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Name: 20031118_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 18, 2003
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Monday through Friday, from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight, we're here live.
And I'm not going to talk about all the dating shows and
Joe Millionaire, or O.J.
Simpson, or Ilean Gonzalez, or Monica Lewinsky, or any of the diversions that we've seen over the last decade.
I'm not going to talk about Hillary and Bill Clinton, because George W. Bush is protecting them.
They could already be indicted.
The evidence came out in Dan Burton's committee, and it was shut down by El Presidente.
We're about talking about the people behind the scenes that control our government, that set the policy, their motives, their worldview, and ways to fight them, ways to expose them, ways to defend our property rights, our borders, our Second Amendment, our sovereignty.
And of course, Christianity that is under attack from without and within.
Those are some of the issues we cover on this show, Monday through Friday, again from 11 to 2, Central and back from 9 to midnight.
We do have Captain Ward Boston, who's dropped the biggest bombshells in the USS Liberty case.
This will be our, I guess, final installment of the series.
I may be having Admiral Moore on for 30 minutes on Friday.
The ship that was attacked in 1967, they attempted to sink it, Israel did, under control of the U.S.
government, to be blamed on Egypt.
And it's just part of a systematic program of terror carried out by Western governments to be blamed on enemies.
And Ward Boston's affidavits on the subject about how he was ordered to whitewash the
Inquiry into the USS Liberty by the President are the most incendiary, and that'll be coming up in the next hour.
In this hour, well, I'm gonna cover the news and get to your calls.
Here's just some of the news.
General enlisteds raising homes of suspected Iraqi insurgents.
That is, they're blowing them up
And this will just make the Iraqis fight harder.
And our government's not stupid.
They know that.
It is now official.
Aviar Solano, big U.N.
envoy, former head of the E.U., has said that they've already met with Bush and others and that they're gonna hand things over to NATO, the U.N., and the E.U.
But to do that, the Americans first have to be hated so the U.N.
can come in and play the part of the good cop.
And that's exactly what's happening.
Bombing neighborhoods is going to create more resistance.
Bulldozing date palms and fig tree plantations and tangerines and orange and lemon groves.
Destroying and attacking innocent peasants is going to get more troops killed and create more resistance.
And they know that.
That's 101 out of the handbook.
They're going to punish them, just like Hitler punished the British by bombing London and, uh, well, you saw what happened.
It doesn't work if you systematically kill millions and bomb every city and bomb every train track and just start slaughtering everyone like Stalin did to his own people, or like, uh, good old conservative Mao Zedong, because you gotta be a communist to be a conservative now, so I'm a liberal.
Uh, you know, this scrambled, uh, dialectic we've got going here.
He killed 50 million people and it was, it was war against their own population.
But, but just going around bombing some people's houses and bulldozing some, some groves of trees, it's gonna cause more resistance.
Uh, that's coming up.
Folks, I haven't even scratched the surface.
Wait till you hear all this news.
And I'll scratch the surface and start getting into detail.
I'm going to scratch the surface on all these articles, or a bunch of them, then I'll start detailing them.
Then we'll take your calls.
It's a big show.
Believe me, you don't want to miss it.
Stay with us.
We'll be back in three minutes.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right folks, we're now 8 minutes and 12 seconds into this first hour.
Just recapping from the first segment, I do have Captain Ward Boston coming on the show.
He had Admiral last week star starring
And of course this concerns government-sponsored terrorism against their own vessels, the USS Liberty, to be blamed on political enemies.
So another example of government-sponsored terrorism and the most shocking revelations, the newest revelations, with Captain Boston in the next hour.
I want to talk about what happened last night, but I'm going to do that later in this hour.
I went down to the LBJ Presidential Library.
A couple weeks ago, they had Viet Dinh, the deputy head of the Justice Department, who says he wrote the Patriot Act.
That's what they billed him as, but that isn't true.
Maybe he compiled it and added some stuff to it, but most of it was legislation they were unable to pass in the past, because I'd read it.
And then when I saw the subsections again, I said, I've seen these bills.
And later they admitted that.
But Viet Dinh was there.
Somehow I didn't get word, didn't get to go
confront him, but he was run out of Austin on a rail, basically.
Last night, I'd say 7 out of 10 questions, and they took questions for about 45 minutes, were against them.
There was the former head of the CIA's counterintelligence operation, Mr. Olson.
There was Buck Revell, the big FBI agent, former deputy director of the FBI under Harry Clinton.
And Buck Revell said, yeah, I think the Patriot Act does have some bad stuff in it.
When I said, what about W199I, Bush signing the document ordering the FBI not to stop Al Qaeda, he said, yeah, that should be investigated.
The Olsen character was scary.
I mean, this guy definitely had the
I don't believe it.
And he said, whatever, we wouldn't do something like that.
The government wouldn't kill its own people.
And I said, well, what about, and I started giving him examples, and he said, I'm not going to talk to you.
He denied a bunch of other stuff too, just blatant stuff.
And then later backtracked and admitted that the CIA had created bin Laden.
Tonight on my TV show, I'm going to air about 30 minutes of the questions, and it's an hour show, so I'll just have time to play the questions, have their comment, then make my comment about their lies.
I mean, just... Buck Ravel was lying left and right.
Olsen was lying left and right.
Buck Ravel, though, was better than Olsen.
And I had somebody walk up to me from the Libertarians, a real nice fella.
He's a big constitutional expert.
In fact, I think he has constitution.
And he walked up at the end and kind of confronted me and said, you know, your tactics don't work of trying to get them to talk to us.
And I said, what are you talking about?
Everybody was asking serious questions.
They wouldn't answer them.
They would sidestep the questions.
We're here to confront them.
We're here to let them know that we know what they're up to and what they're doing.
I mean, people need to understand this, that basically that was a protest, a guerrilla protest yesterday.
And after they took the first ten questions, and they were all negative about the Patriot Act, about the government carrying out September 11th,
Suddenly the general, there was a general who was at UT, this guy looked like Darth Vader as well, he kept going to his students up in the top, so for the last 15 minutes of the questions he was only going to his students who were all kind of bivouacked in a big covey or gaggle together with these simpering, mindless questions.
I know that they were his students because
Later, they all came down and were fawning after him.
He goes, oh, it's so good to see all my students here.
But they look like deer in the headlights by the time they were done.
And by the way, I was watching Buck Revell.
This is the former Deputy Director of the FBI.
He was a liaison to the CIA.
That's why he was there for this Homeland Security Part 2.
The last one was about the Patriot Act and how it's the best thing since sliced bread.
I've since seen the video of it.
And so we've got Buck Revell up there, and I'm sitting there in the front row.
And this is stadium seating in this conference hall.
So I'm right down at eye level with him, about four feet from him.
Because it's, you know, just a teaching lectern and desk right down there at the bottom.
And Buck Revell is reading Patriot Act 2 analysis off InfoWars.com.
I even got video of him and he read it for an hour for about 45 minutes while the others were babbling incoherently about the police state.
So I guess somebody at the meeting must have given it to him or maybe he brought it with him.
I don't know but we're certainly having an effect.
And then I confronted Buck Revell about certainly you heard they're going after topless bars now
Uh, for, uh, with the Patriot Act.
And I said, I'm no fan of topless bars, but come on, that's not terrorism.
And he said, yeah, yeah, it's being misused.
I know, I know.
So at least, and Buckerville's bad news, folks.
You know, involved in the cover-up of Oklahoma City.
Uh, I've seen him in a lot of TV shows demonizing Patriot groups.
But at least Buck Revell was having to give lip service.
I guess it's because his boss, Al Gore, has been out speaking out against the Patriot Act, so it's some type of partisanship or something.
I don't know, but we're certainly having an effect.
But I'll talk about it a little bit more later and go over the bios of these guys, because it was very interesting and the things they had to say.
I've been trying to collect my thoughts of all the lies.
At the time they were talking, I was just amazed by all of it.
But Olsen
Olsen was just incredibly arrogant and he had 10 lies for every one of Buck Revell's lies.
Alright, let me get into the news here.
GIs raising, that means destroying, crushing them down to the ground.
Homes of suspected Iraqi insurgents.
So I guess you're cluster bombed until proven guilty or innocent.
To Crete, Iraq, in a tactic reminiscent of Israeli crackdowns on the West Bank and Gaza, the U.S.
military has begun destroying the homes of suspected guerrilla fighters in Iraq's Sunni triangle, evacuating women and children, then leaving their houses with, uh, leveling their houses with heavy weaponry.
And, uh, they, uh, come through bullhorning them to pull out, they've got five minutes,
At least 15 homes have been destroyed in Tikrit as part of what has been dubbed Operation Ivy Cyclone 2, including four leveled Sunday by tanks and Apache helicopters that allegedly belonged to suspects.
In the November 7th downing of a Blackhawk helicopter that killed six Americans.
Okay, I predict that the 50-something troops we've seen killed in the last two weeks, I'm predicting that number is going to double.
Or close to that, 90 to 100 troops in the next two weeks.
I'm gonna, and you know what, if they do more of this, then it's gonna be 200 or 180 dead troops.
And if they do more of this, it's gonna be 300, 400 every two weeks.
And believe me, the government knows exactly what this is going to do.
Again, having them all over the country bulldozing lemon plantations, and bulldozing tangerine plantations, and bulldozing olive and dates,
This is enraging the Iraqis, and I'm reading the reports, the eyewitnesses, Reuters, AP, the stuff you never see on the nightly news.
There are people who are saying, I never would have fought the Americans.
Saddam killed my brother, but now I'm going to kill me some Americans.
I mean, this stuff does not work, folks.
It's like that line from Red Dawn where
Where the, uh, gorilla hunter arrives from the Soviet Union and, you know, he says to them, uh, they're fighting these insurgents, you know, in this fictitious Sovietization of America.
And, uh, the, the, uh, Soviet says, you know, if a fox comes and kills your chickens, do you, do you kill your pig to punish the fox?
No, you don't.
Look, our government knows this isn't gonna work.
But again, it's official.
Javier Solano said, I've met with Bush, met with Powell, it's official.
They're going to transfer over to us, and we're going to allow the elections, and give them the food, and put the power back on, and then everybody will be nice and sweet, like the Iraqis were at first.
And then they'll go, oh, see how good the U.N.
is, see how bad America is.
Now, you've been listening, folks, most of you, since before the war, and you know I told you exactly what would happen.
Atrocities, fire troops against people, massive resistance, you in within one year, coming in as the savior.
I'm not bragging, ooh, I'm so smart.
The point is, I understand these people, okay?
That's all I'm trying to get across here, is that we understand the game plan.
Family members at one of the houses in the village of Al-Hawid said that they were given five minutes to evacuate before soldiers opened fire.
The destruction of the homes is part of a sharp crackdown of insurgents in the so-called Sunni Triangle, where guerrillas have
Drowned at least two U.S., downed at least two U.S.
helicopters, one a Chinook in Valjalla on November 2nd, killing 16 U.S.
soldiers, and the other, November 7th, downing of a Blackhawk on Saturday, two more helicopters crashed after one of them may have been fired upon, killing 17.
And the numbers just go up and up and up and up.
So, talk about a horrible tactic, this is it.
What's coming up when we get back?
Oh, yes.
We've got a lot of it.
Brazil, US eyeing the free trade of the Americas, and they're meeting in Miami, and this is out of the Miami Herald.
Also have a News 10 article.
