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Name: 20240303_Sun_Alex
Air Date: March 3, 2024
1128 lines.

Alex Jones discusses how political differences have become increasingly polarized in America, with left-wing individuals often being more intolerant of differing viewpoints. He argues that the left has divided the country so much that even marriages are now determined by political affiliation rather than shared religious beliefs or personal compatibility. Jones highlights the importance of seeking truth over political allegiance and encourages listeners to support his network, InfoWars, in order to continue exposing globalist agendas. He also promotes his latest book, "The Great Awakening," which offers solutions for building a better world as an alternative to the dystopian vision of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum."

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When Chris was 9 years old and a Cub Scout, he was awarded the Boy Scouts of America's
highest honor, the Medal of Merit for saving his younger sister from a burning car.
A 22-year military veteran who received the Purple Heart, a Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and a Navy and Marines Corps Achievement Medal with Valor for actions in combat, Chris Kuhn was just sentenced last week To appease the Biden administration's war on its own citizens and the massive government setup falsely dubbed the Insurrection of January 6th.
Chris did go inside the Capitol after many others had been waved in by Capitol Police.
But instead of causing any damage, Chris cleaned up trash, aided to stop theft of government property, asked Capitol Police how he could help, and asked people to leave the building.
In the 12 degree Kansas early morning of February 11th, 2021, Chris, his four-year-old child, and his pregnant wife, Annette, were raided by the FBI.
Chris's wife, Annette, described the scene.
She said, there were three large armored tactical vehicles parked on my front, side, and backyard, and police vehicles that extended throughout the entire community.
I opened the door, and for a second, I didn't realize that there were about 20 FBI The FBI SWAT team members with semi-automatic rifles pointed at my son and I. We were covered by the bright red lasers pointed at our faces, chests, and various points on our bodies.
The FBI then forced a young pregnant woman and her little child to freeze outside in the cold morning air.
Annette miscarried their baby the next day.
The lack of self-awareness during an election year is astonishing, as Biden's federal government tyranny is on overdrive.
Even reporters aren't safe from this tyrannical regime.
Blaze reporter Steve Baker reported in December that he will be charged for his actions that day for merely reporting live on the January 6th event.
What the Biden administration is obviously jailing Baker for is exposing the setup and perjury committed by Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and Nancy Pelosi's security detail Special Agent David Lazarus.
A manufactured narrative used to throw the Oath Keepers in prison as the Pelosi setup unravels.
The story of David Lazarus on January 6th is very simple.
His story that day is he was assisting the evacuation of the Senate at the time that the incident between Officer Harry Dunn and the Oath Keepers began.
The Oath Keepers lined up between him and the more agitated protesters and assisted him in keeping them off of him.
He had two separate FBI interviews which were in conflict with one another.
In the first FBI interview, he actually gave a favorable story about his encounter with the Four Oath Keepers.
After he was brought in for his second FBI interview, he changed that story.
He was fighting back insurrectionists across the Capitol while being called the vilest racist names.
So what they did is they brought in another officer, special agents.
David Lazarus to kind of bolster that story and give it more credibility by saying that when he arrived at the top of those stairs that he saw Dunn standing at the top of the stairs being hassled by these Oath Keepers.
At the time, the Harry Dunn Oath Keepers encounter began.
He was not in the same building.
Meanwhile, the Federal Bureau of Prisons has barred J6 prisoner Joseph Biggs, a decorated war veteran and former InfoWars reporter from legally speaking to the American public, lawyers and other sources close to Biggs.
With the FBI employing the Bureau of Prisons to essentially torture the political hostages, speaking out with a comment for publication could result in a brutal beatdown by correctional officers and Biggs return to isolation and solitary confinement.
Last October, Biggs was black box cuffed for weeks and stranded on a bus while being transferred from Philadelphia jail to prison.
A haunting journey that the government is prohibiting him from telling the world about, according to WorldNetDaily.
Jake Lang has been moved to a gang-infested federal prison in Brooklyn, New York, apparently punished for relentlessly revealing the criminal hypocrisy of the events of January 6th.
A mere smattering of hundreds of tragic stories that reflect the brutality of a tyrannical overreach by the criminals occupying the highest offices of our republic that the founders warned us about with prophetic vision.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show, folks.
I am Chase Geiser, your host this evening.
We've got a great show lined up for you over the next several hours.
At some point in the show, we're going to re-air Alex Jones' conversation with the outstanding mortician that was on the Alex Jones Show last week, and we're also going to be broadcasting the new Owen Schroer 30 Minutes podcast series that he has launched.
We joke around here with the crew that it's half as long as 60 Minutes, but twice as good with the same guest.
But until then, we'll be covering the news and we will be taking some calls at 6 Central, which is about two hours from now.
As well to hear your feedback.
It's always overwhelming to sit at this desk and look at all the headlines.
We print articles from several major outlets, starting with InfoWars, moving on to Citizen Free Press or Drudge or Gateway Pundit or others.
And I sit here with the crew and I stack them based on category and go through and pull the clips that we want to discuss or show to emphasize the points.
And it's overwhelming because it never ceases to amaze me, despite having done this countless of times now, the extent to which the leftist globalist hypocrisy is just broadcast incessantly.
Not broadcast by the likes of InfoWars who are antagonists toward this, but they brag about it with their own comments, their own clips, their own headlines.
They're bragging about this plan to destroy all national sovereignty the world over.
As if it's not something to be ashamed of.
Famously, the clip of Klaus Schwab saying, Why would you brag about that?
Why would you just exclaim as if it's some sort of accomplishment that you've taken over the cabinets of all the major world leaders in the country, that you've penetrated the cabinets, that you've put in these moles or these compromised agents or you've compromised the cabinets themselves?
Why would you brag about that and why does it go over without any sort of a blemish?
Why is it that everyone just Watches, listens, sees the headline, hears the clip, hears the audio clip and doesn't say or do anything about it.
And I know that it sounds like it's incredibly frustrating, and it is.
But I do think there is going to be a reckoning this fall on November 5th.
The 5th of November they shall never forget.
I do believe That ultimately what's going to happen is we're going to see this major outpouring of support of America First individuals coming to vote in such numbers that not even the astronomical levels of cheating that they can accomplish will be enough to stop this from happening.
There's a viral video circulating on social media perfectly encapsulating the dueling visits of the US-Mexico border in Texas Thursday by America's Democrat and Republican presidential frontrunners.
Let's go ahead and run clip 9 here in a second.
Trump outshines Biden in competing trips to border.
These types of clips are the things that are going viral, not just on X, but on every social media platform because Americans are waking up.
Let's go ahead and take a look at clip 9.
Look how stiff he is.
Isn't that a sign of dementia?
border we're gonna take care of it thank you look how stiff he is isn't that a sign of dementia that
sort of a gate it's just unbelievable
And we see that liberals are freaking out over Texas general in military uniform standing behind Trump during border visit as if it's treason to be a military officer in standing behind a former president of the United States.
During Donald Trump's visit to the U.S.
southern border this week, a man in full military uniform stood behind the Republican presidential candidate while he delivered a speech.
And we see the lefties all over the Internet just complaining and bashing and moaning.
About this treason in our republic here.
Let's run clip eight.
Because everybody I speak to says how horrible it is.
Nobody explained to me how allowing millions of people from places unknown, from countries unknown, who don't speak languages.
We have languages coming into our country.
We have nobody that even speaks those languages.
They're truly foreign languages.
Nobody speaks them.
Meanwhile, nobody seems to be complaining at all about the Biden regime waging war on the First Amendment coming after conservative journalists.
We're going to run clip three here in a second.
Conservative journalists are finding themselves the targets of oppressive lawfare tactics, evidently for exposing Joe Biden's corruption.
We've seen this with Edward Snowden.
We've seen this with Julian Assange.
We saw this with Owen Schroyer, we've seen this with countless other journalists who expose the truth about this corrupt regime, this corrupt establishment, not just Joe Biden's regime or establishment or administration, but others as well on the left and the right.
It seems like when a journalist comes out and tells the truth about the corruption that's really going on, the first thing that happens is they become harassed with lawfare.
On Friday, footage showed a blazed journalist, Steve Baker, being made to do a perp walk As he was taken into custody to face charges over his reporting involving the January 6th debacle.
all this run clip 3. There he is all cuffed up.
They just love to humiliate journalists who tell the truth.
There's no need to cuff that man.
He totally would have come peacefully.
It's just absolutely ridiculous.
Meanwhile, James Biden's testimony to U.S.
House panel conflicts with other witnesses.
