly.
But am I right?
I mean, clearly, obstruction?
What else is it?
This is beyond obstruction.
I mean, this goes up and supersedes federal and state level beyond... Stay there.
Yeah, it looks like racketeering because there's so many crimes being committed by a group.
Stay there.
We're coming right back to you, Doug.
Don't hang up.
Final segment of this hour.
Search term, Conway cover-up.
I know they're not going to stop you.
Keep searching it all day.
Tomorrow, the next day, push it out there.
Conway cover-up.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm gonna go back to Doug on this.
We're gonna hammer it hard tomorrow.
Curtin MOZTA on the first article on this that boils it all down is going up in T-minus 20 minutes at InfoWars.com.
Paul Watson's working on his detailed report.
It'll be out in the next hour.
Get him, get him out to everybody.
Search the term Conway cover-up.
And we're going to try to force the media to cover this.
Hopefully we can get Fox to pick it up.
But we'll know it's dirty pool.
Here's the top link on Drudge WFTV.
It says Daytona Beach Commissioner Arrested on Fraud Charges for Election Fraud.
Daytona Beach City Commissioner Derek Henry and his campaign managers Genesis Robinson were arrested Wednesday charged with committing absentee ballot fraud during Henry's 2010 re-election campaign.
I mean, these stories are just pouring in.
The vets can't get their ballots and can't vote.
Voting machines are flipping for Democrats everywhere.
Doug, as a police officer, and we're pulling up Kentucky law, but it's similar to Texas, if you are a police officer and you warn the Attorney General brother that his prosecutor brother
This goes on beyond even obstruction.
This is what we call federal recall laws, which goes from state to state.
You know, even country to country.
So, you're talking something major and big right here.
This is something that supersedes anything that... I'm even on the level of not even knowing quite where to go with this.
Because I deal with local things, you know.
As is, you know, I'm a local undercover narcotics agent.
So, this is something that's just... Well, let me ask you this way.
Okay, in your town or county, of the prosecutor,
You've got reports he's dealing drugs, and using drugs, and if you went and warned him that a SWAT raid was coming in two days, and then it came out that you'd done that, what would happen to you?
Oh, I would be in federal penitentiary.
And it would be a quick entry into the penitentiary system, trust me.
This is just, uh... This is not going to rest.
Trust me.
You've got to keep on the bullhorn.
This is not going to rest.
But then you add his brother, the Attorney General, in when it's state-level corruption, then the feds come in, but who are the feds, Obama?
I'll tell you what, it goes around in weird circles, I'm telling you.
I'm sorry I can't be as sharp as I can, I've been up all night working, of course, doing what I do, but I'm telling you, this is not going to rest.
This is not the end.
Well, I agree with you.
That's what it shows is a racketeering Rico.
And it's just amazing.
Doug, thank you for the call.
Folks, this is so big and this could make or break.
I mean, you're seeing the attacks on Rand get crazier every day and they're always baloney.
I'm getting chills right now, folks.
And he is starting to lose his lead in the polls coming out.
By five days from now, by next Tuesday, they may throw everything at him.
And the fact that this hypocrite Conway accused him of wanting to give kids drugs, Rand Paul, the fact that he tried to imply he kidnapped some woman 30 years ago, turned out to not be true, that he's not a doctor, all the things they've done, and then here he is, admittedly involved with police, warning his brother, and then the police getting caught lying and saying, we didn't do that.
And the cops are quoted in here going, I just hope I keep my job.
Clearly I'll never be in narcotics again, but I hope you keep your job!
Look, when you got prosecutors and detectives and attorney generals doing things like this, it's a higher standard.
It's a higher standard, because the public thinks you're all corrupt because of stuff like this.
And I know full well most of you aren't.
But we know one thing, Jack Conway needs to go to the penitentiary.
And there's no doubt his brother needs to.
Resigning isn't enough.
Call Fox News.
They may put it out there.
Get our story going up at InfoWars.com in about 15 minutes.
Get it out to everybody you know.
Search the term 9-11 cover-up.
Search the term Conway cover-up.
Do it tomorrow.
Keep it up there at number one.
And we're going to expose this piece of trash.
Great job crew.
Jesse Ventura coming up.
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