Armored personnel carriers patrol quiet, empty downtown streets.
That's your free country, folks.
Armored vehicles driving around.
So we're going to get into that.
Lawyers and civil liberties groups condemn jury curbs.
They're getting rid of juries in England, folks!
Thumbs hay at some stores USA Today about thumb scanners going in nationwide.
UN group seeks control of the internet.
They already have control.
Now they're just announcing it to you.
Okay, that's some of what's coming up.
There's also a bunch of thought crime news here in the US and in England.
They're now going to arrest people if they put ads in the paper saying single white male seeking single white female.
That's racism.
You will be arrested.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We've talked a lot about where free speech is in England.
In the name of protecting everyone, if you say that you don't agree with homosexuality, if you say the word homosexual, according to the BBC, and the statements by Scotland Yard diversity unit head, you can be arrested and spend a couple years in prison.
And well now if you put an ad in the newspaper saying single white male seeking single white female that's being investigated for arrest because you're saying you're white you're saying you want a white person and obviously if you're black and you want a black person or you're Indian you want an Indian
Or you're Laotian, you want a Laotian?
That's going to be okay.
This is always selectively enforced.
But see, that's racist.
And I predicted, folks, that it's going to get to that point.
If you're a white person who marries a white woman within 20, 30 years, they're going to come question you.
Social workers are.
Is this part of a racist secret agenda?
And people thought I was joking.
No, I can see all the indicators, all the insanity, and I know where it's going.
And it looks like it's happening faster than I thought.
So I'll get to that article too, but think about the fact that the Free Trade Group of the Americas is going to be meeting this weekend, and they've got all these federal forces there.
They're already arresting protesters who are peaceable.
This is from Channel 10.
Armored personnel carriers patrol quiet, empty downtown streets.
Police command center coordinate 40 agencies.
See, all about training and coordinating and over the weekend they had dozens of operations at schools and churches and government buildings for terror attack with role players playing a part of victims of chemical, biological, radiological, conventional
The feds come in with troops at almost every event we've seen in person and in news articles we've read.
And the military's there directing it, just helping.
And they admit they're getting rid of posse commandantas, but it's for your safety.
The first day of the Free Trade Area of the Americas Convention.
Again, it goes through all this week, through this weekend.
It was relatively quiet, but there was still a large police presence in downtown Miami.
Several hundred officers patrolled the mostly empty streets on Monday.
The city even rolled out its fleet of armored personnel carriers in the ghost town.
A command center for police operations has been set up at the city of Miami police headquarters.
Their city and police leaders can keep constant watch with all their federally installed cameras on downtown and coordinate the 40 agencies that are working together to keep the peace.
More than a dozen city, state and county and federal agencies are patrolling just the waters of Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic.
There have been talk that some protesters may try to shut down the port of Miami by either tying themselves to the anchor lines of cargo ships or by forming chains on the water.
So far there have been no incidents.
Keeping the peace, armored vehicles rolling around on the quiet streets, police in black ski masks, black helmets, huge trudgeons, guns loaded with dowels and rubber bullets and basically broomsticks.
And that's your piece.
We were bringing you piece cameras in your neighborhoods.
Some scanners going in to buy and sell.
As talks to implement the free trade area of the Americas open Monday, Brazil and the United States appear to be on the friendlier terms and moving towards a scaled-down version of the proposed pact.
Negotiations co-hosted by the U.S.
and Brazil aim to create a 34-nation free trade bloc.
You thought NAFTA was good.
You're going to enjoy this.
That would cover all the countries of the Western Hemisphere except Cuba.
On Monday, trade negotiations from the two countries discussed in very general terms.
A LaCarte proposal, a LaCarte proposal that would allow each country to pick and choose its level of involvement in some of the more contentious issues.
And it gets into getting rid of borders, merging the money systems, everything!
Having a unified ID card accepted everywhere, legalizing all the illegals that are here, that's what's happening.
We're going to come back after this break in a long segment that's coming up if you want to join us on air on any of these issues I've mentioned.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
And then, UN Group seeks control of the internet.
Thumbs pay at some stores.
You'll see today how wonderful thumb scanning a buy and sell is.
Lawyers and civil liberties groups condemn jury curbs.
Have you ever heard of juries in England?
And yeah, you tell somebody you're seeking a single white female and you're white.
That may be racist code.
Arrest may need to be made.
You'll go along with it, won't you?
You're not racist, are you?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in about 27 minutes, we'll be joined by Captain Ward of Boston, who's dropped some of the biggest bombshells, no pun intended, concerning the USS Liberty tragedy and cover-up of government-sponsored terror.
Of course, we'll be joined by Tito Howard again as we do this series trying to expose government-sponsored terror.
Because this is such a great example
Because it shows where governments caught red-handed killing their own people to blame it on their political enemies.
And it was the U.S.
government running this, make no mistake.
The evidence is clear.
So that's coming up in the next hour.
We'll go to your calls here in a few minutes.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
We're going to go to Wesley and others here in a few minutes.
Coming up, you can't write that on your blackboard.
Lovely pub landlady, Diane Prestidge, advertised to meet a single white male and was accused of racism.
So that's coming up, folks.
Now again, they have arrested members of the media and others if you say the word homosexual.
This is BBC.
They're passing similar laws here.
You think I'm joking?
They rule a word to be offensive and hateful, then you can't say it.
They're already training your children.
They can't say the word gun or write it, even as high school seniors in English class.
They've been trained certain words you can't say unless it's the television.
They can say it all at once, but if you say it, well, you must be guilty.
And yesterday it was the Ananova article about the brain scanners.
They want to put us in brain scanners and, you know, see if we're racist.
The MRI can tell if we're racist.
It's just total quackery, but... And folks, I got a bunch of political correct news.
I mean, it's not even political correct.
It's mind control!
But before I get to all this other news and your calls, I do want to remind the listeners that I have made ten.
Count them ten.
Thank the Lord.
Ten full-length feature documentary films, and because of you out there getting them, purchasing them, making copies of them, airing them on AXS television, it has had an absolutely massive, massive effect
But I know a lot of you haven't gotten the videos.
They're impressive, they're dynamic, they're informative, they're entertaining, they're terrifying.
You'll know the history of the New World Order, how they carry out terror, how they're taking over your national parks of the UN, how they're brainwashing your children, the lies of the Patriot Act.
I mean, there's just so much in these videos.
The newest video is Matrix of Evil, and it's got Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney,
Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales, myself and others, it's two hours ten minutes long, full of documents, video clips, solutions, people taking action, Ron Paul talking about how those who believe in world government running Washington, engineering world depression,
Uh, we've got Cynthia McKinney talking about political assassinations in the government, 9-11, government-run white slavery rings, Colonel Craig Roberts on the police state on government-sponsored terror on the Second Amendment, Frank Morales, police state expert on posit commentatus, the drug war.
It's ridiculous, folks, what's... all the stuff that's in these videos.
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So go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure online shopping cards.
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Again, InfoWars.com to order, or 888-253-3139.
Take action, don't wait, don't procrastinate.
Let's talk to Wesley in Tennessee, then I'll get back into this news.
Wesley, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, thank you very much for taking my call.
I do appreciate it, Alex.
You don't have to thank me for taking your call.
I'm not Rush Limbaugh.
I'm not Sean Hannity.
It's not a privilege to be on my show, Wesley.
I just want you to know that.
No, I know that, but it's just that I have to blame my mom and dad.
It's just politeness, that's all.
No, it is.
I understand, but I hear this.
You're not doing it, but I... By the way, I just got to say this, because before I forget, then I'll let you talk.
I'm sorry.
Mr. 100 Oxycontin Heroin Head of Day, that's what it is, synthetic heroin, who said over and over again, I heard him hundreds of times, arrest anybody, put kids who have one marijuana cigarette in prison.
This guy came back and how thankful he was, and how he's learned, and how he's not a liberal now though.
I mean, you know what?
You know what?
Again, that guy deserves to go to prison for 10 years because that's what he did to somebody else.
I want Rush Limbaugh to go to prison!
Where's the police arresting him?
It's disgusting!
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Well, at least your audience don't gleefully call themselves ditto heads.
That's what I was thinking of.
I'll quit interrupting.
It's not much of a compliment, you know, when you stop and think about it, to identify yourself as a non-thinking ditto head.
But anyway, I've got three things I'm going to bounce off you.
I'm going to string them together and then get back off the line here and let you come back with some comments.
The first one,
It is regarding your first video called Police State 2000.
Actually, the first video is America Destroyed by Design.
Is it?
Okay, I'm sorry.
That's the second video.
You're right.
Go ahead.
Alright, now.
I showed it to my next-door neighbor.
I have the other videos.
I have two and three, but I just showed him part one, and after he was done with Police State 2000, he called me up and said, I've watched the video.
What's changed since that video was made?
And all I can tell them is, if anything, it's gotten worse.
That's the first comment.
The second thing is a lesson I learned.
I will never, ever make the mistake of calling a dark-skinned person again an African-American.
I think it was probably the third or fourth time I used the term, and a dark-skinned person
And the comeback I got was the following.
First of all, I'm not Negro.
Second of all, I'm not connected to the African continent.
I'm a Cuban-American.
Most of the black folks I know are sick of all these labels.
They're Americans.
They're human beings.
But that's this hyphenated American stuff.
It's meant to divide us.
It is.
It's divisive.
It doesn't ameliorate the situation.
All it does is it's inflammatory and it's just an argument waiting to happen.
Okay, what else is on your mind?
No, the last one is a serious question.
This is not a joke question or anything.
I don't understand this business of homophobic.
I always was led to believe when I was in college that a phobia was a fear.
I'm not afraid of homosexuals.
I just have a distaste for them and their tactics and I would be a lot happier if they would just go back into the closet where they were before.
Is that your question?
Yeah, I mean, what the heck?
What is a homophobic?
Where does this stuff come from?
That's a very good question.
Thanks for the call, Wesley.
And then we're going to go to Susan and a bunch of David and Yvonne and Regina and others.
And thanks for the call.
Uh, Leslie, that's an important question.
Okay, look.
Until like 1969, I believe, homosexuality, and again, that's just the medical term.
Heterosexual has sex with the opposite sex.
Homosexual has sex with the same sex.
It's a scientific term.
Like Negro, Anglo, uh, you know, whatever.
Like Africa, or America, or Asia, or the moon, Mercury, Venus.
It's just a term for something.
It's in the medical books.
But, the reason they want to ban the word homosexual and use the word gay, which means happy.
You know, you read an old book, it was a beautiful, sunny, gay day.
I frolicked gaily by the meadow, by the river, and you know, whatever.
Now those terms don't mean the same thing.
So it's Orwellian.
It's the change of the language.
The reason they want to ban using the word homosexual, because it still has those connotations, they say, like the word, you know, shrink does, or something, for a psychiatrist.
Because it was listed in medical books that homosexuality was a deviant behavior, because it wasn't natural.
And now they found different brain structures in gay men, and then, you know, that's because of all the, you know, you give your young baby soy milk, it's full of estrogen,
I mean, the brain isn't going to develop.
There really is some science to that.
Our men are being emasculated by the formula.
That's why they can show you areas of the brain, and for some of the first studies of the hypothalamus and all that, those were guys who died of AIDS, where it shrinks when you have that.
So there's a lot of fraud involved, too.
But, I mean, there's a reason our 10-year-old daughters have giant breasts, and our young boys are running around like little girls.
