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Name: 20080123_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 23, 2008
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is the 23rd day of January 2008.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
We'll be going over all the latest financial developments, taking your phone calls, and we've also got our third visit with us, John Taylor Gatto.
The education expert on the history of education in the last 200 years, how by design in their own governmental and institutional documents, how the dumbing down, how the destruction of the minds of the population were carried out at the educational level.
Then, of course, there's also the chemical level.
And we'll be breaking down some of the third hour with an excellent piece, just a little ten minute piece that I saw on YouTube that is extremely accurate.
And we're going to be posting that up on PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, everywhere.
Hopefully so we can educate the public about what's happening with the sodium fluoride.
They know it's brain damaging people.
They know it's reducing IQs.
Even if you don't drink it, you absorb it.
In the bathtub of the shower, or when you're at the gym drinking out of a water fountain, or when you brush your teeth.
Massive levels of it.
It's in most foods, almost all processed foods that have water in it.
Now they're not just adding it, quote, to water for children, for babies, but now they're saying adults need it.
They just care so much about us.
They want to make sure, to the point of where the federal government will spend 10, 20, 30 million dollars
Over several years, in the case of Los Angeles, or in the case of San Antonio, Texas, they had like a 10-year program in San Antonio until they finally get it in place.
So we'll be going over that for you.
I know we talk about this quite a bit here, but the general public still doesn't understand.
Still isn't fully aware of what's happening.
Now, you talk to the majority of people, they don't want it in their water, but why does it stay in the water?
Why are they accelerating total fluoridation?
We'll be discussing that coming up in the third hour today.
Also, Paul Watson has written an excellent report.
That is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Let market crash now or face financial crane wreck.
Expert encourages facing reality that stocks are overvalued due to weak dollar, but Fed set to continue with dangerous sweeping rate cuts.
That is coming up.
I also have comments on this.
Internet suicide cult rips apart town as seven young people hang themselves.
Where does this emanate from?
Why is this happening?
This is a subject I've been on for more than a decade.
We'll tell you exactly why this is happening.
Also, Hamas spent months cutting through Gaza wall in secret operation.
Mubarak, Palestinians were allowed into Egypt on my
Also, globalists want a tax on television and video games.
This is from truthnews.us.
Over 2,000 complain of fever.
Government says it's nothing.
But the media is hyping and saying it could be bird flu.
That is just some of what's coming up today in the next 2 hours and 55 minutes.
If you don't want to call into the show, but you have a question, a comment, a statement about the economy, where you think it's going, I do read over daily while we're here on air, the PrisonPlanet.com forums.
Also, I scan routinely and get a lot of great tips and breaking news from RonPollWarRoom.com.
I'll be looking at that closely if you have any comments or questions as well.
Absolutely jam-packed broadcast lined up for you today right here on the one and only GCN Radio Network.
Financial news and a lot more straight ahead.
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It is a big idea.
A new world order.
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Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Stocks opened this morning.
At around 11,800 on the Dow Jones Industrial 30, they went up for a brief time to 11,970 and have now plunged down to below 11,800.
That's where we stand right now, below 11,800 at 11,700 and change.
That's what the graph shows here on CNBC, but I'm looking at another graph from CNN, and it says 11,786 and 58.
The NASDAQ is at 2,225.34, or down 66.93.
And the S&P 500 at 1,284.97, or down 25.53 or 1.95.
And that's really bad news because with a 75 basis point cut in the number, you would think that with that type of massive interest rate cut, you would see a booing in the stock market.
That's why they supposedly did it.
And even doing that, the market is now down below $11,800 from a high of, late last year, of $14,000.
Now, they call a correction a 10-point drop.
This is a lot more than a 10-point drop.
In fact, it is now approaching a 20-point drop, or double a, quote, correction.
There's now a national debate and different governmental agencies are arguing about if we've entered a recession.
We have been in a real recession for decades.
In the last six years, the average income only lost $1,000.
I guess that's okay.
Again, how is that a boom when the average person's pay went down $1,000?
We have real unemployment at around 15%.
Inflation now sits with the latest numbers coming out at 16% up from 13% and we're only 23 days into the new year already a 3% increase in inflation according to the institutions that do put those numbers out.
The federal government no longer puts out the M3 money supply.
Bottom line, this is very, very serious.
Look, there's so much financial news.
Let me just read headlines.
Investors exiting stock funds are urged to wait.
Tumbling global equity markets prompted millions of American investors to switch stock funds for bond portfolios, but financial advisors are urging them to stop hasty sales that might just make a bad situation worse.
They're saying, if you keep pulling out, that'll accelerate the decline.
Meanwhile, for the last three years, big money, institutional investors, sovereign wealth, has been pulling out of the market and going into transportation, going into commodities, going into metals, pork bellies, grain, water,
And the few stocks they've stayed in have been technology and, of course, defense, military.
So they've been pulling out, while massively increasing, you'll notice, three years ago, the amount of television ads and radio ads and print ads pushing how great it is to get into the market, with the Federal Reserve and the Treasury dumping hundreds of billions a year in plunge protection team into the market to keep it up.
Also dumping hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, over 700 billion, that was a month ago, into the different banks.
Just dumping liquidity, dumping credit and cash, just pouring it over the market, just to keep it up long enough for the big boys to position themselves in the safe havens.
Now, I was saying that, of course, four or five years ago.
Because I understand their game.
They do it over and over again in the third world.
They've done it here in the U.S.
and Europe as well.
We have their own documents.
IMF, World Bank, Ex-Im, International Bank of Settlements, Davos Switzerland Forum discussions, Bilderberg Group leaks.
But again, two, three years ago, multiple articles in the Financial Times of London, nowhere else, and I'm telling you, that's the paper.
You'll see spin on it, but it'll tell you the truth buried in the pages, not even between the lines.
That big institutionals were getting out and using their influence over central banks to keep it puffed up at $13,000, $14,000 to get all the schmucks in to replace the money that the big boys were pulling out.
Will it cause the market to go down to sit here and badmouth it?
But when it finally crashes, what goes up must come down.
It's going to only be that much worse for those of you that don't listen.
Now, is that not saying that some stocks will stay up no matter what?
Is that not saying that some things are going to go down and someday come back up?
In fact, they may go down to $10,000 and then go back up to $14,000.
But if you look at the trend, it's getting more and more volatile.
If you study what happened in the year-long lead-up to the Great Depression in 29, and the call, the margin calls being called in, the people leveraged,
Being called in, the speculative buyers being called in, the same thing happened.
This is a gyrating, dangerous market, and just like Bob Chapman said when he... We were one of the first, quote, Patriot shows.
In fact, Ted Anderson was the first to really start getting Bob Chapman back on the radio when he got out of retirement.
I'm glad everybody else has duplicated that because Bob has such good info.
But Bob told everybody to get out in early 2000.
They did.
When it was at its high, with true value, before the dollar had been devalued, and he told you to get out at $12,500 back when the market was still worth $12,500.
Remember, it only has half its real value versus dollar purchasing power.
But a lot of people didn't listen, they jumped right back in, and I'm sure you've realized some profits, but if you greedily hold on to this thing, all the money is on you losing big time.
So investors exiting stock funds are urged to wait.
That's right.
Wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
Wait while the stockbrokers and the rest of them flee.
Pump more liquidity in while the government's pumping liquidity in before it drops.
Please, stay in.
We want to leave you holding the bag.
That's what the smart money's on.
Could something else happen?
None of this is guaranteed.
But you want to go where there's less risk.
And with the media finally admitting recession...
With Henry Kissinger and Davos, we have this audio we're going to play later, openly talking about global recessions and depressions, with CNN and the McLaughlin Group and Fox talking about depression now, with stock markets globally way down, with currencies going up and down on a wild roller coaster ride.
This is not the time to be in the market.
You think a couple thousand point drop was bad?
That's with the rigged Dow Jones 30, where they only put the winning 30 in.
And with the government pumping them up.
Have you looked at the other indexes?
Again, I'm no expert on this.
I interview the experts.
And the people who've actually been right, not the talking heads.
Some of them are still telling you how wonderful the market is and stay in.
Investors exiting stock funds are urged to wait.
Recession fears drive market lower.
Stocks fell.
For a sixth day on Wednesday as disappointing profits forecast from Apple and Motorola added to recession worries, pushing the Nasdaq across the threshold that signals a bear market.
Continuing, oil drops below 88 as stock markets resume fall.
Crisis far from over, even with emergency rate cut.
Reuters, the Federal Reserve's huge emergency rate cut on Tuesday did little to allay fears of a brewing U.S.
A recession?
We're already in that.
Even though panic selling in global stock markets is moderated.
See, first they lied to you.
And told you we weren't in a recession and then all the fundamentals were great for the last couple years while they were scurrying to position themselves in an actual policy-level report saying we were in red-level crisis.
And then now they're telling you it's a recession when we are on the edge.
It's like somebody who's had three heart attacks.
They've got clotted, plaque-filled, fragile arteries and veins coming out of their heart.
And basically, we've stuck the guy on a stair-stepper, making him do an hour straight.
Is an artery going to blow?
I don't know.
And they got the guy running up and down stairs.
companies seem poised to weather downturn.
Many U.S.
We have other reports here.
This is out of Reuters, putting out a mixed report.
Stocks rollercoaster at under nail in M&A coffin.
Rollercoaster stock moves make it hard to price assets and play on the nerves of
Company executives, which in turn makes it difficult to pull off mergers and acquisitions.
So even though it's a fire sale of the few US assets not in international hands, it's slowed a bit because so many of the books are fixed.
Let me just translate that for you.
Poor still suffering from last recession.
Reuters, many of the poorest people in the United States are still struggling to recover from the effects of a recession that ended six years ago, making them very vulnerable as the country stands on the brink of a new downturn.
Then it goes into the Census Bureau and the record debt and the fact that we're becoming poorer and poorer.
How are we more poor than we were before the last recession?
I mean, this is just all bull.
Mexico stocks drop on U.S.
economy concerns.
Mexican stocks fell sharply on Wednesday as the peso weakened.
Persistent worries about U.S.
recession flooded a global sell-off of risky assets.
That's why they're racing with the $100 million propaganda buy to tell us how sweet and loving all the illegal aliens are and how they love America.
They just can't put down the Mexican flags because they gotta get that amnesty in place before the total implosion.
They've got to bring down the gates, bring down the walls, bring down, they've got to capture the keep, they've got to capture the stronghold before it all blows out.
Sorry, it's going to blow out like a good fever, and that's going to burn a lot of this third world out of this country.
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It is a big idea.
A new world order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Don't their objectives mean world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress toward a world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after, you see.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
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Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
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We're good.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
To explain what I was saying, the United States has had the illusion of prosperity as the global architects leveraged us out, got the nation, the corporations in debt, offshoring to accelerate.
