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Name: 20040317_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 17, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends.
Another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
It is Wednesday, the 17th of March, 2004.
We'll be live for the next 2 hours and 59 minutes.
Coming up in about 20 minutes, I'm going to have Paul Watson on just for one segment because his brother, who does some webmaster work for us on Prison Planet Duck,
It's kind of a family affair with those great webmasters running it.
Found on eBay, which you occasionally see them, not an animal of the bohemian grove, but a book written by a member back in 1904, published in 1904, and we posted that at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, which is brand new.
And it gets into charity starts at home, not by buying somebody ice cream, but by, you know, dwelling in the belly of the owl.
We are the German secret society.
Oh, we're doing such a great job.
Very serious skull and bones implications.
And last week, I talked about it for years.
I've had it for years.
I plan to redo the Bohemian Grove film and expand it in the future.
So I never really brought it out.
A book valued over $600 that, according to rare bookstores, the 1996-1996 annals of The Grove, published by The Grove.
Only 200 of these printed every 10 years.
I was mailed one by listeners in Reno, Nevada.
And in that it shows the satanic rituals and George Bush Jr.
and Sr.
giving speeches beneath the owl and Walter Cronkite and Newt Gingrich and German chancellors and Tricky Dick, Richard Nixon.
We posted that last Thursday, right before I went on Coast to Coast AM.
And I really haven't even mentioned that properly on this show.
So today, after I cover news the first couple of segments, we're going to get into Bohemian Grove.
I am going to, it'll probably take me 30 minutes, I'm going to try to calmly go over the history of the Grove, how it relates to Skull and Bones, my infiltration of it.
Because I really haven't told this story in detail on my own show since I got back from the Grove.
It took two hours to tell it properly just the day after I got back.
I told it on the nighttime show, back when I was doing that live every evening, and it took the first two hours of the broadcast to tell the story, but I'll try to encapsulate that
We're going to have Watson on in about 20 minutes.
We'll cover some of it.
And then I think I'll start the second hour because we'll get Watson off the line.
Then we'll go to some calls and cover some other news.
I'll spend the first 30 minutes of the second hour.
I think that's the best way to do it.
Explaining what the Bohemian Grove is, why it's so important, how it's openly satanic, so you do not want to miss this.
And now there's been this new development, another Bohemian Grove book coming out of the mist of the past, by one of their members, getting into what we already knew was going on, but just more confirmation.
Some really sickening stuff in here, and that's posted right now on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
So you definitely do not want to miss this information that's coming up.
In the meantime, Syria arrests hundreds as riots sweep the nation.
Las Vegas police nab Ohio sniper suspect, and of course he's been in a loony bin.
More flocking to the web for news, traditional media declining as online news grows, as well as ethnic outlets.
What was it?
Three years ago they said that even cable news and broadcast television news had lost about 40% of its audience to guess who?
I mean if we're getting what with both the websites now 20 million hits a month tens of millions of visitors I mean they're leaving they're leaving and coming over to us I mean just our websites hurting them and there's thousands of other great sites so keep it up
So-called conspiracy websites are set to overtake porn as the most popular thing on the net.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, again, it's Wednesday, the 17th of March, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
A lot of new news and important info for you.
Hosted at InfoWars.com and, of course, PrisonPlanet.com.
In the next hour, I'm going to kind of recap my infiltration of Bohemian Grove back in July of 2003.
And so, you don't want to miss that, because I really haven't told the story in any real scope or detail since I got back from the Grove.
Now, I did last Thursday night, Friday morning, spend an hour and a half, a three hour interview that George Norrie had me on his show.
So now I've gotten even more questions, hundreds of emails wanting me to go into it and take calls on it, discuss it.
It's very serious and very important that you stay with us in the second hour.
So you might call your friends and family, your neighbors, your pastor, whether you're listening on the internet or your AM or FM affiliate or on Global Shortwave.
You need to call your friends and family, your neighbors, your co-workers.
And tell them to tune in to the show.
I mean, everybody's either got an AM or FM radio, that's how you're picking us up, or a lot of people have shortwave radios.
And half of America, or 60% I think we're saying now, has a computer or two.
So, again, have people tune in to the show because I want them to know the mindset, the worldview of those that are ruling us.
Of those that are setting up this police state, they're dark secrets.
They're satanic order.
And new information has come out on the Grove, and so we'll be going over that.
We've mentioned it, we've talked about facets of it, but we really haven't gone into it properly in a couple years, and so we'll do that.
Of course, you can always find out what really goes on in the Grove, the history of it, who attends, and see one of their main rituals on videotape from my infiltration of Bohemian Grove way back in 2000.
Now, almost four years ago, just a few months shy of
We're good to go!
Syria arrests hundreds as riots sweep the nation.
Syrian military troops and police have arrested hundreds of Kurds suspected of being involved in anti-regime riots in cities throughout Syria over the weekend.
Kurdish sources and Syrian intelligence arrested hundreds of suspected Kurdish separatists in El Payo and surrounding communities.
The unrest was sparked by a soccer riot on Friday in the town of Qamishli near the Turkish border.
What a great example of tribalism.
Rome, and Babylon, and even Egypt, the Aztecs, they had sports games, or chariot races.
And, you know, Japanese philosophers and historians, Chinese philosophers, African historians, I mean, everybody's written about governments using sports
The Greeks and the Olympics as a way to keep unrest down.
We have a tribal need for war against the government.
We have a tribal need to fight with our neighbors.
And so this is a simulated form of warfare.
It's real for those down the gridiron or, you know, in the hockey match.
But for those of us in the stadium, in the pews of this religious sacrament, for many,
It is simulated warfare.
So you don't care if your neighbor does something bad to you, or the police violates you, or if you're losing your freedoms, because you can go simulate your tendency to be warlike, which is, in many cases, a good thing to defend yourself.
You can go kind of discharge all of that.
And interesting, that's how my brain works.
I read this article about how many times rebellions and riots are sparked after the soccer game or football game because
Because it can also be a flashpoint for that, not just a place to offload those emotions.
So interesting, and I bet the CIA's involved in that.
They admit they were involved in the riots last year in Iran.
We don't know in this case, but it certainly points that direction.
But I'm no fan of Assad, a hereditary dictator of Syria.
I'm no fan of our hereditary leader, George Bush.
And, of course, there's the hereditary leader of North Korea.
Never a good sign when Daddy's son becomes the gracious, wonderful leader.
Of course, the White House is spending $70 million for fake newscasts.
I mean, most of the news is fake newscasts, my friends, but this is very overt, and we can perhaps talk more about that if you'd like as well.
A Las Vegas Police NAB Ohio sniper suspect, the man suspected in two dozen sniper shootings that have terrorized Ohio motorists and killed a couple people, was arrested at Las Vegas Motel early this morning, authorities said.
Charles McCoy Jr., 28, was taken into custody near the Stardust Casino two days after he was named as a suspect in the Columbus area shooting, said Las Vegas Police Lieutenant Christopher Van Cleef.
Lee Van Cleef's son, I guess.
It says, we got him in custody without incident, Van Cleef said.
That's a joke, folks, about the police lieutenant.
Police were told of McCoy's whereabouts by a person who recognized him from media reports, Van Cleef said.
Yeah, he was eating a pizza at one of the casinos, one of the stock markets, basically.
That's a better bet for you there now.
And they caught him.
Supposedly he'd been in a mental institution last year and then magically gets out of the mental institution and they allege starts shooting people.
Funny, Buford Furrow gets out of a military installation, goes and shoots up the Baptist, I mean, the Jewish Center.
His buddy, they just happen to be friends, Larry Ashbrook, says he was under mind control, wrote articles in the paper, neighbors saw men in vans grabbing him out of his house, he was begging them, the Navy's ordering me to kill, I don't want to.
Is he crazy?
Who knows?
Goes into the Baptist Center and shoots all the children.
But I don't know.
I mean, just over and over again, these people are in governmental psychiatric care and then it happens.
Is he guilty?
I don't know.
I'll bet he was on a psychotropic drug.
I mean, in every other case, every other case, Mohammed, Malvo, Harris, Kleibold, Kip Kinkle, the woman drowning her children in Houston, in every case.
I mean, we're batting 100% here right now.
These are all hole-in-one so far.
Will he not be on drugs?
I don't know.
Is that because the government's behind it, or is it because there are already whacked-out lunatics?
And every show, you know, in the dramas is about, you know, every police drama out there has at least one episode every season where the mass shooter's out and gets all the attention.
You know, monkey see, monkey do.
But, again, we have the official U.S.
government document, Northwoods, that calls for the Pentagon to carry out sniper attacks in D.C.
and then how to grab taxis and frame them.
That's in the Northwoods plan at InfoWars.com.
Some good news, by the way, more flocking to web for news.
Traditional media declining.
A couple years ago, again,
Forty percent of even cable news and broadcast news has lost its audience, and they're not going to the Learning Channel or to MTV.
They're losing audience, too.
They're going to the Internet, where they can watch video and listen to audio and read documents and go on chat rooms and discuss what's happening, and that's where the awakening is taking place right now.
The audience for mainstream news is shrinking and newsrooms are cutting staff according to a study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism.
At the same time, online news outfits and niche publications, including those that cater to ethnic groups, are growing.
Tom Rosenthal, Rosenstill, director of the non-profit organizations of traditional news organizations, including newspapers and television, are locked in a vicious cycle.
As audiences fragment, newsrooms are cut back, which further erodes public trust.
That's not why we don't trust it.
In fact, finally, on Face the Nation, Rumsfeld got confronted this weekend.
The reporter said, you know, you said there were weapons of mass destruction, that the attack, the threat was imminent.
He said, I never said that, no one ever said that in the administration.
And so they started playing clips of him saying it, and he goes, uh, I've actually got his quotes.
There's even an audio link there, perhaps we should have it downloaded and play it.
It's on the website right now.
And he goes, well, we didn't really, uh, I've never seen Rumsfeld stumble this much.
And then he tried to deny it again.
I mean, come on, people!
They said there were all these weapons of mass destruction.
Now, the last four months, they've been saying, we never said that!
And, I mean, even somebody who's got their head in the football game, or got their head, you know, in the, uh, topless bar 24 hours a day, can somehow figure out that we're being lied to.
I mean, two weeks ago, Colin Powell says,
Oh, no.
We didn't have a coup.
We didn't tell him to get on the plane.
And then the troops started admitting it.
Aristide tells the Associated Press this.
I mean, it's just... It'd be like if I got up on the air today and said, the sun did not come up this morning.
You'd go, yes, it did.
And I'd go, no, it didn't.
And then when you show video of the sun rising, I'd go, I never said it didn't rise this morning.
You'd say, yes, you did.
I mean, the lies are that big.
I'll never forget Rumsfeld before the war.
I mean, a week before it going, we've already paid off our Republican Guard, paid off two of the three Army groups, regular Army.
It'll be totally easy.
And then they go in, take over quickly, because everybody surrendered.
They'd already paid them off.
They had dealt with the force and the Special Air Services from Britain paying them off in Euros, dollars, and gold.
That was admitted.
Hours and hours of press conferences where he said it at least ten times that I take it.
Then, days after the big victory, a reporter said, well, how did the payoffs help?
He goes, no, there was total opposition.
Our troops just slaughtered the enemy.
There was total resistance.
No one gave up.
And they said, well, wait a minute.
You said you paid them off.
I never said that.
That's ridiculous!
I mean, come on!
Sean Hannity still says there's mass graves in Iraq.
Sean Hannity still talks about mobile weapons trucks.
All admitted to be lies.
I mean, they're still telling the lies every millisecond.
Sean Hannity didn't know what to do yesterday when Mel Gibson kind of just giggled when Hannity was worshipping Bush.
Mel Gibson just said, nah, I don't have much confidence in him or the weapons of mass destruction.
Alright, we'll come back with Paul Watson on the Bohemian Grove in more news.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're going to come back in the next segment and get into more of the news we haven't covered and take your calls at 800-259-9231.
Last Thursday we posted exclusive photos out of a rare book published by the Bohemian Grove, the German Satanic Order that Bush and others attend on the West Coast every year for 128 years now.
And Paul Watson joins us from England.
His brother was online and found an online auction on eBay for a book from 1904.
Uh, published by a Grove member, and it has some very interesting things in it, so we've combined those two stories.
And again, I have the video, the ritual, the news admits they do this, but still people try to deny it, so this is their own statements.
