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Name: 20080125_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 25, 2008
2175 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he first went public in the middle of last year, on cover of Rolling Stone.
Concerning his father, E. Howard Hunt, the Spymaster, Spy Chief, Head of Western Hemisphere CIA Intelligence, CIA Section Chief.
He ran the overthrow of Third World Nation after Third World Nation.
He's going to be popping in for the full third hour today from his home in Northern California.
Somebody I can say is my good friend, really classy guy, getting to meet him in person and spend three days with him, St.
John Hunt.
To get into all the latest JFK assassination revelations and a lot of other issues concerning that that he's never gotten into on air before.
So, St.
John Hunt coming up today in the third hour.
In the meantime, we're going to have open phones and we're of course going to get into what's happening with the economy, the Ron Paul campaign, the debate last night, and a lot more.
We timed it out.
Ron Paul got a third of the time that the other candidates got.
They cheated him there publicly, and they asked him half the questions.
We have it all broken down here at PrisonPlanet.com.
When he wins second place in Nevada, they say that McCain got it, posted on television, and nationwide announced that McCain was second place, and don't even show Ron Paul a third place.
Just open fraud, open lying, open cheating.
When he won second place in Louisiana, a lot of delegates there, a very populated state, you heard nothing, I mean nothing in the national news about it.
Ron Paul is gaining steam, gaining momentum, going into Super Tuesday, and if they gave him fair time in the debate, if they pointed out that he was getting second place, they're still giving Giuliani, who's getting fourth, fifth place everywhere.
He's now dropped to 3rd and 4th place, depending on the poll, with Ron Paul 2nd or 3rd place in Florida.
But again, that's back of the paper, or it'll be mixed into a report about polls, or Paul isn't even mentioned.
It'll say who's got 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, but it won't mention Ron Paul.
You are seeing history here, ladies and gentlemen.
Organized fraud, lying by omission, going on on a mass scale.
Coming up in the next segment, we'll play the seven minutes that Ron Paul was able to squeeze in, in a two-hour debate.
So let me see, you've got five people on the stage now, down from nine previously.
Thompson dropping out.
Paul's been beating him in state after state.
And McCain can't get any money.
Huckleberry, as he's being called, can't get any money.
Ron Paul just raised $2 million this week in one day.
He's beating the other Republicans' hands down, unless you talk about Mitt Romney, who's a billionaire, spending his own cash yolo, kind of like Ross Perot.
So anyway you cut it, he's the contender, he's the guy that can beat Hillary, he's the guy that can get the anti-war votes, the Libertarian votes, the Second Amendment votes, the pro-life votes.
He is the zeitgeist candidate.
He is the popular candidate.
On every poll, he's got the popular position, and it just so happens the people like what's constitutional.
They like what follows the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.
But the fix is in, it looks like.
They're just going to continue to ignore him.
He could probably win a state, and then it could be a major state, and they wouldn't talk about it.
It's a big deal he's winning second place repeatedly.
It's a big deal in other states where he should have gotten third place.
He's been cheated and given fourth or fifth.
Hands down, clear evidence of fraud.
We see fraud now coming out in South Carolina.
Fraud coming out in other states.
But it's in local papers, but never national news.
And even people in the truth movement, alternative media movement, liberty movement, we get desensitized to the corruption and go, yeah, it got stolen from him in this state or that state.
We just hardly even talk about it ourselves.
We just become accepting of it.
We cannot allow that to happen.
But today we're also going to briefly talk about brokered convention a little bit.
We'll discuss that some, too, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
Stay with me.
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It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by power.
It's known as the Bilderberg.
Wasn't their objective being world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You have been warned.
I'm good.
We're good to go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Friday.
Very busy weekend coming up.
I was told I was going to be in studio with George Norrie for three hours tonight.
That's up on the Coast to Coast AM dot com website.
But then they called me last night and said, can I be there at the first hour?
And I don't know exactly why they want me there during the first hour, but it looks like I may be on for all four hours or part of the first hour and the last three hours.
I love the show.
I love George Norrie and the way he's helped us break out this information to an even larger audience.
And so I will be there this evening, certainly from 1 to 4 a.m.
Central Standard Time, I guess Pacific.
That is 11 until 2.
But I may even be on 10 to 2 Pacific.
Just tune in tonight on your local station.
It's on 550 plus stations.
And put out worldwide, of course, on XM and Sirius.
And the rest of it.
And then I've been invited to TalkFest here in Austin, Texas tomorrow, which of course goes out on KLBJ 590, one of my affiliates, and of course George's affiliate, here in Central Texas.
And people are asking me, well, how long are you going to be there?
When are you going to be on stage?
Look, I don't know.
I've been invited to two other TalkFests that George has attended here in Austin.
I've been invited by others to other TalkFests he's attending, but I've turned those down in other states just because I don't travel a lot.
But one time I was there and I was on stage for 20 minutes.
Another time I was on stage the entire hour and a half that he was on stage.
I think he gets on stage at noon, but you can go to KLBJ.com.
590.com and look at the whole itinerary and where the convention center is if you want to come to that.
But I will be there, wandering about for at least a few hours tomorrow with a video camera, getting interviews, talking to people, multitasking, so we can come back and post that for the folks at PrisonPlanet.tv, like we did the last two years, running that they had TalkFest.
So that is coming up.
Other than that, let's just get into the campaign right now.
John, let's roll that Ron Paul compilation.
This is all the time he got in a two-hour debate with five people.
In a two-hour debate with five people, he got seven and a half minutes.
Now, you do the math.
What percentage did he get?
We're going to break down the math, but he got asked half the questions and got one-third the time of the other individuals.
So let's go ahead and roll that.
Congressman Paul, please take 30 seconds of your own.
Well, you know, I think that we can't run on that program.
I think what we have to run on is an old-fashioned Republican program.
I can't be identified with this.
I'm known as the taxpayer's best friend.
I've never voted for a tax increase, and I voted for the least amount of spending.
So I'm not part of that crowd.
But what we need to do is reinstate Republican principles, then we could run on it.
But we have drifted a long way from that.
And that is because of all these programs.
But there was never my participation in this.
I was waving a flag the whole time saying, slow up, slow up.
This isn't going well.
We're at the verge of bankruptcy.
And here we are.
Congressman Paul, was the war a good idea, worth the blood and treasure that we've spent?
We're not.
It was a very bad idea and it wasn't worth it.
The Al-Qaeda wasn't there then, they're there now.
There were no weapons of mass destruction, had nothing to do with 9-11, there was no aggression.
This decision on policy was made in 1998 under the previous administration because they called for Congressman Paul, a question for one of your colleagues on stage.
My question is for Senator McCain.
This is an economic question that I want to ask.
It has to do with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets.
I'd like to know what your opinion is of this and whether you would keep it in place, what their role would be, if you or you would get rid of this group.
If you kept the group, would you make sure we would see some sunlight and know what they're doing and how they're being involved in our markets?
Well, obviously, we'd like to see more sunshine.
But I, as President, as every other President, rely primarily on my Secretary of the Treasury, on my Council of Economic Advisers,
The head of that, I would rely on a circle that I had developed over many years of people like Jack Kemp, Phil Graham, Warren Rudman, Pete Peterson and the Concord Group.
I have a process of leadership, Ron.
That is sort of an inclusive one that I have developed a circle of acquaintances and people that are supporters and friends of mine who I have worked with for many, many years.
You remember back in 1982 when Phil Graham and Warren Rudman and Graham Latta and all of those people got the first real tax cuts done, the first real restraints on taxes.
I was there.
You were there.
I rely on those people to a much larger degree than any, quote, formal organization, although the Secretary of Treasury is obviously one of the key and important posts that I'm in.
Senator, thank you.
Governor Huckabee.
Dr. Paul, Congressman Paul, I'd like to talk about Social Security.
The last time you ran for President and the Libertarian Party candidate, you filled out a questionnaire asking about Social Security and you said, quote, abolish it.
There are 3.5 million people in Florida who rely on social security payments.
Are you still in favor of abolishing social security?
Yes, but not overnight.
As a matter of fact, my program is the only one that is going to be able to take care of the elderly.
I'd like to get the young people out of it.
Just in the next generation, because there's no money there.
And they're going to have to pay 50 years and they're not going to get any.
There's no money there.
Now I'm saying I'd take care of all the elderly, all those who are dependent, but I would save them money from this wild spending overseas.
We could save hundreds of billions of dollars and still take care of the elderly.
Right now, they're getting behind because they're having a 10 to 12 percent inflation rate and we give them a 2 percent increase.
So they're really hurting.
I don't want taxes on the social security benefits that they receive.
I have a bill in that would secure the trust fund where none of that money could be spent in the general revenues.
So in many ways, though, the goal would be to get us out of this program that is a failure.
It doesn't work.
And it's going to bankrupt this country, that the only way you can do that is save enough money, tide the people over, let the young people get out.
Because they're going to be paying all these years and they're not going to get anything.
So ironically, I who defend the position that, you know, the federal government probably should have never been involved, I probably have the only program that would really help the elderly, because the way we're going now, the money's not going to be there.
There's no way these cost of living increases are ever going to keep up
With their, you know, their benefits are never going to keep up with their cost of living.
They're decreasing.
I say my program has a better chance of helping them than any other one.
Congressman Paul, the other campaigns have said to you that their worry is that you won't stick to your party.
If you look at yourself and see yourself someday as unelectable, perhaps you would launch a third party movement and hurt the Republicans.
My biggest concern is they won't stick to the party principles that Republicans stood for for so long.
And, you know, being conservative and balanced budgets and limited government and individual freedom.
No, I have no intention of going into another party.
I've been elected ten times as a Republican.
I was from a Republican family.
No, I don't plan to do that.
I wish they would worry about it, you know, just in case.
No, I have no intention of doing that, but it might keep them on their toes.
But no, I just think that the Republican Party has a problem because we don't act like Republicans.
And we talked about this earlier, you know, that we're spending money that we don't have.
We've run up these deficits.
We instead of, you know, in the old days, we used to be against the Department of Education.
Now we've doubled the size of it.
No child left behind.
Even the Democrats are running against some of the things that we do.
And they used to love that kind of stuff.
And it used to be that we used to stop the wars.
We stopped the Korean War.
We were supposed to stop the Vietnam War that Democrats started.
And here we're starting these wars.
So that's why we've lost our way.
So I don't think it's a matter of me leaving the Republican Party.
If they would look toward what we're doing and the number of people who want to come into the party, they shouldn't be obstructing us.
They should welcome.
The party's getting smaller.
Yet they say, oh, you're too strict on the Constitution.
Why shouldn't us
So there you have it.
I mean, Ron Paul absolutely cheated on time.
