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Name: 20050328_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 28, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, the 28th day...
Of March 2005, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We, of course, will be talking about the final hours or days of Terry Shivo Schindler.
We've got health journalist Bill Sardine joining us to talk about the perils of the flu shot from all of the publicly available data that still most Americans are not aware of.
Namely, that you're a thousand times more likely in major studies to get Alzheimer's
If you've had more than 10 of the flu shots.
We will also get into an article here out of the Indianapolis Star Tribune, where a man went in the bank, complained, didn't cuss, didn't yell, didn't threaten, sat down in a padded chair, the SWAT team came, arrested him, and charged him with a felony, and they said we're charging him with a felony just to be safe, he might have been a terrorist.
And they just calmly report it like that.
You see, it's getting crazier and crazier and crazier.
As they try to set up a system where all of us are basically evil terrorists for doing absolutely anything.
Of course, over the weekend, Florida officials of the state, there was some type of supposed standoff.
The Associated Press and Knight Ridder News Services are respectively reporting
Some of the state police were being sent in for the Department of Families and Children to seize her, so the governor could quote, have an investigation.
They even had a judge's order, but the Pinellas Park Police said, well we'll just have a standoff with you then, because you have to have the judge physically with you.
Funny, normally the police, even of the Department of Families and Children, don't even have an order.
They'll take children and adults.
But even with the judge's order, they said no.
We're following what Judge Greer has to say.
And we will cover it.
Terry is reportedly bleeding from her eyes and areas of her skin.
This is what happens, my friends, when you go into, well, the ninth day, almost the tenth day of dehydration, one of the most painful deaths known in the medical literature.
But that didn't stop USA Radio Network, and that's carried occasionally by this network as a filler for some of the broadcasts we have that have news, you could call it news,
And I actually, when I ended my show Friday, got in the car and was listening to the news, and they had some doctor on going, well we don't want to re-insert her feeding tube, that would be abusive, because once somebody's terminally ill, giving them water can make them sick.
Folks, the individual they had on, and to be fair, they had other views on, but I mean, that is just, that makes Rumsfeld and Bill Clinton's
Doublespeak sound tame.
Giving her water might hurt her, so we shouldn't give her water.
I guess in the last days they will call evil good and good evil, as the good book says.
But that knocked me over.
Whenever I think I can't be shocked anymore, whenever I think the depths of depravity and political manipulation and spin can't get any worse, they do.
And Terry Schiavo has received her last rites in communion.
We'll get into that as well when we get back from this quick break and start the broadcast proper.
The websites freshly updated for you daily are www.info, w-a-r-s.com, infowars.com and don't forget prisonplanet.tv and prisonplanet.com as well as infowars.net and there's jonesreport.com
Why so many sites?
Well, a lot of great webmasters, different information on a lot of the sites.
A lot of the same information, but it's about redundancy to reach more people.
We'll be back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Clear evidence of genetically engineered
That is by humans.
Flu virus has popped up in major epidemiological journals.
So you've got a case here of where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing and different researchers are exposing the clear evidence that different governments are manipulating the flu bug and manipulating the cold virus, you name it.
It's not just naturally, these different pathogens are not just naturally mutating.
And Bill Sardi, health journalist, will be joining us in the next hour to talk about it.
Also, later this week, we're going to be having Steve Quayle on about his new book, Lucifer's Luggage, Suitcase Nukes in America, which is a real and present danger, a real threat
We'll be discussing that.
We have Big Jim Tucker from American Free Press coming on to talk about the upcoming Bilderberg Group meeting and the last steering committee meeting they had a few months ago.
It's almost gotten no coverage.
See what our global rulers, our would-be masters, are up to and just so many other big guests today and throughout the week.
And of course, wide open phones to take your calls at 1-800
Terri Schindler.
You know her as Terri Schiavo, the abandoned woman.
Abandoned by her husband, but he still has control of her.
Coming up on, what, day 9, day 10.
Since she had her feeding tube, her liquids, her water, and food taken away from her, she is now, it's been reported, bleeding from the eyes, bleeding from the mouth, showing extreme dehydration.
Just unbelievable.
And at the very same time there was a report of a standoff between state police and of course the Pinellas Park thugs.
We will continue to report on that as well.
Gang will target Minutemen vigil on Mexico border.
Members of a violent Central American-based gang have been sent to Arizona to target Minutemen, project volunteers who will begin a month-long border vigil this weekend to find and report foreigners sneaking into the United States, project officials said.
Hey, let me just tell these gang members something.
You may be able to scare people in your own neighborhood,
You may be able to bully people in the poor little slave nations where you live, where people for thousands of years have been slaves, but this is America.
We're not completely castrated, emasculated, enslaved here.
And the thousand strong minute men are simply there on their own property and on government property
Uh, planning to videotape the ongoing invasion and call it into the Border Patrol.
And you have thrown Fitz, your boss, the narco-terrorist, who I shut down in Austin, Texas last year, Vicente Fox, uh, he's very angry out there creeping around.
Bush, that traitorous, ultra-liberal, to use your false political terms, wants total amnesty, says the Minutemen are evil vigilantes.
I mean, where is it a clearer illustration of how the government says, we've got to give up all of our freedoms, all of our liberties, or the terrorists are going to get us.
But our northern and southern borders are more open than ever, and we've got a foreign president traipsing around, shaking his finger at us on television.
Vicente Fox doesn't come to Austin anymore because he tried to come to Austin last year.
This was picked up, of course, by the Associated Press.
But we went down and I got right up against the gates of the governor's mansion when they were stupid enough to have a press conference outside.
He got about ten words out before I shut the governor and that invader, that Larry Conquista, Foxed down.
And Fox was here in Austin giving the police department an award for not following federal law and not enforcing against illegals.
Did you know that in Austin, Texas, if you don't have your driver's license in order, they'll arrest you?
But if you're an illegal alien, they've been ordered to let them go.
It's been in the news.
It's incredible.
And it's the same thing in 800 plus cities where they accept the consulate matricula cards and let them get driver's license, bank accounts with it.
Now, through the new national ID card passed last year, the states have been ordered to accept these fake IDs in turn to get driver's license.
We've had Ron Paul on, we've had his office on, we've read the bill.
It actually makes it easier, if terrorists really existed, for terrorists to get into this country.
And by terrorist, I mean the classical Al-Cieda type that are gonna, you know, bomb schools or machine gun shopping malls as Chertop has been telling us they're sure to do.
And as his predecessor, Ridge, was telling us they were sure to do.
Of course, none of it holds water.
And the Dallas Morning News reported about a month ago, as did a Brownsville paper,
That former Mexican Special Forces, they're quote, anti-drug forces, who quote, went over to the bad side and now serve the drug dealers.
They always serve the drug dealers.
In Dallas and San Antonio, all over the state, have murdered scores of people.
And they don't just murder fellow
Latin Mafia people, they kill other small-time drug dealers that don't pay their cut.
We're actually getting a big-city mafia corruption now, where you actually have enforcers on the street.
And it's Mexican Mafia.
And they work for the big corporations, so they're protected by the police.
And it is so sad.
And you really never hear about it in the national news.
Here it is in the
Washington Times!
And it's so sad.
And so what's going to happen when they come into your business to shake you down and the police aren't going to help you?
You'll call the Republican Party and go, help me, and you'll just be calling the bosses of these individuals.
Gang will target minute men vigil on Mexico border.
Members of a violent Central American based gang have been sent to Arizona to target Minutemen Project volunteers.
And again, people on the border have already had their houses shot up, their wives raped, their homes burned, federal officers from every agency down there have been killed.
Can you imagine if one of these Minutemen killed a federal officer?
Heaven forbid.
I mean, it would be national news for six months, but when the Fed gets killed by the Mexican troops or the Mexican Mafia, it might make a news wire.
And the cops will actually go out and arrest the Minutemen who are trying to stop it.
They'll actually go out and arrest citizens out there just videotaping on their own property.
How dare you!
We're going to trump some charges up on you!
James Gildrest, a veteran of Vietnam who helped organize the vigil to protect the federal government's failure to control English immigration, said he has been told that California and Texas leaders of MARA, I can't pronounce this, SALVATRUCHIA, or MS-13, have issued orders to teach a lesson to the Minutemen volunteers.
Oh, we're very afraid of you.
We just go up against the New World Order every day.
We just go up against the biggest, most powerful military-industrial complex ever.
We're not afraid of you, you little pimps of the New World Order.
We're not worried because half of our recruits are retired trained combat soldiers.
Yeah, I'd like to see the Mexican troops go ahead and shoot at the Minutemen to see what happens.
This is how it started in 1776.
This is how it started at the Alamo.
You go ahead and punch us in the nose first, and you see what happens to you!
Excuse me.
You know, governments can play their games, and we can play ours.
And they can push all day long.
But it's really getting down to brass tacks now.
And you just keep pushing the good old boys in this country.
You just keep pushing them.
You just keep pushing them, New World Order.
Maybe that's part of the plan.
Well, actually, that is part of the plan.
I've seen it in documents.
Oh, yes!
They want to have a breakup, a Kosovo-type situation.
It's set for around 2015 in the Southwest.
This is part of the plan, folks.
We're not worried because half of our recruits are retired trained combat soldiers, Mr. Gilchrist said.
Well, I mean, I've talked to the former head of the Texas Border Patrol when he was still in office.
They've got hits out on them.
There have been ads in the newspaper to kill federal officers and to kill citizens.
It's pathetic.
More than 1,000 volunteers are expected to take part in the Minutemen Vigil, which will include civilian patrols along the 20-mile section of the San Pedro River Valley, which has become a frequent entry point to the United States for foreigners headed north.
About 40% of the 1.15 million foreign nationals caught last year.
Did you hear that?
1.15 mil.
1 mil, 150 thou.
A foreign national was caught last year by the U.S.
Border Patrol trying to gain illegal entry.
The United States were apprehended on the 260-mile stretch of the Arizona border, here known as the Tucson Sector.
Many of the Minutemen volunteers are expected to be armed, although organizers on the border vigil have prohibited them from carrying rifles.
Only those people who are licensed to carry a handgun will be allowed to do so, Mr. Gilchrist said.
The operational plan calls for teams of four to eight volunteers to be deployed along the targeted intervals of the 200 to 300 yards along with observation posts and a command center.
Meanwhile, this also out of the Washington Times, Mexico accused of abusing its illegals.
Oh yeah, you come across from Guatemala, they beat you, they kill you.
This has been in the news.
They put you in these outdoor cages.
You don't hear the liberal groups complaining about that.
You don't hear the big corporations complaining.
Because that's not part of the Breakup of America plan.
The State Department says the Mexican government, angry that a thousand American volunteers will begin an Arizona border vigil next month, consistently violates the rights of illegal immigrants crossing its southern border into Mexico.
Alright, we'll get into Terry Chinoshendler.
We've covered a bunch of other news items.
There's so much today.
And take your calls.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
And we'll be posting details of it on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com in the next few minutes.
An 8.5 earthquake, and again, the earthquake that they had back on December 26th, which is a little bit bigger, an 8.5 is mega huge.
In the same area as the last undersea earthquake that generated the tsunami, and the Japanese seismic agency is putting out a tsunami warning.
Let's go to Violet Jones, my wife, who just called into the studio, who's updating InfoWars.com with our other good InfoWars webmaster, Ryan, right now to give us an update.
What does this exact bulletin say?
All it says is that an 8.2 earthquake has occurred in the Indian Ocean.
Oh, 8.2, okay.
And that tsunamis are feared.
