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Name: 20240307_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 7, 2024
2818 lines.

"The host discusses using comedy to expose the truth about the Democrat election through a website called BigMike.Exposed, with support from the Bitcoin crypto community. Unarmed guards and police officers are discussed in New York City, as well as gentrification's effect on crime rates in Philadelphia around bus stops due to public transit expansion. The show addresses gang activity at train stations/bus stops, Philadelphia's police commissioner, and crime increase since cops were defunded by Democrats. It also covers political persecution, Joe Biden's health, potential renunciation as a nominee, Kamala Harris possibly being replaced in the line of succession, Republicans damaging Biden's reputation before nomination, debunking lies from politicians like Adam Schiff, promoting X2 iodine supplements, and criticizing President Biden's support for Israel. The show argues that America should focus on domestic issues instead of Middle East conflicts."

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(dramatic music)
The United States of America, the Democrat Party, two things that cannot coexist.
One will be extinct by the year 2030.
It's up to us to determine which.
And of course, Joe Biden has a big State of the Union speech tonight.
And we're going to talk about what to expect from I never spoke to so many presidents all at one time.
Some of you might know what a big speech like I have to do is coming up to the State of the Union.
Any advice you have for me?
I never spoke to so many presidents all at one time.
Some of you might know what a big speech like I have to do is coming up to the State of the Union.
Any advice you have for me?
Big speech like I have to do? Good to...
Well, sir, in my capacity as president, all I had to deal with was a meteor.
One of the things that I came out of that with in my speech to people is hope.
Hope is the strongest force we have on this time.
It is the most useful and the most effective.
My advice is just keep telling us how you're working for us.
I feel like he's throwing Biden under the bus here.
And building hope.
Trump is the one giving us hope.
Well, Mr. President, you know, looking back at my own presidency, I behave very badly in a lot of situations.
In preparation for your speech, it's just there was one sort of piece of advice that meant a lot to me when I was present.
Tell them that you exist for them.
That's pretty much all he does is exist.
Make you a better man.
Yeah, that's pretty much it.
with you, tell them that you exist for them.
Tell them that--
That's pretty much all he does is exist.
Make you a better man.
And yeah, that's pretty much it.
Oh, and also when I used to give big speeches, I would always wind down with popcorn and red wine.
But I know for you that would be ice cream.
Ice cream.
Do that with ice cream, I highly encourage it.
I know from experience, obviously, what a tough job it is.
And when I was president, it seemed like every week, there was some new crisis that I had to face.
What happened to Gina Davis?
Thank you.
A little too much of that surgery?
One thing it always bears remembering, there's no crying in politics.
Well, what I hope is my politics doesn't make anybody else cry.
Oh my God!
Mr. President, from my experience of being... No, we're not, well, I mean, Lake and Riley's family might be crying, that's a different story.
Oh, no.
Don't get him to start talking about that again.
Senator Joe Biden talked about how he likes to, uh... Well, never mind.
start talking about that again.
So let that shine through in your speech.
Remember Joe Biden talked about how he likes to...
Don't forget to save a dance for the first lady in the East Room.
We've had a lot of lines to learn ourselves.
It's nice to watch somebody else have to get it all together rather than us, you know.
In Independence Day, I had it easy, you know.
We just had invaders from outer space coming in.
We got them at the southern border.
That tends to unify people.
Yeah, I know.
We got them at the southern border.
We're unified against the invasion happening right now.
I did manage to say two things.
The Biden invasion.
One is that we can't be consumed by our petty differences.
We will be united in our common interests.
And somehow these words became something to remember.
So I had the thought, Mr. President, that, you know, when people look at all that you've managed to do, they're going to remember.
Biden looks like a toddler.
He's just seeing for the first time.
The importance of your words when you say that.
He's just completely brain dead, folks.
There's nothing.
There's no activity.
There's nothing that we can't do when we talk together.
He's the one being treated like a child.
Those are good ones.
There's nothing beyond our capacity.
I'll tell you, that's really amazing.
So they reached for Hollywood to try to get some support for Biden ahead of this, but really the whole thing ends up being embarrassing, I would say, for old Joe.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, March 7, 2024.
Tonight, with 242 days left to the presidential election, Joe Biden will be delivering the State of the Union address.
We're going to tell you What you can expect from that, what we know is going to be part of the story.
Here on the Alex Jones Show, Owen Troyer filling in for Alex.
We may be hearing from Alex before the end of the transmission.
But we do have some news regarding what to expect from Biden's State of the Union this evening.
We also are going to be getting live coverage from the southern border from InfoWars.
Dan Lyman down there reporting with his team.
And there is some illegal immigrant news, including a sheriff talking about how the Biden administration is directly engaged in sex trafficking.
That's pretty high impact right there.
Of course, the media will ignore it.
It's funny.
To them.
Quite literally, actually.
They laugh about it.
And that's what's so frustrating about all this.
This bubble that these liberal elites live in.
And they think it's funny that you care about illegal immigration.
And they think it's funny that you care about the southern border.
They think it's funny that you even care about the country.
If you really want to get down to it.
They just think that's funny that you care about the country.
They think it's funny that you believe in God.
They think all these things are funny.
They have no human touch left in their soul.
Completely gone.
And really, as soon as Ronna McDaniel is out as the RNC chair, it should have already happened, they need to take those clips, we played them this week, They need to take those clips of the MSNBC cast laughing about you caring about illegal immigrants and the border, insulting the people of West Virginia and Virginia, and they need to be running those as political ads 24-7.
This is what the left thinks of you.
Now that ties into what is going to be happening during Biden's State of the Union tonight.
And some of the guests that have been invited by the Republicans.
I really wish they would have done more, but I guess we really don't know who they invited and didn't want to come, but... Man.
You could have invited, you could have had all the Gold Star families from Biden's disastrous military moves that cost Americans' lives.
You could have had families of the individuals like Lake and Riley who have been killed by illegal immigrants.
You could have had them in the stands.
When Biden talks about how secure the border it is and how much he's done, you could have them there.
There will be police officers there, specifically the police officers from New York City that got attacked by illegal immigrants, so we know they will be there.
But the liberal media thinks this is all funny.
They just think this is all funny.
Now, there's some aftershock still from Super Tuesday, and I want to get into some of that political news with some of the aftershock that we have.
And, you know, something that never ceases to amaze me It never ceases to amaze me, the blatant lies.
I mean, just obvious, over-the-top, ludicrous-level lies that get told by Democrats like Eric Swalwell.
I know a lot of people say, well, geez, how can you support the Republicans?
It's the unit party.
Well, I don't have a Republican, except maybe Dan Crenshaw.
That gaslights me like Eric Swalwell.
I mean, this guy will pee right in your face and tell you it's raining.
So, yeah.
I mean, it's not even close.
The Democrats are much more evil.
Plus, you could say the Republican Party has been a weapon against the United States of America, but we can Seize that weapon and then use it against the enemies of this country now, politically.
And that's what I see happening.
And there's more fallout from Super Tuesday that I think proves that as well.
So we'll get into all of that.
And then the head-on collision we're staring at right now with Donald Trump and Joe Biden for the rematch.
But, one Roger Stone believes it's going to be Michelle Obama, and he's going to be joining me today to discuss that in the fourth hour.
So I'm going to be doing four hours today, including the fourth hour with Roger Stone, why he still believes it's going to be Michelle.
I don't often disagree with Roger, and I don't like to disagree with Roger.
I just... I might have to disagree with Roger here, but we're going to get his take.
And might have to make a little wager with him.
We've also got some geopolitical news.
What's going on in the Gaza Strip?
What's going on in Ukraine?
Oh, but don't worry.
The House passed a bipartisan.
Another misnomer.
Well, not really.
It's really just the swamp.
We the people aren't affiliated with this bill.
We the people don't benefit from this bill.
The swamp does.
So it's bipartisan for all the swamp members.
It's not for we the people.
We're getting screwed.
It's very partisan for us.
Another $460 billion.
And how much of that's going to go to these wars How much of that's going to go to foreign countries and securing their borders and their sovereignty and their national pride?
You don't get any of that.
That's not for you, you dirty American.
Don't even think about that.
Don't even think about that.
But we've also got more just complete derangement from the mainstream media.
So you have Biden's speech tonight.
What can we expect?
Well, he's obviously going to lie about the state of the economy.
He's going to lie about the state of the southern border.
He's going to make a big push for more support for the war in Ukraine.
I am curious how he'll tiptoe around the issue with Israel and the Gaza Strip because they really can't win on that.
They want to try to have their cake and eat it too, but when everybody's tuned into the State of the Union, that's going to be more difficult to do.
That's why Kamala and Joe have come out as pro-Palestinian.
Survival but then they've also come out in major support of Israel because they have to and the money has to go there.
So it'll be interesting to see what kind of dance he does around that.
But it's mostly just going to be lies.
Lies about Donald Trump.
Lies about the success of his administration and at the border and the economy.
A push for more money for Ukraine.
That's my guess.
That's what I'm expecting.
But really all Joe Biden has to do is survive.
And of course, he will be using this as a campaign statement.
He doesn't hold rallies, he can't.
So this is basically going to be, you might call it a rally speech, because he needs to do something to generate some buzz, generate some support with a speech.
So he's going to use it for a 2024 rally speech with his last State of the Union, I'm sure.
But really, he just has to survive.
George Conway's advice for Biden's State of the Union.
He just has to be normal.
He just has to be normal.
That's hard, isn't it?
It's hard for Joe to be normal.
It's so hard for Joe to be normal.
It's so hard for Joe to look normal and sound normal, let alone be normal.
He just has to survive.
What kind of drugs are they going to be injecting into his veins all day?
They're probably stabilizing him right now.
He's probably being stabilized right now and prepared.
Like a science experiment.
But think about it.
We just had Super Tuesday.
Two days ago.
What has Joe Biden done?
That's a big day.
That's a big day in American politics is Super Tuesday.
And we went through Super Tuesday and the day after and Joe Biden has been virtually silent ahead of his State of the Union speech.
That just shows you where he's at mentally and physically.
He's not there.
He can't do anything to rally support for Democrats.
He can't do anything to respond to Super Tuesday.
He can't do any follow-up.
They have to have him in a hyperbaric chamber, iron lung, with a bunch of wires and needles and who knows what else going into him, just so he can do an hour-long speech tonight and not look like a zombie.
If that's even possible.
So the big challenge is, alright Joe, all you gotta do Is read from the teleprompter.
Try not to poop your pants.
Try not to get lost on the stage.
Try not to forget where you're at.
We're gonna pump you full of all kinds of drugs.
Just get through this hour.
Just get through it.
You've had multiple days of rest.
You just gotta be normal.
You just gotta make it till the end.
It's all you gotta do.
And I do wonder what the Republican response is going to be like.
It's not going to be too much, quite frankly.
They're not going to want to turn it into a clown show.
And the Republican Party is expecting Donald Trump to win in 2024, and so they don't want to create this environment around the State of the Union that would allow Democrats to behave like complete heathens.
Should Trump deliver a State of the Union, say, in a year?
But it will be hard.
I think it will be hard for a lot of the Republicans not to show an emotional, visceral response when Joe Biden talks about the security at the southern border.
When Joe Biden lies about Donald Trump.
When Joe Biden lies about the economy.
Whatever other lies, blatant lies.
I think it will be hard.
Speaker Johnson invites New York Police Department cops attacked by migrant mob to the State of the Union.
I don't know if there are any other, say, highlights as far as guests are concerned.
And I guess we won't know who got invited and turn it down, but if I was the Republicans, I'd have the Gold Star families there that Biden disrespected on the tarmac looking at his watch.
I'd have Gold Star families from Jordan and Afghanistan.
I'd have them sitting right there in this audience.
I would, yes, I'd have the police officers that get attacked by the illegal immigrants.
I'd also have families.
From individuals who have been killed and raped by illegal immigrants in there?
I mean, you could even bring up the victims of an illegal immigrant's rape.
There's dozens of them.
Just in Biden's three years.
So you could bring them up there.
You could bring Lake and Riley's family up there.
And let's do that!
Imagine Joe Biden having to stand there So, Lake and Riley's parents did get the invite.
They turned it down and that's fine.
You can't blame them for that.
They know how it was going to go.
They know they'd be sitting in that crowd and Joe Biden would tell them how safe and secure the border is and there is no illegal immigration problem and then they'd have to go through their daughter's death again.
Because Joe Biden.
So, I don't blame them for that.
But can you imagine, though?
That's what it should be.
That's what Joe Biden should have to do tonight.
He should have to sit there and lie to the parents and the family members of those that have been killed by illegal immigrants.
Raped and brutally murdered.
Joe Biden should have to stand right there, look them in the eye, and tell them that the border is secure.
So we'll see if there's any other guests that make any headlines, but it doesn't appear to be the case.
Doesn't appear to be the case that Republicans are too busy trying to reach a deal with the Democrats on this bipartisan bill that they finally got passed.
So, they weren't strategic and forward-thinking enough to make sure that they had... I would say, you really want to tic-tac-toe.
You want... Gold Star families killed by Biden policies.
Families of illegal immigrant murders, killed by Biden's policies, and police officers that have suffered from the Biden policy.
Of course, we'll be paying attention.
Now, Joe Biden, they want a nice, secure border.
Can you believe this?
They want a nice, secure border around the Capitol tonight.
Here's Representative Tom Tiffany showing you the strong border wall that Biden is building around the Capitol building in Clip 14.
Hey ladies and gentlemen, the State of the Union is here tonight.
President Biden will be giving his presentation at the United States Capitol, and he'll be protected by this fence just put in today for him.
But yet, he will not put up a wall on the southern border.
To protect Americans.
That's right.
They get a nice strong wall.
They get a nice strong border.
Even the illegal immigrant facilities have a nice strong border.
Good strong security.
They get armed security.
You don't.
They get police to protect them.
You don't.
It's always the case with authoritarians.
I mean Democrats.
It's hard to separate the two.
If there is any separation at all, it's paper thin.
Now, you've got the liberal media just going absolutely bonkers.
I mean, these people are completely losing their minds.
Trump derangement syndrome, I guess, part two here.
Where to begin?
We got all kinds of it.
How about Joe Scarborough?
You really gotta wonder about this man's mental fitness.
Or you also maybe have to wonder what blackmail somebody has on him for him to be such a lying phony on TV every day with his inflatable newswoman wife.
I mean, folks, this is so ludicrous.
Joe, blink twice if you're being held against your will.
Joe Scarborough, blink twice if somebody's got blackmail on you and that's why you're saying this on MSNBC Clip 8.
But comparing that guy's mental state?
I've said it for years now.
He's cogent.
But I undersold him when I said he was cogent.
He's far beyond cogent.
In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been.
Intellectually, analytically, because he's been around for 50 years.
And, you know, I don't know if people know this or not, but I used to be a hothead.
Sometimes that Irishman would get in front of the reasoning.
Sometimes he would say things he didn't want to say.
This is... And I don't really... You know what?
I don't really care.
Start your tape right now because I'm about to tell you the truth.
And F you if you can't handle the truth.
This version of Biden Intellectually, analytically, he's the best Biden ever.
Not a close second.
And I've known him for years.
Not a close second.
The Brzezinskis have known him for 50 years.
He's the UCA.
If it weren't the truth, I wouldn't say it.
If it weren't the truth, I wouldn't say it.
Joe, Joe, blink twice if you're being held against your will.
I mean, this is crazy.
This is nuts.
You know, again, here's my frustration.
And I don't mean to keep beating this, but this horse is not dead.
There is a golden opportunity here.
The mainstream media is one of the biggest weapons against Donald Trump and against our country.
Joe Scarborough is one of those weapons against the truth.
He just gave the Republicans One of the best opportunities for a political ad that you could ever imagine.
I mean, their Trump derangement syndrome needs to be used against them.
F you!
He literally said, F you!
He says, F you!
If you don't think Joe Biden is the smartest man on earth.
And then, okay, so you roll a...
60 seconds of Joe Biden fumbling, stumbling, stammering, babbling.
And then it's again, and then you bookend it with Joe Scarborough saying, F you if you don't think he's the most intellectually strong man on earth.
And then you say, the mainstream media says, F you.
This is the mainstream media that hates Donald Trump.
And then you do a little positive message for Donald Trump.
It's like, where is the vision here?
They're giving you gold.
The mainstream media is just giving you gold.
They're laughing at you because you think there needs to be a southern border.
That's political advertisement gold.
They're making fun of Virginians and West Virginians live on TV.
That's political advertisement gold.
But I guess Ronna McDaniel's lip injections and ass injections, can she hear this?
Can you get it, Ronna?
Can you hear us through your floral bouquets and butt filler?
