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Name: 20240319_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 19, 2024
3145 lines.

The speaker discusses various topics related to globalism, politics, technology, and economics. He criticizes leftist agendas and warns about their growing influence. He talks about censorship, language control by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, and partnership between the U.S government and tech companies such as Facebook. The speaker shares updates on current events, promotes his products on InfoWars, discusses technology's potential to transform society, and addresses economic issues like bank runs and predictions made by Kirk Elliott regarding the economy. He suggests that a global economic crisis could occur due to bank failures resulting from commercial real estate losses. The speaker encourages listeners to support his platform and emphasizes the importance of taking action against globalist agendas. He also discusses how debt is the Achilles heel of the U.S. economy, how derivatives are leveraged debt, and how a new system will be introduced that aims to control people's lives and spending as the current system collapses. He suggests buying gold and silver as tangible assets to protect oneself from the impending crisis.

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Humans are so capable of beauty and strength.
But for the heights we scale, we also plunge in the depths of wickedness.
And it's recognizing that internal contest It will allow us to transcend.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, the quickening is here.
The news is absolutely over-the-top insane.
I have prepared massively for this broadcast, and know this, I come to you trying to be as accurate and truthful as I can be.
These are very complex issues, but at the end of the day, it can be boiled down to good versus evil.
When I make a mistake or I get something wrong, I get so mad and so upset when I accidentally say something that's not true and it was just a minor thing I did yesterday reading a graph wrong and what I was saying was accurate but I flipped it around that I got so upset that I went off halfway through the show and left and I was just thinking before I went live today what should I talk about first there's so much but I think it was that to watch it Don Lemon or Rachel Maddow
Lie with relish and enjoyment in their eyes, and invert everything on purpose, I realize is demoralizing.
And I've really gotten to the point where I may just start having the crew give me transcripts of their lies, so they don't have to look at them.
Because I've been analyzing the fact that I'm a person in my whole life that's never really depressed.
I don't even really know what depression is.
Kind of like I didn't have allergies until I was about 20 and I thought people that had allergies were hypochondriacs until I got them.
And I'm like, whoa, these really hurt.
They'll just burn your eyes, get a headache, you name it.
Once you develop them, you're like, whoa, this is very real.
I wouldn't call it depression, but I get...
A feeling of like an ashtray has been dumped on my brain, you know what I mean?
It's just, ugh!
But that's what evil does, it knows how to demoralize us.
We have to go back to the source and to God, and pray for God's spirit to wash that away and make us strong to fight it, but not let it get to us.
And I said some prayers last night, I said some prayers this morning, and I've really been re-energized by the Holy Spirit.
And that's what we all have to do, because It's insane.
And that's my biggest failure is I do all this preparation for the show and the best broadcast where I get fired up and focused and a little angry and I plow through it all.
People are like, that's amazing.
But other shows, I just stall out because I cover 10, 15 articles of the enemy's operations that are so evil.
To expose them and discredit them.
But then I look at all the other lies and I just go, I can't even cover this.
I can't even focus on this.
But we have to expose them.
We've also got to focus on the good of the universe as well.
So one hell of a transmission.
Get ready.
Strap yourselves in.
I'm fired up.
I'm laser beam focused.
Look out New World Order.
Thank you for joining us today.
I'm going to deliver everything that I've got on the table and more as it breaks.
Get ready as I list some of what's coming up.
Putin warns of full-scale World War III.
If West sends troops to Ukraine, the troops are already there.
Massive Supreme Court Hearing yesterday when Ketanji Brown Jackson did a full broadside attack on the First Amendment and said anything that countervails a government narrative must be shut down.
The essence of tyranny.
Unbelievable information.
Then Obama appointed judge rules illegal immigrants can carry guns in the US.
Very complex nuanced issue.
This is a major misstep by the enemy.
I'll explain coming up.
Also, we are going to continue with the breakdown of society and how it's the globalist goal.
Supreme Court bar exam will no longer be required by Washington State just, it's like, don't even know how to fly a plane to fly a plane.
We've got all of that news.
For the first time ever, gangs hit Haiti's wealthiest enclaves, leaving bodies on the streets.
That's a message to the elites all over the world that they can't loot and destroy society and be immune from that.
We have massive reports all over Canada, the UK, and Europe, where they're telling people, take down your German flags, take down your UK flags, Or you'll be arrested.
Elon Musk defends German teen, who we're getting on the show, pulled out of school by police for supporting the AFD, the fastest growing conservative party in Deutschland.
Here's what I was just mentioning.
City Council orders London Fish and Chip shop owner to remove British flag mural that says a great British meal.
Like saying a great Mexican meal, a great Italian meal?
No, that's hurtful to even say you're in England or British, so that's not allowed.
And that ties into the incredible, incredibly disgusting interview that was finally released yesterday by Don, the professional liar, Lemon, Lemon, when he attacked Musk.
It's just a very revealing interview and it dovetails to all the censorship.
A major rabbi has confronted Candace Owens saying that when she calls people hags or witches she's being anti-semitic.
So you know the ADL says the OK sign's racist and everything else is racist.
They're the arbiter telling you what's good and what's bad.
Well, now they've attacked Candace Owens for calling someone attacking her a hag.
Saying hags are Jewish.
I'm going to explain what's really behind this, ladies and gentlemen, because it ties into all of the issues we're going to be Dealing with here today.
Big studies out.
Woke mind virus causes anxiety and depression.
New major study reveals.
We also have a lot of big COVID news and information we're going to be breaking down as well.
We've got Trump unable to get a bond for his 440 plus million dollars.
We're doing absolutely nothing wrong and the left celebrating that.
Leticia James saying she's weeks away from seizing all of his assets because she says they're going to value, even though Trump Tower's worth conservatively, they're reporting a billion plus dollars.
She says they're going to value it all very low and take everything he's got, including his bank accounts, which are filled with billions of dollars.
You heard me right.
So they are really taking over and that's the big takeaway here is that we have a normalcy bias I talk a lot about.
Where you've lived in freedom or relative freedom for so long, I have too.
And you just become accustomed to the tyranny in increments.
But then it goes from incremental to accelerating to a million miles an hour very, very quickly.
And that's where we are.
And so yes, there's a massive exodus out of New York.
Out of the West Coast, out of the leftist controlled areas.
And you think, oh, they're going to lose.
They're collapsing.
No, they're just replacing it with illegal aliens who they then get federal funds for.
And their new economy is farming the illegal aliens that also vote for them.
And then you can see the blue cities and states as cancers that swell up full of the virus of tyranny and then bust into all the other areas because of the federal government.
They're able to extract taxes from the red states and red cities and red towns and transfer it to themselves.
So the biggest lie I see out there from conservatives, and most of them don't know it's a lie, but it is a lie, is that environmentalists are wackos.
They think carbon dioxide is bad.
No, it's part of the four pillars of life.
Sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, oxygen.
If they can list that as evil and bad and ban it and control it, they rule.
Oh, the environmentalist wackos are blocking highways and sabotaging food processing plants.
Aren't they stupid?
No, they're not stupid.
They've got a plan.
They're criminal.
They're dystopians.
They are the Illuminati.
They are taking over, ladies and gentlemen.
So if I see one more headline from people I love and think are great people, I'm going to start calling it out.
Oh, crazy leftists do this.
Crazy leftists do that.
It's crazy they're going against God.
It's crazy they think they can take over society, destroy checks and balances, and loot everything, and they won't be destroyed.
Yeah, they're crazy at the end of the day, but their motive in attacking things is a plan and well thought out.
This whole carbon tax takeover was created in the late 80s, early 90s by Enron.
It's an admitted carbon tax scam.
And in the mid 90s, I would expose The testimony in Congress of Al Gore and things, admitting carbon tax is the plan, and there'd be New York Times articles saying I'm crazy, there's no plan for carbon tax, even though now we're living under them.
So, and you say, where's the carbon tax here?
Government subsidies for the electric cars that are given to select companies, that cost is passed on to you, but in Europe and all over the world, the carbon tax is already here.
Airlines are already adding it on to your ticket cost.
And I'm going to do a breakdown of this very soon, if not today, tomorrow.
I'm still reading over it, it's so incredible.
The British government's put out a report, absolute zero, that explains we don't just want net zero, we want absolute zero, and the report describes the total end of civilization as we know it.
So, That is what we're going to be covering today in great detail.
We'll be doing a deep dive in the third hour on the economy, huge developments on that front.
But let us first set aside the World War III news, even though it is the most important, and that's today's live show headline.
We'll get to that.
And let's move to the Supreme Court in an hour and 45 minute hearing yesterday that I listened to all of it when I got off aerial stake as it was happening during the show.
So I didn't get to hear it during the show.
Then Owen did a great job.
I sat in my office in between watching Owen and in between watching the hearing.
I went back and forth listening to the hearing.
They put out audio.
I listened to the whole thing and wrote some notes.
This was incredible tyranny on display.
And with some recent good Supreme Court rulings, unanimous rulings, that Trump can't be taken off the ballot without being convicted, I thought that was a sign they might do the right thing.
But we saw conservative justices and leftist justices saying, well, if there's an emergency, the feds are the truth, and so they should be able to go in and shut down whenever they want.
Like false COVID narratives.
But they lied about where the virus came from.
They said it wasn't man-made.
They lied about the shot.
Said it was tested when it wasn't.
Now Obama admits we just did the biggest testing ever on millions of people.
Then he lies and says it's safe.
So this is about the government going into political speech and activist speech and consumer speech and saying if Something the public saying is, quote, hamstringing the government's mission.
I thought the government represents we the people.
Well, then the government has an overriding right.
She tells the state attorney general's bringing the suit to override your speech.
So you have in concert the Justice Department and the intelligence agencies working To suppress speech in real time, trying to keep it secret, then it all comes out of congressional hearings last year.
We exposed it many years before that.
It's all public.
We're living through it.
And they go, okay, you're right, we're doing it, it's for your own good.
So Amy Comey Barrett that Robert Barnes warned about was defending getting rid of free speech.
We of course have Justice KBJ.
Coming out and saying that if it hamstrings the government in any way, we can get rid of it.
So the government's saying, you're like children.
She even says if we're protecting children, well then we'll take any speech away we want to.
This is a direct frontal assault on the First Amendment.
And the fact that several conservative justices, supposedly conservative, were agreeing with her is a very bad sign.
I had hoped that Because what the Chief Justice was saying that that was not the case, but this is very, very dark time.
And it's also how they phrase it.
Oh, oh, big tech is just talking to the government.
The government's just, no, the government's ordering them under threat of withdrawing their immunity as a utility.
To hold them responsible for any comment or anything that goes on, which a lot of times the left even false flagging, it's insane.
You see a mass shooting on Facebook, that's fine, but then it gets streamed on something like Parler or something like Gab and oh, we gotta shut them down.
Well, everybody knows it's not the fault of Gab or Parler or Rumble, what a third party does under Section 203, but they don't care.
They hold that over their heads.
Let's play a clip here of KBJ, Justice Jackson, and her open assault on the First Amendment.
Justice Jackson?
So my biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods.
I mean, what would you have the government do?
I've heard you say a couple times that the government can post its own speech, but in my hypothetical, you know, kids, this is not safe, don't do it, is not going to get it done.
And so I guess some might say that the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country and you seem to be suggesting that that duty cannot manifest itself in the government encouraging or even pressuring platforms to take down harmful information.
So, can you help me?
Because I'm really worried about that.
Because you've got the First Amendment operating in an environment of threatening circumstances from the government's perspective, and you're saying that the government can't interact with the source of those problems.
And Your Honor, I understand that incident, and I guess what I tell you is that... So, what's the takeaway here?
The government's a separate entity from the people.
It knows best, and when it decides, it is then going to do what it sees best and going to put a gag in your mouth.
Absolutely over the top, naked, brazen, bravada, hubris, chutzpah-filled evil.
I mean, if you want the government, To be separate from the people and in charge, we use a lot of places you can move, like Cuba or Venezuela or Communist China, North Korea.
And remember, all over the world, it's the same operating system.
Oh, you got a British flag on your fish and chip shop, come get a British meal.
That's mean, because people don't want to hear the word British in your own country.
Oh, you said you support the Nationalists.
Party that's almost number one now.
It's surging in the polls.
It's come from nowhere the last 10 years to being the second largest party.
Oh, we're going to go arrest you because you did a TikTok video saying, I support the Nationalist Party in Germany.
That is like mainline Republican in a comparison.
I mean, it's like milquetoast.
Elon Musk is way more hardcore than that party.
And that's the AFD.
And Musk is defending the young lady who's a Lister, by the way.
She's going to be on the show very, very soon, but she's 16 years old in high school.
So, that's what's going on here.
Ladies and gentlemen, yeah, there's the fish and chips you're not allowed to show.
We're going to arrest you if you show a man with a British flag and some french fries and a piece of fish.
How evil is that?
That is just evil racism.
Because the Union Jack's racist and Calling someone a hag.
You didn't know that was anti-Semitic?
I didn't.
I just learned those.
See, every word the ADL controls.
Every letter of the alphabet.
In fact, they came out last year and said letters of the alphabet are bad.
And you've got to get permission before you say or do anything or the ADL will take your bank account away.
They'll put you in an electronic ghetto.
Hell, they'll even arrest you.
They'll ship you away.
And they've got all the FEMA camps built under the guise of COVID now just waiting.
Isn't that sweet?
So here is Katonji Brown-Jackson, when she was being confirmed to the Supreme Court, saying, I won't say what a woman is, how she's supposed to rule on all these court cases coming up to the Supreme Court about women in sports not wanting men competing with them, or cases where junior high girls don't want men, their male coaches, getting in the showers with their dogs hanging out.
That's a case going up to the Supreme Court.
Remember what Cuomo said on CNN, he said, if your 12-year-old daughter doesn't want to see a woman's penis, this is a quote, he tweeted it, that means the parents are bigoted.
If a 12-year-old doesn't want to see a woman's penis, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do, trust the science.
If your 12-year-old daughter doesn't want to see a man's penis in the shower, looks like the parents are bigoted and taught her the wrong way.
They want to see a woman's penis.
It's all about them setting the goalposts so insane that you're in a cult.
So, here's a lady that doesn't like the First Amendment.
She also doesn't like seeing what a woman is.
A woman in the mammal species is the female that does the reproduction.
A woman is an adult female in homo sapien species of the human species.
A female A woman is an adult female in the species of Homo sapien.
That is the scientific definition.
And they had a professor down in San Antonio just last year fired in a biology class for saying there's only X and Y chromosomes, anything else is a mutation, and that two men can't have a baby.
He was fired.
He just won his lawsuit and is reinstated and got all his money back and more.
So stop laying down.
It's like Letitia James.
And the New York Fire Department Union, when they booed her and said, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.
She's at a speech, it's their event, they pay dues.
They have a right to boo her.
They said, quote, we're going to hunt you down and fire you or suspend you or cut your pay.
People went, hey, the courts won't allow that.
So the firefighters marched in mass and announced they've had to back off.
Thomas Jefferson was once asked, what is the tyranny under which tyrants would take us?
What's the level of tyranny a tyrant will take you?
And they said, the limit to which you will accept.
There's always a crazier tyrant that'll take you even farther.
You think Letitia James, fun about Jordan Soros, is bad today?
Imagine what you'll get in the future.
So here she is.
Oh, I guess saying she by the way on entrance entrance forms in the US and blue cities
And States and in Canada the UK and Germany all over They're removing mother and father of birth certificates.
They're removing he and she off Entrance forms for middle school and first grade and
college to she or he's hurtful see Oh and the Union Jack on the side of a fish and chips place
saying get a great British meal Like you're driving along
Like you'd ride 'em long enough.
Oh, there's a Chinese restaurant.
Get a great Chinese meal.
I see authentic interior Mexican.
Top rated.
I get on my phone.
Is it top rated?
I'm going there.
I want interior.
Today I want authentic Mexican food.
One of the best Mexican places in Austin.
It's been there forever.
Matt Cell Rancho says on the entrance, authentic Tex-Mex.
Oh my God!
Oh, let's arrest him!
Again, you want authentic British fish and chips, you come here.
No, you're not allowed to even have any culture.
Everything's cultural appropriation.
This is sick, folks.
It's a mind virus.
It's their new religion to force it.
We're all guilty.
And the Southern Primary Law Center, the ADL, the UN, and the EU, they're our boss and they tell us what words to use.
Stop following their directives.
Stop using their words.
Call the flight attendant stewardesses.
Call firemen firemen just because they don't like it.
They say don't use the word manhole.
They say milk's racist.
It's a cult, folks, of psychological warfare laughing at how they screw with us.
Stop it!
It only gets worse from here.
It's a malice takeover.
China is on record funding it as well.
Posted that years ago.
Now it's public news.
So here she is saying she can't say what a woman is.
Well, then you're not a woman either.
What you are is a witch and a hag.
Here's this sea hag.
Here she is.
Can you provide a definition for the word woman?
Can I provide a definition?
I can't.
You can't?
Not in this context.
I'm not a biologist.
So you believe the meaning of the word woman is so unclear and controversial that you can't give me a definition?
And they all give the same response.
So U.S.
Justice Alito blasts U.S.
government and Facebook partnership.
The government treats big tech like subordinates because they have Section 230 and antitrust in its pocket.
Here's the clip.
Exchange between the White House and other federal officials and Facebook in particular, but also some of the other platforms And I see that the White House and federal officials are repeatedly saying that Facebook and the federal government should be partners.
We're on the same team Officials are demanding answers.
I want an answer.
I want it right away.
When they're unhappy, they curse them out.
There are regular meetings.
There is constant pestering of Facebook and some of the other platforms, and they want to have regular meetings.
And they suggest rules that should be applied, and why don't you tell us everything that you're going to do so we can help you, and we can look it over.
And I thought, wow, I cannot imagine Federal officials taking that approach to the print media, our representatives over there.
If you did that to them, what do you think the reaction would be?
And so I thought, you know, the only reason why this is taking place is because the federal government has got Section 230 and antitrust All right.
All of this is up on InfoWars.com.
He goes on for like 10 minutes.
and it's got these big clubs available to it.
And so it's treating Facebook and these other platforms like they're subordinates.
Would you do that to the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal or the Associated
Press or any other big newspaper or wire service?
All right, all of this is up on Infowars.com.
He goes on for like 10 minutes.
It's powerful.
