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Name: 20240227_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 27, 2024
2824 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones and Max Keiser discuss a range of topics including COVID-19 vaccine side effects, European leaders calling for World War III against Russia, the situation in Ukraine, and Nancy Pelosi's intervention regarding Trump's mental health. They criticize those who blame white people for certain events and promote unity against corruption and manipulation. The speakers also talk about products available at InfoWars store to support their fight against globalists. Max Keiser discusses inflation and its negative impact on lower-income households, exacerbating economic disparities. He believes Bitcoin is telling us something about the dollar, inflation, and global geopolitics. Larry Fink shares his views on Bitcoin and gold, stating that increased geopolitical risk or fear could raise its value as a form of wealth protection. Keiser estimates that Bitcoin could reach $220,000 during this cycle, potentially rising even higher. The conversation shifts to nuclear war, de-globalization, de-population, and de-dollarization driving factors leading to potential conflicts. The speakers emphasize the importance of leaving the system to protect children from its dangers. They also discuss natural compounds for blood cleaning, synthetic biology's effects on humanity, and Dr. Anna Mahajan's insights on COVID-19 vaccine effects on the microbiome.

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Kayla Pollock was one of millions coerced and deceived into getting the deadly COVID shots when they were mandated in 2021.
Could you tell us why you decided to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Basically, a lot of it had to do with the things I was hearing on TV.
So, there was a lot of fear just being screamed at me by not just the TV, But also like, you know, when you hear like the WHO is on TV telling you that this is like a deadly pandemic and, you know, people with immune disorders are gonna, you know, die from COVID-19 more likely than other people.
You know, I was hearing about that and my dad was dying in long-term care at the time.
In order to go see him, I needed the shots.
In order to go to work, I needed the shots.
A week after receiving the Moderna booster shot, she fell to the floor and was paralyzed for 30 minutes.
Another episode happened a week later, and shortly after that, she became paralyzed from the neck down.
The first doctor told her that this was something that often happens to people when they're upset, and that it was all in her head.
He told me that this was something that often happens to people when they're upset and that I, essentially, this was in my head and the good news was that I would get better because I was essentially having an episode that was some sort of psychotic episode.
I asked him when I would get better and he said, you know, it's up to you, really.
A second doctor was honest with her, but had to keep it hidden.
The second diagnosis, a doctor came to me and he whispered in my ear and he said, I think there's something seriously wrong with you.
I do not think you're faking.
He said, I have a neurologist or a radiologist who's willing to read your report at home.
If you go into the scanner right now, I can get that done.
They found a massive lesion on her spine and the doctor told her it was most likely caused by the vaccine and that he's seen many cases just like it.
Most likely it's going to be probably, if I'm using my gut impression here, from the vaccine.
So other people have it?
Kayla spent several months in the hospital's rehabilitation center, where the staff offered her medical-assisted suicide on two occasions, which is the only assistance the medical system seems to offer.
Rehab didn't do a whole lot.
When I was sent home from rehab I was told that I'd be getting a lot of personal support hours and I got home from rehab and for four days straight nobody came.
If this story is disturbing to you, then it means you still have a heart and your human soul has managed to survive these dark days.
The trauma has been too much for many who have disassociated into cold indifference and fail to fully recognize the crimes that are being committed against all of humanity.
Celia Farber wrote that what has happened and is happening is by far the worst crime ever committed.
Worse than the atomic bombs and all wars combined.
We all struggle to fight off the feeling that in some way we have already died.
And the daily challenge is not to disassociate, but to bear witness.
Since every person still alive now is either a victim of the shots or a witness.
And we should be prepared for these criminals to try this again.
The mainstream media is now talking about strange cases of the measles.
The highly infectious measles virus is spreading across more of the country, including in Florida, where a concerning outbreak is growing.
And the latest CDC data shows more than 30 cases nationwide this year across more than a dozen states.
Is there something about this year that is making people more vulnerable to the measles right now?
Yeah, it's a combination of people not getting their vaccines on schedule during the pandemic and then just not necessarily getting to the doctor's office.
If you are looking for ways to help, Veterans for Freedom have launched a Give, Send, Go for Kayla to raise funds for a service dog.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
If you understand that report, you understand the entire enemy program.
It's at Bandot Video.
I'm posting it to X right now.
Share it like your life depends on it, because it does.
All right, I have cracked the entire enemy operation.
I know how to beat them.
I know how to bring them down.
That's why they hate me more than anybody except President Trump.
I'm not bragging.
I'm in extreme danger.
I'm being honest with you because we all get so close to the broadcast, including myself, and so close to this information.
That we don't understand how important we are.
You don't understand how important you are.
The enemy does.
They are in total rage.
And a lot of the enemy's operations have already crystallized in front of us.
So there's no doubting that I was right 30 years ago.
And so many others were right as well.
Many people see it.
We've just been the most successful at getting it out of the public and to decision makers.
And that's all God's doing.
Today is going to be a very important broadcast.
Just everything here is absolutely so important.
I must cover it all.
So just let me... I'm getting chills right now.
Oh my God.
I went for a five-mile hike with my wife early this morning and I told her, I said, it's basically Russian roulette, pun intended, to stay here and not evacuate to some small island in the southern hemisphere.
Because nuclear war has gone from a possibility, that I have to be honest with you in my analysis, to a probability.
And I said, I've got courage and I know you do, but I just love my children too much And I went on to say, but we don't even have the money to even modestly go do that.
I don't mind the enemy taking the money I had away, but the point was, is they gave me flexibility.
But I actually had that conversation with my wife today for over an hour.
So I'm going to have that conversation with you.
I can still broadcast from the Southern Hemisphere.
And I don't bring that up to talk about myself.
It certainly doesn't make me sound tough.
I'm just being honest with you.
I've had meetings with Bilderberg Group members, three of them now in the last three years, and those are off-record meetings.
If they ever said anything illegal, I would break the trust, because they violated it.
But they've never done that.
And they don't even try to recruit me.
They just say, well, it looks like you're right, and the whole globalist system is going to just kill everybody, and we actually don't like that.
And what country do you think is best in the Southern Hemisphere?
And they're pretty much all moved out to their yachts and private islands in the Pacific Ocean.
So those people aren't even here anymore.
And they don't regularly ever come back to any Western country.
I didn't ever meet with Larry Page, one of the founders of Google, but I've met with people at that level.
And he doesn't come back.
He hasn't been back in years.
He occasionally pops up at Klaus Schwab, like in Dubai.
But that's one stack here.
Jack Pasovic is so on target.
He's really the best analyst out there.
Really is, when it comes to military stuff, particularly in Europe, but also China.
And that's where he was deployed.
He was in Naval Intelligence doing real work.
And he came on six months ago, five months ago, a month ago, weeks ago and said, they're getting ready to stage a false flag.
And NATO is already on the ground in Ukraine, but they're officially going to announce it.
And then we saw all these different ministers and leaders from the UK to Sweden to Germany say, it's going to be a 25, 30, 40 year war.
Our political problems will be solved.
Even the French defense minister said, we're going to be on a war economy now.
We'll be able to take everybody's liberties away.
Trudeau's on TV talking about dictatorships and life in prison for free speech.
I mean, that's in Canada.
I mean, this is real, okay?
They're getting ready for World War III.
And it's insane, and it's satanic, and it shouldn't be happening.
And the people that go along with this are such brainwashed minions.
They're such Stockholm Syndrome basket cases that They're all going to go along with it and think it's cute and fun!
So, I'm going to say it very slowly, and I mean this from the bottom of my guts, from the center of my soul.
We've gone from the probability of nuclear war to the prob-o-bility.
And what am I talking about?
NATO troops in Ukraine can't be rolled out.
They're already there.
That's the leader of France preparing his people for direct war with Russia.
Didn't turn out too well for another French leader.
The dictator.
The king.
The emperor.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
The Italian.
The Corsican.
The Corsican gunner.
So, NATO troops in Ukraine can't be ruled out.
That's one stack.
A little bit terrifying.
Kind of interesting.
And then we've got Nancy Pelosi.
We've got video of that.
There needs to be an intervention in Trump's mental health.
Not an intervention for Biden, who went on a late-night comedy show last night and literally did not know what planet he was on.
It was like when you visit a family member that has Alzheimer's.
My father's grandmother, my great-grandmother, Moon Jones, half Comanche, died at 103.
And I'd go visit her when she was 100, and she knew who my dad was, didn't really know who I was.
But she obviously, her brain had deteriorated a lot.
Last time I saw her, she was 100.
I only visit her every once in a while.
My dad went and saw her every month.
And she, at 100, could hold a better conversation than Joe Biden.
Think about that.
100-year-old woman in East Texas, In a nursing home bed.
Could hold a better conversation than the 46th President of the United States.
Think about that a little bit.
And then we've got another person completely out of her mind.
Nancy Pelosi.
A walking, talking vodka bottle.
Saying we have to have an intervention now to stop Trump.
Oh yeah, grab him like they grabbed Kanye West and take him to a mental institution.
And then we've got a report by Greg Reese, and it's hard to say which one of his prolific, amazing reports is the most powerful.
This one I think is the most powerful.
We aired it at the very start.
But it's so powerful I'm going to air it again later, but stop and start it.
If you don't want to have me interrupt it, you can find it at man.video and infowars.com.
We're uploading a text right now.
Real Alex Jones.
But if you watch this video, yeah, okay, it's sad they're trying to kill this woman.
It's sad the experimental shot ate her spine.
It's sad they won't give her treatment.
It's sad they're trying to make her kill herself.
But the point is, this is the globalist formula test.
Klaus Schwab admits it.
What they're doing in the Netherlands, this is another twin capital of government forced suicide.
What they're doing in the Netherlands and what they're doing, and they're doing it all over the place, but they're doing it in the Netherlands and Canada as their admitted testing ground, and they're now saying the state will decide that you're mentally ill, and then you're a ward of the state, and then they'll decide as your ward to kill you.
So that's the government directly killing people, not a little velvet glove on the iron fist claiming, you know, that, oh, you decided you wanted it.
So, this little five-minute report is a Rosetta Stone, a decoder ring to the entire enchilada.
Also, a video I posted, just a clip, got millions and millions of views on X, is Zelinsky completely, obviously, on methamphetamine or like seven or eight Adderalls.
People ask, well, how do you know if you've taken drugs?
I mean, I've tried Adderall a few times.
I've tried cocaine two or three times.
I've tried meth twice.
Talk about hell on earth.
I don't know why I've tried it so many times.
I've probably tried speed five, six times in my life.
And every time I ask myself, why the hell did I take that pill?
Why did I do that?
No, I could tell because I've been around drug addicts.
I've known drug addicts.
And I know what people look like when they're on methamphetamine.
And that's what it looks like.
Not cocaine.
He is, yeah, Hitler was a big meth head too.
That's a fact.
Absolutely bombed out of his gourd.
And again, trying to get us into World War 3.
Already been caught in several false flag operations.
We got that video.
We also have developing.
Explosive device blows up outside Republican Alabama Attorney General's office.
White powder with death threats sent to Don Jr.
Oh, there's a lot of stuff going on.
NBC prepares for Russia hoax 2.0, claims 2024 election already being compromised.
Folks are crawling all over my X account, real Alex Jones, and finding all sorts of censorship and controls on it.
And it's algorithmically built in.
And again, I'm not looking to give towards the mouth.
I like Elon Musk.
I can't help but like him.
I can't help but like him.
But when he had me banned on X, I still said I like him.
I think he's interesting.
He is definitely a maverick.
I'm not kissing his ass.
I just think he's very interesting.
But what you're getting is freedom of light on X. You're not getting the, you know, you're getting like 5% alcohol beer.
You're not getting the Everclear like you get here to use an alcohol analogy.
Hey, but I'm not gonna piss on it.
I'll take it.
But then I'll say what it is.
Rumble is like the old free internet.
As long as you're not doing something illegal, it's open and free.
Rumble's the best thing there is.
I'll just say that.
But we got some big developments there.
Some amazing journalists, Laura Logan and Dale Bigtree, both amazing people I admire.
They just knocked out of the park congressional hearings, Senate hearing on the deadly police and shots.
I'm going to really try to air a large segment of that.
It was it's hours long.
I watched hours of it last night, but I've got a few clips I want to play.
I think about 12 minutes of it.
So we've got that for you.
And we got a bunch of world government, Bill Gates stuff, where Bill Gates is running around with a U.N.
haunt showing the rollout of the world digital ID and all that horrible crap, the mark of the beast stuff.
So that's all coming up.
And I also started really thinking about Dan Bongino.
Because I really like Dan.
I admire him as well.
He's a really straightforward, great guy.
Former senior Secret Service officer, agent.
And people have asked, where is he on your show for years?
And I like to tell stories that are about us if they explain a larger picture.
So this morning, after I went for a long hike, got in the shower, my blood was pumping, I was thinking good, I thought back to the last time Bongino came on.
So I'll tell this story later.
I wrote a note, so I'm going to do it.
And I remembered why he stopped coming on the show.
And I'm like, fine.
But here's the problem.
He's got these secret documents that I already know are real because I went through it about the CIA harassing me and my family.
And then we begged him to come on the show and reached out 10 different ways and he's ignoring us.
And I need him to come on his own show and give us more information on this.
And I need to talk to him.
And I think Bongino is not a weak-minded person.
You know what?
I got all the World War III news, I got all this stuff, but I'm gonna cover Bongino first because this, this is a microcosm of everything.
So, I have a lot of Secret Service contacts, and I have a lot of law enforcement contacts, and I have a lot of CIA contacts.
Oh, he works for the CIA, so there's people in there that are pissed off.
And I gotta say, all I've ever been given by law enforcement's been good information.
I mean, the Border Patrol gave us all that breaking news just a month ago that was all confirmed about them spying on the citizens with the NSA down there and face scanning and claiming a fake white supremacist attack that later came out.
I mean, that was from senior people.
And so what would happen is I would come on the air and because Bongino was a frequent guest like
five six seven years ago and he would say he would say I'll come on your show I want to talk to Alex.
So I got on the phone with him and he's like, hey man, is it you saying you're getting all this information from me?
And he's a tough guy.
I'm like, hey, are you one doing that?
I mean, he is a tough guy.
I said, no, I'm not getting anything from you.
You come on the show.
You talk about the stuff, what you're hearing, what you know.
Well, they've been messing with my family and broke my car and death-threatening me and blah, blah, blah.
And the next time he comes on, he goes, listen, I'm going to do this interview, but are you sure you're not the one saying this?
Because, man, they're really harassing me.
And I said, Dan, I already told you, I'm not getting this from you.
He said, okay, okay, I'll just, I'll just.
And what this is, because I noticed when he said my name, everybody picked up on it.
He reads everybody's name normally, he goes, Alexander Jones.
And I like Dan, but.
People are telling him that I'm saying he was the source of a bunch of information I got, and I never did that, and then he believes whoever these assholes are.
So Dan, stop believing them.
It clicked this morning.
That's why he's mad at me, and that's why, because he doesn't believe me, and then he got harassed, and then he thinks I'm being mean to him.
Not true!
Everybody knows I'm mad at my words, so if that's why you're pissed off at me, you've bought a load of crap, Dan.
Now, that said, I even went on air at the Times and said I'm not getting this from Bongino.
I told everybody, basically, where we were getting it.
And I'm gonna, okay?
I mean, the general places.
Joe Biggs, now in federal prison, but he worked here during the RNC in July of 2016 seems like a million years ago now, or just yesterday.
He likes to party.
He likes to have fun and hang out with the cops and everybody.
So he's in the bars, he's going all the places, and he gets in a bar with Secret Service agents at like 2 a.m., and the next morning he says, listen, I met with these senior guys, they're really great, and they bought me drinks, and they said, you know, just don't say it's us, and of course we didn't.
And Hillary has convulsions all the time.
She's got a brain tumor.
They don't want to operate on it until after the election because she'll be out for like a month or more.
And she's on all these drugs and they want to meet with you and tell you this stuff.
This is like me at like 8 a.m.
in the morning and you know I went to bed like 10 p.m.
Joe's all hungover telling us all excited.
And he went on to say, they told us just follow her on the campaign trail, she collapses all the time.
And remember, one of our reporters, what was her name?
The blonde girl, nice girl, what was her name?
No, it was the other one.
Millie Weaver.
Remember Millie Weaver's like in Ohio, following Hillary and she doesn't give the speech and they're running him with the emergency gear into the tent and all that?
And she talked to them later, they said, no, she collapsed, was having convulsions.
Well, then remember, in fact, I should have told you guys, pull this up, pull up, Hillary collapses on 9-11.
Hillary's put in the back of that black truck.
And they told us, Secret Service said, there's a black ambulance follows her around.
So we didn't catch it, but a few months later we got it, but we told everybody she was collapsing.
And then when they saw her collapse, people went, oh, that was real.
And then I guess Bongino got harassed more.
This was from, and there's a little more to the story.
I get invited to this dinner.
Nigel Farage is there.
Bernie Kerik's at the table next to us.
There's a bunch of other top Republicans.
Former New York Police Commissioner.
And I'm there with Roger Stone.
And then there's a group of Secret Service up at the top.
As I'm leaving, it was an Italian place underground in Cleveland.
I don't remember the name.
And so, I go out of there with a big Italian meal in my stomach.
My wife, my girlfriend then, she was back at the hotel, and I had a couple of glasses, so I just wanted to get out of there.
The secret service goes, hey, pass me the cell phone.
Did you get that stuff from Biggs our guys gave you?
I go, hey, come here.
I was like, whoa, yeah, that's real.
You need to do that, okay?
And then literally slapped me on the ass.
I was like, okay.
Like, you know, football.
Like, go get her.
Because they were all for Trump.
I mean, it was like, woo!
We shot it on video.
I had a secret service.
There'd be like, drive by a secret service, like, Alex, woo!
And they weren't even pretending like they were neutral.
That's where I got all that stuff.