Now we've got over 30 million illegal aliens, tens of millions of legals, over a million legals come in a year, about 3 million illegals.
We always talk about Latin America, not because we hate Latin America, but because Latin America has been invaded and dominated by the U.S.
and hates us!
I mean, that's just a historical fact for those that don't know.
And, you know, my wife speaks fluent Spanish, and on the trips I've been down to El Salvador, I've been down to southern Mexico, I've been down to Honduras, and I'll tell my wife, you know, ask her what you think of the U.S.
when we're sitting there buying ice cream, or buying, you know, beach towels or whatever.
And we hate the U.S.
Ask them about La Reconquista.
And there I was at the tour bus by some pyramids and they were just laughing saying, we will destroy the U.S.
We will bring you down.
We have overrun you.
It is our country.
Ha ha ha.
I mean, that's on the Guatemala border.
And then I'm just supposed to get on air and go, oh, Mexico loves us, and oh, Mexico's buying $100 million worth of ads to propagandize.
You turn the news on every night, and there's these sad sex stories about the poor immigrants who can't get reunited with their families in Mexico, or south of Mexico, and how mean America is and how bad we are.
And so, a really bad recession or depression
We'll actually heighten the pain that the illegal aliens on welfare, sucking off the system, getting free hospital care, free births, and that will bring it to a mega-head.
That's what we need.
I don't want a recession, I don't want a depression, but for the nation, it is the best thing on the issue of sovereignty.
Now, the SPP has openly stated in public documents and on television and C-SPAN,
Robert Pastor and others, so they call it Security and Prosperity Partnership, that, oh, next time there's a terror attack, we're going to totally get rid of the borders and have a continental security perimeter, as they said on Nightline one week after 9-11.
And more immigrants is the answer, and that's the answer for the economy.
But no one is going to buy that when they're competing with illegal aliens in the street for the low-level $10, $5 an hour ratio jobs.
And so it's like a really bad fever.
You know, when you've got strep throat and big bloody rotholes in the back of your throat, there's a reason you get a 104 fever.
Your body heats up because those bacteria can't live in that incredible heat.
And it's the same thing in the body politic here.
Massive heating up, massive breakdown, is gonna bring it all to a scrofulous head.
It's going to bring that poison of the New World Order flooding us with people that will work for nothing.
And again, they're not the poison.
It's their by-product of lowering wages.
Just like bacteria aren't what make you sick generally, it's their waste.
It's their by-product.
And if you see the world and the nation as a living, interconnected creature, you begin to understand how the New World Order sees societies.
They've done everything they can to weaken us, everything they can to bring us down.
And so there are some fringe benefits to all of this.
As the economy implodes, everyone's going to remember Ron Paul for 30 years, talking about how the central bankers designed it.
They're going to read him in the Dallas Morning News and the LA Times in the last two days, both with stories about how Ron Paul blames the Federal Reserve, and then he lays it out.
They're going to remember me 10, 12, 13 years ago on air.
They're going to remember 20 years, 30 years ago, G. Edward Griffin.
They're going to remember Aaron Russo talking about it.
They're going to remember everybody talking about it.
They're going to remember
Jack Blood talking about it.
They're going to remember John Stapmiller talking about it.
They're going to remember Mark Hornky talking about it.
They're going to remember just anybody you can name in this movement talking about it.
Laying out exactly what was happening, exactly what was developing.
They're going to remember Bob Chapman talking about it.
They're going to remember Senator Bob Smith talking about it.
They're going to remember
All of these tens of thousands of people that prominently understood the globalist plan and who exposed it.
There are so many countless others who have exposed exactly what is happening now, exactly what is unfolding now, and it's going to be painful, but if we're there to educate and remind people as it happens, the liberty movement, the freedom movement, is only going to grow that much faster.
They're going to remember Ted Anderson talking about it.
They're going to remember Jack Brownrigg talking about it.
They're going to remember
All of these people talking about it and breaking down exactly who was behind it, what they were doing and what was going to happen.
More key financial news straight ahead, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
I won't even turn my head.
Don't send your kin folks to give me no talking.
I'll be gone.
I'll be gone, like I said.
You'd say the same old thing that you've been saying all along.
Lay there in your bed and keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
Don't give me that old familiar cryin' cussin' moan.
Understand, you old man, I'm tired of your bad mouthin'.
Understand, you old man.
We're winning a lot of key benchmarks in the fight against the globalists.
Most people now are aware of false flag, inside job, that's entered the main vernacular, the nomenclature.
It's now a societal meme.
Folks now know about the shadow government.
They know what the New World Order is.
And remember, we once had to wake up ourselves, many of us.
Many of you listening today.
And you know how their awakening then accelerates once they start down the path of reality.
Robert, Wayne, Russell, Steve, Brian, others, your calls are coming up.
Then we have John Taylor Gatto, education expert, for his third visit with us.
To recap the history of education, mind control, dumbing down, and then get into their modern systems.
We got up to about the fifties.
Then we'll spend the second half talking about solutions to fight this.
Very, very important.
Then in the third hour, I'm going to open the phones up again.
In the last thirty minutes, I'm going to air a clip of a great little presentation I saw that's all dead on, exactly accurate, that I saw on YouTube.
I'm going to play ten minutes of that.
Then I'm going to play about fifteen minutes of
Endgame blueprint for global enslavement.
So that's coming up in the final 30 minutes of Transmission today.
Now I want to continue with the financial news.
Let me just quickly read through Paul Joseph Watson's article that's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Let market crash now or face financial train wreck.
Experts encourage facing reality that stocks are overvalued
Due to weak dollar.
But Fed set to continue with dangerous sweeping rate cuts.
Massive infusions of liquidity.
The Fed continued obsession with slashing interest rates and printing money in order to maintain the facade of a grossly overvalued stock market while the dollar collapse is precipitating a financial holocaust worldwide.
Yuppies need to cut their losses and accept a soft crash now or place the very pillars of American economy in danger.
Sentiment is widespread that yesterday's shock 75 basis point cut in the federal funds rate serves only to instill more panic in the already fragile environment, doing more harm than the extra liquidity in the financial system can compensate for.
Some experts are actively encouraging a stock market crash now, so as to allow the system to bottom out, rather than sliding down the same path towards fiscal Armageddon in two or three years.
And by the way, that's on the outside.
It could happen any day, any month.
Generally, they say middle of the year, end of the year, because the credit cards are coming due, everything's coming due, the states are saying, hey, you AAA rated junk for their pension fund investments, and they just keep dumping, dumping, dumping money that only devalues it further.
Clem Chambers, CEO of ADF, Europe's number one stocks and shares website, writes in Forbes, in many ways, the best thing that could happen now would be a quick crash.
By the way, we've been saying that for months.
A lot of professionals are praying for the so-called puke, because that would set the bottom for a recovery and signal the worst is over.
Yeah, just get the fever, get it up high, let it break instead of giving the kid Tylenol so they're sick for a whole week to keep the fever down.
A short, sharp shock would be good for everyone.
Recovery is better than sickening.
This is a long, dark night, as Dr. Roberts told you yesterday.
A long, dark winter.
Or would you rather just go jump in the cold water once and run back in by the fire?
But see, the globalists don't want that.
They want this long, squeezing, this long unraveling.
Tamer says that Outlook is bleak through the end of 2010 and that without this puke, as it's called in the industry, the second leg of the credit crunch could lead to a financial train wreck.
See, the subprime is only the beginning.
To a financial train wreck, this is a quote on a scale not seen by the current generations.
We're talking depression, baby!
By the way, I forgot to ask you, John.
I'll do it now.
Did they send you that Kissinger clip yet?
Asked him.
He said he was working on it.
Grabbing just the clips out of it.
It's a long interview with Kiss and you're talking about global recessions.
A severe correction seems impossible except for the yuppies who have buried their heads in the sand and consumed establishment propaganda that the country and the economy was in good shape for the past three years.
This is why the Fed's policy of continually lowering interest rates to artificially prop up the stock market by devaluing the dollar looks set to continue with a 2.5% level expected to be in place by spring.
We now expect the Fed to cut another cumulative 100 basis points off interest rates.
The next installment will probably come at the formal meeting on January 30th, another 25 basis points.
We would expect to see a 2.5% by April meeting, predicts Nigel Galt, Chief U.S.
Economist at forecasting body Global Insight.
But by continually slashing rates in vain, attempt to
Rescue the illusionary strength of the stock market.
That's because it's bought with cheap dollars.
Really, it's $6,000 or lower.
The Fed will sacrifice the dollar, which will in turn dissuade foreign investors from buying U.S.
stocks anyway.
So it's killing the golden goose, which is what they want.
They want to take it over.
But they want you to think they did everything they could.
This is sick.
As writer Dave Lindorf explained in his latest column, the Fed is in a trap.
It cannot cut interest rates much more without causing a collapse in the dollar, which because of this huge U.S.
trade imbalance, and all those consumer goods and raw materials, especially oil that are imported, would lead to serious and potentially dangerous inflation.
It's already here.
What are they talking about?
And there is another constraint with the current rate cut.
The U.S.
now has the third lowest interest rates in the world.
If the Fed makes another cut,
As it is hinted, it might, in a week or so, only Japan would have a lower interest rate environment, they've been in 12 years of recession I would add, than the U.S.
that makes the dollar a very undesirable currency for foreign investors, which makes, which means they won't hold dollars.
And they won't want to hold U.S.
Yet if the Fed doesn't cut interest rates even further, the stock market will continue to plunge, which again discourages foreign investors from pouring their money into the U.S., which in turn puts downward pressure on the dollar.
The Bush chickens endless deficits, as far as the eye can see, and a two trillion military debacle that has no end in sight
Yeah, that's the good side.
This would be the best medicine for the vast majority of hard-working, tax-paying Americans.
But as we are painfully aware, Bernanke, Paulson, and the like only have the interests of their bosses at heart, and for the elite, economic chaos and a possible depression, as occurred in 29, only benefits the long-term plan to bankrupt and pillage America, strip-mining it to fulfill their own wicked agenda.
Get it out to everybody, to every know-it-all, trendy-wendy you know.
Excellent article.
Again, it is key to understand that the SPP, the NAU documents, all state, they plan this implosion.
To then claim that a dollarization of North America, they're going to call it dollarization, oh look, Canada and Mexico are going on the dollar to strengthen it against the Euro.
They've been saying this since the 70s when they came out with this plan, they're following it.
And then they will
Stop bad-mouthing the economy.
They will then engage in financial actions that will make the economy recover.
That's about two, three years out.
Could be four years out.
And then you'll have all the same know-it-all yuppies on the stair-steppers next to you at the gym, shooting their mouth off about how great dollarization of North America and then Pan-America was.
That is not the case!
They have stated on MSNBC, they have stated all of this.
It's been in mainstream news that they plan to wreck the dollar.
