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Name: 20240306_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 6, 2024
2711 lines.

"Alex Jones discusses election fraud allegations by the Democratic Party, foreign troops being used as part of a globalist agenda, Bohemian Grove, military institutions, challenges faced by military recruitment, de-stabilization campaign, FBI cover-up of Jeffrey Epstein's clients, leftist child book authors, Miami being "ruined" by Democrats during Spring Break, Bohemian Grove, secret societies like Skull and Bones, the Franklin scandal involving high-ranking individuals participating in child sex abuse rings, politicians' connections to these parties and bars where young males serve as servers, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush's involvement with Bohemian Grove and secret societies like Skull and Bones, alleged occultic behavior and pedophilia in Hollywood and power structures. He encourages listeners to support InfoWars by buying products from their store or streaming their content."

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Tomorrow's news.
It's Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We are on the road as part of a very important secret mission you'll know about very, very soon in the next 48 hours.
I'll just leave it at that.
Got a huge broadcast lined up for you today.
I'm going to be shooting reports this morning that'll be compiled for the live show that you're watching right now.
Owen Schroer is going to be sitting in the chair covering all the breaking news, guests, and taking your calls.
But let me tell you what I'm going to be breaking down and covering today.
Trump swept Super Tuesday except for Vermont.
And that's one of the only states where Democrats can come over in the primary and vote as Republican.
And that's what they did.
So, this is all part of election theft, all part of election meddling.
They're the party of election fraud.
They're the party of stealing elections.
They're the party of suing and criminally charging Trump.
And you just saw the Supreme Court say it's preposterous that without him being convicted or even charged with insurrection, that he can be pulled off the ballot.
But still, they continue to move forward trying to keep you From voting for who you want.
So the warmongering neocon Dick Cheney in heels Nikki Haley is still saying she's gonna go forward.
Maybe she'll drop out.
Maybe by the time we air this, she would have dropped out.
But this is the Democratic Party with the neocons and the Republican establishment fighting for their lives.
All the indicators show not just a massive awakening here in America, but a massive awakening across the planet.
So very, very exciting information.
We'll have more of that coming up.
I'll also Skype or Zoom in from the road.
We're doing a lot of traveling here at our secret location that the state we're in.
So again, look for that coming up today.
Also, we're going to do a deep dive on the massive illegal alien invasion run by the UN and Colonel McGregor on Tucker's show yesterday.
The full interview is at InfoWars.com.
Also posted on RealAlexJones here on X.
We did an excellent job explaining that they're bringing in all these foreigners to be a paramilitary force to control the American people.
And they draw parallels with Rome.
But the Democrats and the deep state and the globalists and the EU and the UN admit they always use foreign troops to go in and take over countries they want to dominate.
Now they're doing this in a soft coup.
They want MS-13 and gangs to be the enforcers in the blue cities.
They want to collapse most of the nation and only have a few megacities that basically feed off and control the rest of the country.
You may have seen those parallels in fiction books and movies.
Like District 9 and all the other sci-fi films where they describe systems like this.
But this is how we're being herded in, this is how we're being controlled, and we're going to be looking at this real-life Hunger Games scenario that is being set up here in America and in Europe, and how we can stop the globalists.
Also, I'm going to be talking about Former champion now the main contender Ryan Garcia who came out yesterday on a Spaces on on X With Andrew Tate and others and said that he was at Bohemian Grove and was tied down and forced to watch children being sexually assaulted now We don't know this is true or not
But I've listened to the entire spaces last night and it sounds to me like he's having a mental breakdown.
That said, I'm not saying that there isn't serious crimes that go on in and around Bohemian Grove.
We have some historical evidence of that.
Ted Gunderson talked about that.
But also, if people are having a mental breakdown, we need to understand that because going with something that's not true will then discredit all the real research and the things that are going on.
So I'm going to talk about Bohemian Grove.
I'm going to talk about the latest infiltrations of Bohemian Grove and what Bohemian Grove really is.
It's very sinister.
It's a system of corruption.
Richard Nixon talked about it.
Most of the people that go to Bohemian Grove are not involved in Satanism.
They're not involved in hurting children.
But there is evidence that some of that goes on in and around that area and there's a massive occultic system around the world and Bohemian Grove is just one node or one major elite encampment of this cult.
So we'll be breaking that all down today as well and so much more.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Tomorrow's news today.
Please stay with us.
us a giant transmission lined up and it starts now.
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It's Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and I want to start the broadcast today with a very important subject.
And that's the subject of Why are the globalists in Europe and the United States, as well as Canada, Australia, any Western country, bringing in giant masses of foreigners from all over the world?
Why is the UN and major NGOs funding this?
Why does our own State Department facilitate this?
And why now do we see countless Democrat politicians, both state and federal, saying we need illegal aliens.
Now, Colonel Douglas MacGregor did an excellent job yesterday on Tucker Carlson's program, laying out some of the historical parallels, and so did Tucker, between what's happening to the American Empire and what happened to the Roman Empire.
The difference is the Romans didn't destroy themselves on purpose.
The globalists have been extremely honest about the fact that they're trying to accelerate a similar collapse.
Of the American Republic to what the Romans saw that took several hundred years in just a decade or so.
But that's because they're collapsing the American empire into the globalist empire and they can't have any wealthy sovereign nations where people have an idea that they can go on vacation and have a pool and have medical care and choose where they want to go to church.
People that have prosperity are uppity.
Very hard to control, but more importantly, you don't want other people, other populations and enslaved sectors of the world looking at American culture, looking at American freedom as they did in past decades, the last 60, 70 years, and aspiring to that.
You want to discredit America.
You want to demonize America.
You want to destroy American citizens, cities.
You want to destroy American society and civilization so that everybody just absolute control.
Now, when people hear about foreign troops, they think, oh, like Red Guns,
suddenly they've all got guns, and suddenly they're all killing us.
That's not how it's working.
Instead, it's a long process of defunding the police, purging the military, purging the police,
and then bringing in military-age men who can quickly be indoctrinated
and then put in more and more of those positions of power.
I remember five, six years ago, I reported on New Mexico and Illinois and other states,
Democrat-controlled, passing laws so that illegal aliens could be police officers.
And of course, now there's major moves to expand the number of illegal aliens
who are in the US military.
That program was more than 40 years old, but it was limited to certain cases.
Now they're basically saying they're going to make up our new military with these foreigners.
Now, in modern examples of this, we see the UN, who has a giant,
global, so-called peacekeeping force.
And they're made up of Chinese, they're made up of Pakistanis,
they're made up of a lot of big armies from third-world nations and totalitarian nations like
And when they send in these different units, they tend to keep them together.
So they'll send in 10,000 Pakistani UN troops, but they're under Pakistani command
and it's one cohesive group.
Or they'll send in 20,000 Chinese troops into an area of Africa,
but they're actually under Chinese communist command, but they take direct orders from the UN.
Or they'll send in Belgian peacekeepers.
There was famous cases in the early 1990s, mid-1990s of Belgian peacekeepers
going into areas of the Congo and just murdering tens of thousands of people,
raping men, women, children, you name it.
The UN in Rwanda under the Clintons actually helped the majority group
kill the minority Christians and take their land.
You can look up that case.
So this is really a Hunger Games model where you have this global government
with these different regions and most of the populations are very, very poor.
There's no security, no police.
The resources are taken away as you see them doing.
Trying to cut off the rice in Asia, saying it's bad for the earth.
So you make everybody poor to control them.
You get rid of nation states that were once wealthy and free so that people can't aspire to escape to that.
And you basically then divide and conquer using different ethnic and religious populations against each other.
So the globalist aren't just trying to bring down America.
They're trying to bring down Every country that had any original culture or any systems of freedom where there was a social contract between the people and their civilization, their government, to uphold basic rights, liberties, and freedom.
So I want to play a seven minute clip from Tucker Carlson's powerful broadcast yesterday.
I suggest you go to his ex account or Tucker Carlson's website to find the whole thing.
It's very important.
And then I'm going to come back and talk about how we counter this and how we deal with this.
But again, McGregor is focusing specifically on what they could do with all these military age men.
I'm focusing on the larger balkanization and divide and conquer strategy.
But before we go to the clip, it's very, very important to add here that this isn't the only type of warfare, dissolving borders, shipping, and fentanyl.
So the American military leaves, that has a history of protecting the Republic, that know what their oath means, and now you can bring in more and more of the woke, you can bring in more and more of the foreigners, who will just follow orders.
The real warfare is cutting off the fertilizer, cutting off the Keystone Pipeline, cutting off thousands of other smaller pipelines, killing our oil drilling and gas drilling capabilities, devaluing our dollar, not letting oil companies get more oil out of American fields, but buying it from Venezuela.
All of that is economic warfare.
Going after your range stoves, going after your natural gas heaters, going after your space heaters.
Europe's already banned all that stuff.
Once you're able to do that and control those things you have total dominance.
The feds just charged a man in California who was bringing in Freon to charge refrigerators and air conditioners and because he brought in Greenhouse gases, that's the green police, where you can rape or murder somebody and only spend a few months or a few years in prison.
But, oh, if you've got a range stove in the future, or you're raising beef like the Amish and selling it, that's not going through their system, you're being shut down.
Letitia James, funded by Soros in New York, is now saying she's going to come after the beef industry.
She is.
She's already taken over the NRA.
They're already having these fake convictions and civil convictions of Trump.
So they're killing us a lot of different ways, but the big one is dividing us and conquering us, creating racial division, demonizing our founding fathers, demonize the American flag.
I told you years ago, they take down Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee.
Next is...
George Washington.
So, it's a cultural attack on all of us so we don't work together, no matter what color we are, to demand the American birthright that is a trillion times better than Klaus Schwab and the UN nuclear model.
So, everybody looking for UN troops and blue helmets to pop up one day and we'll have our big battle then isn't understanding how this is going to work.
They'll continue the process of dividing and conquering us and making us poor and creating all this crime and dissolving our borders and demoralizing us.
And then if somebody like Trump gets back in, Democrats have already said
they're going to activate Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the whole Islamic groups
that are allied with the left to then burn American cities down.
And if Trump declares the insurrection act like George Herbert Walker Bush did
in '92, they will call him a dictator and try to drive him from office.
So they might have uprisings in the next year or even nine, 10 months.
It'll be when Trump's president-elect are going to try to stop him.
That's their admitted move, or it might come five years from now.
It might come 10 years from now, but if they can just incrementally bring us down,
they'll never actually have a giant uprising and burn the country to the ground
because they won't need that.
They would have already taken over the military and the police and the colleges
and the infrastructure by stealth.
But we're aware of their operation.
We're exposing it.
More and more people understand this.
That's why we've got a very good chance to stop this because it's totally illegal.
It goes against common sense.
It destroys prosperity and it hurts all Americans, regardless of what color you are.
So I'm going to play this important clip.
We're going to go to a break and I'm going to come back and break more of this down.
Please stay with us.
How did Rome fall?
Historians have been debating that question, well, moving on 2,000 years now.
But everyone agrees one of the reasons is pretty obvious.
The Roman military, its legions, became dominated by non-citizens who, in the end, because they weren't loyal to Rome, turned against Rome's citizens.
So knowing that as we do, consider this series of facts.
This country has been flooded with tens of millions of illegal aliens.
At least 7.2 million.
That's the official number I've entered since Joe Biden became president.
That number is greater than the population of 32 states.
So what do we do with these people?
Do we deport them?
Not according to the U.S.
Here's the idea.
There is no higher honor than serving your country in uniform.
And that honor could be extended to migrants under a new bill introduced by Hudson Valley
Congressman Pat Ryan.
Called the Courage to Serve Act, this bill would offer qualified and vetted migrants
an expedited path to citizenship if they serve in the military.
According to Ryan, last year the military services collectively missed recruiting goals
by roughly 41,000 recruits, leaving some crucial positions unfilled.
If there are folks with the courage to raise their right hand, take an oath to protect
and defend our Constitution, and put their lives on the line for this country, then they
sure as hell deserve the opportunity to be citizens in the United States of America.
Ooh, Pat Ryan lecturing us on what it means to be an American, as if you would know.
But consider this for a second.
The military can't meet its recruiting goals.
Now, who forms the basis of our fighting forces?
Well, sorry to say it, but white men always have.
So the U.S.
military has been attacking white men by name.
We're against you white men.
And so it turns out lots of white men don't want to join the military anymore.
Who could have predicted that?
So there is a problem getting American citizens who were born here to defend their country.
Now, in a normal nation, you would pause and ask, what are we doing wrong?
That young Americans don't want to defend their own country.
Maybe we should change and improve.
But not in this country, not with this Congress.
The idea is, let's allow an invasion of the country, not use the military to stop it, and then populate the military with people who are invading the country and hope for the best.
If this ever does become a police state, if you're ever ordered to obey at the point of a gun, this is the way it's going to happen.
Maybe not.
Colonel Douglas MacGregor seemed like a man to ask about this.
He's a former senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense, the commander of the last tank battle in American history, and the CEO of Our Country, Our Choice.
He joins us now.
Doug, thanks so much for coming on.
Now, I don't want to jump to a lot of conclusions about this, but since you are, in addition to all the other things I mentioned, a military historian, assess if you would the wisdom of allowing people to invade your country and then handing them automatic weapons.
You know, when I listen to the comments coming out of the Senate or the House, let alone the White House, I'm sometimes reminded of that famous statement in Vietnam, in order to save the village, we had to destroy it.
I get the impression that's the plan in Washington.
We have to destroy the country in order to save it.
At least, I guess, from the standpoint of everybody in Washington, whatever happened before they arrived was wrong, and the brave new world must be built in the future on the ruins of the past.
And they're doing a pretty good job of trying to make that work.
The military is a good example of it, and military institutions take decades to build.
They're resilient in most cases because of the human capital that replenishes them on a routine basis.
We're having problems recruiting for a very simple reason.
People that have been through this over the last 20, 30 years have said, what are we doing?
What's the point of being in the military?
We go to these places.
They look around in Iraq or they look around in Afghanistan and they say, there's nothing here.
What am I doing here?
Oh, well, you're building democracy.
And people burst out laughing.
It's nonsense.
Of course it's nonsense.
How is this defending America?
And I think that's a huge part of the problem.
If you were to ask 100,000 men, white, black or otherwise, who call themselves Americans, what are you ready to do?
They're ready to defend the United States.
But they don't see much evidence that we're defending the United States.
If anything, we've walked away from that.
In favor of what?
Defending Ukraine?
Or defending parts of the Middle East?
This is not what we signed up for and I think that's a huge issue as well.
I wonder, though, what the effect on our domestic politics or domestic life will be.
I mean, when you're at West Point, I imagine you saw your job as a newly minted army officer defending the United States from its enemies abroad.
But the DoD is playing, I think, an unprecedented role in the domestic life of our country.
You saw it on January 6th.
You see it in the censorship efforts being led by DoD.
So should we be a little nervous about the idea of arming foreigners Lawbreakers?
People who've broken federal law and handing them weapons?
Like, why would you be crazy to worry that that might be used against us?
Well, if you were playing for the Eagles and suddenly you were fired and the manager of the Eagles decided to hire the third string team that works in Dallas, Texas for the Dallas Cowboys, then you went into the game and discovered that the third stringers from the Dallas Cowboys are helping the Dallas Cowboys win You'd be pretty upset.
Well, that's effectively what these people are deciding to do.
None of these people are Americans.
We know from having interviewed them, they have no aspiration to be Americans.
What they aspire to is to get into the consumption machine.
Get the ticket of entry, the free check, the free phone, the free transportation tickets, the free food, the free medical care, the free this, the free that.
That's why they're coming.
And people say, well, they deserve this.
No, they don't.
They haven't worked for any of it.
In the meantime, what do Americans get?
We have a force right now that can't defend anything anywhere overseas very successfully.
Look at the failed military operations we've had for over 20 years, and look at the border.
No one brings it up.
No one's even trying.
No one seems to care.
