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Name: 20060925_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 25, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
It is now the 25th day of September 2006.
And I believe my soul's on fire!
We are going to defeat the New World Order.
I am on fire with liberty.
I am on fire with the endless drive and desire to defeat the New World Order and to bring them to justice, and we are going to do it.
Brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Monday edition.
We have some huge guests lined up for you today.
One of them is a professor who has tracked and done research and even surveillance on the government shipping out U.S.
citizens and others via these torture flights.
And then of course coming up in the third hour, a poor lady who's being indicted, being charged for pulling down a Mexican flag that was flying in her town.
But of course, in about 30 minutes, the first time he'll be on radio, his name is Laurel Jones Chavez.
But he just goes by LJ when he was in the military, or Laurel Jones.
And Laurel's a great guy.
I had a chance to talk to him.
Some people are saying, you know, reserve judgment.
It could be disinfo.
And we should always reserve judgment.
But we now have his army documents.
He sent us his army documents.
And among the documentation he sent us is DD-13, his discharge, his honorable discharge, certificate of release or discharge from active duty.
And we have it now up on Infowars.com.
And a lot of you are saying, what on God's green creation are you talking about?
Well, he wrote a letter to the Cincinnati newspaper a few months ago when they wrote a 9-11 hit piece on the 9-11 Truth Movement.
He didn't intend for it to go big time.
It wasn't meant to be a big vetted piece, but then it got on some of the 9-11 group websites, namely 9-11 Veterans for Truth,
And it went supernova over the weekend on the web after it got posted on Rents.com.
So I got on the horn and talked to Mr. Chavez.
Gotta like that name.
Joan Chavez.
And so many Joneses in this movement.
I guess there are a lot of Joneses though.
And he's going to be joining us from his office.
He's going to duck outside on his lunch hour and talk to us via cell phone.
Works at a local computer company.
And he worked inside the military.
In fact, I have his discharge document here reporting that he was inside of the different installations that he claims he was inside of working for.
And so when he joins us coming up in about 30 minutes, we'll go through all of it.
He says, quote, I was stationed at United States Central Command, which is in his discharge documents, which is located at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.
I was on active duty when 9-11 happened.
In the days prior to the tragedies, we were involved in many exercises, some of these exercises including the scenarios of hijacked planes crashing into our Pentagon White House Sears Tower.
These drills, or exercises, as we called them, were classified top secret.
Having a top secret rated clearance, I was dumbfounded that they would ever push a training exercise above the level of secret.
Over my eight years in the Army, I have participated in many exercises around the world, none of which were ever classified over the secret level.
And he goes on, of course, drills are not classified.
This was not just classified, it was top secret.
So he wrote a great letter to the editor, but he's going to give you more coming up of what he witnessed that day inside Central Command.
Smoking gun type stuff.
Oh, stay with us.
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Alright, we've got a military officer, former member of the Army, who worked inside Central Command in Tampa, Florida on the morning of 9-11 and witnessed some incredible things he's alleging.
And I talked to him this morning.
A couple months ago, he wrote a letter to the editor at the Cincinnati, Ohio paper.
And you can read that up on InfoWars.com.
And it didn't get any attention for about two months, but it was put out there on the internet, and Veterans for 9-11 Truth picked up on it.
put it out and it went as we say supernova and exploded and a lot of people out of the gate said hey we haven't checked this out hey this hadn't been vetted yet and that's totally reasonable I mean I talked to Mr. Chavez today and he said look I was just writing a letter to the editor because I was mad two months ago and now this is blown up and gotten real big but he goes I'll be happy to send you any of my documents and I said well how about you just send me your discharge letter
And I do indeed have that here in front of me.
The copy we have on the web, of course, has a Social Security number erased, but everything else is there.
We appreciate his courage doing this.
And according to his, what is this, DD-13, according to this he did indeed, his last post was there at Central Command, and he's got
You know, his special forces qualification courses, he's got all his training, his whole history, where he was deployed, different medals and ribbons he has.
And his honorable discharge.
His name is Laurel Jones Chavez.
Jones is a family name.
Another good old Jones Chavez out there.
Chavez, stirring up trouble.
Again, forgive me always pronouncing Chavez, Chavez.
I just, here in Texas, we call the road Manchaca, Manchac.
And we call the town of Palestine, Palestine.
So just, you gotta bear with me, ladies and gentlemen.
You just can't take it, take the hay seed out of me.
You can take the hay seed out of the country, but you can't take the
Country out of the hayseed, as they say.
Another cliché.
I'm like the king of clichés.
I guess Orwell was right.
Our language has been so butchered, it's the only way I can communicate.
All right, continuing here with the news.
Let me just... He's coming up in about 20 minutes.
Let me just run through some of the other news we have here in front of us today.
China rolls out next generation of internet report.
This is AFP.
As soon as I saw the French News Agency's headline, I thought, as soon as I read this, it's going to say it's the government and universities shutting down the old web and forcing everyone onto a new web where you have no free speech and everything's surveilled.
And within three paragraphs, it said exactly that.
So, it's Internet, too.
And then they go on to admit that they're setting it up here in the U.S.
as well by 2010.
Total end of the internet.
So, enjoy the next few years we've got left.
Enjoy yourselves.
It continues here.
North American students trained for merger.
This is out of the London Sun.
Also have a big Canadian paper with almost the exact same headline.
Ten universities participate in model parliament in Mexico to simulate integration of the three nations.
And of course it came out in Canadian, British and Mexican papers.
Last week they had a huge secret meeting in Canada with the heads of our government, the Mexican and Canadian government, along with the heads of Chevron and Shell and the heads of the military and it was called integration for the North American Union.
They are officially merging.
The corporations are becoming the government and the average American literally doesn't know their head from a hole in the ground.
Basically wandering around mindlessly wanting to act cool and posing for their neighbors.
I'm sorry to have to say that.
I get a little bit of solace knowing that if this New World Order really comes into fruition, if it really is bore out, that at least these yuppies and scum suckers are going to have hellish lives.
At least when America goes down, you're not going to get away with it, you chicken neck filth!
I just, I do, I hate these, I hate them!
I hate the scum!
I hate people that don't get involved and who are in denial more than I hate the New World Order.
I respect the New World Order.
I don't like them, I'm disgusted by them, but at least they know they're evil and at least they know what they're doing.
There is no excuse for people standing around claiming they're patriotic with their cars festooned with all these desecrated plastic Chinese slave flags
Telling me I'm not patriotic because I criticized this rotten government and denying what's happened to this country!
Good old Mel Gibson was in Austin, Texas yet again.
He decided to really debut.
The first screening he did of The Passion was here in Austin.
And again, I never listen to my messages.
I never pay attention.
I'm just overwhelmed.
I got a call last week saying, from the Alamo Draft House, such a great place.
Saying, hey, you might want to come, we got you a ticket to the Fantastic Fest, which is super hard to get into, because it's only, what, two screens, and, uh, Harry Knowles puts it on for making it cool news.
And I know Harry, he's a friend, and I got invited to this, but of course they can't say who's surprise guest are, and I didn't go.
Well, I should know, Mel Gibson was a guest before!
And he was a guest at this, and screened Apocalypto!
Friday, and I wasn't there!
But doesn't matter, I was, uh,
I was in Fairfield under the stars out in the middle of nowhere in Northeast Texas visiting family and I did get to see a big shooting star.
So it's alright, I didn't get to see Mel Gibson.
I've got to listen to these hints.
I got a hint from him two years ago when he was here for The Passion.
Hey, you might want to come to the Numb-But-A-Thon.
Yes, that's what it's called.
24 hours of continual new movies.
And I just, you know, frankly it doesn't excite me to go meet Quentin Tarantino, who I have met at one of these.
It doesn't excite me to go meet, it excites me to meet people though who are fighting the New World Order like Mel Gibson or Rick Linklater.
And I just, I don't, and again this is not, this show is not about entertainment news.
The reason I'm talking about it is he came out, Mel Gibson came out, you can read his quotes at PrisonPlanet.com and he said,
I'm against the Iraq War.
This shows how we're sacrificing our young men.
This is human sacrifice.
It's no different than what we saw with the Aztecs.
I've got his quotes right here.
In fact, you know what?
I'm going to do Mel Gibson justice.
I'm not going to paraphrase him.
I'm just going to read it.
Los Angeles Reuters.
Mel Gibson has returned to the spotlight to promote his upcoming movie, Apocalypto.
And to criticize the war in Iraq, according to The Hollywood Reporter, almost two months after he railed against Jews when he was arrested for driving drunk in Malibu, that whole thing is a setup, the actor made a surprise appearance Friday at Fantastic Fest, an event in Austin, Texas devoted to new science fiction fantasy films.
The trade paper said in its Monday edition,
He presented a work-in-progress screening of his Mayan adventure tale, and this took questions, and then took questions.
About one-third of the full house gathered for the film gave him a standing ovation.
The film is scheduled for a December 8th release via Disney.
In describing its portrait of a civilization in decline, Gibson said the precursors to a civilization that's going under are the same time and time again, drawing parallels between the Mayan civilization on the brink of collapse and America's present situation.
Quote, what's human sacrifice, he asked, if not sending guys off to Iraq for no reason?
And there were more quotes, but those are not here in Reuters.
I've got to go to Ain't It Cool News.
Which was down this morning and find out what he really said.
I'm sure it's much more.
The media always cherry-picks.
But the good news is I have the Hollywood Reporter here in front of me and several other big publications.
Despite all the demonization of Gibson, Apocalypto is trending that when it's released it's going to be another blockbuster.
In a dead Mayan language, doing it his way as usual, criticizing a very evil
Culture that the Mayan culture, which I'm always railing against I just again I salute Mel Gibson for doing original avant-garde art that has a good social message And if you don't like it, I don't care.
Okay We like Mel Gibson here and we're very proud of the work he's doing And we stand with Mel Gibson against all those that have tried to demonize him and set him up and the rest of it
He's got courage that very few have.
Look what happened to Charlie Sheen after he went public.
Basically hung him out to dry, but it failed.
He's bigger than ever.
Rick Linklater went public on this broadcast about 9-11 being an inside job.
And exposed the fact that Marshall Law woke up Bruce Willis.
And then Bruce Willis, through neocon handlers, kind of scurried and took cover.
And said that his words were taken out of context, confirming that he did indeed say that.
You see, on the inside, they all know the truth.
But they're afraid.
They don't have the courage of Mel Gibson or Rick Linklater or Charlie Sheen.
Okay, I'm done talking about that.
I'm just glad to hear that Mel's bounced back from all of this.
But look at this article I've got in front of me.
North American students trained for merger.
I had another Canadian, this is out of England, London Sun.
I had a Canadian paper, but it's not in my stack here, where they got some information out of the secret meeting they had last week.
Imagine a secret meeting with the Canadian government, the U.S.
government, the Mexican government, openly setting up the North American Union with a bunch of CEOs at it.
That's your new freedom, ladies and gentlemen!
That's what's happened to us!
And now British newspapers are reporting that the North American Union is being formed right now, and that the young are being brainwashed in the public schools.
Oh yeah, they're teaching in the public schools, they're teaching at the colleges, but when you or I talk about it, it's called a conspiracy theory.
North American students trained for merger.
Ten universities participate in model parliament in Mexico to simulate integration of the three nations.
John Troop, London's son,
In another example of the way the three nations of North America are being drawn into a federation, or merger, students from ten universities in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada are participating annually in a simulated model parliament.
And it's under sponsorship of the Canadian-based North American Union Forum, or North American Forum.
We'll come back and tell you about this.
Oh yeah, it's big news in Europe, because they're like, oh look, American Union.
Over here, we have no clue.
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We're about nine minutes away from our guest who was inside Central Command on the morning of 9-11 and according to his report saw some very interesting things.
That's coming up.
North American students trained for merger.
In another example of the way the three nations of North America are being drawn into a federation or merger, students from ten universities in the US, Mexico and Canada are participating annually in a simulated model parliament.
And of course we had
We've had three joint congresses with Mexico and Canada in Mexico.
We forget about that.
Under the sponsorship, that's federal by the way, of the Canadian-based North American Forum on Integration, students met in Mexican Senate for five days in May in an event dubbed Trumverte, with organizers declaring a North American Parliament is born.
A similar event took place in Canadian Senate in 2005.
The intentions of the organization is clear.
The creation of a North American Parliament such as the one being simulated by these young people should be considered, explained Raymond Chertien, the president of the organization and the former Canadian ambassador to both Mexico and the U.S.
Participants discussed draft bills on trade corridors, immigration provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement, and produced a daily newspaper called the Tri-Herald.
The Tri-Lat Herald, excuse me.
And it goes on for page, after page, after page.
That's your new freedom!
They're openly taking the major highways, handing them over to international bodies and private corporations.
Private corporations meet with the Canadian, US, and Mexican government last week, secretly.
It comes out
That leaders in all three governments are meeting, setting up the North American Union.
It was signed last March.
Another agreement was signed in December.