Uh, Paul, good to have you on with us for a quick update.
Good to be on, Alex.
Uh, break down what this, uh, new book is that we came across.
The Hoot of the Owl, 1904, published by, uh, H.H.
Bear, M.D.
Yeah, it's called The Hoot of the Owl, published by the Bohemian Club, so it's coming straight out of their publishing office.
Bear MD, 1904, first edition, published by A.M.
Robertson, San Francisco, and the description of the book is, a collection of short, humorous essays and addresses, American wit and humor in the flavor of the Bohemian Club philosophy, early California.
And then we've got a collection of contents which tell you the title of the different chapters.
Things like the Skeleton in Armour, Progress in Science, Darwinism, Heroic Deeds of Old Bohemia, and so on and so forth.
So we've got the chapters listed.
One of the entries in the book is entitled Address in Response to the Introduction at the Bohemian Club, and it reads as follows.
This is from the author, obviously.
Worshipful sire, I stand here as the representative of the German Pfeifen Club, and have to correct a slight error that introduced itself into the address delivered by your worship.
It is not to announce the subjugation of the Pfeifen Club that I appear before you.
I am not a hostage.
I am an ambassador of a kindred organization.
The object of our institutions is the same.
Our organizations follow a parallel course.
The object of both is charity, not that charity which sends ice cream to the Greenlanders and skates to the people on the saucers of Old Nile.
No, true charity begins at home.
And where are we more at home than inside our own stomachs?
And we know what that refers to, the belly of the owl.
Yeah, the Canaanites threw the children into the pit in the owl or in a fire pit before it, which they do a simulated sacrifice of a child we caught on video.
So basically, he's a representative of the German Pfeifen Club, which then became the Thule Society and created Hitler, who was an official secret German agent who went and set all that up.
So basically in this, he's presenting himself to the Bohemian members and saying that this Pfeifen Club is not hostile to Bohemian Grove, but in fact,
Their organizations follow a parallel course.
And then we have German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in his own book saying, I love our own groves where we do druidic rituals, these are quotes, but my favorite place to do the rituals is Northern California at the Bohemian Grove.
I go each year.
And then the key thing is that he remarks that the agenda of both groups is charity, but not the kind of, you know, kindly charity, but the charity which serves their own ends.
And then we get the reference to being inside our own stomach.
So, very interesting.
The second entry in the book, which is posted on the website, is simply entitled California.
And it states, I divide the existence of California into two periods.
The first, before the foundation of the Bohemian Club, has to be considered as prehistoric.
Even this period is distinguished by a very peculiar character, gradually changing to three different stages or grades, which I am to illustrate by three different experiences.
And the last paragraph is just the first one.
I was but a few days in San Francisco when a rough-looking individual, a Texas Ranger as I afterwards heard, laid his hand on my shoulder with the words, Old Horse, take a drink.
I had a presence of mind enough to take the drink and had afterwards several opportunities to get even with the gentleman in taking drinks as well as in calling him Old Horse.
So you notice the hand on the shoulder there.
Very similar to the way that Skull and Bones tap their 15 members each year, so again, similar kind of rituals to Skull and Bones there.
And that's why when I was in there they'd go, are you with the old ones, 1913?
And they would come up in little code words to me and I knew enough of the nomenclature to get past them.
And then the last passage is...
A kind of riddle, or a song, or a poem.
Paul, I know you've got a soccer game to go to.
You treat yourself once a week.
Do you need to go, or do you want to hold over and finish that?
I can hold over five minutes.
I know, you've got to run and go to the event.
Alright, we'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson, whose brother did a good job finding this.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll get into more news, your calls, and a lot more.
I will detail the Grove in the next hour.
You'll want to stay with us for that.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, well we just got Paul Watson for a couple more minutes.
His brother who also does some webmaster work for us at PrisonPlanet.com found online an auction for a 1904 book published by the Grove.
And again last Thursday we posted the annals from 86 to 96, or I should say 87 to 96, excuse me, where they show pictures of their satanic rituals and George Bush Jr.
and Sr.
They're giving speeches and the rest of it.
This new one, Hoot of the Owl, and Paul was just reading from one of the pages of the book that they have online, you know, photo scans of it, where they talk about how it's a German secret society and ritualistic and how it's all worship, you know, about their worship there.
But Paul, you were beginning to read another quote from the book.
Yeah, it's just a small poem, or maybe one of the rituals that they sing under the owl.
It goes, quote, there was an owl that lived in an oak.
The more he heard, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
Oh, let us be like this wise bird.
So, again, very Christian there.
Yeah, it's all about the secrecy of, if you keep your mouth shut and prove yourself through, you know, proving you can keep a secret, very Masonic, then you get to know more.
Yes, and we've also got a couple of picture postcards from the early 1900s showing some of the early Bohemian Club members there.
So, I mean, this is just something else to add to the Bohemian Grove section we've now got on PrisonPlanet.com, which also includes, we can flash this back to modern day events, where before the recall election Schwarzenegger was in fact chosen
The quote from the San Francisco Chronicle article states, from what we hear, the Republican hierarchy, especially those close to former Governor Pete Wilson, would favour Schwarzenegger, at least that's the word that came out of the Bohemian Grove this past weekend, where a number of state and national GOPers, including Karl Rove, happen to have gathered at a club getaway.
So that's in the archive as well.
And then another San Francisco article later said that the decision was made after he did say he was running at the exclusive Bohemian Grove.
Same thing happened for the choice of Dick Cheney.
Now that was announced that quote the decision was made and this came from Colin Powell and George Bush Sr.
at the Grove.
And then of course Henry Lamb attacks me on C-SPAN saying he doesn't believe it when it's part of the record.
And this is very, very important because Arnold said, I'm not running.
I'm not going to do it.
And I said, folks, the Grove wants him.
He's going to run.
He's been over there with Lord Rothschild.
It's going to happen.
And then, indeed, that did happen.
So we can get a lot of what they're going to do, because they love to brag.
They love to leak the fact that this is where the decisions are made.
Paul, thanks for your great work.
Thanks, Alex.
Have fun at the soccer game.
Who's playing?
Sheffield Wednesday, however.
All right, take care.
I wanted to cheer the home team there and his gladiatorial thing.
All right, we all got to have some R&R, folks.
I was down at SeaWorld this weekend.
They were trying to make me biometrically scan, and now we find out that to get into the park.
And now we find out Walt Disney World's doing it.
And boy, isn't that interesting.
Your calls are coming up here.
The next hour, I'm going to spend about 30 minutes going back over the Bohemian Grove and my infiltration of it.
In 2000...
And some of the things that have happened since, just because I haven't spent any real time since I covered it for several hours when I infiltrated back in July of 2000, I got back and did a detailed report for several hours here on the show.
Of course, I've made the film Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, where we caught the ritual on tape, and that's available through infowars.com or prisonplanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139, or just write to me, I'm Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Okay, we'll go to some calls and I'll get back into this huge stack of news I haven't even begun to scratch the surface on yet, but I just want to recap that it's great news, more statistics coming out,
Mainstream media, period, not just the news pieces, are losing their viewership.
And again, they're losing it to the internet.
They're losing it to people reading books.
They're losing it to videos.
They're losing it to the alternative media.
And it says daily newspaper circulation has fallen 11% since 1990.
Network Evening News ratings have dropped 34% since 93.
Three years ago they said 40%.
So perhaps with the Iraq War, it went back up last year.
So that made it go up a little bit.
So it's only 34%.
I was going from memory.
And here's the article.
Viewership of cable TV news is flat since 2001.
Well, it was going down even further before 9-11 helped boost it back up, but again made it just flat.
And so they're kind of statistically manipulating the numbers there.
The old numbers were 40%.
And they say the decline's even worse now, so I would imagine... Let me tell you how they'd cook a number like that.
They would start the graph at 2001, where it had already dropped massively, and then call it flat because they haven't lost any more.
See how that statistical manipulation works?
Many U.S.
newsrooms are seeing significant cutbacks.
There are one-third fewer network TV correspondents than in 1985.
There has been a 3% decline in news and editorial employees at newspapers since 1990, and a drop of 44% in full-time radio newsroom employees between 1994 and 2001.
Well, that's Capstar and Clear Channel and Infinity and Emmys and others.
But three categories of news, online, alternative, and ethnic,
Well, let me see.
In 1998, we started Infowars.com.
Actually, we started Infowars.com in 1999.
And I thought it was a big deal to get 4,000 hits our first day.
Now, my friends, in the last month, we have had, to both the sites combined, over 20 million hits.
And we've looked at the numbers.
It looks like 5 million of those are individual users just in the last two weeks.
So, we've just got one website.
To give you an idea of this, InfoWars.com is rated around number 20,000.
I can't pronounce that suddenly.
Prison Planet is rated
Even a little bit bigger.
I mean, this has really got to be freaking these people out.
I mean, I'm getting millions and millions of people, and my sites are way up there in the ratings.
I mean, they're still in the top couple percent, but it's really damaging the establishment.
They're in a lot of trouble right now.
Infowars.com, two weeks ago, had the biggest story on the internet for one day.
They have sites that rate all that.
Our exploding RFID story in the $20 bills.
That was the number one story on the net.
Again, I'm not here bragging, ooh, we've got all these visitors, and oh, we're reaching so many people, aren't I cool?
The point is, is that I'm a guy who got an access TV show in 1995, got a radio show in 1996, got a syndicated show in 1998.
And it shows what one person can do.
Because of you taking action.
And all of you can be leaders.
All of you can start websites.
All of you can get cable access shows.
All of you can get radio shows on the weekend if you really try.
If you just take action.
I'm looking for leaders, folks.
I'm looking for people that want to fight beside me, not behind me.
So let's move forward.
Okay, that's the good news.
But let's go to calls.
As promised.
Danny in Oklahoma.
Danny, go ahead.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
I appreciate you taking my call and having Rick Stanley on yesterday.
You bet.
They're certainly going after the Second Amendment.
Since I'm not an eloquent speaker like you, I'm a better writer.
I'm going to read what I had a discussion with him about, okay?
I contacted Senator Inhofe's Judiciary aide today.
Look, look, you've got to do me a favor.
If you're going to bring up Rick Stanley, you know, he's not George Bush.
You know, he's not Al Gore.
Most of our listeners don't even know who he is because they weren't tuned in yesterday.
You've got to do a minute recap for him.
Okay, he did a civil disobedience act carrying a firearm on his side and it broke two city ordinances because he went to two different sites.
So he ends up going, I guess,
He was the federal judge and he puts in a pleading.
And pleading is the highest form that you can put in to the judge for redress against the government.
So they put in the Domestic Enhancement Act against him and charge him under the Domestic Enhancement Act.
Yeah, known as the Patriot Act.
And for influencing a federal judge.
So, his aide stated to me that...
And Rick, in large part, and good Coloradans, helped get that done.
And what he did a couple years ago, by strapping this gun on in public and getting arrested, he said was to draw attention to the fact.
And so he's now been convicted of a law that was thrown out.
It's incredible.
Go ahead.
Okay, as Abe stated, that since the judge was not elected to office, then he would be in violation under the Domestic Terrorism Act or Patriot Act.
I said, didn't he swear an oath to the Constitution?
He said, yes.
Then isn't he violating his oath?
He didn't give me a response.
And I asked, what about the petition for 100,000 signatures for the elected officials to uphold the Constitution of the United States?
I said, would that violate my right under the First Amendment?
And he said, no, it won't violate your right and it won't be under the Patriot Act.
And I said, fine.
Then I'll go ahead and proceed with that petition.
If you don't mind... Well, the point is government likes to try to do this stuff in a vacuum.
They don't want us to find out how they're persecuting people, how they're harassing people, and they're having trouble doing that now because of the alternative media.
That's why they may need to drop the hammer with a huge event.
And that's why they've got the military lined up, the FEMA camps lined up.
They may need to go ahead and go to the next level, because they're losing control, but they've calculated, I believe, that that's an even greater danger to them, that that could backfire and accelerate an outright revolution against them.
He was upset.
You should have heard him.
Who was upset?
The aide, because I said, look... The aide to who?
The aide to Senator Inhofe.
I told him, look, I went to war to fight for the Constitution, and now you're telling me that if I go to federal court, I can't use my constitutional rights?
And he says, no, you can't use your constitutional rights.
And I said, Ben, isn't that a mockery of the oath that I took to join the Senate?
Yeah, by the way, now, this is even in the newspaper.