Your head is a butt.
She needs to be out.
There needs to be vision and creativity.
And I understand people say, well, the GOP doesn't mean anything anymore.
And the RNC doesn't mean anything anymore.
Everybody, it's all about social media.
No, it's still a useful weapon.
There's still a purse there.
There's still a pot there.
There's still opportunity there.
But yeah, when it's run by Ronna Romney McDaniel, you're damn right it's defunct.
You're damn right it's a waste.
Doesn't have to be.
We got more of this.
I'm going to play you more of the mainstream media breaking down.
I'm going to show you Eric Swalwell just gaslighting you.
I guess it's... I'm sorry, but... Eric Swalwell is famous for farting in front of live cameras.
But I guess that's a different form of gaslighting that Swalwell engages in.
So we're going to come back with more of the mainstream media breakdowns.
We're going to be live from the southern border.
We got Roger Stone coming up.
We also may hear from Alex Jones.
A lot coming up on the show today, folks.
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Be right back.
All right, before we get back to the mainstream media melting down in their Trump derangement syndrome, perhaps we should show you the intellectual prowess of the Vice President Kamala Harris.
I mean, she is a true intellectual giant.
I mean, this woman will go into the history books as a great philosopher, public speaker, I mean, truly just moving.
Moving, I think you would say.
Here's some of the latest moving speech from Kamala Harris.
The duality of democracy in clip three.
Because when we think about the strength of our democracy, you know, I think that there's a duality to the nature of democracy.
intact, oh it's so strong in terms of what it does to uphold and protect individual rights and freedoms.
So strong in its nature and it's very fragile.
It will only be as strong as our willingness to fight for it.
Wow, I am moved. Stunning.
I mean, I have to tell you, I think in fact, I think it's too genius for me.
I think that I really can't even comprehend what she said.
It's way above my intellectual capacity.
From Kamala Harris.
Now, what's actually crazy about this is not that she may or may not have been pretending to give the old Willie Brown there, but she thinks she's a genius.
You can see it on her face.
She really thinks she is a genius.
As she's dribbling this drool out of her mouth.
She thinks she has it all figured out.
She thinks she's really putting timeless classics out there.
As she's making extremely awkward gestures with her hands and arms.
This woman thinks she's a genius.
She really walked away from that thinking, wow.
I showed them.
Wow, I stunned him with that one, didn't I?
I'm very impressive.
Oh my!
That's your Vice President.
Holy smokes.
The Democrats got a problem, folks.
The Democrats got a problem.
And the truth is, they don't care.
They've run Joe Biden up there as the President for three years now.
So, they really don't give a damn about how embarrassing they are.
But... What are they gonna do?
How can they... Do they really run Joe to the finish line?
Do they replace him with Kamala?
Do they leapfrog both of them?
With Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama?
None of those strategies make them look good.
I'll tell you that.
I'll tell you that.
Alright, let's look at some of this mainstream media breakdown here.
Let's start with Joy Reid.
This is truly one of the most deranged people in the history of public broadcasting.
If she's accomplished anything, she's accomplished that, Joy Reid.
One of the most deranged and demonic entities you've ever seen in public broadcasting history, Joy Reid gaslighting her audience in clip 11.
By the way, if you want to do another chart of when you saw the spike in border crossings, because it was down to record numbers under George W. Bush and President Obama, it spiked again because of COVID.
COVID is the spike again.
Just look at the chart.
All of these crises that Donald Trump inherited a strong, growing economy and managed to ruin it by ruining, by messing up No.
Biden caused inflation.
crisis which was COVID which is why the border went crazy it's why inflation
went crazy all of those crises Joe Biden has had to fix.
Joe Biden's job creation rate is second only to Bill Clinton. He's not only done you know
fixed it he's actually been more successful as a domestic policy
president than any modern president.
All of the things Donald Trump is trying to take credit for on the campaign trail are Biden things.
And Biden needs to run out there and take credit for it.
Take credit for what?
I mean, that is just incredible stuff.
It's like they don't...
It's like trying to do a book report for a book you've never read.
That's, that's Joy Reid on the air.
I mean, everything she just said is completely wrong.
It's like, it's like you, you read a book and then somebody that didn't read the book tells you all about the book and then you're scratching your head.
You're like, wait a second, did we read the same book?
I mean, where do you even begin?
Actually, she is, I will give her one thing.
She was right about the border crossing numbers.
They were low under Bush and Obama.
And Trump, all in comparison to the numbers under Joe Biden.
But in fact, the numbers under Joe Biden, there have been more illegal immigrants that entered the country under Joe Biden than Bush, Obama, and Trump combined.
But I guess that's Trump's fault.
No, then she says it's COVID.
Oh, COVID opened the borders?
The little virus, huh?
The virus opened the borders.
She says it's COVID.
But these are the same people that told you, you have to stay in your house and you can't go out in public and you have to lock down and we have to shut the country down for COVID.
But somehow that means that more people immigrated illegally into our country ever while you were locked down.
So COVID means everyone else gets to travel and illegally enter our country at record numbers, but you have to stay home and shut down your business.
According to Joy Reid.
Then she claims that Trump crashed the economy when that was actually COVID.
Then she blames Trump for inflation even though the inflation hit right after Biden policies took effect.
You can't make this stuff up.
Unless you're Joy Reid.
Then you can make it up all day long and you get paid to do it.
But aside from the atrocity that is everything Joy Reid says on the air, the bigger atrocity might be what she puts on her head every day.
Seriously, Joy.
Do you own a mirror?
I actually mean this, Joy.
You need to find a better hairstylist or wig stylist or whatever it is going on on that dome of yours, because...
I don't know what that is, but it's bad.
You are, your hair person or wig person or whatever it is, I think they're playing a prank on you.
Because that is, I don't know what that is.
Nobody wears that.
Nobody wears that.
Oh my gosh, I mean...
That's like if you're doing a comedy sketch and you intentionally put a wig on in a
in a, in an ugly way.
Eric Swalwell is now lying in gaslighting.
He claims that Trump's actions on January 6th killed cops.
Except no cops died on January 6th.
That's a lie.
Cops actually killed Americans.
Multiple Americans on January 6th.
So he just completely lies about that, just completely reverses reality and inverts truth on that in true liberal fashion.
But then he says something that we should all embrace.
He says, Representative Swalwell, the Republican Party is dead.
It's not coming back.
This is now a Make America Great Again extreme party that prefers violence over voting.
Well, we all know that the latter there.
If anybody prefers violence over voting, that's the left.
See George Floyd riots, see Antifa riots, see Trump inauguration riots, and we all know who's really the party of violence, but Yeah, the old establishment corrupt Republican Party is dead and it's not coming back.
This is now a Make America Great Again party.
You got that right, Eric.
And you hate it, don't you?
You hate the fact that the American people might actually control their own destiny politically now.
You really are upset about that, aren't you, Eric?
Well, 10% Of Biden 2020 voters, the 10% that were alive at the time, the 10% of living ones.
10% of living voters that voted for Biden in 2020 say they're switching to Trump!
So it's a little more difficult to do this math because you can't just take it from a 100% pool.
Biden's voter base is like at a 120, 30% clip because You had counties voting where more than 100% of voter turnout happened.
And then you also have dead people voting and then the mail-in ballot, the cat voted too in some homes.
So Biden has a voter pool of like 130%, but 10% of the 130% are going to be voting for Trump now.
130% but 10% of the 130% are going to be voting for Trump now.
Do you think that same phenomenon is happening on the other side of the aisle?
No, I don't think 10% of Trump voters are going to be switching to Biden.
No, and there's other similar numbers, but Biden is just hemorrhaging voters.
But hey, they can always go to the graveyard and find some other votes and just adopt a cat or two from the pet shelter and then, you know, puddles or your cat can vote for you too.
Vote for Biden.
So they'll find a way.
Biden and Trump to hold dueling campaign events in Georgia.
That's gonna be this weekend.
Biden is gonna be in the Atlanta area.
How do you think that goes for old Joe?
And then Trump will be in Rome, Georgia.
Northwest suburb.
And so...
What are you going to see?
You're going to see 20, 30,000 people showing up for Donald Trump and then you're basically going to see scenes from a dystopian dictatorship when Joe Biden comes to Atlanta and they're going to usher in the bought and paid for people to show up and then block out the actual public and massive crowds that don't exist to support Joe Biden but to protest instead.
So Trump will have an organic turnout of 20,000 to 30,000.
Biden will have a fake turnout of about a couple hundred, maybe a thousand max.
And it'll look like scenes from a dystopian science fiction authoritarian dictatorship at the Joe Biden event.
But then they'll tell you that Joe Biden is winning Fulton County after they stopped the voting and lied about a water main leak.
And then Joe Biden gets 300,000 votes and just as much as he needs to beat Trump.
But that'll be an interesting juxtaposition.
Trump calls for debates with Joe Biden after skipping the GOP debates.
He says he just wants to debate Biden.
Well, yeah, because that's who he was running against.
So it turns out it was a smart move.
There was nothing Trump could gain from those debates anyway.
But do you think Biden would show up?
Isn't that the ultimate question now?
There are typically Three presidential debates from the time of the official nomination of each party and the election.
Now, last year they cancelled them because Joe Biden couldn't hack it physically and mentally.
He couldn't debate Trump, so they just cancelled them.
And, of course, the excuse was COVID.
Well, what excuse do they use for Joe Biden dodging debates this go-around?
Now, this was brought up to Karine Jean-Pierre during a press conference and she just basically avoided the question and didn't answer it.
Karine Jean-Pierre refuses to say whether Biden will debate Trump.
So they're planning on Biden not doing any debates.
That's what the plan is.
Maybe that's because he's not going to be the nominee, but how embarrassing is that?
We potentially might have a second presidential election cycle Where Joe Biden, one of the presidential candidates, won't show up for a debate.
I mean that should be the end of you politically.
Just on its face.
Now there's another kind of twist to this and that's RFK Jr.
running as an independent.
I'm sure they wouldn't invite him to the debate stage if it was going to be Biden and Trump.
I'm sure RFK Jr.
would get the shaft there.
So maybe And it really would come down to what strategy Trump wants to use.
I mean, it would come down to that.
If Trump would see it as strategically advantageous to debate RFK Jr., then he will probably do that.
But if he sees that as a disadvantage to try to debate RFK Jr., then there aren't going to be any presidential debates.
It's very likely.
It's very likely.
And I can understand both sides.
I can understand Trump not wanting to debate RFK Jr.
because he does have weak points, mostly and almost everything being the vaccine and the COVID lockdowns.
And RFK Jr.
would hit him hard on that, no doubt.
And so, Trump might not want to expose that weakness and vulnerability and really be put to task on that.
Because, I mean, that's just a gaping wound ready to be reopened and just bleed out.
But at the same time, if you can find a way to cut a deal with RFK Jr.
Because that's what really needs to happen.
Trump and RFK Jr.
need to cut a deal.
And Trump can say, all right, look, Biden is going to bow out from these debates.
We both know it.
So let's have a debate, but let's basically make it WWE style.
And honestly, people tuning into this are saying, why are you talking like that?
Folks, this isn't about you or me.
This isn't about the InfoWars audience.
This isn't about the American that is politically aware and informed and knows what's going on.
This is about reaching the masses.
This is about reaching the American voters that are basically ignorant on most of the issues, most of the daily activities that happen in American politics.
So yeah, we need like a WWE style event to bring them into the movement and to garner as much support for an America First candidate as possible.
Otherwise, they're going to vote for Biden.
I mean, do you understand the level of propaganda that the left is engaged in?
I mean, we just played you some of the clips.
I just showed you some of the Democrat statements.
I got more on my video list today.
So this isn't about pulling one over on you or trying to deceive you or the American people.
This is about recognizing the time that we're in and saying, all right, we cannot let the Democrats have another four years in the White House.
We cannot let Joe Biden have another four years in the White House.
It is death.
That is death to America.
So yeah, they should make a deal and Trump should say, all right, we're going to have a debate, you and me, that's going to boost your numbers and you can bring up your big issues.
I can actually have a presidential debate, but you know, let's avoid these topics.
But you talk about these issues, these are your big issues.
Don't hit me on this, I won't hit you on that.
And then you go through those debates, you build up RFK's numbers, it'll take from the Democrats more than it'll take from the Republicans, more from Trump, it'll take from Biden.
And then RFK Jr.
drops out and endorses Trump, and Trump promises him a role in his administration.
That would be a strategy for victory.
Now, again, I don't see anybody in the Republican Party that has strategies like this and it's basically whatever Trump wants or it doesn't happen.
But that's what needs to happen to put a massive dent into the support that exists for Joe Biden.
But more than anything, it's just to say if Biden is going to refuse If Biden is going to refuse to debate for a second straight election cycle, then something has to be done in response to that.
You have to really, really make that an issue.
You have to really, really expose Joe Biden for not wanting to debate.
You have to make that the issue, because if they just don't have any debates, then the average American doesn't understand what's really going on.
They just say, oh, there's no debate.
If there's a debate and Joe Biden doesn't show up, now they're saying why.
And the answer is obvious.
Joe Biden is a coward.
Joe Biden can't debate.
Joe Biden would get destroyed in a debate.
And he's not even physically or mentally fit enough to have a debate.
And that needs to be understood by every single American.
But if there's no strategy, if there's no strategy, if there's no moves being made, To get that understanding into the average American's consciousness, then it's not going to happen.
These things don't just happen magically, folks.
It requires strategy and action.
And the only strategy and action you have from RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel is hopping in a limo filled with flowers to the Botox doctor.
All right.
We're going to take a break on these issues for a minute and we're going to get into the Border issues now.
We got a wild press conference from Sheriff Grady Judd coming up and then Dan Lyman reporting live at the border here on the Alex Jones Show.
We will be right back.
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And what this is, and I want everybody to see it clearly, federal policy drives
illegal immigrant crime and victimization.
And that's the focus.
Other than our victims of human trafficking.
Listen folks, I want to introduce you to Andres Gil.
Here's this guy.
He's also on this board, but get a look at him for a second.
He came down here from New York with three females.
All of them are in the country illegally.
Did you hear what I said?
They're all here illegally.
He's the one that comes with them to drive them.
These ladies are all controlled by a human trafficker.
We think their human trafficker is a female.
She sets up their appointments, she puts their ads online, she tells them where to go, and by the way, on Friday, the victims of human trafficking, and we've grayed them out, three of them, that are here illegally from Venezuela, three of them have to pay her $3,000 a piece on Friday, or else they're threatened.
So, they're not free.
They're really indentured.
And they're quote-unquote paying off their debt.
Now, here's what they told us, alright?
I'm sure the federal government will verify that this is not true, but you decide who you want to believe, whether you want to believe these victims of human trafficking, or the whitewash the federal authorities give you.
Where's the MeToo movement on this?
I think they'll be covering this, talking about this, marching for this?
GHS gave them a form, an ID, paperwork, that allows them to fly for free.
You know, Southwest would let your bags fly free.
Well, the federal government will let your illegal immigrants fly free.
And they operate out of New York.
And they were working up there and the New York authorities said, hey, if you don't have identification, you can't work in our sex trade up here.
You know, we don't allow sex trade here at all, but New York will allow you to do some stuff if you've got the proper authority.
So they say they make a lot of money.
They're addicted to it.
These ladies are going to give you more details.
They tell us That they fly to major metro centers for free on the federal government where they set up their appointments for sex all around the country.
Did you hear what I said?
Listen folks.
If they don't pay $3,000 a piece on Friday, they're in trouble.
The human trafficker sets up the deal.
Hey, this deal is just outside of Tampa.
They say, they show this ID, this card, this paper, they fly for free down here.
Then they fly back.
But we heard a similar theme from all 21 of these folks.
We can't work legally.
We're addicted to this cash.
It's a lot of cash and it's quick, so we have to give $3,000 a week.
We get to keep everything above that.
We have a crisis at the border.
And because of the crisis at the border, we have people that are victimizing illegal folks, forcing them into the sex trade, because we allow these criminals in the country illegally.
We all rail about this and nobody pays any attention.
And then we want... Now this press conference goes on...
So you have child sex trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking, I mean, all this stuff going on with Biden's open borders.
Not to mention the criminals coming in, the rapists, the murderers.
You know, there's an understanding here, there's a larger consciousness understanding here that we have to push back against.
There's a couple stories out of Philadelphia.
Eight teens hurt in a mass shooting.
Eighty-eight-year-old veteran executed in broad daylight in Philadelphia.
There's sex trafficking.
We're told that this is just normal.
Just accept this.
No, folks, we should be all concerned about this.
We should be shocked and horrified about this.
This is not normal.
