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Name: 20240226_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 26, 2024
3170 lines.

In this excerpt from Alex Jones’ show on Infowars, he discusses topics such as globalist agendas, secret CIA bases in Ukraine, censorship, and social media manipulation. He talks about his own experiences with government harassment and emphasizes the importance of facing reality and working towards change. Additionally, he promotes various products available at InfoWarsStore.com, including TurboForce and Foundational Energy. The conversation also touches on ongoing debates about vaccines, accusations made against Alex Jones by his ex-wife, and support for InfoWars. News topics such as Ukraine's CIA alliance, potential changes to social media by the Supreme Court, and President Zelensky's press conference are also discussed. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of supporting independent media like InfoWars through purchasing products from their website.

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InfoWars. Tomorrow's news today.
I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide.
I'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all.
This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.
[applause continues]
[applause continues]
[applause continues]
[applause continues]
[applause continues]
[applause continues]
[applause continues]
[applause continues]
Can I help you, sir?
Man's on fire!
Man's on fire!
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!
On the ground!
On the ground!
Get on the ground!
On the ground!
On the ground!
Who said a fire extinguisher?
Who said a fire extinguisher?
Call the board! Call the board!
Call the board!
Get me a fire extinguisher.
Get the fire extinguisher!
Jesus Christ. Hey, get the fire extinguisher!
I'll call you, I'll call you.
The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed.
There's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.
As president, I will make it clear.
That the United States will treat cyber attacks just like any other attack.
We will be ready with serious political, economic, and military responses.
They're voting for peace on planet Earth if they vote for Trump.
But if they vote for Hillary, it's war.
We came, we saw, he died.
With her, you'll end up in World War III.
I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the President, we will attack Iran.
Right now, Senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia.
The U.S.
military has just raised the threat level to DEFCON 2.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is still threatening Russia with military action, following unconfirmed reports of further hacking.
It's like she's not even concerned about the repercussions.
Of course not, because she's... There's a really loud noise.
Alright, looks like we're having a little bit of technical difficulties.
We'll try to get Leanne back on in a few minutes.
When the president gives the order, it must be followed.
It's Monday, February 26, 2024.
It's Monday, February 26, 2024.
We are live, but for how long?
Enemy forces have entered the base.
Enemy forces have entered the base.
Stay with us for emergency transmission updates.
Well, I say it basically at the start of every show because it's true.
You don't need me to tell you it's true.
You can see it for yourself.
The quickening is here.
The acceleration towards what some would call a singularity.
Technology, information, military developments, all of it Moving faster and faster, except for the average intelligence of a human.
That's going straight down.
Along with our life expectancy and everything else.
Because this system they're bringing in is meant to end us.
And the globalists believe that they're using us as mass guinea pigs, and out of this metamorphosis, out of this grand experiment that they are honchoing, The ubermenschen or the superman, the fittest, will come climbing out of that pool of slime.
Now really, they're just a bunch of evil people that hate themselves and hate us, who congregate and organize into groups, into wolf packs, into piratical assemblages, who go out then and basically wage war on Human freedom, they hijack human invention, they sequester it for themselves, and then anoint themselves the high priest and lords of the earth.
Well, one of those lords, and I'll be talking about this later in the hour, but it's not the most important news, so I'll do it later.
The fourth Baron Rothschild, the fourth Baron de Rothschild, Jacob Rothschild is dead at 87.
And I posted some things that weren't too mean on X today.
He liked to pose in front of Satan idols.
He liked to pose in front of paintings of Lucifer.
So he said, hey, Lucifer is summoning his legions.
There he is with the head Aleister Crowley witch, Marina Abranovich.
And behind him is a famous painting of Lucifer.
Summoning his legions and you know, I'd say well, it's you know, maybe it was a Halloween photo They took yeah, I can give her benefit of the doubt.
No With the Rothschilds.
It's constant posing in front of satanic regalia and Eyes wide shut parties and things like that.
So that's what they're into.
That's what they do And so he's with his God now Very interesting and we have some clips of Great reporters like Luke Rudowsky politely confronting him about the New World Order.
We're going to get to some of that coming up here today.
But before I go any further, let me tell you about the other news we've got here.
We've got really important, dangerous developments in the Middle East and also in Ukraine.
This is really old news for this audience, but it's New York Times.
They're probably going to pull a surprise for it.
Why the CIA has secret bases for over 10 years in Ukraine and valiantly helped overthrow the president of Ukraine
and has valiantly been battling the Russians.
These people are nuts.
So they now admit what Soros bragged about on Fareed Zarkaria seven years ago.
Years after they did it.
He's like, I did it.
I'm going to be the czar of Russia.
I'm going to run Russia.
And I said at the time, I go, that's to get Putin to push back.
Don't take the bait, pooty-poot.
You want me to pull the clip up?
It was back when Soros could still talk.
I'm the czar of Russia now.
I organized the five billion from the State Department to overthrow the government, and now we are pushing the Russian sympathizers out.
Well, it's their damn country, too.
But Soros is the self-anointed one, just like Lord Rothschild, and I would imagine he'll be shuffling off to meet Lord Rothschild quite soon.
I called out Lord Rothschild.
Was it just last week?
He said, Lord Rothschild, you are doomed to hell with the rest of your forces.
Very interesting.
Well, to find that clip, it didn't matter a little bit forcefully.
I had no idea that he was so ill.
A jolly old shappy-wappy.
Yes, my pretties.
So, we're going to be discussing that.
And a lot of other big news.
And then of course, it's a pretty big deal.
Dan Bongino got a secret document of the CIA under orders of Obama, who set up a stay-behind network in late 2016 to target Donald Trump, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, and 23 others.
And it said in the larger document that Bongino was going to release more of, that it's highly classified.
He's released one page of it.
That they were ordered by Brennan, CIA director, to bump us.
Now bumping means harass or attack.
And that's what all this is.
They've been bumping me.
Because they think I'll get in a little corner and curl up and pee pee on myself.
Well I think they've noticed that's not happened with myself or Trump or anybody else.
It just makes us know we're totally right about what criminal scum you are.
But I want to just explain to America, they're bumping you.
You know, bumping you off.
It means everything from running into somebody in the grocery store, to slashing their tires, to suing them, to planting drugs on them, to bumping you.
You know, bump man, button man, bump you off.
What a nice document.
We want you to, the military's Army Special Operations term would be, frustrate and interdict and disrupt.
It's been so much fun having my hijacked criminal government harass me and my family.
But the thing is, it's not like... You know why all the old soldiers pretty much have gotten out of the military and out of the groups now?
It is all...
Very sinister, crazy leftists who have unbelievable chips on their shoulders.
Most of them come from rich, powerful families, but they go around like they're victims and that all of us are bad.
So they poison the food or the water, sterilize us or give them poison shots.
They're calming the monster that's out of control, that's getting in the way of their great, beautiful vision.
They've got to do it!
They are a ruling class that acts like it's a downtrodden minority and who are rebels.
No, no, no.
We are the rebels.
You are the establishment.
But that's just how low-level leftists are the same as their masters.
They're like NASCARs with their corporate sponsorship for everything they do.
Even low-level leftists are getting $20,000, $30,000 a year on average of the tens of billions spent Giving them, as low-level influencers, money to go out 24-7 and attack conservatives and attack Christians and go to protests and go to demonstrations.
They have a social credit score and they go up in the rankings.
And that's why they'll defend any horrible policy, any crime committed by the deep state, because on average they're getting over $20,000 a year in their pocket to be anti-American.
Of course, that's all going to go away once the globalists collapse everything, but We've all seen the memes of people with their Black Lives Matter and their rainbow flag and tin needles sticking out of them and purple hair and they're drooling and they've got all these corporate logos on them.
That's really a description of them and they're like, we're the rebels!
That's why we're backed by BlackRock and Microsoft and Google and Apple.
We're the rebels.
We love censorship.
We love the CIA.
We love the FBI.
We love crushing our opposition because we're the rebels and you're the big dangerous Christians that are threatening to kill all of us.
We've got to have access to your children.
We've got to cut their genitals off or trans people will commit suicide.
You're killing the trans people.
Meanwhile, they have the highest crime rate out there.
For any subgroup, the trans community has the highest crime rate.
Look it up.
They're like, stop killing us!
Help us!
We need full charge of your life!
So, we've got all that news, and we've got big news on the Democrats are saying if Trump wins the election, the official mouthpiece of the CIA, the pedo New Atlantic, I mean it is literally pedo mothership, The owner's like the top person, top visitor, other than Jeffrey Epstein at Jeffrey Epstein's Island, Steve Jobs' widow.
I know she finances a lot of the tax on her, really nice person.
By the way, I'm really proud to have scum like that attacking me and lying about me and putting into the kitty to destroy us.
Because anytime I feel sorry for myself, I think about all the children begging for mercy at the hands of these people, crying out to God to protect them, and God's trying to activate men and women like ourselves to stand against it.
It's our job to come to the aid of the innocents because they're coming for the children.
They've already come for them.
They're coming for all of you.
They're cutting your food off, your energy, they're getting rid of your sovereignty, destroying your future.
So you can sit there and pretend sticking your head under the sand will give you more time, but it's not going to do that.
So the Atlantic Is officially saying that they are not going to let Trump in and that they will do what they claim he did and have Congress decertify the election.
They've indicted Trump for claiming he did that when he didn't do it.
He wanted an investigation to look at it.
Now they're officially saying if he wins, we just won't accept it.
Not, not if, oh no, we think we won, we'll fight it.
No, no, no.
If he wins, we'll just steal it.
It's all about the arrogance.
Now there's the headline, how Democrats could disqualify Trump if the Supreme Court doesn't.
Isn't that interesting?
You know in Trump's cases, the federal ones that left kangaroo juries, I bet you a billion dollars, which I don't have of course, that they will never even allow that article put out by the establishment To be like, look, they're the ones proposing it.
Or the New York Times article, months before the election in 2020, that was John Podesta, the reporter at the big war game, where they said, oh, if Trump wins, we're just gonna disregard it and have our own inauguration.
And that's the end of it.
Isn't that interesting?
Isn't that amazing?
Everything they say Trump did, here it is.
And this publication is Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Barack Obama.
That is, whatever they vomit up, the New York Times just jumps on it greedily.
