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Name: 20080826_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 26, 2008
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Alright, we're back!
It's the Alex Jones Show final hour.
We're going to be taking your calls all hour.
I'm going to talk a little bit about Internet, too.
We're good to go.
The relationship between Bin Laden and the CIA
In the early 1980s, Bin Laden worked with operatives from U.S.
intelligence, the Pakistani military, and Arab states.
Is it not true that the United States government paid $300 million to the Bin Laden family for the construction of the military camp?
At basis, though, I really think that these were more CIA assets, people that were recruited, like all of the folks I've been issuing visas to.
Then we have that mysterious suitcase with all of the hijackers' names and all of this incriminating evidence.
Why put a Koran?
Why put flight manuals?
Why put all this incriminating information if it's supposedly going to get burned up?
Let's show you some video that was taken 8 days after 9-11.
That man there is Osama Bin Laden's younger brother, Khalil.
And that family that took off, that's a f***ing crime.
I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved.
Most of that information is classified, I think overly classified.
Alright folks, we're back.
And again, we're going to be taking callers throughout the hour, so now's the time to call in at 1-800-259-9231.
And I want to point this out.
A caller brought up Internet 2 and who knows if what we're doing today and all week here at InfoWars.com and the Alex Jones Show is going to be possible when they bring in Internet 2 and they say, well, you have to have a subdomain page and you've got to be under this university or this corporation.
We're going to decide what kind of content is truly approvable.
What can we really let people see?
And then they're also going to charge you per bandwidth.
So that bandwidth right there that you're watching, I mean that's live streaming video.
It's probably a little bit heavier than YouTube.
And say you watch that all day or you leave it on loop.
They're going to say, oh, look at you being so greedy on the internet.
You're already paying a monthly fee, but you went over your bandwidth, so you're going to pay an extra $25 this month.
Excuse me?
Oh yeah!
They're already testing it here in Beaumont, Texas!
Not sure where Beaumont is, but it was reported I was on the Alex Jones Show a little over a month ago discussing this very topic.
And not only are they going to bring that in, but they've already kind of introduced this as the cool, hip way to, you know, make sure that your information's secure.
And they're going to put biometric thumb scanners on your little keyboard or your laptop, and they've already done that with some of the new IBM ThinkPads.
Only instead of being in your own little database, it's going to be in a government database and you will constantly be logged on as yourself no matter what IP address you're on from any computer in this new Internet 2!
Constantly tracked and traced, beyond anything, you know, you thought was possible before.
So Internet 2 is bad news, we have to make people aware that it even exists!
See, they're promoting it as something that's gonna be great for content.
Lots more 3D content, lots more television, more integrated, Second Life, the new Google Lively, so much to do.
It's InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, we'll be back after this with your phone calls.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his M.O.s.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
...Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we are back live streaming video for PrisonPlanet.TV subscribers.
And I promised callers, so I'm gonna take callers.
Let's do it up.
Your topics, your questions, your comments here on the Alex Jones Show.
Let's go to Jim in Texas.
Jim, what's on your mind?
Hey Jason, I was calling to respond to what Alex called in earlier, asking people to help him out with the Michelle McCaulkin... The Malcolm situation, sure.
Yes, specifically the website rightpundits.com.
Has the video that he's looking for.
It's a front-on view and basically what happens is two guys come up and they say, hey Alex, we're from Chicago.
Yeah, and they're wearing an Obama hat and like this really fruity hat, right?
One has an Obama hat on and it's funny because it's like a Black Panther style beret with Obama on.
It's completely silly.
But, you know, they identify themselves.
They say, hey, we're fans.
We're from
I think so.
Michelle, get Michelle referring to the camera man, telling him to stay on her Twitter, obviously.
And so, you know, that's where if anybody, if Alex wants that specific frontal video, it's at RightPundits.com on their homepage.
All right, or you can just do a Google search or a YouTube search, and there are tons of different angles.
I mean, this was shot by about 20 different cameramen.
It's a hell of a confrontation.
I'm loving it.
All right, so,
Let's jump to John in Texas.
John, what's on your mind?
Hello, can you hear me?
Sure thing.
I appreciate Mr. Beckman being on there today.
I have an interesting letter of the Irwin Schiff's Federal Mafia, where it's signed by Joseph Biden.
Committee on the Judiciary in 1991.
You're talking Biden, right?