Let's go over this report starting now and into the next segment.
Ron Paul shunned, in blatantly unfair MSNBC debate, congressmen given less than a third of the time afforded to Romney half the questions.
According to those that recorded the time afforded to each Republican candidate during last night's MSNBC debate in Florida, Congressman Ron Paul was given the least coverage, being allowed to talk for less than a third of the time, and receiving less than half the questions compared with Mitt Romney and others.
Here are the final speaking times as compared to the Connie Talk blog.
And I went and checked these.
They have video clips.
You can see it all.
Romney got 21 minutes, 11 seconds, 12 answers, and asked one question himself.
McCain was given 16 minutes, 12 answers, and asked one question.
Giuliani, 13 minutes and 50 seconds, 10 answers, and asked one question.
Huckabee, 12 minutes and 11 seconds, 8 answers, and asked one question.
And I'm sorry, earlier I was going from memory.
He got less time than I said.
I said, Ron Paul got seven and a half.
I'm sorry.
Six and a half minutes, 31 seconds, five answers, and asked one question.
So less than half questions that the others got, and less than half the minutes that Huckabee got, and less than a third of the time that Mitt Romney got.
So there you have it.
Six and a half minutes.
Romney gets 21, McCain 16.
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You know, last night I was just thinking about the innocence, the innocence of children, the innocence of old people, just the innocence of the average
person out there, even people who think they're worldly, have no idea about the true nature of the world.
I was thinking about how growing up the culture, the dominant corporate media culture, told me and many others that, you know, being worldly and partying and sex and things like that were cool and fun.
And luckily I never got too worldly and got out all of that by the time I was in college.
But now I realize that life is such a beautiful thing, the family is such a beautiful thing, women are such incredibly magical and important creatures, men are as well, and that all of this degrades us, and instead of opening up our horizons, it actually narrows them, and blunts them, and in time, destroys.
What it truly is to be a human being and to be a good person.
They've somehow sold us that evil is cool and good is corny and silly and backwards and bad.
Goodness creates plenty.
Goodness creates blessing.
Goodness creates stability and security and happiness.
Freedom and justice and honor have been rare things throughout history.
Bondage and humiliation and domination and pain has been the norm.
You know, I keep talking about this because I see it in the world routinely, but as I said, I was talking to a friend last week, last, what, Tuesday or Wednesday, and she talked about how her sister is a prosecutor in Fort Worth and she was talking to her about a documentary
I forget the name, but I've read the synopsis.
I've seen clips on YouTube.
It's a two-hour award-winning film about the toxic waste in China, the dust clouds of poison, all of the incredible deformities and brain damage in children and poisoning.
And she was telling her sister about it, and her sister just said, so what?
How does that affect me?
It doesn't matter.
I'm doing quite well.
And it's how they just, they don't just say, I don't care, or okay, that's too bad, and then do nothing.
They just say, so what?
And our enemies, a lot of them aren't even consciously evil.
They don't realize they're evil.
They don't realize that they have become evil.
It happens in a process, and before you know it, in many cases they're too far gone to ever turn back.
And it is a willful worship of self.
And then really, evil then flows out of that.
Because then you don't care about your community, you don't care about your own family,
You will do anything.
You will compromise anything.
You won't even think about compromising.
After a while, you keep compromising.
Pretty soon, it's just a daily occurrence.
I'm going to come back, get more into Ron Paul and the long segments, get into the economy, and of course, take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
I don't really brag about my exploits and the things I've been able to do because most of it's been
You know, I've had the initiative, but most of it's happened because you've taken action, and you've spoken out, and you've done valiant things, and I commend all of you, the listeners of this broadcast, and I love you, and I'm honored to be counted among your number.
I want you to know that.
But, you know, I think about how I've never compromised.
I think about how I've never compromised what I believe.
I've never compromised what I know to be the truth.
I've never compromised information.
That I've been able to document for myself.
Ten, twelve years ago, I might have cared what people thought, but I forced myself through it.
I forced myself to say things that were unpopular, that were painful to others, because I knew that justice be done, may the heavens fall.
But after you don't compromise, and don't submit, and don't sell out, hundreds and hundreds of times, then it becomes second nature.
Then you don't even have to think about it anymore.
So I really want to talk about that when we get back on the other side and the danger of compromising.
The danger of mediating your stance in anything.
The danger in by increments, by degrees, compromising who you are.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are prisonquanta.tv and jonesreport.com.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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So many people are bored.
They're not happy.
They feel inadequate.
They think if they just had more baubles and more symbols of power that they would somehow then be fulfilled.
And then you attain those baubles and find out they meant nothing, but you think, oh, maybe if I get more, then I'll be happy.
That is not the case, and we are a society sick with greed, sick with envy, sick with avarice.
Even if you're not a wicked person, when people respond to you that way over and over again, it tends to make you respond in kind.
We have to keep ourselves from doing that.
And I'm not here on a high horse preaching.
I do it as well.
But I can certainly say what is important and what is most valuable.
And I'll just say this to people in the movement, people in the Liberty Movement, the Freedom Movement, the Awakening Movement, whatever you want to call it.
A lot of you email me and write me or call me and say, why don't you try to be calmer about your presentation?
Why don't you try to ease people in and not be so extreme?
That'll wake them up.
And I have to say, different strokes for different folks, whatever floats your boat as they say, but in my experience, that is not what has been most effective.
In this age of incredible apathy, of amazing cynicism,
Where people are so cynical it just boggles the mind that you've got to hit them upside the head with an intellectual two-by-four, like Saul of Tarsus being knocked off his horse on the road to Damascus, to really get a change.
Or to break through the Berlin Wall of all the alternative media, mainstream media, corporate media, chatter and culture, and the thousand times a thousand channels of radio, TV, Internet, YouTube, all these different voices,
Much of it spewing baloney or half-truths.
You've got to be forceful to break through that.
And to get people's attention.
Now, I came to this organically.
I didn't develop some plan to effect change and reach out to people.
I personally was upset.
I personally had indignation.
I personally had a fire in the belly to reach out to people.
And hence, it was very, very effective.
At least in my own limited sphere.
One person tipping the dominoes, having a huge chain reaction because you agreed, you took action, because many of you educated me.
And it really is a circle connected into a circle, infinity.
It just continues on forever.
All right, I want to get into the financial news.
I want to talk to Blake, Buck, Jay, Monty, Kevin, and others here momentarily.
For those who just joined us, I do want to remind you to tune in tonight across the country on your favorite AM or FM station or on the internet at www.CoastToCoastAM.com.
We'll have links to all that on www.PrisonPlanet.com and www.InfoWars.com.
I'm going to be on for three hours at least.
They're saying maybe longer on www.CoastToCoastAM.
Coming up this evening live from Austin, Texas.
Then I'll be on stage with George for at least part of the time tomorrow at Austin Talk Fest at the Austin Convention Center.
You can find maps and details for all of that at 590klbj.com.
Okay, on the economy, gold broke $8.20 today, and it's been gyrating between the last couple hours
As central banks make gold sales amongst themselves at devalued prices, they've been caught in court doing this as an attempt to drive it down.
It's been going down between $9.10 and $9.20, back and forth, seesawing.
In fact, let me just tell you right now where it stands.
Right now it is at, let me hit refresh to give you the latest number, it was $9.12.20.
Now it's 9.12.80, just in 30 seconds it changed to 9.12.80 going back up right now towards the 9.20 mark.
Broke its all-time record again just a few hours ago, despite the fact that the central banks are trying to depress gold prices and the inflationary nature, not just the dollar, but global currencies as a whole, is driving it up on a planetary scale.
Also, Reuters is reporting that the largest platinum mine in the world, also owned by the largest mining company in the world, Anglo Platinum, that trades under AMSJJ, they've announced
Let me just read you this Reuters report.
Supply fears.
This is out of New York.
Supply fears due to suspended mine production and top precious metals producer, South African, drove U.S.
platinum and gold futures for record highs on Friday.
The world's biggest platinum producer, Anglo Platinum, and top gold miners, Anglo Gold Fields and Harmony Gold Fields,
After they were informed by state-owned power utility that it could not guarantee power supply to their operations.
And it goes on to say the NYMEX Platinum Group Metals floor trader said that the latest work stoppage
And possible future strikes in South African mines could lead to a major shortfall in platinum supplies, which is a bullish sign for prices.
That, by the way, is an industrial metal, more so used in computer chip manufacture and a lot of other fine machine tool manufacture.
And, of course, that means across the metals into palladium, into titanium,
Also going up, we still look good and just like gold, it looks like we are still going to go much higher.
At 10.45 Eastern Standard Time, the active New York MEX Platinum contract for April delivery spiked to 69.20 or 4.3% to 1,682 an ounce on Platinum, which marked the biggest one-day percentage gain since August in early electronic
Sessions has scaled a contract high of $1,694.90.
Mine supply of platinum has been beset with supply problems due largely to mine closures and industrial action resulting from accidents.
You can talk global producer South Africa.
They're having a bunch of riots and of course protests and demonstrations and ongoing strikes.
But that's a small kind of camel
I think it's backbroken by another piece of straw.
The main thing is dollar devaluation driving that up.
As more people move into metals as a hedge against inflation and recession and depression.
In other financial news, Sock Gin raises questions over Fed rate cut.
This is out of the Financial Times of London today.
I call it the paper of record.
That doesn't mean that they don't engage in spin.
How many years have I been predicting that as things began to cascade downward, they're going to blame any actions of the Fed or other central banks?
Always on a rogue trader, because I've seen this in Asia, I've seen this in Latin America, Africa, Central Europe, Europe, the United States, they do it over and over again for over a hundred years.
They always blame it on one individual.
And we've been seeing this the last few months, it's kind of like they blame Martha Stewart.
Previously for Imran and things.
Oh, and she's the corporate scapegoat because she sold some of her stock thinking it was going to go down with insider info.
I mean, that's nothing compared to what the Federal Reserve does daily.
She's the equivalent of a flea in the New World Order.
She's the equivalent in size and scope of fraud to an African great elephant bull running across the savannah.
SocGen raises questions over Fed rate cut.
The Federal Reserve has no inkling about, and I can't speak French, so please don't kill me, Socraty General's fire sale of stock futures following the discovery
A rogue trader, when the U.S.
Central Bank made its emergency interest rate cut.
The question being asked by some in the markets is, was the Fed duped into a clumsy and panicked move by the clean-up operation for Jerome Crebel's mammoth losses for the French bank?
There are many prepared to believe that, without SotGen's huge derivative sales, the mood in the stock market would not have been half as bleak.
It is now clear that the Fed was panicked into a 75 basis point cut by the actions of a rogue trader.
