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Name: 20240315_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 15, 2024
2683 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Team Humanity and the need to focus on whether something is pro-human or anti- human. He talks about global tensions, nuclear war

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Ladies and gentlemen, I come to you with very, very grave tidings.
We've talked about the RAND Corporation, the Threat Continuum Escalation Ladder that goes from 1 into the low 40s.
We are now beginning into the high 30s.
We are following an exact war game pattern for war with Russia and Eastern Europe throughout the decades and decades of the Cold War.
Macron, the deranged president of France, is openly saying and preparing to send in French troops to directly Battle the Russians who decisively won the war in Ukraine.
Remember the West 10 years ago overthrew the Ukrainian elected government and started this.
Gordon Soros and others openly brag about it on CNN.
And so now that they have failed at that level, now you have Sweden entering NATO.
We have Macron and NATO announcing today that they're going to load high-powered hydrogen bombs that could destroy cities the size of Moscow with a single bomb.
On to fighter bombers and deploying them to the borders of NATO countries with Russia.
Now remember, when all this is going on, it's because whether you're in the Netherlands or the UK or France or Germany, they're all globalist politicians and they're all in deep trouble.
And their entire agenda is in shreds.
Same thing here in America.
Everybody knows Biden's going to lose the landslide despite all the fraud.
So they want to be able To cancel elections all over the Western world.
Attacking Russia is the secondary target.
As they escalate war with Russia, the main target are Western countries being absorbed, being eaten, being liquidated by the globalists right now.
So that is the main Central reason that this is unfolding right now.
We are being digested.
The borders are being erased.
The families are being destroyed.
The currencies are being debased.
They're bringing in the new cashless global society.
The EU's already launched it.
China's already launched it.
The Federal Reserve's preparing to launch it.
They need a big war for the end of the old political system.
It is the Ides of March, March 15th, 2024, on this Emergency Friday Broadcast.
I am live via the phone.
Just as I filed several viral reports yesterday, I will be filing viral reports Coming up in the first and second hour on the global crisis that we are already deeply into.
We have current heads of NATO.
We have current heads of the defense departments in Europe.
We have the former MI6 spy chief saying, we are already at war with Russia.
Putin threatened the use of nuclear weapons, so NATO continues to move weapons up to their borders.
Putin has always made good on his threats.
and mcconn said we're ready for hydrogen bomb war and that's a quote the articles are on infowars.com or just
type in mcconn war
they are loading the uh... nuclear weapons
that they've already been loaded onto the stealth fighter bombers
and are moving them up to the border with russia right now
So this is all being done to create a global instability because the EU is in deep trouble.
Joe Biden's in deep trouble.
None of this is to say that Vladimir Putin's a good guy, but they know exactly how Vladimir Putin is going to be responding to all of this.
Again, I'll be filing more special reports with all the documentation.
I wanted to call in at the start of the show because Owen Schroeder and others are about
to take over.
It is to let you know that we shall be praying for peace and really realizing we have a very,
very thick global elite in control of our country.
And now they're starting a fight with one of the biggest, if not the biggest, nuclear
powers in the world.
China is guaranteed to make their move on Taiwan as this crisis deepens.
And even Macron, the rest of the globalists admit that they're totally discredited at
home and discredited worldwide.
And so they're doubling down like Napoleon and Hitler did in direct confrontation with
This is about global domination, ladies and gentlemen.
So on this March 15th, Friday edition, we're going to be breaking a lot of this down.
All right, stay with us.
We're taking a one minute break and Owen Schroeder will be taking over.
Again, I'll be back with special video reports shot in the field.
We'll be right back.
Please stay with us.
An honor, a privilege to be here with you, hosting the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, March 15th, 2024 live stream from the InfoWars World Headquarters.
That's right.
The broadcast.
The broadcast, the radical left extremists.
The broadcast, the corrupt globalists.
The broadcast that the secret cabals bent on world domination tried to ban is still here on air.
And you're still tuning in.
And that alone is a victory.
Look at these stacks of news.
Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade prosecuting The Trump Georgia case are both confirmed liars.
And even the judge has to recognize and admit that they are both liars.
But then says they can continue the case under one condition.
One of the liars has to be removed from the prosecution.
Not both liars, just one.
As if that's a trustworthy process.
But then you find out that the judge himself donated to Fannie Willis' campaign.
And so did the judge's wife.
I wonder if there was any backroom deals or negotiations cut.
While the donations from the judge to Fannie Willis were being made.
Of course there were.
You really think a judge and an attorney aren't communicating when their campaign donations are coming in?
So the judge says, well, you're a liar, you're both liars, you've been caught lying on record in my courtroom, but you can continue the case, but just one of you has to leave the courtroom.
But it gets worse, so we're going to be covering those developments today.
Joe Biden was on the campaign trail.
Joe Biden was seen on the campaign trail.
There were some problems for Joe.
He was being protested while on the campaign trail.
He was also caught on video dazed and confused.
And it would appear what had happened, there was a camera angle or an opportunity to film Joe Biden when it wasn't supposed to be there.
He was taking a breath or just stepping aside from Whatever this awkward event was where nobody showed up.
I mean, imagine Joe Biden can just float around and just shuffle around and nobody goes to his events.
They're not even rallies.
He shows up at a random black family's home in Ohio and brings them fried chicken.
And then he goes to Michigan or Pennsylvania to these tiny small venues or these private homes and nobody really promotes the events.
You have like a 24, 48 hour notice if you're a Biden supporter and you want to show your support.
And it's all done by design.
You can't have a Joe Biden rally.
Not just because Joe Biden isn't physically fit or mentally fit to have a rally.
You can't have a Joe Biden rally because nobody would show up and a Trump rally would break out down the street.
And then there'd be more people at the Biden rally to support Trump than Biden.
So he wanders off, he shuffles off, he's supposed to be getting a breath of fresh air.
There's some cameras rolling and you can see how dazed and confused he is in the haze of it all.
And then the White House Karen handlers come out and scream and yell, Oh, no filming!
Get up!
Get away!
Run away!
No, you can't be here!
You can't see how failed Joe Biden is.
You can't see how confused and dazed Joe Biden is.
And there's a continuation of the far left.
That has classically, traditionally always been anti-Israel.
Now it's just fuming again because of what's going on in the Gaza Strip.
So they're protesting Joe Biden everywhere he goes.
And then you have actual leaders from the Arab world that are supposed to be meeting with Joe Biden and he keeps cancelling the meetings and so they're furious.
So we got all that coming up for you.
Plus, the latest poll numbers And we do a compare and contrast where we're at in 2016, where we were at in 2020, and where we're at today.
So we'll go back to February and March of 2016, what the polls said.
We'll go back to February and March in 2020, what the polls said, and then we're going to show you the February and March 2024 polls, and it certainly tells a story.
It certainly tells a story.
And then we got some other news coming out of the Biden White House that might just shock and horrify you as well.
Then you have the Biden border invasion.
I have some very disturbing news on that.
We have these gangs coming in.
And they have all these different initiations.
You gotta kill somebody, you gotta rape somebody, you gotta kidnap somebody, you gotta go do a home invasion, a burglary.
So you got that going on.
Then you have airports, international airports.
That are being overrun with illegal immigrants, like Chicago O'Hare, and they're just spreading measles, and they're just spreading other viruses that cause you to have diarrhea.
And where are they living?
Where are they camping out?
At the airport!
At the international airport.
Isn't that nice?
Are you flying through Chicago O'Hare anytime soon?
This is just...
Oh my gosh.
And then we've got some numbers we can crunch.
How much do you think is being spent in New York City per year according to their own numbers?
How much do you think is being spent per year on illegal immigrants in New York City alone?
No, no, no.
I'm really asking you.
I want you to just come up with a number in your head.
What do you think the number is?
How many dollars a year are being spent On illegal immigrants in New York City alone.
Come up with a number in your head.
And we'll revisit this.
What do you think that number is?
What do you think the number is?
How many dollars per year on illegal immigrants in New York City?
We've got the number.
According to their own reports.
So the number might shock you, but let's just see.
Let's just see what you think it is, and then we'll tell you what it is coming up later.
And now the Biden administration says they're going to use Guantanamo Bay as a processing center for Haitian migrants.
Now, let's translate this.
Do you know what this means?
Do you know what this means?
They're going to be bringing in the Haitians.
The Haitian migrants inbound.
That's what it means.
That's what it means.
And then the far-left radical LGBTQ club and everything else they got going on.
I mean, this stuff is really just so insane.
And I covered this earlier this week, but it's really, I should almost bring it back for the sake of the other developing news stories where you had a second grade teacher, I believe it was a second grade teacher, it was a grade school teacher, Who had a secret LGBTQ club for kids.
Secret LGBTQ club for kids.
And he had the secret meetings during lunch so that it was not after hours so that the parents wouldn't know.
And it was communicated to make sure you don't tell your parents.
This is a safe space.
We don't tell our parents anything that goes on at the secret sex club for kids.
As young as 12 years old.
You think that teacher votes Democrat?
LGBTQ sex club for kids.
Secret from the parents.
So it was an older story, but for the sake of the other news we have, I think I might have to bring that back into the fold.
I might have to bring that back, because The left is complaining.
The LGBTQ community is complaining.
Because there's these new polls that are coming out and these new public opinion publications.
And they say, for the first time in 10 years, support of the LGBT community has declined and support for same-sex marriage has declined.
And so, well yeah, most conservatives even at this point, most political conservatives are socially liberal.
Most Republicans don't really fight the LGBTQ plus agenda.
They're over same-sex marriage.
So, I mean, you can even say you won!
You can even say the Democrats, the Liberals, you won!
You got that.
You got it.
You got your same-sex marriage.
You got your gay pride month.
You know, you got it.
Conservatives, Republicans, they're just kind of over it politically.
Culturally, might be a different story.
But politically, you got it.
But see, now you're doing Sex Club for Kids, now you're doing Drag Queen Sexy Time Stripper Time for Kids, now you're going full pedophile and engaging the children and so, yeah, the support is going back down and now there is political movements against it.
You say, oh my gosh, what has happened?
Well, it's not about same-sex marriage, is it?
And it never really was.
It was all a lie.
It was all a lie.
But you had conservatives fooled.
You had Republicans fooled.
You said this is just about marriage.
We just want to marry the person we love.
But it was all a lie, wasn't it?
You always wanted that access to the children.
You always wanted to bring your sex pervert kinks to the children.
So now the polls are reflecting, well guess what?
People don't support same-sex marriage anymore.
But see, it's not that it's isolated to same-sex marriage.
We know what you've done.
And so, you know, there might be Americans that are gay or lesbian or whatever and want to get married to their same-sex partner.
The average conservative probably doesn't even care, really.
But see, now you've affiliated that same-sex marriage with drag queen stripper sex time for kids, and with LGBTQ sex club for kids that you keep secret from parents, and then you send them to these mad scientist doctors and genitally mutilate them.
Now, Joe Biden issued a comment about that teenager that they lied about, Nex Benedict, a non-binary, quote-unquote non-binary teenager that they lied about, they said was beaten to death because she was bullied because these people followed lives of TikTok.
Well, it found out the individuals that allegedly were bullying her had never even heard of lives of TikTok.
But it was over a fight and she was pouring water on them and then they got in a fight.
Well, then it turns out actually that wasn't true either.
And this young girl, confused by the liberals, actually just committed suicide.
Now, Joe Biden issues a statement on that suicide.
How many veterans commit suicide every day in this country?
I don't know the number off the top of my head, but I know that there's a number.
How many times has Joe Biden commented on veteran suicide?
And doesn't that just tell you everything?
Doesn't that just tell you everything?
The Democrats are more concerned about sexually confusing children and sexually indoctrinating children than they are about the veterans.
But you know, there's kind of another larger story here and maybe I'll just kind of use this as a breaking point and then we'll start to dive into some of this news.
Why don't we hear more about veterans that commit suicide?
Why don't we use veterans as a juxtaposition As far as who gets priority and who gets better treatment in this country, say, just compared to illegal immigrants.
Veterans committing suicide, veterans living in poverty, veterans that are homeless, veterans that can't get medical care.
Why are veterans discounted like that?
Specifically, why are veterans discounted like that by the US government?
By Congress?
By all these bureaucracies and institutions?
Why do veterans get thrown to the back of the line?
Why do they get discounted?
Well, because the big secret is, the open secret is, That the U.S.
government really has no care, no concern, or any respect for members of the military.
They don't.
It's all fake.
I would say Trump might be the one that cared about them.
He might be the only one, really.
Most of the other support is just totally fake.
Because the military-industrial complex now runs our military.
So when you sign up to join the military or you go fight in one of these modern-day wars, you're not fighting for America.
You're not fighting to protect America.
You're not fighting for our rights.
You're fighting for the military-industrial complex.
You're fighting for the profit Of Washington D.C., the Pentagon, the shareholders, the stockholders.
You're not fighting for America.
So every time they vote for these wars, every time they expand their presence around the world, every time they send you to fight, they know they're lying to you.
They know they're setting you up.
With no regard for you or your safety.
So when that's how the members of the military get treated in service, how do you think they're going to be treated when they get out of service?
You're not going to be treated.
You're going to go to the back of the line.
You're going to get skipped.
You're going to get forgotten.
Because they just use you.
They use you for their own wars, regime change wars, false flag events, military industrial complex profits.
So right out of the gates when you sign that line, they view you as cannon fodder.
And once you leave, they have no use for you anymore.
And there's no grandiose celebration, there's no big parades.
Because they don't want people to care about you.
It's not a winning issue for them politically.
Oh, but illegal immigrants.
Now they can virtue signal.
Now they can tell you Republicans are xenophobic.
Now they can bring in massive voter blocks that they think can help them win elections.
So the illegal immigrants get free health care and the vets get left behind.
The illegal immigrants get access to all these facilities and hotels and rec centers and the
veteran is homeless on the street.
And when you treat your veterans like that, you're really in a bad place, aren't you?
You really are in a bad place, and I think it just goes to show you, it's one thing you can look at and say, how do you treat your servicemen and women and your veterans?
And when you treat them like that, your country is going to be in a very bad place.
And we are.
By the way, on that issue, Yeah, there's Joe Biden checking his watch with the Gold Star families there, seeing their dead children come home in caskets.
Joe Biden is checking his watch.
He's got an ice cream social to attend.
Or maybe he needed his butt wiped.
With his stupid little mask.
Speaking of that, we do have actually a stack of war news as well.
And NATO's just completely lost it.
But the problem is, most of this saber-rattling, most of this chest-bumping and pumping from NATO, and the US, and the West, is actually rather hollow.
And they're starting to learn this the hard way.
Every time they want to ramp up their war against Russia, they look at their stockpiles and they say, oh, wait a second.
We gave all of our weapons and ammunition to Ukraine and it's gone now.
I guess we better back off.
It's like if you want to hop in your car and go on a road trip, you turn the car on, there's no gas.
It's like, oh, guess I'm not going on a road trip.
But then they put out these graphics showing how NATO could nuke Russia.
I mean, it's just disgusting.
And we fund it all.
But they don't even have the weapons.
Because they gave them all to Ukraine and now they're gone and probably in some proxy group in the Middle East.
In Syria.
In Yemen.
That's why they need Ukraine as a vessel state so they can launder money and launder weapons.
It's really not even that difficult.
So, we got all that and more coming up today on the Alex Jones Show.
We're also going to be hearing from Alex.
He's got a couple other special reports that he's filing right now.
And I intend to take phone calls.
So, going to be a loaded day today on the Alex Jones Show.
