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Name: 20080206_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 6, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome!
It is already the sixth day of February 2008.
We are going to be live here for the next three hours.
Bob Chapman, the International Forecaster with Financial Analysis with the
Plunging stock market yesterday.
Gold went down, but then surged back up well above $910 today.
It's been going back and forth between about $910 down to about $903, back and forth.
We will watch it as it goes up and down, but in futures trading, it's trading above $950 in the last week, back into the middle of last week, showing that
The conventional knowledge is it will go above 940 in the near future.
So we'll be talking about financial information in the third hour.
In the second hour, we're going to have Mike Adams from NewsTarget.
He also, of course, is the health ranger.
And Jennifer Maddox, they helped write and produce the film, all jacked up.
About how foods and drugs are really hurting our young people in this country and young people are all into image and how they look.
How about being healthy?
So this is really a great film to show your children and it's great for adults as well because we're all brought up in this culture where we're talking about health, talking about scores of issues, fluoride in the water, Prozac, Ritalin, all of it coming up in the second hour for about 30-45 minutes.
We're also going to get back into Ron Paul.
In this first hour, Super Tuesday has come and gone.
We have the breakdown state-by-state.
I may go over some of that, but I'm mainly just going to give you Ron Paul's showing.
And we can strategize here on air, myself and of course you the listeners, if you feel like you want to call in, on where you think this campaign should go now.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
Also, the Willie Nelson story.
Willie Nelson going public on his fears of dictatorship, martial law, and 9-11 being an inside job.
About 24 hours after we did the interview on Monday, it got into the Associated Press.
And it was published in hundreds of newspapers across the country, hundreds of TV stations, posted it and did TV reports on it.
And I know you, the listeners, helped push that through the mainstream media information iron curtain or blockade.
So we ran the blockade.
Good job.
Fox News covered it and posted it.
The Austin American-Statesman has it on page two of the Austin American-Statesman today.
We've got reports flooding in from papers all over the country that ran part of, or all of, the Associated Press story.
From the Houston Chronicle to the Washington Post, people who admire Willie Nelson, if it isn't for his music, it's for his movies, or even more so for all the humanitarian work he's done for farmers and Africans and
The poor and everybody else.
Just an absolutely amazing interview.
And you even heard Willie Nelson on the show talk about controlling our borders.
So we know he's a listener.
He's been a listener for many years.
He told me in private, and I didn't intend to bring that up on air and go, Willie, so do you like the show?
Say, how long have you been a listener?
What do you think of the films?
He just brought all that up, so then I'd say, okay, well, elaborate on it.
I'll tell you, it feels really good to have Willie Nelson as a long-time listener and, as he said, a fan.
But I wouldn't think of him as a fan, just as somebody who's on the same page.
Willie Nelson!
Man, that's exciting!
You know, they can ignore the former Italian President, or the German Defense Minister, or the former CIA Section Chief saying it's an inside job.
It's hard to ignore an Americana piece of history, living history, Willie Nelson.
All right, the election, the latest Willie Nelson info, the economy, your calls, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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And ask for Packet B. From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we are back live here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me just go ahead and go through the Republican and Democratic numbers in the states that supposedly had their primary yesterday.
Massive evidence of fraud.
It's like trying to drink the water out of a fire hose on high through a normal drinking straw.
Just so much fraud, there's no way to ever even scratch the surface.
We just know that there is systemic pandemic
Fraud coast-to-coast in this country and that the voting system that they've now put in place is designed for fraud by criminals to take over this country.
It fits in with everything else we see.
Alabama, let's just go in an alphabetical order here.
Ron Paul got three percent
Of the vote, if you believe that in Alabama.
If you believe that, I've got a bridge.
I'm more than happy to sell you.
I'll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.
In Alaska, Ron Paul got 17%.
If you believe that, I've got a bridge and I'd like to sell you.
And he was wildly popular in Alaska and polls were showing that he had a chance of winning.
Polls were showing him in first or second place, depending on the poll.
I pulled up the polls, scientific polls from Alabama.
It had him in second or third place.
And he got fourth place with 3%.
By the way, Huckabee won Alabama.
Romney won Alaska.
In Arizona, McCain won, though he's hated as a gun control and border promoter in the state.
McCain won with 48% of the vote.
Romney second, Huckabee third, Paul fourth, with 4% of the vote.
Continuing here with the states, Arkansas.
Paul got 5% of the vote.
Huckabee got 61%, and that's a little bit more believable, he is the governor there, and 61% is what he won by.
In California, the big prize, Paul came in 5th place with 4% of the vote.
McCain won California with 42% of the vote.
In Colorado, Mitt Romney won with 60% of the vote.
Ron Paul came in fourth with 8% of the vote.
In Connecticut, McCain won with 52% of the vote.
Paul came in fourth with 4% of the vote.
In Delaware, McCain won with 45% of the vote.
Paul came in fourth place with 4% of the vote.
In Georgia, Huckabee got 34 percent of the vote and won, reportedly.
Paul got fourth place with third percent of the vote.
And Paul would be in dead last in some of these states, but Giuliani, though he dropped out last week, was still on the ballot and he got one percent.
In Idaho, they're going to have their primary on May 27th.
I don't know why that's in this column.
They haven't had theirs yet in Illinois.
We have McCain winning with 47%, Paul in fourth place with 5% of the vote.
In Massachusetts, we have Romney winning, 51% of the vote, McCain in second, Huckabee in third, Paul in fourth with 3% of the vote.
In Minnesota, we have Mitt Romney winning with 41% of the vote.
McCain in second with 22 percent.
Huckabee in third with 20 percent.
And Paul in fourth with 16 percent of the vote.
I talked to Ted Anderson this morning who walked to thousands of doors and knocked on them and put airplanes in the air with your help.
He's pretty bummed out.
Let's now move on here to Missouri.
McCain won with 33%, Huckabee with 32% got 2nd place, Romney with 29% got 3rd place, Paul with 4% got 4th place.
In Montana, and again this is Super Tuesday results on the Republican side, we have Paul in 2nd place in Montana.
With 25% of the vote.
Romney won the state, reportedly, with 38% of the vote.
So Paul beat out McCain and Huckabee, but supposedly lost.
Reportedly lost.
Can't believe any of this.
That's been proven.
So who knows what's going on.
To Romney.
But he did get second place in Montana.
In New Jersey, McCain won with 55%.
Romney with 28% second place.
Huckabee third place with 8%.
Paul got the fourth place, again, with 5% in New Jersey.
New Mexico has its Republican primary on June 3rd.
So that's not coming up yet.
The next in order is New York.
McCain won New York with 51% of the vote.
Romney got second place with 28%.
Huckabee 11% in New York.
Paul 7% in the Big Apple.
They call it the Garden State, I don't know.
And Giuliani with 3% even though he had dropped out.
And then we have North Dakota, Romney getting first place, McCain getting second place, Paul getting third place.
In North Dakota, in Oklahoma, we have McCain winning, Huckabee being second, Romney third, Paul fourth place with three percent of the vote.
Do you want me to continue going through these?
I know some of you do.
I don't particularly like reading them.
We have Tennessee, Tennessee Republican primary, Huckabee, got 21%, 34%.
Twenty-one delegates, excuse me.
Huckabee won Tennessee, 34%.
McCain got second place with 32%.
Romney got 24% and got third place.
Paul came in fourth place with 30,854 votes in the Volunteer State, the great state of Tennessee.
Thompson, though he's dropped out, got 3%.
Giuliani, though he's dropped out, got 1%.
So Huckabee reportedly wins Tennessee and Paul gets fourth place at 6% in Tennessee.
Utah, surprise surprise, Romney got 90% of the votes in Utah.
About 36 delegates he picks up there.
McCain got second place.
Paul got third place with three percentage points, three percent of the vote, in Utah, with Huckabee trailing behind him at two percent.
For his anti-Mormon comments, I would imagine.
Then we have West Virginia caucuses.
Huckabee, 1 by 52 percent.
Romney by 47 percent.
McCain, 1 percent.
Paul, zero.
I do not believe that in the entire state of West Virginia that Ron Paul got zero.
Now isn't that suspicious right there?
That's something we need to look at.
I have a giant stack of election fraud, red-handed by the way, over here.
We're getting hit by so much of it, there's no way to even try to cover it all.
Should I give you the Democratic ones?
Obviously, Hillary Clinton was the big winner.
Unless you look at the few states like Alabama, where he got 56%, Lord Clinton got 42%.
In Alaska, Obama won, 75%, Clinton 25%.
In Arizona, Clinton got 51%.
Obama, 42%.
Edwards is like 5% and he doesn't even want to show up.
Arkansas, I'll just give you the winner and the Democratic.
Arkansas went to Clinton, 70%.
California went to Clinton, 52%.
I don't believe that for a minute.
Obama, 42%.
Colorado went to Obama, 67%.
Clinton, 32%.
Connecticut went to Obama.
Delaware went to Obama.
Georgia went to Obama.
See, Hillary's one of the big states.
Idaho went to Obama.
Illinois went to Obama.
Kansas went to Obama.
Massachusetts went to Clinton.
Minnesota went to Obama.
Actually, Obama's doing pretty good here.
Obama... Jack quit watching this at about 11 o'clock last night, everything Clinton was winning.
Uh, Obama... won Missouri.
They got the same amount of delegates as Hillary, because she was like a few hundred votes behind him.
She got 30, he got 30.
It's a tie, really, then.
New Jersey went to Clinton.
New Mexico went to Obama.
New York, the big'un, went massively for Clinton.
She got 127 delegates there.
North Dakota went for Obama, with Hillary a close second, almost splitting the delegates.
Oklahoma went for Clinton, way over Obama.
Tennessee went for Clinton.
Utah went for Clinton.
Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
So, I guess she did win a few more delegates than he did.
Except I saw somewhere that he got more delegates.
Let me look that up.
Man, this stuff's so crazy.
Who knows?
Let's just take some of your calls on the election through this break into the next, and after that, then I'm going to get into all the big 9-11 truth news coming out.
Of all people, Walter Mondale talked to We Are Change.
By the way, this is a huge story, and there's so many big stories right now.
We Are Change Minnesota called us at the same time Rob was on the phone with We Are Change, no Aaron was on the phone with We Are Change and then Rob was on the phone with 9-11 Truth Minnesota so
I have to wait until they get into work.
They were here until about one in the morning last night, so they're going to get in a little bit later.
So much I didn't get back with them.
They've got the video up there in Minnesota.
I know that.
I forget which group it is.
They're playing them audio of it over the phone, I was told.
And Walter Mondale calling for a new 9-11 investigation, saying there's a cover-up.
Folks, this is big.
This is big.
And now, uh, some of the biggest victims of 9-11, uh, family groups are saying there's a cover-up of 9-11.
They're in the mainstream news today calling for an investigation because it came out that, um, Philip Zelikow was running the whitewash commission for Bush.
Well, of course he was.
Bush appointed the commission.
But that's really starting to break right now with Willie Nelson, uh, on top of it.
