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Name: 20240328_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 28, 2024
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127 in the morning on March 26 2024 the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore Harbor, Baltimore
Maryland collapsed after the Singapore registered container ship the Dali named after
Salvador Dali rammed into one of only two critical support pillars taking the majority of the
1.6 mile bridge down The Dali was headed to Colombo, Sri Lanka with two pilots
and a crew of 22.
Ain't no way that no tanker ship is going to crash into no bridge at night if I'm mistaken.
Question to all my Coasties out there, where the pilot boat at?
And where the tugboat's at?
And where's the horn?
The crash warning before it hits?
I ain't hear no hmm hmm nothing.
The ship's lights can be seen being turned on and off as the ship passes by the support column.
Suddenly the lights are turned back on as the ship turns toward the support column and slams into it.
There are also reports that a fire began on the ship which caused the tugboats to be released.
17 minutes before impact with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, the Biden administration's response was, of course, par for the course.
Everything so far indicates that this was a terrible accident.
At this time, we have no other indication, no other reason to believe there's any intentional act here.
It's my intention that the federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge.
Red flag.
It is blatantly obvious that taxpayers will foot the bill so that insurance companies don't investigate.
This was a ship that appeared to be at fault.
Is there any reason to believe that the company behind the ship should be held responsible?
That could be, but we're not going to wait until that happens.
We're going to pay for it to get the bridge rebuilt and opened.
The Gateway Pundit reported that an unclassified cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency report said the container ship Dolly lost propulsion as it was leaving port and warned Maryland officials of a possible collision.
This is a brilliant, well-planned, strategic attack on one of the most important supply chains in the United States of America.
And when I talk about hazardous materials, what are we talking about here?
This is refined fuels, right?
This is propane gas, this is diesel, this is fuel, this is flammable materials, this is oversized loads, nitrogen, chemicals.
Everything that you need for your economy to move has literally just been shut down for four to five years.
They knew that they had to target one of two main anchor points on that bridge.
There are two load bearing pylons that Yeah.
Any structural engineer can identify that on the end of each side of the bridge, these
are the ones that are thicker and stronger than anything else on that bridge.
They created that bridge because hazardous materials, for example, oversized loads, they
don't fit in the tunnel system.
And there's other loads that are so dangerous that they require a permit.
It takes time to get a permit.
It costs money to get a permit.
It requires an escort.
You can only move this stuff at night, which automatically impacts the amount of traffic that you can use.
The tunnel is going to be overloaded.
This is what you call death by a thousand cuts.
It is an absolutely catastrophic attack on critical infrastructure and you cannot see it because a cyber attack is unseen.
Just like the attack on 2020 on the voting machines that you cannot see.
Logan adds, quote, for every $100 that goes into the city, $12 comes from shipping, end quote.
It is now the troubled city of Baltimore that will be crippled as well.
Everyone, this is an unthinkable tragedy.
I pray for our first responders and thank them.
Council members voted tonight to cut $22 million from the Baltimore Police Department.
Baltimore's Southern Police District is the city's largest district.
61,000 residents.
And on Tuesday afternoon, sources tell us at one point, there were three police officers on patrol.
Just seconds after the plea for officers hit the airwaves, so did pleas for help.
If anyone in sector two can come clear, we have a physical child abuse at Mall Park.
And there's a 10-year-old at the location, with bruises all over his body.
Okay, we also have a common assault.
We have a missing person, a 26-40-D here on the street.
The infrastructure of the United States has been under attack since Biden took office.
And now a key domestic supply chain has been eliminated within its interior.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.
It's Thursday, March 28th, 2024.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, with 221 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, 40 seconds for the most important election in world history.
Thank you so much for joining us.
And remember, we override the censors.
We override the AI with human power.
When you take the live links, you take the clips, you take the articles and reports from InfoWars.com and Bandock Video and Real Alex Jones.
And when you share it, the four wins, the people, Are starving for the truth like someone in the desert thirst for water and now is the time to accelerate the Great Awakening.
Okay, massive show today again.
So many developments, it is insane.
Russian investigators established link between Moscow and terror attack.
Suspects in the Ukrainian intelligence services with cryptocurrency paid to them.
Big developments there.
We've got huge race baiting reports coming out where the social engineers are trying to divide and conquer America.
We've got a big report out of Zero Hedge.
King Dollar gets cash traded under Bretton Woods.
Three very serious monetary news for the whole future, not just our economy, but the world economy.
Israel had balked at the White House this week and last week saying we'll invade Rafa if we want to and we're not going to even Talk to the White House about it, but now Netanyahu's delegation is being sent and he says he made a mistake, so maybe they're not going to flatten Gaza, southern Gaza.
We've got a stack of news on that.
We've got a huge stack of news dealing with the globalist illegal alien invasion, not just here but in Europe as well.
We've got more on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Support.
We've got a lot to cover and go over here today.
And I also intend to open the phones up and take your calls.
And then at 3 p.m., Owen does the war room and does a fabulous job as he always does, 3 to 6 p.m.
I will return 6 p.m.
sharp for two hours, commercial-free analysis of what's clear.
And no one else is really saying this.
And I wish people understood what this was.
Why is the government declaring an emergency?
Why are state governments declaring emergency?
Why are they acting like a total eclipse of the sun that happens every few years?
Another one just happened last year.
And depending on where you are in the world, it happens every year.
It's happening a lot.
But this particular total eclipse over a small portion, a small sliver of the U.S., They're hyping it like it's the end of the world.
People say, what is something going to happen on that date?
I don't think so.
That's April 8th, only 10, 11 days away.
And we'll have live coverage of it here when it happens.
We'll aim a camera at it.
We'll document it.
The issue here is they're using it as a martial law drill.
Ahead of the election, which they admit they are preparing for civil unrest and a civil emergency that they won't call martial law, but is martial law.
And that ties into reports like this one that is so incredibly important.
AP's reporting it, Town Hall's reporting it, but it's not getting a lot of coverage.
Federal court makes major ruling on ballot verification in Pennsylvania.
Now, what's the real meat of this story?
We'll get to it in detail later.
They admit that massive amounts of fake ballots filled out illegally, counted after the date was cut to receive them, I mean, just violation after violation of federal and state law, that indeed what Trump and what I and what you saw and what witnesses reported, the USPS drivers and people that said, yeah, I was driving out of state, I thought it was weird the run I was making.
I was sitting in the parking lot for two hours waiting for the delivery because they weren't letting me bring it in yet.
I felt it was suspicious and it's my job, under orders of the Postal Inspector, I'm going to go ahead and open one of these boxes.
And he opened the box and it was all pre-printed out ballots for Joe Biden.
Now, that's red-handed caught.
So he opened a bunch of other boxes and they were all Tens of thousands of ballots for Joe Biden and Joe Biden filled out a loan.
Now, you know you're involved in a crime when it's a day before the election and you're delivering already printed out ballots without signatures to Pennsylvania from another state.
The FBI came, threatened him, he's done press conferences.
I mean, that's all on record.
That's just one of the pieces of evidence of literally thousands It just is bonkers.
So, as a result of an appeal filed by the Republican National Committee, U.S.
Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 late last night, or late yesterday, that mail-in ballots without dates or qualified dates cannot be counted in Pennsylvania elections.
And then it goes into how massive amounts of fraudulent ballots were counted.
But you hear over and over and over and over and over again, almost as much as you hear two men can have a baby.
Well, there are no X or Y chromosomes, or Easter Bunny's real, and the Tooth Fairy's real, and Santa Claus is real, and Keebler L's are real, and Jack Frost is real, and Chewbacabra's are real, and I'm gonna stop there.
Leprechauns are real.
Lucky Charms is real.
You hear that there was never any evidence anywhere given of any type of fraud in any way and anybody that says it needs to go to jail.
So we'll get more into that coming up.
There's a bunch of other election news that deals with that.
We'll be laying that out as well today.
But the first thing I want to get into here is several stacks that tie together.
And when I'm reading these articles and then I went and read the legislation that passed in Oregon, and of course it mirrors legislation around the world, and then I went and read what the people that wrote the legislation said it was for, it's so incredible and it's so ominous that I'm just sitting here saying to myself, how do I Properly talk about how crazy this is.
Because that's one of the big shortfalls of this broadcast, is we're covering so much evil, if we can counter it, that we tend to hit so many giant subjects and not really drill into them.
But I just want to say this, then I'll start getting into it.
We're being taught by Hollywood and the social engineers to fight with each other on what color we are all these other
issues While at the same time they are
literally cutting off the food and energy the world right now and
And it's already triggered irrevocable planetary crises and mass starvation and death and warfare and strife and crime and collapsing third world and overrun first world.
So as much as I care about the third world and want to try to help them, Because if we don't help them, they're going to be collapsed and brought in here and weaponized, which has already happened.
Then once you reach the point of the fact that it's already happened to a great extent, it's just going to get worse now.
It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because now these people being brought in are being brainwashed to hate America and hate white people by the media, by the ADL, by the system, and you can see the master checkmate playing.
But this one article and the piece of legislation that's been law for several years is just stunning.
All the small farms, all the small ranches that aren't corporate are being given cease and desist letters and are being sued and are being fined and being shut down.
If you've got 50 acres and 10 cows, they say the runoff from the cow's poop eating grass is evil and you're not allowed to have cows.
If you're using any type of fertilizer, natural or chemical, they say you're not allowed to operate.
That's why Bill Gates is buying up all the farmland, not just here, but around the world.
You name it, from Sri Lanka to the Netherlands.
They really are cutting off and harassing the small farms and ranches.
And I've got articles here where in Oregon, there are 50, 60-year-old horse ranches that are thousands of acres and breed top horses.
They might have 100 horses.
They're saying you can't have that because the poop is bad.
They eat grass, they poop it out, it makes the grass grow, it runs off in the creeks, it makes the creeks healthy, the fish eat it.
If you go to the Nile River in Africa that runs for thousands of miles, and what's it filled with?
And they get out at night, eat on the land, and they go sleep during the day in the water and poop in it.
And the fish literally sit there at the butt.
This is on National Geographic, I'm not trying to be gross.
At the butt of the hippopotamus eating the poop.
And all it is is processed plant matter.
You got all these giant fish just sitting there all day at the rear end of the hippopotamus.
And then the crocodiles eat the fish and the birds eat the little fish and it's this oasis in Africa.
Thousands of miles long.
Anybody that knows about ecosystems knows there's also water buffalo everywhere that are the same as cows.
There's also zebra everywhere that are horses.
It's the same species.
It's a subspecies.
And my point is, it's normal to have runoff from cows.
It's normal that you've got a horse ranch and your horses poop and it runs into the water.
Nothing wrong with that.
So, it's not like human stuff that's a lot nastier.
Because we eat everything.
This is plants, folks.
It goes in.
It gets broken down.
They pull out the protein with their stomachs.
They have multiple stomachs.
We only have one.
And then they put it back out.
That's part of the life cycle.
Go look at Africa.
And there's all those species there, living around the Nile River.
And no one says, oh, we've got to get rid of the giraffes.
We got rid of the elephants, we got to get rid of the hippos, because their poop is running in the water.
So, you know, you hear this stuff 20 years ago, they're going to try to ban cows, you're like, oh yeah, right.
Folks, they just shut down a third of the farms on average, 30% of production in the Netherlands.
They're doing it in Ireland, they're doing it here.
And it's just so incredible that they're hitting us all with 5G, they're hitting us all with GMO.
They're hitting us all with the poison shots, no matter what color you are.
They're destroying our currency.
No matter where you live in the world, it's being devalued.
On average, almost every major nation.
We're all being screwed, but you turn on ABC News or CBS or CNN and it's all the white people are the devil.
Get the white people.
White people are doing well.
That's why you're not doing well because you're brown and none of the statistics even show that.
It's just people are people.
Some whites are successful, some aren't.
Some blacks are successful, some aren't.
Everybody knows that.
If you think, or you've actually been in business, but not the Gen Z's, Big study out on Gen Z's and Millennials, and corporations will tell you, including black-owned ones, in a big study, they say, look, I don't care if you're black or white, these young people cannot make any rational decisions on average.
They're some great young people, but they've been brought up on iPads and iPhones and computers, and they just sit around all day, and they have no idea how the world works, and test scores have plummeted, I don't care if you're black or white or who you are, unless you're Asian, That's because on average they come from such competitive countries that if they didn't have that, you know, beat into them, they would starve to death.
And, you know, even studies show two, three generations of Asians get lazy in America because we've had it good so long, ladies and gentlemen, and you've got a bunch of aimless people wandering around pissed off.
They want their college debt forgiven and want a $20 minimum wage and all this stuff that only devalues the currencies faster.
Look at this.
Oregon is waging a war on small farmers and they are 100% doing it.
The story is on InfoWars.com from NaturalNews.com.
A war against farmers is happening in Europe and now it's starting to happen in America.
Small farmers are under attack.
It's like they're going after the Amish, the Midwest, the state of Oregon, which has started cutting down family farms throughout the Beaver State under the pretense of water conservation and groundwater protection.
Oh, we can't have anything running off into our precious groundwater.
Even though most areas of Oregon are awash in water.
You notice Oregon will have giant mountain lakes full of water.
And they go, oh, there's a fish that's endangered.
And it turns out the fish isn't even endangered and isn't even from there.
None of this is reality-based.
Engineered famine.
Oregon starts shutting down small farms.
To protect the people.
Of course.
The owner of...
Yonsa Ama Ranch shared a 20 minute video from TV explaining what is happening in Oregon as bureaucrats mistakenly classify small family farms as homesteads, as concentrated animal breeding operations.
Well, they didn't accidentally.
I love everybody's like, it's accidental.
The bureaucrats are shutting everything down accidentally.
They didn't mean it.
No, they mean damn well what they're doing.
The bureaucrats mistakenly classify small family farms as homesteads, as concentrated animal feeding operations.
So, they put feedlot rules on them for CAFOs to shut them down.
And if they see any animal feed in your barn, or you go out and give range cubs to your cows, you're shut down.
Any feeding area that has concrete, rock, or gravel floor falls into this classification, which could include small dairy or egg farms.
The ranchers added that the farmer has two or three milking cows.
They are now targeted by the state for closure.
The state of Oregon has effectively shut down small farms and market gardens on a large
They are actually sending out cease and desist letters to farms.
They're using satellite technology to find their victims and send them these letters
that say you can't operate.
Their answer explained in the video.
And then it goes through the bill and it goes through what they're doing and it's being
set up from again Sri Lanka to the Netherlands.
So now they file a lawsuit to challenge it.
Ladies and gentlemen, everyone must stop saying the bureaucrats don't know what they're doing.
It is Agenda 21, Agenda 2030.
It is a worldwide post-industrial plan.
I can show you the documents we have.
I'm sure the London Guardian is saying small farms are the worst.
Organic farming is the worst.
You've only got five cows.
Think you're good?
No, you're not.
They have a plan, just like when the Communists took over Russia in 1917, 1918, to go out and shut down the Kulaks, to shut down the little farms and ranches.
They want total control.
That's why they're going after the Amish everywhere with SWAT teams.
So I'm going to say it again.
They got all these faux rights.
Oh, you know, we gotta pay for transgender surgery.
You gotta do this and that.
But when it comes to all of us being spied on, all of us being censored, all of us being poisoned, all of us having our currency destroyed, all of us having our food cut off... Yeah, there it is.
Up to 3,000 peak polluters given last chance to close by Dutch government or the military's coming.
They've already been using the military to go in and say, your dairy cows are dirty.
Meanwhile, I've never been to the Netherlands.
My parents love it.
They've been there like 10 times.
I'm going to go soon.
They've shot video of it.
I've seen other people's news reports.
It's like this jungle kingdom during the summer that's frozen during the winter.
And it's because they're just expert farmers.
Everybody agrees the Dutch are the best farmers in the world.
And they produce the second amount of food in the world.
After the United States.
Did you hear me?
The Dutch produce, they're the second biggest food producer in the world.
And of course, where did the UN go to ban stuff first?
Well, they did a test in Sri Lanka, which destroyed them in a decade.
Total riots, collapse, hell on earth.
Now the headlines are, UN targets rice, because rice grows in swamp water, rice patties, Just stick it in and it grows.
Cut the rice off the top.
Well, what comes out of swamp?
Natural swamps always have methane coming out of them.
Oh, you dammed up some water in a lowland and turned it into farmland.
We're going to cut Rice production worldwide, when half the world gets a little over half their calories from rice.
Half the world gets half its calories from rice.
Look it up!
That's a quarter of the world's calories come from rice.
And they're cutting it up.
People don't think of this as war.
Tanks and machine guns and helicopters and missiles and drones and uniforms and troops.
But real war in the 21st century comes bureaucratically.
It comes electronically.
You don't watch TV, it watches you now.
You don't listen to radio, it listens to you now.
From the old broadcast systems, you listened, you watched, you were private.
Not now, it watches you.
All of this has been designed for total enslavement.
And then it ties into this video we've got that's incredible.
Morbidly obese Green Party candidate demands fresh lockdowns enforced by the military to save the Earth.
You think, oh that's just some crazy person.
That's the official UN policy.
I can show you Leningradian, AP Reuters, time for climate lockdowns.
I can show you the WF saying it.
So I wanted to hit that first, before I came back and then showed you how ridiculous it is, all the paid Benedict Arnold black people, who don't represent black people, just like Margaret Sanger famously wrote letters, that are public, you can look them up, they're online, they're in university archives, saying we're going to kill these black people, we're going to kill these weeds, and we're going to create a liberal movement and control them, And we're going to fund the NAACP and we're going to fund WDB Du Bois and we're going to go in and we're going to control their leaders and we're going to teach them to be racist and all of this so we can control them and keep them out of society and abort their children.