And the bank's unwinding of his position said one London-based hedge fund manager the action also clearly suggests that their French and ECB
The European Central Bank counterparts did not tell them what had happened at Sochien.
Others point to circumstantial evidence to show that the market route was well underway and being fueled by entirely different means.
Of course it was.
But they still put this out.
And if it ever really does completely take overnight, instead of that long, slow walk into darkness, into the freezing cold, the long winter, they'll blame it on some guy in Malaysia, or some cow kicked over a
There's another level of disinformation being put out too.
Europe is running around and the big central bank heads are running around.
The IMF and World Bank are putting out press releases and the Davos Economic Forum is up there muttering in front of the media.
Acting like they set policy, not like Bilderberg and others already set it, and many Bilderberg group members are there, and then they parrot it and patty-cake back and forth after they've already had a dress rehearsal.
They then publicly put out the laundered, spun, repackaged program for the year, economically, is what happens there.
By the way, National French Television has a good report up on
PrisonPlanet.com, we have it posted there.
My wife speaks fluent French.
Steve did a good job, by the way.
Steve, we didn't think you had good French, you said, but they said that Davos was a front for what was already decided at Bilderberg and Trilateral, and she went and watched it this morning and said, your French was correct, Steve.
Steve's had a long-time French girlfriend.
He doesn't have French to be able to decipher the TV program, but you were right, Steve.
My wife says it's exactly as you say it was.
So, that's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
We're not going to air it here, though, because we do have a French audience, but it's small compared to our English speakers.
The Anglophiles, the people, the globe that speak Imperial, that's what it is.
But I digress into the linguistic habits of the planetary system.
But gold and platinum hit records as dollar weakens jitters linger and
So we're now hearing that it's the evil Federal Reserve, and they're rogue, and America's bad, we launch the wars, we torture people, we're evil, we're causing the global problem, we're causing the global meltdown, the U.S.
is operating on its own, there's a big fissure in the New World Order.
Now we see some signs of that, but when you actually study the junctures between the European financial oligarchy and the Anglo-American-British-U.S.
crime axis, the dominant wealth is held in England and the U.S., but we're talking maybe a little over 51%.
Europe, I mean, they're all intermarried.
It's the same families.
It's like a family fighting with each other.
And again, we can't pierce through all their veils and know exactly what's being debated or what's being discussed.
But overall, it's all interlocking.
So I really don't buy that the fissure is that big.
And this is just more of demonizing the U.S.
kind of as the new Soviet Union.
But it is true that the U.S.
going down the tubes, the proverbial tubes, is going to drag Europe down.
Years ago I saw snickering and giggling at dollar devaluation by Frenchies and Brits and the Germans and the Swiss and others and the Russians and everybody else.
It's not funny!
The same people shearing us are going to shear you
And I assure you that this is going to affect you, and it is now affecting you.
In your jobs, in your industry, in your trade, and in the very value of your currency.
Your currency is starting to slip.
Now the dollar is sinking faster, but yours is now sinking along with it.
And your real estate is starting to sink.
So this is going to be a global shearing to the bone.
In more financial news, the London Telegraph, perennial
Kerry and Byrd vulture.
George Soros posing as a liberal.
Dollars golden era is ending warns Soros.
He's been saying that for 20 years.
The billionaire investor famous for breaking the Bank of England in the 1990s has warned that Britain is headed for recession.
George Soros said that a recession in both the United States and Britain will be very difficult to avoid.
He was speaking on the fringes of the World Economic Forum Summit in Davos, Switzerland, where many of the world's top politicians and businessmen are meeting.
The warning is significant, since although many of the major investment banks now agree that the U.S.
is set to suffer a recession, most economists predict that Britain's fortunes will be far better.
Oh, they'll just have a horrible recession.
We'll have a depression.
You mean that?
His warning came less than 24 hours after the U.S.
Federal Reserve used an emergency three-quarter percentage point rate cut in interest rates to try to prevent the world's biggest economy slumping dramatically.
It will also fuel speculation that Mr. Soros has been betting against the pound in recent months.
Sterling has fallen dramatically since late last year.
As we told you it would.
As I told Watson it would.
With the housing market slowing fast as the Bank of Britannia began to force a move towards a cut in interest rates.
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Blake, you're on the air.
Where are you calling from today?
From uh, Shreveport, Louisiana.
Ah, where Ron Paul got second place and the media didn't talk about it.
My question for you, I know you had Naomi Wolf on your show.
Yeah, I had her on twice.
Yeah, I've been listening to her a lot lately, and what she's saying about these 10 steps that a failing democracy goes through, and what a would-be despot is setting himself up for.
Yeah, the 10 steps to fascism.
Right, right.
And all these actions that Bush has taken.
Do you really think that there's going to be a false flag event that could suspend the 2008 election?
I think it's in the cards.
I don't know if they're going to play it.
You know, that's my biggest fear.
I really believe that he's going to, you know, pull this and he's just going to become a dictator.
Well, it's bigger than Bush and that that will happen is lessening and lessening, though they need it.
So it's still on the cards.
They can play that card.
I don't know what they're going to do.
But because he's been so discredited, it's more likely that a Hillary will come in and then nukes will go off or something.
I see.
You see, because they're just minions.
They're front people.
They work for the big international crime college.
I'm just, uh, you know, really afraid of martial law being instated.
Be afraid that you don't want everybody around you and create a huge buzz.
And that's what gets the buzz going is you, the individuals out there, in your quadrant of the info war, uh, waking people up.
Uh, the more we spread the word, the least likely they are to do it.
Thank you, Blake.
I appreciate your call.
Buck in Texas, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hi, Buck.
Don't worry, us Texans are never really supposed to speak French anyway, so... Did you get a chance to watch the debate last night, or are you just reporting what somebody else wrote?
No, let me be clear.
I watched about an hour of it this morning.
Did you mention the MSNBC text poll that they had?
Well, yes, I did see that there was discrepancies, that they reported one thing on the morning, Joe, this morning, and something else last night.
I have that in my stories.
Last night, they reported to start with, when they first came out with it, they made a real big deal, you know, through the whole debate.
Tell us about it.
Call in, here's the text number for so-and-so and so-and-so.
At the end of the debate,
Uh, Tim Russert, like, his eyeballs, like, popped out of his eyes because he obviously just saw it for himself the very first time.
He reported that Romney took first place with 41%.
Dr. Paul took second place with 40%.
So first place was only led 1%.
I want to hear more about this from you on the other side, Buck.
Stay there.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into the second hour.
New revelations, breaking info with St.
John Hunt.
Coming up, it is the 25th day of January 2008.
Continuing with your phone calls, got Buck in Texas called in about
Something that I did read about this morning.
I didn't watch the end of the debate this morning.
That's the great part about YouTube and Google.
So I can watch when I want, kind of, you know, when I want.
It's like a TiVo.
I don't even have to remember to TiVo.
Everybody else, you know, takes anything that's prominent and saves it, and I can find it.
We have it posted up on PrisonPlanet.com.
But I saw reports about how, I have it here in the stack, about how last night Ron Paul got second place, met Romney, and I got first place by one point.
Romney 41, Paul 40.
And that by this morning, on the morning show, that on MSNBC with Scarborough, Joe Scarborough, they were reporting something different.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, I didn't really get a chance to write them down after that.
I had put down my pen and when they flashed it up there, it was kind of a surprise.
I was picking along with Weldon's record last night.
So I did notice one other thing, though, that
Dr. Paul, out of the five questions that he was asked, two of those questions got raving loud applause from the audience.
And I believe, if I'm not mistaken, he was the only one on there that got applause after he answered questions.
Out of only five, two of them got applause.
And then after it was over, they talked about the debate
With various people, oh, Pat Robertson, not Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan was on there, they had other analysts on there, they had a Democratic representative named Debbie Schultz from Florida on, and she had the audacity to sit there on the television and say, no one on the stage had a good plan to fix the economy in this country.
Amazing, I appreciate your call.
We'll continue after the break to get people's take on the debate.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Now, Jay in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Alex, I wanted to just sort of concur with Mr. Gatto the other day and with Charlotte Iservit yesterday.
I've come across some really interesting facts and quotes myself.
I don't know if that's appropriate for today's show, but... No, no, that's fine.
For those that just joined us, a guy on YouTube two days ago said that I... said George Bush was an alien and I believe that space aliens were invading.
I don't talk about that.
It's not true.
And I was using him as a moron case point.
People got mad that I gave him so much attention.
Who cares?
It was an illustration.
And then he went on to say that we were making up quotes and didn't give sources where they say the family's a disease, belongs to the prehistoric age, needs to be eradicated.
So I think Charlotte with footnotes gave like 10 different textbooks and quotes.
We then dug up even more.
Folks in the Prison Planet message board found a bunch.
Everybody that finds them, email them.
Yeah, if you look at Horace Mann, the father of American public education,
Of course, man said in his life and works that, quote, the successive generations of men taken collectively constitute one great commonwealth.
So right there, you know, global government is the goal.
And then he goes on to say that the state is the true property holder of all children.
Not the family.
In fact, he says that the Massachusetts government is the parent.
Yeah, they all say it.
Stay there.
When we come back, I'm going to pop in with some financial news, and I'm going to go right back to you.
I want more of those quotes.
Yeah, there's so many.
It's a great work just to try to put them all together.
I mean, this is it.
The family's bad, the state owns your children, and they're going to force drug them and give them fluoride to make them dumb so they're easily controlled.
It's all stated publicly.
And people that say we're lying, you know, they just can't handle the truth.
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Gold has gone back and forth to its all-time high of $9.10 today.
$9.20, excuse me, $920 plus back down to $9.10.
Back up to $9.12.
It's just going, but bottom line, the trend is upward, ladies and gentlemen.
Now gold, platinum and other futures, that's what it's going to be in the next few weeks, next few months, depending on the future report you look at, shows it's only trending upwards even on supply fears and supply breakdowns in the main mineral producing center and metals producing area of South Africa.
And we have George Soros coming out saying, Dollar's golden error is ending Warren Soros' London Telegraph.
And now with the new interest rate 75% basis point cut, they're talking about another half a point cut, 50 basis points, maybe an entire basis point, another 75 basis points if they do that.
I mean, this is just incredible.
That's why Ron Paul and Jim Cramer are calling for investigations, because this will create the illusion of wealth in the stock market, but will gut the dollar, further gut the economy.
Now, I'm just going to spend a few minutes on this, then we're going to go right back to Jay, who was talking about government documents and top educators talking about the family being the enemy of the state.
Then we're going to go to Monty, Kevin, Dino, Joe, and others, continuing with calls throughout this hour.
But right now, I want to get Ted Anderson to pop back in.
Ted, you've been in gold and silver brokerage for 20-plus years.