They have to destroy it to build something new on its ruins.
Joining us again with this financial analysis is Ted Anderson.
Ted, you've been sitting here for 20 minutes while I've been going over these reports.
Do you concur?
Do you have anything to add?
I do, Alex.
The only and the only solution to the problem that we have going on right now with the United States dollars to be rid of the Fed and get back to constitutional money, period.
That is the only thing that will solve the United States' financial problems.
And we just so happen to have a
A man who's won all these economic awards, who has a plan, who's warned about all of this, and the media is cheating him, ignoring him, not even saying he's second place when he wins it.
Mass fraud.
That is exactly right.
That's the only... You know, Hillary right now is grabbing Ron Paul's quotes where we're borrowing money from the Chinese in order to fight the war, and now Hillary's saying we're borrowing money from the Chinese to buy Arab oil.
Oh my God.
This woman wants to give away our country and she's trying to use Ron Paul's stuff to get elected.
It just drives me nuts.
It really does.
We're financially heading to Armageddon.
We're in it right now.
The frog is being boiled.
There's no question about it.
We've got to get away from the Federal Reserve.
Here's the analogy.
We're coming into Normandy Beach.
The battleships and cruisers and troop carriers are two miles out, and the long guns are hitting a few of the ships, but missing most of the time.
The spent artillery rounds are splashing in the ocean, harmlessly around us.
But the troop carriers are now going in, and they haven't even gotten in within a mile yet.
As they get in closer, they're going to be able to train those machine guns, the smaller howitzers on them, and then we're going to hit the beach.
Yeah, I think so.
Well, I've been in California lately.
I've been in Dallas.
I've been in New York lately.
All I see is Ron Paul stickers everywhere, not just in Texas.
I see no one else's stickers or signs.
People all over the country say they see the same thing.
The media admits it.
But magically, he's getting 10 points.
Well, that's what's going on right now.
Maybe that's true.
Maybe we've woken up about 15% of the people out there to this problem.
The only issue is it's the young kids right now.
The older people that have been living on the dole and are expecting Social Security bail themselves out.
uh... when they retire and all these all you know that you're right it's about the yuppies that are in their thirties and their forties by the way ted everybody has always said someday we're not going to get social security someday they're going to cheat us we know back in the nineties they totally raided it and clinton sucked it dry quote to balance the budget that was a a a a vapor an illusion a mirage in the desert you know in in the wahhabi desert but let me just make the announcement in case people don't know
Social Security is now gone.
It is nothing more than a tiny supplement.
If you have 40 plus percent, and that's just to last year, in the last four years of compounded cuts in Social Security payment in the value of that dollar, now it's 16 percent this year in the first month.
It's trending for 16 on the year.
If it continues, it'll be way over 20
Points for the year.
That'll be 60 plus percent reduction in purchasing value in five years on your check.
That is effectively meaning that Social Security is now dead.
Yeah, it was used to finance the federal spending for all those years.
There's no money in that coffer.
I mean, not just that though.
What I'm saying, and I want your take on this, is if you got 40%, it's about to be 60% reduction in purchasing power on that Social Security check.
The media hasn't told the retirees yet why they're starting to have to eat dog food.
It's going to click.
They're not going to be able to cover this up.
What are they going to do?
I mean, if they increase the payments, it'll go bankrupt that much faster, and with all the baby boomers starting to retire.
I mean, this is incredible!
Yeah, that's why you see the United States government doping the CPI figures.
They want to keep the inflation numbers low because they have to increase Social Security payments based upon the CPI.
And the CPI is just a big, big dog and pony show.
I wish I could say a few other things about it, but I can't do it on the radio.
So yeah, they're doping the numbers to make the inflation look lower so they don't have to raise the payments to Social Security.
Right now, AARP should be suing the United States government for messing with the numbers because the retirees who are expecting to have a living off of this thing they've been paying into all their lives are getting
I think.
And for people that have the money, silver has not even moved yet.
It should be at $100 for true dollar value.
Gold should be at $2,500 to dollar value.
Before gold races back up again, you've got gold at last week's price when it was lower.
You've got silver at last week's price.
Tell them about today's offer quickly, Ted.
Yeah, real fast, I do have the British Sovereigns.
They're at $240 per coin.
We have the franc coin at $192.
We have the silver dollars at $400 per roll or $20 per coin.
Silver's gone up over a buck.
Gold is up over $20 since the prices that I put together on this particular package.
We also have the $5 gold pieces at $3.27.
All of those coins are due to go up.
They've already gone up.
It's just I've locked in a supply.
At the prices when we were sitting back down at $870 per ounce rather than $890 per ounce.
And now's the time to be moving on it, folks.
I mean, you can see the dollar falling.
The handwriting's on the wall.
The Wall Street people are telling you that you've got to cover yourself.
Paul Craig Roberts yesterday, what a great interview.
I mean, the man has credentials.
That would more than likely tell you to get into the stocks than anything else.
And he's telling you, it's a sinking ship, man.
You've got to cover yourself.
Chad, give him the number.
It's 1-800-686-2237.
Again, that's 1-800-686-2237.
And if you have your retirement tied up in the stock market, if you have money in the bank, if you have anything that's related to U.S.
dollar and a lot of the foreign currencies as well, folks, you've got to do something.
And right now, if you're not afraid, you should be.
Well, bottom line, Ted, this is Rock Bottom Prices.
You've had this network now for 11 years, and you literally are giving people a price that I happen to know you make about $5 a coin on this that just pays for the brokers.
This is an introductory thing we do for our listeners.
Or if you missed that number, go to MidasResources.com or GCNLive.com and get the number right there.
It's the Alex Jones Special, or you'll be paying today's price, 1-800-686-2237.
Ted, thanks for spending time with us.
Hey, it's always a pleasure, Alex.
Folks, take advantage of this right now.
Don't let them destroy all your value, all your investments.
Don't let them rape you.
We'll be right back.
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We're here live.
Alright, let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Robert in Texas, you're on the air.
Alex, thank you for having me on the show.
Thanks for calling.
Alright, I want to talk about, uh, yesterday I saw Lou Dobbs on, uh, CNN, what, the Independence Day, uh, special he was at?
And pretty much he was talking a little bit about the economic crisis.
And, uh, not really, not, not a lot though, but, uh, he had a poll at the end of his show, and he didn't even include Ron Paul into the poll.
And I was just,
I can't understand it.
And I did get some emails about that.
I didn't confirm that for myself, but I believe you, Robert, and I think it's outrageous.
I mean, we know Lou Dobbs is cashing in on people's anger about the globalist activities at open borders and dollar destruction, but then why isn't he giving them a solution?
Why is he giving other candidates more attention?
Yeah, I know.
He was basically saying that nobody from either party was giving a solution.
But I know Ron Paul is the only one that's talking about the gold and the silver being the real money.
It kind of outraged me a little bit, you know, me being a big supporter of Lou Dobbs and everything.
Well, contact Dobbs.
Everybody should contact Dobbs and say, listen, have Ron Paul on.
He's everything your show is.
Thank you, Robert.
By the way, Network, I'm getting an unbelievable reverb feedback.
The only reason I tell you is because it's hard to talk with it going.
Oh, it's gone.
Wayne in Missouri, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex?
Yes, hey, I want to talk to you there about, well, I'm a small farmer here in Missouri, and I remember stories that my grandma used to tell me about the Depression and living through that, and what was going on with that, and I was kind of thinking about, she told me how there was no money.
Nobody had any money, and the way only anybody survived was through barter.
Well, I know in East Texas, where my dad's family's from, all the possums, all the raccoons, almost all the deer got killed.
These were farmers, ranchers that knew how to take care of themselves, but they would have starved.
And I mean even middle class families like my dad's.
And you laugh at eating possum.
People always make fun of country people.
Oh, eating some possum.
Well, you start starving to death.
There's no food on the table.
You better believe you'll eat possum.
Now, my dad was born after the Depression, but my dad, you know, had a lot of black folks that were his friends, that lived nearby, who he'd visit with, like his nanny's family, and they were poor black people, and you better believe they were still eating pasta when my dad's eating it, and it's not funny!
Now, we aren't an agrarian society, we aren't living in the country now, what are these people going to do when they don't have food?
Well, what I'm wondering about is what's going to happen if they get this animal ID passed through and the premises ID pushed through to where they control even all the small farms.
There won't be anything to trade or barter.
Nobody's going to be able to grow their own food.
Anything else you want to add?
It's amazing.
Well, I was wondering, you've got that talk fest coming up?
Yes, sir.
Where are you going to be on with George and Ori?
And I was wondering if maybe you could put a bug in George here or there.
Stay there.
I'll let you finish up on the other side.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Mainstream media.
Big Brother.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, Internet suicide rips apart town as seven young people hang themselves.
We'll talk about education, how it's designed to give them no hope and dumb them down.
More about the economy in your calls.
Wayne in Missouri.
Yeah, there's a talk fest, KLBGA 590 AM, one of my affiliates here in Austin is having.
George Norrie, Clark Howard, others, local hosts.
I've been invited by George to sit in three hours Friday night when he's here in town.
That's the big one.
That's what matters.
And I thank George.
By the way, when I was mentioning folks that have exposed the economic system, George is the one that did that.
He's the one that brought the Info Wars to Coast to Coast and a lot of other great guests.
So he's got to be commended as well.
And then he's invited me the last two years he's been here.
Well, yeah, I don't know whether you can mention it to him on the air or not, but I was just sort of wondering if you could maybe turn him on to Derry Brownfield.
I know you've mentioned him and maybe some of the guests that Derry's had on.
Talking about what's going on with the farm, because I just worry if they get control of all the food, then we're really in trouble.
I mean, they have control of the money, but if they ever control all the food... Well, George always asks for some questions beforehand.
He generally doesn't even go to them as we talk so much.
But guess what's on the list I sent him that I want to talk about on the show?
The animal ID and the premises ID?
Yes, sir.
That's one of the questions.
Thanks very much, Alex.
Good deal.
Thank you so much.
That's what we're talking about.
The economy, the cashless society, tracking slave grid, and the endgame.
Now sometimes we'll get stuck on one question for two hours and never get to the rest.
We'll see what happens.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
By the way, I do recommend a lot of guests to the folks on Coast to Coast.
Let's go ahead and go to Russell in Texas.
Russell, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
A lot of people don't understand that you can even taste the difference between real food and fake food.
You can go down here to McDonald's and get one of those processed, nasty cheeseburgers they got.
I don't think people are used to eating a real hamburger anymore that you have to cook yourself.
Somebody, when you go to a restaurant, they cook it?
By the way, McDonald's is about $7 a person.
For $7, you can go buy a bunch of good hamburger meat, unprocessed, you know, good cheese.
Alex, would you rather go to a Mexican food restaurant that serves Mexican food, or would you rather go to Taco Bell that serves processed crap?