I think the largest problem is that Washington is this ideological bubble, and everyone decides that anyone who doesn't agree with them that the world has to be refashioned in some new image that
exists only in their minds, and that anybody who disagrees with them is by definition a
criminal and has to be treated as such, what better solution than finding people who have no
connection to the American people, arming them, and then sending them out to oppress us?
Sounds like a great solution.
The invasion has been going on for a long time, but again, it's not just a physical invasion
run by the United Nations, funded by our own State Department.
It is a cultural invasion to demonize American culture, to make us ashamed of ourselves, to make us all fight with each other while they put the pliable foreigners in charge who've been indoctrinated into an anti-capitalist, anti-American Mindset.
Just a few days ago, Elon Musk put out this post on X. Someone should download the CBP One app and make a step-by-step video of the insanity.
That's a lot of planes and a lot of airports.
Amazing that they kept this secret for so long.
And what's he talking about?
He's talking about the invasion of Biden with the 320,000 illegal aliens, most of them, Women and children, many of them unaccompanied children, being brought into the country and flown around secretly on airplanes.
Not to be reported.
Biden administration admits it secretly flew 320,000 asylum seekers into the US in 2023 alone to reduce numbers at the border.
So we were reporting on this when Obama was doing it.
Trump stopped it as soon as Biden got in.
Three and a half years ago, or three years and a few months ago, we were down at the Texas border shelling them, being loaded on the large passenger jets and flown around the country.
We showed you at the airports, the babies being handed over with no documentation and just disappearing into a black hole.
Now we have in places like New York and Illinois, where they're giving them up to $95,000 a
year per illegal alien or per illegal alien family as the magnet to draw him up there.
And then once they get these populations drawn to the United States, most of them never get
They're basically kept as groups that the left controls.
And the same thing's been done in Europe with mainly military age men, tens of millions
of them.
And now there's no-go zones in all the major cities.
Now the Islamists are attacking everybody.
This is part of the de-industrialization, de-stabilization campaign.
I mean, look at tourism.
It's down over 80% in places like France.
Why would they go along with their own destruction?
Because it's a larger plan.
They've already enslaved Africa and most of Latin America and most of Asia and the Middle East.
Now they want to enslave what's left of the West, and they've got that long-term project, which is now coming into focus, coming into view, of all these military-age men who will be the police officers, who will be the military.
The way to stop this is to be conscious about it, to admit it's happening, to get good governors elected, good legislatures elected, and as soon as Trump gets in, to go through all these databases of the military age men that have been brought in, upwards of 80% of the people coming in, and then deport anyone that has a criminal record, and most of them do.
And that will deal with the problem right there.
Also, If they stop the poison shots of the military, which they've done, and if they stop the critical race theory and the transgenderism that's meant to drive the good men and women out, we can then recruit good people again.
Another long-term reason they're doing this is to destabilize human militaries worldwide that are based on a human-based military system and to move us on to autonomous drones both land, sea, and air and space, because they will
follow globalist orders when humans are able to say no to unlawful orders.
So this is a large, strategic, globalist goal.
If you read their white papers, they admit all of this.
And that's the good news is we have the replacement migration documents.
It doesn't matter the ADL says you should be arrested if you talk about it.
We have their own admissions of how they want to bring down the West.
So because we have the enemy's own battle plan, if we just admit we're under attack
and admit this is happening and understand that it's going to be an incremental takeover,
we don't just sit there waiting for the UN blue helmets to come and then we're going
to all magically rise up and fight them.
But if we peacefully, culturally come together, rediscover Americana, and not just promote
the 1776 culture that's way superior to the globalist system that people inherently want
prosperity and justice and security and freedom and competition.
But then we won't have to export American power via globalism to enslave people in our name.
We will be able to export freedom as we were doing before, just through culture and through a velvet revolution of what I call 1776 worldwide.
And that's why the globalists admit, and the CIA admits, the Justice Department admits, the congressional hearings admit, that they have been so fearful of InfoWars and what we've done in the last 29 plus years, 30 years in April, coming up on our 30th anniversary next month.
Because I have studied history, I've studied culture, I've studied their systems, and I know what we're promoting is night and day compared to the tyranny and the dystopia that they're pushing.
And I believe in humanity, and I believe if we warned people up front, some would listen, most wouldn't.
But once the tyranny started coming into view, once it went from beta to operational, I bet on humanity and believed that you would stand up, no matter what color you are, or no matter what your gender is, that you would recognize that these megacorporations and these big central banks, with BlackRock at their center, are out to get you, and that you would never want to go along with any of their agenda, or any of Hollywood's agenda, and that it's all fundamentally toxic and poisonous and antithetical to common sense.
As I've said many times, we're selling iced tea or fresh water in the Sahara Desert.
They're promoting sand in the Sahara Desert.
What do you want when you're dying of thirst in the Sahara Desert?
You want freedom.
You want the crisp, clean water.
You want the shade.
You want the oasis of a free country with checks and balances and due process and where you have a chance to work hard and be rewarded for your labor.
Do you really want to eat the bugs?
Do you really want to have nothing?
And owe nothing and be happy?
Do you really want your children caught, taught to have their genitals cut off?
Do you really want your children caught in this system and being taught to destroy themselves?
Nobody who has any common sense or self-preservation should support that or want that or be part of that.
So that's why we have to understand this is a lot bigger than just troops that are going to pop up like Jack in the Box out of nowhere.
That's their backstop plan.
If we're unable to get things back peacefully, then they're going to make it about race war.
They're going to stage false flags.
They've created those racial and cultural and religious divides.
But if we understand the great game, the balkanization they're engaged in, we don't just have a chance to win.
We will win.
So you've been given the enemy transmission.
We've laid out how this really works.
It's up to you now to research what I've said, find out it's true, and for us to organize together legally and lawfully and non-violently to stop this.
If I thought violence was the best way to go with this, I would do it.
It's the worst way.
And it's the last ditch thing, and we have not exhausted any of our avenues to fix this peacefully.
That's why the enemy wants to provocateur violence ahead of time.
To discredit us.
We don't want any offensive violence.
We're winning the culture war.
We're gaining ground.
The enemy's losing.
They admit they are.
Let's get politically active.
Let's redouble our efforts.
Let's pray to God to give us the Holy Spirit, to give us discernment, and to lead, guide, and direct us.
And let's understand that right now we're at historic crossroads, and when you speak out, and when you support broadcasts like this, and when you tell perfect strangers and friends and family about what's really going on, You overpower the censorship, you overpower the AI, you overpower the globalists, which we're starting to do.
Now I'm going to hand the baton to Owen Schroyer here in a moment.
I'm going to shoot a special report because people are really talking about Bohemian Grove.
It's one of the top stories out there.
I'm the leading expert arguably on it, and so I can really shed some light on what really goes on there and what it's part of.
In a larger system and also give you my take on one of the top boxers in the country who is speaking out now and saying that he was at Bohemian Grove and that he saw horrible sexual assaults on children.
I don't know if that's true.
And so I'm going to give you my take on it, but I'm going to tell you what I do know about Bohemian Grove coming up.
24 years ago that I infiltrated Bohemian Grove.
Coming up this July will be 24 years.
I really need to make a new documentary about Bohemian Grove with all the updated information and all the things that happened.
And my second failed attempt to infiltrate, what was that, 10 years ago with another big author and investigative journalist as well.
So definitely we're going to put out a Bohemian Grove documentary here very, very soon.
If you want to see my original Bohemian Grove documentaries, they're online for free.
You can find them everywhere.
Dark Secrets of South Bohemian Grove, The Order of Death.
They're getting hundreds of millions of views in the last year on X alone.
And just remember, all of this is financed by your support.
So please go to infowarestore.com and get great products there today.
Thank you, and we'll be right back.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are now live inside the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
An honor, a privilege to be with you here today.
A victory lap for Donald Trump, a victory lap for America.
I'm gonna get into some of the numbers that have me feeling good today.
I mean real good.
And so I can feel good about the political news.
It's a bit of a more difficult thing to feel good about when you have people exposing the Satanists, virtually, that want to run our country and want to run the planet.
And you have a famous boxer right now, Ryan Garcia, who is making some statements, making some public statements on X about Bohemian Grove and claims he's making, like, Being abused and raped as a young child.
Being exposed to a lot of this stuff at Bohemian Grove.
Boxer superstar Ryan Garcia shockingly claims evidence of elite child trafficking.
Alleges he was forced to watch children being raped and says he has video proof.
Now, there's very few people who have done more to expose Bohemian Grove, if anybody.
That Alex Jones with his documentaries and going there and shooting it for himself.
So he's going to be issuing a statement on this and he's going to be issuing a response to all of this.
Coming up later on in the show.
Now I've listened to Ryan Garcia's claims and he seems to be telling the truth.
But the problem that we've seen with other individuals who have made similar claims in a similar fashion with similar threats of releasing evidence and videos and pictures is that they just, they never deliver.
This has happened probably a dozen times since 2016.
And so they talk about exposing the elites, child sex trafficking and raping and torturing and human sacrifice and all the rest, and then things just sort of disappear.
And there have been other developments along the way, where people mysteriously die and they say, oh, well, they were about to expose the elites, or Isaac Cappy, I think, was one example.
There was the videos of Anne Heche where she's like trying to fight for her life out of the ambulance and then they say, oh no, she was dead after the car crash.
So there's been all kinds of crazy things in regard to conspiracy theories or claims that people are going to expose the giant child sex trafficking human torture operation.
What becomes of Ryan Garcia perhaps we'll know soon.
But yeah, we know about Bohemian Grove.
We know about Epstein Sex Island and the human trafficking that was going on there.
The only person in a position of power right now that seems to be trying to expose this beyond what we already have is Ron DeSantis.
There's an FBI cover-up of the Epstein clients.
Oh yeah, Jeffrey Epstein, largest sex trafficker, blackmailer in the world, but he had no clients.
He had no clients.
So I'm going to be interested in hearing from Alex Jones on all of this.
but yeah we know this goes on and it's it's just this matter of when are we
going to cross the threshold of the full exposure and then the
reaction from the justice system that is long overdue or or or all how many members in the justice system are controlled by the same child sacrificing trafficking cabals so we're gonna be looking into that and then we got a bunch of other news You know, the mask is really off for the left at this point.
They really don't like being called child groomers.
No, they don't.
That one really seems to bother them.
But why would that bother you so much?
Unless it was accurate.
Why wouldn't the American left join the side of what is now right-wing politics To say, hey, we don't want children being sexually groomed in the classroom.
Why would the left not be joining us on that?
Instead they get defensive and saying, we're not grooming your kids, we're just teaching them about butt sex.
We're just telling them about all of our sexual kinks.
Don't call us groomers!
When we invite the pedophile drag queen to get access to your child and bounce him up and down on their lap while they're wearing a thong, we're not groomers.
So the mask is off.
And then they're having a response to Trump's victory last night, insulting the voters in West Virginia and Virginia, going crazy over what appears to be a phenomenal candidate to be the next governor of North Carolina.
We'll talk about him.
Boy, they are just the mask is off.
They are really showing how much they hate you.
And how concerned they are that they might be exposed for who they really are.
And how concerned they are that if they lose power, well, really, they're just concerned they're going to lose power.
But then there's also this this fear that if they lose power, and the American right continues to go in the direction of a Donald Trump continues to go in the direction of a Ken Paxton, continues to go in the direction of a Marjorie Taylor Greene, of a Mark Robinson, of Vivek Ramaswamy, that not only will they lose power, but they'll lose everything.
They'll lose everything.
Their power, their influence, and then who they really are, the veneer that they hide behind, that they have a moral high ground, Above us is all going away.
Is all going away.
Nikki Haley drops out, we'll have Trump's response to that.
And I do want to dig into some of the numbers from last night, too.
Because there's some very important political developments.
If the Democrats are going to steal the 2024 election, they're going to have to steal this thing so big, it's going to be even more obvious than 2020.
And I don't know how it gets more obvious than 2020 with the vote dumps for Joe Biden at 3.30 in the morning and he gets 130,000 votes in this state, Trump gets zero.
He gets 300,000 votes in this state at once, Trump gets zero.
And that happened in five states.
And you look at a line graph and it's just, bing, right there.
It's like, oh, Trump's winning all day and then 3.30 in the morning Joe Biden gets the perfect amount of votes in one single batch, not one for Trump, all for Joe Biden and the graph goes like this and it's just the right amount to give him the lead and then he wins.
I mean, that's as obvious as it gets, but it will have to be more obvious, more obvious than Trump having 50,000 people at rallies, Biden can't get 50.
They still had the hatred enough for Donald Trump that some of the left would just kind of go along for the ride, and most of the right wing was still kind of politically cucked that they just went along for the ride too.
That is not the case today, after last night.
So we're going to be getting into all of that, but I'm going to come back and dig into some of these numbers.
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Why don't you go talk about Jewish space lasers, and really, why don't you f*** off?
How about that?
Thanks, thank you very much.
Thank you so much, the news agents in from London.
What do you think the message should be to Nikki Haley tonight?
Well, we've been encouraging her to drop out and support President Trump, and I think tonight is the clear message that President Trump is the clear frontrunner, he's the winner in our Republican primary, and it's time for Nikki Haley to drop out and support him.
Do you think President Trump, Mr Trump is closer to picking his VP and should you be on that list?
Oh you know that's the question everyone asks and no I don't think Nikki Haley should be on the list but of course President Trump will choose who he wants for VP.
Would you like to be on that list?
He's got a long list.
I support President Trump in any way, any way he'd ask me but I can assure you it won't be Nikki Haley.
And can you tell me why so many people?
That support Donald Trump, love conspiracy theories, including yourself.
He seems to attract lots of conspiracy theorists.
Well, let me tell you, you're a conspiracy theorist, and the left and the media spreads more conspiracy theories.
We like the truth, we like supporting our Constitution, our freedoms, and America first, so... What about Jewish space lasers?
Tell us about Jewish space lasers.
No, why don't you go talk about Jewish space lasers, and really, why don't you f*** off?
How about that?
Thanks, thank you very much.
Why don't, well, why don't you F off?
I mean, that's technically congressional record now, isn't it?
I think maybe, I don't know if that's, we might have to play that without the censors.
Because that was a congresswoman telling the media to F off.
Now here's what this represents.
This is the new right.
I'm not going to spend too much time explaining the new right, but this is the new right.
We don't cower to the fake news liberal media.
We don't cower to the leftist groomers that wave the gay pride flag and say, you're a bigot if you don't like us grooming kids.
We're not playing that game anymore.
We choose our candidates now.
And this is the message.
This is the understanding that needs to be had by every common sense conservative Trump voter In America.
It is time to absolutely dominate the left.
These people have to be dominated intellectually, dominated philosophically, and dominated politically.
It's time to absolutely crush them.
They are the pipsqueaks.
They are the cockroaches.
They are the minimites.
And it's time for them to be treated as such.
That's the new game.
That's the new game.
We look down on them.
They're the scum.
They're the weaklings.
They're the pathetic liars.
We're the good guys.
We know more than them.
We're smarter than them.
We're better than them.
We have more of an understanding of the issues than them.
We can talk better than they can talk about the issues.
It's time for us to absolutely dominate them.
They're weak.
And when they try to throw a curveball at you like that, well, why don't you talk about the Jewish space lasers?
You rear that bat back and you take a full swing and you hit that home run into the upper deck just like Marjorie Taylor Greene.
And you toss that bat aside and you round the bases with pride.
That's where we're at now.
No more are we going to get dominated by the pipsqueak left.
Now let's look into some things from last night.
Nikki Haley finally exits.
The Birdlady.
Finally leaves the race.
Now, the only reason... She won Washington, D.C., so she's the queen of the swamp.
Okay, that told us what we already knew.
Confirmed it.
And then she wins Vermont only because Democrats voted for her.
And, uh, see, that's a conspiracy theory.
No, it's not.
They would do interviews with the local media and they'd say, yeah I'm a Democrat but I voted for Nikki Haley because I really don't like Trump.