It lasted up to three minutes and was in the same location as the Great Quake that hit the area on December 26th.
And then I can see if I can find something else on it for you real quick here.
A large earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra Island in the Andaman Sea last Monday, or late Monday.
And the U.S.
Geological Survey said it was a major quake measuring a magnitude of 8.2.
The officials issued a warning of a possible tsunami three months after a tsunami devastated parts of Indonesia and other countries in the region.
The quake occurred at 11.09 p.m.
local at a depth of nearly 19 miles.
And again, it says late because when their day's ending, our day's just starting.
Right, exactly.
So, this just happened, it looks like, in the last few hours.
Looks like, I don't know the time difference, but it looks like it just happened, yeah.
Just happened.
Well, we'll be watching that.
Now, an 8.2 is not as bad as an 8.5, obviously.
It's a smaller number, but in terms of scale, each point, sub-point on the Richter scale is just many magnitudes worse.
But still, anything over an 8 is considered very large.
And that particular alert is out of Japan?
That's correct.
Now, last time, our own government and Diego Garcia, one of the big bases, picked it up, but for some reason didn't relay the warning, which was over an hour and a half that people would have had to have gotten to higher ground, but that didn't happen, and when that whole thing was done, it was over 150,000 that had died.
Well, I'll tell you what, we'll watch this as it develops, and you're going to be posting that right now?
That's right.
Okay, thank you so much.
Thank you.
All right, well we'll continue to watch that.
And that's the problem with an earthquake, you know, a 9.0, 9.2.
Some of the seismographs said 9.0, others said in India 9.2.
That was the problem with that quake because the scientists said it's
It's almost a 100% chance that there are going to be other quakes associated with this megaquake.
And this has been another massive quake.
I'm not a volcanologist or seismologist, but I know that an 8.0 is considered a massive earthquake.
Over a 9 is a megaquake.
And this is very serious.
So we'll, as I said, continue to watch that.
Just so much happening right now.
I have another report here.
FBI to create group to study gun law.
A few weeks ago, a listener called in panicked, who'd just been watching C-SPAN, this is out of the Associated Press, going, yeah, I saw FBI Director Mueller up on C-SPAN in front of the Senate, saying we need to put criminal and terrorist watch list
There's over a half million people on the criminal watch list who don't even have criminal records.
It's a new class of criminal.
You've never been convicted, but you're on a database.
And over 350,000 people on the terrorist watch list.
And then sure enough, I did find the comments and a transcript from the C-SPAN testimony, the congressional testimony on C-SPAN.
And sure enough, here's an article from three days ago out of the Associated Press, FBI to create a group to study gun law, and there is a call by Alberto Gonzalez, the Attorney General, and Mueller, the FBI Director, to start putting people who don't have convictions into the NICS system.
And Bill Clinton wanted to do this.
Oh, you collapsed in 1968 in Vietnam.
They put Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, uh, on your sheet.
Or, oh, you got arrested for a barroom fight in 1975.
Even though the person hit you first, it was on your record, you weren't convicted, though you were arrested.
Now you don't get a gun.
And it'll all be under the guise of fighting terrorism.
I'll tell you about Terry Schiava and the latest developments when we get back.
Then I want to get into some police state news, where you complain at the bank, don't threaten anybody, but you're arrested and charged with a felony, just to be safe, the police said.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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You can find the tales of all that at GCNlive.com.
Alright, Paul, Sheldon, Chris, Josh, Wolfgang, everybody, your calls are coming up.
I need to go through some more of the news first.
It's all so important.
Look at this headline, Backpack Raises Concerns at Bank.
And they report this like it's normal.
This is out of the Indianapolis Star.
And it says the man went in, complained, sat down, didn't threaten anyone, but because he had a little backpack, the police came and charged him because people were scared it made it terrorism.
It didn't matter if he wasn't a terrorist or there was nothing in the backpack.
They sent a robot in and took the backpack out to the bomb squad.
Nothing in it, no weapons, no nothing, but he is charged with a felony.
I mean, folks, I see these all the time now.
This is getting wilder and wilder and wilder.
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And then we have, of course, a bunch of reviews, all positive, and we post any review that comes in.
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There is a war on for your mind.
The toll free number to order hard copies of Martial Law or any of the other films I produce or the other great films I carry is 1-888-253-3139 888-253-3139 or just write to me I'm Alex Jones at 3001
That's 3-0-0-1, South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 7-8-7-0-4.
It's up to you to take action.
These are powerful tools that can affect change and can expose the New World Order.
All right.
Where to begin today in this next phase of news coverage?
Before we go to your calls.
This is a
Important story.
I don't know if I have time to read the whole thing and comment on it because the stack is so large, but I'd like to.
Backpack raises concerns at bank.
Robot fires blast of water at bag belonging to customer who had a dispute about a check.
Now understand, this is the biggest paper in Indiana.
Also widely read in Illinois.
And the average person reads this and learns as a little imprint minded creature, you know a nation of spectators that don't have their own moral compass or their own historical grid to look at developments through, they just, this normalizes it.
People read this and think it must be normal.
He complained that he had a backpack, he's being charged as an evil criminal.
And we've covered the articles, we've had the folks on the show where the Homeland Security head is telling the Quad City Times, the Homeland Security head there in that state, well, this doctor, this Gulf War veteran didn't threaten anybody, but he called and complained too much, so we went out and arrested him and charged him with terrorism.
And then when he went before the judge, the judge said, no jury, you're convicted.
Backpack raises concerns.
Of course, you've heard the story about, we've had her on.
It was in the Associated Press.
She was selling knock-off Rubik's Cubes that were totally legal.
The Associated Press called and checked and found out the patent was up on Rubik's Cubes.
She didn't even manufacture them.
She was a small toy store in St.
Helen, Oregon.
Homeland Security called her and said, you're being investigated.
They said, we won't tell you why.
She said, why?
Just stop selling the Magic Cube.
A month and a half later, they showed up at her business, no warrant, no order, no nothing, and just said, take it off your shelf.
She said, I thought you were dealing with terrorists.
And they said, no, infrastructure protection.
Though anyone violating the infrastructure is a terrorist.
Well, that's in section 802 of the USA Patriot Act.
Any action that endangers human life, or that is a violation of any federal or state law.
This wasn't even a violation of federal or state law.
You see, I could talk for hours.
I want to go to your calls.
I've got a stack of news here, though.
Let me just briefly go over this.
It's very frustrating.
I mean, I can't give proper time to any of this.
Backpack raises concerns at bank.
Robot fires blast of water at bag belonging to customer who had a dispute about a check.
And you read the article and it says the man walked in, argued about his bank account,
He sat down in a chair and said, I want to talk to a manager, cash my check.
And the police came and it says he peaceably went with them.
But that didn't matter.
They then shut down a large part of the city and surrounding roads and highways.
It's all about training a C and creating any excuse.
This is all under federal guidelines to create the perception of omnipresent terrorism and fear.
They use this as a drill, basically.
But to give it realism, they're charging this poor guy.
Kevin McDermott, 44, of 100 Block of East 9th Street, I love how they give his address, was booked on a preliminary charge of terroristic mischief.
A felony and was being held Thursday at the RT Processing Center.
No bomb was immediately set.
They go on to say he didn't do anything.
He just argued about a check with the Fifth Third Bank, a weird name, about a check and had previously complained at the bank branch at 251 North Illinois Street in the Capital Center.
Mr. McDermott had been told to go over there and complain and boy that was a mistake.
And it says that after he had sat there for hours in the chair that bank workers called police and got to the bank around 1.15 p.m.
Thursday they found McDermott sitting in the bank lobby.
His backpack was in a chair next to him.
McDermott was handcuffed and taken from the bank while police called a bombed squad dog to check out the pack.
While the dog sniffed the bag, an animal indicated something suspicious police said, because they get a biscuit when they do.
That led police to call the Marion County Emergency Management Agency, which sent out the Omega team.
And the Omega robot, the remote-controlled robot, is designed to handle security.
And it goes on to say that after they x-rayed and sprayed it with water, it had nothing in it.
But where's that quote by the police?
The pack belonged to a man upset by a dispute with a bank.
Police chose to treat the object as a threat just in case.
In today's world, you can never be too careful, said Lt.
Paul Sineski, Indianapolis Police Department spokesman.
And so, uh, just because they chose, he didn't say that the bag was threatening, but because the backpack, because they chose to treat it as a threat, he's being charged with terroristic mischief.
A felony.
So see, I mean, there you have it.
I mean, folks, I've been in a bank, and I haven't started yelling at people, but I've raised my voice before,
When my own bank wouldn't cash a check, because I'd sold an old car to somebody, and I was cashing a check.
It wasn't a very big check, and they were refusing to cash it, even though I had more money than what the check was in the bank account.
They told me to leave!
And then they tried to get rid of my bank account there, and I called the manager and stopped that from happening.
A manager, you know, larger than the branch manager.
But the point is, is that everything is criminal now.
There have been cases of people where, in Tampa, where you don't even talk to the police, but in one case they were, a family was there having a picnic and the cop said, let me see your IDs.
They said, we didn't bring our IDs and the cops started getting real belligerent.
So the family just stopped talking.
And the cop arrested the mommy and the daddy for failure to ID and also resisting without force.
I love resisting without force.
But the point is you're going to see more and more of this.
I mean, we have like, I don't know, it's probably 70 examples on PrisonPlanet.com in one section.
What's the name of that section?
Innocent People Charged Under Patriot Act?
I forget the exact name of it.
Or Patriot Act Being Used Against Non-Terrorists, I think is the headline name.
I forget.
And it just shows examples of people, you know, one marijuana cigarette.
I mean, I've gone over this before.
But there is one article out of the stack of about 75 stories.
Meanwhile, Mexican gangs and Mexican troops are killing federal officers, killing citizens, burning down homes, robbing, raping.
The American flag is not allowed to be flown in a whole string of South Texas towns.
No English is allowed in court proceedings.
San Antonio Express News, families are being kidnapped by Mexican troops five miles across the border.
It is total budlam, and you'll never hear it in the national news.
And if you try to go down there and expose it, you too are a terrorist.
North Korea reports outbreak of bird flu.
Very serious.
Nazis use starvation to kill Newsmax.
Confounding all conventional wisdom and human experience.
Many liberal groups and even some medical experts have argued for Terry's death.
They claim that starvation and dehydration are not painful or discomforting for her anymore undergoing the experience.
In fact, they allege that such victims begin to experience euphoria as the victims draw close to death.
And that is true in some cases.
You know, after 10 days of total pain, yeah, you do drop into a coma and may feel euphoria shortly before it.
Such claims are true
We may have to rewrite the history of such notorious events as the Holocaust, where starvation was a key process to which millions died and were later placed in the crematoriums.
The International Accepted Genetic Convention, which identifies starvation as a war crime, will also have to be rewritten, ditto for many statements made by
Reputable organizations, many of them liberal, that have condemned the practice for decades, and then it lists examples.
But see, it's all doublespeak.
It's all legalese.
Yes, people who are starved to death, if you starve somebody to death, but give them water, after about three weeks, you do feel euphoria as your body starts eating its organs.
But then it gets painful again, very painful, and then you feel good again, and then you pass out and go into a coma.
But if you take water from somebody, because we've had doctors on about this, and I've read the reports on air, and I've seen it in different medical publications I've read, you take water, boy, it is very painful, and yes, right before you go into a coma, you may feel euphoria.
But there isn't any feel euphoria for a week.
In between excruciating pain, like it is if you take food.
No, you take water, it is painful for almost the entire experience.
