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Name: 20240305_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 5, 2024
2772 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including propaganda as a weapon, potential dangers if Trump wins the 2024 election, Canada's Bill C-63 impacting free speech, mainstream media polarization, economic crisis and lack of border control in America, rising national debt, influence of the Rothschild family. He also covers Ukraine conflict, political strategies, future elections, bank runs due to central bank digital currencies, investing in gold and silver during financial crises, and conspiracies around digital IDs and transhumanism. The speaker promotes various products available on InfowarsStore.com to support their platform.

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These are the worst of times for the media in this country.
We live in the age of information warfare, where propaganda is not simply a weapon, it is the entire field of battle.
You can't imagine the things that he's going to do.
We can't go to Canada, because eventually Canada will become annexed to America.
And shoot visitors to the White House.
That means he can shoot the First Lady.
Using martial law against the American people.
Terminate the Constitution.
Might be sent to jail or their rights might be suppressed, especially minority groups in society.
Assassinate generals.
Ordering troops to attack attack American citizens.
Trump's very well-armed and extremist base will try to kill people.
People will begin in their minds to censor themselves.
They might say, "Well, maybe I shouldn't say this."
That's how panicked they are, is that the First Amendment is our Achilles.
We need a unified mind.
That means you're in a cult.
What did Justice Rideau say last week?
There is out there a deliberate undermining of mainstream media.
There are the conspiracy theorists, there are the social media drivers
who are trying to do everything they can to keep people in their little filter bubbles,
to prevent people from actually agreeing on a common set of facts.
Does Canada need an internet regulator?
The Liberal government thinks so and has introduced Bill C-63 which would do just that.
The notion that we're using an online harms bill to require the removal of that content, I think really skates very close to unconstitutionality in terms of the freedom of expression protections that we have under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
C-63 would also create a digital safety commission appointed by cabinet able to order removal of content.
There's also criminal code amendments that create stand-alone hate crime offenses, allowing penalties of up to life in prison.
Naming us a social media service lets bureaucrats come into our office and have access to our computers.
They could decide that the Rebel News is a social media service.
You know, because you're sending out emails and posting YouTube videos.
Nothing stops the federal government from declaring a church, a non-profit, a charity, an independent media to be covered by this.
We've got to ban people's free speech because it's bad to protect democracy.
Some of our greatest strengths can also be our Achilles heel.
So, for example, our deep commitment to free speech in our First Amendment.
It is a cherished right.
It is an important right in democracy.
So our deep commitment to freedom of speech, our cherished right, but then she goes on to attack it.
Because no one believes her.
Yes or no, do you and Rachel Maddow have evidence of collusion that the special counsel didn't have?
Well, you know, collusion is an interesting term, Mr. Congressman Collins, and it's a term that... I'm assuming it's a no.
You don't have any more information or evidence than we have here.
Of course that's 100% wrong.
Our constitutional rights are not absolute.
I cherish our First Amendment right to free speech, right?
It is necessary in a democracy to be able to speak truth to power.
But for that reason, I think it makes any effort to try to put limits on what we can say on social media and elsewhere very suspicious and people will use the word censorship to stop anything they don't like.
We all so shy away from the word censor.
Mainline cable shows have a half million viewers.
Broadcast TV, CBS, ABC, NBC, all over the country, 3 million.
Joe Rogan, 50 million.
Tucker Carlson, 50 million a day.
Elon Musk, 300 million a day.
Alex Jones, 20 million a day.
But because they're the CIA, because they're in charge, dammit, I went to college!
Here's Whoopi Goldberg saying, well, Trump could declare martial law, so...
If Trump really gets elected, and that's the new New York Times Atlantic Monthly talking point, it doesn't matter if he's actually elected.
We're just gonna null and void it.
And by the way, we could just arrest all the Republican leaders.
So she makes this incredibly totalitarian statement, but acts like it's a protection of freedom.
Here it is.
You know what Joe Biden could do since he is presently president?
He could throw every Republican in jail.
Yeah, I mean he could.
I mean, no, no, no.
This is not a good thing.
What this means is that he can do anything.
And why would anybody, corporate or private or government, why the hell would you go along with something that destroys the social contract officially and creates tearing?
Why would you go with the people destroying the country?
But again, they think you're too stupid and they got Whoopi Goldberg up there.
As crazy and dangerous as the world is, never forget, God is in control.
It's Tuesday, March 5th, 2024.
the truth about what's happening next. As crazy and dangerous as the world is,
never forget God is in control. It's Tuesday March 5th 2024, 244 days, 12 hours
for three minutes 22 seconds out from the most important election in world
history. Alright here's the big takeaway.
All the different globalist propagandists, domestically and internationally, are shifting into gear that, okay, Trump's going to win, and so now we've got to have ways to stage riots nationwide and other things to remove him from office.
Now, that's double-edged.
They're doing that because they know the landslide is ultra-massive.
All the numbers show that.
So they want you to think it's a shoo-in so you don't have maximum voter turnout to overpower the dead people voting and the illegal aliens voting.
They've only got so many bullets in that gun.
But also they are staring fate in the eye and do understand that everything they're doing is falling apart.
Now there have been a lot of top New World Order operatives That have been retiring or being removed from their posts.
John Kerry as the climate czar.
There's many other examples.
Victoria Nuland who has been the quarterback in Europe for decades destabilizing former Eastern Bloc countries.
She has announced her retirement this morning and the incredibly informative geopolitical analyst Jack Posobiec We'll be joining us coming up at the bottom of the hour in about 22-23 minutes from now.
Then we have Samuel Malia, quote, far-eyed activist jailed after sticker campaign, exposing open borders and replacement migration.
Two years in jail.
That's in the UK.
His wife is going to be joining us.
Then we're going to do a deep dive on what's happening in the economy in the third hour.
The U.S.
national debt is rising by one trillion every hundred days.
It is a parabolic straight-up curve and it signals depression, it signals inflation, which you're not supposed to have the two at the same time, but this artificial economy, they just proved that theory in the 70s with stagflation.
So, the claims that the economy is doing gangbusters is pure bull.
People that are working are working two, three jobs.
Record numbers of people are laying on their ass.
It is just a perfect storm of crises.
But the good news is there is an accelerated awakening happening.
And of course, we're on the euphoric day after point where we are witnessing The Democrats go into total hysteria mode after Trump had that huge Supreme Court victory that signals they're going to repudiate all of this illegal lawfare being carried out by the deep state, the CIA, the Justice Department, Soros, the Clintons, and the usual suspects.
So we're going to be laying more of that out today as well.
Then we've got the elephant in the living room that's really waking people up.
It's causing such a horrible crime wave and the furtherance of the bankruptcy of the country and that is what's happening on the border or the lack of a border that's become a Transportation system or world destination for criminals.
I mean, it's a large percentage, not a majority.
Well, they're all criminals crossing illegally, but they've been told to come here so you could argue they're not.
The welcoming match there, but a large percentage are hardened criminals and a large percentage are part of criminal mafias and a large percentage are military operatives of Iran.
Of China and many others.
It's all really unspeakably dangerous.
And then you have... I sent you guys one of these videos yesterday, but we didn't play it.
Go ahead and pull it up.
And there's a lot of these compilations that we should probably make our own.
Where it shows on one screen on the top, the TSA putting you through scanners, searching your bags, groping your genitals.
And then under it, it just shows the totally wide open border and illegal aliens and criminals and undoubtedly terrorists just surging across the border.
So on one side, you've got the citizens being harassed here domestically.
And on the other side, you've got This paradox of totally open borders while the citizens are being groped and harassed and given slave training.
So even if we don't have that clip now, when we archive this live show later today at BandOnVideo.
Alex Jones, I'd like to add that in post over it because for some reason I've been sending that video for several weeks over and over again.
And it's my fault I've never called for the crew to play it.
But that's just, this is one of the videos I sent, not the latest.
That's a military veteran double amputee taking his hat off.
They search him and they make him get out of the wheelchair.
And then of course you've got the completely wide open border.
So we're going to get back to that coming up.
So Jack Posobie is coming up.
We've got all those other guests here today.
I want to go to a special report now.
It's important.
This is the Invisible Overlords revealed.
Invisible Overlords reveal.
In 1811, a significant moment in history arrived when the charter for Rothschild's Bank in the United States reached its expiration date.
The U.S.
Congress had a pivotal decision to make, whether to renew the charter or not.
Nathan Meyer Rothschild, the third son of Meyer Rothschild, voiced his thoughts and warned, grant the renewal of the charter or the United States will find itself entangled in a most disastrous war.
But the United States chose to turn a deaf ear to this warning.
And so in 1812, with Nathan Mayer's directive and backed by the immense wealth of the Rothschilds,
the British declared war on the United States, marking a pivotal moment in history.
The aim was to make the U.S. more likely to give in to the wishes of the Rothschild family.
They thought they could use this advantage to get the first bank of the United States charter renewed,
but they didn't succeed in their plan.
[unclear dialogue]
that was started by your family.
It is.
Comedian, I'm sure I was also an earlier.
In our family, we've always tried to keep love in the founding.
In this sense, it was more or less understood since childhood
that children would never think...
That's like right up there under the king.
our fortune would never leave it.
That's why there's photos of Rothschild poking Prince Charles in the chest and ordering him around.
There's nothing legitimate about the British crown.
It's not the House of Windsor.
It's not even British.
It's not even German.
The operating system of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha families, which is the oldest bloodline of European bloodlines in the world, in which all European bloodlines ...agree are their progenitors.
Going back to their founder, Vlad the Impaler, Count Dracula is the recognized head of the entire dynasty.
His Royal Highness Prince Charles, who can trace his ancestry back to Romania's dark and distant past.
The genealogy shows that I'm descended from Vlad the Impaler, you see.
So I do have a bit of a stake in the country.
As it were.
But the point is, is it's frauds on top of frauds on top of frauds.
And I love the fact that 20 years ago, if Lord Rothschild died, no one would even talk about it.
It'd barely be in the news, because they're very good at hiding their power.
They've built a worldwide empire that spans numerous industries, but it's not about leadership.
It's about control.
The Rothschild family empire does the same thing that a lot of other billionaire families do.
They control everything but own nothing, so their names never show up on ownership of any entity that requires them to reveal who the actual stockholders are.
Or they own shell companies, who in turn buy up other companies' stock and control it in the shadows of company secrecy.
But now, everybody knows and understands that the Rockefellers And the Rothschilds.
And what they have is an incredible disgust for the public.
An arrogance that is just immeasurable.
But that look.
committed all these acts against society.
We just want to let you know the new world order has no legitimacy.
And that we as a people are not afraid.
And we are waking up to the robber barons and the big banks who are looting the economy of the Federal Reserve.
But that look, it's a look of I can't stand you.
I hate you. You're so pathetic and little.
Look at you, you pitiful thing.
You don't have a shot.
But I'm scared of you, that you see what I am and you know what I am.
You wanna know why so much has happened to you and your family?
That guy.
You wanna know who literally sees you as trash to be taken out to the curb?
That guy.
And when you follow Disney and Hollywood and the media and the Democrats and the establishment, you are following those people, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm David.
What if?
What if we?
And then what fills in the blank is up to you.
It's only young people who can make a difference in the world.
That's a great generalisation, but more or less it's true.
The United Nations and other international organisations or global organisations have a tremendous need for the active engagement of young people.
And I mean really young.
And let me tell you, that whole sycophantic society of the royals is another thing that compromises so many good people in the UK.
See, I'm here to recruit people.
I'm not being recruited.
I do the hanging.
Your orders were to keep this covert.
Do you even remember what that means?
If the administration realized what we're doing, they'd hang us both for treason.
Nobody is gonna hang us for treason.
We do the hanging.
Now, my point is, I'm not trying to jam glass into anybody's carotid artery.
I want to jam it into the jugular of the New World Order's lives.
Alright, John Bowne always does a great job, but he's on fire.
He spit out three big, powerful reports today.
I love the work of John Bowne.
I love the work of Greg Reese.
I love the work of Darren McBreen and Rob Dew and everybody else in this operation.
That's why InfoWars is so precious.
There's a lot of developments behind the scenes, some good, some bad, some ugly, that I'm not going to get into right now, but in the next three or four days, I'm going to tell you about on air.
Also, I am going to be flying out to an undisclosed location today, and there'll be some big news in the next 48 hours.
I'll leave it at that.
Some big interviews.
I'll just leave it at that.
You'll want to stay tuned to Real Alex Jones on X and of course InfoWars.com.
But getting back to the border situation, here's the compilation I was talking about earlier.
One of many that shows the TSA groping people and putting it in body scanners and all the rest of it.
And then under it, you have the completely open border.
Now, I want to be clear.
I'm not attacking the average TSA agent.
I understand from 9-11 they used the fear to say we've got to stop this.
They set it up.
The plan was then the Transportation Administration to expand it to buses and to trains and to highways and it's a domestic internal police force.
I don't hate them individually.
When I go through the airport line on a routine basis I get mobbed.
They come over and want photos and say my wife and I listen or my family listens and you know we understand and we're upset about the border and you know we like to see Trump get back in and increase the border patrol and we're going to transfer over to that.
They're not the enemy.
They're the American people.
But the policies of the federal government setting that up, it's total fraud.
And it's a joke.
Because we have wide open borders.
For three-plus years with Biden, you look at the graph, and with Obama, the illegals invading just explodes.
Showed the graph a few weeks ago.
And then Trump gets in and it goes vroom, vroom, vroom.
Took Trump about a couple years.
First year, it gets down like 30, 40 percent.
Next year, 60, 70 percent.
He had that border shut down like 97 percent of what it had been previously.
I mean, just a trickle getting in.
By his last two years, last year and a half.
So he deliberate on that.
And then if you look at the graph, here's Obama, here's Trump, goes way down, and then Biden gets in.
Double even what Obama was doing.
So it's just skyrocketing.
Like the national debt, like the trillion dollars they're printing every hundred days, like the fentanyl deaths, like the suicides.
Like the foreclosures, like the bankruptcies, everything's going straight up, except life expectancy, it's going straight down.
If you have a dashboard, let's say on the space shuttle, the control panel, everything's flashing red, everything's redlining, everything's beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, It'd be like if somebody calls the fire department and says, there's about to be a fire at this address.
And they pull up three minutes, five minutes later, and you're on top of the roof with a five-gallon gasoline saying, I told you a big fire is about to happen.
Then you pull your lighter out and set it on fire.
And so the FBI director is on television.
He's in Congress saying, oh my God, it's the worst ever, flashing lights everywhere.
And he and the Justice Department and all the rest of them are running around catching the house on fire.
He's got a flamethrower just flamethrowing the country like, we're getting a lot of red lights here!
Burning everything.
At a certain point I'm just like, if the American people put up with this we get what we deserve.
But they have psychologically, incrementally normalized all of this and we're now deep into the tyranny.
So here's some of the headlines.
Musk on illegal alien invasion.
Just a matter of time until something far worse than 9-11 hits the U.S.
And Trump basically came out and said the same thing.
We have a video clip of that.
So that's clip 15.
Get that ready.
So that's where we are.
And the Justice Department and the FBI and the Biden administration and the Democratic Party 100% Own this.
They 100% have done all of this and all the guilt and all of the shame and all of the criminal charges sit squarely at their feet.
And I am just beyond outraged at this point.
I have four children.
I live in this country on this planet with you and we're all being royally F'd over.
And then I just look at the left, vitriolically running around, celebrating how they're burning it all down, as if the average person serving this evil is going to get ahead when everything goes down.
The globalists are all building bunkers!
But they are satanically inspired.
And that's why they're going against common sense.
That's why they're going against goodness and wholesomeness and decency and security and prosperity and creativity and beauty.
Because it all stands against their God's plan for death and destruction.
By the way, pull it up on my ex account before I hit more of this news.
I posted like three, four hours ago.
You know that famous photo in New York?
When they announced that the Japanese had surrendered, World War II was finally over.
And people were kissing each other, and women were jumping on guys, and people were getting drunk in the streets.
I've seen, you know, I love old photos, so I've gone and found the collections, the Smithsonian and others online, and just spent hours.
I mean, there's photos of women climbing on top of trains, kissing guys, and jumping on people.
This guy grabs a nurse and kisses her.
They say, oh well, it wasn't consensual even though she said she liked it.
They have now banned that photo from any government building.
Yeah, let's put that photo back up.
Because it's a man and a woman together having a good time and people are out of control enjoying themselves.
Oh, but if you want to have a convicted pedophile come have little kids sit on their lap and read them stories, that's okay, but oh my god, let's ban an iconic photo because They don't want us to be joyous.
They don't want us to be happy.
We have to remember we can't let them break our spirits.
So, Musk on illegal alien invasion.
Just a matter of time until something far worse than 9-11 hits the U.S.
And ladies and gentlemen, it's known Hezbollah, known Hamas, known Al-Qaeda, known ISIS coming over.
And when their bosses give them the order, they're going to attack.
And then the FBI At the leadership level, on the Justice Department and all the rest of them at the top.
In the rank and file, I don't think you're the enemy, just like TSA, but it doesn't mean that their agency shouldn't be abolished or seriously reformed.
When the terror attacks come, they will just turn around and suspend logic and suspend common sense and say, give us more power now that you've been attacked.
So I agree with Elon Musk.
I agree with Donald Trump, President Trump.
The removal of our borders and our security system will result in terror attacks sooner rather than later.
And when it happens, what's going to happen to the Attorney General that directed all this?
Because it's been in the news.
The judges and federal agents I've talked to, and I mean high level, have never given me anything secret.
They just direct us to public information that's not been covered.
And it's stuff like a convicted child rapist, child molester, who'd been deported five, six times and convicted four times, caught again last year in South Texas driving a disabled children's school bus when there were reports that he was raping the kids again.
I mean, come on!
And in that case, Merrick Garland directed, that's how it works in the federal government, the judges and magistrates not to be able to indict that individual and others.
So they have to let them go because they're under orders to.
And this country is so shot up and controlled That they were trying to get it on Fox News.
I said, let me guess, you want to, in one of these meetings, you want to talk to me because you want to talk to Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson.
And they said, how did you know that?
I said, look, I mean, I knew this was coming.
You really, you want me to look into it, you're saying that, but you want to talk to them.
Well, yeah, we've been trying to get this on Fox News.
We've been trying to get ahold of Joe Rogan.
That's actually what we're going to ask you.
I said, I know.
It's not my first rodeo.
