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Name: 20240314_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 14, 2024
2266 lines.

In a recent episode of Alex Jones' show, guests discussed various topics including Elon Musk and Don Lemon's confrontation on CNN, legal eligibility of former President Trump to be on the ballot, Kamala Harris as a political figure, ongoing legal cases, and product availability at the InfoWars store. The show also promoted various products, including Minuteman Coffee, which is part of their Operation A360 initiative to promote pro-human ideas and oppose anti-human agendas.

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It is Thursday, March 14, 2024.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We got Roger Stone, Robert Barnes, Drew Hernandez, and so much more coming up here today on this live four-hour transmission.
235 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes, 31 seconds.
Most important election in world history.
All right.
I was supposed to be taking care of business today here on the InfoWars end and some family stuff as well, but I couldn't pull myself away.
So I'm going to file some reports.
That we're going to air in the second hour with Barnes on a whole host of issues.
Roger's coming up.
I could not pull myself away from the Don Lemon thing going after Elon Musk.
All Elon did was become a sponsor and boost him.
And he does this vicious attack interview with a bunch of crap, we've seen the clips, and giggles and laughs about it.
So Musk says, well, you're still on X, but I'm not going to talk to you anymore.
You didn't say what this interview was really about.
So he, of course, lied about that.
And then the whole corporate press, Lemon pressed Musk on drugs, too hot for X, free speech, farce.
It's not free speech when you decide not to sponsor somebody or when you decide to pull your support from, say, Anheuser-Busch over Bud Light.
So they're coming after Musk, ladies and gentlemen, because he is devastating them.
I'm not saying he's perfect, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
You lead this horse to water, it's going to drink.
Here is a clip of some of the confrontations with Musk.
Do you believe that X and you have some responsibility to moderate hate speech on the platform?
That you wouldn't have to answer these questions from reporters about the Great Replacement Theory as it relates to Democrats?
I don't have to answer these questions.
The Great Replacement Theory as it relates to Jewish people.
Do you think that?
I don't have to answer questions from reporters.
Don, the only reason I'm doing this interview is because you're on the X platform and you asked for it.
Otherwise I would not do this interview.
So you don't think, do you think that you wouldn't get in trouble or you wouldn't be criticized for these things?
I'm criticized constantly, I could care less.
Yeah, like Elon always says, if you don't want me to have free speech, go fuck yourself.
So notice he's claiming, Lemon and CNN and everybody else, that all the corporate dinosaurs, Drudge Report, you name it, that Musk is censoring.
He pressed him throughout the entire interview, Musk and others have been saying, about you need to censor, you need to censor.
So he won't censor, so he's a censor.
This is the upside down world.
And then Lemon goes back on CNN, he's so happy where he got fired for grabbing somebody by the wiener, reportedly.
That's one of the reasons that he goes, oh, it's terrible.
He makes up the replacement migration theory.
That's an official UN plan.
So I'm going to shoot a report right after I go off.
Aaron Rodger takes over here in the next segment.
I'm going to show you the documents and all of it.
I'm also going to file a report on the plan to create giant crime waves in the West.
That's the official Soros U.N.
It's not just Canada.
It's happening here in the U.S., Europe, clown world, Canada.
Citizens told to leave key boxes, open key boxes, outside their doors to their cars so thieves can steal them more easily and not break in the house and rob them.
That's like telling a woman, go ahead and let somebody rape you so they don't beat you.
This is the total capitulation.
You see the robbery in the stores in Europe and here, where the prosecutors locally won't prosecute for thousands of dollars of theft, and then all the stores are closing.
That's the plan.
Create the angrier world.
Create the dystopia.
Here's a short clip of the larger newscast we're going to be airing coming up.
There's also updated advice for all vehicle owners.
A message echoed by Toronto Police speaking at an Etobicoke safety meeting last month.
Constable Marco Ricciardi had a new message for vehicle owners who keep their fobs in Faraday pouches.
To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door.
Because they're breaking into your home to steal your car.
They don't want anything else.
A lot of them that they're arresting have guns on them.
And they're not toy guns, they're real guns.
They're loaded.
That's why Golinski says they will be installing the doorstops and taking YPR's advice seriously.
But she'd like more action from police as well.
So, they take most of the guns in Canada, crime rate explodes, they have the same Soros-funded type prosecutors, and then they tell you, capitulate to the pirates.
Alright, Roger Stone's gonna get into all the big political news, election 2024, and so much more than Robert Barnes, Drew Hernandez, and my special reports coming up today.
Please tell everybody you know, tune in now!
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm your guest host, Roger Stone, sitting in for Alex Jones.
You know, I did a show here at InfoWars from 2017 to 2019.
May have been the happiest time in my life.
I knew that the Mueller investigation was afoot.
I also knew that I was targeted, not because I did anything wrong, but because I was a 45 year friend of President Donald Trump.
I have to say, while Alex Jones may have been skeptical that I would ultimately be charged, when I was, there was no one more supportive, no one more behind me No one more leading the efforts to expose the truth on the witch hunt against me than Alex Jones and the entire family at InfoWars.
And for that, I will always be extraordinarily grateful.
You don't really know what it's like to be censored, silenced, shadow banned, and cancelled until it happens to you.
Well, as most of you know, it happened to Alex Jones.
It happened to me.
It happened to others like Laura Loomer.
When it first happened, many conservatives did not raise a voice.
They said nothing.
Until, of course, it happened to them.
Then you saw what was really historic.
Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, turning it into X, really was historic.
It changed everything.
It was the beginning of the end for the regime, because their complete stranglehold on all mass communications began to crumble.
And then to his credit, Elon Musk was willing to go back into the files and expose the fact that various governmental agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI had worked hand in glove with executives at Twitter to censor people who didn't adhere to the accepted narrative.
Didn't matter whether the issue was election integrity Russian collusion or the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccinations?
He exposed everything.
Now, X has exploded as a platform.
Alex Jones is back there.
I love that.
Our friend Tucker Carlson, friend of mine of 30 years, is racking up numbers of viewers that could never have been achieved on old-fashioned cable television when he was at Fox.
So, it's extraordinary, this revolution in communications.
But, yesterday I was shocked to learn that Elon Musk, who has made his platform available to Don Lemon, the same way he makes his platform available to Tucker Carlson, got nothing in return but a vicious attack.
It's absolutely extraordinary that not only does Musk afford Lemon a platform on X, but he also agrees to an interview.
Let's take a look at what transpired.
Do you believe that X and you have some responsibility to moderate hate speech on the platform?
That you wouldn't have to answer these questions from reporters about the Great Replacement Theory as it relates to... I don't have to answer these questions.
The Great Replacement Theory as it relates to Jewish people.
Do you think that... I don't have to answer questions from reporters.
Don, the only reason I'm doing this interview is because you're on the X platform and you asked for it.
Otherwise I would not do this interview.
So you don't think, do you think that you wouldn't get in trouble or you wouldn't be criticized for these things?
I'm criticized possibly, I could care less.
Illuminating in so many ways.
I have two things I want to ask you about that, Don.
First, the Great Replacement Theory.
As you bring it up, you know, he has tweeted, a tweet he shared, increasing illegals boost Dem voting power causing them to recruit more.
If Dems win President House and Senate, they'll grant citizenship to all legals and America will become a permanent one-party deep socialist state.
He has gone there directly.
How much does he stand by these ideas?
Well, he didn't quite seem to understand that he did, originally he did that with Jewish people, sort of a great replacement theory thing that he did with Jewish people, and he got in trouble and he had to go to Auschwitz and answer questions and apologize and go with Ben Shapiro.
But he doesn't understand That that sort of rhetoric that he talks about, the Great Replacement Theory and migrant invasion, that's what radicalized shooters use in their manifestos.
Those exact words.
The people who go and shoot up people, whether they be Latino people who live in Texas, or black people who are in the supermarket in Buffalo, or Jewish people who are worshipping, those people use the same rhetoric.
That they are tropes.
That they're either racist for Latinos, or black people, or for Jewish people.
And I wanted to know if he felt any responsibility.
As someone who has one of the largest social media and information platforms in the world.
A quarter billion people.
A quarter billion people.
I think it's 455 or 500 million users a week.
And it doesn't seem that he feels that he has any responsibility with that because he seemed really averse to facts.
That facts did not matter to him.
It didn't matter that he retweeted things that were offensive to people.
And this whole, the whole idea of what I was asking him about, was it offensive and did he feel that his platform should have better moderation?
I mean, this guy goes crawling back to CNN, the people who canned him to grovel for the old media, rather than being grateful to Elon Musk for giving him a platform where, frankly, he can say whatever he wants.
He can criticize whoever he wants.
He tried to trap Elon on the question of Donald Trump.
Let's take a look.
You recently met with Donald Trump in Florida.
What did you guys talk about?
I was at a breakfast at a friend's place and Donald Trump came by.
That's it.
What'd you discuss?
I don't...
Um, let's just say he did most of the talking.
Did he ask you for money?
He didn't.
Are you going to loan him money to help pay his legal bills?
I'm not paying his legal bills in any way, shape, or form.
Did he ask you for a donation?
Are you leaning towards anyone?
You're not leaning towards anyone?
Let me say I'm leaning away from Biden.
Elon Musk is very fast on his feet.
There's a revolution in the media, folks.
It is websites and news outlets like InfoWars.com or MyOwnStoneZone.com or the great work being done by Human Events that is changing the world.
They can no longer suppress the truth.
And it's really almost hysterical.
To what?
Last night, I was watching MSNBC.
Well, I wasn't watching them on television.
I actually was speaking to the Kings Point Republican Club here in South Florida.
And on a big screen, they put up a bite from MSNBC.
It was actually painful.
I don't get my news from MSNBC for the same reason that I don't eat out of the toilet.
If you listen to the talking heads at MSNBC, like Chris Hayes, for example, he was virtually apoplectic.
It's hysterical because the court system is actually affording President Donald Trump due process in their tsunami of lawfare against him.
They want a trial so badly prior to this November's election that they are attacking the U.S.
Supreme Court.
So they like the federal courts whenever they rule the way they want them to rule, but they call them the MAGA court whenever they give Donald Trump his due process rights.
Why are they in a hurry?
Well, because it's election interference.
That's why.
You see, they think that a trial of Donald Trump, whether it be in Georgia or in New York or more precisely in Washington, D.C.
or in South Florida, will drain Trump's money.
He has to pay millions to lawyers, drain his time, Take him off the campaign trail in the crucial months of the campaign and also sully his name.
It's not working out the way they thought it would.
Yesterday, we heard that three of the charges against Trump in Georgia were dismissed.
Interestingly enough, these three charges pertain specifically to the tape phone call between President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
Now, it's important to note that there were many, many other people on that call, most of them lawyers.
Lawyers for the Secretary of State's office, lawyers for President Donald Trump.
Now, if you read the mainstream media, you would believe that Trump instructed Raffensperger to find, meaning create, manufacture 11,680 ballots.
But if you will take the time to listen to the entire call, recording, or read the transcript, and by the way it's very long, what you find is what Trump actually said to Raffensperger is that he has already inadvertently counted 11,680 votes.
And therefore, since those votes were illegal, and he breaks them down, people who moved out of the state, people who were registered to vote from a post office box, which is illegal, people who are certifiably deceased, If you subtract those from the final vote count, it would have handed victory to Donald Trump.
So while the case in Georgia is not over, it really suffered an extraordinary blow yesterday.
In the way this whole thing is unfolding, I have to admit to you, I see the hand of God.
First of all, the fact that special counsel Jack Smith attempted to leapfrog the DC appeals court on the question of immunity, where Donald Trump's lawyers asserted To the lower court, to the trial court, that he had absolutely presidential immunity against charges performed in his official duties as president.
Smith wanted to bypass the appeals court and go directly to the Supreme Court.
That was an inquiry the Supreme Court denied.
Forcing the case to go through the normal steps.
This is what Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell and Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow were having conniption fits about.
Oh my God, Trump is actually going to get due process.
Now you have on top of that the extraordinary Revelations regarding the epic corruption of Georgia Prosecutor Fannie Wills and Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade.
Well, that in turn potentially undermines the entire Georgia case.
Now add to their hysteria, what I think was an absolute correct decision by the US Supreme Court, which said that Donald Trump cannot be barred from the ballot by any particular state.
This is vitally important to understand because the left had an enormous multi-million dollar investment in this entirely false narrative.
Meaning, they were insisting that under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, specifically Article 3, that because Trump had This is important and participated in an insurrection that it meant he was ineligible to be on the ballot.
Well, that's a that's a subjective judgment.
That's the opinion of some liberal.
In this case, it was the opinion of the secretary of state in Colorado.
But in fact, President Donald Trump has not been convicted of insurrection.
In fact, He's not even charged with insurrection, not even in DC, where one has to presume that Special Counsel Jack Smith considered those charges.
If you look further at Article, pardon me, Amendment 14, Article 3, it doesn't even pertain specifically to the President and the Vice President.
So, it was correctly decided by the Supreme Court.
That has made the left absolutely apoplectic.
Also this week, we see that the January 6th narrative is continuing to crumble.
We now know that the faux Republican on the January 6th committee Liz Cheney suppressed evidence that would have proven that her star witness, Cassidy Hutchison, had lied about what transpired inside the presidential limousine after President Donald Trump spoke on the Ellipse.
It is now, I think, absolutely clear that the January 6th Committee was one of the greatest single hoaxes on the American people since, well, I don't know, the Warren Commission.
This particularly gripes me because I believe Liz Cheney also subverted forgery by witness Cassidy Hutchison.
Hutchison was an aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.
Let's take a look at this little clip.
The night before January 6th, President Trump instructed his Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, to contact both Roger Stone and Michael Flynn regarding what would play out the next day.
Hutchinson, is it your understanding that President Trump asked Mark Meadows to speak with Roger Stone and General Flynn on January 5th?
That's correct.
That is my understanding.
And Ms.
Hutchinson, is it your understanding that Mr. Meadows called Mr. Stone on the 5th?
I'm under the impression that Mr. Meadows did complete both a call to Mr. Stone and General Flynn the evening of the 5th.
And do you know what they talked about that evening, Ms.
I'm not sure.
You see, that's a lie.
That's complete and total perjury.
I have never spoken to Mark Meadows.
I checked with my friend, General Michael Flynn.
Neither has he.
So we didn't speak to him on January 5th or on any other day.
Nor did we communicate in any other mode of communications.
That was coached testimony and it's perjury.
She went on to say that Meadows, the President's Chief of Staff, was planning to go to a meeting in a war room at the Willard Hotel, but that she, Hutchison, dissuaded Meadows from going to the war room, but that Meadows later called Stone and Flynn for a debriefing.
That's a second act of perjury.
First of all, if there was a war room at the Willard Hotel, I didn't know about it, nor was I ever in any such war room.
Of all people, the Washington Post has confirmed that I had no involvement in the efforts to delay the Electoral College vote by the U.S.
Senate, nor was I ever in any war room at the Willard Hotel.
Did I have a room there?
Did I sleep there?
The level of smear by the January 6th Committee when they, the Democrats, had the House is really not only extraordinary, but now really beginning to crumble.
More and more questions are being asked.
Now the real question is whether or not the House Republicans have the cojones to mount a full investigation to investigate the investigators.
Why would the House committee destroy all of their records before the incoming Republican majority could examine them?
Why did Liz Cheney specifically destroy the records That dispute this idea that Donald Trump, somehow from the backseat of the presidential vehicle, sought to grab the wheel of the vehicle and drive it to the Capitol.
That has been contradicted in the testimony of multiple witnesses, but those documents, well, they can no longer be found.
Look, people want me to come on InfoWars to talk about politics and that's what we're going to do.
But I do want to remind you that InfoWars is indeed the tip of the spear.
Back when I was under siege, InfoWars was an invaluable source of truth when it came to the entire Russian collusion hoax and the attacks on me.