Now the official agreements are going through, and again, the average American is running around, acts and looks like a cow, and will walk up to you real stupidly, like it's Idiocracy, you know, Mike Judge's new movie, and just say, Hey!
Did you hear about
Lacey Peterson, did you hear about what's going on with UT football?
And if you say, hey, the country's going down, they're merging us, then they're going to take all our liberties in the North American Union.
Well, that... I mean, if they could even talk, they'll say, well, isn't that what should happen?
That's the future.
Yeah, but under this new future, you won't have any liberties or private property.
And then they'll just say, oh, that's not true.
Any way to live in denial, any way to refuse to face what's in front of your eyeballs... I mean, I'm hopping mad!
This is the United States!
I don't stick plastic slave flags on my car!
I actually love the country!
I actually defend the Republic!
And I'll tell you who's killing the country, it's all these phony conservatives and phony liberals who don't know any of the real issues and are all busy fighting with each other in their mindless left-right paradigm that's got them all corralled, totally controlled, neutralized!
Wake up!
I mean, we need to get some type of air-raid siren and play it in the background.
I mean, we need an ominous drumming alert sound, or maybe like the
You know, a country in emergency going down, crises, life support disconnected.
Country is self-destructing.
30 plus million illegal aliens have invaded, violently waving foreign flags, said they'll bring down U.S., covertly funded by U.S.
allied crime syndicates.
debt bubble bigger than any debt bubble in history.
FEMA building concentration camps for American citizens.
Entire infrastructure being handed over to foreign companies.
I mean, this is what we're dealing with.
Government staging terror attacks as pretext for enslavement.
Country will self-destruct within two years, if not reversed.
Meanwhile... How about them UT football teamers?
I like some such.
Don't you talk bad about my president!
He's a conservative!
Oh, he is!
I like it!
I likesums!
Alright, you can tell I'm out of control.
I just, I cannot stand the people that will not wake up.
But they're all pacified by the Neil Bortzes and the Glenn Becks and the Limbaughs.
All up there to pose as conservatives.
All up there to keep conservatives in their little corral and to make little giggling jokes about the left all day and to pose and to push national
Sales taxes, and amnesty programs, and just lying to you Judas goats, plunging huge double-edged daggers into your back, and you smile at them.
Oh, kiss me on the lips when you stab me, Limbaugh.
Kiss me on the lips.
Oh, I love you.
I'm getting angrier and angrier.
Alright, I have masses of untold news.
They're about to pass a law to allow secret arrest of U.S.
citizens, and we'll talk about that too.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If the truth keeps coming out, the levy on the 9-11 cover-up is going to break.
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Alright my friends, I'm glad that you have joined us.
Last week I first saw this letter to the editor of the Cincinnati Inquirer by a gentleman who was reportedly saying that he had been in the Army, had last stationed at Central Command, and then on 9-11 he saw some very suspicious things happen, and he saw suspicious things happen in the lead up to 9-11.
And we have had a chance off-air to talk to 9-11 whistleblower, Sgt.
Laro Chavez.
And he goes by LJ because his full name is Laro Jones Chavez.
His mom's another troublemaker, Jones.
So we're honored to have LJ with us.
And what happened is his letter to the editor got out on the web.
And then it got posted up on the Veterans for 9-11 Truth and went supernova late last week.
And so this morning, I did some more research and was able to get in contact with Mr. Chavez and with LJ.
And I said, well, there's some controversy.
No one's been able to prove your disinfo.
They're just simply saying, well, we don't know who this guy is.
He hasn't confirmed who he is.
All we have is this lengthy letter to the editor.
I don't know.
88 here in front of me.
Certificate of release or discharge from active duty.
He got an honorable discharge and it's got his special forces qualification training and all his other training here and that he did indeed, his last post was at Central Command in Tampa, Florida.
And so, here to discuss what he witnessed, and now we are here confirming, and we have his document, and this goes a long way towards documenting that it did indeed work in CENTCOM, and again, the letter to the editor just had his first and last name, his full name, is Laro Jones Chavez, and he goes by
LJ, thank you for coming on with us, and thank you for your courage.
I was talking to you this morning, and you said, I hope they don't kill me now.
Well, it's always a pleasure to be on your show, Alex, and yeah, you know the trouble-making Joneses.
We've got to be put down one way or the other.
I'm just glad to be here.
Well, it's good to have you here with us, sir.
Now, you gave me a pretty good explanation and description of, you got mad by a hit piece against 9-11 Truth in the local paper in Ohio, you got out of the military in 2003, you witnessed some things, you wrote this letter to the editor, and then you also put it out on the web, break down what happened,
You told me you didn't mean this letter to be your full, vetted explanation.
Now you're ready to do that here.
You're right, right, exactly.
And actually, I got out in 2002.
What had happened, and a lot of people don't know, and first I want to thank everybody for questioning me because that's, first and foremost, that's our job, is to question all the information and the misinformation that comes out.
So, I literally walked in today and just had hundreds of emails from people thanking me and
You know, blogs where people try to discredit me, and, you know, this guy's real.
You know, some guy said he'd use his own rear end if, you know, I was real, which would be funny to watch.
But, yeah, real briefly, you know, I'm a member, I'm actually the moderator for the Ohio Humans Against the New World Order.
It's a MySpace group.
We have 9-11 Truth Meetings in the area here, and this is something that happened, you know, a few months back, and, you know, my friend that I work with, real close to me, I won't reveal his last name, first name, James, but very good friend of mine, he was like, hey, look at this.
Look at this letter that they wrote in the Cincy Post, and like, you know, it's like, 1 in 3 believe in 9-11 conspiracy, and so, you know, I'm reading this, and it was just a total debunk, you know, to make...
You know, people like us who know that there's clearly something not right.
That's right.
Cincinnati Post.
I misstated.
No, it's fine.
There is a Cincinnati Enquirer.
They're not as bad as the Post.
I don't know.
I really don't read the local newspaper because... I must have read a blog that got it wrong which paper it was in.
Go ahead.
Right, right.
So, you know, he's like, you know, he wrote a letter to the editor, you know, and Mr. White, you know, saying that, you know, you need to do more journalism research, blah, blah, blah.
And I would like to support him.
You know, we were just kind of like going to protest the paper.
So I wrote this letter.
And you know, and I spoke to James, you know, and my other friends, uh, you know, prior to this about, you know, some of the things I've seen in my military career, and I wrote this letter, and I couldn't in good conscience, like, flanderize Mr. White without, like, putting, like, you know, factual stuff in there.
So, you know, I gave him, like, all the tools.
Like, I... I'm in no way in a position to tell people, like, this is the official story.
Believe me.
No, no, no.
I want to give people the information to go look for themselves and formulate a logical decision, you know, with all the evidence.
And that's what I was trying to do with Mr. White, you know.
And of course there was speculation on the web that, you know, I confirmed that Cheney gave the orders for NORAD to turn down, which, you know, that was my opinion, and I went into the blog and was like, look,
That was a rant that I wrote to the editor.
This wasn't my intention.
This wasn't my affidavit to come out and be a whistleblower.
I just kind of got thrown into it.
But we know Cheney, two months before, in June, did take control away from the Generals.
That is correct.
The shoot-down power they'd always had.
We know that Minetta was there and the aid kept saying, 50 miles, 20 miles, 10 miles out.
Does the order still stand?
And we know that Cheney did order a stand-down.
And I was talking to you this morning.
You said when you were in CENTCOM that
In fact, now let's quit talking about the controversy.
Let's go into who you are, what you did in the military, where you were in CENTCOM, what you witnessed.
I was formerly Sergeant Chavez.
I worked in the J6, which people who don't know McDill Air Force Base, it's a joint command.
Central Command is responsible.
Their area of operation, or AOR, is the entire Middle East staging
We're good to go.
Lots of Majors, Generals, Major Generals, Lieutenant Generals, you know, Full Stars, Sergeant Majors.
Yeah, we've got, we've got CENTCOM, we've got NORTHCOM, there's only, what, four comms, and they run the whole plan?
Right, right.
They do run the whole plan.
Is it four comms, or going from memory?
Right, yeah, I think there is, and, uh, and SOUTHCOM is the other one, and they're down in Miami.
And every command has their area of operation, and central commands happen to be the Middle East, you know, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, you know, the UAE, you know, Qatar, you know, we've got bases over in Doha.
The hot zone, the gap.
The hot zone.
We participate in exercises, one of which is called Bright Star.
It's where we go over to Egypt and, you know, we play war games there.
But what I did for the command is I worked in the Joint Six Department, J6, what's called the Automation Department.
Basically, we were in charge of all the computer systems.
All the network backbone, all the user PCs, so it was like the big computer department for the entire command.
So I ran a team on the help desk network side.
I had six soldiers that worked for me.
And, you know, basically what we do is we had a ticketing system.
You know, these colonels and stuff would have problems with their computers, and, you know, we'd go around and fix their PCs.
And I was really... I've got letters of recommendation from General Franks.
I've got coins from General Franks.
I helped set General Franks up on his eBay account to sell pottery.
A lot of people don't know that.
I was the only soldier allowed in the command to go to his house and work on his personal computers.
I also was the only one allowed to work on his work computer.
And that's what you do now.
You work at a computer company right now.
Yes, absolutely.
I work at a software company.
I'm their information security manager.
I make sure that hackers don't get in and steal our credit card numbers.
You know, I train users to be security conscious.
And when you wrote this letter to the editor, you put your name, you put your work number, you went totally public and I commend you.
You sound very credible to me.
Well, you know, and now that people have just called, I probably had 50 calls today on my phone, you know, I had like 10 messages when I walked in the door this morning, and you know, and that's great, and I love talking to people, and I love giving them, you know, because I...
I was a little overwhelmed to be honest.
Let's talk about because of time constraints.
Now you've put your foot in it.
You've gone public.
You've stepped across the line here at the Alamo.
You've thrown your lot in with us.
A lot of courage.
Tell us what you witnessed on the morning of 9-11 in Centcom.
We all know that the President put Cheney in charge of NORAD.
In the SCIF, you know, I go back to that in my letter, it's the Security Compartmentalized Information Facility.
It's a bunker that's at the very base of CENTCOM.
It's like in the very middle.
It's the most protected, it's like the treasure room.
And in there is where all the PSYOPS guys sit, Psychological Operations, all the Military Intelligence.
You go in there, you can watch live feeds, satellite feeds, like over Iraq.
I mean, you know, and you have to have a top-secret clearance to even badge in the door.
So I had a top-secret gamma clearance.
And I want you to be careful about what you say, because you signed a national security letter.
Just be careful.
Okay, I don't remember signing any national security letters, but I think I was out prior to that.
Well, I imagine you probably don't, but... Probably so, yeah, I'll be careful.
Just don't say too much that's classified, but go ahead.
Okay, so there's a lot of things going on in this command bunker, and I go in there a lot, or I've had to go in there a lot to fix PCs, and, you know, there are different levels of classifications of networks, like, you know, the military, the Army doesn't just have, like, one network, they've got, like, a ring of networks that
As you go inner, they become more classified and more classified.
Well, inside the SCIF, everything is top secret or higher.
And there are other classifications beyond top secret that I won't talk about.
But I'm in there, and they've got Air Force guys in charge of the weather, senior weather officers that monitor the weather all over the world, making sure exercises and plane flight patterns are OK because the weather increments and there's
Guys who monitor the aerospace, the grid, that monitor the actual live feed of what airplanes are where, what jets are where, what exercises they're participating in.
When the Cheney thing came out, people were questioning that.
We were like, why would you do that?
Because the military has certain procedures set in place for a reason.
Anybody who's ever done time in the military, everything is by the books, by the numbers.
If Scenario A happens, you look up the little book for Scenario A. There's default positions.
There's default A to Z.
Right, correct, and you follow the procedures, you know, something happens, this, you know, uh, object A happens, you do, you execute, you know, plan B, and these are the eight things you do, well...
You know, so that's prior to 9-11.
So the morning before, we're involved in exercises, and one of them was support for Vigilant Guard, and the other one was for Bright Star, which I spoke about earlier, for Egypt.
And in your letter to the editor, you talk about the days before drills of flying hijacked jets into the Pentagon, into the White House, into the Sears Tower and other targets, which is now declassified.
It's come out in the news.
That is information I was not supposed to see.
I was in the skiff working on a CyHop's commander's computer, and next to his PC was a document, a top-secret document, that was open.
And, you know, I mean, honestly, you know, his neglect was my ally.
So, as I'm sitting there working on his computer, I'm waiting for some patents to download, and I look over and I'm reading this document.
And it's the op order for the exercise that they're participating in, and it's top secret.
I'm like, I didn't know this exercise was classified top secret.
That's ridiculous.
That makes no sense because I've never heard of exercises that are large scale, that are secret.
We have to keep it open.
We have to keep it public and open.
You don't want it public to the point where we can elicit problems, but you have to let certain people know that the military is running exercises, especially in high population areas.
So you've seen a lot of other exercises, and very few were secret, much less top secret.
Had you ever seen an exercise that was top secret?
No, never have before, and that's not saying they don't exist.