One of the most painful deaths out there.
But see, they can, with lawyer-like manipulation, say, well, as soon as you feel euphoria, yeah, right before you die, before you go into a coma and then die, it's the next to last thing.
So it's like saying, well, when I beat you, you know, start beating you with a hammer,
You're going to feel excruciating pain, but a few days later, before you die of shock, you may feel euphoria.
And again, I heard USA Radio Network, Friday, when I got off the air, at 2 o'clock, I got in my car, turned it on, listened to USA Radio News, and they had some doctor on, from the government, going, well actually, we don't want to give her water, because she's terminally ill now, and this could make her feel bad, and hurt her, and could make her sick.
It's like Janet Reno.
We're going to burn the children up to save them at Waco.
You have to kill them to save them.
But in this case, oh, we can't put the water, you know, the tube back in after seven days because it might hurt her.
He actually said it.
And I called into Jack Blunt's show about it right after that.
I just had to talk about it.
And Jack said, yeah, he heard it too.
A lot of you heard it.
I mean, I know we've got a lot of clones, and see, I haven't even
We'll come back in the next little segment.
Take calls quickly in the next little segment.
That little five minute segment at the start of the hour.
Then we're getting this guest on about government involvement in super flus.
Very important.
And I'm going to expose peak oil.
I'm sick of it.
I've made my mind up.
I know what the plan is.
And I'm going to expose peak oil today as well.
Stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
One look in the mirror and we know our country is entering a high-tech police state.
Here's just a sample from my documentary film, Police State 2 The Takeover.
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The medical bills are going to be enormous for me.
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For the social architects of the New World Order to take control and truly build the nightmare planet they want, they have to change all of our values to accept death and destruction, to accept torture, to accept secret arrests, to accept that police, basically in Ringwraith, Dark Lord, Darth Vader type outfits is good.
That cameras everywhere is good.
And you see it being sold and everything being changed around us so they can carry this out en masse.
We've just got a bunch of simpering, fawning little pumps that follow after it.
And, oh yes, don't criticize the system.
Go along with it.
And poor Terri Schiavo Schindler is being tortured to death right now.
She's far gone, folks.
Bar a miracle.
Nine days into this, almost ten days into this.
Paul in Texas.
Go ahead, Paul.
Hello, Alex.
I have some information concerning the gang you referenced at the beginning of your show.
They're called Mara Salvatruca.
They originated in Guatemala.
And that's separate from these Mexican special forces gallivanting around Texas killing people.
Yes, sir.
They wear a tattoo of MS-13 somewhere on their body.
Their preferred weapon is the machete.
And they have recently been caught in an operation helping Al-Qaeda in Bangladesh.
They're in many different states of the U.S.
They're, uh, especially here in Texas.
Yeah, that means Al-C-I-A-D-A.
Yes, sir.
They're, they're, they're helping, uh... No, they're protecting!
I mean, this is just... I mean, I know about MS-13.
I was talking about a separate group of Mexican Special Forces.
Did you see that in the paper?
Yes, sir, I did.
I think that they're, uh... They're an enemy target.
Are you imagining if the Russians had troops in Texas killing people?
I mean, it'd be national news, but no, see, the government wants this.
They treat the Mexicans with a blind eye.
They can get away with murder, literally, in this country.
Thank you for your time, sir.
Anything else?
Alright, I appreciate the call.
No, sir.
Sheldon in Arizona.
Sheldon, go ahead.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, sir.
I was wondering, are you going to be down at the Minuteman Project next week?
No, I'm not going to be able to go down there.
I'm going to be here doing the radio show.
Okay, and one more thing.
Are you going to have Anthony Hilder back on as a guest soon?
I'll probably do that sometime.
Anthony's a good guy.
I was just wondering if you're going to be down at the minute, man.
You know, I thought about it, but it's going to be going on for a month, and I have just finished martial law.
And, you know, I weigh things.
And there's a thousand people down there.
I've been to the border many times and covered it before.
The Texas border and the New Mexico border.
But I just, you know, I would miss talking to millions of people and really having an effect if I went out there.
Okay, do you know if Clay Douglas is going to be there?
I don't really associate with Clay Douglas.
I don't know anything about Clay.
Thanks for the call, Sheldon.
I appreciate the call.
Chris, in New Jersey.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
I just had a few things.
I don't know if you saw the article about Bobby Fisher on the Fox News.
At the end of the article, he mentions the New World Order and kind of chuckles about it.
No, I didn't.
Tell us about it.
Well, he's being deported from Japan.
And, uh, going to Iceland.
Yeah, he's the big champion chess player.
That's champion, yes.
Who a decade later they're chasing just because he went to the Balkans and played a chess game.
Right, right.
At the end of the article, I can't remember, I read it on Saturday.
You know, that's a good point.
I meant to talk about this and I'll hold you over.
We have Mexican troops, I mean, this is Dallas Morning News, killing Americans.
Running around, running things.
Meanwhile, Bobby Fischer can't come to America because he went and played a chess game.
I mean, don't you feel safer?
Sorry, go ahead.
No, the other thing I wanted to mention... So what did Bobby Fischer say?
I missed it.
He basically said that he was going on about... he was mentioning some anti-American slogans.
It was basically an article about people that are basically supporting him in Iceland.
And... Stay there, we'll talk about it on the other side.
Second hour, 70 seconds away.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks, into hour number two.
Got a great guest coming up.
An expert.
Well, some of the medical malpractice going on, by design, by this government, especially with these flu shots.
Bill Sardi, health journalist, coming up.
More on Terry Schiavo.
Schindler, bleeding from the eyes.
Skin cracking and bleeding.
Now coming up on 10 days.
Off of food and water.
Way to kill her.
But they tell you that it feels good for her, despite all the medical literature saying the opposite.
Right now, let's go back to Chris in New Jersey.
Chris, you were bringing up Bobby Fischer, the chess player who dared go to Serbia over a decade ago to play a chess game, and so now they've been hunting him down ever since.
Well, the borders stay wide open, of course.
And now CIA runs free.
And I read that Bobby Fischer, they wanted to recruit him into some type of government operation.
That's why they're really mad at him when he left the country.
And you're saying you saw a Fox News piece where he said, well, something about the New World Order?
What did he specifically say about the New World Order?
Well, he was basically calling the leader of Japan, I forget his name, he was calling him and George Bush criminals and basically Nazis.
Because they had him arrested.
Did he say it was a New World Order?
That's what you said.
At the end of the article, he kind of jokes about it.
About the New World Order, I guess, that they're ushering in.
But that's where the article just kind of ended.
It didn't go into any further detail about it.
And let me guess, the article, he's evil, though.
Yeah, how dare him!
We want to arrest him!
How dare him flee!
He played chess!
He had a big beard on him because I guess he'd just been out of jail there.
I'm just glad they're trying to hunt him down for playing an unauthorized chess game.
I feel safer.
Thanks for the call.
He's very dangerous, folks.
How dare him?
He doesn't come back here to face decades in prison!
Man, he's bad.
He talks about a new world order.
Send me that article, please.
Josh in South Carolina.
Josh, go ahead.
Hey, they're after everybody, aren't they?
Well, I read this article out of the Indianapolis Star where the guy just complained.
It says he didn't threaten anybody at the bank, so they charged him with terrorism.
I mean, I hate that, really, because now it just goes that if you're going to go in there and make a check or anything, a Mexican could come in there with a backpack and he could just walk out of there like this.
Nothing happened, but you walk in there, you have to show four IDs, and if you have a backpack or any other packages, they'll just go in there and just send a SWAT team.
Well, that point you raised, the illegal aliens, they've wink-wink told the banks.
The banks have.
Just accept whatever, give them accounts.
But citizens, regardless of what color you are, we've got to jump through all these hoops.
Yes, sir.
Hey, I was going to ask you something if it's alright.
Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, um, your wife came on earlier about the earthquake.
I heard about it too myself.
I actually heard it over the radio, shortwave radio, because I'm an amateur radio operator.
Sure, sure, yeah.
Okay, well...
It is a pretty bad one, the way they're talking about it.
I don't know too much about it.
8.2 in the Indian Ocean.
Right around the same area off the coast of Sumatra that caused the Mega 9.2 back on December 26th.
Yes, sir.
Oh, yes, sir.
Yeah, I just kind of thought I'd let you know about that, but you already caught the news.
That Terry Schaubel right quick, and I'll let your guests come on, but Terry Schaubel, that is just torture.
It's like as if Bush is Hitler and he can just say, well, screw to her.
I don't care.
Well, Bush isn't the one doing this.
But Bush has been actually using this politically to, I mean, and it's really not the President's place to do this at the state level.
It's the Governor and the Sheriff's job, but the Sheriff actually stopped Jeb Bush
Uh, from sending in protective services to get Terry, which I think is the right thing to do.
Yes, sir.
But now, by a miracle, they've given her her last rites.
She's got blood coming out of her body.
They're killing her.
The way you can't kill a dog or an axe murderer, they've already basically murdered this poor dear woman.
Thanks for the call.
We'll be back with our guest.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
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The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
That's 888-253-3139.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're now 8 minutes, 15 seconds into the second hour.
Coming up, we'll get to Wolfgang, Jordan, Brett, Ron, Dan, and many others that are patiently holding.
We'll get more into the Terry Chybo-Schindler as she bleeds from the eyes and has been given last rites.
Plus an 8.2 earthquake a few hours ago.
This is being reported by the different seismic organizations that study this in Japan and around the Pacific Rim over there.
An 8.2 is huge, although it's nothing near the 9 to 9.2, depending on which Richter scale reading you looked at back on December 26th.
And there is a tsunami warning out right now.
We should know in the next few hours if this is going to generate any
Shifting gears, Bill Sardi is a very well known and very well respected health journalist.
And he's a health journalist and consumer advocate.
He has written numerous books, which are now available, of course, through his website.
And we'll tell you about that, askbillsardy.com.
And with a degree in journalism and public relations at Cal Poly, Ponoma, under his belt, Bill translated his experience in health care to 18 years in the field.
And it goes on and on and on with how he's traveled the world and basically been really a consumer advocate for several decades.
And I heard Bill on Dr. Stan Monteith's broadcast last week, and everything he was saying I was aware of.
All the news reports, all the documents, all the medical studies.
The stuff that I've read, that I've looked at, that I've researched, but I'm one of these weirdos who spends, you know, basically his whole life researching what's really going on.
The general public is so busy running around, you know, just trying to pay their bills, and we trust our government.
We trust them that the water is safe to drink.
We trust them that, oh, I better get out and take my flu shot.
But in truth,
What the government and what these private corporations are doing in many cases is downright evil and in many cases premeditated.
But I heard Bill Sardi on the radio just going over it chapter and verse in such a cohesive way that I had to get him on.
Bill, thanks for coming on with us.
Great to be with you, Alex.
What, of course, a scary time to live in when they're telling us a flu virus is going to wipe out
Who knows how much of the human population around the globe.
So we keep hearing it and they don't tell us anything we can do about it.
So it gets kind of scary and why are they telling us this?
Well, the Centers for Disease Control has been conducting something called viral war games for a number of years and yet it says it's still not prepared for this.
And we set up members of a US military to Alaska to see if we could kind of
Well, pull out of the permafrost the genetic characteristics of the Spanish flu virus that occurred in 1918.
Why would we send people in the U.S.
military that are involved in biological warfare up to figure that one out?
They aren't public health authorities trying to keep anybody alive.
And so as this story goes on, Nature Magazine breaks a story, and by the way, for your listeners, I know they're used to hearing sensational things from your end, but Nature Magazine is not sensationalist.
