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Name: 20240401_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 1, 2024
2758 lines.

The Alex Jones show discusses various topics such as potential consequences of attacking Iran, border security, civil conflict, information in modern conflict, family unit breakdown, Israeli lobby power, and enemies of humanity. The show also criticizes private equity groups, hedge funds, venture capitalists, and former President Bill Clinton for dismantling antitrust laws. It promotes media sources like InfoWars and the Trends Journal to stay informed and encourages positive actions such as donating time or resources, joining protests, and supporting domestic industries. The show also recommends rebuilding America's infrastructure and promoting organizations like InfoWars by purchasing their products.

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(dramatic music)
On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake.
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
Oh well, she cried.
I'll take you in, and I'll take care of you.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in, for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Sighed, the vicious snake.
This could be the great Trojan horse of all time.
Because you look at the migration, study it, look at it.
Now they'll start infiltrating with women and children.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in, for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Sighed the vicious snake.
Now she clutched him to her bosom.
You're so beautiful, she cried.
But if I hadn't brought you in by now, you might have died.
She stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight.
But instead of saying thank you, that snake gave her a vicious bite.
I saved you, cried the woman, and you've bit me.
Heavens, why?
You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die.
Oh, shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin.
You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.
Well the Bill of Rights is a stumbling block on the way to shutting down speech that the left doesn't like, at least
in government.
But there's a new avenue for those who would like to censor what you say and think, and that's corporations.
The left have wised up to this.
If you want to stop someone from telling the truth, use companies to do it.
The social media giants.
And they are.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
So far the most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
There is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist, but this week, Alex Jones' content will be a little harder to find.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press working with big tech.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
In a free country, everyone can be heard.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be heard.
How's everybody doing?
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Anthony Rubin, and to my right is my partner Carlos Arellano, and we are going to be hosting today for the legendary Alex Jones.
And do yourself a favor, don't click out of this show.
I know the tendency to do that.
I'm guilty of doing that as well.
When you see it's not Alex hosting, you're like, well, you know, I'll tune in another day.
Don't do that.
We got a stacked show for you today.
some serious people are going to be joining us live.
We have the legendary Michael Yan, America's most seasoned,
honestly probably the world's most seasoned war combat correspondent.
Then we have Colonel Douglas MacGregor joining us at 1130.
At 12, we have Pearl Davis.
That's going to be an interesting conversation.
If you're not familiar with her, we're going to just talk about the collapse in,
actually, well, yeah, the lack of masculinity, let's just say, in the United States and the West,
what we could do about that.
among other things.
Then at 1 o'clock, we have Chief Trumpster coming on the line.
And then at 1.30, we have independent journalist Corrine Clifford.
It's going to be a good show.
Let's just get into it.
Do we have Michael Yan ready to go right now?
Okay, so we don't have Michael Young ready to go.
There's a couple of headlines that I want to touch on right now.
We're going to get into this one with Douglas McGregor today, but I'm in the back just before.
I'm getting a cup of coffee.
Actually, they make some incredible coffee here at the InfoWars studio.
I'm happy to plug it.
I'm in the back.
I'm watching Fox News and they are Showing on Fox News that Israel just took out the top general in Iran.
That's developing right now.
I think it just happened so recently that we don't even have the headlines here on the desk to actually get into it, but that's what's going on.
We're going to talk about that more with Douglas McGregor, but this country and the world, we're on the brink of World War III.
And I really want to get into that with some of our guests today because we have two seasoned war experts going to be on the line with us.
There's other things here that we're going to talk about as well.
You know, everybody saw a couple of weeks ago in El Paso when you had hundreds of invaders, not migrants, okay?
This headline is actually wrong.
It says migrants who overwhelmed the National Guard.
They were invaders who stormed our National Guard, put their lives at risk, really.
There is now a judge who's ordering the release of these people, right?
It's just the most incredible thing.
What you're seeing, ladies and gentlemen, and Alex talks about this all the time, but, you know, we're going to mention it again, is Cloward and Piven.
It's just the total overwhelming of the system, right?
Flood us with millions of invaders.
Put everybody on welfare, inflate the dollar, decrap, all of this, and eventually the system can't take it anymore, it will collapse, you're going to blame free market capitalism, you're going to blame the business owner, and on top of that we're going to have the totalitarian state.
But that's what you see here, when you see this order.
That migrants who overwhelmed the National Guard, these people that stormed the border, it's an invasion, it's an illegal incursion of hundreds of people into the United States.
You're going to release them.
What is that?
That's about prioritizing these people, our replacements, over United States citizens.
So we're going to get into that.
There's so many headlines here, it's like I don't even really know where to begin.
Something else I want to talk about, everybody right now, if you want to check out the price of gold, you know, I'm not too sure this audience, I'm pretty sure you guys are well aware of what's going on, the fate of the US dollar, how hyperinflation is right around the corner.
you know, not that many people stay up to date, you know, on a day over day basis with
what's going on with precious metals.
You know, Federal Reserve chairmen back in the day, that's what they used to do.
They used to basically weigh their policy against what the price of gold or silver was
every single day.
And that's how they would determine, you know, whether or not their policies were having
the desired effect.
And so I'm saying this, why, if you look at the price of gold right now, it's at all time
record breaking highs, $2,200 and change.
So that should be telling you something.
All these people telling you to buy Bitcoin, you're going to get wiped out, in my opinion.
You got to own gold.
The U.S.
dollar is about to collapse, and so right now you have gold at $2,200 and some change, and it's only going to keep climbing higher.
And so I want to just let everybody be aware of that.
Silver's at around $25, but these are numbers that you all have to stay up to date with because Honestly, it's going to keep climbing.
It's going to be $2,500, $3,000, $3,500, and that's still cheap.
And so, as that's happening, your U.S.
dollar is going to be slowly dwindling down to nothing.
But that's the precious metal news.
We got more here, Islamic State, fresh wave of terror attacks coming to Europe, InfoWars.com.
In a 40 minute audio message published on Thursday, the terrorist group Islamic State IS threatened attacks on Jews and Christians all over the world, while once again claiming responsibility for the Moscow massacre that left more than 140 dead and 360 injured.
Yeah, there's a lot of interesting takes on that, whether or not it actually was the Islamic State or somebody else.
I'm not going to comment on that right now, but we all know that the Islamic State is a creation of...
The CIA and other intelligence agencies.
So, it's just like, you read something like this, and this is kind of where we're at as a country as a whole, right?
You read something like this and you don't even really know what to believe anymore.
And that's kind of what this is all about.
You get the population to a point where it's scrambled so much that it doesn't know up or down, left or right.
It thinks that men can be women and men could have babies and all this other garbage.
You read headlines like this, you don't know what the truth is anymore.
And so you'll believe anything.
You'll clamor to a demagogue if they promise to save you.
That's something that we could possibly get into with Colonel Douglas McGregor.
I've held the mic for way too long.
Carlos, do you have anything you want to touch upon?
I just want to say, you know, I'm very grateful to be here.
Hello to everybody, those who don't know me.
I started off as a whistleblower and from whistleblowers led to investigative journalism.
And, you know, you know this very well because you've been in similar situations.
But as time's gone by, you know, we've ran into situations where we've almost have died.
I've been in situations where I'm getting walked out of a migrant hotel and I had 200 staff members look at me and discuss and look at me and say things like, you're taking food out of my children's mouth by opening your mouth and talking to the news.
And fast forward to a couple months ago in the desert in Arizona where I ran into doing some operations with O'Keeffe Media Group.
Ran by James O'Keefe.
Had some pretty crazy situations where I had a couple of guns, rifles pointed at me and I would do it all over again just to leave here.
Being at InfoWars is pretty amazing.
I don't know, I'm pretty sure you feel the same way but...
Every time you walk in here, it's a special feeling.
100 percent.
I mean, InfoWars is quite literally the tip of the revolution.
I mean, this is where this is where it all happens.
And so we have right now with us Michael Yan.
This is a like I said before, this has got to be America's, if not the world's most seasoned combat war correspondent.
He's somebody that I consider to be a mentor and a friend.
He's actually the guy who I consider to be the man who got me my break in this whole industry.
He's with us now.
I know that he is well in an undisclosed location let's just say up north north of the US border and I want to get into that because he's usually down in Panama in the Darien Gap covering the you know the invasion flow through that corridor but now he's up north and so I'm very eager to hear what he has to say and he's also joined by two other incredible people and I will let them introduce themselves.
Guys please take it away Michael it's good to see you and who are you joined with?
Hey Anthony, it's an honor and a pleasure to be on with you after we got our start down in the Darien Gap and then you later returned to the Darien Gap and actually went through it and ended up getting kidnapped in Mexico and all sorts of other things.
It's interesting, as soon as you got kidnapped, immediately after you were released, you know, Could have been killed, obviously.
You were on your knees.
And the next thing you know, you're back in the United States and went straight to a store to buy new camera gear to go back to Mexico.
You're like, Blackhawk down.
Let's get back in the fight.
And I mean, it's just an honor to work with you.
And you know Misako Kanaha.
She's been to Darien Gap, I don't know, 12, 15 times probably.
And we've been all over the world in many places.
We were just in Bahamas, which is America's third border, actually.
Bahamas is It's very important.
I mean, there's a Chinese port there just maybe 60 miles off the Florida coast.
We were there with Anne VanderSteel, a friend of yours.
And this is Tom Marazzo, a retired Canadian Army captain who is also one of the leaders of the Freedom Convoy in Canada, which inspired the American convoy, which I accompanied from California all the way across the United States.
And also it inspired the Germans and the Dutch and others to rise up and do the And, you know, make these farmer protests and then trucker protests.
So it's been, so it's really a very interesting group I'm with here, actually in Canada.
Okay, awesome.
So tell us what you're seeing up there because, you know, obviously, and myself included, everybody is, their focus is along the U.S.
southern border, but I've seen you were posting some things on X. What do you see going on up there along the northern part of the northern front of the U.S.
Just lay it all out.
What are you guys witnessing?
I'll just say one thing and then I'll let them take it.
You know, well, it's the biggest border in the world between Canada and the United States.
It's more than 4,000 miles long and there's only tiny stretches that are, you know, nominally protected.
They're not, obviously, the Border Patrol on the U.S.
side just lets people come and go and the Canadians do as well.
And I'll let you guys take it from here.
So this is my first visit to Canada, but what we are seeing between the border of the United States and Canada is that it's just like Mexico.
The number is less, but the invasion is happening at the northern border too.
And what strikes me the most is that where we are right now in the city in Toronto, near Toronto, 50% of this population here are from India.
So this is my first time visiting Canada, but I feel like I got to experience visiting India.
I saw like a lot of the grocery stores and clothing stores and religious temples.
They have this human insular, what Michael called, like Indian people migrated with their culture.
So that's the situation in Canada, what I see.
Yes, and I reached out recently to Michael because I had been following him for quite some time as well.
And, you know, Michael and I started conversing.
He was planning a trip to Canada, so I invited him here and I've taken him around.
We've seen some interesting things here in southern Ontario where we are, including all the way to the Niagara region.
And for me, it's just a big deal that somebody like Michael and Misako would come to Canada because it's one of the things I've been trying to do is get people's attention south of the border to start saying, listen, it's not just the Mexican-American border that you have to keep an eye on.
It's the Canadian border as well.
And not only just the Canadian border, but I think more importantly, You need to pay attention to the government of Canada at the federal level and even the provincial level.
But you really need to start paying attention to what's happening north of America because you can't trust this government here.
And there is a mass invasion of people coming up from the south.
And quite frankly, it's not just the poorest border that we have.
They fly right into Pearson International Airport.
If you go and look at all the security staff at the Pearson, which is our largest international airport in Canada.
Toronto is all of the security staff are non-Canadian born people who have immigrated to this country.
Well, that's what I wanted to ask you about.
Because, you know, for example, you have stories of the Chinese that'll fly into the Bahamas.
Like, China, nobody really knows who that is.
We know who that is, Michael.
You know, Chinese people fly into the Bahamas, they get onto boats, and then they try making their way to the United States like that.
There's also people that fly directly into Mexico and then they trek north or they could fly to wherever else they
could fly to Colombia or Ecuador and do it that way
But this is what I wanted to ask you about are you guys hearing reports about for example?
Chinese or Iranians or other special-interest aliens flying into Toronto and then making the way south like what
exactly what kind of groups are you seeing?
That might be making this journey in particular. Oh Quite a lot
In fact, we were just at a railroad trestle the other day.
It's a crossing over into Buffalo, New York.
You've seen the railroad trestles in the United States, such as Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras there.
The railroad trestle between Texas and Mexico.
They cross every day, 24-7.
And they're doing that here.
They cross at nighttime.
That's just one capillary among endless.
But people in the area say that people from all over the world are crossing that railroad tracks at night and they come up and they get picked up or dropped off by a car that has one light out, that sort of thing.
Canadian authorities know all about it, but they just let it unfold.
In the United States, American authorities do the same.
Again, keep in mind, nobody actually... One thing that's very important, You know, the rumors about the Chinese military training with the Canadian military are actually true.
Actually, Tom should say more about that.
Yeah, this is something that has been going on for a number of years.
The story broke about 18 months ago, maybe two years ago, the story broke.
And there is a famous picture of a good friend of mine who I did all my officer training within the Canadian Army.
He's doing the gripping green with the Chinese officer.
That was in Petawawa.
I was posted there for a couple of years.
So we do know it's been confirmed.
I mean, I know the people that have done the training of Chinese soldiers on Canadian soil in both CFB Petawawa and CFB Gagetown out in New Brunswick.
And we're training the Chinese soldiers, or we have been training the Chinese soldiers, in winter warfare on Canadian soil.
And I've recently learned that we've also invited... Americans don't know what CFB means.
Canadian Forces Base.
So, a military base.
A military base.
So, one of the issues that I recently learned is that MARPAC, which is a massive naval exercise held by A lot of the NATO countries, they've actually in the past invited Chinese Navy to participate in the annual naval exercises that NATO conducts.
So, this is all true.
I can confirm it.
I know the people involved.
I know the ones who are training or who have trained the Chinese soldiers.
Now, the former Chief of Defence Staff, which is the equivalent of your Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, When that story broke in the media, he put an end to the training and the Trudeau government went absolutely ballistic.
There was a lot of internal fighting, from what I'm told, between the Department of Defense as well as the Government of Canada because Trudeau wanted that training to continue and he didn't want to offend the Chinese by ceasing training.
Well that's something, alright, so, for example, you go to Nicole Columbia, right?
And it's like, you have like little China there, right?
You just, it's like parts of it are Chinatown, so do you see that, or you know, there's other things you'll see, these other little, you know, human islands or, you know, groupings of people in these different parts of the world where it doesn't make any sense, like these different Chinese hotels that you'll find throughout Columbia, as an example.
Do you see that sort of thing happening in Canada, where you know, in this particular area, you'll see all these Chinese people that are clearly on the way to the United States, Chinese or whoever else?
Yeah, it's called an anthro-insula, a human island, an anthro-insula.
And yes, in fact, we've been... I mean, this whole neighborhood's actually Indian.
This is the only original Canadian here, apparently.
Okay, yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about with the Indians.
I went to school in Buffalo, and the closer you get to Niagara Falls, you just start to see all these little Indian restaurants popping up.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
But what I'm trying...
Let me ask, let me ask this.
So I saw the video of the bridge that you posted, that between the US and Canada, if the crew can pull that up.
It's very short, it looks like it's super easy to cross.
What kind of security do you see up there?
As the Polish member of Parliament would say, zero.
In fact, we talked with locals there and they're like, they cross all the time.
And when they tell local law enforcement, nothing happens, right?
And people from Mexico, people from China, people from places they don't know about, literally Mexicans coming across.
But they come both directions, by the way.
And often they talked about the aliens would come across that railroad trestle, steal things like they would rob, steal bicycles and take them back to the United States side.
You know, this is the sort of thing, this cross-border criminality.
By the way, I see a lot of this in the news now with gangs flying into the United States to do robberies or whatever, as if this is new.
This is something that's been going on for many, many years.
I lived in Europe for more than six years.
You would have, for instance, gypsies coming in from Romania and flying into Germany or going up into Germany and robbing and going straight back to Romania.
This is old, old stuff, right?
And I mean, people say, oh, that's racist.
You can't say gypsies do it.
Well, I'm going to tell you, gypsies do it.
