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Name: 20090817_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 17, 2009
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Webster Griffin Tarfully.
We've got him for an hour.
We have a surprise guest next hour.
And boy, I do mean surprise.
And that guest is only with us for 30 minutes.
So in the last 30 minutes, I will do a focused report.
I promise.
On the government will hype swine flu outbreak to save Obamacare warns Dick Armey.
We have Congressman Brown saying they're going to use it to stage martial law.
We have the Governor's Association sending a letter to Congress and the Department of Defense saying you can't put regular army to patrol America.
400,000 total in deposit commentatus, total military dictatorship.
It is now actually happening here in the good old U.S.
of A.
So that is coming up and how that ties into all these flu vaccine deaths, Gillian Bernays disease, a bunch of others.
It is all coming up today in the last 30 minutes after our surprise guest.
But for the balance of this hour, Webster Griffin Tarpley is on.
I wasn't on for two hours today.
We had to switch our top guest.
So, Webster will probably be back the next week with nothing but solutions, but I want him to give us a taste of those at the end of this hour.
But right now, talking to Webster Griffin Tarpley, I wanted to go into the second front opening up, not just conservatives and anti-big government people waking up in the town hall meetings,
And his approval ratings dropping three points last week.
Depending on which poll you look at, he has a 47 at the top to a 42 at the bottom with Gallup and Rasmussen and all these other polls.
We've got them linked up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But I wanted to feed into Tarpley's political brain data I've noticed as well and get his take on that after we talk about the second front and his idea of getting Cindy Sheehan while Obama's on vacation for a month.
They're always planning something when that happens.
To go out and confront him or go out and stand in front of the White House to try to reignite that attention and show people that she just wasn't this leftist figure.
And that she was discarded as soon as she actually really tried to end the war.
But Webster, I understand you talk about what you've researched and what you know, but clearly you see them saying militias are about to attack, gun owners are about to attack, all gun owners are basically white supremacists that hate black people, and the DHS reports demonizing gun owners, returning veterans.
Now they're saying that, let me just finish this, now they're saying that they're planning to stage terror attacks, they're hyping all this, and I see the Obama counter, I'm just going to tell you right now, not just being flu pandemic being their cover, unless we expose it, but staging Oklahoma-style attacks domestically to shore up support for a foreign operation, or maybe finally completing the Clinton-era stage terror,
Of finally saying the homegrown terrorists are working with Al-Qaeda, a plan, a script, they planned to go with in 95, but backed off of, and just went with the homegrown.
So, I see this in the cards, I see this in the tea leaves, as I stand over the cauldron here, I'm asking you with that data, are you not seeing this chatter, or do you have a comment?
Well, I would certainly say that if you go back to the 1990s, the militias were heavily infiltrated and to some degree a project.
Some of them were founded by the FBI and by the domestic counterintelligence and counterinsurgency.
And if you look in my book, 9-11 Synthetic Terror, I've got a whole thing in there about, in particular, activities of British intelligence.
Because this was the playground, in particular, of British intelligence inside the U.S.
And the advantage of using the British is that they're not susceptible to U.S.
congressional investigations.
In other words, you can do operations at arm's length.
Often, the British invite the U.S.
to come into the United Kingdom and do things for them.
And the US, the CIA and so forth will invite the British to come over here and do things.
They also use Andreas Strassmayer, whose father was a top SS general.
It later turned out he was.
Secret police anti-terror squad from Germany.
They brought him to honcho the white supremacist and McVeigh and others out of Elohim City.
That came out in FBI.
So, I knew you'd be up on this.
I know Synthetic Terror covers it.
It's now coming out that Hal Turner was an FBI informant.
The FBI admits that in court.
It's now turning out that almost all these major white supremacist groups are not infiltrated, but run by the Feds, by the British, by the Germans, and by Israel.
Uh, is, uh, is, uh, also, uh, you know, you have these white supremacist commanders with classic, you know, Jewish archetypal Ashkenazi features.
I've been to some of these events to protest them, and it's like, my God, there's the ADL on stage.
Like, Adam Gadon, the Al-Qaeda leader, you know, ADL grandson, you know, the grandson of the ADL head, uh, arrested for beating up Muslims, and then suddenly he joins, and he's the guy fighting Al-Qaeda.
So, great points.
Elaborate on that, because I see them rolling that out now.
Well, the Ku Klux Klan, just to focus on them, the Ku Klux Klan is, as far as I can see, a wholly owned subsidiary of the FBI and nothing but.
So this is an apparatus of domestic provocateurs, and you're very right to say now the way that the ideological conflict is going, right, the ideological fronts are turning once again.
And there obviously is a temptation to begin this demonization.
And when you see that Southern Poverty Law Center getting into the act, that is a group of shills, basically.
They are paid apologists.
They are there to provide some kind of a halfway plausible academic sounding explanation for whatever the
Counterinsurgency line inside the United States may happen to be.
So the fact that they point to this, we also have the Secretary of Homeland Security, Napolitano, otherwise known as Totalitariano, and her idea that, right, the veterans and the right-wingers and all this.
So that's the atmospheric, and then you get a certain number of patsies, right?
Look out for patsies, because that's always how it's done.
And, you know, the attempt to try to mesh, you know, Al-Qaeda shows up somewhere in North Carolina or whatever this is, right?
And they're all from the FBI.
I think that indicates a possible direction.
I don't think it's conclusive.
But the more you talk about it, the better it is, right?
The more this is ventilated and aired and people are inoculated.
Tell people that if this happens, this is 99.99% guaranteed to be a top-down false flag operation using patsies, using moles inside the government, and then using those technicians, right?
If any big heavy operations have to be done, they're going to have to use government resources, so that will require the presence of technicians and moles.
Let me stop you there.
I want to look at the geopolitical operations outside North America.
And I agree, they're going to hit us all.
They're going to have stage terror overseas, stage terror domestically.
They're going to have other economic crises, hyped up environmental crises, biological, medical.
I agree, Webster.
That's why I wanted to get your take on this.
When I interrupted you earlier, the British really are the masters of divide and conquer.
Great game.
That was even Orwell's job as a member of the Imperial Police, as you know, when he grew up in India, before he had his first awakening to one level of the control paradigm.
But expanding
Uh, on that Webster.
It was the British, now declassified and admitted, as you know but the listeners may not, that staged over 90% of the terror attacks in Northern Ireland and in England.
And it turned out that you would have the top three guys in the military IRA were all British intel.
And they were actually killing lower members of IRA if they wouldn't go out and kill British policemen as a pretext to stay in Northern Ireland.
So it's very, very elementary to keep occupation imperial forces in the country, to occupy the United States with federal troops.
They're going to need to stage terror to have the pretext that there's some type of hidden phantom menace that they're fighting.
And you're right.
We have tracked British intel.
I've actually had to deal years ago with attempted British intel insertion into our operation.
And I want the British to know we were aware of that.
I'm now revealing this for the first time.
Go ahead.
Well, in my book, again, 9-11 Synthetic Terror, I tell the story of Agent Steakknife.
He was codenamed Steakknife, and this was somebody that the MI5, MI6 had put into the top levels of the IRA, and his job was to kill people, and they also had agents in this other side, right?
The Protestant counter-gang to the IRA counter-gang.