But the issue here is, is because it's the people and because what we say is popular
and what we say, I mean, every day we reach like 10 million people on X.
The New York Times doesn't even do that.
They can't stand it.
They've lost.
We hate them.
We know they're the enemy.
So they want to say, oh, you don't get your speech.
This is very, very serious and very, very dangerous.
All right, more on this and a lot more straight ahead.
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All right, so continuing here with the attack on our expression, on our will, on our creativity, on our art, on our very souls.
Now this goes into a lot of history and a lot of background.
But the people and groups doing this are very, very diverse.
From Communist China, to the ADL, to the CIA, to the big think tanks.
They're selling us tyranny.
And it's very unpopular.
They're selling us, you will eat the bugs, Klaus Schwab, the WF.
So to do that, they've got to demoralize us and tell us we're bad and make us hate ourselves.
Because they're replacing the West that was the goal of everybody to be part of.
Because it was the best system yet in human development.
With this new religion of wokeism and globalism and the annihilation of common sense and logic and private property and the family.
Really a satanic revolution.
So I just got into, and I've got clips here of Amy Comey Barrett, you know, not just the Democrat justices like KBJ, Saying, well, if the government knows best and the people are saying something that's not true, the government has a right to shut them down.
Well, who determines what's true and what's not?
Well, we know they used COVID as the example.
They lied about where the virus came from.
They lied about treatments.
They blocked treatments.
They lied about the shot being tested and that it protected you.
Everything they told you was a prepackaged, giant lie.
And they hurt a lot of people and killed over 20 million people.
But it's backfired, and you read the Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Foundation, the UN, the CFR, all of these groups, the Davos group, the EU, the UN, they say everybody hates us, we've lost trust, everybody's coming after us, and that was the main Davos talking point, that was their official name of the conference, regaining trust in January on top of a mountain in Switzerland.
But then what was their answer to gain trust was trust us we're not lying to you and more lies.
So they're losing people are rejecting everything they're pushing.
So they're now in full panic mode.
And so you see this dialectic Where you have what Hitler did in World War II and that America fought and stopped, along with the Russians and others, and you have the ADL saying, we represent the Jews, and then we go around and we say, so they're stealing Jews' identity, claiming they represent you.
And then they say, we are protecting you from the scourge of white supremacy, which is the official White House policy saying white supremacy is the number one crime, the number one threat facing America, according to the FBI, that's totally controlled by the globalists, and according to Joe Biden.
And so we're forced to show the crime statistics and point out that's not true.
Not to attack groups that are behind much of the crime, most of the crime, but to say You're not going to frame us, Christians, conservatives, white people, with this.
You're not going to declare war on us and say we've committed all these crimes and we're these bad people.
And that when we do the OK symbol, we mean how Hitler.
We're not going to put up with that.
So Candace Owens starts saying, man, I don't support what Hamas did, but I don't want to carpet bomb all these innocent people.
And the children are starving.
This is wrong.
And so major rabbis come out and call her an anti-Semite.
So she comes out and counters them.
Some people are attacking her.
The men and women.
And calls the men thugs.
Calls the women witches or hags.
I call Hillary a hag.
She's not Jewish.
I call Nancy Pelosi a hag.
If she was Jewish, I'd call her a hag.
She claims she's a Catholic.
I'm married to an Italian.
So if I don't like Mussolini, I'm not anti-Italian.
If I don't like Hitler, I'm not anti-German.
If I don't like Xi Jinping, I'm not anti-Xi Jinping.
But we need to stop apologizing because we're not who they say we are and we need to be politically incorrect to say it ends now.
So they can't brainwash our children.
So in this latest exchange, Rabbi Michael Barclay is on with Candace.
And he literally says that witches in folklore are Jews.
Now, I've studied folklore, and I've looked around the world, and there are certain archetypes of the warrior, or the priest, or the mother, the father.
There's the archetype of the crone, or the witch.
It's in the Greek mythology, it's in African mythology, it's in Mesoamerican, Aztec, I mean, it's every culture has the archetype of the witch.
But here's the rabbi saying, we own the term witch, we own the term hag, and when you say that, you're calling Jews witches and hags.
So I guess in Popeye, when he goes up against the sea hag, that's a Jew.
No, it's not.
No one said that.
No one ever thought that.
But imagine the power when you claim You don't like open borders?
You don't like crime waves?
You don't like fentanyl killing you?
You don't like illegals being given all this free stuff?
You are racist!
You don't like a major Jewish charities group, along with Catholic charities that criticize and others, shipping in tens of millions of illegals?
You're anti-Jew!
But here's what's important.
When you invoke things that have been done to Jews throughout history, which have been done to every other group as well, That will now actually create anti-Semitism.
When, oh, you're against censorship.
Oh, you're anti-Jew.
Oh, you want to use the word hag.
You're anti-Jew.
People are going to take offense at that.
They're going to take the bait and say, how dare you say that about me?
And now the word hag or witch is associated with Jews.
See how that works?
Meanwhile, you have major Jewish organizations coming out and reviving some of the esoteric black magic witchcraft that is part of Jewish history.
It's part of every group's history.
This is real.
We just put articles on screen about that from Fox News.
And you've got major Jewish leaders saying, we need to conjure demons.
The Golem, to go out and attack our enemies.
You have Democrats having giant witchcraft ceremonies in Hollywood to kill Donald Trump.
And you've got Hollywood pushing it.
So this stuff's going on.
And so what it is, is leftist, globalist, Jewish organizations are now branding Jews witches and hags.
And they're the ones putting heat on Jews.
And then when Jews get persecuted, they'll be driven into the arms of the ADL.
This is so simple.
Once you pull back at 35,000 feet and see it for what it is, it's crystal clear.
And that's why we go to the ADL website.
Letters in the alphabet.
In Israel, in most schools and colleges, they ban the letter T. Lowercase T's are banned because they look like a cross.
And you pull this up.
I didn't think to pull it up before, maybe the crew can, but you know, Israel restricts the letter T because it looks like a cross.
Here's a lowercase T. Here's an uppercase T. Well, in Israel, the T is that.
So, just like black people, and I'm playing Elon Musk clip coming up, are being taught to be generationally victims and Advil Skip the break.
Advil has got in caps at the grocery store and at the Walgreens and CBS and Walmarts
saying black people feel physical pain greater by Advil.
We love black people.
So because they know white people have dialed in to believe they're bad,
you can then attach any corporate message, whether it be pro-war, open borders, crime,
whatever it is to, hey, don't be racist against blacks, don't be racist against Jews.
But then that will actually, with some that go into the mind control, some that go into the Stockholm Syndrome, that'll control them, but an even bigger group will now become anti-black, anti-Jew.
Which is even better for the system, because now those that have created this crisis will get more funding, more support.
So you get a bunch of people that are Stockholm Syndrome under your control, that you mind control, they'll do whatever you say, and are guilty, in a cult, and then, and obviously Jews aren't the only ones that, you know, Jewish leaders that push this, the Catholic Church, about attacking it, but it's all about guilt, any Catholic will tell you that, my wife's Catholic, And she says, you know, is the church real?
Is it really Christian?
Is it, you know, I was taught so much guilt as a child.
I said, listen, there's a lot of great Catholics, some of the best people.
And, you know, God works through humans.
We're imperfect.
These Protestant churches are screwed up too.
I'm not going to make judgments.
Your relationship's with Christ, honey.
Not some priest, not some preacher.
You didn't get guidance from them if they're good leaders.
There's some great Catholics, some great Protestants, but most of them are terrible.
That's my opinion.
So I don't want to sit here and say that leftist Jews have cornered the market on guilt, but how do you get good people to do what you want?
You guilt them!
And I'm telling good people, you're not bad because you're white.
You're not bad because you're a Christian.
You're not bad because you put a union jack up on your business and say, come get a traditional British meal.
And look how far we've gone in giving in to that.
We'll only give in to the next phase of this, that is the mass arrest, which is happening of people that say, hey, I support national sovereignty for Germany.
Because they're getting rid of national sovereignty, bringing in globalism, which is at war with all cultures, all societies, all groups.
That's why there's a dialectic with the leftist corporate media attacking Israel, creating incredible anti-Semitism, not showing the Israeli side of what happened to them.
And then Israel being as brutal as it can and having a stand down, that is meant to create this clash of civilizations, dialectic, and be smart enough to pull back and say, I love the Muslims, I love the Jews, I love the Christians, I love the white, I love the black, I love everybody, but I will not be manipulated by this.
Learn the trick.
Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
When you don't understand it, you can't see it, but once you see it, you can't unlearn it.
These are old techniques of tribalism to control.
So again, tell everybody they're racist and anti-semitic, a bunch of people will go, I'm not, I'll do whatever you say, I'll prove myself, I'm guilty, even though I'm not, I want to help, you control that group.
Then a bunch of other people get offended by it, and then blame all Jews.
And then the persecution of Jews happens, and then key Jewish leaders will make deals, like they did with Hitler on record, That if the Jews would give all their money to the Nazis, and part of it to the Jewish leaders, they would let them flee to Palestine.
That was all done, that's all declassified, that's all on record.
Are Jews bad?
But the ones on top of it, controlling it, are milking the Jews.
Controlling the Jews.
And the Jews have done amazing things, and created amazing things.
Let's not lie about that.
Our whole cosmology of the Old Testament and New Testament, everything, it is Judeo-Christian.
Christianity comes out of that.
Christ said, I do not come to abolish the Old Testament, but to fulfill it.
So there are a lot of great people in every group.
And that's what Elon Musk was telling Don Lemon.
He said, I just go off what people do as people.
But Don Lemon's religion and his power and his control is saying, no, you're inherently bad because you're white.
Reject that.
That's the racism.
That's the tribalism.
That's the evil.
So here's the rabbi.
Then I've got a couple of clips of Elon Musk.
How dare you go into the misogynistic, excuse me, the anti-Semitic trope of his hag daughter, something used throughout the late 18th and early 20th century.
Sorry, sorry, hag is now anti-Semitic?
That is a term of his hag daughter that goes back into the witches of Eastern Europe.
Why did you have to call her a hag daughter?
Just to be clear, because she's a witch.
I think she's a witch.
That's not because she's Jewish.
I would call someone a hag of any color.
I think she's a witch.
What they have done over the last two years.
I believe his daughter is a hag.
I said that because that's what I believe.
You may disagree with me on that, but to say that's anti-semitic is ridiculous.
I would call any person a hag.
Candace, Candace, I'm gonna be very clear without trying to be insulting, so please forgive me if it comes off wrong.
Okay, it's not meant to.
No, it's fine.
You can insult me.
I've dealt with two years of a rabbi insulting me, so I'm totally okay with this.
I have no desire to insult anybody, okay?
But do you understand, are you familiar with the history of the grim fairy tales and the folk tales of Eastern Europe?
I know that we can go back and we can also say... No, no, no, no, no.
I'm asking a specific question.
That the witch archetype of those fairy tales were specifically modeled and called the Jews.
That the Jews of that part of the world were called hags and witches specifically because they didn't eat the same food, they had different practices, and they were excluded that way as part of the bloodline.
So you are saying that we can... By calling a rabbi's daughter...
or a witch, a bad daughter.
You have tapped into an anti-Semitic trope that goes back hundreds of years,
whether you mean to or not.
Now that I've told you that.
All right, so, I noticed 30 years ago when I first got on air,
it'll be 30 years next month, that when I would criticize the private federal reserve
owned by foreign banks, they would write news articles about me
saying I was anti-Semitic.
[ Silence ]
This is a game, folks.
And it's not working.
Leftist globalist Jews have successfully branded the censorship, the control, the open borders, the New World Order, all of this as a Jewish thing by every time somebody challenges tyranny saying, oh you're attacking Jews, they have put Jews in the crosshairs and Jews need to get this and get this fast.
Stop being controlled by these mind controllers and I'll tell white people Whether you're Christian or not, the same thing.
You're being controlled by the left.
It is the same program.
Stop it!
Stop it right now!
I've got all these clips today.
I don't know if I have time to get to it.
Without even looking, I saw five clips in the nightly news last night calling Trump anti-Semitic.
That is the biggest load of horse crap I've ever heard.
I'm not going to go into why we obviously know that's not true.
anybody that even pays attention knows that's not true.
So you just heard that.
Now I've got a bunch of Don Lemon clips here.
And this is him.
Elon Musk talking to Don Lemon.
Let's play clip 14.
Now think about this.
Don Lemon approaches him and says, I want you to sponsor my show on X. He says, OK.
He goes out and attacks him for an hour straight.
He says, you know what?
I don't want to be associated with you.
I'm not going to sponsor you now.
He calls that censorship.
But throughout the entire interview, which I watched last night, boy, that was time lost.
But Elon was very, very patient with Lemon.
Over and over again, he said, you refused to censor.
It's your responsibility.
It's a virtue.
There's all this evil.
You're going to get all these minorities killed.
When you say the border is open, it's going to kill illegals.
What the hell does that mean?
And Musk was just done with him.
So here's Lemon calling for censorship in these clips coming up, and then turning it around that it's censorship, that Musk isn't going to pay him to do this.
But that's all Lemon knows, is this trick of divide and conquer.
That's what Jussie Smollett knew, it's why he staged the attack on himself.
It's done over and over again.
Let's go to the first clip.
We don't agree on this.
Yes, you want censorship and I don't.
No, I don't want censorship at all.
Yes, you do.
No, I want responsibility.
I think there's, I think there... You desperately want censorship.
No, if I want censorship... You want censorship so bad you can taste it.
No, that's not true.
It's not true.
I think that there's right and wrong.
And I think that when you have a platform that's as big as yours and as powerful as yours and as influential as yours and you are a person of consequence to the world with what you do, that there is a certain responsibility that goes along with what you have on your platform and what you put out to the world.
And I think that's important.
You don't see that responsibility.
I think we have a responsibility to Adhere to the law.
And if people want the law changed, they should talk to their elected representative and get the law changed.
And then we will adhere to the law.
But if you want us to go beyond the law, that is us deciding to be censors.
And I'm against censorship.
I'm in favor of freedom of speech.
And freedom of speech only is relevant when people you don't like say things you don't like.
Otherwise, it has no meaning.
Now the next clip is really powerful because Musk explains to him everybody's ancestors were slaves.
German slaves on the land, feudal serfs, were not free until the 1870s.
Same thing in Russia.
Most Germans or most people from Russia don't even know that.
They don't even care.
They're not victims.
Their identity is not that.
But people that have been brainwashed in this think the value is I'm a victim, I'm going to get reparations, but you're really being controlled by a political group.
And this is done over and over and over again.
There's still slavery going on in Africa.
There's still slavery going on in the Middle East.
Why is the West attacked?
It's the West, England, that actually first started banning slavery all over the world.
Went to war with nine countries.
After 1800 over.
Christianity helped not ban slavery but beat it back to very small.
Now they're bringing in globalism with the social credit score that is technotronic, technological, technocracy slavery under the AI.
We should all unify against it.
And how they're trying to program it.
So, here's Musk on the real history of slavery.
I think we should not make this a constant subject.
I think we need to move on.
I think we should treat people like people.
Don't agree that there's... this country was founded on racism and founded on slavery and in many ways inequities?
Um... That still continue on to this day?
I think every country... Hey, hey, hey, pause.
Back up five seconds.
It was founded on beginning the process of ending that.
So because we're the country and England's the country that tried to stop it, we're now the bad ones because they know we're good and we're the ones that tried to end it.
So you're bad, we've got to get rid of this system because it stands in the way of the globalists.
Many ways inequities that still continue on to this day.
I think every country at that time, and I think even today, was extremely racist.
Every country.
And obviously slavery was present in about half this country.
Pause again.
Totally true.
Every country has been race-based, national-based.
Whether you're Poles fighting Germans, or French fighting Germans, or vice versa.
In Africa, one tribe against another, they're all black, but it's still tribal.
It's always been tribal.
This clip's so powerful.
I'm gonna go to break, start the next hour, and I'm gonna come back and get through all these Elon Musk clips.
I'll get into the World War III news, the Trump news, it's all insane.
Please tell everybody you know and those you don't know.
Follow us at RealAlexJones on X. Follow us at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
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The biblical implications are massive.
Monday, April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse will shadow North America, crossing Mexico, the United States, and Canada, passing over eight United States cities named Nineveh, Drawing a myriad of similarities to the Assyrian eclipse that occurred during the time when Jonah approached Nineveh and urged the Assyrian people to repent.
Mathematically speaking, the astronomy of an eclipse is a miracle.
The sun is 400 times further from the earth than the moon.
The sun is 400 times larger than the moon.
And because of that, we can have an eclipse that God created as signs.
Which is why we come to the letter TOB, which means a sign or a mark, and its numerical value is 400!
Do you get it?
Confronted by a new world order and a U.S.
President that is carrying out their silent war, we are living in a time of reckoning.
And through signs, God is speaking directly to those with ears to listen.
In Genesis 1-14, God declared the sun and the moon were for signs.
The only signs they can give is eclipses.
All right?
And the nice thing about eclipses, no false prophet can manipulate it.
Solar eclipse means judgment is coming upon a nation.
Since we've become a nation in 1776, there has only been eight total solar eclipses that have completely crossed the United States.
Two of them occurred during the Revolutionary War.
Three of them occurred during the Civil War.
Two of them occurred during the Vietnam War.
Of those eight, only one, which was the one seven years ago, it only crossed the United States and no other country.
Exodus 4 and 8.
Remember, April 8th.
If they do not believe the first sign, which was on August 21st, 2017, they will believe the second sign.
That said, why has Homeland Security been preparing to hijack this biblical event?
The sheriff called me yesterday, and after he got done telling me everything inside this meeting that was happening, I pretty much was nerve rattled after what I heard.
Who's this meeting with?
It's with Homeland Security.
People want to do us harm.
Use an event like this where a lot of people are gathered to do some type of terror event.
The director of the Lake County Emergency Management Agency told me they've been preparing for the solar eclipse now for about two years.
They've been preparing for this for two years.
Imagine that for two years.
He said, during the solar eclipse, while people are all out there looking, they're planning, the intel that they've got is a possible biological attack On people while the solar eclipse is freaking happening.
Like here's from Kenton County Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
Here's what you should do before.
Ensure you have a full gas tank.
Ensure you are stocked on groceries.
Have alternative communications.
For an eclipse that's going to last about an hour.
And here's another one.
Buy necessary groceries and gas.
Expect heavy traffic and long lines for local services.
Oklahoma, the National Guard will have guardsmen present for the total solar eclipse on April 8th.
Communication facilities could become overloaded.
Possibly making cell phone calls difficult.
The 22 members of an elite chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear unit will be housed in Broken Bow in addition to up to 110 to 150 Oklahoma Highway Patrol troopers.
There will be about 150 other first responders and volunteers with many staying at either the sports complex in Broken Bow or in Idabel.
Like Jonah, despite our reluctance, we all must be prepared for repentance.
Even the repentance of our oppressors.
We must also be prepared to respond to whatever the New World Order has up its sleeve.
The night is far spent.
The day is at hand.
Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.
Very important report.
new world order hijacks upcoming biblical event.
There was just a total eclipse of the sun, the minute in front of the sun last year.
the sun, the minute in front of the sun last year. I've been in the middle of the
I posted on my wife's Twitter account at the time, because I was still banned on X, amazing photos of it, because when the light shines through trees, it would show the eclipse without having to look at the sun.
You could see it, and then there was finally a perfect corona around a black dot on the ground.
But if you go back to the most ancient times, the ministry schools were set up thousands and thousands of years ago, where mathematically they would mark down the Greeks, the Aztecs, all of them, the Romans later, the Chinese, when it was coming.
And then the witch doctor would say, next week the god will, you know, cover up the sun, or the snake god will eat the sun, depending on the culture, and people would all prostrate themselves in front of it and beg and plead.
And so now, Homeland Security and the National Guard's out over Texas when this happens coming up next month and it's the end of the world and all this fear.
It's all a psychological manipulation.
Jon Bowne's report is very important.
I'll be getting into it later.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to post it right now on X. Solar eclipse 2024.
National Guard could be brought in as huge crowds expected to gather.
April 8th solar eclipse could impact power.
Here's why.
And it goes right over Austin, right over Waco, right over Tyler.
Right over Texarkana.
Because that's how the shadow gets cast.
It doesn't do it everywhere.
And there's solar eclipses going on on the planet every week in different places.
But they treat us like a bunch of ignorant savages and are hyping all this up and God knows what the globals are going to pull because they've made major Major preparations for this.
I will get into it in the last segment of this hour.
We've got so much other news to get to.
So getting back to Elon Musk, Don Lemon is a globalist.
He's a member of the system trying to create division, trying to create guilt, trying to make people hate America so we can absolve America by giving up our rights and do whatever he says.
I'm going to start the clip over, clip 16.
Where, oh, America was founded on slavery, America was founded on evil.
It was going on everywhere else in the world, but America started the process of ending it.
The only other country more further ahead of us on this was England and Mexico of all places.
So, that's the reality of this.
So you don't have a guilt for what eight generations ago did.
If your dad wouldn't rob the bank, you didn't know, you're not in trouble.
But they want you to bow down and go along with this agenda.
So, Musk is explaining this to Don Lemon, and Don Lemon's playing stupid, that slavery, everybody alive on Earth had ancestors that were slaves.
But they want black people to think they're particularly been abused, so you're a special class, so you're going to get special things from the globalists that sets the precedent for the social credit score you're being used.
That's why almost every spokesperson for corporate media and corporate products is black now.
The globalists are stealing your identity.
Here's the clip.
I think we should not make this a constant subject.
I think we need to move on.
Treat people like people.
You don't agree that this country was founded on racism and founded on slavery and in many ways inequities?
That still continue on to this day?
I think every country at that time, and I think even today, was extremely racist.
Every country.
Obviously slavery was present in about half of this country, but it was not present in the North.
It was racism for sure, but I think we want to look to the future rather than the past.
And instead of engaging in constant rehashing of the past, because in fact, if you look at history, if you study history broadly, everyone was a slave.
Well, not everyone was a slave.
No, everyone was a slave.
We are all descended from slaves.
All of us.
It's just a question of when.
Was it more recent or less recent?
That's it.
But what future do we want?
Is this something we want to make part of our constant dialogue forever?
Or do we want to say, let's just move on and treat everyone, you know, According to just who they are as an individual.
I agree with you with that.
That's the ideal.
But what the evidence shows is that that's not what's actually in practice.
I think we're doing better than anywhere else.
That's true.
I agree with that.
But that doesn't mean anything.
That doesn't mean a lot to a whole lot of people who aren't able to take advantage of the opportunities that you are able to take advantage of simply because the color of your skin.
What advantage does my skin color give me?
Alright, pause again, back it up five seconds.
So because he's white, he's inherently bad.
He never did anything in his life, he's not successful, it's because he's white.
White people are 7% of the world population.
Why is everybody trying to get into a white country?
Because the Renaissance 550 years ago, and the Scientific Revolution, and the Great Awakening, and what Christians led, is the reason we are the ones that began to phase out all this barbarism.
Doesn't mean white people are perfect, but white people have really contributed.
That's why we hear we're bad.
No, William Shakespeare and Beethoven are not bad.
And the people pushing this want you to hate yourself and not have any pride in yourself so they can make you take on the new identity they want to force you to have.
Like these rabbis saying, people saying someone's a witch or a hag is anti-semitic.
They want Jews to think they're being persecuted everywhere and then they make it all about Jews and label tyranny as Jewish so Jews get persecuted.
It's all a sick plan, people.
And the average black person, the average Jew, is not involved in it.
And the average white person is not racist.
We need to stop going along with this and reject these people trying to create division.
It's disgusting.
What advantages does it do?
What color must they give me?
Well, there's an ease that you have in society that many people of color don't.
You are able to come to this country Voluntarily.
There are many people who are not able to come to the country voluntarily.
There are people who came here as slaves.
Actually, it was very difficult for me to come here.
And there is a legacy of slavery that still continues on.
There's a legacy of racism that still continues on in this country.
That's undeniable.
Well, if we keep talking about it non-stop, it will never go away.
If we keep making it the central thing, it will never go away.
Why do you believe that?
I think I'm just making a simple statement of fact.
So, I think we want to get away from making everything a race or a gender or whatever issue, and just treat people like individuals.
Yeah, that's what Martin Luther King said, judge people on the character of their deeds and their actions, which makes perfect sense.
You know, there's a several, what they call soul food restaurants in Austin, because they don't have Southern cooking, it's just Southern cooking.
And I go to black-owned businesses, we cater it in here, because I like collard greens and fried chicken.
And that's not a black thing, that's a southern thing.
It's a white and black thing.
But I go there because they have good food.
I don't go there to virtue signal.
I go to a Chinese restaurant that's owned by real Chinese people because it's original and it's delicious.
I go to a Mexican food restaurant owned by Mexicans because it's the best in town.
Who even thinks that when they're going in a restaurant?
But they want it to be all about that, where now in the UK, they're ordering people to take down the Union Jack and sign saying, a great British meal, fish and chips.
And I'll be honest with you, I don't think British cuisine is in the top hundred, but yeah, fish and chips is about the best, bangers and mash is great, sausage and gravy and Mashed potatoes, I'm getting hungry.
But the point is, is that, there's the headline, Council Orders London Fish and Chips Shop Owner to Remove British Flag.
Because it's hurtful to other people to see that flag and to hear, this is Britain.
You can't even have your identity.
It's not respected.
It's being overwritten.
And Elon's absolutely right.
If you obsess on race and all this all day, it creates more division.
But that's the point.
That's the plan.
The globalists are taking all our rights.
They're spying on us.
They're surveilling us.
They're censoring us.
They're poisoning us.
They're trying to give us all the poison shots.
Remember they said, oh, the heads of Pfizer and Moderna said, we can't take the shot right now.
It's so precious.
It's only for the black people.
We want you to take it first.
See what they're doing?
Bill Gates is the one in guarding him.
We've got to depopulate Africa.
Ooh, I want the shots for Africans first.
Come on, they're the ones trying to abort you.
But if you get brainwashed or anti-white and become my enemy, then I have to oppose you.
See, I don't want to be your enemy.
You have a soul.
You're a human being made by God.
But these people don't want us to see the soul and what we manifest, what we stand for.
They want us to only see the color of our skin.
They're the bad guys, folks.
They're the racists.
They're the dividers.
It's so simple.
It's so clear.
And people are seeing that.
That's why triple the number of blacks, double the number of Hispanics are voting for Trump.
They understand the game.
And the globalists haven't backed off.
They've quadrupled down because they know it's failing.
Now, Elon does an okay job here, but he wasn't definitive enough.
They've lowered standards in the military, law enforcement, the legal departments, engineering.
They're teaching with fuzzy math and Common Core, now for 20 years, that two plus two doesn't really equal four.
And here's an example today.
Supreme Court Bar Exam will no longer be required to have an attorney in Washington State.
You don't even need to pass a test because they say it's racist to make you pass a test.
I was recently in court for a family law issue and sat there all day because our case was in the afternoon, but it could have been called early, so I sat there eight hours in court and it was white young men, white young women, black lawyers that were young folks.
It was like idiocracy in the court scene.
In fact, pull up the idiocracy court scene.
They literally couldn't talk.
They were black.
They were white.
They were morons.
They've graduated more lawyers the last 20 years, look it up, than existed in the entire history of this country.
And they don't even have to pass a test now.
Now they're saying they're going to hire schizophrenics to fly the airplanes.
It's not like airlines said we're going to go out and have a jobs program and pick highly skilled black people to put them through a program and those that pass the test, and you would get them to pass it, can be airline pilots.
They're simply saying we're going to have schizophrenics fly the airplanes.
We're going to have people without any training fix the parts on planes.
It's to destroy civilization for the general public and the globalists on words.
Yeah, let's play the Idiocracy, one of Mike Judge's great works that shot the week here in Austin.
I got offered to be in the movie and was bit, I'm not bragging, it's just a funny story, and didn't do it because I was busy, believe it or not.
But here is the clever mediocrity.
He would soon discover that in the future, Justice was not only blind, but had become rather retarded as well.
I'm fixing to commensurate this trial here.
We gonna see if we can't come up with a verdict up in here.
Now, since y'all say you ain't got no money, we have proprietarily obtained for you one of them court-appointed lawyers.
So put your hands together and give it up for Rico Pendejo!
You're my lawyer?
Since here you are.
Robbed a hospital?
Why'd you do that?
Yeah, I'm not guilty.
That's not what the other lawyer said.
Listen, you gotta get me on the stand, okay?
I can explain everything.
We can take him to your house.
We'll show him the problem.
Get up!
Prosecute him.
Why you think you done it?
Okay, number one, your honor.
Just look at him.
He talks like a f**k too.
B, we've got all this, like, evidence of how, like, this guy didn't even pay at the hospital.
And I heard that he doesn't even have his tattoo.
I know!
And Omar, you've gotta be shitting me.
But check this out, man.
Judge should be, like, guilty.
What are you objectifying on?
Come on, just get me on the stand now.
Your Honor, I object that this guy also broke my apartment this year.
And you know what else?
I object that he's not going to have any money to pay me after he pays back all the money he stole from the hospital.
Don't say I stole, you're my lawyer.
And I object, I object that he interrupted me while I was watching Ow My Ball!
That is not okay!
I'm pretty sure we have a mistrial here, sir.
I'm gonna mistrial my foot off your ass, you don't shut up!
Please listen!
Please listen!
I didn't steal anything!
I was part of an army exchange!
Joe stated his case logically and passionately, but his perceived effeminate voice only threw big gales of stupid laughter.
So, they're not gonna have tests now for law school.
And here's Don Lemon, This is all a talking point.
This is all the same message.
It's all official.
It's not a weird liberal that's whacked out.
He's got the corporate big banks running him, telling him what to do.
A globalist agent in the X camp.
And he sits there and says, why do we need standards for doctors?
And then Musk is like, well, I'm just saying if we lower standards, there'll be problems.
We know they've lowered standards.
We know our life expectancy is down.
We know there's the number one cause of death in America is medical malpractice.
In law enforcement, the average cop can't do one pull-up.
I could do a hundred.
The whole gym would be clapping.
I could still do five.
I'm a fat ass.
You see, the women at the SWAT team events can't even do a basic obstacle course.
But that's the new woke system to sabotage competitiveness in humans, to sabotage the human system, to force us into the depopulation robot takeover.
It's all admitted.
So here's the clip of Elon Musk talking about it.
I believe that if we lower the standards for what it takes to become a doctor... You're saying if we lower the standards, but do you believe people are dying because the standards are being lowered?
I don't think that is, yes, an issue, but it could become an issue.
But the actual evidence in history shows... Tim, pause again.
Start again.
Lemon's sitting there playing dumb.
He's not stupid.
Like, wait a minute.
You mean standards?
If we lower standards, bad things happen?
Excuse me.
You know, a lot of firefighters even need to be able to pick up a person, because they've got to save them in a burning building.
They've gotten rid of that in most jurisdictions.
And then firefighters bitch at Letitia James.
They go, we're going to fire your ass.
I mean, all our rights are being taken while they give us all these faux rights.
Oh, trans men can breastfeed.
OK, great.
Two men can have a baby.
That's your new right, while all your real rights have been taken away, including living in a country with free market access to cheap energy.
They're cutting the fertilizer off.
They're starving everybody to death.
We're in the middle of a war, people!
I believe that if we lower the standards for what it takes to become a doctor... You're saying if we lower the standards, but do you believe people are dying because the standards are being lowered?
I don't think that is yet an issue, but it could become an issue.
But the actual evidence and history shows the exact opposite if you look at how minorities are treated by the medical system.
Most doctors now are white.
And there are lots of mistakes in medicine.
So you're saying that white doctors have bad medical care?
I'm trying to understand your logic here when it comes to DEI because there's no actual evidence of what you're saying.
No, I said, so if the standards, like let's say, I think that particular thing was referring to surgeons.
Let's say a surgeon in training is asked to do a series of operations under the supervision of a senior surgeon, and they get a bunch of those operations wrong.
If that happens, and yet they are still approved to be a surgeon, the probability that someone will die, I think, at some point, is high.
I understand that.
But that's a hypothetical.
That doesn't mean it's happening.
I didn't say it's happening.
You didn't say it was happening?
I said it will.
I said if we lower status, people will die.
But why respond to something, or put something out there, that has not happened, Because I could say... Because I don't want it to happen.
I think we don't want to lose those standards.
Okay, if you look at the history of the medical industry, especially when it comes to black Americans, it shows the exact opposite.
If you look at the Tuskegee experiment and on and on, only 5% of doctors in America are black.
All of them are white.
So are you saying that if the majority of doctors are white, are you saying that... and there's still these inequities, right?
And people still... there's still mistakes.
Are you blaming DEI for that?
No, I'm very basically saying that if we lower standards for what it takes to become a board-certified surgeon or an oncologist or something where the kind of disease we're talking about, if you make a mistake that causes someone to die, That's enough.
By the way, that's not true that only 5% of the doctors are black.
And of course, everywhere I go, it's Indian doctors and they're great doctors.
So, an Indian doctor's done two surgeries on me.
A bicep and a hernia.
Because I just went and saw who was highly rated.
And they were listeners.
So I didn't care what color they were, they were highly rated.
Highly rated.
We got a lot more to cover on this front, but I'm going to shift gears out of that.
We've got more of the amazing interview, but I'm not going to get to it.
I'm just going to mention, he says, you bought X and now it's having problems.
It's your fault.
And he goes, no, I'm being boycotted, but we're coming back from it.
He goes, no, that's you promoting hate.
You need to censor.
And then when Musk says, I'm not sponsoring you now, he says he's being censored.
He's still on X.
So he wants censorship, and now Musk is censoring him because he's not censoring.
That's the level of crap we're dealing with.
Okay, I'm done talking about that.
It just puts on display the total weaponization of this situation.
Alright, when we come back, it's a complex issue, but I'm gonna nail it.
I think you'll probably agree with me.
We'll open the phones up in the next few days.
I'm gonna have this topic.
A Obama-appointed judge ruled illegal aliens, who are here illegally committing crime, even though federal law says you can't do that, can own a gun.
Now, you're like, what does that mean?
I'll explain why they did that and why it shows the one-dimensional thinking of these people.
So you know what?
I actually support that.
We're Mad Max world.
Nobody should be restricted, even felons.
Because felons are going to have guns anyways.
So they've undermined themselves with this, but that's how contrarian they are.
Under law, under the Constitution, you need to be a citizen to own a gun.
But if you're going to flood us with people and they're here, okay, they're a person.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms may not be infringed, okay, so fine.
But now you just destroyed your argument that all of us that are citizens can't have guns.
I'm going to break this down straight ahead and so much more.
Tomorrow's news today.
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How are we going to get there the way we're living?
You say that you wanna go to a land that's far away.
How are we supposed to get there with the way that we're living today?
You talk lots about God.
Freedom comes from the call.
That's not what this bitch wants Not what I want at all
I want money, power, and glory I want money and all your power, all your glory
Oh, baby, baby, I, I wanna take you for what you got (music)
We're dealing with predators using psychological warfare against us.
Those of us that have good hearts and good will need to understand enemy operation, learn about it, learn about freedom, and oppose them.
Because the real money, power, and glory is just a side effect of freedom.
Tyranny brings nothing but destruction and degradation and collapse.
The globalists are going to take us for all that we got.
Alright, I talk about this at least once a week.
When I see a story, and I've seen two the last few days, that I would call a Rosetta Stone.
That if you understand these stories, you understand the entire enemy mindset, their philosophy, their modus operandi.
And you gotta know the enemy's modus operandi because it's very, very OCD.
It's very myopic.
They follow the same plays over and over again because it works until we get to bat in a position to analyze it and reject it all.
Like, don't drink that, it's poison.
Don't drink antifreeze, it'll kill you.
Don't pour gasoline on yourself and light it on fire.
You need to reject it all.
But you've also got to know then what to counter it with.
So, the Leticia James, last week, goes to the New York Firefighter Association Union, and gets resoundingly booed, and they chant Trump, Trump, Trump, because they see the injustice.
The head of the union says, we're gonna have you fired, or demoted, or your pay cut, quote, we're gonna hunt you down.
The firefighters said, screw you, we're going to sue your ass.
We have a First Amendment.
Within three days of that happening.
Happens Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
They back off and say, fine.
Because the firefighters started marching to ticker tape parades.
The people said, this is wrong, and it rallied the people.
Because when the firefighters got threatened with firing, they said, screw you, go ahead, let's go to court.
They're like, whoa, we can't challenge that because there's still these human communities of police and firefighters and military and doctors and all these institutions that are under attack.
And like, how dare America overall be a white thing?
How dare they still have jobs?
Well, that's an outside corporate force coming in to take everything everybody's got.
It's Christians and white people that were the first to lower down the ladder and say, come up with us.
That's what Christ said.
My grandfather was a B-17 pilot in North Africa and into Italy.
He served in more than his 21 or 22 missions.
Volunteered for more missions.
Never talked about after he died.
He dug into his stuff and found all the accommodations and medals and the rest of it.
And everybody in the South was a Democrat.
And he'd had family that were local leaders.
They weren't bad people.
But he came back from World War II.
And then he became an Eisenhower Republican.
And he ran for political office and was a county tax assessor until he died.
And he was like Robin Hood.
Black, white, it didn't matter.
If you were poor, your property taxes didn't have to be paid.
He was a hero in the community.
When I was a little kid, at Christmas and Thanksgiving, there'd be a lot of cars.
Of poor black people bringing him a pie.
And I'd be sitting in there with like 20 pies.
Sweet potato pie, pecan pie, cherry pie.
And these old black women and men crying at the door.
And them coming in and having a coffee.
And I was like, what is this?
I was like, you know, little kid.
What is this?
Well, your grandfather's been good to the community.
And some of his family didn't talk to him for 20 years when he won office as a Republican in the Eisenhower sweep of the South.
But he went to World War II and he saw what was going on there and he came back and he supported the Civil Rights Act in the deep South.
East Texas is like Louisiana, folks.
It's like Mississippi.
And he did that, not because he was getting accolades, but because he thought it was the right thing to do.
And I've told that story before, and national leftist media has made jokes about it.
But it's true.
Jerry Jones is a good man.
And so now the leftists are putting in all these judges.
I don't care if they're black or white, but they mainly do black women.
Because then, oh, well, it's a black woman, you can't judge her when she gets rid of the First Amendment or takes your guns.
So I read deeply into this case when I saw it break yesterday, and sure enough, this Obama-appointed judge has been anti-gun and does not believe in the Second Amendment.
And I remember seeing this stuff a year ago, and I had trouble believing it, but it was confirmed that the ATF has told gun shops, even though it's federal law, sell illegal aliens with no ID guns.
Now most of the gun shops won't do it, because if you're a citizen and you get one dot wrong on an I or one cross wrong on a T, you get 10 years in prison.
But if you're an illegal alien or a cartel member, you get a gun.
Now we saw that a year ago.
People were calling me, is this real, is this real?
I was like, yeah, we found the ATF letters to the gun shops saying do it.
So, imagine the one-dimensional thinking of this Obama federal judge Who just ruled illegal aliens can own guns.
Because the Second Amendment says the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
Put the Second Amendment up on screen, folks.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
And then it goes into the well-regulated militia.
The government should also be training those people.
So I really thought about this for hours last night, and it hit me that, let me look at her record, okay, she's anti-gun, why would she do this?
Because she sees that, let illegals vote, let illegals do whatever they want, pissing in our face, but she's just ruled, there it is, a well-regulated militia being necessary to security and free state.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, which means the free people, where the government's not the boss.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
So, she means it as, I'm going to take citizens' guns, and I'm going to make illegal aliens the police and military, and we're going to selectively let them have guns, but not you.
But at the end of the day, a criminal, whether they're an illegal alien, or a white bank robber, or a black shop robber, it doesn't matter.
There's criminals of all colors.
Evil comes in all colors.
It's an Alex Jones quote.
Evil comes in all colors.
They're gonna violate the law anyways.
That's why I've always said, yeah, they passed a law in the 30s to make felons not own guns.
Hell, in the old days, you see it in Westerns, it's true.
Like in High Plains Drifter.
The criminals get out of jail after a five-year prison sentence, and the warden gives them their guns.
And they say to him, pull up High Plains Drifter prison scene.
It'll come up.
Skip the break.
It's real short.
And they're getting out of the prison, this is real, this happened, this is a fictional movie.
Written by the great Clint Eastwood, but it's based in history.
They're getting out of prison and they give them their guns.
But notice that the wardens have got their guns ready in case there's a problem.
Their shotguns.
And they say, where are our horses?
And they say, what do you think you've been eating the last five years?
That's actually how it worked.
They'd sell your horse and pay for your food.
You say, well, that's mean.
Well, you go to the third world right now, that's how it is.
Your family doesn't pay money, you don't eat in Venezuela and other countries.
So pull up High Plains Drifter prison scene.
That should pull it up or High Plains Drifter prison release.
So she thinks she's giving special rights to these people but she's just undermined themselves and she's now quoting The second amendment that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
She's saying you're a citizen, you can vote, you get welfare, you're there as good as the citizens.
So she uses a Supreme Court ruling to say you can have guns because the people are the citizens.
The illegal aliens are going to have guns anyways, folks.
And a lot of them aren't criminals, other than passing the border.
I say, fine, let the chips fall where they may, but don't take my guns.
So this is, again, the illogic of the left, how they only think one step.
Oh, we'll give illegals guns.
Ha, ha, ha.
That'll piss off the conservatives.
But you just admitted to the sanctity of the Second Amendment.
No luck with High Plains Drifter?
You actually found it.
Crank it up.
Play it.
You calling, boys?
Don't forget your tickets back here to my little hotel.
And don't worry.
Be loaded.
What about our horses?
We had three good animals.
You think you've been eating the last six months?
Damn him!
Dog, I don't eat my own horse!
This floppy fetus wasn't our horse.
He just stole him and sold him to somebody.
That's what he done.
Shut up.
Well, that's what he done!
Shut up!
When you get to Lago, you can have the mayor's horse.
Fried or barbecued.
Well, I guess we walk, son.
Old Drake and Allen don't seem to have remembered.
Oh, they'll remember.
One way or another, they'll remember.
So, six months in jail, now five years gone from memory.
I haven't seen that film in ten years.
Great film.
So, that's where we are.
You just said the illegal aliens can have guns.
They already got them.
You just pissed in your Cheerios.
You just screwed the pooch.
You just bought the farm.
These people are dumb.
Now are there black women they can get as good judges?
You better damn well believe there's some really good black female judges.
But this is the archetype of the George Soros judge that they put in this against free speech, against you having a gun.
But the illegal alien, they can have the gun.
Illegal immigrants can carry guns.
Federal judge, federal judge, illegal immigrants can carry guns.
And they quoted a Supreme Court ruling saying the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Absolutely amazing.
All right.
I want to hit World War III news.
I want to hit border news.
I want to hit a lot ahead of our special guest on the economy and what's happening there and the Black Swan events they're talking about coming up.
But this is the world.
We're all over the country.
You don't have to pass a bar test to be a lawyer.
Because they want a bunch of dumb people that'll follow whatever order they get, but they're so stupid that when they said the illegal aliens have a right to keep their arms, they just reaffirmed the Second Amendment for citizens.
That's where I stand on that, and I'm sure we'll take calls here in the next few days.
If you disagree with me, that's fine, but I think that's clear logic that I just laid out, and I don't think anybody can disagree with me.
If you do, I will talk to you.
All right.
Dan Crenshaw came out last week and dropped the shark.
He's the biggest Democrat in Congress, but he has an R in front of his name.
And Ipatch McCain said the intelligence agencies aren't involved in any domestic operations, even though it's all declassified, admitted they are.
But that dovetails the New York Times article we'll cover here in a moment, where they say, thank God for the deep state, it's going to save us from the people and the evil Trump.
So they're trying to draw their battle lines.
But before we get to that, I like this little promo that Darren McBrain put together.
SP1 and SP2.
Let's play those and we'll break this down.
Literally, they're bringing in the foreign army.
But it won't happen overnight with you in blue helmets.
It's just they're now your police.
They've already purged the military.
They bring them in.
They'll follow orders.
This is very simple.
So Rome took 400 years of bringing in foreign troops to fall.
They didn't do it on purpose.
But the globalists look at 1984 as fiction, or they look at Rome and they go, which was historical, and they go, that is a blueprint.
That is an owner's manual.
That is a battle plan.
So that's what the Great Reset is.
It's accelerating the collapse of Western civilization, as you don't want in around to compete with the globalist model of eat the bugs and enslavement and collapse.
So they're actively seeing prosperity and Christian nationals freedom.
God forbid the rest of the world pick up.
Western culture.
So you brand it as racist, you say it's bad because it's like kryptonite, you know, to Superman or holy water and high noon to a vampire.
If people say, I want my second amendment, I want my due process, I want my capitalism, well then it's over for the Black Rocks and the Googles and the Facebooks.
So that's why they're fundamentally branding freedom as a white evil thing, because let's face it, Western civilization did develop From Greece on, this incredible thing that could uplift humanity, so you discredit it by making it racial instead of selling it to the world and having everyone adopt it and creating unification, not through centralization or enslavement, but through adoption because it works so well.
And so the globalist tyrants are fundamentally threatened By Western Christian civilization.
And that's why they're at war with it.
Which is why we should embrace it.
And that's why the great numbers of double the blacks voting for Trump, or triple the Hispanics, what we just saw 10 years ago.
And that's why they're in full panic mode trying to bring in totally uninformed foreigners from all over who they control and who they can run through NGOs hoping that they'll be the savior.
So, as negative as all this is, I see this as the panic button being hit.
What science fiction writers like Euls Verns, 140 years ago, wrote about?
them out.
Like, rockets that take off, go to the moon, and come back and land again?
Elon Musk has done it.
Whatever we can envision, it's not like Oprah's Secret where it instantly happens, but with the potential of technology and society, and like Elon says, a big enough population.
You need billions to build infrastructure that can do anything.
And then once you realize the planet's tiny, and there's hundreds of billions of galaxies that are close, I mean, we can see, then you go, oh my god, we're like embryonic right now.
We're like a tadpole.
And we're not just like a frog, we're like a butterfly that turns into a spaceship that turns into a god.
And so we're a tadpole right now.
We can do anything.
And they're trying to tell us, no, no, you're scum, you're ugly, you're racist, kill each other, because the globalists want to extract out of us That essence of infinity that God's given us, that God essence.
We're not God, but we're little g that the first book of the Bible tells us.
They want to extract that and use that for their life extension, their empowerment, their greedy control, instead of all of us sharing this incredible magic metamorphosis we're about to have.
And they're trying to block the birth pains of what we're about to become, but I can tell them, you're going to fail.
The world financial system is about to transform into something new.
The globe will see the major crisis to get us to go along with it.
We'll be breaking that down here in just a few minutes.
I have a special guest in studio next hour, Dr. Kirk Elliott.
Now, we saw Dan Crenshaw The biggest Democrat in the Republican Party last Friday had a press conference come out and he said that there's no Deep State and no one's spying on you and no one's censoring you, even though it's all been declassified and it's all admitted.
Then we have this New York Times article out today.
It turns out the Deep State is actually kind of awesome!
The same New York Times that tells you We don't need to do research.
Anybody doing research is bad.
And he goes on to say, yeah, the deep state is intelligence agencies and the Justice Department protecting you from the evil Midwesterners and Southerners and white people, read the article, and thank God they're there.
So it's just foreign banks robbing the country that have taken over our government, trying to make us all fight with each other while they do this.
It's very, very simple.
So I thought, The Deep State did not exist.
Now we have the Justice Department promoting illegal aliens voting.
I thought the illegal aliens weren't going to vote.
It just goes on and on from there.
But let's hit this news that I mentioned earlier that's so central.
Because the globalists are losing their power because they've way overplayed their hand.
And they started a war 10 years ago with Russia.
Russia two plus years ago got enticed to go into full combat with it.
It's defeated the forces of NATO.
And now Russia's released the numbers of thousands of dead European and U.S.
troops that have died there.
I told you a long time ago they were there.
And Putin being reelected for the fifth time, says this is existential survival for Russia.
And if you openly send in troops, which all these world leaders are calling for, Macron leading it out of France, We will use tactical nuclear weapons on those forces, and Russia means it.
Now, I thought about this the last few days, and I kind of see the Globalist's plan, but it'll get out of control real quick.
They want to elicit an overwhelming force defeating the Russians with Western high-tech jets and systems and cruise missiles.
Then the Russians blow up those forces with tactical, smaller, Atomic bombs is what most of those are, they're not hydrogen.
And then you can have a total crackdown on America.
The West won't respond, this is what I've portended, what I've seen, possible future, that then imagine the crackdown they can have if Russia blows up NATO forces And then the West has some armistice deal or some ceasefire.
Imagine what will come out of that.
So Russia is being used as the detonator, just like North Korea, to bring in the global cashless society, to bring in the world government.
The old system's collapsing, the old bubble's over.
The new central bank digital currency's coming in.
The inflation's off the chart.
But I just love how, when Putin comes out and says, our default is, If you send in troops publicly to fight us, we will use tactical nuclear weapons.
And the left and the corporate media laughs, and people like Sean Penn famously said we shouldn't take nuclear weapons off the table.
By the way, I asked for that clip yesterday.
I know we played it five or six times a year and a half ago.
Can you guys find the Sean Penn clip?
Did you find that yesterday?
Because Sean Penn Pulling it in right now.
I want to play that.
Because I was on Tucker talking about it.
Tucker didn't know he'd said that.
He's like, you know, I know we don't want nuclear war, but we shouldn't have it off the table.
That is the lunacy of what's going on and what's happening.
That is the craziness of a dying empire that doesn't have any options.
I mean, China was set up by the globalists.
They turned against them 10 years ago.
China's absolutely evil, out of control, kind of a clone of the New World Order.
It's what the New World Order wishes they could do here right away.
China's our future.
We don't stop it.
But China's broken with them.
It's its own thing.
Like Hitler and Stalin turned against each other in World War II.
And Russia's totally pulled out of the system.
And all these other countries are pulling out the bricks.
And people here are waking up, but still the Ivy League know it all.
See, it was a pathetic photo.
Of the Kennedys at the White House.
Oh, they made a big point of precluding R.O.K.
as if he wanted to be there, with Biden standing in front of the families surrounded by children, of course.
And it was just pathetic.
It was absolutely a joke.
But they still think, because they're Ivy League bluebloods, that they're smarter than everybody.
Even though the Top 100 podcast Are all nationalists or all conservative?
And the left has almost no viewers.
We're going to go to break.
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All right, I'm going to come back, hit the war news, and then at six after, Kirk Elliott joins us.
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All right, we're into hour number three.
Doing a deep dive on the economy, the Black Swan events, and more coming up.
I don't like to mention leftist nobodies like Sean Penn saying nuclear war shouldn't be off the table without actually playing the clip.
Here is Sean Penn.
Ukrainians we saw and talked to whether they were in uniform, out of uniform, school teachers, even children.
This extraordinary courage that's come up and it was in his eyes and it is clear to me that the Ukrainians will win this.
The question is at what cost?
Did they have in those early hours I know that Trump gave them javelins.
I know that they had some defenses.
But if you go back to the Budapest Agreement, they were at the time the third largest nuclear power in the world.
And they made an agreement that they'd give those weapons to Russia to be destroyed in exchange for protection from Russia, Great Britain and the U.S.
Lesson to be learned here, don't give up your nuclear weapons if you have them because you can't believe people like Vladimir Putin.
Even countries that have nuclear weapons can remain intimidated to use them.
And we're seeing that now with our own country.
And I fear what that legacy is going to be.
No one wants to see a nuclear conflict.
I don't want to see one.
At the same time, if only one bully is going to be able to use those weapons as a threat, we've got to rethink what we're doing.
See, I think the West made a mistake in this build-up that Putin, as he brought in... Oh, Ukraine's going to win, Ukraine's going to win, all aligned.
Now we've got to go to full war with Russia.
Meanwhile, our borders are wide open.
They're spending $10 million to build a giant fence they're building right now in Ukraine, but we can't have one.
Here's a Trump ad dealing with this that Elon Musk retweeted.
Flood the country with untold millions of illegals by land, sea, and air from all over the world.
Enough to eclipse the populations of 36 individual U.S.
states so far.
Prioritize the needs of these millions of non-citizens over the needs of the American citizen with free flights, buses, hotels, meals, and phones, ensuring their loyalty to the political party that imported them.
Keep them in the country at all costs, even when they commit violent crime like murder and rape.
Ensure their privileges are made irrevocable with city and state sanctuary laws that act as population magnets.
Slander critics as racist.
Four, ensure their privileges are made irrevocable with city and state sanctuary laws that act as population
Codify permanent status and ensure non-cooperation with ICE.
Five, count the non-citizens in the census that will determine congressional apportionment in the House of
As of now, that would equal 13 extra-congressional districts, a tremendous amount of electoral power.
Wage a massive, heavily funded lawfare campaign to change state voting laws that legalize mass mail-in ballots, no signature verification, and no proof of citizenship requirements, making it nearly impossible to prove voter fraud.
Lock in the permanent voting majority with campaign promises of lavish benefits and permanent privileges.
The best part?
party. Eight, win elections. Nine, entrenched single party rule has been achieved. The best
part? Your tax dollars are paying for it.
That information is vital to the future of the American Republic.
I'm going to repost that on X in the next few minutes.
Get it out.
Share it.
Total truth.
We're going to go to break.
Come back on the economy, the war, the persecution of Trump, the Black Swan events.
It's all coming up.
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There are of course those who do not want us to speak I think just a message even now orders are being shouts
into telephones and men with guns Beyond their way
That's why because while the junction may be used to do a conversation
Words will always retain their power Words of other means to meaning and for those who will
listen the announcement Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the InfoWar.
We predicted, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, so many others, everything that's now come
We're actually on the mark.
We actually want a civilization.
We want prosperity.
I liken it to I'm selling for free.
I'm giving away ice cold water with lemon in it in the Sahara Desert.
And the left's selling sand in the Sahara Desert.
They're selling things that go against, you'll have nothing, you'll eat bugs, you'll drink sewage water, your families are horrible.
You said earlier, we offer abortion and cutting your son's penis off.
It's like, it's Hellraiser.
And when you just sit back and go, wait, this can't be real.
Klaus Schwab is promoting stuff that sounds like Hellraiser.
Well, so is Hitler, so is Stalin.
And we realize that this is an evil manifestation that crops up in our species of bad people want power.
The problem is good people don't seek power.
Because we're going to be left alone, hang out with our families, go fish, go hunt, go to dinner, go play golf.
I'm the same way.
But I'm sorry, folks.
Good people can't sit there and say, I'm too good for this.
Because we will be destroyed if we don't.
And that's what evil fears.
So the good men and women are now standing up, and we're super popular.
Every popular talk show, there's no one that's popular promoting the New World Order.
That's what I'm saying.
Look at the positiveness of how humans desire, and like a man in the desert wants water, freedom.
And all we're doing is promoting the natural programming that works.
And so it's easy.
We're the winners.
We're the victors.
We're not the cancer.
We're following the program God gave us that is like oxygen.
And we have to just declare the enemy cancer and just say, we're done.
Shun them.
Don't engage in violence.
They want that.
And just give them no support and the maximum back the truth.
And we will win.
As I listen to you talk, I'm like, why is Alex Jones getting cancelled?
Well, you haven't been cancelled.
Thank God.
Kirk Elliott made these incredible predictions in the last three months on air, and now the bank runs against regional banks have begun.
I think the U.S.
economy is about to hit the skids, and Russia and the BRICS nations are playing a masterful game of chess, and our administration's going in with like a checkerboard.
They're not even playing.
And the Federal Reserve has signaled they're down with interest rates.
And things are going to get so bad, the globalists are going to usher in a new world of central bank digital currency.
A form of money you cannot see.
Central Bank Digital Currencies.
They don't hide in the shadows anymore.
They tell us exactly what they're gonna do.
That's what's so frustrating.
If you study it, you know the battle plan, but they know the public doesn't check that out, so... But we're able to give it to the public.
That could really mess up their operation.
The world is going to see a functioning CBDC very soon, within the coming year.
We saw bank failure 1.0.
It was Silicon Valley, Credit Suisse, First Republic, Silvergate Bank.
I mean, all of those.
First, we had the effects of a dramatic rise in interest rates, leading to the closure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank.
That was just a tremor before the bank failure.
Yes, I think bank failure's 2.0 is coming.
I mean, just last week, the CEO of Citigroup said we're laying off 10% of our workforce.
So, at times of crisis, which happens to be happening during an election year,
people will say, "Okay, this is so bad."
Banks are shutting down.
All this economic failure.
We'll give you what you want.
Government just will give you away our freedoms.
Just take care of us.
Make sure that we can still feed our family.
But this is happening in surprising numbers.
We all sort of take our local bank for granted until it's gone.
That's happening in 4,000 other locations around the country.
And I think in the months ahead, we'll get more failures of regional banks around office space and commercial real estate.
I expect chaos, mayhem, economic fallout from all of these policies.
But see, during times of economic fallout, when people can't feed their kids, when they can't afford to pay their rent or their mortgage, when food prices are going through the roof, gas prices are going through the roof, here's the nature, human nature.
People tend to give up their freedoms in time of crisis in exchange for perceived security or peace.
Surveillance and privacy issues could arise if the central bank is able to monitor every transaction.
We've had, over the last three weeks, major disturbances in the banking world, right?
This comes after the regional bank suffered a week-long plunge in its stock, plus a credit downgrade.
We've seen stocks of things like Comerica Bank, PacWest Bank, New York Community Bank, And even Schwab just start to hit the skin.
By the way, when you first came on months ago, you predicted this.
Mm hmm. Yeah.
I mean, because the writing was on the wall.
There's another big concern that a central bank issued digital currency could cause a bank run during economic
Here's the ugly reality.
We are no different than Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Greece, Cyprus.
Any country who loses demand for their currency and is forced to print, they go into an inflationary spiral that brings social chaos.
Tangible assets like gold and silver are so important, not just because they're growing, because I think it's a means to protect your financial privacy and financial freedom.
I think there's going to be alternative systems of using tangible assets like gold and silver to back private currencies for individuals to actually be able to transact business on their own, not be a digital slave in their digital world.
These are the kind of solutions that I've been I've been shouting from the rooftops for decades, Alex.
Inflation is coming.
What happens to tangible assets like gold and silver during inflation?
They go up!
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
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We're talking black swan events.
We're talking central bank digital currencies.
We're talking about all of it.
There's a Zero Hedge article today.
economic conditions scream buy gold.
Look at the headline.
Right here.
But Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD economist, is here with us, a great mind and a great sponsor, selling bullion gold and silver right now.
We'll put his website on screen, but I really wanted to get him in here to talk about this.
You were talking about this six months ago, a year ago, regional bank runs.
Now it's all over the news, starting again.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, let's break down all these articles you sent me to cover.
January of 2023, I was talking about FDIC.
Because back then, I mean, so this was what, a year and a quarter ago?
FDIC only had 1.7% of all deposits in America, checking accounts, savings accounts, insured.
So forget about the stinking $250,000 FDIC insurance limit, right?
I think that's a fallacy.
When they only had 1.7.
So I started warning, sending out this warning bell, right, to everybody.
Well then what happened?
So then comes March and April and you saw the first round of bank runs.
You saw Silicon Valley, Signature Bank, you saw Silvergate Bank, Credit Suisse, First Republic.
They all went into FDIC receivership.
Because they simply ran out of money.
You had more withdrawals than you had deposits in their investments that they had, which are what?
What kind of investments do banks have?
The same investments that you and I have, Alex.
They invest in stocks, they invest in bonds, they invest in mutual funds, they invest in real estate, they invest in companies.
Just at a larger scale.
I mean, there's inflation, it looks like it's up.
Meanwhile, we have the government under all these cover stories preparing for martial law.
I'm not saying it's going to happen, but troops in the subways, a lot of weirdness going on.
They're getting ready for something big.
They are getting ready for something big, but when you look at that, they have bad investments, more withdrawals than deposits, of course they're going to run out of money.
And we've covered this on previous shows that we've done, how during COVID they brought the reserve requirement to zero, meaning they don't have to have any money on hand, right?
So they did that to stimulate the economy.
Of course, banks have no money when they have a 0% reserve requirement.
So then these banks failed.
Then a specific rule came into place, which is the Bank Temp Funding Program, which is emergency funding to stop the bank runs.
And you know what?
It worked.
And people were applauding the Fed and saying, look, you did a great job.
You stopped the bank runs.
You fixed the banks.
But here's the big picture.
They killed the real economy.
Knowing that would come back while they're opposing as the savers.
Then they raised interest rates.
Then they raised interest rates.
So here's where it was a band-aid.
They didn't fix anything.
It was like, hide it in the shadows.
We'll give emergency funding.
People will think that the banks are fixed.
But here's what happened in the last year.
So from March, when all those banks failed, until now, The FDIC now only has 0.74%, 0.74%, not even 1%, of all deposits are now insured.
So what happened?
They bailed out those banks, their assets went down, so when they only have assets to cover 0.74% of all deposits, And now we're seeing banks about to fail.
I mean, this to me, Alex, is the biggest, the biggest financial news story of the year that's yet to be told.
But it's happening right beneath our eyes.
So in the last quarter, in the last three months, U.S.
bank profits dropped 44 percent in one quarter.
So, you consider that.
Profits are coming down.
That's a plunge.
It is a huge plunge.
FDIC is not insured, doesn't have the amount to cover people's deposits.
So the most fundamental part of the economy, the banks are failing.
Even though it's not in the news yet.
It's not in the news yet, but it is going to be.
So here's where we start connecting some dots.
And you and I have been sounding this alarm for a while, and now it's starting to unfold, because what has happened, which we talked about the last time we met, was March 11th, that Fed temp, you know, the bank temp funding program, it's sunset!
It expired!
It's gone!
There's no more emergency funds going in.
So how long will it take for that to show up?
I think probably within the next 60 days, because here's the problem.
And I'm trying to rack my brain around this.
So why in the world would the Fed say, okay, we're going to stop emergency funding, when in people's minds, their perception is banks are the safest thing that they have.
When their money is in a bank, it should be safe, right?
So I'm pulling on... And the bank is the foundation of the economy.
The foundation of the economy.
If, you know, five years ago, if somebody were to say, hey, Kirk, I'm pulling my money out of the stock market, out of the bond market, I'm thinking it's going to fail or correct, so I'm just going to sit in cash.
I mean, that's where people would go for safe money.
I can't say that that's safe anymore.
That's what Warren Buffett says to me.
Yeah, and he's sitting on a mountain of cash, but why?
Why is he doing that?
He's doing that, in his own words, to buy companies on the cheap for pennies on the dollar after the correction.
And you've got all these billionaires pulling their money out right now at record levels.
Oh my word, it's insane when Zuckerberg's pulling out half a billion dollars.
People don't understand how this works.
Trump is worth seven, eight billion dollars.
We're worth more.
They took most of it.
But he has trouble getting 400 million because it's all leverage, it's all in stock, it's all in companies.
And you start selling stuff, that plunges your stock.
So to have them pulling billions out is a big deal.
Well, and what does that tell us of what they think is coming?
See, when you look at these people, and I...
I don't know any of them, but they're kind of having a narcissist type mentality of,
we're great, our company's great, we'll jump over any hurdle, it doesn't matter what happens,
we're always gonna win, that's their mentality.
So when they sell their own shares, when the Waltons sell four and a half billion dollars
of their own shares, Zuckerberg sells half a billion, Bezos sells 10.5 billion,
Jamie Dimon at Chase sells 150 million, Bill Gates is selling everything pretty much,
except for his land, 'cause he's the largest landowner in America, he knows that food
is gonna be an issue, why are they selling?
Because they don't think that the markets are going to do well.
Well he knows they're cutting off the farmers all over the world, from the Netherlands
to Ireland to Sri Lanka, they're cutting off That's going to make food explode in prices.
That's a no-brainer.
That's a guaranteed investment.
Guaranteed investment.
And these people aren't stupid.
I mean, they're smart.
They're the insiders.
Yeah, and I don't think that the people at the Fed are stupid either.
Let me tell them what to do.
I think they might be evil, but they're not stupid.
There's a difference there in those two words.
So what are they doing?
It's like, if they know that banks, in people's minds and their perception, are the safe haven investment, and they just stop the emergency funding, either A, They've completely run out of money.
They know what the emergence of the BRICS nations and what Putin is doing in de-dollarizing the world.
They've been waiting for the election and war as the pretext to end the old system and bring in the new.
Yeah, exactly right.
So there's two potential outcomes here.
Number one is they know that they've run out of money.
I was about to ask, what are their moves now?
Because we know we're here.
A major jumped the train to another track.
What's about to happen?
What are the options?
So either they just simply run out of money and they're going to have to face the music, so they pull the emergency funding, but now people's perception... This is Bernie Madoff on a smaller scale coming to the end of the Ponzi.
Yeah, exactly right.
Because either, I mean, if they look at that and they say, okay, we don't have any money, we just have to let things go the way that they go, or...
It's more clandestine than that.
And they want the system to fail.
Because in people's hearts and minds, if the banking system fails, they lose all confidence
in the government, they lose all confidence in the markets, they lose all confidence in
the banking system.
But yet, when they pull emergency funding from the banks and they're going to let these
things just happen, well, now we've got a problem.
But they have a solution.
They always seem to have a solution, Alex.
And that's central bank digital currency, which you've been shouting from the rooftops
for a long time.
They're rolling out everywhere.
And this is not a fix.
This is not going to fix anything.
But for me, I always said five years ago, when they start to roll it out, Federal Reserve,
EU, all of them, China already did it, Singapore, when they roll it out, that means the big
stuff's about to happen.
I mean, it's not hard to know that, like, when they roll out the new system, that means
they're about to get rid of the old.
That's not rocket science.
And who are the people that are rolling out the new system?
The people that have the old system.
It's the same people.
The same people that are breaking system are bringing in the new system.
You should never trust somebody who's actually fixing the problem that they created, right?
They created it, but they're bringing it in for a different reason.
The reason is They want people control.
If you can control what people spend, where they spend, when they spend, on what, with whom, all of that... By the way, I sent the crew on Monday, I never played it, like 10 clips of China.
15-minute cities they have, you gotta scan on your bike or car to even get out of it, and in robots, you gotta give blood to even be able to leave your house.
I mean, that's the model.
B-roll that stuff for TV viewers.
This is crazy.
Yeah, so here Alex, I think within probably 60 to 90 days, you're going to see a bank fail.
And it's probably going to be a big one.
We've already seen the warning signs.
New York Community Bank starting to run out of money.
I got the headlines.
Bank stocks plunging right now.
Overhead shot.
I'll show some of this.
They're plunging.
And you've got these regional banks like NYCB, like Oh, Comerica Bank, like PacWest, their share prices are coming down because they're running out of capital.
So, when these banks fail and human... Oh, I mean, here's the Hill headline.
Head of the Federal Reserve, there will be bank failures.
I mean, they're saying it.
So, it's not just me that's saying it.
Top real estate CEO since you said it six months ago.
500 more banks will either fail or be consolidated in the next two years.
Okay, so that's a huge story because...
Let's connect the dots on that one.
We saw FDIC go from 1.7% of all deposits covered to 0.74% and that's because they had to bail out five banks.
If this real estate guy, who's the CEO of a national real estate company who does commercial real estate, what does he do?
He gets loans for his properties, he knows banking, and he's saying they're running out of money.
He said, I think we're going to have 500 or more banks fail. Now let's say that he's the dumbest guy on the
planet and and and only ten banks fail not 500.
That's still five more than failed in in last spring when Silicon Valley went down. You can feel it the big events
Yeah, I can intellectually analyze this Dr. Elliott, but I can feel it. I can too.
My wife feels it.
My parents feel it.
I think everybody's kind of feeling that something is wrong.
And so let's not take his word for it.
Let's go to the top banker in the country, Jerome Powell.
You know, you just had that article up there.
He said there is going to be bank failures this year because of commercial real estate losses.
So even he's saying, you know what, this is my system.
I'm the best banker in the world.
We've got this stuff going on.
And even I know that I can't stop this we're gonna have bank failures so here's where when we've
gone from 1.7 to 0.74 with only five banks failing and now we're seeing
maybe 500 when the chairman of the Federal Reserve says we're gonna have more
bank failures here's what I think happens the FDIC runs out of capital
and we get a bigger bailout in 2008 which causes even more inflation yeah this
is what were they But now they make you go to a new app.
They're saying it's the new currency.
Oh, your money's not protected.
If you jump to this and take a 10% haircut and then take all your assets and put it in a pool so it can be sold as derivatives, that's what they're saying, then we'll protect you.
Yeah, so the next big move started happening after 2009 when Lehman Brothers, when Bear Stearns went under.
big move. Explain that to people. Yeah, so the next big move started happening after
2009 when Lehman Brothers, when Bear Stearns went under, right, so the whole financial
community changed at that point because they had all this derivatives exposure, all this
debt and they had no money to pay it off.
They didn't want more Bear Stearns, more Lehman Brothers to go under.
So what did they do?
They changed the rules of financial institutions to where, how do we get people's money to be collateral?
Because they own it.
We can't pledge something as collateral that we don't own.
So they changed the rules of the game.
Every single deposit that you have, checking account... By the way, stop right there!
I want to take this clip right now and put it on the front of the interview once we post the video in action.
So I want you to listen to me.
The Club of Rome, the CFR, the UN, the Davos Group have all said the old system's coming down.
They're going to hold everybody hostage, watch it plunge and say, don't worry, agree and sign this contract, which all your assets are already digitized.
Move them to this, they'll take a haircut.
But it's okay.
They need to introduce a new Ponzi scheme.
That's what's happening.
So stay there.
I want you to start over, Dr. Kirk Elliott, because this is so key.
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We'll be right back with Dr. Kirk Elliott.
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A lot of products that aren't available.
Now folks, I don't bring you all this shocking information because I want to just have fear porn and scare you.
I bring this to you because I believe in you and I bet on you.
And I've got to train myself because I'm so into the truth.
I just worship it.
I mean, God is the truth.
That yesterday I was reading a study on air and I flipped it around even though my numbers were accurate.
I got them wrong though.
I looked at the graph wrong and I got so upset that I had to go off air, which I rarely, maybe once a year I get mad and go off air because I'm not going to blow up on air.
It makes me too exhausted.
I used to blow up.
It's like entertainment, but it's not good for me.
But the last hour and a half was rebroadcast yesterday, which is great with Eddie Bravo and Russell Brand interviews.
It was still great, but I got so mad.
That I got something wrong, and I'm going to redo it tomorrow.
Because the numbers were right, I just flipped them.
I looked at the graph backwards, but it was still accurate once you flipped it.
I just got so upset, and I say that with total truth, total disclosure, that I neurotically, neurotically tell the truth now.
Like, my wife's like, so you like that woman?
You think she's really hot?
I'm like, yeah, I can't, I can't lie.
I think she's gorgeous.
So are you.
I just can't help it.
She gets even more excited and happy.
It's a total truth.
And she tells me the same thing.
Stop the lying.
Because when you stop that, your brain starts working in a pure level and there's no BS to get involved with it.
And so the reason I tell that story is, when I tell you this stuff, I'm not up here trying to scare the living hell out of you.
I'm trying to get you ready and myself ready.
But we're coming to the end of a system.
I don't know if it's next week or next month or two years from now, but it's over.
And the globalists say it, the EU and the IMF and the World Bank, they say it's over.
So they're trying to change horses in this new, even more evil system, and we're here explaining what we hit the brake with.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD, great economist, long 30-year track record, has been breaking down, but you got caught off by the brake.
You were trying to explain that they're trying to bring in the central bank digital currency.
They're admitting that.
This is such a big deal.
We know it's here.
We don't know the exact moment, but we know it's here.
It's like you got a big thing of grease on your stove on high, and you just walk away and go outside and walk the dog.
You don't know whether it's in five minutes or eight minutes.
It bursts into flames, burns the house down, but the grease is left on the stove.
It's going to blow up.
Well, it is going to blow up.
And what we were talking about before the break was we don't own anything, right?
And they told us you don't know anything and you're going to like it.
So after 2009, when Lehman Brothers Bear Stearns went under, they changed the rules for financial institutions to change ownership of you, Alex, me, everybody watching your deposits in the bank.
You no longer own them.
They do.
You gave up ownership and you didn't even realize that you did that.
But it's in all the contracts, right?
It's in everything that you sign.
So here's they're bringing us in the forced derivatives basically.
Yes, because why did they do that?
So slow down and explain it.
People aren't economists like you.
Explain what derivatives are.
This is everything right now.
This is so big.
So I know you ship me a hundred talking points.
We're like talking point four, but explain this.
So derivatives are like leveraged debt.
And these big banks like JP Morgan Chase has over 50 trillion dollars in derivative exposure.
Bank of America has almost 30 trillion dollars of derivative exposure.
Goldman Sachs has over 50 trillion.
This is more double, like practically double than that.
Explain what it is.
It's selling a mortgage 50 times.
Yes, it's leverage.
You're selling it over and over and over and over again, using that money for you to expand your empire.
But when it goes down, you don't just lose money dollar for dollar, you lose leveraged money.
So this derivatives debt is about to pop.
And Trump is leveraged.
That's why he can't pull out $450 million to pay this debt, because it's all leveraged.
They even say Elon Musk couldn't pull out $500 million.
They can't.
Debt is the Achilles heel of the U.S.
So how are they going to pay off this debt if this derivatives debt bubble explodes?
Well, they don't have the assets, so they needed to pledge collateral to pay off this debt.
What kind of collateral do they have?
You can't pledge collateral that you don't own.
So they changed ownership of the assets that we have in the bank.
Our deposits is now owned by them.
We become beneficial owners.
Slow down.
Say it again.
They've already pledged everything already.
Now they're getting ready to panic us to sign on to it so it's official.
Well, it technically is official.
No, I know, but they want us to believe we're part of the decision.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
So, so... Somebody keeps saying, slow down.
This is everything.
This is so... This is, this is everything.
When we don't own anything, you, when you start connecting the dots... You'll own nothing, you'll love it.
You'll own nothing and love it, but so here's where they say, okay, this system is so broken, it is so bad, we now own everything that you have.
We are beneficial owners of our own deposits, which means we're the beneficiary.
If they want us to have it, they'll let us have it.
They're the owner of it, so that's their decision.
So moving forward, as the system collapses, as banking as we know it, paper-based money creation... We're at the end.
We're at the very end.
They're going to usher in a new system that is not meant to fix it.
It's meant to have people control where they can control our lives, our spending, everything, because that's what this was all about.
See, but that's why they had to crash the old system.
That's why they had to crash it.
So, earlier on in the show when I was talking about there's two potential outcomes here.
Number one is they simply just ran out of money, but no, I think they intentionally want to crash the system.
Yeah, they'll never do that.
They want to crash the system so we buy into it and we willingly give up our freedoms in exchange for what they have coming.
Let me ask you this, Alex.
What if I were to tell you, it's like, hey brother, I've got a deal for you.
It's a central bank digital currency.
It's going to be fast money flow.
However, you lose all control of your money.
I can cut you off from buying or selling if I don't like your ideology.
You're not going to own anything and everything is attached to your digital social profile, your ESGs, your social credit score.
Would you say, hey, this is something that I want?
No, nobody in their right mind would want that.
I wouldn't want it.
People on the right wouldn't want it.
People on the left wouldn't want it.
Nobody would want that.
Because this group always abuses it.
Always abuses it.
So how do they then get it?
You manufacture a crisis that's so bad.
This is very Hegelian in philosophy, right?
It's like you created something that's so bad that people will want something that you're bringing that they wouldn't have voted for six months ago.
This is where we are in our society, is people are willing, I'm not talking about your viewers, I'm talking about the general public.
The general public is willing to... Just like in 2008 they said, we'll give you whatever you want, just bail us out.
Yeah, that's human nature, to give up your freedoms in exchange for perceived security and peace.
It doesn't even need to be real, it just needs to be perceived.
All right, so you've hit another one of your key points.
Let's stop now, because every time you come on, I have you as a guest because you're an amazing guest, but you're also a sponsor.
You've got great gold and silver at bullion prices with, you know, amazing, right at five-star ratings.
How do people protect yourself?
I already showed the headline earlier with Zero Hedge saying, you know, every signal now says, here it is, U.S.
economic conditions scream, buy gold.
Central banks are buying gold by the thousands of tons, and so it's like, why would they do that when they've been pooh-poohing it forever?
It's because they know that it's real.
Tangible assets, Alex, never go to zero.
So, for years now, I've been saying, we gotta get into silver.
It's undervalued compared to gold.
It's outperforming.
Oh, if kidnappers come to your house and put a gun to your head.
And you're like, oh, I've got some bank notes.
I've got some checks.
They're going to shoot you.
Here's gold.
They know that's real.
Yes, they know that it's real.
They don't want something that's fake.
They don't want something that's phony.
What's the first thing they look at?
They want to go into your safe to find your diamonds or your guns or your gold or your silver.
Anything that's real, right?
That's what they want.
So silver over the last Three weeks has literally gone from the upper 22s to mid-25s.
By the way, you should find the clip.
We'll air this next week.
Find the clip of you on three weeks ago.
You predicted that in the next month.
You nailed it.
Yeah, well, and because it's not... That's the guest I have on, though.
People that nail it and nail it and nail it.
When have you ever been wrong?
I haven't seen you wrong yet.
I'm sure I've been wrong at some points, nobody's perfect, but yet these things are so crystal clear to me when I've been looking at this for 30 years.
Yeah, the massive amount of control inflation, silver way undervalued, it's going to go up.
Yeah, so I'm not a technical guy.
I'm a fundamental guy because fundamentals always drive everything.
What are the fundamentals that cause gold and silver to go up?
Unsustainable debt.
Political chaos.
Geopolitical conflict.
Inflationary pressures.
We have all of those in spades.
But I've got clients that are technical traders.
They look at charts.
So the difference is...
A fundamental reason for growth tells us why we get into a trend.
A technical chartist says this is a good time to buy or a good time to sell.
So when you look at the charts, though, my clients who are... Yeah, they're not looking at the full compendium.
They're looking at current data.
Yeah, so my technical clients are looking at charts like this one right here that I have on the desk about silver.
So there's this moving average, the average price of silver for the last 15 years.
That's a very long trend.
When it peaked above $25, It moved above that 15 year moving average.
Now this is important because why?
That has been the ceiling that it's been moving towards.
It's broken the ceiling.
It broke the ceiling and so now that old ceiling becomes the floor.
See this is the technical pattern so what we have here is the marriage.
You're saying both schools are saying the same thing?
Fundamental technical analysis is all pointing towards silver.
Now, there's something that's happening in the global demand for silver.
It's off the rails.
So, in this year, 2024, the global demand for silver for manufacturing industrial use is 1.2 billion ounces.
The supply coming out of the mines is 1 billion ounces.
That's a 200 million ounce shortfall.
So what does that mean?
This is Economics 101.
You have low supply or no supply and high demand, prices are going to go through the roof.
And so the manufacturers of the world, Alex, like Tesla and Sony and Samsung and LG and all these manufacturers that need silver, the Defense Department that needs it for missiles, that needs it for torpedoes, aerospace industry that needs it, batteries that need it, See, it's not going to be there.
And it's not like an LCD TV is 100% silver.
It's got all plastic and screens and everything else.
But the pieces that they need to make it of silver, if those manufacturers can't get it, they're going to pay whatever price.
And the projections are they can't get it along with all the rarest minerals.
All of those things.
And a lot of that's controlled by China.
They got 96% control.
They have 96% control.
So to think that, is China a big deal?
And why do the globals allow them to be positioned to do that?
Western governments, whether it's Germany, the US, or Canada, sue people that try to extract it in the West.
We're not even allowed to get it.
There's not one lead mine in the US.
Did you know that?
Lead we need for everything.
For bullets, you name it.
Not one lead mine was shut down 10 years ago.
Yeah, and there's only two silver mines in America that are actually active.
The rest of it's coming from Mexico or somebody else.
So we are handcuffed by the international community to get what we need for electronics and everything else.
And the BRICS nations have risen up and played a masterful game, Alex, of winning the economic battle and being at the pinnacle.
But that was the larger plan.
The globals positioned them on purpose to do this.
So they act like they're for us, but there's a double-cross.
It's such a big double-cross.
And all of this to say is, why have I been shouting silver from the rooftops for so long?
Because of these technical, fundamental, supply-demand issues.
That's why I love you.
You sell gold at great prices, at brilliant prices.
You got a great name, that's why we have you.
But I love the fact you're pushing silver, because that's the underperformer that you predicted would go up, and now it is.
Now it is.
You're telling people, call you and get silver right now.
Call and get it, whether it's in an IRA.
Physical silver though, I'm talking about physical silver.
So not paper, not mutual funds, not mining shares, not ETFs, physical silver.
So here's where now, these Black Swan events that you were talking about earlier come into play too, because why What is going to happen when banks start to fail?
People automatically are going to start pulling money out of the banks.
They're going to be afraid that their bank is the next one that's going to fail.
So now there's not enough money.
They're not going to invest.
They're not going to spend.
Markets will come crashing down.
There's going to be this flight for quality going into the metals markets.
I was about to say, what happens when regional banks start failing?
What's starting?
Well, it's not just the banks that are going to fail.
The stock market's going to get it.
All the businesses connected?
Businesses that need loans?
They're not going to get it.
There's going to be a lack of funding for just about everything.
But again, this is part of the plan because... Which has been warm, but they're setting up to buy it all up.
Yeah, if you can't get money from the bank, Alex, and the government now controls everything through central bank digital currency, they are preconditioning us to go around private capital, around banks, and go directly to the government for our support.
They want to be our god.
The government wants to be our provider and our source of everything, but they're not.
See, there's a way around this, and this is why we have to talk about the bad news to give the good news, because there is a solution.
It's why I can have a smile on my face talking about bad news, because I know that there's a solution.
And everything that the government... Well, plus you made predictions that came true.
Yeah, they did.
And like, okay, look at what Biden has said.
So a couple weeks ago, the job numbers came out, right?
So this makes zero sense to me.
job growth totaled 275,000 new jobs, but yet unemployment rose to 3.9%.
It's all pure crap.
So how do you create jobs and unemployment goes up, makes zero sense.
Oh, but no, they can make the numbers lie.
So this is where we have to be wise as serpents, right?
Okay, look at what's happening here.
How do they manipulate and fudge these numbers?
So let's say, Alex, that you lost your job.
And you're hitting the sidewalks every single day, you're knocking on doors saying, please hire me, please hire me, please hire me.
And over time, after six months of doing this, you get so discouraged that you stop looking for a job.
They don't count you in the rolls, no.
They don't count you, they take you out.
Now does that mean that you're employed all of a sudden?
No, you're still unemployed.
And, but they would take you out because you voluntarily stopped looking for work.
So now those people, and those are so many of America right now.
Oh, people know the numbers are cooked.
So you look at that job growth.
It's all cooked.
It's all looking bad.
They want to pretend that they have the solution, that they're doing a good job.
So here's the preconditioning of trusting the government.
And they have a really hard battle here because people will not trust the government overall.
Once they look at their own wallets and they say, well, I don't understand these numbers.
We can't afford to live.
We're living hand to mouth.
We're two missed paychecks away from having to file for bankruptcy.
How can Bidenomics be so stinking good?
It's not.
People realize it inherently.
They know that something's wrong.
Well, that's the way they do big, complex polls.
Something like 92% say, we know you're lying about the economy.
They tell us it's great, we know it's not.
We know that it's not, and if it were so good... I mean, I've got all this family with college degrees, military backgrounds, government service, and...
Well, okay.
Biden's budget for this year.
He's coming out with this budget.
What is it?
got degrees, they're in the military, and they're still working jobs to pay their bills.
Well, okay, Biden's budget for this year, he's coming out with this budget.
What is it?
$7.3 trillion budget.
That's off the rails.
We've lost that.
That's off the rails we've Record tax increase.
Record tax increase.
$7.3 trillion.
But what's not increasing?
Our revenue.
The spending is going through the roof.
This will equate to over $3 trillion in debt being accumulated this year.
In what world do they think that you can actually keep doing this and doing this and doing this and you don't have to pay the piper?
So I want you to get, we'll do 15 minutes in the next hour, but spend a few minutes, we're like 7 minutes to break.
We'll hit all the technicals, but what do you expect to happen?
I expect within the next 60 to 90 days we are going to have a bank failure.
And then I think that that is going to spread as a contagion and there's going to be more bank failures.
People are going to start losing confidence.
And you know we're going to be playing this in a month or 60 days.
Yeah, that people are going to start to lose faith, and they're going to actually think, what in the world is happening?
Now, it's an election year, okay?
So now we've got this going on, the government is going to have... Oh, they're trying to prop it up, but it's not working.
They're trying to prop it up, and they're going to print money like there's no tomorrow, because there is no other option.
With the BRICS nations taking away demand for our U.S.
dollar because they've destroyed the petrodollar, we are forced to print our way out of it.
The inflationary pressures are going to come.
And this week, Jerome Powell, the FOMC, the Fed meets again.
And here's what I think they're going to do.
They're not going to lower interest rates like they keep promising they're going to do.
It's probably going to stay static because they know that they can't.
The inflationary pressures are too high, but they can't raise them either.
So because if they do that.
You create a huge recession during an election year.
So they're going to tend to do nothing and it's going to pause.
And this is going to create more.
They're pausing at a high rate.
So people aren't going to be able to afford their loans.
They're going to be delinquent.
A series of delinquencies or late payments ends up in default.
See, this is going to put added pressure on the banks.
This is why, Alex, I think that the bank failures are the biggest story of this year.
And now during an election year, the politicians are going to promise, promise, promise, promise.
Other people's money, they're going to print their way out of it, they're going to try to buy votes, and it is going to actually amplify the magnitude of the crisis moving forward.
Alright, I want to go to break, do 50 more minutes on other issues.
Your view on political events, Trump, all of this, but Trump said months ago, He said, I hope the crash happens before I get in.
And they spun that and said he wants a crash.
No, he sees the crash.
He wants to have it before so he can fix it, not have it once he gets in.
So we're not up here trying to be doom and gloom, folks, but I think this is a safe bet.
We're headed for very, very rocky territory.
And I'm here to tell you, get your butts ready.
And do a plug here, because I've got to make you do it.
GoldSilverTheProducts at KEPM.com forward slash gold, or the number 720-605-3900.
Tell me about the products, the great service you've got.
I feel so good with you guys, with your high rating, the great work you do.
It's a safe bet to get in GoldSilver.
Keep safe bet.
Technical fundamentals.
It's a safe thing to do.
It's all up, like you said.
It's all up, like we said, and I think the acceleration is going to happen.
So how we're different than other places is we only do bullion, which there's always built-in demand for bullion.
There's a global market for it.
We don't have to make a market like some of the other places that That you see that are saying, oh, buy this shipwrecked coin or this Jack Sparrow coin or all this garbage, or even government-minted stuff like a Silver Eagle or a Canadian Maple Leaf, whatever.
Those have too high premiums.
One of the keys... By the way, I've been a gold sponsor for 10 years because I'm looking for a bullion dealer that has high ratings.
They all want to sell people collective stuff.
So, thank God you're here.
This is the way to go, folks.
Well, and here's the thing.
When you liquidate with our firm, we don't charge anything.
Whatever the depository is paying for metals, you get all of it.
So, I was just looking the other day.
A client was complaining, you know, a national dealer was paying $2 less than spot for a Silver Eagle.
In a round?
It's like $2 less than spot for a silver round.
This is insane.
They're abusing people.
They're abusing people.
It's not just the purchase price, it's the exit price.
And again, why would they not want a long-term relationship?
Because I was never a sociopath.
I was always a nice person, like I'm going to treat them.
Looking back on business, that's the godly way to do it.
Then you've got business forever.
Why would you not want to treat somebody well and get their business over and over again?
Over and over again, and this is what we focus on is the relationship.
To me, the transactions are truly like the necessary evil, Alex.
You buy to get into a trend, you sell to get out of one, but life happens in between those bookends of those transactions.
So what we do is we hold a client's hand through the economy, let you know when it's time to buy, sell, reallocate with the same philosophy that we're talking about on this show.
You get that every single week to know that you're not in this alone.
You're not in it alone.
We're here to help.
It's a no-brainer to get some gold and silver.
And you want to buy bullion.
And that's it.
So they call you, you'll talk to them, give a consultation, and they get the silver and gold.
And just because your funds are in an IRA, don't think that the bank failures are not going to impact your retirement.
It will happen big.
And so when we allocate into bullion, always built in demand, it's 100% liquid, it's a quick phone call, lock in your prices and we wire you the funds.
We don't have to make a market for that stuff.
And gold and silver don't even have to be in a bull market.
It's numismatic and some of it's real.
It's not all bad.
It's a hassle though.
With bullion, it's boom.
It is boom.
And sometimes if you have a rare collectible coin or something like that, and the firm that you bought it from goes out of business, there might not be an out.
They might have been the only firm marketing that thing.
And so that's why bullion is so important because it is a global commodity.
It's something simple.
It's something easy.
It's always in demand.
It's like oil or gas.
It's got a price.
Yes, it always has a price, whether it's here, in India, in Russia, in China, in Mexico, in Europe.
People should call you at 720-605-3900 or kepm.com forward slash gold.
or KEPM.com/gold, Kirk Elliott, PreciousMetals.com/gold, KEPM.com/gold, or call 720605.
I want to talk politics with you when we come back, and just how crazy it is.
People say they're bored, or, well, we're not watching Netflix.
We're watching the real world, folks.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
All right, hour number four is straight ahead.
We'll do 15 more minutes, and then who's up next?
Maria Z. Any boffins die.
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Dr. Kirk Elliott is our guest, PhD in economics.
Other points you want to hit in this short segment, other points, all these articles you sent me that we need to get to right now.
You know, I've been asked a lot, say, Kirk, is silver manipulated?
Is gold manipulated?
The answer is yes.
It has been for a long time.
So you look back at the history of silver and gold and starting in like the 1940s, during like the Manhattan Project.
So there's a group called the Silver Institute, which is owned and controlled by who?
The Fed, the Treasury, the Defense Department.
It's like, what?
So if, let me ask you this question.
If you wanted a hamburger every day, Alex, like every single day you wanted a burger, would you want meat prices low or high?
Of course, you'd want them low, because you're eating a burger every day.
So, if the Silver Institute, which has this fancy academic type name, if they're saying, oh, you know what, we're here to promote silver, we're here to actually do some good stuff, that's what people would think of that name.
But, who controls them?
Defense Department.
See, Silver's major user Is actually the Defense Department in the aerospace industry.
So if they started this group to actually start talking about silver, what is their goal?
They want to keep prices low.
So this is where, since 1944, yes, we've had manipulation.
And then JPMorgan Chase got into the real manipulation bandwagon when they started actually being the physical custodian for the silver, behind the silver ETF that BlackRock owns.
