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Name: 20040503_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 3, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, it's a new month!
May 3rd, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be here for the next three hours.
Ultramassive broadcast lined up for you.
Mondays are always important and big because there's so much news.
Several days of news and developments.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson with his Monday check-in coming up in the second hour.
We're going to have wide open phones as well.
A lot of big guests coming on this week.
You do not want to miss this week.
Okay, you know, I've talked a lot about how the torture has been in the news for years.
Not just in Iraq, because we've just been there 14 months, but in other countries.
Our government has been the premier torture masters in modern history.
That is, right behind the Soviet Union and, of course, before that, Adolf Hitler.
Openly with huge schools, teaching the troops how to torture people's children in front of them, you name it.
That's what's been going on right out in plain view.
And we talked about all the investigations that have been done, all the documented cases of torture that I can't even talk about on air.
It is so obscene and sexual in many cases in its nature.
Of course you haven't seen all the photos either on our television.
Some of these photos we won't even post on our website of what they did to the women, what the women did to the men, the things.
And they've been told to do this.
This is the policy and now that's come out.
An uncle took letters that one of his, that his nephew had sent him from the prison and then they've been posted in the Associated Press.
We already knew about all this.
It's new though to
You know, Sally Soccer Mom and Johnny Six Pack.
30 more torture scandals probed.
It's out of the mail on Sunday.
Ministry of Defense dossier includes black watch double murder claims.
And it says 30 cases of torture and murder by British and American troops against Iraqi POWs are being investigated by Defense Chiefs.
Now on PrisonPlanet.tv
You can go download it.
It's there right now.
In fact, Stephanie, I forgot to tell you before the show, you go up to PrisonPlanet.tv, top right-hand corner.
It's about a minute and a half clip.
I played it here locally on a local show today.
It's a PBS clip where they catch some guys with some firewood they think they may have stolen.
So in gang member fashion, and they sound just like gang members, they machine gun the vehicle and then run over it with a tank.
You can just hear it here, but you can watch the video on the website.
That's torture right there.
That's destroying somebody's livelihood.
He was a taxi driver.
Steal a couple sticks of wood.
They think, and they do this, but it's to stop all the looting.
You know, we've got to do it.
Israel has taught our military how to do this.
How to bulldoze date groves and tangerine groves and destroy these hundred-year-old trees that these people are living off of.
Those articles where the women just sit down and say, well, I'm going to wait here and starve with my children.
I mean, it's not shooting at the troops that they then bulldoze everything.
I mean, they do that too.
It's anything.
They arrest men who are caught selling food on the street without license, put bags over their heads and take them to the camp.
And then, sicko jail guards and sadistic control freaks get to do things I won't even mention here on the show.
And at Camp X-Ray, it gets downright satanic.
I mean, that's the only way you can describe what the London Guardian and Associated Press reported on last year.
We need to repost that.
In fact, a 12-page article has been written for PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com that is nothing but a compilation of mainstream quotes and admissions.
But, again, we can't talk about this stuff on air.
And I won't post some of these photos on air.
I mean, these are the equivalent of snuff films, you know, the people beaten to death in the jail, people being, I just, it's unbelievable.
But that's the new America, and remember, all the big dramas are telling you torture's good on TV, conditioning the public to accept this.
So we'll get into that, a bunch of Iraq news, a bunch of UN news, just totally jam-packed transmission.
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As I was saying, on PrisonPlanet.TV,
And listen carefully folks, you can find it.
On PrisonPlanet.TV, on the left, excuse me, on the right hand side of the page, on the sidebar, we put little images of different things up with text.
And it's the top image, it's a blue image up there.
and uh... it more of the liberation and it's a tank running over an iraqi's car a taxi driver because they found some sticks of wood in the back of his vehicle and he might have stolen them so uh... the little person begs and they say nope gotta teach you american style and they then machine gun the car and then run over it with a tank
And to watch the video of this is just infuriating.
You know, this weekend, we have the same mentality going on here.
I don't watch much television.
But I go to the gym, and I get on a treadmill, or I get on an exercise bike for 45 minutes or so.
And I had a chance, I guess it was Saturday, to listen to Cops.
That is, they got TVs in there, but that's all it's got MTV on.
My Walkman has, you know, the TV function where I can listen to TV.
And so, now when I'm out jogging or, you know, whatever, working in the yard, I'll listen to television.
That way I don't have to look at the government criminals and the psychopaths and the killers, smiling at me, talking about how they're our saviors.
That's the part I really have trouble with, is looking at the criminals.
But I can just listen to them.
And I almost started crying.
I mean, I was all... I was... They're on the exercise bike just... By the end of it,
Wishing that I had a notepad to write notes, just the... I was having these epiphanies of how they set up the society, how they manipulate.
I mean, what the show Cops does, you look at Fox Television, every male role model is bad, is stupid, the women run the house, the children are all bad on their cop shows, the Bill of Rights is bad, arresting people's good, torturing is good,
You know, everybody cheats on everybody.
They've got these shows where the women all go like whores and try to be picked by the one man, or Temptation Island where you try to get somebody to cheat on their wife.
I mean, this is evil stuff, folks.
But then, on the other side, it's the conservative channel telling you how good and conservative and Christian George W. is.
And of course, all the networks do the same stuff, but different flavors, different spin.
But the show Cops is really a giant training aid for police to teach them how to behave, teach them how to talk to the media.
It's a giant PR system where the police watch that and learn what to say, learn how to respond.
And watching Cops over the years, listening to it,
I've noticed the police all have the same responses, say the same thing.
Oh, I'm doing this for their own good.
I'm, you know, these people are all basically criminals.
And every individual you see on the show is generally guilty of something.
And so that reinforces the psychological view by everybody that we're all criminals.
Are you starting to understand that?
Just basic psychology.
But they pull over this family, and there's this Hispanic lady and her husband.
You know, they say their names on the show.
And he walks up and says, get out of the car.
One of your tail lights doesn't work.
I smell pot.
Do you have pot?
And he reaches in and finds some marijuana.
And he says, look lady, you're going to have your baby in jail.
If somebody didn't tell me whose pot this is, I'm taking you all down.
And here's this pregnant woman crying and begging.
And her husband finally says, yes, yes, it's my pot.
But here's this cop.
He didn't say anything about you're under arrest.
He didn't say, here's your rights, Miranda.
He didn't say anything.
You can say, well, he's doing what he has to do to stop the pot.
My friends, they've got 10 million adults and millions of children on brain-altering drugs that alter your brain chemistry permanently and literally destroy your uptake receptors.
Literally re-engineer the mind.
They give children as young as 18 months methamphetamine pharmacological grade.
Six million children are on it.
And that's each year.
More and more go on and off.
So it's tens of millions total.
They have all this horrible stuff.
They admit Prozac's causing massive birth defects, massive brain damage, miscarriages.
Ritalin causes heart palpitations, all this... Look, the drug dealers, the people that ship the drugs in, are the ones that made drugs illegal.
It's historical.
In the 20s and 30s, the big families that owned the import rights on lottum, or opium, and cocaine, had all this new competition shipping the drugs in.
They were losing their market value, so they made drugs illegal!
They made drugs illegal!
That is the classical opiates and narcotics.
And then they were able to jack up the prices, corrupt the police, build all the prisons, and start this industry.
So they're pushing and selling stuff WORSE than cocaine and heroin.
WORSE than cocaine and heroin.
Sure, speed than what you get on the street when it's the Ritalin and other drugs.
And they're marketing it to everybody, and it's the same families that own Big Pharma that were shipping in the illegal drugs to begin with.
Skull and Bones was founded with opium money.
That's admitted, Encyclopedia Botranica.
So, this is a scam, and I'm listening to a woman crying and begging, and he's threatening her, threatening to take her child when it's born, torturing the living daylights out of this woman.
And then he talks about what a good job he's doing getting some pot that George Washington smoked.
Now look, I don't like marijuana.
The only thing I like is a cup of coffee in the morning.
I don't use drugs.
I take maybe a Tylenol once a month if I've got a headache.
But it should be totally decriminalized now.
You make it dirty.
You make it dangerous.
You make it bad.
You put the money into it by making it illegal.
It jacks up the price.
Same thing with prohibition on alcohol.
Triple the alcoholism.
Blood poisoning, all the checkpoints, the prisons, the corruption of the police, energizing organized crime.
They know what they're doing.
The war on drugs has been an incredible success.
You know, what do you mean it's been an incredible success?
Well, there's more drugs, triple the heroin, double the cocaine, more people in prison than ever.
The banks are laundering more and more of the money.
Tom Grasso, the head of the New York Stock Exchange in 1999, I have the Reuters photo and article, went and openly, they're allowed to by federal law, met with the head of the Flark guerrillas in Columbia and said, put your money through our banks or we're going to have the government invade you.
And the Flark said no, so the invasion began.
Our government doesn't spray the other two-thirds of Columbia where the conservative, right-wing government's running things with the same police and black scheme mask, the same behavior.
There's no difference.
This is open!
And, you know, just all these excuses, chasing down vehicles, running, you know, running them off the road, grabbing people, taking them to jail for drugs.
It is a medical problem.
It is a medical problem.
And by making it illegal, it caught, look, if junkies could get their smack, and Europe's done this, drug use goes way down, you wouldn't have 90% of the robberies.
Did you know the Justice Department admits 90% of robberies are
Drug related?
Because a gram of something is $100!
When you could buy it at a store shelf 75 years ago, actually 78 years ago, and about 1% of the population was addicted to cocaine.
Now guess what percentage of the population has used cocaine?
How many end up becoming addicts?
Around 8%.
It makes it worse and they know it!
Your war on drugs is a fabulous success!
Giant private prisons everywhere, breaking up families, doing all of this, excuses us in your SWAT teams in the people's houses.
I want to get into the torture and all the news.
It's just that, I mean, I had all these mental notes at the time.
It was just so many things they were doing and how they were crafting and how after every scene the cops would go, we're doing this for our own good.
They're bad.
They could have hurt somebody.
Blah, blah, blah.
Just, you know, how good you are.
What a good job you're doing.
You're errand boys for the drug dealers, police.
They bring in the drugs, they create the crisis.
Your job is to keep the price up and to pack the private presents.
And it's disgusting!
Telling that woman, crying baby, you're going to jail!
You're going to have your baby in jail!
They're going to take your baby!
No reading her rights, no arresting her, no nothing, just bullying her!
Don't answer any of their questions!
And let me tell you something, get off the narcotics, stop using the government's smack, and their coke, and the rest of it!
Get off of it!
It's not cool, young people!
That's another thing, MTV acts like it's cool, and Hollywood, and then rock stars, you know, play it all up, when all it is, is drugs they're shipping in.
To set you up, and to get you into their system.
Just come on, people!
And it gets cops killed, it gets citizens killed, it ruins families, and the media acts like the drugs are so cruel on one hand and that drugs are bad on the other, and our children get that message and they go out and use it.
And then instead of being medically rehabilitated and being treated for the illness they have, the addictive illness, it actually causes brain chemistry shift?
We throw you in a prison where you get gang raped and where you learn how to be a criminal.
And now you've got a record.
Now you can't get a good job.
Now you go back to a life of crime.
When you leave the prison, you've got a master's degree in thievery and everything else.
And that's just great!
The government loves it, because now the middle class will call for more cops and more oppression that is now being used against them.
Statistically, people in government are more criminal than those out of government.
Smart criminals know how to get into positions of power.
History shows this.
So there's a higher level of drug dealers, drug users, money launderers, you name it, in government.
But then government, via the crisis they foster and promote, comes to us and says, give up your rights, we're going to keep you safe.
Come on people, you're not stupid.
30 more torture scandals probed, get into that.
Fresh memories of war.
We went back and got the, uh, Hithaca Journal article where the troops were bragging about murdering children on orders.
And the Pentagon didn't even deny this.
They said, well, yes, they were ordered to kill entire villages sometimes.
They, you know, they corrected things.
They were ordered to kill entire villages, yes.
But, you know, that's only under orders.