Basically, the Atlantic Monthly is the editor of the New York Times.
What they say is then what is done.
And I'll just tell you, countless articles defending pedophilia, I mean, it's the bad guys, okay?
It's the baddies.
It's El Diablo's publication.
So, let's just recap.
That's just some of the smattering we have here.
CIA's bragging, or it's the New York Times, that yeah, we've been at war with Russia for 10 years.
Yeah, we overthrew their government.
Yeah, we got 12 bases.
Yeah, we're already at war with them.
Told you that 55,000 times.
55,000 times and then we've got deep state documents and how we were targeted
to be bumped, harassed by the establishment.
Because they just made a little magic wandie and said Jones is a Russian!
Even though I've never taken any money from the Russians, even though I don't get 10 million bucks from the Chinese like Hunter.
Or Burisma over in Ukraine.
That's okay, though, because he's Hunter.
He's the smartest man in the world, according to his daddy, who's just a knuckle-dragging, ambulance-chasing, dirtbag lawyer, who's the tombstone of this country if we don't turn things around.
It is crazy.
All right, so let me just stop right there.
That's just some of the news we have here.
There's a big article, Conservative Airways under siege as Soros Eyes, the second largest radio network, that's not just network, group of stations in the country, and he's buying it via bankruptcy.
And then we've got even crazier, more important articles.
Danang fever surges 400% in Brazil after Bill Gates' back gene-editing mosquitoes are released.
Oh, he's a nice man.
Kind of like they give you a shot for a spike protein that makes your body produce the spike protein.
And it's the audacity of it, you see.
It has to be the audacity.
Like, no malaria here until he releases malaria mosquitoes.
They quote, go out and mate with the other mosquitoes so they can't carry malaria, but they've got malaria and some weird genetic experiment and then we get malaria.
But that's okay, he's your doctor, you didn't know that?
And by the way, he's studying mosquitoes as a forced delivery system for, quote, vaccines.
That's about as big a Nuremberg code violator as you can be.
So that's some of what we're going to be hitting here today.
Now that I've mentioned it, I'm going to drill back into each stack in great detail.
But first, there's this.
And this is a very important story for everybody.
This story isn't just about us.
And I don't know yet Exactly what is actually going on.
We know the specifics of what's happening, but we're not sure if Elon Musk is behind this or if it's ghost of the machine employees and people that after he goes by and sees something happening and frees it up.
It's a big company, big organization.
They come back and incrementally Put the shadowbanning systems in place.
And it's the first of many articles because I decided to go ahead and talk about it today.
So I told the crew about this morning and they put out one article that just 100% proves in this one area InfoWars is being massively censored on ex-formerly Twitter.
And then we've been observing a bunch of other things going on, but I've asked users to check it themselves, and I've asked people that are way more proficient on social media and tech to investigate it, and this has been going on for a few weeks.
They're like, absolutely, this is being blocked.
Or when you put your live show feed up on your own profile, People are going there to find it and they're burying it.
So only a few percentage of people can actually see the show.
So let's go to X for people watching on TV.
Let's go to the real Alex Jones channel right now and let's show people how normally you'd have the live show feed.
We'll do it later.
You know what?
Let's just stop now. Let's just stop now. Let's just stop now.
This is a big deal. So I need to get the exhibits ready so we can properly display all this and
properly show everyone.
So maybe in a couple hours, maybe we'll revisit it again.
But if you go to RealAlexJones on X, I'll show you my phone, actually.
Oh, there it is.
Scroll down, please.
If you go there, keep scrolling, keep scrolling, a little bit faster, a little bit faster, stop.
Now, on our computers, it's able to be seen right now.
It'll either go up for like an hour, we don't touch it, and then it gets pulled down, it's still there but nobody can find it, or it's up for five, six hours, it goes away, or sometimes nobody can see it.
And so that's another thing that's going on and another thing that's unfolding.
But back to the document cam shot.
What we do know that's going on is InfoWarsBanned.VideoPlatform, censored by X users, can't post links or send private messages.
Now, when Elon Musk took back over, or took it over, what was it?
A year plus ago, he said he would bring freedom back, and I think there's a certain extent he has.
He's certainly himself been going after the globalists and just irrevocably damaging them, so I'm very positive about that.
But then when he brought me back on three months ago, we weren't allowed to do spaces, we weren't allowed to post Banned.Video.
It got raised to him.
He said, yeah, we've got to reconnect all that.
There's a lot of connections.
Sometimes the defaults turn back on.
And so Banned.Video, you can send a link out for a while.
But now all of a sudden you can't send it out and it gives you a notice saying that you need to go talk to and follow a link so that you can learn how you violated the rules.
Now here's a screenshot I took this morning where I go on my phone and I go to Real Alex Jones and for a millisecond the live feed from last night pops up but then disappears.
And that's what people are... So is that a glitch?
Maybe so, but what I'm calling this is algorithmic shadowbanning, or algorithmic throttled shadowbanning, where it's done a lot of different ways, but it's definitely going on.
And I know any site has its reasons for what traffic it pushes and what traffic it doesn't push, and I wouldn't expect it every time.
We want to send something to two plus million people that it's just going to send it to everybody.
Because if we did that, it'd be so much communication, it would just be insane.
But definitely we've seen mass throttling that's been intensifying the last month or so.
And all the other conservatives and people and populists I've talked to see that.
So here's the deal.
I've been looking at this for a while.
If you go into the comments on the live feed, people are posting their experiences, what they've seen.
And there's a lot of things they're seeing, a lot of things they're screen capturing, a lot of things they're getting video captures of.
And so I think we're at the stage here of finding how bad the manipulation is on X, which, you know, it's total on the other platforms.
So it's still way more open and free.
Let's say when Musk took over, freedom on there was about, on a scale of 1 to 100, about a 2.
Then Musk brought it back up to like, let's say an 80, as 100 being the best, and now it's starting to drop down to like 70.
We need to have a discussion about that and find out why that is.
What changes have been made, or is he doing what Google did 25 years ago where they're open and free at first, kick everybody on the platform and it works so great and it's so wonderful, then over time they start bringing in controls.
Until now, it's a complete and total fraud.
I mean, is that all he was doing was buying it while wall-westing it for a while, kind of reinvigorate it and give it market dominance, and then start going back to what all the other tech giants did?
I mean, I've said I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt, but we're going to watch all this very, very closely.
But this is such a complex issue.
What I'm gonna do is cover all the other news and then I'm gonna collect all this data and talk to the crew and tell them what I want to show and during the breaks have a few meetings and then I will do a little presentation on this and tell you what I really think coming up at the bottom of the next hour.
But I was sitting here today thinking, you know, should I even cover this?
Or should I let it keep developing and just find out more?
And I said, no.
I've been noticing this for a couple months now and it's been intensifying.
And then the outright banning of Bandai Video.
I mean, that's outright banning that on the platform.
The link can't be uploaded, it can't be sent, it can't be shared.
Now, you know, the backup of that is MadMaxWorld.tv.
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Just like that We accelerate from two minutes to midnight to ten seconds
to midnight This is a lot of telegraph
Ukraine Russia war NATO and EU members considering sending troops to Ukraine
I told you about a month ago, I remember the German defense minister said we're getting ready for a 25-30 year war.
The Swedish defense minister said get ready for war as early as next February.
That was just like, I guess it was late December.
The British defense ministry said we're going to war with Russia, prepare for national draft.
And now, I got a stack of corporate news here, just reporting on it like, oh hey, did you hear a cat was stuck in a tree down the street?
And now the New York Times is like, oh the CIA's been there fighting the Russians for at least 10 years.
Yeah, we overthrew the pro-Russian government and started pushing them damn Russians out, killing them.
Those bastards tried to fight back, now we're just gonna send in NATO and whoop their ass.
We're the good guys.
By the way, your son's still got his penis, we're gonna cut it off.
Oh, you're a conservative broadcaster?
Well, we're just going to have the CIA harass you and your family.
I'm John Brennan.
We're the good guys.
You didn't know that?
You didn't know we're the good guys at Epstein Island?
Ukraine, Russia, war, NATO and EU members considering sending troops to Ukraine.
Oh boy.
Several NATO and EU states are considering sending soldiers to Ukraine on a bilateral basis, Slovakia's Prime Minister claimed ahead of a meeting of European leaders in Paris.
Robert Fico, a pro-Russian populist who has long opposed sending military aid to Ukraine, said, I will limit myself to say that these In preparation for the Paris meeting imply a number of NATO EU member states are considering that they will send their troops to Ukraine on a bilateral basis.
So let's translate that.
Oh, NATO is not going to attack.
But NATO members that are NATO trained forces will attack.
So it's not NATO attacking.
And it just goes on.
Some 20 leaders are set to gather at the Palace on Monday.
France said the meeting was aimed at sending a message of resolve to Moscow as the war enters its third year.
No compromise.
It's a big, long article, and these are total establishment publications.
This is basically MI6.
So when you read the London Telegraph, you just need to see right here, it says MI6, which is literally, like, probably 100% pedophiles.
I mean, literally, you can't get an MI6 unless you rape children, in my opinion.
I mean, we're talking full-on, I mean, It's just unbelievable.
I'm not kidding.
I mean, they recruited and recruited until it's only pedophiles.
I mean, okay, if you kill babies, they'll let you in too.
But you don't really get a top job unless you kill babies and rape small children.
Sorry, I'm not kidding.
Folks, you're all gonna learn real quick.
I'm not joking, okay?
They're openly chopping children's penises off everywhere.
You understand?
They don't play games.
They want to kill your children.
These people are in a devil worship club.
You heard Bukele of El Salvador say that they were facing a devil worshiping cult that sacrificed people.
At CPAC, you know, people go, hmm.
Usually people would say that's crazy.
It's not, it's a fact.
It's all over the place.
When you go down to South Texas and the babies are being handed off at complete strangers at the airport or bus stops by the UN NGOs, it's the same people every time.
They just got like Satan tattoos and Grim Reapers all over them and MS-13 tattoos.
And they start threatening you not to film them.
Because everybody else is just bowing down to them.
You'll find out.
You'll find out.
So, let's look at this.
Speaking of Satan, Satan trends online following death of Lord Jacob Rothschild.
Yeah, within 10 minutes of his death being announced, he was up at 4am, woke up early to bed, early to rise.
