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Name: 20240320_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 20, 2024
2909 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including the ongoing battle against globalist forces, Texas pulling $8.5 billion from BlackRock as a significant blow to the ESG movement, building alternate plans that promote pro-human values and innovation, immigration in the United States, illegals being given government-issued IDs with fake aliases, illegals receiving free plane tickets from sanctuary cities like New York City, frustration about Congress not taking action on these issues, Americans being involuntary serfs serving a tyrannical government that wants to replace them with invaders, Venezuelan illegals saying "F you" and chanting Biden's name, military-trained individuals from the cartel directing migrants across the US border, the dangers migrants face during their journey towards the US, and the need for a coalition of patriots to stand up and fight against armed illegals. Jones also promotes Survival Shield X3, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, and Team Humanity shirts on InfoWarsStore.com.

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Let's take a look here.
We want to show you what people are going to see on their morning and evening commutes in New York City.
You're going to see the National Guard here standing here along with state police and more law enforcement.
750 National Guardsmen and 250 New York State Troopers are being deployed into the subway system.
That's in addition to the 1,000 NYPD officers that were added in the transit system in February.
Along with the extra manpower, NYPD officers will also conduct random bag checks, we're told.
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson was asked earlier this week if the National Guard might be a solution for crime on the
Johnson says it's not his decision.
The National Guard, that's under the jurisdiction of the governor of Illinois.
Right, so, all I can say is what I am responsible for.
Hill says the police have their hands full in this town.
He says half the people arrested for an incident on a bus or an L train are already wearing ankle monitors indicating they've been in the system, but nothing stops them from becoming a threat again.
My drivers feel helpless.
We feel like we're sitting ducks.
And even when the police come and do arrest somebody, we pick up the same person the next day.
So, the globalist CIA New World Order Combine is openly preparing civil war and martial law in America and rolling out troops on the streets as I told you they would out of this.
I think everybody agrees that's been paying attention that I am the police state New World Order martial law expert.
Only because I'm 20 years old and they've got black helicopters flying around in Round Rock and San Antonio Blowing up buildings at night and people I know have seen it and the newspapers say it isn't existing And then my cousin saw them in Houston Blowing up like three floors of a building at night, and this is in like 1994 when I was first getting on air And I'm like covering it and there's suddenly articles about me the paper saying he's crazy.
He believes a black helicopter So I made some phone calls, checked with some family.
They go, yeah, that's Delta Force.
They're doing training.
Well, then why was the media denying?
So then I learned about Bill Clinton and it came out in the news that they were having surveys.
The Marine Corps, will you confiscate guns?
And then a few years later.
They start publicly training the military to confiscate guns and it's in mainstream news and then with Obama and then Bush before that we see Katrina and clergy response teams that are the preachers trained to tell people to go turn their guns in and we learned about this giant submerged iceberg that we just learned about the tip of.
It became a surveillance grid nightmare with every individual's actions ruthlessly cataloged and recorded by the state.
Secret arrests, checkpoints, and warrantless searches spread.
The final incremental march of the police state, culminating in open martial law.
This is the story of how the elite sold their people into slavery.
You know, I just played just a little intro, a little promo clip of a new video I've got coming out early next year.
Martial law 9-11 rise of the police state.
And it's about the Bush-Schwarzenegger-Nazi connection, about the police state in New York, and the newest 9-11 revelation.
So it really gives you a picture of who these thugs are that run our country, who they work for, and the type of world that they are creating and setting up.
And there was this big move for martial law in America.
When they set up TSA at 9-11, they said, soon we're going to have it at bus stations and train stations and subways and highways and that was officially the original rollout plan, but they were beta testing.
Are you starting to get what it's like to be a human and have humanity and face just that we are Nazi Germany?
You go, well, if that's the case, why are you still on the air?
Because it's all an illusion.
It's meant to make everybody think it's normal so they can get along with it.
So they can condition us.
They've got to put the control grid in and then go after people like me.
And I said, you know when they're getting ready to really drop the hammer, and I've said this a lot the last year, when they start putting troops domestically in Chicago is the first place I guess they would do it.
So I said, when you see troops called out in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles by the Democrats for the crime they've created and instigated with the open borders and Almost every prosecutor controlled by Soros, letting hardened criminals out, letting rapists out.
He got the IMF World Bank documents from Whistleblower and they said the first thing we do is defund police and then have prosecutors let criminals go.
We let that go for about five years on average, then everything's destroyed and falls apart.
Then we put in law and order groups after it.
Declare martial law and all the value goes back up and we get it that way.
This is very sophisticated fifth generational warfare and it's been scientifically applied and beta tested but now again they're going into operation.
Look at the climate around you.
We're all being treated like slaves by those who in truth are the terrorists.
We've got Carlos Arliano, a huge DHS whistleblower on child trafficking.
He's witnessed it and whistleblown repeatedly to the federal government.
He's got a lot of arrests made, along with the great Anthony Rubin of Muckraker, joining us in studio in the third hour today.
They're also going to be on with Owen Troyer on the War Room, because one hour is not enough with these guys.
So, man, amazing.
We're going to be going to the board with these guys very, very soon with our team.
We just had some crews down there in the last few months as you know, so much happening there.
Speaking of the border, let me just break down again what we're going to be covering today and also all the breaking news as well as it comes in.
Big victory, Texas pulls $8.5 billion from BlackRock in stunning blow to the ESG movement.
And in another big action, Supreme Court allows Texas to enforce immigration law.
But the appeals court used a maneuver, a technicality, to override the Supreme Court.
Expect the Supreme Court then to officially override them.
Because it was an emergency hearing the Supreme Court had, a lower federal circuit court can override that until the Supreme Court has a full hearing.
And I would expect the Supreme Court, this is pretty rare for an appeals court to do that, to override them within days.
Texas isn't perfect, but whether it's Ron Paul coming out of Texas, or yours truly, or Ken Paxton and the people of this state, Texas is leading the way, as well as Florida, to fight the new world order.
So we're kind of the best house in a bad neighborhood.
Certainly not perfect.
We've got big problems, but Texas is really fighting back.
So we'll be breaking down all of that information.
other good news on the boycott front against the globalist.
Planet Fitness kicked a woman out, got rid of her membership because she
complained about men running around naked in the women's dressing room that
call themselves women and now their stock is completely plunged as people
bud light them.
So there's a lot of ways to fight back against this tyranny that is non-violent.
We need to use every one of those civil disobedience and non-violent tactics.
Now, getting into the whole situation with the Soros plan in Europe and here in America to destabilize things, let the criminals out of jail, the violent offenders, defund the police, and throw the book at people that defend themselves.
Chicago is suing the manufacturers of cars because they're being stolen, and gun manufacturers for enabling crime in the city.
You literally can't make this up.
We're going to be going over all of that today.
Dubtailing it with Canada and the UK are saying put your car fobs, your car keys, in a little box on your front porch and let the criminals know it's there so they won't break in your house to get the car keys.
So instead of put the car thieves in jail, throw the book at the chop shops, no, just let them do this.
They know exactly what they're doing causing the collapse of society.
This ties into Obama appointed federal judge rules.
Illegal aliens can have and carry guns, but the same judges ruled against the second amendment for the
general public.
You ask why is that?
They see the illegal aliens as their shock troops, as their vanguard,
as the groups they're bringing in to then sign them up for welfare and
sign them up for jobs with big corporations like Tyson.
That's analysis gonna lay off tens of thousands of US.
workers and hire illegal aliens.
They're proud of it.
They announced it in a press release on Monday.
You have to incentivize them that they're above the law and godlike so they'll want to come here.
Just like, oh, the U.N.
said we don't push the COVID shot.
They were trying to act like it was the law.
And firing nurses by the hundreds of thousands and the rest of it and kicking people out of the military and court-martialing them.
Remember Reuters quoted the UN saying, oh, people may get hurt by the shot.
We don't want to have any liability.
So we're not asking the illegal aliens to take the shots.
Refugees lack COVID shots because drug makers for lawsuits documents show.
So that's what's happening.
We're the target as citizens no matter what color you are.
Then we have huge, huge nightmare developments in Ukraine.
The French government is admitting that yes, they are training and massing troops to invade
Ukraine and fight the Russians.
And other NATO countries are making similar statements.
And now the Russians say they have the intel that they've been killing French troops and
UK troops and American troops, at least 6,000.
And even though it's a provocative action, it's less provocative than not telling the
American people and the French people and others that we're actually at war officially
with becoming official with Russia.
The Russians are getting ready to put out a report, including names, tags, photos of the piles of dead Western troops.
Now I told you before the war officially started 26 months ago, That US troops are fighting and dying over there and other troops because that's the only militaries that know how to run these high-tech missile systems and other high-tech weapon systems.
It takes years, years and years of training to effectively operate them and they don't want to ship in-country.
Twenty extra cruise missiles to train people, just one team, before they actually use a cruise missile.
Because you've got to use the cruise missiles, not just in simulations, but in proving grounds and other guided missiles, other precision munitions.
And so, now it's official that they're not just going to have the technicians there Which are getting killed at the launch sites, but now they're going to send in regular ground forces for direct infantry war, ground war with the Ruskies.
So they have really strategically slid us in to this tyranny.
A fascinating, fascinating interview with Dr. and former Congressman Ron Paul on Tucker Carlson that premiered last night.
And I've got a lot of clips I want to play from today that deal with different pieces of news we're going to hit throughout the show.
But the first one I want to get to is just a little 15-minute intro of the interview that Ron Paul did with Tucker, where Tucker plays a clip of Ron Paul's clip 2.
Predicting 10 years ago when the State Department, Victoria Nuland and George Soros overthrew the elected government and started the long-term strategic war against Russia.
Word for word what I've been telling you for as long as we're on poll.
And it's not about who said things first.
Tucker admits that 10 years ago he was just starting to wake up.
He said that on my show.
He said that on his show with me.
Now that he's awake and understands how sinister the government is, he's not naive.
He sees it all and does as good a job as any or better than me.
So we're not keeping score here.
It's just important to note that we were doing intensive coverage.
Ten years ago, and pointing out the CIA was building permanent bases for a civil war against the Russians, because Ukraine's been part of Russia for a thousand years, and this was the set piece to draw Russia in to the war.
Now, NATO told us two-plus years ago that Ukraine was invincible and they were going to win.
Now they say it's desperate.
It could collapse at any minute, says the Pentagon.
And we've got to send in troops and more weapons now or Russia will invade all of Europe.
That is absolute balderdash.
Putin for 10 years has been warning what he would do.
Five years ago he went into Crimea and took that area of the country because it had Russia's only deepwater port there.
So, Putin's been very, very clear about what he's going to do.
So, Ukraine's survival is in danger, Pentagon chief says.
France preparing to deploy troops to Ukraine.
French units in Ukraine will be priority target, Russia warns.
German children must be prepared for war.
That's what they're telling the kids on TV.
Losing a war is no fun, West ignores their biggest political disaster.
And coming up, remember a few months ago or last year, this was six months ago now, Tom Flies, they honored an actual SS officer that actually ran massacres, famous massacres.
And I said then, they knew what they were doing.
They're in the Canadian Parliament.
Well, now they've honored him again.
Ukrainian region honors former Waffen SS fighter.
So it just gets crazier and crazier by the minute.
But if you say you don't want an open border, the ADL says you're anti-Semitic.
Or if you call Hillary Clinton a hag, the ADL says you're anti-Semitic.
Or if you say the OK sign, which just means I grew up and meant like delicious.
Like, bon appetit, like, you know, the chef would say, mm, enjoy, mm, deliciosos.
Nope, that's white supremacy too.
But if you actually hail an SS officer that was part of a massacre where they killed 3,000 Jews on record at one place in the middle of a city and bulldozed them into a hole in the ground, then you're okay.
It's just incredible.
Absolutely incredible and I just reject it all.
So let's get to the first few minutes.
I'm not going to play the whole first 15 minutes.
It's up on InfoWars.com if you want to see it.
The whole interview is at TuckerCarlson.com.
But this then ties in to one of the US's former top ambassadors.
On Piers Morgan laying out the basic history as well.
So this is important to understand how and why the globalists have been plotting to start this war that they thought they would win and that they're now doubling down on.
Here is Ron Paul.
It started to dawn on a lot of people, even people who were not paying attention, say, six months ago, that the war in Ukraine is a big deal.
It's not what they told us it was.
It's not good for Ukraine and the people who live in that sad country.
And it's not good for the United States or, for that matter, for the West.
In fact, it's likely to be, in retrospect, a turning point in the history of the West and not for the better.
Who could have seen this coming?
Who could have known, say, ten years ago that actually U.S.
activity in Ukraine was not an effort to bring freedom to the Ukrainians, but was actually a massive intel operation designed to draw the United States into war with Russia for reasons that are even now not clear?
Who could have seen that?
Well, actually, one person did see that ten years ago, and that person was Ron Paul.
But don't take our word for it.
Here he is in 2014.
I speak more from the perspective of the United States taxpayers, and it doesn't serve our interests.
We've already spent $5 billion over the last 10 years trying to pick and choose the leadership of Ukraine, and then we participated in the overthrow of the Yanukovych government, and this is when this recent stuff really stirred up.
But we've been involved too much, and I take a non-interventionist foreign policy position.
It's not our business.
It doesn't serve anybody's interests.
It's part of the same thing that led us into the disaster in the Middle East.
A lot of people die.
A lot of money is spent.
And we're still suffering the consequences of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And there's the threat of the war in Syria.
We don't need another threat.
The American taxpayers don't want it.
And our government thinks they can get away with, well, I know the people don't want a war yet, but we're going to play games and we're going to threaten Russia and we're going to put on sanctions.
And they fail to recognize that we have $500 billion of investments in Russia.
Russia has $450 billion invested in the West, and all we're doing is trying to stir up more trouble.
It makes no sense whatsoever.
So it makes a lot of sense for us to mind our own business and let somebody over there solve their own problem.
Be honest!
Be honest!
Were you paying close attention to Ukraine in 2014?
We weren't.
Most people weren't.
And as a result, this country got dragged, without even knowing it, into one of the pivotal conflicts in modern history, to our grave disadvantage.
The question is, how did Ron Paul, former congressman from Texas, How did he get that right?
How did he know that?
Why did he know to pay attention to Ukraine?
And not just Ukraine.
To monetary policy.
To the state of our economy.
To the state of our country.
To the state of the West.
How did he know before the rest of us knew?
Maybe because his principles haven't changed in about 60 years.
So we thought it would be a good idea to spend a little time with the man himself to allow him a victory lap, a well-deserved victory lap, but also to probe a little bit on how did you see things that nobody else did.
So we are honored, truly, to have former Congressman Ron Paul in studio now.
Dr. Paul, thank you very much.
Tucker, great to be with you.
So I've spoken for you a moment ago, but let me just ask you directly, how in 2014 did you see what so many others, including me, did not, that this was a very big deal, what was happening in Ukraine, and that it might end very badly for us?
Sometimes the people who are running the operation gives you an idea like Victoria Nuland.
What are those people doing?
But they're such an example of bipartisanship.
They can work with both of them.
And they're the worst kind of warmonger.
But all you have to do is you don't have to know all the details.
I'm always I've tried to be very cautious, you know, especially on economics.
Well, there's this and this and next month there's going to be such and such happen.
In Austrian economics, we're taught that you don't know exactly when things are happening, but you can see things coming, you know.
It's the same way you might be able to see our foreign policy coming if you want to go back and observe what happened at the beginning of the last century, you know, with the progressive movement.
So, the hints are there.
I think it's... Okay, so let's stop right there.
He just mentioned Jeffrey Sachs.
Who is one of the top globalist thinkers, one of the big carbon tax pushers.
He's one of their top brains and diplomats, corporate diplomats.
Here he is, now sounding like Henry Kissinger a year ago before he died, saying, we need to stop this.
It's not working out the way we thought.
It's going to lead to World War III.
Not because Jeffrey Sachs is a good person.
He's one of the top globalist brains.
That you don't really hear a lot about, but he's behind the scenes.
You've heard Ron Paul bring him up.
It's bipartisan evil.
But here he is, with Piers Morgan, two days ago, saying exactly what Ron Paul said.
Now, of course, he wasn't saying this ten years ago, but now the smarter ones that like living are saying, let's not do this.
Folks, it's not hype to say we're in the greatest danger of nuclear war we've ever been in.
I just got chills.
I love my family.
And by extension, I love you and the world we all live in together that we share.
And this has to stop now!
Macron is a lunatic!
The Swedish Defense Minister is a lunatic!
The German Defense Minister is a lunatic!
The British Defense Minister is a lunatic!
Lloyd Austin, the U.S.
Secretary of Defense, is a lunatic!
George Soros is a lunatic!
Sean Penn saying nuclear war should be on the table.
I played a clip yesterday.
He is a lunatic.
The West started this.
It's a ten year project at least to manipulate Russia into war and then they, just like Fareed Zakaria said over the weekend, he's the mouthpiece of these people, oh if we just hit Russia harder, they'll back down more.
That is not what Russia has ever done or will ever do.
And we will destroy each other.
This is The most dangerous thing in the world right now, and it is the people that have hijacked our country and are running it in the ground, that are a bunch of incompetence, and this is completely blown up in their face, and are they backing down?
No, they're not backing down.
It's like if you've got a family member that's complete drunk, and they've drunk two bottles of Jack Daniels, it's 10 o'clock at night, On New Year's Eve, and they're stumbling out the front door, falling down the parking lot, trying to get in their car to go to the grocery store.
And you physically grab them, and you physically say, you're not leaving.
And if they physically try to get past you, you say, fine, get in the passenger side, I will drive you to the damn grocery store.
But that's just a drunk driver that can kill a family on the road!
These people could turn the surface of the earth into an unlivable hell.
Go ahead and play the clip.
Here's Jeffrey D Sachs on with Piers Morgan.
What is your view of Vladimir Putin?
Well, I think he's very smart, very tough, and I think he says what he means.
In 2007, he said, don't do this at the Munich Security Conference, famously.
He said, all right, you went Violating what I know to be true, by the way, which was not an inch eastward for NATO, promised by James Baker III and by Hans-Dietrich Genscher to Gorbachev in 1990.
I know that's for sure the case.
The United States expanded NATO to Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic in the Clinton period, and then to seven more countries in 2004.
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, and Bulgaria.
And then in 2007, Putin said, stop.
All right, stop.
No more not to Ukraine.
So what does George W. do in 2008 in Bucharest?
Of course, what does he do?
He says, guarantee Ukraine and Georgia.
And, you know, this is Palmerston's playbook from 1853.
So we're going to surround Russia in the Black Sea again.
Exactly that.
I don't interrupt, just to interrupt though, I just asked you what your view of Putin is and so far you've just said he's smart and tough.