And it's almost the same price.
Yeah, almost the same price.
And the same thing with tools and every other product.
Would you rather have some snap-on tools that don't strip your screws out if you were to stick a Phillips in the screw, and it don't strip it out because it's made out of junk from China, or would you rather have some snap-on tools that don't do that, that's real fine made?
Yeah, here's the deal.
You pay about 20% more and you get quality, but now it's getting to where you can't even find quality.
Uh, I can just start naming places that are junk.
I mean, it's just, they just feed a lot of junk.
Here's the deal, I got out of... I go out to eat.
I'm not, I have nothing against beef, because I come from Texas and I eat beef, man.
I want to go eat me a big ol' cooked steak.
I had a sirloin last night.
A baked potato, and some salad, and corn on the cob, and a big ol' piece of cherry pie.
And I don't want to pay more than $15 for it.
That's about fine for me.
But, I sit there and I tell you that, I say, I ain't going to these junk fests.
That's f***ing sick!
I hear you and I appreciate your call, sir.
I, um, about 10 years ago started working so hard that I decided I wasn't going to work out, didn't care about myself.
I was just going to do that and I shouldn't have.
And it's a long process coming back from it, but I never eat fast food anymore, ever.
And if I eat it, now once every three or four months, I get sick.
And it's not placebo.
I don't expect to get sick.
I eat it, and then I feel horrible.
And your point is well taken.
Alright, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with John Taylor Goddard.
We'll talk to Steve, Rachel, Andrew, and many others.
Stay with me.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Open phones in this hour on education, the new world order, the nature of society.
At 1-800-259-9231.
John Taylor Gatto is our guest.
He was on with us for two other interviews.
This is part three, getting into how education was set up.
This all can be researched.
You can document all this.
His website has it all documented.
He has a free online e-book up there of great value that he worked on for more than a decade.
And we appreciate John Taylor Gatto coming on with us today.
It's good to have you on, sir.
Good to be with you, Alex, and Ron Paul forever, eh?
Now let's go back in just five minutes, recap the basics, how they set it up, what it was designed to do, and then we got up to the fifties with what they started developing and then move us through to what happened in the present and where this is all going and then hopefully how to turn it around.
Alright, I'll do my best.
The United States is the key.
It's quite a different nation in concept.
From all the other countries that existed before, the idea was that social class should be flexible and fluent, and that everybody, regardless of their background, would have an equal shot, a level playing field, to make the best of themselves.
And in fact, for the first 150 years of our colonial and then our early national history, you can see the development of this
Idea working spectacularly.
We've become the center of the world's attention.
But under the surface, something is rising that will conflict with this original idea, and that is an economy that's evolving from an independent livelihood economy of small farmers, small entrepreneurs, and so on,
Into a large centralized corporate economy, which requires a large government to protect it.
And both, even though what we're sold is the vast difference between the corporate world and the government world, they're two sides of the same coin.
They require the same kind of
Human beings to make them work well.
People who are largely obedient, compliant, and above all else, have weak imagination, so they can't think of a different way to do things.
Now I know that sounds dark and sinister, and of course morally it is dark and sinister, but the people assembling this thing through the 19th century, and it was completely in place,
By the end of the 19th century, when we got the schools we have, the people assembling it had, for their moral standard, Darwin's Descent of Man, in which he had, 1871 that is, in which he said that most people are evolutionary dead ends, that only a small elite was actually evolving, and everyone else just got in the way.
So now they felt morally justified in setting up a series of institutions, but school the most important of them, that would teach people to keep themselves in their place.
Now I'll simplify it very quickly by saying by removing their
Capacity for intellectual development and truthfully for removing the capacity for moral development.
But let's stick with the intellect for a moment.
It's fairly easy to do when you can drain all the children out of the community and you can establish the standards for what a fine mind is, the one you get an A plus for.
There's hardly a difference in any school in the country.
The rotten ones are the same as the good ones.
You get an A-plus for memorizing what you're told to memorize and repeating it on periodic tests.
And after you do that for a long enough period of time, you're so alienated from the roots of your own strength, from your own family, from your own religion, from your own culture, from your own imagination,
You don't recover from that.
You become predictable by the tools of market research.
And both the government and the corporate world use those predictions to employ capital and labor efficiently.
Now, John Taylor Gatto, I want to make clear to the listeners that I had heard you many years ago on the radio, but I hadn't done any research on your research.
And that I separately, making Endgame, discovered the exact same documents, textbooks, statements.
None of this was a secret.
It was only at the highest levels of academia, advertising, and the corporate world.
And so everything you're saying is absolutely documented.
This is not our opinion.
This is not a theory you're hearing.
This is how the world was set up and standardized to literally make you mindless gibbering drones.
Go ahead.
Well, let me affirm what you just said with a couple of names that are fairly standard.
One is known by everyone.
Winston Churchill said in 1944, publicly, that schools don't have anything to do with education.
They are mainly, I'm reading the quote, they're mainly institutions of control where certain basic habits
Or inculcated in the young.
Education is quite different and has no place in schools.
Then here's Bertrand Russell, you know, one of the major mathematicians and philosophers of the 20th century.
He says this in 1935, we're faced with the paradoxical fact that school is one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.
What we're talking about is a deliberate piece of architecture, but once again, I think it's important to see where these people gained their strength, their moral strength, in first accepting Darwin's hypothesis, not about evolution, but that most people aren't evolving.
They're dead wood.
And so if you allow them to mix with the
The good breeding stock, you ruin the human race.
Now, obviously, that's not taught in school when they teach Darwin, and yet it's very, very easy to find.
I'd challenge anyone listening simply to go to their local public library and ask the librarian for Darwin's Descent of Man.
That's the name of the book.
Not Origin of Species, but a book written 12 years later.
And it'll be in every library in the United States, I guarantee you.
And it will say, flatly, that the future of the human race depends on confusing this bad breeding stock so that it doesn't reproduce itself.
Exactly, and then that's why they adopted fluoride, which massively reduces sperm count.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, of course.
Of course.
It's certainly one of the reasons we have mass production
Wars on both sides, mind you.
And by the way, the Carnegie Endowment for Peace openly states they're there to create war.
State Department Memorandum 200 openly states they're there to use wars and famine to exterminate.
Then you realize why they now admit, American Medical Association, that fluoride actually destroys your teeth, but it rots holes in your brain, reduces IQ, and causes sterility and lower testosterone level.
You must realize you were under
Yes, yes.
So, one of the ways that I personally got on to this thing, bit by bit, I mean it took me quite a long time, is that I grew up in a part of the country
At a time when that part of the country was being ignored, all the attention was, and most of it today is, on the two coasts there.
But I grew up in the Scotch-Irish part of western Pennsylvania, around Pittsburgh, and during the Second World War, although we hardly thought of ourselves as intellectually advanced in any way, we didn't think of that at all,
Or we didn't think of school as very important.
We were reading Julius Caesar in 7th grade and Julius Caesar in Latin in 9th grade.
And I don't mean so-called gifted and talented.
By the way, Ron Paul's from your same town, same time.
Oh, be darned.
I did not know that.
But it was a wonderful, wonderful part of the world.
I mean, people were dragged in there from all the middle European countries.
And from Ireland, you know, to work the mills and the mines.
And so the only true melting pot that I've ever experienced in my life isn't New York City, where I'm talking to you from, where everyone goes off into their separate enclave, but Pittsburgh, where all the world mixed together and didn't take insult from one another.
And as a consequence, the level of
Mutual respect was quite high, but we were ignored or otherwise this wouldn't have happened.
I don't know if that's true today, I would doubt it.
But nevertheless, when I came to New York City, which was reputed to be the intellectual center of the American universe, I genuinely was bewildered because the seventh and eighth grade classes that
I was given as a substitute teacher, we're about on the level of third grade classes back in Pittsburgh.
And I said, no, something has to be wrong here.
You know, we're the dumb ones, not these people.
But I watched how it was being done.
You start with this idea that since these people are permanently inferior, they wouldn't use that word, of course.
You know, they would say challenged by their backgrounds.
That you don't hurt them by asking them to think hard.
And in case they try to think and get involved in the smart people's business, let's poison them and dumb them down so they're more easily managed.
We'll be right back.
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We stand at a crossroads.
Either the
Global Scientific Dictatorship Architects who publicly in a thousand times a thousand statements and documents said that not only is eugenics positive eugenics to quote breed the elite for looks, longevity, intelligence, health, but also to go out and sterilize and control the quote unwanted which then gives the government and the powers that be the
You know, the ability to just say you don't have rights, but also the main movement of eugenics that's in the higher level textbooks is to poison and dumb you down, because, well, you may be stupid, but you're still cunning.
They call, you know, like, they describe us like weasels.
Well, just like, I've seen that in their documents, just like a weasel or a wolf isn't as smart as a man, it can still cause problems, so you've got to dumb them down, poison them, sterilize them, and that's what all this is.
That's why they put fluoride in your water, amongst many other things.
John Taylor Gatto, please continue.
Now, let's get up into the 50s, 60s, 70s.
Let's go through their plan, what it's done to education.
You go to New York, a third grade education compared to yours.
The stuff you were learning in third grade, they were learning in ninth grade.
Go from there.
All right.
Now, let me interpolate the mechanism of managerial control.
One of the first undertakings was to make
Schooling teacher proof.
That was very very important because an awful lot of people are drawn to school teaching who genuinely have some strong positive feelings about young people and they want to be valuable.
So you've got to make teaching teacher proof.
You've got to make schools principal proof, administrator proof, because you might get some maverick who's actually dedicated to
There's some good.
And you have to make state departments of education part of a transmission belt.
Never, never, never people who generate policy.
And this was done, and I'll cite in just a second the congressional investigation of this, that anyone can look up and read.
This was done out of the project offices of about a dozen
Major private corporate foundations.
The two most efficient were Carnegie and Rockefeller, and today they're joined by Exxon and the Gates Foundation.
But here's where school policy is formed, and then it's fed in through compliant state departments of education and through the federal education department, which itself
Has no primary power either.
Let me give you... It's under UNESCO and directly directed by the foundations.
Yes, yes.
And rather than take my word for it, there are two just magnificent congressional studies.
One in 1949 called the Reese Commission.
It's Carol Reese.
She was a Tennessee congressman.
The Reese Report, which will be obtainable.
Your librarian can order it.
I doubt if one would be in the library.
It may very well be on the internet.
I haven't looked.
And the other one is the Walsh Commission Report.
So as early as 1915, the legislature, the national legislature, was looking into this.
That was 1915.
What they discovered was identical in 1949 and in 1915 that our schools were under the control of the private foundations, not anyone that we elected or hired.
So I'll skip that now.
Through the Second World War, this was being
Conducted quite openly in the sense that the fantastic American ability to read well, which had been noted all over the world.