So Nikki Haley, the only reason she got any delegates was from Democrat votes.
So her numbers were greatly inflated.
Now we'll get into the numbers and there were some significant developments as far as the numbers are concerned.
Here's Donald Trump's statement on Nikki Haley's Uh, dropping out long overdue.
Nikki Haley got trounced last night in record-setting fashion, despite the fact that Democrats, for reasons unknown, are allowed to vote in Vermont and various other Republican primaries.
Much of her money came from radical left Democrats, as did many of her votes.
Almost half, according to the polls.
At this point, I hope she stays in the race and fights it out until the end.
I'd like to thank my family, friends, and the great Republican Party for helping me to produce by far the most successful Super Tuesday in history, and would further like to invite all of the Haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation.
Biden is the enemy.
Biden is the enemy.
He is destroying our country.
Make America great again.
Now Nikki Haley scolds Donald Trump and says, Trump's gonna have to earn my voters!
Trump's gonna have to earn that respect!
Shut up, Birdbeak!
What a loser.
Her political career is over.
And thank God, by the way.
Trump supporters rejoice.
Trump records Super Tuesday victory speech.
Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of our country.
Now, there's some interesting numbers, some interesting developments after last night's victory for Donald Trump.
Exit polls from Super Tuesday.
Republican voters in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Iowa believe Joe Biden did not win in 2020.
Most Republicans now, it's about 70%, do not believe Joe Biden won in 2020.
And you've got about 40% of Democrats that are now going along with that as well.
So, that's what I'm saying.
They can't steal it again, it'll just be too obvious.
I mean, they could, but what happens after that?
I mean, now you're just entering, they lose complete... I mean, any respect or view of integrity that the American public would have for them is just completely gone at that point.
Now they'll have to start wielding their power behind the barrel of a gun, but that's what
always happens with the left.
They always end up stealing elections and then they always end up having to take power
and keep it by the barrel of a gun.
So are we going to get to that point?
Well, maybe that'll be what happens if the Democrats steal it again.
But everybody's going to know it's stolen and that's when you decide you have to rule
by the barrel of the gun.
But you know, real quick, getting back to Haley, the Trump campaigns, and we'll say
campaigns, have rid the Republican Party of the Bush establishment, the McCain establishment,
and now we're slowly, slowly removing ourselves from the Mick establishment.
McCarthy already gone, McConnell on his way out, McDaniels should just step aside officially tomorrow and let Watley take over for the rest of the way.
I don't know why.
Ronna Romney McDaniel is still sticking around, but she's like the bitter clinger.
I mean, this is the political takeover of the Republican Party.
And I understand people, the Republican Party has a bad taste to it, and a stench to it, and you know, it's been just as corrupt as the Democrats.
But we've taken it over!
It's like if there's a Gatlin gun or something, or a...
You know, some big weapon that's been used against us.
And you're like, yeah, that weapon's bad.
You know, it killed a lot of my friends and family.
Well, we've got the weapon now!
We're taking it now!
So it's like, you don't destroy the Gatling gun, now you have it!
You use it against your enemy!
So we're taking the Republican Party, folks.
We are in the process of it.
And when you get candidates like Mark Robinson winning the primary for the governor of North Carolina, I mean, this guy is awesome to say the least!
That doesn't mean you agree with everything he says or does.
The point is, he doesn't pull punches.
He tells it like it is.
He's his own man.
And he's going to be the governor of North Carolina.
He's not going to be a bought and paid for candidate or governor like so many others.
Some other interesting numbers from last night.
According to polls, fewer voters think Trump committed crimes than they did a year ago and two years ago.
So nobody buys all the lies that Donald Trump committed these crimes.
Now, the Democrats still believe they're party propaganda, but even on the Democrat side, the numbers are sinking rapidly.
Now I'm going to get into some of the other numbers, the turnout numbers, specifically
in Colorado, and it's going to tell a larger story, also about how nobody believes Trump
committed the crimes.
Thank you for holding.
Go ahead.
I have to say, it really pisses me off.
To hear when you say that only 2% of the people that listen to this broadcast buy products.
Um, I'm a young man.
I don't make that much money.
I just bought a house.
I just got married.
I buy the products as much as I can.
I buy them almost every month.
I've bought the iodine, the beets, the methylfolate.
I've just tried it.
It's absurd to me that you people are listening to this guy.
I've listened to you for 10 years.
He puts this show out here for free and you're not supporting him.
Our country is falling apart, but you've got millions of people listening to you not doing sh**.
Excuse my French.
But look, look, there's a glut of media.
There's so much media.
I'm not blaming the 99%.
It's 99%.
They never buy anything.
It's just these are really good products and if we just had 1% more by the products, it would change the whole world.
So these are really great products to begin with.
We have the best turmeric out there.
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We have all the other great products at InfoWarshaw.com.
You have next level foundational energy with the methylfolate and the B-complex supercharges cellular energy.
So it's not a stimulant, but it feels like a stimulant.
Let me ask you, what happened when you took next level foundational energy?
I've been taking it for, I don't know, a couple of weeks now.
And in my younger days, I've experimented with stimulants and those things.
It feels nothing like that.
You feel like you're supposed to feel it.
You're supposed to have energy, you know, and that's pretty much it.
It doesn't feel like a stimulant.
You just feel like you're supposed to be.
And what it does is it's the breakdown of folic acid that almost everybody, but particularly some people, northern Europeans, have a low breakdown of.
So you just give yourselves the direct food that they operate off of and they clean out with.
That's why next level financial energy is so important.
Thank you for the call, Victor, and thanks for the plug.
He's running for governor now.
He wins the primary last night in epic fashion.
I mean, this guy's about as epic as it gets.
You know, Charles Barkley recently went out and made a ridiculous statement.
It's really just pathetic.
Says if He sees any black man wearing a Trump shirt that he's gonna punch him in the face.
And so immediately a bunch of big Trump-supporting bodybuilders, black guys that are bodybuilders, massive guys, immediately started putting up pictures of themselves in Trump t-shirts saying, hey Charles, I'd like to come meet you.
I just don't get that one.
But Mark Robinson, Has the left totally panicked?
Look, I'm telling you, we're about to see 2016 levels of panic and rage and insanity from the left.
You can already see it.
You can already feel it.
And during some of these response broadcasts last night on MSNBC and on CNN, you can tell, like, some of the hosts aren't completely radical leftists.
And they're kind of sitting on the set, like, looking around like, oh my gosh.
I'm on the set with complete psychotics.
I need to get off this set now.
These are deranged lunatics.
And so here's MSNBC freaking out at the massive landslide victory for Mark Robinson last night.
You have to say the Holocaust was real and Hitler was evil?
In a primary ad, you know that this is not a normal primary year, but Mark Robinson is
not a normal primary winner.
He will be the Republican nominee for governor in North Carolina.
He has in fact called the Holocaust hogwash.
He says Beyonce is satanic.
He says the moon landing in 1969 may have been fake.
He says the civil rights movement in the 1960s was quote "crap"
and that Martin Luther King was a communist.
He also says there is a secret ruling cabal that is part reptile, meaning part human,
I'm not saying I even agree with all that stuff, or you have to agree with all that stuff.
I don't care.
I know he's going to be a great governor.
That's all that matters.
I don't care if he thinks the moon is made out of cheese.
He's going to be a great governor.
He's going to have great policy.
That's what matters.
Can you imagine if Mark Robinson, when Mark Robinson becomes the next governor of North Carolina, oh my god.
But, okay, aside from the celebration here, do you notice what Rachel Maddow says?
She says, this is not a normal candidate.
See, that's the big tell right there.
What does she mean, this is not a normal candidate?
Do you understand what she's saying here?
This is what I'm talking about.
This is the new right.
We don't get bullied by freak shows like Rachel Maddow.
Rachel Maddow and MSNBC.
Rachel Maddow and the psychotic left and the Democrat Party.
They want to decide who our candidates are.
They want to decide what's normal for our primaries.
They want to decide what's normal for Republican voters.
What's normal for Republican candidates.
They want to control us!
And they've been able to do it for so long with their cries of racism and bigotry and xenophobia and homophobia and everything else that they cry and shout into the skies.
We're not buying it anymore.
We don't care anymore.
We are intellectually superior to you, philosophically superior to you.
Morally superior to you.
Politically superior to you.
We are superior to you in every way, Rachel Maddow.
You are the pipsqueak left.
You don't decide what's normal for us anymore.
Mark Robinson all the way!
The real reason why the left is so panicked and taking the mask off and having psychotic fits of rage is because they've realized they can't control us anymore, folks.
They didn't want us to elect Donald Trump, we did.
They didn't want Mark Robinson to have a victory last night, he did.
They don't want you to call them child groomers and sexual predators, but we do.
They no longer control us, and they're realizing it, and it has them freaked out.
Because once they lose that control over us, that's just the beginning.
That's just the beginning.
Now we realize what they've done to us.
And now we have political control.
And now we start to know what needs to be done to save the country.
And that freaks them out.
And it truly is the Bugs Life analogy with the grasshoppers when they're at the cantina.
And he talks about, you let one ant stand up, then they all stand up, and then we lose everything.
Well, that's where we're at.
We're standing up, and they're about to lose everything.
And so they're panicked.
So they're panicked.
Remember, we're gonna hear from Alex Jones coming up with this.
Wild developing story.
Boxing superstar Ryan Garcia shockingly claims evidence of elite child trafficking.
Alleges he was forced to watch children being raped and says he has video proof.
Now again, we've seen this phenomenon happen a dozen or so times.
Nobody ever ends up showing any proof.
So I don't know what The full story with Ryan Garcia is, but when he talks about Bohemian Grove, we know that's real, and of course Alex Jones has exposed that.
He's been there to film a documentary undercover, so he's going to be responding to all that coming up.
Now, Rachel Maddow, I'll tell ya, you know that psychotic freak is making $30 million a year?
Can you believe that?
I think her salary is going to get slashed soon, though, because they're really struggling for ratings, folks.
I mean, it's bad.
CNN just had to cut their top host salaries in half because nobody's watching CNN.
Rachel Maddow says MSNBC would be irresponsible to broadcast Trump's victory speech.
Well, it doesn't really matter, because nobody watches MSNBC anyway.
Now, if you broadcasted his speech, your ratings might go up a little bit, but you're not interested in that.
It just shows, again, they don't want you to know what Trump actually has to say, because then you might actually like him!
Isn't that ironic?
Now, I could spend hours today Going into the weeds of the results from last night.
But let me just use Colorado as an example.
And guys, while I'm digging into these numbers, will you also pull up the primary results in Colorado from 2016 and 2020?
And we'll compare and contrast.
But, you know, comparing and contrasting other primaries to this primary might not be The best way to analyze these numbers and to get a story from it.
But I think starting with Colorado from last night is kind of a good starting point to explain this phenomenon.
So, Trump wins Colorado big last night.
He gets 63% of the vote to Haley's 33%.
to Haley's 33%. And also, between the two of them, about 800,000 votes, 800,000
800,000 votes in the primary last night for Republicans.
For Democrats?
So the Democrats got outvoted last night by 300,000.
And while that would be a smaller number in a presidential election, for a primary, that is a large number.
That is a sizable Number from last night's primary in favor of the Republicans.
Now, this phenomenon has been in every state.
Every state the Democrats are getting outvoted in the primaries.
Now, there's two reasons for this.
Well, there's really three reasons for this.
The first reason is the voter enthusiasm is there for Trump.
And people are still showing up to vote for Trump.
Now you also have to realize that Democrats are voting for Nikki Haley and that Democrats are probably just not showing up because it's Joe Biden.
And he's the president and there's no voter enthusiasm there and he really doesn't have any serious competition.
So there are those other factors.
But that doesn't take away from the fact that Trump's votes are coming in at record numbers in most of these states.
And he's not only crushing what's left of the competition, which is none now, the Republican voters are absolutely crushing the Democrat voters.
And it's not even close.
It's not even close.
In almost every metric from 2016 to 2020 to 2024, Trump's numbers come in greater and greater and greater and greater and greater.
They're only going up.
And the numbers are showing Republican votes going down, or excuse me, Democrat votes going down and Republican votes going up.
I chose Colorado because this is the state Where that freak show tried to remove Trump from the ballot
and lost 9-0 at the Supreme Court.
So a leftist freak show liberal woman tries to have Trump removed from the ballot in Colorado,
fails 9-0 at the Supreme Court.
He then gets record turnout and wins the state of Colorado.
And trounces the Democrats in the process.
So it just shows you, nobody is buying the Democrat propaganda, lawfare, weaponized government against Donald Trump.
If he's doing that in Colorado.
But that pattern, that trend can be seen across the United States for Donald Trump and for the Republicans.
I'm telling you folks, The Democrats don't have the votes.
They do not have the votes.
And if we had a free and fair election, Donald Trump would win in a landslide.
He'd get at least 312 electoral college votes.
The Democrats do not have the votes.
They do not have them.
And they know it.
And even if they want to get rid of Joe Biden, they're going to take a major blow.
If they get rid of him and claim that it's because he's mentally unfit, well then they are liars because they lied about his health.
Or physically unfit, whatever the case is.
So if they take him out for health reasons, then they have to admit they lied about his health.
If he gets taken out for legal reasons, then it shows that they all knew he was a criminal, and they supported him anyway, and they lied about it.
And so they take a hit on that.
And then what are they going to do?
Yeah, by the way, Republicans showing up more than when it was Bernie Sanders and Biden and Bloomberg and Warren on the ticket and Gabbard in Colorado.
I mean folks, Trump beat them all.
So aside from the Democrats going to vote for Haley.
Trump is doing just as well as he's ever done in any of these races.
And the Democrats don't have the votes and they know it.
Okay, let's say they take the hit on Biden.
Oh, well, yeah, we lied about his health.
Or, oh, we lied about him, he was a criminal.
Okay, well, maybe they figure it's better to take that hit and move into the 2024 presidential election than move in with Joe Biden.
But then what do they do?
Well, do they go to Kamala Harris?
No, they can't go to Kamala Harris.
She's a bigger disaster than Biden.
So then they have to go over Kamala.
Well now what are you dealing with?
Well now you're dealing with cries of racism and misogyny and basically admitting that Kamala Harris is a bumbling idiot!
So you look at that route.
It doesn't look good.
And then they would have to go with Gavin Newsom.
It's likely After Michelle Obama says she will not be running for president.
Michelle Obama's office says the former first lady will not be running for president in 2024.
Now, Roger Stone promptly responds saying, well, this means that she is going to be running for president.
But we're working on getting Roger Stone lined up for the show tomorrow.
I want to ask him why he believes that, why he says that.
So we'll get hopefully to the mind of Roger Stone tomorrow.
And really I think that that is the only way the Democrats, because they've turned the Obamas into like these higher entities of the American left.
So they'll all bow down to the Obamas.
They'll all bow down to Big Iron Mike Obama.
Shoulders bigger than Mike Tyson.
They'll all bow down and take a side seat If it's an Obama on the ticket.
But other than that, there is no way they can avoid taking massive damage.
Politically speaking.
So when you look at all these different angles, the Democrats are in check right now for the 2024 presidential election.
And any way they move, they're going to be put right back in check.
Only with Queen Obama can they kind of wiggle out of this political check they're in and not be in checkmate ahead of the 2024 presidential election.
But they have to find a way to do all of this before August.
But I think it's going to be total chaos in Chicago in August, mid-August at the Democrat convention.
I think it's going to be total chaos.
And I think that they know that, but they just don't have any options.
And if it's really, and if Michelle Obama's really not running, they just don't have any options.
They already threw RFK Jr.
out because he actually has good policy, and they're not interested in that.
They already screwed Bernie Sanders over twice, so he's not gonna run again.
They could go with Healing Crystals' Marianne Williamson, but that's not a serious candidate.
So they're in check.
They got big problems.
They got big problems.
And they really don't have much of a bench either.
They really don't have much of a bench either.
That's why they have to call Michelle Obama out of retirement because they just have no bench.
They have nowhere to go.