We've been telling people for years, but now they admit no constitutional arguments in courts.
It's just, I mean, it's a joke.
Well, I would appreciate it if you'd let me tell them where they can sign a petition at thepowerhour.com.
Under Joyce and Dave Riley Show.
It's under News and Info.
And I would appreciate everyone signing that document because for each signature, they know that represents ten people.
And Alex, I applaud you for all you're doing.
I watched your Bohemian Grove tape.
That really woke me up and I really enjoyed it and I've been handing that out to everybody.
And if you don't take a stand now, the peaceful way,
I'm ready the other way, too, but I want to do it visually.
Is it waking people up when you show them the Bohemian Grove video?
Oh, yes.
They said, my God, I didn't know that.
All right, I'm going to talk to you, Danny.
I appreciate the call.
Let's talk to Kim in Texas.
Kim, go ahead.
You were talking about South Africa yesterday?
Yeah, speak up for me, please.
Can you hear me now?
Yes, I can.
Okay, you were talking about South Africa yesterday.
That really upsets me when people say white South Africa.
If you don't have lineage there from South Africa, you can't be a white South African.
You can be South African, which are black people.
And when they took the land from the black South Africans, no one raised any argument about that.
Those people were killed.
It's just like Rhodesia.
When Rose went in... Ma'am, is there somebody else on your phone?
Not that I know of.
Okay, well it's just cutting in and out.
Are you on a cordless phone?
Yeah, I think you're too far away from the base.
Why don't you go pick up the regular phone?
Uh, all I have is cordless.
Okay, well just get closer to your base there, because your signal's cutting out.
Uh, look, look, let me just stop you for a second.
Now, certainly, black tribe against black tribe would usurp and enslave the others.
White tribe against white tribe did that in Europe.
Asian tribes did that against each other in India, in the Middle East.
They're Asian folks, that's how they're categorized.
And in ancient China, and in Mongolia, you know, Asian killed Asian, black killed black, whites killed white.
And, you know, 250 years ago,
The whites came into South Africa.
They would hire one black tribe, just like whites did here in the U.S., to go kill another black tribe.
And it was barbarous.
It was primitive.
It was bad.
But that's the way the world has been operating.
And so, the point I was... And there is ethnic cleansing.
There is the systematic slaughter now.
And the raping and killing of whites in many areas of Africa.
That's admitted.
A lot of blacks have spoken out against it.
A lot of Africans have.
And you know that would be like saying if somebody came here 200 years ago from Germany or from China that they're not an American now and I mean wouldn't you agree it's wrong that there's racist killings by blacks against whites now in South Africa?
Well I thought for sure that they tried to ask for the land back.
That's what I thought.
They went through the system and it didn't work for them.
I mean after apartheid, after 40 years of apartheid,
You know, they just wanted their land back.
It's just like what they did with the parks over there and the wildlife.
They moved everybody off the...
A good farmland and made it apart.
Well, ma'am, that's the same.
But see, I mean, under the black government now, I mean, under the government of the so-called people, they're accelerating the U.N.
grabbing of the land.
They're accelerating.
I mean, Winnie Mandela said she participated in hanging tires over black children's heads with gasoline and setting their heads on fire.
And that's when Nelson Mandela had to divorce her
I mean, it's a bunch of different factions slaughtering each other, and I'm not defending apartheid, but now the crime rate's exploded, it's mass murder all over the country, highest crime rate in the world, and I got into this discussion about North Africa and over a million whites kidnapped by blacks and brought to North Africa.
And so I was pointing out that everybody was doing this, that's all I was saying.
Okay, but when did they do that?
Uh, from the 1490s into the 1550s.
Yeah, that was after they were kidnapped.
No, ma'am.
No, ma'am.
No, ma'am.
No, ma'am.
In the 14th century in the United States.
Uh, ma'am.
13th century in the United States?
Since 13, what?
45 or 13-something.
Uh, ma'am.
Uh, uh.
The Americas were not discovered until 1492.
No, they've been here.
And then Magellan rounded the horn.
You know the Portuguese came into Africa and stole the place, right?
Magellan didn't round, I don't remember the exact year, I believe it was 15010, I'm going from memory here, Magellan circumnavigated the globe and was the first person to really investigate South America and to go around and find the Spice Islands from the western route.
Believe me,
So you think white people invented slavery?
Is that what you're saying?
No, no, no, no.
I know that Africans had slaves.
They made the warriors slaves.
What do you think the Egyptians did?
They were black.
Did you know the Egyptians basically invented slavery?
No, I don't think they invented it.
They incorporated the people into their population.
Ma'am, ma'am, I've actually studied Egyptology and they were brutal.
Did you read Dr. Henry Clark?
Are you saying some African tribes didn't capture people to make their tribe bigger and just make them second class citizens?
That part's true.
I'm talking about Egypt.
Hey, good to hear from you.
You take care.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Next hour, I'll do a 30-minute historical recap and analysis of Bohemian Grove and the Skull & Bones Connection.
In light of even more new evidence coming out, to the last lady that called, Gimmin, Texas.
Regardless of what color somebody is, they're capable of evil.
And the norm for governments is to be brutal and to enslave.
And the apologist for the African slave trade, I mean, I've seen it, I've heard it, and no, Rome would go into Europe, Western Europe,
2,300 years ago and grabbed slaves in an accelerated past into AD.
But there wasn't a big trade in black slaves.
The Romans and others would buy some from the Arabic slave traders who were most of them African.
There were some of the Asian Arabs there, generally in power positions.
But no, ma'am, not the 1300s.
In 1492, Columbus found Cuba and a few other islands, and then a decade or so later, Magellan circumnavigated the globe.
He went all the way around the planet, and not around the African Horn, the dangerous passage, but around the Magellan Strait between Antarctica and what is today Chile to find the Spice Islands.
And they did, of course, also kidnap some of the Native Americans there, and take them along with them, and some of the folks from the Spice Islands, but most of them died on the voyage.
Of the five ships, three were sunk, one was captured by Portuguese, and the other did make it back into port in Spain.
But no, I mean, oh, the African form of slavery was loving and sweet!
In some African tribes, they would go kidnap people from the other tribe to make their tribe bigger and stronger.
And they were kind of second-class citizens in a caste society.
You know, it wasn't the Roots image of somebody getting whipped on the back and wearing a chain around their neck.
But it was the African tribes that would bring the black slaves up to the coastline on the Gold Coast.
And that's when the Westerners cut out the Arab slave traders who would then try to pirate them, by the way, and steal their slaves.
Big problems with that.
They'd pull up on the Gold Coast, which is Nigeria and other countries today, and blacks would be there with their neighboring tribe members to load them on the coffin ships.
And it was horrible, but to try to sit there and say that the blacks in South Africa just want their land, they're killing each other, they're killing the whites.
I've read mainstream news articles where they say that openly, when Mandela dies, they're going to kill all whites in the country.
Whites are being targeted.
So it's wrong.
It's wrong.
And I will tell you, South Africa is better off because of the Western influence there.
I'm not saying that oppression was good.
I'm not saying the Roman oppression was good, but it built some form of civilization in Germany and England because of the slave system they had set up there.
So I'm just talking about the infrastructure.
We could do a whole show on that and debate it, but you need to get your facts straight.
And then you can argue, well, if you want to argue of who found America, that was obviously Lee Farrickson.
And, uh, uh, who was it?
His grandfather, uh, Eric the Red, if I'm getting my history correct here.
And again, they had settlements in Minnesota, they had settlements in Michigan, coming in from the Atlantic into the Great Lakes, and that's all been found, the swords, the bodies of six foot two, uh, you know, Vikings, but that all gets kind of shut up for some reason,
Doesn't fit into the plan of Spain fighting the Americas, but I'm not going to... There were not whites down there, you know, grabbing black slaves out of Western Europe.
The Romans were buying them at the docks in Libya and there on the coast in Somalia.
And that was going on, but the lion's share of the slaves, preferred slaves, were of Nordic descent.
Or Rome and Greece and others, as well as Syria and Persia, which Iran and Iraq today.
Okay, look, at the 20-minute point in the next hour, I'll get into my Bohemian Grove analysis.
We'll come back, take calls, cover more of the stack of news for about 20 minutes, then I'll spend the rest of the next hour in the Bohemian Grove analysis.
In the third hour, more news, more calls.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, now into the second hour of this Wednesday, the 17th of March, 04 edition.
Your calls are coming up.
Barney and Regina and Kevin and Danny and many others.
The toll free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
Since I snuck into the Bohemian Grove in July of 2000, I've never really spent more than 5 or 10 minutes recapping what goes on there, so I figured I'd spend 30-40 minutes today getting into the history of the Bohemian Grove and some of the new evidence that's come out and its connection to the power structure of the world, not just the United States.
So, that's coming up in about 20 minutes.
In the meantime, I want to take some more of your calls and
Into the big stack of news I have not even begun to cover yet.
China executes 10,000 people a year.
I want to get into that story.
Also, the Defense Department hires IBM for RFID radio tracker tags.
They're working with Walmart to force the industries to accept them.
Another one here out of the Associated Press.
And the U.S.
funnels billions to science to defend against terrorism.
We'll get into that, Police State.
Closed-circuit television on commuter trains.
Here in Austin, they're putting them on all the buses with microphones hooked into the police department.
Also, a review committee examines the new Matrix system, which they've been covertly trying to get passed to the states to spy on us with the feds.
No Fourth Amendment, no nothing.
chips watch grandma brush teeth.
There's discussions of making the elderly have them in their houses to track what they're doing for their safety.
There's discussions of RFID in pills to make sure you've taken them.
Yes, it's the new scientist.
We'll get into that.
Also, two years ago I told you that my White House source said that Bin Laden had died of kidney failure.
I got this from other sources, his family, and handed him over for a large cash bonus.
They're going to claim they killed him in Pakistan and roll him out right before the election.
I didn't know if that was true two years ago or if it was disinfo, now CNN.
Drone may have spotted Bin Laden in 2000.
They show this supposed photo of him and any minute now he's going to be popping up and they're right on his heels every day.
It's like a football game.
When are they going to get him?
The chase is on.
The suspense is on.
Building towards this crescendo so it's more believable.
The question is, will they have the nerve to roll this out?
Will they roll out, of course, the fake weapons of mass destruction?
CNET News reporting, cable taps into wiretap law.
The cable systems are coming under federal control and they're not just going to tap your cable modem or
Other systems when you're online, but also the microphones that are in the new cable boxes, which they admit they can listen to you with.
I've been talking about that for years.
They've now been admitting it, just like how OnStar can listen to you.
And they are using it to listen to you.
Also, record industry case threatens everyone's anonymity online.
They want to make it where everything you do, you'll have to enter your name and an ID number to even surf the net.
They can more properly track everything you do with the NSA.
Again, total violation of the Fourth Amendment.
And, you know, it's only a matter of time until the Feds have one of their hackers open up the gates on a dam or something and kill a bunch of people and say, oh, that's it, gotta track you on the web to stop these disasters.
I hate to give them ideas, but somehow I think their people have already come up with that.
They've already been saying that's going to happen.
Also, good news in Arizona, 80 mile per hour, 80 mile per hour, 80 mile per hour, someone can't talk, approved by state senators.
That's just some of what's coming up.
But first, we'll take your calls when we get back.
We'll run through them quickly so you have your question or comment ready.
And the toll free number to join us, of course, is 800-259-9231.
And the premiere websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com where we are updating just huge stories, mainstream, alternative, government documents, streaming audio, exclusive video reports on a daily basis.
So definitely check those sites out, bookmark them, and spread the word today, tonight, this morning, depending on what time zone you're listening to us on this globe.
We'll be back, stay with us.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance...
To use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
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I don't know.
Alright, your calls are coming up in about
120 seconds but there's this photo that's in an Asian news channel story and there was a similar BBC photo of a young woman about 18 years old with the female cops choking her with pleasure.
Just pleasure looks on their face.
You think they just, you know, taking a bite of delicious pizza.
I say that because I'm over here eating pizza and that's I guess the kind of look I have on my face but
Choking her with extreme pleasure, and that photo is in Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Well, this new photo, Chinese police parade a criminal before his execution.
And just the looks on these cockroaches' faces.
I mean, one of them looks like a demonic turtle, and the other one has got this look of total satisfaction on a major power trip, with his eyes as slits.
You know, like Bush does when he's all on a power trip.
