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Name: 20080204_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 4, 2008
2137 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is the fourth day of February 2008.
We're going to be live for the next three hours.
We are probably going to have a surprise guest.
I mean, it's confirmed, but the individual is rolling down the road, on the road, and is going to be doing the interview via cell phone, so that can always be tricky.
But we do have a big guest coming on the transmission today.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
I always like to have surprises for the audience, for the listeners, and so it looks like today will be quite a day, if not today, tomorrow.
And the individual will be on for a full hour, by the way, a full hour with us to talk about quite a few very important issues and topics.
So that is coming up later in this broadcast today.
I'll just leave it at that.
I know people like surprises, and there will probably be quite a surprise today for you here on air.
Now, here is the stacks of news I have in front of me that we're going to be covering in the meantime.
They're all extremely important.
CNN thinks they've broken something.
Head of 9-11 panel had friends in the White House and was basically a White House operative.
Philip Zelikow, as we've always talked about and discussed here for the last four years.
Also, a Clinton health plan may mean tapping pay.
Well, of course, it's a new tax.
You thought the Social Security tax was a great rip-off, where you would have gotten millions back, but instead you get subsistence level.
Well, they've got a whole new one, where they're going to force you to have health care no matter how much it costs, and they're going to tap your pay.
Forget even paying your taxes at the end of the year or quarterly, they're just going to take whatever they want.
I've always told you that's coming, and now it's here.
That dovetails in with the Mississippi and other states trying to pass laws where if you walk in the restaurant and are overweight, by law, they're supposed to refuse you food.
I'm not kidding.
This is the total nanny state where everyone is turned into a social worker under federal and state law.
So we'll be going over that for you today.
The really big news, U.S.
troops ask if they will shoot American citizens.
This is old news, but there's been some new developments, and Paul has written a good story up on PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be going over that and meshing it with a story from 2006, May of 2006, that we broke here.
Secret FEMA plan to use protesters as pacifiers in preparation for martial law.
We broke it in a big way nationally.
Butch Paul, pastor, actually had the pastor on first and notified us of it.
We appreciate it and helped the pastors get us secret documents.
And one of them got in big trouble and fired from a hospital for it.
He had a pretty big church as well, he still has that.
But people didn't believe the documents, even though they had FEMA phone numbers on them.
Now it's been on national news a year later.
And it dovetails in, so I thought I'd kind of give you an overview of the latest developments and how it all ties together.
Three internet cables slash in a week has Iran lost all internet connectivity.
This is clearly a staged event.
More on Ann Coulter and how she's endorsing Hillary and saying she's our girl, but this Middle East internet blackout spurs geopolitical suspicions.
These are cables hundreds and hundreds of miles away from each other, separately.
There are hundreds of cables, and these are the exact cables going into Iran and Egypt.
The rest of the region doesn't have its internet off.
It's just magically these deep-sea cables are being cut with precision.
And if you believe three of them have been cut in a four-day space, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, on accident, I got a bridge.
I'm happy to sell you on the surface of the sun.
There's a lot more coming up today.
Big broadcast the fourth day of February 2007.
Definitely be making the news today.
We'll be right back.
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On a warm Sunday evening On a train bound for Dover
Met up with a gambler We were both too tired to sleep So we took turns staring Out the window at the darkness The boredom overtook us And he began to speak He said, Son, I've made my life Out of reading people's faces And knowing what the cards were By the way they held their eyes So if you don't mind me saying
I can see you're out of aces For a taste of your whiskey I'll give you some advice So I handed him my bottle And we drank down by Les Swallows Then he bummed a cigarette And asked me for a light And the night got deathly quiet
Space lost all expression Said if you're gonna play the game, boy You gotta learn to play it right You got to know when to hold up Know when to fold up Know when to walk away Know when to run You never count your money When you're sittin' at the table There'll be time enough to count When the dealin's done
Now every gambler knows The secret to surviving Is knowing what to throw away Knowing what to keep Cause every hand's a winner And every hand a loser And the best you can hope for Is to die in your sleep So when he'd finished speaking He turned back toward the windows
Crushed out his cigarette, laid it off to sleep.
And somewhere in the darkness, a gambler he broke even.
But in his final words I found a place that I can keep.
You got to know when to hold on.
Welcome back!
Know when to hold on.
Know when to walk away.
Thanks for joining us.
It is the fourth day of February 2008.
We're going to be here for the next two hours and fifty-something minutes.
Alright, let's get into the news here.
Let me just start off with the martial law information.
I know we talk a lot about it here.
And we tend to only give you pieces.
It'll sound like I'm giving you the whole story, but none of us, except those running the system, actually have all the pieces.
And most people in the FBI, Homeland Security, the military, even high-level officers, they may have a lot of the pieces themselves, but they don't have all the pieces.
But studying martial law globally, studying police state societies, studying societies that are run by dictatorships and oligarchies,
And then looking at the different declassified documents in the hearings and interviewing a lot of experts and going out and actually videotaping and covering a special operations group out of the Army and going out and covering the Marine Expeditionary Force and going out and videotaping Marine Corps trainees.
Many times that listeners have sent me in many cases where I've physically flown to California, Florida.
South Texas, many other areas to see it for myself and making three films on the subject.
Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, the merger of our police into the military, the control of our police, the staged events, the provocateurs in Seattle, the provocateurs in 99, the provocateurs that were caught, admitted they were police, staging events and attacking police just last year in Montebello, outside of the capital in Ottawa, Canada.
I mean, it's a large picture, and we could back-engineer it in the late 90s.
We could document what they were doing with a piece here, a piece there, and we laid out what we thought was happening, a long-term strategic operation to switch the entire economy over into prisons, police, checkpoints, searches, surveillance.
In 1998, Mike Hanson, driving back the day after Thanksgiving,
Uh, from visiting family in Fort Worth.
Saw a bus pulled over, Greyhound bus, just south of Temple, with troops all over it.
Pulled up, found out the bus had already been there eight hours.
FBI pulls up, tells him get back from the bus, hands him a document, later turned out they handed us a classified document, that's in Police State 2, the takeover, by the way.
And, uh, in that document,
It said that there's a secret operation in 77 Texas counties at the time.
Now we've confirmed it's all counties.
That's 10 years later.
Hundreds of counties here.
But at that time it was a secret operation out of Fort Hood.
77 counties.
Police engaging in secret law enforcement operations with the military.
Not for terrorism, but all crime.
And in fact it said crime.
Terrorism and fighting crime.
Military in police uniforms, police in military uniforms, massive secret operation.
Of course, it was going on nationwide.
That was a key piece of the puzzle, because that confirmed what we'd already seen in redacted versions of PDD 25.
It confirmed what we'd already seen in congressional hearings in 1986.
It confirmed what we'd seen on the ground.
I mean, I'd go to an urban warfare drill, and the Marines
Mike would give media tours, and then they would separately during these drills in Oakland and other places, give citizen tours.
And in the citizen tours, which we inserted camera guys into, they knew I was media, but we kept Mike separate and sent him in separately as just a citizen there in Oakland as they were conditioning the public.
And there they said it's martial law basically for America, they did mock interrogations of American citizens, they did mock
We're good to go.
One morning they got a call, over a thousand Marines were there.
They drove into the town, were politely videotaping the Marines coming up to the YMCA children and paying them to ride around on their bicycles and to seek out the militia members who were being played by Marines.
They also had Marines in plain clothes.
It was an intelligence operation with the city police chief and the state police.
They then walk over
To the cameraman in the middle of Hebron, Maryland, right in front of the City Hall, which the Marines have taken over.
And one of the Marines has a medium-sized machine gun.
And the others have M-16s, and they've got M-16s, and they tell, they order him with the police to put his camera down and stop videotaping, or they're going to arrest him.
So this is the type of stuff that has gone on, and so I'd get on air and say, look, there's a big program, there's a big project to take over this country.
And then, in 1999, a former Florida police officer who had gotten there in the dot-com bus, he'd been a Marine Corps officer, got up to captain level,
He'd been recruited in 1988, after years in the Marine Corps, to run secret operations in Virginia, and he did it in several cities.
That interview, by the way, is in Road to Tyranny.
He had been recruited, and he led a squad of Marines in police uniform.
By police uniform, I'm wearing, you know, Navy
Jackets with body armor that just said police on it.
Raiding drug dealers and gun shops all over Virginia.
Part of a secret program getting rid of posse commentatus integrating.
Totally illegal at the time.
And why did he do that?
Well, he got stopped at a National Guard checkpoint in Kyle.
He was driving back with his wife and I went to this guy's house.
You know, the big mansion, the whole nine yards.
Owns a computer company.
Really nice fella.
And he'd heard me, he knew it was true what was going on, but he still thought maybe it's a good thing, until he got to experience women, other cars, having their stuff thrown out on the ground by troops.
And they just randomly were doing it.
And so he talked to us.
And there's thousands of other pieces of that.
They were... Turned out it was, quote, a drill, but they didn't tell the people who it turned out were there more than 12 hours.
Mike got there eight, nine hours in.
And they just randomly, with Greyhound, diverted the bus over there and had different army squads run through it, landing by helicopter, searching the bus.
And it was all part of an acclimation operation.
Then, the same town, Belton, in 2000, was going to have an anti-terror drill, we learned from a good police officer up there, who told us about it.
They didn't tell the public it was a drill.
You've seen this all over the country.
They blow up two cars in front of the City Hall.
Everybody in the neighborhoods right in the middle of downtown start running up to see what's happening.
Marine Corps and Navy people walk over and tell us to turn our cameras off.
We tell them no.
Then the same Army team out of Fort Hood comes over and says, you're Alex Jones.
You're Mike Hanson.
You're the guys that put me on the internet at the Belton operation.
A couple years ago, turn your camera off!
And I said, no!
It's all on video.
I'm not turning any camera off!
This is the United States, buddy!
Now, they tell you NORTHCOM was set up in 2001.
We have speeches, documents, CFR reports on it in 1990.
Bill Clinton giving speeches in 93.
This is the theater of operations for total control militarily.
We are under martial law.
It's just not HOT martial law.
Unless you're in the schools where they make you drug tests and thumbprint you to get your food or library books or have microphones in the classrooms and cameras and in the bathrooms they have them.
Again, that's the training ground there.
So it's already hot martial law there with drug dogs and searches and everything else.
But imagine those poor people on that Greyhound bus and later came out and they said, oh it was just a drill.
And it was a drill.
They were running team after team through.
Made these people sit there in a Dairy Queen
For more than 12 hours.
While they sent team after team, helicopter after helicopter, landing with team after team, police coming up saying we couldn't videotape it.
Then the city pulled a bunch of dump trucks in front of the bus and the troops so we couldn't get video of it.
But then after, in Belton a few years later, after they blew up the cars, then the mayor gave a press conference like they'd been hit by terrorists and at the end added,
By the way, we weren't hit by terrorists.
And in the newspaper, it said the same thing.
It was a drill.
Big, long article at the last.
It said, by the way, it was a drill.
It gets you in fear, see?
And then you find out it's not real.
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I am a shotgun rider for the San Jacinto Line.
The desert is my brother, my skin is cracked and dry.
I was riding on a folk boat, and everything was fine, till we took a shorter road to save some time.
Bandits only fired once, they shot me in the chest.
They may have wounded me, but they'll never get the best of better men.
I'll ride again.
I am a river gambler.
I make a living dealing cards.
My clothes are smooth and honest.
My heart is cold and hard.
I was shuttling porcelain Delca boys on a boat for New Orleans.
