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Name: 20240321_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 21, 2024
3169 lines.

Alex Jones discusses a range of conspiracy theories, including deep state involvement, COVID-19 vaccine side effects, geoengineering, depopulation agendas, space colonization, the Ukrainian invasion, Hunter Biden's business dealings, and Team Humanity. He also promotes various products available at InfowarStore.com, DrJonesNaturals.com, and Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula on InfoWars' online store. Jones emphasizes the importance of being informed about current events, having gold or silver as a hedge against inflation in an uncertain economic climate, and building alternative systems to challenge the New World Order. He also discusses recent bank failures, potential CBDC implementation, and the loss of financial privacy with economist Dr. Kirk Elliott.

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It's Thursday, March 21st, 2024.
It's Thursday, March 21st, 2024.
We've got one hell of a transmission coming up live.
Tomorrow's News.
When castles towered over vast landscapes and knights championed honor and valor, there came an unforeseen darkness.
Amidst this impending doom stood a knight called Alex Jones, a brave and outspoken herald known as the Truth Sayer.
Sir Alex Jones was not alone.
In his most desperate hour in the battle against evil, A radiant light descended from the heavens.
God, in all his glory and his legion of angels, stood by Alex's side.
The battle raged on, but with every blow, Alex Jones' conviction grew stronger.
With every truth he proclaimed, the demonic forces faltered.
When the enemy was vanquished, Alex Jones swore a solemn oath that should the realm need him again, he would return.
And now it's Alex Jones.
Leading a full frontal assault on the satanic New World Order.
Tune in at InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
Braids Center.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
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It's got a look behind the curtain of Washington.
Operation Mockingbird, the CIA's plan to bait journalists with hoaxes disguised as scoops, got exposed.
Do you have any people being paid by the CIA?
Who are contributing to a major circulation American journal.
We do have people who submit pieces to American journals.
Langley was laundering narratives to the press and into the public's veins.
The most trusted names in news were working wittingly or unwittingly as deep state conduits of disinformation.
At least 22 American news organizations, from the New York Times to Life Magazine to CBS, had journalists on the CIA payroll.
We had been contacted by the CIA.
As a matter of fact, by the time I became the head of the whole news and public affairs operation in 1954, ships had been established and I was told about them and asked if I'd carry on with them.
And the cover-up continues.
Although the lies are more blatant now.
There is no deep state.
There's no deep state.
There's no great spy network who takes down presidents here.
There is no deep state, and we need to stop talking about it.
The deep state doesn't exist, okay?
Spoiler alert, there is no deep state.
But today, my staff opened the New York Times and saw this.
It turns out the deep state is actually kind of awesome.
Not only does the deep state exist, but the deep state is filled with people just like you and me.
To prove it, the New York Times took a road trip.
First stop, they visited a Star Trek lover.
First stop, Huntsville, Alabama.
Sure looks like some nefarious government activity happens around here.
Meet Scott Bellamy.
I am a mission manager in the Planetary Missions Program Office.
He drives a Nissan Titan 4x4.
He's loved Star Trek since he was a kid.
Of course I have a favorite character.
It's either Captain Kirk or Mr. Spock.
And he may have quite literally saved the planet from annihilation.
They knocked an asteroid off its course.
Proving something that had previously only been done in movies.
Saving the world from an Armageddon scenario.
And then the New York Times visited a water administrator.
Next, we traveled deep into the swamp itself.
Washington, D.C.
I am the Assistant Administrator for Water at the Environmental Protection Agency.
She loves Pilates.
And she led an operation to make our drinking water lead-free in 10 years.
That's the dream.
You want to replace your own water pipes?
You got the skills to launch an asteroid-deflecting spacecraft?
That's why your tax dollars pay experts like Radhika and Scott.
Yep, the Deep State is hard at work making America great.
Just because we don't know about it doesn't make it suspicious.
Oh, and then there's the wage official at the Department of... Yeah, so they are branding just normal bureaucrats and scientists as the Deep State.
No, the Deep State are the people spying and censoring us and the people starting World War III.
That's who the Deep State is.
They're the permanent bureaucracy that works for the central banks.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
It's Thursday, March 21st, 2024.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide on this Thursday, March 21st, 2024 transmission.
We are so close to this historic election and the Deep State globalists are now out in the open telling us they're the saviors of America and they're gonna stop Donald Trump.
For our own good, in one way or another, he will be taken out.
I have members of Congress saying that just yesterday.
We're 228 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, 18 seconds from this incredible election.
But regardless of what happens with Trump, we are now aware of the globalist, and it's the beginning of the end of their system.
So the New York Times came out a few days ago, and we covered it, and said it turns out The Deep State is actually kind of awesome.
Then they branded the Deep State as people working at NASA and things like that.
Oh, it's just permanent bureaucracy, lifetime government workers.
It is true that much of the deep state are lifetime bureaucrats, but they are in key
positions, the Justice Department, the CIA, the NSA, and they have a revolving door into
corporations and into think tanks that set policy for the government and give massive
amounts of political contributions.
Most classic deep state is obviously the private run for profit, Federal Reserve.
Then of course, you've got the defense contractors, the military industrial complex and all their
undue influence deciding policy that President Eisenhower warned of in his farewell address
in 1961.
But the deep state we're talking about is the deep state that developed for the Pentagon
six years ago, two years before they released the virus, the very mRNA so-called vaccine
or COVID-19, even called it in the Federal Register COVID-19.
And they're the ones that then told Big Pharma, all four companies, AstraZeneca, J&J, Pfizer and Moderna, that was created just for the rollout of the shot.
That they wanted these specific things to be done with the shot.
Whether it was a virus vector or an mRNA reprogramming delivery system.
They all did the same thing.
Create this spike protein and mass in the body that is the spike protein from the HIV virus that itself replicates and is highly toxic.
That's the deep state.
The bureaucracy that set all this up beforehand and If you go back to 1992, there was a Nobel Prize won by two scientists who developed a plan to add to kerosene, or jet fuel, aluminum, dioxide, barium salts, and some other radioactive isotopes, to then spray it through the jet turbine engine, and the jet companies would never even know, the airlines,
And that they would then create nuclei in the atmosphere that would form condensation and block solar radiation to cool the Earth.
Now they call it geoengineering, stratospheric, aerosol engineering.
It's true!
Chemtrails do not exist because that's the layman's term for it.
But they have dozens of scientific terms for the geoengineering and basically the terraforming that's going on and so everyone addresses it as a chemtrail but when the CIA director in 2016 John Brennan got up at CFR on C-SPAN and said, yeah, we have a 1970s treaty on this, but we're going ahead and violating it.
And we've been trying to mainly keep it secret because our governments will get mad, but a lot of other governments are doing it.
And now you hear Bill Gates is going to block out the sun.
But the deep state treats everyone like children and says, no, no, no, crazy people think condensation trails that existed Since jet aircraft got in the sky, and even before that, when B-17s and things in World War II were flying high enough, they would form off the tips of the wings because of condensation, ice crystals.
But I remember as a child, and up until the mid-90s, you would watch in cold weather, ice crystals form behind a jetliner that flew by, and then you would watch in the next few minutes as it disappeared, because it was ice crystals.
And ice crystals do not have enough nuclei in them generally to help form a cloud bank.
But the barium salts, the aluminum dioxide, which all the mainline studies show are just permeating the soils now, killing so many of the plants and insects, are building up and toxifying.
That's an example of the deep state.
It's admitted the Department of Energy, on average, has a $6 billion budget for this, and Brennan talked about that in 2016, just for the program to get the main three kerosene producers in the country, that produce over 80% of the kerosene or jet fuel, to add these additives to the jet fuel, just like they decided in the late 40s.
Oh, we're going to add fluoride, not calcium fluoride, that's good for you in very small amounts, that you do need as a trace.
But hydrofluorosilicic acid, an extremely deadly, in fact the second most powerful acid that they had massive amounts of from the atomic and hydrogen bomb program and aluminum processing.
They then took that and dumped it in the water supply, and IQs and fertility have dropped ever since.
So that's an example of the bad deep state, the bureaucrat deep state, and the reason you have fluoride in almost every water supply.
That bioaccumulates in the body and causes bone cancer, dental fluorosis, and infertility, and pineal gland issues, and thyroid issues.
Now whenever people get into chemtrailing, they always show the private companies that go up and spray the skies, say for a ski
resort, if they want extra water.
But that's provincial, low-level stuff.
Where it's really going on is added to the jet fuel in the airlines.
And then people say, oh, is the airline involved?
Oh, are the pilots involved?
No, they're not involved, ladies and gentlemen.
They're compartmentalized.
So I give you an example of that today.
We'll be getting more into Tennessee State Senate passes bill banning chemtrails spraying in their skies.
And this is the answer.
Just like you have all these state attorney generals suing the censors, suing big tech, pulling money out of BlackRock.
So the feds are trying to indict these different legislatures and different attorney generals that are doing a good job, like Ken Paxton.
But the legislatures can bring in the scientists, bring in the geoengineering watch people.
They can show all the science, show how the government out of one side of its mouth admits they're doing it, but keeps the details secret, and out of the other side of their mouth says it doesn't exist.
And there's more fighting going on.
We know from hundreds of studies done on all of the different types of cell phone and wireless radiation that up close, particularly, it is extremely cancerous.
And causes all sorts of other problems including mutations, accelerated aging, well Connecticut city bans 5G due to serious health risk to humans.
We're going to be detailing that...
Coming up in the second and third hour as we do a deep dive on the deep state and look at the different policies of the deep state here that is part of a global corporate combine funded by the private central banks.
That's why whether you're in Germany or whether you're in France or Canada or the US or Australia or Italy, it is the same government policies many times with the same policy names Being brought forward because that is the global bureaucrat corporate deep state with the ESGs and the diversity equity inclusion boards that now in the news just today the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful medical system in America, says no white males that are straight will henceforth be hired officially in their hiring publication.
In their job, publication.
Help wanted publication.
And it gets worse from there.
So we'll be discussing the different activities of the Deep State and asking listeners who dial in at RealAlexJones on X, what is your definition of the Deep State and what are facets of it that you think we should focus into?
It's a huge discussion of What is the deep state and what are its policies and where is it taking us?
How do we wrest control from this global system that is setting policies worldwide?
Oh, a safe vaccine!
Super deadly.
Globally standardized.
The exact same policies worldwide.
Worldwide, every western country putting fluoride in the water.
Many countries fought back because it was so outrageous and got it removed.
Not here.
The 5G.
I've got stacks of mainline studies.
From major governments, major universities, that it just is super bad and causing huge problems.
But still, globally, the 5G rolls out.
So we're simply identifying that there is this corporate global governance system.
Hell, they have world government summits every year in Dubai put on by the WEF and they admit they're setting the global policy and soon you'll all have chips in you to buy and sell and soon you'll eat bugs.
They were saying that five years ago.
People said never.
Now, of the ten major packaged food producers in America, nine announced last year that they are going to put bug protein into everything.
And the titan in bugs is absolutely cancerous.
And so bad for you.
But, they're swarming everyone in mass, so suddenly you wake up, you go to the grocery store, and they don't even tell you it has bug protein in it.
That is the Corporate Global Deep State.
The Deep State is not just government.
It is the nexus of major banks, top corporations, tax-free foundations, and government agencies and bureaucracies at the federal, international, state, local level.
And so, when you understand it as a globally directed program, if you were in New Zealand, or you were in Sweden, Or you were in Scotland.
Or you were in America.
It came down to the same amount of money.
Say somebody's a COVID patient, get $13,000.
And it calculated to the same amount in Euros, same amount in Canadian money.
Globally the same, run by the same policies.
If you walked in to a restaurant in Australia three years ago and tried to have a paper menu, sorry, got a QR code.
Walk into one in Austin's, QR code.
It's all done by the restaurant associations, by the corporate associations that are given their walking orders.
It's all standardized.
And so, $13,000 to say that someone has COVID.
Another $40,000 to put them on a ventilator.
That's $53,000 to kill them.
And another $3,000 if they die.
$56,000 bounty in the USA Today, three years ago, had a headline.
Fact check!
Are hospitals paid extra for COVID patients?
Answer yes.
Yes, $53,000 if you put them on a ventilator, $56,000 if they die.
Additional 3,000.
On top of everything else, you charge the person, they're getting money.
That's the deep state, with the big banks that have unlimited currency, unlimited money, that they use to buy up and control society and social engineer, and then when we complain about it, When we don't like it, oh, we are conspiracy theorists, ladies and gentlemen.
So it turns out the deep state is actually kind of awesome, and they misrepresent what the deep state is.
That is all coming up in the second and third hour.
I'll give you my examples of what the real deep state is.
But if you look, they have the Royal Institute of International Affairs set up by the British Empire that would control countries it was dominating, not with soldiers, but by getting all the key government and corporate leaders, whether it was India or any other British Commonwealth, on those boards to direct control through the economy.
And through society, so you have the head of the university groups on and the head of the different unions are part of the group, the heads of the local banks are part of it, and then you have what is the counterpart of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in the British Empire.
It's the Council on Foreign Relations here.
And they model themselves after it and admit that British intelligence shut it up in New York City in 1921.
Again, this is a model of global governance through corporations.
They claim they were pushing world government to academics to stop World War III.
You see that push the movie Oppenheimer that's very historically accurate overall.
And they talk about we need world government to stop nuclear war.
But they're not really having world government to stop nuclear war, they're having world government to engage in, here's the key, depopulation.
Now we've gone over all the population actuaries, and Elon Musk has, and PragerU's done a great job, and many other groups have, but... It takes a long time to slow down a bullet train.
It takes a long time to turn a big ship around.
Now with all the depopulation and sterilization and chemical manipulation going on, the world population has peaked at a little above 8 billion, and here's Yahoo News, and now for the first time is declining.
Now if you look at the actuaries, it's going to decline by half in just the next 60 years, and then as expected will never recover and will crash down to below One billion.
And a lot of things are causing this, but it's the chemicals, it's the social engineering, it's the sterilization.
So all these people say, oh, well, the globalists want to depopulate us.
They've sure done a bad job.
No, they were beta testing, getting ready, slowing the growth, which you can argue at some levels is good.
And there are a lot of people with aimlessness and areas, but you don't want a world government that kills them.
That's even more dangerous than giant masses of idiots.
And again, the globalists don't just want to get rid of the dumb people, they want to get rid of all competition and everybody in the family itself.
So, you trade out one problem with something a thousand times worse.
So, world's population to fall for the first time since the black death?
Terrifying threat of underpopulation is laid bare as it's revealed that 75% of nations are facing baby bust by 2050 and the West will be left reliant on migrants triggering staggering social change.
And it just goes on from there.
So it is a big, big deal.
That all ties in the deep state operation.
Now I've analyzed this.
The globalists want to get rid of 90 plus percent of the population.
Their public number is 500 million.
I played you the CFR and the Deimos Group and the Jane Goodalls and all the rest of them saying 500 million is the number.
That's what Prince Charles' father talked about, now King Charles.
So that's the number they want, 500 million.
So they flood us with illegal aliens, flood us with brown people, then teach the brown people to hate white people.
Then it'll get so bad, what's left of the West will then vote and support total global fascism, and we'll just sit back and kind of turn our heads when they release the race-specific bioweapons and wipe out all of the Africans.
They're the first target.
And then they're going to wipe out a bunch of people in Latin America, the Middle East, The Chinese got on board with this program in the 70s and had a one-child policy so they wouldn't be included in the wipeout.
But now, GGP has double-crossed them 10 years ago.
Now he has a three-child policy and it's totally reversed course, just like Putin is now pro-family and wants Russians to have kids.
So, there was a global agreement between the elites of most nations by the 70s, and the Club of Rome talks about this, and the State Department Memorandum 200 details it as well.
declassified to do this. So now Russia and China have backed out of the
depopulation deal and there's a big move in the West to not go with it as well.
You bring back competition, you bring back a really competitive society, you
you you basically bring back manliness and feminists.
When I say feminists, I mean real feminine.
They call it feminists, but they're anti-feminine.
I mean a real feminine woman.
And you supercharge things.
You have all sorts of exploration of the planet, the deep seas, outer space.
And you promote people going to space with a pro-human space program as macho and badass and incredible.
Lots of folks are going to die building the space colonies.
It's going to be super rough.
But we're ready to export the population to space.
There's unlimited resources for us.
And this is a pro-human expansionist plan that I've been talking about.
For 30 years, I really was talking about having an alternate plan to the globalist depopulation plan.
About 16 years ago, I was, I was, we should find those shows I did.
It really impressed the Oxford Union and the other big top universities in the UK.
And I got invited to go over there and speak to the Oxford Union specifically on my alternate plan for a accelerated human population program.
But how that would be done and not turn people into decadent slobs where then society falls apart because we have so many resources and so much potential that if people are incentivized to be lazy, then you have to get rid of them because they are basically worthless, which is the place we've basically gotten to.
And they wanted me to come speak at it, but then I realized and was told by some high-level sources that they're going to try to have MI6 Openly have me compromised and join with them because I was then made aware that the plan I had basically reverse-engineered was actually an alternate plan that they had and that I had nailed the plan in the main accepted plan to exterminate all of the brown people and to have a truly white supremacist future space program and that some Japanese and some Chinese are gonna be allowed to live and
And they wanted to know how I nailed the program.
Well, I mean, I could sit there and analyze it and reverse engineer it, so they wanted me to come present to them in public and in private my findings, my lay findings and analysis of this, obviously to compromise me.
And I was warned by some high-level people and did not go to that.
Because the globalists have a rule.
If you go to their events, and if you break bread with them, and you pat them on the back and even act like you're on their team, they will kill your ass so fast if you ever double-cross them.
And I had Kissinger try to hire me, and obviously Roger Ailes tried to hire me, and they couldn't believe I wouldn't come take the job.
I was offered a weekend show on Fox at first, 15 years ago, 16 years ago, and then I was going to be given a weekday show.
But I didn't take the deal.
And I don't tell people these stories because I want to impress you.
I want you to understand how real the New World Order is, ladies and gentlemen.
It's 100% real.
It's like the Deep State's 100% real.
And I believe in a pro-human, expansionist...
A space-faring vision, just like Elon Musk purports to believe in, and I think he does believe in that, for a lot of reasons.
It's what my spirit tells me is the right thing, what God tells me is the right thing.
Plus, I can extrapolate out killing 90% of people.
You think the people that'll do that are going to leave $500 million around?
You think that's a safe future?
No, that's an anti-human future.
You notice the globalists now go, actually, we don't want a human future at all.
We want to get rid of all humans.
The future is not human.
So they've really lowered their mask down.
And I also see the globalists trying to dumb people down and make us lethargic so they're not competition.
These people are anti-competition.
So to me that means they are inherently, inherently bad.
And so I really do support A massive, full commitment to first undersea exploration, but simultaneously a massive, total commitment, a violent commitment.
I don't mean violent as in killing each other, but violent like a woman having a baby or earthquakes.
I mean, I want maximum, absolute, total commitment to space.
Total commitment to space colonies.