So while our journalists are being arrested, while January 6th,
the volunteers who are trying to help out law enforcement on that day and
protect the property in the Capitol building are being arrested.
And their wives are miscarrying their children the next day after the SWAT
raid on their property, having been forced to stand in the cold of
a Kansas morning on February 11th of 2021.
We don't see any sort of justice coming upon the likes of Hunter Biden or others.
And I know he's under investigation.
I know there's committees looking into him.
But when has he ever spent a day in jail?
I'm sure he's been arrested at some point for a DUI or something.
But I mean, real time, real charges for the real crimes against this country.
I haven't seen any of that from the left or of the left in years with very few
examples, we're going to run clip five here in a second.
This is reported by Sputnik Washington.
Testimony provided to the U.S.
House Oversight Committee by President Joe Biden's brother James Biden is inconsistent with the testimony of other witnesses, Fox News reported, citing a House Oversight Panel aide.
On Friday, a transcript of James Biden's testimony to lawmakers was released.
Which was a part of an impeachment inquiry led by the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees.
The inquiry is rooted in allegations of foreign influence peddling and bribery by the Biden family.
Allegations which, in my humble opinion, are abundantly backed up by evidence.
Just spending a matter of an hour looking at BidenLaptopEmails.com, you can find all sorts of corruption and peddling and bribery that was going on.
In those documents, let's go ahead and run clip five.
It's a little bit of a longer clip, but I want to give you guys a little bit of a sense of what's going on here.
Fox News alert.
We just got our hands on Joe Biden's brother's deposition, and it is even more preposterous than Hunter's.
And that's a high bar.
As we reported last night, not only did Hunter admit his dad is the big guy, but he says Joe was stopping by his business meetings that he called birthday parties to eat bowls of spaghetti with his clients.
Now, Hunter doesn't call them clients.
He told congressional investigators they're really his friends.
Hunter's friends with Russians living in Moscow and the effing spy chief of China.
His words, not mine.
What kind of business are you in when your dad keeps showing up at your business meetings, though?
My dad doesn't pop into my editorial meetings at Fox and say hi to my producers.
When you take your clients out to lunch, does your dad stop by for spaghetti?
Hunter says when he's with his business partners and his dad happens to call, he puts him on speaker.
I've never done that, probably because my dad's not famous, but let's say my dad was Biden.
The reason I'm putting my dad on the phone is to impress my partners and show them what kind of easy access they can get to dad.
Biden doesn't know his cameo or his phone calls are the main course of the business dinner.
When all of these business dinners are with foreigners and you're the VP, And after the dinners and phone calls, your son takes the clients to visit the White House dozens of times?
And you fly your son around to 15 foreign countries and talk to him on the phone every day?
That's not a normal father-son relationship.
That's a father and son who are in business together.
And we're learning from Jim Biden's deposition.
When his father wasn't around, Hunter brought his uncle.
Jim Biden says Hunter took him to Hong Kong.
But it wasn't a business trip.
He was there to keep his nephew company.
But when Hunter introduced him to Patrick Ho, you know, the effing spy chief of China, Jim Biden says his spidey sense went off.
The president's brother, Jimmy, had lunch in Hong Kong with the effing spy chief of China and said they didn't discuss business.
At one point during the lunch, Ho borrowed Hunter to go to the next room and talk for a half an hour.
And Jim Biden just hung out on the veranda by himself.
Totally normal.
The Vice President flies his son to Beijing.
He comes home with millions.
And then the Vice President's brother and son are in Hong Kong with the spy chief of China.
And then Patrick Ho gets arrested and the one phone call he makes from jail is to Jim Biden.
Just a guy he had lunch with once in Hong Kong.
And the FBI has Ho's phone wire tapped and knows exactly what the Bidens are doing.
And the Bidens are doing a lot for China.
A top Chinese communist wants to move into Manhattan, so Uncle Jim gets them set up with an apartment and whisks them around town like a tour guide.
Jim says he did it out of the kindness of his heart.
This is a 74-year-old man with nothing else to do, except make the Chinese feel welcomed in New York.
Why is he rolling out the red carpet for the Chadcombs?
Because he says the guy was the protege of President Xi.
The Vice President's brother meets the next in line to the this Chinese reporting is going on criticizing the left while we see this type of reporting from Fox or others actually outlining legitimate criticisms questions or concerns regarding the behavior of the left particularly the Biden administration the Biden regime and the business dealings between Hunter and Joe All we see from the left media are racist apathets toward right-wing Americans, or so-called domestic terrorists, or just white people in general from rural communities here in the United States.
And if one thing irks me more than anything else, I hate it!
When I hear anyone, whether they're right-wing or left-wing, refer to the Midwest states as flyover states.
You hear this in New York all the time.
You hear it in California all the time, whether LA or San Francisco or Orange County.
People sit around at their bougie meals with their $50 small filet that's the size of a half dollar.
Talking about the flyover states, as if it's not the heart itself of America, as if it's not the source of all food in America, and one of our number one, if not the number one exports that the United States has left since our manufacturing was outsourced to the CCP, under the leadership of Biden and large, ever since the 70s.
And here people refer to the Midwest and rural communities as the flyover states, as if there's no reason to go there whatsoever.
You just have to fly over them to get to somewhere that really matters.
Now I grew up in Bloomington, Illinois.
I was very bored where I grew up.
I was miserable.
I was bitter about being in a small town.
But now as an adult, looking back, I realize having lived in several major cities.
I've lived in Austin, Texas.
I've lived in Nashville, Tennessee.
I've lived in Orange County, California.
I've done business in Los Angeles.
I've been all over the country, basically.
Now, having lived in several major cities for the majority of my adulthood, actually the entirety of my adulthood, I look back on the Midwest, on Bloomington, Illinois, and I realize that the Midwest is one of the last bastions of good people in this country.
I mean, these are salt of the earth, literally salt of the earth people.
They work with their hands in the ground.
They feel the soil.
They check the soil.
They actually grow crops and get up before the sun gets up and stay out after the sun goes down every single day to put food on the table.
I know there's corruption and issues with their agriculture and things.
Now we can get into the weeds with that all day long.
But, when I see this clip, possibly the most overtly racist segment ever on MSNBC, this is clip 6, we're going to run in a second.
It just reminds me of the ignorance and animosity that these bad people have for good people, simply because they are good people.
The voting public, and especially the rural voting public, should brace themselves for an avalanche of mainstream media and punditry.
Directed toward them in the months leading into the November election, on Thursday the below MSNBC segment was somewhat shocking even for the mainstream in terms of the extent a whole demographic of Americans was viciously attacked, stereotyped, and labeled as all the same.
One online commenter rightly pointed out this might be the most overtly racist thing I've seen people say on TV.
Let's go ahead and run clip 6.
Joining us now, professor of political science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Tom Schaller, and journalist and opinion writer, Paul Waldman.
Their new book out tomorrow is entitled, White Rural Rage, the Threat to American Democracy.
And Tom, we'll start with you.
Why are white rural voters a threat to democracy at this point?
You would think, as we pointed out, looking at Joe Biden's background and Donald Trump's, that the opposite would be true.
I mean, we lay out the four-fold interconnected threat that white rural voters pose to the country.
First of all, and we show 30 polls and national studies to demonstrate this.
We provide the receipts in Chapter 6.
They're the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay, geodemographic group in the country.
Second, they're the most conspiracist group.
QAnon support and subscribers, election denialism, COVID denialism and scientific skepticism, Obama birtherism.
Third, anti-democratic sentiments.
They don't believe in an independent press, free speech.
They're most likely to say the president should be able to act unilaterally without any checks from Congress or the courts or the bureaucracy.
They're also the most strongly white nationalists and white Christian nationalists.
And fourth, they are most likely to excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to Just wait until they interview the Muslim community in the United States to ask them what percentage of them think it's okay for a spontaneous explosion or a suicide bombing in the name of some political ends.
Because the Pew Research is in on that and that's even more atrocious.
So you're calling us xenophobic and you're saying we're the most violent, we're the most likely to support violence because we're white rural Americans.
When we literally have demographics pouring into this country that explicitly state in Pew Research that they're happy for suicide bombings to occur if the political end is just in their eyes.
And he says that we're the most likely to have COVID denialism the same week that the CDC comes out and says there's new COVID-19 guidance, treat it like the flu.
Now my wife went to the emergency clinic over Thanksgiving.
It wasn't like the emergency room, she went to a minute clinic.
Urgent care is the word.
And she goes in and they test her for COVID and the flu and she had the flu.
And the doctor says, good thing it was the flu and not COVID because if it was COVID then I'd have to tell you not to fly home for two weeks from Illinois to Texas.