I was the greatest shark they'd ever seen.
But the captain bopped a sandbar and the lace fell from my sleeve.
They threw me overboard and I swore I didn't cheat.
But I could swim.
And I'll ride again.
I think this is the best line from this little piece.
America remains from the highwaymen.
We'll ride again.
I am a Midwest farmer.
I make a living off the land.
I ride a Condier tractor.
I'm a liberated man.
The rain, it hasn't fallen since the middle of July.
And if it don't come soon, my crops will die.
The bankman says he likes me, but there's nothing he can do.
He tells me that he's coming, but the clouds are coming too.
He ain't my friend.
And I'll ride again.
Alright, I'm going to continue breaking down the martial law paradigm, get into the latest news, but I'm giving you background.
And you're not going to hear this, unfortunately, anywhere else.
We're trying to give you wide spectrum view, then get into the latest info.
Put very simply, the United States military has been taken over by private interests.
The Federal Reserve took over the financial system in 1913, and by 1963 they had complete control of the federal government.
They've been quietly taking control of every county and city and state through standardization and compartmentalization, to where most locals aren't aware of what's happening, except for city managers in most cases, who are sent to the international conferences for training and orders.
And that's public, by the way.
All of this is done through the manuals.
It's a huge bureaucracy.
And the military has been running secret, illegal operations like they would do with Special Ops and CIA and Defense Intelligence in the United States for more than 60, 70 years.
But it was done under the guise of anti-espionage, anti-terror.
Now those veils are being completely removed and the entire flotilla of different mechanisms of control has been put into place and the absorption of the Republic by the military-industrial complex, again owned by foreign interest, can be witnessed at every Super Bowl with thumb scanning and face scanning cameras and
Thousands of police and troops and cutting to Iraq and making it all about the troops to glorify the war when the troops are against the war.
Seventy-five percent now.
It was seventy percent a year ago when the majority of the money is given to Ron Paul more than all the candidates combined.
You know, the FEC is reporting that now.
They make you think, oh, you stand up for the troops when you keep having the war, and oh, the troops.
When the troops are finding out, they have questionnaires in the Army, Marine Corps, everywhere now, in those combat sectors.
And that's how they operate.
So there's been this creeping wickedness for martial law, and now openly, they set up NORTHCOM, openly with the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, they fund it and say, for martial law, for domestic insurgency, for rioting, for rebellion.
It says rebellion by the people.
That's not Al Qaeda, folks, that's us.
What are they planning to do?
Where they think there's going to be a rebellion of the American people.
When we get back, I'm going to bring you up to speed to the latest information.
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We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In constant sorrow is death I am the man of constant sorrow I've seen trouble all my days
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live on the GCM Radio Network.
Before I get back into the martial law, military industrial complex, control, and finally extermination grid, being lovingly crafted and built around you by the New World Order.
They hate you, but they love their system of control.
This gauntleted fist closing around our necks,
The good news is, though, it's the cat's out of the bag, and you've now been identified, and the troops are waking up.
They don't care, though.
They're now hiring mainly aggravated felons and illegal aliens.
It's now mainstream news.
I told you five years before it was in the news.
Nice other quasi-secret program.
By quasi-secret, it's just not discussed.
Before I do that, have you been to Infowars.com today?
They went ahead and launched it late last night at about, well, I guess this morning, about 1 a.m.
I watched Curtin West put it up there, and the site is now up.
You can post comments on all the stories in the next few days.
We're busy looking at the database and how the servers are handling it.
We're testing it out.
We're going to add a function where you can have your own page on InfoWars.com, the InfoWars network, just like MySpace.
There's also going to be an upload and download area on it.
We're good to go.
Again, we're just testing this template right now.
Of course, in the next few months, Prison Planet will convert over to this Web 2.5 or 3.0 type model, integrating it into a portal with all the basic user content generated systems to turn the power of the grassroots and the people loose.
But the newinfowars.com is up there and people are posting comments in the stories and going absolutely wild.
So there'll be a traditional message board
Chat room, there'll be traditional postings already there in the stories.
There'll be your own web space, your own MySpace type of sector for all of you out there, unless you post porn or death threats.
We have some little rules up there, but... You can even attack me in there once we launch it.
It's substantive.
If you're... It's one of the stalkers.
Their number's about 15 now, the stalker sites.
You, of course, will be... Go ahead and spend your time posting it.
We're not going to censor it up front.
But if you engage in your criminal activity, we'll knock you down real fast.
Other than that, it is a free-for-all in there at Infowars.com right now.
Okay, let me continue with the martial law.
So I've been to the drills with Marines who are trying to take Americans and put them in camps and blow our heads off.
And we've got all the articles about how
People like Thomas Sanchez, Vietnam veteran in special ops, the emergency manager in Kingsville at the time, tells a local paper that he was approached about threatening the public for martial law, was seen and was shown a semi-secret, as a more expansive, PDD-25 for gun confiscation, and he said he wasn't going to take part in it.
He was then overruled by the mayor of the town.
I went and interviewed the mayor.
He's a fighter ace from
Vietnam and I just thought it was all just absolutely wonderful and you know the whole op was just great Delta Force unannounced after the town thought they weren't coming in covertly leased the old police station three days after they moved out Delta Force in 99 came in and blew the building up 300 feet from Casa Ricarta people had heart attacks and went and covered that interviewed them and showed what they'd gone through there
Uh, and this was all to test, uh, how the public would respond.
And they told the public it was for, you know, drills for, uh, hostage rescue in foreign countries, which was also a dual use.
And I have no doubt that the Delta Force people being brought in by the Night Stalkers out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky, uh, believed that.
Because all of this is dual use.
When the Marines were in Oakland, California in 99 saying, this is for Kosovo, Iraq, they would then add to the press, and America, during disasters or terror attacks,
But that was for the media.
Then when you got into the actual training, it was for Americans.
Where are you from?
Well, I'm from right here in San Francisco.
It was actually in Oakland.
But, well, where'd you get the helmet?
Where'd you get the gun?
Interrogations, all of it.
And then they would catch us getting video.
And Mr. Jones was his name, the former Marine Corps officer who was there now, the civilian PR guy, would run up yelling at me.
And so we had to insert camera people in the quote, civilian tours.
They did this in a college campus.
The city of Oakland got to see the Coronado.
Uh, troop carrier slash midget aircraft carrier come in, disgorge a bunch of hovercraft, warrior fighting vehicles, troops all over the city, parading through.
Again, this is what's happening and there's so many factors, so many things I've personally witnessed dealing with all of this.
Bush signed PDD 51 last year saying that the President is a dictator, that he's over Congress, and that Congress isn't involved in continuity of government.
The John Ward Defense Authorization Act, we already mentioned that.
So now, it's not debatable.
You know, we told you about FEMA camps, and then now, in January of 2006, it was in the Houston Chronicle and several other papers, they said, yeah, Halliburton's getting hundreds of millions of dollars to build one million person camps,
And it is for illegal aliens and citizens during emergencies.
Knowing that it's popular to go after the illegal aliens, 90 plus percent polls and 91 percent gallop, but not with citizens, so they mix the two in together.
Basic psychological tactic there.
We knew about the camps beforehand, not the rumors, not the photos, not the claims, or my brother's cousin said he saw the guillotines or the shackles in the trucks.
I don't know about all that.
I know that in 1986 a secret program on 12 army bases began, formerly shut down bases, they claim they shut them down in 86, they turned them into army prisons run federally with the states, and then they would quietly transfer prisoners to them, and then it was never in the press, the entire project
And by the way, these were labor camps.
These were prisoners, and this was all done as a beta test.
The prisoners covertly signed agreements that they would have their sentences shortened if they would agree to labor.
Because, you know, in the old days, like Shawshank Redemption, that's based on true things that happened, they would just use you as slaves, building roads, whatever, cutting citizens out of their jobs, undercutting people.
So that kind of got outlawed.
So then they say, well, if you want food that's decent to eat, you'll go work.
Or we'll commute your sentence if you do.
Or you'll work in the license plate factory, the furniture factory, now it's telecommunications and customer service.
All of that is going on.
So to beta test this and create cadres of troops that were trained to accept it, they told federal, state prisoners, both, well we'll cut your sentence down, you gotta agree to labor, we're gonna send you to these huge facilities and we're gonna have you engage in labor.
And it was bulletproof vest factories, armament, parts, helmets, all of it.
And troops, the prison sector of the Army, ran this in secret until 1996.
See, that's the issue.
It was a test of secret camps.
They've done this with incredible crafting.
It's just incredible time, very slowly, again it's red dawn in slow motion, a takeover of society.
You realize how secret, how illegal all this is?
Then, total violation of positive commentators of the 1878 law, which they now haven't totally overthrown, but they're just operating as if it doesn't exist.
And they have quote, amended it.
Quote, in terror attacks, but see now it's for everything.
I'll never forget in Iowa, the newscast, what, in 2002?
And it showed troops at checkpoints helping the state police search cars for drunk drivers and drugs.
And they just, or other, you know, out of North Carolina newscasts.
This stuff leaks out.
But they're always saying it's good.
Oh look, the troops are working with the local police for martial law to deal with the population.
See, this is all leaking out.
And in 96, the Army declassified, the Congress decided to declassify, the Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program.
We have copies of the cover letter on the Army website, army.mil, where it says all this in my book, 9-1-1 Descent into Tyranny.
And we have it right there with the URL.
And by the way, that's still up and it's even bigger now on the Army website.
So, instead of always saying, I heard a rumor there was a camp, why don't you get the Houston Chronicle?
Why don't you go to the Army website?
Give it to people.
Why not?
That's why this show's been successful.
More than any other quote, Patriot or Truth show.
Because we actually document what we talk about.
Now I blow my stack and freak out about it from time to time.
I guess it has a certain entertainment value.
But I actually get sick of doing this show and sick of talking about it.
I'm mad and I'm upset, folks.
This is serious.
And there's thousands of other points.
There's no way to cover it all.
But then, in early 2006, Pastor Butch Paul, right here on this network, Genesis Network, he was a pastor, had several pastors contacting.
One pastor went on air, very credible, big church in Ohio.
Another pastor went forth.
Send me secret documents, and it was marked not for distribution.
Send me these secret documents saying we've recruited 13,000 pastors for emergency response, and it's in there.
How to tell folks to not fight back, turn their guns in, how to go to relocation centers, how to take inoculations if you're ordered, to let them put women in one area of the camp and men in another, to put the children in another area, take your children.
And about a week after he came on the show and faxed me the documents, first place they came out, which was nice enough to let me break the big story, they came out here and the pastor didn't fax it from his church, good-sized church.
That's who they go after, medium and big pastors, big churches.
He also worked at the hospital as the chaplain.
And they were sitting in the office, they called him in, FEMA,
And they had gone back to the store, and I asked him, I said, should I black out the number to this?
It was a bunch of documents.
They're up on Infowars.com.
I said, should I black this out?
And he said, no, no, no.
I just didn't even tell him who I was.
I just went in and faxed it at the local, local little grocery store, and it's got a fax machine.
They just went, they sent FBI in there.
They interrogated.
They went and watched the surveillance tapes.
They found out who he was.
They were waiting for him with FEMA at the hospital.
The documents were laying on his desk when he got there and they came in and said, get out of here.
And they threatened him and he said he wouldn't say what else they said and he wouldn't come on air.
Over a year later, in fact I forgot John, pull up the Marshall Law out of Louisiana.
A year later, after we put those documents out and hundreds of emails saying they were fake, and we did Google searches and found a few mentions in the press and where FEMA was doing this, and it comes out, and they go, yeah, it's nationwide, they're recruiting 26,000 preachers.