He's all squeezing his eyes together, looking real evil, and got his mouth all bent down to frown with his arm on the poor guy's shoulder.
And the guy who they've got the hand on the shoulder just looks like a saint.
I mean, he's totally resigned, eyes wide open, you know, just looking at the camera.
And again, a picture tells a thousand words.
China executes 10,000 people a year, NPC delegate.
China sentences to death and immediately executes around 10,000 convicted criminals.
And again, what's crime there?
Criticizing the government, having more than two children.
China sentences to death and immediately executes around 10,000 convicted criminals each year, according to a delegate who was seeking to curb the practice at China's just-closed parliamentary session.
Every year, China has nearly 10,000 cases of death penalty that result in immediate execution.
This is about five times more than all the other death penalty cases from other nations combined, said Chen Zhonglin, a National People's Congress delegate from Chongqing municipality.
Ten statement in a weekend edition of the China Youth Daily is believed to be the first time that such a number has appeared in the state controlled press.
Well, they reported again last year in BBC, early 2003, it's in the film,
That they have 24 mobile death vans, and you commit any crime, they suspect you of it, no judge, no jury, they just throw you in the back of the van, automatic injectors kill you, and they gut you in the back and put your organs on ice for sale to the U.S.
and Europe.
And it's just horrible.
To know how murdering the Chinese government is, and how oppressive they are,
The terrible things they do, and just to see the photos of the two female thugs choking this poor little woman, who it said, of course, was a political dissident, and taking her to the mobile death van, and then to see these guys with these weird looks on their faces of just abject power trip pleasure, control freak pleasure.
Just disgusting!
And let me tell you, they want to be like that right here in America.
They want to make it just like that.
The Patriot Act II says they can just secretly grab you, never try you, and execute you.
And believe me, they got people that'll love it.
They got psychopaths that'll love it.
They'll stomp your guts out before they put a bullet in your head.
Don't think for a minute that they aren't creating the Cadres at Camp X-Ray to do this, and the Cadres at other torture bases, at Bagram Air Base, and other areas.
Very serious.
Meanwhile, the news promotes how good torture is and how we should all accept it and how it's a new virtue.
Let's talk to Barney in Maryland.
Barney, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
I just finished reading Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos.
Well, thanks for getting it.
What'd you think of it?
Very good book.
I recommend it to everybody.
Well, thank you.
Back in the 60s, there was a lady named Helen Peters who claimed that for everything that the
Establishment started.
They would form an opposition party so they could control the opposition.
Oh, that's, that's the Italian dialectic.
It goes right in the book, too.
And I used to, back in the 60s, I used to go to all the radical group meetings.
The UN, the United World Federalists, the Klan, the Nazis, the Communists, and other groups.
And I went to the U.S.
Labor Party meeting where we studied Communism, and the
Spartacus were the most belligerent bunch of people I've run into, including the Nazis and everything else.
They were the worst.
But at any rate, the U.S.
Labor Party and the Spartacus, the SDS, and the Willardmen, of course, were all Jewish, along with the Jewish Defense League.
And at the time, they were planning the big peace march on Washington, D.C.
All the groups locally except the communists were infiltrated by agent provocateurs and they were constantly harassed.
And everything falls into place just the way it is described in that book.
Well Tex Meyers talked about an Idaho case where they were going to pass a hate law.
Well, I may have told you, I don't know, but I had some friends went up to a meeting of the fan with George Lincoln Rockwell
And George Lincoln Rockwell claimed that he was hired by the Zionists to demonstrate in front of the synagogues with Nazi paraphernalia and everything so that the Jews would make a bigger contribution.
And then I've read that's when they killed him.
When he stopped being an agent and admitted it, that's when they got him.
That's right.
And a lot of people claim that the Zionists were the ones who killed him.
The man that went to jail they claim was framed.
All right, well, I appreciate you coming on the show.
Yeah, all these groups, the Nazis, the Communists, I mean, they're all run by the government.
And it's there to create hysteria and fear, so we see it and then go to the government as our savior when they control it.
Good call, Barney.
Regina in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Regina.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to say, first of all, just to keep everything straight,
You said again today, I think, Henry Lamb.
Remember, Brian Lamb runs under different characteristics than Henry Lamb.
You know, I have a problem when I'm talking fast.
Henry Lamb is a great American and does the group exposing the land grabbing and it's Brian Lamb of C-SPAN and Brian Lamb is the one that kind of attacked me on C-SPAN.
Brian Lamb, Brian Lamb, not Henry Lamb.
Okay, I want to mention, I thought you'd get a kick out of this, but I don't know how exactly.
I've sent it to my state reps.
I'll send it to you if you want me to.
This is States Short Change by Billions.
This was by Robert Tanner, AP National Writer, Indiana Gazette, Wednesday, 31004.
It says that the states will wind up paying at least $29 billion this year to cover costs of programs and initiatives handed down by the federal government, from education to homeland security, as Washington leaves an increasingly large burden for states, according to a new report.
Uh, any of these guys that I mentioned that, you know, Alex, we just depend on you.
If you have any, you know, that inkling to maybe try to get one of these guys on, there's a representative, David J. Steele, S-T-E-I-L, a Republican, who helped craft the National Conference of State Legislators report.
It's quite easy to define a local government.
You're talking real fast, I know you're in a hurry, but explain to people briefly what you're talking about.
Now it's come down, it's going to cost $29 billion for the states to implement the programs of No Child Left Behind, Bush's signed education law, prescription drug program, Homeland Security, and David J. Steele, S-T-E-I-L, I understand he's from Newtown, Pennsylvania, I did get his address, has submitted this report, and he's getting a lot of fuss in this article,
Uh, including from the Heritage Foundation, when you start talking about, you know, exposing out of Bohemian Grove and trying to keep things under wrap, I notice a lot of that kind of mentality of, oh, shh, let's be quiet.
He's calling Mr., Mr., uh, Ryan Rydell, R-I-E-L... Well, hey, Regina, I've got to move on, but they're great points.
Thanks for the call.
What she's saying is you've got so-called conservative think tanks and groups
That are blocking good conservative congressmen and women that are exposing the massive explosion in the size of government under Lord Bush, doubling the growth of government that we had under Bill Clinton.
And most of it isn't defense by the way.
Theocons try to go, well this is for defense and the liberals don't like it and we've been attacked and we have to
That is a moderate portion of the whole.
Most of it is good old-fashioned government nanny state control.
Most of it's Department of Education, you know, U.N.
funding, all of it.
Bush will massively increase U.N.
funding, and then go, I won't loan you $1.4 billion for your new U.N.
And the conservatives go, oh, look how conservative he is, oh!
And he'll cut $87 million in abortion funding and then increase it by $3 billion.
It's incredible, people.
So yes, you're right.
It's just like the NRA.
They run defense to keep conservatives inactive to neutralize us.
Same thing with Limbaugh and Hannity and all of them.
They're Trojan horses.
Let's talk to Kevin and Mass.
Kevin, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call on this St.
Patrick's Day.
Since today's topic later is going to be Bohemian Grove and your movie documenting your dangerous infiltration of their institution, I wanted to bring up the Franklin cover-up written by former Nebraska Republican State Senator John DeCamp, who I know you've had on the show in the past.
During the 16 years in office, Senator DeCamp was cited by even by his entities as one of the most effective legislators
The shutdown of the Omaha, Nebraska, Franklin Community Federal Credit Union sent shockwaves all the way to Washington, D.C.
There was $40 million missing.
What looked like a financial swindle soon exploded into a terrible tale of drugs, Iran-Contra, money laundering, and a nationwide pedophile and ritual murder ring.
Now this, you know, people that see your film try to dismiss it with those that defend Bush and say, oh, well, that's just fraternity stuff where they're just joking around.
But if you look through the details in the accusation... Now, we've interviewed DeCamp many times, and he was hired to whitewash it, found out it was true, his chief investigator was murdered, and the children described being before an owl, and watching other children have their heads blown off.
Thank you for the call.
We'll come back and get into it.
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All right, callers who are holding, we'll get to your calls later in this hour.
There's a lot of other key news coming up.
We also have a guest, very important guest, the last 30 minutes of the show that we'll announce later, so that's in the next hour.
During the break I was thinking, you know, how can I best explain what the Bohemian Grove is, how it's connected to other powerful secret societies that are really all just heads on a hydra of the same Antichrist system.
So let's just go over a brief history of the Bohemian Grove.
In the first hour, I read from an official publication of the Bohemian Club in Northern California on
It's been there for over 100 years, since it was founded in 1872, so you do the math.
And it's 2,700 acres in between some large hills, hemmed in with hills at the back of it, so there's only one entrance into the grove.
It's in between the Pacific Ocean and Santa Rosa.
And I'm sure that you've all heard of Skull and Bones.
In 1832, chapter 322, many presidents, many governors, many CIA directors, many of them interrelated, go there.
It was founded, according to MSNBC, by an order called the Illuminati.
At a time when Black Lodge Masonry, nothing to do with black people, meaning a cultic, black magic masonry, had been outlawed by John Quincy Adams, the president, years before, and they were hunting these people down.
Because they'd been trying to overthrow the country after the successful revolution.
And so, with German agents, Illuminati agents, and British money from the East India Company,
They set up the Russell Trust.
Mr. Russell, of course, owned hundreds of ships.
He was one of the biggest opium traders in the world, working for the British, for the Crown, a Tory.
They then came and set up the tomb, built the mausoleum-style structure, and began inducting 15 members each year.
But again, there's other chapters of this.
A German Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt,
He was Chancellor back in the eighties before Helmut Kohl and now Gerhard Schroeder.
He wrote in his own book, Men and Powers, a Political Retrospective, that he's a member of the Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg Group, that they're bringing in world government.
He's very proud of this and that his favorite place in the world is the Bohemian Grove in Northern California, that he goes there each summer, looks forward to it, that they have their own groups in the sacred groves in Germany,
Where they do the, quote, Druidic Rituals, Druidic Rituals, but that they do the same rituals in Northern California.
They're amongst the redwoods at a place called Bohemian Grove.
So I want to establish that Druidic German... It's known as the Order of Death.
And all your members of the Bohemian Grove end up being high-level members and attending on a routine basis.
The main ceremonial meetings that go on from July 15th to July 30th each year.
And later I will read from the 1904 Annals of the Grove, address in response to the introduction at the Bohemian Grove, Worshipful Sire, this is from the German Society, commending their German-style secret
So we'll go over that, some of the new stuff we just posted today.
Also, last Thursday, before I went on George Norrie's show, Coast to Coast AM, I posted on the site the 1997 to 1996 annals of the Bohemian Club, and it shows George Bush Jr.
and George Bush Sr.
giving a lakeside chat at the Grove.
This is their own publication.
Below the owl,
We have photos and page numbers and the actual scans of the pages with Richard Nixon, Walter Cronkite, Jimmy Carter, a bunch of other key people there at the meeting.
But now, we have the 1904 annals.
So again, we'll be going over this
Here on the show after the break in the next 30 minutes.
But let's just establish that it's a real place in Northern California.
The Washington Times, Parade Magazine, the Sacramento Bee, the Associated Press, Reuters.
I've done LexisNexis searches and found articles as early as the 20s in major papers about the Grove.
They've had communist leaders there, you name it.
And this is where they do a lot of their planning.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Alright, now that I've given you a little bit of the historical background of the Bohemian Grove, and I'll get more into that later, let me tell you how I came to infiltrate the Bohemian Grove in 2000.
The National British Media, Channel 4, approached me in 1999 while I was in Waco, Texas every weekend for five months.
Building a memorial church for those that died at Waco.
Including the misguided DATF officers.
There's a plaque there for them as well.
That was placed.
And I'm not a branch civilian.
Again, I was just building a memorial church for those that died.
It was wrong to kill those people.
And they could have arrested Koresh every day when he went to town, but they didn't.
And that's what the sheriff said.
But again, a side issue.
They were making a documentary, a five-hour special, to air on international television as a mini-series, and it did.
It's aired in Japan, Germany, the U.S., and in over a hundred countries last time I checked.
And, well, it's very interesting what happened.
The British media said, John Ronson and others,
Said, uh, Mr. Jones, have you heard of the Bohemian Grove?
Because they knew that they'd seen my videos where I was being chased by black helicopters, and where I was covering urban warfare training drills, and where I was getting in police officers' faces at illegal checkpoints on highways.
They said, uh, have you heard of Bohemian Grove?
