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Name: 20080825_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 25, 2008
1094 lines.
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They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
Alright folks, we're rockin' it!
Man, I love this Starship Troopers gag.
Off into the stratosphere of the InfoWars.
He found it!
This is the spear.
The tip of it.
And we're taking calls right now.
Alex Jones is going to join us from the DNC.
We recorded on the detention camps earlier.
There was a live streaming video over at InfoWars.com.
You can go check that out right now.
And, uh, we're gonna just keep taking some callers until Alex calls in, then we're gonna go back to Bob Chapman, who we had to end with abruptly, for Kevin Ryan in the last half hour.
We may do overdrive!
So, uh, you know, they're in the thick of it over at the DNC right now.
Things are going down.
You know, Pelosi's out there grandstanding for the Democrats, saying, oh, we're not united yet.
A whole bunch of nonsensical issues.
But we've got Greg in Detroit bringing up some real issues.
Uh, you talked about 9-11.
Uh, let's get into your, uh, DNC point.
I didn't make my point about 9-11 yet.
The only thing I wanted to say was I haven't really seen any expose or investigation about Bush being security there.
It seems like he would be the key in the lock if there was advanced preparation to bring the Twin Towers down.
Well, let's also look at this.
His other brother, Jeb Bush, where he was that day, was governor of Florida and he declared martial law on September 7th.
Okay, so he had martial law in place on the morning of the attacks in case something went wrong.
I think that's another aspect that really needs to be heavily investigated.
Okay, about Denver.
Well, I hate to be a harbinger of anything that would turn out to be true, but I've had a bad feeling ever since I heard that Obama's going to do his speech at the stadium.
That sure seems like a lot of vulnerability to me.
I'd like you to comment on what you think could happen, if anything would happen to him at that event there, and what it would do to the city of Denver, and why there may be so much preparation to incarcerate people.
Well yeah, I mean it would be a total police state, and I thank you for the call.
Geez, if they got to Obama and say they did get him, I don't see it happening until after the election, until they get their boy in, before they would even think about something like that.
I may be wrong, I'm not a global elitist, I'm not one of these big-time political players, but it seems like if that were to happen, that would not only screw up the DNC altogether, but then, you know, how do you promote Hillary?
How do you promote... I mean, you're obviously not going to promote Biden for president.
You'd probably have to fall back on Hillary.
So I don't see that in the cards.
I think that they really just want to demonize the protesters out there and make us seem violent, like Rush Limbaugh was hoping for riots in Denver.
I think that is their main goal, to demonize the general population.
Alright, let's go to Michael in Florida.
Michael, are you with us?
Hey, what's on your mind, Michael?
Yeah, I was going to talk about the DNC.
You know, with this whole question of Obama citizenship,
I thought that was kind of interesting, Ploy, what you're talking about, whether he's born in Kenya, and all that sort of thing.
And I thought it might be a way to challenge the whole situation, because I think eventually they're going to say that, well, maybe we don't need the rule that someone has to be born actually in the United States to be a presidential candidate, which eventually would play into the whole, well, maybe we can get Arnold Schwarzenegger to run.
Well that was definitely a fear back in 2004 when he was speaking at the Republican National Convention and it seemed like they were going to try to either have a constitutional convention to change that or to try to actually bring a vote to change our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
It would have been pretty wild.
It's a definite possibility.
I think people woke up to that
Pretty quickly.
But, you know, we love a movie star.
So, who knows?
I mean, we're just so apt to get drawn into this pop culture phenomenon that is the TV and movies that I don't put anything past them.
And, you know, most people still think that Arnold's a great guy.
Well, they're going to get, well, he's got this California crisis going on now, and he's going to come out of it looking like a superstar.
And they've, you know, maybe they've manufactured, maybe they'll support him, who knows how they'll play it.
But Obama's going to be the test case for him, but it won't be about him.
So then they'll kind of make it look like Obama's the mandate of the people, so you gotta get this through because you can't let him hang or dangle there, otherwise you're going to be forced to have Hillary, and they'll be like Hillary.
Well yeah, I mean it's a definite possibility, and let me say this, I mean, the last actor president we had, Ronald Reagan, came out of the governorship of California, so they like to use that as a tool to prop up world leaders.
I thank you for the call.
We'll be back after this, taking your calls.
Hopefully Alex is going to call in, and then Chapman in the last half of the hour.
It's the Alex Jones Show!
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All right, folks, we're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas sitting in for Alex Jones, but that doesn't mean you don't get a little Alex Jones.
Alex is live with us from the DNC.
Alex, what's going down?
Hey, earlier we were number one on Justin.TV with the InfoWars Justin.TV channel.
Right now, Luke Rudowsky, WeAreChanged.org has a live feed.
People just saw some incredible stuff there.
We have another live feed coming up in about an hour.
Uh, from InfoWars.com, folks, be able to go watch.
It was incredible!
In a ten-minute period, we saw a microcosm of the entire situation.
We saw a microcosm of everything.
We're over there talking about how some of the anarchist groups have been caught, hired by foundations, to come in and start fights, attack the police, so there's a pretext to attack the peaceful demonstrators.
So we go over to Politely Talk to Savannah Argus about what they really believe.
They say we're bad, they say we're evil, they say I'm bad, that I'm trying to, you know, sell going into my movie tonight even though I donated that showing to We Are Change Colorado and I'm not getting one red cent even though I'm showing it in New York in a few weeks on September 11th for the first responders.
I'm taking not one red cent.
I donated $14,000 last year for my showing and 800 people went to it.
So we've done all this.
We're good to go.
You're the one making noise, get out of here, when they started it and they had the bullhorn.
That's what they do.
They're nasty, mean, petulant people who lie about us and hate us.
Am I saying all anarchists?
There's one group of anarchists that, I guess, really want anarchy or extreme libertarians.
But every other anarchist I run into is really a communist, if you really talk to them.
And then they just say they're an anarchist because being a communist is unpopular today and kind of discredited.
These are definitely foundation people here.
They all know who I am.
Now, most of the crowd loves us.
Great peace people.
Great, you know, mainline liberals, conservatives, Ron Paul supporters are out here.
In fact, they're the majority.
But you've just got these vicious, mean anarchists that are just so angry that we exposed months ago, not Recreate 68, but one of their umbrella groups, one of the ones that's under them,
Well, I was talking about shields and clubs and, you know, fighting and violence and things like that, and then they try to misrepresent that as well.
