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Name: 20100326_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 26, 2010
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Okay, Bob Chapman is our guest for the next 50 plus minutes.
We may be holding a little bit in the next hour if he wants to.
We're going to be going to your calls very, very early in this hour.
We're going to talk about
The financial slash military operations of the private banking cartel.
They staged terror attacks as a pretext to put their police state grid in place.
And they staged financial collapse to get countries deeper into debt to them until they're fully bankrupt.
Then they have to adopt all the laws and regulations that the banks order them to put into place.
And the number one law is one-child policy.
So this is a scientific dictatorship.
We'll be talking about Greece and a lot more.
Plus the Democrats all over television, all over radio, in the White House calling for the Cybersecurity Act, calling for banning free speech, calling for taking Rush Limbaugh off the radio, saying they can have their political views but he can't have his.
Now I don't like Ed Schultz and I don't like a lot of stuff Rush Limbaugh does either.
They're both establishment phonies if you ask me, but Limbaugh is starting to change a little bit and saying world government's real, they may suspend the election, Obama may stage a crisis, and now they're really talking about going after him.
And the reason Limbaugh is being allowed to do this is, you've got a nouveau riche and new wealth power structure that is starting to realize they're not going to be at the top of the pyramid.
And they're starting to realize that this is a hot tyranny.
And there's a real takeover of the Republican Party from the grassroots right now.
And so their listeners are demanding they tell the truth, or they become inconsequential.
They don't even matter anymore.
They're not even pertinent anymore.
What's the word I'm looking for?
You know, to stay relevant.
We are forcing the debate.
Not to the left, not to the right, but into real issues of populism and constitutional law and freedom.
We are going into bondage right now on every front.
They're moving for amnesty, the carbon taxes, the open borders, the police state, the Northcom, the naked body scanners to be in mobile trucks on the streets, being announced by Homeland Security.
They're moving right now because they know they're behind schedule and people are waking up.
So, don't be depressed out there.
Get fired up, get aggressive, get active.
But the establishment is preparing to stage terror attacks and blame it on the Tea Parties.
I've been predicting all of this.
You now see it unfolding.
So we're going to Bob Chapman and your phone calls here in just a moment.
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Yours truly, Alex Jones.
Or you can give him a call at 800-691-6043 and tell him Alex Jones sent you to get the free shipping.
Going to Bob Chapman.
Bob, so much is happening in the world.
Most listeners don't need me to introduce you, but your former Army intelligence, one of the biggest private silver and gold brokers, had the biggest private newsletter until you retired.
You've come back in the last few years doing a great job with the International Forecaster.
Your predictions are among some of the most accurate
That we've had with any guest, Gerald Cilente, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
By the way, I said I'd get into Dr. Paul Craig Roberts saying he's quitting two days ago.
I talked to him off-air.
I said I'd cover it yesterday.
I didn't.
Remind me in the last hour to at least mention what he said off-air to me, or maybe later in this hour.
Just make sure I cover it.
There's so much going on, but Bob, you want to talk about the health care first and how it ties into a larger plan, more money for the banks.
The IRS is their collection agency to be their mafia enforcer to come to your door to collect it, to run your bank account, to take money out of your bank account.
You want to get into what's happening in Greece with the IMF saying they're going to come in with Western money and fully take over.
What's most important to Bob Chapman right now?
Well, I think the call-out from Brazil.
Let's take him, and then we'll go into that other stuff, and that very smart lady that you just had on a few minutes ago.
Okay, let's talk to Tim in Brazil.
Tim, you're on the air.
Alex Jones, Bob Chapman.
Nice to talk to you guys.
I'm a big fan.
My name's Tenacious Tim Anderson.
I'm a professional wrestler on tour, actually, here in Brazil.
I live in Sao Paulo.
I wanted to call in and let you guys hear what's going on down here.
Alex Jones is not joking around with this.
This world banking cartel and their police state.
I experience it every day of my life, traveling.
These guys, the military police, are all over the city streets where I live.
They like to intimidate people a lot.
The public here has a very, very standoffish type of attitude with the government here.
They're very scared of the government here, and the tax here is incredible.
It's 30% of importation.
So you pay whatever you paid to import something, and then you pay a 30% tax on top of that.
On top of that, you know, the Brazilian government is trying to act like they have, you know, kind of a struggle with the U.S.
foreign relation ties, and really all it is is
I live here.
I know what's going on.
I see it.
They're actually using U.N.
and U.S.
foreign policy right now to enforce this police state.
Oh, absolutely.
The so-called leftists down there are all in bed with the IMF and World Bank.
Anything else, Tim?
No, that's it.
You guys have a nice day.
And places like Argentina, Brazil were much more wealthy, much more free.
The IMF, World Bank comes in.
They pay off your politicians to not pay back the debt.
You can only spend the IMF and World Bank money on what they tell you you could spend it on.
That's with their companies that they own.
Bob Chapman.
Well, first of all, it wasn't too long ago I was in Brazil.
And what he says is true.
And Argentina is just as bad.
And now, of course, down across the river plot in Uruguay, in Montevideo, they have a new Marxist president.
And so, South America's kind of heading in the wrong direction.
But be as it may, I like to hear foreign ideas, and we got them from Tim, and thank you, Tim.
The young lady who was on just before you got off talking about what was going on in the bond bill and note of the Treasury market.
Last year I backed into what I think is the privately owned Federal Reserve purchasing 80% of U.S.
Treasury paper.
Now that's enormous because
The Fed has to create money out of thin air in order to do that, and it goes right into the system via the Treasury bonds, the proceeds of which are sold immediately, and it tends to be very inflationary, and we're going to see that probably in the next six months.
They had two Treasuries sales this week.
The first one was bills, which is $44 billion.
The second was seven-year notes.
Uh, which was $32 billion.
They're averaging about $50 billion a week.
I mean, this is incredible.
Just incredible, the amount of money.
And they're having a hard time selling it, otherwise the Fed wouldn't be buying some of the majority of the paper.
And the real concern out there, finally, finally it's dawning on everybody else, that global debt by government is at astronomical levels.
There's 19 countries
that are on the verge of bankruptcy, which includes the United States and Great Britain.
And as I said the week before last on the program, where this is headed is, I think late next year they're going to have a meeting, all the countries will attend, they will devalue all the currencies, they will multilaterally default, and I think from there we'll go into a deflationary depression.
So it's not too far away now.
And so that was in answer to what she asked and what she had to say.
I know that Bill Goss over at PIMCO, which is the largest bond manager in the world, said that the three decade bond market in bonds is over.
And a little known thing that's come up, very important, Ambec Financial,
Uh, is selling for 66 cents a share.
They are a bond insurer.
And what they would do is, and it was really a scam, what they would do is they would go to municipalities and say, look, we have a triple A rating and you get a triple B. And if you come with us and let us insure your bonds, what will happen is you get the triple A rating and you'll pay less money.
And of course you'll pay a fee to us.
Just like the rating agencies, S&P, Moody's, Fitch, they do the same thing only in a different area.
And you saw the results of that with the collateralized debt obligations and the trillions of dollars of losses.
They were caused by the misrating of those bonds.
But as it's going up, they take the real assets and the profits they've made from the fraud, they invest them in infrastructure.
Then when things go down, they come in and loan the money they've got from taxpayers back to the nation to then expand the debt and dependency even more.
And it just goes in cycles, so the entire society collapses.
The private central banks come in, seize the roads, the national parks, the resources, the water.
They raise all the taxes.
We know the program, but I want to come back from break and get into Bloomberg.
Failed banks may get pension fund backing as FDIC seeks cash.