Imagine that.
Oh, but the Biden economy is so good.
Actually, it's not.
Credit scores decreased for the first time in a decade as more borrowers fall behind on payments.
That's the Biden economy.
That's Bidenomics.
Nobody can afford their bills anymore.
People are going into credit card debt to pay bills and to just get a car so they can go to work.
And a lot of it's being defaulted on.
That's Bidenomics for you.
Biden rule threatens to throw independent contracting into disarray.
Yeah, they don't like independent contractors.
They want everybody in unions so they can control them.
So if you're an independent contractor, the Biden administration is coming for you.
And if you're somebody that likes to get paid in one of these new apps or digitally, the IRS, Biden is going to sick the IRS on you.
Because these are commies.
Because these are authoritarians.
These are our Democrats.
Now we've got an absolute freak show.
going on in Kansas City, Missouri.
And I mean a freak show.
And they're telling you the books that they want to read to your children.
They are really obsessed with sexualizing your children, aren't they?
They really are.
And then they get really defensive when you call them out for it.
They get really Defensive when you call them groomers.
They get angry.
We got a video of one of them freaking out about that.
Attacking a child for it.
So we're going to go to all of that coming up here shortly on the Alex Jones Show.
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All right.
You want to see the freak show that's going on right now with leftist children, child book authors that want to teach their kids all about their sexual kinks and confuse them sexually so that they can take advantage of them sexually.
That's what it really is about.
And then I guess we'll show you them freaking out when they get called groomers.
This is from, they posted this, the Kansas City government run by Democrats, like the mayor.
They posted this because they want you to know how much they care about trans kids and they want you to know how much they want to touch your trans kid.
That's all.
So here they are reading a book for trans kids about a teddy bear that is confused about its identity.
Yes, go ahead.
Today, we are reading, introducing Teddy.
A gentle story about gender and friendship.
It was written by Jessica Walton and illustrated by Dougal McPherson.
They ride their bike in the backyard.
They plant vegetables in the garden.
They have sandwiches for lunch in the treehouse.
And they have tea parties inside when it's raining.
One day, Errol woke to find the sun shining through his bedroom window.
He shouted.
Come on, Thomas.
Let's go to the park and play.
Thomas the Teddy didn't feel like playing.
You seem sad today, Thomas, said Errol.
Don't worry.
The park will cheer you up.
Thomas the Teddy wasn't so sure.
Oh no!
Even the swing isn't working!
What's wrong, Thomas?
Talk to me!
If I tell you, Sir Thomas... You might not be my friend anymore, Thomas is a... I will always be your friend, Thomas.
Thomas the Teddy took a deep breath.
I need to be myself, Errol.
In my heart, I've always known that I'm a girl teddy.
Not a boy teddy.
I wish my name was Tilly.
Not Thomas.
Is that why you've been so sad?
Errol asked.
I don't care if you're a girl teddy or a boy teddy.
What matters is that you are my friend.
You're the best friend a bear could have, said Tilly.
Now that you're feeling better, said Errol, let's call our friend Ava.
Hi, Ava.
Teddy and I are at the park.
You want to come and play?
Sure, Errol.
Let me just finish building my robot.
Ava believes in STEM, which is great.
Hi, Errol.
Hi, Thomas.
Ava called out as she sped toward them.
Hi, Ava, said Errol.
Teddy has a new name.
Let me introduce you to Tilly.
What a great name, said Ava.
Let's go play, Tilly.
Wait, I've just moved my bowtie, said Tilly the Teddy.
I've always wanted a bow instead.
Good for you, Tilly.
Wear whatever makes you happy, said Ava.
I think I'll get rid of my bow.
I like my hair free.
Errol, Ava, and Tilly played all morning until it was time to go home.
This is propaganda.
This is a child's book.
As Ava stepped onto her scooter.
See you there!
I'm bringing a front!
Ava yelled as she sped away.
Errol and Tilly the Teddy play together every day.
They ride their bike in the backyard.
They plant vegetables in the garden.
They have sandwiches for lunch in the treehouse.
And they have tea parties inside when it's raining.
Little robot.
This is Tilly.
The End.
Thank you so much for joining.
Now, notice the themes here.
One, denial of self.
Two, depression.
And three, ugliness.
Those are the themes of that book.
Because it's propaganda.
It's not a child's book, it's propaganda.
It's to make your child feel ugly and depressed and confused.
And then the Democrats can come in there and Take care of them.
You know what I mean?
They really like to take care of them.
And then they freak out when you call them the groomers that they are.
And so listen to this lunatic screaming at children that are saying we don't want to be sexualized in our classrooms.
and listen to this leftist lunatic screaming bloody murder at her in clip 13.
You don't know me!
How can you sit here and say that to my face?
She did not say that at all!
I didn't say that!
Do not call me a groomer!
You put that down!
Oh, and then assaults the cameraman.
Mask off, folks.
Mask off.
Keep calling them groomers.
Keep showing the world what the left is into.
They want to confuse and depress and take advantage and indoctrinate your child.
These are sick freaks.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of,
"Is it pro-human or is it anti-human?"
We start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk. He loved the idea.
What would you call the debate and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, that it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage, so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
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Watching the psychotic, deranged, perverted leftists that are trying to destroy your children, because they're destroyed.
And really, I mean, you could make the argument of pity for them, that they've been destroyed, because they have been destroyed.
They've been destroyed by propaganda, they've been destroyed by chemicals, they've been destroyed in this war against humanity.
But instead of trying to address that, realize that, fix themselves, they'd rather just destroy the youth, destroy the future generations.
That's what makes them feel better about themselves.
They're perverted.
And so they want to pervert the youth.
And I'm looking at that book that they want to read to your children.
And it's just, again, the theme is ugliness, denial, depression.
But I mean, even you just look at the ugliness in the art.
It's like, are you even trying?
Why do you want to make things ugly?
And I'm sitting here thinking about, like, the books that I grew up on, like the Berenstain Bears or Dr. Seuss, who they tried to cancel.
The art was good.
The writing was good.
It didn't look like scribble, scrabble, ugly.
Or what was that one book that featured like a frog and other little furry critters?
Like really good art!
I mean, look at that!
It's all about accepting ugliness.
It's all about just lowering the standards.
Do you guys know what I'm talking about?
What was that book?
The main character was a frog or a toad and there was like a Was it Frog and Toad?
Was that it?
Pull up some of the illustrations from that.
I mean, that was good art!
I mean, Dr. Seuss is a famous artist!
It's like, that's what we used to read!
That's what kids used to read!
It was... It was universally good!
That is universally ugly!
So, but that's the theme.
That's the theme.
They're ugly.
They're twisted.
They're deranged.
They're destroyed.
And so now they want to pass that down to your children.
And that's why they hate a mother being involved, a father being involved.
That's why they hate parents that want to have a role in their children's lives and want to have high expectations for their children's and the future and the world they grow up in.
That's why they hate that so much and they want to remove that from the picture because when that's in the framework, they don't get the opportunity to deceive and destroy your child.
That's why they hate it so much.
And really, that's what the backlash about white Christian nationalism is all about.
I mean, that's just the identity they throw out there.
But it's really more about parents that want to be involved in their children's lives, parents that want to raise their children right, and that care about the future and care about their children.
That's what they hate.
And so they just use this white Christian nationalist identity as kind of the straw man to throw out there to give it, give the left something that they can hate and attack, like the five minutes of hate.
But that's what it really is.
They know they can't deceive and destroy and derange and pervert your child in their image if the parents are involved and if the parents care.
And that's what it's really about.
Now, I don't want to spend too much more time on that, but how can this not be a bigger issue?
How can this not be a bigger issue?
Of course the American left knows that targeting the youth with propaganda is how you can control the future.
Of course they know that.
That's why they're obsessed with it.
That's why they hire the celebrities and pay these young kids on social media to promote their propaganda.
Because they know they have to target the youth.
They know they have to brainwash them young.
And so that's what they do.
And if you're a parent and you care about your kids and you don't want that to happen, you see it happening, they get angry.
They don't like the parents getting in the way.
They don't like the parents stepping in between them and your children.
But it's so out of control now, they bring up Drag queen pedophile time to the local schools, and it's just the most insane crap you've ever witnessed in your life.
Just complete insanity.
The mask is off.
This is Jen Psaki.
Last night and Rachel Maddow mocking Virginia and West Virginia.
Now if we had a real RNC chair that wasn't named Ron or Romney McDaniel, they would already have cut this into an ad and they would be airing it for the next six months.
Listen to these... They're very upset at the results from last night and so they're taking the mask off.
Listen to them mocking Virginians and West Virginians last night in clip 10.
I mean, if you look at some of these exit polls, I mean, I live in Virginia.
Immigration was the number one issue.
I mean, again, these could change in Virginia.
Well, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia.
Very contested area.
I mean, okay, so if you're in Virginia or West Virginia, this is what the liberals think of you.
They think you're lesser than them.
They think you're a peasant.
They're much better than you.
But hey, vote for them, vote with them, yeah.
So again, Ronna Romney McDaniel is probably busy today getting fat injected into her butt, but if we had a real RNC chair, they would immediately take that and turn it into an ad, and it would be running in West Virginia and Virginia for the next six months.
And that would have a political impact.
Not the type of impact Ronna Romney's butt injections will have.
But imagine they sit up there.
By the way, that's a perfect example, that screenshot right there, if you go back.
Guys, put up the shot, yeah, put up that wide shot right there, give me that full screen, because...
This is a perfect example of what I was talking about earlier, where I was watching last night, and some of the people, they sit up there at these desks last night and they're like, I'm on a stage with complete psychotics.
Look at the woman on the right.
She realizes at this point, That all the individuals to her left are completely deranged psychotics.
By the way, I actually met that woman.
She's actually pretty kind and she's not a radical leftist.
I mean, she's definitely a Democrat and a liberal, but she doesn't go too far off kind of the classical Democrat reservation.
I forget her name right now.
Alex Wagner, I believe, is her name.
She's actually a pretty reasonable person.
But you can tell, like, just you look at her face and she's like, guys, what are you doing?
You are completely psychotic.
You're insulting voters now.
In states that we could win.
And it's funny.
So, but why is that funny that they talk about the illegal immigrant issue?
And you guys can pull up that tweet that you highlighted.
I think it was from Bill Melligen.
They laugh because you think illegal immigration is an issue.
They laugh because you think securing the border is an issue.
Bill Melligen reminds Us that two weeks ago in Virginia, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela was arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in Campbell County.
He crossed illegally in 2013 and was released by the Biden administration.
But hey, that's funny!
Oh, you know, Lakin Riley gets brutally murdered and all the other... They just found a 15-year-old girl that was kidnapped and abducted by a known child abuser illegal immigrant who was free on the streets.
Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid and Jen Psaki, they think it's funny that you think illegal immigration is an issue.
They think that's funny and then they insult you.
Yeah, that should be an ad running right now.
They should run it tomorrow.
You know, we really should be letting this victory surge through our veins today.
It was historic.
It was a landslide and it does show.
I mean there were all kinds of other down ballot races that show the success we're having as well.
You have Marjorie Taylor Greene telling the leftist fake press to F off.
That's a good place to start.
Candidates like Mark Robinson winning bigly.
Vivek Ramaswamy going on CNN and giving him a tongue lashing.
It's just beautiful.
By the way, Alex Jones coming up in the next hour responding to the Ryan Garcia phenomenon, the Bohemian Grove stories.
That's coming up in the next hour.
But here's...
Some of the other news.
Appeals Court Lifts Trump Gag Order in New York Fraud Case While Case Under Review.
So they had him gagged there.
Now that's lifted.
More good news for Trump.
Oh, Democrats trying to silence Trump from speaking.
What do you know?
And then censoring off social media and banning his speeches from their telecast.
President Trump.
Now this was news to me.
Because Elon Musk recently came out and said he's not going to fund any presidential candidate.
I wonder if a Trump endorsement might happen though.
This is an interesting one.
On the Gateway Pundit, President Trump secretly meets with Elon Musk as general election showdown with Biden looms.
Don't underestimate an Elon Musk endorsement.
Do not underestimate an Elon Musk endorsement.
Or a Joe Rogan endorsement, because that's really where it goes.
If Musk endorses Trump, then Rogan would endorse Trump, and then a lot of other big-name, kind of more centrist, populist, common-sense American influencers, if you will, will be more comfortable endorsing Trump.
And then it's just a friggin' snowball effect from there.
And then Biden won't have a rally and get 900 million votes.
Excellent news from Texas.
I'll tell you, there were a lot of down-ballot victories for the New Right last night.
Ken Paxton endorsed judges defeat horrible rogue Bush-backed RINO judges.
I mean, this was just, this is just huge.
I mean, I'm telling you.
We're getting, we're getting real Americans back elected, folks.
We're ridding ourselves of the Soros body politic.
We've identified the enemy.
We've lazed the enemy politically and now we are removing them politically.
So I understand voter apathy.
I understand people that just don't even believe that any election is fair.
But I mean, there were victories last night.
There were real victories last night.
Texas House Speaker heads to a runoff against a Trump-endorsed challenger.
I don't know how Dave Phelan even had a single vote after all the corruption that he was engaged in and the embarrassment that he was engaged in, but he was trying to remove Ken Paxton, the great Attorney General.
He was showing up seemingly extremely inebriated to some of these House proceedings in Texas, and so a runoff against him for David Covey.
That would be another big victory for us in Texas.
We're about to have a lot of great things on the ballot.
Coming up in November, if you're in Texas, cutting taxes, securing the border, getting rid of illegal immigrants in our school system, in our workplace.
All good news.
Fewer voters think Trump committed crimes, new poll show.
That's the New York Times admitting that.
And those numbers are trending down and they'll continue to trend down.
Especially when they continue to lose.
Georgia State Senate Special Committee investigating Fulton County DA Fannie Willis to look at Terrence Bradley text messages and hear testimony from Michael Roman's attorney at 9 a.m.
So they continue to dig into this corruption.
The individuals that are politically persecuting Donald Trump.
And that's really what this comes down to.
They're the corrupt ones.
They're the crooks.
They're the criminals.
They're the liars.
They're the traitors.
And you're just, you're really just getting a good example, I would say.
Maybe it's a small example.
But with Fannie Willis and Terrence Bradley and Nathan Wade and those, that gang of crooks, politically persecuting Donald Trump.
They're the crooks.
Fannie Willis is the corrupt individual.
Not Donald Trump.
So now she's an embarrassment.
Another Soros leftist.
Now this might be the best thing to come out of Speaker Mike Johnson's mouth ever.
Talking about slashing into the bureaucracy and while it's...
Barely a sliver of what needs to be done.
Just to hear Speaker Johnson talking like this, I think is incorrigible.
Here it is in clip 17.
We have advanced and we also advanced, as you've seen the summary, cuts to some of the agencies that we believe are really overreaching and have been turned in some ways against the American people.
We're going to cut 3% from DOJ, 7% from the ATF, 6% from the FBI.
Well that's a nice start.
I like to hear that.
And that's just a start.
We have a lot more priorities and things that we need to advance.
But the reality is, as we all recognize, is that we have to grow the House majority,
take back the Senate for the Republican Party, and win the White House.
And I'm here to tell you the reason we're optimistic is we believe those things are
going to happen in November.
We can't wait.
That day can't get here soon enough.
Well, that's a nice start.
I like to hear that.
I'll tell you, I like to hear that.
Now, new January 6th video has dropped.
And there's just, you know, look, I have all kinds of people texting me about new January
6th stuff, and it's all crazy.
And it's just like, I feel we've already defeated the narrative.
And it's just, we could sit here and spend all this time on January 6th.
But I I really only want to get into it when there's new developments, but it's like people firing guns into the crowds and the police starting the skirmishes.
It's like, we already know this.
And then you have the pipe bomber, which seems to be an inside job.
So here's the latest.
The Democrats lied and said, well, they just lied about Kamala Harris's location on January 6th time and time again.
And here she is at the Capitol on January 6th now.