You own this network.
You have got a deal you've been offering this week, but today you were telling me this morning is the last day because you're going to be sold out soon on the three different gold coins you have.
And at the silver you secured at the lower price, it's going to be going up because you're having to make purchases now, today.
And even if gold goes down for a time, that'll be the price you have.
It looks like it's only going up.
So you have really good prices on gold from, what, two weeks ago.
So that people can just get amazing deals right now.
Just briefly, Ted, with the economic outlook continuing in the same direction, any other analysis on what we're witnessing and then tell folks about the offer.
Well, you know, I think the handwriting's on the wall.
It's just, you know, the drop in the interest rates is just another nail in the coffin for the United States dollar.
I was real surprised to see that.
You know, it makes it good to get a new mortgage, and maybe that's the thing to do right now.
But I tell you, the value of the United States dollar is going to be dumping, dumping fast, just like George Soros said.
And this guy has a lot of market influence.
He's not a dummy.
Boy, if people just... Well, he manipulates the market.
Well, that's right.
He does an awful lot of manipulation.
He's wanted for arrest in quite a few countries.
He's got his fingers in too many things and he should be arrested.
But that's beside the point.
He's got too much power.
But him to come out and announce this obviously is just another nail in the coffin as well.
Are you right about that gold is up over it's almost up $40 since I secured these prices so The prices on these things are going to go up.
There's no question about it What I have available are the British sovereign coin at two hundred and forty five dollars each That coin is going to be up in the 250s 260s.
I've got the commemorative five dollar gold pieces.
They're at three hundred and twenty seven dollars each and
That coin will be well into the 340s.
I have Swiss francs and French francs and the Belgians.
They're at 196.
That coin is going to be going into the 200s.
And then there's silver dollar rolls at $400 per roll.
Silver has gone up over a buck.
So that'll put that up about $420 per roll.
So right now, yes indeed, this is a good time to be getting into the metals market and a good price to get in.
We secured the position on this last correction.
The handwriting was on the wall.
It was obvious to us that we had to do that.
And we're passing on the savings to our customers and obviously anything that goes into this goes to support this particular show on the network and getting the Ron Paul Air Corps out there and anything we can do to try to correct the problems we have here in the United States.
Again, tell folks about the three coins, the gold coins and the silver.
Well, again, it's a British Sovereign coin.
It's $245.
That's a quarter ounce gold coin.
Then we also have the $5 gold piece at $327.
That's the quarter ounce gold coin, the commemorative that comes out of the United States Mint.
Very private coin, something you can keep even in the worst of times if there was a gold confiscation.
Then we have the French Franc, which is a one-fifth ounce gold coin.
I think?
We're good to go.
Yeah, we can do it this weekend.
We'll hold it till Monday for you.
The markets should be stable enough where I can do that.
So yeah, just go ahead and call 1-800-686-2237.
I know that I have brokers here, even on Sunday, which is, you know, because the market is so hot, there's so many people that want to get in and, you know, they got to get their work done.
And so they're coming in on Sunday.
Now again, if they call and don't say it's an Alex Jones special, it's going to be a little bit more.
This is a locked in special.
Tell them it's an Alex Jones special that Ted Anderson sent you.
And this only goes until Monday morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Ted, I know you've got brokers there at night until about 11.30 central and you've got to come and lock the place up and make sure the vault's closed.
But how late will they be there on Saturday and Sunday?
Saturday and Sunday, I'm assuming that you'll probably catch somebody on up till about 5 o'clock.
If you don't, just feel free to call back again or even leave a message and we'll get back to you right about this very same special and get you locked in on what you need to do.
Okay, this is it, folks, and it looks like it's only going to go up next week, so it's locked in now.
This is for two weeks ago.
I mean, even if he buys more gold next week, it's going to be at the price it is now.
Okay, so even if gold was to drop, it's going to be more than it is now.
This is a great deal, 800-686-2237.
Thank you, Ted.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
Again, that number, if you missed it, 1-800-686-2237.
Great offer, great deal.
We're offering it to you, believe me.
That's it.
Bargain Basement Fire Sale for our listeners.
The markup's literally like four or five dollars a coin.
I think it's more on that commemorative.
It costs more for Ted.
I happen to know what he's selling them for.
It's just literally to get you in the gold, to let you experience it.
It's literally just for customers.
It's like what stores have those things to get you in on something they don't even make money on.
That's what this is.
Okay, let's go back to Jay.
Jay, yesterday I had Charlotte Izderby on.
The day before that, John Hiller Gatto.
That day that I had Gatto on, a guy went on YouTube and said it was all lies.
I believe in space aliens.
I believe Bush is a space alien.
Totally made up.
We don't talk about those issues here.
He said Prison Planet writes articles about it, and then he said we're making it up that social worker organizations, the founders of modern education, said the family was the enemy.
He said social working didn't come out of England when the encyclopedia says it did, that it merged with the German-Austrian schools, also the Prussian school.
They had several different systems there.
And you were calling in with some quotes.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
No, that's absolutely absurd.
I mean, anybody who
begins to just surface-level read on this issue doesn't have to go very far.
The quote that I gave from Horace Mann was in the 1840s.
He published that in 1846.
And it's interesting, not too long after that, the Scottish Rite Journal of Freemasonry, previously titled The New Age Magazine, right around the turn of the century, published an article about American public schools in which it was stated that
There was a divine purpose behind the founding of public schools, and of course, these writers don't mean anything like Christian theism.
We know what the Masonic idea is, or at least most of us who listen to your show.
The divine reason for the founding of public schools, according to this article, is that it would pave the way for a new race, a new religion, and a new civilization.
Any mother, father, or guardian who tries to take away this freedom given by the state
Not by God, not by natural right, but infused through the state itself, somehow, would pave the way for, quote, the new age of the world.
And so, there are other quotes from Madame Blavatsky and other wicked people like that.
Yeah, and then they merge with all the eugenicists, and then it's the same writing, same idea, starting in the 1840s right through to today.
Especially, yeah, you mentioned the Germans.
George Herbert Mead and others, Mead gave the philosophy for this when he proposed that, following Marx actually, that consciousness is not something that arises from individual existence, but something that the state somehow gives.
The collective consciousness somehow infuses
Reality to it.
And they say that those that run the state are the new priests.
That's where Orwell, Eric Blair in 84... Auguste Comte said the exact same.
He is the father of sociology.
O'Brien is torturing him and he says, look, we're priests of power.
It's all about the state being God and we run the state, we are gods.
And isn't it also interesting that the founding of sociology in America, the real heartbeat of it, comes out of the University of Chicago, which is, of course, all Rockefeller-funded.
You're right.
Go back to the father of sociology, though, what he said.
Well, Auguste Comte himself said that we need a global civilization.
We need a global state religion in which the state educators and the government officials will become the high priests.
So we could have some kind of religion, but it has to be a state-funded state mandate.
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Let's jam in as many calls as we can.
Monte in California, you're on the air, welcome.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I wanted to kind of update you.
Just about an hour and a half ago, I caught a flash of that CNN poll.
There it is up on the screen right now.
Oh, they changed it.
Wait a minute.
That's not the same one.
They had Ron Paul as number one just a little while ago.
And he had 43%.
Well, he's gotten second place in two major states.
He got second place last night until the poll closed and magically it changed.
Oh, that's right.
So he's number one right now on the poll.
On the MSNBC poll, I guess you'd listen or you'd go online to the MSN website or something.
You'd see it.
But he's number one.
He's the first number one I've seen him get on mainstream media.
Well, no, no.
He's won all of the polls that are text message or IP address emails.
You can only vote once.
It's somewhat scientific.
It's the viewers.
He's won them all, but won Fox News when he was five points ahead in that one Fox News debate.
Then it closed, and then a few hours later, then Mitt Romney won, and Ron Paul lost by a couple points.
He's won every one of the polls but one.
Oh, okay.
Well, I hadn't seen him win the polls before like this.
Well, he wasn't winning this one and you're saying, but CNN, then you said MSNBC.
What are you watching?
I'm watching MSNBC where they had the debate last night.
And they did a call-in poll on your, I guess it was a cell phone.
Well, we need to get a blurb up on Prison Planet or Prison News.
Yeah, he's number one right now on MSNBC this morning.
So, he beat Mitt Romney even.
Last night he was second, right after the... Somebody needs to get a screenshot of that.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to let everybody know.
Monty, Monty, thank you for the call.
Very exciting.
Kevin in Boston, you're on the air, Kevin.
Hi, thank you for taking my call.
What I understand on what you were just talking about is that when the poll was in, they were showing it with him behind, but it wasn't the final tally, and then they didn't initially release the final score.
Um, which was because Paul was ahead, so they didn't want to publicize it.
But, not only that, you've said that Paul finished second in Louisiana, but from what I understand, there's some provisional ballots that are still being counted, and Ron Paul may in fact end up, he has a chance that he may win that.
He definitely would have won it outright if the other, both in Louisiana... I'll say this, the grassroots delegates are saying he was winning 4-1, so from the
Yeah, well, he was winning in Louisiana and in Wyoming, and what happened was all the other so-called GOP candidates pulled their support behind McCain because it became an anybody but Paul.
And let's not forget, he got second place in Nevada, and then the media wouldn't even report it.
If it becomes necessary, and let's keep working so that we win the GOP nomination outright, but if it becomes necessary, we can convince Ron Paul
Uh, to run as a third party because he can't allow the real GOP to be stolen by these neocons.
Well, you heard his answer last night.
He's starting to come closer to saying he'll run third party.
He's leaving that door more and more open.
And I'm telling you, well, I'm not going to tell you what I know, but just look, you don't have to cross your fingers.
Well, let's just give a shout out to all the anti-war Kucinich supporters and the conservative pro-Second Amendment Thompson supporters to come join us, unite or die.
The Constitution unites.
And you know, we're a movement.
It's bigger than Ron Paul.
It's going to be...
Uh... behind Ron Paul.
But if somehow they remove Ron Paul, we could have Rand Paul.
We could have somebody else to lead this movement.
It's the... Well, you need Ron Paul.
He's got the name recognition.
And you're right.
He's... No percentage points eight months ago.
Two percentage points six months ago.
Five percentage points four months ago.
Ten percentage points.
He's exponentially growing.
When you double, when you go from, you know, five to ten, and then you go up to twenty, I mean, he's... This is very, very exciting.
Let's talk to, uh...
Dino, and Dino, where are you calling us from?
Calling from Eugene, Oregon.
How are you, Alex?
Go ahead.
Good, sir.
You know, I just want to say, first of all, you're like the Dan Rather for our generation, or the Walter Conkright, and I just want to say you're doing a great job.