Now you talked about this a year ago.
Bush changed the law five years ago where they can take people's pension funds and private industry can take it and not pay you back.
Government can take it.
So I want to talk about how they're basically ordering mainly government
Pension funds, fire, police, state, federal.
And they admit to, quote, sure up banks.
The banks don't need suring up.
This is part of a criminal operation.
I want to get your take on that.
Then I want to talk about health care with Bob Chapman and your analysis of the health care bill and the biggest problems you have with it.
Bob Chapman is our guest.
We'll try to hold him a little bit to the next hour.
I'll ask him during the break if he can do that.
And after we talk about the health care bill, going after the pensions, the IRS getting into your bank accounts.
And his perspectives on where this economy's going.
We'll also take your phone calls.
I also want to ask him if he agrees with me.
He's been hearing me month after month here every Friday say they're going to stage terror attacks and blame it on the Tea Party.
We now see that reaching fever pitch crescendo hype into the month of April.
We'll be right back and get Bob Chapman's take on all this and more.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
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All right, let's go right back to Bob Chapman.
The banks are staging their final financial takeover of the planet publicly.
How is it going for them in Greece?
The IMF is coming in.
Even the Financial Times of London admits this is a robbery, a scam, just getting them more in debt.
Again, they lobby for more government.
The country goes bankrupt.
Then they come in and say, here's more loans, raise more government.
Your take on the health care bill, where all this is going, Bob Chapman?
Well, we'll start off with the situation in Greece.
10-12 years ago, everybody in Europe knew Greece and Italy couldn't qualify for the Eurozone.
The Eurozone at that time was 14 nations, now it's 16, and there's 27 nations in the European Union, so you people understand.
And so they knew this was a problem all along.
Now, why did they pick this spot to essentially pull the plug on Greece?
I think the reason is that they are going to ratchet up and into a new plan, a new mode of operation.
And what they're going to do is, I mentioned earlier, there's 19 countries, major countries, that are in or close to bankruptcy.
Maybe a year, a year and a half from now, two years, we're going to see the big meeting I described, the devaluation of currencies and so on.
The Greece thing is a lead-in to that.
This is to get the ball rolling in that direction.
When they do that, when they finalize it with all of the nations, it'll affect the entire world.
It'll be followed by a deflationary depression.
And a war.
And so what will happen is during that time frame they will try to use all sorts of ways to implement world government.
And that will be their final thrust.
And we've got to stop them before they get there.
And by exposing what they're doing and getting them to have to rush what they're doing is going to put them off balance.
They're going to make a lot of mistakes.
We do have them confused, we got them on the run, and we are going to stop them.
And one of the keys is the next election.
If we can throw most of the incumbents out of office, irrespective of what party they're in, then we get a shot at it.
If we get it, and it doesn't work, it doesn't work.
But at least we tried.
And that's the direction that we're headed in, and that's why Greece happened.
And incidentally, I know for sure,
That Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and other banks and major brokerage houses were all long the dollar between $74 and $76 on the USDX.
It's trading up close to $81, $82 right now.
And they knew what was going on.
They had inside information.
And of course, nothing will ever be done about it.
And incidentally, at the same time, they shorted gold and silver in the forex, in the COMEX market, as well as the LBMA in London, and they also shorted the major gold stocks, because we track all that stuff.
But it's like a beach ball.
They shove it down, it's going to pop right back up, and gold is starting to pop back up today.
Where do you see it going?
No, we'll go back up and test $11.20, $11.25, and if it gets through there, bingo!
Retesting $12.24, $12.20, wherever that high was.
Are you saying you believe that's going to happen soon?
It could very well.
It's hard to say.
It all depends on what they do.
We have the gold option contract, XPRI, behind us today and yesterday.
So, the government is always going to come in with good derivatives into that bullion market, gold and silver.
And they're going to continue to try to suppress that market from time to time.
But they can't hold it down any more than three or four days at a time, and it pops right back up again, just like you just explained.
All right.
We're going to go to break in a moment, but let's get started now.
Your boil down on the health care bill, I mean, it openly cuts Medicare and Medicaid.
It doesn't cover pre-existing conditions.
That's even in the Associated Press.
Many members of Congress and the executive are selectively named to be exempt from it.
It's totally unconstitutional.
Why are they passing the health care?
I mean, clearly the bank stocks are up, the insurance company stocks are up, they wrote the stinking thing.
Your take on the health care takeover?
First and foremost, it's people control.
They can control your lives by controlling your medical care.
And if you're Bob Chapman or Alex Jones, and you go and you have an appendicitis attack, and they're deciding whether to operate or not, they probably won't.
And that's the reality down the road of what's going to happen.
But it's people control.
And when we come back, I have a couple of things to add.
We're going to come back and talk about it.
And financially, it's a whole new tax system to the insurance companies.
It's a bailout, as the media has called it to the insurance company.
It's not a bailout.
It's a criminal consolidation.
We'll talk about this more.
Take your phone calls.
Straight ahead, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Everything is misdirection and deception with the corporate media.
They create false debates about should we give free health care to children?
Or is it wrong to be a collectivist?
When this is just the IRS, the private collection agency for the Federal Reserve,
Getting into our lives, taking over our bank accounts, garnishing our wages, raising taxes on everybody, and lowering the standard of care for the insurance companies.
That's why all their major stocks are way up right now.
They wrote the bill.
And if the public knew that, it would never have passed.
The Democrats have this idea of wealth transfer and getting the rich people.
If you can explain to these numbskulls that the big banks that own the insurance companies wrote this, we have a chance of defeating it in the future.
But if we let the Republican Party handle it, you watch, they're going to keep almost all of it in place because the same insurance companies finance them.
We have to start identifying the banking dictatorship openly being set up.
There's no debate about this.
Even all the major financial publications dryly admit this information, but like it's a good thing.
Bob Chapman, looking at other areas of the healthcare bill, we always talk about this huge awakening that's happening, and it is happening, but I think this is really getting a lot of people off the bench, a lot of people off the fence, to realize that we're not in Kansas anymore, these guys are going for broke.
And they have to.
The point of no return was June of 2003.
They gotta go for it and they are going to lose no matter which way they go.
And I think they're starting to realize this.
And you know, in the olden days, they used to banish them to another country that would take them.
They're not going to have that luxury this time.
The main things in that bill
Uh, which we've discussed here before in the program is the aspects of euthanasia.
Of course, they didn't talk about that, but anybody with chronic diseases, they'll get rid of them, but they won't treat them.
And the old people who get ill, you know, they're going to give them an option.
Do you want to die now?
Or do we take your medicine away and you suffer for the next year and a half?
At the beginning of next year, the insurance will have to be covered for employees, and this is going to be devastating for small companies throughout America that produce 80% of all the jobs created in our country.
And so, there's going to be a big jump in unemployment next year as these companies go out of business
And their workers are thrown upon the unemployment rolls.
And so that's another large factor.
We don't have any clue of all the details that are in there yet.
And we don't know what it's going to cost.
Now, as I told you before, the Treasury is having a heck of a time and has had for the last year or more selling their bonds.
Now, the money that's going to come to finance
Yes, I did.
And did you talk about it on the air?
Of course, I don't listen to you because I'm doing all these other shows, but the point here is that they want to roll the pension plan of the people who are in the service union into the U.S.
Treasury and get this guaranteed annuity that they would be offering.
And so what they're doing here is breaking the ice toward funding the government
With people's collateral or money and so that the government doesn't go bankrupt.
Well Bob, let me stop you because this is really wild.
You're not sitting here in studio.
You're not watching us on PrisonPlanet.tv.
You're on the phone with us.