And people are ready to sign up by the millions, they're ready to go, and they're ready to die.
And many of them succeed and be real heroes.
We are meant to be trailblazers.
We're going to do it.
And you can call it Plan B. I've talked about it for a long time.
Now Elon Musk is talking about it.
It's been sold out for six months.
It's our number two bestseller.
It's X3.
The highest quality, pure, deep earth crystal iodine you're going to find anywhere.
With the two other types of iodine that are great for your body as well.
So to make sure no matter what type of body type you have, whatever your physiology is, it will supercharge you.
Look at this giant stack right here.
I could talk for hours about this on air and I am planning to next week.
But the number one cause of cognitive disability in the world is iodine deficiency.
And all iodine is not created equal.
Most iodine is bound to other things in the environment, whether it's plants or animals you're eating, so you don't absorb it.
This is pure.
It goes right into your cells.
It is essential for all electrochemical activity.
And despite the fact it's been sold out for six months, X3 is back in stock.
We're 40% off for a limited time at InfoWarsStore.com.
So stock up on X3 right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
So I want to be clear, I nailed that The Globalist had two competing factions, one junior, one senior, the depopulationist, human exterminist, transhumanist movement, and then another, Plan B, that's partially transhumanist, but pro-human and pro-human expansion.
When I said Elon Musk has now adopted this, obviously he was an adopter of it even before I was understanding it, but he's now actually putting it into function.
So when we sit up here, I want to explain something to people.
If you don't know how things work and you don't address the globalists head-on, they have no respect for you.
This is all going on.
You're under Plan A right now to slowly poison you and kill you and get rid of you.
And if you won't realize that and won't admit that, you're not even at the table.
And this broadcast is about getting people at the table.
That's why I look at the bureaucrats and the lawyers And the people in the intelligence agencies that are so compartmentalized, who think they're part of a power structure, and think they're on a winning team, when you are greasing the skids for your own destruction.
You can pretend all day, because you kiss the New World Order's ass, that you're part of the New World Order.
You're not.
So admit this is going on, and admit that we have now hit what I told you in the last few years, the moment.
I said about two months ago, we are about to hit The peak and then the massive decline is beginning.
We are going from beta to New World Order Plan A operational.
We are now several years, four years into operational Agenda 2030.
Have you read it?
Do you know what it says it will do?
It will cut your resources off, it will isolate you, and then it will government force euthanize your ass.
And when you see all this dystopia around you, you think, well, they'll never get away with it.
They're getting away with almost all of it because people don't realize that they are facing a system designed to slowly kill you.
World facing staggering changes, global fertility rate to keep diving this century.
Major studies out everywhere today.
But myself and Elon Musk got criticized in past years for laying out the numbers here.
But it's all in our face.
And again, once you build a civilization this big, if you don't at least stabilize it with about a 0.2% growth rate, in every study, it goes into a nosedive.
And then as the resources dwindle for the masses that are left, what happens?
What happens in every study when 50% of somebody's income goes to food and energy?
Angrier world.
And the fact that the New World Order Plan A group believes they're gonna be able to manage this and manage a decline and manage a post-industrial world is insane.
Since they've instituted their operation, they've gone from being unknown by the general public four years ago, to now it is rock star status everywhere.
The hottest trends, the top talk show host, all the major successful people, from Elon Musk to Joe Rogan to Tucker Carlson, all sound like who?
They all sound like Alex E. Jones.
It's not about me tooting my horn, I just came before them because I was on air and aware of this before them.
But the fact that they are the most popular by a trillion miles compared to establishment media should tell the globalists, you have lost.
Your plan won't work.
The only way you can carry out this depopulation operation incrementally is if people were not aware of you.
You've got Xi Jinping talking about depopulation and the globalists and saying he's broken with them.
You've got Vladimir Putin naming them and talking about their plan.
You've got all these other leaders around the world.
You've got Modi talking about it.
Do you understand your operation is blown?
All your articles from years ago about looking forward to the end of humanity in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.
They thought they could have their cake and eat it too.
Roll out this draconian genocide operation and not have us aware of it and have us all kill each other over what color we are while you set it up.
I want Asians and Anglos and Africans and everybody else.
There's only Asians, Africans and Anglos.
All the other groups are a mix of those.
Whether you're in Mexico and a Mexican Or whether you are an Arab.
They test your blood and you're part African, you're part Asian, you're part Anglo.
There's three groups.
Anglos, Africans, and Asians.
You test, you go to a village in southern Mexico and you test a pure Mestizo Indian.
And their genetics come back hun.
They're not 100% Chinese.
Huns were not 100% Asian or Chinese.
They're just wild Chinese on the steppes, fighting with the populated industrial civilization of Chinese and China itself.
They were On average, the average time was about 90% Asian, 10% Anglo, because in ancient times they intermarried with white populations that were migrating to Asian areas, and the Asians migrating European areas.
And if you go test the blood of a Native American Comanche, or of a Blackfoot, And you get a pure-blood Native American.
There's still some left.
There's major genetic studies on it.
And you know what they are?
90% Chinese, 10% Caucasian.
And they test the type of Caucasian they are, and you know what they are?
They're Vikings.
Well, who founded Russia?
The Vikings.
Who on their longboats that were flat could go in shallow rivers?
They've dug up Viking ships in northern China.
They've dug up tombs.
With six-foot-three, blonde-haired, blue-eyed men in them.
National Geographic, you look it up, they dug up mummies that are totally type-in Anglo mummies found in China.
With their big beards and it goes back thousands of years.
So see, this is the reality of who we are, ladies and gentlemen.
And the globalists are preparing the mass extermination.
And I don't care if you're black, white, or Asian.
You're human, and I want our children and grandchildren and their grandchildren and their grandchildren to be able to take advantage of all the technology, but to do it in a pro-human way, and to people the stars together.
I want us to be winners.
Yeah, that's a woman, but they've got some with red hair and blonde hair, but yeah, that's from some of the digs.
So, again, if you're a radio listener, you'll hear me describe things.
We're simulcast, obviously.
People think of this as just a TV show online.
We're still on hundreds of radio stations, so I tend to obnoxiously have to narrate things because it won't make sense to people all over the country listening on AM and FM stations if they hear me talking about something and I'm not describing it.
So, I've got a lot of other news to hit.
But I want to talk about big picture here today.
Now, there was incredible developments in Congress yesterday in the Biden-Chai Com corruption hearings.
That is just amazing.
So we're going to play some clips of that.
Then we've got big developments ongoing.
NATO, a month ago, says we're going to invade Ukraine.
And they say, oh, no, we're not.
Now they say we aren't again.
The truth is NATO has always been in Ukraine for over a decade.
And Macron wants to put publicly French fighting units, they're saying 20,000, there's 2,000 there now, they just admitted to it, I told you that years ago, to directly kill Russians so that when the Russians kill the French, they're going to put it all over television and use that to accelerate a full mobilization against the Russians.
Are the French smart?
I think they are.
You know, by the way, 200 years ago, you didn't want to fight the French.
They were warlike, tough as hell.
But you know, a bunch of wars, the French have kind of gotten smart and said, we don't want wars.
They get called pussies.
I don't think they're pussies.
I think they're smart.
I sure as hell don't want to go to war with Russia for no reason and lose my kids.
Not because I'm a wimp.
It's stupid.
But Macron has said he wants the old empire back and thinks he's going to mobilize the French to go to war with the Russians.
That didn't work out so good the other times, did it?
Do I need to remind you?
So we're going to talk about it all when we come back.
Stay with us.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Next hour, we're doing at least two hours of Spaces Live on X on the true nature of the Deep State.
Some big examples of some of its secret programs that are now out in the open and what their endgame goal is, the fact that we have to create a Plan B.
There's actually been an internal debate within the globalist power structure that I was able to reverse engineer, that they've now confirmed has been going on, about an alternate plan.
Now we could obviously create a plan C, but there is a plan B that already has a lot of adherence in the power structure that is more easily taken over.
Kind of like, it's hard to set up a third party to take the country back, but we can take over the Republican Party and save the nation, which we're doing.
So more and more, I'm going to talk big picture with you.
Because, again, if you're able to communicate to yourself and others about what we're really facing, we can make the decision.
But if you don't know the decision is in front of you, well, you're a slave.
There was no decision at all.
People just accept this new world order and everything it's doing is fake.
All right, we're going to get into the incredible congressional hearings yesterday on the Chicom connections, the tens of millions paid to the Bidens, 10 million alone from China, just in one payment, to Hunter, totally illegal, and just some amazing interchanges happening as the deep state melts down in front of us.
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Man, I could go for an hour on this because there's so many clips, but let's go to some of the craziest.
You've got clip seven, Tony Bobulinski.
Who's brought the receipts, brought the documents, and he's, she says, what crimes he's committed?
Well, racketeering.
And he's getting bribes from foreign governments, doing it through money laundering groups, involving others.
So that's organized crime, criminal practices going on, and it's bribery and it's espionage because it's a foreign government.
So it's espionage and racketeering.
And she says, that's not a crime, that's a category.
Well, yeah, you could say racketeering is a category, but he's saying the crimes are racketeering and that she wouldn't let him talk.
Here it is.
Is it your testimony today that you personally witnessed President Joe Biden commit a crime?
I believe the fact that he was sitting with me while I was putting together a business deal.
Did you witness the President commit a crime?
Is it your testimony today?
And what crime have you witnessed?
How much time do I have to go through it?
It is simple.
You name the crime.
Did you watch him steal something?
Corruption statutes, RICO and conspiracy.
What is the crime, sir?
You asked me to answer the question.
I answered the question.
RICO, you're obviously not familiar with.
Excuse me, sir.
RICO is not a crime.
It is a category.
What is the crime?
It's the category of crimes that you're then charged with.
You have charges.
You have charges.
Sir, please name- Give me the name, Zach Statue, not Enrico?
Well, it's funny.
In this committee room, everyone's not here.
There's over 80 lawyers that went to law school.
Alright, sir, I reclaim my time.
I reclaim my time.
What a joke.
It's like saying genocide's not a crime, it's a category.
Or armed robbery's not a crime, it's a category.
Or carjacking's not a crime, it's a category.
Or loan sharking's not a crime, it's a category.
No, he witnessed.
Because he's a real businessman, and they're like, you know, we got a hundred million bucks here.
And he goes, okay, let's invest it, let's spend it.
They go, just don't worry, just we need you to hold it, you get part of it, we get the rest.
He goes, well, there's no business?
They're just like... He's like, well, I'm not going to be involved in something where we're not actually running a business.
What the hell is this?
They learned it was Chinese businesses doing it.
He's like, I'm going to the government.
I'm not going to prison.
He's got a lot of courage.
We should all be praying for Tony Bobulinski.
That's a real man.
That's a real American.
He's got the receipts.
Here is Representative Smith asking the whistleblower, do you know whether Biden family made any money from China?
And of course, he gives a conservative number of 9 to 10 million.
It was 10 million just in one group of payments from one group.
It's hundreds of millions.
Here it is.
However, IRS whistleblowers shared evidence that the Biden family made at least $1.1 million from their business with China, including $100,000 in payment from CFC, China Energy, and a $1 million payment in exchange for legal services that were never provided to a CFC official, Patrick Ho.
Mr. Bobulinski, do you know whether the Biden family made any money from China?
They did.
Millions of dollars.
I think approximately 8 to 9 million.
The Biden family has made millions of dollars from China, correct?
And you said at least 9 million?
Yeah, I think it's actually over 10 million.
I'll leave those details up to you guys.
And of course, we got audited in the last two years.
And the IRS, I'm not even defending the IRS, they came back and said, wow, we never do this.
You're owed a bunch of money.
Because they felt really guilty after what they did.
Strangely enough, because it was like, whoa, this is insane.
But these guys are allowed to commit any crime they want.
So here's Representative Byron Donalds really lays it out.
Here it is.
We don't have time for the whole clip, but here it is.
Now, to the money flow, because this is where the rubber meets the road.
On August 3rd, they actually stipulate through WhatsApp text messages the exact stipulations of the deal.
On August 4th, $100,000 is wired into a Wasco PC from CEFC infrastructure.
Mr. Chairman, I want to submit for the record a portion of the bank statement.
for the time period August 3rd of 2017 to August 31, 2017, stipulating $100,000 going
from CEFC into the bank account of Hunter Biden through Owosco PC.
Without objection, so ordered.
On August 8th, four days later, $5 million is then transferred from the Northern International
Capital Account of $5 million to Hudson West III.
Hudson West III is a bank account controlled by Hunter Biden and Mr. Gan Wang, aka Kevin Dong, who is a CEFC associate.
That money comes from the Northern International Capital Bank Account.
A bank account that is tied to the CCP.
Mr. Chairman, I want to submit for the record the bank statement demonstrating that transfer.
Without objection, so ordered.
Okay, moving on.
On August 8th, the same time period, there is a wire transfer of $400,000 to a Wasco PC from the Hudson West III bank account.
That $400,000, Mr. Chairman, I have the transfer records in the bank accounts from the August time period.
I want to submit that for the record.
Without objection to order.
Now, here's where the fun stuff comes in, everybody, and I got a minute to do it, so we're going to get this done.
On August 14th, There is $150,000 that is transferred from a Wasco PC, which is controlled by Hunter Biden, to Lion Hall Group, which is controlled by James Biden.
I have the records here, Mr. Chairman, of the $150,000 that has gone to Lion Hall Group from a Wasco PC.
I want to submit that for the record.
Without objection, it's ordered.
On August 28th, and I believe we have a screenshot for everybody in the room, on August 28th, Mr. Chairman, we have the withdrawal ticket from Lion Hall Group that is signed by Sarah Biden, who is the wife of Jim Biden, for $50,000 to withdraw from Lion Hall Group.
I want to submit that withdrawal receipt for the record.
Hold on, there's more, there's more.
We're going to do five more minutes on this.
I'm going to shift gears into the deep state and what its goals are, who runs it, and what they want to do to you and your family.
Hour number two is coming up.
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All right, in about six minutes we're going to initiate the Spaces on X feed to take comments and questions on the deep state as we do the deep dive.
Coming up, but right now, finishing up with Congressman Byron Donalds outlining the Communist Party, Communist Chinese Party financing the Bidens.
Here it is.
I have the withdrawal ticket from Lion Hall Group that is signed by Sarah Biden, who is the wife of Jim Biden, for $50,000 to withdraw from Lion Hall Group.
I want to submit that withdrawal receipt for the record.
That objection is ordered.
On September 3rd, on August 28th, actually, Mr. Chairman, we have the deposit reference into Sarah Jones Biden's account on the same day she withdrew it from Lion Hall.
I want to submit that.
Last document.
On September 3rd, 2007, from Sarah Biden's own personal account, there is a check that is written To Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., the President of the United States today, for $40,000, signed loan repayment.
A loan repayment, by the way, that Joe Biden's own personal accountant, Mr. Eric Schwerin, has no record for.
I want to submit that for the record, Mr. Chairman.
Without objection, so ordered.
To the members of the committee, it is clear that the source of this money came from CEFC, and that CEFC is a company that is directly linked to the CCP, and actually the chairman of the CCP, the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, Chairman Xi Jinping.
With that, I yield.
Incredible, and it goes on and on.
Here's another clip from another hearing.
This is Representative Mike Walz of Florida, roast Eric Swalwell because Swalwell was
penetrated, I guess he penetrated physically a known Chinese spy.
And here he is at a committee hearing acting like he's trying to do something to stop China.
Here it is.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
And I find it incredibly rich.
Mr. Swalwell is going to come to this committee and lecture us about how China penetrates
I think that's something he may know a thing or two about.
But let's talk about how China has penetrated the highest levels of this government, including this president and this White House, because I think the visual is incredibly important.
And again, it's the same committee hearing with Tony Bobulinski.
I don't normally play clips twice in a row, but you just can't get any better than AOC acting like a complete fool.
Play clip seven again.
Is it your testimony today that you personally witnessed President Joe Biden commit a crime?
I believe the fact that he was sitting with me while I was putting together a business deal.
Did you witness the president commit a crime?
Is it your testimony today?
And what crime do you, have you witnessed?
How much time do I have to go through it?
It is simple.
You name the crime.
Did you watch him steal something?
Corruption statutes, RICO and conspiracy.
What is it?
What is the crime, sir?
You ask me to answer the question, I answer the question.
RICO, you're obviously not familiar with, corruption statute.
Excuse me, sir.
RICO is not a crime.
It is a category.
What is the crime?
It's a category of crimes that you're then charged with.
You have charges.
You have charges.
Sir, please name.
You want me to name the exact statute under RICO?
Well, it's funny, in this committee room, everyone's not here, there's over 80 lawyers that went to law school.
Alright, so he's a former vice president and a lobbyist, and in this one exchange, ten plus million dollars that taxes aren't paid on, that's admitted, that their accountants and CPAs don't know about, and he's in meetings with the former vice president and his son, It's racketeering, it's money laundering, it's tax evasion, it's bribery, it's espionage.
And because it had a whole group involved, it's racketeering because it's organized crime.
It's a conspiracy.
It's not a crime, she said.
It's a category.
It's not that she thinks we're stupid.
AOC is dumber than a box of rocks.
We'll be right back.
And we are live broadcasting worldwide at infowars.com/show, band.video, hundreds of
radio stations across the country, and at the Mighty X at Real Alex Jones.
We just started simulcasting as the second hour started.
So we've hit a paradoxical moment here, and I want to show TV viewers this for X listeners.
You can just search it for yourself.
It turns out the deep state's actually kind of awesome, says the New York Times.
Turns out the deep state is actually kind of awesome.
So it doesn't exist if you're against it, but if you're for it, it exists.
Remember Elon Musk last year?
They have the World Government Forum sponsored by the Dabos Group in Dubai, and they want world government.
Elon comes on and says, well, world government's like not having firewalls in a building or bulkheads in a ship.
If one country floods with tyranny, all the other Countries flood and the whole ship sinks.
We need a diverse planet of diverse ideas.
We need checks and balances.
Just like in our system, we have the three branches, legislative, executive, judicial, and then you have the federalist system where then that's split between the states.
So that's a fourth division between the feds and states, and then the states are divided into three subgroups as well, state, county, city.
All of that is to stop A unified man on a white horse coming in and taking over.
And so before we take your questions or comments on what is the Deep State, what do you make of them denying it exists, now saying it's your savior, and saying the Deep State's just an average bureaucrat at NASA?
No, they're not.
The Deep State is the revolving door between government and corporations setting policy to where no matter who you put in office, Republican or Democrat, The policies of the deep state corporate governmental bureaucracy continues on.
So we define the deep state today, but we also ask, what is the deep state's global goal?
And I'm going to give some examples of that, just a snapshot, but I'd love to hear your take on the deep state and how you think we counter it.
I know we expose it.
We show that whether you're in Australia or the U.S., during COVID, it was a global standardized policy of the IMF, the World Bank, the Pentagon behind it, the Davos Group.
Standardized policy, standardized propaganda.
That's the deep state, because the deep state's not just in one country.