I just, I told you, he warned us very clearly.
Any negatives, professor?
I believe that the big mistake of both sides is we should talk this out.
And now, let me say a word about talking it out.
In 2008, When Bucharest happened, European leaders called me, because I'm friends with them.
They said, what is your crazy president doing?
By the way, some who are in power right now, I won't name names.
What is your president doing?
Why is he destabilizing things?
He promised he wasn't going to push Ukraine.
That's what European leaders say in private.
They don't say it in public.
We avoided the negotiations.
Then 2014 came.
Sadly, Piers, I saw some of it firsthand.
It was ugly.
The United States should not be funding overthrows of governments.
We did.
I know it.
So I happen to be there soon afterwards with the hand-picked government, hand-picked by Victoria Nuland.
We didn't talk then.
Then came the Minsk agreements.
And then the United States said, privately, even though the U.N.
Security Council has backed both Minsk 1 and Minsk 2, you don't have to do this.
And so with Poroshenko, don't worry about it.
Then we heard, of course, Chancellor Merkel say afterwards, yeah, we weren't taking it too seriously, even though Germany and France were the guarantors of that.
Then, on December 15th, 2021, Putin put it down in a draft U.S.-Russia security agreement.
I read it.
I called the White House.
I said, you know what?
You can negotiate on this basis.
Avoid the war.
No, no, no, there's going to be no war, Mr. Sachs.
I said, just tell them that NATO is not going to enlarge.
You'll avoid the war.
No, we're never going to say that.
We have an open-door policy.
So what kind of open-door policy?
We've had 200 years of the Monroe Doctrine, some open-door policy.
No, no, no, Mr. Sachs.
Then the war breaks out.
Then, immediately, Zelensky says, okay, Okay, we can be neutral.
We can be neutral.
And negotiations start, as you know, Naftali Bennett, informally the Prime Minister of Israel, and Turkey, with its very skilled diplomacy.
I actually flew to Ankara to discuss with the Turkish diplomats what was going on.
The US stopped the agreement.
Because they thought, we'll win!
We can bleed Russia!
Our sanctions, you know, cutting them out of the banking system, we're going to bring them to their knees.
It's a bunch of terrible miscalculations, is what it is.
It's a game.
A terrible game.
I hear you.
What I'm fascinated by, though, is I've asked you to So what do you think of Putin?
And so far, like I say, you've only called him tough and smart.
This is a guy that kills his political opponents.
This is a guy who... This is a guy who rules his country like a gangster.
I find it... I'm struggling to understand why you can't find any negatives for the guy.
He's a dictator!
Because I'm trying to, because I'm trying to find peace and you don't do it the way that Biden does.
Biden said, okay, he's a thug.
Biden says he's a crazy SOB.
That's real good, Joe.
That's really getting us to where we want to go.
That's hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians dead.
Why don't we move a little bit beyond the name calling it?
Professor, can you not find anything negative to say about Vladimir Putin?
I don't think that what I say about Putin negative has anything to do with anything.
What I'm saying is, as I know, you've got to sit down... Well, you're ready to call him smart and tough, I'm right to say.
That's OK.
You can call him smart and tough, but you can't find anything bad to say about him.
In 1962, I wrote a book about the Cuban Missile Crisis and its aftermath.
Kennedy didn't go name-calling Khrushchev.
He tried to save the world to stop the war.
Afterwards, he didn't insult Khrushchev.
What he did was sat down with him and negotiated the partial nuclear test ban treaty.
We're not in a game.
We're not in name-calling.
We're not in a cage brawl.
We're trying to actually not have the world spiral into nuclear war.
So it's not that game.
The game is sit down and negotiate.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, it's the Alex Jones Show, right here at the Embattled.
but dauntless InfoWars. Coming to you from the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
All right, finishing up with the World War III news.
There are coalition troops from more than 15 countries that have been inside Ukraine for a decade.
They've been leading attacks, pushing the Russians out, attacking towns that are basically 100% Russian, creating provocations to get Vladimir Putin to have a direct confrontation with NATO, and now it's happened.
I would give the analogy of the dog that chases the car and catches it.
You ever seen out in the country people that let their dogs just run around wild in many areas and you'll be driving down a dirt road 50 miles an hour and a bunch of dogs run out and I've never hit one but I've had them snap at the tires many times but I've been driving with a truck in front of me and I saw a dog run up bite the tire and get sucked under the car and get shot out dead in front of me and I just drove around and kept going.
Not my problem.
But I saw the probably dead bloody dog shot out from under the truck 60, 70 yards ahead of me.
And that's the deep state, that's the New World Order.
They are in the process of a dog chasing a truck down the road and about to catch it.
Because you see the dogs think that anything that runs from it's scared.
So it sees this big thing coming by.
And it chases it, and time after time it sees the truck or the car run away.
So it gets more bold, more bold.
It wants to catch it, it wants to catch it.
It's really not running, it's somebody going somewhere.
But in a dog's brain, this big giant thing is scared of me.
You know, the first time the dog gets out, it sees something drop by, kind of barks at it, and sees it leave.
Wow, I'm powerful, it just left.
Then it kind of runs at the car a little, and the vehicle leaves.
So man, I'm powerful.
I'm really tough here.
And the next time it kind of chases the car down the side, And it does that 20, 30, 40, 100 times, but usually ends up dying.
And that's the analogy that we're here at the precipice of.
The globalists have been pushing people around, getting away with murder, doing horrible crimes against humanity, and never getting brought to justice.
So they get more and more emboldened and create a virus and create a scare and try to say it's the law that everybody's got to take these shots and then they kill and maim.
Tens upon tens upon tens upon tens of millions of people.
But in this analogy, it's not just a dog that gets its neck broken.
They're pulling all of us along with it into thermal nuclear annihilation.
Thermal nuclear Armageddon.
And I sit here and I talk about this every day.
And then I'll look at the comments on X, I find them fascinating, and a minority of the comments are liberal accounts, leftist accounts, making jokes about Russia will be defeated, Ukraine is going to win.
On and on and on.
And Alex Jones is a Russian agent, and why isn't Alex Jones in jail yet?
Because they're just like a dog that's chased a hundred trucks, and never got hurt, and thinks the truck is running away, And they're about to kill us all.
It's really just that simple.
Now we do have some good news today.
And some bad news dealing with the securing of the border and the states and individuals standing up against the heart of the globalist power structure.
And that is their control over the currency and banks and investment.
But the globalists don't have the control they once did, so they're trying to bring in their worldwide ESG, their worldwide central bank currency, to really put the straitjacket and the handcuffs on us.
So, here is Fox Business headline.
Texas mulls $8.5 billion from BlackRock.
Texas pulls $8.5 billion from BlackRock.
In stunning blow to ESG movement.
Now, you've seen other states, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and a few others pull billions out, but nothing at this level.
And just when Missouri, and Louisiana, and Mississippi did this, and Texas threatened to do it last year, It made Larry Fink of BlackRock go from, we're going to control all your behavior, run your life, through the thousands of corporations we control, we control 80 plus percent of all the corporations and wealth on the planet.
It made him go from that, we played the clips of him at Davo Singh years ago, to oh no no no, we're not doing ESGs anymore, we've abandoned that.
They haven't abandoned it, they've abandoned the name ESG, which is a corporate governance,
which is the beginning and the heart, the foundation, and really the superstructure
of the planetary social credit score where they control every facet of your life,
where you go, what you can buy, what you can sell, what you can be paid, where you can travel.
So they're still pushing this system, but now with Texas doing this,
as Texas goes, so goes the nation, countless other governments, not just states,
but county and city investment funds, and it's also happening in Europe,
are now running to the exits, pulling their money out of BlackRock.
This is so seismic, so important, and if we just did this en masse, And then went and set up voluntary, freedom-based ESGs, where you don't threaten a company to cut off their money or to cut them off from the market if they don't do what you say, but you can voluntarily, as a city, as a county, as a state, or as private investors, join a Global Freedom Alliance, a New Renaissance Alliance.
The New Renaissance Global Peace Initiative.
You can call these funds whatever you want and then have a basic code of morally spending
that money and morally doing things that innovate and build a pro-human future.
The globalists are building a post-human future and saying the age of humans is over.
And as I've said many times and as Elon Musk is now saying, the globalists have their plan
for humanity.
We have to create alternate plans.
Not plans we're going to force people to follow, or plans we roll out by stealth, but plans we roll out by transparency and openness, not to make people follow our plans, but if we build it, like Field of Dreams, they will come.
And that is the real victory.
Don't just boycott Anheuser-Busch.
Great, do it.
Don't just boycott Planet Fitness.
Great, do it.
Don't just boycott Disney.
Great, do it.
But you can't just boycott something and then not build the other thing.
And that's why I've said it.
Skip the break.
It is very painful to me.
And very upsetting to me.
That Trump is not able to get the bond.
He already got a $100 million bond for saying he was innocent and didn't rape a woman.
And then they found him guilty twice for saying he was innocent.
That's the weaponized system.
Because they're setting the precedent for everybody to be able to do that.
And so yeah, people are voting with their feet.
They're leaving New York.
People are voting with their feet.
They're leaving Chicago.
But we've got to do more.
And Trump is being outspent by the Democrats now six to one.
A few months ago, it was five to one.
And people think just because he's leading in all the polls and that he's Trump, he's invincible.
And Trump puts on a good face and has a lot of confidence and is our champion.
Problems and all.
I totally back him.
Doesn't mean I cult-like follow him.
I support him to get him into office, and then I intend to put pressure on him to do the right thing.
That's what our representatives are supposed to do.
He's not our king.
But that said, the enemy is outspending him 6-1.
It's the same thing with InfoWars.
Do people just think an operation like this continues on against the globalist onslaught without serious support, prayer, word of mouth, financial support?
If they can take down your champions, and I'm certainly not perfect either, but I mean well, I have good will, my goal is to tell the truth and be as accurate as I can.
And to do intense research every day.
But there is this Q-esque attitude of trust the plan.
They're not really Q followers, but people can't handle how much trouble we're in.
We have to admit how much trouble we're in so we can understand what we're up against so we really gear up to put in the effort and the energy and the financing and the prayer to override the attack we're under.
But if you don't admit that you're in an existential survival fight for your life and that this is fifth generational warfare, new world order takeover with the globalist beta testing, martial law, not just here but around the world, and if you don't see all the blaring alarm signals and flashing lights that we're in deep trouble, we're going to lose this thing.
So InfoWars is barely hanging on.
Trump is barely hanging on.
He's like a lion surrounded by a hundred hyenas.
And we're sitting back, I'm not, most of you aren't, but a lot of people are, just thinking, oh, Trump's unstoppable, we're going to win.
And it's very, very disturbing.
I mean, they're trying to put Ken Paxton, because he's filed and won more lawsuits against the deep state than all other states combined, in his eight years in office.
And they have been trying to put him in prison over and over again, and they're not stopping, and the guy is as clean as they get.
Oh, one of his contributors remodeled his kitchen, and he paid him, and they looked at the numbers, it was market rate, but that's the best they had.
Oh, one of his contributors Is also a builder and a remodeler.
Well, who do you think you're going to use as a remodeler?
You use your friends.
You use people that support you.
That's the whole point.
That's the best they got.
Ken Paxton's wife wanted their kitchen remodeled.
The number was like $40,000.
And that's what you got on Ken Paxton.
Meanwhile, look at the corruption, the Democrats, the insider trading, Ten million, Hunter Biden got, didn't even pay taxes on, it goes on and on and on.
And so do you just think Ken Paxton just does all this and he's invincible and he's, oh my god, we're winning?
Yeah, we're barely winning!
Because we've got men like Ken Paxton and Donald John Trump and Alex Jones, and I'm not bragging when I say that, I'm just saying, you realize I'm like your vanguard.
I'm the probe you send in.
I'm the tip of the spear.
I'm willing to do it.
We're doing it.
We've had a lot of victory, all because of God.
But if you don't understand how serious this is, that this is a war for the entire future of the country and the world, and when Trump says it, he's so right.
They're not trying to get him.
They gotta get through him to get to you.
So what happens to Trump is happening to you.
What happens to me is happening to you.
What happens to Ken Paxton is happening to you.
What do you think they're going to do to Ken Paxton that put together a state investigation of BlackRock and how they're using their money To bankrupt the Texas oil and gas industry and putting pressure on the feds to not let Texas even use gas during the winter.
That's why the power outages happened.
And Texas supplies, what is it, like 10 states with most of their power.
Texas is one of the only industrial zones left in this country.
And the Democrat, deep state, and a lot of Republican bluebloods and rhinos Want to turn Texas into what's happened to the great state of Michigan, formerly an industrial powerhouse.
Biden tried last year to shut down the two Canadian pipelines that have been there since the 60s that support something like 18% of all the oil and gas in the United States.
They're cutting off the fertilizer.
They're cutting off the food.
They're cutting off the energy.
This is fundamental.
This will destroy us.
You can't come build a factory here if there's not power.
While they put all these EVs out there that are power pigs and say we're going to go all electrical in their reports never mentioning where the electrical even comes from.
I have a British government report I've been talking about that I've read over and I'm going to cover soon.
It's so incredible, it'll take hours to hit the whole thing.
It's called Absolute Zero, and it's written like a fifth grader wrote it.
It says, we will not have coal, and we will not have gas, and we will not have oil.
We will only have electricity that is clean.
And we do not have a way to generate it, but we will have electricity.
And then they go on and say, we're going to build neighborhood nuclear reactors.
Oh, that sounds real safe.
Oh, and guess who's behind that?
Bill Gates has rolled out his neighborhood nuclear reactor.
He wants to put 10,000 nuclear reactors in the United States by 2035.
They want to start rolling out the nuclear reactors, the neighborhood nuclear reactors, this year.
Yes, that's in today's stack.
You think I'm joking?
Just type in Bill Gates small nuclear reactors.
It's all over the news.
Oh, guess what?
There's no power?
We'll just put nuclear reactors in every small town.
We'll put 20 of them in Austin, Texas.
Oh, that'll never have any problems.
They run these nuclear reactors like somebody on 15 volumes drives their car.
So we have the good news of Texas pulling out in the education fund 8.5 million from BlackRock in stunning blow to ESG movement.
Texas will not stand idle as our financial future is attacked by Wall Street, said State Board of Education Chairman Aaron Kinsey.
Aaron Kinsey did not kill himself.
He needs to make that clear.
The state of Texas is terminating a massive $8.5 billion investment with trillion-dollar asset manager BlackRock
of the state's termination of the firm is engaged in a boycott of energy companies.
An announcement first shared with Fox Business, Texas State Board of Education Chairman Aaron Kinsey to the so-called Texas Permanent School Fund.
PSF had delivered a notice to BlackRock Tuesday informing the New York City-based firm that the action, according to Kinsey, the move was made in accordance with 2021 state law that seeks to distance the state and its large public purse from financial institutions boycotting the oil and gas sector.
And it goes on to talk about the investigations and lawsuits filed by the Secretary General and others.
BlackRock's dominant and persistent leadership in the ESG movement
immeasurably damages our state oil and gas economy, the very companies that generate revenues for the PSF.
Texas and the PSF have worked hard to grow the fund to build Texas schools and continue BlackRock's destructive approach toward the energy companies that this state and our world depend on is incompatible with our fiduciary duty to Texas.
And there's the headline, Business Insider.
Bill Gates Company is about to start building a nuclear power plant in Wyoming.
Yeah, there's new ones in my stack today.
I'll find them.
It's just Bill Gates announces many reactors for every town.
I'll find it.
We're going to break.
Get it up.
So, that's where we are.
And here's another example of that.
Boycott slams Planet Fitness shares as Americans fight back against locusm.
Women at the place don't like men walking around naked in the showers with them.
They went and complained and Planet Fitness said, those are women.
So the women shot video of the fact that it's men.
And the lady got kicked out, so now people are pulling their stock out of Planet Fitness.
Imagine you're in the women's room and there's a dude in there walking around with his tallywhacker hanging out.
It's all about the left, seeing what they can get away with, seeing how they can dominate us, seeing how they can absolutely make us bow down to them and they can totally control us.
Alright, here's what I'm going to do.
I've got really important news on the border and the Supreme Court ruling that got overrode by the Fifth Circuit.
You ask, how does that happen?
Technicality will explain it.
I've got another perspective.
I gave you one perspective on the Obama judge, federal judge, saying the illegal aliens can have guns, don't have to be citizens, even though that's a countervention of federal law.
Why is she suddenly such a big proponent of the right of the people to keep and bear arms?
It's because she's not.
So I'll give you the positive side and the negative yesterday.
But there's more negative to it.
And I've also done some thinking and also talked to some of my sources and they've got a scoop on it.
But this is next level stuff.
That's all coming up.
Also, we've got more clips of Ron Paul with Tucker that are really important.
Ron Paul warns of a massive Black Swan event that he believes is imminent.
I totally agree with him.
I believe the Globals are going to trigger not just one Black Swans, but a cascade of Black Swans.
It's only got a global crisis.
They believe they'll get a complete global takeover.
So that is all coming up here as well today.
That is just the tip of the iceberg.
There is so much, so much more that we're also going to be getting into.
Now, before I go any further, please remember that we have some big muckrakers.
A federal whistleblower on human and child trafficking has blown the whistle of Congress multiple times and resulted in major responses that are good.
And also investigative journalists working with him for muckraker are going to be in studio with us coming up.
Please remember, the only way this operation functions is your support.
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Men have wristbands and their number is in the 19,000 before they can go in and sleep in that shelter.
Mayor Adams, he put out an announcement saying that after these men have been in the shelter, 30 days is their limit.
After 30 days they will no longer be able to be housed.
They will be put out on the streets homeless.
Democrat open borders plan to entrench single party rule.
Flood the country with untold millions of illegals by land, sea, and air from all over
the world.
Enough to eclipse the populations of 36 individual US states.
Flood baths.
If there's no one ever there, then how are you ever supposed to get any help?
It says, quote, this station is currently closed.
Use the blue box to dial 9-1-1.
A Biden bloodbath?
The wheels came off the New World Order globalist system a long time ago, but man, they're only doubling, tripling, quadrupling, quintupling.
Down in an attempt to herd us back into control and we have an incredible example of this about Trump and a bloodbath comment.
So I went to the comment and that's a classic corporate term about it's going to be a bloodbath for a company.
He said if the Chinese try to ship their cars made in Mexico to the US, I'll put a 100% tariff on it.
It'll be a bloodbath for their company.
34% of the automobile manufacturing business in our country, think of it, went to Mexico.
China now is building a couple of massive plants where they're going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they're going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border.
We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to sell those cars.
If I get elected, Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole... That's going to be the least of it.