We're not saying that about 68.
I want to be clear, it's a subgroup of that.
It's just absolutely amazing to be here witnessing this, but to see them come over and say, you can't speak, shut up.
I'm not on the sidewalk.
I'm on the edge of their demonstration, which they've taken over.
It's just the general public marching.
And people are shaking my hand that, you know, the general public likes us, the general protesters and demonstrators like us, but they come over and tell us.
Not the police!
The police didn't come over and tell us that we didn't, that we couldn't be over there.
It was the anarchists.
The anarchists came over to us and they told us that we didn't have a right to be there and started elbowing me.
Did you guys get that?
When that guy was elbowing me?
And he goes, hmm, hmm.
You know, the anarchists are hitting their elbows into me and telling me I don't have a right to be over there videotaping what they're doing.
Now, do we?
Support, you know, all the big police state surveillance, the secret camp, all of that, the provocateurs that have been caught in other cities?
And we're criticizing that.
But the point is, it's because of these anarchists, whoever's behind them, that our demonstrations and our conventions have been turned into these police states.
And so, no, it's not these men in riot gear behind me, with their beanbags and their pepper spray cannons and the rest of it, that are frustrating my First Amendment.
It is the anarchists who physically started bumping into me and hitting me
We're good to go.
And so they can't stop us.
Not just the syndicated radio show with millions of listeners out there.
Now we have the video to prove everything.
This is the great equalizer.
With the police, with the citizens, with the anarchist socialists who pose as anarchists.
Not all of them, but the leaders.
This is the equalizer.
We'll find out who's good.
Is it the police?
Is it the citizens?
Is it the anarchists?
This is the great equalizer.
Not the police, the anarchists!
And that's who they are.
They say they're not violent, but they were elbowed.
Did any of you catch that on video?
Did any of you see it?
Witnesses, come out here, you saw it.
Come out here on the live feed, sir.
Who are you?
Tell us what you saw.
I'm Dave.
Dave Voodoo from Denver.
Okay, what did you see?
I saw Alex's face with their bullhorn, pushing an elbow at him.
Okay, again, we're going out live here.
Anything else you want to add, sir?
Stop the New World Order.
Stop the New World Order.
Absolutely, man, and you know, they want us to put down our cameras.
Like Alex said, the cameras are the great equalizer, and like I said, we have it
Live over at Infowars.com doing some live streaming and they're even posting Alex over at the detention center from only a couple hours ago.
I mean, it's incredible how we're able to catch these guys now in real time and reach an audience of thousands on the video feed and millions through the radio.
Absolutely, Jason.
Thanks, man.
Here's Alex.
Thank you.
So Alex, what are the plans now?
What's next?
I mean, obviously you're down there.
These anarchists have their own little area.
Now, is that the same area you're going to be protesting from?
Well, I want to be clear.
I want to be clear.
They're over here at the Supreme Court.
Uh, protesting, saying they want political prisoners released.
Same thing they always do.
That's their First Amendment.
I come down here, I'm not yelling, I'm not screaming, I'm not on a bullhorn.
This is a quote, unpermitted protest, that's great.
They're over there.
I'm standing there, an anarchist, basically start talking crap about us.
People with masks on, wearing black, whatever they are.
And we walk over to him, and we say, hey, what's going on?
Give us your point of view.
Very nicely, very respectfully.
Went out live, I looked out at his camera, and they just point-blank told us that they started screaming at me with a bullhorn, getting, I mean, I'm talking two inches from my face.
People started bumping at me, but I didn't want to, you know, be distracted.
Then some of the organizers came over and said, you have become a disruption.
You're being too loud.
While their guy is bullhorning in my face.
I think so.
My camera guy said they got it on tape.
Anybody else a witness to this want to talk about?
Luke, come over here on the camera, on your own video feed, and on InfoWars.com.
Everybody watching and listening, right now with Jason Bermas.
Tell them what you saw him do.
Hey man, it's pretty weird.
We had people coming up with bullhorns, just bullhorning us right to our face.
And then they're going to tell us that we're disrupting an event.
We were not disrupting an event.
People were coming up to us.
It's a public event.
It's a public event.
It's in a public street right here in Denver, in a beautiful city.
And then people are coming up, starting arguments.
Screaming on bullhorns right in our faces and then they say we started all on today and we're taking off attention from the main event.
And it's ludicrous.
It's crazy.
Did you see him bop it into me?
I want that on record.
And then we have a video recording the whole situation with Alex and the whole conversation with all the anarchists and communists, and then you see a guy basically bump into Alex, push him out the way, and they're just getting very physical and very negative, and they're basically just trying to claim victory that we have to go back on the radio.
So it's ludicrous that this is happening.
It's sad that this is happening, but it's happening live.
People can make their own judgments.
America is watching.
The world is watching right now.
Go on JustinTV.com.
Uh, Justin.tv slash WeAreChange or WeAreChange.org.
You can see the live feed right now as we're talking to you.
So go there, check it out.
It's also on WeAreChange.org, so.
Absolutely, and we're archiving that.
We're gonna have a link to that up on InfoWars.com and the live feed from the FEMA camp today is up there right now on InfoWars.com.
But, folks, this is what I'm saying.
I've tried to be friendly to these people.
I came up, I said, uh, when they were talking to me, I said, I'm not saying you're bad, and by the end of it, five minutes later, they were elbowing me, bumping into me, saying, leave, you're causing a disturbance, and you know what?
I'm not there to be manipulated by them into a fight with them.
You know, they didn't really hit me.
I would stand up.
I'm here to cover this event.
I'm not going to end up in a FEMA camp for the next four or five days and not be able to cover this.
I've got to be out there directing the radio show, the internet, the video feeds, the film we're making.
And, you know, the show I'm going to do tonight for the folks who are coming out to that at the Oriental Hotel Theatre.
So all that's happening, and these people come up and scream at me when I'm just quietly doing interviews and being interviewed by the media, and screaming at us.
And when I say, OK, I'll leave, they start bumping into me and getting in my face.
They're not loving liberals.
They're not nice people, at least these.
Others watching this on the web say, hey, anarchist are bad.
I'm not talking about you.
I'm talking about every time I run into these people, the way they act.
OK, if you're not like this, then don't act like this, Jason.
Absolutely, and like you said, they don't want the great equalizer there.
They don't want everything to be on camera.
That's why they put out in their little pamphlets that they should throw red paint on people who had cameras, take the cameras, smash them.
