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Name: 20061001_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 1, 2006
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Prepare yourself for a talk radio experience like no other.
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He stands for truth.
Defending our borders.
He stands for justice.
Fighting the American Union.
He stands for what's right.
This is Explosive Talk Radio.
This is the Alex Jones Show on News Radio 590 KLBJ.
Call Alex now at 836-0590, pound 590 for those on a wireless, and call 3 at 1-877-590-KLBJ.
Now, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends, listening here in Central Texas and all over the country.
We're coming to you live from the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLBJ, deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, Texas, to be exact.
I'm excited today.
We're testing out the syndication.
We're already going nationwide and worldwide up on the big ABC Star Guide satellite.
In the next few weeks, we will officially be syndicating this broadcast across the country.
We already have a long list of AM and FM affiliates that are wishing to pick it up.
We're very thankful for that.
I told one of my writers that we were collaborating on Friday writing a story.
I said, why don't we give it the headline, The Day America Died and Dictatorship Was Born.
And that is similar to the headline that we did come up with.
Torture Bill states non-allegiance to Bush is terrorism.
Legislation tolls the bell for the day America died, the birth of the dictatorship.
And I'm not embellishing, we're not exaggerating when we say that.
I'm not saying that the United States cannot be resurrected.
But this officially overturned the entire first ten amendments to the Bill of Rights, officially.
At the very same time, they passed a law, now going to Bush's desk on Monday, that totally ends the Fourth Amendment and says unlimited total spying on the American people.
And I've actually read both the bills.
And I was pleasantly pleased to notice that the New York Times, the L.A.
Times, the Associated Press, Reuters, the BBC, the Times of London, the Tokyo Times...
All did a true analysis of this.
In the past with Patriot Act 1 or 2, it would take them six months a year to even get half of it right.
This time they got it right and they're saying the end of the country.
And this is the end.
The United States is the United States because we have something nobody else had.
The Bill of Rights and Constitution.
It is now officially gone.
And there's a big hoax going on from the White House telling everyone that this only affects foreigners.
That is a lie.
We will cover the mainstream news, which is accurately reporting.
This is for U.S.
And I'll actually read the subsections of the bill.
I think it's important that this not become partisan.
The Democrats voted for this as well.
100 to 1 in the Senate.
100% voted for this, showing you again the bizarre Orwellian nature of this.
This is horrifying.
But they know when Hillary's in or Governor Warner of Virginia, that's probably who you're going to have,
They'll have all that power.
So it's the power, it's the establishment against the people.
So we may be able to resuscitate.
People die all the time.
They're able to get the paddles out if they move quick enough and get that heart started again, kickstart the heart.
But if they don't kickstart...
We're good to go.
We'll end all the rumors and disinformation that the media has been putting out about this, and we'll give you the actual facts.
Though a lot of the media now is reporting the truth.
Days after it passed, they've now had a chance to read it.
The final version of the bill was done on Wednesday.
That's another problem.
It was passed on Friday, so the media hadn't read the 80-page bill.
But we have now, my friends.
So that's coming up.
Also, I wouldn't normally talk about a sex scandal.
I didn't talk about JonBenet Ramsey.
I didn't talk about OJ Simpson.
I didn't talk about the poor girl in Aruba.
I see these as distractions.
But this story with Representative Mark Foley, the Republican, is not a diversion.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Vanity Fair and several other big magazines went last year, had this big headline, Gay Republicans, and it talked about how, why is it that so many of them get caught?
They get caught in bathrooms together, they get caught in bathhouses together, they're constantly caught raping children, and I have a giant list of them here.
I'm going to be writing a big article about this late tonight when I finally...
Get some time for tomorrow.
I know several of my writers, Paul Watson and Steve Watson, as well as Ryan Slickheisen, also charged them Friday with writing a big report on this.
But we will go over it for you.
Of course, Mr. Foley also co-chaired the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children.
As I've warned you, we're not saying police officers are all pedophiles.
We're not saying truancy officers are all pedophiles.
We're not saying that school teachers are all pedophiles.
But statistically, conservatively,
Because you can find statistics to show it's worse.
But conservatively, five times more likely.
Because smart pedophiles, again, like to join these groups, these organizations where they have contact with children.
And the media is trying to build this as a sex scandal.
No, this is a pervert scandal, ladies and gentlemen.
It's now come out, of course, Dennis Hastert and others knew that Foley was going after pages as young as 14.
They knew all about the emails.
They knew about it almost a year ago.
And they kept it quiet.
And the Democratic challenger...
Back on Thursday went public and said, I demand that there be some major investigations on this, and the Washington Post called him a conspiracy theorist, and the Speaker of the House, Hastert of Illinois, came out and said, how dare you, no one's heard of this, this is all just political, and now we have these disgusting emails that I will not read on air.
And of course, you've got this fake Christian, this fake conservative,
I mean, if they're not on cocaine and heroin and over-the-counter or prescription drugs, they're in the bathhouses, they're at the porno parlors.
Folks, I have in front of me a list of over 100 Republicans caught, ladies and gentlemen.
Where do I...
Gay sex scandal rocks Spokane.
Mayor denies he abused boys in the 70s or misused his office.
I mean, just Republican sex scandals.
And it just goes on and on and on.
I have ten pages of it where each scandal is just one little two-line entry.
Ten pages of it here in front of me.
Oh, I always like this New York Post article.
Top gay porn star serviced Republican moguls at Bohemian Grove.
And I like the AP report and the People magazine report I had back from the 80s about the big buses bussing in all of the top gay prostitutes for the Christian conservative Republican leaders.
Of course, I snuck into Bohemian Grove, my friends, back in 2000.
First and only person to ever do that.
Made a film about it and it's aired all over national Japanese, British, German TV and now on national U.S.
Well, I guess it is illegal, though, to have the gay porn stars there and have them servicing them, but...
I guess it isn't really their business.
But the point is, these are guys that all vote for laws to imprison American citizens if they're caught with prostitutes, and they're heading up the exploited children networks, which is our business, and then are busy trying to exploit children.
So after we get back from break, we will get into the incredible draconian legislation that passed, two pieces of it Friday, going to the President's desk next week.
We will get into more details with Representative Mark Pervert Foley.
He's admitted to all of his perverted activities.
And then the new laughing 9-11 video, the 9-11 bomber videos.
Totally fake.
We'll prove it.
Al Gore's out shilling, lying about global warming.
It's really global tax.
It's all coming up from the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLBJ.
And I see the phone lines are loading up as well.
We'll take your calls.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Every Sunday, right here from the studios of NewsRadio 590K, I'm Alex Jones.
I know we've already got Anton, Greg, Mark, and many others who are patiently holding, and I'm going to get to you here in just a few minutes.
But before this hour elapses, I am going to detail for you
Or detail for you the incredible legislation.
I've never seen anything like this in all my years studying legislation, in all my years covering what happens on Capitol Hill, what the Congress does, what the President pushes, the legislation he brings to them.
This is unbelievable.
This overturns the Bill of Rights wholesale.
Now, again, the Supreme Court 100 and something years ago said black people weren't human beings.
What was that almost 180 years ago?
And the Supreme Court has ruled that black people were slaves.
It doesn't mean we have to follow it.
Congress has passed laws saying that Indians didn't have any rights.
We now know those laws were really null and void.
And the same Congress passed laws saying that blacks couldn't drink out of water fountains, that whites could.
And so I tell Bush and the rest of the criminals up there in D.C., we're not going to follow this, and our Bill of Rights and our Constitution is still in effect even if you despots try to remove it.
Let me just read to you what the...
Law professor Bruce Ackerman stated in the LA Times, quote, the compromise legislation authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants even if they have never left the United States and once thrown into military prison they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights.