So, that's coming up.
Your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Eric in California.
Jim in Florida.
Pat in New York.
Devin, Ohio.
Many others.
Your calls are straight ahead.
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We're good.
I don't know.
We're going to come back with Willie Nelson's new music video, the audio from it, Grave Digger.
Pretty powerful.
Eric in California, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Great to be here, Alex.
Good morning.
Good morning to you.
What's on your mind?
Well, as I'm watching the reports come in this morning, I can't help but think of John Quaid's speech that's on the internet there.
And the question he poses at the beginning of his speech, which is, I've often wondered how it feels like to be raped.
And this morning, I'm feeling raked.
I am just livid.
I can't believe, I mean, I'm looking over the numbers, 3-4% for Ron Paul pretty consistently.
I find that hard to believe.
And I also find it hard to believe that Arizona and Oklahoma voted for McCain?
Come on.
Well, we're now getting reports that Paul merged his votes with Huckabee to try to make sure that McCain didn't get the state.
That's the report we've gotten now.
But if that's not the case, we're trying to confirm it, there's definitely fraud in West Virginia.
Well, I'm getting reports down here in San Diego that a lot of emails to a local talk
That a lot of people that were, you know, lifelong Republicans, 20-year Republicans, showed up at the polls and were turned away because they were showing up as independents.
Yes, we have the report here, and that's a big way that the White House in the last two presidential elections has done it.
They knock people either off the rolls by the hundreds of thousands per state, in the case of Florida, claiming they're felons when they're not, or they put you in the wrong party.
Oh, I know, I know.
I made the mistake last night of watching American Blackout, which I've never seen before.
And, uh, oof, oh my gosh.
Yeah, that's a pretty transparent tactic.
And, you know, I can't help but think of the big push by, like, Hannity, you know, going independent, and a local big broadcaster down here in San Diego, he switched to independent, and I'm sure, you know, a lot of disenfranchised people— Are you—Hannity has said he's an independent now?
Oh, a long time ago.
He said he switched to Independence.
Well, he always claims that, but then pushes Republican candidates.
That's total theater.
Yeah, yeah.
No, and I think that is, I think, in retrospect, I think that's setting the stage for what's happening, for instance, down here in San Diego, where people are showing up, going, you know, getting turned away because they're showing up as Independents when they clearly didn't register as Independent.
I hear you, and I appreciate your call.
Jim in Florida.
You're on the air.
You know that song by Willie Nelson, it's so funny how time slips away?
Every Federal Reserve note I touch, I write Infowars.com, your democracy is on death row.
9-11 was an inside job.
I've circulated hundreds of them in the last few months and I've never had a cashier say anything about it.
So if everybody who listens to this show did that,
People who take notice, and I think it's kind of a delightful irony to use the instrument of their tyranny to lead people to the Alex Jones Show.
What do you think?
I know that if every listener of this show and every patriot and every truth lover out there, everyone who wants free humanity, did write PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, other freedom-oriented sites on the money, on the private Federal Reserve notes, that that would certainly have a big effect.
We had that Shesheska moment a little sooner than we thought, huh?
In D.C.
Like what happened to Shesheska?
Shesheska, yes.
And nobody should leave home without a pile of flyers.
Some people may be a little shy, but the worst thing anybody's going to say is, no thank you.
You know, you might get a jerk every now and then that says, I don't want that on my truck.
All you got to do is say, well, I thought you wanted a free pizza or something, you know?
But anyway, one other thing I wanted to say.
The next time you get discouraged about your show, Alex, the radio show, just remember, the most important duty of an intelligent man is to restate the obvious.
Something that Orwell guy said.
Just remember that.
I'll let you go, Alex.
Thank you.
We're going to come back and talk to Pat and Kevin and many others that are patiently holding.
Thank you for the call.
Yeah, here are the official delegate numbers.
Clinton got 845.
And Obama got 765 delegates.
Romney got 269.
Huckabee got 190.
And these are the numbers out of the previous states where they were standing.
I'll have to add those to the new ones.
Alright, we'll continue with your phone calls on the other side of this quick break right here on the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, we tried to play that Willie Nelson song.
I'm told it was only going out on one channel.
They've been up there monkeying with the boards.
So, we're going to play that a little bit later for you here, ladies and gentlemen, as we give you Super Tuesday coverage after the fact.
Hillary Clinton got a few more delegates than Barack Obama did.
Washington Post headline, Clinton-Obama trade victories.
New York Senator withstands.
Push my surviving rival in key battlegrounds, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton won victories over Senator Barack Obama in California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York last night, giving her presidential campaign a crucial boost, but Obama countered by winning a string of states, including the general election battleground Missouri in the seesaw race for the Democratic nomination.
Now, I've talked to a lot of Democrats across the country, and I've seen them here on the ground.
You don't see any Hillary signs.
It's all Obama.
I mean, he's the only Democratic candidate that has any real grassroots support.
And, magically, Hillary Clinton beat him.
Just like she did in New Hampshire, he was 13 to 20 points, depending on the poll, ahead of him.
There were polls that were 20 points, 15 points, most of them were above 15 points, but let's just be conservative.
Let's say the polls said 13 points, you know we've talked about it a lot, and then he lost by almost 4 points, 3 plus percentage points.
So that's, any way you cut it, losing by more than 15 points when the polls said he was going to be winning.
So something stinks here and they are cheating Barack Obama.
And the same thing goes for Ron Paul.
I know we've got
Pat and Kevin and Richard and Arthur and many others that are holding.
I'm going to get to you during this hour.
Jack McClam, who hosts the talk show weeknights here on the Genesis Network, called in.
We're honored to have him.
He wanted to comment about the election and some of the candidates.
Jack, good to have you on with us.
Hey, brother Alex.
Good to be with you today.
Yes, I'm an old Vietnam veteran.
Never got in country over there, but I was back in the jungles.
Using a top-secret clearance for different things during my years as a Vietnam veteran.
I know a lot of Vietnam veterans, brother, and a few POWs.
All the POWs that I've talked to over the years say that John McCain is a lion's skunk, that he never was tortured.
They were there in the camp with him, and when he came in with his two broken arms because he failed to pull his arms in when he bailed out of his plane and had a leg injury, he immediately started spilling his guts about everything because he didn't want to get tortured.
And he made 32 different videos for the Communists
Speaking out against America and how evil they were for what they were doing in Vietnam.
And they have these sealed now, our government has that sealed, to where we can't get to it.
They have it classified, those 32 propaganda tapes that he made.
And so, I'll tell you, what's not said on the television, and will not be said on the television, is how much the POWs hate John McCain.
And Vietnam veterans.
As a matter of fact, the United States Veterans Dispatch is an organization of Vietnam veterans that just detests John McCain for being a traitor to the country.
And then we have other organizations too.
One here, let's see, it's called Vietnam Veterans Against McCain.
That talk about him being a Manchurian candidate and how he was the worst one in the House and the Senate to trample on and to disparage and to ridicule any POW families that came forward to the Congress and Senate
And wanted them to send in and find the POWs that were missing, the MIAs.
And Jack, his M.O.
is always to talk conservative, but vote with the Democrats.
His wife has campaigned for Hillary and Bill before.
They're family friends.
Clinton said on national television that it's going to be a sweetheart race together, Ibbots McCain.
That's why the whole machinery is really behind
Then you get to Romney.
He's horrible.
You get to Huckabee.
He's bad.
And we clearly see fraud, state by state, against Congressman Paul.
Also, McCain helped pass the campaign finance reform that doubled the money special interests could give, but reduced the money citizens could individually give.
He's anti-gun.
He's pro-open border.
But we know that.
I mean, we know that.
And I've interviewed some of the POWs, as I know you have on air.
I think so.
Yeah, the Vietnamese Communists call him the Songbird.
As a matter of fact, that's his code name up there, Songbird McCain, because he just came into the camp singing and telling them everything they wanted to know.
But I was in a meeting with him in Phoenix, Arizona when I was still a police officer, and John McCain got up when he was running for Congress for the first time.
And I was really happy to know him because he was a POW alleged war hero, which he is not.
But anyway, they said that he was a POW war hero and I went to the meeting and he told us everything a conservative wanted to hear.
Just conservative up one side and down the other.
And everybody voted for him, got him in.
And then immediately he turned into a flaming liberal, and it was just night and day, brother, and it just ticked us off because he was a lying scumbag when he came into our meetings telling us what a great conservative he was.
So he's been a liar a long time, and I just have no respect for him at all.
But you can see what's going to happen.
He's a CFR member too, so he's a part of setting up this Antichrist
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my phone call.
You know, I just want to know if I have this straight.
Ron Paul breaks two campaign records, fundraisers, all-time records.
Basically, everywhere's where I drive, where I live, I see Ron Paul signs everywhere, banners on the expressways.
Same here.
I probably saw 50 bumper stickers yesterday driving home.
I get a phone call from my brother.
He's in Florida.
He tells me there are Ron Paul plastered everywhere in Florida.
I get another call from Vegas.
Ron Paul splattered throughout Las Vegas, everywhere.
He's won every text poll, for the exception of a few, of the debates deciding who won, and he had won.
Yet, what happened?
Well, let me expand on the first point you made.
He didn't just break the two all-time fundraising records.
He did it with small contributions.
He did it with $95 on average contributions instead of $2,000-plus ones that Hillary and others had previous.
And of course, John Kerry had the record of 6.1 mil.
He made 6.8 mil in the second big money bomb.
So, look, it's a fraud.
I could go through it all.
We've gone through it all.
You know, the big one is New Hampshire clear fraud.
He got first place in Louisiana.
They gave him second place.
He got second place in Nevada.
They didn't even show him a second place and said McCain got it on the news.
And that's admitted.
So we have admitted systemic fraud throughout the system.
I appreciate your call.
You're absolutely right, Pat.
It stinks.
Now we have to educate people how these elections are frauds.
But we win regardless.
He's injected real issues into the debate.
People are waking up.
People are waking up to the Federal Reserve, the inflation tax.
They're waking up to the New World Order, the North American Union.
This has been a big victory.
We need to get Paul to run third party.
That's the only shot he's got at winning.
They can talk about brokered elections.
The Republican machinery is going to try to block that.
We're going to do some shows the next few weeks on brokered conventions and things like that versus third party.
We'll see.
Let's talk to Kevin in Ohio.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
Found you last July.
I've been listening to you every day since.
I'm sure you're aware of this, but I think it needs to be put out, especially now during the election, and I hope someone who gets at one of the town meetings can ask this question of one of the candidates that in 1933, FDR suspended the Constitution for a national emergency.
We've been living under a national emergency ever since.
No President since PR has annulled this and allowed the Constitution to be full in effect.
And I'm hoping that the American public can become aware of this and that the candidates are asked this question.
And that's why every year they have a messenger from the White House come in.
The Sergeant-at-Arms announces him.
The Secretary then enrolls him.
Then you have the Speaker of the House authorize him to speak, strike the gavel.
Yes, I haven't heard any candidates.