I've never seen one, and I've participated probably in more than 35 or 40 different exercises in my years in the Army.
So I'm reading this document, and it's giving proposed situations for scenarios for this war game.
The scenarios include, like, you know, a plane hijack.
They were all, you know, most of them were hijack planes.
I thought there was the one, you know, like a car bomb, you know, trying to blow up something.
But one of them was a hijack airplane crash into a power, a nuclear power plant in California.
That was in there, yeah.
The Pentagon, obviously, the White House, our building, was one of the targets as well.
And I guess, you know, because of the conflict of interest between
The command in our area of operation in the Middle East, you know, this is the command that heads up operations in the Middle East.
If we take them out, then, you know, they'll be kind of lost for, you know, for at least a few months trying to figure out who's going to take over command of these people, you know.
And so, the day before, you know, they were ramping up.
They were putting big, giant concrete pylons all around the building.
They were putting machine guns up posts on the roof.
I had friends, you know, before you could even get in the building, like, you had to verify your bags.
Like, you know, we had military police, like,
With dogs.
By the way, Jeb Bush declared martial law for the first and only time in Florida three days before.
That's correct.
Three days before, yes.
And that was, you know, after 9-11, I was stuck on the base for like six days.
I couldn't even leave.
They just kept us there.
September 9th.
That's Associated Press, boys and girls.
They planned to hit the White House and a bunch of other targets.
Something went wrong.
And if it would have gone off like they planned, by the time Bush left that school, he would have been total dictator.
We would have had massive decapitation of Congress.
Can you imagine the martial law we would have been under if they had hit the Capitol?
Well, you know, it would have been horrible, but, you know, I think that, you know, maybe that's where we'll have to go for people to actually, you know, ride the... Well, we know what happened.
The generals didn't follow orders and ordered two Sidewinders into Flight 93, thank God.
That is correct.
Then they had to concoct the ridiculous story about Let's Roll.
Right, exactly.
You know, and during 9-11, you know, we're in the bunker and we're watching the aerospace grid and, you know, I can see the enemy blips, you know, that they're proposing.
And the thing is, is that
Whenever you're doing exercises, you have to pipe that aerospace grid to the air traffic controllers of the airports, all the airports in that area, so they know there's a military exercise going on and there's proposed planes, like, you know, put on the grid just as, you know, fake, bogus targets.
And that's now, in the tapes, they keep saying, is this part of the exercise?
I've never seen so much real world during an exercise.
They didn't tell them that day, did they?
No, I don't think they did.
And, you know, that was the whole thing is, you know, if you watch in the video footage, you've got the air traffic control guys, is this real world or exercise?
You know, because people don't know, and that was the whole point of this, isn't it?
As I reflect back, I look, I'm like, well, that's genius!
If you want to crash planes into a building, I mean, and you've got the aerospace grid at your, like, beckon and, you know, call, then you put a bunch of blips on it, so nobody knows which one's real or which one's fake, except the key individuals who are supposed to know.
And then, you know, nobody has any idea of, like, well, is that a fake plane that's flying over there?
Because it's colored red, so a red plane, you know, equivalates to a fake blip, so...
I mean, all you have to do is have somebody in charge of those computer systems that put the blips on the screen, and then you can do whatever you want.
Now, let's get to Cheney.
Let's get to Cheney, and then there's a lot of other key areas we need to talk about here, but you're there in the bunker on 9-11.
Describe what happens.
You told me off-air that everyone's wondering why the shoot-down orders haven't been given.
You heard key discussions.
Give us that in detail.
Okay, so I didn't get to see the Tower One hit.
Okay, as soon as, you know, I was in there talking, you know, with individuals.
I was tired.
You know, I've been there since four in the morning.
I mean, they're talking to my Army Corps of Engineers buddy, I won't give his name, and we're chit-chatting, and then all of a sudden, everybody starts hustling and bustling.
It looked like NASA, when Apollo 13's about to crash, everybody's running around, and then they put up on the big screen, CNN, and here's this tower that's on fire, and we're like, what the heck's going on?
And then we see the other plane come in and hit it, and then at that point, everybody's just standing up.
And we're just watching.
Same thing as everybody else, we're all shocked and awed.
I can't believe this happened.
You know, I'm kind of thinking in the back of my mind, I'm like, well, that's funny, because we just had an exercise that, you know, proposed the same, you know, situation happening, you know, what are the odds?
But I was more concerned about, wow, this is like a home front attack, like, you know, wow, the people actually got the nerve to do something to us, you know?
Like, these guys are crazy, like, they're going to get their butts kicked now, you know, because I had no idea at the time, and, you know, I'm standing there, and the Air Force had commanders in charge of, you know, in contact, direct contact with NORAD, and so we're, you know, the plane hit the, you know, whatever hit the Pentagon, and then
We're like, wondering, like, what are they scrambling jets?
You know, we're asking, like, there's, there's, you know, eight or nine people, you know, and these are not just, this is not just a sight of me and one of my soldiers, and then there's, like, lieutenant colonels and colonels, and they're, they're asking, you know, this lieutenant colonel in charge of the Air Force, uh, uh, set there, you know, why isn't NORAD scrambling jets?
And he was like, well, we received an order to stand down.
And that just perplexed everybody.
Like, you know, they were totally... Do you remember the name of that colonel over the Air Force Division in CENTCOM?
No, I do not.
Do not remember his name.
We need to have you look at photos of those commanders.
We need to find out who that is.
He needs to be brought in under oath by a grand jury or by Congress.
We already know Cheney did it.
We have known for that as testimony.
We've got him 98%.
We need that 2% to have a total lock on these traitors.
Stay there, sir.
We're going to be back in just a three minute break.
And I want to detail this more.
I want to walk through this.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, I saw a lot of hand-wringing and people running around, scurrying, saying, is this real?
Is this a hoax?
And we know that they planned this info in the past, in the 9-11 Truth Movement, but, you know, it's normally
Some type of ridiculous, you know, holograms hit the towers or something along those lines to try to discredit us.
This doesn't fit the MO of Disinfo.
He wrote a letter to the editor.
Months later, it got a lot of attention.
People said, oh, he's not real.
He's not in the military.
We've confirmed he was in the military.
And he sounds credible to me.
We're here vetting it.
We're here discussing it.
It fits in with what we already know.
So you're in CENTCOM and everybody's running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
And can you remember the specific designation of that Full Bird Air Force Colonel and what area he was over at CENTCOM?
No, I can't, and I've tried to remember his name.
He was relatively in the skiff by himself in a back stack that basically had
Landline communications back and forth, communication lines back and forth with NORAD.
So there are hundreds of people in there?
Yeah, there's probably 75 or 80 people in the SCIF, easily.
Possibly a hundred.
But clearly he was in command because they were going... He was in command of, I guess, the Air Force and NORAD interface because you saw colonels going to him.
Right, yeah.
He was the information interface that they designated.
He was the NORAD representative for CENTCOM.
I don't know.
He had other titles.
He had another job, I'm sure, too, but that was part of his duty, was to pass on information, you know, from NORAD and SpaceCom, you know, stuff like that.
So, you know, that's where they went.
They were like, what is going on?
Okay, but remember, remember back, from memory, tell us exactly what you heard.
I mean, were there two colonels in front of you?
What were they saying?
They were saying, you know, why aren't planes being scrambled?
What did you hear?
Well, I asked, you know, first, me and my Lieutenant General friend, we kind of scurry over, everybody's kind of, you know, he comes out of his office and he's standing there and, you know, everybody knows what's supposed to happen when planes fly over no-fly zones or they come into our aerospace unauthorized.
You scramble jets.
I mean, I was a sergeant and I knew that.
I mean, it was just, you know, it's the op order.
I mean, that's just what they do.
So, you know, these colonels, you know, these guys who've been to, you know, the Army War College and all the stuff, they know that, that that's procedure.
So, you know, they're questioning this other colonel, and I'm standing there, and he's like, well, you know, all I can confirm is that we've received a stand-down order.
He goes, well, no, I received a stand-down order.
And that was all he said, you know, and then, of course, they ran off like hustle bustle, and, you know, I kind of was talking to my friend, you know, and then that's
About that time is when, you know, the first tower started to come down, or the second tower rather, you know, the one that was hit second came down first.
And we know there's anti-aircraft Stinger missiles and even more high-powered, uh, they have the, what's the name of the mounted, uh, high-powered Gatling gun, uh, that towards ships?
Yeah, it's like a, it's a mini-gun.
Is it Aegis?
He added Aegis, that's correct.
I know there's Aegis.
I know there was Aegis put in in the mid-90s after that guy flew the plane into the White House, that's Cessna.
I know they put Aegis up all over D.C.
I know Aegis was at the Pentagon.
I've seen that in press reports.
So they had Aegis, they had Stingers, they had a bunch of other anti-aircraft missiles all over D.C.
I've been in D.C.
and seen them on top of the White House back in the 80's walking around with missile launchers.
I saw George Bush Sr.
give a speech in, what was it, in 1988 in Dallas.
My dad took me to it.
It was at the fairgrounds.
They had Stinger missiles up on the roof.
My dad said, look at those Stinger missiles.
So, we know there was a stand down.
The aid is in there.
And he's saying, does the order still stand to the Vice President?
You know, 50 miles, 30 miles, 20 miles, 10 miles.
And he says, of course it still stands.
We know he was in control.
We know there was a stand down.
We know they didn't use the missiles, much less the aircraft.
And then, stay there, sir.
I want to keep you for two more segments.
We'll let you go.
I know you're at work.
This is so important.
I want to walk through anything else you saw.
Other important tidbits that you witnessed.
Lero Jones Chavez goes by LJ, is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Be sure and check out InfoWars.com.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he has a lot of courage.
Lero Jones Chavez is our guest.
He was a sergeant in the Army.
His last assignment until 2002 was at Central Command in Florida.
He was inside the command bunker on the morning of 9-11.
We have his DD Form 214 here in front of us, honorably discharged.
And we are honored to have him on air with us.
He just finished up
We're good to go.
I guess posted by the paper itself about 9-11 truth in the Cincinnati Post.
He wrote a letter, months later it got big on the web, and here he is doing his first radio interview with us.
Other facets of this, other areas in your letter to the editor you get into, go through those for us please, sir.
Okay, I know I talk a lot about, you know, I made friends with the Lieutenant General who used to be the Army Corps of Engineers commander, and
He used to teach the class from, you know, after Spiegel and him.
He was like, you know, I used to give classes on controlled demolitions because when you go into hostile areas, it's, you know, the military uses, you know, demolitions to bring down bridges, to bring down buildings.
They're in the way of, you know, to make land, you know, airstrips for airplanes.
I mean, there's all kinds of things.
And, you know, we even do like civil engineering, like where we bring down buildings, you know, on the base to erect new buildings.
So, you know, as the towers are falling,
He's standing there, and he's like, he's telling me, he's like, Chavez, this isn't right.
And I'm like, what are you talking about, sir?
He's like, buildings don't fall like that.
Because when they're struck by missiles, or they're struck by, you know, gunfire, or you know, it's possible to like, you know, blow off the top of a building.
Yeah, there have been battles in Vietnam, and in Europe, and all over, where for days, the thousands of heavy guns are just pounding, you know, pounding 20-story buildings, and they don't fall.
I've seen buildings overseas, like, not even big buildings, Alex, like two stories, with holes as big as cars in them from, like, tank rounds and mortar rounds, and they're still there.
And they're not even steel constructed, they're made out of, like, stucco.
You know, and these towers are falling, and I'm saying, what are you talking about?
He goes, this is a perfectly done controlled demolition.
So you're in CITCOM, can you tell us the name of this officer?
No, I will not call his name.
I don't have permission from him, and I don't want to destroy his reputation, and he's still in those days.
Well, I mean, I had family friends on who's a structural degree engineer who was in the World Financial Center, less than 100 yards from Tower 1, South Tower, and he came on the air after the collapse that morning and said, this is a beautiful controlled demolition.
Yeah, and when Building 7 came down, that's what he said.
He was like, wow, that was beautiful.
You know, I'm like, I'm in horror.
I'm like, this building is falling and you're like saying this is something great and I never really realized, you know, I guess the naivety of my mind at the time was, you know, so stuck to, you know, the same way that, you know, most soldiers are.
You know, we're there to do a job.
We're there to defend our country.
Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
But you're not saying he was involved.
He was saying it was a beautiful demolition.
Oh yeah, definitely.
He had no idea that anything was going on, but when he saw them fall, he was definitely... Well, I've talked to people that work at big demolition companies, and of course they won't come on air, but they've said that 7 is a perfect job.
It is a perfect job.
When they plant bombs for months, it's hard to get them to fall into a pile as big as their original footprint.
And my whole deal with this, Alex, is that, you know, you can't expect the American population, and we're not idiots, like, you can't expect us to believe that you went into a building on fire, and in a matter of hours, you know, pulled off the most perfectly executed controlled demolition probably in our civilization, you know, with a building on fire.
I mean, that alone should make everybody go.