They are trying to create a rift between the citizens and the police so that the police attack.
That is their goal.
And we have to be clear, that was a subgroup, not part of Recreate 68, they say.
So I'm going to take their word on it.
But what I saw from them today, though, was bumping into me, and they claim it's a
I'm glad they're having an impermanent march.
My point is, I'm here peacefully trying to interview people.
There's media everywhere, and they come over and start physically assaulting me, and that's okay, you know, to them, because they're not violent.
You know, again, I have physically had the whatever these people are.
Liberaloids, uh, whatever, I hate all these terms and names, come over here and do this to me and I'm not whining all boo-hoo, you know, they bumped into me a bunch hard and were pushing on me.
That isn't the issue.
The issue is, is that they are very aggressive, they're out of control, and they attacked the First Amendment, and they told me to get the hell out of there, like a pack of rats, basically biting at my heels, and so there wouldn't be a scene, the cops wouldn't know what was going on, they'd just run across.
You know, when these guys were bumping into me and hitting me, if I'd have hauled off and whaled one of them, by the time the cops show up from 50 feet away, they wouldn't even know who did it.
I'd be going to that damn FEMA camp.
So this is what we're talking about here.
This is a very dangerous situation with these anarchists as they attack people and start their crap.
And we're going to be here dealing with them, tracking them, videotaping them.
That's why I came here, was to show people at least who a subgroup of these people are, and it looks like most of them.
And we're going to be here on their tail, on their butt, whether they like it or not, documenting everything they do.
When does your permitted protest actually begin?
Because I know you guys have one of the parks there.
Those are at parks.
Those are at parks.
And that's all on WeAreChangedColorado.com.
So we're just there doing that.
I haven't even had breakfast yet.
I'm going to take about an hour break off and you'll see our JustinTV channel live up on InfoWars.
All these videos you've been hearing here, you're hearing the audio from those will be posted as archives as soon as they're done.
But imagine with a backdrop
Imagine, with a backdrop of riot police behind me.
With this backdrop of riot police.
They're not frustrating my First Amendment.
The Recreate 68 anarchist people, and we got video of it, come over and start shoving and pushing and bullhorning me.
Telling me I have to leave when I'm just standing there on the grass, not even getting near their person that's speaking on a microphone, while their guy screams on a bullhorn.
Again, they just ran a false flag on me.
They just ran a false flag.
They staged something, and then said I'd done it.
That's who...
9-11 was an inside job!
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the real world order?
I'm not frustrating my First Amendment.
The Recreate 68 anarchist people, and we got video of it, come over and start shoving and pushing and bullhorning me, telling me I have to leave when I'm just standing there on the grass, not even getting near their person that's speaking on a microphone, while their guy screams on a bullhorn.
Again, they just ran a false flag on me.
They just ran a false flag.
They staged something.
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All right, folks, we're back in high gear.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Alex giving us just unbelievable reports from the DNC, from the protests, from the detention camps.
Again, the tip of the spear at the InfoWar right here, right now.
Nowhere else.
I just feel privileged to be a part of it.
Mainstream media isn't going to tell you that there's a shell organization called Recreate 68, an unconventional action, that want to provocateur violence there so that we don't have
Our free speech, so that dissent is no longer available to us as an option, so that we can no longer peacefully protest.
They're trying to gear this thing up.
They love the anarchists are out there hiding their identities, becoming violent, inciting riots.
This is what they want.
Alright, let's take some more callers.
Let's jump to Missy in Detroit.
Missy, what's on your mind?
I wanted to ask, and this may be more of a question for Bob, I'm not sure, but to give some perspective, because when you talk about the economy collapsing and, you know, biowarfare and everything that we could possibly be in for, but it's not going to happen all at one time on one day to everybody.
But it has already started to happen, that's what I mean.
I mean, you're right, it's not going to happen one time, one day.
We already have IndyMac going under, a big bank out in San Diego.
We already have people's homes being foreclosed on.
We already have their pensions being taken.
So the incrementalization has already started for that.
We're already, I mean, our dollar has been devalued by over 40% in the last eight years.
So yeah, it's not going to all happen at once, but I could see a large spike happening in one day or one week, but continue.
Well, you know, the problem I have when I talk to people, my friends and family, is that they hear about these things happening on the news and whatever, but they don't have any of the impact themselves.
They still have jobs.
They still have homes.
Like, when we talk about food prices, they look at me like I'm crazy.
They say it hasn't gone up for them.
So, it seems to be, you know, just not... Well, the haves are always blind until the very end, until they become the have-nots, and it's going to be... It's going to be a real awakening if these people you're talking about have more than a hundred grand in the bank, and the economy just totally goes under, and they can't withdraw their money, and then all of a sudden the U.S.
dollar's not worth anything.
I mean, we're already on parity with Canada.
Canada's actually, their currency is a little bit more.
You know how scary that is?
Our currency is dominating.
How do I understand what would happen if a bank did fail?
It has happened.
They take your money.
Listen, if you're insured for $100,000 by the Federal Reserve Banking System, that will give you more Federal Reserve notes for as long as they actually stay legal tender.
You're insured on that.
You have $200,000 in the bank.
Your bank goes under.
That other $100,000 is gone.
It is not insured.
Now, if your bank goes under with, say, your mortgage, your home loan, that then goes to the Federal Reserve Banking System and more to a centralization of power.
And you have to pay them.
And if you can't pay them, they take your house.
And that is starting to happen.
It is not happening to everybody.
It's slowly happening to the lower middle class, who were given all these crazy loans that they were never going to be able to afford, and this was by design.
I think the upper middle class will be one of the last to feel this.
But again, when you look at the currency situation,
And Canada, a nation that does not have a strong military, does not have that many imports or exports, you know, wood and other natural resources, fish, and their economy has a currency as strong as ours, we're the number one military superpower in the world.
It should not be that way.
And what they're gearing us up for is a North American Union.
Maybe you need to show them
The SPP agreements, the Securities and Prosperities Partnership, where it goes over this, how they're going to create economic crises to bring us more towards Canada, and even Mexico.
I mean, Mexico's peso has only gone up, and when it reaches a level where it can be on parity, they will propose a new currency such as an Amaro.
I mean, there's a ton of different ways to do it.
I would suggest that you show your family, perhaps, America Freedom to Fascism, to really break down how this financial system works.
I thank you for the call, Missy.
We've got to jump to another caller.
Let's go to Bill in Cali.