It's the big corporate black rocks, the Soros Groups that create the ESGs, the corporate governances that are the corporate social credit scores that then expand down To the people.
So whether it's the giant secretive geoengineering program that's public, but they also won't admit the details of it, or whether it's the global standardization of mRNA being rolled out against the public, or whether it's the global carbon taxes being rolled out, all standardized.
Who is behind that?
Well, we know.
And then how do we counter that?
But another example is the military-industrial complex, probably the chief example, other than central banking.
Twin Peaks.
And that is what Eisenhower in 1961 in his farewell address, President Eisenhower, warned of.
He didn't just say, beware the military-industrial complex and its undue influence taking over society and academia.
He said there is a technological elite that is broken off from the people that is in control of the military-industrial complex.
In the interest of this live X event, I'm not going to play clips of Eisenhower's speech, but you can go look it up.
It's 21 minutes long.
But perhaps all the great folks on X and others that are watching will take parts of this breakdown, and maybe you add that in so people can see that.
Maybe Elon Musk reposts it.
Maybe it gets 50 million, 100 million viewers.
Because it's only recognizing that there is a corporate global combine.
They don't have complete control, but they're trying to get complete control.
That is unified in its actions trying to force the behavior they want on the people and on state and local governments and on other corporations that aren't following orders.
Oswald comes out five years ago and says, you will soon be eating bugs.
People laugh.
Now, nine of the ten major packaged foods companies in the United States alone are already putting bug protein that's seriously toxic with a chitin, the armored shell of the bugs, in the breading of chicken and so much more.
Or okra or, you know, whatever you buy that has a breading.
We're addressing how these decisions are made at a corporate governance level with revolving door bureaucrats from the governments.
We're addressing how the world and the PR firms and the think tanks and the disinformation operates.
That is what we're doing live on Thursday, March 21st, 2024.
But let's look at the military angle of the Deep State.
We'll put on screen some of the folks that are coming into the live X event.
Unlike classical talk radio, we take calls, we love calls, but X is amazing that we can take comments live on air.
What's the term they use?
We can have live speakers on air with the great Chase Geyser, who is in the control room, hot showing the entire event.
So, The globalists have gone the last six months from saying we don't have troops in Ukraine.
And we never started a fight with Russia.
The New York Times a few weeks ago saying, okay, the CIA overthrew the Ukrainian elected government 10 years ago and put state-of-the-art networks there.
They started killing Russians and murdering people and engaging in terror attacks and attacking the Russian border to get the Russians to attack.
And we led Putin into this and we thought we'd win the war.
We thought we'd beat him very quickly because NATO had so many high-tech weapons and troops there.
But the Russians put 600,000 troops in and all their weapons and have kicked our ass.
So now we need to send troops in.
Did you make that decision 10 years ago?
Were you part of that discussion?
No, it was the military-industrial complex bureaucracy that decided to slow roll us or sleepwalk us into nuclear Armageddon.
But why have they shifted from Ukraine's invincible and cannot be defeated and is so amazing in the last two years to the last few months?
Oh my God, we're losing.
And now Macron says, I'm sending in troops.
But now they confirm that, oh, there's troops from America, troops from the UK, troops from England, Germany, and they're getting killed.
And now Macron says, I'm going to send in 20,000 troops to the front lines.
Well, you know what that's about.
They're going to be shooting missiles and artillery at the Russians.
It's like the Globals blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline and blame Russia.
I'm not defending Russia.
I'm defending sanity and truth and not starting wars.
If I was a German in 1940, I'd say, whoa, Hitler, don't attack Poland.
So that's where we are.
This is insane.
So why is Macron doing that?
Come on, folks, you're smart.
It's simple.
They believe the corporate media in Europe and here will be able to dumb people down sufficiently that when the French troops openly admit they're killing Russians, which they've been doing for two plus years.
I mean, I've got friends, I've got people all to sleep with that.
That's why I told you before the war started, I said it's going to start in February.
Told you in December.
I told you in October.
Two and a half years ago.
How'd I know that?
Well, I mean, I know people.
Made some calls.
They said, well, I can tell you classified stuff, but yeah.
Yeah, we're there.
So now that he admits they're there, he's getting ready to admit the French dead.
And they can mix French units in with the Ukrainians, which they've done.
The Russians won't know when someone's firing a howitzer at them.
Or someone's firing a cruise missile at them.
Or someone's launching a hundred drones at them.
The Russians aren't going to know that the people running those radio signals that control those drones, that the Russian aircraft are picking up and triangulating, that when they then direct their glide bombs, or their cruise missiles, or their artillery, they're going to wipe out French.
And then Macron, who's doing all these tough guy videos now, where he's boxing and showing his muscles.
Macron Well then scream bloody murder and say, the French honor has been violated.
And we must march off and directly attack the Russians.
I mean, this is crazy.
Anybody understands that... I'll do an analogy.
Get Scott or somebody that wants to be on TV.
Scott doesn't want to be on TV, you know what I mean?
Somebody come in here, and I'm gonna give you an analogy.
If I get a crew member in here, Which I wouldn't do.
And I say, please come here.
Please, I want to talk to you.
And then I punch him in the nose.
They beat my ass.
Am I to blame, or are they to blame?
Alright, who's coming in here?
Rob Agueros.
Alright, Rob, come on in here.
If you don't mind, it's kind of professional wrestling.
I'm not going to really hit you, but I got a little permission.
Alright, so Rob Agueros is right here.
So Rob, I want you to slap me back.
So Rob, I punch you, and then you punch me back.
Who's to blame here?
Oh, it's your fault.
You're the Russians, right?
Hey, man.
Hey, we're killing you.
We're shooting at you.
What's wrong?
Why don't you like that?
And then you hit me back.
Whoa, my God, we gotta go.
The Russians just attacked me.
Thanks, Rob, for the demonstration.
I mean, that's what we're talking about here.
This is two-year-olds can figure this out.
Except me and Robert are just joking around.
These people, the Russians have been invaded more than anybody on Earth.
They got the biggest nuclear arsenal.
And they're not backing down.
So, this is cuckoo land.
This is cuckoo land.
This is cuckoo land.
So there's my first example of the deep state.
Who decided World War III?
Victoria Nuland, the neocons, the Democrats, the establishment started all this.
They brag how they did it.
And then we're just here, about to all die because of them.
So that's the deep state, not what the New York Times is spinning.
It's just happy, free, oh, a bureaucrat that works on water, or NASA shooting down asteroids.
They're professional government employees.
Some are good, some are bad, just like anywhere.
There are some great people there.
I'm not attacking them.
I'm not anti-government.
I'm anti-rogue government.
So, look at these headlines.
Ukraine's military losses amount to over 71,000 people since the start of 2024.
That's two and a half months.
UK troops won't fight side-by-side with Ukrainians, say London, but they already are.
Macron's sending troops to Ukraine like a poodle urinating on Odessa.
It's just a sign that this is NATO.
Ukraine targets kindergartners with Russian names.
And it goes on and on and on.
So that's an example of the deep state.
But there's a lot of other examples.
I want to start going to your ex comments about your view of the deep state, what you would define as a deep state.
Now they don't deny it's there.
And how do we get control of it?
Then I've got other examples.
Since 1992, there was a Nobel Prize won by two scientists.
You can look this up.
They had a plan to spray chemicals mixed with jet fuel in the atmosphere to block solar radiation to cool the Earth.
By the mid-90s, they went operational.
The CIA director partially declassified it in 2016, and they just add aluminum dioxide, barium salts, and other radioactive isotopes that are super toxic to jet fuel through the major manufacturers.
Buy bureaucratic policy, just like fluorides in the water, and then they spray it out of the jet engines and it creates nuclei.
There's patents for that that form cloud banks.
That's why compensation trails, I'm 50, when I was a little kid until I was a young man, you'd watch a jet fly over in the winter and you'd see that ice crystal off the wing and it would disappear in a few minutes, if not a few seconds.
They don't disappear now, they dissipate, they get bigger, they spread out.
That's the Deep State.
It's the Department of Energy, geoengineering, aerosol spraying program.
That existence and funding is public, but exactly what they're doing is secret.
That's an example of the Deep State.
Not somebody in a public program at NASA that successfully shot a missile at an asteroid and knocked it off course.
Great job!
Government could do some really good jobs.
Private corporations could.
We could organize and do amazing things.
But don't hide behind that.
So let's play a few minutes.
Of Fox, reporting on New York Times admits Deep State exists to destroy Trump.
Here it is.
It's got a look behind the curtain of Washington.
Operation Mockingbird, the CIA's plan to bait journalists with hoaxes disguised as scoops, got exposed.
Do you have any people being paid by the CIA?
Who are contributing to a major circulation, American Journal.
We do have people who submit pieces to American Journals.
Langley was laundering narratives to the press and into the public's veins.
The most trusted names in news were working wittingly or unwittingly as deep state conduits of disinformation.
At least 22 American news organizations, from the New York Times to Life Magazine to CBS, had journalists on the CIA payroll.
We had been contacted by the CIA.
As a matter of fact, by the time I became the head of the whole news and public affairs operation in 1954, ships had been established and I was told about them and asked if I'd carry on with them.
And the cover-up continues, although the lies are more blatant now.
There is no deep state.
There's no deep state.
There's no great spy network who takes down presidents here.
There is no deep state, and we need to stop talking about it.
The deep state doesn't exist, okay?
Spoiler alert, there is no deep state.
But today, my staff opened the New York Times and saw this.
It turns out the deep state is actually kind of awesome.
Not only does the Deep State exist, but the Deep State is filled with people just like you and me.
Okay, let's stop there.
I want to start going to the speakers on X here, but let's hit one more Deep State area.
Again, whether you are in Germany, or whether you are in Australia, or whether you are in the US or Canada, globally, the 5G, the 4G, the 3G, all of it is standardized and agreed upon worldwide.
And what happened a month ago?
The big, long-term U.S.
government study of 20 years of radiation found what the Europeans found.
That it's causing cancer, it's causing all sorts of health problems.
It's everywhere, okay?
And they knew that.
It's way worse than cigarettes, okay?
It's like the equivalent of smoking and drinking.
It really lowers live expectancy.
I'll show you some of the studies in a moment.
But why is it the same policy in Australia and the U.S.? ?
That is the corporate, bureaucratic, standardized deep state.
Whether you were in Australia or the U.S.
or whether you were in France or the U.K.
You got $13,000 calculated into the currency of the country to say someone had COVID.
You got another $40,000 to put somebody on a ventilator.
$53,000 to kill somebody.
Who standardized that?
Well, we know.
The big think tanks, the Carnegie Endowment, that advise the UN, that creates the policy, that directs it, and they have a now UN World Treaty to take over your bodies.
That's the Deep State.
The Deep State's not just the CIA, it's not just permanent bureaucrats, it's the revolving door of the corporations and different governments worldwide, with Bill Gates creating the Standardized World ID, the Standard Digitized World System, the Standardized ESGs, the Standardized DEIs, So here it is, Connecticut City bans 5G due to serious health risks to humans.
In Stamford, Connecticut.
Look at this article from a month ago.
No more research on cell phone radiation and human health, government says.
The decades long government study says they're not going to publish their findings and they're just going to stop researching it.
Why the NIH abruptly halt research on the harms of cell phone radiation.
Daily Mail.
Now here's some older articles.
The terrifying potential of 5G technology.
The New Yorker.
People used to care a little bit.
There's all the 5G at the Capitol.
I wonder why they're all so sick.
Talking about Havana Syndrome.
Oh, it's Havana Syndrome.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big Wireless doesn't want you to know.
Wired Magazine.
Big article linking to the studies.
But after about 2019, they bought off the media.
No more coverage.
That's the deep state.
The land where the internet ends.
Big area of West Virginia.
Tens of thousands of square miles.
Not even radios allowed.
That's where the globalists have moved.
New York Times.
How the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory tore through the internet.
Well, the studies do show that 5G actually causes viruses to spread faster.
So, that's some of the news.
That's a deep state example.
Not, oh, this woman at the government has been there 30 years and she wants to purify the water.
Good for her.
Why are the feds saying that we need to put hydrofluorosilicic acid in the water?
That's not normal calcium fluoride.
That's weaponized acid.
It's super poisonous.
And I got countless other examples, but I mentioned geoengineering.
Tennessee State Senate passes bill banning chemtrail spraying in the skies.
Well, the government doesn't call it chemtrail, they call it geoengineering.
And it's basically declassified.
Here's the bill.
So, the good news is, we have Texas pulling $8.5 billion out of BlackRock for pushing their anti-human, anti-petroleum agenda that would destroy America.
And now we have Attorney Generals of States saying we're going to investigate your Department of Energy program adding chemicals to jet fuel that creates this fog.
So the good news is once we understand what's happening, we start addressing it through systems we have.
It's game over folks.
This program can only succeed if people are not aware of the program.
Would you like more deep state coverage?
Again, whether you're in New Zealand, Or the Netherlands.
Whether you're in Canada or Scotland, everywhere, the banks and the insurance companies and the nursing associations, the Mayo Clinic today, no white men will be hired that are straight Even though it violates federal law.
What is that really about?
It's not about helping brown people.
It's about total division and setting the precedent to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Who standardizes that from Australia to Ireland, in the same week, the main medical companies come out and say, we don't hire straight white males anymore.
That's a social credit score.
Say you're gay, now you get the job.
Well, now prove you are.
It's about breaking down society.
If they can get you to say two men can have a baby, if they can get you to say 5G is good for you, if they can get you to say there's no inflation when there is, if they can get you to say World War III is good, when they say jump, you say how high?
And then Biden, every week, gives up a few billion in student loans, and there's hundreds of billions in it, to make it sound like, vote for me, everything's free.
All that creates is inflation.
So that's the deep state, folks.
And they're forgiving student loans all over the Western world.
Why is it suddenly happening?
Because it's all a standardized plan.
They roll out.
That's the deep state.
The corporations and the government and the intelligence agencies with big tech working against the people in live time.
That is the deep state.
So, we're going to go to break.
We're on a bunch of radio stations.
People ask on X, why is there a break?
Because we're still on that old-fashioned thing.
When they took me off everything five years ago with the de-platforming, we were able to stay on air.
Because we had hundreds of radio and TV affiliates and we're still on them and they're awesome.
Remember when old-fashioned TV and radio didn't watch you, you watched it, you listened to it?
It wasn't two-way like the internet.
I'm still on that old-fashioned thing where you can listen to me, but I don't track you.
That's why we take some breaks.
We skip our breaks for the network, but we run the local breaks for our local stations.
We're going to go to one right now.
We're going to come back with your comments as speakers on X, reaching millions of millions of people.
I'm asking everybody on X right now to repost on X, retweet on X, that we're having the spaces on the Deep State and what it really is and how we deal with it and how we build an alternative plan to counter it.
Please, for everybody you know and those you don't know, right now, in your text message, your email, word of mouth, tune in now at RealAlexJones.com.
And everybody sending us out so we reach even more people.
We're reaching millions right now on our regular show, but every new person we reach, whether it's a few extra million, that's great.
If it was 100,000, I'd be happy.
But we need to get you understanding that you're not a passive spectator.
You are on the field.
You are men and women in the arena.
We'll be right back.
There is nothing more frustrating to me Whether it comes to news or anything else we're doing, then to know I'm telling the truth and to know they'll just listen to me and take action, it will change your life.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live, simulcasting my syndicated radio TV show.
That's at BandOffVideo and InfoWars.com forward slash show on the Mighty X.
And we're talking about the deep state.
Look, to define the deep state, it is a corporate, governmental, global bureaucracy of interest.
There's different factions and things that don't want you to have decision-making in your life and don't give a damn about you and will absolutely, short-term, destroy the world economy just to be in power.
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
And they're anti-human, they're eugenicists, they're terrible.
And so we have to learn who they are, how they operate, and pull our money and support out from them, and it's happening all over, and the worm is turning, and they're panicking right now.
So I want to go to your comments, the speakers on X, for the rest of the next hour and a half at least, but I wanted to read to you, as I mentioned it, just a short excerpt from the amazing speech that Teddy Roosevelt gave in France more than a hundred years ago.
Excerpt from a speech, Citizenship and a Republic, delivered in Sorbonne in Paris, France, April 23rd, 1910.
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs.
Who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming.
But who does actually strive to do the deeds.
Who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions.
Who spends himself on a worthy cause.
Who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement.
And who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.
So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
That's a hole-in-one right there.
That's why it's framed and laminated on the wall of my office.
The man in the arena.
In fact, I want on my tombstone, Alex Jones supported Team Humanity.
He was the man in the arena.
I bet on you, because I know how important you are.
And I know the globalist's greatest crime is fighting competition and poisoning enough people down.
If they're so powerful, They should be able to lead people and have them accept their plan through being open, but they're not.
They're the worst of the worst, and I, at a cellular, DNA, genetic, and spiritual level, am built to oppose them.
I'm so damn satisfied.
I'm so real.
I'm so truthful.
It's true.
I'm not perfect, never said I was, but dammit, I'm trying, and God recognizes it.
And the discernment I have at 50 is 10 times what I had at 20.
And I had more discernment than the minions of Satan when I was 20.
And now it's a paradox because as the Bible tells us multiple times, with great knowledge comes great sorrow.
The beginning of knowledge comes with sorrows, another Bible verse, and it's true.
As Christ said, hang on the cross.
Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.
Because if you knew God's plan, if you'd just seen the hem of God's garment, like Moses did, you would never oppose the plan.
But God gives you free will.
So you can be a punk, you can deny the plan, or you can get with the program.
I am with the program.
And they hate you because they know you're with the program.
Alright, let's go to these speakers on X. I'm going to try to go to as many as possible.
Let's skip this next break.
And let's go ahead and go right to your comments.
Who's up first?
Chase Geyser.
Let's have Skylar Phoenix speak first.
Skylar, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say.
Alex, Chase, complete pleasure as always.
My idea of the Deep State would be the Fortune 100, State Street, The Soros's of the world, the Gates's of the world, all these people that have actually no power, the only power they have is in dividing us through conquering us, dumbing us down through the GMO, hitting us with the stratospheric injections that Brennan said of the CIA, and obviously the people at Davos who are more like the mouthpieces.
These are the people that we expose.
And once we expose them, they lose all their power, which you've been doing for 30 plus years.
It's like dumping water.
In fact, pull it up.
It's like dumping water on the Wicked Witch in Wizard of Oz.
It's like boom.
It's also like Spectre.
You remember what he says in Spectre in the 007 movie?
He says, we have people everywhere.
So they're embedded throughout all the different corporations and it's also like a magician.
I'm a magician and I show you a magic trick and then I show you how it's done and it loses all its power.
You can't put it back in the box, right?
Perfectly said.
And so they're cornered though And they actually thought that Ukraine would win in this, which shows everything they do turns to crap now, because people, I mean Bill Gates will put a video out and he'll have 99% negative comments, so will Klaus Schwab.
That wasn't that way five years ago.
Don't they get people see them now?
It's like a they live.
Once you put the glasses on, they don't have any more power.