And my next question was an article I've been covering for a week and a half.
Failed banks may get pension fund backing as FDIC seeks cash Bloomberg.
Next hour, I want to go to some calls here in a few minutes, you're going to be with us for 20 minutes in the next hour.
I want to start the next hour really detailing the point you just brought up.
And I did see the union report, that was just piecemeal, how the unions think Obama's their sweetie pie and he wouldn't hurt them and he loves them.
They don't know he's going to take them behind the shack and strangle them.
It's like a dog looking up at its master not knowing the dog's about to be shot between the eyes.
They calmly are saying private pension funds, government pension funds, state unions, teacher unions are going to be given to the banks.
This is now being put out as a trial balloon very calmly and so they already stole 28 trillion with the banker takeover in the US alone, 50 trillion worldwide total in the last year and a half and now
They've already gotten to the point of saying, next we want your pension funds and
They're telling, well you know, two months ago the Feds changed the regulations, without even passing a law, to say that your money markets, which are most savings accounts, aren't protected by the FDIC.
So, all the evidence is, they are getting ready for some type of banking collapse.
So next hour, I want to just give you the floor, after I read part of these articles on air, so people know this isn't just me saying this, so you can break down how you see this unfolding.
But I do want to go to calls here in just a moment.
But before we get into all the mechanics and the meat of this, Bob Chapman, specifically, what is the time frame for the collapse that you see?
I think by the end of next year.
Now, it's so hard to try to put a time on things.
We discussed this before with Mr. Roberts.
But it appears it's accelerating.
It appears it's accelerating.
It is.
There's no question.
And that's what Greece was all about.
And of course, they made a fortune out of that by being long the dollar.
And they weren't successful in shorting gold in the shares.
But when we get to that in the next hour, I have something to tell the audience that I've reported in the International Forecaster this week and some of my contacts within the banking industry, one of whom attends Federal Reserve meetings.
So, some powerful inside info coming up with Bob Chapman in T-minus 20 minutes.
But right now, I want to just for two or three minutes to bring Ted Anderson up, and then we're going to go to Tim, David, Bobby, Randy, Doug, and others that are holding.
But I just want to make this point right now.
When Bob says they've passed the point of no return,
I think they passed it in 99 with the repeal of Glass-Steagall, but he's right in saying it took them an additional three and a half years to pump up the now 1.5 quadrillion mega derivatives bubble, thousands of times all the real assets in the world.
They've created this Ponzi scheme so big that either they take over the world with it, or they are destroyed.
This is a win or lose.
All their chips are in.
They have passed the point of no return.
There's no backing off for them.
This is an all or nothing situation.
And so they're going to attach all the green taxes on the cities, counties, and states.
They're going to pass the health care bills.
They're going to raise other taxes.
They're going to attempt total amnesty, overrun the country, let the illegals vote as a political weapon against whoever's left in the nation who can still, you know, rub two brain cells together.
So it's all coming down now.
This is the final battle.
The next five years or so, and it's going to be staged terror attacks, new wars.
They're going to be arresting citizens and torturing them.
They've got bills to openly do it.
I had Judge Napolitano on yesterday documenting that.
This is so unspeakable what is going on.
I want to bring Ted up here briefly because
Gold's back up.
Ted still has gold from the $1,050 level, with it above $1,100 right now, or right up there.
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You need to start getting out, at least partially, out of paper money and paper assets, because these made-off people, these Kinley types that are running things,
This is how they get you so desperate, so set up in the system, that every new crisis they say, well, your 401k is going down, we gotta raise taxes, but this'll pump it back up.
And then you lose a lot, but you get some of it back.
And then they take even more, and then they give you some back.
This is the whole slave mindset.
Ted Anderson, briefly tell folks about today's awesome offers.
Well, Alex, the one that you touched on, the franc at 261.61, you're going to get a Swiss-French franc.
It's European.
It's a fifth of an ounce of gold.
And you're going to get a subscription to the International Forecaster.
That goes for $159.
And when you consider the discount, because you're getting that subscription, it brings gold all the way down to $520 an ounce.
So try to get that anywhere else in the marketplace.
Obviously, it's a great buy.
Say the Montana Silvers have completely sold out.
They're manufacturing me more.
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But it is just an interesting thing.
Beautiful coin.
Again, it's all about sovereignty of that Montana organization over there.
I love the Montana silver coins.
I really love this coin as well.
I think it's a great coin to be getting into.
Gold is up.
Gold went up $13.60 today.
Seen a high today of $1,007.
So, yeah, it's strong and it's no doubt that gold is going to be doing well because, unfortunately, our political environment is destroying the United States currency.
Ted, to be specific, what is gold's exact price right now?
Right now, gold is currently at $1,105.60.
Okay, so it's gone up quite a bit in a few days, despite the fact that they tried to drive it down.
Folks, here's the toll-free number.
And what is the Alex Jones Special?
All you've got to do is tell them it's Alex Jones Special, and then whatever coins, and they have a whole lot of other offers they've got, you will get a special discount.
Thank you, Ted Anderson.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
Again, that number, 800-686-2237.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Tim in Ohio.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead, Tim.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Three brief statements concerning this pre-Soylent Green statement that we're in, and a quick question for Bob.
Number one semantics, Alex.
Put a big sign in front of your microphone.
I keep calling him Barack Obama.
We must all change and say our fraudulent president, Barry Sotoro, Indonesian citizen, not even a birth certificate issue, he is an Indonesian citizen, was adopted there, he is a fraud, Barry Sotoro, aka Barack Obama.
I've been putting signs up all over my town that say, Wanted for Treason, Barry Sotoro, aka Barack Obama, and thebarackobamacrimes.com.
By the way, we're coming out with a Barry Sotaro t-shirt that has a picture of A.K.A.
Barack Obama on it, so that'll be a hot way to get the... He'll say, Barry Sotaro, that's Obama!
You'll be able to... And listen, they can't stop the people as a protest to health care to tell the truth about him.
The idea of everyone calling him Barry Sotaro and the way it opens up discussions and talk, this can bring him down.
He's a figurehead, but if we can get him to basically end up going to prison for...
What about all the congressmen, Issa and others?
We'll call for a special prosecutor to investigate White House bribery, quid quo pro.
We know this is illegal, how they got these votes, Bob Chapman.
Oh, that's right.
And we will be able to do something about it.
Our time will come.
Well said, Bob.
Anything else, Tim?
Yes, uh, let's go back to the semantics real quick.
Look at what you're dealing with.
Blood-sucking creatures.
Wake up, people.
Also with the census.
All the census are addressed to resident.
What is a res in Latin root words, but property.
Res means property.
Ident means identified.
Don't identify yourself.
Look at how they call your employees human resources.
We are resources of the elite.
Tim, I appreciate your call.
Bob, any comments on what Tim was saying?
He's right on the ball, that's for sure.
David in Washington, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
First time caller.
My wife and I pray for you and your family every day.
Thank you.
I've got three quick observations and a talking point.
The listeners need, as we're getting into this, we need constructive solutions besides the videos and talking points and how to organize locally and communicate with people in your immediate area.
Well David, that's all we've been doing, and we're going to get Red Beckman on next week, specifically about how to get grand juries to start criminal proceedings.
And Judge Napolitano, I've been calling for that all week.
He separately said that's the way to go.
Have the states pass nullification laws.
Call all your state reps, run for state rep, point out how this is illegal.
The reason we say books and videos is the general public is still caught up in the left-right paradigm to a certain extent.
We've got to unlock them from that to start realizing that puppets come and go, the bankers are the enemy.
Bob Chapman.