I'm just the guy that basically broke all this first and Some of the first to be demonized and lied about.
So, you know, it's not really kosher and cool to deal with Alex Jones.
That's fine.
I understand that.
It's just that now they're busy destroying Donald Trump and trying to destroy Tucker Carlson.
It's not about who gets the credit.
In fact, being up front on these things is very, very dangerous and very, very serious.
But the American people need to know how out of control this is.
The Attorney General, and so does Mayorkas, he's just as guilty.
The Director of DHS literally released child kidnappers and rapists and ordered federal judges to let them go so they can rape and murder again and again and again.
So that makes them 100% complicit, just like when a mob boss tells one of his underlings to go kill somebody.
They're guilty of rape, and child molesting, and murder.
They're enemies of America.
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Be right back.
You know, when I was growing up loving this song and going to Alice Cooper concerts, I've been to like five in my lifetime.
When I was like 14 and when I was like 40.
He's a Christian, a patriot, and a listener, by the way.
Dave Mustaine told me that.
Never had a chance to have him on.
Not name dropping, it's just people should know who the patriots are and who they aren't.
I never knew that when I'd listen to that song, No More Mr. Nice Guy, that I'd basically be living it.
I'll tell you who's really lividant is President Trump with that huge Supreme Court ruling and the tide is really turning.
The system is panicking.
We'll get to that coming up towards the end of this half hour.
But first, the big news.
He's very busy.
He's a former naval intelligence officer, great journalist, does amazing work over at Human Events.
And of course you see him at all the big different CPAC events creating national headlines because the media and Bill Maher and others take what he says out of context and lie about him.
He's Jack Posobiec.
So I texted him this morning and I said, please come on now that we know that Victoria Nuland, who more than anybody has been the field marshal for decades, stirring up the destabilization of Europe and really trying to start World War III.
So the real dictator of Ukraine, in my view, Has retired and we see John Kerry pulling out as the climate change envoy.
A lot of rearranging deck chairs in the Titanic.
We've seen a lot of paradoxical statements which we really haven't seen the last few years.
Two plus years of the expanded war with Russia and the proxy war and hybrid war in Ukraine.
Where we have a lot of world leaders and people in the EU saying we need a national draft.
War is imminent.
Germany needs to go to full war.
Poland needs to go to full war.
The UK needs a national draft.
Sweden says they're getting ready to go to war and send in NATO troops.
We saw Macron last week saying now's the time.
We need to look at sending in troops for direct confrontation with Russia.
That's World War III and Putin said that was World War III.
So this is escalating very fast.
But then, we start seeing other statements out of Republicans in the Senate who have been hawkish, saying, no, no, no, we need to look at the rebuilding program, the new Marshall Plan, the next leg of the money laundering there in Ukraine.
So a lot of mixed signals coming out, and it's really true when I say this, nobody's been more accurate in the last two plus years of this expanded 10-year war that's been going on since the West overthrew the elected government in Ukraine.
No one's been more accurate than Jack Posobiec.
And so Jack joins us here today to give us his in-depth x-ray vision, looking into his crystal ball and what's really going on.
So Jack, I'm eagerly awaiting your analysis because this is making me get a headache trying to figure out exactly what's going on.
But for me it signals that they know Russia's won.
As you know, the German Chancellor last week basically said, we're not going to give these high-powered missiles to Ukraine because you've got to have
German troops there to run them and That England and the US and others do have troops there
running the missiles and that was called a betrayal But I think that's actually smart of Germany not to get
pulled into another war with Russia that killed 24 million Germans and 26 million
Russians in the early 1940s, so that's my analysis Jack Masobik.
What's yours?
Like Alex is exactly right and thanks again for having me on
Bill Maher says I shouldn't quit my day job.
So okay Bill, I'll do my day job and while I'm at it maybe I'll come for yours as well.
So here what we've been saying is that the Ukraine situation is a failed operation for regime change with Russia.
That is what the architects of the Maidan revolution all the way back in 20... this doesn't start in 2022.
It started in 2014.
If you ask Vladimir Putin, he'll take you back a little bit even further than that.
But in 2014, it was Victoria Nuland and her cookies running around Maidan Square.
The deaths of the protesters out there where they overthrew a democratically elected leader.
From the Ukraine.
From Ukraine.
Who's the Ukrainian president?
The guy, predecessor of Zelensky, who's there now.
She is the one who then was caught on, you want to talk leaked phone calls?
We have Victoria Nuland's leaked phone calls from all the way back in 2014, a full decade ago,
this her reign in the swamp, where she's brought the swamp to Ukraine.
The Hunter Biden stuff was just an offshoot of what Victoria Nuland was doing.
That was greasing the skids so that the Bidens got a piece,
but it was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, that was the number one,
the number one source of funding for the Clinton Foundation was Victor Pinchuk
and these other Ukrainian oligarchs.
Ukraine was the number one country to the Clinton Foundation.
Everybody remembers all of that.
It all ties back to Ukraine.
But why does Victoria Nuland of all people, why is she so obsessed with Ukraine?
She always has been.
Alex, you and I have been talking about this for months now.
Her family hails from the Bessarabia region.
This was Moldova, Transnistria, that far western part of Ukraine.
Very close to where Odessa is now.
They were the Trotskyites that were kicked out.
They don't care about Ukraine.
They care about Russia.
They are obsessed with Russia because it was Stalin and his flavor of communism that kicked them out.
So you've got who and who's her husband?
Her husband is Robert Kagan.
Robert Kagan who says that the United States has an imperial role Built around to build this new world order around American economic political and military power and they want to target that at the Russian state and target that at Specifically Putin now that doesn't mean anything about whether you want to judge Putin good guy bad guy authoritarian Etc etc the point is these are the people in the snakes in our garden the snakes in our backyard that
that have been taking American dollars that are threatening now American lives.
We've got people on the ground.
And Alex, what was the next thing that we said would happen?
We said that Ukraine would fall, that Zelensky's operation would fall, and what would they
move to next?
They'd move to sabotage and terror attacks behind the lines.
And that's exactly what the Germans got caught on this unsecured phone line, this phone call
that they were making out of a hotel in Singapore, saying, "Well, if we can conduct some of these
long-range attacks into Crimea, Blobby Bridge, then maybe we can have this effect on..."
They're moving to a new phase.
So mark my words, Victoria Nuland is leaving for now.
And that's what people need to understand.
She will not give this up because for her, this is a generational mission that she believes, generational hatred, blood feud that she has with Russians and that she wants to find any leverage point possible.
She will never back down from wanting war with Russia.
She will never back down from this and mark my words, she will be found in Europe trying
to convince European leaders like the French.
Macron came out and then walked it back, talked about French troops going in.
Poland of course, we've been talking about a long time, even before the new Polish Prime
Minister, the globalist came out and said it himself.
You warned they would install a globalist Prime Minister.
You warned they would use Poland, install a globalist Prime Minister or President.
You predicted it, they did, and now they're trying to use Poland as the trigger.
But let's just stop right there for a minute and go back to nine, ten years ago and the Maidan coup.
We already rolled some footage for TV viewers of that.
What you said is key, it's admitted, it's not debated by Soros, the State Department, any of them.
They're actually quite honest about it.
This all started as a coup against a somewhat pro-Russian elected Ukrainian president and so it's been about backing
that coup now for almost 10 years now escalating up until World War three
level confrontations so so so recap that it's so historical it is out for America's
the leaked phone call we have the leaked phone call a Victoria Newland
essentially selecting who would be the heads of the entire Ukraine new Ukrainian
government They weren't elected by anybody.
She was picking them.
She was telling the Ukrainians who to put in office.
And remember, remember when Biden got the prosecutor fired?
That happened just a few years after this, when you had the situation with Burisma and Hunter, then Biden goes in.
It wasn't Biden picking the administration first in Kiev, it was Victoria Nuland.
She's the one that was doing it.
And since you mentioned that... Everyone remembers, and I'll just add, everybody remembers her now famous, infamous clip, and Glenn Greenwald is posting it, I posted it again, when they asked her about the bioweapon labs in Ukraine, and Rubio just kind of asks her this as an afterthought, And she pauses and says, ah, well, Ukraine has biological research facilities that we're very concerned about the Russians getting their hands on.
Oh, really?
Just research facilities?
Yes, of course, for educational purposes only, Vicky.
And since you mentioned that, we happen to have those clips ready.
So let's play the bioweapon research lab clip first, then back to back.
Play a small part of the admitted phone call where they're telling her, when she's the ambassador to the EU, hey, this is going to cause a larger war in Europe and hurt Europe and energy prices and things.
And she says, F.
The EU.
So they knew this would draw the world into war and she doesn't care because, as you said, her ancestors, grandpa, grandma, dad, are Trotskyites kicked out by Stalin.
Who are the neocons?
The Trotskyites.
So they're fighting this 80-year-old, 90-year-old war still today and have sucked us into it.
Here's the clips.
Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of.
So we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Oh, one more wrinkle for you, Jeff.
I can't remember if I told you this or if I only told Washington this, that when I talked to Jeff Feltman this morning, he had a new name for the UN guy, Robert Serry.
Did I write you that this morning?
Yeah, I saw that.
He's now gotten both Serry and Ban Ki-moon to agree that Serry could come in Monday or Tuesday.
So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and have the UN help glue it.
And, you know, fuck the EU.
No, exactly.
And I think we've got to do something to make it stick together because you can be pretty sure that if it does start to gain altitude, the Russians will be working behind the scenes to try to torpedo it.
So they overthrow the Ukrainian government, burn down much of the capital, kill hundreds of police, firebomb them all, CIA operation.
And it's not pro-America, folks.
The people running the CIA are literally running the country on the ground.
Open borders, fentanyl, drag queen story time.
What you see in Hollywood is the globalist agenda.
So Jack, moving on And Alex, by the way, the other guy, the other guy on the call right there, that's Jeffrey Pyatt.
That's the very same Jeffrey Pyatt who testified against Trump in his first impeachment, which was also about Ukraine, where Trump was just saying, hey, we need to look into this Hunter Biden stuff because it looks like there's some corruption there.
And it was Jeffrey Pyatt who came out and he was in the Ukrainian embassy and he was testifying against Trump.
in this impeachment, the way that everything has been indelibly tied to this small group
of people, this small group. People need to understand that this is the junta that has
taken over so many facets of our government. That's why they're fleeing like rats from the
sinking ship. What happened yesterday? 9-0 decision for Trump at the Supreme Court.
They see what's happening. They see which way the winds are blowing. I guarantee you,
they fled from Europe, then they came to America. Now they're fleeing from America.
they're gonna head back to Europe, they're gonna hold on.
up with the globalists. So you're seeing now a globalist realignment to try to respond
to the coming return of Trump.
And that was my next question. You've done a great job telling us years ago what would
happen and revisiting the 10-year history to understand that a small group, money laundering,
trying to cover up their crimes, trying to start a larger war with Russia, which they've
effectively done.
Now Congress isn't funding them anymore.
The public's woken up in Europe and here.
They're getting major pushback, but you're saying they're going to reorganize and try something new, which is going to be terror campaigns, which is how they started 10 years ago with the Maidan coup.
And that was the New York Times article that we got last week.
The New York Times article talked about the fact that the CIA has been training the nationalist
groups in Ukraine with this guy, Putin off and others.
He's the CIA's man in Ukraine.
And you're seeing the videos, by the way, McCain was a huge part of this.
Lindsey Graham was a part of this at the time.
There were Republicans and Democrats both going in.
Everyone was dipping their beaks into Ukraine.
Slow down, Jack, we have limited time.
We have limited time.
You'll be doing your own show that I'll be tuning in to come up in an hour and 15 minutes
or so with human events.
But exactly, I was about to bring up the New York Times article, we've got 20 secret bases
for 10 years and we're going to leave stay behind networks there no matter what Russia
So you called this months ago.
They're literally going to Operation.
Gladio 2.0.
So give people a quick refresher on that and then give me your expert analysis on why we're getting such mixed signals of total war with Russia.
No, we're going to stop the war.
Now we're just going to money launder and rebuild.
It looks like they're going to segue into, oh, we want peace.
But as you said, didn't go to the leg of money laundering during the Marshall Plan for Ukraine.
Still hundreds of billions more and then launches, you said, the terror campaign.
Alex, this is very dangerous and your audience needs and I know already is paying very close attention to these international conflicts.
The point of Operation Gladio 1.0 and 2.0 will be the same.
It's not just about, so number one, it's about conducting provocations in order to try to destabilize a region.
I'm talking about false flag attacks.
I'm talking about blowing up bridges, which is exactly what we hear the German Luftwaffe
talking about blowing up Russian bridges.
Yeah, wherever I heard that one before on that phone call out of Singapore,
then we're, but we're also talking about attacks that they can blame on the Russians.
This will be used twofold.
Number one, it destabilizes the region, but number two, it's so they can go back
and interfere in what?
Interfere in the democratic elections that are taking place in countries like Germany,
like Sweden, like Finland, like the UK, and even here in the United, like France, of course,
with such a presidential election coming up, Le Pen's coming back up in the ranks,
and then the presidential election, and even the midterm, later on the midterm elections
in the United States.
Operation Gladio 1.0 was used to try to, shaping operations for the elections within those countries
so that the parties that they wanted would be able to gain the upper hand in those elections.
And the trigger was false flag terror attacks.
I've got my sources coming in right now.
Within the nations.
And the trigger being the false flags, exactly.
Any other key points on your prognosis for Europe and the war in Ukraine?
Where do you think that's going?
I know it's fluid, but where are things moving right now?
I want to shift gears to domestic issues.
She will move to the place where the globalists have their current most powerful position, and that's in Brussels, that's in Europe right now.
And unfortunately, I hate to say this, but Poland will certainly be in Victoria Nuland's crosshairs, mark my words.
She's got her eyes on Poland.
You called it a year ago, you said they're gonna use Poland as the trigger, now they're openly saying that.
So, what can we do domestically?
I guess get Trump elected, and then now he knows what's going on, he can shut this down?
Well, they know that Trump is not only going to be able to get elected and shut this down, but Trump is also going to be having an investigatory power over everything that every email, every phone call, every text message that was sent from her office.
So I guarantee she's going to try to purge everything she possibly can between now and then.
I'm sure, by the way, that she's using private servers and private You know, off the books communications devices the same way that Hillary Clinton did when she was in the State Department.
So you're never going to find the full aspects of it when Trump gets back in office.
That's why she's getting out now because she needs as much time as possible between now and then to be able to cover tracks.
That's my next question.
How much of this has to do with the Pentagon looking into the billions of stolen equipment and money and that investigation?
In Ukraine.
Look, Alex, that's all going to come to a head.
And the reason, by the way, the reason that you're starting to hear this, this talk about corruption, this talk about money, because they'll never say, right, they'll never say that there was an issue on the American side or the Pentagon side.
Look at the way the tea leaves are falling.
Zelushny leaves as the head of Ukrainian military.
Budinov refuses, the CIA's guy, refuses to become the head of the military.
Victoria Nuland is now out.
John Kerry's out.
Who are they going to leave in charge holding the bag?
Vladimir Zelensky.
The guy who was always set up to be the fall guy from the very start.
We warned him time and time again.
Do the right thing, Vladimir Zelensky.
Just come out and admit everything that's going on.
Drop the receipts on the Bidens.
Drop the receipts on the small group that's been controlling things from behind the scenes.
And I really believe that people will be forgiving.
And I believe that you will be able to find a way to restore your country to peace.
Obviously, that's not the way things are going now.
They're going to blame this all on him.
They're going to leave him holding the bag, and they're going to wait until the Azov battalion and those other nationalists, who are not very good people, as President Trump would say, are now going to look at him as the guy that ruined their entire attempt at creating this new state.
So they're pulling back so they don't get the blame and it all implodes, as you predicted two years ago, a year ago, six months ago, a month ago, two weeks ago.
They're going to military coup this guy.
What is the path out of this to let Russia keep that small area they've got in the east and shut this down?
It looks like they're signaling to some kind of peace deal soon, hopefully.
And then they're going to try to regroup and make sure they keep control of what areas of Ukraine the CIA had, and then launch attacks at Russia.
I think that's the better case scenario than all-out World War III.
What's the prospectus on an escalated war, troops from NATO being publicly sent in, which is the worst case scenario, versus the best case, a long-term CIA terror campaign, just a repeat of what we've seen for 10 years?
I think you're going to see both.
So I think what we're going to see, and Professor Mearsheimer has said this before me, that we will end up most likely with a frozen conflict, possibly along the north-south line, potentially the Dnieper River, which is already a natural boundary within Ukraine.
So you'll have essentially a western Ukraine, rump state, which is either controlled out of Kiev, if they're able to maintain that, probably it looks like at this point.
And if not, they would, of course, move the seat of power to Lviv or move some of their administrative facilities there.
Then Russia, of course, will maintain the territories that they have.
But you've heard a lot of people talking in Russia up to and including, by the way, Dmitry Medvedev,
who appeared yesterday in front of this map of Ukraine, this new map of Ukraine and Russia,
where it shows Russia going all the way to Transnistria and Moldova, again, Bessarabia,
that same area where Victoria Nuland's family is from.
It shows Poland and essentially this NATO corridor that runs through Western Ukraine.
And then, essentially, Ukraine proper is just sort of centered around Kiev itself.
So you'll have a frozen conflict.
Think of the end of Germany, World War II.
So the end of Germany is a great example of this, where you've got the Russians on one side, you've got the Allies on the other side, Berlin's kind of split down the middle as a neutral zone.
It looks like we're headed towards a situation like that, with potentially a DMZ down the middle.
It's not peace, it's just going to be a ceasefire.
The perfect example is East-West Germany and the DMZ, and the secondary would be North Korea and the ceasefire.
We're almost out of time.
Can you do just a quick five minutes on domestic things?
We're going to go to break in about two minutes.
Come back and do five minutes on domestic stuff.
All right.
You can find him.
Where do people find you best?
Well, you can find me right now on the Bill Maher Show, because apparently Bill Maher can't stop talking about me and my CPAC speech.
But right now, of course, after this at 2 p.m., we've got the great show on X. And you can catch it on the podcast side if you don't want to finish if you want to finish watching InfoWars first, and then you can catch us.
We'll be up on the podcast as well, Human Events Daily.
And you got to come back again soon just to talk about the Bill Maher thing, because it's a perfect example.
They had that story last week.