What's up, Bill?
You with us, Bill?
All right, he must have dropped.
Let's go to Brad in Kentucky.
Brad, are you there?
Brad dropped off, too.
Okay, how about James in New York?
Let's take another one.
James, are you with us?
Yes, hello.
How you doing, man?
All right, I just want to say to Alex to, you know, keep his head up, and, um, because they could lose a whole bunch, you know, but one of us is more precious than any amount of them.
And I want to share our war
A war strategy, you know, to make our savement.
Which says, we need to separate the holy from the lowly.
And to use our intel to build a refuge.
So that we can, you know, come off of that.
Like, get away from them.
Because we can't depend on our faith for humanity realizing the truth.
We must use our energies to conquer the enemy.
By becoming independent of them.
Of the evil government.
Of the ill circumstances they inflict, right?
Absolutely, Bill.
I can't agree with you more.
I thank you for the call.
We're gonna have Bob Chapman on the other side riding shotgun in the last half an hour.
Go to InfoWars.com, check out the live stream from the DNC.
And if you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member, you get to see my pretty face on the radio.
We'll be back after this.
Get Fabled Enemies!
It's at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.TV right now!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Today unlike any other in the long course of American history a terrorist act of war against this country.
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Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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All right, Jason.
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A simple easy... A little too much heart for me on this broadcast.
Well, we got Bob Chapman back, and Bob, I had a call just a few minutes ago asking about the economy, saying to me, you know, her friends and family just have not been struck by this economic crisis.
What is going to happen when they start foreclosing on homes?
What is going to happen when banks start closing down?
And I explained to her, this is already in the process of happening.
It just has not affected the majority of the middle class or the upper middle class yet.
Well, first of all, the evidence is prima facie.
I mean, it's everywhere.
The real estate market, both commercial as well as residential, has been upside down for the last couple of years.
And because there has been a tremendous drop in the price of someone's home, and you know, the average in the United States is 20% plus over this period of correction in price.
And it's going to continue because the loans that were made subprime, they still have until the end of next June, people will be falling out of their loans, not resetting, so to speak.
And then you have Alta Loans, which were a slightly better class, but they had no documentation.
And they're going to go on for a couple of years more.
And the Alta Loans, a dollar amount, were twice as much as the amount dollar-wise for the subprimes.
And then we've got starting now five years of option arms.
Which are called pick and pay loans.
And many of these people anticipated higher home prices, which unfortunately for them didn't happen over a longer period.
And they now owe more in their home than when they started.
And they're going to get payments of $8,000 to $9,000 a month instead of $1,000 on that $1.5 or $2 million mansion they bought.
And so we're not anywhere near the end of this thing.
And I expect probably the worst is going to be seen over the next two to three years, and then we'll bump along the bottom maybe for five or ten or twenty years.
Who knows?
There's no telling that.
In the meantime, and we announced this four years ago, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are bankrupt.
And not only is their loss is going to probably be in the vicinity of about two trillion dollars,
On top of that, there's a thing called derivatives.
And derivatives are insurance.
And people supposedly were insuring the value of the bonds that they held in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, when in fact, people were just gambling on what they call credit swaps.
And one of the reasons they have to save Fannie and Freddie is not only because they're bankrupt,
But because all these credit swaps have been made by the major investment banking houses and brokerage houses and banks, and they can't pay off.
They don't have the money.
They were running naked, so to speak.
And so all of this is coming to four.
Even the federal government is talking about 300 banks going under in the next year and a half.
And in fact, for those of you who want to know more about your bank, we have three different services we can recommend to you if you email us.
And we'll email them out to you.
And so, those kinds of things are going on.
At the same time, the qualifications for getting a new loan
Have been tightened up.
We're back to 10 or 20% down in good credit.
Good credit would be over 700.
And we also have a minute municipal bond market that's frozen.
We also have a commercial paper market that's lost about $500 billion because companies can't put up the proper collateral to borrow more money.
Then we have the junk bond market, and they haven't been able to sell any new bonds for the last nine months to a year.
And you have this tremendous contraction going on, but it's being offset by an increase in M3, which is money in credit by the Federal Reserve, and that's the only thing that's keeping the system going.
The Fed is lending banks through the discount window, and through their auction procedure that they have, and through the repo market,
More than 500 billion dollars a month and the European Central Bank's doing the same thing.
And other central banks like in England, Switzerland and Canada, they're doing the same thing.
Half the banks and half the brokerage houses and investment banks in Western Europe and the United States are bankrupt.
Now, you don't need any more ammunition than that to worry about where things are going.
Well, I'm with you, Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com, but some people still seem to be blinded by this, and they don't understand that it's already occurring.
The incrementalization is already there.
The banks are already pretty much bankrupt.
They're really just waiting for a catalyzing event to announce it to the people and take all of their property.
And we can't really predict when that is exactly going to come.
We can just warn people.
I actually have been studying Operation Mockingbird.
I really just wanted to know more about it, and I just started touching up on it.
I've heard a lot of... Well, there's two different versions of Mockingbird.
There's a harped version, and then there is the version in which people spout the same kind of disinformation that is presented to them unknowingly.
In other words, you know, they have a handler or something like that, or are getting information from a certain source, and then they are parroting that information on the air.
You know, it's interesting.
A lot of media have been exposed to be, you know, CIA fronts or, you know, FBI assets, depending on when they actually get compromised.
I mean, a good example of this is, some years ago, Al Sharpton was on, I think it was that sports show on HBO.
It was really bizarre, but they had him on because he was fixing games and he was taking drug money.
And they confronted him with the video and he stormed out and he came back and he's like, look, I can explain that.
You know, the FBI had me as an asset for a while and blah, blah, blah.
So a lot of these guys are just guys that get compromised on the low and you never, ever, ever hear
Whether or not they're a part of Mockingbird or not.
Now, the other one is kind of shrouded in mystery, the Harp Mockingbird.
I mean, they've talked about putting out this, I guess, radio wave, if you will, where it somehow controls people.
It's very, very, very, very, very in mystique, in mystery.
It doesn't tell a lot about that program.
But, you know, I think that Mockingbird is just another avenue of, say, COINTELPRO.
People infiltrating movements and then spouting disinformation.
Let's get Bob Chapman's take on Operation Mockingbird.
Well, I think that all you've said is true, and these sorts of things have been going on for a long time.
When I was in counterintelligence, the main focus during the Cold War was the Russians and the East Germans and so on.