And now, in the context of that, we see that the CDC is coming out and saying, just to treat COVID like the flu, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's CDC-updated respiratory virus guidance has been released.
And many Americans are pointing out that the agency is late to the party in telling people to treat the virus like the flu or other respiratory illnesses.
The health impact on COVID-19 positive people is similar to other respiratory viral illnesses like influenza and RSV, according to the update.
Federal government Even brags the ineffective, draconian measures thrust upon the public during the COVID pandemic are the reason the virus can now be treated like the flu.
Due to the effectiveness of protective tools and a high degree of population immunity, there are now fewer hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19, the CDC claims.
The announcement also acknowledges natural immunity as a form of protection, which it failed to do amid the height of the pandemic.
Quote, more than 98% of the U.S.
population now has some degree of protective immunity against COVID-19 from vaccination, prior infection, or both, the update states.
So, it's the epitome of gaslighting.
Now it's fine.
Now it's nothing to be concerned about.
As if it used to be.
As if it ever was.
And I was looking at the data right when this pandemic broke out.
Even the publicly available data from the CDC.
I remember I was in California when the lockdowns hit on the Ides of March in 2020.
And I'm looking at the daily death data and not even taking into consideration the fact that there were so many comorbidities associated with COVID deaths.
Not even taking into account all the other causes of death that were linked to the deaths attributed to COVID-19.
It was very clear That the volume of deaths simply wasn't enough to justify the government's response.
And I would put to you as other experts and professionals have, Brett Weinstein being among them, that the response to COVID, as you know, I'm sure this audience is aware, but for the sake of new listeners, the response to COVID was much more harmful than COVID itself, whether it was 17 million negatively impacted by side effects from COVID-19, upwards of 17 million estimated to have been killed by the vaccines, whether it was the actual virus itself,
None of that was anything compared to the amount of harm and damage that was caused, particularly to children.
At one point in time, deep into the pandemic, children were accounted for less than 1,000 of the total deaths.
And I believe the number is less than 3,000 even today, years later, four years now since the onset of this pandemic.
I believe the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 among people 18 years old or younger is less than 3,000.
I could be wrong about that.
You'd have to look it up on the CDC's website.
We can fact check that.
But it's astronomically low.
The youth was, by far and away, the safest demographic as it pertains to the dangers and risks of COVID-19.
Yet they were the most disproportionately impacted by these lockdowns, forced to wear masks every day, to the point where the research is in now that Verbal development and the ability to communicate and read facial expressions is years behind for youths who were developing that part of their brain while everyone was wearing a mask.
The fact that all of our students had to learn remotely via Zoom or Google Meetings, Google Classroom technology, has far and away damaged the youths of our nation to the point where I don't know if they're ever going to catch up, if they were ever in a good place to begin with.
And it's not just this developmental issue as well, but this ushered in an entire era of technological shift that set up our nation for perpetual subjugation by these major corporations.
I'm going to be very specific with you here because I know that's a broad statement.
Now that we see that Google is coming out with Gemini, now that we see That all of these artificial intelligence tools are coming out by these major players backed by government subsidies, government investment, government research funds.
We see that this shift that occurred during the pandemic Has put our students in a position, because of the restructuring of the infrastructure of how children are taught remotely and with Chromebooks, it's restructured our entire educational system to be vulnerable to being taught by artificial intelligence.
And I'm not inherently opposed to artificial intelligence tools being used to teach our students Or tools being used to help teachers, or tools being used by students themselves to help them with assignments.
I'm not opposed to that.
But when you have Google take a vast amount, a vast majority of the market segment of remote learning, and then they're creating this obviously woke artificial intelligence.
We saw what happened with Gemini, how racist and terrible that was with white erasure itself.
That's the tool that's being used to teach our students.
We have now arrived at this dystopian reality where artificial intelligence is teaching our children, and it's
teaching them...
to be racist.
[Intro Music]
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am Chase Geiser, your host this evening.
We're talking about Google's infiltration of artificial intelligence.
And that artificial intelligence being used to infiltrate our education system, why don't we just see from Google themselves what it is that they're doing just to prove my point.
Go ahead and run it.
Advancing education with AI.
By Google.
These days, we can all see how AI is revolutionizing the way we live, work, and imagine our future.
At Google, we've been preparing for this for quite some time.
Nearly a decade ago, we began working to develop and harness the power of AI to help everyone
gain an understanding of its potential.
We also formulated our own set of principles for applying AI responsibly.
Many of our products and services use AI to help people connect more easily with the information
they seek and with each other.
And we're helping to expedite breakthroughs in fields ranging from healthcare to communication,
where AI has the potential to improve billions of lives.
Today, AI has the power to transform education like never before.
Taking what we've learned through years of building classroom technology and working alongside educators from around the world, we're developing AI in ways that will serve as an insightful tool, a thought partner, that elevates educators as the heart and soul of the educational experience.
And supercharges productivity for educational leaders.
With AI applied in the context of our educational tools, educators can choreograph learning experiences more effectively and efficiently.
Creating lessons and presentations can take minutes instead of hours.
Dashboards can reveal real-time insights into each student's progress and even their process.
All of which gives educators more time to invest in their students and in themselves.
For students, AI can help make learning more personal, with tools that offer real-time feedback to help supplement the educator's instruction.
It can help improve reading proficiency, and if students struggle, educators can be alerted sooner of the need for personalized attention.
AI can also help unlock creativity, freeing students to reimagine the limits of what's possible.
And that's only where we are today.
Imagine a future where lessons are adaptable to each student's unique learning style.
Accessibility features enable a fully inclusive classroom and AI continues to learn and develop ways to help both students and educators realize their fullest potential.
This is the future of education.
Absolutely unbelievable.
Absolutely unbelievable.
And like I said, I'm not averse to these tools being used in education, to students using them.
If I was a kid in school, I can tell you right now that I would have been using AI to do my homework for me.
Because I wasn't frankly doing much of my homework when I was in high school because I was busy doing other things.
I was skipping school to read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand in the food court of the local crappy mall.
Eastland Mall in Bloomington, Illinois, instead of going to class because frankly class was
very boring, not compelling, not at all of interest to me.
I wanted to learn other things.
I was just that weird kid that did that sort of thing.
But the fact that we see Google using that sort of rhetoric after we've seen from Google
what its AI is capable of and designed to do is totally alarming to me.
Not only is it going to just replace teachers altogether, which isn't necessarily a bad thing given that we know that our educators are leftist, woke, critical theory, Marxist, corrupt douchebags for lack of a better term.
It's not only going to replace them, but it's going to cater the language to every single student and deal with every student's individual process.
So if you're a black student, maybe you're going to have continual examples of celebrating blackness.
And if you're a white student, maybe you'll constantly be reminded by the AI of your white privilege as you're learning how to do basic arithmetic.
These are the things that I'm terrified about, concerned about, and I think The ultimate conclusion here, the ultimate place that we've arrived as a nation, as a culture, as a civilization, as parents of students, as my children, my daughters come of age and we begin looking at schools, is that you don't have a choice but to educate your kids.
And because inflation is as bad as it is ever since we went off the gold standard since the 1970s, I understand that a single income is not enough to support a family of four in most cases.
My wife works nights.
She teaches ballet.
So I come home from work.
I watch my kids while my wife works.
Between the two of us, we're working 20 hours a day minimum.
And the point that I'm trying to make is we're not going to be in a position to Homeschool the kids!
Most Americans aren't.
That's the struggle, that's the challenge.
And so it's about what you do when you're with your kids.
And unfortunately we've arrived at an economy where the state spends more time with your kids from the age of 4 to 23, or 22, than parents do.
You drop them off at school at 8am, maybe you pick them up after their extracurricular activities at 5pm.
And then you have four or five hours with them before they go to bed.
That means that the state is spending more time raising our children every single day for decades, almost two decades of their lives.
If you go to a state school, state colleges, and even the private colleges are funded by the federal government.
So they're all state colleges.
If even if they claim that they're private and this abduction of our children, the fact that our children are raised by the state is to me, The greatest threat to our constitutional republic.
But no, that's not what you'll hear from the Democrats.
Democrat leaders triggered by President Trump's rally in Richmond, Virginia released a statement.
This is the Richmond mayor, clip 16, releasing a video statement saying that Trump is not welcome.
They're not alarmed at all about AI or education or the fact that parents can't spend any time with their kids and the state raises our children.
They love that.
But Trump isn't welcome in Richmond, according to this video from the mayor.
Let's go ahead and run it.
Yeah, so it's not really warm down there, but we're like, we're more of a support group.