Anybody who criticizes you for advertising, my God, it's like the old radiolo advertising, where you actually talk about the products, and you don't just go to a commercial.
So I really appreciate you, but I also want to say,
That we can't give up on Ron Paul.
We, you know, a lot of people have gotten disappointed and kind of stopped tracking what's going on.
Not everyone, but we really need to stay behind him.
And we need to have a plan if they try to eliminate him.
Not assassination, but I'm talking about... He's gaining steam.
We're winning the Info War.
More people are waking up than ever regardless.
And some of the core group got manned by some of the election fraud and things, but that's gonna happen.
We're moving forward, but luckily he'd already woken up such a wider audience that his momentum is continuing.
Not as fast as it would have, but now I think people are realizing that, hey, the fight's still going, so the old guard are piling back in.
We could still win this thing, and now it's the time that we need to lock and load and get ready for the battle.
If somehow Ron Paul doesn't win, I've heard you say that, you know, well Clinton might get in and there might be some false flag terrorism and I tell people about it and we educate.
But now's the time where we really need to just buck down, and if he doesn't get in, we need to take over this country.
We need to go in against the Death Star.
We've got a shot at it.
What happens if we don't take it down is going to be really bad, and this is all part of the fight.
You're absolutely right, Dino.
Thank you so much.
Joe and others, your calls are coming up.
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Every morning at the find you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew he didn't give no lip to Big John.
Big John.
Big John.
Big Bad John.
Big John.
Nobody seemed to know where John called home He just drifted into town and stayed all alone Didn't say much, kinda quiet and shy But he was broken hearted, he just said hi to Big John Somebody said he came from New Orleans Where he'd gotten a fight over a Cajun queen And a crashing blow from a huge right hand Sent a Louisiana fella to the promised land of Big John Big John!
All right, we're live, ladies and gentlemen.
Your calls are coming up.
We've got St.
John Hunt, firstborn son of E. Howard Hunt with new revelations.
We have a videotape that's never before been seen.
It's video of him saying similar things that he said on the audio tape that made international headlines about
LBJ being behind the assassination of JFK.
And please don't email me saying it went above him.
We know that.
That's people building straw men to attack us.
We know.
That's as high as his chain of command as a CIA commander went.
This is a big deal.
John Hunt in the third hour today.
We'll also take some of your phone calls on that subject, that I got a chance to meet him personally, not just talk to him over the phone in Dallas,
On Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and then he left Sunday this last weekend.
So we'll give you a report on that as well.
He's a great guy.
So is his wife Mona, a wonderful lady.
I got some other news here.
APD rallies for surveillance cameras in high crime areas.
They've already been put in place in 1998 with microphones.
They're just now announcing it to you.
So we'll go over some of that as well.
About once a month,
We have some of our top sponsors on the show.
And I have sponsors.
The sponsors you hear are the ones I'm endorsing by name.
You may hear some ads here on the network where I'm not endorsing it.
I'm not saying it's bad or good.
I haven't checked into it.
But the sponsors you hear me talk about, I believe in.
Berkey Water Filters.
We're good to go.
In fact, Steve, I know we're both busy, but I know I got some more, some boogie packs, some two-month supply for her at the office, another one at the house.
I'm kind of putting little supplies here and there on top of the year's supplies I have.
But remind me to call you and get some more, because I don't have enough.
My family's getting bigger.
I'm also trying to help out some other family that doesn't have very much money.
I've got them a year's supply.
That's a separate deal.
You're also, of course, an expert on the food shortages that they're announcing.
Uh, that have happened.
Food prices, inflation, all of it.
We've got until the 11th of next month.
He's extended it out to my birthday, by the way.
I don't think you knew that.
February 11th, 1974.
Yeah, I'm a spring chicken here.
Uh, Steve Schenck joins us and, uh, you can still get a good deal after that, but it's going to go up somewhat.
And it's important to think about having an insurance policy you can eat.
It's high quality.
He's going to tell you how it's prepared, why it's high quality, how it lasts.
And because it's condensed,
It's storage in small areas.
I mean, in my attic, just in the corner of it, you know, is your supply of food.
And then another part of the house in the garage is another supply of your supply of food.
And I guess it's good for a couple more years.
That's why I got to get more.
That's why I made you start eating the other.
But Steve Shank, thank you for coming on with us to talk about preparing ourselves.
And it's not that we're living in fear.
We're trying to live in control to protect our families.
Can you explain that to people?
Well, the whole idea behind dependency, and food is your greatest dependency, your listeners have heard me sing and whistle and dance this thing constantly, but the fact is, anything, anytime we are dependent in any way, Alex, it means that we have given power over us to that on which we depend.
And you and I have talked many, many times, your listeners have heard our conversation about how horrendous
The additives and things like that, the genetic alteration of the food, and now the shortages.
One of the things that we talk about constantly is the fact that the only way that families can deal with, individuals and families can deal with, this greatest dependency that we have just to exist is right now
They either grow it, and you can only grow about one season's worth, and most people aren't able to grow everything that they need if they work at it 24 hours a day, it seems like.
The other alternative is to put in a supply, and that's the only choice we have.
And the thing, you know, it's just amazing.
As you and I have talked over the months and years together, the predictions that you make and the predictions that we conclude together
As to what's happening out there with the food supplies and the availability are just coming true over and over and over again and it seems like, well, for example, CNN had a big picture a couple days ago of people standing in line at their banks to draw their money out because of the stock market uncertainties.
And you put that together with some of the things that we're experiencing.
Do you realize, Alex, that for nine years
The J. Michael Stevens Group has been able to hold price by adjusting and buying from other sources and doing everything that they possibly could to not raise the price on a one-year supply of food.
Not the quantities, but the different items have been adjusted over the years.
And now for the first time in nine years, they are forced, they don't have any choice,
They are forced, they have flat run out of the food that they were able to stockpile at the previous price that they bought a whole bunch of stuff in.
Now, you've been around 27 years.
When was the last time before nine years ago that you had to raise prices?
They were doing it about every year and a half.
They'd have a price increase about every nine months.
Alright, let me throw this out.
It's real simple.
My family on both sides come from agrarian farmers and ranchers here in Texas.
On my mama's side, German immigrants.
Scotch-Irish-English immigrants on my daddy's side.
And I remember hearing about the 50s drought and hearing about the tornado that tore up stuff in the 20s and they tell these stories.
That's why even people that had thousands of acres and had a bunch of people working on the farm, they weren't getting rich and they knew that some years they wouldn't have a good harvest or there'd be too much rain or not enough or whatever would happen and they'd sell part of it to get money for equipment and then grow the other part of it and can it.
We're good to go.
And because they knew that even when you live on a farm, on a ranch, you're doing that your whole life for generations, still, even when you are agrarian and farming and rural, you still run out.
Now we're the opposite.
We've gone in the last 80 years from being 80 plus percent.
Agrarian to now almost 90 plus percent.
I think it's over 90.
Urban, and then only about 4 or 5 percent of those of the 10 percent that's still on the land.
Most people living in the country work at the power plant or the prison or the school or at the gas station.
They may own a few cows out there.
They may have a garden, but that's just, you know, kind of their roots that are left over.
Vestigial, that's how it is on our place.
We just raise cattle just to pay the taxes.
Uh, money poor, and so now if we have a depression like we did in the 20s and 30s, we had 80 plus percent on the land and still people starved.
I know that in East Texas, all the possums, all the raccoons, all the deer, literally almost all of them got killed because even middle class people were supplementing eating them.
They didn't care what the game warden said, they were killing deer every week.
And you know, my grandpa talked about that, and Uncle Houston talked about that.
So that's my point, is it's a good feeling to have that food, and to know as inflation goes, and this isn't cruddy, bad-tasting stuff, this is good stuff, isn't it?
Oh, absolutely.
One of the things that we're dealing with is some of the junk that's left over from Y2K that folks unwittingly ended up buying.
The reason that it takes a little bit longer for JMS to ship out the food is we tell folks that they are going to have to wait about four weeks to have it packed because every single can that goes out has been packed after they got the order.
They won't allow anything to come in from any suppliers that's already in the can.
This is new food?
This is new food.
Yeah, this is new food.
Tell folks about some of the packages.
Well, basically, there are a couple one-year supplies that people are working with as the primary objective.
You just multiply by the number of adults and multiply by the number of years that your conscience requires you to put in food.
The other thing, right now, even people that have a five or six-year supply of food are going to be needing desperately to get a situation where they've got
They've got essentially a grab bag.
In other words, we put out a two-month supply that is 200 meals and that gives you, well, 20 meals extra over and above
The three meals a day that you've got for two months.
And they're half again as big as the USDA says is the calorie, vitamin intake, correct?
Oh, absolutely, yeah.
They're 150% meals, but the whole point behind this is that right now families with the mentality that's going on, and a lot of families have been hanging loose, been unable to put in supplies and things like that.
We've got families right now
that are ordering one of these every single month.
And if they have six of them, they've got a whole year's supply of stuff that's ready made and ready to go.
And it's going to be absolutely essential, particularly with the Second Patriot Act, where if they have this bird flu thing coming on.
Now, if they have any kind of an epidemic, it's going to be a requirement that you be able to take care of yourself for at least 30 days in your home.
Either that, or you're going to have to go to some gathering center to be taken care of.
And I want to be clear, folks.
We don't know if they're going to stage a terror attack, if it's going to be a depression, if it's going to be the bird flu, but Bush took continutive government away from Congress last year with Presidential Decision Directive 51, openly says for martial law.
John Warner Defense Authorization Act openly says martial law, and actually says it now.
Everything we told you.
And it expands out from there, whether it's Hillary, Bush, whatever happens.
I'm not even saying all this stuff's going to happen.
The point is, is that the threat is great enough, from inflation, all these factors, it looks like something's going to get us from all these angles.
Then he gave continuity of government at the SPP third annual meeting up in Ottawa in Montebello last year.
We covered it.
And he said now the UN is over pandemics.
And then they say it's going to happen.
We're not saying that.
We're saying you need to be prepared.
And if you don't at least have a 2-3 month supply for every member of your family, you're nuts.
Now explain.
Explain how this is condensed, how it's dried, because you pick up a box that says it's super heavy, but it fits in small areas.
If you tried to store the equivalent of a year's supply from a grocery store, it would fill up a part of your house.
This store is in a very small area because it's had the water taken out.
It's down to 2% moisture and then it's CO2 packed in the cans.
So that's why you have the 12 to 15 year shelf life.
But you can put a whole year's supply
For two adults in about the space of a refrigerator, and that same amount of canned goods from the grocery store would fill up half of the average basement in parts of the country, half of the average basement, and would only have a 6 to 12 month shelf life.