Women, children, all of them.
So we'll leave that, you know.
spies urged abuse of prisoners.
Associate Perez.
And much, much more.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Remember the guy up in Alabama?
That's right, we're so far south down here in Texas, Alabama's north.
Remember what happened in Alabama?
He puts the sign in his yard saying our court system's a joke.
Guy with no criminal record.
And the sheriff gets ordered by the judge to come arrest him and take his sign.
And the judge told the paper, you know, we can't allow this type of disrespect to the government.
That's illegal.
But now, of course, the judge and everybody's in trouble and they're going to get sued.
Remember Kelly Rushing, one of our listeners?
This was in the newspaper.
He gave a state police officer a Ron Paul video, one of my videos.
Give him a C-SPAN video, folks.
Come on.
And, uh, they arrested him and said that it was threatening to the government.
Well, they tried to convict him.
The jury found him not guilty.
And then, Kelly said, well, I told the officer Sawyer about all the trouble.
I said, Kelly, you shouldn't do that.
You're going to get harassed.
Oh, no.
I just want to be friendly.
He just called up during the last break.
And, uh, and, of course, I was right.
They do not respect you being nice to them.
It is primitive psychology.
When you take his house in a lawsuit, when he loses his job, I'm trying to put you in prison, bud.
I'm trying to take your freedom away.
When that happens, when you take his jet ski and bash boat, then the others will take notice.
Do you understand?
I just don't want to be mean.
I tried to get in a video with a congressman.
I wanted to sit for the country.
They arrested me.
I said I was sorry about all the trouble and they just laughed at me.
I'm real sorry.
I want to be nice.
I mean, come on!
These nice people?
Don't put up with it.
Let me tell you, you arrest me for a videotape, I'm going to sue you and sue you and sue you and I've got lawyers that will win.
I've got lawyers that want to own you.
And I will own you!
Because you're not going to try to put me in prison for giving somebody... You know, you try to put us in jail!
We're human beings!
How would you like somebody taking you to jail for your political views?
You wouldn't like it one bit, would ya?
And you'd want my house, wouldn't ya?
Well, you don't have to worry about me.
I don't want to put you in jail for what you say!
It's your First Amendment right, police!
You can say you hate my guts, and I'll fight for your right to say it!
Bunch of psychopaths!
And poor Kelly is now getting some interesting harassment.
He'll be on with us in the third hour.
I can't handle it anymore.
I mean, look at these photos of our troops beating these people to death in that prison.
And stuff I can't even mention on air, what they do to these women.
I just can't even.
It's good when we do it, it's bad when Saddam does it.
I mean, we're so sick.
By the way, our government trained Saddam how to torture people.
Did you know that?
And they're not supposed to discuss it!
I'm tired of little guy being harassed.
I'm tired of pregnant women being harassed, you know, on shows like Cops.
We're gonna take your baby if you don't tell us where you got that marijuana cigarette.
Is that yours or your husband's?
Not supposed to do that on the side of the road, you terrorist!
So, and it was just piece after piece listening to that cop show.
I mean, it's just total brainwashing.
These court shows where there's no jury and the judge shouts at you.
I mean, that's to program you.
I've seen the Justice Department documents.
That's to program you onto the new tribunal system.
We're losing everything.
We're under psychological attack by eggheads with 170 IQs.
And it's time to get wise and stop denying what's going on.
We all told Kelly to sue him.
He's got a major lawsuit.
He won in court.
He was found not guilty.
They're in trouble.
That's why they wanted to convict him, because they would have gotten
If they lose the case, it's easy to sue them, and now they've lost.
I told Kel Hassett they're going to harass you.
No, I don't think they will.
I told them sorry about all the trouble.
It tells them they're sorry?
I'm sorry you tried to basically kidnap me and put me in jail for a year.
I'm sorry you falsely charged me.
I'm sorry that you tried to ruin my life.
Man, I'm real sorry to you.
I... I... We're just too nice, people.
I'm the nicest person you'll know if you're nice to me!
You think you're God Almighty?
You think I'm your slave?
Man, you've got another thing coming!
I'm not your property!
I never will be!
I don't care what you do!
I'm a free human being and I'll die fighting for liberty!
You can put me up there in the guillotine and, you know, chop my head off.
I don't care.
I'm not going to change one scintilla of what I believe, or what I do, or what I say, because I know I'm right, up one side and down the other.
It's that simple.
Okay, we've got to break here.
I still haven't even really gotten to the news.
I'm kind of off on a rant.
We'll go to Daryl and Mike and Hugh and others.
Five or six calls real fast out of the break, but I'm going to air this clip where they run over the guy's car because they think he might have taken some firewood.
A couple pieces of kindling.
And then we'll get into just the news.
I don't even want to.
It's all so horrible.
We've got to expose these criminals.
Got to let people know who they really are.
Our very lives and our liberty and our children's future depends on it.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up in the next hour, we have a total news blitz with Paul Joseph Watson joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
We're about to go to your phones, and I'm going to detail a giant mass of news that I've already covered a little bit of here after we take some calls.
But before I do that,
I do want to air this clip from a PBS documentary, and this is just one of many, where they machine gun vehicles and run over them with tanks if they think a piece of firewood's been taken.
But before we do that, PrisonPlanet.TV.
There's like an hour and twenty minute special report that I did over the weekend, and I spent probably eight hours on this.
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Okay, before we go to Daryl, or Daniel, excuse me, Mike, you, Kevin, Muhammad, and others that are patiently holding, I'm going to blitz through your calls.
Earlier, I got into the fact that it's been admitted that masses
Of Iraqis, Afghans, you name it, have been brutally tortured at the hands of the multinational UN receivership group that has parasitically taken control of the country over the last 13 years.
And America is meant to get all the blame for this, it's all good cop, bad cop, all the UN poses as the savior.
Now, understand that these reports have been out and confirmed over the last 14 months since the liberation took place, and even before then, by coalition troops in the South and the North.
And this was out of the Ithaca Journal last year, and we have a direct link to the IthacaJournal.com to this story.
Fresh memories of war.
Soldiers prepare for their second mission at the Bagram military base east of Afghanistan.
And it says a Army Private, Matt Gruckheimer, who recently returned home to Tompkins County after two missions in eastern Afghanistan, processed these memories and readjusted to American life has just begun.
Gruckheimer, who helped clear the L-shaped valley near the border of Pakistan, whose twists and turns are burned into his memory, explained the nature of his company's mission.
In doing so, he spoke candidly about the reality of war.
This article is even pro.
This article is telling you what he's about to say.
It's just the reality of war.
In an April interview with the Ithaca Journal at his family Heights home, Gruckheimer, 22, shared his experiences during Operation Ataconda.
He was sent on March 6 in a company of more than 100 soldiers to participate in the largest U.S.-led ground engagement in eastern Afghanistan.
And by the way, when they later, understand, when they later
When this came out in the news, the Pentagon clarified and said only if it's under orders and if somebody shoots us.
Then we kill everyone.
So what was bad in Vietnam...
Is now good.
It's like torture's now good.
Quote, now listen to this.
We were told there was no friendly forces, said Guckheimer, an assistant gunner with the 10th Mount Division at Fort Drum.
If there was anybody there, they were the enemy.
We were told specifically that if there was a woman and children, to kill them.
And he went on to say they're just about the most passive people you could want to see.
He said with a smile, I just ended up not being that way.
And it goes on and on.
So, they went into whole regions and just, look, it's not just Guckheimer.
Remember that they rounded up 3,000 of the frontline fighters who again were conscripted by the CIA Arabs who were flown out on C-130s.
It was a stage war.
They put a gun to them, so they get down there in that trench.
The Northern Alliance kept saying, why can't we bombard the real emplacements of the Arabs?
Why don't we just bomb, you know, goat herders who don't even know where America is on a map that was actually in the news, totally ignorant, had never been outside their village.
Why aren't we just killing them?
Why aren't we bombing the tanks and the real enemies?
It was all staged.
And they rounded up 3,000 of these people, of the innocents, put them in containers for three days.
When most of them died of suffocation, they then lined up the rest and machine-gunned them.
I mean, that's your government, people.
That's, that's what, and by the way, all these troops are going to come back here and be cops.
Most of them are.
And now you wonder why you go out to a peace rally or a land rights rally, a conservative rally, and it's on video from Portland to Tampa to, you know, you name it, and all of a sudden police come up with shotguns with rubber bullets and start shooting people who aren't even demonstrating or aren't even, you know, throwing things at them or aren't even cussing at them?
And they attack federal judges and AP reporters and have old World War II vets, union organizers, march down an alley and say you shouldn't come back and start beating them savagely?
I mean, that's torture right there!
That's the new America!
Four or five of the prisons around Austin, the people have lost their contracts because the jail guards are raping the women and torturing people and killing people.
I mean, this is America, people!
It's not just going to happen to the Arabs who folks hate so much.
spies urged abuse on prisoners.
The scandal over the U.S.
military's abuse of Iraq prisoners at a notorious Baghdad prison is deepening.
With new claims that possible war crimes were encouraged by American intelligence officers wanting inmates softened up for interrogation.
A London newspaper has also broadened the abuse allegation.
The British troops at the Daily Mirror published photographs at the weekend of what is said to be a torture of Iraqi men, receiving details of the alleged eight-hour beating from two British soldiers who gave them the photos.
And they beat some people to death.
We got photos of them raping women, beating people to death, urinating on people's faces.
I mean, there's stuff past that I can't mention.
I'm sorry.
On this radio show, I can't even read news reports to you.
Do you understand how bad this is?
You understand how bad this is?
I mean, there's stuff in there that makes me so angry, and they're going to come back, they're going to be cops, psychopath cops, and they're going to be pulling your daughter over.
I want you to know that.
They're going to be pulling your daughter over, your daughter over, and they're going to think they're God.
They're going to be trying to check points, gun confiscation, everything.
Look, I'll get back into this later because I want to go to your calls here in just a moment.
Before we do that though, just to give you the mindset, this is what they admit.
If you do anything wrong, they will blow your house up, burn down your crops, bulldoze your crops, run over your vehicle.
Now, in the full video of this, again, they think the person may have stolen a couple pieces of firewood.
It's a couple pieces of firewood that you might buy at the grocery store for, you know, three dollars.
You know, out front of the grocery store, they'll have some kindling.
And they think he may have stolen it from his taxi driver, so they say, oh, you're going to have to pay.
So they then machine gun the vehicle,
And just gang member, bloodthirsty frenzy, and then they run over his car with a tank.
Now, this is how our troops are being trained.
They've officially been told to do this.
Yeah, this will really win their hearts and minds.
And see, the UN isn't going to do this, and so the Iraqis are going to accept them as the savior.
This was all done cynically from the start.
Go ahead and play it.
There was still some looting going on when we arrived.
And when we came across soldiers, they didn't seem sure of their role.
That child don't need to be here.
You know where the school is?
That's what he needs to be doing, not following you.
We filmed these G.I.s after they caught a group of Iraqis stealing wood.
We try to stop them from looting, they don't understand, so we take their car and we crush it.
United States Army, tankers, whore.
Machine gunning the vehicle.
Now running open.
Yeah, that won't maximize.
They know it won't.
You hear the laughing?
Later, the car's owner told us, I'm a taxi driver.
The car was my livelihood.
And that's the plan.
They'll make more money off weapon sales if the war keeps going on in a Vietnam style.
It'll make the UN look good.
That's the plan.
As Bush said, legitimize the UN.
Let's talk to Daniel in Florida.
Daniel, thanks for holding her on the air globally.
Hey, Alex.
Long time listener, first time caller.
See, I've got a problem here.
What we have going on with this release of the photos, the Iraqi prisoners who were being beaten, urinated on, and sodomized, is problem, reaction, solution, I believe.
They caused the problem by releasing the photos.
You'd think some little innocent guard at a military installation would let these snookies out.
Do people believe this?
This is military intelligence letting this out.
And the reaction is that the people, it's going to be huge.
People don't understand, sodomizing these people is unforgivable.