So when you see Joy Reid and people with all of her cultural appropriation, which I think is fine.
She wants to have Donald Trump's tall hair, that's fine.
Here she is.
But she has the mayor on From the bridge collapse in Baltimore, running his mouth about the racist white men are trying to get him, and that white people better fear him.
Now what do you think the average white person watching this thinks?
They're either a leftist and understand it's part of a takeover plan, or they're a low-level leftist who thinks, well gosh, I'm an evil white person, I better do whatever the media says.
Or people get pissed off and say, well, I'm not racist.
I don't hate anybody.
I don't get some special white privilege.
And you see this.
Remember who owns MSNBC?
The big defense contractors.
So they need us all fighting with each other while they rob the hell out of us and cut the food off.
I mean, this is bad, folks.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back and play a few of these clips.
And then, I can't wait to read his book.
Very articulate.
I watched like 30 minutes of him on The View this morning.
I want to play a few minutes of it.
Coleman Hughes has written a book.
He's an American.
I call him an Afro-American.
He's just an American.
Author and podcast host Coleman Hughes joins The View and talks about how dangerous not being colorblind is and how it'll destroy society, and they attack him and say, you're secretly working for the whiteys.
Well, actually The View is working for all the old powerful globalists that are almost all white.
Some come from Christian backgrounds, Jewish backgrounds, some are Catholic, some are whatever they are, but Yeah.
It's been sold out for six months.
It's our number two bestseller.
It's X3, the highest quality, pure deep earth crystal iodine you're going to find anywhere with the two other types of iodine that are great for your body as well.
So to make sure no matter what type of body type you have, whatever your physiology is, it will supercharge you.
Look at this giant stack right here.
I can talk for hours about this on air and I am planning to next week.
But the number one cause of cognitive disability in the world is iodine deficiency.
And all iodine is not created equal.
Most iodine is bound to other things in the environment, whether it's plants or animals you're eating, so you don't absorb it.
This is pure.
It goes right into your cells.
It is essential for all electrochemical activity.
And despite the fact it's been sold out for six months, X3 is back in stock.
We're 40% off for a limited time at InfoWarsStore.com.
So stock up on X3 right now at InfowarsStore.com.
Now I want listeners to understand something, especially if you're a new listener.
If I wanted to show you 5,000 articles of the left saying they're going to ban rice and ban beef and tax rainwater
and tax oxygen, I could show them to you right now.
I mean, there are not words to describe how serious this anti-human depopulation agenda is.
And again, the world population began dropping a few months ago.
It is set to drop by more than half the next 50, 60 years.
That will cause catastrophic collapse.
Life expectancy is dropping.
We're being killed.
Here's the headline I just showed you.
Oregon is waging war against small farmers, just banning them outright.
Here's Toronto.
Remember this?
Rain tax.
People in Toronto could end up paying for the rain that falls on their property.
Impervious cover.
Total control, folks.
Now, let's play a clip of that morbidly obese Green Party candidate.
Demands fresh lockdowns enforced by the military and groceries will be delivered by the National Guard And in Chicago, they broke ground on a government supermarket because everything else is closed and moved away because they won't arrest the criminals that loot it.
See how this works?
Defunding the police, cutting off the resources, bringing in masses of illegals, giving them all this free stuff.
It's all defined in the cloward and pivot strategy to collapse a capitalist society under the weight of social issues.
That a few select corporations that have unlimited funding that exempt themselves from the rules and laws and taxation, as they wrote the laws, they take over the world.
It's a vertical integration, a monopoly takeover.
So here is Jasmine D. Sherman, also known as the female Jabba the Hutt, talking about this wondrous world where there'll now be climate lockdowns.
Here it is.
I know, but that's what it would take.
I'm just saying this is what it would take, because it's unfair.
Don't you think it's unfair to make the poor class work and continue to be in those factories, continue to be in the farming?
Life is unfair!
Life is unfair, listen!
In my policy, and this might be something that got misconstrued, I'm not making the poor class work.
I'm using our soldiers, our enlisted, people who are already sacrificing for America.
That's what I'm saying.
Then they're going to get the violence.
They already are willing to die for us.
I feel like if we ask them to take a bullet, we can ask them to take a cold.
Let's fight COVID-19 policy.
You say that you are pro-lockdown, pro-mask, pro-vaccine.
For six weeks.
Yes, I am.
So here's the thing, though.
Do we really think that COVID is still going to be a thing by January 2025?
No, but it'll be something else.
So let's just assume it's COVID 2025 that's coming out.
So now they got, or Disease X, that's what they were talking about at the World Economic Forum.
The reason that this whole lockdown failed is because no one was locked down, right?
We had people working, we had people, like right now, if it takes six weeks, we let the National Guard do their job, deliver the groceries, go ahead and make sure people who have disabilities, because like I said, there's disabled people in every community.
The mask mandate is for six weeks.
You need to mask.
You need to make sure people are safe.
It's patriotic to do it.
It's not like we don't have people who are strong enough to wear it.
But the best part is if you're at home, you don't need to wear a mask.
If you have groceries, we'll be making sure those get delivered to you.
If you own a small business, we are going to pay you what your sales receipts were for the month before.
So it's not like you're going to be out any money.
Just call it a six-week vacation if that's how you have to think about it.
But it is time that we do something to nip this virus in the bud.
And it is a requirement for medical professionals to be vaccinated.
If you have a religious exception, you'll have a religious exception like you always did.
If you have a medical exception, you have a medical exception like you always did.
I'm not doing anything new, except I'm making sure people don't go out of business, unlike the last administrations.
Now you might be thinking, oh that's an old clip.
No, that's her just days ago.
That's what she'd do if she's president.
You say, well she's just some academic idiot.
No, she's regurgitating the UNWF plan to the letter.
To the absolute letter.
So they have the low-level idiots that make it all racial and an elliptical policy, but it's all run By the big central banks.
And of course we know what the lockdowns around the world did.
It caused starvation and break down the supply chain and massive debt and we still haven't even recovered from that.
So now she wants more lockdowns.
And of course they want climate lockdowns.
They want to train you to stay in your house when they say so.
When they say jump, how high?
Just like defund the police, indicted by the defense themselves in New York, crime explodes, things fall apart, they put the National Guard in the subways.
They are getting you ready for the full takeover.
Oh, there's a total eclipse!
They happen all the time.
The media lies, it goes, well there hadn't been one of these in 500 years on this exact area it's going over.
But there was a 90 plus percent eclipse over Texas last year!
So again, why are they talking about civil emergencies and martial law and the Pentagon's ready and the state have declared emergencies?
It's all just getting you used to emergencies and troops.
Why are there troops?
Oh, the eclipse.
Why are there troops?
Oh, the crime on the subway.
Why am I locked in my house?
Oh, it's a climate change lockdown.
And then you've got the mayor on MSNBC with the Donald Trump lookalike.
Baltimore, Maryland Democrat Mayor Brandon Scott joined MSNBC's Joy Reid, or the black Donald Trump, at least from their looks, this week to discuss this week's tragic collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which was struck by a ship.
And first, notice the script.
Oh, the evil white people are attacking us because we're black.
And saying the DEI, Mayor, I mean the guy pushes DEI.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion.
Which again, the latest was just Mayo Clinic last week said we're hiring no straight white males.
Well that's pretty discriminatory.
And what's he say?
Any white males that are straight, Imagine we said any straight black man.
People are like, what the hell are you talking about?
Like, how dare you put a whole group of people out there and say they're bad because of what color they are.
If you're a white man, you like women.
There's something wrong with you.
And you're the reason things are falling apart.
You're the reason the food's expensive.
You're the reason there's the crime.
You're doing great.
And it's true that most of the billionaires, I mean, a lot of them are white, a lot of them are Muslim, a lot of them are Asian, but if you look at the billionaires in the world, close to half are white.
So, I mean, you could say there's a bunch of rich old white men.
But they're the ones funding all this, so we all fight with each other while they rob us.
But if you add together all the other billionaires, it's a little under half the billionaires are white.
You can look it up.
It doesn't matter.
The average white person doesn't get some special thing.
In fact, you get a bunch of grief.
You live in the West.
Everybody talks about how bad you are, how worthless you are.
68% of college grads are now women.
And these women go out and they've got their stay-at-home daddy.
But they don't like that, so they end up leaving him and getting a husband that works.
It's the destruction of society.
And it's meant to bring society down.
Skip the break.
But just listen to him.
After he says we're the victim, he goes on to say, I want to scare the white people and they should be scared.
What, scared that you're putting in the George Soros policies?
Scared you're selling the country out?
I mean, we had All these great conservative leaders that are black getting elected to blue cities, we'd have a lot better country, wouldn't we?
There are plenty of good black people to run cities.
But you can't just put in a Soros person because they're black, particularly usually a fat black woman.
I'm just saying that's usually the person who saw one earlier.
I'm not just kidding myself.
My point is, is that, oh, you're a big fat black lesbian.
Well, bow down to you when you have no skills.
We want to say, well, the city's mainly black.
You've got a lot of great black people you can elect if that's what you're into.
I would elect the best person.
And you think about all the good black Republicans we've got that have managed companies and done good things.
They're there.
But this guy, all he can fall back on with Baltimore falling apart and being a hellhole is, oh, people criticize me because I'm black.
No, man, we're not criticizing you because you're black.
We want a successful country.
I don't want to hear that crap.
Yeah, all those racist white people sit there and watch basketball and football that's dominated by black people because they hate black people so much.
It's a load of crap, but white people are tired of being told we're evil because of what color we are, and I've told white people, stop bowing down and stop bending over to this brainwashing, because it all comes right out of the CIA, right out of the Carney and Rockefeller Foundation, right out of the UN.
And they are there to intimidate us and tell us we're bad so that we bow down to the agenda that they're just puppets promoting.
That woman that just said she wants us under martial law to lock you up in your house, no matter what color you are, while the society breaks down.
Who's going to grow the food while we're all locked in our houses, lady?
While they're shutting the farms down.
You just go sit.
Your business will be closed for six weeks.
And your, I thought it was 14 days at first.
And you know, you'll be locked in your house for 60 days.
But when you come out, it'll all be okay.
No, it takes people out there doing things to keep it running.
And they want less and less people ever getting a job, ever becoming successful, ever learning how stuff works.
When you go out and get different jobs when you're young, you learn how complex the world is and how interesting it is and how it's fun to learn different tasks.
Whether they're menial or complex.
And you'll find in business and life, it doesn't matter if you're white or black or Hispanic or old or young, if you go into companies that are successful and want to be successful, they don't give a damn what color you are or if you're a man or woman.
If you can get the job done and got a good attitude, you don't end up running the damn place and everybody that's actually had jobs knows that!
Not only on average are blacks genetically really good athletes, young black men see that as a way to go be successful in life, so they dominate 85% of the NBA, I think it's 85% of the NFL.
People say, oh look, that's not diverse.
Well, that's the best.
And then it builds a whole thing around it with stadiums, and employees, and crew, and coaches, and cheerleaders, and all the vendors, and then it's a celebration, and then they even hijack that and make it racial.
The globalists hijack it.
They are your enemy.
I don't care what color you are, they're cutting off your food and energy right now.
They're starting World War III right now.
But you can't say, oh, I see through the divide and conquer, I'm just gonna shut up.
I'm not gonna resist it, that adds to the fight.
No, you explain why you're resisting and getting in its face.
And now these people that are following this, whether they're white, black, or brown, are clowns.
The white people licking black people's boots and bowing down during the George Floyd crap, all of that was an exercise in mind control.
That didn't empower black people.
That didn't empower anybody but the establishment.
So, let's go to the clip of the Baltimore mayor.
Allow you, Mayor Scott, if you choose to do so, to respond to the tomfoolery and attacks on you for having the nerve to be black and also a mayor.
Well, I think, listen.
I know, and we all know, and you know very well, that black men, and young black men in particular, have been the boogeyman for those who are racist and think that only straight, wealthy white men should have a say in anything.
We've been the boogeyman for them since the first day they brought us to this country.
And what they mean by D.I., in my opinion, is Duly Elected Incumbent.
We know what they want to say, but they don't have the courage to say the N-word, and the fact that I don't believe in their Untruthful and wrong ideology and I am very proud of my heritage and who I am and where I come from scares them because me being at my position means that their way of thinking, their way of life of being comfortable and suffering and why everyone else suffers is going to be at risk and they should be afraid because that's my purpose in life.
And by the way, you know, the coded racism before we even knew the nationalities of the men, Maria Bartiromo was... That's enough, I can't listen to this anymore.
Their way of life while all of us suffer.
Do you know who, per capita, has the most money in this country?
I mean, in general, according to race, it's Asians.
You ever hear them bitchin', on average?
You ever see, you ever even see the Asians doing anything but working?
Or maybe playing golf?
No, you don't, do you?
That's why they run everything.
All over the world, the Asians are taking over.
And you know what?
I go, hey, you're productive, you're working hard, you're not starting a fight with me?
So, again, ladies and gentlemen, it's a load of crap.
Some of the poorest people per capita in this country are white.
Have you driven down the street and seen all the white homeless people?
It's a load of crap, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, somebody that gets it, I'm gonna read his book, The View host cannot handle intelligent black man pushing back on woke ideology.
African-American author and podcast host Coleman Hughes joined The View this week, only to be called a charlatan because he's being used as a pawn by the right during his appearance.
I don't have time to play the whole obvious 30-minute interview, but I watched it.
He was very smart, very calm, put up with their crap.
But they said, who do you work for?
Well who do they work for?
They work for the big corporations of the New World Order and the ones ripping everybody off and causing the problems!
They work for the Sam Bateman tribes and the King Charles's of the world and the Bill Gates's.
And then this guy writes a book when he's worked at CNN about, hey, we need to really be a meritocracy.
We need to not, you know, this is really bad.
They're like, oh, no, no.
And they all look at him real angry.
And what do you do?
Who are you working for?
What you trying to kind of act like?
It's dirty to quote Martin Luther King that we need to judge people off the character and their deeds and what they produce.
And isn't that what we want?
Because then that makes everybody try to produce better.
But we're all victimology.
You know, our people got brought over here as slaves, the mayor said.
And look at you, you're the mayor of a major city.
What the hell does that have to do with me, slavery, that's still going on in parts of the world like Africa?
It didn't happen to you, it happened to some of your ancestors.
It looks like a bunch of your ancestors weren't black.
Just stop it!
I'm going to go do my genealogy and find some ancestor that was an indentured servant in Virginia.
I know we had some.
And go, my ancestors were slaves!
Who owes me something?
Most of the white people in this country don't even have ancestors that owned slaves.
2% of the South owned slaves.
More than half the people came to the United States as immigrants in just 30 years after the Civil War.
Most people from Russia or Poland or Germany or Italy have nothing to do with slavery.
Why should they pay reparations?
But again...
The idea that the government's going to give you free health care, and the government's going to give you reparations, and the government's going to give you free tuition, and Biden's doing a little bit to act like he's going to do it for everybody.
It devalues the currency, it creates inflation, it taxes everybody, and they're doing it for control, just like Venezuela did, and it always leads to the same total collapse.
These are facts, like mathematics or architecture.
This is a globalist plan.
They admit it.
They don't want you trying to go start a business and be successful.
They want you to think you gotta get a government handout because you have a certain political view.
What does Louis Farrakhan say all the time?
People attack him, but I agree about 98% of what he says.
He's smart as hell.
Of course, you never see the clips of what he actually says, just things out of context.
But all he said for 60 years is, we need our own black businesses, our own black hotels, our own black doctors, our own black universities, our own black banks, banks most important.
Because then nobody can dictate to us who we are.
And I'm all for black people supporting black businesses and owning black banks and black restaurants and black universities.
Because when they were being discriminated against, that's how you beat it, is setting up your own system.
Because the New World Order is getting rid of all of us having banks that we can just use if they don't like who we are.
Black or white, they take your ability to bank away.
That's the social credit score we're all discriminated against by the big globalists, by the big banks, by the companies, by the corporations, by the governments.
Whereas if we don't follow their political view and all their satanism and pedophilia and garbage, if we don't go along with it, we get cut off!
And then we're like the black people that didn't have their own banks, didn't have their own businesses, but by the 50s, black people for 40, 50 years had built their own businesses and they were as nice as the white hotels, as nice as the white colleges, and I'm not arguing for segregation, I'm saying that you can have your own thing though.
And then LBJ and others, the letters are public.
He said, these black people, he said N-words, are getting way too ebony.
We're going to take the men out of the house.
We'll break their families up and have control of them within one generation.
And they'll be voting for Democrats for 100 years.
And it worked.
And now it's working on everybody else.
So when I'm fishing and I put a worm on a hook, it looks like a free lunch to a fish, doesn't it?
Is that worm on a hook a free lunch?
It's the end of that fish's life.
So all the reparations is a Worm on the end of a hook.
And if you take a bite out of it, you destroy yourself.
It's real simple, people.
We've got the globalist number.
Oh, I want the government to not hire white people and make them hire black people.
You know what that's going to do?
Create incredible hate and division.
And then they're going to say, well, we're not doing it according to race now, we're doing it according to gender or what your politics are.
They're just setting the precedent with, hey, let us give black people stuff nobody else gets.
And then they admit they're flipping it directly to their whole globalist agenda.
Oh, you'll get free stuff.
You'll get all the bug protein you want.