They're regarded as one of the highest regarded scientific magazines in the world, and on their February 24 issue, they're saying biologist Henry Nyman, who works for a biotechnology company,
was examining flu virus gene sequences that were stored in a computer gene bank.
This is in New Mexico.
It's conducted at Los Alamos World Health Organization.
Now these aren't real viruses.
We're talking about just the sequences so we understand how they're put together.
And what he found was a human flu virus, a genetically mutated strain,
that was created in 1933 or so in a London lab by scientists who were experimenting with the virus that ran around the globe in 1918, the Spanish flu of 1918.
Now the question is when he went to go look and see where they got this from it came from a laboratory in South Korea and it was inside a pig!
How did a mutated human flu virus get inside a pig in South Korea?
That's what everybody wants to know.
They first claimed it was a mistake, then they backed off of that.
World Health Organization said, could be something else.
We'll look into it.
No actual explainable reason has come about for this other than, well as Dr. Nyman says, the incident raises worrying questions about the human flu genes, how they got into a pig, and is this evidence of bioterrorism?
At work, how do we bring up bioterrorism?
What's the connection?
Well, let me stop you right there, Bill.
You use the term sensational.
All we do is when the top Russian scientist says a new superflu could kill one billion, we read the article.
When it's in the Moscow Times.
Or when the World Health Organization says hundreds of millions are probably going to die, this is going to happen, get ready for it, then we point out
You know, a medical journal, when it says that the government, the military, what, five years ago, goes up to a whaling burial ground and digs up an overweight whaler who has this still-live influenza virus in his lungs.
So, by nature, the real world, the real stuff that's going on is sensational.
Well, I'm just trying to protect you because they say about you, or maybe me,
Well, you guys just sound like you're over-sensationalizing the story.
Listen, Bill, I don't think we can over-sensationalize.
That was my point in the opening.
You know, every week where they put out the ingredients for smallpox where you can make a bioweapon out of this formula for any mammal, you know, that has almost a hundred percent kill rate.
Why did the Australian government put out how to produce this?
You know, why are they doing all this, Bill?
Why are they?
Let's go take another look here from the National Institutes of Health.
It says here that usually avian, that is bird flu strains, do not
I think so.
What pig?
This was mentioned two years prior to our story today!
How did they know about the pig two years ago?
So, I'm questioning... Now let's be clear, is this the mutated virus from 33?
Well, they believe it's a close strain, and it's similar.
As Dr. Nyman says, nothing circulated near this.
Now understand, as we get immunity to bugs, if we get a virus that's near or close to us,
The genetic makeup of another flu virus, we get some immunity.
Well, let's just stop right there and be clear on this.
Depending on what number, 20 to 50 million died of the Spanish flu influenza outbreak of the late teens, 1917, 1918, 1919.
So tens of millions of people died.
Bill, from your research, how many people died?
Well, actually,
A few hundred thousand in the United States.
They never mentioned it's only a few hundred thousand because we had better nutrition at the time.
We already had cleaner food and we didn't even have fortified foods with vitamins in it and the Pure Food and Drug Act yet.
How many?
I mean, because they say 20 to 50 mil.
From your study, what is it worldwide?
More like 50 mil really died at that time.
The question is, they're predicting now
That a mutated virus that we have no immunity to, as Dr. Nyman says, nothing swept the globe with a virus even near like this since 1956.
It says so most of the global population would have little or no immunity
To this virus.
And because we know flu, we're not as afraid of it.
But, I mean, flu kills what, 25,000 Americans every year?
Maybe 25,000 to 36,000.
Those are inflated figures.
They use it in order to get us all afraid.
To scare monitors.
In fact, later you're going to tell us what the top scientists, epidemiologists, are saying about these flu shots.
Maybe a few hundred thousand, two or three hundred thousand in the world, because of poor nutrition, die of the flu every year.
The flu virus we're talking about has never existed outside of a laboratory.
How did it get out of the laboratory?
Well, that's the question.
How are... I mean, we see governments developing these, our government digging these up, obviously for offensive purposes.
Then they tell us, give up all your rights, the terrorists are about to attack you with this.
And then I want to see how this ties in, Bill, with all these top bioweapons experts dying.
Well, and it may tie in, and Dr. Nyman says these
Sequences, genetic sequences in viruses could represent a military experiment that resulted in an unplanned release.
Yeah, sure.
Now, bioterrorism cannot be ruled out.
What I'm trying to point out is, are they blaming bioterrorists, Al-Qaeda doesn't have a lab like this, when it's really these guys doing the experiments themselves that either, well, accidentally, or did they intentionally release this thing?
And now we have a problem because
That human mutated flu virus they found in a pig in South Korea, all of a sudden North Korea over the weekend reporting it has that same virus inside some chickens.
And it's killing them off as fast as possible.
No people have the infection yet, but how did it jump from South Korea to North Korea?
Are we talking about biological warfare already?
And now it's cross-species jumping.
Well, it is cross-species unless they put it in there, but the question is, are we playing around battling little birds and all of a sudden this thing is going to mutate and wipe out half the population of the world?
Yeah, like a Stephen King novel, The Stand.
This is a complex issue, and I'm going to just lay my cards on the table.
The globalists are behind it.
We'll talk to Bill Sardi, health journalist, when we get back.
Bill, thank you for joining us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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Your calls are coming up.
We're talking to Bill Sardi.
Bill Sardi dot com, S-A-R-D-I dot com, a link over to his great site at InfoWars.com.
And Bill's a very respected author and of course researcher and journalist and reporting all over the world for a lot of big publications.
Again, you're up to speed on all this.
You know about the thousands of open-air tests of chemicals, biologicals, radiologicals by this government.
Sure you know about Project Shad into the mid-eighties, spraying nerve gas on troops, in some cases killing our own troops.
We've got the new PNAC documents with Dick Cheney talking about legitimizing race-specific bioweapons.
Jane's Weapons Publications putting out a worldwide alert two years ago about it.
We've got all this happening.
We've got them digging this stuff up at the
You know, up near the Arctic Circle.
And then we've got stuff popping up in pigs.
It's very, very suspicious.
Where do you see all this going?
What we're concerned about is that the biologists are given over to a kind of a leaning of survival of the fittest.
That is, who survives will have a better
Stronger human species.
Social Darwinists.
The rest will die.
So the question is, as we see who's in charge of all this, who being WHO, World Health Organization.
They are responsible for giving us the data on the world population size.
Their latest information saying the world population is going to hit 9 billion by the year 2050, a jump by 3 billion, and
The world population size.
They're also responsible for many population control efforts throughout the world.
In the Philippines, they're arguing against the World Health Organization.
For sterilization, you name it!
So now they're involved in giving us the count.
They're involved in giving us the rules.
They're setting some population control standards and health issues and number of babies you can have across the world.
So now we're really getting concerned because what if they decide somehow that they want to call the populations of the world by reinstituting the plagues of the past?
Bill Sardi, I've got to stop you again.
Everything you're bringing up opens a Pandora's box and you are so on target.
We've got
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
We've got Ted Turner's UN Foundation.
We've got Prince Philip, the head of the World Wildlife Fund.
They all talk about how we need to control population, but then they're also involved in giving the children shots, inoculations to keep them all alive because they care so much.
That's an oxymoron!
We have the WTO, excuse me, the World Health Organization, not the World Trade Organization, but they're of the same ilk, same gaggle, giving awards to China for one-child policies, openly saying we've got to, quote, cull the population, and then meanwhile they're doing the research on superbugs!
It's pretty suspicious.
We need to ask because they've got us all riled up on the SARS virus, which ended up killing about 812 people worldwide,
It fizzled out here because we have good nutrition, clean food, etc.
But, you know, they made such a big deal out of this.
Where did the first... Who was patient zero in the SARS virus?
It was a laboratory worker in China who went on a little wedding trip and went to Hong Kong.
And as he did that, he spread the flu on the way and then he died.
And then a Chinese doctor went public on this and they arrested him as a terrorist.
Well, the point is that it came from a lab.
It didn't happen naturally.
Why are
Animal viruses mutating and jumping to humans just when we know how to manipulate it and do it artificially.
And let's bring up BioShield, the three dozen level four bio labs they're going to build in almost every major city.
This is insane!
Now, remember that these kind of things can be used for political purposes.
That is to control society.
That is, we saw a little demonstration of this with the swine flu virus back in the seventies when Jerry Ford was trying to get re-elected.
and thought he would get credit and so he uh... well everybody got swine flu inoculated it ended up that week one guy died of the swine flu and many died of the side effects of the vaccination.
Yeah, how many died of that?
We forget about that.
Well it's quite a few I don't know they ever gave us the exact totals but there was you know there's a syndrome called Guillain-Barre which you can get from the vaccine so what happened here is that we're concerned because
They're proposing vaccines, well we only have, now they say Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, saying he wants some volunteers here in the United States to test a vaccine against this.
Wait a minute, wait a minute, is that going to be a live vaccine?
Because if you give it to the 450 adults
Here in the U.S., they could spread this thing.
One of them could break out into the actual flu.
Well, it's like the smallpox inoculation can do that, too.
You see, and they're going to test 18- to 64-year-olds, but the people at greatest risk of the small children don't have immunity, and the older people, their immune system is shot.
Bill Sardi, long segment coming up, plenty of time to get into this.
I want to talk about what some of the top epidemiologists in the world are saying about the flu inoculations.
And why is the government pushing this so much?
This is some scary info.
This is admitted.
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Alright, we're talking to Bill Sardi, health journalist.
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BillSardi.com and you know the reason I like Bill's site and the research and the doctors and scientists that he's interviewed and the books he's written is because he isn't one of these quacks.
Just because the government and the media push a bunch of bad medicine and things that are dangerous on us doesn't mean every quack out there with a magic machine that heals you or
Every quack out there with a magic pill that's going to heal you or some magic cream is selling you something good either.
No, Bill just puts out good information.
His research, the research he's covered, on just basic nutrition and real vitamins and minerals is so important.
And this is the difference between you getting the flu or getting the super flu and dying from it.
The problem is these souped up superbugs in some cases may even circumvent perfect health.
Very scary.
Okay, Bill, I want to go to some calls in a while, but I want to give you the floor for about the next 10 minutes.
I'm going to actually turn my microphone off and control myself, but I want to go over basically the eugenics program, what we know about the World Health Organization, what we know about these new
Laboratory creations that are being made in the labs and then magically show up on the street within the media.
Fear mongers about it, but then never points out where it's coming from.
And then I want to get into...
Get your research that you've been writing and discussing, where so many top scientists are saying, these flu shots give you Alzheimer's, these flu shots, they've actually increased the mercury level in them.
I have the Associated Press on that.
Why have they done that?
Please, from all of your incredible research, go over that spectrum of information I just mentioned.
Remember, if government does have an answer in vaccines,
They're unlikely to get it to all of us, and maybe we can vaccinate half the population, and maybe do it in a timely way.
I doubt it, but to do it, you'd have to create a panic, force everyone into lines.
Understand now the implications here, because the whole panic could be false.
You could have a false scare, a false epidemic.
Right here in the Independent out of London, the newspaper there says emergency service plans call for 750,000 deaths in Britain due to a flu pandemic.
That is,
They're planning on mortuaries, handling more people.
What pandemic?
They act like it's for real, it's going to come.
They're buying drugs, the antiviral drugs, which won't work.
They'll handle the symptoms, but they really won't stop the passage from human to human.
And so, and we have a drug, Amantine, which is certainly, it's going to cause dizziness and so on.