It is only because of InfoWars that we know the truth of the extraordinary and outrageous persecution of Owen Schroyer, who for two years was my co-host on The Great War Room Show.
God, how I miss those days.
But the folks at InfoWars cannot survive.
We can't continue to do these great broadcasts without your support.
We're not whining.
We're not complaining.
We're up for the battle, but we cannot do it alone.
Absolutely not.
So if you are not either a buyer or a subscriber, go to the InfoWars store now, because we've got some amazing products.
There is nothing more frustrating to me Whether it comes to news or anything else we're doing, then to know I'm telling the truth and to know they'll just listen to me and take action, it will change your life.
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Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone sitting in for my good friend Alex Jones.
And honored to be here.
Folks, I can't stress this enough.
The great products at InfoWars.com are what fuel this outlet to tell you and bring you the truth.
X3 is now back in stock.
You can get that at 40% off TurboForce, which I must tell you, that's the product that allows me to work some of the ridiculous hours that I work.
I became an aficionado of it all the way back in 2017.
It's not like the energy drinks, you know, that are spiked with ephedrine, which, you know, give you a short A high of energy, but a horrific crash.
Unlike that, TurboForce gives you smooth, sustained energy, mental clarity, and there is no crash.
It's a great, great product.
And it's now also 40% off.
So, let me recommend that.
Now, on Saturday, I guess it was, I was hurtling towards the west coast of Florida to speak to the Collier County Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner, where I met Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for Governor of North Carolina.
Who I predict to you right now on the Alex Jones Show is going to be President of the United States, one of the most impressive leaders and communicators I have ever met.
But I had a telephone interview with Alex Jones for a special Saturday broadcast.
We were driving through what they call Alligator Alley, which is a long stretch of highway.
East to West.
The cell service isn't always perfect, but it was during that interview that I really had to mention the product Nitric Boost.
Nitric Boost is an extraordinary product, one that I take personally.
Now, the role of Nitric Oxide in your body is crucial.
It exists as one of the body's most potent natural antioxidants.
It's a short-lived gas that's normally produced in the walls and arteries and veins of the human body.
As you get older, your natural production decreases, but nitric oxide is essential for life.
It is essential in keeping blood pressure and cholesterol at healthy levels.
It helps support the anti-inflammatory response.
It promotes overall good health, particularly heart health.
And for me, particularly taken with a turbo force, it promotes good, strong, natural clarity and energy, as well as better recovery.
Now, I'm not a doctor and I don't claim to be one.
I make no medical claims.
All I'm telling you is that this is a wholly natural supplement that is extraordinarily beneficial and you can order it by going to the InfoWars store.
Nitric Boost.
Nobody told me to do this.
Nobody asked me to recommend it.
I never recommend any product unless I myself have tried it and had great experience with it.
Folks, Nitric Boost is the highest quality nitric oxide you can get anywhere on the planet.
And yes, the price is right.
So I'm proud to recommend it.
I'm sure the people at Media Matters for America will be making fun of me for it within hours.
This was a historic week, folks, because with the outcome of the Republican presidential primaries in both Hawaii and Washington State, Donald Trump became only the second person in US history to be nominated three times for president by the Republican Party.
That is an extraordinary accomplishment.
There you see him with the only other man to achieve this distinction.
That would be President Richard Nixon.
Trump's political comeback was completely and totally unpredictable in a very, very strange way.
God often moves in strange ways.
This entire war of lawfare against him, this tsunami of fabricated charges against him in Washington, D.C., in South Florida, in Georgia, in New York, has turbocharged his candidacy in a way that could never have been foreseen.
In the 45 years that I have known him, in the roughly 25 years that I had been studying sophisticated polling data regarding public attitudes towards Donald Trump, he has never been stronger than he is at this exact moment.
Now, is he perfect?
Far from it.
No one is perfect.
Only he is perfect.
But when it comes to taking on the globalists, when it comes to taking on the deeply entrenched deep state, Which, in my opinion, not only assassinated one president, removed yet another president, tried to remove Ronald Reagan, first through a botched assassination attempt, and then a second time in the Iran-Contra scandal.
The same entities who staged the entirely phony Russian collusion hoax And then put forward the two impeachments, the first one pertaining to Russia and Ukraine, that those same folks have inadvertently strengthened Donald Trump beyond all comprehension.
Well, because the American people see through all of this.
They understand that he is a disruptor, a change agent, that he now far better prepared to take on those unelected bureaucrats who are inside the intelligence agencies, inside our national security apparatus, inside the think tanks, Inside the defense contractors' operations, these are the people who are committed to endless foreign war.
You see, war is epically profitable for some people.
And they know that Trump is, at heart, a peacemaker.
That he wants a strong America, which you can't have without a strong economy.
Watching MSNBC is almost comical as they try to tell us that Biden has brought our economy roaring back.
That isn't true and most definitely people are not feeling it.
I have said on this show and elsewhere that I think in the end, the Democrats will not actually nominate Joe Biden.
If that State of the Union address was an attempt to signal the leaders of the Democratic Party that Joe Biden was strong and ready to wage an aggressive campaign for re-election, Well, I would say it failed.
He came across as an angry, bitter old man who, even working with a teleprompter, couldn't get the words straight.
He also, over time, seemed to run out of energy.
I think it was, based on tone particularly, an unmitigated disaster.
Now, I continue to believe that the leaders of the Democratic Party will ultimately recognize that between the disastrous impact of Joe Biden's policies, Whether it is inflation or whether it is gasoline prices, which they clearly manipulated through dipping into our strategic energy reserve, or whether it is the fact that we have shipped 280 billion dollars at least to Ukraine to fight over their borders when we don't seem to have the will
Or the policies to seal our own borders, the fentanyl crisis, the crime crisis, the fiscal crisis caused by the fact that many state laws require that state and city governments pay for social services for those illegals flooding into the country.
At the expense of U.S.
citizens whose services like sanitation and law enforcement and education are being cut, when you combine them with the epic corruption of the Biden crime family, Joe can't make it.
So people have asked me what will happen.
Well, I continue to predict that shortly before the convention, I believe that Biden will be prevailed upon to step aside.
I should make it clear that this isn't what I want to have happen.
I really want to see a Biden-Trump rematch.
Those debates get me the popcorn, but I'm not sure that they will ever happen.
Biden can't make it, so they're going to have to try at least to move him out of the way.
Now, I had dinner recently with a former Democrat U.S.
Senator who just happens to be a friend of mine.
We don't agree politically on much, but he told me in no uncertain terms that the leaders of the Democratic Party are coming swiftly to the conclusion that Joe can't make it.
But he also pointed out that Biden himself is epically stubborn and that his wife very much likes the role of First Lady.
So I don't think he wants to go.
Will they, behind the scenes, use the 25th Amendment to pressure him into not running, just threatening the 25th Amendment?
In case you don't know how that works, well, let me explain it.
Under the 25th Amendment, A majority of the cabinet plus the sitting vice president can remove the president from office if they feel that for some reason he is incapacitated and unable to perform his duties.
Could they use that to get Joe Biden to announce shortly before the convention that although he will fulfill the balance of his term, Thus preserving his ability to pardon himself, his son, his brother, and other selected members of the Biden crime family, but release his delegates, in which case I believe that the convention could demand and draft, yes, Michelle Obama.
Now, before you snicker about that or make some joke about it, I urge you to take it seriously.
First of all, the Obamas could command unlimited campaign resources.
She has no political track record to attack.
She is among the most respected women in the country, whether we like it or not.
What to do about Kamala Harris?
Well, that's a conundrum.
I have suggested that perhaps they get her to step aside with the promise of a Supreme Court seat.
She is, after all, a former attorney general and prosecutor in Oakland County in California.
And if they maintained a Democrat in the White House and Democrat control, no matter how narrow, of the U.S.
Senate, she could indeed be confirmed.
I don't pretend to know as much about the Democratic Party as I do about my own party, but I'm sticking to my prediction.
Not my desire, but my prediction.
Anyway, let's move on.
Joining us now, Troy Smith, who is the publisher of Slingshot.News, who has some shocking information about former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, who is a candidate for the U.S.
That pedophilia exists at the highest levels of society and among our elite political class is known to those who watch alternative media, but seems to be unknown to the average voter.
Troy Smith has learned some shocking things and he joins us now.
Roger, as always, it's an honor.
I hope everybody will go check out Slingshot.News.
We're so excited about the numbers.
We're so excited about how we're doing.
But we're here today to talk about something that's very serious and very disgusting as
it pertains to one of Trump's main opponents, a person who spends literally his entire time
attacking President Trump across the media, trying to say all kinds of things about the
cases against President Trump and really undermining the Trump elements of the Republican Party.
Now, for people to get a full perspective on this, Roger, they have to understand that
Larry Hogan harbored a pedophile in his home.
Larry Hogan in 1992 was running a campaign for Congress in Maryland, and he had an aide
living in his home named Kevin Lee Hall.
Now, we know he was living in Larry Hogan's home because Ronald Gunsberger, Larry Hogan's campaign manager, admitted it in the Baltimore Sun.
As you see up on the screen now, we have a full report on Slingshot News that everybody can check out, which includes a video embed of all of this information.
But for people at home, what you need to understand is that Kevin Lee Hall was charged.
He was arrested for kidnapping and raping a 17-year-old boy at gunpoint.
He was arrested for raping a 17-year-old boy at gunpoint.
And this is a person who was living in Larry Hogan's home.
Now, I've been told by sources of former MDGOP officials that there was a conceded effort on the behalf of the Hogan campaign and the Hogan people to squash this story.
And that's why I don't think people are talking about it, Roger.
But it's not an isolated incident.
Hogan also appointed Judge Jonathan Newell to a Caroline County Circuit Court judgeship that was a 15-year term.
Now, Newell was in 2021 arrested for claims that have been made against him,
a police report that was filed against him by two young boys.
Now those boys alleged that Newell was filming them while they were in the shower.
They confronted Newell about this.
They told their parents.
When Maryland State Police eventually came to Newell's residence, they assert that he took the SIM card out of one of the cameras.
He reached under his bed, pulled a SIM card out of a camera and swallowed it.
Newell was then transported to a local hospital where they performed a CT scan and found a small metallic object.
In his stomach, meaning he did swallow the card.
Now, this is where this gets interesting and people must know.
Larry Hogan, when he was governor, was in full control of the Maryland State Police who were conducting the investigation into Judge Jonathan Newell.
Now, that aspect of it is important because as soon as the federal authorities were closing in on Newell Roger, as soon as the feds raided his home in September of 2021, they found him dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
And all of a sudden, the federal investigators who had been closing in on Newell, the Hogan ally, were off the case.
Because as soon as Newell died, it became once again an investigation of Maryland State Police.
Now this, as I said Roger, is not an isolated incident with pedophilia and Hogan officials.
Another individual named Luis Burunda was arrested just recently for two counts of distribution
of child pornography, sexual exploitation of a child, and possession of child pornography.
Now Burunda was arrested in a Fort Meade sting operation in which he attempted to meet a
13-year-old girl for sex.
In his communications with that sting operation, Roger, he admits that this is something that's
been going on for many years and that he had been with 15-year-old boys in the past many
different times.
Another Hogan official, Matthew Palmer, who was appointed by Hogan as his deputy legislative officer, was arrested and sentenced to eight years in prison in 2021 For distribution of child pornography, another Hogan appointee.
That leaves us Newell, that leaves us Kevin Lee Hall, and that leaves us Burunda.
And on top, that's four people, Roger, four people that this guy has appointed and are close allies of him that have been either accused or charged with pedophilia.
And then on top of it all, Roy McGrath, his former chief of staff, who eventually wound up on the America's, FBI's most wanted list.
And they were even investigating his fleeing to other countries.
They were suspecting that he had gone to Korea and all these different things.
He was the subject of an investigation and he had failed to appear in court after he had been indicted federally for wire fraud, theft, and falsifying records.
Like I said, it led to a nationwide manhunt and then McGrath mysteriously committed suicide While in an exchange of fire with federal authorities in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Roger, they claim that he shot himself.
So once again, every time, not only is Hogan associated with pedophiles like Matthew Palmer, Kevin Lee Hall, and Louis Burunda, not only, or Jonathan Newell, not only that, but Roy McGrath also, who hadn't been, you know, there was no pedophilia alleged there.
As soon as he got caught by federal authorities, he killed himself.
So, I have to ask you this.
Clearly, all of these stories, by the way, I've seen the receipts, I've examined every report.
or somebody involved with Larry Hogan gets pinched by the feds, they wind up dead.
So I have to ask you this, clearly all of these stories, by the way, I've seen the receipts,
I've examined every report, all of these stories were front page in the major newspapers in the
state, right? Absolutely not, Roger.
And this has a lot to do with Larry Hogan because a lot of people don't know this.
Larry Hogan runs one of the largest real estate developers in the state of Maryland.
He has over 200 companies under the Hogan Group.
He is, on paper, a billionaire.
So with his work, he's been able to undermine the media and undermine the truth and prevent stories like this from getting pushed out there.
That's why it's so important that people go to slingshot.news and look at this information because without us speaking the truth, It would be silent.
Larry Hogan has associated with at least four known pedophiles.
He harbored a pedophile in his home and yet he gets to go on mainstream media.
He's on every network, Roger, and they never ask him anything about his association with pedophiles or his association with individuals who die once they're eventually Investigated by federal authorities.
It's just unbelievable.
All right, Troy Smith with Slingshot.News.
Thank you for bringing us that shocking report and thanks for joining us today on the Alex Jones Show!
Absolutely, Roger, and I just want to say real quick, X3 is a product that I use.
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It's an honor.
Thank you very much, Troy.
All right.
That's it for me, folks.
You can follow the Stone Zone, my show, by going to either StoneZone.com or going to Rumble.com slash Roger Stone.
It's been a great privilege to sit in for my good friend Alex Jones today.
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God bless you and Godspeed.
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Prepare yourself for a perfectly outrageous motion picture.
Howard Beale went up there last night and said what every American feels, that he's tired of all the bull- For the sakes, Diana, we're talking about putting a manifestly irresponsible man on national television.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
There is no America.
There is no democracy.
There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T.
And DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon.
Those are the nations of the world today.
And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature!
And you will atone!
Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?
Why me?
It was your own television, dummy.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Network News Hour with Howard Beale!
I can't do it.
We'll do it live.
We'll do it live!
Do it live!
I'll write it and we'll do it live!
This whole thing sucks!
What the hell is going on?
I don't know, he just said he was going to blow his brains out.
That's tomorrow and that is it for us today.
I'm Bill O'Reilly.
Thanks again for watching.
We'll leave you with Sting and a cut off his new album.
Take it away.
Congressman, let me interrupt you just for a moment.
We've got some breaking news out of Miami.
Stand by if you will.
Right now, in Miami, Justin Bieber has been arrested on a number of charges.
The judge is reading the charges, including resisting arrest and bribing under the influence.
He's appearing now before the judge for his bond hearing.
I want a show developed based on the activities of a terrorist group.
Well, I'm a nigga TV star.
You gonna be out or what?
Osama Bin Laden is just one person.
He is representative of networks of people who absolutely have made their cause to defeat the freedoms that we understand.
And we will not allow them to do so.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat Al-Qaeda.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed and there are reports this morning that most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet.
NATO is in command of the entire U.S.
military publicly.
Homeland Security now says their mission has nothing to do with Al Qaeda, our Muslim extremists.
It has to do with the Tea Party, who will launch police-killing terror attacks any minute.
With no evidence of that, now it's beginning.
The borders are completely wide open.
Tens of millions of people are flooding here as we speak.
Hundreds of thousands a month pouring over the borders, being given driver's license in California to pull the lever to ban guns.
We are in the middle of a globalist revolution against this country right now.
I don't have to tell you things are bad.
Everybody knows things are bad.
It's a depression.
Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job.
The dollar buys a nickel's worth.
Banks are going bust.
Shopkeepers keep a gun to the counter.
Punks are running wild in the street.
There's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do and there's no end to it.
We know.
The air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat.
We sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes as if that's the way it's supposed to be!
We know things are bad, worse than bad!
They're crazy!
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out anymore!
We sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms!
Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radios and I won't say anything!
Just leave us alone!
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone!
I want you to get mad!
Television will never be the same.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Hosted by Robert Barnes.
Glad you could join us.
Uh, guest hosting today is, uh, me, Robert Barnes for the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be discussing a range of cases.
Trump's motions to dismiss were partially granted in Georgia.
Trump's motions to dismiss are currently pending in a court hearing ongoing in the Southern District of Florida before Judge Cannon in the classified documents case.
Or one might argue the misclassified documents case.
We have the TikTok ban.
Is it really about China or is it Patriot Act for Social Media 2.0?
We have updates on cases that I'm personally and professionally involved in, including the Amish farmer case of Pennsylvania, Amos Miller, and the big Pfizer fraud case, the Brooke Jackson case, whistleblower case brought against Pfizer concerning the COVID-19 vaccine.
And we'll be discussing that and more throughout the show.
First up, what is going on in the federal courtroom in Judge Cannon concerning Trump's documents case?
What are the grounds that Trump is seeking to dismiss the charges?
The grounds are, broad speaking, basically that this case has never been brought before.
To charge a president with a crime in any case has never happened.
To charge a president with a crime under the Presidential Records Act has never happened.
In fact, no one has ever been charged with a crime under the Presidential Records Act.
To apply the Espionage Act to the president or the vice president or a cabinet official is also unheard of.
And we have the general vagueness that goes into the Espionage Act that has led to its constitutional questionable nature going on many years now since the inception of the Act.
The Act has often been utilized, much as the Alien and Sedition Acts of the 1800s were used, that were done in such a way as to effectively preclude and prohibit the dissidents from being able to speak out.
It is not a coincidence that these kind of laws were utilized to go after World War I protesters, including locking up Eugene V. Debs.
Despite that, he was allowed to run for president in 1920 while he was inside a federal prison.
So, first up, what are the issues in the Trump being discussed today?
Not all of the motions to dismiss are being discussed today in the Trump case in Florida.
Instead, they're primarily focused on the Presidential Records Act and the Espionage Act.
The question is whether or not those acts are constitutional.
The other aspect is whether or not they can be applied constitutionally to the President.
So the first aspect is what's sometimes called a facial challenge.
In other words, when a law is so vague that it can't be constitutional as applied to anyone.
This concerns the Due Process Clause and the separations of power, the balance of powers, in our Constitution between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
The goal is that the legislature can't make it a crime to do something unless you know what it is that is made a crime in the first place.
This also concerns the rule of lenity.
That means that in a criminal case, the law has to be interpreted against the government But in favor of the defendant, in order to make sure that the defendant is not put in prison for something he did not know was a crime.
So you combine the due process clause of the Constitution, which means that laws cannot be so vague that we can be punished for violating something we didn't know was a law in the first place.
Combined with the Rule of Lenity, which is concerning criminal defendants not going to prison for something unless they were on clear notice that their conduct was criminal, with the separation of powers articulated throughout the Constitution, Articles 1, 2, and 3, concerning what's supposed to be the legislative role, what's supposed to be the judicial role, and what's supposed to be the executive role.
In this context, what's sometimes called the Void for Vagueness Doctrine, Concerns in the Due Process Clause and the Separation of Powers.
Concerns when a statute is written in such a way that it gives too much discretion to the executive branch.
In other words, if the executive branch can make up the law as it goes along in deciding whom to apply it to, then we run afoul of the legendary Leventra Berea's statement.
Who said, show me the man and I will find you the crime.
That is what we do not want in American constitutional law.
So there has to be sufficient safeguards, limitations, restrictions.
On the discretion of the executive branch and how criminal laws are interpreted and applied in order for the separation of powers to also be protected.
Otherwise, what happened is the executive branch is effectively usurping the role of the legislative branch because they're writing the laws as they go along in order to apply them selectively to whom they want.
Now, lurking in the background today in the Southern District of Florida before Judge Cannon and the Trump documents case is a motion that is not being heard today but has already been filed.
That is a motion to dismiss for selective prosecution.
What is that concern?
Well, that's the First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the government from doing anything That would abridge your rights of the freedom of speech and association and expression.
This concerns rights of political activities, political affiliations, political associations.
It's not only the right to speak, but it's the right not to speak.
It's also not just the right to speak, it's the right to associate with whom you choose.
All of those aspects Are at issue in a selective prosecution case.
The First Amendment prohibits the government from using someone's speech, from using someone's political affiliation or association, as the basis of bringing an indictment.
The Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause prohibits vindictive prosecution.
Prosecutions brought for impermissible bad faith purposes.
You combine the two and what that relates to is whether or not Trump has been targeted for impermissible reasons.
Whether or not he's being discriminated against for impermissible reasons.
So a typical selective prosecution case says look here's some examples of people who did similar conduct But were not prosecuted.
And the reason they were not prosecuted was they had different political affiliations, associations, speech, or expressions than I did.
That's a First Amendment violation.
The U.S.
Department of Justice is not allowed to bring indictments for politically motivated purposes that discriminate deliberately against people based on their political affiliations, associations, speech, or expression.
Here, of course, the H.E.R.
report, the Independent Special Counsel appointed by the Justice Department to investigate President Joe Biden's previous and prior mishandling of documents considered classified and containing national security information, dating all the way back to his days in the Senate and as Vice President and after he was a Senator and after he was a Vice President, Show that according to both hers report and his testimony earlier this week before Congress, that Biden did actually did the things he accused President Trump of.
Unlike President Trump, who is protected by the Presidential Records Act, unlike President Trump, who is protected by all of the executive powers given to him under Article 2 of the United States Constitution, Unlike President Trump, who is actually being targeted as the political opponent of the administration that indicted him, Joe Biden removed documents that were labeled classified, that were labeled top secret, that contained national security information, while he was a United States Senator, and while he was Vice President, and after he was no longer a Senator or Vice President.
And so that's issue one.
He took them and removed them illicitly in an unauthorized manner, which is the foundation of most of the criminal charges against Trump.
And unlike Trump, Biden did not have the Presidential Records Act or Article 2 of the U.S.
Constitution to protect him.
Secondly, he removed them and relocated them to a place that was unsecure that any ordinary person could access.
They were scattered about.
They weren't unlike President Trump, where his documents were placed in a secure facility at Mar-a-Lago.
Mar-a-Lago had been made what's called a SCIF, a secure facility, while Trump was president.
And it was also protected by the Secret Service.
So it had all the mechanisms and methods necessary to prevent someone from unauthorized access to any of those documents or information.
Biden did not do that.
That information was so easily accessible and available that under Biden could find them and locate them and read them whenever he wanted.
And we'll get to whether that was precisely the point and the purpose of their location, of their removal, of their failure to securely store them.
But in addition to that, it was to the point where his ghostwriter for his memoirs could just randomly hack them and pick them up!
So he not only removed them when he didn't have the authority to do so from secure facilities, he failed to store them in a place with a secure facility.
But then, step three!
He shared the documents and information deliberately and knowingly with people who had no authorization whatsoever to look at them.
Remember the accusations against Trump, claiming he shared information with a journalist that ended up being false, the allegations?
Well, actually, Biden did do that, undisputably and incontrovertibly, repeatedly, as documented both in her report and his sworn testimony under penalty of perjury before the United States Congress.
Indeed, some of these documents were near Biden's Corvette.
In fact, maybe that connection to those documents in a car is why Biden kept blabbing about cars in his interview with her special counsel.
But we also get to the fourth stage of what's going on.
Biden removed documents that were not authorized to be removed, that were classified top secret national security information.
He failed to store them in a secure manner, failed to notify anyone that he had taken them.
And then shared them illicitly with people who had no authority to do so.
But in addition, there's evidence he was monetizing it.
Remember what Trump was accused of doing was that he was supposedly planning to do something illicit with a foreign power for the purposes of either political empowerment or self-enrichment.
Trump never did that.
Biden did.
There's evidence that Biden, with his son Hunter Biden, with his brother James Biden, and with others in the Biden criminal family, Use that classified information.
Use their access to it, bragged about the access to it, and shared the content of it with a range of foreign parties, including adverse foreign parties, in order to enrich themselves and empower themselves in precisely the illicit manner that these laws were really, truly intended to prohibit and prevent.
So in a selective prosecution case, usually the hard part for the defense is to prove that there's somebody similarly situated to them who did similarly alleged conduct, who was not prosecuted, for whom the only real distinction is a different political affiliation or expression or speech activity.
But that is precisely what Trump has.
He has the most compelling and convincing selective prosecution, disparate discriminatory treatment and the use of the criminal justice prosecutorial power by the Justice Department that you could possibly conceivably have.
That the man indicting him is guilty of the very crimes he's accusing him of.
And unlike President Trump, Biden wasn't covered by the Presidential Records Act.
Unlike President Trump, he was invested with all the executive powers of the executive branch under Article 2 of the United States Constitution.
Unlike President Trump, he didn't store the documents in a secure facility, including a S.C.I.F.
facility protected and safeguarded by the Secret Service.
Unlike President Trump, Biden did share the information deliberately and knowingly with people who did not have approval or authorization to do so, including journalists and third parties.
Unlike President Trump, there is evidence that Biden, in fact, monetized it.
In other words, if there is any convincing or compelling case for classified documents to be prosecuted by a high-ranking public official who misused them and monetized them for his personal purposes, that example is not Donald Trump, but is Joe Biden.
And that discriminatory disparate treatment is part of what they're discussing today, even though that motion to dismiss based on selective prosecution in violation of the First and Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution is not yet fully and formally before the court.
It's what's lingering and lurking in the background of today's discussion about the Presidential Records Act, about the Espionage Act, about these other novel interpretations of the law that the government is trying to utilize to imprison Trump before Election Day.
That's part of what's taking place down in the Southern District of Florida.
Now, of course, President Trump got good news yesterday from the state court in Georgia.
As President Trump has repeatedly stated, that was a perfect phone call with Secretary Ratburger of the state of Georgia.
And I have some background information on that personally and individually because for a period of time, I was President Trump's election counsel in Georgia after the 2020 election.
And what the judge in that particular instance was concerned With whether or not a particular novel interpretation, because that's what stands out about all of the Trump cases.
They're novel interpretations of law that have never been interpreted in this way before.
It's not just that no president has ever been indicted before.
It's not just that no political opponent, lead political opponent of an incumbent administration has ever been indicted before.
It's that these particular charges, this particular interpretation of criminal law has never happened before.
No one has ever interpreted in either the New York case, Georgia case, documents, federal case, or DC case.
There is no history of any defendant ever being indicted anywhere in the history of America on their interpretation of law being applied in these cases.
But you're seeing these extraordinary motions to dismiss fraud because of how extraordinary the charges are in the first place.
Not just because of the political context in which they are brought, not just because of the constitutional ramifications of presidential immunity, of issues about indicting your opponent, about selective prosecution, about the process of law, about government misconduct, and all of that, is that the charges themselves applied to these set of acts have never been seen by any court in American history.
So in Georgia, what they charge is they claim that a settlement conference, that should have been confidential by the way, that was illegally and unlawfully recorded, and then illegally and unlawfully shared, which has its own implications and ramifications for this criminal prosecution.
But it's a novel interpretation of the law itself.
Basically what it is, is the government, in this particular case, Big Fanny Willis, Was claiming that they solicited a state official to violate their oath.
Which is nuts.
How participating in a settlement call can be solicitation to violate an oath didn't make any sense to anybody.
Again, having a settlement call has never been criminalized in the history of America.
And the context of this is important.
President Trump had filed an election contest in Georgia.
It was the only election contest ever filed directly by President Trump.
It was filled with hundreds and hundreds of pages of sworn testimony documenting and detailing that there were people who were not constitutionally qualified to vote who cast ballots in the election.
Number one.
Number two, that there are people who are not constitutionally qualified.
The manner and method by which they cast their ballots was not a constitutionally qualified manner or method.
And last but not least, that the counting and canvassing of the ballots was done in a manner that was not constitutionally qualified.
What do I mean by constitutionally qualified?
Well, the United States Constitution says the legislature of each state sets the rules for a presidential election.
They are the only constitutionally authorized body to determine the rules.
The executive branch doesn't determine the rules.
Local governments don't determine the rules.
The judicial branch doesn't determine the rules.
The federal government doesn't determine the rules.
The legislature of each state did.
And the state of Georgia had established rules for who was qualified to vote in the presidential election.
And those rules were violated as documented by sworn testimony in Trump's election contest.
They also established rules for how a ballot could be cast.
That required things, for example, like signature match checks to occur and the signature to match the individual who's sending in the ballot.
That the person be qualified to send in a mail-in ballot in the first place.
That they be properly registered and meet other procedural protections against fraud.
So that only certain people could vote.
There was a certain limited method by how you could vote.
And then the election officials had a certain method of canvassing and counting the ballots that had to be done according to the state legislature's rules or the ballot couldn't be counted.
This is, in fact, from an election contest perspective, the key issue is even if there were rule violations, even if there were law violations, did that impact enough votes, enough ballots to change the outcome?
And so in that context, the person technically sued by President Trump in his election contest is Secretary of State Ratburger from Georgia.
So they are adverse parties in a case.
So they created a settlement conference call.
By law, that settlement conference and all conversations that take place within them are confidential.
Not just private, confidential.
Cannot be admitted as evidence in any court proceeding.
That's the point and purpose of preserving and protecting confidentiality to help promote and enable settlement of civil controversies and cases.
The context in which President Trump raised the number of ballots and the number of votes he needed is because the legal standard for an election contest requires he be able to show there's more ballots in dispute Then the margin of victory.
This is why President Trump was discussing all I need is X number of votes.
He's discussing that in the context of the law governing an election contest.
That conversation was illicitly recorded, illicitly leaked, and then illicitly used in the indictment to claim that a settlement conference was solicitation to violate an oath.
This was a ludicrous legal claim that was based on inadequate factual predicate and no history or precedent.
Now, of course, this is kind of what happens when you're out to just get Trump and you hire a prosecutor based on the fact that you're giving him lots of money so you can go on vacations together rather than his qualifications as a prosecutor.
Nathan Wade, in fact, had never prosecuted any case like this in his life.
And that's why when the judge is faced with the facts and the law, the judge had to dismiss all the charges related to that call.
And let's hope it's the beginning of a dismissal of all of these kind of charges.
We'll get into more of the lawfare Trump faces and some predictions related there too.
The Amos Miller Amish farmer case, big update in the Brooke Jackson case.
And what's going on with TikTok when we come back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Robert Bourne, guest hosting.
What's going on with TikTok is the new TikTok law.
In fact, a Patriot Act 2.0 just applied to social media, meant to take out Rumble and other networks right on the eve of the election.
We'll be discussing that coming up soon.
Also, Amos Miller, the Amish farmer case.
What's happening?
Are they trying to shut down our ability to have independent access to independent food outside of big corporations?
And their corporatized, monopolized, industrialized food supply run by the likes of Bill Gates.
What about the Brooke Jackson case?
The big case against Pfizer concerning the COVID vaccine.
The biggest and most important case out there.
Is the Biden administration trying to step in at the last minute and prohibit that case from going forward?
Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.
Could his campaign be used in a way to help President Trump and make him a stronger candidate in the fall.
And what's some of the news on the real estate and other economic news?
But first up, we have this nice little insight from Canada, who's got a solution for all those robberies taking place in your home.
Reminds me of the old New York story years ago.
Whether it was urban legend or true, it sounded like it could have been true.
Where a bunch of gun control supporters in New York City were out to prove that you didn't need a gun to defend your home.