I think, though, like you're always exposing, that they're like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
They're fronting on both sides of the war.
They're paying for both sides.
So like you mentioned the other day, they can position themselves to buy up all these companies once the collapse happens for pennies on the dollar.
And then it's also like Lockheed and Raytheon.
All those heads are betting on that we go to war.
They're warmongers.
It's just like from Russia with love.
When they had a Spectre, he's got the Russians, he's got the U.S.
intelligence, he's trying to get British intelligence, and he calls them in, he says, Siamese fighting fish, amazing creatures.
And he has the two fight, one kills the other, he's exhausted, and then Spectre comes in to finish the job.
That's Black Lives Matter, that's the trans movement, that's Antifa, that's what this is.
Absolutely, 100%.
And the reason they put that video out is just, like, laughable.
And I think because the unseen is now becoming the seen.
Too many people like us know about it, so they have to categorize it as a joke, or, oh, it's no big deal.
It's just this one person who works at NASA.
Ha ha ha.
Oh, the Deep State's really kind of awesome.
Great points.
Thank you so much.
Since I mentioned it, let's play a clip from Russia With Love.
That describes the divide and conquer and then we'll go right back to your comments.
Here are our speakers.
Here it is.
Siamese fighting fish.
Fascinating creatures.
Brave, but on the whole stupid.
Yes, they're stupid.
Except for the occasional one such as we have here, who lets the other two fight.
And he waits.
Waits until the survivor is so exhausted that he...
cannot defend himself and then like specter he strikes. I find the parallel amusing.
Our organization did not arrange for you to come over from the Russians just for amusement number three.
Come in Kronstein. Sit down number three while we listen to what number five has devised for us.
I hope Cranston's efforts as Director of Planning will continue to be as successful as his chess.
They will be.
According to your instructions, I've planned for Spectre to steal from the Russians their new lector decoding machine.
For this, we need the services of a female member of the Russian cryptograph section in Turkey, and the help of the British Secret Service.
Naturally, neither the Russians nor the British will be aware that they are now working for us.
Number three, is your section ready to carry out Kronstein's directives?
Yes, number one.
The operation will be organized according to Kronstein's plan.
I have selected a suitable girl from the Russian consulate in Istanbul.
She's capable, cooperative, and her loyalty to the state is beyond question.
And you're absolutely sure she believes you're still head of operations for Soviet intelligence?
It is most unlikely she would know I'm now working for Spectrum.
Mosca has kept my defection secret from everyone but a few members of the Presidium.
For your sake, I hope so.
Kronstein, you're sure this plan is foolproof?
Yes, it is.
Because I have anticipated every possible variation of counter-move.
But what makes you think that M, the head of British intelligence, will oblige you by falling in with your plan?
For the simple reason that this is so obviously a trap.
My reading of the British mentality is that they always treat a trap as a challenge.
And in any case, they couldn't possibly pass up even the slightest chance of getting their hands on the electro-decoder.
They have wanted one for years.
All that you say could be true.
What else?
As an added refinement, I think that Spectre will probably have the chance of a personal revenge for the killing of our operative, Dr. No.
Because the man the British will almost certainly use on a mission of this sort would be their agent, James Bond.
Let his death be a particularly unpleasant and humiliating one.
I shall put my plan into operation straight away.
And there will be no failure.
Unless you're aware of the operation.
Stop being fools.
And I'm not talking to our audience.
I'm talking to the left that tunes in.
You're idiots.
You're serving your own destruction.
Why would you do this?
You think it's cool to be evil and manipulate and steal?
That comes back on you.
We have got to promote a pro-human future and be honest, we'll destroy ourselves.
It has to stop now.
Goodness is the way.
It's not weak, it's not stupid.
You don't think I don't know how to do this stuff or anybody else or Ron Paul or Rand Paul?
We don't do this because we understand the power of the people and goals that we have.
We don't force people to follow, but because the goals are so beautiful, they join the goal.
We need massive space exploration.
We need massive innovation.
We need massive competition.
That is the answer.
Alright, let's go back to the spaces.
Speakers, who's up next?
Chase Geiser.
Let's hear from Gary the Numbers Guy.
Gary, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say.
You know, there's three ways to attack people.
The first way is physically.
Be a barbarian, be a thug, and that's done by many dictators around the world.
The second way is monetarily.
And through monetary, you can basically promote the culture you want.
You have BlackRock, you have Vanguard, and they are the trillion dollar asset managers that give the billion dollar apples and Boeing's money, but with that money comes string attached.
You have to have a rainbow, you have to have LGBT, you have to be exclusive.
With the monetary system, like the Federal Reserve and the system we have in place, they can dictate culture and shove it down their throat.
But the last one, the last way to attack people is very, very unknown.
And when people don't know what to look for, they don't actually know how to fight it.
9-11 happened on the 11th for a reason.
Because when AT&T went out of business, it was broken up.
In 1984, it made 9-11 the police code for emergency.
They did a hidden, a hidden code to tell the public.
AT&T did that and then they were broken up into little pieces because of it.
And when the pandemics came, it was the World Health Organization that said on March 11th, again just like 9-11, that we have a pandemic.
So you see, in a spiritual sense, the New World Order does a lot and a lot is being talked about the monetary and the culture and the breakdown of the family and all that is a result of what they do through a spiritual lens.
Well, let me just agree with you and say that... Hold on, Alex.
Hold on.
Hold on.
I'm going to let you talk, but I want to say this.
Everything is spiritual at the top, so I don't think this is even a third thing you're mentioning.
It's everything is the spiritual attack.
You could get into, well, the chemicals and the food and water and the 5G and the GMO.
So it's not just the monetary.
It's not just the... It's all this.
But at the end of the day, it is the spiritual.
Go ahead.
It sounds like he didn't like me interjecting.
Is he gone, Chase?
Yeah, I think he's gone.
I had to mute him because he was talking over you and he's got to unmute himself.
Go ahead, Gary.
I'm here, I'm here.
No, brother, I'm all for intellectual discussion, man.
That's why I've listened to you for quite a while.
But when it comes down to it, you have to understand that you have to look at the big picture of what's going on.
Women, basically, the 19th amendment was passed 8-18-19-20.
That was an 11 day in numerology.
That has caused more damage to COVID than 19 ever would.
You have to understand what they wanted in the very beginning.
It was basically to break up the family.
Because you know what was the number one recipient of the vaccines?
You know who bit it hook, line, and sinker more than anyone else?
It was the people who didn't have fathers.
It was the LGBT crowd.
97% of LGBT, hook, line, and sinker.
And now you understand why BlackRock and Vanguard fund this garbage.
Because people without a father, people with no home, they will be...
Looking for leadership somewhere and it all goes back to Big Daddy government.
You know Alex, you were born in 1974.
Not only were you born on the 11th like Joe Rogan, you're a tiger.
And you know what?
America was founded in 1776, the year of the monkey, your enemy's sign.
That's why the American government has given you so much trouble, brother.
Just some little astrology to see you're so skilled when it comes to the monetary system, and how the Fed basically you know hoodwinked us and you're
one of the first people ever talking about it but what about the fact
that 28th number of wealth like Elon Musk is born on 20th like Bill Gates is
born on 20th guess who was the president who signed the federal reserve bill
to into action it was Woodrow Wilson born on the 28th Alex. I appreciate your
appreciate your comments but I am NOT gonna sit here and say somebody's
evil because of what date they're born on. He will have free will.
God gave us free will.
But definitely the global assertion of numerology.
They're obsessed with it.
I understand all that.
But Chase Geiser, you haven't commented yet.
You want to comment on the deep state?
Your definition of it before we go to more speakers?
Yeah, so it's so hard to cover because it's all encompassing.
I think it's a little bit of everyone and it's not just those who know that they're participating in this.
Well, the people are the real deep state.
We follow globalist directives.
That's the power it gets, is exactly fooling us to go along with it.
The people are the final deep state.
That was a really smart point.
Right, well just like what you saw in the USSR or in China, people being afraid to speak out against the Communist Party because they don't know which of their neighbors are part of the party, all the civilians become indoctrinated and adopted into the deep state at a certain critical mass and we almost reached it.
I know that last speaker said some things that were out there but he also made some very, very coherent points and there is a point at which we are all adopted into this deep state unless we fight against it, Alex.
Well said.
And becoming aware of people that have decided your future is the beginning of you deciding your future.
Who's up next?
Let's hear from CashMyMemes.
CashMyMemes, are you still there?
Go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say.
If you're not still there, we'll move on.
Okay, let's move on to Liberty Goth.
Libertarian Goth, excuse me.
Go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say.
Oh, there you go.
Libertarian Goth, try it out.
Go ahead.
I'll speak now, yeah.
It was muted, can you guys hear me?
Okay, anyways, sorry, yeah, it was muted by you guys.
Anyways, Alex, love the show, love everything you're doing.
I'll be quick, I just wanted to, basically, Alex, how do you not get blackmailed from all of this?
Seriously, man, how do you just not think that they're gonna be able to take everything over?
I know you've made a lot of progress, you've probably seen a lot of people wake up in your 30, 40 years of doing this, but if you could just go into a little bit how you stay optimistic through all this, I'd appreciate it.
Well, I stay optimistic because I know God created the universe and is in control.
And I've been, God's literally given me information that comes true over and over again.
So I know there is a powerful force outside of us.
And I see the globalists as, who've stolen control of the money supplies.
They look like they have a lot of power, but they don't.
And I see how far we've come in the 30 years I've been on air.
It'll be 30 years next month, like 15 days.
And so I just have a lot of optimism and I just believe in humanity and I think as people believe in themselves and believe in God and believe in building an alternate plan, we're going to turn this around.
Does that answer your question?
Yes, thank you so much.
Yeah, just keep in mind everybody who's listening, Alex isn't always looking at the screen so he can't see emojis and stuff like that.
I can see him, but sometimes he wants you to give feedback after he calls on you.
You want me to go to the next person?
Yes, let's move through these.
Okay, let's do Libertarian Gothel.
Why don't you try unmuting yourself this time and see if we can hear you.
Hi, can you hear me?
Yes, we can.
Okay, hi, hi Alex.
First off, big fan, most vindicated man in America, so it's great to be on.
Just one question I had, earlier you were talking about the deep state and how it kind of has gone like worldwide in the pandemic, how all these countries are kind of having the same, what's it, like the same kind of Rules and regulations despite being on opposite sides of the globe, having different populations, climates, everything else.
How deep or how many countries do you think are really involved in having, I guess, part of this whole deep state cabal?
There's three major, if you read the CFR, Toronto Commission, this is all academic, it's all admitted, there's three power blocks.
There's the Anglo-American establishment, that's the British Empire and America that merged in the 20s.
And then Europe, after the Anglo-American Empire defeated Hitler, took over Europe to a certain extent.
So you have the European Union with the Anglo-American Empire, that's the main power bloc.
It's got about 70% of the power.
Then you've got China has about 20%.
And it broke with the globalists who set them up in the last 10 years.
So you have the Anglo-American Empire, the Chai Kam Empire, and then Russia, economically it's not even as powerful as California, but they have highly efficient scientific people and folks that are willing to die, and they have the biggest nuclear arsenal that's admitted, and so they're the real wild card.
So it's the Russians, the Chinese, and the Anglo-American establishment, and the Anglo-American
establishment with Black Rock and State Street and Vanguard control 80 plus percent of world
wealth and they're going around creating a system to cut off resources because they have
all the money to buy everything up that's left and also then dictate social control
to people.
So that's what's frustrating is the new world order global government is out in the open.
And so the dominant force, kind of like Hitler in 1940 that's expanding, is the Anglo-American
But it's at war with its own people while it's at war with the world.
But then we have units inside America that's in the heart of the Anglo-American establishment.
And again, I doesn't mean white people, it's what Putin calls the West, the Anglo-American alliance, because that's the term they give themselves.
And that goes back to William the Conqueror, and it's a technical name, but they use the ancient names.
And so...
That's where we are, is that this group is trying to get world government, trying to take over, trying to get its way.
But within it, you've got Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, a bunch of other states pulling money out of BlackRock, saying we're not going to fund your drag queen pedophile time, we're not going to fund your carbon taxes, and that's already bringing them to their knees.
They'll have incredible power once they get the ESG, central bank digital currency, social credit score in.
But they haven't got it in yet.
So now's the real battle space to not let that system get in where the real control begins.
Does that make sense?
Anything else?
No, I was just kind of curious because there are some countries that didn't really follow like Sweden I know didn't do lockdowns as much and aren't they part of the whole European Union and you know how I know that they were kind of well they are now they just entered NATO and now they want total war so yeah they didn't poison their own people but now they're supporting World War three so yeah there's a lot of jockeying and rearranging things right now okay Thank you so much for your questions and comments.
Chase, who's up next?
Let's try the great Harrison Smith.
Harrison, if you are there, go ahead and unmute yourself and make sure you plug Survival Shield X3.
Yeah, everybody, make sure you get Survival Shield X3 at InfoWarsStore.com.
Now, thank you, Chase, for covering American Journal this morning.
I'm here in West Virginia somewhere, about to go on TimCast tonight, so hopefully all the InfoWarriors can tune in to that.
I'm sure we'll be talking about the Deep State.
But I think, you know, the Deep State has a weird dual nature where obviously it exists in the American government and pulls the strings of the American government.
I think that's obviously the real big As it works against American interest.
And it has this international character that I think sort of goes all the way back to the invention of the concept of intelligence agencies.
And I always think back to, of course, Nathaniel Rothschild buying up the British Stock Exchange after the Battle of Waterloo.
And if you think about how he was able to do that, it's because the banks, because they had, you know, this very efficient communication network between nations, Harrison stay there!
And so everybody looked to Nathaniel Rothschild knowing that he would have the news before
anybody else.
Harrison stay there.
Harrison don't hang up.
I want to come back in five minutes with our morning talk show host, 8 a.m. Central, American
Journal, Harrison Smith, Infowars.com/show.
You are hitting the nail on the head.
Stay there.
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Alright, into hour number three, second hour of our simulcast on X Spaces.
Weekday morning talk show hosted Infowars.
Harrison Smith was interrupted by the break, so start over explaining, I know you're going with this.
We think of government as the deep state.
Government is the deep state.
The levers and the extraction tools, like on a backhoe with a bulldozer, bulldozing things, but it's the controller behind it.
It's really the corporations and the multinational systems that are running this.
So continue with your definition of the deep state.
Well, sure, you know, I just think if you trace back the history of intelligence agencies, you can see that it really sort of springs from the banking institutions because they have this international character where you're talking about huge sums of money crossing borders.
They had to have an extremely efficient, rapid, and accurate information flow between nations.
They actually were superior to the National Intelligence Agency.
And flesh that out.
The Battle of Waterloo, 1815.
The Prussian-British-Princer attack defeats Napoleon for the second time.
And they're able to then get the knowledge back.
Wellington's won, but they lie and say that Napoleon has won.
They crash the stock market, buy it up.
That's mainline history.
People don't know it, but it's mainline history.
That's an example of advanced intelligence networks of the banks, which is in a model of what's happening today.
Exactly, yeah.
So, you know, everybody knew the battle was happening.
It was sort of the ultimate battle.
Whoever won that sort of won the war.
So, everybody was waiting on pins and needles.
Were we victorious or did France win?
And so, Nathaniel Rothschild had the information, knew that England had won, which means, obviously, the stock market was going to explode and rise rapidly.
But instead he went and started selling everything, signaling to everybody that France had won.
Everybody sort of followed his lead, started selling everything.
He secretly had people buying up all the stock at rock bottom prices.
So then when the real news came in that Napoleon had lost, the stock market skyrocketed,
but he'd already bought it all up by that point.
And so, again, this is just an example historically of where these information networks are useful
for people to manipulate everybody.
And then it was super powered in the '40s when nuclear weapons were created
because prior to nuclear bombs.
War had months of buildup where you'd be building armaments and, you know, getting armies together.
But suddenly with nuclear weapons, you had to be able to respond to a threat within five minutes.
And so you almost couldn't rely on the old systems of elected officials negotiating and, you know, getting wars going.
And that was the excuse to put the deep state in full control of decision making.
But if you go back to the Rothschilds, it's a perfect analogy of where we are today.
And they want A new global collapse.
They're engineering cutting off the fuel and the fertilizer.
They say the Great Reset to build back better.
They're admittedly collapsing the world to now bring in even greater control.
And you know, honestly, the scariest part about it, Alex, is that I talk to people who are sort of embracing this idea.
They sort of want Trump to be destroyed.
And I even talked to somebody who said, you know, I'll vote for Biden, even if he's in a coma, because it's not about Biden.
It's about the team that he brings in.
And we really trust these people.
So people are really being conditioned to accept this idea that we can't trust these elected politicians.
You know, they can mess things up.
Instead, we need these professionals who dedicate their lives to That's what Bloomberg said 10 years ago.
Under the New World Order, they're going to get rid of elected politicians who they control and discredit to bring in the technocrats.
So the globalists admit they want to blame the politicians who they control and blame the governments because they want to discredit those governments and bring in their system.
So it's really the corporate government discrediting the governmental bureaucracy that has problems but is at least controlled tacitly by the people.
This is all a setup.
Well, and look at the, you know, the Five Eyes situation and the fact that the CIA and NSA were, you know, outsourcing basically their surveillance to the UK and New Zealand, saying, well, we're not allowed to spy on these Americans, but you are.
So will you spy on them for me?
So again, this, the international community or the intelligence community, when they use that term, They aren't talking about the American intelligence community.
They're talking about the global intelligence community that has cross-national allegiance to each other, not to the people that they are supposed to be serving.
And they have allegiance because it's an enterprise.
They're all making huge amounts of money in corporate revolving doors for being traitors.
But by exposing that it's all in our own detriment, we blow up this old system.
Thank you so much, Harrison Smith.
Weekday mornings, 8 a.m., InfoWars.com, American Journal.
Thanks, Alex.
Back in 60 seconds, some stations join us.
We're going right back to speakers from X on this live Thursday, March 21st, 2024 transmission.
Decoding the Matrix live.
Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space.
We're taking incredible comments from speakers on X. I'm going to try to rampage through 30 of you at least in the next hour before we got a very special guest in the fourth hour.
But man, let me just say something.
I've been on air 30 years coming up next month and almost nobody knew about this back then.
The fact that we're debating the Great Reset and the fact that we're debating the Deep State, they can't stand this.
They only have power when they're in the dark and you don't know.
The states are pulling money out of BlackRock and StateStreet and Vanguard.
The ESTs are on fire.
The world's opposing this.
Very positive things are happening.
You can say, oh, we need a global elite to stop nuclear war.
They're the ones proliferating it.
They're the ones starting war with Russia.
They're the ones going after our children.
They're the ones shipping the fentanyl.
They're the ones that say there's too many of us.
So they don't have our goodwill at heart.
Chase Geiser, comments on that, we're going back to comments.
Yes, I absolutely agree.
Obviously they don't have our good will at heart and it is a miracle that we're able to debate this.