Looks like it might have been the wrong clip here.
I don't know if we have clip 16.
We'll try to find it.
If not, no problem.
We'll get that state statement to you as soon as we can.
And then you have the Biden administration totally disregarding the crisis at the border.
Disregarding is probably a mischaracterization because The Democrats are now admitting there's a problem.
That was a major shift that's happened over the course of the last several years.
They're at least admitting that there's a problem at the border.
Now the lie isn't that there is no problem.
The lie is that the problem is the Republicans' fault.
So before, they're like, oh, there's no border crisis.
There's no issue.
When the Cubans were coming over, knowing that they were conservative-minded, fleeing communism, We saw many orcas come out and say, turn around, do not come to the United States.
You are not welcome here when the Cubans are coming over.
But now that every other nation can come into the United States through the southern border, they're happy to allow it to happen.
And when they're called on allowing it to happen, or they're called for the corruption that is perpetuating this invasion of our country, more people coming into the United States illegally than Russians going illegally into Ukraine, mind you.
Now that this is happening and they're forced to admit it, oh, it's the Republicans' problem and Biden is coming out, this is just a short little clip, clip 11 here, saying, I don't have the authority to do that, referring to actually doing something about the border crisis.
Let's run it and hear from him exactly what he said.
Okay, it looks like we're having an issue with this clip too.
Let's bounce back to the mayor's comment and then take it in a break.
Donald Trump is in Richmond to get out the vote for the presidential primary on Super Tuesday.
Virginia is the only state in the South that doesn't have an abortion ban or extreme restrictions since Trump-appointed judges overturned Roe v. Wade.
Since then, we have seen reproductive freedom under attack across the country.
And Trump has made clear, if elected again, he will adopt a nationwide abortion ban.
We can't let that happen.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are fighting to protect reproductive freedom.
So come out and vote in the presidential primary this Tuesday.
Well, there you have it, folks.
Now we're about ready to come to break in 30 seconds.
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More news on the other side.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, ladies and gentlemen.
I am Chase Geiser, your host this evening.
We just saw that outstanding performance.
By the mayor of Richmond, complaining about Donald Trump and how he's not welcome.
I guess they hate every time he tells the truth or every time he has a real zinger.
Trump says the quiet part out loud on the Fannie Willis, Nathan Wade relationship.
Let's go ahead and run clip 15 of President Trump spending his Saturday stumping and holding massive rallies in North Carolina and Virginia.
After delivering remarks at a rally in Greensboro, Trump touched down in Virginia for a get-out-the-vote rally in Richmond.
This is what he said about Fannie Willis.
I was indicted by Fannie in Georgia.
How did that work out?
And her lover, Nathan Wade.
And they hired him for almost a million dollars because of his great, great experience.
Of course, he didn't have any experience.
He had experience in something else.
You know that.
A lot of experience.
And at that, I'm quite sure he was very good, based on the fact that she called him 2,000 times.
I didn't know the gentleman!
I didn't know him.
Oh, you have 2,000 phone calls, 3,500 text messages.
How is it possible?
In a short... I know a lot of people.
We like a lot of people.
I happen to have a very good relationship with a woman called Melania.
But I would venture to say in all the years that I've known her, I might not have called her 2005.
I know I didn't send 3,500 text messages.
That is an insane amount of communication.
I think I've only sent like 10,000 tweets total on my Twitter account.
I tweet all the time.
I can't imagine texting someone that much.
Usually that's a red flag, if you're having that much text exchange with somebody.
I know that as a man, the more you text, the less lucrative that can become for you.
So that's just fascinating.
That's a good point, I hadn't thought of that.
But while Trump is killing it in Virginia, there's a couple of great clips here
regarding the Nikki Haley campaign that I wanna show you.
First I wanna show you clip 10, which is the Nikki Haley billboard,
which says we need Hickey, excuse me, we need Hickey. (laughs)
We need Nikki Haley on it, being booed while driving past the line
for the Trump rally in Richmond, Virginia.
Let's run clip 10.
What do you think's in that trailer?
Just a bunch of dead bodies.
What a surprise!
Neocon Nikki Rose back on pledge to endorse Trump.
Could stay in the race until July.
We're going to run clip 12 in a second here.
So the Republicans pledge to support whichever candidate wins the primary.
That's part of the deal.
Now she's backpedaling on even that, which to me is just asinine.
I mean, we know from other reports here, and I have it in the stack.
I'm not going to be able to find it.
Yeah, here I could find it.
It's a miracle.
Before we run clip 12.
Poll finds nearly half of Nikki Haley's primary support comes from Joe Biden voters.
But Nikki vows to stay in and trash Trump for several more weeks for her donors.
So we know that all of her support is coming from the Democrats.
Now she's saying she's not going to support Trump even if he wins the primary.
Let's run clip 12 here and see what she has to say.
Do you think Donald Trump would follow the Constitution if he were elected to a second term?
I don't know.
I don't, I don't know.
I mean, you always want to think someone will, but I don't know.
You know, when you, when you go in and you talk about revenge, when you go and you talk about revenge, when you go and you talk about what does that mean?
Like, I don't know what that means.
And only he can answer for that.
What I can answer for is I don't think there should ever be a president that's above the law.
I don't think that there should ever be a president that has total immunity to do whatever they want to do.
I think that we need to have someone that our kids can look up to, that they can be proud of.
And I think we need to have a country of law and order, a country of freedom, and a country that goes back to respecting the value of a taxpayer dollar.
And we don't have any of that right now.
Didn't she make her husband stop going by his first name William and start going by his middle name Michael and then proceed to have an affair with a staffer named William?
What happened in 2006?
I don't know if I have that right, but this woman, man, I don't even know what to say.
And I remember how popular she was.
I saw her at some Republican ball back when I lived in Nashville, Tennessee, and she was fine.
But this is just neocon stuff.
Half of her campaign ads have been an ad for World War III.
And I don't mean to put the crew on the spot here, but when I was at the movies last night, I went to see Dune Part II with Harrison Smith and his wife and a buddy of mine.
And during the trailers, they ran, I think it was an Army ad, it could have been a Navy ad or an Air Force ad, I can't tell the difference.
But in this ad, they changed the slogan.
I would love to run this ad if we could find it.
They said at the end, the stinger was, the next greatest generation.
First of all, Next greatest generation could mean like the second best generation on one interpretation.
Second of all, there's only one greatest generation.
So the next greatest generation is just the greatest generation.
The old greatest generation isn't greatest anymore.
But third of all, I'm thinking to myself, Jesus, the first greatest generation was the World War II vets.
So, are they saying, is this a World War 3 ad?
Like, if it's the next greatest generation, does that mean that World War 3 is the next war?
Running this ad, it blows my mind.
Half of Nikki Haley's ads, despite whatever the army or the military is doing in terms of recruiting ads, are World War 3 ads.
She's talking about Iran, and Russia, and China, all in one sort of vomited 30 second spew, and It's a World War 3 ad.
She's a neocon.
She is a warmonger.
And I'm not opposed to war when war is necessary.
Sometimes war is absolutely the right call.
Can't think of the last time that it was.
I'm on the fence about World War 2.
Whether or not Pearl Harbor was an inside job and we should have gotten involved at all.
I don't know.
Obviously there was a lot of evil that went on that ended when the war ended.
I don't know whether or not the United States had a moral or philosophical or legitimate position or argument for getting into that war.
I don't know if Pearl Harbor was set up to get us into the war that we wanted to get in for other reasons.
I don't know if Japan actually had a reasonable excuse for attacking us because of what we were doing by cutting off their oil.
I don't know.
I don't know enough about it.
I'm just going to tell you.
Maybe that was a justified war.
But since then, I have a very hard time thinking of any legitimate war that was just.
Like, okay, we're going to have to duke this out.
But then we have, from the left, Jill Biden saying that Donald Trump is dangerous to women.
So we've got Nikki Haley literally advocating for World War III as if that's not dangerous for women.
You know how many women are raped or murdered or abused in world wars?
But Donald Trump's the real threat to women.
Let's go ahead and run clip 14 of what Jill Biden had to say.
But Donald Trump?
He spent a lifetime tearing us down and devaluing our existence.
He mocks women's bodies, disrespects our accomplishments, and brags about assault.
Now he's bragging about killing Roe v. Wade.
That's what he sounds like to me.
He looks like a bird.
Bro, I put out a bird feeder last week.
Jill Biden showed up and just started nibbling.
a way to raise women to make their own health care decisions.
How far will he go?
When will he stop?
Bro I put out a bird feeder last week.