Make somebody very effective against the neural order.
And here he is posing in front of Lucifer summons his legions.
We'll pull the color photo up for you.
It's also posted at InfoWars.com if you want to see it there.
But Satan trends online following death of Lord Jacob Rothschild.
There he is with the head, Aleister Crowley-Witch, Abrinovich, summoning Lucifer's legions, or Lucifer summons his legions.
Sorry, I got his favorite painting wrong there.
So he's dead, and he was the most powerful member.
He's the fourth baron of Rothschild, his own seat in the royal house.
The fourth baron of the Rothschilds.
Those are French Rothschilds on screen right there in the 60s.
Doing some Eyes Wide Shut type fun.
Babies on the menu.
So that's the type of stuff that goes on with these people.
And I guess he's transcended on to meet his God, little G. But in association with his death, Satan trends.
And if you go to my ex account, there's some pretty fun little memes from the Simpsons.
The one where you look in the mirror and it shows what you look like in hell.
And of course, Mr. Burns is what this guy's actually based off of, is Lord Rothschild.
The creators even admitted that.
And he looks in the mirror and he's like a king in hell.
So I guess that's the joke, is it's better to Rain in hell and serve in heaven, but you really don't rain
in hell Do you you're just thrown in with a bunch of the parasites
with nobody else there you can feed on?
Yeah, there it is Keeps that rolling
Yeah, roll it all the way through There you go
So that's a pretty full plate of things and I'm in a really bad mood right now.
So I'm really working as hard as I can to be friendly and nice and not be too mean.
But just while we were in the break, because I'm not a big X guy, I don't ferret through all the sub channels and messages and things, we got a message that I've been flagged for doing something wrong last night.
And so that's why our video was removed.
And then I guess there is a ghost in the machine.
People that hadn't restarted X can still see it.
And that's why people couldn't.
So X did take down last night's show.
And they will not let us send out the name Band.Video.
And so that's a big deal.
That Elon Musk's operation is doing that.
He needs to fix that.
We need to reach out to folks there and we need to get a statement from him about this because last night's show was a good broadcast.
I know it upset the establishment to show the Dan Bongino secret documents about how the CIA directed an operation with John Brennan under Obama that they launched when Obama left office that I'm still living under attack from every day.
And I guess that secret document upset them a little bit, probably?
Or maybe it was Trump winning by the biggest landslide ever in South Carolina.
Got twice the votes ever recorded in the state.
I mean, they certainly didn't like last night's show.
I think it's the CIA document, don't you?
All right.
We talk about that quickening, but it's so intense right now I got smoke coming out of my ears.
News is pouring in as NATO puts out through the press.
They're preparing to invade Ukraine and go full war with Russia.
And the left is screaming and yelling and absolutely loving it.
They just want nuclear war.
They want mass death.
We're in so much trouble.
I mean, we're literally in the hands of Satan right now.
Speaking of Satan, Lord Rothschild, the fourth baron, the Rothschild, just made the jump into the fiery furnace.
I guess Lucifer is summoning his legions.
And we'll get into that more here in a moment, as I promised to, and a bunch of other big news.
We have big financial news breaking as well.
We'll be getting to in the third hour.
But first, I love this V for Vendetta intro.
It always makes me feel happy.
So let's just play that and I'll try to calm down a little bit.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think, just let me think.
In fact, even now, orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Settler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning and for those who will listen.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You told me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and selecting your submission.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the InfoWar.
All right, we are back live on air.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
And I'm beyond angry right now because I don't like Being proven right about everything I said.
But we have lived under relative freedom for so long that we are just accustomed to it and people can't believe it's that bad.
The weaponization of big tech hearings last year, they had like four of them, was just over the top horrible and it wasn't 10% of what we know is going on.
They didn't just have the CIA and the Justice Department teamed up with big tech and think tanks and the ADL and Southern Providence Law Center and Microsoft spying and harassing and suppressing and de-banking and de-platforming.
I mean, when you get banned off the internet, this happens to millions of people.
They go and kick you out of your damn bank!
They make phone calls.
You don't know why you got fired from your job.
This is the social credit score.
This is the horrible totalitarianism being visited upon us.
It's all over the top, super illegal, ultra illegal, and it's pointed at you.
They're coming after all the children.
They're coming after all the farms, all the small businesses.
They're cutting off the energy.
They're cutting off the food.
They have giant atmospheric manipulation projects they admit to that are poisoning the soil everywhere.
They are murdering everyone.
They are crazy mad scientists who believe they're forcing an accelerated evolution and that humans are obsolete and the future's not human and there'll be no humans by 2047.
That's ABC News, NBC News, New York Times looking forward to the end of humanity.
They've just told us we're becoming Superman, but first you're all gonna be erased!
That is not an exaggeration, that is an understatement because the voluminous work on this and what they've said is the most disgusting hate letter to humanity the world has ever seen.
Yeah, there's the Wall Street Journal looking forward to the end of humanity.
At least five times in bookstores and grocery stores without looking.
I've seen special magazines put out by Timeline Books and other groups with the same headlines
or similar.
I'm sorry it's this bad.
I'm sorry, folks.
But I read the Globalist plan and this stuff 30 years ago.
And the stuff I was reading was 30, 40 years old, some of it.
Some of it was brand new.
And I saw them really trying to implement their plan.
So I've been warning you for 30 years in April.
It'll be 30 years.
In like a month and change.
And I've got children.
And I know this is real.
And I don't have Stockholm Syndrome.
I don't love my oppressors.
I don't have learned helplessness.
It'd be so easy to beat these people.
But they have all these trendies and all these yuppies and all these college brainwashed people telling us that we're killing the planet, we're bad, that it's good when we go extinct.
You're a radio listener, while I'm saying this, the crew's just putting it all on screen.
And then we ask, are they the bad guys or not?
And then are you surprised?
We have all the documents about the program.
I experienced what went on.
They didn't have good operational security.
They ran their mouths.
I remember when the chief of staff for Trump said, our main job is keeping Trump away from Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Remember that headline?
And then I experienced it.
And now Bongino, who was senior Secret Service, he would run the foreign details.
When Obama would go out of the country, he was the guy running many of those missions, so he was senior level.
And now he's been given the John Brennan document that goes with all the other John Brennan documents that broke a month ago, confirming the giant illegal CIA operation that Obama launched against Trump before he left.
And it was a coup against the country!
And now the Atlantic Monthly is back out saying, oh, if he wins fair and square, we're just not going to allow it.
We're going to decertify it.
Again, which they just indicted Trump for having a congressional investigation to see if that was right to do.
They say, oh, no, no, even if he wins fair and square, we're going to do it.
So we're going to do what they claim he did and what we've indicted him for.
So they think they own you, they think they're invincible, and they're gonna take everything you got and they're gonna slowly kill your ass.
I don't care if you're a cop, I don't care if you're a school teacher, I don't care if you're a doctor, I don't care if you're a lawyer, or if you're one of these mid-level, you know, quote, executives in big tech, you're fools if you go along with this, and you're fools if you continue to deny this is happening.
There's a big awakening happening, but people aren't getting how bad it is by 10%.
Here's Bongino getting into some of the document and then he goes into other parts, the full thing.
He said he's going to release more of it.
We're trying to get him on the show.
He sure as hell should come on.
He's got these documents.
But they talk about bumping me, bumping Trump, bumping Roger.
Bumping means from literally bumping somebody with your shoulder to killing somebody.
But the term is used in law enforcement When mafia basically starts intimidating or harassing people up to the point of killing them.
It means terrorizing people.
Here it is.
Folks, I've never shown you this before.
And I debated showing it to you now.
My list is more than 26 names.
I'm obviously not going to tell you who I got this from, but the list of people to bump And Target with Russian interaction and spying?
Put it on the screen.
I've never shown you this before.
This is from my source.
Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson.
Some of the names are not spelled right.
It's for a reason.
I can't describe it.
I'll maybe go into it a different time.
Don Trump Jr., Eric, Ivanka.
Lara Trump, Melania, Jared Kushner, Jason Miller, Dave Bossie, Sam Clovis, Paul Manafort, Jason Johnson, Carter Page, Puppetopolis, Alice Stewart, Victoria Coates, Christopher Bourne, Jason Osborne, Chris Christie, Don McGahn, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Alexander Jones, Jeff Sessions, Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone.
You think you're living in a safe country when that's going on?
It's the same reason everybody's leaving New York, because now they're going to grab everybody's property.
These people are 100% evil.
Most of them are pedophiles and devil worshippers.
And I mean that when I say it.
Most of them you see are devil-worshipping child rapists.
Victor in Florida, thank you for holding, go ahead.
I have to say, it really pisses me off To hear when you say that only 2% of the people that listen to this broadcast buy products.
Um, I'm a young man.
I don't make that much money.
I just bought a house.
I just got married.
I buy the products as much as I can.
I buy them almost every month.
I've bought the iodine, the beets, the methylfolate.
I've just tried it.
It's absurd to me that you people are listening to this guy.
I've listened to you for 10 years.
He puts this show out here for free, and you're not supporting him.
Our country is falling apart, but you've got millions of people listening to you not doing sh**.
Excuse my French, but look look there's a glut of media.
There's so much media.
I'm not blaming the 99% 99% but never buy anything.
It's just these are really good products that we just had 1% more by the products it would change the whole world.
So these are really great products to begin with.
We have the best turmeric out there, 95% cuminoid, incredible anti-inflammation, so good for your whole body.
We have all the other great products at InfoWarshaw.com.
We have next-level foundational energy with the methylfolate and the B-Complex that supercharges cellular energy.
So it's not a stimulant, but it feels like a stimulant.
Let me ask you, what happened when you took next-level foundational energy?
I've been taking it for, I don't know, a couple weeks now and in my younger days I've experimented with stimulants and those things.
It feels nothing like that.
You feel like you're supposed to feel it.
You're supposed to have energy, you know, and that's pretty much it.
It doesn't feel like a stimulant.
You just feel like you're supposed to do it.
And what it does is it's the breakdown of folic acid that almost everybody, but particularly some people, northern Europeans, have a low breakdown of.
So you just give yourselves the direct food that they operate off of and they clean out with.
That's why next level financial energy is so important.
Thank you for the call, Victor, and thanks for the plug.
On who's podcast?
Is he a doctor?