We're now joined by InfoWars writer Dan Lyman.
He is reporting to us live.
So we just played that clip, Dan, of the sex trafficking that's going on because of Biden's open borders.
And I know you've done a lot of extensive reporting on the illegal immigration.
So he's not allowed to do that.
He might get arrested.
That's only for the illegal immigrants.
Dan Lyman joining us.
So we just played that clip, Dan, of the sex trafficking that's going on
because of Biden's open borders.
And I know you've done a lot of extensive reporting on the illegal immigration.
And so I think what's incredible about this is not only do we have the sex trafficking,
We have all the illegal immigrants raping people.
There was just a story this week, one kidnapped a 15-year-old girl.
He already had a charge of sexual battery against a minor and the Democrats let him back out on the streets, kidnapped, abducted another girl, drove her across the country.
I mean, why is it that these stories just kind of come and go like a breeze on a spring day?
I mean, these things, this is not normal stuff.
All the American people should be shocked and horrified by this, but it's like, this belief that, oh, this is just normal, this just happens, no big deal.
What, where is the disconnect here?
Well, the disconnect, of course, can be blamed on the government media complex.
They are the ones that prevent the American people from knowing just how bad things really are.
But these kinds of crimes have been happening for decades.
American citizens, by the hundreds of thousands, have been affected by crime that is basically imported into this country.
It doesn't need to be here in the first place.
In the last three years under the Biden regime we of course have had more than 10 million illegal aliens have entered the United States, many of them coming directly out of prisons from the third world and coming into our country and of course we know now that gangs are operating freely in the U.S.
We have rapists and sex traffickers and you know apparently there are plenty of people in the American government that are totally fine with this because every time Well, and that's another aspect of this.
any of these stories we find that all of them were on the radar, all of them at some point
were encountered by US authorities, and in many cases released onto the streets after
committing heinous crimes.
Well and that's another aspect of this, the fact that they either have prior records or
have even been caught and released.
Even the story with Lake and Riley recently, you know, I mean where are these people coming
It's likely, and who knows if we can ever find out, I mean, they crossed the southern border and they don't have a trace of their history with them, they can just cross and then the Democrat lawyers tell them, hey, here's the app, here's how to get in illegally, you don't need any ID, nothing.
I mean, what are the odds that we'll find out that individual or other individuals are Prisoners!
Prisoners that got released in Venezuela and told, alright, here's your ticket, you're going to America, just, you're out of prison, but you're going to America now.
No, absolutely, and that's happening all the time.
And not only are we getting prisoners coming into the country, we're actually getting fugitives as well, as we've covered often at InfoWars.
So, these people are on the lam for rape charges, sex trafficking charges, murder charges in their home countries.
They're coming to the U.S.
and basically getting asylum from, you know, from their own governments.
You know, de facto asylum.
And, you know, as you mentioned, of course, you know, we don't even know who many of these people are.
I'm right here in Mexico, on the banks of the Rio Grande, picking up IDs, documentation, military IDs from other countries.
All these people, of course, we know this now, they discard these documents before they enter the U.S., and they enter the U.S.
and say whatever they want.
They give whatever name they want, they can be whoever they want, and they can have a totally new identity given to them by our own government.
And of course, again, they're coached by Democrat lawyers.
They write this into the bills, and they give tens of millions of dollars in these bills.
It's probably in this latest bipartisan bill, I wouldn't be surprised.
They call it a national security bill, and then they put in tens of millions of dollars for lawyers that are the ones that teach the illegal immigrants how to beat the system, game the system, get free money, and get in.
So what are some of the recent reports, or let me actually, let me dig into what you were just talking about.
You're finding IDs.
This is not a rare phenomenon.
This happens all the time.
Military IDs, though.
Military IDs!
Yes, indeed.
We just walked down here.
We've been in Mexico for a couple days now, and we were just walking along the banks here, where one of the areas that is very common for mass crossings.
Right now it's a little quiet, but we're finding plenty of IDs, documentation, people from all over the world.
But we did find a Colombian military ID just up the bank there.
And so it's just disturbing.
We know that... Why would somebody in a military in another country discard their documents on their way into the U.S., if not for nefarious purposes?
Or just, you could ask the general question, aside from the alarming issue that you have military men coming in, why would anybody ditch their ID?
Because they're trying to hide something!
And of course, as you mentioned, they're being coached by attorneys and by NGO operatives exactly what to say when they get to American soil and how to kind of game the system.
And then, of course, they're given court dates, as we know, 10 years in the future in some cases.
So these people are de facto being granted asylum in many ways, granted legal status within
the country in a way where they can be here and they can say, "Well, I don't have an
immigration appointment for another ten years, but I'm allowed to stay here in the meantime."
And of course, most of them are not even going to show up.
Most of them will disappear into the interior of the country.
Many of them will have children, and then their children will become American citizens
in that time.
Well, think about how crazy this is.
This is not the same law enforcement that U.S. citizens get, whether it's you want to
fly and travel and you get groped and prodded by TSA.
I mean, even in New York City now, they have the National Guard at the subways and on the streets.
Kathy Hochul talks about them just stopping you and frisking you and going into your bag.
But it's like if I get pulled over, And now if I get pulled over I have to go through a whole probation report, you know, because I'm such a bad criminal here.
No violent record, nothing like that, but a speech crime.
So if I get pulled over by cops...
Because my tag is expired or something.
And that's happened.
I get pulled over for a tag being expired.
And then I have to contact my probation officer and fill out paperwork.
And they have to contact my probation officer and fill out paperwork.
Even if they don't write me a citation.
Just because my tag is expired by a month.
I mean, can you imagine though?
Maybe I ditch my ID.
If I get pulled over and I'm like, you know what, I don't want to do this.
I'm just going to ditch my idea out the window.
Throw it out the window.
Well, now I'm probably getting multiple charges.
But if I was an illegal immigrant, hey, don't worry about that.
Yeah, not to mention, you know, on my flight here, of course, they're instituting these facial scans and photographs when you check in at TSA to get to the check-in area.
And now this is happening at airports across the country.
They don't really explain to you that you can decline that photograph.
However, we've seen evidence that in airports where a lot of illegals are coming through, the instructions that are in Spanish, let them know if you have this photograph taken.
Let a CBP agent know ahead of time.
So they're being instructed, they're being given, you know, all the free passes and how to access them.
Whereas American citizens were just corralled into this police state.
And it's just total madness.
It's anarcho-tyranny in what it's called.
Wow, look at this one.
Venezuelan migrant arrested for the third time under his third name in Chicago.
I mean, that tells you everything right there.
But Dan, how much do you know about that new REAL ID system?
I don't want to get too far off track, but I am curious about that.
You said you can refuse it but obviously they're trying to get some sort of a new either face scan ID technology or something normalized at the airport.
How much can you tell us about that?
Well I was actually asking somebody about that that works in intelligence and I with this information?
What are they gonna couple it with?
What are they trying to do?
And his opinion was that they're gonna start putting together these retic scans, these facial scans,
and put them together with your gait, with your stride, and other photographs of you,
and basically be able to recreate your entire persona and track it all in real time
as we move forward into the control grid.
I can't confirm any of that, but that's what I was told.
And of course, we know that none of these things happen for good reason.
They're always with nefarious purposes.
And I find it disturbing now that I just, when I want to board a plane,
I have to submit to these retina scans or facial photographs that we never had to in the past.
And of course, at the same time, when the borders are open to the rest of the world to come in, we have no idea who these people are.
Yeah, I mean, that really just shows you how fraudulent all of it is.
And that this really isn't even about security.
It was like the same thing with COVID.
It was never about stopping the virus.
It was about dominating you.
If they cared about stopping a virus, then they would have shut down the illegal immigration at the border.
They didn't.
It was record immigration numbers in Biden's first year when COVID was, you know, apparently still a thing.
Obviously, it was all BS anyway.
But it's the same thing with the TSA.
No security at the border.
Come right in.
No problem.
But, oh yeah, you're an American citizen.
You're going to get patted down.
You're going to walk through the metal detector.
You're going to get the face scan, the retinal scan.
So it's just like you said.
It just shows how it's all security theater.
It's not actually for security.
It's all about teaching the American that you are a slave and you will be put through these things and treated like a terrorist.
Yes, indeed.
Yes, indeed.
It's crazy.
I'll tell you more about security theater when we come back from break.
Well, we're skipping the break, Dan, so go ahead.
Oh, we're skipping the break.
All right.
Well, so here we are.
I'm on the ground, as I mentioned.
In Mexico, us, from...
Eagle Pass, Texas, where, you know, Eagle Pass has gotten a lot of attention in recent years, of course, because this is really one of the epicenters of the Biden invasion.
Thousands upon thousands on any given day have come through this area.
Right now, it's a little quiet.
And we've been digging into why that's the case.
We've been reporting on that for months at BorderHawk, that it is a lot quieter than it was.
So right into the run-up into the end of 2023, the mass crossings were just monumental.
And we captured footage right at the end of 23.
Our correspondent here in Mexico, Efrain Gonzalez, was actually walking the paths with these large groups of illegals on their way to the Rio Grande.
And he captured footage of Mexican soldiers guarding the path, unable to ensure quick passage for large groups of illegals.
On January 1st, right around that time, something changed.
The flip was, uh, the switch was flipped.
And we think that it has something to do with an agreement that was struck between the Biden administration and the AMLO administration towards the end of 23.
Everyone was realizing the optics were terrible.
And so they said, we got to crack down on this in some way.
So now, the Mexican military, instead of guarding the paths to keep illegals safe on their way to the U.S.
or to keep, uh, coyotes or a cartel away, now they're actually, they're doing a decent job of actually guarding the border.
And so the flows coming through into Eagle Pass have slowed substantially.
We just got an inside look.
I believe we're the first American journalist to get inside the shelter here in Piedras Negras.
We filmed the report there.
It's going to drop in the next few hours or tomorrow.
And in the shelter...
In the past, they were moving thousands of illegals per day.
Sometimes two massive groups per day were being shuttled out of this shelter, across the border, and coming in mass groups and being welcomed on the other side by U.S.
We uncovered last year how these people were being directed, and we found out that they were actually being provided with GPS coordinates by mysterious hands, either by government officials or by coyotes, smugglers, And being told, you know, a thousand people at a time gather at this point on this bank of the Rio Grande, a place that none of them have ever been to before, of course, because they're from around the world.
How would they find this place altogether?
They gather at this point, they cross the river, and then they are welcomed on the other side by U.S.
I'm actually standing right now.
Last year we captured, we were, BorderHawk was the exclusive footage right behind me.
When Border Patrol came in with a forklift and raised the razor wire that Texas had established along the banks here to allow a group of hundreds of illegal aliens to come into the country.
And so, of course, that case blew up and went all the way to the Supreme Court.
The tampering of Texas razor wire by federal officials, and we captured that right here on this bank.
Yeah, I mean, imagine if a cop walks into a bank robbery And you've got the robber sticking up the teller, and the police are like, oh, oh!
And then the police grabs his gun and holds it to the teller and says, you give him that money!
Yeah, that's right, you give him that money!
I mean, that's basically what the Biden administration did at the border!
Right, indeed.
And we documented this at InfoWars as well, but for instance, the border barrier that was built during the Trump administration and previous administrations, you know, it's apparent here in Eagle Pass proper.
You go one mile down the road, there's nothing.
There's a pecan orchard.
There is literally no defense preventing anyone from entering the U.S.
at that point.
Not to mention, the barrier is far inland from here, so once they've reached U.S.
soil, of course, they have all sorts of technical legalities that they can work with, claiming
So what good is the barrier if it's already, you know, a half a mile or a mile inland?
But the point is that it's just in little segments.
We also covered today the marine barrier, which has, you know, caused a lot of stir.
We've covered that story for months.
The buoys in the middle of the river.
You come here and you lay eyes on that?
It's a joke.
It's a couple hundred yards long on miles and miles of river.
It's this tiny little stretch where it was popular to cross.
It's security theater here.
You already used that phrase.
That's exactly what's going on.
We see that, you know, if you really want to come across this river, you're going to make it across.
There is a bit of a crackdown right now.
We'll give them that.
Mexico is playing a big role in that.
And if Mexico decides to let the floodgates open again, then chances are we're going to see flows like we did in the past.
So, it's just really interesting.
And I'll give you one more interesting anecdote from today.
We actually went down to the river right across from where Border Patrol launches all of their marine patrols.
And there was a group of about 10 to a dozen illegal aliens waiting on the bank, waiting to be led into the US.
They had been there for a little while.
And as soon as the National Guard and Border Patrol and the agencies on the other side, on the American side, saw us filming reports, they fired up a boat, They sent soldiers down to the riverbank with riot shields to make a show like they're actually doing something at the border in case our cameras were rolling.
They sent a boat flying back and forth by us.
As soon as we turned the cameras off and moved away, they packed up, they went right back into the U.S.
as if nothing had happened.
It's just a total, it's a joke.
It's really the epitome of clown world Hong Kong.
But this is the future of the nation at stake and that's what we're documenting here at BorderHawk.
Well, I would also argue part of the reason why you're not seeing the moves that he will pass, at least in the current time span, because you just had The theater of Trump and Biden going down to the southern border.
I forget who went to Brownsville and who went to Eagle Pass.
Maybe Trump went to Eagle Pass.
Trump went to Eagle Pass.
So yeah, so they wanted to make sure that there were no illegal immigrants coming across when Trump was at Eagle Pass.
We know that they do that.
I mean, we've documented it.
We know the whack-a-mole game they play.
Because they play it mostly with the media.
So when they flood Eagle Pass with illegal immigrants, And then the viral videos hit the media and then the media rushes to Eagle Pass, well then they move them to McAllen.
Well then when the media picks up that there's tens of thousands going into McAllen and they send the cameras there, well then they move them to Brownsville.
Well then when the media sees them going to Brownsville and they send the cameras there, they move them to El Paso.
And so it's this constant game of rotational whack-a-mole that they play to make sure nobody can keep up with the illegal immigration pipeline that Biden has coming in.
But it seems now that they're sending them through California more than
anything and now they're building these shelters in San Diego and
other parts of Southern California because that's where they're going in now.
But you know as far as the wall is concerned, you know to me
and you can comment on that whack-a-mole too, but to me like the wall, the physical barrier is really just half the
Maybe even less than half.
Policy is what's driving this more than anything.
It's policy that's driving this invasion more so than the lack of a physical barrier, in my opinion.
I mean, that's really what it boils down to.
And these people know that they're seeing that they're giving out $10,000 a month in New York, supposedly $9,000 a month in Chicago.
So, of course, these people, they're not going to be deterred.
They're going to find their way here because it is definitely in their best interest to get into America and start accessing some of that free gives.
But I want to go back to what you were saying a second ago, excuse me, about just the security theater aspect of things.
And it's just it's incredible to me That we have unlimited resources to deploy whenever we want to, to involve ourselves in foreign military conflict.
Um, but here on the border, where it really is most needed, we have, it's kind of a joke.
I mean, we've been encountering, uh, members of the military here that they don't look like serious people.
They don't look like they should be in the military.
They don't look like they've gotten out of boot camp.
Their, their, their fatigues are sloppy.
Their, their hair is not in check with military code.
I mean, these don't look like serious people and we're told that a lot of the weapons that they're carrying around are empty.
It's all for show.
So when we want to involve ourselves on foreign territory, we go all in.
All the weapons go that way.
When we want to protect the southern border, nothing.
We can't even have rifles with proper ammunition in them.
Well, right.
And they passed this new bipartisan, they call it a security bill.
10% of the money is for securing the southern border, they claim.
The rest goes to Ukraine, Israel, wherever else.
But the truth is that even the money going here doesn't secure the border.
The money going here pays for resources to keep the flow of illegal immigrants coming in.
I mean, the whole thing is I mean, it's just outright falsities.
It's just complete lies to the American people to be told that this is a national security bill.
Not only is it not about our national security, it also doesn't stop the illegal immigrants.
It pays for them to get in.
Right, of course.
Billions and billions of dollars are being given to these NGOs who are facilitating really at the ground level.
And yesterday we actually found a shelter here that is super heavily guarded.
We had to get creative just to even find some sort of access point to approach the shelter because there's like one gate to get through that official vehicles go through to get there.
So we actually approached the shelter from the outside.
We were able to get a little bit of footage.
As soon as employees in there saw us, they ushered everyone that was outside
of presumably illegal aliens, they brought them all inside hurriedly,
and they sent security out to confront us right there at the gate.
And we were told that anyone who even approaches this shelter,
they call the local police.
So we had a security guard sweep around us in their vehicle and they were on the phone.
And we were told that we were within minutes of having police there to confront us
and who knows what else to question us, I'm sure.
