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Name: 20031217_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 17, 2003
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
Alex Jones here.
Back live.
It's already Wednesday, the 17th of December 2003.
We'll be live for the next three hours and a ton of vital news and information coming at you.
You want to be truly informed.
This is the show.
This is the broadcast.
This is the counter-programming beacon.
As we go out on the AM and FM dial surging forward from Rhode Island to Los Angeles, California.
On the Global Shortwave at 12.172 and 93.20 during the day, 5.085 and 68.90 at night, and on the internet at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Both updated for you today.
Albright thinks Bush is hiding Bin Laden.
Leaked news network memos.
Staged discovery of weapons of mass destruction will follow Saddam arrest.
This is before the Saddam arrest.
And these leaked news memos have turned out to be very accurate now and about ten times in the past, never inaccurate.
Bush met with Saddam on November 27th during the Baghdad visit when they already had him in custody.
And Bush was scheduled to announce a trip back to the moon today.
Maybe that's where he's taking the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Maybe on this moon mission he will bring it back.
Don't count on it.
States are moving ahead with legalization of using baby parts in cloning operations.
Patriot Act II was signed.
People are calling my office about this.
I have the Associated Press article here in front of me.
I'll go back over it today.
And much, much more.
And we will go to calls early, by the second segment, early in this show today.
Tonight, this morning, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in.
The toll-free number to talk about any of these issues I just mentioned, we will detail in the next segment, 1-800-259-9231.
Monitoring neocon communist radio this morning, Trojan horse socialist fake conservative radio, they said, how dare anyone imply the government would have a war on terror just to advance the globalist agenda?
How dare anyone think that the government could have had Saddam beforehand?
How dare anyone think the government would ever do anything wrong?
You're nuts, you're crazy, you're un-American if you think it.
No, you're un-American if you don't mistrust the government, if you don't watch it closely.
That's our founding fathers, not you dirty, gun-grabbing, open border, NAFTA and GATT promoting neocons.
You dirty, dirty trash.
You traitorous, larcenous filth.
At least we know John Kerry's a piece of garbage.
We know Al Gore's a piece of filth.
We know Bill Clinton's a piece of trash.
They're right out in the open.
We know Hillary Clinton's a bug-eyed weasel.
But you... You are the Judas Iscariot.
You are the backstabbers.
You are the traitors.
You are the betrayers.
You are the number one threat to America, as Ron Paul said in his July 10th neocon speech.
Talking about the Trotskyites, the fourth international running the White House.
You make me sick listening to you counting on your listeners being stupid, being uninformed, not knowing the facts, claiming that if we're not for gun control we're liberal is basically what you do.
You make me sick.
You listen to Neocon Talk Radio, it's how good sweatshops are.
It's how good genetically engineered food is.
It's how good naphthene GAD is.
It's how conservative Bush is.
It's there to pacify us!
Wake up, people!
Stop letting them pacify you!
Big show lined up for you.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the websites when we get back.
Globalist minion Albright thinks Bush hiding Bin Laden.
Well, I have this from somebody on board Air Force One almost two years ago.
We'll be back.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends, it is Wednesday, the 17th of December, 2003.
About, oh, it was almost two years ago now, I was told by someone who was on board Air Force One, and this is on the record, I've talked about it a couple dozen times on air, and I said, I don't know if it's accurate, and they may have been giving me disinformation,
But I was told, because there's a lot of people in the Bush administration that live right here in Austin, and this individual told several people after they have been imbibing in some adult beverages at a party,
Uh, the new watch, uh, right before the 0-4 election, uh, Bin Laden died of kidney failure and they gotta deal with his family to roll him out.
They got him frozen and they're gonna roll him out right before the election.
And so, again, that's not the type of news I even like to cover on air.
I don't know if it's true.
It's the type of stuff that's not good for your health to know, but a lot of people know it.
And the globalists don't really care, because stuff like this leaks all the time.
They had Congressman LaHood, who's a Republican, in the December 2nd Associated Press and several other newspapers in Illinois,
Saying that, uh, yeah, we're an inch from getting to Saddam, and I know something you don't know, and we're about to roll him out, and General Tommy Frank said it to Chigar Aficionado.
So they're pretty arrogant.
I mean, they don't even care if we come out and know the truth.
And then they catch Saddam, and then McDermott says, oh, yeah, we knew that they knew where he was at, or already had him in custody, and were about to bring him out when they felt like it politically.
Then on the heels of all the Halliburton corruption, more Halliburton corruption, overcharging the Pentagon comes out, and the plunging approval ratings, suddenly this gets released on us.
And then the neocons go, look, it's the leftists, the crazy leftists.
The Howard Dean says that Bush may have known of 9-11, and McDermott says he may have known of 9-11, and that they may have, you know, already had Saddam.
This is insane.
Well, we've got LaHood saying it, who's a Republican.
We've got Franks leaking it.
These people love to brag.
And so if I, in Austin, Texas, have heard this story from people, you know, in the administration, folks, that's all I can say, here in Austin, then a lot of people have heard this.
And then you get Madeleine Albright out there, who I am no fan of, folks.
She's the person in 97, she was asked on NBC, well, there's been over a million dead Iraqis, 500,000 of them children, die from malnutrition and disease and stuff from the sanctions.
Is that a good price to pay for security in the Gulf?
And she said, well, yes, it is a good price to pay.
She didn't deny it.
And since 97, the numbers are at a cool million children.
About another half million old people and infirm folks.
I mean, imagine being an industrialized country and then suddenly going back to the Stone Age is what happened to them.
Their water treatment, their power plants bombed.
She said that and she's a horrible gun grabber and I'm no fan of her.
And it is political, you know, why she's out doing this, but Albright thinks Bush hiding Bin Laden.
And this is on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told Fox News Channel analyst
Morton Kondracki yesterday that she suspects Bush knows the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and is simply waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture.
Kondracki made his announcement about what Albright told him backstage before an appearance on another Fox show
On special report with Brit Hume, Kondracki was incredulous that a former Secretary of State could believe something like that about U.S.
She was not smiling when she said this, offered Kondracki, who believes Albright is serious about the conspiracy theory.
Albright is on a media tour to promote her new book, Madam Secretary, a memoir.
She was mildly critical of Bush administration's policy in Iraq on camera in later appearances on the O'Reilly-factored MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews.
I'm one of those people that said I understand the why of the war, but I didn't understand the why now of the next phase.
Or what next, she told O'Reilly.
I still have a lot of questions.
I think that we don't know, frankly, what the effect of Saddam's capture is on the general situation in Iraq, President Bush,
Secretary Rumsfeld have in fact warned about violence still going on and the effect within the rest of the Middle East on a prolonged trial or an execution or a generally how he is treated.
So there's Albright backstage telling a Fox minion that they've got bin Laden and are going to roll him out.
Now she didn't say he's dead on ice.
And again, I don't know if Bin Laden's dead, I don't know if Bin Laden's alive, I don't know.
All I know is, is I've been talking about this for almost two years.
With some reservations.
And then here it is, beginning to develop right in front of our eyes.
And for the neocons all over talk radio right now going, how dare anyone question the president?
How dare anyone claim they can do such a thing that he would do something political?
America's just cooked if we believe stuff like this, if we question like this.
I mean, I'm actually hearing him talk like that.
Oh boy, what do you think about all this, folks?
1-800-259-9231 800-259-9231
Leaked News Network Memo Staged Discovery of Weapons of Mass Destruction Will Follow Saddam Arrest, TBR News.
And they've been releasing these memos now for about a year.
They've turned out to be very accurate.
For an explanation behind the leaked news memos, click here.
You can read the memos.
Great rejoicing, this is an excerpt, over the capture of Sussane, but realists inside Beltway know that it is purely symbolic.
Saddam wasn't doing anything but hiding in holes in the ground while others, many not even connected with or sympathetic to him, are now running the resistance.
He might even be viewed as a martyr because, in truth, as ever known, Saddam used to work for us and never attacked the United States.
Well, the neocons had to have their empire and the Bush supporters had to have their oil so off
For a nice shock and awe war with lots of medals and big military rallies, George W. could strut his stuff.
And what an unholy mess he dragged us into.
The media now has to express its very own shock and awe over the superb brilliance over the capture.
The SPCA could have done just as good a job.
Now we all expect the Pentagon to fly in a plane load of weapons of mass destruction and find them where Saddam told us they were hidden.
The question there is, is who will get to unload and bury them?
GIs are liable to spill the beans, the CIA is too stupid, so that leaves George W. and the Bible Buddy, whatever that means, Karl Rove, to do the work.
This is some liberal.
Another mysterious trip to Iraq shovels out and here comes the election.
Here is a report out of IRIB News.
It's been very accurate in the past compared to our media.
Iranian News, folks.
Official news agency.
Bush met Saddam on November 27th.
A Pakistan newspaper on Tuesday published a report claiming a meeting had taken place between U.S.
President George Bush and former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on November 27th.
The Urdu-language newspaper, Call Brain, quoting some newspapers, said that during the unexpected sojourn to Baghdad, Bush met deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on November 27th.
The Daily Further said that Saddam had tried to commit suicide
On November 23rd, while he was arrested with the help of Kurd leader Jahl Talbani and his own guard, three days before the attempt to kill himself, the local press, like in all other countries, gave front page extensive coverage of the stories about Saddam's arrest and the circumstances which led to his capture.
I have no idea, again, if that's accurate.
Turned out to be more accurate in the past when they report on it.
Again, all I know is we have a Pentagon that plants hundreds of fake letters from troops in newspapers with fake signatures with the troops saying how much they love the war.
We have a Pentagon that stages the quote Jessica Lynch fable and then nobody gets in trouble for it.
That creates false out of whole cloth
Niger documents of uranium transfers.
Lies about mobile weapons trucks.
When they knew day one those were pumping up hydrogen blimps sold by the British to Saddam in 1985.
They knew day one what they were.
Our own government buys those from the British.
They make some of the best.
The mass graves were an exchange program between Iraq and Iran.
And it was declared in 92 that the UN had been there.
Everybody knew that, but our government ran to that scene and said, look, mass graves.
It's amazing!
Absolutely amazing!
And there are hundreds of other lies.
You can call in and list some of the ones I've missed or haven't covered if you'd like.
So now I watch this whole Saddam thing with McDermott and LaHood and Franks talking about, you know, they knew where he was at.
We're about to grab him.
I already had him.
We've got Albright running around saying that they've, you know, got Bin Laden.
They're going to roll him out right before the election.
And I've been saying this for almost, what is it, it's like 22 months.
Twenty-three months, almost.
And they don't care.
People say, well, a conspiracy this big couldn't hold water.
People talk.
They do talk!
Public officials say they were warned not to fly to New York on September 11th.
They admit people were trained at U.S.
military bases.
The FBI was paying for their cars and credit cards and homes of the supposed hijackers.
The firefighters admit bombs in the buildings.
I mean, it all comes out.
No one's held accountable.
It comes out there's a trillion-two missing from the Pentagon.
Back page of the paper once or twice.
Halliburton's bed-rigging and scamming.
Nothing happens.
They're building pipelines in Afghanistan.
Dying Corps is kidnapping women and children.
Get caught publicly, nothing happens.
I mean, it's just wall-to-wall evil.
We'll come back and cover more news.
Bush says we're going to the moon.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So, just recapping briefly, the Iranians are claiming that Bush met with Saddam on November 27th after he had been captured weeks before.
Madeleine Albright is saying that they've already got bin Laden, they're going to roll him out for the election, and that's the info I've had for almost two years.