And I said, yeah, Northern California, the world elite go there for over a hundred years, and they're supposedly this big stone owl, and, uh, I said, I don't know if I believe it.
And he said, well, come over to my car.
He pulled out a big folder full of, as I said, the Washington Times, the Associated Press, Spy Magazine, you know, just all these publications and was talking about how, you know, reporters have gotten in but they didn't have their cameras confiscated and how they saw the ritual where the bound body of a child is brought forward to the owl and burned and the red and black robes and
I was like, wow, people called my show about this.
I knew about Skull and Bones, and I'd heard about Bohemian Grub.
I said, yeah, I'd love to infiltrate it, but I hear it's impossible to get in.
They said, well, we've talked to people inside, people who've worked there.
We've been out there, but we're basically afraid to sneak in.
And they said, we'd pay for your plane ticket.
You know, if you'll get in and get us a video, and I said, well, you know, I'll have joint rights to it, and you can have rights to it as well.
You know, I said, if I sneak in there, I'm going to make a video about it.
They said, oh, that's great, sure.
And so, then that July 15th, I flew out to San Francisco with my wife, Violet Jones, and I took Mike Hanson along with me.
To document the trip with our cameras.
I'm the guy, of course, that wore the hidden camera into the park for the ritual.
Mike had his own hidden camera.
And, uh, we flew out to San Francisco, I think, what, on July 12th.
We drove to Santa Rosa, cut into the Dark Hills, outside Monterio, got a hotel, motel, in Occidental, about 10 miles away.
Didn't want to stay in the town itself, which is a little tiny town on the Russian River, right next door to the Bohemian Avenue that runs smack dab into the fence and then the three garden shacks.
And we got there.
I talked to some of the locals that had worked there.
I talked to some of the people that had snuck in who live around there during the off-season.
And I found out some of the weird code words they use, some of the things that they engage in, the type of security that the Secret Service uses, what the sheriff's deputies are up to, also providing security.
And then on that day, on July 15th, with the British media following our little Ford Taurus rip car,
My wife drove Mike and myself and dropped us off about 300-400 yards from the entrance and there's like a bog, a ditch dug about 100 yards wide with water and murk and mud and basically what you'd call, kind of like quicksand, deep mud.
And we climbed over the barbed wire fence through it and jumped from tree limb to log to stick and only got a little bit muddy.
And I went down several hundred yards
And there's footage of us jumping out of a car and jumping through the fence and doing this and then emerging into a big employee parking area that is off to the side.
Again, it's about a 400, 300 yard wide opening in between tall hills, which you'd call small mountains, 500, 600 feet tall, so I guess that would make them big hills.
And then the gorge is several hundred yards wide and gets narrower.
It's wider as you go through the gorge.
And then there's a large hill that backs up on the property.
So there's no entrance there.
And that looks down 500 plus feet down to the Russian River.
So there's one entrance.
And on one side of the several hundred yard opening, well let me
Be more specific.
It's about 150 yards wide at the opening.
See, I'm trying to tell a story, and then I visually image it in my mind.
I try to detail all this stuff.
It really doesn't matter.
But about 150 yards wide at the mouth.
Then it opens up a little once you go into the opening of the gorge to about 300 yards.
And that's where there's employee parking.
And then through some more woods, there's member parking.
So we climbed up into member parking, and you can see the guard shacks off on the road about 100 yards away.
There's a fence, a barbed wire fence right there.
Then we climbed up into the next member parking with all the Mercedes and Lexus and Bentleys.
And they have these big, flat-bottomed 1950s style trucks with big cushioned seats, open-to-air trucks that were driving around every few minutes picking up members.
And then they drive in past another checkpoint, then you come to a third checkpoint,
That is the guard shack, big guard shack, built in the middle of the road with the right and left lanes widening around it with surveillance cameras and the rest of it.
And we climbed up the back of the truck, we just calmly sat there and there were two older members of the Grove.
They began talking about the price of their robes and we asked how much their robe cost and they said, or no, they talked about how much it cost and you know, did they have their robes and
I don't know if that was a test, but we just kind of sidestepped it.
And this is all caught on video.
I mean, I have them on video saying this.
And we drive on in, and understand, I had a little fanny pack on the left side of my body, excuse me, right side of my body, with a little wire going to a pager, a false pager, that was really a color surveillance camera.
And that was hooked into the input of my little DV cam, uh, Sony, uh, video camera that I still have.
And the security walks up to the back of the truck, looks at us, we smile.
Uh, they go ahead and wave us on through.
Uh, and it, uh, it drives on another hundred yards and stops.
Uh, we climb out of the back and we're in the middle of this gorge, as I said.
The place they dropped us off, probably 250 yards wide.
A palatial log cabin style mansions and camp houses built into the cliff walls and the hills.
There's over a hundred separate camps, going from the most elite down to the new inductees.
So a nice little class society within it's set up.
And once inside,
There are just huge redwoods everywhere, effigies of owls and stone and bronze and huge signs ornately carved up between redwoods and the trees with huge, you know, five-foot-wide skulls, you know, hanging that say Lafitte the Pirate and stuff like that.
A lot of other stuff in Latin.
Saw an American flag hanging from one boncow, saw a German flag hanging from another.
And so we just tried to get out of everybody's way and get the cover, but there is no cover.
It's either sheer rock cliff walls, paths up into these abodes, different camps, and it's just different middle-aged and older men wandering around having political discussions.
You'd be walking along and hear them, you know, walk past you going, well, Reagan was good for us with the global agenda.
He helped
Get the people to accept it.
Ah, yes.
What about the nuclear reactor program?
I mean, I actually heard stuff like that.
And I saw some well-known people.
But understand, I don't have video of everything because I've got a pager cam on my belly.
You know, on my side, like a pager.
And so the view you get is just the view of wherever that's aiming.
And it got pretty obvious a few times where I was turning my body, panning it, and aiming at certain things.
And, uh,
We then walked, I don't know, three quarters of a mile to a bridge, a wooden bridge, over a gorge that had a several hundred foot drop off from one hill to another.
The valley just ends at a canyon.
You go across this little bridge and then up a walkway, stone walkway, another hundred yards up at the top of this hill, there's a scenic overlook.
There was nobody there, so I said, let's just sit here until it gets dark.
We snuck in at 4.30.
By then it was probably 6 o'clock.
It took us that long to walk into there.
We're up there on the side of this cliff, overlooking the Russian River, probably 500, 600 feet up.
And all of a sudden, I pull the video camera out, unplug it,
And, like a fool, and start videotaping the gorge and back down into the camp.
No one was around us.
We're out on this scenic overlook on the side of a hill, a big hill, small mountain.
And all of a sudden, one of the head sheriff's deputies, could have even been the sheriff, but he was wearing the sheriff's deputy green windbreaker and sheriff's department slacks, but no insignia.
And he was an older gentleman and he said, are you with the old ones, 1913?
We should gather with the Hillbillies, because I read news reports that the Bush camp and their guest is called the Hillbillies.
It's one of the highest level camps.
Mandalay is the highest, with the chairman of the World Bank, Wolfson, and Prince Charles and others that attend.
Walter Cronkite, for some reason, is part of that club.
One of the top five, they reported, is the Hillbillies.
And so he smiled at us and said, well, I saw your spy glasses.
Getting a good view?
And I guess from their surveillance cameras, that I've seen some of, but I haven't seen any around there, it looked like binoculars, I guess, from what they were picking up.
And I said, oh yeah, real nice.
He looked suspicious, but walked on down the path.
After he was gone, I said, Mike, we have got to get back to cover somewhere else.
Let's get out of here.
Let's go back into the gorge.
And so we start walking back down to the gorge, over the
Metal bridge with, you know, the wood planks in it.
Back down to the main gorge, back towards the camps, and all of a sudden, two Secret Service guys in black suits walk up to us with earpieces and say, who are you here with?
And we said, Hillbillies.
And they said, okay, well, trouble yourselves not.
You're walking too fast.
Relax yourselves.
The cares of the world are off your shoulders.
And even Tom was curtsied to us.
And then they walked on off, and then we had some other people walk up and ask who we were, and then I said, that's it, let's change the plan, let's duck into this, one of the low-level camps, and by low-level I mean it wasn't built up into the rocks, it was down at ground level, with live piano music and all these, you know, Fortune 500 people milling around, and I walk in, servants instantly are there with platters with whiskeys and wine, and now there's a little bit of the video of that we put in the film,
Okay, I'll take some wine, drink a little bit of it.
Oh, very good, thank you.
I might take some.
Then, you know, suddenly these distinguished looking aristocrat types are walking up, eyeing us, looking at us, you know, who are you?
I'm sort of getting my name wrong, the fake name we decided on.
I said, thank you very much, and we scurried out of there.
And then I said, that's it, let's go up to the camps high up on the cliffside.
So, literally walking up these steps for 10 minutes.
I mean, you talk about being winded going up these and employees are walking down.
They go, trouble yourselves not, you're walking too fast, you're breathing heavy.
Stop it!
Stop it!
And we're like, okay.
And then we finally get up there on the top of one of these hills.
And then again, sheer cliffs on the other side, down the Russian River.
And there was a camp called The Web.
They had names like Lost Boys, Devil, Beelzebub, Lightbearer, which is out of the Bible, Lucifer.
But we went into The Web, and we just sat there on a bench.
There was all this, you know, ornate stuff there.
I mean, I know really fancy art when I see it.
There was a bunch, and I just was like, don't touch anything, and let's just sit here on the edge of the camp in some chairs right when you walk in.
We just sat there.
Because everybody, while we were busy down at the other end, had started coming down into the central feasting area.
And we'd seen this.
Right after the truck dropped us off a few hundred yards in, there was this huge open area with some of the biggest trees, with live, classical, kind of spooky Hall of the Mountain King, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun.
We actually caught some of that on tape, that's in the film.
And there were all these big long wood tables.
Well, it starts getting dark.
We reload our cameras, because these little bitty cameras only carry hour tapes.
We reload our cameras.
By then, the pager camera is now functioning.
We're reviewing some of the video.
For some reason, it's flipping in and out.
I say, that's it.
Plan B. I borrow a butcher knife from the camp.
Cut a hole in the fanny pack.
Put the camera in.
Have it ready where I can stick my finger in and start it.
Put the pager cam up.
And then during the ceremony, Mike hooked the pager cam to his camera that we hadn't been using, really, and later that malfunctioned.
Thank God we had two cameras.
I'm the only one that got the footage of the ritual.
His was sporadic and off and on.
We don't have, like, the high-tech CIA hidden stuff, though I should get that type of surveillance equipment.
But it's gotten a lot better in the last four years.
It wasn't even very good back then.
And so we start going back down out of the hills.
And as we come down, we're up in the redwoods.
Understand, redwoods are down lower, growing up to our level.
We're up in the trees, walking back down.
There's mist on the ground.
It's getting dark.
I mean, it's like a Transylvania movie, you know, with the two-foot fog on the ground.
Literally, as we're walking down out of the hills, we're up amongst the clouds.
Very spooky.
Beautiful place.
And as we marched down, I shot some video of this, hundreds of tables, over 1,500 people, they're dressed up in Masonic outfits, you know, weird royalty insignias, and they're hailing each other, some talking in what sounded like, and people have confirmed in England, Gaelic, ancient Druid language, and we then march on down, and perfect timing, the whole crowd standing up, and they're ringing a bell and saying, go to the ritual,
And that's about 100 yards away from there, and there's this 150-yard pond, 50 yards wide.
We were about 7,500 yards away.
The church crowd assembles basically on the bank, those that aren't part of the ritual.
It's just like a church where you've got the people separated there.
And it gets dark right around that time.
And that literally there's fog on the water, no fog machines needed, I could see bats flying around grabbing bugs off, you know, off the surface of the water.
I mean, incredibly spooky!
And, uh, and folks, we don't live in an area of the country that has bats.
We have them in Austin, you see them every night.
Sounds crazy to somebody in New York, where they don't have bats, but there really were bats flying around eating bugs, and there's this giant stone idol, and weird, macabre music playing from a full orchestra.
Full orchestra!
And it got really serious after that.
So I'll briefly tell you what happened in the ritual.
And then a little bit more about the history.
And we'll start the third hour.
And then we'll get to your calls.
I'll also talk about the response I've gotten since I infiltrated the Bohemian Grove.
From the media.
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You know, I told this story a lot better four years ago, right after I snuck in.
Or almost four years ago, because it took me two hours to barely tell it.