Which goes against the timeline that the Democrats entered on the January 6th committee and under testimony.
So now that we know Kamala Harris' exact location and exact time, we know that it goes against their claims of her location and time that they made in the January 6th committee.
So they lied about Kamala Harris' whereabouts.
Uh, just like they lie about everything else.
So, I mean, what do you expect?
They lie about everything.
And, uh, January 6th is just another example.
Did you know Biden has the State of the Union coming up?
Biden preps for the State of the Union speech and rowdy Republicans.
What do you think, Biden, what do you think prepping for the, uh, State of the Union is gonna be for Biden?
Um, uh, what, like a gallon of ex-lax to make sure he's cleaned out?
And then how many different IV drips are they going to have him on?
He regularly gets special IV drips of God knows what, but that's why when he comes out and he has all these cuts and stuff in his hand, that's where they put the IVs directly into his veins.
I mean, can you imagine what his arms look like?
So, I mean, this guy's being pumped full of chemicals just to be able to walk and talk.
So this State of the Union is going to be something.
Biden was hemorrhaging votes to uncommitted in many states last night.
Yeah, uncommitted.
Uncommitted racks up more than 45,000 votes in Minnesota Democrat primary.
Yeah, uncommitted or undecided on many of the Democrat primary ballots was getting big numbers.
Big numbers.
So that just shows you how popular Joe Biden is.
He's really doing great, guys.
He's really doing great.
And that's why Michelle Obama has to tell people that she's not running for president in 2024.
That just shows how great Biden is doing.
That Michelle Obama has to come out and clear the air and say, I'm not running for president.
Because everybody knows how great Biden is doing, right?
That's what that's all about.
Alright, coming up soon is Alex Jones responding to the Ryan Garcia Bohemian Grove story.
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The archetypes of the devil and God are real.
And then once you understand the archetypes are real, where the archetypes come from, well that's because there's
something behind the archetype.
And the devil is real.
The Satanic Temple of Iowa putting up this scene in the Iowa State Capitol, built with the state's permission.
It includes a statue of a goat-headed figure, along with the seven tenets of the group's beliefs.
So what should we understand about It's far greater evil, I think, to allow the government to
begin, as I said, picking and choosing, elevating one religious voice over another, because that's a downward
No amount of money or no amount of power will protect you if you do not have Christ.
This Capitol is testimony to the Christian worldview that has a basis for truth, beauty, and goodness.
And so I want to say that the people who built this monument in testimony to the glory of God in the Christian worldview were not pretending neutrality when they did it.
So why are we?
And for whatever reason the evil flees when confronted with the name of Jesus Christ, if you believe in it.
I've told you I know multiple prominent people that have had poltergeist experiences where they are literally thrown up against the wall by a black shadow and their flesh ripped open.
And I told you that that's why these people are finding Jesus.
And unfortunately a lot of very intelligent people They dismiss all the positive aspects of religion because they think that the stories are mere superstitious fairy tales that, you know, they have no place in this modern world and, you know, we're inherently good and your ethics are based on your own moral compass and we all have one and that's not necessarily true.
We need Jesus.
I think for real.
Like, if he came back now, it'd be great.
Like, Jesus, if you're thinking about coming back, Right now?
Now's a good time?
Now, what is that?
You think you can be big and powerful and reach hundreds of millions of people and be doing things that are anti-Satan and going against the agenda of Satan?
And then you don't have Jesus to protect you?
You're gonna be attacked!
The devil's gonna operate through all the possessed people he's got!
It's a program!
If you're exposing these satanic interdimensional forces, the special operations of this interdimensional alien invasion, that's how they come through.
Just think of them as aliens, and then you can sell all these people, because that's what they are from their perspective.
But they're demons, they're interdimensional creatures.
People are going to laugh at that until one attacks them.
See, and I know the Bible that as you approach Revelations, the gates of hell are going to be open.
The Interdimensional Gate.
And only a small number of Satan's operatives were here before.
The gates will be thrown open and we're gonna have these things literally running around the streets.
Now you ask, why would these creatures attack people that were doing God's work but didn't have God's protection?
You'd think that would make them wake up and accept Jesus.
They can't help it.
If you're not protected, they want to destroy you.
It's like a zombie wants brains.
It's got to go after you.
It's its mission.
You're like, well, that's fantastic.
Have you looked at the stars at night?
Have you looked at the sun?
Have you looked at the birds?
Have you looked at the wind?
Have you not felt the energy, the good and the bad?
We're on a fantastical planet in a unbelievably amazing universe
because we're designed to learn how to conquer all this matter and ourselves
to have all that power and to control it.
But if you decide to not go along with God's program, you're going to go with the devil's program and you're
going to be fully taken over by it.
So you've got doorways into your soul and the only way you protect it is Jesus Christ and that
defense shield.
And it's something you already knew, so you're not being taught this by Alex Jones.
You're simply having your amnesia removed so that you can remember how truly ancient you are.
We're the weapon system.
We're the big dogs.
These demons are nothing.
And so once you understand that the archetype of Christ is real, and that we are this incredibly powerful spiritual being, even if you're an atheist and don't believe in Christ, but you've seen the power of human potential, when we all believe on Christ, you now believe in Christ as love, as energy, as good, as coming together, as defeating evil.
It now creates Christ.
Now that's the New Age copy, but it's one level of truth.
Christ is real, a real person, sent here by God, because God would only put himself through something before he would ask us to do it.
I told you months ago, Joe Rogan We'll soon call on Jesus.
And it's happened.
And that's God.
And that's the power God's given us.
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InfoWars.com The Owl is in his leafy temple.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
And all within the grove be reverent before him.
Lift up your head so you breathe.
And be ye lifted up, ye everlasting spires!
For behold, here is Bohemian Rite, and holy are the pillars of this house.
[Evil Laughter]
When will he learn that me he cannot slay?
Year after year he burned me in this room, lifting your fury shouts of triumph to the stars.
Human shouts of triumph to the stars.
But when again, he turned your faces to the marketplace.
Do you not find him waiting?
And now, you
Netsopper sets us free!
You've burned me once again!
I'm not with thee, flame!
Which hither ye have brought from regions where I reign?
Ye fools and priests!
spit upon your fire [applause]
Ryan Garcia has absolutely made Bohemian Grove explode.
He's the former champ in his division.
He's the main contender right now.
Got a big fight coming up.
And he came out yesterday on a Spaces on X and Stated that he had been tied down.
We're going to play the clip in a moment and watched children raped to behemoth grove.
Now I want to be 100% clear.
I don't know if he's telling the truth.
I'm not saying he's a bad person and I'm also saying I've listened to the full interview and he sounded like he was having a mental breakdown.
So my issue with this is, we have real Satanism out in the open.
We have real human trafficking going on.
We have Hollywood and the culture totally promoting it.
We have pedophilia being mainlined by the corporate media.
And we have unprecedented human trafficking and Senate reports admitting 400 plus thousand children they've lost track of.
Tens of thousands confirmed as sex slavery.
So that's really going on.
And I've infiltrated Bohemian Grove.
I've studied it.
I've gotten in touch with widows of members of it and gotten their internal annals.
I've made documentary films on it and part of Discovery Channel, History Channel shows on it.
I tried to infiltrate again 10 years ago and barely escaped.
And what I really realized out of all this is, every week without even looking for the clips on X, but also on Instagram and YouTube, Bohemian Grove gets 20-30 million views.
People talking about it.
Joe Rogan talks about it all the time.
We talked about it with Aaron Rodgers a few weeks ago.
And just my documentaries, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, it's 23 years old.
And The Order of Death, it's like 20 years old.
Consistently every week get, let's be conservative, 15, 20 million views on Exelon.
So I've realized that I'm going to make a new documentary with all the updated information.
I'm going to go back and find the old HD footage I've got and I'm going to re-release this with updates.
So, it's going to happen.
I don't give a f**k, bro.
They held me down and they made me watch little kids get raped.
I don't give a f**k anymore.
And then I'll tell you what's really going on in my view.
Talk to us.
Bro, I don't give a, bro, they held me down and they made me
watch little kids get raped.
I don't give a anymore.
Bro, they took me to the woods, bro, and they tied.
I'm not joking, bro, I have proof, bro.
I don't give a, bro, I will show you every video you could ever.
The full interview is on X. He says his credit cards have been turned off.
He's being deplatformed.
I absolutely don't give a anymore.
So you just heard what he had to say, the full interview is on
He says his credit cards have been turned off.
He's being deplatformed, he says he's being censored.
I don't know what the truth is, and I'm not accusing him of lying.
But what I do want to say is this.
When people come out and make unfounded claims about real things that are going on, it then discredits all the real, modified intel that's out there.
And a great example is what happened in 2000, or excuse me, 2016, with the WikiLeaks.
And it had John Podesta and kids being delivered to farmhouses for entertainment,
in the hot tub, seven-year-olds, and Alistair Crowley rituals, and just insane crap.
That was in New York, in upstate New York, in other areas.
And then Barack Obama getting $57,000 of hot dogs delivered to his apartment.
That's code for gay prostitutes.
Then CNN and New York Times said, "Oh, it's really in this pizza place in D.C."
and then got all of us to cover what they were saying so they could then try to discredit all the other real stuff.
I don't think Garcia is doing that.
If I had to make a guess, and I've listened to the full X spaces, he sounds like a man in crisis, a man having a mental meltdown.
I'm not saying he might not have been abused.
I'm not saying he might not have been in the woods at some place and seen kids raped.
I'm not denying any of that.
I just don't know.
But that said, Ted Gunderson was the head of the FBI in Los Angeles.
Very respected.
And everything he told me 25, 30 years ago has now been partially or totally declassified by the FBI.
The Finders case, just search that.
Four years ago the FBI went ahead and Put on Twitter of all places, X, thousands of documents, and it was like, wow, I was back in time.
Ted Gunnarson told me this on my show, told me this in person, and then there it was, actually, admitted by the FBI.
The CIA running a base in D.C.
shooting child porn, kids being smuggled around the country.
You also have the Franklin cover-up that a CIA high-level operative wrote, John DeCamp, who I was able to interview many times, documenting real human trafficking of children, being raped at the RNC, and he was just a Republican, so he caught that.
Both parties are involved.
And it gets into Jeffrey Epstein and all that stuff.
So, let's talk about Bohemian Grove.
Bohemian Grove, according to a former German Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt, In his book, Men in Power's Polar Red Perspective, is a druidic, Germanic death cult, and that Skull and Bones is an offshoot for younger people in the elites at Yale and New Haven, Connecticut, which we've gone and covered, which has admitted their annals have been leaked and all confirmed.
And Robert De Niro made a movie about it, The Good Shepherd, that's historical, with Matt Damon.
So you see those scenes of devil worship in there.
That's really from their annals.
The Charlotte Isserby, God, from her father, who was a member on his deathbed with cancer, and gave Anthony Sutton, the Senate Archivist, they had the Frank Church Committee hearings off that.
So, everything I'm saying, you just search all this.
Frank Church Committee, Anthony Sutton, skull and bones.
So, you've got different secret Germanic death cults, and they're just part of the overall Illuminati system.
But Scone Bones, by 1900, had taken over the Bohemian Grove that Mark Twain helped set up as an artist colony.
It had been different from that for 30, 40 years before with Mark Twain.
After Mark Twain had died and stuff, they took it over and they turned it into an occultic place where they did black magic style Illuminati rituals.
And again, George Washington talked about how the mesas he was part of were to be taken over in 1776 up to 1789 by the Illuminati.
So look into George Washington's letters on the Illuminati.
Everything I'm giving you is a huge data point.
His letters on the Illuminati are in the National Archives, his search engine, George Washington.
The letters on the Illuminati, you'll get those.
So I'm not saying it's Masonic, it's a group that's infiltrated and taken over a lot of the Masonic Order.
That's not a defense of the Masons either, it's just stating the facts of what happened historically.
So, I snuck in there in 2000, on the day I was told this ritual was done, I hid out, came out when the sun went down, sure enough they did this mixture of Canaanite rituals with Egyptian rituals, with Babylonian and Druidic rituals, all mixed into Faustian, Graham-Grenoir, Black Magic.
It's all been composite, hour and a half ritual, caught it on tape, put it out on the internet right when web streaming was available, and it's been super viral ever since for 23, 24 years.
It was in July of 2000 I infiltrated.
Many others have tried and failed.
Now, recently some other people have infiltrated, but they're doing it during the winter months.
They're still securing the 2,700 acre Redwood Gorge.
in Sonoma County, California, but there's no world leaders there. So no one's ever gotten in and out
when the event is happening. There's Secret Service and federal marshals and state police and just
county police and I mean they're all in there, okay? Now everybody that goes is not bad. More
than half the folks that go each year are guests. You've got about a thousand members.
World leaders.
Richard Nixon said, and it's in the White House tapes, the most goddamn faggoty thing you ever saw.
And that's what I picked up when I was in there for four hours.
Guys whistling at me.
I snuck in with Mike Hanson.
He got pinched on the butt.
I mean, this is going on.
And so this is where mainly Republicans go, and to feel like they're in the club, they have gay sex.
I'm not saying that's the whole thing, mixed in with some weird scull and bones rituals.
So, what I want to be clear is Kid Rock, I'm not defending Kid Rock, that's not my job.
Kid Rock said to Joe Rogan, he volunteered, hey I was invited, I was a guest to play music while I was there.
That's what they do, they invite people.
And I beat a guy up and got basically suspended.
And people said, oh he's a member of it.
And I said, no I'm not.
No, people are invited there.
So I use the Kid Rock example to explain, not everybody that's going there is having gay sex, not everybody that's going there is doing satanic rituals, but it's a place where they recruit you into it.
You're like, what's this?
You're watching this ritual, and if you like it, then you get recruited.
Deeper into it.
But we have hundreds of thousands of kids brought in that they don't know where they are.
Just this last year, 320,000 people flown around secretly at night that we first broke three years ago.
We got the footage.
In Texas and other areas.
That is in-your-face human trafficking.
Mainline movies, TV, shows promoting devil worship, saying the devil's God, all these shows.
I mean, it's all externalized now.
And the fact that people are really upset about Bohemian Grove, and the secrecy and everything's good, because it shows people are awake and are informed and are concerned.
But what I'm saying is, they've gone from having these events secretly, And trying to recruit people into the weirdness to compromise them too, expanding it across the board everywhere.
And so most of this stuff, with all the different halftime shows and all, and the Grammys, I mean, you see it.
The Satanism is no longer in the closet.
The pedophilia is no longer in the closet.
It's everywhere.
So I want to play a clip of the great Ted Gunderson with the great Anthony Hilder from many, many, many, many, many years ago.
They did more in-depth talks on this.
So did I with him.
This is early, like 1991-92 stuff you're about to see.
Pauly Closs, they believe, got kidnapped and murdered by one of their sex operatives.
He was then blamed for it.
I mean, they're in search of Pauly Closs.
This is a big, big deal.
Franklin cover-up.
Bohemian Grove is a way to get you to look deeper into things.
It's great, but it's only a doorway Or like a gateway drug into this kingdom of the cults, and the MKUltra, and the CIA, and the Kathy O'Brien, look into her, and it's just, it's incredible.
But remember, secret societies were the old name of intelligence agencies.
Colleges used to be totally secret and private.
They were called mystery schools.
So what the masons are today is just the name of mystery schools.
Well, there's a lot of different colleges, a lot of different cults, a lot of different groups.
Uh, so yes, the Masons overall are bad because the Illuminati took over almost all the other mystery schools.
When we go back to George Washington's time, he was part of a mystery school that was Christian, pro-America, anti-tyranny.
He wrote about that but said, It's been taken over.
So this is not a defense of masonry.
I'm simply giving you real history so as adults, we can understand before Jesus and even before the Old Testament, there was these mystery schools out of Egypt.
That's what's happening.
That's what's unfolding.
And it's absolutely vital to realize that I should probably make a three-hour documentary and really just explain all of this, but I wanted to give you some in-depth understanding.
