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Name: 20040211_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 11, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
It's already Wednesday, the 11th day of February, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We have two guests coming on the show as well.
Clark has quit the White House race as Kerry takes the South by storm.
No doubt, in part, thanks to the new special voting machines, of course.
Again, over a year ago, I said, hey, I bet it's going to be John Forbes Kerry, because he's skull and bones.
Looks like that's where it's going right now.
Also, Cheney's future at stake after leaking of CIA agent's name, which put a lot of people's lives in danger.
Bush credited for guard drills.
That's the headline.
Then you read deeper, it turns out that he's not really credited.
All the White House did was wave some files in front of people's faces, but when you look at them in detail, it shows that he was AWOL.
And Bush says, well, you know, the military just doesn't let you not show up.
That's not how it works.
Well, we know you didn't show up.
We know you were grounded.
We know you were gone.
But yes, your daddy, the congressman and then the CIA director, at that time, did pull the strings for you.
And the Associated Press reported yesterday
That the Feds went into the St.
Louis Documents Depository and grabbed the files that we have copies of that are online.
They're at Infowars.com, they're at ThePowerHour.com, they're at a lot of different Genesis Post websites.
These are the same documents.
Where Bush refuses drug tests, where Bush was grounded, where Bush had the lowest flight score possible, where Bush was gone for 21 months, not 8 months, not 7 months, 21 months!
But now, guess what?
The same folks that plant fake news stories
In the newspapers, signed by troops that never signed them about how much they love the war, the same people that give you fake Niger documents and UN documents, the same people that produce false mass graves and fake mobile weapons trucks that are really for pumping up balloons, dirigibles, they're saying, well, the pay stubs have now appeared.
So, it's just amazing, but does it really matter?
I mean, John F. Kerry, George W. Bush, I'm here to tell you, you can just forget about the presidential election.
We got two people related to each other from a secret society.
We've aired a lot of Carl Klang music on this show.
In fact, after 9-11, one of his songs was played nationwide and became a hit.
He's got anti-New World Order songs, but one of his songs is
A little bit more, well, non-threatening to the globalists, so it was aired quite a bit.
He's been grabbed by the Thought Police up in Wyoming.
They've grabbed him, won't say why.
We've called the Sheriff's Department for a mental evaluation.
And I've met Carl Klang, and a lot of people that know him made some phone calls this morning.
The guy is as sane as anybody.
But we've seen this time and time again now, where the police have their own psychiatric forces, and they grab you, and they won't tell us why he's being held.
We tried to find news articles about it.
They just say, hey, he's being held in the jail for psychological evaluation.
Remember Dr. Charles T. Sell, one of the doctors at Waco?
He was there to identify medical records from their jaws.
He went public seven years ago and said the government killed the Davidians.
He was there, which the records show he was there, employed by the Army.
They grabbed him, didn't charge him.
He's been held for six-plus years in solitary confinement under forced drugging.
So we know they do this.
So we'll tell you about Carl Klang, too, when we get back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The Border Patrol captured one of Mexico's 10 most wanted fugitives.
With a rap sheet about a hundred feet long, trying to sneak across the border.
Well, he had snuck across the border.
And that's the point we don't make enough.
Is that criminals from Latin America, Russia, China, a hundred plus other third world countries, try to come here.
And then they're given ID cards,
By the state governments.
Big news up in Dallas for the DPS.
The state police has been giving thousands and thousands and thousands just in the one discovery they've made to illegal aliens.
And Mexico will give anybody who pays, what, $23 a consular matricula card.
And now Poland and Venezuela and Argentina.
All these countries are issuing their own matricula card.
Our government's saying we'll accept them.
Did you know if you're a white person or a black person or an American citizen who's Hispanic and you try to go down to the day labor site that the city built for the illegals here in Austin, because we've done this, one of my associates was almost arrested doing a test of this, they wouldn't let him work, wouldn't let him into the day labor site if they didn't have a driver's license or ID card.
And what my friend tried to give him his VA
Uh, card, photo ID, and they said, no, we won't accept that, as he watched illegals who had no IDs being accepted.
Again, that's just like the illegal aliens, uh, you know, come into this country, get their green card, they just allow them to become legal, and then they give them, uh, ten years, seven to ten years, depending on what law they use, of no income taxes.
And that's why the foreigners get to own all the gas stations and motels.
And now almost every other business you can imagine, because nobody else can compete.
And I use this example a lot because it's such a sterling case point of how this is designed.
Take a Hispanic American in California.
Did you know that an illegal alien gets double, and now I saw an article the other day out in the Sacramento Bee that they get triple.
I don't know if that's true.
I know it's double.
The benefits that a citizen gets.
Why is that?
And again, the average American has no idea this is even going on.
So, some of that coming up.
Clark quits White House race as Kerry takes South by storm.
Oh yeah, we just love the Blue Bloods down here.
That's total propaganda.
The loving electronic voting machines that stole the election for Kerry in New Hampshire, and that's clear.
Cheney's future is fake after leaking of CIA agent's name.
Bush credited for guard drills.
And that's just another lie.
We'll go over the evidence of that.
Also, we're going to be getting into Carl Klang.
In fact, we're going to do that right now.
This is from AFPAPEN.
Carl being held by New World Order.
Carl is being held against his will in the Sheridan County Detention Center in Sheridan, Wyoming since early December.
He has not been allowed a trial or a plea.
He is being held for a setup for a medical evaluation.
Please help get Carl released by calling and writing.
We're about to call him here in a second.
I'm going to give the number out.
Earl Klang, my friends, his God Bless the USA was played all over the radio nationwide over 9-11, almost surpassing the Star-Spangled Banner, the national anthem.
The song's popularity is hardly surprising, since it represents a simple, feel-good kind of patriotism.
However, since 92, Earl Klang has taken patriotic music where it needs to be, honest and extreme.
He has songs about the Federal Reserve isn't federal at all.
Worse so ever, Eagles Gather.
And just many other ballots that we've played on this show.
Talk Radio.
That's another great song we've played on this broadcast.
And all over the country, patriotic, real conservative leaders, people that blow the whistle on corruption, ranchers, farmers, when the BLM or Forest Service is grabbing their property, they go into court.
They put their pleas into the judge.
I mean, I've seen hundreds of these cases over the years.
The judge says, I'm putting you in for mental evaluation.
You argue the Constitution.
I mean, they really do this.
It's the Soviet Union.
And we use the case of Charles T. Sheld.
Army dentist.
No criminal record.
No psychological problems.
It is admitted that he was assigned at the Waco compound.
the last week of the siege in nineteen ninety three and uh... mister mister cell this army doctor then went public saying look they burned that place down they killed him i was there uh... i then was told to falsify the records uh... from their jaw bones uh... this is horrible and then suddenly what's almost seven years ago
This is a public story.
We've had his lawyers on.
It's been in the New York Times, the Associated Press.
And they just calmly admit that the government grabbed him, put him in a prison.
They've been forcibly drugging him with antipsychotics because he was speaking out and suing the government.
And he's been in solitary confinement almost seven years, six plus years.
And then they've been forcibly drugging him.
So they do this all the time.
And Carl Klang, since early December,
Now, what, two months has been in the Sheridan County Detention Center in Sheridan, Wyoming, and he's not been allowed trial or plea.
This is the new thing.
They just grab you, you disappear.
We had Casey Nethercott from Ranch Rescue on the show.
Fifty-plus armed FBI grab him off the road with a reporter, throw him into jail, don't even charge him.
Hold him in there with the lights off for 30 plus hours at a time, denying him food if he asks for a lawyer.
I mean, this is what they do.
They put a bag over your head, you disappear.
And Carl Klang has now disappeared into this same situation.
So right now we're going to call the Sheridan County Detention Center.
Mark, go ahead and give them a call.
And we're going to ask them where Carl is and see if they'll talk to us.
Yes, you're live worldwide on the radio, on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones.
He hung up.
Did you hear that?
Now that's America.
That's America, folks.
Let me give you the phone number.
And I suggest people go there and pick it and call the local newspapers and demand answers.
Let me tell you what they've done out in Wyoming and Utah and Idaho.
And other areas.
They send in federal officers, federally funded officers, who are then in the police departments and we've seen a lot of cases of this happening.
So here's the number for the Sheridan County Detention Center.
Everybody, I want you to call them and I don't want you to stop.
We're going to post this on the website.
Infowars.com and I want it on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's from APFN.
American Patriot Friends Network.
Please give the Sheridan County Detention Center a call.
Tell us what they say to you when you call.
And call them.
We called them this morning.
We're very polite.
They were very rude.
We said, are you holding Carl Klang, the best-selling musician?
The gold record musician?
Why are you holding him?
We cannot tell you that.
Well, that's public information.
Call back.
Why are you holding Carl Klain?
They gave us the district attorney's number and... Oh, I forgot to bring that from my home office.
I need to call my wife and get that.
But they'll give you that number if you call.
And that's the Sheridan County Detention Center, 54 West 13th Street, Sheridan, Wyoming, 82801.
And again, this was a new America.
I know Michigan passed a law after 9-11 that
None of the criminal records or none of the arrest records are released in the name of fighting terrorism, but they're using it in every criminal case.
And the news media goes to the police and says, why are you holding this person?
Oh, we're not going to tell you.
Again, that's third world countries.
That's not America.
So give them a call and call us and tell us what they said when you called 307-672-5623.
And don't be rude.
Even if they're rude, we need to be polite, because they'll just take it out on Carl.
And Carl Klang, no criminal record, and all that APFM has been able to get out of him is that it's a psychological medical evaluation.
They do that now.
They just grab you and put you in a police station, in a jail cell, in a detention center.
Then you sit there a few months and you're not charged, nothing happens.
But don't worry, after they're done with him, I'm sure Carl will say whatever they want.
His music's having an effect.
It's reaching millions of people.
And we can't have that, can we?
So we'll just grab him and stick him in solitary confinement and a couple months have gone by and we're just now learning of it two months later that it's happened and you call up and they hang up on you.
You know, that's just how America works now.
You know, Russia was like that.
Isn't Russia what freedom's all about?
So, 307-672-5623, 307-672-5623, we need to call the district attorney, we need to call everybody, and say, uh, are you going to tell us why you're holding someone?
You know, remember in the past, any time somebody got arrested, those records were all put out daily, and that's why the newspaper could report arrest, but not in the new America!
No, they wear black ski masks now.
They hang phones up on you now.
They live behind barbed wire and machine guns now.
You know, to keep us safe.
We'll come back and get into all the news and take your calls.
It's not up yet, but later this afternoon
Guaranteed by this evening, we'll have a 40-minute special I put together about skull and bones, ambushes, military records, at Infowars.com, a video presentation.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we've got the numbers.
For the Sheridan County Attorney, Matthew Riedel.
We're going to go ahead and call him now.
Concerning Carl Klang.
And again, I'm Alex Jones, folks.
Carl Klang, the popular musician.
Being held, and they won't tell us why.
And we'll go ahead and call them here in just a few seconds.
Carl being held by New World Order.
Carl is being held against his will in the Sheridan County Detention Center in Sheridan, Wyoming since early December.
He has not been allowed a trial or plea.
He's being held for a setup through medical evaluation.
Please help get Carl released by calling and writing and we'll give those addresses and phone numbers out here in just a few minutes.
Mark, are we going to go ahead and call the District Attorney or the
The county attorney?
Again, we're going to be calling the county attorney, Matthew Riddle, to try to get some answers here.
That's the media's supposed to get answers, and so far we've been unable to get that done.
So, here we go.
County attorneys, can you hold please?
Ma'am, this is Alex Jones.
Ma'am, I can't.
We're worldwide live on the radio.
I need to ask you some questions.
Okay, we'll just keep that rolling in the background.
We'll sit here on hold.
Sounds like we're getting a few phone calls.
I think they're playing Carl Klang.
Be sarcastic, I guess.
No, I don't think it is Carl Klang.
Is that Carl Klang?
No, I don't think so.
It sounded a little bit like him at first.
So we'll see how long this goes on.
As we try to call in America.
And find out why they've been holding somebody for two months.
Others have called and talked to them and they won't say.
County Attorney's Office?
Yes, this is Alex Jones, World Wide Live on the radio.