The fact is that also the canned goods, compared to the foods that are put into these units,
These are retaining about 92% of the food value they had in the garden, and you cook with them just like they were fresh raw after you put the water back in.
Well, they say that drying or frozen is the best way, but in a problem situation, plus you don't have refrigerators big enough, you can't store it that way, so drying is the way to go.
Yeah, it's the only way to go.
It's the most ancient method of storing food.
That's what the Native Americans and things did, you know, way back when.
Yeah, Egyptians, everybody.
But the whole concept, now, the reason that we're emphasizing the importance of this price increase, Alex, is not because of the money.
The reason for the price increase is shortage of food that we can trust.
Well, we have 16% inflation now for this year.
And when you figure that the individual items are inflating at such a rate that literally when we publish a pricing on the internet, which is eFoodsDirect.com, when we publish a pricing, by the time that the folks get their orders in, the food that the warehouse has bought in to fill their orders has already inflated past the buy point.
And what I'm saying
Is that we literally could be increasing price.
Once a week, the way things are moving so fast.
And that's after nine years of being able to hold it down.
Yeah, that's the type of problem.
You can just type food shortage into Google and hundreds of mainstream news articles.
Give them the toll-free number as well.
It's not just eFoodsDirect.com or the giant banners on the top of InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
They're great folks.
This is the source.
It's high-quality food.
It's the choice I've made for my family.
Yes, they're also great sponsors that help us get the word out.
It's a win-win-win-win-win.
Please feel secure, ladies and gentlemen.
Please tab the food in.
Give them the number.
Call us.
If the lines are busy, leave a message.
Our people will get back to you.
But the main thing is, move on it.
Because once the price increase goes into place,
Then our problems really begin because we will be negotiating.
I'll probably be spending one day out of every five Alex doing nothing but negotiating with suppliers just to get this stuff in so that we can hold the new price.
Well, Steve Shank, it's real simple.
The government, the media, the corporate dominant system is all about making us dependent, making us be in debt, leveraging out.
They laugh and giggle at anyone who gets prepared.
Suddenly, though, just so they can cover themselves, they put up billboards and TV and radio ads everywhere.
They're all over Austin where I live.
I see them all over the country when I travel.
Shane, get a week ready.
Get prepared.
You know, ready, set, go.
Because they understand they're creating the crises.
Don't end up like the folks at the New Orleans.
This stuff lasts more than 10 years.
Super dumb.
Keep it in the house.
It lasts 12 to 14, as you said.
In an uncontrolled area, 10 years.
I just can't have my little house full of food.
So it's in the attic.
It's in the garage.
And Steve, I keep forgetting to get more.
I ended up giving away some of the food I had to family.
I need to get more.
So I need to talk.
I guess I'll just call the number.
Yeah, we'll give you a holler, Alex.
Okay, give them the number again.
But the easiest way to order is efoodsdirect.com.
Just the letter E, foodsdirect.com.
That's it.
All right, sir.
Next time you're on with us, I really want to get into this shortage in more detail.
I want to get a bunch of the stories together that I've seen in the news and actually break this down and try to project where you see this is going.
God bless you, my friend.
Hey, take care, Alex.
You bet.
Appreciate you.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
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Joe, Harold, Joe, Bill, many others.
Your call's coming up 8 after St.
John Hunt.
We've got some new audio from video we're going to be playing of his father.
Joe in Arizona, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Hi, um, I just wanted to make a couple observations from, uh, the debates last night.
And, uh, did anybody else think that there was something wrong with Giuliani last night, because his eyes kept bugging out of his head when he was talking?
Well, I don't usually judge a book by its cover, and I don't even get into looks too much.
You know, I'm into what people think and say and do, but with him, the book does match, the cover does match the contents.
I mean, he looks like Nosferatu.
Did they ever make a remake?
Of the 1920s silent movie Nosferatu, I think he needs the lead part.
Yeah, he looked like Nosferatu with glasses on last night.
And I just wanted to say I appreciate how your humanity comes through on the radio.
I listen to a lot of talk radio and you're the only one that comes out and just tells us you love us, man.
And I just want to send some love right back at you and boots with wings on your journey, man.
Well, God bless you, and I appreciate that.
Right back at you, my friend Joe in Arizona.
Look, I do love humanity.
I love people's art, their creations, their decency, their beauty.
I mean, I appreciate life.
It's magic.
It's enchanting.
There's only word for it.
I mean, it's just, it's incredible.
And to get to know all the great men and women out there around the world who do see what's happening,
It's just a wonderful thing.
Harold in Texas, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
Alright, yeah, my name is Harold.
I'm a co-founder from RonPaulBillboards.com and we launched the campaign starting in November to place billboards in pivotal locations for Dr. Paul and his presidential run.
Good, how many billboards have you gotten up?
Yeah, well successfully we've gotten one billboard up at Cedar Rapids, Iowa that was launched in late December.
We had a billboard in Manchester, New Hampshire that was launched in January.
And we launched two in Columbia, South Carolina.
And in fact one of ours made the local NBC News affiliate on the 18th last week.
And I also got word that one was in the background of McCain while he was being interviewed by C-SPAN.
And I'm looking for that right now, online.
But our current campaign is to put a billboard on the I-35 corridor here in Texas.
Our goal is around $6,000 to get this done, and we're about halfway there.
So, I just wanted to inform your audience of our campaign at RonPaulBillboards.com.
And, you know, join us in this effort.
We could reach over 5 million people in 4 weeks with the circulation.
Thank you for the call, my friend.
Let's talk to Joe in Illinois.
Joe, go ahead.
Go ahead, Alex.
Wonderful to talk to you.
Nice to talk to you.
What's on your mind?
I just wanted to comment on a lot of things, especially all your advertising.
I started using your advertising years ago.
I picked you up off the radio about five years ago.
People, if you're listening, listen to this man.
He knows what he's talking about.
I know you don't like taking gratitude and thank yous all that much because you're a humble man, but everything you say is helping humanity.
And like the other Joe in Arizona, you send a lot of love out and no other people on the radio do that.
I also wanted to say about Ron Paul, I drive over 300 mile radius in Illinois and I don't see any presidential signs for anybody except Ron Paul.
So the only signs that are out there, I only see Ron Paul and he's all over the place.
He's got to be bigger than everybody is not letting him be known.
Well, stay there.
This is an important point you raised, Joe, in Illinois.
We'll come right back to you.
Then Bill in Ohio and many others.
You are listening to GCN.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
John Hunt with new JFK revelations and his take on our work up in Dallas this weekend, last weekend, coming up.
Joe in Illinois.
Yeah, you see Ron Paul.
Bumper stickers, road signs, billboards, things all over the country.
It's not even our airplanes that Ted's got up.
Other ones doing stuff.
Great job.
Winning most of the text polls.
All the internet polls.
Polls showing he's double.
He only gets half.
Then when he does win second place, they just lie and say he didn't.
I mean, certainly the fix is in.
Something's rotten in the state of Denmark.
A convicted cocaine trafficker running the machines in New Hampshire.
You know, cities where he got votes getting none.
That's all admitted.
They just sent people to prison in Ohio.
We always knew that was a fraud in 2004.
But again, this is a process.
We're showing people the fraud.
We don't engage them and try to vote and don't fight back.
We know they're going to win.
So people need to be ready for a fight.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just also wanted to say, you know, any presidential candidate or anybody running for any office, they say a lot.
Everybody says a lot.
You hear a lot.
It all kind of sounds the same.
It's all about change.
When it comes back down to it, Ron Paul is always saying exactly what nobody else is saying.
It's the things that need to be said, and he really sounds like the only person in the world that listens and knows what's going on around him and is telling everybody, hey, this is how we fix it.
And every issue he supports, controlling the borders, being against abortion, they're all above 70% points now.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, it also just so happens that what's constitutional is what is popular.
But the system, the establishment, both parties are against that.
Bill in Ohio, thanks for holding her on the air.
Alex, you rock.
You are the beacon of light in a world of darkness and controlled media and edited media.
I love hearing from you.
No, you are.
Go ahead.
You rock, my friend.
I love you.
I wanted to point out a couple things.
Just really two comments.
Had a friend travel to see family in the Middle East.
Went through Ben Gurion Airport, Israeli airport.
He was interrogated like most males.
He's American-born citizen just like you and I, Alex.
Pays his taxes the whole nine.
He's a good guy.
Interrogated over four hours.
Literally a full-body cavity search.
They printed up five years worth of his phone records.
They questioned him about said phone calls when he was not sure
His phone calls were played back for him.
I mean, you know Israel.
Israel actually owns, the government owns and controls the company that controls 99%.
There's a few smaller systems that don't.
For caller ID, the NSA is global.
Everything's recorded.
But see, they're introducing it to us by going, Al-Qaeda.
We only listen to Al-Qaeda.
No, it's everything.
Go ahead.
I wanted to mention that.
I believe it has something to do with Amdocs, although I'm not certain of that.
There was something on YouTube.
Some of your listeners can go do it.
I'm not sure if that's something to do with Amdocs.
What else were they saying to anyone as they played back phone calls?
Played back.
So, not only are they doing billing, they are doing recording.
They are archiving the whole nine.
I don't know if you saw it.
It's scary.
You know, I read the Harettes and the Jerusalem Post daily.
It actually is amazing how much more information you can get out of their media.
But this was on the 9th of January when Bush was over there visiting.
He got a big thank you from the Chief Rabbi there, Metzger, who said, I want to thank you for your support of Israel, and in particular for waging a war against Iraq.
And Bush mentioned to him that those words, quote, warmed his heart.
So I don't know if you've ever touched on the oil pipeline to Haifa, Israel.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on it, though.
Well, that's what it is.
The Israeli plan from 1983 brought into U.S.
policy is to run genocide ops in Iraq.
Broken in three parts.
Endless war and death and destruction.
That's the policy.
The policy... You rock, man.
You rock.
Love it.
Good to hear from you.
Thank you.
I mean, just separately from what he said, because that's anecdotal, we already know that.
The NSA is the phone company.
They just have to get ready to announce it to you.
Kind of like Austin's put cameras up everywhere ten years ago, now they're announcing they're watching you, see?
They have to get around to it.
It's all part of being slaves.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen.
In the next eight months to a year, I'm shooting for eight months.
I usually meet deadlines, but a lot's going on.
I intend to release what is the definitive JFK film.
We've got some other important interviews we want to do.
We've done, of course, one with St.
John Hunt and his wife, a son of the famous spy, master and chief.
Uh, E. Howard Hunt of Watergate fame, Bay of Pigs, overthrowing a whole bunch of third world countries, CIA section chief, head of Western Intelligence, you know, Ethan Hunt on Mission Impossible, that's named after his father, he consulted on the films.