But that of course, it demonstrates that the state is working in conjunction
with the NGOs to facilitate the flow and making sure these people are heavily guarded
and well-sheltered and given plenty of privacy as soon as they make their way onto American soil.
Well, that's right.
It's the same thing we saw at the hotels in New York and Chicago.
If somebody shows up filming or just asking questions, they go absolutely bat-crap crazy.
You walk into the hotel, they get kicked out.
It's maddening.
They have huge security forces outside the recreation centers that the locals used to use to, you know, go play basketball or chess with their friends or, you know, drop their kids off while they're, you know, at work or something.
Now it's all for the illegal immigrants.
Alright, you said you have some exclusive video coming.
Is this going to be a Banned.Video?
What do you have and when can we watch it?
Yeah, we'll be dropping reports on Twitter at BorderHawkNews and uploading everything of note to Banned.Video as well.
And of course, BorderHawk.News is our website and we'll also be cross-posting everything that on InfoWars.com and I will actually be in studio with all you guys all day tomorrow breaking down our findings Uh, on your show, The War Room, and also with American Journal.
Alright, well, um, maybe you should just claim to be, um, uh, Danilo Lamino.
And, um, you know, maybe you can get some free stuff, a couple hot meals before you come join us in studio.
Hey, why not?
I mean, you might as well, you're paying for it all anyway, so.
But imagine, no, you'll actually be scrutinized, you'll get questioned, you'll get arrested, because you're an American citizen.
But if you were an illegal immigrant, I mean, talk about an SNL skit, it writes itself.
Dan Lyman, great work, thank you for joining us, we'll see you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Yeah, SNL should just do that skit.
It's like somebody is down at the southern border and law enforcement shows up and is harassing them and is like, I'm not a citizen.
And it's like, oh, I'm sorry, we didn't know that.
And then they bring them like a nice five star meal, five course meal, you know, brings them whatever they need.
That could be a nice SNL skit.
All right.
We're going to take a break.
We're going to rejoin here and play some of these other mainstream media Trump derangement syndrome clips.
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What would you call the debate and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
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I mean even I'm sitting here like A victim of exactly what I'm talking about.
We're just so numb to it now.
Sheriff Judd talking about how the Biden administration is facilitating sex trafficking.
Directly affiliated with it.
You just had James O'Keefe exposed.
Journalist exposed his secret migrant trafficking operation at San Diego Hotel.
It's literally government-sanctioned, government-funded, government-run human trafficking.
And you're just numb to it.
Dan Lyman just came on the air, finding military IDs discarded at the southern border.
Oh my gosh, I mean this is just...
It's, it's, it should be shocking, stunning stuff and yet we're just, we're just numb to it.
We're just used to it.
This is just the treatment we get.
Incredible stuff, isn't it?
Speaking of incredible stuff, I gotta say, man, I'm drinking the InfoWars coffee today.
For whatever reason, whenever I change hosting duties, normally I host the War Room 3 to 6 p.m.
at Banned Out Video.
Part of InfoWars live programming.
But for whatever reason, whenever I switch the shows I'm hosting, and I'm hosting the Jones Show, it's harder for me to sleep at night.
It's like this weird thing in my head.
So I've just been struggling to sleep.
But man, this coffee is just so good.
It's keeping me going.
Struggling to put it down, quite frankly.
But you can find out for yourself how good it is.
Just had to mention that as I'm on my third cup now.
Let's go back to this Trump derangement syndrome media here.
This is just, I gotta tell ya, this is really pathetic from Van Jones.
This is truly pathetic from Van Jones.
So I guess this is where they're gonna end up.
Where is the mainstream media gonna end up?
In October of this year.
Basically, if you vote for Trump, you're gonna die.
I mean, that's basically what... If you vote for Trump, you're dead.
That's how it's gonna end.
And so they're slowly getting to there.
Here's Van Jones in clip 9.
And Van, what does President Biden need to do at this point to earn those Nikki Haley supporters?
Bring them into the fold.
We saw the Biden campaign putting out a statement from President Biden almost immediately after Nikki Haley walked off that stage in South Carolina.
What do you think?
I think he needs to talk to her donors and her supporters and say, if you want to, a year from now, watch Russian tanks rolling through Europe, then, you know, endorse Donald Trump and get on that bandwagon.
But understand, you're going to wake up one morning and you're going to see horror across Europe, and you're going to have American soldiers, sailors having to go over there and do something that we could have done with dollars, we're going to have to do with blood.
If you want to continue to see the country being divided and unable to govern itself and treat itself well,
get on that Trump train, but you've got to place it over here.
Now, he also, I think, needs to make a stronger case for what he is going to do to keep the economy moving in a good
direction for people who go to grocery stores and can't pay for their
But I thought the economy was good!
He said he's going to put the DLJ and the FTC on these grocers, these corporate grocers that are ripping off Americans.
He needs to lean into that for the voters.
My God.
But for the people like us who care about a democracy around the world, they have a binary choice.
We're out of NATO and Russia is running over Europe, or you stand with Joe Biden.
Vote Joe Biden or die.
And that's going to be where they end up here.
So they admit that the grocery bill is going up, but that's not Bidenomics.
They admit grocery bills are skyrocketing under Joe Biden, but that's not Joe Biden's fault.
No, that is a policy issue.
That is a direct result of Biden policy.
So then they say Biden needs to then go after the farmers and the grocery stores to lower their prices.
But here's the thing, Van Jones is actually not that stupid.
He's actually not that stupid.
He plays stupid liberal on TV, but he's actually not stupid.
Remember, it was Van Jones on the streets on an undercover video who admitted in 2016 that they all knew that Russian collusion was fake.
He knew it, and yet he still went on CNN every day talking about Russian collusion, pretending it was real.
He knew it was fake.
So Van Jones pretends to be a stupid idiot liberal on TV.
He's really not.
So I don't know if that's worse than being a stupid idiot liberal or just pretending to be one, but... So just keep that in mind when you hear Van Jones talking like this.
Van Jones know Russia's not gonna invade Europe with tanks.
He knows that.
He knows that's a 100% lie.
But see, then he goes along with the Democrat Party lie of... I guess the Lindsey Graham lie, too, that says...
You're going to fight a war if you don't support, if you don't give money in Russia to Ukraine.
I mean, talk about a shakedown.
Talk about extortion.
Put a gun to your head and say, give me money.
And so now Van Jones is a part of that too.
He ought to be ashamed of himself, but I guess he's not.
Because he just keeps doing it.
And they cut him a nice check to do so.
So I guess he'll continue to play the role of idiot liberal on TV when he knows everything he says is a lie.
He knew Russian collusion was a lie, he still went on TV every day and talked about it.
He knows Putin's not going to invade Europe, yet he goes and says it.
And then he goes with the military-industrial complex talking point that if we don't fund these wars and support these wars, we'll be going to die.
Well, what the hell?
So if I don't give you money, you're going to send me to fight Russia?
How do they get away with this crap?
How do they get away with this crap?
And then admitting that the grocery bills are higher.
So first they deny there is no inflation, but then they admit there's inflation and Biden needs to direct the blame on the farmers and the grocery stores as if they don't understand how basic economics works and as if they don't understand how basic business works.
When your production costs go up, the prices go up!
That's, you know, like second grade economics, but not for a liberal.
They don't get that.
So here's more from the dying mainstream media.
CNN anchor left stunned when Gold Star Mom says that Biden has never reached out to her family about her daughter-in-law's death.
Don't be so stunned, CNN.
Joe Biden is an absent president.
Clip two.
You have been critical of how President Biden has talked about the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Tomorrow, he's going to be addressing a lot of global issues, probably in his State of the Union address.
What do you want to hear from him about the two years ago, what happened to your daughter-in-law?
I want to hear how he's going to strengthen our armed forces and support them and answer our questions and lead to a thorough investigation, like they promised, so that we can move forward in a positive way and make it better.
President Biden, he's often called the consoler-in-chief.
He does talk to families who have lost loved ones because of his own experiences.
Have you experienced that from him as you've been coping?
Wait a second.
I'm sorry.
Pause that and rewind that.
I must have missed this when I listened the first time.
Did she just go along with the Biden lie that he lost a son in Afghanistan?
Hold on.
I'm sorry.
Did I just hear that wrong?
Can you guys replay that for me again?
Move forward in a positive way and make it better.
President Biden, he's often called the consoler-in-chief.
He does talk to families who have lost loved ones because of his own experiences.
She did!
Have you experienced that from him as you've been coping with the death of Nicole?
Have you spoken to him?
He has not reached out to our family.
We've actually reached out to the White House and have never heard back.
We asked to meet with them to kind of understand where their thinking was in calling this a success and we've not received a response.
It's been months.
No, that's not been our experience at all.
Sorry to hear that.
Chairman McCaul, my understanding is that you haven't... No, imagine that.
Because Trump actually was the consoler.
Trump actually did call these people and spend a long time talking to them and consoling them on the phone with every single person.
Biden didn't do that at all.
But she just went along... This woman, that's a CNN host.
She doesn't even know what's going on.
She doesn't know that Biden doesn't call these people, doesn't care.
She doesn't know that Biden lied about his son dying in Afghanistan.
By the way, we do have some other breaking news as far as who will be in attendance at tonight's State of the Union.
Matt Gaetz has announced he's bringing former U.S.
Army Captain and Green Beret John Frankman Now, John has been on the show with me and told his story dealing with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Matt Gaetz highlights that here.
Following the enforcement of COVID-19 vaccine mandates that discharged 8,600 service members, Mr. Franklin was one of the thousands who voluntarily separated from the Army due to the hardships he and other unvaccinated service members faced based on discriminatory and punitive Department of Defense policy.
He is now fighting to fix the injustices committed against service members at the hands of Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin.
So he will be in attendance tonight.
I doubt Biden is going to say anything directly involved with COVID or the vaccine unless he uses it as an excuse for something.
But he might bring up the military and lie about how great it is under his leadership or how much support he has from the military community when, of course, that would just be an outright lie.
So that's more information as far as the guests tonight are concerned, but the mainstream media wants to ignore that story because they pushed the COVID vaccine.
So they don't really want to talk about that, do they?
Alright, I want to jump to another subject here quickly, and that is the... I just don't even know what the... I mean, the pedophile left, the pervert left.
That's what it is, when they bring grown adults in whore outfits to the school and the library and the church to do strip-tease shows for kids.
Now look, If you're a first-time listener, or maybe you've never heard this before, or you're not really following this, I'm not exaggerating here.
And we can pull up the footage, the crew can roll some of it as I'm talking.
You need to understand.
The Democrat Party produces and promotes events for children.
They call it "Drag Queen Story Time".
They don't even vet these individuals.
Many of them end up turning out to be actually convicted pedophiles.
And they call it drag queen story time.
And they invite these men who dress up like hookers and women.
And they do strip tease shows for your kids.
They literally take them to bars.
And there'll be signs on the wall that say it ain't gonna lick itself as a man dressed as a hooker gyrates and humps and performs sex acts in front of your children.
And they call it drag queen story time.
There's no stories involved.
It's literally a pedophile pervert stripper event.
And then they get kids to partake in it.
all at the hopes they can sexualize your kids, get sexual access to your kids, or genitally
mutate, mutilate your children.
And part of that exercise, part of that propaganda, that programming, is gay pride.
It seems innocent enough.
Well, it's gay pride and, you know, we don't want to discriminate against people.
But really that's just the shield hiding what's actually behind it.
Pedophiles and perverts that want access to your kids and want to mutate or mutilate your children.
The gay pride is just the shield blocking you from the truth.
But people are starting to realize it now, people are starting to understand it now, including Joe Rogan, and he's addressing where this goes if it's not stopped on his recent podcast in clip 10.
The kids today, like the 20-year-olds, they don't know jack shit about no internet.
That's crazy.
They have full 5G everywhere they exist.
And they're always on.
They're always on.
They're always on.
They also know where everybody's location is because they use SnapMap.
They're all SnapMapping each other.
So they know, like, oh my gosh, she told me she was going to go to Becky's house.
She's over at Debbie's house.
It's like surveillance of your f***ing stats, man.
Could you imagine?
It also gets you very accustomed to the idea that you have no privacy, which is a reality that we will soon face.
And the problem is also that the same people that are involved in pushing these psychotic policies, they're not just the educators.
They're also these institutions that recognize the power dynamic.
and the amount of influence that you can have if you can get people to adhere to these things
you can get them to do something really stupid like submit to a social credit score system
which you would attach to a centralized digital currency now you've got communism and it's like that
It's very quick.
And just like people self-censored on Twitter and self-censored before Elon Musk and self-censored on YouTube because they don't want to get demonetized, people start doing that in regular society.
They will do that because you don't want your social credit score system to drop.
And it could be something as simple as not using ZZIR.
Not using ZZIR and all of a sudden you get hit with a federal charge of not using ZZIR And now you are being tried for discrimination.
And if those psychos are in charge, you might get convicted.
And now all of a sudden you've got a real Soviet Union-style gulag situation in 2029, United States of America, with Admiral Levine as our first female president.
And that's how they need to be described.
They are psychos.
They are complete psychos.
They are psychotic freaks.
That's not even debatable.
It's not even controversial.
Anybody that believes in mutating or mutilating children because of their own perverted sexual kinks is a psychotic.
The problem here is that they're already in control in many ways.
They already put Adam Levine, Rachel Levine up there pretending to be a woman.
It's a dude.
They already hired the Ministry of Truth lady who looks like central casting for a psychotic serial killer.
They already have their corrupt attorneys like the one out of Colorado who again looks central casting for a You know, psychotic movie character trying to get Trump off the ballot.
They're already psychotics.
They're already generally mutilating children.
They're already giving them drugs behind the parents' backs and finding ways to make it legal.
There have been dozens of undercover reports where they catch teachers, they catch administrators, they catch local health providers, Talking about how they can get children drugs and life-altering surgeries without their parents knowing.
Now, we haven't quite gotten to the level where you can be arrested for standing against that, but we're certainly getting close.
And in parts of Europe and in parts of Canada, that's already a risk factor.
But they already arrest you for speech in this country.
So you're only one or two steps away from getting there.
You can already be arrested in America for political speech.
You can be arrested and incarcerated for making a meme that Hillary Clinton doesn't like.
In Europe, same deal.
You can be arrested for making a meme the government doesn't like.
For saying something about illegal immigration.
So you're already maybe one or two steps away from, if you misgender, or you engage in what they call transphobia, you will be incarcerated.
Now, okay, aside from the obvious of what's wrong with that, folks, what happens to a civilization where that is now public policy?
Well, now you've entered the realm where anything psychotic, anything against truth, It can now be punishable if you don't go along with it.
So if you say a man cannot get pregnant, now you can be arrested.
They can now take any radical idea, they can now take any radical practice, and if you say anything against it, you can be arrested.
That's what this is all about.
It starts with the shield of gay pride and then giving pedophiles access to your children, but it ends where?
There are no boundaries anymore.
There are no boundaries anymore.
Whatever the regime, whatever the government says to be true, and says you have to accept, if you stand up and say no or stand against it, you get disappeared.
So yeah, it starts with the shield of gay pride and then it's pedophile sex time for your kids, but then it goes anywhere.
Now there are no limits, there are no boundaries.
Victor in Florida, thank you for holding, go ahead.
I have to say it, it really pisses me off.
To hear when you say that only 2% of the people that listen to this broadcast buy products.
Um, I'm a young man.
I don't make that much money.
I just bought a house.
I just got married.
I buy the products as much as I can.
I buy them almost every month.
I've bought the iodine, the beets, the methylfolate.
I've just tried it.
It's absurd to me that you people are listening to this guy.
I've listened to you for 10 years.
He puts this show out here for free, and you're not supporting him.
Our country is falling apart, but you've got millions of people listening to you not doing sh**.
Excuse my French.
But look, look, there's a glut of media.
There's so much media.
I'm not blaming the 99%.
It's the 99% that never buy anything.
It's just, these are really good products.
And if we just had 1% more by the products, it would change the whole world.
So these are really great products to begin with.
We have the best turmeric out there.
95% humanoid, incredible anti-inflammation.
So good for your whole body.
We have all the other great products at InfoWarshaw.com.
We have next level foundational energy with the methylfolate and the B-complex supercharges cellular energy.
So it's not a stimulant, but it feels like a stimulant.
Let me ask you, what happened when you took next level foundational energy?
I've been taking it for, I don't know, a couple of weeks now.
And in my younger days, I've experimented with stimulants and those things.
It feels nothing like that.
You feel like you're supposed to feel it.
You're supposed to have energy, you know, and that's pretty much it.
It doesn't feel like a stimulant.