Then they try to spin it and say pull it means pull the firefighters, but it turns out they never fought fire in the building and didn't pull firefighters.
But they can't have their cake and eat it, too.
Stay there, sir.
Do you have time to do one final segment?
Our guest, LJ, is with us.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Check it out.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time and rebroadcast from 9 to midnight.
A growing number of brave aminatum affiliates across the country pick up this show.
We are so honored and thankful for them and their courage.
It's really exciting that KLBJ, one of the most award-winning stations in the country, has picked up my Sunday show and we're going to be expanding it to three hours, two hours, and syndicating it through Genesis and a bunch of other MS Communications radio stations in some of the biggest cities in the country are going to be picking up the show.
That shows that even a big establishment company like MS, they're obviously not Clear Channel or CBS Westwinds, but still it's pretty darn big.
A-tier, all they own is marquee stations.
Picking up the show and wanting to syndicate it shows that they know this is legitimate, this is real, and we're going to take this country back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not going to stop.
We're going to break the left-right paradigm.
We're going to defend the Republic.
We're going to defeat the North American Union and the New World Order.
We're going to do it with God's help.
Later, I'm going to briefly tell you about something that happened.
I've been watching TerrorStorm.
I put it out for free on Google Video.
There was over 20 versions of it uploaded by others on the web.
And I was noticing that when it went over 200,000, 150,000, depending on which version it was, you could sit there and see how many people watched it.
It was well over 2 million last week.
And it was trending to be as big as loose change online.
Its growth rate was even quicker.
And again, that is just so good for freedom.
And then yesterday I got on the computer and went to the version that we uploaded that had gone above 60,000, the high-quality version.
Unfortunately, all the low-quality ones were getting all the visitors.
And I went to Google Video and guess what?
They had wiped it out.
TerrorStorm versions that had over 200,000 viewers, gone.
TerrorStorm versions that had over 100,000 visits, gone.
Now, the video was still there.
Our ranking had been erased and wiped out.
And why is that important?
Because it took us out of the favorites and out of the top 100.
We had finally gotten in to the top 100, into the favorites as well, in two different categories, which then, it's exponential.
No, no, no, no, no!
They knocked us down.
And they've already climbed to 60,000, 80,000, 100,000.
It's already climbed back up again.
See, it reached exponential growth curve, where we're getting millions of viewers of TerrorStorm every few days, whereas it took a month and a half to get up to 2 million.
Now they knock us out and it still gets up to 2 million in a couple days.
We've already reached exponential, unless they totally take TerrorStorm down completely.
So everybody, just start uploading copies of TerrorStorm.
Just continue lavish everything.
They're not going to stop us.
See, I noticed that Loose Change, I've been watching them, and I get so excited as they climb the charts, but I noticed they didn't wipe them out.
They didn't knock out their ratings.
They didn't knock out their viewers.
They didn't, no, they did it to Terror Storm, and we hope it's an accident, but Google keeps doing stuff like this, and I don't think it's an accident.
Okay, I'm going to shut up.
We've only got a few minutes left with our guest.
And we're so honored to have him with us, Laurel Jones Chavez, or LJ, a sergeant working in CENTCOM, and I have his honorable discharge here in front of me.
Sir, other facets, other key points that need to be made about what you saw that day in the bunker, and then recapping why you decided to go public.
Well, I think that I've, you know, I think I've pretty much given what I know, what I saw, you know, that the fact that
Regardless of what happened, you know, we can go back and forth all day about what brought the towers down, what hit the Pentagon, you know, the fact of the matter is that the government had prior knowledge.
And that's what, you know, really motivated me to, like, you know, get out of the military because, you know, the government that is controlling, you know, the military, and then you've got that, you know, individual saying that the soldiers are nothing but pawns.
And what makes me sick is that my brothers, my military brothers, are needlessly dying in a war that's just
It's a paradox.
I mean, you can't have a war with no predefined, you know, or certain enemy.
It doesn't work that way.
You know, you've got to like, okay, you know, this is this little sect of people right over in this country, and that's a war, like, you know, these rebels, like Somalia or something like that.
But in a war on terror, then anybody who has any kind of bad thoughts towards the government, you know, can be considered a terrorist.
And now with the Patriot Act, they can come and get you and, you know, black bag you like in V for Vendetta, and, you know, who knows what the possibilities are.
But, you know, my point is that
No matter how horrible the truth is, no matter how horrible it is to look upon it, the people deserve to know the truth.
I want to go through a few quotes here from your letter to the editor.
You say to the editor, quote, I spent eight months in combat watching my brothers die.
That was in Afghanistan.
I killed in the name of freedom, and to this day my brothers are still being killed for this illusionary war we call the War on Terror.
Can you comment on that?
Yeah, absolutely.
I was deployed to Afghanistan for eight months, about two weeks after 9-11 happened.
I was there in support of United States SOCOM, which if everybody's played the game of SOCOM, they're actually a real entity that is located on the McDill Air Force Base.
And I provided them with communications for the special ops teams.
We flew into Kabul Airport.
We were actually under fire as we flew in.
And, uh, you know, I thought that, you know, I was, thought I was, you know, going to, you know, bin Laden, and that was clearly not, not the objective of that war.
And I still don't know what the objective is, you know, other than to, you know, subliminally condemn this war.
Can you say $400 billion in, uh, opium a year coming out of there?
Or, you know, the pipeline, you know, a lot of people are like, what pipeline?
I had to pull roving guards to make sure that nobody blew up that pipeline.
That was where our billions of dollars to the war went for people to pull patrols.
And then you've got soldiers over there that are using live, depleted uranium rounds in their tanks and in all the mortars and in all the howitzers.
And DU is just horrible.
Not only does it kill people, and that's fine, but it's technically against the Geneva Convention because it provides an after-effect of
You know, it's a radioactive material, and you've got, you know, soldiers breathing this in in the air.
What percentage of your... I mean, because as you said, you know Tommy Franks, you know all these other generals.
I mean, obviously you probably haven't talked to him about 9-11, but other people from privates up to generals that you've talked to about 9-11, the war on terror, what percentage know it's an inside job, or what percentage have you had a chance to bring it up to?
I haven't had an ability to bring up too many people.
I've got some reserve and guard friends that I'm pretty close to here.
They're skeptical, but the thing is that they're not told enough.
They're not given enough detail.
They're given 2% of the 100% they need to know to do their job.
They're like, we don't need to be concerned about why we're shooting this round down the range.
You just need to make sure that the round gets in the thing and it gets pulled when we tell you to pull it.
So they don't really even know.
They're just segregated out to do a job.
You know, and it's just, it's not fair, you know, it's not fair for these people, you know, and I see these, support our troops, support our troops all over, bumper stickers everywhere!
If people want to support our troops, we'll bring them home so that they don't have to needlessly die in a war for money and oil.
I mean, that's supporting the troops.
Not saying, you know, hey, good job for getting your legs blown off because, you know, you were over in Iraq trying to, you know, establish democracy in the name of America.
Well, we had the unanimous National Intelligence Assessment out last week that the White House suppressed since April and tried to block its release.
Unanimous 16 U.S.
intelligence spy agencies saying clearly that Iraq has escalated the jihadists
And has actually created a real terror threat for the first time that isn't really state-sponsored manufactured.
And that's what P2OG, that's what the Pentagon actually wanted all along.
People say Bush is screwing up.
He's not screwing up.
The stated plan was to break Iraq in three pieces and stimulate military responses as a pretext to widen the war.
And you know, they should be angry.
Those people in Lebanon and Iraq and Iran, they should be mad at us because, you know,
We're not represented.
You know, the people of America aren't represented the correct way.
I mean, our government gives us the image of, like, you know, we're this, like, you know, like, allopathic people that, you know, want to come over and take over your society and, you know, make you, you know, a democracy, and that's clearly just not the case.
No, they come in and they put in Perez Musharraf there in Pakistan, a brutal dictator.
I mean, they put dictators in everywhere and fund them and control them.
Well, in closing, you said to the paper, the Cincinnati Post, you said, we all knew
Then, we all realized that this was not some group of unorganized cave dwellers from Afghanistan orchestrating a perfect hit on American soil.
It was impossible, and I guess there you were speaking of Building 7, and as you said you were standing there with an officer as Building 7 fell, and he said it was a beautiful controlled demolition.
Can you comment on that?
Yeah, you know, and I spoke about that earlier, yeah, you know, my Lieutenant General friend was, you know, demolitions, he taught, you know, controlled demolitions for, you know, Army Corps of Engineers to bring down bridges and stuff, and, you know, he just, he knew at the moment, and, you know, I think we all knew, we just refused to believe, and that's what took me so long to talk about this, is because I, you know, I thought I was the only one individual that knew something I wasn't supposed to know, and I had no idea, and so I met my friends, you know, that I work with, and the friends in the community that are like,
You know, show me this entire movement of people who are like challenging, you know, the decision, you know, of how 9-11 happened and the official story is...
There's nothing more than a big why.
Until then, I realized that maybe I need to say something.
Maybe now is the time for me to say something because before, I think your why would have been passed.
So basically, our research about NORAD standing down, Cheney being in control, that meshed with what you witnessed as an eyewitness inside the secret command bunker of Central Command there in Miami on 9-11?
In Tampa, yes, absolutely.
No problem.
I think that everybody needs to know the truth.
We're a bunch of, you know, we're great American, we're great society.
I think we have the potential to be very wonderful and very ethical, but, you know, we have to, we have to grow beyond this point here and we've got to get the people who are, you know, the bad guys, you know, out of leadership positions to where we can put people who are good, ethical people in positions of power where we can grow a society as ethically as we need be.
You know, if we want to help Iran, we shouldn't go try to blow them up.
We should send 30 scientists over to help them establish a nuclear power plant to provide power to their people, you know, and not try to hinder them from becoming a world power.
Yeah, why doesn't Iran want to attack Germany, or Russia, or China, or Japan, or South Africa, or Venezuela?
Those countries are all friends, you know, and you want the American public to believe that Osama bin Laden came over here.
and blew up, you know, orchestrated this whole great attack against the most powerful nation in the world and then, you know, Osama didn't take our rights away with the Patriot Act.
You know, Osama didn't bring down Building 7.
Osama couldn't order NORAD to stand down.
Osama couldn't order public officials not to fly out of the White House.
Osama couldn't have the 44,000, 18,000 British troops already massed north of Afghanistan with three carriers waiting with the launch orders on his desk two days before.
Osama couldn't declare martial law in Florida.
Sir, I commend you for joining us.
I want to talk to you again later this week when you have more time.
LJ, God bless you, and I'm going to call you tonight at home.
I want to talk to you some more, okay?
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you for your courage, sir.
Will, your story really looks credible to me.
We'll continue to check it out.
We'll be right back with our next guest.
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For the next 30 minutes or so we're going to have our next guest and then I'm going to get back into the incredible revelations that you just heard from the last guest that we had on who we've confirmed did work in CENTCOM, Central Command on 9-11 there in Tampa.
And then I also want to get into war in Iraq regarded as incubator for terror, actually creating more real terror.
We'll break that down, and of course that means real resistance.
Any resistance is called terror.
Also, compromise on treatment of terror suspects assailed.
Critics include military defense lawyers who say it's worse than the system in place.
That's right.
Bush's, quote, compromise is worse than what he's even currently doing.
But it spawned as a Bush defeat, victory for McCain and the Democrats.
This is smoke and mirrors, folks.
And what it is, is secret arrest of American citizens.
Secret trials, secret execution, torture.
14,000 people disappeared in these black holes.
This is the New America and so it dovetails with our guest who's got a new book that just came out, Trevor Paglen, Tortured Taxi on the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights and he's gone out on a lot of research and investigations and Trevor Paglen is an expert on clandestine military installations
Maybe he can tell us about the Houston Chronicle and the FEMA camps.
He leads expeditions to the secret bases of American West and is author of two-volume study on secret bases, secret wars.
Oh, we've got to have this guy on another time longer.
Trevor Paglen is an artist, writer, and experimental geographer working out of the Department of Geography at the University of California, Berkeley as a researcher.
His work involves deliberately blurring the lines between social science, contemporary art, and a host of even more obscure disciplines.
And he's exposed the California prison system, the CIA's practice of extraordinary rendition, that's kidnapping, and he joins us now.
Sir, thank you for joining us.
Thanks for having me on the show.
You bet.
Out of the gates, what do you think of this, quote, compromise that codifies the end of the Bill of Rights?
Secret arrest, secret tribunals, secret snatch and grabbing.
I mean, this is incredible.
Yeah, I think it's really dangerous because what it is effectively doing is creating a legal framework for all of these extremely nasty things that have been going on for the last couple of years.
It seems to ensure that this sort of thing will continue.
That's right.
Bush first said... Exactly.
Bush first said, and had his councils and memos say, he was the law above the law, we can torture kids, whatever.
Now the Supreme Court said, no, you've got to get congressional approval, and so now he's actually trying to codify it in law.
Go ahead.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
So, this is a really dangerous moment because
I think a lot of us would like to think that the last couple of years were a historical anomaly, but this legislation seems to make it so that this will become a part of just what we regularly do.