So I may have to go ten minutes into the next hour trying to tell this properly, and then we'll go to your calls and more news.
But, uh, if you want a copy of Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, which, again, is two hours, five minutes long, and only tells part of the story, it's available at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
It's $25.95.
If you order three or more of any of the ten titles I produce, the videos, they drop down to $20 and you are authorized to make copies of my films for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes.
So again, please go to infowars.com or presentplanet.com or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And it's $5 shipping and handling for one tape, $6 for two, $6 for three, I think it's like $7 or $8 for four tapes.
We just charge you for what the shipping costs.
And by the way, I just shifted over to United Parcel Service.
Unless you have a P.O.
Box, that's how you get it now.
They are wonderful!
They are wonderful.
No more of the headaches with the idiots at the Postal Service.
I'm through with them after how rude they've been to us.
But continuing, my friends, with the story.
If I could spend an hour on the nightmares of the Postal Service.
Excuse me.
It's the government for you people.
I'm not knocking all people to the Postal Service.
I know you want to hear about the Bohemian Grove.
What have I gotten to?
Okay, it's gotten dark, and as it was getting dark, we were there, we could see the owl, the twilight, the fog forming.
I mean, this time of year in Northern California, at least while we were there.
I mean, it was like a werewolf movie, you know, those old black and whites with the two-foot fog?
I'm in this, with world leaders, looking across a pond.
A reflecting pool, you could say, with lily pads and frogs and bats flying around.
I mean, you talk about a movie set, folks.
This place is amazing.
They're playing this macabre music and there's this weird, Gaelic, German singing going on, Nordic singing going on.
This is the German death cult.
This is where Skull and Bones goes when they're big boys.
And, uh, the crowd's down in front of me, so I climb up for an hour to stand on one of the root knobs, about two feet tall, of a giant redwood.
So I could get my, my fanny pack that had a hidden camera, up above their shoulders.
So when you see the shots, you see the backs of their heads and, you know, about hundreds of them, probably 1,500, you know, down over them on the bank.
There's shots of that once the, once the torches get lit.
This is all on video.
And suddenly it gets dark.
I mean, now it's totally dark.
You can't see ten feet in front of you.
There's fog all over the place.
Bats flying around you.
I'm not exaggerating.
Watch the video closely.
You can even see bats, okay?
Things flying around.
Because, you know, they come in there because it's a pond.
There's bugs for them to eat.
I'm not saying they're evil vampires or something.
It's just the atmosphere is incredible.
You know why the Satan has picked this place.
And so I'm there, and then all of a sudden you see
Uh, over a dozen red torches to start coming out of the woods on the other side of the bank.
And the men with torches, uh, then all march up to the yowl.
Suddenly a high priest from the other side around back the yowl in a silver robe with a red cape with three other high priests supporting him.
Uh, and then some accolade or servant was, you know, crouching down behind him.
Come out, a bunch of people in black robes from the outer circle, then about a dozen or so in red robes, five or six in green robes, three or four in silver robes, the high priest with a pointy clan hat.
When we get back, I'll tell you more.
Get to the sacrifice.
Yes, if your station doesn't carry the third hour, I have no idea why.
Very frustrating.
A lot of stations don't, I understand.
But you're gonna miss this.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, back to the Bohemian Grove.
July 15, 2000.
Alex Jones, Mike Hanson sneak in.
British Media cover our infiltration for Global Broadcast, which is now aired in over 100 countries.
So they've assembled the high priest and the different levels of priests around them.
It looked like something out of Eyes Wide Shut or Conan the Barbarian, you know, where he goes and confronts Thulse of Doom or something.
Everything we've always heard about.
There I am witnessing in a black altar, 45 foot stone owl.
I'm there by the reflecting pool.
And they begin worshipping the owl, thanking it for its healing powers as the female deity, and they say, let those who are here amongst us, our brethren, let their spirits be here now, which is serious black magic, folks, calling forth the dead.
That went on for ten minutes.
By this time, the hair on the back of my neck is standing up.
And then the owl,
Somebody awful loudspeaker that they reported in the Associated Press, Walter Cronkite, starts telling them how good they are, and how powerful they are, and how wonderful they are, and they then address it as the male God and say, help us get rid of our conscience, help us get rid of our cares, great owl of Bohemia, goodly tire Babylon.
Goodly tire, of course, is where the Canaanite sacrifice of Israeli children they would kidnap started.
And you've been diverted the whole time.
There's this 150 yard long pond where we're at.
It's about 75 yards wide and I'm about another 25 yards up the bank.
So I guess I'm 100 or so yards away.
Maybe a little more.
We've been diverted down at the tip of the pond, this long pond, by the big ritual.
All of a sudden the lights go dim there.
They extinguish their torches.
Some of them go back behind the owl.
And then all of a sudden, down the walkway, the blacktop road that we'd come in on when we first came into the Grove, comes a flatback wagon with a coffin in the back of it, and the driver with about, I don't know, 15 people with torches, you can count them in the video, you can watch it, about 15 guys with torches before it and behind it in brown robes, and there's somebody in a black robe driving a horse,
And all of a sudden, these big black carps unfurl out of the redwoods.
Some of the lower branches of the redwoods down at the end of the pond.
They go behind it and start doing something.
At this point, the old men around me start going, it seems like this was the height of the ritual.
They start going, get him, kill him, I hate him.
And they start growling and cussing under their breath and going, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And if you really boost the audio, I did this on the tape, you can hear some of the, uh, uh, uh.
Some of this is going on and I'm going, oh my goodness.
And so it's darkness out there and then all of a sudden torches get relit and from behind the black fabric comes the Grim Reaper with skull face and
Grim Reaper Sickle, and there's this bound effigy of a body, small effigy, they told us later, this is an effigy we burned, and it's a Grim Reaper boat, or you know, the River Styx, and it rows, it pulls its way up the hundred or so yards to the foot of the thirteen black steps that go up that the idol sits on with the black altar, and they take
the uh... the uh... brown body and and and priest in black edit and rub it in and and and and and i pre swirls around with his red cape and they kneel over do some incantations and then they take the body up and lay it before the owl and all of a sudden the voice says you know don't kill me you don't have the power to kill me and uh... you know they say well we have the sacred fire burning from the aladdin's lamp and the owl says light your torch on me it will destroy care
Begondo care!
And may the fire and wind make merriment with your dust!
Begondo care!
And that's all in the video, and then they light it on fire and it screams, BWAAAHHHH!
If you've heard those clips here before, they're probably still on the computer.
You can go watch them on the website for free.
And I'll tell you what happened next, and then the aftermath of it, then we'll go to your calls.
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And tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's toll free.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I know you've been holding patiently.
We've got loaded phone lines.
Folks want to talk.
We've got a guest coming up in about 22 minutes.
So, I'll try to finish up my Bohemian Grove recap and go to your calls.
So, they set the body on fire.
It screams in pain.
They made clear that it was an effigy, in their words, of dull care.
It's a ritual to throw off their conscience.
They said so they can go out and do as they do as thou wilt in the marketplace.
And the crowd was still there watching as the ceremony wound down and I told Mike, let's get out of here.
We got back on the path and marched out the, I don't know, 200, 300 yards back past the guard shacks out onto the Bohemian Avenue with the town about a quarter to a half mile away.
I didn't look at my odometer or whatever it is.
And the British media was down there in the darkness about 500 yards outside the Grove and a little turnaround on the side of the road waiting for us and we climbed in and they shouted, John Sargent, one of the producers said, you've done it Alex, you've blown Bohemian Grove wide open!
And then we went back to the hotel room, we went into their room, we dubbed our
I don't know.
Three hours of video.
Those got erased after they were sent from L.A.
to London.
So we finally had to mail it to an employee of World of Wonder in London and use somebody else to mail it here from the U.S.
I mean, somebody was grabbing those tapes in transit, no doubt M.I.5 or M.I.6 or our own government and having those erased.
And then suddenly the New York Times attacked me and said, Alex Jones is this nut.
Who believes satanic ceremonies are going on.
It was an article about what extremists are up to.
And they had me in an article with the Klan and Osama Bin Laden.
They didn't say I was with the Klan or Osama Bin Laden.
They would just say, here's what the Klan's doing.
Here's what Osama Bin Laden's doing.
Literally, folks.
There's a guy named Alex Jones.
Let us tell you about him.
So guilt by association.
Like, man, they're really mad about this.
And it was pretty scary.
Because I didn't even know if this story was true before I snuck in and got the video.
By the way, the rituals go on for the 15 days.
I only caught one day of it.
Supposedly a bunch of other, even wilder rituals.
And, you know, David Gergen, who worked for Clinton, who'd been a Republican, The Washington Times asked him about it.
He says, well, I don't run around naked like the rest of them, you know.
And there's been articles about the male and female prostitutes that are brought in for them.
Mainstream news!
Again, this is a lot of your Christian conservative leaders, Democrats as well, but mainly Republicans, going to this.
Now, Richard Nixon in a news article, after he was out of office, was talking about Bohemian Grove, and he said, well, they actually got some of the Nixon tapes, and that was in a news article, how much he hated going, but how he had to do it for political power when he was governor of California, and how it was, quote, the most faggy thing
Or when he failed to be governor of California, whatever.
How it was the most faggy thing, to use his words, he'd ever seen.
So I don't know, I didn't see any of that, but that's what Nixon said about it.
So that's the stuff that's going on out there, and then last week I go on Coast to Coast AM, tell the story, put video clips on the website.
Just the bandwidth overage charges of four million people, individuals, going to the site that night and
Over a million watching the clip cost me about a thousand dollars, by the way.
That's why we need your support.
Just that night cost me a thousand dollars in bandwidth just for the video.
And we will not be able to continue this, our own success, if people do not buy more of the videos and stuff.
It's that simple.
I'll have to take the video off.
It gets expensive.
I've got to pay for that.
It was actually over a million people that watched it.
It's incredible the different things that are happening and then suddenly that morning Brian Lamb of C-SPAN, the founder and head of it, in his show Washington Journal just so happened to have some professor on debunking those that believe in the New World Order and they start the show with Alex Jones and how I claimed that they picked Dick Cheney as the VP running mate in 2000 from there.
Well I didn't claim that, I quoted CNN and Brian Lamb said he listened to me on the air and
He asked the professor about me.
The professor goes, ah, I've been watching Alex for years.
Yes, my chapters in my book are about him.
Then he goes, someone, after Alex did this, someone, someone, a man snuck in there heavily armed.
Probably to really imply a lot of people saw it and thought they were talking about me.
What really happened is, I believe a government operation, about a year after I snuck in there, a fellow named Richard McCaslin, a stuntman from Six Flags,
According to the Associated Press, showed up in Austin.
And I never talked to him.
One time he walked up to the studio TV door and they let him open the door while I was live on the air and lay some of his hand-drawn comic books by the monitor, by the TV that was on in there, you know, for the camera shot.
And it was the Phantom Patriot, a guy with a skull cap and a Captain America outfit with a crossbow and a machine gun.
And, uh,
He came down there a few times and tried to get associated with us, but I had such bad vibes off of him.
I mean, it was just screaming, Fed!
And so I was like, he's not going to create a ledger or a history with me.
So he was out in the parking lot wanting to talk to me, and I waited, looked out the window until he was at his back turn.
I literally ran out to my car and just got out of there.
I just know, thanks to God, I've got discernment who to stay away from.
And that was months before he did this.
Suddenly, he goes in there in the middle of the winter, when he knows nobody's there.
That's admitted.
He let her go to the police.
Oh, I knew nobody was there.
But if I'd have found satanic ceremonies going on, you know, I was going to blah, blah, blah.
And he goes in there, the police just magically show up, and he turns himself in in this cartoon character outfit he was in, and just says, oh, I heard about it on Alex Jones, Alex Jones, Alex Jones.
And so then, you know, the New York Times and others get to bring that up, and so does Mr. Brian Lamb.
Again, if people are doing weird things, if world leaders are doing weird things, it's going to attract other fruitcakes.
And so I have no responsibility, and it's not my fault that guy did that.
And I've been so busy, I haven't had time to call Lamb up, because it's the second time he's done that on TV, by the way.
Call Lamb up and demand equal time.
Brian Lamb.
Because a lot of people called the show.
I got emails.
Was that professor talking about you?
Did you do that?
So they're very slick how they're doing this.
And so, just amazing.
Kind of an agent provocateur operation.
Because he admitted to the newspaper, he said, oh, I knew nobody was in there.