The inventiveness, the cunning, the skill, the eyes electric with inventiveness.
You bet!
And by 1939 we had 90% of all the patents granted on planet Earth.
But during the Second World War, under the cover of the war, the American ability to read was substantially degraded.
And the American imagination that created new developments technologically was degraded also.
1960, our 90% mastery was down to 32%.
John Taylor Gatto, the numbers don't lie.
We'll talk to you on the other side.
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Shut up.
Little pieces.
Little pieces.
I want to be very calm about this and restate this for you.
We're not mincing words.
We're not joking.
We're not exaggerating.
In fact, we cannot give you all the thousands of quotes and documents and books.
He's put it for free in his 10-plus year book.
It took him that long to write it.
At his website, we'll give you in a moment.
That's how much he cares.
And everything he's telling you, I've independently discovered on my own.
I want to explain that.
Why is that important?
This is real.
They openly said diet injection and injunctions would be used to poison you further and dumb you down further.
That's the UNESCO plan.
That's what controls our education system.
They are poisoning you into the food and water.
Police officers.
You think you work for the system.
You think you're part of the system.
You and your family are going to have bone fractures, heart attacks, Alzheimer's, and you're going to be in this fog you're in of frustration, of feeling weak-minded, of having those fleeting moments of intelligence.
You're supposed to feel like that, exhilarated with life.
You are under chemical attack.
Coming up next hour, I've got a special 10-minute piece on Floib we're going to be playing.
Stay with us for that at the bottom of the next hour.
John Taylor Gatto, before we go any further, tell people about your website, the free book, where they find the link on there for it, or how they buy the hard copy.
This is something that anyone with children in a government intellect extermination camp
The Underground History of American Education.
It's 330,000 words.
It took 10 years to write, and it sold many, many thousands of copies, and still does.
For $35 a copy.
But you can take it on the website for nothing, or if you want a hard copy, you can order one off the website.
www.johntaylorgatto.com It's packed with detailed information, very little rhetoric, and a whole lot of facts.
For example, Alex just talked about chemical poisoning.
You'll find in that book the actual government document by its project number which says that after 1968 that people will lose the power to make their own decisions and will be heavily drugged.
That was in anticipation of the Ritalin
And the Prozac-type drugs, which are all chlorine, fluoride-based, same thing with nerve gas, same thing with the fluoride.
Correct, and really the novel insight I think I've had is that these people, rather than being, as the great criminals of history, interested in feathering their own nest, are doing this as a service.
This is a cult!
Because the rest of us are just in the way.
It's just fascinating.
Well they talk about, and the modern ones do, Peter Singer, Pianca, Dr. Pianca, others, they talk about how sad it is they have to do it, but they've got the will to do the right thing, and rotholes in your children's brains, they love you.
Oh yes, now this requires the kind of
Anger, that I think I heard in your voice, Alex.
It's no longer a matter of debate.
So, we've gone, uh, in just a few decades from the highest test scores in the world to literally, uh, toxified, uh, brain damaged, uh, but, but both nature and nurture.
They're both poisonous for the nature and with the nurture, uh, make it to where it's not fun to learn, where it's out of rote and destroys the minds.
Please continue.
The key fulcrum
is the Second World War, because under the guise of the necessity for everyone to be on the same page in that monumental war, any number of things can be done and the publicizing of these things can be controlled centrally by the government and by intelligence agencies.
So when we wake up after the war, we are absolutely
in the beginning of a brave new world where the ability to read and to imagine has been seriously crippled and that continues on a regular basis.
The measure that probably is familiar to most people listening are the standardized test scores.
Now standardized tests themselves are an instrument that measures very little.
However, the declining standardized test scores
Have been concealed by renorming the test.
That's the technical word.
You simply make the questions easier and then you make the scoring of those questions easier.
And you do that on a regular basis every couple of years so that an outstanding score in 2008 might be a low, mediocre score
In 1945.
This is a monumental operation.
And the destruction of the ability to read, or the weakening of the ability to read, is an important part of it because it means that independently, with that great personal effort, you can in fact reach accurate information.
You're locked into the standardized media that themselves are corporate controlled.
They're corporations themselves.
So, the foundations after World War II held the hands of people all over the country and said, this is, of course they didn't say what they were doing, but this is all for the best.
We're moving into a
More humane world, but secretly, the next barrier that had to be shattered was American, United States independence, because we had all these inconvenient traditions of self-reliance and independence and cantankerous argumentation.
We had to be merged with the other nations of the world who were much farther ahead.
In accepting this deal for their citizenry.
And you and I have now, for 50 years, been on this internationalization, globalization path.
And whether it's sold as a humane thing through the United Nations, or an economic thing through global corporations selling merchandise, it's the same
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
It's simple!
So let me expand on this.
It all sounds good.
Oh, we're going to give you health care.
Really, that means I can force eugenics, force injections, total control, take more of your wealth.
To do that.
Now they're going to control, it sounds reasonable at first, what type of light bulb you can have.
Does it matter if they have phosphorescent good light bulbs that last 20 years?
They won't let you have those.
Instead, they make you take toxic, mercury-filled light bulbs that last 8 years instead.
Sounds reasonable.
Then once they've set that precedent, now they're going to have one child.
Taxes more than one child.
They're now proposing in Europe and the U.S.
to tax you if you have more than one child.
Same way they did it in China.
They're now coming in saying they're going to inspect how big your home is or how big it gets added on to.
States are calling for TV and taxes, video game taxes, quote, to get the kids outside playing.
But that's not going to stop it.
Again, it sounds reasonable.
It's just a tax.
These, quote, green taxes, carbon taxes, is a total new wave of bureaucrats, social workers,
They started social workers to carry out education and eugenics.
Now, they're shifting the colleges over where a huge portion are social workers, where 10% are police, homeland security, intelligence, spies, same thing in Europe.
I mean, everything we've seen, we're just setting the table now for the massive jump to the next level, John Taylor Gatto, and what will life be like
Under this system, bringing us up to current date, 20% on the psychotropic drugs, cameras in the bathrooms, black-masked police everywhere, checkpoints, selective enforcement, illegals above the law to bring down wages, to further destroy the family.
I mean, this is systematic.
We're now entering the final zone.
I think so.
And the next stage, I believe, has been spelled out in any number of utopian musings.
It's to then begin
The reduction of the population, since machinery and electronics can now do the work that people were required for before, that we can foresee a reduction in the planetary population of 70 or 80 percent.
And this will be done according to the Fabians, interestingly enough, who are quite forward about it, the British Fabian
And by the way, that's the guys from my studies that are dominating the cockpit and the instrument panel.
Go ahead.
Yeah, yeah.
It's their intention.
There are others harsher than the Fabians, but the Fabian intention is to kill people with kindness.
We will take care of the seatbelts and the food you eat.
And the behavior that you're allowed to engage in, bit by bit, incrementally though.
And then we're going to have bioethicists that euthanize you, and we're going to restrict genetically who can have children, and then they're going to run harsher, not soft kills, but hard kill bioweapons in the third world, practice covering that up like a doctor practices medicine, honing their skills always in this loving gift of death and destruction they give us.
Yeah, and it's comprehensive since
These folks, these engineers, control the media, the entertainment industry as well.
You will begin to see stories that sit on top of what they're about, and favorably commenting on it, and it will happen in elementary schools.
Well let me stop you.
We've got all the movies about how suicide's good, or euthanasia's good, and then now since you brought this up, John Hilargato, I've got to get to this right now.
In 1990, the federal government sponsored, starting in Littleton, Colorado, and then spreading to Dallas, Texas, Manhattan, and now it's nationwide, death education, where they teach you about suicide.
And if children never thought of suicide, then they teach you how to commit suicide.
But it's all in the guise of how to counter suicide, but in reality, the bioethicists, the new name for eugenics, are openly saying in their policy reports, which I'm sure you're a total master of this, you've read them, and you can even quote them if you like,
That they will sell us that death is okay, desensitize us that torture, all of this is okay, and then we end up with this.
Internet suicide cult rips apart town as seven young people in one small town in England commit suicide by hanging in suicide groups.
I'm really delighted that you mentioned Littleton, Colorado, because right after the event out there,
I was invited twice in a 90-day period to speak to the little event and traveled out there.
Various groups invited me out.
And while I was out there, I learned something that really intrigued me for 10 years prior to, you know, that massacre in the school.
Yeah, 1990 to 99.
It was all FBI run.
I didn't know you knew this, but just go ahead.
For ten years prior, the suicide rate among teenagers in Littleton, Colorado, every single year, was one, two, three in the United States.
So that there was a lot of early warning that this, you know, this death impulse was alive and well and living in Littleton High School.
They had a top government laboratory, this is all public, there was even a 2020 special in 2000, I mean in 1992.
Uh, were you aware of that?
Because there's so much, you know, you're aware of stuff, I'm not.
No, I don't think I am.
Okay, 2020 had a special, how they had them in the coffins, how they'd chain them down, how they would lay on top of them to simulate death.
Everything about death, death, death.
Top psych warfare experts running a government suicide experiment on them, but go ahead.
Was this in a little high school?
Yes, sir.
I'll be darned.
See, you found the massive spike.
It was all engineered.
Of course, that's
What you just described about learning how to live in your coffin.
That's the Skull and Bones initiation ritual.
I know, it's hard.
Folks, let me just explain something to you.
What you're hearing is all documented.
We are living in a literal nightmare system.
How do you break people out of this?
They're hearing this now.
How does a cop listening, who I know is a good man or a good woman, who's checked into some of this, they know we're telling the truth, what do they do?
What do we do?
We're all under attack!
I think you have to develop the consciousness
of a saboteur.
That is, that you move among the monsters and nobody knows that you're not one of the faithful.
And yet, you look for weak points and you put some sand in the gears.
Now, quite innocently, two and a half million homeschoolers have done that.
Alex, if we go back to 1976,
According to the federal government, there were 10,000 in the United States.
Now there are two and a half million.
By the way, it's bigger than that.
That's a two-year-old number.
It's almost at four mil now.
That's wonderful news, really.
But no one came around recruiting.
There were no billboards saying, let's do this.
I mean, now and then you'd get a human interest story about the thing.
It grew out of some, I think, natural health.
That exists in spite of all this.
The dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit.
Yes, and the larger this thing gets, the more difficult, I mean, homeschooling is one of the alternatives, but the larger it gets, the more difficult it is
Well, John, let's talk about it after the break.
I'm going to have to hold you over a little bit in the next hour if you can do it, because I want you to be able to finish.
Then we'll take your calls, I promise.
But I told the story of my dad's a pretty high-level medical consultant, and he gets sent to some of these top seminars.
It was a couple thousand dollars per person.
He was at the Four Seasons down in Austin seeing this top global expert on trends, and the guy came right out.
He called me on the cell phone when it happened.
The guy came right out and said, we work for global government.