Well, the Orange, in this case, it's the Protestant extremist group.
So they were orchestrating a series of homicides, and this went right up to Thatcher.
Thatcher was absolutely informed of everything.
Wonderful Maggie Thatcher, the goddess of the neocons and so many others, and the goddess of the free marketeers, too, because they think she was the embodiment of their policies.
I guess she was.
She was actively running these kinds of operations.
I just wanted to point out to listeners this is a fact that governments do this and it's a historical fact so we need people to realize this is an official army field manuals that we showed people last week we're just talking about
Something as a matter of fact as hammers and saws and lawnmowers being available at Home Depot.
We're stating that ducks swim around in ponds or that fish swim around in lakes.
I hope listeners understand what you're stating is a historical fact, Webster.
Yeah, this is probably the most documented historical fact that we can bring to bear.
I mean, it's been confirmed, you know.
Hundreds of times, maybe thousands of times.
Like going back, my God, to the ancient world.
So, uh, I don't think there's any doubt about it.
And the implication of Thatcher in this stuff, and you know, we can go back to the cases now in the United States, right?
The various stunts that have been done.
And as time goes on, you get more and more background.
So, certainly, if there's terrorism, look to the intelligence agencies, because that's the matrix.
Our guest is Webster Griffin Tarpley.
We'll look at the geopolitical front, then we're gonna get a little bit more into eugenics, and then some solutions.
And I promise, next week, Webster Tarpley, full hour, on nothing but solutions.
But things are moving so fast, they could stage a terror attack before the next time he's on.
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We're good to go!
We're good.
In the last 30 minutes of the show, I'm also going to break down the incredible success of the Obama poster campaign.
Hey, I'm flattered!
Cindy Sheehan was listening to the show when I was talking about Webster.
I don't know if Webster's really involved.
I talked to him the other day.
I talked to him Sunday.
I talked to him yesterday, and he said, I'm trying to get Cindy Sheehan to go confront Obama.
We need to fund her.
We need to get behind her.
And here I am doing Tarpley invitations while he's on with us.
We love Tarpley around here.
Because I see him so much.
He's in the last Obama film.
I've known him for years.
He's in the new Obama film.
So I look at Tarpley every day.
We interview him all the time.
He's kind of like a little mascot.
A little Leonardo da Vinci of the liberty movement.
Here at the office.
I have another nickname for Tarpley.
Anyways, Tarbly, I'm- Alex, if I may, just one thing.
Just a correction.
Cindy Sheehan is going because she decided to go.
I simply had gotten an email saying that she wanted to go and that she wanted to assemble the prerequisite.
So I was simply reporting that.
So this is all coming from her.
Okay, great.
Yeah, because, I mean, I talked to you during a one-minute part of a break when you were on with Burma, so I just heard you saying, get Sheehan, support her, get her to go to wherever Obama's vacationing, and I was like, okay, so, but, pointless to argue about that.
The point is, she's coming on in ten minutes for five minutes with you, Webster.
The issue is, she's listening right now.
Wonderful, and again, let me say this, the credit all goes to her, nothing to do with me.
Okay, well nobody cares Webster, that's fine, Webster.
Although I welcome it, I think everybody, let me call now, everybody should support this, everybody should go, supporter.
This is a wonderful thing, and this is now the, if you want to somehow break into this right-wing polarization that you're talking about in the earlier part, right, the idea of using
The demonization of conservatives or whoever they are, right, people that are considered right-wingers, then the obvious way to do that is the rebirth of the peace movement and people that would generally be considered leftist, because this is harder to demonize.
And that's what I've always said, is that attacks against Obama coming from his left are much more effective than the kind of stuff you've seen.
Well, that's why the Obama deception, that's why the Obama deception, Webster, is so important, is because it doesn't attack from the left or right.
It attacks from common sense, populist, constitutionalist, and shows how both parties are controlled by these corrupt banks.
And then the partisanship all ends, and people instantly break their conditioning.
But look, she's coming up next segment in about 15 minutes, so I want to get into the second front opening up against Hare Obama then.
Right now, we were talking about false flag.
The ace in the hole that the establishment has to play on us.
You were talking about outside the country.
What geopolitical regions?
Are we looking at Central Asia, Middle East, Europe?
Where will the establishment stage terror next?
Well, that's obviously anybody's guess, but if we look at Afghanistan, the big operation by Obama right now is the massive escalation of the war in Afghanistan.
He's put a guy in there, General McChrystal, who is someone who is certified to have created a network of torture chambers across Iraq.
When you think of Obama's rhetoric in running for president, it makes this whole thing extremely laughable.
Really a bitter, macabre irony.
So, Obama's hand-picked commander to go into Afghanistan, replacing the previous general,
Who was simply, uh, McKiernan, who was simply thrown out, right, very brusquely, and, uh, a lot of people in the Pentagon very angry about that, the way it was done.
This guy's a special forces utopian, so that means that he's into doing things like working with the Taliban, working with Al-Qaeda, working with various warlords and so forth.
Uh, the danger there, of course, is that, uh, with the ten-year war perspective and, uh, and the losses that are now escalating,
Some countries may want to drop out.
How could you stop them from dropping out?
Well, you could, for example, if the British are about to drop out, then maybe some staged event regarding Britain could... A replay of 7-7.
The British are about to pull out of the Glen Eagles.
Go ahead.
And continental Europe also.
So that would be one opportunity.
The other thing would be if the breakup of Pakistan is taking too long,
Then, something involving a group that advertises itself as coming from inside Pakistan.
And they have them, right?
The Taliban are basically Pashtunistan.
That's one of the components of Pakistan.
And then you have Balochistan, right?
In Balochistan, they have this Jundala.
So, Jundala comes on the scene.
That's a U.S.-British-run operation, and therefore you can go into Pakistan based on that.
How about Sudan?
There's a lot of bad blood.
Bashir, General Bashir, the head of state, has been indicted by the International Criminal Court.
But the entire African Union has rejected the International Criminal Court as a bunch of racists and colonialists.
So, if you want to get something started there, maybe a Sudanese terrorist would suit the bill.
Webster Tarpley, stay there.
We'll come back, get into Obama's plunging approval ratings, then we'll talk about the peace activist, second front, Obama's left flank.
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We're good.
Well, Mr. Griffin Tarper is our guest.
A special guest coming up in the next hour.
Cindy Sheehan is going to be popping in in about 10 minutes.
She just put out a new press release today.
Cindy Sheehan to lead protests against wars near Obama's vacation spot on Martha's Vineyard.
So a replay of what we saw with her out at Crawford.
And as long as she was useful to the Democrats, she was great.
But as soon as they got into power, or were getting ready to, and wanted to continue the wars, well now, no.
So that's coming up.
Before we go back to Webster Griffin Tarpley, I've never had a t-shirt this popular.
The Obama Socialist, Obama Fascist, ObamaInfoWars.com, Obama New World Order.
We have four different variants on the front, four different messages on the back, like, end the Fed, stop the criminal, wake up before it's too late, with Infowars.com under it on the back, with Obama on the front.
This upsets the establishment.
They know the power of archetypal images.
They want this loving, Leninesque image of him, hope and change.
They do not want this image of him as a master criminal.
Our contest went more viral than I could ever imagine.
AP, Fox News,
All over international Spanish television out of Mexico.
The posters printed off Infowars.com were put up in Tokyo, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro.
They were put up in Moscow.
They were just wild and it's still going on.
They have the State Attorney General in Florida investigating and calling it a hate crime and all this unbelievable bull.
But you read the articles
The comments in the articles in the newspapers that with a straight face talk about the scared community, the victims of seeing the Obama poster on street corners.
But the public's finding all the statements of Obama thanking his supporters for putting up his picture on stop signs, which is illegal.
We haven't called for that.
We've said do it in legal and lawful areas.
They're aware that this is hypocrisy.
They're aware that Bush was shown as a vampire and as a joker by yours truly as well, not just the media.
And there was none of this ninnying and hand-wringing at the demigod, the fuhrer, the one, the chosen one.
And so what happened is the public saw them ripping him down all over and went crazy and put up 10 times, 20 times more.
So it's out of my hands now.
It's way past the contest.
We'll announce the winner and show you the videos Friday.
Videos are still pouring in, hundreds and hundreds of videos.
It's unbelievable, the people putting the posters up.
Webster, before we get into the second front opening up against the Obamanoids and the globalist establishment, is it important to pull down his image and to defile him as the image of our Lord and Savior, so that he can't be this tool to carry out this agenda?
Is it American to put up posters of him in a bad light, or should we be arrested for that?
I think it's a tremendous tradition of democratic expression to engage in political caricature, and that can become quite vigorous and quite robust.
And again, I would vote for the fascist one, because I think that is the one that is technically accurate.
And the most damaging, because remember, Obama lives on left cover.
He's got to be seen as a progressive, a leftist, he's got to be seen as a friend of the masses, somebody who cares about the poor, who cares about the people who don't have health insurance, who cares about people who are denied medical care.
This is the key to his entire racket.
And I've talked to leftists and they say, we have to be nice to Obama because we're going to court him and curry favor with him and we're going to get our little cause advanced, whatever it is that they're interested in.
And I always say, this is exactly wrong.
The way you deal with Obama, from the left in particular, is you criticize him mercilessly.
You expose him.
You attack him.
You caricature him.
You tear away this aura and show him for what he is.
In other words, political realism.
Since he needs that left cover, if you begin to strip away the left cover, then he's got to do something.
He's got to give you concessions.
He's got to throw you a shock.
The lesbian, gay, transgender people, when they were boycotting a fundraiser that Obama had set up so they would come and give him money, they found that they were able to get concessions from Obama immediately.
He gave them same-sex marriage partner rights for certain federal employees.
In a limited way, but certainly it was a step forward for them.
And I think that's paradigmatic.
If you're the peace movement and you want to do something about these war policies, the only thing to do is get into the field and begin to criticize Obama, attack him, right?
From the point of view of the media, vilify him, certainly.
The same thing with Bush.
And Webster, Webster, and show the hypocrisy.
They have the CPAC meeting this year.
Ron Paul spoke.
All your most staunch Republican supporters there.
They were cheering and standing, the majority of them, when he said it's not Republican to have wars.
These wars were wrong.
Showing most Republicans aren't pro-war.
That illusion shattering.
Same thing with Democrats now.
They've got to stand up at how outrageous total number of troops
In countries is up, total number of dead is going back up again.
How did you know this though?
Because back during the campaign you said, left cover is what he needs.
Only an attack from the left will help.
He will love a limbaugh.
He will make Limbaugh his enemy.
And then it turned out, White House memos came out that they love making it about Limbaugh as they run against him, discredited with the Viagra and the Hillbilly heroin, the Oxycontin, all the weirdness.
Certainly people like Limbaugh Hannity are viewed as ogres.
By probably two-thirds, maybe somewhat less than two-thirds now.
I disagree with them totally, especially on economics, but that's another story.
If you can play yourself, if it's a choice between Obama and Limbaugh, then Obama's going to win by 70-30 or 80-20 or whatever it is.
It's going to be a small and vocal minority that will go with Limbaugh.
So as long as you can define that as the universe of discourse, then Obama wins.
Now the critical thing about the second front, Obama is in Phoenix, Arizona today, I believe.
This is the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention.
There is an anti-war protest contingent there.
So, I think the palm goes to them.
I think this is, as far as I can see, the first significant anti-war demonstration anywhere is taking place in Phoenix, Arizona today.
So, hats off to those guys.
I hope they're vigorous.
Generally, it takes a while for people to realize the cynicism and the warmonger commitment of Obama.
Remember, Obama ran as the biggest warmonger.
Bigger than McCain.
Bigger than Hillary.
Bigger than Bush.
He was the one who said, I want the unilateral bombing of Northwest Pakistan with no consultation of the government.
We want to kill Pakistanis on their own territory.
But it's worse than that.
He didn't just run as a big warmonger.
He, early on, got the poll position and got noticed and came to the fore by being super anti-war.
I'm going to end the Iraq War immediately.
Then it was 16 months and 23 months and then they rewrote cities so bases wouldn't be in the cities.
A semantical...
He rotated troops out of Iraq, those that did leave, to Afghanistan.
Now he's replacing the troops in Iraq.
So duplicity, lying, twisting, all the things you've talked about.
Then he flip-flopped right into the campaign the last few months saying, I'm going to be where we need to be.
And as you said, now a huge new war in Afghanistan.
Is that over those pipelines?
Or, I mean, they've got to know it's a war they're not going to win.
No, it's not a war to win, it's a war to create chaos.
And remember, the escalation of Afghanistan is a function of the plan to destroy Pakistan, to break it up into mini-states and micro-states, right?
The five components, Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan, Pashtunistan, Waziristan, or tribal areas, whatever you want to call that.
And the goal there is that this is a Chinese ally.
Remember, the battlefield is now the Indian Ocean, from Africa to Bangladesh to Pakistan, over to Thailand, right?
We got Tsu Chi in Burma, and an anti-Chinese function.
So the idea is anybody who is friendly with China is now a target.
Anybody who wants normal commercial relations, wants to sell oil, sell minerals, sell strategic raw materials,
Do deals with the Chinese, you become an enemy of civilization.
You become an effective terrorist, except now you're going to be more than a terrorist.
You're going to be a human rights abuser.
You're going to be a nuclear proliferator.
You're going to be a humanitarian disaster.
So, that's the targeting.
Okay, stay there Webster.
We're going to get back into what's happening geopolitically in about five minutes, but I wanted, since you brought up the fact of, it's great that she was considering, you'd heard, going out and speaking out, because now that archetypal image of Cindy Sheehan to expose the foundation, big money run, fake war movement, and to expose Obama for what he is, she's put out a press release
Cindy Sheehan to lead protests against wars near Obama's vacation spot on Martha's Vineyard.
Let's get this up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Guys, please have Rob Dew tell the webmasters to post this.
And everybody, go there and expose him as a warmonger.
Cindy Sheehan, great to have you pop in with us today.
Hey Alex, always nice to be on with you.
Always good to have you here.
Okay, in a nutshell, tell us where you're going and what you're doing.
I heard back in June that Obama would be vacationing on Martha's Vineyard in August, so we've been trying to put together a protest against him, and finally everything came together this weekend where it looks like we'll be able to go out there.
Part of the problem, and I heard you guys talking about it a little bit, is that the so-called anti-war movement doesn't want to have anything focused
On Obama against the occupations and the wars of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.
And, you know, Iraq's not over yet.
And so, anyway, we've been, we've come up against some considerable resistance from the left.
But then, over this past week, when it looks like, oh, you know, this big debate about healthcare and, you know, all these
Um, you know, the right playing into the hands of the Democratic Party that doesn't want to give a public option for health care.
And so it looks like the White House is caving into that.
And I'm like, well, why don't we on the left, the anti-war left, go out and exert pressure on him to start bringing the troops on from the Middle East and actually to, you know, enforce some kind of same foreign policy instead of
I think that of course the wars are for chaos, but the wars are also for profit.
So we have to exert the same kind of pressure, because if Obama can fold to the right, why can't he also fold to the left?
Well, Cindy Sheehan, of course, lost her son over in Iraq, and is one of the big iconic images the last six, seven years, exposing these fraudulent wars of hegemon.
How do we expose the fact that the anti-war movement is foundation funded and demand that they stand up to Obama?
I mean, I guess we do what you're doing.
Go out and expose that fraud or any other ideas of how we can get that done?
Well, I certainly think that we have to remain consistent and pure.
I don't
Um, false debates going on, so we need to redirect it where the debate needs to be, and that's ending this empire, this military-industrial empire.
And, um, we can't get anything else done in this country until that happens.
And so hopefully when I go out to Martha's Vineyard, like when I went to Crawford, Texas, the press will be there, people will start being able to hear that message.
There's many people on the so-called left
I still think Obama is some kind of a peace person.
So we really, that really needs to be exposed, and that myth... Well, that's because his election, obviously, has been used to totally get all these issues off the table.
It's la-la land.
The establishment craftily did that, making the war like it was just Bush's and not the establishment that controls both these presidents.
But Cindy, overall, and I want to get Webster's comment on this,
Well, you know, that's a concern that we always have to worry about.
That doesn't mean that we quit our activism or quit speaking the truth to the power, that we have to go forward and we have to, first of all, I support 100% the 9-11 Truth Movement and I support the ballot initiative in New York City to get a new investigation going, but that's one thing that needs to be exposed over and over and over again, is how our governments do have these
I don't know.
I don't know who caused 9-11.
I know you guys know.
I don't know who caused it.
But over and over and over again, we have these so-called disasters that get us into one war after the other.
But not just wars.
Having our civil liberties taken away here at home.
We just have to keep talking about it.
We can't let them get away with another event like that.
Well, Ms.
Sheehan, you know that
It came out about Gulf of Tonkin and all these other staged events.
It's an Army Manual.
Miss Cindy, I'm thinking about staged events though.
We know about Gulf of Tonkin.
We know about other events.
We know Cheney did want to blow up US ships and blame it on Iran.
I think we defeat their false flag by pointing out that they may engage in false flag.
And by not letting them play us off against each other in the left-right paradigm, which is very, very hard to do as they polarize things.
Webster, any questions or comments for Cindy Sheehan?
I think that's wonderful news.
And the only question I have is, Cindy, how can people support you?
Is there a website?
Is there a PayPal?
How can people link up and how can they support you financially?
That's an awesome, awesome question.
You can go to CindySheehanSoFox.com.
There's a donate button.
And if you do use PayPal, my account is Cindy at CindyCNSoapbox.com.
And we just have to use all the tools that we have to expose the, you know, the robber class that I call them.
It's all about the robber class, and it's all about this divide, and Bush and Obama are both members of it, and it's not about the person
The President, the personality becomes the distraction, the diversion from the real debate and the real issues.
Well, hopefully we can get you to pop in then when you're out there demonstrating from Martha's Vineyard.
Thank you so much, Cindy Sheehan.
We'll get it up on the website.
God bless you.
Take care.
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Uh huh.
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There wasn't... Again, I do hope everybody visits InfoWars.com to get their Obama Joker posters.
We also have one as Bush as the Joker.
I haven't gone this far yet, but I would guess that Tarpley does agree that Obama as Hitler might be a fair comparison, or maybe Obama as Mussolini.
Mussolini is the adequate one.
Yeah, we'll have you back up next week to really get into solutions, I promise.
If you can do it, we'll set the tone up right.
But let me just stress, if I could, that Cindy Sheehan is a great voice and a great cause, and now
Any peace activist in New England, if you're in Boston, if you're in New York City, you know what to do.
It's time to make tracks towards Martha's Vineyard and exercise your First Amendment rights.
And protest these wars.
And don't be fooled by left cover.
And the way to do this is not to be exaggeratedly deferential.
You know, please, dear Mr. President, we know you're a peace angel, but you haven't had time to listen to our pathetic little bleeding cries.
Which is what the AWOL peace people have done, right?
The people who have just disappeared.
Now we've got the genuine leader of this movement coming forward, I think, quite effectively, saying that this has gone far enough and it's time to take a stand.
This is really going to hurt Obama.
Because how do you demonize Cindy Sheehan?
You're not going to be able to say, you know, come out with this load of insult.
She was demonized by the neocons back in 2005, 2006.
What are they going to do?
Demonize her now from the left?
It doesn't work.
So this is a significant factor now in Obama's predicament.
Well, Webster, what they're going to do is, they're going to ignore.
Well, look, the U.S.
media may ignore her up to a point, but remember, the world media will be there.
The Russians, the Chinese, Al Jazeera, they're going to be highly interested.
So this is going to have a worldwide effect, and I think that then kicks over back into the U.S., because when it becomes a story around the world, they can't ignore it here.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to say there.
We also, though, have to, as activists getting past these political labels, say no and be involved here as well.
Webster, I carry all four of your books for listeners, and we have the book on the economic cataclysm, we have the two books on Obama, and the book Synthetic Terror, all available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
Webster, as always, thank you so much.
Webster's in our film, The Obama Deception.
He's in the new film coming out.
Uh, in, uh, October.
So again, Webster, thank you so much for spending time with us.
You bet.
Take care.
There goes Webster.
Okay, we had Alan Keyes last week, and he rescheduled a couple times.
Very busy.
Our next guest rescheduled a couple times on us.
We'll see if they show up for the show.
They haven't rescheduled, so I believe we're about to have them on after we go to break here and come back.
I do want to get one more sponsor out of the way that made today's show possible, and then we'll come back with our guest.
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Waging War on Corruption!
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network!
Ladies and gentlemen, I really enjoy doing this syndicated radio show because I get to talk to so many neat people.
And the new book is out.
It's already a bestseller.
Buzz Aldrin, Magnificent Desolation.
And he really doesn't need much of an introduction.
What a doctor, colonel in the military, one of the first guys to walk on the moon with Neil Armstrong.
Just amazing.
And I got his book about two weeks ago.
I've read almost all of it.
One of the best books by an astronaut I've read.
I love the name, Magnificent Desolation.
Here it is as we simulcast on the internet as well for the Prison Planet TV viewers.
Buzz Aldrin, it's great to have you here with us.
I am happy to be with you.
Life is great.
The sun is beginning to shine here in foggy LA.
Absolutely, out there in Los Angeles.
There is so much to get into.
Why the name, Magnificent Desolation?
Well, I wasn't given the challenge or really the opportunity of a formalized utterance on
I'm joining Neil on the surface of the moon.
There was a little bit of conversation that included the word magnificent and then beautiful and so the two words just came together as a comparison of opposites and so I said magnificent desolation.
And the magnificence really was referring to the progress of the human species from coming down from the trees to automobiles, airplanes, rockets, spaceships, and then journeying and two people from the planet Earth walking around on that object that humans had gazed up and looked at for
All of civilization.
So that was a magnificent testimonial to the progress that this human intelligent species was able to do.
But we were there at the most desolate site I could imagine.
It had not changed in hundreds and thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, from just what we were looking at.
The kind of rolling terrain, all shades of gray, maybe a couple of more centimeters of dust accrued in hundreds of thousands of years.
Fourteen days of daylight, then darkness, no atmosphere, black sky, Earth sitting up there, almost straight up.
And then the sun moving over because of the moon's rotation about the earth.
Just a forbidding place.
Not at all friendly or hospitable.
So it was desolate.
We've got a break in a moment.
We've got a long summer coming up.
Plenty of time to go over the book.
But I wanted to ask you.
I mean, obviously you had fear, concern on this mission, but what was it like to actually be there and actually carry out this dangerous mission?
I mean, it's one thing to psychologically get ready for it, but another thing to actually be there.
Well, it was for several years, five, six years, the culmination of everything we had been working for
NASA since 1961 when the president said that we should go to the moon and my Air Force career piloting and studying my doctorate at MIT and manned orbital rendezvous was just all pointing toward some humans being able to get to the moon and there I was about to be one of them.
I'm good.
By realizing that fear, worry are all... We've got a break.
We've got a break, Mr. Aldrin.
We'll be right back with Buzz Aldrin.
Stay with us.
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Well, he's buzzed all over in a second.
Hummel said he'd save me in the walk on the surface of the moon.
And he's got a long bio.
He really doesn't need any introduction.
But his new book is Magnificent Desolation.
The website is BuzzAldrin.com.
We've got links to that up on my sites, InfoWars.com.
The other sites, InfoWars.net.
Your book gets into your idea of a unified space mission or direction.
I notice we haven't gone back to the moon except with probes since the early seventies, and you talk about that in the book as well.
So tell us about your idea, you know, with a doctorate and all of this, and as one of the most famous astronauts, your vision of what you think we should do.
It's as you just said, unified space vision.
Not mission, it's many, many missions over a long period of time.
And we came to a real tipping point with the accident of the Columbia on February 1st of 03.
That left us with only three orbiters and we had to solve the problem of the safety of continuing to fly the space shuttle and the unfinished space station.
And what is the future going to be?
Before that accident, NASA was considering flying the shuttle until 2020, another 10 years from now, and maybe even 2025.
And now it looked as though that was just not a good thing to do.
My engineers were trying to work the problem and coming up with a modified shuttle launch system that could take up a replacement of the shuttle orbiter to take people up, but not large amounts of cargo, at least in the same spacecraft.
And we were looking, my group of engineers were also looking for what kind of a space vision should we have in the future.
But the accident and NASA's studies during the summer, combined with the accident board, came up with a recommendation that the cargo and crew be separated
But not just in the spacecraft, but on the launch vehicle.
And I was concerned that that opened the door to have NASA develop two different rockets, one of them just for the crew and one of them just for the lander and the cargo, and I felt that was wrong.
But NASA was pursuing, sort of behind closed doors, what they thought they should do for the future.
When they did come out with their vision for space exploration in January of 04, it involved terminating the shuttle in 2010, finishing the space station, building spacecraft and rockets somehow to go back to the moon by 2020.
I kind of went along with that.
That sounded reasonable.
But then as the progress in the launch vehicles that I disagreed with began to bog us down, I felt we need to look really closely, examine why do we want to go back to the moon with humans when by the time we get there, it'll be 50 years from when we did it in 1969 and beyond.
And shouldn't we be following the shuttle with something that has six to eight people in it but no cargo and lands on a runway?
And shouldn't we be doing other things for a long duration spaceflight in the direction of Mars?
Isn't that where we should try and go with our major resources?
Well, Dr. Aldrin, Buzz Aldrin, didn't Wernher von Braun draw up the space shuttle back in like the mid-30s, the idea for it?
Isn't it ancient, comparatively, in the space age?
Well, yes.
What he felt we needed, correctly, was a laboratory in space and a reusable way to have rockets and spacecraft
Take people and cargo up to the moon.
But that's two things, and we couldn't build the laboratory until we had the shuttle.
And the shuttle was not well designed in the first place by trying to put a crew in the reusable booster.
So it had to be redesigned with solid rockets, and I didn't agree with that.
And it ended up being quite a large vehicle to satisfy the Air Force needs for a big reconnaissance satellite and a one-orbit mission returning to the same place that, because of rotation, moved 1,500 miles to the east.
Not to interrupt you, but in the time we have, we're reaching the halfway point here.
I'm going to skip this network break.
You cover a lot of this in Magnificent Desolation, which is a magnificent book.
But something I saw you get really excited about was on C-SPAN, you talked about this monolith on the tiny potato-shaped moon of Mars.
And I knew about its moon, I didn't know about this monolith.
And you got really sparkly-eyed and animated about this.
Tell us about this monolith and why you want to land on that moon first.
Well, I want to land on the moon first, whether it has a monolith or not, because it orbits around Mars in seven hours and is quite close, much, much closer than our moon is to the Earth.
And from that moon, people can control robots, rovers, all sorts of assembly processes.
Chemical processes, fuel processes, and other things on the surface without endangering the crew.
And it's much easier to take people there, actually, than it is to take people to and from our moon.
Because of the smallness of it, it takes longer to get there.
And when you get there, you have to stay longer.
So it's a significant challenge, but it is a major safe
stepping stone before going to the surface of Mars and can be approached in inspiring logical steps from low Earth orbit doing things that increase our capability, some in the direction of our moon but not landing on our moon.
Instead, we have the experience to be the leaders of
Or going elsewhere in space, and that should be commercial, not national, not government-controlled, and that means international.
Yeah, now the Monolith just happens to be a location of a Mars-ology, not geology, feature that is a physical structure, but it is very, very curious.
And it's quite close to where we would like to land.
And Canadian studies extensively of going to Phobos for science, the science team has said, go for the monolith.
So they think that is sufficiently scientifically attractive, and it's close to where you want to be to observe from there.
Uh, the planet Mars itself.
You're on television saying we need to go there to see this monolith.
You're saying it's very curious.
And again, I saw your eyes light up on television.
What is your gut this monolith is?
Or what are Marsologists saying it could be?
My opinion and the Marsologists' opinion don't guide public opinion and curiosity
Uh, for the unusual and the bizarre.
We need lots and lots of public discussion about the pros and cons of going anywhere.
I mean, certainly it's a way to get people interested.
I see that.
But, but what do you think this is?
I mean, tell me what your gut or as a, as a person, a doctor who studies this, what does this look like to you?
It's a big, big, tall rock.
I can say it looks like maybe a crude construction device by some creatures who practiced on Phobos and then landed in Egypt and built the pyramids.
I don't really believe that, but some people are liable to think that.
Well, I'm looking at it.
It's got what looks like really clean-cut edges, and it's got a smooth top, and I never even cover this stuff, Mr. Aldrin.
Buzz Aldrin on the phone with us here from California.
This is just amazing to have you and others talking about it, and I see all your excitement.
Dealing with it, let me ask you in this way.
What do you believe the destiny of humanity is?
Because a lot of people feel like this species is far older than we even know.
What do you believe man's destiny will be if we have the vision to go off-world?
I mean, in a big way.
Well, I think sooner or later the Earth is just liable to be impacted by something that we, as humans with all our technology, could not prevent.
And it would be a good idea, thousands of years maybe in the future, or two weeks in the future, to have a survivable off-planet species
To keep things going.
Not just for the benefit of unborn people, but think of the lives, the history that the human species has had here on Earth, and to have that wiped out.
It's not just the lives of the future.
Well, Dr. Aldrin, was it Saturn that got hit by Shoemaker-Levy, the big comet that broke up?
I mean, they said if that hit the Earth, that would have basically killed all life on the planet, or at least knocked out our civilization.
No, that was Jupiter.
Jupiter, that's right, Jupiter.
Well, and we just might find indications of a very crude form of life that might have
Well, we're a long evolution
Uh, away.
I don't believe that that means that there were rocket ships somehow that left Mars and landed here on Earth.
And, uh... But meteor impacts, you're saying, which we know sent Martian rock here, could have brought it?
Or vice versa.
Going back, because that was so intriguing, you're saying it's similar to some of the things we see in Egypt?
No, no, no.
I'm just saying there is a lot of conjecture as to who built the pyramids.
I'm pretty well convinced that they were slaves that were conned into building this edifice for the pharaohs.
So the pharaohs could get to the other side in the holy land and put in a good word for all the slaves who built the pyramids.
Sure, sure.
I can't talk about a Ponzi scheme.
That was the biggest con game I ever saw.
Well, again, Buzz Aldrin is our guest right now, author of Magnificent Desolation that I hold in my hand.
What I'm getting at is this, and I respect you and I appreciate you coming on the show.
I know we have advanced technologies.
I know we have incredible men and women.
I know we have amazing, candid spirit.
We also know that there are a lot of secret military programs, a lot of advanced technology.
We see astronauts hinting at it, hinting at knowing about things.
And this is not even a UFO show.
We just see other astronauts that say they've seen things out there.
We've seen video from the space shuttle of things flying around.
I was just wondering your view on life in the solar system outside Earth.
We have zero evidence of any life
In our solar system, other than that which we can observe here on Earth, and I think the distances involved to even the closest star, having written a detailed science fiction story about another civilization from Alpha Centauri that had compelling reasons to advance their technology and to visit the Earth,
Uh, they failed in their efforts to do that, uh, for logical reasons.
Uh, but I don't believe they exist there on Alpha Centauri, nor do I believe they exist on other planets.
Sure, sure, it's hypothetical.
I've always wanted... A good story, but I believe the distances involved make it extremely improbable for any advanced life forms to be very close
And within reach for star travelers from Earth for thousands and thousands of years.
However... What about full space?
What about the... However, millions of years, I believe, that certainly creatures from Earth could have the technology to visit the closest star, Alpha Centauri, and other stars
If we have a good reason to do that.
And the demise, the extinction of life on Earth probably is a good reason to want to invest the resources to re-establish civilization on some other star system.
But that's very, very remote.
Do any of your colleagues
Do you have suspicions about the monolith?
Well, I've asked them to try and be interested and support the things that I've been doing, and there's very little response.
There's one that didn't fly to the moon, and some others who are shuttle people who are certainly interested in helping me advance
Progress of human space flight.
Mr. Aldrin, I always wanted to ask you this.
We saw the photos of the little Masonic flag to the moon and some of the names of the missions and the numerology.
Is there anything to that?
Or what is the Masonic influence?
We know there's a Masonic influence in the founding of the country.
What is the Masonic influence on NASA?
As far as I can tell, zero.
There were some Masonic brothers of mine in Texas that wanted me to take some kind of a Masonic emblem to the moon in some gesture of... I don't know what it would be a gesture of, but I told them that it was not within my authority to do such a thing.
One of the astronauts left a photo of his family though there.
Oh yeah, I think that's perfectly legitimate.
I left several things, coins from Soviet cosmonauts killed, a patch from the Apollo 1, messages from 72 leaders of the world, and an olive branch gold pin that was my contribution.
Well, again, it's just amazing getting to talk to you.
The book is Magnificent Desolation.
Let me bring up one other subject and then end on a very positive note.
It's a great book.
This has gotten a lot of attention lately.
What do you think of the people that mistrust the government and the system so much that they say you guys couldn't have gone to the Van Allen Radiation Belt and that it was all a Stanley Kubrick film production?
Well, I think they are self-serving individuals looking for attention, preying on gullible people
And they wouldn't exist if it were not for the gullible people who also like to encourage thinking about unrealistic, unsubstantiated things and titillate the public.
And that includes all sorts of people.
I hate to say it, but it includes yourself.
But I sure understand.
That's humanity.
That's the way we operate.
And I'm not beyond using that to help publicize the reality of things.
Well, sure, but I mean, Dr. Aldrin, we have to question.
I mean, that's a human trait.
I tend in the other direction, because I know people that worked actually, you know, on the mission with the RCA cameras and things, and they say they believe it was real.
My issue is, I know it goes in the other direction.
I've talked to people, former head of Star Wars and others, they say there's so much classified stuff, space planes, that the real space program is robotic.
And that most of it's military.
Do you have any comments on that?
Well, a robotic space program is much, much cheaper than a human one.
And if I were financing the military, I would be pretty skeptical about
Sending military astronauts up there with all the expense if I could get the job done with robots.
So yeah, but I think there certainly are limits to what can be done with robots and still keep that somewhat cloaked from the general public.
The people that accuse the government of
Improperly cordoning off areas like Area 51 from public trespassing.
What do you think we want to do?
Do you think we want to open up every avenue of classified defense of our country?
No, but I was just asking you, with your knowledge, Mr. Aldrin, about secret government programs, because that is obviously very, very interesting.
The book is Magnificent Desolation, Buzz Aldrin with Ken Abraham, and it's an amazing book.
You're an amazing person, and we really enjoy you being on.
I'd like to say bye to you as we go to break here in five seconds before we let you go, Mr. Aldrin.
But again, we really want to thank you for coming on with Magnificent Desolation.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
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This is Alex Jones.
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I think so.
Okay, we're going to do five more minutes with Commander, Colonel, Captain, Buzz Aldrin, Doctor.
The book is Buzz Aldrin, Magnificent Desolation, and he's going to come back for five minutes and break down, answer the people that say we didn't go to the moon or it was a hoax.
So, Buzz Aldrin, you've got the floor, sir.
Please break it down for us.
Well, we went to the moon.
Their laser
radar reflectors that are on the moon that we show pictures of that we brought back and anybody who has a laser beam can send it to the moon and it'll bounce back to you and you can measure the frequency change and that's why it's there to measure how Africa drifts away from South America and other
Geological and scientific measurements like that.
I think most important is the fact that we were clearly in a race with another highly technical, capable country, the Soviet Union, that claimed they never went to the moon, but they were preparing to, and they had landers and they had people picked out, and of course after
We were on the moon, they had rovers up there, so they fully had the ability to know whether we landed there or not.
And they never joined the conspiracy that said that America never went to the moon.
So I think that's the strongest argument.
But whatever it is, it's supported by gullible people that want to believe the bizarre, the unusual, the fantasy.
And that's okay, because that's human nature, to be curious about things.
Well, I read a book by a prominent person who says we didn't go to the moon, and he says there's plants on the moon, and it has an atmosphere, and that it rotates, but everybody can look at the moon and tell it doesn't rotate, or at least... I mean, that's crazy.
Well, it rotates once a revolution around the Earth.
That's the way it keeps the same side face, because that's the minimum tidal effect
That the Earth and the Sun have on the surface of the Moon.
And things tend to have friction dissipate energy to a point where there is no friction anymore.
And if you want to carry that to an extreme, if the Earth and the Moon were around long enough, the Moon would move further and further and further away until there was no tidal effect of the Moon on the Earth, and the same side of the Earth faced the Moon and vice versa.
Yeah, what do you, when you bring up the Russian issue of them tracking the mission and they would have blown the whistle on us, I guess people then say that that was a conspiracy too?
I don't know what they say.
I think they dodged the question.
Well, you're passing through them in pretty much of a hurry.
We have a concern about what we call the South Atlantic Anomaly, which is where some of the radiation dips down to lower altitudes, around maybe 400 miles above the surface of the Earth.
So, we don't want to send a spacecraft into that South Atlantic Anomaly for long periods of time, or many, many, many orbits.
Um, but, but certainly, uh, radiation detectors that went through the Van Allen Belt, as scientific probes do all the time, that are leaving, uh, leaving the, uh, Earth and heading for geosynchronous where we have our, uh, uh, communication satellites.
Uh, those are, uh, uh, above the Van Allen Belt.
The communication satellites are essentially
We're good to go.
Well, Buzz Aldrin, the book is Magnificent Desolation.
I'm not going to keep you any longer.
I really appreciate your time.
Maybe I can have you up sometime for a 30-minute interview just about your vision of going to Mars.
I know humanity is reaching out to the stars, and I know we have incredible potential thanks to people like you and the courage that you and other astronauts
Let me just say one more thing.
We need a serious debate.
Here, before we begin to spend large, large amounts on going to Mars.
And I don't think we need to do that for another 10 years.
That's why we have a two-phase program.
The debate is, do we want to just go there a couple of times and then let the Congress spend the money on earmarks?
Or do we want to commit to permanence?
That's continuous increasing settlements
At Mars.
That's the choice we need to make.
And anything you folks can do to begin to address that subject.
Is it worth expending the money to send humans and their judgment and their curiosity and their investigation?
Or do we want to do that with only robots
I mean, our moon is a very hostile place.
It's not inviting at all.
And the same thing applies there.
We can do robots much, much easier.
Uh, then of course on Mars, and I think better than humans on the moon.
But that's what I was going to say, is it's good to send humans, isn't it, because it keeps us in the game.
If we start getting to where we only have robots, we might turn into, you know, over eons, into creatures that don't even have arms and legs and just sit there as blobs, like something out of WALL-E.
Have you seen that movie WALL-E, where there are all these blobs that... Yeah, but more important than that, other nations will go
Where we choose not to go.
Yeah, since you brought that up, let me just ask this final question and we'll let you go.
Again, Buzz Aldrin, second-to-walk-on-the-moon, a famous astronaut here, one of the most famous, if not the most famous, next to Neil Armstrong.
There's been a call for globalism, global government, in saying, then man can go to the stars, but having a big global bureaucracy, I think, would actually stamp out a lot of innovation of the different nation-states.
What's your view on people that call for a new world order?
Well, they're seeking power where it perhaps is not deserved.
Space-faring nations, those with the capability of sending objects for themselves or for others
Our spacefaring nations, and they're the ones, and only the ones, that should have a say.
Otherwise, it's going to be, I want what some favored other nation has.
So we do need international involvement, but we need strong, strong leadership, and I think that's where the United States has the opportunity to be that leader.
But are you overall then, you don't like the globalism or world government then?
No, I like spacefaring nations determine what goes up above a hundred kilometers and what comes down and what protects the assets there.
Is that a good name for you?
A spacefarer, not just an astronaut?
Well, yeah.
I mean, below 100 kilometers, you can throw rocks, you can fire mortars, rocket grenades, you can do whatever you want, and we'll deal with those terrestrial problems of human rights, of piracy, of stealing, and all those other things.
But let's have a separation for the benefit of what goes on because things can collide with each other and eventually irresponsible actions, accidentally or on purpose, can prohibit
What do you think of the weaponization of space?
Do you think that's a good thing or a bad thing?
I don't call that weaponization.
I call that prudent behavior.
If you have assets in space and some rogue nation can threaten you, you should have the ability to defend yourself against those hostile acts.
But the country that gets a dominance in space could then set up an off-world system, and really almost split into two species, have the dominant empire that's space-based, and then kind of the suboid minions back on Earth.
I guess those are debates we should be having, though.
Well, I think that we all like the pleasures down here, and those are subject to conflict.
I think we need to be judicious, and I think you're projecting way far ahead to have a space species only that's in conflict with a terrestrial species only.
No, I know, but you know a couple hundred years is the blink of an eye in the way technology is advancing and developing.
I gotta go.
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Buzz Aldrin, you're a really nice fella and have a lot of courage and we really appreciate you coming on with us.
All righty, thank you.
Take care.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
Buzz Aldrin, 45-minute interview.
I skipped a break.
I do that more and more.
I had Alan Keyes on, all this is happening.
It's only a fourth hour, though, for the advertisers.
And I said I was going to get into all this other crazy stuff.
What happens is I've got these great producers out here.
We've got Jaron Neihart doing it, and we've got Paul Hartman, we've got Rob Dew.
Rob Dew is doing computer and video editing.
They're running a live TV show.
And now that I've got three producers who also do other jobs, but three of them, I mean it's just like, hey, want Buzz Aldrin?
Yeah, get him!
Hey, want this person?
Want that person?
They really do a great professional job.
I want to commend the team.
out there for getting Buzz Aldrin.
Look, ladies and gentlemen, I've had Schmidt on, Dr. Schmidt, and I've had Dr. Aldrin on.
We're going to get all these astronauts on.
And we're going to get some of them on that are talking about the advanced technologies and hidden agendas.
But I dare somebody to get Buzz Aldrin up and then start being mean to him and tell him we didn't go to the moon.
I have a lot of friends that think it's all a hoax and a fraud.
And I have my questions, but analyzing it, I think it's clear they've got a lot of more advanced technology they don't want the public knowing about, and a lot of what we're shown is kind of the 1930s tinker toys.
You heard when I brought up Wernher von Braun on the space shuttle, 1934, 1935, you know, that was accurate with Dr. Aldrin.
They tell us the SR-71 Blackbird
In service in the mid-1950s is the fastest plane we have.
Now if you believe that 50 plus years later, I don't know, what's 55 to 2009?
That's 55, 54 years later.
If you believe that a 54-year-old, 55, will develop in 1950, it's really 59 years old, but in service in 55.
If you believe a 59-year-old aircraft is the fastest aircraft we've got, you are insane.
And we've already had a split off with the more advanced technologies in the military and corporate reservations.
We need to have a larger debate about this, and so I brought Buzz Aldrin on about that.
I just know this, there's a lot of credible criticism of moon landing being a hoax.
But there's also a lot of it, like you take Behold a Pale Horse, people kept telling me, read it, read it, read it.
I finally got it a few months ago and read the whole thing.
I'd read about a third of it back in the late 90s.
And there's plants on the moon, it rotates every day, you don't need a space suit on the moon, Jesus is killed by aliens with holograms,
And it's in there.
People then email me when I talk about that and say I'm a liar.
It doesn't say that.
The book says that.
Anybody who's read it knows that.
Burmese is here, isn't he?
He printed that off the other day.
Get him to run that.
I don't want to show people that.
The only point is, is that then I look at it and there's...
I have experienced people saying everything's a hoax because they don't believe anything can be real.
Like they say it's fake that I snuck into Bohemian Grove.
No, they arrested the Vanity Fair reporter last year, the People Magazine reporter, the CBS reporter.
I got in and out by the grace of God, and probably because I snuck in with Mike Hanson, most reporters sneak in by themselves.
I thought two people would be good to throw them off.
We really did, you know, put the Joker poster out and have people put them up in hundreds of cities nationwide.
We really did start 9-11 Truth and expose that as an inside job.
We really did come out and say they're going to use flu as a hoax for martial law.
And now Ron Paul and Congressman Brown and former Congressman Dick Armey are saying that.
And governors are writing letters
The Governor's Association to the President saying, we don't want 400,000 regular army in America.
It's an unconstitutional power grab and takeover.
And we have gotten, in many cities, over 75%.
This is now coming out in Oregon and California and Michigan and some towns.
75% of the school kids aren't taking the vaccines now because we woke people up.
I know we can affect change.
I know we have power as a species.
I know we can do incredible things.
And I know I've talked to people with national security letters and people who are high-level retired engineers and people that ran the cameras and all the rest of it.
And they say the word is there was a whole nother space program even more advanced going on and that what we were seeing was tinker toys.
And so it was theater, but only theater.
Did you hear Aldrin hinting at aliens and hinting at Egypt and hinting at monoliths and obelisks and then putting it out and then pulling back and how excited he got on TV?
I've talked to other astronauts off record, I've talked to other people that know astronauts, and they say it's just, you wouldn't imagine what's really going on.
And I know that gets into coast-to-coast territory, but this is the, you know, something's going on.
I don't know what it is.
And it was just an amazing interview, so there you have it.
I know you can do real things.
I also know there are hoaxes and frauds.
I want you to believe in yourselves.
You know, let's say I'm bad, which I'm not.
I mean, I'm the real deal.
It's proven by my fruits.
The new order hates what I'm doing.
But regardless, let's just say I'm bad for the sake of argument.
Don't let that stop you from taking action, getting involved, reaching out to other people, waking them up.
Now, I'm going to talk about the Joker contest in the final segment.
Tomorrow, I will start the show.
I don't have anybody on the first hour, do I?
We got more big guests coming up this week.
Oh, you ought to wait until the guest I got coming up in October.
It's going to blow your mind.
But, uh, about this whole picture of the vaccines and how they're killing people and how the flu shot in the trials is killing a bunch of people.
But the good news is it's coming out.
It's a fraud.
It's coming out.
It's on purpose.
Every major guest I have on is aware of world government and eugenics and against it.
Buzz Aldrin was just against the new world order.
You know, I mean, I don't know what to say.
It's just amazing things are happening and we all have incredible power in this world to control our destiny.
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I think?
Look, I hate to do this, but I got a bunch of emails and phone calls, you know, saying I was a liar about this.
Here is the Secret Government, Chapter 12, Behold the Pale Horse.
There are areas on the moon where plant life grows and even changes in color with the seasons.
And then it goes on to say that it has an atmosphere and rotates.
Okay, you can't make this up.
Here's the part about aliens and holograms.
Now, I read this when somebody sent this to me in the late nineties and laughed at it.
So there.
That's what I say to people that, I mean, this is the guy that claims that I'm a transvestite at public events wearing nipple bobbers.
I mean, I'm sorry to... I mean, that's just...
People keep asking me to respond to this.
Look, I don't believe there's plants on the moon.
And I don't get up at Academy Award events wearing nipple bobbers.
I mean, I just can't handle it anymore.
People keep asking me to respond.
You really want me to go deeper into this?
It's a raving liar!
There you go, you got what you wanted, I'm talking about it.
People say I'm a liar, that it doesn't need, it gets worse!
It gets more insane!
Plants and the moon rotates and has seasons and turkeys flying by or something, I mean it's just absolutely insane.
I just had Buzz Aldrin on, I'm talking about this, because it gets into the moon stuff.
People are like, have you read this about the moon?
So I read it and it's like, plants and the moon?
That doesn't mean I don't think there's some hoaxing going on.
But the info I've been given is because they don't want anybody to see the real technology they've got.
I believe we're being lied to.
Let's get that straight.
Okay, look.
I'm out of time.
I'm gonna start the show tomorrow.
With 45 minutes on the big picture of the staged flu, the martial law, finally getting traction, mainline congressmen, former congressmen, Governor's Association talking about martial law, troops.
It's really happening.
And knowing it's happening, and knowing it's wrong, and people speaking out beforehand will nix them being able to do this.
Then the COINTELPRO will attack and say, see, it didn't happen.
But that's okay.
At least we still have our country and our economy and our future.
So, we've been right, it's all coming true, exactly as we said, you have all done a job off the charts good.
You've all done a job off the charts good.
uh... dealing with the obama joker posters on Infowars.com we're gonna do one that says bank heist bank robber we're gonna do one uh... that says liar we're gonna do one that says end the war they're all up on the flyer page at Infowars.com just click on the contest page we're making a bigger article about it all it's about the first amendment it's about free speech worldwide it's about the people seeing the power
Of going out and engaging in the First Amendment.
Obama said in the Washington Post to his members to stick favorable posters of him on stop signs.
We said do only what's legal.
And that's in Commons areas where other signs are up.
In areas where that's allowed.
The media has a state investigation like we're Al-Qaeda.
They're talking about the victims.
It's all blown up on their face, their hypocrisy, their clear double standard.
And this has resonated with people, and it's going to end up being bigger than the Andre has a posse thing that went on for a decade.
You watch.
These Obama posters, and it shows the power of the people just putting him up as a criminal, destroys all of his power.
And thus, all the New World Order agenda that's coupled up to him.
I do want to, just in closing, encourage people to buy the different posters of Obama.
Well, the posters are free.
The different t-shirts, wear them.
We've got the Bush Joker t-shirts, by the way, which are just absolutely scary.
Our actual graphics lady did those.
Really captures his demonic personality.
We're going to create one with Bush on the back and Obama on the front and vice versa.
That's about to go up on the shopping cart.
Get the videos, get the books, get them out to people.
And you also then fund us when you support us to expand our operation.
It's symbiotic.
We're having great success against the globalists.
They can be defeated.
We just had Buzz Aldrin basically saying down with the New World Order.
Huge guest, jam-packed.
We had the Pale Horse Militia guy on in the first part of the show.
That's coming up now.
Great job, crew.
That was a good transmission.
Ha ha!
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Coast to coast and in your face.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.