Joseph Biden.
He states in this letter that all felonies are in Title 18 of the United States Code.
However, one exception is that drug offenses are in the Crime Control Act.
They're in Title 21.
Well, income tax appears in Title 26.
It's not in Title 18.
There's nothing about income tax in Title 18.
So therefore, there cannot be no income tax crimes or fundings.
Well, tell that to Wesley Snipes, who he got off on most of the charges, but they're still trying to make him do two to three years in federal prison with, you know, these lesser charges.
But they're trying to, you know, charge him to the full extent of the law.
That's how they do things.
They shake you down.
They are truly a mafia.
Thanks for the call, John.
Sorry, man.
Let's jump to Norman in North Carolina.
Norman, what's on your mind?
Hey, Jason.
I was on briefly yesterday, and
I didn't get to plug my band's website, but today when I heard Alex was under attack, I just wanted to call back and offer some words of support.
I watched the Michelle Malkin confrontation, and Alex is the man.
He's a peaceful warrior, info warrior, standing up for truth and justice, and he honors life.
He keeps every step sacred.
And would never call for the death of anyone.
So to accuse him is to bear false witness.
Because it's not his character.
He would much rather debate in a supine fashion and win on the merits like he always does.
And it just upsets me that they're going after him with such fervor.
And, you know, I'm just... I stand with him, you know, in spirit.
If I could be there physically, I would.
But I'm a working class info warrior and I'm just doing what I can, you know, in my hometown.
A lot of us are working class info warriors, and we need more of you, man.
My band has a 9-11 Truth Action music video, and I just uploaded it.
The website is called www.thedaring.com.
The spelling on that is T-H-E-D-A-R-E-R-I-N-G.com.
It's three words.
Hook them together, it's a compound word, and the song is called What's Been Going On, and it's a question directed directly at the powers that be who are trying to, you know... Control our lives, you know, enslave us or kill us.
They're very nice people.
Thank you so much for the call.
I hope people go check that out.
Let's jump to the next caller.
Let's go to Rusty in Arkansas.
Rusty, you with us?
Hello, Rusty.
Yeah, hey, I just want to say hi, and thanks for the great job you're doing.
I just wanted to ask.
I know you guys have got a little time before you go up to New York in the next couple of weeks.
I was just wondering, man, would you stay a little bit longer?
Give Alex a good break?
Or are you going to have to go back?
I actually, listen, here's my deal.
I am leaving right after the show on Thursday.
I'm actually getting braces tomorrow by Alex's dad.
Who knows how painful the Thursday show is going to be for me.
But right after the show on Thursday, I'm driving across the country.
Because I do have a wedding on the 31st of August and of course Alex is going down to New York on September 10th, but he's going to be going down there.
I'm going to be going down there.
We're going to be showing our films Truth Rising and Fabled Enemies for free with WeAreChanged.org, Luke Radowski and others.
So I wish I could stay.
I'm looking to try to set up some kind of a
of a little studio, a radio studio at my house, so I can continue to sub in for Alex when he wants to take off for events like this, which are completely effective.
I mean, the DNC, how awesome is that?
Or when he just wants to spend time with his family.
I love doing the show.
I love the audience.
I love reaching people.
And it's just really fun for me to sit here and talk about all these real things and talking to people that are aware of them.
Yeah, I just wanted to say...
I just want to congratulate you on your new movie coming out, Fabled Enemies.
I look forward to watching it.
I have watched your other films as well.
You just did a fantastic job.
And I wanted to plug
Text Mars aside, I listened to Alex's show, or Alex being on Texas Show last week, and I'd like everybody to go out to textmars.com and listen to Alex's feed on there with Tex, and a great sum up of 9-11.
Truth rising, that's correct.
Hello, hey, what's up?
Hey Jason, I just wanted to say what's up, just some ideas.
I wanted to know if you could take Table Enemies on kind of like a nationwide tour, advertising in newspapers, maybe rent out a hotel room, maybe a movie theater, something of that sort.
And just try to gather people in the same area together, because I feel like the movement
Well, it's not really going to happen.
I mean, it happened with Loose Change 2nd Edition.
It happened with Loose Change Final Cut.
I've been all over the country.
It's really up to people like you, man.
I can't do it all.
And I know theaters cost money.
I know events cost money.
Promotion costs money.