Also, leaked news network memos say they're going to have a staged discovery of weapons of mass destruction here pretty soon.
And after all the lies and staging and falsifying evidence, they've already done it with uranium.
They've already tried to plant evidence once.
They've been caught!
Not once, the mobile weapons trucks, the dozens of supposed weapons of mass destruction finds.
Who knows what's really going to happen here, but it's very, very interesting.
We're about to go to your calls.
Then later, National Review a few weeks ago, and now KXII and the Associated Press and a bunch of other media outlets have reported that Bush was scheduled
To report today the plan to go to the moon.
December 17th.
We will see if that happens.
The White House has said they're going to be announcing this.
We'll see if that happens.
More details of that coming up and just a bunch of other really, really important news items here on the show today.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
Barney, Adam, Rob and others, your calls are up next.
Barney, first caller of the day from Maryland.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
I still say we should turn Saddam Hussein loose and try Bush for murder and for being a traitor who violated the Constitution.
And how has Bush violated the Constitution?
Illegal war.
The country has to be in danger of insurrection or an invasion.
And the House and Senate has to declare the war, and they take and draft the President and confer the title of Commander-in-Chief on him.
That's true, but who cares about that Constitution?
We're getting rid of that.
You must be a liberal.
I'm an old-timer.
How can we believe anything Bush says?
How could Saddam Hussein, with a defense budget of $1.8 billion,
I think so.
And we spend, uh, a waste ten times as much as that.
No, wait a minute.
So what if Saddam Hussein was an admitted CIA asset?
So what if our government told him to attack Iran?
So what if our government told him to invade Kuwait?
We're supposed to engage in double-think.
Our government's good.
Their government's bad.
And we're supposed to learn the Orwellian double-think of we're always at war with East Asia.
We're never at war with East Asia.
Oceania has never been at war with... Again, we've got to learn double think.
2 plus 2 equals 5.
Right, but we have a perfect right to go around the world.
Killing innocent people, breaking up our young people's homes and families.
Now wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Saddam is evil.
Now China's good.
They're threatening to invade Taiwan now and Bush has cut them loose and says we're not going to help you, which I think is a good thing.
You're a communist, Barney, if you're for Taiwan.
They're the communists, just like we're the liberals.
That's right.
Thanks for the call, Barney.
Barney's beginning to learn here.
If you're pro-gun, pro-family, pro-border, pro-Taiwan, you're a liberal.
If you're anti-gun, anti-family, pro-open border, anti-Taiwan, you're a good conservative.
If you worship at Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones, you're a Christian.
If you worship Jesus, you're a wicked devil, according to them.
And so we've got to learn this new way here.
Let's go ahead now and go to some of the other callers patiently holding.
Adam in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you today?
Fine, sir.
I'm a little disappointed in the fact that I was on the list of callers yesterday afternoon and kind of ran out before time, didn't get a chance to get on before time, ran out on the show.
On my list of things that I wanted to talk to you about yesterday was an organization called tbrnews.org.
The reason why I wanted to discuss this with you is primarily because of the fact that on December 2nd, you had a point to point out the U.S.
News article talking about the flu epidemic that was approaching the United States.
I know for a fact that a month prior to that, I had somehow stumbled across tbrnews.org, and
For those of you who don't know, they have a section where they talk about leaked memos that somehow came into the possession of tbrnews.org, and where back in July they talked about stopping, you know, talking about through the news media outlets, stop talking about SARS, the flu, that type of thing.
Go ahead.
We'll stay there.
I'll let you finish up when we get back, find out exactly what you're getting at.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright my friends, we're now about 33 minutes and 20 seconds into the first hour of this global transmission.
As we crash through the lies and disinformation, we're about to go back to the phone lines.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We can talk about the passage of Patriot Act 2 over the weekend that no one seems to know about, but I have the Associated Press here in front of me and Ron Paul's comments about the legislation, calling it a stealth enactment of Patriot Act 2.
We could talk about the Saddam situation and Madeleine Albright saying they've got Bin Laden or planning to roll him out before the election.
Something I've been hearing for almost two years.
And also we can get into the economy.
Bush was scheduled, according to the mainstream media, to be announcing our new moon mission today.
I don't know if that's going to happen with all the Saddam stuff going on, but we'll see what develops here.
We were talking to Adam in Pennsylvania.
And Adam was mentioning this website that's put out some pretty good stuff in the past.
Leaked news memos.
That purportedly leaked news memos from one of the big broadcast media outlets, one of the big three folks, talking about the New World Order activities, discussions of martial law, the capture of Saddam, all of it, and now they're talking about weapons of mass destruction to be planted and released here very soon.
But going back to Adam, he was mentioning some memos he read about the flu and SARS, and
I had not read those.
I'm not sure where he's going with this, but let's find out.
Adam, go ahead.
Well, Alex, quite simply, one of the things that lends credibility to the work that you do, and individuals such as myself, is the fact that you do come across things and then they come to fruition in the future.
Again, I came across that site in doing some research on the contrived nature of the media back in October.
On December 2nd, you read this.
Again, it was...
I don't even remember the name of the newspaper, but at any rate, it was, you know, that this pandemic is coming, this epidemic of flu is coming.
And again, having read... Well, it was the New York Times saying they're going to have quarantines, digital badges, roundup camps in every major city and small town.
That was the New York Times two Mondays ago.
And again, so that clicks in my head that, you know, hey, I read this a month ago that apparently these leaked memos
Again, was telling individual news directors, you know, to lay off this.
Now we have monkey pox, that type of thing.
We're going to go on to something else, and we'll get back to this.
Essentially, we'll get back to this when it fires back up in the winter.
Now here it was December 2nd, and then I've subsequently watched every day since then how this thing's built.
Oh, I remember that.
I remember that.
That was about six months ago.
They were saying that lay off this, bring it back up in the winter.
It's going to get, yeah, yeah.
And so, again, that was just on the bottom of my list.
And now here today, we see something on PrisonPlanet.com where it's relating back to the fact that these weapons of mass destruction will be brought out.
My question to you is, is that, you know, what do you know about this organization?
Because one of the primary concerns is the fact that, as is the case with a number of individuals out there, they come out with information, yet behind the scenes they have things.
If the only thing that's on that website
Are these leaked memos?
Aside from the fact that they have a large bookstore, that every single book in there is about Hitler, or fascism, or that type of thing.
My question to you is, is that what do you know about this organization?
You know, that's a good point.
I need to research him and I need to have him on the show because I haven't focused on it very much.
I focus on what the globalists are doing publicly in the legislation and my information, but I will investigate it and try to get him on.
The only thing that I would warn you about is, again, the fact that I know that I read this prior to the fact of the flu outbreak.
No, I remember it now.
Yeah, you spurred my memory, yes.
But then now, the one thing I do have to say, I've been watching it every day since October,
When I found it and then again every single day since this flu thing that I came up with.
Well I have to say I found the stuff in there to be very accurate but it's also not very hard to predict the next move with a globalist.
I mean I sit here and don't say I have leaked memos.
I just tell you what they're going to do next and it almost always happens.
So, again, I just don't know.
I haven't focused too much on it.
Okay, and the only, the last thing I want to say is that, and again, the things that lend credibility to the work that you do and that other people such as myself do, is the fact that you come across things prior to their actual happening.
I did come across the Project for a New American Century prior to, you know, Crystal and the gang being uncovered for exactly who they are.
The one thing that I want to give to your listeners is that when you put Project for a New American Century together with a document called Joint Vision 2020, are you familiar with that?
You put those two things together and you'll get a complete
Absolute picture of exactly where the United States is going.
That's all I have.
Total command and control.
Total martial law.
Troops with machine guns at your back in the factories.
Read Joint Vision 2020 to all the listeners out there.
Thanks for the call, Adam.
Rob in Wyoming.
Rob, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
A couple things.
First of all, the early Sunday reports about Saddam's capture showing the pictures, they definitely said that it was a fake beard that the soldiers pulled off.
I remember.
Okay, second thing, this Roy LaHood, or Ray LaHood, Illinois, I've always been suspicious of him ever since a week after September 11th.
And he's on the Intelligence Committee and December 2nd he tells Illinois newspapers that we're about to catch Saddam, I know something you don't know, that's a quote.
And then McDermott says it and he's bad, but why aren't the neocons talking about this Republican or Tommy Franks saying similar things?
Well, and even, yeah, Tommy Frankenstein.
Yeah, a military man that's warning about a military rule.
Isn't he motivated to make sure that happens?
Well, he says, you know, it's too bad, but this is what the people demand and this is the next step.
Well, I want to tell you about Roy LaHood, okay?
On September 19th, 2001, and you can find this past shows of Talk of the Nation on NPR, the second hour.
Uh, they play back the archives.
The very last caller on the second hour of that show, the title was Intelligence Failures.
And of course all it was was just a bunch of apologies for... We need more funding!
We don't want to point the finger.
And I called up, this before I ever heard of you, I never heard of Body of Secrets by James Bamford, Northwoods, Operation Northwoods, and so on at this time.
But it was a little over a week after September 11th.
I was the last caller and it was like pulling teeth to get that screener to let me through, even though I didn't act like I was a conspiracy theorist or anything.
Finally, I got through and I just reamed them both.
The two guests were James Bamford
And Roy LaHood.
Ray LaHood.
Now, I didn't know James Banford was.
Anyway, after I pointed out, before I heard about the NORAD stand-down, it just made no sense that, you know, they couldn't defend the nerve center of the military.
And I pointed out that I used an unassumed name, Tom from Salt Lake City.
And I said, it doesn't make any sense that they would all jump on the computer virus bandwagon.
That's what they were saying at the time.
Human intelligence, they hadn't looked at.
But that nobody would stop to think maybe we should defend the Pentagon in such a way that it doesn't take 40 minutes to reach it with an interceptor.
And then at the very end of the call, instead of going to James Bamford, which I now see would have been the appropriate opinion to get, the host, Neil Conan, goes immediately to Ray LaHood, who, just right off the top, oh, it's all nonsense, you're just out in the trees, it's ridiculous, our CIA is always saving the world from Dr. No, and nobody hears about it.
And then, instead of going to James Bamford, he went to Daniel Shore.
Daniel Shore says, oh, I think we already have enough conspiracies.
We don't need to invent any.
So I've been suspicious of that LaHood character for two years now.
And then he's out spouting off about, I know something you don't know, we're about to roll out Saddam, but everybody ignores that and attacks the liberal congressman McDermott to make it a partisan issue.
Thanks for the call.
And now we have Madeleine Albright saying they're going to roll bin Laden out for the election.
And that's what the political insiders have been running around Austin saying.
People supposedly on Air Force One hearing discussions of this.
I mean, these people love to brag, folks.
You've got Franks bragging.
You've got LaHood bragging.
You've got them spouting off.
People around here spouting off.
And it's amazing.
Let's talk to Clint in Missouri.
Clint, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
No problem, Alex.
I just want to know if you've noticed the blind patriotism that's pretty rampant right now.
You know, a while back, this might be a little controversial, but I stopped flying my American flag because I didn't approve of what was going on, and besides that, a couple years ago, a friend of mine got into a debate with John Ashcroft via email, and my friend was saying that's the people's flag, and Ashcroft was insistent, no, that's the government's flag.
So he took his down, and it wasn't long later I took mine down, because, you know, if it's the government's flag and not the people's, I have no use for it.
Well, let me just stop you right there.
The American flag is just a symbol, and if you know what it represents, it represents the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, liberty and freedom.
Now, Hitler took the German flag that represented some good things, he wrapped himself in it,
And then said, support me or you don't support the flag.