They're now doubling the number, and we interviewed the parish emergency manager head over four parishes, and once I explained to him, he got freaked out, and he said, oh, now I see, oh, this is a bad idea.
Remember I had him on?
Now again, that was secret!
There are troops everywhere, preachers everywhere, churches all over preaching this, we're getting reports from everybody, more documents flooding in.
You understand, this is a huge, covert, intelligence operation, a dream to overthrow a country, where they control the government and they have decades to do it.
And decades to condition the public.
They're not trying it overnight.
They got it all lined up, all set up.
9-11 was only the primer to start going public with this.
The next big event will be the one that brings it all into fruition.
We have new developments.
Those are coming up in one moment, but here's the newscast.
Will law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
NFKHLA News 12's Jeff Farrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
From my cold, dead hands!
Charlton Heston's famous declaration captures a truly American value, the overarching desire to protect our freedoms.
But gun confiscation is exactly what happened during the state of emergency following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
troops also arrived.
Something far easier to do even now, thanks to last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
That forbid U.S.
troops from policing on American soil.
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie The Siege, easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical.
And that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
Jeff, the primary thing that we say to anybody is, let's go out there and get this thing over with, and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such Clergy Response Teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government,
Versus the wishes of the public.
In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to diffuse that situation.
For the clergy, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or obey the law is the Bible itself.
Specifically, Romans.
Because the government's established all the law.
Romans 13.
Civil rights advocates believe the amount of public cooperation may depend largely on how long they expect the suspension of their rights might last.
According to Tuberville, during Hurricane Katrina, the clergy response team provided 38 chaplains a day, around the clock, at eight different camps.
Now, while they're showing that, they cut in and out of New Orleans, and then they cut to New York from the Bruce Willis film, The Siege, where they're putting Americans in a sports stadium.
And families are being torn apart, and people are crying.
They're showing you images of troops loading you on trucks.
Of troops putting you in sports stadiums.
And it's exactly what I told you.
It's 26,000 strong as of last year.
They now plan to double it again to 50.
Two thousand of these people, and they're recruiting half a million, four hundred and something thousands, four hundred and sixty something thousand.
They're going to double that number.
They did that last year.
Four hundred and something thousand truck drivers.
Now they're going to double that number up to almost a cool mil.
Right here in Austin, that's in Road to Tyranny.
In almost every other city, they're giving the kids $200 credit cards.
When they turn in family members, that's a bonus cash.
I mean, this is textbook tyranny.
And it's not for terrorists!
It's, Mommy and Daddy smoke marijuana, where are their guns?
All to have that data then fed to CPS, so the kids can get CPS'd.
The poor fools get $200, and then they get CPS'd, or SWAT team hits them, hits them hard.
Austin Police last month admitted what we've known for years,
There's a famous lady, I forget the term, for scientists that study fish.
She was like 89 years old.
And at the time it happened, and they SWAT teamed her house, she had a bunch of fish tanks.
And they look at your bill, they know how many people live in the house, and every city does it.
You're all being tracked, everything you do is being watched, to see if you've got marijuana grow lights.
It's all, it's just all around us, ladies and gentlemen, and they're just waiting to go.
Mass arrests, lining us up, blowing our heads off.
Getting bulldozers pushing piles of dead bodies into pits?
I'm not gonna stand by and take it!
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And how do we know they plan on killing masses of us?
It's come out in the Rocky Mountain News, other papers that
The Feds have paid for giant incinerators for tens of thousands of bodies a week.
You can't make that type of stuff up.
It's just the reality of what's going on, my friends.
I know most police don't want to be part of this.
Most military don't want to be part of this.
You've been incrementally trained and conditioned to accept all this.
We just don't have to go along with it.
The problem is, again, they're shifting into aggravated felons and illegal aliens for the force.
And that's what despots have always turned to, criminals and foreigners.
Why did I get into this 50-minute analysis and breakdown of the history, just some of it, for you?
Because I wanted to cover this new story by Paul Watson up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
troops ask if they would shoot American citizens.
Iraq vet exposes how he was trained to round up Americans in martial law exercises.
Asked if he would kill his own friends and family.
Well, I've talked to a lot of Marines going back 20 years that they have the chants and they say, would you kill your mother if ordered to?
Would you do that for the Corps?
And then it's been in mainstream news about six years ago, Alexander Cockburn wrote about it, LA Times writer, about how the Marines have a new chant where they talk about, have the school children gather around, throw the candy on the ground, have the little, mow the bastards down.
I mean, it's just,
It's not kill a commie anymore, it's mow children down.
Brainwashing, this is cult brainwashing.
Sleep deprivation, shaved heads, being screamed at, killed children.
This is what's happened, ladies and gentlemen.
troops are being trained to conduct round-ups, confiscate guns, and shoot American citizens, including our own friends and family members, as part of a long-standing program to prepare for the declaration of martial law according to a soldier who recently returned from Iraq.
Again, this is an email.
We've confirmed the individual, but the point is, is that it doesn't matter.
I already have all this mainstream.
I videotape Marines training to do this.
We received an email from Scott, a member of the Pipefitters Union that runs an apprenticeship program called Helmets to Hardhats, which according to its website is a national program that connects National Guard, Reserve, and transitioning active duty military members with quality career training and employment opportunities within the construction industry.
Scott Reitz at his company hired a soldier who had recently returned from Iraq, who told them that the U.S.
troops were being quizzed on whether they or not they'd be prepared to shoot their own friends and family members during a national state of emergency in America.
We should add Private Gruckheimer.
Remember in the Ithaca Journal in 2002, he came back and bragged about how they go into villages and line up the women and children and shoot them?
And then Fox News had a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to go, well, we want to clarify.
Those are in certain combat areas.
We do kill everyone.
I have become very close to this young man and have gained his respect and trust, writes Scott.
I want you to know that he has informed me about one particular training exercise.
This appears to have made them perform.
It was concerning the roundup of American citizens that disobey any type of martial law or, in other words, any type of infringement on their freedoms.
And this is all in John Warren's Defense Authorization Act.
I would add, he was asked if he would shoot his friends or family members.
In order to do so, at the end of it, he said, at the time he said he could, writes Scott.
Scott says the soldier later had time to clear his head and realize the truth, recanting his vow to kill his own countrymen in order to do so.
The issue of whether U.S.
troops would be prepared to round up, disarm, and, if necessary, shoot Americans who disobey orders during a state of martial law is a question that military chiefs have been attempting to answer for 15 years.
Its known origins can be traced back to the October 1994 Marine Questionnaire,
Out of the 29 Palms Base in California, recruits were asked 46 questions, including whether they would kill U.S.
citizens who refused to surrender their firearms.
Documentary filmmaker Alex Jones brought to light similar training programs that were taking place across the country in the 90s, which revolved around U.S.
Marines being trained to arrest American citizens and take them to internment camps.
During one such program in Oakland, California, dubbed Operation Urban Warrior, Marines refused to answer if they would target American citizens for gun confiscation if ordered to do so.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, in 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Finishing up what I was covering in the last hour, the modern history of the martial law control grip being put into place.
Talking about Marines being trained to confiscate your guns along with the Army.
During Hurricane Katrina, that was a laboratory experiment for martial law, National Guard units were ordered to confiscate guns belonging to New Orleans residents.
As we first exposed in May of 2006, clergy response teams are being trained by the federal government in FEMA to quell dissent and pacify citizens to obey the government in the event of a declaration of martial law.
Pastors and other religious representatives are being taught to become secret police enforcers, and it is secret until now, to teach their congregations to obey the government in preparation for the implementation of martial law.
Property and firearm seizures, mass vaccinations, programs, and forced relocation.
Many scoff at our original story, which was based on the testimony of a whistleblower who was asked to participate in the program.
A pastor claims that the story was a conspiracy theory evaporated a year later when KSLA News, and other news outlets now, reported and confirmed the existence of the program.
For Marshall Law, by the way.
Exactly as we told you, because we had the FEMA documents.
Now you think about how they sent feds to track down where this pastor faxed this stuff.
We were lazy.
He told me he didn't care.
Oh, it's fine.
It's a little shop down here.
He sent us hundreds of these things and I said, well, don't you want us to get where this was faxed from off here?
No, no, you don't need to photoshop that.
You know, just, just go ahead.
It's just so sick.
The experiences of U.S.
troops in the worst areas of Iraq, where soldiers are ordered to go door-to-door and arrest all men of military age, as well as confiscate their weapons, is a mere portent of what is being planned for America if these training programs ever come to fruition.
And this is a massive gearing up of all of this, and now codifying into the defense appropriations for 2008-2009.
Paul, this is such an important article you need to go add.
I know you're doing a great job doing ten people's job.
You need to go add PDD 51 and all the rest of it.
People will read this and think it's an exaggeration.
Every claim is documented.
This article is actually, as scary as it is, is nothing.
It's nothing.
It took me an hour to just hit on a few facets that I have witnessed with my own eyeballs.
And I have documents on all of it, or videotape.
People were so freaked out in 2000, 1999, when Police State 2000 came out, that I got scores of emails, calls,
Those aren't real Marines.
And my friend Rick Lake let our director laugh.
He said this would cost me $25, $50, $100 million to make.
Giant trip carrying ships, hovercraft, scores and scores of helicopters and warrior fighting vehicles, thousands of troops.
Oh, I forgot there were foreign troops there too.
Israeli, French, Dutch, British, Aussies.
Then we have all the declassified documents, how they plan to use foreign troops as this thing deepens.
In fact, pull up Shattered Union.
It kind of follows along with this.
We'll play that coming out of the next break.
This is what they're conditioning the kids with the video games with.
They want it all, they want it now, and their eugenicists, they like to kill.
Governments on average, in fact 99% of the time, are mass killers.
Mad dog killers in history.
And, uh, I'm sorry to have to bring you this type of news.
This is what I live with every day, knowing it's real, knowing it's true, knowing it's happening all around us.
Knowing that they want to set off a nuke or release a biological weapon and bring in martial law and use it as a cover to arrest hundreds of thousands of people who haven't gone along with them.
But still hundreds of thousands more who own property.
See, a lot of you think you're good old boys.
You think you're part of the system.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
This is done so they can take your car dealerships, take your brokerage firms, take your yacht clubs, take your golf courses, take your wives.
That's how tyranny works, is the whole system gets to feed on you.
And all the minions who join up and serve it, get cold from time to time as well, but they don't care.
They get to take you into their dungeons, and cut your fingers off, and rip your teeth out, and electrocute you, and rape children, and do all the things they like.
This is just what a psychopath sets up.
Psychopaths get control.
They set up a wonderland.
A black Sabbath of death.
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Following a disputed election and a tie vote,
The U.S.
Congress installs the most unpopular president in U.S.
history as David Jefferson Adams becomes the 44th president of the United States.
Shortly after the election, increased unrest, rioting, and a growing number of militias have given rise to ever-increasing domestic terrorism.
In response, the president invokes the Homeland Security Act and declares martial law on the West Coast and other areas of the country.
Though highly contested, a Supreme Court ruling sidesteps the electoral process, disqualifying popular presidential candidates from several states.
Public outrage explodes when a sham election leads to incumbent David Adams accepting a second term in office.
During the 57th Inauguration Day ceremonies, Washington D.C.
is struck by a low-yield nuclear weapon, killing David Adams and most of the U.S.
The destruction of Washington, D.C.
effectively breaks the chain of succession, sending the nation into chaos.