Jill Biden showed up and just started nibbling.
He won't.
He said it himself last night.
Nikki Haley right next to her.
He's considering a national abortion ban.
Donald Trump is dead.
Alright, let's go ahead and run the army recruitment, military recruitment ad that I was talking about.
Just so you guys can see this.
Look at this thing around the end.
We get how uncertain the future is.
We've come of age in a complex world.
Face to face with problems we didn't create.
So what's gonna happen next?
We are.
Because our future is the future.
The life we have chosen has prepared us for this.
So we're going to build bridges and hospitals in a day.
We're gonna save families from disasters.
And feed those left in the cold.
We're going to do all this and more because we have an appointment with destiny.
We invite you to join us.
The next greatest generation... The next greatest generation!
There you go, Army National Guard.
There you go.
Alright, folks.
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Putin has made it clear in several interviews that he is well aware of how
presidents come and go, and U.S.
policy never changes.
Do you know why?
Because the power of bureaucracy is very strong.
A person is elected, he comes with some ideas, people come to him with cases, well-dressed, and in dark suits, like mine, but not with a red tie, but with a black one, or with a dark blue one, and they begin to explain how to do it.
And everything immediately changes, you see?
And this happens from one administration to another.
Putin is well aware that it is the CIA who directs US policy, and it is the intelligence agencies of NATO countries who have been covertly instigating war with Russia for decades.
In the Tucker Carlson interview at the Kremlin, President Putin seemed to be speaking directly to the CIA, twice playfully hinting that Tucker is a representative of the intelligence organization.
With the backing of whom?
With the backing of CIA, of course.
The organization you wanted to join back in the day, as I understand.
We should thank God they didn't let you in.
Although, it is a serious organization.
I understand.
Who blew up Nord Stream?
You, for sure.
I was busy that day.
I did not blow up Nord Stream.
Thank you though.
You personally may have an alibi, but the CIA has no such alibi.
And the CIA responded to Putin via their New York Times media outlet in the recent article, The Spy War, How the CIA Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin.
The article admits that the CIA, operating through three different presidential administrations, has transformed the Ukraine into Washington's most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin.
They have secretly trained and equipped Ukrainian intelligence officers over the past decade and constructed a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border used to launch cross-border attacks on Russian territory.
This means the CIA is responsible for the attacks on oil refineries and energy infrastructure.
The article describes secret underground command centers established near the Russian border, financed and equipped by the CIA.
A CIA program called Operation Goldfish enabled Ukrainians to hack into Russian military networks, break into satellites, and decode secret conversations.
Two years after the 2014 Western-backed coup in Ukraine, the CIA set up training programs for an elite Ukrainian commando force known as Unit 2245.
The CIA trained Ukrainian spies who operate inside of Russia, across Europe, and in other places where Russia operates.
The article points out that this operation may have been hidden from Trump.
While Trump's rhetoric was friendly to Russia, his administration of anti-Russia war hawks, such as Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, kept Western aggression moving forward, which is what Putin has been pointing out for years.
Presidents come and go, and the policy never changes.
The article says nothing about the several bioweapons labs that the US admitted to having along Russia's border.
Some of these labs were seized by the Russian Federation, who say they are preparing to release a report on them, but have so far remained silent.
Putin has made it clear that Russia's actions in Ukraine was in response to decades of hostile US-NATO military expansion on Russian borders.
And the CIA is now admitting this to be true.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, folks.
I am Chase Geyser, your host this evening.
We're taking calls in about an hour and then showing some great reports, some great interviews between Alex Jones himself and Richard Hirschman, the renowned embalmer, as well as the new 30 Minutes episode from Owen Schreuer interviewing the same great, fascinating guest.
And one thing that really struck me about this guest in particular that we're going to show you in an hour and a half or so is Look at how earnest and composed he was.
I really thought that he just hit it home.
Unlike others, who seem totally unhinged.
Got this new report here from the Gateway Pundit.
Two sides of the same extremist coin!
We're going to run clip 13 in a second.
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak equates Islamist extremists to the far right.
Well, at least he's anti-Islamic extremists.
UK Prime Minister delivered a speech this week comparing the Islamic extremists to the far right.
This is where we are in London.
Let's go ahead and run it and see what he had to say.
Islamist extremists and the far right feed off and embolden each other.
They are equally desperate to pretend that their violence is somehow justified, when actually these groups are two sides of the same extremist coin.
Neither group accept that change in our country can only come through the peaceful democratic process.
Both loathe the pluralist modern country we are.
Both want to set Britain against Britain to weaponize the evils of anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred for their own ends.
The faith of Islam, peacefully practiced by millions of our fellow citizens, is emphatically not the same thing as the extremist political ideology of Islamism, which aims to separate Muslims from the rest of society.
Islamist extremists and far-right groups are spreading a poison.
That poison is extremism.
It aims to drain us of our confidence in ourselves as a people and in our shared future.
They want us to doubt ourselves, to doubt each other, to doubt our country's history and achievements.
They want us to accept a moral equivalence between Britain and some of the most despicable regimes in the world.
They want us to believe that our country, and the West more generally, is solely responsible for the world's ills, and that we, along with our allies, are the problem.
In short, they want to destroy our confidence and hope.
We must not allow that to happen.
When these groups claim that Britain is and has been on the wrong side of history, we should reject it and reject it again.
It looks kind of like Muslim Milo, doesn't it?
Where do I begin with that?
I mean, do I really have to explain how right-wing extremism and radical Islamic extremism are different?
And how do I explain how they're different?
Without seemingly endorsing right-wing extremism.
Because I'm not.
Well, maybe I am.
What does it mean to be right-wing extremist?
What does it really mean?
I mean, when you say right-wing extremist, automatically has connotations of the Third Reich, which I'm absolutely opposed to.
I'm opposed to fascism.
I'm opposed to the eradication of a people or the antagonism of a people simply because of their race.
Or other immutable characteristics.
But right-wing extremism, it's just this broad-stroke criticism that we constantly hear from the left to alienate and villainize good people who love their own country and their own culture.
I would never advocate for Western culture to invade Iran and ruin their existing culture.
They should have a right to be what they are.
But shouldn't London have a right to be what it is?
And England have a right to be what it is?
Shouldn't the United States of America have a right to be what it is?
But when we look at right-wing extremism, whatever that means, and we compare it to radical extremist Islam, They're diametrically different, diametrically opposed, if not themselves opposites of sorts.
But maybe this is what he's talking about.
Maybe he's talking about this clip from Italy from just a few weeks ago.
As these migrants flood into these countries in Europe, we are seeing a rise in right-wing extremism.
Let's see what happened in Italy just a few weeks ago.
Hundreds performed the fascist salute.
So it was a ceremony in Rome commemorating the death of three teenagers killed in political violence.
Keep rolling it.
I know it's a short clip.
And the host or moderator of the event basically shouts out for our fallen comrades or something like that.
Everyone shouts, present, and gives the salute.
That salute is illegal in Italy.
These hundreds of people lined up don't seem to mind.
The Italian flag proudly being waved there.
So, if you hate right-wing extremism, if you hate fascism so much, then why do all of your policies...
Exacerbate this problem because the more you allow your country to be invaded by foreigners who refuse to assimilate to the established culture.
I'm not talking about immigrants, I'm talking about migrants.
People who come here not to be us, or go to Italy not to be Italian, or go to England not to be English, but they just migrate there so they go to England to remain Gaza or Palestinian or they go to the United States to remain Mexican or German or Chinese.
Or they go to Italy to remain Nigerian and not assimilate.
Then you're going to create a bitterness among the local population and it's not just because of things like Guatemalan illegals arrested for raping 11 year old girl at her home in Utah.
Or the Biden co-chair downplaying Riley Death, saying that the issue is not that migrants committed crimes.
Or the fact that in the United States, illegal aliens will get interest-free home loans under new Democratic California bill.
It's not just stuff like that.
It's when you go into a neighborhood and you can't recognize anything about it.
It's when you perpetually struggle because of the corruption of your own government, because of the inflation of its policies, where it taxes you by printing money without even voting on it, without even taking money out of your account, where it perpetually screws you over, and then you hear about benefit after benefit, for migrant after migrant, when you hear that Americans are put last over and over again, when our government protects every single nation's border except the border of our own nation!
You're gonna create fascists!
And I don't like fascism as much as anybody else hates fascism, but damn is it hard not to be a right-wing extremist when all of the leftism that we've seen over the last several years has perpetuated the struggling of me, my friends, and my family!
When you worry at night about whether or not you're going to be able to save enough for a mortgage, or whether you're going to be able to make your mortgage payment, and you hear that foreigners are being given interest-free loans!