So, so now you've got manipulation, manipulation.
That was naked shorting, right?
The naked shorting, yes.
So this is about to be exposed, right?
So, so there's, there's stories coming out.
I was talking to some of the guys at Wall Street Bets and the great researchers and, you know, so they're, they're exposing this.
Basically, game.
And once something is exposed, and you actually referenced this just a little bit earlier about lies and kind of the neuroscience behind it, right?
So, when something is exposed, the controller has no more control.
If it's out in the light, if it's out in the open, it's like a politician that has skeletons in his closet.
That's how we take our powers, exposing lies.
Yeah, you expose the lies, now they have no more power.
So the manipulation's about to be exposed.
Now add that to the technical and fundamentals on silver, and when manipulation ends, because it's been exposed and truth is out there, through the roof, through the roof the prices could go.
So I'm excited that the decades and decades of manipulation is about to be exposed, that we have technical analysis, we have fundamental truth, That's all pointing towards hires, medals, prices.
And here's the thing.
We can take advantage of it, but it takes a leap of faith.
It takes an action step.
You know, as great as God is, God can't steer a parked car.
So he needs action.
He needs us moving and then... Trust in God, but we're away from the rocks.
Yeah, he can get us on course.
Even if we deviate off the course, he can always pull us back.
But if you're not moving, if you don't take action... See, you could let these... Because you're also a theologian.
Yeah, well yeah, I've got a PhD in theology, so here's the thing.
You can either let these trends take advantage of you, or you can take advantage of the trends.
Let's choose the latter.
Let's take advantage of these trends and beat them at their own game.
That's why I love tangible assets, because of everything that's happening, it's the culmination of a perfect storm.
And the globalists are all grabbing it up.
I mean, central bank after central bank after central bank is allocating into thousands or hundreds of tons of gold.
And to what end?
Because they know that it's real.
They want to back their currency with gold.
This is why states like Texas are moving, and they vote in May, for a state-chartered central bank backed by gold in Texas, pulling away from the federal system.
Oklahoma wants to do the same thing.
And that shows how much trouble the system's in.
Everybody knows we're coming to the end.
We're coming to the end.
So, I always like to say, okay, let's not listen to what they say.
Let's watch what they do, because actions speak louder than words.
They're allocating into strength.
Let's just do the same thing.
All right, I want to talk to you about theology, about God, about the Mark of the Beast.
We'll come back in 60 seconds.
Dr. Kirk Elliott's our guest.
You see his website on screen.
Alright, he's not just an economist, he's also got a PhD in theology.
Dr. Kirk Elliott's our guest from KEPM.com forward slash gold.
Looking at this, Bible prophecy is being fulfilled, and I know all the behind-the-scenes stuff, what the spiritual experiences people are having, we're in an amazing moment right now.
So, taking off your economist hat and putting your theologian hat, where would you say we are right now?
I would say that we are getting close to the end, and what does the enemy always use to manipulate people?
Because fear causes people to either not act or make a wrong decision.
So with everything that's happening politically, economically, socially, spiritually, fear.
Earlier on in the show, you were talking about illegal migrants actually being able to have guns.
It's like, what?
This doesn't make any sense.
Obama judge ruled that, yeah.
So fear, fear, fear.
Not law-abiding citizens.
You've got criminals that have guns, and it's hard to actually get one if you're a law-abiding citizen.
So this is fear, right?
It's just culminating.
And so you have that.
People start to make bad decisions.
You bring economic collapse.
This is where I think Revelation 13, 17, where it talks about the mark of the beast, for example, and it's like, no, every man, woman, and child will not be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark.
And here's the number 666, right?
So, You can't buy or sell unless you have this Mark of the Beast.
What is the World Economic Forum saying?
What is the Bank for International Settlement saying?
They're saying ideological-based spending, you cannot buy or sell.
We can divorce you from your bank accounts if your ideology doesn't match up with ours.
So here's where these things are in place.
And you asked about timing.
It's like, I don't know the exact timing.
I'm not God.
I don't control the markets.
But they're giving us timing.
So the United Nations is having a meeting in September of 2024, September of this year, where they want to lay out this pact for the future.
Everything that they're putting together, they want to actually have that deadline so they can share with the world, this is what we're doing.
They've already got digital money in other countries, they're pulling paper
You've got biometric IDs everywhere in different countries that they're now saying,
"Okay, you need this biometric ID if you're going to have a bank account."
I mean, all of this is happening and their goal, their agenda is September of this year
for this to be rolled out. Now, whether they're successful or not, I don't know, but that's their goal.
So we're in a historic moment.
Yeah, very historic.
And we happen to be alive here and now.
You know, God didn't create us 400 years ago.
He didn't create us 400 years from now.
He created us right here and right now for us to be the light in this dark world, to do what you're doing and spreading this message of truth.
That's right.
We're not supposed to just sit there like spectators.
We're supposed to be in the arena.
Yeah, and every one of us in our own gift set, like what you're doing, your amazing voice to the masses, have been for decades.
What I do in the financial world is my gift.
Everybody watching this has their own gift, they have their own sphere of influence, they have their neighbors, they're gifted for something, and we need to act and operate in that gift if we want to change things.
If we don't do anything, then we deserve what we get.
Right, but if you're out there... God gives us total control of our destiny if we take it.
Yes, if we take it.
So what do you think about the message it sends, them seizing Trump's assets, about to grab all his property?
I mean, that is... and people say, oh, that'll collapse the blue states.
They want to collapse the blue states to bring around the rest of the country.
Well, so what does Trump stand for?
He stands for freedom.
I know that people on the left are going to say, oh no, he's Hitler.
We heard Biden say that in the State of the Union, right?
But he wants freedom.
He wants out-of-globalist control.
He wants prosperity.
That's his crime.
He wants prosperity.
Okay, so Putin was speaking and everything, so Putin's a nationalist and blah blah blah.
Every president in the world should be a nationalist.
All that means is you put your country's... If your leader doesn't stand for you, you've got a problem.
You have a serious problem.
It's like, Trump is a nationalist.
He wants America to benefit.
Putin wants his country to benefit.
Every president everywhere should be a nationalist for their own country.
But what do we have in our country?
We have a globalist.
Who doesn't seem to care about America, but cares more about the world.
See, there's a difference here in this global utopia that they want to create versus somebody who wants freedom, somebody who wants privacy, somebody who wants everybody that was born to operate in the gifts that God gave them to succeed and to thrive and to grow and create.
That's what Trump wants.
So why do they want him out so bad?
The European Union, you know, Christine Lagarde, you know, they're all They're scared that they don't want Trump to be in power because he wants to shut down the globalist agenda and bring freedom back.
He's a symbol of the human rebellion.
He is absolutely that and they know it and they know that this kind of Uprising, so to speak, of truth and people realizing things aren't as it seems.
Things are broken.
Things are not right.
There's lies and there's manipulation and there's corruption and they're pulling away people's assets and they're suing Trump for hundreds of millions of dollars.
For what?
Because he paid off his loan in New York?
Well, here's the headlines, pal, out of the Federal Reserve.
There will be bank failures caused by commercial real estate losses.
The next headline.
Bank term funding program ends Monday, March 11th.
Commercial real estate fails will set off slew of bank failures.
This is happening.
bank promise dropped 44% on Q4 as big firms cover fell bank costs.
economic conditions screened by gold.
Top real estate CEO warns 500 or more banks will either fail or be consolidated over the next two years.
This is all happening.
Gold is sending a strong message.
Big trouble brewing.
This is important.
Silver Institute fraud and market rigging exposed.
All this is homework, folks.
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Silver can hit 10-year high as outperformed gold.
So, Dr. Kirk Elliott, people should call you.
You've got great Gold and silver at brilliant prices, ready to help people.
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So important.
60-second closing comment.
You know, don't be paralyzed with fear.
You know, everything that you hear on mainstream media is fear, fear, fear, fear, fear.
What we're doing on this show is bringing hope because there's a solution.
So take that leap of faith.
Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.
It's no cost.
We just want to hear your concerns, hear your fears, hear your dreams, hear your goals.
Respond to that and create a system moving forward, a strategy for success using precious metals to protect and preserve everything you've worked your whole life to accumulate.
That is our goal and the second part of our goal is that you're not alone in doing this.
We will walk through this economy with you for as long as you'll have us to let you know when it's time to lock in those profits and thrive.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, thank you so much.
We'll talk after the show.
And we've got Maria Z about to take over.
Then in about 45 minutes, 47 minutes, Owen Troyer takes over the War Room.
One of our great producers, Rob Agueros, is launching a new show this Saturday at Band Out Video.
And we're going to run this promo for that.
It'll be at Band Out Video, also posted on RealAlexJones.net.
We love Rob Agueros.
I've encouraged Rob to do his own show.
Here's the promo.
Maria Z takes over.
Cool, thank you.
The young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau, half of this cabinet, are actually young Nobel laureates of the world economy.
We penetrate the cabinets.
The change is not just happening.
The change can be shaped by us.
You're losing, leftists.
We're winning.
F*** you.
F*** you, New World Order.
Hold up, hold up.
What brought you out here today?
I'm here to make a change.
We've been in a war era for about 20 years, my whole life, and it's time for a change.
Bro, I don't think people really realize how pro-life we are.
That's how you're gonna start it.
You're just gonna come right out, just full-on pro-life.
Yeah, with baby, with every race.
The one, oh okay, you're gonna go that toxic.
The one thing that everybody loves to talk about the most.
So Harrison, I heard you used to work for the opposition and
you were Seth Meyers' right hand man.
I mean, that was a long time ago.
I'm not sure why you'd bring that up here.
I feel like it's relevant.
What about... I heard you used to work for the FBI as well.
Is that what this is going to be like?
I mean... You're going to be throwing these accusations?
Did you guys know he was going to do this?
Are they accusations?
Yeah, they're accusations.
You're going to really ask me that?
That's it.
I'm out.
I'm out.
Seriously, dude.
I'm out.
So what?
Pregnant bitches at the border?
No way, Derek, you're doing pregnant bitches at the border?
Anchor babies.
Pregnant bitches at the border!
Pregnant bitches.
This is the illegal immigrant operation and they're running three dozen pregnant women and a bunch of other mothers and children up to the Catholic facilities right now as we speak.
Take a look for yourself.
Ignore what they say, and go home.
She's very active online She's done deep dives in all of the FDA FOIA documents that come out, and they all confirm the exact same thing that she knew about back in the fall of 2020, before a single shot was given out to public.
Yeah, we're having this conversation.
I know you told me you didn't want to have it.
No, don't do it, dude.
I just, dude, we have to get to the bottom of this.
Wait, wait, wait.
You lied to me, bro.
I didn't lie to you.
You told me it wasn't going to come off.
I know, I know.
We're recording?
Let's do that.
Wait, what did you say about vaccinated people?
I just said that I can't be too comfortable because you guys are all unvaccinated and I'm just around a bunch of super spreaders, so.
That's accusations, though.
How do you know we're not vaccinated?
Because it says InfoWars right there.
That's scary.
You know, talking, you know, watching you guys, it's like, there's a lot of confusion here.
But if you go to the Book of Revelation, there's an angel that's released midway through who's called Abaddon, or Apollyon.
Literally, his name means confusion.
Um, just, dude, it was bad.
She, like, told a 12-year-old girl in Australia she wanted to, like, burn 10 years.
It's like, dude, I'm trying to feel bad for you because I know that you're, like, going through some s*** and you're just, like, totally f***ed up on stuff, but also, like... Also, you're a piece of s***.
You are a piece of s***.
Like, you are a nasty old hag.
If you had a son and he was like, you know, you had a son, he was gay, you'd be like, "Aw man, you don't want a grandkid?"
No problem with that.
Oh man, well, dude, you're a weak f***ing man, dude.
You're like, you're part of the f***ing problem.
You elected Justin Trudeau.
Like, the fact that, the fact that you have no f***ing backbone and, and has he shut down your f***ing country and seized bank accounts?
You ask me some stupid s*** like that?
Go f*** yourself.
Move the f*** on, man.
When you have something in you that you really want to do, you set your mind to it, you can absolutely achieve it.
No questions asked.
It's just how bad do you really want it?
Every Saturday, and I think that said 7pm.
I am very, very excited for Robert's new show.
For anyone who doesn't know this guy, he is an absolute gem of a human being.
I had the pleasure of spending some time with him when I was in Austin, and he knows his stuff.
He's been awake for years, and I think this is going to be an amazing show.
I can't wait to tune in.
Well, thank you everyone.
I'm Maria Zee, your guest host for the rest of the hour before Owen Troyer takes over.
We have a very special guest, Jeremy Mackenzie, here with us today.
I want to talk about what the heck is happening in Canada and explain how this is the beginning of what the UN has outlined in their book, Remaking the World Towards an Age of Global Enlightenment, in terms of how they're going to treat speech In what they call the AI World Society.
Jeremy, thank you so much for joining us today.
Hi Maria, how are you?
Thanks for having me while I'm still able to be had by anyone anywhere before being thrown in prison for life for talking.
I mean, this is just... So Jeremy's talking about Bill C-63.
From what I understand, this is following on the heels of the Online Streaming Act, which was Bill C-11.
That became law last year.
You know, heaps of people unable to view Canadian content.
And now we're talking about putting people like you in prison because you've offended some snowflakes' feelings.
Talk us through this madness, please, Jeremy.
Right, well I've already been sent to jail a couple of times and actually just defeated a fourth of five criminal cases that were levied against me in the past couple of years.
You know, Canada's conviction rate is an average of 50 to 64 percent.
I've been charged 23 times and I've so far beaten 19 of those.
Anyone's interested?
The media is not, as you can imagine after they've slandered me so much.
But yeah, they've almost specifically designed this legislation for myself and my friends up here and co-workers in the land of online terrorism, Derek Harrison and Alex Wren, The Ferryman's Toll, and Derek Rantz.
A few of us, we've comprised the, you know, the scary Diagonal One militia.
It's a, you know, long story, a meme of nonsense, but they tried to table this bill back in 2020, I believe, or when they first introduced it, it got shelved in 2021, late in the year due to the election, so everything had to be kind of restarted, but it was authored By, uh, you know, or largely contributed to by members of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network up here in Canada, which is, of course, the kind of Canadian offshoot umbrella child of something like the Anti-Defamation League, the SL, or the SPLC, rather.
And you've got these guys in there.
The language of the bill is such that it basically puts us completely out of business and would see us put in prison, in some situations, up to 25 years for hate offenses.
You've got pre-crime parts of the bill that says you can be put on house arrest because a judge deems you likely to commit an offense.
Massive fines of $70,000 and upwards of that.
And it's just more of the same from these people, these networks, especially the Canadian anti-hat work.
They're Jewish supremacists and they've targeted people like myself and anyone speaking out about what they're doing, any of the Zionist lobbyists, anything that they're doing.
And they're being supported by people like the Center for Israeli and Jewish Affairs in Canada who are publicly tweeting, call your MPs and support this bill immediately.
We have to get this through.
Excuse me?
We have to imprison Canadians for talking for things that you don't like because your feelings are hurt.
You think people have to go to jail?
Maybe for the rest of your lives?
The fact they've even introduced this legislation at all is just a full mask-off reveal of what they really think about people like me and yourself and everyone else around here that cares about this place.
Or the things that are happening around us.
Not only are we to be dismissed and not talk to or talk to, you know, allowed to express what our concerns are, we should be imprisoned and silenced in the most severe possible ways.
Yeah, I mean, people are looking it up to life in prison in Canada for quote-unquote hate speech.
The definition of hate isn't really properly even defined and it's so broad that, you know, it also incentivizes Crazy people who can't handle the feeling of being offended because their reality, you know, they've been given a dose of reality which challenges the lie that they perpetuate in their head that, you know, humans can be unicorns or whatever.
And so it actually incentivizes them to report people For hate speech.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
And you know, you mentioned some of the lobbyists behind this stuff.
Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL in the United States has been pushing to ban TikTok.
Why is this?
Well, this is one of the number one trending topics.
Free Palestine is one of the number one trending topics on the platform and they are absolutely terrified of any truth.
I mean, Jeremy, this isn't just, you know, unique to that conflict.
Absolutely anything that challenges the narrative is under complete attack right now.
And what I really want people to understand is what they've brought forward in Canada is what they're going to bring forward in every country along with the UN plan for the AI World Society.
But, you know, keep talking about some of the implications on Canadians here because it's really important to hear from someone who's actually living this because, you know, we look at it and we go, oh, poor Canada.
No, this is all of us.
Right, and the United States especially because we're right next door to you guys, we're connected at the hip and there's a tumor up here and it will spread to the rest of the body if you guys aren't careful.
And more to the point of, you know, you're talking about incentivizing people to, you know, report on your neighbors and create basically a Soviet-era snitch line so when the troops come into Leningrad and haul your neighbors away they can and haul them off and shoot them somewhere in a ditch
or whatever they plan to do.
It's been done before.
This is all the same characters, all the same types of personalities just keep popping up
and wanting the same things.
Having their tongues cut out of their opposition and punishing them in a progressively more severe
series of consequences, depending on how badly they want to defend themselves.
Now, back in those days, of course, it escalated to that degree where you had
the Soviet gulag system where uncountless 40, 60, 80 million,
who knows how many people died?
It's really hard to count that high.
But one of the things they used to do is they had an anonymous snitch line and you had stories about people phoning in their wives and their husbands.
Somebody just pissed them off at the store or they don't like the way their car was cleaned and they call the NKVD and say, I think this guy is a secret capitalist or something.
Maybe he's an extremist, a fanatic of some kind.
And the way they go, and they would even get rewarded now.
The way this bill is authored in Canada, there is an anonymous snitch line where someone, anyone, maybe the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, maybe even a police officer that doesn't like you, can go and file an anonymous complaint, which circles right back onto his desk and goes, oh my goodness, look, look at this person I have to investigate.
And you never know who even said it.
You used to have a right to face your accuser in a free country, and we no longer have that if this goes forward.
And it's being supported by all of these people.
Again, the Center for Israeli and Jewish Affairs.
What is it of your business to dictate how I speak about what I want to speak about in my own country where I have lived and my father's and forefathers' bones have been in the ground since the 1700s?
You can control whatever you want over there in Israel.
That's your country.
This is Canada.
This is where I live.
And you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot talk about in my own homeland.
Absolutely, Jeremy.