I'm glad I found your show because I thought I was lost alone in the world.
I was just channel surfing and I heard you screaming at the top of your lungs and I said I've got to stop and listen to hear what this guy's screaming about.
So keep screaming, Alex.
You find people all the time that way.
God bless you, sir.
Good to hear from you.
Yeah, I didn't come to radio with any plan in mind.
I didn't say I'm going to yell and scream and get mad to get attention.
And I don't really do it that often.
Maybe once a show, once every two shows.
Out of three hours, that's not that much screaming.
But just sometimes I get frustrated talking about this stuff.
I get tired of it.
And what you're hearing is frustration.
And I mean, I got a big fat headache today.
I am mad about the election.
I'm mad about the corruption.
I'm worried about all the moves towards setting up martial law.
But slowly but surely, people are waking up.
Slowly but surely, people are speaking out.
And it's happening more and more.
I mean, who would have thought we'd be talking about the North American Union on national television every day?
Who would have thought that we'd have people like Willie Nelson coming out and saying he's worried about martial law and the government was behind 9-11?
Who would have ever thought that we would see it coming out that the 9-11 Commission was staged in the Associated Press?
It came out the WMDs and Iraq was alive.
The fact that Bush wanted to get US aircraft flying low, painted like UN aircraft, shot down to start a war.
That's coming out.
They're losing their momentum.
We're gaining momentum every day.
So take heart and know that and redouble your efforts.
And I told you,
You know, this is not going to be a battle of roses with Ron Paul.
I said he had a shot at winning, depending on the election fraud.
But I said, then we win when they cheat him.
Because then, even more people are going to see what's happening in the system.
Alright, here is the full gravedigger now.
New track off a huge 100 song CD set being put out with Willie Nelson that just came out yesterday.
Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 Made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103 103 is forever when you're just a little kid So, Cyrus Jones lived forever
Gravedigger, when you dig my grave, could you make it shallow, so I can feel the rain?
You're a Stonewall, 1903 to 1954.
She lost both of her babies in the Second Great War.
Now, you should never have to watch your only children lowered in the ground.
I mean, you should never have to bury your own babies.
Crazy digger, when you dig my hideaway,
Could you make it shallow so that I can feel the rain, rain?
Rain around the roses Pocket full of roses
We all know I'm fallin' down, gravy digger.
When you dig my grave, and you make it shallow, so that I can feel the rain.
Gravy digger.
Hello Mikey Carson, 67 to 75 He rode his bike like the devil until the day he died
When he grows up, he wants to be Mr. Burrito on the flying trapeze.
Oh, 1940 to 1992.
Grave Digger.
When you dig my grave, would you make a shower so that I can feel all the pain, too?
Grave Digger.
When you dig my grave,
See the music video at InfoWars.com right now!
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Arthur, in the District of Criminals, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
This is Jones.
Oh, Anthony, I can't read.
Go ahead, Anthony.
Yes, sir.
How are you, sir?
Good to talk with you.
I have a couple things.
First of all, this Hillary Obama situation, I think both of them are cut from the same cloth, and I don't think we really get a choice in either one.
I also believe that
There are others who are running who would probably be more palatable to those who vote for Democrats, such as Ms.
McKinney out of Georgia, as well as Mr. Kucinda.
I don't even know if he's not running.
Yeah, he dropped out last week.
Is Ravel still running?
I don't know, but it seems to me that, you know, the Democrats have been real bad about that as far as other people who have had their hats in the ring.
Well, Republicans are very herd-like and so are Democrats.
It's a herd.
And if the Shepherds says run off a cliff, they do it.
But we're seeing a lot of fraud against Obama.
I mean, I don't like Obama.
I know he's a New World Order.
I know his wife's CFR.
But we are seeing some cheating for Hillary.
So we're just reporting the facts.
There's just no doubt.
Right, and I understand that, but the fact of the matter is, I believe that in the end it'll be Obama-Hillary ticket anyway, President-Vice President.
Oh, I made that prediction six months ago, and I think it's going to pan out, unfortunately.
And the other thing is, you know, it's funny, the gentleman, Mr. Blood, was talking about John McCain.
I've always had this idea in my mind that John McCain is probably, in his mind, still fighting the Vietnam War anyway.
I've seen him personally, and the man, he doesn't look well.
Not at all.
Well, he acts like a mental patient.
Yeah, man.
Another thing, Endgame and the other films that you made, but Endgame was probably one of the best, and I've been a subscriber for a few years now.
And I want to, um, you know, do some showings of that, you know, in this area.
Is it a, you know, an infringement on, you know, your rights or copyright infringement or anything?
No, I mean, I have to, if I don't say that I retain copyright, someone then will say it's theirs and copyrighted.
I retain the copyright, but I authorize its showing for nonprofit educational purposes.
I authorize its duplication for nonprofit not-for-sale purposes.
So just do whatever you want.
I'm not going to come after you.
I just retained the copyright.
I tell you this, I appreciate you and I appreciate what you're doing and I listen to you and I tell friends of mine about you all the time.
You have a great thing going and I'm with you all the way, so thank you for what you give.
God bless you Anthony, good to hear from you and thank you for what you give.
Yeah, show it at libraries, show it at a theater.
I mean, I do this on a case-by-case basis, but if you do it right, I won't come after you.
I'm not going to come after you anyways, folks.
I'm worried about the whole country going into martial law on the end of my life, end of your life, end of our freedom, end of our free life.
I don't care.
I mean, you can die several ways.
You can be a slave and you're dead, basically.
Or you can physically die.
And I don't want to die either way.
I mean, let's say you've got to rent a theater.
It seats 200 people.
They shouldn't charge more than $200 or $300 to rent it on an off night.
You've got to charge people $2 or $3 to get in.
And it pays for it?
Go ahead.
But if somebody rents a string of theaters and is making money off of it, you can't do it.
Because then they'll say it's their copyright.
Or if you want to show up for free at the library or college or whatever, and then take up a donation to pay for the renting of the theater, fine with me.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GPN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got the makers of All Jacked Up coming up in the next segment.
Third hour of financial and election news with international forecaster Bob Chapman.
Aaron's coming in here right now to go over the delegate numbers.
They haven't issued the final delegate numbers, so he's had to tabulate them up himself.
We've been looking for hours for some type of breakdown, and here's the basics.
And we're also going to continue with your phone calls.
But right now, before we go to Eddie in England and Harold in Texas and many, many others that are patiently holding from across the United States and the world, I wanted to bring Aaron Dykes up here.
Aaron's been in there tabulating.
Aaron, what's the basic numbers that we've got right now?
Basically, for the Super Tuesday states, California has not been assigned delegates, according to all the mainstream media.
Clinton right now has a number of about 554, Obama's 525.
Basically, she's slightly ahead, but it's extremely close in the overall scheme.
And again, that doesn't sound right.
He was ahead in polls out there.
They're probably busy cheating things.
That's why it hasn't been released yet.
Well, every single mainstream headline I've seen is neck and neck, too close to call, they trade off.
He won more states, she won more delegates, she won the big states.
But again, even a lot of top Democrat and Republican strategists are saying that they think it's going to be
Hillary's the president, Barack Obama's vice president, and so they're having to stage things just so he doesn't win, because then he would be the president and she would be the vice president and they can't have that.
Yeah, plus the horse race is more exciting to watch for a few months.
Well, I mean, I talk to a lot of Democrats here in Austin, I talk to them all over the country, they, almost all of them like Obama, they don't like Clinton, so how is it she's beating him all over?
Uh, well, I guess nobody wants a dictator, but you get one anyway.
Well, things would be a heck of a lot easier if this was a dictatorship, just so long as I'm the dictator.
Pretty frightful.
Alright, what other numbers you got there?
Basically, California's still outstanding.
That's one of the biggest states.
She won the popular vote.
Is it true that they're doing county by county for the first year in California?
So, I'm not ready to call California myself.
It's pretty close.
But overall, she narrowly beat him with the other states added up.
The overall race is not decided in terms of the Democratic Convention.
She hasn't won enough delegates yet, so.
Well, and she probably won't here.
There's a few more weeks of these coming up.
Well, we'll see what happens, I guess.
Alright, Aaron.
Thanks for coming in with that report.
That's Aaron Dykes in here.
I've been trying for hours to figure out exactly what's going on, but we know that something is very rotten in the state of Denmark, as they say.
Eddie in England, a little closer to Denmark.
Welcome, Eddie.
Hello, Alex.
How may we meet?
Yes, I can.
Oh, yeah, I wanted to speak to you.
I've been a member for several years now, and I've sent your DVDs all over UK and several places in Europe.
And I've been following the election, because I'm a supporter of Ron Paul, and I've been following Ben Harris's, Bev Harris, sorry, Bev Harris's Black Fog Voting, and when I went there, onto that site, I found somebody who had documentation taken from the Boston Globe.
And it showed the actual township by town voting actual figures and they didn't tally at all with anything
That was produced by CNN and all the rest of it.
Yes, yes, I've seen it.
And Bev Harris has been in New Hampshire.
She's been three weeks there.
She's gone back to California.
She called it, what was the exact term?
A criminal enterprise.
She said it was a criminal enterprise, total election fraud, total recount fraud.
And then every time you focus in on an individual state, you find the same thing.
Convicted cocaine traffickers and CIA agents looking right back at you, smiling with submachine guns guarding their facilities.
Stay there, I want to get your final word on that.
From England, Britannia, Albion!
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I think so.
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We're gonna ride.
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We're gonna ride.
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We're back live, finishing up with a call for England.
Don't worry, we'll get to all your other calls.
Then we're going to go to some special guests here in just a minute or two to produce an amazing new film that is vital that it get out to all our young people.
Not just young people, everybody.
We're going to play a trailer for the film, the audio of it here on the radio.
You can see the video up on InfoWars.com right now.
But going back to Eddie and England about just looking at all the evidence of election fraud going on across the country at BlackBoxVoting.org.
Go ahead and finish up your point, sir.
Well, it's very difficult for me to carry on from where I was speaking, Alex, but everything that Bev Harris... America should give that lady an award.
She is so strong and so good, and like yourself, and Prison Planet, as I said, of which I'm a member.
She tells the truth, and Ron Paul tells the truth, and the problem that we have here in UK, in England, and I guess you have in America, you'll put me right if I'm wrong, is that we have tribal voting.
The people vote because their family has always voted that way.
Yeah, it's like a football team, or I drink Coke, I drink Pepsi, I drink Dr. Pepper, I drive Ford, I drive Chevy, I drive Toyota, and they are loyal to that brand when the same New World Order system owns the entire brand.
Good to hear from you, Eddie, from England, and I want to thank all the PrisonPlanet.tv members.
You make so much of what we do here possible.
Thank you so much.
Here is the intro trailer to All Jacked Up, a film everybody globally needs to see, but especially people in the U.S.
We are the most unhealthy people out there, and this has been done by design.
Here is the audio from the trailer of All Jacked Up.
I had no self-control over, like, how much I ate and what I ate and stuff like that.
