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Name: 20040227_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 27, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
How many of you have seen the new March 1st edition of Time Magazine?
It's got the image of a portable workstation or cubicle
Uh, tied to chains being, uh, well, you know, lifted onto a ship as a container.
And there's the question, are too many jobs going abroad?
Back in the early 90's there was a, uh, Time Magazine cover, are men and women really different?
It's like, they should have, you know, covers on Time Magazine that say, does the sun come up in the morning?
Are too many jobs going abroad?
Durable goods manufacturing has plunged, and there are more layoffs, and yes, that's right, more people going on the unemployment rolls, but just a few months ago they said it was all milk and honey, this is going to be the best economy ever, globalism is good, flipping hamburgers is now considered a factory job, manufacturing
We've got the Federal Reserve Chairman telling us how good it is to get rid of our jobs.
Bush's little economic team, his commission, came out and actually said, our new export is jobs and we need to export more.
We need more, not less.
And that's really the problem.
You tune in to Laura Ingraham or Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage, a lot of what they have to say I totally agree with.
And they're in their Talented Talk Show host.
But a large portion of what they have to say is poison.
Because they make you think the Republicans, especially Hannity and Ingram and Limbaugh, that Republicans are fighting this whole agenda when they're in the lead of it.
So it's that whole Benedict Arnold scenario, that's the problem that we're facing.
By the way, I've got some new editorials here from the New York Times and others.
I don't want to spend too much time on this because I've got a bunch of news, but you can comment on it if you want.
A bunch of big Hollywood studios have come out and said they'll never work with Gibson again.
He's blackballed.
He's not going to work in this town.
I mean, they're really getting vicious.
And I've seen the film.
It's just a movie about the last 12 hours of Christ's life and His resurrection.
And I just cannot believe the viciousness.
And I can't believe what the anti-Semites have done.
And I mean the ADL and others.
They really are creating anti-Semitism like no one else could.
All the Klan members and all the Aryan Nation members, all the King's forces and all the King's men couldn't do this.
But the ADL and others could, and I heard that Rabbi Daniel Lappin on the radio today, and he's the guy that wrote the editorial a few days ago, and he said it.
He said this is the so-called Jewish groups are the ones really causing a problem, because nobody would have thought ill of Jews, because Jews and the Romans were involved in killing Christ.
It was the corrupt government.
But to have them saying, Mel Gibson, you're blackballed, it's over for you, you'll never work in this town again, you're not going to get any support, by major production companies, that Mel Gibson has made hundreds of millions of dollars.
I mean, he's a major commodity.
Every film he's done has been a success.
Did you know that?
He's the only person in Hollywood, and I've read this in entertainment publications, who's never had a failure.
Very interesting.
And, uh, so he's a sure bet, but, oh, they don't want to touch him.
Well, fine, they'll give him some, he'll make his own movies, and, and, uh, we'll go support it.
And they're really upset because he's gonna make more biblical films, and that's what this is all about.
It's about secular humanists, God-haters, who have their own religion of death and humanism, who don't want us to be religious, and don't want us to have any moral compass, so they can run our lives and be our masters!
That's what, that's what all of this is about.
Alright, I got a plethora of news and a guest coming up.
And your calls.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, my friends.
It's Open Line Friday, as we say in the business.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
You know, I didn't mean to get on the air today and start talking about the passion again, but to watch these big editorials come out and to have a whole string of major Hollywood production companies
Say that they're coming out against Mel Gibson and they're going to blackball him.
Now these are the people that accuse McCarthy of McCarthyism and then took a good man's name and demonized it, when in truth they are the people that are engaging in those type of Nazi tactics, smear tactics.
And yes folks, I have the LA Times and the Wall Street Journal
The KGB files were released about five years ago, and things were twice as bad.
That is, many times worse than what McCarthy said.
You see, McCarthy, they allowed him to run around and go after low-level nobodies, but when he said that there's a group above the Communists in the Pentagon,
And there's these big banks funding the Communists, which is now admitted historical fact.
I mean, they admit on History Channel that our government put Mao into power in 1949.
I mean, they just calmly have the old CIA guys on there admitting it.
But when he found that out, that's when they burned him.
You know, when they sent the lawyer in and he says, who told you that the Pentagon runs the Communists?
A pixie?
You know, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
And we are going to blackball him, we're going to block him, we're not going to work with him.
And, again, they were attacking this movie nine months before it came out, and it's because they're a bunch of secular humanists who hate Christians, who hate anybody of faith.
In fact, they've said, one of them says in a New York Times article, that, well, I just can't trust anybody that's religious and, you know, has these strong beliefs.
Oh, you mean you don't like anybody who can't be programmed by you?
I mean, look at what Hollywood, Hollyweird, puts out.
I mean, I talk about it all the time.
Every episode of Threat Matrix.
Every episode of 24.
Almost every episode of NYPD Blue and L.A.
Law and all this.
I mean, every time I tune into one of these, they're torturing someone, but it's okay because they're bad and they deserve it.
The cop busts into the house without a warrant, and a cop who nobody likes says, hey, you're not allowed to do that, Bill of Rights.
And the cop says, shut up, I'm taking down the bad guys.
And they put a gun to the person's head while they question him, so they go ahead and answer the questions, and it's good.
I mean, this is pure evil.
They're on television and in the movies promoting that it's okay for the Roman centurions to flay Christ's skin off of his back for no reason.
You're saying, what are you saying?
Well, that's the mindset that's being promoted.
That globalist, Roman, Antichrist mindset.
I mean, when it's every major cop show is torturing people, and that's good?
See, 90% of people don't get, well, I wouldn't say 90, about 80% of people, truly 75%, but again, that's even questionable.
The vast majority of people
Don't get their news from newspapers or even broadcast news or cable news.
They get it from sitcoms, dramas, they get it from the stuff that's in the Archie Bunker Show.
And Hollywood's admitted this, that they've been mass-programming us for a long time.
And that's why we can't reach so many people, because they're just mind-numbed zombies.
They'll say, well, so they're torturing people.
We need to torture bad guys.
And I'll say, so in the real world now, you're for torture?
Well, yes, yes.
And I go, did you have that attitude a few years ago?
Uh, I don't remember.
But, but guaranteed a few years ago they didn't.
Because everybody knew torture was bad.
Joseph Mingula did stuff like that.
But now, oh no, it's good.
We've got to do it for the Reich.
For the homeland.
As long as it's for the Reich.
It's okay.
So, we could talk about that.
Also, Time Magazine's cover.
Are too many jobs going abroad?
I mean, that's a rhetorical question.
The yuppies are starting to figure out that the media is telling them the economy's milk and honey, but there's more job layoffs, more people going on the unemployment rolls, millions going off because it's run out,
Uh, the durable goods orders and manufacturing's down.
Meanwhile, MSNBC is hopping around and CNN Money is hopping around, uh, telling us how wonderful, uh, all of this, uh, is.
I guess with the exception of Lou Dobbs is, uh, being a little more honest about things.
But they've got to have their, you know, their token people out there to give us the illusion of a free press.
So we'll get into that.
And I told you this a year before the takeover of Iraq.
And I don't say that because, ooh, I'm so smart.
Ooh, I told you so.
You know, you better... I tell you that because I don't make this stuff up.
I know the game plan.
Coffee Annan pledges deep U.N.
commitment to Iraq in a speech.
United stand.
Annan agree the U.N.
must be more involved in Iraq.
China supports U.N.'
Important role in Iraq, China's ambassador says, Bremer, the dictator, the governor, praises UN on Iraq.
These are the articles we have here on this.
Six months ago, just a few months after the takeover, Javier Solano, the chief EU envoy, former head of the EU, said, oh, I've already met with Bush and others, we'll be taking over the next year, this is all staged.
Of course it is!
We go in by the part of the bad cop, lose the soldiers, secure the oil, we pull out, Halliburton gets its payoff up front, then the big European banks get to own all the oil, and that population start the vaccinations of the Iraqi children, start the dumbing down process, start the accelerated extermination process.
We've already seen a million and a half Iraqis fall from.
By the way, one of the first official acts of Bremer
Over there is to not allow statistics of cancer, heart attacks, automobile accidents, death, dysentery, cholera.
Every other country in the world, you know, puts out its numbers except for maybe North Korea.
Oh yeah, they cover that stuff up too.
I'm sorry.
We're like North Korea in many things now.
Hereditary leaders and stuff like that.
But that's what they said.
And so, we don't get to know now.
It was a million and a half up until last year with the invasion, and those numbers will never be released, and that's the end of it.
So, no crime numbers, no death numbers, no shooting numbers allowed out.
That's official, by the way.
Not a good sign for freedom, just for those that didn't know that.
I think most of you know that.
I shouldn't laugh.
This is pretty just sick.
And, oh, there's a lot of other news here.
Rebels threatened Haiti's capital.
EU to impose sanctions on the U.S.
on Monday.
Jobless claims edge up.
Already mentioned that.
New claim for unemployment benefits were slightly higher than expected last week.
Dallas Council votes for a resolution denouncing Federal Patriot Act.
I thought they'd already done that.
This is the Star-Telegram out of Fort Worth.
Good news, Abilene Reporter News.
The Supreme Court did rule that you are allowed to put up a sign on your own property.
That area of the First Amendment is still around.
And I'm going to go to some calls, but later I'm going to read this article.
I don't know if this is a real article, because I can't find Capital Press in Google or anywhere on a search engine.
I can't find Jews Against Anti-Semitism anywhere.
And occasionally there are fake news articles that come out.
There's a few other tell-tale signs.
There is a
But I mean, I don't doubt it, because I've seen stuff like this in the past, but I'd like to find out if this is a real story.
And it says, uh, Jewish groups calls The Passion an act of terrorism.
A prominent Jewish, and this is supposedly from Capital Press, whoever that is, a prominent Jewish organization has announced Mel Gibson, The Passion, as an act of terrorism, and can prove the movie violates the Patriot Act.
Jews Against Anti-Semitism, a recently formed Washington D.C.-based defense league for Jews, has issued a press release pointing out sections of the U.S.
law which are being violated by Mel Gibson's film,
Currently, clearly, there are laws in the books which have outlawed the inciting of riots or acts of civil disobedience which endanger human life, and that is the subsection.
Bill Gibson's movie will incite violence against Jews and put the lives of millions of Jews in danger, said Rabbi David Fieldman, a spokesman for Jews Against Anti-Semitism.
Again, according to Rabbi Fieldman under Section 802 of the 2000 USA Patriot Act, any crime which endangers human life is defined as an act of domestic terrorism.
Now, I have seen rabbis on TV, and listeners have called about this too, saying that this is a snuff film.
It's an evil snuff film.
Only murdering people that love snuff films will go see it.
I mean, it's so violent and evil and only... I mean, that's pretty bad.
I don't know.
I mean, I don't know if this is a real story.
I mean, who is the Capitol Press?
I've tried to find out, because I want to interview whoever this is, and I don't think... You know, the name here that they use for this rabbi is a pretty common one.
Rabbi Fieldman.
You know, that's a pretty common name.
So, I don't know if this is even a real story.
Before everybody runs around believing it, which seems to have happened, it's a big story out there, we need to find out if it's a real article.
Because, in every other case, if I get an email, I can type in the headline and find the source.
Or if I use key words, I can.
In this case, I just can't do it.
Now, maybe I'm stupid.
Maybe you can't.
And I'm serious when I say that.
You know, I miss stuff sometimes.
Alright, we'll come back, take some calls.
We've got attorney Pat Barber coming on, who went to the Supreme Court over the state police.
Well, arresting him for putting up a sign on his own property.
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Is your job going abroad?
As the debate about exporting work from America dominates the presidential campaign, voters need to separate myth from reality.
And this Time Magazine article, I've read it, it's, well, your jobs are leaving, but overall that's a good thing, and well, it's, you know, Nathan Gaddafin, wonderful, and if you don't have a job, you know, you're, you're just, well, out of luck, basically, and you may be a right-wing terrorist, if you don't agree with us.
You ought to read this article.
Let's go ahead and talk to Steve in Ohio.
Steve, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, I want to say it's a real honor to finally get to talk to you.