It's going to be a bloodbath for the country.
That'll be the least of it.
But they're not going to sell those cars.
They're building massive factories.
That's a term Trump uses.
That's Trump.
They also use a lot in the stock market.
When a stock plunges, it's a bloodbath.
And so they took the clip out.
Two, three second clips all over the corporate media everywhere.
Michael Beschloss, I want to ask you about Donald Trump increasingly sounding like a fascist, a dictator, mimicking them, and using words that are clearly out of the pages of some of the most powerful autocrats or dictators.
Our time in the world.
And it's going to be a bloodbath for the country.
That will be the least of it.
What I heard was a continuation of the same rhetoric, the same endorsement of political violence that we've seen from Donald Trump.
This is the same guy who after Nazis marched on Charlottesville and killed a woman said there were very fine people on both sides.
You know Senator Sanders likes to say he'll need a record turnout to defeat Donald Trump.
He's right!
Sanders attacked Biden at a Michigan rally on Saturday, hours after Biden had warned against a primary bloodbath involving the U.S.
Vermont Senator and self-described Democratic Socialist.
He's even predicting a bloodbath.
What does that mean?
He's going to exact a bloodbath?
There's something wrong here.
Praising Hitler.
Praising the Russians.
I will eat your leftist ass like corn on the cob.
I will eat you.
This is what they do.
It's like I go, this is satire.
I don't mean this.
But if civilization collapses, I'll have to eat my neighbors.
I'll eat my neighbors.
And I knew they'd do that.
I trolled them.
They send us massive traffic.
It blows up in their face.
I'm not the one lying.
They're the one lying.
Got 50 million views.
We put out just a graphic with a cut down quote of, I'll eat your leftist ass.
I'm the one laughing.
I'm the one that trolled you.
You're fools.
And that's the thing.
When we just start intellectually Outsmarting these people, it's very easy.
It's like Mike Tyson and his Prime taking on a 105-year-old man who can't even get out of a wheelchair.
But we still sit there and demur to the establishment, act like, oh, let's be scared of them.
Let's be scared of what they say about us.
Some of your critics would say, you know, there's a race for mayor.
We know you're a convicted rapist.
This could hurt his campaign.
How would you respond to that?
Hey, um, I don't know who said that.
You're the only one I heard say that.
You know what I mean?
And I don't have no comment to that.
You know, because it's negative and you're being negative.
Mike spent quite a bit of time yesterday talking about his life, highs and lows.
It's so interesting that you come across like that, but you're really a piece of s***.
Hey, come on, man.
That was a piece of s***.
F*** you.
That was a piece of s***.
You know, we're doing live TV.
I don't care what you're going to do about it.
Is it nerve-wracking for you to do something like this or is it more nervous for you to box?
It's more than nerve-racking for me to hear, it's talking to a rat piece of s**t. I'm like, you know, because you're a piece of s**t. Alright, we're going to wrap up this interview.
to thank you for coming in.
I mean, they're really trying to turn humans into a commodity.
This is a revolution against humanity itself, and that's what the high priest of the WEF, of all Noah Harari's, the Ray Kurzweil's, have said, is that the future is not human.
This is a post-human world.
Why would we let anybody build such a hellish thing and use our money and our blood, sweat, and toil to build something that destroys us?
To build something where we're basically just the rocket fuel for the system they want to deploy.
And so that's why Texas and all these other states and jurisdictions coming out and pulling $8.5 billion from BlackRock because the state said, we've done investigations, you openly want to bankrupt us and shut us down?
We are not going to go along with that.
We're done.
And it's when we learn to fight and realize the different ways we can fight.
Most fights aren't done with fists or guns.
They're done economically.
They're done with your feet.
They're done with what you support, what you don't support.
And I know everybody knows this, but we need to really think about this.
And any time we can, not support the power structure.
Because anything coming out of Hollywood, anything coming out of the Democratic Party, anything coming out of the leftist parties around the world, is a psychological warfare, cold-blooded, anti-human takeover system.
And what's really disgusting is, 20 years ago, most minions of the system really believed they were good, and were compartmentalized, and thought it was for a greater good.
They've gotten so cynical and so much has been exposed that I thought when we exposed all this evil, a lot of people low-level would say we're not gonna be part of it anymore, mid-level.
But instead, a lot of people said, so what?
Yeah, we're gonna just go with it.
Which is beyond Stockholm Syndrome.
It's not just that they are held captive and scared to face the truth.
No, they think they're picking the winning team.
What they are is cowards.
They are consciously cozying up to evil and worshipping at the dark idol of corruption, believing they're going to get ahead.
And they are truly fools.
So that's some good news there.
Obviously, people are all asking my opinion of this technicality and what it means.
And we've got some analysis here.
Dealing with all of this.
But if the Supreme Court hears an emergency motion, a lower appeals court can briefly override it until the Supreme Court has a full hearing.
And so there's some checks and balances in there.
But this is very, very rare, and I would expect the Supreme Court to override it imminently.
I would say in the next few days, next week, I would expect.
Supreme Court allows Texas to enforce immigration law.
That means the state can do it.
Mexico responded and said, we will not take one deportation from Texas.
Supreme Court allows Texas to begin enforcing controversial immigration law.
Oh, it's so controversial to ship felons back.
Appeals Court blocks Texas immigration law hours after Supreme Court gives its OK.
Early late Tuesday night, a federal appeals court blocked Texas from enforcing its new immigration law, the latest whiplash including illegal and legal development over Senate Bill 4, which seeks to give the state a role in arresting and deporting migrants.
They're illegal aliens under law.
Calling them migrants puts it under the U.N.
The ruling by a three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals came hours after the U.S.
Supreme Court gave Texas permission to enforce the law, which had been struck down as unconstitutional by a federal judge in February, including a series of appeals that continue.
The Supreme Court ruling put the matter back before the 5th Circuit, which acted quickly to dissolve an order it issued in March to temporarily allow Texas to enforce SB 4.
Still to be decided, however, is Texas' request for a state pending appeal, which is granted, would let the state enforce SB 4 while the 5th Circuit Court determines if the law is constitutional.
Oral arguments on the request will be heard Wednesday morning.
Mexico says to Texas, no Texas deportations under any circumstances.
And it goes on from there.
So, let's look at just some of the news today.
We're not even looking for these articles, they're just everywhere.
Child sex predator caught illegally re-entering the United States.
A Mexican citizen with multiple convictions Her sex crimes against children was caught after illegally entering the U.S.
authorities say.
Oh, but this guy could have a gun, according to the federal court now.
You can't have a gun.
The same judge says she wants to take your guns in Ruins.
She doesn't believe the second amendment, but for an illegal alien, she does.
Previously deported Ecuadorian who strangled newborn to death caught in New York.
Columbian drug lord arrested after obtaining... Columbian drug lord arrested after operating out of Texas migrant shelter.
Texas jurisdiction refuses to enforce Supreme Court ruling allowing cops to arrest illegals.
Fort Worth is a super sanctuary city.
What would you expect?
Almost every city in Texas is now super hardcore leftist.
People think Texas is doing so great.
It's very close to being purple and then blue.
Meanwhile, Dominican Republic that borders Haiti builds a 12 foot tall border wall to protect from Haitian gangs and crime.
But we can't have a wall here.
In fact, we're not even supposed to call them illegal aliens.
So here are some of the clips I've got.
On the border front.
Here's a short clip in France as the illegal aliens burned down a police station using conventional fireworks.
Of course, the police run in fear.
Here it is.
All right, I wanna go to clip 14.
Former Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan explains the legal technicality that allows the 5th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals panel to overrule the Supreme Court.
Then I want to show Biden pandering to a group of Hispanic Americans, he thinks, telling them, oh, I got into politics because of Cesar Chavez.
Well, he's on record saying he got into politics because of the Kennedys.
And the point is, can you imagine giving a speech to people and then lying to them?
Like when Hillary gets up in Kentucky, it's a famous clip, she goes, It's good to see you today, everybody.
That's not even a Kentucky accent, but, I won't know how I got here, but I'm now here.
Remember that clip?
And then, Hillary would also do this, where she would get up, speak to LULAC or other Hispanic groups, and go, Hello!
It's good to be here now and talk to you!
I mean, it'd be like if I had British reporters here to interview me.
And I see them getting ready with their cameras.
They're talking in British accents.
Okay, get the camera.
Let's move the lighting over there.
And when they saw me, they went, how you doing there, partner?
Did you have some possum grits today?
Are you married to your sister?
I would say you're crazy.
But again, it's like Kamala Harris.
There's a bunch of videos of her.
When she's speaking in front of a NAACP group that's mainly black folks, she's like, she tries to put on this fake black accent.
It's so fake.
It's like some fake southern black accent.
How you doing today?
Good to talk to you.
I'm Kamala Harris.
When she's in England, she starts putting on a fake English accent because they're sociopath chameleons.
You know, if I'm in New York, I'm talking just like I talk.
If I am in England, I don't put on an English accent.
I walk in and I'd say, yeah, give me a beer and bangers and mash.
I'm checking into my hotel.
Yeah, it's Alex Jones.
I got a king-size bed.
I'm here for two days.
Imagine if you walked up and said, hello, my dear.
I would like to check in.
I'm Alex Jones.
I mean, you know, this is a crazy person.
In fact, I should do a report on this.
I haven't done one of these in a while.
There's been so many new ones.
We should show Kamala and Hillary and a bunch of them doing this, and it's weird, man.
Like, I can kind of do a Scottish accent, I can't do an Irish accent, but imagine if I showed up in Scotland, and I'm walking up to Customs, they go, passport, are you visiting, is it business or tourism?
I'm like... How does Shrek talk?
I have to think about Shrek to do a Scottish accent.
You're a donkey!
I can't even do one right now.
I guess I could try to talk like Sean Connery.
But he kind of has a cross between a Scottish and a British accent.
I'm Sean Connery here.
Sometimes a woman needs a good smack.
But I'm trying to think of a Scottish accent.
Just how crazy.
They'd say, "Sir, are you okay?"
What if I walked up and did a fat bastard accident to the Scottish Border Police?
*awkward silence* *laughs*
Oh man, these people are nuts.
And we've got so much serious news to hit, but what type of person gets up in front of a group?
Imagine if I got asked to give a speech in Mexico City.
And I go down there, and obviously people that know English are going to want to hear what I have to say about the economy or the world.
The disrespect, if I got up there and went, hello, do you want a taco?
Oh, hello, how you doing today?
I mean, it's just, it's, it's, again, a normal person Does not do that.
Now, let's say you're from Texas and you lived in England 20, 30 years.
You will start to change your accent.
That's natural.
But you don't change it on the fly.
Look, I'm already digressing.
I need to stop.
I'm out of control.
But Biden has never said he got into politics because of Cesar Chavez.
It's an insult.
He's there lying to them.
And people are put off by this.
Absolutely put off by it.
I mean, I know I certainly am.
Just watching is embarrassing.
Here's the clip on the federal ruling.
Supreme Court clearing the way for Texas to enforce a law that would allow state officials and law enforcement to arrest and then deport illegals who cross the border in Texas.
But last night, that ruling was put on hold by a federal appeals court with a hearing expected to take place a little bit later this morning.
Joining us now for reaction is the former Acting Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan and former Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf.
Gentlemen, good morning.
This one, a lot to follow here over the last 10 hours or so.
So when this all broke yesterday, Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, tweeted out that In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court allows Texas to start enforcing SB4 that allows the arrest of illegal immigrants.
Now, we still have a hearing in the Fifth Circuit Appeals Court, but this is clearly a positive development.
And then moments later, Corrine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary, tweeted out that, we fundamentally disagree with the Supreme Court's order allowing Texas's harmful and unconstitutional law to go into effect.
SB4 will not only make communities in Texas less safe, Yeah, first of all, the White House Press Secretary, her last part of the statement is that SB4 is going to sow chaos at the border.
Are you kidding me?
We've had an unmanageable level of chaos at all sort of order for the past three years, so it's just not serious.
This is a little bit of a legal technicality here that's allowed in our justice system right now.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals basically overruled the United States Supreme Court.
It's bizarre because the original district court order Stayed as before, said they couldn't implement it while they're waiting for the merits.
The Court of Appeals then lifted that and then that's what brought it to the Supreme Court, which Governor Abbott won.
It goes back to the same appeals court and they reversed their original decision and now we're back to where we were, square one.
Yeah, it doesn't.
So, Chad, it basically, you know, we'll see what happens today, but this basically means that law enforcement down there in Texas would have the ability to either deport a migrant or charge a migrant with criminal trespassing and let that play out in the courts in the state of Texas.
But either way, Greg Abbott said this would be a huge win for the crisis along the 800 miles of border in Texas.
Well, undoubtedly, it's a win.
It's a win because the federal government's refusing to do its job.
And so Governor Abbott's having to, in the state of Texas, I should say, in the legislature, is really taking some unprecedented action here.
And I think that's really important to recognize.
I don't think the state of Texas and the governor would do what they're doing if the federal government and the Biden administration just did their job there in Texas along that border, preventing the illegal entry of hundreds of thousands and millions of migrants over the course of the last several years.
This case will eventually go back to the Supreme Court to be ruled on the merits.
It's obviously headed there.
But look, I think this is a fundamental question that we have to solve and the Supreme Court will eventually have to solve is when the federal government refuses to act, refuses to do its inherent job, it's then incumbent upon the states and the governors of those states to actually protect their citizens.
And that's what we're seeing here in the state of Texas.
Yeah, Mark, just a housekeeping question for you.
You know, you were the head of the Border Patrol under former President Donald Trump.
This happened yesterday, and there are literally thousands of illegals that are about to cross the border in the state of Texas.
How do they hear about a ruling like this?
Look, we keep saying this over and over again, Rob.
This is a good question.
Or one of the most sophisticated criminal operations on the face of the planet.
They know...
The weak and big U.S.
policy loopholes are making the administration better than most Americans.
You already had the President of Mexico weigh in that said he's not going to accept anybody that Texas sends back.
I mean, so the American people need to understand just how sophisticated these organizations are.
And they adapt effectively with respect to their techniques, tactics, and procedures to get around the loopholes and exploit the loopholes that are created by this administration.
Chad, I want to move now to Florida and we'll keep an eye on where this goes on appeal today.
But if this is put back in line, it would be a huge deterrent, I guess.
But maybe bad news for Arizona, California, and New Mexico, the other border states along the southern border.
They found a headline of what I was talking about.
Hillary Clinton is mimicking you and it's completely natural.
Remember that was a big scandal when she was running for office that she spoke to black folks, she put on what she thought was a black accent.
What is a black accent?
Black folks talk all different ways, depending on where they're from, what state, what region, what country, what history.
Did Kamala Harris dip into fake French accent in Paris?
Speech divides the internet.
Yeah, these are weirdos.
Here's Biden yesterday, not knowing what planet he's on.
I want to thank my campaign manager, you heard speak first.
She is a little bit in their blood.
Cesar Chavez is her grandfather.
He's the guy that got me interested.
He came to Delaware when I was running in the 19, I won't even tell you when, 1871.
1871. He came to Delaware in 1970s to help deal with the war.
He has a gigantic industry in agriculture.
That whole thing called the Delmarva Peninsula, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia.
It's a $4 billion industry, primarily in agriculture, but particularly in chickens.
And he was organizing.
And I got involved with him and trying to make some headway.
And in southern Delaware, they talk at you like this, you know what I mean?
And it was one of the best things I ever did in my life because I learned a whole heck of a lot that I didn't know.
Oh boy, there you go.
So I want to shift gears to this now because it all ties into the lawlessness.
Look at these two headlines.
Chicago sues Kia and Hyundai over vulnerability to theft and surge in correlated crime.
So there's just crime everywhere.
Locals are reporting that they won't even respond to crime.
And so, just like Leticia James is suing the R.A.
and suing the beef packing industry, shut it down and taking Trump's businesses away without even a jury trial.
Now, Chicago is suing car manufacturers because they're too easy to steal.
It's their fault.
Like saying a woman wore a dress and had lipstick on so she deserves to get raped.
Here's another one.
AP, Chicago sues gunmaker Glock over conversions to machine guns.
So people can illegally get a Glock or any other semi-auto and you can convert them.
Why do you even want full auto?
You can't even hit what you're aiming at.
But because someone does something illegal with a gun, Not just goes and shoots people, like the Sandy Hook Democrat Party operation, hitting 74 million and bankrupting Remington, because the mother bought the gun legally and gave it to, well nobody knows the name of the guy that shot the kids, they only know my name.
Everybody knows I did it.
Think about Sandy Hook, think Alex Jones.
But no one ever wants to say the name of the kid that got the gun.
All they know is Alex Jones.
That's another example of mind control.
It's because I question the whole thing.
But, uh, Chicago.
Sue's Gunmaker Glock over conversations.
Conversations over conversions to machine guns.
Isn't that interesting, ladies and gentlemen?
Isn't that just amazing?
The city of Chicago sued Glock Inc.
on Tuesday, alleging the handgun manufacturer is facilitating the proliferation of illegal machine guns.
It can fire as many as 1,200 rounds per minute.
Oh yeah, how are you going to load that into the handgun and fire on the streets of the city?
The lawsuit alleges Glock unresponsibly endangers Chicagoans by manufacturing and selling semi-automatic
pistols that can be easily converted to illegal machine guns with an auto sear, a cheap small
device commonly known as a Glock switch, that switches are the size of a quarter and are
easily purchased illegally online for around $20 or manufactured at homes using a 3D printer.
So because criminals are doing something wrong with a gun and violating federal law, they're
going to shoot the gun manufacturers, but federal courts are ruling illegal aliens can
We'll explain what this really means.
Trade Ahead, please stay with us.
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So what we have here is a fully weaponized judiciary in most areas.
We just saw the Fifth Circuit do a bunch of weird manipulations.
To block the state of Texas from deploying the state guard and the police to arrest illegal aliens pouring across the border.
And so they just withdrew their original case to then kill the action of the Supreme Court.
A manipulation.
Why don't they seem to care the Supreme Court will just override that now?
Because the globalists know that they are showing off to their Soros masters in these lower courts.
They believe they're taking over.
They believe they're going to win.
That's why they're so lawless.
That's why you see the actions against President Trump seizing his companies.
You see the actions where people are losing their companies and losing their lives and they're not even being given jury trials.
Because the system is going for broke.
The system Has broken the social contract.
The system is working for BlackRock.
And so I talked about this yesterday, but I want to talk about it some more because it ties in to what's happening to President Trump and to the rest of us that are just loyal, decent Americans.
This federal judge appointed by Obama, Sharon Johnson Coleman, whose anti-Second Amendment has done a bunch of anti-Second Amendment rulings, She suddenly says the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shell at me, and infringe illegal aliens, anyone that gets here, are the equivalent of citizens so they can own guns.