Thank you!
Medical professional!
Everything we've learned about the vaccine since they've come out is horrifying.
There's not a single study showing that the messenger RNA is broken down.
There's not a study showing it leaves the body.
I wish to apologize for any harm I've done, any people who've incurred harm in any way from my actions as a partner and a manager in a vaccine center.
The new world order zealots are feverishly digging themselves out of a bottomless pit.
Let me be clear.
WHO did not impose anything on anyone during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Not lockdowns.
Not mask mandates, not vaccine mandates.
We don't have the power to do that.
We don't want it and we're not trying to get it.
There is out there a deliberate undermining of mainstream media.
There are the conspiracy theorists, there are the social media drivers who are trying to do everything they can to keep people in their little filter bubbles, to prevent people from actually agreeing on a common set of facts.
What had been deemed conspiracy theory two years ago is now being passed off in high gaslighting hubris propaganda circles as common knowledge.
So these findings are not really at all surprising.
We have known about these side effects really since the vaccines began rolling out at the end of 2020, early 2021, we've seen this myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, pericarditis, inflammation of the sac around the heart, as well as this unusual blood clot that forms in the brain from the virus vector vaccine.
So none of these findings are new.
As if the minions of the big pharma perpetrators finally read the Nuremberg Code.
After seeing the horrific data of skyrocketing insurance claims, an explosion of blood clots, vaccine injuries and millions of deaths.
We've got Pentagon reports saying mass death and a new Navy report confirming 900 plus percent increase in heart failure.
in the military.
To pressing the army for answers on behalf of the nearly 2000 former service members who were discharged for
refusing the COVID vaccine, writing, quote,
"These mandates certainly harmed our military's readiness and tragically destroyed the careers of thousands
of brave volunteers."
While recent chaotically panicked developments concerning Red Cross blood donations reveal
that the pure bloods or unvaccinated are receiving vaccinated blood.
there is a possibility that you'll be getting vaccinated blood.
And is there any way for, like, my patients to know if they were getting, you know, vaccinated blood, or?
There isn't any way.
The blood isn't separated.
Oh, okay.
So if I just got the vaccine, but I feel fine, I'm still okay to donate?
Yes, as long as you don't have any symptoms.
Simultaneously, the Red Cross is banning those vaccinated with certain COVID vaccines from donating.
Well, check the new update on the Red Cross website.
One of the questions is, have you received the COVID vaccine?
And if you click yes, it then takes you to a page and says, call 1-800-RED-CROSS and answer a few more questions to see if you're still eligible to give blood!
The soft depopulation persists.
Food labels revealing mRNA poison abound as it is added to the common diet.
Campbell's Soup, and if you look at the label, contains bioengineered food ingredients.
Nature Valley, Nabisco Ritz Crackers, all of these cereals.
Helping animals survive, either by having vaccines or better genetics.
Edinburgh happens to be where a lot of the world's best work on this is done, and that's why DFID and the Gates Foundation are funding scientists here.
Depopulation infiltration doesn't stop with our food.
It is inevitably floating in the air.
Scientists over at Yale University have just taken a giant step towards making such a thing reality.
They were able to vaccinate these mice using two doses administered through the nose of a vaccine which contained nanoparticles carrying the mRNA COVID vaccine.
These mice were vaccinated without a single injection.
Is it any wonder that the world's elite, openly in on the depopulation agenda, are building impenetrable underground fortresses?
Because the one law that can't be broken is the law of the jungle.
As old and as true as the sky, and the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
John Bowne reporting.
All right, so just since I got on air today, NATO's doing a big media push that, hey, we're just going to send troops into Ukraine to fight the Russians.
The CIA's come out and bragged about how they overthrew the government 10 years ago and how they're running the whole war against Russia.
We already knew that, but oh, now it's in the big New York Times.
I'm going to drill into those articles.
I'm going to drill into Trump winning so big in South Carolina and the response to that.
Why it's so historical that he got double the amount of votes anybody ever got in a primary, double what he got in 2000, double what he got in 2016.
I mean this is wild and so much more and then we've been investigating clearly the algorithmic throttling and censorship at X that's intensifying.
And is that Elon Musk?
Or is that the people inside there manipulating the code?
Is he not aware of it?
Because he's talked about having to kick people out when he first got there a year ago, even six months ago.
Is it a ghost of the machine?
Or is it Elon Musk being deceptive?
We don't know, I think, at this point.
But I do know Band.Video, when I was let back on four months ago, after a few weeks, suddenly we could share the The URL Band.Video, which is mirrored by MadMaxWorld.TV.
MadMaxWorld.TV still works.
You go there, it's all the same links, all the same videos, it's just that you go to MadMaxWorld.TV and those links, when you send them out of whatever live feed or video you're finding, will work on X, which is important in the InfoWar.
We created that because before Band.Video was banned everywhere, but especially on Twitter.
Once Musk let me back on for three months or so, it worked.
Now it doesn't work again.
So did somebody go in there and flip some switches?
Did it happen under Elon Musk's order?
So we know that's going on.
And so we're just starting to look into this more.
And I'm not going to go off half-cocked, but if Elon Musk doesn't give a reason why Bandai videos have been banned, or if he doesn't, fix it.
He doesn't have to make a statement, obviously.
And I know some of the high-level people at X, whenever I was unable to get turned back on for Spaces, And I had to do that interview with Elon Musk on Chase Geyser's account.
He said, yeah, there's a lot of stuff on the backend that's got to be fixed.
A lot of links have got to be done.
The censorship's baked into the thing.
Basically, he said Twitter's a... He didn't say basically.
He said Twitter was a crime scene.
And so I'm still trying to fix all the code they put in there to control things that mess things up.
And I tend to think that's the case.
Because why would he go do all that and then allow it to be reversed?
I think somebody's game in the system.
But you can say, well, a bunch of bots went and flagged your show last night.
That's why it was pulled down last night.
Okay, well, did bots ban Band.Video?
That was done deliberately inside.
So we have one case of incredible censorship going against what Elon Musk said that's happening.
So Elon needs to fix that.
And I won't, I'm not gonna make a big deal about it if suddenly Bandai Video gets turned back on, we know it was a glitch or something.
But if it just stays like that, I'm gonna be like, hey dude, what's going on, man?
Because I had a feeling last night's show would get censored, because I'm up there talking about Trump dominating and how it signals a giant landslide, and Roger Stone's on, talking about the illegal John Brennan CIA persecution of Trump himself, myself, and 23 other people.
And they're really scared of that.
And you had those intelligence agencies heavily embedded in X, in Facebook, in Google, in Apple, running the censorship.
And you know they've still got back doors, they've still got contacts inside the system.
So I tend to think Musk is not the one doing this.
And I'm thankful for Musk and his stand and a lot of the great things he's been doing.
And he himself, with the things he's saying and doing with his account, reaching hundreds of millions a day, is devastating the globalists.
So I'm very thankful for that.
But not just myself, but other people are reporting how they're getting shadowbanned, how they're getting manipulated.
And I've seen it happen to us.
And so we're doing an investigation.
Chase Geyser is going to pop in at the bottom of the hour.
He's a smart guy.
Knows more about the ways of X than I do.
He's going to give us his analysis.
Then we have a great guest in studio.
I'll tell you about a little bit later, but you definitely want to join us for dealing with the economy and the world and what's coming next.
But first, Let's get back to the fourth Baron of Rothschild.
That's like right up there under the king.
The Rothschilds are British royalty, folks.
Dying sometime yesterday.
They announced it at 4 a.m.
I rolled out of bed.
Brush my teeth.
Went and got a cup of coffee.
Fired up my desktop.
I love the comments on X and on InfoWars.
I was reading comments first on X. And it was like, did you see this?
Six minutes ago.
Rothschild dead.
And I went and looked and we got a post out within 10 minutes of it.
The first thing I did was repost on X the famous photo of Lucifer summons his legions.
He's posing with Maria Abranovich, the high priestess of Alistair Crowley-ism worldwide.
And I posted the image and said, "Well, I guess Satan summoned his legion and it's time for him to go home."
And so now Satan trends online following death of Lord Jacob Rothschild.
We're going to post this article on X as well.
The Rothschild family announced on Monday that globalist financier and head of the Rothschild empire, Lord Jacob Rothschild, passed away at 87.
Soon after the death announcement, Satan began trending online due to users sharing an image of the recently deceased Rothschild posing with the creepy artist Marina Abranovich in front of a huge mural of Thomas Lawrence's paintings.
Satan Summoning his legions.
And all over the internet, it's Satan summons his legions.
That's not right.
It's been mislabeled.
The painting is, I actually went and looked years ago on the big British Museum site.
It's Lucifer summons his legions, but whatever.
So, that's quite the post-mortem.
Quite the public obituary, Lord Rothschild, it's actually the fourth Baron Rothschild, trends as Satan.
Here's Luke Radowski, this is like eight years ago, who's done the best peaceful, friendly, professional confrontations with globalists I've ever seen.
I think he's in front of like 300 plus of them.
Mr. Rothschild, how you doing, sir?
Can you tell us what went on at the Bilderberg meeting this year?
Can you tell us what went on at the Bilderberg meeting this year?
I didn't go to that, actually, no.
The Bilderberg?
You weren't there?
I think you went from there last year.
No, I went from there last year.
I think that was my cousin.
I think so.
You know, the last time I saw you, you were different.
I was a different person on Friday, because I was hanging out at the Federal Reserve with one of these organizations.
organizations that all people say is a source of violence, even in private law across the
world, because it's a private group that was started by your family.
No, no, completely, completely, I'm sure. I was also there.
It really isn't true.
That's what I always say.
Are we going to see those things next?
We're going to discuss.
One thing, you could go on about how your family committed all these acts against society,
but we just want to let you know the New World Order has no legitimacy, and that we as a
people are not afraid, and we are waking up to the robber barons and the big bankers who
are looting our economy for federal reserve.
We just want to let you know, the New World Order has no legitimacy, and that we as a people are not afraid, and we are waking up to the robber barons and the big bankers who are looting this economy with the Federal Reserve.
Well... What do you... I mean... The Rothschilds family did start the federal... you know... They divided Europe first.
Took over Europe.
The Napoleon... They're desperate.
No comment on that, sir?
He actually did a big BBC interview.
It was more than 10 years ago.