I am a huge fan of your audiophiles, and I listen to them religiously.
Well, it's good to have you on board with us.
What's going on?
Where are your videos?
I haven't gotten them yet, but I ordered three of your videos plus your book.
In fact, I'm doing a report in school on 9-11 unanswered questions.
Oh, good!
That'll be a good report.
Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about... I very rarely listen to the Art Bell Show because he's got all these New Age kooks on there all the time, but he had this really interesting guest on the other day and he talked about peak oil and how that's going to lead to a world crisis soon.
What is your scoop on the peak oil?
Is that part of the New World Order and what's going on with that?
Well, that's a very good question.
They say that
That we're going to, well, that this year we're reaching the peak of production and that from that point on there's going to be less oil or less oil discoveries and that from that point on we are racing towards, you know, downhill towards not having any oil.
And that's a fraud.
It's not true.
I've looked at it.
I've studied it.
It's something being put out covertly by the oil companies, through their foundations, through phony environmental subsidiaries.
It's being put out by the UN and others.
So they can create artificial scarcity in the future and just tell you there's not enough oil.
I mean, they've taken over Iraq, but notice your gas prices are, what, $1.65 on average.
Yeah, right.
Well, you're saying, in other words, that all these people that are talking about this are totally full of baloney.
In other words, they're not...
It's all a bunch of crackpots saying this.
I mean, there are more people that think you are, but you investigate your facts and give good links and stuff.
I just know this.
There's enough oil to run this entire country in Alaska for a hundred years.
Okay, in a hundred years.
Yeah, there's oil all over the place and we've got plenty of oil.
Look, take the beers.
Okay, the Oppenheimer family.
They have a monopoly on diamonds.
Diamonds are actually bordering on semi-precious.
But because they hoard them and because they send in mercenary troops and militaries, they'll even get countries to invade.
This whole Africa Gold Coast invasion you've seen by France, the US and Britain is admittedly for the Oppenheimers.
They go in, they take over, and they have warehouses.
They even have this on PBS.
They don't even hide this.
Full of giant crates full of diamonds.
And so they artificially create a scarcity, and then that's where their value comes in.
So I'm telling you, with water and oil and natural resources, they're telling us there's not enough of them to bring in a neo-feudalism.
Bring in a new system of serfdom.
Now, if you look at some of the numbers put out by the U.N.
and others, you could say, yeah, there's not enough oil, you know, it'll all be gone in 50 years.
Believe it or not, if that was true, it's not going to matter.
We're going to be away from this in 50 years.
Then they'll argue, well, we need it for, you know, fertilizers that are oil-based.
Oh, we need it for plastics.
Folks, there's a bunch of other different technologies.
You could
Off of acres of hemp, you can get better rubber, better plastics, but that's why DuPont and Dow Chemical had it banned in this country, even though most hemp doesn't produce the HTC.
I'm getting that wrong.
Yeah, THC.
So, it's all about control of markets.
One other thing, and then I'll change the subject.
You talk about the police state and what a hurry is.
I mean, the fact that they're in such a hurry.
Are they really running on a time frame because of all the civil unrest?
Because in about 10 to 15 years, you're going to have tens of millions of people retired, wanting their pensions, wanting their government money.
They're not going to have it.
Is this going to keep us in line?
Are they in a time frame right now?
They've said it.
That's why the armored vehicles, the riot police, the giant FEMA centers, but it's more than that.
It's not like they accidentally had things go bankrupt and they accidentally aren't going to be able to pay you your pensions and they're just accidentally going to take your Social Security.
Look, it works like this.
They get us socialized to domesticate us.
They get us socialized to domesticate us.
Then once we're domesticated and in the pen, we're now going off to the slaughter.
You understand?
So that's the... Steve, I'll tell you what, I'll hold you over real quick.
We got a guest coming up, and I want to go to Robert, Eric, and Peter, and Mike, but stay there.
Sounds like you have one more question.
You're asking good questions.
We'll be back, folks.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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to midnight Central, we're here folks, standing up for liberty, resisting tyranny.
I'm coming up here in a few minutes, an article out of USA Today, well another one out of the Abilene Reporter, it's more extensive.
And Colorado City Attorney Pat Barber, long known for taking civil rights issues to court, said Tuesday that Monday's ruling by the U.S.
Supreme Court won't keep his just-say-no-to-searches billboard down.
It will go back up, Barber said.
He said his new sign will be illegal because it will comply with the previous Texas Supreme Court ruling.
And, uh, he put up a sign just saying, call this number, learn about your Fourth Amendment, because he saw women, old ladies pulled over with their goods thrown all over the highway with jackboots searching them.
I think I interviewed Pat like four years ago, five years ago.
This has been an ongoing case.
And, uh, well, now it's gone to the Supreme Court and we'll tell you about what happened there as well.
Before we go back to our guest, I wanted to let a caller finish up his comments.
I was just talking to him during the break.
He said he ordered my videos last week and can't wait to get them, but that he's not going to make copies of them.
He's just going to buy originals and give them to people.
Look, I don't expect you to do that economically.
If you want to have a bookstore or your church or something wants to sell the originals, you know, folks like that, go ahead.
But I'm asking the listeners just to get my videos and make copies of them.
You can buy video VHS tapes for about a dollar a piece if you buy them in bundles of 10 to 15.
And make a copy every night and give a copy to somebody every day, and then tell them to make a copy.
A few hundred tapes turn into hundreds of thousands of tapes.
Thousands of tapes turn into millions of tapes.
And I've seen this work.
I've seen this in action.
I do radio interviews every day.
I mean, every day.
And I'll be on some big syndicated show or some little mom and pop station and almost every time callers go in and say, I saw a film called Road to Tyranny at my VFW or on AXS TV or my neighbor gave me a copy, somebody gave him a copy and it woke me up.
Does Mr. Jones know about this?
Is he the same man on that video?
I mean, it's happening, and it's because of you, so if you haven't gotten the new films, like Matrix of Evil, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, The Masters of Terror Exposed, go to InfoWars.com, or PrisonPlanet.com, order the videos via our secure online shopping cart, or the books, or t-shirts, or bumper stickers.
It's all about information, same thing Pat Barber's trying to do with the billboards.
And get them, and get them out to people.
Toll free number to order.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to order via our secure online shopping carts.
Or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
The globalists are counting on you not taking action.
People are very primed right now to wake up.
So much has happened.
Now is the time to take action.
Real quick, as I said, you can finish up, Steve, then we'll go to our guests and Robert, Eric, Peter, Paul, and others.
Robert, you wanted to say something about you're in college and the mindset in college.
This is Steve.
I mean, Steve, excuse me.
Yeah, Robert's next.
Okay, yeah.
I'm 33 years old.
I'm going back to school.
I'm trying to get an education degree.
And I just, I'm in school with a lot of younger people today and the impression that I get from younger people is that they definitely have the intelligence, but they don't even seem the least bit concerned about these issues.
I mean, has the media taken this younger generation and put them in a total state of hypnosis?
I mean, it's like these people are so far gone from reality.
Sometimes I almost want to just... I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone because I know this stuff is going the way it is.
But go back to when you were 20 years old.
You know, I mean, it seems like that, but sometimes I think people who are 60 years old are in a bigger coma than Generation X. But yes, Generation X has been particularly brainwashed, targeted, and desensitized, where they'll go, yeah, I know there's a new world order, I know they're blowing the buildings up, and you're taking our freedoms after they do it, but so what?
But yeah, we are in crisis.
The entire society is in crisis.
I appreciate the call.
All right.
Thank you, sir.
You bet.
Good to hear from you.
All right.
Going to our guest, he's Pat Barber.
We've had him on the show several times over the years.
Quite a saga.
Pat, good to have you on.
You're a former prosecutor and you're a lawyer and you know the law.
And for those who just joined us, recap what happened to you.
Well, Alex, first let me say that I'm glad to be back on your show.
It has been a bit of an ordeal.
In 98, the task force, drug task force here, there's 47 of them in regional jurisdictions around the state of Texas.
Multi-jurisdictional kind of road warrior gangs just roving.
They're not very controlled either.
They don't really have
They're not elected.
Committees kind of control them.
It's just gaggles of people in camo and ski masks running around with machine guns.
No, they're black uniforms.
They favor the black uniforms.
Around here it's black and camo.
You'll see ragtag groups, camo bottoms, black top, black mask.
I mean, it's like the Road Warrior.
Well, anyway, what they started doing in 98 was
I think so.
They basically were bullying people into giving up their right to be free from unreasonable searches.
Now, you told me, I guess it's really six years ago now, hard to believe time has flown like that, or five and a half years ago, you said that the last straw was a Lincoln Town car with an old lady with her goods blowing all over the road with these goons standing around her.
Well, the actual fact was they had stopped her in
She bullied her into a search and she didn't know she could say no as most people don't.
So she consented to the search and they threw all her luggage and opened all her luggage up.
Then when they finished they said, have a nice day and drove off.
Left her out in the open on an interstate picking up her things.
A local friend of mine stopped and helped.
The reason I knew about it is a local friend of mine stopped
And helped her pick up her things.
And she was just terrified.
Oh, I've seen this and I've pulled up 50 yards away.
When they come over, what are you doing?
I go, uh, you better put that family stuff back in the car when you don't find the narcotics that your CIA boss has brought in here.
And they'll start getting mad.
And I go, Hey, take me to jail.
This is America, buddy.
I mean, I'm sick of it.
It really made me angry and in several other instances like that.
And so,
I thought, well, what can I do?
I don't have a forum.
How can I reach people and tell them that they don't have to consent to these requests?
Now, if they tell you, get in the ditch, boy, I'm searching the car, then you say, yes, boss, and you go get in the ditch.
But if they ask you, or sometimes it's kind of tricky, they'll say, you don't mind if I search your trunk, do you?
They don't have to tell you.
And then they just start going for it.
Yeah, and if you don't say, hey, wait, stop.
Now, they're videotaped now in most jurisdictions.
They have videotapes in their cars.
So they're waiting to try to trick you into a consent.
Well, I've had it happen many times.
This is how it goes.
You're driving a little fast there, aren't you?
Sure, I guess I might have been going a few miles too fast.
License and registration.
Mind if I search the vehicle?
Well, no, it's a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
Well, what do you have to hide?
Well, it's just a free country, bud.
There are ways to talk to them that I think work better.
You don't have any drugs or guns, do you?
And I go, well, that's the Fifth Amendment now you're talking about.
Well, when they'll ask you, do you have any guns or drugs?
And you say no.
And then they say, well, you don't mind if I search.
And then you say, there are several different ways that you can say it.
One way is to say, officer,
Do you have probable cause?
Because that way if they say no, and ordinarily they'll be so shocked that you use the term probable cause, that they'll immediately say no.
And then you say, well, it's my understanding that I don't have to let you search my car if you don't have probable cause.
I'd like to leave now.
And all this will be on videotape, and at that point they're going to have to let you go.
That's one thing to say.
Another thing to say is, Officer, I don't have anything to hide, but I just don't want you digging through my stuff.
And, well, what I have said is, when they say, what do you have to hide?
I go, it's America, buddy!
I mean, maybe in Russia or something people just accept this, but I'm standing up for my children's future, that we not live in a system like this.
And I've had them let me go, it's happened four times.
One time I was late to the radio studio and I just said, fine, do it.
Because they were going to get a dog that time, and then once they dug around and once I'd licked their boots, they just let me go because some other cop showed up and knew who I was.
But it's pretty bad around here when you pull up to a checkpoint.
You've raised an issue, let me speak to it, about the dog, about the threat to get a dog.
I've been asked about that a lot.
If they don't have reasonable suspicion, they cannot hold you for a dog to arrive.
But they do do that.
Now they do, but they can't legally hold you.
And I'm just saying,
That if they threaten to hold you for a dog, you can say, well, whatever you do, you don't have my consent.
And you're going to be liable for that.
And then when they get there with the dog, all they're allowed to do with the dog is walk it around your car.
Of course, they can very easily get that dog to, I just read an article by a trainer of those dogs and he said,
It's easy for them to get the dog to alert.
Yeah, you just stole my thunder.