It's being institutionalized in the bedrock right now.
That's correct.
And you watch Democrats are going to love this when they get in office.
This is part of a
Downhill slump into tyranny.
You know, I want to get into the torture taxis and the Red Sox planes being used, but I was reading your bio.
You get into secret government, shadow government, shadow bases.
Just out of the blue here, do you have any info on the Houston Chronicle admitting the construction of these emergency FEMA centers for political dissidents?
No, I know very little about that sort of thing.
I mostly just look at weapons programs and that sort of thing.
It's relatively academic, just trying to understand how security clearances work, this sort of thing.
Give us your take on the secret government itself.
How big is it?
The secret government itself?
I actually don't study this continuity of government and that sort of thing.
I specifically look at classified military spending and what that goes towards.
Which is a large but still small slice in the aggregate.
Um, yeah.
It's hard to know.
I mean, I specifically studied this slice of the defense budget.
It's about $30 billion.
When did you first get interested and start researching the secret rendition flights?
Um, the rendition flights were... I've been keeping files on them for several years now, and the reason for that is that from studying this other military stuff, this military secrecy thing, a lot of people who look at that
I don't know.
And some people in that community started noticing that there's all these planes they hadn't seen before that were acting really suspicious.
And so the tail number started showing up on listservs and that sort of thing.
I started keeping files on them.
And then as stories from former prisoners came out, these stories about these secret prisons and torturing and that sort of thing, what you could actually do was correlate the flight logs of these aircraft
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I think so.
Come on, Bill.
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What did you do, rob Bill Gates?
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Thanks, Bill.
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Check, please!
Uh, you got this one, right, Bill?
Sure, John.
Don't forget, it's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com.
Next time, you'll be buying me lunch.
Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't
You can stand me up at the gates of hell But I won't back down Gonna stand my ground Won't be turned around And I'll keep this world from tracking me down Gonna stand my ground And I won't back down
We've gotten to this point because we've become decadent, lackadaisical, jaded.
We've stopped being involved, we've stopped being informed, and guess what?
We're being enslaved.
And now the sleeping giant is beginning to become aroused.
We're about to go back to our guest and talk about the secret rendition torture flights where they take them to countries where they're openly boiled in oil.
That's now declassified.
The White House memos say they can torture small children by crushing them with pliers sexually in front of their parents.
This is your government.
Can you imagine the stuff they're doing in secret when they publicly release memos saying they can crush children with pliers in front of their parents?
This is who's running your country.
This is the type of scum that we're talking about, ladies and gentlemen.
By the way, I got comments on Bill Clinton, too, running around saying, you know, he tried to protect us from Bin Laden.
He followed the globalist code to protect that asset.
He signed W1999.
Bush reissued it.
He protected AQ Khan Laboratories in Pakistan.
When Sudan and Pakistan and others wanted to arrest Bin Laden, he said no.
He's just as guilty as George Bush!
They own both parties!
Alright, I'm ranting.
Before we go back to our guest, a plug here.
I haven't done this yet.
My new film, Terror Storm, is out on DVD.
Almost two hour long film.
Covers 7-7 Madrid.
The latest 9-11 info.
The lies that took us to war in Iraq.
The torture info.
The NSA spying.
This is my tour de force.
This is the best film I've ever made.
66 minutes of extras.
Well, that's one section of extras and there's three minutes of others.
So, okay.
69 minutes of extras.
Let's get exact here.
Over three hours.
On one DVD available at Infowars.com right now or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 888-253-3139 or you can write to me I'm Alex Jones at 3001
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Join us in the Info War.
We need you now to join boots on the ground in the battle for the Republic against people that write memos saying they can molest children in front of their parents.
That's who we're fighting.
People that publicly write stuff like that.
You got any questions about the evil we're fighting?
No one in history has ever written stuff down like that in government.
Not even Nero.
Not Hitler.
And I know it's dangerous what we do, but it's a lot more dangerous not to fight them.
So I want you to get TerrorStorm today, and I want you to aggressively make copies of it.
I want you to aggressively put it in your DVD burner, and I want you to hatefully make copies of it.
Because we're going to smash the New World Order.
Now you don't do it for hate, my friends.
I hate the New World Order, that's part of the equation.
But I'll tell you, it's overcome by love.
Love of our families, love of our country, and no, we're going to bring these criminals down.
And I'm not going to lie to you.
I do everything I do out of honesty, and it just feels like I need to say hatefully.
And I'm sorry, if you want to call it hate radio, that's fine.
I do hate the people that carried out 9-11, and I do hate the people that write memos saying they can torture little kids.
That is unbelievable!
So I want you to get Terror Storm right now.
I want you to call right now.
And I put it up on Google Video for free.
And it hit over 2 million downloads and went on to their favorites and went on to their top 100 and they jerked it off.
What they did is they left the video up but took all our ratings away and put us back down to zero Saturday.
I discovered it Sunday and now we've already, you know, depending on all the versions that are up there, 150,000 here, 60,000 there, we're already building back up again.
And I'm sure they'll just knock us back down.
I went and looked at loose change.
Didn't do it to them.
Didn't do it to 9-11 Mysteries.
Didn't do it to anybody else because they're afraid of Terror Storm.
We're exposing them.
We're storming their criminal system.
We're taking this country back.
So take action.
Go to Google Video.
Get Terror Storm.
Give it to everybody you know.
Aggressively email it out.
Aggressively post it on message boards.
Aggressively bring these terrorists to their knees.
Come on, folks!
I'm kamikaze-ing ahead of ya!
I'm going right into the enemy encampment.
In, through, and beyond.
Deeper into New World Order territory than anyone's ever gone.
We are piercing them!
We are piercing their veils!
We are hurting them!
Their internal organs are beginning to fail!
We're crushing them!
We're discrediting them!
Look at their polls!
85% of the country doesn't trust either party!
That's never happened!
We're coming to power!
We're gonna defeat the New World Order!
Now, I want my guests to know I'm not normally like this, but I am just... I'm really fired up right now.
Alright, I'm gonna shut up.
Trevor Paglen, the new book, Torture Taxi, on the trail of the CIA's rendition flights.
How did you guys discover the flights?
How did you guys get this news out now, going from obscure information to being widely understood?
Well, like I said before, it began for us with noticing that these aircraft that we didn't know anything about were doing some really unusual things.
Flying around the United States, making numerous trips to places like Guantanamo Bay, places like Libya, places like Kabul, and this really caught our attention.
And we began to learn that these flights would often correlate to former prisoners accounts of being held in secret detention centers and that sort of thing.
So these two different stories began coming together and that's when we really realized that
Well, we've had reporters and listeners of this show in Canada, this has been confirmed, in the paper,
up there, grabbed, taken to secret facilities and they've had their arms, they threatened to cut their arms off to one guy at a nervous breakdown just for covering Bilderberg Group.
Back in June, I was detained myself for 15 hours and interrogated and screamed at and cussed at and they did threaten these other Canadians with being put on planes and I think folks should take that threat serious.
We now have citizens all over the world but this one famous case where the big Canadian Board of Inquiry, the government, the Parliament admits
That this guy was totally innocent, no connection to anything, and they took him overseas, tortured him for years, and then finally released him.
I guess he's lucky they didn't kill him like some.
Break down that case for us.
Yeah, there's a guy named Maher Arar.
His extended family is from Tunisia, I believe.
He had gone over there for a vacation.
On his way back, he went through JFK on his way back to Canada.
He was detained there by the FBI.
They held him in a hotel room by the airport for a couple of weeks.
And finally they decided they were going to send him away.
So they shipped him off to Syria.
And they had the Syrians torture him for about a year.
He was held in a cell that was about the size of a coffin.
He called it a grave.
And this went on for a year.
Then the Syrians decided they didn't have anything on him.
Send him back to Canada and... By the way, this is Syria, we're supposed to go nuke, okay?
But really, they're bootlicking allies of the New World Order.
Yeah, that's one of these ironies of this stuff.
So he sent him to Syria, then finally went back to Canada.
There was a big investigation internally in Canada about what happened here.
You know, was this guy a threat?
The other day they issued a report saying he was absolutely innocent.
He was not a threat to anybody at all.
And why did this happen?
And he had zero connections to any terrorist.
That's what the Canadian government found.
But he got over a year of torture.
Now doesn't that sound like freedom?
Holding a Canadian citizen at JFK for two weeks at a hotel room.
And folks, if I ever disappear, okay, and we don't know where Alex went, he just ran off and left his family, that is not true.
I'll be in some hole, being tortured by a bunch of scum, and who they're recruiting is federal prison guards that have lost their jobs, that's come out in the news.
They actually go off their files and recruit these people, abusers, people that like it.
Or I'll be in a shallow grave, that's a lot better than being in one of these cages.
They used to put our troops in those in Vietnam, these little cages the size of your body.
Imagine, I'm doing this a little... By the way, sir, you say you've researched this.
Have you ever seen John Yoo's memo where he says they can torture children?
Yeah, well John Yoo is one of the co-authors of this whole series of torture memos.
He's a bucket of maggots!
Well, that comment, he said in a debate that the president could authorize
Um, to have a suspected terrorist child's testicles crushed if the president thought that that would yield useful information.
He said that there was no law that could prevent the president from doing something like that.
And, of course, he wasn't born here.
He's not a real American.
He's a piece of filth.
No, I mean, he really is a piece of filth.
They're all filth.
Listen, folks, you're supposed to get mad about the president's office writing memos saying they can sexually torture children!
I want that to burn into your heads!
We're all in danger!
None of us are safe until these criminals are in prison!
Doesn't that freak you out, sir?
I mean, that they write stuff like this?
It's ghastly.
It's unbelievable.
I mean... I mean, yeah.
I mean, listen, they're doing stuff like Jeffrey Dahmer did, folks.
Since when is the President having his counsel write memos that authorize Jeffrey Dahmer stuff?
Well, Bush now is in trouble, so he's trying to codify it.
Instead, he's just going and getting it authorized by law.
It has passed the committee.
It's now in the full Senate.
What do you think of that?
I think that's terrifying.
I think that's terrifying.
This question is really about who we are as a country and where we're going.
And it's really deciding, you know, all of the terrible things that have happened over the last couple of years that we've been responsible for.
Abu Ghraib, disappearing people, torturing people.
Is that what the future of this country is going to look like?
Or is that going to be some weird historical anomaly?
This legislation makes it seem like that's going to be the future.
Well, another thing, a year and a half ago, my private CIA contractor hired, former federal jail guard, tortured a guy to death, and then it started coming out in the news, it leaked!
And so the military decided to burn him, like they always do.
Look at Abu Ghraib, same thing.
And when he spoke out and released documents that he was authorized to do it, they charged him under Patriot Act and gagged him.
And last time I heard, he disappeared into the system himself.
So, I just want the torturers to know.
That you'll be flushed down the toilet too.
Just like last week I had one of the heads of the IRA terror operations on, who was really British intelligence, and he told you British intelligence ran the IRA and carried out the bombings as a pretext for control.
And then they tried to kill most of the agents who'd been doing this for a decade to get rid of the evidence, and they later found out that that's a routine operating procedure.
After you do the torture and after you blow stuff up, your government is going to kill you too.
You idiots!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
So I know whoever tortures me to death someday down the road, and it may end up happening, folks.
There's probably a good chance of it.
I don't have to worry.
While you're torturing me, I know they're going to kill you, too, you dumb idiot!
I'm sorry, sir, go ahead.
Well, that's one of the questions.
We've seen in the last couple of weeks that people who are CIA operatives have been advised to take out private insurance against the
You know, so that if they're held accountable for some of this stuff in the future, they would have private insurance because the CIA wouldn't cover some of the things that they've done.
So that's really remarkable.
Also, there's been several European investigations into all of this stuff, and different European countries have the names of people who have actually conducted some of these kidnappings.
In Italy, they've issued arrest warrants for over 22 CIA operatives.
These people can't go to Italy.
There's arrest warrants out for them in Europe.
Can't take their family to Rome.
They'll be arrested.
That's right.
Interpol's got an arrest warrant out for them.
And in that case, too, they were grabbing hundreds of people off the streets of Italy.
Well, they grabbed one guy named Abu Omar.
They had planned operations against other people in Italy.
Yeah, in the report I saw it said they grabbed hundreds.
Maybe that was Europe together, it was hundreds.
Yeah, maybe throughout the whole thing.
But in Italy, the one case that's really well documented is a guy named Abu Omar who was abducted from Milan by a group of CIA operatives who were cooperating with somebody from the Italian Secret Service.
But what about the case where our military opened fire on the Italian Secret Service trying to get people out of the Baghdad airport, and it turned out that was some type of staged attempted hit?
That's a really interesting case that I don't fully understand.
Well, from my inside sources, that's what triggered Italian intelligence and Secret Service to get mad and go up to the CIA, is they believe that our government was trying to kill their people.
I've heard rumors like that, too, but I haven't looked into it.
Well, we know that's what triggered these arrest warrants.
