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Name: 20240329_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 29, 2024
2601 lines.

InfoWars discusses global issues, including centralized power brokers planning a controlled collapse of civilization under the guise of solving problems like COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns, forced medical procedures, and mask mandates. The show highlights news from around the globe about people realizing how their money has been stolen by the elite, such as the 1.2 trillion dollar bill passed without oversight which funded things like LGBTQ retirement homes and abortions. They also mention censorship and how it is being used to control information and silence dissenting voices. Alex Jones discusses rising cost of living and inflation due to energy prices and other factors, and criticizes the anti-hate speech laws being implemented in countries like Canada, Europe, and the United States, which silence dissenting opinions on topics such as immigration, religion, and race. The video talks about the importance of Vitamin D and promotes certain supplements available at InfowarsStore.com such as Wintersun Plus, Nason Iodine, Survival Shield X2 and X3. The speaker discusses the dangers of medical procedures and products on the immune and lymphatic systems, emphasizing a holistic approach to healthcare and promoting non-toxic beauty products through their Non-Toxic Beauty School. They also discuss various health supplements available at InfoWarsStore.com, including Baudis Ultimate Turmeric Formula for heart and brain health. The video explores the history of Christianity, particularly the Radical Reformation, and criticizes heretical beliefs such as dispensationalism and the rapture doctrine. Additionally, the video discusses how certain groups and individuals use end-time predictions to promote specific agendas, creating anxiety and fear in the population."

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Alright ladies and gentlemen, we have a bunch of big news and guests for you today.
And it's the same developments, it's the same story that InfoWars has been covering for decades, and more and more people are starting to realize, not enough people in Congress, and that's the problem, but there is an engineered collapse of civilization.
And out of that engineered collapse, a group of centralized power brokers want to come in and
essentially, to put it simply, take over the world with a corporate government system
which you have a taste of in 2020, 2021 in the name of COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns,
shutdowns, forced medical procedures and mandates and masks and all
the other nonsense.
But they want it to seem organic, they want it to seem like some sort of an avalanche, you're out in the mountains, oh an avalanche just happens.
Well no, they're at the top of the mountain screaming and shouting and banging pots and pans and trying to make all this noise to cause the avalanche and then hope that you don't realize they're up there causing it.
And then say, oh we're the heroes, central bank digital currency, total censorship, forced medical procedures, it's the only thing to save you, but we love you so much, Just take the corporate world government mark of the beast.
So we got a bunch of news on that.
And they're just saying, oh my gosh, with headlines from all over the globally, and they're just saying, oh my gosh, we've looked at the numbers.
People are broke, they have no money, they're about to be pissed.
Well, yeah, it was at the Bilderberg meetings, In 2017 or 2018, I forget which one, it was in Scintilli, Virginia.
And we were there covering it.
And their top issue was, what to do with the proletariat class when they realize how we've stolen all their money?
And then they sign a bill, a 1.2 trillion dollar bill, no oversight, nobody can look at it, drop it off at Congress's desk at 2.30 in the morning.
They have to vote on it by the end of the afternoon.
By the time you've read it, you find out it's got tranny hotels, LGBTQ retirement homes, abortions, and general mutilation, all funded with the taxpayer.
No debate, no stoppage, Congress goes on vacation.
That just...
That's just no problem.
Then they have a collapse of major infrastructure in Baltimore, and they say, well, I don't know if we can get the government funds.
Hey, you can sit here and say, we need to do an investigation, we need to find out what happened, we need the people responsible to pay for it.
You can't get a couple hundred million dollars to rebuild that critical infrastructure, to clear out that port, you can't even get a couple hundred million dollars, but you can get 1.2 trillion dollars with tranny hotels and retirement centers and all that crap.
I'm not kidding you, that was in the 1.2 trillion dollar bill.
But they say we can't afford to build a bridge.
So okay, what does it all tie into though?
It all ties into the engineered collapse, shutting down your energy, shutting down your farming.
Then, oh wow, you just realized you're broke.
What happened here?
Well, you were robbed.
But then on the other side, they've got their censorship apparatus set up, but it's really beyond censorship at this point where the Feds, and this is already happening in Europe, People in America have already gone to jail for making a meme that made Hillary Clinton cry.
Now the Feds show up at your house because you posted something on the internet that they don't like.
And now the government is calling up social media companies and saying, we need to look at this individual's search history.
They could be an extremist.
So this is all coming to a city near you.
When you look at everything going on around you, There's this notion that somehow it's inevitable, it can't be avoided, you're helpless to stop it.
Whether it's the rising crime rates, whether it's the illegal immigration, whether it's the inflation, cost of living going up.
It's all about making you accept you can't control your own fate, you can't control your own destiny.
And just common sense, logic, reasoning, policy.
There's just nothing that can be done for that.
So you just give up and then everything collapses.
And they say, don't worry, we're here to save you.
It's Friday, March 29th, 2024.
Owen Troyer sitting in for Alex Jones today.
sitting in for Alex Jones today and yesterday a major theme, the headline was
"Engineered Famine Accelerates Worldwide as Farms and Ranches Forced to Shut Down."
And you can go find all these small farmers, and that's just small compared to the big industrial farms, but I mean, they're good sized farms.
And they talk about how all the regulations are destroying them and the different laws.
So it's, well, you know, you need to eliminate your carbon emissions, and so then they put all these regulations on them that makes it impossible to even afford to be a farmer.
But then they'll write laws, like they're doing to that Amish farmer, and they'll say, well, you just can't sell anything without the government being the middleman here.
You just can't sell anything without government's approval.
I mean, that's a mafia.
That is a mafia shakedown.
I, as an American citizen, should be able to go to my neighbor and say, I'd like a gallon of cow milk.
Here's ten bucks or whatever.
I'd like a gallon of fresh cow milk and he should be able to sell me that raw milk and there should be no government intervention or interference in that transaction.
And I mean that In a wholehearted way.
Not just regulation.
Not just some law that says it's illegal.
You shouldn't even tax me.
I should be able to go to my neighbor's farm and say, hey, I wanna go get some fresh vegetables out of your garden.
Can I get 20 bucks worth of vegetables?
Give them a $20 bill, go get some vegetables, go home, end of transaction.
No, the government needs to be involved in every transaction.
And the government can't have you having the freedom to have that free market economy without them getting their shakedown, them getting their cut.
So then it slowly chips away and then you don't have any farmers, it's all centralized.
And then all the regulations and all the taxes drive you into bankruptcy and then the currency becomes all centralized.
So that's what's going on.
And there's headlines all over today And they are just like, oh my gosh, like this one out of Canada.
What is gonna happen when the Canadian people realize that they're broke?
What's gonna happen?
They're broke, they have no money, it's all been stolen.
Oh yeah, it's just Canada.
But don't worry!
Don't worry, you're living paycheck to paycheck.
You might make, you make six figures a year, you'd think, Six figures a year, I'm living comfortable.
Now they say that half of Americans making six figures a year are living paycheck to paycheck.
Well sure, there might be some financial irresponsibility, but no, it's the property taxes, it's the cost of living, it's you made a budget with your salary, And now, all of a sudden, your budget has doubled because the inflation and the cost of living, the energy prices, everything else.
And so then they write headlines like, oh my gosh, Canadians are gonna revolt when they realize that they're all broke.
Yeah, there were stories out of Boston, Massachusetts, like five years ago, And they said the average wealth of a black man in Boston was like $80.
So, so, okay, so put two and two together.
And try to find that story.
So, so put two and two together.
They drain you.
They drain you of wealth.
They try to take away any economic opportunity.
They put through all these regulations and all these interferences in your life.
And then they say, well, look, I'm using Black Americans as an example, but it's a larger issue, just because of how the media and the Democrats want to use Black Americans.
Yeah, $8.
I'm sorry.
Thank you guys.
It was $8.
So, but see, what do they do?
They say, oh, look!
The average Black man has $8 in Boston, and then what do they do?
Well, that's because of racism.
That's because of white people.
And then they put that resentment out there, and then they hype up a story where a black guy dies from a white police officer, and they just say, well...
You just need to get out in the streets.
You need to protest and you need to burn buildings and attack police officers and courtrooms and take over city halls and that's justified.
So, but that's just a microcosm.
That's just one little element over here and they want to do the same thing on a larger scale and they say, oh look, ho-ho, you're broke, what are you going to do?
Oh, you're going to revolt, aren't you?
And then the collapse of civilization and then the police state and then the centralized global government.
So again, the analogy I use in the opening segment.
The whole goal here is that you think it's just an avalanche that just occurred in the mountains and it just happens.
Avalanches happen.
No, somebody's at the top of that mountain making a bunch of noise trying to cause an avalanche is what's going on.
And then when the houses at the bottom of the mountain are covered in snow or destroyed, then they come in and they say, well, gee, it looks like your property's worthless.
Must be pretty upsetting.
I'll take it over.
I'll be your hero.
So yeah, they're engineering a famine.
They're trying to centralize the food supply.
And then they're doing the same thing with the money supply.
And they say $1.2 trillion for tranny hotels and tranny retirement centers and funding for abortion and funding for LGBTQ education in the schools.
I'm not even kidding you.
All of this was in the $1.2 trillion bill.
All of it.
And so they just say, wipe your hands with that $1.2 trillion.
We found out about the tranny hotel after we voted on it.
And then they say, gee, this bridge and this cleanup at the harbor in Baltimore, this could cost a couple hundred million dollars.
I don't think we have the money.
I just don't think we have the money for that.
No, you don't get critical infrastructure, but you get a war in every country that the military-industrial complex wants.
You get a war in Ukraine.
You get an LGBTQ retirement home.
That's critical infrastructure, by the way.
You know?
Where are the LGBTQ plus going to go to retire unless you build them a retirement home?
And don't be a transphobe.
Certainly you wouldn't want that.
But what happens if you decide maybe you're going to organize or get a little uppity or try to have something on your own?
Well, the government's going to make sure that that's not happening either.
And so you've got these anti-hate speech laws, and we covered the one that's happening in Canada.
They're in Europe.
I mean, hell, they're in the United States of America.
Scotland's new totalitarian hate speech law is coming in April.
So, in other words, you can't say anything negative about illegal immigration.
You can't say anything negative about the LGBTQ plus community.
You can't say anything negative about whatever religious group is the flavor at the time.
And it could be anything, it'll change, it'll shift.
One day it'll be Muslims, one day it'll be Jews, maybe even one day it might be Christians.
But it's just all about the flavor of the month and then shutting down speech and then arresting you.
And now, the U.S.
government is sending feds to your house for posts they don't like on the internet.
And they're calling up social media companies requesting user data, search profiles, videos viewed, elements shared.
So this is all going on.
And what's frustrating, and I understand people get upset over the left-right paradigm.
I get it.
But what's frustrating is that, yeah, we can't even come together as people and realize what's being done to all of us.
It doesn't matter whether you're a brainwashed libtard or a common sense conservative.
We're all going to have to go through this.
Now, the brainwashed libtard probably is going to have no survival skills and get mopped up first.
Whereas the common sense conservative might have a little preparation skills or strategically located to stave off some of this wickedness.
But it doesn't matter.
It's coming for all of us.
Now, I'm going to start digging into these headlines here.
But it's also worth mentioning there's a bunch of this vaccine news going around and people getting the vaccine and then saying, oh, I feel sick and then they get cancer out of nowhere.
I guess the royal family now is getting cancers and people are saying, well, why would they take a bad vaccine?
Well, who knows what's really going on with that.
But it just shows, yeah, sometimes their own people take their own poison.
They just... They don't even get it.
They believe their own bullcrap.
Rising cancer rates in the youth.
They can't figure out what's causing it.
We just have no idea!
We just can't figure it out.
What is going on with this youth cancer rate on the rise?
No idea.
We can't figure it out, guys.
We just don't know.
And we have no clue either.
Just no clues.
We can't point to anything or a part of the timeline when it started to increase with any other anomalies.
We just don't know anything.
Oh well.
I guess kids just get cancer now.
But we have a guest coming on today.
And look, when I find information that shocks me and makes me concerned, I just want to bring it to you.
So Diane Kazer is going to be joining us, and it was about a month or so ago, I'm just scrolling around Rumble looking for interesting interviews and topics, and I find an interview that Diane is doing, or I think maybe somebody sent it to me, and it's about You know, we think that, hey, they're just putting this nanotechnology in these vaccines.
Well, we're mistaken.
They're actually putting it in a lot of other products.
And it was quite stunning when I heard this.
It was quite stunning.
So I want to get to the bottom of it with her and what she's figured out.
I think she's even learned more since that interview.
So we got all that coming up, but all right.
The engineered collapse of civilization.
And some people recognize it.
But again, so yesterday the topic is, engineered famine accelerates worldwide as small farms and ranches forced to shut down.
Yeah, you can't even have raw milk.
You can't even just have a farm and give food to your neighbors.
That's just illegal now.
You're not free.
Oh yeah, you think you're free?
Try having a small farm and giving some raw milk to your neighbor.
Alex Jones delivers an epic rant about how the elite want the masses divided on race, religion, and other topics instead of focusing on the establishment war on agriculture.
The food supply.
Centralize the food supply.
You control the masses.
Starve the people.
Impoverish the people.
So Thomas Massey is one of the few that actually gets this.
And he's addressing it head-on earlier today.
He says, There are three places we end up.
One, steer our government away from economic collapse by design.
Two, economic collapse and then a renaissance or totalitarianism or a national divorce.
Three, slow devolution into Chinese-style communism and central control.
No one remembers freedom.
That's just about spot on.
I mean, if you wanted to just kind of lay it out in three easy bullet points in like a note card fashion, that pretty much nails it.
Without going into the weeds or getting too detailed, that's it.
That's... Yup, that's... That hits it right on the head right there.
So why is it that Thomas Massey understands this, but nobody else does?
Or do they get it and just not care?
Are they numb?
Do they not think it's going to affect them?
Do they just figure there's nothing they can do about it?
Because that's it!
Now, okay, so maybe the Renaissance happens.
That's a good thing.
Maybe the totalitarianism happens.
Well, good luck getting out of that.
Maybe the national divorce happens.
That'll be a little ugly too, but at least you might have a shot at freedom and prosperity.
Depending on where you're at.
But so they're getting ready for the big push.
And so this is like Black Lives Matter times a thousand.
Where they take downtrodden black Americans that might have a legit gripe.
I mean, we could all say we have a legit gripe, but They bring up the scars of racism or slavery and they bring up all this propaganda and they want them to feel like they've been victimized and it's someone else's fault and so you're broke or you're desperate or you're in prison or all this other stuff because of the white guy.
And then they build that propaganda up and really Obama responsible for this more than anything and they put the war on the police saying that's a weapon of racism, that's white supremacy.
And so they fill the room with gasoline, and then boom, George Floyd, they light the match.
And then you have riots across the country, $2 billion property damage, hundreds of police officers hospitalized, dozens of people murdered.
And so that's not organic.
That's not organic.
The average American would never have heard of George Floyd.
The media, the Democrats, they wanted you to.
They filled the room with gasoline.
They lit the match.
It doesn't matter.
You say, but George Floyd overdosed on drugs.
George Floyd was a career criminal.
Doesn't matter.
They filled the room with gasoline.
They lit the match.
But why do I say this is now on a thousand times?
Because that's just the Democrats and the liberal media playing this game of identity politics, trying to weaponize a group of people against another, and then leveraging that politically for power.
We're talking about this on a global scale.
Secret RCMP report warns Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are.
So you see, this is where it goes next.
Because soon they'll figure it out.
You can divide a bunch of people on identity politics, and you can drum up a bunch of racism and all this other garbage, but once you have people in a state of poverty, they become desperate.
And so that's what's driving this.
And they say, yeah, oh, Canadians realize how broke they are.
Oh my gosh, they're going to be so mad.
Well, that's what they're doing to everybody.
I play these videos all the time, and it's mostly young people, 20s, 30s, and a lot of them women, and they're sitting in their cars, or they're sitting in their kitchen and they're crying, and they're saying, I can't believe this, I'm already working three jobs, I'm already working seven days a week, I can't even afford groceries, I don't know what to do.
It wasn't like this five years ago.
I don't know what's happening, I'm feeling helpless.
You already had the trend of people living with their parents now in their late 20s and 30s.
They can't get out.
It's not even that that's a bad thing.
It's that the economic opportunity is being removed from the individual.
So, oh yeah!
They made you broke.
They starved you out.
They centralized the food supply.
They centralized the money supply.
And then they put salt in the wound.
Great replacement theory is already a reality in Michigan as state pays residents $500 a month to house illegal immigrants.
So I think this is like the fifth state now that's doing this?
Oh wow!
Talk about a problem reaction solution.
You're broke.
You can't afford your grocery bill.
You can't afford your energy bill.
But hey, here's $500 from the government to bring in an illegal immigrant.
Oh, sweet!
Honey, we can afford groceries again!
And then they start bringing more of them in, and more of them in, and more of them in.
Not that they even need to pay you 500 bucks a month.
They already have them up in the nicest hotels in New York.
They've already got them up in hotels in New York, three meals a day.
That was a big story we covered this week.
So then they put salt in the wound.