When you're forced to send your kids to public schools, and you hear that foreigners are now allowed to be on the school board, or lead the election commission, there's more news like that coming out as well!
When you go into the grocery store and you come out with less than is on your list, but you see that $10,000 is just given to any migrant in New York City.
It gets set up.
When you can barely pay your own cell phone bill and they're giving cell phones.
When you can barely pay your own rent and they're giving apartments.
I mean, how many times do we have to get screwed by this issue before we're a right-wing extremist nation?
I'm coming out with a book in a couple of months called The Rise of American Populism, a handbook for right-wing extremism.
I tell you what, putting that book together, it was an alarming experience.
When you really look in and list all the things that our political class has done over the last several years, not just the last 50 years, but over the last several years, perpetually selling out our interests.
To those of foreign nations, foreign nationals coming to this country, just being let right in.
Crime after crime.
You want to stop right-wing extremism?
Then start putting your own citizens first.
If you're the Italian government, have an Italy-first policy.
If you're the English government, have a Britain-first policy.
If you're the US government, have an America-first policy.
If you're the Mexican government, have a Mexico-first policy.
This is the path to peace.
This is how you fight extremism.
This is how you keep people from Flying the Nazi salute in their own countries because Nazism was an overcompensation for the sacrifice of a nation for the interests of foreign powers.
After the unjust nature of the Treaty of Versailles, fascism arose.
And the Nazis came into power just four years after the collapse of the stock market in 1929.
In 1933, they came into power and they pointed the finger at the wrong culprit and they did all sorts of atrocities.
Whether you believe in the Holocaust or not, you cannot endorse the Nazi Party and its actions.
It was absolutely corrupt and evil and violent and vicious and literally invasive.
So I'm not going to sit here and excuse the actions of the Nazis.
Well, I can explain them.
And I'm telling you, when a government betrays its people for long enough, and those people suffer enough, they become radicalized.
And they become organized.
And when they do, it is hell to pay for basically everyone eventually.
So you want to stop right-wing extremism, then maybe don't sacrifice an entire nation to some political class, regardless of whose political class it is, or to globalism itself, and don't do it in such an insulting way as to be headed by someone who can't even determine which country is which, or what his own name is, or what his own job is.
I mean, look at this.
Clip 2.
Biden confuses Ukraine with Gaza.
In aid announcement, US President Joe Biden made a major verbal gap while announcing Washington's plans to carry out a first military airdrop of vital supplies into Gaza on Friday, confusing the Palestinian enclave with Ukraine.
Run clip two.
Terrible war, unable to feed their families, and you saw the response when they tried to get aid.
And we need to do more, and the United States will do more.
In the coming days, we're going to join with our friends in Jordan and others in providing airdrops of additional food and supplies into Ukraine and seek to continue to open up other avenues into Ukraine, including the possibility of a Marine Corridor to deliver large amounts of humanitarian assistance.
In addition to expanding deliveries by land, as I said, we're going to We're going to insist that Israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need.
No excuses, because the truth is, aid flowing to Gaza is nowhere nearly enough.
Yeah, so we're going to fund the destruction of the territory and then we're going to fund the aid of that territory and then we're going to skim the money that we give in aid and weapons off the top so that it goes right back into our pockets.
I mean, we have a history, a major serious history, funding both sides of conflicts and just reaping the benefits.
And it's not just to protect the status of the dollar as the global reserve currency.
That's probably the number one reason.
Sometimes we just get involved in these conflicts because there's so much money to be made.
And that's just the sort of thing that creates enemies for our allies and ourselves.
There's a reason the world hates us.
Some of them are unjust reasons, some of them are just reasons.
The world hates us though, because we're constantly involved in this interventionist policing
of the world, this policy of war after war, of political conflict after political conflict,
for decade after decade, of sanction after sanction, of abuse of power, of abuse of currency,
of abuse of trade, of abuse of military, for year after year.
And then we wonder, why is it that everybody hates us so much?
Why is it that when we go to any nation as just American citizens visiting, whether we're
tourists or they're on business or for anything else, there are these stereotypes about how
atrocious Americans are, some of them true.
Well, this is why.
Because we're always in everyone else's business, and we're always snooping on our own people
and in our own business.
And how many times are we going to allow this to happen before right-wing extremism prevails?
Outrageous abuse of power.
This is from the Gateway Pundit.
Biden accused of illegally using taxpayer funds to help his 2024 campaign with new student voter scheme.
How many more headlines do we have to hear like this before we wake up?
How many more policies or programs or departments have to be created by our government before we realize that all of this is just a power laundering scheme where you do things like erase the debt of a massive swath of student voters or previous student voters Just so that you can buy their votes.
There's nothing that the Democrats do that's actually designed to help anyone or support anyone in a legitimate way.
All of their schemes, all of their policies, departments, and programs are designed to garner more votes for them at the expense of the taxpayer.
And they gave Romney so much crap for saying that only 47% of Americans pay income tax.
As if that was racist.
But it was true, wasn't it, when he said it?
Isn't it true that less than half of Americans pay all the taxes?
And I guarantee that over half of those taxes go to either foreign interests or the aid of those who don't pay into the system.
Even with the student loans that have been washed out.
My neighbor, he's got student loan debt and none of it was forgiven.
Because he makes too much money.
Or he made too much money.
So, they take From one section of America, give to the other, and then they act like the whole reason they're doing it is because they want to help out so much, but we know that's not true, otherwise it wouldn't be bombing every nation in the world.
The only reason they're doing it is because they're trying to buy political favor among major demographics in our country, so they can buy the votes with our tax dollars.
So they're taking taxes from you and me and others, and they're using the taxes they steal from us in order to buy the votes of the people that we are voting against.
This is why income tax never should have been legalized in the first place.
We know that it was used during the Civil War.
The Supreme Court ruled that income tax was illegal.
So what did they do?
Oh, they just amended the Constitution.
How is it that they were able to amend the Constitution to legalize income tax in this country?
What state, in its right mind, would have enough political support to support an amendment to the Constitution that would allow for the creation of an income tax?
There's no way!
Back in 1913 or whatever year it was, the Income Tax Amendment passed, that they would have had the support to do that.
Do you think that the culture in the United States of America, in the first half of the 20th century, in the first decade of the 20th century, was going to be all excited about an income tax?
I mean, we just got out of a major civil war over slavery.
Do you think any of the southern states would have just been happy to ratify an income tax to the union government that they fought a brutal war against just 30 or 40 years earlier?
I think that might have been perhaps one of the greatest scams in terms of stolen elections or stolen votes in the history of our country.
I find it very hard to believe that they were able to legally, in a legitimate way, in a legitimate electoral process, ratify an amendment to the Constitution that would have allowed for an income tax to a federal government that half the country had just been at war with and hated still.
I tell you what, there's a few things that I hate more than income tax.
in this country. I mean think about it, one out of every four hours that you work, one out of every
four days of your life is given directly to the federal government. You're telling me slavery is
illegal in this country? Oh it's just part-time slavery so technically it's not a violation of
the 13th amendment. Please! It's not slavery because you can choose what your job is,
but if everything you own or if 25 percent of everything you own goes to the government,
how is that not slavery?
If I have to pay property tax on my home, then how can you say that I own my home if I have to pay rent in order to own it?
Otherwise the government's going to put a lien on it and seize it and sell it.
This is not a free country anymore.
And you're wondering why right-wing extremism is coming about?
Yeah, maybe it's because you've been screwing me, and my family, and my people, and my culture, and insulting all of the above for a hundred years!
And then when there's a war, you draft us all to go fight and die in it!
Come to find out, years later, in retrospect, the whole reason the war started was a lie!
Whether it was Vietnam, whether it was Korea, whether it was World War II, whether it was 9-11, and Iraq, and Afghanistan, and the hundreds of thousands of civilians that were killed!
And don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna sit up here and pretend on InfoWars while we broadcast to millions of listeners.
I'm not gonna sit up here and pretend that I have a particular affectionate place in my heart for civilians of other nations.
I care about them to the extent that anybody cares about any other human being, which, frankly, isn't that much.
But it doesn't mean that I want to fund their murder or their massacre.
It doesn't mean that I want my sons and daughters to go fight in wars over there to perpetuate this massacre to create enemies for my people and my culture here.
I love the West.
I love Christianity.
I love capitalism.
And most of all, I love freedom and the truth and free speech.
That's where my heart is.
So when I'm complaining about the death of civilians anywhere else in the world, it's not because I'm just this humanitarian person.