The global government has dumbed people down too much.
Now there's too many homeschoolers.
They're defeating our top people.
If we don't take over the homeschoolers, they're going to overthrow the elite because they're going to have critical thinking.
And my dad called me just like five years ago and said, oh my God.
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Day after day, alone on a hill
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him.
They can see that he's just a fool.
And he never gives an answer.
But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down.
We're back live.
This segment next is all we have of John Taylor Gatto.
We'll have him back again.
And of course, we'll take calls that have been holding in that next segment after that come up in about ten minutes.
Before we go back to John Taylor Gatto, JohnTaylorGatto.com, I want to warn all of you, this is not a joke.
This is not a game.
We're not kidding around.
We can finish each other's sentences.
Because we've done the same research, and he's done even more in this area.
We have scientific minds who are on incredible power trips, who are putting cancer viruses in vaccines, poison in water, they're spraying us.
We're all under attack, and I'll tell people in the government, bureaucrats, IRS employees, police.
You think you're part of a system?
You think, you know, that you're above us?
You're not.
You're under the very same attack.
Mayors, governors, they're not even in most cases part of it.
This thing is a self-fulfilling machine with the robber baron foundations that set it up operating.
Get in Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
If you haven't gotten the DVD, get it at InfoWars.com.
Do not wait.
Make copies of it.
Get it out to everyone.
If you've got the means, buy it and make 10,000 copies.
Give it to everybody in your town.
If you don't have the means, buy it and make 10 copies.
Or buy it and have parties and show it to people.
Or invite your neighbor over, you know, invite them for free dinner and make them dinner and show it to them.
You know, your neighbors.
You and your wife do it.
This is life and death!
They take foster children in New York and feed them pesticides until they die!
They put it in New York Daily News and nobody goes to jail!
They don't play games!
Do you understand that?
Get in game at InfoWars.com to really understand what's happening and then get John Taylor Gatto's book for even more on what they're doing.
InfoWars.com or 888-253-3139 or until now at the end of the week, or I guess into next week, you get five months free at PrisonPlanet.tv.
See it in super high quality right now.
John Gatto, again, fire out the website.
Spell it out for folks, and I demand, don't just believe us, don't you dare believe us.
You go read his book for free, or you buy the hard copy, and then you just spot check 20 passages, 20 quotes in there.
And then you go to the library and you pull out the books, the Carnegie Endowments, you go do it.
And I want you to know what it's like when you actually go there, when you pull the microfiche and you actually read it.
You know, I mean, that's an empowering thing, isn't it, John?
G-A-T-T-O dot com.
If you want to contact me, if you would like me to come and speak in your community, the email on that website is info at JohnTaylorGatto.com.
And again, John Taylor and then spell Gatto again.
Now folks, even though you're on fluoride, I am too, it's in everything, it's in the shower, you can fight through this with humanity, you can still get the energy and the initiative, that's what it saps, to get them in your community, to read the book, you can fight through it together, we can beat these people, John!
We absolutely can, and I think the homeschoolers have blazed the trail.
If they were still 10 or 20,000 people, they're millions.
Alex just corrected me pleasantly by telling me there are 4 million of them now.
And I happen to know, because I have friends, I have acquaintances in the Federal Ed Department.
It's growing exponentially!
They state the figure as small as they think they can possibly get away with.
But if we're talking about an army of millions,
And for a while it's going to have to remain a guerrilla army.
You simply, you speak up and throw a little bit of sand in the mix.
And for your own kids, or your own friends' kids, you, you know, you take back their minds.
One mind at a time.
It's an info war.
There is a war on for your mind.
Back in 70 with JohnTaylorGuyto.com!
Thank you for listening to GCS.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number three coming up.
In 30 minutes, I'm going to air the most concise, best piece I've ever seen on fluoridation poisoning targeted at you and your family for submission to the New World Order.
Then I'm going to air another 15 minutes from Endgame blueprint for global enslavement in the last 30 minutes today.
John Taylor Gatto, we've got four and a half minutes left.
You've got the floor with solutions to this fight.
They plan to crash the economy.
Totally blow it out.
Try to ban and outlaw and restrict and harass with the Real ID, Premise Society, Animal ID, where when you really sign that, regulatory ownership goes to the government to shut down farms and ranches.
They want us forcibly in cities.
Germany's outlawing homeschooling.
California and others have tried.
They're moving against us, but as you said, it's gone from two and a half mil, I'm talking to the homeschooling groups, their internal numbers, it's over
Almost over two million, plus that number, let's be conservative, under four million.
They're getting desperate right now, that's why they're trying to move.
I think this scum's gonna lose if we expose them.
John Taylor Gatto, are you there?
Okay, his phone just cut out.
Get him back on so he can finish up.
I mean, this is incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
The phone system just burped.
It happens sometimes.
Folks, I just get so fired up when we talk about exposing and fighting these people.
I want police officers who believe in this system.
I want you to go to Google and type fluoride toxicity studies University of Texas in.
Last time I did that I got 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s.
Read them in the 30s saying it was a toxic chemical that made people lethargic.
I want you to see this for yourself.
I want you to know they're doing it to you, too.
You are with us.
What would you do if someone did this openly?
If you caught somebody at a restaurant putting a poison in your water?
Again, the American Medical Association, for four years, has now come out and said,
I guess three and a half, that it actually hurts your teeth and babies and children shouldn't have fluoridated water.
So there goes the reason they claim it's in there.
American scientists are going public.
Scientific American has gone public.
That is just one tiny piece to this larger puzzle.
I am begging you, begging you,
It's WWW.com.
Now, Taylor's spelled T-A-Y-L-O-R, and Gatto's spelled G-A-T-T-O.
If you want to read the whole book online, it's up there, and if you want to buy it, you can order it that way.
And if you want to speak to me, write to me, rather, or invite me to speak, it's info at JohnTaylorGatto.com is the
is the email way to reach it.
John, I've had you on three times.
I wish you a lot.
God bless you.
And Alex is correct.
We will win this fight.
John, I had you on for an hour again just on the rest of the history and some solutions.
I want to get you back up in the next month for a full hour just on solutions.
Will do.
And I'll enjoy it.
All right.
God bless you, sir.
Thank you for your time.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to come back, cover some other news, jam in some of your phone calls.
Then we've got this 10-minute piece on fluoride coming up.
And I don't know if it's on the website, because I told my web guys to post it.
By the way, John, I'm not sure if Paul even got that.
Re-IM him that YouTube address.
I want to make sure Watson posts that.
I've also asked Nemo to do a blurb on it, but he's had the flu.
I just want to warn people.
I have a burning desire to warn you.
You're under attack!
They openly brag about it!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, Steve, Rachel, Andrew, Tom, Jay, your calls.
We're going to them right now.
I just want to beg.
I want all of you to investigate the claims we've made.
I keep saying that, but I want you to read where the Rockefellers and the Carnegies and the World Health Organization talk about how they want you to die.
How they want to poison you.
How they want to dumb you down.
How they started this stuff a hundred years ago.
How they turned you into a bunch of trendy, mindless monkeys fighting over baubles, shiny pieces of glitter like a magpie.
Please find out.
You know how frustrating it is to know this is all true?
And to have people just say, oh, I just choose my reality.
I choose to not believe what you're saying.
You better think twice.
You better look into our claims.
I don't expect you to believe me.
But I expect for you to check in to what I'm saying.
I expect for you to stop letting the New World Order system run over the top of you.
I'm begging all of you out there to use your heads.
You know what it's like to watch these establishment people in their suits and ties, and their different technicians, their architects, up there running all their different concerted scams?
They have central hubs, central organizations that teach them the nomenclature, the verbiage, how to run the scams, unlimited financing, how to attack you, how to dumb you down, how to make you feel powerless, to know they carried out 9-11, to know they carried out all those other horrible events, to know they created the radical Muslims, financed them,
To know they put Mao into power.
To know they put Lenin into power.
To know they put Hitler into power.
To know they'll kill hundreds of millions and not even blink an eye.
To know we're all under that kind of threat and to realize that you could wake up to it.
You could take action.
I know a lot of you out there are awake.
A lot of you care.
You're doing a lot.
The biggest thing you can do is keep waking people up.
Keep spreading the word.
If you've got in-game, make copies of it.
If you can burn copies of it off of PrisonPlanet.tv.
Make hundreds of copies on the disc, on the CD.
Give them to people.
Right now, call a family member, a neighbor, a friend.
Email your email list.
Right now!
Tell them to tune in in 20 minutes.
Tell them to tune in in about 18 minutes at the bottom of the hour for this fluoride piece we're going to play and then clips of endgame.
Warn them!
I mean, I was in the grocery store yesterday, grocery shopping for the family, and I was just telling people and talking to people and warning them.
I just can't help it.
I just want to warn people.
They're killing us!
They're attacking us!
They just keep getting away with it!
They think they're God!
In Ohio, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Or is it Chicago?
Yes, Alex, I think our educational system indoctrinates formulaic thinkers.
Everything is thought according to a pattern.
But what I'm going to talk about, this reduction in the interest rate, that's the economic cultural problem that we have.
We have a problem of economic determinism in the sense that you have to accept that all the factories went abroad and there's nothing you can do about it.
And the other part of lazy thinking is that they think they can just heal the economy, fake heal it, just by saying, well, things are going to get better.
Things are not going to get better.
Well, they know that's not the case.
Then the public think things are better as they're homeless.
What they do is they deny we've been in a recession for years while we're in one, so other people say they're not in one because the media says they're not in one.
I work to do that, work two jobs or whatever it is.
We figure out a way of rolling it over and accumulating it and snowballing it.
We've been teaching the wrong virtues, but it goes back to your previous interviewee.
That's the problem with this.
It's cultural philosophy, the indoctrination of a certain economic doctrine.
Thank you.
I appreciate your call.
Thank you, sir.
Yeah, people are taught when they hear a key word, they just bring up an artificial image semantically in their mind.
Or when you bring up a point they have preconceived, oh that's a conspiracy theory.
You tell them there is corruption in government, we have to be involved in society or things will go downhill.
Nope, doesn't exist, that's impossible.
I can just go watch the ball game.
Well you're going to find out because we're going to hit rock bottom soon.
Who's up next here?
Rachel in Canada, you're on the air.
Well, we just learned about your website about four months ago.
We started watching you on streaming documentaries.
And in Canada, ever since 9-11, people of my generation, I'm about 23, so this is people 18 to 26 at the moment, have always been very dissatisfied just with the existence of the American government, even if we didn't know what the problem is.
I've finally learned what the problem is from watching your documentaries.
Well, we want to know, at least I want to know, how far ingrained Canada is in the same system that America is.
I would have to say, I would have to say... Prime Minister David Harper has gotten really chummy with Bush, and we don't have a history of our Prime Ministers being so well associated with your President.