And then these people would harass Bongino, telling him that I was gay.
I didn't get anything from Bongino.
Other than what he would say on the air about Obama and stuff.
And that's just the story of what they do.
They lie to people.
They lie to people.
They tell people lies and say that I've done things to them and it's constant.
MTG won't even talk to me now.
Won't even talk to me anymore.
And I suppose I said something bad about her or something.
I love MTG, never even talk about her.
So, this is how the whisper campaigns operate, and I'm tired of Republicans being weak-minded.
And I'll just say it, if that's why Bongino won't come on the show, he believes whoever's lying to him, that's weak.
I'm not being insulting.
I'm just tired of it.
I'm tired of it.
I don't sit around.
Does anybody that's famous that knows me think I ever call up talking shit about anybody?
You think I call up Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson and talk crap about somebody?
I talk about stories.
What Joe Rogan said.
Oh, we talk every day.
I talk to Alex all day.
I give him stuff, he gives me stuff.
He told Aaron Rodgers that.
We don't talk crap about people.
We're not talking about other people like we're old women in a knitting circle.
We talk about our children, and the country, and the world, and that's what I do, and that's what I stand for, and trying to stop World War III.
So Bongino's got this information, and the documents, and you know they're real, I experienced it, you know the names, where I've been harassed with my family and President Trump, and then he reads those names out, and when he says my name, Alexander Jones, and you can see the animosity there.
So, I'm a little insulted by it.
But it's not personal for me.
It's that I don't like this crap.
This absolute crap.
I just told you the exact story of where we got Hillary out of black ambulance.
Exactly as it happened on my children.
Didn't come from Dan Bongino.
All right, I'm going to move on from that, because you get all this huge news,
like why are you covering that?
Because it's an example of why the globalists are kicking our ass.
They know how to stick together.
I'm not here to be the biggest talk show host.
I'm not here to be number one.
I'm not here to have the biggest swing and you know what?
I'm here to stop World War III and stop the New World Order, dammit.
I love humanity.
I'm into my ancestors.
I'm into myself.
I'm into my children.
I'm into you.
I'm into the future.
And I know we're all in this together.
And it makes me physically nauseous.
I just got nauseous telling that story.
Because that hasn't happened once or twice or fifty times or a hundred times or a thousand times.
It's happened so many times to people.
And they do it to everybody.
And it's how they operate.
It's how they sow dissension.
It's how they manipulate.
It's how they drive people apart.
And it needs to stop.
If we're going to stop World War III.
All right, look, I'm literally going to try to... I hardly ever get nauseous.
I get nauseous, you know.
I'm going to move on here and come back and I'm going to hit the World War III news in more detail.
I'm going to hit all the other stuff I mentioned in more detail and I'm going to get to all these clips.
There's so much we've got that I haven't even talked about.
Coming up today.
Please remember that the only reason we're still here is because of your prayers.
The only reason we're still on air is because of everything you do.
And thank you and I really appreciate you.
So please pray for the broadcast.
Please pray for me and my family.
It really works.
It's real.
It happens.
I'm praying for you.
Please pray for President Trump.
And please pray for unity.
I mean, I admire Dan Mangino.
He's amazing.
Amazing talk show.
He's an amazing man.
Great patriot.
Smart guy.
He's what we need.
That's why talking the truth about people makes me sick, because I don't like doing that.
Makes me sick.
So, when we come back, we're going to plunge into all this and talk about the really evil people we've got to stop.
Because they're the enemy.
The New World Order, the Globalists, the Controllers, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the UN, the Nancy Pelosi's of the world, and their stupid, reanimated corpses like Biden stumbling around.
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The last beacon of truth in a world of deception, it's Alex Jones.
There's a big awakening happening, but people aren't getting how bad it is.
Here's Bongino getting into some of the document, and then he goes into other parts.
The full thing, he said he's going to release more of it.
We're trying to get him on the show.
He sure as hell should come on.
He's got these documents.
But they talk about bumping me, bumping Trump, bumping Roger.
Bumping means from literally bumping somebody with your shoulder to killing somebody.
But the term is used in law enforcement when mafia basically starts intimidating or harassing people up to the point of killing.
It means terrorizing people.
Here it is.
Folks, I've never shown you this before.
And I debated showing it to you now.
My list is more than 26 names.
I'm obviously not going to tell you who I got this from, but the list of people to bump and target with Russian interaction and spying, put it on the screen.
I've never shown you this before.
This is from my source.
Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson.
Some of the names are not spell rights for a reason.
I can't describe them.
I'll maybe go into it a different time.
Don Trump Jr., Eric, Ivanka, Lara Trump, Melania, Jared Kushner, Jason Miller, Dave Bossi, Sam Clovis, Paul Manafort, Jason Johnson, Carter Page, Papadopoulos, Alice Stewart, Victoria Coates, Christopher Bourne, Jason Osborne, Chris Christie, Don McGahn, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Alexander Jones, Jeff Sessions, Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, Do you think you're living in a safe country when that's going on?
It's the same reason everybody's leaving New York, because now they're going to grab everybody's property.
These people are 100% evil.
[Train Whistle]
Emergency Tuesday Broadcast President Macron prepares French population for direct war with Russia.
Says NATO readying invasion of Ukraine.
Let that sink in.
NATO troops in Ukraine can't be ruled out.
They're all saying it now.
I'm getting you ready.
Stick in your toe in World War III.
Now we're up to our necks.
President Emmanuel Macron has argued that deployment of troops to Ukraine All Russia wants is that area that's always been part of Russia.
They're in the East.
They said they're ready to make a deal.
They were ready two years ago.
Guys, pull up the clip of Biden saying we can't send Abrams tanks.
Because that's World War III.
That was a year and two months ago.
December 2022.
And now here we are entering World War 3 on the threat continuation ladder.
NATO troops in Ukraine can't be ruled out, Macron.
There's no consensus today to send in an additional manner troops to the ground, Macron told reporters after hosting an event of the European leaders Monday in Paris.
But in terms of dynamics, we cannot exclude everything.
We will do everything necessary to prevent Russia from winning this war.
And they're already gearing up with all the weapons and they're saying they're going to do it.
Where NATO doesn't officially go in, but each country that is NATO goes in, so that is NATO.
It's the NATO Command, NATO Forces, NATO Codes, NATO Systems.
It is NATO.
Yeah, there's Biden, but find the video.
That's called World War III.
Biden defends the decision not to send jets to Ukraine.
And tanks.
And now that's all been done, you see.
That's the grand corporation's threat escalation ladder for war.
You can pull it up.
There's modern versions, there's older versions, but it's following that.
This has all been war-gamed over and over again, and the most war-gamed situation is what you're now seeing in Europe.
So they've been training and preparing for this for 50, 60, 70 years.
This is out of control.
Absolutely dangerous.
Meanwhile, Israel strikes deep inside Lebanon.
See, it's not the border now.
Houthis have knocked out several undersea internet cables.
It's all escalating extremely fast.
But what's the real war?
I mean, you know, we're already deep into the beginnings of World War III, but that's a physical, kinetic war.
But they're all kinetic.
Information is kinetic.
I want to show you a couple memes and then talk about this and explain something that's very important.
Then I'll move on to the other news.
Overhead shot, please.
For radio listeners, I will narrate the images for you.
It shows famous images from the first Terminator movie of a bunch of Humanoid metal Terminators marching across a battlefield killing humans, and the caption says, how we imagined AI 40 years ago, when Terminator 1 came out, how it's going, and it's an image of a black Mark Zuckerberg, a black George Washington, and a black Albert Einstein with Google AI Gemini.
Now, everybody makes a joke out of that.
Well, if there's Terminators marching to kill us, we'll unify and defeat them.
Humans are tough once they're unified.
But you see, oh, it's just a joke erasing all white people.
It's not there to help black people.
What does this do?
It does a lot of things, but it's meant to sow confusion and disinformation, because most human brains that get hit with too much disinformation Go catatonic.
They just give up.
They just go into a box.
They just start disengaging.
So when you see two men can have a baby, and men and women sports, and government forced euthanasia, murder, and hundreds of thousands of fentanyl deaths a year, and them letting armed robbers and rapists out of jail.
Houston just released thousands of them, and said we're not prosecuting.
We don't have the manpower.
All of this is to create the angrier world, the destabilization that Klaus Schwab talked about.
They've got a lot of different studies that have been done on this by the Rand Corporation, by countless other groups.
It's very well known.
They have metrics down to the hour.
Within seven days of no food or water, most people either commit suicide or start robbing.
Within 10 days, around half the people will resort to cannibalism.
Within 14 days, depending on the study, around 30% of people commit suicide, The other 70% began eating people.
So you go from 50% to 70% in just a few days.
And I explained all this a few years ago, and then did my rant about, I'll eat my neighbors.
And I had that discussion with my wife this morning, and that's the far out extended possibility.
That's the extreme, but that's where this goes.
It doesn't mean I'm planning that.
But that's the road warrior hell, or Viggo Mortensen's The Road, Area that we've been brought into.
That's the world we're in right now.
So you see this, it's like, oh, it's funny.
This is what AI's done.
And it's that image.
I should have thought to have the crew get this.
It's done a lot of different ways.
We should put our own name out of it.
And it shows hungry wolves.
And it says 10,000 years ago, and they're looking at a human camp with primitive men around it cooking a deer.
And it says how it started 10,000 years ago with the wolves wanting the meat and starting to get around humans.
Then humans find a puppy and bring it in and that's how you get domestication.
And then it says how it's going and it shows a pug with bunny rabbit ears on it.
Now that's what domestication did to wolves.
They're cute, they're sweet now.
Humans see them as babies.
But it's still a wolf.
But it's genetically now predisposed to grovel because it's a dependent.
It's in a constant state of being a baby.
The difference is the globalists don't want to turn us into baby puppies to keep us and feed us and sit on the couch with us.
They want to domesticate us and make us weak ahead of killing everybody.
That's what the domestication is about.
We'll be right back.
I got more on this.
Alright, so if you just joined us, I'll recap briefly.
I showed an image, a meme that really tells a lot.
I'll show it again of how we imagined AI 40 years ago.
A bunch of terminators coming to kill us.
A direct frontal assault versus how it's going.
And it's just a race all the white people turn our body to black people.
That's meant to make white people feel threatened, become racist.
It's meant to scramble society, confuse people.
It's the globalists just jacking people's brains to create all that confusion and destabilization.
And then we see stuff like this.
Hollywood pays these so-called stars To wear dresses.
And that was the thing they were doing the last few years at the premieres.
And say, oh how masculine it is for a man to wear a red dress.
Well now, I'm gonna pull the article up.
Women are loving men who embrace baby girl vibe, I guess that's where a man dresses like a little girl, and ditch toxic masculinity.
And there's, you know, images of The men dressing like whatever this is.
And again, it's all just meant to destabilize civilization and eradicate the idea of masculinity because if men don't stand up to the new world order, the globalists can win.
But let's move into something that continues along this domestication.
While everybody that's, quote, cultured is taught to be a jellyfish and a coward and stupid and go along with anything, including World War III, the prison system in this country and the CIA gangster rap phenomenon and the drugs being shipped in during that project to undermine society has been extremely successful.
And the black population was the detonator or the test group.
And now they're exporting that culture that's not even black culture, that's CIA gangster culture around the world.
And then the same policies are in Australia, they're in Europe, they're in the UK, they're in Canada, they're in the US, they're all over where the globalists control things.
They then release Anybody who's Hispanic or Black who's committed incredible crimes, they mainly commit crimes against their own people, so it's an attack on their own population.
Eight out of ten attacks on Blacks are Blacks.
It's the same with whites.
Whites mainly attack whites.
But the point is, is that Houston, it's a Fox News headline, did something amazing yesterday.
Over 260,000, let me say that again, over 260,000 Houston criminal cases suspended due to lack of personnel and code, police chief says, whatever that means.
And I watched the newscast and I knew what I was going to see before I saw it.
And then when I read it, do you know what the main group, they're not letting people off who like stole a candy bar.
Or a pair of tennis shoes.
Or maybe broken a car.
It's armed robbers, read it!
Armed robbers, but the biggest group, and people that assaulted folks, robbed people, the biggest group is rapists!
So isn't it perfect, in this world of Me Too, where they throw a few prominent people in jail, Who I think are, some of them guilty, like Harvey Weinstein, others that aren't, like Ron Jeremy.
I've looked at the cases.
They throw them in prison, a few examples, and then with no evidence to what they've done to Trump, and said, you gotta believe a woman.
And then when there's witnesses of a brutal rape, including of underage girls and boys, They let them out of jail by the thousands.
Now, that destabilizes and wrecks society.
It's obvious.
And Houston is dangerous as hell.
Dallas is dangerous.
Houston is way more dangerous.
Austin needs to be really safe.
It's getting very dangerous.
But let me tell you, Detroit, Chicago, New York, L.A., Seattle, Portland, 20 times the crime they had five years ago.
Home invasions of wealthy people everywhere.
You know, usually the establishment just lets the criminals feed on poor people.
No, no, no.
It's everywhere now.
And the police have DAs in almost every city that are Soros put in that let this happen.
And you all know about this.
this I'm not telling you something new but 260,000 criminals upwards of 90,000
of them serious crimes Now what do you think it does when somebody rapes a 16-year-old girl or mugs somebody and hits them in the head with a baseball bat and steals their car?
Those are the cases.
What do you think that does?
And you've got all the criminals of Latin America and other parts of the world, but mainly Latin America, being disgorged out of the prisons and sent here.
Raping, murdering, killing, and Venezuela and other countries won't even take them back.
And our president doesn't just not stand up for us, he energetically defends it and protects it.
I got a bunch of videos, I don't know if I have time to play them, of Democrat members of Congress saying we shouldn't talk about the race of illegal aliens and we shouldn't say they're illegal aliens.
I have the clips.
When they attack somebody, it's racist.
So, we're like, remember Trump said, hey, the border's wide open, a lot of good people are coming in, a lot of bad people are coming in.
That turned into all Mexicans are criminals, I hate Mexicans.
There was no clip of him saying it, it didn't matter.
So, that's assaulting somebody when they pay taxes and there's police that want to do their job still.
They're getting political though, they're getting worse by the minute.
But they got bosses that won't Prosecute, what do you think happens to the criminals when they rape somebody or rob a liquor store and then they get charges dropped, no billed, all because they're not white?
But, if you talk about that, you're a racist.
And if you're white, this is admitted, you see it all over the news, they throw the book at you.
And if you're white, And you defend yourself.
It's considered a hate crime.
If you're being carjacked and you shoot the person that's aimed a gun at you, you go to jail like the decorated army sergeant.
Now, that was a white guy that aimed his AK-47 at him and told him, get out of the car.
So what he did, he'd been in combat for years in Afghanistan, he grabbed his handgun, he was an Uber driver, on top of his job as a sergeant, because they all got to work two jobs, boom!
Right in the chest, he goes to jail in Austin, Texas.
My oldest daughter, 19 now, she was 18, last year, was driving home to her apartment in South Austin, And drove into an Antifa Black Lives Matter party where they were sped in the cars and hitting people and going crazy and beating on her car and screaming at her.
And they said to her, screaming at her, a mob, are you for Black Lives Matter?
And she smartly put her fist up and said yes.
Folks, that's one step away from a total communist political takeover in America, where they burn everything down, they wreck everything, and that if you don't get behind it, you don't support it, well then Trump's got to be removed from office if he gets re-elected.
And the Democrats have said that's their plan.
And communists are marching in the streets all over America, I've got news on that today.
So, they're making their move one way or another, this is it.
All right, we're going to go to break.
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(electronic music)
Victor in Florida.
Go ahead.
Thank you for holding.
I have to say it really pisses me off to hear when you say that only 2% of the people that listen to this broadcast buy products.
Um, I'm a young man.
I don't make that much money.
I just bought a house.
I just got married.
I buy the products as much as I can.
I buy them almost every month.
I've bought the iodine, the beets, the methylfolate.
I've just tried it.
It's absurd to me that you people are listening to this guy.
I've listened to you for 10 years.
He puts this show out here for free, and you're not supporting him.
Our country is falling apart, but you've got millions of people listening to you not doing sh**.
Excuse my friend, but look look there's a glut of media.
There's so much media.
I'm not blaming the 99% It's 99% that never buy anything.
It's just these are really good products, and if we just had 1% more by the products it would change the whole world so these are really great products to begin with We have the best turmeric out there 95% humanoid incredible anti-inflammation so good for your whole body We have all the other great products at InfoWars4.com We have next-level foundational energy with the methylfolate and the B-complex that supercharges cellular energy.
So it's not a stimulant, but it feels like a stimulant.
Let me ask you, what happened when you took next-level foundational energy?
I've been taking it for, I don't know, a couple weeks now, and in my younger days, I've experimented with stimulants and those things.
It feels nothing like that.
You feel like you're supposed to feel it.
You're supposed to have energy, you know, and that's pretty much it.
It doesn't feel like a stimulant.
You just feel like you're supposed to be.
And what it does is it's the breakdown of folic acid that almost everybody, but particularly some people, northern Europeans, have a low breakdown of.
So you just give yourselves the direct food that they operate off of and they clean out with.
That's why next level financial energy is so important.
Thank you for the call, Victor, and thanks for the plug.
All right, we're now into our number two.
And this is going to be another jam-packed hour as I go methodically through all this incredible news.
A lot of stations, and those are still important, everybody's online, like, why are there ads?
Well, remember this thing called radio stations?
TV stations?
There weren't a bunch of them.
That's how, when they de-platformed us five years ago, we stayed on air, so they're precious.
And that's their model, that's how they operate is ads.
We skip almost all the network ads.
But the local ads, we've got to run.
We join a bunch of stations next segment, but I know we have the majority of our audience, but it's not much, maybe 60% on the internet.
Still, there's that 40% that's so critical.
I hate to cover, it's all too important.
Like, I kind of want to cover something important, but I'm also, it's all important.