Here's a clip of Ted Gunnarsson.
We connect all of the dots and they've got some of the same symbols that go to Baphomet, the Owl of Moloch up here in the Bohemian Grove.
They sacrifice children.
They do it symbolically.
Now maybe... No, no.
I have a source when he was 12, 13, 14 years old who was put in a cage at the Bohemian Grove and with another young boy who was part of their network and they had a third young boy in there Who had been kidnapped, and they had to commit sex acts with him, and then they had to murder him on camera.
This is called a snuff film.
These snuff films sell for $50,000 each.
I know Sammy Davis Jr.
was heavy into that.
Well, Sammy Davis Jr.
admitted he was involved in satanic... This all goes back to satanic cults.
He was with Anton LaVey, is that correct?
That's right.
In Nebraska in the 1980s, I have sources who I've talked to.
And they told me they were part of the network.
One of them, in particular, was used as a decoy in parks, public places, shopping malls, to bring children his age, 12, 13, 14 years old, near the car.
They kidnapped the kids.
He attended auctions for these kids, were auctioned off for up to $50,000 each.
He's attended six auctions, as few as six and as many as 36 children were auctioned
off for up to $50,000 each, as I said a moment ago.
If you go to the National Center for Mission and Exploited Children website, last time
I checked, there are 91 Americans who disappear every hour.
And it is believed 85 to 90% of them are children.
These children, of course a lot of them are returned because they're parental kidnaps
and so forth, but a lot of them are not returned.
And I have investigated and exposed an organization in Washington D.C.
known as The Finders.
It's a CIA child kidnapping ring.
Tell them.
I've investigated and exposed an organization in Washington, D.C.
known as The Finders.
It's an international child kidnapping ring.
And as I said a few moments ago, these kids sell on the auction block for up to $50,000 each.
My source was there, and he was part of the network.
He was one of the decoys.
He uses a decoy, as I mentioned a few moments ago.
So, this all dovetails.
And you give this to the law enforcement, they laugh at you.
Because they've been infiltrated.
Very basically.
Not every law enforcement agency, I'm sure.
There's a lot of good police officers, a lot of good FBI agents, CIA agents.
But it's a fact.
Congressman Kucinich has announced that the CIA has their own assassination squad.
But it all boils down to this.
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InfoWars.com are available at DrJonesNaturals.com Cover a couple more things here, but let's squeeze in a couple phone calls before Jason Burmiss takes over in the fourth hour.
We'll do a segment and a half or two of phone calls here.
We'll squeeze a couple calls in.
Your response to last night's Super Tuesday victory and all the numbers I just went over.
By the way, what's going on in California?
And if you guys go to the OwensRoyer76, at OwensRoyer1776 on Twitter, this video has come out of California, where Steve Garvey, who's a popular, well, used to be a very popular Major League Baseball player, played for the Dodgers, won a World Series, I think even a World Series MVP award, so had some pretty strong years with the L.A.
He's running against Adam Schiff.
The needle neck, pinhead, known liar, and just psychotic looking demon freak.
And Garvey was up big and then they pulled a Vote Viagra for Schiff.
And so people were recording it when the numbers were coming in.
You know, because it's hard to believe.
How does a Nancy Pelosi keep getting elected?
How does a Maxine Waters keep getting elected?
How does an Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell?
How do these human turds keep getting elected?
And maybe we get a little image of it right there.
This is ridiculous!
So, so Garvey is up.
And then they just fixed the numbers and it literally says minus 15.
They literally took votes from Garvey and gave them to Schiff!
I mean, what is that?
What even is that?
I don't know.
So anyway, the point is, these are the shenanigans the Democrats engage in.
By the way, New York is so bad under the Democrats, Kathy Hochul is having to add massive amounts of security.
She made this announcement this morning, clip 19.
Point one.
I'm redeploying nearly 1,000 members of the New York State Police, MTA Police, and MTA National Guard to conduct bank checks In the city's busiest transit, they'll start seeing them at the tables, making sure that weapons are not being brought in, working in concert with our New York State Police, as well as our NYPD.
How does that sound?
Did they want to defund?
Because no one heading to their job or to visit family or to go to a doctor appointment should worry that the person sitting next to them possesses a deadly weapon.
Well, it wouldn't be a threat as long as the person sitting next to them isn't a Democrat, then they know they're safe.
But if it's a psychotic leftist liberal, then yeah, them having a firearm.
But they have firearm rights too.
But how dystopic is that?
How dystopic is that?
New York has fallen under violent crime so badly that they're now going into a phase one of a security state.
An absolute security state bag checks.
And so, of course, there's so many different violations to the Bill of Rights and Constitution inherently with this policy.
But, uh, that is dystopian.
So they let in the violent illegal immigrants and they attack the police.
They defund the police and they make things more violent.
They make it illegal to get guns so the criminals have even more power.
And then they have to beg police and make it a security state.
It's, it's, it's... I mean, that's how it always goes!
That's how it always goes.
Whenever leftist, left-wing Democrat policy, and it's not just Democrats, you look at leftism throughout world history, it always goes this way.
As the politicians seize power, and the streets get more violent, they have to go into a security state.
That's what we're seeing in Democrat-run cities like New York.
That is incredible.
Oh my gosh.
So, they let in the violent, illegal immigrants, they attack police, and then they say, oh, police, we need you to do bag checks now to make sure nobody has a firearm, even though that's your right to have a firearm!
But is this, I guess, in a way they're re-adopting the stop-and-frisk policy of the Rudy Giuliani years?
Is that what's happening?
That's crazy.
But see, then they'll act like, oh, Democrat cities aren't violent.
Oh, there's no increase in violence when Democrats run things.
But then they have to have a total security state and a police state in the Democrat-run cities.
You know, I'd like for RICO cases to start flying, and maybe Laken Riley is the breaking point.
She's not the first woman, unfortunately, or individual.
To be murdered by an illegal immigrant, brutally.
I guess it's always unnecessary, but... Maybe this is the breaking point, maybe it's the next one or the next one.
I mean, there's gonna be another woman that gets raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant.
I'll bet everything on it.
100% it's gonna happen.
Of course it is.
But when is it gonna be the breaking point where finally somebody decides to sue and sue everybody involved?
Were Catholic charities complicit in the murder of Lake and Riley?
Well yeah, I mean they fund the illegal immigration, they house the illegal immigrants, they help facilitate the illegal immigrant invasion, so absolutely.
And so that's the answer here.
All the individuals responsible for Jose Ibarra, the individual that got into the country illegally and murdered Lake and Riley, all the individuals responsible for that, all the groups responsible for that, they need to be charged In a RICO lawsuit, aiding and abetting in illegal immigration and human trafficking, and even murder.
That's what needs to happen, or they're never going to stop the invasion.
By the way, it's just always the same thing, isn't it?
So, what happens when Democrats get control of your city?
Poverty, the education system fails, the streets become violent, ridden with criminals and homeless.
And then nobody wants to have them in power anymore.
And so they would be getting voted out of office, but they seem to remain in office.
And then people say, wait, this doesn't make sense.
How do you keep remaining in office?
Nobody votes for you.
And that's when they start to rule by the barrel of the gun.
So New York City is now the prime example of where America goes under Democrat Party leadership.
You're going to have a security state in the streets.
And then when you realize that the only way Democrats are still in power is through voter fraud, then they have to remain in power via the barrel of a gun.
And this is how it goes in all left-wing authoritarianism throughout the world.
And now it's right here in the United States of America.
Understand this.
The Democrat Party And the United States of America cannot coexist.
And one of the two will become extinct by the year 2030.
And it's up to us to decide.
Either the United States of America or the Democrat Party will become extinct by the year 2030.
2030. The two cannot coexist. And you've already seen what the Democrats have
done to San Francisco.
You've already seen what they've done to New York City.
And coast to coast, everywhere in between, every major metropolitan area.
They will completely destroy this country, and it will be so bad that they'll have to go into total security states, and then they'll become illegitimate leaders, and they'll have to rule from behind the barrel of a gun.
The United States and the Democrat Party.
The two cannot coexist.
One will be extinct by the year 2030.
Final segment of the third hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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I want to go to Chris in California.
Chris, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
I voted yesterday in California.
And I thought it was funny because I brought my ID card with me, and I said my name and so forth, and the lady said, oh, we can't take those.
And I said, why?
She says, oh, we're not allowed to.
I said, so you don't want to know who I am?
They said, no.
Wait, wait, wait, I'm confused.
So you show your voter ID and they say, oh, you don't need to show us that?
I showed them my driver's license.
I said, oh, I thought we were going to have voter ID now.
She says, no, we can't accept your ID at all.
So she tried to look me up and it took her like five minutes and I said, I have my ID right here.
All you have to do is look at my ID and you'd know who I am.
So I thought it was kind of funny.
Hold on, hold on.
So the process here in Texas is you show up, you have your voter ID and then you have your ID and then it takes like 30 seconds or less.
And they just scan it and they look you up and it's okay, it's your name, it's your ID, and then you go vote.
You're saying that you show your voter ID or you just say your name and they look you up?
I just showed my... I brought my driver's license.
I knew we didn't have a voter ID.
But I don't even care about having a voter ID as long as I have a driver's license.
I think that should be enough.
You know, you're an American citizen, you have a driver's license, you show them your ID, you get to vote.
So you have to show your voter ID, but not a photo ID?
You don't have to show anything in California.
All you have to do is tell them who you are, and they say, is that you?
And you say, sure, that's me.
And you don't even have to prove it to you, so you could just know a name of an individual, say they may have just deceased, and then you could vote for that individual, theoretically?
Theoretically, that's the gist of it.
But I thought it was funny because then they want you to know who you are as if you're a Republican or a Democrat to vote for the President.
And I said, well, you don't care who I am to vote for anything statewide.
Why do you care what party affiliation I am to vote for the President?
I said, so you're not going to let me have anonymity for my President?
Well, it's because the Democrats make it that way so that they can cheat.
I mean, let's just call it as it is.
And I think that's why Steve Garvey's having a problem, because I don't think we have Proposition 1 going on.
That passed.
That shouldn't have passed.
Nobody wants that.
We have Steve Garvey.
We want Republicans in California.
And by the way, I'm trying to get to the bottom of this thing.
We showed, because I want to be clear, we showed that graphic earlier of the votes switching.
Folks, people put up fake stuff on Twitter and so really I don't like jumping into any of it and I just kind of mentioned it and they put it on the screen.
I don't know if that is real.
There's these trolls on Twitter that think it's funny to put fake political information and fake stuff out there and it's just these lowlifes that think it's funny.
I don't know if that's real or not, but the question remains, it's like, how does a low-life, needle-neck like Adam Schiff, I mean, how do these Democrats, Walwell, Schiff, known liars, Pelosi, Waters, known crooks, and they just win every time!
It's like nobody even challenges them!
I don't know if we lost Chris, but... Hello, I'm here.
Do you think Garvey has a chance, or is it just, even if he did, they'd just steal it?
Well, I'll be honest, I voted for Eric early, but I would rather have Steve Carvey than shift another cryptkeeper in there.
Yeah, anybody that's not a known liar like Adam Schiff, thanks for the call.
I mean, that's what I'm saying.
It's like, the Republican current leadership is so pathetic.
Ronna Romney McDaniel, what does she even do?
They should have ads running on all the California news networks.
Or sports stations, whatever, all the local stations.
And it should be Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff on the congressional They never showed it, they lied, and roll it 24-7.
that Trump colluded with Russia.
We have evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.
We have evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.
And then it's, they never showed it, they lied.
And roll it 24/7.
They are liars.
You have video evidence of Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff lying to the American people.
And you won't put that thing on repeat, on a loop, on California TV because what?
Oh, Republicans don't have a chance.
Well, good attitude.
That's why you never win in California.
How can you not have a chance against low-life human turds like Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell?
Because you don't even try.
Christopher in New York City.
Christopher, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, I have some breaking news from England.
Dr. John Campbell's YouTube show nine hours ago announced that the Metropolitan Police Department in England is investigating.
They're going to have a hearing about these unusual deaths from the funeral homes with the calamari-like clots.
And they're going to have a three-hour investigation.
And this just broke nine hours ago.
And this should be interesting.
Yeah, a similar thing is gonna be happening in Florida.
There's some interest there with Ron Johnson in the US Senate.
It's obviously, it needs to happen.
But I don't know as much about the control that the pharmaceutical industrial complex
has over English government.
But here they have a stranglehold on our government.
So it's gonna be an uphill battle.
Christopher, thank you for breaking that.
Let's go to Caitlin in Colorado.
Caitlin, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi there.
I'm so excited to be here, a little nervous.
I have been listening to Alex Jones since back on the shortwave radio days after Joyce on the Power Hour.
It was a fantastic show.
I have been relaying all of the information I learned to everybody I know.
I buy the products, I get people to buy the products.
For years and years and years I was brushed off as crazy, but now I've got a ton of friends coming back to me saying Alex Jones was right.
They listen to him every day.
But I'll tell you what I am sick of, Owen, is people coming back to me and saying that there's nothing we can do, we're screwed.
The country's screwed.
And I just want to tell everybody that's listening today, that's where people are wrong.
There's always something that you can do.
And you really don't want to look back later and say, man, I wish I had done something more.
And I love to study the Holocaust.
One thing I learned from a great book called Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl.
Yeah, that was sent to me in prison.
It's an incredible book, right?
And the one thing I learned from that, everybody you should do, is have hope.
Because if you don't have hope, you're not going to learn to grow a garden.
If you don't have hope, you're not going to learn to... Well, let's not even be so philosophical as that.
I mean, I would retort Because really, this is what it comes down to.
You say, okay, well, how about this?
Is America worth fighting for?
I mean, that's it right there.
Is America worth fighting for?
And so if they don't believe that, then okay, well then they're just going to accept defeat.
I believe America is worth fighting for.
And we have to have hope that it's worth fighting for and that it can be fought for and it can be restored.
And made even better.
Well, certainly we can have it better than probably most of us have ever experienced.
I mean, in my 34 short years living in this country, it's been nothing but corruption and backstabbing and treason and traitors occupying our government.
Caitlin, thank you for that call.
Let's go to Billy in Oklahoma.
Billy, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, Owen, I just had an idea I wanted to run past you.
These immigrants are getting all these debit cards, you know, all this help.
That's bound to run out at some point, and I think the right thing for them to do when it runs out would be to go to the Capitol and redress their grievances.
Wait a second, wait a second.
So you're saying... You're saying that when the illegal immigrants don't get $10,000 free dollars from the government that they should go to the Capitol and complain that the free money's gone?
I think they should go and we'll see If they get treated the same way as our patriots got treated.
It'd be a neat dichotomy to see the different ways that they're treated.
Well, I mean, look, if I'm going to deal with hypotheticals, I'd like them to at least have some realism, and none of that's ever going to happen.
But the story is obviously that the illegal immigrants are getting free money.
Free money.
And U.S.
citizens are being skipped over and forgotten.
And it's driving votes away.
Well, I mean, that's going to be the real where the rubber meets the road, is Is it going to drive votes away from the Democrats?
Are people going to realize that the reason why they're getting screwed, the reason why illegal immigrants get treated better than them, are Democrats?
That's the reason.
Are they going to have that realization and vote with it in 2024?
Billy, thank you for the call.
Will, I mean, will the money even run out for these illegal immigrants?
I mean, will the money ever run out for Ukraine?
200 billion dollars spent in Ukraine, folks.
Could you imagine?
Could you imagine what we could do with our infrastructure with 200 billion dollars?
But no, we gotta launder it through Ukraine.
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Media matters, the Democratic Party, MSNBC and others have asked me to apologize for making a parody video game criticizing the deep state and all the corruption.
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Go f*** yourselves!
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F*** you!
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Alright, there's a funny video coming out of Miami.
It's a popular destination for spring breakers, except maybe not anymore.
The locals there were sick of the out-of-towners coming in and wreaking havoc and behaving like absolute heathens.
And it's not just like your normal spring break activities that many people may have engaged in when they were younger.