And yet, from time to time, we did counterintelligence operations against our own allies.
Yeah, absolutely.
Nothing incisive, but we did do it.
And when we started to do it, I said to the people who were running things, look, why are we doing this?
These people are supposed to be our friends.
And they said, well, we've got to make sure they still are.
And then I found out that all the other guys were doing it to us, so I didn't feel too bad about it.
But the point is that
This counterintelligence type of operation goes on all the time.
This, as you put it, infiltration.
I mean, look back in the 1960s what the FBI was doing in infiltrating groups.
I mean, they had all kinds of records and they roped in all kinds of police departments.
As a matter of fact, my next door neighbor, when I lived in Malibu,
I don't think so.
They seem to get into high positions of power.
I mean, exactly.
They're either the police chief, or they're a city council member, or they're on the board, or they're a state senator, or they're a local news anchor.
I mean, they literally are entrenched in our society.
Anything else, Ryan?
It makes it so hard to know who to trust with, you know, this Georgia and Russia stuff, and hearing stories from the Russian side and the Georgian side and the U.S.
Well, here's how I can differentiate for that for you, because, again, I was under that same thing, you know, who's telling propaganda and who's telling the truth.
Well, Saakashvili is a very good speaker, and he went on Glenn Beck for over 20 minutes, talked really well, talked about how, you know, Georgia was a bastion for freedom,
And that the Russians were acting very Orwellian, saying that they had attacked them and it was a total and complete lie.
But then he really slips up at the last part of the interview.
He literally says that this is about the future of Europe.
This is about the future of the New World Order.
Now this guy is a complete globalist.
He's been trying to get into NATO now for some time.
They committed the third largest amount of troops into Iraq, another thing that people didn't realize.
And the U.S.
was putting in weapon systems, both radar, defense, and offense, in the months before that.
Now what they didn't tell you is that they were also running drills in preparation for this attack.
That's why Georgia, that's why Russia was able to get on the border of South Ossetia, because they began running their own counter drills.
Now, I take the word of the 12-year-old girl who was on Fox, who was from San Francisco, who stopped Shepard Smith in the middle of the conversation.
You can see my blog post over at loosechange911.com.
It's got both the videos on Disgusting on it.
It's called For Those Who Still Don't Know.
And she literally stopped and said,
I want to tell you, I was in South Ossetia.
It was the Georgian troops that attacked us.
We were stuck in the basement all night.
The next day, the Russian troops actually helped us get out of the country, and they're the reason I got a flight back home.
You know, Papukannan, who I would say is right on about 75% to 80% of the issues, has taken this position as well.
So yes, Project Mockingbird does make things difficult, but I would suggest you check out those two videos to make a decision.
Thank you, Ryan.
Hey, thanks.
You got it.
Alright, let's go to Dick in Denver.
Dick, what's up?
You still with us?
Thank you for taking my call.
You got it.
You know, who said if the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around those banks will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
I want to say that's Jefferson.
Let's take Chapman.
Am I right?
Andrew Jackson.
It's Thomas Jefferson already.
What an amazing guy he is to precognize that.
It's amazing to me.
If I may just make a quick little statement.
You know, divide and conquer is the way the military-industrial-financial complex has retained power for generations.
Whether the Rothschilds and the Napoleonic Wars, or the Federal Reserve and the neocon wars, this has been the strategy used by the corporate complex to keep us all in savage servitude.
From Waterloo to Baghdad, from Caracas to a crack house, from South Africa to South Central LA,
I totally agree with you, Dick.
I thank you.
Yeah, that was pretty brilliant, wasn't it?
I like the Caracas to the crack houses.
And, you know, we all know the war on drugs is a sham.
Unfortunately, black ops within this country was shipping in the drugs from South America.
Noriega was a paid CIA asset for years, over 20 years, 26 plus years, until he went rogue and we brought him, quote-unquote, to justice.
Bob, you've been in this game a lot longer than a young guy like myself.
You know, how do we protect ourselves other than hard currency?
Well, you discussed it earlier on, and that is gold and silver-related assets.
That's the best place to be.
And for those of you who can't or don't want to be totally in that venue, then you can buy Swiss franc government bonds, which I think are the soundest government bonds in the world.
And so, if you want information on that, I can supply it for you.
And incidentally, we don't get paid by anybody.
Anybody that pays us, the people who subscribe to the publication, that's the end of it.
So, if anybody needs help, we give it to them.
That's what we're here for.
Yeah, I know.
And a lot of people have visions of us in the Patriot Movement, living in like evangelist-type houses and driving around the fanciest of cars.
That's just not the case, folks.
I'm driving a 98 Integra, okay?
I mean, I don't have gold or diamonds on myself.
I don't have riches and wealth.
We don't do this for the money.
We do this because
Our entire way of life depends on it.
If we want a constitutional republic in the future, if we want to see our Bill of Rights and our Constitution as something other than a g-damn piece of paper, we better work at it!
We better wake up!
We better have the will to fight the tyranny!
And you know, that's why I look up to Alex, man.
He made it happen.
He took thousands of dollars out of his own pocket and went down to the DNC.
He's taken thousands of dollars out of his own pocket and going to New York this year.
You know, these things take money
And, you know, he has one of the largest audiences in the world right now.
I mean, we're reaching out to celebrities, and why is that important?
Well, because people are so obsessed with celebrity, they're more apt to listen to Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell, Jesse Ventura, and Willie Nelson, rather than Stephen Jones, Kevin Ryan, myself, Alex, and Bob Chapman.
And that is the power in that.
So, you know, I hope that people keep spreading the message.
You go to TheInternationalForecaster.com, you share your PrisonPlanet.tv link, you burn copies of Fabled Enemies when it comes out, you get people to understand the different paradigms of this thing.
When you're at it almost 50 years, you've got to be with it.
All right, let's take another call.
Let's go to Helen in Florida.
Helen, what's on your mind?
Helen, are you still there?
Oh, yes.
Oh, wonderful.
There's a way... Hey, Alex just called in.
He wants to go.
Maybe accomplish something in a gradual way.
Take their money away from them.
Now, the New World Order gave us major funding from the American taxpayer and also the drug trade.
And then, in 1995, when our youngest son was 21 years old, he sent a promissory note to the clerk of court
He's promising to pay so much in fines, traffic fines in your constitution.
Helen, I've got to cut you off just because we have Alex on the line.
We've got to jump to Alex.
If we have time, we will jump back to your call.