At least on the surface, Canada is deeper into the New World Order than even the U.S.
The U.S.
is the quote, superpower, so it's being used as the main engine and front
Or shield, or foil, of the New World Order.
But Canada, on free speech and guns and the rest of it, is just as deep or even deeper in some areas than the United States.
What can we Canadians do to help prevent this besides spreading the word?
Well, the enemy teaches you that you've got to save the world by yourself with some big, magical, huge, spectacular results like you flip one switch and the New World Order falls.
It's slow.
It's incremental.
Wake more people up about this show.
Tell them about more good online videos.
The general public knows there's a problem now.
The fields of people's minds have never been more fertile.
And so, info war, info war, info war.
Also, don't fight with your husband.
Don't fight with your wife.
Get off fluoridated water.
Get off processed foods.
That's how you beat them.
That's how they... I mean, they know we're like animals.
They put the poisoned food out, we eat it.
Stop using their cell phones or cut way back.
Very bad for you.
Stop having to buy all their baubles.
Start supporting alternative companies and media.
Start your own organization.
Start your own little local newspaper.
I don't care if it's, you know, just your neighborhood.
Call into radio talk shows like you're doing.
It's a process.
They get us to all fight with each other.
Old against young.
Black against white.
North against south.
You know, all of this bull.
We need to come together.
Against them.
And there's people in Canada, just acquaintances of mine, that are worried that you've been in place as a figurehead to instigate fear within the populace.
So they think you're a tool.
Well, that doesn't matter.
Of course I'm not, but at the same time it doesn't matter.
You know the Federal Reserve is private.
You know they're putting fluoride in the Canadian water.
You know they're taking your liberty.
Educate people.
Okay, I appreciate your call.
Listen, all that becomes is an emotional salve or an emotional block to not go out and do something.
I mean, there's these people all over the web that attack me
And instead of fighting the New World Order.
And they'll say, well, no, you're the New World Order, so we're fighting you.
And that doesn't make any sense.
I mean, warn people about the mercury in the vaccines.
Warn them about the fluoride.
Educate your neighbors about the basics.
Instead of just repeating, you know, the same worn-out things.
Jew, Jew, Jew.
Catholic, Catholic, Catholic.
Space alien, space alien.
What else?
I mean, they trained us to where we get to the point where we're waking up and they say, he's not good, don't listen to him, or Rob Paul's not good, don't listen to them.
It doesn't matter.
You have a responsibility.
So let's just say I'm bad, I'm evil.
I give people hope, I tell people to take action, I expose the architecture, I expose how they're poisoning you, I give you the documents, I show you how they're operating.
Look at the fruits I've borne.
Look at the work I've done.
Look at how much I put into this.
Judge it by its roots.
But for the sake of argument, let's just say I'm bad.
Okay, that has been ascertained.
Let's just say I am just absolutely wicked and evil.
Why are the groups and people that do that, why aren't they knocking on doors?
Why aren't they getting local talk radio shows or access shows?
Why aren't they starting newsletters?
Why aren't they calling into shows?
Why are they only doing no research, no work, no nothing, just repeating, it's this group that runs it, it's that group that runs it.
We talk about all the groups at the top of the pyramid.
We just don't harp and bash on certain groups, because the minions in those groups generally aren't bad, and they're compartmentalized, and they hear us attacking the top of the pyramid, and then they think that we're attacking them, and then that balkanizes us.
It divides us.
It turns them off.
Anytime somebody calls in and bashes Masons, I go, yes, it's true at the top that the Masons are Luciferians and run by the New World Order.
But masons at the mid and low levels don't even know there's higher degrees above 33rd degree.
They're not aware.
They are on average join a fraternal organization to do good.
That's how evil works.
They try to go in and co-op those things.
So we need to address it that way instead of turning all those masons who mean well and a lot of good people that are masons.
I mean, you know, it's the same thing.
I'm just saying I'm not bigoted in that I'm going to sit there and bash groups for being groups.
See, that's what I'm trying to say here.
And so there's people in Canada that say, or wherever, all over the place that say, Alex, he's a tool.
A lot of that started with jealousy in the movement.
Leaders in the quote Patriot alternative movement get really jealous of me because I work 14, 16, 18 hours a day.
I've got more skill.
I've got a better intellect for whatever reason.
People listen to me.
They believe me.
I supply the movement with most of the new people and then it's not enough that I drive the engine for all these parasites.
Then they somehow want me to fall.
Believe me, we're all gonna fall.
Death's the great equalizer.
It isn't about Alex Jones.
It's about the New World Order.
And I am a good guy to my core.
I love God and decency and innocence.
And I'm here to fight the globalists.
And most people know that.
So let's move forward against the New World Order now!
It is a big idea.
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When the show ends in about 35 minutes, you can tune back in at InfoWars.com to the main stream and re-hear the first and second hour.
Total economic analysis in the first hour, John Taylor Gatto in the second.
Very important information at InfoWars.com.
Finishing up with the army of detractors and liars and people that tell every lie or twisted manifestation you can imagine about Maine.
You notice that, and again, most of them do it out of jealousy or envy or weak-mindedness.
There are some government agents and disinfo people out there, and they'll usually show themselves by putting out just incredibly stupid, you know, disinfo pieces about other things.
Just came out that one of the big disinfo guys for years, we knew was, was an FBI informant.
One of these white supremacists, always putting out wild stories that later were disproven.
And now he's just closed up shop and went away.
I mean, some of these guys stand out like a sore thumb.
But it's really simple.
I say we have hope.
I say we can affect change.
I say that we have power if we move.
But I also talk about how dire the straits are, because that's the facts, and I want to shock people out of their complacency.
But anybody that tells you they're the only answer, they're the only movement, everybody else is bad?
No, there are millions of good people taking action.
There are wonderful sources everywhere.
I bring them here to you on air.
You know, most by detractors say this radio show is censored.
You know that's not true.
You can call right in.
But I mean, if there's somebody on my MySpace account saying it's censored and saying I'm censoring them, I'll go erase that guy.
He's lying and saying I'm censoring.
And I'm not censoring, so just go ahead and censor him.
Because it's my website.
It's my page.
Or if somebody gets on the web and starts saying I'm a child molester, you better believe they're deleted off of there, because that's an absolute lie.
And that's the quickest thing to do instead of just suing them.
I've made a lot of sacrifices to do what I've done, ladies and gentlemen, but it doesn't hinge on Alex Jones.
I could be set up, imprisoned, killed, anything, God forbid that happens.
But it isn't about me at the end of the day.
It's about you taking action, you doing your own research, you judging what's the truth, and then waking people up.
Instead of half of our movement just ninnying about who's the best, or who's the brightest, or who's the smartest, or Alex doesn't come out to our local events anymore, well Alex is working too hard to do that, or Alex, you know, did this, or Alex did that, because to them it's about cult of personality, it's about junior high school, it's about being part of a trendy clique.
I'm above all that.
I'm that deep in the fight.
So I challenge everybody to stop fighting with each other and move forward and be leaders.
But see, all these people out there who want to be leaders, and have no idea what it really means, they won't ever become leaders because people see right through them.
So stop wasting our time on detractors.
Stop wasting our time on bull and made-up stuff and name-calling.
Get into real issues and get into it right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Wake the general public that knows something's wrong but doesn't see the big picture up today.
Do not wait.
Get in game.
Make copies of it.
Tell people about where it's free on Google.
I don't care.
Get it out.
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We'll be right back after this quick break.
Stay with us for fluoride info and just a whole lot more.
Again, coming up after this quick break.
And just please take action and go to efoodsdirect.com.
That's efoodsdirect.com.
Or 1-800-409-5633.
After the break, we are going to get into fluoride with a great little piece I saw on YouTube that is just excellent.
We're posting it up on Prison Planet and InfoWars.
Get this out to everybody.
These are areas where we can wake people up.
These are areas where they can find out the Nazis used it in the death camps, the Russians used it in the slave camps.
They can find out it was put in our water knowingly as a toxic bio-weapon.
This is a place where we can actually get people to stop letting the enemy bombard them with this.
Then we've got endgame clips coming up as well.
Now is the time to take action.
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I don't know.
I think so.
66% of United States residents' public water is fluoridated.
It is known to have tremendous effects on bone cancer, joint problems, bone weakness, lowered estrogen and testosterone levels, and dental fluorosis, which is yellowing of the teeth and pitting in the enamel.
Wouldn't it make more sense to enhance public water with vitamins, which are meant to be ingested to promote overall health, rather than putting such a toxic chemical in our water with a bogus explanation that it will improve our dental health?
We now know that fluoride causes more dental problems than it solves.
Something doesn't seem right about this.
Do you honestly believe that these companies care deeply enough for their people to spend large amounts of their own money to fluoridate public water when the people already purchased their own toothpaste?
But there's a difference between toothpastes and drinking water.
We don't ingest toothpaste.
If you go to any hardware store and look at any rat poison product, you will only find one ingredient.
Sodium Fluoride.
It is the most toxic ionic molecule outside of potassium digroups.
Now Danon, along with other companies, have begun fluorinating bottled water.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to get away from.
And the fact that fluoride is also used in many prescription antidepressants shows that it eliminates aggression and motivation in people.
Fluoride, to my knowledge, as a physician, has absolutely no biological benefit whatsoever.
One of the significant things is that the Russians have carried out all sorts of experiments on the people living in the Gulag.
One of them, of course, was to fluoridate the water.
To fluoridate the water, why people are not as aggressive as they ordinarily would be.
In fact, what is the active ingredient in Prozac that is so widely distributed in America today?
Why it's a fluoride compound.
And now, we are finding that public water, nationwide, is showing up with arsenic, lead, cadmium, and thammonium, which is a radioactive form of lead.
Cancer, lowered sex drive, birth defects, sedation, and brain defects?
Does this not sound like a wonder drug for anyone aiming to control a population?
It's quite astonishing, Paul, the degree to which environmentalists
People have not been educated about fluoride.
You know, people have an unconscious trust in their doctor or their dentist.
And if you can persuade doctors and dentists that fluoride is safe and good, then you're able to reach the rest of the nation.
People believe their doctors and dentists, and that was a way of promoting fluoride for brains.
Fluoride is killing their cattle, destroying their crops.
Fluoride given to rats had produced bone cancer and liver cancer and that those results had been doctored to make it look as though fluoride hadn't caused as much cancer.
The pattern that we saw, it typically is what we see with other neurotoxic agents that are well known to cause a hypoactivity or a memory problem or an IQ problem.
When I first presented the results of these studies, one of the individuals sitting and listening to the results, he says, do you have any idea what you're saying?
And he says, you're telling us that we're reducing the IQ of children.
And basically I said, yes.
As for Tim,
The artificial sweetener found in almost every low-sugar or sugar-free product on the market.
First of all, aspartame is made up of three things.
Methanol, which of course is what produces blindness.