You just stole my thunder.
And again, Pat Barber, former prosecutor, successful attorney.
I've talked to cops who are friends of mine.
Most of these dogs are just warrant excuses.
I mean, they're fat creatures, aren't even trained.
They know to jump around, they get a biscuit.
That's right.
They're going to get rewarded if they alert.
And so, they're really ready to alert, whether it's because they smelled yesterday's pizza,
Or a dog urinated on the tire, or whatever it is.
And you can't cross-examine a dog as to what he was doing there.
And so the whole thing is just suspect as all get out.
Well, let me... You got no one but your Supreme Court case.
I don't know how much time we've got here to talk, so let me... Yeah.
Let me kind of... Tell the folks what happened.
So you put the sign up.
Well, I put it up.
They threatened to fine me $1,000 a day if I didn't take it down.
The government did.
The state government.
Now, I've been on this stretch of highway.
There's McDonald's signs, everything else.
For some reason, your sign on your ranch property, this is evil.
Yeah, well, I didn't comply with their statute, and it doesn't comply with the statute, but the statute, in my opinion, was and is unconstitutional.
I argued with them about that and finally they gave me a deadline and so rather than take it down, we filed suit against the state.
The Texas Department of Transportation has a responsibility for enforcing the act.
We filed suit against them in Austin for declaratory judgment and an injunction to stop them from enforcing the act against me.
Judge Covington down there in Austin
uh... ruled in a temporary hearing that it was probable that uh... that their regulation violated my first amendment right and enjoined the state from forcing me to take it down and so it stayed up for a year and then an elderly retiring judge who as I understand it was an old golfing buddy of Lady Bird Johnson who got the Highway Beautification Act passed nationally in the first place uh... heard the case in the final instance and she said I don't
Like billboards, and as far as we could tell, she hadn't even read our brief.
And she held for the state and said she was going to dissolve the injunction.
Now understand, this is selective enforcement.
There's billboards everywhere.
There were 15 or 20 billboards in the state's right-of-way.
Because nobody complained about them, nothing had been done.
But yours was on your own property.
What were the state police like when they first came out?
Came out for what?
Well, you know, when they first came out with the citation.
Well, they didn't come out with a citation.
What happened was the sheriff went to TxDOT and complained about it.
He's in conjunction with this task force.
They work together.
You know, when they make a forfeiture, they throw him a few crimes.
So again, this goon doesn't like your First Amendment.
He didn't like me teaching people about the Fourth Amendment.
In fact, one of his deputies had said
Before I put the billboard up, I complained to him about the way they were bullying people into searches, and he said, we rely on people's ignorance to be able to search them.
And I said, well, maybe somebody ought to teach them and say no.
So that's what I'm trying to do.
Okay, so this went on and on.
It went on and on.
The trial court made me take it down, and so I took it down.
Then the Appellate Court, the Austin Court of Appeals, unanimously held that it was a violation of my First Amendment right to make me take it down.
So then the state appealed it to the Texas Supreme Court, and they ruled in a split decision, six to three, that it was not a violation of my First Amendment right, although the other three judges said it was.
Justices of the Texas Supreme Court said it was a violation.
Six said that it was not.
But in doing that, they had to say
They had to throw me a bone and they basically created a regulation where one didn't exist.
If you put up a sign that says watermelons for sale, you don't have to get a permit.
It's exempt from the statute because it involves an ongoing activity that relates to the sign.
But they only had that regulation for commercial signs for selling something.
They didn't have it for a political sign like mine, a non-commercial sign.
So the Texas Supreme Court said, well, we find that failure to have that regulation in there constitutionally suspect, and we're not going to give it deference.
So they basically told me, as one justice did during our final arguments, or when we argued the case in front of the Texas Supreme Court,
They said, well, all Mr. Barber would have had to have done to make this billboard exempt from the statute would be to put a kiosk there where someone could sign a petition in support of the Fourth Amendment, or his billboard, and that would be an ongoing activity in relation to the sign.
But you shouldn't even have to do that.
I shouldn't have to do that.
There's billboards everywhere.
It's the First Amendment.
That's right.
I shouldn't have to, and so we appealed that decision, or we attempted to appeal it, to the United States Supreme Court.
And just this week they denied our writ.
And what that means is they don't agree with the Texas Supreme Court.
It just means they're not going to hear it.
For every application for writ of certiorari of the United States Supreme Court, there's approximately 700 that get denied.
And I was one of the 700.
So it's denied.
So that throws us back to the Supreme Court's ruling.
Well, the good news here is... I'm putting it back up.
Well, yeah, the good news is you're doing that, and because of their police state activities, now more people, and hundreds of articles I've seen in Texas over this the last six years, now know that there's a Fourth Amendment.
Yeah, well, you know, but there's a lot more work still to be done because, um, K-Texas television in, in, uh,
Avaline did a little short piece on it here a couple of days ago and about, you know, kind of the history of it and reported the current news and then they went out and did a man in the street interview with several people including a college professor and every single one of them did not know that they had a right to say no to a consent search request.
We'll be right back, stay there.
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Folks, I know we've got loaded phones.
I promise you in about five minutes I'll go straight to your calls, everybody that's patiently holding.
I've got a plethora of other news.
I've been kind of ranting and raving at our guest, Pat Barber, who's a prosecutor, was a prosecutor and successful lawyer, saw the police state first-hand, these goons, and I mean they're goons, folks,
We've had them cordon off whole neighborhoods and throw old ladies down on the ground and fire ant beds and the sheriff gets up on the news and goes, we don't need warrants anymore.
That was a couple of years ago, Margo Fraser on ABC News here locally.
I mean, it's out of control and we need more people like Pat Barber to stand up and say, no, this is America, this is not.
You know, the Wild Wild West with the corrupt sheriff running things, or the Soviet Union.
Mr. Barber, where does it go from here?
You're going to put the sign back up?
Well, what I want to do is have the sign up with a place there where people can indicate on premises their support of the Fourth Amendment and the billboard.
Which should comply with the Supreme Court's order.
I mean, we shouldn't have to do that, but if I have to do it to put the billboard back up, I'm going to do it.
Well, Pat, I'll tell you what the answer is.
It's to have other people in the town, in the area, put up their own signs, and then have the government try to come after them, file more suits.
I think they're going to have to eat this on-premises activity thing.
At any rate, what I'm trying to do, I'm practicing law basically in a ghost town out here and I need some help.
If your listeners can send me five bucks or whatever, I need help to reconstruct this sign and put it up in a permanent way.
Sure, we'll give out your contact info in a second.
Over the last six years, the MJTF teams, the roving bands that you come in contact with, what do they say to you now after you've done this?
Well, they don't say anything to me.
They stay away from me.
But what they say publicly and in the media, they talk out of both sides of their mouth.
At one time, they'll say,
Oh, we think Mr. Barber's efforts hurt our law enforcement goals.
And then on the other hand, they'll turn around more recently and say, oh, well, we think we like all of the publicity it brings because it shows people how much drugs and money we've been able to confiscate.
So they talk out of both sides of their mouths.
It's amusing to me that the local task force commander who works out of Abilene, a Dallas Morning News reporter, went into his office and told me, although he didn't report it publicly, but told me that the man had a skull and crossbones flag on his wall.
Yeah, they're pirates!
He even sells his pirates on merchant shipping, I think.
Oh no, that's it actually.
A lot of the SWAT team vehicles now have that and they wear those patches and that's what they've been federalized to do.
How do folks get in contact with you, Pat?
My mailing address is 102 West 2nd, Colorado City, Texas.
That's 102... West 2nd Street.
Alright, well I want you to... Colorado City, Texas, 79512.
Also, you've got a toll-free number with a recording on that.
That was when the sign was in extant.
You know what you ought to do?
You ought to put it back up.
You ought to put the number back up and I guarantee you I can find listeners all over the country that will put billboards up on their property.
Well, that's something that we're in the process of doing.
We want to do it with a computer answering service so that
They can leave messages, they can hit buttons and get more info.
Yeah, I think that's the answer.
Because they did this to you, how about in Tennessee and New York and Colorado and Austin, Texas, we put these signs up.
Give your address out again for folks who want to get in contact with you.
Pat Barber, 102 West 2nd Street, Colorado City, Texas.
Okay, Hank Bott, I want to thank you for coming on and standing up for the First and Fourth Amendment.
We'll be back.
Thanks for being with us.
Take care.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the second hour of Global Transmission.
I was a good boy yesterday.
We took about, I don't know, 15, 20 calls in the first hour.
Today, I say it's open phones.
I take one call in the first hour, but we did have a guest on concerning the First Amendment.
But a bunch of news this hour.
Let's go straight to your calls, though, okay?
Then we'll get into the U.N.
and the economy and jobs and all the rest of it.
Big, big second and third hour.
We'll also get back into the passions and the latest outrages there.
Robert in Michigan, thank you for holding patiently.
You're on the air, sir.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
Pretty good.
I would like to comment on your first issue with the jobs leaving our nation.
I work up here at Electrolux up here in Greenville, Michigan and we are a small town and Electrolux leaving is going to devastate this town.
I mean it's going to devastate our economy.
From 7 in the morning, 6 in the morning, to late at night.
Now the traffic isn't that bad.
There's houses up for sale everywhere.
They've shut down most of the semiconductor computer chip factories.
Where I live, it's serious!
So, and they have this question on the cover of Time Magazine, are too many jobs going abroad?
Well, the answer is, of course.
And Bush says, our main export now is jobs.
That's what we make is getting rid of our jobs.
They're looting the economy.
And John Kerry isn't going to save you.
None of them are going to save you.
It's part of a set agenda.
No, I mean,
I think it's part of this NAFTA, which they say Clinton got in.
Well, I say NAFTA was a Republican agenda while Clinton was president.
And they said... Well, actually, you had Al Gore on there going after Ross Perot when it finally went through in 94, 93.
And by the way, the reauthorization of NAFTA comes up this year, and Bush is going to authorize it.
But look, understand,
The parties are together on NAFTA and GATT.
They're only fight over rhetoric.
But go ahead and finish up, I'm sorry.
Well, I was going to say, we're going to have an FTAA rally up here in Greenville, and we would like to invite you to speak.
You know, I'd love to come, but I'm just so tied down doing radio interviews, I'm sorry I can't.
I was just wondering how we can turn this thing around.
I mean, the FTAA or the NAFTA, how are we able to turn this thing around?
Well, in major polls, 75% of Americans were against expanding NAFTA and GATT in the free trade area of the Americas, and Republicans and Democrats all voted for it.
Most of them voted for it, and the police came out with federal funding, homeland security money, and savagely attacked Associated Press writers and Miami Herald writers and judges.
And they savagely beat the media monitors, people that were there videotaping the police.
They would beat them half to death, take their cameras.
You know, this is the new America.
This is what they're all about now.
Yeah, it's like the FTAA thing they had down in Florida.
I was at our... Yeah, that was Florida where that happened.
And the neocons get on the air and go, look at them commies.
They're against it.
When it's not a commie issue.
Yeah, I've seen it on the videotape at our union meeting and that, you know, that just broke my heart to see people getting beat up for peaceful protest.
Yeah, they'd walk right up to an old woman and just slam her across the face with a billy club.
Oh, I've seen that.
Yes, I've seen that.
Hey, that's what America's about.
It's about police knocking old women's teeth out, buddy.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
In my film, Police Date to the Takeover, the first 35 minutes of the two-hour video
is what happened in Seattle.
And the government hired 50 thugs, housed them, they were paid everything.
A big tax-free foundation trained them down in Oregon, bused them up to
The Seattle Police were ordered not to apprehend them.
They were to watch them break in businesses, set things on fire, throw beer bottles at police.
Police were hospitalized.
The cops were told to stand there for a day.
All the media videotaped that.
Then the government thugs
...are withdrawn to their government housing, protected by police, and the police then would go into neighborhoods, and we got video of them breaking old ladies' collarbones, savagely stomping young women, pulling cars over, pepper spraying young women, and not just the young women, and old women, you know, just savagely attacking.
They then took that footage around the country and showed it to all the big police departments and issued the federal
No, I'm good.