In an emergency vote, the European Union deploys peacekeepers in the greater D.C.
area to secure international interest.
With separatist sentiment rising, California's governor declares home rule and secedes from the Union.
Texas follows quickly and declares sovereignty, taking neighboring states with them and forming the Republic of Texas.
Now, the once United States of America lie in ruin.
The time for words has passed, and the Second American Civil War now erupts, as seven factions wage war across the land.
They battled one another to reclaim a nation.
To restore peace.
To rebuild this shattered union.
We're good to go.
I'm gonna find me a reckless woman!
I'm gonna find me a reckless woman Raise her blades and dice in her mind Just a touch Just a touch of sadness in her veins Thunder and lightning in her thighs
We're riding right now trying to save this country from certain enslavement.
You can feel in your soul how serious it is.
You know it's true.
I'm gonna chase the sky forever With the woman and the stadium and the wind And the sun is gonna burn into a cinder Before we ever pass this wave again And we're gonna ride
We're gonna ride.
Ride like a one-eyed jack-o-lantern with a devil of a pulse in hand.
We're gonna ride.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining me.
That is the highwayman, Silver Stallion.
You know, that little video game promotion piece for Shattered Union, they are planning and training, going back to the 60s, to use foreign troops in different sectors of the country.
That's declassified.
They signed in 2002 public agreements to use Mexican troops in the United States, and they conditioned you with New Orleans, having them in Texas,
and of course in Louisiana and surrounding areas Mississippi as if the U.S.
couldn't have soup kitchens out there Dutch AWACS were used British AWACS just like they were on 9-11 and they have made every preparation to decapitate Congress there's a lot of evidence that's what they're planning when they move with this martial law you see people ask why they haven't killed me it's like deer hunting the doe the female
Has figured out it for generations, they're very intelligent, that the hunters aren't after them.
And so they come out into the oak patch, they come out into the meadow, they come out in the opening first, then their fawn will come out and eat with them right at dawn, and then she'll run on across, and if it's cold weather and the buck's rutting, he won't be able to control himself even though he smells you, even though he feels you in a sixth sense, and he'll go ahead and bolt, he'll run.
Now, a young stupid one will come right out, but you're not looking for that little rack.
You're not looking for that little trophy.
Now, the big one, he can't help himself.
He wants her.
He's going to come running full speed across those 50 yards, and you've got to be waiting, knowing he's in the woods, and you've got to wait until he goes right in your field of view, and you've got to squeeze the trigger.
You think they're going to kill a little crooked four-point like me, a little nothing, a little scraggly,
Two-year buck out there in the oat patch with the dough?
No, they want them all.
They want to take every buck in the forest.
They want those stupid congressmen that have sold out to them.
They want those senators.
They want the billionaires.
They want everybody that served them.
That's what this is about.
They don't want to scare people and kill me and have you look into the claims I've made.
They want to take us all and take us fast.
They've been lining up for decades, setting it all up, administration to administration.
It makes the operations where they overthrew Iran and Guatemala and a hundred other countries look tame.
And while they've been setting all this up in these new industries of tyranny up, they have the federal funds that go to those industries go right directly into their own pockets.
So they make trillions of dollars while they're at it setting this sucker up.
They mean business.
They're smart.
They're evil.
They're focused.
You know, before the break, I talked about them cutting people's fingers off.
I talked about them killing people, electrocuting them, raping their wives and children in front of them.
That's the Army's own report out of Abu Ghraib.
Another Army report admits 97% of those taken to the 30-plus camps in Iraq, and in some cases out of country for torture, and third-party black sites, ghost sites, ghost detainees.
They take them out and they torture them.
And it's about creating cadres of men and women that will carry out the torture.
It's about preparing.
And I can't even mention on air with the Army Report the other things it talks about.
What they do with acid sexually.
Raping people with acid.
You think that's in SAW 5 or whatever, SAW 4?
You go see these movies like Hostel, where the rich guys like to get the little girls and torture them, rip their eyeballs out.
That's what they really do.
It's been in the French press.
And then the police shut down the investigations.
You're dealing with the absolute pit of living hell.
And I know this is one of the most hardcore broadcasts I've done.
It's because that's the type of evil that the globalists, that the New World Order, that the Bush administration is doing.
Remember in 2001, 2002 when they thought they had you sold on all this?
How they got on the news and admitted the torture?
And first they tell you they're only listening to Bin Laden's phone calls, and then it's Al Qaeda's phone calls, and then it's just terrorist suspects' phone calls, and then it's all criminals' phone calls, and then it's, yeah, we're listening to all your cell phones and tracking everybody with AI keyword computers.
In the stretch of just two years, they now admit it all.
They're just flaunting it.
They're now engaging it.
They're now quadrupling every year the funding for it.
All of this is now in play.
The juggernaut that they built, this mechanized, thousand-turreted killing machine with spiked treads, greased with the blood of humanity, drunk on the blood of the saints, running off the blood of good people, is now fired up its engine,
It's running on all billion cylinders, and it's starting to roll.
It's starting to roll at our gates.
And their enemies are within our gates, and they're lowering the drawbridge, welcoming their God in.
And I see it straight on.
I look right into its eyes.
I know what it is.
Believe me, I take no pleasure in having to face it down.
I take no pleasure in having to commit to fight it.
I take no pleasure and enjoyment in having to engage it.
But I am committed and I will give every bit of the strength I have and every bit of the strength the Creator gives me to have the fortitude and the courage and the strength and the wisdom to do the best job I can in resistance to this system.
I was put on earth for a reason.
Every single one of you were put on earth for a reason.
We're only here once.
And you've got to serve somebody.
It's like Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson say, you've got to serve somebody.
You may be a baker, you may be a banker, but you've got to serve somebody.
Let's come back in with that.
Jesse Benton wants to pop in with some election news.
It's coming up later than our schedule to have a really big guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
InfoWars.com has been redesigned.
Hope you enjoy.
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I don't know.
I think that a parasitic dream will never come back, that painted my hands and face blue.
And suddenly, in the wind, life gave me
You know, I love y'all.
And I love illegal aliens.
They're good people.
They're just being used as a tool by the New World Order to bring down the Republic.
To bring forward unimaginable suffering.
And the Rex 84 plan said they plan to put a lot of them in camps first so the public is sold on camps.
I've even been on national Spanish radio here in the U.S.
and Mexico covering that before so they're pretty smart and in fact more informed in many cases than Americans because they've been living under tyranny.
I think as Bob Dillon's song says it all, we're going to play part of it, come back and get into more news.
Stay with us.
You may be an ambassador to England or France.
You may like to gamble.
You might like to dance.
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world.
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Yes, indeed, you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Well, it may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Maybe it was Rocky Lowland, dancing on the streets.
In many places you'll command women in a cage.
You may be a businessman, or some high degree.
They may call you doctor, or they may call you chief, but you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Yes, you are, you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Serve somebody!
Well, it may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody.
You may be Steve Krupa, you may be a young Turk, you may be the head of some big TV network.
You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame, you may be living in another country, under another name, but you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Yes, you are, you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Well, it may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to help somebody.
Help somebody.
Maybe he's a construction worker working on a home.
Might be living in a mantis, he might live in a dome.
You may own guns and you may even own tanks.
You may be somebody's landlord.
You may even own Spain.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Yeah, you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Maybe a preacher, preacher, spiritual bride.
Maybe a city councilman shaking bride on the side.
Maybe working in a barber shop, you may know how to cut hair.
Maybe somebody's mistress, maybe somebody's heir.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Yes, you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Well, it may be the devil Or it may be the Lord But you're gonna have to serve somebody Might like to wear cotton Might like to wear silk Might like to drink whiskey Might like to drink milk Might like to eat caviar Might like to eat bread Maybe sleepin' on the floor
Well, it may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Now, you may call me Charlie, or you may call me Jimmy.
You may call me Bobby, or you may call me Jimmy.
You may call me RJ, you may call me Ray.
You may call me anything, no matter what you say.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Jesse Benton's gonna be popping in at the end of this segment.
He wanted to give you an update.
Must be important.
Rarely does the campaign contact us.
Well, that's not true, but normally we contact them.
Also, I've got a bunch of other news I want to hit on.
We are scheduled, I just confirmed again with them, I've got to wake our guest up though, to come on the show coming up.
Surprise guest, it's going to be a big deal.
It's coming up in about 25 minutes, so definitely want to stay tuned with us here.
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Okay, I got into all of the martial law news.
So we've gone over that information now for you.
Here is some of the other news now that we have not detailed yet while we're waiting for Benton to call in in the next ten minutes.
CNN is acting like they've broken some huge report.
They're talking about the 9-11 Commission being compromised.
And they wouldn't be reporting on this, their defense department run, unless they're going to try to act like they're going to do some new investigation and then whitewash that even further and say, okay, the government screwed up.
Book, head of 9-11 panel, has friends in White House.
The September 11th Commission's executive director has closer ties to the White House than publicly disclosed.
And tried to influence the final report in ways that the staff often perceived as limiting the Bush administration's responsibility, a new book says.
Again, that's meant to make it sound like they were actually a real commission.
Bush appointed the head of the Democrat and Republican side of it.
It was all Bush appointed.
He tried to have Henry Kissinger as the first head.
So this is him acting like it was a real commission.
This is trying to stir up that commission.
Philip Zelikow, who you've heard about here a million times,
Philip Zelikow, a friend of then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, spoke with her several times during the 20-month investigation.
He's a former White House guy.
He's involved in all sorts of black ops that closely examined her role in assessing the al-Qaeda threat.
Remember her lying and saying he never heard of a plan to fly planes into buildings?
And the memo said exactly that.
He also exchanged frequent calls with the White House, including at least four with Carl Rove, Bush's chief political adviser at the time.
The commission's executive director once tried to push through wording in a draft report that suggested a greater tie between al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Iraq, in line with the White House claims, but not with the commission's staff viewpoint, according to Philip Shendon's The Commission, The Uncensored History of the 9-11 Investigation.
Shinnon, a New York Times reporter, sent folks the same paper that tells you about aluminum tubes and yellow cake, to see.
So Zelikow sought to intimidate staff to avoid damaging findings from President Bush, who at the time was running for re-election, said Rice.
Zelikow said Rice had written a book together in 95, and he would later work for her at the commission, finish its job, and she became Secretary of State in 2005.
The Associated Press obtained an audio version of Shinnon's book, which is to go on sale tomorrow.
And we'll try to get this guy on, but I mean, the point is, we now need to use this to point out the whole thing was a fraud.
They wouldn't believe us when we had all the documents and the facts, but now you can show this to people.
Even though it's a whitewash, it's certainly useful to get the truth out.
Okay, you know, it sounds good to have socialized healthcare, doesn't it?
It'll help everybody.
We're just gonna take care of everybody.
The problem is, a bunch of eugenicists and control freaks
Run the government, run the CDC, run the World Health Organization.
And now in England where they've done this, they're saying once the government controls it, we're just not going to give old people care.
Or if you're overweight, or if you ever smoked cigarettes, or you ever drank.
And then now, Mississippi's coming out saying they want to pass a law
Where, if you look like you're overweight, they won't let you in the building.
And if you demand it, this is under restaurant licensing.
All the restaurants, you know, sounds good.
Hey, make sure the restaurant's clean.
Make sure they don't serve Jack Daniels to 12-year-olds.
But see, once they have that power, that precedent set, then they say, oh, we're not going to feed, we're not going to give service to people that are overweight.
Now, that's the bill.
It's mainstream news.