Well, that's putting it lightly.
What did the Associated Press report?
The subsection of the definition of unlawful enemy combatant means that if the Pentagon says you're an unlawful enemy combatant using whatever criteria they wish, then as far as Congress and the U.S.
law is concerned, you are one, whether or not you have any connection to hostilities at all.
Actually, Friday I read the bill.
I read it again yesterday.
I read a lot of it Thursday night as it was set to pass.
We finally got the final version of it.
And I found something far worse in it.
We'll tell you about that after this next break that's coming up.
We'll read the actual subsection, which states that any non-allegiance to what Bush says...
You will be secretly arrested, secretly tried, and can be secretly executed.
And we will give you the actual subsection.
Then they lie on TV and radio and say this doesn't affect U.S.
Well, listen, when they arrest you, you're stripped of U.S.
Just by order of the President or any of his designates, or any of the Secretary of Defense's designates.
And then we'll also get into the Foley scandal, the pervert scandal in Congress.
We'll get into this new video right on time for the election of supposed Muhammad Atta up there laughing.
But, oh, there's no audio of it on the tape.
Next we'll see another fat bin Laden tape, another fake bin Laden tape.
I want to go over why this is fake and why we know it's fake.
And then Al Gore is out shilling for a global tax.
And you're like, wait a minute.
I heard Al Gore was out shilling Mr. Jones to save us from global warming.
Folks, when you hear global warming, it means global tax.
I agree with Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma.
This is a giant hoax, and Al Gore is nothing but a globalist minion, an errand boy trying to scam you into a global tax.
And by the way, he's out saying tax cigarettes globally because they're causing global warming.
And I don't like cigarettes, folks.
They're deadly, they're bad, but that's people's right.
And to say that they're causing global warming, just like they claim the flatulence of cows.
It's all based on junk science.
We'll go over it.
So, well, people need to tell us if we disagree, because unlike other talk show hosts who are afraid, we put you to the head of the line.
Plus, it makes for better radio.
Then we'll get to Anton about sexual scandals on the Hill, that's the Capitol, and Greg in New Jersey on a bunch of other issues.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to Mark in North Austin.
You're on NewsRadio 590 KLBJ.
Mark, go ahead.
Yeah, hi, Alex.
Hey, bro, what's up?
Hey, I'm calling on behalf of somebody that...
Really, you know, wouldn't have the guts to call you.
I've been listening to you for years.
And, I mean, I don't disagree with you.
But, you know, it seems like the more I try to spread the truth, I keep getting the same, well, he's just picking the half-truths and, you know, all this stuff is, I mean, you can turn it any way you want to.
You know, just nitpick the story and turn it to your advantage.
And I'm like,
Well, you know, the story is the story.
You know, laws are being passed to basically subvert our rights.
Well, this is what frustrates me.
When I say that U.S.
Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1520A, Paragraph B, states that for experimental reasons, our government can kill us with chemical, biological, or radiological weapons,
We're good to go.
And I say that HR 6166 in the House, and the Senate version was HR 6054, states that it's U.S.
You know, I said that Friday morning.
And it wasn't until Friday night, Saturday, that the mainstream news finally read it and said, yeah, it affects U.S.
Days before that, they were saying it didn't.
Last weekend, I was on air with the previous version saying it affected U.S.
Last Sunday.
So I don't make any of this up, brother.
Believe me, I wish it wasn't true.
I mean, I've got guard dogs in my house, and my wife, you know, is afraid when I'm not there at night of the New World Order.
We take this serious.
We believe what we're saying.
And, you know, I'm freaked out about where this country's going.
And just tell your friends who are doubting me, hey, it's good to doubt.
But if they doubt me, they better doubt the mainstream media.
And I tell them to go check it out for themselves, but, you know...
You've said this before.
They're willingly ignorant.
How long have you been listening to the show?
Willfully ignorant, I should say.
How long have you been listening?
For probably close to about ten years.
How long have I talked about the Republican leadership being a homosexual cult?
Um... I...
Homosexual cult.
Well, I mean, I've been talking about the scandals.
They're endless.
Usually they don't get attention.
What woke me up was when you started showing the cover-up in Oklahoma City.
That kind of opened my eyes.
And then, of course, after 9-11, I was like, well, I think Alex has gone off the deep end this time.
But as time goes on and evidence comes out,
I mean, you've been right on target the whole time.
Well, sir, I appreciate your call, and I'm sorry you're having trouble with your friend.
But let the dead bury the dead.
Dust off your feet, as Christ said.
Don't throw your pearls before swine.
Just don't waste your time.
If somebody wants to argue with you, that's fine.
If they really want to debate, and they really want to see info, and they really want to find the truth, then spend your time arguing.
But if they just go, no, I'm not going to check the facts.
No, Northwoods doesn't exist.
By the way, speak of the devil.
Here's a little clip from my interview with Jesse Ventura, the former governor, and, of course, the former Navy SEAL and professional wrestler and movie star and all that.
I had a sit-down interview with him earlier this week.
It's up for free on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
It's a 20-minute interview.
But I'm going to air about five minutes of it in the next hour.
But here's a short clip of what he talked about with me.
Well, I think the most interesting thing to talk about today is if people aren't aware, due to the...
Freedom of Information Act.
In the early 60s the Pentagon had an operation called Operation Northwoods and it never came to reality but it was on the table that our military would attack certain cities within the United States and make it look like Cuba did it to justify an invasion of Cuba.
Well, there you have about 30 seconds of my 20-minute interview that I got with Mr. Ventura.
We'll play about five minutes of some of the highlights of it coming up in the next hour.
But when we get back, we're going to go to Antone, Greg, and many others that are patiently holding, and we will then get into details on the two pieces of legislation that passed the House and Senate on Friday.
Coming up on the other side, stay with us.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
...nationwide from the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLBJ in Austin, Texas.
Thank you for joining us today.
The toll-free number to join us all over the nation is 877-590-KLBJ or 877-590-5525 locally, 836-0590 or toll-free for singular wireless customers, pound 590.
We'll get you up and on the air here in just a few minutes, so be patient.
You heard right before the break a little clip of the former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, who told me that things have gotten so bad in the United States that he has actually moved to Baja, Mexico, and has basically given up.
That's what he said at the end of the interview.
But at the first interview, he talked about some of the reasons he has left.
And you can go to prisonplanet.com if you'd like later and watch the entire 20-minute video taped interview.
But we're going to play some of that audio later in the next hour.
He said that...
But the main reason was Operation Northwoods.
Official, declassified, ABC News has reported on it as well as the Baltimore Sun.
We have the document.
An official U.S.
government plan to hijack jets by remote control just like 9-11, to bomb D.C., to carry out sniper attacks, to attack U.S.
military bases, to kill U.S.
citizens and blame it on foreign enemies.
We'll be playing part of that interview with Jesse Ventura.
I'll talk about a few other key issues as well late in the second hour.
So you'll want to stay with us.
For that.
Right now, let me get to the top story today, and really detail this for a few minutes, and we'll go to your calls.
Bush given authority, my friends, that no president in U.S.
history has ever had.
Again, the United States is the United States because we have a Bill of Rights, a Constitution.
We're all told this is for terrorists.
This is to keep us safe from Al-Qaeda.
Well, even if you believe Al-Qaeda isn't a construct of private defense contractors to attack the U.S.
and other targets for a global war economy so they can have huge profits,
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think?
We're good to go.
I think?
Your response out there.
I want to hear what you think about this legislation.
So there's no confusion.
And this is easy.
Just type it into a search engine.
That's the House.
House Resolution 6166.
Now the one I've marked, the one I focused on, it's identical, is the past H.R.