There's no question about that, and they have the core nucleus, the nexus behind the scenes that are controlling everything.
And of course there's a lot of other people besides bankers who are involved.
Wall Street insurance, transnational corporations, the black nobility of Europe who really run things from behind the scenes.
And so we've got to bring that to the attention so people understand how this happened, how it evolved, and where we think it's going.
David, you've got about a minute.
Finish up.
Really quick.
I'm concerned about your safety and contingency plans if they do shut you down.
And I'd like to have some way, maybe talk with your staff about contacting you if I come into any ability to help you significantly.
And I think that the situation in Fairbanks, Alaska needs some exposure.
But my talking point is this.
I'll try it really quick.
150 years we've been
Laboring under this delusion amongst the Christians about a rapture that's going to take them off to heaven.
And the whole thing has put the whole Christian community, how many are there?
45 million of them, to sleep.
The whole... I know this isn't a religious program, but... No, but you're right.
The Rockefellers funded it so that everybody thinks they're going to be raptured, so they don't have to fight evil.
And it's a giant cop-out because it was Christians that founded this country and stood up to tyranny.
And you've made a really good point.
More calls straight ahead.
And you can always contact us by email, David.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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They don't want to see us unite.
No, they divide us along the lines of Republicans and Democrats.
They tell us the debate is about should we be socialist and give free health care to poor people.
But what socialists don't understand is, it's always robbed.
The banks, the British Empire, created socialism as a way to con the serfs back into slavery.
We have their internal documents.
We have tragedy and hope.
We have the CFR, the UN, pushing it.
They're openly announcing a global banking takeover that you'll pay all your taxes to.
We're 100% right here.
We know what we're talking about.
This is all we do!
There's no more time to screw around with these people!
They funded Hitler, Stalin, and Mao!
They want control, and they love to slaughter the entire middle class.
40 plus million in Russia.
60 plus million in China.
20 plus million in Germany.
3 million, or 30% of the population in Cambodia.
And Zbigniew Brzezinski writes books about it, bragging how the US funded the whole stinkin' thing.
You think they'll kill a million-plus Iraqis for some oil and weapons sales, and that your life means anything to them?
You better grow up, all you slobs out there!
I'm talking about fake right-wingers and left-wingers.
You people are living on another planet, okay?
I'm living on the real planet.
I'm sorry I'm ranting.
I was just reading how they are going to take the 401Ks next, and it's all being announced.
In fact, I don't want just the articles.
Will you try to... YouTube, Obama talks about
Putting 401ks into treasuries.
Now, we know they were proposing this a few months ago, and Bob and I warned you.
Bob, it's one thing to know it's coming, it's another thing to see them doing it.
It's another thing to see them all over the news saying, shut down free speech.
I know you don't get angry, you're way past that, but it's not even anger with me, I'm just sick of it.
Why do we have to let this happen, Bob Chapman?
Why is the public
Why aren't there more people like us?
I don't think I'm some special person.
I don't want to be a slave.
I mean, what red-blooded man can let their family go into bondage to a bunch of stinking chicken-necked bankers?
It's human nature.
It's the easy way out.
And then when they get there, to the stage that we're taking them, then they go into a denial.
And we have to go through that process as well.
And then all of a sudden one day, their house is foreclosed on, and their job is gone, they don't have anything, they're in the streets, and the only thing the guy's got left is his AR-15 and ten 30-shot clips ready to go.
And that probably is the way it's going to end up.
And we know who he's going to go after.
Because he's going to call up Alex and say, who are the bad guys?
And Alex is going to send him a list.
Bob, I am not going to send him a list.
I just thought I'd pull your tail on that one.
But the thing is, that is the process that people are going through right now.
And people who have been financially mostly injured, they're starting to perk up and they're listening.
And there's a lot of people
Who are graduating into that.
And they're going to talk to other people.
And it's going to start to swell over the next couple of years.
While all of this that we've discussed earlier is coming down.
And there will be action.
We don't know exactly what form it's going to take.
Maybe the state legislatures will step in and save us, so to speak.
We don't know.
All we can do is give the information to the people as quickly
And as best we can.
Through your program, other programs like it, and also, of course, the Internet.
Well, Bob, let me throw this out there as we go to break and put a bookend on this.
We're going to come back and take a few more calls in the next segment after that.
Get into the key news you were just talking about.
I am for nonviolence offensively.
I believe we should be able to protect ourselves.
This is tyranny.
Our forefathers revolted against much less.
But the system is pushing and wants violence at this juncture.
And, but this isn't Argentina or other countries they've taken over.
We do have 150 million gun owners, and it is not going to go well for the establishment, no matter how many black ski mask goons they employ.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
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Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a
Quarantine and you can't feed yourself.
Will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
Well, it's already the fourth and final hour of this 26th day of March 2010, a Friday edition.
Bob Chapman with us for another 20 minutes, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
And we're going to go to a few more of your phone calls here in a moment.
And when Bob leaves us, I will continue with phone calls and recap a lot of news and cover some news.
I've got three stacks of it here that I haven't even gotten to yet.
But Bob was bringing up the point, basically, that the system isn't going to have to stage terror attacks.
Anybody resisting is being called terrorism.
It's going to happen spontaneously.
And that's why FEMA teaches that the founding fathers were terrorists.
I believe that whoever fires first loses.
I believe we have a lot of legislative avenues in the states.
I know people are waking up.
Eighty percent against the health bill, they still passed it.
They're trying amnesty, cap and trade.
We have a lot of things to exhaust here before things go to the cartridge box.
And it's not just the ballot box, it's lawsuits, it's criminal charges, it's special prosecutors.
Bob Chapman, do you agree with me that whoever fires first loses?
And you know, the point I was trying to make there is that you're going to have disgruntled people, deeply disgruntled, because they don't know how to handle what's happened to them.
What they have to do is suppress their desire, their feeling for revenge, by not acting unless they're shot at or something.
They've got to use the avenues that are available to us, and Alex comes up with these ideas, and so don't the legislatures.
That's the road to follow.
We're a long way for anything like that happening, except perhaps for isolated incidents here and there.
So, what I'm saying here is you stay out of trouble.
But it is a big shit, mate!
But it is a big checkmate on the system, Bob, that there are 150 million gun owners, 400 million guns, and that people can't be pushed too far.
So that's why they built up this huge internal security police force.
That's why they're trying to pass bills to openly torture U.S.
citizens, it says, and enhance interrogation for no reason, for any intelligence purposes they wish.
In fact, I want to go back over that bill.
I know you print it every day.
It's moved off the stack.
Print it one more time, Jaren.
Thank you.
It's a joke around here.
They may print articles ten times in one week.
But it isn't going to work.
And these guys in their ivory towers think they're going to bring some type of Soviet tyranny here.
And the question is, did the Russians have the right to resist Stalin?
Did the Germans?
I mean, was it wrong that Germans tried to resist Hitler?
Was it wrong that Chinese tried to resist Mao?
And according to our government, yes, you must worship government.
Government is always right, Bob.
And that's what they want us to believe, and the tyranny hasn't reached that point yet.
In Germany, they were just really lulled to sleep because, you know, they were in a depression and they needed help, and this guy, Hitler, he sounded like maybe he could do something.
And he really did capture their imagination and their votes as well.
In Russia, it was a different situation.
The government was overthrown.
The first thing they did was they purged, and then they had another purge in 1937 to 1939.
The officer corps, if you may.
And of course, they killed hundreds of millions of people.
You don't hear much about it.
You hear about what Hitler did, but the Russians were even, well, the Russian communists were even worse.
You know, that's a point we need to make.