That's just like San Francisco and other blue cities appointing illegal aliens onto the election boards and passing local laws that illegal aliens can vote.
It's about throwing it in your face.
So they're going to have it where they enforce the regular laws and the unconstitutional laws to come after our guns.
They're going to sue gun manufacturers when somebody uses a gun in a crime.
They're going to sue gun manufacturers when somebody illegally modifies a gun.
All that flies in the face of common sense.
You're not guilty if you're a car dealership and you sell somebody with a license a car and they use it to go run people over on purpose.
You don't get sued.
You didn't do that.
So, just like maybe you're Polish-American and your grandparents moved here.
And now, because you're white, you're told by MSNBC and the Democratic Party, you owe reparations to black people because maybe some of their ancestors were slaves.
How are you guilty for what somebody did hundreds of years ago?
You're not.
So, hardened criminals committing serious crimes are let out of prison.
The Soros DAs won't prosecute most of the criminals.
They'll prosecute somebody that defends themselves.
So the criminals are being protected.
Lawlessness is exploding, the shops are closing, society's degenerating.
That's the plan to bring the country and the Western world down.
So the federal judges plan to continue to selectively enforce all of this.
So there's no logic to it.
I said yesterday, as one perspective, well, at least they're admitting that the people have a right to keep and bear arms.
And so I said, illegal aliens or criminals or whoever they are, are going to have guns illegally anyways.
Why should we even have all of this enforcement and all this control?
Just let it be Wild Wild West.
But that's a libertarian, populist, constitutional perspective.
They're doing it because, here's another example, the illegal aliens back three years ago and they were claiming it was the law and everybody had to take the shots and they were firing hundreds of thousands of nurses and military personnel for not taking it.
Refugees lack COVID shots because drug makers fear lawsuits all over the world.
Illegals coming to the US, Europe, you name it, no one even tries to push a shot on them because they know it's so dangerous and the UN would not sign on to the liability, but the national governments did sign on to protect and to pay any liability for the so-called vaccine makers.
But even more crazy than that is Chicago suing car makers Because they say they're too easy to steal.
That's how they make the innocent criminals and how they set the precedent as city governments and state governments, just like Letitia James in New York, to take over corporations and businesses.
And on the heels of going after Trump, She's now announced she's going after dozens of other companies, including one of the largest meat packers in the nation, saying cows create methane that's toxic.
You're hurting the earth.
I'm going to take your company over and fine you billions of dollars.
You wonder how they're going to bankrupt the beef industry?
They're going to bankrupt the meat packers.
You will eat the bugs.
So here's Kevin O'Leary goes off on CNN over possible seizure of Trump's assets in New York, like Venezuela or Cuba.
Of course, when the judge ruled a month ago, I don't think this case is about Trump anymore.
O'Leary made the same point, it's totally true.
And it's accelerated an exodus out of New York, but they don't care because they're
going to bring in all the illegals under federal law, they're all going to get all this welfare.
They'll use that to fund themselves and then those cities collapse into the next state,
into the next region, and they take over.
So this is a well thought out strategic plan.
Here's Kevin O'Leary.
I don't think this case is about Trump anymore.
I think this case is about New York.
It's about the American brand.
It's about what we promised the world in terms of fairness and justice and investing capital in a country that's built the largest economy on earth.
Seizing of assets?
Is that in our nomenclature in America?
Is that what we tell people that want to bring their money here and protect property rights?
Forget about Trump.
Nothing to do with Trump.
You think this is good for business in New York?
You think this is good for business in America?
To take a law that we used to protect people against buying refrigerators at an overpriced value decades ago and apply it against an individual and then talk about seizing assets like he was in Venezuela or in Cuba?
This is a very, very, very bad look for New York, and everybody around the world is watching this.
This may be great for the Attorney General, but this is not good for America.
But in terms of the valuation, can you be clear as to why, I mean, why would the properties not be sufficient collateral?
What a great message to send out all around the world.
Take a claim where there was no monies lost, There was no fraud here in the context of actually people losing money.
Deutsche Bank, who made the loan, was made whole.
And let's make a penalty of half a billion dollars against a crime, apparently, where no monies were lost.
Great message for New York.
Great message for America.
Bring your capital because we'll protect your property.
I think that was a statement that would be much better made Some time in Venezuela.
I'm not kidding.
That's a scary, scary message.
And by the way, there are no such thing as half a billion dollar bonds.
There are no half a billion dollar bonds.
Never been done before.
This law has never been applied.
Forget about Trump.
Nothing to do with Trump.
That's enough.
to do about America and the New York brand. I love this state, my children live
here. A horrible message to everybody around the world watching this.
Absolutely horrific.
Well wait Kevin, hold on a second.
Trouble will be gone one day.
This attorney's generally gone one day.
That's enough.
Look how arrogant those women are.
They sit there in blue cities.
They're totally destroyed.
They're not safe to go out at night.
Carjackings, crime everywhere.
And they just shake their heads and laugh and smile because they're so stupid and so mentally selfish that they're selfish even against themselves, their own self-preservation.
They have no common sense.
All they have is arrogance.
To sit up there and go along with this agenda.
It's absolutely suicidal for a country to do that.
But you have to understand, I have a whole stack right here before we come back.
The UN and the Black Rocks want this.
They're going to turn loose these Soros DAs and Attorney Generals on all the companies they don't own.
Oh, they won't ever go after the big globalist companies.
That's why it's good that Texas is going after them.
That's right.
Texas is fighting back.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have been spending a lot of time today on the economic warfare
we're going through.
In the last 45 years, the globalists, as middlemen that Trump describes them, went to China and
other countries and made one-sided deals to ship our industries there and then pass laws
here at home with regulations and energy controls where you couldn't compete to make sure their
investments were the most profitable.
And then that hurts everybody here, which makes us domesticated, makes us dependent, gets us in debt.
So all of this cutting off the energy, cutting off the food, and piling more regulations on is just more of the same.
This is economic warfare.
That's why you look at New York and Illinois filing all these lawsuits on industries For no reason, to shut them down, and to exact huge amounts of money from them, you say, well that's terrible, they'll leave the state, they'll leave the country.
That's the point.
And then they'll just go work for the globalists overseas in China or India.
So this has been figured out, ladies and gentlemen, they're making it where there's a climate where you cannot do business in America.
How do you think China has 97 to 98% of rare earth mineral extraction worldwide?
Because in Europe and the United States, they're all controlled by the IMF and World Bank and BlackRock.
Same group.
One's totally governmental, the other's the actual corporate holdings arm.
They don't let any companies that aren't Chinese mine lithium or the other rare earth minerals.
That's how China cornered the market.
I mean, that's not cornering the market, that's beyond the monopoly.
I mean, 98% control?
America has been put in a strategic crisis.
And Jimmy Carter signed a law in 79, it didn't get implemented until the early 90s, to hand over the Panama Canal that we built to Panama.
And people said China will get it.
The John Byrne Society wrote articles saying China will get it.
And now China's moving in with NGOs and taking over Panama.
This is strategic sellout of America.
And now the globalists are fighting with China some.
So now even the Chinese are double-crossing them.
It is a mess.
And the globalists are losing in Ukraine.
It'd be bad enough if the globalists were winners, but they're losers!
And they're attacking anybody and everybody.
So Texas pulls $8.5 billion from BlackRock because they're trying to shut down fossil fuels in Texas and the rest of the country.
That's a good move to put pressure on them.
To not destroy the primary investments of the state and the people's security and prosperity.
That's the opposite of New York and Illinois and California.
That's a state that's not perfect, but actually trying to have an economy.
And so this confrontation is only going to get more intense now.
But the good news is people are figuring out the players.
They're figuring out how this all works.
And the growth curve of awakening is really going up fast.
Now, look at this headline.
This is an AP headline.
We looked it up on the AP's website.
It's there.
This is not a joke.
This is from 1989.
UN predicts disaster if global warming not checked.
Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.
And then Al Gore said similar things over and over again.
Here's the AP article.
And it says exactly what the print article said.
A senior UN environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.
And it goes on from there.
Here's the British government's absolute zero policy, saying they want zero carbon.
Well, we exhale carbon.
Cows exhale carbon.
And you read the report by the British government, and it is a nightmare of post-industrial world.
That's how they're going to depopulate people.
That's how they're carrying this out.
And Ron Paul was just on Tucker Carlson.
I want to play a few clips of him.
The first clip I want to play is him talking about a Black Swan event, which I totally agree with.
And then Dr. Paul talks about what is the deep state.
Tucker Carlson asking that.
So let's play clip 11 and 12.
And then let's play clip 10.
And then I want to go back to the archives and play some of the clips of him decades ago, clip 8 and 9.
Here they are.
I think we're reaching this point where some sudden thing is going to happen.
I believe in that theory of the black swan.
It's going to pop up and it's not going to be controllable.
But people, you ask, what can they do?
I think the most important thing is understand what's going on.
Is education.
That's why I happen to have a homeschooling program and I try to teach this stuff early because you can't change it.
You can't go in and say, okay, you want $50 an hour?
We can't do that, but we'll have a compromise with the other people.
We'll just give you $32 per hour, you know, guarantee that kind of nonsense.
You have to be able to You know, tell them what they have to do.
One is to protect the money, one is to protect your will.
But when I go through this, when people really want to know some details and I get a little more in detail, I said, but really, really the most important thing you do is study and understand what's going on.
Because if you come away from that and you're able to accumulate a lot and get by and you have your guns and you have stored food and all that, it's not going to work.
You have to understand what's happening.
You have to know it's coming.
It's very, very dangerous.
And that's why I love to see smaller units of government.
Anything that hints, that says they're springing up an idea in our states to act like they ought to act.
And they're starting to, you know, they're starting to get more independent.
The Deep Sioux.
Who is the Deep State guy, by the way?
Well, I don't have a list of products.
I have no idea.
Well, I think it's people who have tremendous power, and they happen to hate liberty, and they happen to be people that have endorsed, because of their wealth, they've been able to get a lot of wealth, and because of that, they become nihilists.
They don't believe in truth.
Truth is impossible to reach, and there's a whole philosophy of nihilism, that you can't believe in truth, so it's rejected, but everybody wants Something to believe in.
So they believe in themselves, these people who, you know, have a lot of influence, whether they're the president of a university.
We just, like, not too long ago, didn't we have a few professors show up on television that just were terrible, terrible, and they were the ones in charge of our kids!
If you and I can't steal from our neighbor and we can't take their car and we can't hurt people, why is it that we let the government do it?
You want to go to your neighbor and you say, well you have three cars and I don't have any.
I want one of your cars.
Most people say, well that's illegal.
You can't just take someone's car.
But the government can.
The government's taking stuff from us all the time, and most of the taking is from the people who work hard, they're middle class, and they're poor, and they suffer the consequence of inflation.
The date I say it was concrete, that there was a coup, and we lost our government, was November 22nd.
The assassination of Kennedy.
That was 60 years ago, and our lawmakers never talk about it.
But you mentioned to me earlier and brought back in memory, but do you know who they appointed to the commission?
Alan Dulles.
He was on the war commission.
So the guy who's responsible for the murder.
He probably was the most responsible.
He was investigating the murder.
That's when it dawned on me.
The republic is gone.
That's when I said the day had ended.
You said you speak to the remnant, and no matter how bad things get, there is always a remnant of people who understand what's going on and who find each other, which I love, and I think it's true.
But you said it's not just a political or practical consideration for you, it's also a spiritual principle for you.
What did you mean by that?
Well, I think my spiritual beliefs, which I don't carry on a sleeve... I know, but I know they're sincere.
All right, see the full interview at TuckerCarlson.com.
We have Anthony Rubin and Carlos Arellano joining us.
Both great journalists, both amazing people.
Carlos is a major whistleblower on human trafficking, including of children.
He's actually witnessed it.
I just incredibly had him in studio, both of them, a few months ago.
They're back in studio, both of us, coming up.
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And it's time for humanity to stand up in the InfoWars and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I want to address all of my colleagues who I think are confused about the First Amendment.
The First Amendment does not give the Chinese Communist Party the right to American data or the right to manipulate the minds of Americans.
The gay pirate came out in a press conference and said there's no U.S.
intelligence agencies involved in the U.S.
And they're not involved in the media.
With data and with access to your app that you're addicted to, you can vastly manipulate an entire population, which the Chinese have done.
Are you worried that our intelligence agencies are doing the same thing, domestically?
Am I worried?
Well, I know that they're not.
They're not manipulating Americans?
They're not... Yes, I know.
...controlling the flow of information?
Yeah, do you have some evidence otherwise that you'd like to share?
Operation Mockingbird, weaponization hearings, the Steele dossier where the Justice Department paid the CIA operatives to create fake... I mean... Let's talk now about propaganda, a program that governments to manipulate people's thoughts and opinions.
Well, now the U.S.
government wants to be able to use propaganda on its own people.
This provision is buried deep within the $642 billion defense bill and would give the government overarching power to push television, radio, print, and social media onto the U.S.
I could go on for a couple hours here.
I've experienced it myself, but go back to the clip.
Congressman, you asked for an example of the U.S.
intelligence agencies meddling in our information.
What about before the 2020 election when 50 members came out and said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation?
Does that count?
No, because, I mean, they were retired.
They were retired, but the FBI had the laptop for over a year.
There's nothing even close to what TikTok did.
So a reporter says, well, what about this case?
He says, oh, those are former intel chiefs of the NSA, the CIA, and other agencies who have all their former employees working in the government.
They themselves work at the big private Booz Allen type organizations.
It's a revolving door.
So it's big tech, big corporations, big banks.
The ratings agencies, working with the intelligence agencies, directing corporations and government against the people.
They're trying to, like, teach him, like, that people are getting attacked over there.
A bunch?
Instead of attacking Asians.
I've been fed up with attacking Asians.
Um, so I'm like, "What are you doing?"
Like, we're trying to, like, help, like, with the BLM, and, like, we're gonna, like...
I mean, it's individuals, it's not a people.
That's not good, the optics of that, I don't know.
The spying on the American people, the censorship in the last few elections, all of that is admitted.
All that came out last year in the weaponization hearings.
But here's Crenshaw basically saying that water isn't wet and that birds don't fly in the sky and that fish don't swim in the ocean.
Hitler didn't have a weird mustache.
Now, no one denies TikTok's bad and weaponized in that four of the six Hollywood production houses are owned by China, and that it came out, as I told you a decade ago, in major Breitbart investigation that the Communist Chinese Party is funding the major transgender movement in America, Black Lives Matter, all of it.
Yes, we know that, but they want this law to then target everybody else, including independent third-party websites.
So, it's very troubling it passed the House last Wednesday morning and I hope it doesn't pass the Senate because it sets a very dangerous precedent.
We have the intelligence agencies legalized under Obama in 2012 with the repeal of the Smith-Month Act and we have them operating against the American people and engaging in this brainwashing.
The Smith-Month Act of 1948.
And I can pull you up Washington Post headlines.
Obama bill passes.
CIA now allowed to deceive and spread propaganda in America.
They're very proud of it.
Well, we got two guys with us in studio that go into the danger zone.
out and then they talk to us like children and say, oh no, that's not going on, that's not happening.
Everybody knows about the Hunter Biden laptop. That's literally one ice crystal on the tip of
the iceberg. That's one snowflake in this giant complex of control. Well, we got two guys with
us in studio that go into the danger zone. One of them is a federal contractor and with a whistle
multiple times to Congress, resulting in huge investigations, arrests, you name it. Carlos
Ariano, a real hero and Anthony Rubin, an amazing investigative journalist. Most of you know who
he is, reaches hundreds of millions of people, been on all over the national news, just exposing
incredible stuff. Also got kidnapped a few months ago by the drug cartels on the Texas border,
right by SpaceX, but was still able to later go back into Mexico and retrieve his footage. All of
it has been harrowing. Anthony Rubin in studio, Carlos Ariano in studio, and you can find them
both at Carlos is a cutie on X and at real muckraker on X for Anthony Rubin. And again,
we have Max Keiser and Luke Rudowsky with amazing news.
What a dynamic duo hosting the fourth hour out of Owen Schroer, 3 p.m.
Central today.
And I'm told you guys are going to be on that show as well.
So thanks for making time out of your incredibly busy schedules.
Give us a 35,000 foot view and whoever wants to start first can about where you think we are right now with the Supreme Court ruling that Texas can arrest illegals, the lower court overriding it somehow, all the craziness going on, the Democrats claiming that it will frustrate law enforcement if they're allowed
to arrest illegals, including everyday convicted pedophiles, you name it, being
caught. I mean, this is crazy.
You guys just went into a New York facility where you delivered children before and blown the whistle.
It's now come out that there's sexual abuse going on, all this other stuff.
They're trying to sweep it under the rug, but you guys are exposing it. You've got those reports on
your ex accounts. In the interest of time, I'm not going to play the reports other than B-roll,
but it is dramatic. I mean, hundreds of bombshell videos.
Every one of these should be on the cover of the New York Times, but it's not.
They'll cover some of the illegal alien migrant kids being used as slave labor, which is good.
I'm glad they admit that's happening, but sex slavery, it's all out of control.
So let me start with Carlos.
Carlos, how would you describe where America and the world is right now and what you witnessed?
And then we'll start drilling into the larger issues.
Where we're at now is the worst of the worst because at first it started with children being kidnapped from their parents and now there's stories going around about organ harvesting and a lot of, it just gets crazier as the time goes by.
You used to think about, oh no, there's no way organ harvesting is going, it's true, but you start hearing this from People working with the kids now and people coming through the border about it happening in Tijuana and Monterey and Reynosa.
It's getting worse.
Good God, the sky's the limit.
Mr. Rubin, what are you witnessing?
Well, what I'm witnessing is we still have our constitutional republic.
I mean, the framework that our great founders gave us is still there.
I mean, it's still intact, but there is a very dark, demonic cloud covering our country.
You know what I mean?
And it's slowly taking us over, and I mean, we're on borrowed time.
So at a high level, that's what I'm witnessing.
Fraudulent organizations handing out bogus paperwork with illegals that can get residency cards and ID cards and embed themselves in America's largest city in New York.
Contractors who are moving these kids into foster homes where there's on record all sorts of sexual assault and abuse and these contractors just get off scot-free.
They just hide themselves from the camera, they tell you to get lost and they hide their name badge and nothing happens to them.
It's truly demonic, but you know, like you said, like you're saying with these different court cases that are coming out, the Republic is trying to, it's almost like death thrashes, you know what I mean?
It's trying to make a comeback and you know, will it prevail?
I'm not sure, but we're trying.
Very well said.
It is like...
Thrashing around for our lives.