Alex Jones calls Elon Musk a complete and total fraud.
I said Google is a complete and total fraud.
And all these publications that I called Elon Musk a complete total fraud.
You said, I've got the full clip.
I played it on air.
You said that's a joke, but that's what they're doing.
And then you clearly said it was a joke.
And then they turn around and say that you're calling to end democracy.
We don't need to end democracy.
We're a republic, by the way.
We're going to win big time.
We'll be back.
We'll have this quick break with Jack Posobiec to talk about the Supreme Court ruling, to talk about what he expects the Democrats to do.
As they more and more are saying, okay, it looks like Trump's going to win.
So we're going to stage race riots and then when Trump calls up the military, call him a dictator.
That's their new talking point.
And so how do we counter that?
Jack Posobiec coming up in a moment.
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Victor in Florida, thank you for holding, go ahead.
I have to say, it really pisses me off to hear when you say that only 2% of the people
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Thank you for the call, Victor, and thanks for the plug.
(upbeat music)
All right, final segment with the great analyst, Jack Posobiec.
How big is this Supreme Court ruling 9-0?
I see it as a repudiation, not just of them trying to take Trump off the ballot and steal the election up front, but a repudiation of all the lawfare and a major signal that the deep state's not about to get what they want, that they're not all powerful, and the tide's turning against them.
Do you agree with that?
Expand on that?
And we know the enemy isn't going to give up.
What tricks do you think are going to be up their sleeves?
Well, Alex, I agree with most of what you said there.
I don't necessarily, the part that I would say that I have a different view is that you say that this might be the end of all the lawfare.
It certainly won't be the end of the lawfare, but it does signal that the lawfare is producing diminishing returns.
Again, President Trump has a case coming up at the end of this month that no one's even talking about with Alvin Bragg, the Stormy Daniels, the so-called hush money case that's coming up in New York.
And nobody cares, because all of the New York cases have been a complete joke.
This entire case itself is a joke.
But of course, the Democrats will not falter from there.
In the same way that Victoria Nuland will never stop attempting to start a war with Russia to produce regime change, you will never see the Democrats do that.
And that's why you must read their publications.
The Atlantic Magazine is the mouthpiece of the thinking left.
This is sort of like their, it's like the brain bug in Starship Troopers.
That's the Atlantic.
So when you read the Atlantic, that's like talking to the brain bug to figure out what they're up to.
And here's what the Atlantic had last week.
How Democrats could disqualify Trump if the Supreme Court doesn't.
Without clear guidance from the court, House Democrats suggest that they might not certify a Trump win on January 6th.
So of course January 6th is the day that we should, now we talk about everything else, but January 6th is actually the day that they're supposed to be certifying the vote.
Well, they're saying that if Democrats win the House, that the new plan is to have Democrats win the House and then refuse to certify the election, which, ironically enough, is exactly what Trump was asking to happen on the previous January 6th.
Now, of course, we know that didn't end up happening, but what they're saying specifically is if Trump wins and House Democrats Win the election, take back the House, then under the 14th Amendment, they could, using the power of Congress, and this is what the Supreme Court held 9-0 yesterday, that only Congress can decertify a president and disqualify them for the presidency.
They're saying, well, let's take back the House and then disqualify Trump anyway.
These people will not stop.
These people are disgusting, and this is the absolute threat that we must look at.
So we have to make sure, Alex, that these guys not only Do not maintain the White House.
We have to make sure the House and the Senate are not flipped either.
Jack, I want to just say I agree with you that lawfare is not going to go away.
I meant the Supreme Court is signaling, and I should have been specific, that they're going to be blocking the out-of-control, kangaroo-court-level garbage directed at Trump.
And by the way, Jamie Raskin has said they're already working on it.
Jamie Raskin came out with... They want legislation in Congress.
He came out and said, we're going to do it.
How is this shaping up?
Because I see them more and more shifting their rhetoric.
We should still go out and vote, folks.
This isn't a done deal yet.
But more and more, they're saying, OK, if he gets in, we're going to do X, Y, Z, race riots, all the rest of it.
Why do you think they're saying that?
Because they realize they don't have COVID on the books right now.
They've been trying to turn Gaza and Hamas into kind of a BLM redux.
It's not really working.
You're getting these guys like Aaron Bushnell in front of the Israeli embassy.
It's just not producing the same type of effect that George Floyd and the BLM operations are because you can't use the same networks.
So what they're going to attempt to do is prevent Trump from maintaining the win and maintaining the power when he gets in office.
This is why we need to deliver a resounding victory in November.
Vote any way you possibly can.
We have to defeat the margin of fraud in November, on this November 5th.
And you just need millions and millions of patriots storming the ballot box on Election Day.
That's how you beat these people, by having a solidified MAGA leadership across the board.
You go back to that Atlantic article.
It is the brain bug of the system.
They just said, oh, when he wins, we'll just decertify it.
Trump was just calling for a 10-day investigation to perhaps decertify it.
They basically indict him for that, but then say they're going to go even further.
These people are out of gas.
The world's waking up to them, but a dangerous Cornered animal is is is a real threat.
Jack Posobiec, thank you.
In the UK, Samuel Melea, no criminal records, sentenced to two years in prison for his speech promoting bumper stickers, talking about the invasion of Europe and the destruction of Western culture.
We'll talk to his wife in a moment.
You only postponed it.
Globalism is inevitable.
We're not fighting Terminator 2s, we're not...
We're not fighting T1s, we're fighting people that have fallen to Satan.
And quite frankly, if Ukraine falls, I really believe that NATO will be in a fight with Russia.
Well, if we don't aid Ukraine, Putin will walk all over Ukraine, we will lose the war, and we could be fighting in Eastern Europe in a NATO ally in a few years.
Americans won't like that.
The U.S.
will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending their sons and daughters to war.
And they will have to fight, because it's nature that we're talking about.
And they will be dying, God forbid, because it's a horrible thing.
It's so crazy, it's so big.
It's so out of control, I can't even believe I'm saying it.
Like, it doesn't sound true.
Russian President Vladimir Putin warning the U.S.
against any deeper involvement in Moscow's war with Ukraine, saying there's the risk of a global nuclear conflict.
And then in the middle of that, you've got Vladimir Zelensky, who's obviously on methamphetamine and so many other drugs, And he's in a new interview with MSNBC, and he is just blasted.
Absolutely blasted.
And he's already launched missiles at Poland repeatedly and claimed the Russians did it.
And soldiers there told me they have to ration their ammunition.
They don't have enough weapons to advance.
They can only defend themselves.
In some cases, they're losing territory.
What happens to your country if this American aid doesn't arrive?
We will lose a lot of people.
So they're telling you, hey, we're at war with Russia, just incrementally.
Yeah, we're probably going to send troops, they're already there.
Yeah, we're not going to lose this war.
Yeah, we overthrew the government 10 years ago.
They're just, so it's incremental, like you wake up and you're at war with Russia.
So just a couple days ago, there was a leak from the CIA to the New York Times.
This wasn't a leak.
This is controlled propaganda, basically laying out the fact that we've had an ongoing intelligence relationship with the Ukrainians here.
We have secret bases on the Russian-Ukraine border.
And we've also intended on continuing these covert actions against Russia for many years now.
And so now we're being told that these programs are very successful.
It's basically all that's keeping Putin at bay.
And if we don't continue to support these programs, well, the next thing you know, Vladimir Putin is going to take over all of Ukraine.
How would we feel if Russia had secret intelligence bases on the Mexican side of the U.S.
border or the Canadian side of the U.S.
border and then was talking about including Mexico and Canada?
Yeah, they are being heard.
Well, that's your opinion.
Chinese alliance, that that'd be a bright red line for us as well.
And then they go around and brag, you say, why do they do that?
Because it's about the arrogance.
The American people's voice are what need to be heard.
Yeah, because our president is not speaking for the American people.
And neither are you.
That's your opinion.
That's your opinion.
That's my opinion.
We've heard your opinion in Uganda.
They're trying to push us to World War III!
Do you understand?
It's not about Israel and Palestine.
It's not about football.
Because they want to tell you and then say, but it doesn't exist.
What I have done is I have asked Hillary Rodham Clinton to denounce the President's openly warmongering, suicidal, idiotic speech!
That's what I've asked!
That's what I've done!
It's like letting 200 and something thousand criminals out of jail, rapists, armed robbers in Houston.
You're like, it doesn't make sense.
$165 billion is what U.S.
taxpayers have sent to Ukraine to fund this pointless war.
And I got some facts for you.
With $165 billion, we could have built the border wall six times over to stop illegal immigration.
We could have rebuilt Flint, Michigan's water system 215 times over again.
We could have given every single homeless veteran $2,000,000.
We could have given every single family that was impacted by the Maui wildfires $50,000,000 each.
And I think this is the craziest one.
We literally could have ended homelessness in the United States, all homelessness, eight times over again.
It's not meant to make sense.
It's meant to make you give up.
Don't give up.
Count on God.
Point your spiritual antenna at God and fight this because the devil's gonna lose.
Don't give up.
up to the opposite and fight it and you get stronger.
A prominent Blaze reporter.
With no criminal record, who touched nobody and did nothing at the Capitol, has been arrested.
We're gonna get him on later in the week.
Steve Baker.
Laura Taller is Sham Malia's wife over in the UK.
Just sentenced to two years in prison over anti-immigration stickers and a mom to a two-year-old girl.
With another baby on the way in six weeks.
She's also the deputy leader of Patriotic Alternative, which is Britain's largest and most active nationalist organization.
Telegram, she is Patriotic Alternative official.
Western civilization is under attack.
White people are under attack.
I love everybody.
I'm not Adolf Hitler.
But when the left mobilizes the 93% of the world that's not white to then say white people are bad, we have 20 to 1 black on white crime in the big cities, 10 to 1 in the rural areas.
It's not the majority of black folks, but it's a very active minority that's attacking us.
And the FBI and the ADL fight like the devil to cover that up.
It needs to be repudiated.
If we had 20 to 1 white on black crime, I'd be against it.
And her husband put out Stickers that I agree with almost all of them, but you know a few I don't try to you know Make the whole thing Jewish or whatever, but he has that right To to to to say that and and do that if a lot of the main refugee groups are leftist Jewish organizations Even it wasn't true.
He has a right, but it's true So this is so dangerous, and you say well, that's the UK Everything you see in the EU and the UK, remember they had the deputy head of the EU six months ago, I played the clip like 30 times, sitting there talking to members of the US Congress, the Davos group, she says, oh, we're going to be, you're going to be shutting your free speech down soon too, right?
They're like, yes.
So you say what you want about Elon Musk, but he's opened up stuff, you know, way more than everywhere else.
So we're thankful for what we're getting there.
But Samuel Melea, we'll roll some B-roll of him going into court, then he was sentenced, and his wife came out and made a statement.
I'm going to post her statement on The Real Alex Jones on X. I'll also post it on InfoWars.com, and she's live with us now.
Samuel Melea, that's spelled M-E-L-I-A.
Far-right activist jailed after sticker campaign.
I want to show you these stickers.
Says things like, they seek conquest, not asylum.
And it shows the image of the illegals running across.
Why are Jews censoring free speech?
I mean, it is the ADL and groups doing that.
It's not all the Jews, but they have a right to say it whether it's true or not.
And so again, you could say, well, he's putting up swastikas, which he's not.
You take his right to do that, we all lose our rights.
Ask not what Jews can do for your country, ask what your country can do for Jews.
And again, the average Jew doesn't support this, in my view, but what I'm saying is, it doesn't matter.
This guy should not serve two years in prison for this, because he put the stickers online for people to put out.
Here's some of the other ones.
I wanted to show the most incendiary ones first.
Tired of the anti-white propaganda?
diversity proximity war and it just goes on from there Here's another one.
They have to go back.
White, privileged, crossed out excellence.
Remember, people, TV viewers are like, why are you narrating it?
We can see it.
We're on hundreds of radio stations.
So, this is what he's spending two years in jail for.
Import the third world, become the third world.
Yeah, I sent you guys some video of Mali in Africa.
Let's roll some of that.
Here's some more.
He's got two years in prison for posting this online.
We're more than a passport, blood and soil.
Well, yeah, you try to go to Nigeria and create a white majority, you're going to be thrown out, you'll be killed.
Mass immigration is white genocide.
Well I mean it'd be one thing if we had open borders and the left in Hollywood wasn't saying white people are inherently evil and bad.
And being white is inherently bad and we're inherently evil.
This is going on so the backlash is here and I want to keep it focused on the New World Order and the globalists trying to divide everybody.
I don't hate anybody but at the same time I'm not going to be politically correct and ignore all this is going on because we are all, I don't care what color you are, Because it'll be if you're anti-war, if you're against monopolies, whatever it is, they're setting a precedent, just like with Julian Assange, to put you under the jail.
Let me tell the truth.
So we're all Samuel Melea now.
Joining us is his wife, mother, also about to give birth to another baby.
We appreciate her, Laura Towler.
And you can find her at a patrioticalternative.org.uk.
And whether you agree with her or disagree or agree with some and disagree with some, like I do with some of the stickers, it doesn't matter.
You should support it.
Remember the old ACLU would go out and support the KKK rallying or whoever.
and the Nazis, usually they were actually ADL operatives that came out,
but these people are not even on that spectrum.
And there's her husband facing two years.
So I'm going to try to shut up until we go to break.
We'll come back. We've got plenty of time this hour.
This is a big deal to start wherever you want, how your husband's doing, what he really did,
what's happening in the UK.
But thank you so much, Laura, for joining us and speaking out for your political prisoner husband.
Well, thank you so much for inviting me on, Alex, and raising awareness of this issue.
There's been quite a bit of silence in Britain from the mainstream news outlets regarding the sentencing and I'm not sure if it's because they know that it's very heavy-handed so they don't want to raise awareness of it.
But basically Sam was convicted, it's a very strange crime, but he was convicted for his intentions behind publishing these stickers.
So the prosecution said every single sticker is legal So the messages on all the stickers are legal.
They also said that the truth is no defence in court.
So if you can prove that all of the stickers are true, that doesn't matter.
And they also said, the third thing, is that there's no evidence of any crimes or any racial hatred being stirred up because of these stickers.
He was literally convicted for his intentions, his thoughts behind publishing these stickers and what they did was they took things from our house and they went through tens of thousands of private messages of Sam and tried to build up a profile of him and then presented that in court and said this guy is a really bad guy, he needs to go to prison.
And they sentenced him for two years in custody with immediate effect, which is, it's just heartbreaking for us because, you know, we have a two-year-old girl, we have a toddler, but we're also having another baby in five and a half weeks and Sam will miss her birth, he will miss her first smile and her first laugh, he'll miss experiencing her learning to crawl.
All these special moments that you can't get back, even if we do manage to get it overturned in the future.
So it is literal thought crime.
It's his intentions, his thoughts behind publishing stickers.
It's just a travesty and it's so good to get so much support from nationalists and patriotic people across the world.
And thank you for helping to raise awareness of this.
Oh, we're all in this together.
So your husband, Shamil Malia, is literally a thought criminal out of 1984.
This president is so dangerous, and that's exactly why it's not getting any media coverage, is they want to quietly just put us in their modern gulags.
Yeah, well, when the judge sentenced him, he sentenced him for two years and he said, I do have the ability to suspend that sentence, which would mean you don't actually go into custody, you're at home, but if you misbehave again, I'll send you down.
He said, I do have the ability to suspend your sentence, but I'm not going to because I want this to act as a deterrent to other people with the same beliefs.
So he's literally admitted in court that he sent him to prison to deter other people from being the same as Sam.
And I love the part about the stickers aren't illegal because they can't admit that they're trying to ban free speech in your country.
The birthplace of modern... I'm really glad that you introduced some of the more controversial stickers because there were stickers that said things like love your nation, reject white guilt, It's okay to be white.
There were stickers about abortion, there were stickers about the LGBT community, about saving native species and the environment.
There were stickers about Covid.
There was one saying, like, I think it said something like, pubs closed, borders open.
Like, if you're locking us down and not allowing people to go to work and destroying businesses, why are the borders open?
Let me ask you this, Laura, because this is a Streisand effect, this is backfiring already.
Where do we go to find your husband's stickers in total?
And we'll just put them on screen while you're talking.
Where's the best place?
Well, I'm a bit scared to share them because... Oh, you'll get put in jail!
Oh wow, you're in such a free country.
However, if you go to Telegram, it was called The Hundred Handers, and the Telegram channel is still up.
So if you want to go to The Hundred Handers Telegram channel, you can go and see all of the stickers.
There's 310 stickers in total.
The Hundred Handers.
Yeah, it's just called 100 Handers.
100 Handers on Telegram.
And maybe I'll get arrested by the UK if I ever go back there.
Maybe banned?
I mean, because I'm going to show these.
Everybody has a right to see these.
And then there you are.
And I understand it.
You're not in a free country saying, I...
You're afraid to even tell us where we can see what he's been put in jail for two years.
That is literally Kafkaesque or 1984.
You're not even allowed to discuss why the Ministry of Truth has disappeared him.
Where is your husband right now?
He's in prison.
He's in prison in Leeds.
He got took down straight away on Friday.
Luckily his cellmate had some credit on his card so he was able to phone me on, I think it was Sunday that he phoned me, and he just let me know that he was okay.
But now I haven't heard from him since because they're processing him through the system, he has to get my number confirmed, he has to allow his credit to sort of go onto his account and all that kind of stuff. So I haven't
heard from him since Sunday.
I am worried but I think that's probably natural. I'm pretty sure he's okay. Yeah, just waiting
to get a phone call from him really. But he's in prison.
I know he was an activist against that.
They built them all over every Western country.
They're now saying in Australia, the UK, when the next lockdown comes, if you criticize it, they're going to lock you up for your speech.
So, they're building political prisoner camps all over the Western world, right under our noses, and normalizing it by throwing your husband in jail for posting stickers online.
Well that's the problem with these laws, they're written in such an ambiguous way that's open to interpretation.
So they can pick and choose who they go after.
And you know there are like far left groups like Antifa and stuff which literally put stickers up about murdering Tories, kill your local racist, kill your local fascist.
They don't know what fascism is.
But these people don't get targeted by the police.
The police can pick and choose the individuals that they want to persecute.
And because my husband is a white advocate, he's a white person who advocates for our people and he criticizes the government, they've gone after him.
I was telling the crew that they should pull up Justin Trudeau in Canada.