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There's a dazed and confused Joe Biden on the campaign trail.
But that's not even fair to say the campaign trail.
What campaign?
What trail?
There's no rallies.
He has these small little events that they whisper the existence of them into the wind 24 hours before so.
Because Biden can't have a rally.
He can't go to an arena or go to some public event and get thousands of people to show up and cheer for him.
He can't do a speech.
So they don't do rallies.
They do these awkward little press events where he shows up at somebody's house or shows up in some corporate office or restaurant.
And then they say, Biden's campaigning!
He's on the campaign trail!
He had a rally today!
And it's just, it's just total BS.
And then he's dazed and confused, wandering around as cameras get access, basically like being backstage.
They're not supposed to be there.
They're not supposed to see him.
And then, and then, and then you can see, he sees the camera and he's like, oh, what am I doing here?
Wait, am I the president?
Am I supposed to be, where do I go?
Confused and disoriented.
And so, when the White House Karens that really, I guess, run Joe Biden, they tell him what to do, whether they're wearing an Easter Bunny suit or just their normal clothes, they're the ones telling Joe Biden where to go and when to go there.
And so when they see there's people filming Joe Biden behind the scenes and they're not supposed to be seeing Joe Biden in that state, they start to shuffle him off.
And so this is what it sounds like when the White House Karens realize that, uh-oh, they're filming Joe Biden and he doesn't know where he is.
Go ahead guys.
We're gonna take a few questions.
Thank you, Press.
Thank you so much.
Back to the cars.
Thank you, Press.
We're happy to walk home.
Thank you, Press.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, we gotta go.
Gotta go, no filming.
She's gonna be on the phone.
I'm gonna be on the phone.
I'm gonna be on the phone.
I'm gonna be on the phone.
I'm gonna be on the phone.
I'm gonna be on the phone.
I'm gonna be on the phone.
I'm gonna be on the phone.
I'm gonna be on the phone.
I'm gonna be on the phone.
Gotta go, no filming.
She's like, oh, Biden's like, well, can I take questions?
Can we take questions?
Am I taking questions?
Because he's confused at what's going on and the lady's like, yeah, yeah, we can take questions, Joe, yeah.
Patting him on the head, calming him down.
And then the White House Karen's kicking the gear.
Everybody's gotta go, back to the cars, you gotta go, gotta go, shutting it down, shutting it down.
No filming, no cameras, no press.
Now folks, if you're Just tuned in today or you don't follow this every day, you need to understand that that is a common occurrence.
Whether it's in the Oval Office, whether it's at a different press event, whether it's at a public press event, the White House Karens run the show.
I don't know who these women are.
We found out a few of the identities.
But like, on Easter, well I got Easter coming up so maybe we'll see it again.
On Easter, they put on Easter Bunny suits and they direct Joe Biden around the White House lawn.
Literally, Joe Biden stumbles around the White House lawn and the Easter Bunnies shuffle him away and like wave at him and try to distract him.
It's all these weird things they have to do to try to get him under control.
They put them in Easter Bunny suits!
And then it's the total clown world of a frickin' Easter Bunny mascot running the President around!
Can you imagine if you go to a Texas Longhorns game, a football game, and the Texas Longhorn mascot goes under center to take the snap?
You'd be like, what the hell?
I mean, that's what this is.
Why is the Easter Bunny commanding Joe Biden around and distracting him and telling him what to do?
What the hell is going on here?
So it's the same thing.
What you just saw at this fake campaign event with the White House Karens telling Joe Biden what to do, they run him.
That's why he's always like, can I take questions?
Am I allowed to take questions?
Where do I go?
Do I go over here or do I go over there?
Who is really running the White House?
So Joe Biden dazed and confused on the fake campaign trail today.
It's not a real campaign.
It's not a real rally.
And the public is not allowed to see him.
But that's why they don't actually do events.
That's why they don't say, Joe Biden is going to be in Michigan today.
He's got a rally right here at 12 o'clock at noon.
Because if that happened, then there'd be hundreds of Biden protesters and thousands of Trump supporters that show up.
So he can't have real political events or rallies.
So he has these tiny little events, and then 24 hours before, the White House says, Joe Biden's going to be in Michigan at noon.
Okay, all right, we'll see you there.
You got to go, get back to your cars.
Milwaukee protesters for Gaza ceasefire call out President Biden, so he has to deal with these every time he goes out.
The anti-Israel left, the pro-Palestinian left, they show up every time he has a public appearance.
Every time.
And they're pretty much in Washington D.C.
every day now, too.
Washington and Georgia protest votes raise pressure on Biden over Gaza war.
Now, this has really not been good politically for Biden because, I mean, traditionally, it is the left that's been anti-Israel.
And specifically after what's been going on in the Gaza Strip, They have kind of ramped up that emotion and sentiment and that really politically comes from the left.
Or at least the political backlash is going to be from the left at this time because Biden is in the White House.
So you have all these anti-Israel leftists on the streets and most of it is astroturf just like any other event they have, BLM, whatever.
They just send out these emails and they get people to show up.
But it's not just the protesters on the streets.
Michigan Arab and Muslim leaders fuming after second Biden visit this year with no meeting.
So Biden has a fake campaign stop in Michigan today.
He's supposed to meet with these Arab and Muslim leaders.
And he no-shows.
He no-shows.
Now is that because Joe Biden is too afraid to sit down and have the negotiations or the talks about how they feel about the Israel-Palestine situation in the Gaza Strip?
Or is it because Joe Biden just physically can't keep up?
And so he shows up, eats some fried chicken with some black folks, and then he's done for the day.
So the White House says, okay, we're going to meet with these Arab leaders.
We're going to meet with these Muslim leaders.
We'll meet you.
We'll hear you out because we have this major problem right now on the left.
They don't like what's going on in the Gaza Strip and they want to address it to Joe Biden.
They might even place the blame on Joe Biden.
So the White House says, hold on, we'll have a meeting.
Don't blame us.
Let's have a meeting.
Let's hear you out.
And then Joe Biden doesn't show up.
Now, yesterday, Chuck Schumer went to the Senate floor And basically called for Netanyahu to go, called him a right-wing extremist and bigot, and said Israel needs to have new elections.
And says, because I'm the big Jew, Chuck Schumer, that's what he calls himself, is the big Jew.
But he says, I'm the highest-ranking member of Congress, that also happens to be Jewish, you need to listen to me, and we need to get rid of Netanyahu, and he's a right-wing bigot.
Now, how much of that is real?
Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer calls for new leadership in elections in Israel because Netanyahu is an obstacle to peace.
Now how much of that is legitimate, and Chuck Schumer reading the room or being honest about the situation as he sees it, versus how much of that is lip service To the anti-Israel Democrat voters that are just wanting to hear something out of the Democrat Party.
Just something critical of Israel.
Something critical of Netanyahu.
So, I don't know.
Might be a little of both.
Is Chuck Schumer serious about regime change in Israel?
Is Chuck Schumer serious when he says Netanyahu is a right-wing bigot who needs to go?
Or is Chuck Schumer throwing red meat to the anti-Israel protesters and Democrat voters, knowing that Biden can't deliver there, and they're suffering massively on this issue, politically, when it comes to potential voters in the presidential election.
Joe Biden's handlers... Yeah, he's got handlers.
He needs to keep his own hands off the kids, but that's a different story.
He's got his own handlers.
He's the president, so he doesn't have any power, he doesn't have any control, he's got handlers.
How many handlers does Joe Biden have?
Not just the White House Karens that just kind of shuffle him about, but I mean, the Chinese communists that own him.
All the other deals that he and his son and brother have been cutting.
10% for the big guy.
How many handlers does Joe Biden really have?
Joe Biden's handlers frantically remove press after Biden once again lies about almost losing his home, cat, and Corvette to fire.
This guy can't stop lying.
He tells the same lies over and over, by the way.
Oh, my house caught on fire.
We nearly lost everything.
He, like, put a Pop-Tart in the microwave with tinfoil and it blew up and that was it.
It was just like...
The guy just lies about everything.
It's truly an incredible feat, the pathological liar that Joe Biden is.
And we have a pathological liar in the White House.
He lies about his son's death.
He lies about a fire that was in his kitchen.
That a small dog could have put out with his urine.
But that's Joe Biden.
Now, this might be why Joe Biden is failing so miserably in the polls, but Let's do a compare and contrast.
Let's get a full spectrum analysis of how bad Joe Biden is really doing in the polls.
And I think it would probably be fair to say and to lay this out, most polls are BS.
I don't know what, I mean, polls are constantly changing.
How accurate can a poll really be anyway?
But I guess there's enough significance that people follow polls And, you know, when you look at them historically and then see results, you know, maybe there's some valid reasons to look at these.
But we go back, and we're going to look at the previous two presidential elections and then see where we're at today.
So we go back, and Ryan James Goderski on Twitter has polled all of this polling information from February and March 2016.
And I'm not going to name all these major polling groups, but it's all major polling groups and mainstream news.
I mean, basically all of them right here.
And so in March and February of 2016, Hillary Clinton was leading in all the polls by an average of about plus five.
Depending on which poll, but on an average of about plus 5.
Some polls he was in double digits, plus 11 on a Fox News poll, plus 12 on an IBD poll, plus 18 on a Bloomberg poll.
The only poll Trump was up on was USA Today.
So again, we're looking at polls from Trump-Clinton, March-February 2016.
Now this is a perfect example of, are polls really that meaningful or accurate?
I might have made a few personal wagers with friends that believed in the polls that Hillary would win.
But you see here, oh Clinton's ahead in all the polls, she's dominating the polls, Trump doesn't have a chance, she's on average plus five or more in all of these polls.
Trump barely can even win one poll.
So that was February-March 2016 and ultimately we saw the result of that election.
Then you have February, March 2020, where Biden is also ahead in all the polls.
A very similar situation, about average plus four, maybe a little less than Hillary, but about plus four, plus five, all the polls.
Couple in the double digits and only one for Trump.
Only an Emerson poll had Trump up.
Otherwise, they're all Biden leading the polls.
And of course, we all saw what happened in 2020.
Trump won and they stole it.
But okay.
Hillary leading all the polls, Biden leading all the polls, Trump ends up winning on election day but gets one stolen.
Look out, the Feds could break in here and arrest me any second for this, by the way.
So... Is that the Feds coming to arrest me for saying that they stole the election?
So, Hillary up in all the polls, Trump wins.
Biden up in all the polls, Trump wins, they steal it.
But now look at the polls!
Trump is up in all the polls.
Biden is behind in most of the polls.
The average poll has Trump up about two, three points.
So February, March 2016, Trump losing all the polls, wins the election.
February, March 2020, Trump losing all the polls, wins the election.
They steal it from him.
February, March 2024, Trump leading most the polls.
What happens next?
Trump wins in a landslide, but barely nicks it out with all the election fraud and voter fraud.
You know, I gotta say, I think Laura Trump is a smart woman.
I think Laura Trump is very politically informed.
And I think Laura Trump has a good idea about how the Democrats are going to try to cheat in 2024.
And just one week into her role as co-chair at the RNC, more money is coming in and she has established a massive election integrity front that is already kicking into gear.
And they have tabulation experts and watchers.
They have poll experts and watchers.
They have exit data that they're gonna be monitoring.
They're gonna have lawyers present on a lot of the sites as well.
They know where to focus them.
They're gonna have tech experts.
I mean, let's put it like this.
If they do a ballot dump for Joe Biden for 330 mail-in ballots, 330,000 mail-in ballots at 3.30 in the morning in Michigan, someone's going to see it and it's going to get stopped.
They try to pull out a bunch of secret boxes of ballots in Fulton County, Georgia in Atlanta after the fake water main break and then everybody leaves and then the Democrats show up, pull out all these secret ballots and run them all through the tabulators and they're all for Biden.
At 2.30 in the morning, somebody's going to see it.
You get a Vote Viagra for Joe Biden at 4 o'clock in the morning when he's down by 300,000 votes and he gets 300,001 votes in a Vote Viagra in the middle of the night in Wisconsin, somebody's going to notice.
And they're going to have lawyers and poll watchers and tech experts and tabulation monitors.
I mean, they're going to be there.
They're going to be monitoring the drop boxes.
So I'm not denying that the Democrats are going to try to cheat.
Of course they are.
It's baked into their plan.
Joe Biden sometimes tells the truth accidentally.
Remember, Joe Biden says we have The greatest election fraud operation of all time.
I should probably get the exact quote.
We'll give the crew a little challenge today.
I bet they can find the video in less than two minutes till this break though.
Joe Biden said we've... Let me try to get the exact quote.
We've established the greatest election fraud operation of all time.
He let the cat out of the bag.
So Trump is now leading all the polls That he was never leading in in the previous two presidential elections.
And we have Laura Trump co-chairing the RNC actually taking election integrity seriously.
Now, let's say you don't buy into any hope coming from any of this.
Well, there's still the measurement of the American people And if 40% of people, and this number goes up every day, if 40% of people today don't think that Joe Biden won the 2020 election legitimately, imagine what that number will be in 2024.
Or imagine the chaos that the Democrats are going to create for themselves politically should they refuse to nominate Joe Biden at the DNC in August in Chicago.
Because ultimately, every Democrat that goes out and votes in the primary, it means nothing.
The Democrat superdelegates control the nomination.
Your vote means nothing.
And that just shows you the larger plan for the Democrat Party.
They just want to have one party rule, your vote means nothing.
So, we got it going on.
Do we have it?
Before the break.
Go ahead!
...organization in the history of American politics.
We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in
the history of American politics.
I believe Joe Biden.
I believe Joe Biden when he says that.
Maybe he was honest for once.
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Here's some political commentary.
Let you listen to some rock and roll No, that's alex's job
me to stay here.
No, I can't sing on the Alex Show.
Alex Jones sings on the Alex Show.
Specifically this song.
I wouldn't want to butcher it.
A never-ending wheel.
Alright, we got some other political news.
Let's go to Tulsi Gabbard.
On Don Trump Jr.' 's show on Rumble and she responds to the idea floated out by Don Jr.
about being the Vice President.
Here it is.
All about vice president, something I've also seen a bunch here and actually for the
last few weeks, how are you responding to that call?
I'd be honored.
I'd be honored to serve my country in that way.
I'd be honored to actually be in a position to help President Trump execute his policies, bringing the experience that I have had of being on the front lines of many of these battles and actually understanding what we're up against.
And so whether you're talking about securing the border, reducing inflation, improving our economy, stopping these Democrats and establishment Republicans, stopping these warmongers from continuing to push us closer and closer to war, not just in one country, but in multiple regions across the world.
These are things, if I had the opportunity and privilege of being able to serve and support President Trump in actually executing these policies, I'd be honored to do so.
What's your prediction for 2024 right now?
You know, I'm encouraged to see the polls showing that President Trump is leading President Biden in many of these key states, but I think it is critical.
It is critical that no one... So, you know, there's actually a lot to unpack in that short clip.
Like, before I even get into the idea of the Vice President, you know what's incredible?
Don Jr., his show Triggered, does well on Rumble.
But he has the Rumble Mike flag, he does it exclusively on Rumble.
I mean, even that alone is so huge that it's hard to grasp.
Because it just shows that all these corrupted social media platforms that are the mainstream are not necessary anymore.
And while obviously, yeah, you might get a larger reach on YouTube or you might reach new people more so on YouTube than Rumble, It just shows a sign of the times.
Now, as far as Tulsi Gabbard being the Vice President, first of all, Don Jr.
is a genius for asking that question.
Whether he did that intentionally and planned it this way or not, he's a genius because that's basically an endorsement from Tulsi Gabbard.
I mean, that is a kind of a roundabout endorsement of President Trump from Tulsi Gabbard right there, saying she would be honored to be Trump's Vice President.
I don't think Trump would choose Tulsi Gabbard just because of her history as a Democrat.
I would like Tulsi Gabbard as a Vice President.
I think it'd be a good Vice President.
And I think she has a lot of good policy ideas, even if they do come from the left, that might be fresh and good for Donald Trump.
And I think it helps him in an election.
I think a lot of Democrats would vote with Tulsi Gabbard on that ticket.
But I'm not sure that's how Trump sees it.
One of the biggest and easiest things we can fix is wasteful government spending.
And my oh my, is it wasteful.
If you could put a percentage on how much government spending is wasteful, what would that percentage be?
Well, some of these numbers we have for you in this hour will give you a good idea.
Now, remember, I teased earlier, and I want to follow up with this.
I don't want you to forget.
And if you missed it, we'll give you an opportunity to get in on the fun.
How much money do you think the city of New York spends on illegal immigrants every year?
I want you to think of a number in your head.
And we'll have it for you this hour.
How much money per year does New York City spend on illegal immigrants according to their own numbers?
According to their own data?
We crunched the numbers for a yearly budget.
What do you think that number is?
We will have that for you coming up.
That's one example.
Here's another example.
You have Thomas Hochman digging into the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Act and what he finds here is the classic Example of wasteful government spending.
But this is in everything!
Remember the Omnibus Bill and everything we learned about that one?
I mean, there's some famous ones of all time.
Like, the U.S.
government funded shrimps running on treadmills.
It's like a $5 million program to study shrimps running on treadmills.
Very popular video.
We use it sometimes on our shows for a good laugh.
It's a tiny little shrimp running on a treadmill.
Can't even make this up.
I feel like I could do that for maybe 500 bucks.
I could probably get a shrimp to run on a treadmill.
I don't know if I have the engineering skills to build a treadmill for a shrimp, but I probably could figure it out.
Well, they did it for 5 million and it gave us a great video.
That's about it.
Shrimp running on a treadmill.
After 5 mil.
But this is the National Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure Bill.
And Thomas Hochman digs in here.
On December 15th, 2023, the Department of Energy and Department of Transportation announced the opening of America's first EV fast charging stations, funded through the NIVE Formula Program.
In Ohio and New York, this announcement for merely eight charging stations comes more than two years after the passage of the IIJA.
Eight charging stations.
This is a five billion dollar national electric vehicle infrastructure charging program passed in 2021, has so far led to eight charging stations.
He doesn't have to be a mathematician, but he did the math.
So Biden's infrastructure bill allocated $5 billion towards building charging stations and only 8 have been built.
Not 8,000.
Not 800.
For $5 billion.
Actually, we'll have to crunch the math, guys.
Let's see how much one of these charging stations costs.
$5 billion divided by 8.
You're just shy of a billion!
You're just shy of a billion per charging station!
Oh, what did I do wrong?
I should have been in the electric vehicle charging station game!
I'd be a billionaire!
I want the official number.
What is it, like 700 million per station?
Wow. How much you want to bet it's a nice friend of the Democrats that gets
700 million per charging station?
No, give, put a...
I want a calculator on the screen and I want to do five billion divided by eight.
This should not be so funny, but it is.
But it's just so typical.
This is just so typical.
This is your perfect example of wasteful government spending.
Remember Rand Paul went through the last omnibus bill and just pulled out all these different things that they're spending money on.
It's just ludicrous stuff.
Like, you know, gay monkeys and just, I mean, just stuff that has no place in any government spending ever.
So you tell me how they get $5 billion allocated for electric vehicle charging stations and they only build eight.
That's $625 million a bop!
What are those charging stations made of?
625 million per charging station.
And who's getting these contracts?
Who is getting these deals?
You know it's a Democrat.
Hell, it might be John Kerry!
No, I'm not being facetious.
John Kerry has major investments in multiple green energy enterprises.
And then he runs the whole green climate scam agenda from the White House.
Isn't it beautiful?
Oh, oh, oh, but the Democrats.
The Democrats are the party of the poor.
The Democrats are the party that are fighting back against the elite.
Notice how the Democrats never call out their own rich Hollywood celebrities?
Notice how the Democrats never call out their own, like John Kerry, who has multiple private jets that he flies around the world in?
Rules for thee, but not for me.
I wouldn't be surprised one bit if John Kerry somehow made a lot of money on this National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Bill.
Five billion dollars.
Eight charging stations.
And nobody even bats an eye.
Nobody even knows So
Maybe innocent enough.
The usage of five billion dollars.
Maybe it's innocent enough.
I mean, that's probably... Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, if you had a bidding war, hey, I need you to make me an electric vehicle charging station, and you had a bidding war and somebody said, well, I can do it for $625 million.
Wow, what a deal.
What a deal.
All right.
Now, not so innocent, the illegal immigration that's going on.
Via the Biden administration and the hundred billion dollar industry that it is.
So I'm going to get to the number.
Let me remind you one more time.
I want you to get a number in your head.
I mean, think reasonably.
I guess now that you've heard an electric vehicle charging station costs $625 billion when Democrats are running the show, then maybe that changes your answer.
But you've got a minute before we go.
So, so, how much per year do you think New York City spends on illegal immigrants?
How much per year?
According to their own numbers, and you crunch it and put it annually on a spreadsheet.
Get a number in your head.
How much per year, how many dollars per year does New York City spend on illegal immigrants?
We've got that coming up.
Just more illegal immigrant fun under the Biden administration.
Migrant charged with raping teenager at Rockland Hotel being used as an illegal immigrant shelter.
Man living at illegal immigrant shelter at Rockland Hotel charged with child rape.
So, this nice, loving, illegal immigrant from Haiti raped a 15-year-old girl.
Well, at least the Democrats are actually keeping him in jail.
He's not being released, well, yet.
So a nice loving Biden illegal immigrant from Haiti comes in, rapes a 15-year-old girl.
Does her life matter?
Twice deported illegal immigrant accused of raping four children aged 6 through 12 while teaching at a church school.
He was deported twice.
He was deported twice when Trump was president, came back in when Biden was president, didn't get deported, got a job, raped four children.
Do their lives matter?
Another Biden administration child rape.
There's the Me Too movement.
They shouldn't be here.
Sheriff criticizes Biden regime after three illegal immigrants accused of abducting and raping a local woman.
The federal government has put the American people in jeopardy, says Palm Beach County Sheriff Rick Bradshaw, who slammed the Biden administration's open border policies after three illegal immigrants were accused of kidnapping and raping a female resident.
I've got these stories on my desk every day.
So, I mean, I don't have a number in front of me, but I would say Since Biden's got into office, there have been at least, I'd
say probably minimum 300, maximum 600 American citizens have been raped by an illegal
immigrant led in by Joe Biden.
Hundreds of innocent American citizens raped.
By an illegal immigrant coming in under Joe Biden.
I mean, and there was just another story.
It's just, that's what I'm saying.
It's every day.
Girl gets kidnapped, abducted by an illegal immigrant who was deported during the Trump years, comes back in during Biden, gets to stay, kidnaps a girl, drives her to Virginia, luckily got caught.
This is an illegal immigrant who already had a battery of a minor charge, got released by a Democrat district attorney and judge, back on the streets, kidnaps a girl, drives her across the country.
Luckily a cop stopped her.
Luckily a cop stopped the illegal immigrant and saved that girl from potentially being raped and murdered.
You now have gangs coming in.
When you see these videos of police officers getting attacked by illegal immigrants, those are gangs.
That's a gang initiation.
Chilean burglars target millionaire neighborhoods, according to police.
These are gangs.
Chilean burglars are targeting millionaire neighborhoods in Baltimore County, police say.
And these are gangs now from Chile coming in.
So you have gangs coming in from Venezuela, you have gangs coming in from Chile.
It's organized crime pouring across our southern border now.
But at least we know...
That the Democrats are serious about stopping the spread of a disease and a virus.
I mean, they love their vaccine mandates, they love their mask mandates, so they love the fear-mongering over a virus.
So at least we know the Democrats are really serious about stopping disease and viruses from spreading.
Oh, wait!
Not just measles, diarrhea outbreaks now reported among migrants sheltered at Chicago O'Hare International Airport and police stations.
Diarrhea and measles.
A little Biden diarrhea.
Well, he might know about that.
Measles and diarrhea.
And they have them at the airport.
At the airport.
You need to quarantine.
You failed a fake COVID test.
You have positive results for COVID-19.
You need to quarantine and stay home for two weeks.
Don't even look at anyone else.
Oh, but illegal immigrants pouring in with measles and bowel diseases leading to diarrhea.
No problem.
You guys can stay at the airport.
Don't worry about a mask.
Don't worry about a vaccine.
Do whatever the hell you want.
At an international airport!
And a police station.
And a police station.
How much money do you think the City of New York spends per year on illegal immigrants?
Well, we now have the number.
According to their own documents, New York City spends a stunning $387 per illegal immigrant per day on food and housing.
And they say they have just shy of 65,000 illegal immigrants that they're paying $387 per day.
So we crunched the numbers, well Wall Street Silver crunched the numbers, there it is on the screen.
So at $387 per day, at 64,800 illegal immigrants, that's $25,077,600 per day.
And by 365 days in a year, that's $9.15 billion per year.
Where did you have the number in your head when I asked you earlier?
Did you have it at $9 billion?
$9 billion!
$9 billion for illegal immigrants.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is truly one of the biggest frustrations because it's one of the easiest things to fix.
Truly, it's one of the easiest things to fix.
$9 billion a year for illegal immigrants in New York alone.
Just in one city.
So, I mean, you're talking a $100 billion a year industry that is illegal immigration.
$100 billion a year.
Five billion dollars for eight electric vehicle charging stations.
Do we even realize what all this money could do for the United States of America?
How about 300 billion for Ukraine?
I mean, we're talking about, in one year, half a trillion dollars in wasteful spending that we just know, that we can just recall off the top of our head because it's right there in front of us every day.
Half a trillion dollars.
500 billion dollars a year in just complete wasteful spending on stuff that doesn't help us at all.
You wouldn't have to drive through cities like Austin, Texas and hit a massive pothole every other block.
You wouldn't have to live in communities like San Francisco or Baltimore or St.
Louis where there are areas that are so dangerous and violent and riddled with crime that you can't even go there.
You wouldn't have to worry about walking around in San Francisco and stepping in a pile of human feces.
You wouldn't have to worry about collapsing infrastructure that leads to train derailments, bridge collapses.
You wouldn't have to worry about a depleted energy reserve.
You wouldn't have to worry about a depleted military stock.
You wouldn't have to walk into an airport falling apart.
Rats and cockroaches running all over the place.
We wouldn't have to worry about any of that.
We would have the best infrastructure.
You wouldn't have to worry about going to a subway and having it looking like it could fall off the rails.
We could have the best infrastructure, the best roads, the best bridges, the best airports.
We could have it all.
We could be the sprawling metropolis.
I think it really hits people.
They see what it looks like in downtown Tokyo, or major metropolitan areas in China, or Russia, or the Middle East, Qatar, the UAE, and people are saying, why can't we have downtowns like that?
Why can't we have major metropolitan areas and infrastructure like that?
Why do we get the grungiest, falling apart, collapsing infrastructure?
It's like we haven't consciously realized that we're living in a third world state in many of these areas.
And that's what it is.
So why do you have to experience a third world hellhole when you go downtown to dinner, or you go downtown to a ballgame or a concert, Why do you have to experience a third world hellhole lifestyle?
Because we spend five billion dollars on eight electric vehicle charging machines and we spend nine billion dollars a year in New York City alone on illegal immigrants.
And they're about to bring in the Haitians, by the way.
What do you think this means?
What do you think this means?
Biden administration plans to use Guantanamo Bay as processing center for Haitian migrants.
That means they're going to bring them here.
It's the same deal.
They're trying to set up this like floating military base.
And they say, oh, there's not going to be any boots.
So what?
You got robots building it?
They're just lying.
They say there's not going to be any boots there, there's not going to be any Americans there building this military port off the Gaza Strip.
Nope, nope.
So I guess they have robots that are going to be building it?
They didn't explain that.
No, they're just lying.
Why would the Biden administration be building a port, a military port, off the Gaza Strip?
Because they're bringing the Palestinians here too, folks.
So they're about to bring the Haitians in.
They're about to bring the Palestinians in.
And what do you think these individuals will contribute to our society?
What do you think these new illegal immigrants will do for the United States of America?
Well, they'll get freebies from the government, from money the government stole from you, but other than that, that's probably about the only contribution they'll make.
Or rather, they'll take.
And it doesn't have to be like this.
We don't have to live like this.
It's one of the easiest fixes, but yet here we are, year after year, our money stolen, And Democrats and Republicans paying off their friends, giving money to illegal immigrants, giving money to foreign countries.
Our downtowns are collapsing, our infrastructures are collapsing.
We're becoming a third world nation in some of our most sprawling metropolis or formerly sprawling metropolis cities.
And none of it has to be going on.
There is no good excuse for it.
We're being stolen from, we're being robbed, we're being sold out.
By traitors in our government.
Simple as that.
But it's good.
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New Biden, confused and disoriented, just dropped.
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New Biden, confused and disoriented, just dropped.
This is just, it's just embarrassing, folks.
He now has to get drug around by the arm.
So, they tried to do campaign events with him today and it's just been a complete disaster.
He literally has to be drug around because he can't walk, he doesn't know where he is, where he's going, what he's supposed to be doing.
So it looks like the drugs that they had him on from the State of the Union are finally wearing off.
And did you notice this is the second time I really have noticed this.
It may have been the case with all of the State of the Union addresses, but really the last two I've noticed that Biden will be completely dormant for about a week or two before the State of the Union.
Then he gives the State of the Union all hopped up and it's like, whoa, who is this guy?
He's hopped up on something and then for like a week or two after the State of the Union he's like still got the energy and he's still all hopped up but then he crashes hard whenever the thing wears off.
So I don't know what that is.
But it's obviously happening.
So he's on the twilight now of whatever they had him on for the State of the Union and he is crashing hard.
So I mean they tried to have some campaign events for him today.
Minor events nonetheless.
It's really fake rallies I would say is what they are.
But, you saw earlier he was confused and disoriented at that house or whatever and the media had to be shuffled away.
You're not allowed to film Biden when he's confused and not knowing where he is.
And then there's the latest where he's literally being drug around by his arm because he can't walk or he doesn't know where he is or where he's supposed to go.
Can you imagine what this is like in the White House?
Can you imagine what it's like behind closed doors?
By the way, more news on this measles deal.
Can't say I'm surprised when you have a measles outbreak and you put it at an international airport, one of the biggest airports in America, Chicago O'Hare.
I mean, really, that's got to be top five, I would imagine.
Chicago O'Hare, probably top five.
And so, yeah, we've got an illegal immigrant housing shelter and it's filled with measles.
Cincinnati Health Department warns of potential measles exposure.
So they're in Cincinnati.
measles milestone.
59 cases so far in 2024.
More than all of 2023!
Loving illegal immigrant measles for you.
Boston doctor assesses risk of measles outbreak in Massachusetts.
Here are the 17 states reporting measles cases.
Now let me just kind of frame all this.
All of these stories are from this week.
The original reporting of the measles at the Chicago airport happened Monday and then since you've had Boston and Cincinnati and now 17 states reporting mass measles outbreaks.
That's what you call cause and effect.
Here are the 17 states.
Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Washington.