I just go grab something that tastes like a comfort food and I don't think like it's nutritional value or whatever.
And I'm just like, oh, well that's good to help me.
People are being separated from the foods that they really need to be healthy and intelligent and have good mental awareness.
I feel like I'm doing things and nothing's getting done in reality.
Like I'm not moving forward.
I'm just wasting time.
What we did for your generation was fed you processed white flour and jarred baby foods that were heavily processed and didn't taste like the real stuff.
Why is it that my generation is sicker than when you were a kid?
It's because of what's in the food.
It's a complete secret.
They know it's bad.
Right, they don't want to have their teeth rotting, they don't want to have ripped up hands, they don't want to smell like puke.
That's not true.
And that started when you were about 15.
Are we to be crazy nuts like they are?
You're the absolute nuts.
No, I'm not saying we should be lazy!
We've been taken advantage of, manipulated, and lied to.
The food industry today is a hoax.
What I want to eat, what I want my children to eat, no way.
Hold my hook.
All right.
And that's part of the trailer for All Jacked Up.
This is something that every young person needs to see.
And here to break down why they made it, I guess, a consultant to the film, somebody who's in it, Mike Adams and Jennifer Maddox.
She produced it, directed it, wrote it.
And we're really honored to have Mike Adams and Jennifer Maddox both joining us today.
Thanks for the time and thanks for making the film.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for having us.
Yeah, thanks for having me here, Alex.
It's great to be back on your show.
Since we've had Mike on before, Mike, why don't you introduce Jennifer Maddox.
Tell us about her.
Tell us about yourself for folks that don't know who you are, what NewsTarget is, or what the Health Ranger is, and break down what this film covers.
Well, you know, I'm known as the Health Ranger online.
NaturalNews.com is the website.
I'm a free speech advocate.
I tell the truth about junk foods, about pharmaceuticals, about how you can actually enhance your health and protect yourself from these corporations that are trying to destroy it.
Jennifer Maddox created this film.
She's with Fairy Films.
She got passionate about nutrition for kids.
Getting information out there about how we can protect our children from these dangerous corporations, their junk foods, their pharmaceuticals, and all the marketing that goes along with it.
And Jennifer's done a fantastic job with this film.
I consider it a must-see film for all parents and all teenagers in this country.
And I'll let Jennifer continue with her background.
Thanks, Mike.
Thank you so much for your support.
Alex, I got really sick and tired of seeing how today's youth is being treated and manipulated and dumped on by everybody and nobody seemed to care.
And I really, really wanted to get these teenagers to understand and to see it, to see what's happening behind the scenes.
And I'm sure we'll talk later about animal slaughter and the treatment of animals.
And what I like to say is it's the same thing that's happening with teens today is that
They're being led to slaughter.
Well, I mean, the film approaches it from the direction of showing them how they're being manipulated, how it gets them sick, and then the drug companies have things to, quote, treat the sickness.
I mean, here's an example of the perspective, just in the news, of what your film covers.
Girls in the UK and the US, mainstream news is reporting, as young as three are going into puberty.
Now it is an eight or seven or six, three years old, and then when they go to the doctors, the medical doctors, they don't say, hey,
We have a way for this to stop.
Stop eating the GMO foods.
Stop eating the meat with all the hormones in it.
Stop drinking the milk with the growth hormone in it, which they've got all the studies showing that's what's doing it.
They just say we're going to give you dangerous hormone injections every single week to now block these other hormones.
That's right.
That's right.
And it's a shame that this is happening because kids don't even understand or they don't have the awareness
That this is going on.
And it would have been very easy to make a film about the, quote, obese kid.
But what we haven't spent much time on is taking a look at the root of the problem.
Why are they obese?
Why do they reach for comfort foods?
Well, it's probably because of an emotional problem.
And these foods that they're reaching for are being created by these corporations that are out for nothing but the money.
Exactly, and the film gets into how these junk foods, and even things that we don't think of junk food, are, and how they're filled with all these chemicals, they mess up the thyroid, the rest of it.
And instead of educating the public, instead of the companies ceasing to put all these poisons and toxins in the food, now in Mississippi they're trying to pass a law where, through indentured servitude, the restaurants
Oh, all the time, and they make money offering the false solution.
You've got to realize that what this film shows is the devastating impact
Of junk food marketing and soda marketing on these children.
But then, as you just hinted, when those children begin to be all jacked up, as the name implies, later on when those symptoms start to develop from those food chemicals and the genetically modified organisms and so on, guess what?
They're going to be all drugged up.
And that's where the corporations want today's youth.
They want them to be the future pharmaceutical customers, because that's how they know they can trap them, enslave them in a sense, in a system of medicine where there are no cures, there are no ways to prevent disease, there's only a lifetime of disease management based on high-profit pharmaceuticals.
That's where they want you.
That's why the food companies and the drug companies have this grand evil partnership, and they love it.
It's profits,
I've seen studies where Americans aren't even really eating more than they were 15-20 years ago, but they're getting fatter and it's because of what's in the food.
That's why we've decided to carry All Jacked Up.
It's available right now at InfoWars.com in the secure online video and bookstore shopping cart.
It's in there right now in the books and films recommended by Alex Jones section.
All Jacked Up DVD.
How jacked up do your kids have to get before they notice what we're doing to them, and this is a very important film that everybody needs to get.
All jacked up, ladies and gentlemen.
Available at Infowars.com.
Going back to the writer, director, producer, Jennifer Maddox, your film just came out, and I'm already seeing a lot of buzz about it.
What are young people saying that see it?
Well, young people are taking to it very well.
They're seeing that, you know, these corporations are out there and they weren't really aware of what exactly they were doing.
They're getting, they're understanding better what's going on.
They have a sense of, you know, a lot of these kids that are in their circle of friends,
...are one of the profiles that we cover in the film.
Stay there!
I want to hear more about how young people are responding on the other side and what's in these processed foods.
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NaturalNews.com, Health Ranger, all of it.
Here's a story.
Keith Ledger, cause of death confirmed, prescription drug toxicity.
This is broken by our guest Mike Adams.
What a great reporter and investigative journalist out there, now working with Jennifer Maddox on this new film.
It's just amazing.
All jacked up.
Available at Infowars.com.
Break down the film, because I have found with young people, if I tell them, hey, the government ships in mostly illegal narcotics,
And then I give them evidence to then get you on them and then put you in private prisons owned by the big private banks that launder the money.
And then we even show them how some of the biggest private prison industries are owned and controlled by big banks that have been caught laundering drug money.
Then they go, oh, I don't want to do drugs now.
They're uncool.
You see, but if you approach it like, oh, it's too cool for you, you know, you're too young to do drugs, they'll all run out and want to do drugs.
It's all Hollywoodized.
Same thing with these just destructive processed foods.
If you show them how the man is literally trying to make them invalids to control them throughout their lives with all these preventable illnesses,
That are symptoms of the poisons, they'll get away from it.
And that's the angle, the truth, that you come at this, and I just think it's going to be incredibly effective.
So you're saying, but this is just out a little while, Jennifer Maddox, that you're finding that?
You know, if we get them angry, and they feel threatened, then they're obviously going to want to take action, and that's the purpose of this.
You know, we've worked with a lot of people who do work successfully to change policy,
With organizations like the CFPI, we've done interviews in the film with people like Michael Jacobson, and we applaud all of their efforts.
But our movie is about shifting demand.
And it will be a lot easier to get one kid not to eat at, say, McDonald's today than to try to get McDonald's to not serve one kid.
So it makes a lot more sense to affect demand than to influence supply, and that's why we made this.
And we talk about
You know, the different things that are in processed foods like aspartame and high fructose corn syrup.
And that can, at times, be boring for a teenager because it's difficult to get their attention.
They have a very short attention span.
Well, as bad as high fructose corn syrup and aspartame is, you get into a lot of the other stuff that's in these foods.
Mike, what's some of the other things that are in processed foods?
I mean, these are petrochemicals.
Oh, sure they are.
Well, just look at diet sodas and all the problems related to aspartame.
I mean, these affect the neurology of young kids.
If you look at artificial food coloring chemicals, for example, we know that one particular color actually causes symptoms that are diagnosed as ADHD, which of course gets a kid put on Ritalin.
Yeah, red dye number five.
Yes, exactly.
And there are yellow dyes that are also implicated in that as well.
You look at, in fact, if you read the ingredients label of a food, that's not everything that's in there.
There is no requirement that companies list the chemical contaminants, or the solvents, or the pesticides, or the hormones that are in their food.
Yeah, they can just say other ingredients, they can just say things like artificial flavors, and that can literally be anything.
They hide MSG, for example, in an ingredient called yeast extract.
That's one of the biggest scams today in the food industry.
You even find that in natural foods and vegetarian foods.
They're loaded with yeast extract.
It's all a huge scam, Alex.
And people have got to be informed.
You know, that's what the industry fears the most, is a well-informed consumer who's a skeptical thinker and who's willing to actually protect their own health.
The industry can't stand that, and unfortunately, they've got hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising funds out there to try to convince people.
Billions, and they did this in every industry.
They took natural soap and replaced it with petrochemical and chemical detergents.
That's why your film is just so powerful.
Every young person, every parent has got to see this new film all jacked up.
Continue with a basic overview, Jennifer, of what the film covers.
The film covers a variety of different subjects, processed foods, slaughter, how we're treating animals.
We even go into the subject of anorexia and bulimia and eating disorders.
So we've taken a look at the profiles of different kids that most teens out there today can relate to.
And we've talked about their issues with several different experts like Mike Adams,
And we've led them through a discussion of how they got there and how they can fix it, essentially.
So we have taken a look at everything that these kids have experienced and looked at the root of the problem instead of just, oh, these foods are bad and it's junk food and fast food.
All food out there is bad today, and we need to, kids need to understand that.
Okay, I want to flesh that statement out with you in a long segment coming up, not as many breaks, with Mike Adams and Jennifer Maddox, the new film, All Jacked Up, available right now at InfoWars.com, or by calling 888-253-3139.
Important film, I want all my listeners to have it, just so you have an idea of what's in the food and how it's prepared.
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Next hour, international forecaster, global financial markets and commodities market expert,
With the stock market plunging yesterday and going wild today, gold exploding again today.
You'll be joining us, Bob Chapman, next hour.
Larry Nichols!
Hadn't had him on in about four or five years, the guy that exposed Bill Clinton back in the 90s with the Clinton Chronicles.
He's going to be joining us with a bunch of news about his talks with Iranian President Ahmadinejad, yes.
So that is coming up tomorrow.
Don't forget, we've redesigned InfoWars.com.
It's now in a blog format.
You can comment on the stories and launching tomorrow.
We're going to have social networking.
We're going to have your own sub-page on and post whatever you like, do whatever you want at InfoWars.com.
So that's coming up tomorrow.
The film is all jacked up.
I hope you get it at InfoWars.com or you can get it from NaturalNews.com as well.
Just get it.
Get it out to people.
Show it to young people.
We have the documents.
They knew sodium fluoride would reduce IQ between 10 and 20 points.