Alex, what's up?
We went past it and took the next road, so it's this one.
Yes, I'm here, guys.
How are you doing?
Very good.
I see that you're now live streaming yet again on InfoWars.com.
Yeah, we just drove through a bunch of riot police pushing and shoving people down to the ground and stuff, just regular people with basic crowd control, and now we're trying to cut back around.
There's so many buildings and so many people using cell phones right now.
We're getting out via cell phone on the Justin, it's up on InfoWars.com on our channel, but it is live and posted on InfoWars.com.
I hadn't even talked to Aaron because he'd been separated.
Uh, for part of the melee, which I'm driving up into right now.
Get ready, it's that big checkpoint and all those police, and the road's blocked.
We're gonna be driving up to this in a few minutes.
But to be coherent here, I'm driving, uh, and, uh, there was one protest in front of the federal courthouse.
There was another one, uh, another protest, uh, going on down the street, so we just drove through it.
And then there's another area where there's big crowds of people trying to get down by the Pepsi Center.
Police blocking roads and shoving people around.
Let's just skip this.
I want to go behind the scenes right now.
Yeah, absolutely.
Let's skip this break.
We're going to hear from Alex Jones as he drives up to the police checkpoint.
You can see everything live over at InfoWars.com.
Right now we've got Bob Chapman on the line as well.
Stay with us in this InfoWar.
Alright, Alex, go ahead.
I want to talk to you about a dirty word.
Yeah, John needs to cut the audio feed.
Yeah, he's got it.
He's got it.
He's got it.
No, he hasn't.
It's cut on my end.
Well, it's not good on my end.
We do this with guests every day where I cut, and we don't do that.
Okay, now I'm clear.
Oh, now they've just blocked the road.
Oh, lovely.
Now they've just completely blocked it, so I can't even get down there.
Let's zoom in.
Get up here in the front and zoom in down there with the demonstrations on the roadblock.
I've got to back up here right now.
Again, this is totally crazy.
In traffic, in the big city, masses of people everywhere.
I'm on the cell phone.
I've got two guys shooting with cameras on their live feed.
Kids, don't try this at home.
And we've been... Oh, action packed.
I'm not whining.
But we've been up since about 6.50 this morning.
We haven't eaten.
That's not true.
I don't think Gatorade actually counts as a food source, but I could be wrong on that one.
Let me be clear.
I am peacefully, quietly, low-key, about 50 yards away where there's a demonstration in Ward Churchill and
Really, I've got to see all these American haters up there.
I mean, ultra, super leftist, America's evil, destroy America crowd and recreate 68.
Yeah, I mean, the War Churchill that said everybody was a little Ikeman deserved to go down to the World Trade Center.
We're talking about secretaries.
We're talking about janitors.
We're talking about school teachers.
We're talking about, you know, people who put the light bulbs in that ran the food service.
Children in daycare, Alex.
Children in daycare.
But the point is, we didn't come out here and attack them.
We show up.
This is the group that says, okay, we have some websites linked and some groups that are part of us that, you know, that did call for some, you know, some things.
But you're liars.
You shouldn't say that.
Then, I'm over there quietly talking to crowds of people.
And they come over and start bullhorning me, saying I'm not allowed basically to be there, that I'm a racist, that I hate black people and Hispanics.
Just totally made up classic leftist bull.
You know, to neutralize and demonize me.
All these black folks and stuff, people that knew me were like, Yeah, Alex Jones, he's a Hispanic buff.
Yeah, we know Alex.
He's good.
So they were lying about me and I was countering.
He's bullhorning right in my face.
People start bumping into me, hitting me, and they say, leave!
You're disrupting the demonstration!
Let's hit the public melee!
And I say, look, I'm just here talking, he's the guy boring me, and they say, stop it!
So they start bumping into me, hitting me with their elbows.
Then I found out that they found out that Aaron was with Infowars.com 30 minutes before, when I was in a separate area.
And they came over to him, and they said, you're with InfoWars.com.
You talk bad about Recreate 68.
So they're talking to one of the organizers, and they said, get out of here.
And Aaron said, look, I just want to interview with War Church.
He only said no.
Started hitting his camera.
They say, you lied and said we're violent.
Get out of here.
And started hitting the camera.
Aaron's right here videotaping, but for now, Aaron, tell them what happened to you.
Yeah, that's exactly what happened.
I just want a brief statement from Ward Churchill.
Whatever he wanted to say, he wouldn't talk to us, and he wouldn't talk to InfoWars.com.
They said, not after what he said about Recreate 68, implying that we said they were violent, which was other groups, but, you know, we had them on.
Well, don't ring to the Shield before they call for violence.
Obviously contradicting what they were trying to prove.
And that's basically what happened.
They ran me out of the area and said, you're not welcome here.
Well, we have the good news is that we're coming back out of the final segment right now, aren't we?
Uh, yeah, we should be coming back.
We are on the final segment.
We are on the final segment as we speak.
We're in Monaco.
Okay, I want to talk to the listeners.
The Recreates, some of the organizers, folks, I said they were in charge, came over and bullhorned us, told us that we basically couldn't even be there on the city street, then started bumping into us, saying, leave, started hitting me, I mean, hard, I mean, throwing elbows into my stomach,
There were cops across the street.
They would have come over and arrested us all, so I just left.
But Luke was live streaming on the web on his WeAreChange site, so that went out.
We're now driving around inside the city where there's checkpoints and police.
We just drove for a big one before we went live at InfoWars.com.
On the video stream, he just pulled through a big one there, but we're not going live yet.
We're going to continue, we're going to drive back through, get out, show you the demonstration.
Then the Anarchists are planning to surround the Mint, and the Feds have said if they touch the fence, they might shoot.
So that's going to be probably a rest going on there.
We're going back to the camp later, we're going to have a live event feed.
It's all at InfoWars.com on our JustinTV channel.
We want the listeners to take all these clips and all these feeds.
We're good.
That they're, quote, anarchist and recreate 68, told us basically to get out of there, we're bumping into us, saying we didn't have free speech, and we're being violent.
So, here's another example of us peacefully being there.
And again, I could have stood there and yelled and screamed and keep getting hit by them.
The block documented they were bumping into us, documented what they were doing, documented they were bullhorning us.
And we just left.
There they are, attacking the First Amendment.
They're screaming at us with bullhorns, and then they're organizers are coming over saying, Alex Jones, get out of here, you're causing problems.