So, this is a big deal.
But for our safety, because the five minute audio tape's been out there, it's been on Coast to Coast AM, it's been here, it's been on Extra,
We're going to play a few more minutes of that today that you heard six months ago here.
We've played that here.
Or five, six months ago.
But there is also hours and hours of videotape.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
But, and again, in an audio tape he went the furthest.
And he said, don't release this until after I die.
But he knew he could go to prison for violating his national security oath.
He knew he could go to prison for speaking out about this, or he could be convicted if he said he was involved.
So he couched it.
But he didn't couch it on the audio tape.
He slightly couches it here in some audio from this video we're going to air that St.
John's authorizes us to play clips of.
And then of course you'll see the video and a little bit more.
We're not going to air all of it here in the film when it comes out.
But this is too important historically, too important also to our safety.
You know, St.
John hadn't talked about on air.
Some things that he went ahead and told me about on film in Dallas, Texas.
And so we'll tell you about just that whole process, what it was like for him to be there.
But also the fact that his home was broken into, well not broken into, it was they got in without breaking anything.
They ransacked all the papers, tore things open just like you see in the movies when somebody's been looking for something.
Then they tried to run him off the road when he was on a highway, you know, right there in Northern California off the cliffs.
This is serious, serious business.
We're good to go.
And of course, his photo was then used by the Congressional Committee in 1979.
The assassination committee that did find it was a government conspiracy and an assassination.
Did you know the government found that?
Oh yeah, yeah.
The debunkers, the Gerald Posner and everyone talked about that on television.
So, just amazing individuals.
Jim's consulting on the film.
So is St.
John Hunt.
And Saint, too bad you live in California because, by the way, he has a very popular blues band.
He's a fan of Jimmy Vaughn.
I can't wait to get you here to Austin for the premiere.
Hopefully you and Jimmy can hook up because I'm friends with Jimmy and his wife.
I know Jimmy would hit it off with you because you're both classy guys.
And I just want to say that I wish you lived around here because I know we'd be friends.
Well, Alex, I wish I lived around there, too, because I know we'd be even better friends than we already are.
I already consider you a very close and personal friend of mine, and I think we had a great meeting of the minds.
It was great to meet Jim Mars down there, but you are one heck of a
I just enjoyed meeting you.
You're just a really intelligent, funny, classy guy.
And of course, we are friends.
By friends, I mean, you know, hanging out, going to the movies, friends.
Oh, exactly.
This is not just business.
We have now a personal friendship that I think is going to last, you know, until the day it's all over.
Well, I hope that's a long time from now.
Now, St.
Kind of like the same questions I asked you there at the Knoll in the hotel room and on the building there, you know, on the top of the Hyatt overlooking Dallas.
What was it like to go back to the Knoll?
What was it like to come back to that place?
When we picked you up from the airport, when you touched, you know, the ground, when you got into Dallas, it was Dealey Plaza.
What was that whole experience like?
Well, Alex, it was truly an amazing experience for me.
It was many-faceted.
First of all, once I got on the ground there at Dealey Plaza, and even from the hotel room when I looked out over the plaza,
I mean, it was just such an awakening feeling to realize that this was exactly where I was.
I'd seen so many pictures of Dealey Plaza before, and seen the movie stills of the Zapruder film, but you just don't really get that concrete of an idea of how really tiny of an area it is.
I mean, and this is the perfect place for an assassination.
When I was looking out over D.U.
Plaza from the hotel room, it struck me like a lightning bolt of how well this operation was planned.
This was no fly-by-night, last-minute, sit-in-your-pants,
Yeah, I think so.
Well, not only myself, but the entire nation and at large the entire world.
To be there talking about this, to go up to the Grassy Knoll, to be behind the picket fence,
Your assessment of Jim Mars?
Jim Mars, what a character that guy is.
He has got to be the most... I mean, he's got to be the authority on, you know, the final word.
He's the most profoundly intelligent, and I respect him greatly for his vast knowledge of the details surrounding all aspects of not only the JFK assassination, but of 9-11 and the Bilderberg conspiracy and
Yeah, I think so.
Yeah, he's a sweetheart.
I really, again, enjoyed meeting your wife.
I'm just really personalizing this because it was personal for me.
The courage that you guys
I hate to bring your mother up, but it's such an integral part of the story.
I mean, they blew her up coming into Midway Airfield, coming into Chicago.
They told you guys to shut up.
Just the stories in person of you during Watergate when you're carrying money around for your dad from being followed by the FBI.
Just all of it.
Let's go ahead and get into JFK now and then coming up in the next segment I'm going to play first some clips from the audio that was already released and then some of the audio from the video that's never before.
This is its maiden voyage here on air today.
Let's talk about something that people don't know or haven't heard before.
I wouldn't call you a shy guy, but you don't say it all just in one run.
You had your place broken into.
You had somebody try to run you off the road days before and then after some events that happened when the Rolling Stone cover story came out.
With detail, talk about your place.
What happened?
Well, I had just moved into a house with a friend of mine and this was April 2007.
That's when the Rolling Stone article broke, Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt.
It was within three days of that.
That's a good question.
And there was no jewelry missing, there was no DVDs missing, no television, no stereo sets were stolen, nothing was, everything was accounted for, but all the paperwork, all the files had been ransacked and pulled out and all the Manila envelopes had been opened up and strewn about, so I mean it was obvious that they weren't there, whoever was there, they weren't looking for jewelry or
Yeah, I think so.
And I was taking a lonely stretch of highway by the coast called Samoa Boulevard and it's not a route I usually take but I did notice that when I left the parking lot of Mona's home
Where I was visiting with her before we moved in.
I picked up a tail of somebody behind me with a car that was parked on the street, followed me all the way from her place, all the way to the little town of Arcata, and then from there I take another street, another road that goes to this little stretch of highway that has no lights or anything.
It's very desolate out there.
It's right by Humboldt Bay.
Yeah, I think so.
Yeah, I think so.
Just bump me right off the road and I was that was going to be the end of me so I swerved off the side at the very last minute and you know my car was just on the very the very precipice of the edge there.
John Hunt stay there worldwide exclusive audio straight ahead with the son of St.
of E. Howard Hunt St.
John Hunt we'll be right back.
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Alright, this is a short segment.
I want to re-air part
I heard from Frank that LBJ had designated Gordon Meyer Jr.
to undertake a larger organization called Keeping It Totally Secret.
Cordmire himself was a rather favored member of the Eastern aristocracy.
He was a graduate of Yale University and had joined the Marine Corps during the war and lost an eye in the Pacific fighting.
I think that LBJ settled on Meyer
As an opportunist, like himself apparent, and a man who had very little left to him in life ever since JFK had taken Cord White as one of his mistresses.
I would suggest that Cord Meyer welcomed the approach from LBJ, who was, after all,
Only the Vice President at that time, of course, could not number Kord Meier among JFK's admirers.
Quite the contrary.
As for Dave Phillips, I knew him pretty well at one time.
He worked for me during the Guatemala Project.
He had made himself useful to the agency in Santiago, Chile.
Where he was an American businessman.
In any case, his actions, whatever they were, came to the attention of the Santiago Station Chief.
And when his resume became known to people in the Western Hemisphere Division, he was
Brought in to work on the Guatemalan operations.
Spurs and Morales and people of that yoke stayed in apartment houses during preparations for the big event.
Their addresses were very subject to change so that
Where a fellow like Wallace had been one day, you're not necessarily associated with that same address the following day.
In short, it was a very mobile experience.
Let me point out at this point that if I had wanted to fictionalize what went on in Miami and elsewhere during the run-up to the big event, I would have done so.
But I don't want any unreality to tinge this particular story or the information I should say.
I was a bench warmer on it and I had a reputation for honesty.
I think it's essential to refocus on what this information that I've been providing you
And you alone, by the way, consists of.
What is important in the story is that we've backtracked the chain of command up through Kordmeier and laying the doings at the doorstep of LBJ.
He, in my opinion, had an almost maniacal
LBJ at the head of a long list of people who were waiting for some change in the executive branch.
Okay, when we come back, we're going to play the rest of the new information ever before heard.
Again, we've got about 30 seconds, but St.
John, through the chronology, there's the written notes with the chain of command, there is this audio tape and the videotape.
Give us the chronology of what came first.
Well, the first thing that came about was the audio tape.
My father sent me that audio tape without any warning.
It just appeared in my mailbox, and I was stunned when I put it in my cassette deck.
There was no explanation with it.
That prompted me to fly down to Miami and speak with my father.
Stay there.
We'll come back in Miami.
We've got a break.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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John Hunt, first born son of E. Howard Hunt.
He just mailed his son this tape.
Thought he was dying in 2004.
John flew out there.
He did finally die last year.
And in the space of that time, he did handwritten notes with the command structure of LBJ at the top, right through Kordmeier and the rest of them.
And now there's this video, quite a bit of it, his whole life, CIA, OSS, World War II, before that.
We're looking at E. Howard Hunt discussing LBJ's roles and motivations
Uh, he wanted the power of the presidency, and directly implies he was hooked up with William Harvey, a top CIA agent, who Howard Hunt himself says was several ranks above Howard Hunt's level.
And then about Oswald, he says that he was basically a low-level nobody, so he was easy to burn.
Yeah, that clip's not in here, though.
But that's on the tape.
Oh, I want that clip.
Can you, during the next break, maybe run out and send it up?
Okay, fantastic.
John Hunt, you've led up to the point of you're in Miami.
You fly out there after he sends you the tape.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I received the tape from him, and I was stunned and shocked at what he was saying.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
He wrote out in his own hand on some memo paper the chain of command and then a more detailed chronology starting in 1963 about meetings he had with David Morales and Frank Sturgis concerning a larger operation called the Big Event which was headed by Bill Harvey to assassinate President Kennedy.
And then after that I flew back to California and then it was in 2000 April 2005 that I flew again to Miami to conduct what was to become his last video interview which I filmed in a hotel on Miami Beach with my father and I think you're going to play some clips from that.
Yeah, we're going to play clips.
I'll just abruptly stop it.
You can comment, then St.
John, and I'll probably have some comments, and Aaron's got some.
Let's go ahead and start rolling that.
And we know that LBJ had an unlimited ambition, and we know that he was a corrupt individual, and that the dollar sign was very important to him.
As Vice President
He didn't have the leverage that a president did or would.
And so that was an attractive goal for LBJ.
In other words, he did not want his career to come to an end as vice president.
I think it was very, very important to him that he take advantage
As to the extent that he could as Vice President, because just a few things had to be accomplished.
He had to kill Kennedy, have him killed I should say, and be guilt free himself.
Then he could go on and do what he wanted to do as President of the United States.