In every case in history, once a corrupt group really overthrows a government and starts looting, the first group they go after isn't even the political dissidents.
They just isolate and ignore them generally.
They go after people who know where the bodies are buried.
They go after the people that brought them to power.
Absolutely, because they can't have them around putting the finger on them.
All right, Bob, we're going to come back with the key to all this.
The fact that the banks have now looted you with the takeover of health care, trying to loot you with the carbon taxes, raising all these taxes as the economy literally implodes in on itself.
And they're now saying they're going to take the pension funds and 401Ks.
It's mainstream news being reported, like they're talking about, oh, there might be light showers this afternoon.
Or, oh, they're having a beagle race down at the park today.
But they're announcing, it's like announcing space aliens landed calmly.
One major world crisis away from having a totalitarian type of system.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
If you just now joined us, drop what you're doing.
If you're pulling through a Starbucks listening to us on XM, pull over.
Don't halfway listen and get your double latte.
Five years ago, George Bush and the Democrats together changed the federal regulations where private companies could take your pension funds.
You saw what happened with Enron.
You saw what happened with Global Crossing and scores of other companies where they're shell companies, they move the real assets out into other companies, and then they steal your pension funds and maybe pay you 5, 10 cents on the dollar.
In the case of Enron, thousands and thousands of employees got nothing.
Now, how do we always know what's going to happen?
We're going to Bob Chapman in a moment.
How do we always call it like it is?
Because the same private IMF World Bank holding companies, the Federal Reserve is another arm of that, partners with the Bank of England, these are front companies, receivership arms, holding companies, for the private central banks.
Openly announcing world government, Bank of the World, no more denial, global constitution, they rule our countries illegitimately, they're making agreements with each other right now.
They've engineered a financial implosion so big, it's meant to give them total power
If they fail, they're destroyed in the process.
So, this is an all-or-nothing exercise.
I keep saying that.
All-or-nothing for them, all-or-nothing for us.
That's why they're announcing censorship of the web, the Fairness Doctrine, all these new taxes, IRS running your healthcare, taking your wages, carbon taxes even if the Senate won't pass it.
They've got to get the money, and the big banks authored the insurance takeover.
That's what conservative talk show hosts won't tell you.
They'll say it's a bunch of communist liberals, you know, that just want to give poor people health care.
No, they want to run your life, and they want to cut Medicare and Medicaid while raising taxes to pay the banks.
We've seen the IMF and World Bank, the Ex-Im Bank, and these other consortiums in hundreds of nations, and sometimes over and over and over again.
Argentina, Nigeria, Greece, Iceland, the list goes on and on.
Go in and it normally takes them five phases over.
If it's a third world country, they can do it quicker.
A big nation, maybe 20 years.
They lobby for big government, get people in debt with made up fiat currency and loans that are
Taken from the private central banks.
They get the world for nothing.
As Thomas Jefferson said, if you ever let private banks to control the issuance of currency and credit, your children will wake up homeless on the continent their forefathers conquered.
Our country was founded fighting these people.
The Civil War was over this.
Andrew Jackson fought this.
So listen to me carefully.
We're going to keep Bob to the bottom of the hour here.
I don't want to give him some time, but I've got to lay the groundwork here with Bob Chapman of InternationalForecaster.com.
Expert, one of the best researchers, best trends forecasters we've got.
So I want him to take the floor here in just a moment, but I want to go over a few of these articles first.
We are now entering the next to final phase.
Greece is entering the final phase of what they do to third world countries, totally imploding them, making 99% of the population totally poor, half of them at or near starvation and homeless.
This is total economic domination.
The IMF and World Bank, in the next to final phase, always take over the pension funds in the 401Ks.
First they get the companies and governments, local, federal, you name it, the teacher funds, the police funds, to invest with them in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report prospectus.
You want to look it up?
Look it up.
That's a double set of books, a real set of books.
Chicago Mafia started it, the bankers picked it up in the 50s.
Once they've done this, this is life or death, folks.
They then take over the pension funds and start taxing them and only pay you a part of it.
Then in the next phase, they completely take your pension funds and they always put a riot police surveillance national police force in place before they do it.
They've been building it for 20 years here.
They now admit, the Pentagon's released documents, so has the British Ministry of Defense, that they've been getting ready for 20 years for this.
This is their mass takeover.
So we're now entering the final phases of this and it telescopes, it accelerates
At the end, you'll see more robbing and looting in the next 3-4 years than you've seen in the last 80.
Now, here's the two key articles, alright?
Social Security to see payout exceeded
In pay-ins this year.
They've bankrupted it by design.
That's New York Times.
Here's another one.
Wall Street Journal.
Personal income drops across the country.
We're in a depression, folks, not a double-dip recession.
Now, here's the key stories.
Failed banks may get pension fund backing as FDIC seeks cash.
A year ago, the Federal Reserve and Treasury were talking about this.
A month ago they changed the rules to tax and to not insure your money market accounts.
They've told the banks get ready to hold money for seven days while they devalue.
Citibank, we wrote that article about that, Drudge picked it up.
We just found it on the Citibank website, they're now admitting it.
Now listen to this, and we're going to Bob.
Failed banks may get pension fund backing as FDIC seeks cash.
This is a week and a half old.
The Federal Deposited Insurance Corp.
is trying to encourage public retirement funds that control more than $2 trillion to buy all or more of failed lenders.
Now, think of how they commonly announce that.
Take your private
Pension funds, they're already getting the police and firemen and teachers.
You're going to be completely robbed.
And you're going to be told, enforce a police state or you'll get nothing.
This is how they suck you in and then you never get out because you keep hoping to get something.
This is how they hold you hostage.
Imagine, they're calmly announcing, and it says the federal regulators in this article are pressuring them.
If they don't do what federal regulators say, they can find any nickel or dime crooked toenail to shut these firms down or arrest or charge their CEOs.
So they're all saying, okay, we'll dump the money in.
That's two trillion in private, not counting government pension funds.
Taking a more direct role in propping up the banking system
Said people briefed on the matter.
So they're holding you hostage.
We'll crash everything if you don't go ahead and give us your money.
Then they take half of it or more.
Oregon's retirement fund may contribute a hundred million.
It goes on from there.
Current rules don't prohibit pension funds from buying failed banks.
So, they're saying they're going to invest your money in failed banks.
Then they take the money out the back door, implode the bank, and say, well, you invested in it.
Here's another one.
World Net Daily.
Obama ally targets 401k dollars.
Trillions in IRA funds could be forced into U.S.
Treasury debt.
I've been beating the drum for a week and a half on this.
Now, I'm going to shut up.
We're going to hold Bob until 30 after, so the end of this segment, the next segment, then we'll come back and take calls.
But Bob Chapman, you've got the floor.
They really mean on doing this.
They intend to do this.
This is a...
We put up on the last fraud, trillions stolen by the Federal Reserve.
They won't say where the money went to Congress.
Why not go ahead and take the pension funds?
They've done it all over the world.
They know how to do it.
They know how to propagandize.
A. Why are they doing it?
B. When are they going to start doing it?
And C. How do they think they're going to get away with it?
Bob Chapman.
Well, about four months ago I came out with this kind of information and I was summarily attacked for it.
And I guess the harbinger, the bringer of bad news is always rejected, even though the bad news is the truth.
The going forward of the looting of retirement plans
I don't know.
Either a voluntary program or a 5% tax on everybody to be held for you until you retire, or whether it'll be mandatory right away, which I don't think it will be.
Then they are, as Alex pointed out, getting the public pension funds to get involved in this program, which I explained earlier is just a prop up a system that is collapsing.
I've learned other things along the way.