You'll get all the 250 square foot coffin apartments.
You'll get all the hormones to sterilize your kids you want.
That's the free thing you're gonna get.
It's poison and death, folks.
Anything the devil tries to give you for free is a lie.
And Louis Farrakhan is right about that.
You don't want this system's money or support.
You don't want their shots.
You don't want any of it.
Say what you want about Louis Farrakhan, he came out day one just like I did and said, you're crazy you take that shot!
They're gonna sterilize you and give you cancer.
Look, I believe in everybody.
And if we don't stand together, we're going to lose everything.
Let's go to the clip here.
Gosh, we're out of time.
This is more than a three minute clip.
We'll come back with Coleman Hughes.
I suggest you go to InfoWars.com and watch the whole interview.
It's just disgusting.
That's why when The View asked me back, I've been on there before, like 17 years ago or something, when they asked me back, I said, nope.
They got so pissed.
Because I know what they're going to do.
They're just going to scream over me the whole time.
It's not worth my time to go on those witches program.
And they're all a bunch of witches.
Make me a bunch of hags.
All right, we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
I'm going to hit this and then I'm going to get into all the other news.
There's just so much.
It's all insane.
We're going to open the phones up as well.
Hour number two is straight ahead.
FDA warns of high risk of seizures in children that take the COVID shot.
Official FDA warning.
Day late, dollar short there, huh?
Vindicated again.
Oh, but remember, Three years ago when the shots first rolled out, three years and three months ago, remember they all got on TV, Biden and Obama, and said, listen, rich people aren't going to take it.
And white people shouldn't take it, you bastards.
We love the black people so much.
Pull up some articles on that.
Vaccine reserved.
For blacks and other minorities, but first blacks.
The same government wants to give you reparations, said, we got a shot for you.
We want you to have the first one because we love you so much.
Folks, if you don't listen to me and check these facts out, you deserve to die.
Because this is as plain as the nose on my face.
And Melinda Gates said black people deserve priority access.
Covid-19 vaccines.
I'm going to plug the damn clips I was saying.
Oh, but the illegal aliens, they don't want them.
No, no, no, no.
Don't give it to them and don't ask them because when they get hurt, we got a plan for them.
They're the replacement.
They plan to get rid of the white people, the black people, everybody.
Keep like some sub-slave class of Latin Americans.
That's basically the Globalist's plan.
They're going to kill most of them, too.
All right, we're going to break.
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Well, I don't know what will happen now.
We've got some difficult days ahead.
But I'm not concerned about that now.
I just want to do God's will.
And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain.
And I've looked over.
And I've seen the promised land.
I may not get there with you.
But I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land!
We gotta come together.
Whether you believe it or not, you gotta decide whether you have dominion over yourself.
I believe that the majority of the plain people of the United States will, day in and day out, make fewer mistakes in governing themselves than any smaller class or body of men, no matter what their training, will make in trying to govern.
And you gotta decide whether it's God that's gonna have dominion over you, that you get orders from, or whether some other human that's jacked into the evil force is gonna have dominion over you.
What we're talking about now is like a second industrial revolution, but the product this time will not be textiles or machines or vehicles or even weapons.
The product this time will be humans themselves.
Do we want to have a human plan or a post-human plan?
Noval Harari and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates say humans are obsolete, we're scum, because they know we are their competition.
They know that if we go for what we want and what God wants to have, they can't compete with that transmission.
They can't compete with that blueprint.
They can't compete with that architecture.
They can't compete with that master plan.
But I just see it now.
It'll be so clear soon.
Are you pro-human or are you anti-human?
You are the human resistance to this alien takeover.
And again, when I say alien takeover, I don't mean some little tinfoil flying saucer crashing in Roswell from Alpha Centauri.
I'm talking about the transmission in the universe of God's order and God's will.
Or do you choose to serve the agents of death?
And like Martin Luther King said, we're not going to judge them off what color they are.
We're going to judge them off of their character, of their actions and deeds.
I'm going to say it right now, real clear.
I love everybody, no matter what color your beautiful skin is.
But I care about your heart and your guts and your mind.
And you're under attack by these Satanists.
And they want to kill you!
And they want to kill your children!
And I say we set our differences aside.
And I say we come together and we beat these people and we smash their technocracy and we build the future together and we can do anything with our real diversity.
These enemies tell us all day about diversity.
They mean divided and conquered groups of people separate from each other.
This bill is supported by all of the Democrats, House and Senate.
It's just a filibuster in a way.
So in a way, if you really truly want to honor Dr. King, don't dishonor him by using a congressional custom as an excuse for protecting our democracy.
But I tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, and you ain't black, I want unity.
Under a code of freedom and liberty and justice and coming together and working together and being strong and that's what InfoWars is and that's why the enemies of humanity hate us so much because we love God and God loves humanity!
And I am a human supremacist!
I am a human supremacist!
I am a human supremacist!
I am a human supremacist!
I am a human supremacist!
That term will be the future war with the robots and the AI.
What you're hearing now is the entire future and everything they tried to stop us from doing.
Our supremacy will not end with this planet!
We will people the stars!
We will colonize!
We will green get worlds!
We will go interdimensional.
We will unlock the secrets of the universe.
God has laid them out like Christmas presents for his children.
And I am extremely honored to be in the fulcrum and the heart of the fight to bring our race, the human race, in a race for the future.
And we will break the enemy, we will break the pedophiles, we will break the Satanists, because God already sent his own self down here to show us he could do it!
God would never ask us to go through an obstacle course he wouldn't go through!
And now we're gonna go through what Christ did, and we're gonna go through it, and we're gonna be destroyed, but reborn on the other side!
It's a long hard ride.
All right, my friends.
I'm going to hit the key points right now.
Some stations I don't care the first hour.
I showed a bunch of examples of taxes on rain, plans to shut down rice, beef, not just around the world but here in the United States.
Total tyranny attacking us all.
And then I got a big stack of news where they admit unprecedented 5, 10,000 percent, depending on the type of cancer, increases, life expectancy plunging, every country that pushed the poison shots, the mRNA injections, the frankenshots, the death shots, the lethal injections.
And then they're sitting back all over the news.
Biden, I'm going to give you reparations.
I'm going to give everybody free health care.
I'm going to give everybody free education.
I'm going to forgive all your debts.
Step right up now.
And I just remember while I was talking about that, remember Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and the UN and Obama all saying, man, we really, the head of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, I'm not going to take the shot.
Oh no, it's for the black people.
We want you to take it first.
We care about you so much.
They'd ask him three or four months into the shots, have you taken it?
Bill Gates, oh no, the black people need it first.
Meanwhile, he's in speeches 20 years ago saying his plan is to depopulate Africa.
I'm gonna say it again.
Anything CNN or ABC News or these puppet black mayors they put in everywhere, and puppet black attorney generals and all, they got plenty of smart black people that are patriots or populists or just common sense people.
But they put them in to make the face of their New World Order black, so they say, hey look!
It's not the elite, it's black people!
It's women!
And what did the mayor of Baltimore say?
He said, yeah, anybody who's a straight white male's bad.
Played the clip last hour.
And I want to scare you straight white males.
Oh yeah, it's the straight white males on average are the ones trying to give you a poison shot, or cutting off the farmland, or getting rid of our borders.
It's so diabolical, so I likened it to putting a worm on a hook, and fish love worms, or grasshopper, or whatever, a piece of blood bait for catfish.
Now, are you giving the catfish a free ride?
Are you giving them a free lunch?
You're putting a little piece of your money, a little bit of your investment, you know, a tenth of an ounce on the end of that hook, so you get a 20-pound catfish, or a 10-pound bass, or a 3-pound crappie.
Or a hundred pound shark or grouper, wherever you're fishing.
So that's all this freebie stuff is, is a hook to get you domesticated and under their control and the hook in your mouth.
But that's not the best analogy.
I've had friends and family that have like little stock ponds that are full of bass and you name it.
And before they catch a bunch of fresh fish for dinner, for frying or whatever it is, that you walk up with a big basket of grain, And you dump it in, this is a fish farm so they're actually feeding them, it's more than that, but you throw a can of fish food out and they all come and hit the surface.
And then you got your fishing poles and you can throw your line right in and every time jerk one out because they're trained to bite the surface.
So not every time the globalists give you something free is there a hook because they're getting you used to taking the hook when they put it in.
That's all this is, ladies and gentlemen, and it's real simple.
They're at war with freedom and competition and independence.
And where people are put through competition and made to be part of competition, they excel.
Where they're not, everybody falls apart.
The very best do incredibly well, and even the lowest get pulled up by it.
But when you win competition, you create hell on earth, and everybody knows that.
Who actually has a brain.
So I mentioned Melinda Gates saying, don't take the shots if you're white.
Wait and give it to the black people.
We love them.
Well, FDA warns of high seizure risk in the first few days from COVID-19 vaccine and new alert.
Now we know it's exploded cancer.
We know it destroys your immune system.
But the point is, I wanted to remind everybody, particularly black folks, that think, wow, everybody loves us now and the corporate media says we're the boss and all this stuff.
You're being set up.
And white people are guilty and hate themselves on average and buy into this.
So black people are now being used as the worm on the hook.
And white people want to elect an Obama to prove they're not racist and fix things.
And Obama only made it worse.
So we're all being set up.
So I asked the crew to pull up articles when I mentioned Melinda Gates.
And of course they pulled up Reuters and said, fact check.
Melinda Gates said black people deserve priority access to COVID-19 vaccines.
And they said, well, it's misleading.
She said first healthcare workers and then black people.
Yes, they could fire the healthcare workers if they wouldn't take the shot.
First they had to bully them and take that industry over.
They fired over 200,000 in the US alone.
But act like, oh see, it's so loving, we want to give it to the black people first.
It's all a sick joke.
But you know they had the lowest level of COVID in the world in Africa, because less than 6% of people in Africa took it, because they've already been through the UN and their shots.
So I thought I'd actually Play you the clip so you can fact check it.
Of course, she did say that.
But once people exposed it later, they tried to back off of it.
So just remember that.
Cabinet Bill Gates announced his plan to depopulate Africa.
London Guardian, 2012.
He says he wants to kill you!
He says he wants you dead!
He wants almost everybody to have it.
He says black people particularly.
And then this guy running this medical system wants to put something in your body.
And Obama came out and said it too.
Hey, I'm Obama.
I'm black.
I'm cool.
Hey, man, trust me.
And they hired the rappers.
I get the vaccine.
You get the vaccine.
She got the vaccine.
We all get the vaccine.
And they get the cancer.
Everything else.
Yes, the African youth boom.
What's worrying Bill Gates?
Read the article.
His main mission, kill the black people.
Let's see if I guessed the year right.
I said 2012.
Let's see if my memory's that good.
Does it have a date on it?
Oh yeah, you got a newer one.
No, there's one where he says, Bill Gates wants to lower the population of Africa.
That's another article.
So, just making some points here, and I got all this other breaking news, but making these points, here's what Melinda Gates said.
Now, they told you, Melinda Gates did not mean this, okay?
This is a lie. Fact check. Didn't happen. Here it is.
Alright, we're having a computer problem.
Let's just stop it.
Happens occasionally.
No big deal.
Let's re-download the clips.
What happens is, they download clips I want before the show and check them.
Sometimes they download one when we're live on air and I want it, we don't check it, it doesn't work.
You guys let me know when we're green-lit, okay?
But, again, ladies and gentlemen, this is a really, really, really, really important issue to understand.
The globalist's main goal is depopulation.
I made films on it.
Blueprint for Global Enslavement is free online.
You can find it anywhere for free.
It was a huge hit.
Reached over 100 million people that we know of.
And I have all the quotes and all the admissions and all their plans right there.
So, you can sit there and try to deny this all day.
You can say this isn't the case.
You can try to work your mind around it.
Because, look, here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
I had a family member, 12 years ago, come to me and they said, the lady that does my lashes, fake eyelashes, has come up with this face cleaner piece of fabric that takes makeup off and she wants $100,000.
To have us be part owner, and I looked at the tag and I searched engine and said, this is a 25 year old company.
You can buy this in any shop.
And the family member did not want to believe that I was right.
They wanted to believe that they had this great business idea.
They were about to be successful and they got mad at me.
And that was the end of our relationship.
I'm not going to say who, you probably put two and two together.
That's how that happened.
And behind the scenes, the New York Times was talking to him and the left and Groups were undermining things and involved my family, but that's the last thing they did.
And I raise that story because I've never told before, because I remember a GCN radio host 20 years ago.
He was a young guy, I didn't know who he was.
They hired him, he was on at night, he was popular, sounded like a great talk show host.
And one day I'm at home working, cooking dinner, and I had the little digital radio that picked up the web on, and I'm cooking dinner.
I cook dinner a lot of the time.
And I hear this young man who I hadn't really listened to many times saying, man, I got contacted by a Nigerian prince and we're going to be able to launch a big radio network or stuff off this.
He's going to give me $10 million or some number like that.
I don't remember the exact number.
He said, all I got to do is give him $20,000 and he's going to give me this money.
So I call up the board operator on GCN.
And I said, hey, give me the number of that talk show host.
I want to call him.
So the show ends.
I tell him, tell him I'm calling.
I call him.
I go, hey, man, can you send me a copy of that email?
He said, oh, no, you're not taking over my business.
And I said, no, no, no.
I never talked to this guy before.
I just heard him a few times.
And I said, is that a Nigerian email?
He said, yeah, yeah.
It's Prince Abubu, and he's going to give me $20 million if I give him $20,000.
And that's a well-known email scam.
You're about to get scammed.
He goes, you know, you're just jealous I've got this deal with Prince of Boo-Boo.
He actually said Prince of Boo-Boo, okay?
This is not a joke.
This is word for word.
I don't remember the exact number.
I think it was.
It was $20,000 for $20 million.
Well, it was something like that.
So then I start tuning in every day in the next few days, and he's like, yeah, send me money now, because when I get $20,000, we'll have $20 million from Prince of Booboo.
So then I call him back again.
And I said, listen, one of two things is going on here.
You're either ignorant or you're scamming listeners for money.
And by the way, they were calling in by then going, dude, this is a Nigerian scam.
He got real pissed.
He's just like, F you.
You're just jealous because the guy was like really young.
And of course, he gave them the money.
They ripped him off.
He went crazy, lost his job.
And that's the same thing here.
That family member looked at me and said, you're mad that you've been so good in business and now you're mad that I've got a big business deal.
And I said, you can search the tag.
This is a decades old company, a little gray piece of fabric that wipes off makeup.
Oh no, my lashes lady says this is this incredible and like they just believe it people.
You're not going to get anything free from these folks they don't take back from you, Tom Stemp.
It's all a scam.
And I know I'm harping kind of on lessons today, but it's just insane.
Why did everyone want to come to America?
It wasn't perfect, it had its problems, but it was the best house in a bad neighborhood.
You had the best shot if you were a quote nobody and not from an elite family or group to be successful if you had what it took and we produced the most patents, the most success.
By 1950, the United States had over 54% of the world's wealth and it was almost all in the middle class, not with rich people.
Now, something like 89% of world wealth is in the hands of less than 100 families and corporations.
Under the liberal order of the last 50-60 years, they've transferred all that wealth.
Where you could come to America, and you could become wealthy and successful, or at least very comfortable easily, and we could export that idea around the world and have everybody successful.
The globalists want a monopoly, and they're challenged by that level of success, and they don't want that.
So just like you got the scammers on the street, you got the Nigerian scam, and I'm not saying without the Nigerians, that's just one that I've seen multiple times with people I've known take the bait.
And in both cases, I had a good friend for a long time, haven't seen him in years, but his wife, they literally got divorced, She got scammed by a Nigerian scam.
And again, it's a confidence act.
I remember one time I was with a bike judge.
And some other folks in East Austin, back when that was not the trendy area, but like a speakeasy in the middle of nowhere with a great band playing.
And the place had African food, it was great food.
We're there like 2am, and all of a sudden these Mercedes pull up, and there's these Nigerians in their big robes, and they're like, we are the princes and this is the king!
And they immediately sort of hand out cards about business deals, and Mike and I were laughing at it.
But the point is, people want to believe they just met a king.
It's like Prince Harry and his stupid wife aren't even part of the royal family, and they're running around, everybody wants to be around them because they're royalty.
It's all just mental illness.
What I'm saying is that's what leftist ideology is.
Oh, be in the trendy group, be the transgender, be in the winning team, and then you shine onto the cult that's going to exploit you and hurt you and literally cut your body parts off, but you go along with it because you've been told by the media That's how you win the winning lottery ticket.
That's how you game the system.
No, that's the system gaming you.
Alright, here is Melinda Gates.
We'll play the clip.
Quite promising, luckily.
And I think we all believe that by 2021, we will have a vaccine.
We're working ahead of time with the manufacturers, with the pharmaceutical companies to try and actually have manufacturing capability ready to go.
So as soon as those trials are finished, the vaccine can go immediately into manufacturing.
And the whole reason we got involved in this vaccine was to make sure there's equitable distribution.
The last thing you want is a bidding war between countries for this vaccine.
You know, we know there are 60 million health care workers around the world who are keeping everybody safe.
They deserve to get this vaccine first.
And from there, you want to do tiering in various countries to make sure your most vulnerable populations get it.
In our country, that would be blacks and Native Americans, people with underlying health conditions, and the elderly.
And so we need to look at it as a globe, and we're involved with many European leaders.
Back this up and roll it without audio.
Look how criminal Bill Gates looks.
Not just his actions.
Look at how disingenuous he is.
Look how sneaky he is.