They knew it rotted holes in the brains and attacked the kidneys and attacked the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenals.
They knew it caused obesity.
They knew it made your whole metabolic system slow down.
Your metabolism.
They knew that in the 20s, 30s, 40s.
The Nazis, the Soviets used it.
That's public.
That's mainstream news.
Now, new scientists and all these other people are coming out, Nobel Prize winners, saying it's a poison.
They did that by design.
They want to control you, make you sick, and then suck all of your profits out of you as you work.
This is a form of slavery.
This is a scientific dictatorship, as many of the top technocrats stated in the 60s and 70s, and even back to the 20s and 30s.
They have done this by design.
They know what they're doing.
And they know.
I mean, take Heath Ledger.
It's now coming out that he was on a bunch of prescription drugs given to him by his doctor.
They mixed together and it killed him.
They kill hundreds of thousands of people a year, marijuana kills no one, but still they want to SWAT team you, looking for it, and they want to come in and ban and restrict and make you get a prescription now for vitamin C. Again, the film gets into a lot of that.
An amazing film, all jacked up.
Going back to Mike Adams and Jennifer Maddox, she is the writer, director, and producer on this fabulous film.
Mike, I mean, I want to...
No, this is clearly by design.
I mean, they know that these corporations work hand-in-hand, the food companies and the drug companies.
And in many cases, they're the same company.
I mean, they manufacture the same chemicals that go into drugs and foods.
So what they know they have to do in order to make profits is they have to keep the population diseased.
People who are well don't need to go to the doctor and take drugs, right?
So they have to keep you in a cycle of disease.
And that's why their products don't cure anything.
Because they know they can only maintain your disease.
That's the way they have repeat revenues and they can turn your body into a system of lifetime revenue.
Now, there are also indications that they may use some of this to actually introduce disease.
I think there's a lot of evidence that vaccines are used to introduce disease into the population.
And that's why I won't let them inject me with anything.
I'm healthy.
I don't need a doctor.
Well, wait a minute.
We have government... I mean, let me just digress here.
We have documents where that's admitted and they've been called all over the world.
So that's not just your opinion.
We have that in quadruplicate.
But expanding on that, we have diabetes up several thousand percent.
1 in 33 would get cancer decades ago.
Now it's 1 in 3.
They know what they're doing.
They knew what aspartame would do.
Breaks into formaldehyde in your stomach.
You know, past 85 degrees.
They knew what all of this was going to do.
And here's another example, Monsanto.
This even made it a National Geographic 99.
The reason I cover it, people heard of it.
The CEO at a public meeting for shareholders said that they intended to contaminate everything with GMO, so then you wouldn't have a choice but to eat GMO.
They would then go after other people's fields who they had contaminated, and they own the courts.
Let me get a comment from you, Mike, and then Jennifer on that.
It's all about owning your future, owning your health.
Well, sure.
They want to own the seeds.
They want to own your genes.
They want to own everything about you.
It's all about corporations controlling this world and limiting population, controlling population.
That's what it's all about, Alex.
Your listeners know this very well.
So, teens and families need to hear this, and they need to understand that they're being brainwashed and misled about food, and we're all just
Too busy to notice.
I mean, it even comes down to our parents, their parents.
You know, they're going to open their eyes to what they eat and how it's affecting them, and they should know where the food is coming from and what it has the capability of doing.
And these teens are challenged to find the liberation from these shackles of mainstream and corporate thought that keeps them suppressed, and it doesn't
We're good to go.
Mike, I have seen, that's a great point, just an excellent point, Jennifer Maddox, I have seen hundreds of scientific studies, suppressed studies, by the chemical companies, by the big food companies, where they know that the dyes and chemicals and flavor enhancers are causing children to have headaches, be hyper, be irritable, and then their answer is an amphetamine-based drug or a psychotropic drug.
Can you speak to that?
Because you get into some of that in the film.
Well, yeah, and look at the headline that we just saw in the last few days.
Baby shampoo is loaded with toxic chemicals.
I mean, if you look at an infant now, just a one-year-old or a two-year-old baby now, they have more chemicals in their bodies, hundreds of chemicals, more chemicals than the adults now.
So they are starting as young as possible and they're pushing these products to try to basically contaminate
By the way, the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association comes out in 2005, both of them, and says
Sodium fluoride is poisonous.
Children shouldn't have it.
They shouldn't drink it.
It's rotting holes in their teeth with fluorosis.
And then what do the big water makers do?
You go in one of the, you know, Babies R Us, or one of the big stores, or you go to the H-E-B, or Kroger, or whatever you have in your area, you know, Lion, Savon, whatever, Food Lion, you go in there, and all the water says for kids, and it says extra fluoride, added fluoride.
They've all done it.
They know!
They know, don't they?
Oh, they absolutely know, and they're still pushing mercury fillings in children's mouths.
They call them silver fillings because they don't want to use the word mercury, but guess what?
They're 40% or more mercury.
That is a potent nerve toxin.
I mean, they know what this does to these young brains.
Again, they don't want to allow children to be free to think for themselves, to learn new things.
They don't want independent consumers running around this country because it would upset the status quo.
They want people who do what they're told who are zombies.
They want them drugged out.
My film, Endgame, we have the documents where the brother, who's the father of transhumanism, the father of modern eugenics, Julian Huxley, the head of the UN UNESCO program, said, just like his brother wrote in the book in 1933 about how they took the subclass and poisoned them at birth to make them be mentally retarded, you know, dumbed down.
Well, they said, guess what?
That's what we're really doing.
That's exactly what we're doing.
Go ahead.
Antidepressants for young kids is a big part of that problem.
And you look at what they really cause.
They cause violent behavior and suicide.
You look at the school shootings, Alex.
I know you've covered this topic many times.
They're all implicated with antidepressant drugs.
Every one of them.
And you know, people end up blaming the guns.
It's ridiculous.
You've got to look at the drugs that are controlling the brain that controls the finger that pulls the trigger.
And they know that the food additives make the children act out.
Even if they haven't had a good breakfast, they've had some sugar snack, they crash an hour later, and the school then pushes, puts them on drugs.
The teacher isn't even bad, they're brainwashed.
Can you speak to that, Jennifer Maddox?
They're completely brainwashed.
They don't understand that when they're eating these sugar-filled foods, that the reaction that they're getting is completely bouncing off the walls.
Parents don't understand.
Why is my child acting this way?
Jennifer, you're on a cordless phone, aren't you?
Yes, I am.
I think you've gotten too away from the jack.
You're actually cut out.
If we can redial you, I'll get you closer to the jack.
Are you by the jack?
I'll get closer.
I apologize.
Oh, that's okay.
I had the same thing happen to me before when I'm doing interviews.
You got into the sugar snacks, and the parents don't know why they're bouncing off the walls, and then you cut out.
Can you hear me better?
Let us try to reconnect to you while I talk to Mike.
I'm sorry that it's happening with your phone, but let's try to get her on a landline, John, or talk to her, figure that out.
Mike, continue with what she was saying.
Well, if you feed children refined sugars,
Now, the brain runs on sugar, right?
And if you're using refined sugar, it's a fuel that the human body is not designed to process.
So the sugar levels in your blood spike up too rapidly, and then they crash in response to the insulin dump.
This crashing of blood sugar causes mood disorders, it causes learning disabilities, it causes aggressive behaviors in young males.
And the important thing to note here is that instead of diagnosing these as dietary problems or imbalances, modern medicine, with the drug-pushing doctors, goes out and says, no, you, the child, have a brain chemistry disorder that must be treated with pharmaceuticals.
And that is the horrendous mistake that's being made with our youth today.
Now here, we know, we know that honey isn't even processed.
And humans would rarely get honey in our development.
Now, the foods, I mean, I don't think people realize that even in coleslaw or a hamburger or anything, it is just filled with sugar.
And with my children, whenever we give them sugar, they're bad.
When we don't, they're good.
It's real simple.
And if you change children's diets to be more wholesome, based on natural foods and unprocessed foods, you can eliminate ADHD symptoms in 80% of children in two weeks or less.
It really is simple.
Think about that.
And in fact, if you feed children right and let them grow into adulthood with good diets, you can eliminate, in my opinion, 90% of all cancers in this country.
Absolutely, because that causes a lot of problems with the cells offloading their toxins and the absorption of oxygen and of course a lot of other things dealing with the different glands.
Again, it's always so great to talk to the folks from NaturalNews.com.
Now, Mike, I want to go back to Jennifer.
We got her back on a good line.
But getting into Heath Ledger, surprise surprise, no illegal drugs, hopped up on pharmaceuticals, it killed him.
Yeah, Heath Ledger was killed by Big Pharma.
He was killed by his pill-pushing doctors, who should have known that that combination of drugs should never be prescribed to an individual.
I mean, Heath didn't want to end his own life.
There was no evidence of suicide.
He was killed by Big Pharma, and he joins a long list of over 100,000 Americans.
Killed each year by FDA-approved drugs.
Well, he was a great actor, and, uh, I mean, every day, every time there's a shooting, a mother cutting her children's arms off, drowning them, they're always on these drugs, and it kills hundreds of thousands a year.
Their answer is, as mental illness expands because of the drugs, now we need to put half the kids on drugs under the new Freedom Initiative.
Jennifer Maddox?
Our kids today are being influenced by these companies and this terrible food and this will be the first generation that won't live longer than their parents.
And, you know, this film has the opportunity to make them understand what's really happening out there and for them to discover the truth about their obsessive and addictive and emotional eating habits.
And we've packaged it in a way that
palatable for families and teenagers well that's another reason that's another reason they push
Well, we break the habits by changing
Our belief system, and when we understand that someone's trying to take advantage, if somebody's trying to take advantage of you, and you really truly understand that, you're going to look at that differently.
You're going to realize that you have other options, that you have other choices, that you can actually live a healthier life by making better choices.
And there's another facet, go ahead, sorry.
Right, and we want to empower these kids to know that they have those choices.
I just want to commend Jennifer for making this film and let everybody listening become aware of how difficult it is to make a film that tells the truth.
You know all about it, Alex.
You know that corporations won't sponsor this information.
This is the kind of thing they don't want you to learn.
So for Jennifer to put this film together and make it so successful, I just really want to commend her right here on the air.
You're a great American for doing that.
And she did a great job.
A lot of work went into All Jacked Up.
I do commend you as well, Jennifer Maddox, and I hope people get the film and show it to everybody they know.
Expanding, I've also seen a lot of studies, and I've interviewed neurologists, I've interviewed toxicologists, I've interviewed pharmacists on this subject.
Not only, most poisons are also addictive.
Just like Prozac and the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, these additives are also addictive, so when you go off fast food, you're going to feel horrible at first, because it's a drug, you're addicted.
Yeah, well, MSG is a perfect example of that.
It interferes with your normal appetite regulatory ability, so that if you're eating food with MSG, you can't stop eating them.
And guess what that does?
Well, it sells more foods off the shelves that contain MSG.
And that's the whole point.