It's like totally just heathenistic criminal behavior.
Robbing and fighting and looting and skipping out on checks and just disgusting behavior really.
So not just your normal Spring Breaker showing up and maybe drinking too much or something.
It's like showing up and just committing vast crimes and assaulting people and robbing people and turning the streets into I don't even know what you would call it.
I mean it's kind of like when you see those videos of the street races and they do like drag out races and skid their tires and everything and then there's like thousands of people in the streets dancing and playing music and showing off their guns and stuff.
So that was like Spring Break, what it turned into in Miami.
So, they're breaking up with Spring Break.
This is a message from the city of Miami.
Hey, we need to talk.
Isn't working anymore.
And it's not us.
It's you.
We just want different things.
Alright, do you have a good time?
It's relaxing on the beach.
Hitting up a spot.
Or checking out a new restaurant.
You just want to get drunk in public and ignore laws.
Do you even remember what happened last March?
That was our breaking point.
So, we're breaking up with you.
And don't try to apologize and come crawling back.
This isn't safe, so we're done.
And just so you know, we're serious.
This March, you can expect things like curfews, bag checks, and restricted beach access, DUI checkpoints, $100 parking, and strong police enforcement for drug possession and violence.
Whatever it takes, because it's time to move on.
Maybe we can talk when you're done with your spring break phase, but until then... Miami Beach, Florida dot gov.
Guys, see if you can find something.
Because look, it was really the street activity more so than the beach activity that was the problem.
Because that was kind of the unseen nature of it all that had just never been seen before.
But, you know, That's what happens when a bunch of Democrats come into your town.
They wreak havoc.
They destroy.
They commit crimes.
They bully and harass the locals.
So, uh, it was a little much.
It was a little much for Miami last March, but I remember covering it And it used to be people would go and party on the beach and they'd listen to music and maybe drink a little bit too much.
But then it became a thing where they were taking over the streets, engaging in violent crimes, shutting down the streets, doing street racing and burnouts.
They were robbing people.
They were running out on bills at their restaurants, on the meals they were having.
Yeah, it's done.
Democrats ruined Spring Break in Miami.
And that's what they do.
That's just what they do.
Oh yeah, that's what we're talking about.
Good job from the crew.
So that's really what did it.
It wasn't necessarily about the spring breakers on the beach and...
Yeah, maybe, maybe grinding and gyrating and having intercourse on the streets for all
I think that was probably where Miami reached their breaking point.
But hey, that's culture.
But they can take their spring break somewhere else, I suppose.
All right, Jason Burmess takes over the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
See you tomorrow!
Welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess, and I gotta tell you guys, Sometimes the stars really align in a odd and weird way because, believe it or not, little ol' Jason Burmiss happens to be an expert on the Bohemian Grove.
This is a hardcover book.
I'm one of those Rare investigative journalistic pieces where somebody was actually let into the grove way, way back in the day and spent time with those quote-unquote elites.
I call them the Predator class and their minions.
But not only that, I am on a green screen so we'll see what we can see.
It'll be like a ghost book.
Let's turn this one upside down.
This is one of nine of the bohemian grove annals that sit right before me.
I literally have nine.
I think there are 11 of them right now.
There was one published in 2022 that is going for quite a bit of money.
We're actually going to show you some of the insides of those books exclusively because This thing went mega viral yesterday and it's so odd.
I'm actually going to Oklahoma City later today and I kind of postponed my plans because I wanted to take this opportunity when I get these calls to talk about these things.
We're going to talk about the origin story of the owl.
Showing everything upside down.
This is the long ago and later on by George T. Bromley, the original high priest of the Grove and really the guy that brought this owl overseas because originally it was actually a Buddha statue.
And there's Bromley in the middle with the other people with their druidic ritualistic attire on.
Now, We got a lot of this to cover.
Alex Jones talked about a couple of his older films, obviously Dark Secrets, Inside, Bohemian Grove, but others that went into the occult.
I'd like to point out these two bad boys that I still have from my InfoWars days that get into Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.
You've seen the David Gergen Confrontation.
That's in 9-11, Rise of the Police State, Marshall Law.
And then American Dictators talks about that Skull and Bones network at a time that John Kerry was kind of running this faux campaign to lose.
By the way, there's a lot of evidence John Kerry Beat Bush and didn't challenge the election?
Because even way back in those days, 2004, guess what?
There were election integrity issues, especially with the machines, which we almost don't talk about anymore.
It's all mail-in ballots, dead people, registries, etc, etc.
Those are important issues.
The machines have been an issue now, believe it or not, for two decades.
And arguably, obviously John Kerry at this point, Runs way more for policy than Joe Biden, who is a dementia ridden puppet.
So we've got the annals.
We've got the documentary films.
We've got the origin story of the owl.
And then we also have this.
And we have the Franklin scandal, which Alex Jones alluded to.
He talked a little bit about that.
He showed Anthony Hilder interviewing Gunderson.
Now Ted Gunderson was basically the head of the FBI in the Los Angeles region at one time.
I interviewed Gunderson many, many years ago.
I think it was all the way back in 2006.
And he also, which we have to point out, which really muddies a lot of the waters, Was part of the COINTELPRO program back in the day.
And I remember that interview when he was telling me that.
I was like, oh my goodness.
And then he said he couldn't get into much of that.
All right, I just want to point that out.
But when we're talking about actual human sacrifice at the Grove, if you want the detailed story down the line, what Paul Bonacci, the witness in question that was alluded to, it is in this book.
And this book is a follow-up to John DeCamp's book.
And the reason I bring this book up by Nick Bryan, who also was the guy, by the way, that got the Epstein Black Book published.
Mainstream media didn't want to touch it, got it published through Gawker.
This just has an extensive, this is all a bibliography.
These are the handwritten police reports, documentation, the FBI accounts, all of it.
Obviously a lot to discuss.
The books, by the way, are super interesting because they really get into, and the only reason I have that one sealed is because Alex Jones had it.
For instance, this little picture right here will show this.
George Bush in the middle there while he's running the CIA, and it's a big joke, he's got a bunch of spooks around him.
But what I thought I would do to start this off Um, it's kind of talk about the Garcia situation and then go to another documentary film that InfoWars actually produced and put out there, uh, Invisible Empire in New World Order Defined.
And why?
Because that has a section on this occultism, on this behavior.
of not only pedophilia, but kind of hiding and cloaking themselves in Christianity when their cremation of care ritual, which we'll illustrate a little later on, is a sacrificial ritual in which any type of conscience you have left over from the bad things that you've done, because you're expected that you might do some questionable things if you're in this network of the Bohemian Grove.
Okay, let's absolve you of those.
Be gone, dull care.
And the voice of that owl is actually Walter Cronkite.
In fact, again, before we get into the documentary film and talk about Ryan Garcia, I want to pull this one out.
This is one of the really interesting and I guess tough right now to get out.
There we go.
Because it actually also, if you get it like With the hardcover case, hard to find.
These are all pretty hard to find.
You get the sounds of Bohemia.
And by the way, there's a lot of artwork there.
The Bohemian Club itself is located in San Francisco.
But a lot of recordings now, there's a lot of show tune stuff in there.
You know, Alex Jones talked about the Good Shepherd and telling the story of Matthew Damon's character who gets recruited in the Ivy League while he's in drag by the way.
I just want to point that will come into play a little later.
While he's in drag he just on a show where he was basically playing a woman singing and dancing around he gets tapped on the shoulder because a lot of people want to talk about the Skull and Bones being some kind of a fraternity and there are fraternal aspects of To it, of course.
But they're the original intelligence agencies.
So they tap 15 of the best and brightest at their junior year, second semester.
So basically, you're only pledging for that one semester, and then you're a member of the group just as a senior, and then you go off into the world.
And later on, they take you to another place where men are dancing, singing show tunes in hula dresses this time, called Deer Island.
And Deer Island is one of the places where these people will meet, etc.
You know, throughout the year, every once in a while, one of their clubhouses.
Now, the Grove is a two-week encampment in the summertime that, as Alex rightly identified, was basically hijacked from artisans.
In the late 1800 and made into more of a political sphere.
That's another thing that we haven't discussed with the significance of the growth.
It was at the club and the Grove where they recruited Oppenheimer and others.
Remember also Jack Parsons JBL very into the occult weird, right?
Through that they got the nuclear bomb and nuclear power.
Okay, so this is a real political sphere now.
Let's talk about Garcia quickly before we get into the documentary film section.
Okay, again, these are free.
If you can find them online, American Dictators, Martial Law, Invisible Empire, Fabled Enemies, everything I did over there.
We want you to not only download it, put it on a thumb drive, share it, share the links.
We want this stuff to keep going viral.
It's as significant as ever.
And you don't want to deter away from the very real stuff with what Garcia seems to be having a manic attack.
I'll just be quite frank about it.
I'll be I'm a huge fight fan for those that don't know I actually call fights I'm gonna be calling caged aggression out here in Davenport Iowa and the Quad Cities March 22nd and 23rd come on down or get the pay-per-view two-night event we got Pat Miletic one night and then we got Jens Pulver both Hall of Famers the other night I also Do a podcast from time to time with John Fitch, another top tier guy, UFC title, not only contender, but fought St.
Pierre for that title, fought other legends, became a champion in other organizations.
So, you know, the last five or so years, I've been around a lot of fighters, more than I'm saying right now.
And I've had some interactions, I'm just going to say this, with people that have been hitting the head a lot.
And unfortunately, there are those manic episodes.
Now, they played the part where Garcia talks about being held down and being forced to watch videos and then he brings up the Grove.
I would encourage people to listen to more of it and I don't want to get too graphic, but he says that he was raped as a two-year-old as well and says it was at the Grove.
And again, I'm not going to get into what's real and what's not, but like, if anything he said didn't happen, you know, it's going to be wild QAnon-sense conspiracy theories, right?
Adrenochrome mania!
And by the way, Nick Bryant believes kind of the Adrenochrome story comes out of that snuff film testimony that Ted Gunderson is talking about via Bonacci.
I had an interaction recently with a fighter that anybody that follows it would know.
Spent a lot of time with this person.
And unfortunately, they've kind of gone overboard.
They were unaware of a lot of the real base information that so many of us in this fight have been questioning now for decades and trying to point out things like Skull and Bones and The Grove and high-level political blackmail through pedophilia and other means.
You know, high-tech surveillance, this weird occult aspect.
All that's real.
Even, you know, and the Daily Mail just ran this story again.
It must have been a new interview, but they'd run it before on the real CIA masks that are a reality.
But I'm spending time with this person and everybody's wearing a mask.
We're talking about clones and all these things that I'm sorry, I hate to break it to you, but it's a lot of Johnny nonsense meant to discredit what we can prove and not real.
He's even bringing it back to the theory of William Greer shooting Shooting JFK that Bill Cooper popularized.
You know, I've watched those videos.
I don't believe that that is the case.
That's an old thing that's been around for decades.
But my point being is that this person is kind of now obsessed with all these things and gone over the deep end.
And they also illustrated what I would call more than likely tardive dyskinesia.
And that If you don't know, it's the involuntary movement of your body.
Now, that may just be from getting traumatized in the head many, many times.
I mean, this guy was in a lot of wars, okay?
But, sometimes you get put on these drugs and you get put on drugs that are painkillers.
And now these painkillers are what?
They're mental painkillers.
They're of the SSRI variety on top of it.
And they can cause these involuntary movements called Tardive Dyskinesia.
So I'm not saying, again, I've never met Ryan Garcia.
I don't know Ryan Garcia's past.
I've been around fighters.
I've been around those that have been hitting the head a lot.
I've seen mental breaks even outside of that arena.
And I would have to say that this feels like that.
But again, what we need to do is take hold of the narrative and display the actual networks and the real importance of
the bohemian grove and of the owl.
And by the way, I'm gonna go over this in the documentary, but the owl was chosen
after a trip by Bromley overseas because of the owl's wisdom as a deity and it's also
predatory nature ability to see in the dark.
Their other big slogan is weaving spiders come not here.
In other words, don't come here with a plan to collude against us brother.
We're in this together and we absolve ourselves of whatever sins we've done at the beginning of every encampment.
So that being said, we're going to go to this clip, and this is Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined.
Towards the end, it's going to talk about this network.
It's also going to get into the high-level pedophilia.
It's going to talk about a guy named Barney Frank.
And then we're actually going to show you Paul Bonacci.
Backing up some of the things that you see in this documentary film.
It's InfoWars.com InfoWars.com Or InfoWarsStore.com to get all the products they need to get I'm telling listen not telling Alex Jones what to do But you know what he needs to do he needs to get all those documentary films He AI upscale what he can from DVD rips and files and
compressions and then put them on thumbsticks and then just sell
32 gigabyte thumbsticks You can stick them in an Xbox a PlayStation just about
anything out there and now we have physical Media and by the way, if you want it's very easy to copy
those over to other thumb drives to hand out to people So without further ado here is invisible Empire
So is there anything else about the ruling class we should know?
Politicians business leaders and media figures are often portrayed as pillars of morality while they describe
themselves as Christian conservatives Nothing could be further from the truth.
In reality, many of the elite are groomed at a young age to take part in occult rituals.
Those who attend Yale are indoctrinated into the Order of Skull and Bones, an elite secret society cloaked as a fraternal order.
Yale University is 300 years old this year, and were you to visit its campus, you would see that it still has exotic clubhouses, which look like tombs where Yale's legendary secret societies meet.
Their prestige and importance have largely evaporated, but the rituals are still a secret.
And so when we heard that some enterprising characters had managed to spy on the famous Skull and Bones Society, we couldn't resist.
Skull and Bones, people say it's a fraternity at Yale University, but it's really a post-graduate
So it was founded in 1832.
And it's not like a normal fraternity.
People don't pledge.
These people choose who they want to come.
So they do the recruiting.
They recruit 15 people every year.
People who they see are going to be powerful people in the future.
So they're recruited when they're a junior in college.
A lot of these people come from really wealthy and influential families because they know
that this person has the resources to then elevate them to a position of power that can
benefit the club.
The video shows the neophytes, or initiates, kissing a skull, then performing a mock human sacrifice.
Horrific screams caught on tape include chants of, the devil equals death, death equals the devil.
Famous alums include Senators John Kerry and John Chafee, to name two, Cabinet Secretaries, such as Averill Harriman, and three Presidents, William Taft, George Bush, and George W. Bush, who's been reluctant to talk about skull and bones.
Does it still exist?
The thing is so secret that I'm not even sure it still exists.
Former Skull and Bones members and current members have been presidents, heads of the CIA, senators, heads of business.
I mean, huge, huge corporations.
These people have the network that brings them to such a position of power that most people could only dream of.
Bush would run against his fellow Bonesmen and distant cousin John Kerry in 2004.
You both were members of Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale.
What does that tell us?
Uh, not much because it's a secret.
Is there a secret handshake?
Is there a secret code?
I wish there were something secret I could manifest.
A secret number?
There are all kinds of secrets, Tim.
You were both in Skull and Bones, The Secret Society.
It's so secret we can't talk about it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go watch.
I don't know, I haven't seen the web.
Number 322?
This is an elaborate, occult, ritualistic entry into this group that they are now a member of for life.
This culture of death in the occult continues long after college.
Later on in life, these pagan rituals carry on in the redwoods of Sonoma, California.
What is the Bohemian Grow?
Well, it's a kind of summer camp for the powerful.
An all-male gathering in great secrecy.
This group was formed in the late 1800s by artists, industrialists, and politicians.
Bohemian attendees worship the owl as their deity.
The Aztecs, Mayans, and other natives of Mesoamerica consider the owl a symbol of destruction and death.
This is why the opening ritual for the club is the Cremation of Care.
During the ritual, the effigy of a baby is rowed across the water by the Grim Reaper and given to a High Priest, who then tosses it on a fiery sacrificial altar of a 40-foot Owl God.
It is an Earth-based ritual in which care is burned away.