I mean, why the hell would you trust that guy who says he wants to depopulate you?
Just look at him.
While she's talking.
I mean, you're looking at a guy that makes Jeffrey Dahmer look like a choir boy.
I mean, that is a predator, ladies and gentlemen.
And there's his front person, his wife, when he's not at Epstein Island, literally telling you she loves you and she wants to help you.
All right, I'm done talking about this.
I said I'd play this clip.
I never got to it.
This is the view attacking a great black author who's worked at CNN, you name it, who's written a book about The end of race politics, arguments for a colorblind America, and they attack him and say, who do you work for?
Here it is.
There's two separate questions.
One is whether each racial group is socioeconomically the same.
I agree with you, they're not.
Yeah, they're not.
And the stats show that.
Of course, I agree with that fully.
The question is how do you address that in a way that actually targets poverty the best?
And what Martin Luther King wrote in his book, Why We Can't Wait, is he called it, we need a bill of rights for the disadvantaged.
And he said, yes, we should address racial inequality.
Yes, we should address the legacy of slavery.
But the way to do that is on the basis of class.
And that will disproportionately target blacks and Hispanics because they're disproportionately poor, but it will be doing so in a way that also helps the white poor, in a way that addresses poverty as the thing to be addressed.
That part is true, but as you are a student of Dr. King, I'm not only a student of Dr. King, I know his daughter, Bernice, right?
So I'm going to get to my question.
Go ahead, go right ahead.
I think the premise is fundamentally flawed.
You claim that colorblindness was the goal of the civil rights movement, based upon Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech, you know, content of character versus the color of skin.
Bernice, Dr. King's daughter, points out that four years after giving that speech, actually, Dr. King also said this, a society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for Negroes.
He also said in 1968, it was about less than a week before he was assassinated, this country Never stops to realize that they owe a people kept in slavery for 244 years.
So rather than class, he did write about that earlier on.
Right before his death, he made the argument for racial equality and racial reparations.
And so your argument for colorblindness, I think, is something that the right has co-opted.
And so many in the black community, if I'm being honest with you, because I want to be, Believe that you are being used as a pawn by the right, and that you're a charlatan of sorts.
He's not a Republican.
He's never voted for a Republican.
You've said that you're a conservative.
No, you did.
You actually said that in a podcast that you did two weeks ago.
I said I was a conservative?
Yes, you did.
But my question to you is, how do you respond to those critics?
I think it's very important.
The quote that you just pointed out about doing something special for the Negro, that's from the book Why We Can't Wait that I just mentioned.
A couple paragraphs later, he lays out exactly what that something special was, and it was the Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged, a broad class-based policy.
But he also says you must include race.
No, he didn't.
He says it's a... Yes, he does.
Okay, well, everyone should go read the book, Why We Can't Wait.
Let's not get sidetracked by that.
I don't think I've been co-opted by anyone.
I've only voted twice, both for Democrats.
Although, I'm an independent.
I would vote for a Republican, probably a non-Trump Republican, if they were compelling.
I don't think there's any evidence I've been co-opted by anyone, and I think that that's an ad hominem tactic people use to not address really the important conversations we're having here.
And I think it's better, and it would be...
Better for everyone if we stuck to the topics rather than make it about me.
It's not about you, but I want to give you the opportunity to respond to the criticism.
I appreciate it.
There's no evidence that I've been co-opted by anyone.
I have an independent podcast.
I work for CNN as an analyst.
I write for the free press.
I'm independent in all of these endeavors and no one is paying me to say what I'm saying.
I'm saying it because I feel it.
So she lied about what Martin Luther King said.
I read that book 30 years ago.
And people wrote articles, they pulled the quotes up.
She's a liar.
While Martin Luther King said, don't discriminate on race, we have to help the lower classes, whether they're brown, black, or white.
And you actually have to help them with programs that teach them to be self-sufficient in competition.
You don't then just give them something.
You don't give men fish, you teach them how to fish.
Back to the fishing analogy.
Everybody knows that who's got half a brain.
But notice just the scumbaggedness of this lady.
Up there lying about what Martin Luther King said, and then misrepresenting, and then saying this guy's a shill.
Well, he's a Democrat.
This race-based affirmative action, all this is to create division and is to train people to accept the social credit score.
I'm done talking about that.
Other big issues straight ahead.
There is nothing more frustrating to me Whether it comes to news or anything else we're doing, then to know I'm telling the truth and to know they'll just listen to me and take action, it will change your life.
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All right, I want to hit the Russian news.
They're now saying straight up the West was behind the theater attack.
That's important on a lot of fronts.
But first I wanted to hit this because this is something I don't talk enough about.
And I see it in the news every day.
And I'm not hiding it.
I'm not deciding to not cover it.
There's just so much news.
I realized when I saw this yesterday, it didn't cover it.
Then I saw it again in the news today.
I'm like, I better cover this.
So here's the deal.
The social workers in America and Europe and it even came out that the Germans in West Germany from the 60s into the 90s took hundreds of thousands of children from Christian families and gave them to 30,000 pedophiles to be raped as young as three years old and to live with them and to create a new family.
That's been in DW.com, New Yorker Magazine.
If you're a new listener and you're hearing this, you go, this sounds crazy.
Just look into it, folks.
This isn't like Epstein, where you got a bunch of kids and trafficking and slavery and it's terrible and it's going on, but you don't know how specific it is.
This is on record.
There it is.
The German experiment that placed foster children with pedophiles.
So let me tell you how this works.
And I literally see these articles out of Austin, and Atlanta, and New York, and City, and L.A., and just, I mean, I see these articles sometimes three times a day.
But it's always in local news.
It never is on the national news.
And it's where gay men, in close quotes, and I'm not attacking gay men that aren't pedophiles, but I'm saying gay men, that's what they call it in the news, Are adopting children and most of them are social worker kids.
Kids grabbed by social workers.
Because mom was working two jobs and the four-year-old was in the backyard and the neighbor called and they took them.
And they give them to these pedophile men who then sell them to rape gangs.
And you've seen the articles.
I know this is a dialed-in audience so you see them all the time.
But it's always the local news.
You notice that?
Imagine if a heterosexual couple Was breeding children with surrogate mothers to sell them for rape?
Imagine if they were Catholic, or Christian, or Mormon, or something.
You would never hear the end of it, and you shouldn't.
But when it's the local gay chapter leaders, over and over, and judges, and Homeland Security, I mean, they're thick as thieves, folks.
It's just, you can't swing a stick in the dark with these people.
And I'm telling you, at least 70% of the Democratic Party, and when you look at Congress, you see Democrats, I mean, most of them are pedophiles.
I mean, those are child rapers.
And I'll just say that, I mean, you don't get in the club.
It's like, to be a made member of MS-13, you gotta kill somebody.
Well, here you gotta rape the little kid in front of them.
If you wonder why they're so arrogant, why they're so divorced from God, why they're so crazy, because it is a child Raping cult.
Yeah, there it is.
Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons.
Also pimped them out the pedophile ring.
FBI says.
New York Post.
So this is just the articles today.
Dog show judge planned to assault unborn adopted baby.
He paid a woman in California to get pregnant and I guess contractually to give him a baby.
That he was then advertising to child rape groups online.
The FBI, because they're not all bad, there's still subgroups that are good, raided them and took over the identity of the child rape group.
And he was planning to start raping it at two weeks old.
And saying, I want people to come join me and rape the baby.
Another top gay activist leader yesterday got caught.
Doing similar stuff.
It's every day.
You see the San Francisco choir saying, we're grooming your children, we're coming for them, we're gonna get them.
And I know it's hard for you to believe that there's this many pedophiles.
But if you look at him, look at this guy.
He's a gay man, and he says in the FBI transcripts, oh my husband doesn't like to rape kids.
Well your husband reportedly knows about it!
Imagine you're married to a dude and he likes to rape kids and he talks about how, oh I'm sorry, how he drugs his straight brother's kids, his nephew and his niece, and rapes them.
And he says, by the way, I like to rape babies zero to nine.
Go read the article.
Now look, I know why I don't cover this subconsciously, because I don't want to read this.
I've already read it once, why should I read it again to you?
It's disgusting.
And it's hard to believe, but it's a spirit in them to hurt innocents.
I have nothing against guys that want passive women and...
Petite women and everything.
It makes them feel strong.
Somehow they like it.
Not me.
I want Marilyn Monroe.
Full power.
As supercharged as I can get.
The most empowered wild woman.
I'm married.
That's what I got.
My wife's not street legal by that.
I mean, you can't take a 2,000 horsepower car on the highway.
My wife's not street legal.
If she was a car, she'd be 2,000 horsepower.
That's what I'm looking for.
These guys don't want a 2,000 horsepower woman, folks.
It'll tear your clothes off and throw you up against the wall and you're gonna be attacked.
They want a little kid they got power over.
So, those of us that aren't into kids, we want to give a kid a ice cream cone and take him and let him learn how to use a slingshot or do painting or, you know, go to the zoo and then just laugh and have fun with a little kid because they're so innocent.
These people want to rape them!
So when you see the rainbow flag, ladies and gentlemen, that is the flag of pedophilia.
That is the flag of Satan.
And it's good to have the gays against grooming and all that.
That's good because I don't hate people that are attracted to the same sex.
That's never been my attack as an adult against other adults.
But you suffer the children.
You touch the children.
You deserve to die.
And they have come out with this.
And they have done this.
He talks about how he gives them two times the adult dose of Benadryl.
And how he rapes his family's kids.
And how they don't know.
And these little kids never knew what hit them.
And it screws them up for life, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolutely screws them up for life.
You know, I personally, until I got older, never thought about the effects of me having sex early on what it did on my life.
And yeah, I was 12 having sex with 16-year-old girls.
I looked like I was 16.
I went into puberty at 9.
I've always been extremely masculine.
I was a guy they always took when I was like 14, when the 18-year-olds couldn't buy liquor in South Dallas.
They'd take me.
I'd go in and get the liquor every time.
But I looked back on that, that I didn't get to sexually mature before I became sexually active.
And how, thank God, by the time I was like 19, I stopped it and got out of it and realized how it was soulless.
It was, people, oh, yeah, this guy's bitching, you know, I had, when I told the court, I asked, how many women have you had?
And I said, I'm at Will Chamberlain, but quite a few.
They all tell us, well, I probably had 100 by the time I was 16, more.
But that's not bragging, folks.
If I could have done it all over again, I would not have done that.
Because it was not good for me, it was not good for them.
And out of that came five or six abortions.
I remember getting money from my dad, saying, I only need 300 bucks for this.
He's like, what do you mean?
And he found the receipt later.
I paid for an abortion and got in my face.
And said, stop killing my grandchildren.
And I've told that story because it doesn't build me up, it just shows the reality of this.
My promiscuity led to the murder of my children.
So I'm not going to sit here and point these people and say I'm without sin.
The difference is they want to go out and abuse children.
They want to go out and hurt innocents.
And I got some more stories on this when we come back, then I'll shift gears.
My special guest coming up on the economy.
King Dollar gets castrated under Bretton Woods 3.
What's that mean?
We'll talk about it all coming up.
InfoWars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Coming up in about 17 days, I feel like there should be some type of celebration.
Not just to celebrate, but to recognize what God's done.
I've been on the air 30 years, ladies and gentlemen.
I was on the air when I was 20.
And I know God rose me up for this position, and I am nothing but humble in that position.
Let me tell you something, folks.
God raises us all up if we choose that mission.
God didn't just choose me for this fight.
God chose you.
And you may be a beautiful black person, or a beautiful white person, or a beautiful Hispanic person, or Asian person, doesn't matter.
God made you.
And I recognize you and how powerful your potential is.
Enemy tells you you're a victim.
You are an overcomer!
We're not given to a spirit of weakness, but a spirit of victory.
And I can feel that spirit.
Now stronger than ever.
And that's why the enemy hates us.
That's why they hate me.
That's why they hate you.
Because they can feel that spirit of victory.
And I've told these stories a lot because they're so important.
And I'm going to do this.
I'm so busy, but I'm going to load a hidden camera.
We'll blow their faces out.
And I'm going to go to the grocery store.
I'm going to do it now.
We're doing it very soon.
And I'm going to go to the sporting goods store.
Hell, I'll go to a random church, because I want the enemy to see this.
They think all their demonizations and all their attacks have made us hated.
It's the opposite.
I told you this.
I went to an academy two days ago to get some more exercise clothes because the stuff I have is literally like 10 years old with holes in it.
I'm trying to get back in the gym more and stuff.
I literally had holes in my underwear, you name it.
So I went and got some socks, underwear, some sweatpants, sweatshirts.
Even though it's going to get hot, I want to sweat, you know, like fat ass.
And every person wanted a photo or was a listener.
White, Hispanic, black, male, female.
Every person.
That's never happened.
And they're always like, sorry, we love you, we're listening to you, we love you.
Is it okay?
I'm like, sorry?
Sorry you're on the team for freedom?
Sorry you want a picture?
You think I'm some Hollywood person that wants to walk in front of cameras and shove people away?
Oh, I'm separate from you?
There was a truck driver.
Called in about two months ago.
We were talking about the truck driver strike a month and a half ago.
He started crying.
He said, I sent you my script, which I'll be honest with you, brother.
I'm so busy.
I can't even answer my phone or deal with anything or even read.
I used to read the mail.
It's just, it's all piled up.
Just keep sending it.
Somebody reads it.
He was like, I sent you a script, but I almost didn't do it because I thought you wouldn't care about me because I'm a truck driver.
Listen, buddy, if you think I don't like you because you're a farmer or you're a truck driver or you're an auto mechanic, Or you are an EMT or a police officer or a school teacher because you're not some elitist?
Get one thing straight.
It's not about me.
It's about the philosophy to beat the enemy.
I am with the people.
I mean, I'm not like some fake politician telling you I'm with you.
Baby, I'm with you.
I want to go hang around with normal people at the fishing dock.
I want to drink beer with the old black men or the old white men or the old Hispanic men, and I do.
I want to hang around with real people because the spirit of the enemy is not there.
Somebody working in a diesel mechanic shop 15 hours a day to pay for their family is real.
Some son of a bitch from the New World Order trying to shoot us up with poison or some Hollywood pedophile is not who I am.
The caller said, you're saying truck drivers are great and work hard and you appreciate us, and I thought you wouldn't care because I was a truck driver.
Folks, stop thinking like that.
And I've been there myself.
I was never sold out to Hollywood, but man, man, 28 years ago or so, I never even picked the phone up.
Hollywood was calling, trying to get me to sell out.
I didn't know it at first.
Here's this movie.
Here's the movie.
You like those movies?
Do this.
And about 8, 9, 10 years into it, I never interfaced with Hollywood again.
Not the movie offers, not the TV show offers, not the Fox News offers.
And they'd call back up and say, why aren't you calling Roger Ailes back?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't you, no one turns this down.
Because I'm not in Egypt, folks.
I've left it.
And you need to leave it.
And when you don't care what the system says about you, or you got a crappy car and your shoes got holes in them, hey, you got a connection to God, you're the richest man on earth!
As long as you're a good person that loves God and works hard, that's value.
That's a real person.
It's not like some, oh, I like the common people, I'm with you.
I am you.
That's everything.
You understand, it's not like I'm, Giving you some, oh, I think you're great talk.
No, you're everything.
You're the people that bust the tables.
You're the people that cook the food.
You're the people that clean the hotels.
You're the people that wipe the little kid's asses.
You're the ones that stay up with the kids when they're sick with the flu at 3 a.m.
You're the people that take care of your grandma.
You're the people that worship God.
You're the people that see the sunset.
And you're the people that these people separated from God hate.
And we are going to defeat them, guaranteed.
But you've got to decide how powerful and how important you are so we can do that!
The people that aren't seeking out power are the ones that will be given the power.
It will be the meek that inherit the earth.
The people That are reserved.
The people that aren't on a power trip.
But it will be people like me that prepare the way.
And I will burn these people down.
I will destroy them to make the way.
And I need your help to do it.
We are literally pointing the way to defeat the New World Order.
We are unstoppable.
And we have had success that is fabulous!
And it's all God!
I can tell you when I see the talking points out of all the major opposition, it's word for word what I say three days later.
That is the power of you taking this information and sharing it and moving it forward in opposition to the enemy.
I got a bunch of other gay men adopting children to rape them stories.
You all know what's going on.
There should be a prohibition Because of the statistical anomaly on the harvesting of people's children to hand over to these people.
You don't want kids?
Great, go ahead and have a good time.
That's your choice.
Stay the hell away from the kids.
Alright, look, I'm wound up today and we got a big guest coming up on the economy and it's really important.
I said I'd take calls, we ran out of time to do that.
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Top Brain, it's all there at drjonesnaturals.com.
So if you want to be in the fight and get a great product and get the immune lozenges, the nano silver and the organic toothbrushes and all the other organic toothpaste, it's there at drjonesnaturals.com.
And to me, I've been doing this 30 years and I'm actually at peace because We've followed the course, we've not backed down, and every time I get hit, it's painful and it's not enjoyable, I will tell you, it tastes blood in your mouth, but we always come up even stronger.
I'm kind of like, I'm not a big Marvel comic guy, I don't really follow that, but I wouldn't saw a movie, you know, Doomsday, every time you kill it, it gets twice as strong.
That's actually what this operation is, and I mean, you might as well call this whole broadcast Operation Doomsday to the New World Order.
They want it to be our Doomsday, it's their Doomsday.
And I am doomsday.
And you are doomsday.
Because every day more people wake up to their system, every day people commit to fight it, every day people say no to the New World Order, every day people begin to understand just how real this is.