And if people are willing to put up that money,
I always give them the theater take and basically I make whatever I can off the DVDs and t-shirts and you know they have to bring me out there and I have to have the time to do it but you're more than welcome to set up you know private screenings in your own home, in schools, in colleges, on public access.
We try to make it available for as many people as possible and I try to do what I can but you know Alex is pretty dead on.
If you spend too much time traveling you're not able to put these projects together.
I mean this project took me a good three, four months to really
piece together and that's not even involving the writing or you know getting you know actually archiving the clips that let literally you know I was doing that while I was working on Loose Change Final Cut so it's a very extensive process and I hope I can travel around to you can you can bet that you'll see me in places like Jersey maybe Boston you know northeast corners a lot easier for me because I can drive and I've got a car now so it's a a bit easier I thank you for the call Chris let's jump to Robin in Ohio Robin what's on your mind
Hey, what's going on, man?
Appreciate your work, Jason.
Thank you, sir.
Hey, I got two things.
If you're a Time Warner person, you can go to the marketing department and get leased access.
I think it's like $200 an hour, but you can buy time on Time Warner.
I've done it.
My contribution, I have a personalized tag on my car.
It says WTC7 and below it's my InfoWars sticker.
I've got t-shirts printed up.
I do what I can.
I spread the word.
I buy your guys' stuff and I share it with everyone I can.
Trying to do what I can, bro.
Just wanted to say hello.
You're doing a great job.
If you check that out, this guy, he posted it on my page, on my MySpace page a couple weeks ago, but he did me a custom Investigate 9-11 New Era hat with Info Warrior on the back, and you know, everybody's doing something out there, and as long as you're just not listening, if you're doing what The Last Caller's doing, if you're showing your neighbors, if you're making copies of DVDs, if you're acting like a human being and interacting,
With the human populace, man.
With humanity in general.
You're making a difference, and I know that we can continue to do that.
All right, let's jump to Judy in California.
Judy, what's on your mind?
Hey, Jason!
Am I on?
You are on.
Hi, Jason.
Jason, I just want to encourage you all.
So, I've been listening to the program now for about a year, and I just want to really encourage, and I want to encourage the American people
Even those of you that are skeptics and aren't quite sure about a lot of this material, to take a second look, to begin to get informed, to listen to politicians more carefully.
I've been studying these issues probably for 15 years and I come from a background that was very knowledgeable with respect to constitutional law and the basic foundational premise of our society.
And I can honestly say that to all of those of you that are listening, Alex Jones and what he represents and what he's endeavoring to get the American people to do, which is to pay attention, which is to understand what's going on, which is to hold the politicians and statesmen accountable, and more important than anything else is to
We need to truly take accountable action and understand the foundational premises of our republic.
Because, you know, what's happening in our society and what's happening with respect to... It's due to a complete lack of knowledge of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
It's due to pure ignorance and apathy.
And I'm going to take more of your comments on the other side, Judy, so stick with us.
Barton, Texas.
Natan, Indiana.
And more when we come back.
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I want to live to 103.
Alright, we back.
I'm Jason Bermas filling in for Alex Jones through Thursday.
Remember, Friday we're going to have a Best of the DNC.
Don't miss it.
We'll probably even play some stuff that we didn't play on the radio previously.
We have so much live footage that has been streamed from the DNC over at InfoWars.com.
You can go over there right now and watch some of the archived stuff and really see Alex on the scene.
I mean, this is a revolutionary radio show!
I mean, we've got people live at the DNC, we've got the protesters, we've got other Alex Jones Radio shows that are taking place.
We're showing you the anarchists, we're showing you the detention centers.
This is not being covered on any of the other mainstream or otherwise shows.
So, going back to Judy in California, I'm going to let you finish up your point.
I appreciate that, Jason.
So, Jason, I just wanted to encourage and thank both you and Alex a great, great deal.
And encourage the American people, those that are in the know and those that think it's a little bit on the fringe, get informed, start paying attention, start reading, because these are very, very serious times and these are extremely egregious and wicked people in high places.
And then also, I would like to say,
For all the good people, all the people that want to live a good, clean, moral life, the Christians, the Jews, I myself am a Christian and I believe that we should be good to our fellow man, we should do what is right, among other things, and I think it's incumbent upon us to hold people up that are walking in integrity and trying to do what's right, such as Mr. Jones and such as Mr. Bermas, and really pray for them, really pray that good will come.