I mean, we know that within a month of that happening, these arrest warrants started getting issued.
Yeah, I mean, there are all kinds of coincidences like that that seem to suggest a connection.
It's amazing.
Is there more rendition, more kidnapping going on from your research now?
The press reported Bush announced last week he's grabbed 14,000-plus people.
Do you think that number is accurate, or is it higher?
It's hard to say.
When you really look at this rendition program closely, it starts to become really unclear what the military is doing, what is the CIA doing, what counts as a rendition, if the Department of Defense moved somebody from Iraq to Afghanistan, is that a rendition?
Who knows?
So the definitions start to break down when you look at the overall way
That the United States is treating terror suspects and prisoners in this so-called war on terror?
Well, 14,000 plus, in the President's own words, is a gulag archipelago.
I mean, that is a huge, huge system.
And I want everybody to remember, the CIA chief over Afghan operations went public a year after we'd already seen it in the press that it had leaked.
That they had upwards of $44,000, it was from $5,000 to $40,000 plus head bonuses for quote, Taliban.
And so actual Taliban would go up and get hill people who'd never been out of their village, literal goat farmers, and would take them down and tell them that they were going to have a goat roast, and load them on C-130s of waiting U.S.
military, and take them for torture.
And our government didn't care?
And by the way, the CIA guy went public and said, it's true, they were totally innocent and they tortured them, they did all kinds of stuff to people as young as 14, people as old as 85.
Did you see that?
There's all kinds of stories of bounty hunters running across Afghanistan and fingering people, taking them in.
These guys would end up at Guantanamo Bay and there would be some farmer or something like that that somebody turned in for a little bit of money.
Yeah, well the CIA chief over that area said that they would have goat roast.
You know, they'd say, come down for a little village, and they'd grab like all the men in the village and load them on C-130s and fly them out for a lot of fun!
Sorry, go ahead.
There's all kinds of stories like that.
We gotta train our Marines how to be Nazis!
Doesn't matter if you're innocent, we just need some slaves, come on!
We'll be right back, stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
A White House program to disseminate fake news.
NSA spying.
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I think so.
I think so.
Well, I really appreciate our guest, Trevor Paglen, coming on.
I appreciate his courage writing this book, Portrait Taxi on the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights.
In your book you get into where these airlines, the people running these airlines go back, links to Air America, and I don't mean the liberal radio network folks, and can you break that down for us please?
Do we have Trevor?
Okay, he just cut out just now.
Let's go ahead and get Trevor back on because I want him to briefly comment on that.
We're going to let him go.
Then I'm going to start the third hour
And I'm going to go through all the news.
North American Union news, secret arrest, secret torture news, this new national intelligence assessment about actually creating terrorists, which was the plan all along.
The government hates having to create these guys themselves.
So it's good for them to actually create some real ones.
So we'll get into that.
There's just so much we're going to cover.
And then 30 minutes into the next hour, a lady who got arrested and is being charged and faces many years in prison for hate crime for pulling down a Mexican flag.
I'm not kidding.
Here in the United States.
Trevor, we accidentally lost you.
I wanted to, here in the last segment with you, get into... You cover the connections to Air America.
You cover the Red Sox, the private jets.
Can you tell us about that place, sir?
Yeah, well it turns out that one of the main kind of pseudo companies that flies these aircraft is a company called Aero Contractors out of rural North Carolina, Smithfield, North Carolina.
Aero Contractors was set up by a guy named Jim Ryan in the late 1970s.
And Jim Ryan was a very famous Air America pilot.
And when Congress forced the CIA to sell off all Air America's assets in the 1970s, the CIA got this guy Jim Ryan to set up another airplane company that would pretty much exclusively contract with the CIA.
So that's one of the companies that are flying most of these things right now.
Now the CIA has also contracted with a guy named Philip Morse, who's one of the co-owners of the Boston Red Sox.
And they've used one of the Boston Red Sox's corporate Gulfstream jets to actually carry out some of these renditions.
Isn't that cute?
It's bizarre.
It's amazing.
So they're using private contractors.
Really is a way to spread the wealth around and make profit for their cronies off of these black world deeds and at the same time it creates a whole other layer of secrecy to have private groups involved.
That's correct.
That's correct.
Well obviously they claim privatization would save us money.
It's actually wasted a lot of money and it's allowing private institutions to come in and get governmental power.
Can you give us your view on that statement?
Well I think they do it mostly because
It insulates them a little bit.
They become a layer removed from what's going on.
They can also get around a lot of governmental oversight by doing that.
They can get the money, send the contract out to somebody else, and then if something happens, say, oh, well, it wasn't us.
It was this contractor that did it.
Trevor Paglen, author of Torture Taxi on the Trail of the CIA's Reditioned Flights.
How do folks get a copy of your new book?
You can get it on Amazon.com.
Torture Taxi.
Torture Taxi.
I tell you, it's just unbelievable and I commend you for being out there and exposing it.
Any other websites or organizations you're a part of you'd like to promote?
I think that's it for now.
I think that this is the main issue that's been on my mind, the main issue that's in the news.
I mean, sure, that people really need to know about right now.
You think you may ever end up on a torture taxi?
I hope not.
All right, well, Mr. Paglen, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you so much.
God bless.
All right, there goes Trevor Paglen, expert on clandestine military installations.
He leads expeditions to the secret bases of America's West and is author of two volumes that study secret bases and secret wars.
We'll be back with the third hour.
I'm going straight into the news, in through and beyond.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
More than... Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it was amazing, to say the least.
We will take a few of your calls.
In this hour, early in this hour, in fact, back in the first hour,
I had an amazing individual on with us, L.J.
His full name is Lauro Jones Chavez.
And we have got his discharge, honorable discharge form here.
His DD Form 214.
And we've blacked out his social security number, but it's posted up on InfoWars.com.
He did indeed work in CENTCOM.
We did indeed with his full name find references to him online.
And he was there on the morning of 9-11 and says that he witnessed a top officer saying that they got orders to stand down.
They were saying, why isn't NORAD doing something?
Where's the Air Force?
Well, we've been told to stand down.
And we already had that information, clearly, from Dick Cheney and the aide and Norman Mineta's testimony, Transportation Secretary.
But that was a huge interview and so important
And we're still vetting it to doubly certify that it's accurate.
But before everybody ran off the deep end saying that it was disinfo, we decided to actually go do some research and vet it.
And that process is still ongoing, but it meshes with exactly what we've heard from other people inside NORAD on and off the record.
So you're welcome to comment on that at 1-800-259-9231.
Some other big developments.
Major British papers are reporting that the North American Union is being formed right now.
And Canadian papers are reporting it.
A few U.S.
papers are reporting it.
Lou Dobbs has reported it, but still the general public does not even know this is going on.
This is officially happening right now.
We have more of those reports up on the website InfoWars.com and PrisonPlan.com for you.
On the subject of torture,
Compromise on Treatment of Terrorist Suspects Assailed, L.A.
Times, did the best reporting I found out there.
A lot of it was just disinfo.
Oh, Bush has been given a great defeat, a great victory for civil libertarians.
I'm sure you all heard that on radio and TV and in print.
Well, now people have actually looked at the changes.
It's all just some flowery language.
It allows secret arrest of U.S.
citizens for any reason under Section 802 of the Patriot Act, secret trials, secret executions.
So they're just codifying what Bush has already been doing publicly, but with the key group of the Arabs and the Muslims and the Central Asians.
Now it's for everybody!
And they're calling this a defeat of Bush, getting what he wants codified into law, total broadside, total annihilation of the Fourth Amendment, the Seventh Amendment, just due process.
It's unbelievable!
And it has passed out of the Senate Committee and the full Senate being being spun in the media as a way to shield our rights knowing it'll fool the public just long enough for you not to protest and demonstrate so they can pass it to the full Senate and the House.
Military defense lawyers assailed compromise legislation for interrogating and prosecuting terrorist suspects contending Friday that proposed rules would prevent them from learning whether evidence used against their clients was obtained through coercion or torture.
At the same time, rights groups who initially endorsed the compromise between Bush administration and key Senate Republicans expressed reservations, saying it appeared on closer reading to be vague and could give President Bush a future president's too much latitude.
Quote, it is more worse, it is worse than the system that was in place before, said Marine Corps Major Michael Morey, a military defense lawyer.
It is not going to ensure that it's a fair trial.
And that's a secret military tribunal, not a real trial to begin with.
It allows the secret arrest of U.S.
citizens for rendition.
There will actually be a law, not just Bush saying he is the law, which obviously he wasn't, so the Supreme Court said no, it's illegal, you can't do it.
So he runs to Congress, and then they lie.
It's like Bush says his guest worker isn't an amnesty, when it's the biggest amnesty ever.
You see, it's all congenital, 180 from reality, lying.
And it just goes on and on here.
We'll come back at more into this, more into the National Intelligence Review.
Your call, stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Storming the gates of the New World Order, engaging the enemy at point-blank range.
Whenever I hear that intro music, I just envision the smoke of war, and I see millions of Americans, black, white, old, young, climbing over the emplacements, going over the barbed wire, bayonetting the New World Order minions in their nest, taking this country back!
And this is an information war, make no mistake!
And we're having victory after victory after victory!
Doesn't mean we won't have defeats.
Doesn't mean things won't get tough.
Doesn't mean that there won't be adversity.
It won't mean that things aren't going to get a lot darker before the dawn.
But we are going to win this fight, my friends.
We are going to bring these murdering criminals to justice.
We are never going to stop.
Commit yourselves now.
Sean, Fred, Richard, Ron, everybody, I'm going to get to you, but let me roll through some of the news first.
I was getting into compromise on treatment of terror suspects assailed.
Critics include military defense lawyers who say it's worse than the system in place.
And see, this is one of the government's main tricks.
State, county, city, federal, they all do it.
They have handbooks on policy, how to lie.
And it's the same thing with amnesty.
Bush's guest worker program is total, complete North America integration.
Total legalization of anyone worldwide, the 6 plus billion third world population, 100 million new people every 16 to 18 months.
I say that because the last census trended it every 18 months, but new projections show it's going to probably be less than 15 even.
It may even be a year when the 2010 census comes out that 100 million every year.
They're all coming here, and it allows unlimited, skilled, unskilled, unlimited companies to actually pay to bring them in.
It's just unbelievable.
It gives them North American ID cards, U.S.
citizens will have to have them, the Real ID Act is tied into it.
I mean, it's the end of the country.
And Bush gets up there and says, this is not an amnesty in a State of the Union two years ago.
And he says it again a few months ago.
Then he does that dog and pony show of, oh, I'm going to put 6,000 troops on the border, and it turns out it's only been 1,500, and 80% of those were in logistics, never even went to the border, so it's a couple hundred troops, not even allowed to have ammunition or arrest anybody, they just call the Border Patrol when they see something.
Now they're going to have Boeing put out sensors on the border, designed to fail, and what, pay them 3 billion bucks to do it?
You know how many
Sheriff's deputies $3 billion would pay for in Texas border counties.
We just gave it all to them without strings.
Just they had to have armored vehicles and put those new deputies spaced out on the border.
I haven't done the math, but off the top of my head, I know it would hire hundreds of new deputies full-time with equipment a year.
At the state level, they can be under state control through the governors.
Of course, we have traitor governors, so it's not going to happen.
You put them out there with armored vehicles and .50 caliber rifles, and the Mexican troops will quit shooting people and quit kidnapping.
And do they want to have a war?
We'll have a war and kick their hind ends like we've done two times before!
And I'll go join the military and I'll go down there because Mexico's a real enemy attacking this country and destroying our sovereignty and saying this country belongs to them.
Iran isn't doing that.
Iraq isn't doing that.
Syria isn't doing that.
Mexico is!
And I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of it!
All you stupid warmongers out there don't know what a real war is for.
A war is to defend your country.
It's to defend your families.
And let me tell you, we got reasons for a war.
But forget Mexico, the war against us is being run out of D.C.
is using that third world cesspool of corruption to break down our country.
And before I go any further,
I digressed off into the border situation.
His smoke and mirror of, oh, I'll fix the illegal alien problem.
Yeah, you will by totally ending illegal aliens.
You'll just make them all legal.
Well, it's the same thing with this.
Oh, Bush has been defeated.
Mmm, big defeat of Bush.
Neocons on radio going, you watch what they've done to the President.
We'll allow terrorists to hit us now.
What they've done, it gives him more than what he said!
In law, secret arrest, secret torture, secret execution of U.S.
I mean, my gosh, they didn't even have that in the Civil War when Sherman was burning half the South down!
Even the British Admiralty didn't have power like that!
This is unprecedented!
And they call it a defeat, so people go, Oh, we defeated George Bush, McCain.
Mr. Anti-Corruption's leading the charge against it.
Well, if McCain's for the bill, it must be good.
I like McCain.
I've had so many idiots walk up to me and go, I like McCain.
Well, Alex, I don't like Bush or Clinton.
You're right.
They're both corrupt.
But I like, I like McCain.
Mr. Anti-Corruption, he's part of the Keating Five.