You just feel like you're supposed to And what it does is, it's the breakdown of folic acid that almost everybody, but particularly some people, northern Europeans, have a low breakdown of.
So you just give yourselves the direct food that they operate off of and they clean out with.
That's why next level financial energy is so important.
Thank you for the call, Victor, and thanks for the plug.
Illegals killing Americans at a quickening pace.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, the longer we go with this Biden border policy, every day the odds go up that you or a family member is raped or murdered by an illegal immigrant criminal that the Biden administration lets in and the Democrats put on the streets.
Here's the latest report from John Bowne.
A woman accused in Mexico of several murders and body dismemberments, even removing victims' hearts, is arrested in El Paso.
She was wanted for five murders in Juarez.
She's also suspected of being involved in several other killings.
Investigators say she crossed illegally into the U.S.
and was operating on behalf of the gang Artistas Asesinos, or Assassin Artists.
The FBI says Pineda was known for extreme brutality, dismembering bodies, removing hearts, and placing the hearts in front of Santa Muerte statues.
Did you move too quickly to roll back some of the executive orders of your predecessor?
Rolling back the policies of Remain in Mexico, sitting on the edge of the Rio Grande in a muddy circumstance with not enough to eat.
I make no apologies for that.
Why are you waiting to take executive action on the border?
Because we need more forces on the border.
I don't have the authority to do that.
Should the president take that executive action?
The president needs to be looking at executive orders.
The president needs to be looking at executive orders.
Under Joe Biden, the United States has become nothing less than a massive dumpster for the world's prison populations.
Countries such as Venezuela are known to be emptying out their prisons and their mental institutions and they're sending them to America.
They're happy to let our open border be the solution to their problems and their responsibilities.
And as the great unknowns wash in, Americans are being murdered at an astounding pace.
Lakin Riley in the state of Georgia was murdered, allegedly, by an undocumented Venezuelan migrant.
Was there a breakdown in the system?
So, Margaret, First of all, let me say that we don't use the term illegal immigrants.
The five men in the van that hit and killed a motorcyclist from Fort McCoy last weekend were all undocumented immigrants.
The FHP arrest report identified Demetrio Moreno-Alajua as the driver, as well as four passengers.
The investigator called them all, quote, illegal aliens.
They're accused of hitting the 74-year-old and leaving him, instead running away.
So our complainants got home from the grocery store.
They were unloading groceries, the whole family.
These men came out of the from the side of the yard, approached them.
One had a rifle, one had a pistol, put guns to their heads, ended up shooting the father, mid 40s, year old man in the
To add treason to injury, Joe Biden has secretly flown 320,000
illegal immigrants from Latin American airports to 43 US.
cities, while U.S.
Customs and Border Protection is refusing to identify which cities they are landing in.
This after FOIA litigation revealed the Biden administration's utilization of the CBP-1 cell phone scheduling app.
According to journalist Todd Bensman, under these legally dubious parole programs, aliens who cannot legally enter the country use the CBP-1 app to apply for travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release from those airports.
The parole program allows for two-year periods of legal status during which adults are eligible for work authorization.
This all in an effort to break America.
Alright, the full John Bowne report, it's got more just devastating headlines and explaining and breaking it all down.
You can find it at Banned.Video.
But you know, again, this is... It needs to be understood, folks.
It needs to be understood.
Do you think that Lake and Riley Do you think Lake and Riley's family were thinking about being victims of an illegal immigrant murder?
Do you think that that was something they thought they would have to endure and deal with?
Of course not.
The same as you or I don't think it's going to be us dealing with it right now.
But every day that this invasion continues, the odds increase that it will be us dealing with it.
Third hour of the Alex Jones Show, Owen Troy with you.
Remember, we have Roger Stone coming up in the fourth hour today.
Roger Stone, myself.
Roger says, when Michelle Obama says she's not running for president, that means it's a guarantee she's running for president.
I gotta tell you, I would not normally bet against the top leading expert like Roger Stone, but I don't know, I might have to put a steak dinner on this.
He's gotten me before, but I just don't see it.
But Roger seems to believe, so we'll be talking to him about that, the State of the Union, and all things presidential politics in the fourth hour.
Now, I'm gonna cover the rest of these news stories on my desk, and then I wanna fill the rest of this hour with your phone calls.
Now, there's some other fallout from Super Tuesday I want to address real quick.
Porter doubles down on claims California Senate race was rigged by billionaires after loss.
Now this is the crazy Katie Porter who says that the race was rigged by billionaires and I mean, of course, but Adam Schiff moves on and Republican Steve Garvey moves on.
So Democrat claiming it's rigged.
Now Schiff did have some very odd fundraising metrics and data where it was like more than half of his donors were unemployed and yet they were donating in the millions of dollars.
So I don't know what that is.
But that was going on, but there was something else that happened and I covered this yesterday and I don't want to show the video again.
I mean, we could because it looks like the video might be this inaccurate representation of what happened, but there's another phenomenon happening.
So, they did claim Garvey was winning the primary.
He was ahead of Adam Schiff at one point during the primary.
Garvey was winning.
Then, a quote-unquote voter tabulation error happened, and Garvey lost hundreds of thousands of votes, and Schiff gained hundreds of thousands of votes.
That actually did happen.
Now, it's funny, maybe voter tabulation errors happen, but how do they find this out, and why is it always that it's in favor of Democrats?
Just a couple questions we might want answered that won't be.
But then leftists thought it was funny.
Liberal Democrats thought it was funny.
That magically, hundreds of thousands of votes disappeared from the Republican Garvey, and then magically turned into votes for Adam Schiff.
And they thought that was funny.
But you see, what does that represent?
It represents that now the average left-wing liberal Democrat voter loves all the crime that the Democrats commit.
They love being lied to.
They love being abused.
They love elections being rigged in their favor.
They love their political opposition being arrested and censored off the internet.
They're into it now.
They are now fully indoctrinated, born into the communist revolution that is the Democrat Party.
Now that video was made by a leftist that thought it was funny.
So that video is not real, but it represents what actually happened.
And the leftist made this video thinking it would be funny to show how the... magically... Schiff leaps Garvey and takes all these votes from him.
They thought it was funny!
So that's not a real video.
A leftist made that to make fun of you.
A leftist made that to troll you.
And they think that that's funny.
They don't care about the suspicious activity.
They don't care about voter tabulation errors working in favor of Democrats literally 100% of the time, never in favor of Republicans.
They think that's funny and so they made that video to rub it in your face.
And then celebrated how people shared it and said, and they thought it was a real graphic from TV or something, and it was just a leftist claiming he made a meme.
No, that was an actual representation.
You actually made an actual representation of what happened.
But yeah, see, conservatives and most Americans actually are concerned about election integrity.
They're actually concerned about legitimate elections.
You liberals and leftists, you're not.
You think it's funny.
You think it's funny when Trump is winning in Pennsylvania and Atlanta and Wisconsin and Michigan up until 3 o'clock in the morning and then they stop counting and then 300,000 votes come in for Biden.
All for Biden, none for Trump, and then Biden wins those four states.
You guys think that's funny!
Because what's the truth?
Deep down, you know Biden didn't actually win.
Deep down, you know Democrats are authoritarians.
You know they're corrupt.
You know they steal elections.
You know they sell the country out.
You're just into it!
So you're sitting here saying, I don't understand, Owen.
Why would they be into this?
It does harm to themselves.
They claim to care about election integrity when they lose.
Folks, it's all a fraud.
Do you want to know why?
Do you want to know why liberals are okay with Democrats cheating and lying and stealing?
Do you want to know why?
Because they hate you.
Why does the average liberal support trans kids or drag queen story time?
Because you're against it.
Liberals used to be anti-war, now they're pro-war.
Because you're anti-war.
The American liberal doesn't have any principles or political values, other than they hate you, and whatever you stand for, they're going to take the opposite approach.
You could stand for, I like cold water on a hot summer day, and they'll say, nope, boiling water is what you want.
They hate you.
They think it's funny when blatant election fraud happens right in front of your face.
They think it's funny when they bring a pedophile to your school to deal your kid.
They think it's funny because they hate you.
You say, none of this makes any sense.
No, no, no, no.
It all makes sense as soon as you have that understanding.
What is an American liberal's principle?
They hate you and anything you stand for.
They're against.
And as soon as you accept that, everything makes sense.
It's why they love abortion.
It's why they love trans kids.
It's why they love stolen elections.
It's why now they love war.
It's why they love open borders.
Everything you stand for, they will be against because they hate you.
And once you understand that, everything else makes sense.
Political earthquake in Texas.
Austin's oligarchy cracked on Tuesday.
A lot of good victories happened in Texas.
Ken Paxton's endorsements went 100% victory.
And the corrupt Dade Phelan is forced with a runoff.
That's actually kind of ridiculous.
He shouldn't even have a runoff.
He should have lost in a landslide.
That guy's a disaster.
He's a swamp creature and at least he's going to be facing a runoff and hopefully we can defeat him then.
But a lot of good things happened politically in Texas.
And while I do think that the candidate the Democrats have coming up To face Cruz is not too bad.
I mean, I wouldn't vote for a Democrat.
I'm not saying his policies are bad, but he's not like a deranged-looking freak like Beto O'Rourke that runs on taking your guns.
So, I don't know, Ted may really want to focus on this one.
Democrat district attorney denied ability to vote after someone had already voted for her.
In Texas, it's fun.
A Texas District Attorney found out first-hand Tuesday that elections can go very wrong.
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg went to the polls to vote for herself in a Democrat primary only to be told she had already voted.
Oops, the Democrats made a mistake.
I guess maybe there was some other Kimberly Ogg that was dead.
And the Democrats confused the dead OG with the live, living OG.
And so they voted thinking they were voting for the dead OG in the Democrat primary, ended up voting for the living one.
But a liberal American will say, haha, that's funny.
There's no voter fraud.
Haha, yeah, what happened in California with Schiff magically gaining all those votes?
That's funny.
Haha, isn't that funny?
Alright, I'm gonna give out the phone number.
We'll take some calls this hour.
I'll get back into the news.
We'll take some calls this hour.
We've been discussing what's coming up tonight, what we expect tonight from the State of the Union.
If you want to weigh in on that, I think that'll be the topic I'm most interested in hearing from the audience.
Or 877-789-Alex.
877-789-2539 877-789-2539
or 877-789-ALEX and we'll get you up and on the air.
It's the Biden economy.
Do you earn enough to live comfortably in these U.S.
And it talks about how in all the major Democrat cities, groceries are up, energy bills are up, gas prices are up, and most people are now living paycheck to paycheck.
But the Biden economy, stronger than ever, stronger than ever, they lie and say.
Eight teens, eight Teenagers hurt in shooting at Philadelphia bus stop.
And we're just supposed to be numb to this and act like that's normal.
No, it's not.
It's not normal at all.
In fact, it never used to happen 50 plus years ago.
What's changed?
And again, you're just supposed to pretend like that's normal.
That should shock and horrify all of us and raise serious concerns.
And we should ask, what can we do to make sure that this is not normal in our civilization, in our culture?
But we just, ah, just another shooting in Philadelphia.
Just another shooting in black cities like Philadelphia run by Democrats.
We don't care.
88-year-old veteran executed in broad daylight in Democrat-run Philadelphia.
Oh, yeah, well, whatever.
Oh, yeah, it's a Democrat city.
What do you... Just another murder in a Democrat city.
What's the big deal?
Just another murder in a downtown city.
Just another murder in a big metropolitan area.
Oh, yeah, whatever.
Who cares?
Mass murders in Chicago and St.
Louis and Baltimore and Philadelphia and... Eh, whatever, man.
Who cares?
That's normal.
That's what we're told to accept.
That's what we're told to believe.
Well, I don't believe it's normal.
I don't think we have to live like this.
Shouldn't have to.
But because of that, now this is the scene in New York City Guys, give me a clip six here.
Police and National Guard have officially been deployed to the busiest subway stations around New York City.
They're also on the street and everywhere.
And the Democrats tried to defund the police, but New York City is so violent now that you have the National Guard and police everywhere.
They have their rifles ready to go.
They have container inspections, they're gonna check your bags.
You know, there's a fair debate to be had here, quite frankly.
You know, people will argue that stop-and-frisk worked under Rudy Giuliani, and it's hard to argue against that.
It did have positive effects, that's true.
But obviously at the same time, nobody wants to live like this.
Now I don't live in New York City, so my commentary here is really just looking from a constitutional freedom issue and a general civilizational cultural issue.
I don't ride the subways in New York.
I probably wouldn't.
I would never live in New York.
That's not to insult the large numbers that tune in here every day from New York City, but it wouldn't be for me.
So I don't know.
That's what I'm saying.
If the people of New York City want this, if the people of New York City that ride the subways every day want this, as opposed to the violent crime and the potential to get stabbed or robbed or shot every day, then okay, then that's what's happened to their city.
That's their call.
I wouldn't want to live like this, I wouldn't want to ride on the subways anyway.
But now you have National Guard everywhere, police everywhere, and a total security state.
Now, there's no doubt this is going to drive crime down.
That's, again, so are your privacy violations happening when they have to frisk you and check your containers?
Is it not the America that we should be living in?
Absolutely not.
Is it going to drive the numbers of violent crime on the subways down?
Most certainly.
So that's what you have going on.
But it's the same Democrats that defunded the police.
It's the same Democrats that put the violent criminals back on the streets that caused this.
And now you have to live in a security state because of Democrat Party policy.
And that's kind of the domino effect of all of this.
And you could argue that was the Democrats' plan, or not even the Democrats necessarily, that's the globalists' plan for the corporate world government and the super cities, is that you make it so dangerous, you make it so infested with criminals and violence and crime, that now the citizens beg to live in a security state, because it's the only way they can feel safe, is seeing Law enforcement everywhere and military everywhere.
So it's sort of this problem reaction solution where you cause the cities to become that violent, where you cause the cities to become that dangerous, then you bring in your security state, then you bring in your technological AI digital security state, and now you have Your 1984 big brother police state authoritarianism and the people invited it in.
But again, I go back to the stories in Philadelphia.
I don't believe any of this is normal.
I don't believe any of this is necessary.
I don't believe we have to live like this.
We don't.
We really don't.
And the proof is already in front of us.
And the proof is in El Salvador with President Nayib Bukele.
Folks, we don't have to live like this.
You don't have to live in violent inner cities.
I mean, the crime or the poverty, neither of them has to exist.
Neither of them is normal.
We got sold out by our government and our politicians, that's why we have poverty.
We now have leftists in charge of the justice system that make sure violent criminals stay free and not in prisons.
That's policy.
It's really simple, folks.
It truly is that simple.
That doesn't mean it's easy, but it would be that simple.
We don't have to...
New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago.
It doesn't have to be like this.
It really doesn't.
Bring manufacturing back.
Bring production back.
Bring energy back.
People won't be poor anymore.
Stop taxing people.
People won't be poor anymore.
There'll be more jobs that make people feel fulfilled, that can put food on the table for their family.
Stop having policy that releases violent criminals back on the street.
Violent criminals, you go to jail, you're not getting back on the street.
And guess what?
Guess what?
These major metropolitan areas, these once great American cities will change overnight, just like they did in El Salvador.
That's all it takes.
It doesn't mean it's easy, but it is that simple.
And the simplest way to do it is to just make sure no Democrats ever get in power.
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So, this just happened.
The House just passed the Lake and Riley Act, which requires ICE to detain illegal immigrants who are charged with local theft or burglary.
You're saying, wait, that wasn't on the books?
No, no, they would release them to commit more crimes.
It's named for Lake and Riley, a nursing student who was murdered by an illegal immigrant.
170 Democrats voted against it.
Now, since, Jerry Nadler made a statement attacking this bill, saying that Republicans are just doing this for political points.
What, because we don't want more Americans getting murdered?
Because we want the story of Lake and Riley to not fall on deaf ears?
I'm not going to play the clip of Jerry Nadler attacking this bill because I'm just going to end up getting so enraged and, I mean, just thinking about it right now has me, like, my blood boiling.
I mean, Jerry Nadler is a piece of you-know-what.
An absolute piece of filth.
So, I can't even play the clip, just even talking about it, my heart rate is going up, and I'm trying to not scream and shout today, but that's just how sick these Democrats are.
They're just fricking disgusting people.
Deep breath.
We were just talking about the situation in New York City.
With the National Guard and the police everywhere, armed police, wielding rifles, all of it.
And so, a caller who rides the subway every day, Clown Car, calls in to respond to that.
Clown Car, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, Owens, good morning.
Good afternoon, I don't even know where I am anymore.
Yeah, those guns that they're carrying, all the National Guard guys, they have no bullets.
