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Name: 20240312_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 12, 2024
2625 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses various topics including issues with Boeing aircraft industry, a whistleblower who alleged that Boeing used broken parts on planes being found dead, and the dangers of the proposed bill to force the sale of TikTok. He interviews Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene about alternative ways to compete with China and concerns about the direction the bill would take. They also discuss the persecution of Trump and Joe Biden's failing presidency. Alex encourages his audience to support Infowars by purchasing products from their store.

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No one has ever isolated a virus.
This is admitted by modern science, who claim it's impossible.
So instead, they mix it with a soup of other genetic materials, run it through a computer, and create what is known as a consensus genome.
The theory that the invisible virus is a lie was put forth nearly 30 years ago by William Bramley in his book, The Gods of Eden, where he outlines thousands of years of human culling events.
He points out how during the Black Death, sightings of humans dressed in black and wielding what were described as scythes were seen before an outbreak of the plague.
Bramley suggested that the scythes may have been tools designed to spray poison gas.
Denis Rancourt suggests that there has never been a virulent pathogen, including the bubonic plague, and that these historic mass death events are done deliberately by oppressive systems to maintain population control.
If you want to routinely cull the population, then an invisible virus that you cannot see or prove would be the perfect lie.
In the 1930s, engineer Royal Rife created microscopes capable of magnifying material over 17,000 times.
Modern microscopes can only provide a magnification of about 2400.
We've been denied the magnification required to actually see if a virus exists.
This idea first gained a foothold during the HIV-AIDS scare when people such as Peter Duisburg, Carey Mullis, and Celia Farber were exposing the lies of Anthony Fauci, and it gained serious traction during the COVID era with the work of Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Denis Rancourt, and Dr. Lee Merritt.
Dr. Lee Merritt studied the official test for SARS-CoV-2 and found they are actually testing for the Homo sapien genome, which is highly suspect.
And there are many other suspicious facts.
They test our nose, which, like a filter, is full of foreign contaminants.
The PCR tests are being deliberately over-cycled to find falsified results.
What we are told is a deadly virus looks identical to an exosome, a naturally occurring part of cellular cleansing.
The first scientific publication created to disseminate information to the public was named after an ancient altar used for ritual sacrifice called Pergamon, and the first editor was Mossad agent Robert Maxwell.
Over a hundred years ago, doctors were well aware of how deadly parasites could be to the human body.
John D. Rockefeller's main advisor, Frederick Gates, convinced Rockefeller to modernize medicine by eradicating hookworm, a parasite that was known to be the biggest cause of disease back in 1905.
Up until the 1980s, textbooks were not talking about viruses as the cause of disease.
They were talking about parasites.
Today, while animals require routine deworming, modern science says that it's not a problem for humans.
After decades of research, a group of German doctors found that every single cancer cell contained parasites.
And that if cancer treatments such as chemotherapy fail to kill all of these parasites, then the parasites will be given the perfect conditions to spread throughout the body.
The parasites start in the bloodstream and spread to other parts of the body where they grow into cysts.
Under a microscope, parasitic cysts look identical to what we call tumors.
They had films, they published papers, but it all got buried.
Because if 100% of cancer patients have parasites, then parasites are likely causing cancer.
And today, the COVID shots, which we know are destroying natural immunity, are creating turbo cancers.
Having a lap dog under the age of five increases the chances of getting multiple sclerosis, which cannot be explained by MS being an autoimmune disease, but can be explained by brain parasites.
Pathologist Alan McDonald studied the brain and spinal cords of dead MS patients, and they all had parasites.
We all have parasites.
Brain parasites being the most dangerous.
And the parasite Toxoplasma gondii has a significant ability to infect the human brain.
And it is found in insects, which is probably why they want us to eat bugs.
The good news is that there is a remedy to these parasites.
A healthy immune system can take care of most of them, which requires good nutrition, regular exercise, peace of mind, and love.
And routine parasite cleanses can take care of the rest.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
That is a really important report.
Over half of India has that brain worm that you get from house cats.
About 10% of America does it and almost every quote crazy cat lady has them.
That's why they're called crazy cat ladies.
It actually takes over the brain and controls it.
Look it up.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Tuesday, March 12th, 2024.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide, we're entering the Ides of March.
237 days, 12 hours, 33 minutes, 15 seconds.
The most important election in world history.
Well, Marjorie Taylor Greene's going to be joining us for 30 minutes to talk about the election, all the political persecution, the real state of the union for 30 minutes coming up at the start of the next hour.
So I'm about 56 minutes from now, 55 minutes from now.
And then we're going to open the phones up for the rest of the broadcast today.
Enjoyed taking your phone calls and getting all those great questions and comments yesterday.
Got a lot on the plate here today.
What are we going to be hitting in this hour and throughout the transmission?
The unprecedented numbers of failure at Boeing is a cocktail of events.
We know from whistleblowers and even FAA reports that Boeing has had record-level safety inspections compared to Airbus, its main competitor.
And Airbus famously, 40 years ago, their engineer saying was, what would Boeing do?
But Boeing became woke the last 15 years and came out with several new aircraft designs that supposedly have lower carbon footprints.
They're slower aircraft.
They have way more problems.
They're mainly made out of plastic.
They're pieces of junk.
Then you've got most of the parts being made in China.
Probably don't want to have your airplane parts made in China.
Probably want to have those be the highest quality.
So, you're having a disaster, a major mishap every day with Boeing aircraft.
And if America's leading aerospace company gets fully discredited, that is a major signpost on the road to deindustrialization.
Now, is it the globalists sabotaging the parts?
So that they can have the post-industrial world and like they said they don't want commercial air travel for the general public.
That's even CNN reporting that.
France has passed a law for no short flights in the country for the general public on commercial aviation.
But all the globalists fly around private.
I think it's a mixture.
In fact, I know it's a mixture of those things.
But it's also just a corporate culture of greed and cutting corners.
We'll be looking at that first after I tell you what else is coming up today.
Biden unveils a massive $7.3 trillion budget with a $5.5 trillion in tax hikes, plans for highest burden in U.S.
Meanwhile, he wants billions.
of dollars to fast-track asylum seekers, including illegal aliens that weren't seeking asylum, who have massive violent criminal records.
You heard that right.
He wants to keep violent criminals in the country.
Talk about crapping on somebody and rubbing it in.
And then I really respect Candace Owens.
She invited me on her show a few weeks ago, but I had family events at that time, so I couldn't come, but I'm gonna get on there soon.
I'll get her on soon.
She has come out with these reports that Emmanuel Macron's wife is a man.
And that's a big story.
I know she's a pedophile, that she admits that.
She picked up Macron when he was, I think, 14 years old in school, his teacher.
So it just gets weirder from there.
Sure, looks like a chimpanzee to me, but the point is, is that This ties into what Laura Logan talked about a year ago, but I saw the clip again and it goes together.
Why the satanic billionaires are raping and torturing children.
I'm going to tie that all together in the last segment of this hour.
Also, I mentioned this yesterday, but I want to get back into it today.
Thought police snitches.
Bill in Washington State offers $2,000 rewards to residents who report neighbors guilty of thought crime.
We'll be looking at all of that today.
We've got continued big developments in Ukraine, getting almost no news coverage.
Ukrainian troops have gone, for the hundredth-plus time, they've done it a lot, cross-border into Russia, attacking Russian civilian targets.
Not just with drones, but with troops on the ground.
So that is certainly a serious Serious situation.
We've also got some really big COVID poison shot news that I didn't get to yesterday that I want you guys to pull out of the stack and I've got new stuff today that we'll put it all together because it's mainline studies.
Even government reports admitting massive increases in heart attacks and strokes and folks that have taken one or more of the shots and we already knew that but but now it's just being triple confirmed.
What a scandal ladies and gentlemen.
What an absolutely insane scandal.
Also, France has introduced legislation that if you criticize Pfizer, it's a thought crime and you go to jail.
So first it's don't howl Hitler, don't use the n-word, next it's don't criticize Pfizer.
See how the thought police work?
Then we've got automakers.
I told you this was going on 20 years ago.
But now, by law, it's in all the new cars.
But most new cars 20 years ago already had it.
Automakers under scrutiny for sharing consumers' driving data with insurance companies.
So you're driving around and embedded in the car is this tracking system, GPS, And even if you have it removed, there's other chips in the car that ping off the cell towers and give them a rough location of where you're at and track where you go and what you do.
A very good picture of where you go, but it's not down to three feet like GPS.
It's about 50 feet or so.
They triangulate and follow you.
This is a electronic Berlin Wall of Control, a straight jacket of enslavement being fitted upon us.
And you talk about it in your conspiracy theorists when it's in federal law that this is going on.
So it's an amazing, amazing time.
And guys, I sent you France to prosecute those who criticized Pfizer article and I also asked Ben Warren wrote an article about it.
I didn't see it in my stack, so if that happened, please give that to me, because I do want to hit that.
Because what the EU is doing, what France is doing, is usually five years ahead of us.
And of course, Canada has introduced legislation.
Life in prison for thought crime.
You're like, that doesn't sound believable.
I don't remember... Trudeau said he would do that.
He said he wants to be a dictator.
He admires dictators.
No, it's really happening.
I know you think of places like North Korea.
Or Cuba is being oppressive, but remember people getting beaten up on the street for not wearing masks?
Remember them saying you can't go to work if you don't take the shots?
What about the National Guard and the subways in New York after they defunded the police and let the criminals go and let them get off for serious crimes?
And now everybody is a suspect.
Everybody doesn't have rights.
We're being incrementally submerged into classical tyranny.
So we've got all that information as well.
That's just some of what's coming up today.
We will drill into each thing I covered that I just mentioned in more detail.
Let's hit Boeing right now.
So, people ask me, is this sabotage?
Industrial attacks on a corporate opponent is industrial sabotage.
And certainly that's happened in history before.
And it doesn't even have to be Airbus that's doing this.
It can be a major shareholder that's doing it.
And then through all the different criminal gangs that operate in the United States, the people doing the sabotage just know they're being paid.
They don't even know where the money's coming from because it goes through dozens of different groups before it percolates down.
Basically, they just put a bounty on Any type of problem and then people carry it out.
Remember what happened all over the Western world, directed by the UN and the Rockefeller Foundation.
It was the same equivalent in Canada, in Germany, in Australia, in the US.
$53,000 if you said somebody had COVID and if you got them on a ventilator.
And then you got a few more thousand if they died.
So you saw massive death up front before the shots rolled out.
With them killing people in the hospitals.
That's come out in Congress, it's all confirmed.
They didn't have to go give the hospitals the orders to kill people.
They just said, here's the recommended treatment, Rendesivir, that turns off your organs, give them these opiates that slow down your breathing, put them on a ventilator that blows out their lungs, and you get 53,000 smackers.
And 90% of people that were put on ventilators died.
Yeah, there's the headline, France moves to criminalize criticism of Pfizer.
So, it's a big, big, big deal.
So, I don't know exactly what's happening, but I know with something as big as airlines, you're gonna have regular parts that are even built well, they're gonna fail.
And you got a bunch of these new environmental designs, That are made mainly out of plastic, the engines aren't as strong, there's all sorts of not tried and true things that engineers developed over the last hundred years.
But all this new technology, just like electric cars, you're gonna have a lot of problems.
Electric cars blow up, they burn.
Now they're trying to have electric jumbo jets.
So just imagine the process of trying to force a new technology, even though the engineers tell you it'll never be as good.
It's like Klaus Schwab pulling up in, you know, a gas-driven giant Mercedes.
He's not driving around in an electric car.
Neither is President Biden.
You're the ones that are supposed to do that.
That's you, not them.
So, that's causing a big part of the problem.
The ESG scores of Boeing.
Boeing's got the highest ESG scores from the Globalist for putting in all this, quote, new carbon neutral crap.
And then you've got the fact that the IQs are dropping.
There's more and more problems in society and civilization.
People don't care as much.
That's in every industry.
Then you've got the parts being made in China.
You got the FAA again reporting that Boeing has per capita double the problems of its main competitor, Airbus, at least double.
And you see a civilization that's beginning to fray at the edges and fall apart.
And it's really emblematic of the globalist cutting off the pipelines, cutting off innovation of new systems they don't like, erasing borders, getting rid of the police.
The name of the game is a post-industrial world for almost everybody, except the tiny one-tenth of one percent.
A Hunger's Game scenario is what the Club of Rome and the New World Order want.
When you see Hunger Games, that's not the fact that life's imitating art, that's art imitating life.
So we have those issues, but then we also have the fact that when Al Jazeera talked to employees at Boeing, a large portion of them said they would not fly on the aircraft.
Here's that report.
This is a Boeing factory in the U.S.
state of South Carolina.
Workers here in Charleston are assembling the company's flagship product, the 787 Dreamliner.
But this footage reveals some have little faith in the plane they build.
Did you fly on one?
You won't fly on one.
Did you fly on one of these planes?
Or 15 workers asked randomly, 10 said they would not fly on the Dreamliner.
I wouldn't fly on one of these planes, because I see the quality of the air.
It's going down around here.
An employee captured the footage after contacting Al Jazeera to tell us he had serious concerns about what he was seeing.
At his request, we changed his voice.
With all the problems reported on the 787, there's 90% that's getting swept away.
Hushed up.
It's an iceberg.
In another meeting, the source told us workers are often underskilled, uncaring, and in some cases, on drugs.
I've seen a lot of things that should not go on at an airplane plant.
People talking about doing drugs.
Looking for drugs.
I know they don't.
Over the course of a year, Al Jazeera's investigative unit.
So if you remember six years ago, there was a highly publicized civil
custody trial of myself and my ex-wife over my three children.
And it was national headlines, Alex Jones says George Soros has
weaponized the marijuana.
Now five years later, you have all these big top psychological journals saying, oh my god, a lot of people are brain damaged from marijuana.
You got Snoop Dogg and all these other people stopping it.
And I've got crew here that I love and care about that I know are potheads who've quit and look great and lost a ton of weight and admit it was making them depressed, making them paranoid, making them weird.
We've had two employees here, one of them had been here 14 years, who literally became schizophrenic from smoking pot and thought that space aliens were coming through the roof to eat him and that one of our hosts, not me, but the other host, not Owen, was a reptoid.
And I felt so sorry for him.
But, you know, that's the type of stuff that goes on.
Alex Jones thinks high-grade weed is a sigh of fun by George Soros.
It's about 50 times stronger than marijuana in the 80s.
And it is a psychotropic.
So back in the 40s when they ran Reefer Madness videos saying you smoke pot you go crazy, that wasn't true.
When I smoked pot every once in a while in high school, it just made me want to eat a pizza and, you know, watch a movie and laugh.
I was never a big pot guy, but I liked going to the movies and taking a couple hits off a joint.
I take a couple hits off a joint now, I can't get out of my chair.
And of course, there's different types of it.
And you got all the gummies, and I know it's got all the medical uses, and it's a wonderful plant, but when you're taking it for the drug effect on your brain, it's a big part of the IQ dropping and just the society falling apart.
If you're already really upwardly mobile and successful and type of personality and driven, marijuana can help you.
Take it in small amounts, the studies and information show.
Take the ad job, it's better than alcohol.
But when you start taking it when you're young, these people end up being homeless folks.
And so why is Boeing in Washington State?
Washington State, and I've been there several times the last six years, It's a hellhole.
It's a beautiful place, but I mean, Seattle's a hellhole.
Right outside the town, it's good conservative people.
But needles and poop everywhere, and homeless everywhere, and even the general public, are like bombed-out-of-their-brains zombies.
So, smoking modern powerful marijuana, or taking powerful gummies, or powerful edibles, is like drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels.
And again, I've told the story of Joey Diaz at a UFC with Joe Rogan.
And Joey says to me, knowing I'm not a big pot guy, he goes, Hey, I got a cookie for you.
You know, it'll, it'll, it'll, it'll get you high.
Why don't you take it?
And so we went to lunch with Joe.
It was like one o'clock, two o'clock in the afternoon.
The low-level fights are happening that aren't televised.
I go get a soft drink and a hot dog and go sit to watch the fights.
While Joe's backstage, you know, doing UFC commentary, pre-game stuff, pre-fight stuff, and Joey comes and sits down and says, has it hit yet?
Five hours later, my bladder's about to burst, I cannot physically get out of the chair, and he starts laughing at me, and it was some massive number, and Joey loves me, I mean, he's a great guy, I'm not mad at him, but he was laughing, and he said, man, that cookie would make me completely freak out.
And I'm like, yeah, I can mentally handle it.
I said, I can't walk.
And finally, about five hours in, I forced myself up and went to the bathroom.
And it was like, because I'm sitting there drinking a big, large, soft drink and, you know, all this other stuff.
I mean, I was going to burst.
And I know we're talking about Boeing here, but young people, don't smoke marijuana.
It's not cool.
And we've seen it's not cool.
And it's destroying civilization.
And Soros was behind getting it all legalized.
And I don't want to put you in jail for it.
I want to decriminalize it, but I do not want to legalize it.
I've seen it ruin so many people's lives.
And again, a large percentage of people, it helps them and it makes their life better.
But I'd say half the public can't handle it.