Yeah, I think so.
uh... and uh... and and informed citizenry policy i think it's so much for the kind words judy and uh... yeah we do need to hold them accountable i'm gonna be going after these guys long after the bush administration is out of office we need to hold cheney accountable we need to hold rumsfeld accountable we need to hold wolfowitz accountable we even need to uh... hold the puppet king george w bush who was nothing
But a, you know, rich intelligence guy's kid, accountable for what he knew after the fact.
We can't let these guys get away with it.
I'm with you 100% and again, thank you for those kind words.
Let's jump to Bart in Texas.
Bart, what's on your mind?
Hey Jason, I wanted to touch back for a second on this whole, this Malkin confrontation because it kind of hit the sore spot with me that I've just continually noticed that I want to talk about is that the left and the leftist
really do hate Alex Jones, and I see that they... I encounter this a lot in my own work with, you know, trying to spread this kind of information, and I think it's two primary things.
One is Alex has really re-energized the entire Patriot-Libertarian movement, and that is, you know, just on a face value, taking away from their organizations, you know?
He's really brought the whole Patriot resistor
Back into the forefront of things, and that's just sapping their movement.
So, I mean, that's one end of the spectrum.
And the other end of the spectrum is if you read Lenin, and you read about the way communism is supposed to be implemented, is that you have to vilify all other social movements.
You have to destroy every other social movement so that your social movement is the only movement that has any real power
Or credibility.
So, I mean, I'm not saying that it's this mastermind plot from the leftist faction, but it's really kind of this whole gambit of hate and strategy.
Well, hold on.
How goofy is it that the guy that's supposedly leading this, you know, leftist, quote-unquote, anarchist group, dressed up like Mickey Mouse from Fantasia to, quote-unquote, levitate the Mint.
You know what I'm saying?
No, I completely agree.
It's a clown costume.
You know, Malkin loves to show up and get pictures of that, because that just reinforces the whole left-right paradigm.
Because then some guy out in California that's just middle America and buys into the whole, you know, smorgasbord of lies looks at that and goes, my God, these people are absolute morons.
You know what I'm saying?
Then if you share those views, you know, you must be an absolute moron.
So, you know, I just, I really encourage people to do that.
You know, break through that.
You're not going to get through to the leaders, but do your best.
Don't, oh, and the other danger here is don't allow them to suck us into the same cycle of confrontation with them.
We, our message is above that.
We are really trying to have effective change, and the most effective change is not to allow them to polarize us.
We have to break through their own conditioning.
I'm with you.
Thank you so much for the call, Bart.
We've got a lot of work to do in this country.
Luckily, Alex Jones is doing a lot of that work for us over at the DNC right now.
Live streaming over at InfoWars.com.
If you missed any of this, you know, blockbuster broadcast, in about a half an hour we're going to start re-streaming over at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And if you want to see my pretty little face before I get braces tomorrow, check out PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're good to go!
I think so.
I am a Midwest farmer.
I make a living off the lamb.
I ride a John Deere tractor.
I'm a liberated... Alright, hopefully this is gonna just cue right in.
Oh man, alright.
My board today, it's gonna heal itself.
While Willie sings us a...
It's the Alex Jones Show, folks.
I'm Jason Burmess.
I'll be in through Thursday.
Friday will be a best of the week.
We're probably going to be playing some clips that didn't make the radio show, especially if some things go down Thursday.
And the way they're looking, more and more is going down every single day.
All right, we've got a ton of callers, and like I said, I take them all.
So let's jump to Nate in Indiana.
Nate, what's on your mind?
Nate dropped off.
All right, that's all right.
Let's go to Roger in Minnesota, then.
Roger, what's up?
Hey, Jason.
As everybody said, kudos to you.
Great job.
Great job to Alex.
One question that I have, something that's intrigued me for quite some time, is with the assassination of several members of the Kennedy family, how can the living Kennedy family members
Uh, endorse people like Obama and whatever, that they have to have known what was behind their family members getting killed.
I just, I don't comprehend it.
Well, I'll tell you what it is.
It's the graves of John Kennedy and John Kennedy Jr.
I mean, if you watch JFK to the Bush connection,
It really lays out a case for George H.W.
Bush's involvement in the assassination of Kennedy and this whole power struggle between that faction of the establishment and Joe Kennedy's faction.