The flag is just a symbol.
So just because they've expropriated the flag, just because Bill Clinton or George Bush uses it for their aims and wraps themselves in it, doesn't mean the flag is bad.
And certainly they've expropriated it now, and so when you fly it, it means, oh, I support this whole agenda.
But I would recommend flying it upside down, which is not disrespectful.
In the U.S.
Code, it means we're in distress.
We're in crisis.
When somebody asks, why is the flag upside down, you can explain, well, because America is in distress.
What the flag symbolizes, liberty and freedom, is dying.
I mean, if we lose our liberties, America isn't America anymore.
And so, you know, that's where I stand on the flag.
Take flag burning.
They want to get a constitutional convention going and under a CON CON they can rewrite the whole Bill of Rights and Constitution.
That's their excuse to get a CON CON going so they can ban burning the flag or its image even on clothes or you can't put it on bumper stickers.
That's what the bill would do.
I don't like burning the flag.
I hate those that burn it because they hate America.
Because they're burning it for wrong reasons.
But I will defend the right to burn it because it's the First Amendment.
The soul of what that flag is
What it represents, the First Amendment, says I can burn that flag.
So my point is that don't blame the flag or the Constitution or America for what these overthrowers of the Republic are doing.
Well, this is what I'm running into.
There's an attitude about now, you know, that it's almost like you must fly it.
You will fly it.
And it's been in my face for a while now.
Well, I know this.
Before 9-11, the FBI put out flyers and said, watch out for people that have American flags.
They did, folks.
Watch out for those that talk about the Constitution all the time.
We were weird, because we were always out with the red, white, and blue.
And then overnight, oh, now it's OK to fly it again.
But to me, it's just when somebody throws it in my face and demands that I do it,
I'm not going to do it.
Well, take the neighborhood I live in.
About 95% of the houses have giant American flags.
Yep, that's my neighborhood too.
And because of that, whereas I flew an American flag in the past, I took mine down.
Only because I am not going to be part of the, you know, wrapping myself in the flag like Hitler did, you know, because now it's being used as the symbol to push their agenda.
Thanks for the call.
But that doesn't mean the flag is bad.
It just means that I had my flag up before all these other people did, and when the government suddenly says put it up, this means you accept the agenda of the Patriot Act and the tyranny.
That's when the flag gets put in the closet, folded up properly.
Let's talk to Chris.
Chris in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
We'll put him on hold and have him turn his radio off.
And then we'll go back to Chris here in just one moment.
We'll go ahead and go back to Chris now.
Chris in Florida.
Go ahead.
Okay, he's off.
Getting confused by some lengthy delay and we'll go back to calls here in a few minutes once I get those straightened out.
Again, Albright thinks Bush hiding Bin Laden.
Former Secretary of State Mallet Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracki yesterday she suspects President Bush knows the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and is simply waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture.
Kondracki made the announcement about what Albright told him backstage before an appearance on another Fox show on special report with Brent Hume.
Kondracki was incredulous that a former Secretary of State could believe something like that about a US administration
She was not smiling when she said this, Offred Kondracki, who believes Albright is serious about the conspiracy theory.
Continuing here, this is from the official Iranian news service, IRIB.
Bush met Saddam on November 27th.
A Pakistani newspaper on Tuesday published a report claiming a meeting had taken place between U.S.
President George Bush and former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on November 27th.
The Urdu-language newspaper, Tal Brain, quoted some reports, said that during the unexpected sojourn to Baghdad, Bush met the post-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on November 27th.
The Daily further said that Saddam had tried to commit suicide on November 23rd while he was arrested with the help of the Kurd leader Jahl Talbani and other his own guards three days before the attempt to kill himself.
The local press, like in all other countries, gave front page extensive coverage to the stories about Saddam's arrest and the circumstances which led to his capture.
Again, I don't know if that's accurate.
They've been more accurate than our media in the past.
Leaked news, network memos, staged discover weapons of mass destruction will follow Saddam arrest.
More on that coming up also.
To the moon, Bush said to want new loaner program to announce it today.
This is from two weeks ago from Associated Press, you name it.
Bush may yet wish Saddam had been killed.
That's out of Australia.
Because of his business dealings with him.
Fed's outline plan on enemy combatant status.
Reserve Unit Commander says many troops infected with parasitic diseases.
Nicaragua village in the grip of madness.
Wait to hear about this bizarre article in Guardian.
China calls Taiwan's Chin immoral.
Vows to crush independence drive and they got the help of Bush on that so look for that to happen.
That's coming up when we get back and then more of your calls before I end this segment.
I want to encourage all listeners to visit PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com and to order my documentary films, Matrix of Evil, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, Masters of Terror, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, America Destroyed by Design, Police State 2000, Police State 2, The Takeover,
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Order three or more, they drop down to $20 a piece.
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We'll be back with the next segment.
More news, more calls.
Stay with us.
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There is so much other news I haven't even gotten to yet.
And we need to get back into the Patriot Act too being passed over the weekend, signed by Bush.
Smokescreen by the Saddam capture.
But right now let's go back to the calls.
And I want to ask the listeners.
Do you think they're going to roll Saddam out?
The trial for the election?
We know that's going to happen.
Are they going to now capture or do they have on ice Osama Bin Laden?
Or one of his look-alikes?
We know he's a CIA asset.
What do you think is going to happen, folks?
And why is the neocon socialist media attacking their cohort, the Democrat,
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are you?
I wanted to make a very brief comment concerning my personal journey to awareness of the general objective of creating a one world government.
And I wanted to ask you to comment on one possible scenario for the future, if you wouldn't mind, please.
Basically, Alex, when I was just 13, I read this book that you're probably familiar with called None Dare Call a Conspiracy by the late Senator Gary Allen.
Which basically lays bare the incestuous relationship between international banking and politics.
This led me to countless other books and personal research and led, I suppose, many to conclude that I was some sort of weirdo.
I was only 13.
And you read that book written in 1972.
It's all come true.
Absolutely, sir.
So I would sit there in junior high or high school many, many years ago and I would suggest in the middle of the classroom an entirely different version of, say, what might have led us to any individual war or absolutely every war in the history of this country versus what's
Yeah, 92% of us believe the government killed Kennedy, so I guess we're all kooks now.
So I've made my way in this world, as you have and so many millions others who are blessed to have been born in this country, and I've watched with both amazement and disgust what amounts to the degradation and destruction of America and the entire Western world in my young adult life.
And I think you know, Alex, the fate that awaits those nations who turn their backs on our Creator and embrace the self-destructive philosophy of humanism.
But without belaboring that point, I wanted to make a final observation and simply pose a question to you.
As you know, it's been reported in major media outlets now, from CNN to London's Guardian newspaper, that basically we're running out of oil.
And you've touched on this subject many times.
The experts say that world peak oil might be reached in 2004 to 2010.
And for those who don't know what that means, I urge them to try to figure that out.
But I wanted to ask you, is anyone recognizing the relationship between what amounts to a naked grab for the last vestiges of raw
...resources from this planet, namely oil and the profits associated with it, that's going on in the world today.
And of course, the so-called justification for it, of course, the so-called War on Terror brought to you courtesy of the same people who brought you the War on Drugs, and the War on Crime, and the War on Poverty, and so forth and so on.
And finally, Alex, do you see the United States declining, and do you see the rise of certain powers in the East?
Do you see, in our time, in our lives, perhaps,
Uh, our own streets being occupied by foreign powers, namely China and Russia.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, my friends.
It's Wednesday, the 17th of December, 2003.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And we're going to have wide open phones.
We've taken a lot of calls.
I want to take a lot more in the next two hours covering any news item, any issue from the economy to the Second Amendment to police state legislation and Patriot Act 2 being quietly signed by Bush on Saturday, to Madeleine Albright's comments about Rowling, Ben Laden out, who has already been captured or held right before the election.
What do you think about these developments and more?
Or Bush's
They've been saying this for two weeks in the Associated Press, National Review, that Bush is supposedly going to announce anytime now a new lunar mission to the moon.
Let me answer Chris's question, though, from Florida, because he asked this question, lengthy question, and then we ran into the end of the last hour.
He was saying, is America in decline, or will America decline?
Well, savings and the middle class have been evaporating, is declining, debt is increasing, bankruptcies are exploding.
All of this is happening.
Repossessions, bankruptcy, and so clearly that has been the stated plan of globalism is to lower our standard of living to make us more manageable.
Then you say, do we see a rise in the East?
The kings of the East?
A billion and a half people?
And the answer is yes.
The globalists have said that's going to be the new model country.
They've got the implantable microchip plants being built there for Applied Digital and IBM.
They've got the euthanasia and the infanticide and the abortion.
They've got the enslavement control grid down.
And they are the model.
And so the middle class in the West is to be destroyed and broken down and turned into a large third world system.
And that is their plan.
And will we have foreign troops on our streets as you ask?
They've signed dozens of deals publicly for Canadian, Mexican, Czech Republic troops to patrol our streets, quote, if we're attacked by more terrorists and our troops are, quote, tied down in the war on terror overseas.
And we have a giant section on foreign troops and concentration camps.
All mainstream news at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And they're passing the accompanying legislation.
And we have all these generals like Eberhardt, the head of NORTHCOM, and the outgoing head of CENTCOM, Tommy Franks, talking about this.
We have the news memos where they're discussing getting us ready for it.
But the good news is I've never seen such an awakening.
I've never seen so many people not buying the propaganda.
I give the example almost every day on air, because it's the best news I have.
Five, six, seven years ago, half the callers to this show vehemently disagreed.
Now the show is conservatively 100 times bigger.
And we can't get people to call in to disagree, though we beg them to.
But it's not just my own show.
I've done over 1,300 radio interviews in the last two-plus years.
Since 9-11, I've done probably 500 before that over the years, but things have accelerated, and the vast majority, I'd say 30 to 1, of the callers totally agree with the information I bring forward, no matter how hardcore.
92% of people, up from last year at 82%, 92% in major polls, dozens of them I looked at, believe the CIA and FBI killed Kennedy.
I guess 8% of the people are calling 92% of us raving lunatics.
Well, that's fine.
If we're all grassy knoll conspiracy theorists, I guess we're all on the knoll, and you're down in the gutter believing propaganda.
So, we're winning this fight, and they're desperately trying to maintain control of the illusion by screening phone calls on mainstream talk radio, by controlling the news, by making it look like we're all idiots.
We're not idiots.
We're waking up and joining the battle for the Republic.
When we get back, we'll get into more news and your calls on any issue you'd like to discuss.
And if you want to disagree with me, hit me with your best shot.
Want to call in from foreign countries?
Doesn't matter.
I'd like to hear why you think I'm wrong.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we're about to go back to the loaded phone lines.
Clyde in Colorado, Ken in Texas, and Dan in Tennessee, and Georgia, Missouri, Cole in New Mexico, and many others.
This news needs to be recapped, because it's such big news.
And I would hope that you, some of the listeners, would comment on this.
Though you can discuss any issue you want, it's open lines today, and each and every day, because I love the directions our listeners take us in.
Randomly, it becomes quite revealing sometimes, developing the big picture of what the One World Government is, and what it's doing to us.
Malcolm Albright thinks Bush hiding Bin Laden.
Former Secretary of State Malin Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracki yesterday she suspects President Bush knows the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and is simply waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture.
Kondracki made the announcement about what Albright had told him backstage before an appearance on another Fox show special report with Bret Hume.
Kondracki was incredulous that a former Secretary of State
But the point here is...
That it doesn't matter if it's Milo Albright, the creature.
It doesn't matter if it's the socialist gun grabber McDermott saying that it looks like it's staged with the Saddam arrest.
Because we're all having these questions.
We have a military that planted hundreds of fake letters from troops with fake signatures in hundreds of newspapers.
It came out, was admitted, and nothing happened.
No one was brought to justice.
They had the military propagandizing us.
They created a fake dossier, intelligence report, from Niger on uranium.
They created reports of fake mobile weapons trucks.
They knew day one they were sold to them by the British, to Saddam, to pump up balloons for surveillance.
They lied about the mass graves.
They knew in 92 that those were a transfer point.
Between dead Iraqis and dead Iranians.
The Iranians said, that's ridiculous.
Since, you know, 92 we've been exchanging dead, even before 92.
Since the end of our war with them in 89.
Boxes full of bones and sand dug up out of the desert.
This is the reality.
They knew, they ran to that place and said, oh look, mass graves, this warehouse of dead bodies.
And well, we have our own warehouses.
We're always getting dead troops, hundreds a year, back from the Vietnamese.
Same thing with Korea.
And they knew that.
I'm not defending Saddam either.
The point here is, they've been lying to us.
They've been planting false news stories.
You know, Private Lynch told you it was quote a fable.
It was made up.
Jerry Bruckheimer produced that.
So with all this lying going on, how can we believe anything they're saying?
And again, I had this almost two years ago, I've said it on air many times, that somebody in the Bush administration said they were on Air Force One and they talked about how they already have Bin Laden on ice, he died of kidney failure, they're going to roll him out before the election.
I don't know if that's true, but here's Madeleine Albright,
Twenty-three months after I talk about it, saying it.
So I don't know what's going on.
I don't know if this is true.
I just know we've been lied to so many times that we don't know what the truth is.
And one of the big pieces of evidence of this incredible collusion, and then we'll go to your calls, is that it took the Russians eight and a half years to get their tails kicked and to never subdue Afghanistan.
And in 79, before the war even started, the CIA, publicly, went into Afghanistan, stirred up, created the Mujahideen, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, this is all admitted, mainstream news folks, you know, these big heroes, is what they called them.
And they had them go attack Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, started attacking border towns, the Soviets got afraid, I'm not defending the Soviets either, just giving you the geopolitical system, what happened, the admitted facts, they invade,
They invade and then our government starts giving stinger missiles and all the weapons to the Afghans and they kick the tails of the Soviets.
They lose a million to Afghans in the fight.
The Russians nerve gas and cluster bomb and napalm and hundreds of thousands of Afghan fighters died.
Tens of thousands of Russians died.
Hundreds and hundreds of thousands, over a million of the civilians died.
It was horrible!
And then they pull out in the late 80s.
And then we fast forward to 2001.
We get attacked supposedly by these 19 hijackers.
And then our military goes in to Afghanistan.
And in a month, all opposition crumbles.
Everybody pulls out.
Our military goes in, captures frontline fighters who'd been conscripted, stuck in lice-infested holes, much like Saddam was staying in, on the front lines.
The Northern Alliance grabs them, puts them in container boxes.
Half of them die from that over, you know, weeks in there.
They pull them out, line 3,000 up in a pop, machine gun them with special forces overseeing the executions.
They grab some of them.
Stick them on jets, fly them to Guantanamo Bay, they're 15-year-old kids, they're shoemakers, they're 85-year-old men.
The general over the camp, General Rick Baucus, resigns, says, I refuse to torture people who aren't even Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
There's nobody here at the camp.
The LA Times reports, the government admits, there's no Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
And where did the 8,000 Arab fighters, CIA background, Taliban, Al Qaeda people go?
This is a fact, folks.
In the middle of the fighting in Kandahar and several other cities, C-130s land, piloted by the CIA.
And this is the middle of the fighting.
Load them on the planes and fly.
My film says 6,000 plus.
Now it's admitted it's 8,000.
Load them on planes, fly them into Pakistan, pay them in gold bars and all this money, Musarraf protects them, who our government put in power and who we protect, and suddenly all opposition crumbles.
Now the Northern Alliance have been complaining, communist drug dealers that they are, who we were using to fight the supposed war,
They were complaining.
Remember, we're not allowed to shell the cities.
We're not allowed to shell where the Arab fighters are.
There's three lines.
There's conscripts in the front line, then low-level Taliban in the second line of trenches around the cities, and then the Arab fighters are in the third line.
We're not allowed to bombard them.
Then they pull them out three weeks into the fighting.
Suddenly they're allowed to bomb all the trenches.
They roll in, blow up the cities, blow up everything, kill everybody.
You know, you kill tens of thousands.
All this takes place.
Scorched Earth policy.
And then they fly again the 8,000 out right before all that happens and they grab some of the kids and old men, put them in the camps to make you think they're actually fighting some type of enemy.
Special Forces colonels and generals go on the record because they're not part of the conspiracy.
They say every time we have Taliban or Al Qaeda cornered, oh this is the Times of London, BBC, San Francisco Chronicle, fleets of black helicopters would land.
We'd be ordered to stand down.
This is mainstream news.
Black helicopters.
Special Forces Colonel publicly saying, black helicopters land, our helicopters land, load them up and fly them out to safety.
I'm outraged.
And then suddenly the Colonel gets called back to the US, other officers spoke out, dying in automobile accidents, you know, all this happens.
And we win a war in a month, but the Russians couldn't win with ten times the troops in eight years.
Now, it is admitted
Times of London, Fox News, Associated Press have a huge section on Prison Planet and InfoWars on this, the 9-11 section.
It's in Road to Tyranny.
It's in Masters of Terror, folks.
All the articles, it's just jam-packed with them.
They fly them out to safety, and the government goes, yeah, we did, when they got caught, when the generals and colonels went public, it was an accident!
And we go, oh, it's an accident!
You got our troops surrounding this trash!
And they're told not to kill them.
And then we grab kids and take them for torture, so you sit there and think they're doing something.
Now the same thing happened in Iraq.
I got Rumsfeld on tape, sitting there, a week before they invaded, at press conferences, and you know you saw him.
And he said, don't worry, we've paid off most of the Republican Guard, two-thirds of the regular Army,
They're going to crumble.
It's going to be an easy victory.
Don't worry.
Then once the war is won, the major military operations are won, he gets up and says, I never said there was a deal.
We fought the main force.
We're incredible.
Again, they know you don't have any memory.
They know that the media is not going to call them on this.
Imagine having Rumsfeld say, we've paid them all off.
A month later, we never paid anybody off.
That's a ridiculous conspiracy theory, he said.
And then we know, from the evidence, from reporters, Western reporters, that there were people being loaded on jets into Crete, US and Russian jets, and flown out.
Is it Saddam?
We don't know.
Then suddenly, all the evidence from inside's coming out, that they already had Saddam, or this Saddam individual, and that they were holding him.
And now Albright's saying they're going to roll bin Laden now.
Where there's smoke, there's fire.
And we have a history of them controlling the opposition, controlling it and having staged wars.
And it looks like they've done it again, folks.
It looks like they've done it again.
And so my question is to you, what do you think's going on?
We've been lied to so much.
But they have these staged wars where they have their CIA agents in there, the Arabs, the admitted CIA assets, trained, funded, everything, for over a decade.
They pull them out to safety, then attack when there's no leadership, take over, break the country up, and torture a bunch of innocent people.
Now, we're going to come back and go to Clyde and Ken and Dan and George and Cole and everybody else.
The other side of this quick break, then I'm going to get back into some other news.
Bush talking about a moon mission and Patriot Act II and some other key stuff we've got to go over.
But this is so important to understand that they've lied to us.
They've staged these wars.
We know that.
We know they flew the Arab fighters out.
We know the Pakistani General funded Mohammed Atta.
We know he met with the heads of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees on September 11th.
We know Bush Sr.
met with Bin Laden's older brother for breakfast at 8.30 in the morning.
We know they were all there, involved in it, public officials were told not to fly, and now they're getting a police state, and weapons sales, and oil, and opium out of it!
And that's your motive!
We're in deep trouble!
We're in the middle of a military coup!
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Alright, folks.
Thanks for holding.
Let's go through these calls quickly.
Let's talk to Clyde in Colorado.
Clyde, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to express my
Blessings for a blessed Christmas for you and your wife and of course all of your extended family.
Well, thank you, sir.
As well as GCN Network and of course all of your staff there and all of the affiliates, you know, that you have and hopefully God will continue to protect, excuse me, and bless you for the next year.
I don't think that at this stage, even myself, and I've been studying the New World Order, excuse me, and ironically I read none, dare call it conspiracy,
Well, that's my point, but...
We can't trust them.
When you have an FBI that's been caught running murder for hire and running the mob all over the country, and folks didn't know that, it's now come out.
When you have a Dallas Police Department that frames hundreds of people with chalk saying it's cocaine, people who've never dealt drugs, they just go plant it on people randomly, who weren't even trying to buy drugs or sell drugs.
When you've got a Houston crime lab that's framed thousands, the police chief admits,
I mean, every day I see where police are framing people.
We have a corrupt, out-of-control government.
We have a Pentagon that lies to us.
There's a million different scams they're running.
There's a trillion
A trillion, two hundred billion dollars, folks, missing from the Pentagon, and it's a minor news story.
You've got Halliburton running bid-rigging scams, and the average person doesn't even know what the First Amendment is, or where Iraq is on a map.
It is wall-to-wall corruption.
Alex, you know, one thing, I think you concentrate a lot on what government's doing, and I think that's our tendency.
But what I've followed for many years is the general lying and deception that comes from the general culture.
You know, government is just a reflection, to a great extent, it's just one of the institutions that the general manipulators, managers, owners, controllers of the culture create.
And I find that most of the corruption, although it's very obvious, I think, to the average person that there's massive corruption in government, what they do not recognize is how the general culture
Originating from academia and K-12 and Hollywood and the general media, you know, television, radio, etc., even off the internet.
I don't think the average person realizes how much of the general lying and deception is just plainly coming from that source.
And the government, the connection between the two, that is that the institutions of government are nothing more than a reflection.
They're actually controlled by people that we would think were in the
I've got to let you go but good points.
Thanks for the call and thanks for your kind words.
It's kind of a feedback loop, though.
The media and the culture tries to corrupt us.
Man is already wicked and likes to do these types of things, so it's not a hard nudge to get that done.
But if we had a moral, informed, upright people, they couldn't be getting away with this.
So it's kind of the chicken or the egg, what comes first.
It's all part of this process.
Ken in Texas.
You're on the air, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
I called it kind of a little bit to disagree with you on a few things.
Well, that's fine.
Go ahead.
You seem to be against neocons and socialists and liberals and stuff like that, and I agree with you on stuff like that, but sometimes I feel you take hot shots at the Germans, and I want to say that the reason World War I and World War II were fought was to make room for all these people like the socialists and communists and neocons you talk about.
Well, I don't take pot shots at the German people.
Hitler was an occultist.
Hitler was an oppressor, and Hitler was funded by Prescott Bush and the British royal family, and what was set up to create a crisis so they could offer their UN solution.
World War I wasn't big enough, so they didn't get their League of Nations, so they needed World War II to be on a wider scale, and it was.
Yeah, well, we had misinformation before World War II.
When Germany invaded Poland, it's because 50,000 German patriots, the flower of that government, were massacred.
I'm sure you heard of the Keating Forest Massacre.
So Germany invaded Poland.
But the American media told the American people the reason why Germany was invading Poland was because they wanted more land.
So you had misinformation back then.
Well, Adolf Hitler was funded by the big bankers.
That's possible.
It's not possible.
It's historical fact.
Yeah, but it shouldn't be anti-Germanic because of the people.
I didn't say I was against the German people.
I'm not against anybody.
Thanks for the call.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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The stage is being
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Alright, it's wide open phones.
We're taking your calls, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's, uh, about the state of the world.
About how our civilization is developing and the controlling influence that wants to dumb us down and get control of our lives, as despots have always tried to do in history, but somehow they've tried to convince the general public that government corruption doesn't exist, as it's all around you and growing at record levels.
Uh, let us, uh, go ahead and talk now.
To, I believe, up next is George in Missouri.
George, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Speak with you?
I'm going to talk to you.
I've got a question regarding to something I believe I may have seen it on your website some months ago and it related to an interview that George Bush Sr.
was granting to some woman and she asked him a question, Mr. President, if the American public knew
Uh, you know, more or less what you were up to, uh, what would happen, and he said they would run us down in the street and hang us.
Do you recall that?
Uh, no, I do not remember that, and I did not see that.
Someone, uh... But you don't remember where the article was from, or...?
I sure don't, and I thought it was a startling admission, and I was hoping it was on your website, because I was going to try to get an exact site, but I don't recall if I actually saw it.
Yeah, when you saw it, I would have printed that out if I was you.
Yeah, I don't recall if I... I just don't remember where I saw it and I just assumed, because I'm visiting your website so often, that I just assumed it was on your website.
Hey, let me ask you a question.
What do you think of Madeleine Albright saying they've got Bin Laden and they're going to roll him out for the election?
Well, that's an interesting thing.
I thought she was one of them, you know?
For her to make that admission is kind of startling.
But see, she's a leftist doing it, so that will balkanize or polarize the debate.
Well, that gets a little complicated then.
I'm not really sure what kind of an opinion I'd have about it.
A couple other things, Alex.
I promote your website at every opportunity, tell people where to find it, what it's about, and I try to get them out of that Democratic, Republican, Left, Right, Conservative, Liberal thinking that they do, and you do such a great job of that, but I just refer them to your website.
You had a recap on 9-1-1 of
All these different websites.
So when you tell people, well, we had advanced knowledge.
Nah, we didn't know about it ahead of time.
Well, I printed out just that one page of the recap.
It referred to about 55 sites that you had put on over the months of all the evidence of advanced knowledge.
If that could be rerun or refer to it in the archives, maybe where a person could locate it.
It is on the website.
It is on the website.
It's on both the websites.
It's in the archives, though?
Okay, but to locate it, is there an easy way to locate it other than visiting every archived website?
Is there some way of doing it?
Every archived website, I don't understand.
Well, how would I find something like that?
Like, if I wanted to find those summaries of websites that related to 911, you know, like a summary, like when you printed the summary pages.
You know, I can't remember the exact headline of that article we put together with hyperlinks.
But I will try to remember that for you and announce it on air.
Thanks for the call, George.
Angus in Alberta, Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Angus.
Hello, Alex.
How are you today?
I'm fine.
I thought I'd give you a call.
I heard you talking about Madeleine Albright.
Thought I might give you a perspective of mine on that.
I think this is just the old game of
Those that would be predators beginning to turn upon themselves.
Well, we see this quite a bit in any power structure.
The elites agree upon feeding on us, consolidating power, dumbing us down, but they will fight with each other from time to time.
But, I mean, the buzz has been for years in Washington that they've already got Bin Laden on ice to roll him out.
Well, that's... I wouldn't be out at one bit.
Last week here in Edmonton, or about ten days ago, an entire Canadian Army detachment was given U.S.
Army Bronze Stars for their activities in Afghanistan.
I think about 700 of them.
And the thing that bothers me is, how many U.S.
soldiers do their time and never see that?
Well, I'll say this.
They signed a deal two years ago, merging the Canadian and the U.S.
military into the NORTHCOM jurisdiction, along with the Mexican military.
And so the deals have been signed as early as 1999.
The Army War College called for using Canadian and Mexican troops to, quote, patrol the United States.
To deal with American terrorists and for peacekeeping is the exact quote.
So this Pan-American Union has already been formed.
The Free Trade Areas of the Americas is just an expansion of that.
Just like with the European Union, they didn't tell the people of Europe, we're going to get rid of your sovereignty.
They just slowly did it.
Well, you know, all American patriots know how to deal with foreign troops on U.S.
So, make sure you give them a good welcome.
Alright, Angus.
Thanks for the call.
Leon, Leon, where are you calling us from?
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
And I really... Hello?
Oh, yes, I'm right here.
Where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Flores in Colorado.
Well, welcome.
Good to hear from you.
Yeah, well, I really appreciate all that you have to say.
You know, my sister in Utah turned me on to you.
She sent me 911 Road.
My wife and I watched it and were absolutely aghast.
How long have you been listening to the show since you got a copy of 9-11 and the Road to Tyranny?
Well, you came on the American Freedom Program here in Johnstown about the same time.
That was my introduction to you a week or so before, and I had no way of
That's wonderful synchronicity.
What's on your mind today?
What's on my mind today is the fact that you were talking about IBM.
There was a short blurb and I just about fell out of my chair on the local TV so-called news and they said that IBM was shipping, outsourcing to India 4,000 jobs and
Then there was also, on Sunday, there was this Denver Post article.
There's a guy named Richard Armstrong, has a loud mouth, and he's really pushing for some changes in Congress, and I just think it's really interesting that if the American people want to do something and get together, this article, if you read it, it was on the 14th, it's Jobs Exiled from U.S.
Give Rise to Activism.
Well... You know, that people... You know, it makes the...
Whatever you want to call them, so-called representatives in our government, they have to listen.
They have to do something if there's enough people that do it.
You know, and that's what I'm just really, what can I say, excited that you're out there doing what you're doing.
Well, I'm excited, Leon, that folks like yourself are out there taking action.
Well, I do what I can, and I really appreciated this.
I'm going to get some more of your videos, and I'm going to show them to people that
I've always argued with me, but I thought I was... My last comment had to do with Madeleine Albright.
I was arguing with a so-called... He's a friend of mine, but he wants to be a conservative, and I was trying to explain to him that how convenient... My comment to my wife was, as soon as they said this thing about... What's his name?
I thought it was being captured.
I thought, gee, that's convenient.
After, you know, things were just, traction was just getting, they had some real criticism of the Bush administration.
And, hey, please have that guy on again, I listened to the other day from the CIA.
Ray McGovern, thanks for the call.
Thanks for the call, I appreciate it.
Look, let me take your comments one by one and comment on them.
The layoffs to India alone are going to get seven times worse.
Seven times what they are now.
That's the Congressional Budget Office a few months ago.
And if you look at the news, IBM's laying off $2,000, $4,000, $5,000, $10,000.
Every few months you hear about more layoffs.
Same thing with Dell or General Motors or General Electric or Ford.
Everybody's doing it.
Doesn't matter if it's Phillips or
Any of these companies, the only people hiring are Wackenhut, and Pinkerton, and Jinecor, and Lockheed Martin, and most of what Lockheed Martin and others are doing is they're controlling the red light cameras, the face scanning software, IBM's built a giant plant that can produce hundreds of millions of implantable microchips, this is their own admission,
In Beijing, China, run by the Communist military.
So it's... Applied Digital is the front.
The real owners are IBM and the Communist military.
They're moving that big system over.
Well, they started construction a year ago.
It's built now.
They're outside a prison camp, literally, in Beijing.
And it was IBM who made the machines.
That's why the Jews and others in the Nazi camps had the ten-number
A code on them.
The tattoo.
You would enter that number into the IBM, the International Business Machine, and you would take calipers and measure how much fat they had, how old they were.
You'd enter all that in, what type of work you wanted them to do, and it would give you an average of how much to feed them to, if you wanted to starve them to death, work them to death, if you wanted to keep them alive, if they were too sick, to just go ahead and shoot them in the head.
Those IBM machines were used for that, and now that very same IBM company is behind the Human Genome Project, the race-specific bioweapons that Dick Cheney's talking about.
They control the Genome Project.
They are behind the implantable microchips.
And then what do they do?
What does Boeing do?
What does IBM do?
What do all these companies do?
They're all moving to China.
They're all moving to India.
And they're forcing all their employees to retrain their replacements.
And they're going to have their little useful idiot, you know, workforce here in America that just goes around selling us this system.
IBM are masters of coming into startup companies and implantable microchips, genetic engineering.
They're quietly buying up the entire market and then making sure that those technologies go into tyranny.
And so all that's happened is the military industrial complex and its private banker owners have decided to go ahead and buy up the rest of the economy, go ahead and get control of our lives, invest in prisons, invest in surveillance, invest in Big Brother.
And that's now the biggest part of our economy is prisons alone.
Not just the fastest growing, it's the biggest part of our economy is prisons.
And then the second biggest part is defense and weapons and surveillance.
And then on down the line is now manufacturing.
And the manufacturing gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller.
So it's about getting rid of your jobs so that you're under their control.
Good point, Leon.
Dan, we'll go to Dan now, in Tennessee.
Dan, you're on the air.
This is my first time caller, long time listener.
Thank you.
I just wanted to know, if Saddam goes to trial,
What kind of defense is he going to have?
Is he going to have like a high-profile lawyer, like a Johnny Cochran on the international level?
Or a military person?
Or how's that going to work?
Well, I predicted on Monday, and it's not a hard prediction to make, that they would not have the UN run the trial.
Now, I may be wrong about that, but Bush has said he, quote, wants the Iraqi people to try Saddam.
Well, let's look at what he means by Iraqi people.
He means the 300 member governing council, admittedly, appointed by Paul Bremer.
Appointed by our government.
That's all they did.
They appointed their puppets over each town, over each city, 320 of them.
And if one of them doesn't follow an order, they jerk them off there real quick and just put a military officer over that region.
And so when you hear, oh, the Iraqi people are going to try Saddam, that's hand-picked stooges.
I'm not defending Saddam, folks.
We're just talking about a fair trial.
Don't people deserve trials?
I mean, we've heard he's guilty of all this.
We know he's a business partner with the Bushes and everybody.
Shouldn't he have the right to bring that out?
Doesn't justice demand it?
So I predicted on Monday that you're going to have a panel of 9 to 12, maybe 20 judges, tribunal puppets.
And a bunch of them are going to be Iraqi people who were appointed.
Some others will be UN folks on the panel, and you'll have American representatives, and they'll do that.
And then they're going to Senate Saddam to death if he comes out.
I mean, the torture leverage they have is, we're going to execute you if you don't tell us what the weapons of mass destruction are.
That is, wink, wink, tell us how you shipped them to Syria or Iran.
And then maybe he'll get life in prison, and you know, then get cancer a year after the trial, and die.
That's what I wanted to see.
They're holding over his head the fact they can kill him, execute him.
I guarantee you they're going to torture him.
They have Dan Rather and everybody else out saying, let's torture him.
I hear people on talk radio go, the host, he's evil, he tortured people.
Next out of their mouth, let's torture him!
It's just this mindless double think.
When do you ever come into Tennessee?
You know, I like to travel.
I just never have time because I'm chained to a telephone doing radio interviews or chained to a microphone doing this show, which I enjoy.
I can do three or four radio interviews a day and reach 500,000 people just from other people's shows.
Or I can travel to Tennessee or wherever and talk to 500 people.
We'd just like to see you here, though, so we could see you in person and talk to you.
No, I would love to shake hands and see people and give a speech.
It's just that
And that's kind of the catch-22.
I didn't do this radio show.
I could travel around and make better films and do other things, but it's a catch-22 because I need this radio show to be able to reach out and really get to the mass of people.
Well, in the future, keep us updated on where you're going to be and so forth, if you're going to do any traveling, so we all know so we can come and see you.
Believe me, I will.
Thank you, Dan.
Thank you.
Thank you for your concern and that offer.
I do want to come to Tennessee.
I do want to go to Rhode Island.
I do want to go to Arkansas.
I do want to go to California.
I get speaking engagement offers every two days, and I'm so busy, folks.
That I miss emails from Vanity Fair wanting to interview me, or I miss interviews from Academy Award winning directors that want to talk to me.
And I end up not even calling people back who, you know, I'm not even going to get into it.
The point is that I'm so focused on this radio show, I'm so focused on radio interviews, I'm so focused on fighting the globalists,
I took time out to brush my teeth this morning.
I haven't eaten yet.
I've just been, you know, battling, trying to wake people up.
I'm not whining either.
I just... and I'm not burnt out.
I'm just... I don't want to say shell-shocked.
I just... fighting this continually.
Dealing with all the idiocy.
You know, dealing with just all the minutiae of daily life that, I don't know, I am definitely gauging my life and ways to fight the New World Order and better ways to fight the New World Order and trying to make changes, trying to increase and maximize the effect that I have in my fight against the globalists.
All right, we're going to come back and I'm going to hit on Patriot Act 2 because it needs to be recapped and we'll go to all these other callers and we have the third hour coming up straight at you as well after this break, so please stay with us.
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There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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What is your destiny?
Are you destined to eat hamburgers and guzzled beer and not know what your country, your constitution is, to not care about your children's future?
Are you destined to sit there at the ballpark eating hot dogs but not knowing how many continents there are?
Are you destined to, when you die, have your life mean absolutely nothing and to have been a bystander in the stream of humanity and the sacrifice that our forebears made for liberty and freedom?
It's worth all the gold in the hills, all the diamonds in the ground, all the treasure, all the crowns, in all of human history,
Doesn't even hold a candle to the value of standing up for decency and honor and family and humanity and righteousness and decency.
It means nothing to me.
All the garbage, all the baubles, all the, you know, the richest and most powerful people in the world will tell you they're the most miserable people in the world and they become more and more evil and their only pleasure is controlling and dumbing down populations and expanding their power and warring with humanity.
I stand against that tyranny, my friends.
And I know that there's a better future for humankind if you will feel the destiny in your heart and soul, the plan that God has for you, if you'll answer that call.
And if you will stand up against this evil, because the globalists are so evil, their crimes are so legion, the admitted crimes, that I am just blown over by it sometimes.
I am smashed.
I am crushed.
It is very painful.
Sometimes in the middle of the night, tears will start streaming as I just feel sorrow
Deep in my soul for humanity, for the sadness of all of the pain that innocent people have been through.
Those that have died from the cancer, putting them through the vaccines, and the HIV given to the Africans, and the horrible 54 million abortions, and just all of it.
All of it and how they put these dictators in power and all the horrible things they do.
Then they go take the dictator out and act like they're good and put in some new dictator who's even worse.
It's disgusting!
Now we're gonna go here in a few minutes to Jay and Morgan and Bill and Mike and everybody else.
It'd be nice to have some women call today.
Some days it's all women, most days it's all men.
It'd be nice to have a combination of those.
We do have a guest coming up too, you don't want to miss.
But here's Patriot Act 2.
You know, Bush signed this over the weekend, and Ron Paul's comments on H.R.
2417, known as the Intelligence Authorization Act, of, it appears we're witnessing a stealth enactment of the enormously unpopular Patriot Act 2 legislation.
And he goes on to say we need to defeat this legislation.
That was before it was passed and Bush signed it.
Here's the Associated Press.
Bush signs a bill extending FBI powers.
They can search anything.
So can the CIA.
No longer without warrants.
It's just carte blanche.
And it says most of the bill is secret.
But congressmen who have seen it say it's frightening.
So Bush signed that Saturday.
And he cut Taiwan loose last week, but eh, that doesn't matter.
Let's celebrate the fact that they caught their low-level business partner, one of their thugs.
Oh, the mafia boss gave us a scapegoat!
One of his little capos.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Before I end this hour and come back with your calls and a guest later in the next hour, if you believe in what we're doing, you want to be part of the fight, you want to be part of humanity defeating the globalists, the videos are the best tool we've found.
Get 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Matrix of Evil, Police State 3.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Don't wait folks, get the films, make copies, spread the word.
Third hour coming up.
I hope you'll stay with us.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, we've been covering the Saddam situation and Madeleine Albright's comments about how they're going to roll the already-captured Bin Laden out before the election the last few hours, but only because it's an illustration of propaganda and manipulation, so we can all be informed of it.
I had a guest on last week who I was very impressed with, and I'm going to have him back on routinely.
He's Douglas Valentine.
He's been studying the CIA and hit teams and torture in the police state for decades, and I have found maybe only one other person as informed as him, and that's Frank Morales, on the particulars of it, with the depth and knowledge, and he's going to be joining us coming up later in the hour, and next week I want to get him on for two hours.
I know we've got loaded phone lines, let's go back to those and then into some really serious info.
Well, I wonder who's up next here.
I guess Jay in Colorado is, then Morgan, Mike, Leslie, and Ryan, and others.
Jay, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks, Alex.
I just wanted to say, when I called last week or a week and a half ago about the videos being late, and that day you called me back, and bam, they were here in like four days, and I'm already making copies.
That's pretty great.
My only comment about that is I have a small staff and everything gets shipped out.
Sometimes we get an address wrong or something and when somebody calls me and asks where are the videos, I can't help people because I'm on air, but I'm glad you got those sir and I'm glad you're making copies and anytime anybody has a question,
And we try to take the messages off three times a day, and we try to answer it live, but it's impossible.
It's 512-291-5750 to call my office, 512-291-5750.
And the phone rings off the hook with, the police are taking my children right now!
They're taking my land right now!
There's helicopters spraying us right now!
They had an urban warfare training drill where they beat people up.
Help us!
SWAT teams are right in the schools.
They're beating our children up.
They put cameras up in my neighborhood.
Help me!
Call me!
And it's just millions.
I have millions of listeners.
I got three employees.
I'm pulling my hair out, brother.
So what's on your mind?
Well, tons of things, but that day I called, I was asking about Wesley Clark, Weasley Clark's role in Waco scam, debacle or whatever, like his actual role, and I remember you mentioned a couple times.
He was the head of the entire operation, with General Boykin and Shoemaker under him.
And I was watching C-SPAN one night late, and they had a Democratic hearing going on.
They had all these guys talking about the overtime that they were getting yanked, or actually they were going to reclassify.
All the, um, and take away people's privileges from the, you know, for the rights, the overtime pay.
Yes, it's horrible.
But they said that the guy, the guy was running, I forget his name, he's from Idaho or, um, one of those, uh, uh, Midwestern states.
He said that, that they'd already voted in the House and the Senate against the provision or Kennedy or some, um, one of those guys put up, um, a bill to, uh, take that out of it and they all voted for it.
But the labor department said they're going to do it anyway.
And this guy, he was really mad and I commend him for that.
uh... the uh... congress and uh... that's wrong and and and and look i'm against price controls and and wage uh... rules and things if we were a free market but if they're going to make the system with the taxes and the regulation where you have to have again they say oh we're not going to have regulations here but we're going to have them there and they are designing the system to bankrupt the working class and you cannot live
I know people with three jobs!
And they're losing everything they got.
They have designed the system where unless you're an illegal alien, living ten to a house, you can't survive in this economy.
And for people, you know, a depression is when you're out of work, a recession is when your neighbor's out of work.
We're in a massive recession, a depressionary system, folks.
And I've seen it with my own eyes.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate the call.
And yes, everybody that gets the films like you did, make copies and spread the word.
We're going to be right back, folks, and we're going to go to your calls.
We've got a guest coming up.
We're going to go to your calls early in the interview.
So everybody who's holding, Morgan and Michael and Leslie and Ryan, stay there.
We'll get to you after this break.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight.
I'm here live.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
I know we have loaded phone lines to talk about the economy.
Patriot Act II being passed quietly last weekend.
Signed by Lord Bush.
The neocon leader.
The gun-grabbing, open-border-promoting, China-worshipping, Taiwan-hating creature.
We're going to go to your calls here, because no matter what issue you're bringing up, our guest will be able to comment on it, because this military-industrial complex control grid that we're all living under affects everything in our lives and is interconnected with the entire system.
The biggest part of our economy is prisons, is surveillance, is the military-industrial complex taking control of our lives.
And that's what's always happened throughout history.
Because the military leadership, controlled by its financial interests, decides to go ahead and set themselves up as gods, as kings.
That's the norm.
And so when you have different generals, like the head of NORTHCOM, Eberhard, or General Franks, the outgoing head of CENTCOM, saying martial law is the next step, you better watch out.
And a lot of people have commented in the administration that, yes, Project Phoenix, that is CIA hit teams surveillance control, is coming home to roost.
And I had him on last week for an hour.
He was an amazing guest.
I want to have him on as a routine guest if he'll do it.
Because I found very few people that have the same breadth of knowledge on the New World Order control grid as Douglas Valentine.
The website is DouglasValentine.com.
We have a link to it at InfoWars.com.
And Mr. Valentine, good to have you back on the show with us.
Thank you very much for inviting me on your show, Alex.
And for folks that don't know who you are, tell them a little bit about yourself and up front about some of the books you've written and how folks get those.
My first book was about my father, who was a prisoner of war in World War II in a Japanese prison camp.
And that book was published in 1984.
Just incidentally, people can get my books by going to my website at www.douglasvalentine.com.
Anyway, that first book I wrote about my father, and after that, in 1984, I started researching and writing my second book, which was about the Phoenix Program.
As probably your listeners are aware, back on December 8th, Seymour Hersh announced that
The CIA was going to be implementing a Phoenix-type program in Iraq, and since then, there's just been a flood of news reports and commentary about what that means, and what's going to happen in Iraq as a result of a Phoenix program being implemented there.
When I finished my Phoenix book in 1990, and it was published in 1990, I wrote an introduction for it.
And in the introduction, I asked the question,
How can Americans, who consider themselves a nation that's ruled by an ethic of fair play, stoop to such tactics?
And I said, it's destroying, this kind of thinking and this kind of behavior is actually going to destroy our democracy.
And lo and behold, 13 years later, Phoenix has come home to roost.
Back in Vietnam, the CIA kept it a big secret.
Only now it's become popular, and it's something that the major media laud, and they talk about it as if it's something fantastic, when it's actually the summary execution of thousands of people, many of whom are innocent.
By American death squads.
Now we know that went on in Afghanistan a year and a half ago.
We know what's going on in Iraq now.
It's the basis for fighting the phony war on terrorism.
You go around, you create enemies, and then you knock them off.
And you torture people.
Now how can they sit there and talk about how Saddam is so evil when his Republican guard was trained at Fort Benning, Georgia in torture and oppression tactics when he was used as a CIA assassin
As early as 54, when they helped put him into power in 79, when they told him to attack Iran, when they told him to go ahead and attack Kuwait.
How can they sit there and list torture and death squads as bad, which they are, but then not talk about how our government created that there, and on top of it, is setting it up here now today, and replacing Saddam's government with people who tortured for the Shah, like Mr. Chalibi.
That's right.
The CIA has no
Uh, really Iraqi members.
There are, you know, there are no people who can pose underground in Iraq who are actually in the CIA.
So in order to be able to conduct the type of operations, basically undercover operations that the CIA needs to conduct, they have to actually go out and hire the intelligence force that worked for Saddam Hussein.
It's incredible.
I mean, one day,
They're calling it a brutal regime, and the next day they're hiring the people from this brutal regime to go out and kill people!
And they've quietly put about two-thirds of the Ba'athists back in power.
I know that they're knocking them off all over the country.
There was a very good article, I know that sometimes you put up links, and it was by a guy named Robert Dreyfuss, and he called it Phoenix Rising.
And he was talking about how there's been all over Iraq and Baghdad and Basra and a lot of smaller towns and cities, hundreds and hundreds of former members of the Ba'ath Party are being gunned down on the street by hit teams that are running around with hoods over their heads.
These people are being murdered in plain sight.
Well, they're saying that in some
Areas of Iraq take Baghdad every week there's 300 murders and of course many of those are political assassinations and you have the governing council which is appointed a puppet dictatorship by the globalists and now they're going to be, Bush is saying, running the trial of Saddam, their former business partner.
I mean even through 2002
The only oil company that was allowed to sell equipment to Saddam was Halliburton.
It's a private cash machine, and now they've taken it over themselves, but Congressman Ron Paul
is quoted as saying, let's talk about domestically, then we'll go to some calls here, Douglas Valentine.
Domestically, Ron Paul was quoted as saying, by the Associated Press, that H.R.
2417, Intelligence Authorization Agreement of 04, is the stealth enactment under a new label of the Patriot Act II, and the Associated Press reports it allows any U.S.
authority, FBI, CIA,
A classified copy of it, but just what we know, the Associated Press says, allows all records to be searched without seeking court approval, and it allows the CIA to domestically get involved in our lives, which they've quietly been doing, taking over police departments for the last almost 40 years, but now they're going public, and as you said, Hollywood and the TV is promoting this as a wonderful new thing.
Your comments on H.R.
2417 or Patriot Act 2 under a new name being signed by Bush on Saturday and almost no one is aware of this.
Right after 9-11 I realized what was going to happen and I wrote my first article on October 1st and I predicted
You know, the Patriot Act was signed overwhelmingly, a hundred people, and everybody in the Senate signed it.
Only one person objected in the House.
And I said right there and then that the war on terror is a two-sided point.
The one side is conquering countries like Iran and taking over their oil, Iraq, and taking over the oil.
And it's the same side of the coin.
The same coin is Homeland Security.
And that's slowly the implementation of a Phoenix-type program here in the United States.
The nail on which the Phoenix program was hung was denying people due process.
You deny them due process if they don't have a right to
A fair trial.
They don't have a right to know who their accuser is.
That is what the Patriot Act is doing.
It's taking away our constitutional guarantee to due process.
Doug, Soviet-style snatch and grabs.
And everybody thinks it's great that it happens overseas because it's protected us.
But what they don't realize is that Bush and his clique, the Halliburton people, and
The people they've teamed up with in Great Britain and Israel, those people don't care at all about what happens to America, average Americans.
And they know that there's dwindling resources in this world, and what they're doing is putting in place an organizational structure in which they're going to be able to apply the same methods that they're applying overseas against terrorists and political dissidents here in the United States.
I know it's a serious issue and has bad emotional responses, but thanks for not using the Lord's name in vain here on the air.
No, I'm sorry.
You didn't.
You stopped yourself, and that's good, but I understand how upset you are, because when you see this horrifying system developing and expanding right out in front of us, it is horrible.
And Americans are, quote, celebrating the capture of Saddam.
Bush says no more secret police, no more torture chambers.
Chalibi is accelerating it past levels Saddam ever dreamed of.
Right there, they're speaking out.
Bush is speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
I mean, yesterday I read in the paper his comments.
He said,
Stay there.
We've got a break.
We'll be right back with your calls and more news.
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Alright, we're about to go to these loaded phone lines talking about the police state, the control grid they're building over our lives.
We have writer, researcher, lecturer,
On the air with us, he is Douglas Valentine.
The website is DouglasValentine.com.
Talking about this, again, this control grid they're building around us.
And understand, the globalists don't care about your pocketbook or your 401k or your future.
They care about control.
Monolithic, pyramidal power structures.
And they own the prisons, they own the surveillance grids, they own the new economy.
The 1984 Brave New World type system.
Morgan, you're on the air.
Where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Deer Park, Washington.
Good to talk to you.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, there's a couple of things real quickly.
That HR 2417, one thing I haven't heard anyone touch on yet.
I spent the latter part of last week
My favorite precious metals broker and I sat down and we spent hours on this thing.
It's so convoluted, it's really difficult, but one thing... Well, it creates a Treasury Department office to work with intelligence agencies on fighting terrorism.
Well, one thing... But that's any... Remember, a terrorist in Section 802 of the First Patriot Act is any misdemeanor.
Go ahead.
Well, one thing that really jumped out at us was the redefinition of
Financial institutions, typically before it was just credit unions, banks, and commercial loan houses.
Now it's car dealers, gold brokers.
Oh, it's precious metals brokers as well.
It's... Post dealers, car dealers.
And they can walk in with a letter of administration and demand your records.
So they're technically, I mean, what this speaks to me is that there's a good chance that the jackboots are going to come in and identify people who are holding appreciable amounts of bullion
and and and and and cope you know doing seizure again do another confiscation um... it's just that uh... scaring us to death i converted mostly to numismatic okay for all of us for folks that don't know what you're talking about four separate times the government confiscate your gold with public executive orders uh... martial law declarations in thirty three first
They give you paper money for your gold.
But again, let's see them try to get away with that and claim that's terrorism to have gold.
But understand, the bill doesn't even specifically mention gold.
It mentions every business, every company, everything is now a financial transaction.
Now if you have a business selling lemonade, you're listed as a bank and they need no warrants
I don't know a whole lot about the financial aspects of 24-17, but I do know that all the pieces are being put in place and that as it's shaking out,
Certain businesses are going to get privileged treatment, and those are the businesses that are going to be involved in Homeland Security.
Yeah, it's always selective enforcement.
Right, and the people that are involved in Homeland Security are going to be the people who own the private prisons, the people who provide the services, the computer services and security services to the government, Halliburton, a select group of people who are in the national security state are actually going to become
It's a new way to discriminate.
I watched Ridge a year and a half ago on C-SPAN for two hours at one of these roundtable meetings with Fortune 500 and he said companies will have to have a special security card clearance, your employees, everybody, to have jobs
Now, if you have bad credit, you can't have a job with any of this.
So, yes, it's a way of putting the entire government treasury into the hands of the Fortune 500.
One other point.
Before you can get cleared, you have to be screened.
That means a background check.
So, if they want to pin something on you and you don't have to do anything wrong to get in trouble,
Everybody who's going to want to become part of the system, part of Homeland Security, is going to have to go through a complete background check, and then in order to become part of it, you're going to have to sign
A contract with the devil.
And exactly.
And it's just like the Caps 2 system to fly.
Again, your divorce records, your financial records, your bank statements, all of it is in there.
A nexus point now to travel on buses, to have a car, to have a driver's license, to work in a factory.
They have said, and if you have one bad credit score, suddenly you're brought down the line on your color coding.
You don't have as many rights.
And if there's a corrupt official involved, he can say, well, you know, this little thing can disappear from your record for a cool thousand dollars.
You know, so now it opens up the whole system to corruption, too.
Corrupt officials are now going to be able to blackmail average citizens just so they can have a business.
And folks, he's not kidding.
I saw Ridge say all this.
They're very proud of it.
Farms, food service, taxi drivers, 18-wheeler drivers, everybody.
You're all gonna be under federal control.
A wonderful new bureaucracy.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Yeah, I've been jumping in on my guests and the callers because they're bringing up so many good points.
In the Soviet Union, the tyranny was all about the state and a few strong men controlling the economy.
In Nazi Germany, the Nazis would go after you if you were a business competitor or they wanted your wife or your property.
And it's the same thing that we saw in Vietnam.
Southern Vietnam is why we couldn't win the war in many cases, because of the corruption with the CIA and their little buddies in South Vietnam killing their business partners, arresting, shooting people.
The entire economy had to go through the hands, the coffers of a few strong men and back into companies like Halliburton and all the, Brown and Root, all the same players we see today.
And I saw Ridge, I have it on tape, in horror, years ago, before they even funded Homeland Security in late 2002, in early 2002, I saw Ridge at a meeting with dozens and dozens, about 25 of them, they had all these big tables together in a big square, and Ridge was there,
He was saying you're going to have a card to have a job, four levels of security clearance to have a job anywhere.
You'll have to go through Homeland Security.
It's going to be great for corporations.
This is going to be a great business opportunity for you to keep America safe.
This will be the system.
And see, then all the Fortune 500 and lower-level minions will pile on to be part of this.
So it's engineering the entire economy to expand the police state that is already the biggest part of our economy.
And so you've got all these energetic private prisons and security apparatus and the computer makers and all of them piling on.
And if you type in Patriot.Compliance
into a search engine, Patriot Act Compliance, hundreds of thousands of links will pop up with software and companies and complying, and complying means reporting everything you buy and do to the government, no warrants, spying on you, taking federal regulation and control, and that's just the beginning.
And you hit upon this with this bill, this Patriot Act 2 stealth thing they just passed over the weekend,
HR 2417, no more warrants of any type.
I mean, before it was just no warrants in some cases, now it's no warrants of any type.
And that's just what is declassified in the bill.
I mean, this really is the classical fascist model that we're talking about, Doug Valentine.
In fact, they are creating a fascist state.
We haven't gotten there yet, and obviously
The majority of the American people aren't feeling the heat yet, but the pieces are being put in place.
The war on terror overseas is creating the pretext, and quietly at home, the homeland security infrastructure is being put in place with all its different elements, one of which, under the general heading of what they call the Citizen Corps,
There's a whole group of people who are going to be spying on their fellow citizens for the Homeland Security apparatus.
They're setting up all sorts of front organizations that, in effect, are going to be a political cadre.
And what it's creating in the United States is a culture of fear, of people being really afraid
Of doing the wrong thing, of stepping out of line, of aggravating somebody in authority, and for the first 200 years of our history, we were the anti-authoritarians.
We were the freedom-loving people who did what we felt like doing.
And now we're turning into a nation of people who are afraid.
Well, Doug, again, you hit the nail right on the head and brought up a whole new subject area.
We have AmeriCorps.
And then they say, well, to graduate from high school, we want to make you serve two years in this.
Then, the Clinton program gets a boost in Bush's first State of the Union.
He announces Secure Corps.
SecureCore sits beneath that and is directed by FEMA.
And I've read the articles out of the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Associated Press, where they're already training kids here in Austin how to run checkpoints, how to search cars, how to clear buildings, how to help tattle on the terrorists.
A part of that was the TIPS program, where one in ten people
Would be a spy for the government, the cable man, the plumber, the telephone company person.
All of this, and then we heard about it.
There was a backlash.
They said, okay, we're cancelling it.
No, they just cancelled that name.
Like they cancelled the name Total Information Awareness Network.
A week after 9-11, they took over.
We're good to go.
Of America, while our youth are being trained with cameras in the bathrooms and cameras in the halls and putting their hands up and being frisked and thumb scanning to get school lunches and face scanning in the school halls and they're training them for this prison grid.
Go ahead.
It's unlike what we knew when we were growing up.
When I was a kid growing up, a stick was our gun.
You know, our fathers had been in World War II and we were little kids and we played guns, you know.
One guy would be the German or the Japanese and we'd be the GI.
We didn't have, our parents didn't have money to buy us toys and stuff, so we just used a stick and that was the gun.
But now, kids nowadays are playing video games.
And in these video games, if you see them on TV, it's horrendous.
They're violent, terrible, horrible things in which the kid who's playing the video game
Tops off the head of his enemy and does commit all sorts of terrible things to him.
And that's part of the conditioning.
And this is the mentality that these children are growing up with nowadays.
They really think it's okay to act in this brutal, violent fashion.
Well, Doug, I've seen dozens of games where you ask troops and you kill the people you've captured or you torture them.
Right, and so now the children
That we're raising, and lots of times parents who are working two or three jobs don't have time to sit and watch everything the kids are doing.
And a lot of parents, you know, us who are over 50, we don't even understand what goes on in their video minds, the things that they understand.
But they're groomed for the sort of Nazi, fascist,
mentality that is going to be imposed upon this country very soon.
Doug, I want to go back to these loaded phone lines, but how do we get our constitutional republic back?
Because we turn on 24 on Fox, we turn on Threat Matrix on ABC, every episode is torture, the drug dealer's a terrorist, he has to be tortured, his children are taken, the secret police are good, torture's wonderful,
And then there's the double think of, torture is good when we do it, but it's bad when Saddam does it.
How do we counter this wall of mind control?
We've got to take back the airwave.
We've got to take back the press.
We have to be the people in charge of disseminating information.
We have to speak from our hearts and talk to each other and try to reach out to each other in whatever way we can.
To just support each other and let each other know that there's nothing to fear from one another, but we have to work together against a very, very, very small group of people who want to take over the world.
Well, I agree.
And this tiny elite is trying to buffalo us, intimidate us into going along with them.
And the good news is,
400 plus cities, four states have thrown out the Patriot Act, people all over are waking up, Doug.
I've never seen such an awakening in the thousands of radio interviews.
Thousands, folks.
Over 1,300 that I've done in the last 26 months.
I have never seen such an awakening, but the illusion from Dan Rather and Rush Limbaugh and the other globalist handlers on the phony left and right are that we're all going along with this and we all love the propaganda and we're all buying into it, but we're not.
But what Doug is talking about is the millions of listeners to this show.
If you go out and tell friends and family about the show, or about other alternative media, or about Doug Valentine, DouglasValentine.com, if you support alternative media, it will grow the size and the quality of it, so it's up to you.
Let's take some calls.
Really amazing points, Doug.
Let's talk to Michael in New York, then we'll go to Leslie and John and Warren and others.
Michael, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you?
Good to talk to you.
Your guest made some comments on some things that I wasn't even going to talk about.
The video games are absolutely horrific.
And what they're teaching small children how to go out there and butcher their fellow citizens is just incredible.
But it's a mindset, like you said, conditioning.
It's just...
They're desensitized to murder.
Well, the military first came out with those games 15-20 years ago to train troops to not hesitate.
But getting back to Madeleine Albright, you were talking about an hour ago in the show, my best friend works for the State Department.
And when he was in the State Department, he was her shadow.
He was her security guard.
He spent a lot of time in the U.N.
And the stories that he's told me about
What these international groups are going to do to dismantle this country is very terrifying.
They intend to just, and they talk about it openly in these meetings at the UN, how they're going to suck this nation dry until it's nothing but a shell of what it used to be, and then manipulate everybody, and it's going to be a slave state.
But he's told me over and over and over again about the foreign governments and the
I think so.
Yes, sir.
Sir, that's not even your claim or opinion.
44,000 US troops were massed into Tajikistan and Uzbekistan the month before 9-11.
18,000 British troops and Bush had the launch orders to invade Afghanistan on his desk two days before 9-11.
Comments, Doug?
It was preordained.
That's the only thing I can say.
Even before the military gets involved, the CIA is involved.
The military only gets involved about a year or two after the CIA has been in a country.
And again, Iraq is a good example.
If you think that these sorts of Phoenix-type operations that are going on in Afghanistan and Iraq right now just started,
You're wrong.
These things have been going on for years.
They've had CIA and others in Iraq all along.
Since the end of the war in 1991, they've been there all along.
I mean, they were there through the Kurds, they were there through the South.
They were there training in the 70s and the 80s, training Saddam's torture forces at Fort Benning.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, Mike, go ahead.
Frequency in the shortwave?
Uh, which frequency?
Uh, whichever one you're broadcasting.
I'm trying to get more people to listen to the show who can't get it on a radio station, so if you're on a shortwave radio, are you at all?
Yes, I'm on global shortwave during the day from 11 to 2 at 12.172.
And 93.20.
And at night from 9 to midnight at 5.085.
And 68.90.
Thanks for the call.
Okay, sure.
Good to hear from you.
Very interesting points.
Leslie in Virginia, thanks for holding her on the air.
Thanks for taking the call.
I just wanted to make two points.
One on Madeleine Albright.
I think that's just part of the Clinton-Bush combo team when she made that announcement.
Folks that don't know, tell them what the announcement was.
You go ahead and articulate that.
Well, she just came out on Fox yesterday that she said that
They've already got Bin Laden, and they're going to roll him out before the election, and I've already been hearing that for almost two years from people.
I agree, I agree, absolutely.
Yes, in my opinion, it is to make for Hillary's grand announcement that she wants to run for president, because if you've been following this, Alex, you'll be noticing how Hillary's been getting so much attention.
It was just amazing how Nikki Tinsley, who's the Inspector General for the EPA, who is still there, Clinton appointing
Yeah, you know what day-to-day is.
And there she is being interviewed with Hillary, and like their adversaries, it was such a fuss.
And then also she gets all this coverage in Afghanistan.
And that'll be a great way to Balkanize us.
Hillary will continue the agenda, Bush will continue the agenda, but it'll all get us in our liberal conservative camps, having Hillary and Wesley Clark running against Bush Cheney.
Promise to that, Doug.
It doesn't matter whether Hillary Clinton's the president or George Bush is the president.
They're both just puppets on strings.
Absolutely, and I just wanted to leave this with you by President Truman on his take of the CIA.
He said, I never had any thought when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations.
Some of the complications and embarrassment that I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact
That this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role.
I have a bad cold today, Alex, and I apologize.
Well, thank you for the call, Leslie.
You did a great job.
Next up is John, and John, I believe, is calling from Texas or Tennessee?
Go ahead, sir.
Hi, Doug and Alex.
How are you guys doing?
Alex, I just sent you a press release that I came across.
I'm real happy that
That Congressman Ron Paul has come out against HR 2417.
But this press release kind of shocked me because it mentioned it's from the Bush-Cheney 04 campaign.
And it announces Ron Paul as an honorary co-chairman of the Bush-Cheney 2004 Texas leadership team.
I mean, honorary.
I mean, Ron Paul, all he does is speak out against Bush.
And so they just, I mean, if you're a Republican congressman, you're on the Republican re-election team.
Right, I would hope that he could counter that with something though, publicly.
Well, look, Bush has already targeted Paul last election and tried to get him out of there.
They targeted Senator Bob Smith successfully.
They're targeting Tancredo.
And, you know, this is keep your friends close, your enemies closer.
But I wasn't aware of that.
I sent you the press release.
Okay, Doug, comments?
Yeah, maybe he'll do something like Jesse Ventura did.
Just go off on his own.
You know, this two-party system.
It was a show game.
And really, it would be nice if we dispensed with this two-party system in the United States, or at least had a third party of people, the majority of the people in this country.
Yeah, we don't have a second party.
We don't have a second party.
No, they're both the same party, yeah.
Yeah, I mean, it's a bunch of corporate criminals.
They're not free market.
They'll work with fascists.
They'll work with communists.
Just like Carol quickly said at Georgetown, Bill Clinton's mentor, they are an organized crime syndicate.
Anything else, John?
No, I just wanted to mention that.
I hope that Ron Paul comes out and, you know, and makes a statement about that because, you know, it is misleading to a lot of people when they see his name attached to the Bush-Cheney campaign.
All right.
Well, usually when you hear honorary, that means he's not doing anything in the campaign.
They probably just stuck his name on there.
I hope so.
Well, that would get him a lot of votes in Texas.
He's very popular.
The book is The Phoenix Program.
The website is douglasvalentine.com.
We're going to hit a few final calls, get a few final comments from our guests in the next segment.
Like I said, I'm going to have to have Doug back on.
We're not so squeezed for time.
Uh, to really get into details of how this infrastructure works, but I think you got an idea with the TIPS program and having to have an ID card to have a job and they've said they're gonna have troops in the factories.
I mean, this is a hellish system they're building and the biggest growth the federal government ever dreamed.
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I think so.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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Then get Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Masters of Terror, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Matrix of Evil.
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We're going to try to take two final calls from Walter and Rich.
Sorry, that's all we have time for.
Our guest is Douglas Valentine.
Written a lot of great books.
You need to get them.
One of them, of course, is the Phoenix Program.
Any other ways for folks to get the books other than the website?
I know they've been in bookstores as well.
You can just go to Barnes and Noble or your local bookstore and they'll order a copy for you if they don't have one on their shelf.
It's so easy nowadays for a bookstore to order a book.
I'd also vibrate.
And also, you know, it's got to be frustrating here to have so much info and not have time to get it all out.
We'll have you back on.
Let's talk to Walter in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, sir.
Hi, Alex.
We've got a new one that's happening up here.
You cannot move from your house, sell your house and move without filing for a moving permit.
If you don't file for a moving permit, you're taking a court and fine and there's jail time.
And through federal zoning, the zoning is federally funded and pushed, implemented locally.
It's a wonderful form of tyranny for the globalists.
Comments to kind of living in this Sovietized slash fascist system through petty laws, Doug?
Well, I didn't know about that.
I keep learning about new things every day and that's just incredible that you have to actually file or else you can get in prison.
That's what's foreboding.
That's what's looming on the horizon with just about everything.
From that, you know, soon there'll be national ID cards.
There'll just be intrusions into every area of our life.
Well, Doug, our driver's licenses are already by fiat, a national ID card.
Anything else there, Walter?
Yeah, and people are scared.
They won't talk now.
People won't talk up here.
I'm up in Carbon County, cold cracker country.
They won't talk now.
They're afraid.
Are we men or mice?
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Rich in Texas.
Last caller, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
What's going on, man?
Nothing much.
You're on the air.
No, no.
Hey, listen.
Talking about that control deal on businesses.
You know, I drive this dump truck, and I tell you, I can't understand that we're under DOT then, but what does DPS got to do with pulling you over at any time?
They start checking your truck out.
You know, I paid a lot of money on this.
Yeah, I've done a TV show about it.
I hear you.
Great, great, great, great points.
We're out of time.
Folks, call me back tonight, 9 to midnight, back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central.
Doug Valentine, thanks for coming on, sir.
You too, and hey, I'm going to get you up for a couple hours, and for the first hour of the interview we'll do in a few weeks, I won't take any calls, okay?
Okay, sir.
And then we'll take call second hour.
Okay, thanks a lot.
God bless.
Thanks to the affiliates, the sponsors, to God, number one, to our listeners, to everybody.
I'm not afraid.
More and more people are not afraid, but in certain areas they are.
Being a coward only encourages the bullies.
Stop being afraid.
Stop licking boots.
We gotta save America.
If we live under tyranny, America isn't America anymore.
It's just that simple.
Get involved in the fight now, folks.
Spread the word about freedom.
Take care.
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