People just cannot handle it.
And I know a lot of people go schizophrenic on it.
Because I never really have fear.
But I've smoked really powerful pot.
It's probably been a year since I've smoked any.
And I've smoked it with Eddie Bravo recently and Joe Rogan.
Probably the last time was like I was at his club with him and they were in there smoking some pot and I took like five hits off of it and I'm sitting there during Joe's set later, and I'm literally like, my God, I can't even think.
Good thing I have a driver.
This is incredible.
I don't know how Joe's up there, you know, talking.
He's obviously got a tolerance, but that's what I'm getting at is we are a stunned population.
And, you know, Joe talks about the mental illness that marijuana is causing.
So we're talking about Boeing, but also we're talking about the fact that people don't care anymore.
And the people building the aircraft don't care, and they just don't give a crap.
I mean, they had another video yesterday where another aircraft, it's not Boeing's fault, is driving off to take off, and they didn't put the gas cap on.
Imagine, they gas up a jumbo jet, and then they don't even put the gas cap on.
And you're seeing the problems everywhere.
So, the technocrats don't need to directly sabotage the parts.
They just make them in China.
They don't need to directly sabotage the planes.
They just sabotage the culture, and then sit back and watch it disintegrate, which they admit is their plan.
They admit it's their plan.
That's not my opinion.
So, I've got some more Boeing clips.
We come back, we got the whistleblower killed.
And he was doing all these interviews and excited about testifying.
In a few weeks at trial, he was doing a deposition Friday.
And lo and behold, he got in his pickup truck and the police just right away said he shot himself.
Yeah, right.
If I ever get found dead and they say I shot myself, that is a 100% lie.
I will never commit suicide.
If they really want to discredit a political figure like myself, they come to your house and they shoot your wife and children, and then they shoot you and say you did it.
Murder, suicide.
They've done that, suicide, murder.
They do that a lot to people exposing the pedophile rings of the state senators, state reps.
There's been a lot of cases of that.
They've done it to FBI agents that got too close.
And they just come in and they shoot your kids, they shoot you, and then that's how it works.
And then they, it's just, oh, you're automatically, you're a villain, you did it, because no one can believe that the government or hitmen came and killed your wife and children and then killed you.
It's absolutely, absolutely insane.
Of course, a lot of times they, well, I'll tell you how it works when we come back, stay with us.
But it all boils down to this.
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All right, so I gave you a breakdown on what's happening with Boeing.
I think everybody agrees that's what's going on.
It's a spectrum of things causing this.
We see it in every industry.
The more technical, the worse they are because people are drugged out of their minds.
Something like 30% of people are on Antidepressants, 25% or so are on amphetamines that are doctor prescribed.
Then upwards of 10% or more are on opioids, both prescription and illegal.
And it's growing.
Something like 40% of the public is heavy pot users.
More than half the public are drunks.
Myself off and on.
I wouldn't call myself a drunk, but I drink too much.
I mean, this is all going on.
It's a policy of honesty here.
So when I'm pointing a finger at you to get your life together, Three more pointed back at me.
And I'm a lot better than I was five, six years ago.
In fact, doing a good job right now.
But even, even, even go to some of the AA meetings with my wife and that's what helps me not sometimes go months not drinking.
But I still do it socially and you know, but that's a side issue.
What we're getting at here is that Hollywood and the corporate system has pushed this as something that's cool to do.
But really, it's not their fault entirely, is it?
It's our fault.
But there's a lot more.
There's the greed of the companies getting substandard parts.
And if we lose the airline industry, we start losing all of civilization.
And that's what the New World Order wants.
So at the end of the day, They are the authors of this landslide of technical issues plugging our industrial system.
And then as the human systems fail, the robots, the AI, has to come in to take over for it.
So I played you that Al Jazeera piece where the majority of the employees would not fly on the aircraft they talked to.
And the majority of the employees said they were on hard drugs.
But here's a really informative clip from a fellow I've been watching for years.
He really nails it.
Ian Carroll on the Boeing whistleblower that just got Arkansas-ed.
Dude, the Boeing whistleblower just turned up not alive.
You know how Boeing's planes have been falling apart midair for the last year, like doors coming off, tires falling off mid-flight?
Well, it turns out that this guy, John Barnett, who spent almost a decade as the quality manager for a plant making the 787 Dreamliner, one of the problem childs of Boeing, well, he retired in 2017.
And he's been taking legal action against them ever since.
He's been alleging things like when a plane isn't getting built fast enough, they'll tell their dudes just to go and get scrap from the scrap bin, like broken parts and parts that didn't pass inspection.
Just slap them on there so the plane gets done in time.
He also claimed that up to one quarter of the oxygen masks would fail if actually deployed, plus a number of other allegations that Boeing obviously denied.
And then he wound up not alive in his truck in a car park on the 9th of March from a quote, self-inflicted wound.
But the spooky part is what he did right before that happened.
Because see, this legal battle has been going on for years now.
But, just this last week, he gave a formal deposition in which he was questioned by Boeing's lawyers.
So, Boeing's lawyers just asked him a whole bunch of questions under oath about what he knows.
And then, that same week, he turns out to not know anything anymore.
Right before he was due to undergo further questioning on Saturday.
So what did they find out that he found out that now we're not gonna find out?
I mean, allegedly, obviously.
If it was like an accidental death like a car crash or something that might be you might be able to go coincidence but like who fights a legal battle for years and years and years and then the like the year when Boeing problems are all coming to light and proving you right then You decide to off yourself, like, once, like, the world is, like, totally turning to your side, then you're over it and you're gonna just quit?
I mean, really?
So I don't know what's going on, but, uh, puts on Boeing.
All right, now let's go to several short clips of the dead whistleblower, the Arkansas whistleblower, John Barnett.
This is what he has to say from the grave.
One, this is not a 737 problem, it's a Boeing problem.
And I know the FAA's gone in and they've done due diligence and inspections to assure that the door plugs of the 737 are installed properly and the fasteners are torqued properly.
But my concern is, what's the rest of the airplane?
What's the rest of the condition of the airplane?
And the reason my concern for that is back in 2012, Boeing started removing inspection operations
off their jobs. So it left the mechanics to buy off their own work. So what we're seeing with the
door plug blowout is what I've seen with the rest of the airplane as far as jobs not being completed
properly, inspection steps being removed, issues being ignored.
My concerns are with the 737 and 787 because those programs Have really embraced the theory that quality is overhead and non-value-added.
So those two programs have really put a strong effort into removing quality from the process.
When I first started working at Charleston, I was in charge with pushing back defects to our suppliers.
And what that meant was I'd take a group of inspectors and actually go to the supplier and inspect their product before they sent it in.
Well, I'd taken a team of four inspectors to Spirit Aerosystems to inspect the 41 section before they sent it to Charleston.
And we found 300 defects.
Some of them were significant that needed engineering intervention.
When I returned to Charleston, my senior manager told me that we had found too many defects and he was going to take the next trip.
So the next trip he went on, he took two of my inspectors.
And when they got back, they were given accolades for only finding 50 defects.
So I pulled that inspector aside and I said, did Spirit really clean up their act that quick?
That don't sound right.
And she was mad.
She said, no, said the two inspectors were given two hours to inspect the whole 41 section and they were kicked off the airplane.
One, this is not a 737 problem, it's a bowling problem.
When I first started working at Charleston, I was in charge with pushing back defects to our suppliers.
I'd take a group of inspectors and actually go to the supplier and inspect their product before they sent it in.
Well, I'd taken a team of four inspectors to Spirit Airlines Systems to inspect the 41 section before they sent it to them.
So, we're going to play more of him coming up, but the issue here is...
There's a cocktail of reasons, but the central one is the corporations, and it's a great movie.
Came out, what, 10 years ago on the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and it's from the transcripts of the trial.
And BP ordered their engineers, because they were doing one of the deepest wells ever done, which cost them $25 million a day, And the engineers told him we got to keep having lines of huge ships with mixed concrete pulling up and pumping $25 million of concrete into the hole every day or it's going to blow out.
And the BP executives in London ordered the BP executives in Houston to order the Deep
Water Horizon crew to not dump concrete into the hole.
And you know what happened.
They said, we're going to save hundreds of millions of dollars a week.
That's going to up our stock.
So you're ordered to not put concrete in the hole or mud, as they call it.
I'm not a petroleum engineer, geologist, but I've had a family that is dead now.
And I've learned about it, heard about it, read about it.
I mean, it's insane.
You've got to keep pressure.
On those gases when you hit them or you will get a blowout and then you had the biggest oil spill in world history because they were going for gas but all the way down they were hitting big pockets of oil going down what 40,000 feet So that's what's really going on here, folks.
It's the same thing.
They go, hey, the bean counters say these parts are costing too much.
Don't worry about maintenance.
Don't worry about fixing things.
And so just forget it.
And then it costs the company probably its entire future.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back.
MTG has been moved to one o'clock.
She had an emergency meeting.
Can't wait to talk to her about what's happening in the world.
I'm going to open the phones up.
In the next hour, at the start of the next hour, I'll get into French President Emmanuel Macron, 46 fires back for the first time and claim his wife, 70, was born as a man.
Why are they doing this?
What's really going on with Big Mike?
Who I really do believe is a man.
I don't just say that.
We've got dozens of videos of Big Mike coming out of buildings,
wearing sweatpants and a big old giant flaccid ding-dongs flopping around.
Or to sigh up people, Michelle Obama puts a rubber snake in her pants.
And of course, Joan Rivers said, no, she's a man.
Well, she certainly got the soldiers, the shoulders of an NFL linebacker.
So that's going to be at the start of the next hour.
Then I am going to go to your phone calls.
But right now, I want to get into all the other news that we've got here that is so
vital to understanding what's happening in our Republic.
If you try to spy on the government, it's called espionage or stalking.
But when the government wants to spy on you, it's called a great, wonderful thing.
So even mainstream news, this is the Express out of the UK, and it's also up on InfoWars.com, we're going to post that on X right now, that in France they've introduced legislation that they believe will pass that if you criticize Pfizer, you go to jail.
Canada's trying to ram through legislation.
Life in prison for your speech.
Article Pfizer's, what the law's called, criminalizing criticism of mRNA injections passed by the National Assembly.
So now it's set to be fully passed.
Look at this headline.
Thought police snitches.
Bill in Washington offers $2,000 rewards to residents who report neighbors guilty of wrong speak.
The Washington State Legislature has passed a bill to create a statewide snitching infrastructure for residents who report their neighbors for wrong speak.
The bill 5427 which passed both the Senate and the House, and now in
which Governor Jay Inslee's signature allows private individuals including non-citizens and
illegal aliens to report biased incidents to the State Attorney General's office, each reporting
incident comes with a potential reward payout of two thousand dollars. And you thought we still had free
It impedes freedom of speech.
It infringes on one's right to confront the accuser.
It violates freedom of thought and implied right in the First Amendment.
It steamrolls freedom of religion.
It imperils freedom of the press.
It says if you misgender somebody or tell them that homosexuality is a sin, you go to jail.
And now they've got that law.
Where's the Supreme Court?
They need to knock this out.
And now they've got $2,000 to tattle.
The same thing's been in place for 15 years in the UK, 20 years in France, 25 years in Germany.
Everything you see over there.
People on the street say, why do you talk about Australia?
Why do you talk about France?
Because the same new world order is attacking them, it's attacking us.
If Martians attacked Moscow or Durban, South Africa or Mexico City, I would be just as upset if they blew up Dallas.
We're humans.
We have empathy.
It's a foreign enemy.
That's an analogy.
That's a parallel.
This is really happening.
France's enemy is our enemy.
Canada's enemy is our enemy.
Germany's enemy is our enemy.
Russia's enemy is our enemy.
Australia's enemy is our enemy.
Mexico's enemy is our enemy.
El Salvador's enemy is our enemy.
Brazil's enemy is our enemy.
It is the globalist, satanic New World Order at war with God.
And I'm going to expose that next hour and tie it into Macron's man-wife.
But their religion is turning reality on its head.
That's the French Revolution.
That's where it started in modern times.
It's the Jacobin Revolution, where communism came from.
from. So they're surveilling us to put us in jail for our speech, trying to intimidate
You better use your speech or lose it all.
And then we've got automakers under scrutiny for sharing consumers' driving data with insurance companies.
And it goes on to explain that it's now come out that illegally They're creating a report, and the New York Times has even reported on it, that basically all cars, unless you special order one for 15 years, have tracker software.
Most cars for 20 plus years have already had it.
Now, as of last year, it is the law that all new cars have it, and California and New York are introducing laws to outlaw classic cars.
You think they'll just get an old car and get around it?
They're going after everybody.
You say, well, what do I have to hide?
Well, why can't you track what the government's doing?
Well, somebody might use that data who's bad.
But when it comes to you, like, why do you have front doors on your house?
Why do you have shades?
Because you want privacy.
And you want security.
Why do you have locks on your door?
Because you're a bad person?
It's been codified into law in the same thing in Europe and Australia.
It's all the same laws, same groups pushing it.
It's a global government, corporate party, the WEF, Club of Rome, UN, New World Order Against Humanity.
It's the globalist versus humanity.
It's the Great Awakening versus the Great Reset.
And I would tell people 25 years ago about GPS coming out in the new quote, fancy cars.
And then 15 years ago in almost all the cars.
Almost all.
I'd say 95%.
Because I checked.
I tried to buy cars that didn't have it just because I'm trying.
So again, I went into the dealership and I said, I want this turned off in the software.
And they're like, we don't even know how to do that.
That's not even in the controls.
But we could remove the entire digital display system.
Again, so you see a digital display.
More and more cars don't even have keys.
They don't even have handles.
And you see this everywhere.
Elevators don't have buttons on them.
They're digital.
It looks convenient, but it's all about the AI control and you're living in a prison.
You go in an elevator, there's no buttons.
There's a touchscreen.
They can just turn it off.
So this is a plan and it's being rolled out systematically.
All right, we're going to go to break, start the next hour, come back with the true nature of evil.
Very important analysis and a great kickoff with Laura Logan, who, by the way, she's been texting me.
She says she's going to come on the show soon.
So we want her on for years.
Big fan of her work.
Hopefully next week she'll come on.
We got some other big guests we're working on getting on.
Tucker says he's going to come on imminently.
And we've got Patrick McDavid coming on.
Just so many other big guests.
But really what's big here is your phone calls in the news.
And that's all coming up next hour.
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Your call's coming up and so much more.
Hour number two.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the InfoWars and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Hello boys and girls.
I have a special message for you from the President of the United States.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.
This is Walter Cronkite in our newsroom and there has been an attempt that perhaps you know now on the life of President Kennedy.
The initial attack on the destroyer Maddox on August 2nd was repeated today.
Psychological warfare operations went into high gear.
In retaliation for this unprovoked attack on the high seas, our forces have struck the bases used by the North Vietnamese patrol craft.
It would allow the president to wage war in Vietnam.
Just run and escape.
In 1976, flight 455 which took off from Venezuela bound for Cuba suddenly exploded.
All 73 passengers and 5 crew members aboard died after the plane crashed near Barbados.
William Colby has been missing since April 27th.
His canoe was found washed up on the banks of the Wicomico River April 28.
I don't have to tell you things are bad.
Everybody knows things are bad.
I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
All right, what is the Trilateral Commission?
It's an organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
What they're really up to is a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country to work to erase I understand he was tapped for skull and bones.
Tapped for it?
community and in time bring about a one-world government with David
Rockefeller calling the shots. I understand he was tapped for skull and bones.
Tapped for it? Sir, he founded skull and bones. It's like everything everywhere is
going crazy so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-built radios, and I won't say anything.
Just leave us alone.
Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.
I want you to get mad!
We have got to fight and stand up!
It's not going to be easy!
But I'll assure you this!
We can, and we will, and we must prevail!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
"Final call!"
"Your calls are coming up!"
But I tell you, anybody tries to get in the way of the incredible plan the big guy's got for us has got me pitched and I'm just begging to stay on the team, man.
Just put me in the game, coach.
Whatever you say, coach.
I know I'm weak.
I know I'm pathetic.
Man, you're amazing.
I'm so lucky you made it.
What do I do, boss?
What do I do?
Tell me how I serve you.
Tell me what I can do for you right now!
Visit Infowars.com/show and share the link today.
www.infowars.com It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of
the InfoWar.
And we are now live back into our number two.
I am your host Alex Jones.
Your calls are coming up MTG in the next hour.
Right now I want to talk about the nature of evil and explain Who the globalists are, what their cult is, and what they believe in.
If you go back into the modern age, and the modern age lasts 300 years or so, to the French Revolution and the Jacobins, they wanted a nine-day week, they wanted to change the calendars, they wanted children taken from their parents, even the poor people, they didn't want any educational system, they wanted 99% to be totally dumb, and only the mystery schools Or the secret societies have power.
So they overthrew the corrupt monarchs, but then replaced it with something far worse.
So the people that overthrew them after six, seven, eight years and put in Napoleon Bonaparte later became their king, their emperor.
But that is admitted in PhD level history books.
It's not in mainline history books, but it's in the main literature, the main history, that communism With Marx and Engels came out of the whole Jacobin experiment that was the Illuminati and was run by Adam Weishaupt.