There's similar things going on.
Thousands of things along those lines.
And they're CPSing people's kids in public school.
They say you have one year to lose weight, and they set the bar really high.
You've got to be really skinny.
Or then the CPS starts looking into taking you from your parents.
And they can use some example of a 10-year-old who weighs 400 pounds.
You know, sounds good, but it's for control.
It's like, oh, we don't want to have light bulbs that burn out in a month or six months.
We're going to have light bulbs that burn out in eight years.
That matter of their toxic waste sounds reasonable.
They set the precedent.
Very sophisticated three-dimensional thinking and propaganda.
Or, oh, we want to take power in California.
The government's going to, by law, they're on the verge of passing the bill.
It has a lot of sponsors.
A radio transmitter in your thermostat.
You want to sell it in California?
They set the standards for the rest of the country.
On emissions, you name it.
Even more than New York now.
And then nationwide.
Oh, because if the company's going to have to put a little remote control transmitter to be controlled by the power pole in the California systems, why not in yours?
It's like guns, where it'll individually stamp on each casing the gun it was fired from.
Now that's going to go in nationwide, because California did it.
Oh, let's stop people overusing their thermostats, and then it'll be your sprinklers and everything else.
Yeah, it sounds good.
The total nanny state
Coming into position now, and this is just the beginning.
Remember, one-child policy in China started as a fine for more than one child.
A couple years later, an even bigger fine.
And by 1981, they would take your child, they would kill your child, they would imprison you, they would kill you, they'd drown the babies right in buckets of water in front of their parents.
Now they just take them and they disappear.
They're used for medical experiments.
Hellish stuff going on in China, but our government doesn't say they're bad anymore.
You notice that?
China's good.
They get the Olympics.
But I guess Hitler got the Olympics, so it's okay.
According to their twisted logic, you can be as evil as you want to be.
It doesn't matter.
The State Department eight years ago had criticized China for forced organ harvest, killing political dissidents.
Two years ago, they put out a report saying it's fake.
None of it's happening.
That matter of the Chinese government advertises, and it's all over the news.
The State Department's now an agent of total wickedness.
They're engaged in organ harvesting in
Iraq and Afghanistan, flying those out, they've been caught doing that.
Just every ghoulish, macabre evil.
It's as if hell itself was opened up and released.
Speaking of socialist control, the Clinton health plan may mean tapping pay, AP, by Charles Babington, Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, who said Sunday she might be willing to garnish the wages of workers who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve
Coverage for all Americans.
The New York Senator has criticized presidential rival Barack Obama for pushing a health plan that would not require universal coverage.
See, universal coverage means they're going to take that money, forcibly, a whole new tax system.
Clinton has not always specified the enforcement measures she would embrace, but now she said that it would be going after wages.
This week she said, I think there are a number of mechanisms that are possible, including going under people's wages, automatic enrollment.
See, and then you've got to have automatic transfer, because we can't let you have your own cash, because you might spend it on your own.
And see, with the new national sales tax, they have phony conservatives pushing.
Now you'll have to scan it, because it's going to be graduated.
You go, well that's not what Neil Bort says.
He says it'll be this way.
It isn't going to be what he's calling for.
I've been saying this for 10 years.
You see it all happening?
You're starting to get an idea of how big all of this is?
And there are a lot of other facets to this as well.
There's so many instances, so many examples, but we know in Canada, we know in England, we know in New Zealand, where they have these systems in place now, they're just telling old people, hey, you don't deserve that surgery, you're old.
See, at first it's, oh, you're overweight, oh, you drink, oh, you shouldn't get a liver.
Sounds reasonable.
Then, oh, you're old, you're not going to get it.
Oh, and now you can't say mom and dad in school, the teachers, the students, whoever, because it's hurtful.
See, now regular, normal words.
You know, first it was, well, let's ban and arrest somebody if they say the n-word.
That's hurtful.
Sounds reasonable.
But wait, we said that's free speech, though.
You take that, you take it all.
See, now it's happening.
They arrest you in England if you say any racial slur or sexual slur, including the word homosexual.
Whether you're for that or against it isn't the issue.
The point is now you're arrested for that.
Arrested a BBC reporter, others, big public events, because they say the word homosexual, heterosexual, homosexual.
That's just a scientific term.
I'm saying Caucasian.
No, don't say that because it hurts people.
They get scared by scientific sounding terms.
That sounds like idiocracy where if you know a big word they arrest you.
A great Mike Judge movie.
That, by the way, got suppressed.
We need to get Judge on.
I know he's a fan.
I've talked to him.
And I can't ever... I need to call and get his number.
Get him on.
That's a great film.
That's an interesting message.
These are just some of the issues that we're dealing with.
And everybody out there
Got really upset Wednesday, Thursday, Friday when three huge cables in deep ocean areas were accidentally cut.
And there's hundreds of these cables in the Med, in the Persian Gulf, surrounding areas.
But magically, these cables got cut going into two countries.
Iran, and guess who else?
We're about to do a peace deal together after decades of being in each other's throats.
Three internet cables slashed in a week.
Has Iran lost all internet connectivity?
Middle East internet blackouts spur geopolitical suspicions.
There's no suspicions.
Tables hundreds and in one case thousands of miles away.
Going to key countries magically all cut.
Bloggers say big event could be right around the corner.
Iran completely cut off.
Unprecedented mass internet outages throughout the Middle East and Asia after two.
After no less than four.
It's now four.
Underseas internet cables were cut without explanation are spurring suspicions that a major event of geopolitical proportions may be just around the corner.
Oh, it just keeps cutting cables, cutting cables, cutting cables.
According to InternetTraffic.com, Iran has been completely cut off from the internet, though Mohammad Akhmedinejad's block could still be accessed.
And that weirdo called for world government last week.
Again, it's just all these government heads.
They just want global power.
They're all fighting over who's going to get it, but
And then CNN and Fox say there's no move towards a global government.
You know, Benton called us and wanted to pop in with a Super Tuesday report, but we're going to go to break when we come back.
We've got other stuff we've got to do.
Do you have him yet?
We may have to schedule him.
I know tomorrow's Super Tuesday, and I know he gets caught up in time zones and stuff, but we'll see what happens.
We'll see what happens.
I wanted to get more than a five-minute report from him.
We wanted to come on in the third hour, but we can't do that because we have a guest.
But yeah, big Super Tuesday coming up.
Big deal.
Very, very big deal, and we'll see what happens.
Some are saying Ron Paul could take Washington State.
Some people are saying, I mean, he just got third place, a close third place in Maine.
He's a major contender.
And if he got fair media coverage, I don't have to tell you that he'd be the man or there wasn't fraud in all these states where he got first place in Louisiana and they just said he got second place or he got second place in Nevada and they said he didn't get any place.
But, it's now our job to expose that and show the dumbed down public.
They're not even so much dumbed down, they are from the fluoride and things, they are super experts on football, super experts on, now that's the manly thing to do,
But they don't.
And it would be fine if they knew about football, but also knew about the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
But they don't know.
About both.
They're not aware of both.
And they need to be.
You know, we have redesigned InfoWars.com.
It's going to have your own MySpace-style accounts by the end of the week.
Right now we're just testing bandwidth and servers.
You can post in all the stories.
And you have your own blogs.
A lot of those functions are already there at the newinfowars.com.
There's still some of the old pages.
We're replacing those.
Archived news stories will still be there in the old format, but all the main sub-pages, the listen page and the video page and the police state page, there's over 50 or 60 of them that Kurt has looked at that he's redesigning and is transferring the data over into the blog format.
I just want to say, Kurt,
Nemo has done in the six, seven months he's been with us, just an out of this world job.
And on the other website, so has Paul Watson, so has Steve Watson, so has Aaron Dykes, everybody in this team.
We just get better and better at delivering information to you.
We're still not perfect, far from it, but you the listeners also.
The PrisonPlanet.com forum, all the tips and news and info I get there.
The MySpace account, all the news and tips and videos, all the things just spreading exponentially and I just love interfacing with all of you out there.
But the InfoWars.com has been redesigned.
And I hope that everybody will get Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement and make copies of it and get it out to people.
That is so essential.
Right now.
It is of the utmost importance that every single person out there who we can reach sees Endgame.
And that's why Endgame, that proves there's a global government, proves their master plan, how they want to reduce world population forcibly, that's why it's for free on Google Video.
It's not very high quality, but it's free there.
And I hope for those of you that have seen it and know it's powerful, I hope you'll email it out and get it out to people.
That's really the big goal here.
Please don't stand out of the way.
This film needs to be seen.
It gives people a wide spectrum overview.
So many films I've made and films others have made focus in on certain sectors.
9-11, government-sponsored terror, the police state, corruption, the New World Order, its history.
This does it all.
Police state, New World Order, the regional models, their background, their history, their eugenics.
It covers it all.
And I hope at such an important film you will get the DVD at InfoWars.com or JonesReport.com.
You'll go through the secure online video and bookstore shopping cart.
And I hope you will get the film on DVD and burn copies of it.
That's the highest quality way to do it.
It looks so good.
You can also download it in super high quality.
I see Paul hasn't taken the special down yet at PrisonPlanet.tv for five months free.
It was supposed to end in January.
That's fine.
He's very busy, but that's going to be down in the next day or two.
I'm going to call him today and tell him to take it down tomorrow.
So this is your chance to get five months free at PrisonPlanet.tv and download it or stream it in ultra-high quality.
It's almost DVD quality.
Then make copies of it and get it out to everybody.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Fourth quarter, FEC reports that from the last three months of 2007, Ron Paul has received more military donations than all other Republicans combined.
According to newly released FEC reports, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has received more military donations than any
Other three remaining Republican candidates combined.
The latest numbers make it clear that troops support Ron Paul.
So Ron Paul campaign manager Kent Schneider.
Dr. Paul has worked his entire career for veterans and has many awards and endorsements due to his dedication to their cause.
But when you go to the national media, you always, and the other candidates will attack him and go, the troops don't like you.
Remember McCain and others?
How dare you be against the war?
How dare you?
They're really angry with you, but 70 plus percent say they want out instantly they want the war over a year and a half ago and that number has gone up to 75 percent.
Polls were at 71.
So you've got less than 30 percent of the troops who like the war.
But you wouldn't know that if you watched the Super Bowl last night.
It was like a huge advertisement for the war.
A gigantic advertisement for the war.
We'll be talking about the war coming up in the next hour.
Talking about a bunch of other really important issues.
And I have to say that the fight we've waged, the people we've woken up over the years, and we're just accelerating our actions.
It's just getting better and better.
And I just thank God, the Lord above, for the effect we've had and how many people we've been able to wake up.
It's just been absolutely amazing.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us.
It seems like yesterday But it was long ago She was lovely and she was the queen of our nights There in the darkness with the radio playing low The secrets that we shared The mountains that we moved
Caught like a wildfire out of control There was nothing left to burn and nothing left to screw And I remember what she said to me How she swore that it would never end I remember how she held me oh so tight Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then
We were young and strong but just running against the wind The years rolled slowly past I found myself alone Surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends
I guess I lost my way.
There were oh, so many roads I was living to run and running to build.
Never worrying about paying or how much I owe.
Losing eight miles a bit for months at a time.
Breaking all the rules I could bend I began to find myself searching Searching for shelter again and again Against the wind We were running against the wind I found myself seeking shelter against the wind
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I've done a lot of interviews with a lot of amazing people.
But I have to tell you, this is the most excited I've ever been.
To have a guest on, he's with us for the full hour.
He's in Tucson, Arizona.