He's got legislation he's trying to ram through where you get life in prison for a hate crime, including speech.
I have seen that.
It just looks terrifying.
Our laws are getting tighter and tighter and tighter over here.
Rishi Sunak actually gave a speech, our Prime Minister, on Friday evening after Sam's conviction and he was talking about coming down tough on Islamist extremists and far-right extremists.
I mean, do they mean people like Sam?
Are they going to toughen up law so that he can do even less?
So that we're not allowed to go out and protest?
Well, that's how it's working.
Look, look, look, they invade Ireland, they invade England, they invade Scotland.
You even got your First Minister in Scotland saying, we're too white, Scotland's bad, white people are bad.
And so it's the UN, the globalists, bringing in the brown people and then training them to hate the white people.
It'd be one thing if he's brought him in, but then didn't teach everybody white people are bad.
It literally is like Hitler in reverse.
It's racial politics run by the left because they know 93% of the world's not white.
So they look at the numbers and say we'll just be anti-white now and then make our political movement anti-white.
It's just, it's insane.
It's so evil.
Yeah, well all of the main political leaders in Britain are foreign.
Ireland, Scotland, we've got Rishi Sunak in 10 Downing Street, the Mayor of London, who I'm sure you're familiar with, Sadiq Khan.
We don't actually have an English or a British representative at one of those senior positions.
And you're not allowed to talk about it unless you're celebrating it.
So if I say British people are becoming a minority and I'm against it, I'm a bad person.
But if the Guardian newspaper publishes an article saying the last days of a white world and they celebrate it, it's a good thing.
So you can only talk about demographic change if you're in favour of it.
I mean, it really is replacement migration.
That's an official UN policy.
But I have clips of the ADL saying, and different EU officials, if you talk about replacement migration, that's hate speech.
We want to arrest you.
It's the UN plan to depopulate the Western world.
So I wonder why the left is openly anti-white, anti-Christian, because they are.
I think, I think a lot, there's a lot of social pressure in Britain, I'm not sure if it's
the same in the States, but there is a lot of social pressure over here and people are
very scared of words like racism.
I mean Sam's trial was a jury trial and on that jury there were three foreign people and nine white people, so eight British people and one Polish woman.
And just the pressure to argue for quote unquote racism in front of a foreigner must have just been too much for them.
But people are so terrified over here of the word racism and speaking out.
And that's why I want people to just raise awareness of what's going to Sam and going on with Sam.
And just push back against it and say there's nothing wrong with these stickers because hopefully it will embolden more people.
Absolutely and let's look here some photos that are online of the stickers your husband put out that others gotten posted.
Smash fascism all that stuff's fine but then somebody else puts capitalism plus communism two faces in the same shekel and then somebody goes oh shekels from Israel so you can't say that look look Either everybody has their free speech or nobody has it, folks.
And I've been forced to, quote, be more radical, not because I hate any group or I'm out after any group, but because literally all over the Western world, white people are being demonized as the devil.
Just as Jews were in Nazi Germany.
And we shouldn't sit here and take it, folks.
I don't care what your background is.
Black, white, old, young.
Nobody should be taking this crap.
And the intimidation and the communists and the globalists using race as a way to intimidate people needs to end.
We need to move the Overton window back to what Bill Maher said years ago.
Everybody gets to speak.
You don't get to ban Alex Jones.
Everybody gets to speak.
Yeah, I mean, there are probably things that you and I disagree on, probably quite a few things.
But, you know, if I went out and I saw a sticker promoting communism, I wouldn't phone the police over it.
I might take it down, but I wouldn't phone the police over it.
And if people want to, you know, Promote open borders and immigration and all this other stuff.
I think that they should have the ability to.
I think that we should have open and adult and mature discussions about these issues instead of sending people to prison.
It's okay to disagree with somebody, but I think that everybody should believe that people have the right to share their opinions, especially when, you know, he's not encouraging violence or anything.
It's literally just saying, this is a problem that I've identified and I'm against it.
Silent topics like this.
All they're doing is pushing them underground.
People are not going to change their minds about it.
Laura Towler at patrionicalternative.org.uk.
I was about to go there next.
They wanted to put him in jail for two prison to send a message, but now they don't want to cover because it backfired.
We'll talk about that paradox.
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This is not a standalone case that we're talking about right now.
Two years in jail for posting online stickers that people can print off.
The case of Samuel Malia and his wife with a two-year-old baby girl
and a baby five and a half weeks out.
Two years in prison for his intent to expose the invasion of the UK
run by the UN and the globalists to bring in a political permanent underclass
that can brainwash and be anti-white.
They're the ones creating the racism, the classism.
They're the ones doing this, the clash of civilizations.
We have all the footage of what, a year and a half ago, there's so many.
A woman prays 50 yards across the street from an abortion clinic, silently arrested.
So, if you stab people, you get out of jail the next day in the UK.
Here's the footage.
Go ahead and roll the audio of this.
What are you here for today?
Physically, I'm just under here.
Why here?
I know you don't live nearby.
This is an abortion center.
Okay, that's why you're standing here.
Is you standing here part of the protest?
I'm not protesting.
Are you praying?
I might be praying in my head.
So I'll ask you once more, will you voluntarily come with us now to the police station for me to ask you some questions about today and other days where there are allegations that you've broken public space?
If I've got a choice, then no.
Do you understand the caution?
failing to comply with the public spaces protection order which is in the anti-social behaviour
column facing out to MP410. I'll caution you again, you don't have to say anything, it
may harm your defence if you do not mention one question, some of which are later on in
court, and you do say maybe two or three words. Do you understand the caution?
I do.
Our silent thoughts and nobody's business.
Catholic woman who was twice arrested for silently praying near an abortion clinic says she fears police are becoming ideologically driven and she vows to carry on doing it on a weekly basis.
I can show you the footage of the highly decorated Special Air Services fella.
This is two years ago.
There's hundreds of examples I can just think of myself.
There's thousands of arrests every month.
They brag about it.
He put on Twitter at the time, an image of, if you put the trans flag together, four of them, it makes a swastika, arrested.
Last time I checked, he was in jail for a long time.
So dangerous.
So Laura Towler is pregnant.
She already has a two-year-old girl with her husband, who's a political prisoner, Samuel Malia.
You made a lot of great points.
I was interrupting and then jumping in, but just Starting over, going back to the so-called trial, the judge, his intent, his thought crime, and then I'm going to try to give you the floor here for 10-15 minutes or so to just tell everybody what you want to say.
You're a really smart lady, you've got the floor.
I'm not really sure where to start, but yeah, you know, like I said at the start, this is, it's just, every day, I was shocked when the verdict came and I was shocked when the sentencing came and every day it just becomes more and more and more surreal and I become more and more and more angry at it because like I said at the start, you know, everything on the stickers was legal, all of that text is legal.
In addition to it, the truth is no defence in court is what they said and then they said that no crimes have been committed because of these stickers.
It is literally his intentions behind these stickers which he's gone to prison for and We can deal with it and whatever they throw at us we can handle, but the saddest part is him being disconnected from his children, missing the birth of his second child and missing all those special milestones that happen in the first six to eight months or so.
We want to push back against it.
What I would ask people to do is, if they're watching this and they disagree with what's happened to Sam, if you could continue to raise awareness about his case and kick up a fuss about it.
If you're in Britain, if you could contact your local MP about it.
We are looking at if there's a possibility of appealing the verdict.
And also if there's the possibility of pursuing legal action against the police.
We are speaking to legal professionals on that, but if you know anyone that can help with that regard, obviously that would be brilliant.
But what I would really like people to do is become involved in something.
If you're against this anti-white narrative that is pushed on us regularly and consistently, become involved with an organisation in your country, in Britain, and with Patriotic Alternative.
We're a British advocacy group.
We do a lot of community building, we're involved in the electoral route as well.
We raise awareness and act as a pressure group.
It's an absolutely fantastic group.
It's Britain's largest and most active nationalist organisation, patrioticalternative.org.uk.
I will also say that everybody at Patriotic Alternative is still suspended from Twitter Or X. Myself, my husband Sam, PA's leader Matt Collett is still suspended.
If you can pressure Elon Musk potentially to allow us back on.
We were all suspended on the same day at the same time and never given a reason why.
When we appeal it, the appeal just gets quietly shut down and they just don't respond to us.
If you could get us back on there, it would allow us to continue spreading Sam's story and also defend ourselves, you know, because there are a lot of lies going around about Sam at the moment.
And to be able to debunk them and actually get his story out there, that would be brilliant.
Thank you.
That is the worst part because I've experienced it for five years being banned everywhere.
You're not just taken offline.
You can't defend yourself and they can make up anything they want.
They steal your identity.
Yeah exactly and at Patriotic Alternative we're lied about constantly.
All the time.
We've been going for over four years now and the press will put out an article about us and it'll just be complete lies and we can't respond to it at all and they'll turn comments off on the article so that nobody can reply to it.
And it just means that they're allowed to misrepresent you.
So when people hear about you for the first time, it's something that's not true.
And then they build this impression about you in their head.
I just think that freedom of speech for all citizens is so important.
And like we've said, you know, during this interview, you might not agree with everything that Sam said, but he wasn't telling people to go out and kill people or attack people or anything like that.
He was just sharing his opinions and he has the right to do that.
Well, what's happening is more and more people Across the political spectrum and the racial spectrum, when they see the corporate media and the system attack somebody, they know they're good or they know something's being hidden.
So it's gotten so bad now that people see someone being demonized and it backfires.
So go back to that question I had before the break.
The judge said I'm going to put you in jail for two years, put you in prison for two years
for your speech, for your thoughts, literally for your intent, for putting out these stickers
that the public could go see and print and use if they chose to do it.
But there's almost no coverage in the UK of this because it's so embarrassing.
So they want their cake and eat it too.
They want to intimidate people but then not have it be in the news.
And we're not going to let that happen.
That's why stories like this are so important.
Yeah, I mean, they all publicised when he got the guilty verdict, they all publicised
But with the sentencing, it's been quiet.
I think there's been maybe just two mainstream national news outlets that have reported on it and a couple of local newspapers.
Nobody's really talking about the sentence in it and I think they do know that it's very heavy-handed but I wonder if one of the reasons is because we're unapologetic about it.
What usually happens is if you do something naughty and then they hound you and jump on you and attack you, if you apologise I think they like the public to see that.
We're not sorry, you know, we're nationalists, we're white people, we love our race, we love our people, we believe our people exist and should be the majority of the population in Britain and we're never ever ever going to apologise about that.
So I wonder if they don't want to publicise Sam's case and our organisation with regards to this matter because they're not going to get that apology.
And there's no point in apologising anyway because they never accept it.
What would your husband say right now who's sitting there in a jail cell for his speech in the once free nation of England?
What would Samuel Malia be saying right now if he was on air?
He would say thank you to everyone who's publicising his case and all the support that we're getting as well.
We filmed a video of him before he went into the court for his sentencing and he just said, don't let this deter you.
I want people to stay involved in the struggle, people to keep telling the truth.
I want people to push back against this anti-white system that's attacking us and oppressing us so much.
That is his main message really.
He doesn't want people to give up, he wants people to get involved.
Join the struggle and play our part and just push back against it.
All right, Laura Taller, stay there.
Let's hear more of what your husband would say who's in prison for thought crime in the UK.
Stay with us.
All right, coming up next hour, I want to do a deep dive on the economy.
And we've got a lot of documents here.
But even NBC News reports one trillion every 100 days is being issued by the Treasury.
Biden's put out more money in the last three plus years than was ever put out in the first 248 years or whatever it is the country's existence.
I live here too, okay?
And the same monetization of debt, this has happened worldwide, so it's not just here.
I don't wish this on anybody, but we need to be ready for the crash landing.
We need to Admit we're in this situation and not stick our heads in the sand.
So, that's coming up next hour.
Now, Laura Taller's husband is a major political prisoner.
Samuel Malia, M-E-L-I-A.
Two years in jail for posting stickers online that say our borders are open, we're being replaced.
Stand up for yourself.
Meanwhile, you turn on any Hollywood movie, whites are the devil, whites only be killed, professors, leftists, whites are inherently evil.
And we're supposed to sit here while they do all this.
It's not enough to call us racist for no reason.
Now, they're the ones being completely racist, mainly globalists and, you know, think tanks pushing the brown majority worldwide to hate white people.
And then white people are like, hey, I'm not going to take this.
Well, we'll just throw your ass in jail.
So, Laura, I asked you to talk about what your husband, if he was here, would talk about.
I wasn't looking at the clock.
I didn't realize the break was coming up.
I'm sorry.
Start over.
Your husband is in jail right now, but we're going to send him prayers and energy and love and support for his free speech.
What would he be saying right now?
Start over.
And then, what do you want to say about your husband right now and why you chose this fight?
Yes, well sorry for talking when your break was about to start.
Sam, if he could get a message out there, he would say what he said in the video that we filmed before we went into court and that is just to don't be put off by what's happened to him because I honestly do believe that we're the majority of people.
If you look at the response to what's happened to Sam, 99% of the comments on social media are supporting him.
Even people who don't agree with him are saying he has the right to say this.
And by the way, start over.
I just want to say this.
That's why they want you silenced, is because you're good people standing up for yourselves under attack.
And people, exactly, people resonate.
That's why they want to silence you, because courage is contagious.
Sorry, start over.
Yeah, I mean, Sam is not some, you know, evil caricature of some, you know, like demon or evil guy.
He's just a normal family man.
He's a sign maker, you know, he's a tradesman.
He's obviously a husband, he's a father to his daughter.
We've got another daughter coming in the middle of April.
And he's just a brilliant, kind, strong man.
And I think that's what the establishment fears.
They want these evil Nazis or these evil extremists that they can put on a platform and say, hey, look how bad the right are.
But Sam isn't like that.
And I think that's why he's such a threat to the establishment and why they've come down so hard on him.
But yeah, he would just say, like, don't let this deter you because that's what they wanted to do.
That's what they wanted to do.
They said, we are sending you to prison to act as a deterrent.
If you get scared and back off because of this, they've won.
So what you need to do is get involved.
You don't have to be At the front, you don't have to be picking up a megaphone like Sam did and shouting in front of loads of people.
There are things that you can do behind the scenes.
You can write articles, you can raise awareness of stuff on social media.
We've got a hashtag going at the moment, hashtag free Sammelia.
You can get involved in that.
You can financially support organisations that are going out and doing homeless outreach like we do at Patriotic Alternative.
There is so much that you can do, but Get involved, you know, use this as a sign to get involved.
What's that thing about where when they cut someone's head off, like 10 more stand up in its place?
That's what we need to do in response to this.
Well, it's really an amazing moment and I notice on X, where you're still banned, I think Elon should restore you guys, just for the fact you're political, I mean Hamas and Hezbollah are on there literally murdering Jews and that's okay because, oh well, they're a political group, but then And I think it should be there so you can see what they're doing.
I think what they did was wrong.
I think what Israel's gone too far now and what they're doing with attacking the civilians is wrong too.
But we can all have our own opinion, right, on that.
We need to be able to see the facts.
But overhead shot on this, it's in mainstream news.
This judge is famous for letting people with child porn and pedophiles off.
So this judge looks like a really, really nasty guy.
And what do we know about this judge?
Well, this has all come out since he sentenced Sam.
There's a guy called No Chance who wrote a thread about him on Twitter and it's all of these paedophiles that he's basically given A sentence to, so they've been found guilty of something, but it's a non-custodial sentence, including people who had child porn images of one-year-old babies, including people who were repeat offenders.
I mean, Sam has a clean criminal record, he's a man of good character, and there are repeat offenders who are paedophiles who had child porn on their computers Who, this judge, has given either a community order, which is community service, or a suspended sentence.
Oh, it's the same thing with the judges I talk to in Texas.
Federal judges.
It's in the news.
They order them to let child rapists go.
So it's the same thing.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Yeah, anything involving harming a child should be an incredibly tough sentence and you want to keep those people away from children forever.
But especially when you've got a repeat offender.
I mean, to me, that's just absolutely Awful how they could do that and it's not just one or two you know there are lots of judges in this country that seem to give very very lenient sentences.
Especially with what they call the Asian the Asian rape gangs that are really the Muslim rape gangs.
Yeah well actually while we were in court waiting for Sam's sentencing we were sat opposite a rape gang of 42 people 42 people, 39 men and 3 women who'd been responsible for the Kirklees grooming gang, our press call it the grooming gang.
They'd raped, abused and even forced young girls into prostitution.
And the judge is in there saying, you know, this isn't true, it's a nuanced issue and all this kind of stuff.
We're literally sat outside looking in the eyes of child rapists and you're telling us that we're not allowed to talk about it?
Tommy Robinson's a great example of this.
Put in prison over and over again for a speech.
Officially attacked by Antifa.
And they would tell him, just don't be political anymore.
Or join us, we'll give you a job.
Just back off.
Just give in.
But it doesn't look like what they've done to Tommy and others has worked.
What's your view on Tommy Robinson?
Well, Tommy Robinson has actually raised awareness about what's happening to Sam, and I really do appreciate him doing that.
I think he's done a good job of raising awareness of the grooming gangs in Britain.
I mean, we've not always got on, you know, there are things that we disagree with.
Well, Tommy's way pro-Israel, which again, he's a great guy, that's his view, I understand his perspective.
The point is, he understands what's happening, he was wrong.
Yes, exactly.
And I really do appreciate him doing that because he does have a big platform.
And when he spoke about what happened to Sam, and he did seem really angry about it, he raised awareness about that to his followers and to people who were looking at him.
And we are thankful that he did that.
Whether it was, you know, for genuine intentions or not, he still did it, which we do appreciate.
Alright, Laura Taller will get updates from you.
Stay in contact with us at patrioticalternative.org.uk.
And people can go out for themselves and see the ThoughtCrime stickers.
I agree with about 95% of them.
I disagree with some of them.
But hey, he has a right to do it.
And I think it came from a good place.
But even if it came from a bad place, he has that right.
And I think you're a very good lady.
And I would imagine when you talk to your husband, he comes off like that in the videos I've seen.
And I think you're standing up for yourselves.
And compared to the left, Your racial vitriol is like a 1 and they're a 50, you know.
A scale of 1 to 10.
The left is off the hook, anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-European.
And we need to stand up for ourselves.
I stand up for everybody, folks.
I fight hard against the fact that over half the abortions in America are black kids.
I don't want to kill black babies.