We have a lot of children listening, please don't tell them the rest of it, the fables of America is not being... I won't go that far, but they don't understand this.
And the reaction is, is more truth, the draft.
Bring it in, bring it in.
The military-industrial complex
Well, let me just say this.
I don't like to speculate.
I don't know if that's the case, and I'll tell you why.
I think there's probably a 30% chance, this is a prime projection, I've thought about this for hours this weekend, I believe there's a 30% chance that what you're saying is true.
Certainly the media is now playing it up because they're using it as a psyops now.
We already had all this stuff a year ago.
We had it two years ago in Afghanistan.
They're playing it up and letting it all come out now because the handover of the U.N.
is about to happen, so they've got to brand us as the bad guys before that happens.
Now, let me continue.
70% chance this was brought out by people in the jail because they're all posing in the middle of the jail in front of everybody.
This is an open thing.
They're not hiding it because they were told to do this by military intelligence.
Just like Gruckheimer brags about being ordered to kill all the women and children.
They've been told it's normal.
The news says torture's good.
Keither Southerland tortures people every week on 24 on Fox, on Threat Matrix, on ABC they torture.
There's been all the editorials about how torture's good.
They've been told to do it.
So now, they did release the photos.
And it's wonderful.
I believe they're loving it.
I hate to speculate, but that's what I see.
From everything that's gone on in the past.
I've listened to you for four years now.
And everything you say has come true.
I'm appalled at it.
And I know our troops are being tortured too.
I hear all these idiots on other talk radio shows, the mainstream talk radio, and it's the whitewash.
I can't believe what I hear.
It's a joke.
Understand, this is a massive prison.
There are photos that I can't describe.
Of them right out in the middle of the floor.
You know, right out in the open cell block.
Recruits all over the place doing that.
This is sanctioned, openly being done.
And they didn't know nothing about it.
With all the cameras in the streets of America, they didn't have cameras in the prison?
Look, Rumsfeld, I was in Hollywood to tape some episodes of Conspiracy Zone two years ago and watched Rumsfeld in my hotel room say they're torturing people and say it's good.
Oh, it's good, the torture.
It's good.
They love it.
They love it.
And they're all going to be cops when they get back here.
Oh yeah, yeah.
They're being acclimated well.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Certainly, folks, we've been reporting on this for years.
So, he's right in the respect in the area of saying they're bringing it out now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Pennsylvania.
Mike, go ahead.
I was just wondering if I could ask a question here.
If anybody's ever seen anything like this.
I was just driving home from the mall here.
And I've seen a black van, and it had Citizens Transport written on it, but it wasn't no city bus or anything.
And I've seen two guys inside, they had on black long-sleeved shirts with a patch on their arm.
I was wondering if that'd be something that police are going to be using here in the future.
It's probably an armored truck or something, but there's lots of it.
I mean, if you want private merch, the Wall Street Journal reported that
Right here in Austin, there are secret military police watching the meetings, watching the political meetings, harassing, intimidating.
We have U.S.
troops engaged in Qasr-type situations.
Oh, what's Commissar?
Excuse me, Commissar-type political officers.
Yeah, but what got made is it had citizens written on it.
That's been kind of funny, you know?
I don't know.
Have you done a web search?
No, I don't have a computer.
It's an incredible tool with the search engines available.
Okay, sir.
I appreciate it.
Thank you.
Hey, I appreciate your call.
Hugh and Kevin and Muhammad and others, we're going to take calls until the bottom of the next hour, another 40 minutes, and cover a bunch of news.
We've got a guest coming on.
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Alright my friends, we're back live.
Again, I haven't even scratched the surface.
About what's going on, you'll want to stay with us.
There's so many facets to this.
The ruling elite breeding us like animals to be fed on by them.
Let's go ahead and talk to Hugh in Tennessee.
Hugh, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, Hugh.
You hear me?
Yes, I do.
Yeah, I'm kind of uneducated.
My talk may be rambling to some extent.
I can't hardly tell you how much I appreciate you.
But I had a question.
When will we ever try to do anything about our people that are elected
And they're sworn duty to uphold the Constitution and then do everything they can to destroy, more or less.
Well, first we've got to educate the yuppies who think they're part of the power structure that they're being enslaved as well.
And that education process, that awakening, I'm here to report, is at mock speed right now.
We're having a lot of victories, but the globalists are countering by just turning the heat up and trying to accelerate their program.
So basically, it's like two locomotives cruising towards each other at high velocity.
Yes, well, we need to work at it, whatever is proper to do.
And one thing else, or maybe two, I was listening to Genesis this morning, and I was listening to culture shocks.
I don't know if it was a replay or what,
But it seemed like this guy, Michael, whoever he is, was supporting this march that's coming up by the women in Washington, D.C.
against our Second Amendment rights.
Can you tell me anything about it?
I'm not familiar with the name of the show you're talking about.
Culture Shocks.
I guess you know something about our culture.
And the person was supporting an anti-gun march?
Yeah, right.
Millions of women are going to Washington on our near Mother's Day.
Well, they always say millions, but about 200 show up.
It's the 200 bureaucrat march.
And so that's just propaganda in the name of it.
What station are you listening to us on?
Let's see, my station is FM
Okay, but are you sure it was Genesis?
You may have heard another show.
No, it was Genesis.
I listen to Genesis more than anywhere.
Oh, look, I almost guarantee you that whatever show this is is being sarcastic.
I mean, what were they saying?
They've already been there once, the women have.
This is the second time.
But are you saying the show
What was the show reporting on this?
Well, they had a guest, see?
A lady.
And she was supporting that thing.
Okay, now I understand.
Well, I've had guests on that I don't agree with.
In fact, I want to get some gun grabbers on here so we can expose them.
I'm not familiar.
I'll have to ask.
I don't even know about that.
I don't think we have that show here.
I think you might have gotten confused.
I'm thinking, Alex, I'm thinking you ought to dig into it and find out if you can't.
Well, believe me, as soon as this segment ends, I'm going to ask the folks running the broadcast.
Stephanie, do you know what he's talking about?
Okay, do we have a show called Culture Shock?
I'll have to find out during the break.
I can't talk to you guys.
Like I told you, the first name is Michael, if my memory's right.
Well, I'll find out.
I certainly don't support that.
That'd be horrible if that's what the network was up to.
And he, I believe he was the one, the talk show host, I believe he was the one that asked the question why anybody would want an AK-47.
Well, that sounds really bad.
I'll have to find out, my friend.
I'll have to check that out.
That's amazing.
Not very good demographics either for that show.
80 plus percent of the American people are pro-gun now.
And talk radio's a conservative format!
That's why they put all that socialist programming on and that Air America's already failed.
Because the liberal line and the false liberal line is such a fraud.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Into the second hour.
We'll be talking about real issues.
You know, torture, you name it.
The things that are going on in this country.
And I tell you, we'll be going to some more of your calls here in just a moment.
In fact, let's just go ahead and do that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin in Pennsylvania.
Hey, Kevin.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
A couple things for you.
I did listen in to NPR, to BBC.
Ten new members of the EU.
Uh, have you heard about this?
Oh, yeah, they've been having that in the pipe for a while.
Eastern European countries, now they're going to add some more.
Now, what's Tony Blair's role going to be in all this?
Well, they promised Tony Blair that if he can force England onto the Euro to give up their currency and sovereignty, that he'll get the EU Presidency in action.
It's supposed to rotate.
Well, it'll be Tony Blair, the Antichrist, then, huh?
I don't think so.
I don't get into, you know, who the Antichrist is.
No, I know.
Well, look, that's who it'll be if he becomes President.
Another thing, this New World Order propaganda, in law and order last night, they were against the Sons of Liberty.
That too, the group they were looking for, they were
They were described in the show as a group that was against a new world order.
I guess that doesn't surprise you, huh?
But I've never seen that before.
I mean, look, if it's Law and Order, LA Law, Threat Matrix, any of these shows, the evil terrorists talk about how they love freedom and the Second Amendment, and these saviors have to torture them to get all the answers from them.
And have to violate their rights to keep us all safe.
And then police watch that and imprint on that psychologically.
Yeah, well, yeah.
People watch that and think, oh yeah, that's normal police work.
That's what they think.
It's all part of just a massive conditioning program.
And what do you know about
Tex Myers talked about something called Project Lucid.
What is that?
Well, back in 95, he got the public documents about the plan to put chips in us, the RFID chips.
He was the first to report on that, that I know of, and that was coming up on 10 years ago, 9 years ago, and now it's all mainstream news.
Are they still going for Project Lucid?
That was the name of the project then, but yeah, that's the overall program, you see.
And what's Lucid stand for?
Lucid Technologies.
And that was a division of Bell Labs, but they just used the name.
Okay, and uh... Oh, in my local library, now, if you don't have a card, they give you a card with a barcode on it to type in numbers to get on the computer.
Which means if you've got your own card, you'd have to put in your own numbers.
They claim it's for time purposes, make sure you're not on more than your time.
But they could track what you look at, instead of just signing up for the computer and a piece of paper.
You know what I mean?
You put in the numbers from your card to use to compare... I know, it's about tracking and getting a record of everything.
Yeah, now... Hey, I gotta let you go, sir.
I appreciate it, Kevin.
Muhammad in Colorado.
Go ahead, Muhammad.
Hey, how you doing?
Listen, somebody who's been from Afghanistan, I know most Americans, when they see these pictures of Iraqis being tortured, they kind of act shocked, and some of them are in total denial.
Something happening.
Four months ago Amnesty International came out and said U.S.
soldiers feed Afghans worse, or even in some cases worse, than the Russian soldiers feed the Afghans.
That's the point!
That's the point!
That all this has been public.
Why are they now bringing it out?
Is the question.
And the thing is, Alex, you know, when Amnesty International went ahead and did that, they hired
Soviet secret police member they found called the Cod Police.
Now they just stand behind the door while they do the torturing so they won't dirty their hands.
And, uh, I mean, I can give you quite a list, but, uh... Yeah, U.S.
troops stood behind Northern Alliance as they mowed down over a thousand people.
Yeah, there's a book on Amy Goodman.
He was a guest.
His name is George Monbiot.
It's called Manifesto for the New World Order.
I think this guy has as a guest.
I think he talked about a lot of stuff you're talking about.
Hey, I hear you.
I appreciate the call.
Alright, my friends.
A lot of news and information coming up.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Oh, man!
My adrenaline is flowing today!
Well, I got the answer on that show.
It's the Barry Lynn Show.
And he used to do a point-counterpoint with Oliver North.
I guess it's kind of a Democrat-slash-Libertarian broadcast, and the network's added a bunch of satellites, and I think that's what you heard.
And I totally do not agree with it, but I'm certainly not going to sit here and give somebody attention and promote something I don't believe in.
It's like Democracy Now!
with Amy Goodman that Muhammad just mentioned.
It's on locally, five nights a week here in Austin at 6 o'clock at night.
And about 90% of it is really good information.
The New World Order, how the big banks control it, Greg Pallast, and then they've got anti-gun and abortion stuff.
And that's just hell on earth.
That 10% is pure poison.
And, uh, so that's why you don't hear me out promoting, you know, Democracy Now or something.
Democracy Now would have Sybil Edmonds on.
They were able to get her on.
We've been trying desperately.
The FBI translator who was ordered to falsify the documents.
And so, uh, again, they'll bring all this information out, but then Democrats hear it and think, oh, see, the Democratic Party's good.
They'll expose all of this.
But it's the same thing with Rush Limbaugh.
It's the same paradigm.
The Democrats, the underground Democrat TV shows and radio shows, are allowed to expose the neocons as horrible demons.
But when a Democrat gets in office, they'll be, and have been, completely mum on the subject.
Just like so-called conservatives like Rush Limbaugh will tell you all the dirt and the corruption of Bill Clinton.
But then when a George Bush gets in office, they won't.
So see, you're always still caught in the New World Order system, in the left hand or the right hand of this beast.
And so that's what's happening, that's what's developing out there.