About four months ago, we said that at the end of the year or next year, FDIC will be broke and government will not come in and lend them $500 billion or whatever it is to keep them afloat.
The reason is they don't want
The savings of people to be insured, because they're going for the final move into what they're going to do to bring down the system, as Alex said a little earlier.
Another thing that they're going to do here, and you were talking Alex about them taking
The funds from pensions to, or are supposedly asking, to buy this toxic waste, which is these bonds which contain mortgages.
That toxic waste will come from the FDIC and also from the Federal Reserve, which has been purchasing it.
I think they admitted they purchased about 1.2 trillion dollars of it from banks and brokerage houses and insurance companies.
And so, they are going to go ahead and try to, in some form, attack your retirement and they are going to try to force, and that won't be hard, public institutions, pension funds,
To purchase these things.
And they're also going to put as many small and medium-sized banks out of business as quickly as possible.
We could easily see 500 banks go into this year.
They're just getting rolling.
And there's a couple of thousand banks out there that are being overseen with people on the spot from the controller of the currency office.
And the paperwork, the plan to nationalize the banking system is already in draft form at the Fed Reserve.
And I know that for sure, because my source saw it.
And so, Bob, stay there.
Bob, Bob, this is big news.
You never make stuff up.
You've broken news years before it happens before.
This is bona fide Bob Chapman straight ahead, inside info from inside the Federal Reserve.
Think of it.
They calmly come out.
They think so little of you.
They think you're so stupid.
And they say, we're going to invest your pension funds.
The government's going to order your company to invest it in toxic assets.
Think of the magnitude of this.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying,
Who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I just got off the phone with Anderson Cooper's producer.
They have a special tonight about how evil I am, but they're going to let me respond.
They're going to interview me for 10 minutes on a satellite feed, and they said I will then have 30 seconds.
They will choose the 30 seconds in a five-minute hit piece with congressmen
The piece is about, am I causing all of this?
It's like the London Guardian saying Alex Jones is a black hole causing.
No, the banks being criminal, announcing they're going to take your pension funds next and taking over health care is what's causing this.
I need everybody's prayers, folks.
I mean, they are.
Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL.
CNN, they're all coming after me, and they're coming after you, and it's all about the Enemy Belligerence Act.
I'm going to cover this in the next segment.
I mean, we're here telling the truth, and they're hopping mad we're exposing the insurance companies are behind this.
Limbaugh won't tell you that, okay?
He'll tell you it's a bunch of commies doing this.
No, it's a bunch of banks.
Bob Chapman, going back to you, what do you think of this CNN news?
It's what you would expect.
It's as simple as that.
But I didn't know we were this effective, Bob.
Well, you know, I've been, you have, but I have been more outspoken about it.
We have got these people on the run.
The first clue was when we saw other radio personalities copying what you were doing and then Beck going to the limit on it.
And you knew that they were trying to steal
You're thunder, because you were telling the truth.
What they were doing, as the audience knows, 95% truth, 5% misdirection and cop propaganda.
Now, they found that that was unaffected.
They're not denting the armor of Alex and others like him.
So the next step is, you're like a national disease, and you're causing all this.
And you don't attack the message.
You get a hold of the messenger, and this is what they're doing.
And I can't say no, though, because I said, if I say no, you're going to say I refuse to be interviewed.
Yes, we are.
But then I countered, but this, this isn't even really an interview, is it?
You're going to show 30 seconds.
And they laughed and said, that's exactly what we're going to do.
They're going to say, here's the devil.
Oh man, I've got them saying I'm basically a cop killer everywhere.
They're really setting me up.
They think the cops are done and they can tell the cops that everything's my fault when I'm trying to hold people back from violence.
Look, I didn't mean to get distracted off into this, Bob, talking about the CNN thing.
In closing here, you know the power of federal regulators.
They're going in, it's in the articles, they're ordering the pension funds to invest with the government.
Then I guess when people get mad, the government's gonna say we're terrorists because we should be happy they're taking people's pension funds.
And that's really the bottom line.
They mug us, they rob us, and then if we even speak up, we're bad.
That's right.
And that's what I have endured for almost 50 years.
If you think Anamadillo's got a strong skin, try mine.
I know Bob, they ran you out of the U.S.A.
You're not even in the U.S.
That's right.
How long's it been since you... I don't like getting shot at.
Oh God.
I just... And to hear these producers giggling and laughing.
This is all funny to them.
Do they realize how real this is, Bob?
And that their sorry butt isn't worth one cent more than my butt to the New World Order?
That's right, but they don't know that because they don't understand what you do.
They don't understand what the problem is, because they're making too much money.
I mean, you're not making 10 or 20 million dollars a year, they are.
So why do they care about you or me or anybody like that?
Yeah, but I wouldn't sell out, you wouldn't sell out for a trillion.
Yeah, but you don't, maybe the other 85% of the people in the country would.
And that's the group that they're in.
Well, I've just had enough, man.
I tell you what, we've got to beat these people.
And they are getting desperate.
Do you agree with me that they're going to stage some terror attacks and blame it on patriots?
But I don't know the timing, but they're going to do something.
Desperate people do desperate things.
And that is going to happen.
Boy, they're arrogant if they think they can steal people's pension funds to, quote, buy failed banks.
Well, we've been reporting on it just like you have.
And that's what they're up to.
And, you know, the question is, when are they going to make the move that's visible?
And when they do, the first thing I will do is get my subscribers out of those kinds of retirement plans that they can get out of.
And it's simple to do that without incurring a lot of cost.
And sure, sure, you're going to have to pay taxes, but that's just the way it is.
Bob, it's always informative having you on.
We really appreciate your expertise and time today in the last hour and a half.
We'll talk to you again, if I'm still here, next Friday.
God bless you, my friend.
Same to you.
And thank you, everyone, for listening.
We'll be back.
I'll get into the government's plan to arrest you for absolutely no reason, have the military hold you, and torture you into fake confessions.
The New Inquisition is here.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying,
Who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The reason neocon-controlled liberal corporate media, the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, Time Magazine, Newsweek, London Guardian, New York Times, are all coming after Alex Jones, yours truly, is because we understand who the enemy is.
I'll get up on air and go, here's Bloomberg reporting that the government's preparing to take over your pension funds and invest them in failed banks.
That's wrong.
And for that, it's on record that the Pentagon surveils us, follows us around, goes to our in the Fed rallies.
I'm being demonized.
Within two hours of Richard Blasky killing three cops, he was a white supremacist, he posted all over the internet hating me.
Within two hours of him being in custody, they got his computer and said he did it because of Alex Jones.
We played a clip last week of the Southern Poverty Law Center saying Alex Jones caused it.
They're going to law enforcement and saying, I am causing this when I'm here telling people not to be violent.
They are doing it because they want to demonize me and set me up.
And I'm so clean, and I pay all the fraudulent IRS taxes, and don't do anything but maybe speed in my car occasionally.
I do nothing!
I am as clean as a lily.
They don't care.
And you know what?
If they set me up, it's a sign of our success, and whatever they try, that's just the way it is with these terrorists.
When they are terrorists, and they stage the terror attacks, and they're doing it all, and they're getting ready to stage more stuff to blame it on the Tea Parties and everybody else, and where are those articles you gave me earlier where Obama people have been caught attacking their own offices, Denver Post?
They'll never let me show that on CNN.
I'm going to go down there tonight, they're going to interview me for 10-15 minutes for 30 seconds.
They'll throw some point at me.
Probably turn the audio off so I don't hear it, so I go, excuse me, to make me look... I know how they operate.
To make it look like I can't hear you.
Oh, we got him!
Here's the devil!