And so they decided to put signs outside their home saying there's no gun in this home.
Unfortunately, apparently only lasted a month due to a rash of burglaries at those homes.
So let's take a listen to what Canada is proposing for those house burglaries that are taking place on the regular it seems these days.
Car thefts have become more prominent across the GTA, up nearly 25% in 2023 from the year prior.
Now, police in York Region are out with a new safety tactic.
Door stops have been handed out to some residents in an effort to prevent door kick break-ins to steal car keys.
It's a move that has one Unionville family feeling uneasy.
So it's gotten to the point where they're actually just handing these things out to residents.
That's, to me, shows that it's very high risk.
I'm not sure if the whole street got it, but when I was talking to my parents about it, they said that they were handing it out to the houses that back up onto the park, because they're more of a high-risk area.
Allie Golinski says her family received the doorstops, along with installation instructions last week, just days after police went door-to-door in her neighborhood, handing out pamphlets on auto theft prevention.
It gives you some tips like invest in an alarm system and security cameras, install motion sensor lights, keep your windows and doors locked, trim trees and shrubbery so there are clear views from the street, and don't post vacation plans or luxury purchases on social media.
The move is part of York Regional Police's ongoing efforts to slow skyrocketing car thefts in the region, an effort which includes community engagement and education.
Community Services was involved and created pamphlets and Faraday bags as you've seen.
Those have been dispersed through our community partners.
There's also updated advice for all vehicle owners.
A message echoed by Toronto Police speaking at an Etobicoke safety meeting last month.
Constable Marco Ricciardi had a new message for vehicle owners who keep their fobs in Faraday pouches.
To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door.
Because they're breaking into your home to steal your car.
They don't want anything else.
A lot of them that they're arresting have guns on them.
And they're not toy guns, they're real guns.
They're loaded.
That's why Golinski says they will be installing the door stops and taking YPR's advice seriously.
But she'd like more action from police as well.
I'm glad they're taking initiative to try to get, you know, in front of the problem and prevent more break-ins and possibly, you know, the ones that are armed and stuff.
You don't want anyone getting hurt, so I'm happy that they are taking action.
But in terms of what I'd like to see done, I mean, At least when it's in a high-risk area, maybe more patrols.
York police say more than 4,200 vehicles were stolen from this region in 2023 alone.
In Unionville, Michelle Mackey, CityNews.
So if you want to avoid your car being gone in 60 seconds like the Nicolas Cage film, then just give it to them.
Just stick your key fob outside.
Stick your keys outside.
You know, probably you need to probably put a little sign to it, too.
Say, here, here's my car keys right here.
Go ahead.
By the way, one must wonder whether or not that would be considered sufficiently securing your vehicle for car insurance purposes against theft.
You'll note the story didn't talk about that.
Basically what they're encouraging people to do is not only incentivize and reward crime, but to do so in a manner that likely would deny them and deprive them of the benefits of insurance protection along the way.
That is the kind of clown world we're constantly and continuously being drowned in by places like Comida and Comifornia and whatnot.
It is part of a bigger and broader pattern, just like the gaslighting we've experienced over January 6th.
For example, thanks to the very good work of Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch, yesterday we got some interesting news from something that came out of the ATF Bureau.
If you remember who the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Agency is, they are the proud authors of Ruby Ridge.
That's who ATF is.
Well, the ATF apparently had some records about January 6th, which seems a little bit odd.
What were ATF officials doing on the ground, on the Capitol grounds, there on January 6th at the Capitol?
Well, as was discussed early on by Alex and some of the rest of us, We had pointed out from the get-go that there was something very circumspect and suspicious and suspect about everything related to January 6th.
That it had all of the hallmarks of a false flag.
What does a false flag mean?
Sometimes people are incorrectly blamed that a false flag means something that did not happen.
For example, they're trying to currently drag Aaron Rodgers, a potential, the NFL quarterback, supporter of independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, by suggesting he had raised questions about the handling of Sandy Hook.
The, uh, and misattributing the words false flag to mean something didn't happen.
In the case of Sandy Hook, there are a range of people that wanted to know whether the politicians hid evidence about lack of safety at the school at Sandy Hook, namely whether or not the doors could be locked from the indoors.
And that was some of the concern that Aaron Rodgers and others had.
Were our politicians trying to blame the gun in order to not blame the mental health Issues affecting young men in this country, in order to not blame the pharmaceutical industry, inundating them with drugs, in order to not blame the politicians who pocketed the money, rather than do the very simple thing of being able to lock and secure doors inside your own classroom.
Uh, or secure the bathroom doors and elsewhere that had that occurred that information was hidden for a good while and those are the kind of questions Aaron Rodgers was asked but the media will falsely accuse and blame him just as they've been falsely claiming that there is just conspiracy theories about questioning what happened on January 6th.
We now know that in fact The Pelosi and others took aggressive efforts to make sure the Capitol was not secure on January 6th.
That the National Guard that President Trump had asked to be stationed there were denied.
And that they lied in the January 6th committee about the fact that President Trump had made that request.
They lied about a whole bunch of things related to the Capitol Police that have subsequently come out.
But now we get from the ATF records from the Freedom of Information Act request made by Judicial Watch, another three-letter agency pops up as having personnel on the ground right there at the Capitol on January 6th.
When we come back, we'll discuss who exactly was that agency.
We'll also discuss whether TikTok is really an attempt to Patriot Act 2.0 to interfere in the 2024 election, with social media control being vested in the hands of President Biden.
We'll discuss the Amish farmer Amos Miller case and the broader impact for our rights to food in America, the Brooke Jackson-Fizer case concerning the COVID vaccine, the Kennedy campaign, what's happening with the economy, and all of that when we come back right after the break.
Remember, as always, you can continue to keep InfoWars on the air by going to InfoWarsStore.com.
So maybe take a break and do that and we'll be right back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Robert Barnes guest hosting for the hour and for the next hour.
What is up with TikTok?
What's up with the TikTok bill?
Is the TikTok bill intended actually to give President Biden the power to take down Truth Social?
Right in the peak of the election.
The takedown rumble right in the peak of the election.
Is this bill the anti-China bill it's being sold as?
Or is it Patriot Act 2.0 for social media?
Investing in a lot of power in Biden right on the eve of the election.
We'll be discussing that a little bit later.
But first up, what's the agency that just got named by the ATF In Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch and Tom Fitton as being having personnel present on the ground as maybe informants, maybe infiltrators, maybe instigators of the January 6th actions at the Capitol.
Well, it is the one and is the only, it is the Central Intelligence Agents.
That's right, the agency that's not supposed to be active inside the domestic United States by law had personnel at the Capitol on January 6th.
We now know that people on the 7th floor of the FBI had advance notice and knowledge about people trying to potentially disrupt things on January 6th at the Capitol, and yet took no corrective remedial action, instead effectively issued with Nancy Pelosi, the Mayor and the Mayor of D.C., and General Milley stand-down orders.
To make sure the Capitol had inadequate security.
To make sure people were pushed into the Capitol grounds, rather than sent to the protest region, which was opposite where they were sent.
To make sure that January 6th happened in a certain way, so that the Congress never debated the substantive merits of Trump's electoral objections, which was their constitutional obligation.
So now that we know the FBI had informants, infiltrators, and instigators there, hundreds according to defense lawyers involved in these cases, and we now know the CIA had people there, is there any doubt that what was sold as a coup against the government for Trump was in fact a coup by the CIA, the FBI, and the deep state against Trump?
That in fact what they accused the January 6th protesters of doing, saying they were trying to interfere with an honest electoral count, is what they were doing!
The protesters wanted an honest electoral count.
They were seeking an honest electoral count.
They were demanding an honest electoral count.
It was the anti-Trump forces at the Defense Department, at the FBI, at the CIA, at the Justice Department, and their complicit allies in Congress and in the media, who are the ones who did not want an honest electoral count, did not want a review of whether only constitutionally qualified voters cast ballots in the key swing states, whether only constitutionally qualified methods of voting Occurred in the ballot itself in those swing states, whether only constitutionally qualified methods of canvassing and counting the ballot took place in those swing states, where the margins were razor thin in places like Wisconsin, in places like Arizona, in places like Georgia, which in aggregate decided the electoral majority in the election.
So now that we know the CIA was there, then we can more Without doubt conclude that January 6 was its own kind of false flag.
Its own kind of inside job.
Remember a false flag just comes from when pirates used to raise a false flag to mislead an oncoming target ship into thinking that the ship was an ally and they wouldn't raise the Jolly Roger until time to board.
So the false flag doesn't mean the event did not occur.
It does not mean the certain events happened that should not have happened.
What it means instead is that the culpable parties have not all been correctly identified.
And now more and more of January 6th looks like its own kind of inside job.
In the same capacity, as we look at some of the laws being passed by Congress and the debate concerning TikTok, Congress is selling this law to you as a ban on Chinese foreign adversary ownership and control of a major social media entity that dominates presence amongst people under the age of 30.
Zoomers especially, but also some younger millennials.
Is that what the law is really about?
Well, if you dig into it, as usual, as Louis Black said years ago, there's nothing worse.
The only thing worse than what the Republican Party or the Democratic Party does is when they get together to screw you.
Then it's really the worst combination of both.
The TikTok bill is Patriot Act 2.0 for social media.
It allows the president to interpret The situation says that if he decides a social media company is under the control of a foreign adversary, even if that foreign adversary has no legal ownership in that social media company, even if there's no direct legal agency control over the people running that social media company, the President can, in his unilateral action,
Determine that it's being controlled by a foreign adversary.
Now, how can you imagine this working?
Well, what would be the best target for Biden?
What is the primary communicative tool currently of President Trump?
What is the tool that is about to make President Trump billions of dollars and restore the wealth that Democrats have been trying to steal from him for the last eight years?
Truth Social.
And how could this break down?
President Biden could simply say, I hereby determine that Truth Social, being run by President Trump, is, Trump is really controlled by Vladimir Putin, and so that's a foreign adversary, I hereby declare, because this is how broad the law is written, and I hereby order it to be shut down!
And he could order Truth Social shut down right in the middle of the election!
So the TikTok bill is a disguise bill.
It is a Trojan horse.
It is a Patriot Act 2.0 for social media.
And it gives WayVest way more power in the hands of the President Biden than any other bill possibly could.
There's a lot of good-faith conservatives out there, Rahim, over at National Interest, Stephen Crowder, others that thought this bill really was about controlling China.
It's not.
The bill is written so broadly, it applies even if the people who own the social media company are not a foreign adversary or a foreign government at all.
There's this big, broad caveat that says if the President determines that a company is controlled by a foreign adversary, even if that foreign adversary has no legal ownership at all, no legal agency relationship at all with the underlying company, then President Biden can order it ceased and shut down.
And you can imagine he would do it, the truth, social probably first before any others.
And probably second in line would be Rumble.
Which has the leading platform for independent voices, including InfoWars, of any of the big social media engines out there.
So the TikTok bill should be opposed by all means possible.
Remember the Patriot Act back in 2001?
Alex Jones was one of the very few people warning people about it here on InfoWars.
Remember it was sold as, we're going to stop the terrorists.
But you looked into the law, it had almost nothing to do with terrorists.
It had nothing to do with foreigners, even!
It had everything to do with Americans!
Spying on Americans!
Surveilling Americans!
Stealing Americans' private records!
Everything from their cell phone and email records and texting records to their library records!
But books you checked out at the library!
This was a J. Edgar Hoover wet dream of a law that would legalize all the things he got away with illegally!
So that's what TikTok is, too.
TikTok is coming for us, not China.
TikTok is coming for Trump, not China.
So don't be deceived.
Don't be fooled.
Oppose it with all means available to you to make sure this does not become the law of the land and we're not stuck with Patriot Act 2.0 just for social media, especially on the eve of an election.
Ask yourself, why now?
Why is it critical right now that this law get passed?
Is it a coincidence it's on the eve of the election?
Is it a coincidence it gives such power to President Biden?
I don't think so.
His fraudulency the second is the last person who should be given this power.
Now, when we come back, we're going to be discussing the impact of the Kennedy campaign.
We're going to be on potentially improving President Trump's campaign.
We're going to be talking about John Stockton bringing a bit of famous NBA player, joining a major First Amendment lawsuit concerning free speech over vaccines.
And we'll talk about the big vaccine case pending and how the Biden administration is trying to corruptly interfere to stop it from reaching a jury trial.
All of that, when we come back, right after the break.
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The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
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And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
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What would you call the debate and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
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This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
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Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsTore.com and I thank you all for your support.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point.
Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits.
Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent.
But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction.
A dumbing down.
Harvard researchers have found children who live in high-fluoride areas have significantly lower IQs.
Enjoy your extra big ass fries!
Researchers found members of Congress, on average, speak at a 10th grade level.
Most Americans read at an 8th or 9th grade level.
Look now, I'll talk slow so you can understand me.
It was just a few thousand years ago that our ancestors were using primitive breaths to communicate.
Hillary's a good leader.
Hillary's a good leader, I trust Hillary.
Hillary is a good leader.
I stand here as a free slave.
You're so dumb.
You are really dumb.
For real.
Mankind became stupider at a frightening rate.
You're a white man!
You wanna know what I found out?
Most of England speaks American-ish.
I don't feel no ways tired.
I come to fight.
I believe that our education, like such as South Africa and the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S.
should help the U.S., or should help South Africa.
What does that mean?
Mercury containing vaccines may help not harm kids according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
We now go live to Violence Channel correspondent for Micah Davis at the Extreme Court with highlights on today's trial.
Good to see you in this exercise in transparency and democracy.
A great dust bowl had ravaged food supplies.
And the number one movie in the country was called Ass.
One movie in the country was called Ass.
Mr. Trump is suggesting that there is a conspiracy theory.
That's ridiculous.
That doesn't make any sense.
Of course the elections will not be rigged.
What does that mean?
Obama, you should run for a third term because we need you.
Obama, third term!
How many sides does a triangle have?
Damn, four.
There's no sides.
What's Osama Bin Laden most infamous for?
Or Obama?
I have no idea who Osama is.
Which state does KFC come from?
What the chicken?
I don't know.
I really don't know.
Okay, do you know what KFC stands for?
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
A little further south from that facility, there's a completely separate building where they, get this, change raw sewage water into water people drink.
They got the toilet?
But Brondo's got what plants crave.
It's got electromagnetism.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I thought your hair would be better.
It's a circus, everybody!
Look at the monkey!
Look at the monkey!
I did that on purpose!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Guest hosting Robert Barnes.
Here you can get all of our content.
At VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com.
We're going to be discussing Amos Miller, the Amish farmer case.
We're going to be discussing the latest developments in the big case against Pfizer concerning the COVID vaccine.
The Brooke Jackson case and the Biden administration's last ditch effort to prohibit the case from going forward to cover up their own corruption.
We're going to be discussing the economy and everything that is happening there, including big trouble in China.
But first up, John Stockton, the former NBA player, has joined Children's Health Defense in supporting lawsuits for free speech about vaccines.
You might wonder why John Stockton is particularly concerned with this.
A topic why he's willing to broach the third rail of American politics which has been discussing the safety or efficacy of vaccines or the lack thereof.
Well, it's because John Stockton himself, his son, and his father were both victimized by vaccine-related injuries.
Indeed, that is what is the building burgeoning base of support for independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy's campaign.
It is the number of people who understand that so-called vaccines that are supposed to inoculate and immunize against disease with minimal risk to the individual from anything else are discovering that vaccines have been made differently over the last 40 years, that many of them are not in fact vaccines by the traditional definition, such as the case is the case with the COVID-19 vaccine.
That there have been a number of vaccines that have continuously caused injury without relief or remedy due to the various immunity laws, legal immunity laws, given the vaccine makers or drug makers as long as they called their drug vaccine since 1986.