And, you know, personally, it's very destructive.
Just like, again, the big neocon talk shows that call for arresting anybody that disagrees with the government, because after all, they're just evil liberals.
And then when you do that, when you call for that, what conservatives don't understand is that's setting the precedent for it to happen to everybody.
And if it was just going to happen to the, quote, liberals, I would be against it.
It's totally un-American.
The so-called conservative movement that's in power right now has FEMA out at breakneck speed teaching the police, teaching the military, the local constabularies, that homeschoolers, Christians, conservatives, gun owners are bad!
And so you have big corporations behind the neocon movement
But they're also behind the whole so-called, you know, watered-down liberal movement.
And they only give you a certain spectrum, a certain slice of the big picture.
They don't give you the big picture.
That's why this broadcast is able to have liberal listeners, conservative listeners, but they don't stay liberal or conservative.
They become constitutionalists.
They become freedom lovers.
I'm able to deprogram Democrats on abortion because I go to the heart of the matter, the eugenics, how Hitler was for it, how they've sold it to us.
I'm able to deprogram a liberal and
Get them to become pro-Second Amendment, if they're being honest.
Now, if they're employed by this government, or by this system, they're not going to change their mind on gun control, because that's what they're paid to say.
So, that's why this broadcast is different than others.
Okay, we're going to go to some more calls here in a few minutes.
If you'd like to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Speaking of liberal talk radio, they had Al Franken and all these so-called heavy hitters.
They put them on talk radio.
They bought time on a bunch of big marquee stations.
Totally flopped.
fell on its face, because of the demographics.
People who at least think they're conservative, and who want alternative news, tune in to talk radio.
And the liberal view, the way they construct it, is so counterintuitive, and so elitist, that no one will listen to it.
And so that's why, after less than a month on the air, Air America is gone.
I mean I think it's still on like one or two stations because no one wants to listen to it.
No one is going to support it.
Look, this is how it works.
The liberals that are in power are busy as university professors or corporate executives.
They know it's a parasitic system.
They're busy sucking off the system.
And then you've got a mass of disenfranchised welfare people who've been put on the plantation.
They're not going to listen to talk radio.
They don't have any money to buy anything from the advertisers.
That's why it's a complete failure, a square wheel.
And that's why it'll be a complete failure and a square wheel.
That's amazing.
But again, that's the sad thing.
I wish democracy now would get into Bill Clinton's death list, all the people he had murdered.
I wish they'd get into how he was business partners with the Bushes and how that was all staged.
I wish they'd get into real issues.
I wish the neocons would, but they're busy keeping you all in your same old box.
And it's just amazing.
Okay, I want to air that clip again, this hour,
And we'll do that when Paul Watson joins us in about 15 minutes.
I want to play that clip from PBS again where it shows the troops laughing, machine-gunning a taxi, and then running over it with a tank because they think the guy stole three pieces of wood that were in the back of his car.
That's his punishment.
No judge, no jury.
Just, we're going to laugh and machine-gun your vehicle and then run over it with a tank.
And they talk about this happening, quote, during the looting.
This is the official policy in these Iraqi towns.
If one member of the military gets shot at, they then go in and bulldoze every date palm and every tangerine orchard.
They run over the houses.
I mean, they destroy just thousands of acres.
They go crazy.
They burn it.
And all that does is make everybody hate our troops and cause them to fight that much harder.
You heard the neocons on talk radio, more socialist than the million mommies, in reality, not in rhetoric, saying, let's nuke Fallujah, let's kill everybody while they kill four of our contractors.
Because a few dozen thugs strung up charred bodies on a bridgehead, now let's kill the whole city.
And I've made the point that so if there's a quadruple murder,
In your town, are the police going to punish the people that did the quadruple murder?
Or are they going to lay siege to the city and start cluster bombing it?
Your town of 300,000.
You see, this stuff doesn't make sense.
If you get past the emotion, look at it objectively in a historical lens, and then you can be as emotional as you want about it in your presentation.
Because we're emotional beings that communicate at that level.
I mean, that's what I do.
So, I'm a very calm person when I'm sitting in front of the computer reading, you know, 200 news articles a day, but when I get on air and force myself to then take it all in and analyze it, it's extremely painful.
We're not going anywhere until we get past this fake liberal conservative system.
We're going absolutely nowhere until that happens.
And it needs to happen now.
Break your conditioning.
So again, we've got the Ithaca Journal where the troops are bragging about how they were ordered to kill women and children.
We've got the new photos of them doing things I don't even want to mention on the show that you're not seeing in our newspapers, that you're not seeing on our television.
It is so painful, and we've got seven American service members reprimanded, officers reprimanded, and six of these psychopaths are facing criminal charges.
That's not enough!
This was done by design!
They've come out and admitted that U.S.
spies urged abuse of prisoners,
The scandal over the U.S.
military abuse of Iraqi prisoners at the notorious Baghdad prison is deepening with new claims the possible war crimes were encouraged by American intelligence officers wanting inmates softened up for interrogation.
A London newspaper has also broadened the abuse allegations to British troops.
The Daily Mirror published photographs at the weekend of what it said was a tortured Iraqi man after receiving details of the alleged eight-hour beating from two British soldiers.
They beat people to death, folks.
And it says, the claim that the sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses by at least six U.S.
military police were actively encouraged by intelligence officers came in a confidential military report linked to the New York Magazine.
And it was also substantiated by letters by an officer to his uncle.
His uncle got mad and released the letters.
The magazine also reported that when one Iraqi prisoner was so stressed by questioning, possibly by CO officers, that he died, his body was packed in ice for a day and then taken from a jail with a mock intravenous drip in his arm to disguise his death.
It goes on and on and on.
Yeah, they've had what?
I forget.
It's like 20 suicides at Camp X-Ray.
Oh yeah, they're committing suicide.
And you see them wheeling their body from building to building, a mess.
They look like concentration camp victims with lesions all over them.
The troops, you know.
Reporters with telephoto lenses get up in the tops of trees hundreds of yards away and you see the guys kneeling down for days with their hands behind their backs with hoods and goggles and masks and hats and hot clothes with their legs up underneath their knees.
You try that for five minutes.
That's how the Israelis torture.
Make you kneel down and just sit there on your knees for hours and hours and hours.
Very serious.
But I guess it's good.
Joseph Mingala was good.
Adolf Hitler was good.
Stalin was good.
Genghis Khan was good.
Nero was good.
I guess if torture is good, then, uh... Jeffrey Dahmer, I mean, he was, you know, he was torture people.
I mean, torture is a good thing.
But no, you see, now they want to tell us torture is bad and release some of these photos.
And that's to make America look bad and bring in the UN.
Our troops will still be serving there, and your sons and daughters will be there as draftees!
Breathing all the depleted uranium.
Bunch of UN news, you name it, when we get back, stay with us.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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We're good to go!
We got Paul Watson coming up.
We'll get into all the police state and the UN bizarre activities with him coming up.
Again, I haven't even gotten an inch into this 4-inch stack yet.
But right now, let's go to the calls quickly.
Let's talk to Ken in Mississippi.
Ken, go ahead.
Yeah, I'll try to squeeze this in real quick.
Look, you keep talking on your show about there's 400 cities that signed resolution condemning the USA Patriot Act.
Yeah, it's more than that now.
And I've done searches on your website and I think there was a recent edition of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Did you hear that?
Sir, every week I probably conservatively see five cities and towns.
I mean, it was 400 six months ago.
Yeah, I've been calling into talk shows telling them about the existence, but I don't have the actual list.
About six months ago, I took a couple different lists from different activist groups and combined them.
It was over 400 in three states, and now another state signed on.
It's well over 400.
But see, the mainstream media will only count cities, so they'll say, 275 cities have signed up.
Well, on your site, what would be a good search to get that list?
You know, the problem is that a really good search engine for our site alone would cost thousands of dollars a year.
If you have a little basic one that only goes back a few hundred articles,
I would use like a Google search engine or something.
But it's just hundreds and hundreds of cities.
I don't... It's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
Well, I know it'd be a lot of work, but I think... Yeah, if somebody compiles that and emails it to me, I'll spot check it and post it.
But you say you compiled some sort of a list about six months ago?
Yeah, I was on some sites doing some research for a video and compiled and counted them up, yes.
Did you put an archive on your site?
Well, sir, I've been up since 5 a.m.
and I was up, I got about 5 hours sleep the night before and I can't do it all.
We put about 50 articles up a day.
We have a Patriot Act archive.
I think a lot of that is in there, but I don't have it in front of me.
Okay, I just wanted to bring it up on your site if I was certain.
Certainly, you've heard about all these towns and cities and states throwing it out.
Yeah, I hear about it every day, but I can't find a concise list.
It ought to be somebody that puts up a site that's got a list.
I hear you.
Well, if somebody does it, we'll post it.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Paul in New York.
Paul, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
You know, I heard you talking a little earlier.
A guy called up the Barry Lynn Show, you know?
Oh, man, that guy got me boiling this morning.
He was talking to this lady in March.
I was immediately writing a letter to Mike Stattmiller as the show was going on, telling him that the show was in the wrong market.
Well, Stattmiller isn't on this network.
Oh, well, you know what?
I was listening on GCN, and it was broadcast on GCN.
So I was at Michael at Midas Report, and I thought that was Mike Stattmiller.
No, that's Michael Trudeau.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Michael Trudeau.
I'm sorry.
That was who it was.
Go ahead and give that email out again.
It's Michael at MidasReport.com.
Yeah, what they're doing is that people who've got shows that are already syndicated that want more birds, they've got a bunch of extra birds, so they stick them up on there.
I don't want my show to turn into the promotion of a vomitous million mom government front group that wants to disarm every single American in public statements.
I mean, the whole system is a disgusting joke and I don't want to discuss it anymore.
In fact, I'll just do 50 shows that are pro-gun.
My broadcast is about the torture, the open borders, the loss of liberty, the cancer viruses and the vaccines, not penny any liberal talk show host.
Let's go ahead and talk to George in Colorado.
George, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I came across an article about
This Global Earth Monitoring Agreement that was just approved in Tokyo.
Have you heard about it, Geos?
They've had four meetings.
The fifth one's going to be soon in Brussels where they'll finalize everything.
47 nations, I'm including yours and mine because I'm calling from Canada, have approved this.
The European Union's contribution does say it will be used for security purposes as well.
I got an article where they're training Chinese troops in English to, quote, deal with overseas actions.
They're training them in English and how to deal with Americans.
Surprise, surprise.
I'm going to cover that later.
Another little interesting tidbit.
Of course, I'm sure the million moms will just love that.
Oh, I'm sure they will.
China's got such a good gun policy.
Gun control freaks that put in people like Hitler that killed tens of millions of people.
I'm glad you mentioned him.
I try to look for where some of these old war criminals end up in their offspring because they still have a lot of power and influence in the world.
What I've been looking for is Martin Adolf Bormann.
That's Bormann's son, Hitler's godson.
He's going to be speaking in Stockholm next week at, of all places, a Holocaust convention.
Well, Hitler's brother and sister's family lives in Long Island.
Oh, Patrick Hitler's offspring.
But hey, maybe we can resurrect Hitler, give him a job over the million moms.
They all agree with each other on gun control.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You know, I'm on the Atkins diet.
I did it a few months ago and lost like 20 pounds and gained it all back so I'm back on it.
So I got these breakfast tacos I could eat for lunch and then I just eat the cheese and, uh, and, uh, and eggs out of it.
But not, uh, not the tortilla.
I was putting Tabasco on it and got it in my eye.
And let me tell you, during the break, that is always very enjoyable.
So I'll try to read and cover the news here until this stops, and I guess I can't get up and run to the bathroom right now.
That actually feels pretty good in a strange way.
Kind of woke me up even more.
So I guess that's alright.
We're about to go to poll.
Joseph Watson will be with us for the balance of the broadcast.
Then we'll go to Diane, Mary, John, Jason, Bruce, and many others that are joining us.