He admitted to founding Israel, or his dad.
He admitted to the Napoleonic Wars and...
That they did the run on the bank in 18.
15, after the Battle of Waterloo, claiming Napoleon won, caused the bank to crash.
They bought up 98% of the stock market, literally.
So they're already the most powerful force in the British Empire.
Then they used an artificial crash they instituted to get control of it.
They brag about that.
That's in mainline history books.
You exaggerate.
But go to about the last 5-10 seconds, where he gives Luke a look, a real Rothschild look.
Just for a second, and he's acting real friendly and gentlemanly, but just for a minute, you see the demon.
He just, for a minute, like, oh, you see me, sonny boy.
You see who I am, and it's because Luke was polite.
But he also said, perfectly, you have no legitimacy, and free humanity rejects what you're doing, and we will stop you.
And Rothschild goes, whoop, what?
Because they've lived in this world, these globalists, where they get to do all this stuff to us and then they have the media say they don't exist.
You finally say, listen, I'm calling you out.
I have a damn right to live.
I don't want to be under your control.
And he's like, wait a minute, let me get a closer look at you.
Let me, right here.
Yeah, a few frames further.
You get the real look here in about a few frames.
Keep going.
Right there.
Back that up.
Back it up a few frames.
Right there.
Right there.
He's like, oh, you got me.
He knows they've got to trick us to go along with it.
He's not metaphysically allowed to do this to us unless we give him the power.
And Luke's saying, we reject you and we are not your property and you are not legitimate.
Because he is illegitimate.
I mean, Nobody buys their way into the British royal family, which
is really an ancient Transylvanian family a thousand years old.
But they did.
Right after they took over the British stock market.
That's why there's photos of Rothschild poking Prince Charles in the chest and ordering him around.
And whenever Lord Rothschild will get around King Charles, he runs around like he's pissing himself like a chicken in circles around his master.
By the way, for those that don't know, a baron is like the third in charge.
So he's the fourth baron of Rothschild.
Forth Baron.
And it still took him a couple decades after 1815 to get that.
So, that's because he wants the legitimacy.
And he's... There's nothing legitimate about the British Crown.
It's not the House of Windsor.
It's not even British.
It's not even German.
But the point is, is it's frauds on top of frauds on top of frauds.
And I love the fact that 20 years ago, if Lord Rothschild died, no one would even talk about it.
It'd barely be in the news because they're very good at hiding their power.
But now everybody knows and understands that the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and these families and the Astors...
I mean look at Anderson Cooper, he's one of these guys.
And what they have is an incredible disgust for the public.
An arrogance that is just immeasurable.
But that look, just keep rolling that last few seconds in a loop so you can see it.
It's a look of, I can't stand you, I hate you, you're so pathetic and little.
Look at you, you pitiful thing.
You don't have a shot.
But I'm scared of you.
That you see what I am and you know what I am.
Just roll that last part of Luke.
Just the video, no audio.
Just roll that last part over and over again.
Because right there's everything you need to see.
Everything you need to know.
That's a real villain right there.
That's a bad guy right there.
You wanna know who comes up with all this evil crap?
That guy.
You wanna know why so much is happening to you and your family?
That guy.
You wanna know who literally sees you as trash to be taken off the curb?
That guy.
And when you follow Disney and Hollywood and the media and the Democrats and the establishment, you are following those people, ladies and gentlemen.
that degenerate disgusting queen on the screen, all of them.
And let me tell you that whole sycophantic society of the royals
is another thing that compromises so many good people in the UK.
People we worked with for a long time who are good folks, A decade ago, got invited into the British Circle and hung out with the echelons right beneath the Queen and King Charles.
And just like that, they got sucked into a black hole, never to be effective or do anything good again.
That's how they work.
Now, if we can suck Elon Musk into liberty and get him to fight tyranny, If he wants to join us, then the door is open.
But make no mistake, I'm not being sucked in by Elon Musk.
I'm not entertaining that with the establishment, like David Ickes said, and I like David, but I see the good Musk is doing, I encourage him to go in the right direction, I criticize the bad, I support the good, but let's make no mistake.
I'm here to convert people to the pro-human, pro-God destiny.
And I'm very effective at doing it.
And I'm not going to list some of the people that admit to me personally, I've converted them, but it's household names.
And they've told me on air and personally, you're the one that finally woke me up.
You're the one.
And that's the job of this show and what we do.
We want to wake up the average person.
We want to wake up the powerful as well.
See, I'm here to recruit people.
I'm not being recruited.
I do the hanging.
To quote that great scene I talked about last week.
Guys, pull up I Do The Hanging scene, Elysium.
I'm sure that'll pull it up.
Or Mercenary Kills Jodie Foster.
I don't know what headline it'll be, but they're about to get brought down.
Their whole evil operation's being exposed.
They're up there on the Elite Space Station.
And she says, if you don't go clean this up, You're going to get hung!
And he picks up a piece of glass and jams it in the carotid artery and says, we do the hanging.
Now, my point is, I'm not trying to jam glass in anybody's carotid artery.
I want to jam it into the old juggler of the New World Order's lies.
I want to discredit it.
I want to destroy all of its propaganda, all of its operations that are parasitic and anti-human and dangerous as hell to everybody, including them.
And put the brakes on all this and have a civilization.
I really believe in humanity.
I want prosperity.
I want security.
I want freedom.
And I want to continue forward with how God created humans.
If people opt to go do something else or become a cyborg, that's their issue.
But I'm not going to be here trying to force people to do it, and I'm not going to be part of it.
I'm going to car wreck and break my back.
I'll take microchips and whatever else works, but not in my consciousness.
I'm not against tools or science, but when evil people are wielding them against us, it's a big problem.
Yeah, you found it.
Find the audio.
Go ahead and roll the clip now.
Go ahead.
I'm listening.
I'm sorry that we crashed the vehicle and ruined someone's lawn.
But nobody is going to hang us for treason.
We do the hanging.
Hey, if you guys can, start it over at the beginning.
I want her to threaten him first.
I think we rolled it a little late.
Start it over.
You idiots!
Do you realize what you've done?
You crashed an unlicensed vehicle into a suburban area.
Your orders were to keep this covert.
Do you even remember what that means?
Have you completely lost your mind?
You're useless to me!
The administration realized what we're doing.
They'd hang us both for treason.
For God's sake, Kruger, are you listening to me?
This... is the end.
I'm listening.
I'm sorry that we crashed the vehicle and ruined someone's lawn.
But nobody is going to hang us for treason.
We do the hanging.
Don't put your head on a deep threshold.
What's that chirping now, eh?
It's all a prison.
Elysium is about to get its first proper prison.
She needs some medical attention.
I was gonna heal your daughter.
But now, I'll make sure that she is never healed.
Try to keep your trust in these politicians.
Clear out this whole building.
Thank you boss.
This is going to happen to all the globalists in their bunkers if they don't turn around now.
What the hell was that?
The checks and balances are there to protect everybody.
And globalist elites that get rid of the checks and balances are the enemy of everyone.
And that needs to be rediscovered and understood right now.
These people need to be stopped.
They fetishize all the evil crap they do because they hate themselves internally.
They're then projecting it onto us.
They behave like they're a downtrodden minority.
They're the global elite.
They're the rulers.
They're the ones doing it.
They're the ones running it.
They're the ones screwing everything up on record.
Bukele turned things around in three years, did a 180 because of real leadership.
These people are destabilizing things on purpose and then building bunkers to hide from what they've done because they want to hurt us as much as they can to consolidate more power and control for numbers in a bank account.
The globalists could still own stuff and be all powerful and just leave us alone, but you won't leave us alone.
You've got to always be in competition with everybody.
In a hyper form of competition where no one can do well but you.
Just like that clip I played a hundred times of There Will Be Blood.
It's based on their mentality.
He says, I have a competition in me.
I don't like other people to do well.
Well, where are you going to live?
Where are your children going to live?
Where are the restaurants you're going to go to?
Where are the ballets you're going to go to?
Where's the culture you're going to enjoy because you hate humanity and you want to screw kids?
No, you've got to be destroyed.
Or you'll destroy all of us.
And so, I'm talking to the rest of the establishment out there, as just an independent person that wants freedom, and I say to the common people as well, are we in a mass suicide culture?
Are we going to stop this crap?
We'll be back with big news, stay with me.
Hey, I got some good news for everybody.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Monday, February 26, 2024 transmission.
We're doing an investigation of the increasing clear throttling algorithmic Shadowbanning or algorithmic throttling going on, those are terms I use, on X. Is Elon Musk behind it?
Or is it a ghost machine?
Or is it globalist operatives under his nose doing it?
He's complained of that in the past, saying it was a quote, crime scene, when he took it over.
We're giving him the benefit of the doubt.
We're going to do a dive on it and look at it here.
We'll start investigating it more intensely.
Chase Geyser is about to report in studio with us on his findings.
But first, here's a quick report.
Something very peculiar is going on here.
So when I go to Alex Jones's account here as a logged in person, you'll see that we have our live show pinned here.
Now we pin every single live show and we keep it pinned until the next live show on Jones's personal account.
Now, if I scroll down here, you'll see this is what was pinned from this morning for the American Journal.
And if I continue to scroll here, you'll see that we have Alex Jones quote tweeting the broadcast from yesterday.
Now, if I click on it, we see that there is a warning here.
It says, we put a warning on this post because it might have sensitive content.
Now, we've gone in and we've appealed this warning by saying that it doesn't have sensitive content.
And we've shared our explanation as well.
But it keeps showing up as a warning and it doesn't seem to indicate that they've received our appeal despite having submitted a number of different appeals.
Now, the other aspect of this is if we go to the InfoWars account, you'll see from yesterday that we have the live feed pinned as well.
This is from this morning, the American Journal, and this is the Sunday broadcast from yesterday.
Now, nothing was flagged on this version of the Sunday broadcast, but it was flagged on the Alex Jones version of the Sunday broadcast, which implies to me that it wasn't some sort of automated system that detected any sensitive content.
It wasn't the title or the name because those are identical.
Nothing was scanned of the video that seems to have flagged it.
Otherwise, it would have been flagged here as well.
What we're seeing is what appears to be a mass reporting Of the Alex Jones account when he went live.
Now, this is not the first time that we've seen this.