I mean, cigarette companies knew their products were addictive.
You know, soda manufacturers, they know their products are addictive.
But food companies do this, too.
Again, it's all about chemical enslavement of the consumer.
They've made it an art, a science.
They know how to do it, and we are paying the price.
I couldn't say it any better.
In fact, I couldn't say it that good.
You know, I want to make the point that this film is not about
Becoming a vegetarian or a vegan.
That might be a takeaway.
And it's really about what's right and wrong.
It's about how we're being treated by the system.
This abusive food system.
And, you know, people just need to understand that they do have a choice.
And it may be difficult to change your diet and your habits.
And you do suffer from letting go of that.
When you do, all of a sudden your mind gets clear.
You have mental clarity like you've never imagined.
You've gained the ability to do the things that you really want to accomplish in this world, which is why I've had the ability to go ahead and take the risk and make this.
I thank both of you because you are truth tellers and that is completely commendable.
Because that's where we need to be.
That's where society needs to be.
That's what we have to get to.
This planet needs transformation and revolution.
Well, you guys are both part of the revolution and the film is all jacked up.
Available at InfoWars.com.
You can link through.
Also at PrisonPlanet.com and get the documentary.
How long has the film been out?
It's been out just a few weeks.
I understand it's available for purchase on your website now.
It is.
But also fire out some of your websites.
AllJackedUpMovie.com And you can also reach us at www.fairyfilms.com Fantastic.
We've got to get this into the hands of all the young people especially.
In the closing segment, Mike Adams, what are some of the key points that we haven't gotten to yet?
Well, we've got to realize that we have to take control over the information that's being fed to consumers.
So we've got to allow nutritional supplement companies to be able to tell the truth and not suffer the censorship of the FDA.
That's how we're really going to turn this around.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Let's talk about information war against the enemy when we get back.
Let's talk about the film All Jacked Up.
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Financial news, election news, military news, more info on the cable cuttings.
It was four, now it's five.
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Is this the balloon going up to go into Iran?
This is pretty scary stuff.
A former member of Army Counterintelligence and one of the top gold brokers.
We'll be joining us coming up in the next hour.
Finishing up with Mike Adams and Jennifer Maddox, who work together on the film.
She's the producer and director of it.
All jacked up, available at InfoWars.com.
Finishing up with trying to block them from blocking us from putting this information out.
Yes, Alex.
Well, this is one of the reasons why I really support Ron Paul, because he supports the Health Freedom Protection Act, which is the only
candidate for president that would actually seek to end the FDA's censorship and tyranny and oppression of alternative therapies, natural medicines, you know, foods from God and Mother Nature.
And he would actually help deliver us access to those things.
But every other candidate that I've seen is interested in only supporting the status quo, continuing the system of sick care.
They call it health care, but it's really sickness care and disease continuation in this country.
So I think what we've really got to do
In my opinion, we need the FBI to march into the FDA's offices with guns drawn to arrest and prosecute the criminals running that organization.
It is a criminal organization and it is indirectly responsible for millions of deaths in America alone, Alex.
Now, most of the doctors and people, though, they're compartmentalized.
They just follow what the American Medical Association says, and they just think, hey, this is all a good thing, and they're not even allowed to tell their patients, hey, take this vitamin, take this or that.
They're told they'll have liability if they do.
Sure, doctors are scared to death, you know, because they have state licensing requirements.
If they begin to prescribe natural medicines, or even to speak out and tell the truth about what they're seeing, they can have their medical license yanked.
So that's the way that the state has a leash of control around the necks of the physicians.
And that's why the physicians are still tied to pharmaceuticals and very few are actually promoting natural medicine.
Well, the eugenicists run our planet.
They're carrying chemical and biological warfare out against us every day.
We have the documents.
It's hard for the average person to believe, but the public is in a toxic fog, and a lot of it will lift if you stop drinking sodium chloride water, if you stop drinking the high-sugar foods, if you stop eating the processed foods.
I know it's hard.
I first started about three or four years ago.
I'd gotten healthy before that, but then gotten unhealthy.
Getting off the fast foods, then getting off processed foods.
I'm almost off of them.
I feel a lot better even though I work incredible hours.
A lot of other unhealthy stuff I do, but it's a process.
You know, a lot of people don't get started because they think it's too big, and they're too depressed from what they've been eating.
Mike, Jennifer, I mean, this is the old Chinese parable, isn't it, of a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step?
Right, right.
And I have to tell you, Alex, we went to the USDA, the FDA, governors like Huckabee,
Because he had a proven track record for improving fitness.
And we even went to the Department of Agriculture.
We went to fitness leaders like Schwarzenegger.
And the only public official that agreed to go on record for the production of this movie was an associate superintendent of a school who then, when she was on camera, refused to discuss the quality and content of the food.
So it's, you know,
What does that say about our public officials that should be representing us?
It's amazing.
It's up to us, the people, to get this information out to the young folks.
This is how we beat the New World Order scientific dictatorship is, as you said earlier, we start pulling ourselves out of it.
We stop buying their garbage.
To Mike Adams and Jennifer Maddox, who helped make the film all jacked up, I salute both of you and I'm glad that we've added it to the online video and bookstore.
Thanks for spending time with us.
Thank you, Ralph.
Pleasure to be here.
You guys have a great day.
God bless you.
We'll be right back with a third hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into hour number three.
Bob Chapman's going to be with us for the rest of the hour with the InternationalForecaster.com.
Links up on Infowars.com.
We're going to open the phones up.
Bob is a former military counterintelligence.
They have the biggest financial newsletter out there.
Still has one of the biggest today.
He's worked in all different levels of stock brokerage and gold brokerage.
It just goes on and on.
Many of you know who he is.
He's going to be with us to talk about the cable cutting.
Now it's up to six cables, they're saying.
It was one, two, three, four, five.
Now they're saying six.
I've confirmed that report.
Does that mean they're going into Iran?
That is certainly not by accident.
What's happening in the markets, the stock market dropping massively yesterday, gyrating wildly today.
I promise we're going to get to Harold, Jason, Frank, Todd, many others that are holding early in this hour.
We can talk about the election, Ron Paul, anything you wish, because Bob is well versed on all of it.
So stay with us.
Bob Chapman, thank you for coming on.
My pleasure, Alex.
Give us a long and skinny of what we saw in the market yesterday and what's happening with gold right now.
Well, I think it's the realization in the market that we are really in a recession.
Sometimes you have to take a nail and a hammer and banging it to the side of economists and analysts' heads because they don't want to know about it.
All of these people should have seen this coming six months to a year ago, at least.
And so it's here.
And the realization popped into their head when they saw the non-manufacturing numbers, and they just bailed out.
And a lot of them had short-term profits, so they were happy to take those.
And I think we'll see a filling of the gap here on the Dow back to $11,600, $11,800.
And if it holds, fine.
If it doesn't, it'll go lower.
We won't know until we get there.
I think that there's going to be a lot of bad, let me put it this way, a lot of disappointment in earnings growth, which I think won't be there during the first and second quarters at least.
And I think that this non-growth is going to prey upon the market, and how much it will take the market down further remains to be seen.
Because we get to also consider, the Fed is definitely considering,
Another half point cut in the Fed funds rate, either on the 17th of March or before that.
And also, the Fed is pouring money, probably somewhere in the vicinity of $100 billion a month into the economy via the banking system.
And so a lot of that money can be used in the market.
And of course, too, as interest rates come down,
It's cheaper to go on margin, as well, as long as they reflect it, which they usually do.
As far as gold's concerned, the lower interest rates go, the higher gold's going to go.
They can't hold it back.
Gold's up some $14 to $15 today.
It was higher earlier, offsetting most of the loss that occurred yesterday.
The fundamentals are very, very strong for gold.
There's more being consumed than being produced.
The fall-off in
I think so.
Well, it certainly is a good picture for it.
I heard you on another radio show with Robbie Noel yesterday, as I was driving around listening to 96.3 here in Austin, and you were talking about, hey, this is something you stay in.
It's only going to go up in the medium and long term, and if you do anything, you go sideways into different investments in gold.
Elaborate on that.
Well, you broke up a little bit there.
Could you repeat that, Alex?
Certainly, Bob.
When we come back, I'll rephrase or put the question back out to you.
Stay there.
I said that... I heard you on another talk show yesterday, and you were saying that gold is something you stay in, in the medium and long term, and it's only going to go up from every indicator we have, and that you don't get out of anything that's gold.
You only go sideways, and I want you to explain what that means and where you think gold is going to bottom out at, how high it will go.
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Bob Chapman, I want to do this, because I really respect your analysis and I've seen the predictions you've made have just come true over and over again from an industry analyst, forecaster perspective.
But you're saying basically the same thing that an economist who deals with planning, not forecasting, top ten economists living, and that of course is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of the Treasury,
We're good to go.
We're good to go!
That's a tall, tall bit of talk.
But anyway, here we go.
To answer your earlier question, we're in the greatest bull market of all time, the bull market in gold and silver.
Thank you very much.
Now, where is it going?
Based on inflation, this is official.
To make up the inflation for the last 27 years, which has not been reflected in gold, we need gold at $2,268 an ounce.
Now, real inflation, because they've Mickey Mouse'd the figure since 1982, real inflation is well over $3,000 an ounce.
I don't know the exact figure, and I don't think anybody else does, because the figures have been so jumbled.
And I haven't done the research, but I know it's over $3,000.
So that's what you can point towards.
So if gold's around $900, you're looking at gold going up a couple of times.
And you're looking at a lot of profit, particularly if you're in shares or in numismatics.
Now, where is the economy going?
You mentioned earnings.
You had seen earnings that out for the next couple of years weren't going to be very good.
I agree.
A year ago, November, we projected for this past year growth and earnings of 4 to 6 percent.
The experts said 13 and a half.
We don't have the figures yet.
I think they'll come in around 4 to 4 and a half percent.
That's on the low side of my estimate.
They were a little bit less prosperous than they
It could have been.
What am I projecting for this year?
Zero growth and earnings.
Probably a drop.
I don't know how much yet.
It's very, very hard to figure because... Now, let me just throw this in.
Don't we need massive growth to get us out of the recession and to try to stave off the inflation and instead we're going to get the opposite?
Well, stagflation is already with us.
And I don't see any way that we can get out of what we're in.
You've got to go back to classical economics.
The system has got to be purged and the Fed doesn't want to do it because the Fed and the U.S.
Treasury and Wall Street do not want you to know what they've been doing.
People are going to be furious when they find out that the markets have been manipulated for a long time.
That's not the function of government.
And they've been manipulated by the very financial interests that control our government.
But continue with your forecast.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
I just thought that was important.
That's okay.
And so, yes, for the next couple of years, we're going to be under pressure, in duress.
You're going to see, by March the 17th, probably another half a point cut in the interest rates, taking them down to two and a half in the Fed funds rate.
And probably by June, you might see two percent for that matter.
They're doing the only thing they know how to do.
Lowering rates and continuing to increase money and credit.