He can't even... But I can't say no, because they'll say I wouldn't show up for the interview.
And then all the sheep watching will think, oh, he has something to hide.
You make me sick.
Anderson Cooper is admitted CIA.
Admittedly worked for the CIA.
All right, I want to play the 60-second radio ad for the first time for the new film Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined.
Now on pre-sale at InfoWars.com.
It ships out in April.
Pre-order it now so you'll be the first to get it.
Police Date 4 also ships out in April.
Pre-order that.
It exposes the whole system.
Everybody's got to see these films.
The latest, most powerful info.
CNN's got to reapply its lies millions of times.
All we've got to do is show people the real paradigm once.
Their minds are unlocked.
That's why we're dangerous.
They're coming after me because, more than anything else, the films.
And I want a commitment.
If they set me up, plant drugs on me, kill me, and put me in a room with a dead hooker, you know, whatever, or say I committed suicide to shoot me five times in the head, I will never commit suicide.
I'm not involved in anything illegal, and everybody who knows me knows that, and they did it if anything happens to me.
And if they do put me in prison or anything, I want you to promise now to yourself to commit
That you, every listener, will make 1,000 copies of my films a year.
Buy the DVD copier, buy the blanks, and make them and give them to people.
And take the audio interviews I've done, the radio, the TV, the films, and just never stop getting them out.
Because that's why.
Freedom is worth it.
Liberty is worth it.
Signing my name, John Hancock, up at the top is worth it.
Because I am not going to be a slave.
These people are demonic and evil and corrupt.
The government's been caught running giant child kidnappings, slavery rings.
It's even in congressional testimony.
They bring in the narcotics.
They're stealing your pension funds.
We must fight them.
I don't have courage, folks.
All I have is common sense and self-preservation instinct.
You must meet this scum head-on or they will act just like Hitler and Stalin.
You must expose them.
They want to have violence now.
They want to hype violence now.
So that they can try to shut off debate.
That's not going to work.
This isn't 95 CNN, where your CIA bosses and the FBI and the BATF can blow up a federal building and demonize people that don't want to be slaves to government.
You're not getting our stinking guns.
You're not getting our property.
Go ahead and try to take the pension funds, crooks.
It's over.
You're the crooks.
You're corrupt.
You're scum.
And everybody's starting to wake up to it.
And we're going to go to all your well-meaning idiot liberal supporters and we're going to show them how the insurance company stocks are way up and how they wrote this legislation and how it doesn't have coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and how top government officials are exempt from the plan.
We're never going to shut up, trash.
And we're going to shatter the left-right paradigm and bring this country back and bring the world back out of your tyrannical world government grip.
Do you understand?
I'm not afraid in the least.
In fact, I'm thrilled they're coming after me.
Whatever happens, I am committed.
My name, my sacred honor, my family, my treasure, my blood, my sweat is all in.
The enemy's all in, I'm all in.
The fight's already on.
You might have butterflies when some big bully's waiting for you at the end of your street when you get home from school when you're 14 years old and he's 18 and got a mustache.
You may be a little scared as he's walking up to you, but as soon as you get in that fight, you're not scared anymore.
Folks, get in the fight!
They've drawn first blood a million times.
We're drawing first blood in the info war, and we're not stopping.
We're not mincing words.
We're shattering their programming.
We're shattering their disinfo.
We're shattering how they set up false debates and false arguments.
We're teaching people how they do it.
And it's over for the New World Order.
It is over for these terrorists.
Just like they tried to claim Ron Paul's supporters were involved in violence two years ago.
Now he's their darling, because they failed.
They are going to fail if you simply keep taking action.
So don't let it scare you if something happens to Alex Jones this month, or a year from now, or two years from now.
I'm a fallen warrior in defense of the Republican humanity, whatever happens.
If they destroy my name, whatever they do,
I am ready.
I asked for it.
You understand?
I didn't engage the enemy.
It may not have been clear to me 14, 15 years ago, but it's been clear to me for 10 years.
And it's been more and more clear every day.
And I sleep great at night, except sometimes I wake up and literally wish I could do more and wish I was more informative and could really articulate to people the information that I've discovered and researched.
In fact, I brought a big list of things I wrote late last night that I wanted to cover and talk about, just ideas and thoughts.
I'll try to find it during the next break.
Let's go and play the new radio ad that'll be in rotation on the network, on the podcast, everywhere else.
Please take action.
This is the new radio ad for Invisible Empire.
Here it is.
They helped to create a new world order.
We are part of a new world order.
A new world order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you, you're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or watch it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Invisible Empire.
Order it.
This is my work.
This is Burmese's work.
This is everything we've done.
Everything we've put together.
Everything that we have put on the line here.
I just wish the general public knew the cost and understood history and what bondage is really all about.
I wish all these evil little gibbering people that work for the system who think they've got all this power and they're part of the winning team.
I wish they realized they're only alive once on this planet.
It's so precious to know the truth.
It's so precious to be on the side of right.
The country is on the verge of real revolution.
They want to stage terror attacks so that they can nip it in the bud.
The country is in peaceful revolution right now.
The system is lawlessly social engineering this country.
Here's the actual bill.
You can go read the subsections of it.
Give me a document cam shot, please.
Senate 3081.
Introduced by John McCain and Lindsey Graham.
And they advertise this.
We shouldn't let go, Al-Qaeda.
We gotta take their rights.
But when you read the bill,
It says it's for U.S.
citizens or anybody else they wish, that they can secretly arrest you and have enhanced interrogation, torture, and that only an act of Congress can ever get you out of the secret prison.
And even if anyone knows you've been arrested, they don't have to tell anybody you've ever been arrested.
They just put a bag over your head, you disappear to a torture camp full of psychopaths and sadists that enjoy this.
This is pure evil.
This is Hitler.
This is Stalin.
This is Mao.
This is Pol Pot.
This is it.
You know, the Nazis didn't pass this stuff into law.
They just did it.
The Soviets didn't.
We've got an article that boils it down and has the subsection snipped out.
The PDF file.
And I want to read to you from the bill.
The sinners to be detained as enemy belligerents.
Since the establishment media, and this is from March 8th, a few weeks ago.
See how it's all coming true?
Since the establishment media is convinced that the Tea Party members, 9-11 truthers, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, and basically anyone with a dissenting political opinion is a likely domestic terrorist, and we have the new Homeland Security report today about that, they should be celebrating the fact that a new bill would allow the government to detain such people as enemy belligerents, indefinitely and without trial, based on their suspected activity.
The Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010, introduced by Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman on Thursday with little fanfare, sets out comprehensive policy for the detention, interrogation, and trial of suspected enemy belligerents who are believed to have engaged in hostilities against the United States by requiring these individuals to be held in a military custody.
Yeah, it's a kangaroo military trial.
Interrogated for their intelligence value and not provided with a Miranda warning, writes the Atlantic Monthly's Mark Abebender.
Read the bill at this PDF link.
The bill does not distinguish between U.S.
citizens and non-citizens and states that suspected belligerents who are considered a high-value detainee shall not be provided with Miranda Warning.
A person is considered a high-value detainee if they fulfill one of the following criteria.
Number one, now listen carefully.
Sounds reasonable up front, but in the presence for everyone.
...poses a threat of an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the United States or U.S.
facilities abroad.
So they say you pose a threat.
And remember what happened at the G20 a few months ago.
Robb Dude, Jason Burmess, and Jason Douglas called the military base where the troops are massing the day before the G20.
We called.
We want to interview your press person.
They had a press conference.
Our guys pull up.
Hi, here's our card.
Here's who we are.
They said, go wait over there.
They come and they say, we'll talk to you tomorrow.