That's mainline history.
That Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati, started the French Revolution.
They saw our revolution over here in the United States led by George Washington.
They created their twisted counterfeit that was the French Revolution that was intended to go worldwide.
But not get rid of monarchies, create a new form of it.
And so they're at war with God and the natural order.
They want to be God and don't want you to have free will.
But they sell it that they're giving you free will, like the archetype of the Garden of Eden and the snake.
Eat this and you will be God.
You will know the knowledge of good and evil.
So Laura Logan, about a year ago, I've already played this clip a year ago, explains why satanic millionaires are raping and torturing children.
Well, it's meant to separate them from God and remove God from their consciousness so Satan can fully control them and, in many cases, possess them.
But you have to do these horrible crimes to remove that.
But it's all about their war on God.
And God gave us men and women, procreation, the planet, the natural order.
So the globalists come in and outlaw carbon dioxide, the life-giving gas.
So this is all part of their war on God.
And this ties into McCron and into Big Mike and into all this news that's breaking and why they're following the same patterns.
So here's Laura Logan.
Here it is.
One of the things I asked him is I said, I don't, I get it, but I don't get it.
The children, you just, you've got to, I still have, I have such a problem with this.
You got to explain this one to me.
And he said, well, first of all, you're looking at it the wrong way.
I said, what do you mean?
And he said, well, they don't define children the way you do.
They don't define the world the way you do.
The choices that you face are not their choices, right?
They look at it completely differently.
And I said, well, okay, so how do they look at it?
And he said, for them, everything is defined by their one fundamental, all-consuming purpose.
I said, which is what?
He said, to defeat God, right?
Because this is the moment, I mean, for them it's about the real God, the true gods are them and Satan, right?
And so he said, children are the closest thing on earth to God because we are created in the image of God and as you know, from the moment we're created, we haven't had time To be corrupted and destroyed.
So for them, the younger you are, the closer you are to God, the more pain they can inflict on God.
So the more you can make a baby or small child suffer, the greater your victory over God.
And that is the only consideration for them.
Outside of that doesn't exist.
That's right.
They are 100% going after the potential that's in a child, the seed of free will, and the future.
And that's why there's a war on children.
Because there's a war on God, and nothing hurts God's heart more than hurting children.
And then God will remove the hedge of protection and discernment from us, and we are defenseless.
And even if we ourselves are not bad people overall, if we let children be persecuted and smuggled and enslaved, it's all come out again, shipping the kidnapped children without their parents across the border, being sent by the federal government to facilities where they're being put out for the sex trade.
That's in the news today.
I've got a big stack on that coming up.
But I wanted to play that first before I Went to this clip that we just put together.
This is a little bit of Candace Owens talking about this story.
And whether you believe that the French President's wife was a man or is a man or not, she started dating him when he was 14 in public school.
And she's 20-something, 24 years, 25 years, whatever it is, older than him.
And you ask, why is that?
And why is Michelle Obama?
I mean, I've seen countless videos of her coming out of events and there's a big giant bouncing penis in the pants.
And Joan Rivers knew them and said, "It's no big deal, she's proud of it."
She was dead very soon after, a few months after.
Very mysterious death as well, Arkansas.
Joan Rivers was having a laser procedure on her throat.
A small laser can't ignite your whole throat.
They reported to the police that fire shot out of her mouth like a dragon.
So something was dumped down her throat and then they ignited it while she was out.
That's what I would think.
They dumped some gasoline down her throat, then had the technicians come in and it exploded.
But, uh... That's how this goes on, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, look at that footage.
I mean, you slow that down, it is unbelievable.
Or maybe it's a PSYOP.
You know, they've been putting a rubber snake in her pants.
But why are they doing it?
Because it's a war on God and a big joke on us.
They're pushing this total agenda because, in the Bible, Satan is hermaphroditic.
So is Baphomet.
So let's go ahead and roll this wall down.
And do you think that the country will see the first, the United States will see the first gay president or the first woman president?
Well, we already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down.
Got it.
You know Michelle is a tramp.
I'm sorry, she's a what?
A transgender.
We all know.
Oh my gosh.
Oh gosh.
It's okay.
Emmanuel Macron is the president of France.
He is married to Brigitte Macron.
Their love story has always been extremely weird and extremely creepy.
The official narrative is that when Emmanuel was just 15 years old, he was a drama student at a school.
And his teacher was Brigitte.
But yes, apparently she was just so moved from his death, this little boy's death, and the poetry and the way that he would write, that they fell in love.
So much so, that the now First Lady left her then-husband, despite the fact that they had three kids.
There was just an article that was published in the Daily Mail.
Here is the headline.
The proof, France's first lady wasn't born a man.
And embedded within the article, they showed two photos, and I'm going to show you right now.
This is the first photo.
This is allegedly Brigitte Macron when she was a little girl sitting on her mom's lap.
But when I saw this photo, the first thing I noticed was that the person on the far left, the boy, that actually looks like Brigitte Macron.
I'm taking you guys through my thought process.
I saw this and I was like, actually looks like she might actually be the guy.
Maybe she's a dead ringer for her brother.
I don't see any resemblance there with the little girl.
May show the second photo debunking another young photo allegedly of Brigitte Macron.
But I thought when I looked at this photo that this looks way too new to be a photo of a 70-year-old when they were a child.
Now again, these are my thought processes.
When I then read the article, there was no debunking whatsoever.
They just were calling people that were saying otherwise far-right, you know all the typical buzzwords, far-right, conspiracy theorists, racist, sexist, it's homophobic, it's anti-Semitism.
So the quote-unquote conspiracy theory is actually a three-year thorough investigation that was conducted by journalists that were working with genealogists.
They published six issues unpacking what they had discovered after a three-year investigation.
And here is what they are saying, right?
So again, I'm going to say allegedly, but this is what they have published.
Their theory is that the first lady, Brigitte Macron, was actually born Jean-Michel.
So Brigitte is actually John Michael.
John Michael lived as a man for 30 years.
Fathered five children, okay, and then transitioned at the age of 30 to become Brigitte.
Okay, now I'm just going to show you this before and after photo.
This is a side-by-side.
It is such a dead ringer.
It's crazy to me.
So on the left, what I'm showing you is John Michael.
On the right is a photo of the First Lady.
The first obvious reason that I am very much believing what they have published Is because the First Lady is simply unable to produce any photos of herself throughout the first 30 years of her life.
Guys, how easy to debunk this!
Instead, the only photos they have produced that are circling in the media are the photos that I just showed you.
And as I said, the first photo, she looks more like the John Michael who she claims is actually her brother.
So, John Michael existed for 30 years, according to the genealogist, okay?
And then John Michael stops existing and Brigitte exists.
But Brigitte doesn't exist for the first 30 years, okay?
The second photo, the one that I said to you looked a little too recent for an alleged 70-year-old.
Well, yeah, they were able to debunk that.
That's actually a photo of her daughter.
Her daughter, Trephaine.
You can see now side by side.
Of course, that is her daughter.
It's a dead ringer for her daughter.
Rather than just producing what should be ample evidence of your existence for the first 30 years of your life, They're suing.
Yes, the first lady actually sued two of the journalists that were involved in producing the story.
She's suing them for violation of privacy and fundamental personal rights, plus illicit use of her image.
I don't know, guys.
You tell me, what are you thinking?
If you're alleging that somebody was a man for the first 30 years of their life, why go through these efforts when you could just show photos?
Then there is the remarkably strange case of Brigitte's alleged ex-husband.
Yeah, back when Emmanuel Macron was elected president, journalists all over the world, international journalists, were obviously prying into his background and her background, and they just could not find this man.
Allegedly, his name is Andre Louis Auxier.
Allegedly, he is a banker or was a banker because now they say he died.
Guys, when I tell you that there is so much proof to this claim, I'm not a person that just pushes out these narratives, right?
I'm not a person that's like, come with me and we're going to examine QAnon or Pizzagate.
I am telling you that this has legs.
And you know it has legs because the press is doing their usual bit of trying to dismiss it as a far-right conspiracy theory that is being pushed by people who are backwards and racist and homophobes and transphobes.
No, no.
You're not going to do that.
You're not going to gaslight us anymore.
So, you sit and you ask, why is the elite obsessed with this?
Because it goes against God.
And then you look at the Pritzkers, literally pushing all over the country, spending billions of dollars.
You've got the governor up in Illinois, then you've got his brother that's a woman and who's really a man, and they're pushing the surgeries and all this.
This is a cult, and you've got the intelligence agencies pushing it, you've got them all pushing it.
This is who they are.
You take Spotify.
It came out that when Joe Rogan had me on, he was going on Spotify, that a big rebellion and that Spotify in Sweden, where it's based technically, didn't have any problems, but where they do their sales and marketing and run things in New York, that's like half transgender, men with purple hair, that they just went crazy and sabotaged stuff.
And I know the inside baseball, I'm not going to tell the story as I was told not to tell it, but we're talking complete sabotage.
And they would just bring down Spotify.
So this is a cult.
And you've got the Wachowski brothers that both became, you know, women or whatever.
It's just everywhere.
And it's absolutely being force-fed.
You ask, what is this?
Two men can have a baby.
There's no X and Y chromosomes.
Because if you attack a species, you attack its procreation.
You attack men and women.
When they try to eradicate fire ants, they give them hormones.
Where the queen ant can't make babies, they confuse the males.
It's done in every species.
And then you've got chemicals that shouldn't be in the production of plastic, don't even need it, being added to the liners of cans and juice boxes and tampons.
That sterilize women and feminize men.
It's an agenda.
The allowable amount of atrazine, the second most used herbicide, feminizes every major species, whether it is birds, whether it's amphibians, whether it's mammals, whether it's marsupials.
This is being done everywhere.
And this is an anti-human, alien agenda.
But the aliens are what the Bible calls demons, and they don't show up in spaceships.
They're interdimensionally here, and our brain is fourth, fifth, sixth dimensional.
Even Einstein has equations on that, and that's how we think and operate.
It's able to program us because we're electrochemical computers, at least our bodies are.
And then the spirit sits in the center of that.
And they are manipulating that, trying to twist us and turn us into something we're not.
So it's a war against God, just like Laura Logan was just saying earlier.
And you have to understand, you're already on a planet in a fantastic universe.
Look around you, it's all amazing.
And your eyes only see a very narrow spectrum of the radiation that's out there.
You see a very small spectrum of visible light.
But we know butterflies can fly all the way from Canada to Mexico to lay eggs, and they know they have little magnetic cones in their brain that pick up the magnetic field of the Earth, and so do geese.
But we have, humans and whales have, per capita, not that our brains are bigger, because we're bigger, but per capita, way more cones than a butterfly, or a goose, or a duck.
Why do we have that?
What are those for?
That's the sixth sense.
That's our connection.
It is picking up it all.
And that's your instinct.
That's your will.
That's your connection to God.
That's what we call spiritual, is scientifically proven in the mainline literature and 5G and GMO and fluoride attacking the pineal.
That is all part of this assault and this takeover so that humans do not achieve The next level of our development that God has put there for us.
220 years ago, they had a bunch of globalist-controlled preachers come out and interpret the Bible the way they wanted.
It's 6,000 years old.
And that becomes a doctrine.
The Bible doesn't say that.
Darwin comes out with his theory of species 170-180 years ago and the mainline preachers come out and say, there's no evolution.
God made us.
Well, yes, God made us and we now know our cells mutate and we are changing.
We are evolving.
Now, we know the way they say evolution happened, that life came from nowhere is a lie, and all the mainline scientists now say it's either God or aliens put us here.
So there's not an academic debate that a bunch of sand mixed together in the bottom of the ocean made a single cell that turned into us.
I'm not saying we came from a monkey fish frog.
Like South Park says, what I'm saying is the preachers came in to look like fools, And to discredit people and try to attack science, which itself was political.
So the preachers were political, so was science was being political.
But we now know x-rays from space mutate our cells.
We know that what happens to an adult is somehow transferred into the child as a genetic memory or an instinct.
So that's more proof of God.
Our earth suit, our body suit, has its own ancestry and its own background that our spirit sits in at a higher dimension.
And this is the main line.
Well, they don't make fun of it when I talk about it, because this is their religion, but they want to hijack that and control and accelerate human development the way they want.
You know, earlier we were talking about Now they want to be God.
Yuval Noah Harari says publicly that the age of humans is over.
We're in a post-human world.
The future is not human.
God doesn't exist, but soon Google and Apple and the cloud will be God.
They want to be God and they want us to be automatons that they dominate and control.
It's beyond physical rape.
It's rape of the spirit.
It's rape of the soul.
It's rape of the essence.
And if you simply understand you're under attack, no matter how powerful their attack is, you can energize and we are meant to evolve and merge with Christ and die and be baptized in the Holy Spirit and be reborn, resetting the programming we were given by Satan, overriding God's program, To then reset and be born again into our true form of Adam and Eve before the fall.
And then your mind is so much more powerful, so much more clear.
But when you first shift into that mode, you'll find yourself becoming so trusting and so pleased and so at peace, because now you're with God, but you're in the world, not of the world.
You have to also have wisdom and understand that even though you've now connected to God, You have to realize that evil is still there and you're still picking up the transmission or the hacked code, the electrochemical broadcast.
They've done so many studies, the Russians, the Japanese, the US, Mexico's done them, Germany's done them, everybody's done them.
It's one of the most studied things out there and they've proven that everybody Can be marched out in the field, in the middle of nowhere, in the forest, in 50 square miles.
And they can be walking for two days through the woods, and they're given the goal of, when are you being watched, when are you being looked at, and somebody 200 yards away, under a bush, looking at you, you turn and know they're there, looking at you.
Just like you feel somebody looking at you, when you're sitting on a park bench, and you turn around, and sure enough, somebody's staring at you.
Or you're sitting in a restaurant, you feel somebody looking, and your eyes instantly go up to the side table, and there they are, looking at you.
Or you're a man, or you're a woman, and you're sitting there, and you feel somebody looking at you, and there's that woman looking at you.
And you look away, and a minute later you look back up, and right as your eyes roll up to look, she's looking.
You're synced up.
The internet is a cheap copy, wireless, 5G is a cheap copy of that.
It's all interconnected as well, and it's trying to get you to dial into it and follow its orders, but you're already dialed into the cosmos, into all living things.
You don't just have a connection to other humans, you have a connection to animals.
Since I was a little child, the most vicious dogs, I could just walk up to them.
Oh watch out, that's my pit bull or my German Shepherd behind a fence, chomping at the fence.
And I would just walk over and just love the dog and it would just suddenly stop and go, we've never seen our dog do that.
But that's because I am connected, I am dialed in, I am communicating right there with it and it knows it and it just sits down.
It's not that I'm dominant, it knows I see it.
It knows I'm synced because a wolf pack synced.
And it doesn't know when it sees you.
You're somebody that's not a part of my family.
You're somebody that's at my house.
You're dangerous.
I've got to watch you.
And I just turn and say, I'm with you.
I like you.
I'm your friend.
I don't have to talk.
I'm here.
And I electrochemically, because I'm transmitting.
And your body does.
They don't just have infrared or FLIR or all these things.
The Pentagon, for at least 30 years, has systems that pick up brainwaves.
Out of a C-130 eight miles away, they could pick up human brainwaves.
Cause it's a signal.
You buy some $5 little old transistor radio, you think it's cool, it dials into signals.
Well, you got a signal.
And you got to point the signal at God.
We'll be right back.
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www.infowarstore.com I want to take some calls but MTG is on at 115. So we have
like 45 minutes or so.
So let's just take 7-8 phone calls so nobody else has to hold. On any issue I've
covered, any item I've discussed, long time callers, first time callers, we're going to take some
calls on these big issues we've covered or any issue you want to raise. The toll
free number to join us is 877-787-8222.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539.
I want to put a bookend on what I just covered about the nature of good and evil and Satan's plan to overthrow God's creation with a couple photos that are in my office.
I took this at the beach, probably.
Six years ago, with my two daughters, and this daughter right here is now 19, this daughter is now 16.
They are connected to every single ancestor before us, and every single ancestor physically touched us going all the way back.
It's like electricity going through a power line, but it happens over hundreds of thousands of years, but it's instantaneous.
And so that, let me focus the camera a little more, that is God's ritual.
That's God's holiness.
That's not holy, but that's a output of God That is holy.
And it's that process.
And so when you take a man away from his children, or a woman away from the children, or say that this doesn't exist, what are you really doing?
You're going against God.
You're going against the programming.
It's a blasphemy.
It's a desecration.
There's another photo of the girls, I guess around the same time, with some of their Bengal cats.
Amazing cats.
Super smart.
This is what God is all about.
Now, Smokey and the Bandit are the cats' names.
One of them got hit by a car by our side, but I'm still alive.
So, Smokey's still alive.
Not Bandit.
That's Bandit right there.
Amazing cat.
So, that's what they're attacking, ladies and gentlemen.
And they're not stopping.
And we just have to reject it and realize everything they do is a cancer.
Everything they program is to destroy us.
Everything they push is to hurt us.
Because that is their mission.
That is their program.