It was a very tempting
And almost a logical move on his part.
It wouldn't have been hard for him to talk to... I keep thinking about Bill Harvey.
Call Harvey and say, look, there's some things I want to have done.
And I think it's... I mean, Harvey didn't want just another
An additional C.I.A.
He wanted to move on.
And L.B.J.
could do that for him if he were president.
He couldn't do much for Harvey or anybody as vice president.
It doesn't speak well for our democracy at that particular time.
But I think it had happened just that way.
LBJ, who got people, got officers, who had the ability, the skill, to go ahead and do what he would have done, even if it involved the presidency of the United States.
I think it's clear to explain here.
We've got written notes that basically mesh with the audio.
And then on video, he's obviously now a little more conflicted.
He's a little more conscious that this is going to be actual video of him.
And believe me, it's powerful.
I'm a little concerned even having this here in my office.
We've got copies everywhere now.
You do too.
We're doing this mainly for our safety.
Uh, uh, right now.
But, uh, you can tell that he's a bit conflicted, holding back a little bit here, but still the power of this, uh, actually being, um, video.
John Hunt comments.
I mean, he's talking about the incredible avarice, the desire here, wanting to be the president.
Uh, he was going to be too old to wait.
Uh, give us your take.
Well, I think you put it very well there.
I think my father was very concerned about actually going on videotape with this, but he had agreed to do this in the previous year with me, and by the time I got back to him in Florida, he had undergone
Uh, he'd withstood a tremendous amount of pressure from his immediate family that lived with him down there.
This is the second family after your mother was blown up and after he got out of prison.
You have to understand also that my father, of course, had testified twice before.
You had testified!
And I had testified on my father's behalf during the Watergate investigation, the hearings in Washington, D.C.
That's a good point.
That's a good point to bring up now, just recapping how that night he pulls you out of bed, has you clean the equipment, has you go throw it in the water there near the Potomac in the pond, and about how you saw all these guys, Sturgis and others, and then in Watergate supposedly he just met them.
Talk about that.
Well yeah, when my father testified under oath, when he had met Frank Sturgis, the running story was that he had met Frank through Bernard Barker, one of the other Cubans from Miami.
And that was what the story was that my father went with.
And he never admitted that he'd known Frank since before the Kennedy assassination, but on these handwritten memos, and to me personally, he admitted that he had met Frank many, many years before during some of the run-ups for the Bay of Pigs, some of the exile meetings, and also during these run-up meetings for the big event, which was the operational code word for the assassination of President Kennedy.
And in this ongoing cover-up, you believe, and even mainstream media says it's obvious, that they blew your mother's plane up coming into Chicago.
Well, I do certainly think that there's enough conspicuous information that at least should mandate another investigation.
I think it's very, it goes beyond, you know, coincidence when you have one or two things that sort of
I'm not a conspiracy theorist of any kind or a conspiracy nut or anything like that.
But when you have, what I've learned over the years, when you have a mounting amount of things that take place immediately after something like that plane crash, when you have President Nixon installing Eagle Krogue as the number one man in the National Transportation and Safety Board the day after that plane came down, when you have Dwight Chapin who became a board member of United Airlines within a few weeks of that, when you have
The FBI breaking into the command tower and stealing the audio tapes which had the conversations between the cockpit crew of that flight and the tower there.
And the FBI showing up right as it blew up already.
They're having the plane specially diverted to a pretty much shut down airfield.
Now expanding from there, your mother also had something on her at the time, didn't she?
Yes, she did have something on her.
She had evidence that she and my father were using to pressure the Nixon White House, what they call blackmail, but my father never agreed that it was blackmail.
In fact, he always claimed that there was an
Spoken and unwritten bond, like an oath, between, you know, in the intelligence community where if you're on an op for your superiors, if you're doing something and you get caught, if you're doing something illegal or in a foreign country, even domestically, if you're caught or exposed or anything happens to you, your family gets taken care of.
Well, we have the Nixon tapes where he's going, how much does my son need?
A million dollars.
He goes, we can get that.
That's right, and shortly thereafter, my mother was sort of the paymaster.
She was going around picking up large sums of cash that had been stashed.
And she had been an intelligence, too, and even previously been married to a French prince.
Yeah, she had.
She had been involved in intelligence.
She was working for Abel Harriman.
She was tracking Nazi loot and art and gold across Europe.
She worked in Shanghai.
As a matter of fact, she was on the last train out of Shanghai when China fell to the Communists.
Yeah, I think so.
I think so.
Uh, but did your father off video or off tape or off, you know, ever say anything else separate?
I mean, we know growing up he'd say, yeah, we need to kill all the Kennedy's and, yeah, finish the job, kill them all, and yeah, great, Bobby got it.
I mean, not just that stuff, but did he ever say anything else before he died about, yeah, we killed him or was it all just on tape?
No, we had a lot of side conversations.
For example, when we left his house where I was staying with him in North Miami and we were on our way to the holiday in there on Miami Beach to tape
We're good to go.
Because he wouldn't even tell Kevin Costner when he'd been at the house, but go ahead.
No, he wouldn't tell anybody, and as it says on the audio tape, that he gave this and trusted this information to me and to me alone, and that was quite remarkable in itself, having been the black sheep of the family for so many years.
But being that as it may, we had many
I don't know.
I don't want to hurt my family.
I ruined my first family.
Your mother died because of all this stuff that I was involved in.
You children have had to bear the burden of shame and guilt surrounding his activities and because of his activities.
And his second family was really a new birth for my father, E. Howard Hunt.
It was a new beginning.
And he did not want to tarnish their lives or affect their lives or their name in any way.
But you told me that this is just too historical.
That's the reason you're doing it.
And in the end, why do you think he did it?
In the end, I think he did it because he knew that it was of such a huge historical significance, and I think at the very end he wanted to get this information out, even if it was just part of the story.
I know he didn't tell me the whole story, but I think he was brave enough to tell me what he told me.
And that was what LBJ really wanted.
There was nobody with the leverage that LBJ had.
No competitor at all.
He was the vice president and if he wanted to get rid of the president then he had the ability to do so by corrupting different people in CIA and he had to do it with the limitations of CIA because there was no other group that
Well, let's put this together a little bit.
I mean, you've said now that
David Phillips apparently met with Oswald in Mexico City before the assassination.
You've said that Bill Harvey may very well have recruited a French or Corsican gunman to shoot.
And you've also said that Court Myer had a motive in that his wife was having an affair with John F. Kennedy.
So now you have three CIA officials who had, let's say, the means, motive and opportunity
You know, or some connection to kill Kennedy.
That's true.
So, if that's the case, then, I mean, there had to be one person, sort of, in charge, so to speak.
I mean, wouldn't that have been... B. Harvey.
B. Harvey?
I see.
And they would, Phillips and the others, would take orders from Harvey?
Well, if he was in that chain, yes.
Because Harvey had the seniority.
But I think that LBJ was an opportunist.
And if, uh... It is a big idea.
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Look, there's going to be a part two to this interview where we flesh out the hour of video we've got and play a few other clips in the weeks to come and have St.
I've got a few other questions for you and so does Aaron Dykes.
John Hunt back on.
You've got a chance to meet up in Dallas.
But St.
John, before you go any further, plug your website and you've done a videotape presentation about all this that I think historically our listeners need to purchase and need to get.
Plus all the work and energy and time you put into this is basically broken.
You're not a rich guy yourself.
You work in therapy, helping people who are quadriplegics.
And I hope people will financially support you by getting the DVD interview presentation you did.
It's excellent.
Give people the website and tell them how they can order it.
Well you can go on my website which is stjohnhunt.com and on that website you'll be able to hear the audio confession that my dad sent me in 2004 as well as some other things if you just sort of click around but there will be a
A place you can click on there to order the DVD.
It's an interview with me that I did last year.
It's a highly personal interview.
Just talking about life with my father, what it was like to be around him, and the series of events that led up to his confession.
And folks can just type St.
John Hunt into Google and it's the top link that pops up, but specifically give them the web address.
www.stjohnhunt.com and that's spelled out s-a-i-n-t-j-o-h-n-h-u-n-t.
St, can I get you back up next week or the week after that for another hour interview for part two because there's too much to cover here.
Alex, anytime.
You say when and where and I'll be there.
Aaron's in here.
You're awesome.
We've got only two or three minutes left.
Aaron, any questions or comments, points you want to make?
Uh, well, I noticed there's a statement in the original that we have backtracked the chain of command to the doorstep of LBJ.
Is there anything your father said about the powers behind that throne?
Uh, I know Jim Mars references...
I don't remember specifically.
I'd have to review some of the extensive videotape I have to see if he's on camera saying what were the powers behind LBJ, but I think it was just
It was something that he knew and that he knew I knew, and it was something that he wasn't really, you know, specifically, at least on the tapes that I gave you guys, spoke about.
I think he was sort of starting at LBJ, but I think it was expected that he knew people realized that obviously LBJ was a single person, a vice president, that he needed to be supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Council of Foreign Relations and all these other very powerful organizations in the world.
Well, we know he fired Ella Lemonster when he wanted to stage terror attacks in the U.S.
That's even come out on Frontline.
We know he was abolishing the CIA, getting the troops out of Vietnam, getting us out of the Federal Reserve.
I mean, he did everything to make the establishment angry.
Yes, indeed.
And the minute we've got left, anything else you'd like to add, St.
Well, it was a thrill to meet you down in Dallas there, Alex.
I think you're a great guy.
Jim Morris was terrific.
Your whole crew was wonderful to work with.
Aaron, Rob, and all those guys.
Just a great bunch of guys you got there working with you.
It was just a great pleasure.
My wife and I had a wonderful time.
We did some hard work.
It was snowing the first day we met you guys out there.
It was like 32 degrees and my teeth were chattering there in Dealey Plaza.
I hope it didn't come off that way.
No, no, it came out wonderful.
You look great.
It came across great.
You and Jim out there, it was freezing cold for two days, but it looked great.
And I'm going to call you right after the show, St.
Have a great weekend.
Say hi to Mona for me.
You want to say something, Aaron?
Yeah, great to meet you also, St.
It was very interesting.
Great to meet you.
I'll see you soon.
All right.
Thank you, Aaron.
Thank you, St.
John, I'm going to call you in about three minutes.
We're out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
If you missed any of the first hour of the financial and political analysis, it restarts at InfoWars.com.
So we'll be right back at InfoWars.com.
You want to go there on the streams to our main streams where we re-air 21 hours a day to the next live show.
And I'll be back Sunday live, 4 to 6 p.m.
with the Sunday edition.
And don't forget, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be on Coast to Coast AM for three hours a night and tomorrow at TalkFest.
God bless you all.
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