And if you dig into the data, what you're going to find is more and more ways we can see Continuous increases in injuries from the vaccine, particularly the COVID-19 vaccine.
And it is the number of people who know someone who has been discriminated against because they did not take the vaccine, know someone who suffered an injury and including disabling injuries from the COVID vaccine, or know people who died from the COVID vaccine.
is dramatically increasing and is on pace for close to half of America.
This is why so few people are taking the booster shots.
More and more people know from their personal individual experience that something is wrong with this so-called vaccine.
Indeed, the basis of the Brooke Jackson case, she is the whistleblower who was part of the clinical trials for Pfizer on the COVID vaccine and what she witnessed at those clinical trials.
And this is someone who has spent her life, her career, in the pharmaceutical industry, in the clinical trial industry.
She was someone who never had any doubts about vaccines, until now, because of what she witnessed about the COVID vaccine.
He saw needles sticking out of bags.
He saw people's private information plastered randomly in a public setting.
She saw the temperature not even being correctly controlled for the vaccine to even be properly injected.
She saw the placebo being unblinded and unmasked so that everybody knew who was getting what, completely ruining the whole basis of the clinical trial.
She saw people doctoring data.
She saw people falsifying certifications and reports based on the data that she saw doctored.
She saw adverse events not being reported.
She saw individuals not getting informed consent.
She saw people participating in the trial who weren't supposed to be participating in the trial.
And it was the biggest disaster and debacle of a clinical trial she'd ever seen.
And when she blew the whistle, they fired her.
So she brought suit.
Under the Keytam laws.
Now, the Justice Department told her, you gotta keep this secret, you gotta keep this quiet.
Under the federal rules, it has to be what's called sealed.
Don't worry.
The Justice Department told her, we're investigating.
We're going to get Pfizer.
We're going to stop this.
More than a year later, nothing happened.
She got suspicious.
She decided to change counsel to a new law firm.
It turned out her prior law firm that was supposed to be on her side was secretly so pro-vaccine they hated Bobby Kennedy over the issue.
So they were compromised.
And they wanted to maintain good relationships with the government.
They didn't want to upset or offend anybody.
They saw KeyTam actions as ways to shake down companies to enrich themselves rather than empower the American people or get relief or remedy from true fraud.
Because this is a unique fraud.
This COVID vaccine fraud isn't just about a financial fraud.
It's about a fraud on the health of the American people.
It's about a fraud that caused deaths and disabilities to millions of people all around the world.
So it's a fraud of the greatest public health consequence in the history of such public health fraud.
So this is way beyond money.
This is about exposing Pfizer and protecting the American people and getting some sort of fund available to get relief and remedy at least at some level for those that have been discriminated against, those who have been disabled, those who have died, and their family members from this vaccine.
So she brought suit on those grounds because if you research and review the contract that the Trump Defense Department signed with Pfizer, Pfizer promised they would deliver a certain kind of what's called a deliverable.
In the contracts world, that's often what am I required to give to you as my contractual obligation as a condition of receiving the benefit from you.
So there's the receivable and there's the deliverable.
The receivable was billions of dollars of cash.
The receivable was immunity under the PREP Act from anybody being able to sue.
The deliverable had four components to it and really a fifth.
The components were Pfizer promised contractually that what their deliverable would be This is repeated more than a half dozen times in Trump's contract.
You might even call it a beautiful contract.
You might call it one of the best contracts ever written.
And what was it?
It was that Pfizer would deliver a safe, effective vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19, and they would do so at speed and scale.
That's the promise.
That's the deliverable.
All they delivered was speed and scale.
They didn't even deliver a vaccine!
For as long as the word has existed, until the FDA tried to go in and secretly change it, the word vaccine has always meant the same thing.
It means something that immunizes or inoculates against disease that prevents both Infection and transmission.
And indeed, in the contract, it made clear that the government was not buying a therapeutic.
A therapeutic is something that helps treat a disease, that helps mitigate or minimize the adverse consequences of a disease.
Then you have what's called a diagnostic.
That's a test designed to be able to diagnose whether and what disease is present.
Specifically, the contract said, we're not asking for a diagnostic.
We're not asking or paying for a therapeutic.
We're asking and paying specifically for a preventative vaccine.
So they promised safety.
They promised efficacy, the efficacy being measured by the reduction in the amount of COVID-19 and COVID coronavirus viruses that would spread related to it of whatever variant.
That it would be a vaccine that would inoculate and immunize and that specifically it would deliver prevention of COVID-19 infection or transmission.
Instead, It didn't prevent infection.
It didn't prevent transmission.
Pfizer itself has now admitted it.
It wasn't a vaccine.
It was in fact a therapeutic.
It didn't inoculate or immunize against anything.
The only immunity was the immunity for Pfizer from legal accountability for their bad actions by private citizens.
It wasn't effective.
It didn't reduce the amount of COVID-19 out there.
In fact, arguably, it increased the risk of variants and the spread of variants.
This was a point many high-ranking scientists made at the time that you don't introduce a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic without substantial risk that it actually makes the pandemic worse due to the ability of the virus in order to survive the vaccine actually creating more dangerous and virulent variants.
So, in fact, it didn't reduce variants at all, increased variants, and it didn't decrease the rate of COVID.
In fact, more and more studies are showing that, in fact, it increased the risk of someone getting infected.
Didn't decrease it, increased it.
Increased the risk of transmission.
Didn't decrease it.
Last but not least, it, by golly, was nothing like safety.
If you took all the adverse events Reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Database, the VAERS database, that FDA is required to keep by Congress as a quid pro quo for giving Big Pharma immunity from stoot related to vaccines.
If you took all the injuries from all the vaccines reported in that combined, it is dwarfed By just the number of injuries reported in just that database from just this so-called vaccine, the COVID-19 vaccine.
And it gets worse.
You go to a skeptical ethicist.
You go to a range of people out there in the independent research community.
You can watch Dr. Pierre Khoury's interview yesterday with Tucker Carlson.
What you find is There's other, you can talk to Edward Dowd, who's been here, available on InfoWars.
Brett Weinstein, who's been interviewed here on InfoWars.
A range of other people.
There's ways you can identify what's really happening.
Now one is, talk to ordinary people.
Do you know somebody discriminated against, disabled or dead, because of the vaccine?
And that's, in my view, is that probably is going to reach half of the country.
People like Richard Barris and People's Pundit, Daley, is going to be surveying and polling that precise topic.
Second, you look at what's actually happening by ordinary people.
If people think this vaccine is safe, and they think the virus is scary, they're going to keep taking all the booster shots.
They're going to have their kids taking all the booster shots.
They're not.
Over 90% of the world is rejecting the new booster shot.
That means their experience tells them this does not fit a safety risk profile worth endangering their own well-being.
They see more danger, more risk in taking it, than reward.
But that's not all.
Edward Dowd tracks insurance data.
Also tracks lost employment time data.
Others, like Ethical Skeptic, like Skeptical Ethicist, and others, Are tracking expense data?
Has there been an increase in the amount of money going out for cancer treatment, for heart treatment, for stroke treatment?
In addition, a range of people are tracking what's called excess death data.
What is excess death data?
You take a standardized norm over a period of time and you stratify it by age.
So you accommodate for changes in the age profile of any population at any given time.
And that creates a baseline of the normal amount of deaths that occur within any age group within any time period.
Excess death, a term that became popularized during COVID, during the pandemic, peak pandemic in 2020, Is when there are more deaths than would be expected given traditional averages of death rates amongst a particular population by age over time.
What we're finding is excess deaths are skyrocketing amongst a range of groups across multiple countries and the strongest correlation they have is when the COVID vaccine was introduced at mass scale.
They're also finding, when they dig in, dramatic increases in the cancer rate.
They're discovering dramatic increases in the mortality of the cancer.
And remember, our excess mortality should have gone down.
Well, if you look at who COVID really killed, COVID really killed people who are at the end of life with multiple comorbidities.
So they were people that were right on the edge of the cliff.
Of passing away.
COVID came along, whether it was COVID or the policies in response to COVID, that's a different debate for another day, but either way pandemic time period pushed a lot of those people off the cliff.
Well that means the most vulnerable population is no longer there in 2021-2022.
So we should have seen excess deaths actually be below average Given that vulnerable population had now been removed from that underlying group.
And yet instead, excess deaths went up.
And especially it went up amongst people it never should have been going up amongst.
Young people.
Young men.
Then you look at the unemployment and workers' comp.
You look at people taking time off from work for injury.
And that was spiking across the board in a wide range of data.
So the disability data, the temporary, I got to take time off data because I've got an illness or an injury that's more extended than normal.
Again, spiking in all the key data reports that Edward Dowd and others have followed.
And it directly correlates to the vaccine.
So and then we're getting, of course, all of the data from cancer payments.
Here's the way you can track the data, even when the government's trying to hide it.
Is you can backdoor it by looking at people who, for example, insurance companies who reimburse for certain costs for certain kinds of medical expense.
And what do we see?
We see that spiking in a range of categories directly corresponding to the timing of the introduction of the vaccine.
And so this is what is underlying the data and information that in fact Brooke Jackson could have, if the government would have paid attention to her, the government could have stopped before this ever happened in the first place.
The Justice Department under President Trump, who found out about Brooke Jackson's report, hid that information from President Trump.
Pfizer as well hid the fact that they had not only hid this information from President Trump, they hid the fact they even had a vaccine until after Election Day deliberately to hurt President Trump.
So when President Trump is still vouching for the vaccine, he is vouching for a Pfizer company that lied to him and betrayed him and has repeatedly undermined him.
So the best decision for Trump to make would be to embrace the Brooke Jackson case and to oppose the action that is currently taking place by the Biden administration.
Because after Brooke Jackson brought her case to the Justice Department, they hid it from the world for over a year so nobody could know about her report at the key time period that this vaccine was being approved, authorized, reimbursed, and expanded.
You can find Brooke Jackson.
I am brookejackson.com.
And what you find when you dig into that data and information that she presided, that she presented, you could predict and foresee everything that was going to happen.
For example, Brooke Jackson raised the issues with her supervisors.
Her supervisors went up the chain of command and they came back and said, you know what, we can't fix this.
And the reason we can't fix this is because it's everywhere.
We're in a rush to produce something.
Just doctor the data.
Just fake and falsify everything you need.
We're just here to get this done and line our pockets while we still can.
That's what Pfizer did.
Now remember, Pfizer makes the Sonola drug cartel look like a street-level drug dealer.
Nobody has killed and cost more lives as a drug dealer than Pfizer has.
That nobody, there's no drug cartel in the world that could compare to the harm caused by Pfizer.
And so in this context, but the real reason the Justice Department was hiding the case wasn't to investigate it.
It was to hide it from Trump.
It was to hide it from the American people.
So once she figures that out, she gets independent counsel, we intervene, we disclose it to the world, help save millions of lives by the information getting out there.
And now the advisors come in, wants to dismiss the case.
We're opposing it.
The judges scheduled a hearing.
And on the eve of that hearing, what does the Biden Justice Department do?
They have now moved to intervene to dismiss the case.
They are demanding the court not allow any discovery to happen about what Pfizer knew and when they knew it about the dangers of this vaccine.
What the FDA knew and when they knew it about the dangers of this vaccine.
What the Biden administration knew and when they knew it when they were mandating and forcing this vaccine on people.
As well as spending billions of dollars to their political allies.
They're demanding the judge not allow any bench trial, any jury trial, any trial of any kind.
They're demanding the American people be scammed and ripped off and defrauded again while these harms continue to accumulate.
That is how corrupt the Biden administration is.
We will see whether the court We'll go along with this corrupt demand of the Justice Department to hide this fraud continually from the American people, to fail to protect the American people financially or personally from the harm caused by this dangerous, ineffective drug that wasn't a vaccine and didn't prevent COVID-19.
Pfizer lied about everything except speed and scale, and the only thing Pfizer delivered at speed and scale was fraud, disability, and debt.
Pfizer lied.
People died.
And the question is yet to be determined, will there be consequence?
But the option for President Trump is to publicly speak out against what President Biden is doing, saying this case should go to trial.
This case should be joined by the government to have a full, meaningful investigation.
He can even say, I drafted a beautiful contract.
Some say maybe one of the best ever contracts.
That required a safe, effective vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19.
And the claim is that Pfizer lied to me and lied to the American people.
Well, I want to know what's true.
So, I find Brooks Jackson's case should go forward.
Trump should say, I support Brooks Jackson.
And this would give him an exit ramp from the vaccine politics he himself has entrapped himself in.
Because if he doesn't do so, If he continues to embrace a dangerous drug and continue to align himself with an adversarial company that set out to have him defeated in 2020, if he continues to side with a drug that has disabled, killed, and discriminated against millions and millions of people around the world, or caused such disability to occur, then he endangers his presidency.
He endangers his election to the presidency.
Indeed, the only hurdle to Trump winning in 2024 now, especially as the lawfare gets set aside by the courts, especially as he is going to be on the ballot, as the Supreme Court has already ruled, especially as he's already won the nomination, as has already been determined from Super Tuesday and Little Super Tuesday, the only way Trump loses this election against a disastrous debacle known as his fraudulency, the second Joe Biden, Is if he continues to embrace a dangerous drug that caused so much harm and was a deep state plot against President Trump.
So what Trump can do is embrace that aspect of the Kennedy campaign that challenges the safety and efficacy of this vaccine.
Take on an adversary in Pfizer, stand up for the American people, and in so doing, guarantee his re-election and make sure it has consequences.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Fourth hour, guest hosting Robert Barnes.
So we're going to have up in just a minute an emergency report from the man himself, Alex Jones.
On the eve of that report, That for those who have been inquiring about Amos Miller, the Amish farmer, his case is going to decide the future of food freedom in America.
The government is claiming the authority to go into a farmer's property, his own farm, go into his own fridge and freezer, steal and take and detain and order destroyed his own food for his own family and his own animals.
And they're claiming that you are not allowed to have food in your own fridge or your own freezer, even if you're the one who produced that food as a farmer, unless and until the government gives you advance permission to make that food.
That is what the Amos Miller case is about.
It's not just about the ability of people to get fresh, organic food made the traditional Amish way that has a proven track record of extraordinary health benefits and safety, which is the case with Amos Miller.
You can go to AmosMillerOrganicFarm.com and see the range of his products that are out there.
But this is about prohibiting and controlling and monopolizing all of food supply so they can electronically track it and surveil it, so they can stick COVID vaccines in it, so they can stick other vaccines in it, and thus control our own bodies and ultimately ourselves.
So that's what the Amos Miller case is all about.
You can continue to get updated information about that case at VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com.
That's VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com.
Remember, just as important as Amos Miller's food is to the supply of organic, healthy, important food to benefit our bodies, InfoWars is the same for our mind.
And you can go to InfoWarsStore.com and find a product that makes you healthier, wealthier, and wiser, and makes the country a safer and better place by having accurate, honest, transparent information that exposes the government and big corporations for who and what they often are.
By going to InfoWarsStore.com today.
One last component about the risk of World War III.
Do we face a risk of it?
Well, we have a warning sign from maybe an unusual and unexpected place.
The recent Oscar winner, Oppenheimer, has buried within it a warning about the current politics of the parties in power.
And that is that the real reason why Oppenheimer was targeted was Oppenheimer was targeted because the deep state after World War II wanted to launch nuclear war.
Oppenheimer didn't want his developments, his designs, his inventions to lead to the extermination of humanity.
So continue to stay alert so these dangerous people don't get that perilous power in their hands now or in the future.
Now we have available the emergency news break from Alex Jones.
Florida's Surgeon General says for us to stop getting the COVID vaccine.
Fox 35's Hannah McKenzie is joining us live in the Alert Center tonight.
So, Hannah, he says what's in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is a problem.
Yeah, Luanne.
John, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Latipo says he has safety concerns pertaining to the discovery of billions of DNA fragments found per dose in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines.