But I also want to re-air this clip of the troops' machine gunning vehicle running over it with a tank because they think they might have stolen some pieces of firewood.
This is how we win the hearts and minds.
And I want to get into China shows off UN Peacekeeping School.
The English lesson is titled, Disturbance, and the students are equally unusual.
38 police officers trying to become UN peacekeepers and join China's effort to expand its diplomatic role on the world stage.
In a classroom at a police academy south of Beijing, the students prepare to fight crime.
See, it's fight crimes.
The war on terror is to fight crime.
And troubled areas abroad by reading a mock burglary investigation.
Now, two years ago they hired General Primakov, the former head of the KGB, to help set up Homeland Security.
That's the Associated Press, folks.
About two months ago, News 8 here locally showed the swearing-in of a bunch of Austin and Travis County deputies to, quote, go under U.N.
control as federal deputies to go overseas and make arrests of criminals.
And of course, foreign troops, police, will be coming here as well
And it gets into what they're setting up and how they're training them to do that.
So, this is very scary stuff.
Also, UN tries to censor book exposing wild sex and drug parties.
Selective service eyes women's draft proposal would also require registration of critical skills.
Ladies, get ready!
They're setting up the draft boards.
Also, UN tries to move into Iraq, and Bush just thinks it's great.
Bilderberg Conference 2004, some of the new developments there, and in response to Iraq corruption charges.
That's just some of what's coming up.
But first off, Paul Joseph Watson joins us at least once a week, the webmaster of PrisonPlanet.tv, as well as PrisonPlanet.com, we also have InfoWars.com.
And Paul, it's good to have you on the broadcast with us.
Good to be on again, Alex.
Before we get into some of the news and then quickly to the calls, tell folks about PrisonPlanet.TV.
Well, we just launched it ten days ago.
We've already got over 500 subscribers.
It's only 15 cents a day if you subscribe for a year.
We've just posted Alex's weekly report, which is basically a mini-documentary in itself, full of, you know, video and etc.
that Alex analyses.
We've got every single audio interview from the Alex Jones Show, special reports, obviously breaking news.
Half of it does remain free and the other half is paid membership so we can afford all the bandwidth.
So it's basically £5.95 a month.
Dial-up, options, everything's covered there.
So go and sign up today as, you know, 500 plus people already have.
Alright, again, PrisonPlanet.tv, and my new report is broken up into two parts.
It's about an hour and twenty minutes long.
I cover a wide range of topics.
The torture, Bush's stage press conferences, Bush and 9-11, we get into just a whole host of issues, and some weeks you're going to have two TV reports uploaded there.
That'll be two hours, other weeks it'll be one hour.
This week it's an hour and 20 minutes.
Some of our better audio interviews, guests, you name it, all at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And of course, then I would briefly tell folks that, Paul, you've written order out of chaos.
Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order and a lot of the proceeds of that go to you as well.
I've had to hire more employees, add more servers.
We're trying to hire somebody else right now.
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We get into the fake terror alerts, the cutting-edge information on 9-11, which is only coming out now, but I actually reported on some of it, you know, 18 months ago, two years ago.
And it's available at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
That's right.
It's a great book.
You need to have it.
Also, my videos on 9-11 and other government-sponsored terror events.
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1-888-253-3139 that's 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or Infowars.com or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Take action, make the call, order online today.
Okay, I want to just blitz through some news and I promise we'll go to these loaded phones
But, Paul, I want to play this clip.
of PBS, and now this is the official policy.
You've all heard if you do anything wrong, they bulldoze your car, your house, your fields, you know, 100, 500 year old fields, 200 year old trees, just devastating things, and they knew by design this would cause more resistance, so it's now admitted, this is back from the looting, but it's admitted this is now the official policy
And this is a form of torture to take people's livelihood, to destroy what they've got, to do this, and it's only going to get more of our troops killed.
Any comments before we play this clip, Paul?
Well, yeah, it's off a PBS documentary, and it just emphasizes the fact that we've been reporting on the myths of liberation for months, whereby the people that are actually in these kind of torture camps, with the photos that have just been released,
This is why they're taken there, you know, selling alcohol on the streets, children stealing biscuits, and stealing a few planks of wood.
So this is why they get taken to these camps, you know, hooded in the first place.
Now that's not our opinion.
A year ago, or almost a year ago, that was about 10 months ago, AP article, AP photos, like it was good.
It showed trucks full of men with hoods on their heads.
You ought to find that article and repost it.
And it said they're going because they were caught selling tangerines, beer and other items without the Halliburton bracelet with an RFID.
If you're in Baghdad, you've got to be licensed.
Under Saddam, you didn't have to.
So boy, we're really bringing freedom, aren't we?
Well yeah, they go in and raid whole villages.
Take out all the men who own rifles, hud them, and take them to these camps.
So, on another level, it's also gun confiscation.
Anyone who owns a rifle is also taken to these camps.
Well, I'm sure the Million Moms agree with that.
Well, yeah, it's a good thing to support the troops.
Yeah, it's, it's, it's... We haven't been talking enough about the gun grabbers.
We're going to be doing that a lot more.
Uh, let's, um...
Let's go ahead and get a few of these calls out of the way after we play this clip, then I'll get into the news.
Here is that clip from PBS.
Go ahead and hit it.
There was still some looting going on when we arrived.
And when we came across soldiers, they didn't seem sure of their role.
That child don't need to be here.
You know what's going on?
That's what he needs to be doing, not following you.
We filmed these GIs after they caught a group of Iraqis stealing wood.
We try to stop them from looting, they don't understand, so we take their car and we'll crush it.
United States Army, tankers, hold.
They shoot the vehicle up first.
Crush the vehicle with the tank.
Now see the...
That's why they released the torture photos, because they think all this is normal.
They've been told, do it.
So, the superior says, run over people's cars, burn their houses, arrest all the men down to age 10.
This is freedom, Paul.
Well, yeah, that's the point to emphasize, is that they've been ordered to do it by, like with the torture photos, they've been ordered to do it by the commanding intelligence officers, which is why they saw nothing wrong.
You know, in running over this car, or in taking these torture photos.
And this is how you get a Nazi Germany or a Soviet Russia.
Hitler and his people said, do this for the Reich, for the homeland, do it, and they did it, and they felt good.
They felt, you know, very good with themselves, and it actually made them very cohesive, and they had a very tight brotherhood in the SS, because when you're knee-deep in blood and guts of dead people and torturing people, you know, it's a good thing to them.
But, just to throw in another caveat,
The response from the neocons on the talk shows has been predictable, because they are now saying that the US soldiers, most of you listeners will remember, who were taken hostage and killed by Iraqi Republican Guard a week or two after the war started last year, and we all saw the photos with the bullets through their heads and their clothes removed,
Well, the neocons are now saying that the Iraqis who are shown in those torture photos released a few days ago are the same Iraqis who did that to US troops.
Now, first of all, as we've just spoken about, they normally take the most brutal of Saddam's former henchmen and, you know, give them the governmental or policing jobs.
As we just talked about, the ones who are actually hooded and taken to these camps are the ones who sell alcohol on the street.
But again, it's double thinking.
It's bad when the Iraqis torture, rape and murder, but it's okay when we do it.
Yeah, even if that was true, which obviously it's not, and they just shot the guy's car up and ran over it for wood and said so, but when there's heat on it, well, maybe he hurt one of our troops.
I mean, this is the... Yeah, I've heard of him.
I've heard some of them saying, this is good.
Well, really, the photos of what they're doing with the women that we won't mention, is that good too?
Well yeah, there are actually even worse photos that have been published aside from those that have been out over the last few days with the electrical torture and putting these men in these homosexual positions.
We debated posting those because we couldn't confirm where they were taken, what kind of uniforms these troops were actually wearing.
But from the reports that we get, and in fact from the leaked military intelligence report which the New Yorker reported on, it is ten times worse than what we've seen.
They've actually beaten these Iraqis to death.
Now we have those photos, you know.
Packed them in ice and then wheeled them out with intravenous drips to still pretend that, you know, they're still alive.
So the reports that have come out after the pictures came out discuss, you know, worst case scenarios.
Oh my goodness, and it's bad when they do it, good when we do it.
Well, by the way, Saddam did do some of that stuff.
He was trained by our government.
Let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's talk to Diane in Kansas.
Diane, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I'd like to say congratulations on being on the George Norris Show.
You did a great job.
Well, great.
Have you heard George's show since then?
Was he happy with it?
He was very happy with it and so were a lot of the callers.
Oh, so you've heard George talk about it?
Well, good.
I'll be back on then.
That would be great.
The reason why I'm calling is, well, I'm a military wife.
My husband's in the United States Air Force.
I have to pause for a second because I'm not very happy with what's going on.
Regarding the abuse of the Iraqi prisoners, I think it's detestable, and I hope that the people that did this will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The problem is the people that will be doing the prosecuting are the ones that gave them the orders to do it.
I know, but see the thing is, the principal reason why I'm calling is because I want to remind our listeners that
It's not representative of all of our U.S.
military personnel.
Oh, we've made that point.
Our government hired jail guards, paid them bonuses to get them to enlist, brought them over there and told them to do this.
That's why they're standing out in the middle of the jail doing it with the people all around, releasing the photos.
They think all this is normal.
But of course your husband in the Air Force isn't even probably assigned to something like this, so... No, but the problem is that people will look at him and other... And that's part of the plan to make America look bad and the UN comes in as the savior, stops bulldozing cars, and the people will accept them as the good guys when they're not the good guys.
Very sophisticated.
Paul, I said before the war all this was going to happen.
It's not hard to figure out their playbook.
Well, no, it's a stir up resentment amongst the Arabs.
Luckily enough, CBS were going to go ahead and release these photos, you know, two weeks before they did, which is when all the Fallujah debacle was going on.
Someone actually made the right decision to, you know, withhold them for two weeks, because if they'd have released them during that period, then the response from the Arabs after they stir up all this hatred would have been even more gigantic.
Yeah, but you've got to look at that through another lens, Paul.
That means that they were wanting to wait till a lull to let this have maximum effect, and not just weeks.
They've had this stuff for years.
I'd like to just make one other point, please.
This is in regards to the immigration problems that we're experiencing in this country.
My family's from El Salvador.
I can tell you, as a... I'm proud to be an American.
Of course.
Uh, in the making, um, in regards to the influx of illegal immigrants coming to this country.
Because what happens is, is they come in to work $2 an hour, but then their children want full wages, and so they won't work for it.
So the government brings in another wave of people, and, uh, the whole third world's coming this way, and it's a World Bank plan to destroy our wages.
And it's not just only that.
I'm thinking about, in terms of, there's such a large inflow of people, that how are they going to become educated so that they do not continually be
Is subservient working class.
Look, that's what Rome did.
They brought in slaves.
And that's what's happening here.
And that's the plan.
And they won't be educated.
They will be ignorant of the facts.
And they will vote for gun control.
They will vote for socialism.
And that's the stated... Look, you've hit the nail on the head.
You've intuitively come up with what the actual battle plan is, Paul.
Well, exactly.
It's vulcanization in Britain.
Tony Blair's telling us to take a national ID card.
While at the same time, he's in secret negotiations with all these third world, you know, dictators.
Organizing the safe passage of all these illegals, you know, behind the smelt screen of any kind of law.
While at the same time saying that illegal immigration is on the rise all the time and we need to take a national ID card because of it.
They create the problem.
That's it, Dian.
Thanks for the call and I appreciate your husband's service and we hope if he's there on the ground, you better get his blood test when he gets back to you for the uranium.
Mary, John, Jason, we'll get to your calls quickly right after this break.
Then we'll start the third hour and plunge into all the other news.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
I think so.
I think so.
Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Men and women, you're not just going to have to run your show for the draft.
Men, you're also going to have to give them all this data about your skills and what you do for the draft and they're going to, about them, make the women do it.
Getting you ready, getting the draft board set up, now we can send our daughters off to
These hellish situations.
You know, Paul Watson, from the torture photos, are the ones where the women are there making fun of the naked men and doing other things I'm not going to mention.