Now, after they killed John, they killed Robert right at the moment that he was going to win the Democratic nominee.
It was at the California
primary where he won so i mean there's two dead bodies now robert kennedy junior goes about as far as anybody on the left will uh... he's had uh... you know dylan uh... myself on the rate on his radio show he's open to a lot of aspects of nine eleven truth it's rather surprising he's a rather good speaker and who knows maybe he's setting himself up to be running for president i'm not sure ted kennedy also
I mean went through that whole Chappaquiddick thing and has been silent ever since.
Basically I think they give you a choice when you're at that establishment level.
Go along or
You're going to get killed.
Even with Caroline Kennedy?
That was her own father, for God's sake.
I hear you, man.
Just look at Jackie O. She kept quiet and tried to raise her kids under the radar.
She wasn't successful in letting them keep their hands off of John.
He put out a mainstream magazine.
He had a legitimate shot at the presidency.
He had a legitimate shot of reopening the investigations into his uncle and father's murder, and then all of a sudden his plane goes down.
Actually, the same guy that did JFK 2 did a John F. Kennedy Jr.
documentary as well.
His name is John Hanke.
I've interviewed him.
He's a hell of a researcher, but I think fear plays into it.
Even on those own establishment levels, not everybody is as righteous as you or me.
You know what I'm saying?
But somebody like Caroline Kennedy, even though if it was fear that was the motivating factor,
They wouldn't kill her, I don't think, for not necessarily supporting Obama.
So how can she do that when she knows what happened to her father?
I just don't get it.
Well, you know, they're still stuck in these left-right politics.
They probably see a lot of other things behind the scenes that we don't see.
I'm sure that they are believers in the lesser of two evils.
But, you know, to say that they wouldn't kill her, I don't...
I don't think that they would put a pass killer.
I could see a car accident.
I thank you for the call.
I don't think anybody is above these assassins' bullets, especially not a Kennedy, or even Caroline Kennedy.
I mean, that's just my personal opinion.
All right, let's jump to Mike in Tennessee.
Mike, what's on your mind?
Good afternoon.
This is Carl Beckman, who may be listening, and if not, Mr. Beckman, tune in in another four hours and re-catch the broadcast.
But we need your help.
We need you to prepare a presentation that we can direct at veterans
jurors because they understand the concept of defending our Republic and the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Well, I'll say this.
Hold on.
There is quite a few presentations by Red Beckman already up at YouTube, so if you have internet access you can see those.
Okay, what's the website?
If you just go to YouTube.com and you just type in Red Beckman, a few of his lectures are up in separate parts.
I checked it out before he came on.
Well, also there's a problem right now that the jury pools are being pre-screened by the government and the jurors are being loaded up with the spouses of police officers, government employees, and they're doing what they're told and they're otherwise beholding to government.
And also the jurors are being asked by the judges if they will follow the law as the judge instructs.
And if the juror says anything other than yes, or indicates they will also judge the law, well they're booted off the jury.
And the judge never tells the jury that they judge not only the facts, but also the law.
Well, there's no doubt that our court system, especially in this country, is completely and totally rigged.
In light of a miracle, the average citizen doesn't really have that much of a chance against the state or the district attorney.
I thank you for the call.
We have to keep standing up for ourselves, you know.
We just have to keep saying, well, you know, that's against the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And yeah, there are a lot of corrupt judges out there.
There are a lot of judges on the take.
There are a lot of judges that are just pompous and just arrogant with power.
That just speaks to the nature of the America citizen to me.
You know, we feel a sense of entitlement, and when we're given power, we often abuse it.
Why is that?
Alright, let's jump to Hal in Florida.
Hal, what's on your mind?
Yeah, Jason, I would have liked to have asked this question of Red Beckman, but it's a problem that's being repeated thousands of times literally daily in this country, and it's a violation of law.
Now, what I'm speaking of is a violation of recording your voice without your permission.
Like in Florida, where I am,
It's a violation of Chapter 934.01 Parenthesis 4 to record your voice without your permission.
And when you use the telephone anytime nowadays, you are informed by a machine.
And I'll call it a machine.
It's a recorder.
It's not a person.
And so we'll just refer to it as a robot.