That's what's happening.
And you, you've got specific cases that you personally, you guys have been working on, and incredible stuff on your accounts on X that everybody should go check out.
But what do you make of the federal judge who's anti-gun ruling citizens shouldn't own guns, but this Obama federal judge says illegal aliens can own guns.
This sounds like a Red Dawn scenario, all these military men coming in.
Yeah, yeah, I saw that.
I saw that court case.
There was different arguments that they used to get that through.
They said that he had originally bought it due to civil unrest and that's why he was able to buy the gun and that it should stand and that there's no history of declining gun rights to non-citizens.
I mean, it's totally ridiculous.
I mean, there's some of my footage right there that you guys are playing of these military age men in Panama.
That are all on the way to the United States, and now apparently these men could all get armed and do God knows what.
So I mean, it's incredibly scary.
I mean, if there was ever a time to go get armed, the time is right now.
If you're not armed, you're a sitting duck.
I can say that much.
Well, we've shown these compilations a hundred times.
Maybe the crew could pull one up.
There's hundreds of versions, but it shows the TSA groping people and, you know, checkpoints in New York at the subway, and then the border's wide open.
So, so citizens, they try to make take the shot, but the illegals are exempt.
Why do you think that is?
Because they want to draw more in?
Oh yeah, well, the company that I work for that's moving children, if you go to their website right now, they're hiring for custody and security officers in Haiti.
So it's, what are these guys doing in Haiti now?
And you go to nvminc.com, you go to careers, and you'll see the positions, one of the top three right now.
And the UN got caught in AP report.
What, seven, eight years ago?
Massive human trafficking, they reported, and the Clinton Foundation got caught, and the head of the foundation went to jail.
I mean, you can't make this up.
Yeah, you know, there was something, I mean, we could take this a million different ways.
How's this?
You have ORR, that's the Office of Refugee Resettlement, that's under HHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, and it's on record.
For example, the Florida, it was the 23rd Florida statewide grand jury did this, and I believe 2023.
because all these kids are getting dropped off in Florida and they're like,
we got to investigate what the hell is going on, right?
So they did a big investigation and one of the things they found,
there was actually an ORR worker. These are the people that are responsible.
These kids come across, they vet the sponsors. They say, okay,
is this really the person that this kid is going to?
Is this really the parent or guardian, right? There was a case where this ORR worker
saw that there was over a hundred kids sent to one address and their superiors were not
doing anything about it. So they decided to report human trafficking to a government hotline
and they were fired for doing so. Just like Carlos has done.
Yeah, correct.
Will you spend the whole hour on the stuff this guy's done?
Yeah, honestly, we probably should because that's incredible.
I mean, it's one thing, I mean, it's two different aspects.
Military-age men that are coming over here and getting armed and getting ready to cause civil unrest, you know, probably political assassinations, all sorts of things.
And the Democrats say they can have guns, but we can't.
But then there's the whole child trafficking aspect, which is equally as demonic and equally as scary.
So wherever we want to go, I'm happy to.
You guys are the experts.
There's all these great reporters on the border, but you guys pop up more than anybody.
Other than like Michael Yon, you guys are kicking ass.
Well, we could talk about something that we just did.
You guys lead this, because I can ask a hundred questions, but I don't want to lead us in the wrong direction.
You guys are front lines.
So where do you want to go next?
Well, I want to talk about what we did up in New York.
Unless, Carlos, do you want to add anything before we get into all that?
Oh, no.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
So something we just did, MarkRaker.com in conjunction with the Heritage Oversight Committee.
Um, was we went up to New York and we exposed this organization called La Jornada.
And what they're doing, anybody can walk in there, but primarily, you know, you have to be an illegal alien.
Um, I tried walking in there doing this, you know, myself as, you know, an Italian Jewish American, and they totally shut me down because I don't look the part, right?
So you have to be a certain type of character to go be able to do the success would be you walk in there if you're an illegal alien and you say, Hey, listen, I want to buy residency and ID NYC paperwork.
And they will be like, OK, so write a name down on this piece of paper, just any name.
They don't check anything.
We have two of your reports.
One's 13 minutes, one's four.
We'll roll the B-roll while you're talking.
Yeah, this is the four minute one.
And so you write down any name.
You could write down Saddam Hussein.
You could write down Osama bin Laden.
You can write down whatever you want.
Yeah, Daffy Duck, sure.
And then Spongebob.
And then you go and wait in the lobby, they go in the back, and this person, I forget his name, the president of this organization, signs this paperwork, and like you see in this video, they just hand it to you.
So now with that paperwork, you now have...
Fraudulent residency, proof of residency, and you have the paperwork where you can go take and get an official New York City ID card.
And this is what the CIA does back in the Cold War.
They would infiltrate the CIA into Eastern Europe.
They would get them fake IDs, the names of dead people, you name it.
They're literally engaged in identity fraud or creating whole new identities.
And a lot of times they have children with them, which is perfect for the smuggling.
Right, and so here you can see there's this sitting Congresswoman currently in Congress right now, Grace Meng of New York, and she secured that organization $250,000 federal taxpayer dollars.
It's just so incredible.
The federal government's paying for a place, handing out paperwork for fake IDs.
A hundred percent.
Which aren't fake, actually.
You get real ones under a fake identity.
Yeah, exactly.
So official IDs that usually only spies would have.
This is incredible.
So the thing about you, you don't even have to be an official or an unofficial legal border crosser.
Right, you could be some sort of saboteur, you could be like one of the 9-11 hijackers, you could be anybody, and you could come across- This is the total system breaking down.
You could be anybody.
So you could come over here totally legitimately, and then just overstay your visa and embed yourself in America's largest city.
And you could have a big criminal record.
You could be a rapist, or a child molester, or a murderer, or a bank robber, or a spy, or a Chi-Com agent.
Or a Quds Force Iranian, which we know is happening?
And you just go here and get a new identity?
Gosh, the national security implications are staggering.
And the FBI, of course, is overseeing all this.
And so, you know, but I get on the plane from Miami to come over here and, you know, like it was, I have to get my genitalia fondled by these TSA agents who treat you like absolute crap, who treat you like a peasant.
You know, that's what's going on.
But they fist bump the illegals when they're coming across the border.
I've been at the airport, I know you've got footage too, where the illegals don't even have paperwork, they just wave them through?
Right, right.
Carlos, this is insane.
Oh yeah, and then the other thing that we should touch on is that New York City right now, for the illegals, when they get tired of New York City, they give them a free plane ticket just to get rid of them wherever they want to go.
So these illegals with these fake IDs, We'll end up getting registered in swing states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and they end up in all those swing states and where it's easy to get registered because now they have an identity in another place.
That is so key.
And I did the same thing you just did.
So we should all talk here and come up with the right term.
I call them fake IDs, but a fake ID is something you buy from somebody when you were a kid to buy liquor that isn't real.
These are official government IDs they're able to get with this paperwork.
So what do you call, I guess it's a government-issued ID with a fake alias?
What do you call this?
I mean, I don't have a term for it, but that's exactly what it is.
Yeah, absolutely.
Government-issued fake identities.
What do you think we call it, Carlos?
Yeah, because on the IDs it says City of New York.
It has the stamp from the city, the city government.
So now the sanctuary cities are literally creating their own little countries.
Keep going.
See, I wouldn't even have thought of that, the voting issue alone.
Yeah, because Mayor Adams wants to get rid of them from his city, so he buys them a ticket wherever they want to go.
And all they do is they sign a promise not to come back to New York City.
So if they want to go to Arizona, Where it's a swing state, they'll get a free ticket there, too.
And who knows what they register for there, you know?
You gotta go get a driver's license.
Because with an official government ID, under a fake name, they can do whatever they want now.
Yeah, exactly.
That's what I'm saying.
Lord knows... You guys need to be in front of Congress.
Well, you know, let's talk about that real quick.
Because I get the, and I'm not hating on anybody in particular, you know, if you're a congressional officer.
But I've gotten calls from multiple congressional officers, hey, sir, we're really interested in what you're doing, it sounds great.
You know, incredible info that you have.
And then it's all this talk, and I think Carlos has had a similar experience, all this talk, and nothing happens.
And I'm just wondering, like, what, number one, you don't even know what's going on.
Well, he gets killed by the committee chairman.
Because I've had federal judges I've met with that, like, think I can get their witnesses in front of Congress.
I go, you're more powerful than I am.
And they're desperate, too.
They can't get anything done.
Yeah, but I mean, the other thing is they're down there, right?
I mean, they are people that live off the taxpayer.
They're really non-producing entities.
So I would imagine, at a minimum, you're very enlightened and you're an expert on, you know, national security threats and the things that are plaguing this republic of ours, right?
But they're not.
They don't have a clue.
These people do not have a clue.
And they don't even really read these bills, do they?
They just have their staffers read them and then they just green light it.
That's right.
Did you see the thing that Elon tweeted, like Saturday guys, pull it up, because I reposted it on my ex account.
It just shows giant piles of garbage and illegals everywhere in New York.
I mean, this is bad footage, but it's nothing compared.
This is like wall to wall.
You were just in New York.
What did you guys witness?
I witnessed everything from... Well, the moment we got to one of the places, one of the churches, someone tried to sell me a stolen generator.
And we actually got that on camera.
And then from there, they started to sell me bracelets to get in the hotel.
So basically, the illegals are starting a black market of their own.
And everything that the city gives them for free, like a MetroCard, they'll turn around and sell that.
Food stamps.
I've always said, why don't I go across the border and come back and have all these rides?
So that's starting.
Keep going.
And this location that we went to on Wednesdays, they signed people up for food stamps in the city of New York.
So on Wednesdays at 8 30 a.m., there's a line of.
About a hundred Chinese illegals and people from North Africa lining up to get food stamps and free food.
And we didn't do that, but we saw it on the signs there while we were there announcing it to people.
And they've got a bunch of other stuff there too, you know.
Papers that say free Pampers on Monday, free this on this day, it just never ends.
I was reading a family in Chicago under one of these programs of four illegals gets $92,000 a year.
Just from the city.
How the hell are they paying for that?
Michigan just signed, they had a law, $240-something million to build migrant camps.
How many camps do you build for $240-something million?
But then, you know, we got to go.
It's almost tax season, right?
We have to go and we have to sign a confession that says all of our economic activity and hand it over to the IRS in this whole fictitious scheme.
Well, we actually, I kind of want to get into that.
Which violates your Fifth Amendment.
I kind of want to get into that if we got time.
Go ahead.
So, I mean, we got to do that.
We have to go.
Well, let's get into it.
I mean, the income tax, as you know, I mean, there's no actual law requiring you to pay.
Didn't happen until 1913.
The amendment's BS.
It's total crap.
Right, and they don't even define income.
They define income by saying what gross income is, right?
And so, if you go ahead and you actually file a return, which by the way, I'm going to because I don't have time or resources to spend fighting any sort of lawfare.
Plus you're a target.
So I'm going to, just so everybody knows, I'm going to file.
But there is no law on the books requiring you to file.
But that's what everybody has to do.
So basically what we are is we are essentially involuntary serfs to this tyrannical government
that is trying to replace us with these invaders.
And what's going to happen is these people will take the priority and the United States
is going to basically dissolve into oblivion.
But as far as the IRS goes, just to kind of finish the tangent that I'm on, you sign this
tax return, it's really a confession.
And what happens is if you, everything you put on there can be used against you.
I tell you!
Yeah, it can be used against you in a court of law.
So you are waiving your Fifth Amendment rights, right?
So then again, that asks, how is this, how could it possibly be compulsory?
Because nobody can compel you to violate your own Fifth Amendment rights, right?
And testify against yourself, but that's what's going on.
So my whole point in saying this is that we're peasants, we're serfs, but these people come over here and, you know, according to what you said, get $92,000 a year.
Stay in hotels and complain when they have to get moved around.
They actually complain and then jump police officers and get set out free without any bail.
And flip everybody off.
By the way, we got new footage on InfoWars.com that just came in.
We'll play it next segment of a Venezuelan illegal saying, F you, we want 300,000 Venezuelans, we're going to overthrow America.
Again, it's this attitude.
I see videos every day where they're flipping people off at the border saying we're taking over and laughing.
And they're chanting Biden.
They're wearing Biden shirts.
Who is brainwashing them to act like this?
It's the NGOs in South America.
They're scattered all over the place.
So they're getting radicalized in those?
Yeah, they are because they teach them, you know, hey, this is the way you got to lean to keep it going.
And this is what you got to do to get more people out there.
They're instructed on what to do the moment they start coming this way.
Because I used to get children who used to tell me, the coyote told me how far I need to walk north and how far I need to walk towards the left side to get to the camp.
Where the camp, they're going to feed me, clothe me, and give me all these things.
So the coyotes know themselves from the cartel where the camps are at.
So you know, what else do they know?
I was asked by Steve Bannon last week on his show, is this too far gone to turn around?
We don't have a choice, but I don't know how, the real numbers are like 20 million since Biden got in, not 10 million.
How do you reverse something this big?
That's the $33 trillion question.
I'm not really too sure, because it's going to get bloody.
What exactly are you going to do?
It's going to require a coalition of tens of millions of American patriots that are ready to actually stand up, strong American men.
I think that a lot of the men in this country have been politically neutered, so to say, unfortunately.
People won't even stand up and speak the truth, let alone actually go out and put yourself in a situation where you might get shot in the head by an armed illegal alien.
By the way, what I'm pointing at you, I'm telling the crew when we post this later to InfoWars and X, I want that clip up front.
A bunch of these clips are amazing.
What you're saying is so true.
You know, I've always thought it's a slow motion Red Dawn.
You don't have blue helmets, they just have illegals, the military and police.
But now I've been talking to some really smart guys that have been in Army Special Operations Delta Force, you name it, that I've talked to the last few days.
I had three of them contact me that I know well, and they said, Alex, we're getting chatter that they're doing this so the feds will stand down when the illegals do uprisings if Trump wins.
And that makes perfect sense, because they're already trying to head Trump off saying he can't declare the Insurrection Act.
Why would you have a federal judge that's anti-gun say illegals all have a right to own guns?
I mean, during, quote, civil unrest.
That's what she said in the ruling.
This is really dark.
I mean, this is hard to believe.
And that was an Obama-appointed judge, wasn't it?
She says citizens should know guns.
But illegal aliens should.
No, it's a takeover.
This is war.
It hasn't gone kinetic yet, but it's going to.
And the question is how are we going to come out the other end of this?
The Republic, as far as I can see, Is really permanently, the face of it is permanently changed, right?
But the question is, do we now make a hard U-turn and go back and make a beeline towards liberty?
Or do we become a totalitarian state?
But you got the footage!
These are Iranian military men with the same boots.
That's military coming in.
I mean, they are planning something big.
Folks, I've held back on this because it was so hard to believe.
I actually now believe there's about to be a hot takeover, not incremental anymore.
I now, as of last night, in my gut, it really hit me, I believe there's about to be a hot takeover.
Yeah, I agree with you.
I agree with you absolutely.
I mean, think about, I mean, listen, we're not, we're not 1950s Cuba, right?
But think about how Fidel Castro was able to come to power.
If they have illegal aliens of all these different groups rise up and start burning and killing, anybody fights, they're calling white supremacists, the average American will just shut up and let them do it because they don't want to be called racist.
I mean, that's what's happening.
Or, I mean, what does it take for a woke Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to just do a coup?
And just say, you know, we're not going to take orders from the Commander-in-Chief anymore.
Well, you're very astute.
The Democrats have introduced a bill to do just that, which is a coup in legislation against the executive.
Yeah, I can totally see that happening.
You know what I mean?
Just neuter the President right off the bat.
Like, let's say Trump gets into office.
Just make sure that he can't do a damn thing about it and let the illegals burn down the cities.
I mean, they've already done that.
That's what they said.
They said there'll be an uprising.
And when Trump tries to stop it, Carlos, how do we stop this?
Oh man, we're lost.
There's no stopping it.
There's nowhere to go, but it's going to take years and years to get this fixed because the people who come here, they... So there was this one time in South Texas where Border Patrol used to tell me, Don't turn your back on them because that guy is former military.
This guy is a former police officer from Honduras.
This guy is a former mercenary from this area.
You're stupid if you turn your back on them, even here.
So this is warnings that I got inside a federal facility in South Texas.
So imagine in a riot on election night what they're going to do.
Well, I'm not.
I know the look of people.
And you can tell.
They come in groups.
Sometimes it's women and children that are being used and abused.
When you see these men coming in, it's military.
You can tell.
Jesus Christ.
I mean, there's no way a nice person who doesn't know how to defend themselves is going to survive that trek, you know?
It's the most dangerous people.
Well, I almost feel like I dropped the ball on this because we're usually ahead of things because I just couldn't believe it was this bold.
I think it's conclusive.
They're planning a military takeover.
I think that that's accurate.
It's going to happen on election night.
I think so too, yeah.
Oh my god, we're literally in the countdown at the end of the country, folks.
I don't know what we're going to do.
God help us.
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Asymmetrical warfare, guerrilla warfare.
We have tens of millions of people pouring in, the majority of the military age men in groups from the Middle East, from Africa, from China, from Latin America.
We have major investigative journalists and a whistleblower here with us who are on record getting some of the most powerful information yet.
And they're telling me what folks in Army Special Operations are saying that are high level, that they believe But then I have the Democrats admitting this, there's going to be uprisings if Trump is re-elected, that they're going to launch asymmetrical warfare, there'll be some false flags to claim it's racial or whatever on the other side, and that all hell is about to break loose to destabilize the country.
And again, most of the illegals coming in won't be part of this, but large contingents of them, a few thousand could re-cabinet.
We're talking about millions of military-age men, hundreds of thousands, obviously operatives, How many days out of the election?
I mean, you can feel the danger, not just intellectually see it.
Your take on that?
My take on that is exactly what we said in the last segment.
I mean, people, all I can say is this, because when we start talking like this, I just think, okay, you know, how can we make sure that we mitigate the damage and that average Americans who are at home don't get hurt?
And I mean, make sure that you're armed.
Make sure if you, gee, if you have a family, I'm blessed right now to be single and not have a family.
I can't imagine having kids.
That just, you know, magnifies the whole problem.
Make sure you've got storable food, like you always say.
Make sure that you're armed.
Make sure that you have gold and silver, because the U.S.
dollar is going to collapse.
There's going to be a sovereign debt crisis as well.
Could happen tomorrow.
So all I could do really is offer words of advice on how to better prepare yourself because I can't stop it.
I'm just one man, right?
The preponderance of evidence is the New World Order is making its move right now.
Everything they've prepared for for decades is here.
You gotta get out of the big cities too because that's where it's gonna mostly burn down.