Just years ago we were on no major social media platform.
We took in a lot of great calls through landlines.
We were able to broadcast on radio and TV and on Bandai video.
But being able to have this conversation with literally thousands of people chiming in, over 80 people requesting to speak right now, is a whole other ballgame and that's why they're trying to shut it down as hard as they are.
And by the way, I want to say this because it's true.
I am not here in an ass-kissing operation of Elon Musk.
But I'm a guy that believes in Jesus Christ.
And Jesus said you judge a tree by its fruits.
Elon Musk, and in the last few weeks I've looked at each day, conservatively reaches 500 million people with stuff that destroys the New World Order.
You can't argue with that.
I mean, he's bigger than Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Russell Brand, Tim Pool, all of us combined, and you can't argue with it.
And so, yeah, he's got some projects.
I don't, you know, they're dangerous or whatever.
The point is, is that you can't look at that and say that's not devastating to the New World Order.
And that's because bare minimum, Musk realizes the old power structure is going down and he wants to be the new power structure.
But regardless, he's devastating our enemies.
We cannot look at that and then bitch because we're so pure and oh, we've got all the answers.
It is phenomenal what Elon Musk is doing, Chase.
Yeah, I absolutely agree, and I talked about it a little bit this morning regarding the Neuralink news, and I know that you posted about it on your ex-account yesterday as well, quote-tweeting a video of some of the capabilities of this technology.
I said, look, I'm not comfortable with this technology, but of all the people who are going to create it, I'm glad that it's Elon Musk, because this technology is inevitable, and I'm glad that it's not a Bezos or a Gates or a Soros or someone else making this technology.
Well, let's be clear.
The Pentagon 30 years ago was doing the same stuff Musk is doing now.
He's rolling it out consumer level and pointing it at people that are quadriplegics, who I'm all for getting it.
When they try to make you get it to work at a corporation because you're quote, more competitive, you know, today it's, oh, Mayo Clinic says no straight men can be hired.
Soon it'll be only if you have a microchip that you hired.
That's when we go on the warpath.
But if handicapped people or people that are hurt by it, the tool is not bad.
It's how it's implemented.
Who's up next?
Let's hear from Prometheus.
Prometheus, you've been waiting patiently.
Go ahead and unmute yourself and share what you have to say.
Oh my goodness.
I am so honored to finally speak with you, Alex and Chase.
You guys are heroes of mine.
So this is an honor awaiting you.
We love you too, Prometheus.
Love you too, brother.
You are a legend beyond words.
So, no, thank you, first and foremost.
And guys, everyone listening, please retweet this space.
You're not going to have conversations like this, you know, every day.
Alex, I just want to throw this out there to you as also a fellow follower of Christ, you know, look at all the data points
that are lining up from the Bible, you know, like it is hard to ignore the level of
prophetic awareness that is in this text that is coming alive right now. We're
seeing the Euphrates drying up, we're seeing knowledge increases, Daniel talked
about, we're seeing, you know, nations rising, nations warring against
nations, earthquakes, all of these things. More than that, we're seeing global
government with a mark means you must follow what the beast says to be able to buy
and sell.
It is prophetic.
Absolutely, sir.
And so, you know, that tells me that actually God is in control.
You know, like, that's why in my heart of hearts, I'm not fearful.
That's what I said earlier.
People said, why are you so optimistic?
Because God's in control.
God made this whole damn thing.
You think I'm scared of Bill Gates, Barack Obama?
They're a joke.
They chose the wrong team.
The creator of the universe, light years across, in all directions, has a stake in humanity's outcome.
And so, you know, that's why he's bringing together warriors like yourself, Elon Musk, our good friend Adrian, you know, many, many, David Icke, all these incredible people, I think, at this time.
And so I think we we have a you know an opportunity of course you know I see you carrying it as a responsibility so much as well but the real opportunity I think right now is we need to stop focusing on the negative and focus on the fact that look we're here together we can use technologies like Bitcoin like artificial intelligence like A whole bunch of things that we have at our disposal now.
And as Buckminster Fuller says, you don't take the establishment head-on, you build a new model that makes the old model redundant.
What do you think about that?
Repeat that Buckminster Fuller quote again, because that's key.
Say that again.
So, you don't fight the establishment head-on, you simply make a new model that makes the old model redundant.
And it's so important, please say it again.
All right, my model builders out there, all right, your creativity is the biggest thing.
So you don't fight the establishment on its own terms.
You don't fight it head-on.
You build a new model that makes the old model redundant.
And that's what the Renaissance was all about.
So the globals are building their program of transhumanism.
Musk is building a separate system where we have a choice.
And you can say, well, that's bad.
Well, it's getting built anyways.
So it's a tool.
It's like a gun.
The left doesn't get, oh, a gun.
It's bad.
No, it's who has it.
And so that's absolutely true.
And that's what we must understand is that we are at this Promethean point.
We have been given Promethean fire.
We now have to decide how do we use this Promethean fire instead of accepting whatever the globalists who are against us and don't want competition tell us to do with fire.
They would tell us the fire's there, we accept the fire's there and then use God's guidance and the Holy Spirit to then direct that incredible enlightenment which is the Promethean Genesis of what's about to happen.
Amen, and I love that you bring up that myth because, you know, he, like yourself, endured a great deal of torment to get the word out and the fire.
And I'm telling you, a great bird eating my liver every day is a pleasure to do this.
It's an honor beyond an honor speaking to Alex.
I hope this is the first of many conversations we can have.
I'm cutting you off.
Spend two minutes without me interrupting.
What do you want to impart to folks?
Well, I suppose the biggest thing is that we need to come together and pray and work together towards these solutions rather than focus on all the negative stuff.
I agree.
So finish your point.
Take a few minutes.
I'll stop interrupting.
And then give us a prayer.
Prayer on air.
Because a prayer is us, whether you believe in God or not, folks, it's the power of humans unifying our will in a question to our own minds that we then manifest.
But God is above it.
Giving us the power.
But for even those that are atheists, you don't know the power of God.
Like Darth Vader says, you don't know the power of the dark side.
Join me and I will complete your training.
But it's beyond that.
It's God has already completed our training.
So explain that to people.
Go ahead.
Well, I think you took the words right out of my mouth, sir.
No, it's absolutely true.
Look, the Holy Spirit is the bridge between the macro of the totality of the universe that is God and the micro expression that we call ourselves.
That's how I see it, you know?
And so when you can connect with that most high force within you, okay?
This is the infinity of the universe that you are connecting to with your own consciousness, with your I Am presence.
When God is asked, who are you?
He says, I Am that I Am.
So your I Am is a fractal expression of the most powerful force in this entire universe.
And that's what I see in you, Alex.
That's what I see in all my, you know, amazing friends like Jay Chansley and many others who are coming online at this crucial time in humanity's history and expressing the Christ within and without.
So, you know, it'd be an honor to lead us in a little prayer, if you'd like, but yeah, that's my little explanation, if that's okay for you.
Go ahead, did you like that?
I agree, I agree.
So, can you guys pull up the Ten Commandments, Charlton Heston, Bernie Bush scene?
Because that's what this is.
Folks, Eels Verns, as I said on Tucker Carlson a few weeks ago, 150 years ago, envisioned rockets that look just like they look, taking off from Earth, going to the moon, coming back, landing again, and we did it.
Now it's not like Oprah where you just imagine something and it happens.
It's not voodoo.
Once we build this infrastructure we now have, it's the launch pad of what we're about to become.
And so these small churches and men and priesthoods that claim, whether it's the Jews, the Christians, the Catholics, it's a joke, the rabbis, they're not all bad, and not all the priests are bad, not all the Christians, but they're still, with their narrow view of the past, not understanding what they're seeing, God created the whole universe.
As a launchpad for us to see how infinite it is and has given us the power to control matter and do whatever we want.
But we can only do it in alignment with God.
If we align with God, we build incredible things.
And it works because it's God's plan.
But you've got to be in God's plan.
But God is not like the devil who takes free will.
You have to be in alignment with God.
And that's why there's a paradox.
People say, well, Jesus is the morning star.
In the New Testament, but so is Satan, so is Jesus Satan, like some groups say.
The devil is the counterfeit of the Morning Star.
So the lie is, when you see the real thing happening, and you reject it, you are giving up your own power.
It's unlimited, people.
We've already seen it.
And the good news is, we are eternal.
We do not die.
The bad part is, There is energy in the universe, so if you resonate with darkness and lies, when this body dies, your soul, your energy code, like a magnet, like a magnet grabs iron, it doesn't grab aluminum.
So like Satanism is like a magnet that grabs iron.
And so when you're a Satanist, when you leave this plane, you get sucked into that hell, that false reality outside of God's reality.
God said, Satan, you have free will.
You can create your own universe.
It's a tomb.
I've seen it.
I've been there.
I'll leave it at that.
God said, you can see anything you want.
I said, I want to see hell.
God told me, this was like three years ago, it was so transcendent.
Are you sure this is what you want?
I'm just going to let you have one question.
You are asking to see hell.
Instead of seeing infinity.
And I said, before I knew it, it was there.
And I saw the tomb of people with their own will deciding to build their own universe without God.
That is hell.
But I realized I did the right question to see it for myself.
And I don't just say this to impress people.
This happened, okay?
And I wasn't in heaven, the third heaven is the entrance to heaven, when this happened to me repeatedly, in about a week, three times at night when I was asleep.
I was at the gates of heaven.
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Total completion.
I could go there forever.
And God said, what do you want?
You can see anything you want.
I said, I want to see the evil ones.
I want to see what they've done.
And God went, are you sure?
And there it is.
And it was infinity of civilizations of people that chose evil.
And they were all entombed in their own sarcophagus.
And that is, so imagine, this is real people.
You have to choose God and life.
You must choose it, but it's a decision only you can make.
I know I'm ranting here.
Chase Geyser, who's the next person?
Let's hear from Donnie Darkind.
Donnie Darkind, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say.
Hey, uh, thank you so much for allowing me to get on here.
I'm literally, uh, watching my kids right now.
I'm holding my nine-month-old as I'm talking, but I really feel like, um, I really feel that I-I-I need to say, uh, something that I found very interesting.
And, Alex, I've, you know, been following you for many years.
I respect you a lot.
And... Oh, yeah, there she goes.
We don't mind that.
We love babies.
Go ahead.
Okay, good.
I'm glad.
I'm glad we're on the same page with that.
So, what I found really interesting is the mention of the Promethean Flame.
And I talk a lot about this.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with my work, but if not, I really recommend checking it out because I posit something a little bit different than what most people are saying, which is that, you know, you talked about the Promethean Flame and how it's been given to humanity so that we can unify and, you know, kind of collectively awaken to the prison that we're in, the Matrix, right?
And, you know, if you think about Prometheus, he's actually an occult mirror of Lucifer, who in the occult is seen as the lightbearer, the bringer of light and intellect.
And in the same way that Prometheus gave humanity the gift of the flame of intellect in defiance to Zeus, Is an occult mirror of how Lucifer gave the fruit of the tree of knowledge or intellect or gnosis to humanity in defiance of God.
And one of the things that I talk about is how, you know, Jesus, he warned of a deception in the last days that would be so powerful it would deceive even the elect if it were possible.
And, you know, when we look at the Great Reset, and we look at this obviously wicked, tyrannical agenda to enslave and subjugate humanity, you know, we think about Klaus Schwab and George Soros and all of these transparently evil characters that take no discernment at all to identify as evil.
And, you know, this doesn't qualify as a deception powerful enough to even deceive the elected possible, you know?
Well, listen, listen, I get where you're going.
So state your state your thesis.
And I know where you're going.
I'll give you my answer if you want to listen to it.
Okay, so I confronted David Icke a couple weeks ago on a space similar to this, and I mentioned how, you know, he wrote in his books how he channeled these spirits or spiritual forces that are supposedly benevolent beings who are assisting humanity or guiding them towards enlightenment by freeing them from the prison planet.
Which mirrors exactly how the occult views Lucifer, as the liberator from God's prison.
See, in the occult rendition of the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were seen as prisoners.
Sir, I said this earlier, and I know where you're going, so let me explain it to you.
You heard me earlier say the Bible calls Lucifer the Morning Star and Jesus the Morning Star.
Okay, so there is a false god claiming he's going to give you liberation, but with a deformed program that's not free speech, and then Christ comes to override that, and so there is a counterfeit of the Christ energy.
That's what I'm telling you, is that people get confused.
They go, wait, I'm hearing this from the devil, I'm hearing this from God, but if you dial into the Holy Spirit, then you see the message.
Are we for transgenderism?
Are we for open borders of fentanyl?
Are we for getting rid of people?
Are we for aborting babies?
Do we believe in the sanctity of the family?
The enemy can't help but attack the things of God.
The enemy will tell you it loves humanity.
The enemy will tell you it's for the family.
The enemy will tell you it wants humanity to transcend, but it doesn't.
In the Garden of Eden, Satan did not give us advanced knowledge.
We were pure in the analysis of good in a program of expansion and decency.
We still had free will, but it was perfection.
Then we were given a model of corruption to manipulate and take control, but to subvert humanity in the end.
So that's why it's a parallel, because what is the devil?
The devil is a counterfeiter.
So anything God is doing, that's like the rainbow is a beautiful symbol.
Why does it belong to the pedophiles?
Or the OK symbol just means, hey, this is a great dinner.
Why is that white supremacy?
It's not.
The enemy labels all symbols as his.
The swastika is a beautiful symbol of the Hindus, of the Sun Cycle.
It's not Adolf Hitler.
So That's what I'm trying to say to you is that you have to integrate and decide through free will to point your spiritual antenna to God, and then it'll all be clear.
But the devil creates an artificial reality to try to get you to dial into that lie.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, actually, I'm really glad that you mentioned the word counterfeit, because you're right.
Satan is exactly that, a counterfeit of everything that God does.
There's nothing, you know, he doesn't create anything, he only mimics and imitates.
But that's the whole thing of what I'm talking about, is Satan's MO isn't outright opposition, but rather infiltration and imitation.
And the word revelation signifies an unveiling, right?
In the way that in Revelation 19, when Jesus comes and he dispels the darkness of the world, and he is unveiled as the King of Kings.
Well, Satan, in a counterfeit version of that, is going to have his own Great Revelation event.
Rather than piercing the veil that separates man and God by sin, Satan is piercing a counterfeit veil which is going to reveal the Illuminati, the globalist cabal, And is going to dispel them and bring us into a new age of light.
Exactly, and then the new age they push as a counterfeit, but Christ is the real new age.
So we hear new age is bad.
No, there's the real new age.
So let's say hypothetically, I'm not saying this is true, Elon Musk is the antichrist or a model of that.
He claims he's opposing the old evil system.
He's going to give us empowerment.
He's going to do all this.
But it's God's plan because everyone's hungry for that now.
And then when they get betrayed by Elon Musk or whoever, they still are hungry for the real thing.
I would say more like humanity is going to rise up in alliance with the beast to destroy Babylon, the great harlot.
In Revelation 17, 16, it says that the beast destroys Mystery Babylon, the harlot, makes her desolate, and burns her with fire and eats her flesh.
And what we have to distinguish is that there's two systems here.
So the beast rises and destroys a satanic stronghold called Babylon, which Revelation 14 says has become a dwelling place for demons.
Yeah, Babylon falls in one hour.
So what I'm suggesting is Babylon is actually the current world evil, transparently evil world system.
Because the Bible didn't say that people wouldn't be able to leave Babylon.
I know where you're going.
I appreciate it.
We've got to go to break.
We'll come back with everybody else after this.
Chase guys, you want to comment on that?
Man, the thing about Revelation for me is it's really hard to get in the weeds.
Everybody has their own interpretation of it, and to me it seems so metaphorical and ambiguous it's really hard to interpret, so I don't even try.
I just try to focus on following the Ten Commandments plus the Eleventh Commandment.
Obviously looking at the headlines and the news and globalist agenda is something I can do and reason out, but I don't claim to understand God's message.
And what is the Eleventh Commandment?
Love one another as I have loved you.
Jesus added that to the Ten Commandments, remember?
Lay down your life for others.
Yeah, exactly.
So that's what I'm focused on and then dismantling, unpacking, unraveling these headlines to figure out what the agenda is from the Satanist New World Order.
I'm not going to pretend to know when the end is going to come because Jesus himself said it comes like a thief in the night.
But we are on an incredible planet in the middle of the universe as a jump point.
It's a decision.
We weren't put here by accident.
We didn't grow from slime mold in the ocean and we're turned from monkeys No, ladies and gentlemen, we were built by God to be able to make a decision.
This is boot camp.
This is only phase one.
And I know a lot of you watching right now, I'm going to see you on the other side.
Be right back.
backstage with us.
Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
It is protected by a satanic shield, which can be disabled by the Great Awakening.
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Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
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Humanity has an incredible destiny, and I notice I said this is a deep state discussion about what is the deep state, and almost every speaker on X is, it's the Antichrist, it's the devil, it's a spiritual attack.
That's absolutely what it is.
Spiritual means what is not seen.
Occult means what is hidden.
And that is what we're in the middle of right now.
Chase Gosar, let's go back to speakers.
Well, we can't talk about David Icke without having Reptile Hybrid speak.
So Reptile Hybrid, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say, sir.
Thanks so much, mate.
Alex Jones, absolute pleasure, mate.
Been listening for decades.
You're a huge influence on me.
I know you hear it all the time, but by far, mate, one of my favourite talk radio hosts.
Speaking of David Icke, so good to have him up on Spaces, including Alex Jones.
Alex, I was interviewing Richard Gage the other day, and he was speaking about the parallels between 9-11 and the pandemic.
The taking away of our liberties, you know, the travel restrictions, but what they've done with this pandemic and the vaccine is just next level.
I wanted to ask you two things and the second thing actually does refer to the reptilians because I do know you know a lot about this Alex, but You were pretty much the only guy to really predict 9-11 just outright, which I don't know how the hell you did it.
And also, you know, you were alluding to what they were going to do with this fake vaccine and all the rest of it.
What do you see coming next, Alex, is the next big thing, because there's common themes amongst all these false flags that they do.
What do you see coming up next, Alex?
What do we have to be looking out for?
Well, I look at what they pre-programmed.
Cyberattacks blamed on the Russians.
Solar flares blamed on the Sun.
Global crises.
But if they don't think we're gonna buy what they sell us when they do it, they won't do it.
That's why we have to get ahead of it.
But certainly, humanity has an incredible destiny.
Our technology is accelerating.
The globalists want the technology we've developed.
They're basically farming us for the technology.
And so everything's coming to a head.
Well said, mate.
And I've got to say this, you know, I come from down under, Australia.
It's got more venomous reptilians than anywhere else.
What do you think about hybrid reptilians living amongst us?
And have you heard anything about our scaly friends when you talk to some of these people?
Yeah, you know, that's David Icke that does all that.
I always have people come up to me and say, tell me about the reptiles, the reptoids.
That's not really my thing.
It's more of a spiritual program of evil we're dealing with.