So they make sure you're going through a financial hardship, No relief in sight.
The credit card debt booming.
Car payments not being made at record levels.
All these different signs and symptoms.
The bank collapses people are talking about and predicting.
We've already seen multiple bank collapses.
But then, oh, it's $9 billion for illegal immigrants in New York City.
That's a real number.
That's a real number.
So I don't blame, like the headline says, a third of Gen Z living with their parents.
I don't blame people for wanting to live with their parents for financial reasons or whatever else.
It's the point of less people having access.
And then, oh, and then it's Canadians may revolt.
No, they want the whole world to revolt.
They want all of civilization to revolt.
And they make it even worse.
So they make you broke and then they say, but we've got $1.2 trillion for genital mutilation of children and tranny kids and abortion clinics and tranny hotels and retirement homes.
And by the way, are you ready to revolt because you're broke?
Nine billion dollars for illegal immigrants in New York City, but hey, you the American citizen in New York City, you're having it pretty tough.
It's like, have you ever seen these deals?
They'll sell you, it's not even a studio, they'll sell you what's the equivalency of a closet in New York City, it's about 900 bucks a month, for basically a closet.
It's just like, tiny little closet, you'll have a little cupboard, and that's it!
And then there's a community kitchen and a bathroom downstairs.
You're paying $900 a month for a closet in New York City.
But the illegal immigrants, they're living in five-star hotels!
So no, folks, the avalanche that's happening, this is not organic.
Somebody's at the top of that mountain, making a bunch of noise, trying to put you under.
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Man, I gotta tell you, we're covering some serious stuff today, and I got a bunch of other serious reports coming up, but... Sheesh.
I'll tell you, sometimes it's not hard to just... It's hard not to just lay it down and just laugh hysterically at what the American left has become.
I mean...
I've got this old Clinton activist, anti-Trump activist, who drives around with an inflatable rat and eats people's microphone covers.
You can't make this up.
And then I've got... Did you hear what I just said?
And then you've got Taylor Lorenz going to a A porno gala dancing with a mask on.
So I'm just... So it's just a bit of a... It's just a bit of a comic relief here.
As we're dealing with serious stuff.
But I mean, these people are nuts.
These people are just nuts.
But here's the shame, I mean... You know, they teach you this...
When you're a lifeguard, and I can't look at it anymore, there's too many serious things to cover, but they teach you, when you're a lifeguard, if you're trying to save a drowning person, you can't let the drowning person bring you down.
So there's different ways, and if they're panicking and doing all this stuff, well, that's essentially what the American left has become, is they're the drowning victim, but Like, we can go out and try to save them, but they're gonna drown all of us.
Except, they're gonna drown all of us no matter what.
So... That's what's so upsetting about this.
Perfect example is with the vaccines.
And now all these leftists, all these, these, these...
Democrat shills that were pushing the vaccine and praising the vaccine and all this other stuff.
Now they're in the hospital and they got cancer and they got heart problems and they're getting pacemakers and they've had heart attacks and they've had aneurysms and now they got Guillain-Barre.
And so that was, that's like a perfect analogy.
It's like, well, uh, I jumped in the water and tried to save you, but you kept kicking and screaming and you almost made me drown.
Now you're in the hospital.
You're, you got heart problems the rest of your life.
And we're going to have more on that.
Battle heats up over proposed federal funding for Baltimore Bridge.
$1.2 trillion in a bill that nobody's read.
Just passed last week.
Congress goes on vacation.
$1.2 trillion.
And then they say, well, this bridge could cost a couple hundred million.
I don't think we have the funds.
Critical infrastructure.
Critical infrastructure, dealing with a huge bridge.
We're talking about commerce and commute.
Critical infrastructure, dealing with one of the most important harbors in the United States.
Needs to be cleaned up.
Oh, I don't know if we can get the funds, but 1.2 trillion dollars, all your pork, for all your friends, that's no problem.
And Congress passes it.
But we don't know if we can get federal funding for a bridge.
Gee, I wonder why.
Hundreds of billions of dollars for Ukraine, but we can't get funding for critical infrastructure.
Gee, I wonder why.
Nine billion dollars for illegal immigrants in New York City alone, but we can't get funding for critical infrastructure.
Gee, I wonder why.
I just can't figure out why.
And that's the big insult.
So, stealing your money and giving it to illegal immigrants.
Stealing your money and funding wars.
That's part of the plan.
Stealing your money and giving it to abortion clinics.
Stealing your money and giving it to leftists that want to build LGBTQ plus retirement homes.
That's part of the agenda.
That's part of the plan.
Fixing critical infrastructure?
Rebuilding a bridge?
Not in the plan.
Not part of the agenda.
Can't get the funds.
And I don't even want to harp on the question of what happened with the ship and the bridge because ultimately isn't the frustration is that we just don't trust our government or our media to tell us the truth?
It was an organic mistake.
It was a cyber attack, a hack, whatever.
Does anybody trust the government or the American media to tell them the truth?
That's the problem.
So then what does that lead to?
Conspiracy theory?
And then, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist.
Well, what am I supposed to do?
Believe the lying media?
Believe the lying government?
Oh, I trust the FBI.
Lone gunman on Las Vegas.
Yeah, yeah, that's the story.
Well, we just don't know if we can get that federal funding.
Hey, can I get nine billion dollars so I can bring in tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into New York and give them everything for free?
When do you need it by?
Sign the check!
Hell yeah!
And then they say, it's all over the news again.
I mean, they brought me all these different headlines covering this.
America is headed towards collapse.
The Atlantic.
The revolution after the crisis, Forbes Magazine.
Washington Post, I surrender, a major economic and social crisis seems inevitable.
What, are these people all Alex Jones now?
What is this, Alex Jones?
Oh, oh, I guess Alex Jones was right, huh?
But see, that's the difference, is InfoWars is up there saying, somebody's at the top of the mountain causing an avalanche.
They're at the bottom of the mountain about to get run over by the avalanche like, oh gee, here comes the avalanche!
Why economic crisis trigger political turnovers in some countries but not others.
Cubans stage rare protests with blackouts, persisting economic crisis.
Sri Lanka's government crisis continues.
It's just on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
But hey, we got to build a tranny retirement home.
You bigot.
You bigot.
Can't rebuild the bridge, don't have the funds.
LGBTQ+, retirement home?
No problem.
Hundreds of billions of dollars for a war in Ukraine?
We gotcha.
No oversight.
Hundreds of billions of dollars for illegal immigrants coming here getting everything for free?
No problem at all.
When do you need the funds?
Bridge collapse?
Can't help you.
Train derailments?
Out of luck.
Nothing we can do.
Nothing we can do.
But don't worry, when you retire, your gay neighbor with blue hair, who chopped off his ding-a-ling, is gonna have a retirement home.
So don't sweat it!
Don't sweat it.
Alright, now when we come back from this break, I'm gonna show you the latest attacks on free speech.
Where the feds are now calling social media companies looking for personal information.
They're showing up at your doorstep for posting things they don't like on the internet.
People have already been arrested for posting memes and other things, so it's nice.
So much for that First Amendment.
So much for that.
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Great supplements for your health and it funds the InfoWar.
All right, this video is going totally viral.
FBI shows up on woman's porch after Meta flags her comments. Now there's some debates over what the
social media stuff was that triggered this response, but here she is dealing with
the feds showing up because of social media activity.
Can we just move in front of the house so the dogs don't go crazy?
So she's already had an interaction, now she goes to grab her phone and record it.
I need you to identify yourself and let me take imagery of your IDs.
I'm not going to show you my credentials on the phone.
So you said you were with the FBI?
And why won't you show me your credentials?
I didn't take a look at them.
I said, one second, I'll be right back.
Are you going to show me your credentials or no?
Yeah, we did already.
So, and we identified ourselves.
So what we'd like to do... I didn't look at your credentials again.
I didn't verify them.
It's two men and a woman.
And I went inside.
Okay, that's correct.
What we'd like to do... It's like a small town neighborhood.
Would you be willing to talk to us about that?
No, I would not.
I would like you to later talk on with my lawyer.
Do you have identification?
I'll get back to you.
Did you hear that?
All right.
You might have your attorney contact the FBI office
at Guantanamo City.
Let's just go ahead and pause this here and go back.
Hi, yeah, we're with the FBI and we're here to talk to you about
some social media posts.
Now, It's just insane because [BLANK_AUDIO]
You can go on any social media platform and find all kinds of illicit activity.
You can find death threats.
And the Feds will never show up.
Happens all the time, specifically in the political world.
To conservatives even!
Do the Feds show up?
Do they take care of that?
So what is the story here?
Listen to that again.
Oh, where was the FBI?
Can we talk to you about some social media posts?
I mean, you want to talk about Orwellian, play it.
And why won't you show me your credentials?
I didn't take a look at them.
I said, one second, I'll be right back.
Are you going to show me your credentials or no?
Yeah, we did already.
So, and we identified ourselves.
So what we'd like to do... I didn't look at your credentials.
Again, I didn't verify them.
I told you to wait and I went inside.
Okay, that's correct.
What we'd like to do is just have a conversation with you about some social media posts that you've made.
Would you be willing to talk to us about that?
No, I would not.
I would like you to later talk on with my lawyer.
Do you have identification?
Social media posts you made?
No, no.
I'll get back to you.
You might have your attorney contact the FBI office in Oklahoma City.
What's the number?
What are the names of the agents?
I'll Google it for you.
So you're freezing to identify yourselves?
No, we've already identified ourselves.
Again, I did not take a look.
Okay, so the phone number for the FBI in Oklahoma City is 405-290-7770.
If you could just call me before the meeting, then we'll be able to get you a contact.
I'll be happy to see you.
Be proud of yourself, sir.
I just want to tell him that Facebook flagged me for posting.
Okay, so we no longer live in a free country and we can't say what we want?
Well, you can't arrest me for freedom of speech.
We live in America.
Not this time.
Exactly, so it's kind of weird that you want to come talk to me about... But see, think about that.
Pause that real quick.
Think about that.
Oh, we're not here to arrest you.
Well, yeah, not now.
But why are you there then?
It's setting the table, see?
It's setting the table.
Well, we're just here to talk to you now.
We're just here to talk to you now.
Why are you here to talk to me?
Did I do something illegal?
Is there a problem here?
Oh, don't worry.
We're not here to arrest you now.
But see, this ties into some other developments that are going on, but...
Let's just finish that exchange real quick.
So we no longer live in a free country and we can't say what we want?
No, we totally do.
That's why we're not here to arrest you or anything like that.
Well, you can't arrest me for freedom of speech.
We live in America.
So it's kind of weird that you want to come talk to me about me exercising my freedom of speech.
We do this every day, all day long.
We talk to people.
They do it all day long, he says.
Do you think they go to the leftist protesters and rioters that burn things down?
Call for violence?
Do you think they show up at their houses?
I mean, all I've done is exercise my right as an American citizen on a public social media platform with my personal opinions.
Most of the individuals Right?
In America, especially older generation, right?
Have Facebook.
Are you questioning all the citizens in America?
Okay, so you have concerns about my personal opinions?
I'm definitely not gonna have a talk with you.
for your time this morning and feel free to reach out to us.
Okay, they're so called FBI.
So there the three of them go.
Two men and a woman.
I mean, there's just so many.
Oh, we do this every day.
By the way, so let's tie this into some other issues here.
I've got reports to air about illegal immigrants that rape children getting released from custody.
Do you think the feds will deal with them?
But sticking to the social media issue, Authorities ordering Google to reveal identities of some YouTuber's video viewers.
Feds demand identity of YouTube users who watch certain videos.
So yeah, now they're going into certain content and they're trying to find out who watches it and they're contacting The Feds to figure out who it is.
So they can send the FBI to your house and say, hey, we saw you watched an Alex Jones video.
Would you like to explain what the hell's wrong with you?
And so this is mainstream news here being reported.
This was Fox News yesterday.
Clip two.
Google to hand over the names, addresses, telephone numbers and user activity of those who watch certain YouTube videos.
The feds were trying to track down a criminal and were apparently tracking you in the process.
The senior national correspondent Kevin Cork is live in D.C.
with the big news about Big Brother.
Kevin, good evening.
Evening Trace, according to Forbes, the government asking Google to give up names, addresses, phone numbers, and user activity of all account users who accessed certain YouTube videos back in January of 2023, as you mentioned, as part of a larger criminal investigation.
Now, in another instance, police also asked Google to provide a list of accounts that viewed and or interacted with YouTube live streams that could lead to information again on what they claim was a police search.
Privacy experts tell Fox Business tonight this discovery is absolutely terrifying, saying it allows the police to target people for simply consuming content.
Quote, it's unconstitutional, it's terrifying, and it's happening every day.
These YouTube warrants Are just as chilling allowing police to target people simply for the content they consume.
No one should fear and knock at the door from police simply because of what YouTube's algorithm serves up.
Now the discovery also comes as Meta is said to be changing its algorithm to restrict Instagram users access to political information.
And of course, as an upcoming Supreme Court ruling could set new standards for free speech.
And while it's still unclear tonight if Google gave authorities the requested information, the company tells Fox Business this evening, quote, we have a rigorous process designed to protect the privacy and constitutional rights of our users.
It goes on.
We examine each demand for legal validity consistent with developing case law.
And we routinely push back against overbroad or otherwise inappropriate demands for user data, including objecting to some demands entirely.
Yeah, talk about a press statement.
Now, the DEJ tonight has yet to respond to our request for comment.
It is a huge story, a bombshell some would say, Trace, one that will obviously garner further examination.
So, it's just, I mean, they're just piling it on.
Folks, the leftists at the social media companies work with the leftists in the federal government.
It's on record.
They've been doing this for years.
So this is no surprise.
And then they have Fed show up at your house.
They say, well, we just want to get rid of political content on Instagram.
No, they just want to have it dominated by left-wing propaganda.
That's what it is.
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Yeah, we don't have to live like this.
We don't have to have our money stolen from us by criminals in our government.
Given to their wars and funding their friends' projects, but we can't get critical infrastructure.
Funding the illegal immigrant invasion, but the feds show up at your house and ask you about a social media post.
So yeah, we know That the social media companies are working with the federal government against their political opposition.
This is very well documented.
Very well documented.
And it's only going to continue.
Because why wouldn't it?
Nobody gets arrested, nobody's serious about stopping it.
So of course it's going to continue.
And it's going to get worse.
But again, compare all of that, and then listen to what ICE is telling a reporter here about illegal immigrants that they arrest, They get released into the country in clip 13.
Any questions you can talk to your team leaders.
It's the pre-dawn hours in Boston.
It has a real violent history.
And this elite team of ICE deportation officers is briefing on their target list for the day.
Illegal aliens charged with egregious crimes.
All the targets today, every single one of them, is an aggravated felony here in the Commonwealth.
So these are really the cases that are the worst of the worst here in Massachusetts.
ICE quickly takes down its first target, an illegal alien from Guatemala charged with aggravated child rape.
Minutes later, ICE arrests a Colombian national charged with the rape of a child above age 14.
I don't have enough.
led to the country illegally.
The officers are resources to tackle every one of these public safety threats.
Are we going after the child rapist today, or are we gonna go after that two times deported
fentanyl dealer?
Because we can't get both.
Okay, we gotta go, we gotta go.
ISIS next arrest, a combative MS-13 gang member from El Salvador, charged with a slew
of violent crimes.
Officers then arrested this Brazilian man, charged with five counts of aggravated rape
of a child.
How are you guys not notified about a child rapist being released?
Unfortunately, in Massachusetts, that's how it is with most sanctuary jurisdictions.
A short time later, ICE took down their final target, a Brazilian gang member, also charged with child rape.
Just this morning, today, four accused child rapists and one MS-13 gang member.
Those are the kind of people you're going after.
That's every day up here in Boston.
Those are the public safety threats that we really want to get off the street.
It's a great day for the team.
That's five public safety threats that are out in the community that could go ahead and victimize anyone else.
And ICE says all of those arrests you just saw happened because local authorities ignored their detainer requests to keep these guys in custody due to sanctuary policies.
ICE says all of those suspects will remain in federal custody until their local charges are resolved.
Then, ICE will seek to deport every single one of them.
And make it a point of doing it in a city like Boston with the sanctuary policies in place.
Really intriguing stuff, Bill.
We'll see what comes of it next.
Intriguing, alright.
There's... I mean, what other commentary can you... What other commentary can you even provide to this?
Yeah, intriguing to say the least.
Illegal immigrants, child rapists, are roaming the streets of this country.
And they get released by Democrat law enforcement, and they get released into these sanctuary cities, and they get released by these leftist DAs and mayors and judges.
Child rapists.
And they get released.
The police officer that got killed, that Trump went to his wake while Joe Biden was dancing with Lizzo, killed by a guy with 31 priors.
You got this other story today.
A guy with 7 prior arrests beats a lady in downtown Brooklyn.
Why are Democrats putting criminals on the streets?
I would just, I'd love to hear the real logic and reasoning behind it, but they just say, oh, we're fighting racism.
We're just fighting racism and bigotry.
By putting criminals on the streets, you are something special, if that's what you believe.
All right, there's just so much craziness to deal with here.