That is so humiliating.
And you know there's going to be a uniform here on the streets real soon pulling our families over, Paul.
Well, exactly.
And I mean, the response has been basically those six individuals, those reservists, should be dismissed.
But that's not the case.
It's a steam valve operation.
They're trying to relegate responsibility of it down to these few people, when it's the fact that the military intelligence officers commanded them to do this.
So both those commanders and the reservists that carried the... Yeah, the reservists should get a couple years in prison, in a military prison busting rocks, and their commanders should get life in prison.
Well, yeah, it's a war crime.
No, they should, and of course the UN will run around and do it, and that will legitimize the UN.
We need to have Congress call for federal indictments, and of course it will go right back to Rumsfeld.
He's been on TV calling for torturing people.
Well, yeah, it's good to support the troops.
Imagine if we had the resources with all these tapes and stuff we've got to put Rumsfeld up there saying torture's good and show all this.
I mean, he's guilty!
He's guilty!
School of America has been training the world out of torture for 50 years, Paul!
Well, yeah, so is World Vision in the third world, which is why you get people like, you know, Mark David Chapman and all these, um, mind control assassination people.
They've got several different... I mean, Venezuela just came out and I think they pulled out of the School of the Americas because they came out and said, you know, we found out that it's basically a torture camp to train people how to torture, and they publicly withdrew from it.
Also, how to blow stuff up and blame it on your enemies.
They do a lot of that there.
I remember this Associated Press article out of Alabama, back in like 1998.
It's somewhere in a giant file.
I mean, I've got storage buildings full of this stuff.
And it said that the black helicopters fly over.
There's explosions.
They watch the Arab men driving on school buses.
They're being trained how to beat terrorists, the government says.
I mean, right out in plain view, folks.
Let's go ahead and go to Mary in Oregon.
Mary, go ahead.
Yeah, you were talking about torture.
I've been through this situation.
I'm kind of nervous being on the air, but partly because I've got this emotional disorder that was caused by something that happened to me that the government did to me.
I'm kind of wanting your perspective and or advice, if you have any, about what to do about this.
It's kind of a big, long thing, but I'll try to make it as brief as possible.
What happened was, um, in Oregon about ten years ago, I was on welfare.
I had four kids.
And I was on welfare because the father didn't want to help me take care of them.
And it's a long story, but anyway, um, I got involved with this, um, this man.
I made a mistake, I admit that.
Anyway, make a long story short.
Just boil it down.
What happened to you, ma'am?
Well, basically, the state got involved and they were concerned about this relationship I had with this violent man who was threatening me and all this other stuff.
Big long story short, one day the police came to my house.
The door was open because my kids were playing outside and they just came inside.
They arrested me and they put me in a police car and they took my children away from me.
I don't know if I can get through this without crying.
Anyway, they took my kids.
They put them in foster homes.
First they put them all in one home.
Then they divided them up.
They put the oldest two in another home.
One was in like 15 different foster homes by the time it was
And then he ended up in correctional facilities.
Well, that's the plan.
I mean, most of the children go into the prison system.
They also put toddlers on Prozac and Ritalin.
Yeah, they put my children on drugs, and I protested it in writing and everything, and they didn't do anything.
Now, statistically, it's the most dangerous place to be for a child is with the government.
That's the government's own numbers.
Ma'am, I'm sorry.
I mean, this is how it's set up.
They've got 1.5 million children right now.
They want even more.
It's a Soviet model and God bless you.
Yeah, that's torture what they did to you.
We'll be back with a third hour.
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Big Brother.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now into the third and final hour of this live May 3rd, 2004 edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Obviously, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We have a riding shotgun with us, Paul Joseph Watson, the webmaster of my websites, PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.TV.
TV's the new site.
We'll go to five more calls, then we'll go into news, then we'll take calls for the balance of the broadcast.
But I do have a bunch of articles I want to go over here with Paul Watson.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Louisiana.
John, go ahead.
Yes, good afternoon, Alex.
Alex, it's not well understood, but in that developing debacle over there, in that prison scandal, those were not combat troops at all, but they were police.
Although military police, they're like most other police.
Well, more than that, sir, they were specifically recruited and given bonuses to leave prison.
So this was just like a day at the office for them?
Generally, the military police are misfits in the military.
They're useful only for what they're doing and nothing else.
They have the lowest MOS, Military Occupational Skills, and the lowest IQs.
And so that should be well understood.
Hey, listen, last night I was at IHOPE, and I'm on this Atkins diet, I'll eat eggs, and I was looking at a group of police, and I'm telling you,
They had dim eyes.
They talked like ferrets.
They were scary.
I mean, they radiated stupidity.
Now, these people were commanded by a politically correct general.
A female named Janice Karpitsky.
By the way, statistics show, in Israel and Germany and Russia's experience, women in combat are the worst concerning atrocities.
They just go absolutely nuts.
Go ahead.
Fifty years ago, putting a person like that in that position with that rank would have been totally unthinkable.
It just indicates how far we've decayed.
Have you looked at that woman?
She looks like a psychopath.
She no doubt is, but she's politically correct and that's why she's there.
God bless you.
I hear ya, and look, I know a lot of police are smart.
I'm not saying you're stupid, even though some big city departments don't allow you to be hired if you have over a hundred IQ.
That's been in the news.
But, I mean, you know, you try to talk to these people, some of these police, but why can't I search your car?
Well, because it's the Fourth Amendment.
What do you have to hide?
What'd you pull me over for?
Well, if I was speeding, give me a ticket!
You know, come on, no, go get a drug dog if you want to do it.
Try to get some probable cause.
You're not going to find anything in here.
I don't use your government drugs, you understand?
And I had discussions with them and it's like talking to... It's like talking to my Boston Terrier or something.
It's like, you know, they look at you, turn their head, it's just... Nobody's home, man, I tell you.
I'm not trying to be mean here, it's just...
A lot of older police I talk to say, yeah, it's, it's, I mean, cops used to be smart.
I remember growing up.
They didn't used to be this stupid.
I mean, what is going on?
Who, where are they?
It's these psychological exams they're giving, and they find the biggest idiots you can imagine.
Some people can't even load a shotgun.
I've talked to other police, and they don't even know what they're... Oh, by the way, did you see the article?
I printed it off Drudge.
Up in Illinois, the cops are demonstrating his gun and blows his leg off.
Of course, last year they shot the child in the face in a gun demonstration about how to turn your guns in, basically, in Michigan.
Paul, did you see that?
I didn't see that particular article, but as you mentioned, it's this whole shift from being peace officers to being law enforcement.
And on one level, it does turn them into, you know, salivating mercenaries who will carry out anything under orders.
But again, when you change that kind of training, it removes, you know, competency.
So, that's why they're all so useless and stupid in that they just blindly follow these orders.
Yeah, because the intelligent people get out!
Oh, my goodness.
It's always a good idea to give the toll-free number out at least once an hour.
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I do have to go to these calls quicker.
We'll go right to Jason and Joe and John and Jim and Jane and lots of J's today.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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That's right folks, DVD.
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It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I have in stock the most amazing video that I have ever seen concerning the Second Amendment and the mass murder of hundreds of millions of people by gun grabbers and the useful idiots that went along with the government and thought it would keep the children safe.
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Let's go ahead.
Paul, you ready to... Tell us about how they took your guns in England and the crime rate is now the highest in the industrialized world.
Well, the gun grab in Britain began after the Second World War because they had armed a lot of the people.
With the, you know, Dev's Army, Home Guard, the mistake the British people made is that, well, after the war ended, the government demanded all the guns back.
And the British people, trusting their government, you know, in the aftermath of victory of war, gave all the guns back.
And now today, in Britain, the modern perception of anyone who owns a gun is that they're a white supremacist neo-Nazi.
Which again goes back to this film, the original, the big purge of disarmament, the biggest historical example is with the Jews.
People in Britain don't understand that.
Guns have been used to defend not just majorities, but minorities throughout history.
And that's why we should prevent government from taking them.
Well, the UN Small Arms Disarmament Office, UNIDIR, said in July of 2001, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
And that's a true statement, minus the word legitimate.
The ownership of firearms threatens the power monopoly of the state.
Again, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the power monopoly of the state.
Take out the word legitimate.
They say they want your guns, they want you disarmed, so they can have their way with you.
So when all these troops come back, experts in torture and the rest of it, they can have fun with you!
Just like they're doing in Iraq right now!
And the state, in a free society,
Should not have a power monopoly because it's supposed to be subservient to the people who elect it.
Well, a power monopoly is a dictatorship.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jason in Texas.
Jason, go ahead.
What's up, Alex?
How you doing?
I'm doing well.
Hey, listen, I was listening to one of the local stations here in Austin, and this was yesterday, I came across Nader's speech.
Did you happen to
Yeah, I did hear that, and the local station also aired one of my speeches.
Yeah, and what I thought was amazing is the fact that Nader actually alluded to the Founding Fathers at my count over a dozen times.
And he talked about the CFR, and he talked about the UN being New World Order.
Yeah, I mean, he definitely knows what audience he's playing to.
And more than anything else, he actually gave props to Ron Paul.
I know, and that's because the left is having to do that because their constituents are joining us, the real conservatives, and we're going to win this thing if we get past the left-right garbage.
Yeah, and I totally agree with you.
Let me ask a liberal this.
Let me ask a so-called liberal who's really a fascist, boot-licking idiot.
Let me ask him this out there.
Were you for the Native Americans having their guns taken?
Well, of course not!
They had a right to fight back!
Would you be against a black slave getting one of the guns out of Master's house and taking him out?
No, you wouldn't be against that!
Are you against Che Guevara?
You know, they wear these shirts with Che Guevara lifting an AK-47, and oh, that's cute and fun and neat, but for the citizens to own guns, oh, that's bad!
What is wrong with you people?
Hitler was for gun control!
Well, the two avenues that this is going to happen, you've already alluded to this, is the fact that it's going to go through election regulation.
And I've seen InfoWars, I've seen the side on the electronic ballots.
That's one avenue.
And then the avenue is just going to be sheer force.
And I don't know, I just thought that it was amazing.
I spoke with Congressman Paul's office this morning.
I've got a bunch of friends that work there.
I formerly worked there.
And we thought it was hilarious.
Well, not hilarious, but ironic.
That the rhetoric has suddenly changed where the far left is concerned.
Well, that's how this works.
Look, I mean, this is the best news I've gotten, so I announce it several times a week.
I've done over 1,500 radio interviews.
One call out of 30 disagrees.
Everybody's starting to wake up.
People know we're not making this stuff up anymore.
I mean, Marsh Limbaugh can't deny that there's a new world order when it's on the nightly news.
They know we've been lied to.
And so I tell the liberals, go out and buy a gun, go take a shooting lesson, find out it isn't that big of a deal, put an instant access pistol safe in your house where you can get it out in two seconds but your children can't get it, then become a free human being.
Slaves cannot own arms!
You need to own arms, it's part of freedom.
Thanks for the call.
And good to have one of Ron Paul's colleagues listening.
God bless you.
We'll be having the Congressmen back on soon.
Paul, comments?
Well, two points.
The hypocrisy of the left.
They will march all day against killing babies in Iraq, which is right.
But then, as we saw last week, they'll also march all day for killing babies via abortion.
So you cannot crack that paradigm.
And again, Hitler was a big promoter of abortion.
And oh, you're with Hitler now.
And with the Ralph Nader thing, obviously some of his points are good, half of them are not.
We, well I at least, advocate somebody like Aaron Russo, who's been on the show, who is banged on on all the points.
Gun control, immigration, Patriot Act, war, on every single issue.
You know, he's pro-freedom, so we need to... And it's russoforpresident.com!
And obviously neither Rousseau or Nader is going to become president, but the fact is we give them a platform, a bigger platform, so they can educate other people on the issues of freedom.
Yeah, get on C-SPAN, go around the country, it's great!
Let's go ahead and talk to Joanne.
Joanne, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling you from Colorado, and I have a tape, I've talked to you before, I have a tape on Paul, it's Rockenhoff.