It's because I don't want the entire world to hate my country and then therefore be determined to destroy my way of life, because I love the way of life.
I love the freedom, which we so easily seem to have forgotten in this country.
They want to fight right-wing extremism.
You want to fight right-wing extremism?
Don't give right-wing extremists an excuse to hate you.
I used to be just a regular old Republican.
Whoever was on the ticket, boom boom boom, no problem, yeah.
I like lower taxes, easier things, Christian values.
I used to just be sort of this neocon, Ski Haley, speech going, young Republican guy.
I'm in student government because I like Republican ideas.
This naive, conservative young man.
Now, I'm radicalized.
Now I am an extremist.
I don't call for violence.
I'm not that type of an extremist.
I'm not a terrorist.
But I tell you what, I have been baptized by the fire of leftist globalism, of leftist corruption, and I am radicalized.
And it's not because I'm nuts.
It's because of the abuse of power that has been perpetuated by this establishment, by this political class for decades, which is culminating in a climax right now before our eyes when they imprison all of our protesters.
When they try to get the most popular candidate off the ballot in several states, when they throw elections, when they do everything they can to silence me and abuse me and steal from me, of course I'm going to be radicalized!
What kind of a sane person would I be if I wasn't an extremist?
Radical problems call for radical solutions, folks!
And they're acting like it's because we're nuts, or hateful, or bigoted, or racist?
We're none of those things!
We're sick of being abused time and time again, and we're not gonna fall for your Stockholm Syndrome crap!
I'm done!
I am so done playing games.
Jones had a great segment last week.
He said, oh, the devil is real.
The devil's as real as it gets.
And I'm not going to play games with these people anymore.
And I don't know what else to do.
I'm trying to raise awareness.
I don't know what else we can do.
The best you can do is go to InfoWarsStore.com for the reason that we're still on the air.
Share these clips, share these broadcasts everywhere that you can.
Go to at Real Alex Jones on Twitter and put some money in the Alex Jones's right tip jar at the top of the profile.
But if you can't afford to do that, and I don't blame you because I'm broke too, if you can't afford to do that, Then at least share the broadcast.
If you wish that you could give 50 bucks, but you can't, then share 50 different clips, 50 different times over the next 25 days.
Two clips a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and that will be enough.
The best you can is good enough.
But raise awareness, spread the word.
The truth resonates with those who seek it and all good people must be met with the truth because they will see it and they will share it and they will perpetuate it.
And an awakening is enough to take back power in this country.
We don't need violence.
We don't need terrorism.
We don't need to break the law or to abuse anything or anyone.
We just need to wake up.
Visit InfoHorseStore.com, get what you can, get Turbo Force Plus, my favorite product.
Be the reason that we're still on the air and stick with us folks for more news on the
other side.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
The crew just put this new story on my desk.
I was about ready to calm down.
Watch Attorney General Garland vows to shut down voter ID election integrity laws.
We'll run around this clip in a second.
Joe Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland vowed Sunday to shut down efforts to bolster election integrity, including voter ID and mail-in ballot restrictions.
Let's run and see what he had to say.
Communist cuck.
The right to vote is still under attack.
And that is why the Justice Department is fighting back.
That is why one of the first things I did when I came into office was to double the size of the voting section of the Civil Rights Division.
That is why we are challenging efforts by states and jurisdictions to implement discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot, including those related to mail-in voting, use of drop boxes, and voter ID requirements.
That is why we are working to block the adoption of discriminatory redistricting plans that dilute the vote of black voters and other voters of color.
I tell you what, Toesucker, why aren't you doing something about school children sucking toes in school?
I saw this clip on Jones's ex-account, at RealAlexJones, and it blew my mind.
I said I would be in an orange jumpsuit if somebody coerced my kid into doing this.
Jones replied, me too.
Check this out, clip four.
This is 25 seconds of kids, and they're censored out.
This is disturbing.
So, I'm just going to warn the audience this is disturbing.
Sucking toes of teachers.
Little kids.
They're on their bellies, in a gymnasium, kissing the feet and sucking the toes of their teacher.
He is devouring them!
For a fundraiser, and it's being celebrated.
It's the most disturbing, sickening thing I have ever seen on the internet, aside from people exploding and being beheaded by terrorists.
Why isn't Garland coming out and saying anything about that?
Why aren't these teachers being arrested?
Can you imagine if some teacher or babysitter or administrator had your kids sucking on their toes and bragged about it and celebrated it as part of some sort of school fundraiser?
But oh, we have a major problem in this country according to Garland.
With voter restrictions, that's a major issue.
Or right-wing extremism is a major issue.
I think the toe-sucking schools is a bigger issue than voter restrictions.
Don't you think that maybe this is child abuse?
If this happened to my kid, I would be in a jumpsuit.
You'd see my face in a jumpsuit.
On the news.
InfoWars host arrested.
I'm not going to say anything more explicit.
That could get me into trouble.
But that is a major, disgusting problem.
I hate to even look at it.
It's one of those things you have to look at it so that you're aware and so that you know what's going on, but it makes you sick to your stomach to even see this.
Video of foot licking at Oklahoma school sparks anger.
Keep it on the screen.
I'm going to read a little bit of this.
Footage showing students at an Oklahoma high school licking toes as part of a charity fundraiser Thursday.
This is Thursday.
It's gone viral on social media.
The incident took place at the Deer Creek High School in Edmond as part of an assembly called the Clash of Classes.
That students paid to attend.
So not only are they making your kids suck their toes, but they're making your kids pay to do it!
The event was held to raise money for Not Your Average Joe, a coffee shop in Oklahoma City that employs people with physical or mental disabilities.
Oh, now it's starting to make sense.
In a statement, the Deer Creek School District said all those who took part were volunteers and added that the high school raised $152,000 over a week of fundraising for the coffee shop.
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters branded the event disgusting and said there would be an investigation.
Yeah, because that's pedophilia.
You're having kids pay to perform a sexual act or a sexualized act on teachers.
What teacher would participate?
I can't imagine if I was going to show up at a fundraiser for a local coffee shop that helped retards get jobs.
I can't imagine if I was sitting there and everybody started taking their shoes and socks off, letting someone else's kid...
Let alone my own kid, never!
My own kid, never someone else, no kid at all!
But just some other random kid, suck on my toes?
Are you kidding me?
Who allows that to happen and thinks that's okay?
It's not a lapse of judgment, it's indicative of a deep sickness!
But right-wing extremism is the problem.
Oh, but voter ID laws are the problem.
Voter restriction is the problem.
We should have AI teaching our students.
Yeah, teaching our students that sucking toes is okay.
What does Gemini have to say about that?
Absolutely, absolutely unbelievable.
Speaking of Gemini and diversity, equity, and inclusion, let's take a look at this new report.
a huge win for DeSantis, University of Florida fires all diversity, equity and inclusion
Example of somebody who is a much better governor than candidate.
Following a mandate by the Florida Board of Governors, the University of Florida has fired
all DEI, that's diversity, equity and inclusion staff effective immediately.
To comply with the Florida Board of Governors regulation 9.016 on prohibited expenditures,
the University of Florida has closed the office of the chief diversity officer, eliminated
DEI positions and administrative appointments and halted DEI focused contracts with outside
Here is a statement from the provost, Jay Scott Engel.
Quote, under the direction of UF Human Resources, university employees whose positions were eliminated will receive UF Standard 12 weeks of pay.
That is outstanding news.
And I hope that it happens everywhere, because as long as teachers are getting their toes sucked by students, something radical needs to be changed.
I'm telling you, like I said before in the last segment, radical problems require radical solutions.
Extreme problems require extremist solutions.
Fire them all!
Eliminate the positions!
Do everything within our power to ensure that no leftist occupies the halls of power in any form from local to federal to state at all, ever.
You want a one-party state?
Let's give them a one-party state.
Let's give them an America First Party.
Let's revamp, rework, entirely change and morph the entire Republican Party So that it's an America First Party, a MAGA party, not about Trump, transcends Trump itself, because one day Trump's going to be gone, and this mission is going to be incomplete.
Let's make the Republican Party the MAGA party.
Let's embrace MAGA Republicans.
Let's embrace MAGA Republicanism.
Let's embrace right-wing extremism, fanaticism, radicalism.
All while following the law, no violence, no criminality, but let's have extreme solutions to these extreme problems, because sitting around For the last 50 years, especially the last 10 years, doesn't seem to have been working.
Every time we concede or try to throw a bone to the left, expecting some sort of reciprocity on the next issue down the road, it never seems to actually happen.
So let's stop throwing bones and let's start throwing stones.