It's really something you couldn't give the police or the military or the key people responsible, even doctors.
It has such terrible side effects.
So, and if you had a vaccine, if you had one, and I'm not sure, they're trying to make one against this.
They haven't tested it yet.
It would have to work in the biggest at-risk groups.
Your young children,
And your people over age 64.
Now the thing that flushes all this out, Alex, is the fact that we have a startling new development in nutrition in the last two years.
That startling development is if we have enough selenium on board in our body, it's a little trace mineral, the little flu viruses, regardless of what mutation, strain, or variety they may be, can't mutate into a more virulent form.
That is, we might get
A slight touch of the flu.
We would not get the lung damage, the scarring, and the pneumonia that would kill us.
And this is the big thing.
Now where's the bulletin from the World Health Organization saying, let's fortify all foods with selenium.
Let's get this done.
We could wipe out the mortality, not the flu, but the mortality from the flu worldwide.
You don't hear a word because they're given over
To the vaccine manufacturers.
They want the whole thing is vaccine, vaccine, vaccine.
Let's get into the vaccines!
Well, and of course the vaccines are questionable.
Now, we have, certainly we have contaminants in there.
They're trying to go to dry vaccines.
What they mean is not live viruses.
They originally grew these in monkey strains and so on.
And they grew them in monkeys and then got them going and then that turned out where we got the simian virus and then they never admitted that to the public in the polio vaccine and then they subjected all of us that got vaccinated to the simian 40 virus which is now increasing the risk of lung cancers and so it's called mesothelioma.
So we're seeing all these lies where they didn't tell us about this and that.
Well what they're trying to do is
is keep us from losing confidence in vaccines but we are losing confidence in vaccines and the mercury in there our own government the Environmental Protection Agency caught the whole program midstream and say you've got more mercury in there than we allow as a standard for environmental contamination to humans and this could be a big problem with pregnant women and little babies because they're smaller bodies and the mercury could get to them that's exactly what we're saying what autism is
And so, with all of this, and then they went about telling us that the new flu vaccine was mercury-free.
Then it wasn't mercury-free, it just had the label on it.
So you mean we're supposed to trust you guys?
They're not shooting straight.
Bill, I have the Associated Press article from last year where they tested it and it had 250 times safe level.
It had many times higher the marisol mercury than the previous flu shot.
Well, you know, what they have to do is they create a live bug and then they gotta kill it
So that you get kind of the immunity from the killed vaccine.
And to kill it, they put this toxic stuff in there.
Why not radiate it?
Well, who knows?
There are safer ways to do it.
But the point is, is that the number of people getting some of these diseases and dying is maybe less than they're dying or
The lifelong health problems from the side effects of the vaccines.
This is what was occurring with polio.
We didn't have any outbreak of the polio and everybody's getting vaccinated and still there are more side effects and deaths than there were from the darn polio itself.
And this is where we're getting.
Except now we've got this crazy thing going on in our country.
We used to take immigrants and they'd go through some sort of naturalization process but mostly a health screen.
Now they're walking over the border
And bringing in whooping cough.
It's all over the country.
If you have friends who have an unremitting cough, you've got whooping cough and they're not telling you.
The government is keeping this quiet.
It's being brought here by the immigrants.
TB is on the upswing.
We have hepatitis, mostly from restaurant workers.
You go into a Mexican restaurant, you could get a terrible problem here.
We're reintroducing diseases and then it's a field day for the vaccine companies because now let's all get vaccinated against whooping cough and TB and uh... Bill, here's the problem.
They know that all of this is happening, and now they're making moves to try to forcibly inoculate us with the new Freedom Initiative, with the force to psychological testing and drugging.
The main initiative that they tried to push with all of this was
Well, what was the name of the state program?
The Model States Health Emergency Powers Act.
There we go.
They tried to pass that.
Then when they couldn't, they wrote into law page 76 of the Homeland Security Authorization Bill almost three years ago.
And then a bunch of scientists and doctors and others went public and said whenever you take this shot it's going to be a greater risk than actual smallpox and then on top of that we have all this evidence of what this flu shot's doing.
Can you tell us about the different data that's coming out of the correlation between repeatedly taking the flu vaccination and Alzheimer's?
Well this is Dr. Fudenberg.
You can find his research on the internet and he says
That if you've taken the flu shot three successive seasons, the flu seasons in a row, then there's a tremendous upswing of Alzheimer's.
You see you're sending a flood or a cascade of free radicals.
They attack the brain and you're taking a heavy metal, mercury.
This is what all of the senile dementia, age-related brain disorders are.
They're from heavy metals, iron on up to mercury and so on.
We're taking a cascade of this and shoving it in, just like shooting a torpedo into the brain.
And the insult over time and age and later on in life you're going to have Alzheimer's.
So any heavy metal is a tremendous problem because if you have enough inflammation combined with it then you get it past the blood-brain barrier and you get inflammation and problems there.
So we are concerned.
The embarrassment is this is all at the same time the CDC admits that they can't show a lower mortality rate from taking the flu shots for the last eight years.
This is a terrible embarrassment.
We've been lining up all these folks.
They pay out of their own pocket.
They go down there like good Americans.
And by the way, the whole thing's a falsehood.
Anyway, we only vaccinate maybe 40, 50 million people out of a population of 280 million.
What about the rest of us?
How come a pandemic didn't ensue?
You see, it's a joke.
Well, see, here's the spin, though.
Uh, what was it, 18 million less people took it this year, even though there was, quote, a shortage.
They always claim there's a shortage, so I call it the Christmas toy phenomenon of, oh, this is the one toy nobody can get, well then I've gotta have one, and your first level of fools line up to get it, but then after that, they have record lows of people taking it, and it turns out that the flu vaccine was just sitting on the shelves, so it's backfiring on them.
Everybody I talk to now doesn't trust the system anymore.
Well the reason for the last two years of the scare tactics of get the flu because this thing is coming this thing is coming that we keep hearing this giant pandemic was just simply a guise to get it sold because the vaccine companies weren't making money.
If there's unsold vaccines they don't make it because it comes the people have to buy this themselves and so what happens is is that they had to scare us
And now they didn't have enough vaccine, the supply was short because of this problem with the British manufacturing company.
And so, then the cards got laid out on the table.
The flu rate was the lowest we've seen in years.
The vaccine had nothing much to do with this.
But let's be clear.
Let's be clear of what a fraud this is.
While they're fear-mongering every week on national television and the newspapers, super, flu mutated, it'll kill a billion people, it's all over, pull your hair out, only government can save you, take your shots!
They then quietly admit, well the current flu shot isn't for some special mutated strain, it's for the current strain we guessed would be here this year, so it wouldn't even protect you from some super weapon.
The guess each year is wrong anyway.
They've guessed wrong for the last few years in a row, so you got vaccinated for no reason at all and may have had side effects.
Now what they're telling us about this new strain, they call it the H5N1,
It has a high mortality rate.
That is, of the few people that have gotten this in Asia, less than a hundred, about 76 percent of them have died.
The mortality rate is high.
The problem is it's not jumping from human to human yet.
They almost seem to be disappointed it isn't.
And this is where, in Asia, where immunity is low because they have poor nutrition.
But here in the London Observer, March 27,
They're saying offices and schools across Britain could be closed to protect workers.
They'd shut down Britain.
What if this is all false?
What if it's being used for political purposes?
Well, exactly.
Look, whether it's terrorism, or the environment, or now with these so-called bioweapons, it's all about, in fact in England you're talking about,
The different emergency orders they're putting through, relocating London, rest and relocation centers.
Oh, we've got to build all these camps because the pandemic is coming.
It's the same thing here.
It's any excuse to grow the government, to erase more and more of our liberties, and to create this idea that, well, maybe we should force you to take the vaccine because people that refuse to take the vaccine, well, you're going to infect the rest of us.
Well, we can't let you go where you want to go anymore.
We can't let you do what you want to do anymore, because you might spread the... Of course, you're the problem.
You're the terrorist now.
Come on!
Where is this turning around?
As these things all turn around, you notice what happened in the airports to protect us from terrorists.
We're no longer customers of the airlines.
We're potential terrorists now.
This is how this all gets turned around.
Now your kids won't be allowed to go to school unless they get some medicine, vaccine, whatever.
This thing turns into an onerous deal where who says what and who controls what.
So what happens here is that we don't realize that there's some ways out for all of us.
Uh... the big connection... Well, before you do that, doesn't it seem though that despite their propaganda campaign, people really are starting to wake up in greater numbers?
I mean, I'm seeing across the board politically an awakening, the likes of which I didn't even imagine.
Are you seeing the same thing?
Well, we are seeing that, but they don't know where to go.
That people... You're right, it's all fractured.
We're going to tell them how to protect themselves on their own.
No commercials here.
But the issue is,
It's very interesting that the World Health Organization, at the same time it's doing all these efforts to control the population of the world, is involved in this virus thing with their hands and feet knee-deep in it.
The deal is that the World Health Organization, through the United Nations, through something called Codex Alimentarius, a trade agreement, this summer is going to restrict the amount of vitamins and minerals
In our vitamin supplements.
Why now?
Why at this time?
Why when we need it for immunity?
Is this part of the pincers movement?
Are they trying to keep the world from finding the very nutrition that would boost their immunity?
That would keep them from these vaccines?
Would even try to lower the levels that they advise you daily to take, and then restrict over-the-counter vitamins down to that level.
Well, Germany's restricted vitamin C already to 225 milligrams.
You'd need a lot more if you had a dose.
Which is nothing, yeah.
And you need about 10 times more to protect from heart disease.
It's all on my website.
But don't you know?
I mean, forget what the Nobel laureates say.
People could throw these vitamin C pills at aircraft and use them as terrorist weapons.
They can put vitamin C pills in .50 caliber rifles!
Well, the kind of things they're protecting us from, from vitamin... Where's the dead bodies?
I mean, I guess... No, vitamin C is... Bill Al-Qaeda takes vitamin C. They're protecting us from the transient diarrhea in case you overdose on vitamin C. Just spread it out through the day.
Don't take it all at once.
It'll never occur.
By the way, I've got a 10-month-old child here at home with no vaccines.
We give him
20 milligrams of vitamin C per pound of body weight equivalent about 6,000 milligrams in an adult human.
And he's had no colic, no rashes and certainly no illness.
Same thing with my children.
They just eat oranges and drink juice and they never really get sick.
All the other children I know are always sick, all the time.
Green snot pouring out of their nose, six months out of the year, failure to thrive, constantly at the doctor.
Well we need to learn how to be a little less afraid of these dietary supplements and
Take some vitamin C powder or liquid and put in our children's drinks because we need more than the diet can provide to give us the immunity.
The selenium is something we all should get into a moly vitamin or otherwise.
Do they have good selenium products at the store?
We do have them.
So you understand, if these restrictions from the Codex go through, they're not something you can write your congressman about.
It's all going to be done in Germany.
But if they go through, like zinc pills in the United States cost six dollars right now.
They put some of these restrictions through in Europe, and they cost $43 a bottle!
Now to be clear, to be clear on this, folks, your government wants to restrict you being able to get vitamins.
That is clear.
The FDA is in concert with this Codex movement as if there's some sort of terrible side effect.
We went and looked it up, poison control centers, no deaths in the last eight years from molybdenum.
Well, we gotta stop the evil multivitamins.
Well, Bill, this is going on at a time that just seems to be... Hold on!
This just in!
We gotta break!
Hold on!
Osama Bin Laden takes multivitamins.
It's a sign of terrorism.