So, you know, I don't understand why we're Putting up this facade like they're here to do something when they're just standing there with AKs with no bullets.
But that's besides the point.
Well now, hold on, hold on, hold on.
How do you know they don't have bullets?
Just ask them.
Go up and be friends with one.
Or better yet, live in the neighborhood where your cousins or 15 of the guys that are all around you with these guns.
So, please.
So they're carrying empty guns?
1 million percent.
That's a comfortable feeling, right?
And let's also take into effect that last night around five o'clock or so, when the streetlights started to come on, they also started to go out.
And we thought that was a little weird.
So I said, maybe there's a power outage.
She said, yeah, there's definitely a power outage.
From here to the Verrazano Bridge, we can't see because we're high up.
From here to the other corner of Brooklyn, we can't see.
Everything's out.
Started going online, Con Ed.
Oh, look at this!
Power Outage here, here, and here.
And as I'm online, I'm noticing more pop up.
Here, here, and there.
There, there, and there.
I sent a bunch of pictures of Matt.
At the same time, I said, wow, this is getting a little weird.
I'm going to put on the police scanner.
Put on the police scanner from Radio Shack.
The old school one, the CB600.
And I'm listening and they're like, we're doing drills.
Running drills up down the West Side Highway.
Running drills down the West Side Highway.
Running drills down the Bell Parkway West.
Bell Parkway East.
And I'm going, what are all these drills for?
What are we getting ready for?
Feels like we're preparing for probably some kind of an uprising here in New York City.
That's why they're covering the White House with fences.
That's why they're making it seem like any weapon forged against me is going to win when that's not going to happen.
We have a pretty serious InfoWarriors base.
I think now that you guys are getting some play on X.
Well, yeah, I'd be concerned about that.
Thank you for the call.
I mean, again, the threat of a cyber attack, they brag about that.
that 40,000, 26,000 people that are in there watching now?
Well, yeah, I'd be concerned about that.
Thank you for the call.
I mean, again, the threat of a cyber attack, they brag about that.
The threat of the illegal immigrants that are occupying New York City,
the gang members, the violent criminal illegal immigrants that are occupying New York City.
And anytime you see a drill, you know, the spidey senses go off.
Let's take another caller from New York on this, Jared.
Jared, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, Owen, how's it going today?
Good, thank you for calling.
No, thank you.
We appreciate you.
I just wanted to reach out because I'm actually originally from New York.
I'm currently out in Thailand right now.
I took a visa out here because I actually work in the blockchain space.
And what I wanted to say is what's happening in my home is absolutely disgusting.
My parents are there.
Their lives are ruined.
They can't even go out every day because they don't feel safe.
So what I wanted to say is I've fighted back in the way that I can.
We've created a community in the crypto space where we're going to be continually supporting InfoWars and donating towards you guys on a weekly basis.
We just donated $2,000 on Sunday and we're going to donate another $5,000 in Bitcoin today.
We're going to continue to support the fight.
You're donating at InfoWarsStore.com?
Correct, sir.
We're donating directly with Bitcoin and we're going to continue to do so through our community.
We plan on donating up to $100,000 a month.
By the summertime.
And Bitcoin just took a jump recently.
Absolutely, absolutely.
The thing with the crypto space is, unfortunately, it's been taken over by BlackRock and the elites.
And we realize that.
However, we also realize that there's a lot of patriots out there that make a lot of money in that industry.
And these people need to do more.
They need to be supporting you guys.
And what we're going to do is, like I said, we've created, we've tapped into the meme space where our community is donating and they're going to continue to donate.
And as we grow bigger, we're going to expose it through comedy, utilizing that.
So we've created a website called BigMike.Exposed that we're going to be trolling the whole Democrat, essentially, election throughout the next year.
I think, you know, Big Mike doesn't even, I think it's Iron Mike now.
Yeah, we'll see.
We'll see at the end of the day.
I mean, that is a beast.
Oh, I think he'd kick my butt any day, to be honest.
You know, Tyson is apparently about to get back in the ring.
At the end of the day, I think we're in a world where it may not seem realistic.
But after everything we've witnessed over the last three years, all I can say is expect the unexpected.
And our community is going to continue to support you guys.
Like I said, we're going to donate another $5,000 in Bitcoin today.
Well, that's fantastic.
I mean, we've already had so much support from the Bitcoin crypto community.
I mean, truly, it's been life-saving sometimes.
So, wow, Jared, that's awesome.
And big thanks to everybody that's a part of that.
Big thanks.
We appreciate that.
And you're helping us stay on the air.
You can go to InfoWarsStore.com and be a part of that.
And Jared, what was the Twitter account one more time for people to follow?
So you can follow us, that Big Mike on E!
We're doing live spaces weekly, talking about the elections, talking about InfoWars and exposing the truth.
Big Mike!
Big Iron Mike Obama!
I'm going to be debating with Roger Stone whether Big Mike Obama is going to be entering the race or not.
Jared, thank you for the call.
Alright, one more thing.
Well, we have another caller in New York.
Maybe we'll go back.
But this was a Letitia James press conference.
This is the woman that ran on persecuting Donald Trump and then engaged in the criminal political persecution of Donald Trump.
Letitia James is a criminal.
And this is what happened at a public event to Letitia James earlier today.
A Trump chant broke out.
She's getting booed.
Folks, I'm telling you, this is, uh, I've got 2016 vibes.
(news broadcast)
Folks, I'm telling you, this is, I've got 2016 vibes.
Man, you know, we had such a moral victory, morale victory in 2016.
We had so much fun at that time.
We were so creative and engaged and active that you're already starting to get some of the similar tastes because by now they were shutting us all down with COVID in 2020.
We didn't get to play the game.
We didn't get to have the festive Times leading up to the 2020 presidential election.
You know, I see the stuff like that and I see the trajectory that all of this is going.
And you just wonder what are they going to do to stop us from having this moment?
What are they going to do to try to stop us from having this victory?
Because if all things are square and level, then Trump wins in a landslide and we have massive cultural victories and festivities all along the way.
I mean, it's not just going to be Letitia James gets chanted down with a Trump chant and then booed at a public event.
I mean, that's like just one angle of it.
They can't have this, folks.
They can't have people seeing how popular Trump is, even in New York City.
In fact, let's take one more caller from New York, Mel, dialed in.
Mel, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, it's an honor to speak with you, even though you're younger than my youngest.
I'm an American who happens to be black all the way up to 66 years of age.
But, you know, I'm down here on Long Island.
But to go back to clown car, you know what I mean?
You talk about playing Russian roulette.
You know, if that's the case, before I even say that, Leticia James, It's a disgrace and an embarrassment to black America.
And that album brag, that hoppy dumpy little fat song, you know what?
Capital S would've hit.
But anyway, you know, go back to clown car, you know, they got no bullets in their gun.
Well, go down there and draw a gun on one of them.
See what happens.
Talk about Russian roulette.
I mean, I wouldn't think that that'd be the case.
Well, Bloomberg.
I don't back Stop and Frisk.
But Bloomberg was the one who created, who came up with Stop and Frisk.
You know, of course, you know, crime went down.
But I'm from, originally from Saratoga Springs, 25 miles north.
Was Bloomberg a Republican when he did that?
No, Democrat.
He was still a Democrat when he did that?
He was a Democrat.
Yeah, yes.
So the fact is that, you know, I'm three and a half hours south of my home, my hometown, Saratoga Springs.
I'm born and raised.
I'm native of Saratoga.
But, I used to spend a lot of my childhood down here in Brooklyn over at Bensonhurst.
Obviously, I wouldn't suggest that.
And all those guys were, you see those fancy cars and the fancy clothes pull up to the
social clubs over on 5th Avenue, Bay 17th Street, 86th Street, all the way up to Stilwell
Avenue going into Coney Island.
But I, you know, clown car, whatever you do, don't walk up on one of them and draw a gun.
Well, yeah, obviously, I wouldn't suggest that.
Look, I don't, I mean, it's likely it won't even matter.
I mean, I don't think anybody is so stupid to draw a gun on them, even if they don't have bullets.
It's really just security theater, but the truth is it's probably going to work.
At least for a short period of time.
I mean, there'd be no point in drawing a gun on one of those National Guardsmen or police officers, and obviously that would be the dumbest idea.
You probably wouldn't come out alive, but...
I don't know, the whole thing is strange to me, why you would be standing there with guns that aren't armed.
I mean, again, I get the security theater aspect of it, but still, then why even have the gun?
I just, it's, it's like, I don't know, that's a strange one, Mel.
Hopefully we don't have to find out the hard way.
Hopefully nobody is that stupid, but you never know in New York City with the stuff you see there.
Let's go to Heavy in Philadelphia.
Heavy, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, well, I don't know what's going on, bro.
I mean, dude, where that shooting happened last night, like, that's like not a really bad, you know, that's like a decent part of the city.
Are you talking about the one at the bus stop?
Yeah, like, that's not like, you know, that's not like Kensington.
Like, I'm five minutes from Kensington right now.
That's where I work at.
You know, where that shooting happened last night, that's really not a bad part.
Well, is it starting to spread towards more of the suburban areas now?
Well, to be honest, Alan, there's been a lot of gentrification in the city the last, you know, ten years.
And a lot of the people who have been kicked out of the hood, they're moving up towards the more suburban parts of the city, like Northeast Philadelphia, where that happened last night.
And it's getting worse in those parts, unfortunately.
Well, what about it being at the bus stop?
Because that's not a coincidence.
This was always a big story in St.
I would imagine maybe there's some similar things in other cities, but growing up in St.
Louis, I always remember they would accuse Republican local representatives of being racist because they didn't want to expand the public transit system outside of St.
Louis City.
And part of the reason was that it had nothing to do with racism.
When they expanded the metro stations towards closer to the county areas it was specifically one area Brentwood immediately those those areas criminal activity went up because criminals would just hop on the metro and they'd go out into the county areas and and they'd commit crimes and robberies and shootings would happen and then it became this thing where bus stations and train stations became a hotbed for for shootings and violent crime
So, Republicans would always vote against expanding the system out into the suburbs, and the Democrats would say, oh, you're racist, you're racist, and they'd say, well, no, look at what's happened at this stop.
It brought violent crime.
Yeah, we don't want to bring that to the suburbs.
That doesn't make us racist.
But that was the same thing.
I mean, so it's already, I mean, it's well studied.
For whatever reason, I guess it's because of the ease of access and the ease of travel.
These train stations, these bus stops usually become a hotbed of criminal activity.
Well, one of the bigger parts of what happened last night is, you know, there's one of the, you know, the big high school in the northeast part of Philadelphia, Northeast High School.
You've seen a lot of people move into this school from what are gang areas.
And so you've seen a lot of gang activity now at what used to be the more whiter, suburban
part of Philadelphia, high schools.
And you're seeing a major rise in this gang activity.
But it's an absolute do out here.
I mean, nobody gets pulled over.
I was talking to a cop two nights ago.
Nobody gets pulled over because these cops, you know, it's so dangerous.
They don't want to get shot.
Oh, it's open season on cops.
Did they defund the cops too?
They, you know, they brought it, the last mayor, they brought in a, you know, a woman commissioner who just, she had, I mean, Philadelphia, like the fifth biggest city in the United States, and they brought in A police commissioner, a woman, who just had no experience... Well, and I guarantee you she's an American liberal, and I don't want to take another call, Heavy, and I thank you for the call.
But see, that's what I'm saying.
It's like, folks, the source of all of this is the same.
Democrat Party policy.
Every single time.
Think about it.
The Democrats and their friends in the mainstream media have put a target on police officers' backs, and they've defanged them.
And look, I'm against police brutality.
I think we need law reform.
I'm against police brutality.
But they've put a target on police officers' backs, and they've defanged them from actually dealing with real criminals, and then they've defunded them, so now they really don't even have backup.
And then what do you get?
Rise in crime.
I mean, wow.
Who could have seen it coming?
Julie in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, Julie.
Go ahead.
Hello, sir.
I was just calling regarding the Garvey shift flip.
It took place on Fox at 1.30 a.m.
Eastern Time.
At 1.30 they had the two people, their little tabs up on the screen and they were discussing the fact that Schiff had put a whole bunch of money into the Garvey campaign because that's who he wanted to come in, he wanted to go against in the general.
And Garvey had about $1.8 million and Schiff had about $1.13 million.
That's what I recollect.
And within five minutes but it came through on the tab below
and the votes had flipped and Schiff had 1.8 and Garvey had 1.3 and it actually did take place
and it was quite amazing.
Well, it was on, people captured that on Fox, they captured it on Newsmax,
they captured it in live time, Garvey was ahead of Schiff and then magically
with voter magic, all of a sudden Schiff gains votes Garvey lose votes and then he's number one.
I was so grateful when you talked about it yesterday because when you looked at it, you saw it, you questioned yourself and you say, did I just see what I saw?
Well I don't know if you saw my follow-up.
The individual that made that video thought it was funny, and he put it out there as bait, thinking, oh look, I'm going to deceive conservatives with this graphic and they're going to think it's real.
But the irony is, well, he made the graphic, but what actually happened, what actually is represented in the graphic is real, but they don't think that that's Concerning.
They think that that's perfectly fine.
That every time there's a tabulation error, it always goes in favor of the Democrats when they correct it.
I was trying to rationalize it and I figured out that it had to be somebody, whoever flipped it, had been outside the country.
Because in a primary, you don't flip from party to party, you flip within the party.
And this flip from party to party, which is what they flip in the General.
Okay, so that's what it's all about here.
That's what it's all about.
Julie, thank you for the call.
This is actually all about the General coming up in November, folks, because the top two advance.
So it's Schiff and Garvey, no matter who it's more votes or less between the two of them, it was always going to be those two.
But see, they couldn't have Garvey get more votes during the primary because then if Garvey gets more votes in the primary and then Schiff wins in the general, people are going to say, what the hell?
So they had to engage in this because they're planning on stealing it for Schiff.
I mean, that's really what this comes down to.
I mean, isn't it obvious?
So that's why they had to engage, because there's a lot less voter fraud during primaries.
And that's how you're able to kind of have some more unexpected victories during primaries, is because there's a lot less voter fraud.
But that's why, in that case, it was so obvious.
Because they probably were not expecting Schiff to take an absolute beating in the primary like he was.
And so, oh, magically, at 1 in the morning, you know, Garvey loses half a million votes, Schiff gains a million votes, and no, nothing to see here, we just corrected a voter tabulation error.
Because they could not have those results Heading into the general where they're obviously going to steal it for Schiff.
Let's go to Sean in Georgia.
Sean, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I just want to say thank you.
I love everything that y'all do.
Very grateful.
Been watching since COVID and took a break but started watching again when I heard Pastor Rodney talking about y'all.
Really the food shortages that are coming, getting prepared, starting to grow food, learning new skills.
But something that I was thinking about today, and I don't know how legitimate this is, but just coming together and getting a plan.
You know, like I was, my dad's from New Orleans and we walked around the square and we passed by the Jackson House and it was a place where they planned the war schematics.
And I'm not saying a call for arms.
That's not what I'm saying at all.
I'm just saying coming together with a plan to come against this.
But the other thing I want to do is I just want to pray real fast.
I just want to just pray real fast, if that's okay.
Yeah, go ahead.
Father, I thank you so much for your son Jesus and the cross that he bore for us and the blood that was shed for us.
And Lord, that we don't have to go to a devil's hell.
But we can be saved and reconciled to your son, that he rose three days, three days after he died, and the stone was rolled away, and that all who call upon the name of Jesus shall be saved.
You don't want one to be missing in that day.
So, Father, I just ask everyone under the sound of my voice to be blessed with prosperity and a new hope, Lord, living hope, the living water of Jesus Christ, the Son.
And if you want to be saved, all you have to do is say, Jesus, Call upon the name of the Lord and say, Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart.
And I just want to say thank you.
And Father, please give us power and protect us in these days to come and prepare us and keep us safe.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Amen, Sean.
Thank you for the call.
Thank you for the prayer.
Alright, we're about to take a short break here.
When we come back in the short segment, I'm going to take a couple more calls and then Roger Stone is going to join me to debate the big Iron Mike Obama.
Running for office narrative that he, she has denied, but Roger says that just affirms to him that she, he is running.
I may have to put a steak dinner on the line.
Now, I only make smart bets and betting against Roger Stone is not smart, but we're going to weigh into all of that and more with Roger Stone.
Including some other election shenanigans that are going on in California.
But first, after this short break, a couple more calls, then Roger Stone.
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As always, to be joined by my friend, my mentor, Roger Stone, also a fellow victim of Democrat Party political persecution.
Let's take a couple more calls first.