The conscience is symbolically cast aside so that they may ignore the pain they have inflicted on others, the advancement of their own agendas.
With this ceremony called the Cremation of Care that begins the two-week enchantment where the body of doll care symbolizing woes and concerns is burned on an altar in front of a big owl statue.
When that ceremony ends, they all start to cheer and yell.
You have to ask yourself why.
Why it is that somebody would want to do that, let alone these elite people.
And if you look at the elite throughout history, Many of the people that achieve pinnacles of power are into the occult.
They seek a supernatural way to gain power.
Why are Christian conservatives such as the Bushes and Newt Gingrich attending the Grove?
And I recognize I'm not going to be invited to Renaissance Weekend or that Bohemian deal where Newt, Rush and Dick all sitting in a teepee, naked, beating on tom-toms.
Why did the media barely mention the Grove?
Because many of them are in attendance.
Late political cartoonist Phil Frank of the San Francisco Chronicle draws a reporter thinking about his loyalties to Bohemian Grove as he takes notes for a story.
Stories about what happens in these redwoods are hard to come by.
A campground statue reminds Bohemians to keep their mouths shut about the Grove.
Many world events have been shaped at the Grove, including the creation of the atomic bomb.
Discussions at the Grove in the 1930s helped lead to the development of nuclear power and the atomic bomb.
Every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge has been a member, as well as many Democrats, including Jimmy Carter.
If you look at the membership lists of the Bohemian Grove and the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, a lot of the key level people are overlapping and are involved in numerous groups.
In addition to pagan rituals that take place there, this all-male club also deals with darker themes.
Through the plays Montezuma, which feature Aztec human sacrifice, and Faust, which feature Mephesto.
Some of these plays are disturbingly flamboyant.
Many of the elitists have a penchant for cross-dressing and singing show tunes.
Perhaps that is why much of the all-male staff also happen to be homosexuals.
Well, each year, uh, many of them seem to have a stunt, uh, or try to come up with a stunt.
Last year, in 1980, uh, the popular button was, uh, free the Fortune 500.
Well, the intro that I invented on Capitol Town is the most famous.
In 2004, the New York Post reported that gay porn star Chad Savage would be servicing moguls at the Bohemian Grove.
We gotta take a break.
Now, we're gonna shift, not so much just from the Grove, but into this network Not only fake Christians and closeted homosexuals, but yes, people that abuse children.
Before we get to that other part, we're also going to show you more information on the Grove and the rituals itself.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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And we are back.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas.
Before we get back to the documentary film, what really turns into the high-level blackmail
operations via cowboys in D.C.
that was outed in the Franklin scandal.
I think it's important to really go over the owl itself and a guy named George T. Bromley.
Now, this book right here that I'm holding, you can get it in PDF, but the physical copy is now well over 100 years old.
And like I said, I'm a history buff.
So when you get surprises like this, you get pretty happy.
When I opened it up, it actually has the real newspaper clipping about the Bohemian Grove honoring their best loved man and also their high priest when he died in 1909.
It's 115 years old.
It's 115 years old.
And it tells the story of Bromley, who again is into the occult and kind of helps transform
the organization as, again, they get rid of the Buddha.
They keep a lot of their druidic outfits.
Here's the Buddha back in the day before the owls there, and here they are in some of their attire.
Now, I want to highlight some of the Again, occultic aspects and really do-as-thou-will mentality.
I'm not joking when I say I have nine of the annals right next to me.
In fact, and again, some of these are now over a hundred years old as well.
I can only pick up so many, but anybody can go to eBay, right?
And this is the original programmer poster book.
Okay, and notice again, care.
There's a big, we don't care!
They're very illustrative of the people who they are.
And by the way, you can also find out who ends up playing the High Priest throughout the years.
John Williams recently was playing the High Priest in this year.
Right here you can see it's Harold E. Rhodes.
This is 1989, I believe.
This is their program book.
And again, you can garner a lot of information about this group just by going and shopping on there.
I do this all the time to see some of their plays.
And this is the latest one.
Anybody wants to shell out $1,500 and send it my way, I'd love it.
A Bohemian Rhapsody!
There's the flag with the fire behind it and the woods in front.
And here's the Cremation of Care in 2016.
I think this is where I saw John Williams.
Yeah, that's it.
And John Williams, we're talking about the guy that composed Star Wars stuff.
That great composer.
Because the San Francisco Orchestra, are they, like, they're members by default because they play the music here.
Okay, and that's a reality.
So again, Cremation of Care, I just wanted to show this right here with the death theme on there.
There's a lot of death, a lot of devil stuff.
And this I wanted to show you, and this is going to be a transition, okay, into what we're talking about here.
Men dressed in drag, as you saw at the end here.
The Dream Machine!
See that?
They got the rainbow.
This is 81.
This is the Loginx.
And right here you can see cabaret women.
Women aren't allowed there.
And when you look at who was playing what, right here you can see there's the cabaret group all played by men.
You just saw the pictures in the documentary.
And, you know, again, to get back to kind of the occult stuff, Demon Run, another Lojinks play, Demon Run.
Oh, that's fun, Jason.
How about Dig the Devil?
It's all just fun.
1995 Lojinks.
So, We're going to go back, we're going to play more of the documentary piece.
Now getting into the trafficking, after the break, we're going to elaborate on that high-level trafficking.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
In recent years, several politicians have been outed in scandals, including Senator Larry Craig, who tried to solicit sex from an undercover officer in 2007.
Even more shocking, it was revealed in 2004 that right-wing blogger James Guckert, who had unprecedented access to the White House during the Iraq War, was actually Jeff Gannon, a madam and male prostitute for militarystuds.com.
During his two years writing for GOP USA and Talon News, Gannon officially made over 200 appearances at the White House.
Oddly enough, over two dozen of these visits would take place when there were no scheduled briefings.
He failed to check in or out with the Secret Service on many other occasions, coming and going as he pleased.
These type of activities are not new to the White House.
In 1989, headlines involving cowboys in the White House rocked the cover of the Washington Times.
The Washington Times reported today that unidentified White House aides in the Carter, Reagan, and Bush administrations now are being investigated for using the services of a cowboy ring.
The paper reports that two of the male prostitutes were given a late-night tour of the White House last year.
Hundreds of credit card receipts obtained by the Washington Times confirmed that its clients were key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides, and U.S.
and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite.
This ring extended beyond the White House and into Congressman Barney Frank's bedroom.
Barney Frank, one of two openly homosexual members of Congress, acknowledged having used a male prostitute, whom he then hired as a personal employee.
The man had keys to Frank's basement apartment on Capitol Hill.
Frank paid him approximately $20,000 out of his own pocket to be his housekeeper and driver.
But as first reported in today's Washington Times, the man was on probation for sex crimes and a drug conviction.
And he ran a prostitution business out of Frank's home.
Although Frank tried to claim ignorance, Stephen Gobey, the prostitute in question, claimed that Frank was completely aware of what was going on.
And was even receiving free and discounted sexual services.
The fix seemed to be in.
Frank was threatening members of Congress to remain silent prior to being exposed in this sex ring.
Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank, a homosexual, threatened to expose fellow congressmen he knew to be gay unless they stopped spreading rumors.
Questions stopped and Frank walked away with a slap on the wrist.
Some members of the Ethics Committee were disgusted.
Do we tolerate?
Do we condone?
A member of this body who knowingly permits a house of prostitution to be operated out of his residence.
You have just heard one of the most edited, selective garbage that has ever been put forth, in my opinion, in this house.
Again, we see people of the highest levels of power involved in the most repulsive and decadent of crimes.
They couldn't care... We sure do!
We sure do, and it's continued to this day.
Now, we only have a couple minutes before the break.
I want to give everybody a preview for what we're going to do in the final segment, because if you look, you can still find it.
This is Paul Bonacci.
And the interview behind me is with Ted Gunderson.
And one of the things, there's a book before The Franklin Scandal called The Franklin Cover-Up by one of the lawyers that represented Bonacci, Troy Bonner, Alicia Owens, the Franklin kids, okay?
And that book even names more names.
than the Franklin scandal. However, it is not as well documented. Really, it's the follow-up that
was trying to disprove what they said. In some of these interviews, multiple personalities come out.
It doesn't seem like this could be real. But Bonacci himself says he was there when NAMBLA
was first started, the North American Man-Boy Love Association.
And in this particular clip behind me, talks about Frank and another high level individual.
We're going to play the first three minutes of this video.
Again, you can find it out there.
It's about eight minutes.
Long, but there's two other ones.
This is an interview with Bonacci and Gary Caridori, who's doing an investigative piece, and apparently had some things on the plane that exploded with him and his son.
He was a pilot, small plane, big explosion, end of investigation.
And then if you want to watch one of those depositions in which You know, those personalities come out.
You can do that as well.
These are still on the internet.
I suggest people go and grab them before they are fully scrubbed.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas.
I encourage you to go support Alex Jones over at InfoWarsStore.com.
I've got a show!
Monday through Friday at Patriot.TV.
I'd encourage people to check that out.
Great interview and beyond show.
So guys, support InfoWars.com through InfoWarsStore.com.
We'll be back after this.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
We've been talking about the Bohemian Grove and beyond, and really fact From fiction, allegations, eyewitnesses, real investigations, and real documentary evidence.
And I do want to remind people, American dictators, martial law, they are great tools to this day.
I think Invisible Empire and New World Order Defined is as important as ever, as is my follow-up, Shade the Motion Picture.
Because again, We got certain things going viral, and we need to bring a semblance of reality and truth and the real stuff out there.
I mean, there is no doubt that was going down over at Barney Frank's apartment.
If you saw the little sub headline, it said the school was a base.
Go check out the Chevy Chase School in that incident.
I believe it was the vice principal who was also named as somebody who was involved in that ring.
So, what we're going to do now, Again, the Franklin scandal.
We're going to show Bonacci.
And as non-graphic as possible, when I first read the Franklin cover-up, the predecessor to this, and I read the account which supposedly took place at the Bohemian Grove, With men dressed in ritualistic gear, and they were brought in there by a helicopter into the Redwoods, and there was a weird ring, and they did a weird ritual, and essentially, you know, there were three of them, and there was like this Tarzan type sexual play the kids were supposed to put on, and at the end of it, as Gunderson said, one of the children was killed, and they were forced to
Let's just say they were forced to do bad things to an already really bad situation.
I don't want to go that much farther, huh?
And this all seems unimaginable.
But then you look into Lawrence King, who is this guy running a bank, a darling of the Republican Party, like literally at the Republican National Convention, singing at the opening, God bless America, right?
Opening it up.
He's the guy.
and these things are more than possible.
So the audio is not great on this, but this is Gunderson talking to Bonacci.
We're only gonna play the first three minutes or so.
So let's jump right in to that.
Oh, sorry, we got to do this.
Some of them had body guards.
And they'd come in and look around.
And they'd always be like, they'd always have four guys going before they would.
If they made a shot, I guess, the four guys would get shot.
And, uh, that was mainly with the, uh, congressmen and stuff.
The governors, we went to different states and we went up to, I think I was the only one with two governors.
What work state did you go to, and when?
Uh, there was one out in New York, uh, New York or Massachusetts.
I've been trying to figure that one out because we were in, where we were at was, like, real close to either side.
And there it is, Barney Frank, somebody that we covered.
Franks who was from Boston.
Is he a USGS Senator?
I believe so.
Did he molest you?
He had sexual relations with me.
Is it Franks?
Or is it Barney MKS?
And there it is.
Barney Franks, somebody that we covered. There's a really bad scan
of that cover story.
Can you remember?
if I move my head school used as base for sex rank. Okay, forget just his apartment.
You know, this is something that almost nobody talks about.
And Frank, again, because he threatened everybody was allowed to continue in
government. But let's let's continue with what Bonacci has to say. He was with the governor. Can
you remember?
Did you recognize any of the politicians? I don't recognize to me a wedding.
I didn't ask who they were.
The only ones I really knew was, uh... Studs, a guy named Gall.
Uh... Morning, State Senator from Nebraska.
It's hard not to remember.
Did you recognize... Uh, no?
Aside from the fact that you have sex with some of these...
politicians. In some of these parties did you recognize any prominent senators or congressmen?
Even though you may not have had sex with them? A lot of the parties I went to with
king had probably people because of worshiping you see when we were down there guys had parties.
So he's talking about parties and bars and the connection to the party.
Yeah a lot of young guys stuff that were servers. They sometimes serve stuff sometimes you'd be
We have some background, we do walk around parties.
Nothing was to take place then.
So notice right there, he talks about the servers aspect.
Nothing takes place at the party.
Did you notice that at the Bohemian Grove, the gentleman who was a server, the fact that they're hiring gay porn stars to serve them?
Maybe there's a pattern here?
Is there a pattern breaking out?
I don't know.
After the party was over, The ones that were involved with him, or the ones that he was trying to get political favors from, that won, whatever they wanted, they would stay or they'd come in after the party was over, for the next day.
See, so at the party, nothing even abnormal, I mean, if somebody was in there and stuff, they'd see no abnormal activities going on, so they'd be able to, you know, honestly be able to say that.
You know, I've been to parties, but I've never seen anything, so.
So, I've seen, uh, some part of Washington, I've seen President Bush there.
I just want to get out of here without talking about him.
What, what, what year was that?
Was he President or Vice President?
Vice President. That's when he was still Vice President.
So let's just stop that.
Because I'd rather not talk about him as he looked down.
Now, I'm not accusing George H.W.
Bush of doing anything, but he sure is at the Bohemian Grove!
He's got all the funny spooks around him, and his son It gets brought into Skull and Bones.
One of the rituals they show you in The Good Shepherd is them in the coffin.
Now it's said in that coffin you are to confess all of your sexual history as you pleasure yourself and they piss on you basically.
A lot of that is in the film.
It's lovely stuff, great people, the kind of organization that you want to join.
A lot of things that you don't know about George W. Bush Not the one we were just talking about, you know, the one that was in the film and kissing another grown, bald man's head who's the head of MilitaryStuds.com and a fake news outlet, that one?
Yeah, yeah, he's also, while he's at Yale, a male cheerleader at the time.
Why don't you look up what somebody at Sworn Testimony said they saw during his collegiate years with his buddy, Victor Ashe.
Just point all these things out there.
Because they need to be put into the public arena.
And a lot of this stuff is, in fact, generational.
A lot of this stuff is beyond belief to most people that have absorbed this narrative surrounding the people that lead us.
And unfortunately, there are very, very dark aspects to their personalities and their behaviors Outside of the power structures they run.
And overall, you know, that's one of the reasons that I got into this game.
You know, I'll never forget when I was at an event that Charlie Sheen had actually put together and their allegations against Sheen that was on C-SPAN.
And I was talking to a Hollywood producer and he asked me why I did this.
And he had actually outed and alleged that there was already a, you know, a notorious pedophile who's been accused otherwise, and I'm not accusing anybody, named Brian Singer, big Hollywood director that was just putting out a Superman film at the time.
You know, and we had that conversation.
He goes, well, why are you doing this?
The reason that came up is I said, well, it's because when you get to the top of the food chain, a lot of these people occultic pedophiles that hurt children. That's not okay
with me. I'm not on board with their vision of the future. And that's when he told me
the story of being at a party with Bryan Singer in which Bryan Singer
had what appeared to be a topless 14 year old boy on a dog leash parading him
around the party as his property. If you'd like to know more about Singer you
can go check out the documentary film that is called an Open Secret.
It is free.
If you want to learn more about this Franklin scandal, you can also hunt down a copy of Conspiracy of Silence online.
You can check out my film Invisible Empire in New World Order to find for free.
But to me, folks, all the issues we covered here today, not about left or right, Democrat, Republican, none of it.
It is about right and wrong and ultimately Good and evil.
And I'm sorry, but the Bohemian Grove and the fruits that it has bared are on the rotten end of that evil tree.
I am Jason Bermas.
This was the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Remember to support Alex Jones over at InfoWarsStore.com.
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I am Jason Burmess.
Check my stuff out as well.
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