The increase in money and credit right now, the old M3 that they won't publish anymore because they don't want you to know what they're doing, is running somewhere between 15.5% and 16.25%.
So we'll say 15.75% right now.
That's subjective analysis on my part.
And unfortunately, there's only two or three others who give these projections, which I think is disgusting.
Anyway, we're going to see lower interest rates.
Lower interest rates mean, excuse me, they mean higher gold and silver prices.
And so, you know, you get the downside from supposedly the good effects of lower rates.
On the upside, you get the flip side, and that is gold and silver running higher.
They're not going to solve this problem by throwing money at it.
They have before.
It isn't going to work this time.
And look at the housing market.
Lenders are pulling in their horns.
They're dropping the issuance of adjustable rate mortgages in many cases.
Over the last year and two months, we have 226 of the mortgage companies that have collapsed, gone bankrupt, have been absorbed.
Only about six of them were absorbed.
You have the lenders now going back to the old way of buying houses, demanding 20% down in a good credit record.
Well, I think the only thing that can happen that can even bring people into the realm of being able to buy a home is a drop in the value of the home.
So we'll take California.
$600,000 average home goes down 40%.
You've got a $360,000 home.
The down payment at $600,000 was $120,000.
It's $72,000 at $360,000.
Now somebody's going to tell me, with no savings out there, where these people are going to get the money to make the down payment.
The obvious answer is they're not.
That means more stagnation in housing.
And it's not going to get better.
Plus we get the loans, the adjustable rate mortgages, which is subprime and ALTA.
They've got another year and a half to go in foreclosures.
And then we've got the pick and pay option loans that are coming in about a year and a half or two.
You're looking at at least five years.
At least five years of stagnation and maybe as many as ten in housing.
And it makes up about 23% of the economy.
Bob, I go back to three years ago, Daniel Esselstyn and Jim Tucker, even before the Bilderberg meeting I went to in Canada.
They started saying in 2005 that the word from their sources inside Bilderberg, and these guys have always been accurate, they're for real,
I mean they talk about the Berlin Wall coming down a year before it did and said it would be staged.
They said we're not attacking Iraq in 2002 in March like the media was saying they would.
It'll be 03 in March.
I mean the Bilderberg really is calling the shots and steering a lot of the big events and now these guys have sources.
In intelligence, but also they go to the hotel after, you know, in the week after and, you know, kind of interrogate and, you know, whatever the people that work there and find out a lot of data.
They have people beforehand, they go into the hotel, they get them to steal stuff out of the trash cans and the rest of it, they tell them, hey, I know you're not going to want to do this now, but you've been threatened with being fired.
But when you hear how evil they are and how bad they treat you, you can't look them in the eyes, then you'll want to help.
And then they hear them talking about getting rid of sovereignty, enslavement, and then everybody wants to help them inside.
And I remember three years ago, and we wrote articles about it, the word was the central banks wanted to pop the real estate market by design.
They passed the point of no return in 2002.
They wanted it to implode.
They thought everything was going to go just fine in Iraq and Afghanistan.
They blew up on them.
I refer back now, two years ago, to what Brzezinski said.
They've set world government back 30 years.
Ziggy, they've set it back 50 to 100 years.
They get all kinds of problems over there.
And you mentioned earlier in the program about the cutting of the Internet communications.
That's just a part of it.
It's obvious who did it.
It's the United States government and Israel.
And it was a stupid thing to do because all they're doing is making people in the Middle East even more mad at them and even more prone to sell oil and other currencies rather than dollars, which puts the pressure on the dollar and in time that pressure
Would cause it to not be the world's reserve currency.
They have a way of getting back.
Of course, what the US government would then do, is they would, and they have spies all over the Middle East, they would then try to overthrow all those governments.
Now, you might think that they can't do it.
Believe me, they can.
And so, this is where this thing is spiraling.
And they're doing all the wrong things, but coming back to the economic aspects of it,
These sorts of things in the Middle East are a cover.
If people are looking at cables being cut, and people being blown up in Gaza, and all of those other things, they're not going to watch the economy as much.
Well, we know they want to start a war as a cover for what they're doing on the economy.
I want to get your analysis on that as well with our guest, Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster.com.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Bob Chapman is our guest.
The International Forecaster dot com.
Bob continuing.
I want to go back, because I have my views, and I've interviewed a lot of military experts, and you know, tracked what's happened in Iraq.
They meant to destabilize it, they meant to break it in three parts, show sectarian violence, but it went even worse than they thought.
They lost the Info War, the Propaganda War, people found out the truth about torture, the lies about WMDs, their allies pulled out, but I mean, why are you saying that world government has been thrown back, you know, decades and decades?
Well, because this plan that they had,
uh... a geopolitical plan which of course included uh... the uh... the theft of oil for lack of a better term and uh... and the uh... outflanking of uh... china and uh... russia and that part of the world was very important and as you said the balkanization of uh... iraq was important to them as well and all of this is really never come off and then on top of that uh...
John McCain is talking about being there for a hundred years but getting back to the original question is the point of no return was in 2002 economically and so their program went forward and then they decided gee we can't have this happening because the rest of the program isn't working for us and so we got to try to stop it and they were unsuccessful in stopping it and actually one person
Pull the trigger on it, and I think when history goes back and looks, they'll see that it was her.
And that's Meredith Whitney, who is the analyst for Oppenheimer in New York, who said, there's some serious problems with Citigroup and other banks.
She's a bank analyst.
And that's what got the ball rolling.
And that's what they never expected, that somebody was going to blow the whistle on them, as to what they were doing.
Now Bob, they're not going to- That's why the market came tumbling down.
Now, they're not going to give up, though.
And you worked in military counterintelligence before you got into the financial realm.
I mean, what do you see them doing?
Or what are possible plan Bs, Cs, Ds, EFGs down to Zs?
What are some of the things you think they're going to try?
They're not going to just sit by and let all this happen.
I see them trying to start something even bigger, staging a bigger event.
Well, that bigger event is the one they've been trying to get off the ground, which is
Iran, and part of the snipping of cables, was a goading of Iran into perhaps doing something that might have been war-like.
But Iran hasn't done that, and they're not going to do it.
There were a number of reasons that these things were happening in the Middle East, and that was that they had been turned down, the administration,
In almost everything that they tried to do in the Middle East recently.
And I think that the cutting of the cables was a sign of desperation.
But harking back to the economy, what are they doing?
They're doing the only thing that they can do.
Print money, create credit, use the, in this case,
Uh, auctions of $30 billion twice a month or $60 billion a month in whatever the Fed pours into the repo pool.
And so what are you looking at?
$80 billion a month or something like that?
It's going to the banks, the paper's getting rolled, it's not going back in, the collateral is still there in the hands of the Fed, half of which is not worth the paper it's written on.
And ultimately what's going to happen with what they're doing to try to solve the problem
Is that they're going to end up monetizing the debt by saying to the banks, well, keep us and pay us back along with interest and we'll sell a collateral that you gave us to offset the value of the loan that you have to pay.
Yeah, they're going to protect the big institutions and then they're going to hurt the poor, middle class, people on fixed incomes massively with inflation.
So that's it.
That's right.
And we are going to play the bill because the Fed created
That money out of thin air.
They don't care whether they lose or not.
They didn't cost them anything in the first place.
And who are the big losers?
Just like you just said, it's all going to play out in inflation.
And that's why the story for gold and silver is absolutely the most powerful thing
We're good to go.
I mean, I want to get your take on that on the other side with Bob Chapman and other things people can do who don't have a lot of extra income or people that have different types of assets, what they could do with Bob Chapman.
Get a free copy of his newsletter at theinternationalforecaster.com.
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The International Forecaster dot com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Bob, you're always trying to come on with us, but you don't even really plug your newsletter.
It's one of the finest out there, and it is lengthy.
What, two updates a week, sometimes more?
And then you have the big hard copy that goes out to folks.
How do people, A, get a free copy and, B, how do they sign up and get a yearly membership with International Forecaster?
Well, you go to the site which is TheInternationalForecaster.com.
That's TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Or you can call toll free to 800-375-4188.
That's 800-375-4188.
I think so.
Recommend investments of one kind or another.
Well, I've been reading it for years, and I know so many people in high-level economic jobs, and I really respect your work, and the proof's in the pudding.
You've been very good at not making wild predictions, being very conservative and being accurate.
Let's talk about, A, where you see the economy itself in specific terms, when you think, again, it's going to bottom out.
I know you like to be specific, and you like to be general, but
I mean, we already have all these states trying to get their investments back that were AAA rated, that are junk.
And we already have 40-plus percent in the last couple years compounded with the inflation on people on fixed incomes.
I mean, it's just a perfect storm.
Every indicator, every angle.
I'm seeing restaurants that are empty.
And Austin's a boomtown, the biggest boomtown in the U.S.
I'm seeing most of the billboards, government propaganda billboards.
Now, they're buying up all the space because they're in money on the others.
I mean, just everything on the ground I'm seeing is it's already bad.
How bad is it going to get, and then how good is gold going to get?
Well, first of all, all of this will be accompanied by hyperinflation because it's the only thing they can do trying to save themselves, and it's not going to work.
You look at the real estate housing, the CDL problem, which is the collateralized debt obligations, which are bonds which contain mortgages, and you look at the credit crisis,
And we're looking at a minimum, a minimum of three years of nastiness in the economy.
And that really is a bare-bones minimum.
I mean, this thing could go out ten years.
And a good guess would be somewhere between four and seven years.
It's just not going to, you know, turn around and get better overnight.
It's not going to happen.
By the way, hasn't Japan been down for twelve?
They started in 1992.
They refused to purge their system.
They were told not to buy the U.S.
Treasury and the Fed Reserve, so they didn't, and they've continued to keep interest rates at 1.5% or 1%.
They have been in a recession, depression, ever since 1992.
Their stock market went from approximately $40,000 on the Nikkei Dow, down to around $7,400.
Recently it was $18,000, now it's back down to $13,000 in a space of about less than two weeks.
And that's a perfect example of the kind of thing that we may have happen to America.
But it's exactly because it's the very same policy makers that are running Japan that are pulling the strings.
Why is the establishment going with the lower interest rates?
I mean, obviously to try to chur up the stock market, but they know that that's not going to last forever.
Well, I think it's because many banks, investment banks, insurers, are in serious financial trouble.
In fact, when you see private investors from foreign sovereign funds come in with $4 billion here and $9 billion there and that sort of thing, these banks and investment banks, they have to be in very, very serious trouble.
And that isn't even solving the problem, because their losses continue to mount because of the insurance being in a bad spot, as well as the diminution of the assets, the CDO and SIV paper continues to plunge in value.
And now... So the bottom isn't going to go anywhere soon.
Exactly, and then the credit card debt's coming in, and the corporate debt's coming in, and it's cascading.
I mean, if you add all this together, it looks like the elite itself may have created a bubble that it wanted to consume everyone else, and it may be consuming them.
Is their own system imploding in danger?
Absolutely, and it was all caused by that lady.