They would just come out without even having provocateurs and just savagely knock old women's teeth out, beat people half to death, target members of the media, even beat up judges who they didn't know were federal and state judges.
I mean, it was savage.
They would herd a group of old people, old retirees down an alley and then stand around them laughing and beat them half to death.
I mean, this all came out, folks.
And so that's your new America.
Let's just be the conscience of the people, the loving New World Order Big Brother person who thinks that Gentlemen Square is good, you know, Waco is good, all of this is loving!
When you turn on all the sitcoms and dramas and shows and torture is good, secret arrest is good, the police are watching this, that's their little imaginary friends, they imprint
You know, off the Hollywood characters.
That's admitted.
And they go out and they're going to play that out in the real world.
And of course, there won't be any real terrorists for them to torture, so it's going to be YOU that gets tortured.
Your daughters, your sons.
So, we've entered the very serious point in all of this.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Eric in Connecticut, up in Skull and Bones, Satanism land.
Of course, it is Christian and conservative, so I'm actually devilish for being against it, just like I'm liberal for being against gun control.
You're up there in devil worship country.
How you doing, Eric?
Hey, Alex.
Up here in neocon land.
Up there, born into the order of death in a coffin, a Christian conservative, yes.
I'm very tempted to bullhorn them this summer.
You know, videotape it, I'll put it on TV, I'll put it on the website.
I want to go up there and bullhorn them.
Okay, I'm very tempted this summer at some point, especially just before the election, and have
Posters and props and all kinds of stuff.
I'm sort of putting it together.
Well, they've got hired goons.
Police, it'll show up and shut you down.
But the point is, just get the video of you doing it.
That's the point.
And believe me, that'd be hot video.
If I posted that, we'd probably get five million viewers of it on the website.
Hey, a request, Alex.
After my call, would you play Neocon Star at some point?
Well, you know, it's not really a joke anymore.
Oh, it's not?
No, it's not.
I mean, they're coming out with, you've got to breathalyze all car owners.
Uh, there, you know, I mean, all of this is really happening.
Oh yeah, well... Yeah, I'll tell you what, why don't you, um...
Can you cue up Neocon Star for me, Stephanie, please?
Oh, it's very instructive, Alex, if anything.
You know... Popular Science, last issue, or was it Mechanics?
I forget, I had it in here.
The blimp's 30 times the size of Goodyear in a subspace orbit, scanning our homes, looking through our walls.
Yes, yes.
Oh, as we speak, I'm making a copy of 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on my way into work.
I'm going to drop it off at my...
And just one last thought, Alex, can you imagine a collaborative effort between Mel Gibson and Colonel Don DeGrand Prey, entitled something like, Fahrenheit 911, chronicling the events of September 11th as they really happened?
Well, I know Gibson investigated doing that and then, for some reason, backed out.
Not with D Grand Prix, but with somebody else and didn't do it.
But who knows?
I mean, we do need to see a real production-grade film made about government-sponsored terror.
And let me just say this, maybe it's in the works.
Can't say any more than that.
Hey, thanks.
Thanks for the call.
Here it is, brought to you by General Motors.
What your OnStar really does.
Go ahead and hit it.
The following is an actual conversation between a NeoconStar operator and a subscriber in distress who is locked in her car and doesn't have the proper authorization to get out.
With NeoconStar,
How can I offer you great service today?
Please help me, I'm trapped in my car!
My retina scanner won't work!
Just relax, sir.
It's not sir, it's ma'am!
Please hurry, it's hot in here!
According to Admiral Poindexter's database, I have you at the mall.
I have a live shot of you from the Neocon Star Observation Blimp in your area.
I'm an old lady.
Alright, sir.
Looks like you have no outstanding warrant, so you're not under vehicular detention.
But it looks like you have some outstanding parking tickets in two counties.
But I can't find it.
I'm looking everywhere.
I can't find my national ID card.
I'll take the lethal injection, please.
Thanks for using Neocon, Star.
Have a nice day.
Yeah, have a nice day.
So, there you have it.
What's coming, and they're actually starting to come out with stuff like that, so... That's what you're on, Star, listens to you, tracks you.
In New Mexico, laws pass the house to make everybody breathe into a breathalyzer to start your car.
I mean, this is what these control freaks are all about.
We'll take your children if you don't take all the vaccines.
Let's talk to Peter in Maryland.
Peter, go ahead.
Oh, thank you, Alex.
You bet.
That last clip that you played was kind of scary, but I think it won't be long before we'll be seeing stuff like that.
Hey, I was very happy to be able to see The Passion the other day.
Oh, good!
And I was very, very impressed with it.
I thought it was very well presented.
I enjoyed it immensely.
It was very powerful and had a real serious message associated with it.
Now, you know, I kind of think that if Mel Gibson is going to be boycotted by the studios, that the public at large ought to turn that around
And support Mel Gibson and go see his movies and then boycott the studios.
Well, basically I already do.
I don't go to most of these movies anymore.
I don't watch very much television.
And yes, we should boycott the big studios.
The studios that are boycotting Mel Gibson, perhaps I should read their names, we need to boycott them.
By all means, we should.
We should make a concentrated effort to do that.
Well, I'm going to go see The Passion in a couple weeks when the crowds aren't so big.
I've already seen it, but I want to see it again.
Everybody should go see it several times.
Hey, there's another thing I wanted to bring up, and that is the guest that you had, Don D. Grand Prix, on Wednesday.
That was absolutely super.
That was the best guest I think you've ever had.
He had more information
And such important information that it blows my mind.
You know, he had mentioned that 70% of the top military don't like or don't approve of the civil government that exists in this country.
And there may be a, he normally said, there may be, in all probability, there will be a military coup in this country.
And he said that this is going to happen relatively soon.
You know, this is earth-shaking and mind-boggling information.
Well, I know he's put out really accurate info in the past, and to have him just calmly go, oh yeah, I'm friends with the pilot that shot down Flight 93 and, uh, you know, just amazing.
And we know they did shoot down Flight 93, but to just have all that evidence coming out... You know, if this comes about, the economy will immediately go into shambles.
Well, that's another thing, is that it'd be very dangerous to have some type of military coup.
That could immediately be taken over by another subgroup of globalists.
I've talked about how the globalists are like shark teeth.
There's always another row rolling up behind the last group.
It's evil!
We've got to dismantle the size of the government and the mechanisms of control, because then it doesn't matter who's in control of the government, they won't have the power to micromanage our lives.
That's what the Founding Fathers said.
They said, if you've got a big government, you're going to have tyranny.
Because that's the nature of man.
Okay, well, it's not going to be done by the ballot box.
You know, that's already fixed.
Well, yes, federally there is no election now.
They have put in the electronic, publicly run by the CIA voting machines.
They've been caught stealing elections coast to coast.
People have to come to terms with that.
But, nine states are refusing to put the electronic systems in.
Others are suing to have them removed.
We still have to fight on that front and somehow convince these yuppies of the admitted fact that the CIA owns these voting machine companies and it is a front.
It's amazing.
Good to hear from you, sir.
Really good points, Peter.
And yeah, that Colonel Don DeGrand Prix interview, I'd have requests to re-air that, but I can't make that a regular occurrence to re-air interviews.
I just suggest that... Oh, we'll post it at PrisonPlanet.com.
My Prison Planet webmaster's been on semi-vacation this week, so we haven't been having a lot of audio or video posted, though the site's been updated daily.
But next week we'll get that Colonel Don DeGrand Prix interview posted and a bunch of other video clips and stuff.
So keep refreshing that.
I did have a lot of requests to re-air the Shrimpton interview.
That's why I did that yesterday.
That was pretty important.
Okay, we'll come back and go to Paul and Bob and Russ and others.
Wide open phones.
It's open line Friday 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Let's go straight back to the calls on this open line Friday.
Let's talk to Paul in Tennessee.
Paul, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, thank you for taking my call.
Earlier you were talking about jobs leaving the country.
I've got a story here about a federal agency that's planning to lay off a bunch of workers in April.
Yeah, and I've seen a bunch of different articles about that.
That should be illegal.
That is, if you're going to have a state or federal or a county bid,
By the way, there are a lot of laws on this.
It needs to go to American citizens or American companies, but now most of the corporations are global, and so it's being outsourced, and so we have welfare mothers calling about their welfare checks being answered by Indians in India, so the economy doesn't even get that.
We don't even get government jobs now.
I mean, it's really sick.
Tell us about it.
The title of the article is, TVA Works Sent to India Under Fire.
It's under fire from U.S.
Representative John Duncan Jr.
They claim they've saved a lot of money, of course 20-something to 70% by sending it out to India.
It's on KnoxNews.com from the Knoxville News Sentinel.
That's how the scam works, and for those that just joined us and don't understand this, let me just in a nutshell break it down and then you can comment and give us your take on it.
Again, it's like domesticating an animal.
They trained us with the welfare, got us addicted, got us domesticated, under their control, they grew this giant government, then under, quote, privatization, they give the government powers over to the corporations that paid off the government, then they start taking the so-called welfare away, but the taxation and regulation stays there, and then all the taxes you pay go to the, quote,
Debt that was built up that goes to the private banks that now own the government.
And so we hear, oh, the jobs are going overseas because it helps the government save money.
This is all a scam, folks.
They create money out of zeros and ones in a computer.
They're doing all of this consolidation by design.
And we've been saying this for decades.
This was the globalist plan.
We have the IMF's own documents from 2001.
When Joseph Sicklet's resigned, their chief economist, we've had Greg Powell's gone.
It says they want to blow out economies, they want to get control, they want to get us on welfare, they want to get our jobs, they want to create riots so they can then have martial law.
I mean, this is an official IMF World Bank plan.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this is Tennessee Valley Authority.
These are technical jobs that these employees in India are working.
It just surprised me, you know, that a federal agency would be doing this, and it's surprising a lot of other people here in this area.
It's amazing.
Well, they must be liberals, because anything Bush does is conservative.
Gun control, open borders, biggest growth in government, signing on to UNESCO, campaign finance reform.
If you're not for Bush, you're an Al-Qaeda member!
And he's very loving to the Red Chinese.
So are, I mean, so people are loving the neocons?
I mean, I mean, they certainly don't think the Democrats are going to save them, do they?
No, no, I'm gonna vote for somebody, third party, independent, some way or other.
It doesn't matter, any other way.
Yeah, and, and, and, again, you know, the top's the wrong place to focus.
I mean, there should be some focus there, but it's at the county and city level.
And I just want folks to know that Republicans, Democrats, they're all on the same team.
And things aren't going to change until we start realizing that.
It's the new world order.
It's not George Bush or Al Gore.
It's the new world order doing this.
Good to hear from you.
Email me that article at tips at InfoWars.com, Paul, and I'll post it on the website.
Thank you.
Bob, where are you calling us from?
I called from Idaho, Alex.
How are you?
Hey, I've been listening to you for a couple of years, and I love you like a brother.
You tell the truth right on.
But I disagree with you on one point.
First, I wanted to talk to you a little bit about The Passion.
I went to see that on Wednesday.
It's a very moving film.
All Christians should go see that movie.
It's incredible.
It's causing quite a stir, as you're well aware, with the Gibson family.
Hutton, Gibson, and Mell, of course.
But particularly, they seem to be after Hutton, because of his views on the Holocaust and these types of things.
He never told me those views.
I've asked him about that a year ago, and he said something different.
He did?
He sure did.
He's not backing down, is he?
No, I just told you about a year ago.
Well, I was talking to Hutton and I said, you know, I've heard this and, you know, Hutton Gibson says the Catholic Church is corrupt.
Hutton Gibson thinks, and rightly so, that almost everything is infiltrated.
It is.
And he doesn't like Hitler.
You can ask him about that.
He believes that Jews were killed.
He thinks it's wrong that people get arrested if they say less than six million die.
He doesn't think it was six million.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I'd like to talk to you a little bit... So what do you disagree with?
I mean... Well, not about that.
I disagree with you about the issue of peak oil, and I've got some points to make on that.
Your concept of peak oil
You know, you need to look at the facts about the Equality Act.
Oh, I have looked at the facts.
We'll be right back and let you talk about it.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central.