He just played the Super Bowl pregame last night.
He is a global icon, an American institution.
There's probably nothing more Americana.
In fact, they've had polls overseas of Europeans, Asians, others, and they say, you know, who's Americana?
What symbolizes America in Texas?
And it's Willie Nelson.
But it's not just his music that I grew up listening to and that I love.
It's not just the films he's been in, it's the work he's done for humanity.
And it's his incredible spirit.
I had a chance to briefly meet him a few months ago here in Austin where he lives.
We're honored to have him hail from here.
And I was just struck, and I said that on air, by the down to earth and really just the
Obi-Wan Kenobi-level zenness.
It's not an act.
He's an incredible person.
I'm not going to gush.
He doesn't like it.
Willie Nelson, thank you for spending time with myself and the audience.
Thank you, Alex.
I was enjoying that introduction.
Thank you.
Well, you deserve every bit of it, sir.
I'm glad to be on your show.
I'm a big fan and have been for years.
I've watched your videos and listened to you on radio.
I'm always checking in to see what you're doing.
You're doing a great job.
That's amazing.
It humbles me.
I better do a really good job of Willie Nelson's tuning in, along with the Japanese Parliament, every day.
Willie, this is a quick segment.
We're going to come back in a long 20-minute segment, but I asked you before the interview, I said, what do you want to talk about?
And you said, whatever you want to get into.
Let's talk about some fun stuff first.
Tell me about what the band's doing, your new song, Grave Digger.
What's going on?
Well, we have this new album that's out, it's called A Moment of Forever, and it's a song that Chris wrote, and it's probably the greatest love song I've ever heard.
And then we've got a couple of videos coming out of the album, The Grave Diggers one, and then we did another video that's coming out in a couple of months.
We did it down at my ranch there in Texas, out there.
There's a video of me and Jessica Simpson, and Owen Wilson, and Woody Harrelson, and all the Wilson boys, and Ray Price, and Johnny Bush, and we just had a big crowd down there in town, and we had a lawnmower race.
I wish you'd have been there.
You'd have had a lot of fun.
I actually heard about it from Turk Pibkin and other people.
But anyway, that's what we're into, and we're out here doing a couple songs off the album every night.
You've got quite a few websites.
What are some of the sites people can visit to see your latest info?
Well, there's WillieNelson.com, and my daughter does a column every day to tell everybody what we're into out here.
And there's the WillieNelsonPRI.com, which is a website set up.
I did it originally to try to organize all the peace organizations in the world.
And I did a pretty good job of doing that, I think, because there's a whole lot of networking going on there about people talking about peace.
And then I wrote this song with my daughter, Amy, called Peaceful Solution.
And I put the song on the website and told people they could record it, rewrite it, or sing it, or put their band behind it.
I just gave them the song, basically.
And so far over a hundred people have recorded that song and videoed it.
The University of Texas did two videos on it.
Go ahead Willie.
I'm just fooling around.
Well, it's fantastic.
All of it.
It seems like your music just gets better and better.
You are a driven individual, and that's what I want to ask you when we get back.
What drives Willie Nelson?
What does Willie Nelson think is most important in this world?
What is your philosophy summed up?
I know your book that I read just last week, The Towel of Willie, is amazing, and I learned a lot from it.
We'll talk about that.
Biodiesel, hemp, the warb,
Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, it's all coming up with the legend, the icon, Willie Nelson.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
He is counted among the top country legends, music legends, political activist legends.
Pretty much the icon of music.
And he is quite a survivor.
Willie Nelson, again, thank you for being with us.
I wanted to throw out that question, I mean, about your life growing up.
What made you the way you are?
Why you've always stood up for the little guy, the farmers, and people in Africa, and just so many others?
Why did you go in that direction in your life?
Well, I don't really know except the fact that I grew up in a town in Abbott, Texas.
It was a little small community farm town.
I knew everybody in town.
Everybody knew me.
We had three or four churches there, four churches.
In one way or another you went to church every day and every night of your life.
And I learned, if I learned anything, I learned that all those places, you know, sometimes the Baptists wouldn't talk to the Methodists or the Church of Christ wouldn't talk to the Catholics.
But they were all trying to do the same thing and they were just divisions, even in that small town.
When did you start your first band?
Ten, let's see, before I got out of high school I started a band with me and my sister and my brother-in-law and my football coach and he played trombone and we had a little family band.
We played all over Texas.
We played in Waco and West and you know, places that we could drive to with a trailer.
Didn't you start out in radio by 16 or 17?
You already had your own show?
Yeah, I was with KHBR in Hillsboro and we got our own radio show there every Saturday and then after that I went to the Air Force and then went down to Pleasanton, Texas and went to work at KOB Pleasanton down there and then I worked at several other radio stations and at the same time playing bars around trying to make it.
It's amazing.
Well, you certainly did make it a long career.
You've been out on the road and playing since, what, 54, 55?
Yeah, at least 49 when I graduated from high school.
I was already in a band then.
So 49.
Shifting gears, again, we're talking to Willie Nelson.
First of all, it all happened when the Dixie Chicks was overseas when they said what they said that seemed to have upset everybody.
I was overseas, too, at a press conference.
I guess they had it in for the Dixie Chicks more than they did me.
I don't know.
They had every reason in the world to get on me, also.
They're afraid of you.
They knew it wouldn't fly.
Well, I don't know, but they said, you know, what about this crazy cowboy from Texas you got running your concert?
First of all, he's not a cowboy.
Second of all, he ain't from Texas.
So, you know, let's start there.
And I mean, I make the point that they backed off from you because I don't think that they could chew up Willie Nelson.
I think they tried to pick on the Dixie Chicks, but it seemed that that backfired on them.
Well it did and it took a while and the chicks had to go through some uncomfortable times but you know they're tough and they came out on the other side of it really looking great and they're more popular now than they were then and a lot of it's because of that so you know I don't know whether they'd rather have done that way or not but at least they said what they thought and they stuck with it and I think their last record was you know we're not ready to make nice yet.
Not ready to play nice, not ready to go along with this.
I'm mad as hell, and I'm just going to continue doing the right thing.
And that's why they're becoming even bigger icons.
Willie, your take on the war?
I mean, you were there from day one saying it was bad.
Now, 80% of Americans
It was always a bad idea.
You just don't start wars.
Again, it goes back to whatever I learned in Alba, Texas.
You just don't kill people.
There's something in the Bible that says thou shalt not kill.
There's also a lot of things in there about peace on earth.
I grew up believing that way.
Then all of a sudden I found out there are huge organizations out there that are starting wars.
And selling bullets to both sides.
And I said, what the hell is going on?
What happened to Peace Owner?
Well, you brought up a key there.
Can you elaborate on your take on big organizations selling to both sides?
Because that's the key here.
The humanity, the humans, the children, the people that die, that have their countries bombed out, the Americans that are taxed to pay for it all, and the no-bid contracts.
Humanity loses, but these kingpins, they win.
Yeah, and they've been winning ever since
You know, in the old testament it talked about wars, there would always be wars and rumors of wars, but in the new one it said let's talk about peace, and then there's going to be some peace, and I believe that eventually there's going to be peace on earth, and it's those other bastards that are getting in the way of it, so what do we do about them, Alex?
Well, I have to say this.
I do interviews every day on other people's talk shows, even confrontational interviews, adversarial interviews, and they'll take 10, 20 calls.
And of 20 calls, 19 people agree with me while the neocon or right-wing host is attacking me, because I come to it from a libertarian perspective, and it just neutralizes them.
Now, five, six years ago, that wasn't happening.
It was half and half.
And I'm seeing a total shift.
But also in the polls, but now both parties have circled the wagons against the people and they're saying, we don't care what you want.
John McCain said this war is going to go on for a hundred years.
And, uh, it can't.
It just can't.
We can't let it go on another year.
I mean, it has, uh, the other day I was getting interviewed.
Somebody said, what would you do if you were elected president?
I said, I would stop the damn war.
And it's just that simple.
You stop that war, you stop the other wars that we're in around the country, and you go around the country being a peacemaker and stopping wars.
I thought that's what you're supposed to do.
Since when does America invade all these countries that have nothing to do with 9-11?
Yeah, really.
And all of a sudden, you know, the way I heard it, 15 people from Saudi Arabia hit us in New York and we go jump on Afghanistan.
I never could figure that one out in Iraq.
Well, I did figure it out, too, but I'm surprised more people haven't figured it out.
Willie, you brought it up.
You figured it out.
What's your take on 9-11?
It just came out in AP today that the White House is running the commission.
We always knew that, but now they admit.
In fact, I have the headline right here.
I read it before you came on, where they're now admitting that it was a staged commission.
Well, that ain't good news, but it doesn't surprise me.
Did it you?
No, it didn't.
I'm glad it's coming out.
What's your take on 9-11?
Do you question the official story?
I certainly do, and I saw those towers fall, and I've seen an implosion in Las Vegas.
There was too much similarities between the two.
And I saw the building fall.
It didn't get hit by nothing.
So, you know, how naive are we?
What do they think we'll go for?
So are you saying you started having questions or that little voice in your head?
I mean, did you have a bad feeling the day it happened?
Is that what you're saying?
The day it happened, I saw one fall and it was just so symmetrical.
I said, wait a minute, I just saw that last week at the casino over in Las Vegas and you see these implosions all the time and the next one fell and I said, hell, there's another one.
And they're trying to tell me that an airplane did it, and that's, you know, I can't go along with that.
And then you find out that mainstream news reported, but it never got any attention, that the supposed hijackers were given national security clearance and were trained at U.S.
bases, and the dean of the Defense Language School, Colonel Butler, goes public and says, we train these people, the government's involved, and they start court-martialing until he agreed to shut up.
True story, I guess.
I hate to hear it, but it's probably true.
You've had a chance to see, what, Terror Storm, Endgame, some of the other films.
What's Willie Nelson's take on those films?
Oh, I think they're right on.
I think, you know, the fact that there are a few elite that are running everything, calling the shots, starting the wars, financing them all, I believe that.
And what else they're doing, who knows?
But that one thing alone is enough for us to think about, how do we stop them?
Well, the proof is in the pudding.
If you've got, on every issue, 75 to 85, in all the major scientific polls, the people are against everything this government's doing.
We send the Democrats to Congress to end the war.
They increase it.
And now they're saying they're going to be there 100 years, Hillary and McCain.
I mean, to me, that is a small group running things right there in front of us.
And as far as I can see, all those people attended the same meetings that you and the guys attended up in Canada.
Am I wrong?
Oh, no.
A lot of them do go to the Bilderberg Group.
Yes, sir.
Is that freedom?
I don't think so.
It's not democracy either.
Willie Nelson, you're blowing me away here.
When we get back, I want to talk about solutions, your ideas, because the people are awake to a certain extent.
I just don't think that they have the specifics of what to do.
I'm going to tell them about some of your organizations and groups, and I agree with taking
Our everyday life into our own hands, like you've done with the biodiesel, that's a separate thing from what they're doing with the corn and other things, and I want to be sure and separate that out and explain that to people, and what you've tried to do, and all the money you put into trying to get us into renewable resources, and things that are actually, you know, will allow us to not continue to destroy the earth.
We'll be right back.
Oh, in fact, we're not going to go to break.
I forgot.
I told him to skip that break.
I'm so used to going to break at the 20 ampere and I told John to skip that so we've got more time here.
I'm a little bit dumbstruck here talking to you, Willie.
I mean, you talk about how we do have this elite running things and the evidence shows that and the documents have been declassified.