Every Canadian should be up in arms about this.
All of these varying lobbying groups are doing the same thing in the United States.
We have similar things in Australia, by the way.
You have France that has said that it made it illegal to criticise Israel.
Essentially, Germany bringing in rules that if you're going to become a German citizen, you have to pledge your allegiance to Israel.
A foreign nation?
I mean, every country has gone to extreme lengths.
In Australia, they've brought in this new legislation where they've banned the Nazi salute, which we don't actually have a problem with in this country.
No one does that salute.
But if you read through the legislation, it actually says anything that could be perceived potentially as a Nazi symbol of any kind.
So it's so far-reaching, so broad, and you know they're piggybacking off October 7th, Jeremy.
Since that date, there has been an increase in these types of laws.
We've got about 30 seconds to break, so I just want to mention, this is really the United Nations, in their book, Remaking the World Towards an Age of Global Enlightenment, talk about How in this new AI world society, you will not be able to earn money unless you speak according to how they want you to speak, unless you contribute according to how they want you to contribute.
It is absolute tyranny, absolute madness, and they're starting it in Canada.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be right back after this break with Jeremy McKenzie.
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And we are back here with Jeremy McKenzie, known as Raging Dissident.
You can find him on RagingDissident.com.
He's a veteran, a podcaster, and a lover of truth and free speech.
And that is exactly what this attack on Canadians is right now.
It's not just about People's right to criticize a conflict or criticize a genocide or whatever the case may be.
It's much more than that.
It is literally the last hour that you've just heard Alex and Kirk Elliott speaking.
It is the entire broadcast of InfoWars this morning and this afternoon.
It is every single day when you switch on your TV or you switch on your computer and you want access to the information that you want to hear as a rational adult that can make up their own mind.
No, the government does not trust you to make up your own mind.
They want to control your mind and that is exactly what's happening in Canada right now.
I promise you and guarantee you it's going to spread to every country.
So please, please pay attention to the warning coming out of Canada right now.
Jeremy, would you agree?
And the scariest, I mean, it's really the pattern of behavior, and as I was saying earlier before the break, it's not something we haven't seen before.
There's all kinds of historical context for these kinds of personalities and mindsets that have taken hold and completely captured or ideologically captured almost the entirety of the Canadian state.
There's no real pushback anywhere in federal politics, provincial politics, the media, academia.
The police are in total lockstep with the whole thing.
The military doesn't seem to mind.
I just watched the most offensive thing I've ever seen as a veteran.
A Veterans Affairs panel put together by transsexuals and, you know, they-thems and all of this talking about all these terrible white men and their, you know, being in the military.
They must think they have it so hard.
They have no idea what it's like to be us.
It's like the core idea of what, you know, and not just the Canadians, the American, the Australian, the British man, the German man, the Spanish man, everybody is just being attacked and trying to be, their identity stripped away and reduced to nothing but Just a slave unit.
You're just there to be a tax animal, to make the widgets and pump the machines so they can stay rich.
And the scariest thing is that It's never, it's a master and slave relationship.
And if you agree and you're okay with being a slave, that's fine.
You're not going to have any issues.
You know, you'll be a good boy.
You'll get your pats on the head.
Maybe you'll get a cookie every once in a while with your booster shots.
But if you choose to resist that, well then you're going to be punished.
And the punishments keep escalating.
There's no discourse.
There's no, hey, well, I didn't realize there was an issue guys.
Let's talk about this and see what the problem is.
You just will do what we say or we'll hurt you.
And now we've entered the realm where we're openly talking about imprisoning people for life just because of what they're saying and what they believe and what they're espousing to other people and trying to share their concerns.
What comes after this?
Because before this, I've already endured all of this, I've been jailed a couple of times now, and before this is the smearing and the lying and the disinformation campaign against your character.
I've been debanked, I've had all these things happen.
You have, you know, weird stalkers and all kinds of people put on you.
And then if that doesn't work, well, we'll just start putting people in prison long term.
And if that doesn't work, and there's still any kind of popular resistance, what happens next is they start killing people.
You're not wrong, and it's not a stretch to say that.
Hillary Clinton was, I can't remember who was interviewing her, when she said, you know, we have to start looking at potentially re-education camps for Trump supporters.
And, you know, they float these ideas They mean it.
They absolutely mean it.
It's literal.
We are watching 1984 playing out before our eyes, re-education camps, changing the way you think submit or die, and, you know, the complete control of speech and thought.
And it really is control of thought, Jeremy, because if all you have around you is propaganda, you actually can't think properly anymore.
Well, they're flooding the information zone so that your senses are overwhelmed with bad information and that's why we have largely an ignorant public today.
You have to work really hard to stay on task, on point, because everything, even if you need to use a phone, a device to do anything these days, there's endless distractions and even the advertising and the sports and the movies and the entertainment.
It's everywhere and it's all designed to just kind of squeeze you like a fruit and use your life force, your energy, your time, your tax money, all of it to buy their products and consume their nonsense and their garbage to enrich themselves.
There's very little to nothing anymore designed to, you know, improving the spirit and the health of the average person walking around.
They're all just seen as marks and victims to be milked like animals.
And it's just, our whole society is falling apart because of this.
There's nobody speaking up for the regular man and woman on the street anymore.
It's just a pack of elitists tearing away at the foundations of what remains of our civilization to enrich themselves and make off with the lifeboats before the lights go out, it seems like.
I want to talk to you about the migration in Canada because Australia is experiencing insane levels of migration.
You know, around 700,000 last year.
That doesn't sound like a lot.
We only have a population of 26 million.
Talk to us about the situation in Canada.
So ours is similar.
It's worse, I think.
I think Canada has the fastest changing demographics in the history of the world outside of a war.
Previously, Genghis Khan would have to come to your town and kill all the men and take all the women as slaves.
That's how fast your population would change.
This is the second fastest underneath that.
We've had just, they just mused about giving a million people permanent residence.
We've got hotels filled up all over the country being filled with migrants being paid to, you know, Compensated through taxpayer money.
They're given priority hiring.
They're given priority housing.
They're being coming in in greater numbers than ever before.
Millions per year.
There's over a one and a half million undocumented people.
We have no idea who they are or where they are or what they're doing.
Many of them are coming from India, but a lot of all over Africa, the Middle East, just anybody who's anybody to come in here.
And all arms of the government again.
We need it.
We need to have it.
I mean, the worst housing crisis I have ever seen, and the worst cost of living I've ever seen.
And the RCMP recently, our federal police, so you know the equivalent to the FBI in the United States, has said that one of their top concerns going forward in the year, or in the years to come, is that Canadians are the biggest threat to Canada.
Because when the under 30 crowd Realizes that as they work their whole lives, they will never be able to own a house, no matter what they do.
They're priced out.
That is about as likely for them to own a house now as it is for me to own my own private jet.
And this is not a luxury.
That's just something any decent person Should have been afforded.
Do you have a job and you work hard and you should afford and be within your means to have a home somewhere that you can have your family and live in peace and we don't even, we're not even able to provide that now for anybody under 30.
That's just out of reach.
That's a rich thing to do, isn't it?
Well, maybe stop bringing in millions of people from all over the world that don't belong here and have nothing.
There's no reason for them to be here.
Over 25% of Canada wasn't born here.
It's crazy.
You can see it changing daily.
Certain entire towns, Surrey and Brampton in Ontario, completely over.
They might as well be part of India.
These diasporas are just taking over.
We've got Eritrean gang wars happening in one city, Somalian gang wars happening in another.
We've got Khalistani separatists eating up all the police's time in Edmonton.
They're conducting a gang war, blowing, you know, car bombing and shooting each other in broad daylight across the country.
There's crime waves.
Nobody can deal with any of our Any of our victims, there's murders going unsolved, there's drugs coming in from all over the place.
But I shudder to think of how much money and resources is being thrown at this endless tidal wave of criminal migrants coming from all over the third world, forming gangs.
They're breaking into houses all over.
The Toronto Police just told people, is their advice, that what they're looking for is you're trying to steal your cars when they come to your house at night to rob you with guns, armed criminal gangs with guns.
So leave your key fobs on the step.
As a peace offering, maybe the criminals will take those, and they won't kill your family.
That's the advice of the police.
So at this stage, it's just men kind of kicking the tires on, so who's starting the vigilante clubs?
It's really, are we expected to just lay here and wait to be victimized by Haitian cannibals that, you know, got here because some, you know, conservative MP said refugees welcome at one point in time.
It's complete mayhem.
Jeremy, in Australia they tell us that we need these because they're skilled labourers.
They tell us that we need more migrants because they're skilled labourers.
They're not.
They generally come over and, you know, become Uber Eats drivers or whatever.
But recently I was watching, I was travelling and I was in a hotel room and I subjected myself to some ABC.
Which is taxpayer funded in Australia and so my taxes pay for this and there was a journalist on there I can't remember his name he was very uninspiring and he was saying well the one thing is clear yeah one thing is clear we need more migration in Australia and then he said but you know the the cost of living because Aussies can't afford houses the migrants are coming and pricing them out of the houses as well You know, but the cost of living crisis is really bad.
And the presenter asked him, well, can we do both at the same time?
He goes, well, I can't predict the future, but what I know for sure is that we need more migrants.
OK, buddy, don't go anywhere.
We'll be back with Jeremy Mackenzie right after this short break.
I've had word that following this new legislation that's being brought into Canada, that they're very likely going to ban not only InfoWars, not only Alex Jones, I'm on the list, Z Media's on the list of content that will be banned in Canada and so right now I am asking everyone please understand how vitally, vitally serious this is, how desperate
This is for Canadians.
It's not off in some far distant future.
It's not like this won't happen in the United States or every other country.
The US says we have the First Amendment.
Okay, the Biden administration literally is under scrutiny right now for violating the First Amendment during COVID.
They don't care about the law.
And what they do is they just keep attacking and demoralizing and silencing and imprisoning.
And doing whatever they can!
Lawsuits, whatever they can to intimidate and threaten and take people down and they always go for the loudest, most accurate voices first.
So please, number one, support Raging Dissident.
Ragingdissident.com, he's our guest today, Jeremy Mackenzie, great guy.
Support InfoWars, support independent media while you still can, because imagine life with only propaganda around you.
I would go absolutely insane, Jeremy.
I don't know, I'd live my life with You know, concrete, those earbuds you wear when you're jackhammering concrete.
I mean, I don't think they understand.
It's just not possible.
I mean, the human spirit is not going to tolerate that.
It can't go that far.
This always, again, history repeats itself, or at least it rhymes, as they say.
And when you get to this level, I mean, every time you cart someone off and cart someone away, They're just creating the conditions for more people to replace them.
You know, for every person you arrest and throw them in jail, or do these things to, like they've done to me, or they've done to other people around, what they've just done to Thomas Russo, you've got another guy, Rob Rundo, in the United States.
They're just throwing people in jail all over the place, banned from the country for talking, for saying things.
What crimes do they commit?
Meanwhile, we have actual terrorists running around.
Speaking of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, again, themselves,
'cause they're worried about hate and extremism, right?
We had a guy, David Zegarrak, an Antifa member, and he's got charges and convictions
for child interference and other unspeakable things, plow into and run over five different people
in a terrorist attack at the Winnipeg, basically like a support demonstration of the convoy
that was happening in Ottawa in 2022.
He went on house arrest.
He got house arrest.
He was sent to his room with his supper for a little while.
That's how he's treated, but I was hauled across the country
on a national arrest warrant for a common assault charge, which didn't even happen.
And I was held there for months without bail and so on.
So it's just.
This is the system we're living in.
It's completely ideologically captured.
And if anything, it should really speak to the fact that especially the men out there, because I mean, like yourself, there's a lot of women that have been speaking up and getting involved, but the men just don't really seem to know what to do and where to go.
But you guys, we have to find each other and start getting off the couch and getting back
to our roots and our instincts to protect each other and ourselves and our communities.
Because if we don't do that, we're not gonna make it.
They're gonna just distract you until you're dead.
There's always gonna be another football game.
There's always gonna be another video game.
There's always gonna be something.
But this is a finite time.
Your life is short and we only have so much time.
And it's valuable.
And they want you to waste every last minute of it and be as sick and unhealthy and as powerless as possible.
So anyone that's encouraging the opposite, to get together and find your friends and your tribe and get together and strengthen yourselves and build yourselves up and each other, it's rewarding, it makes you feel good and it makes you more spiritually powerful.
And as you get there, as you start to become a better person, a stronger person, the path forward unfolds in front of you and you'll just start to figure out, you'll start to know what to do next.
But getting people off, getting people up and moving is really the challenge and that's kind of what we've been trying to do a lot of here and it's been working.
A lot of people around the world especially are really getting to the point because of things like this.
Now I've been saying this for years and as Alex has been doing his whole life, God bless him, but you know they're coming.
You know the British are coming as they say.
Like it's a matter of time.
They're bringing these laws in.
They're bringing this stuff in.
It's here now and it's become such an accelerated pace.
It's like a We're under a blitz at this point.
They're just, they might as well be bombing cities the way, how fast everything's moving.
So you're getting young people, especially who they've lost, which is really a great, you know, positive indicator.
That's why they want to get TikTok out of Chinese hands and wrestle it into, you know, Jewish-Israeli hands so they can control this narrative.
The under 18 crowd, the under 25 crowd is not buying what they're selling.
And the status quo is not going to survive under these conditions.
So I'm certain there's going to be some sort of upheaval, chaos, confrontation.
I don't know in what form or how it's going to go, but it's an unstoppable force and an immovable object.
They refuse to relent and consider that maybe we've gone too far.
Maybe this isn't about democracy anymore or keeping people safe.
Maybe this is just about me getting what I want at any cost and crushing people around me.
They're never going to do that.
They're just going to keep doubling down and doubling down and doubling down.
You know, until the elastic band stretches to its capacity, and then it snaps.
And unfortunately, that's what we'll try to avoid.
I want to talk to you about that.
I really want to talk to you about that because I obviously don't want to see violence.
I don't call for violence.
I never wanted to reach that point.
I want this resolved peacefully and in the realm of ideas but they just keep stopping, looking for ways to stop the realm of ideas.
That's the problem because it threatens their system.
And Jeremy, I talk about this moment a lot in Australia's history.
Melbourne, you know, was the city that experienced the longest lockdowns in the Western world.
The UN calls it the Melbourne Experiment and says they're going to use it as the model to lock down the world forever in 15-minute cities.
I mean, they literally say this.
Anyway, the During that time, there was insane legislation that was going to go through, it did go through, where the Premier dictated Dan...
Brought in a pandemic legislation which allows him to declare a pandemic if there isn't even one present in the world.
He can just declare it and say, there's a pandemic and I get to tell you what to do.
It was really a shadow of what Tedros is doing now with the WHO.
And you know, there was a lot of anger with the Australian people and they got to the point because of mandates and lockdowns in Victoria where they actually brought out a hangman's noose as a prop At the protest, because they were reminding these leaders of Nuremberg and what happened at Nuremberg.
And I was just doing my job, doesn't fly, and you will be held accountable.
They weren't threatening violence.
And it was clear that it was just a prop to remind them of Nuremberg.
But it was at that time, Jeremy, when they really pulled back on mandates, on lockdowns.
They said, right, we've pushed them too far.
At what point do you think they're going to get to that point again?
Or do you think it's just, gloves off, we're going for broke?
Well, I think it's kind of like cooking a stew, you know, they use the boiling the frog in the boiling pot analogy and it just boiled over too much and especially in Canada where, you know, people congregated in large numbers to just be, you know, this is crazy.
There was a hundred thousand people down there and nobody really knew what to do, but it was clear that there was a problem and this was amidst the, you know, the Prime Minister and people on TV saying, what do we do with these people?
Like, why do we tolerate them?
Like, should we do something with them?
Like, what do we do about them?
Like, this is insane rhetoric, and these same people now are like, maybe we'll put them in jail forever.
I'm curious to see how they're going to enforce these things in the future, seeing as the military is completely decimated and morale is in the toilet.
We could even put 5,000 troops on the field if we had to.
Police aren't in a much better boat, so if they lose control of this country, there's no one to put Humpty Dumpty back together again in that situation, so good luck with that one, fellas.
You know, you've got, it's selective persecution again, and you've got, I just, something else I just saw today.
The Shamrim Patrol, which is basically a Jewish active club in Toronto, which is going to go around with a bunch of guys and thug up and beat up people if they don't like what they're saying.
Well, that's not, because they're under attack and they're being persecuted.
Are they?
A hundred and I don't know how many churches were destroyed in Canada in the last year and a half.
The Catholic Church and Christian Church is just being basically wiped out, burned out of existence in Canada.
Not a peep!
There's no instance of that being covered by any of these people.
It's a fight.
There's an old saying, I can't remember who said it now, but politics is war without bloodshed and war is politics with bloodshed.
And nobody wants to see that and the whole point is to avoid that because it is totally avoidable, it always is, but it's because of people like this who refuse to acknowledge what's real and what's true and take responsibility for themselves.
They always push things into and under control.
You know, it's a spiral.
An American president himself, Kennedy, said, those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.
There's nothing you can do about it.
If there's 80 million, 100 million, 150 million Americans say enough is enough and this has to stop, and their reaction can be, well, I guess that's it, or no, we're just going to start killing people then.
And, I mean, coin toss as to what happens, but it's not nice to look at.
An advertisement that the Democrats down in the States had played there.
It was about Trump and it was cut into, you know, with the bloodbath and the you-find-people, you know, clips and stuff to just rile people up.
And it really presents, and they're, you know, cutting swastikas in there and all this stuff and painting this picture and basically appealing to the very low IQ idiot voter in the United States who, let's say, or people that just don't have time to pay attention.
It's not really fair to say I'll call everyone an idiot.
But they just see this and they go, oh my god, our country's being taken over by maniacs.
What does that entitle you to do if they do take over?
A poll said two-thirds of liberal voters already intend to not accept the election results if Trump wins.
So you've got this evil, oh they're the most evil people that have ever lived and they're taking over.
We've got 30 seconds till the clock runs out, Jeremy.
I just really want to say that, you know, I'm listening to you and I'm hearing a fighting spirit.
No one wants violence.
No one wants this to get out of control.
But let the message to the globalists be, we are not laying down and taking this.
We're not going to stop fighting.
RagingDissident.com, thank you so much for joining us today.
We appreciate you.
We'll get you back on soon.
Thank you, Maria.
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