They're looking to cause the most chaos and what better way than to destroy all the downtown areas of New York City and D.C.
and L.A.
You gotta go to the suburbs, get as far away as possible.
I'm even kind of scared right now what the border's gonna look like on election night.
And you're talking to someone who's lived by the border his whole life.
And I've never really been scared up until now of where I live.
You know, I used to always say, you know what, I'm far away from big cities, I'm fine, but now the border's more scary than the big cities.
Here's why I'm concerned.
I live this, like you guys do, 18 hours a day while I'm awake.
And people ask how I make all these predictions to come true.
I look at all the evidence, and I have a gut-level assumption or analysis that's not gut, it's all your brain integrating all the data.
And when you talk about this, it's a surety in me.
Like, we could back him down by exposing him and...
I'm getting chills, but right now, I can pull the articles up where the Democrats are trying to strip Trump from military power, from the Insurrection Act.
They're admitting they're going to have an uprising.
The beta test was the summer 2000, mostly peaceful, burning everything down.
They're doing this.
This is it.
They didn't just bring the illegals in to vote for Democrats, folks, or to skim money off of them.
They brought them in as the cover for the foreign armies they've inserted.
And then, when people oppose it, They'll go, oh they're brown people mainly, it's white supremacists.
That's what they're already saying.
But if you're confused and you believe that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man, then you'll totally accept this crap, right?
And so that's kind of what I was saying before about how everybody's been politically neutered.
But while, you know, I do want to say this, I don't know how many live listeners you have right now, a couple hundred thousand maybe.
If every single person right now decided to go out and speak the truth for a whole week
straight or a month straight, everywhere, in your place of worship, in your place of
business, at your school, wherever you're at, just refuse to back down.
You got to left this professor, raise your hand and say, "You know what?
No, I refute that.
That's total nonsense."
And just do that.
You would be so surprised what you could...
There's something called the Ash Conformity Experiment, where basically what they did...
It's hard to explain the whole thing right now, but basically...
The Stanford Prison Experiment and others.
Well, the Stanford Prison Experiment and so on.
But basically, people should look up the Ash Conformity What they did is they had one test subject who was placed in a larger group, right?
And they didn't realize that the people that were in the group with them were actually in on the experiment.
And then what they did is they would show three lines of different lengths and a sample line.
And they said, Which of these three lines matches the length of the sample line?
And it was, I mean, it was totally obvious what the answer was, right?
But everybody in the group would choose the wrong answer intentionally.
And then when they got to the test subject, the test subject would always just go along to get along and choose the wrong answer despite what was right in front of their eyes.
So it's a conformity bias.
I've seen that study too.
I was just saying, similar to Stanford and others, people go along and group thing.
But what I want to say is this, though.
What they found broke that conformity was if there was just one other person in the group who didn't go along, then that test subject was like, the likelihood of them going along with it, if there was just one other person who didn't conform with the group, it became almost inconsequential.
So this is a classic gaslighting experiment.
And so my point is, right, based off of what we saw in this experiment where it only took one other person that broke the conformity to get the test subject not to, you know, or to trust their own eyes again, you could be that person.
You could be the catalyst who stands up and then snaps everybody out of this.
That's what happened with COVID.
People stood up and they had to back down.
Correct, but it takes that brave individual to actually stand up and go against the grain.
What I'm trying to say is, and this is what I continue to say, is that there's not enough of them out there.
So it's not about going out and getting armed and being some tough guy.
If you don't even have the courage to stand up and speak the truth, we don't have enough people doing that.
I always say that.
You're not going to fight the Blue Helmets if you're not going to politically fight now.
And so what I'm asking the entire InfoWars audience to do, if you're watching this on your computer or on air, go out and speak the truth at the first moment of inconvenience when it's uncomfortable.
And if you do that, I mean, then you are actually helping to save this republic.
If you don't, you're worse than a coward, actually.
Well, that's right, because when they trigger the riots and all this, they're going to sell the lie that it's because some cop shot a black man and that's why people are uprising.
The globals are going to give the order.
And so that's what we have to see through this now.
And the thing is, everybody knows it's garbage.
I mean, everybody knows what was going on with George Floyd and Black Lives Matter and all white people are racist.
Everybody knew that that was garbage, or at least most people did.
But the only reason why I was allowed to proliferate is because nobody stood up and nobody had the balls to actually do anything about it.
And to say, no, this is actually nonsense.
I'm not a racist just because I'm white.
And when they had all the white liberals sit, bow, and lick boots and stuff, that was to make everybody else bow down to the system.
The system puts a black face on, nothing to do with black people, and uses that for conformity.
But look what happened.
I mean, we've never really truly recovered after that whole, I mean, it was a revolution, a mini revolution.
I mean, for example, look at what came, look at the end zones in the NFL now to end racism.
It takes all of us.
I mean, every single player on that field is black, Advil says, buy our product, we're helping black people, they feel more pain.
Right, right.
But again, this only stops if you call this crap out, but not enough people do.
So that's what I'm encouraging the entire InfoWars audience to do because we are on borrowed time and honestly, going along to get along is not going to work for much longer.
So, you know... It's gotten us in this position.
So, you know, I was thinking maybe we could get deeper into the whole child aspect.
I was about to say, like, you guys are exposing the child smuggling.
Where are these children going, Carlos?
So, it's funny you say that because there's not many places where they let me speak on that except for probably here.
And these children, I've been speaking about the private charter airplanes that I used to ride on where we used to move 200, 300 kids at a time.
And they used to go to homes and I couldn't explain what they really were.
But these days, it seems like they're foster homes and that they're starting to mix.
Migrant kids with American kids from the CPS system and a lot of people have different opinions on that but as someone who who used to do this and I was there every day and I was part of it.
It is that, and they're starting to, it's a billion dollar business, and they're starting to mix migrant kids with CPS kids in foster homes.
And sometimes they try to tell me, you know what, the foster home is a separate thing from the migrant stuff, but you managed to lose 85,000 of the migrant children, you can't tell me you've been doing such a great job of keeping it separate from American kids.
They're starting to traffic American kids as well, and they're moving them all around the country, and God knows where else.
And you say you're getting information about organ harvesting?
Oh yeah, yeah, and at the border you catch not just children talking about it but adults of Reports of they got offered.
Hey, we got a young kidney and it's it's a child sized kidney and it's so it's very young and it's very good.
And this is how much we're asking for it.
And this is on the northern side of Mexico.
So starting to hear that more often now.
So God help us.
So now the cartels have even gotten down to children's organs.
God help them.
Where's Tony Montana when you need him?
It's sad.
It's sad.
All right, gentlemen, let's continue on.
And hey, I want you guys to come guest host soon.
Let's do it.
All right, folks, be sure to check out their X accounts at Real Muckraker.
Welcome back, folks.
There's a new video up on InfoWars.com.
I see these every day.
Venezuelan illegal calls for 300,000 followers to invade Unoccupied U.S.
homes, which is happening all over the U.S.
Illegal aliens, mainly from Venezuela, have been told and are sent to the houses.
Some of the CHICOMs that we've gotten on video say, I'm going here to take over this house.
This is on video.
This is in Spanish, but here it is.
Pay to U.S.
House, United States.
pay to US House, United States. I found out there's a law that says that if a house is
not inhabited, we can seize it.
Guys, here.
The United States also applies the of land invasion.
I think that will be my next business invading abandoned houses since I have looked.
Or some codes with my friends, Africans.
They told me what they have already taken.
About seven houses.
And as the saying goes, Daddy, we have to look for the return of the, return the right now is to invade house since we are not in a street situation and in the only, we have to not live in the street and not be a public burden.
The law says that it's abandoned, houses deteriorated, and this is a bad condition.
We can get and repair and live.
It is as we can sell it even back for credits.
What do you say?
I mean, this is the insanity, guys.
I mean, here's the deal.
I don't, yeah, God.
When I see a Venezuelan mother coming across here with her children, right?
When I see something like that, or honestly, even if I see a man that's down and out, whatever, I see human beings.
And unfortunately, here's the problem though, what these evil people have done to our country, is they've made it so that there really can be no black and white, right?
The solution to this How can you have a nuanced solution to a problem this big?
No, it's cancer.
You've got to cut it off.
You've got to cut it off.
And that's the problem, because there are... The UN shut all those countries down in the lockdowns to trigger this, but it's the cover for the criminals.
You have to shut it off.
And so what I'm saying, though, is if you truly want to turn this around, it's going to take drastic measures that are unforgiving.
And I'm not talking about killing anybody necessarily, but I'm saying, you know, I'm not talking about killing anybody at all, but what I'm trying to say is when I say drastic measures, meaning, unfortunately, the people that have come over here that maybe are legitimately have asylum claims, there's no room for nuance anymore.
I mean, you have to go in with a broad brush and, you know, clean up shop and get these people out of here because you have people like that that are coming over here, and like you said, it's a cancer.
You're not going to change that person's mind.
You're not going to convince them that, no, you actually... Well, the system, the government itself has created a lawless position.
We have to first get the government back, and then we have to shut this down and get control.
But, you know, that's not going to happen unless we have a broad, far-reaching solution, which is what it's going to take.
And that's unforgiving.
And that's why I say I have compassion for these Venezuelan mothers with children and even some of the men coming across here.
But unfortunately, now that they've created this emergency situation, there could be no room for nuance.
Well, that's right.
And the Democrats have created this on purpose.
Biden said, when I win, immediately surge the border.
Oh, man.
He started that since the moment he took office.
He really did because 85,000 children missing are just from the first year.
And when I was working moving children in the month of April and March of 2021, they had a record of, I think it was 17,000 unaccompanied minors in two months in 2021.
And they created all these mega facilities for the children.
They got one out in North Carolina now.
So it's a big business for them.
It's a big money business for the Democrats and they love it.
And not just you, but Project Veritas in Texas, Arizona, New Jersey, New York.
They go talk to 12-year-old girls.
They go, yeah, they make me have sex with 10 men a day.
And he goes down to the girls, yeah, I'm a sex slave.
Can you help me get out of here?
I mean, this is like, wow!
Yeah, well, we know that, you know, Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, there are underage women out there, these, you know, illegal alien girls that have been trafficked across the border that are pimping themselves out and getting pimped out right there on Roosevelt Avenue.
Carlos, you've spoken to people that know even more about that.
Yeah, they're working in the massage parlors and they're working in, it looks like an insurance place, but when you go in there, it's a front for prostitution.
And it's all unaccompanied migrant girls who are working to pay off their debt to the cartel.
And you go in there and it's a whole lot of illegal activity going on in there.
And you can go in there and buy one of these underage children that are working to pay everything off.
And what's incredible is they laundered the money back through the Democrat law firms.
So the cartels and all these groups and NGOs pay massive money per town or city into the NGOs that give them the political protection to do this.
And when you get a Democrat on TV saying, We regret this or no like they look like they're starting they don't regret anything they're getting money on the back end so they want this to keep going they just go on camera and say uh we can't take it anymore and all this other stuff it's all lies they they know Chicago New York oh it's terrible but then behind the scenes they're lobbying for more of it yeah yeah they are they are because they know it brings in million dollar contracts so don't believe any of this
That they're saying it's terrible, or we're running out of space, or we can't do it anymore.
They know they're going to keep doing it.
You guys want to, I mean, why don't we talk about some of the foster homes that we're seeing these kids being delivered to?
We can name names.
You shot the video.
Tell us about it.
So, you know, you go to LaGuardia Airport.
I'm just going to put it out there because I don't think they're going to change their operation.
It's impossible to at this point, although they might.
I mean, they might just start putting these kids on private charter planes like they used to do, and then nobody will be able to track this stuff.
You go to LaGuardia Airport and you just wait.
If anybody's in New York right now watching this, you go do it today.
Wait for the flights coming out of Texas.
I guarantee you're going to see it happen at least once or twice a day where you're going to see this escort, escort in air quotes, taking these kids with a group of kids behind them.
They're all dressed the same.
And what happens is the black, there's outside of LaGuardia Airport right there, outside of baggage claim, a black van will roll up.
They will load these kids into the black van and the black van will take off.
And they won't say anything.
I mean, you'll go... You've gotten footage of this.
They should pull it up.
It's my pinch tweet.
Pinch tweet, guys.
Pull it up.
And so you go and you film these people, and they try to smack the camera out of your hand.
They try to hide their name badge.
They say, don't film me.
But okay, we decided to actually follow them.
And we followed them to these different foster homes.
We followed them to four different foster homes, but there's many, many more just in the state of New York alone.
Across the entire country, there's hundreds.
Here's some of the footage.
Unaccompanied children packed in black vans.
People want to know what the child trafficking is.
Here it is, folks.
But here's the deal.
So let's talk about the foster system for a little bit.
bit from 2000 to 2018 the there were a hundred and fourteen thousand missing
foster children whose cases just got closed just like they never found the
kids a hundred and fourteen thousand kids went missing never found cases
114,000 of these foster kids, right?
It's estimated that with child sex trafficking, 60% of the children who are child sex trafficked in this country are done so through foster homes.
Um, and so anyway, we followed to these different homes.
Three of the four homes that we witnessed these kids being dropped off at, you know, if you just do a quick Google search, they are facing serious accusations of sexual assault.
I mean, we're talking about people who actually had to go, one of the articles for one of these homes, um, said that a child had to go to the hospital for an injured penis.
I feel disgusting even repeating these words.
It's demonic, right?
I just don't even want it.
I don't want these words coming out of my mouth, but that's the case.
This is the news.
And so, despite that, despite these allegations, you know, every day or every few days, these places are getting new shipments of children and they are also at the same time receiving millions of dollars through the federal government's unaccompanied child program.
And so essentially what's happening at an extremely high level is you have these foster homes that are making a killing.
I don't know what the profit margins is.
I mean, you'd have to be inside looking at the books to know that, but they must be making a killing because we always don't have to govern And the point is, they admit they're disappearing.
Black vans, disappearing children, unaccompanied.
We know they're being put into physical slavery.
Senate reports sex slavery.
This is just unbelievable.
And I mean, just to close this off, I mean, like, these people are making God knows how much money off of trafficked children.
That's what it is.
It's a for-profit system where you can make money off of trafficked children.
That's what's going on.
I mean, it's totally demonic, but I'll let Carlos add more.
Yeah, and then, you know, the kids in Maui that went missing, the American kids in the CPS system who go missing, we can't find them anywhere.
And then we got facilities like in South Texas, the Walmarts, Alex, that you know very well of, that can house up to 3,000 kids, 2,000 kids.
You know, it makes you wonder if they're all in there.
And because no one's allowed inside these places.
And when you talk to these kids, they say they've been in there for a year or two years and they asked to go home and they don't let them.
And then you got another group of kids who won't even talk.
So it makes you wonder.
It doesn't take you.
It wouldn't take a lot for a politician, a congressperson go down to the Walmart.
Demand to go in there and see what kind of kids they can find in there.
You know, maybe there's some kids from Maui in there, or some kids that were in this in the foster care system who are missing.
They're probably in there.
And I remember like eight, nine years ago, they were refurbishing Walmarts into prisons.
We thought they were FEMA camps, so they were setting up for this.
Many botanists died.
Bring us this information.
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The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage, so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
Carlos Arellano, an incredible patriot who is a major whistleblower exposing child trafficking.
He was on the airplanes shipping the kids around a couple years ago with a whistle twice to the federal government and to Congress.
Now he's out there full-time exposing it.
In closing, Carlos, any other key points you'd like to add?
You guys are going to be in here hosting the show coming up in a few weeks while I'm out of town for a couple days.
We look forward to that in early April.
The only thing I want to say is that, you know, You gotta get out there.
The airports, take your phones out, it's what they hate the most.
Get it on record, put it anywhere you can, you know?
That's why they're hiding in a lot of times the airport.
They set up special areas.
They don't want this exposed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Keep going, sorry.
And, you know, in Chicago Airport they're hiding them, in Atlanta Airport, one of the terminals as well.
You just got to take your camera out because one excuse they like to do is they like to say, well that video is two years old.
It doesn't matter anymore.
It doesn't happen.
We need this to be on the record everywhere, every day.
So you see somebody who's an illegal or you see an NGO worker, just record them.
Even if they don't want to talk, just record them and put them on, put them somewhere, you know, so we have record of them.
That's what we need more here.
Spotlight them!
Yeah, on my end, I mean, there's so much that I could say right now.
One thing I will say is people, and I continue to say this, so I kind of sound like a broken record, but I think that's something that sparks, as my mentor Michael Yan continues to say, sparks are kind of an amateur question, right?
Anything can be the spark.
It's about conditions.
I mean, I think that a spark, a potential, it's not really a spark, it's almost like a torch that you're putting in gasoline, that will set off mass civil unrest is going to be the collapse of the United States dollar.
That is, that is coming.
I mean, hyperinflation is right around the corner.
And I'm going to continue to say this because people need to be prepared.
I think it's going to be the likes of, you know, the Weimar Republic or, you know, Hungary in the 1930s with the Pango.
I mean, you needed like a hundred trillion Pango to go buy a postage stamp.
So that's what's coming.
Oh, that's a fact.
I mean, we don't know when it's going to come.
People have thought that everything's okay, normalcy bias, it's over.
100% it's over.
So at this point, and most of this audience probably knows, it's worth repeating, roughly every 100 days we're adding $1 trillion to the national debt.
I mean, just 10 years ago, it was like this big deal that the national debt ticked over from $19 to $20 trillion.
Then we very quickly went from $20 to $30, and now we're going to hit $50 in a couple of years.
I mean, the point is it's unsustainable.
At that point, it's just- All your taxes go to debt.
And so there's nothing they could do.
I mean, they can't they can't continue to raise interest rates.
That's why they're already starting to taper because there's nothing you could do.
I mean, you raise interest rates anymore.
What what's I mean, I don't know what interest rates are right now, like three, four percent.
You raise it any more than that.
You did.
Like you said, all of the tax dollars are going to go to paying interest in that thirty three, thirty four trillion dollars of national debt.
It's impossible.
The point is the dollar is going to collapse.
When that happens, nobody these people, all these invaders that you see in these hotels that are living in nice, cozy bedrooms that are heated with food coming That's the same in Europe.
There's illegals everywhere house.
These people bug out.
My point is this.
These people, you see videos of them flipping out when they need to get relocated.
What's going to happen when actually, you know, you're not getting fed along with, you know, a hundred million other Americans?
There's going to be pandemonium and that's what people need to be ready for.
And I'm going to continue to say that because that could come tomorrow.
And that's the angrier world.
Klaus Schwab said an angrier world will bring in the Great Reset.
This is it?
Absolutely, and so people need to be aware of that, and that's really all I can say because I can't stop it.