So before I go to your calls, I want to play this clip.
Because this is happening at the state legislature level in more than 30 states.
You know, used to that was something Democrats were good on was chemicals in the food and water and things that are bad.
Now they decided carbon dioxide is bad, everything else is good, including nuclear reactors that are having problems.
And so I've talked to top chemists, I've talked to retired top people that were, you know, making five million dollars a year as chemists at the biggest oil companies out there.
They make the synthetic drugs and all this crap out of and they said, look, we have formulas for plastic that are cheaper.
That don't put off bisphenol A, that don't leach these endocrine disruptors.
We have herbicides and pesticides that don't cause problems, but they've gone out and chosen things that are toxic and accelerate women going into puberty.
A hundred years ago, the average girl went to puberty at 13, the average boy at 13.
Girls are going into puberty on average at 9 now.
Some are going to puberty at three.
Makes people obese.
Because we're being chemically bombarded.
And they had joke videos of me, you know, National News 15, 20 years ago.
Oh, Jones says the juice boxes are making the kids gay.
And making the freaking frogs gay.
Well, it makes the frogs not want to mate with females.
They're confused.
They try to mate with other males that don't lay eggs, so the frogs die.
The left said, what's wrong with gay frogs?
Well, that means there's no frogs.
So, now we have the Tampon Act.
Bill would forever ban chemicals in menstrual products.
State lawmakers presented a new bill focusing on banning forever chemicals in menstrual products.
And that's out of NBC News.
This is happening all over the country and all over the world.
People are like, what?
And it causes cervical cancer.
It causes infertility.
It causes accelerated menopause.
Take what birth control does.
Massive cancer increase.
Massive depression in women.
They artificially think they're pregnant all the time.
That's what birth control does.
So, everything they give us is meant to sterilize us.
My mother would have had five children.
But my dad was going to medical school and she got pregnant with me.
She was like 23 years old.
My dad was 23.
And they're 73 now.
And she was working at the Dallas Times-Herald.
Was also a model for magazines and newspapers.
And she was making pretty good money, but she wanted to stay at home.
But we needed the money.
And she got the Dalkon Shield IED, which later came out they knew,
it's a little wire with a little thing that scrapes your uterus, so you don't have your period.
And it gave her endometriosis, it almost killed her, she had to have a bunch of surgeries.
And they had settlements and she was part of it, even though she didn't sue, she got some money for it.
But a paltry amount for not being able to have more children.
And they have that all baked in, what it's gonna do to somebody, how it's gonna sterilize
them, how you're gonna give them a small amount of money later.
And the same thing goes on today.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Here's the local news clip.
State lawmakers are presenting a new bill focusing on menstrual products.
The proposed law is called the Tampon Act.
It would remove forever chemicals from these products.
These compounds have been linked to severe health problems, including hormone disruption, kidney and liver damage, immune system disruption, and of course, cancer.
Right now PFAS are found in levels ranging from 11 to 154 parts per million in the worst offending period products.
These are higher levels than are found in tap water.
This is a reintroduction of a similar bill from 2023.
Now that's California, and if you look at the numbers, what's in your tap water is thousands of times worse.
What's with the GMO foods?
It's way worse.
So they're just singling out a few companies to act like they're doing something.
But this is going on, and what does the COVID shot do?
We have the New England Medical Journal two years ago saying 83% increase in miscarriages in the first two trimesters.
27% increase in the third trimester.
Oh, but they're not suing over that.
They're not trying to pass a law over that.
So, what's in the tampons is like getting shot with a BB gun.
It still doesn't feel good and it's bad.
You get shot by enough BB guns every month, it can kill you.
But what's going on in the water and the GMO is like a 12-gauge shotgun.
Meanwhile, we've got massive crime exploding around the world.
And all these stores closing.
It's all part of the plan to get rid of normal shops.
Indoor dining suspended at Taco Bell restaurants in Oakland amid crime wave.
What, are they going to put the National Guard in?
We're going to be covering all that, but I want to go to your phone calls.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and take calls for about 30 minutes, and MTG's going to join us.
So get ready, Caleb and Wild and Melissa and Becky and Matt and Madison and Joe and Gilbert and Jack and Matt and Jaden.
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We'll be right back.
Alright, I've done a decent job.
I've probably gotten through 25% of the news.
More is breaking as we speak.
I'll intersperse more news coming up in the next hour after MTG is on with us for 30 minutes.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Thank you for calling us on this live Tuesday, March 12th transmission.
Let's take the first call, Madison in Kansas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I was just calling, I used to be an inspector at Spirit Aerosystems, I heard that you guys were talking about that today.
Used to be an inspector on airlines?
No, Spirit Aerosystems, the one that's got the big case filed against them right now.
Yeah, so explain what that is, explain what that is.
Oh, you mean explain the case?
Yeah, Aerosystems, yeah.
Yeah, Spirit Aerosystems is a supplier for Boeing.
I think we're one of their largest suppliers over here in Wichita, Kansas.
So when I say airlines, yeah, parts for the airlines.
So tell people what your take on this.
We appreciate you calling.
Yeah, so I was an inspector out there and I experienced a lot of stuff.
I actually read a little bit about the case and kind of It resonated with me because a lot of it was really familiar as far as like the treatment of the inspectors and stuff like that, people doing things incorrectly, us having to overlook defects and things like that.
I actually left Parrot Aerosystems in July of 2023 because I didn't agree with what they were having me do out there.
I found many, many defects, lots of things wrong.
Moved me around quite a bit after I started, after they kind of realized it.
I was probably one of those people, you know, that wasn't willing to accept things being done incorrectly.
And by the way, that's why China has so many problems, is their inspectors never want to complain, so they have major issues with all their industries.
Now that's coming here, but now the airlines that use Boeing planes, as you know, for new listeners, are crippled by this.
Where do you see all this going?
I mean, it doesn't look good.
I hope that it'll make some sort of a change out there, but I'm just not sure.
You know, it's a major production facility, and obviously they're going to lose tons of money and stuff like that, but I'm hoping that, you know, it might encourage them to actually hire qualified people, because they don't hire qualified people.
Well, I mean, Google did Gemini and erased all white people they lost.
Now it's like $90 million.
If Boeing just bought good parts and worked with inspectors that have a way lower rate, they're going to lose way more money by this.
Do you agree with that?
And what's going on in the culture?
And what else do you want to report you witnessed as a person that was inspecting these airline parts?
I definitely agree that in the long run, if they would just fix whatever it is that they're doing right now, that they would be much better off.
But most people are more interested in, you know, short-term gain.
But I think that they're, you know, treating the people that want to do things right super poorly, unfairly, as I was saying.
They moved me around to several different sections of the plane.
I inspected the fuselage, starting 47, 48 section.
They moved me to 43, 46 section after I was causing problems there.
They moved me to 48 section.
For a problem that actually shut down the entire Boeing line.
They had to go back through hundreds and hundreds of planes to get this problem fixed.
But I started, you know, raising my hand about some stuff there.
They put me over in the 41 section of the airplane as well to inspect that for a minute.
But I saw terrible things going on pretty much every single day.
You couldn't get the mechanics to fix it.
They definitely favor the production managers over And that's the same story we hear from the whistleblower, John Barnett, that just got executed in his car.
product and stuff like that. There was one production manager in specific that
was causing me a problem which is why I kept being moved.
They actually moved me into a completely different building and then they decided
to promote the production manager that I was having a problem with. And
that's the same story we hear from the whistleblower John Barnett that just got
executed in his car. What do you make of that? That's what I had heard about this
morning and I thought It doesn't make any sense.
He killed himself in a hotel parking lot, you know, just days after, you know, talking about that or having an interview on that.
I thought that was crazy.
It doesn't make any sense.
And he was set to do more depositions.
I, yeah, I mean, I think it was strategic.
I don't think that that's actually what happened.
It's disappointing.
I know that there's some other people.
After kind of reading the case transcript a little bit, I recognize a few of the people that are in there and I'm hoping that whatever information that they have or whatever evidence that they have will continue to help.
Well, how do you think all the whitewashers are feeling now and those that got promoted for covering this up?
How do you think they feel now that the whole house of cards is coming down?
I mean, I couldn't say, but probably aren't feeling too smart if I had to guess.
All right, Madison.
Well, thank you so much for the call.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, I don't think so.
I just wanted to share some insight and what I experienced out there.
Thank you.
Did you see the Al Jazeera clip where the majority of people working at Boeing wouldn't fly on the aircraft?
Say that again for me, sorry.
In an Al Jazeera report, the majority of Boeing employees putting planes together they talked to would not fly on the aircraft.
Oh yeah, I definitely wouldn't.
I wouldn't put my family on there.
I'm sure that none of the other people working out there would either.
Just kind of common sense, you know.
Thank you so much.
Seven minutes with that caller, but it was worth it.
And I want to get to all of you.
MTG's only on for 20 minutes, so anybody on hold will get to you after she leaves, but that is just insane.
By the way, I attacked Trump when he needs to be attacked, but it's been spun that Trump is backtracking or flip-flopping on wanting to ban TikTok.
He's against the bill that would allow The government to ban websites and censor everybody, so he's against a bill that Thomas Massie's advised him is bad that has nothing to do with TikTok.
So, again, when Trump's on the right side, I'll say it when he's on the wrong side.
Rand Paul criticized him for an endorsement he did yesterday of a neocon.
I mean, just, Trump's real smart, folks.
He does a lot of good things, but he doesn't do a lot of research.
That's why we're here to a lot of fire under his ass, let him know what's going on.
He didn't know Fiona Hill was working for George Soros and stuff like that.
Let's go to Jack in New York.
Jack, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Yep, hi there.
Am I up?
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I just saw you reposted the coverage of the 3D body scanner stuff you covered like 15 years ago, and the talk about the cars and GPS, and I wanted to call back in about the Second Earth and NVIDIA and that whole thing.
Well, go ahead and make your point.
Because people call in and kind of do a call screen on air with me.
So if you look at these companies Maxar, NVIDIA, Enthesium, I don't know if they pulled it up but if you look at they're rolling it out at Lowe's they've got this system set up and it's it's like a it's a simulation so it's a second world and Everything feeds back into it.
The 5G cell phones, the cars, everything.
That's what I'm saying.
The federal government, by law, has got trackers in all the cars.
And now we know the insurance companies track you in live time.
So what is this new system you're saying?
It's like a full integration of all this.
Well, I mean, part of the speculation on my part, I'm trying to, but they're rolling it out this beta testing for Lowe's.
If you look at it, it's like you're, you walk into Lowe's and then all of a sudden your avatar that they've got scanned from the airport, your naked body images walking around inside Lowe's, inside their simulation.
So that's just the beta test.
So now imagine that rolled out on the worldwide scale.
The point is the government's illegally spying on us and then it sells the data to corporations to all merge and fully game us and control us.
It's huge.
There's a whole constellation of companies and NGOs and shady government groups that are running the whole thing.
If you look into the 5G cell phone technology too, the cell phones are basically the node for it.
They're basically a portal.
It's almost like a portal.
into uh Into the they could go inside the system and basically sit
inside your room with your cell phone Just basically the things recreated in real time
It's it's really bizarre. It's like it's real. It's really complicated, but i'm just you know, kind of piecing it
together from the outside No, it's the Internet of Things.
They admit it's a total AI takeover.
It's the Internet of Things that's supporting everything, but they can recreate the environment in real time.
I was talking to my lawyer three days ago on the phone.
He said, hey, it just popped up, Alex Jones is banned from Apple Pay.
So I was telling my lawyer, AI in real time, Alex Jones is a banned person.
That's the social credit score.
The implications of this are vast.
But, you know, imagine the classified implications of this.
They're rolling it out.
All these companies, oh, you're going to monitor the climate.
Oh, we're going to save the planet.
Oh, you know, it's going to help with architecture and planning.
You know, there's some interesting applications for it.
But imagine the classified military... Well, it's all run by the U.S.
with a multi-level climate governance.
The sub-global system.
somewhere out back.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of
"Is it pro-human or is it anti-human?"
We start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk. He loved the idea.
What would you call the debate and discussion about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage, so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
Media matters.
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Alright, we're taking your phone calls here today.
I'm taking them in the order they're received.
We've got another Boeing service member on the planes on what we got up maybe tomorrow to do like three hours with just Boeing employees calling in.
So I know we get so many calling in, but it's a huge industry.
Matt, what's your take on what's really going on?
You heard my analysis or you might have an hour ago.
Was I accurate?
Was I wrong?
What do you think's happening?
Well, Alex, you hit on a couple key points, and I just kind of want to share my overall observations.
So I'll just quickly touch on how in what capacity I served with Boeing.
I'll give a quick anecdote, and then I will give you a couple observations that I think complement some of the points that you have been making.
So first work with Boeing as a service member, as you indicated, Alex, for many years, and I was a consumer practitioner of their capabilities, and I actually went on to Manage those requirements for DoD with the company.
And I can tell you that a company will show their true colors when things aren't going well.
And just to get into that anecdote, so we had a major aerospace weapons system that was going through some significant modernization changes.
Software and hardware and all systems do.
But anyways, we began to experience some significant capability degradation.
And more importantly, these issues were manifesting during combat operations.
So this was near and dear to everybody's heart.
Well, this was reported to them, you know, to Boeing, their engineers and for the program management offices from the highest levels of the DoD aerospace enterprise.
And I was a little bit shocked at how they handled it.
So, you know, they went through the denial.
And then they went through, you know, counter accusations.
They had the audacity to tell us that after, you know, a decade and a half of thousands, tens of thousands of hours of flying and combat experience, that the pilots simply just didn't understand the weapons system and they weren't employing it properly.
So that went back and forth for a little bit.
And finally, they begrudgingly had to accept some responsibility and kind of meet the government in the middle.
But my three big observations, one is, or the primary, I guess, contributor would be organizational culture.
It is polluted with arrogance.
And also, they're prioritizing this woke agenda over merit.
And, you know, some of this is formal, some of it's informal.
You know, we have the federally mandated affirmative action plans that these contracting firms come up with to make sure that they meet all of the defined metrics from the federal government, you know, for minorities, women, disabilities.
And, you know, some of that I get, but it can't be at the expense of a credible, talented workforce.
So that's the first one.
The second one, and Alex, you hit on this one, and really, This was a major contributor with the anecdote that I shared, and that's the outsourcing of work, also of materials, and then, you know, key parts.
So, you know, the labor pool was overseas.
Your parts and your materials are coming from overseas.
It's not the same grade or cultural Hold on, you're an amazing caller, Matt.
We got a 60-second break.
Don't hang up.
I'm going to put this video on X. I want to say, Boeing's DoD service manager blows the whistle.
I want to come back.
And it's very important what you're saying.
You have a lot of credibility.
We can tell you for real.
And we know this is going on.
So we want to hear from you more.
Back in 60 seconds.
Stay with us, folks.
And when we post this, share it.
We'll be right back.
Barring some huge breaking news that probably happened.
I'm going to do...
All four hours tomorrow, and we'll do two hours of Boeing witnesses, whistleblowers, you name it, because I gave the number out earlier.
I talked about Boeing for 30 minutes.
I didn't know we'd get all these whistleblowers calling in.
I can tell this guy knows what he's talking about.
Plus, I've seen these cases in the news.
Matt and Indiana, you got cut off, and then some stations just joined us, but you were a person working there for a long time.
You were on DOD projects, you were a manager, and you were getting into the three You know, things that you personally were seeing.
For me, this is just emblematic of the breakdown of civilization.
So please continue and take your time, because this is important.
Yeah, Alex, thank you for that.
So just to be clear, I was on the DoD side, okay?
So I wasn't employed by Boeing.
I was basically a kind of an operational requirements manager for DOD. Got it. So, so, so, so, so,
so, DOD manager blows the whistle on Boeing incompetence? Well, um... The reason I'm
asking you is the headlines important. You're the expert. Quantify what you're
saying. So I'm gonna put a headline. I'm gonna put this out. Well, I, so, I'm, I'm
hesitant to say incompetence, Alex. And the reason why I say that is
because there's still talented people there.
But, you know, you can be... You're saying arrogant, imperious management, then?
There you go.
There you go.
I think you hit the nail on the head there, Alex.
Sure, but what I'm asking you is, I'm going to put this out, so I'm asking you, what should the headline be so I don't get it wrong?
The DOD manager blows the whistle on Boeing arrogance, or what should it be?
You give us the headline.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I would say an organizational culture of arrogance.
That would be, yeah.
You wrote the headline, so continue.
Yes, sir.
Well, so we talked about the organizational culture of arrogance.
That was my primary observation.
The second one we talked about was the outsourcing, Alex, and you'd hit on that previously today, so I won't revisit that.
Um, you know, the tertiary observation really is the government's inability to hold those defense contractors accountable.
And I mean, okay, so they can, but you have to understand that they've already sunk tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars into these programs.
And just, you know, canceling these programs really isn't a good choice.
And there's some other Uh, some other opportunities out there to hold them accountable.
So you're saying this is kind of like the F-35, but in passenger jets, but what you saw was DoD stuff?
Yeah, correct.
That was on the DoD side of it.