6054 out of the Senate.
That's when we got first Thursday night.
And I challenge you to go to prisonplanet.com and read the articles, the three articles we've written about this, myself and Paul Watson in collaboration, and to read.
We list the subsection, then we list what it says, and we have a link to the bill.
The mainstream media doesn't do that.
They just tell you what a bill says.
And to their credit, they're being a little more honest about this, saying it's the end of Posse Comitatus, it's the end of Habeas Corpus, it's the end of the Bill of Rights.
They are saying that.
The New York Times is finally getting off their hind end and saying this is the end of the U.S.
You can go read all those articles on my site.
Now, when you actually read the bill...
Starting with Section 950J, it says that federal courts are not allowed to judge this or look at this.
Now, how outrageous is that?
The President is declaring power over the courts and is ordering them by law not to question his new military tribunals over U.S.
And simultaneously, I know you've all heard about Gonzalez coming out Friday and saying, Courts, you do not question this!
The courts are there to watch the...
Legislative and executive branch!
The president is announcing dictator powers here!
This is bone-chilling.
But there it is, actually, in the bill itself, right out in the open, for everyone to see.
And again, if you go to our articles, it's just full of hyperlinks to all these other articles.
Every claim we make is documented with a link.
That's something no one else we've seen does.
We do that, okay?
Because truth is, stranger than fiction, we know it's hard to believe.
But then it gets really scary.
When you get into subsection 4B26 of section 950V of H.R.
6166, crimes triable by military commissions includes the following definition.
Any person subject to this subchapter who, in breach of an allegiance or duty to the United States, knowingly and intentionally aids an enemy of the United States or who aids co-belligerence of the enemy, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct, including death.
Now, did you hear that?
Now, this is a section that the lawyers have looked at, and there's actually four of them in there, but this is the one the media picked up on.
It's saying if you don't have allegiance to the government, and it lists that in the sub-definitions as the executive branch of the president or his designates, you can be secretly arrested, secretly tried by a kangaroo court, where there's double jeopardy.
Even if the tribunal finds you not guilty, they can still hold you.
They can use evidence from torture, but they now...
Redefine it as pressure.
I mean, this is so Orwellian.
This is so off the charts.
I'm challenging you to not just say, oh, that's Alex saying that.
I challenge you to go read this subsection.
We've made it easy.
We've got all the subsections here within links to the Library of Congress.
We don't expect you to believe this even off our own site.
We have a link to the subsection.
We make the claim.
Now, you go look.
This is what Hitler and Stalin did, but they didn't put it in writing.
I mean, literally, folks, this has got me and my wife talking about leaving the country.
And nothing ever has.
I mean, we're openly saying, my gosh, are we going to end up being like the Jews who didn't get out of Germany and laughed at their cousins who did leave?
I mean, folks, we're actually, and I've sworn I would never abandon ship, but I may get my family out of here.
I mean, if somebody doesn't put the brakes on this, if somebody doesn't say no to this, if people don't start waking up, this is America!
They just flushed the Bill of Rights down the toilet!
Oh my gosh.
And it says in here, if you aid someone who aids a terrorist, even unknowingly you can be secretly arrested.
It says if you destroy anyone's property, any U.S.
government property, you're a terrorist.
It lists just everything in here.
This is the Alien and Sedition Act.
The New York Times went and looked at this.
It was a law passed in World War I that said if you criticize the government, you could be arrested and thrown in prison until the end of the war.
Well, this is even worse than that, okay?
This is unbelievable.
And then, as if that isn't bad enough, they passed another bill saying Friday, and the AP reported...
Wiretap bill sets up the end of the Fourth Amendment.
The House approved a bill Thursday that would grant legal status to President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program.
You hear that?
Bush's warrantless wiretapping program, which is over the entire United States.
This is the end of our country.
What do you think about this?
877-590-KLBJ, locally 836-0590.
We're going to break.
We're going to come back and go straight to your calls on this subject.
And then later we'll get into this congressman, this Republican congressman pervert.
Type in Republican sex scandal into Google.
And he will get hundreds of mainstream reports of governors and two of the deputy heads of Homeland Security in the last six months grabbing children, going after children.
I mean, it's just all over the news.
I can't believe these people are so criminal.
But what do you expect?
If they're going to butcher America and the Bill of Rights and use terrorism as a pretext, of course there are going to be a bunch of sickos.
And every time they're involved in some children's charity or to protect children.
It's unbelievable.
I mean, who can believe what this Foley guy is doing?
He's admitted to it.
It gets much worse than that.
So when we get back on the other side of this quick break, we will get into all of it right here on NewsRadio 590 KLBJ, which again is syndicated right now.
We're doing the big test on the satellites today.
Next week, the final big test.
We're going to tell all the stations about it.
It will be syndicated all over the country within two weeks.
I am excited.
And Trey is riding shotgun in there with me right now.
We may be on the deck of the Titanic here in the U.S., but we're not going down without a fight.
We're defending this republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
We'll also get into the new 9-11 tape of the supposedly Muhammad Atta being released and Al Gore's fraud about global warming.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Give Alex a piece of your mind at 836-0590, pound 590 for those on a wireless, and toll free at 1-877-590-KLBJ.
All right, we're going to go to your calls.
One of the callers...
Name, I guess, is 666.
He wants to say, hey, the name of the new bill, Butchering the Bill of Rights and Constitution, that just passed Friday, Butch is going to sign next week, is 666.
It is 6616, not technically 666.
We'll talk to Anton, Greg, Angel, Steppenwolf.
We've got calls from Utah, Brooklyn, New Jersey, Hawaii.
What's going on here?
This is like out of control.
But before we get to your calls, I was listening to a promo.
I don't want to change subjects, but I was listening to a promo for one of the local KLBJ shows.
About down in Houston, how they pledge allegiance to the Mexican flag on Mexican Independence Day.
And everybody's discovered this and is freaking out.
Hey folks, El Cenizo for ten years flies the Mexican flag in South Texas.
The courthouse flies the Mexican flag.
English is not allowed in court proceedings.
That was in the San Antonio Express News eight, nine years ago when I first learned of it, okay?
It gets a lot worse than that.
And then on top of it, my friends...
It just came out that they had their North American Union meeting secretly two weeks ago in Canada, and at the meeting they were openly talking about giving the Southwest to Mexico.
That's because the global corporations love the thugs that run Mexico.
They have tripled the resources we have.
They have more billionaires than the U.S.
even has.
Their people are total slaves.
And the elite loves that model.
Just like they love the communist Chinese model.
That's why the elite loves China.
Because they oppress their people.
And they're going to use that third world population to break down this country.
They're going to bring them in here to vote for gun control and open borders.
And the end of this country.
You know, Bush talks about arresting anybody who doesn't have an allegiance to his government.
Any American citizen, well, let's arrest people in this government who are pushing for the North American Union.
You're the traitors!
And you will be exposed.
All right, I promise to go to your calls.
And we will do that now.
I wonder who's been holding the longest here.
I think it's Greg in New Jersey.
Greg, you're on News Radio 590 KLBJ.
Hey Alex, I want to thank you so much for awakening me.
I've always been a little suspicious of things ever since I learned about the JFK conspiracy when I was a kid.
I'll tell you that.
But to make a long story short, you don't have to be a political scientist or a legislator to go through H.R.
There is no language in this bill.
It clearly states four times that it's U.S.
Yes, and it says any person.
Listen, folks, when you get this bill, read through it, and you will see the two key terms are any person.
Let's see.
We have to debate this now because the White House lied and said it didn't affect U.S.
citizens, just like they claimed Patriot Act didn't.
But now all the lawyers have looked at it and say, yes, it does.