We're getting a lot of calls and questions about why Carl Klang is being held.
And the media in America is allowed to know why someone is being held in a jail.
Can you tell us?
Can you hold on one moment?
I have another call.
Can I talk to the District Attorney please?
Thank you.
The County Attorney?
There you go.
They just can't tell us, folks.
Again, maybe they're going to grab you next.
You just stay in jail.
Maybe you'll be like Dr. Charles Sell.
Waco doctor there with the Pentagon.
Says they killed the Davidians.
He's been enjoying almost seven years.
Almost all of it.
The solitary confinement.
Being drugged.
Not being charged.
Not being tried.
They say they're getting ready to be charged.
Now that's definitely not Carl Klang.
So I hope you're enjoying the music format now here on the show.
But again, we're trying to get... We care about Carl Klang.
He's been a guest on this show.
He's a really nice guy.
Does great music.
But who knows?
We may never see him again.
You ask the government why you're holding them?
Well, you know, things have changed now in America.
We've got new ways of doing things.
We may have to hang up and call back.
I don't understand why she came back to us and told her I wanted to know why they were holding Carl Klang.
They said, hey, you know, we've got to put you back on hold here, brother.
I tell you, this is just amazing.
I guess we need to call the Sheridan newspapers.
Maybe we can do a web search, Mark, on the local newspapers there in Wyoming and call them.
Well, I'll tell you what, put them on, just fade it down, but listen to them in cue.
Because if they come up during the break, I'll try to talk to them, Mark.
I don't want to disconnect them yet.
I want to, you know, get one more chance.
Maybe I can call them during the break and talk to them.
And later we'll give you the accounting attorney's phone number, folks.
Who knows, though, you might get, you know, put in prison for calling to ask while somebody's in prison.
It may be, you know, kind of evil to do that, but I guess we're just evil here on this show.
So we'll go to break and come back and continue to try to find out.
And again, we've called them.
Others have called them.
They won't tell us why.
You ask them why they hang up on you or put you on hold.
We've been experiencing that this morning.
And now we're experiencing it here on the radio.
A nice new precedent for America.
They grab you, they don't charge you, they don't tell folks why they got you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're just talking to the receptionist at the Sheridan County Attorney's Office.
And Mark tried to talk to her.
I ran out of time and then Mark was trying to talk to her and she hung up on him.
And now they're saying, and again we've called them and they said it was for psychological evaluation.
That's why they're holding him, and then now they say it's a property destruction charge.
So we don't know what the case is, but this is what we've seen in the past.
You go before a judge for something, you talk about your constitutional rights, and then they put you in a mental ward, and many times in a prison or a detention center, for quote, evaluation.
And so that's, from the pieces we've got, looks like what's going on here.
And we're just wanting some answers.
We were very polite to our
I said, can we just talk to the District Attorney, or excuse me, the County Attorney, can we give you our number so he can call us or when we can get him on?
She said no, and then I gave her to Mark because we were coming out of break, and she hung up on Mark.
So here's their phone number, folks.
It's 307-674-2580.
That's for the County Attorney, Matthew Reddell, and that's 307-674-2580, and he's being held at the Sheridan County Detention Center, 54th West 13th Street, Sheridan, Wyoming, 82801.
Carl Klang, Music Ministries,
America's number one Christian patriot musician being held.
Hey Mark, do we have any of uh... I know we've got some of his music up there.
Can you find talk radio?
If you can find the talk radio CD, I think I want to air that sometime.
I know we got loaded phone lines on this subject and
I want to get into Clark Quitt's White House race as Kerry takes South by storm.
Cheney's future at stake after leaking of CIA agent's name.
Bush credited for guard drills.
That's a lie.
Bush team releases President's military record.
Border agents catch man who was on Mexico's most wanted list on our side of the border.
Illegal immigration, deadly financial to the food chain.
Police say matrix crime database needed to spy on the American people.
That's the Associated Press.
Bush's TV ally joins chorus of criticism.
Bill O'Reilly apologized to his listeners last night.
Well, his listeners and viewers.
He does both, radio and TV.
Now he apologized and said he was misled.
You know full well you guys are just gonna hang Bush out to dry now.
As if Bush did all this.
George Bush is a jibbering puppet who can barely read off a teleprompter.
George Bush is a puppet just like Bill Clinton and Wesley Clark and Al Gore and Howard Dean and any of these people we've seen over the years.
John F. Kerry, all of them.
They're mid-level managers for the globalists.
We're dealing with a global mafia.
Bush and Kerry go to the same secret society.
They're related to each other, distant cousins.
And they're all related to the bigger bankers and overlords that own the system.
It is hereditary.
It's incredible.
They're all related.
In fact, Bush is even related to Cheney!
I mean, folks, just so you know, that's not a good sign when your ruling government is all related.
I mean, you know, that's what they have with royalty.
The whole lord's system.
And that's what we see materializing here, where a president's son becomes the president.
You know, just like North Korea or Syria, where daddy gives his son power.
So that's coming up, too.
Mark, I know we've got a lot of phone lines.
Okay, we've got a caller who was able to get through and talk to Carl at the jail.
What's his name again, Mark?
Todd in Kansas.
Todd, welcome to the show.
How are you doing, Alex?
How were you able to get through and talk to Carl?
I think I was just lucky.
I had called after hours there and the guard had just let him out.
I've talked to Carl quite a few times before privately, and he got on, and he sounded really real.
So this is before it became a big news item.
You had heard about it.
How many days ago was this?
This was Monday night.
Okay, Monday night.
I'm sorry, I'll quit interrupting.
You got through, and for those who don't know, Carl Klang, best-selling records, patriotic against the New World Order.
Had him on the show, played his music many times.
You got through to him.
Go ahead.
And, you know, he didn't sound like the same Carl that I'd talked to before on the phone.
Real slow, real quiet.
He said, I asked him, you know, is there anything anybody can do to help?
And he said, leave the jail alone.
It's my fault.
He said that three times.
During the conversation.
Now people do things that are wrong.
They won't tell us what it is, but they've also told folks, when we've called, that it's psychological evaluation.
That's why he hasn't been charged or deciding.
And again, they've held Dr. Sell from Waco, who exposed the government there, the Army doctor, for almost seven years.
It's six plus years.
Almost seven.
This is one of their favorite tactics.
Are you saying, because Carl's an upbeat guy,
From what you heard, did he sound drugged?
Well, I know he was just real slow and quiet.
You know, kind of like somebody took a beating or something.
I don't know.
I can't really say because I'm not there, but just definitely not the same Carl that I've talked to on the phone before.
Did you ask him if he'd been drugged?
I asked him if he'd been treated all right.
Didn't say nothing.
I mean I don't know who's standing around.
He just said leave the jail alone.
Yeah, leave the jail alone.
That's why I said be polite when you call.
They'll take it out on Carl.
That's right.
He said it's my fault three times during the course of the conversation.
Like one of those POWs on North Vietnamese television, I did it, I'm bad, huh?
Yeah, kind of like that.
We don't know if that's the case, but just from past activities, we've got to be suspicious.
Yeah, it's definitely possible.
You never know, you can't rule it out.
I was pretty surprised when he got on the phone because it sounded like he'd just got up from sleeping for three days.
Real quiet, slow, that's what really astounded me.
What else did he say?
Nothing much.
That was about it.
I mean, I kept asking him questions and maybe get a response.
You know, if he's being treated all right.
You know, you've got friends out here.
If you need anything, just call.
I just didn't have much to say except, my fault.
My fault.
Oh, really?
Just repeating the same thing?
He'd said that three times.
During the conversation.
How many times did he say, leave the jail alone?
One that I can recall.
How did the conversation end?
He didn't.
I just had to say, well, you know, there's some friends out here.
If you need anything, just call.
And okay.
And, you know, real slow.
And that was it.
And the phone went dead.
Well, if he has been given his medical evaluation,
Like I said earlier, he'll say whatever they want him to say.
The county attorney, you know, I talked to him.
Oh, you did?
Yeah, I talked to the county attorney and the sheriff.
Prior to that, I waited until I knew maybe their office hours were closed and called back to the detention center and got lucky there because the guard or whoever was there just let Carl out and he came over the phone.
Let me ask you a question.
What did the county attorney say when you talked to him?
They said, you know, they were waiting for that evaluation before they could call a hearing.
And this has taken two months?
Yeah, that's what I said, that it's taken a long time to get somebody up there to do an evaluation.
Yeah, this takes, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Again, in America, you get a speedy trial, they admit he hasn't been charged, a two-plus month, let me see, if it was early December.
December 3rd.
Yeah, December 3rd, so that's over two months.
Yep, about nine weeks.
So this is amazing, and this is the new M.O.
The Soviet Union did this.
So I can say clearly he's being mistreated, folks, and that his rights are being violated.
Two-plus months, two months and eight days have gone by, and they just can't... I guess they just gotta get their mental evaluation, and you talk to him, and he sounds... Did he sound slow?
Did he sound slurred?
A little bit slurred, very, very slow and very, very quiet.
Very, very slow.
That's what amazed me when I talked to him.
He's just like, man, I just couldn't believe just how slow it was and nothing to say.
When you talked to the county attorney, what did he say they had grabbed Carl for?
Trespassing on private property.
Okay, they just told me destruction of property.
Well, yeah, that was when he got into the detention center and they did something and I asked the county attorney, I said, well, is there any jail time with this possible sentence?
What's the bond going to be set at?
And he said, well, the destruction of private property can amount to nothing but a misdemeanor.
The time he's already served, you know, so I really couldn't get much out of there.
So he supposedly trespasses, then he gets more charges, that's the classic thing, oh you resisted or you broke something.
Now he's being held with, and I talked to, the lady did say he's been charged, when I just talked to her she said they just charged him.
What else did this county attorney say?
Not a whole lot, he's just saying that the jail is full and the sheriff is trying to find ways to get rid of prisoners because it's full.
Oh sure, we want to get rid of him but we just haven't been able to complete the evaluation yet.
Yeah, that sounded pretty strange to me.
Trying to get rid of them.
And I guess we'll be sitting here maybe in seven years.
Where'd Carl go?
Well, he's in the hole, given his evaluation.
That's right.
You have somebody named Scott Powers, I believe, or Steve Powers, one of the two.
I know it's Powers' appointed attorney.
And Monday, they said they're waiting for that evaluation, then to have a hearing.
But it took two months to get the evaluation to have a hearing.
I don't know what... Now, again, he did something while trespassing, and then he supposedly did something bad in jail, and now he's had more to show, but now he's behaving and, please, leave him alone.
I'm bad.
Folks, by the way, they could pull me over, take me to jail, and torture the living daylights out of me.
Police have been caught nationwide doing this.
I'll come out and say whatever they want me to say.
After some drugging, I'll be a good boy.
This is the new America.
It definitely didn't sound like him for sure.
That's what really surprised me when he got on the phone.
It was like he had to drag himself up to the phone or something.
Did the district attorney say anything else?
Did they say particularly how he had trespassed?
No, he didn't let on on that.
Man, they don't take these illegal aliens that trespass and put them in jail for two months.
Well, that's what I kind of figured, too, because, you know, just getting them poured across, getting shot at.
This is what they do to, you know, us out here.
I just was amazed because it just, you know, really.
When you talked to the sheriff, what did the sheriff say?
He was, you know, I can't really figure him either.
He was polite.
I really don't recall that.
Too much.
It didn't last very long.
It was just Carl's call that just, you know, astounded me, because I thought... Did the county attorney say anything else?
No, no.
That was about it.
And he wouldn't tell you what the trespassing was?
No, I didn't.
I didn't get that from him.
That's supposed to be public.
Well, that's what I kind of thought.
All this stuff, even this hearing that they supposedly had, that's got to be public, too.
But, you know, these people are crooks and criminals, and they just don't like to say nothing to you.
When it's all public.
I mean, as you know, there should be a lot of people calling at least the county attorney or the sheriff.
I'd leave the jail alone, like Carl said, for his sake.
I don't know.
It just didn't sound good to me, the way he said it.
Well, we need to call, because they need to know that we know.
A bunch of people need to call these people and say, hey, what's the full story?