So actually trying to hold Boeing accountable for, um, you know, for, for operational failures in combat during combat operations.
Um, and you know, it took a lot of effort within DOD, uh, and I think maybe even some legislators had to get involved to actually motivate Boeing to accept responsibility and, and get, you know, get away with it.
And you'd think a giant like Boeing, the heart of American security and prowess, would want to listen to feedback from combat pilots.
Instead, the instinct is just to sweep it under the rug.
Yeah, you know, Alex, it is, right?
Because, you know, they'll talk to you about cost, performance, and schedule.
Well, performance isn't performance of the weapon system in, you know, in combat.
It's performance of the contract.
So... Well, whereas actual performance of the job should be everything, not performance of making money.
Well, and Alex, that's exactly right.
That is exactly right.
And again, this was, you know, Boeing's culture of arrogance.
That is not emblematic of all of the defense firms, because I've worked with some that are, you know, they really go out of their way to make sure that the young men and women of this country have everything they need.
Kevin, wouldn't you want feedback on the weapons system?
No, I mean, there's formal processes for that.
Um, once organizations will come back from, from combat operations, they do a, uh, you know, operator to, um, industry, uh, sensing session, basically, or an after-action review, talking about weapon systems and how they can, um, you know, increase the survivability or lethality or, you know, whatever their part.
Well, that's how the M16 went from a piece of junk to an amazing gun.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
Yeah, so those mechanisms still exist.
Whether or not they're valued on the industry side is, you know, I guess a question.
I'm hoping, Alex, you get a call in from someone at Boeing who can, you know, defend their position and talk about some acknowledgement of these things and, you know, a good way ahead.
But until then, I mean, we see almost a purposeful You know, sabotage of some of these systems.
You were talking about the civil aerospace industry.
And, you know, it just begs the question with the incredible investment in autonomous flight technology right now, if, you know, much like the military, where we're going to get rid of all the true faithful Warriors and Patriots for our Constitution and bring in these, you know, bring in the illegal aliens to follow these corrupted, politicized, you know, senior leaders.
If we're doing the same thing with the flight industry, where we're sabotaging this and convincing people that now we're going to go to these autonomous weapon systems, aerospace, and on the civilian side.
I mean, I don't know.
I mean, it's hard to watch these multimillion dollar corporations You know, just fall apart.
Well, the globalists say they're going to sabotage human systems and force us to automated autonomous.
So they're saying that.
And again, the globalists aren't God, but they know we will innovate.
So they sabotage the human system and don't sabotage the robot system.
We'll have to adopt the robot system.
And then the FAA say they're going to hire schizophrenics to fly jets.
Right, right.
What rational, sane person would do that?
That's like saying we're going to get a malfunctioning computer chip to be the AI brain.
You wouldn't do that.
But if you get a malfunctioning human to do it, what are you doing?
You're sabotaging the program.
Well, you're a smart guy.
We appreciate you calling in.
60 seconds.
Any other data points you want to give us?
Well, Alex, just to kind of stay above the fray here a little bit, about a month ago you had brought up an inspirational poem from St.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
It's called, Do It Anyway, and I just wanted you to know that it was written by Kent Keith.
I tried to call in and let you know that because it's funny you had brought that up because when I was transitioning out of the service, I had some strong opinions about the direction that the woke services were going.
And I kept that in my retirement folder as I was out processing.
I forget the exact poem.
I remember reading it.
Do you have it on you?
Yeah, I do.
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, You will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
You would spend years building someone could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, there may be jealousy.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give the world your best anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
Thanks for calling, sir.
Very powerful.
And when I read that poem, I'd never seen it before.
It made me get tears in my eyes right now, because I've been doing this because it's the right thing to do.
Not because I'm a perfect person, but I can feel God watching me, and I can feel God's love when I'm good, and that guides me as a conscience to do more good.
And I think about people that love to serve Satan, and I just cannot imagine What it must be like to be someone actively going against God.
It's just insane.
I don't do any of this for anybody but God.
That's why they threatened my family.
And my family said, we're being threatened.
I want you to double down because God's watching.
And I couldn't do this if my family was not telling me, come home with your shield or on it.
And when I got my family back in me, I'm ready to go all the way.
We'll be right back.
Hopefully, MTG is able to get with us.
She's in an emergency meeting.
More calls coming up.
Stay with us.
I'm told my predecessor called members of Congress and the Senate to demand they block the bill.
He feels a political win, he viewed it as a political win for me and a political loser for him.
It's not about him.
It's not about me.
I'd be a winner.
Not really.
[crowd shouting]
Lincoln, Lincoln Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal.
That's right.
But how many of thousands of people being killed by illegals?
To her parents, I say, my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself.
I understand.
But look, if we change the dynamic at the border, People pay these smugglers $8,000 to get across the border.
Because they know if they get by, if they get by and let into the country, it's six to eight years before they have a hearing.
And it's worth taking the chance of the $8,000.
But, but, if it's only six months, six weeks, The idea is it's highly unlikely that people will pay that money and come all that way knowing that they'll be able to be kicked out quickly.
I know how to say the name.
Lakin Riley.
Say your name, Mr. President.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Mr. President.
And can you tell me why so many people that support Donald Trump love conspiracy theories, including yourself?
He seems to attract lots of conspiracy theorists.
Well, let me tell you, you're a conspiracy theorist and the left and the media spreads more conspiracy theories.
We like the truth, we like supporting our Constitution, our freedoms, and America first!
What about Jewish Space Lasers?
Tell us about Jewish Space Lasers!
No, why don't you go talk about Jewish Space Lasers?
And really, why don't you f*** off?
How about that?
Thanks, thank you very much!
Well, she's joining us late, but we love it.
She's been in emergency meetings.
The mighty MTG, who I haven't been able to talk to in months.
I was getting a little crestfallen here, and I appreciate her time joining us.
Scorching Biden at the so-called State of the Union, standing up to reporters, making up Jewish space laser crap.
Well, thank you so much, Alex.
the way, hopefully can be Trump's vice president, is MTG.
So thank you so much for coming on with you. The listeners have really wanted
you and that's where you are. I know you've been very very busy. You look
amazing as usual and wow.
What do you want to dive into first MTG?
Well thank you so much Alex. I would like to talk about the current issue. We've got a vote coming up tomorrow and it
is on the TikTok ban bill.
I just had my staff send over to you the latest post that I've made about it.
But here, I want to give you just a breakdown of what's going on.
It sounds good.
Conservatives love to hear ban TikTok because they don't like the garbage that's on that platform.
And they don't want their kids exposed to all kinds of woke and gender lies and all kinds of things.
So it sounds good and it feels good.
Now, there's also this big push to be tough on China.
Of course we want to be tough on China.
But I would argue there's many other ways that we can be tough on China outside of- And Congresswoman, I didn't want to say anything, but your crew figured it out.
They didn't have your external mic turned on, so it sounded like you were in a tin can.
Start over, but I'm glad you raised that because people wanted me to attack Trump.
Two days ago, when he came out and was against H.R.
7521 saying he's now for TikTok.
He's not.
Congressman Massey, super nonpartisan, everybody respects him, explains it gets rid of all free speech, lets the feds ban websites and take over the internet.
This has nothing to do with TikTok, so we should fully back Trump and you and Congressman Massey stopping H.R.
Start over.
Okay, so I'd like to talk about why I'm against TikTok.
Number one, it sounds good as conservatives and parents to say let's ban TikTok because we don't like the content on the platform and we don't like our kids being exposed to that type of content.
I'll make a parent argument.
Be a parent and don't allow your kids to be exposed to anything bad like that.
But and I don't think the government should do the job of parents.
Number two, I want to walk through other important things about the ban on the TikTok bill, but I want to get to the underlying measures, okay?
Now, I've been in briefings and meetings all day long about this bill, and I was wondering, why are Democrats interested in doing this, right?
Well, what I heard from their own mouths is they're concerned about election interference, Alex.
And what they are saying is they're concerned about foreign election interference.
Now, we heard this before in the 2016 election, and we have seen them lie and say that X interfered in the 2022 midterms, blaming Elon Musk No, you weren't.
By the way, my account, he retweets me and stuff.
It's exploding.
back free speech, he brought back truth, he brought back my account back on
Twitter that's now X, he brought back your account which is now on X which of
course I was one of the I think the only member of Congress that advocated for you.
No you weren't, by the way my account he retweets me and stuff it's exploding so
Elon Musk has definitely woken up. Yes of course.
I'm really glad.
I hope I get to talk to him and meet with him one day.
But here's my concern about Democrats wanting to ban TikTok.
Democrats are claiming, and they're making a setup, that when Trump wins the 2024 election, and I think he's going to win it by massive numbers if our elections are fair, here's what they're going to say.
They're going to say that China and Russia meddled in our elections,
and they're going to blame TikTok and other avenues.
They're going to blame foreign interference in our elections.
And that's what they're already saying about TikTok.
And that TikTok is using this to meddle in elections.
They are.
And of course, I, as a member of Congress, and absolutely unapologetically, America first,
of course we don't want foreign interference We want safe, fair elections.
But the Democrat Party is the party that meddled in elections.
The Democrat Party is the party of censorship.
The Democrat Party is the party that wants to ban free speech, and they've already proven it by their actions.
Over and over again, they banned my speech, they banned your speech, they banned the speech of countless Americans for what they said about COVID, for what they said about the stolen election of 2020.
They have banned speech because they don't like it.
When it's not the speech they don't agree with, not the speech that they want to hear, not the speech that fits their narrative, they are the party that wants to ban that speech.
This is the party that interfered with elections.
51 intelligence, you know, Former intelligence and current intelligence officials lied to America when they signed their name to a letter saying that Hunter Biden's laptop is not real.
This is the same party that colluded with big tech to remove many of us off of social media.
So when they're saying they want to ban a social media site and are concerned about foreign interference in our election, I think we should be raising concerns and I'm extremely concerned.
The other concern I have is when the government steps in and forces the sale of a company.
Who is going to buy that company, Alex?
Is it going to be Meta?
Is it going to be Mark Zuckerberg, the actual big tech American owner of Facebook and Instagram and, you know, all these companies?
Mark Zuckerberg interfered with our elections on a bigger scale than I would argue any other foreign country.
So these are my concerns that I have.
Right now, I'm not for the TikTok ban bill.
I plan to vote no on it.
And I have a lot more concerns that I'm developing just from coming from these meetings.
Well, that's right.
I mean, Trump came out against Huawei, but that doesn't mean he supports bills they tried to pass to take over the Internet from Americans.
So it's a Trojan horse.
I've read the bill.
Congressman Massey, Senator Paul, you're exposing it.
And the media is everywhere telling the terrorists, oh look, Trump flip-flopped.
He's not for TikTok.
The bill literally lets the federal government ban whatever they want.
No, he's not.
This is not just a TikTok ban.
This is everything.
This is so dangerous.
So of course you can't support that.
Right, no, you're absolutely right.
And we can be tough on China in other ways, Alex.
To be tough on China, we should be bringing home our critical supply chain.
And we should be producing all of that here in America.
To be tough on China, we should be energy independent again.
And that is very easy to do.
We can drill with our fossil fuels, natural gas, oil.
We should be rebuilding our refineries, making new ones, remodeling the old ones.
We should be building more nuclear plants, clean coal.
We should be the strongest country in the world as far as energy is concerned.
That's a major way to defeat China.
Another thing that we can do is we can convert some of our defense manufacturers into chip producers and we can mine rare earth minerals here in America.
We have tons of them and we could be building our own chips.
Instead of relying on China and the biggest one I think we need to do is I mean the others are big But we need to get rid of the Green New Deal We don't want to move forward to a future where we are driving electric vehicles relying on China who dominates the battery market So there are many other strong moves that we can make to be fighting against China aggression and dominance all over the world.
But I'm really concerned on this bill and I don't think this is the way to do it.
I think this is going to be an attack on free speech.
I do not think it's going to accomplish what conservatives think it will accomplish.
And I would argue it's actually opening another Pandora's box that will lead us down to something dangerous in the future.
All right, MTG, you got to go soon.
Quick break.
Come back for a few more minutes to talk about the campaign, the persecution of Trump, and where you see this all going in the real state of the union.
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I know she didn't want to talk about it, but I've said this for years.
I think she'd be a great VP for Trump.
You know, I like Vivek Ramaswamy, he's really smart, but I think MTG would be the best candidate for that.
I know she wouldn't get into that here with us today, but in the few minutes we have left with you, because I know you're a very busy person, the persecution of Trump is backfiring.
All these cases are unraveling.
The Supreme Court's rolled against them, but we know they always double down.
You're up there with your ear to the ground.
In the belly of the beast.
So I don't want to be over positive.
I agree we're about to see a huge landslide.
Despite fraud, it's hard to override a landslide.
But the deep state's going to strike back.
What do you think's going to happen?
I'm not really sure.
I think they're trying to figure that one out themselves.
They know they have major problems with Joe Biden as their candidate.
The public, the American people, know that his mental capacity is not there.
They know he has dementia.
They see him as a very elderly man that doesn't belong in the most powerful position in the world.
He's absolutely failed with our border.
He ripped it wide open and has allowed a complete invasion of our country.
The Democrats want to turn into American citizens and voters, most importantly voters.
With all those millions of people, he's also let in terrorist criminals that have been released out of foreign countries' prisons, and they have sent those prisoners and those criminals into our country, which is
why Lake and Riley was murdered, was from a murderer, a
criminal from Venezuela.
So they know they have a problem with Joe Biden.
Alex, what are they going to do about it?
I think they're formulating those narratives as we speak.
Of course, they continue to want to fight the war against Russia
and Ukraine.
That is going to be building here on Capitol Hill as Johnson is being pressured to pass some sort of aid package for Ukraine and of course for Gaza, Hamas, basically.
They want all of that packaged together or separately.
And Israel.
There's big talks on which way to go.
But I'm not sure how they're going to try to defeat Trump.
They've tried the courts.
They've tried the lawsuits.
But what they have accomplished in that process, even though they'll fail on every level, I think they will, is they have managed to dirty him up in the headlines.
And we know that unfortunately works for a voter voting bloc of America still believes the news.
And it's a shame that they do believe the news.
So those headlines matter.
The E. Jean Carroll rape lies have dirtied him up to a certain sector of women.
And then Democrats are going to claim that 2024 is about women's reproductive rights, which is really what the term they use for abortion.
I'm not sure what we're going to see, but I am concerned about it.
I see a building war over in Israel.
The Biden admin wants to get involved in it.
They're wanting to build that port into Gaza, which will actually be basically a military base.
If anyone thinks the United States military is going to build a port and then walk away from it, I think they're gravely mistaken.
I think that means our military will be basically operating that port into Gaza and that puts our United States military members in harm's way.
It puts them in a war zone where they do not belong.
I think we're going to see a major push for 60 billion dollars to Ukraine and that possibly could happen through a discharge petition.
That really greatly concerns me.
Because what does that mean with Russia and Ukraine and what type of weapons will be provided?
It's becoming glaringly obvious this is the CIA's war with Russia and not really Ukraine.
They just happen to be the people that are being murdered and used to wage that war.
And I think that could continue to build on a big world scale.
And I think that that is something that could play a part in the election.
Hopefully it doesn't, though.
I think they're capable of anything, Alex.
Well, when you got in office a few years ago, you were already smart and a leading light, but your growth curve of this is just amazing.
You're one of the most informed members of Congress we've got right now.
The left is so afraid of you.
Talking to Trump, how is his spirit?
What can we do to support him?
Because, again, I'm really concerned.
Everything they're doing is failing.
They're saying if he gets elected, they're going to trigger uprisings.
They're trying to strip the power of him and control the military for the Insurrection Act that George Herbert Walker Bush used in the LA riots in 92.
They are, Schiff is saying they're going to strip intelligence briefings from him, which you can't do for the president.
I mean, this is a coup.
They're openly discussing an administrative coup ahead of time.
As you know, Atlantic Monthly is kind of the mouthpiece of the deep state.
They said two weeks ago, when he wins.
They didn't deny he's going to win.
We're just going to decertify him.
So they've indicted him for trying to have an investigation.
He didn't try to decertify.
They're openly saying when he wins we'll decertify.
This is just naked criminal activity.
No, you're absolutely right.
Every Democrat I work with, the press went around and asked him about a month ago, and I heard him say it with their own mouths.
They said, will you certify the election if Trump wins in 2024?
And they're all saying no.
So they all plan to vote against certifying the election, even though there's absolutely no reason to.
Other concerns?
Of mine are that they're going, like you said, block him from intelligence briefings.
They're going to try to keep the deep state embedded, the resistance.
These are the same people that were hired under Obama.
They're going to try to keep them in place and work against them.
But there's some good news, Alex.
I think we have to watch as MAGA is taking over the Republican Party.
So I try to keep an eye on both levels, right?
We watched MAGA come in and take over the RNC.
They're gutting the RNC and making it completely brand new.
Hopefully that will help us.
But it's really going to be about the transition team and who gets hired and who gets fired in the next administration that I think is extremely important.
Well, that was my final question.
We would love to take over the Democratic Party too, but clearly the Republican populist movement is getting control of the RNC, getting control of Congress every week, every month, every year.