And he says those concerns have not been addressed by the FDA or the CDC.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
It's Thursday, March 14th, 2024.
You're watching the live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Robert Barnes is going to be coming back here in just a few minutes, and then in the next hour,
we're going to be hosting the great Drew Hernandez, breaking down the border and other major
cultural and world events. But I wanted to go through a news blitz here because all of this
incredible information ties together. We have one stack here, the globalist plan to eliminate all
farms, no more food, no more humans. This is really happening. They're cutting off the major
food supply, also all over the Western world under globalist control.
They're saying thieves are allowed to rob stores for up to a couple thousand dollars.
They're not prosecuting carjackers.
You already know about all that.
But now Canada and the UK, this is all directed by the same social engineers, are telling the public to put little key boxes on their front doors with their key fobs so that criminals can rob their cars easier so they won't invade their house.
This is how they say appease the criminals.
This, of course, is designed to make it where there's so many cars being stolen that it destroys private car ownership.
This is the post-industrial world plan.
That's why they're cutting off the fertilizer, which cuts off the food, cutting off the pipelines, cutting off the oil drilling and gas drilling.
They're passing all over the world laws against range stoves, against campfires, against indoor fires in fireplaces.
They're going after all of the infrastructure and say we've got to ban organic farming.
It's bad for the earth.
So the first clip I want to play is from Canada again with the police saying fortify your doors because of home invasions and then put the keys to your car outside.
This is not satire.
This is not a joke.
It is their plan.
Remember I said five years ago when the Blue City started saying All coordinated from New York to Chicago to LA to Portland to Seattle.
Let people go rob the Macy's and rob the Walgreens and rob the Walmarts and the Targets until they all close.
This is the plan.
This is the planned destruction of our economy.
It's what the Great Reset is to destroy it so they can build their new system on top of it, which is a total dystopia.
So here's a clip from a local newscast.
There's also updated advice for all vehicle owners.
A message echoed by Toronto Police speaking at an Etobicoke safety meeting last month.
Constable Marco Ricciardi had a new message for vehicle owners who keep their fobs in Faraday pouches.
To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door.
Because they're breaking into your home to steal your car. They don't want anything else. A lot of
them that they're arresting have guns on them and they're not toy guns, they're real guns.
They're loaded.
That's why Galinski says they will be installing the door stops and taking YPR's advice seriously.
But she'd like more action from police as well.
Now that report that you can see in full at InfoWars.com dovetails with all of this critical
Former Flemish parliamentarian Dries van Leeuwen has been sentenced to one year in prison because supposedly racist memes were shared in a private group chat that he was part of.
So again, won't prosecute criminals, but will prosecute people that don't want the open border and the invasion.
And that ties into Don Lemon coming up, saying Elon Musk is bad because he won't censor people on his platform, and because Elon doesn't want to sponsor and pay for his show, but will obviously let him have his show, because he won't ban people who talk about replacement migration.
That's an official UN plan.
He is racist.
He's evil.
They call it replacement migration.
And if you say that, it doesn't exist, even though it's on the UN website and official.
No borders, no walls, no Europe or USA at all.
Those clips are coming up but here's another one talking about Canada.
Canada high school scraps graduation ceremony to be inclusive of dropouts.
So this is beyond participation trophies.
I remember when I first played soccer when I was like six years old I was so bad at it that I remember getting my participation participation trophy. They even had them back then. We're
now talking 45 years ago.
And I knew that I wasn't good. It didn't make me feel silly because I didn't
really earn it. Years later when I actually won first place all over Texas
in swimming, I did appreciate it because I was winning at the state level some of
the best matches there were. Wish I would have stayed in swimming. I got out of
13, but that's just absolutely insane. Here's a clip from that newscast.
Well Graham, the school board says changing graduation to commencement would make
things more inclusive so much so that those who aren't graduating can still
It's a milestone students worked towards for years.
So if you don't pass, why would you get to go to graduation?
The Ottawa Carleton District School Board is updating its graduation policy, renaming it commencement, to include all students, even those who are not getting diplomas.
They haven't graduated.
Essentially, so walking across the stage is something that you work towards.
There might be another way I'm sure they can come up with including them, but not walking across the stage.
The proposed policy acknowledges some students may not be graduating for a variety of reasons, but that it should not preclude them from celebrating their achievements.
The way I look at it, any student who has gone through high school has worked very hard.
There are going to be students with special education needs who are never going to be able to qualify for an OSSD, who have worked very hard by the end of their time in high school.
And to allow recognition to those students of all of their hard work makes a lot of sense to me.
The board is also looking at phasing out awards, renaming them Achievements.
So you go to jail for your speech, all coordinated by the ADL globalist groups from the world.
But if you're robbing people, that's okay.
They let you out where they get out of jail free card.
Where are they taking us?
They're taking us to communist China.
Here's a short clip of before you get into a gas station in China,
you have to be pre-approved, even enter the gas station to buy food or get gas
or clean your windshield or pump up your tires.
This is the testing grid for the rest of the world.
It's official.
Communist China is the model for the technocratic tyranny.
[Cat meows]
All the new devices, all the new cars, for over 15 years around the world, being globally
coordinated, are wired into the AI social credit score systems.
Remember it came out that, oh, a long time ago, the auto companies under quiet federal directives began putting tracker systems in all the cars.
Now it's law as of last year.
And funny enough, it's the same law if you're in Australia, if you're in Germany, if you're in France, if you're in Canada, if you're anywhere in the Western world, because the central banks control the policies.
Of the system and the social credit score.
So automakers under scrutiny for sharing consumer driving data with insurance companies.
That's who lobbied to get this done.
And people that speed too much, whatever, will you suddenly have your insurance go up, even though you have a safe driving record.
And I was talking about the farming.
The Globalist four years ago said these lockdowns are going to be a test.
The WF officially said it.
London Guardian officially said it.
UN officially said it.
To where in the future we're going to have climate lockdowns where your car, certain days of the week, just won't start and that the AI will control where you can go and what you can do.
And here is a quick video right now from the WF and the UN's own literature.
That up, avoiding the climate lockdown by the WBCSD, that rolls off the tongue.
That stands for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
3M, Apple, Bloomberg, BMW, Chevron, BP, Dow, DuPont, Google, IBM, Ikea, Kellogg's,
Nestle, Parker and Gamble, it just keeps going.
This was published way back in October 2020, so it's not even a new thing.
They say in the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again, this time to tackle a climate emergency.
Wait, how could the climate create an emergency that we need a lockdown to solve?
Who cares?
They say under a climate lockdown, governments would limit private vehicle use, ban the consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures.
Fossil fuel companies would have to stop drilling.
To avoid such a scenario, we have to overhaul economics and do capitalism different.
And back full circle to where we were five minutes ago...
The authorization for all these horrible crimes to be committed, the police being defunded, the Soros DAs letting the criminals out of jail many times without even bond for even violent offenses like sexual assault.
Every day we see headlines like this.
Here's the latest.
Dollar Tree and Family Dollar to close nearly 1,000 discount stores, citing crime.
Here's another one.
Same thing with the airlines, everywhere else.
white privilege promises not to promote merely on merit.
Same thing with the airlines, everywhere else, teaching you're bad because you're white
or because you are a man, training you that discrimination by the state
and by corporations is okay.
Again, all part of the social credit score that's already being implemented all around us.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Then we've got the big push for just out of the open censorship.
Elon Musk is doing advertising deals and boosting deals with people like Tucker Carlson, but also people on the left.
And so he hires the disgraced, fired Don Lemon to sponsor him and bring him onto X. And then Lemon savagely attacks him and makes a bunch of crap and insists that Musk censor And then when he says, fine, our sponsorship deal is being terminated, not censorship, his right not to sponsor, just like we boycott Anheuser-Busch from the Bud Light debacle, that's not censorship, that's withdrawing your support.
Like a restaurant that gives you food poisoning, twice in a row you never go there again and you warn people about it.
That's not censoring that restaurant, that's knowing and using discernment or discrimination to then not Patronize those facilities.
So the first clip I want to play is the latest one, a little segment of him confronting Musk.
And then he went on CNN and said, oh, it's this racist replacement migration plan.
And it's going to cause all the blacks and Hispanics to get murdered by evil white people.
And you've got the left suppressing the fact that this vast majority of crime in this country is anti-white.
Blacks are 30% of the population.
They commit over 60% of the crime.
Most blacks don't do that, but it's still a small minority of blacks that are
committing the majority of crime.
And now you've got the feds trying to go around and censor and cover up crime
statistics and even change the race of black offenders to saying that they're white.
So, so this is a total information warfare system and it goes in line with Google
Gemini, just erasing all white people from history and saying George Washington
was black, Jesus was black.
Again, this isn't black people doing this.
It's this globalist trying to scramble and create incredible division and anger white people and make them actually become racial.
This is nothing more than divide and conquer.
So the first clip is what just happened with Lemon.
The second clip is back four years ago when, or almost four years ago, three and a half years ago, when Trump got banned off of Twitter.
Now X saying it's perfectly wonderful to do.
So a total ban is good.
You believe that X and you have some responsibility to moderate hate speech on the platform?
from Lemon who acts like a complete and total scumbag snake, which he is.
So here's both those clips back to back.
Do you believe that X and U have some responsibility to moderate hate speech on the platform?
That you wouldn't have to answer these questions from reporters about the Great Replacement
Theory as it relates to Democrats?
I don't have to answer these questions.
The Great Replacement Theory as it relates to Jewish people, do you think that?
I don't have to answer questions from reporters.
Don, the only reason I'm doing this interview is because you're on the X platform and you asked for it.
Otherwise I would not do this interview.
I'm criticized constantly.
So you don't think, do you think that you wouldn't get in trouble or you wouldn't be criticized for these things?
I would criticize possibly, I could care less.
Illuminating in so many ways.
I have two things I want to ask you about that, Don.
First, the Great Replacement Theory.
As you bring it up, he has tweeted, a tweet he shared, increasing illegals boost Dem voting power causing them to recruit more.
If Dems win President House and Senate, they'll grant citizenship to all legals and America will become a permanent one-party deep socialist state.
He has gone there directly.
How much does he stand by these ideas?
Well, he didn't quite seem to understand that he did, originally he did that with Jewish people, sort of a great replacement theory thing that he did with Jewish people, and he got in trouble and he had to go to Auschwitz and answer questions and apologize and go with Ben Shapiro.
But he doesn't understand That that sort of rhetoric that he talks about, the Great Replacement Theory and Migrant Invasion, that's what radicalized shooters use in their manifestos.
Those exact words.
The people who go and shoot up people, whether they be Latino people who live in Texas, or black people who are in the supermarket in Buffalo, or Jewish people who are worshipping, those people use the same rhetoric.
That they are tropes.
That they're either racist for Latinos, or black people, or for Jewish people.
And I wanted to know if he felt any responsibility.
As someone who has one of the largest social media and information platforms in the world.
A quarter billion people.
A quarter billion people.
I think it's 455 or 500 million users a week.
And it doesn't seem that he feels that he has any responsibility with that because he seemed really averse to facts.
That facts did not matter to him.
It didn't matter that he retweeted things that were offensive to people.
And this whole, the whole idea of what I was asking him about, was it offensive and did he feel that his platform should have better moderation?
People like you and the like carried his water and told lies.
Allowed the lies to spread.
That's why.
Senator, nobody asked you to be the editor of the President's Twitter feed, the one he has been permanently barred from, the one he is whining about, about how they've taken away his freedom of speech.
The fact is, these are private companies.
They have no obligation to have anyone on their platforms.
These are decisions that have nothing to do with Congress, except perhaps for people trying to kill them.
Think about it this way.
If they're going to espouse freedom of speech, right, being taken away, perhaps this will help you understand if you frame it in that manner.
If you frame it in the freedom of religion argument that you use so much.
Twitter and Amazon and the like, they are the Christian bakery.
Trump is the gay couple who wants a gay wedding cake.
First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
That's what it says.
It says nothing about Twitter or social media.
The Congress.
Don't get it twisted.
Stop using that argument.
It makes no sense.
And finally in today's News Blitz on this March 14th, Thursday transmission,
I want to go to a Fox 35 news piece where they are reporting that with two separate investigations
with the Surgeon General of Florida, with major labs testing what is in the Pfizer and Moderna so-called COVID
vaccines, that it is contaminated with DNA.
Let me tell you what the DNA is.
It's the DNA of dead humans, because this stuff's cooked up in fetus flesh, but it's also cooked up in rhesus monkeys, and so it's full of SV40 cancer virus that even the FDA and CDC estimate Killed over a hundred million people since it contaminated the entire vaccine supply in the early 1960s.
So look up SV40 and wonder why cancer is exploding.
That's just some of what is in the COVID shot.
And Dr. Judy Megavich has explained that when they looked at what's in this, it's everything that was ever in a vaccine that ever had any contamination.
And why would they do that?
Because they know all the lawsuits are already there around the world and lawsuits are being won.
makes the roundup suits look small in comparison that all the major vaccines since they rolled
them out in the 50s have been contaminated and so now if they put all the contamination in one shot
and give it total liability protection then that protects big pharma and it also makes people
really really sick and it's good for depopulation so here's that incredibly important newscast.
Florida's surgeon general says for us to stop getting the COVID vaccine.
Fox 35's Hannah McKenzie is joining us live in the Alert Center tonight.
So Hannah, he says, what's in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is a problem.
Yeah, Luanne.
John, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Latipo says he has safety concerns pertaining to the discovery of billions of DNA fragments found per dose in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines.
And he says those concerns have not been addressed by the FDA or the CDC.
Dr. Latipo says if the risks of DNA integration with COVID vaccines cannot be addressed, then the vaccines aren't appropriate for use in humans.
He says he sent letters to the heads of the FDA and the CDC specifically questioning how this would impact humans in three We asked local doctor Michael Sparks to weigh in.
transformed into cancerous cells, chromosomal instability, and how the integration could
affect unintended parts of the body such as the heart, brain, lungs, even the injection
site itself.
We asked local Dr. Michael Sparks to weigh in.
Dr. Sparks telling us with the state Surgeon General saying one thing and the FDA another,
health providers are left stuck in the middle.
New things are scary.
If we look back historically, we've introduced new medications that we were told were very safe, were going to be very effective, and they turned out not to be safe or effective.
And they caused a lot of birth defects, things like that.
So it's not unreasonable to be worried about things that are new.
And that's where the research comes into play.
There have been so many millions of doses of this vaccine delivered, though, that if we were to expect to see some of these theoretical problems, we should start seeing them.
There have been so many millions of doses of this vaccine delivered, though, that if we were to expect to see some of these, you know, theoretical problems, we should start seeing them.
I'm Angus Dalgleish.
I'm a professor of oncology at St.
George's, a consultant medical oncologist, and I have started to notice that several of my patients of melanoma who've been stable, stage 4 disease, they've had very good immunotherapy or other treatments, And I've been reviewing them from five to twenty years.
I've noticed that I have now over six, possibly seven, even an eighth yesterday, who've clearly relapsed following the booster vaccine.
At first we didn't put the two together, but when patients said I felt awful since the vaccine, I've just been drained.
They describe symptoms of a long Covid and the next thing we know, two, three weeks, couple of months later, they've got clear evidence of relapse.
And these relapses are quite aggressive.
They're not a gentle relapse.
They're relapses that are requiring systemic therapy as opposed to a little nodule that requires surgical excision.
But it's not just this.
I'm now very much aware in my own circle Of many people who are having, they haven't got melanoma, but they've never had anything before, but they've got lumps and bumps and they're not feeling well.
And two people I've interviewed at great length, they all put it down to feeling awful after their booster.
They were fine with the first two vaccines, or just had shivers, flu, etc.
But they've described being very tired, very fatigued, wanted to stay in bed, And this is dragged on to the point where they've gone to the doctor and they've had blood counts and investigations and I now know seven of them.