There's nothing that I can do about that, but I can tell people that you need to get armed, you need to have goods that you can trade, right, that you can barter, and you need to have skills of your own that will be useful during these times that are... Alright, powerful.
You guys are going to host the show coming up in a few weeks, probably on the 1st of April.
30 seconds left, Carlos.
Well, I just wanted to say, if you want to keep up with anything I do, I'm on Twitter under Carlos is a cutie and I do have a if you want to support, you know a one-time donation or whatever a prayer I have a my gifts and goes up my pin tweet and it's under Texas Carlos 22 It's much appreciated.
Thank you.
You're doing incredible work and please support us ladies and gentlemen our sponsors.
All right, Max Kaiser It does an amazing job and also the incredible Luke Radowski coming up to cover world events and more than Owen Schroer in 55 minutes.
Gentlemen, thank you so much.
Talk to you soon.
God bless and good luck folks.
We're fighting as hard as we can, but there's no doubt the New World Order is making its move now.
Righteo, InfoWars, Max Geiser, Luke Rudkowski.
Luke, how are you?
I am absolutely freaking incredible here in the beautiful state of Florida that just, by the way, a couple days ago passed a bill to revoke squatters' rights.
It's an incredible place.
It has some interesting Florida men in it, but I think it's one of the best places in the world compared to maybe even El Salvador, but I think we're going to be talking about that in just a little bit.
Yeah, I want to talk about that squatters' rights story in Florida.
It's really remarkable.
And as you point out, I am here in freedom land, El Salvador, where President Bukele is leading the world toward economic freedom.
You are stuck in George Soros land.
I don't know if you saw the speech by President Bukele at CPAC.
But he actually called out Soros.
He said, you know, Soros is not welcome here.
So, Luke, you know, we've been covering this for years.
We've known each other for many years.
You've been down on the ground in the face of the globalists as they are.
And what do you think about when you look at what's happening in El Salvador?
What goes through your mind?
It's incredible, it's inspiring, seeing what's happening in El Salvador, in Argentina, shows that there is, I believe, a larger kind of awakening, a larger cultural revolution of individuals saying, enough is enough.
We had a lot of government, we had a lot of top-down control, we had enough of the banksters destroying currency and financial wealth in this country, and it's time to reawaken to all the incredible possibilities that could be at our fingertips if we just believed in it.
I think we're living in an extremely dangerous time, but also an extremely opportune time, because it could go either way at any moment, at any time.
But I do believe there is a concerted effort to demoralize people, to make them angry, to make them sad, to make them feel like there's no hope at all.
But look what's happening in Latin America.
Look what's happening in the place that you live in, El Salvador.
Look what's happening with Bitcoin there.
Look at what's happening in free states like Florida.
Incredible things are happening.
People are coming together.
People are building communities.
I'm doing that right now in Southern Florida.
And the people that are coming out, they're coming out in droves.
They're coming out more than they ever have before.
And they're incredible people that are awesome to work with, to collaborate, to build with.
Because if there ever was an opportune time to actually Free the shackles from your hands and your brain.
Now's the time, man.
It's now or never.
Yeah, great.
You know, the theme of this contrast between what's happening in El Salvador, Argentina with the new president there, Malay, and Central America and Latin America in general versus what's happening in the U.S.
is a theme that was going to be recurring throughout this hour, I'm sure.
But to get into the nitty-gritty and the specifics, you mentioned a story, squatters' rights in Florida.
You're in Florida.
Tell the folks, well, you know, the background, the color, what exactly is the story, and then we'll get into it.
So this is House Bill 621, which authorizes property owners to request action by the Sheriff's Office to, quote, immediately remove squatters from the home.
The bill passed overwhelmingly in the Florida Senate last week, and it's set to, of course, be made law.
This after, of course, we heard a crazy story from New York.
Where a woman was literally arrested for kicking out squatters from her own home.
In the state of Florida, we of course are probably not going to be dealing with any of those kinds of situations, especially with this new law that just passed.
That is common sense.
If you bought something, if you own something, if you have private property, that private property deserves to be respected.
As of course, democratic cities look like they're going through a cultural revolution, sort of.
where a lot of the property owners, a lot of the people who of course make the jobs,
who create the companies that actually do good things for the people out there,
they're the ones who get punished more than ever.
Max, are you still there?
I don't know if there's any kind of interference.
Is my sound going live?
I hear you now.
you cut off there for a little bit.
Alright, as we try to figure out what's going on here, people are going to have questions about the internet now,
*laughs* El Salvador here.
As of course, infrastructure is always a key question that I always had in mind, specifically when it comes to moving, relocating.
And going there, but you know, I would love to hear about your own personal stories, Max, about you living down there in El Salvador, because everything that I'm finding here, all the people, I mean, there's a lot of bad news surrounding Florida, especially Florida, man.
But overall, I've been all over the world.
I've been all over the United States.
To me, there isn't more of an incredible place than right here.
So many incredible people, so many people building, so many people Whose businesses are thriving because, you know, the COVID lockdowns really weren't as impactful here as they were everywhere else.
And that kind of freedom to act financially free, I would say it's not as free as, I would say, El Salvador, but it's still a lot freer than most parts of the United States in the Western world.
I think you had some internet hiccups there, but I think you're fine now, right, Max?
Yeah, I'm getting the sound clear.
And you are dropping some truth bombs, my friend, Luke.
And there's a lot to talk about over this hour.
And the contrast between what's going on, as you pointed out, El Salvador and elsewhere, is stark.
It's growing.
In Florida, you've got a freedom state.
And a lot of people are moving to Florida, right?
They're moving from other states, from the blue states, New York and California.
They're moving to Florida.
And you see it also representationally in government.
They're picking up more seats in Congress because of the population growth in those states.
And the economic activity is, of course, a little bit more robust than we see in these other states.
However, Florida is suffering some economic malaise because of the overall economic downturn in the U.S., which of course impacts one of the biggest areas in the Florida economy, and that would be real estate.
So the real estate market is really undergoing a pretty seismic change in Florida, for the worse.
They've got a huge inventory glut.
They've got inflation.
It is really biting people in the butt.
All across the spectrum, food inflation, but also insurance inflation.
And it's tough to get insurance on a lot of these properties.
Certainly if you're by the water, it's very difficult to get insurance now.
So people are having to leave because they just can't afford the insurance.
So there's a migration out of Florida as well, because economically, They have some great advantages over some of these other states.
The taxes seem to be better, but of course they also have property taxes and HOA taxes, right?
So, you know, a lot of people live in condos and they get a special assessment on their condo suddenly because of an increase in insurance rates and it's a big fee and they can't afford it and they're moving out.
Florida, as great as it is compared to these other states, is still having these economic problems all across the country.
And the policies at the top, from the federal level, the Federal Reserve Bank that just came out with some comments today from Jay Powell, as well as the Policies of Biden are crushing the middle class.
The middle class is getting absolutely crushed in the United States.
And they're going from the lower middle class into the poverty area.
They're at that one foot in the poverty, over the poverty line.
Now they're dropping outright into the poverty line.
And it's because of this incredible transformation of the economy over the past few decades.
And I tweeted a little bit about this over the last couple of days is that The financialization of the economy starting in the 1980s under Reagan and deregulation and the rise of derivatives made it possible for financiers and Wall Street to extract huge amounts of wealth using derivatives essentially in accounting tricks and market tricks and leave the vast majority of folks
Kind of having their wealth leached away from them.
Now you mentioned just something a second ago, Luke, that I wanted to get back to.
You dropped in kind of this idea of the cultural revolution.
And I've been, I recently saw Tucker Carlson's interview with a Chinese woman who did a book on this cultural revolution and she's making the comparison with the U.S.
and what happened under Mao.
The cultural revolution, they got all of the Folks that were feeling disenfranchised to start going to war with each other and attacking each other.
And the intellectual class was blown away.
The middle class was blown away.
And this seems to be, I don't know how much you've looked at this actual comparison, Luke, but it seems to be there is a comparison that can be made between what's happening in the U.S.
under all of these ideas of wokeism Where they're asking the public to accept obviously ridiculous notions like transgenderism, which is absurd on the face and on any kind of examination.
It's absolutely an absurdist idea.
And yet this is being forced down the throats of folks, as well as children at schools having gender reassignment.
That's obviously a case of being abusive to children, if not outright murderously abusive to children.
So that's part and parcel with what we would associate with the Cultural Revolution under Mao Zedong, Luke.
Yeah, I think you might be describing what happened under Lily Tang Williams.
She's a survivor of Mao's Cultural Revolution.
I actually lived next to her.
I was her neighbor when I lived in New Hampshire, another incredible state that has the Free State Project and does some really cool, awesome community outreach and building.
Uh, in that particular state, and I remember talking to her a lot, and there was a lot of parallels to what she went through to, of course, what my family went through in Poland under communism.
And of course, when the Soviet block came over, conquered Poland, even according to
my family relatives that survived, the Germans attacking them and the Soviets attacking them.
They described a situation that the Soviet kind of control of Poland was even more severe,
worse off than, of course, the German control of it during World War II.
So the situation when you have individuals, when you have fat cat bureaucratic Beckys
sitting on top of this power structure, telling you how to live your life, telling you every
decision you need to make with your own individual self, you're going to have a lot of mistakes.
You're going to be generalizing.
You're going to, of course, get rid of free will, which is the enemy of these individuals that hate prosperity, that hate sovereignty, that hate individuals that are able to stand for themselves, be personally responsible for themselves, and have the true spirit of liberty inside of their hearts.
That stands against their ethos, that stands against everything they go for, because That is essentially their kind of kryptonite against their larger, cultural, communistic ideas of controlling everything in your life.
You pretty much have a free choice in this life to choose.
Oh, someone's going to be telling me what to do, deciding everything for myself, or I'm going to be a free individual.
I'm going to make my own path.
I'm going to have free will in this world, just like God intended, and I will be making my decisions for myself as one single person in my life.
And no one else is going to be telling me what to do.
So there's a lot of very interesting parallels there, but it definitely does seem like we are in the ends of time when it comes to the American empire.
Things here, as you mentioned financially, they're getting pretty bad.
They're getting pretty serious.
You go to the supermarket, And you see things getting smaller.
You see the shrinkflation.
You see items that you paid for previously before go up a dollar almost every other week now.
And it continues to keep going up and up and up.
And I studied hyperinflation.
I went to Venezuela.
I went to Zimbabwe.
I studied what happened when those economies crashed, when people were walking into the supermarket and were literally walking out with their dollars and their Their money being devalued and the purchasing power of what they were able to buy significantly changed just in the time that they were at the supermarket.
Venezuela, they literally had sticker guns because they needed to keep changing the menu prices inside of the restaurants because of the inflation that was happening there as roving criminal gangs were allowed to do whatever they wanted to and of course people who defended themselves were of course Harshly prosecuted and punished by the state as there was no smoking signs everywhere.
No gun signs everywhere.
But violent criminals were literally running loose doing whatever they wanted to do in what was the murder capital of the world at that time when I was inside of Caracas, Venezuela.
And they were able to able to literally get away with murder.
And they have.
So I'll speak to what's happening here in the West.
Yeah, just to follow up, you know, story here, food inflation soars as people are borrowing to pay for groceries.
So in times of financial constraints, soaring food prices and increasing number of Americans are turning to buy now, pay later options to manage their expenses.
Research from Payments Intelligence indicates last year approximately 15 million consumers, constituting 6.5% of the U.S.
population, utilized BNPL, buy now pay later, installment loans to cover grocery expenses or manage their weekly food budgets.
Notably, around 5.4% of households utilizing BNPL for grocery purchases belong to the low-income bracket.
Interestingly, while the majority of users of groceries shoppers were lower income groups, a small percentage of higher earning individuals at the $100,000 annual also opted in for this buy now pay later.
So here's a service.
So you're going to the store essentially to buy a bag of Twinkies and you're putting it on layaway.
You know, give me four installments to buy my Twinkies.
I want to pay $0.29 today and $0.29 next week.
So this is an indication obviously of economic Duress and in the extremists and yet here you have J-PAL on TV today talking about how interest rates might go up a little interest rates might go down a little bit we don't know we had our dot theory and our plot theory and we're quantitative analysts and the money supply is X and we've done the the numbers and we're crunching it all and like to provide the illusion that
That they have some idea of what's happening out there.
But they obviously don't have any idea what's happening out there because people are now resorting to stealing en masse to get food, to feed themselves.
How can they pretend as if this economy is functioning?
It's absolutely crazy.
We even had the former head of the Federal Reserve came out and say that she was wrong when she said inflation was transitory.
Of course it wasn't transitory!
It's permanent.
It's here with us.
Once you print all of that money, once you spend it, once you give it to the military industrial complex, once you give it to the big pharma complexes that also have bug Big, significant pull in the Western world.
Once you give all of that money away, there's no way of taking that money back and unprinting it.
As, of course, these pressures, these economic pressures, with inflation essentially being a tax on everyone that a lot of people don't notice, these economic pressures are absolutely incredibly significant, and I believe we're just seeing the beginning of this.
We saw Ron Paul on Tucker Carlson just a couple moments ago warn about a Black Swan event And I really do think the financial issues and concerns are going to be coming to a head here in the United States very soon.
And of course, with that, a lot of other countries that depend on the U.S.
dollar and that their currencies are backed by the dollar.
But Max, I kind of just want to ask you, what do you see on the ground in El Salvador?
As of course, El Salvador is using Bitcoin as their main kind of currency there.
Are you seeing the same kind of economic pressures there as I'm seeing here at the supermarket myself?
What's happening here is that the two things, first of all the economy is growing By natural increase in economic activity and the GDP is expanding and the government is paying down debt.
So the debt-to-GDP ratio is improving, number one.
And number two, as President Bukele has said, when asked, how do you pay for all these roads?
And how do you pay for this, these public works?
He says, well, there's plenty of money if you don't steal it.
So all this money that the government collects is going right down into the budget to rebuild and build this economy.
He's constantly shrinking the economy.
I call it pokelonomics.
He's kind of reinventing the nation state in a lot of ways, where he believes in smallest possible government you can have, but there's still a role for government.
And one of the Number one, priorities of government is to build out the public space.
So, the public space in downtown El Salvador, which was once the murder capital even of El Salvador.
So, El Salvador was the murder capital of the world and then within El Salvador, the murder capital of El Salvador was the historic district of downtown El Salvador.
You had like zero chance of walking out of there without...
Three bullets in the back of your head.
Nobody went there.
Now, as part of El Salvador's success story of becoming the safest country in the Americas, they are safer than Canada now.
They just reported something like 2.2 murders per 100,000, which puts them at the absolute bottom of the league table for Central and Latin America for the Americas.
The trend for 2024 is even better.
They're going to probably break under one Murder per 100,000.
So it's going to be like Luxembourg, you know, in terms of or or Monaco.
You know, if you've been to Monaco, they don't have any murders there at all.
You know, this is where this country is heading.
And that has an incredible economic benefit.
So to give you an idea of the numbers here.
A couple of years ago, you could say El Salvador was a $28 billion economy, and so Bukele made Bitcoin legal tender, and then he went to war against the gangs, and he essentially put all the gangs in jail and created this enormous security blanket and a security and a peace dividend.
So how big is that peace dividend?
Well, the gangs were extorting from Salvadorans $6 billion a year on a $28 billion economy.
So that's roughly a 20% sudden influx of genuine capital, high-speed capital into
your economy within 12 months.
So that 20% cash injection immediately, plus everyone's feeling can walk out of their house,
which they couldn't do for decades. It was either a civil war or a gang war,
and people couldn't even walk across the park, walk across the streets.
So now you can leave your house, you can meet up with your other friends, you can start a business, you can create economic activity, you can go to the playground, you can go to the centers of the city and see a free concert.
So this is all generating huge economic activity.
Tourism is up over 100 percent.
Forward direct investment is up by billions of dollars.
Overall taxes are As a result, obviously people are making more money, so the government is taking in more revenues.
Also, the government did something very smart by insisting that people actually pay their taxes.
So, in the U.S., you know those stories about Amazon and these other large corporations like General Electric not paying any tax.
They submit a 60,000-page tax return to the IRS, and at the end of reading the 60,000 pages, it turns out, oh, the IRS owes General Electric some money.
Or they owe Amazon some money, right?
They don't pay any taxes.
So, what President McKellie has done is like, no, no, we don't go for that.
We're actually going to have our Minister of Finance go on TV every Thursday and call out the people in the industrialized world and the grocery store chain operators and tell them they owe us some taxes.
They increased tax take by 15%.
By just getting the people who had not paid taxes in a few years, the industrialists, the bigwigs, just pay their taxes.
So that increased the coffers of the government again, and they expanded the airport.
And so they're doing everything, like, I always think of Bukele as kind of a Steve Jobs meets John F. Kennedy character.
You know, he inspires people like JFK, but he's also like a technology genius or a political genius in that he can just tweak The model every single hour of every single day to yield.
It's like yield management.
He's always tweaking it.
You know, he changed the visa for tourists from 90 days to 180 days, right?
He had the idea and within six hours they made the change and immediately that doubled all their tourist dollars, right?
Just little Tweets like this, all the time, it just all adds up and there's no, there's no negatives.
And this idea that he spoke about at CPAC where he's like, Soros isn't welcome, the globalists aren't welcome, you know, they just...
I believe, now I want to get my wording correct here, but the gender fluidity education programs that are popular in various countries, he just instructed the education minister to take those away from the education program.
If I read that communiqué correctly a couple of weeks ago, but essentially he wants to return to family, family values and entrepreneurialism.
And Salvadorans are really hardworking.
They're like, they're like, they're not like Europeans, for example.
You know Europe.
Well, you've traveled the world.
I've lived in Europe for 14-15 years.
You know, it's not an entrepreneurial situation in Europe.
It's like in France, people just wait for government handouts, really.
The idea of working in France is anathema to having a good time.
People in France just want to have a good time.
They want to go on vacation.
They don't want to work.
People in the United States work to go on vacation and people in France A work is something that interrupts their vacation.
It's just the mentality is not entrepreneurial.
The United Kingdom is the same way.
They're very state-driven.
In El Salvador, it's entrepreneurial and everyone loves... You get up at 6 o'clock in the morning and everyone's out on the street getting a pupusa.
You can get two pupusas and a hot chocolate for like $1.75.
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Yeah, we're back.
InfoWars, Max Keiser and Luke Rutkowski sitting in for Alex Jones.
Alex is out.
I just looked through the window.
He's in his tank.
He's driving down the Main Street in Austin, Texas, telling people to beware the New World Order.
So he's doing what he does best!
We're here filling in for him on the InfoWars News Desk.
Luke Rutkowski, before the break, you were asking me, oh, what's happening in El Salvador and how are things percolating here?
And I want to refer to a story that you sent me.
Which was this.