This robot records you and
My question is, uh, can you be faced in court by a robot as your accuser, number one, and I have complained to AT&T about this, I've complained to Public Service Commission, I've complained to the Federal Communications Commission, I've even called a lawyer about it, and I get no satisfactory answer that they can get by by recording your voice without your permission and, uh,
If they can do it with a machine, who am I going to charge with this third class felony in violation of the Florida law?
Well, they've eviscerated the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and I don't think that there is a law that says that this guy, that the computer concharger, what they'll do is they'll say whatever computer that department belongs to.
Now, you mentioned AT&T.
About six months ago, there was a gentleman that blew the whistle on AT&T, saying that they had the secret room, and he was the IT professional that basically attended to that secret room, where they were copying records of all phone conversations, all emails, whatsoever.
It was thrown out of federal court.
Now, he tried to sue them.
And that was also thrown out with a Supreme Court decision.
So unfortunately, I would say you probably in the system that it stands today, not the true Constitution and Bill of Rights system, you have little to no argument with this new national security apparatus, this new military-industrial complex that has literally taken over our country.
And I'm not saying that's the right thing.
I'm saying it's the complete wrong thing, and it's totally against the law, but until we bring these bastards that are doing this out in the open to justice, and we reverse the decision by the Supreme Court, we have little to no recourse.
I thank you for the call, Hal.
Let's jump to Ken in New York.
Ken, what's on your mind?
Yeah, hello, Jason.
Yes, this is Ken.
I'm actually out on Long Island, and I have to say that
Right now, this is probably the most brainwashed area of the country.
It's pretty bad, man.
I mean, I go to Long Island a lot, and you know, it's all about blowouts and popped collars and some trendy bar where I'm gonna spend $8 on a beer and $15 on a mixed drink, and people are totally gone from reality.
It's all about going to the shore and the Hamptons and what car I drive and how much gel's in my hair.
It's pretty sickening.
Yeah, it is.
I mean, beyond the superficial nature of that, like you're saying, but I'm just saying, just like the working person.
But I've also noticed lately that people are waking up a little bit.
In the city you see a lot more people waking up in Queens and in the Bronx and in Brooklyn.
It's because those people are working class people and they don't have this aristocratic, elitist attitude.
I went to school in upstate New York with a lot of friends from Long Island.
Actually, when I take off on Thursday, I'm going to a Long Island wedding and my ex-girlfriend is from Long Island.
And they just are just on another level of non-reality.
You kind of feel a sense of entitlement if you didn't grow up in Long Island and you're able to move there.
Have you noticed that?
They're like, oh, I live on Long Island now.
Oh yeah, well the newest thing on Long Island is the McMansion.
Instead of building like communities where the average person can afford a house, for the last 10 years all the contractors have been building, you know, they're buying a piece of property they used to put 50 houses on and putting 10.
Well, that's why you do that, John.
Because they put a profit margin on it.
Oh yeah, well that's why I'm down to ground zero, man.
It's not for those Long Island creeps, although if they want to listen, they can.
I mean, I'm not against people that are able to make it in this world and go out there, but the attitude, man, the elitist attitude of these people, it's something that's kind of
Unbelievable if you're not a New Yorker and you don't know it.
I mean, I'm out in Texas, people really can't relate, but really they treat you like you're less of a person.
They send their kids to college in Eddie Bauer mobiles and, you know, 2006 luxury sedans, and these kids have no grip on reality.
They literally got like an eight or nine hundred on their SAT, they're in a state school, they have no idea what they want in life.
They leave college and then they go and move back in with their parents, most of the time.
I mean,
Dude, it's a sick culture down there.
I know a lot of people who do that.
I know people who have families, because it's, you know, the fact of the matter is, is with all the people who are moving here, for that McMansion thing, you know, people have made some money in the stock market, or they became lawyers or whatever.
Basically, I grew up on Long Island, and when I was a kid, we made things.
We put a man on the moon.
You know, I mean, neighbors were engineers.
My friend's father built his business by working nights building the Long Island Expressway so he could afford his own business.
You know, people worked.
They actually were people who were getting ahead in the world.
Now it's all nothing but doctors and lawyers and bankers.
Well, absolutely.
Well, we don't make anything in this country.
Yeah, there's no room for blue-collar workers in Long Island anymore unless you got your house 25 years ago.
And it's also an angle of brainwashing, too, because if you talk to older people, like I'm 43, I'm like right at the
The beginning of the Gen X generation.