He is a criminal.
He's been involved in a bunch of other scandals.
I've interviewed people that were at the base with him and he was lavished with care and then taken to a literal fine building hotel to live in with horror supplied to him.
That piece of filth's a traitor!
His daddy was the head of the Navy!
He got a gold carpet from those North Vietnamese Communists!
He's a piece of trash!
Again, they say
It's not an amnesty, it's the biggest amnesty ever.
They say it stops Bush from torture and secret arrest when it actually codifies it.
They say McCain's anti-corruption when he is part of the Keating Five.
That's like saying Al Capone is an anti-corruption candidate.
Because the media, I mean, you trust the media?
The one person they're always telling you how good he is, McCain?
The guy is a giant
I'm not going to say it.
The point is, I just can't handle it anymore.
Just the level of ignorance.
The level of being scammed.
Just everything is up is down, down is up, black is white, white is black, and I just... Folks, if you knew how bad it is, if you really studied this all the time and lived this like I do, it would make your head spin.
I mean, it is such a joke how bad the lies are.
So we read this,
Compromise on treatment of terrorist suspects.
Listen to this.
Congressional Republican leaders nonetheless plan to move the compromise military tribunal bill to a vote next week before lawmakers recess.
That's going to go on this week.
And again, they fooled everybody saying, this is a big defeat for Bush.
Yeah, like winning the lotteries of defeat.
I mean, it's just, they may tie the bill,
Which has support among a number of Democrats to a more controversial measure authorizing Bush's once-secret warrantless surveillance program.
That's right!
In there is also legislation for unlimited no Fourth Amendment.
Legislation introduced by Senate GOP leader Friday would make it clear to the President, in some cases, has the authority under the Constitution, the Constitution says the opposite, to unilaterally order surveillance without a judge's approval.
And here is the Navy Judge Advocate General and member of the Board of Human Rights saying, who supports the plan by the way, it may be only, it may be the only way some people can have their situation resolved in court, said Rear Admiral John Huston, a former top Navy Judge Advocate General.
Where's his quote in here about how you won't be able to get a fair trial?
Okay, so I mean, it's just, this is how they operate.
They're going to codify in law no Fourth Amendment.
They're going to codify in law they can secretly arrest American citizens without charges.
And you can disappear into black holes.
And they call that a defeat of the President.
Oh, Congress is getting tough, defeating the President with a border security plan!
You gotta look at the border security plan, it's an amnesty plan.
You see, and they just play that game, knowing the general public, even those that are somewhat politically tuned in, just tune in and hear that and go, oh good, we're shooting down the torture.
We're shooting down the amnesty.
Oh, McCain's in there looking out for us.
Good old McCain.
Good old McCain.
Good old McCain with his locked jaw and strutting around.
That guy's a giant un-American maggot.
I'm so sick of all these group of criminals nesting and sucking off of our country.
Bleeding our country dry.
Just sitting there over us and then I look at the public.
Just mindlessly loving it.
Mindlessly loving high-tech slavery being set up.
Mindlessly loving having the Treasury being completely blown out.
Mindlessly loving surveillance grids going in everywhere and every imaginable cancer, virus and poison being put in your drugs and vaccines and you're just slathering to inject them in your tiny children who then die of diabetes and other forms of diseases right in front of you and dying of
All this garbage, all these cancers they're getting, childhood leukemias exploding.
They're now resurrecting babies.
I have the BBC.
They took dead embryos, killed them, and then resurrected them.
It's just every form of evil and wickedness and dehumanization.
And I'm the weirdo.
I'm bad because I don't like it.
I'm weird because I'm freaked out by it.
Because I'm a primitive who knows a threat when I see it, and I got my hackles up.
I'm like a dog that sees somebody sneaking around in the backyard.
I'm growling and biting and chomping at the door, trying to get out to go bite them, and you walk in and slap me upside the head and say, say, SHUT UP BUTCH!
I'm just growling and snarling and... You won't look out the window.
You won't see what's right out there about to come in your house and eat your lunch.
Oh, heaven help us.
Heaven help this country.
I'm looking at the French News Agency, AFP.
China rolls out next generation of Internet report.
And then you read, it's Internet 2, end of the free Internet in China, total controls, and then it says, later, we're getting the same thing here in the U.S.
And the average person will read this and go quietly into the night, and they say by 2010, they're going to shut down the old net and force us onto the new one.
And my numbers are, it's earlier than that, they're already starting to kill net neutrality without even having legislation.
So, uh, they're not, you think they're going to let us keep beating their butts?
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So let me state it, and we'll go to your calls, calmly, succinctly.
Bush has been announcing he's above the law, that he's an emperor, he can do whatever he wants, and the Supreme Court said, no you can't, so he's going to Congress, and Congress
Is billing it as a pro-liberty piece of legislation with the fake McCain up front fooling everyone when it actually, and this is what all the lawyers on both sides have looked at it, gives the President unlimited power.
I mean, if you can secretly arrest and spy on whoever you want and secretly try and secret tribunals and secretly execute, baby, you can do anything.
Imagine, the United States is going to put stuff on paper that China hasn't even authorized itself to do.
And it has nothing to do with terrorism.
The people doing this are the ones that carried out the terror.
Sean in Arizona, thanks for holding her on the air worldwide.
Hi Alex, thanks for having me on the show again.
I want to commend Mr. Chavez for coming forward.
And people really need to go out and read these laws.
This president now has more power than the KGB.
They hired the former head of the KGB to help set all this up!
And it's incredible to me.
I don't know how John McCain gets re-elected because no one I find in Arizona likes the guy.
Oh, they're clearly election fraud for the senior citizen.
The senior, excuse me, senior senator from Arizona.
I mean, he is such a fake!
People forget he's Keating 5!
And they bill him as anti-corruption!
I do pass out your video and people are waking up.
They are waking up.
I just hope it's not too late.
Did you hear me talk about how we had millions of downloads on Google and they wiped us all out and then set us back to zero to knock us off the charts because we were getting into their favorite, you know, in top 100?
We cannot let them get away with that.
Everyone must re-email out my terror storm.
I made it.
I put it out for free.
And we're going to kick their hind end with it.
And maybe it's a glitch.
Maybe Google just accidentally doesn't list our news stories when they get millions of visitors.
And when we gripe, they suddenly list them.
And maybe they accidentally reset all of the downloads of it to zero, but didn't do it to anybody else.
Maybe it is an accident, but that problem needs to be fixed.
I don't think it's an accident, Alex.
I wonder why they're not wiping loose change off the ratings, but they're wiping us.
You're more dangerous than the loose change guys, Alex.
I don't know.
I think they're pretty darn dangerous.
I hope everybody's super dangerous.
I hope somebody comes along 10,000 times more dangerous than I am to the New World Order.
I don't like walking point.
Well, you're not going to be, Alex.
We're out there, we're passing out these videos, and we will not surrender.
We will not give up our... Well, there's an old clip I used to play about eight years ago on the show, and it's from some movie, and it's, If they take me out, who'll take my place?
And everybody goes, We will!
And that's the answer we need.
They cannot get us all.
And I tell you, if they kill me or kill other patriot leaders, it'll be just like the Alamo.
It'll be, Remember!
Remember, remember!
Absolutely, Alex, and we are not going to surrender our liberties to these people.
They're a bunch of sickos!
How arrogant are they?
I mean, I go back to it.
Folks, the White House counsels write memos about torturing children in front of their parents, and then get questioned about it at a CFR meeting by even disgusted CFR members, and they go, yeah, we're allowed to do that.
I mean, that is just unbelievable!
It is.
They are codifying some of the most horrid torture
That the world's ever seen since Hitler.
But it's to keep us safe from Al-Cieda.
Thanks for the call.
Fred in Philly.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex.
You know, there's somebody like John Yoo in Delaware.
I'm hearing you there.
Can you hear me?
You got call waiting.
Somebody's calling you.
No, I don't.
I don't have call waiting.
Okay, well, something cut out.
Go ahead.
There's someone in Delaware that recently won the U.S.
Senate primary in one of the two parties, Jan Ting.
And he had been going around and setting up these community meetings in favor of the Patriot Act.
I remember that.
I had attended a number of them, and they were complete shams.
So there's someone like John Yoo that is now being groomed for a uh... I believe it's senator or... Well it's like Viet Dinh writing the Patriot Act and I'm not knocking Asian-Americans.
They're great folks but why is there such a disproportionate amount of Asian-Americans putting out the sickening policy?
Well I think it has to do with just the fact that you have to you have to have been here a long time and you have to really feel the
The specialness of the country and the people, and that gut connection, and why you shouldn't give up the Constitution.
No, no, I agree.
We're out of time.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, Alberto Gonzalez, member of MECHA, believes this is Mexico, so he's not an American.
Michael Chertoff is a known Israeli citizen.
And if you actually start looking, it's like more than half the people in the White House aren't even Americans.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Alright, we're going to get to your calls.
Richard, Ron, and many others that are patiently holding, I do have some other news I want to briefly hit on as well.
And I appreciate her letting us back her up today.
We had a surprise guest in the first hour, as many of you heard, inside CENTCOM, seeing top officers talk about how they were given a stand-down order.
Really incredible information.
But she joins us now, June Griffin, charged with stealing Mexican flag from Dayton Business.
Now, let me be clear here.
We have three different videos we posted a few weeks ago.
In Arizona and two in California where illegal aliens in mass go to schools, post offices, you name it, in front of police.
They take American flags down off flag poles.
They burn them in one case and others rip them up and stomp on them and hoist Mexican flags.
And I got a bunch of other videos where they hoist Mexican on top of American.
And in a case in Arizona, a young man jerked the flag away, the American flag, hoisted it back up, and last time I read, he was arrested.
The police do nothing to the illegal aliens.
They know it's a protected group.
The White House hired Rob Allen and co.
to stage all the demonstrations, to try to bully the American people into submission.
Yes, our government's using a foreign mass of people.
Now there's over 65,000 of them in our military.
Illegal aliens!
Instantly legalized.
Foreign troops within our country, controlled by our government.
Well, June Griffin was just sick of it.
June Griffin, charged with stealing a Mexican flag from Dayton Business, she blew up.
She went in there, the guy wouldn't talk to her in English.
He had the Mexican flag hanging up, she grabbed it.
It's the type of anger we really would expect to see from normal people.
But the thing is, she isn't getting charged with just some little misdemeanor or disorderly conduct or something.
No, they're throwing the book at her.
She's facing years in prison, $5,000 bond.
Conservative political activist June Griffin has been arrested for the theft of a Mexican piece of trash flag.
I'm sorry.
Conservative political activist June Griffin has been arrested for the theft of a Mexican slave rag.
I'm sorry.
I can't.
I'm having trouble.
Conservative political activist June Griffin has been arrested for the theft of a flag that represents a drug dealing kleptocracy with an enslaved population who have been brainwashed to hate America.
I'm sorry, that's not what the article says.
Conservative political activist June Griffin has been arrested for the theft of a Mexican flag from a Dayton business.
The 67-year-old Ms.
Griffin, who ran for Congress in the recent election, is facing misdemeanor charges of theft, vandalism and harassment, and a felony charge of civil rights violations or hate crime.
See, that's the felony, folks.
She'd normally get a misdemeanor for what she did.
When a pack of illegal aliens comes in and robs you at gunpoint, the cops don't even come.
Griffin, who said it was the first time she'd ever been arrested, posted a $5,000 bond.
She said on July 18th she had noticed a small Mexican flag at the Hispanic grocery in the former Rogers Drugstore.
She stated, I went in there and there was nothing English in the store.
There was one man who could not speak a word of English.
Obviously an illegal ALM, but nothing will be done.
He gets a free 10-year tax credit.
She said she was outraged by the Mexican flag, saying it was an act of war and insulted her citizenship.
Griffin said, oh by the way, you try going and buying a store in Mexico, they won't let you do it.
You try putting an American flag up, they'll lynch you.
There won't be a word about it on the news either, by the way.
Griffin said, see we're a pathetic, politically correct group of chicken necks.
Griffin isn't, but this country is, and now we're being usurped by a bunch of third world criminals.
Griffin, and yes, all illegals are criminals.
Griffin said, as the Hispanic man watched, she tore off the flag from where it was
suctioned to a building and left with it.
She said foreigners should learn English or leave.
Griffin said she will represent herself in court and said it was done openly and was not a theft.
She said she later returned the Mexican flag to a police officer.
Like they're going to help you.
They love killing this country.
She said, okay that's not fair.
A lot of them do.
She said a much larger Mexican flag was later put in its place but she said it is no longer there.
Everybody needs to call immigration
And you need to go out there and videotape all those people going in and out and they need to be arrested.
I'm sorry.
Let's go to June Griffin.
June, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate it.
I'm sorry I'm ranting here.
Well, what I want to say as far as activists, the word activist, in our Tennessee Constitution, the Declaration of Rights,
It states that the doctrine of non-resistance to arbitrary power is abusive and slavish and absurd.
And so we are being subjected to an arbitrary power through this multiculturalism.