Arizona, California, Michigan, Minnesota, Louisiana, New York, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, all have had a measles outbreak.
So they bring in the illegal immigrants with measles, if you wanted to spread a virus.
Where, what do they do in the movie 12 Monkeys?
I'm sorry if you haven't seen it, spoiler alert.
They go to the airport to spread the virus.
They go to the airport to spread the virus.
You bring in illegal immigrants, they've got disease, you shelter them at the airport and then what do you do?
You spread the disease.
But isn't that great for Big Pharma?
Because they've got a measles vaccine ready to go.
This story is also from this week.
In the Atlantic!
The return of measles!
The return!
It was literally brought in by the Biden administration.
They brought in the measles!
So the Biden administration brings in the measles with the illegal immigrants and then stations them at an airport to spread it around the country and now they've got a measles vaccine for you.
But see, it's not your normal, oh you get the MMR vaccine when you're a kid or whatever.
No, no, now it's your annual measles vaccine!
How loving and liberal!
So they bring in the illegal immigrants, they spread measles, and then they have the vaccine for you.
If you wanted to spread a virus, where would you go?
You'd go to the airport.
And that's what they've done.
And that's what they've done.
*whistles* Can you believe...
Can you believe this?
Can you believe this?
Oh, oh.
When is the last time you have been to New York City where they spend $9 billion annually
on illegal immigrants?
When's the last time you've been there?
It's been a couple years for me.
Been there quite a bit in my life, but probably haven't been there since... I think we were there briefly at some time in 2020.
Because I think I remember we were going around trying to find some place we could eat or have a drink without having to wear a mask or deal with like a vaccine checkpoint.
But I don't know.
It's been a while since I've been to New York City.
But I remember going as a kid and it was the coolest thing ever.
And for the most part, you know, the streets were clean and people were friendly.
And it was safe.
I remember I'd go out and me and my dad would be out till like three, four in the morning.
Just looking at the sights.
I just love, I just always loved downtowns and the lights and the buildings and a lot of things are open late in New York City.
Then we'd go to our hotel and sleep and go to a ballgame.
And now when you go to New York City, since the Democrats have gotten back in control, it stinks like trash and sewage.
There's literally mountains of trash all over the streets.
And rats are running around like wild.
And of course the poverty, the homelessness, the violence, now the illegal immigrants.
But that was my last experience of New York City, just rats and trash everywhere.
And it just stinks.
I mean, the scent, it's like, oh my gosh, you get hit with an updraft, I mean, just... Folks, they're now cooking rats.
New York City street cuisine.
They cook rats.
And look, people are saying, oh, it's the illegal immigrants coming over here cooking rats.
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
It doesn't matter.
They're cooking frickin' rats!
And this is just one video.
There's dozens of these videos.
This is not an isolated thing.
But, I mean, what are you going to do?
You're broke, you're living in New York City, you know, everything's shut down.
You go and there's friggin' huge rats running around.
You go catch a rat and eat it.
That's what you do in third world countries.
Oh my gosh.
See what I'm talking about We don't have to live like this.
New York City does not have to be a third-world hellhole where you catch your dinner a rat running in between trash mountains.
But this is what we have now.
And it's easy to blame the Democrats for that, and it's fair.
This happens mostly in Democrat-run cities and areas.
But Republicans vote for the bills, too.
Republicans vote for the bills that give hundreds of billions to Ukraine.
Republicans vote for the bills that give five billion for electric vehicle charging stations and only eight get built.
The Republicans vote for the omnibus bills that are all this wasteful spending.
So yeah, I mean, as the Democrats on the front line, it's actually destroying things, but the Republicans give them the green light to do it.
I mean, this is crazy.
All right, so this is hilarious.
About five minutes ago, Joe Biden begins speaking at his fake campaign events.
I say fake because this isn't a real presidential campaign.
He's doing like these tiny backroom events that they whisper into the wind the existence of because they don't want anybody to know about it for obvious reasons.
They don't want you to see Joe Biden on the trail.
They don't want the public to know because a bunch of protesters will show up and thousands of Trump supporters will show up.
And it'll be just a total embarrassment.
And then, you know, if they want to steal the election again, how could you believe that when Biden has a rally and more Trump supporters show up?
So about five minutes ago, Biden starts speaking.
And in the break, I tell the crew, I'm like, hey, let's let's pull up that Biden speech.
We'll go to it next segment.
And they say, well, do you want us to rewind it?
And I said, well, he'll probably still be speaking, so we'll just let it play live, we'll pick it up.
He spoke for five minutes, folks, and he's already done.
He's already done!
That's your campaign.
That's your campaign event.
That's your president.
A five-minute quote-unquote speech.
This guy's pathetic.
And all those yuppies pretending like he knows what he's doing or he's in charge or he's physically or mentally fit.
You're just a joke.
You are just a complete joke.
I mean, I didn't expect Biden to go long, but I figured more than five minutes at a supposed campaign event.
Spoke for five minutes and was done on the campaign trail.
Very serious stuff, oh yes, oh yes, Joe Biden, very serious.
Can't even speak for five minutes.
All right, we still got a lot here coming up.
I do want to take calls in the third hour, but let's look at another issue here.
And we got an update on the TikTok ban that we'll get into, but let's look at another issue here, and I talked about this earlier.
Biden mourns non-binary teen who just wanted to be accepted and committed suicide.
Now, let's recall, they lied about this whole thing.
They lied and said that this non-binary teenager from Oklahoma Was beaten up and bullied to death because libs of TikTok inspired it.
Well, it turns out that nobody involved in any of this had ever even heard of libs of TikTok.
That was just the American left lying about Shia Raiche.
That's what they do.
Well, it turns out that she committed suicide.
One of the top end results to gender confusion that liberals and Democrats instill into the youth.
But Biden puts out a tweet basically saying transphobia got this kid killed.
I mean, it's just insane.
But, again, where is Biden tweeting for the veteran that kills himself today, or tomorrow, or next week?
They don't give any wind to that.
They don't put any air into the lungs of that situation.
But, oh, transphobia leads to this.
No, you confusing children leads to this.
You sexually indoctrinating children with lies and propaganda leads to this.
It's also insane.
Planet Fitness bans woman after she calls out man shaving in women's locker room.
Now, this woman... She took a picture of the dude.
It's a dude!
I mean, it's a frickin' dude!
Not even trying to look like a woman or act like a woman.
It's a full-grown man in the women's locker room and there's little girls in their towels.
And this dude is in there shaving his beard.
And so the woman's like, what the hell's going on?
There's these teenage girls over here and this man isn't getting access?
So she takes a picture, she turns it in.
She gets banned from the gym!
And the dude that shaves his beard in front of teenage girls in the locker room gets to shave.
and stay.
Oh, oh, oh, do you want to hear about the secret sex club for kids?
Let's hear about the liberal secret sex club for kids in clip 11.
And also in California, anger over an LGBT club for kids in 3rd to 6th grade.
Parents are saying the school kept the club secret and complain of receiving no notification that it was happening.
And today's Daniel Monahan spoke with an education activist and mother of four from the school district about the case.
Parents at Elk Grove's Pleasant Grove Elementary School say they were alarmed to discover a 3rd grade teacher was allowed to personally invite all the 3rd through 6th grade classes to a new LGBT club he was starting called the UBU Club.
Education activist Heidi Moore discusses the club.
Their children were essentially being recruited, some as young as second grade, by a teacher there.
And he was going around telling them that if they, it was a club for boys who crush on boys or girls who crush on girls, but that anyone could come because there were fun games that you couldn't find anywhere else.
Moore says permission slips were required for all other clubs and that all available activities were listed in the weekly newsletter.
It just seems that everything they did was very obviously trying to hide it from parents because they didn't require permission slips, they didn't tell parents, they didn't put it in the newsletter, and they held it at lunchtime.
The club's organizer, teacher Daniel Bishop, shared a photo on Facebook of a t-shirt that reads, I'm the teacher Fox News warns you about, writing, I think I found my back to school shirt.
Parents took their complaints and questions to the Elk Grove Unified School Board at a school board meeting earlier this month.
This board has created a district culture where child sexualization isn't the exception, it's the rule.
The establishment of a gay club in elementary school raises concerns about age appropriateness.
While fostering inclusivity is vital, it's crucial to evaluate the developmental readiness of our children's young minds for such discussions.
While I understand the importance of providing a safe space for all, I am deeply troubled by the intentional deception regarding the UBU club.
If this school board had existed in 2005, you'd all be the villains in an episode of Criminal Minds.
In email communication with parents, Pleasant Grove Principal Deidre Wood wrote that the club was accidentally left out of the newsletter and would be mentioned in a future newsletter.
Wood also said the purpose of the UBU club is to provide a safe, accepting space for students of the LGBT community.
According to Moore, third graders are far too young to be discussing sexuality.
If you want to talk to your children about that, Then that's your right.
And just like it's any other parent's right to be in control of when they talk to their kids about sexuality and how they do it.
And when the school is secretly going around to second and third graders and recruiting them to a club that involves sexual orientation and possible conversations, private conversations about their sexual orientation, and then being told to keep secrets, that's super concerning.
And it's a huge red flag.
Moore says the school district has informed them that the UBU club has been put on pause, but says parents at the school feel that their trust has already been broken.
Daniel Monahan, NTD News.
Now, do we really have to pretend to be so naive here?
A secret gay sex club for kids?
I mean, come on.
If a guy pulls up in a rusty white van that says, free candy kids, just get in the trunk, it's pretty safe to assume what's going on there.
Let's not be so naive.
What a secret sex club for kids is all about.
You say, well, it's LGBTQ, it's safe space, it's just pride.
Can you imagine If there was a straight sex club for kids?
What if a teacher decided, I'm gonna take young boys and teach them about their heterosexuality and I'm gonna show them Playboy magazines?
Would that be accepted?
Of course not!
That'd be inappropriate too!
But, oh, it's gay pride, it's left gay sex, so it's cool, but, oh, but we're gonna keep a secret from your parents because that's just safe.
That makes you feel comfortable.
Well, you know, there's a reason why Gays Against Groomers exists, and their direction and idea was, uh, you could say ahead of its time, but the time has now arrived.
America's support for same-sex marriage declines for the first time since 2015.
According to a Public Religion Research Institute survey.
So, most culturally conservative, politically conservative individuals have kind of given up the political fight when it comes to gay marriage, let's say.
I mean, even there's very little pushback against a lot of the stuff that goes on, but now it's crossed such a threshold where they're doing secret LGBTQ clubs for kids and not telling the parents, and they're doing genital mutilation and chemical castration of kids and not telling the parents.
So, yeah, where do you think this goes?
Now it reverses all those years, oh, it was all about gay marriage, we just want to get married to our same-sex partner.
Well, now you've gone too far, you've gotten the kids, and it's gonna end.
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Let's say the tolerance for the radical LGBTQ community is now waning.
It's because of individuals like this.
Trans activist films himself harassing employees at a restaurant because they misgendered him by calling him sir.
Now look.
The cultural conservative or Christian or Republican is not your biggest concern now if you're a member of the LGBT community that just wants to live your life or live with your same-sex partner or whatever.
Your biggest issue is now the pedophiles that are infiltrating different institutions to get access to kids.
Your big issue is now this trans movement because it's all going to fall on the shoulders of just Innocent gay people that just want to live their lives.
So that's what's going on now, and this is the entitlement that they believe they have activated, exhibited, and clipped to.
I know you're not talking to me.
Are you talking to me?
You're calling me a sir?
You're calling me a sir?
You're calling me a sir?
Do I look like a sir?
Do I look like a sir?
Don't film me.
Well you have multiple people talking that you're misgendering her.
You know what you're doing?
You're on a public sidewalk.
Don't be a disrespectful person.
Don't be disrespectful.
You're on a public street.
No one was talking to you.
You talked to me first.
Learn from this.
learn from this.
What do you want to say?
Well, you tell us, you're a f***ing idiot.
How about that?
Okay, thank you guys. Go now.
What's the name of the restaurant?
(wind whooshing)
Hold on.
Like a 6'3" dude just pretending to be a woman.
Is there a manager?
Uh, no.
Someone then who's in charge?
The reason why this dude is filming everything.
It's all about himself.
Who's working at your front.
It's all about making a spectacle.
You're a host.
You're a host.
So is there a manager or somebody?
Your host is an asshole.
I'm walking past and he's calling me a man and a sir for no reason.
You are.
You're a host.
The guy in the front.
You're a host.
The younger one.
No one was talking to the guy.
You can shut down a restaurant because you lie about your gender.
You're a man, you're a man.
Why the even talking to me?
It's not your fault.
I'm just pissed.
It's principle of the thing.
He's an ass screaming at me on the street.
Thank you.
He said he could do whatever he wanted to, by the way.
No, he can't.
I didn't think so.
Yeah, thousands of people just watched that on my phone.
I'm so sorry.
I apologize.
Thank you.
I'm pissed.
Yeah, do you think you'd want to go out to dinner with this deranged individual?
So, it goes on.
I'd go support that restaurant.
How about that?
How do you like that?
So, here's what you have happening here.
And this is a major element of the liberal left, but it's just exhibited here by these trans individuals.
They're life losers.
They've never accomplished anything in their life enough to get any legitimate influence or say or even power over anybody, ever.
So they steal it now with this trans LGBTQ pride stuff and they go around and it just somehow gives them power.
Like, I'm just powerful, I'm dominating you because I'm pretending to be a woman and you have to bow down.
But imagine how dangerous it is where a dude can pretend to be a woman, walk into a store, a restaurant, a bakery, whatever, and just say, oh, you don't respect me as a woman!
You misgendered me!
I'm shutting this place down!
Because that's obviously the goal.
I mean, what in the hell type of world is that?
You pretend to be something you're not, and then you shut a restaurant or a business down because they won't accept your lie?
Yeah, this is why people are no longer supporting this crap.
Alright, we're gonna open up the phone lines.
I still got some other big news.
We also have Alex Jones coming up.
Third hour is loaded.
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Like I said, we've got a special report from Alex coming up later this hour.
I do have some other news I want to get to as well, but I want to take phone calls this hour on a Friday.
So I'm going to give out the number and we're going to start putting some callers on the board and we'll just kind of parse the calls in with some of this news.
877-789-2539, 877-789-2539.
And let the call screener know your name, where you're from, the topic you're calling on, and we will get you up and on
the air.
I want to review the TikTok situation really quick.
This is the TikTok CEO that they're trying to force to sell it.
And I guess he was meeting with congressmen about this.
And he exited the room, the media was out there, and he had this to say in clip one.
Yeah, so this is pre-planned.
My trip to DCO is pre-planned.
And there's a lot of misinformation out there and I intend to clarify it.
You know, there's a lot of noise but I haven't heard exactly what we've done that's wrong.
As you know, it's very disappointing for us that the bill passed in the House of Representatives.
You know, we looked at it.
This is a ban bill.
You know, in this form, which is passing the law, this is a ban on the app in this country.
It's going to impact 170 million Americans who use our app.
It's going to impact 7 million small businesses.
And I hope their voices are heard.
But lawmakers are saying that this is not a ban.
And you're spreading misinformation, sir.
It is a ban.
And the TikTok CEO there says, I don't understand what we've done wrong.
Well, you haven't done anything wrong.
But the right groups don't control your company and that's the problem.
And the right groups aren't controlling the narrative and that's the problem.
And they don't even hide it.
It's the ADL.
It's Jonathan Greenblatt.
It's the Jewish Federation of North America.
They've been trying to get TikTok banned because the social media trends there are anti-Israel.
Specifically when it comes to coverage of the war in the Gaza Strip.
So they don't like that, and they have to shut it down.
But that's just, even that's not a fair analysis of this, because that's just kind of the starting point.
That's just kind of the green light.
The bill allows the government to decide what apps you can and can't access on your phone.
So yeah, the initiative pushing it now is the ADL and Jonathan Greenblatt that want to control the narrative there, and they want to get somebody that's friendly with them to get that stake in the company.
So that they can control the narrative and censor things and basically have the Elon Musk X moment when he goes and meets with Ben Shapiro and puts on the yarmulke and is told you're going to ban speech we don't like here.
It's going to be this.
That's the green light kind of catalyst event.
But it's really about banning any app.
So eventually they will come for X.
Eventually they will come for Rumble, just like they banned Parler, just like they banned InfoWars app.
That's what they want.
The government wants the power to ban apps.
It's not enough because there's too much of a risk.
If it's up to the private companies, it's too much of a risk because maybe not everybody in the private company is on board with what the government wants, like TikTok.
But if the government gets final say, then it doesn't matter.
And that's the real danger here.
So yeah, but China and TikTok is really just the red herring in the distraction.
The wick that's being lit to start this thing is, oh, well, we need to control the narrative on the war in the Gaza Strip, and we need to have someone friendly with the ADL to come in and get the control of the company.
But it goes beyond that, where they'll ban X, they'll ban Rumble, they'll ban any app that they want.
Now, Dan Crenshaw is owned by the Israel lobby, and he is truly a liar.
And this is an incredible clip of him lying to the media after this meeting as well.
Access to everything TikTok has, which means data on all Americans.
And with data and with access to your, you know, app that you're addicted to, you can vastly manipulate an entire population, which Chinese have done.
Are you worried that our intelligence agencies are doing the same thing domestically?
Am I worried that... I know that they're not.
They're not manipulating Americans?
They're not accepting a flow of information?
Yeah, did you have some evidence otherwise that you'd like to share?
I mean, before the 2020 election, when 50 members came out and said the Hunter Biden
laptop was Russian disinformation, does that count?
No, because I mean, they were retired.
They were retired, but the FBI had the laptop for a year.
It's really a shame that Dan Crenshaw, who is a, I believe, I think he was an Ivy League school graduate, very accomplished military member.
I mean, it's undeniable bonafides this guy has.
But then he turns out to be just an absolute traitorous piece of garbage.
A complete and total liar.
By the way, here's a retort for Dan Crenshaw.
I may not like it, but here's the fact.
When you download TikTok, or any app, onto your phone, Facebook, anything, you sign an agreement and you agree to give your information to those companies.
By the way.
So, you know, maybe if you want to stop that, maybe you should think about a bill where you don't have to accept terms and conditions of a, you know, 30,000 word long contract that has written into it that everything you do on the app is going to be sold to a third party.
You sign over that every time you hit the terms and conditions.
Now, I'm not in support of that.
I don't think that's good.
But that's what they do.
So maybe you could write a bill that stops that from going on.
But where is the bill that says that the U.S.
government can spy on U.S.
Oh, that's right!
There's a Bill of Rights that says you can't!
And Dan Crenshaw sits here and acts like it doesn't go on.
The CIA and the FBI just extended a program That they can investigate anybody within four or five degrees, I forget what it was, of their person of interest.
Do you know what that means?
They signed a bill that the FBI can spy on everyone in America.
So, of course the FBI spies on me.
So now, anybody that contacts me, the FBI can spy on.
And anybody that contacts the person that contacts me, the FBI can spy on.
And anybody that contacts the person that contacts the person that contacts me, the FBI can spy on.
And Dan Crenshaw says, well, we're not worried about that.
Oh, oh!
The CIA, the US government, the intelligence communities, they're not brainwashing the American people, they're not deceiving the American people.
Oh, Russian collusion with Trump?
Fake news.
Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation?
Fake news.
I mean, you can go on and on.
Weapons of mass destruction?
Fake news.
Babies in incubators?
Fake news.
Dan Crenshaw is, I mean, that is just unreal.
And he sits there smugly and arrogantly, a pompous asshole, lying to the American people.
Wow, Dan.
You are really pathetic.
What blackmail do they have on you, Dan?
Or are you really that pathetic?
Dan Crenshaw, you would be less... Dan Crenshaw would be less pathetic if they had extreme sexual blackmail on him, and that's why he has to lie to the American people, than him just lying on his own volition.
I will have more respect for Dan Crenshaw if he's on video, you know, sucking a golf ball through a garden hose, Than if he's just outright lying to the American people on his own volition.
That would be more pathetic, Dan.
That is just unreal.
That is just unreal.
By the way, the judge has decided Fannie Willis can remain on Trump's election case in Georgia.
They can stay on the case, but Nathan Wade has to step aside.
Well, the judge actually said one of you has to step aside.
They eventually determined it would be Nathan Wade.
So, the judge is like, okay, well, you guys are proven liars, but one of you has to step aside.
That's completely unheard of, folks.
That is such common, basic legal precedent.
When you get caught lying in a courtroom, you're done.
You're done.
And many times that means the entire case is done.
But not here!
From the great technofog, John McAfee rules that only one potential liar can prosecute the case, but not both potential liars.
Instead of curing the appearance of impropriety, it allows it to continue.
So Willis stays, Wade goes, McAfee admits that they're both liars, but he keeps one in the courtroom.
That's incredible.
He keeps the lying attorney in the courtroom.
Completely unheard of.
And then he lies himself and says that Yurti lacked context and detail as the testimony, he argues here.
That's just insane!
You already provided context and detail, observations of the romance, and admissions from Willis!
And the judge acts like it never happened!
Why would this Judge Scott McAfee be so corrupted in this case?
Oh, here it is!
Judge Scott McAfee donated to Fannie Willis' campaign in 2020, and so did his wife!
Do you really think that that campaign donation, that those campaign donations were made and there was no communication between Judge McAfee and Fannie Willis?
Of course there was.
They've been in cahoots since day one.
Probably to get Trump.
That's how corrupt these people are.
And they can't even hide it.
They get caught lying.
The judge has to admit you're a liar, but I'm going to keep you on the case because we had a previous agreement that we're going to get Trump together.
Oh, and then I'm going to lie about a witness testimony.
I mean, holy smokes!
But, in a way, this is all good for Trump.
Because when he appeals, he has complete, beyond reasonable doubt, evidence that the judge is totally corrupt.
And the judge admits that the attorney is a liar.
But this is what authoritarians do, like Letitia James.
Remember where she gave that speech in front of the FDNY and she got booed and Trump chants started breaking out and she tried to hunt down those firefighters to have them punished?
FDNY backs down on hunt for firefighters who booed Letitia James after backlash.
It's good.
It's good to know that authoritarians in America sometimes don't win.
So let's take a couple phone calls now, shall we?
Let's start with Brian in California.
Brian, you are on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Owen, Cuckslayer Lieutenant and a free speech martyr.
How are you, sir?
I'm great.
Thank you for calling.
I just wanted to, you know, these Haitian illegals coming in and joining all the other illegals.
It's just asking for more violence and, you know, Ramping up for the activation date, uh, you know, whenever that could be.
Maybe after, you know, Crash of the Dollar, I've heard some of your other guests talk about.
And, the, uh, the, these, this whole, uh, uh, circus and, you know, you know, these peanuts that they're, they're throwing at us, all this negative, uh, you know, rape and violence and it's, it's all just meant to break our spirits and, Just, you know, take us down a really detrimental road.
And, you know, on top of that, it's just, you know, them giving phones and it's really crazy what they're going to be letting into this country.
And, you know, we've all got to fight back and be ready, prepared.
You know, Braceon is releasing that new AI and I'm so hopeful You know, about that for, you know, getting out the information from all the great people, Tenpenny, and there's just so much information packed into that learned language model that it's not going to be stopped.
And that's one of the ways that we can fight back against the tyranny and the destabilization that they're trying to, you know, the replacement migration that's happening in front of our very eyes.
Well, the Democrats have done so much damage to themselves politically with this illegal immigration operation that if and when they steal elections in 2024, people are just not going to believe it.
And they're just going to be outraged by it.
So they've done so much damage, it's so obvious they continue to lie about it.
But the deal is done.
It's sealed.
Brian, thanks for the call.
Let's go to Rick in Florida.
Rick, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon, partner.
Thanks for the call.
I want to preface this just by saying Turbo Force is really good.
I actually take it at night.
I work night shift in ER and it's been amazing.
I started taking a couple months back and it's been very consistent.
Glad to hear that.
Now to the point I want to make, you probably won't hear this opinion very often on your show.
I am actually an immigrant, legal immigrant by that.
I was born and raised in Venezuela.
My family fought communism in Europe.
They fought communism in South America.
My father was made a political prisoner in Venezuela.
And I've had several kidnapping attempts as well.
Hence the reason why I ended up in the US.
And this country was, you know, graceful enough to give me a chance to start life anew.
I cherish these liberties and I will defend them.
Until my dying breath for me, for my daughters, for everybody's kids.
The point I want to make is the following.
As a Venezuelan legal immigrant, I get a lot of heckling from leftists that claim, oh, how can you be pro-immigration control if you're an immigrant yourself?
Well, the magical word in this sentence is the word legal.
I followed due process.
I filed out my paperwork.
I waited, paid my dues, stayed a good citizen.
Had no criminal record, and I showed that I could adapt and bring something to society.
Venezuelan migration, if I could break it down in three parts, the first part was the one that left the country as soon as Chavez came into power.
They saw the writing on the wall, they left as soon as they could, about 25 years ago.
Second wave of migration, which is the way that I consider myself part of, are the ones that stayed and fought and were not able to defeat the beast.
But had sufficient means to leave the country.
Some went to Europe, some came here.
Most of us went to college, have high school degrees, are willing to work hard.
The third wave, and this sounds horrible, but it is what it is, is this wave of people that most of them stayed there.
And I don't know how to phrase this, it sounds awful, but these are the same folks that we had to deal with back home.
We know how to identify them, we know how they speak, we know how they talk.
You know, a Native American here, a Native American citizen, won't be able to tell one of those migrants from me, you know, unless we spoke.
I know how to tell them apart.
I know what they are about.
And if folks here think, you know, China and Ukraine and all this stuff is, you know, halfway across the world, let me remind you that Venezuela serves as a hub for Hezbollah, for Russia, Well, the worst of them are coming in.
I mean, there's no doubt.
Aside from the issues that you just mentioned, they're releasing the criminals.
They're literally taking prisoners out of jail and sending them here.
given IDs and passports, Venezuelan passports, you know.
Well the worst of them are coming in, I mean there's no doubt. Aside from the
issues that you just mentioned, they're releasing the criminals. They're
literally taking prisoners out of jail and sending them here. But I want to
just pause real quick because here's what's so frustrating. You call in as
an immigrant.
You shouldn't even have to say legal immigrant.
You're an immigrant.
You call in as an immigrant and you have to explain this.
And this is the problem is that we've been forced to dumb down our own rhetoric and dumb down the conversation where you have to call in and or you have to explain to people the difference between illegal immigration and immigration.
And it just shows how the whole conversation has been inverted.
Being against illegal immigration is not being anti-immigrant.
Being pro-illegal immigration is being anti-immigrant.
And you see how they've inverted that conversation?
And so now we have to defend ourselves, like, hey, we're not anti-immigrant, we're pro-legal immigration.
I mean, it's like, that's what the left has done.
That's what the left has done.
They've dumbed down these conversations to such a low grade that now we have to take basic 2 plus 2 equals 4 and somehow form it into an articulate argument for our case.
It's like a man can be a woman, a man can get pregnant, a child shouldn't be going to sex clubs for kids.
The left has gone so low bar now.
That you have to explain the difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal immigrant.
And it's really frustrating, Rick.
I thank you for the call, but I've got to take other callers.
Let's go to Joe in Texas.
Joe, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Joe, how are you?
Yes, hi, Joe.
Hey, how are you?
So what I wanted to say this morning was that I wanted everybody to make sure they knew that we were on DEF CON 3 on the DEF CON scale.
I'm not sure that everybody knows that.
Was there some announcement made?
Say it again?
Was there an announcement made about this recently?
So there's an official website and so you can go on.
I found out maybe Thursday and kind of let my internal circle know.
And so it gives an explanation of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
We're on 3.
We've been on 3 at least since last week.
3 hasn't happened since 1962.
And Russia backed off when we went to DEFCON 2 because we had aircraft in the air.
And so that's when Russia actually backed off.
So DEFCON 3 is everything is loaded, fueled, manned, ready to go for a 15-minute air flight response.
Well, and you know, unfortunately, our leadership is so psychotic, I feel like that's the real threat.
But it goes both ways, you know?
I mean, it's just like... It's just like why the argument was made for us to nuke the Japanese imperialists, you know?
And so... Oh, my goodness, Joe.
Thank you for that call.
By the way, I mean that's the real stuff right there.
Alex Jones, actually, the report he filed that we're going to be airing up at the bottom of this hour is on that exact thing.
So, Joe, you were a little bit ahead of it there, but that's what Alex is going to be reporting on coming up in about 20 minutes.
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Boeing whistleblower warned family friend that he was not suicidal before he committed allegedly suicide.
And so there is an investigation into this, the Boeing whistleblower.
Something's going on in the airline industry.
I think it's multifaceted with the diversity, equity and inclusion stuff that's causing major issues and then maybe even with some mechanical, technical stuff with Boeing.
But the Boeing whistleblower was very clear to friends and family he was not suicidal.
So most people are now thinking that that Official narrative is a lie.
Pregnant teacher collapses and dies at school weeks before giving birth.
Just tragically dies out of nowhere.
Unexpectedly dies suddenly.
And the baby.
But don't ask about the vac status, see?
That's only for when we want to control your movements.
But when somebody dies suddenly out of nowhere, cardiac arrest, don't ask about the vaccine status.
Let's take another call and let's go to Daryl in North Carolina.
Daryl, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, hey, Owen.
Just heard the last caller talk about we're at DEF CON 3, which is scary.
And I thought you might want to know that our vice president, Kamala Harris, she's taking it very seriously.
Right now, she's having a roundtable talking about marijuana with the rapper Fat Joe.
Now hold on, now hold on.
With Fat Joe, I guess she's trying to get Fat Joe off of the Trump train because he bought those shoes.
And, and you know what else Kamala Harris is up to?
Since we're talking Kamala, you know she's also having a roundtable with RuPaul and Drag Queens to talk about how important dudes cross-dressing are.
And yesterday she hit the abortion clinic, so she's hit all the big Democratic talking points.
Abortion, marijuana, trans, and then also I think... How is Kamala Harris?
Imagine that.
Kamala Harris, who put thousands of people in jail for marijuana use, gave them extended sentences so she could use them for cheap labor, and then she's gonna act like she's some sort of an ally to the weed community?
I mean, give me a break.
Oh, I know.
It's a joke.
But, you know, she's got to get up there because, you know, old Joe, he's getting ready to pull his I'm-not-healthy-enough-to-be-president-anymore, so Kamala's got to be presidential for a couple of months before they get to that August convention where they can slide in Michelle Obama, because, you know, she doesn't want all the scrutiny.
But I'm thinking it's going to be Kamala filling in for Joe, and then you can't go against Roger Stone, man.
If he says it's Michelle Obama, I'm going to agree with him.
Yeah, and the only way they could get an arrogant bitch like Kamala Harris to step aside would be to promise her a Supreme Court Justice seat.
Oh my gosh.
Can you imagine a Judge Brown Jackson who doesn't know what a woman is, and then a Kamala Harris on the Supreme Court?
I mean... Right.
And Owen, what I really want to talk to you about, I mean Kamala's interesting, but dude, you mentioned a couple days ago about Charles Barkley threatening to punch any black man that wears a Donald Trump shirt.
And I'm really concerned about the black man that might dare to defy Sir Charles and wear a shirt because he's serious.
And if you want to know what I mean, go back to 1997.
There was a young man named Jorge Lugo who was in a bar in Orlando with Barkley and Drexler.
They were all drinking Bud Light.
This is a true story.
And some ice got tossed near Barkley.
Barclay walked over, picked up the 5 foot 210 pound Jorge Lugo, and threw him through a plate glass window out of the bar.
Nothing ever happened to Barclay about that.
I just want all the black men to know, he'll do the same to you if you wear a Trump shirt.
Well, he might not be as physically fit as he was there, and he probably won't have the legal defense of somebody, you know, throwing ice on him.
That is probably why he was able to walk away from that, but he's probably all talk.
But some of these guys, there's like these big bodybuilder dudes, and they're black, and they responded, and they put a picture of themselves in a Trump shirt and say, you know, come get me, Charles.
It's just, you know, here's the thing.
It's sad when you watch people just completely fall for political propaganda.
It makes them look really pathetic.
And that's what Barclay has done in this instance.
Thank you for the call, Daryl.
By the way, we've got so much stuff here still that I'm not going to get to because I want to take a couple more calls and then we're going to cover the war issue with Alex Jones.
There was a shooting on the Brooklyn subway.
There's videos of this.
I won't air it, but there's videos of it.
Guy gets shot in the head, killed on the Brooklyn subway.
It's too bad.
It's too bad that Daniel Penney was nowhere to be found and, you know, maybe he could have stopped the psychotics from murdering people, but he's the bad guy for stopping the psychotics, so there's that.
So now you get shot if you're on the Brooklyn subway.
I guess Kathy Hochul bringing in the National Guard doesn't really help there.
Yeah, there's the video of that.
Advil claims that pain is racist.
I'm not even kidding you.
Advil claims that pain is racist.
Maybe we'll cover that later.
Let me take another call here.
Let's go to Sean in Colorado.
Sean, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, can you guys hear me okay?
Yes, we've got you.
Can you guys hear me okay?
Loud and clear.
Sean, go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to, uh, it's really nice that we got a great awakening, that's for sure.
I mean, many people are waking up, but it's really frustrating, to say the least, to see so many people waking up on so many levels, but also falling for PSYOPs.
This Truth or Community, aka this resistance, is completely divided and distracted from what's getting ready to take place on this Earth.
So, I'd like to talk about some PSYOPs that are dividing the Truth or Community.
And one of those PSYOPs, the major PSYOPs, is the fact that people are making their own way up to salvation.
If you're going anywhere else besides the blood atonement of Jesus Christ, you're lost.
There's so many people that are saying things like, You know, Christ Consciousness or saying things like, you can't say the name Jesus Christ because that's not his name.
These people just don't even know the gospel.
And that's the biggest problem today is we just don't hear the gospel.
We don't hear salvation explained.
And it's really the biggest problem because these souls are down to hell and we're supposed to be explaining how to get to heaven, which is by grace through faith and not of works.
But there's many false gospels out there today.
And there's a lot of people out there that also, they're confused about Israel.
You know, they don't understand that biblical prophecy is being fulfilled right now as we speak.
And so it's Israel, the real Jews are there in the land today.
And so there's no doubt that, you know, These Jews are not supposed to be this holy people right now.
They're supposed to be a people that ushers in an Antichrist.
And so, there's this huge misconception that, you know, there's nothing but fake Jews out there, like all Ashkenazi Jews or the fake Jews of the Synagogue of Satan.
Well, that's not true.
There are some that are the Synagogue of Satan, but they're...
There are also saved Ashkenazi Jews, and they are also just as much Jewish as the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews, so they have every right to that land, but the problem is the fake Jews, the synagogues of Satan, they are the fake Jews because of who they worship.
So it's not this whole conspiracy that all Ashkenazi Jews are all the synagogue of Satan.
That's bullcrap.
They can repent just like any other human being, so People need to stop the anti-Semitism.
They need to understand that this is all biblical prophecy being fulfilled.
The Jews are lost right now, but they won't get right with Christ until midway through the tribulation, but we're not there yet.
And also, the biggest buy-off that we have is flat earth.
That is a complete... right now.
And, uh, it is... Wait, you got cut off, I don't think it's a break.
You say it is flat, or it's not?
No, it's not.
This is the smoke screen to a hollow earth and a hollow moon.
And that is what they want people fixated on the shape of the earth when you can't change it.
But people really need to be concerned about what's actually going on inside the earth.
And, you know, what's inside can actually change.
Well, we just all we got to do is listen to the major whistleblowers like Bill Schneider, Admiral Burns.
I need to know in five seconds.
Okay, well, I can't give it to you in five.
Ladies and gentlemen, the world has never been closer to nuclear war.
Francis Macron and other world leaders are saying their populations have to get ready
for national draft and direct confrontation, sending soldiers into Ukraine to fight Russians.
And now Macron and NATO have announced that they've loaded hydrogen bombs on fighter jets and stationed them on the border with Russia in NATO countries for full nuclear war.
That's why we saw Putin come out and say, OK, we don't want nuclear war, but we are ready.
Now, the real target is the West, Europe and the United States, Canada, other nations that are under WF globalist control.
The people are rebelling against the open borders, against the carbon taxes, against all the tyranny.
But if there is a wider, larger global war, perhaps even a nuclear war, they'll be able to take full control of the West.
This is such a dangerous time.
To be alive, and we need everyone to be talking to their congressmen, talking to their congresswomen.
We need people in Europe to be protesting, protesting here.
This is out of control.
Soros and others brag that they overthrew the Ukrainian government 10 years ago, and the CIA's been in a proxy war with the Russians for 10 years, that the Russians were losing in Ukraine.
That's why he officially invaded two years and two months ago.
So pray for peace, get politically active because the world's never been in more danger.
The globalists know that the end of their old political system and their old financial system is coming to an end and they want the global cashless society in place right now.
Follow all this critical information at InfoWars.com and right here on X at Real Alex Jones and make this the number one issue because it is absolutely the main threat to humanity right now on our planet today and Macron's trying to bring people Napoleon did 200 plus years ago by openly having military confrontation with Russia, which is insane.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Now, there will be more follow-up reports from Alex at Band.Video over the weekend and on his ex-account at RealAlexJones.
I want to follow up with some of that.
Here's some of the headlines.
NATO says fighter jets can carry nuclear weapons as tensions with Russia reach breaking point.
And you have NATO basically running these graphics.
Like, oh, here's what we'll do to you, Russia.
And it's just like nuclear warfare raining down.
Just completely disgusting.
But it's like it goes both ways.
And they have these nuclear submarines that carry nuclear payloads, too.
So it's just total nuclear war.
Who's gonna... Who's gonna blink in this game of chicken?
Can the sane minds prevail?
We are at war, former UK spy chief.
Britain is engaged in a grey war with Russia, but neither the authorities nor the public are taking the situation seriously enough.
And, you know, this is kind of a larger point, and you don't want to be the warmonger, obviously, and you don't want to be the panic initiator, but it's like, Part of the problem with Americans today is that they don't understand that we're at war.
They don't understand that we're at war for the country right now, we're at war for the future, we're at war for our freedoms.
I mean, let alone what's going on on a geopolitical war front.
But that's part of the goal, is you don't really announce you're in a war, you don't really announce to your enemy that you're trying to conquer them, because then if they realize they're at war or they're being conquered, well then they kick into gear and the survival instincts and everything kicks in.
And so we don't have that.
People think everything's fine.
They don't get it yet.
Germany prepares to bring back the draft.
Catastrophic report describes lack of weapons, ammo, and a rapidly aging armed forces.
France mulls boots on the ground in Ukraine for months.
Russia claims it has killed 6,000 foreign fighters in Ukraine, including 491 Americans.
Now, of course, these are not in US military uniform, independent contractors, if it's true.
and that would be the case for all of them.
You just hope saner minds can prevail.
You hope cooler heads can prevail.
But it's dangerous.
It's dangerous.
Much more dangerous than whatever they're telling you China's doing on TikTok.
Promise you that.
Promise you that.
Let's take a couple more phone calls here.
Let's go to Stewie in Illinois.
Stewie, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen, man.
I love you guys.
Love your show.
Love the crew.
First thing I want to do is I want to give a holler at TurboForce.
I'm a long-haul trucker, man.
I work 14 hours a day.
TurboForce, man, that helps me chew up them hours, get them miles.
So, I love it.
You check.
Secondarily, you were talking about Crenshaw.
Don't forget, he was a member of the Klaus Schwab Global Leaders School, so you know that guy's a piece of crap right out the gate.
So, I mean, whatever he does shouldn't be startling.
But, like, thirdly, and the main reason I called, man, is, like, the migrant invasion, that's not just happening in the cities, man.
That's happening in the small little cornfield towns.
Like, I live in a small little cornfield town.
We ain't got nothing but a gas station and a McNasty.
And my apartment building just got bought by a new guy.
Some people moved out.
Three apartments of the six apartments in the building just got filled with illegal immigrants.
And I know they're illegal because they ain't got no furniture.
One guy introduced himself over Google Translate.
He speaks no English.
Man, so I just want to say his comment.
Yeah, there was a story, I forget where it was, it might have been Montana, but it was a small town, small population, and now there are more illegal immigrants living in the town than there were residents, American citizens, living in that town.
What small town in Illinois are you from?
Are you even near Chicago, or what?
I'm about an hour south of Chicago, a little town called Peacock.
You don't ever hear about it unless a tornado comes through.
And, well, I guess, man, like, what?
What can we do?
You know what I mean?
I could say something to the landlord, but the landlord doesn't care because he jacked the rent up to get the people out anyway.
Yeah, and he's getting guaranteed renters now.
Yeah, and it's like as soon as... I mean, we're not going to be there for much longer, but... Well, look, there is no simple answer.
I mean... You're going to have to answer the question for yourself.
I mean...
Yeah, that's exactly it.
I mean, you know, run for the hills.
I don't know.
Get as far away from Democrats as you can.
I mean, look, who knows the types of people they're bringing in that are illegal immigrants
into your building?
You know, I mean, how do you know?
That's yeah, that's exactly it.
Like the dude, they speak no English.
They introduce themselves to Google Translate.
They see my Trump sticker in the window.
They ran away.
Haven't talked to me since.
But I guess it's fine.
I guess it's fine, 'cause I don't want to be having conversations over Google Translate anyway.
That's a pain in the ass.
But, excuse me, sorry, excuse my French.
But, yeah, man, I don't know.
It's coming, man.
It's coming for everybody and it's coming everywhere.
It's not just the cities, it's the nothings out.
That, you know, you move to to get away from the city.
Well, they're pouring in by the tens of millions at this point, so they're going to end up everywhere.
And that's the goal.
This is an invasion.
It's Biden's border invasion.
And the renters, or rather the landlords, or the hotel owners, like, they love it because they're getting guaranteed income now.
Guaranteed income.
They don't have to fight for it.
They don't have to worry about it.
And so, unfortunately, they go along for the ride not realizing, I guess not realizing what they're doing.
Stewie, thank you for the call.
Thank you for that product plug as well.
TurboForce, InfoWarsStore.com.
Let's go to JD in South Carolina.
JD, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Uh, hi Owen, uh, I lost the feed there.
We got you.
Oh, there we go.
Um, just want to say first time caller, big fan.
Thank you to InfoWars and everything that y'all do.
Um, currently wearing my Root 1776 shirt with, uh, some Survival Shield X3 ready to be purchased in my cart right now.
Um, my main question before you started taking phone calls, it was, I believe actually fortuitous.
You started speaking about the Fannie K.
My question is, now that she's allowed to stay on the Trump case, what do you think that looks like for Trump?
Is there more of a concern of him being actually thrown in jail?
I don't know.
Throwing him in jail might be a little aggressive.
I think it's pretty clear that this is a rigged case.
They're going to get a result.
The judge and the attorney are obviously in cahoots.
The judge donated to the attorney's campaign and now the judge has bailed the attorney out that he admitted was a liar in the courtroom.
So obviously the whole thing is rigged against Trump.
It's going to go to appeals.
I doubt they hold him during that.
So I would say no, they're not going to put him away because it's going to go to the appeals.
And I don't know how he doesn't win at appeal when you have so much issue when it comes to the judge and the attorney and them lying and fleecing one another's campaigns.
So I would say even though it's bad news for justice, it's probably good news for Trump because it's going to delay the case.
Benny Botham has died.
Bring us this information.
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Alright, we got Dr. Jane Ruby coming up and she's going to host the rest of the show.
Before I do that, a little bit of a comedic relief here, although I don't think Advil was trying to be funny.
A new Advil marketing campaign claims that pain is racist.
You cannot make this stuff up.
And so here's their new ad.
Talking about how we have to end systemic pain in racism.
I just... Clip 5.
Just go for it.
Very serious.
When I approach a medical professional, I'm frustrated that we have to validate our pain just to get treated like human beings.
An Advil study about pain experiences, 74% of the black people said there is bias in how pain is diagnosed.
The healing of the body was easy for me.
It's the psychological part.
It's awful.
83% said they have had a negative experience with a health care provider when seeking help dealing with pain.
I should not have to beg my doctor to run tests or ask them to take another look.
The Advil Pain Equity Product Project includes... Advil hosted a roundtable discussion about systemic pain bias in health care.
Welcome to Believe My Pain, a discussion about systemic pain bias in healthcare.
I want to thank all of you and all of you for joining me today as we talk about this very important issue.
I also want to thank the Pain Equity Project developed by Advil in partnership with the Moore Hospital of Medicine and Black Health for inviting us to be a part of their commitment to addressing pain bias in black communities.
All right, let's get right into it with our first topic, the reality of pain inequity.
The reality of pain inequity.
Pain equity is achieved when everyone is treated equally regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status and receives the highest quality pain care and management.
Pain equity.
Okay, so Dr. Ucci, you have written this book.
This is a very serious doctor.
Black physician reckons with racism in medicine.
You are a legacy black female physician and you are armed with expertise that frames this issue around black pain in such a clear way.
Her legacy is fighting racism in pain.
And so I'm so glad that you're here today.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you.
Thank you for having me.
I'm so excited to be here to talk to you about this issue that means so much to me.
Don't you know black people feel more pain than you whiteys?
It's harder for them.
If a black person stubs his or her toe, that hurts more than a white toe.
You bigot.
Health professionals think that black people are biologically different than other people.
That our skin is thicker.
Wait, what?
You said that they were.
And higher pain tolerance.
Wait, now I'm confused.
There is no difference between black patients and patients of other races.
Oh, okay.
So what do you think has perpetuated these myths?
You know, the legacy of slavery in this country.
I knew it!
Dammit, slavery again!
They got us again!
...institution of medicine and healthcare.
You know, our health professionals most want to do a good job... Folks, we're talking about the medical industry, like stuff you got to be serious about.
You know, it's kind of life or death.
And now we're fighting racism.
How about you avoid going to a doctor?
How about that?
I'm black.
I need more attention now.
and sometimes even ignoring their patients.
And the only way that we can--
How about you avoid going to a doctor?
Expose and address it is by first telling our stories.
We wanna work better with doctors, and I think that a better--
I'm black, I need more attention now.
Actually allows doctors to do their job better.
Believe my pain.
Well, I identify as black, actually, because that's how it works, right?
It's all a spectrum.
So I am black, and you don't respect my pain.
You don't respect my pain enough.
Here, guys, here's a little more comic relief from you, for you, in the new Advil, we're fighting pain racism in clip four.
Believe me when I say, I'm in pain.
Believe me, I'm in pain over here!
I want free stuff, dammit!
Believe me when I say... Slavery!
And believe me when I say... My pain is real.
Is real?
Hey, let's not bring that into things here.
This is already confusing enough.
So there you go, folks.
I mean, what's next?
What is next that's gonna be racist?
I don't know.
Maybe Dr. Jane Ruby can try to make sense of this coming up.
She's hosting it the rest of the way.
I'm just confused.
As a black man whose pain is not properly recognized, I'm gonna need to see multiple doctors and get all the attention.
Good afternoon, everybody.
This is Dr. Jane Ruby.
I'm so pleased to be back here, back on InfoWars.
Thank you, Owen, so much for the introduction and Alex for having me back again.
It's always an honor.
And I have to tell you guys, I am a licensed nurse practitioner.
I have years of experience in treating patients.
I'm still recovering from the comic relief, by the way, that Owen so graciously brought us.
I have to tell you guys, that is the most ridiculous thing.
Racism in pain because of slavery?
Listen, guys, I've taken care of thousands of human beings, along with probably hundreds, almost several thousand Other health providers, and I have never witnessed that.
And believe me, if I did, those of you who know me, I navigate around truth in medicine.
I would be the first to talk about it.
Crazy, crazy, crazy.
You can always find me on Rumble.
My shows and my coffee chats are on rumble.com forward slash drjaneruby.
And I'm blowing up over there on Twitter and Telegram.
Today, I've got some really critical information to share with you and I'm so pleased to be here to do it.
First, we're going to talk about the fact that we're busting open with the truth that there is no spike protein.
Before you get all crazy, hang on, hang on.
Just had an interesting conversation recently with one of the esteemed frontline doctors, Dr. Lee Merritt, who just blew me away with that.
And I have to say, scientifically, when I thought it through, I believe it.
And I'm going to share with you what that's all about, because that's going to upset a whole lot of apple carts.
Listen, then we're going to talk about Haiti.
Haiti is currently invading, I hope you've been paying attention, the state of Florida and the land of Florida, Florida State.
Why should you care about that?
Well, think about it.
Our borders are wide open.
Forget porous, they're wide open.
I mean, the only thing they could do to make things even easier is just to kind of, you know, put grand lubricant around all four corners of our nation and let people slide in a little bit faster.
And the reason you should be really concerned is because Haiti, Haitians that share their country and their culture on their island with the Dominican Republic, very, very different places, very different cultural history.
An extreme culture.
And so I've asked, later in the show, I've asked war correspondent and analyst Michael Yan, who's been on Alex's show, I know a number of times, reporting on the border, but he's got an interesting take from a lot of his research, a lot of the work that he does, he's got an interesting take on the Haitian culture, that it's very, very extreme, and that you're going to see crime on steroids, right?
So we're going to get into that and he will explain why that's a concern.
Lastly, I'm going to wrap up the hour and the show by sharing with you some medical news, for lack of a better term.
Did you know that there's a new batch of mRNA coming?
Oh yeah!
Moderna, who never Really accomplished much of anything until it was birthed by NIH and Fauci and billions and billions of dollars of your tax money.
Moderna is expanding and we're going to get into that.
The other thing I want to share with you is that, believe it or not, the founders of BioNTech, this husband and wife team, Well, they are all giddy because they're going to get a chance to usher in a whole new type of mRNA vaccine.
And I could laugh at that, too.
I would suggest that that's comedic relief.
They're going to do it for cancer, of all things.
So really, really crazy.
We'll get into all of that.
I want to share so much of that information with all of you and I couldn't make it up, okay?
Let's start with the spike protein, the spike issue.
I recently had a chance, as I said, to speak with Dr. Leigh Merritt.
She is one of the original frontline doctors.
She's a military vet, orthopedic surgeon, spent a lot of time as a physician in the military.
She's very focused on parasites, and that she tells a great story.
You've got to watch it.
It's on my rumble just from last week.
We're, gosh, I think we're over 250,000 views, many more than that across other platforms.
People are really interested in this.
And what she normally talks about is parasites.
And she brings some incredible history that not only did the Cabal,
you know, the Rothschilds and the Morgans and all these other people that took over,
criminalized natural health and took over, you know, allopathic medicine,
blew it up and created pharma, that these people knew that really parasites,
in her opinion, parasites are more of what is the hidden stealth killer.
And cause of chronic illness in human beings.
And so she's focused a lot on that.
But when we got to talking about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which, listen, it's been four years and no one, no one has shown any of us a whole SARS-CoV-2, not one or something else, A whole SARS-CoV-2 virus, isolated in its pure form, extracted from an ill individual.
Everybody will tell you, oh no, no, no, I've seen it, I've worked with it, I've downloaded it, I've affected it.
When you really push them, it comes back to a piece of a facsimile, of a section, of something that looked like it.
It just gets into the absurd.
So four years still waiting for somebody to prove that wrong and no one has.
And so it just follows the logic that if there is no proven, demonstrated SARS coronavirus 2, then how can you confirm or believe that there is an antigen, a foreign protein called the spike protein in existence that is supposedly attached to that?
We're going to roll a clip of Dr. Leigh Merritt.
It's really kind of a short and it's got pieces of this very important conversation that I had with her.
Less than a week ago, if we could, we could roll that clip.
Let's see.
Let me bring this back to what we're dealing with right now for another question, because I'm sure you have a perspective on it.
Then if the whole coronavirus, because nobody's ever really seen it.
There's something wrong with the story that we're beginning about everything.
We're not being told of what's in the vaccine.
We're not being told that we don't, that it can't happen the way they're telling you says, you know, it's a PSYOP.
When you see pictures like that, that blue ball that they kept showing for SARS-CoV-2, I said, That's not anything.
It's a CGI image.
That's as real as NASA's landing on the moon.
I mean, this is just a... because they know that these images of that spiky looking scary thing catch your attention.
Would you agree that we came to the... you were explaining that there is no spike protein.
It's part of the coronavirus... Say again?
It's not been proven.
They can't...
I can show it to you.
I can show you a bacterium.
There's a lot.
I can show you this.
Dr. Merritt, there's a lot of business being run right now.
I know, I know.
On the basis of a spike protein that doesn't even exist.
That's part of the... Actually, I'm with you.
I keep saying... I can't.
I'm not going to listen to people talk about a spike protein until you prove to me it exists.
But we are willing to accept that we've been lied to and now we're thinking differently.
Well, there you have it.
If it hasn't been demonstrated and hasn't been shown, look, let me put it this way.
There are, I'm not going to name any names, I'm not going to name any companies.
You can find them as you go along on your own.
What I'm going to say is, there are products out there that are making claims that they can reduce your spike protein.
Now, let's take this through its logical pieces.
If no one has demonstrated the whole virus, how can you demonstrate this specific Foreign protein synthetic spike exists, and I hope they do.
I mean, I don't have a dog in the race, honestly, but here's the point.
Let me explain it to you this way.
In order to, because we've lost all semblance of safety and efficacy, right?
In order to ensure that you have a product that reduces something that's harmful, you have to have a before and after test, right?
So what instrument can someone show me that actually proves the before amount of spike and then you're treated with their material and then shows you, oh look, your spikes went from 1,000 to 100.
That's great.
We don't know that.
Nobody has that instrument.
Nobody can prove it to me.
I've been asking for it in social media.
Nobody can show it to me.
I get a lot of arguments.
I get a lot of people saying, oh, well, we proved it.
We see the inflammation or we see this damage.
It's always the aftermath of after the spike protein came through, but never the proof of the actual culprit causing that damage.
And that's why that's that's why that's important.
So I think that you need to think about that and you need to be very conscientious.
You need to be careful about just accepting what someone tells you about anything, about illnesses, about products, because I'm going to tell you something, they're coming for you again.
You've already seen them declare disease X. You're in the middle, by the way, I don't know if you know this or not, but you're in the middle of a Marburg and Ebola pandemic public health emergency, right?
Because all those people next door in your neighborhood, at the mall, just dropping like flies from Ebola and Marburg, right?
They're going to come at you again, and they're going to bring this kind of information, and they're going to expect you to behave a certain way and follow the rules again.
And this time around, you need to say, show me the instrument that measures that.
Some of you are still saying, Dr. Jane, I got a positive COVID test.
I was sick last week.
The test was positive for COVID.
It was?
What did you use to diagnose it?
I used a PCR test!
Okay, let's go back to the beginning.
The PCR test was not designed to be a diagnostic tool, and even if it wasn't, I need to see a validation study on that instrument for validity, which means it finds the virus and Reliability, which means that every time you use it, you are getting a reliable measure and that it is finding it every single time.
And no such thing exists.
There was a paper published by two crooks, Victor Korman and Christian Drosten.
They're the first and last authors on a paper.
Those are the two most important people, authors on a scientific journal paper.
And they validated their own test.
They even admit In the write-up.
It's a very famous write-up.
Which, by the way, they peer-reviewed their own paper in like 24 hours, which is kind of like Warp Speed.
Kind of a Warp Speed of, you know, validating and peer-reviewing your own paper yourself.
Talk about a conflict.
And they published it in their own journal!
What a surprise!
But they even admit in that paper that, hey, we found a facsimile, we downloaded it from the World Genome Bank after the Chinese uploaded it, But it was a facsimile.
And we tested the PCR against that facsimile.
Doesn't work.
Can't buy it.
And there were hundreds of scientists all over the world, including people like Dr. Michael Yeadon, who came out and published their own legitimate scientific point-by-point critique of that.
Can't do that.
Too much conflict of interest.
Your write-up doesn't make sense.
Your methodology was totally off.
And it turns out that these guys own a huge factory manufacturing plant in Berlin that makes, you guessed it, PCR kits.
Can't make that up either.
So, that's something incredible that you have to think about.
You have to step back when somebody tells you you're diagnosed with something.
I know that many of us come from a culture where we never questioned physicians, but we need to start doing that.
People often say, well, you know, what do you know?
You're not an MD.
You know what?
I wouldn't want to be an MD in this climate.
The majority of MDs really were responsible for pushing a lot of people to taking these shots around the world.
I wouldn't be proud of that.
And those are not the only experts in the pharmaceutical world.
For those of you who don't know or don't remember, I am a licensed medical professional.
I've treated thousands of patients in hospitals, in acute care settings.
And then I spent 20 years in the pharmaceutical industry on the medical research side.
Understanding what it takes to get drugs properly through the evaluation process, to put together a package of data for safety and efficacy.
Believe it or not, there are standards, there are requirements.
And so those things, I knew right away in 2020 that those pieces were gone.
They were abandoned and Pretty dangerous.
It's pretty dangerous.
And I just learned recently that the FDA has now suspended, this is important for you to know, suspended inspection of manufacturing plants for biologics.
Biologics encompass, you know, vaccines.
I use the term loosely.
Again, I always like to, for your sake, remind you that what we saw in the COVID rollout are not vaccines.
They're not by any definition as far as I'm concerned.
And they were rushed through under some kind of special umbrella.
And it's important that you don't use the term vaccine because when you call it a vaccine, you're doing two things.
You're giving the criminals cover.
Because under the term vaccine, they are protected under Reagan's 1986 Vaccine Injury Act, right?
That actually shifted the financial burden and the legal liability from the pharma companies over to the American public, the backs of the taxpayers.
Look it up.
Look it up.
So horrible.
And they're not vaccines because they don't confer immunity.
That's the second They're not vaccines.
In fact, they do the opposite.
They degrade your immunity because they create an antigen, a toxic thing that your body will recognize as foreign and dangerous.
They create it inside the body.
Whoever the genius was that invented putting the antigen inside the body, your immune system is facing outward, my friends, and it's waiting for invaders from the outside, which is very logical when you think about the design.
When you create a lot of toxins in the inside, your immune system is looking in and out, in and out.
Hence, I'm simplifying it, but it degrades the function of the immune system over time.
And that's when you become more prone to opportunistic infections, things that are always in the environment at any given time.
You live in an ocean of bacteria and viruses and protozoa and mold and all kinds of other things.
The reason you don't get sick, unless you're very unusual with a congenital issue around immunity, the reason you don't get sick is because you have this incredibly designed system.
It doesn't need to be boosted.
It doesn't need to be stimulated by these injections and these foreign toxins.
But that wasn't what it was about, was it?
It wasn't about that.
I want to talk about a shift a little bit in anticipation of the next half of the hour in a discussion with war correspondent Michael Yan.
I know he's done a lot of coverage of the invasion of the United States, the invasion at all of our borders, but particularly finding out that our own government and government NGOs are literally setting up Incredible camps, very well stocked, very well appointed to facilitate the illegal invasion of these people.
And so why should you care if, you know, hundreds of Haitians just came over escaping their civil war in their country right now?
Not really escaping it, but coming over to cause havoc.
Over here in the United States, why should you care that they just showed up on the shores of Jupiter Island, Jupiter Beach, which is essentially a suburb of West Palm Beach, because they're bringing with them a very extreme culture, belief systems.
We'll talk more about that in detail.
It's a machete culture.
You know, you have an argument, boom, get out the machete, cut somebody's head off.
Other extremes.
We're hearing reports of cannibalism, things like that.
Michael will give us sort of an on-the-ground, you know, recap of that.
And he'll also, he's also a student of cultures and history of cultures.
And he'll explain that and talk more about why this is everybody's problem.
Because even though they're coming through Jupiter and West Palm Beach and Miami and wherever else they're coming through on the shores of Florida, they are being seeded And sent with a strategy and with a plan to various specific areas, mostly cities, throughout the U.S.
And that should be a concern for all of you.
And I know that a lot of you are starting to see people that don't seem like they belong there, people that look like they're milling around, don't have really a purpose.
You're going to, this is a very dangerous culture.
And he's going to explain, explain why.
I mentioned that the government is helping.
Let me share with you a couple of pieces.
We understand that the National Guard down here in Florida, I took a lot of heat for talking about this Haitian invasion, and I said, DeSantis, DeSantis, and I got a lot of heat on social media saying, oh, he's doing this, he sent the National Guard.
Yeah, guess what your National Guard's doing?
They're aiding and abetting.
They're actually getting them out in the water and bringing them to the shore.
Let me show you some proof that Customs and Border Patrol are actually helping illegals come in at our southern border.
We've got a clip and let's roll that.
Fence cutting.
What you are witnessing is United States Customs and Border Patrol agents actually ripping down a protective This is a crime.
on the U.S. border to enable foreign illegals to invade our country every day, every hour.
The invasion of the United States of America is being conducted by the government itself.
This is a crime.
We are being invaded.
This is the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, and you're about to enter Truth From Down on the Border.
That's a big truth.
That's my great intro.
Cut that.
You'll catch it when you watch the shows.
Look, you just saw it with your own eyes.
You don't have to take my word for it.
Those are United States Customs and Border Patrol agents.
They're paid by us.
They're paid to do a job to protect us, to apprehend right there at the border and not let it go any further.
And not only are they not protecting us, and not only are they not stopping that, you just witnessed with your own eyes.
They're actually facilitating it.
This is not unique.
I believe the UN is running this sort of at the top of the food chain, but however it trickles down into money and incentives, they've captured our oversight agencies.
That's why you have the FDA dysfunctional.
These agencies have collapsed.
That's why.
That's why you should be concerned.