I want everybody to hear this.
Man, none of this could not be our beautiful audience.
And then even, that's why I like doing more and more of these commercial free shows we've been doing,
because then I can just go with it.
But it does break my rhythm here, because everything I want to say is too important, and I just don't want to leave other people out.
That's like, why do I air the special reports during these little five-minute segments?
Those are some of our most important information.
Like, when I tell you that the report put out by Greg Reese is absolutely Totally important and will wreck the New World Order if people just get it through their heads.
Because here's the deal.
And I'll come back and I'm going to play the report again.
I'm going to analyze it.
And you can see the whole report at InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
And I asked the folks to put that on X an hour ago.
I don't know what's up there yet.
But people On average, you want to avoid conflict, and I'm the same way.
It's like that Aaron Tippin song.
In fact, let's go out to break with that in about a minute.
You gotta stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Daddy didn't like trouble, but if it came along, everyone that knew him knew which side he'd be on.
He wasn't a hero or the county shining light, but you could always count on him standing up for what was right.
There's all these people that are acting like and pretending like going along with the system.
They're part of it.
And more and more people are figuring out that's not the case.
That's why I focus on the prodigal sons out there.
They say, well forget them, they made mistakes, screw them.
You know, it's fun to make fun of them, I'm guilty of it as well, but it's not funny, folks.
This is not funny.
None of this is funny.
This is scientific, purely applied evil, where tyranny is law, and even the globalists themselves are deceived by Satan.
They're going to be destroyed.
So there's something very important I said, but we're going to come back And get to these reports and more.
But you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string.
Let's go out to break with a minute and a half of the song.
He'd say you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string.
Compromise what's right and uphold your family name.
You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
And I know things are different than they were in Daddy's day, but they really aren't, aren't they?
Now we might have been better off, or on the bigger house.
If Daddy had done more giving in, or a little more backing down.
But we always had plenty, just to live in his advice.
Whatever you do today, you'll have to sleep with tonight.
He'd say, you've got to stand for something or you'll fall.
Not a puppet on a string Never compromise what's right
And uphold your family name You've got to stand for something
Or you'll fall for anything I know that things are different
If you want to know what they're going to do to you and your family
You're about to find out And I'm sorry this stuff's scary, but isn't it better to
know What's coming down the road at you
Than wearing a blindfold and sticking your head between your legs
And hoping for the best [BLANK_AUDIO]
Alright, so Gregory's posted a report this morning that needs to get 100 million views if we want to turn things around.
It'll get a million.
Whatever, I'll take what I can get.
But within this report, you get a blueprint of the enemy's operation.
You're like, I don't care about Canada.
Well, you better care because the New World Order runs it and they pretty much run this country.
And what they're doing in Canada, they're going to do here and they're starting to do.
We need to comprehend this, ladies and gentlemen.
We need to get it deep down in our brain, in our soul.
So this is one case, one woman.
I've been following Canada.
I've had experts on.
I know you folks out there have been researching it.
But Klaus Schwab says it's the model for everything.
Putting people in jail for their speech.
Turning their bank accounts off.
The state saying mentally ill people that they're a reward to the state.
The state decides to kill them.
That person had made the decision to kill himself.
That's government murder.
That's abortion of adults.
They announced last year they're going to start killing little kids that are in the orphanages.
The state's going to decide they're mentally ill and kill them.
Now they quote, tabled that till 2027, three years from now.
Because of pushback, because they couldn't find any doctors to do the pilot test of killing little kids.
It's all about seeing what they can get us to do.
So, this woman takes the poison mRNA shots.
They've officially come out in major studies and the CDC admitted two weeks ago, okay, it causes heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, and a bunch of disorders where your body attacks your own spinal fluid and eats your spine.
Paralyzes you.
So this woman takes the shots and gets paralyzed.
It is an excruciating pain.
And they tell her, you're mentally ill.
But doctors at the hospital that's government-run, they have government health care there, are like Schindler in Schindler's List who felt sad and snuck Jews out.
That's a true story.
And the doctors come and say, listen, we're not allowed to do this, but we're not even allowed to say you're sick.
We know, we can see you're paralyzed.
We can see you can't walk, you're in excruciating pain, you're crying.
We know, we can tell when something's real.
We see your legs atrophying.
We're going to put you in the scanner and give you the scan.
And there's a private doctor, because they have that for the rich, a private doctor for free.
He's willing to see you.
So they put her in the scanner after six months of her in total hell.
And they're telling her, kill yourself.
You're mentally ill.
And she's got giant lesions all over her spinal cord on these spinal fluid.
You got the bones, but the middles, part of your brain, goes down.
So there's big rotholes in her spine.
Think that feels good?
I got a pinched nerve in some of my atrophied disc.
And I can't get out of bed.
And I'm tough, man.
And I've got tears coming out of my eyes.
Every once in a while, happens a few times a year, I wake up, try to get out, boom!
I gotta like, tell my wife, get me five Advil right now.
I gotta lay there for an hour, get up, Got an ice maker, dump a bunch of ice in the bathtub.
And I'm a tough man.
Ah, get in there.
And let me tell you, it's hell.
Sit there in that burning pain of that ice for 20 minutes, knowing it'll bring down the inflammation.
I can get out of that son of a bitch.
Then I got to get up out of the bathtub.
That's a little pinched disc, a little pinched nerve.
This woman had rotholes in her spinal fluid.
Rotholes in her spinal cord.
And the doctor tells her, the shot did it to you, sweetheart.
But they gotta sneak it.
Hurry up, they're not looking.
Get in here.
Okay, here's your scan.
And there's a doctor ready to talk to you tomorrow.
And we're gonna pick you up with a van.
We'll take you, sweetheart.
Why don't those doctors have more courage than most?
In that evil, like Schindler.
But they should have a press conference.
So then once this is being done to her, she goes public.
Ladies and gentlemen, they've done this to what, in the numbers we've got, to tens of thousands of people last year alone.
I played a newscast out of Canada, which they were saying was good.
This man has a very damaged spinal cord from a car wreck.
And they just told him, sorry, we can't, the government doesn't have money for you to get even painkillers, so sign this piece of paper and we'll give you six months of painkillers if you agree to kill yourself in six months.
So they're like, basically trying to kill him.
So this is the model, people.
When you look at Trudeau, you're literally looking at a ghoul, a master criminal front man.
And this is what they're going to do everywhere.
They give you a shot that kills you or makes you sick.
Then the doctors have all been told, don't admit it's real.
And then when people are in pain, get them to kill themselves.
Finish the job.
Isn't that nice of them?
And it's the hospital administrators, which it's government, but it's private companies making the money.
And that's who the new order is.
That's what they think of you.
And that's the process.
And that's the transgender, mutilating the kids, all of it.
And we all get gaslit.
Oh, it's the nice thing to do to kill somebody.
It's the nice thing to cut a little boy's penis off.
It's the nice thing to cut a little girl's breast off.
It's nice to give them puberty blockers.
It's nice to cut their uterus out.
Imagine a hellraiser where it's like, I'm your doctor and it's nice, huh?
I'm helping the children.
So, here's the report.
There's an article on InfoWars.com.
Medical staff offer assisted suicide, offer, they push her into it, to Canadian woman paralyzed from COVID shots.
And they have it on Dutch TV in English, I played it years ago, where there's a high-functioning, down syndrome but well-spoken and nice guy, and they're going, you know you cost the government three times an average citizen, once you're socialized how it works, we really need you to sign the paperwork to kill yourself.
And you've got the talk show host, a man and a good-looking woman laughing at him.
And that's liberal!
Laughing at a Down syndrome human being.
A mutation.
But it's a human.
And God said, if you hurt my children, he meant the people that are weak.
I'm going to get your ass.
And see, the globalists know, man, God doesn't like us killing kids and killing handicapped people, folks.
And if we do it, God will lift the hedge, and then Satan can destroy all of us.
And they're doing it.
It's all a ritual of destruction.
All of this is designed to bring us to our knees collectively.
And when we carry this out, we're part of it.
That's why they put out the poison shots, knowing it'd kill a bunch of people.
They knew.
That's why the CDC put it in fine print in October 2000.
Predicted it all, because they knew what it would do.
They already tested it on rodents and pigs.
They have the same physiological response we do.
Think about that.
Think about that.
And then they knew they'd have all these illnesses and you just say, "Oh, you're mentally ill."
We're not going to do any tests for you.
We just say you're mentally ill and sign the paperwork.
We'll kill your ass right now.
By the way, we'll give you more painkillers, but just sign the paper that next month we're going to kill you.
So liberal.
What hellscape is this?
But you see, The average person gets faced with this, and they're put in positions of a little bit of power over somebody else.
They choose that because it feels to them like they're at least on the winning team, and they rationalize and they go along with it, but they're next.
But more importantly, there is a test happening on this planet, and there is spiritual war happening, and if you take part in all of this, You're going to be separated from God, which is described like hell, but that's only separation from God.
God doesn't torment you.
You are tormented yourself because your energy, your soul, then resonates with other forces that are similar to you and you coagulate together and that assemblage is hell.
Can you imagine an eternity with Lord Rothschild and Hillary Clinton?
And by the way, we're meant to transmit, through cultural ritual, the activation of genetic code in all of us, ancestral memory, epigenetics, instincts, and that's why they're at war with all of the classical rituals of first love and fighting and succeeding and failing.
They want to remove all that to remove you from activating the innate programming that God gave you, if you activate it, to then be fulfilled.
My fulfillment is light years what it was 20 years ago.
So intense, such discernment, such Piercing understanding that I can't even begin to imagine what it'll be like in a year or two because it's an intensification and you're going through that too.
You're experiencing that because you have touched God.
The enemy, though, has gone the other way, and they are rapidly degrading towards a self-destruct mechanism, because Satan has come to kill, steal, and destroy.
So you look at all this, and you say, it doesn't make sense for those in power to be doing all this to themselves and others, because it destroys them as well, because they're not free.
They were tricked to give up their free will and initiate the countdown to self-destruction, and then general destruction.
And Satan's real plan is to Expand this collapse fast enough where all the young souls in the world don't have time to figure it out and make the right decision for the jump to the next level.
The third heaven.
Which I have seen.
And it's real.
What King David talked about.
You want to experience the third heaven.
Believe me, if you just ask God to come into your heart, if you just get on your knees to Jesus Christ, and ask the Holy Spirit to come into your heart, and ask the Father to protect you, God will do it.
And then God will start giving you little missions, little baby steps, little finger painting exercises, but for years after this process, you will be painting Picassos.
I mean that metaphysically.
You'll be painting Rembrandts.
That is what they don't want you to achieve.
They don't want you to achieve womanhood or manhood, and the office that God gave you, and the powerful stateliness of it, and the eternal completion of it.
They don't want you to attain that because they made the wrong decision.
And so the captains and the field marshals of this operation are the losers, not the winners.
And you're rejecting Hollywood.
Everyone is.
Even people that are in the system, they know it's all a lie.
It's all being rejected.
And the enemy knows that, so the enemy's getting ready to try to destroy the planet as fast as they can.
All right.
I already described Greg Reese's report.
I wasn't gonna start and stop it.
I don't think that's needed now.
I don't think most of you needed me to describe it for you.
Remember, I'm doing this for the prodigal son.
I'm doing this for the people that we need to save.
Most of you already know this stuff.
It's up to you to share it.
Here's the report.
I had it reposted at InfoWars.com.
It's also on X, the real Alex Jones.
I'm asking you for yourself and for your soul.
To fight back and to share this.
Here it is.
Kayla Pollock was one of millions coerced and deceived into getting the deadly COVID shots when they were
mandated in 2021.
Could you tell us why you decided to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Basically, a lot of it had to do with the things I was hearing on TV.
So, there was a lot of fear just being screamed at me by not just the TV, But also like, you know, when you hear like the WHO is on TV telling you that this is like a deadly pandemic and, you know, people with immune disorders are gonna, you know, die from COVID-19 more likely than other people.
You know, I was hearing about that and my dad was dying in long-term care at the time.
In order to go see him, I needed the shots.
In order to go to work, I needed the shots.
A week after receiving the Moderna booster shot, she fell to the floor and was paralyzed for 30 minutes.
Another episode happened a week later, and shortly after that, she became paralyzed from the neck down.
The first doctor told her that this was something that often happens to people when they're upset, and that it was all in her head.
He told me that this was something that often happens to people when they're upset and that I, essentially, this was in my head and the good news was that I would get better because I was essentially having an episode that was some sort of psychotic episode.
I asked him when I would get better and he said, you know, it's up to you, really.
A second doctor was honest with her, but had to keep it hidden.
The second diagnosis, a doctor came to me and he whispered in my ear and he said, I think there's something seriously wrong with you.
I do not think you're faking.
He said, I have a neurologist or a radiologist who's willing to read your report at home.
If you go into the scanner right now, I can get that done.
They found a massive lesion on her spine and the doctor told her it was most likely caused by the vaccine and that he's seen many cases just like it.
Most likely it's going to be probably, I'm using my gut impression here, from the vaccine.
So other people have it?
Kayla spent several months in the hospital's rehabilitation center, where the staff offered her medical assisted suicide on two occasions, which is the only assistance the medical system seems to offer.
Rehab didn't do a whole lot.
I was sent home from rehab.
I was told that I'd be getting a lot of personal support hours and I got home from rehab and for four days straight nobody came.
If this story is disturbing to you, then it means you still have a heart and your human soul has managed to survive these dark days.
The trauma has been too much for many who have disassociated into cold indifference and fail to fully recognize the crimes that are being committed against all of humanity.
Celia Farber wrote that what has happened and is happening is by far the worst crime ever committed.
Worse than the atomic bombs and all wars combined.
We all struggle to fight off the feeling that in some way we have already died.
And the daily challenge is not to disassociate, but to bear witness.
Since every person still alive now is either a victim of the shots or a witness.
And we should be prepared for these criminals to try this again.
The mainstream media is now talking about strange cases of the measles.
The highly infectious measles virus is spreading across more of the country, including in Florida, where a concerning outbreak is growing.
And the latest CDC data shows more than 30 cases nationwide this year across more than a dozen states.
Is there something about this year that is making people more vulnerable to the measles right now?
Yeah, it's a combination of people not getting their vaccines on schedule during the pandemic and then just not necessarily getting to the doctor's office.
If you are looking for ways to help, Veterans for Freedom have launched a Give, Send, Go for Kayla to raise funds for a service dog.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
[outro music]
Alright, so we are all Kayla, folks.
That is their plan.
It's all being beta tested.
And if we sit there and let them do this, it's on us.
We become parties to it.
And we can't do that, can we?
All right, let's finish up with some other Trudeau news.
Remember earlier in the week, he came out and said that, you know, oh my God, people don't believe us anymore.
They're in their bubbles.
No, we're not in your bubble.
And so his response now, breaking liberals, that's what the party is up there, online hate bill contains $20,000 fines for speech, it's actually $70,000 is the limit, and life imprisonment for hate crimes, like tearing down a Black Lives Matter sign.
And here's the article, you can go read about that, liberals online hate bill contains $70,000 fines for speech.
And life imprisonment for hate crimes.
So, let's go ahead and play the clip from a few days ago, and there's a new clip of Trudeau talking about this.
This man, again, is the archetypal model, like Gavin Newsom, of these robot Satanists we're facing.
So that it's not, we're not fighting Terminator 2s, we're not fighting T1s, we're fighting people that have fallen to Satan.
Here it is.
There is, out there, a deliberate undermining of mainstream media.
There are the conspiracy theorists, there are the social media drivers who are trying to do everything they can to keep people in their little filter bubbles, to prevent people from actually agreeing on a common set of facts, the way, you know, that CBC and CTV, when they were our only sources of news, you know, used to project across the country at least a common understanding of things.
The establishment has broken the social contract and is in direct war with the people.
Now here he is speaking to another world leader, Trudeau.
In every democracy around the world we are seeing a rising movement of either authoritarian populism, well that's a new word, the populists are authoritarian, the people are bad, or skepticism about democracy itself.
Oh so democracy is you putting people in jail for their speech?
For life?
Oh, okay.
Remember, he's the guy that said, what do you admire most about any other country or system?
Well, I admire Xi Jinping and Communist China's basic dictatorship.
That's a quote.
I've probably played it 200 times.
Want to see the clip again?
I'm not going to do it.
Anybody wants it, you can find it.
So, everything he's saying is a perfect inversion.
Here he is.
I'm not going to talk about internal European dynamics, but I will say that in all of our democracies, in every democracy around the world, we are seeing a rising Movements of either authoritarian populism or skepticism about democracy itself.
And we all need to recommit ourselves to standing up, not just for Ukraine, but through standing up for Ukraine to the very principles that make our countries strong and free.
It is a time where citizens cannot take their democracies for granted, need to continue to be there, to lean in, not just on being worried about their daily challenges, which are significant everywhere around the world right now, but making sure we are building peace, stability and prosperity for future generations as well.
And that means standing up unequivocally Alright, that's enough.
rules-based order, standing for democracy, against authoritarianism, against illegal
invasions of another country's sovereignty. These are principles that
are under discussion in every country around the world and I know that the two
of us are standing... Alright, that's enough. So he's there in Poland trying to
accelerate World War III, calls that peace, and he's putting people in jail for their speech.
That's fighting totalitarianism.
I mean, the man is just an absolute disgrace.
But that's the model.
That's the new world order.
All right.
All right.
I got too much to cover to tell you what I'm going to cover when I come back.
It's a lot of stuff.
It's important.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
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All right, I wanna shift gears back to World War III alert.
Basically, I'm not gonna repeat all the names, but every European leader, except Orban,
and I guess it's not really Europe, but it's the gateway into the Middle East.
Erdogan has not done it.
He's part of NATO.
All of them, other than those two, have just called for total World War III, and gear up, get the draft ready, we're going to just go to war with the Russians.
It's so crazy, it's so big.