And it's the decision you make now that will echo, that will blast and reverberate throughout time and eternity and beyond.
I'll hit a few more news stories and our special guest joins us.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Well, BB Netanyahu was saying he didn't want to hear from America, he's gonna destroy RAFA, but now he's saying he'll send a delegation, he may not immediately destroy it.
So that shows pressure's having an effect.
We don't want to kill those women and children, folks.
I want to kill Hamas.
I don't know about you.
But here's Joe Rogan on the subject.
You know, I pointed out a week ago that super viral clip that got 50 million views.
That you've got robot drones killing humans, whoever they are, unarmed.
That image is Skynet.
That image is sick.
Here's Joe Rogan talking about it.
I want to know what she was fired for.
Because was it criticism of Israel?
I mean, did she show that Edward Snowden video that he put up on Twitter that shows them drone bombing those kids, those men, I should say, unarmed people, that were walking towards the rubble, that clearly weren't causing any danger to anybody?
They just bombed them?
Yeah, no, it's your duty.
It's just like for Biden or whoever you like, you're supposed to cover up for them.
But the whole thing is like they're always saying they're only targeting Hamas and everybody else is a casualty.
Well, if those guys are just unarmed civilians and they're walking alone, that's what they appear to be.
And you just blast them from the sky with robots.
This is the tragedy of war.
Yeah, this is insane.
And no one knows what to think now, because if you can't talk about that, if you can't say that's real, then you're saying that genocide is OK as long as we're doing it.
And that is what we're saying.
If you're saying that from a perspective of someone who literally went through the Holocaust, or your people, your tribe, went through the Holocaust, and now you're willing to do it?
I hope the irony's not lost on you!
It's so nuts!
It's so hard to imagine that someone, where a culture, like a country was like officially founded in what, 47?
Officially founded.
So, that's so recent.
And you guys are willing to do what was done to you that led you to believe that you needed to start your own country?
You're willing to do that, at least on a small scale, in Gaza?
Like, there's nothing left.
And the argument is, well, if you did something bad to us, I'm not trying to side with the other side.
It's not... It's got its own problems.
But everybody sees this.
This is wrong.
And the other side's super deceptive, too.
I know that.
The point is, is that Israel can't act like that.
And now as we're starting to figure out this is irrevocable stuff going on, it needs to be put in reverse.
Not in neutral.
And the same thing.
Russia's not perfect, but we can't go start a war with them and overthrow the elected government ten years ago and have Victoria Nuland and George Soros brag they're starting a war and act like they didn't.
We're starting a war with the biggest nuclear power in the world!
It's crazy!
It's not because I'm a Russian agent, I'm an agent of survival and life.
And that's why I stand against this.
And yeah, the other side misrepresents everything I say too.
That doesn't mean I'm with them.
Doesn't mean I want to ship all the Palestinians here.
I was on with Eric Prince and Steve Bannon like three days after October 7th and I said, well the only way Israel can do this and not have huge military casualties Is the carpet bomb slowly from the north to the south, but I said don't do that, that'll be a war crime, it'll blow up in your face and turn the world against you!
The anti-Israel crowd is huge liars.
They took a 17-second clip of me wargaming it, cut off the front and the back, and said, Jones calls for the carpet bombing.
Even though Bannon and both, and Eric Prince said, don't do it.
And he agreed.
Prince said, yeah, that's a bad idea.
It's the only way they can do it.
But again, it's that people want the moral high ground.
So people that are pro-Israel just say, anything we do is okay.
Including injecting our people with GMO shots.
And then murder all these people.
And then Hamas says, well, we're going to murder all the Jews and push them from the mountains of the sea.
I don't support the mountains of the sea.
That's genocide.
And I don't support Israel then behaving like that and then getting down on the devil's level.
It's that Keith Whitley song.
Let's come on with it.
I'm no stranger to the reins.
I fought with the devil.
Got down on his level, but I never gave in.
So he gave up on me.
I'm no stranger to the rain.
I can spot bad weather.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, come on, man.
I'm just trying to be good.
I'm just trying to tell the truth.
Good Lord, I'm trying.
I'm a flawed creature.
I see through a rose-colored darkly.
I am not God.
I'm far from it.
I am a creature that God made, though, so that I can experience consciousness and make the right decisions at this level, at boot camp, so that I can get my wings and go to the next level.
And I've already seen it, and it's so real.
So, take me home, Lord, whenever you're ready.
I'm ready for the next level.
I believe.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
All right, I saw these headlines last few days, and I asked Dr. Kirk Elliott, economist and also theologian, to come on with us and talk about it, because there's so much to hit.
7 p.m.
and I was already up at 5 a.m.
and he sent me a bunch more at 5 a.m.
So I spent about an hour reading over this.
If he talked 100 miles an hour, he'd never hit half of it.
But King Dollar gets castrated under Bretton Woods 3.
What's Bretton Woods mean?
Well, you should know, folks.
A lot of you probably do know.
And then we've got Swift advances CBDC invocations as interlinking solutions.
We've got gold and silver exploding.
Everything he predicted happened.
We got a clip of that, but why play the prediction?
Dr. Kirk Elliott, I want to talk about where the world is in the economic crisis right now, which is clearly why they want the wars and destabilization to be the smokescreen to blame what's about to happen on that instead of the monetary policy that makes Bernie Madoff blush.
So, Dr. Kirk Elliott, thank you so much for joining us.
Oh, it's great to be with you, Alex.
So I mean, really economic chaos.
And as we were talking about these headlines and we've we've addressed this numerous times over the last couple of months, but it's accelerating.
It's accelerating at a rate that that maybe we expected.
But when you see it right in front of you, it's like, oh, my word, it's like here.
So central bank digital currency, right, is the ability to cut you off from buying or selling if your ideology doesn't match up with theirs.
That's what that's all about.
And by the way, that's not talk.
They admit that.
It's already done in China.
It's already done in parts of Europe.
This is total surveillance of what you do, controlling where your money can be spent.
I mean, this is hell.
It absolutely is.
And that's why it's like this is like the mark of the beast.
It's not like the mark of the beast.
I think that this is the technology of that.
JP Morgan's rolling out their biometrics payment this week.
I mean, yes, and so when you have your retinas or your fingerprints attached to your bank account, they're promoting this as a safety measure, right?
I'm promoting it as this is absolute people control.
And isn't it funny?
You're a theologian.
Two thousand years ago, the head of the hand to buy and sell, and now they said the head of the hand.
It's actually happening.
It's actually happening and you can't get away from it.
So here's where Biden started this ugly ball rolling really quick when he weaponized the dollar against Russia.
So back when Russia invaded Ukraine, What was Biden's nuclear option economically?
He said, hey, Putin, we're going to cut you off from the SWIFT system so you can't get any wires coming in, bank wires coming into Russia to pay for anything, right?
We're going to starve you to death.
So, the SWIFT system, we have to explain it real quick, it's the messaging board from bank to bank.
So, let's say you have an account at JPMorgan Chase, Alex, and you're wiring to somebody who has an account at Bank of America.
So Swift would say, hey, JPMorgan Chase, we're going to wire $5,000 from this guy Alex Jones' account to some Jane Doe's account at Bank of America.
Without that messaging system, bank wires don't exist, right?
So it's the framework and the foundation of money transfer globally.
It's the neurons of the currency system.
Yeah, of the entire global currency system, right?
So this is why Biden basically said, hey, Putin, we're going to cut you off from any kind of money flow coming into your country.
So what did Putin do?
Putin went to China and said, hey, Xi, we've got this problem because Biden wants to cut us off from any international bank wires and starve us out.
So, they got together and said, oh, that's okay.
Don't worry about it.
We've got a similar program running parallel called CIPS, C-I-P-S, to replace the SWIFT system.
And now the dollar's lost 20% since then.
Yeah, exactly.
So here's where Russia and China got really, really in bed together, and now the BRICS nations are now BRICS++++ because they're adding the oil producers of the world, you know, the Egypt's and the Iran's and the United Arab Emirates and the Saudi Arabia's and the Argentina's, right?
So they're de-dollarizing the world.
So that one weaponizing of the dollar, threatening Russia, to say we're not you're we're going to kick you out of
swift this is basically what's that not the major domino over that this caused the the amplification
and the acceleration of bricks rising up to de-dollarize the world so now you've got
bricks nations doing that killing the dollar killing king dollar but the rest of the world is still on
the swift program right so So SWIFT, no banking gets done without that outside of the BRICS Nations, right?
So here's what's happening now.
These articles that you and I were talking about, SWIFT, and I'm not talking about some internet blogger talking about these things, directly to the source.
You go to the SWIFT website, you know, and what does it say?
It said they are at finish stage 2 of testing Of the interoperability, the connecting of central bank digital currencies to financial institutions globally.
Because if you think about it, different central banks have different currencies, different fiat currencies, and they all have to connect with each other in this digital world so they can cut you off from buying or selling.
So let me interrupt, get to your main point, but as a layman, Gaddafi talked about this and they destroyed him.
Iraq talked about it and they destroyed him.
But this is China and Russia and now it's launching What are the globalists going to do?
They usually start a war, which I guess they've already done.
They're going to go completely ape.
Oh, they are going to go absolutely completely ape.
But here's where I'm looking at this, it's like, oh my word, Alex, we've been talking about this and the implementation, the ramifications, listening to the Bank for International Settlements, listening to the World Economic Forum, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, talking about this.
Now over 90 countries throughout the world are all implementing central bank digital currency.
What's the connector of all those banks?
SWIFT system.
That's how the money transfer happens.
So SWIFT finished their connectivity of converting fiat currencies to digital currencies and all these different exchange rates all into one.
So now they said we will have full implementation of connectivity between countries and their central bank digital currencies and financial institutions in the next 12 to 24 months.
So that's the timeline, I think, between freedom of privacy, freedom of speech in your money, because that's when you spend money, that's what you believe, right?
You're buying what you believe in.
What you're saying is the window is closing before the central bank digital currency comes in one way or another.
I mean, the tyranny is coming in.
Well, yes, because September of this year is the United Nations Pact for the Future Symposium Conference, which they announced about two years ago.
So all these things that are being implemented, digital social profiles, social credit scores, ESGs, the World Health Organization basically usurping sovereign power from countries And Biden gave this up.
He gave up our sovereign authority, his sovereign authority as a president, to some bureaucrat, some person who runs the World Health Organization.
Now, 192 countries, part of the World Health Organization, are slaves to their decrees.
If there's a global health emergency, they announced it.
They announced what the parameters are.
If there's an economic event that needs attention, if there's a global health pandemic, if there's a Black Swan event, if there's an event in outer space that needs our attention, they actually can gain control of people's travel, of opening bank accounts, mask mandates, vaccines, everything they can control So they're trying to gear up martial law ahead of this.
Let's be clear.
Until 10 years ago, China was in bed with the globalists.
They broke.
And China's obviously run by evil people.
But there's now a different power bloc because Russia and China were run off of this.
So the globalists are in trouble.
They admit this.
They're trying to roll up their global government.
But China and Russia aren't playing along.
We're not saying China and Russia are perfect.
Certainly not China.
But that is the real fly in the ointment.
It's a massive land ointment, and see, they've now laid out their plan.
Central Bank digital currency next 12 to 24 months, full interoperability.
Now, the United Nations want to announce to the world everything that they've been working on in September of this year.
September of 2024 is when they want biometric ID attached to your bank accounts.
And I think that it's not going to be 24 months for the interoperability and connectivity of central bank digital currencies that SWIFT is doing.
It's going to be quicker than that because the United Nations wants all of this to be done.
See, Alex, if you're dealing with paper money and you go to the gas station, you go to the grocery store and you give them a $20 bill, nobody knows that it was you that did it.
That's a private transaction.
But now if you have digital currency, they can track everything about you and it all turns into people control.
But they need a crisis that's big enough for people to buy into this horrible evil of financial loss of privacy.
So what are you predicting?
Because you're also a sponsor.
When you come on, you never plug.
You guys have the best gold and silver bullion at the best prices with five-star ratings ready to ship people.
So you never do this, Dr. Kirk Elliott.
Do a plug right now because you're a sponsor.
We want to support you.
You said six months ago on the show gold and silver is going to go up or five months ago.
It has.
Do a little plug and we'll get back into the technicals.
Tell people about the product you got.
So really, when we talk about these things where we have complete loss of freedom on our bank accounts, the way to get out of that system, not be a digital slave in their digital world, is actually buying tangible assets, gold and silver, physical coins, physical bars, right, that you take delivery of or you can store at a depository if you don't want delivery of them.
But the point is, it's not paper, it's not certificate, it's not a digital entry in some digital world, right?
It's a thing.
So that's what everybody knows they need some gold and silver.
And so I've studied you guys.
I love you guys.
I've had a sponsor for 10 years.
I couldn't find a good sponsor.
You guys are great.
People need it.
They should go to you right now.
How do they do it?
So just go to KEPM.com forward slash gold or call our office 720-605-3900.
Just say, you know, Alex's Show and we'll map out a strategy for success to get you out of this system, right?
Out of where banks are failing, away from that swift program where they want to control every aspect of your life.
In a digital world, you can actually mitigate that risk by allocating into tangible assets.
So there's this freedom component to owning gold and silver, but the financial component, the growth that we've seen, I mean, good grief, Alex, but last month when we were talking on this show, silver was in the upper 22s and it's now 25.
The growth is starting to really accelerate.
Well, we have a clip of you predicting that, but you said, I believe the next month it's going to go up.
You nailed it.
Well, to me, it's a matter of math.
It's the inflationary pressures.
It's the loss of freedoms.
It's the perception that's driving the reality of the world that we're living in.
But this perception is reality when they are stripping away our freedoms, and that causes a flight for safety into the things that are tangible.
And then also what we're seeing is the dynamics of the global supply of silver are so low Right, because the manufacturing demand for it with everything that we see from electronics to aerospace to Department of Defense to solar power to fuel cell technology used in electric vehicles, all of that demand is causing silver supply to run so small that when you have low supply, high demand, prices go up.
So you're seeing the price of silver really start to jump.
Gold is jumping too, but silver is doing better.
That's where I'm going.
next and I know we have limited time here but it's a six-minute clip of you
making predictions three months ago two months ago month ago that came true I'm
not gonna play the whole six-minute clip but but we'll post it on X later guys
after the show I want to post his predictions here and then link to the
full interview but here you are months ago saying it now it's here here it is
last three weeks has literally gone from the upper 22s to mid-20s
By the way, we should find the clip.
Even though gold is going up, gold is at an all-time high.
And it's amazing, right?
It's been booming.
But silver is doing even better.
The average ratio between gold and silver is 20 to 1.
It takes 20 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold.
Today it's close to 90 to 1.
Gold's going to continue to go up.
So then, the second part of that is true.
Silver is going to catch up.
It's going to outperform.
And it will act as a multiplier, almost, on that.
It's still way undervalued for what it should be.
That's why, even though it's up because of inflation, it's probably, in its probability, going to be what performs the best in the short, mid, and long term because it's so undervalued.
How high silver, how high gold go when the dollar goes belly up, if it does?
Okay, so I'm not God, I don't control the markets, right?
But even if you were to look at like usdebtclock.org, it shows what the price of silver would be without manipulation.
It's over $1,100 an ounce.
Silver, over the last three weeks, has literally gone from the upper 22s to mid-22s.
By the way, we should find the clip.
We'll re-air this next week.
Find the clip of you on three weeks ago.
You predicted that in the next month.
You nailed it.
Yeah, well, and because it's not... That's the guess I have on, though.
People that nail it and nail it and nail it.
When have you ever been wrong?
I haven't seen you wrong yet.
I'm sure I've been wrong at some points.
Nobody's perfect, but yet these things are so crystal clear to me when I've been looking at this for 30 years.
Yeah, massive out-of-control inflation, silver way undervalued, it's going to go up.
Yeah, even though gold is going up, gold is at an all-time high and it's amazing, right?
It's been booming.
But silver is doing even better.
I mean, the last time that I was on your show, it was a couple weeks ago, silver was like 22 dollars and something an ounce.
Today it's over 24.
It's like, it's like, wow.
I mean, it's really booming, right?
And over time, silver is going to continue to outperform gold because of where the historical ratio is.
How many ounces silver does it take to buy one ounce of gold?
That's what we look at.
It's all pointing towards silver right now.
Where is silver compared to gold, right?
Because it's not overvalued, it's undervalued.
How do I know?
So gold's the benchmark, and if for its real price, if it's not equal to what it's supposed to be, you know it's undervalued.
Yeah, so you look at historically, the average ratio between gold and silver is 20 to 1.
It takes 20 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold.
Today it's close to 90 to 1, which tells us either gold is overvalued or silver is undervalued.
So is gold overvalued?
No, because the things that cause gold to go up are unsustainable debt, inflationary pressures, political chaos, geopolitical conflict.
We have all of that.
So gold's going to continue to go up.
So then the second part of that is true is silver is going to catch up.
It's going to outperform And it will act as a multiplier almost on that.
And so, over time, as silver outperforms, here's a really amazing strategy, Alex, that I've done numerous times for clients over the years.
No, but I get it.
It's still way undervalued for what it should be.
That's why, even though it's up because of inflation, it's probably...
It's probability going to be what performs the best in the short, mid and long term because it's so undervalued.
Yeah, when you look at what silver has done for example, since the year 2000,
you know, when we started to really see inflationary pressures hitting,
silver was less than $5 an ounce.
Today it's over 23.
I mean that's up and it's like six, eight fold increase during that time frame.