It's just, you're at a loss with it.
But see, this is what's so crazy, is that Elon Musk will cover this stuff on his ex-account, like that last video I played.
And I forget exactly what he says, but he's like, you know, pedophiles being released by law enforcement?
What the hell is going on?
How long does this have to go on for?
And then they say, oh my gosh, he's a radical right-winger.
Oh, he's an extremist.
Oh my gosh.
Oh, Elon Musk must be stopped.
He must be shut down.
We can't have it.
What the hell is that?
Who supports illegal immigrant child rapists?
You know what?
Forget about the thing, because who supports child rapists being out on the streets?
Who supports child rapists not being detained indefinitely?
Where is the logic here?
What in the hell is going on here?
Is it because they're an illegal immigrant that, oh well, they're an illegal immigrant, so it's important that they not be in jail?
Why are we putting criminals back on the streets?
Like this lady deals with, in clip three, this guy has seven prior arrests, gets released every time, beats this woman senseless in Brooklyn.
He hit me very, very strong.
Over here.
Everyday's break.
He didn't say a word, just stared at her, then broke her jaw.
He hit me very, very strong over here.
Can't even talk, her jaw's wired shut.
Every day's break.
It happened yesterday around 5 p.m. on Grand Avenue, 15th Street.
Pichardo was a school bus aide and was returning from work, just steps away from home when she was slugged.
Her brother owns a restaurant across the street from where she lives.
He and this employee chased the suspect down.
Johan Flores says he was still standing there.
When they confronted him, he denied attacking Pichardo.
Cold and emotionless, they followed him for several blocks and stopped him from fleeing until police arrived.
Cops arrested 33-year-old Franz Judy.
The suspect was charged with misdemeanor assault, meaning he's not bail eligible.
He'll be released back onto the street.
And that's the part that has the victim and the family frustrated and afraid.
Every time I see my man, I close.
I don't want to be close to nobody.
I'm very afraid, yes.
I turn my son everywhere I'm going.
I want you to walk away, ma'am.
He's being charged with assault three, not with a felony, because there's no intent.
So therefore, he's being discharged with that.
He has seven prior arrests for assault charges, and he's out in the street.
In Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Stefan Kim, Channel 7 Eyewitness News.
I just, you can't figure it, but no, actually you can.
Honestly, it's just so heartbreaking, not just for the victims of these violent criminals.
This is where the country is at.
But see, pull the Elon Musk tweet back up here.
Because, let me explain what is actually going on, because you would say it doesn't make sense.
Pedophiles being released, child sex abusers being released, violent criminals being released.
Elon says, well, what's going on here?
Enough is enough.
And then he covers this and he says, something is deeply wrong with the justice system.
Let's be perfectly clear, ladies and gentlemen.
The justice system is actually fine.
The American left is the problem.
It's the American left that's the problem.
We have an immigration system.
It's a great system.
Works just fine.
The American left has broken it.
The American left is the problem.
The justice system.
We have laws.
We have a judicial system.
What's wrong with it?
The left is running it.
The left.
That's the problem.
And so that's what's so frustrating about this.
And I know Musk gets it to an extent, but it's just like we can't even...
We can't even properly deal with or address these things because we don't even use the right rhetoric.
We don't even attack the issue head-on.
The American liberal is a psychotic.
The American liberal is a nut job.
The American liberal is a destructive force and a terminal illness on our body politic.
It must be removed.
You can't make sense of it.
Who wants illegal immigrant child rapists in the streets?
Who wants illegal immigrant murderers in the streets?
Who wants repeat violent criminals in the streets?
Brutalizing women.
It was just this week.
There's this other video, massively viral video.
It's about a dozen women.
I guess it's a new thing now in New York City is that People just slug women in the face.
They're just walking down the street and they just get slugged in the face.
And then they record it afterwards.
They're like, I don't understand what's going on.
I'm just walking down the streets.
I just got punched in the head.
Yeah, what is going on?
What is broken here?
What is the deal?
Who wants this garbage?
Who's promoting this?
Who wants to live in this civilization?
It's all the American left.
That is just the fact.
The justice system could work just fine.
Wouldn't be perfect, but it'd work just fine.
The American liberal has destroyed it.
We have an immigration system that works.
The American liberal has destroyed it.
The American liberal has destroyed everything.
You want to solve these problems?
You want to get back to common sense?
You want to not have child rapists roaming the streets being let out of prison?
You want to not have violent criminals roaming the streets being left out of prison?
Get rid of the American liberal, get rid of the American Democrat in any position of government, in any position of power, in any position of influence.
They don't belong in government.
They don't belong in the classroom.
They belong in a mental facility.
These are deranged lunatics!
And yeah, until the American liberal is removed from the political equation, child rapists will be roaming the streets of America.
Violent criminals will be beating women in the streets of New York City and being released from prison.
Violent criminals will be murdering police officers and be released from prison.
So, I will be here for the rest of my life covering this news.
I could be on air the rest of my life, or until they just, hell, put me in prison for speech violations and let the guy out that raped a kid.
For as long as I'm on air, I will have to cover violent criminals beating women in the streets, they get released by a Democrat, and Child rapists roaming the streets, they get released by a Democrat.
I will be covering that the rest of my life until the American liberal is removed from
the political equation.
I just want solutions.
And I like easy solutions to complex problems.
And we got a bunch of complex problems, don't we?
But the easiest solution, the easiest solution to getting things going back the right direction is removing the American liberal from the equation.
These are psychotic freaks.
That's what I'm saying.
I don't even want to talk about this.
It's just like, this is the perfect example.
This former Clinton fundraiser, you're like, I don't even want to give this guy any air time.
But, this guy comes at me in the streets when I'm doing field reporting, and he comes up to me and he bites my microphone cover off of my mic while I'm doing a report, and chews on it and eats it.
And then takes it home with him and keeps it as a souvenir.
Now, is that somebody that sounds like they belong in the political conversation and equation,
or a straight jacket in a rubber room?
So yeah, we got complex problems.
It's gonna require complex solutions, but you want a simple, I got a simple solution.
Stop voting Democrat.
Stop it.
I don't know if the Republicans are the solution, but I know this, the Democrats are the problem.
It's just, the debate is over, folks.
These people.
These people.
Yeah, I don't even want to give this freak any airtime, but...
For whatever reason, today he's back on X attacking me and like... Like it's some sort of thing.
Ha ha!
The government arrested you for your speech!
Like, ha ha!
You went to prison for speech!
Like, ha ha!
You're so stupid!
You're such an idiot!
You go to prison for speech, loser!
Uh, yeah dude.
You drive around the country with an inflatable rat and eat reporters' microphones.
Uh, by the way, what do you think a cloth microphone is like after I speak into it for two months?
So, uh, enjoy my spittle, freak.
Enjoy my spittle, you absolute freak show.
That's okay.
(blows raspberry)
That's okay.
Because... We'll be damned if we let these liberals destroy our planet.
They're not going to do it.
They will lose.
They are going to do a hell of a lot of destruction in the process.
Man, are they going to do a lot of destruction.
I mean, we are going to have a massive cleanup job to do, but ultimately, they will lose.
They do not deserve any of the political power or influence they have.
It will be realized, and they will eventually be politically removed from the equation.
And lucky for them, we're actually tolerant, or we probably would put them all in rubber rooms.
And if we were serious about really saving civilization, then that would actually be a necessity.
But let me just back off that and get back to the news here.
Dealing with Joe Biden and what he's been up to, the no-show president.
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All right.
I'm going to try not to make a zoo animal reference.
Lizzo performs at Biden's 25 million dollar fundraiser with liberal elite.
Hosted by Stephen Colbert and there's a bunch of Hollywood actors and actresses and performers and you know, a bunch
of people I couldn't care less about.
I'm sure you're the same way.
Guys going to clip 5 here just the b-roll or maybe we need some of this audio too.
I don't know, they had to...
Do a special, uh, support beams here.
They had to, uh, triple reinforce the stage there.
Uh, yeah.
They had to bring in a special crew there.
This is a Biden fundraiser.
We got three presidents in the field!
We got three presidents!
The most corrupt ones!
It's a p-p-p-party for me!
The p-p-p-party!
Isn't that great?
It's a p-p-p-party!
Yeah, I don't know what's going on.
I mean, she basically just threw the performance to... Rihanna performs Better Pregnant.
By the way, did you see that video going viral?
I never looked into this conspiracy theory about Beyonce never being pregnant.
Did you guys see that video where she's supposedly pregnant and then she sits down in a chair and her supposedly pregnant belly deflates?
Anyway, I'm getting off track.
I don't know what's wrong with Lizzo.
Somebody actually reported a missing zoo animal, but they figured out it was just a mistake.
So... Alright, we can make fun of Lizzo, but...
Oh, we got three presidents in the building.
So they're there partying in New York City.
Oh, they're all having a great time.
$500,000 a head, by the way.
That's how they got, I think the number ended up being $26 million raised here.
So you can go see Lizzo and Queen Latifah.
And go get a picture with Joe and Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Oh my God.
I'm a sycophant.
The Me Too movement, but they love old Bill Clinton.
They're fighting racists, but they love themselves some Joe Biden.
Oh, yeah.
You ever seen something like that?
That's something else.
Really makes you wonder.
It's all a game.
It's all a game.
But they're all partying and clapping and having a great time and dancing and There was a seismic reading there outside of Music Radio Hall there, when Lizzo was performing.
It's all fun and games, but then out on the streets, women are getting beaten in the streets, and children are getting raped and molested, and illegal immigrant gang activity is going on.
This whole thing is so cringe.
Yeah, yeah, what is going on here?
Here's a stiff-legged, awkward Joe Biden, and he goes in for the shake with Bill, and then the swing and the miss.
I honestly, I'm surprised that Obama even agreed to this, quite frankly.
I'm really actually surprised that Obama agreed to this.
Bill Clinton, folks, Bill Clinton is not popular.
And neither is Joe Biden, for that matter.
So, I mean, Obama's basically running this.
So it really makes you think that this is all Obama's presidency again.
Obama's really running the show.
I don't know why else he would be doing this.
And if that's the case, then it is Biden.
He's going to be running again.
So nobody likes Bill Clinton.
Nobody likes Joe Biden.
They like Barack Obama.
And so why would Obama be putting himself up there with Clinton and Biden, two despised politicians?
Well, because Obama's the one in power.
Obama's the one actually running the White House.
So that could be your greatest evidence for that yet.
Was that whole charade?
So, it's Obama running the show.
Why else would he be campaigning up there with two rotting husks that look like death warmed over Joe Biden and Bill Clinton, who aren't even popular on their own accord.
But so, here's the other issue.
Joe Biden can't campaign.
Forget about even physically or mentally, okay?
Joe Biden can't campaign because he can't have rallies.
Because if he does, they're all going to be protested and then the optics of that look bad post-2020 and heading into the 2024 presidential election.
So what do they do?
They have these small controlled events where they don't announce them to the public and they only invite members of the group and they only share the information with the leaders of the group so it'll be like a union or a teacher's union or something like that.
Or Biden will pop in at like an ice cream parlor or go to a black family's house and deliver them fried chicken.
I'm not even kidding you, Joe Biden shows up with a bucket of fried chicken and some watermelon drink.
And says, hey blacks, I'm here, give me your vote!
Literally, that happens.
So, he can't do a normal rally, there'd be too many protesters, or a Trump rally would break out outside.
So, okay, so you see these smaller venue events, you see these private events where he speaks for five minutes or whatever, then gets lost on the stage and shuffles away.
They have to do that because if the information gets out where Joe Biden is going to be or what he's going to be doing, then massive protests form and either a Trump rally breaks out outside or a Biden protest breaks out outside.
And so, yes, so there it is.
So these are the sights and sounds outside of the Biden campaign event, right outside Radio City Music Hall.
Guys, give me the audio here now too.
All right, so while Donald Trump is visiting the wake of the murdered
police officer by a violent criminal that Democrats put back on the air,
that Democrats put back on the streets.
Yeah, here's a white man getting assaulted trying to go to his grandmother's funeral.
Just trying to walk through the insanity of it.
Been there.
Been there.
And see, folks, you know, a lot of people ask, you know, why doesn't InfoWars go out on the scene and go to the stuff anymore?
Well, there's a couple reasons.
One, we're dealing with a bunch of Litigation and financial stuff so we can't even get funding to do it.
I'll just leave it at that.
So I can fund this stuff basically on my own.
But then I'm also on a travel restriction from the federal government.
I'm on a severe travel restriction.
So I really can't even travel.
Uh, not to mention, you know, I can't do anything that puts myself or our safety in jeopardy.
I can't because if I go out without security and then I have to defend myself and I get arrested, then I'm gone for a year.
I'm in prison.
Uh, so yeah, so yeah, I don't want to go.
I don't want to go in a mob of people that could potentially engage me with violence.
And then I'm forced to do something that puts me in a compromising position.
So just just to explain that.
But yeah, there's all these videos.
And these are organic protests breaking out against Joe Biden.
It's not like your typical AstroTurf.
But yeah, people just walking by, white men, white women, and they just get assaulted and attacked.
A Jewish woman will walk by and she'll get screamed at and called a murderer and all this stuff.
But that's the left protesting Joe Biden.
So you see, they can't have Joe Biden doing rallies, folks.
By the way, he got disrupted inside too.
Let's go ahead and quickly run clip one.
Alright, I went long.
We'll play it when we come back.
But inside the event he was protested to.
Yeah, they had to do this rally.
Obama needed funding for his fourth presidential campaign with Joe Biden as his surrogate.
So they had to do this funding and raise the $26 million from all the Hollywood celebs.
He can't rally.
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All right, so they can't have Biden doing any rallies because it's really bad optics.
They had to do this Obama fundraiser because they just needed the funds.
But Biden can't really do any rallies because a protest would break out, a Trump rally would break out, and the optics would be too bad after they stole the 2020 election and probably plan on doing the same for 2024.
So here's the protester inside the fundraiser in clip one.
There was an insurrection.
Shame on you, Joe Biden!
Shame on you!
Because he's lying about an insurrection.
Shame on you!
You are genocide of Palestine!
And no amount of full concern that you will change the billions that you are doing!
You have blood on your hands!
Blood on your hands!
Now, again, whether you agree with the conclusion on the genocide going on and the Gaza Strip or not, the point is that Biden can't do rallies without getting protested by leftists.
By leftists.
But, you know, a party who looks at the commentary that's against the Israeli actions in in Gaza, and you say well hold on a second now that that's perfectly fine, but These leftists go out and march in the streets I Mean I look honestly how many of them do you think could even spot the Gaza Strip on a map I?
Mean seriously How many of them do you think could even find the Gaza Strip on a map I?
I mean, what do we think?
Maybe half?
Give or take?
So that's nice.
You're against genocide, or what you believe is a genocide, and you're out in the streets, and so, okay, good for you.
And for the most part, I would say that these people have been peaceful, other than the harassment that some of the individuals trying to walk through their protests received last night.
I don't think anybody was hospitalized or anything, so just maybe a little scare tactics there and a little harassment and bullying.
But I mean, compared to normal leftist protests where there's buildings burning and police being assaulted and people getting murdered, yeah, I mean, you could say that that's peaceful, but... So imagine though, you're out there protesting what you think is the big concern, and that's fine, you couldn't locate it on a map, but...
What about the women that are getting beaten by violent criminals released back on the streets in New York City?
What about all the women being raped and murdered by illegal immigrants?
What about the children, the child rapists that come into this country and get released?
See, nothing on that!
Nothing on that.
They're okay with that.
They have no problem with that.
I think it just shows you.
Obama's the real president.
Or some semblance of.
fundraiser with Obama and Clinton. I think it just shows you Obama is the
real president or some semblance of. Biden is basically the Obama surrogate.
That's what the fundraiser was all about.
It's all about raising money for Obama.
That's why he was there.
That's why he's riding around on Air Force One.
That's why he's strutting around like the long-legged Mac Daddy in Europe.
And then with Joe Biden going down the kiddie stairs because Biden can't do the adult stairs.
House Republicans invite President Biden to testify at public hearing as impeachment inquiry stalls.
James Comer urges President Biden to testify in impeachment inquiry.
Do you think he'll show?
House Republicans are pressing President Biden to testify before the Oversight Committee as part of their impeachment inquiry, raising disputed claims and requesting the President sit for questions about his family's business dealings.
Yeah, let's get him under oath.
Comer said, I invite you to participate in a public hearing at which you will be afforded the opportunity to explain, under oath, your involvement with your family's sources of incomes and the means it has used to generate it.
The odds of Joe Biden showing up are about zero, maybe .001%.
Biden shows up.
Biden is the no-show president.
Biden is the no-show president.
It's the story that nobody talks about.
The no-show president.
It's embarrassing.
Democrats Hope student loan moves hold weight for Biden in November.
Well, it's not even holding up in its own way.
Multiple attorneys general joined together to sue Joe Biden administration in bid to block his illegal student loan plan.
The Supreme Court also blocked his illegal student loan plan and then just Biden went through it anyway.
He's a criminal.
He's trying to buy votes.
Nothing is sticking for them.
They can't run on the economy, the economy is doing bad.
They can't run on safety, there's violent crime everywhere.
They can't run on immigration, the most illegal immigrants of any presidential administration.
They tried abortion, it didn't really take.
The whole abortion push for them to run on abortion, it didn't move the needle, so they're abandoning that ship.
Now they're going for, we're going to pay off your debt.
And Supreme Court says, well, you can't do that, that's illegal.
Biden says, screw it, I'm gonna do it anyway.
Now the Attorney Generals are saying, nope, you can't do that, so Biden will just do it anyway.
He's trying to buy votes.
That's what that is.
But in a way, it doesn't even matter.
Whether he gets the student loan debt paid, whether it's 5% of it, 0% of it, 100% of it, just the headline, just him saying he'll do it is him trying to buy votes.
Even though it will likely fail.
Even though it will likely fail.
Because then people are like, they won't have a dime of their student loans paid off.
Not a single dime.
And you'll say, why do you like Joe Biden?
Well, he's helping people pay off their student loans.
So really, did you get your student loans paid off?
Do you know anybody that got their student loans paid off?
Well, did you see that that move got blocked?
So Biden didn't get the student loans paid off, but you support him because he got the student loans paid off even though it didn't happen.
Ah, you must be a Democrat voter.
You must be a liberal.
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The levels of ludicrous are reaching New levels!
There was a mayor's convention.
Oh my gosh, I just... Do you see what's happened here?
I don't know too much about the Baltimore mayor.
And I don't live in Baltimore.
I've been to Baltimore a couple times.
Obviously, not doing very well.
I mean, Baltimore's probably, uh...
Having some of the most problems when it comes to major metropolitan areas.
It's definitely, Baltimore's up there.
So is St.
And I'll tie it all in, but it's like, this is what they do.
So you have this black guy who gets elected to be the mayor of Baltimore and then things happen and he just says, oh, racism.
I'm a victim of racism and people want to call me the n-word.
No, the bridge collapsed and you've now been doing Uh, public speaking events and interviews, and now people that have never heard or seen of you are seeing you and hearing you for the first time, and they're like, wow, this guy seems really unqualified and incompetent.
And he just says, it's racist!
So, but see, that's what they do.
So now it's, hey!
Elect a black guy or elect a black woman.
See, you're fighting racism.
See, you're fighting white supremacy.
And then they talk and they get put on the national stage and people say, boy, this guy seems incompetent.
Don't you dare say that, racist!
And then he says, well, they just say I'm a result of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Really, they just want to call me an N-word.
Uh, no.
But you bring up diversity, equity, and inclusion.
It's the same phenomenon.
Don't hire the Asian that's qualified.
Don't hire the white guy that's qualified.
Hire somebody else, whether it's a black person or, you know, a trans person.
It doesn't even make a difference.
The person is, hire somebody that's not qualified, hire somebody that's less qualified, because of the color of their skin.
And then when they botch a surgery, or they crash an airplane, or they destroy infrastructure, or they build a bridge that doesn't hold up, and then you say, gee, this is the result of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
They just say, no, you're just a racist!
I don't want the bridge designer that's Japanese and has the highest IQ I want the black lesbian because we need more black lesbian representation in bridge design and architecture.
And then the bridge collapses and you say, boy, I think that's a result of diversity, equity and inclusion.
How dare you racist!
I don't want the Indian surgeon who comes from a line of four neurosurgeons.
I don't want the Asian trauma surgery guy who has all the best results in the medical exams and has the most experience in the surgery room.
I don't want that.
I need a minority.
I need a lesbian.
Yeah, yeah, you're sitting down.
You're about to go in for surgery.
You say, oh, is that a white doctor?
Oh my gosh.
That is the best doctor in the field, sir.
You're very lucky to have him here with you.
He's literally the best.
No, I don't... Is there anybody that's a minority that I could... How about that guy over there?
That's the janitor.
Yeah, I'll take him.
He's black.
So you see, that's what they do.
They prop it up.
And they use affirmative action, or now they just call it diversity, equity, and inclusion.
I guess we call it on to affirmative action.
And it's all just racism, is really what it is.
Whether it's, you can say it's anti this group, anti that group, it becomes whatever group they want it to be.
It doesn't even matter.
It could be black today, it could be white tomorrow, it could be Hispanic, it could be Asian, it could be any group.
By the way, it doesn't fit for the NBA or the NFL or any sports teams though, so that's good.
So thank God we're keeping it out of those things that are very important to life and critical infrastructure and, you know, the health industry.
So that's good.
But that's what they do, and so, oh, I'm gonna hire people not because they're qualified, but because of the color of their skin.
And they put a very well-educated, kind of a liberal, I mean, he said he was independent, but he's kind of a liberal black man, who goes on The View, and he's like, hey, we should stop doing all this race-baiting stuff, and we should realize that a meritocracy is the best way to move forward.
And all the liberal hosts immediately said, get back in line, boy!
Get back in line, boy!
No, we need more diversity, equity, and inclusion.
And then when everything hits the fan, and you say something about it, you're a racist.
So here's the mayor of St.
Louis, guys, we have the clip.
You have all this organized retail theft going on.
Well covered, well documented.
And you have these individuals who run into these stores, jewelry stores, grocery stores now, convenience stores, Walmart, Target, whatever, and they run in in groups at the same time, and they know they're protected by the laws now, so you can't even arrest them.
If a good Samaritan decides to step up and try to stop them, they'll get arrested.
And it's kind of like this new debate where I saw Tommy Loren on Fox News this morning And they're covering this phenomenon of women getting beaten up in the streets of New York City and she says, she says, oh, where are all the men?
Where are all the good men?
Where are the men?
They're in prison because like Daniel Penny, they stood up.
So, I'm not gonna sit here and you know, I'm not even saying that She's wrong in her insinuation here that, yeah, men should stand up for women getting beaten in the streets.
I completely agree.
But to sit here and act like men are the problem... No, actually, men are pragmatic creatures.
That's why... You want to know why men commit suicide at a much higher rate than women?
Because men are pragmatic.
And you know what they see as a solution to their problems sometimes?
Killing themselves!
So no, men are just pragmatic creatures.
So if men see a situation and they say, well, okay, this woman just got clocked in the head, but if I do something about it, I'm going to go to jail, so I'm not going to do anything about it.
And so that's what goes on.
So men are supposed to sit here and take the blame when it's leftists and liberals who go after the men and punish men for doing the right thing.
So you could argue, well, they should still do the right thing.
Well, okay, so at what cost?
Until when?
But back to the point.
So, okay.
You try to stop somebody from committing organized retail theft.
You try to stop somebody.
And what happens?
You get the police called on you.
You get arrested.
That's a real phenomenon.
You're Daniel Penny.
You're on the New York subway.
This guy's probably hopped up on drugs.
He's famous for harassing people on the subway.
He's obnoxious.
He's out of control.
You subdue him.
People were complaining.
You go to prison.
Oh, where are all the good men?
So here's the mayor of St.
Louis, though.
If your convenience store gets robbed, it's your fault.
You can't even make this up.
Leaders from Jackson, Mississippi, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Atlanta, Durham, St.
Louis and more meeting Wednesday and Thursday to talk crime and solution.
St. Louis Mayor Tashara Jones says she's taking back strategies used in
Atlanta for nightclub owners and eyeing ways to reduce crimes around
convenience stores.
We have a lot of violence around convenience stores and gas stations.
So how can we hold those business owners accountable and
bring down crime.
And then some of the things that we're already doing, we're finding that other mayors are doing as well.
Discussions with the Council on Criminal Justice and chats between leaders were closed to the public and media.
How can we hold the business owners accountable?
I mean, people are a fucking joke, man, I'm sorry.
Liberals are just a friggin' joke, dude.
Look, again, don't notice anything.
And so it's all these cities, these predominantly black cities, and they all have black mayors, and so they get together, it's like, look, it's the Black Mayor Association.
Hey, we got a problem with crime.
We got a problem with crime.
We don't want to talk about what the real problem is, but let's blame the store owners!
There's all these black bears staring in a row!
And they release the violent criminals on the streets, and they have far-leftist Soros-funded DAs that make crime legal, and then they say, we need to hold the store owners accountable.
I mean, these people are clowns.
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Get a signed copy of The Great Awakening today at Infowarsstore.com I moved to New York City and I lived with Sean Parthy Combs
for a year.
They call Puffy Flavor Camp.
There you go.
Mickey Smalls was there, Lil' Kim, Craig Mack.
All these people are hanging around.
Yeah man, Faith Evans, Jodeci, Mary J. Blige.
They know nothing about this s***.
I was having a good time.
You're a dad now.
Would you ever send your kid to puffy camp?
Hell no.
All of these big deviants is all catching hell in 2024.
It's up for all of them.
It don't matter if you Diddy or whoever you is.
And now he's having 48 hours with Diddy.
They're having the times of their lives like, like, we gonna go full buck full crazy.
Going crazy.
When I was seeing what I was seeing with the abnormal blood, the blood Changed.
Something happened.
I couldn't put my finger on it, but something's not right.
And I started noticing it early 2021 after the vaccines rolled out, and it continued on through the summer.
And by the fall, later in the years, when I took my first image in September, and then August, September, well, see, September, October, People were asking me, how often are you seeing this?
How often are you seeing this?
And some people were like, you know, we've seen blood clots, you know, I mean, it's blood clots.
I was like, but you don't understand.
These aren't the same.
These are different.
Something's different.
I sent her some of the pictures that I had.
And she called me and we spent over an hour on the phone.
Because she was seeing things of the military.
And looking at the picture, she's like, This is not right.
This might explain some of what we're seeing in the military because they were having soldiers with unusual blood clots.
And you're talking soldiers.
You go to join the military, you gotta pass a physical, you gotta go through all of this stuff.
These are not your typical 80, 90-year-old, you know, got comorbidities and all this.
these are young healthy people.
Basically anyone taking these vaccines, they're all designed to
the same thing, is going to have neurological disorders within one
Most of the people taking the vaccine will be dead within 10.
And this John Hopkins says it all right here.
the vaccine and was dead two days later.
I mean, I'm sitting here watching them killing people.
And you notice Netanyahu and all the British Prime Minister,
they're not really taking shots.
The plungers are empty, they put the needle behind the arms.
Let me tell you something.
You take the mRNA, it creates plaque in your brain, it gives you Alzheimer's, and I got the studies too.
So, hey, you think they just put fluoride in the water to dumb you down?
They believe there's a thing called frame shifting.
You know, they put the modified mRNA, and that modified mRNA was supposed to make your body create a spike protein.
The spike protein is what's thrombogenic.
So this can happen, potentially, and most of them believe this.
They believe the vaccine is the main culprit here, but they leave room for it to be something else.
Good news!
Oh yeah?
Yeah, we've rolled back the ban on gain-of-function research.
So now it's legal for us to modify viruses and make them more deadly and transmissible to humans.
Why would you want to do that?
Well, it's important that we be prepared in case something like that happened in the future.
In case somebody modifies a deadly virus to be more infectious and able to transmit to humans?
Can you imagine?
Yeah, sounds dangerous.
No, no, no, it's fine.
We're doing it at a Level 4 weapons research lab in Wuhan, China.
I don't feel like...
This was not a dream of mine to be kind of known in all actuality.
I mean, people around the world have seen my face and have heard bits and pieces.
And I'm cool with nobody knowing to remember my name.
My name's not important.
The story's important.
Well, the information is important.
I would ask her, are you wearing one now?
And then you tell me.
Do you have a butt plug right now?
May I answer?
Go ahead, Mr. Buttplug.
May I answer?
Do you have a model called the Holiness?
Well, it was about a month or so ago.
I can't remember if I was just scrolling through Rumble looking for interesting interviews, or it might have been actually a friend of mine, I think, that sent me this interview of Diane Kaser talking about different Nanotechnology in products that we might not be expecting it in.
So most people now are aware or concerned about the COVID-19 vaccines and some of these other treatments, but little do we know that some of this stuff is actually being introduced in other products, stuff that you in the audience might actually be
unknowingly using.
And even one example that really stood out to me was stuff that's being done in the oral
hygiene or oral surgery world.
And so Diane Kayser joins me now to discuss all of it.
And Diane, I know you have a lot of images and stuff.
I don't know how much you've shared of these.
You're going to be introducing some of these and sharing them.
It's quite shocking.
We're talking about cosmetic products.
We're talking about oral hygiene and surgery products.
So I guess I would start with this.
I never heard of any of this stuff until I heard you talking about it.
How did you find out about it?
Well, I got really sick and I was approached by David Icke to make a movie called Dying to be Beautiful and I did a lot of research as a naturopathic doctor, traditional naturopathy.
I was really sick and I thought, what the hell?
I'm the healthiest person I know and I'm doing all the conventional things.
And this is reversing time, Owen, going way back to five years ago when I was really sick and decided that my breast implants were making me sick.
I wrote a book called Killer Breasts and then I realized the entire beauty industry was extremely toxic, filled with beauty bombs.
And beyond that, no, it's not just the beauty industry, the toxic beauty industry that I would say people like P. Diddy Combs is creating this transhumanistic toxic beauty desire to look like women in rap videos, but it was also the all injectable industry spanning the things like dental and aesthetics and other things as well like insulin and anything at this point that has a needle.
Shots are being fired and we are at war from within with not just, you know, right now bridges collapsing because we've got ships crashing into them.
I think this is a metaphor of as above so below that we have a lot of blockages inside of the body with the implants and these nanotechnology things that they are injecting inside of us.
So I stand here grateful to be alive, but I've been through a lot and I want to make sure everybody's aware of these things and that there are healthy alternatives so that you don't have to go through what I did.
Yeah, well I'll tell you what, let's start with the thing, because there's so much to get in here, in your presentation, and I'm sure there's a lot of women that want to know about some of the cosmetic stuff, the beauty products as well, but let me start with one thing that really shocked me.
I went for a routine.
I had a chip in a cap on a tooth of mine.
They had to basically drill it out and put a new crown on.
And in the process, and my dentist knows who I am, so you know, he knows I don't really like injection or anything like that.
I'm kind of actually afraid of needles.
And so he's talking about, you know, giving me a numbing solution, and I usually prefer just, you know, whatever the cream is.
But he's like, hey, you know, I've got, we can do a numbing injection.
He's like, do you want to do the numbing injection?
I'm going to have to take a drill to this crown.
It's not coming off.
I'm going to have to drill this crown off your tooth.
So I'm just like, it's fine, it's fine.
I'm like, okay, I'm fine.
But anyway, you were saying that even some of these anesthetics that they inject during some oral surgeries have some products in there, some nanotechnologies in there.
So let's start with that, because this is something you're not even thinking about.
You're thinking, I'm just going in for an oral routine here, very common, a little aesthetic, a little shot, and what are we getting hit with?
Yes, okay.
So, thank you, Owen, and hello, InfoWars.
It's so great to have you here with us, and I really want you to hear me out on this because many people We're taught to self-gaslight.
Oh, it's not a big deal.
My dentist should know everything, right?
Just like you, Owen.
You went in to see your dentist.
It's not about not liking or having a good relationship with our practitioners.
It's just that they simply don't know.
So I'm hoping with all of these broadcasts that we're doing that we have practitioners who are starting to ask the bigger questions.
If you guys want to show and pull up slide number four, which is the most gorgeous picture of me I've ever put on national television.
Yeah, for people who don't know, I guess you used to do beauty pageants.
Is that what we have going on here?
That's funny.
That's another way of saying it.
I was a bikini competitor and a bodybuilder.
Yeah, I want to make sure I get that right there.
Yeah, yeah.
And that's actually where I learned that people who claim to be the fitness enthusiasts that are the influencers are really prescribing poison in the bodybuilding industry.
And that's a whole other topic for another day, perhaps.
You know, fake tanning and all of the testosterone.
It's a disgusting industry, but I was 10% body fat and the sickest I'd ever been.
Had no breasts, got breast implants to compete, then started doing Botox.
It's a very slippery slope, this transhumanism agenda.
Anti-aging is technically the fear of death and fear of aging.
And so it's a very slippery slope and that's what I want to talk about today.
So this is me in the dental chair and, Owen, I have documented the dates of all of my treatments.
This is how I knew.
I didn't know actually until about a month ago when Dr. David Nixon and Dr. Anna, the ones who were doing the work under dark field microscopy, under the microscope. They're the ones looking to see what
kinds of things in these, in the solutions that now we're finding contain a tremendous amount of pollutions
that are exactly the same that they have found in the bioweapons that we have been referring to
as the COVID shots. Shots have been fired and now it's not just vaccines, it's anything that
contains a needle that we've been finding that will create the same type of reactions that people who
have had after the COVID shot.
And we can see all of these by looking deeper into reactions.
We've heard the VAERS report.
There's VAERS.
I'll get into all that today.
But this is a picture of me getting another dental implant in my front teeth.
Now, I have been doing this for a long time.
15 years I've been helping people cleanse.
And at this point, what I've been finding is that oral infections and people trying to treat them, like you were talking about, Owen, is one of the biggest issues where people are experiencing total toxicity in the mouth, cavitations in the jawbone.
And so I went in to get an implant in the front two teeth.
I had had one put in Stainless steel, titanium.
We've heard of a lot of different implants in the body.
I have two titanium implants in the front.
After this procedure, I came home and I had no idea it was happening to me, but it was within three days after and it felt like I was being radiated.
I didn't know if I was being targeted because I was at that point editing a video on orgone energy and how we could use that to protect ourselves from EMF fields.
I didn't know what it was, but it happened two times in a row.
I lost 10 pounds overnight and it felt like somebody just blasted my head into a computer and that set me off on my research.
But it wasn't until about two or so months ago, two years later, that I realized that they had used two things in me as far as the injectables.
Articane and Turbocane.
Now these are the injectable painkillers.
Yeah, they're injectables for the local anesthetics for what work that they're doing in your gums and into your jaw, which these things are going directly into the bone.
So it's really hard.
And I talk about this as a doctor of traditional naturopathy.
It's hard.
I teach my students, doctors, nurses, practitioners who want to learn my detox method.
It is very difficult to get into the bone and pull toxins out.
They could be there for decades.
So we're putting these things into the bone and they're becoming the hardware of our bodies.
Well, do you have any idea when this might have started?
Has it been going on for a long time?
Or is this like post-mRNA technology?
Or what can you provide us with as far as that's concerned?
It's a really good question.
And what we're trying to do behind the scenes is people are trying to get samples of these things from years ago to find out when exactly it began.
I can tell you that I've had a lot of dental work myself and had every silver filling on every molar, have done it the wrong way, and now I teach the right way.
And again, I'm not a biological dentist, but I work with clinics that do this the right way.
And there are very few in America that do.
So I wouldn't say that before COVID, Any of these things that I had injected into my bones, my jaws, none of this.
I had never had a reaction like this.
So a lot of people are guesstimating that this was happening before, but nobody knows.
And that's why we're all trying to come together and put our heads together to find out the answers.
Well, and here's, I think that this is why your story is interesting, because obviously you're somebody that took your health very seriously, not just with the things you were doing to teach other people how to live healthy lives, but also being a bikini model too.
And I'm kind of the same way in that, like, I don't really, I don't do too many things that are unhealthy.
I mean, I don't have a perfect diet, but I've got a pretty healthy diet.
I don't really, I don't do any drugs or anything like that, pharmaceutical, nothing, but like even if I just go out and have like a drink or two, like my next day I can, like I'm not hungover, but it's like, when you're living a healthy life, you can tell when there's something off about your body chemistry.
Like when you live a healthy life, you can tell something is off, something ain't right.
And it's not just a flu or like something else is going on.
And so when I hear you talk about that experience you had, that's something significant.
That's not you just saying, oh, I've got a head cold or, oh, you know, I don't know what it is when people think they're sick all the time.
But it's like, no, you know your body, you know when you're feeling good, you know when you're healthy, and you also know when something inorganic is being done to you.
And so how long did it kind of take you, though, to put two and two together and then realize, I've got to find this out and do something?
You mean with the dental anesthetics?
Two years.
Yeah, so that picture of me getting my dental surgery, it's my Tinder profile.
Just kidding, it's not.
I have a similar picture.
We may just show it just to level the playing field here.
Yeah, it's great.
Everybody wants to be seen as humble as to have two teeth out in the front.
And it's important, I get it.
People are asking me all the time, what do I do, Diane?
What do I do about, I need to get an implant, I need to get crowned, just like you were talking about, Owen.
What do I do if I...
So many questions around dental.
So I actually created a page, DianeKaiser.com forward slash dental, and all the questions that I've been getting over the last five years, even before I found out about this Owen, I had a lot of people asking questions about how to properly remove silver fillings, which are half mercury and half aluminum.
So not even real silver?
I mean, yeah, we'd like to trade in our teeth for precious metals and barter with it, but no!
It's half mercury, half aluminum, and mercury is a known xenoestrogen, as are some of the parasites that now that we're all being infiltrated with that are causing gender confusion.
So it's not just atrazine that makes the frogs gay, it is also Mercury and parasites.
And the more silver fillings, the more toxins we have in the body, the more parasites show up to mop up the mess and destroy and disrupt our biome.
So, and it's not just that.
I mean, this whole video to talk about that I want to share with you guys today is not just about oral issues.
It's about right now we've got sulfur dioxide being sprayed in chemtrails.
We breathe that stuff in and it's creating metabolic acidosis.
And it's dropping the pH of our body.
And at that point, the greatest answer for doctors today in Western medicine, Rockefeller, you know, cult, is let's give them an insulin shot.
And guess what is an insulin, Owen?
The same stuff that has been put in the vaccine.
Well, I'll tell you what, I want to talk.
Yeah, I want to hone in on this for a second, or in a second, rather.
People listening here, obviously, you can tell that you know what you're talking about and you've done a lot of research.
You've talked about this for a lot of your life, even.
For a lot of people, but here's the example, since you bring up the chemtrails, what I see going on, and maybe you can just address this for a second, is more people are becoming aware of this.
I'm listening to a Sirius XM morning radio show with David Webb.
And a caller calls in, I put this on my Twitter account a couple weeks ago, a caller calls in and tells David about chemtrails.
Now David is kind of an older generation conservative talk show host, does a good show, but the caller brings up the issue of chemtrails and David Webb basically discounts it and basically, I mean, not necessarily rudely insults him, but kind of just, you know, insults his intelligence and just casts him off.
For the next hour of calls, every caller was like, David, you got this one wrong.
Chemtrails are real.
Here's all the different projects.
I mean, they're naming the government projects.
They're naming the lithium, the barium, the aluminum.
They're naming all of it!
And so it was an amazing thing to witness in that hour, where David Webb is basically, the audience is saying, hey, Webb, you're missing the picture here.
This stuff is very real.
So, okay, so why do I bring that back?
Because when you look at this stuff, at first glance, you might want to have the same response.
Oh no, this isn't real.
Oh no, this isn't going on.
Well, if it is, then it can't be anything negative.
It's probably something good.
And so let me bring this back home.
Talk about what is actually in here.
The nanotechnology, and then that leads into probably even the crazier thing, what looks like, I don't know what this is, it's in your slides here, what looks like, it looks like they're injecting microchips into this stuff.
I don't know how else to explain what is found under these slides.
Yeah, which one are you looking at?
Slide 6, right Owen?
The nanotech to power the internet of things.
Yeah, show that slide you guys.
I did an interview with Dr. David Nixon, and he is an MD that left family medicine in order to look under the microscope.
Because at this point, who's doing that?
Who's doing that for us?
Sure as hell isn't.
The CDC?
Sure as hell isn't.
They're the ones that are putting it in the technology.
So what he's found, and he wanted the one after that, the slide right after that, he wanted this to go viral.
And so I'm honoring his word.
Is that the picture that you'll see in the slide that they're about to put up is their little nanoreceptors.
And this is how if you really follow, and I know it's scary and I know it sucks to talk about it, but we can't live in cognitive dissonance anymore.
There's the ability to know how to track, trace, and terminate us if we're not abiding has been with us for a long time.
That technology has been around for a long time.
So he found this little picture on the bottom right here and said, this is the one that needs to go viral so people can see that this is the technology that is in all injectables.
And I have been drilling him on this because at first I heard air quotes, all injectables over a year ago.
And I said, I'm going to challenge you on that.
Can you tell me what you mean by all injectables or is it just a vaccine?
So they went on to look at Botox.
They went on to look at the insulin.
You're talking about these doctors putting it under a microscope.
I mean actually looking at this and analyzing this in a scientific way.
Yep, exactly.
And they're finding the same things, the graphene, graphene oxide, the hydrogels, the nanobots, and all of these things that are creating the Internet of Things inside of our bodies to turn us into robots, merging to human technology, destroying the Christ consciousness and temple that lives within all of us, and creating the mockery that is technically we become clones and mind control.
Now when the doctor discovered this, obviously he said, we need to get this image out, but what's going through his head?
You mean as far as what he found?
I mean, it has to be shocking.
Oh yeah, all of this is shocking.
Everybody who's listening, my heart goes out to all of you because I know what you're thinking now is, wow, I just recently did a dental procedure.
I just recently did have Botox injections, but Diane, I need them because... That's what went through my head.
And people, I need them for my migraines.
That is Botox, right?
It's not just for cosmetic purposes.
So now we're all in this together because we're all victims.
And I'm not saying it like, oh, let's all cry a river because that's not what we do here.
We rise up, we wake up, we speak up and say no more.
And we start pressuring these dentists and doctors that we're working with and say, do you know What you're putting inside of me.
And for the most part, most of these dentists, and we've been challenging them, have been gaslighting the patients to say, no, no, no, no, I don't know anything about this.
A very small percentage, just like what we've been finding during COVID, a very small percentage have been curious enough to say, I don't know anything about that, but I'd like to know more.
And so if you're a practitioner, I want you to ask those questions.
I also want you to, if you're a patient, I want you to say, first of all, if you're going to get any more procedures done, there is only one type of dental anesthetic that they have found that does not have the DARPA gel, and that is Levobuhivacain, and that is the one that you just showed before, Owen.
That is the only one that they found.
Now, I'll tell you something right now.
Again, you can go to DyingKaiser.com forward slash dental.
I put all kinds of information because you're going to have lots of questions on this.
It's hard to spell and say, but I have not found that levobupivacaine is very common with an American dentist.
I don't think anybody should work with a regular dentist anymore because they don't understand the holistic approach that there are meridians within every one of your roots that connect with Other parts of your body.
So there are certain ones that connect with your front teeth down to the kidneys or other organs that if you have an implant in that area it's going to block the connection.
Kind of like we've blocked the ability to transport vehicles and other goods with the bridge that's just been crashed.
So, it's as above, so below, and that's what we're seeing.
So, I've only seen that the biological dentists that we've spoken with and interviewed, I've been asking a lot of people, and this is how we all come together and compare notes, that the clinic that I work at in Mexico called American Biological Dentistry Clinic, they're the only ones that have the Levo Bupivacaine.
I haven't seen anybody else in America that does, and that's probably by design.
Well, and that's why they centralize all of this medical care stuff.
And for most people, whether it's, you know, medical care, dental care, whatever, they don't have their own practice.
So they just go with whatever the hospital is saying or whatever the dental office that they work at is saying.
And they're not even thinking that there could be Something else going on here.
But, you know, on that issue, because there's still other things I want to get into that I think women are going to be concerned about with what's going on with the cosmetic products.
I don't really have to worry about that.
But others out there, there might be a man listening that might want to get some breast implants someday.
God knows the world we live in now.
But, you know, just to kind of get off track here, but on the same page, I was reading about wisdom teeth and how even having your wisdom teeth pulled is kind of a psyop, and the reason why they were called wisdom teeth is because when they come in, there's certain neurological connections that happen, and that's why they were called wisdom teeth, and now we remove them.
What can you talk about that real quick?
Yeah, that was the original smart devices, right, Owen?
Make us stupider by taking out the wisdom teeth.
Actually, I agree.
Many of us have had our wisdom teeth pulled.
I very, very rarely see patients that have not.
So what we know about wisdom teeth is that first of all, they don't need to be pulled.
And again, I'm not a dentist.
I have just been working for 15 years in the realm of toxicology and understanding also pathology and virology and parasitology.
So 86% of people who have had at least one wisdom tooth pulled has a cavitation.
What does that mean?
That means a black hole which contains, it's basically a perfect area for parasites and fungal and mold spores to grow.
And so what that means that there's a lot of people talking about doing parasite cleansing and I lead a parasite cleanse.
It's called FullMoonParasiteCleanse.com.
You can see that parasites Are the real cause for pretty much every single symptom, sickness, suffering that most of us are experiencing today.
On that page, you guys will see over 100 symptoms, including cancer, including dementia, and a lot of mood-related disorders, anger.
And what we see is that if you go on a parasite cleanse, that these specific parasites that live in these holes, They can't be touched because they're inside of the holes.
All right, we gotta take a break.
We'll be right back.
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A lot of products that aren't available.
InfoWars.com are available at DrJonesNaturals.com You know, a lot of this stuff, if you're hearing it for the first time, probably sounds crazy.
Hyperbolic, even.
Like, really?
Why would the medical industry not want us to be healthy and understand these issues?
Well, why do you think?
So you'll be sick and you pay money to relieve the symptoms.
That's how that works.
And the whole parasite cleanse phenomenon that has really become popular lately, there's a lot of reason for that as well.
So I understand if you're hearing this for the first time you just think it's crazy, but you know, I think the one thing that I always say to people When I'm first discussing this with them, Diane, and maybe you have the same approach, it's that, you know what?
You don't have to believe me.
You don't even have to believe the other research.
But try it.
Like, see for yourself.
Like, I'm a living example.
Like, I don't consume seed oils.
I've had a lot of better... I've had positive effects from that.
Um, you know, you talk about a parasite cleanse.
I've done a couple parasite cleanses.
You can tell there's a little bit, there's some positive results from that too.
So, it's like, you know what?
I'm not going to try to convince you.
I'm telling you I'm living proof you can be the same.
So, but I didn't even know because I did research into the wisdom tooth thing.
I mean, I had my wisdom teeth pulled when I was young, but I never even heard about the parasite connection to that.
In fact, I have a couple of slides to show on that as well.
This is the work that when I started really understanding and understanding toxicology and it being, there's only one disease.
There are several thousands of diagnoses and tens of thousands of pills and procedures, but there's only one true disease and that's the disease of toxicity.
And toxicity leads into an acidic biome where then parasites can thrive.
And it's the whole body.
So when people start to understand that, it gets easier.
And I mean it, it gets easier.
This is hard to hear.
I know.
I'm not trying to change your mind.
I'm trying to open it.
We have been programmed to go talk to our doctor and talk to our doctor and still, no matter the solutions that you've talked about here on InfoWars, that you have great products, we have great products too.
I have amazing friends and family who are still trying, they're awake, but they're still going to their doctor and taking the prescribed poisons that are filled with a lot of these toxins that make us even more sick, like petroleum that made Rockefeller rich back in the 1930s when he got rid of doctors like myself with the Flexner Report.
So, I've seen the writing on the wall for a long time and I've also worked with patients for over 15 years to see that when we start to really work with the jawbone and people have the wisdom teeth addressed with the cavitations and the parasites that might live there, you can have this addressed by looking under a cone beam by a proper biological dentist.
And then we also can start to get root canals out of your jawbone.
It's dead, decaying matter.
that is living inside of your body and causing peripheral damage and congestion to the organs
and the peripheral tissues that are relying on the circulation of healthy nutrients and
the detoxification of toxins in the body. So if you have root canalia, these are things that need
to be addressed. And do you get an implant? All of these things I cover, I have a weekly VIP group.
If you guys go to dyingcase.com/transform, you can see, you join my VIP group for a dollar.
And we talk about this because everybody's situation is so different.
Like, what do I do about this?
What do I do about that?
Because it is, it's really sick when you confront all of this, but why turn your head away from it when you can do something about it?
Because it's not mainstream, but that's what we're trying to do on this show, right?
The implants that are in people's jawbone at this point too and possibly part of what happened to me.
I don't proclaim to know everything.
I'm a curious student of life just like you guys.
But what I do know is that that day when that implant was put in and the dental anesthetics were used to do so, I've never felt so sick and I thought I was possibly going to die overnight.
And if you want to show this slide, slide number eight, that you can see that there are dental implants That now have microchips in it.
I've confirmed this with other people who have actually seen a hockey player specifically who had an implant removed and they found a microchip in the implant itself.
So, what do we do about this?
We're all trying to figure it out.
Well, what's the excuse?
I mean, what are they claiming it is?
Well, what else would it be, Owen?
I mean, certainly they have to explain themselves.
I mean, has anybody ever tried to get to the bottom of this?
Yeah, well, if you look at the entire system, because this is not just one thing that's making us sick, they're able to track everything.
So even if you consider your GPS car, if you look at a newer car, they can see everywhere that you're driving.
They can see every wall that you're backing into.
So it's like the Truman Show.
They can see every place that we're going.
And if we don't abide, look at China.
You know, they knocked out a lot of the 5G towers that they could, they surrendered their 5G phones, because they know something that we're just starting to know.
It's the preview of socialism.
That if we don't abide, then they can just cut off our funds at any time.
Just like that, I call it a movie, but it's really a documentary, the Ready Player One.
So, it's the same thing we've been finding in breast implants.
And I can confirm that because I work with surgeons who have removed breast implants and found microchips in breast implants as well.
And that's a whole other topic that women need to hear.
Well, and okay, so let's go into that now.
Not only, because I think that this is kind of a popular debate dealing with prosthetics and breast implants as well, and you can talk about the microchip angle, but also, you know, there's kind of an ongoing debate about just the general health concerns that people have with breast implants.
I mean, breast implants, thank God, we are finally making waves that now more women are removing them from their bodies than they are installing them.
So that's amazing.
I wrote a book called Killer Breasts, killerbreastbook.com, and you can read all about it.
The first half is about breast implants.
The second half is just about toxic beauty in general.
When I wrote that book, I didn't even know how toxic Botox was, and it was a part of my picture of me getting super sick and having one of the worst immune systems I've ever seen on labs, no matter how many things I was doing to try to improve my health, like you were talking about, Owen.
I was the perfect picture of health.
I was doing all the things, but I had the worst functioning immune system on any lab that I've ever looked at.
And it's not just white blood cell count that determines the health of your immune system.
It's something called secretory IgA.
That's their gold standard marker that looks at your body's ability, specifically in the gut and the mucosa of all the lining of your body, your nose and throat included, that if that's a low number, we test this using stool tests in our practice.
We're not just looking at infections.
Parasites you can't even see on a stool test anyway.
They're sneaky.
So my immune system was struggling.
It was virtually gone and the FDA has come out with a patent and said, Oh, we've got a replacement immune system for you just in case yours goes obsolete or it's programmed out of you because you're so toxic that it can't fight anymore.
So when I had breast implants, I realized it was a part of the picture.
When I wrote the book, I didn't know Botox was the greatest toxic substance known to man, but yet we're putting it in baby's bottoms for anal fissures.
We're putting it in people's faces.
No matter what gender for migraines, and we're using it for anti-aging, but it kills nerves and they don't grow back.
They don't grow back.
They're taking parts out of our body that we can't get back.
Breast implants, when they remove your tissues and they make space for breast implants, no one tells you that they cut out one of the major pectoral muscles in your chest cavity that you can't grow back either.
Nobody tells you that there's 30 plus toxic substances in these breast implants, that at some point they all leak, they gel bleed, or eventually they rupture.
Don't get a mammogram if you have breast implants.
They're known to rupture them, no matter that there's 10 times chest x-ray radiology in mammograms when you get them as well.
I could go on and on, but breast implants are basically, how do you get an autoimmune disease?
You put a foreign object in your body that lives there and few people realize that breast implants are made up of not just saline or silicone, it's heavy metals and all sorts of polymers and things that eventually rupture and bleed throughout the body.
Then there's also the capsule that the body creates to wall it off.
Like, you know, Trump said, build a wall.
Our body says, Build a wall!
I want to separate you from this toxic foreign invader known as a breast implant to protect you from it.
Our bodies are so beautiful, we just have to get out of the way and stop putting these foreign objects inside of them because otherwise... I don't know, I don't think I saw this in any of your slides, but it's been actually, it's been seen.
They'll remove breast implants from a lady that, say, had them in for like three decades.
And, I mean, it's literally just covered in gunk and scum that your body is, like you say, it's like building a wall to protect from this foreign object that's in there.
It is.
And, Owen, I hate to say this, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I'm hoping you just plant some seeds today.
I don't want you to take this information and turn away from it.
And we have solutions for all of it.
So you don't have to just think, well, I have implants in my body.
I have a hip implant.
I have a titanium implant.
Whatever it is, implants simply disrupt the meridians for the body being able to communicate.
And that's holistic medicine.
That's what I practice.
So we're not just dealing with breast implant illness now.
We're dealing with implant illness.
And so this is a slide here.
I'm glad you guys pulled this up.
Because few people also realize that breast implants, when we take them out, and I'll get back to the implants in a moment.
When we remove breast implants and you go to a qualified surgeon that knows what they're doing, that believes you, that doesn't gaslight you and say, oh, those are just, you're fine, because that's what happens all the time.
These doctors are trained to say, you're fine, because why?
They make money on our insecurities.
They make money on us keeping the toxic beauty epidemic continuing on.
So when you remove breast implants, we still have these autoimmune collagen issues where our body's attacking our own collagen.
So there's a lot of cleaning up to do after we remove these foreign invaders from the body because they've caused a lot of damage.
And silicone, which saline, the shell of saline is also silicone.
It's just like plastic.
It's inert, which means that It doesn't just leave the body on its own.
It takes hundreds, if not thousands, of years to provoke out.
And if we don't provoke it out, it gets trapped in the lymphatic glands, which we have hundreds of them throughout our body, specifically close to our reproductive organs.
No wonder why we're getting prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, because these things are clogging up our lymphatic ducts.
That's where our body will put waste as also fat cells if it can't clear it out.
And then we end up having immune system issues because your lymphatic system is your number one first defense for your immune system.
It is your immune system.
But who talked about that during the plandemic?
Go get a shot.
Go get a fake immune system belief system.
That is a belief system that your immunity isn't a shot.
No, it's not.
It's in your lymphatic system's ability to carry out waste in the body.
So we have these things that need to be provoked out.
It's like the Forever Chemicals and the Teflon pans that we're using because it's slippery and convenient.
We have to get out of this toxic mindset of convenience.
The more convenient, usually the more toxic it is.
And that includes things like going to CVS or going to Walgreens and buying all these things off of the counter.
I always say if it's advertised on TV, it's not for me.
I could go on and on about this stuff, Owen.
Well, and it's not just the chemicals that they put in, you know, just objects that we use for eating or drinking.
It's also in a lot of the foods as well.
And I think that, you know, one of my curiosities dealing with health is, I think the average lifespan, I mean, if you just use America as an example, I think the average lifespan is like 70-something years old.
I wonder what a natural lifespan would be without all these disruptors, these disrupting chemicals and all this stuff.
And that's not to say I'm against The medical industry, you know, at large, I mean, yeah, if I get in a car accident and I, you know, I break a leg or something, I want to go and have traumatic surgery or, you know, if I need stitches or something like that.
But I think that there's a lot of things.
So what do you think is behind this?
I mean, obviously, you can go with the darker side of it and say, well, there's the population control agenda, there's the eugenicists, and certainly they don't want humans living to be 100 years old or, you know, 80, 90 years old on average.
That would be Against the agenda, but then maybe there's a maybe there's something that's not so dark.
Maybe it's it's a lot easier It's a lot more convenient for me to just do this or do that address the symptom and not go through maybe a month Process to actually dear to actually try to have a cure for something It depends.
It depends on what you're asking because when I work with patients and we work with them for 3 months, 6 months to cleanse their body, they don't go back to the convenience lifestyle anymore.
And I'm saying that illness is not convenient.
And we're seeing people, I see people, and that's why I say I'm usually the 11th opinion Because, and I'm not against MDs either, I'm not against dentists.
What I'm against is this Rockefellian, Orwellian system, cult, that's programming people, specifically doctors, to prescribe poisons through insurance companies that regulate what they can and can't do.
And their hands are quote-unquote tied when they're working in the hospitals.
But I work with doctors.
I work at a clinic in Mexico, a couple of them actually, and we implement stem cell and IV and EDTA chelation because EDTA IV is the most effective way to get a lot of these nanotechnologies, graphene oxide, out of the body.
But we've got to make sure that the health of the kidneys is optimal too.
And most people are just kind of jumping into these things.
So I'm not saying that these doctors are bad.
I'm just saying that we need to wake up.
I mean, if doctors started waking up and speaking up and saying, no, I'm not going to work at the hospital and prescribe poisons anymore, then I'm going to start helping patients do the right thing.
And we've seen that since COVID and we can celebrate that, which is awesome.
So say no anymore to just doctors who only prescribe poisons and don't want to listen to you and don't want to do more testing.
And just know that if it's covered by your insurance and the hospital's covering it, it's meant to profit off of you.
And the shareholders want profit.
So this is simply the other means of being healthy.
And I'm not saying one versus the other.
I'm saying that we all work together.
When I work with patients, I have a good chiropractor that we work with.
They have a good MD.
They have a massage therapist, a biological dentist, and me.
And we're all doing different things, but we're all learning together and comparing notes on how we can help patients.
It doesn't need to be complex.
You know, it's so funny.
You lay that out like it's the roster or the depth chart or something.
I also have a chiropractor, massage therapist, I don't really have any problems with health, so I don't really need like a holistic doctor or dentist or anything like that.
I mean, I had had a couple oral surgeries, but it's funny because I never go to the doctor.
I mean, I don't even know the last time that I had to go to a doctor's office for anything or need a pill or anything.
I've always been able to heal naturally.
But it's funny because if you have a good chiropractor or you have a good massage therapist, they know all this stuff.
And it's funny because they know all this stuff and they're the ones that get kind of cut off and outcast from the insurance companies.
So it's like it's all by design that these people that can actually maybe even help you better than in a better way than a doctor.
And again, it's not about attacking doctors.
I like doctors.
Doctors are definitely needed in our society.
You should be able to have options.
And so so it's not even that it's but it kind of like look at it like this.
I've made, and I don't have a perfect diet, I'd say probably I'm like a B+.
I mean, every once in a while, I mean, I work in media, I'm running around like today, I'm gonna be doing seven hours of radio.
I had to go pick up a breakfast sandwich this morning, I just didn't have time to make breakfast.
So, okay, yeah, I could've, I probably could've eaten healthier this morning, but I needed the time, I needed the convenience.
But, like, I found out, there's all this information coming out, I won't say the name of it, but people can figure it out.
Like, the most popular chicken sandwich company out there, There's a reason why you want it so bad.
There's a reason why you want to go back and get it.
There are things in the ingredients that make you want to go back and get it.
And they're unhealthy for you.
Hey, I like going and getting a chicken sandwich.
It tastes great.
Sauce you dip it in has seed oils and so what happens is like slowly but surely I'm removing all these things out of my diet and it's like it's a kind of a boring diet but it's like all I eat now for the most part is just like steak and eggs or a fresh chicken from the farm down the road.
And you just notice, it's like slowly but surely, you just notice all these things changing and you're healthier, you recover faster, you can have a stronger workout.
I mean, even with raw milk, I see the FDA attacking raw milk.
I just never really liked milk, so I didn't really think about, I didn't really drink milk.
And now I'm drinking raw milk.
I'm like addicted to this stuff.
I'm like, it's crazy.
I've like added 10 pounds to all my lifts just from drinking raw milk.
I mean, so it's just like, but, but, oh no, don't drink raw milk, says the FDA.
It's bad.
It's dangerous.
It's pretty easy now, Owen.
Anything they say to do, don't do it to the opposite.
That's kind of, it's like, you don't want to commit to that because that's also dangerous, but it's also probably safer than listening to them.
Yeah, and again, like you said, if you have an emergency and if you have to get parts put back together because you're in an accident, sure, I'll go to the doctor.
But I have my own personal MD.
Like I said, we work down in Mexico and we do stem cell and we do cancer treatments that are natural.
We can't do that in America.
That's why we do that down in Mexico.
Anyway, I don't want to get too off topic there, but I want to show you a couple things too, because I want you guys to see something.
Show slides 24 and 26, please.
24 is implant illness, and I'm not saying this is scary, but I'm saying this because there have been enough times, and I'm speaking to hundreds of times, that I've seen people, I've heard their symptoms, and people come to me and say, Diane, can you please help this patient I'm working with, because we doctors collaborate, and they say, here are their symptoms.
And I say, did they recently have mesh installed inside of their cervix?
And she said, yes, how did you know?
Is that like a birth control thing?
I'm just trying to understand.
Yeah, no, good question.
So if you've heard of people, this is not just women and birth control.
Mesh is parts that are, they're using like forever chemical structures, polypropylene, polyethylene.
And this is, it's kind of like a synthetic, it breaks down to plastic in the body and it's used to hold things together where our own body parts fail because they're being broken down with toxicity and parasites and an acidic body, right?
So if we have connective tissues like Tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, anything that is breaking down, they use mesh in order to put it back together.
So mesh is another huge issue.
You could actually watch the documentary, Not Died Suddenly, sorry.
What's... I can't remember it.
It'll come to me.
But it is talking about the medical implant industry and that it's actually three times more profitable than the prescription drug industry.
So what they're putting inside of us could actually be slowly leaking toxins throughout the body and creating an autoimmune attack.
So this is being used in women and men to put our body parts back together.
So implant illness, some of us, we can't not have these implants.
We can't take them out of the body.
And so the documentary is called The Bleeding Edge.
If you guys want to watch it, The Bleeding Edge, it talks about mesh and other things that are used inside the body that are permanent devices.
And then all of a sudden, when people hear me talk about this, they go, wait a minute, light bulb moment.
Ever since they installed this mesh or whatever it is inside of the body, I started having complications.
So is there an alternative before, if it's you listening, could they use something else?
Could there be another procedure?
These are all the questions that we need to ask in medicine.
Or if you have it inside of you and you can't take it out, then what I tell people is that you have a foreign invader that is slowly leaking these toxins.
And that's why I want to show slide 26 next, because this is one of our patients who has mesh inside of their body.
And then we end up seeing a lot of these forever chemicals and plastics that they're urinating out and we catch that in our lab tests.
You can't catch this in a blood test.
Your doctor doesn't know what these mean because they don't approve them in the allopathic medicine model.
You're talking about BPA, Atrazine, DPP, Glyphosate.
Yep, all of these things that you see.
So, you know, how before... And this is post-mesh?
This is post a lot of things.
This is some people who don't even have mesh.
Oh, this is just general.
Like, it could be anything.
Oh, yeah.
Atrazine, BPA, DPP, Ethylparaben, Glyphosate.
Oh my gosh.
These are people who claim to have a healthy diet, and they still have these things.
I mean, even tampons these days.
Like, talk to your trainee.
I won't even drink out of a plastic bottle anymore.
I only drink out of glass bottles now.
Good, Owen.
Or stainless steel like this one I've got right here.
I tell everybody we are dehydrated as well as a nation's 80% population.
Don't tell me that's a Stanley Cup.
Then we'll have all kinds of problems.
So yeah, I mean, these things that are living inside of our body, if you can't take them out, you've got to be on a binder every day to bind to these toxins like the metals or the mesh plastic or the fabric chemicals that are leaking throughout your body.
They need to weigh out.
You need to be focusing on drainage.
These are all things that are very easy that I spell out and the patients that we work with are people who are members of their team.
And we're almost out of time here.
I want to direct people to your website for more information.
But here's why I think that this is so important and why dealing with things with a pill or whatever the pharmaceutical, medical, industrial complex has people do.
It's kind of like, this is the analogy I would make.
Like I'll, I, a couple months ago, I had a bone bruise on my heel.
So because of that, I changed my walking gait.
And then because I changed my walking gait, I had a tweak on my ankle.
So it's like, you think like, hey, this one thing over here, this is an isolated thing.
Well, not really.
When, when, when you're dealing with this issue over here, all of a sudden, all these other issues can pop up.
So that's just a weird example of just, you know, a foot injury from playing basketball.
The same thing goes on in your body.
When your body is dealing with something that's a result of, let's say, a mesh or an implant or something, well now all these other things are going on in your body that are screwed up.
So you're not actually dealing with the problem, you're just causing these other problems while you're trying to cause the symptom to go away.
I mean, would that be a good way to put it?
Exactly, Owen.
Reductionistic, individualistic medicine is obsolete.
If you go to a doctor that's a specialist in one thing and they're not talking about
exactly what you just said, Owen, that you touch on one thing and it could actually be
coming from the clear opposite end of the body, then you're not practicing holistic
medicine and you're not working with somebody who practices holistic in nature.
Your body is holistic.
It's all connected.
There's hundreds of trillions of cells and we have to look at every single piece.
And that sounds overwhelming to you, but not to someone like me who focuses with this in
my practice.
I train people in my certification course because it needs to be learned and it needs
to be implemented.
Well, there's still so much more to be had.
Like, I want to know what I need to do about my tooth implant here and the meridian blockers, but maybe that's a conversation for another day.
We didn't even get into a lot of the beauty products and the cosmetics, but where can people go find for more information?
Because I know probably women are going to be concerned about this stuff.
Where can people get more information?
Yeah, I think so, and I'm happy to come back anytime as well.
DianeKaiser.com, and if you want to go to DianeKaiser.com forward slash transform, I put a lot of the things we talked about today, those specific focuses.
We have a school called Non-Toxic Beauty School where we're teaching women how to implement healthier alternatives to beauty because we can build beauty from the inside out and build our energy, immunity, and energy all at the same time.
Diane, thank you so much.
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All right, well, that last guest was just a wealth of information.
And I didn't even get into a lot of the stuff that I wanted to talk to her about, but...
You can't cut her off when she's getting into some of this information that even I, I mean, I take my health very seriously.
I really do.
Again, I wouldn't say I'm an A+, but I do pretty well, especially for somebody in media.
It's one of the hardest jobs to stay healthy, and it actually really is.
But man, I mean, there's just so much to learn there.
There's so much going on.
And it doesn't necessarily surprise you.
It might surprise and shock you.
But when you understand all the different attacks and the eugenicist program and the depopulation era we're in, it's just astounding.
And some of this is so cooked into the books.
It's so cooked in.
It's so centuries, millennia old that it's like lost secrets or something.
And maybe only these secret occults truly know about.
But one individual that knows a lot about that is Jay Dyer.
And he's coming up next.
But it's just mind-blowing to learn all that and realize all that.
But it's like, I didn't even get into some of this other vaccine news.
That's just absolutely crazy.
Oh yeah, oh, oh, they just say safe and effective and now all these young people are getting their COVID boosters and then like a week later get cancer.
I never saw it coming.
Well, that's a shame, isn't it?
And now they got a patient for life.
They tricked you into taking that shot.
So, it's just absolutely crazy, when you think about it all.
But, you know, this is why supplements are such an important part And are really a modern marvel.
Because it is one way to kind of cheat the system, if you will.
And you can just take, you know, nutritional elements of foods and then put them into a capsule.
So it's almost like a life hack.
But it's certainly an advancement of science.
That's why we sell health supplements.
That's why I take health supplements.
That's why I say I'm a product of the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And you know, my problem is I sit here and we tend to just talk about the same stuff.
There are so many great products at InfoWarsStore.com and we barely even mention them.
And sometimes they're not in stock and they sell out a lot like greens, fiber caps.
So many people deficient in fiber.
This product has so many different basically just vegetables in there, just dehydrated.
And we barely even talk about it.
Great product.
And these are just game-changing products.
I mean, Survival Shield X3 is a game-changing product.
Dealing with the thyroid issues.
Dealing with the lacking of iodine.
Just a total game-changer.
Total game-changer.
DNA Force Plus.
I mean, this is just elite stuff.
Telomere Support.
It's just absolutely elite.
And they write these stories.
Yeah, what do you know about telomeres?
You want to talk about deep secrets of human health?
What do you know about the telomeres?
And they say, well, they try to write hit pieces on our great products and then they test them and they realize how high quality they are and they have to write positive pieces, like a puff piece.
That's ironic.
And so they write and they say, well, you know, DNA Force Plus might be great, but it's just like eating 500 blueberries.
Oh, yeah.
Really healthy for you.
Really good for you.
So you can either go eat 500 blueberries or you can have some DNA Force Plus.
It's like, that's the point.
That's the advancement.
That's the modern marvel.
You take all the healthy things from the food, you extract them, you turn them into supplements, you add other things in there, you make them more powerful.
So that's what we've done at InfoWarsStore.com.
All right.
I'm doing double duty today because it's the Veterans Call-In Special on the War Room.
So if you're a veteran out there, we have open lines for you the entire War Room transmission, 3 to 6 p.m.
But that's an hour from now.
First, here's Jay Dyer hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
All right.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
And today I want to talk about The solar eclipse, mass religious deception, and some of the history of the way that the state, the way that the deep state cults have utilized religious deception, the idea of signs and wonders, events to dupe the public, to corral them and control them, and to maybe even distract them from authentic Christianity, from the real authentic religious experience that's out there.
Utilizing a lot of tricks, a lot of scams, and a lot of skullduggery.
We go back to the early days of the Christian Church after the Apostles and their death.
The Church, as you guys know, is persecuted by the Roman Empire.
And I'm not going to be talking a whole lot about deep theological stuff.
I do want to talk a little bit about it because it's going to relate to where we are today and the commonalities amongst odd groups, cults, and sex that are the source, oftentimes, for the delusions that most people believe in the religious sphere, including in the so-called Christian sphere.
In the early days of the Church, when the Roman Empire was persecuting it for the first three centuries, there were, at least as far as we know, many, many, many countless martyrs.
At the same time, though, there was a lot of groups that sprang up that had a lot of odd, bizarre beliefs.
that were contrary to the doctrine of the teaching of the Apostles that was handed down.
A lot of these groups believed in esoteric things like the Gnostics.
There wasn't one Gnostic group, there was a whole myriad of Gnostic groups.
And if we read the text, a well-known text from St.
Irenaeus of Lyon written in about 180 called Against Heresies, the first two or three hundred pages of that book is actually detailing all of the Gnostic sects that he was aware of by 180 AD.
No, he was a bishop in the Orthodox Church of that time, and so he's our earliest witness to this myriad of cults.
The amazing thing about the Gnostic sects and cults of that time is that many of the beliefs that they had then still are present today.
I don't think there's like one group that survived.
But a lot of the errors, a lot of the mistakes that they held to, such as the idea that the created world is inherently evil, that it was created by a Gnostic demiurge, that we need to escape the creation, or perhaps we need to embrace degeneracy.
There's all kinds of different Gnostic groups and sects.
Some are very austere, kind of like Brahmins almost, mandating no marriage, mandating not eating meat, veganism, these kinds of things.
All the way to the opposite extreme of groups that believed in full and total indulgence.
And right around that same time, we had the rise of a group called the Montanists.
And Montanists was, according to his own claims, the voice of the Holy Spirit.
He said that he was really the new oracle and that we didn't really need the scriptures so much.
They might have irrelevance, but The voice of the Holy Spirit was now this living, guiding oracle man, Montanus, and he actually drew quite a few followers away, and he ended up being the first so-called charismatic or maybe kind of Pentecostal that you could think of in the early church.
Others arose like the Aryans, not Aryan like a Neo-Nazi, but Aryan in the sense of A-R-I-A-N, who believed that Jesus was the first thing that God created, the foundation of the world, the Son of God being An early, early pre-eternal creation.
And since Jesus was a creature, he couldn't be divine, he couldn't be worshipped, he couldn't be a real saviour in any significant sense.
He was more of a moral example.
But the Arians were not just an odd, random political, or excuse me, theological opinion.
They were actually a group promoted by certain members of the state.
And the reason that the state has always preferred, in many cases, not always, but in many cases preferred certain heresies, is because they make the state kind of a de facto god.
So a lot of heresies, believe it or not, are actually useful to the state.
Not all of them.
Sometimes there are heresies that arise that are contrary to the state and they have to be suppressed.
But sometimes heresies are very useful.
Cults, groups, sects, And the Imperium, or the state, if they're smart enough, they might try to use them, co-opt them, and spin them to their own designs.
And we're going to look at a few of those examples as we progress through this discussion today.
As we move into the permeation of the Roman Empire by the Christian Church, we see less and less of the kind of wilder sects, and we get more and more of these kind of specified sects that focus on Disputes about the Trinity or disputes about who the person of Jesus is.
And this is around the time, as we get up into the 5th, 6th, 7th century, we get the rise of a new cult that takes over a large portion of the Middle East and other places, and that's Islam.
And Islam is a mix, you could say, of a lot of different ideas, even according to the Oxford Handbook of Islam, Many of the early church fathers who, say John Damascus, who wrote in the days of the rise of Islam, they accuse it of being a mix of Nestorian forms of so-called Christianity, Aryan forms of Christianity, latent era paganism, as well as Jewish traditions, Talmudic traditions, and pseudepigraphic Christian traditions.
So, Islam is a sort of odd mix of all of these things, and that's, I think, one reason why it's very confusing to a lot of people.
And so, in the case of Islam, we get the first widespread, large-scale rejection of the notion of Christ as the Son of God.
In Islam, Allah has no sons, can't have no sons, Allah is a master and you are a slave.
You are not a son of God.
That's a totally different, that's a different idea.
So, in Islam, we get this marked turn away from Even the earlier forms of Christianity that were heterodox or pseudo-Christianity, like Arianism, we get a more warrior spirit, a more radical idea of what John, in his epistles, calls Antichrist.
John says that Benjamin denies the Logos in the flesh, that the Son of God's come in the flesh.
He says that is the spirit of Antichrist.
And so, Islam is an Antichrist movement, even though it might recognize Jesus as a nice man or a prophet or something like this, really it doesn't matter because that's not what is necessary.
What's necessary, as Jesus says in John 7, 8, 9, is that He's the way, the truth, and the life.
He is the Son of God.
He's the only way.
So, this religious movement Other scholars argue it's not just a mix of kind of early heresies.
There were also powerful state figures.
Eventually you get sheikhs, you get sultans who realize the power of this religion, this newly created, what we say is a schism or heresy of Islam, to be used by the state.
And in my view, that's why you get, for example, the burning of many Qurans in the early phase to give the appearance of one Quran.
There was always one Quran.
Likewise, we get the usage of Islam in a lot of different versions and sects throughout these centuries by multiple state actors, Ottomans, Sultan rulers and so forth, the Seljuk Turks, and What happens is that this takes on a lot of different forms, but it's very useful, especially to certain of the Ismaili sects.
For example, in Israel, I did a video many years, or maybe a year ago, on the assassins, the Hashashim, and their techniques for training assassins and using things like high-powered drugs, Hashish to dupe young guys into thinking that well if you basically they would drug them show him this little garden of paradise that the very cunning leader had had created there would be virgins and wine and food and while these guys are basically tripping balls when they come down he says aha you see I've taken you to paradise and if you become an assassin for me this is your this is your afterlife right
It's a freak off in the afterlife.
And so that obviously is an early version of mind control and the creation of a kind of an assassin.
But that's just one example of the variations that we see.
I would say the same thing goes along with the early medieval uses of the Templars.
We get the Templars who you might think, well, aren't they the enemy of the Muslims and the assassins?
Well, something happens with the Templars.
We don't exactly know what in the Middle Ages, but They at some point become entranced with something beyond Christianity or Papal Christianity.
If you look at great historical texts, there's a good book that I recommend from Papadakis and Meyendorff.
This is a newly produced historical text covering the Middle Ages.
And it discusses early on that you get the Gregorian papal reforms in the 1100s in the West.
And what that does is really changes the structure of the church.
You get a new ecclesiology where the papacy, the Pope kind of Kind of calls the shots on everything.
He's above all the world rulers.
He's above every emperor.
Every emperor must submit to him.
He can call standing armies.
We see this with the Borgia Popes.
He can actually communicate to anyone that doesn't fight in his armies, as Alexander VI threatens to do.
He has now become basically the Kwisatz Haderach.
He's the god emperor.
And at the same time, you get these secret orders of warrior monks.
Now, in earlier Christian canon law or church law, For example, the Council of Chalcedon.
You have canons that say that people who choose a monastic style of life to renounce the world, they can't be functionaries of the state.
They're not supposed to be.
They can't go into battle.
They can't do this kind of stuff.
And yet we have the papacy saying in this 11th century during the Gregorian reforms, I'm going to have warrior monks now.
I'm going to have essentially secret society networks that will fight for me against this or that person or this or that enemy.
The problem is that this then creates the pattern for secret society networks.
And I'm not trying to lay all the blame on the papacy.
I think other groups were involved as well.
There were other groups with secret society networks.
Muslims had secret society networks.
The rabbinical Jews had different types of secret society, secret networks, and secret teachings as well.
And so a lot of different groups have the same type of exoteric Christianity Uh, which is for the masses and esoteric inner secret Christianity for those initiated.
And the groups that we're talking about, the Knights Hospital or the Templars, these become breeding grounds for these kinds of secret society networks.
And we all know that the Templars discovered a lot of, well, we don't know exactly what they discovered, but they stumbled upon the idea of usury and fractional reserve banking and this kind of stuff, and they gained a lot of power and a lot of wealth, and then they had other people like the Papacy and the King of France come after them in the 1300s at the Council of Vienne.
That's where they're accused, for example, of being Gnostic heretics.
Now, whether they were really into kissing the butt of Satan and worshipping the head of a cat or whatever their claim to be involved in, I don't know if that is the case.
I know that, interestingly, the Vatican, I think, maybe 10-15 years ago, supposedly apologized to the Templars.
But what's fascinating is that The Templars do continue their tradition that seems to more and more focus on odd things like worldly power, geopolitics, again, secret society type networks, and the radical devotion to Mary beyond what most Christianity prior to that had seen as normative.
For example, if you look at famous paintings in relation to the character of Bernard of Clairvaux, he was one of the founders, I think, of the Cistercians and the The monastic orders related to fighting in the Crusades.
Some of the warrior monks look to Bernard of Clairvaux.
You'll find these bizarre paintings of Mary and milk coming out of her breast into the mouth of Bernard.
I think all of this is, again, a lot of weird Gnostic tendencies that we're seeing in the Latin West.
Again, through these sort of secret society networks that were sort of the direct armies of the papacy at the time.
This is why we get, yeah, there we go.
I don't know if you see the squirting milk teat picture there, but it's a famous picture of Bernard.
But it expresses what we're talking about and you get the same types of tendencies in the Renaissance papacy and their focus on a lot of alchemy and hermeticism and what is really Neoplatonic philosophy and not really Christianity.
Again, I'm not laying all the blame on the papacy.
There's a lot of players, a lot of people involved in this, but these are examples of Christianity or religious ideas deviating off into weird, pseudonostic, hermetic traditions.
And it's always tied with these secret society networks operating in the underground, because at this time there was a lot of legal prohibitions on people exercising, say, witchcraft in public or exercising sorcery in public.
Yeah, there's the squirting teat image there.
Which is very odd.
This would never be seen in any Orthodox church.
This is this Renaissance period when again things are getting a little weird in the West and we get a lot of hermetic artwork.
I used to think that, you know, when Dan Brown came out with his book, which I think is ridiculous, but, you know, I remember thinking that, oh, there's no hermetic artwork in the Vatican.
That's ridiculous.
Well, it turns out, no, actually Rome has quite a bit of hermetic and alchemical and Neoplatonic art, and it's not so much actually at the Vatican, although Bernini did utilize this Geometry and this sort of esoteric architecture all through St.
Peter's and whatnot.
The majority of this is actually over in the Vatican Museum, which is the old Borgia papal apartment.
So it's maybe not so much of it's in the Vatican itself or St.
Peter's Cathedral, but over in the Vatican Museum.
And it's full of really weird occult, esoteric stuff.
And so these secret society networks, these traditions, a lot of these ideas, they pass into the Venetian nobility.
A lot of the Venetian power structure utilizes these secret society networks as well as the idea of debt-based currency, usury-based currency.
And this is interesting because this has formerly been forbidden in Christendom as a whole.
So you weren't supposed to exercise or utilize usury principles in the first thousand years
of the Christian imperium.
Byzantium for a long time forbade usury until the last period before Byzantium fell,
they began to accept the use of usury.
The Latin West also forbade it until the papacy, I think in the Renaissance, around this Borgia
Renaissance period, the papacy begins to lighten up and say, no, there's cases where we can begin to do this.
This opens the door really to the rise of what eventually becomes the Vatican Bank.
to the rise of what eventually becomes the Vatican Bank.
As we know in Operation Gladio, that becomes the key bank for a lot of black operations,
As we know in Operation Gladio, that becomes the key bank for a lot of black operations,
a lot of the deep state structure funding things like Gladio.
a lot of the deep state structure funding things like Gladio, Iran-Contra ties to the Vatican Bank,
weapons sales tied to the Vatican Bank, all of this because this is a really,
the most secretive bank in the world.
That's why you've seen so many banking scandals related famously in mainstream news
for the last 30, 40, 50 years to the Vatican Bank.
But again, I'm not laying all the blame on the Vatican Bank because there's other players as well.
So a lot of people would lay blame on Jews for a lot of this,
but you could never have had usury in the West due to the fact that Jews didn't have a lot of power
even though Jews supported usury.
They were not the ones calling the shots throughout the medieval Latin period.
So, how did we get to this point where usury becomes prominent?
Well, it couldn't have happened without the dominant powers in the West, the state power, and the Vatican beginning to eventually concede to these things.
So, we have to be careful where we lay this blame because it's well known, it's been demonstrated by multiple scholars, that the Vatican is actually the one that changed its position on usury.
Now, if we look at the Period of the Reformation as we move up into church history in the West.
We get a lot of these cults and groups that spin off of the abuses of the Latin Papal Church.
And certainly I would agree that a lot of the objections of Luther and Calvin and the Reformers were legitimate.
They had a lot of reason to complain with a lot of superstition, a lot of ignorance amongst the Christian people and nations.
There was a lot of abuse of clergy with multiple wives and girlfriends and all kinds of stuff because they were supposedly supposed to be celibate.
I mean, a lot of absurd, you know, ridiculous things.
The abuse of indulgences and the idea that you could donate to have your temporal sins remitted and then that the Pope can free people from purgatory.
A lot of the things that Luther complained about, Martin Luther and the 95 Theses, they're legitimate criticisms.
But one thing that happened as a result of the Reformation was this other element to the Reformation that you might or might not have heard of called the Radical Reformation.
So if we think about the reformers, we think about Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, there was a whole other group, a whole other branch that the classical reformers of Luther and Calvin actually fought against and had many of them killed.
And the radical reformers are the sort of the forefathers, you could say, of The Amish, the Mennonites, the Hutterites, which you think, well, they're not very well known, nobody really cares what Amish and Mennonites are up to unless they're, you know, selling dairy that's not legal according to the state or whatever.
Then they're like a terror cell, right?
But really, the Amish-Mennonite theology morphs into other things.
This is where we begin to get Baptist theology.
The Baptists that we know about today in America, and it's a big portion of the evangelicals, they come out of the Anabaptists who were one of the radical Reformation movements.
And so it's interesting to me that we think about classical Reformation theology of the quote traditional Presbyterian or Lutheran or Methodist churches or even the Anglican Church.
They had a close relationship to the state.
Luther, for example, couldn't have had his Reformation without the support of the German princes, because they didn't want to go along with the Pope and his geopolitical power.
So there was a lot of state power behind the Reformation.
When we look at the Puritans, they attempted to kind of set up a sort of a theocracy, which is another kind of state power type of institution as well.
And the point is here is not to say, oh, they're all good, they're all bad.
It's just to look at the patterns of history and see how this relates to where we are now with the upcoming supposed solar eclipse and all these end times speculation and people freaking out and people getting into the sensationalism of it.
And my point is going to be very clearly that a lot of this is used to manipulate, especially engineer people.
But the reformers, as we said, are not a monolithic group.
You get the radical reformers who are made up of a plethora of Kind of oddballs.
You have people that are the Quakers and the Shakers.
I think the Shakers still exist.
There's like three people.
There's like three old guys in Pennsylvania or somewhere and one woman or something.
Like the last of the Shakers, which is a split of the Quakers.
I'm sure you've heard of Quaker Oats, right?
And these, again, these are all these weird, yeah, here we go, there's a bunch of people who thought that, well, Luther and Calvin didn't go far enough.
And again, you think, you look at these list of beliefs here, some of them were communistic, some of them were pacifists, some of them believed in a direct speaking of the Holy Spirit, and we don't really worry about anything to do with tradition or sacraments or baptism of the Lord's Supper or the Bible.
It's just this inner swelling up where God directly moves me and talks to me.
That's a big portion of that group.
And that's relevant because I would argue that what we see in America, the delusion part of Christianity, is not so much the classical quote-unquote Protestant churches.
Those are pretty much dying.
They've been sterilized and committed to a plan of death and dying out for many decades, going back to the mainline Protestant churches accepting Rockefeller-funded liberalism since the 20s and 30s.
So they've been confessionally Liberal and on the path to the acceptance of sterilization through Skittles marriage, through female quote bishops and ministers.
That's all a path to sterilization and the statistics actually bear this out.
Most of those mainline Protestant churches are projected to die out in the next 20, 30, 40 years because they're not reproducing, they're not making converts, they're really just Boomers and people that are attached to that tradition for whatever reason.
And so the mainline Lutherans, for example, I think are projected to die out in 20, 30, 40 years.
And so this is the consequence of those churches becoming controlled and manipulated and steered by powerful entities like the Rockefeller Foundation.
Foundations that give millions of dollars to decide who will be in their seminaries.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
This is the fourth hour.
We're going to get to weird sex and religious manipulation here in a moment.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis, and we're going through the History of the church and also looking at the rise of a lot of weird groups, sects, and how sometimes those groups and sects are used by the state or by other powers, other entities to socially engineer, to steer people in the direction that a power structure might want to go in.
And oftentimes that has nothing to do with what is actually true.
In fact, more often than not, It's against the fact of what's the case or what's true and that's again for the benefit of the state.
Now we're working our way up through church history and we're talking about the Protestants, we're talking about the Anabaptists, the Radical Reformation and how that's overlooked as a really powerful Influence in America because with the death of a lot of a lot of the mainline what we call classical Protestant churches from Luther and Calvin and the Methodist of John Wesley and those numbers declining what ends up being the majority of so-called Christian in America is a lot of the Protestant, excuse me, a lot of the evangelical and charismatic groups.
And I'm not trying to go after or hurt anybody's feelings here, but I do have to point out that what often goes along with a lot of these groups is the idea of a soon-coming return of Christ preceded by a rapture.
And the problem with the Rapture Doctrine is, number one, if you look at the history of the Church, and the Church that, for example, put the Bible together in the first seven centuries of Christianity, nobody ever taught the doctrine of a, quote, pre-tribulation rapture.
This is actually an idea that was invented.
Some say it was some Jesuit.
I'm not sure I believe that.
It really goes along with what we call dispensationalism.
Dispensationalism is a heresy that pops up in the late 1800s, promoted by a guy who split from the Church of England and was part of a domination called the Plymouth Brethren.
His name was John Nelson Darby.
Darby came up with this idea of kind of charting out the history of prophecy and coming up with these different divisions in church history.
God had different plans and ways to save people in different ways.
So, in the Old Testament, you'd be saved with certain types of works, but now that Jesus came, it's all about grace, and His grace is set in attention against works, and now we can be saved in a different way, but then when Jesus comes back, there'll be a new temple, and He'll reinstitute animal sacrifices, and we'll get a thousand-year reign of Jesus in Israel, and all of this sort of ridiculous nonsense, which Is not true.
In fact, this is a huge delusion and it's a delusion because number one, the rapture is an idea that's intended to cause you to sit back and wait and actually want the Antichrist to come.
So, rather than taking action and rather than being involved, Christians are basically pacified and emasculated by thinking that, well, there's no point because everything is destined to become really, really bad and things never get better, and so we might as well just concede to wickedness and become, I don't know, some weird version of Blackpill.
But when Paul talks about being caught up in the clouds in his letter to the Thessalonians, there's no reason to think that this is any different than the Second Coming and the general resurrection of all mankind.
And that was always what Christianity taught.
So, if that's the case, and if it's not really, if the so-called basis for the pre-tribulation rapture is very flimsy, like John in the book of Revelation being caught up to see the visions, oh, that's telling us about the rapture of the Christians before the tribulation.
John is seeing those events in his day.
This is prior to the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.
If John is seeing things that were contemporary and events that were going to happen to the people he's writing to, remember he writes to seven actual churches in Asia Minor and he warns those actual churches about events that they're going to experience.
What use would it be to them if it's events that are 2,000 years later?
I'm not saying there's no application to the end of the world in the Book of Revelation, I'm just saying that it's out of the context of who he's writing to.
But the real issue here is not even that, it's Well, then what's the point of the Rapture Doctrine and the idea of, say, Evangelical Zionism and so forth?
Where does this come from?
Well, as I said, you've got these people at Oxford, Cambridge, people in these elite British circles who happen to be also connected oftentimes to the idea of British Israelite theology.
And if you don't know what that is, that's a weird idea that the 10 Lost Tribes in the Old Testament somehow might be people in Europe or perhaps the Scottish or the English.
They're part of these Lost Tribes and who even knows if that's true, but this theory also plays into the idea that you find in a lot of European nobility and regal traditions that The Merovingians are the descendants of Jesus somehow, or that the British kings and queens descend from Joseph of Arimathea, right?
Now they actually do kind of have this mythology there.
I think it's complete nonsense, but I think they use this myth.
As a kind of way to prop up their status beliefs and obviously if you believe that the British Isles and the peoples are a lost tribe of Israel you can then begin to appropriate the promises to Israel or Jews to you and it becomes this ridiculous sort of self-propagating Backing up of the state.
And it's really an Anglo version of Hebrew-Israel ideology, right?
Which is absurd, and it's like, no, no, the real Jews are random black people.
I'm not trying to be mean to anybody, but there was a meme going around on Twitter, and it was various rappers and people saying, look, here's the icons from the 1400s out of Russia, and look, it's Jesus is black.
No, sorry.
Jesus was a Jew.
He wasn't a black guy.
Nothing against black guys.
Jesus, even being a Jew, can still save anybody.
But he has to be a Hebrew to fulfill the Messianic prophecies.
So you can't be the Messiah and not be in the lineage of Abraham, David, etc.
So he's not going to be a dude in New Media or a dude in Africa.
So, Jesus has to be a Hebrew to fulfill the prophecies, right?
And that's why the Gospels, for example, include the genealogies.
If it didn't matter, then they wouldn't have genealogies.
Well, the genealogies show that he's a descendant of Abraham and David.
Anyway, the point, though, with the rapture and dispensationalism and this idea of chopping up church history and the interjection of the premillennial and pre-tribulation, the premillennial idea of the kingdom, the introduction of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
This is really a neutralizing, emasculating effect on Christianity.
It's a heresy because it's a completely new made-up teaching.
It was never in the church prior to that time of John Nelson Darby.
But it's more than that because this odd sort of not well-known belief in the mid to late 1800s gets popularized by a guy who creates a study Bible and his name is Schofield.
The Schofield Study Bible is produced by Oxford.
It's interesting.
Why would Oxford University publish this bizarre, fringe idea of end times stuff study Bible that gets heavily promoted in America as soon as it's published, after Schofield puts it together?
Well, I can tell you what, the British Empire had a goal, had a strategy, because they knew, via the Balfour Declaration, that number one, the establishment of the State of Israel was soon to come.
This dispensationalist-minded study bible Within inculcate America and the West, particularly evangelicals and Protestants, with a lot of these new ideas and new teachings, which kind of ultimately, it's not their only point, but ultimately serve to back up the reestablishment of the nation-state of Israel, as if that was
The fulfillment of some sort of end times prophecy.
So this was an engineered thing in my view.
I'm not saying that there won't be end times stuff relating to Israel.
I'm not saying that Israel doesn't play any kind of role in the end times.
I'm not saying any of that.
I'm just saying that if you look at the actual history of why they promoted the Schofield Study Bible and why it was so popular in American evangelical circles, it's really the source of why America became an evangelical Zionist promoting thing.
So whether you think that's right or wrong, I'm saying that that seems to be how it came about.
And the problem here is that now, just like we saw, for example, with Puritans, if you read the Puritans, the way they speak of America, the Puritans viewed America like it was the church, right?
And the American Constitution or the city on a hill, that's the church.
If you're an evangelical Zionist, you're not really concerned with the church.
You actually believe in Israel more than the church.
So that's now your sort of focus of everything.
And the point is that it takes the position, it takes the focus away from the Messiah, right?
And you can't have a new church that comes out of nowhere is the point.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking about the rapture and dispensationalism.
We'll be back after this break.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We're talking about the Usage of a lot of groups, sects, cults to promote various deep state power agendas and we were talking about dispensationalism and end time stuff and I wanted to close on that point and move on to some other things related to the eclipse and speculations about that and pointing out that so when you get the establishment of the nation-state of Israel you get a period where many Jews do want to return
And when Hitler comes to power, the British actually ended up screwing over the Jews because they gave the impression that they wanted this to be the case, they wanted to have people immigrate and to leave, and yet they then revoked the ability of many Jews to actually immigrate.
And this led to Hitler being able to persecute many Jews.
And Hitler, as we know, in my view, if you read Tragic Hope, there's multiple pages in And Dr. Gerald Quigley's text where he talks about, for example, in 1930, I think it's 1939, Hitler was given two billion dollars in gold, Czechoslovakian gold, from the Bank of England.
And this had to do with their dual policy where they were, the British were on the one hand wanting Hitler to go to war and to engage in these atrocities and whatnot and to cause World War II, yet at the same time telling the public that they were opposed to Hitler Actually screwing over the Jews and this is what led to the rise of the Irgun and the opposition to the British mandate on the part of the existing Jews in Israel.
That led then to the bombing of the King David Hotel.
Anyway, I don't have any position on any of that necessarily applying to quote prophecy.
I'm just pointing out that it's a really complicated history and then you get the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who comes in and says that this is actually going to now be an entirely purely Arab Palestine and the problem is that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was actually an agent of British intelligence.
So we constantly see throughout this period a kind of maybe in an inner struggle within the British power structure who was trying to play both sides of all these conflicts.
They tried to play both sides of the partitioning of the land of Palestine into Israel and into
And a lot of the elites of the British had this bizarre obsession and fascination with
And I think that had to do with their imperial period when people like St. John Philby and
Lawrence and they went to become kind of immersed in the Arab tribes to figure out how to best rule them in an imperial way and watch the Peter O'Toole movie.
Lawrence of Arabia, where you see this in the film.
So, interestingly, many of the British aristocracy and elite were philo-Arabist.
They loved Islam and Arabic culture.
I'm not saying they were all Muslims.
I'm just saying that many of them were on the side of this.
Some of them, however, were not.
Some of them were more on the side of The establishment of a Zionist state like Lord Rothschild and others so there might have even been in the in the power structure in Britain at this time perhaps an inner struggle, but regardless Overall, it looks like they were trying to play both sides of this issue and that doesn't really have anything to do though with in my view with necessarily quote prophecies, but the danger is that because of the nation-state of Israel being set up and because of the recent wars
I'm not saying, taking any sides, I'm just saying that the point here is that prophecy people will go nuts over this.
And we already see it.
Oh, the Red Heifer and this and that.
And I'm not saying that it's wrong to talk about this, but I've been hearing the stories of the Red Heifer since the 90s and it's always the sort of like, oh, this is happening in the Rapture and then, you know, and none of that ever manifests.
It may this time, it could, I'm not trying to be I know it all, but, you know, when you hear the same types of warnings and fear and threats and anxiety from this kind of, you know, John Hagee in times, Blood Moons type of stuff, Blood Moons of Israel, and by the way, Jesus isn't the Messiah!
If you don't remember, he actually wrote a book called Jesus Isn't the Messiah, based on his dispensationalism.
I think he had to retract that book.
But this gives you an idea of where the sort of John Hagee type characters are coming from.
And if you remember, Hal Lindsay wrote a book, for example, saying that he thought the rapture would come in 1988 based on these goofy charts that he'd come up with.
And if I recall, I did an interview with a friend of mine many years ago who had done a deep dive into that, and I think Hal Lindsay did the profits of that book and bought a bunch of real estate in Malibu.
So, clearly he didn't think the rapture was coming.
A lot of other groups and sects, like Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, have He predicted the end of the world multiple times, and when it doesn't happen, shocker, Judge, Judge somebody, I forget his name, but one of the prominent Jehovah's Witness leaders after Charles Taze Russell, he also bought Beth Sarum.
It's a pretty, I mean I wouldn't say it's a mansion, but it's a nice multi-million dollar house in San Diego after his end times prediction didn't work out and all of his followers gave him their money.
Indeed, he ended up buying a pad in San Diego.
So we see this pattern a lot with cults and sects who utilize the fear and the sensationalism of end times prophecies and predictions.
And we think about back to Y2K.
I mean, I was still, I think, kind of an evangelical-minded person.
In the, in 2K, I was kind of starting to have some doubts about evangelicalism at that time, but I remember thinking, oh, you know, the media was hyping this up.
It's going to be the end of the world.
There's going to be everything collapsing and society's going to collapse because the clocks on the computers won't flip over, right?
Or whatever.
It was kind of silly, but the media hyped it up and everybody kind of generally thought that it might be some big deal.
It ended up not being a big deal.
And then if you think about through the 2000s, we had so many Inflated terror warnings, right?
Oh, it's orange-level terror.
We were talking about this on the stream with Alex last night and Jack Posobiec and non-Elon Musk, Dittman.
So it was a wild conversation that we had.
If you haven't watched that, go watch that on Bandai Video.
You know, then we had in 2014-ish, I remember there being a full solar collapse, excuse me, eclipse, not a collapse.
I remember going outside and, you know, it was dusk.
It was really cool.
Like Alex was saying the other day, it's like the birds get quiet and, I don't know, it looks like a filter from Blade Runner has put over your visual array.
I don't know, but it was kind of cool.
It lasted for maybe 10 minutes and then in five minutes it was gone.
Um, so I don't understand how this one would be any different than that one.
Nothing happened in that one.
And at the time, a lot of people were saying, oh, it's the end of the world.
If you've listened to alternative conspiracy radio or whatever for a long time, Planet X, Planet X is going to collide with us and this and that.
All of these fear scenarios end up ultimately never manifesting.
They're ridiculous.
And there's so many more that we can talk about.
A lot of the time, what I think is going on is that most of the time these are attempts to get people agitated and in a state of constant anxiety and being kind of all kilter.
Then you're more likely to default to the system.
And the whole point of the war on terror was that to get everybody constantly afraid of everything.
And not afraid of the real things.
So you're you're focused on distracted with these absurd things.
Blood moons and Ebola and again, remember Ebola?
Nothing happened in 2014.
They were saying Ebola was the end of the world, but Ebola is coming to America from Africa.
Nothing happened.
So you notice the pattern here of the media does the same thing that the Goofy evangelical end times predictors do, right?
Harold Camping, he would constantly predict the rapture and the end of the world.
And every time it didn't happen, he would just update his prediction and say, oh, well, I've miscalculated.
And by the way, or like the Jehovah's Witnesses, they would say, oh, it was a spiritual event that occurred.
And you couldn't see it, but it really did happen, right?
This is con artistry.
These are con men.
The same stuff with aliens.
There aren't extra biological aliens, I'm sorry.
There's no evidence of this.
There's a lot of weird stuff in the sky, but how does that lead us to the conclusion that there's visitors from the Pleiades?
Where's the hard evidence?
I mean, maybe there are entities, but maybe they're demons.
What's the basis for it being some thing that flew here from the Pleiades just to, you know, Molest people and touch butts, whatever the aliens do with their intrusions into various orifices.
So this is a lot of conspiracy candy.
It's a lot of causing anxiety, getting you hyped up, paranoid awareness.
Social engineers study this.
In fact, Cass Sunstein, who was one of his czars, who went on to the NSA, he wrote a famous paper, as I mentioned, about cognitive infiltration.
And this paper was discussing the way to infiltrate truth movements, people that do real research, come up with real information.
And to seed it with fake conspiracies, just flood it with dumb fake conspiracies.
Get people arguing over things that don't even matter or you can't even know.
Tartario, there was an ancient civilization of mud flooding.
I mean, maybe, but like, how are you, you're not going to prove this, what's this going to do?
It's not, you know, it's not like understanding the Federal Reserve, right?
And the solution to that being buying Bitcoin, right?
So there's all these fake conspiracies that distract from The real thing's going on and the government wants you involved in those things.
The government, the system, they actually love fake conspiracies and it's a form of religious engineering no different than the high priests in Apocalypto who are duping everybody into thinking that they have to sacrifice 10,000 people and worship the state or the sun won't come back.
Just go watch Mel Gibson's Apocalypto.
So anyway, that's my take on it.
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