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I'm going to talk to Bob and Russ and Ron and Glenn and Howard.
Then I'm going to have other folks hold because I'm going to go back into a big stack of important news.
Before I go back to Bob about his peak oil comments,
Yeah, on the Hutton-Gibson situation, I knew a couple years ago that Hutton-Gibson had gotten my videos and had heard the radio show, and I knew that he was friends with Pastor Butch Paul.
And then last year, Hutton-Gibson and a bunch of his family, children and grandchildren, came to a showing of 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
And I've talked to Hutton many times privately on the phone, and, you know, what about this stuff in the New York Times where they say, you know, that you deny that
Holocaust happened and he said, oh well that's all out of context, of course Hitler's bad and killed a bunch of Jews and other people.
I just don't think it's good that, you know, that they arrest people who say it was less than six million because clearly there weren't, you know, a million people killed who were just Jewish because, you know, millions fled to Israel and the U.S.
and other areas.
I mean, this is the winner of, you know, the big international, you know, Jeopardy.
He won the big grand championship.
And by that, I mean, he's a real stickler for numbers and facts.
And you've heard him on the air before when I say something that's a little bit off, he'll correct my numbers.
And the guy's 85 years old.
I mean, he's real smart.
And, you know, he believes, really, that the Masons control the Catholic Church, Judaism, the Protestants.
And at the higher levels, that is true.
And so, you know, I had talked to him.
I'd tried to find out if this was true, and he said, no, it wasn't.
And then there's some interview, you know, services a few weeks ago where you can look at what he supposedly said, and you can clearly see where it was taken out of context.
But again, it's just a way to go after Mel Gibson.
So that's my comments on that.
I mean, Hutton Gibson will tell you all day that Adolf Hitler was an evil occultist, a devil worshipper, just like Mel Gibson did.
But he'll argue with you about numbers of people killed.
I mean, it's real simple.
I mean, Hutton Gibson thinks everything's corrupt, because, well, frankly, most of it is.
Bob, you wanted to argue with me about peak oil.
We're running out of oil.
It's all over.
What are we going to do?
Go ahead.
Well, no, it's not that we're running out of oil.
It's that it's harder and harder to extract out of the ground.
I've studied this issue for about the last three months and really researched it on the internet, the things I was able to find.
To comment about Hutton-Gibson and the Catholic Church, I'm a traditional Catholic like Hutton and like Mel.
There's a wealth of information at seattlecatholic.com about the issue of traditional Catholicism.
Okay, but right now we were talking about peak oil.
I'll go back to that.
Peak oil, from what I've been able to gather, well look, we use, what, a billion barrels of oil the world uses a day?
I mean, there is a finite amount of oil.
Now, you compared it to diamonds.
That wasn't a good analogy to make.
I don't think it's a billion.
Well, the figures that I read, it was.
And that is increasing at an escalating rate.
Excuse me, the use is increasing, the supply is decreasing, there's an inverted, there's a bell curve there, and that's what's called peak wealth.
Some analogies say we reached it two or three years ago even, and we were at peak wealth.
Now, if you think about it... Okay, sir, you say my diamond analogy wasn't good.
I was using diamonds not as a commodity example, or not comparing apples and oranges.
I was using it as an example of elites, of cartels, jacking up prices
By artificially creating scarcity.
Yes, and that could very well be the case.
But could it not be the case also?
Wouldn't this justify what's happening with the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, the whole Baltic region being taken over for the securing of resources?
Russia knows it.
China knows it.
They both made extensive investments in Iraq to develop their oil infrastructure.
So, what I see it as, and it kind of hit me like a ton of bricks when I started really looking at it, and I'm not trying to justify what they did, but it seems to be a justification for the seizure of resources to secure our energy future.
Now, if that is the case, then you can clearly see that there is a problem with PQL.
Now, another thing that tells me that it's a real scenario and not a, perhaps a falsely created one, is that no one's talking about it, Alex.
No one's talking about it on the mainstream media.
The only candidate that's even mentioned it was Dennis Kucinich.
And he hasn't mentioned it again.
Yeah, I hear you.
Hey, listen, thanks for the call.
I'm going to try to comment on this and then move on.
You say you've been studying peak oil for three months.
I've been studying it for five years.
I mean, I don't just sit up here and rant and rave for three hours a day.
I spend hours every day researching.
That's what I do.
And I know about oil supplies in the United States.
I know about oil supplies in Central Asia, in the Middle East, and in the Atlantic, and Pacific, and North Sea, and Indian Ocean.
There are just supermassive quantities of oil that have been discovered all over the globe.
And this move into Iraq and Central Asia
This is about restricting the supply of oil, because OPEC, which is a globalist-controlled cartel, by the way, they try to act like there's some friction there, more good cop, bad cop, has been losing control, and more oil has been being sold.
Now that Iraq and other areas have been shut down, and they aren't shipping a lot of oil out of there, you see that we're paying $1.65 on average a gallon.
I mean, we're right next door to the refineries here and it's like $1.58 a gallon for 87 octane here in Austin.
And so, I'm not talking about, you know, a hundred papers you read by leftists and environmental groups and UN bodies about peak oil and it's all over.
I'm talking about just masses of crude oil that's been discovered.
I mean, they have new finds every year, and then you'll read these false analysis pieces put out by the Russians and others,
And it'll say, you know, oh, this is all the new oil that's been discovered.
Then I'll go right over to a new document that shows even more oil discovered in one oil field than their saying's been discovered in the last couple years.
So just lots of cooked books, lots of false numbers.
This is all about control.
I mean, why do you think they won't let us have the oil out of Alaska?
Alaska is just covered with giant oil pockets.
Of sweet crude.
Did you know that?
The stuff that you only have in the Western Hemisphere that they found in a few areas of Venezuela and Argentina.
Now they find giant deposits of sweet and near sweet crude.
Means it comes out of the ground partially refined.
Very high value.
They found a bunch of sweet crude in areas of Africa.
I mean, they're finding oil all the time.
It's just not true!
You know, I see these articles about potash is only found in an ancient lake in Israel, and potash is what's used for fertilizer, and when it's gone and we're all dead.
I mean, that's just not true.
It's not the only place you find potash.
I mean, I'm tired of this.
It's like, people call me up and go, you know, what about this Nesera Bill?
Secretly, the government gave us all our rights back in 2001, and they've suppressed it, and everything's going to be alright, and well, there's a news article on the web about it, Alex, you know.
Look, the globalists can't hide anything that they've really done.
And there's plenty of crimes and plenty of bizarreness to go around.
But all this business of stuff that can't be proven, the same crowd that brought you global warming, the same crowd that brought you all these false reports, all these global fear-mongering stories that always take more global control to save us, it's the same M.O.
over and over again.
You want to talk about a real global crisis.
Genetically engineered, race-specific bio-weapons.
Dick Cheney, in Rebuilding America's Defense, the PENAC document, in September of 2000, said, we need to legitimize the use of race-specific weapons.
They want to use them to kill certain races.
That ought to scare you.
They've got race-specific bio-weapons.
The British, the Israelis, the U.S.
We've got a proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by the globalists to bring in World War III.
You should be worried about that.
The policy planners are really going ahead with plans for this.
You should be concerned that Monsanto and others are going out and creating specially engineered, not just food crops, but now grasses and trees and planting open air
These plants, so their pollen spreads, and suddenly trees and grasses aren't producing seeds and are just dying, and then Monsanto comes in with, oh, we've got an all-purpose grass you can plant.
I mean, they're actually killing the biosphere, taking over, patenting life, engaging in mass abomination against God's creation.
The environmentalists don't care.
They're too busy grabbing people's property.
Federally funded.
I mean, these are the real things.
You want to talk about real crisis?
You know, Texas company Protegene, a good example I use.
96 locations, open air, HIV corn, pharmacological corn with HIV in it.
Planted in 96 locations, jumped into soybeans, jumped into granaries.
No one knows where all it went.
Yes, it grows live HIV in it.
You know, a bunch of different military bases and now private bases with these spider goats.
We've had the CEO on from upstate New York, you know, splicing goats and spiders.
New Jersey legalizing growing clones to birth, keeping them alive after birth with no rights, growing organs off of them, keeping babies alive in tanks.
I mean, you know, that's real!
But, you know, all the leftists and that whole crowd doesn't want to talk about it.
Telling you truth stranger than fiction.
Now, again, all this talk about how there's not going to be any oil and we're going to have to lower our standard of living and this new feudalism is coming.
The U.N.
has chartered all these reports about how there's no fresh water anymore, and we've got to have controls over it.
It's precious.
There's no fresh water.
There's no oil.
There's not going to be any oil soon.
There's not any forest.
We've got to have incredible controls over all the land.
The government's got to run it.
It's an emergency.
This is neo-feudalism.
And it's a stated plan, and I told you they'd say there was no oil and water five, six years ago!
Now they're saying it, and you're not listening to me as usual!
It's their own policies!
It's their own plans!
I don't have a crystal ball, people!
I know what they're gonna do, because they said what they're gonna do!
Oh, I don't mean to rant and rave.
I want to go to your calls.
And, Bob, it's a good call.
I'm not mad at you.
I just get frustrated.
Russ in Texas.
Russ, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Doing great.
Thanks for taking my call.
I'd like to go back to one of the things your guest was talking about, and that is, of course, I think one of the major crises we have is the fact that law enforcement has developed this us-and-them mentality.
Here we have the prosecutor, he was just retiring as prosecutor at the time, a successful lawyer, West Texas, seeing women having their goods thrown out on the side of the road and the cops just drive off as their stuff blows around.
He puts a sign up on his own ranch saying say no to illegal searches and so they come and sue him and take it down.
I've always believed that you can catch more bees with honey than you can with vinegar.
And I think if you have an opportunity to confront an officer, when you're looked at as a citizen rather than a perpetrator, that you're probably better off and you may be able to get them to listen better.
But if you do get pulled over or something and they want to search you, I have a little bitty card here that I keep in my wallet that someone gave me and it's called an Assertion of Rights.
That might be, hey hold on, that might be anti-government, that might be illegal.
It simply says, Officer, please understand, I have the right to have an attorney present if you want to question me or conduct any search of my body or personal effects.
I am not giving my consent to any type of search.
If I am under arrest, I wish to invoke and exercise my Miranda Rights.
I want to speak with an attorney now.
I do not want my personal property impounded, nor do I consent to any impoundment.
I request the opportunity to secure my personal effects.
If I am not under arrest, please tell me immediately so that I may leave.
You know, I have to tell you, I don't get rude with police.
But, I mean, I just let them know, look, I haven't done anything wrong.
I don't use your CIA drugs.
And, uh, I'm just driving down the road.
If you're gonna give me a ticket, go ahead and do it.
Now, that's what I say to them.
I mean, I don't care.
I don't care if they blow my head off and stomp in my guts.
Well, yeah, if it comes to that, that's what you have to do.
Because I don't care, because I'm not their slave.
They're not my master.
I'm not their slave.
I just want them to know that I'm a human being.
I got as much value as they do.
And how would they like being treated like this?
Well, a lot of them are pretty good guys.
They're just ignorant.
I know that.
I understand that.
But I guarantee you they wouldn't like it if I pulled them over.
I don't use their CIA drugs.
I didn't ship the garbage in here.
I haven't put 10 million kids on Ritalin and Prozac like their bosses have.
I'm not putting mercury in the shots and brain damaging children like their bosses are.
Hey, let me tell you something.
You know why I hate the CPS so much?
Because Time Magazine admits they're five times more likely
I've had an opportunity to give quite a few of your videos to police officers too.
And I've kind of composed a short letter that I would give to him.
Could I take just a moment?
Oh, sure.
I'd like to hear about your terrorism.
It says, thank you for the opportunity to speak candidly with you.
I understand that your responses may be somewhat guarded and skeptical because of the position that you hold.
The major media outlets have been very effective at filtering out much of the truth and at spinning the news to create a desired outcome.
They've also been effective at making anyone that would question authority out to be a radical or dangerous individual.
It is imperative that we as citizens begin to exercise a degree of independent critical thinking and not be afraid to question authority.
I've never heard such al Qaeda talk.