They say, thank you, sir, and leave.
They call the police and say terrorists were here trying to attack the fence.
A car followed them as they left.
In Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA, we have the actual video of the military saying, yeah, we'll get somebody for you to talk to, and yeah, come back tomorrow.
They just, we're not even human.
You're a terrorist.
You asked me a question.
You were polite to me.
You're not even a human.
You're just a terrorist.
I'm God.
You lose all your rights.
I say so.
And we've caught the military and police everywhere provocateuring attacks on themselves.
Number one, pose a threat of an attack on civilians or civilian facilities in the U.S.
or U.S.
facilities abroad.
They arrested that woman for taking photos of the base she thought was a FEMA camp in New York.
Two, poses a threat to U.S.
military personnel or U.S.
military facilities.
Three, potential intelligence value.
Any potential intelligence value, you get a bag over your head and you go to a torture camp.
Because there's rapers that like it.
Uncle Sam's got a job for him.
Uncle Banker.
Number four, is a member of an Al-Qaeda or terrorist group affiliated with Al-Qaeda or, these are all different reasons, see they mix in Al-Qaeda in the middle, and such other matters as the president considers appropriate.
Just like the cyber security bill says the president can just shut down the entire internet.
That's Forbes, AP Reuters, headline.
President can shut down the internet whenever he wants or restrict it or censor it.
And you've got this emboldened Ed Schultz on MSNBC going, we need to shut Limbaugh off.
We need to kick all these people off the radio.
And all these White House officials are agreeing.
Now your free speech is bad, too.
This is treason.
This is treachery.
This is tyranny.
This is corruption.
This is un-American.
This is classical corruption.
This is authoritarian sickness spreading in the nation.
And we're here saying, stop!
Don't take the pension funds.
Don't rob the people.
Don't take over health care with the IRS.
Don't... It's a rip-off.
The banks wrote it.
The insurance company... They're like, shut up, terrorist.
Shut up, terrorist.
I was talking to CNN.
They go, oh, the piece is about you.
We're talking to people in Washington about how dangerous you are, and are you influencing all the stuff that's happening, and there was a guy giggling in the background, and I'm just like, this is really America!
This is really the Orwellian state, where these little yuppies in their little coddled, cloistered positions don't even think of me as a human.
I'm just some nut who doesn't like what's happening, because I've read a history book or two.
Because I know what evil is.
And because I'm reaching millions of people.
And I'm real, folks.
I'm real.
The fruits of what we've done are real.
The millions we've woken up is real.
The fact that we're identifying the enemies of this republic is real.
And they know, the system knows I'm real.
The system surveils me.
They know.
And I know why a lot of people buy into some of the COINTELPRO.
It's a minority, but it's a wide group.
They can't believe I'm still alive.
They can't believe I've got the courage to do this.
They can't believe that I say the things I say every day.
They can't imagine that someone could be real and have courage.
Why don't you have courage?
The courage to protect your family.
The courage to stand up against evil.
I can't even control myself!
It's not even courage!
I can't shut up!
Because I know where this leads.
I know these bankers funded every mass murder in the last hundred years.
Government mass murder.
The good news is most people that work for the system are not evil consciously.
They've been compartmentalized.
They've been brainwashed.
They've been dumbed down.
And we're deprogramming them together.
We're just showing people the bigger picture.
How to think for themselves.
How to look outside the box.
We're having an effect.
A real effect!
And we can't be bought off, we can't be controlled, we can't be manipulated.
We make mistakes but we learn, we get smarter, and we're teaching others how to take action.
And so the system is definitely afraid.
They're definitely afraid because CNN quoted some book
In fact, give me that print off, Jaren.
And the book quote about myself and others is how, you know, how the nuts are hijacking America.
See, that's what Cass Sunstein says in his internal documents.
Yeah, he has a winged out of the week segment on CNN.
I guess that's who they're going to give endless minutes to talk bad about me and then I get 30 seconds.
It was another sheet where it said how the nuts are hijacking America.
No, you're engaged in tyranny, and people are finally waking up to the full horror of it, and the denial is ending.
And that's why you're scared.
Now here it is.
Wingnuts on a lunatic fringe is hijacking America.
No, you've hijacked America, and we're getting ready to kick your butts out of here.
You got that, you scum?
You don't control our minds.
You don't tell us what to think anymore.
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We're good to go.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying,
Who do I make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Sarah Palin is stumping for John McCain who wants global warming taxes.
The guy that she says censored her.
Sarah Palin's a joke, folks, and they're going to use her and build her up to discredit true constitutionalists.
You have been warned.
By the way, one of the shipping guys just came in.
Netflix has accepted the Obama Deception, so now you can download it at Netflix or get the DVD shipped to you for folks that haven't seen the Obama Deception.
You can get it through Netflix now.
Again, the Obama Deception at Netflix.
They're doing a test run right now to decide how many they're going to order.
So it's important for folks to order it so they get even more and then advertise it to their people.
Another way to wake people up.
You know, I said I'd go to some more calls and I guess I'll jam in a few here at the end.
We'll see what happens with this Anderson Cooper thing.
It turns out the guy that called me is the guy that does this kook piece.
Every week.
And that was the guy kind of giggling in the background, John Avalon.
And so just a completely biased piece.
Wingnuts, how the lunatic fringe is hijacking America.
But don't worry, their bias is okay.
They're just going to shut down anybody that disagrees with the government with the Fairness Doctrine.
But he can say I'm a wingnut, and they're going to try to blame me for what's happening when it's their bosses that are causing this.
Truly sickening.
So we'll see what happens with that show tonight.
Let's go to Bobby in Tennessee.
Bobby, you're on the air.
I just wanted to say I'll be praying for you tonight.
I know it's going to be a lot.
Well, it's not going on the stinking show and talking to some little chicken neck that's a problem.
It's the fact that they're now saying Alex Jones is the evil one.
Well, I'm just going to say, you know, just keep plugging your website and your shows and everything.
I also wanted to talk to you about a way to wake up people.
What I've been doing is I got your iPhone radio app.
I don't know if anybody's brought this up, but I turn it on when I'm going to the bank, when I'm going to the grocery store, and I just let it play and people come up and ask me, you know, who is this?
Um, you know, what is he talking about?
So that's a good way to wake up some people.
And all I'm doing is reading Bloomberg, where the government's going to take over people's pension funds and invest it in failed banks.
That's their own words.
I'm going, does that sound like a good idea?
And that scares them.
He's saying it's criminal.
Oh, he's evil.
Bobby, I appreciate you.
Go ahead.
There's a lot of people that are waking up, but they're trying to hit the snooze button.
And if we don't do anything, you know, something right now, you know, I'm afraid that, you know, they'll keep pushing what they're pushing.
I don't know.
I mean, they're letting him get on a longer and longer leash, and so is Limbaugh.
And the fact that this is all being forced out in the mainstream, and that is the mainstream.
Fox has more viewers than all the other cable networks combined.
And that's why CNN's a joke.
That's why MSNBC's a joke.
They're legends in their own mind.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
I'm sorry, Randy, Doug, Rocco, Ron, Nicholas.
Call me back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Monday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We're here on AM and FM stations all over the country at different times.
If you have a local AM and FM, tell your friends and family about it.
Tell folks about Infowars.com, the free iPhone podcast.
We've got a link up on the listen page to when we're on XM, weeknights, and then also on Saturday for three hours.
The fact that more and more stations are picking us up shows that this information is becoming mainline.
We are shifting the paradigm from unreality to reality, and the system doesn't like it.
I'm Alex Jones signing off.
Retransmission starts now.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle,