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Name: 20081209_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 9, 2008
1230 lines.
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All right, it's an important historical event, the federal government bombing the Alfred P. Murrow building in 1995 on April 19th to demonize militias, Patriot groups, and to launch a nationwide move for gun confiscation, to set up anti-terror forces against the American people.
Here's the Financial Times of London today, and now for a world government.
And they admit that a world government is being set up, that it will be anti-democratic and will enslave us, and even mentions how they need to get the American people's guns, how our guns are a problem.
Open announcement for world government, open announcement they're worried about the people in the heart of America and their guns.
They admit here they're setting up world government.
It's just all right there, and you can go read that story.
We have it linked up on PrisonPlanet.com.
We have the FBI documents, thanks to Jesse Trinidou investigating his brother's murder.
A high-powered lawyer out of Utah, Salt Lake City Tribune and others have covered it.
The Desert News has covered it.
And they've gotten other documents that the Deputy Attorney General Holder, who's about to be the Attorney General, he involved in emails and the cover-up of all of this that he got during his lawsuit.
He's now won that suit.
I think that's the one thing we neglected to mention in the article we wrote.
He's got a huge reward out right now for a quarter million dollars.
Well thank you for having me back, Mr. Jones.
You bet.
Basically, my brother was killed in the months following the Oklahoma City bombing.
He was killed in Oklahoma City.
He had been picked up in California and sent to Oklahoma City.
He'd gotten out of the service during the Vietnam War as a heroin addict, and that wasn't uncommon back then.
He had robbed a bank, and he was caught and he pled guilty.
He did his time.
He got out in 1988, married.
We're good to go.
And sent to Oklahoma City, and was dead two days later.
And at the time, it was a shock to us that the government called up the Department of Justice and said he'd committed suicide, and they asked for permission to cremate his body, and we said no.
And we found out later that after we said no, the Department of Justice went to the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner and tried to get an order for cremation, and he wouldn't give it to them, because he didn't have the family's permission.
It took us a week to get his body released and sent home and when he came home he was heavily made up and my mother and his wife and my sister stripped the makeup off and he had been beaten head to toe.
His head was, the skin in his head was split to the skull in three places from the blows.
The soles of his feet had been beaten, knuckles black, beaten back and front and his throat was cut.
And then we found out he'd been strangled with a pair of plastic handcuffs, so he'd apparently been tortured extensively and then killed.
We had no, no... And this happened in federal custody, supposedly in a isolation interrogation type cell where only the Department of Justice has access to it.
And they of course said it's a suicide and a suicide by hanging.
It was a hard, hard case for us.
I mean, we
We went to our government expecting them to do right.
We went to the FBI expecting them to do right.
But then we started to get suspicious when all the evidence disappeared.
The medical examiner shows up on the morning to claim my brother's body, and before they turn his body over, the Department of Justice removes his bloodstained clothing and destroys it.
The medical examiner tries to get access to the cell.
They tell him he can't, and then they clean it that very day.
He comes back.
He finally got into the cell about six months later, and they point to a note written on the wall.
Now, this is a sealed crime scene, supposedly.
They said, that's a suicide note.
He said, well, why don't you have your handwriting analyzed?
He comes back a week later, and they'd painted the cell.
The surveillance camera supposedly malfunctioned.
I received a call from a world expert on video cameras who had been the expert.
His name was
Pearl, who had been the expert in the Rodney King case.
He said the Department of Justice, the FBI, came to him with the video camera and wanted him to say that the camera had malfunctioned.
He looked at the camera, he looked at the tape, and he said the tape had been erased.
And they immediately grabbed the camera back from him, the tape back from him, and told him not to do anything, not to write a report.
Alright, stay there, we're going to come back on the other side of this break and continue what Jesse's trying to do.
This blew the case wide open.
This exposed the feds.
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Well, the union's our big business, man, and it's going out like a dinosaur.
Decades ago, Bob Dylan knew about the New World Order.
And I have that direct.
Won't say how I know that.
Everybody's waking up to the New World Order.
They better.
Democracy don't rule the world.
You better get that through your head.
This world is ruled by violence.
From the Broadway to the Milky Way.
That's a lot of real estate indeed.
Who knows about the New World Order, huh?
A man's gonna do what a man's gotta do, and they put us up against the wall.
They put our back up against the wall, and we have to fight back, and so we are.
This is another case, just like all the guests I had on yesterday, of a single person taking action.
They harassed his mother, his father,
We're good to go.
Savagely, savagely just tortured him to death trying to get info because the feds of course had just bombed their own building and thought he was one of the witnesses and had to get rid of John Doe number two.
But he wasn't John Doe number two.
We now know who that was.
They also murdered him.
Police officers that were investigating this in Oklahoma were murdered.
Cop of the year, tortured to death, similar to this.
Just remember that police out there.
They got FBI hit teams that will torture you to death.
They'll kill anybody they want, whenever they want.
They hire these former special forces guys that are mentally ill, put them into the anti-terror squads, and they like it.
They like being the bad guys.
They like getting away with it.
They like that nobody can stop them.
They love evil.
It's all about their own personal power.
Now there's more of us than them.
We're going to combine forces.
There's good people in government, like good FBI agents, leaked documents that he later sued and was able to get from the government because he had the documents to prove we're accurate, where they were basically running the bombing operation.
This is key info.
Let's continue with Jesse Trenodue, who again, took action and finally won in court.
What was it?
1.3 million or 1.2 million?
A little over a million, Mr. Jones, but to get right to the heart of the story,
It's interesting with your comments about the murders because the world famous videographer, he calls me and tells me the tape had been erased.
The FBI had taken the tape back from him and told him not to say anything about it.
Before our trial, he ends up dead.
A witness to my brother's murder named Alden Gillis Baker, he's found hanging in his cell a month before the trials to start in federal custody.
The fellow that I think was John Doe too, Richard Lee Guthrie, as you said,
He supposedly hangs himself in federal custody the day before he's supposedly going to give a tell-all interview to the Los Angeles Times about what he said would blow the lid off the Oklahoma City bombing.
The point on all this evidence disappearing is we don't understand why.
My brother, we're just ordinary people.
Why this is happening?
And we've gone to the FBI looking for them to do the right thing.
I mean, the crime scene photographs disappear while in FBI custody.
The log books that would have shown who came and had access to my brother.
They disappear.
Everything disappeared.
We didn't have a motive.
The government harassed my mother and father.
They would go up and down the street.
And this is the FBI, door to door, asking neighbors for any kind of smut on my family of drug use, criminal activity.
And by the way, you now have the emails where Holder, who's about to be Attorney General, is saying this is a Normandy-level cover-up, like the invasion of Normandy on D-Day.
So they're just everywhere, full-court press, covering this up.
And I don't understand why.
I mean, at that time, they tried twice to indict me.
My wife, part of my brother's ashes, they had placed together on the beach in Mexico.
My brother was killed.
Their only child was two months old.
She would go back and forth down to their place on the beach and coming back across the border one time, an immigration officer pulled her over and said, are you Mrs. Trinidou?
And she said, yes.
He said, well, you shouldn't go down to Mexico very much anymore.
And she says, why?
He said, the FBI has been here and they told us every time you come across to take you to what they call secondary.
Now that's where they take the engine out of your car, take the tires off, take the steering wheel out, the seats out and say, have a nice day and walk away.
But again, we never understood why this was happening.
Because all we wanted to know was the truth, what happened to my brother and why nobody was being prosecuted.
Well, then it started to unravel about a short time afterwards when I received an anonymous call.
I think it was in January of 96 that said, the person said, your brother had been killed by the FBI.
I remember the words vividly.
It was an interrogation that went bad.
And the person said, your brother had fit a profile of this group that was robbing banks to get money to attack the federal government.
And I didn't pay any attention to it.
I thought it was a nut calling.
And then in June or July of 1996, I read a story in the Los Angeles Times about a Richard Lee Guthrie, who was a member of a group called the Midwest Bank Robbery Gang, who was robbing banks and getting money to wage war against the United States government.
And I thought that was interesting, but it never clicked really.
And then about, uh, shortly before he was executed, I get a message from Tim McVeigh who said, told me that when I saw your brother's picture and heard what happened to him, I want you to know that the FBI killed him because they thought he was Richard Lee Guthrie.
And I guess what's really clued me into it was getting a telephone call from a reporter named JD Cash out of Oklahoma.
I don't
asked me, where was he when he was picked up?
And I said, well, he was coming back across the border from Mexico.
And J.D.
said, well, what was he driving?
And I said, he was driving his friend's 1986 Chevrolet pickup truck.
And then J.D.
asked the last question.
He said, did he have any tattoos?
And I said, yes.
He said, what kind and where?
And I said, he had a dragon tattoo on his left forearm.
lets out this sound.
I mean, I can't remember what it was.
It was like, oh my God.
He said,
You better sit down.
I said, well, I am sitting down.
He said, let me tell you this.
He said, when your brother was picked up, the largest manhunt in American history was going on for John Doe too.
And this is the description.
White male, five foot nine, dark complected, powerful upper body build, believed to be in Canada or Mexico, driving a mid-1980s Chevrolet pickup truck, dragon tattoo, left forearm.
My brother comes across the border meeting that description and is sent to Oklahoma and dead two days later.
And then I brought a lawsuit.
I had been leaked two teletypes from then FBI Director Louis Freeh talking about this sting operation taking place at a white supremacist compound in eastern Oklahoma called Elohim City.
And it was apparent from that teletype that they had informants with these people and they were linked to the bombing.
And then I came across
Uh, reference to an FBI operation that started, um, in the early 1990s, 92, 93, somewhere around there called PATCON.
It was an acronym for Patriot Conspiracy.
And apparently it was the FBI's operation to infiltrate the militia movement and to track them all over the country.
And so I filed a Freedom of Information Act request.
I zeroed in on that sting operation at Ellingham City.
I said, I want all your documents linking that operation, referring in that operation to the bombing of Oklahoma City, Tim McVeigh, Richard Lee Guthrie, and the Midwest Bank Robbery Gang.
Well, I knew that they would lie.
And of course they didn't.
They came back and said there were no documents.
And so I filed the two I had with the court and I knew they'd come back.
And one of the things when you fight the FBI, you can always count on the lie.
They'll lie when the truth would serve them better.
And that's a big advantage to have, knowing that about your adversary.
So I had ready an affidavit from a retired FBI agent saying that the documents were legitimate.
So they, sure enough, they come back into court and say, the memos are fake.
I filed that.
The judge goes ballistic, orders them to go back and do a manual search.
And they come back with 150 some pages of records.
And they plead with the judge not to turn them over to me because they said they had four or five informants who they had promised anonymity, and if their names were to get out, they would be placed at risk.
The judge said, black the names out, turn the documents over.
Well, I get these blacked out, I get the documents with the names blacked out, but it's clear they had this operation up and running.
One of the teletypes has Tim McVeigh calling Elohim City
Two days before the bombing, asking for more help.
Evidence came out that one of the informants had actually gone four months, in October of 94, to scout the Murrow building with some of the participants and had reported it.
So they knew four months, at least four months before it happened, it was going to happen.
They had their informants robbing banks and armored cars.
With McVeigh and the Midwest bank robbers to get the money to build a bomb.
Now, let me stop you there.
Going back, because remember, Colonel Craig Robertson and others have talked about how you were able to get the two memos and put them over each other.
You had the one that had been leaked, but then you also had the other one that you were able to get from the government and you were able to learn quite a few of the names from that.
Well, not the names, but
What was important is they can't remember what they've done in the past, so they black out different parts.
Yeah, I'm going from memory here.
So I guess it was the Southern Poverty Law Center government memo where the two copies were obtained and then laid over each other.
Going back from memory here, was that the Southern Poverty Law Center government documents that came out that they had basically had people in control or in the command positions there where they got the two memos and they laid them over each other?
These were all FBI documents, but they referred to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Of course, the Southern Poverty Law Center immediately called me and told me they had no involvement in this operation, and all I said was, I don't know if that's true or not, but your name is sure as hell all over these 150 pages of FBI records talking about it in terms of apparently a joint operation.
And I know this sounds incredible to your audience, but what they should keep in mind is, it's not me saying this.
These are records prepared by the FBI.
Are you kidding?
The ADL's been caught running all sorts of white supremacist scripts.
I mean, it's just part of the course, man.
But I mean, the point is, these were FBI documents, and many of them have been drafted, or at least were sent out under the order of the director of the FBI, Louis Freeh.
And so, once I get the documents, the oldest one I get is
On the afternoon of the bombing, April 19, 1995.
So I go back to the court and I said, look, Your Honor, there's no way in hell the Sting operation sprang to life three hours after the bombing.
It had to have been in place beforehand.
And that's when I asked for permission to take the depositions of Terry Nichols and David Hammer.
Now, David Hammer, everyone knows Nichols is the co-conspirator of McVeigh.
Hammer had spent
Two years on death row with McVeigh, and McVeigh told him all about the bombing, including the FBI's apparent involvement through a ring of informants.
You know, that's a good point.
We didn't get into last week about the Nichols deposition you got, and how they tried to block that coming out, and how when he wanted to talk to Attorney General Ashcroft, then he put a gag order and blocked the media from getting to him.
Perhaps we should flesh out what that meeting was like with Nichols.
Well, I went into, I don't know how I got in, but I got into
The new Alcatraz, which is ADMAC's administrative maximum prison in Florence, Colorado.
It's basically underground.
The people who go in there, like Nichols, will never come out.
They'll come out in a body bag.
They'll never come out alive.
Uh, it's concrete, largely underground, no windows.
I spent a day and a half with Nichols.
He gave me about a 50, I guess about 25, 30 page affidavit talking about the bombing, talking about some of the others involved.
Uh, and so what, how I came to see him though was apparently Nichols had been convicted by the federal jury.
He was tried by the federal government first.
They convicted him, but they refused to give him the death penalty because they said it's clear to a clear, it was clear to them that there were others involved and they didn't understand why the department of justice and the FBI weren't going after the others.
Nichols has been tried in state court.
Same result.
Jury convicts him, refuses to give him the death penalty, saying it's clear to us there are other people involved and that the FBI and the state of Oklahoma and the Department of Justice are not going after these people and we're not going to send Nichols to death and end the story without knowing what all is out there.
And so Nichols, once he's convicted in state court, he can't be retried.
And he can't be given the death penalty.
So he writes to Attorney General Ashcroft and he says, come and see me and I'll tell you everything.
I'll tell you all the people involved.
And Ashcroft not only doesn't go see him, but issues an order that Nichols is to have no contact with the media.
And so that's the scene when I finally get in to see Nichols.
And so I get this affidavit and I go back to the court and that's when the court looked at that affidavit and the court had
Unredacted copies of these documents.
So when the judge allowed him to turn over copies to me with the names blacked out, he ordered them to turn over copies to him without the blackout.
So he knew who was involved, he knew what they were doing, he knew what was planned, and he said, you go take that deposition and you take it on video.
Yeah, that was the documents I was going back to in memory.
So what was it like talking to Terry Nichols for the time you spent with him?
He is not a person who professes to be innocent.
He's a person, I think, and as I think I may have mentioned to you, to me it's a story of sin, forgiveness, and redemption.
He's apparently reached out to some of the victim's families, and two in particular, the two grandmothers who each lost two grandsons, toddlers, in the daycare center, and asked for forgiveness, and they've forgiven him, and they've struck up, I guess,
For lack of a better word, a sort of friendship.
He promised them that he would tell everything and he would clear his conscience to the extent it can be cleared.
And he did tell you what really happened?
There wasn't enough time to tell it all.
That is true.
When I say you're in a day and a half, it's not that long because part of the time is bringing him to the room where he's interviewed.
uh... part of the time is waiting for them to clear out of the room because they're not supposed to be listening to it but you know they are anyway and then they come back and do their routine checks so that it's constantly disruption and it's you're at a risk of being searched and everything else when you leave there so that's not there are some things that he was afraid to talk about that he didn't want to talk about for fear that they would hear or overhear or find out but he did say enough that there were
At least he claims that the FBI was involved, that an FBI informant, according to him, even provided the detonators used in the bomb.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
And then when we come back, we're going to continue our discussion with you about what Terry Nichols told you, the affidavit you got out, how this helped you win your court case.
Then we're going to take calls in the next hour with all the interesting points that listeners will bring up, all the directions they will take us in.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back.
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I think?
I think?
Jesse Trinidou is our guest coming up in the next hour at 1-800-259-9231.
We are going to be taking your phone calls for him.
You know, they've announced that five people are going to plead guilty who've been in Guantanamo Bay for six and seven years, respectively.
Openly being tortured, openly having psychological warfare done, things we can't even mention on air.
It's admitted in mainstream news that
They have sex with them, they put blood on them, they do satanic rituals, and the army says they do that to freak them out because they're Muslim.
No, it's because the government's satanic, and they like to do this in their spare time.
You don't believe me?
Just pull it up.
I mean, I can't say more than that.
It's been in the AP, it's been in Reuters.
I mean, hardcore torture, and they've got black sites or ghost sites where they torture them to death.
They've got drugs that stop their hearts, but then they're fully conscious, and then as soon as they panic, it's worse than waterboarding, they then turn their hearts back on.
Fox News has reported that and said it's a great thing they're doing.
That's in my film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
So this, you know, torture of people to get confessions from them.
I was on the treadmill this morning watching cable, and I was watching Dragnet, and they were the good guys crushing the man's testicles to get the answers.
Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd torture the guy by crushing his testicles, and it's so funny.
But see, it's not funny in real life when two big guys are knocking your teeth out and putting you on PCP and having prostitutes dance around in devil outfits.
I mean, it's just all sorts of things you can't imagine.
I mean, I could never have thought of this.
You know, I can't even get into it on air, folks.
It's too disgusting.
But needless to say, if it freaks me out, it really freaks these Muslims out.
And so now they've tortured him for seven years.
So that's the system we're facing.
Jesse Trinidou, continuing, sir, in that day and a half with Terry Nichols, what you were able to learn, what was in the affidavit that they've tried to quash.
Is that affidavit public?
When can it go public?
Will it go public?
The affidavits public record.
Nichols basically said that he was under the impression that the FBI was playing some role in handling Tim McVeigh and that one of the informants had actually provided the detonators for the bomb.
I think it's what's interesting, though, is I've made those accusations in this lawsuit and the FBI has never denied them.
And the accusations were pretty specific that they were involved.
Possibly with the German government and others in a sting operation to infiltrate the militias groups in this country.
It went bad on them.
It resulted in the bombing in Oklahoma City.
Well, that's their spin.
I mean, two weeks ago, German intelligence was caught.
Reuters reported staging bombings on NATO facilities.
Did you see that?
No, I didn't.
Yeah, they specialize in attacking federal buildings.
That's their little favorite.
That's the German... The German, Mark, is attacking their... The German signature is they like to attack cops.
Because then that gets the cops to do whatever they say.
And they were caught two Mondays ago, Der Spiegel, Reuters,
I mean, it was admitted, just cut and dry.
NATO police caught him.
But specifically, he said that McVeigh told him that he was in black operations?
He inferred, from certain things McVeigh said, that that's what was taking place.
Specifically, what did McVeigh say?
I can't remember now.
I haven't looked at it in some time.
The FBI had changed the plans, changed the target.
And McVeigh didn't like that?
He didn't like that.
What had the original target been?
Nichols said he didn't know.
He didn't know what the target was, but he was under the impression it was going to be done at night, in an empty building.
Yeah, let's say this again.
The FBI changed the target from an empty building to the federal building.
And changed the time.
So there's your loving FBI blowing up federal buildings.
Of course, the FBI and BATF, they weren't at work that day, were they, Jesse?
That's my understanding, they weren't.
Oh, and then they showed up and told the local doctor, showed up at the scene, patch me up, say I'm hurt.
And the doctor said no, and what did they say?
They said, you die.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Jesse Trinidad is our guest, back in 70 seconds, with the fourth hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Jesse Trenadue is our guest.
Your calls are coming up.
This is a short segment, Jesse.
But a long segment coming up.
Plenty of time to break down everything that's happening and going on.
So, specifically, I remember a few years ago when you first broke this here on this show, there were quite a few documents and affidavits and things that were blocked that you couldn't bring out at that time.
I'm interested about the chain of events of when the affidavit and the rest of it was finally made public.
It was made public in this fight to get, basically, what happened is I go to the court with some initial things that Nichols had given me, including documents, a few he'd had, plus his sworn statement.
The judge has those, and plus he has the unredacted documents the FBI gave him.
And that's when he ordered me, gave me an order, says, you go take that deposition.
And of course, the government immediately
We're good to go.
Yes, sir.
Oh, that's their M.O.
I mean, take Ahmad Salam and the 93 World Trade Center.
I'm sure you know this story, New York Times, Chicago Tribune.
I mean, this is a fact.
They hire Ahmad Salam, like Andrei Strassmayer, being German intelligence.
They hire Egyptian intelligence, buddies with the U.S.
They bring him over.
They say, oh, we're just going to bomb an empty building.
You're going to build a fake bomb to bust some crazy Muslims.
Then they say, now the target's the World Trade Center.
We're going to build a real bomb to make it stick in court.
And he goes, I don't want to do that.
And they say, you want your money?
You're under orders.
Well, I think it's birds of a feather.
There are lots of good FBI agents, and they've helped me.
I don't know who they are.
I receive things.
From people that don't know who they are.
But the high-level units, they're the bad ones.
They're the bad ones.
You don't rise to the top of the FBI without being basically a crook, in my opinion.
Bombing daycare centers?
It's more than a crook.
It's more than a criminal.
I mean, this is sick.
This is sick.
And I don't know if they intended it or not, but they did it.
And the point is, I accused them of it, and they never denied it.
Well, they changed the target from an empty building to the federal building.
But the point I was going to say is that they've never denied the accusations, they just pleaded with this judge not to give the documents to him, and he didn't accept that.
And then they pleaded with him not to let this deposition go forward, and he didn't accept that.
And for those of your audience of my age who remember Watergate, Watergate didn't come out overnight.
He came out as a result of a mean-ass federal judge named John Sirica, who held a
The government's feet to the fire until the story came out.
I think we've got John Sirica here.
I wonder if he's got his insurance up to date.
It's been a hard fight and it's far from over.
I know a lot of people say, you know, why are you doing it?
I said I never started out to solve the Oklahoma City bombing.
I just want justice for my family and the people who killed my brother.
But that's how it works in life, as you know.
When you start out wanting justice for yourself, you find out it's connected to everybody else.
Well, it appears to be the case here, because everything has taken me to Oklahoma City and the bombing.
Every lead.
Every witness.
Every piece of destroyed evidence.
It all goes back.
How do these FBI guys on the dark side, when you get around them, how do they behave?
Well, they tried twice to indict me.
As I said, they harassed my family.
I have my wife go out and start the car in the morning.
That's a joke.
Let's talk about where this goes from here and other key points in the case when we get back.
Then we're going to open the phones up at 800-259-9231.
Our guest is Jesse Trinidad.
We're very honored to have him with us.
I'm going to talk to Jesse right now.
We're not on the AM and FM or shortwave or satellite right now, but we are streaming live over the web.
I like to do these little behind-the-scenes things in the fourth hour, and we're also at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'm kind of conducting the interview here today and all over the map.
What are some of the points you want to make sure that we point out?
I mean, the website, the reward, where you're going from here, you're not giving up on justice.
I mean, what are some of the other points you want to make?
That's basically, I think we haven't gotten into Eric Holder very much.
I think, you know, we clearly got Eric Holder, here's the second in command of the Department of Justice, covering a murder of a little person up.
And you have to say, why in hell, like you said, the invasion of Normandy, are they doing this?
And I firmly believe Holder played a role.
I have seen nothing.
I don't have anything on paper.
Well, you have the FBI email saying he's in command of the operation that's as big as Normandy.
Yeah, but I mean, I don't have anything on paper of him covering up the bombing.
But I'm sure he was.
You have him covering up the murder of your brother.
Yeah, but I'm sure he was linked.
I mean, if he's got his hand in covering up the murder of a citizen, then you know he's got his hand in covering up the murder of 169 people.
Yeah, they're hardcore.
I know that.
This country's in for a lot of trouble.
The gun-grabbing Obamas and holders and Clintons, and they're talking about Al Gore and the administration.
They hate America, they hate the Second Amendment, and they are not going to give us any rest.
They're probably going to stage, and the problem is they're going to stage more domestic attacks.
You notice they've said suddenly, oh, Al-Qaeda isn't going to be striking now.
It's going to be blonde-haired, blue-eyed Al-Qaeda.
There's thousands, they're about to hit us.
We have to have troops on the streets, and they're training every city for roadside bombs, saying there's militia, they're all about to strike.
And that's how they're going to get the troops on the streets of America, is they're going to run around killing cops, blowing stuff up, and blaming it on the American people.
I think that the Clintons certainly were terrified of the militia movement.
Pat Conn started under their watch.
And I think there's less chance of getting to the truth about the bombing and anything else if you bring back the Clinton people into this administration.
That's right.
We have to expose the last false flag under these people to stop the new ones.
And I want the police listening.
Well, I'll say it on air.
Here we go.
Let me come back out of break.
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I want to tell the FBI and police something.
It's wrong the FBI and BATF were all out of the building when the FBI bombed it in 95.
And I've been studying the enemy's attack pattern.
I believe they're going to bring back the domestic terrorism.
They're going to target military and police to get you all hyped up to attack the American people.
You see, in Seattle in 1999, in Denver this year, in Minneapolis-St.
Paul this year, and in Ottawa this year, the police were caught everywhere this year.
And of course, hundreds of times previously.
With cops dressed up like anarchists, they run up and attack other police.
A lot of times, the police don't even know they're being attacked by other cops, and it's real.
In the case of Canada this year, for the big global summit, the North American Union Summit, they knew it was staged, and it later came out that it was cops.
After they attack themselves, they then rubber bullet and attack the peaceful crowd in baby carriages with pepper spray.
And we've got videos of the after-meeting police with them going, Great job routing that scum, men!
Did you see me shoot that lady in the face with rubber bullets?
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Cops, you think it's fun staging terror, you know, provocateur attacks where somebody throws bottles at other cops.
How about when the feds blow up your building with you in it?
See, this isn't funny.
Killing cops isn't funny.
I know you think it's cute, because when you're killing your own people, it's like a little fun inside goody-good, but it's sick, it's degenerate, it's disgusting.
When German intelligence got caught two weeks ago staging terror attacks against themselves, they got caught.
And you're all going to be caught for all of this.
Now I want to go to your phone calls coming up in the next segment at 1-800-259-9231.
The main reason that we've got Jesse Trudeau here is he's won the big case.
For a couple months he's had a quarter million dollar reward out for evidence leading to the arrest of the people that killed his brother.
He won the case.
You know, not for murder, but for all sorts of abuse and admitting the government did bad, did wrong.
That's a big issue right there.
And they did torture him to death, obviously, in the jail cell.
That's not really being debated.
The FBI, as he says, is not denying when he's in court.
He's not denying when he puts out affidavits that they made the bomb.
They trained the people.
McVeigh was Army Black Ops.
They were going to bomb an empty warehouse, but instead
McVeigh got mad when they changed it to bombing the Murrah building.
That's why they probably set him up as the patsy.
And, you know, said we're going to kill your whole family if you don't go along with this.
Here's video of mommy out there taking the trash out.
We're going to torture her to death for a long time if you don't play ball.
When he was picked up, he was obviously drugged, stumbling around, thumbing at the mouth, saying, I've got a chip in my butt.
So no telling what happened there.
Jolly and West, the famous mind control doctor from MKUltra hearings in 77, becomes his doctor until the time he's executed in Terre Haute.
So that's some of the basics.
But Eric Holder, involved in the cover-up, we have the internal memos, the emails, this is confirmed in the case, about how he was running the cover-up of your brother's murder and how this was, quote, as complex as the Normandy invasion.
And how they had to have a unified front, PR, spin, that's all up on InfoWars.com.
Plug your website with all the documents, photos, the reward, and then let's get into Holder and where you're going from here.
All the documents we've talked about are at the reward site, which is my brother's initials, Kenneth Michael Triniduc, KMT Reward, one word, KMTReward.com.
It'll have it all there.
And back to Eric Holder.
The documents reflect that Holder ran the cover up of my brother's murder.
And Holder was the second in command of the Department of Justice in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department.
And you have to ask yourself, what is the second in command of the Department of Justice doing?
One, covering up a murder, period.
But even being involved in the death of an ordinary citizen, you would never see that.
And it didn't make sense at the time, but it does now.
And if he knew, and I think he did, that if this murder was solved, it would go to the government's role in the bombing, then he sure would be involved in covering that up, because that would have cost Bill Clinton a re-election in 1996, if the American people had known about the FBI's role.
Well, we thought we were getting red.
of the Clintons with Obama.
People thought that.
I knew they were running Obama.
And here they all come.
Al Gore, Hillary Clinton.
They're saying Bill Clinton's going to be in the administration.
All the same people that ran Waco and Oklahoma.
They're just all back!
And they want our guns.
Please continue.
Well, I can say this.
I agree with you there.
And I contributed money to Obama's campaign and I voted for him.
But I didn't vote for him to bring the Clintons back.
And with the Clintons coming back into power,
The chance of this story ever seeing the light of day, my brother's murder and the bombing, gets slimmer and slimmer.
Well, the whole government stages false flags all the time, so none of them are ever going to let it come out, but you have beat them so far.
Where do you go from here?
Well, I think the most important thing, I have two big, three big fights, obviously, to get the men who killed my brother.
And the other fight is to get the truth out through Terry Nichols, if something doesn't happen to him in the interim.
And then I've sued them again.
I understand, and I've had it on pretty good authority, that there's a CIA report out there that says that the FBI was involved in Elohim City with the German government in that sting operation.
And that the FBI does have a surveillance tape that shows the Ryder truck pulling up in front of the Murrow building.
And the description, the government's description of that tape is
The bomb detonates three minutes and six seconds after the suspects quote-unquote exit the truck.
Well, I mean, we have the LA Times and a bunch of people interviewing the FBI agents who saw the tape, and it shows McVeigh and one other guy getting out, and then of course they've sequestered that tape, what, through three lawsuits?
Yes, but I absolutely get it.
And you have to ask yourself, and I'll answer the question too, that would be the best evidence of the crime is an actual videotape of the people doing it.
I don't know.
Well they were all on the payroll.
McVeigh was on their payroll.
Now he got recruited out of the Army.
That was the inside info.
We always had it.
Have you ever seen the video of the guy up at the military camp a few months before it?
When he's supposedly out of the military who looks just like McVeigh?
I haven't.
That's pretty powerful.
It is McVeigh, there's no doubt about it.
Have you seen the Camp Grouper photos taken by off-duty police flying their Cessna at the Army base with the fuel oil tanks?
And they're loading a Ryder truck behind security fences with ammonium nitrate?
That one I haven't seen either.
I came late to this fight.
Camp Grouper, yeah.
Oh, I mean, there's so much evidence, it's incredible.
I mean, you know about them killing cops and coroners and doctors and witnesses, right?
I don't
And that's why the minute I get an affidavit from Terry Nelson, I file it in the courts as public record.
Well, most of the people doing all this killing, if you profile them, there's different types, but mainly they're former military, they've been in black ops, they've killed families in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Africa.
They've seen dead kids everywhere and they just start liking it.
And so, hey, you know, kill 160-something people in a federal building, blow up some kids, collateral damage.
Collateral damage.
But how would they like something happening to them or their family?
Oh, then it's all, oh my goodness, nothing can happen to us.
And of course they got away with Oklahoma City, so why not 9-11?
And they just never stop.
It just gets bigger and worse and more out of control.
And I'm not even looking for a fight with these people.
I want them to stop killing us and stop destroying our country.
But they've got a job to do to bring this nation down.
Do you have any ideas about stopping Eric Holder becoming the Attorney General?
I don't know how much good it would do, but I'd have your listeners to write, call, email your Congressmen and Senators, and tell them to look into this man's background.
I mean, again, it's not me making this up.
These are government documents with Holder involved in the cover-up of my brother's murder.
That's probably on his resume.
Probably his internal resume says, you know, Oklahoma City bombing, and I think, whoa, come on in here, man, this is good.
We've got a lot of federal targets for you.
To put it in perspective,
Here today, they indicted the five former servicemen for the shootings in Iraq.
And I don't know the circumstances.
I mean, it takes place in a combat zone.
Most of them were former Marines or Airborne.
I was in the Corps.
I know those people.
They're well-disciplined.
They're trained.
They don't fly off the handle and do things like that, in my estimation.
But the point is that they were
It's called untouchable.
There's a reason they do it.
Well look, they just arrested the Illinois governor, who I by the way hate, he's a gun grabber, but they just arrested him for what's normal in U.S.
You know, hey, I'll give you this appointment if you give me that appointment, and now they've arrested him.
Meanwhile, you've got daily mob bossing there in the city, and it's nothing compared to all the other corruption.
They selectively prosecute, the federal government does.
Crimes committed by themselves against the citizens are not prosecuted.
They do it to further their own interests.
It's a mafia with government power.
Well, I've often said that the FBI, and again your audience should know that I hate that institution, but I think it's actually worse than the old KGB because
The KGB never claimed to be a legitimate law enforcement agency.
And the FBI does.
Back when you were a Marine, did you have any idea how this country was really run?
No, I was in one of my brother's murders.
I didn't either.
I expected the government to do the right thing.
I mean, and look at family courts.
There's no due process there.
They don't follow any law there.
The whole country's a giant happy hunting ground for crooks to get into government and have their way with the people.
And I, for one, am sick of it.
Plus, they're bringing the whole country down now.
They've gotten so corrupt, everything's collapsing, like a third world nation.
Good job, guys!
You've destroyed America!
Great job!
We'll be right back with your phone calls.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, folks, we are back live.
I want to talk to John, Cody, Steve, Chris, Tyler, and others from all over the country and the world.
Before we go to phone calls with you, sir, Jesse Trenner, do you have other points you haven't covered, other areas that need to be gotten into?
Well, I'd just like to leave the audience with this thought.
Two things.
I didn't start to go to Oklahoma City following my brother's murder took me there.
I didn't start out
Hating my government.
I didn't start out distrusting my government.
I certainly didn't start out distrusting or hating the FBI.
I went to my government, I went to the FBI asking them to do the right thing, to investigate my brother's murder, to prosecute the people who did it, and to punish them.
And instead of that, I got lies, I got cover up, I got harassment, and my government and the FBI tried at least twice to indict me, to shut me up.
And they said it for that reason.
I have the documents.
I never sent them to you, but where they said the purpose of indicting me was to stop my inquiry.
To shut me up.
Not that I've done anything wrong, but just to shut me up.
See, that's what's so crazy, is that they're so corrupt, they'll even put in their own memos that they're committing racketeering crimes.
I mean, to put false charges on somebody just to shut down an investigation into the government, that's criminal.
But it's such a culture of criminality that it's just right out in the open now.
Well, they said they were doing it because I was on a campaign, and that's their words, campaign to discredit the federal government.
Well, you sociopath psychopaths, you killed his brother!
You blew up a building full of little kids!
I know you don't care about them.
What about the federal officers, your fellow God creatures?
I mean, I mean, you know, you killed kings!
I know us slaves don't matter, but you killed gods!
I mean, you know, I guess that doesn't matter, though, when a super god kills a lower god.
Let's take phone calls.
John in New Jersey.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
John Carroll.
Go ahead, John.
Yeah, how you doing?
I talked with you last week.
I'm a cop in Jersey City.
Oh, yes, sir.
How you doing?
Good to talk to you.
How are you, sir?
I just had one question to ask Mr. Trinidou, and my condolences to the loss of your brother, sir.
Thank you.
And I apologize, because it's really obvious from everything that you're saying that there's ultimately a real big problem there.
And as a member of law enforcement and 9-11 responder, it is my real apology to you that you went through that situation.
And I apologize.
My question is,
Morris Deese, he was the founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, correct?
That's my understanding, yes he was.
What is his culpability there?
I've seen a couple of documentaries.
Do you find any culpability with regards to his position in that organization?
Where does he come from?
Well, all I know is that the Southern Poverty Law Center has told me that they're not involved.
The FBI documents, on the other hand, say they are involved.
I don't have a problem with monitoring hate groups that can do harm to American citizens, but as you know from law enforcement, you've got to stop them before they do it.
Well, they also mislabel.
They like to mix Second Amendment groups or property rights groups in with the Ku Klux Klan.
John, I've got a question for you.
You're in local law enforcement.
He's a police detective.
Not in the federal government.
Now, if you'd done something wrong, what would the federal government's approach have been to you?
They'd jack the jail up and put you under it.
I mean, in what sense?
I mean, they pursue local law enforcement people whether they've done anything wrong or not.
Well, that's part of federalization.
Yes, we definitely are.
We're put into a situation and it sort of is like the movies.
You know how they portray the disdain between federal, FBI, DEA, local law enforcement.
There is a general disdain because local law enforcement, you know, it's really not a perception.
It really is, it's actually actual.
We really are just glorified security guards.
And if my brother had died and been killed in a county jail or state prison, I think you could safely say the FBI had been all over that, wouldn't they?
Yes, absolutely.
Well, I'll give you a quick story.
Stay there, John.
We've got a break.
Come back in a minute or two with you on that.
How it works is, you've got boss hog local corruption and it's bad.
But the feds are the worst.
And they come in and they use the indiscretions of locals to take over.
And that's how the federalization is happening.
The feds have taken over scores of cities.
They actually run them.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
David J. Smith for Newswatch Magazine.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
Hello, I'm Steve Schenck.
We're entering a holiday season never before seen in America.
We're thankful for the warning given by members of Mr. Obama's campaign team of the coming international incident which will force unpopular decisions.
Without this warning, many of us who still have money available would have unknowingly wasted it on Christmas gifts that will be useless when the only food available is in a government bread line.
When the President is faced with the expected national security
I think so.
I think a parasitic dream will never come back.
It painted my hands and my face blue.
And suddenly the wind blew me away.
And made me fly in the infinite sky.
You gotta get over your fear.
You gotta just commit to what you're doing and deal with it.
I respect these enemies.
It takes a lot to be able to blow little kids up in America and torture cops to death.
Do all the things they do.
I mean, I don't think I'm safe.
I don't think I'm beating them.
I'm just saying, look, you people are out of control destroying the country, and I've got to fight you.
And, you know, you murdered this guy's brother, and he stood up to you, and he's beating you.
They probably aren't going to kill you, though.
They've already harassed your family and your parents until they died, because now they don't want to draw attention to themselves by killing you.
But who knows?
They're so reckless now, they might cut your head off and stick it on a pike in front of town.
I mean, or on the gates of the city.
There is just a flagrance by these people now.
Jesse Trinidad, I just want to commend you.
Going back to John in New York, a police detective out there, and we can confirm he is.
We know who he is.
He's had 9-11, Truth, into Jersey and New York.
Finishing up the point you were making, then I want to get to the other calls.
Absolutely, Alex.
Just a real quick story.
9-13-01, what we received was a cross-reference manifest of obviously Middle Eastern names.
That's actually when we had the Constitution back then, before the Patriot Act.
So they actually had to manufacture a manifest of people that had Middle Eastern names, but with
Very slight, what we call scofflaw.
You know, parking ticket warrants that they didn't serve, they didn't pay their tickets.
Very miniscule offenses.
And all of a sudden, we were given that manifest to go out and find these people.
And I think out of... I was in Special Investigations at the time, so we were assigned to do that.
And we pulled these names.
We found, out of 30, we actually located one.
We felt like we were doing the right thing at that time.
Obviously, in hindsight, it's 2020.
Now, it's just, it seems ridiculous to me that I thought I was doing the right thing.
I mean, I'm violating this person's... I mean, we're not really violating the person's rights.
I mean, that person would have ordered, you know, be processed.
But for a crooked toenail that you were specifically being drawn off of serious cases, put on these putty cases?
Well, it was two or three days right after 9-11.
So, I mean, that was the case.
9-11 was the case.
It was just all over the place.
Oh, I know.
That's part of their tactic all the time.
When they really want to cover it up, they say, look at our investigation.
We interviewed 10,000 witnesses and we have 100,000 documents.
Obfuscation is what they do.
In the bombing case, the agent in charge of the case, after he retired, said he was told, the only time in his career, he was told by Maine Justice out of the White House, the Clinton-Reno Justice Department, not to go after the people at Ellingham City.
All righty, let's go ahead and talk to Cody in Georgia.
You're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead, Cody.
Yes, sir.
I just had a question I was wanting to ask.
Actually, I had two questions.
I wanted to ask you, sir, if you were able to subpoena the federal guards, or if they allowed you to do that, or that judge, he seemed like a pretty reasonable judge.
Yeah, do you have an idea who killed your brother?
I don't.
I don't.
See, one of the things under the Freedom of Information Act you request is you can't
You can't subpoena.
I have to focus on Nichols and the documents I asked for.
Even though that's where that road is going to take me, I can't just jump ahead to there.
I have to go through the process of fleshing out the bombing, linking Richard Lee Guthrie, who I think my brother was mistaken for, to the bombing.
And get there one step at a time.
I just can't jump over everything.
Have you ever actually seen pictures of Mr. Guthrie?
I have.
They look alike.
Him and my brother look alike.
Oh, man.
I had one more quick question.
I was wondering, one of the John Does they had said was Middle Eastern looking and I was curious if you, Alex, knew anything if it might have been Mossad involved or something to that effect.
I don't know.
I don't know.
One of the John Does was supposed to be.
You know, a lot of people have said there's a Middle Eastern connection.
I don't know.
I can tell you.
But everything I have seen, all the FBI documents talk about homegrown folks and government folks.
Look, they always have covers and fallbacks.
They did have Middle Easterners.
They were caught at the airports with the blue jogging suits and the bomb-making components.
But they weren't involved either.
They were only involved in a local cover to throw the media off.
The media was doing investigations of them.
And some of the people even involved in 9-11 on the outside.
So always in a black op, they have multiple trends, multiple patsy lines, multiple angles they can go on, and it was meant to be blamed on the American people and homegrown militias, but they were ready to fall back with the whole Middle Easterner line.
As for Israel, you know, Israel has a lot of evidence involved in the Mubai attacks, so we cover that.
In Israel, it's been in their papers that they've admittedly staged al-Qaeda attacks in Israel.
That's Harat, Jerusalem Post.
But then there's this whole crowd who just always says Israel does everything.
Just everything.
No, it's another...
I think?
A household name, can we finally stop these inside jobs?
And then all the political hay they get out of it.
The truth is, really nobody's attacking us.
There's nothing going on.
Everybody's scared of the U.S.
So the globalists have to go stage things as a way to oppress their own people or go attack other nations.
And we had the former head of Pakistani intelligence on in a huge exclusive in the first hour.
If you missed it, folks, it's going to be re-airing in about 20 minutes at InfoWars.com.
The only place you can hear it right now.
It will be re-airing on AM and FM's across the country as the show rebroadcasts.
Thank you for the call, sir.
Now let's go to Steve in Illinois.
Steve in Illinois, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'm curious.
What is the strongest evidence you have to link this situation to the German intelligence?
I don't have that yet.
That's my understanding.
That's what I've sued to get this CIA report that I've been told exists.
Well, that's separate in the CIA report.
We know Andreas Strassmeier's dad was the big top Nazi.
We know he's in German intelligence.
We know he was allowed to leave the United States, even though he was picked up by the Justice Department.
We know Andreas Strassmeier was at Elohim City.
That's in all the FBI documents.
And that he was the explosives maker working with McVeigh.
Correct, Jesse Trinidad?
I know that the CIA, he was there, he was the explosive instructor, it's my understanding, and the weapons instructor.
He does, his father was high positioned in the German government, and the FBI knew he was leaving after the bombing to Mexico, and a former CIA person is reported to have escorted him out of the country and back to Germany.
Anything else, Steve?
He hung up.
I think that guy calls... I think he can't imagine somebody from Germany could do something wrong.
There's another camp that thinks Germany is pure on everything.
It's very strange.
Just like Reuters admitted the Germans were caught staging terror attacks last week.
It's very, very odd.
He calls routinely, though.
I think that's along the lines of what he was trying to say.
My IM crashed here, John.
Give me the next caller, please.
Chris in Florida.
Okay, Chris in Florida, you're on the air, welcome.
Yes, I'd like you to elaborate a little bit more on how the Southern Poverty Law Center had prior knowledge of how they funded her.
I knew about Elohim City because, if I could explain quickly, I'll try to expose them as the race baiters they are at my local non-commercial, community-supported radio station, had Mark Potok on of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
I know he's written to you.
Um, and on the one o'clock show on November 18th if you want to check out their archives.
And then I got to confront him, or try to confront him, but unfortunately he had to leave the air.
Well, POTOX written about me, and they say there is no world government, there is no North American Union, there is no trans-Texas corridor, NAFTA highways, doesn't matter if it's been in hundreds of newspapers the last two months, doesn't matter if it's in the
Financial Times of London today.
In fact, let's put those articles up on screen.
It doesn't matter.
They just say that it doesn't exist.
So, Jesse, why don't you go over the FBI documents, the specifics, that basically the leadership of the Ellen Heams scene Nazi compound was basically Southern Poverty Law, correct?
All I know is the FBI documents refer to the Southern Poverty Law Center and Southern Poverty Law Center informants.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has denied that they were involved.
Can I swear they were?
I can't.
All I can tell you is that the FBI says they were.
At least the documents reference, repeat.
My FOIA request, I mean, the government came back with 150 pages
I don't know.
No, I'm sure everything's fine.
I'm sure they haven't done anything wrong.
They're good people.
They just want to ban free speech in America and lie about good people and mix them in with horrible folks.
Anything else, sir?
Well, yes.
It's interesting that the person who responded or tried to rebut my statement referencing the Salt Lake City Tribune articles
He referred, the person in trying to rebut my statement said that, referred the listeners to the Truthdig article where it does say that, you know, even though Mark Potok denied prior knowledge, it says that even though Morris Dees earlier
Sure, well let's be clear.
They had their own informants inside that went back to the FBI and said, let's stop them.
And then they would indict their own informants who were trying to become FBI agents to shut them up.
Well, it'd be nice if they would tell the truth, because like you said, it would serve them better.
Alright, appreciate the call.
Who's up next after him, John?
Gloria and OK.
OK, Gloria in Oklahoma.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
My name is Gloria Chipman, and I'm calling from Oklahoma City.
I lost my husband in the Oklahoma City bombing.
I'm sorry to hear that, Gloria.
Thank you.
And we have a group here called VOTIBS.
Victims of Terrorism Information and Vital Exchange Services.
We initially started in August of 2001 trying to help the other family members and survivors.
They still needed counseling and help with their bills and things and then we heard about Jesse Trinidou and on the air I'd just like to say we are indebted to Jesse Trinidou for sharing with us information and
Passing it on and having it on various websites.
We would like to also ask your listeners if you would please contact your congressional representatives and the judiciary.
We're calling for congressional hearings with a special prosecutor into the Oklahoma City bombing.
Maybe they'll appoint Eric Holder.
Oh dear.
Because Janet Reno appointed
The deputy director of the Waco probe was the person that ran Waco.
Maybe they'll appoint John Gotti to investigate John Gotti.
I think it is a good idea to always call for investigations, because even in whitewashes, things come out.
Any comments on a new investigation?
Jesse Trinidad?
I don't think... Mrs. Chipman and I have been in contact for years now, and I don't want to rain on everybody's parade.
The more former Reno Clinton Justice Department people we bring on board in this administration, the less likely that is to happen.
Eric Holder is not going to go back and open up my brother's murder, nor will he open up the Oklahoma City bombing.
But that doesn't mean it can't be done through the state.
That's why we put the reward up for my brother's cases.
There are a lot of people who know what happened.
$250,000 for information leading to the identification and indictment or what?
The conviction of the FBI agents who did this.
Or the FBI operatives.
Alright, well Gloria, anything else?
Sorry to hear about your husband.
Well, thank you.
Again, like I believe you or Jesse said earlier, have your listeners write about Eric Holder, write to your
uh... congressman and include the oklahoma city bombing and hearings that need to be done alright Gloria good to hear from you and really again you know here i am on air uh... cynically uh... i'm trying to show people how corrupt it is cynically talking about him killing people and these are real people that was her husband uh... jesse trinidad's uh... brothers a real person murdered
And if they can murder them, they can murder you.
And if they can get away with that, it'll be bigger next time.
And that's the whole point about corruption and evil.
I'm going to let you go, Jesse Trinidad.
As new things develop, please contact us again.
And I would love to break any other news or information you have, any other documents that are now public you want us to post on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I would be really happy to put those up.
In the last minute we've got left, give us the website, tell us about the reward.
The website, again, is My Brother's Initials.
Kenneth Michael Trinidad is kmtreward.com.
One word, kmtreward.com.
It's $250,000 for the FBI agents who killed my brother.
As I said, there are lots of people who know what happened.
They just have no incentive to come forward, or they're afraid to come forward.
Hopefully, this money will give them the incentive, and the money's there.
We got enough from that judgment.
This is federal government money, too.
We will never defeat the globalists, the New World Order, the corrupt, the forces of darkness, if good people don't stand up and fight back.
And you've done that.
Look at all the success you've had.
You've been through incredible tribulation.
But we wouldn't have any liberty, any freedom.
Corruption would just run wild if it wasn't for good people throughout history fighting back against it.
So that's why we commend you, Jesse Trinidad.
It was great having you on.
Thank you for the time.
Thank you.
All right, there he goes.
I'm going to come back in the final segment and blow these up and put them on the TV screen.
I want you to see the Financial Times of London headline out there, and I want you to ask Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, all these gatekeepers, hey, there's no world government.
Why are there hundreds of mainstream news articles with top policy people saying they're setting up a world government?
It's going to be tyrannical and that that's good.
See, tyranny is good and world taxes are good.
There's the Financial Times of London.
I'm going to put this up on screen for you.
There is the article today, and we're going to put a blow-up of that on screen when we get back.
Stay with us.
In fact, I'm going to skip this break.
Paul, can you blow this up for me so I can put it up on screen?
Well, that's alright.
I can just go with the, somebody dismantled over here, the document cam.
So, maybe I can get that back in an operative position.
We're in the new studio, folks.
It's going to be so much better.
This is a tiny little closet that I'm in and I'm going to have document cams that are always on and always set.
So, I'll be able to do that for everybody.
Let's go ahead and punch up the document cam, please.
So when we come back to the full audience, I can show all of that to them.
Get my lights on here.
Oh God, this country is so screwed up.
I wonder why the lights aren't turning on.
There they are.
Okay, there we go.
So I can show this to everybody.
That is the Financial Times of London for everyone.
And you can see it.
They talk about how they want to get our guns.
Our guns are a problem.
We've got to get those guns, those evil Americans with guns.
How they've got to soothe us, and how they've always soothed us, deceptively, to not let us know about it.
And if you just Google New World Order, a few weeks ago I Googled it on Google News, you know, not on Google Video, but from news stories, there were thousands, what, 5,400 hits, hundreds and hundreds a day of mainstream news articles saying, oh, the world financial crisis is so terrible, we have to have world government to save us from it.
And that's what this says.
So the only deceptive part about it is that they're acting like they didn't stage the economic crisis when this very paper has admitted it was staged to consolidate banking.
Then they talk about how tyranny is good.
Democracy has, you know, a republic's freedom has to be gotten rid of.
Global government is real.
It's about global government.
Taking our freedoms are good.
They know best.
And this is the most prestigious newspaper in the world, Financial Times of London.
So we're going to come back to the full
Full audience here for everybody.
And I want to challenge Rush Limbaugh and the rest of them to deal with this, to face this.
But they can't.
I mean, they could have a world emperor on TV ruling everything.
Everyone would have to bow down to him ten times a day.
And Limbaugh would say, hey, I just took 25 Oxycontins.
There's no such thing.
I mean, I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of these fake punks neutralizing conservatives.
Here we go.
On the screen for PrisonPlanet.tv members, this will be ripped to the four corners of the web, and that's great, Financial Times of London, and now for a world government.
And this is their foreign and international affairs editor, Gideon
Rakeman, and now for a world government.
Now this isn't just the Financial Times of London, the most prestigious newspaper in the world, more than the New York Times, more than the Wall Street Journal, the global paper of record, this thing is subscribed to all over the world.
In here they admit, in previous articles, that they engineered the financial collapse for big banks to take over smaller banks, that they've cut off liquidity to the public to implode the world economy so the banks can consolidate.
I've read those articles and shown those to you as they bragged as they set this up the last three years.
And here again they just brag that it's a world government.
They say that democracy will have to be gotten rid of.
That a world government means that people won't have liberties anymore.
Back here they talk disdainfully.
About how, you know, the American people and their guns, they own guns, oh my God, it's horrible, they're going to fight world government, you know, it's just terrible that we can't... and they talk about how they soothingly have tried to deny world government so that we wouldn't get upset, and they brag about how they use the word world governance because the public's so stupid they don't know governance in the dictionary means government.
And they tell you, oh, you're an elite yuppie, you're an elite person, you make $100,000 a year, you're a member of the elite, you know global government doesn't exist.
Rush Limbaugh.
The liberal websites, and not just the fake neocon ones, the fake conservative ones, but the little liberal websites, Huffington Post and places, oh, none of that exists!
You're a racist!
It's code for racism!
And you're like, what is the code?
Well, you just a racist.
We all know that world government doesn't exist, and that that's code for racism.
Now, Paul Watson did another story about this that details it and links to some other documents and articles.
Financial Times Editorial admits agenda for dictatorial world government.
Jaw-dropping report concedes that global governance is a euphemism for anti-democratic global government.
They're going to take your roads, your power plants, privatize your local governments, but that doesn't mean that they're actually going to run things.
You'll still pay taxes, it's just that they'll double, triple the prices, and they're not paying to take over, it's just given to them.
So this is globalization, and there's Paul Watson's article about it, but again, hundreds of newspapers every few days are saying, world government, the bankers will save you, you'll pay carbon taxes to them, it's just going to be a Valhalla.
I have the author, Rothkopf of super class,
He was in the Washington Post admitting it's world government a few months ago.
I had him on.
They knew who I was.
When we called him up to have him on, during the breaks, he's like, oh, we all know who you are, Alex Jones.
You're not going to stop our global government, basically, is what he was telling me.
John Harmon heard that.
Then he'd come back on air and go, it's fine.
Global government's good.
It's no big deal.
You know, just accept it.
These are foreign institutions controlling the population.
And that's what we are dealing with here, is global government.
But there is the Financial Times of London report right there for you.
Folks, in closing, we had the General, General Hamid Gul on today.
Huge interview.
He was on at the very start of the show.
That restarts on the streams dealing with government sponsored terrorism and a lot more.
So that is coming up with the general.
Here's a shot of him right here for you.
That is coming up in the rebroadcast at InfoWars.com and on AM and FM's across the country later.
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Rebroadcast starts now.