It's so out of control, I can't even believe I'm saying it.
Like, it doesn't sound true.
But it is.
And then in the middle of that, you've got Vladimir Zelensky, the totally compromised gay prostitute, who's obviously on methamphetamine and so many other drugs, and he's in a new interview with MSNBC, and he is just blasted.
Absolutely blasted.
And he's already launched missiles at Poland repeatedly and claimed the Russians did it.
We're in so much danger.
Because they need a pretext now.
Remember they blamed the Nord Stream Pipeline getting blown up on Putin.
It's not that Putin's perfect, it's that he's not doing this.
The CIA came out in the New York Times and said, oh yeah, we've been there for decades and we overthrew the government ten years ago and we got all our proxy armies and we're gonna win and basically we're in charge.
So they're telling you, hey, we're at war with Russia, just incrementally.
Yeah, we're probably gonna send troops, they're already there.
Yeah, we're not gonna lose this war.
Yeah, we overthrew the government 10 years ago.
They're just, so it's incremental, like you wake up and you're at war with Russia.
What have I been telling you for two plus years?
We're at war with Russia.
And then, if you're a radio listener, you can't really see this, you can't see it, but I've seen people on Hardcore amphetamines.
And this guy is on them.
Or he just snorted five lines of cocaine.
But it looks like speed to me.
And if you look at... I've done videos on this.
We ought to repost it to X. Like, I think the headline was, what's wrong with Tim Cook's eyes?
It's like six years ago.
It's probably when they banned me or five years ago.
And he's on television at Grand Central Station with the reporter from Vice.
And there's no iris.
It's all pupils.
It's all black under TV lights.
And I talked to some medical doctors on air, I said, what can do that?
And they said, under lights to do that, five hits of ecstasy, four or five hits of acid will do it.
And if you actually watch when these globalists are on TV, They're on drugs, ladies and gentlemen.
Nancy Pelosi's on drugs.
Biden's on drugs.
They're on drugs.
And a lot of them.
And that's the biggest thing.
The Bible says pharmakia will usher in the Antichrist.
The Bible says everybody will be on pharmakia.
And I've always been honest.
I'm not a hypocrite.
I may go six months not drinking.
Gosh, I went 14 years not smoking a cigar or a cigarette.
I've been right back on it, you know, last couple years.
And I drink some alcohol.
I drink like 10% of what I used to, so I'm a moderate drinker now.
Five, six years ago, good lord, I was world champion for a while.
Praise God, nothing bad happened.
But to people say, well, how do you know he's on drugs?
Well, you must know.
Yeah, I've known people on them.
I'm a depressant guy.
I think I took high school, what is it?
Valium a couple times, hated it.
I don't like those stuff.
I like alcohol, that's it.
I like caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, that's it.
And I'm honest about that.
But this guy is completely out of his mind, and people on speed make really bad decisions.
Hitler, they would inject him with methamphetamine.
That's admitted by the Nazis.
And he'd run around for three, four days, all crazy, thinking he was invincible, and he crashed for two days, And it was famous during the Battle of the Bulge, Hitler said, I'm in charge of the military, you can't make any moves until I give them.
And it's in the movies and the documentaries.
In fact, they wouldn't wake him up to launch a counterattack because he'd been asleep for two days after a meth binge.
And there he is at the Olympics in 1936.
I mean, and he issued to the German troops Pills and injectable meth.
So, history is repeating itself.
Here is Zelensky.
Mr. President, I just returned from several areas along the front line, in the South and in the East, and soldiers there told me they have to ration their ammunition.
They don't have enough weapons to advance.
They can only defend themselves.
In some cases, they're losing territory.
What happens to your country if this American aid doesn't arrive?
We will lose a lot of people.
We will lose territories.
So, now I want to shift gears to gaslighting Nancy Pelosi.
But first, if NATO wouldn't have started that war ten years ago, which Victoria Nuland, I didn't even get to the video yesterday, we had it.
Hell, see if you can dig that up, or maybe it was two days ago.
Victoria Nuland comes out, the headline is, Victoria Nuland, that's the ambassador to the EU.
She's the real president of Ukraine.
Victoria Nuland, quote, most of the money we send to Ukraine comes back here.
Oh, we already know it comes back to you with money laundering.
There she is admitting their money laundering.
This is all part of the Confidence Act, just like Joe Biden.
Saying, yeah, this prosecutor was investigating me and my son, so I called up and said, we're going to take a billion dollars away from you unless you fire that prosecutor, and son of a bitch, he was fired a few hours later.
You've seen the clip.
No need to play it.
And Victoria Newland gets up in an interview and says, hey, look, the money almost all comes back here.
Yeah, well, it doesn't come to us.
And by the way, I wouldn't want money.
And they said, Jones, we're going to give you a $5,000 check a month of your money coming back.
So, get behind the war.
I'd say, you keep your money.
It's blood money.
But we're not even getting the money.
And then they go around and brag.
You say, why do they do that?
Because it's about the arrogance of the CIA director before Obama left office eight years ago.
Brennan gets up at a press conference and says, yeah, we're spraying aluminum dioxide, barium salts and radioactive stuff on you.
And we're controlling the weather.
It's for your own good.
And it violates treaties.
So we keep the specifics secret.
We do control the weather.
And we're aerosolizing it and we add it to jet fuel.
They have all the shows.
Chemtrails don't exist.
Chemtrails don't exist.
Because they want to tell you and then say, but it doesn't exist.
It's like letting two hundred and something thousand criminals out of jail, rapists, armed robbers in Houston.
You're like, does it make sense?
It's not meant to make sense.
It's meant to make you give up.
Don't give up.
Count on God.
Point your spiritual antenna at God and fight this because the devil's going to lose.
Don't give up.
Do the opposite and fight it and you get stronger, not weaker.
So here's Pelosi, there needs to be an intervention in Trump's mental health.
No, there needs to be one for Joe Biden.
And they're getting ready to do that and then bring in Gavin Newsom and Big Mike and, you know, the rest of the crew, the rest of the clown car.
But here she is.
Europeans here are worried.
They see America and they say America is stepping back.
You've dealt with Donald Trump.
What advice would you give them?
Have an intervention into your mental health, your political viability.
He's really grotesque and it's really a shame and I never talk politics when I go overseas because That's just the way we have always been very bipartisan when we go overseas.
We may have our differences and we criticize the president at home.
I have my hesitation to do that.
But he has ventured into the global scene by his chumminess with Putin.
Trump is mentally ill and needs to be put in mental institutions, what she just said, and he's grotesque.
No, you are grotesque.
Now, let's move to this next article.
People ask me on X, why do you show black people racially attacking white people?
Are you racist?
No, if the media said it was okay and it was telling white people go out and attack black people, I would show it and I would say it was wrong because that's the right thing to do.
But it's all part of this destabilization campaign.
So now the FBI has put out an image on their website about the horrible retail theft happening around the country.
And I've seen the videos, you've seen the videos, thousands of them if you look.
And I'd say it's about 90% black people doing the retail theft thing.
There's some white people doing it too.
And some Hispanics.
But I mean, what's going on in the community where they pass laws in California and a bunch of states where, well, we don't prosecute you, we only steal less than $4,000.
And then all the carjacking and all this stuff and their green lighting.
Hey, black people, young black people, go out and commit crime.
That's your new business.
That's your reparations.
That's meant to cause a race war.
People, they want to abort all the black people.
I care about black people legitimately.
But we're told in every movie, in every show, the mail robe model is weak, whether they're black or white.
Black Lives Matter's main mission in their canon In their mission statement is, in the nuclear family and transition black men to women.
Which is true, but imagine our platform is in the family and cut black men's balls off.
Because I'm so anti-black and so racist, I constantly oppose that.
I don't want to abort the black babies.
But I also don't want them brought up and brainwashed by the left to want to kill me and my family.
So I have to say it.
Let's not kill the black babies and let's educate them and treat them good and raise
them up and lead them to the light like we want to do everybody else.
But also those that have been brainwashed to turn into weapons, I'm going to call them
Real simple.
And people telling me not to, well, you're going to get a lot more of it.
And you are.
Because I don't ever want to, I never consciously sell out and hold information back.
But there was a little political correctness going on.
And I'd put on an occasional video of high school students and stuff being murdered by 10, 15 black kids.
And the media says, don't show the video because you're racist.
I'm like, oh, you're being racist, Alex.
Not just by leftists, by other people.
I said, that's it.
I'll just post five more racial attacks from this week on white kids getting killed.
You don't like that?
You're going to get it.
Because I'm going to do what's uncomfortable, folks, but I'm going to explain why I'm doing it.
So, FBI blasted for using image of white people in post warning of mass retail theft.
And the point is, why didn't you show a white woman, a black woman, or a black man?
Why didn't you show a mix of that?
Because there's some white people doing that.
It's a trendy thing for young people to rob.
It's not just black people doing it.
It's a big trendy thing.
It's going on.
A lot of young white kids are doing it.
I'm not saying white people aren't doing it, but why is it always white people?
Every new TV show shows white men robbing black families and that's all you ever see because it's a message, it's a It's an operation.
And they admit they tell them to do that.
So why are they doing that?
I want to have a discussion about why the media, the controlled corporate media, the enemy of the people, is doing that.
Meanwhile, am I going to attack Fannie Willis because she's black?
Or because her boyfriend in the booty call is Nathan Wade?
That's because... Why are almost all the people prosecuting Trump black?
Well, it now came out that the Biden administration is running Fannie Willis' operation.
I've got articles, a bunch of them right here.
And it's white dudes, of course, and then the white supremacists go, oh, the white people are behind it.
I'm just calling it like I see it.
Balls and strikes.
I'm saying it's the establishment playing itself against each other.
It's not white people are bad or black people are bad, but I'm saying it's a bunch of white leftist suicide-missioning, kamikaze-ing black people on their mission to carry out leftist, globalist policies.
The persecution of the most popular president since George Washington.
And they can sit back and hide behind him, and then when we come out and say those people are criminals, Fannie Willis and her boyfriend, money laundering, all of it, oh, what'd she say on the stand?
What'd he say?
Oh, you're just persecuting black people.
You're the one who drew first blood.
You're the one working for George Soros, the Democratic Party, and the White House has an operative in there, it's in the news now, running everything you do.
We already knew that.
You're the one trying to put Trump in jail, and then we're not supposed to point out you're corrupt?
Have you looked in the mirror and asked why almost all the prosecutors are black?
Because that's what Soros and the CIA decided for this operation.
So, this is raw video, but they took it as a joke and added, I guess, Jeopardy or something else to it, like a game show.
This is Nathan Wade.
I played the raw clip of this.
This is a real clip.
This isn't edited.
And this is him, and now they've got the cell phone data showing none of this is true.
He knew her years before going to her house, years before.
You can go buy the cell phone data to show where a cell phone was, where somebody went, what they did.
Here it is.
Did you go to a cabin with Miss Willis ever?
Took him a long time to perjure himself.
He was really thinking about it.
And that's who's prosecuting Trump, trying to put him in jail for decades.
And then we're like, hey, you're a fraud.
Oh, I'm black!
Yeah, why are you black?
Why were you chosen to do the dirty work so black people get blamed?
Think about it, people.
Come on.
I've had some well-known talk show hosts and influencers, black and white, text me and say, why don't you stop with the racism?
Why don't you go for unity?
How do I create unity if I don't show what people are doing?
So you're going to see a lot more of it.
You're going to get it.
You don't like it?
It's like Larry Silverstein saying on PBS, I made the decision to blow up Building 7.
He doubled the insurance the month before 9-11.
People say, why are you attacking a Jewish person?
Hey, I didn't say, hey, look at this Jew that blew up the building.
I just said, look at Larry Silverstein.
He can be black.
He can be white.
He can be Catholic.
He can be Christian.
He can be a Buddhist.
Whoever the hell he is doing it, I'm going to show it.
You're the ones that bring to the table, oh, he's Jewish.
Not me.
See, I just oppose the globalist world government system.
And the media goes, oh, that means Jews.
I'm like, well, whatever it is, I'm against it.
And so I'm not making it the new world order, a white thing, a black thing, whatever it is.
I am simply pointing out what's going on.
And I'm going to continue to do it, and they don't want me to do it, because I do create unity that people listen to.
If you listen to me, and you figure out how the scam works, you realize they're out to get us all.
They gave everybody the poison shots.
They pushed them on everyone, but they said, oh, black people really need it.
Oh, COVID's much worse for black people.
Oh, we don't want to take it ourselves first.
Borla of Pfizer and said, and said, remember that?
Oh, we want the black people to get it first because we're so liberal.
Have you taken the shot?
No, I haven't, said Borla.
I said, I want the first shots to go to black people.
And he smiles like a fricking devil.
My point is Hollywood and the corporate media are the ones that want to abort everybody, but they got a special twinkle in their eye for black people.
Black people have been targeted, they have been screwed over, they have been cheated, they have been lied to, they have been dumbed down like everybody else.
But even more intensely.
So I actually see that, not through God's eyes, but through God's light.
I don't see through God's eyes, but I see through God's light.
And I see that God wants me to help everybody.
God wants me to save everybody.
But I've got to tell it just right.
I've got to explain how it works.
I've got to show the sides that are there.
Because they want you to either say, I'm for the black people, and now that's the face of the new world order, like Obama was the face of the new world order, to make it about black people.
So you think, all this that's happening to me is black people.
Let's play a few of these clips dealing with the Well, you know, since Pelosi talked about how Trump needs intervention, he's been thrown in a mental institution.
He's obviously so mentally ill.
Let's play a bunch of these crazy clips from Biden on late night with Seth Meyers.
They don't even have him on the main shows now.
He goes on like the B shows.
This guy is such a joke.
Because the globalists have cut him loose.
They're not even booking him on big shows.
They're demonizing him to make him resign.
He's fighting and clawing to stay in power.
It's such a great train wreck.
They'll probably kill him.
That is the globalist's will.
I hope they don't kill him because I'll turn him into a martyr.
That's their plan.
But let's play clip 8, 9, and 10.
But let's start with 10.
Play clip 10, 9, and 8.
And then 12.
Play those back to back.
I mean, this guy is out of his gourd.
...concern for American voters.
How do you address that concern going forward as you come up to the 2024 election?
Well, a couple things.
Number one, you gotta take a look at the other guy.
He's about as old as I am, but he can't remember his wife's name.
And, uh... Number one... She was a fake blaster.
It's about how old your ideas are.
Look, I mean, this is a guy who wants to take us back.
He wants to take us back on Roe v. Wade.
He wants to take us back on a whole range of issues that are 50, 60 years they've been solid American positions.
And I really mean this sincerely.
I think it's about the future and everything, every single thing we've done.
I think we've got some good things done.
And they told us we couldn't get them done because things were so divided.
And, uh, but I think everything, everything we've gotten done, he's just friendly state.
He wants to do away with you get selected.
And I really think his views on where to take America are older than anyway.
You talked about bipartisanship and that you could actually work across the aisle when you ran in 2020.
I was- The American people are incredible.
And we're the best, you know, I've told, I asked, I was asked by Xi Jinping about when I was in the Tibetan mountains with him.
That wasn't true.
And he said, can you define America for me?
I said, yeah, one word.
What do you, what do you want to do?
What's your 2024 agenda?
Because I feel like we live in such crazy times that that is one of the things I feel we hear less about.
The 2020 agenda is to finish the job.
You, I believe, are more optimistic about this country than, certainly I am, than a lot of people are.
Why do you continue to be optimistic about this nation despite everything that's happened in recent years?
Look, I tell every world leader, and I mean this sincerely, Never underestimate the ability of the American people.
There's nothing beyond our capacity.
Think about it.
Every single crisis we've ever, ever, ever been in, we've come out stronger than we went in.
And folks, it's because of you, not because of your leaders, because of you, really and truly.
The American people are incredible.
And we're the best.
You know, I've told, I asked, I was asked by Xi Jinping about when I was in the Tibetan mountains with him.
That's enough.
We already played that club.
It's a longer club.
They hop him up on a bunch of drugs, roll him out there, and he still can't complete a sentence properly.
All right, Max Keiser is going to cover what's happening in the economy, Russia, Bukele's incredible CPAC speech.
He's coming up next hour.
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That's my dad, he's a great sponsor.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage, so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
Hey, I got some good news for everybody.
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And there's so many other great products there on the site.
Be sure and check it out.
There's a lot of products available there that are available at InfoWarsStore.com.
A lot of products that aren't available.
Hi, Alex Jones here.
We find ourselves squarely in the clusterfuck of a lifetime, otherwise known as the Battle of Helm's Deep.
The odds are stacked against our heroes as the army of Saruman, the George Soros of Middle-Earth, surrounds the ancient fortress.
A senior citizen with a bow accidentally loses an arrow and headshots one of these demon mongrels in the front line of this goblin-adjacent army that represents total globalist control.
I, for one, admire senior citizens, but as we age, we tend to lose focus and energy, which is why we've developed BrainForce Ultra, which is now 47% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
Okay, fast forward.
And now you've got these stupid sons of bitches scaling the walls and threatening to usurp the resolve of our beloved companions.
Now take two deep breaths and imagine you're standing next to Gimli and Legolas as orcish brutes descend upon you.
I don't know about you, but this makes me want to pick up an oversized warhammer and just start smashing sternums.
I'm an American, so I'm a patriot.
I'm a man.
I like beautiful women.
I like steak.
And I'll be damned if the globalists think they can extinguish my spirit.
The battle rages on in Legolas and Gimli Vi for the Kill Count title as the Orc army encroaches upon the Keep.
Hope wanes, and most of it has gone the way of your civil liberties during COVID.
The establishment, not unlike these foul, nightmarish, uh, goblin chimeras, has one purpose, and that is to extinguish your will to fight and win.
Hope arrives, but not as a concept.
Hope arrives as a person, and his name is Gandalf.
Seated atop his trusty steed, Shadowfax, Gandalf leads the charge down the steep incline towards the battlefield with the road here by his side.