But we're up about a hundred percent over the last three and a half years.
I'm going to stop that now.
It goes on and on in the last four or five months predicting all this.
I'm going to stop interrupting because we only got 30 minutes left after this break.
You sent me all these articles, all these documents about what is about to happen in the world market.
Please continue.
Okay, so as big as this is, the SWIFT system basically going to control all of our banking transfers within the next 12 months, United Nations stepping in before that, there's going to be some kind of a crisis that comes up for people to willingly give up their freedoms for that, right?
So I think one of the retirement bombshells of the year You know, because we talked about big, big, huge issue.
Biggest story of the year is FDIC being underfunded.
We talked about that on the last show that we did.
Only 0.74% of all deposits are now insured by the FDIC.
That's bad!
Forget about your $250,000 insurance level, but the amount of underfunding of Social Security Is now $175 trillion, Alex, with a T. Trillion.
Janet Yellen signed off on the document.
So we're looking at this, it's like, oh my word, Social Security and Medicare underfunded by $175 trillion.
So you go way back in time when Social Security started, they never intended Social Security to be a lifetime thing, right?
They had an expiration date on it, and it was around 2030.
Well, because of stimulus money and things like that, it's been extended, but Social Security, according to these numbers, and it'll run out, it'll be defunded by the year 2035.
That's 11 years away!
And Social Security will be dead dog broke, right?
So you're looking at all these people going into retirement.
And why is the reason?
It's not because of malinvestment.
You know, granted, we have interest rates going through the roof, high taxes, people aren't paying money, the government's running out of money.
But there's something bigger than that that you can't overcome.
And that is the fertility rate in America has gone below 2.0.
So if we explain that, so a fertility rate of 2.0 means when mom and dad die, they've had two kids and they've replaced themselves.
Society stays constant.
When the fertility rate is greater than 2.0, let's just say it's 3, that means when a mom and dad die, they've actually plus 1 in the economic output because they've had 3 kids.
If it's below 2, the society is shrinking, right?
And right now, in America, the fertility rate is 1.64%.
We're shrinking, and so here's the problem.
You've got the aging of America, the graying of America, all these baby boomers going into retirement and are wanting benefits, but now there's fewer people paying into the system.
To me, when you have very few people paying into the system, working adults, to actually fund the retirements of the people that are now, you know, trying to get it, what did I just describe?
That's like Bernie Madoff.
That's a Ponzi scheme, where it takes the new people to pay for all the old people's benefits, and there's not enough people to make it work.
This is why it's underfunded.
So since 2010, the amount of payments going out to Social Security is $60 trillion more than the amount of money going into it.
It is absolutely running out.
So imagine The fear that this starts to bring into retirees and people going into retirement thinking, I've paid into the system my whole life.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, stand there.
We got to go to break.
Some stations carry a break.
Let's come back.
But here's the deal.
It's over.
Whether it happens next month or two years from now, the Ponzi scheme is over.
It's going down.
No one can deny it.
And all these governments and countries are jockeying around to get positioned for what's about to happen.
The general public has no idea what's about to hit them.
We're trying to give you a first look.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the earth.
We're told all this garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com and I thank you all for your support.
All right, Dr. Kirk Elliott is an amazing economist, really smart guy, a great guest.
He's also a sponsor.
He makes that a side issue, but it's a central issue.
He's gold and silver.
From him right now, put his website up on screen.
But you sent me a lot of stuff to boil down, a lot of articles, a lot of angles.
You know, you just now got into the central bank, digital currencies, and the SWIFT system, this whole system coming to an end, what's going to come out of it.
Please continue.
So, right before the break, we were talking about Social Security being underfunded by $175 trillion.
The reason why this is inescapable is because of our fertility rate.
It's not because of poor malinvestment and investments.
I mean, that's part of it, but you can always recover from that in time.
A fertility rate in history, it's a 100% chance that a country doesn't recover from that.
Throughout history.
If I were to say... And by the way, to interrupt you again, I shouldn't do it, Elon Musk continually harps on this, this is a fact.
He does.
I mean, it is absolute fact and it's the most dangerous thing to society ever.
Because, Alex, if you were a gambler and you were going to Vegas, and I said, hey Alex, it's a 100% chance that you're going to lose all of your money.
Well, you probably wouldn't gamble.
Who wants to lose all their money?
But it's a 100% chance that countries that dip below 2.0 in their fertility rate never recover.
So here's the reason why.
Let me illustrate it with a story.
Let's just say that we have to get higher than 2.0.
So there's a crazy policy where 100% of every child age-bearing woman in America It's ridiculous to think that everyone in America is going to go on fertility pills, right?
that's that for it but it's gonna take 18 years before those kids become a
productive member of society right and so at least a couple decades after that
extreme scenario that actually would turn things around but that extreme
scenario it's it's ridiculous to think that everyone in America is gonna go on
fertility pills right and this doesn't turn around so ultimately you collapse
from the weight of entitlements right this is This is where we're headed with society.
So if you add some of these things together... It's flowered and pivoted on a worldwide scale.
Worldwide scale.
China is even worse than we are because they've had a one-child policy for so long that they're even worse than we are.
So why did the globalists do this?
Xi Jinping reversed it five years ago, but a dollar late a day shorter, day late, dollar short.
Why did they do that?
Why are the globalists pushing this?
They know what it'll do, Dr. Kirk Elliott.
Well, you can look at the Georgia Guidestones, you can look back to policies of population reduction globally.
My commencement ceremony at University of Denver, when I graduated with my master's degree, this was back in 1994.
Senator Tim Wirth, a senator from Colorado, gave the commencement speech.
And it was the most dismal commencement speech ever because he's talking about, you know what, we have to reduce the population of the world down to 500 million and that's our goal.
It's like, what?
This is supposed to be a happy day of people graduating and you're telling us that you want to kill off like 80% of the world's population and this is your goal?
And that's what's crazy, it's not even secret!
It's not!
It's not secret at all!
And they're bragging about it!
And yet, sometimes the lies are so extreme that people say, well that can't actually be real!
Who would think that?
It's real.
They're bragging about it, but it's so extreme that people don't believe it.
But all you have to do, again, don't take my word for it.
Don't take Alex's word for it.
Look at the source documents of everything that they're saying.
They're not hiding in the shadows.
They're just out there in the open, talking about it, bragging about it.
This is what they want.
So let me ask you this.
What's their track?
Can we turn it around?
Regardless, how do we get prepared individually?
We can always turn things around, you know, with an act of God.
The world is starting to wake up to these things because you look at what's happening, the things that have been said, the overreach is so extreme that people around the world are thinking, I know that inflation is not 3.8%.
When the price of cereal, the price of milk, the price of eggs has doubled, people are seeing that there's lies.
Now you see banks that are going to start to fail and there's not going to be enough money to bail them out because FDIC only has 0.74% coverage.
So then people are going to get even more scared and realize we've been lied to, right?
And social security potentially going under.
Then you have central bank digital currency and people are not going to be able to buy and sell if your ideology is wrong.
This is what they have said.
So ultimately people are gonna wake up and we're starting to see countries backing up
their currencies with gold by the thousands of tons.
We're starting to see states like Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, potential legislation, having a state
chartered bank backed by gold.
Individually, we can do the same thing that central banks are doing when they're buying
thousands or hundreds of tons of gold.
We can buy precious metals, not by the ton, not even by the pound.
We buy them by the ounce.
And to whatever our means are, whether we have little means or a lot of means, right?
You could be worth $300 or $300 million.
You start allocating with what you have consistently, every single paycheck.
Start putting some away because every time that you allocate into physical silver or physical gold, you're pulling that money.
It's this great exchange.
Of pulling out of the paper-based fiat money creation that's the entire global system's based on debt, and you're going into something that's solid, something that's accountable, something that's tangible, something that's real, and that's how we can start to not just prepare to survive, but truly, Alex, prepare to thrive in the world that's coming of inflationary pressures.
You know, in one of those articles that I had sent you, we have talked about this for
the last three or four months, how they are not going to lower interest rates because
they haven't tamed the inflation beast.
Well, just this weekend, one of the Fed presidents of one of the Federal Reserve banks, what
did he say?
He said, I don't see how we're going to lower interest rates anytime soon.
Didn't get into detail as to why, but I'll tell you why.
Because inflation is still persisting.
If you lower interest rates while inflation is persisting, then inflation's going to get worse.
You raise interest rates right now, when we're in debt up to our eyeballs, you create one of the biggest recessions known to mankind.
And they don't want either one of those outcomes, so they're just pausing.
They would not raise interest rates.
You said that and they didn't.
They didn't.
They didn't.
And they didn't lower them either because we said they are going to pause because they know that either one of those other options, lowering interest rates will cause inflation to go up and they can't afford that.
Raising interest rates is going to cause a recession, bigger one, bigger recession.
They can't afford that either.
So they're just sitting in pause mode.
For a while.
And they're going to do this for a while.
And so when there's that kind of uncertainty, turbulence in the markets, here's the flight for quality exchange in people's portfolios, in their wallets, in their brokerage accounts, in their IRAs, where they start to say, I need something that's real.
I need something that's tangible.
And this is where we can start to take advantage of that.
I mean, you had shared a video with me Two months ago, Alex, you're totally on top of this, where Larry Fink is saying, gold is real money.
You know, and so... They said, oh great, we service Bitcoin, it's great, but what we really think is about to move is gold.
You're saying no, silver's even better.
Silver's even better because the historical ratio between gold and silver is pointing towards silver, meaning silver is undervalued, it's going to outperform, it's going to grow faster, and if something's equally as safe, gold and silver equally as safe.
But if they're equally as safe and one is doing better, well then we go into silver.
Then we go into the one that's doing better.
So in the last 30 days, silver's up 10%, gold is up 6.3%.
It's like, okay, are either one of those bad returns for a month?
You'd be happy with both of them.
But one of them is 30 to 40% faster growth.
Then the other, that's silver.
So we allocate into silver.
And here's the amazing thing about silver, Alex, which is why I've been promoting it for years as a safe haven investment option for people, is because it's a dual purpose metal.
Gold is a financial metal where it thrives on political chaos and uncertainty and turbulence and inflationary pressures and unsustainable debt.
But that's all that it is.
It's not used really for manufacturing.
Silver acts like gold as a financial metal, but it's also an industrial metal used for all those electronics and aerospace and defense and all of that stuff, right?
So here we have this cool thing happening right now where the supply is low, demand is going up.
And imagine if we had a world where Trump was president and the economy was booming.
The industrial demand for silver would go through the roof, and it does well.
You're saying either way you see it doing well, but I mean regardless, they can't suppress this forever.
They can't.
They've manipulated it for decades.
But those manipulation games are starting to end.
They're starting to be exposed.
And I've talked about this on numerous shows with you and elsewhere, how that manipulation game is ending.
And when you lose, when things come out in the open, When lies are exposed as being lies and truth starts to prevail, the enemy who's using that lie to control you loses that grip, right?
So here's where, it's just like a politician who has all these skeletons in the closet, right?
If the politician were to come out and say, I've done this, I've done this, I've done this, then their opponents can no longer use that.
As a control, wait, to control them.
So you bring it out in the open.
This is what's happening with the manipulation in the silver markets.
And once that's exposed, it's almost like lights out.
Because the demand is so extreme for silver with all the manufacturing need for it, along with the world economic system that's crumbling, an inflationary spiral, a central bank system that we've known since 1944 in Bretton Woods, Well, it made the US dollar, the reserve currency, built-in demand for our currency.
Since then, it's done.
That built-in demand for our currency is done.
So let me stop you there, because I meant to start.
Dr. Kirk, I'm going to bring this up first.
Zero Hedge is a big article.
King Dollar gets cash traded under Bretton Woods 3.
Explain what Bretton Woods 1 and 2 was for listeners that may not know.
So Bretton Woods, so there's numerous, basically, variations of it, right?
I'll just boil it down to the simplest element.
Bretton Woods made the U.S.
dollar the reserve currency of the world, meaning all international settlements between countries is traded in the U.S.
So they got governments together to agree to this at the end of World War II, and they had Bretton Woods II, now Bretton Woods III is here.
So, but here's where it starts to vary away from the U.S.
Because Bretton Woods established the reserve currency for the U.S.
Now that the BRICS nations are taking that and 70% of the world's population trading in their own currencies, not the U.S.
The monetary system as we know it, there's a power shift from the West to the East.
It's going to China.
It's going to the BRICS nations.
That means we no longer can print willy-nilly whenever we need it, whenever we need to raise the debt ceiling, whenever we need to fund a stimulus program, whenever we need to do anything.
We can't just do it anymore because there is no demand for our currency.
For those who don't know, we wonder how the U.S.
can have 5% of the world population, but half the defense budget.
It's because it's World War II, the end of World War II.
We have the reserve currency.
We're losing that now.
And the globalists have done this deliberately, which is crazy.
They used to defend the dollar's hegemony.
Now they're phasing it out, I think, to bring in the new global digital currency, allied with big corporations and what's left of the U.S.
and Europe, to make the world accept it.
But because of China pulling out, it's not going to work.
It's not going to work, but why do they want this, right?
People say, well, why would they kill their system?
Well, because they're in charge of the new system, too.
The same people that controlled the central banking fiat-based money creation are the same ones that are building the digital money version, you know, that's mimicking the paper money.
I mean, you can go back to the U.S.
Trademark and Patent Office and look at the patent that Visa filed four years ago to make a digital currency system where once a paper dollar leaves the system, it's replaced with a digital dollar.
Now, is that going to fix a broken system, Alex?
The answer is no.
It's not going to fix anything.
It's going to actually amplify inflation because it's easier to create inflation with a few keystrokes than it is to print paper dollars.
But what they gain is absolute people control, source of funds, use of funds, what you're spending money on, when, to whom, and for all of that stuff.
See, it's all about control.
Everything that we're seeing in today's world is about control.
And because if you can control what a person spends on, you can control them.
See, you look at everything that's happening politically, economically.
It's all about control.
You look at the sex trafficking that's now starting to be exposed.
You know, that's one of the biggest control things ever.
And you've got all these celebrities that they're being held in check to keep these skeletons in the closet.
Now that they're being exposed, It's like, there's light that's being transferred into this world, and even the smallest of lights can cast out darkness.
That's what I was gonna say is, people...
I see the comments everywhere like, oh, Jones must be controlled because he's successful.
There's good people, folks.
And there's not just evil.
And if we're informed about how things work, we can change the world and build better systems.
There's not just evil in the universe.
In fact, good is the majority.
The problem is, good doesn't try to be in power.
But the good is everywhere.
It is everywhere.
And people who want and seek power should never have it.
Right, the ones that don't want it, they're the ones that should.
And there's always been good people and bad people, and what we're starting to see is this pendulum shifting, and the good is starting to win.
This is why I have a smile on my face, because ultimately the darkness got so dark.
I mean, good grief, Alex.
They're selling children to sex slaves.
They're controlling people's money.
They're killing people just because.
They're destroying people's retirement accounts.
Planned Parenthood is keeping babies alive, the reports are here, and selling them for body harvesting.
I mean, that's disgusting, right?
But here's where the evil has gotten so dark that all it takes is just a little match in a dark room and it can light up the whole room.
It doesn't take that much light to expose a completely dark room.
The darker it gets, the more good shines.
Yes, absolutely!
And that's what I see starting to happening.
And during the darkest times, people start to reach out for faith, right?
They start to look into the Scriptures.
They start to pray out to God, even though they might have never done that before.
And it's, I think, this paradigm-shifting, pendulum-shifting moment In society, where we're shifting, where now the light is going to be greater than the darkness, and good things are going to start happening.
And financially, we just, this is something that doesn't take a very big collective voice to make politicians, you know, ears open up.
You don't have to be that loud.
Financially, it's a still small voice, a singular voice, your own, saying, I'm going to get out of the paper system and go into tangible assets.
I'm going to do something to protect my own finances.
That's one voice.
It's ours, right?
It's your voice.
You speak it, you act on it, and then you can start to see your own financial world start to change.
Now, collectively, We need to make our voice heard, open up these politicians' ears with loud voices that's like, this is enough is enough.
We want our freedoms back, we want our privacy back, we want to regain control of our political freedom, economic freedom, religious freedom, health freedom, all of it.
So let's shift gears out of that because I already saw you decades ago at WorldNetDaily and all your work and I'm so glad you're a sponsor, but when I get you on here we're talking about it.
What are you advising people to do?
I know you have to talk to them personally to see what their issues are and their particular, you know, lay of the land, but what would you do just in general before people call you about what you're doing to prepare for obviously the end of an era, a new system starting?
Yeah, so a couple of things.
Number one, in a rising interest rate world, where debt is going to be the Achilles heel of anybody, start to get out of debt.
You will be a slave to debt in a rising interest rate environment.
So start getting rid of your debt.
Start pulling back, trying to determine what's really important in your life and what's not, and cut out the fat, right?
So be lean and mean.
Get rid of your debt.
B, allocate into something that's growing, general rule of thumb, when something's coming down for fundamental reasons, get out of it, like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, even real estate right now, and go into something that's going up, like tangible assets, gold and silver.
That the globalists are quietly hoarding.
They're quiet or not so quietly affording.
No, you're right. It's all in the financial news. I've got it right here.
Like, you don't want to push gold because I get it.
Silver is a better deal. It's undervalued.
So you could make a lot more money selling gold. I get that.
But gold hit all-time high.
I mean, you said a month, two months ago, it's gonna hit all-time high.
It did. But you're not even pushing gold.
But I mean, that...