What are your ideas to get the people to mobilize to do something about it?
The song that I wrote called Peaceful Solution, now all those people that recorded it believe, and so do I, that there is a peaceful solution.
And it's called a peace revolution.
And we just take back America.
And we do it, vote it back, we do it, we make sure that the crooked ballot boxes are thrown away, we get a paper trail and everything, and make sure that
Good honest people can get back in control and that's the only way we're going to do it is to just do it.
You know what I mean?
Well, I think that's happening.
Just in the news today, we're seeing that they've recruited 26,000 preachers the White House has through FEMA to tell their flocks to stand down, to turn in their guns, to follow orders, to do what the President says in the Presidential Decision Directive 51.
Bush says he's above the Congress.
It's no longer involved in continuity of government in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
They had openly funded for insurrection and rebellion by the American people.
The whole police state apparatus they built up after 9-11, and I want to get your take on this, Willie, because I know you're aware of it, is now being used against the people.
They're not even talking about the boogeyman of Al-Qaeda anymore.
No, and I do believe that it's a long time until Election Day and some sort of national crisis could put off the elections.
A lot of people are saying that.
I was saying that many years ago, and now Bob Woodward has talked about setting up for martial law, of all people.
Naomi Wolf is talking about it.
I think that might save us.
I would hope that we'd be smarter than that, and I would hope that we'd say, no, we're throwing all you guys out and we're starting over.
You can stop the elections if you want to, but you can't stop the people.
Well, Ron Paul has gotten more donations from
Well, again, the troops are under order, and if they don't do what they, you know, the orders are, then they get shot.
So, uh, the troops have no choice.
There's a few of them in there that are there because they think it's the right thing to do.
There are a few there because they just like to fight.
Uh, but there's a lot of them there, like you say, that would rather be home with their families and let's save our good men and women for something that really matters, for really something that is the defense of our country.
If we need some people down here on the borders, let's take 150,000 people out of Iraq and put them on the borders of Canada and Mexico.
We can secure our borders that way.
Well, Howard, we have this war on terror where there's an Al-Qaeda terrorist under every bed, under every table.
We've got to have checkpoints and kids getting thumbscanned to get their lunches to stop Al-Qaeda, but then the border's wide open.
That kind of makes the war on terror look like a fraud.
Well, yeah, and, you know, they're fighting over there because you remember the old joke about the guy that dropped a quarter and he was looking around and the guy said, where did you lose it?
I said, I lost it over yonder.
And he said, why are you looking over here for?
I said, well, I call the lights better.
I think that's why over there the light's better.
Well, it's a black hole to launder money and dump trillions of dollars in no-bid contracts to Halliburton.
Yeah, and there's nobody stopping it.
And as long as it keeps going on and nobody stops it, I don't know what the end result will be, but it can't be good for us.
Well, you're right.
Tyrants have known throughout history.
They keep pushing, they keep testing.
Tyranny doesn't come overnight.
And I hope a lot of people that support this war, I hope you know we have illegal wars not declared, torture, the rest of it.
None of us are safe here.
What comes around goes around.
You reap what you sow, don't you, Willie?
Ten times over, I remember.
And I'm not sure I want to get treated ten times as bad as we're treating other people.
Did you ever see the actual army reports?
MSNBC posted it, but then never covered it.
With what the actual torture was, not just those photos?
I mean, it reported they tortured people's children in front of their parents.
No, I didn't hear that.
Did you see the report about them raping the women inside the camps?
Well, that one doesn't surprise me.
But torturing them in front of their family, I didn't know.
Yeah, if you want I can email you some of the mainstream stories.
They had a CIA section chief in the Washington Post say, yeah, we torture their children in front of the parents to get answers.
Well, I don't understand it.
I think the establishment is trying to seduce our troops into evil, but again, I think they're throwing it back up at them.
Well, I think so.
This can't happen because everyone is an individual.
We all have our free will and God gave us the freedom to use it.
So no matter where we are, what we're doing, if we know it's wrong, we should not do it.
Well, for anybody that wants the report, it was a Filipino-American General, two-star General Tugumbu, was hired to run the report on 30-plus camps in Iraq, and that was the findings for anybody that wants to go check that.
Those are amazing claims, but they are true.
Speaking of an individual like George Bush, and these elitists that are puppeteering him,
How do you think they sleep at night, Willie?
Because somebody like you or myself, you know, we have a conscience, and I love my conscience.
It's my greatest possession.
And I wonder about psychopaths sometimes, how they just enjoy evil.
Well, you know, I don't know where you grew up, but I grew up with a lot of people who really are... You have to doubt if they have a conscience.
And I know they're all over the world, so I'm not surprised that people, you know, can
Yeah, I think it is.
Well, where I'm from, my dad is from two counties over to the east.
That's where our family's been since 1829 with Spanish land grants.
And then my mom's family were German immigrants in the 1840s to right around Austin and surrounding areas.
So I am really proud to be a Texan because you're a Texan, Willie.
All the way through.
You know, I love our state.
It sure is growing.
It is good, and I'm glad to see it.
We've got a lot of room down there, you know, so if it gets too crowded in Fredericksburg, we'll go further west.
But there's plenty of room out there, so I'd tell people to come on down.
You've got a studio out in Fredericksburg, don't you?
I have one out at Ferdinand's out just west of Austin there.
It's between Austin and Fredericksburg.
Boy, it sure is pretty out by Hunt.
Yes, it is.
It's just incredibly beautiful all over that state, and I'm prejudiced, and I would be the first to admit it.
The presidential election, uh, Kucinich has dropped out.
My audience and others helped raise the money for the recount.
They did find evidence on the Republican and Democratic side of chicanery in New Hampshire, but Kucinich has dropped out now.
Uh, what do you think of Ron Paul?
Oh, I like Ron Paul, but I think he's got the same troubles that Dennis had, uh, first of all.
You know, there's not that much support behind him.
He is growing a little bit, but I noticed his numbers had come up in, where was it, Maine here in the last day or so that he got quite a good... You know, I like what he says.
I still think when we get down to it, it's going to be McCain and either Hillary or Obama.
And they're all pro-war.
It sounds like it.
I was hoping that Hillary had changed her mind.
I was hoping Obama was all the way against the war.
I don't know.
Maybe public opinion can keep their minds where they need to be.
Let's talk more about the election, biodiesel, hemp, the drug war, so many other questions.
Half the interview has already gone by.
This is just wonderful to have you with us, Mr. Nelson.
You are a sweetheart to spend so much time with us.
We'll be right back with Willie Nelson after this quick three-minute break.
Please stay with us.
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We're back live, ladies and gentlemen, transmitting on the AM and FM dial across the nation, simulcast on the satellite and on to the internet at truthnews.us, infowars.com, prisonplanet.com.
We have
Well, that's good.
Yeah, you're burning the place down.
It's awesome.
Getting into the war, and then the solution, trying to fix this politically, magically, Ron Paul's been getting half the votes the polls show he should get.
Obama was getting 15 more points or more than Hillary in New Hampshire.
She magically won by almost four points.
That's like an 18-point swing.
That's never happened before.
Ron Paul really got second place in
Nevada, the media just said he didn't even make place.
He won first place in Louisiana.
They lied and said he got second place.
These voting machines, all the corruption there, give us your view on that.
Well, you know, it's a no-brainer.
You've got to get rid of the voting machines because they're crooked or they can be hacked and we can't afford to have another election stolen.
Well, in the past, when you were growing up as a young man, and then even older, I mean, the voting was, they put the ballot box out in the middle of the room, they all got counted, that precinct then announced it, everybody got to watch the counting, and you still had a few problems.
LBJ did some stuff.
Stuff happened with Kennedy up in Chicago, but it became news because we had a good system.
Now, they have these secret boxes.
They've been caught hacking them.
They've been caught stealing elections.
People just went to prison in Ohio from the 2004 election as we fingered it as fraud.
And then these five big companies all have intelligence agency ties.
I mean, how obvious does it have to get?
Yeah, that's my question.
What do we have to see in order to change it?
Because we know it's crooked.
Well, I guess we first have to expose that it is crooked, and that's now happening.
What's the second step?
I mean, how do you... The establishment knew we weren't going to like what they were doing, and so now they've moved in to block us with these machines!
Well, since I know zero about machines, you know, it wouldn't be that hard for them to fool me.
You know, and it's been... It's done with pencil and paper.
I get fooled with that, too, but it's a little harder.
But you didn't get fooled on the war from day one.
You didn't get fooled on 9-11, Willie.
No, I didn't.
And I still think I know what's going on there.
Well, now that Kucinich has dropped out, do you think Ron Paul is the best candidate, or what's your take on that?
I think he's a great candidate.
I think he's a great guy, and I wish him well.
We'll see what happens, I guess tomorrow, that will answer a lot of our questions.
Yeah, Super Tuesday coming up tomorrow.
Willie, getting back into 9-11, because you brought it up, and I was debating even bringing it up, it's so controversial, but other questions, other things that piqued your interest and made you question the official story surrounding 9-11?
It happened the next day.
I was somewhere doing a show and somebody said, What do you think about it?
And I said, Well, first of all, when I get hit, I like to look around and see who did it before I start swinging at everybody in the room.
And it kind of looked like what we were doing.
We get hit over here and the next thing you know, we're jumping on everybody in the town.
So we got hit from Saudi Arabia.
I think we have some
Questions that need to be answered from those folks.
You know, that's a really good point you make.
Again, Newsweek reported a week after 9-11 that in the six months before, they had mass carrier task forces, 44,000 US troops, 18,000 British troops in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan surrounding, and that Bush on September 10th signed the order in the next week to attack Afghanistan.
Man, what timing, Willie, that he signed the attack order the day before!
Yeah, I wonder how that happened.
I mean, how smoking gun is that?
Yeah, I mean, what does it take for us to realize that, you know, we're having the wool pulled over our eyes one more time?
You know, there's a war against the American people, and that's the drug war.
Back when drugs were sold on store shelves, we had a lot less drug use in this country.
They criminalize it, it corrupts the police, and it puts a lot of money in drugs, and then the kids get involved in it, and of course they've got to go after marijuana because 70 plus percent of people don't use other drugs.
They use the medicine.
Hemp, and you've been a big advocate, you know, exposing how DuPont and Dow Chemical shut that down, even the cannabis varieties that don't even have HTC in them.
When did you first begin to fight the drug war and to expose what was happening with the suppression of hemp?
Well, first of all, I knew that there should be, that it's the greatest killer on the planet is stress and the best medicine is cannabis.
And for some people.
And it's a good medicine.
So, first of all, there was no reason to make it illegal unless you had an agenda.
And the same thing with
The same thing with biodiesel and ethanol.
Ethanol back in the 30's, 25% of the market was ethanol.
The other 75% was standard oil.
So once ethanol became a problem, what did they do?
They came up with Prohibition.
It did two things.
It stopped the farmer from growing
And making ethanol, because he was making ethanol in the same piece of equipment that he made his whiskey in, which was a still.
So when they brought in Prohibition and stopped the whiskey, they also stopped the making of ethanol and they put the farmers out of business who were making their own fuel.
And also Standard Oil again won the battle.
Yeah, my family's from in between Fairfield and
Buffalo, and we've still got over 1,000 acres out there.
Farming's tough.
Some of the years they would sell land off the original Spanish land grant just to be able to pay the taxes.
But the big drought in the 50s almost made them go under.
But there are rotting stills back there down on some of the swamp land.
I don't know who put them there.
They're still regulators.
They might come after us.
But there's old metal remnants of stills.