Especially when we are not sure of the lawful validity of that which is in question.
As parents, we have an obligation to see that our children are afforded the same opportunities and liberties that we've enjoyed.
We cannot allow our children's freedom and future to be squandered away by an apathetic citizenry who is willing to blindly trust those with unaccountable decision-making power over our daily lives.
Yeah, in Lyon County, Kentucky, that got one of my listeners arrested, that exact type of letter.
I believe that nothing less than the survival of our free nation is at stake.
Because you have taken a solemn oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, I also challenge you to determine whether your daily duties and responsibilities ever call into question your ability to uphold that oath.
Not intentionally, but simply because of the lack of importance placed on the Constitution during your training and subsequent time on the force.
America was founded on the premise of a very small, limited, and accountable governmental system.
Unfortunately, we're out of time and your cordless phone is breaking up really bad.
You're on a cordless phone, aren't you?
No, I'm not.
I don't know what the problem is.
Well, that's a great letter, man.
And what response do you get from police with it?
Usually they take and read it.
Their responses are guarded, but they appreciate it.
I think they do.
Well, I'm honored to have somebody out there like you taking action.
Good job.
We'll be back.
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I don't know.
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All right, folks, we're back.
I have been ranting a bit today.
I just get angry about the things that are happening.
But I do appreciate the last caller who's out there waking people up and taking action.
God bless you.
Ron in Oklahoma.
Ron, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Reverend Jones.
I've had really good luck with your tapes.
9-11, Masters of Terror, Please Stay Free.
We're getting a lot of calls about my videos today.
I've had really good luck with them.
I've stopped counting at about 200 copies.
The only problem with them or with your books is they certainly aren't for the faint of heart.
These are the impact when people see them for the first time.
And all their illusions as to what's really going on are shattered.
But after they recover, they start to come around eventually.
I have Order Out of Chaos and Tex Marr's book, Circle of Intrigue, and then your book,
I just ordered two more copies of Order Out of Chaos as gifts.
It's all quite amazing.
Well, I really do appreciate your help.
People like you make this show possible.
But anyway, Alex, a couple of things here.
For one, I have been told recently by a former high-level banking executive that what we're seeing now with the immigration and job outsourcing was
Well, that's a scam.
That's the excuse.
Europe, you get $25 an hour and you get a month of vacation in Germany, but they have tariffs on their trade, they protect their industry, whereas America has been looted by the globalists, and then German companies are able to buy up all our companies.
NAFTA and GATT is a looting strategy, and the unions are only 11% of the jobs.
That's a side issue
Well yeah I understand where you're coming from because whenever I hear these things I look at Europe and I see these compact basically countries that are mostly homogeneous and that have higher standards of living than we do and where the population doesn't constantly grow and expand with immigrants
And they have a high standard of living, and they seem to be doing quite well.
Where in this country, we keep bringing more and more and more people in, and lowering the standard of living.
Well look, it's simple.
It's simple.
Bush just got rid of the minimum wage.
And in theory, I don't believe in a minimum wage, because I don't believe in government control.
But we've already got so much regulation, so much government control, that to even survive, you've got to have that minimum wage.
Now they get rid of the minimum wage.
Now they get rid of overtime.
They admit, that's so the illegals can drive it down to about $2 an hour, then they can live $15 to a house, and then none of us can raise a family!
This is by design to get control of our lives!
I've read the globalist policy reports!
The government wants to hurt you!
Go ahead.
Okay, I won't argue with your point there, because it seems to me this was orchestrated long ago to bust the union.
But anyway, Alex, why don't we simply bring the troops home from Iraq, use them to invade Mexico,
Set up a pro-free trade government.
We can combine Mexico and California.
Make Arnold president.
That'll get him out of our hair.
With a free trade Republican president down there.
He'll sell anything that isn't nailed down.
That'll bring in foreign investment.
Create jobs in Mexico.
The illegals here will go home.
We'll have cheap oil nearby.
We can bring the oil here cheap.
That'll improve our economy.
The CIA can circumvent the Mexican army.
Buy their drugs direct from the producers.
That will allow them to sell the drug cheaper in this country, which will allow us to cut back on law enforcement and jail cells.
The dopers won't have to rob and steal as much.
But see, they don't want that.
The globalists own the private prisons.
They want the price high so the dopers break in your house.
You understand how the cycle works?
Yeah, I see where you're coming from.
But see, we won't have a problem with terrorism.
The Mexicans are agreeable.
The troops can go to Tijuana.
Hey, good hearing from you, Ron.
Third Hour coming up.
More calls, more news.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
As usual, we are now into the third hour, final hour of global transmission this week.
After this show,
Monday through Friday, from 11 to 2 Central during the day, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
And we've been taking a lot of calls today, already had a guest on concerning the Supreme Court, saying, hey, we agree with the Texas court, you're allowed to put a billboard up on your own property, saying no to Fourth Amendment violating secret searches.
Coming up, I am going to get into the UN preparing to take over Iraq as the good cop.
Also more news on vaccinations, a bunch of news on the Haiti situation, on trade, but we're continuing with your calls.
Always interesting, always informative.
Glenn and Howard and Radkin, Frank, Mike and others, we're going to get to you.
Glenn in Colorado, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex.
I love it when you get hot under the collar.
Hey, about that proposed marriage amendment to the Constitution against the non-heterosexual marriages.
Yeah, it's bad news.
Yeah, well, I was thinking it might be more than just a diversion.
Now, you're always talking about if we consider problem-reaction-solution.
Looks like a perfect NWO scheme to me.
One, you know, you create a problem and we'll burst the gay and lesbian marriages and
I think?
They pry open our rights protection and substitute their slave camp agenda?
Oh, I know it's a... exactly.
I know that it's a political football diversion.
I mean, I don't agree with the homosexual marriage.
Let's make that clear.
But this is a cynical, political ploy.
They tried to get a CON-CON going, a constitutional convention, the last four years in a row, with a flag-burning amendment.
And I said, no, I'm against an amendment.
To the U.S.
Constitution, to the Bill of Rights, to ban flag burning.
The amendment said you couldn't even have the flag on tablecloths, on napkins.
It made it like some religious, illegal icon.
But that aside, the flag symbolizes your right to burn it.
I mean, I love the American flag, but the freedom that it symbolizes is the freedom of some idiot
Wants to burn it, but that's a side issue!
As usual, that itself is just a sub-area.
The real move was to get a CON-CON going, because once a CON-CON starts, they can rewrite the entire Bill of Rights.
And I guarantee you that the next time they get a CON-CON going, in the middle of a CON-CON, there will be a massive terror attack, and they will rewrite the whole Bill of Rights and Constitution, guaranteed.
And that's what this is about.
Go ahead.
I'm with you on what you said there.
I re-read your book, 9-11 Descendants of Tyranny, and it was even better the second time through.
Anyway, I'm going to run along and let somebody else get on.
Good to hear from you, and again, thank you for the support.
A lot of folks talking about the books and videos today, and they're pretty good, thanks to God's guidance writing the books and making the films, and I hope you'll get the videos and make copies and get them out to people, because we don't have
You know, Dan Rather or Peter Jennings behind us, and we don't have millions of dollars to produce big Hollywood films that go against their grain.
We make high-quality, well-produced pieces of information, and then it's up to you to get them out to people, whether that's buying them in bulk or making copies of them.
So be sure and go to nowars.com or prisonplanet.com and get the books and get the videos and make copies of the videos.
Again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Didn't tell you how to get them last hour.
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This disaster is a new world order.
A new world order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
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You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I was just thinking during the break that the upset, the discomfort,
That we saw by the establishment two thousand and four years ago when they killed Jesus Christ.
We're seeing the exact same type of upset by the world, the same world system controlled by the same entity today.
I mean the exact same type of behavior.
All the filth, all the evil, everything that's out there
And, oh, this movie, don't take your children to it.
Oh, it's... Oh, Hollywood's going to boycott Mel Gibson, blackball him.
You know, they're the people engaging in the true McCarthyism.
Here's the deal.
I'm going to shotgun through
Five of these calls.
Real quick, I'm going to go back in the news, back in the calls, because I just love calls.
They're so interesting.
But I do have a bunch of news I want to get to, and there's a lot of it here.
We did cover a lot in the first hour, but I've been just taking calls.
Callers mention other news and bring up other items.
The callers are the news as well.
Never know which direction they'll go in.
Howard in Colorado.
Howard, go ahead.
Yeah, how are you, Alex?
Wonderful show.
Actually, I'm from Washington, D.C.
I've called you before.
I do a lot of demonstrations.
Okay, I was told Colorado, so... That's okay, I'm in Colorado.
Okay, well that's okay.
That's alright, but anyway, I want to tell you, I'm sending your friend Pat Barber $10 as soon as I get off this phone, and there's a book Theodore White had written, and this is back in the 40s, and it talks about the power base and what they're going to do.
Eventually, OSS killed him.
Or assassinate him.
So this goes way, way back.
Oh, it does.
You've got the same hereditary mafia, WASP mafia really is what it is, running things with this cloak of government wrapped around them.
And yeah, I mean, this is an ongoing fight.
And the other thing I want, there's a couple other things I need to mention real quickly.
I know you've got a lot of calls.
Uh, when I'm in front of the White House demonstrating, I will not give the Secret Service my name.
I won't, uh, stop demonstrating.
And they've torn up the whole sidewalk in front of the White House now and put big fences around it.
I don't know whether they're building a wall or a garden.
They claim they're building a garden, but I doubt it.
Oh, they admit they're building a wall.
You haven't seen the plans at the new Capitol?
And the new White House?
It's a giant, armored compound with, like, huge 25-foot walls.
Yeah, Washington D.C.
is a police state, and I want to mention something that Faith Without Works is dead, and this goes right straight to the passion.
And people, if they don't get into the street and start demonstrating and finding out about these issues, all I can say is the American people deserve what they get, and they're going to end up enslaved.
Well, we're already enslaved to a great degree, but you're right, it's going to get much more intense.
Now, I want to take one of your videos back to DC and show it to my demonstrators.
Could I get the New World Order video?
Would that be the most that would give them the most shock effect?
I want to get them all eventually, but I'm going to... Well, if you're going to show people one video, I'd show them 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Okay, I got that.
But if you want to give somebody an overview of what the New World Order is and how it operates and how the left and right are both controlled, I would say Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Okay, one other point... two other points.
Can I get the 9 to 12 show in Colorado?
The 9 to 12 show?
Aren't you on the air on 9 to 12?
Oh, you want to hear the nighttime show?
We have the American Freedom Network station picks us up and that covers most of the state.
You know what that is on the AM band?
I don't want to give it out wrong.
Isn't it 1360?
I believe it's 1360.
Okay, I'll try it now.
I apologize if I'm wrong.
In fact, guys, look on the website and tell me, please.
Also, then there's the Colorado Radio Network, and that's four AM transmitters in the state as well.
So we've got five transmitters in that state.
Also, we need to be specific about who... I'm fully aware of who the globalists are,
You know, when you start talking to people, we need to get specific about the Bilderberg Group and about different groups who are behind this New World Order and about their secret meeting they hold where nobody can get into.
And also... Well, we have done that.
We've done... You know, I didn't know that.
I'm sorry.
You know, hundreds of shows on the subject.
I gotta go.
I really appreciate the call.
Let's talk to Radkin in Vermont.
Radkin, you're on the air.
Oh, thank you so much, Alex.
You just...
It's year beyond words, and I worry about your health all the time, and I hope you've cloned yourself, and it's sort of like, you know, Saddam Hussein had all those doubles.
Of course we don't know which one was down in the rat hole, but we know you're there, and as I was just telling Joyce and Dave, I haven't been on their show in a long, long time, but felt motivated.
If anything happens to them, I want the government to know that we're all coming to rescue them.
You and Dr. Stan Monteith, because you're the only sources of the truth that I've been able to find.
Quickly, what's the status with Charles T. Sell and Carl Klang?
Go ahead.
Oh yeah, let me give folks the status of those.
Carl Klang, the Patriot Christian musician who has some gold records, he was arrested supposedly for disorderly conduct.