But I also don't want them raised up to hate me because I'm white.
See, it is nuanced.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you for having me.
And yeah, everyone who's listening, please continue to kick up a fuss about this.
Thanks, Alex.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
All right, you stay in contact with us, OK?
OK, thank you.
Because I look up and a year goes by.
As soon as there's an update, next week, two weeks from now, you reach out to us and we'll get you on, OK?
Thank you very much.
I will do.
Thank you.
That lady has a lot of courage.
She's a good person.
Again, what white people are doing in response to all this anti-white racism is a 1 or a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10.
The left is like a 50.
I mean they are off the chart, foaming at the mouth anti-white.
And it's the ADL, folks.
They're racial politics.
The closest thing to the Nazis I've seen is the ADL.
And I'll just call it out, because I believe in Martin Luther King Jr.
Judge people according to the character of their deeds.
I don't look at color.
But I'll tell you this, I'm not going to sit back and be demonized and attacked anymore.
I'm done.
I told everybody this.
It was this last summer, my six-year-old daughter went to a summer exercise camp, and she doesn't make stuff up, and she's smart.
She sounds like a 30-year-old woman when she talks.
I tell you, she's just amazing.
And she said, Daddy, you know, during lunch, they played these videos about how white people are bad, and I confirmed it was real.
It's a cult, folks.
You send your kid to a six-hour-a-day sports camp, and they don't even say it's political, and it's got high ratings, and they're brainwashing your six-year-old.
She's like, am I bad because I'm white?
And then I went and looked it up and found out they did that.
I was like, okay, this is it.
It's over.
I'm not going to be intimidated.
I'm not bad because I'm white.
I'm not going along with this anymore, folks.
And black people or anybody else, they're telling you your back is what color you are, you should stand up for yourself too.
I'm going to break.
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Hundreds if not thousands of people surrounding some of these aid trucks that were able to enter northern Gaza
Some of the very few aid trucks that have actually been able to make it in there.
And you can see in this video by the Israeli, from the Israeli military, the crowds of people around these trucks.
But what appears to have happened is that the Israeli military opened fire on some of these people who are surrounding these trucks.
An Israeli military official telling us that the crowd approached the forces in a manner that posed a threat to the troops.
And they say that those troops then responded with live fire.
Now, eyewitnesses on the scene have told us that Israeli tanks as well as drones opened fire on this crowd.
Israel's war crimes, funded and supported by the United States, are being witnessed all over the world.
Several nations are demanding a ceasefire, but Netanyahu rejects all of it.
Israel unabashedly believes they are the superior race of God's chosen people and that genocide is their birthright.
Israeli soldiers are boasting about the women they've murdered and pillaged.
And they are posing in the beds of dead Palestinian children and
babies who they've slaughtered.
Seeing our soldiers now in Gaza fighting, can't say words like
genocide or baby killers.
We can't say that.
We do, however, and it's important to say it.
And now Jews in Canada and the U.S.
are saying that the genocidal state of Israel is selling real estate that they've stolen from Palestinians in synagogues across the world.
Hi, so I'm Rabbi David Mevasser.
I'm an active member of Independent Jewish Voices Canada and I'm here today outside a synagogue where they're selling Properties built on land stolen from Palestinians.
There's a real estate agency that's come here today to Toronto to sell properties built on stolen Palestinian land.
It's kind of unbelievable that Canada permits this.
It's clearly illegal.
So we're here today to call that out and God willing to make it stop.
Hi, my name is Rich Siegel.
I'm a 25 year homeowner here in Teaneck.
I'm Jewish.
The reason that I'm telling you that I'm Jewish is because I have a concern about something that's going on in the Jewish community.
On March 10th, there is scheduled to be an Israeli real estate sales event at the Keter Torah Synagogue.
That event violates both domestic law and international law.
It violates domestic law because we had a Civil Rights Act in 1965 and a Fair Housing Act in 1968.
We don't allow real estate events to be for whites only, or Jews only, or anybody only.
Now, as Jews, we don't get to fly under the radar and break the law and hide it in a synagogue.
It violates international law because West Bank settlement homes are going to be Available for sale at this real estate event.
On the website, it lists three different West Bank settlements.
Those settlements are, in and of themselves, illegal by international law.
If we allow this sale to go through, we are enabling a local synagogue to violate both domestic anti-discrimination laws and international law.
Now there's other reasons we shouldn't allow it, okay?
There's a genocide going on right now.
I don't care who that offends.
More than 35,000 people have been killed.
More than 13,000 children have been killed.
People in this community are in deep mourning.
People in this community are angry.
I'm angry.
What this real estate event is going to do is it's going to fan the flames.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
I think the U.S.
economy is about to hit the skids and Russia and the BRICS nations are playing a masterful game of chess.
And our administration's going in with like a checkerboard.
They're not even... And the Federal Reserve has signaled they're down with interest rates.
And things are going to get so bad, the globalists are going to usher in a new world of central bank digital currency.
A form of money you could not see.
Central bank digital currencies.
They don't hide in the shadows anymore.
They tell us exactly what they're going to do.
That's what's so frustrating.
If you study it, you know the battle plan, but they know the public doesn't check that out.
But we're able to give it to the public.
That could really mess up their operation.
The world is going to see a functioning CBDC very soon, within the coming year.
We saw bank failure 1.0.
It was Silicon Valley, Credit Suisse, First Republic, Silvergate Bank.
I mean, all of those.
First, we had the effects of a dramatic rise in interest rates, leading to the closure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank.
That was just a tremor before the bank closed.
Yes, I think bank failures 2.0 is coming.
I mean, just last week, the CEO of Citigroup said we're laying off 10% of our workforce.
So, in times of crisis, which happens to be happening during an election year, People will say, okay, this is so bad.
Banks are shutting down.
All this economic failure.
We'll give you what you want.
Government just will give you away our freedoms.
Just take care of us.
Make sure that we can still feed our family.
But this is happening in surprising numbers.
We all sort of take our local bank for granted until it's gone.
That's happening in 4,000 other locations around the country.
And I think in the months ahead, we'll get more failures of regional banks around office space and commercial real estate.
I expect chaos, mayhem, economic fallout from all of these policies.
But see, during times of economic fallout, when people can't feed their kids, when they can't afford to pay their rent or their mortgage, when food prices are going through the roof, gas prices are going through the roof, here's the nature, human nature.
People tend to give up their freedoms in time of crisis in exchange for perceived security or peace.
Surveillance and privacy issues could arise if the central bank is able to monitor every transaction.
We've had, over the last three weeks, major disturbances in the banking world, right?
This comes after the regional bank suffered a week-long plunge in its stock, plus a credit downgrade.
We've seen stocks of things like Comerica Bank, PacWest Bank, New York Community Bank, And even Schwab just start to hit the scales.
Which by the way, when you first came on months ago, you predicted this.
Yeah, I mean, because the writing was on the wall.
There's another big concern that a central bank issued digital currency could cause a bank run during economic
Here's the ugly reality.
We are no different than Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Greece, Cyprus.
Any country who loses demand for their currency and is forced to print, they go into an inflationary spiral that brings social chaos.
Tangible assets like gold and silver are so important, not just because they're growing, because I think it's a means to protect your financial privacy and financial freedom.
I think there's going to be alternative systems of using tangible assets like gold and silver to back private currencies for individuals to actually be able to transact business on their own, not be a digital slave in their digital world.
These are the kind of solutions that I've been shouting from the rooftops for decades, Alex.
Inflation is coming.
What happens to tangible assets like gold and silver during inflation?
They go up!
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All right, I called Dr. Kirk Elliott this weekend.
Because he'd been coming on months and months ago and weeks ago saying he thinks it's imminent.
He was saying by March, we just played some of those clubs, that you would start seeing regional banks go under.
Signs of trouble at regional banks reignite sector fears.
That's the Wall Street Journal.
Lessons from last year's banking crisis, like being chased by a bear.
And it goes on from there.
The problem isn't big banks.
It's banks getting bigger.
Dr. Kirk Elliott is here with us to talk about this.
And gold, if you look at the overall chart, continuing to explode.
I've got a bunch of big news articles here.
Mark Zuckerberg, among millionaires, doomsday prepping by hoarding gold as election and sell out of the spark.
End of times fear.
I mean, we're worried about World War III with Russia.
So I got him to come on.
He can't be here in person like he normally flies down.
He's up there in their headquarters in Colorado.
But Dr. Kirk Elliott of KEPM.com, thank you so much for coming on with us.
I just wanted to get you to come on because you've been calling this Saying you would expect this by March and now, right on time, it's starting to happen.
So elaborate on that.
You've spent me a big break now.
A lot of exhibits here we're going to be showing people.
Yeah, so it's great to be with you, Alex.
Sad I'm not in studio with you, but at least we can do it this way.
So, you know, we go back to spring of 2023.
Um, the regional banking collapse started back, you know, you had you had Silicon Valley Bank, you had all these underfunded banks, undercapitalized banks.
And this all happened because of something that happened during COVID, Alex.
So during COVID, Regulation D of the Federal Reserve said they could change the reserve requirement to zero.
Okay, so that means for every hundred dollars you would deposit in a bank, they could lend out a hundred dollars of it.
They didn't have to have anything held back.
Now, why would they do this?
They did this to stimulate the economy under the assumption of, hey, if we're lending money out, people are going to spend it.
Right, so that's why they reduced it to zero.
And they were just hoping and praying, like we talked about on a previous show, that not everybody was going to want their deposits out, you know, at the same time, you know, via withdrawals.
Well, sadly for some banks, that did happen.
Because why?
Interest rates started to rise.
So when and why did interest rates rise?
Because the printing money like there's no tomorrow to try to stimulate everything under the sun with raising the debt ceiling to to stimulus, you know, handouts to people during COVID to welfare, food stamps, women, infant children programs, you name it.
They were printing it.
So so here's the the problem.
Because the way the mechanism that the Fed uses to slow down inflation is two things.
Number one, they can raise interest rates, raise the cost of borrowing, that would tackle inflation.
Or number two, they can stop printing money.
Well, let's face it, Alex, they're not going to stop printing money.
It's the only thing keeping things afloat right now.
So therefore, you raise interest rates like they've done almost every single month for the past year and a half.
So this is a sign to me that banks are going to start failing.
I mean, this is not rocket science, right?
But we were ahead of the curve.
We were calling this a long time ago.
Rising interest rates when people are living at the margin.
Most of America is living hand-to-mouth, paycheck-to-paycheck.
They can't afford to make their rent, their mortgage payment, feed their kids, pay their utilities, right?
So, if you raise interest rates and everybody's in debt up to their eyeballs, they have less money at the end of the month, which causes what?
Delinquencies are nothing more than people making late payments.
Right, on their loans, on their car loans, on their credit cards, whatever.
Now, a series of delinquencies ultimately is going to end in default.
Meaning, either you go bankrupt, the bank cancels your loan, they call for all of it back, right?
So, I looked at a chart this weekend when you and I were talking, and this chart shows the delinquencies of large and small banks in America.
So, the delinquency rate of large banks is now 3%.
So, 3% of every loan that's made is basically late payments.
It's delinquent.
Now, you might not think that that's a huge number, but that's the largest delinquency rate in 11 years.
Now, it gets worse for small banks, which I would say a small bank, Alex, is anything less than a billion dollars in deposits.
That delinquency rate is now 7.8%, which is the highest that it's ever been in the history of America.
So again, a series of delinquencies is going to result in defaults.
So, when people don't make their payments, the banks start running out of money.
See, this is where we start to connect dots, because you're an amazing researcher, I research this stuff, and this is where we started connecting dots together.
It's like, okay, What happens when people are delinquent, not making their payments, and banks are already undercapitalized?
They're strapped for capital.
Well, in the past, ever since Silicon Valley Bank crisis, there was a program called the Bank Temp Funding Program, the BTFP, and it was an emergency funding program, kind of like TARP back after 2009 correction.
So this emergency funding was there to stop bank runs.
So all these banks are starting to fail.
Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, Silvergate, Credit Suisse, First Republic.
They were all starting to go under, going to FDIC receivership.
So this emergency funding program said it.
It's like, let's give these failing banks money so there's not a bank run, so we can save the banking system in America.
Well, the end of January, that sunsets.
They decided, we're not going to keep this going anymore.
We're actually going to sunset this program.
It expires on March 11th.
That's where I came up with the March 11th date is because it's their date, not mine.
They said no more emergency funding on March 11th.
So what does that mean?
It means when banks start running out of capital, when withdrawals are more than their deposits, because Biden's horrible economic plan for America of lowering wages, raising taxes, raising prices via inflation, people are pulling money out of the bank just to survive.
There's no deposits really going in.
But in the past, they could go to the Fed, the banks could and say, hey, this emergency funding program, this BTFP, we need money so our bank doesn't fail.
Too bad, so sad, this doesn't happen anymore as of March 11th and we've got problems.
This article that you brought up about New York Community Bank It's a big deal, because to me it's the tip of the iceberg, Alex.
So New York Community Bank, who are they?
A, they're just a bank that was actually involved in the Silicon Valley Signature Bank, all those banks that went into FDIC receivership.
How were they involved?
They bought Signature Bank.
So when Signature Bank went under, they bought them.
So any rational person would know that if you buy toxic assets, you're going to make your whole body toxic, right?
So for example, let's say that You're a diabetic, and you keep eating candy bars, right?
You're going to poison your whole system.
If you have a fresh cup of water on your desk, and you have a cup of poison, and you put a few drops of poison in the fresh water, the fresh water is no longer fresh.
And you tainted all the water.
So the contagion is spreading, they papered over it, and you see a brick wall coming up, with the Fed cutting off the liquidity and all the rest of it.
Well then, if they have cut the liquidity, To the regional banks and the public.
They're not doing it to who?
Because here's a CNBC headline.
The U.S.
national debt is rising by $1 trillion every 100 days.
And we've shown the graph.
I mean, it shows the history of the country.
1776, really 1789, we officially got set up.
240-something years later, the debt's like this.
And then you hit now, it goes straight up.
I mean, it's just boom.
What's happening there?
So what's happening is what I would call keeping up with the Joneses, right?
It's conspicuous consumption in America.
We've gotten to a point ever since the early 1900s when the Federal Reserve Act came into play in 1913.
See, back then, before that, we used to have a gold-backed currency.
So, when you had a gold-backed currency, there was discretion.
There was accountability.
You couldn't print money unless there was gold backing it.
So, it added accountability to the whole system.
Now, we've got serious problems, because ever since then, the Federal Reserve is just basically a group of cartel-owning bankers.
It's like seven families that control the Federal Reserve, right?
It's like the Rothschilds.
But anyways, they took away from Congress the ability to print money.
So now the Fed prints money.
How does the Fed print money?
By pressing the red button on the printing press.
There is no tangible backing behind it.
Whenever the U.S.
Treasury, the U.S.
government says, hey, Federal Reserve, we need you to buy our Treasury auctions, we need to buy, you know, you need to buy our Treasuries to fund the country, they just print it out of thin air.
See, at CPAC a couple weeks ago, the President of El Salvador gave this amazing speech, and he exposed the system in a way that I hadn't heard it done before.
He said, you know, there's an illusion in America.
The illusion is that taxes, higher taxes, are paying for the government.
He said, no, it's not.
Our higher taxes are just the illusion.
What's paying for everything in the government is simply the printing of money.
It's the Federal Reserve buying U.S.
Treasury bonds.
Where does the Federal Reserve get the money to buy U.S.
Treasury bonds?
They print it.
So in effect, they're keeping the U.S.
economy afloat with money that they're printing out of thin air.
Which begs the question, if you have a printing press and you can print money out of thin air, why do you have to raise taxes?
Because it's the illusion that you have to raise taxes.
So now this is the double whammy and this is where we are faced as an economy right now.
Raising taxes reduces people's bottom line.
Printing money causes inflation.
That makes it even worse for people who have a lower bottom line.
The economy is sick and the economy is in trouble.
And this toxic bank syndrome that we're seeing When New York Community Bank bought Signature Bank, it tainted their entire balance sheet.
You can't bring on toxic assets and think that your balance sheet is going to stay the same.
It's not.
It's going to taint everything.
So in January alone, after all of this has been happening, New York Community Bank's stock price fell 70% in the month of January.
Last Friday, Just a few days ago, it went down 26% in one day.
See, New York Community Bank is being the victim of the contagion of the regional banking crisis that's spreading, which is what?
More withdrawals than you have deposits.
And every single time you hear about a bank that's going to fail and people cheer and applaud the federal government for having these bailouts and other banks like JPMorgan Chase buying all these regional banks, Don't think that that's a good thing.
Every time that happens, the balance sheets of those bigger banks gets tainted with the toxic assets of the failed bank that they're buying.
And this is the beginning of the contagion, Alex, that we are going to see.
And this is why I said starting in March, again, prior to March 11th, if you needed emergency funding, a bank could get it through this this bank fund, you know, temp funding program.
But we can't get that anymore.
So Dr. Kirk Elliott, let's talk about this then.
If you've got 68% of people living paycheck to paycheck with massive credit card debt, all the real numbers show that.
They tell us Bidenomics is great.
How would you really describe, because I know as an economist there's so many ways to do it, but in lay terms, how would you describe our economy, the world economy, and what do you expect to come next now?
Well, the world economy is basically just consumed with debt.
We're ravaged with debt.
And so you look at what's happening in Japan.
See, Japan has had so much debt for so long that you can't even get A single generation mortgage there anymore.
You have to have multi-generation mortgages.
You want to get a mortgage, it's like 50, 60, 70 years.
That's numerous generations of families to even get a house because inflation has gotten so high.
Why did inflation get so high?
Because they can't pay for their debts and they have to print their way out of it.
What's happening in China right now?
So it's not just America where the debts are coming due, it's all over the world.
program in China with government money right through shadow banking and things
that they have there so now that so it's not just America where the debts are
coming due it's all over the world where do you think it'll be triggered first
I think it was already triggered Alex in China So I think it was triggered with the collapse of Evergrande, the largest real estate company in the world, right?
And so what's happening, commercial real estate is tanking.
Now, in Hong Kong, they just went through bankruptcy a couple weeks ago.
And what did they say?
Okay, Evergrande's debt holders, 99% of the value of your bonds evaporated overnight.
There's only 1% left.
That's what the bankruptcy court judge said that was left.
So, but they made it one step further and said, any foreign investors, you're secondary to Chinese investors.