But I kind of got the impression from Carl that
Man, maybe it would be a good idea to leave the jail alone for a little bit.
Oh yeah, I'm sure.
Now he came into the jail and got more charges.
He was bad, but see, now he's being good.
See, before he wasn't happy, but now he says, my fault, and leave them alone.
I just don't figure too how much you can tear up into a jail cell after you've been through
I've been patted down how many times.
Well, destruction of property we may never see him again.
Sir, keep in touch with us and give us any new developments.
Thank you.
All right.
Well, we'll have to check into this.
Dr. Charles T. Sell, almost seven years in prison, not charged, being drugged, prepared for charging and trial.
Oh, admittedly, the Waco dentist for the army at Waco.
And he said they killed those people.
And, well, suddenly he was grabbed.
And just grabbed up and disappeared.
And just, you know, the Supreme Court said they could forcibly drug us.
And I don't know what's happening in this case, but two plus months for trespassing.
And then he was bad in the jail, but now he says it's all his fault.
He wants to be a good boy now, but they're going to need to keep him medicated, so he keeps saying that he's bad, I guess.
Are they medicating him?
I don't know.
Sounds like it.
The New America.
The New America.
Isn't that interesting?
Who's up next to your call-wise, Mark?
Paul New York, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
This isn't one I would call you for, but maybe I could put this out on the Trekking Network, too, about Carl Klang.
Now, it appears to me, though, that we have this fellow, Joe Smith, down in Florida, who did that thing to that little girl, and he was in a psychiatric ward for just a slim two weeks for a psychological eval, and they let him go, and he killed that little girl.
Now, how long does it take to do a psych eval?
It doesn't take two months.
Well, I mean, what I've seen is if you go before a judge and argue with them, they go, psychological evaluation, and you can disappear for years.
And then after they've drugged you and turned you into a vegetable, I mean, it's like the one that flew over the cuckoo's nest, you're in deep trouble.
They could do a psychological eval and a male
On a man that's got 13 pass counts and 13 priors on him in a short two weeks, don't you think they could do a psychological eval a little bit faster on a person that is just charged with trespassing?
Well, but see, there's more charges now.
Once he gets in the jail, he's... Oh, we've got to deal with this guy.
He believes in a new world order.
He's crazy.
A psych eval should take no longer than two weeks.
His attorney should know that.
I'd like to hang on.
Well, what else do you want to add, sir?
About this Yukos.
Yukos Oil, Russian Oil, meeting with CFR.
Oh yeah, I saw that.
We can talk about that and then get to all this other global news.
More on Stellan Bones, more on Bush's medical records, more on John Kerry.
Now I'm going to be your Democrat nominee.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Alright my friends, I know that we've got Don and David and Rob and Henry and many others that are patiently holding and several guests and a ton of news coming up.
Before I go any further, I've made 10 full-length feature, professionally produced documentary films.
They're waking people up.
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Thank God.
You need to get 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil, my book, Descent into Tyranny, Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, we got George Humphrey's great books, and their own cassette and CD.
That's a great way to educate yourself about the New World Order, just to get these CDs and tapes and listen to them when you're stuck in traffic or going to the grocery store, or when you're on the stair-stepper.
That's what I do, I listen to books on tape when I'm doing stuff like that.
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But number one, they're great videos.
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So get the films.
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That's 888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And my book is over 20 pages.
Over 220 pages, excuse me.
It is $12.
Watson's book is over 320 pages.
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It's not just about educating ourselves and being informed.
Plus, this is riveting stuff.
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It's also about educating others.
So please take action.
Don't wait.
Let's go to Don.
Don, where are you calling us from?
Don's not there.
I'm here.
Go ahead, sir.
Where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Oregon, Carl's original home area.
Go ahead.
And I've known Carl personally for about four years.
I've known him just generally for about 10 and because of that I felt compelled to make the phone call today.
I called the jail, got through to the jail and the man was at first resistant and then after being somewhat assertive and reminding him that this is public information, he's a public servant
And he has an obligation to let me know.
He finally came forth and told me that Carl was in for property destruction.
He said nothing about any other charge.
So what they're saying at the jail doesn't obviously jive with what the prosecuting attorney's office is saying.
Because all that was indicated to me was property destruction.
And he was very unwilling to give me that information until I
Got quite assertive with him.
Well, the district attorney won't do it either.
His staff won't.
Why are they acting so secretively?
And why has he been held without any type of trial or procedure for a psychological evaluation for two months and eight days?
Well, I know a few things that I'm not at liberty because of courtesy to Carl to say over the air.
I would talk to you personally about it.
I'll tell you what, I'll put you on hold.
We're about to start the second hour.
I'll talk to you during this break, Don, from Oregon.
Then we'll get to David and Rob and Henry and others.
Stay with us.
Tons more coming up.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Already into the second hour.
And we're going to go back to your calls.
We've got a ton of news coming up.
In the last hour,
We spent most of the time talking about Carl Klang, the artist, the musician.
We played a lot of his music here on the show.
We'll play some of it later in the broadcast.
I got this alert from APFN.
Carl being held by New World Order.
Carl is being held against his will in the Sheridan County Detention Center in Sheridan, Wyoming since early December.
He has not been allowed a trial or a plea.
He is being held
We're set up for a medical evaluation.
Please help get Carl released by calling or writing.
And we've just been politely trying to find out what's going on.
I'm not saying that the police or the accounting attorney are evil or bad.
It's just that what we've seen government do in many other cases lets us know that we need to be suspicious.
And we're trying to find out.
I don't want to spend too much more time on this.
I'll watch it.
I'll call after I get off the air.
I'll try to get a hold of Carl.
I'll try to find out what's going on.
But right now, that's where things stand.
And it's scary to have this going on in America.
Okay, let's go back to the calls and I'll get into Clark Quitt's White House race is carried south by storm.
Cheney's future at stake after leaking of CIA's agent's name.
Bush trying to claim that he's released his military records.
Well, we have them, and it shows that he was AWOL, though they never charged him with that because of his daddy's connections.
So we'll discuss that as well and a lot more.
Plus, the Jerusalem newspaper is admitting that Israel has a bunch of sex slaves, kidnapped women and children.
This is old news, but here it is again in the mainstream media, and a lot of countries are doing this, and it's just horrible.
We'll discuss that as well.
David in Illinois.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
Just a couple quick comments on the Carl Klang, the 5th and 6th Amendment there.
He's not getting a speedy public trial.
That's number 6.
And he's being deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law.
Well, if I get arrested, let's say, or you get arrested for drunk driving, which I never have been, but it's an example.
That's all filed.
I mean, big cities know the law.
They file why somebody's arrested, what happened, and if the media asks, they tell them.
But I've talked to folks who have been trying to find out for weeks what's going on, and I just learned of this, and we call them, and they're not giving us answers.
Well, I'd also like to point out, you know, that it's not George Bush, it's not the New World Order, it's not the one-worlders who are keeping him in jail.
It's the legs of tyranny there on the local level.
It's the people who are willing to do the bidding of the New World Order and tyranny who are keeping him in jail and, I guess, getting ready to prosecute him.
Those are your neighbors.
Those are the people who you see at social events on the local level.
You shake their hand.
You say hi to them.
Their kids probably attend the same school as yours do.
But if they weren't doing what they were doing, he wouldn't be in jail today.
Well, first they say it's trespassing.
Then they say property destruction.
We're told that he did something bad in the jail.
That's the property destruction.
And then now, two months, eight days, and they're not done with the psychological evaluation.
That's suspicious.
Well, absolutely.
And of course, it fits right into the agenda you talk about.
But my point is,
That without those people on the local level who earn their paychecks by enforcing the dictates of the New World Order, that man wouldn't be in jail today.
Well, this has been done incrementally.
And, you know, if I don't trust the government, it's because right here in Texas, Dallas, Houston, Austin, truly a Texas, 58 black people, no criminal records, no drugs, no drug paraphernalia.
The cop was being paid as an informant.
I mean, how do they double as that?
And they got 20 to 90 years apiece in prison.
No drugs, no paraphernalia.
And then it came out it was all a lie.
They just randomly went with a paddy wagon and arrested a whole street of people.
Just randomly.
In Dallas, they throw chalk in the back of your car.
The crime lab says it's cocaine.
The Houston crime lab has framed over 2,000 people.
The police chief admits it.
I mean, that's why we don't trust these people.
I don't know about Sheridan County, Wyoming, though.
We'll be back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're going to go back to Rob and Henry and other callers that are patiently holding.
In the next hour, top scientists, doctors have gone public, major studies that autism is exploding.
You're 26 times more likely to end up with brain damage or autism if you take the vaccines.
This is mainstream news.
And we've had Dr. Geyer, who has worked with Dan Burton's committee, who got into the CDC on the show twice.
His son is working with him on this.
And he's going to be joining us, who was at the symposium that took place on Monday, or excuse me, Sunday.
It was reported on by the Washington Post on Monday.
That's coming up for about 30 minutes in the next hour, because this is something we can do.
We can stop taking their vaccines, stop drinking their water, you know, stop eating the fast food, you know, get healthy, folks, and face what's really going on.
Before we go to your calls, I'm just going to have this guest on for a little while.
He's at work joining us.
And, uh, he's a Randall Grant.
On Monday, we covered this article.
Student group stands by Reconquista Plan.
Metro won't disavow document calling for capture of Southwest.
Now, I don't like the Ku Klux Klan, and I don't like Metro or La Raza.
La Raza, by the way, means the race.
They got radio stations called La Raza.
The race.
I'll start a white radio station for whites.
The race.
No, I'm not going to do that.
The point is, is it's wrong.
I've protested the Klan.
I'm going to protest them at you.
I've done it in the past.
I'll do it again.
And when I've had run-ins with them, they're just horrible.
We had a Texas birthday party, what, five years ago?
The UT will not allow Texas Independence Day to be celebrated by the university.
They banned it about ten years ago.
But student groups can do it, and I'm up there with black people, Hispanics, whites.
Just talking about Texas and how wonderful Texas is, I was a featured speaker, and people run up in Indian headdresses, in the Aztec headdresses, grab the birthday cake for Texas, eat some of it, spit it out on the cake, then they violently, a big black guy ran up, grabbed the microphone from him, he started screaming racist, and then a photo was taken of me looking mad as he grabbed the mic away where he looked all friendly in the local daily Texan newspaper.
So it's, I mean, it's horrible.
And Metro websites, I've got video of Metro rallies with pictures of blonde haired, blue eyed people's heads cut off.
That's in the video attack on America.
And out there in California, where they're in the midst of a large portion of these illegals and others who are racist and want the violent overthrow of the Southwest from the federal government, is funding this.
Randall Grant was there.
He was there at the meeting, and he's also a listener to this show.
And good to have you on the broadcast, sir.
Good to be here, Alex.
Just in a nutshell, tell us what happened.
Well, I showed up at the meeting, got there early so I was able to get a seat at the table.
And as the meeting started, all sorts of supporters of Mecha came flooding into the room and filled the room to capacity.
When the Bruin Republicans showed up, they gave a brief presentation.
At first they applauded Mecha for their outstanding community outreach, but then said that your organization is tainted by this document called El Plan de Azatlan.
Which basically calls for the return of the American Southwest to Mexico, or to Azatlan, as they call it.
The mythical kingdom of the Aztecs.
I mean, this organization, their founding document is Hitlerian.
Obviously this group's under heat and was trying to claim that, oh, well, we don't believe that, but we still support the document.
What happened?
Because the Bruin Republicans were there denouncing it, saying, you know, you need to repudiate this document.
They come in.
What happens next?
Well, basically it then, Metcalf just tried to spin it as the Bruin Republicans were the racist ones calling upon them to change the organization when the Bruin Republicans are
Acting in this inappropriate manner, calling for the denouncement of this document, which is one of their founding documents during the 60s, this radical time.
Now, the maroon Republicans have black people, white people, Hispanics in them.
Yes, they do.
It's a multicultural group.
I was there at their meeting.
There were some Latino gentlemen, some Asian gentlemen.
I remember that at the meeting.
What race are you?
I myself am African American or black.
So you're part of the human race.
So you're there, I mean, and so they were telling you that you were really the racist?
Uh, they were calling the Bruin Republicans a racist, yes.
They totally spun it around and was labeling the Bruins as, uh, the Bruin Republicans as being racist.
You know what, you need to, from Barbara Coe, I've got a copy of the video, but you need to get in touch with Barbara Coe.
She's got video of black people, white people, Hispanics at the 4th of July parade having their heads beat in by racist Mexicans.
And the signs with white people's heads cut off.
I mean, is that not racist?
That is extremely racist.
Have you seen that?
I have not seen that.
I think you need to, you know what, the great Republicans need to get a copy of that, get a big screen TV, and play that for people.
Is this racist?
Because if I had pictures of black people's heads cut off, I would imagine that I'd be called a racist.
I'd agree with you on that one, Alex.
I definitely think you would be labeled that.
So what happened?
Well, the student government here, they pretty much trounced the Bruin Republicans for bringing this issue before them.
They said the Bruin Republicans would need to get three council members to bring the issue to a vote.
Then they pulled out this plaque showing that the entire council had just recently awarded MECHA, an Outstanding Community Service Award,
In which all the council members signed it.
So, the Bruin Republican's chance of getting this before the council for a vote, the denouncement of Mecha, looks extremely slim.
Well, we, about four years ago, and I have a video of this, Steve Mason got footage of it at the city council.
They had the Oslon Day and said it's the day of the mythical race.
And the mayor gets up there and they all say the day of the mythical God race.
I mean, imagine if a white person or a black person showed up and said, we're the God race and the city council said, you're the God race.
It sounds rather racist and scary there.
Kind of reminds me of something out of Germany.
It sure does.
So how did all this end?
It ended with the Student Council basically admonishing the Bruin Republicans for bringing this up inappropriately.
And they told the Bruin Republicans they would need to get three council members to bring the issue to a vote if the Bruin Republicans were interested in continuing this action.
But you've already done your job by exposing this racist, anti-American document.
I believe so.
We've got the message out there that the Bruin Republicans are getting all kinds of
Uh, support out there from the, uh, students.
A lot of them were just, you know, a little intimidated to come forward, but there is a groundswell of opinion that, that the Plan D as it launched is a racist document.
And is against some of the principles of this country here.
Well, let's talk about, in the last few minutes we've got with you, Mr. Grant.
I appreciate you coming on the show.
Last week, in Mexico, almost the entire crowd, according to the Associated Press, chanted, Osama, Osama, Osama, at the U.S.
Olympic soccer team.
They then began to move the Star Spangled Banner, and they do this at other soccer games.
I mean, this is incredible.
What's wrong with these people?
Well, Alex, I think they've been subject to a lot of brainwashing down there.
From what I've heard, there's comic books out there showing that the Southwest was once part of Azatlan, and they're being funded, I believe you exposed this, by New York bankers.
Well, yeah, by the Ford Foundation and others, yes.
So, I mean, their money is driving this whole issue.
The money powers are definitely getting their way with it right now.
Why do you think, Randall Grant, that the establishment wants to create all these divides, in the quote, name of multiculturalism?
Well, Alex, I think they're just trying to break down free people.
You know, we have a great country here, and it's a threat to their power, and their monopoly on freedom, on force, and on our lives.
And they just want absolute power, and this is just one of the means they're going to use to get it.
Now, at least Mets is saying, well, we don't support the document, but it's a founding document, we don't repudiate it.
That's double-speak.
They claim they follow this Plan de Santa Barbara.
I haven't read that document, so unfortunately I can't speak much on it.
I have read the Plan de Adelante, which they admit is a founding document, and that one contains all sorts of stuff, such as stopping the gringo invasion,
Returning, like I said, Ozatlan back to, or returning the Southwest back to Ozatlan.
And, I mean, it's just a pretty horrible race.
Hey, some of the heads of these groups, I mean, people in the government have been on radio shows in L.A.
We played the clips here and they say, all whites out, we're taking over, if you don't like it, leave.
I mean, and this is just accepted?
Apparently so.
I mean, welcome to the new America.
How do these racist Mexicans behave towards blacks?
I know there's a lot of tension there, too.
Well, I really can't speak too much on that as I haven't really experienced much of the racism directed directly at me for being a black man.
But I've heard stories, you know, there's a lot of racial tension in the jails here.
Well, Terry Anderson is a black talk show host in LA.
I've been on his show many times.
He's been on this show.
He says that there is a lot of tension.
I would agree with that.
I know there have been problems before between brown and black people, but like I said, I personally haven't experienced any of that, so I personally couldn't give any accounts.
Well, I'm sure all this makes the globalist happy.
While we're all busy fighting with each other, they're robbing and ruling over us.
So where does it go from here?
I guess the council's not gonna repudiate it, so... No, but I'm gonna try and take some action, Alex.
I've purchased one of your videos on 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny.
It's an excellent film.
I suggest all your listeners, you know, at least purchase that one, if none other.
And I would like your permission...
To air it here at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Anybody has my permission.
Permission is granted.
And please, I beg you to do it.
And I really appreciate that.
But I would tell you to get in touch with Barbara Coe and Californians for Fair Immigration.
You can call Glenn Spencer and get it as well.
And I think you should show the video of them with pictures of white people's heads cut off.
I think that would be very powerful stuff, Alex.
I'm going to do everything I can to do that.
Yeah, and they try to say, oh, we were, you know, attacking a racist group.
It's them beating Hispanics, blacks, and white veterans over the head with two by fours.
Yeah, that's pretty horrendous there.
Yeah, that was in 96 in San Diego, so this is what these groups are about.
Okay, well, Randall Grant, Godspeed, and I hope to get you back on with the report after you show the films.
All right, Alex, I'll get back with you.
Take care, my friend.
Get back to work.
You too.
Thank you.
Taking a little bit of time out.
Young man, they're working himself through college.
We'll come back and talk to Rob and Henry and others.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I will get into Bush's medical records, his war records, his skull and bones.
It's all coming up.
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Let's get through some more of these calls real quick here.
Rob in Wyoming, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, when you talk to the county attorney, would you consider doing me a favor and asking him?
Yeah, for those that just joined us, why don't you introduce what we're talking about?
Alright, there's a guy named Carl Klang in Sheridan County Jail.
It's a big secret what the charge was.
I finally found out after being hung up on at least three times.
And they're all secret identities.
These people hanging up on you, they ain't got to tell you who they are and that kind of thing.
Carl Klang's a famous patriot musician and they won't tell us what's going on.
And then they'll just change the charges in midstream as they please and that kind of thing.
Now, if it's like in the Toronto County here, where I am, and I told them who I was twice and where I was, I got nothing to fear from letting them know who I am, but they're afraid to tell me who they are.
You're not the only one that hyperventilates, by the way.
I would like you to ask a county attorney if his oath of office or his official oath included an imprecation, making him liable, making him accountable for
For malicious prosecutions and so forth.
For those who don't know, a lot of, and now a federal court has ruled, they don't even have to have oath of office, they don't even take the oath of office, so they're operating as rogues.
I don't know about this Sheridan case.
Well, if they don't take an imprecation with their oath, they're not under the Republic and the de jure sovereign government.
I hear you.
What else is on your mind, Rob?
Well, I just wanted you to ask him that.
I don't believe he's the, oh, I did want to point out something.
You remember right after 9-11, the excuse given for the failure was that
They had too much information.
It was a glut of information.
They couldn't sort out the signal for all the noise.
And now they need to spy on us more.
Well, they leave the borders wide open.
They rescinded, in December, they rescinded, Fatherland Security rescinded the... Well, look, we always carried out 9-11.
Thanks for the call.
And all of this is about controlling us.
Good points.
Henry in Colorado.
Henry, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
I've got two quick comments.
One of them is Michael Savage and Michael Medved.
Uh, swearing that Bush's service was honorable.
And uh, everyone today is saying that the National Guard, for instance, one quote was saying that the National Guard of the Gulf Era, look at these poor boys and girls, they're doing their federal service.
You can't compare the National Guard of the Vietnam era to today, with today's.
Well, let me try to boil this down.
Bush craftily said, if you ask about my medical records, you're attacking the Guard, basically.
That's a diversion.
It has nothing to do with the Guard.
If somebody does something bad in the Guard, it's not a reflection of the Guard to go after them.
But it's common knowledge.
I served in the infantry.
Go ahead.
In both the Army and Marine Corps, I served in the infantry.
And I trained the National Guard troops back in that area.
It was common knowledge that they were basically draft-dodging yuppies.
And now they send the National Guard to war.
Right, they've been federalized, but back then they weren't.
It was a little hideout.
The other comment I'd like to make, with all these government snatchings that you're talking about, how do you protect yourself from such activities?
And what would you expect of your listeners if, God forbid, something like that was to happen to you?
That's a good question.
I just don't worry about it.
I'm in a war for this republic, and I mean, it's not even a thing of courage.
I don't even think about it.
And I have a big enough profile here in Austin, and most people in government aren't evil and secretly agree with me.
And I mean, I've had cops pull me over where I should get a ticket and tell me, go ahead and go.
I mean, that's happened like four times now in the last few years.
Well, I guess the truth is working in your favor.
Yeah, I mean, I had the state police pull me over.
I was speeding.
I wasn't reckless driving, and he just knew who I was and said, go ahead and go.
Well, Alex, in closing, everybody's harping now, it's time to put this to rest with the National Guard issue.
I don't think so.
I think it needs to be exposed to the fullest.
Okay, well, I'll do that.
Thank you much.
I'll do that.
Thanks for the call.
Look, let me boil this down to the crux of it.
Bush trying to debate whether the Guard is service, and obviously it is.
We appreciate it.
That's a diversion.
He just threw that in there and everybody's taking the bait.
And yes, he was in the Silver Spoon Regiment down there in Houston at the Texas Air National Guard.
And that's all true.
The point is, he went AWOL for 21 months, not 8 months.
Just the end of his term got dismissed.
And Bush said, well, the Army wouldn't let me not be there.
You know, I got an honorable discharge.
The army doesn't work that way.
Oh no, the army's not political.
It's admitted that his daddy, the congressman, then becoming CIA director in the Nixon administration, pulled the strings.
I mean, that's admitted.
I have Bush's records.
He wasn't there.
He was grounded.
He didn't show up.
He refused medical tests.
I mean, they're posted at InfoWars.com.
In fact, it's posted in the archives.
When you get it back on the main page of Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, it's all right there.
And so it's all a smoke screen.
We'll talk about it when we get back and get to more of your calls and get into John Kerry as well.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, here's the deal.
I've got Wayne in Nebraska, Manuel, Pennsylvania.
I guess we've gotten to Henry.
We've got Scott in Colorado, BD in Pennsylvania, Mohammed in Colorado.
I want to get to everybody before the shower ends.
And I've got all this news.
Clark quits White House race as Kerry takes South by storm.
Cheney future at stake after leaking of CIA agent's name.
Bush credited for guard drills.
I could talk an hour about that.
That's a lie.
Bush team releases President's military record.
It was already released.
And it, again, shows he got an honorable discharge when no one else would.
So that part's true.
But he didn't show up for 21 months.
Bush Camp tries to prove he did his duty.
Others are looking at it and proving it's a lie.
Border agents catch a man who is Mexico's most wanted list.
Illegal immigrants, deadly financial food chain.
Police say matrix crime database needed.
Bush TV ally joins chorus of criticism.
Bill O'Reilly saying he was lied to.
But before we get to your calls and then that news, for three or four minutes, and I'm honored to have her, is Debbie Morrow at New Millennium Concepts.
The water is full of poison, herbicides, pesticides, sodium fluoride.
It's full of Prozac and Ritalin and birth control residue with millions of people, you know, the affluent, going into the water supply.
Most rivers and streams have been found to have this.
They're in a major populated area.
It's time to stop drinking poison water.
It's time to protect yourself.
Your body is 70% water.
This is so important.
Drink out of a big murky for a few months, then try to drink tap water, even if you think your water's good, and you'll be amazed.
And yes, it supports this broadcast.
They're the big sponsor for the international shortwave outreach that we engage in.
Debbie, good to have you on the show.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
How are you all doing?
You bet, I'm doing okay.
You've got some specials for folks.
These are the best filters out there.
It's what I use.
Why should folks quit drinking the poison water?
Well, the reason that you want to quit drinking your poison tap water is, for that reason, it's poisoned.
The chlorine and now they put ammonia in the water, which you know, if you mix chlorine and ammonia, what do you get?
You get gas that is poisonous.
And yet, they mix the two together and put it in your water.
And you know, there's so many bad things that we're not told about that are supposed to be for our health.
Folks, it's so bad.
We cannot stress how bad it is.
That's true.
That's absolutely true.
And so we want to get Berkey water filters into the hands of as many people in America as possible.
And that's why we make them available at such affordable prices directly to you from the manufacturer.
What are the specials?
Are you still doing that insane special for $159?
Well, the $159 special is over.
The one with the ceramic filters.
And I'll tell you why, Alex.
Every time people would call me, they'd say, well, what's the difference between the ceramic filters and the Berkey black filters?
And I tell them, well, the black filters are more powerful.
They take out more chemicals, more heavy metals, more nitrates.
And they'd say, well, then I want to go ahead and get the other special, which is the Berkey light.
I have to be honest, I'm still drinking out of a ceramic unit.
The black filters are much more powerful.
I know they are, yeah.
So, we've had great response with the new Berkey Light for $199 with the Sport Berkey for free.
It's a $39 saving.
You get the free filtered 20-pound Sport Berkey.
And we also have the Berkey Light with the lights.
And you can choose between white or blue LED lights.
And with that one, you get two free Berkey Sport bottles.
And that's a $259 special.
Both of those specials will run through the month and they support your programming and that's a big issue.
We really want people to know that we really do support your programming by them calling in and ordering.
What about the sports bottle special?
We have five generic labeled sport bottles for $99.
They're normally $39 each.
Or you can get 12 generic labels for bottles for $199.
They make great gifts.
And those are 600 refills of tap water, 130 refills of lake or stream or puddle water.
Folks, stop drinking water at the restaurant, stop drinking it at the gym, at work.
This is a great system for yourself and your family.
It doesn't cut everything out, but it cuts a lot of it out.
It's not like the black, burky, burky light.
Folks, give Debbie a call.
If you call and it's busy, leave your name and number.
She'll call you right back.
Give Debbie a call.
It's made in America.
Again, I know that's liberal.
Again, being pro-gun is liberal, too.
But again, made in America, and it pays for the International Shortwave Outreach.
The profits all go into that, so we can reach the world.
Thanks for coming on, Debbie.
Thank you, Alex.
I really appreciate you.
I believe in this.
I only promote things I believe in.
Real simple stuff like high-quality water filters made in America that support this broadcast.
Videos that I tell you to make copies of.
This is what it's all about here.
Real stuff.
Real action.
Bam, bam, bam.
Let's go to these calls, and I mean quick.
Let's talk to, I guess, Wayne in Nebraska is up next.
Wayne, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, Wayne just hung up as we went to him.
This is Manuel MPA.
Manuel MPA, go ahead.
Alright, I want to talk about the Mexicans.
We know they're obviously militant, especially the ones in the Azatlan movement.
And what's crazy is, here in this town, there's only 42,000 strong.
We got a lot of illegals here.
Cinco de Mayo seems to be some kind of Mexican holiday.
This place turns into a practical police state, especially downtown.
Because it's breaking windows, breaking cars, smashing your head in, you name it.
Well, let me just tell you, at UT for 10 plus years, they have banned the official sponsoring of Texas Independence State.
But they shut that place down for Cinco de Mayo.
Same thing, you go downtown, Mexican flags everywhere.
A lot of them saying mean things to you.
I mean, it's like a giant Klan rally or something.
I'm sick of it.
Oh yeah, that's exactly what I was about to say.
It's just like a Klan rally.
I've seen those too.
But I want to speak about that Tim Russell interview.
You see how they mention the skull and bones thing, right?
It's very interesting how they just throw it out there.
Just to put it out there in the open.
To lessen the shock value then in the future.
But it's also interesting, they mention that 3-3-3-2-2.
That number is in honor of a Greek militant homosexual philanthropist, Dethmosthenes.
In fact, that's when he died in 322, and that's why they throw it out there.
By the way, even the History Channel admits that.
It's on the door, under the skull.
It's interesting.
Yes, it is.
It's interesting that that's going on.
He was a militant philanthropist.
He was a homosexual.
That was like the norm back then in Greece.
What is interesting, this is all going on in Massachusetts, or wherever it's happening, with the homosexuals.
I don't watch TV.
That they do that, and they throw that out there, 322.
And that chuckle, if that's not an evil chuckle, I don't know what is.
It's obviously transparent what's going on.
Thanks for the call, Manuel, and by the way, we're about to go back to your calls, but we are now, each week, putting 30 to 40 minute video clips, compilations of my local TV show, covering different subjects, the destruction of Building 7, the government ordering it destroyed on 9-11.
In the next few hours, we're going to have a 41 minute clip-up from my TV show last night.
That's right, I stayed up until 2 in the morning editing it together.
The Skull and Bones clips, Bush's comments, Bush's military record, Bohemian Grove.
Covers all of that.
The Skull and Bones Bohemian Grove Connection.
This will be posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com in the next few hours.
Please email everybody you know once it's up and tell them to go watch it.
I mean, I don't just do this for nothing.
I may put up one video clip and 100,000 people watch it in a month, but if you guys tell folks about it, millions will go watch it.
That's happened many times.
And we reach millions of people.
And yeah, I pay thousands of dollars a month for the bandwidth, but you know what?
I don't care.
It's about getting the information out.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Colorado.
Scott, go ahead.
You're on the air.
And I'm worried about these vaccines.
Is it the law that you have to give your baby the vaccines or is there an alternative?
No, but they will try to act like at the hospital that they want you to do it.
You just say no.
And then they've had to pass laws because what happens is the schools try to say it's the law, you have to, but they have the waiver form in their desk drawer.
So, no sir, you do not have to give vaccines to your child.
They had to pass a law last year in Texas, Governor Perry was forced to do it, we commend him for signing it, that they cannot arrest parents for not doing it.
There was no law, but they were still arresting and grabbing people's children.
This was in the Statesman, this was in the local paper.
They had to pass a law so they'd stop, without a law, going and arresting people.
Do you know of any safe vaccines, any doctors in the country that are
Giving vaccines that don't have all the mercury and the marisol and all those... No.
No, they still put it in them, almost all of them.
This new flu shot has several, what was it, 230 times safe levels of mercury.
Yeah, I almost gave my daughter that, but then I heard your show and I decided not to.
Well, it's your decision to make, but we're going to go over the scientific evidence in the next hour.
Thanks for the call.
I really appreciate it, Scott.
BD in Pennsylvania.
BD, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Yesterday's show, you mentioned a lookup in a dictionary, a lookup of Mollick.
This is for you callers out there.
I tried to look it up in my newer dictionary, and it's 2001, 5,000 pages, nothing in there, but it's in the older ones.
I went through a Webster 1984 edition.
Okay, read us the definition of the god that Bush publicly worships at Bohemian Grove.
You might want to give me a hand here.
I don't know what this one word is.
It's P-H-O-E-N-I-C-I-A-N.
Well, just go ahead and read it.
I'll just skip on it.
Basically, it's a god to whom children are sacrificed by burning.
Anything demanding a terrible, terrible sacrifice.
Yeah, Moloch means anything demanding terrible sacrifice, a Canaanite god to which children were sacrificed in a burning fire.
That's the Webster quote.
We have that quote in the film Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
It's not in the newer ones.
There was one other thing I did catch in there.
It seems like it was based on our government anymore.
Dictatorship of the proletariat.
It's an absolute control of economic and political power in the country by government.
But again, communism is just a tool of the bankers to confuse the political spectrum.
As if you're going to have a command and control system run by the people, that's an oxymoron.
I looked up the definition of proletariat and it seems to be of the lowest class.
Yeah, the lowest class is going to run a dictatorship.
Again, the base of the pyramid is going to run the tip of the pyramid.
That is an oxymoron.
I want to let you know, here over by Pittsburgh, there's a school over there.
I didn't catch the school's name.
They're testing kids for drugs.
Yeah, I see articles every week where first it was just the football players, people in band.
Then if you wanted to park your car in the parking lot, that was a privilege.
You got a drug test.
Now all over the country, everyone will be drug tested.
Again, that's what we're training our children to do.
That there's no fourth or fifth amendment.
We're all drug tested.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I'm going to go back to Muhammad and others here in just a few minutes that are patiently holding.
Stay there, folks.
Let me cover some news now or we'll never do this.
Clark quits White House race as Kerry takes South by storm.
Former NATO General Wesley Clark today abandoned his hopes for challenging George W. Bush for the White House after suffering more disappointing primary election results.
He will formally announce his decision this evening, his spokesman says, following a campaign which failed to recover from a stalled start.
Meanwhile, Vietnam War hero John Kerry won another major boost in the race for the Democratic nomination with decisive victories in Virginia and Tennessee primaries.
He's the heir apparent.
He's skull and bones.
A relative of Bush.
A senator from the northern state of Massachusetts proved he could win the support of Democrats in the South.
Once again, the message rings out loud and clear.
Americans are voting for change.
East and West.
North and now in the South, Kerry told supporters.
You're going to have people related to each other in a satanic secret society.
That's going to be your choice.
No choice at all.
Staged event.
Next story, Cheney's future at stake after leaking of CIA agent's name.
Vice President Dick Cheney's political future was at stake yesterday in Washington when a grand jury investigation was questioning administration officials about his office's role in leaking the name of a CIA operative for political motives that exposed hundreds of other operatives.
The inquiry has already questioned the President's spokesman and one of his media advisors over the identification of Valerie Palm
Which is developing into one of the administration's main headaches in an election year.
However, informed sources said last night that three of the five officials who were the real targets of the probe work or worked for Mr. Cheney.
Until recently, President Bush has insisted that Mr. Cheney would be his vice presidential candidate in November elections, despite his history of heart trouble.
But recent polls conducted by the White House have suggested the growing unpopularity of the tucked-turned-ex-businessman-and-powerful-administration hawk threatens to sink the president.
Mr. Cheney is already under intense fire from Democrats for his personal role in shaping the case for the war against Iraq, not to mention the no-bid contracts for Halliburton, frequently visiting the CIA to question assessments that played down Saddam's arsenal.
His former role as the head of an oil giant services corporation, Halliburton, is also under scrutiny.
Does it matter if you remove George Bush or any of these people?
They're all New World Order puppets!
And I'll later get into Bush and the National Guard in the next hour because we've got to detail the lies and spin that are coming out.
Border agents catch man who is on Mexico's Most Wanted List.
This is out of the Sierra Vista Herald.
An illegal immigrant on Mexico's Most Wanted List for reported kidnapping and murder was apprehended by U.S.
Border Patrol agents last Sunday night, according to Tucson sector spokesman Andy Adam.
And, uh, and Simo Zarama-Altranero, who had an outstanding felony warrant for Mexican State
Was taken into custody by Narco Station Agents.
The man was taken into custody at 11.40 p.m.
south of Highway 92 in the Palominas area.
His fingerprints were processed in the U.S.
Customs and Border Patrol Automated Biometric Identification System.
It came back that there was a lookout for him and he's wanted for everything you can imagine.
So that's who's pouring across our border.
We're going to come back, take some calls, then I'll get into police say Matrix Crime Database needed.
Connecticut's top police official told Lawmakers Tuesday that a multi-state crime database represents the future of law enforcement despite the heavy criticism of privacy advocates are heaping on the system.
Without the database known as Matrix, Colonel Timothy Barry said, it's kind of like fighting with one hand behind your back.
Yeah, you know that Fourth and Fifth Amendment.
We've got to have the Pentagon through the states.
Having everything you buy and sell and what you do and tracking you and listening to your phone conversations.
It's freedom.
And Bush is in trouble.
Bush's TV ally joins chorus of criticism.
A cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq apologized to America yesterday for supporting pre-war claims of Saddam Hussein harbored weapons of mass destruction.
Bill O'Reilly told his viewers, we'll be back.
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All right, my friends.
Muhammad and Frank in Germany.
Muhammad's in Colorado, Frank's in Germany.
You guys are up next, and Glenn and others.
We do have a discussion, a brief discussion.
We'll spend a few segments on it, about this big symposium.
Exposing the vaccines and what they're doing to people.
This is documented scientific fact.
It's part of a larger plan, so that's coming up.
Before I go to Mohammed and Frank and others, just briefly, you've heard the callers talk about how good my videos are, how they're waking people up.
You need to get Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, to find out who really carried out 9-11.
You need to get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove to find out about what Skull and Bones engages in in Northern California.
You need to get the videos, the books, the books on tape.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to produce all the great information items we have.
Or call toll-free.
There's big discounts when you get three or more of my videos, by the way.
You get three of my videos.
It's an $18 discount, by the way.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, I'm Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Let's talk to Mohamed in Colorado, then Frank and others.
Go ahead, Mohamed.
How you doing, Jim?
Fine, sir.
Yeah, I want to talk about, you know, somebody
Who's a Muslim, who's from Afghanistan, I've been a naturalized citizen.
You know, I just cannot understand why Americans, just a regular Joe Perkins on the street is not seeing what we're talking about every day in this program.
It just, you know, I think, I have this feeling they're just going to wake up too late.
You know, these people, this is for real, it's happening.
Somebody's from Afghanistan, I can assure you the stuff you talk about, Bin Laden,
This guy did die a year and a half ago from diabetes.
There's a rumor that they might have his body, whatever, but there is a fact that he did die.
I want to talk about effacing this earth from the three major religions that have connections, which is Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
If you notice, right after 9-11, right about 9-11, I don't have to tell you the Muslim what people think about Islam after 9-11,
Look at the way they brought the priests.
They made it look like all Catholic priests, you know, manipulate and sexually assault all of these little children.
They made it look like all of them do it.
And of course, anti-Semitism against Jewish people is at its highest level since World War II.
You know, you're right.
You're right.
All the Balkanization, all the hatred, everything is accelerating right now.
Exactly, exactly.
And I just want to tell you callers, I know you callers might know this, but in Islam, all 1.4 billion of us believe in the second coming of Christ.
We all have connection.
We must get together and defeat these evil bastards.
I'm telling you, I lost one country to corruption.
We had a monarchy king, he was very nice to everybody.
The Russians came in, brought people around him.
December 1979, 27th, I was 11 years old.
They came in, bought our military, and the ones that loved Afghanistan did not want to be bought, they were shot on the spot.
So, if people think that cannot happen here in the United States, and I think they live in la-la land, they better wake up.
That's all I have to say.
Well, thank you, and I appreciate your call, sir.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go to Germany and talk to Frank.
Frank, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I'm on, thank you.
Alex, do you remember the story of the DA, Israeli spies?
The spy report from the DEA?
The 60-page report?
Uh, yes.
Um, I don't know if you have covered this, but there seems to be a new development.
If you know the page cryptome.org... Uh, you know what?
Frank, stay there.
We'll talk about this on the other side.
Talking about cryptome.org, great website.
Alright, infowars.com and prisonplanet.com are our websites, and I want to remind you that later this, uh, today,
We're going to have a special 41-minute report about Skull & Bones, its relationship to the Bohemian Grove, and Bush's military records.
It's a great presentation.
It'll be on the website.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here are the headlines.
Mercury in shots may contribute to autism.
New York Times federal panel hears testimony on vaccinations and autism.
Scientists suggest Mercury Autism Link recommend action.
That's out of the Scripps Howard News Service.
We've had Dr. Geyer, who's worked with Congressman Merton's committee, got into the CDC.
Their own internal numbers, which they've now made secret, but he got them out, show that massive increases of autism caused by the mercury alone, which gets to be hundreds of times higher than safe levels when you take the shots,
The new research by Dr. Mark Geyer, a physician with a PhD in genetics, and David Geyer, his son, a graduate student at the National Institutes of Health, who are both consultants in genetics based in Bethesda, Maryland, have been published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, and we've had Dr. Geyer on, we have his son, who's
Graduate student, really a doctor, coming on because he was at the big symposium with all these top scientists and doctors.
He's coming up.
We'll also get to your calls.
I've got Bill O'Reilly turning on Bush.
Again, they can hang Bush out dry, but the New World Order still has Iraq, still has its police state.
The Democrats will continue it.
That's been my point all along.
All these neocons supporting the Patriot Act, wait until the Democrats are in office.
So we'll get to that as well, and more on Bush's medical records, and I keep saying medical records, military records!
And the lies that are coming out there, and a lot more.
So let's go ahead and go to Frank in Germany, and Frank was talking about how a bunch of Israeli spies got arrested in the U.S.
before 9-11 and after 9-11.
The government said, oh, look, they had prior knowledge.
My point has been, yeah, that means our government had prior knowledge, too.
But you wanted to bring up something new.
Go ahead, Frank.
Well, there's a story from the February 7th.
It seems that some of these spies, people with the same names that were in the DA report, they have turned up in Texas.
And they are working at Retalix USA.
In Plano.
And the Cryptome, they have a page online with the names and pictures and everything and satellite footage of retalics of these people.
Yeah, I've seen the article.
I meant to cover that on Monday and I've dropped the ball.
I mean, I haven't even covered our government helping arm Pakistan and Bush trying to block the investigation of that.
Go ahead Frank.
It seems like that someone working at Retalix was writing to Krypton that he read the DA report and he wrote to Krypton that he's seen all these people every day and then he wrote a couple of emails more and after that it stated here in Krypton Oak that the writer of the emails was grilled, threatened and fired by Retalix.
So, and Retalix is a company that is doing products for retail market, or supermarket large chains.
So, it seems like maybe they are also in the RSID business or something like this.
Well, thanks for reminding me of that.
There's been so many giant developments and thank you.
I appreciate the call.
How long have you been listening in Germany?
A couple of months.
Did you hear the Von Bielow interview?
I have to tell you that, of course, in Germany they try to point him out as a kook.
Of course.
But the people that know him, that know, for example, his first book, that goes into all kinds of developments, international drug trade, etc.
Everyone that's reading it, it's very, very detailed.
It has hundreds of sources in it.
He's not a kook.
He knows what he's writing.
Well, he was your technology minister and a defense minister.
He was meant to be.
He was the crown prince of the Social Democratic Party.
And then he started to question, and then they claimed he was a kook.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back my friends, now eight minutes and ten seconds into the third hour of global transmission as we blast out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles, California to Rhode Island there in Providence simulcasting on global shortwave and of course on the internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com
I know we've got Glenn and Ron and many others that are holding, and I'm going to get to you and, yes, a ton of other news as the neocons begin to turn on their Lord Bush.
And I predicted this.
It's not hard to do.
Again, Bush is a puppet.
Clinton's a puppet.
The last year of Clinton being in office, I didn't even talk about Bill Clinton.
Of course I don't like Pumpkinhead.
Of course I know he's un-American.
Of course I can't stand him.
But he's a puppet!
You've got to focus on the system!
Instead of putting all your energy into fighting, you know, for, oh, I'm for Bush, I'm for Kerry, when they're related to each other, members of the same secret society.
Now, folks, since I got on the air nine years ago, I've been reading the documents, having doctors on the air, the mercury, hundreds of times, safe levels in your babies after they get a couple rounds of shots.
And the admitted, you know, in the medical policy books, symptom indexes, they admit that mercury poisoning causes brain damage.
I mean, this is what it does.
And they put it in the vaccines.
And there's a lot of other problems with the vaccines.
But focusing on the mercury, they've had a major symposium in D.C.
And we've had him several times on the show in the past.
Dr. Mark Geyer, a physician with a PhD in genetics, worked for the federal government, has his own big practice.
He worked for Congressman Dan Burton to get into the CDC, got their own documents, which they've since classified, which showed even worse numbers than what Dr. Geyer had come up with in his study.
And his son, David Geyer, a graduate student from the National Institutes of Health,
Thank you for having me.
And I would guess that you're now a graduate student about to become a doctor?
That's right.
I'm studying at George Washington University in biochemistry.
And we've had your father on as preeminent in his field several times.
You were at the big symposium.
What was it, yesterday?
It was actually on Monday.
Okay, Monday.
Go over it.
I mean, what was brought forward?
Well, what this was was a meeting of the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine.
They have a specific advisory body that's been assembled to examine the issue of whether there's a relationship between vaccines and autism.
And what happened, what transacted was that they invited experts from all over the world to come and present basically their research results.
And I was among the people that presented there.
Basically, there are two sides diabolically opposed here.
You have people from the CDC and connected with the CDC who, despite their initial studies that show an overwhelming effect from Timerosal on neurodevelopmental disorders, now have come out in public and decided that they don't want to disclose those results, and so they've been presenting evidence that the mercury in the vaccines is safe.
And there's another group of which I'm a part that is shown extensively
From examining epidemiological studies to actual clinical studies, molecular studies, all showing that the mercury in the vaccines appears to be causing these neurodevelopmental disorders.
Well, it's not just your studies, your father's studies, your father who, Dan Burton's strong-armed CDC letting him in, their own numbers were, again, according to your father, worse, those are now being published, worse than what he'd come up with because he had more info inside their system
And then now they're again clamped down on that information.
The British just came out with a bunch of big studies.
I mean, but look, I mean, I know the symptoms.
I know the effects.
I mean, mercury poisoning causes brain damage.
I mean, this isn't rocket science, is it?
It's clearly not rocket science.
If you search in the scientific literature, there are over 5,000 articles on the dangers and toxicity of thimerosal.
It's only in the last couple years when the CDC has really been put under the gun about this issue that they don't want to tell the public what exactly has happened.
This terrible, awful thing.
Now, a child who's had the shots with thimerosal, which most of them have, is 26 times, according to the new study, likely to get autism.
There's all these other brain disorders, too, that are obviously caused by it from the studies.
We've gone from 1 in 25,000, 20-something years ago, having it to 1 in 169, according to your father's numbers.
How did they respond to this commission?
The Institute of Medicine?
Yes, sir.
The Institute of Medicine, basically, well, they haven't issued a response.
They were listening to all the evidence.
It should be noted that this commission was called together by the CDC, is funded by the CDC, to listen to this issue.
I think that the CDC probably had the plan of calling this because they believed, when they called for this several months, about four or five months ago, when they called it then, they thought they were going to basically end this issue, resolve it once and for all, because they knew they had several studies that were coming out that didn't show the effect, and they figured the other side
We're good to go.
It's like the Pentagon, their Dr. Rookie, the top Pentagon scientist, is sent in 1991 to quote disprove that depleted uranium is bad for you.
He comes back and says it's deadly, it's a disaster.
They kick him off, now he goes back and shows it, and they say, well, depleted uranium isn't bad for you, but everybody knows it's bad for you.
Well, the CDC has, not only is it potentially a revolving door, and that's what Dan Burton has said,
But also, the CDC accepts funds and is currently collaborating with the vaccine manufacturers.
Public-private partnership and Bush's $6 billion in funding for the new BioShield to build three dozen Level 4 bioweapons labs is going to make a bunch of new vaccines and try to make us take them.
Have you heard about that?
No, I haven't heard about that.
Well, that's part of this public-private partnership that's going on here.
Well, we have... they're a very
Simple things people can do.
The general public can actually investigate the kinds of things that we're talking about.
The CDC has its own foundation, supposedly a non-profit private company that funds individual research activities at the CDC.
You go on their website, you can see people like Eli Lilly and Merck Vaccines
Why has the vaccine division funneled money into the CDC through this foundation?
So this is the fox telling you that he's hired these new guards, and never mind the fact that they're weasels, and that they're going to be guarding things for you.
Yeah, I guess.
Your hens will be well taken care of.
Well, you know, I'm joking, but this is deadly serious.
You guys have seen the effects of this.
So what are they doing when all these other studies from reputable organizations and medical facilities are coming out, but then the government says, well, we've got our studies, it's good for you.
Well, um, they, in their private secret meeting, basically have, you know, they concluded in those things, and we've obtained them under the Freedom of Information Act, they've adopted a policy that it doesn't, you know, at all costs, they have to discredit and to
I guess, inundate the media with the idea that there's no link between the thimerosal and the neurodevelopmental disorder.
I mean, we've seen them discuss that in these secret meetings, and that's exactly the actions they're taking now.
Yeah, your father, Dr. Guyer, I mean, you spelled it out, that they go, well, the end justifies the means, and if this comes out, it'll discredit vaccines, and vaccines save so many people, so let's just cover it up, and then that sets the precedent to let the vaccine makers just continue, I guess, getting even worse.
In the future, and instead of just fixing a problem.
Yeah, that's the exact problem here.
And unfortunately, even more, you know, all remedies for these parents are being cut off.
You know, you have parents out there, and it's not one or two that have autistic children.
We're talking about hundreds of thousands to millions of children that are affected, and they're being stifled in all directions.
You know, some of them wanted
Tried to attempt to launch civil lawsuits against the people responsible for this.
And people like Bill Frist, unfortunately, in the Senate, you know, has put rioters on the Homeland Security bill, saying specifically he cannot sue Eli Lilly.
He tried to do that.
Well, it passed and then got repealed.
Yeah, and he continues to try to put that on subsequent bills.
And then they turn around, and in the media, people keep publishing that autism is just a different form of maleness.
Sir Isaac Newton was autistic, Einstein was autistic, even Bill Gates is autistic.
I mean, none of those people had autism.
And they, you know, they insult the parents that way, and then they go off and do these scientific studies where... Well, the point is, 30 years ago, nobody even knew what autism was.
It was one out of, you know, a million.
Now, it's, uh, we're talking about, what, one out of just a couple hundred now.
Give us those numbers again.
The rise in autism is seen in the seven... Well, first of all, autism was first described in 1943.
And interestingly enough, it was described among children born in the 1930s.
And what's significant about that is thimerosal was first introduced into vaccines in the 1930s.
By the mid-1970s, it was up to about 1 in 20,000 was diagnosed with autism.
1980s, 1 in 2,500.
By the 1990s, 1 in 250.
The most recent estimate suggests 1 in 150 children has autism.
But soon, we'll just all have it, and the ruling elite, they'll keep their brains and we'll be more manageable, I guess.
And of course, it's much worse than just autism there.
It's a neurodevelopmental disorder epidemic.
Presently, 1 in 8 children are in special education classes.
And the more recent estimates that are going to come out suggest it may go to as high as one in six.
Hey, I think I heard of this.
Brave New World?
Were they... Oh, it wouldn't be on purpose.
UNESCO may have called for that.
Altus Huxley's brother, Julian Huxley, may have called for that.
And Huxley said his book was what he thought reality would be, but... Let's just ignore that.
Please stay with us, Mr. Geyer.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Harassing to the lies and disinformation.
We've had Dr. Mark Guyer, who has worked with Congressman Burton on the show several times.
We have his son, a graduate student at the National Institutes of Health, and he was at the big symposium on Monday going over this evidence.
How do we force their hand, or is that already happening?
Is the carnage of these
Millions of children with brain disorders that didn't even exist just a few decades ago.
I mean, is the carnage so great they can't hide it anymore, Mr. Geyer?
Yeah, I think there's so many people that, I mean, they can try to discredit this and they can try to push it under the rug, but it just won't go under the rug.
It keeps resurfacing every time you turn around.
Were they angry at you guys?
I mean, what was the atmosphere like here at this meeting?
It was absolutely charged.
Both sides, like I said, it's as vicious as it could possibly be at this point.
I mean, they've had people fired, people, you know, the research funds cut off.
They're doing everything that they can do to try to push this under the rug.
Well, it doesn't look to me like it's working.
No, because there's so much here.
As I said, it's not just myself and my father.
It's hundreds, thousands of people over many decades who have recognized this problem and have tried to work to end it.
And this last-ditch effort, basically, by the CDC to try to make it disappear, it just won't work.
Well, it looks to me like it blew up in their face.
Um, well,
I don't, I don't... What I'm saying is... Oh, sorry.
No, I mean, it's created a massive amount of news reporting and then they're having to bring out the numbers and statistics in the articles.
What I'm saying as a newsman is that this looks like it had the opposite effect they wanted.
Well, I think that's probably a generally true statement that probably the best thing for them to do would be to simply do nothing, which is
They're trying to make it go away, and trying to make it go away probably makes it worse for them.
I agree.
How do they live with themselves?
I mean, do you ever talk to these people and ask them at Big Pharma and the CDC, how do you do this to so many children and then still sleep at night?
Well, the CDC, they forever justify whatever they do.
They could kill everybody in the United States.
They justify it by saying that
Well, the vaccines prevent the infectious disease, and we're working to prevent infectious disease.
And as long as that happens, we're a success.
They don't seem to be weighing that you can prevent all infectious disease, and if we all die, that doesn't, it didn't, it didn't work.
There has to be some balancing.
There has to be some understanding.
When you do one thing, there can be something else that happens.
Well, Mr. Geyer, they're coming out now with all these new vaccines they want to force us all on, and now they're talking about engineering vaccines into the food.
Have you heard about that?
Yeah, the plan is to come out with a new host of vaccines to cure virtually every ailment that humans have.
And it's becoming increasingly, you know, they keep trying to bend and lack the rules to get these new vaccines in.
Well, they've got this new vaccine that makes you stop smoking, but it changes your brain chemistry.
I mean, how nuts is that?
Oh, here we've got a shot that's going to change your brain chemistry forever.
Oh, we've got a toothpaste that, one use, changes the bacteria flora in your mouth forever.
I mean, they're going to engineer us.
It's sick!
Well, especially when they're not doing adequate safety and, you know, efficacy testing, and they're not informing people of what it is that they're doing.
They simply come up, you know, and say, here's a good thing, we want you to have this.
They don't tell you risk, benefits.
People really have a right to understand what it is that's going into their body.
Well, it's the same thing with depleted uranium, or Ritalin, or Prozac, or sodium fluoride.
I mean, folks just, you cannot trust what these people are doing.
Well, I want to thank you, Mr. Geyer.
I want to thank your father, Dr. Geyer, and I look forward to having you back on the show.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Mostly, the parents out there in the world need to keep their, you know, their heads up and pay attention to what's going on and to read everything that's being said with fine-tooth comb.
And, by the way, the mercury's not out of the vaccines, is it?
That's right.
It's still in... It's been removed from some trials of vaccines, but not all.
And parents, that's something else they can do is to really look into what is in the vaccines they're injecting into themselves and their children.
And just, what are some of the vaccines that still have it?
It's still in tetanus vaccine, TB vaccine, DT, meningococcal, the influenza vaccine that we all just took.
It's been quite a number even beyond that, but that's a start at least.
Thank you for coming on the show.
God bless.
All right, folks.
We'll come back with your calls and more news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We've had a lot of requests to re-air the Skull & Bones clips of Bush on Meet the Press, February 8th.
Talking about how Skull & Bones is so secret again.
Talk about it and then his running mate.
I mean, really, that's what John Kerry is, his running mate.
In fact, I need to put that out on the web.
Really, they're running mates.
Either way, the secret society, Skull & Bones, the New World Order, wins.
Either way, the same bloodline gets into power.
And, uh, again, they're just puppets, but the point is they even control, uh, that process down to who gets to be the puppet.
Then we'll go to, uh, Glenn and Ron and Carson and Fred and others.
And then I have this news, uh, Bush TV Ally Joints Chorus of Criticism.
Of the 3,000 sex slaves in Israel survey, Jerusalem Post, folks, 3,000 sex slaves in Israel?
That's a classic tactic.
You've got tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, yes you heard me right, in Israel.
And so, oh, three thousand!
So we'll get into that.
High school hosting porn play, local residents protest.
Microsoft flaws cause panic over hackers.
Police say matrix crime database needed.
We'll also get into that as well.
But here's Bush on Meet the Press this last Sunday with CFR member Tim Russert.
Go ahead and hit it.
You were both in Skull and Bones, the secret society.
It's so secret we can't talk about it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
I don't know, I haven't seen the weather.
Number 322?
I think I'm going to lose.
No, I'm not going to lose.
If you did, what would you do?
Well, I don't plan on losing.
I've got a vision for what I want to do for the country.
See, I know exactly where I want to lead.
That was chilling when he said that.
I'm not going to lose.
You see, I know I've got a vision for the country.
I know where I want to lead.
Give me a break.
And here's John Forbes Carey a few months ago on Meet the Press saying almost the identical thing.
It's so secret I can't talk about it.
Oh, there's a lot of secrets.
So here's that clip.
You both were members of Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale.
What does that tell us?
Uh, not much, because it's a secret.
Is there a secret handshake?
Is there a secret code?
I wish there were something secret I could manifest.
Secret number?
There are all kinds of secrets, Tim, but one thing is not a secret.
I disagree with this president's direction that he's taking the country.
We can do a better job, and I intend to do it.
And we'll be watching.
Be safe on the campaign trail.
We can do a better job.
He's a cousin of Bush.
Same secret society.
Two years apart.
Kerry says he knew Bush at Yale.
Bush says he didn't.
But all Skull and Bones members, all graduates, come back each year for the tapping of the 15 new people.
And Bush says he doesn't know him.
Another lie!
Oh no, Bush wouldn't lie to us.
About the weapons of mass destruction, about the assault weapons ban, about amnesty.
This is not an amnesty.
It's like Waco, where they're smashing the tanks into the walls and saying, this is not an assault.
Running over their bodies, cutting their bodies in half.
This is not an assault.
This is not an amnesty.
No, it's just the biggest amnesty ever.
Let's go to Glenn in Colorado.
Glenn, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, hi Alex.
Hello, my friend.
I just finished reading Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
What a book.
Well, and again, Fritz Springmeier wrote that, and I don't know if that book is entirely accurate.
The parts of things that I have researched, I do know to be accurate.
But it is an unbelievable book, is it not?
If 10% of it is true,
Then it's a heck of a deal.
I'd say about, again, I'm not saying 20% isn't true, I'm saying I can't confirm or I haven't researched certain areas of it, but everything in it that I know about, historically, really arcane stuff that most people wouldn't even know that I've researched, is accurate.
So, about 80% of it I know to be true.
Can you imagine that?
I mean, it's just incredible.
It's incredible.
And I've just also finished Order Out of Chaos.
It's a tremendous book.
I've had two copies.
I've already loaned both of the copies out.
And I tell you, people just got to get that book and hand it out to their friends.
But what I called about... I saw a small article out of AP in the paper and I just didn't quite understand it.
Hundreds of protesters demanding restitution for Mexicans who worked in the United States during and after World War II.
Yeah, I saw that yesterday.
They want Social Security money.
Is that what it's about?
Well, yeah, and back-paying things.
I mean, you know they've set up a Social Security office in Mexico City.
I didn't know that.
Yeah, we're now paying them, but it's already started.
It's the Pan-American Union.
The Euro, the European Union started as the economic community.
They don't tell you we're getting rid of your sovereignty.
They set it up, then they announce it.
And they're merging the US with Canada and Mexico right now.
Sounds like treason to me.
It is!
I mean, the free trade area of the Americas.
Sir, if you think NAFTA and GATT is bad, a lot of the estimates I've seen say it will expand it by ten times, some say more, but if you think NAFTA and GATT were bad, they will
This new free trade area of the Americas dwarfs that.
It merges our police, our military, our intelligence, our laws, our highways.
They're going to have superhighways, and they've built it into Mexico now, the I-35.
They're going to have superhighways from Chile to Alaska, paid for by U.S.
taxpayers to bring the entire third world population up here.
Yeah, we finance it all, and everybody else uses it.
And like Chris Chef said, we will sell us the rope to hang you.
That's it.
Well, everybody ought to get that quarter out of chaos by the hundred books and just start passing them out like crazy.
Hey, I'll run along here.
Hey, thank you.
And you know, that's something I never talk about.
I mean, it's really a shame.
Because the films are great, the books are wonderful.
And the average person will never see the videos, never read the books.
Though, because people are making copies of the videos, we have reached a lot of people.
With the books, though, we're looking for distributors.
And, I mean, I will sell my book, 9-11 Descent into Tyranny, and it's a pretty book.
People will buy it.
I'll sell it to you for $8 a piece if you buy, I think, 40 or more.
I mean, they cost me $3 a piece to print, folks.
By the time I have employees ship it out, I don't really even make any money.
But the point is, I just want to get it out to people.
Paul Watson's book, we'll sell those to you for $9 a piece.
You can sell them for $15, $19.95 at your bookstore, your church, wherever.
We need distributors for the videos, the books, all of it.
And if you want to be a distributor,
Just give us a call at 512-291-5750.
Put the order in.
If Shirley doesn't answer, she does a great job and gets overwhelmed.
If she doesn't answer, she'll call you back at 512-291-5750.
We've got tiered discounts.
I mean, you get a discount when you get two of the books.
You get a discount when you get ten of the books.
That's my goal, is just to get the info out.
And if the grassroots out there decide that you want to be distributors of the videos or the books, we can move mountains.
So, 512-291-5750.
And if you want to just buy some of the videos, you know, the films are $25.95.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20.
I mean, that's how the discounts work.
The goal is to get more of these out.
We're trying to encourage you to do that.
I can't describe what's in these videos.
They're all over two hours long.
They're totally jam-packed.
They scare people to death, which they should.
I'm concerned.
They wake people up.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll-free to order 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And, you know, take our international shortwave outreach.
That costs us about $8,000 a month.
Six hours a day, it's a great deal.
Our AM and FM stations pick us up and we just share the advertising with them.
That's the network side.
But I pay for the shortwave.
Then we had a shortfall last month of $5,000.
I just wrote a check for it.
You know what?
I'll just do this until I'm homeless.
But I'm not at that point.
I don't care.
I mean, the thrill of my life isn't going to watch a racehorse, or going to a football game, or going to a topless bar.
You know, the thrill of my life is waking people up.
And let me tell you, I get that thrill every day.
Because I hate evil.
I have a disgust for it.
And I know we can wake people up and warn the people and defeat the New World Order.
But we do need your support.
I mean, I'm a prideful person.
I don't like it.
The show's gotten bigger than ever.
I've had to buy more computer servers.
I've had to hire more employees.
The phones ring off the hooks.
It's just, we need your support.
It's just that simple.
But that's secondary.
Number one, these are great videos and books.
So 1-888-253-3139.
Well, let's take four or five more calls and get back into this plethora of news.
Let's go to Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, sir.
Alex, one of the more amazing things I saw was on Hannity & Combs this past Monday, February 9th.
They were speaking to John Kerry's very good friend,
Former classmate at Yale, and former brother-in-law.
And Combs did something like out of the blue, from left field, and he asked him about Scull & Bones.
He asked him if he carries a member, he said yes.
You could see that this fellow, I forget his last name, David was his first name, was taken by surprise.
He asked him, does it exist?
He said it's a secret society at Yale, which has hand-picked and exclusive members.
The guy said it flat out.
Well look, we've had members leak the info, it's admitted, we've got MSNBC articles, New York Observer articles.
New York Observer, there's this high 25 foot wall in the back.
The New York Observer reporter climbed up on top of a chimney at Scroll and Keen next door, another satanic society, and videotaped them slitting women's throats, blood spraying.
A guy comes out with horns, says, I am Satan, join me in the tomb.
I mean, we had the reporter on, the video was on national news, and, oh, it's just a joke, but if my neighbor saw me slitting throats and blood spraying, wouldn't the police... There'd be an awful lot of investigation there.
Wouldn't there be an investigation?
I love a lot.
Forget it.
It would start from A and it wouldn't end until it worked its way through Z. But the same thing at Bohemian Grove.
I mean, Ron, if you opened up in northern New York, a 2,700 acre forest retreat, and you were busting in male and female prostitutes, and there was drugs, which they admit to the Grove, don't you think the police would rage you?
Yeah, there would be a lot of consequences, I can tell you that, and it does seem strange.
But not at Skull and Bones, not at Bohemian Grove.
You know, another thing at Skull and Bones too, and this is probably the lesser of things that they do, but it just verifies something.
These ghouls have the skulls of Pancho Villa, Geronimo, and the former President Martin Van Buren.
Now, in the case of Pancho Villa and Geronimo,
The Mexican and of course the American Indian Nations have actually formally made requests to get those skulls back.
Yeah, the Chief has been there and they gave him fake bones and then, you know.
Yeah, and same with also Mexico too.
The skull, they did too in the late 80s.
But you know, I mean, it's the heads of the Indian Nation, it's the heads of the Mexican government, you know, they acknowledge this, they went through
Procedures to make a formal request?
I mean, that's a ghoulish damn thing to do.
Well, do you know- Tells you something.
Do you know- What's with psychopaths, too?
Well, we can't say on air what they admittedly do in those coffins.
Uh, yeah, I've heard about that myself.
Let's just say that to call it strange would be an understatement.
That's correct, yeah.
Well, it's Christian!
Ron, you've got to learn that we're pro-gun, we're anti-open border, we're liberals.
If you fornicate with a skull, it's a Christian thing to do.
You know, it's unbelievable, Alex.
You just can't get more than that.
You sent me a lot of good info.
You're a retired police officer.
And I've read a lot of crime books and watched a lot of the shows, but I haven't been there like you have.
But I've talked to a lot of police.
Almost every time they go to some weird murder scene, or every time, a psychopath, a killer, aren't they always into Satanism and skulls and the same stuff?
Well, I'll tell you something.
I worked in two separate police departments in this state.
I originally come from the northern tier of this state, and then I moved to the southern tier and worked in NYPD.
I saw that a little here in NYPD.
We used to have ghouls that used to dig up graves in cemeteries, provide the skulls to warlocks and witches in certain parts of this city.
Uh, you might be familiar with Greenwich Village.
And, uh, they used to engage.
I remember, because I had one of these guys under arrest one time in a hot seat, and he said they engage in some wild stuff.
Now, in the northern tier of the state, when I was an officer there, that was even more prominent, only by virtue of the fact that because it's rural, it's a little easier to do it and get away with it.
And that did occur.
Yeah, there are lunatics like that.
If people don't believe it, believe it.
They're there, I know.
But to have both the presidential candidates into this... That's unbelievable, isn't it?
That is amazing, beyond my wildest dreams.
And they're related.
Reuters says third cousins, NPR says distant cousins.
We don't know, but they're related.
I don't know if they're blood-related or not, but guess what, Alex?
No, they are blood-related.
That skull-and-bones relationship is as good as blood.
They're bound to each other by sworn oath, and they will basically work in tandem.
Yeah, to help each other, to support each other.
I mean, you talk about it.
So Bush's running mate is really Kerry.
Either way, they win.
That's right.
Either way, they win.
I mean, that's a rigged game.
That's a rigged game.
And everybody should have suspected when Kerry pulled out from out of absolutely nowhere out of that Democratic PAC.
Oh, we have the articles!
The Diebold machines won for Kerry and the other machines didn't.
Because being as cuckoo as he may have been, I don't think he was in with them as deep or in with that whole structure as deep, so they couldn't have him.
I mean, you know, let's face it, not that I'm a big Dean supporter, but when have you ever seen the corporate media turn on a person who was the head of the Democratic Primary PAC the way they turned on the guy?
And they're all happy now that Kerry's up front.
There's something strange about that.
Oh, he's such a hero.
And now Bill O'Reilly has cut Bush loose and said that he was lied to and apologized to his audience?
You know the old saying, Alex, right?
They throw you away when you're no longer useful to your masters.
And then everybody thinks, oh, we cleaned things up.
Thanks for the call.
Great points.
Let's talk to Carson in Colorado.
Carson, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Bless your heart.
First of all, information overload.
Just another foot soldier in one of your information warriors.
God bless you, sir, and I'm going to get right to the topic.
I really wanted to talk to the guest, but that's okay.
You are doing the work of the Creator, my friend.
There is so much popping right now, I don't know where to start, but I guess you're fine calling Ron.
I'll follow up on what he has said.
There's a direct chain to all of these so-called secret societies.
We won't go there.
But the reality is that in this nation, we have been under siege since the 60s for sure, out in plain view.
A phrase that you and your callers know, and your listeners know full well.
Alistair Crowley, who was one of the more modern Satanists, started a whole lot of things in motion.
And there's a church, you know, now, I had a Catholic sheriff in a rural county 300 miles south of Salt Lake.
He and I were the only Gentiles in that entire county who was forced to give up an investigation on a sacrificial animal and human... Tell you what, stay there.
We'll talk about it when we get back.
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The New World Order?
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We'll take a few final calls and a few final news stories.
Finish up on what you were saying, Carson.
Language is so important.
You're a fine caller, young Mr. Greyer.
It is the Center for Communicable Diseases.
They try to baffle us with seizing the language.
As you well know, I'm not speaking to you, Alex.
I'm speaking to us.
Well, it's like they call us Human Resources Departments now.
Thank you.
Instead of Personnel.
They're changing all the terms.
Yes, Center for Disease Control.
They control it.
Communicable Diseases.
And the corporations are communicating diseases to this population in a multiple
Hey, they've been caught.
They know what it's doing.
They don't care.
Small victory.
Give me 20 seconds, Alex.
Small victory.
The Pentagon cancelled its computer voting program last week with no publicity.
Many of the people who listen to you are also classically on the left or center or greens.
They are listening to you now, sir.
Well, I know.
If we're not hypocrites, we're able to deprogram the liberals.
Thank you.
And they put the sandals away and they go buy a gun.
Thank you.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Call back sometime.
We'll talk more.
Fred in Arizona.
Fred, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex?
Good to talk to you.
I know we haven't got much time.
I've been hearing something on shortwave for the last few weeks that has thrown me for a loop and I'd like to get your take on it.
Okay, go ahead.
And that is that Terry is not the real family name.
That it's really Cohen.
He's Jewish, and he's been faking the Catholicism all along.
Have you heard that?
Kerry says that he has Jewish relatives, but I mean, he's obviously a wasp.
I mean, all these people, I mean, anybody from Europe is going to have different backgrounds.
I mean, I've got American Indian in my background, a great-great-grandmother who was Comanche.
But yeah, Kerry has said that he had, what was it, a great-grandfather who was Jewish, yes.
But he's actually Catholic?
Well, I mean, these people are devil worshippers.
They're part of a generational death cult, and that's admitted.
So again, whether it's an evil Jew or an evil German or an evil Chinese person, when you get to the top, they're into the occult.
So one way or another, we're stuck for another four years?
How does it matter?
The presidents aren't running anything.
They're puppets.
We gotta fight the corrupt system!
Has that been true ever since November 63?
That's what I've always thought.
That's when they took the federal elections over.
We haven't had a presidential election since then.
And folks, if you don't believe that, fine.
The facts are there.
Thanks for the call.
Oh man, I tell ya.
And Bill O'Reilly is now attacking Bush saying he lied to him.
Quote, I was wrong, I was not pleased about it all, and I think all Americans should be concerned about this, are rightly told viewers of ABC television Good Morning America.
Why are they having to do this?
Because people aren't buying their frauds anymore.
You know, Limbaugh has to say Bush is a liberal now, but what are you going to do, vote for Kerry?
Up to 3,000 sex slaves in Israel survey, this is a Jerusalem Post, there are between 1,000 and 3,000 tribes, tens of thousands, of women in Israel who are subjected to sex slavery, and there is an intensive commerce of women in the country, say editors of the most recent survey conducted by the Knesset Center for Research and Information, examining the public's attitude towards trafficking in women.
Folks, when these women get a disease or pregnant, they blow their heads off.
In Saudi Arabia, it's even worse.
It goes on in this country, too.
Nobody knows exactly how many there are, but I would add another zero to that number.
The figure is probably more like 30,000, argues Annette Collins, founder of the Women's Self-Help Group.
Anuchu Shovat.
I'm sorry, I can't pronounce it.
Which means we are worthy, and one of the organizers of this week's international conference on sex industry.
It's children, too.
And why aren't the SWAT teams busting in and getting these animals?
Because it's the government.
I'm telling you folks, we're in a lot of trouble.
Our founding fathers said, don't trust government restricted size.
Then when a dictator gets in, they won't have the mechanisms to dominate your life.
Now they've got those mechanisms.
We better speak out, get involved, and expose this New World Order.
I'll be back tonight 9 to midnight Central Standard Time right here on your local station or on the internet at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and look for a detailed analysis of Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove and Bush's military records at InfoWars.
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