This has happened in the past, but it does seem that Alex Jones's personal account is being explicitly targeted because of bots or leftist media or whatever is coming after it and mass reporting this content as sensitive even though it's not actually sensitive.
So, we have this on top of the band.video URL being blocked in private messages and in posts as well.
So, there still is some censorship that appears to be taking place from the old guard at Twitter before it was X, of course, and it appears that it hasn't all been cleared out.
It also appears that Twitter or X still has a bot army problem where there is mass reporting of some of these conservative accounts as we see here with Jones.
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Now we've had issues because we're a small company compared to something like X or Google or Facebook.
And so we would have glitches and problems and things on Bandai Video and people would think we were censoring them.
Or members that we have on there had trouble uploading.
I'd see them complaining on it later, find out, oh, it crashed, we had problems.
It's been a hassle.
It runs pretty good, but it's had some problems.
So I understand that there could be other things going on.
So I'm giving it months to benefit the doubt.
Watching obvious squeezing going on the last few months that's intensified.
We're following all the rules.
They're not hard to follow because we never did anything that they claimed we did before.
We're not threatening anybody.
We're not showing porn.
We're not doing any illegal things.
And Musk said he was trying to go back to that system that was there before, before six, seven years ago.
So that's a good thing.
So we're still here watching it.
But I had a feeling last night when Dan Bongino showed some of the secret document about not just surveillance, But harassment, and this goes back to 2016 when President Trump was President-elect.
We know Obama put in these stay-behind networks.
Parliament was declassified.
He had to sign the legislation in the Defense Authorization Act before Trump got in to put it in place.
So that's why a lot of this is public.
Kind of the old vestiges of the old republic where things had to be transparent.
We knew about it.
But here's Bongino explaining what's going on or how we're being bumped or harassed or terrorized.
And I had a feeling when I did that last night, they'd probably censor it and they did.
So I think if you look at all the evidence, it was a lot of the deep staters activating their bot armies and things.
Anytime we criticize NATO or anything, it's up to you.
I see some of the throttling back as well.
Here's the clip with Bongino.
And again, Bongino used to come on all the time.
They had a Fox News contract.
And I know Fox has let either host come on.
And then he got fired a few years ago or left or whatever it was.
I haven't tried to get him back on since then.
I like Bongino.
But we've reached out to him.
No response back.
He's a very credible guy.
Senior former Secret Service.
Folks, I've never shown you this before.
he talk about this document, talk about more of it.
And I'll be perturbed if he doesn't come on, but we've reached out, so that's an open call right there
that he should come on.
But here's what I believe got the show taken down last night
'cause they said they flagged it, but it was actually removed
from where people couldn't see it.
Here it is.
Folks, I've never shown you this before.
And I debated showing it to you now.
My list is more than 26 names.
I'm obviously not going to tell you who I got this from, but the list of people to bump and target with, you know, Russian interaction and spying.
Put it on the screen.
I've never shown you this before.
This is from my source.
Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson.
Some of the names are not spellrights for a reason I can't describe.
I'll maybe go into it a different time.
Don Trump Jr., Eric, Ivanka.
Lara Trump, Melania, Jared Kushner, Jason Miller, Dave Bossie, Sam Clovis, Paul Manafort, Jason Johnson, Carter Page, Papadopoulos, Alice Stewart, Victoria Coates, Christopher Bourne, Jason Osborne, Chris Christie, Don McGahn, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Alexander Jones, Jeff Sessions, Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone.
Now, we already know that went on, and some of it's come out in Congress, but I believe that's what they didn't want out last night.
Because I called for criminal investigations, I called for congressional hearings, and we've been getting those as Congress gets up to speed on this.
It's hard to believe crimes this big have been committed, but this makes what Richard Nixon did look like a 1 out of 100 scale.
What they did was like a 200.
I mean, it's off the charts.
Chase Geiser, you're a smart guy.
I've got a lot of feedback.
From the live feed, from my new repost of the feed today, people screenshotting, getting videos of what they're seeing.
They can't post in our feed.
They don't get our feed.
They're seeing it not there as well.
There's a lot of monkey business going on, not just starting last night.
And of course we have proof, Banned.video, which was banned for years on Twitter, was
brought back as soon as Musk freed us up three, four months ago.
Now Banned.video is banned again.
So somebody went in there and blocked that.
Elon Musk either needs to behind the scenes restore it, or if he'd like to make a statement
with why he's done this, then I'll listen to him.
But this is a big deal.
We're a big story, we're a big news outlet, and I've really supported what he's done so
But I've got some numbers I can call to get messages to Musk.
I'm going to do that after the show today.
And I'll give him a week or so.
I know he's a busy guy, but I think he needs to respond to this, Jason.
Yeah, I absolutely agree.
And you know, with organizations this large, there's always enemies within the wire, people that can be bought off inside the wire.
And so I think it's prudent that you're not jumping the gun and just straight up accusing Elon Musk of any sort of intentional censorship.
But obviously there's a systemic problem here.
There is censorship.
And he said that.
He said it's a crime scene.
Even he himself admitted that his own account was censored from trending because they had some algorithm in place where if an account had been reported any number of times, any minimum number of times, then it automatically would remove it from trending.
And that's why he intelligently defaulted himself out of it.
He just needs to default a certain list of targeted accounts from the regular algorithm kicking in.
I shouldn't interrupt you.
That's the key to this.
And that's what a lot of folks close to us have said.
That's what's going on.
on. So explain what you just said. Absolutely. So basically what the way it
was set up before was if an account had been reported a minimum number of times
then it would never trend in the future because these accounts were
inefficiently targeted as problematic because of these reports and when you
have an account the size of Elon Musk's with 170 million followers then you're
gonna have a certain level of reporting that happens just because of trolls or
people that are antagonistic toward you.
And similar with Alex Jones, with over 2 million followers, there are going to be people that just report because they hate Alex Jones for whatever reason.
And it's easy to reach that minimum threshold of reports.
And so if you don't catch all these little algorithms, these little ways in which the infrastructure is designed to censor people, then it happens even if you don't know it.
And I think a lot of that is still happening at X. And that's what the left always does.
And as patriots, we don't just go mass-report Lepus accounts and make stuff up, but they're already doing a lot of evil stuff.
I think it's time to fight fire and just, conservatives, patriots, populists, need to just start reporting on the Lepus accounts.
One of the things that indicated to me that there may have been a bot problem or may still be a bot problem at X is, he famously, Elon famously, posted tons of polls right when he sort of took over.
And many of those polls went, for lack of a better term, our way.
But then when he did the poll of whether or not he should remain CEO of X, it was really mysterious to me that it went the other way than all the other polls about bringing counts back in mass.
And I think there was a bot army that really jumped the gun on that.
And it just goes to show that these bot armies still exist, even though... Well, let me back you up.
Let me back you up.
When he had the poll to bring me back...
We were at 95, 90 percent.
All of a sudden it runs down to 80 and it freezes.
I think they caught the fact that it was a bot attack and said, OK, the majority already voted.
Jones is back.
And that was my speculation.
And these bot armies aren't just the Russians or the Chinese or the U.S.
They're all the NGOs and these organizations, these political action committees that work for the leftist Soros machine.
They have their own armies and their own infrastructure in place to do this.
So it's really a decentralized sort of anonymous This X hacking attempt, and it's a problem on X that they're solving, but it remains unsolved.
I tend to think you're right.
I give your analysis about a 90% probability of accuracy.
And so it's a big problem.
And that's why people have to continue to go to Band.Video, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Don't count on leaving me on X next week.
And continue to take the clips of the show and put it out on your accounts, because that's what the system doesn't want.
Why do you think the establishment is so scared of this show, like the Dan Bongino document shows?
Well, anybody whose entire power structure is based off of telling perpetual lies is scared of anyone who tells the truth.
And they ignore small accounts to tell the truth because the reach isn't substantial or significant.
But they really hate the large accounts that share the truth.
And I think with COVID, they knew that the vaccine lies were so big, that the COVID's origin lies were so big that it wasn't just going to be teeny accounts telling the truth about it that they could ignore.
It was going to be the major scientists, the McCulloughs, the Weinsteins and others that were going to tell the truth about it.
And so Joe Rogan so they're really scared that now that we're in 2024 with a 5th of November that we should never let
them Forget coming up this fall. They're really scared that they
don't have their control over the narrative So they're exercising their power right now to try to make
sure that they can have any advantage possible for this election coming in the fall
And let me give an exhibit on that we can have an overhead shot
And we'll show the Atlantic Monthly article itself. This is not a saying this they say it
How Democrats could disqualify Trump, the Supreme Court doesn't.
And they go on to say, if Trump wins, they don't even deny, because Trump said, I think you stole it, I want a 10-day Senate investigation that's in the law of the Constitution.
The Atlantic folks, even more than the Wall Street Journal or Financial Times or Wall Street Journal, they're all mouthpieces.
They go, no.
It is the mouthpiece of the globalist.
They're like, no, no, if he wins, we're just going to have Congress and the Senate decertify it and take it from him.
So they've indicted him claiming he did this, which he didn't.
And now the establishment's saying, let's do it, which again, they did in 2020.
In the New York Times with a war game with John Podesta, they said, we're going to do this too if he wins.
So everything they've accused Trump of, they've tried before and they're getting ready to do again.
So they're going to do this, folks.
And go against the Supreme Court, what do you think they're getting ready to do ahead of the election to censor?
So, Musk has been off a lot here.
I'm still giving him benefit of the doubt, but we need to get him talking about this.
What's alarming to me in particular about that Atlantic article that you mentioned is I remember a time in this country where the left took all of the precautions necessary to ensure that their lies would be believed.
Famously, Bill Clinton said, I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
He said, I smoked pot, but I didn't inhale.
They really tried hard to cover their tracks and to lie.
Now it's so brazen.
They don't even care if it's obvious they're hypocrisy.
They don't even care if you realize that they're lying because we've reached a point where there's no accountability regardless.
And so they're just brazen and in your face about it.
Guys, pull up that Biden clip of him in the 80s dropping out of the race for being caught plagiarizing in his college thesis and all the rest of it.
And the point is, that's what he's always done.
He's always lied.
But why back then, if you got caught lying, you had to go?
Now it's a positive.
They've converted their base into sociopaths.
And not only sociopaths, but just totally brainwashed sociopaths.