I lived in Europe for more than six years, and that's the bottom line truth.
And everybody knows it.
Everybody sees it.
You can't get on those trains around certain parts of Europe from Austria up to the Czech Republic and that sort of thing without worrying about your bags getting stolen.
Yeah, I know exactly what you... I mean, I've been to India, and you know, a lot of people don't, that haven't traveled the world, they just don't have a clue.
You know, they think about these parts of the world and these people, and they think of them as cultural enrichments, literally.
I mean, that's not an exaggeration, but then when this peaceful diversity actually comes to their door, then only then will they realize what it's all about, right?
But let me say, well, first of all, Carlos, do you have anything you want to ask in this regard?
I just want to ask, hey Michael, and hey everybody else, What do you guys see when it comes to, you know, on the U.S.
Do you see... Because there's a lot of people... For example, I was... A while back, I was door-knocking for political door-knocking.
And a lot of people actually think the stuff at the southern border is false.
They were asking, you know, you're from Texas.
Is the border thing true?
And is there a lot of people coming through?
And is there... If there's places without a wall?
Can you describe what it is on the northern side?
Do you see any kind of wall at all?
Do you see the Border Patrol going up and down?
Or do you even run into them?
Carlos, there is no... This is completely unguarded.
There is zero... The only... Your only wall here are... Walls here are, like, natural, like, you know, rivers.
I mean... I mean, there are border crossings, of course, but this is more than 4,000 miles.
And the vast majority is just, like, forest and farmland and that sort of thing.
It's wide open.
It's even more open than our southern border, which you're pretty familiar with.
It's far more open than that.
No wall at all.
Based on the people that you're talking to, where along that 4,000 mile stretch do you think you're getting a large influx of people?
Because I don't, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't imagine it would be right there, for example, between that Toronto area and Buffalo.
I imagine it would be in a more remote stretch, or maybe I'm totally mistaken.
Have you heard of any hotspots along that border?
I'll let Tom take it, but let me just say one thing.
Some Border Patrol people have been telling me for, I don't know, two years now about so many crossings up here in Canada.
A lot of them, though, are very remote.
And so there's, I mean, I see trail camera footage that they send sometimes, and you'll see some locals have now started putting up trail cams.
You'll see what appears to be East Asians, maybe Chinese, I don't know, coming through in different places.
Others appear to be, I don't know what, some Middle Eastern or more Central Asian types.
But they're, yeah, they're coming through the forest out here.
But, you know, out here it's so big.
It's just, imagine, 4,000 miles.
That's like twice across America almost, you know what I mean?
It's, it's, it's, it's, I mean, you know, southern board.
I mean, it's just absolutely massive.
4,000 miles of forested area.
You know, there's, yeah, there's no way to patrol it without, without Uh, getting serious about it.
Right, absolutely.
Uh, do either, Misako, uh, do you have anything else you want to add before we go to break here?
Uh, yes, I would like to mention one thing.
Um, Anne Venderstil, American journalist, she always mentions about we have to pay attention to, um, Declaration of North America.
What I want to bring up, the meaning is that Canada, United States and Mexico, globalists are dissolving the border and they're going to create this regional stuff to put more control over those regions.
So when I came to Canada and I see Canada is taken by globalists.
We have to not only worry about the border, but if Canada is already taken out and this border is dissolved, then it's not just a matter of the border.
Americans and Canadians, you need to... We're going to come back to you after the break.
Total collapse of borders, homogenization of North America, end of the nation state.
We'll see you guys in a bit.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, ladies and gentlemen.
So we have Michael Yan and other guests on the other end of the line.
Now, I want to say something before I bring them back.
You know, this country, the United States of America, has had it good for so long.
You know, if you just look at a globe and you look at the United States and how we are geographically situated, in my humble opinion, I think that we are the most finely situated country on the face of the earth.
You know, we have Canada to our north.
I mean, they're going communist, but we can handle them.
You have Mexico to our south.
They're all right as well.
And then we're separated by the rest of the world by two massive bodies of water, right?
As opposed to Europe, which is a powder keg, and the rest of Eurasia and Asia and South Asia.
I mean, the rest of the world, they got it rough, but not rough.
But it's not as good as the United States has it, plus we are totally packed to the brim with natural resources.
I was just reading an article the other day that the U.S.
now is producing more oil than any other country and more oil than at any point in history, right?
So we have it good over here and we've had it so good.
You look at the most deadly conflict ever in United States history and it was a civil war.
It was our own conflict here at home.
And why am I saying all this?
Because Michael Yan is on the other end of the line.
And he is a combat expert, right?
He's studied this for years.
And so I really want to talk about, you know, you look at what's going on, you look at all these invaders who are coming into the United States, you look at the racial divide.
And you see the conditions that are being set in my opinion, and I think that Michael would agree, but I don't want to put words in his mouth.
We are being set up for some sort of civil conflict, civil war, right?
And so I want to just talk about that with Michael Yan, how he sees such a conflict playing out.
You know, maybe he thinks it doesn't play out because he thinks that You know, it'll just be different factions of people that aren't organized.
It'll just get snuffed right there, and there will be no big conflict.
It'll just be a sort of totalitarian state just stomping on things, kind of like Hunger Games.
I don't know.
I want to get Michael Yan's views on a potential civil conflict, civil unrest, or civil war.
You know, you always say that sparks are an amateur question, so I'm not asking what might kick that off, but based on the conditions that are being set, how do you see things playing out in that regard?
Yeah, well, combat expert is a big, it's a big shoes to wear, but certainly knowledgeable about war.
I've been in years of different wars, Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand.
I was there when Hong Kong was taken.
There's many different forms of war.
I was up in Nepal for a year when the Maoists were fighting.
I haven't written anything about it, but I was up there for a year out in those areas where they were fighting.
But the bottom line is I have seen a lot of this stuff, right?
And war has a lot of different faces.
A lot of Americans and Canadians don't even recognize war unless it is similar to what they've seen in the movies, like tanks and airplanes and artillery and that sort of thing.
They don't realize that the highest form of warfare is information war.
Everything else is subordinate to that.
And so you should always watch your enemy's information more.
You can see now they're ginning up a big fear about the eclipse.
You know, watch the eclipse, have fun.
Now who knows what our enemies are going to do during the eclipse, but the eclipse itself, there's not going to be a bunch of aliens.
Squirt out of the sun or the moon or something, right?
It's just, you know, you never know what they're going to do, what they'll use that for cover.
But the bottom line is they're using this as another leverage for information war, right?
Subordinate to that, now, you can see conditions are being set for global famines.
I started warning about this in roughly January or February of 2020.
And I've warned about it, I don't know, a thousand, two thousand times since then.
It's clearly coming.
Global famines.
It doesn't mean everybody on Earth is going to starve to death, but one of the reasons that you've gone back to Daring Gap numerous times is that, well, you've been to Daring Gap numerous times, is that you know that that will be a main route into the United States and Central America, which will also be taken, and Mexico, especially once these global famines really kick off.
And then the famines will create something called HOP, Human Osmotic Pressure.
Human Osmotic Pressure.
That's that push and the pull of migration, right?
When there's no food or there's too little food, people are going to move because that's what we're going to do, right?
Same with war.
War creates HOP.
A pandemic creates HOP.
And these routes have been open, such as through the Darien Gap.
In preparation of great hop from these famines that are being prepared.
You know, we've talked about Nord Stream being cut and Groningen gas fields and Netherlands being cut.
I was there last March and Groningen warning that they would probably shut down Groningen gas fields and now they're shut, right?
The Groningen gas fields are shut.
That's a big deal.
Nitrogenous fertilizers are made with that natural gas.
From the hydrogen.
Take the hydrogen off, blend it with the nitrogen that we're breathing.
78-79% of every breath we take is nitrogen.
And yet, in the information war in Netherlands, they make it sound like nitrogen is a great poison.
I just breathed in 78-79% nitrogen and I'm still here, right?
But they gin this up as a huge information campaign to take the farmland, right?
Clearly taking the farms from the Germans, the Dutch, the French, here in Canada, America, everywhere we go, and cutting down the fertilizer availability which increases.
Bottom line, let's just skip to the food prices.
Skip all the You know, the details that lead up to this.
But look at the food prices.
They continue to go up, right?
As food prices continue to go up, you'll have more and more theft occur.
People will start gleaning straight from farms.
They'll start stealing from warehouses and this sort of thing.
And these sorts of things set conditions for really serious food problems.
Actually, famine.
Anyway, I'll talk for hours.
Masako should probably talk about something about Uh, you know, a lot of people think this won't happen in Japan, but meanwhile, Japan imports roughly 90% of its food, and now it's importing people from all over the world who are fighting on the streets of Japan.
Well, that's what I want to ask.
You know, that's the thing about Japan, right?
I mean, they've been pretty good You know, it's funny, right?
America gets called racist.
We get called the most racist, bigoted country on Earth, but then you got Japan, and I got no problem with this.
I mean, I respect them for maintaining their culture, but they don't really bring in any refugees, quote-unquote refugees, to my knowledge.
They do.
Or is that flipping?
Because I know for years they were getting pushback, you know, for not taking anybody in, which I totally understand.
I mean, it's their island, it's their choice, and they want to preserve their culture.
So rightfully so.
But what's going on in that regard?
So if you look at the numbers, those NGOs who are saying they're supporting refugees, they use the number that the administrative numbers, the people who are accepted as refugees are very low compared to other countries, but huge people are overstaying.
So what's the difference between those two?
And right now we have huge population of Kurdish.
who are destroying Japan.
And there is an area near Tokyo and there are a lot of change in, what should I say, like culturally.
They are bringing whole tribes there.
So if you go that area, you see a lot of the restaurants and people on the streets and it's very dirty.
What's happening all over the world is the same.
And then they are bringing their infightings too.
So Japanese people are starting to wake up, but it's kind of very difficult situation because Japanese government is open border policy too.
So now if you are immigrant, you want to come to Japan, you don't have to, you don't need to speak Japanese.
You can take a driver's license test in your language, in 20 languages, and you can work and you can live there.
We are expecting 850,000 migrants in five years.
Where is that number coming from?
The government.
The government said they are going to accept those numbers in the coming five years.
And what's the population of Japan?
We have 120 million people.
Whoa, so you extrapolate that out.
I mean, that's almost 1% of the population is going to be foreigners.
Yes, and they're going to take out our farmers too.
The Davos conference happened this year in Davos.
They're talking about the crops, the rice.
It's harming the environment.
Yeah, we saw that.
We only have 30 seconds left.
I saw Alex Jones actually talking a couple days ago about how they're going after farmers in Oregon, a horse rancher, because the poop from the horses is being run off into the river.
It's a total attack.
Thank you guys so much for joining us.
It's always an honor.
Michael, Jan, thank you so much, man, for all you've done for me and for the force multiplication that you continue to do.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thank you, man.
Thank you, sir.
Bye, Carlos.
Bye, Anthony.
Thank you.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
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Joining us on the other end here is a man who I've talked to once before.
You may have seen him on Tucker Carlson.
It is Colonel Douglas McGregor.
You can find him on X at Doug A. McGregor.
That's M-A-C-G-R-E-G-O-R.
That's how you spell the McGregor last name.
He's the CEO of Our Country, Our Choice, and he is also a author, consultant, and military TV analyst.
Doug, it is great to and it's also an honor to have you on the other end of the line here.
Thank you so much for joining.
You know, I was just...
When I went in the back to get a cup of coffee earlier, I'm watching a clip on Fox News and they are talking about how Israel has now taken out a top Iranian general.
And so I really just want to get your thoughts with all your experience on the whole situation with Israel and the Middle East and U.S.
And not only where you stand there, I'm interested to get your personal opinion, right?
But also just how you see this playing out over the next few years.
Best case, worst case scenario, that sort of thing.
Well, I'm glad you saved all the easy questions for last.
These programmed assassinations don't really work very well.
They do two things.
First of all, if you take out a CEO or remove a CEO from his position, what happens?
Somebody else steps up.
It's not as though you've destroyed the entire organization by any means.
And then secondly, you assassinate frequently, as the Israelis do, and you eventually infuriate and anger everybody.
You're frankly cultivating more hatred and hostility against you.
So I don't think it works very well.
And I frankly did not like the idea of killing Soleimani.
Soleimani was a member of the Iranian government.
Technically, according to United States law, we're not supposed to assassinate the members of other people's governments.
We did it.
I think it was a serious mistake.
Everyone was cheering and happy about it.
What difference did it make?
It made matters worse, frankly.
And we have less access than we previously did because the man was starting to speak in the open.
There are all sorts of reasons why assassination is not helpful and is certainly not a cure-all.
Well, actually, let's talk about that.
To the uninitiated, let's just say, honestly, myself being one of them.
I mean, I know, you know, a fraction of a fraction about what you know of when it comes to, you know, war and combat and all that.
But, you know, one of the things is people a lot of times, I think, wonder, you know, in war, why can't you just take out the top guy?
Why don't the top people just get taken out?
And the thing is, you don't want to do that, right?
Because you take out the top guy and it might just lead to chaos.
You actually might end up prolonging the war.
Right, so could you just speak on that a little bit more in depth so that the audience understands you?
Why can't you just go in there, not only in this conflict, but in any conflict, and just, you know, whack the top guy?
Why is that not a good strategy?
Well, I think that's true, although I would broaden the comment to the following.
We have been brainwashed into believing that Iran is the source of all evil and problems in the Middle East, and for that matter, everywhere else, which I think is a gross oversimplification.
But rather than try to explain the last 30 or 40 years of experience with the Iranians, what I would tell people is that if we were to go to war with Iran, and we were to attack it in a total war sense, everything short of nuclear weapons, we could do enormous damage to the place in terms of infrastructure, we could probably ultimately destroy most of its military power, we could destroy it economically.
Now that assumes that no one else becomes involved, that the Russians do not come in to help the Iranians, and frankly, the Chinese, who are very dependent on the oil and gas that comes out of the Persian Gulf, do not also become involved.
But if you were to do what I just described, then you would probably propel millions into a migration towards Europe.
Because where else can they go?
There's no reason to stay where they are, because the destruction of the infrastructure, which would include the water system and power grid and so forth, would leave them with no ability to maintain themselves, to sustain themselves.
That creates an enormous weakness strategically in the region.
It also would propel the Turks into a position of prominence in the region.
Because the only power capable of balancing Iran is Turkey.
The Turks are Sunni Muslims, the Iranians are Shiite.
Now, neither of them want to go to war with each other.
But if we were to destroy Iran, then Turkey would be elevated to a position of extraordinary predominance and power.
And I'm not sure that that's necessarily in anybody's interest, certainly not in ours, and clearly not necessarily in Israel's interest either.
So there are all sorts of repercussions and consequences.
So it depends on the intensity and the level of the attack.
But I think people are talking more and more recklessly about war with Iran and war with Russia.
Or even for that matter, war with China.
And they're ignoring the repercussions here at home in the United States.
Because these people are pouring through our borders.
You just talked to Michael Yan and others about the terrible state of border security.
It's catastrophic.
We have no idea who is in the country right now.
The FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency can't keep up with it.
There are millions and millions of people we know nothing about.
They could be squirreled away in all sorts of places and capable of initiating attacks on nuclear power plants, power infrastructure, the media, local officials.
We could be staring into chaos.
These people would ultimately be activated in the event that we attacked decisively Iran or any other country in the Middle East.
So all of this deserves to be carefully reconsidered before you do anything.
And with that being said, I have a question for you.
For someone like myself who lives at the southern border, I've always been asked, what are my thoughts on it?
And all my life, people at the southern border just, we're numb to the southern border, meaning Stuff that goes on, we deal with it every day, and it's sad to say, but we just look the other way.
But now, for the first time in my whole life, I actually do feel pretty concerned of where I live, you know?
I live 10 minutes away from the closest international bridge to Mexico.
So, what would you say to people Because now the border issue is an issue for every state in the country.
And would you say, later on this year, do you see something big happening and would you say for someone like me at the southern border, it's time for me to move elsewhere?
Where would you say is the biggest concern in the major cities, at the southern border, at the northern border?
What advice do you have for people who are living close to the border when it comes to the immigration crisis?
Well, first of all, consider the fact that from 1846, the end of the Mexican War that we fought, until 1948, The United States Army's Cavalry Regiments were deployed to its borders.
Not just the southern border, although the southern border was probably the center of gravity.