You have multivitamins.
Report your neighbors immediately.
We'll be right back, Bill.
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Alright, I know that callers have been holding for eons.
We're going to go to them here in just a moment.
We're going to keep Mr. Sardi with us in about 20 minutes in the next hour.
And I'm going to get back into Terry Shabo-Schindler.
I'm going to expose this peak oil scam.
I mean, I've really studied it now and I'm sure about it.
It's a scam.
A major scam by the oil companies.
We found the links back to it.
I mean, even Rolling Stones coming out saying, Peacoil's real.
Submit to your world government.
I mean, it's all part of the population control program that we read in government documents 30 years ago.
But before we go back to Bill starting in your phone calls, my new film, Martial Law, 9-11, Rise of the Police State, is out.
It covers the latest police state developments, then an hour on what really happened on 9-11, and a full hour on the Bush-Nazi connection.
We get into Arnold and this death cult, you know, the Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove, and we connect it to the Nazis, to the same organization founding and funding the Nazis.
It is a powerful new video.
It's the best film I've ever made.
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toll-free number to order the video 1-888-253-3139 888-253-3139 or order Martial Law or any of the other films I've produced or books or videos I carry at InfoWars.com via the safe secure online shopping cart or go to PrisonPlanet.tv 15 cents a day monthly and yearly subscriptions all my videos, dozens of other films, my weekly TV show a bunch of books
The best audio interviews I do, PrisonPlanet.tv to sign up and watch Martial Law.
Coming up the next hour, before Bill leaves, we'll also plug some of his powerful books and tell you how to get those that I highly recommend.
Or just go to BillSardi.com.
Bill, I want to get more into the scientific evidence of how these flu shots directly correlate to a massive increase in Alzheimer's.
I mean, this is top scientists saying this, but right now, I'm sure these callers will be all over the map, but that's okay.
Let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Up first is Jordan.
Jordan, where are you calling us from?
Welcome, go ahead.
Uh, yeah, I just wanted to say about the Terry Schindler Schiavo case, there are two major things that are really bothering me.
One is that, um, with the law violations that the judge and the husband are doing, I mean, these are 40 plus law violations of Florida statutes, and nobody's talking about them.
Nobody at all.
This whole thing was staged by the government at Terry and her family's expense.
And she's nine, ten days into dehydration.
Bill, from all your years studying health, nine, ten days without water?
They don't allow this in Japan.
They do have issues of not spending a ton of money to keep people alive, but they never withhold water.
This is unbelievable.
You have a thing called the Humane Society for Animals, where we wouldn't put them to death this way.
What in the world are we doing here?
But the news says that not giving somebody water, it makes them feel good.
But then I looked in medical handbooks, and it says it's one of the most painful deaths out there.
Well, it's just a terrible thing.
I've worked in a hospital.
I've worked with, of course, the terminal patients.
This would never be allowed.
I do not understand what's going on there.
That someone would die, that we run out of money to care for them, and lots of other things.
Those are issues we need to discuss.
But there's some bottom line stuff that we're allowing to happen here that never should have happened.
Listen, the ACLU and the rest of them that are piling in against Terry, if they were doing this to some death row inmate, there would be riots.
Well, we certainly wouldn't allow... If you... You'd probably... It's been said, I'm not saying anything new, that, you know, you go down and take a dog and do this, you'd be in jail for torturing a dog on its last days, so... But what about the spin that it feels good?
It feels good to her to have the water taken.
I mean, it's getting crazy.
Well, I'm a little upset that they're trying to blame this thing on her, that she was anorexic, that she caused this little stroke or something.
There were some issues about... She had a bunch of broken and cracked bones.
Beaten half to death.
There's a great question here, and so with all of this, somebody should have been put in charge other than this, and he should have escaped criticism by letting someone else be the executor in this issue.
I agree.
Don't you think the harm, though, is irreparable?
It is, and it looks like we're going to be able to do nothing about it.
We'll be arguing at the graveside here.
We'll be right back with a third hour.
Stay there.
More calls coming up.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
My friends, we're now about 25 seconds into this third hour.
Thank you for joining us.
Coming up, I want to get into this Rolling Stone piece about peak oil.
Which is just a complete fraud.
I've looked at it for the last few years now.
And I've studied it.
I am declaring war on the peak oil crowd.
I'm going to expose them.
I'm going to have all the guests on.
I can see their plan as clear as day.
It's crystal.
So I'm going to spend some time on that also, Terry Shadow Schindler.
We're going to get into some of the police state news.
For the next 20 minutes or so, Bill Sardi
Health Journalist writes for major publications, been researching this stuff for 20 years.
You've got to go to his website, BillSardi.com.
He's been talking about the epidemiologists, the top ones in the world, saying, hey, you take these flu shots, you have a much higher chance of direct correlation to Alzheimer's because of all the horrible things that are in it, and it doesn't even protect you from the flu.
And then now the World Health Organization is out fear-mongering about mega-flus and governments are out there manipulating the strains.
It may have this world population agenda.
We've got to face, this is going on.
Right now, let's go back to calls.
You're on the air with Bill Sardi.
Brett, where are you calling us from?
From Manhattan, Kansas.
The Kansas State University.
Welcome, sir.
You're on the air.
Thank you very much.
Go ahead.
I've admired your work for quite a while now, Alex.
I've got two questions for you.
Lee Hamilton, Vice Chair of the 9-11 Commission, is going to be speaking here at K-State tomorrow.
My first question is in regard to him.
If you had to ask him one question, what would you ask him, Alex?
Well, number one, they first tried to have Henry Kissinger as the head of the 9-11 Commission, so that shows what a fraud it is.
They said at the beginning of the Commission they weren't going to assign guilt.
I would ask him, why didn't you call Larry Silverstein to the stand, the owner of the WTC Centers, to ask why he said on PBS that he blew the buildings up?
I'd also ask him about the 9-1-1 war game drills that made NORAD stand down.
I'd bring up why we're public officials.
I would ask why Mayor Willie Brown and a bunch of other public officials were warned not to fly to New York specifically the day before.
I'd ask him why the Bin Ladens were flown out of the country.
Any comments on that, Bill?
I know it's a different subject.
Well, it is a different subject in a way because we do know from your work that they did drill on the streets of New York a couple years prior to 9-11 as if something like this was going to occur.
It seems like what they practiced
What they have war games for becomes reality.
Those are simulations of what they do.
We're saying the same thing with this viral pandemic that they're predicting.
They've been practicing this.
The CDC has been conducting something called viral war games for a few years.
We are desperately concerned.
This is scary.
What are they doing?
And if you didn't hear it at the top of the hour, they found a human mutated
influenza virus inside a pig in South Korea.
How did it get there?
It had to be inserted by somebody intentionally and could it be the mutated virus that would sweep the globe and kill millions if not billions it could be and we have very little protection.
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Well, take the black plague that's a bacteria.
They told people to survive, and the people that did ate lots of garlic.
It's a poor man's penicillin, but oddly enough, in 9-11, when they had the anthrax outbreak, I was, of all things, on the Howard Stern Show saying, you know, I have the data in my hand showing that fresh garlic kills anthrax.
The next day, NBC News was holding up
Uh, some bottles of garlic and oil of oregano and saying, this stuff does not kill anthrax.
So, you know, they really were quick with their response.
I have the data in my hand.
Let's talk about it.
I want to talk about this new supposed mutated HIV virus too.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I love warning people.
I mean, I've got all these UN and World Health Organization documents and Henry Kissinger declassified documents.
We're talking National Security Archives, Ted Turner, Prince Philip, these big vaccine foundations, where they go and meet and say, we've got to get rid of 80% of the population.
We've got to cull the population.
I have stuff from the 60s.
Where the Australian government was talking about putting stuff in food and then giving it to Asia for free to sterilize them?
They've caught vaccine makers putting hormones in vaccines in Africa and Asia that then sterilize the women?
I mean...
These are the groups, then, that magically are discovering all these engineered things, and it's going to get you, and we've got some shots that will help you.
And then you look at the shots, the inoculations, they don't help you.
In fact, they hurt you.
A lot of evidence shows they're actually spreading the supposed diseases they're fighting, and it's major scientists, major institutions coming out and saying this, and Nobel Prize winners.
But it's never on the nightly news.
We're talking to Bill Sardi, who, a very prominent health journalist, goes on all over radio, TV, print, website BillSardi.com.
Bill, we've been talking about flu.
And how the government's saying, brace for it, it's going to kill millions, we have to take all your rights away!
You know, only global government can save you!
But what about this new mutated strain, supposedly in HIV in New York, that they were fear-mongering with?
There's a lot of evidence that HIV was originally delivered.
As part of some inoculations in New York, we've got the documents where the government developed something very similar, if not identical.
What do you think about this latest thing?
Just more fear-mongering?
Well, we've only seen it in one person.
All of a sudden, it's more fear being created about one case.
Now, I don't know how that got into the news media so big and less... They just seem to be creating an edginess in the population so that we'll line up for any therapy
that they offer.
Let's send you to the internment camp, quarantine camp to keep you from disease.
Anybody who resists, anybody who refuses a shot is threatening the rest of us.
So we'll all be pointing fingers and saying, oh, you don't want your shot?
Oh, well, maybe you should go to that quarantine camp.
We don't want to get it from you.
So you see, and we'll all be turned against each other in a panic situation.
I don't care who we are.
Government is never going to have enough resources to get you medicines or vaccines in a timely way.
You need to have them in your home.
You need to have stuff that does not cause antibiotic resistance like their own drugs are doing.
Eventually we're going to have to all rely on the garlic oregano, what have you, because
These things don't cause antibiotic resistance and the drugs do in regards to bacterial infections.
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And we're trying to tell people, health starts at home, get armed, stop relying on the government.
Well Bill, Bill, I mean, terrorism's perfect because it can never be defeated.
It's this foggy, spooky, smoky thing.
Give up your rights, we'll take care of you.
All the buddies of the government get to go get all the no-bid contracts and literally make trillions of dollars in the aggregate long run.
And then, even better than the threat of the boogeyman al-Qaeda that nobody can catch,
On top of LCIADA, this bio-threat is even better because it can never be defeated and the government can save us!
And we can manipulate the virus, release it, we say by accident or by intention, and then blame it on some terrorist, which it appears is what they're doing right now.
The terrorists don't have any mechanisms or sophistication scientifically to do this.
And even if they did, they'd be wiping out their own homeland, their own land.
Well, here's an example.
Here's an example.
You're right, because it'll hurt the third world worse.
What was it?
Back in 1999, they had the foot and mouth that looked like it was beefed up, weaponized.
But it only killed a few hundred cows and sheep, but they killed four million cows and eight million sheep, quarantined, destroyed everybody's herds, then wouldn't let them restock for environmental reasons.
And then it came out in Sky Television News and the BBC, but I've been interviewed in Britain probably 50 times.
The average Brit isn't even aware of this.
It was in their news that the government, quote, released it from Porton Down Bioweapons Lab.
Again, Bill!
Well, why is Britain on such a high alert, buying millions of dollars of drugs, trying to put up a whole program like it's aimed at them, while the rest of the world
In developed countries, I wouldn't say they're not on guard, but they're practically yawning next to Britain.
What is this whole thing all about?
Well, it takes almost a year to get your dog into England.
They've got a population that will go along with quarantining.
You know, it's just, we are concerned about government manipulation of these things.
They are politicians and otherwise world forces.
We're concerned about the motives of the World Health Organization involved in population control.