And people don't realize what a trigger she pulled.
And yes, they are trapped.
And they are deathly afraid.
That this whole thing's going to unravel in a terrible way, and then the public's going to find out what they've been doing to the public all these years, and the public is not going to be very happy.
That's the key.
That's what Ron Paul has said.
That's what everybody's saying.
We have to let everybody know who's behind this now, so that we're going to make
Lemonade out of lemons.
As things unravel and fall apart, the very same characters that engineered this won't be able to grandstand as saviors and use the crisis to get even more power.
We have to educate people about who's behind it now and use this crisis to bring them down.
Bob, do you agree with that statement?
And we've got to teach people, you've got to pay attention.
Even if you haven't graduated from high school, you've got to know what's going on in the Treasury and the Fed.
You can't let these people get away with this stuff.
I mean, people go out and they make a lot of money in their lifetime, and then they don't manage their money properly and they lose it all.
Well, it's the same thing here.
You go out and you work your heart out and you save some money and get some assets, and the Fed and the Treasury continue to take it away from you, in behalf of Wall Street and the bankers.
And it's nothing political, because these people control both parties.
And that's what's sad, is that the public knows something's wrong, but they have no idea what it is or just how bad it is.
By the way, we redesigned InfoWars.com.
You can post your own articles, your own comments under all the stories.
We're going to have a MySpace-type account system.
We're going to have your own section on InfoWars.
Also, a separate message board is going to be going out in the next week.
But the next few days, a lot of new things added to InfoWars.com.
It's already been upgraded to kind of Web 2.5.
It's going to have kind of a Web 3.0 look.
I think so.
I think so.
Well, if they're non-graded coins, they are at melt and they sell usually for about the same price that a bullion coin would sell for.
And that's what Ted's got.
And I wanted you to elaborate.
Now, again, I've seen this.
I remember when gold was... I kept saying $300 and Ted corrected me and said, no.
What was the low?
It was $240 something?
I'll pop in here.
Well, I think during the day, Bob, I've seen it hit as low as $248.
$252, I think.
Okay, so $248,000 is the low, and I started buying at about $320,000, so I thought I got in good.
I guess I didn't.
Now it's going between $900,000 and $940,000 back and forth.
Bob, you're saying... In fact, I asked that question before the break, and I forgot to get back to it.
Is it an 80% chance, 90% chance that it's going to continue and go up past $2,000?
Is it a 50-50?
I mean, I can't see it ever going down now with the inflation only increasing.
Where do you think gold's going, and what's the time frame?
Well, I think $30,000 is a conservative estimate, and the chances that it happens are probably at least 80%.
You know, in this life, nothing can be 100%.
I mean, we could have a third world war, and gold might just stay where it's at.
And who knows?
But the chances of being right and being successful
Well, it's like the Wall Street Journal's reading what you and Ted and many others are saying.
You know, they had that article last week saying the exact number you'd said, what, 2,200 watts, where it's got to go to be 1980 levels?
That's correct, and that's official, and that's, you know, the official figures are nothing but lies.
You know, Bob, one of the things that I was going to add in here, too, I mean, I don't know, the dollar's going to fall, and I just feel that that's a 100% chance.
You know, as long as we're, with this fiat currency we have,
Since 1971, we broke away from gold.
There has never been a time where the dollar has become stronger.
The only thing that could turn this thing around is get away from the Federal Reserve System and go back to a gold-backed currency.
Well, there's one other thing.
Other currencies could start dropping, and we're starting to see that with inflation.
It's not just happening here, and so we could see the dollar not drop against other currencies, but drop in its purchasing power domestically.
Correct, Bob?
And you know, every time that they lower these interest rates, they make inflation higher, and that continues to push gold.
But the flip side of that is that every time they do that, the dollar goes lower.
And if they go down another half a point, you can rest assured that 74 on the USDX, which is the dollar index, which is a weighted index of six currencies, it's going to head down to 65.
And, you know, what they gain from Wall Street and banking, they're going to lose in the value of their currency.
It's a horrible, horrible position to be in.
Yeah, I was just about to say with the banking situation going on and all the mortgage loans that are being foreclosed on and this type of thing, they're bailing out the economy by lowering interest rates, it gives a little relief to some of those arm loan holders and that kind of thing.
But like Bob says, it's affecting the value of money, the value of the U.S.
dollars going through the toilet right now because
There's so much money being injected into the system.
This bailout plan by George Bush to put $600 in everyone's hand.
I mean, that's just expanding the money supply.
They're just taking value from us and giving it back to us.
Yeah, it's a smoke and mirrors.
Go ahead.
Anyways, you just wanted to add in there that right now we're in a position where just the whole house of cards is pointed the same direction.
The dollar is going to have to go down if they don't want to have a complete collapse because of a depression.
I don't see any other alternative.
I'm sure Bob will agree on that.
Yeah, Bob, what do you think of the so-called Bush stimulus package?
It just looks like a bailout for big banks and then a paltry $600, $700 to each American.
What will that do?
A few months of slowing the collapse?
Probably two months.
And, you know, it's a panic reaction.
They're trying to do everything they can because they let the system slip away from them, economically and financially, and then they get exposed by this lovely lady.
I'll call her that.
I don't know her.
But she did a great piece of work, and history will remember her.
And so we have this situation where they shouldn't be doing that because it's not going to work.
What will work?
I hate to say this, but a CCC, the Civilian Conservation Corps, that FDR brought into being in 1936.
At least they built infrastructure.
At least they did something constructive.
All over the country, roads, bridges, dams.
And yes, that takes a while to get going, but that would have been a much better idea
But these people are caught between the rock and the hard place.
They don't know what to do.
They're running around like they went mad or something.
They just can't do anything about their problem.
Instead, it's a heyday for the big multinationals to come in and buy everything up at fire sale prices, and they're gearing up the police state to suppress the population.
Ted, you've got a couple different gold coins.
Do you still have silver to offer?
Yeah, we have the gold and we have the silver.
I mean, I'm still sticking with the British Sovereign right now because it is a coin close to melt value.
I have those at 246.
We also are working with the French franc coin.
Both of those, French, Swiss, you know, the Belgium, that particular group of coins, they're currently right now trading at the price of $1.99.
The reason why I like getting involved with this kind of stuff, I'm sorry $1.97, the reason why I like using this kind of stuff is because it's so recognizable.
I mean, you can trade those in Africa, you can trade them in Europe, you can trade them in the United States.
It's a good way to get into the gold.
We also have this rolls of silver dollars right now.
They're currently at $4.48 per roll at $20.
We did see gold jump down to about, what was it, $889 an ounce and boom, right back up again to $13.90 up to $9.01.
So, you know, as much as, you know, when these profit-taking or sell-offs occur,
I'm on the air about 20 times a week and I say it every time that I'm on.
Every time you get a slight correction,
That's the time, if you were thinking of doing more buying, to do it.
And it's a good entry point for new buyers as well.
If we look at the graph, it's always going up.
It goes up and then it goes down a little, but then it always goes up more than it went down.
I mean, the month-long, the year-long graph is straight up.
Where do you think gold will be standing?
You said 80% chance, but where do you think gold will be standing at the end of 2008?
Oh, I think a minimum of 1,600.
I think that's a good projection.
That's conservative.
I see Goldfields Mineral Services, GFMS, is calling for 1,001 per ounce.
And, you know, they're part of the problem.
So if they're talking about 1,000, you know it's going to go higher than that.
So we're probably looking at 1,600.
I think this rally, once we break over 17, will probably take it up into the low 20s.
I think so.
And it keeps on getting worse every year.
Folks, it's the Alex Jones Special.
Give Ted Anderson's brokers a call right now if you want to get in on this.
I just bought a little bit more gold and silver.
A modest amount from Ted last week.
A lot of people have never bought gold or silver.
They can't imagine physically holding it.
Is it a good idea to physically hold it, Bob?
I wouldn't do it any other way.
Folks, you heard it from Bob Chalmers.
If you're going to hold gold and silver, go out and buy a safe.
Do not put it any place else but in your house or on your property.
And you can go out and buy a gun safe for $1,500 and it's got a combination lock and you had to be a safe cracker to open it.
Well, I agree with that, Bob.
I mean, I've seen so many people get hurt by buying certificates or something that resembles gold and silver.
The only way to really get it is to get it physical in your hand.
Here's the number.
Here's the number.
Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Ted Anderson, GCNLive.com.
Men, thank you both for coming on today.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, final segment with some final top news stories straight ahead.
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Tell them it's the Alex Jones Special.
Okay, I want to hit 9-11 Widows call for new investigation after revelations of White House Commission ties.
Revealed British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters.
And DHS official moots and is discussing Real ID rules for buying cold medicine.
That's right, national feds controlling what you buy and sell.
That's how it's going to start, I told you.
We'll get to that in one moment here in the final segment.
Also, great job with the Willie Nelson story.
It's all over papers all over the country, all over Fox News.
Keep ramming the story out.
Willie Nelson, 9-11 Truthzer.
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OK, final news.
I've got to hurry.
I could have spent 10 hours on this alone.
And I will cover this more tomorrow when I'm back live at 11 and 2 Central.
Don't forget we have restreams starting at about 5 minutes at infowars.com.
If you missed any of the first or second hour, the show continues at the streams at infowars.com.
9-1-1 widows call for new investigation after revelations of White House Commission ties.
This is out of the raw story.
The widows' political activism was largely responsible for the establishment of the Commission to investigate the September 11th attacks.
To say a new book revealing the backstory of the 9-11 Commission proves that their initial concerns about the Executive Director were correct and demonstrate the need for another investigation.
We need to get them on.
Look for them on the show.
Reveal British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.
Well, they built it to begin with with the US, so why not?
They flew 6,000 of them out to safety right after 9-11 and then staged the war against people that weren't Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
Special Ops would actually catch real Al-Qaeda or Taliban, be ordered to release them.
That came out mainstream news.
So don't all you good old boys spamming the web about, we're veterans, you're not, the troops love the war, you don't want to fight Al-Qaeda.
Your bosses created them and protect them.
And much of you are just sitcom ops.
The government admits they have tens of thousands of soldiers 24 hours a day online attacking the American people in the message boards with their lies and the words out on you.
DHS official!
We told you that they were going to use the National ID Card.
And I told you, notice states have already passed laws.
If you get cold medicine or antihistamines, they're going to do it for everything.
First beer, then beef.
Because they're going to regulate what you eat, what you do.
They're trying to pass laws and not let fat people eat in restaurants.
I'm not kidding.
Everybody having, they won't pay those restauranteurs to run that and not let you in to eat.
You're just going to be a fed under command.
A senior U.S.
Department of Homeland Security official has floated the idea of requiring citizens to produce federally compliant identification that will be swiped into a computer database before purchasing some over-the-counter medicines.
If you have a good idea, you make it much harder for the meth labs to function in this country.
See, the Fed's federalizing your purchases.
They're going to have a national sales tax with this fake fare tax.
We're out of time.
Retransmission starts now at InfoWars.com.
Tune back in!
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