They've already arrested U.S.
Bush has already been doing all this illegally.
He had to get this passed because he'd committed war crimes.
So now our Congress has legalized war crimes.
Well, I tell you what, I'm very, very concerned about this.
But there is some light at the end of the tunnel because this bill does not nullify U.S.
Code Title 18.
Section 241, which basically says, if two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, or threaten or intimidate any inhabitant of the United States by intimidating them and blocking their constitutional rights from being fairly executed...
They could be in prison.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
They can pass laws that are criminal, but it doesn't overturn all the really constitutional laws.
Great to hear from you.
I'm glad that you called us, sir.
We've got Ronnie, and he disagrees.
He goes ahead of the line.
Don't worry.
We're going to get to Greg and Angel and Steppenwolf and Jay and Miami Beach and everybody else.
I promise.
We have a rule.
People who disagree go to the head of the line.
Ronnie's calling in from I-35.
Go ahead, Ronnie.
You're on KLBJ Blasting Out Nationwide.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I've been listening.
You know, I served during Vietnam, but to espouse some kind of conspiracy about 9-11 and blowing up buildings and shooting down airplanes or blowing up buildings
Let me ask you a question, sir.
You prefaced that without Vietnam.
Does that mean nobody else's opinion matters unless you were in Vietnam?
Absolutely not.
You guys always do that.
I do disagree with George Bush to an extent.
Let me ask you a question.
You just called in saying I'm a nut, so I'm going to ask you a question right now.
Are you claiming that Bill 6616 doesn't say what I just read and the subsections don't?
Are you claiming there wasn't an official U.S.
government plan to stage terror attacks in the U.S.?
Are you saying I'm a liar?
I'm saying you're a liar and you're an idiot.
Okay, great.
Hey, why don't you... You know, I'm not a betting man.
But I've done this with national talk show hosts and they call me a liar.
I bet you $100,000.
You put your name down, you announce it, we'll write it down. $100,000!
Right now, that Operation Northwoods is an official U.S.
government plan to do just what I just said, and you're going to lose $100,000.
But you know what?
Make the bet, buddy.
Go ahead.
Come down here, and let's do it next week.
Go ahead.
You show up in the studio, and now shut up!
Shut up!
Put him on hold.
Put him on hold.
We'll have a notary here, and we'll sign it.
You're saying Operation Northwoods doesn't exist.
Put him back on.
Put the idiot back on.
Go ahead.
Now, sir, I'm going to let you finish up.
You go ahead and talk.
Alex, the reason that Air America went bankrupt is because
Because you guys have absolutely no concept of... Sir, I'm not a liberal, and Air America has... Yes, you are a liberal.
You've got to stay in your... So Bush is good, though, with an amnesty plan, and the North American Union, and tripling, it was double, now tripling the size of the BATF.
There you go.
I bet he didn't do that either.
I bet he didn't do that.
And spending more money... I don't care what he does.
And spending more money than presidents, all presidents before him combined.
Go ahead.
I want my family protected.
That's all I can tell you.
Oh, yeah, and they're going to protect you by leaving the border open but taking your habeas corpus away.
Do you even know what habeas corpus is?
Yeah, I do, buddy.
Oh, what is it?
Tell me.
Wait, wait, wait.
No, shut up!
You tell me what it is, okay?
Don't just shift it.
Habeas my corpus.
Produce my corpus.
No, that's the Latin for it.
What does it mean in law?
You have to produce written evidence.
And it means that you get to go challenge your accusers, and it means you get to have a day in court publicly not having a bag.
That's right.
And your president lied and said it wasn't for U.S.
I'm going to ask you right now.
I'm surprised he even knows what habeas corpus is.
He didn't know what it was.
I'm going to ask you something right now.
Do U.S.
citizens deserve... But I bet you said it's a lie.
I'm lying because I'm a liberal.
When Bill Clinton was in, I was known as the most evil right-wing person on earth.
I haven't changed.
You've changed, Twit.
Go ahead.
Alex, you still there?
Yeah, I'm here.
Listen, I'll tell you what.
When you go have lunch with a guy named Jose Padilla, who's an enemy, who's a U.S.
There's an enemy combatant who was talking about making a dirty bomb to blow up and detonate... Jose Padilla, as usual, as a patsy, was registered as mentally retarded with an ADIQ, mildly retarded, out of prison.
He was just some idiot, I'll put him on hold again, some idiot who shot his mouth off.
And later in the next hour, I'm going to show you how they have patsies and then how the rest are U.S.
government agents.
Go ahead.
You see, go ahead and cut me off, but you can't... Jose Padilla trained... No, you talked over me, so I'll put you on hold.
...trained in Pakistan, came back to do a dirty bomb, and you cannot deny that.
Actually, it's been proven that he had no materials, no control, no connection...
It was all just some ex-con, mentally retarded person, as usual, just like the people in Miami, the black kids, the black Christians, giving 50 and then another 10 grand to stand up and pledge allegiance to non-existent Al-Qaeda.
The founder of the group was an FBI agent.
They go out and find mental patients to do this, sir.
What about, was it a mental patient crossing the Canadian border in Niagara Falls with explosives to plant in the... The needle.
Pardon me?
...in the...
The needle.
I mean... Sir, sir, sir, that was staged as well.
Let me just ask you a question.
You actually believe Operation Northwoods doesn't exist, and you believe that this bill, 6616, doesn't say U.S.
I don't believe that.
I'll tell you what I'll do, Alex.
When I get home tonight, I'll pull that up, and I'll Google it on my computer.
If I'm wrong, I'll be back in touch with you next weekend.
Okay, but I'm asking you a question, sir.
Do you think Operation Northwood, do you think I would just get up here and lie?
Well, but you're lying about other things.
What is that?
Oh, really?
Well, you know, we've talked about Jose Padilla being mentally retarded.
I mean, you totally ignore the fact we just passed a bill to build 700 miles of fence on the border.
I live in Texas.
I travel to Mexico.
Sir, I've talked to the former head of the Border Patrol Union.
I've interviewed the men and women on the ground there.
We have 2,000 less Border Patrol on the southern border than we had before 9-11.
That 7,000-mile fence is a piecemeal joke.
The 6,000 troops Bush claimed he would put down there, he only put 1,000.
They're not even allowed to have weapons.
Most of them are in support.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
You know, this caller believes Bush's plan is a real border plan.
You have been totally smoke-and-mirrored scam.
Go talk to all the border activist groups, people that really know.
Numbers USA, American Border Patrol, the Minutemen.
I've been down to the borders.
You don't know what you're talking about.
I mean, come on.
You're trying to say Bush is doing something on the border?
He wants a blanket amnesty plan.
He's getting rid of the border.
We'll be right back, my friends, on the other side of news and information.
And there's so many other issues.
Jesse Ventura interview is coming up.
That's right.
Former governor will be on air.
We'll be right back.
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Strap yourselves in and hold on.
He stands for truth.
Defending our borders.
He stands for justice.
Fighting the American Union.
He stands for what's right.
This is explosive talk radio.
It's the Alex Jones Show on News Radio 590 KLBJ.
Call Alex now at 836-0590, pound 590 for those on a wireless, and call free at 1-877-590-KLBJ.
Now, Alex Jones.
Man, I love that intro.
That is blood-pumping, nuclear-powered brain damage, baby.
You know, I get fired up about freedom.
I get upset, I get angry about the loss of our liberties.
And for good reason.
Look, I don't dislike sports or getting all, you know, excited about whatever your hobby is.
But don't get mad at me that I get excited about our country and our freedoms.