So not only is their base willing to do anything, but they're also willing to disregard anything.
The cognitive dissonance, as it is called, is just totally saturating.
Instead of the force being strong, the Stockholm Syndrome strong.
Flip 5, here's Vintage Biden.
Play clip 5.
Well, we're having an audio problem on that.
Let's pull it down and see if it got loaded in the system wrong.
And, Crew, let me know when you've tested that or we pulled it in, when we can get that clip working here.
Chase, what needs to come out of this?
I mean, not just the attack on us.
Clearly, there's a ratcheting down.
Everybody's showing it.
They're showing screenshots.
I've sent stacks.
I've got it right here.
I mean, this is a big deal.
Yeah, it's sort of like in a war when you claim a territory and you get control of that territory, but there's this counterattack that comes to try to take the territory back, right?
So, Musk has successfully taken Twitter, made it his own, made it into X, but now the enemy is counterattacking outside the walls.
And so, we just have to be aware that this one victory is not a permanent victory or a sure 100% forever victory.
Just because he owns it now, there are all these other subtle ways and small ways that they attack.
And that's what we're experiencing with these bot armies.
So we should never give up.
This is never a solved problem.
We have to have this perpetual war mindset if we seek to defeat this censorship or these sort of Machiavellian approaches that the left takes to censorship, even if it doesn't have total control of the organization from within like it used to.
It sounds to me like you're sold on Musk being a good guy, or at least trying to be a counterbalance to the system.
All I know is the proof's in the pudding.
More than what he's done letting us back on, or others back on X. And there's an algorithm that thinks, period, no matter who you are, what they're going to push.
That's everywhere.
But the reason I've been supportive so far, even before he brought us back on three, four months ago,
was because his post, hundreds of millions of views a day, are like I wrote them.
They're devastating to the establishment.
And now the communist Chinese are saying they're gonna supply him batteries.
Elon Musk is now under attack from that.
Elon Musk relied on China to fuel Tesla's rise.
Now Beijing is turning on him.
That's Yahoo News.
I mean, there's all these criminal investigations.
The EU's coming after him.
I mean, this is legitimate.
This is not like a W...
EF or WE whatever the damn wrestling is called not a big follower
But this is not a Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant where this is Kabuki theater
I mean, there's legitimately a fights going on here Absolutely, and not only is it difficult for me to think of
a single thing that he's actually done throughout his career that I disagree
With but you have to look at these figures from the standpoint of okay who hates them
Just like you said, Alex.
And that's one of the reasons why I'm voting for Donald Trump.
It's not because I agree with everything that he ever did or said, but it's because all of the world's supervillains hate him.
So he must be our best shot if he is most hated by the enemy.
I think the same is true for Musk in the tech startup world.
It wasn't only these lawsuits, but also the subsidies that were pulled from from Tesla.
And a few months ago, we reported on that here on InfoWars.
He wasn't given tax subsidies that he was eligible for, for whatever reason that was not really particularly disclosed, or the reason that they gave was not substantial in any way, shape or form.
So, if all of the world's supervillains hate him, then we should really consider whether or not he's actually on our side, and I think the answer is yes.
Absolutely, and you know, I saw a viral clip with millions of views from Patrick McDavid, who's a great guy and I'm still in his thunder, where he pointed out that the judge in the second Trump-Eugene Carroll case covered up for King Charles' brother in the molesting of underage girls.
And then he's also covered up a bunch of other Epstein stuff.
I mentioned that months ago when the trial was just starting, but I didn't make a big
deal about it.
Oh my God, the biggest breaking thing, we're breaking an original news story.
Good job Patrick McDavid did that.
So it got out there.
I just kind of just read it in between a bunch of articles a few times.
And it's kind of the same thing.
Like it's a big deal that the CIA documents are out, that Brennan ordered them to come
after me and President Trump and others and to harass us and terrorize us.
That's not just surveillance.
That's super illegal.
So no wonder they censored that show.
No wonder they called on the bots.
No wonder they got it shut down or threatened Musk or whatever happened.
Because that's a big deal.
But I don't tend to, when it's us under attack, put on the bells and whistles and go, oh my God, this is big.
Because we're not drama queens here.
I'm used to being attacked.
I've accepted it.
But it's almost a blind spot.
We get with this because we're so over the target.
What's crazy to me, Alex, is Edward Snowden came out, I think it was over 10 years ago, maybe even 12 years ago now, with all these revelations about the Patriot Act and the espionage on American citizens and U.S.
And then whenever this news comes out that an individual like Trump or like you, Alex, or others is being spied on by the government, people act so surprised.
Harassed by the government.
The government said to the military and the CIA, Obama said, I want you to frustrate Interdict, you know, destabilize, there's a term I'm looking for in the documents, it's disrupt.
I mean, I pay taxes to then be disrupted by a bunch of globalist New World Order cult members with their PR firms, their law firms.
This is the thing I want to point out.
My own lawyer brought this up, and I knew this months ago, but just for some reason didn't mention it.
That the main Democrat party law firm, one of the top ones they use, the top three, that's running the lawsuits against me and spent $20 million last year trying to shut this company down and the bankruptcy and all the lies they put out, is the same.
Someone do a whole report on this.
Instead of just talking about it, I'm going to do a report in the next few days because it's important.
Actually show it and make a big deal about it.
They are the ones running the stuff against Giuliani, against Trump, against everybody.
It's all deep, and they quote, do it pro bono.
Yeah, right.
No, no, no, folks.
This is deep state all the way, rogue elements of the U.S.
We've got the documents, we've got the info, and Congress needs to investigate this.
I mean, this, in my opinion, is criminal.
So you have to understand, folks, we're standing up for you.
And so, yeah.
They're trying to get through us to get to you.
I didn't know this until I was watching the American Journal this morning.
I think it was this morning.
The expression that Bungino uses in that report where he talks about targets on the list to bump.
Maybe you understand the expression.
It means harass, terrorize, or kill.
And when they actually put you in the context of a Russian agent so that you can be photographed together, seen together, or it can be documented that you've spoken to this person regardless of whether you spent the meeting.
That's one facet is to put Russian agents with you at a bar.
To bump into you, basically.
To bump into you so that they can use that to justify the warrants.
So, it's just crazy how they say it.
It's entrapment.
And it's not just like January 6th.
It's all these other instances.
They try to entrap individuals just as they try to... That's what I'm talking about.
It says bump.
It means everything.
And that goes into bumping as framing.
Yes, absolutely.
So, obviously we're in a major InfoWar.
Obviously the censorship problem isn't a solved problem.
And we just have to keep our head in our throat.
Oh, and the congressional hearings about the bumping of Trump.
The bumping of Alex Jones, the bumping of Roger Stone.
And that's what it is.
Send a Russian agent to an event.
I mean, one time I'm walking, I'm packing my bags, leaving Trump Hotel.
Just gone and confronted Congress and just confronted Rubio like two hours before.
And I'm literally eating a hamburger in the bar area because that's all that was open.
You know, in comes this person, well-known person, and I haven't released this yet, I told you, and they were like, hey, this company, the Internet Research Group, the Russians, wants to give me $3 million right now.
No questions asked, it's all legal, just sign this document.
And I said, well, obviously, this is a setup, no way I'm an American citizen to get out of here.
I'm going to report this.
The person got really freaked out and ran off.
But, but, and then later, but that, that's how bad this is, folks.
That, I mean, and a bunch of other stuff happened too.
You know, just a few months ago, they put an MI6 group out of Dubai on us, and they don't want me to get into all of it, but we reported to the FBI as well.
We went into the FBI, well the FBI, they're corrupt.
Yeah, we go to them and say, we caught your ass in the cookie jar, leave us alone.
And of course, it's obviously wasn't the local Austin FBI running this,
it's run out of DC.
But, and it's, 'cause they don't get the authorization from the CIA, who always ask a foreign power to do it.
That's what Mungino explains, to do it.
But I mean, that's the level of this.
They even, and I'm not gonna talk about this yet, but they even manipulated their way
into the building three weeks ago for about an hour.
I'm going to stop.
They didn't get anything, folks.
But these are real spies.
Like, they manipulated their way into the building.
And how they do it is they go, oh, this is a business, so something's getting dropped off.
There's a meeting, and they contact somebody mid-level, and all of a sudden, you think they're... and then they're in your office, and we caught them.
I caught them.
That's the level of it, buddy.
And it's not going to stop until we take it back in the fall.
I don't know what the solution is.
Sometimes the problem is so overwhelming, Alex, that it's hard to even fathom where the victory comes.
What do we do to fight back that level of menacing?
Well, what's crazy is we already ran an investigation on these guys and caught them the time before.
In the sting they tried.
They tried to come and pay people off to commit criminal acts with millions of dollars.
So obviously we immediately know it's a setup.
We videotape them, videotape their cars, all their people, send in our people that are seasoned folks, patriots, that you know work for agencies.
And we catch them.
And we have all that.
We brought a package to the FBI with all of it, okay?
But I mean, the point is, is that that's what's going on, is they're literally trying to give millions of dollars to people that work here to then make up criminal actions against us.
I mean, look, Congress is going to get all this.
That's already in the works, New World Order.
And the point is, that's how bad this is.
Can you imagine what they're doing to Trump right now?
I mean, they're doing this to us.
Can you imagine?
It's gotta be insane.
I mean, we see it every day in the news.
So, Americans, you need to understand.
We are like the Alamo.
We may fall, but you're gonna win.
But this is the takeover of America, okay?
By an outside globalist banking cartel.
Chase Geiser, great job.
We'll be right back with a special guest in the studio.
Thank you so much.
Stay with us.
Bring us this information.
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The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the earth.
We're told all this garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com and I thank you all for your support.
When you have U.S.
Senators in both parties saying we may need to go ahead and nuke Russia first, and the Russians are aware that's almost happened before, what do you think that makes the Russians do?
Well, it makes them go into war mode.
So I don't like them invading Ukraine.
I don't like him putting his nuclear forces on maximum alert.
Only one level above that on their DEFCON, just like our system, and that's fire the weapons.
And so now we have Democrats all over the news saying, let's just use nuclear weapons on Russia.
Think of their ignorance.
Russia has hundreds of submarines off our coast with sea-launched missiles that would vaporize our cities within five minutes on average of being launched.