That's why the system is so panicked.
The people are taking over the Republican Party and that's sending them into just fits of rage.
So we're getting close.
I think so too, and it's exciting to watch.
So sometimes I, you know, you have to always keep your eyes wide open, and Alex, you're the best at that, and you're the best at informing people for that, but at the same time, you know, I always try to think, okay, where are the good things happening?
Because it really is a spiritual war.
It's good versus evil, and sometimes it can look like evil is winning at all times, but I think good is doing a lot of winning right now, and we just have to keep pushing it forward.
In closing, how do people find you?
People can find me, I'm on all the social media platforms, mtg4america.com, mtg4america.com is my website, and I just really appreciate you, Alex.
We appreciate you, but one more I gotta throw in, I forgot.
Your home state's Georgia, great state, amazing people.
There's overwhelming evidence the election was stolen, it's not come out.
What do you make of the fiasco of Fannie Willis and all this coming out, and where do you think that's going?
Well, I'm not sure.
I'm interested to see how the judge will rule.
I would like to see Republicans in my state take a much more aggressive, stronger stance against DAs like Fannie Willis.
She's not the only one we have.
She just happens to be the worst one that's on national news all the time.
Listen, Georgia is the number one target of the Democrats out of all the states in all 50 United States.
And here in Georgia, you know, I talk to a lot of people constantly, but I'm going to be focusing my efforts on Georgia.
We have to do everything we can to make sure that we deliver the W for President Trump in 2024.
So I plan on stomping all around, all the way from northwest Georgia down to Savannah.
By the way, that's not denied.
Why out of all the states is Georgia so precious?
Oh, I'll tell you.
It's easy and you'll understand this quickly.
Georgia is the economic hub of the southeast.
We have the third largest port in the United States of America.
We have the busiest airport in the world.
We have the corridors of I-75 and I-85, the superhighways that go through the southeast.
We have a large manufacturing presence.
We're a farming state and we have many resources.
So Democrats have their eyeballs on Georgia because if they can control Georgia, then they can dominate in the Southeast.
And Alex, I'm going to tell you right now, I'm going to do everything I can to stop those Democrats from stealing my beloved home state of Georgia.
All right, MTG.
I'm glad I have your new phone number.
We love you.
The listeners love you.
They've been asking, where's MTG?
You're very gracious.
I know you're very busy.
That's why they're scared of you.
God bless and Godspeed.
All right, there she goes.
Thank you, Alex.
Yeah, the last three months, I'm like, where's MTG?
She changed her number, and I guess I missed the text of it, and so there we are.
So I had to say, where's MTG?
And she called up, and we got her on, so that's great.
They are so scared of that lady, and I love her, and she's awesome, and I'd be happy if Trump picked Vivek Ramaswamy or her or Tulsi Gabbard.
I don't think Tulsi Gabbard's a bad person, but she's been a Democrat before, and it makes me kind of have a shutter up my spine.
I just pick up good vibes off of her and I think she's really woken up and doesn't want to be part of the evil.
But we know MTG has died in the world, Republican, American patriot.
So, wow, I just think MTG, man.
Imagine MTG as the vice president.
That's why the left always calls her dumb, because she's so smart.
They always invert things.
So when they call somebody stupid, they're telling that they're smart.
When they call somebody a liar, they're telling the truth.
Yes, sir.
Thank you much.
So there's two things.
the initiative. Okay, Gilbert, Joe, Ken, Melissa, and Caleb, you've been holding
patiently wide open phones here today on this live transmission. Go ahead, Gilbert
in Montana, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Yes, sir.
Thank you much. So there's two things. The first one, small towns versus big cities.
You know, ain't nothing stronger than an American small town.
That's a fact.
It's actually pushing us to the test where we got to help our brothers and sisters that are moving, regardless of the political and religious foundation.
We got to help them more.
We got to get them more in communion with the area, the weather, how they're going to make us stronger, not keep us strong.
The big city, When you guys come and you guys are moving, moving around, everybody's looking for a better life.
They're seeing, you know, children going wild and hurting one another and they can't even stop their own children and they pack up and leave.
You need to come with an empty cup.
It's very important you come with an empty cup in order for the small towns to open up and show you the ways here.
This is all small town.
This is, you pick an area.
But in our case, we're talking about the mighty United States of America.
And we're coming with an empty cup.
Remember, you're doing it for your children.
The children is very important.
Obviously, they know how to take care of themselves.
They have that communion with the earth again.
Rural or not.
No, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
When I was on I forget what podcast, six months ago, but it was a big podcast, and I explained that the rural areas where the globalists want to attack was Tucker Carlson.
And I saw a bunch of the survivalist people say, hey Jones, don't say the rural areas got it all handled.
We're only like a third, you know, prepared or self-sufficient.
I didn't say the rural areas were perfect.
But there's more armed people, the globalists haven't taken over rural areas.
And there's still a lot of infrastructure there that is independent.
So I didn't say the rural areas are completely protected.
I said the cities, and almost all of them are run by Democrats and Soros, are done.
And so the next target is the rural area.
Now you see the talking points.
The rural area is the target.
They're racist, they're evil, they're bad.
It's just like when the Communists took over Russia, took them five years to control the cities, and then they invaded the countryside and robbed and murdered and killed people.
So I'm not saying the rural areas have all the answers.
I'm not saying the rural areas have it all covered.
I know the numbers.
In the Great Depression, 17 million people estimated, major university studies, starved to death.
I thought it was 7 million.
It's 17 million.
And back then, 80-something percent, 85% is the number, were rural, 15% were in cities.
Now we're 80% plus, it was 90% a few years ago, people are leaving the cities, 80 plus percent, 83% or so, live in the country, I mean live in the cities, and 14, 15, 16%, depending on the numbers, live in the rural areas.
So we've reversed the numbers during the Great Depression, the 1920s, early 1930s, or late 1920s, 1930s, 1929, to 1940 during the Great Depression.
So, yeah, I know that only a minority of the rural areas are self-sufficient, but it's 20-30%, depending again on the numbers.
The cities are 0% self-sufficient.
It doesn't matter if you're in a high-rise apartment with two years of food, And guns.
They're going to turn the power off, turn the electricity off, turn the water off, and you're going to be sitting up there, and you're going to get robbed, you're going to get killed.
The gangs are going to burn your building down.
So, I was saying the way safer place to be is the country.
And I can't follow my own advice.
I don't have the money to do that.
All right?
Contrary to what the news says, I never had that much money.
I owned 125 acres way outside Austin, and in my bankruptcy, that's like, I think, getting bought tomorrow.
And I had a little shack, a literal shack built by cotton sharecroppers 100 plus years ago, a one-room shack on 120-something acres by a river.
The San Marcos River that you can drink out of.
So I got that little place.
That was my backup.
Had some water tanks out there.
Had some solar power out there.
That was where we're going to go.
I don't even have that.
So when I sit up here and tell you you should get ready, I understand most of you can't.
All right?
Because I'm in the same place you are.
But the best policy is stopping the globalists now before their new world order takes over.
Because if we got 87% of people living in the cities, and less than half the people in the country are self-sufficient, we're sitting on top a time bomb.
Within 10 days, things look like Road Warrior.
Within 15 days, the power going off, it looks like The Road with Viggo Mortensen and Robert Duvall.
I don't intend to commit suicide during that collapse, and I don't want to eat people.
But I've been quite honest with folks, if we go down that road, well, we know who to target.
And I don't want to go down that road, and this isn't rhetorical, it's not some joke.
If everything goes down and people are starving to death, Mark Zuckerberg's 10-story deep underground base with a so-called security force in Kauai is going to be a tomb.
And I don't wish him harm.
I'm just saying that's what's happening.
His security forces will turn on him within the first week and probably take over the base.
And then form a perimeter around and make deals with the locals to give them supplies to not overrun it.
And that's why these globalists are good at setting up scams and robbing people, but they're not good at thinking things out second-level order, third-level order, fourth-level order, fifth-level order.
Zuckerberg and Bill Gates aren't even thinking second order.
Yeah, you rob, you kill, you collapse civilization, you've got some dream world where you organize the collapse and you're the saviors and you get rid of most people and you take over the resources.
Everyone is going to go to the bunkers in New Zealand, and in Colorado, and in Canada, and in Tasmania, and in Kauai, and in Maui, and they all know that's where the food's at.
Your safe move would be stabilize civilization and take care of the people.
But because you want to have 20 billion in the bank, You would screw everyone over so you can't even spend your 20 billion.
Even Carnegie, the inventor of modern steel, and all the bad things he did was like, I better put my money into operas and symphonies and libraries.
Henry Ford knew, I'm gonna pay my employees triple.
Because nobody's got money to buy my car.
But the globalist model is against that.
That's a crazy model, isn't it?
It's a dumb model.
So yeah, we got about 6-7% maybe somewhat self-sufficient in America.
I preach it all day, but I'm so busy in the offense, there's no defense.
I'm not prepared.
I got water filters, storable food, guns.
I'll do better than most.
But in a meltdown, hundreds of millions of starving people are like army ants or locusts.
You won't be able to stop them.
You'll stop the first 500.
You won't stop the next 10,000.
So I sit here, staring down the barrel of this gun, and I guess my only solace is, at least the Brennans and the Clappers and the Obamas that are Palatial mansions and Martha's Vineyard will not be spared from what's coming.
Because there won't be the military there next time to ship away the illegal aliens.
When a hundred thousand people show up at Martha's Vineyard, you won't be able to turn them away.
And you will pay.
While I'm starving to death with my family and fighting off the hordes, your own security people would have already left to take care of their families.
There won't be magic robots to take care of you.
And you will finally meet Jesus.
Caleb in Texas, you're on the air worldwide.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Ditto, sir.
I just wanted to plug your product real quick, brother.
I've been listening to you since I was nine years old, and I am 24 now, and I've always been a little skeptical.
But I will say, man, I just ordered Nitric Boost and the Turbo Force.
Thank you.
I've had high blood pressure throughout my life, hereditary.
I mean, I'm in very good shape, exercise, eat well.
So it's a hereditary issue.
And I started taking that nitric boost.
And for the first time I went to the doctor, my blood pressure was spot on.
I mean, it's dialed on.
I've been monitoring it from home.
It's dropped 20, 30 points.
Just been off on it for two weeks.
Yeah, well, I'm not a scientist.
We just promote whatever the statistics shows the best.
So three years ago, I saw the heaviest trend and all the scientists were saying this cocktail of herbs thins your blood out naturally and does all this.
So I go, I go sell it.
I mean, it's not like, well, let me explain something.
I only sell what's known to work.
Does that make sense?
Absolutely, and that's why I bought it from you.
And the Turbo Force, I just ordered three more bottles of it.
Because that stuff, it puts you on one and it helps you dial in, stay focused.
And I want to try your next level of foundational energy.
Hopefully that comes back soon.
It's sold out, but I just want to thank you.
Sorry to interrupt you, Caleb.
It's just that I want to explain something.
I don't lie on purpose.
I make mistakes sometimes and go, damn, I made a mistake because I'm not God.
I'm far from it.
But brother, any of these products are barn burners.
So thank you for your support.
What do you want to say about vaccines?
Well, I wanted to get your opinion, man.
There's at least half the population, and we are all in this together.
That's the message you preach to.
And there's at least half the population that's vaccinated, my fiancé being one of them.
And I just wanted your opinion on how you think we can combat this, what kind of options that we have.
She stopped getting vaccinated, obviously, but she has more migraines than she used to.
She's getting dizzy spells now.
She fainted just a couple weeks ago.
And we're all in this together, and we've got to bring people on the other side over to our side.
And how can we help them when they start?
Well, that's what's so sad is the CDC and FDA documents in October 2000 said this would all happen because they covered their ass into the fine print.
And yeah, we can't be mad at those that took the shot and say, oh, look, you're a dumbass.
We got to help them.
And the thing is, there's a lot of herbs and things that mitigate.
Once you're damaged, it doesn't fix it, but it mitigates, it makes it better.
And maybe mitigation, 90%.
You know, a lot of people get that, some 50%.
But, but absolutely, we've got to.
Realize that people have been really, really damaged and we can't be mad at them that they were fooled.
All of us were once unawake, you know?
And so I totally agree with you.
Thank you so much, brother.
All right, I'm going to host a little bit in the next hour.
Maria Aziz will be taking over, but I've got a clip of Matt Gaetz coming up on the total collapse of Haiti and the Clintons went in there.
What was it, 15 years ago, and looted the living daylights out of it and put in their own people that have been looting it ever since.
And that's what the Haiti politicians talk about, their leaders.
But now we've got a giant surge coming in through the border of Haiti collapsing.
So that's coming up.
Yeah, we do have Nitric Boost in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
And again, anything I sell has been super tested and is the best.
And I always did that because I was like, I want to have the best product because I want to be nice to people.
Only when I was older, I went, wait, that was a really good idea because it works well, they buy it again.
See how being good works?
See, I don't want to sell you something once and rip you off and laugh at you.
I want to sell you stuff over and over again.
I want a relationship with you.
(electronic music)
Victor in Florida, thank you for holding, go ahead.
I have to say, it really pisses me off To hear when you say that only 2% of the people that listen to this broadcast buy products.
Um, I'm a young man.
I don't make that much money.
I just bought a house.
I just got married.
I buy the products as much as I can.
I buy them almost every month.
I've bought the iodine, the beets, the methylfolate.
I've just tried it.
It's absurd to me that you people are listening to this guy.
I've listened to you for 10 years.
He puts this show out here for free, and you're not supporting him.
Our country is falling apart, but you've got millions of people listening to you not doing sh**.
Excuse my French.
Well, look, look, there's a glut of media.
There's so much media.
I'm not blaming the 99%.
It's the 99% that never buy anything.
It's just these are really good products.
And if we just had 1% more by the products, it would change the whole world.
So these are really great products to begin with.
We have the best turmeric out there, 95% humanoid, incredible anti-inflammation, so good for your whole body.
We have all the other great products at InfoWarshaw.com.
We have next-level foundational energy with the methylfolate and the B-Complex supercharges cellular energy.
So it's not a stimulant, but it feels like a stimulant.
Let me ask you, what happened when you took next-level foundational energy?
I've been taking it for, I don't know, a couple weeks now and in my younger days I've experimented with stimulants and those things.
It feels nothing like that.
You feel like you're supposed to feel it.
You're supposed to have energy, you know, and that's pretty much it.
It doesn't feel like a stimulant.
You just feel like you're supposed to be.
And what it does is it's the breakdown of folic acid that almost everybody, but particularly some people, northern Europeans, have a low breakdown of.
So you just give yourselves the direct food that they operate off of and they clean out with.
That's why next level financial energy is so important.
Thank you for the call, Victor, and thanks for the plug.
Welcome back to hour number four.
And in 60 Minutes, Owen Schroer from the War Room at the Info Wars in Battle Studios takes over.
The War Room, 3 to 6 p.m. Central.
Central at InfoWars.com, Ford's Live Show and Real Alex Jones on X. Got more phone calls, Melissa, Matt, Joe and Ken, but I wanted to play a clip from congressional hearings today with Congressman Matt Gaetz, who's a hard charger, bringing up the fact that Haiti is completely in the middle of martial law, total collapse, cannibalism, you name it, here it is.
between Haiti and a failed state?
It's telling, right?
We can't really identify them, because the gangs are in charge, the government has been thrown out, and as a Florida man, I'm deeply concerned about this wave of people that we're about to have, that we are having, coming from Haiti, and it will accelerate.
Because I've gone to Opelika, and I've spent time with the folks that are engaged in Operation Vigilant Century, and they say the number one push factor that drives these Haitians into Broward County, Palm Beach County, where they don't disperse throughout the country, they stay in Southeast Florida.
That that driving factor is the deterioration of conditions in Haiti.
So what are we doing to prepare for that wave and to ensure that these people are not paroled
into the United States as the administration has done with people on the southern border,
but instead are repatriated back at the dock at Port-au-Prince?
Go ahead.
Congressman, we're doing a number of things to ensure that we're keeping track of the
situation and we're prepared.
At the moment, we have not yet seen large numbers, what we would characterize as a maritime mass migration, but we are alert to that.
We are alert to that possibility.
I think you're right that the driving conditions in Haiti could very well press more people.
We've recently approved some additional assistance that we can provide to the Coast Guard.
I think that that has now fully been approved.
We'll be providing notifications, if we haven't already, to provide additional shipboard assistance.
And what they say would really support them would be more naval vessels, would be DOD support.
And because I think you correctly said that there is an anticipated mass migration here, there are specific legal authorities that we can access, that I would implore you to access.
Specifically, George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13276.
And in that executive order, there is the ability for any president to designate an anticipated mass migration, and then get Greyhall naval vessels into the Straits of Florida to deter that migration, and then to repatriate those people before they get to Florida.
So it's on.
Maria Z is coming up, but I promise to go to Melissa, Matt, Joe, and Ken.
We'll take a break, join a bunch of stations that come back then, and then Maria Z will take over.
We'll skip the two network breaks.
She'll get her time back.
Please remember, I can't fight George Soros and the New World Order without your support.
Have we not delivered?