And then separately with Aaron, slapping his camera going, we're not violent, you're a liar.
Wham, bam, on his camera.
So just unprecedented, Jason.
So for everybody,
The re-feed for the re-stream of what Jason has done today starts in just about a minute and a half on the internet streams at InfoWars.com with a live call-in from the FEMA camp, all the guests.
That's about to re-stream at InfoWars.com.
But regardless, we're going to continue on InfoWars.com with our JustinTV feed.
If it goes down, we're going to boot it back up because we're here in the city, but it's still up, right?
Still going good.
With Richard doing a great job putting up with me today.
The guys are doing a fabulous job.
Jason, you're doing a fabulous job.
If you want to go into overdrive right now, you're welcome to.
Do you want to end the show right now or go to just internet only?
Infowars.com or prisonpilot.tv streams.
No, we'll definitely go into overdrive.
I mean, you're live on the scene of the DNC.
I'd be a retard not to put it on.
I mean, we're trying to reach as many people as possible.
Okay, get your webmaster.
Get Paul Hartman, make sure he can stay for another hour, our new IT guy.
Make sure that you guys can stream from there and get the feed dialed up so from your computer you can stream some of our live streaming so you can have a break if you want to send that over our streams.
Alright, you got it.
So we're gonna bring that up and we're gonna have InfoWars.com streams from the DRC.
Alright folks, I want to remind you, if you did miss any of this, after we're done with Overdrive, we do retransmit all of this at InfoWars.com in a continuous loop until the next show.
I want to thank Bob Chapman for coming out on two separate occasions today.
He had to call in, we had to bring Kevin Ryan up halfway through his interview.
Bob, give out the website, quick.
Alright, thank you Bob Chapman, and on behalf of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv, we're bringing you the truth and we're cutting through live right now.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNLive.com.
Alright, we are on the air, live with the InfoWars stream.
Alex, can you still hear me?
Okay, okay, so they're not on right now.
What we're going to try to do is we're going to try to boot up
The Infowars.com stream from Paul's computer over there, and play it straight from Justin.tv off of Infowars.com.
What a power-packed show, by the way!
I mean, we had Alan Waugh on for an hour, we had Marty the Soapman Schachter, who's always an entertaining guest, Bob Chapman on two separate occasions, Kevin Ryan, and we took your phone calls.
So, I mean, we just continue
To bring you new material.
I mean, we continue to be the tip of the spear.
I know I've used that term like a dozen times today, but it's true.
I mean, it's unbelievable to me that such a small operation can do so much, yet I know we can, because I'm part of it.
And, you know, Alex being down there at the DNC and challenging these guys on their lies is just uber essential.
Alright, so I'm going to try to play this straight through my laptop right now, folks.
Let's see if we're able to do that.
Always, always trying to do some new stuff here at InfoWars.com.
Alright, so I'm going to bring the laptop up and we are going to hit play.
And bring up the audio.
I'm going to take a break for a few minutes.
Guys, give us some shots out the windows of scenes downtown.
If you could only see the checkpoint, the riot police shoving people to the ground, treating people like cattle.
But now we're basically shut down and having trouble getting back over there.
We're about to be over by the Pepsi Center.
So we're just going to give you some shots out the window of what's going on out here and some scenes as we try to get back over where the demonstrations are at.
So we're going to keep streaming live right now.
We're all the Justin TV people that are watching.
Don't forget we have the internet stream.
Jason Burmiss is going to be live for the next hour in overdrive at Infowars.com.
Taking your calls.
If you're in Denver and you want to report something you've seen, call in to Jason Burmiss.
There's just a lot more you can do.
Richard, you don't have to videotape.
Why don't you give Rob a five minute report.
Get shots of that.
Interview Richard.
Give me a five minute break.
Richard, well it's been definitely an exciting day trying to get the live feed working.
It's the first time we've ever used it so we've had to troubleshoot it a bit but we're gonna be ready to go.
We've got a
We've got a car booster battery here that we've got to carry with us, so we should be able to stay live the rest of the time that we need to.
What have you witnessed that maybe we haven't seen on camera yet?
Anything while you were separated?
Yeah, so far when we were separated, that kind of put me out of the loop of the activity.
I was troubleshooting the live webcam, but the good news is, bottom line is, we're going to be able to continue the rest of the day now, and then tomorrow for sure, we're going to be able to be up for the whole program if necessary.
It's been quite an exciting time though, I can tell you that.
When we were down there at the makeshift FEMA camp, they uh...
As most people on JustinTV saw us, they talked to us a little bit, but they rapidly backed off.
These cameras are the best piece of equipment we have to keep our rights and freedoms here in the U.S., and so we plan on using them to the fullest.
And with the technology that we have right now that has been pioneered by a lot of people to stream live on the web and put it out there for the world to see, it's definitely what we've got to continue doing and even get better at it.
And I think it's going to happen.
I know it's going to happen.
Richard, anything else you want to add about the FEMA camp today?
And then I want you to debrief Rob for five minutes.
So Richard, you keep being interviewed.
Anything else you want to add?
Or you take the camera.
Just set the big one down.
It's okay.
And then you interview Rob.
Well, ultimately, to me, one of the big highlights was that you actually had a viewer that showed up.
Within 30 minutes of going live.
Right, within 30 minutes of going live.
It was a big highlight that a listener of Alex Jones shows up and starts to come up there and be involved in the activities.
He goes up there and talks to the cops.
So that was really cool that he showed up and that was just the highlight of it for me at that point.
Knowing that there's an audience out there that's activists like that.
And I think he's just won a whole bunch.
I know a lot of them were here during the riot scenes.
Keep going because there's a big checkpoint where the cops were shoving people around.
It's down there.
As I pull out, try to get a shot.
Let me hand it up to Aaron.
Alright, they're getting outside right now and we'll go back to them in one moment.
Of course, we're taking live stream from the DNC.
You can see the video if you're a PrisonPlanet.TV subscriber and we are in Overdrive.
My name is Jason Bermas.
You can check out my material over at loosechange911.com or you can get my latest film, Fabled Enemies, over at PrisonPlanet.TV right now and InfoWars.com.
Let's go back to the feed because we're looking at some black uniform police officers.
They're driving away now.
Let's see the comments.
Good job, guys.
Oh, here's some cops on horses.
Just more police everywhere they go.
Some of the cops are not on to the team.
They're not quite getting the full ride here.
They've got police masks on, however.