At the same time, they're involved in limiting the amount of vitamins we get in our vitamin pills, which would help our immunity, and they're involved, of course, in giving us... It's obvious what they're doing!
Look, look, feudalism and serfdom was the science of the nobility of putting the population on tiny pieces of land at near starvation levels as a mode of control.
And these are the great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren, the same families, the same people, and they want us dumbed down on Ritalin and Prozac, eating garbage food, and being injected by whatever they want to put in us!
Well, there's some stuff going around the internet saying this Codex Alimentarius, if you're not familiar with it, this restrictions on vitamin supplements, has nothing, it doesn't apply to U.S.
My friends, my
I've watched Congress.
It's an international treaty like NAFTA and everything else.
What they're going to do is widely publicize that too much of vitamin A, B, C, D, whatever it is, is bad for you, and you're going to get so scared a vitamin is going to spit them out of your mouth.
And that's the whole power.
You don't need any laws.
You can just scare people.
Oh my gosh, we're going to have these terrible attacks of diarrhea from vitamin C.
And so, you know, with no dead bodies to show for it, what are we protecting the public from?
There's no major side effects from these diabetics.
We're protecting people from self-medicating instead of going to the drug companies.
Well, you've kind of got that one right.
And so, the questions need to be asked by the public.
The public is, you know, regardless
I trust my doctor.
It's un-American.
I would get the shots if my government told me.
There's a certain segment of our population that believes this, and as long as they do, we're going to have a terrible, disjointed country.
Somehow, it's un-American now to express dissent.
Wasn't that what the Constitution was about?
Well, they arrest people who have an anti-Bush sign, and people can have pro-Bush signs right next to them.
And I'm not a Democrat, folks.
They arrest Christians in Pennsylvania for protesting on the street peaceably and trying to put them in prison.
I've got the article here on the Indianapolis Star, where the guy complained at a bank, didn't threaten anybody, and they arrested him as a terrorist.
We have the video news releases, which now are going to become the things about the next flu virus.
Yeah, the fake newscasts.
The fake newscasts, looking like they come from NBC when they come from the White House.
You see, this is propaganda, but the point is... But let's just trust our government.
I mean, they said that people that have road almanacs in their cars may be terrorists.
People wearing wristwatch may be terrorists.
We go along with this because, quote, it's our guy in there.
But wait a minute.
You're setting a precedent.
What happens when it isn't our guy?
When maybe he's a despot of some kind.
You see, we should never allow these things to happen in the first place.
Yeah, well, Bush is a puppet and what's happening is despotic.
You know, as long as we're looking the other way, we think it's okay.
You know, we used to have a check and balance government.
The guy that was supposed to check up on
The executive branch, the president, was the FBI.
Guess who runs the FBI now?
The president.
It was moved from the judicial to the executive.
People don't even catch on.
We don't have checks and balances in our government anymore.
It's all been undone.
We don't have the kind of decision like we used to have.
Well, we've got to do that to fight Alcott.
Well, you're kind of getting... Let's just consolidate all of the... Hey, let's just put a chip in everybody, make all the houses transparent, but leave the border wide open while we do it, and then we'll be safe.
I was going to go to Ron, but he just hung up.
Let's talk to...
Let's talk to James in New Jersey.
James, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Earlier in the program you had a call about Bobby Fischer talking about the New World Order.
Yeah, Fox News saying the New World Order, yeah.
Yeah, what had happened was he has been making anti-American statements for years and the reporters asked... Well, how is it anti-American to say America is a police state?
So it's anti-American to say crooks run our government?
Well, okay, that's part of it, but anyway... Well, let's say if I was an Iraqi and I said Saddam Hussein was bad.
That wouldn't mean I was anti-Iraq.
Yeah, well, I don't... Wait a minute.
I don't say they're anti-American.
No, I understand.
I mean, that's what the news is saying.
Okay, I used the language imprecisely.
Well, that's okay, but go ahead.
The reporters asked him
If he would be quiet, keep his mouth shut, now that Iceland had voted to give him refuge.
And he said, I grew up with the concept of freedom of speech.
I can't adjust to the new order, the new world order, and any laugh.
The funny thing about Fisher's case, because you just mentioned the United Nations, he didn't actually violate any United States laws.
He violated the Security Council Resolution by playing a chess game.
Folks, there's your global government!
Look, let me stop you.
They're arresting American citizens in America for books they write that violate German law.
This is global government.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
I just want to hold our guest one more segment because I want to get to everybody else that's holding for him.
But you can finish up what you want to say here in a second, James.
Any comments on that?
I guess that proves your point about this Codex Alimentarius.
Listen, this proves it all right down the line because we're being told, just don't worry.
Government is in charge.
The United Nations and the World Health Organization are going to set restrictions on these dietary supplements.
But you know Bin Laden plays chess.
But they don't apply to us.
What do you mean they don't apply to us?
It's going to be all over the newspapers.
We're going to be so frightened of vitamins, we're never going to take another one again.
But Bobby Fischer plays chess and Al Qaeda plays chess.
We're good.
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Now, some of the things Bobby Fisher has said, I don't agree with, but he has a right to say them.
Oh no, we're going to send the IRS Empress Bank Accounts, and we're going to arrest him, and he's a terrorist,
I mean, folks, it'll be you tomorrow.
And that's what they're doing.
We're talking to Bill Sardi, BillSardi.com, a health journalist, and we're really telling it like it is, backing it up with the data.
We've got so many phone calls here, we'll never have time to get to all of them with our guests, but let's talk to Randy in Florida, then Regina and others.
Randy, go ahead.
This is what Americans get for clinging to the, so desperately and fervently, to the corrupt to the core two-party system.
You know, and Terry and her family are paying an awful price for this.
Yeah, I read today she's got blood pouring out of her eyes and she's cracking.
Oh, but no, but Michael's attorney says she's just peaceful and calm and serene.
Why does she need morphine if she's not in any pain?
You know, people need to contact
Listen, I heard USA Radio Network Friday say, we don't want to give her water because that might hurt her.
Since she's been this dehydrated, giving her water might make her uncomfortable.
We're doing the kind thing.
That's how sick and twisted these medical people have gotten.
And they don't give the Hippocratic Oath anymore, do they Bill?
Well, you notice how the state's in control of your life now.
If somebody wanted
To come in with five million bucks and say they'll take care of it.
I'm sorry, the state is not going to allow it.
That's the issue here.
Is the state going to decide when you and your loved ones, how long they're going to live?
And so I know they're paying the bill.
Because we gave all the authority to them and gave them all our money.
But the question is on the table here for discussion in public ground.
Are we going to let the state decide how long we're going to live?
And so, you know, these issues, and the bleeding and everything, this is an overt sign of scurvy.
They haven't given her any vitamin C, let alone the water.
So, this is terrible.
No, you're right.
The collagen breaks down.
Well, this is exactly what happens to sailors in the past when they had the scurvy.
And by the way, we have overt signs of scurvy every day.
We never realize it.
Easy skin bruising and aneurysms and all kinds of things we do and we don't tell the public.
Yeah, I mean, the tissue is made up.
Vitamin C creates, it's what creates the strength in the tissue.
And you're right, I've talked to, you know, heart doctors here on the show and they say that the arteries just get weak because there's not enough vitamin C. Well, we've got 500,000 heart attacks that are the sudden death variety, drop dead heart attacks.
Having a low cholesterol number won't fix them.
Most of those are low to normal cholesterol.
They don't tell women to have beautiful skin to take mega vitamin C, folks.
That's what makes up your collagen.
If you'll get enough vitamin C, you'll prevent that kind of heart attack.
We're trying to get that message to people.
You can get the free reports on this.
We're not selling anything, we're just trying to give it away.
I think people need to wake up and say, look, I'll get this information, I'll read it over briefly.
And then I'll hand it to one other person.
Listen, I've been studying all this and having experts on.
I've been clicking on a lot of things you've said, a lot of your little advisements.
It's all spot on, folks.
Most people want it verbal.
A few people want to check their references.
Fine, you can connect to the books and order them.
If we pander books, people think that's our motive.
Our motive is to get good information to people.
Hey, nothing wrong though with people putting out good info and making money.
Nothing wrong.
We've got to create our own economy.
Let's talk to Regina in Pennsylvania.
Regina, go ahead.
Yes, in regards to this, this I understand will be sold as a trade avenue for being able to get countries to trade between one another in compliance to certain rules.
So I give no alliance or credence to any congressman that would tie into this and to say that
I think so.
Tax dollars every year, so that's really what's driving all of this.
Terry Schiavo promoted Julian Husky, promoted eugenics, the science of creating better people through genetic manipulation.
Well, it's simple.
They don't want to pay for all these old people, so the government's setting the precedent to get rid of them.
That's why they love giving them these flu shots.
That gets rid of them, too.
Well, go to my website.
You'll see we actually have technologies to help people live far longer than
They can now, and they really, there's no impetus behind them.
The government says they do not want to push the human lifespan beyond... It's real simple!
Good vitamins, good minerals, clean water.
What an original idea!
Alex, can I just... They don't want to push the human lifespan, as they say it, beyond what God intended.
Wait a minute, wait a minute!
Noah lived 950 years.
Come on now, don't put God in your... Hey, Regina, stay there.
I'll talk to you after the break.
Listen, Bill Sardi, I want to thank you for coming on.
It was riveting, and God bless you, my friend.
Thank you, now.
Vaya con Dios.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.TV.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I wanted to do this today
I'm going to do an abbreviated form of it, but sometime this week I'm going to spend about two hours, I may not even take calls, on peak oil and what's behind it.
Perhaps create a transcript of the verbal analysis I engage in and put it out on the web.
I'm going to start having more guests on pro and con.
You can see what the peak oil movement is doing from a mile away.
It is a total fraud.
And it's the same old agenda, repackaged again!
Feudalism, total control.
So, I'll talk about that here in a few minutes.
There's some other news I wanted to cover.
Let's let Regina in Pennsylvania finish up what she was saying.
Regina, go ahead.
Yes, I wanted to mention, if you'd allow me Alex, because this is very important, this Codex, it is going down and there basically is a real threat here and it's not
Anything but total control, like you said, and I'm not going to be, you know, I don't care that this man maybe thought Bush about the next leader, but this leader is a problem right now, Mr. Bush, because he's tying us all into this.
And Terry Schiavo's example is
That's the basic of what Mr. Bush allows to happen in this country.
Okay, go ahead and make your point.
Okay, there's going to be a conference in Pittsburgh, if I could mention this, because we've got people that are listening.
Yes, you can mention it.
Okay, go ahead.
Saturday, April 23rd, 2005, 830 AM to 5 PM.
You can call for tickets at 412-221-5562.
Dr. Dennis Courtney, who has a local health talk show, has gotten a hold and wind that Codex Alimentarius may affect drastically our ability to get our supplements and get them freely.
He is trying to get an opening up to this and call our congressmen and senators into this.
As far as I'm concerned, if they ignore this, they can do nothing.
They basically need to lose funding from all of us.
Yeah, it's all part of the global government.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
I'll go to your calls, but here in a few minutes.
I need to talk about this.
It's so complex, but at the same time so simple in many respects.
Last night, I got up late thinking about peak oil.
And reading this disgusting Rolling Stone article written by James Kunstler, and this individual, just every line, every paragraph is mixed with truths, half-truths, untruths, just classical propaganda.
So I guess before I talk about peak oil, it's better to just restate the real political paradigm in the world today.
It is not left-wing or right-wing.
They confuse us by giving us these false terms and we debate those false choices all day long and never arrive at any true solutions.