Have we not kicked Globalist's ass up and down the block?
I need your support.
Plus, we've got great products.
I need you to support our sponsors.
And the biggest sponsor is my dad's company, drjonesnaturals.com, that has all the nano silver products.
The original, sold out for years, about to sell it again, super blue, nano silver, with the tea tree, with the iodine, with all the other organic products, fluoride free, at drjonesnaturals.com.
We're taking on the New World Order.
We need your support.
and then the Rocket Rest, the Cabbage Chill, the Top Brain, and all the amazing products,
and the other turmeric toothpaste, and the tooth whitening toothpaste.
It's all natural, no additives.
It's all there.
You get great products, and you fund the Info War at drjonesnaturals.com.
We're taking on the New World Order.
We need your support.
We sell you products that enrich your life, that also empower this operation against the New World
Go now.
It's your decision to make.
Most of you never get the products.
It's fine.
I love you.
Share the links.
Share the articles.
Pray for us.
But that small amount that actually buy the products, you kept us on air.
You're the reason all this has happened.
We're the tip of the spear.
Go to DrJonesNaturals.com right now and get Super Blue before the first run.
They've had it for almost four years.
It's sold out.
Super Blue at Dr. Jones Naturals.
Like a pebble or a rock or a giant mountain collapsing into the sea, what we have done the last 30 years in April will send out reverberations throughout eternity.
be right back. Like a pebble or a rock or a giant mountain collapsing into the sea,
what we have done the last 30 years in April will send out reverberations throughout eternity.
But I know our greatest work is still to come. And that's why your support, your word of
mouth, your prayer is so critical right now.
We have changed the world, the enemy knows it, but have you fully woken up to the fact that this is the center of the resistance?
Maria Zee from Australia takes over in a few minutes.
We'll skip a few breaks to get your time back, but right now let's rampage through these calls.
Melissa in California, the attacks on InfoWars, go ahead.
First of all, I just want to say, God's put it on my heart just to kind of give you a message.
Number one, Alex, every hit that you take, every hit that your family takes, just know that God has taken them first and He's taken them with you.
So whatever effect that you feel, the impact of it, just know God took the brunt of it.
That's number one.
Number two, God has placed it on my heart just to tell you, you've got to connect with Pastor Kent Christmas.
He's a pastor in Tennessee.
Regeneration Nashville and I have tried to run away from this. I did not want to
I was comfortable being a call a longtime listener and not ever calling
but God won't leave me alone. So I'm telling you you got to connect with him
that doesn't mean you gotta have him on your show or call him I don't know.
No, can't Christmas I'll call him. I don't know who he is.
I'll get him on.
So the fact there's a message there for you somewhere.
I don't know what it is, and I don't know if it's... But the Holy Spirit laid it on your heart.
I will... Guys, get me in touch with Dr. Kent Christmas, or Pastor Kent Christmas.
Pastor Kent Christmas.
There's something there for you, and God said you'll know it when you hear it.
And that's it, sir.
That's all I have to tell you today.
Well, thank you for that word.
We will definitely investigate that, because we listen to the Holy Spirit, and it speaks for the people.
Matt in Missouri, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, can you hear me alright?
I can, go ahead.
My question is, here recently I've heard you use the word Jacobin a few times, but even before that, when Tucker Carlson first started releasing episodes on Twitter, one of his first persons he interviewed was Victor Davis Hanson.
They were talking about the deep state, and BDH said that the people we are at war with are the Jacobin.
Yeah, well, nothing against Victor Davis Hanson, he's a great guy, but it's well-known history that the Jacobins are the progenitors of the Communists, so that's a fact.
Right, right.
Well, my question is, every time I look that word up on Google, every single article, it's associated with Illuminati or Freemasonry, which I'm not saying that's right.
We all know the information on Google.
No, it's totally, it's totally true.
I mean, it's totally true.
George Washington was a Mason, and George Washington wrote dozens of letters against the Illuminati taking over Masonry.
So there are a lot of Masons that were good, some that were bad.
That just goes back pre-Christianity as the Mystery Schools.
You didn't go to college.
If you could get into the Mystery School, then you could be part of that.
They taught science, they taught all the other stuff, and so yeah, that's definitely true.
Oh, wow.
Well, it's good to know.
I mean, the Jacobins were the Illuminati, and the Illuminati's documents are public because they got, one of the guys carrying their main battle orders was hit by lightning, so the Prussians got it.
And so we know, but it doesn't mean, because here's the deal.
Everybody that goes to Bohemian Grove is not a member.
So we don't say they're all devil worshipers, that's not true.
But the people running are devil worshipers.
So it's just like the people that took over masonry in the 1700s and 1800s and masons today are basically run by that.
It doesn't mean George Washington is bad.
He wrote letters against it.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, that does.
Well, does that answer your question?
Yeah, it does.
I had one more thing if you got a second.
Go ahead.
I noticed this morning you opened up with the discussion about marijuana and I noticed on Twitter this morning Victor, or Michael Yon, has released a few tweets.
Kind of almost sounds like he's attacking Joe Rogan and Elon Musk for partaking in marijuana.
So I was wondering when you opened with that this morning, did you read that also and is that why you talked about it?
Do you have any comment on that?
Hello Alex, how you doing?
First time caller, love you long time.
read his post today on X. I was talking about marijuana. I've been talking about marijuana
being weaponized for decades and how it's dumbing people down. So I explained why I
did that on air. Thanks for the call. All right, Joe in Oregon, you're on the air. Go
Hello, Alex. How you doing? First time caller. Love you.
Long time.
Love you too. Go ahead.
So I'm calling about marijuana targeted listener schizophrenia.
And I'm a little bit of an expert on marijuana here in Portland, Oregon with the medical marijuana movement up until today.
Well, I brought up the weed.
Everybody's talking about it.
Go ahead.
So, basically, since the Reagan administration, they capsulated the scientific end result with smoke inhalation on monkeys to get their end desired result.
And the same is with Soros, I would say.
In his programs and missions all over this city, is basically that the hieroglyphs and the writings on the wall have been changed at the genetic level to produce the end result in which they want.
We're not talking about Alcapocal Gold up until 2001 where the strains were improving and actually had high medicinal qualities.
We're talking about something else here.
We're not talking about the Lords or We're talking about the devil.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
Marijuana, nobody can deny, is probably the most amazing plan.
Even when you take the THC out, it does incredible things.
I agree that it's amazing, but they've weaponized it now.
I think it's what you're saying.
Yes, that's what I'm saying.
You know, as a targeted individual, this also gets down to the schizophrenia of things, is that they know how to target you through fusion centers, The District Attorney and the NGO programs in which they target people outside of extrajudicially.
I've been heads up against Mike Schmidt myself.
Before he was the District Attorney, when he was a prosecutor, and that's how I came to find out the show, was because I've realized that this has been a very circus-like atmosphere here in Portland, Oregon.
And the people who are really the backbone here are all, they've all kind of folded, but it's been... Well, listen, I appreciate your call.
All I know is... I know a lot of people have gone crazy smoking the modern marijuana.
So I'm warning people about it.
Last call, Ken in Ohio before Maria Zetec's over.
Go ahead, Ken.
Yes, sir.
Luminous beings are we, Alex Jones.
Not this crude matter.
InfoWars is legendary and the work you're doing is inspiration.
Respectfully, I would like to ask of you and Mr. Elon Musk, what do you think of the prospects of an InfoWars edition of the Twitter files, which would allow you to search the communication archives of Twitter circa 2018, around the time you were banned?
I would love to get into the DMs of the managers of Twitter, who we know interface with the Feds.
So, yeah.
Most of the previous Twitter files focused on 2020 with COVID-19 and the election.
My idea is that the federal pipeline that the previous Twitter files have proven to exist, it predated 2020, likely, when you were banned.
And that, you know, if you could prove this, you know, there was an operation run against InfoWars and Alex Jones, you know, and I think the Oliver Darcy story, they used that as cover.
And, you know, if you prove this is huge news, I think it's like, you know, is this the weakness in the Death Star?
If you could prove that they're literally with federal involvement in this operation that has been running against you through proving it through the Twitter file.
I totally, they admit it was a federal operation, so yes sir, I would be 100% behind that, thank you so much.
Alright, Maria Z from Australia, the front line of the Globalist Takeover takes over now, and then in 45 minutes, Owen Schroer in the war room.
Maria Z.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Thank you, everyone.
It's wonderful to be here with you.
You know, last year when I was in the United States, I was warning everyone that the UN was trying to pass the political declaration in September of 2023.
And it turns out that they passed it anyway, even though 11 countries were objecting to it.
What was the political declaration?
Basically, Declaring that Anthony Guterres becomes the dictator of the world in the event of a climate crisis, in the event of some sort of an event in outer space, in the event of a pandemic.
And so everyone's very concerned about the WHO international health regulations amendments and the pandemic treaty.
But really, even if the WHO was to be taken down, the UN political declaration could kick in anyway.
And so they passed that in September, even though 11 countries were opposed to it and said, oh, look how great it is.
They all agree that Antonio Guterres should be the dictator of the world.
So we've got Dr. Rima Labo joining us today, because now the UN is wanting to implement a pact for the future.
We're going to talk about that and what it means.
The biotech Synthetic biology, how this impacts humans moving forward, what the WHO wants to do and also them stealing the land of every single man, woman and child on earth, how they're going to do it.
This applies to the United States also and what we can do about it.
Dr Rima Lebo, thank you so much for joining us.
I think you were saying hello.
Yes, I was.
Dr. Reema Laber, thank you so much for joining us.
Well, I don't know where you want to start here.
We need to talk about this pact for the future and what it's going to mean.
I also want to talk to you about UNDRIP and UN30x30.
So, should we talk about what they are actually proposing with the pact for the future?
Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to start one step behind that.
There are a great many good people and a few not so good people talking about how important it is to get out of the WHO, talking about how important it is to not allow the pandemic treaty, as it's called, to go forward, to not allow the amendments to the international health regulations to go forward.
Those are good people and they're saying things that are true, but they're irrelevant.
Even if we were to withdraw from WHO today, even if we were to withdraw from the international health regulations today, we would still be under the grinding destructive cruelty of Agenda 2030.
And even if we were to somehow mitigate the various things that the United Nations has put in place to destroy humanity, The gender idiocy, the land grabs, the individual programs like the comprehensive sexuality education.
Unless and until we exit the WHO.
No, I'm sorry, we exit the United Nations.
unless and until we deal with the fundamental issue, which is our national membership in the United Nations,
they will grind us.
I think I've just lost Dr. Dr. Rema there.
So what she's talking about is very, very important because she's right.
What they do is they, even when you think about the legislation that they bring forward, like Bill C-63 right now in Canada, for example, they're talking about thought crime, potentially putting people under house arrest if they could maybe one day commit a quote-unquote hate crime, whatever that is.
Because people feel like they may commit a hate crime.
And so what happens is they give you the most outrageous plans and then you argue over it and then you get a watered-down version.
That's essentially what's happening through the United Nations and the WHO.
Because the United Nations is the big bad Satan and the WHO is the medical arm of the UN.
Personally, I think we need to focus on both, but I agree that if we only focus on the WHO, we still have the problem of the UN.
Dr. Rima, welcome back.
Thank you.
In my view, Maria, there is one issue, and it is not parental rights.
It is not gender ideology.
It is not land grabs.
It is not WHO.
It is removing each and every one of our countries from the death machine.
The United Nations.
Now, the death machine you mentioned has a backup plan to its backup plan.
The political declaration is a backup plan saying, well, just in case all of our bits and pieces don't come together, we're going to take over everything anyway.
In back of that is the Pact for the Future.
And you can go online and check it out.
Pact for the Future.
It's a United Nations program which Memorializes and makes permanent the permanent state of chaos, crisis, and control by whoever sits in the seat of Director General or Secretary General, rather, of the United Nations.
And we know That that means a complete destruction of humanity and humanity's rights.
And in fact, Yuval Harari very clearly says we have no rights.
Rights, human rights, are a fantasy, a fairy tale that we made up for ourselves.
And he goes on to say, in a completely psychotic, irrational assertion, which he says as if it made sense, if you cut open a body, You don't find rights, therefore rights do not exist.
Which is more than a little weird, but the point is that these people are in fact both self-referentially insane and exceedingly dangerous, more dangerous perhaps than any force that has ever been on the planet before because they have science and technology to enforce their lunacy.
It is essential for us to stop the lunacy, not to moderate it, not to try to change the amendments for the international health regulations, not to try to reform any aspect of it, but to kill it at its heart.
And the way to do that is to force our sock puppets in high places, our political supposed public servants, To do our will.
And we can do that.
And that means forcing the head of state of each of the countries that we're able to impact to write the letter that withdraws us from the United Nations.
The Pact for the Future says, look, there's always going to be an emergency.
There's always going to be a crisis.
It could be climate, which we're Lying about it could be food, which we're creating.
It could be economic, which we're creating.
It could be outer space, as you said, could be anything.
And so we're just going to accept that there's always a crisis.
And we're going to take over the entire world in order to prevent you from being harmed by the crisis.
More craziness.
It's that simple.
Just to be clear, everyone can go and look at, Tim, if you can bring up the Summit of the Future page, and it says multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow.
It's happening between the 22nd and 23rd of September 2024.
And people may say, oh, we have bigger things to worry about.
We have the upcoming election.
We have the cost of living and a multitude of other things.
This is the root of the cancer that has infected society.
The UN is at the root of it.
And so you cannot treat the illness if you don't cut out the disease.
I have been targeting my information towards exposing that most of what is wrong with society
is coming from the UN.
And you may know, Dr. Labo, that even, they take it so seriously that, how much they don't like being exposed, that Antonio Guterres' personal secretary responded to a hit piece about me when I showed that, as per the 8 March Principles, it was advocating for legalizing sex with children.
This is a document that was endorsed by the UN saying we should absolutely, you know, not consider the fact that whether it's in law or in fact, you know, basically wording it in the sense that adults should be able to have sex with minors even if it's not legal.
And calling it a human right.
And calling it a human right through the Comprehensive Sexuality Education Program, which is another United Nations program.
I want to talk with everyone briefly about the UN 30 by 30 agenda and UNDRIP because in order for people to understand how serious it is that we need to get out of the UN and we need to demand this.
You know, America, you've got an election coming this year.
You need to be demanding from your candidates.
That they speak on leaving the United Nations.
There are two bills right now, one in the House and one in the Senate, to exit the UN.
Are any of them talking about that?
Are any of them discussing the fact that there is a growing demand?
I'm so glad that you mentioned that.
Right now, before the Congress of the United States, there is an act called the Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle.
It's Senate Act 3 428 and House Representative Act 6645.
They're the same.
Now, those acts must pass in the United States, and we must make sure that they are passed with a two-thirds majority so that the inevitable veto, which will come from the sock puppet who sits in the chair in the Oval Office labeled head of state, and it doesn't matter whether it's Harris or Biden, either sock puppet, Is equally predictable.
When the veto comes, the Congress of the United States has to have enough support through your demand, through your demand, to override the veto and disengage entirely from the United Nations debacle.
Now, I may be the only person in the United States who believes that we, the people, have the power to pass that act.
We had a meeting With the legal aid, legal staff member who actually is responsible for that bill in one of the offices of the congressman who said, well, you know, we don't think this bill can pass, to which my response is wrong answer.
Because if we do not pass this bill in the United States, And by the way, the United States leaving the United Nations is the critical factor that will crack it and allow the United Nations to crumble and be destroyed.
If we do not pass this bill during the 118th Congress, which is currently in session, by the time 119th Congress comes along.
It will be inaugurated on January 3rd, 2025.
The other side will have moved so far in seizing all property rights from the people, not only
of the United States but elsewhere in the world, will have moved so far in forcing us
into 15-minute cities and removing all of our other rights, including property rights,
that there will be no opportunity to pass this bill.
Ordinarily, Maria, we have an opportunity for gradualism.
We build momentum, we introduce something into a legislature, we get a few votes, we bring it back next time, we get a few more votes, and we move forward year by year, session by session.
This is true in Australia, it's true in the United States, and social change and legislative progress typically happens through this gradualism process.
We are out of time.
We have no opportunity for gradualism because the other side is not moving gradually.
They have laid their plans over 140 years.
Dr Labour, we've got to go to a break.
I want to talk to everyone about what's happening in Australia.
Very, very similar things happening in Canada with the UN starting to take land.
Don't go anywhere because it's coming to the United States if we don't fight back.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalists.
And people can't identify who's a patron and who isn't.
We want to identify as pro-human and anti-globalists.
We want to let people know we're 1776 Part 2.
That's why I designed this amazing 1776 red, white, and blue Gadsden flag shirt so you can support the InfoWar and meet like-minded people everywhere when you wear it.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Zee of ZeeMedia.com.
That's ZEE, triple E. We're here with Dr. Rima Labo talking about the importance of exiting the United Nations.
Every single country demanding this because Because when everyone says, what's the solution to all of these problems, it literally is all coming down from the UN.
If we can exit the UN, take back power over our local politics, get the right people in, all of that is vital, but nothing will change if we don't get out of the UN.
You told me something really shocking about what they're starting to do in Canada.