You know, folks, the reason that we're covering this is because, again, it's not about right or left.
You know, a lot of people are like, why aren't you going to the RNC?
Well, the DNC is just as important.
They have tried to provocateur violence here.
You know, as Aaron just told us, they tried to get an interview with Ward Churchill, and what happens?
I'll tell you what happens.
The Recreate 68 guys come over and start batting his camera, cursing at him, telling him to leave, and then Ward Churchill refuses to give a comment.
Alright, let's go back to the live feed.
Alright, we're going to go ride by the police horses.
Get a shot of this and we're going to have a ride by them.
So amazing camera work being done by you there.
Into a pit when, you know, we have this amount of a police force on the streets of Denver to try to stop the quote-unquote riots that are ensuing.
Well, those riots are provocateur-ed.
A lot of those people know exactly what they're doing.
That's why they're wearing masks.
That's why they're acting violent.
That's why they don't have a real political stance other than governments are bad and corporate corruption is bad.
Well, no kidding it's bad!
But you have to have a solution.
You have to point out what's wrong and how to fix it.
See, these guys just want you to believe that we can function with no government.
It's absolutely ludicrous.
We can't just function with no government whatsoever.
We need some type of order.
We need some type of semblance.
And I believe that that is provided to us under the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
But these anarchists are going to tell you that the Bill of Rights and Constitution are no good, and just like Alex said, many of them are really communist, but it's not hip to use that term at this point.
All right, let's clock back in on the laptop and see what Jones and company are up to.
Right now they're really just touring the streets of Denver in the car.
I'm not sure where they're headed, whether they're headed towards the Pepsi Center or away from the Pepsi Center.
But again, you can watch the live feed for free at InfoWars.com right now.
We're going to go back into some of the demonstrations in a minute, but I want you to put your camera down, Rob, and I want, like, five minutes.
I want a breakdown of the whole trip from you, a rundown.
Again, I want a rundown of the whole trip, what happened today, I want Rob's perspective on the anarchists, what they did, and then I want Rob to interview Aaron after that.
So here we go.
Okay, Richard.
You interview Rob.
Stick a camera between you.
Scoot over now.
This is the first time I've ever been to Denver, so I have to say it's one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen.
The air here is great.
It's awesome.
Upon arriving this morning, going to the detention center, basically...
Oh no, and they cut out right as we're... I'm going to try to reset the stream.
Hopefully they'll be broadcasting in a moment, folks.
It seems like it just cut off my broadcast.
Here we go.
We actually went and, you know, wanted to interview some police officers who were there at the detention center.
This guy was still slinking around and going into parking spots and pretending like we couldn't see him.
He clearly knew we could see him and he could see us.
It was a little on the ridiculous side on behalf of the police.
It just seemed like sort of cartoony.
These guys would inch forward as we took a step forward and they'd inch back as we took a step back or if we aimed the camera they'd just slowly turn away.
And then after that, we definitely saw what looked like a heat ray weapon or a sound device.
It's a microwave gun.
Microwave gun.
It had the tell-tale signs.
Alex and I both saw it.
I think Aaron caught a glimpse of it.
It was driving by us.
He was driving by us.
He came out of the camp.
Yeah, he came out of the camp.
He was being dragged.
This device was being dragged on a tow kind of thing.
It was a single solid thing with its own wheels and it had a vehicle ahead of it, drawing it, you know.
And so that was a, you know, seeing that confirmed everything, that these guys have their weapons here.
They may be planning to use them, they may not.
That all depends on, you know, whatever their arrangement is with this weapon.
But the fact of the matter is, it is present here, and these people do plan, perhaps somebody is planning on using it, probably on an American citizen, right here in the good old U.S.
of A.
And, uh, so we go up to the Anarchists, a few hours later, we go up to the Anarchists, uh, demonstration.
You know, it seems peaceful enough until these people, uh, we go up to them.
This guy took a bullhorn out and said to Alex, if you could bullhorn, then I could bullhorn.
I think the difference between Alex's bullhorn and this guy's bullhorn is Alex usually bullhorns into a wide open area.
Oh, we lost it again, folks.
Man, the buffering on this.
We're not losing it on the outside video feed for some reason, but we are losing it on the
On the audio feed from the laptop, I'm going to refresh and hopefully we'll get back to Rob Jacobson and his account of everything going down at the DNC.
Let's see, now we're not broadcasting.
This is live guerrilla radio.
We may wrap it up at half past the hour and go into
The beginning of the show, and the beginning of the show was jam-packed.
I mean, Alex joined us straight up from the DNC.
It wasn't long before we actually got to the detention camps.
We had Alan Watt of CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com on, and I'm a big fan of Alan Watt.
I'd like to book him for later in the week, really.
I'd like to get him on again.
He is very insightful, and he had a lot of great information on Quigley and the Roundtable group, among other things today.
Now, it's important that people repost this stuff.
Why is it important?
Because it shows the provocateur nature.
of these anarchists.
It's important to show these detention facilities.
Because most people still think these detention facilities don't exist.
It's important to emphasize these microwave guns.
Why is it important?
Because this is weaponry that is being used against the people, rendering us almost powerless in any physical sense.
I mean, it literally cripples you right there.
You feel like you're on fire.
You're going to drop whatever you have.
You're going to run away.
So, you know, they really are highlighting their new police state technology here at the DNC, yet another reason to be there.
You know, again, Denver is a beautiful place.
I've only been out there once.
It was in February of this year.
I was completely impressed by it.
And I really just would hate to see things get out of control there.
You know, Alex and company are there to cover the news.
I encourage them to keep covering the news, to keep at it, to keep showing people the truth.
I mean, it's essential.
It's essential we break down these barriers that really we've set for ourselves from slothfulness, from laziness, from the willingness to do nothing, to be apathetic, to not care what's going on.
And you know, since we're not broadcasting right now, are we broadcasting?
No, we're still not on the loop?
Alright, I think I'm going to wrap it up and we're going to go right back into the rebroadcast.
Remember, throughout the day you can go to InfoWars.com and when they are broadcasting, you're going to be able to see live from the DNC, Alex Jones.
I'm Jason Burmess.
I will be back tomorrow through Thursday.
Alex will be popping in, so don't miss any of it.
Remember, you can go get Fabled Enemies right now at InfoWars.com.
It ships September 1st.
PrisonPlanet.tv, you'll be able to see it on August 31st.
Thanks for joining me.
Refeed in 90 seconds.