We have Jennifer in Georgia.
Jennifer, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
If my voice sounds any screwed up at all, it's because I'm just getting over a cold, so I apologize.
But I just kind of wanted to point out, I thought that the fact that Nikki Haley kept on running in the The race after she saw how many times she was losing the primaries was a very bizarre scene.
And I don't really understand what the purpose of it was to continue after losing all of the primaries.
But I remember hearing Vivek Ramaswamy saying how they were trying to turn it into a two-horse race.
And the way I interpreted that is him meaning between her and Biden at the end.
Uh, which would only give us the choice of two awful candidates.
Well, that may have been the final.
What he really meant was they wanted it between Trump and Haley because they're trying to remove Trump from the ballot and then that would basically force you to vote for Haley if you're a Republican voter.
That's what he meant by that.
The reason why Haley stayed in the race so long was because of that very reason.
But also, she can take all the fundraising money that she has left and throw it into an anti-Trump super PAC.
Uh, and so there was that.
They wanted to embarrass Trump a little bit in trying to defeat him with Democrat votes in states like Vermont, but that was the only place where it worked.
So, uh, really the overall, it was just a total failure on all levels from a bird beak, a bird freak, bird brain Haley.
Well, I'm trying to figure out, like, I don't know what to make of it with, um, uh, with, with now that she's dropped out, I don't know what to make of that.
Cause I mean, I could think of, she's a loser.
Well, correct.
I mean, undoubtedly.
She's politically now, she has no political future now.
She is done.
I'm trying to figure out what their game plan is going to be going forward as far as how their plan on stealing the election again.
You know what?
You and me both, Jennifer, and I don't know if there's a better man to weigh in on that than Roger Stone, who's going to be joining me in three minutes.
So I would suggest staying tuned for that because I want to get his take on all of this, too.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go West Coast.
Let's go Larry in Seattle.
Larry, you're on.
Go ahead.
Hello there, Owen.
How are you doing there?
Hello, good.
Hey, every night that you were staying in Club Fed, I offered pears to you.
You got two pears on Thanksgiving.
Thank you.
And on top of that, you're a hero in terms of your integrity.
Stay that way.
It's good for you.
A couple things.
Roger Stone, he's a midnight rambler, and he is one of the coolest guys on the planet.
And tell Alex that I'm an agendist, just like he is, and just like we all are.
I saw that, but is he actually doing a play-by-play or a response video?
watching Slow Joe, Bad Joe, or Joe Obama, whoever form we get. Let's all enjoy
tonight, especially Trump's narration, play-by-play. That's gonna be awesome.
Is he doing a play-by-play? I saw that, but is he actually doing a play-by-play
or a response video? I believe it's live time. Wow. So if he does that, let's
watch that. That'll be the way to go.
Also, I want to shoot some key in 21 with you if I'm ever in Texas, alright?
Hey Owen, real quick, and it's a little bit off topic, but I wanted to bring something up about the wildfires.
Apparently, Xcel Energy has come out and made a statement pretty much admitting to the start of it.
And I think that's the same Xcel Energy that has A really direct connection with the PG&E in California, which is notably the one that we're starting the wildfires over there.
Yeah, and this was devastating to the beef industry, so don't be surprised if your price of a steak goes up, too.
Liberals won't notice that.
They eat bugs, but that's a different story.
David, thank you for the call.
All right.
Roger Stone, ladies and gentlemen, coming up on the other side.
This is going to be fun.
This is going to be fun.
Speaking of steak.
I'm still weighing it.
I might have to bet a steak dinner.
I don't think Michelle enters.
But betting against Roger Stone is not smart, and we're going to find it all out coming up shortly.
I've got a lot of questions for Roger Stone, who joins me now.
My former Co-host on The War Room that I am hosting here at 3 to 6 p.m.
Filling in for Alex today though, my co-host and boy oh boy have Roger and I been through the political persecution since the days of us hosting The War Room together.
But here we are Roger, stronger than ever, always a pleasure to be joined by you.
I'm gonna dive right in.
I'm gonna dive right into the Big Mike, Iron Mike Obama.
Well Owen, first of all it's great to be back with you.
Maybe the fact that she even has an office making a statement is why you think this,
but Big Mike, Iron Mike Obama's office comes out and says, "No, no presidential run.
She's not doing it."
You immediately follow up by saying, "Yep, this means she's running.
Roger Stone."
Well, Owen, first of all, it's great to be back with you.
What a long, strange trip it's been, my brother.
And until you've gone through the kind of crucible you and I have both been through,
It's very hard for people to appreciate.
And like your caller a little earlier, I prayed for you as I know you prayed for me in that crucible.
And I'm just very happy to see you back on the air, stronger, more vibrant, harder-hitting, more effective, and more popular than ever.
So it's a great thing.
Proves that Jesus Christ can indeed do anything.
To go right to the heart of your question, I want to be pretty clear.
What I've said For a couple years is I believe that Michelle Obama would be the Democratic nominee for president in 2024 and I stand by that.
That doesn't mean that she's going to run for president.
I actually don't think she really wants to do this, but I believe that the incapacity of Joe Biden Uh, is so obvious.
Uh, the impact of his policies is so disastrous.
Uh, and the, uh, the The revelations regarding the Biden crime family keep getting worse and worse.
All those things add up to Joe Biden not running again, at which time, and I think this will be done very close to the Democratic National Convention, but I think at that juncture he announces that due to reasons of health, which everyone can see, that he will not accept a renomination.
And at that point, he will release his delegates, which would be more sufficient to nominate him.
And the convention will go absolutely wild in their efforts to draft their strongest potential candidate, Michelle Obama.
It is only at that juncture, Owen, that I think that she succumbs to that draft based on the simple argument they're going to make to her is that she is the strongest potential candidate against Donald Trump.
So it's not that I think she's going to run for president, but I do ultimately believe that she will be talked into or drafted as their candidate.
And she is indeed, when you look at particularly Kamala Harris as an alternative, Or, or Gavin Newsom as an alternative.
She is potentially a stronger candidate than either one of them.
Well, certainly Kamala.
You know, she can't, she can't suck off 70 or 80 million American voters.
So I don't know how she could possibly win an election.
But okay, so this, let's get more into the details.
So you see it being.
Because I always ask, well, how do the Democrats do this?
So they're going to have to take the loss and admit they lied about Joe Biden's health.
They're going to have to take the loss and admit that, yeah, OK, we covered up for Joe Biden's obvious health issues.
Then they're going to have to take another loss, basically throwing Kamala Harris under the bus and admitting that she's a complete joke.
She's a complete farce.
So, I mean, do they just weigh it as the damage that we do to ourselves in those two instances?
It's less damage than trying to run Joe again.
I mean, you're absolutely right about the fact that Kamala Harris is the giant impediment to all of this.
Under any normal scenario, if a sitting incumbent president announced that they were not running again for reasons of health, the obvious choice, the person in line, would be the sitting vice president.
Look, Kamala Harris doesn't have senile dementia and she makes even less sense than Joe does.
And the Democrats know it.
So, they have to figure out a way to get her out of the line of succession.
I have suggested that they probably, when I say they, I mean Barack Obama, comes to her and says, look, if you will simply step aside.
Let Michelle be the presidential nominee.
Let Gavin Newsom and the hundreds of millions of dollars in special interest money that he would bring be our vice presidential candidate.
And you, Kamala, will get the next vacancy on the U.S.
Supreme Court.
Now, she's a former Attorney General of California.
She's a former Oakland County prosecutor.
I mean, on paper, she's qualified for that job.
As long as they have a Democratic President, and if they maintain control of the Senate, it's a simple majority for confirmation, that could, sadly, actually happen.
So, I think that's the way it will ultimately be resolved.
Oh my gosh, that was like a gut blow.
That was just a natural reaction.
You say Kamala Harris on the Supreme Court, that was like somebody just kicked me in the stomach.
Oh, can you imagine?
I'd rather not.
Okay, now let me ask you this.
Would the Republicans be doing the Democrats a favor by doing so much damage to Joe Biden with the impeachment inquiry and the investigation into the Biden crime family?
Would the Republicans be doing the Democrats a favor by having all of that come out before the nomination process?
Or should they wait until after Joe Biden is nominated and then begin the attack?
Because I feel like Doing this damage to Joe Biden or even getting Joe Biden impeached or whatever before the nomination process would almost be doing the Democrats a favor.
Yeah, I kind of agree with your analysis.
If I had my choice, I'd like to see a rematch between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
The idea of a Biden-Trump debate is just delicious.
I can't believe that Biden would agree to such a thing.
I think he will come up with a dozen excuses as to why he can't participate in a debate.
Tonight is going to be great.
Based on what I've read at True Social, President Trump is going to be live posting during the State of the State, as he puts it, to rebut any disinformation regarding either the record of Joe Biden and his administration or any news about the weaponization of the criminal justice system against Trump.
So this should be highly, highly entertaining, to say the least.
I'm really looking forward to tuning in for that.
Yeah, I can imagine Joe Biden right now is in some sort of an iron lung or hyperbaric chamber.
He's got wires coming out of him and he's got needles giving him fluids and everything.
I mean, who knows?
He probably, I mean, they gotta be just pumping him full of drugs so that he can give this hour-long speech tonight.
You mentioned debates.
I agree there's no way they can put Biden on a stage with Trump.
I mean, they already cancelled the debates in 2020.
But I mean, okay, who can they put on a stage with Trump?
I mean, Michelle Obama on a stage with Trump?
I mean, I don't see how that goes well.
Look, I think it would be a mistake to underestimate her at any cost.
Look, we both had Joel Gilbert, great friend of ours, who's got a great documentary and a book called Michelle Obama 2024, which he makes an overwhelming and I think compelling case that she's going to be the nominee.
But she would enter the contest with very few negatives.
We can sit here and make jokes about her gender all day, but I think to do so in a serious campaign would actually be detrimental.
I would like to actually see if Obama, pardon me, if Biden will not debate Trump, perhaps the Vice President will debate Trump.
Although, to a certain extent, it would be beneath Trump to do that.
These people are stuck, and they're increasingly hysterical, Owen.
I mean, this morning I watched MSNBC, and I was watching the talking heads there, specifically saying that their own poll must be wrong, that the New York Times' Siena College poll shows Trump ahead.
That must be wrong, that Biden is far stronger Then those polls indicate.
I just think that that's wrong.
Well, I don't know any Biden supporters.
I mean, really, I have liberal friends.
I have friends that vote Democrat.
I have pro-choice people that I know.
None of them like Joe Biden.
Even they would rather vote for Trump against their own, perhaps, political beliefs just because they like having a country that's not falling apart.
So they can, well, I mean, just generally speaking, though, I'm getting the same 2016 vibes right now The liberal mainstream media, the Democrat front groups in the media, they really are going into conniption fits of rage and denial and just complete psychotic breakdowns.
Yeah, there is a hysteria, they're apoplectic.
They're near hysterical.
One thing I'd point out, I just wrote a long piece on this, they're back to recycling the Russian collusion hoax.
You see, that's the thing about leftists.
It doesn't matter how debunked, how disproven, how discredited any of their Crazy theories are.
If you just wait a couple weeks, they'll be right back with them and recycling them back yet again.
So we're all the way back to Donald Trump was elected with the assistance of Russian intelligence, which is of course a bald-faced lie, an absolute lie.
I was thinking specifically of Andrea Mitchell.
Who on MSNBC says, well, Biden's far more popular and stronger than our own NBC poll shows.
Why is she saying that?
Because, I don't know, the ladies in her Pilates class think that?
I mean, these people are not in any way in touch with average Americans.
They don't have their finger on the pulse of what Real people are going through what real people are feeling, but there is indeed an increased hysteria and it is obviously their last best hope, we've experienced this ourselves, is to lock Donald Trump up.
In other words, they're counting on not beating him at the ballot box, but they're counting on convicting him somewhere or something for some fabricated crime in the hopes that that will take him down.
I think you're going to turn out to be wrong about that as well.
Briefly, what can Joe Biden gain from his State of the Union address tonight?
I mean, it is an opportunity.
He's not campaigning.
So this is virtually a campaign speech for him.
This is going to be the most he's spoken to the American people since his last State of the Union.
Obviously he's going to have nothing to do but lie about the state of things.
Is there anything Joe Biden can do to help himself in this state of the union tonight?
He's going to do three things, I think.
One is he's going to continue to tell the false tale of Bidenomics.
Go to Bidenomics.com, by the way, which you would think the Biden campaign would have been smart enough to buy, but they didn't.
And you can see the truth of this devastating economy.
Sure, unemployment is 3.4 percent.
If you don't bother to count the 750,000 people who stopped looking for work in December.
Or if you don't count the 2 million people who stopped looking for work over the previous year.
I mean, Andy, you also can't take into consideration the seasonal adjustments These fake statistics that they're throwing at us, nobody is feeling them.
So he's going to talk about what a solid course he's set the economy on.
Nobody believes that.
Secondarily, he's going to talk about abortion again and again and again.
He's going to try to make this election a referendum on abortion, which of course those evil Republicans want to outlaw.
Not recognizing that the overturning of Roe v. Wade turned this decision back to the states.
And the states are regulating abortion.
But abortion rights are not at risk in the country.
That's not the way he'll tell it to you.
He's going to go on and on distorting that IVF decision out of Alabama.
Alabama Republicans and the governor there move very swiftly to protect those who might
legitimately seeking to get pregnancy through in vitro.
But they're going to try to give you the impression that all Republicans are against that.
And then lastly, he's going to say, he's going to repeat the lie, that if we don't ship another
$95 billion to Ukraine, well, not only is Vladimir Putin going to sweep up Ukraine,
but he's then going to gobble up Poland, Germany, France, and the rest of Europe, which of course
there's no evidence to support that idea either.
Yeah, I'd agree with all that analysis, and I'd also add, I expect Joe Biden to say at least one time, at least one time, democracy is at stake from the people that are destroying democracy.
You know, the one thing I noticed, and I'm glad that you brought this up, There really isn't any solid issue that the Democrats can run on right now.
If you look at the Democrat Party platform, the issues are not popular.
Raising taxes, pro-war, sexualizing children, trans kids, that's not popular stuff.
I do think they're going to lean into abortion, but even that's not as popular as they think.
I guess what they're hoping here is there are people that will be one single-issue voters on abortion, that will be a lot of millions of women potentially.
But to me, there is not enough weight there, Roger.
There's just not.
But I think that that's what they're going to lean into.
I don't think, as you point out, I don't think they have much choice.
Now, the most interesting thing here you made reference to, and that is their entire narrative that Trump is somehow a threat to our democracy.
Let's go through this, if we may.
Who is it who's trying to lock up the leading opposition party candidate for president?
Something you would see in Fidel Castro's Cuba or Mao's China or Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia.
That would be the Democrats.
Who is it who wants to limit free speech on the internet through censorship, through cancellation, through shadow banning and so on?
That would be the Democrats.
We now know definitively that the government Under the Obama administration was actively involved in doing exactly that, working hand in glove with these huge Silicon Valley companies.
Who is it who is spying on 178,000 Americans without a warrant?
Well, that would be the current administration by their own admission.
Who is it who dipped into the 702 database to pull up information on four and a half million Americans?
So those are the things that are a threat to democracy.
Then when you add to that their attempt to keep Trump off the ballot, just not have an election, keep him off the ballot, what could be more anti-democratic than that?
So once again, Everything they accuse us of doing is, of course, exactly what they themselves are doing.
Joe Biden is the threat to our constitutional republic.
Roger, what in the hell happened during the California primaries this Super Tuesday?
Well, one of your favorite people has progressed to the next level.
Now remember, California has a unique system where they don't have party primaries to choose their nominees anymore.
All candidates of all parties run in one, what they call, jungle primary, with the two top vote-getters then facing off at the November general election.
So, Watermelon Head himself emerged.
I would say that Steve Garvey and Adam Schiff were neck-in-pencil-neck in the outcome of the California primary.
They will now face off.
There's a couple different dynamics here that are important.
Two progressives, Katie Porter from Orange County, who spent a lot of money but did not
make the finals.
And then Barbara Lee, an African American congresswoman from the Bay Area, was fourth.
Those are progressive votes.
Although, given the dichotomy going on in the Democratic Party over the entire issue
of Gaza and Israel, how Adam Schiff is going to fare among Barbara Lee's constituents,
well, that really remains to be seen.
Steve Garvey, the baseball great.
Played for the L.A.
Surprise finisher here.
The demographics don't favor him.
On the other hand, Adam Schiff is so odious, so exposed as the fraud that he is.
Well, hope springs eternal.
Hopefully, Adam Schiff can be flushed once and for all.