Well, how much of Evergrande... So we're talking about bail-ins, we're talking about haircuts here.
So what's the next shoot or drop?
We talked about this last week.
But now, what do you think is coming next?
Next shoot or drop is when real estate collapses, that's going to impact banks.
Because 350 A billion dollars of Evergrande is owned by U.S.
See, this is a problem.
So, and other Western banks.
So, when that happens, more delinquencies, more defaults.
People are going to get scared, Alex, and they're going to say, what about my bank?
If this bank is going under, how safe is mine?
And you start to see massive withdrawals.
And that creates the chain reaction.
That's the chain reaction, and this is where the next shoe that drops, I think, is banking crisis.
After that, when people get scared, it's human nature, they just pull back on their spending.
They're going to save money for a rainy day, they're not going to spend, which is going to impact- And that'll put breaks on the economy.
Breaks on the economy, breaks on the stock market, breaks on everything.
And so that was my next point we see in the news.
The top millionaires are all buying gold at record levels and building bunkers.
That's not a good sign.
I mean, bunkers!
Mark Zuckerberg is building like the Taj Mahal of bunkers at his place.
You know, a multi-billionaire, started Facebook, you know.
But what did he do?
He sold half a billion dollars of his own shares.
He's getting out of Dodge.
What's he doing with it?
I don't know what he's doing with all of it, but he's building a bunker and he's buying gold like there's no tomorrow.
Tangible assets.
Now, let's take another billionaire, for example.
Um, Bill Gates.
What is Bill Gates doing?
And what he says and what he does are kind of the same, but they're different.
Now watch what they do, right?
Because he said, I'm selling all of my stuff to fund my amazing philanthropic causes, right?
And it's like, okay, that sounds nice.
But, but what does he really do?
He's no longer the largest shareholder in Microsoft, the company that he founded.
And what didn't he sell?
He didn't sell his real estate.
Largest real estate owner in America.
He understands the value of tangible assets like real estate, gold and silver.
Everything else can vanish and evaporate overnight as companies go bankrupt.
But things never go to zero.
They never do.
What are these other billionaires doing?
What are the Walton family doing?
They sold $4.5 billion of their own company, of Walmart.
What about Bezos?
$10.5 billion of his own shares in Amazon.
What about Jamie Dimon, CEO of Chase?
$150 million of his own company?
See, they're getting out of touch.
What are they doing with it?
Warren Buffett told us what he's doing with his at Berkshire Hathaway.
He's sitting on a mountain of cash to buy companies at a huge discount.
After the correction.
What is Blackstone doing?
Blackstone, one of the largest real estate companies in the world, sitting on a mountain of cash.
In their own words, to buy real estate for pennies on the dollar after the housing collapse.
So bottom line, it appears we're approaching a gigantic correction.
Massive correction!
And the headlines, like on Zuckerberg, Doomsday, End of Time, Hoarding Gold, right?
I mean, those are extraordinary headlines.
But really, they're just acting with rational thought and logic.
It's like, if things are falling, you get out as soon as you can.
That's why they're selling their stock.
And if things are going up, get into it as soon as you can.
Look at gold, for example.
Gold Is in the sneakiest bull market that we've ever seen.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, stay there.
We'll be right back to talk about gold.
Stay with us.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the earth.
We're told all this garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com and I thank you all for your support.
All right, Dr. Kirk Elliott has been around for almost three decades in gold and silver.
He's done great work with WorldNetDaily and so many other great folks.
And I already wanted this guy on as a guest, and then I called him up to get him on as a guest, and boom, he's like, well, I'll be your sponsor.
I haven't had a gold sponsor for 10 years because Ted Anderson is a divorce and so much more in 30 years in the
gold business Got out of it and he had good deals. He sold some numismatic,
but at good prices, but mainly bullion was his main deal That's what they pitch. That's why they were my sponsor
Everybody else is pushing Numismatic collectibles and yes, sometimes they're a good
deal Most of the times though you're out of your depth and it's
just it's a big hassle But when you get bullion gold and silver
You're getting at a great price and when it goes up or down you can sell it whenever you want
quickly because it's a commodity and you see all the institutions buying it.
So I always have to get him when he comes on to actually plug and talk about the gold, the silver, the great services they've got.
So do that before we move into the rest of the news and tell folks about your great services and the great sponsorship.
It's a win-win, a great place to get gold and silver and so much more.
But then I'm really concerned about Trump because he said it a month ago or so and the media spun it.
Trump wants a crash.
No, he said, I hope the crash happens before I get in, or I'm going to get blamed for it.
I want to fix it once I get in.
They spun that like he wants a crash.
No, he's being completely honest.
So we're not up here causing a crash, talking about this.
All the fundamentals show beyond dangerous signs already.
Unprecedented volatility, unprecedented debt.
So we'll get to that in a moment.
But first, tell people about Kirk Elliott Gold.
We'll put the URL on screen.
Yeah, well, thanks, Alex.
So, you know, I've been doing this for a long time, almost 30 years, like you said.
And during that time, you know, there's not all gold is created equal, not all silver is created equal.
There's rare coins, there's semi-numismatic stuff, there's collectible junk.
And you know what?
All they are is high premium, high commission things that I haven't seen people in almost three decades ever recover from those high premiums.
General rule of thumb, when you invest in gold or silver, minimize your cost and maximize your ounces.
The only way you can do that is with bullion.
So I can count on one hand the type of silver that you should have.
100 ounce bars, 10 ounce bars, or one ounce generic refinery rounds.
Or on gold, a one ounce gold bar, a kilo bar.
That's it.
If it's anything outside of any of those, you're going to pay too high of a premium.
Notice, I didn't even say like Silver Eagles, Gold Eagles, Silver Maple Leafs, any kind of government issue, the premiums get too high.
Literally, maximize your ounces, minimize your cost.
Now, you can do that through an IRA or a non-IRA.
Most of our clients are actually IRA rollovers because that's where people have money held hostage, they thought.
Like Fidelity or Schwab or wherever, right?
No, you can do a tax-free rollover into physical gold or silver.
Now, I would choose silver right now, even though gold is going up.
Gold is at an all-time high and it's amazing, right?
It's been booming.
But silver is doing even better.
I mean, the last time that I was on your show is a couple weeks ago.
Silver was like 22 dollars and something an ounce today it's over 24 it's like it's like wow I mean it's it's really booming right and over time silver is going to continue to outperform gold because of where the historical ratio is how many ounces silver does it take to buy one ounce of gold that's what we look at
It's all pointing towards silver right now.
So when we allocate into silver, I can get you ounces of gold down the road for free.
If silver triples the rate of growth of gold, well, I could get you three times as many ounces of gold then as I could have purchased today because of the way that our firm operates.
8% when you purchase, 0% ongoing, 0% when you liquidate.
Keep it simple.
Very transparent.
There's no commissions on the back end with excessive commissions on the front.
I mean, and high premiums.
That is a way for people to actually get a bad taste in their mouth about gold and silver because they bought the wrong stuff.
They overpaid for it.
They have huge commissions.
That's why we set up this company the way that we did To really focus on people, maximize ounces, minimize costs, to protect and preserve against this financial tsunami that's actually ravaging our country.
And now that banks are failing, inflationary pressures, geopolitical conflict, political chaos like you talked about just now, it's like, oh my word.
Every one of those factors cause gold and silver to go up, and our goal is to be wise stewards with what God's given us, be in the right place at the right time, buy low, sell high, and we will help you do that.
You've got like 4.7 stars all over the place.
People can give you a call.
You can answer all the questions.
They may even get you on the phone.
We're on the internet.
We're on TV.
Don't forget we're on hundreds of radio stations.
We need to give that out for radio listeners.
720-605-3900, 720-605-3900 or KEPM.com/gold.
dot com forward slash gold KEPM.com forward slash gold.
KEPM.com forward slash gold.
Dr. Kirk Elliott's with us here.
Okay, you heard what I just said five minutes ago about Trump.
I'm really concerned about him saying that.
I know I see the same thing he sees.
I'm not an economist, but I've been reading the news for 35 years.
But on air 30 years in April, I've seen things go up and down.
I see what the globalists are doing.
And Trump's right.
I mean, I think.
I mean, I don't see with what's going on financially how this goes on even for another six, eight, nine months to the election.
But what happens if they can hold off the admission of collapse or whatever?
What would you call it?
Debt crisis until Trump gets in?
Well, Trump is right.
I mean, he doesn't want an economic collapse.
He's an American just like you and I are, right?
We don't want... Well, his businesses are all real estate.
They're all tied to a good economy.
Yeah, I mean, but here's the thing.
He's a realist.
You're a realist.
I'm a realist.
The problems that we're seeing are not something that anybody wants, but it's something that we have because of what bad public policy.
I mean, this is not something new.
This has been going on for presidential administration after presidential administration for a long time.
See, earlier in the show, you talked about the debt exploding, right?
To a trillion dollars every 90 days or so.
I mean, this is insane, right?
Because from 1776 until 1980, when Reagan became president, we didn't even have a trillion dollars worth of debt, total, as a country.
But now we're adding on pace to do, I don't know, three plus trillion dollars in a year under Biden when it took us 204 years to actually accumulate one trillion?
Why is this?
A, because we're the world's reserve currency, and other countries need our dollar to fund international settlements, to fund oil purchases.
That's what the petrodollar is.
And they're all accelerating their debt monetization, and they're all out of control, and they're all having major crises.
So how long can this hold?
Not much longer.
I mean, really, when the BRICS nations... See, Putin has been actually sounding the alarm to this and his warning sign.
Not really a warning, it's like, this is what we're going to do statement.
They're taking away the petrodollar.
The BRICS nations are trading in their own currency rather than U.S.
If this were two dinky little countries trading back and forth with each other, who cares what he says?
But the BRICS nations are about 70% of the global population.
So let me ask you this then.
What are the new triggers and what do you expect the next eight and a half months to the election?
I mean, you've already made a lot of predictions that are coming true.
What are your new predictions?
So, new predictions are the BRICS basically usurp the U.S.
dollars, the world's reserve currency, which means we're going to have to print our way out of it.
Inflationary pressures will continue.
They're going to have to raise rates.
This is Trump's warning, too, that the economy will collapse because we're at the point of critical mass.
Right, if you have a bunch of disposable income at the end of every month and you raise taxes or prices go up, so what?
You'll keep spending because you have extra cash.
But we're at a point in America where we're not.
We're living at the margin.
So whenever they raise taxes, whenever they raise interest rates, whenever they raise prices via inflation because they print money, the economy is going to come to a screeching halt.
So I think before the election, And it's not like Trump is getting his way.
He's being a realist.
Things will collapse.
I think the stock market hits the skids before then.
I think interest rates continue to rise.
But I think gold and silver shoot to new highs because they tend to act on inflationary pressures better than any other asset in the world, which is why Zuckerberg Central banks around the world are hoarding gold.
You know who else is wanting gold?
The countries of the world that have their gold stored at the Federal Reserve,
they're wanting it back.
They're wanting to repatriate their gold.
That's right. And I want to explain something.
I love Bitcoin and I think it's great and it's gone way back up and that's wonderful.
But a lot of the Bitcoiners that want to attack gold and silver or real estate and say it's only Bitcoin, that is cultic.
Look at what the globalists are doing, and they're the ones that have their finger on the scale.
They're the ones that are manipulating everything.
They are surging into gold and silver.
And sure, Bitcoin might go up even more.
I hope it does.
I don't see them in competition with each other.
I don't see them in competition with each other either.
You shared with me a video of Larry Fink of BlackRock a couple weeks ago, right?
And what did he say on that?
He said, yeah, we kind of like Bitcoin, I guess.
We're going to start an ETF, I mean, because he wants to make money and he knows the world wants to go into Bitcoin or whatever.
But what else did he say in that comment?
He said, but gold is real money.
Always has been.
And he said that's where we think the big growth is going to be.
Yes, and now you've got Citibank and other financial institutions that say for the next five to ten years gold is going to be the number one asset class in the world.
Why do you think central banks around the globe are buying gold by the thousands or hundreds of tons?
Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.
Why do you think people like Zuckerberg are hoarding gold?
Why is it that countries are wanting their gold back?
Now, this is political.
This is where I think things start to unravel this year, which is other countries are seeing the economic warfare and the weaponization of the dollar by the Biden administration, where they put sanctions on all of Russia's gold.
And they said, no, you can't have it.
We're freezing your assets because you're at war with Ukraine.
So the rest of the world now says, oh, Man, we're gonna get our gold away from them.
Now, what is the Chairman of the Fed, Jerome Powell, saying?
He's very tight-lipped about it.
He's not saying anything.
It's like, these countries want their gold back and maybe they don't even have it.
The reason I say that is about 10 years ago, Angela Merkel of Germany wanted her gold, you know, for Germany's gold, back.
And what did the Fed say?
It's like, sorry, we don't have it.
You know, we re-hypothecated it.
We've sold it.
We've leased it out.
It's not there.
But we'll give it back to you in seven years.
It's like, seven years?
It's like, it's our money.
It's our gold.
We want it back now.
See, there's other countries that are not wanting the United States to hold on to anything.
You're talking about a rush to the exits.
A rush to the exits, getting money out of the bank.
A rush to the exits, people demanding their gold.
Yes, that's what I see happening and in a year of politics run amok because it's an election year, not just here but in 60% of the world, politicians are going to promise the moon with what?
Other people's money.
So the printing presses are going to ramp up, inflation is going to persist.
I don't care what they say about they're going to be able to just hold interest rates steady and ultimately come down.
They might do that once but they're going to have to keep raising rates or else they have even a worse problem.
A worse problem is Venezuela-Argentina-Zimbabwe style inflation that they will get if they don't raise interest rates.
They don't want that.
But man, if they keep raising interest rates and we're in debt up to our eyeballs, now they really put the economy into a deep recession.
Well, both options.
They've run out of good solutions here, so now, I think what comes before the election is a reset of the banking system as we know it, because... And we have the EU, we have the UN, we have the Federal Reserve, we have the CHOCOMS, they all say they're getting ready to roll out, they are rolling out, in many of these areas, their new central bank digital currency, so they're already seeing the old systems coming to an end, they're already trying to get the new system out.
They are, and so they're not really just trying, they're actually doing it.
I mean, in Australia, they're limiting cash withdrawals.
On the eastern seaboard of America, like in New York, Boston, ATM machines are going away like the dodo bird.
They don't want cash.
I went to a bank... Oh, all the time!
I'm just in a regular sandwich place, or just all over the place, and I pull out money to pay, and they say, we don't take cash anymore.
The airport in Kansas City that I was at not too long ago doesn't even take cash anymore.
I mean, so, and, but, but here's where cash, when people look at a bank and they think, oh, behind this big, huge steel vault door, it's full of what, you know, stacks of hundred dollar bills and you open it up and they're just going to come flying out, right?
It's like, no, they don't have it.
They're undercapitalized, which is why we're going to have a bank run.
It's not like that.
So, a couple years ago, and this was a couple years ago before we even had major problems like we have now, I was going on a vacation with the fam.
I went to the bank, big, large, major bank in downtown Denver, and this was the end of the day, it's like, I want a couple thousand in cash for my road trip, right?
They didn't have it!
Senator Kirk, we can't give you dollars.
Oh, that's a great example.
Let's go back even to 2016, when I was taking like 20 crew members to the RNC.
So I told the manager, I said, go get $10,000 cash out.
We've got 20 people.
$10,000 cash is a backup for things with 20 crew members in another city.
We were paying, you know, thousands a night for small hotel rooms because of such demand.
That's nothing.
And the bank wouldn't give it to them and said, come back tomorrow.
And I think back then we were with a pretty big bank.
So think about that.
That's exactly what you're talking about.
Yeah, they don't have cash on hand.
I mean, $2,000?
That's not a lot for a big bank.
They said, come back in the morning, we'll give you the rest of it, right?
They couldn't even give me all of it the night of.
They had to split it up between two days.
So imagine, it's not just me going on a vacation.
Imagine if it's a dozen people.
Or hundreds of people or thousands of people like at Silicon Valley Bank that hear that our bank might be in trouble.
I'm going to go get my money out.
They don't have it.
See, this is what I see is going to start happening as we move into 2024 and you get the first regional bank that fails.
You're going to have a second.
You're going to have a third.
You're going to have a fourth.
And I think that this is the year that we could escalate into a national bank failing.
You're talking about like a Bank of America or something like that.
How fast do you think we start seeing the regional banks fail?
Probably within 30 days.
I mean, when you look at New York Community Bank, they don't have any money right now, which is why their share price is hitting the skids.
And so now that they can't get emergency funding within two weeks, you know, March 11th is less than two weeks from now, they can't get any more emergency funding.
That's like a week away, right?
So what's going to happen?
You will see one bank fail probably within the next 30 days, but then the contagion will spread because it's human nature.
People just get scared when they think, you know, a recession is when somebody loses their job.
A depression is when you lose your own, right?
They get scared.
They say, man, if that bank failed, the perception is that bank might be bigger than mine.
What if my hard-earned assets go away?
What if my retirement goes away?
What if my emergency fund goes away?
And they start to pull it out and banks don't have that.
Meanwhile, Trump gets re-elected.
The Democrats activate Black Lives Matter in Antifa.
Well, so then what?
So then you have crisis that's so bad, people will give up their freedoms, Alex.
This is the problem.
That's what Klaus Schwab said.
We're going to have an angrier world.
And that's why I'm on the air saying all this.
Folks, I don't say this because I like to say it.
I don't say it because it's interesting and it's fear porn.
I only say things I think are a probability.
I'm only saying this so, you know, if you know that somebody's trying to come burn your house down at midnight, you'd be waiting for them.
I mean, if you know that something's happening, then you got a chance to be ready.
So, and I hope there's some way to avert this.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, is there any way in your view as an economist, an accomplished guy, respected a lot of accurate predictions over the decades, is there any silver bullet or any magic pill out of this?
I mean, I think we would have kept Trump in.
He was doing a lot of good things, bringing the industry back, cheap energy, bringing the jobs back.
But you know, still, he was coming into so much debt himself.
He did expand debt while he was in, nothing like Biden.
But he inherited all this.
I'm not apologizing for it, I'm being honest.
But he wasn't a paragon.
He wasn't a perfect panacea.
But is there any way now, is there any way to avert this?
And then what's the survivable crash landing, if we can't avert it, versus worst case scenario?