Then the bigger charges of destroying property while he was in the jail.
They wouldn't release him, wouldn't let him have his court date.
They held him for two and a half months.
When we found out about it, we put the phone number out and according to the Associated Press,
Carried by the Casper newspaper.
The judge apologized and said, I don't know why you've been held for two and a half months.
That was wrong.
So Carl Klang was released last week.
Now, Charles T. Sell was the Waco Pentagon dentist.
Brought to the site a week before they set it on fire, April 19th, 1993.
And he said that he saw them kill them and burn the place down, which is what the Delta Force's own documents stated.
This is congressional testimony.
But still little known by the average person out there.
Mr. Sell went public and said they murdered the Davidians, and so a few years after Waco, now almost seven years ago, coming up on seven years, they arrested him and didn't charge him.
They claim the FBI said he had threatened to shoot public officials, in the old provocateur comment.
So they grabbed him, and to quote, get him ready for trial, he's been in solitary confinement for almost seven years, and the Supreme Court has ruled that yes, he can be forcibly drugged with anti-psychotics to get him ready for trial.
A doctor with no criminal record,
A doctor who worked for the army, a doctor who said they killed the Davidians, and the government grabs him, says he's crazy, puts him in solitary confinement and drugs him.
I mean, how obvious is that?
And so that's where Charles T. Sell is.
Is there any contact person where we can get our local attorney generals to put the pressure on that state there to
I mean, it's better than the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court is good.
And that means for you, too.
They say judges can order any one drug.
They're now doctors and everything together, and juries.
Okay, quickly.
John Stattmiller, when he was covering for you last Saturday, I get so worried when anything happens to you.
No, I don't do that Saturday show anymore.
Oh, okay, okay.
I just couldn't.
I mean, I do about
Lately I've been doing about five interviews a day, and I just can't handle it anymore.
Oh, I don't blame you.
You deserve time.
But he was reading from, was it Dr. Boyd Graves' litany of all the acts of terrorism that have been promulgated by our government, or the government of the United States?
You know?
Uh-huh, yeah.
So, you're, yeah?
Okay, okay, one last question.
Someone called in
And said that the National Guard has no legitimacy in being sent out beyond our borders.
Well, that's yeah, because they were supposed to be a state unit.
They're the organized militia, then the citizenry is the unorganized militia.
And yeah, I mean, it's never been done until the last few years and it's not good.
Well, I was arguing with a local, not arguing, but questioning a local head of the National Guard here.
Because of the plea to uranium and all these, besides the political issues.
I mean, just the health and welfare of our troops.
Why aren't we just keeping them, like, sending them down to the Mexican border and helping Ranch Rescue and Chris Hedgcock and all those?
Sir, thanks for the call.
The military is about grabbing resources and suppressing the people.
Does that mean I'm against the military themselves?
But the stated government policy, the white papers, it's all about global domination.
We are being used, just like our tax money is used to empower the New World Order, our troops are used.
And until we say, stop using our troops like mercenaries, it's going to continue.
And you know, the government says, support the troops, support America, shut your mouth, go along with it, don't ask questions, that's patriotism.
No, that's not patriotism.
Okay, Fred and Mike and a bunch of other people, just Jack and others, just stay there.
I'm going to come back and cover some news.
And then we'll get to your calls, continuing with wide open phones on this Friday.
And when we go to calls, I want to go a little bit quicker, because all the calls are great, it's just that we never get to everybody.
I guess we never would.
It would just be more calls.
I really want to cycle through some calls the last 15 minutes of the show.
We've got 40 minutes left, but I'm going to cover news for about 15 minutes or so when we get back.
But I want to just cycle through calls.
I'm going to give each caller about a minute on the show.
I'm going to try to shut up and hold back my comments.
I just want to cycle through a whole bunch of you.
So 1-800-259-9231.
Just blitzing through your calls.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
And of course, the websites are great sites.
We're very proud of them and the work that the webmasters are doing.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Okay, we're again about to break.
We'll come straight back and plunge into a news blitz, then into a phone blitz.
Stay with us.
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Yeah, there's no enmity or anything.
I mean, I filled in for John Stattenhaler this week because he just moved.
So he's been busy with that on his show.
For over a year, I did that Saturday show with him.
It's just that I do so many radio interviews.
Many times, listeners who work at night hear me on the syndicated talk shows or on the Big 50,000 Waters up at 4 a.m.
doing all-nighters.
I seem to do those interviews every week.
I do interviews.
I get up at 6 or 5 in the morning, do interviews on talk stations.
Yeah, I think so.
Especially when somebody calls in and disagrees with me.
So that's where I'm having the biggest effect.
People say, come out to San Francisco and speak at our 9-11 deal.
Well, I can't do it.
Or, you know, please come speak to this group or that group.
I really can't do that because in the time it'd take me to go somewhere and give a speech, 3 or 4 days minimum, I could do 20 radio interviews and reach 5 million people.
Instead of flying somewhere and talking to 500 people.
And, you know, certainly I could fly and speak to 500 people and sell 500 videotapes and make a lot more money than I do, you know, doing interviews on radio stations, because I never seem to plug my videos.
But that isn't what matters to me.
I mean, I really, you know, the thrill of my life is waking people up, is reaching out and exposing the globalists.
And listen, I mean, I'm here to give you the good news.
Last night I saw the number one talk show host in Austin, the number one morning show, and he's been critical of me in the past, and he walked over and apologized and said, you know, you're right, all the dominoes have fell for me, the New World Order is real, they really are doing all this, you've been right all along, and he got up at a function I was at and said, I was wrong, Alex Jones is right.
And, you know, the New World Order is real and they've taken over.
You know, this guy's got a big ego.
I didn't even ask him to do it.
I don't know why.
But the point is, is that five, six years ago I could sit here on a local talk station with ten phone lines.
And I tell this story every week because it's so important.
You know, with ten phone lines.
And half the callers just agreed with me.
Now on my own show, on all these AM and FM stations all across the country,
Nobody calls in to disagree, or if they do, it's because I'm not right-wing enough, maybe.
I don't believe in everything they believe in, or I don't believe in speculative stuff, or I don't hate the Jews.
That's the type of people that disagree with me now.
I wish more of you would call, because it frankly makes for better radio.
People say, wow, you don't screen the calls.
Well, no, I know that mainstream radio does, though they deny that they do.
We don't, and we prove that when you call into the show.
But it's not just my own show.
I mean, I do these interviews, and I might be on a talk show for two hours, and they take 20, 30 calls, and no one calls in to disagree.
Sometimes they do, and it's usually, you know, you're a liar, you're a communist.
If they're a conservative, I'm a communist.
If they're a liberal, I'm a fascist Nazi.
And they're going to kill me, and they hope I go to one of the concentration camps.
And that's about it.
I mean, really, we are winning the war.
I don't know how else I can say it.
Because the New World Order is so far along.
I mean, you cannot deny it anymore.
Plus, as I've been telling you for, well now, almost 10 years on the air, we have the power of prediction.
We have the globalist policy books and manuals, because that's all public.
It's not widely distributed.
So we have the power of prediction.
We can tell people what's going to happen if we stay focused and disciplined and don't get off into conspiracy theory.
We can tell people what's going to happen, and the cop who laughs today won't laugh a year from now when he sees it come true.
And that's where we get the converts to reality and to the side of decency and honor.
That's why we're at least winning the fight for the hearts and minds.
And we are winning the fight for the hearts and minds.
The problem is the globalists know that, they're accelerating their program, and they could nuke a city any day, release smallpox any day.
I mean, we're right on the edge, folks.
They've geared up for martial law, the secret arrest, all of it, and the only reason they haven't gone ahead with it is they know that so many people are awake, they're afraid their own minions won't follow orders.
Their own minions wouldn't take the smallpox shot, much less give it to you and your family forcibly.
But it's also a Catch-22 where they need to accelerate it, because we're hurting them so bad.
So I think they're going to go ahead and move.
And I think they're going to move real soon.
And we better be ready for it, because things are about to accelerate even faster.
We're in a geometric economy now, where each time we jump, it's explosive.
It's doubling.
We'll be right back with more news, your calls.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Get ready to live the good life and call 1-800-551-5691 or visit our website at www.countrysidemag.com You know, I hope what I was just saying shunk in for people.
I'm saying the globalists that run this country and the world
want to detonate nukes in major cities, want to release smallpox, killing millions of us.
They don't just care or not care, they enjoy it and out of that they want to have you all swiping national ID cards, retina scanning to start your cars, telling you how many children you can have, forcing you to take all these inoculations.
That's the police state that comes with all of this.
And 9-11 is just a preparation for the next level or next phase of this.
And so, understand, you may wake up one morning with the news and, you know, a distance image of a smoking, burning city.
It appears to be some type of nuclear device.
The devices are picking up high levels of radiation.
Looks like Al-Qaeda used a suitcase nuke.
Things are really going to change now.
Let's cut to the former Vice President Al Gore.
Well, I think it's clear we all have to get behind the President now because of this and arrest anyone that disagrees.
Actually, we were all wrong about the Patriot Act.
It was needed to keep us safe, but we got in the way of it.
I want to apologize myself.
I'll be having to post to the new Homeland Security Department.
Oh, let's cut to Gary Hart.
Well, yes, we have to give up all our freedoms now.
The new world order is the only thing that can save us.
This nuclear weapon that's gone off in St.
Louis, Philadelphia, Austin, Texas, Picture City.
This certainly, certainly shows that we should have listened all along, that we people didn't move against it, and hundreds of cities passed laws against the Patriot Act and not allowed this to happen.
Those that criticized the moves we tried to put into place caused this.
They should be arrested!
A wave of arrest has begun.
It's believed now that the Al-Qaeda controls even worse than we thought.
Al-Qaeda had control of cells all over the country and sub-advisors.
I mean, folks, that's... I mean, I'm not joking around.
I just hope you understand that.
These people will do this in a minute, if they think you'll buy it, if they think the police will go along with it.
Kofi Annan pledges deep U.N.
commitment to Iraq.
The United Nations is committed to helping the Iraqi people to maintain their integrity and to form a legitimate government.
Yeah, the U.N.
sure does that.
Secretary General Kofi Annan pledged in a speech to the
And here's another one.
It says the United, Stan, Annan, and Kozumi agree the U.N.
must be more involved in Iraq.
Here's another one.
China supports U.N.'
's important role in Iraq.
Ambassador China supported the United Nations in continuing to play an important role in Iraq.
Chinese Ambassador Wang Yongning said Tuesday.
And Bremer, the regional dictator, praises U.N.
on Iraq.
overseer, Paul Bremer, has praised the U.N.
Secretary General, Toffee Annan's report stating that months of work are needed before credible elections can be held in Iraq and before the U.N.
can take over.
So that's the type of articles we have there.
North Korea gets rare private meeting with the U.S.
North Korea secured a rare private audience with the United States on Wednesday and also won an offer of compensation from South Korea if it relinquishes its nuclear weapons program, which Donald Rumsfeld and Clinton gave them.
The highly unusual meeting came on the sidelines of the Six Nation Talks.
Amid ending the standoff over North Korea's nuclear program, Assistant U.S.
Secretary of State James Kelly spent more than an hour with North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kai-Wong.
No details were immediately available, but State Department spokesman Richard Botcher described the session as useful.
Our hereditary dictator wants to talk to your hereditary dictator.
Syria, North Korea, America.
Where the son of the last leader becomes the new leader.
Nine Iraqi scientists murdered in the past four months.
believes killings effort to conceal scope of Iraq's nuke program.
And that's as a senior Iraq scientist who had been involved in Iraq's nuclear program was found murdered in Baghdad recently.
According to U.S.
officials, well yeah, the middle class is being raped and killed at world records next to South Africa now in Baghdad.
That is the only other place with worse crime is in South Africa.
And the ninth assassination of Iraq scientists in the past four months reports Geo's strategy to wreck the Global Intelligence News Service.
The last killing was that of Iraqi
Aeronautical Scientist Mushi Hussain.
Who knows what's really going on.
Rebels Threaten Haiti's Capital, and Kerry's trying to say that our government's behind this, and who knows, it probably is, but it's not like Kerry wouldn't do this if he wasn't in office.