Two of them have leukemias and the others have lymphomas and one of them Has a very bad myeloma which he was absolutely sure was instigated by the booster as he developed the dreadful symptoms.
So really I want to bring to everybody's attention that I think this does not look like a coincidence to me and we need to join forces and see if this is a real effect and if it is we must stop all the boosters immediately.
Thank you.
If the media was legitimate, they would be talking about one of the biggest crises that's happening in this country right now, which is a massive increase in all-cause mortality.
It's a massive increase and they're completely silent on it.
It's like in some age groups, it's a 40 plus percent increase in all-cause mortality, heart attacks, strokes, cancer.
Gee, what do you think happened that changed where all of a sudden there's this massive increase and it coincides with something else?
Don't you think maybe they would investigate that?
Wouldn't don't you think that like you would have some sort of investigative reporter that dives deep into this and gets to the bottom of it?
No, they can't.
Because of what you said.
They're captured.
100% Scientists were just brilliant.
They took cells, human cells, and Immerse these cells in the vaccine.
And they found, and these are the first experiments that have ever been done, okay, that the human cells immediately took up The vaccines and the DNA and the chromosomes, and the chromosomes, bacterial chromosomes, entered the cells and these cells immediately started making the spike protein in horrendous quantity.
And they have quantified this, they have shown what happens to the spike protein, that it is stable, that it is shed into the blood, into the circulation.
They have shown that they can measure this in the blood.
They can measure this anywhere, actually.
And they have shown that the plasmid and the spike production goes on for many, many days.
We're trying to find the limit right now.
All right?
And this is being put on paper.
It's going to become a fact that is going to be made known to the world.
Because the uptake of a foreign chromosome into your cell equates with nothing less than genetic modification.
It equates.
So these guys have been genetically modifying millions of human beings.
Do you want to allow this to happen?
Again, we've got this from all the top neurologists, scientists, you name it.
This is settled science.
That's why for 25 years they've tried to use mRNA in animals and in some human trials.
Almost always causes serious illness and or death.
Because when you add mRNA with DNA, your body grabs it and takes it right in the cell.
So it's like the key that opens the door.
So this is established, but now it is the Surgeon General of Florida saying this with the evidence.
Something good DeSantis has done.
That's why I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
So we commend the Surgeon General.
We reported on this three years ago.
We've had scores of doctors and scientists on scores of studies.
It is absolutely critical information.
So we are vindicated yet again.
But I don't want to just be vindicated.
I want to stop the New Order plan.
All right, we're going to go on a break.
We're going to come back in the fourth hour with the great Drew Hernandez.
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Alrighty, InfoWarriors, welcome to the fourth hour of the most banned transmission in the galaxy, in the universe, the Alex Jones Show.
I am your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
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But Elon Musk!
I really wanted to share some comments on the situation between Elon Musk and Fudge Packing Don Lemon.
And you guys know me, I have a lot to say about this, but you know, you guys know how I have felt very vocal on my own platforms, whether it be on X or my own show that I host Monday through Friday.
On Rumble, Drew Hernandez live.
Rumble.com slash Drew Hernandez.
And when it comes to Elon Musk, when it comes to anybody, when it comes to Donald Trump, when it comes to Elon Musk, when it comes to any populist, any individual in a position of leadership, whether they be in the media or whether they be in a position of political power or even in an educational institute position or the medical industry, it doesn't matter.
We have to hold every single person accountable to who they are, what they say, what they claim that they're going to be, what they claim to believe in.
And if the actions don't align with what they claim their worldview or their doctrine is, well, then we have to hold those people accountable to all of it.
And I mean, Jesus made it very clear that you shall know them by their fruit.
If an individual is a fraud, if an individual is a liar, if they claim to be on your side, well, if their lifestyle doesn't add up, if the doctrine they claim and that they proclaim and that they preach to everyone around them does not line up with the reality that we're living, well, then we have a serious problem.
I like to give credit to where credit is due.
I love the fact that Elon Musk has brought InfoWars back on to the platform, Alex Jones back on to the platform, Owen Schroyer back on to the platform.
And there's still major issues of de-boosting and throttling.
Even my own personal X account is over 300,000 followers and I might as well have 10,000 with the reach.
And we've known about this, right?
We've known about what Elon was pushing from the very beginning that Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of reach.
Obviously, I believe that's anti-American.
I don't think any billionaire, I don't think anyone with any type of, whether you're rich or poor, especially if you're a multi-billionaire, has the ability to not only redefine the First Amendment, but literally rewrite the First Amendment in the age of social media big tech.
And also there's the argument it's a net positive with Elon Musk.
Is Twitter 2.0 better than Twitter 1.0?
I would say there's a lot of reporters and journalists from the beginning that were saying that Twitter 2.0 is way better than 1.0!
But now that they're having to deal with the throttling and the severe de-boosting, And really realizing just exactly what freedom of speech and not freedom of reach really looks like, are having to deal with that reality.
However, with that said, I have my critiques, just like everyone does.
I have my critiques, and I have my praises of Elon Musk.
Same with anybody else.
Donald Trump.
I mean, anybody, right?
The only perfect person is Jesus Christ himself, so.
I'm going to tell you this.
It is anti-Christ.
It is a cult.
Alright, if you get around a political movement, or a religious movement, or some type of scientific, medical movement, you name it, right?
But context, any movement you get a part of and you get around a centralized leader or individual that is immune or untouchable, that is not allowed to be critiqued, and you're not allowed to criticize them, Uh, then you have a serious issue.
You're getting into cult territory, okay?
Actually, you're in cult territory!
Because there's nobody that's immune, because if you're dealing with a so-called perfect person, that doesn't exist.
The only perfect person is Jesus Christ himself.
And so, with that said, however, with that said, I give praise to where praise is due, credit to where credit is due, and I absolutely love the way that Elon Musk is dealing with Don Lemon.
And let me explain to you why.
Because Fudge Packer Don Lemon represents something.
He represents something in American media that is a total disgrace, that has no business even being called media.
That is propaganda, that is mind manipulation, it is predictive programming, it's not even news.
Don Lemon, in my opinion, Represents something in the United States of America that has been rejected, that is disdained, that is repulsive.
Not just the sodomy, that's a whole other broadcast, guys!
I'm just talking about this age of fake news and manipulation in the name of news, in the name of media.
State-run, state-approved propaganda.
People hate CNN, dude.
People hate MSNBC.
Okay, we are- even Fox News!
Even Fox News with what they've done to Tucker Carlson.
Listen, guys, I- and I've said this publicly many times, the only reason I would ever go on Fox News was because of Tucker Carlson.
Whenever I got the invitation to go on a show, that was the only reason I was willing to go on Fox.
Uh, but now, no, no thing.
I don't even, doesn't even cross my mind.
Like, who, who wants to be on Fox News these days?
Especially after what they did to Tucker, you know?
It's, it's, it's crazy!
And now look at Tucker!
He's, he's, dude, he's like, bigger, like, going independent is, yeah, it's, it's, it's a tough road.
It could be a lonely road, trust me, I know.
But it pays off.
It pays off in the end because look how much Tucker Carlson has exploded on his own, independent, Geez, the amount of views.
Tucker Carlson would have never been able to interview Vladimir Putin if he was still hosting Tucker Carlson tonight, restrained on Fox News.
Because we've been given this, and this is why I love Band-Odd Video, Alex Jones, and this is why I love these independent systems that not only are obviously pro-free speech, but They're built with their own models and they're built on their own islands where they're autonomous and they have the ability to distribute and say whatever they want without being corporately controlled.
I mean, I've been in media for a few years and I've been around these spaces where they claim to be free speech, but obviously they're not.
You piss off an executive and they tell you to tone it down.
I've walked away from a lot of this kind of stuff.
I've hosted very successful shows on various different networks and I find myself in this place of just independent God giving me the ability to do it.
Now, I'm giving you this context because I view things this way from like a media perspective when I see someone like Don Lemon, right?
And this is why I believe, I can't speak for Elon Musk, but the comments he's made in regards to canceling Don Lemon's deal with X with some type of exclusive A deal there.
We don't know the extent of the deal, but we know that they had something there.
I mean, Don Lemon is still allowed to post on X. I mean, they're trying to spin it and say that he's anti free speech and they're trying to spin it and say, well, he's obviously censoring speech by canceling our deal.
But X has responded and publicly stated he's still allowed to distribute this content.
No, no one is saying that he can't post his show on the platform.
He's willing to build an audience, that's fine.
We're just not gonna, we're not gonna financially contribute to his show.
See, this is where the commies come in, right?
Because they believe everything, everything belongs to them and everything's equal.
See, this is why I'm getting to, in my opinion, the heart of the matter.
That's why Elon Musk responded.
And he said, it's basically, I'm paraphrasing, like doing CNN on X. And that's not, that's not the, The business model, that's not the media representation.
I'm gonna use that word, okay?
I'm gonna use that word, media representation, that I believe Elon Musk wants for X. I think he has a disdain for fake news.
I think he clearly has a disdain for leftist, woke garbage.
I'm not quite too sure how red-pilled Elon Musk really is.
Based off of his whole freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of reach stuff.
There seems to be some type of middle ground he's trying to find, which honestly, I don't believe there is a middle ground.
I don't.
You may, with all good intentions, believe that you're trying to attain a middle ground by thinking that you're somehow unbiased in this culture war, in this spiritual holy war that we're fighting every single day, but it doesn't exist.
There is no middle ground.
You have to pick a side.
You have to.
Drew, you sound really biased.
Damn right I'm biased, okay?
I'm totally open about that.
No matter where I'm at, no matter where I'm speaking, I let people know who I am, what I believe, so you know exactly what you're going to get.
I'm not going to sit here and try to pretend like I'm just straight down the middle.
I don't believe anything.
I don't take a When we're dealing with pedophilia, when we're dealing with human trafficking, the collapse of the southern border, the globalist manifestation, and the advancements that they're making in the United States of America, going after our children, going after our families, and porting the third world with violent criminals, murderers, and rapists, and you have Lake and Riley situations going on, and the puppet president coming on in the State of the Union, butchering her name and calling her Lincoln Riley, okay?
I am biased, guys, okay?
I pick a side.
It's good or evil.
Which one is it to you?
That's what you're dealing with.
It's not left or right, Republican or Democrat, none of that.
It's good and evil.
Christ versus Satan.
It is that simple.
That's why Jesus said, you're either with me or you're against me.
You're either with me or you're against me.
You're lukewarm, you're neither hot nor you're cold.
You're lukewarm, so I spit you out of my mouth.
There is no gray area.
There is no middle ground.
And a lot of people fail.
To understand this, even, you know, social media influencers or people that find themselves on YouTube, they try to abide by the TOS until it just becomes impossible because they're like abiding by the self-censoring TOS on even X or YouTube or any of these big tech social media companies.
That that's that's not a middle ground.
You are being pushed into this.
You are being pushed into the camp of the enemy.
Where you are doing them a service by saying nothing and you are providing controlled opposition.
That's part of the InfoWar.
So I'm very critical and I'm very people that find themselves with You know, and they claim to be like, they claim to be like, like someone like me or Owen Troyer or Alex Jones.
I'm a fighter and I'm fighting against, you know, I'm fighting against the evils and the corporate media.
And it's like, but how do you, you know, they got like millions of views all over YouTube.
It's like, but what about Alex?
What about guys like us?
It's just, part of the information war is controlled opposition.
And YouTube does that.
And what I think X, and this is where I'm getting to my point with Elon Musk, and I appreciate His heart on this matter, like I said, I don't know how red pilled he really is.
But I do believe he has a disdain for fake news.
I do.
He I do believe Elon might be where a lot of people that got red pilled in like 2016, 2017.
He might be right there in his in his experience with getting red pilled on on on certain issues.
And like I said, I don't know.
I don't know.
I haven't had a personal conversation with the man.
This is just based off of his actions.
I've seen the things he says and all I could say is in this situation with Don Lemon, I appreciate the way That he stands his own ground against Don Lemon.
Because, like I said, what Don Lemon represents is this corporate media, this fake news, this state-approved, slanderous lies.
It's one thing to be a journalist.
It's one thing to be a reporter and sit there and really ask the real questions, right?
I love that.
I appreciate that.
I don't care who that's coming from.
Answer the question, just say whatever you need to say, that's totally fine.
But we know that the tactic, this is why I say this, it's what Don Lemon represents, it's where he comes from.
He doesn't represent real hard-hitting journalism or reporting and asking the real questions to those in positions of power.
No, no, no, no.
Don Lemon is a homosexual fudge packer, alright?
That has spewed all kinds of anti-white bigotry on CNN for years, according to my opinion, alright?
While literally sucking a white guy's penis at home every single night.
Yeah, yeah, oh he's so, oh yeah, white people are so bad!
I never trust these fudge packers, I'm telling you.
Don't trust these people.
Yeah, that's who they are.
That's what this represents.
It's this fake news.
It's not reporting.
It's not journalism.
In my opinion, it is a total setup.
And that's that that when I viewed this this interview with with Elon and Don, I think that's what Elon was picking up on.
And I think that's why Elon responded on X and said, this is what is this just CNN on X?
I'm not going to pay for this.
And then even the response is the same.
The response is the same, just to prove Elon's point.
Because they set people up, they take an angle that's not seeking truth.
They take an angle that's not seeking to ask the real questions to get somewhat of a real answer.
No, they set you up, they angle their questions.
This has been done to Alex many times.
This has been done to me.
Which is fine, it's fine.
It's fine.
You could be, you know, you're a grown man.
You can handle yourself, answer the questions.
It's just understanding the origin of what this really is.
It's the spirit of deception and not authenticity.
It's not news.
It's... See, but that's what pisses me off.
Even if right-wingers do this, where they try to prop themselves up as like, well, I'm totally unbiased.
I don't take a side.
It's like, dude, don't try to lie to me and tell me that you're something that you're obviously not.
Like, I would respect you more if you were to just say, I'm obviously a left winger.
I'm hard left.
So a lot of the content you're going to get from me is going to come from that angle.
Or I'm a hard right.
I'm a right winger.
I'm a Christian.
A lot of the content you're going to get from me is going to come from that angle.
So this is what you're going to get.
And especially if you're in a business deal, that's the difference here.
Like, I respect people more if they're just honestly transparent about who they are.
So we know what we're getting, but what these people do is they try to act like they're, I'm unbiased and I don't take a side.
Like, get out of here, dude.
Get out of here.
Maybe some people are actually that stupid, you know?
Maybe some people are actually that stupid and they believe these people.
It's like, come on, man.
There's no such thing as an unbiased human being.
Give me a break, all right?
Just be honest about it.
Just be honest about who you are and what you believe, and that's how you connect with people.
That is how you connect with people.
When it comes to the news and breaking down the stories, break it down, the facts, the truth, get to the fact of the matter, and if you have a bias, as a commentator, as a show host, then just say it!
Just say it!
You know what I mean?
People respect you more if you're just honest about who you are.
You don't have to sit there and deceive people.
And I think, in my opinion, this is, to give my analysis on this Elon Musk situation, this is why I think he cut his deal.
Because it makes sense to me.
Because Don Lemon represents the age of dying, fake news, establishment, corporate media.
And I think that's why Elon responded on X and said, what is this, CNN on X?
Yeah, no, we're not gonna do that.
So from a business perspective, from a media distributor business perspective, if I'm gonna hire talent, I'm not gonna hire a guy like Don Lemon.
That's not what we're trying to do here.
We are trying to, I'm just trying to think like maybe this is where Elon's headspace is.
Trying to usher in a new age of media where it's independent, it's free thinking, it's supposedly free speech, but at the same time it's not this fake...
And when I mean gotcha, it's like totally setting people up with this woke ideology to get a result of cancellation in front of the entire world.
That's what I got.
And I think that's what Elon was picking up on in the interview.
And people are sick of that, dude.