The sheer levels of 1776 that we're seeing here is evidence that there is hope yet in the hearts of men.
Back off, you goblin dipshits!
You're garbage!
...on the emergency alert system.
Let's go ahead and play the clergy response team clip.
Now remember, before this became national news, we got the secret documents from pastors who've been recruited by FEMA.
We posted the secret documents with FEMA phone numbers.
Train your flocks to turn their guns in.
Train your flocks to go to FEMA camps.
Train your flocks to take forced inoculations.
People didn't believe us, just like they didn't believe the MIAC report.
Then, suddenly local news began reporting it, but like it was a good thing.
Now listen, will martial law ever be a reality?
And the preachers are there, being paid by the government, faith-based initiative now, continuing under Obama, to tell their flocks to do what they're told by the authorities, and the government's biggest threat is the American people.
That's a quote.
So, this is specifically the pastors getting ready for us to go to FEMA camps.
And there's thousands of pieces of evidence like this, and Glenn Beck's saying it doesn't exist.
Here it is.
Law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
NSK SLA News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
From my cold, dead hands!
Charlton Heston's famous declaration captures a truly American value.
The overarching desire to protect our freedoms.
But gun confiscation is exactly what happened during the state of emergency following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
troops also arrived.
Something far easier to do even now, thanks to last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
That forbid U.S.
troops from policing on American soil.
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie The Siege, easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical.
And that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
Jeff, the primary thing that we say to anybody is let's cooperate and get this thing over with, and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such clergy response teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government versus the wishes of the public.
In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to diffuse that situation.
For the clergy, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or obey the law is the Bible itself.
Specifically, Romans.
Romans 13.
Because the government is established by the Lord.
And that's what we believe in the Christian faith.
You know?
That's what's stated in the scripture.
Civil rights advocates believe the amount of public cooperation may depend largely on how long they expect the suspension of their rights might last.
Romans 13 is out of context.
It was Hitler's favorite verse to control the Germans.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, the mighty Max Keiser to talk about big world events, the economy, and more, from sunny El Salvador, joins us for the rest of the hour.
I want to play a brief compilation of Bukele, just a few years into office, re-elected by almost 90%, making it the safest country in the Western Hemisphere, basically in the blink of an eye, politically, in two years, calling out George Soros, the New World Order, and the globalists.
This is absolutely amazing.
Here it is.
They say globalism comes to die at CPAC.
I'm here to tell you that in El Salvador, it's already dead.
But if you want globalism to die here too, you must be willing to unapologetically fight
against everything and everyone that stands for it.
(audience laughing)
Fight for your freedoms!
Fight for your rights!
The next President of the United States must not only win an election.
He must have the vision, the will, and the courage to do whatever it takes.
And above all, he must be able to identify the underlying forces that will conspire against him.
These dark forces are already taking over your country.
The corrupt system working in tandem with the so-called international community, the NGOs, and of course the fake news.
I mean, who elected Soros to dictate public policy and laws?
Why does he feel entitled to impose his agenda?
Let me tell you something.
Soros and his cronies hit a brick wall in the subwater.
Thank God.
Another glory be to him.
Thank God.
Salvadorans are now immune to his influence.
No one believes his lies anymore over there.
I remember four or five years ago Max Keiser came to see me.
Before Bitcoin did that historic run, he said it's going to do that run.
He also said, we're going to check out El Salvador.
We're going to advise this politician, get ready to run for president.
We're going to put a thermal system on a volcano to run this Bitcoin system
and it's going to change the world.
And I respect Max, he's a smart guy.
And so I didn't roll my eyes, but I was kind of like, oh yeah, right.
South America, man, that's going to really turn everything around.
And now it's happening all over the place.
Argentina, the list goes on.
And Buckele went in there and just wrecked it.
Wrecked the new world order in that 23 minute speech.
Max Keiser's got some clips he wants to get to, where Bukele talks about the fiat money system and the tyranny of it, and so much more.
So I want to cover the waterfront here with Max, but man, people say Alex Jones is tomorrow's news today.
Maxie, if I had a big enough crew, I should have thought before you even came on to go back four or five years ago, as you said all that on air too.
I mean, you called it, you got to find that clip for my show or maybe during a break, send me a clip of you saying, I know you said it and I'm just here, because you nailed the living shit out of it.
I mean, that's like a hole in one, dude.
How the hell did you do that?
Well, you know, everything's in the markets.
You look at prices and prices tell you stuff.
And you look at who's making markets and who's making prices.
So we live in a world of market and price discovery and markets have taken over the world markets.
All industry and all society and all communities refer back to some trading that's going on.
Prices are quoted and after 20, 30 years of watching these prices, you know, you begin to understand how they telegraph things that are coming and how their predictive powers because they are essentially a reflection of human nature.
All markets are a reflection of human nature and humans are very predictable.
So when prices tend to go in a certain direction, you can anticipate that humans will react in a certain way.
So I think that gets into the predictive powers of markets, and our conversations going back 20 years now have always been focused on this fact of trying to glean information from what people are actually doing with their money, because that's... That's always real intelligence, isn't the propaganda on the news, you know, the defense intelligence, they'll all tell you.
Real intelligence is on the ground.
Right, it's a matter of incentives, right?
So people, show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome.
People's incentives, with their money, telegraphs what they're thinking and if enough people are starting to think in that way, then the future is being cooked up in the present and you'll see where things are going.
But you have to be able to Disregard the bad signals and the bad price discovery.
You have to be able to get rid of your biases.
You have to get rid of your prejudices.
I mean, that's why people and journalists... No, no, I was honest.
You're like, oh, this South American country is going to turn around.
And by the way, you were sheepish like a year ago and again a few months ago.
About it, because I remember you saying, and it was at dinner and also even on air, like, I'm advising this guy who's going to be the president, we're going to turn around and later, like, oh, I barely know Bukele.
You obviously have a relationship.
I get once somebody's in power, you don't want to make a distraction about you.
But you've known Bukele.
You called this like five years ago, even before he ran.
So just be honest about your relationship with Bukele and where he's going now.
Well, you know, the thing about El Salvador and President Bukele is that he had the foresight to make Bitcoin legal tender back in 2021.
And so Max and Stacey, of course, have always been on the cutting edge of the Bitcoin space and the Bitcoin industry.
And we thought this was really amazing because Bitcoin is generally a bottoms up phenomenon.
Small fringe players find it, they adopt it, and then that becomes the mainstream.
But here, with President Bukele, here is the president of a country who was orange-pilled, as we say, who made Bitcoin legal tender.
And he's been into Bitcoin for several years, and he understands the ethos and the philosophy of Bitcoin and what it can do to his country.
You know, Bitcoin demonetizes violence.
So it's no coincidence that only six, seven months after he made Bitcoin legal tender, he declared war on the gangs.
And now El Salvador is the safest country in the Western Hemisphere.
In the hemisphere, you know, it's safer in El Salvador now than Luxembourg, right?
The numbers are incredible.
They've gone the entire month of February so far without a single homicide.
So they're trending down towards zero.
And with the safety, there's a peace dividend, Alex.
So by getting rid of the gangs, it's like injecting $6 billion into this $28 billion
economy because the gangs are no longer extorting money from everybody.
And then everyone feels free to go outside and do stuff.
They feel free to start businesses.
They feel free to get together.
And so let's talk about that.
And President Bukle, I like to say Bukle, but Bukle, or Rukelly, but it's potato, tomato.
But pulling back from this, defunding the police, letting criminals out of jail, 290,000
criminals let out of jail, rapists, armed robbers in Houston.
The system wanted us locked down, they want climate lockdowns, and now it's creating kind of a lockdown because of all the crime.
We'll get back to Bukele and all the success there in El Salvador, but why are the globalists doing this here?
They admit they're administratively creating uncertainty, destabilization, a shuttering of the economy.
What's that about?
You know, I saw an excellent interview that Tucker Carlson just did with a Chinese woman, an author of a new book, talking about the parallels with America today and the Cultural Revolution and the Maoists.
And the Maoist Cultural Revolution was all about just a pure power grab, and they essentially got rid of the police.
They did a lot of things you see now.
They're getting rid of the past.
They're rewriting the past.
They're making everything old is gotten rid of.
And people are allowed to just run rampant.
And it ended, of course, in tragic deaths of millions.
And so the parallels, it's an excellent interview, you know, Tucker's over there on XNOW, and I just saw it last night, and we've been talking kind of obliquely about the Cultural Revolution for a few years, I kind of understood it a little bit, I knew the history, but now there's a bit of a deep dive into really what happened under Mao in China, and the The game, the playbook, is the same.
And that's what we're seeing in the US.
It's a pure power grab.
These are communists, essentially, in the United States.
As she points out, she's saying the communists are now in every institution in the United States.
The court system, the police, the education system, particularly in the education system.
And their agenda is to I set up a class war, essentially, in the U.S.
or a race war in the U.S.
as a way to grab power.
And that's happening.
It's a very compelling interview.
I recommend people watch it.
We'll get her on.
I haven't seen that interview yet.
I'm going to be seeing Tucker soon.
I'll just leave it at that.
It's going to be very exciting.
But absolutely.
In fact, you really hit the nail on the head here.
The globalists admit, the CIA admits, the Carnegie Endowment that runs the CIA currently admits That they're trying to run a Maoist model.
So instead of Chinese rebuking Chinese, they're using racial divides, they're using public rebukes.
All the same things they did of destabilizing China, the Cultural Revolution, the Great Leap Forward.
They're literally admitting that that's what they're running here.
There's communists marching in New York yesterday.
Right, and it's becoming now pretty well understood That the game, the playbook is Maoism.
And as President Bukele said at CPAC, the globalists are not welcome in El Salvador.
George Soros is not welcome in El Salvador.
And he openly called them out at CPAC and said the globalists are the biggest threat to the world order, to the biggest threat to liberty and economic freedom.
And he is He made it very clear that El Salvador is not open for the globalists.
And then there's another clip we're going to play, I think, about he went on to talk about fiat money as well, and the illusion of what taxes do, etc., which is another incredible thing for a world leader to say at an open forum like CPAC, really calling out the bankers for the charlatans that they are.
And when you go to El Salvador, you feel this on the street.
You feel that the leader of the country really knows his You know, expletive-deletive.
You know, he really knows what he's talking about.
And let's expand on that because you know, I'm coming down to see you soon.
I'm buying the buying the soup, man.
I'm on board.
Let's talk next few days.
The next month I want to get down there.
I'm going to leave it at that.
But I got some other big stuff about to happen the next two weeks and I'll come see you.
I'm hot to try.
But literally, you called this before he got elected.
You called it once he got elected.
And it is changing the world.
He's really the model.
You know, I think that, you know, Javier there in...
Another part of South America, there in Argentina, is great, but not as good as what we have in El Salvador.
And now that his model is being picked up everywhere, this is explosive.
And it's so hot now, all the top talk show hosts, you and I have been interviewing for 20 years, talking about the new world order and globalists, so we're OGs, but it's not about territorialism.
The top host almost every day.
Joe Rogan, you name it.
And Joe is fully awake now and we're seeing that.
But all the other top talk show hosts have switched over to us.
Russell Brand, I could go on for an hour.
This is a massive sea change.
And then you've got Bukele there in front of CPAC, in front of the world, literally nailing the New World Order.
I mean, just six years ago, Lou Dobbs mentioned Jordan Soros.
Now he was funding open borders and they fired him the next week.
That line has been crossed.
People aren't intimidated anymore.
The globalists have lost control of the narrative.
We have Trudeau saying he wants to put people in prison for life for free speech and that no one trusts him anymore and that everybody hates him.
Well that's true!
So don't they get they're getting in the court of public opinion their asses literally annihilated and the Great Awakening is accelerating.
This is only intensifying.
So can you speak to that and then What do you think the globalists do next?
I mean, I guess we know.
Macron says they're getting ready to send NATO troops in to Ukraine.
I mean, this is insane.
As you point out, as you say, this idea of the globalists is something you've been talking about for quite some time, and 20 years ago it sounded fringe, and today it's really mainstream conversation.
And the question is, will it happen in the United States, what we're seeing in the client states of the United States, or in countries around the world where the U.S.
is the dominant empire, empirical We are seeing in the U.S.
because of the three D's that I like to talk about.
The de-globalization, de-dollarization, and de-population.
So in the case of de-globalization, we have a collapse in the 40-year-old bond market.
Interest rates bottomed and are now going higher, which means that the global economy is shrinking.
And that the ability to float bonds is weakening.
And the ability to refinance corporations and municipalities and governments is falling.
So that's de-globalization.
We have de-dollarization as we see with Russia, China, Iran, Argentina.
By the way, you called that on my show a few months ago when the dollar was up.
It's now down.
Well, yeah.
The dollar itself is a bit of an illusory when you look at the forex market, Amy.
What I'm looking at is the use of the dollar amongst the major trading partners and as a global world reserve currency, where its use is falling quite substantially.
And when the United States weaponized Iran by essentially cutting Iran off from the dollar, by cutting Iran off from the SWIFT system, They opened the Pandora's box for these other countries like Russia and China to decide that, you know what, we want to get out of the dollar.
Again, Tucker Carlson did an excellent interview with President Putin, where Putin said exactly this point that I've been saying for years, that once you told Iran that they're going to kick off the SWIFT system and you weaponize use of the dollar, They're going to seek other ways to settle global trade than the U.S.
And now here we are 15 years later and use of dollar in global trade is shrinking rapidly and alternative currencies and other forex markets are being used.
This is a net negative, a huge negative for the U.S.
Of course, it's an opportunity for Bitcoin, which, you know, I'm not going to digress into Bitcoin at this exact moment, but it is obviously positive for Bitcoin.
No, I want to get a Bitcoin update before you go.
I just want to get your incredible, I guess your answer's true, that's who we have on, the people that are accurate.
I have all these badass guests on, Max is one of the best, but we just have people on that nail it over and over again, so I want to get a lot of your download on a bunch of topics.
I get your, and I'm not being mean, your wonderful bubble down there in El Salvador, and you called it and we love it and I'm coming soon, but I want to get your prognosis on a bunch of other stuff.
Right, so the de-dollarization is definitely happening.
And so the Forex trade, the market, the main index that trades the dollar that people quote, it's not giving, this is a perfect example of what I mean about markets giving either good signals or bad signals.
And if you can read markets, you can kind of tell what the present is and therefore prognosticate into the future.
The current dollar index is giving a very bad signal in terms of dollar strength and dollar usage.
So you have to really understand that to know and look underneath the numbers and say, well, where is the dollar actually being used?
And is it being replaced by other currencies and other countries?
And the answer is yes.
And then you begin to extrapolate a forecast.
And I'll make a forecast right now that the dollar, even though the the forex market would indicate that it's relatively strong, I'm forecasting based on my analysis of this of the deeper dive into the numbers that the dollar is going to be continued to run up against huge pressures in the global trade and we're going to see it more and more.
Um, have the difficulty of maintaining any purchasing power whatsoever.
In the United States, the dollar's purchasing power is collapsing, and this is borne by something called inflation.
And again, here's a number that is very deceptive.
The government will say that inflation is maybe 2 or 3 or 4 percent, but we know for a fact that for stuff that people actually buy, like food and energy and housing and healthcare, inflation's running at 15 percent.
Oh, I mean, my God, just the last three years alone, most stuff's doubled.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
If you look at a chart of stuff that goes up in price that people actually use, it's inflation is completely out of off the off the hook.
And but they use an aggregate number and the government will say, well, it's actually in aggregate.
It'll be three percent.
We're trying to get it to two percent.
So they they statistically lie.
And so, again, markets Tell you the truth.
If you're willing to put aside your biases and your prejudices and look at the actual numbers and who's actually buying and who's actually selling, and then you can get a... Well, the biggest one is a Big Mac has doubled in price in three years.
Yeah, when there was a story out a couple weeks ago about a, you know, a combo meal at McDonald's, and I think it was Connecticut, which was a Big Mac and frying Coke was, it was $18, $19.
You know, and so these are prices, these are what's called the lower middle class.
People that are just out of the poverty class and just getting into the lower middle class, they're now being squeezed out.
Millions of Americans are already straddling the poverty line.
They're dropping beneath the poverty line.
They're becoming part of the permanently Or, and structurally, all the avenues towards social advance, which America was famous for, you know, you come to America, the American dream, if you work hard, you can be successful.
Well, those paths of access are being cut off.
by entrenched oligopolists, or you can call them globalists, that are instituting and putting in
place barriers to entry or competitive walls that make it impossible for anyone to succeed anymore
in the U.S. and And they then become rent seekers.
They become what I would call sometimes the neo-feudal class.
Well, even Trump said this a month ago.
They said he was hoping for a crash.
He said, I hope the crash comes before I get in so I don't get blamed and I can fix it.
He's being very honest in my view.
I think we're already in the crash right now.
They're just not admitting it.
Well, OK, I'll give you another example of, you know, missing the forest for the trees.
When you talk about crash, typically in the U.S., you know, everything is in U.S.
dollar terms, right?
The stock market's hitting new highs, but that's in U.S.
dollar terms.
Warren Buffett has the most cash on his balance sheet ever of $197 billion, but it's U.S.
But if you were to price everything In Bitcoin, the stock market, commodity prices, Berkshire Hathaway stock, Nvidia stock, Microsoft stock, if you were to price it all in Bitcoin, they're all collapsing against Bitcoin.
You know, Bitcoin as a pure price signal in the market is telling us something about the dollar, about inflation, and about global geopolitics.
And you're a former, no I agree, you're a former, we'll talk about Bitcoin coming up, you're a former silver and gold bug.
Obviously you think Bitcoin's going to go way above that when they finally admit inflation's out of control, but gold and silver, I expect it's going to go skyrocketing as well.
No, because Bitcoin is demonetizing gold.
And I can give you again... But gold and silver are industrial.