And so he went in there and set fire to some building and of course it didn't burn anything.
And then it said he slept on the ground and then he came out and met police and gave himself up.
And he got like, I don't know, he was seven years in jail?
Alright, well that's the story and that's where it stands and you know, it's just amazing that this is going on and this is happening.
And by the way, there have been protests and demonstrations outside the Grove
Since the 1960s by the leftists who see it as a neocon organization and don't like it because it's powerful men.
And Mary Moore runs the Bohemian Grove Action Network and I didn't go there the year after but Ed Homan did and we have that video and we're going to put that in a film later.
And he went back a year later and there were like 500 people there protesting while the elitists were driving in broad daylight.
Chips, police, state police out there blocking it, Secret Service, the rest of it.
They take over the Bohemian Avenue right in front of the gates, pull out a witch's pot, start chanting, bringing in North, East, South, and West, water, fire, wind, earth, marching around in circles.
I've heard this on local television.
Marching around in circles, worshipping, hopping about,
I mean, hours of these rituals.
So, even the people protesting it, who by the way, the year I was there, I met with some of them, they're like, don't talk about the occult, leave out of it, do you hear me?
I'd say, well no, I'm going to talk about it.
That's not good, focus on their policies, not on what they're doing!
Well, now we understand why you don't want us getting into it.
I mean, a lot of these people look like witches, but we didn't know until Ed Homan went out there that
My goodness!
So, really this saga just goes on and on, and Skull and Bones is an offshoot of German secret societies, and Bohemian Grove is an offshoot of Skull and Bones, and that's admitted, and we have all the mainstream news articles posted.
Let's talk to Dan in Tennessee.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, this is Danny the Disabled Vet.
Yes sir, go ahead.
I just wanted to call, I got a quick question for you and I wanted to tell you something.
Well how was my story that I just told?
It was awesome, awesome.
I'm self-employed and I've got a restaurant in Tennessee and I've got every single video you've ever made and I keep them at my restaurant and every single day customers come in and I talk to them and I show your videos at my restaurant and
It's just been a great way to wake people up, and it's actually helped my business.
A few years ago, people were saying, oh, you're crazy to be showing that stuff, and people would say I was a kook and leave.
And then, the past couple of years, my business is actually increasing, and every day I go to work, I've got... In the beginning, a patriot's a scarce man, hated and feared.
By the time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
Yeah, and now when I go in, people are there wanting to talk about the New World Order, wanting to know what's going on.
Your videos are incredible, and I think the Bohemian Grove video is definitely one of the most important videos.
Well, you ought to put my radio show on each day on the loudspeaker and have an anti-New World Order party every day.
You're not the only restaurant doing that, by the way.
I heard you mention the other day that you were doing a new Occult video.
Not right now, but later, yes.
I was just wondering maybe when that was going to come out.
But, well, hey, just keep up the good work, Alex, and I'll keep spreading the word.
All right.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Keep it up.
We'll come back and take more calls.
Stay with us.
Got a guest coming up, too.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Your calls are coming up.
Bam, bam, bam.
John in Florida.
You're on the air globally.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you, John.
Some Irish in ya.
Okay, start over.
We didn't have you faded up.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, you must have some Irish in ya.
Why's that?
Well, I just think you're a fiery character.
Well, I'm a high 57.
Yeah, I got Irish and Scottish and obviously English and German and some Comanche, too.
Listen, I've been wanting to put a couple of questions to you for a while now about the Bohemian Grove, but before that, I really want to go back to the first hour when you had a Negro lady call in talking about, like, South Africa.
And, you know, it seems a lot of people are unaware of the fact that Southern Africa
It was not the home territory of the Negro race, okay?
There were aborigines there, much like the aborigines in Australia.
But about the same time that the European whites began to set foot... Well, I gotta stop you right... Sir, sir, I gotta stop you right there.
You're trying to use a scientific term, but that word is listed as racist now.
One year it's African American, the next year it's black, the next year you're supposed to say negro.
I don't know what name we're supposed to say, so just say Africans.
I know there's Aborigines in South Africa, I know they've been exterminated by Central Africans.
All right, but Alex, listen, the black people that think they are indigenous were not.
They came from Equatorial Africa, from the Congo.
That's what I just said.
They migrated south as the whites came inland from the sea.
Yeah, Central Africa.
Right, okay.
I just wanted to clear that up in case you're still tuned in and listening.
Now, about the... Well, you know, that's kind of a... Look, the problem is you bring that up and now people don't know what we were talking about.
She was basically saying that blacks never had slaves they mistreated.
And I'm saying that's not true.
So, go ahead.
I don't want to talk about slavery.
I mean, just that the cultural anthropologists are aware that there have been migrations of people all across that continent, much like there have been migrations across the North American, Central, and South American continent.
And let's not forget about Kennewack men that they found out there on some Indian reservation in Washington State.
Anyway, Bohemian Grove.
You know, you've been talking about how the Bohemian Grove is this nice R&R club for people.
As I understand it, it is like chartered from some San Francisco-based operation.
Yeah, I mean, you've got to have an office to run something this big.
And you keep saying how they're an offshoot of the Skull & Bones, which is an offshoot of Bohemian.
uh... the Illuminati and by the way remember the uh... good tv uh... series from uh... the early days black-and-white that in transition in the color called the prisoner with uh... good irish uh... actor patrick mcgoohan uh... yes it's talking all about bulgarian illuminati okay but i'm wondering if i can what is the name of this organization that is like you know out there in san francisco that owns the property it's called the bohemian club association thanks for the call
I mean, I own one of their publications.
I bought it.
I mean, somebody sent it to me.
I'm about to buy another one of their publications.
Let's go ahead and talk to Barbara in Tennessee.
Go ahead.
Alex, your expose on Bohemian Grove is excellent.
I was raised in Sonoma County and as a teenager spent a lot of time between Guerneville and Santa Rosa and Calistoga St.
And that area is nothing but a hub for occultism.
And for absolute despotism.
Well, the people protesting it were doing their own witchcraft publicly to fight the evil Bush in 2001.
We have that on video.
Yeah, well they're pretty confused out there.
Hey, I've got a different thing to bring up.
We didn't hang up on you.
Try to get back in if you can.
I don't know what that was.
I was about to go back to Bohemian Grove.
I mean, if she lived there locally, I wanted to know what the locals thought of it.
Of course, I interviewed locals about it.
I was there with one of my friends, because I was up there giving a speech in San Francisco for the Project Censored Awards.
I won second place this year.
The 2004 award, but I was, you know, they give you the award in late 2003.
And so we drove up to Bohemian Grove.
Broad daylight.
Asked the fire department.
Guy out there on the street.
Yes, this is Jim from Boston.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I'm a first-time caller.
The other night I was listening to you on America Coast to Coast, and boy, you certainly have enlightened me quite considerably.
And right now, as I'm talking, I am looking at the picture, I got it on your website here, and I'm looking at the aisle, and right up near the top of the steps there, there look like four
People that are dressed in those robes, who are they exactly?
Well, you know, I couldn't walk up and say, hey, I have a video camera, would you take the hood off?
But the Bushes and others, stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This Sunday, I've been asked to be the keynote speaker at the monthly Libertarian meeting.
Their distinguished speaker series, they have Harry Brown and
Many others come in to speak.
They've got G. Edward Griffin coming in, I was told, next month.
But I'm honored to be speaking this Sunday, and I still... I know it's one of the big lecture halls.
I forget the name.
We should post that on the website.
And I was also asked about a month ago to speak by a local anti-war, anti-criminal war group, which is a lot of really progressive people.
They know about the New World Order.
They're waking up about
The left being controlled as well as the right, and I'll be glad to go speak about, well, 9-11 and Bush and PNAC and prior knowledge and what their big picture plan is.
And I'm told I'm speaking right after Ralph Nader in Crawford, Texas.
They're going to have a stage and area set up in downtown Crawford outside the Bush-Hollywood set where he struts around acting like a Texan when he's really a Tory Blueblood related to John F. Kerry.
And I keep getting emails going, oh, you're making that up, he's not his cousin.
Reuters, AP, London Guardian, CBS News, yes, they're cousins, okay?
But I'm going to be there.
So we're about to go to Lori Tice of the Intelligence Community, that's their group, organizing this in a few minutes.
I want to let these two callers finish up because one caller got disconnected somehow, the other one was finishing up.
James and Mass, you said you heard me on Coast to Coast.
I woke you up and then we ran into the break.
Go ahead.
Yes, I believe you pretty much woke me up and I've become more of a patriot.
And I'll tell you another thing that's really
I think people should be really aware, especially what's coming up in July, at the end of this, in July with this Democratic National Convention.
I think, and now they're talking about switching it.
There's a rumor that Romney wants to switch it to South Boston, and I don't think the neighborhood is going to be too up in arms, too keen about that.
Well, they've got the riot police ready to beat old women's heads in.
Oh, absolutely.
And I think what's really... It's a dangerous presence.
They've got the... I refer to them as jack-booted thugs.
Well, let's be honest.
There isn't an election.
There's no difference between Kerry and Bush.
They're literally two sides of the same skull and bones coin.
Their voting record is almost identical.
Their rhetoric is different.
That's the only difference.
Thanks for the call.
Good to have you on board, James.
Letting Barbara finish up.
She got disconnected.
Go ahead, Barbara.
Thank you.
And working together to bring in this whole new old order.
Hey, that's true!
We had our cameraman there a year after I snuck in, and when we've got hours of video of the protesters with a cauldron, marching, calling in spirits to fight Bush.
Oh, Great Mother, fight him!
Go in and get him!
You know, I mean, this is insane!
And this is so prolific, we need to talk about it.
Yeah, what do you, you mentioned the Russell Trust Company connection with Bohemian Grove.
Do you know if there's any other trust companies like the Doris Duke Charitable Trust?
No, this is new.
The Russell Trust founded it in 1832.
Got to let you go.
Thanks for the call.
More calls coming up.
More news.
But for ten minutes or so, I wanted to get Lori Tice, the organizer of this event, on the show to give us details.
They're going to be putting out a press release.
We'll be posting by tomorrow on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Lori, good to have you on board with us.
Hi, Alex.
If people want to find out about it, tell them the websites, the contact info, where they should go.
To find out about it, you need to go to our website, which is www.theintelligencecommunity.com for more information about our rally.
And we'll have a press release out a little bit later today, and hopefully that can get linked to your site as well later today, Alex.
Well, that's exciting.
Tell folks about your organization.
I mean, you've got conservatives, liberals, socialists.
I mean, everybody's in it, and they're waking up to the New World Order.
That's the important thing, is we're deprogramming people.
That's absolutely right.
The intelligence community, we are a highly politicized performance art group and production team.
And there's an international day of action happening on March 20th around the world.
Just like last year on February 15th, Alex, if you remember right before the war started, there were, you know, 2 million people in New York City, 2 million people in London, all over the world.
People were protesting not to go to this war.
Well, March 20th marks the one year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
And we, as the intelligence community, feel like there are some very, very important voices that are being discluded from this anti-war movement.
And we feel like a lot of these people are being duped by the Democrats right now into believing that Kerry is not the same as Bush.
The very fact that he's in the same secret society should frighten people to no end.
And that's why we want you out there, that's why we've asked Ralph Nader to come out there, to expose these lies.
Now, Ralph Nader will be there.
Ralph Nader will be there.
Ralph Nader will be speaking at 4 o'clock, and you'll be going on at 7.
Okay, so how long is Ralph going to speak?
Right now, Ralph's set to speak for about an hour, then he'll be taking some questions and doing a press conference afterwards.
Now, am I the speaker directly after Ralph Nader?
Yes, you are.
Okay, so that's good.
We have some really great bands and entertainment in between Ralph and you.
Just get the crowd going and we'll have video projections, PowerPoint presentations, all sorts of things.
So this is going to be a really exciting festival.
And I had heard that they were going to be projecting some of my videos on the screen.
Is that true?
Yes, absolutely.
Some of your videos and anything else that we think is going to be of interest to people and help them understand the truth about what's actually happening this election year.
The very fact that the Democrats are beating the anybody but Bush war drum keeps them from having to present a viable candidate, much less a mandate.
So, anybody that people say, anybody but Bush, really, anybody, Genghis Khan, Idi Amin, you know, we're talking about the same thing here.
And we need to let people know that we will not have our voices silenced.