And I, as a Tennessean, am not going to put up with arbitrary power.
And of course the arbitrary power is coming from the
I'm not kidding when I say that and they're all above the law.
They get more tuition, more funding, more welfare.
It's an incentive to bring them here to destroy this country.
Well, we're paying for it and that's always been my position.
I know, that's always fun.
We subsidize all the companies that use the cheap labor by paying for their welfare.
And so therefore, to maintain my name as a Tennessean, I have to resist arbitrary power.
Is this guy an illegal alien that runs this place?
I don't know.
I'm asking for a discovery process through the DA's office.
I bet money there's at least illegal aliens working in there.
Well, the point is that this is our country.
Veterans paid for it.
Christ paid for it.
And if you come in
You know, the right way.
The scripture says, if you come in another way, you're a thief and a robber.
Well, why does this guy have his filthy Mexican flag hanging up?
I don't know.
I don't know what his motives are.
He won't speak to me in the language I can understand.
And so, therefore, after we had left the country... I bet he'll tell you about his Raza, though.
I don't know.
That's the name of most of the radio stations and grocery stores now around here.
It's race.
It's all about the race and how I'm a dog creature and how they're a master of race and I'm sick of it.
Well, I don't care who you are.
You're going to come in the door.
When you become naturalized, you have to read right at the beginning.
Well, Bush said last week that there's 11 million, it's really 30, and we can't, quote, round them all up.
Does that mean just capitulate to the 30 million and whoever else comes?
Well, I don't think there are 30 million in Tennessee, and the sheriff in each county
Can rid the county of whatever... Exactly, but the ACLU and the rest of them go pile on any sheriff that tries to arrest these hordes of criminals.
And by the way, statistically, they're much more likely to be involved in drug driving, robbery, crime, because they're already criminals to come here to begin with.
They are thieves if you come in the wrong way.
And so I, being a good Tennessean and a Christian and an American,
They're not going to come into Dayton, Tennessee without having some resistance.
Well, describe what happened when you were in this Usurper Invader store.
Tell us what happened.
Well, my daughter-in-law, I have a beautiful red-headed daughter-in-law, and she is American as I am, just to the bone, and so we had been... See, for some time, I've tried to get our county and our city to pass an ordinance to keep foreign flags from being flown here.
Because I see the dangers of this multiculturalism and I have been to both councils.
Well, we had again approached our council, our county commission, and it fell on deaf ears.
And when you reach, we have no redress of grievances.
So I had not been near this store.
I had heard about it, you know, drove by, and I said, let's go down there, Stacey.
So we went by.
It's on a corner, so you have a front door and a side door.
And the side door had this Mexican flag, a very small flag, not more than 16 inches long, pasted to the back window of that door.
And so I went in, and there was the kid sitting on a stool.
I don't know how old he was, but I tried to speak to him.
Because the Bible says, and I've always followed those prescriptions, if you have ought against your neighbor, you're supposed to go to them.
So I went in there.
That's right.
Don't accuse them from afar.
Go right to their face.
And we have to do that.
So I went in there and he certainly was not intimidated by any means.
He sat there and stared at me as stupidly.
And I tried to talk to him and he would not or could not speak English.
And I naturally, being an American,
I got very angry with this, and I tore the flag off the window and walked out.
There was no vandalism, there was not any...
17 Christians ended up charging 8 of them with 47 years in prison for quietly praying on a street corner in Philadelphia.
They finally had to drop it.
Listen, you took some maybe 50 cent piece of junk flag off the window and bare minimum, sure, disorderly conduct, whatever, that's the maximum is a misdemeanor.
They charge you with a felony.
They charge you with a hate crime.
It's right here in the paper.
And they'll send you to prison.
The crime, the crisis, is that your government, when this happened, is throwing the book at you to frustrate your free speech.
Now what do you do when you go into court?
And once you televise, you have press conferences, and you play off of, you know, take a TV that's got a VCR, have somebody get these off the web for you that knows how, you can show videos all over the country of them burning American flags, pulling them off schools, pulling them off churches, pulling them off of government buildings, city halls, and doing this, and then when Americans try to get that flag back and hang up that, they arrest Americans!
We're supposed to lay here while 30 million people roll over us,
And openly say they're going to kill all whites!
Now I've gone out and protested the Ku Klux Klan, ladies and gentlemen, ten times.
I'm against racist groups.
But let me tell you, the Klan doesn't have 30 million people.
And I'm sick of our government paying for the textbooks in Mexico that say this is their country.
It is not their country!
And they're in New York, you name it, doing this now, taking over this country, killing this country, murdering people, racial attacks, and nothing's done.
Meanwhile, this woman goes and gets some 50-cent Mexican flag and grabs it off in anger, and then they're throwing the book at her for thought crime and speech crime.
Now, who charged you?
Who is the traitor, piece of garbage, in Tennessee?
What office did this?
The DA is the one.
I've never seen this character.
He's a piece of filth.
Tell me who he is.
The DA is... In what county?
In what city?
In Ray County.
What county?
Ray County.
That's where the Scopes trial was back in 1925.
And I have said to all over this country, because I went all over the state on behalf... What is the DA's name?
Who is this little punk's name?
Pope is his name.
Jim Pope, I believe.
Well that's shameful.
That's one of my family names.
I'm ashamed of that name now.
Well, he's doing the bidding of somebody.
I don't know.
I've never seen the man who charged me.
No doubt it's ADL or somebody.
I don't know.
But it may be that I may have to wipe them out in the process.
I don't know exactly.
I have said to county commissions all over Tennessee because I cover Tennessee on behalf of the right to post the Ten Commandments.
Ninety-one counties I've read.
Hold on just a second.
So you're a political activist, they know that.
You're in Ray County, Tennessee.
Where is that?
It's north of Chattanooga, 27 miles.
Do you have the number to the District Attorney Pope?
Let's see here.
I probably do.
Um, yes.
Now is this his office number?
Now they know me very well.
Is this his Un-American Traitor's office number?
This is his office number?
What's Pope's first name?
Okay, Jim Pope is charging a 67 year old woman with thought crime for grabbing a 50 cent flag off a door with a pack of illegal aliens.
Alright, now let's
OK, 423.
OK, 423.
And call them.
Be polite and focused and say, this is America.
Shame on you.
And get their email address and say, we want to email you.
The illegal aliens everywhere, burning American flags, grabbing them off of government buildings, and what's the government do?
They sit there and suck their thumbs.
Notice the cops will rubber bullet and beat any American, black, white, old, young, Hispanic, if they're out demonstrating for freedom or liberty.
But you're an illegal alien, you can walk highways in LA, do whatever you want, and the government just falls down worshiping you!
Well, a lot of it has to do with, I keep taking it back, to the tax money that we've had extorted
Which is shipped back to the counties and our governor today in Tennessee made an announcement that he was against taking the federal money because of the headaches of dealing with, for example, a 400 page manual
Telling us how the money could be spent.
So I'm really proud of this move here.
Jim Pope is the District Attorney.
He's the Assistant District Attorney.
Assistant District Attorney.
And you need to call, now is this a general switchboard or is this his office?
This would be the office of the DA, who is Mike Taylor.
Mike Taylor.
People need to call Mike Taylor.
It's 423-775-4468.
And you need to call him and say,
The illegal aliens are running around, taking over highways, beating people up, bashing up cars.
Yeah, you haven't seen the video, it's all online.
Burning flags, and it's okay, but a woman grabs a little Mexican flag, and you're going to try to put her in prison.
How much jail time are you facing with this felony?
Uh, two to four years on that.
One of the reporters asked me with Channel 3.
He said, don't you know this is going to cost you a lot?
And I said, it cost Davy Crockett his life.
Another volunteer from Tennessee down here to Tejas.
And I had just made, I bought an Alamo flag and had written on it, remember the Alamo.
So that's my flag for this time.
And we have all these counties that have said they have a right to post a ticket.
My position is we're taking the Bill of Rights away from the aliens.
Hey, it's simple.
You go to Mexico and you fly under their flag, they'll beat you up in the street.
They don't let illegal aliens come into their country.
They think they can walk all over this country.
They think we're a bunch of wimps.
And I'm not a wimp!
And I have nothing against Hispanic Americans.
I love them.
They're good people.
But I am against these 30 million illegal aliens that hate this country.
And they need to get out and they need to leave.
One thing I want to come out of this is to end these dual citizenships.
Teddy Roosevelt said we have no such thing as a hibernated America.
That's right.
You've got the Mexicans going down there to vote.
They'll vote in both elections.
And Mexico says this is how they're taking over the U.S.
and our government loves it for the North American Union.
Did you know, June, that they're setting up the North American Union right now?
Yes, I know they will, but they will not prosper in that.
Well don't you dare pull down an American Union flag or we'll put you in jail for four years.
The point is that we're not going to have any more dual citizenship.
The point is illegal aliens are gods in this country and Americans are pieces of trash with no rights and I'm sick of it and I'm sick of your district attorney.
What is his name again?
Well Mike Taylor is the DA and Jim Pope is the assistant DA who is the mouthpiece for this
Ma'am, we need good constitutional lawyers in your area to come to your aid.
We need people to support you.
We need people to come protest.
Do you want to give out your contact info?
Oh, sure.
And I'm set for trial March 21st.
Lord willing.
Alright, give that number out again.
Okay, the number to these district attorneys is 423-775-4468.
I appreciate you coming on.
Thank you.
When did you say your trial is again for your thought time?
March the 21st.
March the 21st.
Alright, so we're going to be there.
We're going to try to support you.
Try to get some court watchers there to watch these criminals.
I appreciate it.
You bet.
God bless you and we appreciate you coming on, Jim.
Tell people to pray.
We will be.
I'm praying for you.
I'm going to pray for you right when we go to break.
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Let's talk to Richard in Indiana, then Ron and Matt.
Richard, you're on the air.
I'm almost dead, amigo.
How you doing?
I was just wondering, just on C-SPAN, there's a guy talking about the lady who took the flag down.
It's a criminal offense.
Somebody was on there saying she deserves it, and let's lock her up for four years for a 50 cent flag!
It's a misdemeanor in real law, but we got thought crime laws now!
One other thing I need to know, how can we find out more about Marvin Bush?
Because I bought the book, Reflections, and it's not in there, Alex.
Yes, I have the scan of it.
I actually have reflections.
There may be a new version of Barbara's book.
I know they've done reprintings.
They may have taken it out.
Yeah, they must have took it out.
Is there any way you can tell me what page it would be on?
I don't have the book in front of me, but also there's a scan of it online.
Sir, it was picked up by two major newspapers that she wrote that.
Is that right?
You can type in Barbara Bush Reflections.
It'll come up.
You can find the scan of it and two mainstream news articles.
Well, I'll try that.
Okay, thank you, Richard.
Ron in Kansas City.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Nice hearing you.
I've been listening to you for two hours.
I believe that before everything else can be changed, the monetary system has got to be changed.
And that is happening as we speak.
The Federal Reserve has got to be eliminated, and it will be eliminated.
Have you ever heard of Leo Wanta?
Yeah, I don't buy into it, sir.
You don't buy into it?
No, but the Federal Reserve is the heart of it, you're right about that, and the private banking system that's running this mass hoax on us.
Well, yeah, absolutely.
Now, Leo Wanta was the... Ambassador and all that, yeah.
I know all about it.
You don't buy into it?
I really don't.
I'm not against those that want to cover it.
Anybody who says, if you don't believe this, you're one of the evil ones... No.
No, no, I mean, other people say that.
You must believe in this case.
And we've done some research into it, and I've looked at it, and I just don't buy it.
Okay, well, that's good enough then.
But, but, but, that kind of stuff does go on in government.
The AP's reported trillions are missing from the Pentagon.
So we've got Bush right there.
Well, yeah, there's four and a half trillion that's being dispersed at this
point that we're speaking from overseas.
No, no, but everybody focuses on that.
We can prove that it's now almost four trillion missing from the Pentagon.
Pardon me?
No, no, no, sir.
You're confusing the admissions of Pentagon money missing with the claims of Leo Wanta's spokespeople.
Two separate things.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Call me back tomorrow and we'll talk more about it, Ron.
Good to hear from you.
I guess you're a KCXL listener.
Great affiliate.
Kansas City.
Matt in Virginia.
Last caller, go ahead.
Yes, I'm calling about them resetting your counter on the Google video.
You know, I know why.
Because you are the one with the truth.
The reason they don't do it to loose change is the same reason they put pods in their film.
Missiles hit the Twin Towers.
I mean, they bought every piece of bait.
They want that to be seen, because they're going to debunk it, Alex.
I've quit giving out loose change.
I only give out martial law and terror storm, because you don't buy the bait.
You speak from the heart.
You only go for things that you can prove, and that's how we're going to win this thing.
You know, the first edition did have a few mistakes in it, but the guys mean well.
I think the second edition's great.
I love them to death.
I believe them 100%.
But they didn't get you to debate popular mechanics.
I mean, they had those two old guys debating kids!
Listen, we're out of time.
God bless you all.
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