They're 90% of gold is...
hoarding of gold as a store of value. Very small percentages used in industry.
So how did your mindset change? It was only 6-7 years ago you got out of metals, you're
just all Bitcoin.
Yeah, because I saw that gold was being demonetized by Bitcoin.
And I'll give you proof of this.
Look at the ETF market, right?
The New Exchange Traded Funds.
The Bitcoin ETFs have launched less than a few weeks ago.
And they already have something like $40 billion in the Bitcoin ETFs versus the gold ETFs.
They've been around for decades.
They've got $90 billion.
So in 2024, the amount of money in Bitcoin ETFs will flip or eclipse the amount of money in gold ETFs.
That tells you right there in stark black and white terms that Bitcoin is demonetizing gold.
People are dumping the gold and buying Bitcoin because it's better money.
All right, Max Keiser, Max Keiser, Max, Max, stay there.
I also want to ask you, who do you think gave me $8 million of Bitcoin that kept InfoWars afloat?
We'll answer that question when we come back with Max Keiser.
You can find him at MaxKeiser on X and at OrangePill.
Stay with us.
Max Keiser is our guest.
I wish I would listen to him 12 years ago when he tried to give me 10,000 bitcoins and I couldn't figure out how to set a wallet up on my laptop at Bilderberg.
We weren't in Bilderberg, folks.
We were covering Bilderberg in North London.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalists.
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All right, so talking about Bitcoin, here's Larry Fink, kind of captain of the New World Order, kind of the manager of the banks.
Top dog.
Talking about Bitcoin and gold.
Let's play that clip.
Believe, you know, I believe it goes up as if the world is more frightened if people have fearful of geopolitical risk, they're fearful of their own risk.
It's no different than what gold represented over thousands of years.
It is a asset class that protects you.
And unlike gold where we manufacture new gold, we're almost at the ceiling of the amount of Bitcoin
that we create.
When you hear somebody like, I mean, when you hear somebody like Kathy Wood,
who was on our broadcast yesterday, say that her base case,
base case is that this turns into a $600,000 of Bitcoin valuation, base case,
and a million plus in a super optimistic case.
Are you anywhere in her realm?
I haven't thought about it.
To me, what we are trying to do is offer an instrument that can store wealth.
I think if it gets even close to that high, gold will represent even a bigger value.
And let's be clear, if you think it's digital gold, there's going to be a reference point between gold and bitcoin.
Max, your take on that statement?
I want to play the clip you sent me of the El Salvador president.
Talking about fiat currency and exposing how it's really the enemy.
Yeah, there's definitely going to be a reference point between gold and Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is going to be trading at many, many multiples the price of gold.
That'll be the reference point.
Right now, Bitcoin is roughly a $1.2 trillion market cap.
Gold is, I think, $13 trillion, $14 trillion market cap.
We have no reason not to think that Bitcoin won't equal Gold's market cap, so you're talking about a, you know, 10, 11, 12, 13x from the current price.
So that's how Cathie Woods gets to $500,000, $600,000, $700,000 of Bitcoin, because it's, as Larry Fink said, people buy Bitcoin for the same reason they buy gold, as a safe haven.
But it's better than gold, because you don't have any of the costs associated with gold.
It's absolutely scarce versus gold, which is not absolutely scarce.
So what is New Kelly doing since he's the big...
National leader pushing Bitcoin.
What is Bukele doing currently?
They own Bitcoin and they're in the black, just like MicroStrategy and Michael Saylor have been buying Bitcoin for years.
He's now in the black.
His Bitcoin position is incredibly profitable for MicroStrategy and the Bitcoin position held by El Salvador is profitable.
For El Salvador.
And by the way, you've got to come back on in the next few weeks, because I've got the crew to do it, but you can find all the clips of you a year ago, six months ago, two months ago.
You said, watch, it's going to go up.
And you were saying that at the bottom.
Let's put that historical graph up.
It is shooting up right now to beat its all-time high.
What's your prediction now?
Well, I've said now for a couple of years that $220,000 is a good target for this cycle.
And I think we're heading to $220,000 in the next, you know, 12 to 18 months.
But this cycle could see a pop into much higher prices.
It depends on how the fiat money world reacts.
It looks like the fiat money world is collapsing, which of course is a safe haven, as Larry Fink just said.
Bitcoin is a safe haven, and people are going to be dumping trillions of dollars into Bitcoin as a way to escape the fiat money apocalypse.
So let me ask you this, and you always dodge it, but you were one of the first people to talk about Bitcoin.
I'm not mad at you, I'm being honest.
Cut the crap.
Please, in a nice way, I'm talking about in the past, who is really behind Bitcoin?
Because I see it as a thing of the establishment, really, that they have as an alternative for themselves, while they screw all of us, they ride it up, they ride it down, they control it.
I see it as like their secret weapon, which I think people should then be involved in it, but the system also attacks it at the same time, there's a lot of schizophrenia there.
Who really created Bitcoin?
You know, it's the cypherpunks that have been around for 20 years before Bitcoin was launched in 2009, or since the Internet launched.
They're trying to create scarcity, digital scarcity on the Internet, which seemed like an impossible task because the Internet is...
Really fantastic for making duplicates of everything.
You can send a thousand, ten thousand emails with one click and it's all based on cut and paste and duplicating things.
So how can you create digital scarcity on the internet?
That was kind of the thought experiment for the cypherpunks who for 20 years tried and there have been many experiments trying to come up with Bitcoin.
Until finally, in 2009, the right combination of existing technologies was pieced together and launched on January 3rd.
And it achieves this simple idea of digital scarcity, what cypherpunks will call, we solved the double-spend problem.
And the cypherpunks were like, congratulations, we did it!
And you know what?
And by the way, you did call 13 years ago and a year ago, you said, All the other stuff is going to end up being garbage.
And I got a lot of criticism for that.
There's a lot of people that are doing puppet dumps for that.
And obviously I could make a ton of money promoting all these crap coins.
I'm not an expert on it.
I'm an idiot when it comes to it.
But I'm smart enough to know that you are right.
You've been proven right.
Is there going to be anything that rivals Bitcoin or these central bank digital currencies?
No, because you can only create irreproducibility once.
Once you create irreproducibility, you can never do it again.
It's like once you discover the wheel, that's it.
That's the wheel.
Once you discover fire, it's fire.
It does exactly what you want it to do.
Bitcoin does exactly what you want it to do, and nothing would come along to do it any better.
So as you say, you can't recreate perfection because it's already been done.
That's the bottom line.
It's perfect money.
And so there's no point in going after trying to reproduce it.
That's why everything essentially goes to zero against Bitcoin.
All the other altcoins, they pop a little bit because they're pump and dumps, as you say.
And then they all go to zero against Bitcoin.
And even now, I think gold is going to be demonetized by Bitcoin.
All the fiat money world will go to essentially zero against Bitcoin.
The property market, I would say the property market, which is having a lot of Problems in the commercial real estate market a lot of that
is because people are now putting money into Bitcoin Bitcoin
Property is no longer these the investment vehicle that it was before Bitcoin sure
But there's a solar flare a total breakdown a nuclear war guns knowing how to farm gold silver
I still think that that's in the basket things, but I agree with you you call it
Unlike gold or anything else is not truly unconfiscated because even if the internet goes down
you still have a mesh net node network and battery operated nodes working the the protocol and you're
the chain and goes through what's called a difficulty adjustment and
to accommodate for the loss of miners on the network and every 10 minutes blocks are generated and
Your Bitcoin is unconfiscated as long as you know your seed price
If you have gold or silver stored in your cabin somewhere in the woods and the power
went down and you've got your shotgun, well guess what?
Somebody with a bigger shotgun can come and take your gold.
But they cannot take your bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the one truly, only truly uncompetitive asset in the world.
Well Max, I don't want to disagree with you, but I mean, if somebody put a gun to your
head and make you give them their bitcoin, so it's also...
No, because I have multi-sig wallets where I myself don't have access to my bitcoin.
With that, simultaneously, like a safe deposit box at a Swiss bank, you need multiple keys.
Same thing with Bitcoin.
Mine is all multiple keys.
I need... Well, there have been people who robbed a Bitcoin.
Come on.
I understand it's... Those people are not protecting their Bitcoin adequately.
A lot of people have a lot of stuff stolen because they have not adequately protected their...
Let's shift gears and go back to the... If you adequately protect your stuff, it's unconfiscatable.
Let's go back to the president of El Salvador and what he said at CPAC about fractional reserve banking, about fiat.
This is certainly true.
So he said what everyone about Bitcoin.
It's way superior to everything else out there.
Here it is.
My conservative friends right here, they always tell me that the problem is high taxes.
But they're wrong.
Of course, high taxes are extremely high here in the United States, I give you that.
You're right in that.
But that's not the real problem.
The real problem is not the high taxes themselves, but the fact that they are not even really funding the government.
Not even those high taxes, higher than a lot of places in the world, not even those taxes are really funding the government.
So who's financing the government?
Government is financed by treasury bonds.
And who buys the treasury bonds?
Mostly the Fed.
And how does the Fed buy them?
By printing money.
But what backing does the Fed have for that money being printed?
The Treasury bonds themselves!
So basically, you finance the government by printing money out of thin air.
Someone could ask, someone could ask, well, so if the government can print the limited amounts of money out of
thin air, why did they collect taxes?
For control, social engineering.
I mean, in theory it would make sense, right?
If they can print unlimited amounts of money, why would they need taxes for?
The answer is simple, but it's very shocking.
The real problem is that you pay high taxes only to uphold the illusion that you are funding the government, which you are not.
It's shocking, but it's true.
The government is funded by money printing, paper backed with paper, a bubble that will inevitably burst.
The situation is even worse than it seems, because if most Americans and the rest of the world were to become aware of this farce, confidence in your currency would be lost, the dollar would fall, and the Western civilization with it.
President Bukele is a fascinating person, but I wish he would have gotten the fact that they use it for social control, not just the illusion that the central banks aren't running everything.
But obviously, you know the president, you know him well.
He got criticized, they saw a clip of him like five years ago, saying, I'm a liberal.
Well, I mean, I had Professor Brett Weinstein in here a few weeks ago, and I said, I'm a classical liberal by the 200-year-old definition.
So was George Washington.
That means more freedom, less taxes, guns, more property.
Liberal means more.
Liberal means open.
The common liberal today is a totalitarian, war-mongering, globalist, pedophile bootlicker.
So no, I'm not a modern liberal, but they're trying to attack the president saying I'm a liberal.
I mean, well, I think he's proven it.
Whatever label you want to give him, the country is free, it's open, the money's pouring back in, no homicide in months.
I mean, this is amazing.
Wouldn't you describe yourself, Max, as a liberal?
I mean, I'm a liberal.
And the people play a game with that.
Like I was saying, I don't focus on words so much.
I focus on prices.
And what President McKelley just said is very important, and it relates to what we were talking about with the dollar and the price of the dollar.
The United States is buying back its own debt by printing its own money.
It's debt monetization.
So it looks like there's support for the dollar, but it's not, because it's debt monetization.
And what's truly ironic about this speech, which I absolutely adore, Is what President Bukele is essentially saying in a very concise and poetic, I would say, way.
He's really pointing out the fact that's really remarkable.
You have a dictatorship of the Federal Reserve over you.
No, for decades people have been pointing at Central America and saying, you guys are debt monetization scoundrels.
And the moniker, Banana Republic, became in use.
Like, you're just printing money, you're buying your own debts.
Debt monetization.
So what the president is saying here is, who's the Banana Republic now?
You're the Banana Republic.
You're buying your own debt by printing your own money.
We've got Bitcoin.
He said we've already been to the bottom.
You're about to experience it.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, you know, he's saying it's very funny and ironic.
It's like, who's the Banana Republic now?
And so, this is really a complete reversal.
That people are recognizing that the land of the free, the home of the brave is in El Salvador.
This new Statue of Liberty is a volcano in El Salvador.
The guy who's the new Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, Steve Jobs, is President Buchanan.
No, I totally agree.
So let's talk about the war.
Let's talk about America.
I know you're focused on El Salvador.
I'm coming there soon.
I got you.
I'm sold.
I get it.
Maybe I'll move down there.
The point is, we're still in a world where nuclear war would be bad for everybody, probably fatal for most, total breakdown of society, civil war, collapse, nuclear nightmare, nuclear winter.
When you look at New York and Hochul, Don't worry, we only take our political enemies money.
That made it worse.
Everybody's already leaving New York.
As Kevin O'Leary said, this thing against Trump is so political and naked.
They are destroying themselves.
What are you thinking about the presidential election here?
All these NATO heads, the French president saying, get ready, we're going to send troops in probably.
They're getting the national draft ready in the UK, in Sweden.
I mean, this is insane nuclear doomsday, cuckoo world.
I think of our mutual friend, Gerald Celente, who always says, when all else fails, they take you to war.
I've said we're going from a possibility of nuclear war to a probability.
Give me your expert take on that.
Well, it gets back to my three D's.
De-globalization, de-population, and de-dollarization.
De-globalization means that there's less around for everybody to share.
The pie is shrinking, so that we're going to war because people don't want to give up their piece of the pie.
For 40 years, 50 years, the pie was constantly expanding due to American empire And the ability to float bonds ad infinitum because interest rates went down for 40 years.
You could always sell bonds because interest rates were constantly going down, which means that bond prices were going up every year for 40 years.
Well, in 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, the 40-year bond market ended, the commodity bull market began, and now we're in a situation where people are scrambling for commodities.
They're going to go to war for the old-fashioned way.
Or treasure and territory.
That's the old-fashioned war incentive, and that's why we're heading into it.
And Ukraine is a country rich in agricultural and commodity wealth, and NATO would like their little paws on it.
But Russia's saying no.
So they're going to go to war.
By the way, let me interrupt because this just broke on Reuters 27 minutes ago.
Put it up.
So we've had a bunch of different presidents and prime ministers in Europe say we are sending troops.
NATO officially just rebuked Macron and said we're not.
What do you think's behind that?
What I just said.
They fear for their lives that Russia, being the biggest commodity producer in the world, is going to price them out of the agricultural markets and the basic industrial component material markets.
Which Putin said five years ago, Russia's main mission, he cut defense spending then, was being the number one food producer of organic in the world.
And now everybody's moving towards the BRICS, as you said.
And then Bill Gates is dumping everything except farmland.
What does that signal?
Ukraine is incredibly rich in farmland.
You know, Russia and Putin is really the only country to kick out Monsanto and genetically modified organisms.
You know, keep that in mind.
Because they realized the toxicity of GMO products many, many years ago.
So that farmland is extremely rich.
And of course, the rest of Europe wants their hands on it.
And Putin is saying, no, that's not going to happen.
So they're going to go to war, but we're seeing something develop between Taiwan and China as well, and we're seeing, of course, Israel-Palestine.
So all this, to me, is reflective of the global economy shrinking and people panic themselves into a war situation.
And the term you coined 20 years ago, first time I heard it was when you were on my show, suicide bankers.
Briefly tell that story, because this looks just like suicide bankers, but on a global scale.
Suicide bankers are cut from the same cloth as suicide bombers, right?
So the bankers on Wall Street are no different than jihadists in that their mission is to kill themselves and anyone around them in pursuit of their ideology.
In fanaticism, in one part of the world, that fanaticism and ideology is a warped view of their religious beliefs.
And on Wall Street, that fanaticism is fueled by a warped view of what capitalism is supposed to be and what free markets are.
And so we see the suicide bankers, like I would put Jamie Dimon in that category, who I've been a critic of for many years, who doesn't really think twice about committing massive fraud, about undermining his own economy, his own country's economy, his own currency.
I see now that he also is a big Bitcoin skeptic, obviously, because Bitcoin is like the Jamie Dimon, The tears were to the Wicked Witch of the West during the Wizard of Oz.
Yeah, he said quote at Deimos, Bitcoin is a pet rock.
Yeah, well there's Dorothy's Tears and the Wicked Witch of the West, or Kryptonite.
You know, he is the antithesis of what Bitcoin represents, which is free markets and great, perfect money.
He is the perfect globalist.
He's a globalist guy.
He wants the global, neo-feudalism.
A lot of people talk about different philosophical ideas about what we're heading to.
Some say communism.
To me, it's neo-feudalism.
They want--
I agree, it's neo-feudalistic fascism with a communist ground game.
Yeah, it's a cocktail of dystopian cocktail.
And don't forget the casino gulag, which was another prediction which is coming true
with these ProVision goggles from Apple where you're basically struggling to click on ads
to win a protein pill for that hour.
You know, we're heading into that kind of AI-enabled dystopian as well.
So, the point being... And you can smell it's all destined to fail, so how do you see it playing out?
I think that there's a great hope is Bitcoin, because essentially I boil it down into this very simple phrase.
That is this.
Money existed before the state.
Bitcoin separates money from the state.
Bitcoin kills the state.
And that's what we're, that's what we hope for, that's what we're praying for.
That Bitcoin kills the state and kills central banking.
Before they kill us!
Exactly, exactly.
I believe that's absolutely correct.
So getting back, SuicideMakers though, at its genesis, or its progenitor, is 9-11, you were a famous trader back in the 80s, you were on national TV as a big trader, and so the age you're here...
But looking at that, there were traders that stayed at their desk and made $20, $30, $50 million.
Even when one tower collapsed, they're still in there greedily using the crisis to make money, even though it killed them.
It's that attitude of Jamie Dimon and the globalists to start World War III because they can't give up, they can't back off.
It's like if Bernie Madoff or Sam Bateman Freed had nuclear weapons.
They've got to be stopped.
Yeah, it's an interesting story.
So Deutsche Bank that bought Alex Brown, they found a lot of un-pocketed trades from 9-11.
People make millions of dollars of trades that never were claimed.
And so some forensic analysis indicated that people were trading on the disaster that they were about to experience.
They're in the towers, not getting out, greedily making money the moment they're vaporized.