And we had a caller at the end of the last hour, many of you probably heard him, for those that didn't, who just was saying I was a liar, Operation Northwoods didn't exist, and the stuff I claimed that was in this bill doesn't exist.
It's in the New York Times, L.A.
Times, Associated Press, Reuters, all reporting that it affects U.S.
citizens, no more habeas corpus, no more Bill of Rights, okay?
What is it you can't get through your head?
And then you denied Bush was...
Anything but a conservative?
Listen, buddy, I'm a conservative, okay?
I'm somebody who didn't go back on my values.
I'm somebody who isn't brainwashed.
So don't you ever call me a liberal!
Make me sick!
And don't even call me one of these modern conservatives.
I don't want to be known as that.
I'm a freedom lover.
I'm a constitutionalist.
Now, we've got loaded phone lines here.
We've got calls from Brooklyn, Hawaii, Utah, Miami, Chicago, and local calls as well.
And I just want to go to each caller, give you about a minute or so, because I want to be fair to the next person, and then I'm going to get into the sex scandal.
And I said there's a Republican homosexual cult running this country.
I say that because they use it as compromise.
You don't get into high levels unless they've got dirt on you, and the dirt of choice, it's just like a gang where they say, you've got to go out and knock over an old lady, and then you're a made member of the East Side Vatos.
This is criminology.
And so a lot of them who aren't even into this do this because this is how you become a made man.
This is how you become a super high-level Republican most of the time.
Folks, it's the truth, and I'm going to get into it.
So just get ready, okay?
I'm going to get into it.
And I've got the proof.
Let's go ahead and talk to Antoine in Brooklyn, New York.
You're nationwide from the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLBJ.
Go ahead.
Hi, my name is Antoine from Brooklyn.
Antoine, okay.
I'm a big fan of yours, big long-time listener.
Good to have you on board.
What's on your mind?
As you say, there's been a lot of changes that have taken place in the past week.
I'm confused.
There's been so many rapid changes.
Can you just quickly go through, since last Sunday, what has gone on this week for your listeners?
Also, you just touched on it, the blackmailing of congressional leaders.
With the homosexual sex, the pedophilia ring, how that may have influenced the voting record for these new legislative...
Well, that's what the mafia and the CIA always did, but in the past it was they'd get you in a room with three hookers and have you dressed up in a pig outfit or something and take photos of that, but that isn't a big enough scandal today.
So they pick people and they're state reps because they already know what they're doing at the state capitol.
And then you just move up, and whether it was the Democratic governor of New Jersey or the mayors of major cities, folks, I have hundreds of articles.
I have the Washington Times articles.
With a 1989 headline.
You know, call boys scandal.
Underage 14-year-old call boys by the dozens brought into the White House.
Jeff Gannon, the male madam and porn star, bringing in all these other men during the current Bush administration White House late at night.
Bush doing weird things in public where he rubs Gannon's head and kisses him on the cheek.
I mean, I have those photos.
It's from video stills at press conferences.
And I mean, I'm not saying Bush is doing anything.
I'm just saying he likes to put his cheek up against Gannon and give him a little kiss.
And then we're all supposed to just ignore this?
My questions are regarding the timing of the release of this information with the legislation that's being passed.
Do you see any connection there?
You know, they don't need to intimidate people like this individual, Representative Mark Foley.
They don't need to release something on him.
But it may scare everybody else.
Into getting in line.
Some people pointed this out.
I don't like to speculate, but yeah, this scandal comes out Thursday.
Suddenly everybody gets in line and votes 100 to nothing.
In the final vote Friday, when it came out of both the House and Senate conferences, they got the bill all meshed together and unified.
Because it has to be 100% identical on both sides.
And they could be burning Foley as a way to get everybody in line.
Now it's coming out that Hastert knew and they covered up.
It turned out, this is all over the news, this is ABC News reporting as well as the Associated Press, that a year ago everybody said, don't be his page, don't work for him, he'll come after you.
Hey Alex, I was trying to email you an audio clip.
But the email kept bouncing back.
Yeah, we've changed some of our email systems.
We're having some problems.
We're going to try to work it out.
We're getting these reports of stuff bouncing.
Try to go to InfoWars.com, and there's a web form right there where you can send us stuff.
But go ahead.
Okay, this was shocking to me.
Go ahead and tell us.
It was from a Democracy Now!
with Amy Goodman podcast.
It was from Friday, and she was interviewing Senator Leahy from Vermont.
About that new bill that you've been talking about today.
And about 18 minutes into it, she asks, you know, what would be different if the Democrats would be in power?
And he starts talking about how the Republicans are blocking various investigations.
And this is a quote.
This is something he says.
He says, quote, you know, one thing they're blocking, quote, why did 9-11 happen on George Bush's watch when he had clear warnings it was going to happen?
Why did they allow it to happen?
Who's been holding the longest?
Steppenwolf in Utah.
Steppenwolf, you're blasting out nationwide from the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLBJ.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Good, sir.
It's Steppenwolf from MySpace.
Hey, I just wanted to commiserate with you, man.
I feel like shedding tears with you, and I feel like running out in the street and yelling at the top of my lungs that freedom is dead.
Yeah, I had dinner with my parents last night and my family and my grandmother, my children's great-grandmother, and
We were all totally freaked out.
My dad read the bill.
We were literally grieving for the country.
This is allowed to go.
This is the end of America, folks.
We're not just using that as a turn of phrase.
We're serious.
I've only been listening to you for a couple months, but everything you say is checked out.
I'm not an easily trusting person, and I'm not a man that easily sheds tears either.
But what's going on right now, being a Christian-oriented, Bible-oriented person, I knew that this was going to happen eventually.
Well, it is starting to happen, but according to an earlier caller, you're a liberal.
What's that?
According to that earlier caller, we're all liberals.
Yeah, well, I think I said on Paul Joseph Watson's blog the other day that they even consider you to be a liberal.
And sure enough, here this guy calls up.
And according to his real yardstick of liberals for big government, gun control, open borders, he supports a president who's a liberal.
You're the liberal!
You're the liberal, you fool!
Right, they're the neolibs.
That's it, they're the neolib neocon.
They don't know.
They just give them a label, you see, and they just believe it.
It's like Michael Savage, big beatnik in the 60s, wrote books I won't even quote here on air.
Just look into it, folks.
Wrote stuff you can't even believe.
If conservatives knew what this guy... But see, that's how they operate.
They're scum.
They're not real conservatives.
Wasn't David Horowitz like that, too?
Oh, they're all of them.
He used to be a communist or something.
Listen, they were Trotskyites.
Who do you think the neocons are?
All right, we're out of time.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
Take a few more calls, then I'm going to go into news.
But Nick in Chicago, Jay in Miami Beach, and others, you stay with us.
When we get back, though, we're going to continue with calls, and I'm going to get into this pervert.
He is a pervert.
He's admitted to soliciting a 16-year-old.
He's a pervert!
He's a pervert!
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Thank you for listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on News Radio 590-KLPJ.
Give Alex a piece of your mind at 836-0590, pound 590 for those on a wireless, and toll free at 1-877-590-KLPJ.
Alex Jones.
Oh yeah, I love standing up to liberals in denial.
You're the most dangerous liberals, though.
You're like sleeper agents.
You don't even know it.
You get like your little activations from your fake conservative commanders.
You're just like zombies.
I will turn in guns.
I am for open border.
Oh, I believe delusional stories about terror.
Democrats will get me if I don't do it.
The Democrats voted 100% in the final conference vote for this bill and the other bill getting rid of the Fourth Amendment.
You just call in and go, you're a liberal, it don't affect American citizens, and it don't have nothing to do, and there's no Northwoods.
Well, yes, there is.
You may believe in a tooth fairy, I don't.