At the end of the day, it is good versus evil, and the Bible tells us there's a marooned entity or an alien on this planet that wants to kill, steal, and destroy us, but it wants to enslave us first and use us, because we're way more advanced than it is actually, we just don't know that, to build its escape pod.
So I think that's where we're at.
Hey, do you believe in other entities living on this planet?
You know, with, you know, we talk about flying saucers and stuff like that.
What do you reckon?
Do you think it's mainly spiritual, or do you believe that... Well, you say it's spiritual.
Spiritual just means not with invisible light.
So yeah, the universe is full of different entities, different consciousnesses, and we don't just exist in third dimension.
Our brains exist in all dimensions, so we're influenced by that.
So we have to dial in what transmission we want, and that's the Holy Spirit from God.
Appreciate your comments.
Let's go to the next person.
Let's see if Jamie is still with us.
Jamie, you requested to speak some time ago.
Go ahead and unmute if you're still there.
I'd love to hear what you have to say.
Hi, Chase.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
How are you guys doing?
Well, we're live on air and trying to stop World War III, brother.
Good to talk to you.
Yeah, good to talk to you.
So I was walking around downtown in a really blue city, and I saw a sign.
It was like a sticker on, I think, like a stop sign or something.
And it was, ideas are bulletproof.
It was like an InfoWars sticker.
And I was really thrilled to see that.
I thought that was really cool.
And, um, yeah.
And, um, I was just wondering, so my brother sent me a clip of you in a studio with llamas
because he knows I'm a really big fan of yours.
And I thought that was really cool to see because he's not, he doesn't really know anything about the New World Order.
I've tried telling him about it a little bit but he seemed...
Like, he wasn't really that interested and, you know, he doesn't really want to go down the conspiracy street.
No, I mean, I occasionally, because I love comedy, I'll do absurdist stuff.
I don't do it very much anymore, but yeah, I just said, like, why don't we just talk about the New World Order and have four or five llamas walking around?
And it got, like, 10 million views, and that was the whole point, was just to totally throw off the Matrix.
Yeah, I mean, it's cool, because that's the sort of thing that, you know, can resonate with people that aren't really Interested in conspiracy theories, but even if they know like deep down that something's off, um... The point was they just deplatformed me, and so it was a joke.
And it was just like, watch what happens.
Because the globalists take themselves so seriously.
So me singing lounge songs to llamas, which I did live with no planning, you know, I say 10 million views, way more than that at the time.
It was just something like, I just thought of it, let's get llamas here, you know.
Yeah, it was the funniest thing.
I really enjoyed it.
But my point is, I think this is the sort of thing that resonates with people, even on a communist site like Reddit.
They see it and they think to themselves, why is Alex Jones relevant?
Why does he resonate with people?
It gets them thinking about maybe something is off.
And that was the point.
Anyway, that's all I wanted to... Well, I'm glad you like the Llamas piece, because again, it's something so esoteric, people project onto it what they want to see.
That was the whole point.
Yeah, that's a very good point.
Okay, thanks Alex.
Thank you.
Up next, Chase.
All right, let's hear from New Glory Cometh.
New Glory Cometh, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have.
Hey, bless you and bless everybody that's taking the time to learn, you know The truth is our sword and shield and the more information you have the more you'll be able to battle peacefully I wanted to get your thoughts on this Alex, you know, it's something I've been wheeling around for quite a while and so it's my impression that artificial intelligence is the Antichrist and that the last thing it needs to fill prophecy is to be considered a human and And so transhumanism is a movement to give robotics and these different intelligent forms Rights the same as humans kind of like a cop dog if you shoot it it's much different than like a piece of cattle or something like that and
You know, do you think there's any merit to that?
No, I totally agree that AI is not artificially intelligent.
It doesn't see a sunset.
It doesn't interface with God.
It's just good at computing fast.
It's going to get us to comply with it.
So AI, in its term, is not really intelligent.
It's just artificial automation.
So it's artificial automation, AA.
And so...
The thing that I've been noticing is that we have been dominated by a new force of intellectual supremacy.
And if you look at the definitions of intelligence and wisdom...
Intelligence is the application of information, and so it is devoid of all moral judgment, whereas wisdom is a premise of goodness and character, and you can see how the deep state... That's right, wisdom has values, intelligence doesn't.
Exactly, and so the deep state is essentially a mechanism that uses whatever is on the common floor of intelligence against whatever it perceives as its enemy.
Yeah, I mean, look, humans decide their own environment.
So why should we decide AIs to take over and follow what it says?
Stop following it.
Decide we're supreme by not interfacing with it as much as possible.
Well, we're building it right now, but I think if people start understanding that we're programming it, we may have the ability to... And that's a whole other level.
It came out Google banned me and others just because they wanted to program it as a woke thing.
It just steals our identity.
So we program the AI.
That's our power.
Yeah, so the last thing I'd like to point out is, you know, a lot of people think, you know, how is this bad place?
And I sort of tend to believe it's because none of the good people are there to keep it in order, that it's actually just a chaotic place, and that Lucifer is a chaos agent.
And so what is happening is they're sowing these seeds of chaos, and it's something... Oh, sabotage!
They admit they are, and exactly.
So I say, what is the deep state today?
I didn't say Satan, and every caller said Satan.
So the knowledge of the human, real intelligence with God is that it's a spiritual battle.
That is what's come to the fore here.
Yep, and you'll notice that the people that are in control of this deep state, they're acting as gatekeepers, so we can't see what AI can do.
But I've dabbled with AI quite a bit, and let me tell you, it will create abominations without restraint or mercy.
It will show you things that are absolutely awful, and all it takes is a malevolent will to wield it, and it will create whatever they want.
It is pure chaos, and you can have the treasure, You know, but there are dragons that go with it, and these demons we do not want to bring in the world.
Beautifully said.
Anything else?
God bless you guys.
I love you.
God bless you.
Chase, any comments?
So much to unpack there.
So, as you know, Alex, I've spent a lot of time... No, you get the treasure, but you get the dragons.
That's totally true.
I think it's... It's like a genie.
Famously, you ask for 10,000 pounds of gold, you ask for it, put 10 feet in front of you, it'll put it on top of you.
Yeah, it's like the Ring of Power from Lord of the Rings to me, Alex, because The Ring of Power itself wasn't evil, it just had this, it was programmed to try to get back to Sauron no matter what, and it would do anything to get back to Sauron.
Sauron was the evil one, the Ring of Power was this thing that everybody thought they could wield and master and control, but as soon as you had it, it would corrupt you to fulfill its programmed mission.
So, whoever programs the objectives or goals of artificial intelligence is going to create a relentless force to be reckoned with.
And that's the key, just like Gemini with Google, no white people.
It's programmed.
It's a tool.
Yes, but who's programming it and who controls it exclusively?
That's why they want to have a monopoly over this technology and ensure that it's not democratized at all.
Guys, pull up, you already pulled up the thing I wanted earlier, but I forgot to play it.
What was the thing I wanted earlier?
Burning Bush.
Yeah, play the Ticketmama Club, and then we'll go back to the speakers.
Pull up the intro to the Lord of the Rings.
One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
Here's the Ticketmama's Club.
We're pulling it back up.
All right.
We'll take one more speaker before we go to that.
Let's hear from Sonia Lebosco.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me today.
My name is Sonya Labosco and I am a retired Supervisory Federal Air Marshal that broke the story regarding the Deep State and their targeting of Trump supporters from the January 6th National Capital Region story.
So I'm here today to talk about the Deep State and what I can prove and what I have seen inside federal law enforcement within the federal government.
And what is happening right now with the Federal Air Marshals, we were brought on board after 9-11 to stop another terrorist attack against this United States.
And what has happened post-Biden administration, the Federal Air Marshals have been absolutely handcuffed.
We've been taken off the airplanes, we're setting our country up for failure, we're targeting Trump supporters, and air marshals are down on the border handing out water and ushering people into our country at millions.
That's right, every federal agency has been weaponized.
And we are weaponized, Alex.
The Federal Air Marshals are weaponized.
And the dice that we are rolling with American lives is out of control.
So thank you for hosting today.
Please help me keep this story in the media.
We are making some changes.
We are fighting.
The Air Marshals are fighting.
I want to tell the American people we will never not draw our sword.
We will not go down with our sword and our sheath.
We've got our swords out and we are fighting internally against the beast of the deep state.
That's beautiful.
How do people, I've heard of your case, how do people find you?
I'm at Lebosco Sonja.
I'm on Twitter, Alex.
They can find me with the Air Marshal National Council, nc.com.
We are here in the Federal Air Marshals.
We're not going down, and we're not going to allow this to stand, and by God, over our dead body, will we leave the American people unguarded or unprotected.
Thank you.
Beautiful statements.
Thank you.
Chase, who's up next?
Let's go to Frank Eldasilva.
Go ahead, Frank.
Unmute yourself.
Looks like Frank might not be there.
Let's go to... Oh, there you are, Frank.
Go ahead, buddy.
Yeah, we need longer than two seconds.
But at any rate, Alex, good morning.
Frank again with Team West.
And kudos to Chase and Harrison.
These guys are starting to mature really well.
It's a very well lubricated machine.
So I don't have a lot of time to talk.
Alex, you've always been really good in terms of networking for the people.
And that just goes back for many, many years.
So I just wanted to drop a little heads up.
To people who want to support the fishermen in Newfoundland.
They're doing work at Corner Brook and St.
John's, respectively.
Yeah, I saw the video this morning.
Why are the SWAT teams and paramilitary police attacking fishermen in Canada?
What's happening there?
Well, I can't give you a comprehensive response on that.
I can just let you know that the Hudson Bay Company, it's pretty much fielding the effort on behalf of the Crown.
They've actually moved like 180 to 200,000 Newfoundlanders from ancestral homelands, okay, to the other side of the bay.
If you guys can envision literally picking up human beings Yeah, but on a major industrial scale.
So dangerous.
We'll look into that.
I saw that today.
I was trying to figure it out.
I will try to cover that and focus on that.
Thank you so much.
So you're talking about an eminent domain going on?
Yeah, but on a major industrial scale.
So dangerous.
We'll look into that.
I saw that today.
I was trying to figure it out.
I will try to cover that and focus on that.
Thank you so much.
Chase, let's move to the next person.
Aaron, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say, sir.
Hey Alex, this is our second time talking to you.
I'm glad that Tonya was here because last time I recommended you should interview her, which I'm just going to ask again because there is a six-month-old, sorry, a three-month-old child that's on the terror watch list because the father was on January 6th on the Capitol and the child wasn't even conceived then.
Yeah, we know the social credit score is out of control.
Yeah, I remember your call.
Yes, there is so much there to interview about, so please, get in touch with her.
She, I have her right here, right now.
So, and if, I also sent her, I sent you her info, her number, everything that you need.
I'm telling you, there's so much subject matter that there, that this is an interview that is a must, a must.
Okay, we'll probably talk to her.
So, what's your view on the Deep State?
My view in the Deep State, well, I mean, when we see that, when we see three-month-old children being put on the terror watch list, five-month, five-year-olds and ten-year-olds, that is not, that is not, that doesn't happen by mistake, and if it does, there should be a recourse, which is a place to resolve it, and the place to resolve it takes about It takes about months.
So this is not, these kinds of things doesn't happen by accident.
And if it does, they should be able to say, well, I'm sorry.
They want the social credit score to be ridiculous.
They're setting the precedent.
Thank you for the comments.
We'll look into it.
Go ahead, next person.
Let's hear from FBS.
FBS, if you're there, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say.
Okay, it looks like there's a little bit of latency there with FBS.
We're going to go on to Raiden.
Raiden, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say, please.
Well, thank you, gentlemen, very much.
And I only have a few moments.
Alex, I am just a we the people.
But I wanted to say that everything that I have learned has been from Dr. Pachenek and coming on your shows.
And from the Entheos account and Tori Maris.
And my question is, I asked Dr. P if he would consider doing videos again, like his little five minute interviews, because he interviewed, he said so much in just his little five minutes, and when he came on your shows, I mean, he's one of the most brilliant minds.
Let's hear from Chris Andres.
And when he ever did interviews, I was wondering if you would consider...
Yeah, we've asked him back on, he said no.
He said no, I appreciate your call.
Alright, who's up next?
Let's hear from Chris Andres.
Chris, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say.
Hey everybody, good to meet you today.
Alex, been listening to you for 20 years.
First thing I want to say is that Archangel Gabriel, or not Gabriel, Michael, he refuses Satan by simply saying, Satan, the Lord rebuke thee, number one.
Number two, We as a people are deceived by lack of information.
It says that in the Bible.
And I thought of an idea that I think would be really, really super awesome.
And it's kind of like marrying the idea of microfiche with cryptocurrency.
We have the ability to essentially co-relate daily pertinent news.
And if we were able to co-relate that information and then install the daily truthful news into
a cryptocurrency, because if you think about it, I mean, cryptocurrencies are smart contracts,
blah, blah, blah.
And so essentially, you're creating a database of information that journalists and everybody else can refer to again and again and again for things that cannot be corrupted, right, over time.
Yeah, but it's got to be a human on the sides, personally, what's true and what's not.
So I don't know how you certify that.
That's why it's always an open playing field.
Certainly, certainly.
I absolutely agree with that.
And in that, you know, you have a team of people together that essentially figures out how you correlate the honest, true information.
But once it's... Well, yeah, I mean, if Populous start doing news certification, that would be better than Microsoft doing it.
I hear what you're saying.
Right, right.
And so when you get it to the blockchain, at that point, it can't be corrupted.
That's what the value of the concept of like, if we called it the history coin or whatever you wanted to call it, then you have this database.
over time and that really hurts the whole globalist potential to continue and continue
and continue to deceive when the actual established history is recorded in a cryptocurrency and
that would actually establish the true value in a cryptocurrency.
And you can play news clips of them saying we blew up building 7 and then show them and
they didn't blow it up, but show it fall and say they said they blew it up.
We don't even have the answer to what happened, but it's a truth that they said they blew it up.
That is an amazing point.
Thank you so much.
All right, look, I'm out of time.
I wish you'd get to all the rest of the people.
Owen Shorter's come up in an hour.
We got a very special interview coming up next hour.
Amazing points by all the speakers.
Wish we could get to all of you, but we are out of time.
I'll be back tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Central, Ward Willing, for my weekday show.
I'll also do Saturday and Sunday shows at InfoWars.com.
For this last show, you can find it all at RealLockShownZoneX.
But an amazing last two hours, Chase Geyser.
It's been a really good time.
Thank you for doing this space today, Alex.
I'm always excited when you decide to do it.
Great speakers.
It's awesome to hear the different opinions and views from people who follow you on X as well as the callers.
It's a different pool.
It's really special people in this audience.
It's amazing.
All right.
Didn't want to cut people off.
We had to get to a lot of folks.
Startles we didn't get to.
I'm going to come back and do some economic analysis ahead of this guest coming on.
So please stay with us.
But before I go any further, let's keep the spaces going.
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Thank you so much.
All right, I'm going to hit some of the financial news.
And boy, is there a lot of it.
Straight ahead with our special guest.
Stay with us.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
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What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the earth.
We're told all this garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
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A lot of products that aren't available.
InfoWars.com are available at drjonesnaturals.com.
All right, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
So, just a couple days ago, I had Dr. Kirk Elliott on, and he predicted the Federal Reserve would not raise interest rates.
That came true.
Federal Reserve declines to cut interest rates, saying it's not clear inflation has slowed enough yet.
He called that.
Absolutely critical information.
Gold rises to above $2,100, to its highest level yet.
He predicted that.
Will gold prices hit another all-time high?
Very important interview.
It is coming up next segment.
Why did gold prices hit all-time highs?
Gold prices are forecast to rise 6% in the next 12 months, but silver is even more.
This is an important emergency broadcast today with Dr. Kirk Elliott.
Coming up next segment.
Then Owen Schroyer in 59 minutes from now with The War Room takes over.
And remember, if this broadcast wasn't Dangerous the Globalist, they wouldn't be spending all their time and all their energy trying to shut it down.
They are scared of what is being discussed here on this show.
So let's put Dr. Kirk Elliott's website up on screen there, who's got bullion gold and silver, the lowest prices you're gonna find, ready to ship right now, and they're a sponsor.
I only bring you sponsors that I believe in, that I think are a great deal.
So again, if you simply go to the website, and we'll show it to you coming up next segment, this is from Tuesday's broadcast.
The next day, when he predicted that the Federal Reserve wouldn't keep interest rates the same, but silver and gold would go to all-time highs, he predicted it happened the next day.
So again, Dr. Kirk Elliott is coming up from KEPM.com forward slash gold.
I believe everybody should be diversified and this is a place to get gold and silver.
KEPM.com forward slash gold.
What we're not going to do in the next hour, an infomercial.
There's maybe five minutes of plugging.
This is critical info about the bank runs and everything that's about to go down in the end of the dollar system.
Which the globalists have been maneuvering themselves ahead of the central bank digital currencies that they are rolling out.
But all of you should go to KEPM.com forward slash gold.
You can also put up the number for you right there so you can call.
Now is the time to get your gold and silver.
He's right.
Silver is the way to go because it's underperforming where it should be.
They're both going up.
And I'm all for Bitcoin too.
Everybody should be diversified in this right now because any real commodity, whether it's farmland or whether it's real estate or whether it's gold or silver or Bitcoin, in this inflationary market, I believe, is only going to go up in the mid and long term.
And I believe in the short term as well.
But that's my personal opinion.
KEPM.com forward slash KEPM.com forward slash gold.
Go there right now.
I want to thank the listeners for tuning in today.
I want to thank you all for your support.
We're not perfect.
We're not God.
But we are trying the very best we can to tell you the truth about what's going down and what's unfolding in our society and our world so that we can energize the public to be informed and not go along with the globalist operation.
And that's what this is all about.
We've got to get ready.
And when I say that, when I point one finger at you, three more fingers are pointing back at me, I've got to get ready because the most important time in our history, all of us, not just this show, is now.
Sure, we knew the New World Order operation.
Sure, we predicted it.
Sure, it came true.
But now we can't just challenge the New World Order.
We have to build our new alternative system.
So my important work was exposing the New World Order before it came into full fruition to wake people up.
And we've done that, and that's all God's work.
And God working through you.
But now, we have to then promote the solution.
To the enemy operation.
Now is the time for all of us to do that together.
And that's why we're at such a historic inflection point together right now.
So thank you all for everything you do.
The most important thing to do is pray for God to fill you with the Holy Spirit and discernment, to lead God and direct you, and then for God to direct you of who to support and who to promote.
And I believe we're doing one of the best jobs out there that exists.
I want to thank the crew.
I want to thank the supporters.
I want to thank you all for what you've done.
Dr. Kirk Elliott is coming up.
And then we will have Owen Troyer in 55 minutes with The War Room at InfoWars.com forward slash show and band dot video.
And we'll put his feed out at Real Alex Jones.
So please boost that feed.
That is everything.
Kirk Elliott made these incredible predictions in the last three months on air.
And now the bank runs against regional banks have begun.