I'm just stating they're all on the same team.
Rebels who have launched a bloody uprising took control of another town Friday, closing in on the capital as President Jean-Bertrand, Mr. Voodoo Aristide, appealed for foreign peacekeepers and the country lurched towards chaos.
As Aristide's government appeared to be losing the confidence of the United States, as well as France, the rebels drove police out and freed about 67 prisoners in Maribales, about 25 miles southeast of Port-au-Prince.
A witness has said it was unclear whether the rebels were still in the town or pushing towards the capital.
EU to impose sanctions on US on Monday.
This is out of Reuters, European Union Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy.
Said on Thursday, the EU would slap a 5% duty on more than $4 billion worth of U.S.
exports beginning on Monday because of Congress's failure to repeal tax breaks declared illegal by the World Trade Organization.
That's part of the OECD, and the World Trade Organization tells us how to set our taxes, and our government just lets these sanctions stand, so those are tariffs on our so-called free trade deal.
And the dollar's plunging further, jobless claims are up,
The Labor Department said 350,000 people filed new claims from State Unemployment Benefits in the week ending February 21st, and that's up from the prior week.
And also durable good orders are down, manufacturing down, and it's not good, folks.
Some good news, though, and we'll go to your calls here in just a few minutes.
Dallas Council votes for resolution denouncing Federal Patriot Act.
It's the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Now this is weird, because I read two weeks ago Dallas passed this, but it says they passed it last night.
So I'm a little confused right now, but after a round of impassioned debate, a resolution announcing the USA Patriot Act was approved Wednesday in a 9-6 vote on the Dallas City Council.
In approving the resolution, Dallas joins three states and 225 local governments.
Uh, it's way over 400, okay?
It's been like, I've seen probably 50 towns and cities in the last month.
I mean, come on.
That have taken stands against the Patriot Act.
The measure states that city officials will uphold citizens' constitutional rights and monitor the implementation of the Act.
And, uh, it goes on with that.
Now again, this is posted on InfoWars.com.
I do not know if it's a real news article.
And somebody better get to the bottom of this, because I spent, you know, 30 minutes this morning and some time, I mean, I had this story yesterday, and it doesn't look real to me, and so I didn't post it yesterday, but by the day the story was so big that I had to cover it.
A Jewish group calls the passion an act of terrorism.
Now, again, I've seen Alan Dershowitz say that the Christians deserve what they got in the Baptist Church, and when Ashbrook shot it up, that was on Crossfire, and I read the transcript on air.
I've seen rabbis say the Passion is a snuff film and should be banned.
I mean, I've seen that.
So, I mean, this could be possible, and it could happen under the Patriot Act, but I don't know if this is true.
Because I type Capital Press into a search engine, it doesn't pop up.
I type Washington-based Jews Against Anti-Semitism, it doesn't pop up.
I can't find the source of this.
Jewish group calls The Passion an act of terrorism.
A prominent Jewish organization has denounced Mel Gibson's The Passion as an act of terrorism and can prove
The movie violates the Patriot Act.
Jews Against Anti-Semitism, a recently formed Washington D.C.
based defense league for Jews, has issued a press release pointing out
Sections of the law which are being violated by Mel Gibson's film.
Clearly there are laws on the books which have outlawed the inciting of riots or acts of civil disobedience which endanger human life.
Mel Gibson's movie will incite violence against Jews and put the lives of millions of Jews in danger, said Rabbi David Fieldman, the spokesperson for Jews Against Anti-Semitism.
According to Rabbi Fieldman under Section 802 of the 2001 Patriot Act, any crime that endangers human life is defined as an act of domestic terrorism.
Al Gibson's incitement of anti-Semitism is a civil disobedience crime which endangers human life.
Under the Patriot Act, the passion is an act of domestic terrorism.
We are calling, hereby calling on the Attorney General John Ashcroft, the Department of Justice and Homeland Security, Secretary Tom Ridge, and the Department of Homeland Security to arrest Mel Gibson as a terrorist, confiscate all prints of The Passion, confiscate all materials related to the film as terrorist paraphernalia, and shut down every terrorist hate site on the internet supporting the film, said Rabbi Fieldman.
The Justice Department and the Homeland Security have yet to respond to the inquiries made by Capital Press regarding this story.
And there's a typo in here and some other stuff.
My gut is, this is like an onion story, but I don't know that.
My gut is that's the case.
Just like I think that's a staged inside deal with that
With that church saying, you know, it's the Jews' fault.
This is being done to incite things and get people in fights, and it's disgusting.
But I could be wrong.
I don't think I'm wrong.
I smell a rat on this one.
Let's go ahead and go to the calls quickly, because I want to get to everybody.
Let's talk to Frank in West Virginia.
Go ahead, Frank.
Hi, Alex.
I'd like everybody to get their pens, something to write with, so when I finish this, what I was going to say, they can write down and help us out here in West Virginia.
I'm calling concerning the compulsory immunization of school children bill.
Yeah, and they supposedly changed it.
I read the new bill.
It doesn't change it.
No, I've got the second... I didn't get the final
Bill, they changed it a little bit.
No, I got the final bill and it just says if the government gives you an exemption, you can have one.
Okay, well that, no, that's the same thing.
Yeah, I just want to make one main point.
There's at least six of them, major points, that I'm not going to cover, but there's one that is.
Okay, go ahead.
And that is, if people don't think this is, well, come to their state, this is a federal mandate, federal government
...requires 90% of all children to be immunized by age 2.
Now, down in section D, or subsection D, it says, uh, the changing needs and opportunities for immunization from known diseases for, note, all persons, that's all persons across their lifespan, and track immunization compliance in accordance with
Federal and state laws.
Yeah, it sets the precedent that everybody's injected with whatever they want, whenever they want.
It is a big, big deal.
Go ahead and finish up.
That's what I'm saying.
This is the main point.
This isn't just law people think, well, this is just for public school children.
No, no, it's for everybody.
If you want to give out a phone number or something, go ahead.
Yes, there's, uh, if somebody has email, or rather internet access, WB, that's Victor,
Victor E. That's WVVE.org as contact information for Don Perdue.
Now Don Perdue is going to decide if he hasn't already which committee or subcommittee this will go to in the House.
It still has a chance to be killed if we contact this guy.
I urge him to make sure this bill goes to subcommittee C. That's the only fully pro-life subcommittee in the state.
If it's a subcommittee C, they may kill it.
Okay, listen, I've got to let you go, bro.
Thanks for the call, and we've got people coming on as guests about this next week.
Mike in Canada.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hey, Alex.
I just wanted to talk to you about, real quick, about police state going on in our area.
Yes, they're trying to pass a new martial law bill in Canada.
Yeah, well, there was a standoff on the 18th.
I don't know.
The tactical team was wearing green and they're wearing military-issue boots and bulletproof vests, whole deal.
Yeah, that's the point, is they militarized the police.
Yeah, so, you know, and the next day I talked to him again and he's like, yeah, I spoke to a cop about that.
I said, hey, what's up with them wearing green?
He said, well,
They're a special group.
And he turned around and walked away from them.
And again, armies fight foreign enemies or they're over third world dictatorships.
When you have a domestic army over you, the government has declared you the enemy.
Militaries are in an us against them mentality.
They're not servants of the people.
That's why they're getting rid of Posse Comitatus here and getting rid of your laws against us there.
Of course.
So I decided the next day to get on the phone and call the Mayor of Tecumseh
And voiced my concerns about that.
I said, why are they wearing green?
He says, well, uh, that's to distinguish from the other police.
I'm like, well, I have a, you know, I told him about my concerns, well, Posse Comitatus Act in the United States and the militarization of the police.
I said, I have video documentation of this all going on.
It's in my hand right now.
Can I bring it over?
He said, yeah, bring it to my office.
So I gave him a copy, a video with Police State 2000, Police State 2, and, um,
The very first 9-11 video that you had put out, that you had released, I threw that on there, too.
And then yesterday I just sent him the one with Matrix of Evil and Police State 3 and America Wake Up Awake on it.
You're awesome!
Good to hear from you, Mike, and Canada.
Keep it up!
Let's go ahead and talk to Arch in Florida.
Arch, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to touch on something real quick.
This is about oil and the economy.
On February 6th, I sent you an email regarding oil facts.
It was a compilation of corporate and federal data of historical and projected futures.
In that, there's some federal documents in there that indicate, for example, trucks 1973, mileage from 1973 to 2002.
There's only been a difference of three-tenths of one miles per gallon better.
Yeah, and they do have engines where you can get 500 horsepower, you know, off of, and 100 miles to the gallon, but they just won't let them put those engines in.
Actually, it's worse than that.
If you get a chance to look at Shell Oil's site, they have a race that occurs every year.
It's called the Shell Eco-Marathon.
In that, if you go to Shell's site, they have no links for it.
You have to type in Eco-Marathon.
It is 10,705 miles per gallon that occurred at the Rockingham Motor Speedway in Corby, Northlands.
How many miles per gallon?
Send me that.
That's incredible.
We'll be back.
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So, again, you can also write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
I'm about to go to a few final calls, Ron and Robby, our last two calls.
I did want to get to this London Evening Standard article.
Anti-MMR parents accused of abuse
Parents that refuse the shots for being hit by CPS, even though there's not a law in England.
Massive amounts of children that are born with autism, that the doctors say have autism.
Now the government's saying, well it might be Munchausen.
You parents are all lying.
Despite the fact that there's all the scientific studies that are out.
And so I got this ABC News article from last week and reposted it from the CDC's own documents where it says, quote, there are just a host of neurodevelopmental data that would suggest we've got a serious problem.
But my gut feeling is it worries me.
I don't want my grandson to get a thimerosal-containing vaccine until we know better what's going on.
We're in a bad position from the standpoint of defending any lawsuits.
Finally, we have to ask you to keep this information confidential.
That's the top CDC scientist meeting in 2000.
So, if you don't want to brain damage your kid, they'll come after you.
If you complain after they brain damage them, they'll come after you.
And it's the same thing in this country.
You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, you sickos.
Let's talk to Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
You know, if communists call you a fascist, and if fascists call you a communist, you know it must mean only one thing.
You believe in justice.
Um, about the White House.
Yeah, I was shocked.
For the first time, this past Wednesday, I was watching C-SPAN, and they had a video cam in front of the White House.
Now, I never realized this was happening before.
There's a chain-link fence up.
They tore down the very famous black wrought iron metal fence that used to go around the White House.
It was there since about Abe Lincoln's time.
And, uh, the ground is all torn up between where that old black wrought iron fence used to be and the street.
You don't see a car or a person even walking in front of that, uh, in front of the White House anymore.
It's like they're turning it into a... And they've got these big concrete pylons.
Yes, yes.
They're turning it into an American Kremlin.
That's what's going on.
A bunker mentality in the people's capital and they're turning it into an American Kremlin.
This is amazing.
That's it.
Gotta let you go.
Good point.
Rob in Wyoming, go ahead.
You're our final caller.
Alex, I just wanted to tell you, I went down to Salt Lake City a couple weeks ago and found out late at night, found out that you can't rent a motel room without your
Credit card papers.
Hey, you can't even FedEx stuff now without telling them what the video or book contains or what documents you're sending.
It's all the Patriot Act now.
Well, I checked into a room, got all settled with my jammies on, and then found out I couldn't make a local call because I didn't have my papers, didn't have my credit card.
One of those type of people.
So they threw me out because they told me I could go use the pay phone.
I know you can reactivate the phone.
And I found out later you can.
But they threw me out anyway, because I objected highly, because they didn't disclose this before I got all settled in the room.
So I'm out in the cold, in the middle of the night, and can't find a hotel room.
You need to just say you're from Russia or Mexico, and then you can't even be arrested, basically.
It's their policy, like Moses brought it down from Mount Sinai.
Yep, I hear you.
We're out of time.
I appreciate all the calls, all the sponsors, affiliates, the listeners, the callers.
God, number one.
And I want to thank Stephanie, did a great job running the show.
I'm Alex Jones signing off.
I'll see you back tonight 9 to midnight and back on Monday.
So be sure and join us.
God bless.
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