My friends, I believe in real information, real issues, and that's what we're covering here every Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m.
on NewsRadio 590KLBJ.
Now being syndicated, so I have to get out of the habit of saying NewsRadio 590KLBJ and saying blasting out from Central Texas from the studios.
Let me get really serious here for a moment, then we'll start going back to your calls.
I've covered the fact that they butchered the entire Bill of Rights, and that's what they did.
When you get rid of habeas corpus and due process and secret arrest and secret execution and double jeopardy and kangaroo courts, it's the end of the country.
In fact, a warrantless searching bill is just icing on the cake or maybe a cherry on top.
But when I say that many of the Republicans at the congressional level are part of a homosexual cult, that's improper.
I'm wrong.
A homosexual gang.
Here, how does that sound?
And I'm not here bashing homosexuals.
What I'm saying is that I remember when I first got involved in fighting the New World Order, 14 years ago, got on air, TV, almost 13, radio, what, 11, 12 years ago.
This kept coming up.
Hey, do you know about the pedophile rings?
Hey, have you seen this news article?
People mail me, Washington Post and People Magazine and Washington Times, and they'd have the credit card receipts from the White House in 89 with the headline, Underage Call Boys in White House.
Now, I'm not going to talk about that.
I mean, I was Mr. Republican back then.
Oh, no.
I worked for Pat Buchanan's campaign twice.
You know, I'm out there, and I still like Pat, by the way.
He's a great guy.
I had him on the show a few weeks ago.
But the point is, I was a hardcore Republican.
Until I was inside of it and saw it.
And then there were all these scandals with governors and state reps, and it just kept happening, and it was almost always Republicans.
I mean, you get a case with, like, the New Jersey governor last year as a Democrat some of the time, but Republican pollsters, Republican strategists, Republican constantly caught either doing pervert stuff, which is their business.
It's still weird, though.
They're a bunch of hypocrites.
Or illegal stuff.
And how many shows have I told you?
The heads of these organizations, the heads of the groups that supposedly protect children.
Go read criminology.
Go take a criminology course at UT.
If you've already graduated, you can go back as a graduate student.
Go research this.
You'll find out that you're five times more likely in truancy officers, in police officers, in school teachers, in school principals.
That's why when you hear it in the news, it's always a school principal or it's always a truancy officer.
To be involved in pedophilia.
Because smart pedophiles, folks, don't run around trying to snatch kids off the streets.
Smart pedophiles go get a uniform.
Do you understand that?
Well, here it is again, that Foley, this congressman, had co-chaired the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, and had sponsored numerous bills aimed at protecting children from predators.
And I remember seeing this guy on national TV like a year ago, and I was at a meeting, and we had it on at the office, and I was saying I want
We're good to go.
Excuse me.
And hug them.
Yeah, no, no.
I can't say anything against them here on air.
I don't want to hurt them.
Well, I do want to throw up on them.
I'm not going to lie.
It's true.
I do want to hurt them, but I'm not going to.
So, that's the job of the police.
But the problem is the police are full of them.
And again, if you're getting mad at that, I'm sorry.
That's just criminology.
If you can't deal with it, that's your problem.
This is a show about truth, ladies and gentlemen.
And the point is that most police and most...
School teachers are good people.
And they care about society and they're there to help.
But the statistics, the numbers, the criminology is five times more likely.
In public service related to children, you are going to have five times the number of sickos.
That is criminology.
That is fact.
That is history.
And so why do we trust the government?
You cannot.
That's what the Founding Fathers said.
Do not trust them.
Keep it small.
Don't let them have control over you, because if you do, you're going to get abused.
Because not just are there five times more criminals on average, it's not just the pedophiles.
That number just keeps coming up over and over again.
Go look at the numbers.
Go pull them up.
See, now they can't get caught.
Now they can't get in trouble.
Now it's harder for them to get busted.
Now they've got governmental power and governmental office shielding them.
Do you see how sophisticated this has gotten?
And I have all the articles here.
This is AP today.
GOP leaders knew of Foley emails in 2005, but Hastert lied to investigators, and Hastert lied to the Washington Post.
Of course he lied.
And now it's not just emails to one young man, one boy.
It's to a bunch of boys.
And the report is everybody knew about this for years, and everybody said, unless you want this... I mean, imagine parents.
You know, the joke is, people that know about Capitol Hill, is, you know, do not send your young men and women as pages to Capitol Hill unless you want them to go up the fast track of power.
Oh, they'll end up getting power.
They'll get some big high appointment or job 20 years later.
That's how this works.
This is how the...
Homosexual gang operates.
And you're shooting right to the top.
And they've also got camp follower women.
Young women.
Young girls in many cases.
But they're not as... Again, we've done a study of this.
The young girls aren't really what they're into.
That's kind of like when you go to a grocery store and they say, well, this milk is our best-selling brand.
80% of them choose this type.
We have this other milk over here, if that's what you like.
So the point is, they are... I mean, this is sick.
I know this is sick.
But just type in Republican sex scandal and just get ready.
And type Democratic sex scandal in.
You won't find as much.
Again, it's basic psychology.
The people posing as the good guys.
The people posing as the people that want to take care of the children and are so conservative.
They're a bunch of bug-eyed perverts.
So, a bunch of them are part of a gay gang, and then the others are part of a pedophile ring, and they are despicable.
And I have the proof.
Again, I have mainstream headlines.
I have the documents.
Top gay porn stars servicing moguls at Bohemian Grove.
Well, I don't need to read that in the New York Post about Republicans in this Republican paper.
Rupert Murdoch.
I don't have to read that there.
I snuck into Bohemian Grove, folks, and I had old men approaching me.
This is the creme de la creme of the conservative leadership.
We're going to break when we get back.
Well, here's that New York Post.
Gay porn star.
Services Bohemian Grove member.
New York, page 6.
July 22, 2004.
Here's another one.
Yeah, we got Jesse Ventura coming up after we take some calls here in the next segment.
And I've got news about the 9-1-1 bombers.
The supposed bombers in this new fake tape.
I've got Al Gore out shilling, lying about global warming.
It's really a global tax.
Stay with us!
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
It's not about right versus left.
It's about right versus wrong.
This is the Alex Jones Show on News Radio 590 KLBJ.
Call Alex now at 836-0590.
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And toll free at 1-877-590-KLBJ.
If you know history, if you've studied history, you know that Nero and Caligula during the
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire, all of their emperors, they'd have public parties where they'd slit children's throats and they'd dress up like werewolves and then start devouring the children.
This is mainstream Roman history.
Caligula married his horse and then would read its droppings in the Senate to decide, like the tea leaves, on what he would do.
Just go to study.
The Nazis were into sick things.
I'm not going to get into on air.
The hierarchy of most elites throughout history, parasitic elites, dictators, are always into sick stuff, folks.
And you've got a very corrupt... I mean, America's as decadent as it gets.
They don't let you into high-level congressional committees or chairmanships, in most cases, unless you've been involved in arms smuggling, murder for hire, your old CIA, they've got a bunch of dirt on you, or you're part of the good old boy...
Pervert Club, basically, and that's what we're talking about here today, is how they're using the Pervert Club, just like the British had the Hellfire Club, which is another pervert club, to show your compromise, so they can now trust you.
And then they burn, occasionally, one of their people just to get everybody else back in line, and I think a caller has a point to pass legislation bringing us into an official dictatorship.
I think?
I think?
And nobody knew where they'd gone.
And most of them haven't been found today.
A lot of them have been found dead.
It turned out that the top three people running CPS in Florida were convicted pedophiles.
I mean, child rapists, ladies and gentlemen.
What better job for them?
But running the entire operation.
And they were fired, but then nothing happened.