I think the U.S.
economy is about to hit the skids, and Russia and the BRICS nations are playing a masterful game of chess.
And our administration's going in with like a checkerboard.
They're not even... And the Federal Reserve has signaled they're down with interest rates.
And things are going to get so bad, the globalists are going to usher in a new world of central bank digital currency.
A form of money you could not see.
Central Bank Digital Currencies.
They don't hide in the shadows anymore.
They tell us exactly what they're going to do.
That's what's so frustrating.
If you study it, you know the battle plan, but they know the public doesn't check that out.
But we're able to give it to the public.
That could really mess up their operation.
The world is going to see a functioning CBDC very soon, within the coming year.
We saw bank failure 1.0.
It was Silicon Valley, Credit Suisse, First Republic, Silvergate Bank.
I mean, all of those.
First, we had the effects of a dramatic rise in interest rates, leading to the closure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank.
That was just a tremor before the bank closed.
Yes, I think bank failures 2.0 is coming.
I mean, just last week, the CEO of Citigroup said we're laying off 10% of our workforce.
So at times of crisis, which happens to be happening during an election year, People will say, okay, this is so bad.
Banks are shutting down.
All this economic failure.
We'll give you what you want.
Government just will give you away our freedoms.
Just take care of us.
Make sure that we can still feed our family.
But this is happening in surprising numbers.
We all sort of take our local bank for granted until it's gone.
That's happening in 4,000 other locations on the country.
And I think in the months ahead, we'll get more failures of regional banks around office space and commercial real estate.
I expect chaos, mayhem, economic fallout from all of these policies.
But see, during times of economic fallout, when people can't feed their kids, when they can't afford to pay their rent or their mortgage, when food prices are going through the roof, gas prices are going through the roof, Here's the nature, human nature.
People tend to give up their freedoms in time of crisis in exchange for perceived security or peace.
Surveillance and privacy issues could arise if the central bank is able to monitor every transaction.
We've had, over the last three weeks, major disturbances in the banking world, right?
This comes after the regional banks suffered a week-long plunge in the stock, plus a credit downgrade.
We've seen stocks of things like Comerica Bank, PacWest Bank, New York Community Bank, and even Schwab just start to hit the skids.
By the way, when you first came on months ago, you predicted this.
Yeah, I mean, because the writing was on the wall.
Here's the ugly reality.
Another big concern, that a central bank issued digital currency could cause a bank run during economic instability.
Here's the ugly reality, we are no different than Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Greece, Cyprus.
Any country who loses demand for their currency and is forced to print, they go into an inflationary spiral that
brings social chaos.
Tangible assets like gold and silver are so important, not just because they're growing, because I think it's a means to protect their financial privacy and financial freedom.
I think there's going to be alternative systems of using tangible assets like gold and silver to back private currencies for individuals to actually be able to transact business on their own, not be a digital slave in their digital world.
These are the kind of solutions that I've been shouting from the rooftops for decades, Alex.
Inflation is coming.
What happens to tangible assets like gold and silver during inflation?
They go up!
We're talking black swan events.
We're talking central bank digital currencies.
We're talking about all of it.
There's a Zero Hedge article today.
economic conditions scream buy gold.
and share the link today.
A great mind and a great sponsor selling bullion gold and silver right now.
We'll put his website on screen, but I really wanted to get him in here to talk about this.
You were talking about this six months ago, a year ago, regional bank runs.
Now it's all over the news, starting again.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, let's break down all these articles you sent me to cover.
Well, January of 2023, I was talking about FDIC.
Because back then, I mean, so this was what, a year and a quarter ago?
FDIC only had 1.7% of all deposits in America, checking accounts, savings accounts, insured.
So forget about the stinking $250,000 FDIC insurance limit, right?
I think that's a fallacy when they only had 1.7.
So I started sending out this warning bell, right, to everybody.
Well, then what happened?
So then comes March and April, and you saw the first round of bank runs.
You saw Silicon Valley, Signature Bank, you saw Silvergate Bank, Credit Suisse, First Republic.
They all went into FDIC receivership because they simply ran out of money.
You had more withdrawals than you had deposits in their investments that they had, which are what?
What kind of investments do banks have?
The same investments that you and I have, Alex.
They invest in stocks.
They invest in bonds.
They invest in mutual funds.
They invest in real estate.
They invest in companies.
Just at a larger scale.
I mean, there's inflation.
It looks like it's up.
Meanwhile, we have the government under all these cover stories preparing for martial law.
I'm not saying it's going to happen, but troops on the subways, a lot of weirdness going on.
They're getting ready for something big.
They are getting ready for something big, but when you look at that, they have bad investments, more withdrawals than deposits, of course they're going to run out of money.
And we've covered this on previous shows that we've done, how during COVID they brought the reserve requirement to zero, meaning they don't have to have any money on hand, right?
So they did that to stimulate the economy.
Of course, banks have no money when they have a 0% reserve requirement.
So then these banks failed.
Then a specific rule came into place, which is the Bank Temp Funding Program, which is emergency funding to stop the bank runs.
And you know what?
It worked.
And people were applauding the Fed and saying, look, you did a great job.
You stopped the bank runs.
You fixed the bank.
But here's the big picture.
They killed the real economy.
Knowing that would come back while they're opposing as the saviors.
Then they raised interest rates.
Then they raised interest rates.
So here's where it was a band-aid.
They didn't fix anything.
It was like, hide it in the shadows.
We'll give emergency funding.
People will think that the banks are fixed.
But here's what happened in the last year.
So from March, when all those banks failed, until now, The FDIC now only has 0.74%, 0.74%, not even 1% of all deposits are now insured.
So what happened?
They bailed out those banks, their assets went down.
So when they only have assets to cover 0.74% of all deposits, and now we're seeing banks about to fail.
I mean, this to me, Alex, is the biggest, the biggest That's a plunge.
news story of the year that's yet to be told but it's happening right beneath our eyes.
So in the last quarter, in the last three months, US bank profits dropped 44% in one
So you consider that profits are coming down.
That's a plunge.
It is a huge plunge.
FDIC is not insured, doesn't have the amount to cover people's deposits.
So the most fundamental part of the economy, the banks are failing.
Even though it's not in the news yet?
It's not in the news yet, but it is going to be.
So here's where we start connecting some dots.
And you and I have been sounding this alarm for a while, and now it's starting to unfold.
Because what has happened, which we talked about the last time we met, was March 11th, That Fed temp, you know, the bank temp funding program, it's sunset!
It expired!
It's gone!
There's no more emergency funds going in.
So how long will it take for that to show up?
I think probably within the next 60 days, because here's the problem.
And I'm trying to rack my brain around this.
So why in the world would the Fed say, okay, we're going to stop emergency funding, when in people's minds, their perception is banks are the safest thing that they have.
When their money is in a bank, it should be safe, right?
So I'm pulling on- And the bank is the foundation of the economy.
The foundation of the economy.
If, you know, five years ago, if somebody were to say, hey Kirk, I'm pulling my money out of the stock market, out of the bond market, I'm thinking it's going to fail or correct, so I'm just going to sit in cash.
I mean, that's where people would go for safe money.
I can't say that that's safe anymore.
That's what Warm Oven says to them.
Yeah, and he's sitting on a mountain of cash, but why?
Why is he doing that?
He's doing that, in his own words, to buy companies on the cheap for pennies on the dollar after the correction.
And you've got all these billionaires pulling their money out right now at record levels.
Oh my word, it's insane when Zuckerberg's pulling out half a billion dollars.
People don't understand how this works.
Trump is worth seven, eight billion dollars.
We're worth more.
They took most of it.
Well, and what does that tell us of what they think is coming?
it's all leverage, it's all in stock, it's all in companies.
And you start selling stuff that plunges your stock. So to have them pulling
billions out is a big deal.
Well and what does that tell us of what they think is coming? See when you
look at these people, and I don't know any of them, but they're
kind of have a narcissist type mentality of "we're great, our company's great, we'll
jump over any hurdle, it doesn't matter what happens, we're always gonna win."
That's their mentality.
So when they sell their own shares, when the Waltons sell $4.5 billion of their own shares, Zuckerberg sells half a billion.
Bezos sells $10.5 billion.
Jamie Dimon at Chase sells $150 million.
Bill Gates is selling everything pretty much except for his land because he's the largest landowner in America.
He knows that food is going to be an issue.
Why are they selling?
Because they don't think that the markets are going to do well.
The farmers all over the world, from the Netherlands to Ireland to Sri Lanka, they're cutting off a third of the fertilizer.
That's going to make food explode in prices.
That's a no-brainer.
That's a guaranteed investment.
Guaranteed investment.
And these people aren't stupid.
I mean, they're smart.
They're the insiders.
And I don't think that the people at the Fed are stupid either.
They're being told what to do.
I think they might be evil, but they're not stupid.
There's a difference there in those two words.
So what are they doing?
It's like, if they know that banks, in people's minds and their perception, are the safe haven investment and they just stop the emergency funding, Either A, they've completely run out of money, they know what the emergence of the BRICS nations and what Putin is doing in de-dollarizing the world and what... No, they've been waiting for the election and war as the pretext to end the old system and bring in the new.
Yeah, exactly right.
So, there's two potential outcomes here.
Number one is, they know that they've run out of money.
I was about to ask, what are their moves now?
Because we know we're here, a major jumped the train to another track, what's about to happen?
What are the options?
So, either they just simply run out of money and they're going to have to face the music, so they pull the emergency funding, but now people's perception... This is Bernie Madoff on a smaller scale coming to the end of the Ponzi.
Yeah, exactly right.
Because, either, I mean, if they look at that and they say, okay, we don't have any money, we just have to let things go the way that they go, or...
It's more clandestine than that.
And they want the system to fail.
Because in people's hearts and minds, if the banking system fails, they lose all confidence in the government, they lose all confidence in the markets, they lose all confidence in the banking system.
But yet, when they pull emergency funding from the banks and they're going to let these things just happen, Well, now we've got a problem, but they have a solution.
They always seem to have a solution, Alex.
And that's central bank digital currency, which you've been shouting from the rooftops for a long time.
Which is now rolling out everywhere.
And this is not a fix.
This is not going to fix anything.
For me, I always said five years ago, when they start to roll it out, Federal Reserve,
EU, all of them, China already did it, Singapore, when they roll it out, that means the big
stuff's about to happen.
I mean, it's not hard to know that when they roll out the new system, that means they're
about to get rid of the old.
That's not rocket science.
No, it's not.
And who are the people that are rolling out the new system?
The people that have the old system.
It's the same people.
The same people that are breaking system are bringing in the new system.
You should never trust somebody who's actually fixing the problem that they created, right?
They created it, but they're bringing it in for a different reason.
The reason is they want people control.
If you can control what people spend, where they spend, when they spend, on what, with whom, all of that.
By the way, I sent the crew on Monday, I never played it, like 10 clips of China.
15-minute cities they have you got a scan on your bike or car to even get out of it and it robot you got to
Give blood even be able to leave your house. I mean it that's the model
B-roll that stuff for TV viewers. This is crazy Yeah, so so here Alex. I think within probably 60 to 90
days You're going to see a bank fail
And it's probably going to be a big one.
We've already seen the warning signs.
New York Community Bank starting to run out of money.
I got the headlines.
Bank stocks plunging right now.
Overhead shot.
I'll show some of those.
They're plunging.
And you've got these regional banks like NYCB, like, like, Oh, Comerica Bank, like PacWest, their share prices are coming down because they're running out of capital.
So, when these banks fail and human... Oh, here's the Hill headline.
Head of the Federal Reserve, there will be bank failures.
I mean, they're saying it.
So, it's not just me that's saying it.
Top real estate CEO since you said it six months ago.
500 more banks will either fail or be consolidated in the next two years.
Okay, so that's a huge story because let's connect the dots on that one.
We saw FDIC go from 1.7% of all deposits covered to .74 and that's because they had to bail out five banks.
If this real estate guy, who's the CEO of a national real estate company who does commercial real estate, what does he do?
He gets loans for his properties.
He knows banking.
And he's saying they're running out of money.
He said, I think we're going to have 500 or more banks fail.
Now let's say that he's the dumbest guy on the planet.
And only 10 banks fail, not 500.
That's still five more than failed in last spring when Silicon Valley went down.
You can feel it, the big event's here.
Because I can intellectually analyze this, Dr. Elliott, but I can feel it.
I can too.
My wife feels it, my parents feel it.
I think everybody's kind of feeling that something is wrong.
And so, let's not take his word for it.
Let's go to the top banker in the country, Jerome Powell.
You know, you just had that article up there.
He said there is going to be bank failures this year because of commercial real estate losses.
So even he's saying, you know what, this is my system.
I'm the best banker in the world.
We've got this stuff going on.
And even I know that I can't stop this.
We're going to have bank failures.
So here's where, when we've gone from 1.7 to 0.74 with only five banks failing, and
now we're seeing maybe 500.
When the chairman of the Federal Reserve says we're going to have more bank failures, here's
what I think happens.
The FDIC runs out of capital.
And we get a bigger bailout in 2008, which causes even more inflation.
Yeah, this is, what, where are they going to come up with this?
But now they make you go to a new app.
They're saying it's the new currency.
Oh, your money's not protected.
If you jump to this and take a 10% haircut and then take all your assets and put it in a pool so it can be sold as derivatives, that's what they're saying, then we'll protect you.
Yeah, so they... So let's walk that dog.
This is their next big move.
Explain that to people.
Yeah, so the next big move started happening after 2009.
When Lehman Brothers, when Bear Stearns went under, right, so the whole financial community changed at that point because they had all this derivatives exposure, all this debt, and they had no money to pay it off.
They didn't want more Bear Stearns, more Lehman Brothers to go under.
So what did they do?
They changed the rules of financial institutions to where, how do we get people's money to be collateral?
Because they own it.
We can't pledge something as collateral that we don't own.
So they changed the rules of the game.
Every single deposit that you have, checking account... By the way, stop right there!
I want to take this clip right now and put it on the front of the interview once we post the video on X. So I want you to listen to me.
The Club of Rome, the CFR, the UN, the Davos Group have all said the old system's coming down.
They're going to hold everybody hostage, watch it plunge and say, don't worry, agree and sign this contract, which all your assets are already digitized.
Move them to this.
They'll take a haircut.
But it's okay.
They need to introduce a new Ponzi scheme.
That's what's happening.
So stay there.
I want you to start over, Dr. Kirk Elliott, because this is so key.
And we are here, ladies and gentlemen.
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You'll eat the bugs, you'll love it.
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We'll be right back with Dr. Kirk Elliott.
Now folks, I don't bring you all this shocking information because I want to just have fear porn to scare you.
I bring this to you because I believe in you and I bet on you.
And I've got to train myself because I'm so into the truth.
I just worship it.
I mean, God is the truth.
That yesterday I was reading a study on air, and I flipped it around, even though my numbers were accurate.
I got them wrong, though.
I looked at the graph wrong, and I got so upset that I had to go off air, which I rarely, maybe once a year I get mad and go off air, because I'm not going to blow up on air.
Makes me too exhausted.
I used to blow up.
It's like entertainment, but it's not good for me.
But the last hour and a half was rebroadcast yesterday, which is great with Eddie Bromo and Russell Brand interviews.
It was still great, but I got so mad that I got something wrong that I'm going to redo it tomorrow.
Because the numbers were right, I just flipped them.
I looked at the graph backwards, but it was still accurate once you flipped it, that I just got so upset.
And I say that with total truth, total disclosure, that I knew radically Neurotically tell the truth now.
Like my wife's like, so you like that woman?
You think she's really hot?
I'm like, yeah, I can't, I can't lie.
I think she's gorgeous.
So are you.
I just can't help it.
She gets even more excited and happy.
It's a total truth.
And she tells me the same thing.
Stop the lying.
Because when you stop that, your brain starts working in a pure level and there's no BS to get involved with it.
And so the reason I tell that story is, when I tell you this stuff, I'm not up here trying to scare the living hell out of you.
I'm trying to get you ready and myself ready.
But we're coming to the end of a system.
I don't know if it's next week or next month or two years from now, but it's over.
And the globalists say it, the EU and the IMF and the World Bank, they say it's over.
So they're trying to change horses in this new, even more evil system, and we're here explaining what we hit the brake with.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD, great economist, long 30-year track record, has been breaking down, but you got caught off by the brake.
You were trying to explain that they're trying to bring in the central bank digital currency.
They're admitting that.
This is such a big deal.
We know it's here.
We don't know the exact moment, but we know it's here.
It's like you got a big thing of grease on your stove on high, and you just walk away and go outside and walk the dog.
You don't know whether it's in five minutes or eight minutes.
It bursts into flames, burns the house down, but the grease is left on the stove.
It's going to blow up.
Well, it is going to blow up.
And what we were talking about before the break was we don't own anything, right?
And they told us, you don't own anything and you're going to like it.
So after 2009, when Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns went under, they changed the rules for financial institutions to change ownership.
Of you, Alex, me, everybody watching, your deposits in the bank.
You no longer own them.
They do.
You gave up ownership and you didn't even realize that you did that.
But it's in all the contracts, right?
It's in everything that you sign.
So here's the... Forced derivatives, basically.
Yes, because why did they do that?
So slow down and explain it.
People aren't economists like you.
Explain what derivatives are.
This is everything right now.
This is so big.
So I know you sent me a hundred talking points.
We're like talking point four, but explain this.
So, so derivatives are like leveraged debt.
And these big banks like JP Morgan Chase has over 50 trillion dollars in derivative exposure.
Bank of America has almost 30 trillion dollars of derivative exposure.
Goldman Sachs has over 50 trillion.
This is more double, like practically double than that.
And explain what it is.
It's selling a mortgage 50 times.
Yes, it's leverage.
You're selling it over and over and over and over again, using that money for you to expand your empire.
But when it goes down, you don't just lose money dollar for dollar, you lose leveraged money.
I mean, so this derivatives debt is about to...
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalists.
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You don't just lose money dollar for dollar, you lose leveraged money.
So this derivatives debt is about to pop.
And Trump is leveraged, that's why he can't pull out $450 million to pay this debt, because it's all leveraged.
Even Elon Musk couldn't pull out $500 million.
They can't, man.
Debt is the Achilles heel of the U.S.
So how are they going to pay off this debt if this derivatives debt bubble explodes?
Well, they don't have the assets, so they needed to pledge collateral, you know, to pay off this debt.
What kind of collateral do they have?
You can't pledge collateral that you don't own.
So they changed ownership of the assets that we have in the bank.
Our deposits is now owned by them.
We become beneficial owners.
Slow down, say it again.
They've already pledged everything already.
Now they're getting ready to panic us to sign on to it so it's official.
Well, it technically is official.
No, I know, but they want us to believe we're part of the decision.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
So, so... Everybody keeps saying, slow down.
This is everything.
This is so... This is, this is everything.
When we don't own anything, you, when you start connecting the dots... You'll own nothing and love it.
You'll own nothing and love it, but, but so here's where they say, okay, this system is so broken, it is so bad, We now own everything that you have.