And I see my friends and people younger than me either leaving or finding it very difficult to make a living here.
No, mine too, man.
I mean, a lot of my friends, well, you know, a couple of them have paid a lot of money to go again, live out in Queens or the Bronx and they work in Manhattan, but you know, their parents grew up in Long Island and they just can't afford it.
And like you said, more and more elitists will move in there.
What really bothers me there is, again, the
Willingness not to even look at this stuff.
This is the problem.
The apathetic, oh, well, you know what?
I got a big screen television.
I'm in a nice area.
I drive a nice car.
I could care less about politics.
I don't need to tell you anything that isn't on CNN or MSNBC.
That should be enough for you.
Oh, people are hooked.
They are.
But the funny thing is I do find more people aren't listening now.
But also, I find the people who are against it are even angrier when you say it.
So it's almost like we're being polarized a little bit.
Like, there are people out there who maybe they didn't get angry, but they were afraid to just say anything.
Well, one of the great things about that area is at least you guys have WBAI that broadcasts pretty broad, and they're not the greatest, they're a little leftist, but they do broadcast a bit of the truth.
I thank you for the call, Ken, I hope you call me later in the week.
Alright, let's jump to Tim in Wisconsin.
Tim, what's on your mind?
Even though I didn't make it on time with Red Beckman, the thing I felt I'd still... that I felt was still good to say to you is
About how much I just really couldn't help agreeing with Red Beckman about how we're supposed to be the enforcers of the Constitution, and I just wish I could get them in a lot of the churches to realize that, because I've been trying to wake them up in a few churches.
The problem is that we're in a society that feels like it's entitled to something.
They don't understand that without actual citizens knowing about, understanding, and defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we're going to have nothing but tyranny in this country.
And the thing I was going to say about the response, I can only remember the response of one of them for sure, saying stuff like, Christianity isn't supposed to be a political movement, it's a spiritual movement, and other kinds of Christian rationalizations that they can come up with.
Well, I thank you for the call, Tim, and yeah, I mean, I'm upset with the slave class that is the supposed, you know, citizenship of America.
That's what we are.
We're disgusting, lazy slaves.
And that's not all of us, but it's the majority of us.
I'm guilty of it, too, at times.
You know, I'm not perfect.
You know, I'll probably sit down when I get home and watch some Simpsons I miss or some Family Guy or...
Catch up on my Yankees when I get home, but that's all secondary.
That's maybe even third.
It's not primary.
My primary concern is my family and my friends, and in order to protect them and protect myself, I have to inform myself every day of what's really going on in the world.
I have to look at all angles, and I feel like I've got a better chance of survival and a better chance of living in a constitutional republic if I share that information with those friends and families, and even perfect strangers.
Great audience.
Alright, let's jump to Tony in Canada.
Tony, what's on your mind?
Hi, Amir.
I'm just seeing right now on CNN that they're reporting there's a glitch with the FAA.
Are you guys seeing that?
I don't have CNN in front of me.
Why don't you tell me what they're talking about?
They're not sure exactly yet, but it's just saying that there's a problem with the information going through and they can't have any contact with the planes.
You're telling me that all FAA communication in this country is shut down right now, and they can't communicate with commercial airliners?
I'm not going to say that's 100% certain, but that's just what I'm reading here is what it sounds like.
Well, let me jump to CNN.com right now and see if that is in fact the case, if that is being reported.
That would be a huge story.
That's reckless!
I mean, we could have planes running into each other.
I mean, that is an essential service, and I hope that you're wrong.
I do, because...
The two facilities process all flight plans for commercial and general aviation flights in the United States, the FAA said.
The FAA said there are no radar outages.
That's good.
And said they have not lost contact with any planes.
Also good.
Okay, not that bad then.
Sorry guys.
That's alright.
Hey, you know, that's why we like this cutting-edge news.
That's why we do it off the cuff.
We check our sources before we actually say any of this stuff.
And I'm glad that you called.
Thanks for the call, Tony.
I want to remind people that this is a four-hour radio broadcast, and we have covered a lot today.
We had Red Beckman, a legend in the Patreon movement.
We had Mike Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com on.
We aired some of Alex's interview.
uh... in a uh... mock white house earlier uh... right off of the mainstream mainline networks over in a denver and of course alex himself called in so we're breaking new ground here you know we're doing live video streams for free at info wars dot com we're launching movies fabled enemies is on the way
It's about to hit PrisonPlanet.tv in only, what's today, the 25th or 26th?