Aspartic acid and phenylalanine.
These are all poisons.
Aspartic acid, of course, produces brain lesions.
This was known back in the early 1970s.
Methanol produces blindness.
Phenylalanine is what you see in the brain.
And in high doses, it produces trauma.
We're not making this all up.
The FDA did publish back in, I think it was in the 80s, they did publish the 92 potential side effects of aspartame.
And they do, you know, these side effects are quite, you know, are extremely serious.
Things like dizziness, problems with bowel movements, abdominal pain and cramps, changes in vision, seizures and convulsions, etc.
Yet despite all of these harmful effects, Donald Rumsfeld pushed it out into the stores in over 5,000 products when he was CEO of Siri, the company that manufactured Aspartame.
The sustainable goal is the elimination of the middle class.
The world cannot support six billion people.
But you see, the plan behind sustainable development includes population control.
It's a program for land use control, education control, and population control.
The leaders of the sustainable movement
Since the world's human population should not exceed 500 million people.
That's a 93% reduction of today's population levels.
In 1992, while the real conference was going on, George Bush, then president, was there.
He was just offshore in Prince Charles' yacht, where he executed the Agenda 21 protocols on behalf of the United States, and brought it back to Washington, D.C.
Within a year,
Bill Clinton, by executive order, established the President's Council for Sustainable Development.
In 1996, Bill Clinton set up the President's Council on Sustainable Development.
One of the dictates of Agenda 21 is that every country in the world is to set up a national council to oversee the implementation of Agenda 21.
I've listened to Gorbachev explain
We are writing a new set of 10 or 15 commandments to replace the original 10.
Which one of the 10 do you think these guys don't like?
Thou shalt not lie.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not covet.
Because I'll tell you what, these people have lied to us.
They're in the process of stealing all of this nation's natural resources and they covet everything you have left.
To explain the map, the red are areas that are to be off-limits to human beings.
If you live there, you won't.
The yellow areas are the areas for major control of all human activity.
If you live there, you won't.
The black dots are the smart road signs.
That's where human beings are to be.
And in conjunction with Codex Alimentarius, food will be limited and water consumption will be decreased to 10 gallons per day, per person.
That is over a 90% reduction in people's average daily water consumption.
And along with shortages of food and water, food we will be provided with will be genetically manipulated and nutrient deficient.
Genetic manipulation of food causes complications in metabolizing and utilizing food for energy.
In June of 2003, scientists reported that the gene sequence of the inserted genes into crops had actually changed their order.
They had re-scrambled.
So the genetic inserts are not stable.
Another laboratory confirmed this and found that it had changed in the same varieties in different ways that they were testing.
So not only is it unstable and changing, it's not even uniform in the way it's changing.
This is incredibly dangerous.
Nutrient deficiencies due to Codex's planned vitamin and mineral ban will cause billions of preventable diseases.
Both of these will ultimately lead to billions of deaths.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're here in Canada today to stand up against a Bilderberg group that is attempting to get rid of the sovereignty of the United States.
The truth of your world government has now been exposed.
We know you are ruthless.
We know you are evil.
To David Rockefeller, to the Rothschild representatives here, to the Queen of the Netherlands, to all of you, we tell you, you are not our queens.
You are not our kings.
You are not our gods.
We do not belong to you.
We are not your slaves.
We stand as free humans, as stewards, since the beginning of time, against the strong men, against the thugs, against the bullies.
We will defeat your world government.
We will defeat world taxation.
We will defeat your control grid.
God is on our side.
I stand before the creator of the universe.
And I ask the creator of the universe, as our founding fathers did in 1776, to lead God and direct us, and to give us the power
And the foresight and the understanding and the will to stand against your entire agenda, including your final plan of world population reduction of 80% that Henry Kissinger penned in 1973.
Why do you put mercury in the vaccines?
Stanisodium fluoride in the water?
Why do you put cancer viruses in the vaccines?
Why have you used depleted uranium now in four separate nations?
You're arrogant!
You have the sickness that elites have had throughout history in their literal and, in some cases, figurative ivory towers.
You believe that you're invincible.
You will and you are failing now.
Your New World Order will fall.
Humanity will defeat you.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
Once free nations are slaves to the will of a tiny elite.
The dawn of a new dark age is upon mankind.
Countries are a thing of the past.
Every form of independence is under attack.
With the family and even the individual itself nearing extinction.
Close to 80% of the Earth's population has been eliminated.
The remnants of a once free humanity are forced to live within highly controlled, compact, prison-like cities.
Travel is highly restricted.
Superhighways connect the megacities and keep the population from entering into unauthorized zones.
No human activity is private.
AI supercomputers chronicle and categorize every action.
A prison planet dominated by a ruthless gang of control freaks, whose power can never be challenged.
This is the vision of the global elite, their goal.
A program of total dehumanization, where the science of tyranny is law.
A worldwide control grid, designed to ensure the overlord's monopoly of power forever.
Our species will be condemned to this nightmare future unless the masses are awakened to the New World Order master plan and mobilized to defeat it.
Erected by a secretive group, the Georgia Guidestones are a testament to the elite's plan for a world religion, global laws, with a global court and army to enforce it.
And set in stone, it is written that the population never rise above 500 million.
In this film, you will learn how our world is truly governed.
You will see how highly secretive roundtable groups interlock to form a global intelligence network.
This group has been steering planetary affairs for hundreds of years.
Now in the final stage, they prepare for open world government.
A goal tyrants throughout history have lusted after.
Conquest and empire is as old as civilization.
Babylon, Egypt and Greece.
They all built empires in an attempt to rule the world.
The Roman system at its peak dominated the known world.
Complex governmental systems were developed to control diverse populations.
During the period between the 15th and 19th century, new empires emerged and again waged war for supremacy.
The nobility as well as the thriving merchant class were financed by a handful of private banks.
Many of the great money houses would hedge their bets and finance both sides of a war.
Sophisticated intelligence gathering networks gave the financiers a clear edge over the governments they were slowly gaining control of.
On the 18th of June, 1815, agents of the British arm of the Rothschild family looked on as Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte fought desperately to save his army from the jaws of a British-Prussian pincer attack.
A Rothschild agent was able to get the news of Napoleon's defeat at the hands of Lord Wellington to Nathan Rothschild, a full 20 hours before the news reached London.
Nathan, the head of the British arm of the Rothschild family, put out the rumor to the London Stock Exchange that Napoleon had won the war.
Stocks plunged by 98% and Rothschild was then able to buy up the entire British economy for pennies on the pound.
When the news of Napoleon's defeat finally arrived, stocks soared.
Britain was now the undisputed ruler of Europe and Rothschild ruled England.
The already dominant British Empire grew even more aggressive.
Her troops and bureaucracy spread across the globe.
The sun never set on Britannia's holdings.
The banking cartel funded, in fact, since about 1800, they have funded both sides of almost every war.
And of course, they're getting the interest off of the loans that they've given the various governments and the wars that they have actually helped stimulate and create.
By 1900, Germany was a rising force, and a leader of the Industrial Revolution.
World War I, for instance, there was absolutely no reason to have World War I, except that it was an ideal opportunity for the banking cartel to make a pile of money by funding both sides of that particular war.
On June 28, 1914, the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne,
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated while traveling in a motorcade.
The Black Hand, a Serbian secret society with connections to French and British intelligence took credit.
World War I had begun.
Armaments companies financed by Rothschild controlled banks in Germany, France, England and Austria bankrolled all the factions.
At least 20 million were killed in the war.
It was a conflict so terrible the people vowed to never fight again.
They dubbed it the War to End All Wars.
The question is, why did they want war?
Well, first of all, there's money and power.
But secondly, they wanted to create the League of Nations.
They had this in their plans all along, and as a consequence, once the war was over, or about to be over, they began to formulate this idea of a League of Nations.
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful new government.
It's known as the Bilderbergs.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the new world order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
Bill Burgess makes great progress for the world government.
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
On September 11, 2001, the New World Order hijacked our government and began the process of trying to destroy the United States of America.
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Hundreds of years of practice made the British experts at hiding their empire behind puppet governments and councils.
In the name of stopping all future conflicts, they proposed that countries would join a League of Nations.
Their true intention was for the League to serve as a framework for world government.
President Woodrow Wilson, who had spearheaded the establishment of the private Federal Reserve System in the United States in 1913, strongly supported the establishment of the League of Nations.
Woodrow Wilson was a very naive president.
He was basically a college professor that was grafted into this whole system.
The League convened in Paris in 1919, but many nations recognized it as a threat to their sovereignty and refused to join.
Frustrated by the U.S.
Congress blocking the League of Nations, British intelligence, with the help of the Rockefeller family, set up the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City in 1921.
The Council recruited the best and brightest of American life to support the growth of the Anglo-American Empire.
The CFR's stated mission is to abolish all nation-states in favor of an all-powerful world government administered by a tiny elite.
In 1954, the elite of the planet met in secret at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland.
The Bilderberg Group would later admit that their mission was the formation of the EU.
Once the EU was established, under the guise of trade deals, a North American Union and Asian Union would be formed.
The three interlocking super-states formed the core of the global government.
While the United Nations would serve as a world regulatory and enforcement body over the third world sub-regions.
The Bilderberg Group consists of the heads of all of the managing roundtable groups that steer individual countries.
Picture the elite power structure of the world as a giant pyramid, with only the elite of the elite at the tip-top of the capstone.
The group has been so secretive that until the mid-1980s, the controlled corporate media denied its existence.
Into the late 1990s, coverage only consisted of rare one-line mentions.
Veteran newspaper reporter Jim Tucker has been covering the Bilderberg meetings for over 30 years, and has physically attended more than 20.
We traveled back to our hotel, the seat of Jim Tucker, the seat of the 2006 list.
First heard about Bilderberg in 1975, and I said, I don't believe it.
That's not possible.
Who in hell's Bilderberg?
I spent 20 happy years with metropolitan newspapers.
All the wires are clicking in my ear.
That could not happen without me knowing about it.
The thing that first impressed me most
This is
Possibly a hundred leaders of international finance, heads of state, public officials, were meeting behind armed guards closed doors on Jekyll Island, sealed off.
What are these powerful internationalists doing?
And why is it so secret?
Why do they have armed guards outside?
Why is it sealed off?
The newspapers totally ignore it.
Not a word.
Total blackout in the United States.
Since then, I've never stopped pursuing Bilderberg or the whole international gangster organization, led by Rockefellers and Rothschilds, as they manipulate the world for their own selfish interest.
Jim, you've been waiting on the list.
You normally get it on the first day.
You haven't gotten it.
We're told it might come in today.
How important is that list?
It's absolutely essential, though, identifying people outside, as we always do, it's important to find out who's on their own list.
In recent years, someone from Europe has sent me a machine copy of the letter, and so forth, without identifying himself.
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