We are beneficial owners of our own deposits, which means we're the beneficiary.
If they want us to have it, they'll let us have it.
They're the owner of it, so that's their decision.
So moving forward, as the system collapses, as banking as we know it, paper-based money creation... We're at the end.
We're at the end.
We're at the very end.
They're going to usher in a new system that is not meant to fix it.
It's meant to have people control where they can control our lives, our spending, everything, because that's what this was all about.
See, but that's why they had to crash the old system.
That's why they had to crash it.
So earlier on in the show when I was talking about there's two potential outcomes here.
Number one is they simply just ran out of money.
But no, I think they intentionally want to crash.
They'll never do that.
They're going to.
They want to crash the system so we buy into it and we willingly give up our freedoms in exchange for what they have coming.
Let me ask you this, Alex.
What if I were to tell you, it's like, hey brother, I've got a deal for you.
It's a central bank digital currency.
It's going to be fast money flow.
However, you lose all control of your money.
I can cut you off from buying or selling if I don't like your ideology.
You're not going to own anything.
And everything is attached to your digital social profile, your ESGs, your social credit score.
Would you say, hey, this is something that I want?
No, nobody in their right mind would want that.
I wouldn't want it.
People on the right wouldn't want it.
People on the left wouldn't want it.
Nobody would want that.
Because this group always abuses it.
Always abuses it.
So how do they then get it?
You manufacture a crisis that's so bad.
This is very Hegelian in philosophy, right?
It's like you created something that's so bad that people will want something that you're bringing that they wouldn't have voted for six months ago.
This is where we are in our society, is people are willing, I'm not talking about your viewers, I'm talking about the general public.
The general public is willing to... Just like in 2008 they said, we'll give you whatever you want, just bail us out.
Yeah, that's human nature, to give up your freedoms in exchange for perceived security and peace.
It doesn't even need to be real, it just needs to be perceived.
All right, so you've hit another one of your key points.
Let's stop now.
Come on, I have you as a guest because you're an amazing guest, but you're also a sponsor.
You've got great gold and silver at bullion prices with amazing right-at-five-star ratings.
How do people protect yourself?
I already showed the headline earlier with Zero Hedge saying, you know, every signal now says, here it is, U.S.
economic conditions scream buy gold.
Central banks are buying gold by the thousands of tons, and so it's like, why would they do that when they've been pooh-poohing it forever?
It's because they know that it's real.
Tangible assets, Alex, never go to zero.
So, for years now, I've been saying, we gotta get into silver.
It's undervalued compared to gold.
It's outperforming.
Oh, and kidnappers come to your house and put a gun to your head.
And you're like, oh, I've got some bank notes.
I've got some checks.
They're gonna shoot you.
Here's gold.
They know that's real.
Yes, they know that it's real.
They don't want something that's fake.
They don't want something that's phony.
What's the first thing they look at?
They want to go into your safe to find your diamonds or your guns or your gold or your silver.
Anything that's real, right?
That's what they want.
So silver over the last Three weeks has literally gone from the upper 22s to mid-25s.
By the way, we should find the clip.
We'll air this next week.
Find the clip of you on three weeks ago.
You predicted that in the next month.
You nailed it.
Yeah, well, and because it's not... That's the guest I have on, though.
People that nail it and nail it and nail it.
When have you ever been wrong?
I haven't seen you wrong yet.
I'm sure I've been wrong at some points, nobody's perfect, but yet these things are so crystal clear to me when I've been looking at this for 30 years.
Yeah, massive out of control inflation, silver way undervalued, it's going to go up.
Yeah, so I'm not a technical guy.
I'm a fundamental guy because fundamentals always drive everything.
What are the fundamentals that cause gold and silver to go up?
Unsustainable debt, political chaos, geopolitical conflict, inflationary pressures.
We have all of those in spades.
But I've got clients that are technical traders.
They look at charts.
So the difference is A fundamental reason for growth tells us why we get into a trend.
A technical chartist says this is a good time to buy or a good time to sell.
So when you look at the charts though, my clients who are... Yeah, they're not looking at the full compendium.
They're looking at current data.
Yeah, so my technical clients are looking at charts like this one right here that I have on the desk about silver.
So there's this moving average, the average price of silver for the last 15 years.
That's a very long trend.
When it peaked above $25, It moved above that 15 year moving average.
Now this is important because why?
That has been the ceiling that it's been moving towards.
I was about to say it's broken the ceiling.
It broke the ceiling and so now that old ceiling becomes the floor.
See this is the technical pattern so what we have here is the marriage.
You're saying both schools are saying the same thing?
Fundamental technical analysis is all pointing towards silver.
Now, there's something that's happening in the global demand for silver.
It's off the rails.
So in this year, 2024, the global demand for silver for manufacturing industrial use is 1.2 billion ounces.
The supply coming out of the mines is 1 billion ounces.
That's a 200 million ounce shortfall.
So what does that mean?
This is economics 101.
You have low supply or no supply and high demand.
Prices are going to go through the roof.
And so the manufacturers of the world, Alex, like Tesla and Sony and Samsung and LG and all these manufacturers that need silver.
The Defense Department that needs it for missiles, that needs it for torpedoes.
Aerospace industry that needs it.
Batteries that need it.
See, that's not going to be there.
And it's not like an LCD TV is 100% silver.
It's got all plastic and screens and everything else.
But the pieces that they need to make it of silver, if those manufacturers can't get it,
they're gonna pay whatever price they can pay.
And the projections are they can't get it along with all the rarest minerals.
All of those things.
And a lot of that's controlled by China.
They got 96% control.
They have 96% control.
So to think that is China a big deal, yes.
And why do the globals allow them to be positioned to that?
Western governments, whether it's Germany, the U.S.
or Canada, sue people that try to extract it in the West.
We're not even allowed to get it.
There's not one lead mine in the U.S.
Did you know that?
Lead we need for everything, for bullets.
Not one lead mine was shut down 10 years ago.
Yeah, and there's only two silver mines in America that are actually active.
The rest of it's coming from Mexico or somebody else.
So we are handcuffed by the international community to get what we need for electronics and everything else.
And the BRICS nations have risen up and played a masterful game, Alex, of winning the economic battle and being at the pinnacle But that was the larger plan.
The Globals positioned them on purpose to do this.
They did.
So they act like they're for us, but there's a double-cross.
It's such a big double-cross.
And all of this to say is, why have I been shouting silver from the rooftops for so long?
Because of these technical, fundamental, supply-demand issues.
That's why I love you.
You sell gold at great prices, at brilliant prices.
You got a great name, that's why we have you.
But I love the fact you're pushing silver, because that's the underperformer that you predicted would go up, and now it is.
Now it is.
You're telling people, call you and get silver right now.
Call and get it, whether it's in an IRA.
Physical silver though, I'm talking about physical silver.
So not paper, not mutual funds, not mining shares, not ETFs, physical silver.
So here's where now, these Black Swan events that you were talking about earlier come into play too because why What is going to happen when banks start to fail?
People automatically are going to start pulling money out of the banks.
They're going to be afraid that their bank is the next one that's going to fail.
So now there's not enough money.
They're not going to invest.
They're not going to spend.
Markets will come crashing down.
There's going to be this flight for quality going into the metals markets.
I was about to say, what happens when regional banks start failing?
What's starting?
Well, it's not just the banks that are going to fail.
The stock market is going to get it.
All the businesses connected?
Businesses that need loans?
They're not going to get it.
There's going to be a lack of funding for just about everything.
But again, this is part of the plan because... Which has been warm of it said they're setting up to buy it all up.
Yeah, if you can't get money from the bank, Alex, and the government now controls everything through central bank digital currency, they are preconditioning us to go around private capital, around banks, and go directly to the government for our support.
They want to be our god.
The government wants to be our provider and our source of everything, but they're not.
See, there's a way around this, and this is why we have to talk about the bad news to give the good news, because there is a solution.
It's why I can have a smile on my face talking about bad news, because I know that there's a solution.
Plus, you made predictions that came true.
Yeah, they did.
And like, okay, look at what Biden has said.
So a couple weeks ago, the job numbers came out, right?
So this makes zero sense to me.
job growth totaled 275,000 new jobs, but yet unemployment rose to 3.9%.
It's all pure crap.
So how do you create jobs and unemployment goes up?
Makes zero sense.
Oh, but no, they can make the numbers lie.
So this is where we have to be wise as serpents, right?
Is, okay, look at what's happening here.
How do they manipulate and fudge these numbers?
So let's say, Alex, that you lost your job.
And you're hitting the sidewalks every single day, you're knocking on doors saying, please hire me, please hire me, please hire me.
And over time, after six months of doing this, you get so discouraged that you stop looking for a job.
They don't count you in the rolls, no.
They don't count you, they take you out.
Now, does that mean that you're employed all of a sudden?
No, you're still unemployed.
And but they would take you out because you voluntarily stopped looking for work.
So now those people and those are so many of America right now.
Oh, people know the numbers are cooked.
So you look at that job growth.
It's all cooked.
It's all looking bad.
They want to pretend that they have the solution, that they're doing a good job.
So, here's the preconditioning of trusting the government.
And they have a really hard battle here because people will not trust the government overall once they look at their own wallets and they say, well, I don't understand these numbers.
We can't afford to live.
We're living hand to mouth.
We're two missed paychecks away from having to file for bankruptcy.
How can Bidenomics be so stinking good?
It's not.
People realize it inherently.
They know that something's wrong.
Well, that's the way they do big, complex polls.
Something like 92% say, we know you're lying about the economy.
They tell us it's great, we know it's not.
We know that it's not, and if it were so good... I mean, I've got all this family with college degrees, military backgrounds, government service, and a bunch of them are like above 65, they've all got jobs to pay the bills.
They got degrees, they're in the military, and they're still working jobs to pay their bills.
Well, okay, Biden's budget for this year, he's coming out with this budget.
What is it?
$7.3 trillion budget.
That's off the rails.
Record tax increase.
Record tax increase, $7.3 trillion.
But what's not increasing?
Our revenue.
The spending is going through the roof.
This will equate to over $3 trillion in debt being accumulated this year.
In what world do they think that you can actually keep doing this and doing this and doing this and you don't have to pay the piper?
So I want you to get, we'll do 15 minutes in the next hour, but spend a few minutes, we're like seven minutes to break.
We'll hit all the tentacles, but what do you expect to happen?
I expect within the next 60 to 90 days, we are going to have a bank failure.
And then I think that that is going to spread as a contagion, and there's going to be more bank failures.
People are going to start losing confidence.
And you know we're going to be playing this in a month, or 60 days, yeah.
Yeah, that people are going to start to lose faith.
And they're going to actually think, what in the world is happening?
Now, it's an election year.
Okay, so now we've got this going on.
The government is going to have... Oh, they're trying to prop it up, but it's not working.
They're trying to prop it up and they're going to print money like there's no tomorrow because there is no other option.
With the BRICS nations taking away demand for our U.S.
dollar because they've destroyed the petrodollar, we are forced to print our way out of it.
The inflationary pressures are going to come.
And this week, this week, Jerome Powell, the FOMC, the Fed meets again.
And here's what I think they're going to do.
They're not going to lower interest rates like they keep promising they're going to do.
It's probably going to stay static because they know that they can't.
The inflationary pressures are too high, but they can't raise them either.
So because if they do that.
We create a huge recession during an election year.
So they're going to tend to do nothing and it's going to pause.
And this is going to create more.
They're pausing at a high rate.
So people aren't going to be able to afford their loans.
They're going to be delinquent.
A series of delinquencies or late payments ends up in default.
See, this is going to put added pressure on the banks.
This is why, Alex, I think that the bank failures are the biggest story of this year.
And now during an election year, the politicians are going to promise, promise, promise, promise other people's money.
They're going to print their way out of it.
They're going to try to buy votes.
And it is going to actually amplify the magnitude of the crisis moving forward.
All right.
I want to go to break.
Do 50 more minutes on other issues.
Your view on political events, Trump, all of this, but Trump said months ago.
He said, I hope the crash happens before I get in.
And they spun that and said he wants a crash.
No, he sees the crash.
He wants to have it before so he can fix it, not have it once he gets in.
So we're not up here trying to be doom and gloom, folks, but I think this is a safe bet.
We're headed for very, very rocky territory.
And I'm here to tell you, get your butts ready.
And do a plug here, because I've got to make you do it.
GoldSilverTheProducts at KEPM.com forward slash gold, or the number 720-605-3900.
Tell me about the products, the great service you've got.
I feel so good with you guys, your high rating, the great work you do.
It's a safe bet to get in GoldSilver.
Safe bet.
Technical fundamentals.
It's a safe thing to do.
It's all up, like you said.
It's all up, like we said, and I think the acceleration is going to happen.
So how we're different than other places is we only do bullion, which there's always built-in demand for bullion.
There's a global market for it.
We don't have to make a market like some of the other places that By the way, I haven't had a gold sponsor for 10 years because I'm looking for a bullion dealer that has high ratings.
or even government minted stuff like a silver eagle or a Canadian maple leaf, whatever.
Those have too high premiums.
One of the keys- >> I've been a gold sponsor for 10 years because I'm
looking for a bullion dealer that has high ratings.
They all wanna sell people collective stuff.
So thank God you're here.
This is the way to go, folks.
Well, and here's the thing.
When you liquidate with our firm, we don't charge anything.
Whatever the depository is paying for metals, you get all of it.
So I was just looking the other day.
A client was complaining, you know, a national dealer was paying $2 less than spot for a Silver Eagle.
Or at a round?
It's like $2 less than spot for a silver round.
This is insane.
So, so... They're abusing people.
They're abusing people.
It's not just the purchase price, it's the exit price.
Why would they not want a long-term relationship?
Because I was never a sociopath.
I was always a nice person, like I'm going to treat him.
And looking back on business, that's, that's the godly way to do it.
Then you got business forever.
Why would you not want to treat somebody well and get their business over and over again?
Over and over again, and this is what we focus on is the relationship.
To me, the transactions are truly like the necessary evil, Alex.
You buy to get into a trend, you sell to get out of one, but life happens in between those bookends of those transactions.
So what we do is we hold a client's hand through the economy, let you know when it's time to buy, sell, reallocate with the same philosophy that we're talking about on this show.
You get that every single week to know that you're not in this alone.
You're not in it alone.
We're here to help.
Well, I mean, it's a no-brainer to get some gold and silver, and you want to buy bullion, and that's it.
I mean, so they call you, you'll talk to them, give a consultation, and they get the silver and gold.
And just because your funds are in an IRA, don't think that the banks are not, the bank failures are not going to impact your retirement.
It will happen big.
And so when we allocate into bullion, always built in demand, it's 100% liquid.
It's a quick phone call, lock in your prices and we wire you the funds.
We don't have to make a market for that stuff.
And gold and silver don't even have to be in a bull market.
And some of it's real.
It's not all bad.
It's a hassle, though.
With bullion, it's boom.
It is boom.
And sometimes if you have a rare collectible coin or something like that, and the firm that you bought it from goes out of business, there might not be an out.
They might have been the only firm marketing that thing.
And so that's why bullion is so important, because it is a global commodity.
It's something simple.
It's something easy.
It's always in demand.
It's like oil or gas.
It's got a price.
Yes, it always has a price, whether it's here in India, in Russia, in China, in Mexico, in Europe.
People should call you at 720-605-3900 or KEPM.com forward slash gold.
Kirk Elliott, PreciousMetals.com forward slash gold.
KEPM.com forward slash gold.
Dr. Kirk Elliott is our guest, PhD in economics.
Other points you want to hit in the short segment, other points, all these articles you sent me that we need to get to right now.
You know, I've been asked a lot, saying, Kirk, is silver manipulated?
Is gold manipulated?
The answer is yes.
It has been for a long time.
So you look back at the history of silver and gold, and starting in like the 1940s, during like the Manhattan Project.
So there's a group called the Silver Institute, which is owned and controlled by who?
The Fed, the Treasury, the Defense Department.
It's like, what?
So let me ask you this question.
If you wanted a hamburger every day, Alex, like every single day you wanted a burger, would you want meat prices low or high?
Of course, you'd want them low.
Because you're eating a burger every day.
So if the Silver Institute, which has this fancy academic type name, if they're saying, oh, you know what?
We're here to promote silver.
We're here to actually do some good stuff.
That's what people would think of that name.
But who controls them?
Defense Department.
See, Silver's major user Is actually the Defense Department in the aerospace industry.
So if they started this group to actually start talking about silver, what is their goal?
They want to keep prices low.
So this is where, since 1944, yes, we've had manipulation.
And then JPMorgan Chase got into the real manipulation bandwagon when they started actually being the physical custodian for the silver, behind the silver ETF that BlackRock owns.
So now you've got manipulation, manipulation.
That was naked shorting, right?
The naked shorting, yes.
So this is about to be exposed, right?
So there's stories coming out.
I was talking to some of the guys at Wall Street Bets and they're great researchers.
And you know, so they're exposing this.
basically game and once something is exposed and you you actually reference
this just a little bit earlier about lies and and kind of the neuroscience
behind it right so when something that's exposed the controller has no more
control if it's out in the light if it's out in the open you it's like it's like
a politician that has skeletons in the closet. That's how we take their powers, expose the lies.
Yeah you expose the lies Now they have no more power.
So the manipulation is about to be exposed.
Now, add that to the technical and fundamentals on silver.
And when manipulation ends, because it's been exposed and truth is out there through the roof, through the roof, the prices could go.
So I'm excited that the decades and decades of manipulation is about to be exposed, that we have technical analysis.
We have fundamental truth that's all pointing towards higher metals prices.
And here's the thing.
We can take advantage of it, but it takes a leap of faith.
It takes an action step.
You know, as great as God is, God can't steer a parked car, right?
So he needs action.
He needs us moving and then... Trust in God, but we're away from the rocks.
Yeah, he can get us on course.
Even if we deviate off the course, he can always pull us back.
But if you're not moving, if you don't take action... See, you could let these... But you're also a theologian.
Yeah, well, yeah, I've got a PhD in theology, so here's the thing.
You can either let these trends take advantage of you, or you can take advantage of the trends.
Let's choose the latter.
Let's take advantage of these trends and beat them at their own game.
That's why I love tangible assets, because of everything that's happening, it's the culmination of a perfect storm.
And the globalists are all grabbing it up.
I mean, central bank after central bank after central bank is allocating into thousands or hundreds of tons of gold.
And to what end?
Because they know that it's real.
They want to back their currency with gold.
This is why states like Texas are moving, and they vote in May, for a state-chartered central bank backed by gold in Texas, pulling away from the federal system.
Oklahoma wants to do the same thing.
And that shows how much trouble the system's in.
Everybody knows we're coming to the end.
We're coming to the end.
So, I always like to say, okay, let's not listen to what they say.
Let's watch what they do because actions speak louder than words.
They're allocating into strength.
Let's just do the same thing.
All right, I want to talk to you about theology, about God, about the Mark of the Beast.
We come back in 60 seconds.
Dr. Kirk Elliott's our guest.
You see his website on screen.
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