The one that is speaking out against what they're doing in Iraq?
Have you heard about him?
I've heard the name, but... Ricker Hoff, I believe.
I have it on tape, and I talked with your girl that answers the phone, and she said that she would tape it.
It's just a short tape, but he speaks out about he's willing to talk to anyone who can just to let things
I let them know what's going on.
Well, we all know what's going on in Iraq.
I mean, it's all out in the open.
Right, I agree there.
But, um, he has... I have it on tape.
It's a very short, uh, tape.
If you have someone there that could tape it.
By tape it, what do you mean?
I have it on video.
I could turn it up and you could tape it.
If you have someone there that could... Yeah, I try to get away from that because the audio's not that good.
Make us a copy and mail us a copy, ma'am.
Hey, I appreciate it.
What else is on your mind?
Well, that's it.
Okay, thank you for listening.
God bless you.
I really appreciate it, Joanne.
John in Tennessee.
John, go ahead.
On Friday, Ted Koppel and ABC showed photos and named each and every name of every U.S.
soldier killed so far in Iraq.
They named all 700 dead, and they had to stop for commercials, and then they would continue after the commercial break for the whole show.
It was pretty intense.
I know, they try to imply that all this fake left-right fighting, oh how dare him, you know, do this, we're not going to carry the show and all that.
It's all just political infighting to make us think that there's some type of real debate going on here.
Well, the British government also has videotape of British soldiers throwing Iraqi POWs off a bridge to kill them, and albazra.net has posted photos of US soldiers allegedly gang raping female Iraqi POWs.
Yeah, I know, we've seen it.
Okay, well, U.S.
networks call it humiliation to torture, rape, and murder POWs, and I hope people can see through that.
Well, you've heard the neocons, all the Iraqis being tortured.
Secretly worked for Saddam and are the ones that shot our troops in the head.
I mean, that is such a fable.
Number one, then, why is the President saying they were bad?
Number two, why aren't they saying that and defending themselves with that?
It's not true!
It's a total lie, but the neocons don't care, do they, Paul?
Well, I've heard callers into these neocon talk shows who justify it by saying, come on, these ARABs flew planes into buildings and the talk show host doesn't correct them on it.
It's amazing, but with the British, the British photo showing the torture... Now, the Iraqis had nothing to do with that.
They're arresting them.
If you sell food on the street without a license, you're taken to the camp.
That's admitted, Paul.
Well, that's the point, but 50% in a poll last year thought that Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden were the same person.
So that's a level of education.
By the way, Paul, you're not joking.
I mean, that shows the brain damaging.
Anything else, John?
Yeah, last week I testified about gangster government at the Knoxville City Council meeting that was broadcast on local TV.
Our Skull & Bones Mayor, Victor Ashe, was promoted this year to Ambassador to Poland.
And Ash was, of course, George Bush's roommate at Yale when it was for men only, and they were both on the cheerleader squad.
Yeah, that's enough, that's enough.
No, I'm not talking more about that, but our new mayor is a billionaire oil baron.
And our former city council member, Carlene Malone, said in the newspaper that on city council with Mayor Ash, she was, quote, in the presence of evil.
And now, I said I hoped evil has now left the building, but one of the local politicians has now censored my website, which I mentioned.
During the City Council meeting on the public record.
So I've been retaliated against.
They cut it out of the transcript?
They cancelled my website on the web host.
Wow, that's amazing.
Very, very serious.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, I've just got time to talk to Rick Bryan.
Michael, Dave and Irene, because literally I've got like 30-40 articles I just want to mention and let you know what's going on with them and give Paul a chance to get some information out to people.
And Kelly Rushing called in, he's the guy, remember Alabama, the man got arrested for the sign in his yard saying our court system's a joke.
Well, Kelly gave the police a Ron Paul video from C-SPAN and then one of my videos.
They arrested him and tried to take him to trial, tried to put him in jail for a year.
When he was found not guilty by the jury, thank God there's still some justice.
Oh, they're trying to get rid of juries now.
And I said, you better sue them, buddy.
They're going to keep coming after you.
And he even walked up and told the state police officer that had him arrested, well, I'm sorry about all this trouble.
And the guy just kind of laughed at him.
I told Kelly about this, now him and some of his friends and others are getting some problems.
They don't respect you being nice, Kelly.
They're not nice people.
Anyone that would arrest you for giving them a C-SPAN video, you know, wants the Soviet America.
And so they see it that you beat them.
They wanted to take you to jail.
They wanted to ruin your life.
And they're going to keep trying.
So, in a nutshell, quickly, Kelly, because I want to have you back on later as a guest about this.
We're really cramped for time.
In a nutshell, what's happening to you?
Well, basically, they're trying to go after one of the people that was a character witness for me.
He's my best friend.
And are you being followed by police cars and stuff?
Uh, yesterday I was, um, driving down the road and one ran up on my bumper real quick.
Hey, you better, man, I'm telling you, you better watch it, Kelly.
You need to file suit on him immediately and get this out on the record.
And believe me, you think they'll leave you alone if you're nice to them.
That's not how it works with a bully or a dog.
Well, one of the problems is getting a lawyer that will approach this thing.
I haven't been able to get one so far.
Okay, one of Jerry Spence's lawyers who I had on last week.
Paul, what was his name?
I just won the big lawsuit for him beating up the old lady.
He said he wanted you to call him.
Paul, we've got that on PrisonPlanet.tv posted.
Kelly, have somebody you know go to the website.
What was his name?
It was in the Oregonian.
I could dig it out here.
It was Warren.
That's right.
It was Freddie Warren or no?
I've got his number at home.
Kelly, he can get you a lawyer that's been to Jerry Spence's school.
Anyway, what they did to my friend was, he was riding his horse up the road and one state trooper came by and said that they had a report that he was riding through people's yards and tearing their yard up.
My friend had a couple of beers before he left the house and they wrote him up for a DUI on the horse.
And wrote him up for criminal trespassing of the third degree.
Okay, so now he's got to go to court.
I had to get him out of jail the other night.
Now he's got to go to court.
Yeah, and I bet the person that did the trespassing is one of the local police.
Have you found that out yet?
Done what now?
Have you found that out yet?
Found out what?
Have you found out yet who the person's yard was that sang the trespassing?
No, now this just happened Saturday.
Okay, well Kelly, Kelly, here's the deal.
Let me tell you something else that happened.
Sunday, I went and had breakfast with my friend and we drove up that way and we saw a police officer, the state troopers,
That's it!
I knew it!
Uh, listen, when I went to Brooksville, Florida, and it's in my film, The Takeover, you know, big town, Delta Force training, foreign trips, all this stuff.
And I go there, and I just walk up to people, and they go, the Army's already been here.
We're not supposed to talk to you.
You're crazy and dangerous.
This is all on video.
And they love this.
You know what?
You need to go to those houses, be real polite, have a tape recorder go into your pocket, and say, Hi, we've been through a lot of harassment over this.
What did the officer want to talk to you about?
And I bet you money, one of those people is good, and you'll have them as, oh, this is really getting... Kelly?
Do them now.
Oh, yeah.
If I can get a lawyer, then we'll... Now, see, it's very primitive.
If they see you as a prey animal... If they see you as a prey animal, they'll attack.
As soon as you stand your ground, in many cases, they'll flee.
I'll be talking to you soon, Kelly.
We'll be back with more calls and more news.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, get your calls here in just a few minutes.
Right now let's blitz into some of the news and we'll take calls and go back into news.
Paul, last week, a British citizen, and on top of it, a white guy, it's even worse if you've got darker skin, but this is all about training us how to be slaves, from England, was coming into the U.S.
and they showed that he had a bad debt, that he owed a few thousand dollars on a car in an Arab country.
So bad credit.
And so they arrested him, 24 hours, no water,
I won't let him come in the U.S.
Turns out he did pay the debt.
It was never, you know, nothing.
Every day I see articles from people who have parking tickets try to fly.
They're arrested.
They run your whole background.
They're going to do it to get on buses, trains, to have your car start.
This is the admitted plan.
Rich has said it's going to be everything.
This is the Caps 2 system.
And it's just a horrible thing that's happening.
Paul, tell us about it.
Yeah, I was in the London Telegraph.
This British accountant, a former big oil executive, was going on a vacation with his wife and children.
Flew into JFK Airport.
And, um, he was arrested by Homeland Security for some kind of disputed debt that he had had, you know, ten years previously.
They took him, denied him water, kept him for 24 hours without water, put him in, um, leg chains, put a wood restraint across his chest, and, um, Homeland was there laughing and eating burgers, you know, while he was in this situation for 24 hours.
So, I mean, forget Iraq.
They're torturing people in America right now.
I don't think so.
Cutting civil rights, usurping powers to eavesdrop, creating secret tribunals where the accused have no rights.
And it's for citizens!
It has nothing to do with terror!
Notice now in every article, Paul, I know you're seeing this, Homeland fights crime!
Homeland, Homeland, scanning your face to fight crime!
It never had anything to do with terrorism!
They carried out the terror attacks to do this!
Yeah, and this Bar Association group made that point.
All Americans, not just terrorists, are potential victims of the USA Patriot Act.
They also said, quote, Hitler did not impose his will on an unsuspecting public.
The Third Reich arose on a groundswell of popular support.
Is that posted on the website?
Yeah, it came out on Friday.
Is it still there?
That is riveting.
Now, let's get into some of the government fake terror alerts.
We'll start with Spain, the oldest news first.
This is important, we should at least mention it again.
The news now is that the police really blew up that building at first.
They said the police are planting bombs to keep everybody safe.
Wouldn't say why.
Then they blow it up, kill the Patsy's.
Turns out the police were out in drills before the bombings of the trains.
All of this was going on.
Now it turns out, Paul, tell us what's happened now.
What we just learned in the BBC.
Well, the suspects who were supposed to have supplied the explosives to the people who carried out the attack in Madrid were actually police informants for the Spanish police force.
Same thing with the World Trade Center the first time, the FBI cooking the bomb, training the driver.
Yeah, they'd been informants for the National Police on trafficking in weapons, drugs and explosives before the event took place.
So again, another case of where they facilitate these operations.
Well, in this country, I was on the show in, I think it was around mid-March, when they had this mass arrest of so-called terror suspects in Britain, half of whom were meeting the week before by, you know, with MI5.
And I said at the time, just watch, they'll all be released, because this is what happens every time, with no charges, and that their release will be in the back of the paper.
And that's exactly what happened, all ten were released without charge.
And you've got that article on the website?
Yeah, it was in the Observer yesterday.
At the time, they were fear-mongering about how these terror suspects planned to bomb a soccer stadium.
And it turned out the Ryerson thing was made up.
All of it.
They arrest top Al-Qaeda people and then quietly announce, oh, we released him.
He was really CIA.
I mean, this is all staged, folks.
Yeah, but when the smoke clears...
You know, when it all turns out to be manufactured, it merits barely a paragraph in the back of the paper.
But the initial arrests are so massive in their publicity that people only remember the initial arrest, which reinforces the myth... Well, that's like they've arrested so-called Al-Qaeda leaders, you know, one individual three or four times, they kill them multiple times, and it turns out, oh, they're really an asset, we staged that for his safety.
I mean, it's just... Oh, my goodness.
But, I mean, taking these people, grabbing these people,
In suburban areas of England, we're not talking about inner city London, we're talking about the north of England in these suburban areas.
They're creating this myth that, you know, people are living next door to terrorists, so then they'll run to the government for a national ID card.
And of course they'll never find any real terrorists, but now Homeland and your own system says, oh, it's guns, it's drugs, it's smacking your child, to use the British term.
It's any of this, report them, report them, report them.
Yeah, they've set up a... MI5 have set up a tips website where people can report on their neighbours.
London, for the past two months, has been running a giant poster campaign which urges people to report suspicious activity.
And it's got giant all-seeing eyes all over it.
Big Brother is good now.
Let's get into this.