You see, this is the type of horrors that grows under the umbrella of national security or state secrets or even county secrets.
You want transparency in government or criminals...
Can and will and always have taken it over.
Think of the most horrible thing you can think of.
And if you've got a secret government, it's going on.
Okay, I've got the Ventura interview.
I've got the laughing 9-11 bombers.
This new tape right on time of the election.
A bunch of big developments there.
I want to comment on what global warming is.
Well, thank you.
What's on your mind?
Thursday night, I sat and watched my wife and I sat and watched the Senate pass the new legislation.
Friday, we get up, we listen to your broadcast on InfoWars, and I went through the bill with you as you were doing it, and I had the U.S.
Thursday night.
code book out, and I was horrified.
Absolutely horrified at what's going on.
Hey, you could do like the caller last hour, just say it's a lie and we're lying and it doesn't exist and go back to sleep.
I was actually getting heated listening to him.
He's an idiot.
You said it right.
There's no other way to call it.
Well, I mean, he didn't say, I think it can't be true or you've got to be wrong.
No, just you're a liar, Alex.
You're a liar.
We're the true Americans.
They've been destroyed by design.
Well, you know, when I was young in college, I didn't believe that the Nazis didn't know or the Germans didn't know what the Nazis were doing.
And now that I know history, I believe it.
After the war, that's why they made them go look at the death camps of the dead people.
And the horrors because the Germans were going, we don't believe it still.
We don't believe it.
Because people cannot believe this stuff.
It's too horrible.
Fine, you're going to be slaves, folks.
They want tyranny to take your pension funds, to take your bank accounts, to make your sons and daughters go fight in foreign wars.
Tyranny ain't pretty, folks.
Licking boots, being a slave isn't fun.
Let's go ahead and talk to Nick in Chicago.
Go ahead, Nick.
You're on air.
Hey, Brother Jones.
I've got some good news for you for once.
Well, good.
Let me hear it.
LoneLantern.org received a care package from Mr. Avery, Roe, and Bremer consisting of 4,800 copies of their latest re-edit of Loose Change.
Okay, for those that aren't on the inside of all this, you're calling like you called on Friday, which is great.
You guys are going to... Well, hold on, let me just stop.
You guys are going to hand out tens of thousands, well, they've already handed out tens of thousands, 4,000 more...
Within two hours, we distributed 4,700 of them to eager, anticipating Chicagoans.
We hand out your stuff as our own expenses, okay?
This was just a gift from them.
No, they're awesome.
In fact, I'm thinking about it.
The country's so desperate now.
I ought to spend all the money I got and print up $100,000.
Those things are not that much, and just give them out.
But I don't know.
It's cool.
I just want to give all our brothers and sisters out there an important message.
If you read the good book, you know how this war ends, and we are the winners.
That's right.
I appreciate your call from Chicago.
God bless you.
Thanks for holding to tell us that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lynn in North Austin.
She's got questions about 9-11.
And Flight 93.
Yeah, I've been watching you for a long time.
And after 9-1-1, I sort of listened, but then I sort of got, I don't know, it was just hard for me to believe a lot of the things.
Like, for instance, I've watched a lot more since then because I have a son.
And it's hard to believe that there's a gay gang running the Republican Party, but it's all going to come out.
Yeah, that is hard to believe.
But, you know, I mean...
We just watched that movie today, Freedom to Fascism.
I don't know.
It's powerful, isn't it?
Yeah, it was awesome.
And I had to email a few people about it.
But the thing is, I have a couple questions.
One of them is the 93 flight.
Is it true that that 93 flight, I know you're saying, and everyone's... Yeah, long before.
That was over Shanksville, Pennsylvania, for those that don't know.
It was an 8.5-mile debris field, an engine 8.5 miles away.
The state police said they saw F-16s, saw explosions.
The thing had an 8-plus mile debris fill.
That means it was blown up.
The whole let's roll thing was made up.
We even know the name of the squadron.
We even know the name of the officer.
They put two AIM-9s or Sidewinder missiles into it.
And that was the general in control disregarded orders to stand down and ordered that plane shot down.
And if he wouldn't have ordered that, it was going to be flown into the Capitol.
We would have had total decapitation of the government.
We would have had a dictatorship from then.
Okay, so you're saying it was shot down.
Yes, that's all the inside intel I've got.
What about the thing about the fact that there was a plane that was detoured to Ohio and the people got out there?
Those are areas that I choose not to cover because there's areas of 9-11 that are foggy and the media likes to focus on those and claim that's our conspiracy theory.
I focus on what we can prove.
NORAD standing down.
Bin Laden being known CIA.
Public officials warn not to fly.
CIA insider trading at record levels against America and United in the four days.
Bombs clearly in the buildings, okay?
Building 7 being a CIA... Well, let me just go through all the evidence.
44,000 U.S.
troops already massaged Tajikistan and Uzbekistan the two months before 9-11 to attack Afghanistan.
Official U.S.
government plans like Operation Northwood to launch 9-11 style attacks.
Bill Clinton and the globalists launching the Oklahoma City bombing attacks.
The fact that the feds cooked the bomb, trained the drivers in the first 93 attack on the World Trade Center and about 500 plus other key points that could not be refuted that prove in a large spectrum analysis that it's an inside joke.
Okay, what happened to the people that were on that plane?
Again, you just brought up the point that the media, out of all the facts we've got, they always want to go into people's theories about did they land planes, did they take off other planes.
That's not the intel I have.
I know that's in Northwoods, and I appreciate your call, ma'am.
I know it's in Northwoods.
The U.S.
government says we'll have a plane take off and land and get the people off.
Then we'll fly another plane with the same tail numbers and crash it and blow it up and blame it on foreign enemies.
I know in Northwoods the government says they do it that way.
Okay, and so everybody focuses in on that particular U.S.
government plan.
I don't believe that's what the government criminal elements of it did on 9-11.
Just like I said, you said, you know, what do you think about this?
And I said, I don't think it's an important area to spend all our time looking at it because you can't prove it one way or the other.
How about all this?
And you say, well, I still want to talk about it.
I understand, but there is other areas that need to be looked at.
Okay, and people for some reason don't want to look at those.
We're going to go to break, come back with a final segment.
I've got to play this part of this Ventura interview.
I've got to hit these other two news items.
Then at the end if I have time, I'll just come do radio graffiti and give you each a minute or so.
Stay with us!
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We're good to go.
I think?
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on News Radio 590 KLBJ.
Give Alex a piece of your mind at 836-0590, pound 590 for those on a wireless, and toll free at 1-877-590-KLPJ.
Alright, my friends.
Final segment.
I'm going to hear about five minutes of Jesse Ventura.
I interviewed him for about 20 minutes in a sit-down videotape interview earlier this week when he was here campaigning for Kinky Friedman.
I knew he questioned the official 9-11 story, but he talked about Northwoods, he talked about Gulf of Tonkin, our government staged that to get us into war, and he said it could certainly happen again.
We're going to play that section of the interview.
But right now, let me get into the latest 9-11 news that's come out.
Criminal elements of our government have been doling out lots of fake Al-Qaeda videotapes for years, and it comes out months later in each case that it was either old videotapes pre-9-11, re-edited by our government through their handlers, the people they handle at Al Jazeera, or it's fake videos, and that's been confirmed.
You know, the fat bin Laden in the dark room, that's been voice printed and face scanned.
It's fake.
And that's come out in the press, but back of the paper, so the average American isn't aware of it.
But now we have supposedly Muhammad Adam and one of his cohorts of the 9-11 hijackers at the Bin Laden command base giggling and laughing and then getting serious and reading their solemn letter of how they're going to kill everybody.