Just because we're not voting for John Kerry doesn't mean that we're not against the war, doesn't mean we're not against the New World Order, and we will be heard.
Well, absolutely, and that's the exciting thing is that a lot of the so-called leftists I knew that thought big government was the answer, they're now waking up and figuring out that big government controls our lives and that big corporations run the government.
And so I'm seeing a huge awakening of people that wouldn't listen to me five years ago, and that's what it's going to take if we're going to stop the globalists.
So what you're doing is wonderful.
Give folks that website again.
It's www.theintelligencecommunity.com.
And tell people how to get to Crawford who aren't online.
Tell them again what's going to take place, what they're going to see happen, why they should come out.
Okay, actually the festival is all day long.
It starts at 12 noon.
There will be a march from Tonkawa Park to downtown Crawford and back to the park.
It's about a half a mile away.
There will be other speakers all day long and other folk singers and different entertainment all day long.
Our show starts at four o'clock with Ralph Nader.
There's two different groups putting it on.
You're the group that's bringing in Ralph Nader, and of course you manage his campaign in Dallas, or I believe for the whole state, last election.
Well, actually no, I was the state coordinator for Oklahoma, for the Oklahoma ballot access law.
Right, and that's another thing that people don't understand is that the Democrats and Republicans have this election locked up.
There really isn't an election.
And they certainly don't want third parties on the ballot, and they make it next to impossible for us to get on the ballot.
Right now in Texas, Ralph Nader is having to collect nearly 70,000 signatures within the next
50 some odd days just to be able to get on the ballot.
So we'll be talking about that out there at the rally as well and collecting signatures.
The state coordinator for Texas is Karen Ellenich and if anybody's interested in finding out about Ralph's platform they can go to votenator.org.
Well, I think it's a big deal that groups that conservatives would call liberal are talking about skull and bones, are exposing Kerry as the war criminal he is, the admitted war criminal, he says it himself.
And again, his rhetoric is that he's against the war, but he said it was great and voted for it.
He was for NAFTA and GATT.
I mean, he's for all of this stuff.
And the Patriot Act.
Yeah, for the Patriot Act.
I mean, he's for all of this stuff.
And he's a member of the same secret society.
They swear oaths to each other.
First and foremost, this is a staged event.
That's right.
That's right.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe that oath is that any other oath that they take after that is either subservient or null and void to the oath of being in skull and bones.
Well, I just spent an hour talking about Bohemian Grove.
And the occult rituals I witnessed there, and how this was founded by a German secret society, the same one that founded Skull & Bones.
It's all mainstream news, but people still have trouble believing it.
This is the same secret society that put Adolf Hitler into power.
These are very serious people.
That's right.
And people are having a really hard time understanding.
They're having a hard time wrapping their minds around this.
But that's why we have to come out.
That's why we have to keep talking about it.
We have to shine the lights on these rats and make them scurry back into the holes that they came from.
Okay, so Crawford, Texas.
It's outside Waco.
It's just outside Waco.
It's just off I-35.
Let's say I was coming from Dallas.
How would I get there?
You would take I-35, and just south of Waco, you would see a sign for Crawford, and you'd turn west.
I know that sounds very general, but it's a small town, there's not a whole lot else out there.
It's a beautiful part of the country, too, and it's going to be a gorgeous day out there with some fabulous music, entertainment, and then, of course, we'll be out there bombing the lies and exposing the truth.
And that is figuratively with information exposing lies.
Right, right, right.
That's why I say figuratively.
We're out there to expose people to what's actually happening within, not just this administration, but the possible Kerry administration if that's what's happening.
Okay, now to make this clear for people that are going to be coming out there, this is going to be a wide coalition of people that know we're not having a real election.
This is a staged event.
And where is it going to be in Crawford?
It's called Tonkawa Park, T-O-N-K-A-W-A, and it's approximately a half mile from the center of downtown Crawford.
Okay, and I'm going to be speaking, um, Ralph Nader's going to speak at about 4, 15 or so, go for an hour and a half, and then you're going to have some live music and then I'm going to speak.
That's right.
All right, well I certainly look forward, and I've also been told that some of the people, kind of the old hippie types, are mad because I'm known for being pro-Constitution and some other things that upset them, but I really appreciate you guys having me out to speak and I'm honored, and hopefully I can expose how the Democrats and Republicans are part of the same military-industrial complex, and if the Democrats want to stop being led around by the nose, I think they'll want to listen to what I have to say.
I agree, and we're honored to have you there.
The very fact that they're trying to shut us down, we won't let that happen.
Your work is so very important.
It's so very important in this election cycle.
That people understand how they're being duped.
Well, so you know, you're writing up a press release, Lori Tice, the person heading up the intelligence community group that's done a lot of great work in the past exposing corruption, government drug dealing, media control, you name it.
For those that are just joining us, I'm mainly going to talk about 9-11, PNAC, John O'Neill's information about how the war was planned beforehand, and the police state they're setting up, and what we can do to stop it.
And so I'm going to give you a good, riveting speech.
For the listeners out there, and I don't know either, how long will I be speaking?
Well, you'll go on at 7 and we don't have to leave the park until 9 o'clock.
Oh, so I'm the grand finale?
You're the grand finale.
Okay, well I'll go for an hour and then take 30 minutes of questions and so that'll
That'll be good.
So I really look forward to being there and giving a speech.
You're thinking a couple thousand people will show up?
Yeah, we're estimating anywhere from 1,500 to 2,500 people.
Last time you guys did this, how many showed up?
Last time you guys put rallies on in the state, we've seen tens of thousands show up in Austin.
Sure, oh yeah.
Well, there's a collection of different organizations that are involved in pulling all the people out for the first part of the day.
And it's the same people that we worked with last year.
Downtown Dallas last year on February 15th, believe it or not, we had 6,000 people in the streets marching against this war.
10,000 people in Austin, as you probably know, and millions and millions of other people around the world.
People are waking up, but we just need to fine-tune their perception of what's happening in the world right now.
Well, I'm excited.
I look forward to being there.
So, folks, I'll see you in Crawford this Saturday, and I'll be there giving a speech at 7 o'clock, but I suggest you get there earlier than that to hear Ralph Nader and others speak, and certainly this is a lot more real, what's happening, than what we're seeing on the nightly news.
And again, the website is www.theintelligencecommunity.com, and we're sure looking forward to it.
It's going to be an exciting day.
And Lori, for the press release, you were wanting to know, for some of the people, my views on immigration.
There are 6 billion people plus in the planet.
6 billion, roughly 300 million.
300 million of those are in the United States.
6 billion people are trying to get here.
And I notice that Bush is for totally open borders, total amnesty.
Why is that that the Democrats and the Republicans want total amnesty and open borders?
It's simple.
It's not that we're against the immigrants or people wanting a better way of life.
The corporate plan is that if they can bring in people, get rid of the minimum wage, which they're now doing and getting rid of overtime,
They can put 10-15 people to a house, they'll work for $2 an hour, and then lower the base pay and the standard of living as a tool of control to erase the middle class that has been a group that has been fighting the ultra-elite or the organized crime syndicate.
So, the reason I'm against open borders is because it's destroying our economic base.
It's part of a corporate plan.
It's part of the Pan-American Union.
The free trade area of the Americas is just like the Euro.
It started as a trade deal.
It's to form the Pan-American Union.
And it's so third world countries can use America as a steam valve.
As things get worse and worse, they can just ship their undesirables, or their criminals, or just their workers here, and use us as a steam valve.
And so it's real simple.
George Bush is for open borders.
I'm against it.
And the leftists should be able to figure that out and start waking up.
And I have seen some of the leftist writers starting to figure this out.
Not to mention the fact of what is America's environment going to look like if we've already got 300 million people and look what's happening.
What will another 200 million, which we'll have within 40-50 years, look like if this continues?
I think what I'm hearing you say is that because of our foreign policies in countries like Mexico, because of NAFTA and IMF, because we have had a hand, first hand, in destroying these people's economy, they have no other choice.
These people don't want to have to leave their homes and families.
Well, I mean, in southern Mexico, they have the troops push the farmers off their land.
Right, right.
And then they come here and work at a meatpacking factory for five bucks, whereas ten years ago you got twenty dollars an hour.
Right, and Americans are losing their jobs because of it, and these people are working for next to nothing, and they're enduring the highest rate of suicide and death, job-related deaths, than any other class of people in this country.
Lori, that's it.
It's like Rome bringing slaves in.
And my point is, these people shouldn't be slaves, and the IMF and World Bank and the government's policies should stop, on purpose, blowing out their economies.
Hey, good talking to you.
I'm glad that you brought that up, and I hope that some of these people have had that concern and are listening today, and maybe we can talk more about that on Saturday.
Well, let me just ask them, why is George Bush for open borders?
You know, I'm bad because I'm not for having open borders.
Well, is George Bush good?
See what I'm saying, Lori?
Hey, good talking to you, and I'll talk to you today, and I'll see you Saturday.
I'll see everybody there on Saturday.
We'll be back.
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Okay, we're back live.
Is Umberto still there?
Umberto, go ahead from New Jersey.
Alex, how you doing?
Good, sir.
I just want to say real quickly that the child support system is a New World Order agenda for population control and to enslave millions of men.
And no one talks about this.
A lot of people call themselves anti-New World Order and they support enslaving men with this Nazi, titanic child support system.
Well, I know that there are a lot of abuses in it, and it's too bad.
I know the government did set up, in their own policy reports... Well, here's an example.
Back in the 50's, about 30% of blacks were born illegitimately.
And now it's, what, about 75%.
Thanks to the government program of saying, have lots of babies, don't have a man in the house, then we can put your son in the prison.
Building widgets.
And now it's happening to the Hispanics, the whites, everybody.
By design, destroying our communities.
Then they come in with a solution and use draconian laws.
Where you even pay your child support, you still go to jail.
And they want to give your kids Ritalin.
Then you're into the welfare system.
I wish you would have a guest on one day, like a father's rights activist or something.
Talk about this, because there's a lot of abuses going on in America.
What type of abuses?
Tell people.
Some men are forced to pay child support after DNA proved that he's not the father.
Thousands of men all over America.
Yeah, I've seen those.
That's weird.
That is insane.
How could you force a man to pay child support for a kid that's not yours?
And a lot of fathers are not allowed visitation, and they still have to pay the money.
I mean, it's insane.
A lot of people are blind, completely blind.
They think this is good.
They think it's good to put men in jail.
If you lose your job, for example, you know, you go to jail.
Yeah, I knew that!
You can lose your job, but you still gotta pay.
Yeah, you go to jail, they'll put you in jail with rapists, murderers.
Jail should be a place for violent criminals.
You know, they should separate the violent criminals, but they don't care.
They don't care.
Alright, well you can get a job once you're in prison.
Yeah, right.
For 20 cents an hour?
Yeah, yeah.
Taking everybody else's job?
Crazy, crazy.
Hey, good to hear from you, man.
Good to have you on board with us.
I'm sorry, no more time for calls.
Didn't cover a bunch of news, but I did get to some of the stuff I didn't have time to get to.
Great show today.
Of course, I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
I'll re-air that Bohemian Grove hour-long analysis that I did, some of the history of it.
My infiltration of it.
So definitely tell your friends and family to tune in tonight 9 to midnight central on your local AM or FM station that carries the show or on the internet at infowares.com or global shortwave during the day at 9475 from 11 to 2 and then at night the second two hours 10 to midnight 3210 on WWCR.
You heard me talk a lot about Bohemian Grove, but to do it justice, visit the website, look at the sections we've built on it, the photos, the documents, the news articles, the video clips, and then buy the video.
Buy Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Get it.
Make copies of it.
Get it out to your friends and family.
Put it on AXS TV.
Show it to your church.
If your preacher won't let you, you're in the wrong church.
It's $25.95, $20 if you order three or more of any of my ten videos.
Toll-free number to order.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or, again, you can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Get 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Get Matrix of Evil.
Get Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Get Police State 2000.
Get Police State 2 The Takeover.
Get them!
Educate people!
We found no better tool out there to unlock people's minds than these videos.
So again, 888-253-3139.
And we need your support.
In this fight against the Globalists.
So, if you want to support somebody that's out there fighting on the front lines, this is the show to support.
But I'd rather you just become a leader in your own right and get out there and fight the New World Order.
Again, for the stories we didn't have time to cover with our two guests today and all your calls, go to the websites and there'll be a lot more tomorrow.
You're always assured of that on this show.
We will continue to defend the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
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