So yeah, I do think that there's a solution, and that would be go back to what the Founding Fathers envisioned for our country, which is competition of currencies, having a gold-backed currency.
See, the Founding Fathers never wanted a central bank, because that's consolidation of power, and when you have concentrated power, it corrupts.
That's right.
Alexander Hamilton wanted it, but he didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
And others like Thomas Jefferson warned, never get more debt than what your generation can pay off.
Well, we're at a point where we can't pay off this in the same generation.
We can never pay it off.
So now we've got this Achilles heel of our economy, this debt spiral.
And so I think what's going to happen is you're going to see banks, central banks around the world, state chartered banks here in America, that are going to be gold backed.
That gold-backed banks where the currency is going to go back to a tangible backing again like what we used to have before the Federal Reserve.
I think that's one option.
Number two is while we're waiting for that to happen, which is going to take legislative action, take matters into your own hands.
Allocate into the same thing that they're wanting to back their currency with.
Allocate into silver.
Allocate into gold.
Take advantage of it.
Do the exact same things that central banks and billionaires are doing.
And do it yourself.
You don't have to buy it by the thousands of tons or hundreds of tons.
Nobody can.
But we can buy it by the ounce.
See, when you start to get away from that paper system, away from the central bank digital currency, which Alex, in their own words, Is the ability to cut you off from buying or selling if your ideology doesn't match up because it's programmable money.
That's right.
And Bill Gates and Zuckerberg and all of them know everything's overvalued, the old system's coming down, they're going to hoard cash and resources to buy up infrastructure after collapses, but they know food.
Whether it's the Saudi Royal Family or Prince Charles, King Charles, or...
Any of these people, Bill Gates, they are buying up farmland because they know people will always need food while using UN regulations to shut down small farmers around the world.
So they're creating artificial scarcity and then transferring it all to themselves.
That is quite the recipe for total takeover.
Then they let the crime attack the stores and grocery stores in blue states.
Then that shuts those down.
And then the poor people can't get food, which makes them angrier, which makes them ready to riot.
And we're being set up for a communist-style revolution.
And that's what we're facing.
All right, Dr. Kirk Elliott, thank you so much.
People should call you.
Great financial advice.
Great research.
Almost 30 years in business.
4.7, 4.8 stars depending on the rating service out there.
Absolutely amazing.
Gold, silver, bullion.
Ready to go right now.
Everybody should go to KEPM.
That's K-E-P-M.
Just the letters.
KEPM.com forward slash gold or 720-605-3900.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, great job predicting this.
I wish you weren't right, but we'll talk to you again soon.
Sounds good, Alex.
We'll see ya.
Alright, I don't like to talk about January 6th other than the political persecution.
We all know it was staged.
I walked right into a trap.
I hate it.
But I go on CNN.com.
I check it like once or twice a day this morning.
And there's a picture of me up there.
See right there?
That's me.
And that's Tim Inlow, the security guy.
And there's Fonzie, the security guy, and the rest of the guys.
And they're like, oh my god, this is criminal!
Chez Cheeseboro, the Trump lawyer who was involved in Georgia, was seen with Alex Jones.
This is the news they're covering while military-age men pour across by the thousands a day, mass human trafficking, children in sex slavery and in industrial slavery, and that's CNN.
So this, I'm not even going to cover this because it's about me.
It's just ridiculous.
Oh look, geez bro, a scene.
Oh look, there's Alex Jones, he takes a picture.
Oh my god, Alex Jones is coordinating everything.
And they're now indicting more journalists, more reporters, not just Owen Schroeder.
Very, very, very dangerous.
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What's in the spinach?
That's the folic acid, but a lot of people can't break it down or fully break it down.
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And my doctor, a couple years ago, said, hey, have a free thing of this, you know, methylfolate.
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All right, look, I got bioweapon labs run by the Chai-coms, Trudeau caught in Canada.
I've got vaccine mandates ruled unlawful by Australia's Supreme Court.
I got so much here.
And Maria Z, by the way, from Australia is coming up because they're a testing ground.
But this story is important, not because it's about me, but because it illustrates how pathetic CNN is.
So I always check the enemy at least once a day.
So I go there, boom.
Second to top story.
New selfie shows Kenneth Chesebrough posing with Alex Jones at January 6th Capitol Riot.
Well that's it for me, federal prison for sure.
Chesebrough goes, challenges the election in Georgia, it's all come out it was stolen.
They want to intimidate you to think you can't say that.
And then in their newscast, It's what it criminally is because he's a Trump supporter, not just a lawyer.
So this is a political activist with the vice presidential candidate, presidential candidate at the time, Kamala Harris, became vice president, bailing people out that burned down buildings and shot at people and killed people.
I mean, she's supporting that, mostly peaceful.
And then a dude takes a selfie with me 20 feet away and it's, look, there's a conspiracy, burn the witch, burn the witch.
When the Feds ran January 6th and set us up, but that's how pathetic they are trying to demonize the American people as terrorists and then legitimize sicking Homeland Security, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI on us.
January 6th doesn't discredit us, it discredits them.
Just like the censorship, the spying, all the rest of it.
So here's part of the disgusting CNN so-called newscast.
What was Kenneth Chesbrough up to after, after January 6th?
Yeah, John, we've known that Ken Chesbrough is qualified as the architect of the fake electors plot in the lead up to January 6th, but we're now learning that he continued to beat that drum after the violence at the U.S.
Capitol on January 6th.
And I want to read this text message from him that he sent to another Trump lawyer from Wisconsin two days after the U.S.
Capitol riot.
He says, the events of the last two days opened up legal options in the states for winning rulings favorable to Trump.
He then goes on to say that maybe they can revisit some of the past petitions that they
were trying to use to overturn the 2020 election in Trump's favor.
He then pitches a variety of different ideas, ideas that would have gotten other people
in legal hot water.
And this runs counter to what he's told state prosecutors.
He's interviewed in almost a dozen states now about his role in the fake electors plot.
And he essentially described himself as somebody just trying to give legal advice to Donald
Trump and to the White House as they sought to legally challenge the outcome.
We now know he was way more intimately involved and not just in the lead up January 6th, but
in the days afterwards.
And so what else was revealed in these text messages and emails say about Chesbrough's
actions and whereabouts on January 6th?
Yeah, John.
I mean, of all the people that Jack Smith, the special counsel, has identified as Trump's co-conspirators in trying to overturn the 2020 election, Chesbrough might be the only one who actually showed up to the U.S.
Capitol on January 6th.
These text messages include selfies where he took selfies with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones at the U.S.
Capitol on the same day that the riot happened.
And look, he even bragged at one point about being able to whiff tear gas that was fired at protesters in the U.S.
Capitol on that day, kind of highlighting his proximity to the action that was going on.
So it really does call into question, again, Chesbrough's description of himself as just a lawyer trying to give legal advice to a president, trying to challenge the outcome, and maybe more as an activist and somebody who is really trying to push his own desires and his own agenda through his role as a lawyer.
Yeah, better arrest him, as they already have, right away.
I mean, my goodness gracious!
He was there and got hit with tear gas peacefully outside.
And at 20 feet away, took a selfie with me in the background.
This is national news, people.
This is open and shut.
You've seen the conspiracy.
It's just so criminal.
It's so horrible.
These people are trying to decriminalize free speech.
And they stole the election and everybody knows it.
So good luck intimidating people, you globalist bastards.
Almost no one watches CNN.
We watch it sometimes so you don't have to.
Maria Z coming up.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Maria Z of Zmedia.com and it is an honor to be with you all here today.
Alex says no one watches CNN anymore.
We watch them so you don't have to.
And it's hilarious because just yesterday I was looking at the ratings of Channel 9 here in Australia. Channel 9 of course aired a
broadcast on 60 Minutes a little while ago insinuating that I might be some sort of
a domestic terrorist responsible for radicalising the Australian people just because I told
people that the military themselves were reporting that they were training to deal with "unruly
Yes, training to deal with people who are not happy with the government of their own country, which is a rising number by the way, and we need to be angry.
We need to stay angry.
We need to remember what these maniacs did to us.
Sometimes people, you know, don't want to focus anymore on what happened during COVID and lockdowns, but it's very important that we never lose that focus.
Because the first broadcast that I ever get guest hosted here on the Alex Jones Show, never underestimate the power of this broadcast.
I told the world about the Melbourne experiment and how the United Nations brags about the Melbourne experiment.
And Monash University here in Australia had a published report on the Melbourne experiment on the internet at the time that was talking about how the most locked down city in the Western world, that being Melbourne, was actually the global model for the living lab experiment, as the United Nations calls it, for the whole world.
And so what I showed the people of the United States and the global audience of this broadcast was that Melbourne was actually the example that the United Nations was using for future limitations on your movements forever.
And they published this and they're proud about it.
And as soon as that report was aired on InfoWars, Monash University, suddenly you can't find the report.
Thankfully, I still have a copy.
I'm telling you this and I've spoken about this a number of times because that is the power of InfoWars.
That is the power of this broadcast.
Universities are so ashamed of the work that they are doing and these think tanks and these globalist monsters that continue to publish and they tell you openly what they're going to do.
They continue to publish their dystopian plans and then it gets exposed on a platform like InfoWars and all of a sudden they're dialing back their rhetoric and it's so, so important.
And Channel 9 yesterday put a report up, I saw it yesterday, I reposted it, encouraging Australians to start eating cockroaches.
It was the most disgusting, vile thing I've ever seen.
I've posted it everywhere so that people know what this network is, you know, promoting.
And of course, their ratings at this point are very, very embarrassing, just like CNN.
And there's a reason why InfoWars gets millions of viewers and listeners per day, while the mainstream media is failing phenomenally.
Just here in Australia we had this news that Facebook or Meta is pulling 70 million dollars of advertising from news agencies in Australia and they're all up in arms!
Oh it's a blow to the news agencies!
Facebook won't promote us anymore and Facebook's saying people just aren't watching, they're not interested and so we're not going to put 70 million dollars Into funding something that people are not listening to.
You go onto any social media post of these mainstream media outlets and they're just getting hammered.
Just comments on this post are limited.
Comments have been, you know, you can see that comments are being deleted in real time because everyone has so much hatred for them and we should.
We should hate all of those outlets that lied to us, that gave us CIA lines.
About conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers and those... I still remember the day when I posted about the Great Reset and Meta put a flag on saying that the Great Reset was a conspiracy theory even though Klaus Schwab had already published a book on it at the time.
And so we have been ahead of the game as people who value the truth for years.
And we are now.
And what I'm going to talk to you about today is something that I guarantee you in two, maybe three years, you will start seeing from some of the other bigger names in the alternative media space, but they aren't talking about it yet.
They're not really, I don't know if they're even onto it yet.
It's not a particular area of focus for them, but Alex Jones has always been a futurist.
He's always been years ahead of the game and I'm so grateful that he invites collaborators on here who aren't afraid to talk about things that are uncomfortable right now but are coming down the pipeline.
So the RAND Corporation has been publishing documents.
They describe themselves as a think tank and responsible for guiding policy.
And they've been talking about the ability to control and manipulate human behavior and alter their thoughts and publishing a myriad of works along this vein for some time.
And the document that I'm going to be taking you through today is one that was published in January of this year, 2nd of January, and it's called Plagues, Cyborgs and Super Soldiers.
Now, they say that a complex, high-threat landscape is emerging in which future wars might be fought with humans controlling hyper-sophisticated machines with their thoughts.
The military-industrial base is disturbed by synthetically generated, genomically targeted plagues.
And the future warfighter goes beyond the baseline genome to become an enhanced warfighter who is capable of survival in the harshest of combat environments.
Now, if you've read the DARPA 2050 Super Soldier, Cyborg Soldier document, I can't remember the exact title, and you read about the enhancements that they want to make to soldiers, And then you read the literature of all of these mad scientists and have a listen to them about what they want to do to everyday people, you can see that really they've been experimenting on these soldiers, and we will talk about some examples out of China as well, experimenting on these soldiers in order to then do the same thing to human beings.
And in this document, it talks about how even members of Congress In the future, we'll have brain chips and they will, you know, even if they experience significant cognitive decline, these neural enhancements via a brain-computer interface will make it so that they're still able to speak, you know, and speak adequately, I should say.
And it really made me think of Joe Biden as I was reading it.
But I want to just, before I get into the document, dial back a little bit and tell you why this is so important.
I love when Alex has Kirk Elliott here.
I'm a big supporter and believer in gold and silver bullion in general.
And I started buying bullion long before I was debanked because I knew what was coming.
I knew that they were going to start debanking people, doing these test cases of making an example of the loudest voices out there so that everyone can see what the social credit system will look like.
And everything that I'm about to tell you today actually can't work if they don't successfully implement digital ID and central bank digital currency.
I was just speaking to a normie, if you will, recently, kind of red-pilling her in about half an hour.
She had a lot of questions.
She knew that the shots were very, very damaging, but really didn't understand what crimes against humanity means and what's being committed here.
And after I sort of spent half an hour ruining her day, She said to me, what do we do about this?
And I said, listen, I've overwhelmed you here.
The two key things that you need to know is if you resist digital ID and central bank digital currency, they cannot get away with these plans.
Because everything that they describe, that the UN describes in the UN 100 document, where they talk about how human beings are now objects inside the AI world society.
You're now a digital citizen.
You are an object.
They literally define human beings as objects and say that they've entered us into a new social contract where we are now digital citizens.
I don't recall consenting to being defined as a digital citizen.
I don't know about you.
And they describe how we're going to live out our world in the metaverse.
Our lives are going to be lived out in the metaverse or what they call the AI World Society.
And inside that society, you can't earn real money.
You earn digital money.
And it's awarded to you based on your good behavior and your expansion of the AI World Society with your ideas in line with how they want it to be expanded.
You can't Just go and create a freedom corner in the metaverse where things are said that contradict what the democratic government wants.
You have to, you know, continue building, I don't know, rainbow centres, for example, and that's how you can earn your digital money.
And this is Bill Gates, patent 060606, where he talks about, you will be mining cryptocurrency with your body data.
How will they achieve that?
Well they'll achieve that and they openly talk about the fact that you'll have sensors inside your body and they'll be able to, in real time, be feeding back to the owners of that data what your body and your thoughts are doing and therefore that is how you will earn money.
So it's actually relevant to the last segment if you were tuned in.
With Kirk Elliott, because they desperately want people to not have real money, real tangible assets.
They want you to depend on digital money, digital assets.
This is why they're collapsing everything, because they want to transition into this digital world.
That is the plan, the official published plan of the United Nations.
They say that by the year 2045 we'll already be here but in order to get there we need to go really hard on Agenda 2030 and you can look it up.
UN75, an unexpected message from the future.
It's published on the United Nations website and they say that Vint Cerf, who they refer to as the evangelist of the internet, was playing around with some frequencies And he received a message from some unknown entity from the year 2045 that said, humanity is going to be okay, but you just, I'm condensing here, but humanity is going to be okay, but you just have to go really hard with Agenda 2030 and then you guys are going to make it.
And so people see this transition into energy.
A few weeks ago, we had an Australian Senator on the broadcast talking about how power had been cut to 170,000 homes and businesses in Australia in the middle of summer.
Because it reached its peak.
Meanwhile, they're shutting down coal power plants left, right and centre in our country.
China's building, I think, more than the active number of coal power plants in Australia as we speak.
They've got more in construction as we speak.
I may be inflating that number.
Anyway, point is, there's a lot in construction and we're shutting them down.
So where's the climate change narrative there?
If the Earth is in such danger and CO2 is such a problem, why are we shutting down our power plants while China's building more every single day?
It's not about CO2.
Preaching to the choir here, you all understand this.
But what I'm trying to highlight is that every single insane measure, the promotion of eating cockroaches, the cutting of your energy, the telling you to wash yourself with rags as Germany did.
Don't worry about taking showers anymore, we have to get used to washing yourselves with a wet rag.
The German government literally said this.
To the people.
Start eating cockroaches!
We should start getting used to eating cockroaches.
They're really tasty!
Treating you like the absolute scum of the earth.
All of these insane policies and initiatives are driven by the United Nations to get us to the point where life is so unbearable on earth that we would find it appealing to live out our lives digitally.
And digital money is a big part of that.
Now yesterday we saw a humongous feat Where President Trump is concerned?
The Supreme Court decision in the United States to uphold the law and the Constitution for a change?
And I commend them for doing so.
But President Trump has said, under my presidency, there will be no central bank digital currency.
Now, I'm reminding people of that because I expect That people will fight for the right leader to be in place, but at the same time it's important to hold these leaders accountable.
So God willing, President Trump will be president again this year, and it's important that people remember his promise to never implement a central bank digital currency, because they can't achieve their plans if they don't get a CBDC in.
I presume That one of the main reasons that they don't want President Trump in is because he won't implement a central bank digital currency.
I'm telling you, transhumanism is the final goal and they cannot make it happen if they don't go with a digital currency and they don't implement a digital ID.
Withstanding the digital ID and digital currency agenda is paramount, paramount to the future freedom of humanity.
And so how does this tie into this document from the RAND Corporation?
Well, very simply, they are describing the future to you if everything does go digital and if we do get brain-computer interfaces implanted in us, but it's not even an implanting anymore.
It's not even an implanting anymore.
If you caught the episode, uh, the broadcast last Tuesday with Dr. Anna Mihaičar, and if you haven't seen it, you need to go back and watch it because she talks about why human beings appear to be glowing now under UV light and people think that's ridiculous and oh my goodness, come on, you know, they're not really glowing and this is, this is getting way too out there.
I promise you, I promise you, two to three years max, You will start seeing this spoken about on a mass scale.
InfoWars and its contributors are years ahead of the game.
And so team, if you can just bring up that article, The Rise of the Bio-Cyborg Synthetic Biology, Artificial Chimerism and Human Enhancement.
It's the second link I sent in that first email from Dr. Mahecha.
And she spoke about this last week.
And it says in this report from New Genetics and Society, I'm quoting it.
There are many different types and levels of cyborgization.
The incorporated living elements, viral, bacterial, plant, insect, reptile, rodent, avian and mammal, the technological interventions, vaccination, machine prosthesis, genetic engineering, nanobot infection, Zeno transplant and the level of integration mini mega mundane can all vary an infinite number of cyborgs life multiplied by human invention and intervention
So they are here now telling you, New Genetics and Society, critical studies of contemporary biosciences.