But the government obviously couldn't give a saw to go, though, of this latest tape that's been released.
And they claim the tape is being released to give orders to sleeper cells to attack us right in time for the election.
And, of course, they'll blame it on Iran and go to war, as I've been predicting they do.
We may be able to back them off, though, by speaking out against this and exposing it.
But to make a long story short, we know Mohammed Adda and others left the U.S.
right around this same time, went to a Malaysian terror summit, then stopped in Afghanistan, and then went back into the United States.
And when two different embassy heads blocked them getting visas, the State Department called them and said, and I've interviewed these embassy heads, U.S.
government officers, okay, and told them, let them back in.
The terror designation on the computer is their CIA cover.
These are officers.
Doesn't stop there.
I have, of course, covered the fact that Sacramento Bee, the first place to report it was the
San Jose Mercury News and the AP, the dean of the Defense Language School went public and said, look, these guys were U.S.
government agents.
We were forced to train them in covert ops at our bases in spy training.
And then Pensacola News Journal, MSNBC reported they were trained at the Pensacola Naval Air Station.
And I got a bunch of other evidence, informants living with them, government credit cards, government paid for cars.
They were U.S.
government agents set up, remote control of planes that were nerve gassed on board, flown into the buildings.
And that's the inside.
The people at the Pentagon that told me that are the same ones that told me
Rather 9-11, that the government was running drills that morning.
I didn't know that was true for two years, then it came out in the Associated Press that the U.S.
government was running drills of hijacked jets being flown to the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
That's the kind of sources I've got, folks.
Well, here it is.
The laughing 9-11 bombers, right on time.
They can also show you Steve McQueen pitching for Ford Mustangs, even though he's been dead since 1981.
It's all fake, folks.
The laughing 9-11 bombers, film of the ringleader of September 11th hijackers,
Reading his martyrdom, inside Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden's headquarters, has emerged five years after the Al-Qaeda outrage.
And then here's another one.
Ah, yes.
The president dubs alleged Pearl killer MI6 agent.
We already told you that Mr. Pearl learned that al-Qaeda was CIA controlled.
I reported this three years ago.
And so he was killed by globalist assets.
And now Pakistani President General Perez Musharraf, who's getting paranoid, so he's going public, has disclosed that Omar Sheikh...
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Remember that Rashida Swat, the head of the London bombings, was also MI6, and John Loftus, former Justice Department chief anti-terror expert, works for ABC News, went public on that, and that's also declassified now.
Here's another one, BBC, Pakistan roll in Muabi attacks.
And a Pakistan intelligence agency was behind the train blast in Mumbai in July that killed 186 people, Indian police say.
And they did that, of course, on behest of MI6 to destabilize the region.
That's British intel, the real folks that run things.
James Bond's real folks, but he's a terrorist.
Oh, by the way, two weeks ago I interviewed Two Top, one of the former head of covert operations in Northern Ireland, the head, really, of the IRA.
And reporting that IRA was run by British intelligence to stage the attacks as a pretext for military control of Northern Ireland and to set up a police state in England proper, particularly London.
You see, who stands to gain from the terror?
Who gets to take your rights?
Who gets defense contracts?
They're all starting to go public.
Also, I interviewed David Scheller, former MI5 top agent, who broke the news that Al-Qaeda was funded by MI6.
He actually saw the documents, talked to the agents who were doing it.
That's now BBC Mainstream News.
I interviewed him long before all that came out in the Mainstream News.
Let's go ahead and go to part of this Jesse Ventura interview that I talked to him this week, the former governor, where he talks about government-sponsored terrorism.
Go ahead and roll it.
Mr. Ventura, I'm just going to tell you right off the bat, I became a big supporter of you and I,
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I would just like to get your view, your take on 9-11, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK, all of that.
Well, I think the most interesting thing to talk about today is if people aren't aware, due to the Freedom of Information Act, in the early 60s, the Pentagon had an operation called Operation Northwoods, and it never came to reality, but it was on the table that
Our military would attack certain cities within the United States and make it look like Cuba did it to justify an invasion of Cuba.
It never happened, but just the simple fact that they contemplated it and it was actually on the table in the Pentagon, I find that just very disturbing.
That they would even consider using our military to try to just
They did speak on Jay Leno, according to my recollection, about how Gulf of Tonkin was staged, how you were lied to, we were lied to, you lost a lot of friends.
What was it like to learn that they had staged an event that didn't really happen to bring us into full-scale war in 64?
What was it like when you realized that and you learned that?
Well, it was very disappointing to believe in your country that they would lie to you to get into a war.
That they would perpetrate a lie and that the media would go along with it.
It's a real eye-opener.
And you realize that if they would do it in the 60s, they'll do it again.
If it works once, it'll work again.
Government very much operates that way.
I really learned about it when McNamara did his tour with film when he came to Harvard when I was teaching there.
And they pretty much had to lock me up in a room so that I wouldn't confront him.
What would you say to him if you were in a room with him?
I would ask him why we were lied to and what the purpose was for it.
The one thing I do question on 9-11 is the fact that if anyone's familiar with the Payne Stewart, the golfer, and when he died...
He was flying in a private plane, and they lost contact with that private plane out of Florida, and within 30 minutes they had a fighter jet up on the wing.
And that fighter stayed with it all the way until it crashed in Nebraska, making sure that it didn't harm anyone.
And the thing I questioned on 9-11 was simply the fact, where were our planes?
When all of this was going on and planes were being...
Yeah, folks, we're out of time.
Next week I'll air more of the interview.
I promise.
I meant to play more.
That's the problem.
We've got to go three hours.
There's just not enough time with two hours.
But in about a week and a half.
Well, we already syndicated today.
Full syndication with all of the stations signing up in the next two weeks.
And we've got calls here from Austin.
We've got calls from Montana, Denver.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jason.
Jason, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, I want to tell you you're doing a great job.
I just wanted to bring up the point you were talking about before.
How are they controlling all of these people running our democracy?
You talk about Jeff Gannon.
I mean, was that rubbing something in somebody's face at all of the press conferences saying you better keep your mouth shut?
We know what's really going on.
Yeah, he like puts his hand on his neck and the president puts his cheek up against him and kisses him on the side of the head.
There's something going on here that's just sick.
Well, I mean, regardless, maybe Bush was just having fun.
But we know a bunch of these other people.
It's totally out of control, and it's really scary.
I appreciate your call.
John in Montana, you're going live from the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLBJ.
Hey, Alex, I'm going to let you know I've been pushing snooze on my alarm clock for about five years now.
Finally watched Terror Storm, watched all your videos, actually, and pulled that alarm clock out of my wall.
I'm awake now.
And I want to say, I want to ask you a couple questions.
First, I want to know, on your website, if you can put up some brochures, some flyers, something that we across the country can all download.
That's a good idea.
We need to do the flyers.
We need to do the flyers.
Yeah, flyers on the website.
I'll put those down, and people can print those out.
And the second thing I want to ask every American out there that is awake right now, what are we waiting for, people?
I mean, they're attacking us daily.
We know what's going on.
They just butchered the entire bill of rights.
You're absolutely right.
Last caller.
Greg, you've got ten seconds.
You're on KLBJ.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I would like to know if you believe in the Islamic movement or the Islamic terrorists.
I don't know what that means.
You mean because I don't buy into the fable?
Because I know that radical Islam was funded and created by our own government?
That's just mainstream history?
And I know that all these other real terrorists are handled by our government?
I just read a bunch of documents and admissions to you.
No, I don't believe in the rare organic terrorism that takes place.
I think it's terrible.
But I'm mad at the terrorists in our government that are setting up a North American Union right now.
Shift your paradigm.
God bless you.
See you next week.
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