Well, what about the fact, and I don't know if you saw, Garvey was winning at one point during the process, and then magically another voter tabulation error goes massively in favor of a Democrat, and then all of a sudden Schiff gets hundreds of thousands of votes, Garvey loses hundreds of thousands of votes, so people are wondering what happened with that, and then there was the issue of Charlotta Bassett, how the ballot was all screwed up for her.
Yeah, she's actually a very good personal friend of mine.
I endorsed her.
She's a great woman, Charlita Bassett, and she's on the ballot, on the paper ballot.
In English, she's correctly identified as a Republican, but in Chinese, because there is a Chinese section of the ballot, she's identified as a Democrat.
She's most definitely not a Democrat.
But you know what?
Was lucky, at least she got on the ballot.
There were 27 candidates who were duly qualified for the U.S.
Not all of them made the ballot in all places.
Then beyond that, the Secretary of State would require you to send in your information for a voter guide, but well, Charlita's information was sent in plenty of time, but it miraculously just Did not appear.
I used to say Nevada probably had the dirtiest election system in the country.
I'm now beginning to believe that California is right up there with them.
I think in truth, in some of these close house races two years ago, Republicans actually won, but the Democrats were coming up with ballots, you know, 10 days, two weeks after the election.
I would urge Charlita to get a good solid lawyer and bring a lawsuit because very clearly her rights and the rights of some of these other candidates have been violated.
Well I've always scratched my head and it's like how do people like Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi Dianne Feinstein.
How do they win election after election after election after election?
I mean, it truly is.
It's almost as much of a modern marvel as Schiff's watermelon head with a toothpick neck.
Yeah, I mean, look, all of those people come from overwhelmingly solid Democrat districts, and 99% of incumbents get re-elected.
They're certainly not going to be exposed by the media.
I mean, Adam Schiff said that he had seen More than circumstantial evidence of Russian collusion between Russian intelligence and the Trump campaign in 2016.
And well, we're still waiting for it.
And then he falls back to this mantra.
Well, we know that the Russians offered the Trump campaign help.
We know that the Trump campaign accepted that help.
And we know the Trump campaign used that help.
Every single part of that is a lie.
It's false.
Then it is, oh, Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort Shared polling data with a man named Konstantin Kalimnik, who was a Russian intelligence asset.
Well, there's a couple problems with that.
There was no proprietary Trump campaign polling data at the time this allegedly happened, and Konstantin Kalimnik was an American intelligence asset.
The whole thing is yet another one of Adam Schiff's major lies.
You can always tell when Adam Schiff is lying.
You know how?
Because his lips are moving.
Roger Stone.
Just prime fashion Roger Stone.
This has been an incredible interview.
But guess what?
We got another segment coming up with Roger next.
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Guys like Adam Schiff and, you know, Schiff the pencil neck.
Pencil neck!
He's a marvel.
No, he's a structural marvel.
He has a neck.
And his head is like a watermelon and his neck.
And how that neck can hold up that big oversized ugly head is hard to believe.
No, it's true.
It's a modern marvel.
Big head.
It's like your finger on a basketball.
Some of these guys, they spin it.
No, no, he's a terrible guy.
If it's Schiff, flush it.
Roger Stone with us here.
That's just great stuff.
That's just great stuff from Donald Trump.
Alright, I want to get into an issue that Roger, I'm really focusing on here.
And I think we as populists behind Donald Trump need to really understand this for messaging purposes as we get closer to the election now.
Swalwell tweets this out last evening.
He says, the Republican Party is dead.
It's not coming back.
This is now a MAGA extreme party that prefers violence over voting.
Well, he's obviously lying about the last part.
That's the left that threatens you with violence.
But I don't want to go into that.
I want to talk about him saying the Republican Party is dead.
There's an element of truth to this.
The corrupt establishment swamp Republican Party is dying.
I don't know if it's dead.
I mean, Nikki Haley did just drop out.
That might be some evidence.
McConnell refuses to walk away till November.
Romney McDaniel, for some reason, won't go away.
So it's not dead yet.
They still have their representation in positions of power and influence.
But it's waning, Roger.
And I think that The truth is that there is a new Republican voter base, there is a new Republican party represented by people like Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, maybe Josh Howley and some others.
I like to call it the new right.
I mean, you look at the man that just won the primary for governor in North Carolina, who they're trying to destroy with all this stuff that he says, well, it might be crazy.
I don't care if he thinks the moon is made out of cheese.
If he has good policy that supports his people in North Carolina, then I like him.
How do you summarize this, Roger?
I kind of call it the new right.
We want America first.
We want criminals arrested.
We believe that America can have a positive future.
I mean, this is the new right.
How do you kind of summarize all of this?
Is Eric Swallow right?
The old establishment Republican Party, is it dead?
Well, Owen, I think Senator Barry Goldwater said this at the 1960 convention when he said, the Republican Party is our traditional home, speaking as a conservative.
So yes, the country club, neocon dominated inside the beltway Republican Party of Mitt Romney and John McCain and some of their predecessors.
That party is indeed dead.
The new Republican Party is the party of working Americans.
It is the party of the middle class.
It is the party of America First.
It's a non-interventionist party.
So we're not going out looking for foreign wars around the world in which we can stick
our nose, but where we have no inherent interest.
Donald Trump has completely reinvigorated the old, stiff, stolid, boring Republican
Party of the country club and of the Bushes.
And now what you see potentially is a substantial political realignment as Hispanic voters and
Asian voters and an increasing number of African American voters and as younger voters start
moving in some cases historically for the first time to the Republican Party.
So, Eric Swalwells, what he doesn't recognize is the old Democratic Party.
is dead.
That being the Democratic Party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy, a party that was anti-communist, a party that was for a strong national defense, a party that supported capitalism.
That party is dead.
And now the two parties are now, I think, realigned more Traditionally, the way the British parties used to be realigned.
We are the conservative party.
They are not even the liberal party anymore.
They're the leftist, progressive, Marxist party.
They don't even make any bones about the fact that they prefer socialism over capitalism.
That would be unthinkable just a few short years ago.
But to think that our party's dead?
No, our party's more vibrant, it's broader, and I think more inclusive, and they're petrified By looking at these new polling numbers.
There has never been a time, Owen, when the Republican nominee for president out-polled the Democratic nominee among Hispanic voters.
But we're now seeing that for the first time.
And it has them petrified.
Absolutely petrified.
Well, and I really would like to see what the Republican Party would look like with all the tools that it has, if it's actually being run by America First people, like we could see potentially after the 2024 presidential election.
I mean, maybe Mike Johnson comes more to our side.
Maybe we have a different speaker.
Maybe we get more of a Rand Paul or Josh Hawley for the Senate leadership.
And then, of course, Donald Trump.
I'd like to see, even with maybe Whatley potentially running the RNC, I mean, anything is better than Ronna Romney McDaniel.
She's completely worthless.
I mean, I look at all the opportunities wasted, like...
MSNBC insulting the voters in Virginia and West Virginia.
They should have made that into an ad and it should be running in Virginia and West Virginia every day from now until the election.
They should take the clips of Swalwell and Schiff saying, I have the evidence, I have the evidence in front of Congress lying to the American people.
There was no evidence.
I mean, it's just, we don't even swing at these fastballs that the Democrats give us right down the plate to hit out of the park.
Now, Roger, you can either respond to that in the last few minutes or What role do you think RFK plays from here on out?
Well, you know, that really remains to be seen.
First of all, let me say, you're going to have a sea change at the Republican National Committee.
Perhaps this is inside baseball to some, but I believe Chris LaCivita, who served his country at a time of war, a decorated veteran, To my mind, one of the very best strategists, operatives, mechanics in the Republican Party today.
A man with an enormous capacity politically, partially responsible with a handful of others for Trump's amazing follow-through and the execution of their plan in the Iowa caucuses, where they tripled the previous high-water mark.
Uh, the smashing victory in New Hampshire.
Chris LaCivita is slated, as I understand it, to go over and take over the operations of the Republican National Committee.
Which means things are going to be very honestly run.
And for the first time ever, every single dollar will be spent efficiently.
And he will start, in my opinion, cutting the overhead, getting rid of the consultants and the other freeloaders.
So this, from an operative point of view, is very important because the Republican National Committee legally can do things in conjunction with the presidential nominee that only the National Party can do.
As far as RFK is concerned, this is a longer subject, but we have to see if he makes the ballot.
I mean, getting on the ballot as an independent Far more difficult than people think it is, because the rules that govern ballot access are written by Republicans and Democrats working together to make it as difficult to get on the ballot as possible.
Early on, some of the national polls showed that RFK pulled disproportionately from Trump, but then when you look at it on a state-by-state basis, that does not necessarily appear to be the case.
And in a number of the swing states, I really question whether he can get on the ballot in the end as an independent.
In a number of the other swing states, he appears at least today, in some cases, to be polling disproportionately from Joe Biden and the Democrats rather than Trump and the Republicans.
Yeah, I think somebody from the Trump campaign or Trump himself needs to reach out to RFK and cut a deal and basically say, look, the thing is going to be rigged against you.
You can't get on the ballot, but you know, come out, run a good campaign and then endorse Trump and we'll give you a role in the administration.
Is that possible, Roger?
I don't know anything about that.
In all honesty, I think that the guy has some positions I really like.
He has some positions I really don't like.
I think he's going to be very, very frustrated in his attempts to maneuver his way onto the ballot as an Independent.
I'm sure you've seen this.
He's now been flirting with the Libertarian Party.
He's not a Libertarian.
I don't know.
Final segment here of the Alex Jones Show.
It's been an exciting transmission.
Had a good time there with Roger Stone.
I want to get into some geopolitical issues here now.
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Alright, Marjorie Taylor Greene ran into some leftist protesters, some pro-Palestinian protesters out in the streets.
It was an interesting exchange, and it went like this.
Aren't you supposed to represent your constituents?
Again, I don't tell Israel what to do after their people were abrasively murdered.
Guys, you know what?
What about Lake and Riley?
Have y'all talked about her?
Do you know who Lake and Riley is?
Innocent young woman, American citizen.
Murdered by an illegal alien.
That's the issue Americans care about.
No, that's the issue.
No, many people die every day.
Wow, many people die every day.
So awesome.
I appreciate it.
I thought you were going to yell at me.
Okay, you know, I never thought I would agree with you, but I like that.
I appreciate it.
You're actually really... I mean, we are the taxpayers, right?
We are the taxpayers.
I have been calling and saying I want our money to stay here in the United States.
We have our own problems, and we shouldn't be... We have a massive debt.
A massive debt.
We've got homeless people everywhere.
Okay, you know what?
We'll just stay.
Thank you very much.
We refuse to sign it.
I like to see that from Marjorie Taylor Greene, and look, I'll tell you what, I know that Most of the Republican Party is head over heels for Israel.
I'll show you more proof of that coming up momentarily.
And obviously even Marjorie Taylor Greene is, I mean, she doesn't talk too much about it, but I'm sure she's on the pro-Israeli side.
But when you have that conversation, because the left won't have that conversation.
They're in a really bad space right now with the Biden administration supporting Israel's
war on the Gazan Strip and taking of that land.
So I mean, honestly, these are voters that will be single issue voters in November that
strategically the Republicans could scoop up easily.
And it's not even that they have to be anti-Israel, but they have to find a way to play it neutrally
and then put the blame on Biden for what's going on.
But they probably won't do that because many of them are owned by the Israeli lobby.
And I think there is proof of that.
But I want to show one more thing, guys.
If you roll that clip, notice the one protester and we need and good for Marjorie Taylor Greene
for having the conversation.
Notice as soon as she says illegal immigrant, the girl's face winces.
Here, give the audio.
Watch the girl's face that's going to come in here when she says illegal immigrant.
Watch this.
We're not Lake and Riley.
Have y'all talked about her?
Do you know what Lake and Riley is?
Innocent young woman, American, murdered by an illegal alien.
That's the issue Americans care about.
Do you see that?
They hate that because it's undeniable.
They can't deny it.
So Marjorie Taylor Greene handled that better than AOC or the leftists when they get confronted by the pro-Palestinian protesters in D.C.
Good job Marjorie Taylor Greene.
But that's how you do it.
Bring it back home.
Bring it back to America.
If you don't want to take a stance for either side, or even maybe you have a disagreement on which side you're on there, you always bring it back home.
You say, you know what?
I care more about Americans.
Whatever happens over there, maybe it's bad for this side, that side, whatever.
We need to focus here on America, and that's the winning message.
Now, have you ever heard of Representative Chuck Fleischman?
It's likely you haven't.
It's likely most Americans haven't.
So this is going to be the first time you ever hear from Representative Chuck Fleischman, a Republican.
And Chuck Fleischman wants your first impression and the biggest statement he ever makes as a representative to be this in clip 7.
Let me make it clear.
Why do you support the genocide and all of the war crimes and
collective punishment?
Are you concerned?
Let me make it clear.
Let me make it clear.
Israel is our ally, will always be our ally.
And if they commit war crimes, even with...
They are not guilty of genocide.
And I will support Israel forever.
Israel will stay your ally, even though they commit genocide.
Even though, even that's your term.
Even when they kill 30,000 kids, that is the statistics.
That's a statistic.
That's a statistic.
Are you okay?
Let me tell you a statistic.
Yes, please.
Will exist.
The Jewish state will exist.
That's not a statistic.
And that is for God to do and to decide.
And I will always support Israel.
I will always support Israel.
And you can tell the Palestinians, I will never support them.
I am a Palestinian myself.
Then I will tell you, I will never support you.
I will tell you to your face.
Goodbye to Palestine.
Goodbye to Palestine.
We will support Israel forever!
So you are comfortable with the murder of thousands of children?
You are not answering the question!
Goodbye to Palestine.
Always so important, Israel.
So you just said goodbye to Palestine.
So you are saying you are comfortable with the murder of
thousands of children.
The Jewish people will never suffer again under Palestinian
terrorism, under Hamas, under Hezbollah.
What about 30,000 innocents that we need?
God bless Israel forever.
Thank you for saying that.
And the Jewish Palestine off the earth, yeah?
God bless Israel forever.
Well, I guess that'll be up to than actually want it.
Now, again, you've probably never heard of Chuck Fleischman.
That will be Chuck Fleischman's moment right there.
Now, has he ever gone on a rant for America?
Has he ever said anything pro-America?
Has he ever showed so much energy and enthusiasm for America, the country he supposedly represents?
But, boy, does he let you know how he feels about Israel.
Does he want everybody to know that?
So, he's clearly an Israeli first representative.
So, Marjorie Taylor Greene, that's how you properly handle the protesters.
Even if you have a disagreement, you bring it back home.
You have a conversation.
Fleischman is clearly a bought and paid for and owned politician.
And this is why so many people now have a problem with Israel's influence on our government.
Because clearly we have way too many people that put Israel first and clearly Fleischman observes, or we can observe Fleischman as one of them.
I mean that is a psychotic response there.
And he's never espoused any energy or enthusiasm for the United States of America as he does for Israel.
Not even once!
I don't care how passionate you are about that issue, one side or the other, you represent America, Fleischman!
Have you forgotten that?
So that's not how that gets handled, but Fleischman just exposed himself for what he is, compared to Marjorie Taylor Greene, who's an America First candidate.
The difference is obvious.
The difference is obvious.
Now, there's all kinds of news on this.
I'll see if I can get it all in before we sign off.
Foreign media is banned from the Gaza Strip.
Biden should press Israel to get access.
Yeah, the IDF is banning any drone flights so you can't see the complete destruction of the Gaza Strip.
They're banning any journalists.
They're also trying to ban doctors because what happens is They go into the Gaza Strip, they see the bloodshed, they see the murder, they see the innocent children and women that get killed, and then they go to the American media and the national media and they tell the story, so Israel's trying to stop that from happening.
Biden's blind faith embrace of Israel is ruining America's image in the Middle East.
Well, they're funding both sides of it, is what's happening.
But yeah, I mean, I don't think the Middle East has had too solid of an image of America for quite some time.
I mean, in Iran they chant death to America, so I'm not really sure if that's Biden's fault.
Washington should disentangle itself from the Middle East.
That's the headline on The Hill today.
That's the proper way to go about this.
That's the proper way to go about this.
Disentangle itself.
We have issues here, folks.
There's obviously a lot of passion on both sides of this issue, just like there has been forever.
Just like there has been forever.
And it's not going anywhere.
We need to be concerned about our country.
We have our own issues here that we need to be addressing, not what's going on in Israel or Palestine.
Let the international community deal with that.
We need to deal with our issues domestically.
That's a winning message.
That does it for the Alex Jones Show.
The War Room starts next, hosted today by Harrison Smith.
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