That's what the data suggests, and there's a couple of documentary films that were made at the time.
I haven't seen much work on this in the last 15 years, but it would fit the profile of a suicide banker.
And they're cut from the same cloth.
So you have this great kind of battle in the world between fanaticism.
It's all fanaticism, right?
There's fanaticism, theocratic fanaticism versus monetary fanaticism.
And these two are battling it out.
And then you've got wokeism that the corporations are betting on.
Why are they doing that?
Well, I really like this interview I just heard from Tucker Carlson and this Chinese woman.
It's basically the cultural revolution.
So the people who are seizing power are setting up race war in America and class war in America to disintegrate the economy in the country as a massive power grab.
And I think that's probably exactly what's going on.
Come back soon.
Max Keiser.
Max Keiser on X. Thank you so much, Max.
Say hi to Stacey for me.
Will do.
When do you want me to come down?
See you soon.
You've been trying to get me to go down there.
When are you ready?
Book your flight.
Book your flight.
Come on, dude.
Do I get a Boo Kelly interview?
All right.
Take care, buddy.
See ya.
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I'm going to do five more minutes, then hand the baton to the next host.
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The extremely informative and dynamic Maria Zee takes over here in about six minutes, but I mentioned this a little bit a couple days ago, but I wanted to briefly hit it again and expand on it.
Brian Stelter, the New York Times media analyst and CNN reporter with almost no viewers, who was in charge under Jeff Zucker with censoring and deciding who got banned, he bragged about it.
I always said, look, I'm not saying Brian Stoker's a pedophile.
I'm not saying, there's no evidence to that, I'm not saying that.
I just said if I was going to cast somebody that was like a pedophile that kidnapped eight children, it would be him.
And now he's worked for the Deimos Group, now he's running for school board in New Jersey as a Republican.
And there he is, wanting control of your children.
Yeah, I want to show the right image.
Just go to Google Images, clip it, type in Brian Stelter, show me all the images, I'll show you the one I want.
But he takes these photos where he just looks like a total psychotic, but he doesn't even know how he looks.
So I just want to remind you that that's what these people are up to, that's who they are because they know, yeah, that's the photo I wanted.
There's a bunch of those.
I mean, holy hell.
I mean, look at that, folks.
That is a totally un-self-aware, unaware, power-tripping creature that you would expect to be handing out red balloons, you know, there out of the storm drains to kids.
So, now that he's been thrown away to the curb, where does he go to control children?
Because maybe he can transgender them, maybe he can brainwash them, maybe he can CRT them.
Wrecking a child isn't just about raping them physically.
It's about raping their soul, raping their heart, raping their mind, raping their future.
And CNN and the New World Order are raping our children.
So, I put a comment out today, because I saw a commenter on X, and the statement was, leave the system, save the children.
I forget the exact comment, I'm going to pull it up.
But that's really it, folks.
That's what this comes down to, is that we have to get out of the system.
We have to have an exodus and just withdraw our support any way we can.
And look, we're all hypocrites.
None of us are perfect.
You can't totally get out of the system, unless you're Amish.
But however you can, now is the time.
Oh, I can't find it.
I put it out this morning on the story about Bill Gates and the world digital currency setting up and it's on screen there it is.
Leave the system, protect the children.
I mean that's it.
We have to like jack into the matrix like they do in the matrix.
They're outside the matrix but they also jack into it to go fight but you know you're in the matrix.
Leave the system, protect the children.
All right, we're going to go to the break.
Maria Z is going to take over.
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I want to thank you all for your support, but whatever you do, take clips out of the show, share the articles, email lists, text messages, get around the censors.
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Maria Z comes out of the dugout as a gladiator in T-minus 60 seconds.
Get ready, ladies and gentlemen, and share those links, because there's a war on for your mind!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Zee of ZeeMedia.com, and it's an honour to be here with you all on one of the most important platforms in the world.
You know, as censorship increases on every single platform, no platform is free of it.
Alex has always had a commitment to free speech on this platform, to free information, and often Throughout all of Alex's history, he's been ahead of the game, and so is InfoWars.
And this topic today is one that is ahead of the game, in my opinion.
It's one of the most important topics.
It's the topic of synthetic biology and what they are doing to humanity.
And Dr. Anna Mihaiča, Greg Rees, recently did a report based on her most recent Substack team.
If you can bring up The evidence shows biological ID system has already been deployed.
There is a phenomenon now occurring where people who have had these shots are under UV light appearing to have glowing lights under their skin.
And so when you look at the evidence of the nanotechnology that's been injected into people, some of the insane things that people have been finding under the microscope and the evolution of what they've been finding in people's blood, in people's bodies.
I've been tracking this for two, three years and it's really, you know, people were looking at it initially saying this is absolutely fringe, this is nuts.
And now it's becoming more and more mainstream with even doctors starting to look at the phenomenon.
Well one doctor who's been on it from the beginning is Dr. Anna Mihaiča who has broken this news to the world and she joins us now.
Dr. Anna, thank you so much for coming on today.
Thank you so much for having me.
It's really an honour to have you.
We have a lot to discuss today, this new phenomenon.
You and I have an interview coming up very soon, but we'll go into a lot more detail on this.
But Greg Rees did a report recently based on this.
I've seen additional evidence from someone here in Australia that's experiencing this phenomenon.
Talk to us about your latest findings, Dr Anna, if you will.
Yes, I was approached by Justin Coy, who is a PhD, who is a DoD, former DoD contractor, and he one day actually came to my office because he saw what I was finding in the blood and he gave me a UV light and he said he gave me a tray of filaments.
And initially I thought that these filaments were coming from geoengineering projects, But I later found out in further discussions with him that it came out of the body of C19 injected individuals.
And these filaments I analyzed under the microscope and they were fluorescent.
And he also showed me how the faces are glowing and that this phenomenon is now also visible in the uninjected, but to a much lesser degree.
So I did a lot more research on this.
Well, can I ask you, Dr. Maheitra, if you know the uninjected that are presenting with this strange phenomenon, do we know whether they'd been intimate with injected individuals or is this potentially due to just walking past someone in the supermarket?
I mean, how far does this spread?
So the original findings of this orange glow, they show up around the nose and then it would progress to the forehead and in the injected, in some cases, involve the entire skull.
So what I've seen in my clinic in uninjected individuals is just a little bit around the nose, sometimes a little bit around the chin, and very minute on the forehead.
What is important about this, because some people are dismissing this as comedones or that it is a certain bacteria that is glowing, but that's really not the case because we had the timeline of getting the injection and then seeing this progress in his research.
So, I think that this is another finding that needs to be correlated with the live blood analysis.
I agree with you, Tim.
If you can bring up the photo that we sent through.
Actually, this video is very telling.
This is included in Dr. Mahajan's substack and this is the lady from which that still photo belongs to.
You can actually watch that entire video where the practitioner turns off the light, all of the lights and then shines a UV light on this lady's face.
And what you're watching right now, Dr. Mahajan, maybe you can explain that to us.
So after a hot shower, these filaments would exit the body out of the vaccinated individuals out of the skin.
And so Justin analyzed those and you can see that they're actually latching on to the finger.
And for example, if you hold a hair to it, it is attracted to it.
So, this is something that people cannot deny because, you know, if you don't really are awakened by the fact that the faces are glowing, which by the way has been shown in the scientific literature as a sign of nanoparticle contamination, and I sent you that article as well, so it's exactly how it would appear in mice.
But in this case, these filaments are just additional proof that there is something going on that's highly abnormal.
Tim, if you can bring up the attached photo that I sent through Nanoparticle Exposure Test developed by Canadian scientists with the mice on it.
This is actually from 2014.
It's not the first time I've seen this.
I was actually alerted to this by Hope and Tavon, researchers out of Morocco.
Great, great people.
And they were talking to me about the fact that this nanoparticle technology was aggregating in certain areas in these animals.
And it says here, research at the University of Toronto found the skin of mice became fluorescent after they were injected with nanoparticles called quantum dots.
Cutting off a small piece of skin and running it through a machine provides a more precise measurement of nanoparticle exposure.
And you can see here that they were becoming fluorescent.
They glowed when light of certain colours were shone on them.
And so this is, this is all the way, I mean, we're talking 10 years ago almost now, Dr Mahecha, this isn't new technology, it's not new research, it's just that people weren't previously aware of it, especially not in humans until you started to expose it.
Absolutely, and then I also found the historical research of Dr. Hildegard Stanninger, who is a world-renowned toxicologist who did research on Morgallons, on brain chips, and she had published an article in 2008 when certain pesticides that were to eliminate the brown moth in California were sprayed, and they were using a fluorescent dye based on cyanide, thiocyanide.
And it turns out that the individuals were getting these fluorescent places in their iris.
And exactly that same pattern we found now with the shots as well.
So there's an eye phenomenon as well that is occurring that can be traced to surveillance technology that was developed by the military.
In fact, they had discussed in a 1997 document that there was a near-infrared sensor that
could be sprayed on people who are writing to follow up on them and to track them.
I've had, since posting your findings, Dr Mahaitra, I've had anecdotally someone in
my telegram saying that they tested their eyes under UV, they've got those dots in their
eyes, they obviously never knew about this before and this person from memory was not
Tim, if you can bring up the first link that I sent you, the Rise of the Bio-Cyborg Synthetic Biology, Artificial Chimerism and Human Enhancement, there's some pretty interesting quotes that you've included here, Dr. Mahecha, from this document.
This is the New Genetics and Society Critical Studies of Contemporary Biosciences, Rutledge, I'm just going to read it for everyone.
There are many different types.
This is a quote included from Dr. Anna.
There are many different types and levels of cyborgization.
The incorporated living elements, viral, bacterial, plant, insect, reptile, rodent, avian, mammal.
The technological interventions, vaccination, machine prosthesis, genetic engineering, nanobot infection.
Dr. Anna, talk to us about this.
Well, so this is another piece that really confirms what we've been saying, Maria.
And you and I, we've had many discussions regarding what is the end goal of this convergence of humans with synthetic biology.
And so in all of these modalities, people have never consented to be infected by nanobots, but now we're finding them in everyone.
And that is actually a form of creating a cyborg.
And it says specifically there that vaccination is the entry point for this.
So we're usually thinking about a cyborg or somebody with a prosthetic arm or a pacemaker is the path towards it.
But it's much more subtle than this.
And the genetic material of animals, for example, how is that being inserted?
Well, it turns out that in vaccines, they're using cells, for example, from moths or insects to create certain proteins.
And then that is being injected into us.
So we're continuously being contaminated.
You know, if you think about the SV40 storm, these plasmids, you know, the fact is, which cell cultures are these things being grown?
And is there potential DNA contamination from insects, rodents, reptilians?
And the answer is yes.
And of course, this extends to the food, Dr. Maheitra.
I know that you've found in major supermarket meat.
That there is this self-assembling nanotechnology inside of it, also some fruits and vegetables.
What about things like DNA contamination in the food supply?
What about, you know, Australia is now talking about, for example, taxing, putting restrictions on meat.
They've started to talk about that.
They want to put a tax on clothes.
This is all in line with ARAP.
The Future of Cities in a Minus 1.5 Degree World, founded, associated with the Clintons, and you read that report and you see that they're going to ban meat, they're going to ban milk, they're going to make sure that you can't travel more than 1,500 kilometres, roughly 900 miles every three years per person, no private vehicle ownership.
This is the blueprint For the future.
You can also look at the Melbourne experiment where Monash University here in Australia took down their report of how proud they were of this Melbourne experiment where the UN actually says this is the model for the world.
We're going to lock people into these little zones like we did to Melbourne during the COVID era.
This is the experiment that we ran, the model for the whole world.
And so all of this comes together when you zoom out and look at the big picture.
But my question to you really is that they're targeting the food.
Bill Gates isn't giving up on his agriculture plans.
What else can we expect to see coming through the food supply that's linked with people like Gates?
At this point, I really think that everything is contaminated, Maria, and that it is not possible to decontaminate completely.
If you look at the topic of microplastics, which in my terminology, that's self-assembling nanotechnology, You've seen it explode.
And for example, in the United States, there was a consumer report that looked at numerous,
numerous food items from cereals to canned organic food to vegetables, everything had plastic talent in them,
which is the derivative of polymers.
The same polymers we're finding in the shots and we found via geoengineering.
We found people were inhaling, you know, getting them shoved up their nose from the PCR swabs in the mask, etc.
So it's literally everywhere.
Then you must consider that our clothing is made from polymer plastics.
Polyester, for example, polyethylene.
Those are used in clothing and they can literally enter the body.
What's so interesting about Justin Koi's observation was that the filaments that came out of the vaccinated bodies They would not attach to cotton, but they would be absolutely magnetically attracted to polyester clothing.
And so if you're, for example, going into a zone where many vaccinated individuals are, then the part of shedding can also be that these nanoparticles can be magnetically attracted to your skin, for example, to your biophotonic light, but then also to your clothing.
And that's how you can get contaminated.
as well as literally as if they were pheromones because if you're looking at these things from a nanoscale,
it's like a gas entering through your skin.
It is very tiny.
Yes, team, if you can just bring up that video again one more time while we're discussing this
from the video you had before of that filament sort of drawing, it's being drawn to the human finger.
And Dr. Mahaj is saying that's happening with the hair, that's happening with the finger, it likes biological material, it's drawn to it.
And so, you know, even when we look at the white Fibrous structures story and Alex had Richard Hirschman on recently.
Dr. Mihaiča, you assessed the white clots, they're not clots but people call them clots, white fibrous structures that Richard pulled out of an individual who died and had these big white rubbery structures inside of them.
Eight months later you were still finding self-assembling nanoparticles, nanotechnology inside of these clots.
Yes, so I collaborated with Richard Hirschman and he actually sent me embalmed blood because he saw something happen that he called coffee grounds where the blood was coming out and there were these chunks, these black particulate matter.
And so he had sent that to me.
It was already embalmed for eight months and I looked at it and then I found that the self-assembly was continuing even after death.
And what was so interesting, I recently did an interview with Richard Turchman as well, where he confirmed
that he actually observed that these clots, they continue to form outside of the body.
And why does that make sense, Maria?
Because in my research with Clifford Cunningham, we found that these hydrogel polymers, for example,
polyvinyl alcohol, which is plastics and polyethylene, were making up this robbery plot.
Polymers, they actually need a catalyst to start the growth process.
So number one, you need metals for that.
This is why the metals are actually in these files that we found, like titanium and yttrium and all kinds of transition metals, as well as aluminum.
They start to activate the process of polymerization, but the polymerization is also temperature dependent.
So the reason why millions of people aren't falling over with these cloths, even though if you draw their blood and you let the blood sit and you let it cool down, the rubbery cloths develop, is because the body temperature is keeping it in solution.
I've been drawing even unvaccinated blood, and if you let it sit overnight and cool down,
then a layer of this rubbery material actually develops.
So this is a good thing.
So by using things that are inhibiting the polymerization process,
like the EDTA that was mentioned in the Moderna patent, that clearly inhibits the assembly of nanoparticles
together with vitamin C and malic acid, which is used from apples, for example,
You can inhibit this process and prevent it from happening.
This is the other aspect of my research that I think is very important for people to understand.
The patents tell us how we can inhibit this, and Methylene Blue also works.
Well, Dr Mahecha, I didn't send this to the team, but they could probably look it up.
The company Vaxxas, V-A-X-X-A-S.
This is a company that announced during the COVID madness that they were going to be manufacturing hundreds of millions of doses of these needle-free patches.
It's like a vaccine patch out of Queensland.
Now, we have a population of around 26 million people here in Australia.
We wouldn't need hundreds of millions of doses being manufactured here.
But the World Economic Forum actually says that the state of Queensland in Australia is a manufacturing hub for them.
So it makes sense that they would be manufacturing hundreds of millions of doses out of Australia of this.
Team, again, the company is VAXXAS.
Yeah, there we go.
Needle-free vaccine patches.
If you actually are able to locate their website and scroll down, it shows you the technology called HDMap.
HDMap technology, and I was looking into it, Dr. Mahecha, they talk about how there is a hydrogel and this HDMap will basically, like Albert Bourla says, you know, you take a pill and we know whether you've, it encourages compliance, we know whether you've taken it.
That's what this HDMap technology is.
So they plan on posting you A needle free vaccine and they will know in real time, one, whether you've taken it, complied with what they've asked you to do.
So no more going into pharmacies, it gets sent to you.
And yes, team, that's the website.
If you just scroll down, you'll actually find the HD map technology picture.
But you can see that needle free future, empowered to do more.
And so they will know in real time that you have, whether you've taken it or not, whether you've complied.
And it also, Dr. Mahaicha, they say that HDMap allows you to, allows them to know what's happening with the contents of the quote-unquote vaccine, which it's not a vaccine.
Inside your body in real time.
Bill Gates also recently said, oh, you know, all these wonderful, all this wonderful progress with vaccines.
And, you know, some of them are very self assembling and kind of waved his arms around.
Maybe I'll get that video over to the team in the break because it's really telling.
So, based on your research, your expertise, Dr Mahecha, how dangerous is this?
I mean, it's a no-brainer, but from your expertise, how long you've been looking at this technology, this tells me that they are planning on doing this on a mass scale regularly.
Would you agree?
Yes, absolutely.
And if you look at the technology and how it is exhibited, it's the same thing as the quantum debt tattoo vaccination that was done.
And in order to track whether or not people had taken the vaccines, and this was done through the bill, And Melinda Gates Foundation.
And so clearly, this Quantum.Pet2, which allows them to have a fluorescent light or a biosensor that then can emit this information to the cloud.
Again, you know, we can use Interbody Area Network for this.
We can use other modalities like fluorescent ink that we showed you earlier in people's faces.
So clearly, this is all about tracking and tracing.
And in the medical scientific literature, it says that polymer-based nanoparticles, they can load up to 500 different dyes into them and that they're now brighter than even quantum dots.