And the story I got was that they made them destroy them.
And went after people, and they weren't even, most of the time, making moonshine with them, but you're right, that was an economic warfare against the farmers, because I know that happened to my family, the Joneses.
Well, it definitely happened to a lot of people, and it put the ethanol people out of business the first time, and then the second time around they put them out of business, and now they're trying to do it again, and as oil goes up and up and up and up,
They're also looking at us over here who are into the alternative energies, and I've heard from the oil companies that, hey, you know, it's all right, you guys go ahead and do what you're going to do for the next 36 months or so, and then we're going to come in and take it over.
And that would all be well and good, except that when that happens, I know it's not going to be good for the local producer and the local consumer.
A lot of things will be imported, palm oil for all over the world, and that's not good until we can get it back to where
I think so.
Going back to biodiesel, there's a big difference between biodiesel and some of the things they're making out of corn because you're able to make the biodiesel you create out of all sorts of things.
Can you explain the difference and then talk about the program you've tried to launch nationally?
Well, the first diesel engine, Rudolph Diesel designed his first engine to run on peanut oil.
So for all these years that we've been using
You know, oil and diesel, and we could have been using peanut oil, we could have been using all kinds of vegetable oils, but we didn't have to become that dependent.
So it was, again, it was a planned agenda to keep us away from the biodiesel because they wanted to sell us oil.
At the same time, the government was using biodiesel and ethanol in its equipment because
Keeper to produce and the equipment ran better on it, but they didn't give it to the private sector because they wanted us to keep using oil.
Well, you talk about the monopoly game they played to do this.
Is that where, I mean, is that the place you started to learn about the monopoly men and the larger global forces?
Or when did you discover what, for lack of a better term, we'd call the New World Order or the Kingpins?
Oh, I don't know.
There's one thing and another.
That was part of it.
When the cannabis thing and the marijuana was made illegal back in those days, I traced it back to the petrochemicals again.
Everything that was made from
Cannabis now is made from petrochemicals so it's just the oil companies again coming in and taking over and making marijuana illegal and telling people it's crazy and it'll kill you and all that stuff.
So far I don't know of anybody that's died from marijuana unless a bale fell on them or something.
My friend Kevin Booth just produced a film I consulted on called American Drug War that's going to be airing on Showtime coming up in March, I guess next month.
And he spent four years making it, and he's got the numbers from year to year it changes, but about 200,000 to 300,000 it changes each year die from pharmacological legal drugs.
And about 10,000 die a year from all the really hard, you know, quote, bad illegal drugs, which I agree are bad, heroin, cocaine, things like that.
And then they can't even find any deaths from marijuana, and George Washington grew it on his land and smoked it for stomachaches.
So, why is marijuana illegal, and why do they fill the prisons with hundreds of thousands of people a year who are caught with it?
Well, it's obvious again, because everything that's made from fector chemicals, at one time, was made from cannabis.
And it's... even the...
The Blue Jeans.
Did you ever read a book called The Emperor Has No Clothes that Jack Herro wrote?
Yes, I did.
I like the Bible, yeah.
And it talks about the original Levi's being made from cannabis.
And it talks about all the ships, the covered wagons, the canvas was made from cannabis.
Yeah, the sails, the ropes, they lasted four or five times longer.
Yeah, and when I was in high school in the FFA, during the war,
And they had us making rope out of hemp.
They made hemp legal again back during the war because they needed it.
And we were making hemp ropes in the gymnasium there in Abbott, Texas.
It really is a magic plant.
I mean, you can grow it anywhere, and it's just an incredible product for industry, but I guess it's not centralized like a giant chemical plant, so they just can't let the farmers have that, can they?
That's right.
It's just too hard for them to
We're good to go.
He's a humanitarian and has just done so much good work for humanity.
Do you want to play part of that song since you mentioned it?
We happen to have it, Peace on Earth.
Would you like us to play a few minutes of that, Willie?
Sure, go ahead.
John, you've got that, right?
We sent him so many songs.
Yeah, it's there.
I forgot to tell him that we might play that if you mentioned it.
Here it is, and we'll be back to Willie here in about two minutes.
So much going on.
So many things going on in the world.
Babies dying.
Mothers crying.
How much all this wild human life was worth.
What happened to peace on earth?
We believe everything that they tell us.
They're gonna kill us.
We'd better kill them first.
But I remember a commandment.
Thou shall not kill.
How much is that soldier's life worth?
And what happened to peace on earth?
But we will return, still we'll lead them.
Everything we've been told from our birth.
Hell, they won't lie to me.
Not on my own damn TV.
But how much is a liar's word worth?
What happened to peace on earth?
So I guess it's just two and the other.
Let's just give them all and let God sort them out.
Is this what God wants us to do?
And we will deserve the silver healing.
Everything we've been told from our birth.
Hell, they won't lie to me.
Not on my own damn TV.
But how much is a liar's word worth?
What happened to peace on Earth?
Don't confuse caring for weakness.
Can't put that label on me.
The truth is my weapon of mass protection, and I believe truth sets you free.
But he will alert us, he'll believe us, everything we've been told from our birth.
Well, they won't lie to me.
Not on my own damn TV.
But how much is a liar's word worth?
What happened to peace on earth?
Willie Nelson's website.
We have links to them up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
It's out there on YouTube.
Spread it around.
Willie Nelson really boils it down there.
How much is a liar's word worth?
Willie, I mean, the White House, the Congress has been caught hundreds of times, the documents have come out, buying billions of dollars of fake newscasts and buying reporters.
And that's what I always ask my listeners when I'm on other talk shows and on television.
I say, we've been lied to thousands of times we know of, hundreds of times by the Bush administration.
They've been caught.
We know they're lying.
They're not making mistakes.
Your view on that, Willie?
Well, you're absolutely right.
And, you know, it doesn't, after all the other things that they've done, lying is certainly not going to stop them.
It's all it takes to cover up what they're doing is a little white lie.
Well, they'll paint the world with a little white lies.
And I wouldn't call, you know, white lies are bad enough, but these are big black lies.
These are huge black lies, yeah.
Willie, I want to talk about courage, and I know you get sick of people thanking you and lauding you, you're a very humble man, that's where your strength flows from, but the courage, or is it just instinctive, it's in your spirits, you're just doing it, I mean the courage to come on this show,
No, it's not the first time I've said it and it won't be the last time.
I'm just saying what I believe.
I'm not that brave, I don't think.
Maybe I'm too dumb to be scared.
But I just believe in saying what you really think, and that's always been what I did.
Sometimes that doesn't go well with other people, but they'll have to get over it.
Well, you are certainly a straight shooter.
There is absolutely no doubt about that.
In about six minutes the show is going to end, John, and I want you to go out in the last 30-45 seconds with Willie from that high-woman song, Silver Stallion.
Talking to a music legend like yourself, obviously Johnny Cash affected me a lot, so did Waylon Jennings.
What is it like having those two friends gone, Willie?
I miss them a lot.
Waylon and I were
We fought like cats and dogs.
We fought like married people, you know.
But I loved him like a brother, and I know he did me, too.
And John and I got really close during the Highwaymen tours, and we did three of those.
And, you know, you don't travel around the world and live that close without getting to know people.
And John and Waylon and Chris and I, you know, we had a whole lot of fun together.
When did you first meet Johnny Cash?
He had already left Nashville when I went to Nashville and then I got a letter from him.
He got my address from Chris or somebody and said he wanted me to write him a song.
So I wrote him a song and he recorded it and then the next time he came to town we got together and talked about it.
We'd run into each other every now and then but when we did, he had a show over in Switzerland
Him and June went over and they did a Christmas show over in Switzerland and he asked me to come over there and be on that show.
And Waylon went and all our families was over there and we spent Christmas over in Switzerland and had a great time.
That's when we first started talking about doing the first Highwaymen album together and also doing the tours.
Well, I love all your music, but the Highwaymen, it's just all of it's poetry.
I think there's some great songs.
Chip Smulman is a really great producer.
Got a lot of those songs together.
And we did too.
We just sat around and figured out what we wanted to sing.
And, you know, I thought that there were some good songs in there.
What's your favorite Highwaymen song?
Oh, I like the song, I Was a Highwayman, you know.
Oh, yeah.
The Jimmy Webb song.
I like that one a lot.
In fact, change that.
Let's go out with I Was A Highwayman.
I love that one.
But we're not going out yet, Willie, and I know you're really busy.
You've given us an hour on the show ends.
I'd like to talk to you just for a moment or two about some other things.
We know we're going into serious times with the economy.
The big central banks, I have their documents.
I interviewed Joseph Stiklitz, their former chief economist, who quit when he found out in 2002 they were planning to organize this.
They issued all this liquidity, gave everybody credit.
Now they're pulling back that credit.
They're saying it's the greatest threat since the Great Depression.
With that said, you were born during all of that.
Where do you see this going?
I guess the worst case scenario would be if we all had to go back to the way we grew up and grow our own food in our own gardens in the backyard or in our pot plants or whatever.
And it's something we can do.
In fact, all over Houston, New York and cities now, people are using vacant lots and rooftops to grow, starting to grow their own vegetables.
And I think the way things are going, we all should be thinking about how can we sustain ourselves.
If gasoline is too expensive, or if there is no more, or if the roads get cut off, there's the weather problems that we've had, and from all indications, those things are going to get worse.
Are you familiar with the Mayan calendar, by the way?
I am, and it's clear we're going to have to do a part two, if you'll do it, in the next six months or so.
Yeah, I'd love to do that.
We could talk about all those things, but it's obvious that the weather patterns are getting more severe.
Well, look at the tsunamis.
I mean, in the last seven years, they've had more global disasters with more numbers killed than the last 30 years before it.
Yeah, and I do believe that the weather is going to be giving us more problems than anything else.
It's going to affect us every way possible.
So we all may have to go back to the self-sustainment of growing our own food and trying to find our own water.
Well, I think that's the solution, is getting back to the earth, unplugging from the television, loving our families.
I think that's how we beat the New World Order, Willie Nelson.
Oh, you do?
I do.
That's the way we do it.
And it's the act of God that's causing us to do it.
It may be weather patterns that make us have to do it.
But it's, again, unfortunately we're not in control.
There's somebody up there taking care of us, and they'll make us go back to doing what we need to be doing.
Yeah, I see people who are bored, depressed, these yuppies with all this money, they're unhappy.
How could they be unhappy?
We're on a spaceship flying around the sun at thousands of miles an hour in the middle of the cosmos.
We live on this beautiful planet.
I get the idea that Willie Nelson never gets bored, that you love life.
Oh, I have a good time all the time.
I try to.
Where is your tour going next?
If you're in Tucson now, where are you playing next?
We play Tucson.
We play here the next couple of nights at a casino and then we go into San Luis Obispo, California, Reno, Monterey, Santa Rosa, Los Angeles, Indio, Flagstaff, Farmington.
Willie Nelson, we're out of time.
This has been the most amazing interview I have ever done.
I've interviewed so many great people, and I just want to thank you for spending this amazing time with us, sir.
I feel like, at a certain level, we're kindred spirits, and I just, I love you.
Well, you too, Alex.
I admire what you're doing.
You've got a lot of guts, and just keep doing it, buddy.
Well, I guess we're all highwaymen in the end, and we'll turn back around, fly that starship across the universe to divide.
That's it.
Alright, Willie, we're gonna roll this song out, and I'll talk to you in just one moment, then I'll let you go.
Please stay right there.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll have a report on this at PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
I was a sailor.
I was born upon the tide.
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