The Daily Mail is now trying to tell you that one day being in the sun can cause heart disease.
Sunbathing for just one day increases your risk of heart disease and stop the body fighting infection study finds.
Now I know where you're going with this and we're going to get into it.
But I wanted to right now when you're talking about El Salvador what's going on here and how we how the contrast is very stark.
So in El Salvador we've got a new resident.
Dr. Jack Cruz.
And Dr. Jack Cruz is all about picking up on the decentralization of money thing with Bitcoin, and he's creating decentralized medicine, and he's working with the government closely to introduce laws, and I believe one has just been passed, that would decentralize medicine and turn El Salvador into a mecca for doctors who want to practice medicine in the way that it was intended under the Hippocratic Oath of First Do No Harm.
And other principles of medicine which are absent now in the US and the UK.
As you see this forced kind of medicine as gavage.
You know, gavage is the practice of force feeding ducks on a foie gras farm before you harvest their livers.
Okay, that's a bit of a highfalutin reference, but nevertheless, let me continue on.
So Jack Cruz, I recommend everyone follow him on Twitter.
His handle is Dr. Jack Cruz, K-R-U-S-E.
And his response in all of this is that longevity in humans is linked to optimal solar exposure.
So here's the complete opposite.
This guy is a brain surgeon.
He's a certified brain surgeon.
For one week every month, he flies to Florida, I believe is where the hospital he's associated with, and he's doing brain surgery.
This is very high level.
He's saying longevity is linked to optimal solar exposure.
The reason is simple.
This protects the seven layers of energy generation inside the cell.
The more sun a human gets, the more diseases they can avoid, and the number one risk of most diseases is lack of solar exposure.
So Luke, you sent me a story from the Daily Mail in the UK.
They're telling people to avoid the sun, and their economy is crashing, and they're sickly, obese, and ghastly in their behavior.
Here in El Salvador, we've got Dr. Jack Cruz saying, no, the sun is good!
Luke, what are your thoughts?
Yeah, those Limeys don't know what's right and what's wrong, as of course, this study comes actually from the University of Kentucky, as their scientists are pretty much probably paid off hacks by the Rockefeller and Bill Gates industries that took over the medical industrial complex.
They're trying to tell you that just one day of being in the sun increases your risk of, quote, Heart disease, and that it also affects your immune system and stops your immune system from fighting infection.
It's almost as if they're trying to cover up something.
It's almost as if they're trying to hide something that, of course, they were forcing and extorting on everyone just a few years ago.
And that, of course, is the Trump scene.
That, of course, is the COVID-19 vaccine that also, oddly, also has the same kind of Coincidence factors associated with what the University of Kentucky deems too much sun exposure.
So I don't think that's a coincidence myself.
Vitamin D3 is essential for human health.
It's essential for fighting infections and diseases.
A lot of people are deficient in vitamin D. One of my friends, Dr. Simon Guttick, during COVID was bringing out the fact that, hey, there's a larger correlation between all the people dying from COVID with They're vitamin D levels a lot of them had significantly low numbers and he was cancelled because he was bringing up these important bits of information that could have saved lives as of course people weren't allowed to go into parks people weren't allowed to even walk on beaches people weren't allowed to even be in the water as of course it was deemed a safety threat when in reality being in nature is one of the most beautiful one of the most amazing things that you could do bringing your
energetic frequency back in harmony, as of course health is extremely important.
It's fair to say that people in the Western world aren't healthy.
Life expectancy for the first time ever has gone down dramatically.
I decided to take my life in my own hands, and I've been on a personal health journey for a while.
And I'll tell you, I don't know if you want to share some of your tips,
but one of the best things that I started doing for myself, and this might be right for you or not right for you,
but as soon as I wake up, the first thing I do is I go,
I ground, and I get sunlight.
The first thing I do on as much of my body as I can, and I get incremental sun exposure that of course builds up my tolerance.
As of course, I am Polish.
I'm not used to the sun, but I slowly built up my tolerance.
Having my feet in the ground, being able to, of course, expose my eyes to the daylight out there has profoundly impacted me in very positive ways.
My sleep increased.
And again, you don't have to You know, take anything or do anything.
It's just as simple as just simply waking up and exposing yourself to just a little bit of sun every single morning as soon as you wake up.
That's going to make a transformative difference in your own personal health and well-being, which I can't recommend enough.
People start taking seriously, because I don't know about you, Max, but it definitely feels like there's a full-on biological war against humanity that is trying to poison us, make us fat, sick, and dumb.
Yeah, Dr. Cruise recommends that everyone watch the sun rise.
Watch the sunrise directly, not through a window.
Watch the sunrise and it resets your biological clock, essentially, and you're in tune with nature in a huge way.
So you guys are on the same page there.
As far as chemical reactions in your brain that actually help your hormonal system literally help you sleep, it literally preps you.
People always ask me, hey, what do I do for better sleep?
As soon as you wake up, go get sun.
You will see a significant impact just by Doing things that we used to do throughout our entire kind of human existence that no longer is available to us because we're stuck with blue light and we're stuck with office jobs and we're stuck sitting at tables and not touching grass, which I think is more important than ever.
Yeah, I mean, you and Dr. Cruz are singing from the same choir book because he's anti-blue light, you know, get the blue blocking sunglasses to keep the blue light out, go for red, etc.
And he just did an event here in El Salvador on the Santa Ana volcano, which is, I think, the tallest volcano here.
It's quite beautiful.
I was there at the event.
I was able to talk for a few minutes.
And so this is how the contrast couldn't be starker between what you just described about a University of Kentucky's report that was picked up by the Daily Mail talking about basically avoid the sun, stay inside, look at your blue screen, stay in the casino gulag, and versus what's happening in El Salvador.
So as far as sharing health tips, You know, I will share with you a health tip of mine.
During the whole COVID crisis, I became very aware of how this was impacting people's immune system.
And so, you know, I just turned 64.
So I'm thinking, you know, how can I help my health?
How can I help my immune system?
I understand that fasting It's something that boosts your immune system.
You go into a state of aphagy, which ends up being quite constructive in terms of resetting your biological clock and boosting your immune system.
So what I've been doing is I've been fasting for 85 hours a week.
So from Monday night until Friday morning, I'm just on a water fast.
And I do this every week, seven out of eight weeks, like I'm fasting right now.
So I've been doing this now for about six months, and I feel a remarkable improvement in things.
And it also has not only restored some health, but it has restored a kind of a sense of having some control over my body.
Because during that COVID crisis, one of the ancillary Impacts with that people started to feel like they are no longer in any way in control of their bodies, their lives, their society, that everything is completely dictated.
By these outside forces, by the globalists, if you could call them, the shadow government, the Bilderberg Group, you know, the unelected officials who decide in back room somewhere that they are going to roll out things, the programs for the populations that end up in almost every single instance to be a wealth transference scam.
That moves money from the pockets of the many into the pockets of the few.
I have yet to see any of these programs rolled out by any of these special interest groups, by any of these NGOs, by any of these world governmental type organizations that has resulted in a net benefit To anybody but themselves.
I mean, if you know one, let me know.
I have yet to find one.
And I'm pretty sure that if you send me any kind of reference to any one of these groups, I can deconstruct it within five minutes and show you exactly how they're just stealing money from you.
And this is, of course, creating economic Collapse because the only response the governments in the US or the UK or the Europe have, their only response, their only way to deal with any problem is to print more money.
And so for years that was hidden to some degree and that it wasn't as obvious.
But during COVID, during the last few years, when you interject, when you inject the many, many trillions that they have injected, it's now the cat is out of the bag and the inflation is ripping and people are being destroyed by it.
And so the propaganda is ramped up.
People are out there on mainstream media telling you that don't believe your eyes.
I think Bill Maher in his show recently went on a rant at the end of his show trying to convince people that actually Biden shouldn't have such low ratings because the economy is doing great.
Because you can buy a TV for 60 bucks.
Well, okay, Bill Maher, look at the actual data of inflation.
Yes, TVs are cheap because they're made in China, because we shipped all of our industrial production to China, and now we're forcing the output of Chinese labor here at these low prices, which are used to boost their economic against the U.S.
But look at the prices of stuff that you cannot ship away to China, like healthcare, like education, like pharmaceuticals.
That's a special situation.
But those are annualizing at 20% or more inflation rates.
Those are skyrocketing in inflation.
So the net actual inflation rate experienced by the average family in the United States is definitely over 10% and is probably closer to 15 or 16%.
So that that is an atrocious uphill battle for people to fight.
Wages aren't going up at that extent by any means.
And of course, affordability for things like housing are completely out of reach for everybody.
So Bill Maher, because he's sitting on a bunch of assets, like maybe a couple of houses,
a few old masters paintings or what have you, and they're moving up, right?
So he's like, I don't see any inflation because my house keeps going up in value.
The stocks that I own, they're going up in value.
Where's the inflation?
That's the inflation, you knucklehead.
Look at the actual stuff at the grocery store, the actual bills people pay every month for insurance, for mortgages.
For food!
They're rising at the fastest rate we've seen since the 1970s when you had stagflation and that was an economic problem.
So the point being that here in El Salvador, these issues are openly discussed and the government has ways to help the population in these trying times by, for example, they're going to open up Food grocery stores that will be essentially farmers markets.
They'll be direct from farm to table type farmers markets.
They're going to open up 100 of them and they will have for your basic food needs, the prices will be super cheap.
And there's a lot of great food here.
Obviously coffee is super cheap here because it comes right from El Salvador.
But a lot of fruits and veg at the place during mango season.
You know, the street is littered with mangoes.
If you love mangoes, you can get all the free mangoes you want.
It's beautiful, mangoes.
You don't find people starving to death in El Salvador.
You don't really find...
Abject poverty like you find in El Salvador.
You don't find the drug addiction or the fentanyl crisis like you find in San Francisco or New York or these other cities in El Salvador.
People are just working hard.
They have food.
They have family.
They have church, you know, and they feel like they've been liberated and they're not going to waste this opportunity.
There is something about being in a sunny place that uplifts you, that makes you a lot happier.
It's not just the vitamin D that you're getting that most people are deficient in, but sun gives you life and it breathes so many incredible things, and it's so obvious that these people are just directly attacking it all the frickin' time.
Bill Gates literally is working on plans to try to block out the sun.
From the general public, as of course these people hate life.
The sun gives us a lot of frickin' life, and a lot of people who live in sunny places are usually a lot happier, usually have better immune systems, usually are a lot more healthier, have a lot more fertility because they're outside in the sun and living their life and not depressed.
So I want to bring back to the point of this kind of Daily Mail article that we were just talking about here.
Because these people absolutely freaking hate life.
It's very evident.
It's very clear.
And they're doing almost everything they can to try to destroy, to try to squash it.
And I think this health and fertility aspect also matters in the financial realm.
Because if you can't afford healthy, good food, you're not going to be healthy.
You're going to be poisoned.
Our food supply currently is poisoned.
It's still absolutely ridiculous that In America, you have to pay extra for poison-free food.
The extra poison that they keep adding there, the pesticides, the glyphosate, all the other hormone blockers, all the other stuff that's in there because of all these kind of run-offs from big agriculture and from big pharma.
That are contaminating everything around us.
You have to pay so much more just to get what our grandparents got, usually.
So I'm kind of wondering, Max, do they have things like a lot of pesticides or glyphosate or all these other kind of harsh Monsanto-like chemicals in El Salvador?
Because I do keep preaching and I tell my audience this all the time, hey, if there's a local farm, I have one here in Miami, by the way, That gives off raw milk, that gives off a lot of incredible products that I absolutely love and depend on.
But if you have a local farm, go support it.
Keep your money in the community.
Stop giving it to Walmart.
Stop giving it to all these huge corporations that did all these VAX mandates, that harassed and persecuted all of their workers to do these horrible medical experiments that they were forced to do this.
Local farms, don't deal with that stuff.
Keep your money in your community.
Support your local farmer more than ever.
Well, two things I would say about that.
So, if you go into a supermarket in El Salvador, you will see two very prominent displays on the floor, and that would be seed oils and soft drinks.
And seed oils are definitely a problem here, because they're cheap.
And there hasn't been a wave of education on seed oils.
I was just talking to somebody recently about a substitute oil for seed oils that would be comparable in price.
And I think that's an initiative that we're bringing to the President and hopefully we'll get some action on that.
Because seed oils, as everyone who's studied this know, are incredibly destructive versus things like Tallow
and other solutions.
And this other solution that I just mentioned that is comparable to seed oil in price.
The other thing is of course sodas, because for years these big American corporations
have used El Salvador as a dumping ground for all of their shitty products like soda, et cetera.
And so that's also, I think, got to be worked on so that that but if you seek out farm fresh food, there is plenty of that markets all around, you know, because a lot of it's an agricultural society.
And it's agricultural economy.
And certainly if you're in El Zante or some of the places that tourists like to go to, you can easily seek out fresh food, farm food.
You can do all this.
But overall, the general population, the working guys from day to population, they do their supermarket shopping.
There's just way, way too much of that seed oil.
So we're actually working on that to come up with a solution.
We're trying to bring in some better quality beef into the country.
The beef supply is okay, could be improved.
But you know, the bigger point, Luke, that I want to get to, and I think we have like seven minutes left here, or six and a half minutes, is that You know, I have this discussion all the time.
You know, what you're describing is like a dystopian nightmare.
What I often describe is similarly hellacious landscape of malinvestment and busted incentives.
And a lot of folks come back and they say, well, you know, it's just not logical.
It's not logical that somebody would do something so destructive.
It's not logical that You know, Bill Gates would block out the sun and hurt people.
It's just not logical.
But the argument is not logic versus illogic.
The problem is that these people are genuinely evil.
And we're talking about good versus evil.
And this is something that Alex Jones, you know, has been talking about for years.
And I think most of the criticism toward Alex Jones is because he tends to frame things in this apocalyptic good versus evil paradigm.
However, That's not actually wrong.
We're actually are fighting people who have seemed to have made a pact with evil.
They do evil things.
I mean, here in this country, it's Bitcoin country, but the shit coins, as we call them, the other alternative coins, They are evil.
And so when we fight them, we are fighting evil.
They're not technologically interesting.
They're not going to add any value in any way.
They're just put forward by evil people.
And that is a fight.
I'm telling you, that's a fight that we fight every single day here.
We've been successful for two years and we've kept Bitcoin country pure with Bitcoin's Bitcoin maximalism.
And so the president can go to CPAC and say things like he did about how the American economy is failing and how money printing is a scam.
And he comes from the point of view of having a Bitcoin as legal tender and no shitcoins.
So his words resonate truthfully.
If there were shitcoins in the country, he would be laughed off stage!
Because everyone would say, oh yeah, what about Ether?
What about XRP?
What about Cardano?
Those are all shitcoins!
And his words would mean nothing!
But because it's Bitcoin only, Luke, we get to ride the wave of perfect money, Luke.
No, I think it's important before we close out here to talk a little bit about the solutions because we could talk about, you know, Bill Gates literally trying to block out the sun, him working in RNA technologies, him buying off all the scientists, him also working on microchips that will sterilize people and of course control their fertility at the click of a button on your cell phone.
We could talk about all that stuff, but if we're not talking about the solutions, I think that's one of the key aspects here.
We got into a little bit.
One, take care of your health.
There's a war on for your health.
Two, Support your local farmer.
Try to build communities.
Because I do believe we're going to be facing some very serious economic troubles.
Max, you've been ringing the alarm bell for a very long time saying these numbers don't add up.
This doesn't make sense here.
You've been forewarning people that, hey, the game is rigged here against you.
Make sure to make some good moves out of this Ponzi scheme.
And the people who listened to you are very happy that they did.
You helped a lot of different individuals and I just want to thank you for that.
And I just want to tell people, build communities.
I'm working and doing that personally myself here in Southern Florida.
We're doing actually a nature hike for members of LukeUncensored.com in just a few weeks from now here in Southern Florida.
You want to be a part of that, check out Luke Uncensored.
But don't wait for me to do it.
Do it in your community.
Get out there.
Touch grass.
Talk to people.
Because I think one of the most valuable currencies that you're going to have, not just Bitcoin, but it's more importantly going to be the relationships you have in your community, with your neighbors, in your cities, with your families.
Because that right there creates a bond.
That right there makes you a lot stronger and a lot less easily conquerable.
These people want to conquer you.
They want to make you fat.
They want to make you sick.
They want to make you dead.
And as you mentioned, Max, we're dealing with absolute frickin' evil.
And the only way to take down evil is with good intentions.
It's with love.
It's with care.
It's with consideration.
And with positive forces, we could do anything we want in this world.
And I just want to thank you for warning so many people out there for so long and helping them get out of financial ruin from the larger Ponzi scheme that, of course, preys on their ignorance.
All right, well, it's Max and Stacey and together, you know, we create this kind of example of love and that love ultimately is the only thing you have at the end of the day.
Nothing else really matters.
And so I think that's what people respond to and without Max.
And Stacey, there would be nothing for us.
And, you know, let me ask you this.
You know, when I met you originally, you know, I've known you, I think I've known you for almost 20 years now.
Yep, yep.
I met you when we were in Watford, England with Alex Jones with the laptop.
Yeah, and I met you at approximately the same time, you know, I met Tim Pool.
Now, what's wrong with Tim Pool?
Because he keeps saying he's going to come down here and do his podcast, but he never comes down here.
He just cries.
He's over there, he's crying.
He's got his little beanie.
He's got his beanie.
He's like Tim Pool.
He's like, I should be an entrepreneur.
I should be buying Bitcoin.
You know what's wrong?
You know him.
You're the same generation.
I'm a boomer.
I don't know Tim Pool.
It's a mindset.
I don't know it.
What's wrong with Tim Pool?
A lot.
A lot.
He takes the beanie and he wipes off his tears and he's like, okay, I'll deal with this horrible state that I'm in.
I'm like, what are you doing?
And I've been screaming at him.
I'm like, dude, let's go.
Let's keep it moving.
Let's go to El Salvador.
Let's move out of these horrible jurisdictions that don't respect you as an individual.
Trust me, Max.
I've been there.
I've been screaming at him.
We have major discussions.
We scream at each other many times.
We're always friends.
It's never too serious between us because we've been friends for a very long time.
Independent journalists, you know, you've gone to Caracas, you've gone to Somalia.
I've been everywhere around the world.
But I'm going to come down.
I'm personally making this promise.
I will come down to El Salvador.
We're going to be doing some shows.
We're going to be doing some podcasts down there because I want to visit there.
I want to see what it's all about.
We'll do a little short documentary.
It's going to be really fun.
And I'm coming too!
Thank you for being there.
I'm coming too!
You're invited, Max!
Let's go!
Alex Jones, back to you!
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