Yeah, I'm not pushing gold.
It's not that I dislike gold.
I love it.
But silver is just doing better.
I think thirdly, we have to take control of our health and our bodies, right?
Because they're going to be pushing vaccines down us.
They're going to be doing all this stuff.
And you've been doing this for so long with the natural things that you are selling to actually increase our health, regain our health freedoms.
That's incredible.
And then lastly, you have to be part of a community of like-minded people that share the same faith, the same worldview, the same ideology, because these are the kind of dark times... Oh, in the future it's all about gangs.
Like Haiti or anywhere, they have their evil gangs.
We've got to create community, but that's really a gang.
I mean, we need community, which means, folks, it means a gang.
Christians and Padres have got to get a gang.
We've got to get a posse right now.
Yeah, and so everything that we're talking about, finances, get out of debt, get healthy, which you have products for that, community, everybody watching this program has similar worldview, right?
And so find people of like mind and start Hanging out!
Because when collapse happens, it's all about human power.
You can talk about gold or silver or Bitcoin or food or farms.
If you don't have people to defend it, and people that are on a team, you have nothing.
So, we call it a team.
The globalists call it a gang.
They've got their gangs.
We've got to establish teams.
Well, and I would, yes, we have to establish that.
And with that, I think food, food, Alex, is becoming a big thing because with all the illegal immigrants coming up from the South, you know, in the past, you know, you go to Mexico, you come across the border, it's like, they check your bags, do you have any fruit or anything like that?
Because they don't want any bugs or parasites.
All that's coming across, right?
It's like, so there's now threatened the food supply.
You've got cattle in North Texas That's no joke.
One fruit with a certain fly eggs in it could kill all our crops.
I mean, that's a big deal.
All of it.
I mean, they're slaughtering cows in North Texas because of tuberculosis, because they're hiring the illegal immigrants that actually have TB, and it's transferring to the cows.
Literally, this policy that we have at the border is not just impacting our safety.
Yeah, people don't know.
It took a hundred years.
It took a hundred years to get disease under control.
And now it's all back.
Yes, it's all back.
So I know you asked a short little question, I had a long answer, but there's those things that we can do.
Financially invest in gold and silver, food, take care of your health, get out of debt, and make sure that you have safe food and a community of like-minded people.
All of that stuff, but all of this is encompassed under the big umbrella Make sure that you're right with God, right?
Make sure that your faith is what guides you, and don't operate out of fear, but operate out of confidence and boldness and wisdom and discernment that God gives each and every one of us.
It's like, that's my answer.
Well, Dr. Kirk Kelly, you're right.
You know, the Bible tells us we don't have a spirit of weakness, but a spirit of victory and overcoming.
We've been right.
So we're not arrogant about it, but this show, our guests, we've really been right.
Everybody knows it now.
So let's be leaders of our community.
People are ready for us to lead them.
We don't want to lead them from a position of wanting to be leaders.
We've got to lead now by example.
We've got to speak out.
People are ready now.
They're ready.
Times of crisis always cause people to look for truth.
Right, and we are in a time of crisis politically, economically, socially.
But here's what I think about all of that, Alex.
I think we're all spiritual beings living in a spiritual world and everything that we're seeing is a physical manifestation of a spiritual battle that's taking place.
And we know how to win spiritual awards.
You get on your knees and you pray, right?
And so everything that we're seeing, though, God will give you wisdom.
He will give you boldness.
He will give you courage.
You responded to that call decades ago when you started doing this show and spreading truth.
It wasn't an easy path.
You're attacked all the time.
But yet when you're called to do it, you just do it.
And this is where all of us are called to be what we're called to be givers.
And it's been amazing, it's been amazing doing it.
So in closing, people can go to KEPM.com forward slash goal.
They can call you, they can help you.
Gold and Silver Bullion.
Literally the best prices you're going to find.
Great service.
KEPM.com forward slash goal.
Or call 720-605-3900.
People call them, they're great folks.
And will having Gold and Silver save you?
It's just one more thing that's critical in the overall system You bet.
My pleasure.
Kirk Elliott, thank you so much.
Kempm.com/gold or 720-605-3900.
Doc, thank you so much.
You bet, my pleasure, we'll talk soon.
All right, folks.
Jason Burmess always knocks it out of the park.
And he's set to take over the next hour.
Then Owen Schroer, 3 to 6 p.m.
And then at 6 p.m., we got Jack Posobiec, we got Adrian Dittman, who they think's Elon Musk.
We've got everybody else.
We've got a huge lineup.
6 p.m.
tonight, InfoWars.com, Ford's last show, and real Alex Jones.
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Hey everybody, Jason Burmess here for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
And the last time that I did this, about a couple weeks ago, we were talking Ray Kurzweil, transhumanism, and one of the large aspects that I left out about Kurzweil and transhumanism in general is the transgender link to both.
And really, the separation of your biological reality from yourself, not only through the transgender movement, but also pushing virtual personas, the metaverse, and other technologies.
And Kurzweil was really one of the first to blend this.
Now, last time I was on, I showed A clip of Martine Rothblatt, but we're gonna get going right off the bat with Ray Kurzweil and his female virtual persona, Ramona.
Who is Ramona?
Well, this is a project that started a number of years ago.
She's a She's my female alter ego, and we'll have virtual bodies in these virtual reality environments, particularly when it's through the nervous system.
When we have nanobots in our brains that can shut down the signals coming from our real senses, replace them with the signals that your brain would be receiving if you were in the virtual environment, then it'll feel like you're in that virtual environment.
So let's stop it right there, okay?
Now, Ramona is his female virtual persona.
You're gonna meet Ramona in a moment.
But you notice how he's also talking about the level of virtual reality and transhumanism where you don't have a choice, where it's not just a product.
When we have nanobots, Your body doesn't have to be the same body that you have in real reality.
A couple could become each other, for example.
or what I would call our humanity, that's the goal.
And then what?
Subvert that for some kind of virtual wonder-verse where I identify as a woman?
Thanks, Ray.
Your body doesn't have to be the same body that you have in real reality.
A couple could become each other, for example.
And so I wanted to demonstrate how you could do that.
Virtual reality, you can be who you want to be and you can be where you want to be and with whom you want to be.
In virtual reality, you can be someone else.
You don't have to be the same boring person all the time.
I mean, you all have these personalities inside you that don't quite fit with your bodies in real reality.
So basically most people just like kill them all off.
Some people don't actually keep any of their personalities, which reminds me of some of my old boyfriends, but that's another story.
Ray, please tell us about some of your old boyfriends as you encourage those to break from reality and these separate imagination land personas and instead Okay, pursue your metaverse, your mind file, if you will.
When we come back, I'm going to play a clip of Kurzweil.
Now, that's all the way back in 2006.
Obviously, the technology is way, way farther.
But in 1999, when he wrote The Age of Spiritual Machines, okay, and really became what I would call the godfather of the modern-day transhumanist movement, he admits That we won't necessarily create entities that are in fact conscious, but instead, these entities will be so persuasive, they convince us that they are conscious.
And then we start getting into legal realms and rights, and then what happens?
We not only merge with these things, but we also build, it's not just, okay, a transhuman future, it is literally a post Human future that they would like to bring in folks.
That's the reality.
Why in the world?
Would you permit this?
Look, I'm all about technology empowering humanity, but certainly not enslaving it.
We're going to go further with not only Kurzweil, but this Transgender to Transhuman link.
I am Jason Bermas.
You can check me out.
I got all sorts of shows right now.
Patriot.T, Making Sense of the Madness, TNT Radio, The Jason Bermas Show.
But first, go to InfoWarsStore.com and support the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back with more after this.
And we are back.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess.
We're talking transhumanism and Ray Kurzweil.
So what we're going to do is we are going to jump into this clip of Ray talking about this consciousness that we're going to create.
But not really consciousness, really a consciousness off of, how should I say this, a virtual Mindfile!
That's how they put it.
So let's hit that clip.
They are the most subtle, complex, deep and rich phenomena that goes on in the human brain.
These new entities will evidence that same kind of rich behavior.
We will meet machines in the next century.
And what I mean by machines is a non-biological entity, an entity that's not a carbon cell based entity, that's not based on DNA guided protein synthesis.
But that is, nonetheless, based on the principles of the methods of the human brain.
And they will claim to be conscious.
They'll claim to have emotional experiences.
They'll claim to have spiritual experiences, hence the title of my book.
And unlike entities today, because you can meet virtual personalities in your kids' computer games, These 21st century entities will be very compelling.
They'll be very convincing when they evidence these things.
And in fact, they'll be very intelligent, so they will succeed in convincing us that they are conscious, that they have emotional experiences, and that they have spiritual experiences.
And we'll settle it the way we always settle these issues, which is politically.
And most people will be convinced because these entities are going to be very convincing.
Most people will fall for the False replication of how great we are.
Alright, now, Ray's being a lot more honest here than he currently is because now he blurs the line and says essentially there's no difference whether they're conscious or not.
Well, it makes a difference to me.
Alright, let's play this one out.
They'll get mad if we don't agree with them.
Oh, they'll get mad if we don't!
Are we summoning the demon, Ray?
We will come to believe that they are conscious.
But that's a little bit different than the philosophical statement that they are conscious.
I mean, a lot of people, in write-ups on my book, have said, well, Ray Kurzweil's predicting conscious machines.
Our prediction's a little bit different.
We're going to have machines that claim to be conscious, and they're going to be very convincing, and we're going to believe them.
That's a little bit different than absolutely saying that they are conscious.
That is!
It's not a little bit different.
It's a whole lot of different because it shows, again, it's a fabrication.
It's not real, okay?
It's falling for a type of deception.
Now, I want to bring this into the transgender aspect of this.
Now, one of the acolytes, the main acolytes, of Kurzweil and this idea is a person that later wrote a book called Virtually Human with a foreword by Kurzweil and that is also the author of this book right here from Transgender, let's get me out of the way, to Transhuman.
Alright, and this is the opener.
I want people to understand this.
Billions of sexes just like Ray Kurzweil was telling you about all these suppressed personalities.
There are two sexes, male and female, right?
In fact, there are a continuum of sex types, ranging from the very male to very female, with countless variations in between.
This startling new notion is just now beginning to emerge from feminist thinking, scientific research, and a grassroots movement called Transgenderism.
Nothing grassroots about it.
All about, again, separating you from your biological reality and, in essence, your reality to push this crap.
Okay, but listen to this.
In the future, labeling people at birth as male or female will be considered just as unfair as South Africa's now abolished practices of stamping black or white on people's IDs cards.
They're saying if you acknowledge biological reality in this push, you are for apartheid.
Meanwhile, they are really, as I'll show later, highlighting two different types of transhumanism.
One, they want to trick us into merging with machines, being a serf and slave class that's basically eradicated that can upload their consciousness, really euthanize yourself for, again, a digital falsehood of yourself.
Meanwhile, they want to experiment on the rest of us, and they want to live forever.
And this is a bridge to that.
Okay, so I mentioned the other books.
Virtually Human, that's the one with Kurzweil in the beginning.
Then you have Unzipped Jeans, which when I started doing lectures on this and videos, someone actually sent me a copy.
It's much more than a cover.
And some of these you can get in PDF format just like the From Transgender to Transhuman.
Read it for yourself!
I'm not saying these things!
Powerful billionaires like Martine Rothblatt, who used to be Martin Rothblatt, are saying these things.
The founder of SiriusXM, the founder of what's that in the middle?
Their own religion, by the way, that's Martine in the middle, stayed married to his wife, that's his biological or her biological or Martine's biological daughter, whatever you want to slice it.
Through this religion, Terrasim, we have Bina48, which is a robotic version of that spouse.
Now, we're going to take this further into modern day transhumanism that just had a breakthrough this week.
Another one of these companies, That Martine Rothblatt has it, and believe me, Rothblatt is very much funding the transgender movement, many of the gender bills, 1000%.
But also has United Therapeutics, which is what?
I actually asked Vivek Ramaswamy about this question.
He seemed not to know who Martine Rothblatt was when I was trying to make that association.
I sure hope he looks into it, because let's take a look at this really quickly.
Oh, that's a different one we're going to get to.
Don't worry.
But we've got the first.
Where is it?
Oh, come on.
See, now I'm mad because I had this up here.
Is this it right here?
No, that's not it.
You know what?
Let's do it live.
I thought I had it up there.
Not only did they have FDA approval of that xenotransplantation, first pig kidney in human, and now we're going to start to get the real trials.
Let's see, there it is right here, eight days ago.
CNN, Pig Kidney Transplant in a Living Person for the First Time, Xeno Transplantation, and of course, United Therapeutics.
I mean, should we play the clip?
Do we have to play the clip?
I think we're going to move on.
I think people get the gist of that one.
Okay, but we got a lot more that is important to go over in this transgender to transhuman movement, okay?
So, bringing this back up, we're going to get into Rothblatt, I'm probably going to cut this clip pretty quickly, but we're going to present right here the jokes about transgenderism.
And again, Rothblatt just wins the Billie Jean King Award.
This is a conference literally called Transformers.
It involves NASA and we're going to get to NASA in a bit, hopefully.
This is only a one hour program and I try to fit as much in as possible.
Now, This is also about tech censorship.
It's like a two-parter.
You can go watch on C-SPAN.
It's the wildest thing ever.
I believe it's Reddit and Twitch.
They start talking about narratives and misinformation, disinformation.
This is all in 2016.
But let's hear from Marty and Rothblatt themselves from the kickoff.
...is also the recipient of this year's Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative Award, which is devoted to LBGT issues, and puts her in an interesting issue because she has a company, or part of the company is based in North Carolina, which, as you know right now, she might get arrested for going to the bathroom.
If the governor had anything to do about it.
Ladies and gentlemen, Martine Rothblatt.
Martine, one of the basic concepts that you're interested in, it's not just improving life, but it's actually immortality.
That we're all going to live forever.
And Martine, I might mention, has founded a religion, as one does, known as terrorism.
It's based on transhumanism.
And you have the idea.
That we're not just going to live a long time, but we're all going to live forever.
Tell us your concept of immortality and how that actually would work.
Thanks, Nealey.
It's a great pleasure to be here.
The idea is one that has been percolating up from lots of people in the information technology industry for a while.
Perhaps Ray Kurzweil, who is a prolific inventor, is best known for the idea.
That as our abilities in the information processing industry, computer software, storage of more and more of our thoughts and our ideas outside of our body becomes easier, more automatic, less expensive.
That ultimately we're going to have sort of digital doppelgangers of ourselves that are stored in the cloud and are able to present themselves to any manner of devices.
And that as thousands and thousands of software coders and hackers and people in the maker movement Work to make the software that runs these digital doppelgangers ever more lifelike, ever more human-like.
There'll come sort of a tipping point when people begin to claim that these digital doppelgangers have achieved what we call consciousness, an ability to have a sense of themselves, hopes, fears and feelings.
And at that point, I think the activity will move to the legal arena as to whether or not these digital doppelgangers really are conscious, really do have an independent legal identity.
And kind of the trend of progressive thinking is once there's a scientific consensus, And in this case it would be the science of psychology, that being the science of the mind, that these digital doppelgangers are in fact cyber-conscious.
Then they'll begin to acquire the sorts of rights and protections that we assign to even our pets.
It'll go farther than that.
And think about it.
Scientific consensus.
We're all trusting the science nowadays, especially In the psychological realms, okay?
So now I want to show you somebody else who presents at this conference who's already gone through some of this transhumanist surgery.
He's this weird, like, kooky art guy, and he openly talks about the connection of how the transgenderism and its surgeries were very underground back in the day, but now they're mainstream.
Well, he's transspecies.
Again, transgender into transhuman.
Here is Neil Harbisson.
...have but that humans don't have.
So we are in a stage in history that we can actually design what species we want to be.
I consider myself a trans species because I'm adding senses and organs that other species have.
And you can add many, many more senses that other species have and organs that other species have.
And we'll start seeing this in the 20s because it's now growing.
It's happening underground.
There's already many surgeons that are willing to do the surgery anonymously
in the same way that in the 50s and 60s transgender operations were being done a bit
underground. Now cyborg surgeries are being done a bit underground but in the end bioethical committees will
also accept that cyborg surgeries should be allowed for everyone that wants to extend the
perception of reality at least to the level of other species. Species yeah it's all about the
level of other species. Now I want to show the UN movement in this because United
Nations, globalism, they want to push us Okay, gender and health.
All these regulations going on during the COVID 1984 nightmare.
Re-examining all of this and literally trying to take global governance.
Over the state of the family.
It's bad enough what they're doing in schools to try to separate parents and again sometimes drug kids or put them on the path to irreversible surgery and really the drugging's pretty irreversible too.
And take them from the parents.
It's people like the ones that we're watching that have enabled that with the help of the United Nations.
Oh, sorry.
We got this.
Let's uh, didn't mean to do it like that.
Should have just done this.
Not used to that format.
Again, the UN has Full things!
It never ends!
Never ends!
Okay, so I want to jump through a couple of these here, and I want to get to the kush-kush, Jared Kushner.
Now, look, I watched the UFC.
I saw Kushner on the cage with the Donny T. the other day.
I want to believe he's not totally evil, but at the same time, transhumanism really is two different things.
Okay, and on one hand, like I said, they want to enslave most of humanity with it, and at the same time get us to euthanize ourselves for these digital doppelgangers that will be conscious, right?
Really a replica, an inversion of what we really are.
Strip us of our humanity.
Make us into an algorithm.
But then, a lot of these people would like to biologically live forever.
And here's Kushner talking about that possibility.