Because all the estrogen in the plastics that we drink out of, in the food, and in that formula.
So mothers, stop it.
Go out and buy goat's milk if you have to.
Don't give your child a bunch of soy trash.
Side issue.
I've got a bunch of calls, a bunch of news to get to here.
The point I'm trying to make is that the word homosexual, which is a scientific term, but they said homosexuality was deviant and was a mental illness, which it obviously is a deviant folks.
I mean, just because they can find, you know, the one animal that might be doing something with another animal, again, that's not what we're designed for.
They can point at animals.
The animal kingdom are rarely, you know, doing some of that business.
So they say, oh, it's normal.
And so they got it taken out of the medical definition of the American Psychological Association and other groups in the late 60s.
And now the American Psychological Association, three years ago, said that pedophilia is good.
I don't agree with that.
Remember, Dr. Laura read where they said that sex with children was good for the children.
Remember that?
And she read it and got boycotted by the quote, gay community.
Who's out there recruiting and basically is a pedophile front in many cases.
That's why people are so disgusted.
I never really talked about it on the air until we started trying to recruit the schools and every TV show was about it.
I mean, it's obvious.
And the globalists like it because it breaks up the family and gets down the birth rate in the Western world.
But again, there's a lot of, it's a big question.
So, they tried to turn that around.
They tried to say, okay, see, it's the Soviet-style system of if you don't agree with something we're doing, you're mentally ill.
So they said, you're not mentally ill if you have sex with the same sex, but if you don't like that, if you don't like a man hitting on you if you're a man, or a woman hitting on you if you're a woman.
I talk to women and men all the time.
It's happened to everybody.
I've been in the gym and had guys come over and hit on me.
You know, if you don't like it, I mean, I know women, you know, back when I was dating, a lot of them would get mad if you came over and, you know, hey, let's go out on a date.
But imagine having a guy come over to you and, you know, asking you questions.
It's disgusting!
I'm not attracted to you!
I like women!
Do you understand?
So, that's what's happened.
They're trying to say we're mentally ill because we won't accept their deviancy.
All right, let's talk to Susan.
Susan, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Pennsylvania.
Welcome, Susan.
Thank you.
Alex, I just wanted to let you know, I was on the internet over the weekend.
I do a lot of eBaying, and they have a subliminal messaging
Well, you know what I'm saying.
Messenger system in there.
I'd click on an item to look at it closer, and when I would go back to the main list, a message would flash up just a split second.
And for like the first ten times, I noticed the color.
There was something, you know, I knew that there was something there.
For those that don't know, in the colleges they teach that billboards, advertisement, beer commercials, cigarette commercials are the worst in print, are full of subliminals.
You may have been watching a pop-up window that pops up at the first screen, then is placed behind the main screen browser.
But I don't know if eBay does that.
I'm not a big eBay person.
Or it may have been subliminals.
I don't know.
There wasn't anything behind my browser.
I looked, and the more I did it, the more I paid attention, and it said, and this is silly I guess, but it said, drink your favorite soft drink.
And then yesterday it was a different one.
Well, that's big news.
You need to contact a media in your area.
You need to go in and show the reporter that, the local media reporter, and that should be national news.
You're saying it was a soft drink commercial?
Yeah, but it wasn't a specific soft drink commercial.
It was drink your favorite soft drink.
Yeah, that sounds like they live, or you put the sunglasses on, consume.
Yeah, exactly.
Okay, thanks a million for the call.
Great call, Susan.
Please follow up on that.
I'll try to check it out.
I'm trying to go quicker because we've got guests coming up.
David in Kentucky.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Turn your radio off.
Okay, put him on hold.
I'm going to beg people to turn their radios off.
It's weird.
I'll say, turn your radio off.
Go ahead, David.
Are you there?
Can you hear me better now?
I'm sorry.
I tried to get out of the room.
I called you last week about the movie The Gathering I want you to watch.
Do you remember?
No, I don't.
Okay, but anyway, if you have the network WPBM as a religious channel on cable or satellite... Oh, I do remember, yes.
I want you to catch that Saturday night.
And what's it called?
Well, The Gathering, I already taped that myself.
It was on Saturday night, but this Saturday night, the moment after, it's supposed to come on, and I believe you need to catch that movie and watch it.
It's supposed to be like the second part of
The gathering, two FBI agents are looking for the answers.
People are disappearing off the earth.
And the guys walking around with machine guns and there's two FBI agents investigating it.
But you see what the message is.
When the men in black ski masks come around, that means the rapture is at hand.
But the rapture wasn't at hand in Nazi Germany or in the Soviet Union.
That's right.
Do you want to add anything else, David?
The only thing about what you were talking about... Just stay there.
I'll come back to you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Let's try to get as many of these calls in as we can, because we've got guests coming up.
Go ahead, David in Kentucky, finish up your comments.
Okay, you were talking about homosexuals a while ago.
I had two homosexual friends, and I actually still do have a couple other ones.
Basically, I don't have a problem with them, but anyway, these two close ones that I know, two close friends that are a couple, and actually just live right down the street from me.
I DJed a Halloween party for them on Halloween night and they said a lot of things about me that wasn't true to the crowd.
They kind of got back to me.
I'm basically done with those two guys because they've stabbed me in my back and I've been around them long enough to see that they don't act normal and I do believe that they
I do believe you were born that way, Alex.
It's genetically encrypted into your body when you're born.
No, it's not genetic.
It's cultural, it's a lot of different things, and it's also all the estrogen being pumped into the young children.
Thanks for the call.
Okay, man.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Yvonne in Colorado.
Yvonne, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I'm recording your radio programs almost every day.
Well, thank you.
And I gave a copy of your 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny to our city council who mandated putting fluoride in our water.
We've been fighting it for three years.
So I like the end part on your 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny about the fluoride storing in the bone.
I'm preparing a lawsuit against the city.
We're poisoning our water.
Second of all, we have a transport system, the bus system in Fort Collins, and I got their annual report for dial-a-ride and transport, you know, because they took my cars away.
They were seized, just like the one in your video, okay?
Seven years ago.
That's how long these seizures have been going on.
But in these bus systems, I'm going to read you just a little section about Global Positioning Satellite System.
It's used to provide the time and latitude and longitude of the vehicle to the onboard vehicle computer system.
Now they put stuff in buses all over the country five, six years ago.
They're going in the police cars, everything.
That way the enforcers will make you do it.
Here in Austin, the buses have cameras on them now inside of them watching you.
It's all about control.
It is the same thing as they say here.
The automatic vehicle locator system sends signals from the onboard vehicle computer through AT&T wireless connection to a computer system in the Transport Dial-a-Ride facility.
The information is then entered automatically into the database and displayed on the dispatch computer.
Yeah, it's a tracking system, yes.
So how can we get away from it?
First, they take your cars.
And then they put in another system for collecting money, and they use a magnetic strip card.
Yeah, it's all about getting in the casual society.
Thanks for the call, Yvonne, and please keep up the good work, folks like you are going to save this country.
Let's talk to Pat in Texas.
Pat, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
First off, I have a question.
Is it not illegal to block a lane of traffic?
Yes, it is.
Okay, well, right now, as I speak,
There's a Austin police officer on motorcycle blocking a lane of traffic on a overpass bridge over I-35.
Just stop right before you hit... And he's radaring, correct?
He's radaring and there are four... Yeah, I see it all the time.
They'll block a whole lane with pleasure for hours and sit there and radar because they could care less about making more traffic.
Four police cruisers on the northbound I-35
Yeah, that's what it's all about.
I mean, it's every time I get in a traffic jam, it's a bus just sitting there with no one on it.
It's amazing.
Thanks for the call, Pat.
Carl and Regina will get to your calls during this interview.
Stay with us.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The USS Liberty.
I've been covering this for five years at least.
A lot of people have been covering it for thirty years.
It's now been, what, 36 years since it happened.
June 8th, 1967.
The ship came under attack.
Support was turned back by LBJ.
We've had the former Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Moore, on.
We've had Rear Admiral Merlin starring on.
We've had many of the heroes that are still alive who were on board the ship that day on the show.
But there have been some new developments, folks.
And here in the second hour,
I'm going to be honored to have the filmmaker Tito Howard, who we had on last week with several guests on this subject, with Captain Ward Boston, who dropped one of the biggest bombshells of them all, according to this Associated Press article.
He got angry by a book that was written full of propaganda about what happened, and so he went public with an affidavit that is amazing.
That's my pleasure.
We're going to break here in a few minutes and come back in a long segment.
We've got plenty of time to go over all this, but first off, tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got involved in this and why you have been speaking out now.
Alright, well my background, prior to World War II I was a student of the Oboe and I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia.
After having studied with Harold Gomberg, who was later the solo oboist of the New York Philharmonic, it wasn't that I was a great musician, I just had the luck to study with Mr. Gomberg.
So when World War II started, I realized that I was going to go into a military band or that type, and I decided to go into the V-5 program, which was aviation cadet, and I got my wings in Pensacola and ended up out
We're good to go.
Back to Oceana, and I got out and went back to college.
Instead of going back to music, I decided I'd spend four and a half years away from it.
Of course, as I indicated, I wasn't really that brilliant, but at the same time I recognized the Lord Fauntleroy, Leonard Bernstein, and the people who really had the talent.
So I had the GI Bill available, and I went and matriculated at the College of William & Mary in Virginia, finished my AB, and got my
Doctor of Laws degree and practice a short while in Virginia and went in the FBI for a couple of years as a special agent, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
And when Korea started, I came back in the regular Navy.
I've been a reserve officer flying weekends for eight years.
Well, four and a half during World War II, and then the rest as a weekend warrior.
And I ended up flying jets in the weekend warriors.
But when Korea started, I was out of the Navy, of course.
I was in the FBI.
Well you've had an amazingly full life and we'll talk about the USS Liberty and your connection to it.
Very interesting and very important statements from your affidavit, sir.
And when we get back after this quick break, we'll also have Tito Howard, who's online with us, joining us, a documentary filmmaker, who put us in contact with you.
We're so honored to have you.
How many radio interviews have you done, Mr. Boston?
Well, I think I've got the results of those interviews with AP.
Right after
Well, I'll tell you what, stay right there.
We'll be right back, sir.
Please stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're talking about the tragic attack, the dastardly attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967.
We've had Admiral Moore, Admiral Starring,
Some of the survivors on Tito Howard the filmmaker and during the break I was talking to Captain Ward Boston who's dropped the biggest bombshell of them all to date about the cover-up by the president concerning all of this.
I was talking to him during the break.
I mean, this guy, again, was in combat in the Pacific.
He then went into the FBI, back into the Navy, became a captain.
And he, of course, was one of their lawyers working on the Liberty case.
And so we're discussing that with Captain Ward Boston, the Senior Legal Counsel for the Navy's Court of Inquiry into the attack on the Liberty.
We've had one of his counterparts on Friday, Admiral Merlin Starring.
And I was talking to him during the break.
This is his first radio interview that he's done, so we're honored to have him on for the full hour.
We also have Tito Howard, the filmmaker, waiting in the wings again to walk us through all this, because he's such an expert on it as well.
This is a very important story that must be told, that all Americans must be made aware of.
We were talking during the break, Captain Boston.
You were saying that you've done interviews with quite a few newspapers, Stubb.
Oh, yes.
But this incident all came about because for 36 years I've respected the orders that were given to both Admiral Kidd, myself, and anybody that was involved in the Court of Inquiry.
Shut up, don't talk about it.
I put a lid on it and it came from LBJ to McNair.
There wasn't any question, but Ike Kidd told me that when he came back from Washington.
Without rehashing the whole thing back from the beginning, Ike and I were given one week to complete that court of inquiry right after it happened.
Admiral McCain appointed Ike and Admiral Kidd as the President of the Corps and two other captains on his staff.
To be in the court and appointed me as Counselor.
I wasn't working for Admiral McCain.
I was working for Admiral Riera down in Naples.
And I kid was down in Naples also working for Admiral Griffin who was there at South.
So we ended up in London that afternoon and flew down to Crete, boarded Destroyer Berry, and boarded Liberty over the whole and still had 25 bodies in the whole.
We carried back from the Egyptian waters to Malford.
And, uh, from then on, after we finished the seven days and I put all these young kids on, and all the survivors, and couldn't put the dead on, and there was 34 dead and 171 injured, the wounded, and most of the wounded were in hospitals around the Mediterranean, Naples and Germany, and elsewhere.
So the ones who were still alive and capable and also knew something to say, I put on, I think, something like 30 or 40 witnesses.
But Admiral McGonagall, uh, Admiral Captain, Commander then, later Captain,
Commander McGonagall gave the best eyewitness.
He was up on the bridge when his XO and Operation Everybody Topside was shot.
And heads all over the place, and bodies and blood all over the place.
And so anyway, we got back to London, and a week later, and I used about 20 typists to finish up the record, and Admiral Kidd went back to Washington.
I went to Washington with it, strapped to his wrist, and he carried a couple of guns and all that.
And I went back to Naples, and about 10 days later,
Uh, 15, I don't remember, in a couple of weeks.
Of course, I had my own job to do, and so he called me when he got back.
And, uh, first thing he said, Ward, he said, we can't talk, it's been put on it.
Of course, I wouldn't talk anyway, being a lawyer.
I knew that until the investigation was completed, where I had to admonish all the witnesses, don't talk, don't say anything about this matter until after it's released officially.
So he came back and he was a different person than he was when he left.
He said they're not interested in his toothpick.
They're interested in the facts.
They're worried about the political ramifications.
And he threw a few things like that in.
He was such a wonderful person, it was hard to break his spirit, but it was a different Admiral Kidd than when he went back.
Well I'll tell you what, let's slow down just a little bit, Captain Boston, because you're just saying so many important things here, historical things, and you've just gone public in the last few months on this issue.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Now, Admiral Kidd, you say went back to Washington, came back.
You'd been one of the investigators there when the Liberty came into port with the dead bodies still on the bottom.
Well, we wrote it back.
I, Kidd and I, we wrote the story out and boarded Liberty.
And, uh, let's see, I think of June the 10th.
I think that's about right.
And we wrote, he and I wrote it for the next three or four days, but the Pearl of Liberty is about ready to sink.
And in fact, we boarded about two in the morning, climbed over the hold where we still had the bodies in there that hadn't been removed, couldn't be removed.
And the damage control assistant, in my presence, about two in the morning, told the CO, Commander McGonigal, Captain, I think the ship's gonna break in two.
And I thought, boy, that's a good way to end my days after being on the Yorktown in combat and the rest of my experiences.
But anyway, he shored it up.
Beautiful job.
Those people are remarkable.
They kept that boat going until, or ship rather, going until we got back to Malta.
And then we ended up, we convened a corps of two captains that came down from London, joined us.
And so, and I'd already talked to a lot of the witnesses and actually get them prepared to put them on.
Young kids would cry when they'd tell you about it.
And of course, they had terrible shock.
They were sunbathing.
There wasn't any indication anybody was going to get shot.
Next thing, their blood and everything topside, and their bodies, their exoskeletons, all of them were dead.
But anyway, we came back to London and finished up the record there.
It had to be topped.
We didn't have a legal status to have used that in London.
And I went to Washington.
I came back to Naples.
In about two weeks, Ike went back to Washington, I went to Washington, and they rewrote a lot of the court in order to get the classified, keep the classified stuff out, which was highly significant as far as security of the country, but it still was a different court than I finally saw later, 36 years later.
I say different in the sense that they excised a lot of pages, they excised a lot of paragraphs, and they blacked out a lot.
But I hadn't seen that record since it left.
Anyway, when I came back from Washington to Naples two weeks later, he called me and we talked, and that's when he said they weren't interested in the fact that they wanted to keep it under cover because they didn't want to embarrass their ally, meaning Israel of course.
Now, Captain, you say that the Admiral Kidd, who was a guy you couldn't break his spirits, you were saying that he sounded very depressed?
Well, he had a strong... I mean, we had such a good relationship.
I wouldn't denigrate Admiral Kidd's character, integrity, or anything else under any condition, but it was obvious.
He was like I was.
He was given an order.
He passed orders on to me that
I don't know.
There's no lying.
It's the reaction, the opinion that I had then, and I still have.
In fact, I want to run this in right now, if I can.
I didn't know Crystal until 1990, when he called me and he wanted to interview me.
And I said, no, I cannot be interviewed, because I'm still, as far as I'm concerned, nobody's lifted that ban about talking.
So he proceeded to ask questions about me, sort of in a peripheral area.
Which I answered, like my background, I've already told you that.
And he claimed he was a naval aviator in combat, but when I checked the dates he got his wings, he couldn't have been in Korea.
I mean, I'm not that, it's not that difficult to run dates through.
Anyway... Captain, you're covering, again, at light speed, a lot of issues here.
You're talking about the book that was written.
By this individual, this Mr. Crystal, and according to Newsmax, you went public because of what the Liberty Alliance called propaganda in the book, and you're saying that his book itself has a lot of facts that are wrong, and it contradicts the eyewitnesses, the report, all of it.
Well, have you had an opportunity to look at the Navy Times of July last year?
The headline, Conflicting Comments Rekindle Liberty Dispute?
Yes, sir.
We read the report on there.
I was surprised.
Now, I was called the week before that article was printed by Brian Jordan was his name.
He identified himself as editor.
I mean, he was a reporter, but I guess he had a little hierarchy.
But anyway, he asked me if I were willing to say anything about liberty.
Well, I had found out that Christa was whitewashing, was an apologist for the Israelis.
And so I said, well, 36 years have gone by.
We're taken by events now.
Books been written.
I don't agree under any condition what he said.
And of course, Admiral Kidd was deceased by then, so he couldn't stand up like I was.
And I said, yes, I'll tell you what my opinion is.
I said it was a deliberate attack.
They wanted to sink that ship and they murdered those sailors.
And I'll never change my mind on that from what I personally knew.
And of course, I was there and Crystal wasn't.
Yeah, I think so.
We're good to go.
It suggests that I better look over my shoulder since I may be taking on a bigger issue there than that.
It doesn't worry me.
I'm over 80 years old now and I'm ready to make changes.
Later to become the director of the CIA, he went public about the Liberty.
Oh yes, he was director then.
They told him to cover up.
I mean, in other words, to declare it was an accident.
They didn't know what they were doing, which is a lot of malarkey.
Hold on, Captain.
We got a break again.
This is absolutely amazing.
We're going to continue, bring Tito Howard up, but I don't want to stop you.
You're just so much key info.
And I want to go over your statement about how this was a war crime.
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Absolutely, what an amazing individual.
He was a veteran of World War II in the Pacific, seeing some of the heaviest action, because I know the history of the aircraft carrier he was on.
Then he boarded the USS Liberty right after, a few days after it was attacked, helped get it into port, almost sunk on him.
Got all the reports from the eyewitnesses, and then saw the ensuing whitewash.
And then after seeing the propaganda put out by the mainstream media went public, and you just heard him, former director of the CIA, going public and then dying right after that, and his buddies at the FBI telling
Mr. Boston, it was also an FBI agent that he better start looking over his back.
Mr. Boston, Captain Boston, we're about to bring up Tito Howard.
Again, I'm so honored to have you here for your first radio interview.
Phillip, before the break, you acted surprised that Richard Helms had made that statement.
Well, this Brian Jordan, Navy Times article, second paragraph, I won't read about mine because I already told you that, quoting Richard Helms.
It was no accident, former CIA Director Richard Helms said May the 29th, bucking that agency's June the 13th, 1967 report that indicated the incident could have been a mistake.
And he continued on and said he didn't want to talk anymore, that was it, but it was a deliberate attack.
Go ahead, I interrupted you.
Well no, no sir.
Let me get this in because before you get...
I don't know this gentleman, but there have been so many rebuttals, not rebuttals, but accusations of saying that.
Coming on, why did I waste 36 years to come on all that?
But anyway, one person apparently supports me completely in that the U.S.
Naval Institute proceedings in July 2003 had one crystal supporter, and then they had this gentleman, who I don't know, but this is his
David Smythe, S-M-Y-T-H, and I'll read one paragraph and I'll finish up.
As a national newsman and editor of the Associated Press, I read David Humphrey's article of interest.
About 20 years ago, I did an AP story on the Liberty Incident that was published by the Los Angeles Times and a large number of other U.S.
I spoke to the following officials, their titles correspond to the positions they enjoyed at the time of the incident.
And they all told me that the Israel attack was deliberate and not an accident.
Secretary of State Dean Rust, he said it, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Thomas Moore,
Uh, Central Intelligence Agency CIA Director Richard Helms and National Security Agency NSA Deputy, uh, Louisa Cortello.
Now I'll finish, I won't read the whole thing, I'll finish up with this comment.
I might add that I gathered, he said, I might add that I gathered other statements.
Secretary of Defense Robert McNair told me on the phone that he had no recollection of the attack on Liberty.
I found this curious at the time, as I understood him to have the reputation of a man with a violent cabinet memory.
I also talked to Admiral Isaac Kidd, who headed the Naval Court of Inquiry.
I told him what the others had said, and then asked if he had any opinion.
He said, quote, The giants of that time can speak out.
I know when to keep my mouth shut.
And that's exactly the position he took from the time he came back from Washington.
Keep your mouth shut.
And Crystal called me in 1990, wanted to interview him, and I said, no, I'm not, I'm still, I haven't been... Well, let me just say this, Captain.
Let me just say this.
I've been studying this for five years, and obviously you know more than I do on the subject.
But we've had the people who were on the ship, we've had filmmakers, we've had admirals, we've had the former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff saying what you're saying.
You refresh my memory about the Navy Times, Marine Corps Times article with the former CIA director saying this a couple days before he had a little problem and died.
Now, we're seeing all this develop.
You were there.
You did the investigation.
I'm going to listen to you, not Irving Kristol, running around with the neocons, spewing his propaganda.
Secondarily, before we break, and I promise we'll get to T.O.
Howard, who I just appreciate so much being here with us, riding shotgun, and you stay with us, Captain.
Let me tell you one thing before you break.
I forget it.
Now, Kristol called me in 1991 to interview me.
I said, no, sir.
I said, talk to Admiral Kidd.
Now, two hours later, Admiral Kidd calls me back and said, Ward, in his deep voice, Ward, I just talked to that guy, Crystal, and he said, I think he's an Israeli agent.
And I said, Admiral, I have no dispute with that conclusion, because of the way he was asking questions.
And so, he went and made 15 trips to Israel, talked to those people, yet they would not let us.
Well, no, absolutely.
When we get back, I want to talk more about your affidavit where you say that, again, LBJ and McNamara
Uh, told your investigation to, uh, to basically whitewash it.
And I want to get, uh, Mr. Howard on as well.
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Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got a lot of news articles about the USS Liberty Associated Press, London Guardian, Newsmax and others hosted on the site covering this important issue.
We're about to go back
To Captain Boston for this amazing interview.
We're going to get Tito Howard on first.
I know Tito's probably got some great questions for him as well.
Tito Howard, the documentary filmmaker of the film, Loss of Liberty.
But let me read from this Newsmax article to recap what we're talking about for those that just joined us listening all across the country.
The most stunning revelation was a statement by Captain Ward Boston, the Senior Legal Counsel for the Navy's Court of Inquiry into the attack on the Liberty.
His statement was read by Rear Admiral Merlin Starring, a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, following her portions of what were read out of the affidavit by the man who's a World War II veteran, FBI agent, lawyer, Navy Captain, investigator.
This is part of his statement, and he can obviously add to it if he likes.
The late Admiral Isaac Kidd and I were given only one week to gather evidence for the Navy's official investigation.
Despite the short amount of time we were given, we gathered a vast amount of evidence, including hours of heartbreaking testimony from the young survivors.
The evidence was clear.
Both Admiral Kidd and I believe with certainty that this attack, which killed 34 American sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.
I am certain that the Israeli pilots that undertook the attack, as well as their supervisors who had ordered the attack, were aware that the ship was an American.
I saw our flag, which had visibly identified the ship as American, riddled with bullet holes, and heard testimony that made it clear that the Israelis intended there be no survivors.
Not only did the Israelis attack the ship for over two hours with napalm, gunfire, and hundreds of rockets and missiles, Israeli torpedo boats, machine-gunned, three lifeboats, three lifeboats were machine-gunned, that had been launched in an attempt to save the crew.
A war crime!
After saying he was moved to speak out,
By a book titled The Liberty Incident by Jay Crystal, excuse me, I said Irving Crystal.
He described it as an attempt to whitewash the facts.
He then dropped a bombshell saying, I have first-hand knowledge from my personal conversations with Admiral Kidd, that President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara personally ordered him to cover up the true facts and conclude the attack was a case of mistaken identity despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
And, uh, again, folks, an LBJ had the planes turned back and got on the phone to yell at the admirals on the day of the event to make them turn the planes back to not defend that ship.
By the grace of God and the crew's incredible valiant skill, it did not go to the bottom.
We're about to go back to Captain Ward, Boston.
Well, I'm just really pleased that he's stepped forward now.
We've known all along that this was a premeditated, deliberate attack.
I've known it since 1975.
Because I was told that by Admiral Moore just five months after he stepped down from being the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for two terms.
And you mentioned the life rafts, the three French-built Israeli motor torpedo boats fired just about everything they had at Liberty, all six torpedoes, one hit.
And then they pulled off.
And then when they saw the activity of the three, they only had three life rafts left, out of like 26, and these were large life rafts, bright orange, and they were put over because the captain had given the order to abandon ship.
George Golden, Commander Golden, was the chief engineer aboard Liberty, and he was one of the main reasons the ship survived.
So the order was given, and so they put these three over, over the side, and the Israeli torpedo boats came back up, fired at them, sank two of them, broke the tether on the third one, took it aboard one of the motor torpedo boats, and that life raft is in an Israeli military museum near Daman in the northern Negev as a trophy.
Now let me stop you right there, Tito Howard, because I got two questions for Captain Boston and then you.
Number one, I mean, I know enough about military law, I've never been in the military, though I do like to study it somewhat.
This is a classic textbook war crime, I want to get your comment on this, to try to kill sailors
Or anybody who is in life rafts, and then to take one aboard, to even take one away, that's a war crime.
Secondarily, why is this story so important?
I mean, it's not just the 36 people they killed and the 70-something wounded.
You know, it's not just that.
It's that this is a bigger cover-up.
It shows the corruption.
It shows the control of the media.
It shows how they would attack the records of these men.
That's my opinions on it.
I'd like to get your take, Captain Boston, and then, of course, Mr. Howard, on the two issues of the war crime, and why is this story important?
Well, I couldn't agree with you more, and I don't think I can amplify any more than what Peter said and what you
I mean, that's so basic, even from World War II days, when the Japanese would shoot naval aviators bailing out in the parachutes, the same rationale, the same legal basis in international law.
I don't know.
And he covered the Liberty and some of those witnesses and did a beautiful job.
That would be my assumption.
You see, when we've been stuck
After seven days, all I had to go on was what the kids or the people who were still aboard who could testify, especially the commanding officer.
If we could have gone to Italy.
Now, a little aside on that, I have no strong feelings.
I suppose I've been accused of being anti-Semitic because I'm taking a strong stand on Israeli behavior here.
I'm not.
Of course, I told you, I stayed with Harold Gomberg, one of the finest people in the world, and one of my... I couldn't have been a better friend, and there still is.
I treat people individually, not by... But when I see things like this, I just... Captain, Captain, look.
I mean, we've defended Israel when they need to be defended.
We don't support Hamas.
They're terrorists.
We've gone through this, and I get attacked for this.
If Germany did this, if England did this, if the U.S.
government did this, if the Eskimos did this, we would have to expose it, would we not?
Absolutely, and another quick one there.
I defended a lieutenant who later made captain who was accused of strafing friendly forces in Korea.
And when I was asked to come out and defend, I went aboard the Phil Seah and went up the bomb line, but the weather was so bad we couldn't get over, and the admiral who was very anxious to get this information to see whether we were going to court-martial this lieutenant, I told him there wasn't any way I could do anything but defend him unless I went over and talked to witnesses and saw what happened over there.
Now that was during Korea, and here in Liberty, many years later,
It was almost a replay.
We couldn't go.
They said, no, come on with what you've got.
So back to the lieutenant, I prevailed in that by saying, well, he thinks he might have sprayed friendly forces, but that's all his conclusion is.
Now, in the Liberty case, there's no question what they did.
But we weren't allowed at that time to go there.
Captain, how important is it that they had unmarked aircraft?
Well, I'm not sure they were unmarked.
Some of the pictures I saw had the, you know, they call it the Star of David, but it's really, if you look in the dictionary, it's Solomon's Seal.
Most people say, even Jewish people call it the Star of David, but I looked in the dictionary one day and I was surprised to see it's called Solomon's Seal.
Yeah, he sealed the genie up with that.
Yeah, but anyway.
I saw two or three pictures with the star of David, as they call it, on the side.
Well, then let me get Tito's comment on that, Tito, because the press reports have said unmarked planes.
Your comments?
Well, there's no question that there were unmarked planes, because everybody on board said that was true.
It was the only time in all of Israel's wars that they've used unmarked planes, and that shows the deliberate nature of it.
Well, because there's no reason to use unmarked planes in a battle.
Well, Tito, the C-140s were marked, weren't they?
Yeah, but that wasn't during combat.
I know, but that was preceding it.
They had every reason to... Well, go ahead.
No, no, the Liberty was surveilled 13 times, 6 in the morning.
Oh, the surveillance craft, and then they said unmarked?
That's even sneakier.
Yeah, right.
I'm not arguing that point, yeah.
Okay, so we're actually in agreement.
Well, that's good.
Now, Tito, why is this story so important?
Well, it's important because our entire Middle East policy has been predicated upon Israeli support because they're a great ally and strategic ally of the United States.
And we've gotten Marines killed in Beirut because of the Israelis.
There's never a causal relationship, a cause and effect.
The Israelis lied to our government when they attacked southern Lebanon in 1982.
They told us they were only going to go in 20 kilometers.
Then they went into Beirut, an Arab capital, and they dropped over 800,000 bombs, artillery shells, and tank shells.
So then we pressured the PLO to leave.
And they said, but if we leave, what about our women and children?
And we, the United States, said we will take care of them.
And Philip Abebe, who's the special envoy where the President signed that, and I've seen that document.
And then, so they left, and then the Palestinians were given Sabra and Shatila.
And that's when we sent the Marines in, and all the hatred that all that caused, you know, Sabra and Shatila particularly, then a guy, a big truck bomb,
Uh, you know, blows that we lose 243 Marines.
On the 23rd of October 1983, I was in the Middle East.
Tito, let me shift gears back to the Captain.
Captain Boston, what would you like to see be done with this now?
Where would you like to see this go?
I mean, McNamara indicted or reprimanded or an investigation?
I mean, what would you like to see happen?
Well, I think, as I said back then,
I think we should have the facts that are available that weren't available then, and which we predicated that Court of Inquiry upon.
There was a couple of ECs flying over, the tapes had never been made available, weren't made available.
The 65 sworn statements by the people in the hospital from Liberty,
They weren't included in our court because we didn't have them available.
And when that kid took the record back to Washington, I showed them that they were sent into Washington, but I've never seen it.
I don't recall seeing them.
And the only copy I've ever seen in the Court of Inquiry is one that Jim Ennis, who was one of the survivors, he sent me a copy of the court.
And my first reaction was, well I don't see any corrections I made.
And I made about 15 or 20 corrections where the typist had put on the bottom of one page A and D and on the top of the next page, the way we were feeding them that from the channel master.
During a break I was talking to you, you said that there's been an outpouring of support to you and appreciation by the survivors of the Liberty.
Can you speak to that and can you do that as well?
I was surprised because I've had, there were kids then, they're up in their 60s and 70s now, but on my birthday I was surprised to get birthday cards.
And actually, when I opened the first one, I couldn't ask, well, what's this?
And every one of them was so grateful that I had broken that so-called order, the command not to talk about the case.
And when Jordan asked my opinion, I said, yes, it was delivered my opinion.
And from then on I must have gotten 15 or 20 and I checked with somebody one day and I said, how'd you find out about my birthday?
And they said, well we have ways of finding out.
Let me ask you a question, another question.
Uh, there were the admirals on board the ships, one of them was on the phone with McNamara, then he went up the chain of command to LBJ, telling him, you turn those jets back, I don't care if all those sailors die, you keep this quiet.
Uh, I want to go over those admirals' names again, and then, any other revelations that Kidd told you in private about the cover-up?
Well, the ones that... See, that's a side that I didn't have available when we got to court.
Admiral McCain gave us seven days.
We were back in seven days.
And when we boarded Liberty, he got sick.
I ran two other courts of inquiry for him.
One is still classified.
I can't talk about it.
And the base went aground down the road.
That was quite a big deal.
But we were very close.
Always close.
He spoke his mind freely to me and I did to him.
But when he got an order, just like he said in this Dan Smith article, the big guys made the decision to keep their mouth shut.
Well, he came back and said, keep your mouth shut, don't talk.
We did have one interview with a guy named Irving R. Levine, I think was his name, in Rome.
I don't know whether we went to Rome for it or not.
But I took me along and he was given permission.
Now see, this was all orchestrated.
Right after we boarded Liberty, when we got back to Malta, it wasn't on Liberty.
You were told specifically that there were certain reporters you were to talk to?
Well, I wasn't told, but here's the way they orchestrated it.
See, I'm working with witnesses.
I was on the phone, I'm sure, every night.
But you said that they told you it was okay to talk to these people?
Oh, you mean that Levine?
Well, that was after I got back from Washington.
But back in Malta, we were there one day or two days into the formal court, and we were interrupted by three JCS people.
I always thought they were three-stars.
I believe one was a three-star Air Force, and they had Air Force, Navy, and Army represented from the JCS.
And they came aboard, and I called me aside later.
You see, he dealt with everything big.
I dealt with little people.
This is Ike Keehan.
And put everybody on their own that way, why it's wrapped up as an Article 32.
And as I was a counselor, I'm like a DA.
But you were talking about something being scripted, something being staged.
Well, I've never finished that statement.
When we were in Naughter, all these reveals were coming through, big people and newspapers and all of them.
And I would be dealing with them, and they sent some, a guy named Cooney, and I'm not sure, he was a PAO type.
But all of a sudden I said, well, we have to let these newspaper people have a statement every night.
And so they got together on what to say.
I wasn't, I was, that was not my bailiwick because they were working on the PAOs.
You know, if you understand what I'm saying.
No, I understand now.
So anyways, then that was when it looked like some of these sailors were out on the beach getting
Tell you what, stay there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
I just talked to Captain Ward Boston, his first radio interview on this subject.
He's done quite a few newspaper interviews about the USS Liberty and the sneak attack, the cover-up, and how that changed, really, the geopolitical structure of what's going on in the Middle East.
And this policy of lying, he's agreed to stay with us a little bit in the next hour.
If you guys want to get involved on air and take some calls, it's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Call in now, this is your chance.
Well, that was...
Well, you know, I'm not sure if it was Washington or St.
Anyway, Admiral Kidd was on the horn with Admiral McCain maybe two or three times a day during the first hearing of the court proceedings.
And that's when the newspaper people had gotten in.
They came down in swarms and then we had this JCS group that came through and they suggested maybe they should do that.
But anyway, we kept the court going.
And then they sent a PAO guy down from London.
Well, you know, this has been going on all these years and these guys are
Our older now, this is probably the greatest scandal in the history of the United States.
For the United States to listen to the words of their attackers, and it's the most successful fifth column in any country in the history of the world.
And to put it into some perspective, since the attack on the Liberty in 67,
The United States has given more aid to Israel than all of Black Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined.
Now that borders on the obscene, given 40 million cases of AIDS in Africa and all kinds of problems in South America.
So the entire geopolitical situation which you had mentioned has been changed.
And we're a country of laws, we're a country of democratic principles, and we have bent all of those
Well, I would also add to all of this that when you look at the big picture, they left a ship there
We're going to let them sink it to blame it on Egypt.
We'll let them straight to lifeboats.
We'll turn the jets back.
What will the government do today?
Because we have a lot better, more moral people, you know, back when people like Ward Boston were G-men at the FBI and then captains in the Navy.
I mean, today I look at the sociopaths in government.
I mean, I'm scared.
Well, you have reason to be scared.
There are so many weapons in so many hands.
The demographics have changed a lot since 1967.
Now we have two bitter enemies, Pakistan and India, that are nuclear powers.
I'll tell you what, we've got to leave it there.
We've got a break for the third hour.
I'm going to keep you guys on about 10-15 minutes.
It's so gracious of you, Captain Boston and you, Mr. Howard.
I want to take some calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
For our guest, quick comment or question for Captain Boston or Mr. Howard, the filmmaker, 1-800-259-9231.
Be the first folks to talk on the radio with Captain Boston.
We'll be right back, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
They're new and they're more powerful than any gravity filter element on the market.
These powerful filters fit most gravity filter systems and can be installed... This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm just gonna keep Captain Boston
And Tito Howard on for two more segments.
Your chance to talk to them about the dastardly attack on the USS Liberty.
The cover-up by LBJ and McNamara.
And of course, Captain Boston has now gone public.
A lot of other people have gone public, like the former CIA director who died shortly after.
And we've got Mr. Moore, the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral, many others.
And this will be our next to last installment.
We're going to have Admiral Moore on.
Later this week, but it's important enough subject to cover it in depth.
Later I got a bunch of news coming up on just a whole host of issues.
Captain Tito, you guys ready to go to calls?
Yep, sure.
Okay, let's talk to Scott in Mass.
Scott, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, thank you very much.
Captain Boston, two quick questions, sir.
I understand that we have provided Israel with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles that are available on submarines.
Those are German dolphins with harpoon nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and that was in the news two weeks ago.
I don't know if Captain Boston is aware.
The real crux of the question is motive.
From what I understand about the Israelis motive
But damaging and trying to sink the Liberty is that they wanted to infiltrate and attack Syria, and we didn't want them to attack Syria.
And if they did go ahead and attack Syria, we would know because the Liberty would have alerted us.
Well, the target, sir, the target was Egypt, according to what I've been told.
Captain Boston?
Well, my knowledge is limited to what I've read.
We're good to go.
Uh, they thought we had information where they moved their troops from the Egyptian side back up to Syria, and so they went ahead and took the Golan Heights then.
So, yes, uh, it was another case of deceit and deception.
Thank you very much, because the motive of why these guys do what they do is always interesting to see, and just, they were willing to sacrifice all those lives in that ship
That they could attack somebody else.
That's right.
It is on the record, because I hold LBJ and McNamara more responsible because they were in command of that ship, the commander-in-chief, he had the responsibility and he committed treason when he said, I don't care if all those sailors die.
Now... I think he said, I don't care if 300 of them die, something like that.
Is that not the definition of treason, Captain?
Well, unfortunately, treason, you have to have a witness or else a confession.
And you notice there was a lot of cover-ups there.
Even the man back there said he didn't remember anything that happened.
I just read you one.
I think that Dan Smith is probably one of the best witnesses you could call in regard to what he looked up about 20 years ago.
Well, I mean, we have the admirals who admitted to people that, you know, they're on the phone yelling at them.
Don't we, T-Dub?
Yes, we do.
And the main thing was very geisty.
After the heroes on the Liberty did what they could do, the first real hero was, American hero, was Joe Tully, the skipper of the Saratoga.
Then the second American hero, and this was a very tough guy,
Was a carrier division commander for the 6th Fleet at the time.
A Rear Admiral Larry Geiss.
And he was refusing to recall the plane.
That's because the Liberty was still under attack.
Of course he was right, as history has proven.
And then LBJ gets on the phone and yells at him.
We've got a break.
We'll come back with four or five more calls and let our guest leave us.
Stay with us.
One more segment.
Your call's coming up.
And then a bunch of other news.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
It's our final segment with his Virgin Maiden radio interview.
Captain Warren Boston dropping bombshell after bombshell, no pun intended on us, concerning the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.
We've got the filmmaker Tito Howard with us.
We're going to talk to Mark, Joe, John, a couple others in this final segment.
What an amazing individual, Captain Ward Boston.
He was a fighter pilot or fighter-bomber pilot off of the Yorktown when it was under attack, lost a third of their squadron in the FBI, went back into the Navy and became a captain, was there, boarded via destroyer the USS Liberty a couple days after it got attacked, got it into Yalta,
And then witnessed all this history.
I was telling him during the break, I'd like to get him on to talk about what it was like being on the Yorktown.
We need to tell these stories and have these incredible heroes on the air.
It's just absolutely amazing.
And I'm so honored to have him here.
And I was begging him to come back on to talk about the Yorktown later.
That's incredible stuff.
Just from the black and white film I've seen of it.
But you said during the break there was one more thing you wanted to say, one more item, Captain, before we take these final calls.
Yeah, well, I think the good thing about not having a computer, I don't get any hate mail, but I do have somebody sent me this.
It's entitled, Israel's Enemies Revisit USS Liberty, written by Jerome S. Kaufman, K-A-U-F-M-A-N.
And that's, I'll read one paragraph.
And then he said, in any case, just this week, October 27, 2003, in Washington Times, Washington Times, Captain Ward Borg, former Navy attorney involved in the investigation of the incident, suddenly had an epiphany wherein he reveals that he was told by President Lyndon Johnson, that's untrue, I never said I was told, and then a parent, now conveniently deceased,
Johnson, yes, and former Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara, also now conveniently deceased.
Yeah, but he's saying that McNamara is deceased.
I wonder if McNamara knows that.
Well, it's amazing, but here's the point here.
I'm not against Israel.
I don't support these Arab countries.
They'd slit my throat.
But I don't support what Israel's doing either.
I don't support what a lot of these corrupt governments are doing.
And we have to stand up for our troops, folks.
And these people that say they're patriots, you've got to be a patriot all the way.
That's right.
You know, this isn't, oh, hey, let's just kill all our sailors.
Ha, ha, ha.
We had a sicko caller about a week ago.
Remember that Tito?
Who said, hey, you know, if it's for Israel, kill our troops.
You know, so what?
Who cares?
Oh, you just don't like Israel.
Let's talk to Mark in Oregon.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I think it has to do with the biggest lie of the ages.
And that is that these people who claim to be Jews, but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan, and those are not my words.
You see, I'm not going to go there.
Those are not my words.
Those are not my words.
Those are Christ's words.
Yeah, I understand, but I...
Hold on a second.
What I'm trying to say to you is, Mark, that's exactly what the media tries to get people to do, where you can't criticize any policy of Israel, or you're saying that, again, I criticize... What do I do on this show?
I expose corruption.
And I'm saying you hurt the case of the liberty and government corruption by going there.
But go ahead, do it.
Well, these people are not Israelites.
They're Esauitomites.
And God has cursed them, but he's using them against us in high places, even in our government.
And I'm telling you, I'm telling you, it's the lie of the ages.
If this could get exposed to the world, it could cause us to wake up and we could see peace like you have never seen it overnight.
Okay, thanks for the call.
Look, uh, Captain, any comments to that?
Well, I agree with people in a high place in our government.
They're again, uh, uh, well, I think I've said enough of that.
Well, people in high places, you know, LBJ, McNamara.
Oh yeah, but he was talking about the Israeli influence.
Now, I think he meant currently in our government, and I think you can see some of that.
Well, that's certainly there, but to say that a whole group of people are bad, I don't agree with that.
Oh, I agree with you.
Of course not.
Treat people individually.
I think the Golden Rule is the easiest way to follow that.
Well look, the French spy on us, the British spy on us, the Russians spy on us.
When I accused Putin of spying on us or Jiang Zemin, I remember press reports when all the Chinese spying was going on five years ago.
And it was, is it anti-Asian to criticize the spies?
I'm not going to fall into that whole thing of, yeah, it's because Chinese are evil, that's why they're spying on us.
No, it's a government, and it needs to be exposed.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Well, look at that power, too, in the classic example.
But let's talk to Joe in Texas.
Joe, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
This question goes to Motive.
It was my understanding
That, of course, on June 5th, 1967, when Israel responded to a large buildup of Egyptian troops into Sinai, that was the official start of the Six Days War.
And, of course, the Liberty was attacked on June 8th.
It was my understanding that at that time, a young Ariel Sharon had captured a contingent of the Egyptian troops in the Sinai and was executing them with blindfolds, hands bound, etc.
in violation of the Geneva Convention.
And that in fact, USS Liberty was a surveillance ship.
Well, it was a surveillance.
Hold on, hold on.
We've gone over this and over this.
It was a surveillance ship, but the government could have recalled that ship at any time.
That ship was there under federal control, and again, when they called LBJ, they already knew it was the Israelis doing it.
It was a set-up deal.
Go ahead.
The USS Liberty had recorded these events, i.e.
the execution of all of these POWs in the Sinai.
That's why the Israeli government ordered that ship sunk.
Okay, comments?
Mr. Howard?
That was one of the reasons I understand, but I didn't know that at the time.
Yeah, it's true.
That was more of a breakthrough by Jim Bamford in his book, Cloudy of Secrets.
It's a very important book, and I would
Encourage your listeners to get that book and to watch our film.
But from talking to the survivors, from talking to you, from talking to Moore and others, the big motive is sink the ship, blame it on Egypt.
Yes, but that's true, but sometimes those that hear that argument confuse it
was saying bring the United States into the war.
I don't believe that's accurate.
No, I don't think the Israelis needed us in, but they want, if you will remember 11 years before this 67 war, under the cover of the Hungarian Revolution, the Israelis, with the assistance of the English and French, attacked Egypt and took Sinai all the way to the east bank of the canal.
And we weren't consulting.
Eisenhower was furious.
And he sailed part of the Sixth Fleet in between the British fleet and the... You've got to boil it down.
This was to get some support.
Yeah, but let me... I'm about to do that.
The... Eisenhower then told the Israelis to get out.
It was an election year in 1956.
And the Israelis refused.
A lot of pressure by Eisenhower.
Threat to cut off aid and so on.
So they finally got out in 1956.
Now, if the ship, the Liberty, was sunk, all hands killed, and it was blamed on Egypt, it would have been believed.
The Egyptian Air Force was destroyed on the 8th of June.
The war was all over.
There was no fighting on the 8th of June.
And the Israelis took the Golan Heights the next day, around noon on the night.
So the point is, we're almost out of time.
Yeah, okay, is that
Israelis got out because of world public opinion and American political pressure.
If the Egyptians did it, or we believe that, then there would be no world public opinion
I wanted to make a more general point about the total corruption and sociopathic nature of the media.
I think?
When you put all this together with Bamford's book, Body of Secrets, the Northwoods document that they planned to kill Americans to frame up Cuba to justify an invasion, the killing of Kennedy according to people like Colonel Fletcher Prouty because he was going to get out of Vietnam because he was going to normalize relations with Cuba, the killing of American soldiers on the Liberty
You begin to see that the media and the government are colluding in not only the crimes but the cover-up and bringing it down to this day when people can't believe that they would be involved in allowing or shepherding or orchestrating the 9-11 attacks.
I think you begin to see that all of this is within their sociopathic character.
Okay, let me get comments from Captain Boston on what you said and Tito Howard.
Go ahead, gentlemen.
I'm not sure I can expand on that.
Go ahead, Tito.
Well, no, there's a lot of truth in what this man said, and much of it is not known.
The thing with the Liberty, it is perhaps the greatest scandal in the history of the United States.
And if we had known the true nature of that attack, we would not have vetoed every resolution at the UN to protect Israel.
Well, I think you're adding a good service to the country by
I haven't the courage, and I listen to George Noyes and Overheard Bell at night because sometimes you hear things there you won't hear anyplace else.
Alright, well we definitely put out a lot of the info here.
Thank you so much for coming on the show, Captain Boston.
We'll talk to you soon in the future.
And we'll be back real quick with Tito Howard to plug his video.
Then I'm going straight to a bunch of news you don't want to miss.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Folks, I got news articles here.
Where if somebody puts out an ad saying, single white female seeking single white male, they're being threatened with arrest.
Complaints are being filed in England saying it breaks the racism code.
So you're arrested now.
They have hate crime sweeps for speech there.
This is purely Orwellian.
That's coming up.
A bunch of other news.
CIA warns on new generation of biological weapons, race specific.
Yeah, you're the ones making them.
That's all coming up.
And some more of your calls.
But Tito Howard, it's been great having you up for this series.
I know we're going to get Admiral Moore on sometime this week and then end the series for now.
It's been, I guess, a four-part series then when we have Admiral Moore on.
But real quick, now I'm going to be carrying it.
I've ordered some now.
I'm putting it up on the shopping cart and everything later this week.
On the toll-free number, it's not there yet.
We're not going to advertise it until we have them.
We're going to be selling the Loss of Liberty videos.
That way you support Tito and his work and my work.
But you can get them from him, directly from Tito.
I just want to get the information out.
Tito, give them the P.O.
box and how much a Loss of Liberty video is.
Twenty-five apiece.
We're selling three for fifty also.
But it's important that people know the facts.
There's six Medal of Honor heroes.
One of them just died.
Alex, I just found out that Mitchell Page, the great Marine hero, died the day before yesterday.
But he's in the film.
We have Admiral Moore, Merlin, starring in there.
Ray Davis, the hero of The Chosen Reservoir.
Tell folks the P.O.
Box, please.
Send it to Howard Films or Liberty Alliance.
Box 663.
Front Royal, that's two words, Front Royal, Virginia, 22630.
All right.
Listen, Tito, I want to thank you for coming on the show.
God bless you and I'll talk to you soon, my friend.
I thought Boston was terrific.
He was amazing.
And don't we have more for Friday?
Well, I hope Friday.
I'm going to be with the admirals tomorrow and that's one of the things on my list.
Well, that'll be our final part of the series.
Thank you, sir.
Take care.
We're going to come back in the next segment, get to news, calls, a bunch of stuff.
I'll tell you right now, I didn't plug my videos or my books last hour.
That's how we support this operation.
You notice I bring other authors up, other people, promote what they're doing, put out what they're doing, whether it's Barry Hamish from, you know, Jerusalem or Tito Howard from Virginia.
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government, the same global criminals are controlling all these governments.
No matter what color they are, they're in an allied crime syndicate.
They're carrying out terror.
And if we don't get the message out that government stands to gain from terror, and that when we give up liberty, we get tyranny, not security.
If we don't get the word out on this, folks, they're gonna keep blowing stuff up and getting us into wars, or getting us to give up liberties.
They're setting it up.
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Because secondarily, it also supports this show.
That's 888-253-3-1-3-9.
Or InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
The videos are waking up 90% of those that see them.
And they give people a big-picture view outside the box so they can understand the real paradigm and get outside the controlled paradigm.
That's why these videos are so important.
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They project the lines, as Mr. Welch said.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or 1-888-253-3139 or 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Take action.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
So stop doing nothing.
You want a tool to wake somebody up?
This is it.
We'll come back and get into just an absolute plethora of vital news.
So please stay with us for the final half hour of this transmission.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Folks, if we don't cut through this political correction, it's going to get into Orwellian mind control.
Here's mainstream news out of London in the sun.
You can't white that on your blackboard.
Lovely pub landlady, Diane Prestige, advertised to meet a single white male and has been accused of racism.
The mother of three was down in the dumps after her husband left her and two close pals died.
So she chalked on the chalkboard outside her pub, wanted part-time single white male, 40 to 50.
And she's been accused of being a racist.
You know, that's the type of news.
I got a bunch of that political correctness, mind control news here in front of me.
UN group seeks control of the internet.
We'll also get into thumbs pay at some stores.
USA Today, how wonderful thumbscanning to buy and sell is.
Lawyers and civil liberties groups condemn jury curbs, or get rid of juries.
Thieves are targeting stately homes, thanks to gun confiscation in England.
Protests begin, but majority backs Bush visit as support for war surges.
What does that mean?
Talk about propaganda.
So that's just some of what is coming up here in just a few minutes.
So definitely stay with us, and I know we have Coy and others that are patiently holding.
We'll get to you, too.
If you want to join us, it's 1-800-259-9231.
For the next five minutes, though, Debbie Morrow, New Millennium Concepts, Your Body 70% Water, herbicides, pesticides, chlorine, fluoride, MBTE, Prozac, Ritalin, hormones, birth control pills, cleaners, all this stuff
Folks, Austin supposedly has some of the best water in the country out of the aquifer.
It tastes like kerosene after it goes through the city system.
They take good well water and ruin it.
Out in L.A., you drink toilet to tap, folks.
They take sewage, and that's what you drink, is cleaned sewage.
Stop it!
It's insane!
They found Prozac in most of the lakes in the country, and rivers, and streams.
It's time to take control with a high-quality, easy-to-use, gravity-fed water filtration system that you can put together in two minutes.
They've got little portable sports bottles that clean your water when you're out and about.
They don't cut everything out like the big units, but most of it.
Water is so important.
We focus on food and vitamins and all this, but not water.
This is such a big deal.
Debbie, thanks for coming on.
Hey, Alex.
How are you today?
Well, thanks for having me.
I did want to go over what our specials are for the month, but I found a really neat site online.
Is it okay if I tell people about it?
It's about water, and you probably know about it.
I don't.
I didn't.
One of my customers faxed it to me.
It's a water tech
Are you familiar with that?
No, I'm not.
It's really great.
They have article after article after article about the different problems that people have in the water.
It's great.
And they take it back to where they got the information from.
And I was reading some of the different archived
Thank you.
Oh, let's see, here's one here.
I mean, Debbie, every month, every couple weeks, there's articles of some town in Austin or outside Austin, you know, where they say boil your water.
Folks, look, I don't sell snake oil.
I sell things I believe in.
Real simple stuff like books, videos, water filters.
It's about taking control of your life.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I was just reading an article in here about where they told people just the other day to boil their water because the water main broke.
Things that seem to be not that big a deal, you know, in your neighborhood or in your town or your community and a water main breaks, well bacteria builds up in there and it does like a backwashing.
And they don't usually find out about it until people get sick.
But look, forget when there's big problems.
The problem's already there with the fluoride and the chloride and the arsenic and the dead bacteria and the sewage and the Prozac.
Many folks
Seriously, I drink nothing but filtered water.
The bottled water isn't safe.
That's been all over the news.
Dannon yogurt water killed people in New York two years ago.
It's time to get a big Berkey.
It's the best unit out there.
What are the specials?
We have the November special is one Berkey light with the lights, either white or blue, and a set of the PF4 fluoride reduction filters.
Normally that would be a $308
And we have a special price for $2.59, which is a $49 savings.
Or they can get the Berkey Light without the light with either a free sport Berkey or a free bottle of potassium iodate, which would be a $238 value for $1.99.
Now that's a good deal.
They really are.
They really are, because those are real affordable.
We also have a sports bottle special.
Yes, the sport bottles we have
Five of the generic label sport bottles for $99, which would be $170 retail.
So you save $71 on that, or you can get 12 of the generic label sport bottles.
Now what does that mean, generic?
Because that's what I bought from you.
I know.
It just means that they have the same filter element in them, but they don't say sport Berkey on the bottle.
They give us a good deal on them because they don't have to, you know... No, I know about printing costs.
I know about printing costs.
You save money by not... Right.
So we save money on it and we want to pass the value on to others because our main heart is we want to see that everybody who hears the sound of our voice or knows someone or advertises, whatever, that they get good water because this really is good water and not only that... Well, you're up in Dallas and they just found Prozac there in the fish.
Yes, they did.
And I'm right in Fort Worth, which is, you know, I get my water from Lake Arlington.
Folks, I see these articles every day.
I see them every couple weeks around Austin.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Now that Sports Berkey value, and this will do 600 refills, so for $25 a piece or $20 a piece, however much you're selling them for, think of the money you'll save not buying the bottle of water.
You just put the water in it, it comes out, it's great, folks.
What's the deal on that again?
Either you can get 5 of the generic labeled bottles for $99, which is a $170 value, or you can get 12 of the generic labeled bottles for $199.
And folks, it's a great gift, and it doesn't cut everything out.
It cuts most of it out.
The Big Berkey does get it all out of there, the big high quality unit.
So please call Debbie.
She's a great lady.
You can get great deals from her.
We're good to go.
Debbie, thank you so much for all you do, and thanks for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
You bet.
And again, folks, if you call, it's just her.
They're answering.
Leave her name and number.
If she doesn't answer, she'll call you right back.
Now, okay.
I know we got some callers, and I want to cover some of this news that's here in the stack in front of me that I haven't gotten to.
Mark, who's up first there?
Okay, well we'll go to Koi first here in just a few minutes.
Let me get to some of this news first, so caller just be patient.
Again, I covered quite a bit of this, but not all of it.
I just mentioned this woman.
That, uh, you know, the sign that she put out continued to say, must like cats, must have a wicked sense of humor, mature up and overworked, underpaid, uh, flu-ravaged, hub-landlady.
And, uh, that's what she, uh, put out and her little help wanted to add.
They tried to say it was racism and she might be arrested now.
I mean, again, this is the type of stuff that the government's doing.
Here's another one.
Women unhappy about Hampton Schools Confederate names.
That's Associated Press.
A substitute school teacher in Hampton has started a petition to change the name of Robert E. Lee Elementary and Jefferson Davis Middle Schools.
And she says that it's inappropriate and psychologically damaging to send a predominantly black student population into buildings named after Confederate leaders.
She says that 94% of the students at Lee Elementary and 66% of Davis Middle School are black.
Folks, the point is, nobody cares.
It wasn't about slavery.
It's just a big diversion.
It's just so incredible.
How about we get the government to stop shipping drugs into the black community?
How about we do something real, folks?
I've got a whole stack of articles here where they are
Removing things and removing names and changing history.
Another issue here, I'm sure you've heard the guests, Bev Harris and others we've had on, the CIA runs three of the big five touchscreen companies, former executive directors, deputy directors run the companies, they've been caught in meetings by the press, it's been in mainstream news, but again in newspapers here and there, never on the national TV.
We've got to use our friends in the military defense complex and the media to cover this up.
Don't let anybody know we're having this meeting.
It could be considered racketeering, you know, with the government and the touchscreen electronic systems companies.
And so all this has come out in the news and in just hundreds of elections concerning these companies, dozens concerning Diebold.
You'll have numbers come out, more votes than were actually cast for the establishment candidates.
There's fraud everywhere.
You'll have, you know, in Texas, in one county, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that they had 18,500 and something votes cast for three candidates that showed up, even though there weren't that many registered voters.
I mean, it's just over and over and over again.
They're really doing it, but people can't believe we're losing our right to vote.
The city of Austin could care less.
They just went ahead and put the things in.
And here's the spin out of the Boston Globe.
It's the computer's turn to mess up elections.
And the whole article is, oh, it's just an accident.
You know, just like the Chad's in Florida.
They didn't mean it.
They're going to fix the problems.
Oh, really?
Is that why one of the chief engineers at Diebold quit and said that, you know, these things are a joke?
Uh, you can, there's back doors into them, wireless internet connections, they've caught Diebold doing this in elections in California, accessing it, manipulating it, uh, during, during elections, during people casting ballots, I mean, it's incredible.
And then people win elections who didn't really win, it's proven, and they stay in office, because the state and federal election boards certify it.
Nearly a year before the presidential election, concerned citizens are already crying foul.
But nobody's arguing over butterfly ballots or punch cards this time, as they did during the indeterminable Florida recount of 2000.
After all, it's the 21st century now.
All future elections will be messed up by the aid of computers.
Various local elections throughout the United States early this month proved worrisome hints of the woes to come.
They've had touchscreens in for at least eight years around the country.
Hundreds of them.
Now it's thousands of them.
Tens of thousands of them.
I mean, most of the counties in Texas now have this.
Austin has gone to this entirely.
The California election was mainly done on Diebold machines.
And so, this was already going on.
Now people are paying attention.
Now election judges are being exposed.
Now there's poll watchers.
Now people are comparing the numbers.
You see, that's why we're now watching them.
That's why every election's a fraud.
I mean, everyone!
It's ridiculous!
In Boone County, Indiana, a high-tech voting machine counted 144,000 electronic ballots in a precinct that...
Yes, sir.
Alex, two items.
Second one is the most interesting.
First one was, I wanted to run these by your guest today, but maybe you can mention it to him when you talk to him, but a number of years ago, Spotlight wrote an article.
It came from that Victor Ostrovsky.
He was a Mossad agent that defected.
He wrote a book also that the Mossad, although the thing is highly compartmentalized, so there's some questions about if it was the Mossad that did it, but he came to the Prime Minister
Well, again, by Americans getting killed, it can be blamed on their enemies.
Thanks for the call.
Okay, go ahead.
This is the most important one right here.
A number of years ago, when France was first starting its atomic reactor program, we sent a merchant vessel to France loaded with I don't know how many tons of enriched uranium.
It never got there.
In fact, six months or a year later... Israel's got 400-plus nuclear weapons.
They've had them since the 60s.
Well, I know that.
It never got there.
And even six or months or a year later, none of the crew had ever showed up.
And about a year later... I'm gonna let you go.
Send me some info on it, sir.
Thank you.
Very good points.
Ron in New York.
Go ahead.
Go into calls quick.
Uh, Alex?
The National Commission investigating the 9-11 terrorist attack, uh, Governor Kaine.
There's a steering committee, uh, of victims, uh,
I'm wondering if it would be a good idea for you to inform that steering committee about your films?
You know, I've had the head of one of the steering committees, it's a big whitewash operation, the real victims are represented by Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, and he's saying the government carried 9-11 out.
So when you see victims' families on TV, generally it's the stage grips under federal control.
So there'd be no purpose in sending the steering committee
No, I think that would be good.
It's always good to educate people.
You need to educate the victims themselves.
There you go.
When you see their name in the paper and where they live, call and get their address and mail them a copy.
Here's the address for the Steering Committee if you want it.
Okay, what's the address?
It's an email address.
It's hherbertthomaspeterhttp colon slash slash www
Independent... Yeah, you never have to put the H-T-P.
You don't have to put the W-W dot.
Independent Commissioner Committee... I don't know which one it is.
Independentcomm.org... Listen, I've got to let you go.
Thanks for the call.
A lot of interesting points.
I'm just frustrated here because I've got loaded phones and a bunch of news I haven't even gotten to.
So we're going to come back and try to jam two more calls in and hit four or five more news stories.
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Nuclear reactors provide economical energy, but would you be prepared during an accident?
During nuclear disasters, great amounts of radioactive iodine are released into the atmosphere, which are then readily absorbed into the body.
Medical course potassium iodate gives you virtually complete protection from the most feared consequence of a nuclear accident, radioactive poisoning.
Potassium iodate is better than the iodide form because it is not as likely to cause upset stomachs in children
That's right.
This is Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look.
Now you can hear more of a good thing.
Beginning Monday, November 17th, we are expanding our daily program to two hours.
A Closer Look will air Monday through Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m.
Mountain, 8 to 10 Eastern, right here on the Genesis Communications Network.
Join me each day as we take a closer look at the issues that affect your daily lives.
I take the mainstream media to task by exposing the real power behind the international elite that are working to bring this great nation to its knees.
A Closer Look puts you in the driver's seat by keeping you informed.
Our program, combined with other programs on this network, such as Alex Jones, strives to present a united front on the war against corruption being perpetrated by our politicians.
We provide you the means to halt their assault so we can take our country back.
So join me Monday through Saturday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Mountain, 8 to 10 Eastern, right here on the Genesis Communications Network.
Be there.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Folks, I get very frustrated sometimes with just loaded phones and tons of news.
Let me just mention a few of these stories and I'll jam Peter and John in.
I'm sorry to all the other callers.
UN Group seeks control of the Internet, Washington Times, Geneva, governments spearheaded by China, Brazil, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia are trying to place the Internet under the control of the United Nations or its member governments and move that the United States and other developed countries are determined to resist.
Yeah, we built it, okay?
But the point is, the U.S.
government already gave the U.N.
control of domain names, and the registrars, and the control.
So that's already happened, but they're very close to voting to do that, and we'll be under it, because we've signed on to the U.N., and our Supreme Court says they'll follow the U.N.'
's orders.
say today, reporting, thumbs pay at some stores.
A pet store in Herndon, Virginia will supply, will sell puppies for cash, credit card, or with your thumbprint.
It goes on to say how wonderful thumb scanning is to buy and sell and how everybody's doing it.
This is the control grid, folks.
London Independent.
Lawyers and civil libertarians groups condemn jury curbs.
They talk about how in England they're getting rid of almost all the juries.
Again, folks, total tyranny.
A few other articles I'm going to hit on if we have time, but right now, Peter in California.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Good morning, Alex.
Good to hear your voice.
I've been listening for a couple of years and putting out the word.
You might be able to help us to network together since phone calls come in, like, say, Charles, who's been mass-producing videos and what have you.
I have very little money to be able to.
We could, I could leave my number later with your producer, then maybe someone could send me a video, and then I could, you know, spread them out.
You know, that's a great idea, but here's the problem.
We have a very small staff.
The guy running the show, for a pretty good size network, is doing the job of three people.
So am I. I'm doing John Stattman with a show from four to six today.
Then I'm doing a TV show, then I'm doing two radio interviews.
I have to focus like a ninja!
You have time to brush my teeth.
I haven't eaten yet today, sir.
I have been up since 6.30 doing radio interviews.
I haven't had a meal yet.
Oh yeah, go have a good meal.
I'm sorry, I can't do it for you.
Let me just share one other thought, please, and I'll hold you in prayer.
And I say, Charles, don't be discouraged.
Trust in the Lord.
I understand the sheriffs will be eliminated and replaced by the U.S.
Marshals when the next thing happens.
And also, what about this end run by Russia, see, with
Uh, be having a plan of its own.
Hit that with, will you, and I'll let you go because you need to let some others in.
God bless you, I love you.
Well, certainly, great, great points, and I wish there was a way I could get you to copy the video for free.
I tell folks they can make copies, that's all I can do.
Big question, all I can say is Russia's under globalist control.
They may cause World War III, but it'll be controlled, folks, where they allow Russia and China to grab stuff, will be grabbing stuff, but it's all owned by the St.
John in Tennessee, go ahead, you're our tail gunner.
Good to talk to you, John.
You're on the air.
Okay, John's gone.
Go ahead, John.
Was he there?
Next Tuesday on Discovery Times Channel, it looked like they were showing Operation Northwoods, and it's linked to the murder of JFK.
That's November 25 at 8 p.m.
Also today in federal... Wait a minute, wait a minute.
You're telling me a major TV channel is linking Northwoods to Kennedy?
Not quite.
It's Discovery Times Channel.
It's a new channel that probably nobody gets.
But it's a start.
What were they saying?
I saw a picture on the screen and it looked just like the Northwoods document from the National Security Archives.
And then they started talking about how these new documents are linked possibly to the murder of JFK plot.
It has to be Northwoods.
It couldn't be anything else.
I know that the former White House Press Secretary says he knows LBJ told him he killed him.
That's pretty strong, isn't it?
That's pretty good.
They all had a hand in it.
They certainly did.
Thanks for the call.
I'm out of time.
Frustrating last few minutes, but it was good radio.
We're out of time!
Sorry to everybody else.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
I'll be on TV.
I'll be doing John Chauvin 4 to 6.
I'll be banging my head against the New World Order continually.
So support us and spread the word.
I'm going to go get something to eat before I pass out.
I love blood sugar.
Have a good one, folks.
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