That is the largest concentration of Army Cavalry anywhere on the North American continent.
But we also guarded borders where Washington State touches Canada.
The Great Lakes, Vermont, Maine, Northern Michigan.
We had cavalry regiments all over these areas and their job was to perform security tasks.
We did not have at that point a former border patrol.
The only exception at the time, of course, were the Texas Rangers.
But frankly, that's what's required right now.
You need American military power on the border.
You need the United States Army back on the border.
Every general officer of the Second World War, all the names that you've heard, Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley, name all of them, they all wore a decoration for service on the Mexican border.
During the interwar period, especially in the 1920s until things changed in the mid to late 30s.
Douglas, hold that thought.
We're about to go to break here in 10 seconds, all right?
When you come back, there's a couple more incredible questions I want to get to.
Just hold on, everybody.
A couple minutes, we're going to be back with Douglas McGregor.
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All right, everybody, welcome back.
We have a rather short segment here, so I just want to get right back into it with Colonel Douglas McGregor again.
You could find him on X at Doug A. McGregor.
You could also check out his company, Our Country, Our Choice.
Here's what I got to ask you, right?
You know, you see...
Politicians like Lindsey Graham say the most ridiculous things, like we have to hit Iran, we have to hit them hard.
Now, anybody that becomes a sitting United States Senator, I imagine you're not a moron.
I mean, you have to be relatively intelligent to reach that level in the political arena, right?
So when he says these things, that we have to hit Iran and we have to hit them hard, I know that he's not saying that and not realizing the sort of ramifications that would come with that.
So why do you think you have, and he's not the only one, but why do you think you have politicians that make these ridiculous statements?
I mean, do you think that they're just sitting there in their ivory towers and they simply don't care about the rest of us?
Like we're all just peasants and, you know, to hell with them.
You know, whatever happens happens, and they're kind of worried about themselves and their special interests, or do you think they're that deluded that they don't think it's a big deal?
I don't really know.
Where do you think, when they make statements like that, where do you think they're coming from exactly?
Because I find it unbelievable and completely irresponsible that a guy like Lindsey Graham would even say something like that.
Abraham Lincoln said that incompetence and ignorance are not a bar to advancement in politics.
So I would urge everybody to step back and think about that.
Many of the people we vote into office are not well informed.
Most of them are not terribly well educated.
They have very little real experience of the world beyond where they grew up and where they lived.
They're domestic politicians.
They know almost nothing about the world beyond our borders.
That's the first thing.
The other thing is that you've got to look at where the money comes from that sustains these people in office.
You spend some time in South Carolina talking to the average person there.
You mentioned Lindsey Graham.
They look at you as though the man is a catastrophe.
Well then, how is he elected and re-elected?
Well, he's got donors.
Who are the donors?
How much money go into the Political Action Committee that supports his re-election?
Find out who the donors are and you can find out why he takes the positions he does.
He's obviously a very prominent recipient of contributions from the defense industries as well as the Israel lobby.
So he's effectively going to stand up there and make all these outrageous statements on a routine basis because it attracts money.
And unlike the president or unlike senior officials in the cabinet who are responsible and accountable for what happens, at least in theory, he's not.
He's essentially a free agent.
He can say and do pretty much what he wants without accountability.
We just had this congressman from Michigan who talked about the use of nuclear weapons against the people in Gaza and against the Russians in Ukraine.
And he talked about they need a whiff or some hint or experience of Nagasaki or Hiroshima.
Well, that's absurd!
Any American elected figure or appointed official who made such a statement should be removed!
Nuclear weapons are nothing to joke about.
They can actually destroy us.
Furthermore, why would any American official back the ruthless extermination of human beings in Gaza?
I don't care whether they're Arabs or Jews or anything else.
Why would we do such a thing?
And to talk about Ukraine, especially given that Russia is an enormous military power and probably has more nuclear warheads than we do, is just irresponsible.
So you've got lots of people like this on the Hill that make stupid statements.
The American people usually don't pay much attention to what's happening overseas.
You've just They had a great show here about the border.
That's what Americans are concerned about.
So, you know, we got 50 seconds until the next break.
Just high levels.
So are you saying you think it's more ignorance of these people or do you think that they've just sold out and they just simply don't give a damn and they're just trying to get the next paycheck?
What would you say?
I think it's all of the above.
I think it's all of the above.
It's not one factor.
It's a combination of these things, Anthony.
I wish we could point to one thing, then we could possibly cure it.
But it's not.
It's a combination of all those things.
Stay with us for one more segment if you can, because there's just a couple more things I want to get into.
I mean, you're just such a knowledgeable person.
More people got to hear what you're saying, man.
But all right, everybody, we're going to be back here in a couple of minutes.
Stay with us on the line.
We have Douglas McGregor and then we got Pearl Davis and some other incredible guests coming up.
We will see you in a few minutes.
Stay on the line.
All right.
Welcome back, everybody.
We have one more segment here with Colonel Douglas McGregor.
Let me say this.
I want to talk about Israel.
You know, again, most of the listeners here are probably well acquainted with the matters at hand here, but I'm just going to assume that some aren't.
You look at the situation in Gaza and you look at how You know, that country has been on an economic, under an economic embargo since I believe 2007, if I have the dates right, the, the, you know, by Israel.
It was put this country under an economic embargo, um, and they blame it on Hamas, but then you look at the United Nations and the International Red Cross and other organizations who say this is a war crime.
You know, and because the idea is you have this umbrella policy that you are saying is supposed to target Hamas, but what you're doing is you're affecting an entire nation of people with this economic embargo, among other things.
You know, nothing comes and goes out of that country without Israel knowing exactly what it is.
And they restrict all these dual use goods if they think that it could possibly be used for war.
And, you know, of course, that greatly hampers any sort of economic growth in the area.
And so I want to ask you this because the reason I'm bringing all this up is in the last segment you talked about the Jewish lobby and their influence in the United States.
And I want to just talk more about that.
Maybe you could just fill us in what you see in that regard.
Imagine you're talking to somebody who knows nothing, has no background, understanding what that lobby is all about and how they operate and the sort of influence that they wield down in Washington.
Okay, well, let me go back and just finish up briefly on the border because Americans need to hear this and understand it.
We have modern technology today that allows us to control hundreds of miles of territory without necessarily putting thousands upon thousands of troops on top of it.
So we could control the 1,800-mile border with Mexico with perhaps initially 40,000 or 50,000 troops.
We have aerostats.
Looks something similar to your Goodyear blimp that has satellite capabilities on it in terms of reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance.
We could see 300 kilometers from inside the United States into Mexico.
We could control that easily.
The same thing with the Coast Guard.
All of these things can be done very quickly.
I say it from personal experience because I spent years of my life on what used to be the Czechoslovak border and Germany.
So I know how these things can be done.
The notion that it's impossible or difficult needs to be dismissed.
The same thing applies to the Canadian borders.
Now, having said that, let's talk a little bit about the situation in Israel.
The problem that we are up against with Israel and Gaza is that the Israeli Defense Force has been sent in to punish a population for what 25,000 to 30,000 people are responsible for doing.
In other words, they've said that there is no distinction Between the 25 or 30,000 members of Hamas and the population which contains them of about 2.2 to 2.3 million people.
You make that argument, that's collective punishment.
It would be similar to Moscow saying, well, the Americans are funding the stand-up And the equipping and modernization of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that have attacked us and threatened us and want to destroy us.
So we need to kill the American people in order to stop this.
So we are going to launch nuclear weapons to destroy population centers, killing 100 million Americans as a result of their government's decision to finance this war against us.
Everyone would be horrified and say, out of the question.
Well, that's exactly what's happening, unfortunately, today with Gaza.
We are financing and supporting the Israelis who are on a campaign to ruthlessly expunge this population on the grounds that the whole population threatens them.
Now why does this make no sense?
It makes no sense because we live in a world today where particularly Israel and its supporters in the United States and Europe have billions of dollars at their disposal.
We could organize a repatriation or relocation of the people that are living in Gaza to better places with better standards of living if necessary.
So the notion that the only solution is to murder the population is outrageous nonsense.
It needs to stop.
We should not support that.
And this is from a person, in my case, that has always supported the Israeli state and its right to defend itself.
This has nothing to do with defending Israel.
This has everything to do with ethnic cleansing and destroying the populations the Israelis don't like that live on its borders.
That's unacceptable.
And the Israel lobby initially was set up to advocate for the Israeli state.
And that made a great deal of sense in the 50s and 60s and early 70s, when to be perfectly blunt, there wasn't much support for Israel anywhere.
That's changed.
And today, we do support the existence of the Israeli state.
What we don't support is what I just described.
And unfortunately, the lobby has now identified itself with this genocidal policy, which is unacceptable to me and others like me who support Israel.
So that's why we call for an unconditional ceasefire, as opposed to what is being suggested, which is anything but an unconditional ceasefire.
And so, you know, we got a few minutes left here, but that's sort of what I want to discuss in a little more depth.
The influence of such a lobby in our policy towards Israel.
I mean, you have all sorts of connections.
I mean, what sort of influence do they actually weigh down in Washington?
I mean, maybe that's not something you could comment on.
I'm not sure.
But if you can, can you comment on the strength of that lobby or the type of influence that they actually wheel down in Washington?
Well, the lobby works in a very straightforward fashion.
And John Mearsheimer and Professor Waltz, his colleague, wrote a book about it years ago.
And I would urge you to bring on Professor Mearsheimer and listen to what he has to say.
He's better informed than I am.
But we do know that for a very long time, Israeli defense attaches and other members of the Israeli embassy have from time to time said in public that they now effectively own the Hill.
In other words, their contributions to members of Congress, the House and the Senate are so substantial that they can deliver on any vote of importance to Israel.
In other words, they can go in and tell a member of the Senate or the House, if you support whatever Israel wants, In other words, the constant uninterrupted flow of billions of dollars to support them militarily, as in the cases today with Gaza, then we'll ensure that you are victorious in your next campaign for re-election.
We'll give you lots of money.
On the other hand, if you do not promise to support us unconditionally, we will support your opponent.
And we'll do everything we can to make sure he wins and you lose.
It's that simple.
There are other perks involved, obviously, because of the enormous influence in the financial sector and the media that the lobby has.
But that essentially sums it up in a nutshell.
Now, by the way, the Israeli lobby is not the only foreign lobby.
It's just the most influential.
There are others that tried to wield influence as well.
We shouldn't lose sight of that.
And the Israeli lobby is only interested in Israel.
It doesn't care about anything else.
It doesn't care about the United States and what is in our interest.
It cares about what they think is in Israel's interest.
And that's a problem.
I mean, a hundred percent.
And just so everybody's clear, you know, this is, you know, you don't have to say these things, but, you know, half my family is Jewish, right?
And so you talk to other Jews and they might be totally shocked or aghast, you know, that you have some sort of issue with what's going on in Israel.
No, ladies and gentlemen, I am shocked and aghast that thousands of people are being indiscriminately killed.
Um, and so should everybody, you know, if you objectively look at the facts and look at what's right in front of you.
Let me ask you this.
We have less than a minute left.
Can you just explain to everybody what your organization, Our Country, Our Choice, is all about?
We have 50 seconds left.
If you could just sum it up.
Our Country, Our Choice was founded by people that discovered that it didn't matter who they voted for, they got the same bad outcomes over and over and over again.
They're fed up with the failure of this two-party system.
They're fed up with what we call the Uniparty and they want to drain the swamp.
We're not interested in just holding rallies and cheering people on.
We're interested in recruiting people who can actually go to Washington and serve, not only in elected office, but also as appointees.
Because the problem in Washington is that you have groups of what I call the usual suspects, the professional bureaucrats, who rotate in and out to ensure that nothing changes and the money flow never stops.
Doug, we gotta cut it off.
We're going to break now.
Thank you so much.
It's a great honor.
Thank you, sir.
Alright everybody, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Anthony Rubin and to my right is Carlos Arellano.
You can find myself at RealMuckraker on XMuckraker.com and Carlos, you can find him at CarlosIsACutie.
Now, the next guest that we have lined up is quite an interesting one,
and I'm very excited for this conversation we're about to have with her,
but I want to just give some precursor information so we can kind of set the stage, right?
Spignaev-Brezhinski is a name that you probably heard Alex Jones mentioned in the past.
He helped fund the Trilateral Commission.
He was an advisor to Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter.
And in the '70s, he wrote this book called "Between Two Ages,"
and it was sort of about the fate of the United States during this new technological age.
And one of the things that he mentions in this book is this whole idea of how gender roles have really been redefined with the Industrial Revolution, right?
Because before that, you had men and you had women, and they had predefined Gender roles, right?
The men had to go out and they had to build society.
I mean, who the heck is going to do all the heavy lifting?
Who's going to operate the machinery?
Who's going to go out and do the farming?
Well, it has to be the men, of course, right?
Because they are, of course, physically more capable than women.
That's obvious.
This is a statement of fact.
And, you know, the women had their role in society as well.
But the point is, there were clear gender roles in society and things got along like that.
But then what happened is somewhere along the line, you had the Industrial Revolution.
And it essentially broke down that barrier because, for example, let's just take farming.
You have a situation where it's really only men that are going to be doing the farming, just as an example.
But now you have all these labor-saving devices that come in and out.
You know, you might as well have a woman doing it.
It doesn't really matter.
Well, now what's the difference between a man and a woman?
Why do we need to have these gender roles?
Maybe this is just an oppressive patriarchy, right?
And then so people, you extrapolate this out, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 years
after the Industrial Revolution, and all these, this new generation of people
that are on this earth are left wondering, you know, what's going on?
Why do we have these gender roles?
Is it just an oppressive patriarchy?
And they don't realize, well, no, this is actually the way it's supposed to be
for thousands and really for all of human history.
But now we live in this unique time where, you know, basically these gender roles have been collapsed
into oblivion because of this technology.
So it's almost been like this double-edged sword where on the one hand,
we are able to progress rapidly as a society, but on the other hand,
it's almost like the most basic thing, this foundation, these gender roles that have kept us together,
the family unit and society and civilization Now, because of that, we have Pearl Davis on the line, who's spoken about this at great length.
You can find her on X at Pearly Things.
You know, I've seen some of the things that she's had to say on different shows.
Um, with Fresh and Fit and, you know, on her own platform.
And so, Pearl, it's great to have you on the line.
I really... Do us a favor, okay?
Set the stage with what you see right now with men and the collapse in masculinity and, you know, the family unit that's under attack and the institution of marriage.
Kind of just give us a 30,000 foot view and then we'll drill into individual issues.
I'm very curious to what you have to say about these different things.
Well, there's a war on men right now.
And unfortunately, modern-day marriage is a death sentence for a lot of men.
And that's what I saw in the Crowder case.
What I've seen happen in society is that men get married, the wife stops sleeping with them, and then after two years, or after two kids, many times women go to the police and label the man an abuser.
And unfortunately, men are now being punished for being the traditional provider that they were told to be.
And, you know, and when you look at every problem that is in society, really, it comes from not having a dad in the home.
You know, single father homes fare basically the same as two parent homes and single mother homes.
You know, they produce drug dealers, criminals, homeless people, you know.
So when you have an attack on the father, that's when you see everything in society break down.
And just to be clear to the audience, I mean, the reason why this conversation is of importance, because I know some people might be like, well, what are we talking about?
We got a war going on in Israel.
Honestly, we're on the brink of nuclear war.
We got people that are saying that we need to just wipe out Iran, wipe out Russia, you know, lob nukes at them.
The dollar is going to collapse soon.
Wide open borders.
Why the heck are we having this conversation?
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the reason why we are having this conversation is because the family unit is under attack.
You have organizations like Black Lives Matter that openly say that we despise the Western nuclear family.
You have divorce rates are higher than ever.
And you have men that have been totally emasculated that don't understand the role in society.
And so until we get that straight, this country doesn't have a chance.
You have to the basic.
Let me just say this.
The basic building blocks of society.
You have gender roles.
Like, you hear Vladimir Putin talking about this, how, you know, he's just, he's outlawed, he's actually labeled, you know, LGBTQIA+, that whole thing, as an extremist group.
But you have gender roles, you have strong men, strong women that know their place in society, and then from that you could have a strong civilization.
But without that, you have no base and society collapses.
So that's why this is important.
Pearl, I know you're going to say something there, go for it.
Well, and who's voting for these policies?
It's women.
It's women by and large that are voting for a lot of these policies.
Again, as I said before, every single problem in society, in my opinion, you can trace back to not having a dad in the home.
When there's no dad in the home, that's when you get liberal women.
When women don't get married, that's when they start voting Democrat.
You know, I think that until we fix the family court system, really, you're not really going to see things improve because the family unit is the building block of society.
And so we could get into that more in the next segment.
We got two minutes left here.
I want to ask you this.
Why do you think it is, you know, divorce rates?
I think it's the numbers are like 50 percent of marriages end in divorce.
Now, why do and again, we only got two minutes left here and then we're going to come back to you after the break.
Why do you think that is?
I mean, do you blame it totally on the family court system where, you know, women sometimes are actually incentivized, leave this man, and it's almost like an economic windfall, right?
So you can leave this man, get paid, marry somebody else, and, you know, basically it's like a better situation if you do that.
Do you blame it on that?
Do you think that men are just totally emasculated?
I mean, what do you think it is?
I think it's the family court system.
If you pay women, if you pay people to do the wrong thing and give them a cash payout, I'm not surprised when more women do it.
I mean, you could maybe, you know, I'm sure social media plays a part too, but at least if the family court wasn't rewarding women, you know, men could at least move on with their lives.
But now what you have is men on the hook for child support.
For 15, 18 years for kids they don't even get to see.
And the woman is rewarded.
We're not letting them see the children.
And we'll get more into this in the next segment.
But yeah, I mean, that's the thing.
It's it's and again, this has to do with the collapse of gender roles.
There used to be a need, a true need for marriage.
The woman would stay at home and raise the kids.
The man would go out and be the provider.
With that sort of meshing of people, you could then build a family.
But now, you don't need that, right?
Because a woman could go out and make the same paycheck as a man.
A lot of times, she'll make even more than her husband.
And she'll wonder, well, why am I even with this guy?
He's a freaking gagutz.
You know, I think I could do better.
Or I just want to leave him.
I'm not attracted to him anymore because women are hypergamous.
Now, I want to get into so much more when we come back on the other end of this break.
Just, again, How you see this playing out over the next decade or two, because it's only going to get worse, in my opinion, unless we do something about it.
At Pearly Things, Pearl Davis, stay in the line, everybody.
We'll be back soon.
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Alright everybody, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am Anthony Rubin, your guest host for the day, joined by Carlos Arellano.
You can find us at muckraker.com, at RealMuckraker, and as for myself, for Carlos, it's going to be at CarlosIsACutie.
We're going to be opening up the phones here in a couple minutes, so I just want to give out the number.
Again, that's 877-789-2539.
Honestly, you know, as far as what I want you to call in about, I want to talk about what we can do to save the American Republic, because we're totally under attack, and people always ask me, you know, Anthony, what can we do?
What is your solution to all this?
What's your solution to the open borders and all the people that are pouring in and the imminent collapse of the US dollar?
What can we do about all this?
Honestly, I don't have all the answers, okay?
I have ideas, but I kind of want to collectively see if we can come to sort of a conclusion or maybe some of
you guys can give me some ideas and I just want to hear what's out there.
So I want you to call in and I want to talk about what you think we could do to get this country on the right track
One more time. The number is 877-789-2539 or 877-789-ALEX.
Now back to Pearl Davis again.
What we were saying before in the last segment.
50% of marriages end in divorce.
I want to know, because you're an expert on this, you talk to men and women all the time.
I want to know in your opinion what, let's get it from the man's perspective and then from a woman's perspective, what can a man do?
You know, I'll give myself as an example.
I just turned 27 a couple days ago.
You know, I would like to find the right woman, settle down, have a family, all that good stuff.
I mean, I not would like, I will do that.
But, you know, what's your advice to somebody that is looking at getting married and looking at that institution and maybe, you know, is a bit reserved because they say, you know, that is a that could turn into a unleashed beast if I don't approach it the right way.
And I could end up, you know, getting totally torn apart.
I mean, what is your advice to, for example, a guy like me?
I mean, number one, you have to get a prenup.
But even prenups, you're not fully protected because a lot of times judges change the terms.
Unfortunately, there's no way to have children in this country and have them belong to you.
And that's just me being honest.
I've talked to men that spent over a million dollars in a divorce and still didn't get primary custody of their children.
So, if you have kids, it's just a risk you have to take.
Got it.
But I'm saying, why do you think that is, though?
Yeah, correct.
Well, because a lot of times, um, welfare is, um, the government pays states money based on how much child support they get.
So it's, like, tied into Social Security.
That's why.
Before we let you go, Carlos, do you have any other questions you want to add to this?
Yeah, uh, Pearl, can you talk about the documentary you're working on and the new network you just released and, uh, touch a bit on that, please?
Yeah, so the documentary I'm working on is called, Why Don't Men Want to Marry Anymore?
And essentially, you know, my parents were married 30 years.
You know, they started a huge business together.
I have nine siblings.
So I kept hearing from men that they didn't want to get married and that it was a bad deal for men, and I didn't understand why.
So it takes me through the journey of interviewing men that have been divorce-raped.
And if you don't know what divorce rape is, it basically means that the woman steals half your assets, most of the time more, your children.
Many times she'll label them an abuser and it just goes through that process.
And yeah, what I found is that the system is completely stacked against men and that really when men have children in this country, unfortunately they do not belong to you.
They belong to the woman unless maybe the woman is very She's got issues, unless you get lucky and you get a good
judge, basically, or you have the money to fight it.
But for the middle class men, it's a really, really tough fight.
The network that I started is a YouTube network.
And basically, I was just sick of seeing all this media that pandered to women, on the
right and the left.
I would just see all of this media that was just, I call it simping.
And it just caters to like what women want to hear and what women want to see.
It was just annoying me.
And once I saw it, I just couldn't unsee it.
So, you know, basically I have a content house in London.
Hi, how are you doing?
creators, four creators signed here.
So yeah, and they all have their own shows.
All right Pearl, thank you so much.
Really appreciate you coming on.
Again, you can find her at pearlythingsonx.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I really appreciate it.
We're gonna go to some callers now.
The first one we got on the line is Max from Wisconsin.
Do we have Max on the line?
Hi, how you doing?
I wanted to make a comment about the border and your opinion on it.
I think the global cabal is trying to chop up America, like how they did in the Balkans and with Yugoslavia,
to make like a divide and conquer, cloud and pivot strategy.
And that's why we're importing all these people with the migration mayhem.
And I was wondering if you think the best strategy to go forward is instead of conflict with this group,
but instead of the conflict to do unity, so America, the US doesn't get chopped up
into smaller countries.
Well, well, yeah.
As you are now with like California and Texas trying to secede.
Well, I'm not sure what you mean by unity.
I mean, listen, here's what I keep saying.
OK, as it pertains at least to, well, honestly, the country as a whole.
But if we're drilling down into this invasion issue, here's what I keep saying.
And you tell me when I'm done with this, if I'm on the right path, if I'm kind of saying what you're saying as far as unity goes, right?
What I keep saying is this, I don't necessarily want to have, I shouldn't say I don't necessarily, I don't want to at all have some giant, unforgiving organization, sort of like the Department of Homeland Security after 9-11.
You know, we create this new organization that's going to basically round up and load
these people up into, you know, trains or whatever, planes, and ship them out of the
I mean, if you think about the kind of apparatus that we need to have in place to do such a
thing, I'm not saying I don't want criminals deported, I'm not saying I don't want people
deported, but the apparatus that we need to place to deport now tens of millions of people,
it would have to be tyrannical, and that scares me.
And so what I see as the best way forward is kind of a dual approach.
Number one, it's hardcore law and order.
You know, if you break the law, your ass is going to prison.
I mean, you're right.
We're going to have a robust justice system that none of this no-cash-bail nonsense and, you know, all these Soros-appointed DAs who just let these criminals off and open up the prisons.
It's like something out of Batman, right, where they open up Arkham Asylum.
But instead of that, what we need to do is we need to Hardcore law and order.
If you're a criminal, you're going to prison.
And on the flip side of that, we need to go back to our free market principles, back towards liberty, sound economics, and the welfare state.
And if we do that, you could really only be in this country under two conditions, right?
Number one, you're not a criminal.
And number two, you're actually adding economic value because there's no socialist welfare state to support you.
You have to survive based off the sweat of your brow and the value add to the market.
I mean, is that kind of what you're getting at with unity?
Because that's the most unifying force I could see is pro-freedom, pro-liberty.
Yeah, more so like, you know, the demographics are his destiny and the demographics of the US has changed already so dramatically since the 50s and 60s.
So the people that are already here, just like in the Balkans when they imported a bunch of Muslims to a far-right Christian country, are being set up as a cudgel against domestic population.
So I mean more unity for the Hispanic and minority groups, and even outreach for African Americans and LGBTQ, because it's always easier to convert than to conquer, like with Alexander the Great.
That's more what I mean with unity.
But I totally agree, you know, you can't have, you know, Mad Max crime.
Well, the problem is, and ladies and gentlemen, we got one minute until we go to break, the problem is that this country no longer has a North Star.
We don't know our ass from our elbow anymore.
I mean, we're actually sitting around, if you could even, it's like, I just can't even believe I'm saying this.
It's totally, it's ridiculous.
We are actually in a situation now Where if you are going to make a statement like, no, a man can't get pregnant, no, men and women are different, there are gender roles, you actually have to like preface that and be like, well listen, I don't really care if you're transgender to each other.
You don't have to preface any of this.
This is total nonsense, but the point is, if you have a population that believes that a man can get pregnant...
And all this other garbage.
Well, then they'll believe anything and we're totally getting scrambled and fighting about what we shouldn't be fighting about.
We can't even agree on basic facts.
How can we agree on what our North Star is, which should be pro-liberty?
Small government, individual liberties, that sort of thing.
So we're totally lost.
We're going to come back to a couple more calls on the other end of this, and then we're going to get into our last two guests at one o'clock.
Everybody stay on the line.
I'm Anthony Rubin.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, everybody, to the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Anthony Rubin.
I am guest hosting today.
You can find me at muckraker.com, as seen on this sweatshirt I'm wearing here.
Or you can find myself at RealMuckraker or Carlos to my right here at CarlosIsACutie.
I mentioned this on the one of the last segments that we did a couple segments back but it's worth mentioning again this is something that I use myself again I'm not I'm not a paid spokesman okay like when I read this off the sheet of paper here don't think oh he's just you know reading it like a like a talking head no I've used this before but I don't have the whole all the ingredients memorized so survival shield x3 Basically, it's a tri-iodine formula featuring nascent iodine, potassium iodine, and sodium iodine.
I mean, this is the sort of stuff you need.
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You could get it.
I mean, you could get iodine from really any drugstore, right?
So you might ask, well, why am I buying this instead of just going to CVS?
Because, ladies and gentlemen, you got to support organizations like InfoWars because This is one of the last bastions, right?
I mean, where else are you going to tune in every day for free and get information like this?
The answer is basically nowhere else.
So you got to support InfoWars.
It's under attack from all angles, and you could do that simply by buying products that you need.
So it's a win-win for everybody, right?
That's what free market capitalism is all about.
But the Marxists would have you think differently and say, my profits are bad.
No, it's about everybody wins.
They add value to you and you add value in return in the form of profits and everybody wins.
We got two more guests coming on at one o'clock, but before then, we still have the phone lines open up, and like I said, what I wanted to talk about was what we can do to sort of fight back and save this republic, because I need ideas.
People always ask me, well, Anthony, what do you think we could do?
And I have my own ideas, but I sort of want to crowdfund this and see if we could get other people talking here, and, you know, let's just get the conversation going.
Matthew from Minnesota, let's bring him in here.
Matthew, how's it going?
You know, the last time I was up, I went to Minneapolis, and I went to go see George Floyd Square, like the Communist Occupation Zone.
That was two years ago, or three years ago now, actually.
It's been a long time.
Most incredible thing. I mean they just let this happen. It was a freaking communist occupation zone with a big
Giant metallic clenched fist in the middle the whole all these street corners has been closed down
And they just let this happen for over a year and so anyway good to have you on the line
Tell us what you think I mean how can we turn this around?
I mean the encroachment of communism the collapse or border.
What do you see as a potential solution? I?
Think honestly we need to go back to having an orthodoxy in in both the party and in the faith
I mean, that's the only way.
We're being replaced by the southern border.
And what Pearl is saying is absolutely true.
Like, there really is a problem in marriage.
And we're not going to meet the population rates unless we go back to some kind of orthodoxy.
I think there's a problem in the church.
I think there's problems in the faith.
And I think there's a lot of problems in the Conservative Party, too.
And I think the only way we're going to weigh out of it is to go back to some kind of orthodoxy.
Maybe like a Puritan revival?
I don't know.
That's great, but let me say this.
I'm going to be honest with the audience.
I'm not the most religious person.
I was baptized.
I had my confirmation.
I mean, I'm pro-Jesus Christ, you know what I mean?
I think that you should have some sort of faith.
For example, I hope that my future wife is religious because I think that's a good thing.
It's good to be spiritual in that regard.
But let me just say this, even if we all just start going to church tomorrow, we all start praying, there's still millions of people that are flooding our country.
So how is that going to help?
Praying ain't gonna get us out of this.
We gotta actually take hardcore action.
You can't pray the problem away, unfortunately.
But what I specifically mean when I say bring back some kind of orthodoxy is, I think a lot of the problems are in the church because they're allowing a lot of these things to happen.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen in the last couple days or couple weeks the headlines and stuff of just what the church is allowing, what they're letting happen.
Well, they've been totally occupied.
I mean, what kind of church?
What kind of church is gonna, I mean, right, this is a church that's supposed to be pro-marriage,
pro-family institution, is gonna fly the, well, I call it the kinky flag, is what it is, right?
The rainbow kinky flag, LGBTQIA+ with all the different stripes,
now they got the triangle on the side with the little circle.
I don't even know what it all means.
But what it is is it's a kinky flag.
It's a flag, and each little stripe or triangle, whatever, represents a certain kink.
Oh, I like women.
I like, well, I'm non-binary.
It's the most ridiculous thing.
But these churches fly these flags.
And it's almost like they've been occupied.
Like, you see old videos in Nazi Germany where you have the flag of the Third Reich
hanging off of all these buildings, right?
I mean, that's what they did when they would roll in and they'd occupy a place.
Um, it's almost like the symbol of occupation.
So I mean like, how do you view that?
Because I look at that and I'm just totally disgusted and I'm like, any church that's flying that flag is not a legitimate institution or not a legitimate religious institution in my mind.
I mean, it's totally ridiculous.
Well, it's a tactic.
I mean, go for the church, you know, go for religion first, and then move for the family, and then, you know, after you've gotten the family, then you go for, you know, women's rights, and, you know, now we've got, like, the sex culture that's infested the entire country.
You know, it's a step-by-step.
You see it dated back to, like, the Romans.
Like, this shit happened back then.
It happened with the Reich.
It's going to keep on happening.
You know, dissolve religion, dissolve faith, and then, you know, dissolve the marital bonds.
And then men have nothing to hope for.
So what happens?
They give up on the country and they don't fight.
And when you're invaded and you have a bunch of men that don't give a crap about the country and they just let it all happen, well, guess what?
There's all your fighting men.
Absolutely, and this is why I wanted to get Pearl on the line before to talk about this.
We didn't really get into it as deep as I would have liked to, but that's why that was an important conversation.
People are like, why are we bringing Pearl Davis onto InfoWars?
The point is, it's not about Pearl Davis.
Hey Josh, how's it going down there?
Hey, how's it going?
us their opinion on, you know, like, like you're just saying, the collapse of the institution
of marriage, the collapse of masculinity and gender roles, because if you don't have that,
you don't have a civilization.
Matthew, thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.
It's honored to talk to Americans like you.
Let's get Josh from Joshua from Texas on the line.
Carlos, if you want to take it away, please do.
I mean, you guys are from the same state, fellow Texan.
Hey, Josh, how's it going down there?
Pretty good.
I think I know you.
Yes, sir.
Hey, man, how's it?
I don't know how much you can talk about the issue, but you let me know.
Do you?
You're open to anything.
Share a little bit, but also just share my opinion on on the question at hand.
So the way I think we know we could best do it is, you know, primarily as you guys are doing and we all should do, you know, primarily use our freedom of speech.
You know, about the current state of the border, as well as the past and possible future, you know, relative to many of our lives.
It's relative to many of our lives in all facets, in legal and in the black market.
So information is vital.
You know, it's a spiritual and information war that we are in.
You got it.
You know, and like, and we're definitely past the tipping point.
You know, we're already definitely on the side where all the truth is pouring over.
You know, the cup is overflowed.
And all the information, you know, everything is being exposed more towards... So what can we do to fight back?
We only got two minutes left here.
What can we do to actually turn this shit around?
Yeah, we need to be... We need to include ourselves in certain situations.
We can be a voice, speak the truth wherever we're at.
You know, even if it's to our co-workers.
You know, me and Carlos, that we've worked in action in the camps, etc.
Actually, even speak the truth there, I've even spoken the truth to the immigrants themselves and tell them what they're doing.
You know that all this is, it's a funnel, you know?
It's a funnel to where stuff could flow through.
It's just the same thing as in marketing, the same thing as with this.
It's a market for many of the car sales, etc.
and all different systems that be.
So it's a funnel and all things funnel through, good and bad.
And definitely, you know, like you guys have seen, You know, the child sex workers, etc.
You name it, you know what's happening.
Yeah, well, it's definitely bad.
It's definitely bad.
Thank you, Josh.
I appreciate it.
I mean, we're really trying to get into it.
I understand that the situation's horrible with child sex trafficking.
We've covered that.
We've showed you these kids coming across the border unaccompanied, right?
I mean, I've put out videos of them drugged out, incapacitated.
Big, weird looking men carrying him across the border.
But again, if we just sit here and we recite the issues.
I know Alex does that every day.
I got all these horrible headlines right in front of me.
We're just going to get bogged down.
I'm trying to get to solutions here.
So we got 40 seconds left.
Josh, give me a story.
He's gone.
That's fine.
When we come back, we'll do some more callers and we're going to get to our last two guests.
Again, when you call in, please.
We're not here to talk about the problem.
I get that we're being invaded.
I get that there's children being sex trafficked.
I get that the dollar is about to collapse.
I get that we're on the brink of nuclear war.
That's not helping us!
Let's talk about a freaking solution here, because if we don't, guess what's gonna happen?
All of that's gonna come true, and we are gonna get wiped out.
Be it in a hyperinflationary wave, or a nuclear holocaust, or, you know, some sort of civil war, I don't know.
But something bad's gonna happen, so let's talk about solutions on the other end of this, please!
Don't call unless you've got a solution.
We'll be right back.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is going to be a short segment.
We got less than five minutes left here, and then we're going to go on a break, and then we're going to come back with a independent reporter, independent journalist, Corrine Clifford.
She's waiting to join us now, but we're going to go back to calls just for this last five minutes.
Like I said, Okay I can honestly this is my first time hosting for Alex Jones and I always thought that he sits up here and sometimes blows a lid for like comedic purposes but you know now I'm starting to think maybe there's a bit of fanfare for that purpose right just for entertainment value but I could see why and how you sit up here and you read all these headlines day after day week after week month after month year after year and it just must get to you it's already getting to me right now so
Here's the deal.
There's somebody on the line here who's going by the name Clown Car.
What I said in the last segment, if we flip this on and you're not coming to us with a potential solution, and I don't care what it's a solution to, but some sort of solution that's going to get this country on the right track, I'm going to tell them to turn it off, we're just going to keep going because we don't got time to waste.
This is serious times we're living in.
So, Clown Car out of New York, please don't make this a joke.
I hope this is serious.
What issue are you calling about and how can we turn the ship around?
My brother, Anthony Rubin, you're doing a great job, and Paulus as well.
I just want to let you guys know that's all I've been about.
I don't have any problems.
I only have solutions that I haven't figured out yet.
What I do here in New York, I'm part of the New York Freedom Rally.
I go to all the anti-vax rallies.
In the beginning we used to protest all the cars, and now obviously we're up to this immigration situation where we protest the different migrant centers that are taking over our local schools and youth centers and such.
I'm part of the solution.
I'd like to think.
Some people might feel I'm part of the problem.
So what can we do?
So we don't have that much time.
I know the migrant centers you're talking about.
By the way, I'm a fellow New Yorker as well from Long Island.
God bless you.
God bless New York.
Now, let's go, man.
New York all the way.
I mean, I wish it wasn't collapsing because I view myself as a New Yorker.
I mean, I'm an American, of course, but I view myself as a New Yorker.
But I can't live there anymore, unfortunately.
It's very sad, but it's good to hear you.
Now, I've seen the migrant centers you're talking about.
I mean, we got Bombshell footage from everybody, you'll see that, MarkRaker.com, at RealMarkRaker, look at the pinch tweet.
But now, give us your solution.
I know there's these senators, we know there's innovation, what can we do?
Well, what we've been trying to do is, at first we were able to prove through a couple of our freedom fighters that these migration senators are illegal and they're not even capable of housing people.
So we were able to get some of them shut down.
As far as, you know, they're little wins and they're big wins.
I don't know if you know Matt Lynn, out over here, John Matt Lynn and stuff,
you know, and Scott, Bayo, whatever his name is, those guys are all part of a whole,
you know, inner working circle of lawyers and trying to fulfill putting forward
inoccupational hazards and stuff like that to shut some of these migrant centers down
and actually get them turned around.
But we've been overrun.
We need to get some of these people out of office, vote them out.
impeach them, whatever else we can do to make their lives as uncomfortable as they're making
our lives.
We've heard everything they told us and coming up soon, you're gonna have another
set of lockdowns.
You're hearing all 50 states in America are in climate lockdown.
Now, I mean, the solution is we don't need those tic-tac-toe bullets in the sky.
Somebody is doing that.
Some states have been able to stop it.
We need to stop it in New York.
We get these freak storms where hail comes down in 90 degree weather and a week later Kobe Bryant's Yeah.
Here's the deal.
We're coming up short on time, okay?
We got like a minute left.
Let me ask you this real quick, and I'm not asking for specifics.
What sort of industry do you work in?
Do you work in an industry like, you know, like tech, for example, where if you talk about this openly, you're probably gonna get fired?
Or is it more conservative?
I mean, like, what sort of industry are you working in?
Even funny, I'm in the construction industry, and I was told that I had to get vaccinated or not have a job, and I stayed out of work for two and a half years.
Oh, well, God bless your soul!
God bless your soul!
I mean, I felt the same exact way.
You know, I was working in tech, and, you know, I had my... The CEO of the company I was working for at that time in Los Angeles, this prestigious tech job, called me a bozo or a clown or something for not getting the vacs.
But listen, we got 30 seconds left.
I gotta say this.
There's no wrong with being a clown, brother.
There's no wrong with being a clown.
Oh no, I'm totally cool with that.
I mean, I would have gone straight up Rambo and moved into the woods if it came down to that, because I was not going to get that thing.
But the only reason why I asked is this, man.
I don't know what your circle is or who you associate with.
We got 20 seconds left.
I'm just going to rant, and then we're going to let you go, and we're going to go to the next segment.
But please!
You're in New York.
That is a critical nexus, a critical point for basically every single horrible thing that's happening in this country.
You see it with the Trump trials and all that.
I urge you, please, today, this week, talk to as many people, have the balls to speak up.
I'm sure you already are, but continue doing that, please, because we need people like you on the ground, affecting change.
We'll be right back with our next guest.
Thank you very much.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Carlos Arellano.
I'm here with my good friend Anthony Rubin from Mockraker.
You can find me at Carlos's Acuity on X and you can find my friend Anthony on Real Mockraker.
Our next guest, she's from, she's based out of the D.C.
area and her name's Corinne Clifford.
Hi Corinne, how's it going over there?
Hi Carlos, I'm in front of the Supreme Court today for you guys.
I'm so grateful to be on InfoWars.
Hi Anthony, how are you?
Doing great, good to have you.
Thank you for being here, Corinne.
And what I wanted to get started with you is, you know, we were talking about sort of my issue.
You know how I told you I wanted to move to New York City?
Well, I was thinking about it.
You convinced me not to.
And we're starting to see, you know, they've been going after the J6ers for quite a while now.
And pretty soon that list is going to wind down.
And we've been seeing them going after reporters as well.
And you know, I've been thinking lately, what groups next?
You know, is it Whistle Wars?
Is it more reporters?
People and religious leaders?
You just don't know where they're going to take it.
And you've been there in D.C.
You're covering a lot of this.
You know, my issue with a lot of people is that people cared about J6 and then somehow forgot about them.
They've forgotten about them for the most part.
And these people are suffering in there wrongfully.
What are you seeing down there?
Is there any case in particular that you've been covering that you want to tell people about?
How's it going covering all those cases?
Where do you see it going?
I've been covering the U.S.
federal court cases of January 6th political prisoners since they started in March of 2022.
And it's getting worse.
Today, I was observing a case of Rebecca Lorenz, and she is this incredible grandma, an incredible Christian woman from Colorado.
She's facing one year in federal prison.
She doesn't belong in federal prison.
These are misdemeanors.
This is nothing.
So there is a full-on attack of anyone who supports President Donald Trump.
And that's really what's going on here, Carlos.
It's really serious.
Anyone who supports President Donald Trump could be arrested by the Biden Department of Justice.
And if you look at all of the people who've been arrested, there have been about one per day, approximately, since the Biden regime took the White House.
If you look at that, it's all Trump supporters.
Every time I go to federal court, what they have in common is that they're a Trump supporter.
How do you know that, I mean, I'm with ya, and I'm not, I'm just trying to play devil's advocate here, I mean, what do you say to somebody that's like, well, we don't know that that's the case, we don't know that it's, I agree with what you're saying, just to be clear, but what do you say if I'm playing devil's advocate here, and I'm like, well, we don't know that that's the case, that it's because of Trump, they committed an insurrection, I mean, what do you say to those people?
So it's really important to understand that you know what the judge is thinking when you sit through the sentencing.
I have sat through 100 plus sentencings of January 6th political prisoners and the judge always brings up, you believe in election corruption, you belong in prison, you support President Donald Trump, you belong in prison.
That's what the judges constantly say.
The judges are the problem in these court cases.
They are over sentencing January 6th political prisoners because They support President Donald Trump.
And the next could be you, Carlos.
It could be you, Anthony.
It could be me.
It could be me.
Anyone could be arrested that supports President Donald Trump if we don't win in November of 2024.
And for example, they're starting to go after people for touching the table.
The case with Isabella DeLuca, it's really outrageous what they're starting to do to people here.
Do you know anything more about that case?
And also, With what you're saying is, so you don't recommend, people who want to move to places like New York City maybe for work reasons, you know, for example, mine.
What do you recommend, where do you see it going, you know, as we get closer to November, are we going to see more people like Isabella who are Probably facing a decent amount of jail time just for touching the table.
What are your thoughts on that?
And dude, do me a favor when you answer that, like explain that court case to somebody who has no idea what's going on there, what's the whole situation about.
I mean, give us the whole, the whole answer out of there.
Okay, so there's three questions going on here.
The first is that Isabella Maria DeLuca, she's from Irvine, California.
She is a gorgeous social media influencer.
No one ever thought a woman like that could get arrested by the U.S.
Department of Justice.
She does not belong in federal prison.
She was arrested by the FBI in Irvine this last month.
And she's facing how many years in federal prison?
Potentially 20.
We don't know yet.
And that's why the Supreme Court is relevant right now.
Because on April 16th the Supreme Court is going to hear a case about the 1512 which means that you could get allegedly up to 20 years in federal prison for interfering with a an official proceeding in Washington DC, which is unheard
So the Supreme Court is relevant right now on many different levels,
but with respect to January 6th political prisoners, it's getting worse. It's not getting better. After three
years, Isabella DeLuca gets arrested. That's insane.
And with respect to New York City, listen, my mother lives in Manhattan, okay?
It is not safe for any of us.
You have a communist running New York right now, Letitia James, and the current Governor Hochul.
You saw what happened to Kathy Hochul this weekend when she tried to go to the ceremony of a New York City police officer who was murdered, okay?
It's insane in New York.
You want to live there to work.
You want to live in a state and a county.
The counties are the key.
You want to live in a county with a sheriff that will protect you from the U.S.
federal government, and you want to live in a state that's tax-free, because the taxes in New York are out of control.
Yeah, well I agree with you on that front.
I mean, listen everybody, I just moved from California to Florida.
Honestly, I can't imagine living in a state that has an income tax at this point.
It's the biggest rip-off known to, honestly, the biggest rip-off known to mankind, economically speaking, I would say.
Maybe just beneath the fiat currency system that we currently have, but this idea that you're going to tax somebody's income, the most ridiculous thing.
So I agree with you there.
New York, California, Hawaii, some of the worst.
Um, let me ask you this question.
So you said you sat on over a hundred of these J6 political prisoner cases?
I was there since day one, which the cases started in trial in March 2022.
Now listen, there has never been a win with a jury trial.
There have only been two wins With a bench trial.
The judges are the problem.
The judges are biased.
I have sat in cases with a judge named Walton, who straight out will say, if you support Trump, you belong in prison.
I have sat in cases of January 6th political prisoners.
This particular case was a brother and sister from Chicago.
He happened to be a police officer.
During his sentencing, his judge, Anna Reyes, said straight out, To the prosecution.
I'm going to buy you all a beer after this case.
Jay Sixers belong in prison.
The judges are biased.
That's the problem.
You mentioned some people get a jury trial versus a bench trial.
I mean, explain that.
Explain how that's happening.
How is that distinction made?
I mean, why is it not just equal across the board?
What's going on there?
So this is relevant because I have a very close friend named Luke Coffey from Texas.
And he's facing 10, 20 years in federal prison.
He created the dream team of lawyers, Anthony Sabatini and Carolyn Stewart.
Now, Isabella DeLuca and people of that caliber who can afford these lawyers are using them, okay?
What's happening is that there is a full-on attack of these juries in Washington, DC.
Because the juries in Washington, DC either work for the federal government or
they live off the federal government.
And that's the really big problem.
The juries are tainted in Washington, DC.
No one's ever won a jury trial.
So people choose a bench trial directly with the judge.
Now in that bench trial case, a lot happens.
And there's been two acquittals.
Two acquittals.
But the bottom line is that the bench trial is the smarter thing to do.
Because in the end, Anthony and Carlos, you and me and
all of us independent journalists, we're gonna hold these judges accountable.
Because they are mostly acting in an unconstitutional manner.
We're going to go to break.
We got 15 seconds here.
But yeah, when we come back, I want to just do a little bit of a deeper dive, maybe give us some thought, you know, where these judges come from.
I mean, who have they been appointed by?
How long have they been around for?
Maybe we could trace back some links.
Are these Soros connected?
That sort of thing.
We'll be right back, everybody.
Thank you so much.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Carlos Arellano.
I'm here with Anthony Rubin, and we're here also joined by Corinne Clifford.
Again, thank you, Corinne, for being here.
And just one more question for me.
I am sure Anthony has more, but regarding me, it's how can I say this?
What is your advice, Corinne, for someone not just in my situation, but others, you know, who may have You know, it's just, for example, I told you how much New York City was in my future plans and the reasons why I needed to go there, mainly for work reasons, but, I mean,
You told me to avoid New York City, but my question is, you're in D.C.
How long do you plan to be there?
Do you see it changing anytime soon?
What keeps you in D.C.
covering these cases?
And, you know, we're talking about how it's just only going to get worse.
Do you see yourself leaving D.C.
anytime soon?
Or what's your mindset about all this?
I mean, Carlos, this is a very deep question, so let me answer it really simply for you.
DC is not safe for you, it's not safe for me, so...
In the end, I have an exit strategy to leave if President Donald Trump doesn't take back the White House in November 2024.
If President Donald Trump is not back in the White House by January of 2025, none of us will be safe with the Department of Justice that's in control right now.
And that's why I love InfoWars, because you're letting me tell you this uncensored, You can go work in New York City, that's fine, but you have to have an exit strategy.
You have to have a backpack.
You have to have hiking shoes.
You have to have battery packs in case you have to exit.
That's how I'm living right now.
We are on the verge of World War III, and I never say this stuff.
I don't hype things up, but I have confidential sources in and around Washington, D.C.
since I've been here 24-7 since January 2021.
We are in trouble if President Donald Trump doesn't take back the White House.
And so the bottom line is that you can work and do whatever you want in New York City.
Do all the journalism you want to do, but have an exit strategy just like I do.
Now listen, the counties are the key.
You need to live in a county with a sheriff, like Sheriff Dar Leaf from Michigan.
He's in Barry County.
I just interviewed him last week.
He knows that the federal government overreach is out of control and he will protect you.
You have to move.
People like us, independent journalists, we have to live in a county with a sheriff that will protect us.
The way that Owen Schroer was arrested by the FBI is basically unconstitutional.
So we can get into that more.
Whatever you want to talk about, I'm ready.
Well, let me just say this.
Honestly, I'm blown away.
I had never heard of you.
I didn't know who you were before we started talking here today.
Everybody go follow her at Corinne Clifford.
That's Clifford with one F. I mean, you're freaking awesome.
You know what the heck you're talking about.
I got so many questions for you.
Let me ask you this.
At first, how long have you been doing this for?
What's your background, your journalistic background?
I mean, just like give us give us an idea because more people have to do what you're doing.
And I'm just curious where you come from.
You know, how'd you get into all this?
So I'm a mom, and when I was raising my only daughter who goes to Duke University, COVID happened.
And they forced her to get vaccinated just with Robert Kennedy Jr.' 's kids.
The truth is, all of our children had to be vaccinated to be able to stay in their Ivy League colleges.
And so I said, you know what?
I'm not going to put up with this.
And I got arrested at my daughter's college, and I moved to Washington, D.C., and I told my family, I'm going to stand up for righteousness.
I do have a background.
I went to journalism school at USC.
My family has a journalism school at USC.
But after all of this happened, my family cut me off and I got stuck in Washington, D.C.
in 2021.
And now I thrive here because after the last, what, three, four years, I've realized how corrupt it is.
No one in Congress is getting anything done.
They're trying to.
And believe me, I want to be friends with everyone.
I want to be on everybody's press list.
But the truth is, I have not seen anyone actually get anything done to help the J6ers, to expose the election corruption.
And that's why I'm at the Supreme Court today.
Because the Supreme Court is about to hear the 1512 case on April 16th, but also Carrie Lake's election corruption case is coming to the Supreme Court.
And the Supreme Court is in the middle of deciding what they want to do about the Biden case versus Missouri, that whole case Murthy versus Missouri, which is where the Biden regime was actually censoring us on social media.
Everything's ending up in the Supreme Court.
And that's what people need to realize.
Congress is not getting anything done.
The White House is embarrassing at this point.
I don't even want to talk about what the White House is doing yesterday and today.
I want to be politically correct if possible, but if you gave me the right, I would tell you.
The bottom line is we're in trouble.
America's in duress.
And so as a mother, I was trained as a journalist Twenty years ago, since 2021, I've been boots on the ground, heels on the ground, because I learned how to livestream.
And that's how I can go live with you right now.
I have my own show.
I host shows for the American Happens News.
I co-host shows.
I would love to sit in with you guys one day for Alex or Owen or anyone.
But the bottom line is that I'm in D.C.
to cover what's really happening here.
And you're clearly doing a great job.
You know what you're talking about.
And the reason why, there was a point to that question.
And the point is, correct me if I'm wrong, you're not backed by some major media organization, right?
You're pretty independent, is that correct?
I have no money and no backing.
No one backs me.
I have two sponsors who are top secret off record, who back me up.
I'll just tell you one.
Thank you to Satellite 123.
They back me up.
But basically, it's almost impossible to make money doing what we do.
It's not about the money.
I live, sometimes I can't afford groceries.
But it's fine.
God takes care of you.
Because when you're with Jesus Christ, You're told what to do every day, and I'm supposed to be in D.C.
documenting the end of the U.S.
federal government and the overreach.
The U.S.
federal government overreach currently is unconstitutional.
This federal government is behaving in an unconstitutional manner, and that's what I report about.
A hundred percent. And again, why am I asking these questions? The point is this, right?
And, you know, I'm the same way, you know, I started muckraker.com a couple of years ago,
just with my own savings. And, you know, it's slowly grown and grown and grown,
but I'm still bootstrapping it. And that's really the way this is, because people think,
oh, well, you know, they see muckraker.com or they see you got, you know, a few tens or,
you know, a couple hundred thousand followers on Twitter.
They think, oh, you must have money behind. No, it's like most of this is
independent people scraping by trying to make it happen. But, you know, why I really am inspired
by you. I mean, you're a mom, you know, I mean, you have I don't have a family.
I'm a single man, no family.
I mean, I have a mother and father and a brother, but, you know, there's less at risk for me.
You know what I mean?
Whereas you have a whole family behind you.
You know what I mean?
You said you have a daughter, right?
So, and I'm just super inspired by you, and you know, all the men, and I'm sure there's plenty of them, that are sitting watching this broadcast right now, maybe you're in college, maybe you're working in a really leftist organization.
I don't know where you're at, but if You're watching Corinne here on the screen, who's a mom who just decided to bootstrap this and put herself out there for this Republic.
And you're not doing anything for this country?
You're not openly speaking out?
You're just like, just a neutered person that has no balls?
Shame on you!
Actually, it infuriates me beyond belief.
So, God bless you, Corinne.
I mean, like I said, you're an inspiration to myself and I think many people watching and I hope that more people can do exactly what you're doing.
We need like, 20,000 Corinnes all across the country and then maybe we could start turning the ship around.
Corinne Clifford on X, you are freaking awesome!
Keep going.
We'll be right back after this break.
Thank you so much everybody.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
My name's Carlos, and I'm here with my good friend, Anthony Rubin.
You can find us at Real Muckraker on Twitter, or you can find me at Carlos is a Cutie.
And I'm back here with our next guest, my good friend, Chief Trumpster.
Are you there?
How's it going?
Thank you for joining us again, and I know you were on Harrison's show earlier, so really appreciate you taking the time to come back on.
Chief Trumpster, I've been watching your, you know, your spaces, your coverage on multiple things, but there's some things that just go Don't get covered as much, you know, and you know, we have a big problem with censorship at the moment.
And, you know, a couple of things have been going on lately.
You know, it's the Candace Owens situation, the Daily Wire stuff involving also Nick Fuentes.
Can you introduce, can you let the people know a bit about what's been going on regarding that issue?
Sure, so the Daily Wire is a part of Khan Inc.
It's a collective of a bunch of quote-unquote conservative groups that say they're conservative but in terms of voices that are America first.
So what happened was Candace Owens has taken a stance about Israel that Most people at Zaywire are not a fan of because she said that she mourns for the lives that were lost, you know, in Gaza.
And that really was a big thing for Zaywire to push back on.
And when Candace Owens said, Christ is King, that broke the straw.
She proclaimed Christ is King and took a position about free speech, Israel, and this whole conflict that deviated from the Daily Wire's pro-Israel stance.
And in a recent Twitter space too, It's pretty clear.
They have people like Dave Rubin as a liar.
Dave Rubin is not conservative by any metric, yet Candace Owens, who is conservative and has a different approach to the Israel perspective about the whole conflict, she's fired because she says Christ is king and because she doesn't really agree with the whole Israel policy.
That's crazy.
That's really what's going on here.
And the fact that she Well, let me ask you this.
And I hear everything you're saying, and I agree with it, but again, I'm going to play devil's advocate here.
which of course is a bad faith approach from DayWire, which you expect in the West.
Well, let me ask you this.
And I hear everything you're saying and I agree with it, but again, I'm going to play devil's advocate here.
Do we know for sure that it was the "Christ is King"
statement that got her axed, or was it a...
I mean, it must have been more than that.
Was it the association with Nick Fuentes?
I mean, what exactly was it?
I mean, the reason I'm asking is, do you have some sort of inside knowledge?
Are you talking to people on the inside that would have knowledge that a person like me, on the outside looking in, does not have?
So, CensorMan on Twitter had corresponded with four sources at Zaywire who said there was a town hall meeting where they were playing the Christ the King statements and those sources said that because, you know, their approach or their thought process was that she was fired because of Christ is King and that that statement was anti-Semitic.
And I also am working with the source at Zaywire Who basically said that those Force Horses that were featured on Censored Man's post on Twitter were accurate.
So yeah, she was definitely fired for saying Christ is King.
That's pretty clear from the Force Horses that were on Twitter.
And also, in terms of the actual space itself, The whole Crisis King controversy has been going on.
Jay Boring, who went on to space, who was the executive at Zaywire, said that her positions don't really align with their own, essentially.
Saying Crisis King has been controversial for most of the people at Zaywire.
Lots of them pushed back against it, and you have people like Andrew Klaven saying that it could be anti-Semitic.
Yeah, I would say that for 100% certainty that she was fired for saying or believing Christ is King.
And I think the association with Nick was also a tool that they used to justify the firing.
Let me say this, everybody, just so we kind of set the stage here.
I don't know Nick Fuentes.
I don't know Candace Owens.
I went on Ben Shapiro's show one time.
It was very short.
I didn't have any interaction with him other than that.
And I went on some other daily, it was called The Morning Wire.
That's my association with the Daily Wire and as much, you know, inside
Contact I have with them, which is nothing but you know, just everybody's aware
The reason why we're even talking about this is isn't about, you know being drama Queens and and gossiping
Like I don't think we should be doing that. I that's not of value to the audience
but the reason why in my opinion this is important to talk about is
Because if it's true that the Daily Wire is going to suppress somebody or fire them for saying crisis King or
for saying other You know statements that are simply
That they simply disagree with well, then that is a problem because I mean who is exactly controlling the Daily Wire
And then maybe we need to look at that organization a bit more discerningly, right?
Because, I mean, they have millions of millions of followers, and if there's something deeper going on there, then we need to know about that.
So, I mean, who do you think is pulling the strings at the Daily Wire?
I mean, do you think it's Ben Shapiro and Jeremy, or do you think that there's other outside kind of dark forces at play here that are not being discussed?
So I think the answer is, it's very boring.
And there's one other person that's in the leadership or hiring slash firing position as a wire.
And to be quite clear about this, a private company can do whatever they want.
With that being said, when they alarm is being conservative, they alarm is being America first.
That's an issue.
They're not conservative, but they're not America first, to be quite clear about that.
And You know, to say that, uh, you know, I think that Ben Shapiro had some involvement in this because I'm sure that his concerns and his constant badgering of Candace Evans in private dinners and in public too.
It's clear he had a very big issue with Candace Owens and he's still talking about this whole situation despite leadership telling him not to.
And Candace Owens pointed it out in a tweet to him as well because he was, of course, talking about her and the whole situation over and over again, as well as, of course, Klavan and many others.
So I think that it's very simply, DayWire is an Israel first organization.
DayWire is not conservative, not America first, and uh... they have the odds about that and they want to be
because they want to keep this line up to you
their audience which happens to be christians as well that they are some are presented for their opinions are
believed but they are israel first in america first and a truly do not
have our interests at heart okay well
but let me just say this If Daily Wire wants to be Israel first, that's their own prerogative.
Like you said, they are a private organization.
They can do whatever the hell they want.
I personally am America first.
I think Carlos is as well.
I believe I could speak for InfoWars when I say they are America first, and clearly you seem to be as well.
But, you know, I don't want to keep ranting about Daily Wire because, like, we get it.
You know, it is what it is.
I mean, let me say this, or let me ask you this.
When it comes to, like, them being pro-Israel, right?
I mean, where do you think they draw that line?
Right, like, they'll toe the line, they'll be America first up until what point?
You know what I mean?
When does it become, okay, we can no longer talk about this anymore, now we gotta toe the line for Israel.
Like, where do you think that they've drawn that line?
And the reason why I even care about this is, again, because if you're a conservative watching The Daily Wire, I mean, you should know where that line is drawn.
So, where do you see it?
Again, talking to somebody who really is not deep in this issue at all, myself, I don't really, I'm not really paying attention to this that much other than I know Candace got axed.
Yeah, so the answer, I think, really is Matt Walsh.
That's the line.
Matt Walsh is somebody who is isolationist to a degree.
He's somebody who even Ben Shapiro in his own recent interview, I believe, with Here's Morgan said that that's acceptable.
That's an okay version of being against Israel.
But Hillary Clinton was too far off to the right of Matt Walsh.
So Walsh is really the line here and he knows that he can't tread across it too far or else he'll get, you know, hands and all that.
I want to make this point real quick too.
This may seem like a small issue of, you know, some drama and some person being fired, but it's representative of Khan Inc.
and how Khan Inc.
really has taken a hold of, you know, of the party in a sense.
And it's up to dissidents out there to continue pushing back Against counting against people who don't represent our interests and to continue to expose people who are essentially censoring people for saying crisis king or at least calling that term anti-semitic, which we've seen all the timeline of the past week or so.
It's a very big issue.
It's more about what the conservative movement is moving towards and what we have to do to stop that moving to this is pro-Israel, Israel first type of party and not America first.
I mean, if you're pro any nation state first, other than America, it's all a problem of equal caliber, right?
If you're pro Palestine before pro-America, or you're pro-Israel, or you're pro whatever other nation state, I put it all in the same bucket.
But I agree with what you're saying.
We'll be right back after this break.
Just stay tuned, everybody.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Again, my name is Carlos here, and I'm joined by my good friend, Anthony Rubin.
You can find us at RealMockRaker on X and at Carlos' Acuity on X. We're joined by Chief Trumpster here.
Chief, I got a couple of questions.
I got one.
I got a question for you here.
First off, though, I would just want to Ask you to let people know where they can find you, you know, plug in anything you have.
I do know, from what I know of you, is that you're pretty active on, you know, on multiple things and I've seen you on Cozy and a few other things.
Where can people find you?
Sure, so I'm on CozyTV, I'm on Telegram, I'm on Twitter, and of course I am on Rumble.
And all those are under Chief Trumpster or anything else different?
Yeah, everyone listening, please go follow Chief Trumpster at all his pages and my next question to you is, you know, one of the topics we were discussing here a while ago is, you know, Mr. Nick Fuentes and I feel like Nick Fuentes, the America First Movement, the Groypers, get a really bad rep for the most part.
And, you know, you're very active on that end of things.
And I just want you to tell the audience, you know, because I've had some interactions with quite a few Groypers out there.
And, you know, Mr. Beardson, Hoplite, a lot of good people on that end.
Can you just explain, you know, because people seem to have just a really bad view of what the America First movement is.
And again, you know, Nick Francis has been censored on everything and he needs to be reinstated.
And can you just go a little further in on what it is?
And also, what the heck is a griper?
Fill me in.
I don't even know what that is.
So I've heard the term.
I don't really know what it is.
So please explain all that.
Gripper is almost like a Pepe, in a sense.
It's mostly younger people who are Christian and who are dissident in their political leanings.
And a lot of times, you know, we're kind of used to having, you know, conservative media push their talking points and whatnot.
And grippers are really effective at getting things to change.
I would say a great example of that would be during the Gripper War, in which, in 2019, there was a very large CPUSA event called Culture War.
And that's where people ask questions to Kirk.
And Kirk used to be extremely pro-immigration.
He wanted unlimited immigration.
He wanted 50 million immigrants in less than two years.
He actually believed that Japan's immigration policy was really, really bad.
At one point, he even said that a man could be a woman, talking about transgenderism in a sense, endorsing the idea of it.
But Because of Groepers and dissidents, we push TPSA to the right and we'll keep pushing until they are aligned with actual conservatism.
So, Groepers are very effective because they are very bold and they are out there making it known to people who are in conning, people who aren't really on side that They're not really being assertive, not really being what they're supposed to be.
And I think that Groepers, because of how effective, you know, I guess we are on the timeline and whatnot, They really, you know, strike fear in a lot of people's heads.
And that's why, of course, you have lots of people melting down all the time on Twitter and all of that because of grippers.
But I'll just say this.
America First is a great group.
Dick runs that.
And it's something that really has changed a lot in politics.
Not just something on Twitter, but in the real world.
And I'm glad to see that this in politics has taken a big leap forward this year.
And I believe that the future is very bright for that.
Let me say this, and because this is just off the cuff, you just made me think as you were speaking just there, a thought that occurred to me.
The fact that America First has become this movement on its own, and it's like this dissident movement, it shows you how far this country has fallen.
I mean, America First, the fact that it's not the default, right?
And then everybody else is the dissident, like, no, I'm actually...
Palestine first, I'm actually Israel first, or I'm actually, you know, globalism first.
The fact that those aren't the dissident groups, but it's actually America first that's the dissident group, and we're being labeled as domestic terrorists and white supremacists and all the other stuff.
It shows how far this country has fallen, and really we've lost our direction, and like I was saying before, we don't know our ass from our elbow, and we're really ripe for just being taken over.
I want to ask you this.
Here's the deal.
When I registered to vote in Florida, I didn't even put down Republican, because I don't align with these people.
I think they're all sellouts.
If I'm to objectively look at the Republican Party right now, and look at who's part of it, who's leading it, I mean, there's some good ones in there, like Thomas Massey from Kentucky.
He's a good one, for sure.
He's America first.
But, as an example.
But I look at the party as a whole and I'm like, I don't really want to align with these people.
I mean, maybe I would if I was running for office for political purposes, for sure.
But I guess what I'm asking you is, like, what...
How do you view the conservative party as it currently stands?
Because I view them like, yeah, they're definitely the lesser of two evils.
But on the whole, I think they're a bunch of sellouts.
Because I think, let's say we have a Senate and a Congress that's controlled by, or a Senate and a House that's controlled by, um...
Republicans, and then we get Trump in office.
Something tells me, I shouldn't say something tells me, I actually know for a fact, I mean, things will get better, but the major issues are still going to stand.
For example, they're not going to do anything about the IRS.
They're not going to do anything about the Federal Reserve.
Um, I don't know that they're going to do anything about the war on drugs.
I mean, like, so, so, so how do you view the conservative movement and how can we actually bring this country back in line with its founding principles?
Because honestly, the way I see it, even if we get all Republicans in there, it's still going to be, this country's still going to get sold out.
Right, and it's all about the money, right?
Where do people get money from?
And lots of, lots of lobbies control lots of different politicians.
There's a saying about this too, like having some sort of like NASCAR style.
With all the sponsors, you know, we need that for politicians to show who is paying for them and like what their positions really are.
I mean, I was talking about this very briefly on Harrison's show, but you know, AIPAC is a very big force too.
Like they are someone that have pushed consistently for years and years to give more money to Israel, right?
And that's why AIPAC has a 90% success rate.
To get their politicians they pick in office.
Even the war lobby, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, you know, all of these groups, these lobbies, control politicians in a certain way to push their views.
And if politicians say no to them, they face a lot of pressure, lots of tough primaries, and attack ads on them essentially.
Thomas Massie is somebody who's been against AIPAC for a long time, and he has these AIPAC lobbyists in his office all the time pestering him.
Not to mention, of course, the variety of other politicians on the left who are against AIPAC.
So we have these lobbies, these different segments, if you will, that control politicians.
And I would say the way to really get America back is to support politicians that reject these corporate bribes, if you will, with all the money.
Reject AIPAC, reject all these groups that don't serve our interests.
Find those people and push them forward.
I think Gates is somebody who has done a good job.
With that being said, there needs to be work to be done for not just the Republican Party, but even the left too.
They have a lot to do on their own side as well.
I mean, it's definitely multifaceted.
Because I agree with you 100%.
You look at all these different lobbying groups that are down there.
Definitely the warmongers are down there.
Like you said, the Boeings, the Lockheed Martins, and all these other special interest groups that are operating down there in the swamp.
But then also you got this issue of just, and I hate to generalize.
I mean, I love America and I love the American people.
But unfortunately, the only reason why these politicians are not Um, out on the streets looking for, you know, employment in the real economy, in the real world, is because, you know, unfortunately we have, to a large extent, an unenlightened, or I should say maybe unenlightened doesn't sound correct, maybe an uninitiated electorate that keeps voting these people in!
That are selling this country out.
So, I mean, like, how do we change that?
Because until this country wakes up and realizes that, listen, we're being sold out and we need to vote pro-America people into office, otherwise this is going to continue.
I mean, you keep electing the Lindsey Grahams, for example, right?
It's going to be all the same.
And Lindsey Graham is a quote-unquote conservative Republican, but no, he's not.
He's selling this country out, calling for war with Iran.
You see what I'm saying?
So how do we spread awareness in the last minute here?
Yeah, here's what I'd say.
It's all about information.
It's a war on your mind.
So we need to kind of, you know, push out our message to lots of platforms.
TikTok is a good example of a platform that isn't sort of all tech in a sense, because you hear lots of dissident opinions on there.
And that platform, because of how effective it's been in awakening people up to all the stuff going on in the world, they're trying to ban it, right?
So what I would say is to push out our on two variety of platforms and do so effectively. Lots of
hashtag campaigns, viral videos, threads, whatever you want really. I think that's a good way of
doing it. And I would also say that the platform used to be where you only have information from
CNN or ABC or these fake news outlets.
But now it's a bipolar sphere where you have the mainstream on one side and the alt tech on the
All we gotta keep doing is keep pushing the normalization of alt-tech platforms and get people to hear more information and then they'll be awakened.
That's up to all of us to spread the information around and to keep putting truth out there.
So basically, you know, we have to not give up the enemy platforms.
I know Alex Jones says that a lot.
We got to keep posting on TikTok, keep posting on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, all these other platforms.
Just get the information out there as much as you can.
We'll be right back.
The last five minutes, I just want to talk about, you know, a couple of solutions, what I think we could do today to turn the ship around.
We'll be right back.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the earth.
We're told all this garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com and I thank you all for your support.
Hey, I got some good news for everybody.
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And there's so many other great products there on the site.
Be sure and check it out.
There's a lot of products available there that are available at InfoWarsStore.com.
A lot of products that aren't available.
Welcome back everybody to the Alex Jones Show.
This is our last segment.
We've got about five minutes left and then we're going to hand it off to the legendary Gerald Cilente.
It's really been an incredible show.
We've had some great guest sounds, some great discussions.
Before I get into what I have to say during these last couple minutes, once more I just need to plug One of InfoWars' great products, again, I've used this myself, so when you see me reading off of this sheet of paper here, this is not me being a talking head, alright?
I just don't remember the actual ingredients here.
You have to get Survival Shield X3.
It's their triple iodine formula, featuring nascent iodine, potassium iodine, and sodium iodine.
Again, I mean, you could go and you could buy this sort of stuff at a drugstore or whatever pharmacy.
Sure, you could.
But then, You're not.
Who are you supporting?
You're supporting some big pharma company, right, that doesn't care about you.
It's probably flying the kinky flag, probably supporting BLM, putting the square in their Instagram.
Or you can do the same thing.
It's a win-win.
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InfoWarsStore.com, Survival Shield X3.
Buy one for yourself, buy one for a family member or friend.
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So, Survival Shield X3 once more, triple iodine formula, it's great stuff that you need, InfoWarsStore.com.
Now, we got three minutes left, I just need to say this, okay?
Here's the deal.
I'm Anthony Rubin.
I founded Muckraker.com a couple years ago during COVID.
27 years old, you know, I'm just trying to effect some change here and I would be remiss if I didn't say the following.
I'm not in this to be a talking head.
I'm not in this to, you know, become famous or make a bunch of money.
I only started doing this because I'm trying to save the republic, just like Alex Jones is trying to do.
Because there's, you know, as the great Ronald Reagan said, this is the last bastion of freedom and there is nowhere else to flee to.
So here's what I need everybody to do, and I'm being deadly serious when I say this.
This is not a joke, okay?
And if you don't want to do this, honestly, I think you're a bit of a pussy.
Honestly, you're a useless person, and shame on you because you're not a real patriotic man if you don't do what I'm about to say.
Here's what I need everybody to do.
To my understanding, there's...
Couple hundred thousand people listening?
That's a lot!
That's enough to affect some serious change.
Now, if we force multiply and we grow our ranks by, you know, 10 or 20 fold, well then now this country has a chance of actually fighting back.
This is InfoWars.com.
It is an information war.
And so, what we need to do is we need to continue to disseminate information.
Now, the problem is that most people remain silent.
And I know that to be true because, you know, they call it the silent majority for a reason.
It's because most people understand what's going on, that flying the kinky flag is total nonsense, that BLM is actually a communist front organization.
I could keep going on and on and on, but people remain silent.
It's a silent majority.
Now, if that majority actually spoke up, Well then maybe we could actually turn the ship around and I think we could do it quite quickly.
So here's what I need the over 100,000 listeners of this show to do.
And again, if you don't do it, then actually shame on you, okay?
I need you to right now swear to yourself that you are going to speak out today.
No, I don't care where you're going to speak out.
I don't care if you're going to make a social media post.
I don't care if you're going to go down to the store and you're going to talk to the clerk about how the dollar is about to be inflated to absolute crap and it's not going to buy anything anymore.
I don't care if you're going to go talk to the leftist pastor who's flying the kinky flag in front of the church.
I don't care if you're going to go call out the Keynesian economics professor at your university.
It doesn't matter.
Are you going to talk to your people in your social circle?
Maybe you're going to talk to your girlfriend, your wife, your husband.
Or your daughter?
I don't care who you're gonna talk to, but I need you to go out today, and I need you to talk to somebody that disagrees with you.
Don't speak in your echo chamber, okay?
Go out in a place where it's difficult and actually speak to as many people starting today.
I need you to, wherever you are, if you're driving in your car, okay, if you're listening at your computer, you got headphones in at work, swear to yourself.
I need you to swear into your breath right now that you are going to speak out.
Say it.
Right now.
Say, I will speak out today.
Not tomorrow.
Not when it's convenient.
I'm going to speak out today.
I am sick and tired of being a non-player character in this country and I'm actually going to stand up and I'm going to effect some change starting today.
Say it.
I'm asking everybody to say it.
Say, I will speak out today.
I don't care where you're going to speak out, I don't care how you're going to speak out, but swear to yourself that you're going to do it.
And if all hundred-something thousand people, listeners, do this right now today and continue to do it, then this republic actually stands a chance.
Handing it off to the great Gerald Celenti.
Thank you all so much.
I'm Anthony Rubin with Carlos Erlano.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And I was listening to what Anthony Rubin was saying about doing something.
It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men and women.
Yep, Samuel Adams.
Today, he got it.
We have to unite for peace.
And he mentioned Ronald Reagan.
Here's me.
That's Ronald Reagan.
I'm 30 years old.
Spirit of 76.
I picked him up at the Chicago Hilton.
I was the number two guy running a major trade association.
And we were putting on a show at McCormick Place.
And he was going to be the guest speaker after the show closed.
This is two days before he's announcing he's running against Gerald Ford for the nomination, which he lost, but he ran again in 80.
And I'm mentioning, because what Anthony Rubin said, about, I forgot the exact quote from Reagan that he mentioned, but it was basically, you know, we're gonna go in the world.
So here's a backstory.
I was looking to leave the country In 2010.
I was fed up with the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner and all these libtards.
Barack Obama.
Folks, folks.
He was always folking us.
Yeah, folks you.
The Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner.
Quoted in a book.
Doubled down.
I'm really good at killing people.
You couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag!
You get other people to go murder people, just like all you other little political clowns.
But, going back where I wanted to leave, because this little clown boy, this little arrogant boy of nothing, Until he sucked into the Pfizer family, or whatever, Pritzker, Pritzker.
Yeah, they were their own Hyatt Hotel.
Yeah, he was a little nobody senator or something in Illinois, Obama.
Now he's a multi, multi, multi-millionaire!
Lies his way into office as a peace candidate.
As I said, nothing more than a piece of crap.
Hey, I launched the, uh...
Afghanistan, you know, yeah, remember that?
Sent in 37,000 troopers.
Oh, that guy betrayed us or betray us.
Yeah, another arrogant clown.
I want that guy Qaddafi out of there.
I want that guy Assad out of there.
So I was looking to leave the country, going back to what Anthony Rubin was saying.
And I've been around.
And I went to Berlin in 2012.
And I'd never been there before.
But I spent a lot of time in Paris.
I used to date Marie-Pierre.
Wonderful woman.
One of her great lines is that art is the way of finding the true meaning of the human spirit.
So they're taking me all around Berlin, East Berlin, whatever it was, blah, blah, blah.
At about two o'clock in the afternoon, I'm having a beer.
Sidewalks out in Berlin, wide enough that cafe tables, four and five deep.
Beautiful median trees.
I'm looking across the street and I see a beautiful, maybe an 1880s building.
And no building over there, 16 stories tall, parks everywhere.
And at the same height, everywhere they took me, I saw new construction.
I said, you know, Berlin was grander than Paris before it was bombed out.
Germany was at the top of the world in the 1930s.
World War II.
Places being bombed to ruins.
And I said to myself, where were the people?
You're losing.
I'm a fighter.
Taught close combat many years, been studying and stuff for decades.
My life is on the line, man.
Hey, let's talk.
Let's figure this out.
I'm like, we're gonna lose you.
Where were the people?
Why didn't the people get to the streets and say, stop!
We're losing!
Bomb to ruins.
Going back to what Anthony said about what Reagan said.
About, you know, where are you going to go in the world?
I mean, I don't know the exact quote, but he said it perfectly.
Where are you going to go?
So I came back.
I left on April 10th to go to Berlin to do a gig.
And I came back on April 17th.
I was there for 10 days.
When I came back, there was a for sale sign on the Franz Roggenhaus, a 1750s building.
I'm in Kingston, New York.
There are three other pre-Revolutionary War stone buildings on the corner.
The Academy, 1774.
It's like one of the first public schools in America.
This is the third Dutch settlement.
There are more pre-Revolutionary War stone buildings here than anywhere else in America.
Then there was the 1763 Dr. Jensen House and the 1681 Person House.
I called the real estate agent and I got her in here on April 30th.
I took possession of the building on June 1st.
And then I ended up buying the other three.
The museum, of course, I didn't buy.
The reason I bought them is because the seeds of democracy was sown here.
The Capitol building, right across the street over here, I could always throw a rock and hit it.
The Constitution, Kingston was the first capital of New York State, then the British burnt it down after Saratoga.
And then he moved it up to Albany.
The Constitution that was written here for New York State, over 70% of America's Constitution comes from the Constitution that was written here.
And John Jay?
Yeah, that John Jay, the Supreme Court?
Yeah, he was a judge over here.
I bought these buildings because the seeds of democracy was sown here.
And again, it's what Anthony was saying.
We're gonna go.
This is your country.
I'm only me.
Born in the Bronx.
1946, right after the war.
The spirit is at the height.
America's at the height.
And I'm born in the Bronx, born to be free.
You said if I was born in Ottawilla, Pena, Vico, Quince, where my grandparents came from, I wouldn't be me.
I'm only me because, again, I'm a Napolitano, born in the Bronx.
That's why I bought these buildings.
And that's what we as Americans have to do to be free.
How can anybody with a brain bigger than a pig bow down and suck up to the little arrogant clowns that are running the show?
Matter of fact, it's the cover of your Trends Journal.
An idiot's delight.
What democracy?
It's a crime city.
They're murderers and thieves.
Look what just happened.
Yeah, I'm crying because my heart's broken to see what's happened to this country.
And again, I'm a guy, I've been there, man.
As you can see, yeah.
Me and Reagan.
Went to Princeton, Norway.
Did a gig for USA Today when it was a big newspaper.
And I used to do talks all over the world as a trend forecaster.
Best-selling books, Trends 2000.
Trend Tracking, far better than Megatrends, Time Magazine.
I was a major.
The guy that was the Prime Minister of the UK.
How about minor?
Nothing of a boy.
I was the assistant to the Secretary of the New York State Senate.
I've been on the other side.
It's up to we the people to change this.
Yeah, little nobody's telling us what to do.
Oh, they just had a fundraiser over here in New York City?
With Clinton, Biden.
Who else?
Raised $26 million?
$26 million.
And again, both sides disgust me.
So I don't, you know, Trump got $100 million from Sheldon Adelson.
To move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and do away with the nuclear pact we have with Iran.
Who could run for office if you're not rich?
Or get money from the rich so they could tell you what to do?
That's America democracy?
Fighting to bring freedom and democracy to other countries?
That little clown boy of nothing!
A little nothing of a jerk!
Down in Texas!
Beto O'Rourke!
Ran for governor?
A hundred million dollars to lose!
A nothing Stacey Adams over there in Georgia!
100 million dollars to lose.
What democracy?
The country's been taken over by the rich.
All we are are plantation workers of slavelandia.
The billionaires and trillionaires are becoming trillionaires.
And not a penny for peace from the billionaires.
I launched Occupy Peace a decade ago.
I'm for peace on Earth, goodwill to all.
These wars overseas are none of my business.
And save your little crap, Lloyd Austin.
You're a murderer that killed people in Iraq and Afghanistan.
That's now the Defense Secretary?
And your last job was on the board of directors of Raytheon?
The second largest defense contractor and you call people like me an isolationist?
Because I don't want my money to go killing other people in wars that are none of my business?
As the country's rotting in front of our eyes.
Where are the billionaires putting out money for peace, to occupy peace?
Where's the money?
Not a penny for peace in the billionaires.
They own everything.
Private equity groups.
How about crime syndicates?
Hedge funds.
Venture capitalists.
They did away with all the antitrust laws.
Robinson-Batman Act, Sherman Antitrust Act, Clayton Antitrust Act.
And that scum, Bill Clinton.
Glass-Steagall Act.
Up yours.
We gotta give it to the bigs.
Big banksters.
Oh, he did away with the Federal Communications Act in 1996.
There were thousands of radio stations, television stations, all separately owned.
No more.
Hey, what do you think they pay me $300,000 an hour on Bill Clinton?
You can hear me BS for free, but they give me $300,000 an hour to hear my crap.
It's called payback.
And it's chump change.
What he gave the bigs.
Oh, he also allowed the drug deals.
Oh, excuse me, like Big Pharma.
To do the drug ads on TV.
They were banned before that, 1997.
And again, I know what I know because I've been on the other side.
I did a major project for Warner Lambert.
That was a big drug company, I think they were bought out by Pfizer.
Back in 1997 when all this was happening.
It's a crime syndicate.
That we got running our country.
And again, support InfoWars, as Anthony was saying, and do something.
Here's the deal.
People ask me, what could I do?
Number one, you gotta get in the best shape you can.
Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
And again, I pulled a lot of crap in my life.
I was killing environmental legislation at the height of the environmental movement back in the 70s.
I tell you, working for a major trade association.
And I got the job when I left the Senate.
And I hated it there.
To watch grown men grovel to suck the way up to the top wasn't my trip.
So I quit.
So anyway, I was killing environmental legislation.
28 years old, I was staying at the Willard Hotel and putting my meetings out there.
Hey Adams.
Hey Adams is like right across from the White House.
So I pulled a lot of crap in my life, you know.
Make it clear.
You grow up.
You keep learning.
And InfoWars is providing a lot of that learning information as we do with the Trends Journal.
So number one, get in the best shape you can physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Don't stop learning.
The better shape you're in, the more you're going to be able to do in a positive way.
And try to do something positive for somebody, someplace, anywhere, anything you want to donate to, give to.
Try to do something positive every day.
I don't waste my time talking to imbeciles.
You're not going to change their mind.
Again, it does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushed fires of freedom in the minds of men and women, says Samuel Adams.
And that's the ones that we have to unite as I see it.
One of the people that worked with me We had a discussion today, how things could change.
I said, simple.
Once upon a time, there was a Berlin Wall.
I said, you know how it came down?
He's 30 years old.
That's all I heard about it.
I said, you know how it came down?
I said, the people went there, and they stayed.
More people came, and they stayed.
More people came.
And they stayed.
More people came.
Day after day, week after week.
Until there were hundreds of thousands.
Now all these tough guys dressed up in their military drag, with their guns, put down their guns, took off their costumes, and blended into the crowd.
They were outnumbered.
That's the way I see it changing.
Going on a protest for one day adds up to nothing.
Look what's going on in Israel right now.
It's on the third day of people protesting against the war.
They want the hostages back.
They want to end the war.
So to me, here's my solution.
Let's go back to a place called Hong Kong.
Before the COVID war, it was launched in China on Chinese Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rat in 2020.
It's a city of 7.5 million people and over a million people were taken to the streets.
They couldn't stop them.
I used to be on Hong Kong TV back in 2019.
I'd be taking a break and I say to the guy, Frank, I says, what's going on?
Mr. Slenty, we're not going to stop.
We're not going to let the Chinese take over.
Guess what?
They launched a COVID war.
You're not allowed to go out.
Get back in your house.
Pass a security law.
That was the end of it.
Let's go back to America.
7.5 million people in the city of China, of Hong Kong.
A million people are taking to the streets.
When do you ever see a million people out of 332 million in America protest?
You don't sit.
So, if we get 10 million out of 332 million To all go to Washington DC, day after day, and week after week, and saying, you're public servants, you do what we tell you to do.
You're nobodies.
You got this backwards.
Bring home all the troops out of these military bases, over 700.
A thousand numbers.
That's up to now.
According to Judge Napolitano, who I do a podcast with every Wednesday.
Go to Gerald Sledge on YouTube.
That's one of the foundations of Occupy Peace.
Bring home the troops.
Secure the homeland.
Cut back on the defense budget.
Put our troops to work rebuilding our rotted infrastructure.
Right in front of everybody's eyes.
Happy down here in Baltimore?
That crappy little Thing that came down over there, it's going to take you so long to fix, but we just sent, what, $130 billion?
Over to Ukraine in the last year and a half, but hey, a couple of billion only for clean up the mess.
Rebuild America.
America first and only.
George Washington's farewell address, I've read it many times on here.
Any nation, Americans, the Republic, We should love no nation or hate no nation.
Because if you do either, you become a slave to them.
And that's all we are now.
Plantation workers of Slavelandia.
So when we come back, you know, I got a lot to talk about here, but I wanted to follow up with what Anthony was saying because it was so important.
But again, I don't bother talking to morons.
It's a waste of time.
Unless I'm talking about Taylor Swift.
She had sex last night, you know?
So, do something positive.
Get in the best shape you can, and most of all, support those of us who are supporting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, like InfoWars and the Trends Journal.
You go to jonestrends.com and you get a big break.
It's only like $2.50 a week.
And you're getting a magazine over 170 pages a week with trend forecasts.
Oh, you see what gold prices are?
Yeah, they hit $260.
They came down to $2,260.
They're up to $2,000 a month!
What was one of our top trends for 2024?
A golden year for gold.
You think we're getting any media coverage for saying that?
Nah, we hate you, Salenti.
You love peace.
And we're prostitutes.
We love war.
We're media whores that get paid to put out by our corporate pimps and government whoremasters.
So, we don't like the truth.
So stay tuned, support InfoWars, we will be right back!
Bring us this information.
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Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show!
And again, they work very hard to give you the best that they can, so do everything that you can to keep InfoWars on the air and getting more and more great information out.
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Because it's a 360 win.
So, as I mentioned, I go to InfoWars every day.
I want to see what they're getting.
They work really hard.
And the media is dead.
The journalism's gone.
It's finished.
The bigs bought out everything, fired everybody, and now they're gonna go chat.
You know, AI.
AIFU, yeah.
So here's one of the stories that they got on InfoWars right now.
Israeli airstrike hits Iranian consulate building in Damascus.
High-level Iranian general reported killed.
This is in InfoWars.
Is that one InfoWars?
No, I think that's not.
That was from, that's from, excuse me, that's from AntiWar.com.
But this one is that they said the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday reiterated his resolve to launch a new offensive in southern Gaza targeting the city of Rafah.
The looming operation is absolutely needed to achieve, quote, victory over Hamas, he insisted.
So let's put these two articles together.
Let us suppose that it read, Iranian airstrike hits Israeli consulate building in wherever.
And a high-level Israeli general reported killed.
Why, how dare those Iranians do that?
Israel has the right to defend itself!
Oh, but Israel could attack anybody they want in any other country?
They're ramping up this war.
I've been warning about this since it began.
You have a major protest going on in Israel against Netanyahu.
And I keep telling you, when all else fails, they take you to war.
They're ramping up the war It was the other article I remember now on InfoWars about more shots into Lebanon.
They're ramping up the war.
You see where Brent crude is?
It's going toward $88 a barrel.
You see your gas prices going up?
They go have a military conflict with Iran.
You are going to see oil prices spike To above $140 a barrel.
$130, $140 a barrel.
And that's going to crash the global economy and the equity markets.
And they're going to keep ramping up the wars.
This is disgusting what's going on over there.
I'm totally opposed to what they're doing in Gaza.
It's genocide of the first degree by the definition.
And I'm angry, because he who is not angry when there is just cause to anger is immoral.
Because anger looks to the good of justice.
And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust, said St.
Thomas Aquinas.
So, let's keep going on here.
I told you we were going to talk about the economy.
One of my top trends for 2024 is banks go bust.
The banking crisis is barely being reported.
And when it is, it's being played down.
This is from a great site.
I keep recommending it.
No one's doing what they're doing when it comes to the bankster gang and really showing what a crime organization it is than Wall Street on parade.
More failed banks and office building demolitions, likely before real estate problems end, warned two federal agencies.
This was barely reported.
And you know when they said this would happen?
Last June.
You know when we said it would happen?
When they launched the COVID war.
And people working at home and they didn't want to go travel commuting like they were of getting hour and a half each way to work, spending all that money.
And the office, the people renting the buildings outside, I don't need you here, you're in a cubicle, what I never see anyway.
Yeah, work from home a couple of days a week.
And Friday, by the way, Mondays and Fridays are the least day that people are going to work.
You should have happy hours, no more happy hour.
And again, all the restaurants and businesses that depended on commuters are going down.
Unfortunately, future demand for office space appears weak.
This is the stupid language that the Feds use.
Appears weak?
How about it is weak?
In addition to the growth of office space available for sublease, the amount of office space occupied by tenants remains stubbornly low.
Stubbornly low?
How about it's in the toilet?
You know what your office... This just came out.
New York City delinquent property taxes soar without incentive to pay.
Overdue property taxes are forecast to reach its highest level ever.
Ready for this one?
Downtown Portland office vacancy rate is highest in the nation.
Portland used to be a fun place.
COVID war killed it.
Nobody's talking about the damage of the COVID war.
Oh, the pandemic.
It wasn't a pandemic.
The World Health Organization called it a pandemic on March 11, 2020.
The COVID war breaks out on Chinese Lunar New Year, January 2020.
January, February, March, middle of March almost, right?
Out of 8 billion people, they called it a pandemic when 4,281 people died out of 8 billion.
More people fell down the stairs and died in those two months around the world.
But people call it a pandemic.
They're brainwashed into it.
This, the damage of the COVID war is incalculable.
Again, office vacancy rate, nobody in the damn places.
It's at almost 30% in Portland.
Depending on those numbers, you look at same thing in San Francisco.
New York City, 23% of the buildings are vacant.
There's going to be a banking crisis the likes of which we've never seen in the history of the world.
Part one and part two.
I'm talking about the banking crisis.
It was when he turned to journalism back in 2011.
Yep, nothing's changed.
Oh, we just had Good Friday.
Wasn't a great Friday.
Three days after, the Prince of Peace becomes angry Because the banksters are destroying the people's lives and drives them out of the temple.
Hanging on the cross, you don't mess with the banksters, you got it?
It's serious what's going on and we're going to tell you what we, not going to tell you what to do, but what we see coming.
Again, thank you for being Tuned in to Alex Jones Show and InfoWars and again do all you can to support InfoWars because they're doing all they can to support you as we are with the Trends Journal.
This is a, yeah, this is from Friday's Wall Street Journal.
Five dollars.
Look at this.
Isn't that nice, the big front page?
Look at all that news, huh?
Oh, then you got the back over here.
The same guy, this guy, uh, uh, Ivan Gershkovich, who the Russians got in jail there.
How about putting something up?
How come you don't have Julian Assange's picture up here?
Oh, that Trump didn't pardon?
How come you don't?
Or Biden?
And then here's the headline down the bottom.
Authoritarians threaten journalists around the globe.
Oh, you mean you're talking about the United States?
If you don't believe the crap spewing out of the mouth of Rachel Levin.
Oh, was it Ritchie?
The guy that got his, you know, things cut off.
That's playing the health guy of the United States, Fraud Fauci.
If you don't believe them, you believe in misinformation.
You're not allowed.
You're not allowed to talk about peace.
What authoritarian are you talking about?
It's the Wall S-H-I, another letter in their journal.
Look at this crap.
Look at it.
One page after another about this guy.
Julian Assange, screw him!
Snowed in the hell with him!
Again, it's authoritarian networks.
They're owned by the rich.
So again, you go to the Trends Journal, go to jonestrends.com.
Again, you look at one of our top trends.
Just one of them.
Gold in year for gold, all right?
Gold is up almost $200 more since we said this would happen.
Five banks have combined half trillion dollars in commercial real estate loans.
The number one?
JPMorgan Chase.
There's going to be defaults that no one is talking about.
It's going to be the worst banking crisis in Ever, ever.
History of the World Part 1 and Part 2.
S&P Global Downgrades Outlook on 5 Regional Banks to Negative.
It was last week.
None of them talking about the implications.
And this again, Wall Street on parade.
What Russ and Pam Martins do is terrific.
Jamie Dimon huddles in private with Biden bigwigs as his bank faces more crime charges.
They go on to say, what President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and his Chief of Staff, Jeff Zients, Zients, whatever it is, was scandalous.
But Harris had, quote, A one-on-one lunch at the White House, end quote, with Jamie Dimon, as chairman and CEO, this is their language, as the most crime-riddled bank in the United States.
JPMorgan Chase, that's the most crime-riddled.
Zients also separately met with Dimon.
That reporting comes courtesy of reporters Joshua Franklin and James Polity of the Financial Times, Paywall.
Diamond's private meetings in Washington come as the bank, you ready?
That has already admitted to a string of five criminal felonies charges, is currently facing two Excuse me, is currently facing investigation for, quote, billions of improperly conducted trades by its federally insured bank.
It just keeps going on.
These are the banksters that the Federal Reserve bailed out when the Panic of 08 hit.
And I took out the domain name, by the way, the Panic of 08 in 2007.
I was, me and Peter Schiff were the first two to call it.
The Federal Reserve dumped in 29 trillion dollars to bail out the banksters.
Five felonies.
Hey, I don't go to jail!
Don't you know who I am?
Don't you know who I am?
I'm Jamie Dimon!
Here's a guy...
that paid the price.
Jamie Dimon do that to you?
The banksters are in charge.
The rich own the country.
Going back to the COVID war.
And again, that's what they called it when it happened.
One after another.
Now, again, I warned in the Trends Journal when they locked down everything.
We only put the facts in here.
This is what's being reported, whether it's true or not.
This is what's being reported.
This is our trends analysis.
So, you know, it's not propaganda.
We're saying this is what they said.
This is the way we see it in our trend forecast.
This is where we see it going.
So what did they do?
COVID war breaks out.
Tell all the kids to go home.
You can't go to school anymore.
We said that this war, the damage that would be done is incalculable.
This is from the toilet paper record this weekend.
By the way, that's what I underline all the salient points and they go to the writers.
Pandemic effect.
Absence from schools is soaring.
No, not pandemic effect.
Politicians affect.
They called it a pandemic again on March 11th, 2011, when 4,211 people died out of 8 billion.
But that's the propaganda, not the pandemic, from idiot morons telling kids to go home.
Now the data, according to the CDC.
They stopped on June 2023.
From January 20th to June 2023, out of 73 million 1 to 17 year olds that they forced to stay home, under 2,000 died of the pandemic.
That's right.
2,000 out of 73,000, which adds up to nothing.
And CDC numbers?
they forced to stay home, under 2000 died of the pandemic.
That's right.
2000 out of 73,000, which adds up to nothing and CDC numbers, you ready?
61% of those hospitalized were obese.
Story in Al Jazeera today.
Why are so many young Americans suffering from mental distress?
The number of young men and women suffering from depression and other mental health disorders in the United States has risen sharply, you ready?
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a series of reports.
They have destroyed, again, all things are connected with trend forecasting.
You think he got a migrant crisis?
It was going on before this, before the pandemic.
One of our top trends for 2019 was New World Disorder.
The yellow vest in France.
All over the world, people were protesting against lack of basic living standards, government corruption, crime and violence.
After three years of fighting a COVID war, they destroyed the lives and livelihoods of billions of people.
Migrant crisis has just begun.
Economies are going to go down big.
And again, it's a golden year for gold.
It's just beginning.
And if we don't have peace, you don't have to worry about it.
Because they're going to annihilate us.
So support InfoWars, support Occupy Peace.
If you want to know history before it happens, go to jonestrends.com and get the Trends Journal and get these great products that InfoWars is putting out because it is definitely a 360 win.
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