And these dyes that are based on cyanide actually can self-assemble into these filaments themselves.
And I just want to remind people of Morgellons, which is exactly what these filaments were.
They were, you know, They were very sensitive to biophotons from humans, they were entering the body, and they were also used for biosurveillance of DNA, and it's based on quantum dot technology.
So this stuff has been sprayed on humanity for 30 years, and like we've discussed previously, this is really the endgame of this transhumanist fusion.
It's now everywhere, they're in their final push, and now they're, for example, discussing that hydrogels are programmable, they are, like we previously said, they can act like a a brain that can store memories, that can store encrypted
data, and this is all without your knowing.
Like Klaus Schwab said, the transformation of the human will occur without you knowing
and being aware of it.
We're going to come back.
We're going to go to break now, Dr. Mahecha.
We'll come back after the break and play that clip of Gates because it's incredibly telling.
And then we want to talk about some more of your findings and what humanity can do about this.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be right back here with Dr. Anna Mahecha.
Bring us this information.
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The topic of synthetic biology is actually not one that I absolutely love talking about, but it is one that needs to be talked about because the majority of the population don't understand that the visions of transhumanism are far further ahead than what they originally thought they were.
People think, well, I'm never going to get microchipped and I'm never going to go and do that.
And the problem is that they are trying in every which way To make sure that they fuse human with machine so that they have the wireless body area network powered up, the human beings become antennas, walking batteries.
You can view a multitude of literature talking about how they're going to turn human beings into batteries.
Tim, maybe you can just Google it.
Human beings, batteries, antennas for 5G, for example.
And you'll find a multitude of tech pages, articles, peer-reviewed literature, studies.
Talking about this, it's absolutely insane once you start digging through it.
I could literally do nothing else with all of my time other than research this because it's so huge.
AI healthcare is already huge.
And so people need to catch up as soon as possible with the topic of synthetic biology.
Dr Mahajan is here with us.
If I can really quickly veer off Dr Mahajan from what we're talking about, but it's related.
Australia had two major bits of news this week.
As of yesterday, for some workers, Including Queensland Police.
The Supreme Court ruled here that the mandates for these COVID shots were, in fact, not lawful.
That is a huge, huge victory for Australia.
And it's a victory that sets a precedent for future mandates.
Like we're talking about with Dr Mahecha, they fully intend, especially if the World Health Organization has its way, they fully intend on mandating future injections.
But this particular case sets a precedent for them not to be able to do that again.
We also now, you would recall, I've spoken about this before, we have a Senator here, Senator Ralph Babbitt, who previously tried to get an investigation into excess deaths and the majority of Parliament voted against it.
Well, he's done it now and he now has the support of Parliament.
So that's another investigation into all of the people dying In Australia from these injections.
So two huge things have happened out of Australia just this week.
This is literally breaking as of yesterday.
So it puts a huge dent in their plans.
I don't want people to watch this broadcast with Dr Mahajan and think we're absolutely screwed, there's no way out.
But it is important that we understand just how far they want to take this So that we can oppose it with all our might.
Dr. Mahaicha, I mentioned the clip of Bill Gates right before the break.
I really want to play that and then get your commentary on it.
Tim, if you can cue that up.
Making the mRNA is really easy and really cheap.
And that's the magic of this thing.
But there's no doubt in the next five years, we just need to mess around.
There's a lot of lipid nanoparticles and some are very self-assembly.
And some are very self-assembly.
And some are very self-assembly.
This is nano construction.
I don't even begin to understand how far ahead of where we thought our technology was.
Of course, I inserted an interview with Dr Nixon that I did some time ago into that video because, you know, I feel as though a lot of people still haven't grasped just how far down the line we are, Dr Mahecha, but there he is openly admitting it!
Absolutely, and even Fauci discussed self-assembling nanotechnology, because here's why.
Instead of, they're using something called a virus-like particle, so that is any type of genetic sequence that they just make up, and you know, Lisa McGee has talked about how there's an entire library of pathogenic, you know, RNA that they can just take from, and so when you are then synthesizing that and encapsulating that
in a lipid nanoparticle, and that lipid nanoparticle uses different stimuli
to then grow into these filaments, for example, that are behind me,
then you can deliver a payload.
You can fuse cells with this stuff to be able to create the brain-computer interface
because it absolutely affects the brain.
And so then you have control over how people are emotionally feeling and thinking.
And one very important aspect of this was...
Dr. Sabine Hazan was a gastroenterologist to prove that the COVID shot wiped out the B-fibrobacteria in the gut.
Why is this so important?
It's because the microbiome literally is in charge of your immune system and it's in charge of your brain function.
And in the article that you just showed that I had posted, it clearly says that you can actually create warfare on a population.
It's a different article about synthetic biology.
It relates to this, however, that you can create warfare on a population by attacking the microbiome because literally you would then have control over the immune system and their brain.
And so why is this again important is because what we've been seeing a lot with people who have symptoms of gastrointestinal problems and with that the chronic fatigue, etc.
probiotics and in fact, endeavoring as best as we can to use if you're going to eat meat,
eat it from ranchers who are not vaccine, it doesn't matter what shot it is, they all
have this stuff in there. I've shown this in the childhood vaccines. So you know, get
yourself some country chickens and you know, eat that try to be as clean as possible because
the veterinary medicine is in just the same spot as we are with with human vaccines. And
so we need to get stay away from this stuff as best as we can.
Dr Mahecha, again this is anecdotal, but I was speaking with someone recently who's been conducting some experiments with people that have been injected microscope and also people who've been exposed to shedding.
And this person said to me that even though some of the uninjected individuals had this stuff inside their blood, Because they were making the effort to eat organic, to live as natural life as they possibly can, they were not experiencing the symptoms of some of the other individuals.
So I think that your free will and your effort actually makes a difference here.
And trying to live as much of a natural life as possible is, again, anecdotal, but it backs up what you're saying.
I do think that it's very helpful.
However, I believe that there are some predispositions.
Some people are very, very sensitive.
I have some unvaccinated individuals who are, for example, around vaccinated people, and they're exhibiting clearly vaccine injury symptoms.
versus the vaccinated individual doesn't have any symptoms or
maybe other. Unvaccinated family members also don't have it so it
is unclear what exactly is the mechanism that makes some people
so extremely sensitive I would say about 30% of the
unvaccinated have severe debilitating symptoms. And it
appears that women for example who have a vaccinated partner
and they're very much so affected. By the
Whether or not that is because of the intimate contact, you know, the transfer of semen, it's unclear.
However, I have seen turbo cancers in unvaccinated people, looks just like the vaccinated, as well as blood clots very significant, you know, both legs with pulmonary
emboli on multiple conventional blood thinners and still they were having problems.
And then once we started the EDT with the methyl and blue, we actually drew the blood
and we showed that the clot formation stopped.
So I think that different people need to try different things.
I think starting with the step of looking at your own blood is definitely important.
And then, you know, doing whatever you can, as you said, to live as cleanly as possible.
We know that bottled water now, in bottled water, there's up to a quarter million nanoparticles
that were found in very different companies of bottled water.
So it's literally, they're endeavoring to do it every which way.
Now that the issue with the vaccine is coming out, I think that there's this stealth vaccine mode,
either by even aerosolized spraying, by who knows whether or not the mosquitoes
that they're releasing have some of this stuff in there, the pesticides, the geoengineering, all of it.
And so we are in an uphill battle.
We have to detoxify and we have to support the immune system as best as we can.
We'll talk about that more on the other side of the break, because the situation is not absolutely hopeless, as long as we have doctors like this who are looking into this, who are researching this.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Right before the break, Dr Anna Mihaiča was talking about how even inside their own documents, they talk about EDTA.
She's been speaking about how this can effectively help individuals.
She's seen this in her own practice.
I'm no medical expert.
I just know what, you know, people are telling me.
But Dr Mahecha says that this is actually helping.
She sent us through a PowerPoint presentation and I mean, time just flies.
We haven't been able to go through the whole thing.
But team, if you can bring up page 18 of this, which includes one of her articles and you can see there in the pattern, It actually says evaluating whether EDTA can dissolve the alnigate beads effectively and after 20 minutes all of the beads dissolved in EDTA solution.
Dr. Anna, could you please talk us through that?
So that was the first patent that was looking at just dissolving the hydrogel beads.
The second patent that comes right behind it is even more impressive because this was a Moderna patent that says how to stop the induction of the nanoparticle self-assembly.
And it says, well, you need a chelating agent and it mentions specifically EDTA in conjunction with Vitamin E, vitamin C, and malic acid, which is made from apples.
And it turns out that that was the antidote mentioned in this.
And why is this important?
It's because a polymer requires these metals that we've been finding everywhere to actually start the process of polymerization.
So EDTA removes the metals, but also helps this chemical process.
And it is an anticoagulant, so it helps to thin the blood.
I've used it for many decades, for many years now, for reverse arteriosclerosis.
And so this is important because EDCA actually cleans the arteries out from calcium by also removing all of these different metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic.
U. trim uranium all of those things and the other aspect of
this is very important because we talk about. The wet where
technology surveillance technology marks the all had
clearly discussed. That it is not an accident that these
metals are in the vaccines but they're using for that they use
for the interrogation. At technology via satellite who
get biometric data and send it to the cloud beneath metals for
that and even the little tiny.
Bio robot nano robot that I show in the blood they have
cadmium other heavy metals in there a semiconductor material.
So we're also disabling that because the self-assembly of these things happens in the body oftentimes.
So when you're taking out the building blocks, if you will, then you can also help reverse this.
And so I call this cutting the antenna.
You know, with severe symptoms of fatigue and depression, anxiety, and very quickly to improve.
I've had people, you know, people read my subtext all over the world and I've had vaccinated individuals from Europe like email me and said, you know, I've been taking a combination of methyl and blue and EDTA and I feel so much better.
And this is in many, many people.
So I think that people need to just take note that I didn't make this up.
It is in their own patents.
It is in the polymer technology.
You can stop the process of proliferation.
And also, you know, getting these toxic metals out of your body is very, very health effective.
The other thing that it does, it gives electricity to regenerate the reloaf formation, meaning the clumping of the blood.
So it does that as well.
I use it in conjunction with things like the vitamin C, very good nutrition.
And I mentioned the metal and blue as well.
Tim, if you can actually go to page 35 of Dr Mahecha's PowerPoint, you can see here, Rice University, Quantum Dot Tattoos Hold Vaccination Record.
You know, what we're talking about, literally it says, Rice Bioengineer Reveals Dissolving Microneedles That Also Embed Fluorescent Medical Info.
And so, you know, what I'm trying to say here and really highlight, Dr Mahecha, Is that all of your research and your findings correlate with a lot of what I've read from
These, you know, these scientists, these researchers that talk about how are we going to have surveillance under the skin?
How are we going to hold medical records inside Quantum Dot?
This is not new technology.
This has been ongoing research for the past decade.
And so when Dr. Bahaj is saying if we stop this, we really thwart their plans, she's not wrong.
Because if people refuse to participate in this, and if, first of all, let me just say, if humanity acknowledges that this is actually happening, if we have more researchers on this, and then we refuse, just like people are refusing the shots en masse, we refuse to go any further with synthetic biology, we can put a stop to their transhumanist nightmare.
Would you agree, Dr. Mahajan?
Absolutely, because it is known that nanotechnology is not regulated.
Even in medicine, there are no studies on toxicity, on safety.
It is known that certain metals like aluminum on a nanoscale are 10,000 times more toxic than on a microscale.
And yet, there's There's really no evaluation.
The government documents that clearly show 20 years ago there was a committee that looked at nanotechnology safety and 20 years later they say the same thing.
We don't really know what this is doing but we're just going to keep going.
Well now this is like a multi-billion dollar industry.
Over 50% of healthcare is based on nanotechnology.
and nobody can tell us if it's safe or not, excuse me.
So we need to really start with the moratorium because dual use, if I look in the military literature,
which is where I'm looking, there it's really discussing
that self-assembling nanotechnology is uncontrollable.
It can swarm.
You cannot stop and control the proliferation, and hence it can be weaponized.
And so, I mean, this is huge from a weapons perspective.
I think Dr. Mahajan's connection...
Sorry, Dr Maheitra, your connection was just running out a little bit there.
Team, can you bring up that second article actually where Dr Maheitra has spoken about dual use of artificial intelligence powered drug discovery, shocking AI ability to create bioweapons, inventory proven, 40,000 lethal molecules discovered in six hours.
This is literal mad scientist stuff and this is AI creating these lethal molecules.
It's the second link that I sent you.
Here it is.
This is what Dr Mahaj is talking about right now.
I mean, this is, all you have to do is read their documents to see how far they plan on taking this.
And the issue really was, Maria, this was a private company that just did a thought
experiment so they just said, okay, if we program our AI
instead of finding beneficial health molecules to find biological weapons, can we do it?
And AI found them 40,000 toxic molecules that were more lethal than nerve gas in six hours.
And they were shocked.
They said, why isn't anybody talking about this?
Anybody in the private sector can just change the algorithm and instead of medication,
create biological weapons of mass destruction.
This is a very important article.
I'm so grateful that you're presenting it.
Well, absolutely.
Imagine this got into the hands, what we think that it's not, that they haven't already weaponised AI to create weapons against people.
Of course they have!
I mean, look at what AI is doing right now.
Twitter is just, X has exploded with information on Google Gemini, how it's just refusing to acknowledge that white people exist in the West.
You know, calling people, Insinuating that good people are harming children and, oh, but we can, you know, Gemini will spit out this.
I mean, it's clear that the people who've programmed this are insane, but then on top of that you have AI creating child porn.
Okay, as disgusting as it is to say it, the AI has created child porn, encouraged that journalist who was mucking around with it to, you know, leave his wife and be in a relationship with the AI.
And now you have this weapon, this absolute weapon, sitting here identifying for the private sector.
How do we create biological weapons?
I mean, this is insane.
Dr Mahecha, from the research that you've done on synthetic biology, on AI's role in this, the Internet of Everything, from the research that I've done, I foresee a literal Skynet situation very, very soon around the corner, and we need to put a stop to this.
Like you said, a moratorium on at least These nanoparticles and get this, you know, get this madness stopped.
We're out of time today, Dr. Mehatu.
We're so grateful for you.
Please let people know again where they can find you, where to subscribe to your Substack.
And I very, very much do encourage people to do so.
It's Anna Mehatu, MDPhD.substack.com.
And thank you so much for having me.
Thank you.
And that's Mahecha M-I-H-A-L-C-E-A.
Anna Mahecha M-D-P-H-D dot Substack dot com.
And of course, you can always find me on ZMedia dot com.
We've also got our channel on Band.Video, the ZMedia channel.
And please share this everywhere.
This is so, so important.
We have to put a stop to these mad Frankenstein scientists
that want to change humanity and create these weapons.
God bless you, I'll see you all soon.
All I do is research, research trends, and I see what is having the best effects,
what is having the best reviews.
So a couple of years ago, I saw different formulas out there
that are known to create compounds in the blood that flush out the body
and that create what they call vasodilation, opening up the arteries, opening up the veins,
which is so important, not just for young people, but especially older people.
And so then I had Dr. Judy Mikovits, who's such a renowned scientist and a whistleblower.
She said, I love your formula.
It's one of the best out there.
And so this product, Nitric Boost, became a bestseller.
Well, we decided to soup it up and make it even stronger.
So it's the original formula, just a little bit stronger.
Now Nitric Boost is available at InfoWarsStore.com.
Because the problem was the supplier we had couldn't supply enough.
We were selling out very, very quickly.
But now we've got a big supply of Nitric Boost in stock, ready to ship at mfullwarstore.com.
And when I talk about vasodilation and the nitric oxide is a potent vasco-dilator,
then it can help relax and widen blood vessels.
This can lead to increased blood flow and improve circulation,
which is critical to various body functions.
So ladies and gentlemen, it funds the mFull War.
It's an amazing product.
So we have the new and improved, super powerful Nitric Boost back in stock, ready to ship for 40% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
This is a true win-win.
This has the very same effect as some of the male enhancement things out there, but totally naturally.
This does it in a natural way, and not that I need those products, but I've tried them.
I've been to the doctor.
They give you a prescription of it, and I've tried the top brands, the two top brands.
And I'm not even trying to say that's what this is.
That's off-label.
That's not what this is even for.
This is a supplement.
But it is incredible what it does for your body.
So get this amazing product now in stock, ready to ship.
Nitric Boost today at InfoWarsStore.com for 40% off.
You fund the InfoWar.
It's so good for your body.
Get it while you can.
Well, nitric oxide is a key.
It's made by our own bodies again.
It's made by L-citrulline and L-arginine, the amino acids.
So we're fed.
You can get it from beet powder and other things.
The nitric oxide relaxes The endothelium, the vasculature, it relaxes the vein.
It's a natural blood pressure.
In fact, I use the two.
Your InfoWars, I keep that on my shelf.
And I feed myself the Cardio Miracle, which is straight food.
It's a different formulation than that one.
And the two together are a one-two punch.
So you get in your food the ability to make what you need and no more.
You've looked at our formula.
You like it?
I did and I do.
I'm not a scientist like you.
What do these compounds do creating nitrous oxide?
What does it do?
It relaxes the vasculature.
So the clot will go through and not restrict.
It allows it to relax, it lowers the blood pressure, has the toxic synthetic lipid nanoparticles similar to the one in the
COVID shot.
We saw athletes dropping dead on the field, passing out, falling down, all the things.
Why is it particularly the athletes?
They're operating at such a high level in their mitochondria.
This is an energy production, oxygen necessary disease.
Because athletes are running, they're constricted, they're working
so that the blood flows and it doesn't flow, which is why your nitric oxide product, that new product,
I hope you'll show it because that's a very important thing to have for acute events.
It does all under the tongue, give you an instant relaxing of your endothelium, your vasculature.
So get Nitric Boost today at InfoWarsStore.com for 40% off.
Get it while you can.