Six days!
I'm excited!
And we're going to be shipping DVDs September 1st.
Be your first to order it over at InfoWars.com.
I worked hard on this film.
I want people to see it.
I want it to get out.
I want it to bring even more people into the 9-11 truth movement, because Lord knows, we need it.
We're back in the final segment.
This is the Alex Jones Show, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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All right, folks.
We are back.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Remember, the rebroadcast begins in only five minutes over at InfoWars.com, so if you missed any of the other four hours.
Action-packed, Malkin vs. Jones at the DNC, Jones live from the DNC, Michael Rivero, Red Beckman, your calls and more.
All right, we got a couple callers still on the line.
I promised I'd take them, so in the last couple minutes, let's go to Frank in California.
What's on your mind, Frank?
Yes, sir.
Good to talk to you guys.
God bless Alex doing his work.
I just want to weigh in real quick.
We've got to stop playing this game, the right and the left.
These political parties have been hijacked by these globalists.
They're New World Order puppets, and it's a distraction to what really needs to happen in this country.
So thank goodness you guys are exposing this, because you do not see this media give us any resemblance of the truth.
Absolutely not.
And nobody has to do it.
No, no, they're always trying to get you stuck into conservative or liberal, left or right, Democrat or Republican, and you know, they tried to attack Corsi as a right-winger when he went after Obama, and he's like, look man, I'm
I'm voting Chuck Baldwin.
I don't know what you're talking about.
It's pretty funny that he kind of denied 9-11 Truth right there and he's voting for the 9-11 Truth candidate.
But it shows he's hip and he's just trying to sell a couple books.
You know, he knows what's going on.
But more and more people not only have to know what's going on, they have to make it acceptable to talk about and say, man, you're voting Democrat or Republican, you're part of the problem.
No better.
This is a guy that is a New World Order puppet.
He is basically committed treason against this country, and these are the people.
You don't think Barack Obama is some type of prophet, which is the biggest misconception that you have in today's media.
But we're brainwashed idiots in this country.
Oh yeah, it's change you can vote for.
There'll be no change other than that appearance that Democrats are in, Republicans are not.
The same elitists are behind him, you can tell from his global world order speech out in Berlin.
Thank you very much, Frank.
He literally said again, global citizenship.
You will do more, not less, in the future.
And we're global citizens, folks.
We're part of this world, this one world, and this new world order they're trying to create.
Well, I'm not going to be a part of that.
And I'm going to do everything in my living, waking bones to oppose it.
Alright, last caller.
Let's jump to Chris in Florida.
Chris, what's on your mind?
Still there, Chris?
Yes, are you there?
I'm here.
I can hear ya.
He dropped him.
Ah, we dropped him.
Alright, well you try to take that final call.
I guess I'll just plug my little film, Fabled Enemies.
It's coming out August 31st.
I know I've been just a rush with the plugs, but I really believe in this film.
I really think that it can make a difference.
I really think that it's a good answer to the NIST report.
I have a whole chapter on Building 7.
I have a whole chapter on the anthrax attacks.
I get into the shadow government like no other.
There will be no denial that there is a shadow government after this film.
And I promise you that.
I mean, continuity government is commonplace.
It's talked about openly at hearings.
It's just that when you use the term shadow government, most people want to believe that you're wearing a tinfoil hat and it doesn't exist.
Because our globalist masters are supposed to love us and protect us and want to help us.
They never lie to us.
Well, unfortunately, that is just not the case.
They constantly lie to us.
They constantly propagate to us.
They constantly try to take away our living conditions, our freedoms.
They're blowing out the housing market.
They're going to take your home.
They're blowing out the banking market.
They're going to take your money.
What are you going to do?
Well, I suggest you arm yourself in this info war with information first.
Then educate others.
Then prepare yourself.
Get into hard assets like gold and silver.
Get our films.
Get Freedom to Fascism.
Get Road to Tyranny.
Get Martial Law.
Get Loose Change.
And please get Fabled Enemies this week.
Remember, we ship it September 1st and it will be available online August 31st.
Retransmission in less than 60 seconds.
I want to thank Alex Jones again for giving me this opportunity.
All week I'll be with you.
I'm Jason Bermas.
It's the Alex Jones Show.