China shows off UN peacekeeping school, and it says for the Western world, training them how to engage in peacekeeping to quote, fight crime in the Western world.
Well, China obviously has all this kind of stuff.
And it says they have 20 years of law enforcement experience and will be very helpful in Europe and America, these Chinese police.
Yeah, they're very good at grabbing people and executing them and torturing them.
Interesting thing though with China is that
Two weeks ago we had an article where this so-called sniper rifle had been developed in China which could implant microchips.
Now it was called a hoax.
But in actual fact, these kind of rifles have been in existence for years and were developed by several Russian companies and were in fact used in Bosnia to tag insurgents back in the nineties.
So that so-called hoax actually turned out to be true.
Well that's how it, they had an April Fool's UPI hoax about plans to implant all the homeless and then you look into what they're doing, that has actually been proposed.
So see, this is one of the tactics they use.
Yeah, they say it's a hoax and then later it actually comes out.
You tell people and they say, oh no, I remember.
It was just a hoax.
Here's another one.
UN tries to censor book exposing wild sex and drug parties.
UN officials, including Secretary General Coffee Annan, are so afraid of this new book detailing stories of UN sex scandals and drug parties that they have threatened the authors with termination if the book ever gets published.
Well, they actually fired the woman that first exposed all this UN sex trade stuff in the London Times two years ago.
I mean, the UN's trying to censor that book, but not their own books, which they put out at, you know, child UN contact forum seminars, which tell children how to have sex with animals and inanimate objects, was a quote from the Washington Times, so that gives you an insight into their kind of character.
And coffee and it's in trouble for Iraq corruption.
Well, yeah, the oil for food scandal, but... I mean, that was running with the US, with the British government.
Now they say, oh, we see why the UN was against the war, because they were getting money.
Halliburton, through that UN program, was the only company allowed to sell to Saddam.
And now Halliburton recording record profits.
So they try and create this division between the U.N.
and the U.S.
government, when in fact the U.S.
government set up the U.N.
You know, they have stage fights with each other.
Bilderberg Conference 2004, and they're going to be meeting at the Grand Hotel.
I wonder what's going to be on the agenda now.
Well it's very interesting that before these Bilderberg conferences or after them there is usually some kind of event and it was reported that at the 2001 Bilderberg conference in Sweden there were a large presence of Arabs there right before September 11th.
So we'll wait to see how much actually mainstream coverage it gets.
Last year there was one report in the BBC about the Bilderberg meeting
Last year, which was in Versailles, France.
Complete blackout in all American newspapers, so... Oh yeah, we have public officials bragging that they are the New World Order, they are the Bilderberg Group, Prime Ministers, Chancellors, and then Rush Limbaugh says it doesn't exist when it's in their own autobiographies.
Here's Reuters, and it sees UN endorsing multinational force in Iraq.
Well, this so-called entity, as Bush called it, that they're going to hand over sovereign power to
Is the UN, along with Bush's ambassador, Negro Ponte, who was the former sponsor of the Nicaraguan Contras and the Honduran death squads in the 80s, and he, along with UN representatives, are going to handle this interim government.
And by the way, they keep calling it the election, the election.
They appointed the first government, the appointees will appoint others.
Now again,
When Hitler appoints some deputies, that's not an election, people.
I'm sorry.
I know we don't, you know, half of Americans, 52%, believe that Saddam and Bin Laden actually are the same person.
Not just that they work together, and that's a mainstream poll.
That's how dumb people are.
Very, very scary.
And at the same time now, they put Chalabi and all these others in, and people think that we're bringing them freedom in Iraq, Paul.
Well, the BBC went through point by point.
On how this new interim government will be set up.
And they were asking questions like, does the new Iraqi government have the power to order U.S.
and coalition troops to leave the country?
Does the new Iraqi interim government have the power to make laws?
Does the new interim government control any of the oil?
Do they control any of the... And they're puppets, but they also have no power.
Well, exactly, because you can't risk anyone trying to seize that power, you know, even if you elect these people.
A few other articles here.
Pressure mounts on Cheney over smears against Dipplemount.
Outing of CIA wife.
They're trying to burn this scooter guy.
That's his name under Cheney.
But clearly it was Cheney and Rowe.
We have this from our sources that are very accurate.
And it's not just about burning her, the CIA asset.
It's the hundreds of people under her.
And some of these people got killed.
Yeah, that of course arose from
Joseph Wilson, the ambassador to Niger, who got the confirmation that the sale of uranium to Saddam Hussein was in fact fake.
It was a fake document.
It wasn't a mistake, it was fake!
But I hear national hosts still talk about the uranium, Paul.
It was a crudely hoaxed document, the media describes it as.
It wasn't a mistake.
And so the response from Cheney was to out, you know, his wife as a CIA agent, which would basically open her to assassination and all manner of other things.
And it was basically a vengeful response to the fact that he was exposing that this whole weapons of mass destruction thing was a complete lie.
Okay, just a few more and we're gonna go to these calls.
97-year-old, arrest causes policy change.
This is out of the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Highland Park, Texas.
Police are changing their arrest practices after a 97-year-old woman was detained for an outstanding traffic warrant, provoking a flurry of response.
Police safety officials said Friday that officers and supervisors have been granted broader discretion on arrest on traffic warrants until the policy is reviewed.
Yeah, police should have that discretion.
But, I mean, they shouldn't.
Forget this case.
What about them beating up a 95-year-old woman?
Savagely, tasering her 71-year-old blind daughter five times, kicking her in the head, for nothing, Paul?
Well, exactly.
The fact that they had to handcuff this 97-year-old woman just shows where their training's going, that they treat everyone as enemies, no matter
You know, age, race, physical ability.
And again, police, the government wants it that way, so we hate you and you hate us.
Don't play along with it.
Here's another one.
California considers suspending electronic voting.
California's top election officials will cast an opening letter this week that could have a major impact on how Americans vote in the future and how quickly they embrace new balloting technology.
And they're talking about indictments now against these people for stealing elections, Paul.
Well, it shows the effect that we've had, and people like Bev Harris, whose interview on Friday's show is on prisonplanet.tv for free.
Where they went in and used the Patriot Act to try and get a log of all the people who had visited a website.
So, it shows how much they're trying to crack down on this vote fraud.
Well, I mean, trying to give us the right to vote is terrorism!
Uh, radioactive waste water spills into the Rhine.
About 8,000 gallons of radioactive water poured into the Rhine River in southwestern Germany after a pump malfunction in a nuclear plant, a power company said Wednesday.
Well, I mean, radiation's good for you!
Haven't they heard what the Pentagon says?
Why are they upset about this, Paul?
I don't recall Saddam ever torturing any of our people, do you?
No, he didn't when he had our airmen, but that doesn't really matter.
He was our CIA asset.
He did torture some people, though, but it was good when we trained him to do it, but bad later when we said it was bad, but now it's good when we do it.
You have to learn the double and triple thing.
This torture thing kind of seems like it's got a little bit of Israeli intelligence around it.
Well, they admit this.
Israel is one that gave us the great tips to bulldoze cars and houses and cut down trees.
Who's doing the interpreting between these people?
I don't think they're torturing these people with regular Iraqi citizens or linguists standing next to them.
Well, they admit that Israel's there helping with the interrogation, so your gut reaction is correct.
You know, you think this whole thing could end up being just another urban warfare study to see how much our troops can take?
There was a major mainstream article Friday in one of the San Francisco papers about that, wasn't there Paul?
Yeah, San Francisco Bay Chronicle, I believe it was.
Yeah, they basically came out and said that all this urban warfare is basically a beta test for later urban warfare in American streets.
Of course, I don't need to hear it from them.
I have made two films about it, East State 2000 and The Takeover, and I have video of the Marines training to take you and your family, to take your children, to take your gun and put you in a camp.
Thanks for the call.
But you've got to support the troops, you've got to support the camps.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brian in Colorado.
Brian, go ahead.
Hey Alex, good talking with you.
Good talking to you.
Hey, uh, the police here in Denver, just, they're out of control.
And let me tell you why.
Um, do you remember the little black boy that was, um, he was mentally handicapped, that he had a knife and he got shot and killed here in Denver?
I remember that.
Well, they just had an interview... Forget those cases!
Every day I see where they shoot some unarmed person, and the cop isn't even smart enough to plant a gun on them.
I'm not saying they should, but even cops who aren't evil, because they'd plant guns if they were, are just so stupid they're killing us!
Go ahead.
That's right.
And Saturday morning at 8.30, right during cartoon time, they had an interview with a police officer, and the police officer said, he said, anybody that comes after me with a knife,
I'm gonna kill him.
And then he looks, he turns his head and looks into the camera and he says, I will kill anyone.
And he sounded like some psychotic... So they have TV shows where they're going, I will kill you, I kill, kill.
That's right, that's right.
What was this on?
Uh, this was Channel 7, 8.30 in the morning.
Then they just had, they just killed another unarmed man this weekend.
I got shot in the chest because he wasn't obeying orders.
Well, the children are learning.
They'll soon be officers too.
Thank you for the call.
I actually support the Denver Police.
They're under attack.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, I don't watch much television, but if you watch the children's programs now, it's all about how to give your DNA, how to be a slave, how torture's good, worshiping police is good.
It's just brainwashing, one-on-one.
Let's go ahead and talk to two final callers, all I have time for, Mike and Irene.
Mike in New York City, go ahead.
Go ahead, Mike, you're on the air, sir.
Oh, hello Alex Jones.
This is Mr. Michael Conley of Rochester, New York.
I have three questions that I wanted to put on you.
I don't know if you know it or not.
I've been listening to you for about three months.
You're doing a great job.
You're here with the Fast Ferry and when they get into the stage of service, they're going
Deploy a thousand armed agents on either side of the beach, up and down both sides of the beach.
Well, there in New York City, they have 30,000 and a Hercules team, heavily armed, questioning everyone, just swarms of Gestapo.
And then in New York, there was up here in Rochester, I'm from Rochester, they had Governor George Pataki.
He implemented his Operation Impact.
With state and local law enforcement officers to combat crime and the high crime.
Yeah, this is all under federal control.
Gotta let you go.
Great points.
Call me back some other time, Mike.
Please spread the word about the broadcast on the three stations that carry us up there.
Irene in... Idaho.
Go ahead.
You're our tail guard.
Hello, Alex.
I talked to you one time.
I'm going to keep it real short.
I talked to my brother this morning in Germany, and there used to be 15 United Euro States.
And they added, since 1st of May, they added 10 more.
Yeah, 25, and next Russia's going to join.
It's one government.
25, yeah.
I just want to tell people they're closing in very, very fast, and people, wake up, America!
That's all I want to say.
Anything else, Irene?
Really, that's all.
I listen to you most of the time, and it's just horrifying what's going on.
But people need to seek the Kingdom of God and all of His righteousness and stand.
That's all I have to say.
God bless you, Irene.
Paul Watson, any final comments?
Yeah, just a kernel of hope, basically.
I was starting to get an elitist attitude whereby no one was waking up to it.
But I actually went and got my hair cut a few days ago.
The hairdresser, which is obviously one of the lowest paid jobs in Britain.
Knew all about the New World Order, knew all about Alex Jones, Bohemian Grove, immigration and the fact that she stood up against having her children vaccinated and got a lot of heat from it.
So she knew all about it and most of it is just common sense, which is why they're trying to obliterate common sense, you know, as a form of thinking with Marilyn Manson elevator music and all this degenerate culture.
So just maintain common sense and people are waking up, you know, even on a level of the working class.
When you've got Maryland Manson as elevator music, your society's in trouble.
Paul, thanks for being with us.
Thanks, Alex.
I've got one final article I want to hit, but before we do that, PrisonPlanet.tv, 15 cents a day if you sign up for a year, 19 cents a day if you sign up for a month, weekly video reports, text reports that only you get, best audio interviews, it's a wonderful deal, and we need your support because of our increased
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Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
BBC Microchip reunites cat with owner.
Lost cat has been Rihanna with her owner and it's how we all need our microchips.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow.
God bless.
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