And it's we the people.
Nobody's coming.
Not Trump.
Not your Congress.
We'll talk about that in the end of the show, toward the end of the show.
But that's what's coming.
It's you.
It's me.
Start to form your alliances with like-minded people around your neighborhood, your families, because it's coming.
You need a plan.
I hope you have one in place.
We're all working on it.
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You know, the most dangerous thing you could have during an invasion of a country is complacency and everything around you looking perfectly normal.
And that's what's happening right now, which is why a lot of us are still ringing the bell.
I'm Dr. Jane Ruby.
I'm thrilled to be here to close it up for Alex's fourth hour.
And I have been talking about the Haitian invasion of Florida, which is essentially the country.
And we're going to get into that a little bit.
I know a lot of you have seen my guest today many times on everywhere, thank God, and on Alex's show.
Michael Yan is a war correspondent and an analyst.
He is a vet.
Former Green Beret and an incredible human being who's actually done a lot of research.
He's more than just a pretty face on the battlefield.
Michael, great to see you.
Thank you so much for joining me this afternoon on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you, Doctor.
It's a pleasure to be here.
I'm in Florida, actually.
As you know, Anne VanderSteel and I have been, you know, rolling around, catching the world on fire.
With Operation Burning Edge, as you know, the great success in our projects in Darien with getting key people down there.
You know, we take serious people, serious places to do serious things.
You see the front page articles from Epoch Times and Laura Loomer is just hitting home run after home run.
She sent me a message earlier.
Laura sent me a message maybe two hours ago that Trump just retweeted one of her Her trailer, the amazing work that Laura did down in Darien Gap.
She went down there with aggression, and you know what I mean?
She didn't go down there, you know, with fear.
She was just like, let's go!
Yeah, tough as nails.
And she was like that up until the end.
Yeah, she's tough as nails.
I've known her for a long time, and absolutely, she did a spectacular job.
You know, Michael, one of the things that she helped you expose and talk about a lot was this HIAS, this organization that is aiding down in there.
Just talk a minute or two about that because I want to roll a clip of a video that you did in a spectacular interview just a few days ago or such with Sean Ryan and you and I interviewed recently and that's going to be a big show on the Dr. Jane Ruby Show tonight at 7 p.m.
on my Rumble.
But tell us about, just take a minute, tell us about HIAS.
Yeah, normally I've been going after other NGOs such as IOM, of course, which is the International Organization for Migration.
It's part of the UN, so UN, IOM, UNHCR, and so many others such as Catholic Charities.
But, you know, Secretary of Homeland Security Ali Mayorkas He was a board member on HIAS.
Actually, Doug McGregor is the one that told me that.
He tipped me off one day and I checked it out and it was true.
So, Mayorkas had been a board member on HIAS and you can see on HIAS.org that HIAS congratulates him for moving over to the Department of Homeland Security.
HIAS is the Human Immigrant Aid Society.
It's very important because they're one of the major NGOs that are invading the United States.
For instance, they're literally helping Hezbollah.
I am not overstating anything hyperbolically.
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is literally helping Hezbollah, probably the most dangerous terrorist organization on earth except for the Chinese Communist Party.
Literally helping them both get into the United States.
CCP and Haspelot.
They help them every day.
We have it on video many, many times.
And now Laura has it on video, too, because we took her down there.
She saw it with her own eyes.
We took Brett Weinstein down there.
He saw ICE as well.
Yeah, 100%.
And I want people to understand, you can validate this, that all these NGOs, these non-government organizations, they're working for whatever is running the U.S.
government right now.
When we say the government is doing this to us, It's through these NGOs, primarily Catholic Charities.
I mean, you've always named a bunch of them.
I want to show a clip, Michael, that's very startling.
We have it teed up.
I believe it's video three.
Partly what you and Sean Ryan put together recently, with all credit due there.
We could roll that tape.
That's just less than a minute, I think.
I started immediately after Biden was installed.
And you saw how quickly they put up those fences.
And the border patrol's like, wow, he's only been in office for like, you know, 48 hours and we're getting overwhelmed.
And we were seeing it, right?
And then we flew down to Colombia and we went to the Darien Gap on the Colombian side.
And then I started going to Panama costly because I'm like, this is it.
This is where they're going to run right up the middle.
This started out as Camps with almost no infrastructure, no running water, none of that, and now camps that hold thousands of people.
Yeah, but they're more pass-through.
They limp in from out of the jungle except for the Chinese route and they come in smiling a lot of times out of that
route Wow
That is so ominous.
Michael, I want to jump, in the interest of time, to the Haitian invasion.
You're witnessing, you know, all the reports.
You're down here in South Florida.
The invasion at Jupiter Island.
Why should Americans be concerned?
Just, oh, just another group.
You know, okay, we know we're getting invaded.
Why should they be particularly concerned about Haitians and their culture?
You know, I am from Florida, but the fact that I'm in Florida is because this is another war front.
And people that have followed my work for decades know that if I show up in your neighborhood, even if it's my hometown, that's a problem.
And so the reason I'm here is because Florida is in the gun sights, right?
Haiti, coincidentally, is being destabilized right after Guantanamo Bay was bust up.
Considerably, right?
Now it looks like Turks and Caicos is also being destabilized and Bahamas itself.
As you know, China has taken over a harbor port just close to Florida.
It's very close.
I mean, you can be there in two hours by boat, right?
There's people that go over there and literally boat over and have lunch and come back in the same day from Florida, right?
So I mean, so now China has a major port there.
They've taken up, they're building a huge embassy and basically we already know that many Chinese are flowing through the Bahamas.
We intercepted a guy in And Darien, actually, we call him Chai Ninja.
His name's actually Lushan Zhao.
Lushan Zhao, he came out of the jungle in the Darien.
I was waiting up late at night with Masako Kanaha and a few others.
And Anthony Rubin is one example.
He was there.
And, you know, we'll say ni hao, hello in Mandarin, right?
And because it's good to talk with people when it's dark and at nighttime.
Anyway, he was angry.
So for the next hour and a half, actually, he ranted on and he talked about he had Lushan Zhao, we call him Chai Ninja, Chinese Ninja, because of some things about him.
But anyway, he said that he had flown to the Bahamas.
He bought a boat for $5,000 from a Scotsman.
And then he was going to Florida and he ran out of fuel.
And he said the Ushua... Lushan Zhao said the Coast Guard picked him up.
He was somehow deported back to the Bahamas, who was sending him back to China, but he connected flights in Cuba.
And from there he flew to Ecuador.
He changed his flight.
And then he went to the Darién Gap and we intercepted him there, right?
So this, bottom line is Chinese are coming up on our beaches.
Yes, and that's a huge danger too.
But we have the Haitians here now.
Not to mention, but you asked about Haitians.
What did you discover about their culture?
That's okay.
The Chinese are just as dangerous, but yeah.
What's happening?
In different ways.
Yeah, yeah, you know, about a year and a half ago, Chuck Colton and I were down in the Dominican Republic.
We went to the Haitian border.
We went on the Haitian side, actually, but the Dominican Republic has kicked most of them out forcefully, you know, with batons and they've kicked, you know, I don't know, 100,000 out.
Let's see, to be directionally accurate, that's directionally accurate.
It's a huge number, right?
So kicked Haitians out because they're on the same island, right?
Dominican Republic and Haiti share the same island, right?
And so, Dominican Republic said, you're out.
Actually, I got a haircut by a Haitian guy in one of their villages.
I said, have you ever cut a white man's hair before?
He laughed and he cut it.
But there's a lot of cutting.
They're generally dangerous, right?
Yeah, they're generally very dangerous.
The culture.
Yeah, keep in mind, I have been around the world, I have spent most of my life in other cultures.
The most, one of the, I would say maybe the most violent culture I've ever seen are Haitians, is Haitians.
I mean, they are, when I'm in Colombia, the Colombians are like, oh no, Haitians.
So where, oh where, is my Congress?
Where, oh where, are they hiding?
Hey, welcome everybody back to the last segment of the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm here with Michael Yan.
We had to go to break, so apologize for that, Michael.
You have great stories, we don't want to cut them off.
But we're going to wrap up in just a couple of minutes because I have some other stuff to share.
But I wanted Michael to finish his thought.
And tell everybody why you have such a serious concern about the Haitian culture as they're hitting and walking around West Palm Beach right now.
You know, there's knife cultures and then there's machete cultures.
And there's quite a few cultures that just machete people chop, chop, chop, as Alex might say.
And Haitians are, you should see, some Haitians threaten me with machetes in Columbia, by the way.
I may have that on video, actually.
Yeah, they were getting prepared to go through the Darien Gap.
Anyway, so even the Colombians don't like the Haitians around.
The Panamanians don't want them.
The Mexicans want them.
When you have Mexicans telling you the Haitians are too violent, when you have Border Patrol going, I don't want to deal with Haitians, right?
Now, I want to be crystal clear, as Americans have to say, not all Haitians are bad.
I have, let me tell you what, let me tell you.
Of the rescue stories I continue to hear in Dairy and Gap, it's often about how Haitians rescued me.
In other words, I hear people, a lot of people have told me that Haitians rescued them when everybody else left them behind.
So there's this weird dichotomy of, I keep hearing people tell me, like one guy, I call him 22 Days because he was stuck in the jungle, he told me about Haitians came up, and Congo, Congolese on a different day actually, He was stuck out there for a long time.
It's a long story.
But anyway, but Haitians rescued him when only a different time Congolese rescued him.
But the bottom line is...
You know, there's this weird dichotomy going on here between super, just ultra violence and, you know, voodoo and all these other things that, you know, there's freedom of religion and then there's like voodoo.
What about the cannibalism?
Is there anything to that?
Have you, did you discover that or talk to anybody about it when you were at the Haiti line?
Yeah, as you know, you and I talked one night at length on the cannibalism issue.
As you know, I actually tracked down some cannibals years ago.
I told Alex once on a show about it.
It was really serious.
It was very interesting.
And as you know, a lot of people think cannibalism is dead and gone.
They're completely wrong.
They're as wrong as thinking that there's nobody coming through the dairying gap.
Cannibalism is actually quite common in the world.
I had this email came in today from They're doing some hit piece on me and Congressman Tiffany.
Anyway, they're talking about how I talked about Congo cannibals, right?
Well, the United Nations talks about Congo cannibals, you know what I mean?
So it's like, oh, go ahead, hit me.
Here's the United Nations.
Because there are people in Congo chasing down pygmies to eat them.
Because they think the pygmies have magical powers, so they were hunting pygmies.
Can you imagine pygmies running through the jungle, getting chased by people that want to eat pygmies?
So I mean, cannibalism is common.
They eat albinos, they eat pygmies, you know, it's normal.
Normal doesn't mean good, by the way.
I hear you.
I hear you.
And I think the people of America are going to be in for a big shock.
It's not going to play very well in West Palm.
Michael, I'm going to thank you for being here today.
I've got to run to another part of the segment, but thanks for everything you're doing.
You're an American down there, and you're eyes and ears for all of us, and you're proving that we really are under attack.
So thank you so much, and thanks for being here, my friend.
And just remember, you are the other white meat.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
Thank you, Michael, for that reminder.
I won't sleep tonight.
Michael Yan, everyone, war correspondent and analyst, just an incredible human being.
If you really get a chance to ever meet him and talk with him, he is an incredible historian and he puts it all together and connects the dots.
I want to spend a little bit of time in this last few minutes talking about some concerns.
You know, there's something really nefarious, horrific happening.
We don't have any oversight.
We don't have legislators.
We don't have Congresses.
We don't have anything anymore.
And if you don't believe me, take a look at recently what happened in the state of Utah.
There was a bill they were trying to move through their legislature.
Watch this.
They were trying to just get labeling of meat, beef, that has a label on it that says, hey, this has had mRNA injections, in case you don't want to be exposed to that through your food supply, of which we're still trying to sort out scientifically of how it's going to affect us.
These are synthetic proteins.
These are dangerous.
These are not happening in the wild.
I wish we had the headline up, but it's, the bill was defeated and mostly by rhinos.
The bill to label, just label the food.
We've got, we're under such control from Big Food.
Where are our congressional members?
I just, I keep asking the question and I keep getting responses like, oh this one's talking, this one's got, he had a hearing, this one had another hearing up on the hill.
Nobody's done anything.
We have dog and pony shows like Ron Johnson.
The clue is that they're bringing the same people in over and over again.
There are thousands of incredible people that are doing great work to try to put the pieces together here.
The same people show up to these dog and pony shows and no one's done anything.
Don't tell me about the hearings.
Don't tell me about the voice they're giving to it.
I'm gonna call out Marjorie Taylor Greene.
COVID VAX injury hearings.
In the meantime, while she holds those hearings, she's holding stock in Gilead, the company that sells Remdesivir.
Call me crazy, but is that a bit of a conflict?
I think so.
I think it's very dangerous.
Holding stock?
I know they all hold stock, but holding stock in a company that's killing Americans every day?
No shame?
You don't have a Congress.
You don't have a government.
But you definitely don't have a Congress.
They've been long gone, long gone.
They've sold out.
And I'll tell you what my proof is.
Four years since March of 2020, when this whole pandemic, which never happened, happened.
When the COVID pandemic hit, it's been four years.
We still have a few hearings up on Capitol Hill, but that was it.
What's been done?
Four years?
That's a lot of time to do things, to put bills through, to stop things, to call these companies, haul them in, tie them up, prohibit them from doing business, commerce, in the United States of America.
Nothing at all.
A couple of pieces on the horizon that you need to be aware of because this is a multi-pronged attack.
They're coming at you.
Medically, I can see they're coming at you.
This is the truth in medicine that I pursue on my show to bring you every single day.
But this is a multi-aspect, multi-pronged attack.
Moderna, who didn't even exist, was kind of like in the bowels of the NIH, right?
For years.
Fauci's little invention.
Moderna, all of a sudden, after making billions on the COVID scam, Now just got the okay to build a $180 million MRNA production plant in Quebec.
For what?
For what do you need a $180 billion production plant for MRNA?
What are you planning on doing with that?
It kills?
It maims?
And that's why I'm angry.
The Congress is silent.
They're sitting back, watching our military get decimated.
Our military, our national security readiness is in the, is in the, you know what?
And these people are flowing over the border, not just flowing over going, gee, I'm in the United, what do I do?
I'm in America.
They're given a ticket, they're given a phone, they're given a baggie with Ivermectin, and they're given a destination.
And that destination, those destinations tell me it's intentional.
That it's treasonous.
I want to show you a picture of a couple.
I'm pivoting just slightly here.
The company Biontech.
I want to bring up the picture of the husband and wife.
These are the founders of Biontech.
This is Ugar Sahin and Aslam Teresi.
Do we have that picture?
I'd like to bring up the picture of the owners and founders of Biontech.
There we are.
This couple, they're Turkish expats who now live in Germany.
They founded BioNTech.
BioNTech was Pfizer's partner.
This is, again, Ugar Sahin and Aslam Teresi.
They're two physicians that were holding the mRNA technology before the COVID scam for cancer.
For cancer!
Your technology causes cancer!
It ramps it up!
It turbo charges it!
So that people die in a matter of days and weeks instead of months and years.
Well, they are getting ready to launch a whole new batch of modified, synthetic, God knows what it's made from, mRNA.
We don't know who's going to get what.
We don't know what it is.
Imagine being frightened with a diagnosis of cancer.
Stop and think.
They're going to give you this injection of their poison to, quote, prevent it and to cure it.
God help us all.
I'm Jane Ruby.
Thanks for being with me today in the last hour.
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