They are openly telling you that vaccination and nanobot infection are two of the ways that lead to cyborgization.
And we have spent Or at least ZMedia has spent an immense amount of time investigating what's really in the shots.
There is so much that is still not accepted even by Freedom Doctors because my understanding is that they really don't understand the technological aspect.
And I spoke to a very good doctor friend of mine.
Recently, who said, Maria, it's a bloodbath, essentially, in our surgeries.
We're just trying to deal with, you know, the patients that we have.
It's crazy in here.
All of the people who are injection injured.
And I said, well, what if you can't help them with your training?
What if you need to start looking at the technological aspect?
I recently interviewed Richard Hirschman, the embalmer who you all know, he's been on this broadcast recently.
And he told me, These white fibrous structures that we're seeing inside of people are synthetic.
There's no chance that this is organically happening inside the human body.
In fact, he described a situation to me where a blood transfusion was taking place and the white fibrous structures were forming outside of the body.
So something very strange is going on and I dare say it might have something to do with, as the new genetics and society documents state, that cyborgization is achieved through vaccination and nanobot infection.
And the number of publications that I've exposed on this and the capabilities of these injections and various other injections and mRNA and hydrogel, I mean, I could go on for days.
But I'm setting the stage for you.
Before we listen to this clip from Dr James Giordano, team, if you can bring that up now, Dr Giordano.
is Pellegrino Center Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program and Chair of the Sub-Program in the Military Medical Ethics at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
And so he does a lot of presentations, and I want to touch on that after the break, but I want to play this clip now for you.
Tim, if you can pull that up, let's take a listen to what he says.
But if we think about that one step further, you also have to think about what that then means to integrate these within these biological systems.
So yeah, wearables are certainly a domain, but wearables in what way?
Things that are donnable and doffable or things that are intrinsics?
And the scalar properties that Dr. Canthon mentioned, working down at that low nano level scale, whether we're talking about nano level concentrations of chemicals and or nano scalar engineered devices are highly implantable, inhalable, swallowables, injectables, migrated into key areas where my work intersects in the brain And then form literally vast arrays of sensors and transmitters that allow real-time remote sensing and engagement of the brain.
In other words, real-time reading from the living brain and writing into the living brain.
And what becomes important to understand is that the long-standing history of our long-standing peer competitor's culture has given rise to certain social ideals.
certain ideologies, long-standing philosophies, values, and needs, and appropriately so.
I mean, what happens, quote, in your house belongs in your house and reflects your needs,
your values, your wants, and your desires.
But these things are no longer rendered intra-nationally.
They're now being leveraged on the global stage, on the global bio-economy, if you will, and they're having effect.
And the issue then becomes, are there aspects of those different nations' culture that are in some way somewhat more ethically permissive and therefore allow advances that we must now try to at least remain apace with If not strive to remain ahead of, if indeed we're going to be, once again, real peer competitors on this new global bio-economy and its implications for national security, intelligence and defence.
Let's take the current case of... Alright, that's fine team, we can end it there.
So that's Dr. James G. O'Donoghue telling you that these nanodevices, they're highly implantable, inhalable, So he's telling you that this can even be, you know, people think of a microchip, the traditional thought that this is, you know, a chip the size of a grain of rice.
That is archaic thinking.
This guy's telling you that they can do implantable brain chips, implantable brain sensors where they can monitor your thoughts through inhalation.
So it's very important that people start thinking on the nanotechnology scale, the nano scale, because they have worked out how to cyborgise human beings through vaccination, nanobot infection.
They've already worked it out.
And you've got James Giordano openly talking about this.
And that was a podcast called The Convergence that covered this.
From Dr. James Giordano and James Canton discussing the convergence of neuroscience and artificial intelligence, its impact on future warfare and whether the U.S.
falls short in technology development relative to our competitors and adversaries.
Now, why does this matter?
Well, that is exactly what the RAND Corporation is saying when they say, oh, the U.S.
is falling short, so we need to do some things, including Have more biolabs.
Create more biological weapons.
Don't go anywhere.
We're going to cover that after the break.
Hey, I got some good news for everybody.
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Mad scientist Dr. James Giordano does these presentations to the US military regularly, and those are the ones that we can see on YouTube.
Imagine the stuff that's classified.
He talks about how he can meet with the leader of a resistance, lace the top of that leader of the resistance's pen, And all of a sudden, make that leader of the resistance view him favorably and go back to his resistance movement and completely demoralize him and make him not want to lead that resistance anymore.
And just before the break, we heard Dr. James Giordano talking about how, you know, we can create, we already have highly implantable, inhalable Ways to get sensors inside of people's brains, to get that data being fed back to the owners of those sensors, which of course is going to be big tech, and ultimately run by the UN who says that we are now objects inside the AI world society.
Again, this plan, everything I'm telling you today, will not succeed without a digital
currency and a digital ID.
So what I'm telling you is the worst case scenario so that we withstand this as much
as we possibly can with all our strength and our might.
Now really briefly, I want to say, I think my video's gone there, I'm not sure what's
going on, but I'll keep going.
On that podcast that we listened to a little bit of with James Giordano, basically the
highlights are that they say that we understand that asymmetry in ethics exists where what
is prohibited by one society may be permitted and pursued by others.
And they actually, the Rand Corporation document that we're about to go through talks about How the US is at a disadvantage, essentially because they don't want to make bioweapons.
I mean, it's insane.
But we already know that DARPA was very fond of the COVID bioweapon shots.
They say that you can't do effective brain science without convergence, and that the convergence Brakes that enables and force multiplies the brain sciences needs to be used in national security, intelligence and defense.
But the interesting thing, and they talk about the exponential convergence of quantum, nano, bio, info and neuro.
Okay, quantum is something that so many still don't understand.
But they're already there, everyone.
And we need to be looking at bolder, moonshot ideas using AI in the neuroscience communities.
They talk about the Synapse Project through DARPA, neural nets being created.
Then they talk about how we need to use big data and machine learning because we can't achieve this without them.
And how ChatGPT is going to be used to map the human genome.
Or ChatGPT and mapping the human genome are just the beginning.
They lump those two together.
And they say that we believe that we may be behind our competitors and adversaries in various neuro AI areas and believe the best way to boost our innovation is to reach out to the collective and so on and so forth.
So in comes the plague cyborg.
And Super Soldiers document published by the RAND Corporation that I introduced earlier in the broadcast.
Because this is all relevant to what James Giordano is trying to implant in the community and say that we need to do this and the US is at a disadvantage.
This document from the RAND Corporation, if you can bring it up guys, says that the human body essentially is now considered a warfare domain that can be attacked via engineered pathogens, hacking the intrabody network, Hacking the brain-computer interface, altering the genome and more.
They give examples, a few different examples where they've war-gamed this.
For example, a Russian commander being killed via an app and using geolocation services.
They say that genomics can be used to identify minority groups for persecution.
And warfare strategies are to hack the human intrabody network and the brain-computer interface.
Now, team, if you've actually got the PDF from the RAND there, and if you can pull up page 11 of the PDF, people can see that they are openly saying that the human body is now part of the warfare domain.
So they say in the introduction, recent advances in biotechnology have renewed questions about the use of biotechnologies in a warfighting context.
In the past, biological weapons were thought to present too great a risk of inflicting harm on friendly forces to be of much strategic value.
Past military applications of genomics are viewed largely as misguided eugenicist pseudoscience.
They're viewed largely as this, and until recently, such technologies as brain-computer interfaces were too unwieldy for the battlefield.
But today, technological improvements including mRNA vaccines, the use of CRISPR, which is clustered regularly into space-short palindromic repeats, essentially like a pair of scissors going in and cutting up your genes, And gene sequences such as genetic engineering tool and advances in BCI, which is brain computer interface, may shift these strategic calculations.
So, it used to be, these past military applications used to be viewed as misguided eugenicist pseudoscience, but now this is all really great!
Slicing up your genes and creating these bioweapons and mRNA is fantastic!
Since when?
Since when?
And they say that given the rapid advancements brought about by the 21st century biotechnology revolution, the application of AI algorithms and advanced human-machine systems, we see a complex high-threat landscape emerging where future wars are fought with humans controlling hyper-sophisticated machines with their thoughts.
The military-industrial base is disturbed by synthetically-generated, genomically-targeted plagues, and the future warfighter goes beyond the baseline genome to become an enhanced warfighter who's capable of survival in the harshest conditions.
So, of course, they will tell you that we need to do all this stuff because our soldiers need to be protected.
Meanwhile, they're killing the military through these shots.
And if they're not killing them, they're telling them that they all need to become trans.
So I really don't think that the New World Order is concerned about the safety of their soldiers.
They've proven to us time and time again that they couldn't care less about soldiers.
They are viewed as disposable for the military-industrial complex, and of course disposable to be killed with the COVID shots for profit.
So they say in this report the fact that pathogens can be engineered to escape immunity and mRNA vaccines can be rapidly developed to introduce the potential for strategic use of bioweapons that previously would have been much less tractable.
Listen to this.
mRNA vaccines can be rapidly developed to introduce the potential for strategic use of bioweapons.
They tell you that mRNA vaccines can be rapidly developed for strategic use of bioweapons.
But what were they last time they were rapidly developed, guys?
Hasn't changed.
They were a bioweapon then.
And so, again, they go through these scenarios And they say, we need to consider the definitional question of the extent to which the human body is a distinct domain of warfighting.
And they say, defining the human body as a warfighting domain.
And they say that the domain characteristics, and again, that table that I'm looking at is page 11 of the PDF, where they talk about, you know, previously the traditional domains that they considered warfighting domains were land, See, air, space, but now it's extended to cyber intelligence and the human body because we can develop bioweapons and we can develop mRNA as bioweapons.
And so now we can fight against the human body.
And of course they say, well, this is what our adversaries will do.
No, you're doing it.
And they say the domain characteristics exhibited by the human body include specific modes of attack, for example.
Pathogens, hacking, internet of body devices that do not apply to other domains specifically.
Don't go anywhere, we'll keep going right after this short break.
Alright, welcome back.
We're going to power through the Plague, Cyborgs and Super Soldiers document from the RAND Corporation here in the last segment.
They talk about how the Chinese military texts Discuss offensive and defensive approaches to the biological domain, including dominance and deterrence through quote-unquote ethnic-specific genetic weapons.
It's really interesting.
spoke about the fact that the COVID injections were capable of this as well.
And so it's very, very important to note that when I'm reading this, this is stuff they've already done.
They talk about mRNA being a bioweapon.
They've already done it.
The point of this document is for people to understand that they now consider the human body a warfighting domain and they talk about being able to hack it.
And so they identify three aspects of biotechnology, that being engineered pathogens, the internet of body technologies.
Internet of bodies is of course the internet inside of the human, extending to the internet of everything, which links the human with satellites, 5G towers, and the human body becomes an antenna.
People may think that that sounds odd, but you can just look at human body as antenna for 6G towers and you will find a myriad of publications on how they plan on harvesting the human body and converting it into an antenna for the internet.
It's insane.
And so of course, they're going to be able to hack a human being when it becomes an antenna for the internet, for goodness sake.
And they say that the human biotech Further development could substantially influence warfighting.
And they admit that these areas overlap significantly with the field of synthetic biology.
So for people who are not familiar with that term, please go and watch ZMedia's content.
We've been talking about it for years.
They talk about engineered pathogens.
And they say that the intrinsic ambiguity of disease transmission is a strategic asset for actors who wish to achieve concrete goals.
For example, rigging an election, depleting force effectiveness in advance of kinetic strikes in a clandestine manner.
Now, it's important to note that they're saying this because they are talking about these domains of warfighting Or the aspects of biotechnology in warfighting and how this could be used, for example, to rig an election.
Again, important to understand.
They're talking about being able to hack humans' brains, hacking the Internet of Bodies and genomics, releasing bioweapons through mRNA as a way to rig elections.
So I've said from the start of this year, I think they are going to pull out the kitchen sink this year when it comes to making sure Trump is not elected.
Mark my words, the US has a wild ride ahead of it these next few months.
But we're praying for you and you have our support.
The easiest technical means for realizing a transmissible bioweapon could be for a malicious actor to gain access to a laboratory already equipped to manipulate high-risk pathogens.
And it's really hilarious because they pretend that they're not actually developing bioweapons inside these labs.
I mean this is, I'm not sure that I believe the lab leak theory, but I certainly know that these bio labs exist and that they're developing these pathogens and I think that definitely the internet has a lot to do with the activation of what's already been injected inside of people.
They give an example of how, and it's hilarious, they talk about how Russia and China create in the future a bioweapon but they go and they vaccinate their population with mRNA two years before it's released so their population's not affected and it damages ours.
And later on in the document they actually say that one of the greatest risks to the military is anti-vaxxers.
Because they plan on perpetually vaccinating you.
They say one of the greatest threats to national security because of this type of thing where Russia and China could develop a bioweapon.
Meanwhile, it's like the US government, the DoD, funding these bioweapons.
Russia and China could create a bioweapon and all the anti-vaxxers would put us at risk.
And part of this bioweapon could be released through the Internet of Bodies, or messing with your genome, or hacking the human.
So we're about to get into really weird times, everyone, based on what they're planning for and the types of PSYOPs that they will release, and the ways in which people will experience symptoms.
I just did an interview yesterday, it's going to be published soon, from a researcher that was looking at Norwegian data.
And the same amount of people were injected in the cities as in the countryside, but in the countryside where they had much less 5G, the excess death rates were very low.
And so there is definitely a correlation based on this data of excess deaths with technology Versus no excess deaths without technology and all the people were injected.
There is definitely a correlation with 4G plus and 5G according to this data set.
So I'm very, very much looking forward to releasing that.
People need to understand that the excess deaths in cities are higher in many places.
He doesn't just cover Norway.
And so they talk about how the Internet of Bodies includes such devices as fitness trackers, wearables and other smart consumer devices, as well as such internet-connected medical devices as pacemakers, exoskeletons and prosthetic limbs.
Oh, and by the way, advanced IOB devices include smart contact lenses and, you know, that's all that they really tell you about.
They're not really talking to you about the fact that, oh, as James Giordano says, well, you can just inhale it and it forms a sensor inside of you and essentially your brain data and your body data is tracked by the globalists.
You know, they always make you think that it's prosthetic limbs and advances to enhancements to your bodies like a pacemaker or a wearable fitbit or something like that and maybe some smart contact lenses.
Never mind the nanotech brain chips that form via hydrogel by you inhaling them, Dr. Giordano.
And they talk about how this will be basically in collaboration with drones and, you know, chat GPT and all of this working together to form the Internet of Everything.
It is terrifying.
And so they give an example of an Australian soldier recently that was able to control a military robot with brain signals that were collected and translated by a graphene sensor that he wore behind the ear of a nearby soldier.
And so already they've shown these examples through wearable devices, pretending that they haven't already done this inside the human body.
And they talk about precision medicine and, you know, this is of course what's described in the Policy Horizons document from the Canadian government, Biodigital Convergence.
They talk about precision healthcare and how you'll wake up in the morning and because of all of these sensors that are inside your body, AI will tell you exactly which medications you need to get today to keep you at optimum health.
Meanwhile, And they even talk about that here, where AI is going to tell you, and within 48 hours you could prevent this hacking from some sort of a bad actor, a foreign actor.
You could prevent this hacking because AI will tell you, oh, you've got a potential pathogen infection, you need to go get this mRNA injection.
And if you don't, you're a threat to national security.
Do you see what they're setting up here?
And of course they'll know in real time, because hydrogel is programmable matter that gives real-time information back to those that created it, and that is evidenced by the HDMap technology that Vaxis uses.
I spoke about that recently on InfoWars.
Vaxxas has these little micro-patch needles that say the HDMAP technology in these little micro-patches that look like a band-aid can tell you in real time what's going on inside the human body.
So that future that they're painting is very, very grim and as I said, one of their conclusions is that anti-vaxxers are a really serious It says that this is at the expense of military readiness and members of Congress should resist anti-vaccine populism because the future of cyborgization is going to be achieved through vaccination and nanobot infection.
In fact, it's already begun.
And so we must resist digital ID and central bank digital currency at all costs because even though they've started Cyborgizing human beings through this mad scientist technology.
If there's no digital ID and there's no central bank digital currency, they can't control us.
Do you understand?
That will end the full, broad, transhumanist agenda that they want to achieve if we stop those two things.
God bless you all.
Thank you for your time today.
Thank you to InfoWars.
Please buy products from the InfoWars store.
Keep this broadcast alive.
It's the most important broadcast in the world, or at least one of.
God bless.
I'll see you soon.
All I do is research, research trends, and I see what is having the best effects, what
is having the best reviews.
So a couple years ago, I saw different formulas out there that are known to create compounds
in the blood that flush out the body and that create what they call vasodilation, opening
up the arteries, opening up the veins, which is so important, not just for young people,
but especially older people.
And so then I had Dr. Judy Mikovits, who's such a renowned scientist and a whistleblower,
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Well, we decided to soup it up and make it even stronger.
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And when I talk about vasodilation, and the nitric oxide is a potent vasco-dilator, and it can help relax and widen blood vessels.
This can lead to increased blood flow and improve circulation, which is critical to various body functions.
So, ladies and gentlemen, it funds the InfoWar.
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This does it in a natural way, and not that I need those products, but I've tried them.
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Well, nitric oxide is a key.
It's made by our own bodies again.
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You can get it from beet powder and other things.
The nitric oxide relaxes The endothelium, the vasculature, it relaxes the vein.
It's a natural blood pressure.
In fact, I use the two.
Your InfoWars, I keep that on my shelf.
And I feed myself the Cardio Miracle, which is straight food.
It's a different formulation than that one.
And the two together are a one-two punch.
So you get in your food the ability to make what you need and no more.
You've looked at our formula.
You like it?
I did and I do.
I'm not a scientist like you.
What do these compounds do creating nitrous oxide?
What does it do?
It relaxes the vasculature.
So the clot will go through and not restrict.
It allows it to relax.
It lowers the blood pressure, has the toxic synthetic lipid nanoparticles similar to the
one in the COVID shot.
We saw athletes dropping dead on the field, passing out, falling down, all the things
we wanted.
Why is it particularly the athletes?
They're operating at such a high level in their mitochondria.
This is an energy production, oxygen necessary disease.
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They're working so that the blood flows and it doesn't flow, which is why your nitric oxide product, that new product, I hope you'll show it because that's a very important thing to have for acute events.
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