It's time.
It's time for us to stop throwing bones and start throwing stones.
Fire all of these people.
Eradicate all of these people from the halls of power.
They can go and work somewhere else.
They can go and get elected in some other country for all I care.
But we should never, ever be electing them in any capacity whatsoever.
It's so funny too because I was driving the other day and I'm always nervous when I drive because I don't register my car.
I'd rather pay the ticket than pay for the registration fee and spend four hours at the DMV.
It's a total waste of time and money.
It doesn't make any logical sense for me to register my vehicle.
So my vehicle hasn't been registered since 2019 and I haven't gotten in trouble for it so far.
I think it's because I have California plates and I live in Texas and the Texas cops just aren't accustomed to seeing California plates so they can't see that the year is like 2019 on them.
So I'm sitting behind this cop thinking about how I'm going to handle when the light turns green so that I don't go in front of the cop and the cop doesn't see my registration.
APDrecruiting.org or APrecruiting.org, one of those.
Austin Police Department recruiting.
And it's just so funny to me because wasn't it just a handful of years ago or months ago when they were defunding the police?
And now they're desperately trying to recruit but nobody wants to do the job.
Because these leftist policies are designed to eradicate our country, our culture, our way of life, our way of thinking, our approach to the prosperity of humanity itself from the face of the earth.
Stick with us, folks.
More news on the other side and then your calls.
Visit Infowarsstore.com to be the reason that we are still on the air.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show folks.
I am Chase Geiser, your host this evening.
We are going to be taking calls in a few minutes, so I want to encourage everyone in the listening audience or the viewing audience to call in 877-789-2539.
Again, that's 877-789-2539.
I'm going to give the crew a chance to screen some of those calls, and then we'll start taking them right at the top of the hour.
The sooner you call, the more likely I am to get to you.
We'll be doing calls for Almost 30 minutes straight.
We'll have one one-minute break in there, but pretty much 30 minutes straight at the top of the hour.
And then getting into some awesome interviews with Alex Jones, Owen Schroer, and renowned embalmer known as Richard Hirschman.
Absolutely outstanding performance on the Alex Jones Show this week.
And what I expect to be an outstanding interview with Owen Schroer on Owen Schroer's new podcast called 30 Minutes.
Half as long, twice as good as 60 Minutes.
In the meantime, let's get into some other news.
Canadian head of pathogens collaborated with CHICOM military at Winnipeg by-law and Trudeau covered it up.
Documents released this week exposed the reason behind the suspicious firing of Canada's top pathogens researcher back in 2019 as they revealed the government scientist had close ties with the Chinese military.
The son of Castro happens to have associations with the Communist Party.
Who ever would have thought?
Meanwhile, the CCP orders the destruction of all COVID data nationwide.
Chinese government has demanded a nationwide purge of all COVID-19 data within its healthcare system, according to reports.
A source from Changsha, Hunan, who goes by Mr. Chen, more Chens in a Chinese phone book, So all the epic, epic times that a connection who holds a high rank at a local hospital disclosed that information to him.
He told me directly the government is instructing health departments across the country to eradicate all COVID-19 related data, including information on the entire epidemic prevention process and vaccination records.
Must obliterate all data without leaving a trace and computer records must be deleted entirely, said Mr. Chen.
Very interesting that the nation likely behind this biolab leak funded by the United States with illegal gain-of-function research is deleting all of its data.
Remember when it came out in September 2019?
Maybe you guys don't even know this.
In September 2019, the Wuhan Institute put out a contract bid for a whole entire new ventilation system at their facilities.
And that kind of disappeared out of nowhere after the rumors circulated that COVID-19 might have started at the Wuhan lab.
You remember that?
Now they're deleting all the data relating to all of this.
That's why you can never trust anything from the CCP.
I hate it when I see leftist site data provided by the CCP, whether it's pandemic related or not.
You think they actually tell us how much gold they're buying?
You think they actually tell us how their different industries are performing, how their taxes are, what their population data is?
Do you think the data that we get from the CCP is accurate whatsoever?
You're going to use that as a source to cite for the argument you're trying to make against right-wing extremism or anybody that's anti-CCP or anti these policies of globalism?
It's no surprise.
The most challenging thing for me is to differentiate between those who tell the lies and those who believe the lies.
It's so easy to hate those who believe the lies, but it's not their fault.
The hard part is determining whether or not somebody is a liar or just someone who bought it, who fell for the con, who is a victim of the lies.
But what's bizarre to me As I think about this, the extent to which this political climate has succeeded in alienating Americans from one another.
And maybe some of the callers will have experiences like this.
I would be interested to hear from some of the callers.
How many of you have lost relationships with friends and family, some relationships going back years or even decades, because of your political persuasion, because you're an Alex Jones listener, because you're an InfoWarrior, because you shared the wrong link to the wrong video at the wrong time?
How many of you have heard from friends and family that they no longer want to speak to you because they think you've gone off the deep end?
I bet it's a number of you, if not even all of you, perhaps, have.
I know that I've had this experience.
And I think that's the difference between the right and the left in this country, between those who are open-minded and those who are closed-minded in this country, is the audacity to eradicate someone from your life because of their political persuasion is something that we see disproportionately represented from the left.
They are so certain of their self-righteousness, they are so certain of their divinely inspired information and knowledge given to them by the God that is the state, That they're willing to eliminate anyone that isn't a part of their cult or their religion, basically calling us infidels, friends that go back decades, friends that we've had amazing experiences with, hard times, good times, confided in, just done, done with you, done with you because you've gone off the deep end.
You're so evil now because of what you believe that we're not going to talk to you anymore.
This is what we see from the left, disproportionately than from the right.
And the studies are in too, folks.
There was a time in this country where parents were more disposed to be antagonistic toward a marriage between their sons and daughters and people of a different religious persuasion.
It used to be more important to people that their children marry someone of the same religion than the same political persuasion.
But now that as a country we've become areligious, Without religion, less religious.
The studies are in that parents would actually prefer that their children marry someone of the same political persuasion and a different religious persuasion than of the same religious persuasion and different political persuasion.
This is how politically divided our country has become.
And I understand, frankly, I don't want my kids marrying any leftists.
But I don't want my kids marrying anybody who isn't Christian either, because I think that the truth and these ideals that we believe on the right, for lack of a better spectrum or place to put us, because we're not really either right or left, we transcend the spectrum, I think.
I think these ideals, both political and religious, are intimately intertwined.
So I'd like to see my children marry someone Christian and not of the left.
But the left has divided this country so much that not only have they eliminated marriage itself as a staple or an ideal altogether, to the point where they don't even care about it, they don't want you to get married at all, they don't want you to have kids at all.
Not only have they eliminated that ideal, but if you do decide to get married, just make sure you don't do it with somebody who's also a Republican.
Make sure you marry a lefty if you're going to get married at all.
So they eliminate the nuclear family as an ideal, and then they want to ensure that those who do insist upon getting married because they happen to fall in love or for whatever reason, be not of the right.
Which is fine with me because I don't want to marry any lefty anyway.
But sickening that our political class has gotten so entrenched, so saturating of our culture and mindset and ideals and perspectives and lives itself that we are determining our marriages and our families off of the political persuasions of who's lying to who.
We know both the right and the left lie incessantly to us.
People think that InfoWars is a right-wing extremist or right-wing conspiracy theory network.
When this whole network was founded on the lie that was 9-11, on the lie that were these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it was an anti-Bush network.
And still, even in retrospect, when we go back and talk about George W. Bush, it's not with any love in our hearts or affection for any of his policies.
But somehow we're just right-wing.
This is a network with no loyalty to any political party.
It's a loyalty to a political persuasion.
It's a loyalty to an ideal of truth, so wherever the truth is, there we seek it, there we embrace it, and there we broadcast it, regardless of whether it's right-wing or left-wing, regardless of what race it's associated with.
Doesn't matter.
Just the truth.
Alex Jones famously told Harrison Smith.
And Harrison started hosting here.
I don't care what you say.
Just tell the truth.
And that has been the policy that I've seen.
I've never been told what to say or what not to say here at this network.
I don't think anyone has either.
I haven't spoken to them about it.
But we're just supposed to tell the truth.
And that's why they hate us so much.
That's why they try to take us off the air incessantly.
That's why they try to shut us down incessantly.
Make sure you call on 877-789-2539.
Again, that's 877-789-2539.
I do see that the board is lit up with calls.
The sooner you call, the more likely I am to get to you.
We're about ready to go to a break here in 45 seconds.
As soon as this break is over, we will...
Be going to the calls for 30 minutes straight.
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