They're sick of watching that.
We are sick of this woke garbage.
We are sick of watching these woke communist setups trying to take down individuals that are standing for the United States of America.
But here's the thing.
You're free to do that kind of content.
You have free speech.
That's totally fine.
If that's what you want your media brands to be, then you go and do that.
That's fine, right?
The problem here, and this is if you pay attention to the response, this is why Elon just shut it down.
They're entering into a business deal with Don Lemon for an exclusive show on X. And as a result, because of the interview it went south, You pissed off your boss!
And this is what the woke blacks don't understand, because a guy like, in my opinion, a guy like Don Lemon has been so catered to as a woke gay black, has been so catered to by CNN and the mainstream media.
A guy like that can't comprehend All right?
A business owner and a man like Elon Musk telling a woke homosexual gay black guy, you're fired, you're done, we're not going to do this.
Thank you.
You're not going to manipulate me as your boss.
It's a business perspective.
It's hiring talent.
And if the talent doesn't represent what you want as your business, then that's totally fine.
There has been no talk, there has been no decisions made, and this is what, in my opinion, Don Lemon is trying to spin on his ex and all over the media, jumping on CNN immediately, right?
To try to spin it like Elon Musk is shutting down his right to free speech entirely.
No, he just shut down your business deal because you're a stupid, homo, woke black guy that can't handle respecting your boss or being told no!
He has every right to do so, but these woke black people, they can't handle that!
They've been so catered to, they've been so pampered, they've been so babied.
They're such a ridiculous, pathetic, especially the woke homo blacks.
They're the worst, dude.
They are the worst.
Oh my gosh, dude.
They cannot handle being told no.
It is pathetic.
Because they're such a pathetic, protected class where they literally can say and do whatever they want.
In terms of in a business environment or context and everyone just has to bow to them because of ESG and DEI and you can't you can't speak out against these people because if you do, well, you know what's going to happen to you.
Not only are you going to get canceled and publicly crucified by the woke, but also your business is going to get hit as well.
Your ESG and your DEI points are going to go down because you told a black person no.
And that's why I'm thankful for Elon's stance on this because he's taking a stance against that.
That spirit and that mentality and this, this old, this, this, this, this woke evil movement that is trying to hijack all of our institutions.
It has to be resisted.
It has to be told no.
It has to be absolutely held back.
And if you don't, You give them an inch, they're going to take a light year on you.
You give them an inch, they're going to take... And also, I want to talk about the subject of the questions that Elon was asked.
And I think Elon, you know, could have thoroughly responded.
But at the same time, it's the setup.
Like, literally trying to just set up your boss.
Like, that's what I'm saying.
Like, from a business perspective, it's not only disrespectful, but it's...
It's one way to get yourself fired.
But the woke blacks, they don't understand this concept.
They don't understand respect, especially in the workplace.
All the woke blacks can comprehend right now is, give me everything.
Give me the job.
Give me the money.
Give me everything through affirmative action.
Give me all the opportunity.
It's owed to me.
Oh, and by the way, give me all the reparations because, well, why?
Well, because I'm black.
It's that simple.
We'll be right back.
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All right, guys.
Getting back to this conversation about Elon Musk pushing back on fudge packer Don Lemon.
You know, it's crazy when people get offended when I say that.
It's like, he's a fudge packer.
I don't understand.
I can't say that any more, you know, less graphically.
But, you know, anyways, people are just virtue signalers.
And they're just retarded, so there's that, you know.
But I want to get to the actual, well, especially the viral clips that have been going around that seem to have really, really sealed Don Lemon's fate, because he had a deal with X. And I think that's part of Elon Musk's attempt to give an appearance of unbiased media or diverse Media shows, talking heads, content on the X platform, maybe in an attempt to say, well, see, look, we're just not like a far right, right wing platform.
We have, we pay for Don Lemon's show to spew all of his leftist nonsense, which is fine.
You have free speech to do.
But obviously Elon has pulled out because he doesn't want to pay for it now.
Which is totally fine, which is totally legal!
But like I said, before we went on break, is the woke blacks, they can't comprehend that.
Like, the woke blacks cannot comprehend being told no.
Especially when it comes to getting a job!
It's like, Don Levin can't comprehend that Elon Musk doesn't want to pay for his woke garbage.
Because that's everything, in theory, Elon Musk Bought X4 to free it up of that and to give actual more diverse voices and amplification of shows and content, which again, I'm not really quite too sure how well that's working out because the freedom of speech not reach thing is actually doing a lot of damage to a lot of journalists and reporters.
But at the same time, I think it's an attempt to bring on someone like Don Lemon To show a diverse of political viewpoints and shows.
So we have something to point to.
To say, we'll see, look.
We're not just, you know, far-right amplified voices.
We pay for Don Lemon's show.
But Elon Musk is not a stupid man.
I've never said that publicly.
I don't believe that.
I don't believe Elon Musk is stupid.
I don't believe he's dumb.
How advanced is he in his red pilling?
I'm not quite too sure.
I think he's got a ways to go.
But I do think that he's identified how to resist this woke kind of corporate takeover mentality that you see in Disney.
That you've seen some Disney CEOs like Bob Iger, they all bend the knee to all the woke within Disney.
Even Bob Chapek before him literally bent down to the woke.
That's how the whole don't say gay nonsense that popped off in Florida when it was just literally opposing homosexual LGBTQ teachers from having little secret personal relationships with your children without any parental consent.
That's what the bill was really about, right?
But at first, you guys remember when Bob Chapek in Disney, he came out and said, you know what?
We don't want anything to do with this.
We're just going to stay out.
Let's just create good entertainment for children.
That's wholesome.
Let's stay out of this whole fight.
But then the woke all rose up and they all complained.
And Bob Chapek switched his tune right before Bob Iger came in.
So it's like it's this commie thing, right?
It's the communists.
It's the takeover.
It's the threat of cancellation.
Where the CEOs and obviously because of ESG and DEI and there's a consequence there as well publicly, all together where you're getting all these homosexuals, you're getting all of these woke blacks and all of these woke minorities and you know everyone that's on the damn intersectional totem pole all rises up against you because they want you to take a side.
That's why I said you got to take a side.
You will take a side.
You will choose.
Either good or evil.
The other side will make you choose.
And this is why I don't understand where our side doesn't do this.
We are not as aggressive as they are.
Because when they want something done, oh, they mobilize, they get their activists, they immediately send a message to the top.
You side with us.
You side with evil.
You side with what we want.
Or else, right?
But when it comes to like even the church, and I'm talking about like holding people, you know, speaking truths of power, holding people accountable, not with violence, but just making ourselves publicly really aware.
I would say the closest, I would say the most effective operation that we've had as of recent is the Bud Light boycotts.
That's a perfect example.
I think that should be happening more.
That should be happening more.
With various different companies and institutions, even political figures that are not getting the message.
Doesn't matter who it is.
But I think we need to get a little more aggressive on that front.
Not saying violently.
I'm just saying in terms of activism and making our voices known.
But when that side rises up, there's a cancellation there and they bow down to the woke mob.
And I think that's that that was the situation that Elon was discerning in this conversation in the interview between him and Don Lemon.
We'll see the full thing.
I think it's supposed to air on March 18th on YouTube or something like that.
So we'll see the full thing.
But it obviously didn't go well.
But it's even the question itself.
And I really wanted to get into this and we're going to go to break in about a minute and a half.
But even the questions themselves Is exactly why I think Elon responded this way, because I would respond the same way as well.
Especially if you're a business owner, you just hired this guy, you're going to be flipping the bill for his show, it's going to be getting promoted, and if that's not what you want, it's okay to be a left-leaning, talking head, commentator, if that's what you want to do, but the spirit of what you tried to do With this, like, cancellation publicly so a woke mob arises to try to discredit the individual that you're interviewing.
That's what people are sick of.
And Elon Musk has every right to pull the financial plug on that and say, yeah, we're not going to pay for that.
That's not the kind of media that we are trying to promote and pay for here on X. If anything, that's why he bought X, to put an end to that and literally a death Okay, the death of corporate media, I think that's where Elon is trying to take X. And I personally think the freedom of speech, not meaning freedom of reach thing, is going to hold him back from accomplishing that.
I really do.
But however, I still see.
I still see.
Don Lemon, in my opinion, that's what it looked like to me, is this old corporate America mainstream fake news tactic to try to discredit and control your boss, to get him to capitulate, bend his knees to the woke, and apologize and repent in front of the entire cult.
And I'll get to the questions when we get back from the break because that's the crux of this whole thing.
So don't go anywhere.
I'll be right back.
Share the broadcast everywhere and anywhere.
Many all over social media, particularly X, are pointing out the fact that it's pretty obvious that Don Lemon's a hypocrite.
We all know that.
I remember when President Donald Trump was deplatformed, Twitter 1.0, sitting US President silenced within seconds.
Don Lemon immediately went on CNN and was totally for it, or seemed to be, and tried justifying it, saying various things in favor, because political violence was the result for allowing individuals like that on platform, especially an influential Positions of power, but now he's crying whining and complaining all over the news today because Elon Musk cancelled his deal Because Elon as his boss didn't like how He disrespected him as an employee like I understand that Whatever all right, but the woke blacks they don't understand that but let's get to this some specific questions That were asked where you take a look at the clips and you see Elon was just not having it
Not having it because he knows exactly what this is.
It's not an interview.
It's not just asking hard questions because I hate the softball thing, right?
But they're questions designed to set you up for advertisers to come after you.
They're specific questions designed to prop up in front of the whole world to take down your character.
And it had to do with replacement theory, replacement migration.
Which is 100% not a conspiracy theory.
Which is 100% not some type of white supremacist beer mongering theory that is out there in order to warp the minds of Americans to get them to believe something to take some type of violent action.
Because he's been all over CNN all day today spewing this nonsense.
You see, but this is what people are sick of, and that's why I approached this whole rant from that perspective, where this has everything to do with people are sick of this.
Because these questions of, well, do you believe that you're amplifying replacement theory and replacement migration theories all over your platform, and there are millions of people that you are contributing to that?
Don't you feel a responsibility as the owner of the platform?
And if free speech is free speech, Then you have to be content and okay with what anybody is saying.
Now, obviously, we know someone like Don Lemon, in my opinion, doesn't understand that and can't comprehend that.
Because he always ties things to, well, that speech leads to real world violence.
Even today, all over CNN, he's talking about, well, black people get shot and Latinos and people of color Get shot because white supremacist shooters, they use the same terminology in their manifestos of replacement theory and replacement migration.
And Elon's amplification on the platform and not doing anything to suppress that or censor that, he is partaking in the murder.
That's essentially what Don Lemon is getting to.
See, but here's the thing.
Well, hey Don, Why don't you talk about the homosexual shooter that murdered four Christian little kids and a couple of Christian educators?
Why don't you talk about that homosexual shooter?
What about the homosexual shooter that showed up to Joel Osteen's church?
What about that?
They don't bring that up because they can't.
Because they have a political bias.
And they're not going to admit that.
But it's meant to draw support to one side and one side alone.
So it's not news.
It's not even commentary or analysis with a self-proclaimed bias.
It's propaganda.
It's propaganda that's meant to get you to believe something without them being transparent and honest about what they're producing to you.
And that's what people are sick of.
And that's what people, people are so sick of this.
And I think Elon Musk understands this because here's the thing.
Replacement migration is 100% real.
We are all experiencing.
Why do you think all the exit polls?
This is becoming the story in 2024.
Listen guys, I don't know if we're going to get a legitimate free and fair election.
I don't know.
I don't know if the riggers are going to come through and rig like they did in my opinion 2020.
If by some miracle we get a free and fair election and I believe Trump is going to just destroy, slaughter anybody they put up against him.
There's two reasons why.
Because all of the exit polls in 2024, even in California, I don't know if you guys paid attention to Super Tuesday, but one of the biggest stories coming out of Super Tuesday was MSNBC, CNN.
They could not comprehend The exit polls, California voters were saying that they care more about inflation and illegal immigration more than any of the social issues.
Any of that.
And these people like Joy Reid, all these homosexuals on MSNBC and dirty lesbians, they could not comprehend that people care more about their own bank accounts And there's safety combating illegal immigration more than LGBTQ woke, let's just pour all kinds of sodomy on your children.
You see, but that's quickly a result of, and I think is a good sign.
I think it's a good sign that we still have a percentage of the population that is not Fully willing to capitulate and surrender to the Great Reset?
Because that's what it is.
It's a controlled demolition of the economy.
That's why we're all experiencing it.
While alongside, it's the replacement migration operation.
We are experiencing levels of illegal immigration.
And guys, I'm going to tell you, if you guys have noticed, Trump keeps saying we're going to have 15 million, 20 million illegals imported into this country.
But the mainstream media Has been reporting the Border Patrol numbers where it's 8 million since Biden was inaugurated in 2021.
8 million illegals have been imported into the country.
Resettled throughout various different US states.
It's tripled, it's quadrupled.
And when you hear Trump say 15 million, he's not just exaggerating.
When you talk to Border Patrol agents and you ask them, And I have my contacts, guys that are literally tasked to document the numbers.
They say, these numbers we report to the federal government.
These are only the numbers that we can confirm and identify.
There are millions of others that are getting across freely every single day that we are not even seeing.
And so I can assure you, I think we'll probably have about 20 million undocumented illegal aliens in the United States by the end of 2024.
I feel comfortable saying that with the amount of Border Patrol agents I've talked to, it's looking like that.
And right now we're experiencing, it comes in phases.
Mobilization took place when Biden was calling to immediately surge the border 2019, 2020.
2021, they immediately started to mobilize from various different countries.
And then the next step, we went from mobilize, and they went to importation.
We've been importing these illegals.
Since 2021.
The next phase will be activation.
We've seen nothing yet.
You think the Lake and Riley situation is bad?
You're seeing 12-year-old little boys getting hit by illegals drunk driving.
They have to pull the plug on the life support.
There's little girls getting raped.
Illegals are meeting them on social media.
Autistic girls are getting killed and murdered by illegals.
The physically and mentally disabled.
It's just, this is just the beginning.
Wait till they get activated.
That hasn't happened yet.
And they will.
You think 2020 was bad?
With BLM and Antifa getting activated to burn down American cities in the middle of a lockdown?
We've seen nothing yet.
That was just a beta test.
We have probably, right now, probably like 12 million illegals just waiting to get activated.
Wait till we get some kind of George Floyd 2.0 situation.
You see all these illegals fighting with cops in the streets?
They're kicking them in the back of the head.
Just wait until one of these police officers, in self-defense, and rightfully so, life-or-death situation, shoots and kills, in self-defense, one of these illegals.
It's gonna get crazy, guys.
We've seen nothing yet.
You thought George Floyd was bad?
It's gonna get worse.
And the reason why I say that is, this is why I believe Elon pushed back on this whole Don Lemon crap and cut his deal.
Because people are sick of this.
People are sick of, when we are facing reality, the top two exit polling issues in 2024, out of all the caucuses and all the primaries, are inflation, illegal immigration.
And you got fudge packer Don Lemon interviewing Elon Musk, just got a new deal to air his new show, Whatever the deal comes with, he could still air it.
Just got a new deal, interviewing his new boss.
Trying to prop him up to get him to deny that that replacement migration or replacement theory is not real.
See, that's what people are sick of.
And that's what Elon Musk doesn't want to pay for anymore.
Which I agree.
Because people are done with fake news.
People are done with this crap.
This state-approved propaganda.
People are done with being lied to.
This is why the rise of alternative media has been so dominant and successful and it will continue to.
And InfoWars is a part of that, and you, the InfoWarriors, are a part of that as well.
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Guys, thank you for tuning in.
Follow me on X at Drew H. Live and Rumble.
Just search Drew Hernandez.
The War Room is up next.
Don't go anywhere when we come back from this break.
We'll see you guys on the next one.
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