A hundred years ago we didn't discuss things in terms of
uh... right-wing or sinister or left-wing all we discussed was freedom versus slavery liberty versus tyranny it didn't matter what form of government was a plutocracy uh... or if it was a monarchy or a dictatorship or an imperial system
People understood, under this system, do we have freedom or do we have tyranny?
Today, the general public can't even have these discussions because the dominant media and the culture for the last hundred years has been salted and seeded
With this whole left-right debate, and so we debate the window dressing of the left and the right, never the real issues, and we never show that the same corporate interests that are not free market, but operate as a global crime syndicate, are controlling the government to then socialize our wealth through taxation, and pay our wealth into their coffers through the government mechanisms.
So it is a tool of consolidation of neo-feudalism, that is neo-feudalism here on the worldwide surf plantation or reservation.
It's all about consolidation of wealth.
It's all about control.
It's about getting everybody either into welfare, or into debt, or into the criminal justice system, or into the psychiatric system, or into the military, where your rights are waived, or your rights are relinquished predominantly.
It's all about... It's what the mob always wanted.
Your classical, you know, New York City, Chicago,
Cleveland mob, you know, take a loan from me.
Let me get into your life.
Let me in.
You know, the vampire in fables tricks you.
Oh, mind if I come in?
You know, and then once he's got that authorization, that's a little rule he's got to follow.
They are a society of parasites.
They are an institution of parasites.
That have become cancerous and are now truly damaging the host, but because of the very nature of the parasites and the overbreeding of the parasitical system, they don't know how to stop.
You're saying, what does this have to do with peak oil?
It's simple.
There are real environmental crises.
The genetic engineering is the worst.
They're changing the true fabric of the biosphere.
They're doing things that do threaten life on this planet, that do threaten the delicate balance of life.
Life that will go on, but getting out of balance could cause us major problems.
The dumping in the ocean of any chemical that governments or corporations want to, unabated is a major problem.
The sodium fluoride and other toxic
Uh, metals and compounds that's being put in our drinking water.
That's a major environmental crisis.
The point is, all the real environmental crises are being ignored.
Meanwhile, you have the modern environmental movement started about a hundred years ago by the Rockefeller Foundation.
The Rockefeller Brothers Foundation and they wrote handbooks which has come out in the Carnegie Foundation documents of how to use environmental movements to get control of private property and then to give that property to the state or private corporations.
Again, it's about feudalism.
It's about control of resources to control the population, because if we don't control the resources, new middle classes are going to form that will then grow into new elites that will threaten the power monopoly of the dominant elite.
Again, we go back to feudalism and serfdom.
90 plus percent of the land was owned by the nobles, owned by the king.
You weren't allowed to use them.
Handbooks were written on how to keep your serfs at subsistence level, barely being able to feed themselves, because if you can do that, they'll be easily controlled.
They don't want new markets or new ideas or renaissance to occur.
And so they've created all these excuses or pretexts to reconsolidate.
Communism was created by the globalists.
We have the environmental movement that was hijacked from naturalists and conservationists and wildlife lovers and turned into a tool of the state and the corporations that control it.
And always when you read a U.N.
handbook, or you listen to one of these top strategists at a university setting giving a lecture, or you tune into NPR, and you hear them say, America's had it good too long, we're going to lose our standard of living, and it's good, and they pose it in prose of
Oh, it's to be fair to the third world, it's to help the third world.
Where in truth, globalization that they promised us milk and honey with, has truly destroyed our economic and industrial base, and even to a great extent our service base, and so debt is expanding, opportunities are shrinking, and so now into the next phase of that, they're saying, okay, things are going to get worse for you,
But this is what you deserve because you lived out of your means.
When in truth, it is a consolidation of that wealth.
Four percent of the population of America had half the wealth of the planet.
Now, that wealth is being radically transferred to the elite corporations that again, aren't concerned about quote, making money or free market.
They're concerned about establishing and consolidating power at a governmental level.
They're bigger than government.
And so your freedom, your wealth, your free market threatens them.
And now because we're so far along in this consolidation, and you're feeling the pinch, you're feeling the brunt of this, they say, oh, this is all about to get a lot worse, not because of global government and modern neo-mercantilism for the modern feudal state,
No, it's because we've run out of resources.
We've run out of water.
Fresh water, they're saying, which is ridiculous.
We're running out of fossil fuels.
We're running out... Oh, we don't have new, clean-burning renewable energy sources, which is a fraud.
So this is what... If you look at where all of the people pushing
All of the big, you know, main proponents, main supporters of the peak oil conspiracy theory, if you look at where they're getting their funding, it's through big environmental groups, it's through international finance cartels, if you look at the chain of funding, it's coming from these very institutions.
Because now they want to create artificial scarcity and tell you there's no water.
Tell you there's no oil.
Tell you that there's no more land.
So that you will accept restrictions on a little bit of private property and private capital and private energy that's out there.
The truth is we're awash in oil.
They find giant fields on a monthly basis.
The truth is they've come out decades ago with all these advanced forms of renewable energy and we could switch over.
But the truth is we're not going to be switching over.
If they have their way, they are going to restrict the fossil fuels, keep us on a fossil fuel system,
And create a worldwide crisis where everything is fed through their institutions, through their corporations for an even greater consolidation of the wealth.
They're going to put us into the compact cities.
They're saying they're going to do this.
They're going to restrict our access to the rural areas over half the country.
You will not be allowed to go there.
They are going to bring in a total, futile state
And they're going to sell it to you, and sell it to you on the idea that all of this is being done because we're out of resources.
But mind you, not let us shift over to the new technologies.
Even if there weren't resources of the last wave type, fossil fuels, which there are by the way, even if it was true though that we had peak oil problems, running out of oil,
Even if it was true that in two years we're going to hit peak production, and then it goes down from there, even if that was true, they have technologies all over the place.
We have technologies everywhere that we could cleanly and easily shift over to in the next 15 years.
But that's not going to happen.
This elite is going to create an artificial crisis with the resources that they control,
And then through your mad dash to get those resources that the entire technological civilization has been built on, you'll have to have them, and they will consolidate many powers greater, many levels exponentially greater than we're seeing right now.
When you look at it, it's a beautiful plan.
You know, we talk about De Beers.
Owned by the Oppenheimers.
Diamonds are hardly... They're almost not even in the semi-precious area of gems.
We've had top diamond experts on.
They admit giant warehouses in England and France.
I mean, warehouses full of giant crates of diamonds.
Diamonds lay all over the ground, all over Africa.
And they brag about it.
I saw a New Yorker magazine article years ago where they brag, oh yeah, you know, diamonds aren't even really semi-precious.
But there's a worldwide monopoly on them, so you'll pay $8,000 for a carat and a half diamond for your wife, because she's just got to have it!
Okay, take that little paradigm, that window into creating false scarcity, and magnify it hundreds of thousands of times to energy!
Something that isn't a rite of passage symbol that you've got to have for anniversaries and weddings and engagements.
No, we're talking about something now that they've built the roads, they've built the systems, they've designed the cities, they've designed the suburbs, they've designed the factories, they've designed the entire
We're good to go.
Integrated with the phony modern environmental movement to create a new dark age.
And you read what these top think tank phony environmentalists are saying.
Oh yes, we're going to have to have world government because of this crisis.
And we're going to have to restrict what people can have and do and say and how many resources we can use because of this.
And oh, it's sad, but we're going to have to reduce.
We're going to have to have a humane way to get rid of 80% of the people.
And this is not being pushed.
All over the place!
Across the board!
And we're just sitting here buying into it!
Believing it!
It is a fraud!
And, folks...
For people that don't live in Texas, that don't have family in the oil business, for people that work at refineries to roughnecks, to folks that are geologists, it is a joke.
It is rolling in the aisles, ridiculous, when you talk to an oil expert about this.
It is so ridiculous.
But the IMF and World Bank, we got their documents almost four years ago, where they bragged about creating artificial scarcity in Latin America with water.
They'll come in, the IMF will get control of the water supply, turn it off.
And they say by turning it off for a week, the people will then accept the quadrupling in prices the week after.
But if we just quadruple the prices, they'll throw a fit.
But if we turn it off and say there's no water, then a week later they'll accept quadrupling overnight.
I mean, they have manuals on this, they have inter-departmental memos on it, their own chief economist quits and tells you this, but still,
Still, people ask me, is peak oil real?
No, it's not real!
But even if it was, notice the peak oil people tell you, oh, there's no way to fix this.
It's all over.
There's no way with the fuel cells.
There's no way with the solar.
They got solar systems for your car that you paint onto it.
You know, they're like five to ten times better than anything that they had a year ago.
I mean, it's a fraud!
Cars that go 150 miles an hour!
They're not going to let you have that!
This is a way to bring in neo-feudalism.
To get total control of you.
To totally micromanage you.
The globalists have said it.
Having giant middle classes threatens the elite's power monopoly, and they're not going to allow it to happen.
They're going to have their little minions at Rolling Stone, the pro-New World Order publication, come out and sell you this lie.
Well, we're gonna expose it!
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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I got a load of phone lines and I'll try to jam a few in if I have time.
I don't know if I will.
I really just want to talk about Terry Shibo Schindler here at the end.
In fact, I apologize.
I just don't have time to take calls during this last five minutes.
Call me back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Wanda and Mike and Tim and Brad and everybody else, I apologize.
I just don't have time.
Poor Terri.
They basically have already killed her.
Nine coming up on ten days.
No food or water.
She's bleeding.
Got her on morphine because it's so painful.
One of the most painful deaths out there.
But, you know, we got a news media that tells us that mercury is nutritious.
We've played that clip before where they say on the local news, mercury, the doctors now say, is actually nutritious for children.
So, be sure and give it to them in their shots.
I mean, up is down, down is up.
They said giving her water might hurt her last Friday on the news.
I actually heard it on USA Radio Network.
Giving her water might be bad for her.
Might hurt her, so we're not going to give her water.
They actually said that.
I mean, see, it's just getting so out of control.
And in the next few days, Terry, mercifully, will die and hopefully go to her creator.
And now if people bust in there to quote, save her, it's...
It's not going to save her.
She's pretty far gone, folks, when they start bleeding.
And as everybody said, you can't kill a dog this way, but they've already basically killed her this way.
They administered the last rites.
There's been an 8.2 earthquake in the same spot they had one on December 26th.
Continue to watch that.
Is this a precursor to an even bigger one?
We'll watch this in the next few days and weeks as it develops.
On the peak oil situation, I've studied this.
You know, I wouldn't tell you what I thought about it the last year.
I said I was leaning towards it being a fraud.
And now I've looked at all the documents and gone over it.
It fits the classic M.O.
It's another way to control society.
See, they've reached the point in global government now where it isn't about free market, it isn't about buying, selling, and trading.
The globalists have gotten such dominant
control now over institutions and governments and corporations that now it's a mopping up procedure.
They've got us all in debt more than we'll ever get out of.
They've, you know, just at record levels.
They've got the police militarized.
They've got the borders open.
They've got the sovereignty disappearing.
They've got Americans being arrested in droves for violating foreign laws in this country.
It's all here!
And now they just gotta start taking the base resources away
forcing us into government uh... government help that's uh... the final uh... final march of incrementalism so many quote patriots we could trust from over the years are now telling us peak oil's real it's all over we're all dead only global government can save us so I'll be talking more about this in the days and weeks to come in the last minute and a half of this broadcast for this Monday
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All our affiliates, to our sponsors, you the great listeners, I love you to death, the great folks running the broadcast, to everybody, thank you!
And God bless you all, and God bless Terry Shivo Schindler.