Not only that possibility, but he believes it will be in his generation or my generation, if you will.
Brendan, and then finally, I think that from, you know, the last year, the one thing I've tried to
put a priority on since I left the White House was, you know, getting some exercise in. I think
that there's a good probability that my generation is hopefully with the advances in science, either,
you know, the first generation to live forever or the last generation that's going to die. And so
we need to keep ourselves in pretty good shape, Brendan. So again, this is a prevailing trend
amongst, you can call them the elite, I like to call them a predator class, in Silicon Valley.
I just interviewed the authors of GigaTrends and we had a large discussion about this.
When I talk about globalism, World Economic Forum, the UN, they're also defining and building the metaverse.
Again, this is all about you handing over your humanity to them in all respects, all regards.
And just like when you really lean into this transgenderism, you go against your biological reality and you pursue something very different.
That's what the metaverse is.
And it wants governance over you.
It wants to create economic and societal values over you.
All right?
These are the next steps of all these social credit scores and 15-minute cities.
But all of this is rapidly moving forward together.
I often go to this document and we're actually going to shift gears a little bit after this from not just transhumanism but what's going on in big tech surveillance and on that road and really through traditional means of warfare that are becoming more and more tech-based.
This is for future strategic issues and future warfare circa 2025 by Dennis Bushnell, the chief scientist of NASA.
He was that up until this past summer when he resigned.
The day he resigned, Or left, retired, etc.
He actually did a podcast.
I would encourage people to listen to that.
This document is actually pre-911.
And as you can see, National Reconnaissance Office, DARPA, CIA, National Research Council, Air Force, Office of Naval Intelligence, FBI.
This is a presentation with no pixie dust.
In other words, all this is existing.
And what does it do?
It lays out It lays out the next 25 years.
We're almost, I mean, guys, we're about eight months from just about everything in this being kind of an acknowledged reality at some level, right?
Remember when you talked about directed evolution?
Let me get out of the way.
Via that Veritas video, yeah, they've been talking about directed evolution, cross-species molecular breeding, okay?
For a long time, genomic design and repair of humans.
And again, you look at when they predicted the bio-nano era for humanity, it was in 2020.
And for the first time in 2020, billions of people were injected with hate and lies, aka the bio-nanotech, much of which was printed up by the CureVac-Tesla-Muskernuts partnership, by the way.
And they got that right.
Now, they don't know how long until we get to this virtual world I'm talking about.
Where a bunch of us literally euthanize ourselves on the way here.
But brain chips is a huge part of that.
And again, if you think Elon's the first at brain chips, here's Bushnell himself in 2018 admitting they've already put 200,000 brain chips in human beings.
Humans are now becoming cyborgs.
We have cochlear implants to hear, artificial retinas to say, Artificial hearts to live, artificial limbs to move, artificial organs to function, and brain shifts.
There's a couple hundred thousand people wandering around with brain shifts now.
It affects congenitally defective brains and increasingly it affects memory and other things.
DARPA's working on brain shifts for super soldiers.
And people are now working, thanks to Musk and other people, funding on direct machine brain communications.
It's not us versus them, us versus the machines.
We're merging.
And this is the human evolution of the humans.
There is no more natural evolution of anything.
People are convinced that the human evolution of everything is 10 million times faster than any natural evolution.
And so this is just part of the human evolution of it all.
Now think about that.
Think about how arrogant that is.
He's saying that regular biological natural, in other words, nature, okay, that's over.
We've taken charge.
And did you get the memo?
Did you take charge?
Or is it some black program?
And believe me, later on we're going to get into some of those black programs and it's admission that he is actually part of them, but First, I want to show you, these people do not hide what they are and where we're going.
At the end of the day, what do we talk about?
Non-biological life.
Non-carbon-based life.
That's what Kurzweil talks about.
And here we go!
My man talking about the future of humanity, not so much.
But what?
Best level?
human contaminated machines.
This all ends up with uploading into the machines and instead of us versus them, humans versus the machines,
we become them, or they become us, and we wind up with human contaminated machines.
Human contaminated machines.
Now again...
We talk about this upload process.
It is a false process.
And that's why they want you on psychotropic drugs.
That's why they want you to buy into these identity politics that don't just allow you to identify as a man or a woman or non-binary, literally zeros and ones, but whatever you like.
We're on the cat people already with the Therians, right?
That's out there.
And I've said it for years.
It's kind of a tongue-in-cheek joke.
But look, it's coming next.
You are going to be a leprechaun riding a unicorn over a rainbow into a pool of gold and magic.
It'll be the best thing ever, especially if you decide not only to hook into the metaverse via the virtual reality equipment, but you hardline in there through Neuralink and other technology.
That's where they are trying to take us.
When we come back...
We are going to talk about spy satellite networks.
Really, one of the infrastructures of this metaverse and of this transhumanist movement is total and complete surveillance, not only via the Internet of Things, which we already have, But a virtual skin, if you will, around the planet that also hooks into our biology via the Internet of Bodies.
I know it sounds like science fiction, but unfortunately, factually, we are way down the line on this one.
I am Jason Bermas.
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And we are back.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess.
And really, the next segment is really going to illustrate Why InfoWars.com is so damn important in the misinformation, disinformation, slash post-truth world.
Because Alex and I have a different perspective on Elon Musk.
Yet when I come on here, I am never told what I can and cannot talk about.
Not once I get the buzz, can you do it?
Yes, I can.
I'm off to the races.
And that's why we're going to talk about this.
Okay, this was reported on a little under two weeks ago now, and essentially Musk's SpaceX, which was always a military-industrial-complex company and always about weaponizing space and not taking us to the moon or Mars!
I mean, that is imagination land, friends!
That is hollyweird garbage!
You might as well be on board with Matt Damon!
No, they're building the spy satellite networks for U.S.
Now you think to yourself right now, why in the world, if he's such a renegade and a problem, would they allow him to do this?
Well, I also want to point out that this guy is the numero uno Military-industrial-complex contractor overtook Boeing.
Okay, that's with Tesla.
That's not even with SpaceX, which are separate companies.
And as I stated before in the previous segment, Tesla teamed up with CureVac, made the micro-nRNA factories, and printed up the majority of the shots.
And at the same time, his wealth rose bigger than Gates, bigger than Buffett.
Bigger than Zuckerberg.
Bigger than Brin during that time period.
Do you see a pattern?
But I want to hone right in on the Spy Satellite Network because I don't know how your free speech and you've made a communication system that may be able to tap into not only every traditional communication we have, but as I've illustrated in other videos and go check it out yourself because I don't have this one queued up.
But through artificial intelligence and the invisible wavelengths that surround us via Wi-Fi and others all the time, just with access to that information, they can pinpoint and surveil you inside.
Through the magic invisible waves and decoders.
That's just one of the threats.
All right?
But as I've stated before, this is actually a pretty damn long-term partnership.
So let's look at it.
This is DARPA's official page, and as you can see, the Blackjack program successfully deploys two Mandrake satellites.
All right, check that out.
Now, we've been doing more Blackjack stuff into 2023.
They've said they've scaled the project back, all right, this summer.
But this was always a Musk project.
And remember, Starlink's highest concentration, because that's the commercial version of this, is in Ukraine.
Okay, that's where they have over 12,000 dishes.
And it's not just for communications, it hooks into the next level warfare.
Okay, it hooks into the ghost and sidewinder drones.
That is a fact, Jack.
Now, I want to talk about these type of moving spy satellite systems right now.
Again, our friend Mr. Bushnell gets asked about them.
This is back in 2018.
Remember, Kash Patel, before Trump was even in office, was on Gutfeld talking about Musk, talking about Starlink, talking about the fact he's the largest military industrial complex contractor out there.
But here we go again.
Here, Dennis Bushnell is asked about these different types of satellites as weapons systems.
Let's do it.
The second one is the Russians apparently have satellites up there.
They're moving in strange ways.
And they may not be normal satellites.
Maybe they're doing something different.
So what's that all about?
You notice the smile?
The smirk?
No comment.
It's all funny.
Killer satellites?
Are they?
Okay, all right.
Sorry, Ty.
You know, what he didn't tell you is I'm the NASA rep to the National Intelligence Council, and so I gotta be a little careful.
Oh, he's a national rep to the U.S.
Intelligence Council.
NASA is ultra-militarized, okay?
So now we're gonna take it to Musk and these systems.
Now, in the beginning, of this whole Putin-Russia-Ukraine thing.
Remember, Musk was calling out Vladimir Putin for a single combat, right?
And then the space agency chief from Russia, that again, when you look at space, it hasn't just been militarized by us, it's Russia, it's China, it's really the people that you have a partnership with on the ISS to some level.
All right?
Remember when we were talking about space nukes was a new thing, like two or three months ago, the State Department put out space nukes.
We know there's space nukes.
This guy was like, yeah, no, you lose in 30 minutes.
We've got the space nukes.
And this is the back and forth that he's having with these people there.
But at the same time, what?
Yes, Ukraine changed the game with Starlink.
That's what this is.
It is a weapon system of the highest order.
We, we, we have to acknowledge that.
And like I said before, the vast majority of this is not new.
You can bring up Reagan right here and cover a Time Magazine in 83.
Guys, it's 41 flip diddly ippin years ago.
41 years ago.
And on top of that, okay.
You look at this, SpaceX signs deal to rocket military cargo around the world.
So again, SpaceX isn't just delivering those systems, they're delivering actual military cargo on top of the Starlink, of the satellite systems.
That's what they do.
I mean, Tesla also has the tiny homes, the Optimus robots.
And when you get down to it, Basically, these people are about code words and your standard of living plummeting, all right?
And Bushnell's going to tell you right now in this clip, we're going to bring that one up next, about these code words that they use.
And I mean, they're pretty unapologetic about it.
They're telling you that sustainability, which is the new mantra, is about you as a human being, your standard of living plummeting.
Really on the way to population control that nobody signed off on, okay, and a Malthusian view of the world.
But again, don't take my word for it.
Let's go to the chief scientist in NASA all the way back in 2011 predicting the sustainability craze.
Plus the ongoing bio-revolutions, genomics, and synthetic biology that proffers the very real possibility of designing life-forms, including humanoids, capable of thriving in whatever best we make of the planet.
In terms of employment, just as an example, we are in a jobless economic recovery.
There's about 7 million jobs missing.
Some of them are globalized and offshore.
The rest of them are gone.
The code word is productivity improvement, which is a code word for ever better automation and robotization.
So, I got my code words wrong.
There's another segment with sustainability, but you notice productivity improvement.
What is it telling you?
It's telling you what?
Automation and robotization.
All right, and a lot of that has to do not only with Tesla, but every one of these tech companies are all getting you ready for it.
And the UBI is behind that as well.
Productivity improvement is the code word.
The machines are taking the jobs, and the humans increasingly can't compete.
We're also becoming cyborgs, okay?
We have copy implants, artificial retinas, artificial hearts, direct brain prosthetic, web communications, brain chips.
We put brain chips into about 10,000 people.
It affects congenitally defective brains.
Doctors working on brain chips are super soldiers.
15, 20 years out, if you don't have the latest chip in, you can't compete particularly with the machines.
So, right there, this is the 2010.
10,000 jumps to 200,000 from, you know, that seven-year period.
I mean, and everybody thinks it's funny, but it's the real deal.
Let him finish.
So, we are merging with the machines.
We are merging with the machines.
Again, I want to stay human.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show coming up.
I am Jason Bermas.
Check out the documentary films.
Check me out over at Patreon.tv and TNTRadio.live and please go to InfoWarsStore.com right now.
Get the supplements.
Get the books, support Alex Jones, support independent media, support free speech because folks, if we don't do it now, it's not going to be here around the corner and InfoWars has truly been at the tip of the spear back after this.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show, I am Jason Bermas.
In this fourth hour, we've covered a lot.
We've covered from transhumanism into transgenderism, and we've also related that to this Malthusian sustainability idea.
Now, I did find the proper clip.
Remember, there's a lot of code words out there, but here it is.
This is Dennis Bushnell.
Again, remember at the beginning of the last clip, he talked about genetically modifying our species to adapt to whatever we make on the planet.
However, in this one he tells you about sustainability and it being a code word for population control.
Okay, you understand?
Population control, we don't decide on, we don't vote in, we don't necessarily know how it's implemented.
So let's hit the clip.
The code word is sustainability.
The crashing of the ecosystem is due to population growth and the way we're now living, our standard of living.
The estimates vary between 30 and 50 percent of a planet that we're currently short to sustain the standard of living and the current population, much less the population growth.
As the Asians and their billions come up as they are at 9 to 11 percent growth rate to Western standards of living, we're going to be short three more planets.
And they're not readily available.
This will result in peak everything.
This will result in standards of living plunging.
So this is Malthus 101.
These innate ecosystem restrictions and shortfalls Possible?
shift world econometrics from a growth mantra to one of sustainability with possible population
control instigated along the way that changes everything?
Possible population control instigated along the way that changes everything and the people
are laughing and guffawing.
They're telling you, in 2011, your standard of living is going to plummet as China and their billions come up, which they have.
And they may instigate population control along the way that changes everything.
Wait, fertility rates at an all-time global low?
No, no, no.
These are good people.
They love us.
So, I want to move into more of this, again, as he talks about a move towards human contaminated machines.
Talk about anti-human all the way.
Sorry, I am Team Humanity.
I do believe in us as a species.
I'd like this technology to empower us, not enslave us.
Or engulf us so much that people really believe they should euthanize themselves for their digital twin or their cyber consciousness.
However, along that way, they gotta take us places.
Now, These are four slides that I created from a World Economic Forum presentation.
I think it's 2019-2018.
We're going to play the intro of that in a moment.
All right, but I want people to take a really good look here.
They talk about that collective swarm intelligence and that's why they want to hardline this.
Now at the same time, The deep brain stimulation that they're talking about is through devices.
See that device that is drawn around the neck to harness waves?
Then underneath me, let me get out of the way here, this is technology that's been used for a very long time and not just militarily, but the military applications that we know about.
If somebody would say wearing one of those headsets, okay, That right there, they control drone swarms.
So it's a type of swarm intelligence.
Smaller drone swarms.
Now you can use that technology, and I'd like people to realize this, that we already have non-invasive brain-computer interfaces.
Right there.
They don't want to sell you on that or those type of devices.
They want you hard-lined in.
And on the road to that, they want to give you the smart trucks.
Now, Abilify, which we've covered on this program, which is your antidepressant for when your antidepressants don't work.
Okay, you take more of them.
That is now a smart drug.
All right?
And they literally have BioNanotech in there to ensure you take it.
We need compliance!
This should frighten just about everybody out there.
But it should also frighten you.
That there is a certain sect of predator class minions that are enthusiastically, enthusiastically trying to push us in that direction.
We're going to start the when humans become cyborg session.
You know, I always want to be a cyborg.
I'm waiting for the day to become one.
I can't wait.
Can't wait for the day that she becomes a cyborg.
Now, here's some of that collective swarm intelligence I was telling you about.
I won't be able to say much about this today, but this is a project that I'm really excited about.
It's a partnership that we're developing with Airbus to think about collective swarm intelligence.
And this is about flying brains, so trying to bioengineer the brain capabilities, for example, of insects.
You know, why don't they smack into each other when they fly?
How do they know which direction to take?
And the interesting ethical, so I'm an ethicist, I should say, and long ago trained in neuroscience, but one of the interesting things about this technology is that it's an emergent intelligence.
So it arguably is not a fully autonomous intelligent system.
So if you think about this technology one day being a million tiny insect-type drones that we release for surveillance, you know, whether it's military surveillance or crop surveillance, what have you.
Whether it's military or crop surveillance.
Again, food supply and of course the military aspects.
But there's one more aspect.
There is that true spiritual aspect that many people, in my opinion, have not truly understood.
And right now, AGI's are coming into fruition.
It's not just deepfakes, but it is beyond what these chatbots are into maybe a nightmare style per scenario.
And remember, the first person to really introduce us to this idea was the quote-unquote Google whistleblower, essentially saying that the AGI he was working with was already conscious.
Now, again, I don't think these things are ever going to be conscious.
I think they, although maybe a reflection of us and who they are programmed by, it is a trick.
So when we talk about the spirituality of this thing, I think that we should also realize that that whistleblower, maybe not the best or benevolent of intentions, he's also into Crowley magic.
Can't make this stuff up, so we're going to hit the clip.
While in prison, I had plenty of time for spiritual reflection and studies.
I actually got more deeply into formal mysticism.
A good friend of mine to this day, who I met in prison, is a Thelemite.
And he introduced me to the works of Crowley and Kabbalism and then added a little bit more structure and formality to the kind of more chaos magic style stuff that I've been doing up until that point.
While in prison... Oh!
A little more form to the chaos magic!
These are the people that are working on artificial intelligence.
People that dabble and practice in the occult.
People that think they can biologically live forever, which is a quest that many a person throughout the history of humanity has seeken.
All right?
They have sought that out.
Whether it be the Tree of Life or the Fountain of Youth, this is the generation that it is believed that a certain class of people are going to achieve that and on the backs of the rest of us.
Well, again, they take charge of evolution in their own words.
Well, that's not what I want to do.
I want humanity to flourish together.
I don't believe that we don't have enough resources.
I don't believe that we're overpopulated.
I believe that technology has been hidden from us occult style, okay, restricted from the general populace
because if it was unleashed on us, it would empower all of us. And this slavery we're under
from a predator class that took over long ago and has continued to consolidate power would ultimately
end. Folks, I am Jason Burmess.
This has been the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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