The United States needs to be aware of this because you are also signed up to UNDRIP, which is the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
When you read that document, it's all wonderful about giving Indigenous people their rights and the rights to the land and blah, blah, blah.
And then you go down to Article 46, which ruins the whole thing and says, but they are still subjected to the United Nations.
Can you just let the audience know what just happened in Canada?
About a month ago, 20% of the land mass of Canada, which is a vast area, larger than many, many countries, was given to the Inuit people.
The Inuit people comprise about 28,000 souls and they were given 20% of Canada to administer, said the government of Canada under Andrup The indigenous rights nonsense.
Look, we took your land.
We colonizers, we took your land.
And so we're giving it back to you.
Parenthesis, indigenous peoples, Native Americans, First Americans, call them what you like.
The First Nations did not have a concept of land ownership.
So this whole thing about giving you back your land is as nonsensical as you can pick your gender.
Anyway, it was said to them, now here we're giving you your land back and of course you can't administer 20% of Canada.
You've only got 28,000 people in your group.
So we'll give you an NGO that we've kindly set up for you.
And we, the United Nations, will administer it.
In other words, 20% of Canada was given to the United Nations.
Now, the same thing is happening in Alberta.
Vancouver has already been given.
The city of Vancouver has been given back, that's nonsense, has been given back to 6,500 people.
So the 1 million people who live in the city of Vancouver no longer own anything, no longer have any property rights whatsoever.
What that means is, and this is also happening in Alberta and it's happening in the United States, it's happening in Sweden, it's happening in many, many places around the world, eventually in all places.
What that means is that an indigenous person can now walk up to a non-indigenous person.
And by the way, indigenous is not defined anywhere.
In any of these documents, which is pretty wild.
So an, quote, indigenous person, end quote, can walk up to a non-indigenous person and say, this farm, this house, this skyscraper, this factory, whatever, it's mine.
The land is mine.
You have 90 days to remove your house, your barn, your animals, your factory, whatever, from my land.
And return it to a pristine condition.
And if you don't, I get to bill you for the cost of removing everything on this land from my land.
You no longer live here.
You no longer have any rights.
I don't care where you go.
You're... You're not important to me.
The fact that we're both Canadians or Swedes or whatever, This is of no consequence because I'm an indigenous person and I've been told that this is my land.
In Alberta, the land use rights have now been changed so that you can't disturb six feet of the soil from the surface.
Six feet down belongs to Alberta.
I'm a farmer!
I'm growing alfalfa, I'm growing tomatoes, I'm growing zucchini.
No, you're not.
You can't do that anymore.
In other words, food production is now being criminalized.
Not just weaponized, but criminalized as in Europe, where the farmers are in a revolt against the European Union practices.
So, food production.
Isn't that so twisted, Dr. Labo?
Because they made up the nitrogen lies and the fertilizer lies and all of that sort of stuff in Europe.
This is actually weaponizing Like in Australia, we have the Aboriginal people.
It's weaponising the Aboriginal people in the country, making them feel like victims, therefore they can take the land back, but it never actually goes to them.
It goes to the United Nations.
Tim, if you could bring up just that page, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, just so that people know where to go.
And you need to read this document and read Article 46, because it literally says In the end, even after they do all of this and restore the rights and it says here that initially four countries voted against Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US.
Guys, those countries are now fully on board with UNDRIP and Article 46 clearly says that these people are under the control of the UN.
I want to really quickly as well go to the PAGE team which is a new global framework for managing nature through 2030.
This is the UN 30 by 30 agenda which the US again is signed up to.
Every single country is.
New global framework for managing nature through 2030 and it literally outlines how they are going to, at least 30% of land and sea areas need to be declared as protected areas.
Then if you go to That's the one, yes.
So again, everyone remember UN 30x30.
Then team, if you bring up the Council on Foreign Relations link that says, the push to conserve 30% of the planet, what's at stake?
If you actually scroll down that page till after the map, team, if you can find the Protected Areas and Wilderness Around the World map, And go down to the third paragraph after that map, it actually says that some experts call for protecting 50% of the planet, an initiative known as the Half Earth Project, while some indigenous communities call for 80%.
And in fact the plan...
The plan in Agenda 21, which is now a very difficult document to find, but I wrote a book on Agenda 21 actually, says that 99% of the world's land mass is to be protected, that means rewilded, that means barred to human use, while the remaining 10% of the world's population that's allowed to survive will be compressed into 1% of the world's land mass.
So this is 50%, 80% is gradualism taking us toward the hope for utter reclamation, rewilding, and of course this means, this goes along with the nonsense that every animal has the same rights as a human being, so scorpions and slugs Fish, each one has rights, which in the aggregate far supersede the rights of human beings.
And in fact, if you read their documents closely, rocks and stones have rights.
And so we have the least of all rights.
And the carbon that is being eliminated is us, Maria.
And this is the basic issue.
So there's a website, PreventGenocide2030.org.
And on that website there are very simple, easy and effective ways of pounding on your elected representatives in the United States and in Canada right on the homepage.
You can write to them, you can send them a short video, you can leave phone messages and it really matters to tell them I want you to co-sponsor this The press to get out of WHO, while worthy, while valid, is subsidiary.
and in Canada I want you to support the parliamentary petition that Lesley Lewis is going to bring
after 90,000 plus Canadians signed it.
And the same thing is happening in Australia, the same thing is happening elsewhere.
But the press to get out of WHO, while worthy, while valid, is subsidiary.
And if we expend our political capital on subsidiary issues, on dealing with pimples
and superficial cuts, when the body politic is being rotted from the inside by a cancer
called unelected nobodies or United Nations.
We are participating in our own death and demise.
They've been incredibly clear that they want a one world government and that, you know, the United Nations is Where the world needs to turn to in the event of crises.
Antonio Guterres or whoever the general is at the time, will be the one to call the shots in the event of a crisis.
Now people may say, oh well, you know, that doesn't guarantee that a country won't listen, will listen to the UN in the event of a crisis.
Our country is sovereign, we don't have to do that.
Let me guarantee you that there is an immense amount of theatre going on at the moment about the UN being powerless to deliver humanitarian aid and all of these sorts of things that the UN is just this Very innocent organization that just wants to be humanitarian.
This is not what the United Nations is.
If the UN wants something, they will get it.
Just like with the political declaration, 11 countries were opposed to this and they passed it anyway, saying that Guterres is the dictator of the world.
Okay, so they don't care.
They have no regard for human life, as evidenced by their actions, as evidenced by their push for injections.
And really quickly, Dr. Labo, if I can just go back to UNDRIP.
In Australia right now, through this push towards UNDRIP, that's what the voice referendum was.
We had an Aboriginal elder on InfoWars with us.
To discuss this and she was very very opposed to this because she understood that her people shouldn't be giving land back to the UN for goodness sake.
She was very opposed to it.
And for other reasons of course.
Maintaining their sovereignty and so on.
That's fine.
What they've done in the state of Western Australia now is they've done a similar thing where 20% of the land will go back to quote-unquote the Indigenous people.
It never does.
And you've got big banks supporting it and you know all of this apparently efforts to support the Aboriginal people.
And so a man in Western Australia built a bridge on his own property that he owns and now he's facing potential jail time because he apparently angered the Rainbow Serpent, which the Aboriginal people believe in.
This is a man who decided to build something on his own land, potentially going to jail for it because of these laws.
And so when people say, how are they going to corral everyone into smart cities?
It's not possible.
Well, if they start telling you that you can't touch 50 centimetres or 30 inches, 20 inches or so of your soil on your own land, as they did in WA in Australia, without consequences, It's pretty clear how they're going to do this.
Higher taxes, criminal charges, so on and so forth because you're apparently harming the earth and this is going to cause an existential climate crisis.
It's absolutely true.
From one direction, from another direction, from yet another direction, from an unexpected quarter, and all of it wrapped in pretty bows and lovely words, what they are doing is making life impossible without complete subjugation.
They have already determined that they will eliminate most of the population, and through transhumanism they will Literally eliminate the human race.
Our DNA is our past, our present and our future.
And I need not repeat what is being done to our DNA and will be done further if we allow it.
There is no aspect of human life which will be allowed to continue as we know it, as we value it.
And most of all, what is being destroyed is the capacity to love and to trust one another.
So we are being separated from our wisdom, from our bodies, from our DNA, from our children, from our property, from our very capacity to bring food forth from the earth.
We are being separated from our ability to think, to communicate, all of it in the interest of a vast and total suppression of humanity into A slave caste that can never rise up again.
To which my response is, no.
I want out of your system.
I agree with you.
I'm glad you brought up transhumanism.
A couple of weeks ago we had Dr. Anna Mihaylo on the broadcast.
Apologies for anyone that was listening that day.
We had some audio issues but we encourage everyone to go back and watch what she was talking about because humans are experiencing changes to their bodies that I would definitely say are synthetic in nature.
They are unexplainable from any form of natural or organic It's not something that can be explained by sort of traditional medicine.
We are living in times of synthetic biology and this is the problem when you look at this entire agenda.
I think that there is a way that they will achieve it through manipulating humans internally.
What are your thoughts on all of this, Dr. Remer?
How quickly is this agenda accelerating, this aspect of it?
Very, very rapidly, indeed.
The amendments to the international health regulations, which are a subsidiary and secondary problem, but are nasty, to say the least.
State that all vaccines shall be which are used and of course they have a plan in their immunization implementation agenda.
WHO states that there will be 500 mandatory new vaccines shoved into people and there will be all the conventional vaccines which are going to be reformulated as mRNA vaccines.
So vast numbers of vaccines all of which will be pre-approved For emergency use.
Well, that's that's quite a wild concept.
There is nothing left that is sacred, except to them, their absolute and utter power.
And I repeat, if we do not see the urgency and the impossibility of gradualism in Getting out of this death machine, then we are colluding in our own death.
And that's why PreventGenocide2030.org is so important.
We have no choice but to succeed or to acknowledge that we have agreed to our own Absolute destruction from the DNA level outward.
There is no parallel in history.
People have been raped, they've been murdered, they've been subjugated, they've been enslaved.
This is a different matter entirely.
This is total.
This is not partial.
And we either succeed or we die as a species.
How concerned are you about Some of these highly injected individuals, as an example, not being able to think for themselves anymore.
Oh, I see that all the time.
I mean, we can see the difference in people who have been injected and who have not.
We can see the level of irrationality that is rising.
We can't look at politicians who have always been irrational because truth doesn't have Very much of a place in their mental horizon, but in terms of the way people are interacting with each other in terms of the lack of empathy, in terms of the utter disregard for the rules of civility that is becoming more and more normalized.
When I first moved to Tucson, In 2017, Tucson, Arizona.
I'm from New York, and so people were stopping on the road so that I could go ahead of them.
And I thought, what have I done wrong?
Oh my goodness.
No, that was just the culture.
Culture of courtesy and stopping on the street, making eye contact, saying, hello, how are you?
Good day, ma'am.
That kind of thing.
Absolutely gone.
That no longer exists and that's really quite interesting.
No one told these people not to be courteous and interactive but it's happened and about 75% of the population here has allowed themselves to be jabbed multiple times with an unknown quantity of an unknown variety of poisons which have neurological inflammatory impact.
When you have Neurological inflammation, you have behavioral changes.
That's one of the very first signs of neurological inflammation, which is part of neurological deterioration and disintegration.
I read yesterday about a 23-year-old man in the UK, multiply jabbed, who is the youngest person ever to have been diagnosed with dementia in the UK.
That's happening.
And it's happening on a widespread basis.
What happens when your Uncle John shows the early signs of Alzheimer's?
He stops being empathetic.
He stops noticing the social signals of other people's needs.
And that's what we're seeing.
Very, very alarming.
And I ask this because we have, I've been saying for the longest time, we have this tiny little window.
That window is almost shut, in my opinion.
We have so many converging points this year, in 2024, of this agenda.
We have The WHO that wants to pass the IHR amendments in May, them even continuing with this process, they are in violation of Article 55 of the existing international health regulations right now!
Right now they are in violation of international law as we speak!
Because they're continuing these negotiations and they didn't meet their deadline in January to submit what they needed to submit.
So we have that happening.
We have the UN trying to pass this pact for the future as of September.
We have the upcoming US elections which will absolutely change the world whichever way they go in.
And so what what do you think in the next three minutes or so that we have Dr. Labor?
What do you think humanity needs could expect over the next few months?
What should people prepare for and finally where should they follow you?
Let me first say that as a physician practicing without pharmaceuticals for many many many years more than half a century people would come in with very well-developed diseases, conditions, and they'd have many, many, many, many, many symptoms, many issues, many dysfunctions, many shutdowns, many problems.
My job, as I saw it, was to find the central root cause of all of the dysfunctions, keep them alive and keep them comfortable while attending to the symptoms as secondary issues.
And then solve the basic underlying problem.
Well, I'm using the same reasoning here.
Each of the things you mentioned and a hundred more are the subsidiary pimples, the boils, the abscesses of the central corruption.
So what we have to do is eliminate the central corruption and cure it.
The cure, the cure is to exit The United Nations and then humanity must extract all of the roots of corruption that have been put into all of our systems preparing for this moment of cataclysm.
Prevent Genocide 2030 is where you must go.
Please sign up for the newsletter.
I have two podcasts a week.
One is called Catalytic Conversations.
I'm inviting you now to join us for one of those sessions.
They're quite extraordinary.
The other one is called the Dr. Rima Truth Reports and there's a substack.
Please subscribe to my substack.
It's called drrimatruthreports.substack.com.
I'm easy to find.
The problem is what are you going to do about it?
If you just find me and you find Maria and you find Alex and you say, wow, look at all the information that I have accumulated.
You are signing your own death warrant.
And that if your children and your neighbors and the planet, you must take action.
And the action is simple.
You ride your freedom mouse.
And you tell your politicians, don't you dare!
Don't you dare!
You work for me, you do what I tell you.
And when millions of us do that, they back down because they're fundamentally cowards anyway.
So, we need to bully them legally.
Yuval Noah Harari says that the 2024 US election will be the last election that is ever held in the way that we know elections.
He says that in future AI will decide for us who will rule over us.
And so we have a limited time to actually work with the politicians that are in place now before they go and collapse Everything, as we know it, Ukraine 24, have a look at that and what they want to do there.
AI government, AI currency, AI everything.
And so that just terrifies me.
Dr. Rima Labo, thank you so much.
Check out our content on Zmedia, on the Zmedia channel, on Bandop Video or Zmedia.com.
We'll see you soon.
God bless.
Central Bank Digital Currencies.
They don't hide in the shadows anymore.
They tell us exactly what they're going to do.
That's what's so frustrating.
If you study it, you know the battle plan, but they know the public doesn't check that out.
But we're able to give it to the public.
That could really mess up their operation.
The world is going to see a functioning CBDC very soon, within the coming year.
We saw bank failure 1.0.
It was Silicon Valley, Credit Suisse, First Republic, Silvergate Bank.
I mean, all of those.
First, we had the effects of a dramatic rise in interest rates, leading to the closure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank.
That was just a tremor before the bank failure.
Yes, I think bank failures 2.0 is coming.
I mean just last week the CEO of Citigroup said we're laying off 10% of our workforce.
So at times of crisis, which happens to be happening during an election year, People will say, okay, this is so bad.
Banks are shutting down.
All this economic failure.
We'll give you what you want.
Government just will give you away our freedoms.
Just take care of us.
Make sure that we can still feed our family.
But this is happening in surprising numbers.
We all sort of take our local bank for granted until it's gone.
That's happening in 4,000 other locations around the country.
And I think in the months ahead, we'll get more failures of regional banks around office space and commercial real estate.
Surveillance and privacy issues could arise if the central bank is able to monitor every transaction.
We've had over the last three weeks major disturbances in the banking world, right?
This comes after the regional bank suffered a week-long plunge in its stock, plus a credit downgrade.
We've seen stocks of things like Comerica Bank, Hackwest Bank, New York Community Bank, and even Schwab just start to hit the skids.
By the way, when you first came on months ago, you predicted this.
Yeah, I mean, because the writing was on the wall.
There's another big concern that a central bank issued digital currency could cause a bank run during economic instability.
Here's the ugly reality.
We are no different than Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Greece, Cyprus.
Any country who loses demand for their currency and is forced to print, they go into an inflationary spiral that brings social chaos.
Tangible assets like gold and silver are so important, not just because they're growing, because I think it's a means to protect your financial privacy and financial freedom.
I think there's going to be alternative systems of using tangible assets like gold and silver to back private currencies for individuals to actually be able to transact business on their own, not be a digital slave in their digital world.
These are the kind of solutions that I've been shouting from the rooftops for decades, Alex.
Inflation is coming.
What happens to tangible assets like gold and silver during inflation?
They go up!
People do need to get basic gold and silver.
They need to at least stick their toe in the ocean and do it.
They need to go to your website, KEPM.
KEPM.com forward slash gold.
K-E-P-M dot com forward slash gold.
That's K-E-P-M dot com forward slash gold.
Or call 720-605-3900.
They need to talk to you folks and start getting gold and silver bullion now.
But regardless, we're in for an insane time.
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