Sea-launched cruise missiles that fly at Mach 5.
Land-launched systems they can also launch from ships that are at Mach 9 and cannot be shot down.
And yes, the United States has those too.
That's a Pentagon lie that Russia developed systems that we don't have.
It's on record the U.S.
has those systems.
The point is, it's called mutually assured destruction or MAD for a reason.
Because anyone that would violate the MAD doctrine is insane.
And you know, I'm on the side of not having a nuclear war.
Especially when Russia's not starting a fight with us.
And especially after we just heard for years that everything happening in this country is run by Russia, when that was all a giant lie.
The globalists are the outside evil force.
Zack, this is Crystal Palace.
NORAD has declared DEFCON 3.
Scramble all alert aircraft.
I repeat, scramble all alert aircraft.
The Whopper spends all its time thinking about World War 3.
Target selection complete.
Time-on-target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning southbound at Nordkapp, bearing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Zone.
From the front lines of the Information War.
Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You bet!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
How about global thermonuclear war?
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeted and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are on a launch mode.
Do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have a Soviet submarine launch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
Fade to the end. The only winning goal is not today.
If you think the awakening we've seen so far is big, this planet and the globalists have not seen anything yet!
(crowd cheers)
We're aware of your activities, trying to muzzle the American people and gaming your search results.
Google is evil!
We now take the challenge, not to censor like you do, but to stand against you and to fight even harder for our birthright that you are trying to steal!
Remember this.
You killed your profession by becoming nothing but mercenaries for the globalists, and people know that you're fake news, many of you.
Now, with you trying to kill the First Amendment, you're making yourself true villains.
You've declared war on the First Amendment!
You've declared war on free speech!
Since when?
There are hundreds of doctors unable to have press conferences in America.
They take it off YouTube, they take it off Google, they take it off Twitter, they take it off Facebook.
There is a giant crackdown that even the New York Times calls it a crackdown on conservatives and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other.
Just like communist China.
I'm here to expose this fraud.
I'm here.
Just like in Congress, that's hearings about me.
I go there.
And I get in their face and I expose the truth and that's what I'm gonna do.
We had over 40 million subscribers on Apple.
That was our biggest thing with my three podcasts.
Those were all banned.
the most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
Well, he's a popular guest.
He's Dr. Kirk Elliott.
He's back in studio with us from Colorado visiting.
We really are glad he's here with us.
He did an hour and a half with us a month ago and people really loved it.
It informed a lot of people.
And he has been studying things for a long time.
He's got multiple PhDs dealing with the economy.
in the public policy and administration, focusing on money economics and his second PhD in theology.
You can go to his website, kepm.com/gold.
He's also a gold and silver broker that has got some of the best deals out there on straight
up bullion, which I've always said is the way to go.
But this show today, I'd say is 10% pitched by gold and silver.
He's a great sponsor, but 90% just about informing people.
And it's a no-brainer that everybody should get into Gold & Silver.
You haven't heard a Gold or Silver sponsor here in 10 years because I haven't been able to find one.
That doesn't gouge people.
And when Ted Anderson shut down his company, the owner of the Genesis Network that I first got syndicated by 27 years ago, he's a great guy.
When he, because of divorce and all the things he's been through, he's a great guy.
When he retired, I went out and tried to find good companies and just could not find them.
So it hasn't been here.
Plus, gold was down then.
But the last few years, I was really looking for a sponsor, and we got a few for a little bit, and they promised to pitch bullion first, and if somebody wanted a numismatic, I wanted good deals on those, and they wouldn't do it.
Because I would call up later, like I was a customer, the first time they came on, just to double check, I'd say, sorry, we're not taking your money, we're not doing it.
4.9 star reviews out there on Google great guy and also a lot of other major advice and the key is they can sell it or buy it really really quick so this is the one shop shop he didn't come on about this and he didn't the first time he would come on wouldn't even plug his company but I went balls out you know when he was on last time was I want to support what he's doing and he got a huge response and folks are smart to do that but but We only have like 50 minutes of air time now.
Look at the damn overhead shot.
Look at the preparation the doctor sent us.
The economy, the charts, the facts.
I mean this is like a three hour overhead shot guys.
This is like a three hour presentation right here.
So we'll probably do another special report soon here because I read over this.
It's amazing information.
But it's great to have you back.
Overall gold and silver still up down a little today but the trend is going straight up.
Huge developments around the world.
Doc, great to have you back.
Let's plunge into it.
Yeah, it's so great to be back.
And since the last time I was here, we have had major disruptions in the banking world, Alex.
When you look at why things happen, there's always a reason why banks fail.
There's a reason why stocks go up, stocks go down, bonds go up, bonds go down, gold or silver go up or down, right?
There's always a reason.
As an economist, that's what I look at.
So we've had, over the last three weeks, major disturbances in the banking world, right?
We've seen stocks of things like Comerica Bank, PacWest Bank, New York Community Bank, and even Schwab!
Just start to hit the scales.
By the way, when you first came on months ago, you predicted this.
I mean, because the writing was on the wall then and banking failure 2.0 was coming.
Well, I think it starts on and I'm never a guy that says dates because I'm not God.
I don't control the markets.
But March 11th.
Which is just right around the corner is when the Bank Temp Funding Program sunsets.
Now what's the Bank Temp Funding Program?
Remember after 2009 you had the stupid TARP bill?
Just massive expenditures.
It was the emergency funding to bail out the economy.
This Bank Temp Funding Program is the equivalent of TARP but just to the banking world.
So after Silicon Valley went down, you know, a year and a half ago, and you had the five other banks, you had Signature Bank, you had Credit Suisse, you had First Republic, and you had all those Silvergate, they came up with the Fed emergency funding to inject capital into these failing banks to stop bank runs.
And it worked, but people were basically applauding them saying, look, whatever policies you guys used, you stopped the bank runs and the banking system is safe again.
Well, they just kicked the can.
They hit it.
They put this Band-Aid on, but they never actually healed the wound.
Because what is the wound in the banking system?
It's quite honestly, it's by dynamics is what it is when you've got Wages that are coming down, when you've got unemployment that's rising, when you've got inflationary pressures that are caused by unrelenting printing of money, raising the cost of borrowing, raising rates to slow down inflation, all of that's the kiss of death to an economy.
So what happens in people's lives, Alex, when you've got all of that coming down?
Their wages are coming down, people are unemployed, costs are going up, and the cost of borrowing is going up.
Record private debt.
massive amounts of record private debt what do people do? they start to withdraw funds from the
banks so they got more withdrawals and they have funding you know
deposits going into a bank
simply put that's why banks fail so even you know a few months ago when we started talking
about this i predicted
bank failures 2.0 is coming because you've got more withdrawals and you've
got deposits And what banks invest in are the same things that you and I invest in.
They just do it on a larger scale.
They invest in stocks, bonds, companies, real estate, whatever.
So they've got malinvestment and more withdrawals and deposits.
So, of course, I'm going to say banking failures are coming.
But here's the big, huge problem that's happened within the last few weeks.
The end of January, the Fed met.
And they basically sunset this emergency funding provision.
March 11th, there is no more emergency funding for the banks.
There's a huge problem that's coupled with that, and that is Basel III.
The Basel III International Accords, which we've actually talked about before, but what is that?
So if you take a little bit of a step back in history, during the height of COVID, March of 2020, Regulation D, the Federal Reserve, they changed the reserve requirements to zero on banks.
If you deposit a hundred bucks and the reserve requirement is zero, the bank can lend out a hundred dollars.
Well, what does that mean?
They don't have to have anything withheld.
They don't have to hold anything back.
So these bankers are just sitting out there praying that not everybody is going to want to take withdrawals out at the same time, write checks at the same time, because they don't have it.
This is the nature of fractional reserve banking.
We just never thought that during the height of Covid it wouldn't be fractional reserve.
It would be no reserve banking.
And so that's that's why you started to have bank failures.
So zero percent reserve requirement does what?
It stimulates the economy because the banks should supposedly lend out everything Get money out there into the hands of the people and when they do that they'll spend and that should grow the economy.
Well, it caused bank runs because of Bidenomics and people aren't working and people are losing their jobs and their wages are coming down and this is a problem.
69% of people are in deep credit card debt and are living paycheck to paycheck and if you look at the creation of money, what Biden's created now, almost as much in three years as was ever created in the history of the country.
I mean, it goes straight up.
And then it causes inflation, so they raise interest rates on top of it.
It's like those cartoons with Tom and Jerry where the cat has like a hundred plates and stuff in his hands.
He can't hold it forever.
We're really close now where it's going to come down.
Well, it is.
I mean, when you look from 1776 until 1980, when Reagan became president, that's 204 years.
Our national debt in 1980 was about $980 billion, almost a trillion.
Just last year alone, Biden added $2.5 trillion to our national debt in one year.
That took us 204 years to basically get a trillion.
He added $2.5 trillion in one year.
Now it's at $30 plus.
Now it's almost 35 trillion.
I mean, it's through the roof.
Like 34 a month ago.
It's like now it's... So get a load of how bad it is and that they're spending like drunken sailors.
204 years it took them to accumulate almost a trillion dollars worth of debt.
The interest only payments on our debt as of now are a trillion dollars a year.
Just the interest payments.
Let alone the funding of our country, you know, we keep raising the debt ceiling, the Department of Education, Infrastructure, Department of Defense, everything else.
And you only had one page of your report, so it's just, it's what's going to, skip to the end, tell us what's going to happen, then walk through the tentacles.
Okay, so what's going to happen here?
Basel III, they just met a few weeks ago, and basically they're changing the reserve requirement to 20%.
So at twenty percent, that means banks that are used to zero, if you're a billion dollar bank, you've got to come up with two hundred million dollars in reserves.
Where are they going to get that?
So they ran the banks out of reserves and now are demanding a reserve.
Looks like they're trying to pull the carpet out.
They're trying to pull the carpet out and there's massive consolidation happening where the big banks are buying all the small and medium sized banks.
See, this is a huge problem that they don't have a solution to.
Let me tell you why I know you're right.
NATO's officially saying we're going to start probably sending troops in to fight Russia officially.
They'd only do that at the end of a bubble as a way to try to make us not destroy the establishment.
We'll just give them a huge war.
They'll just do whatever we say.
They're preparing everybody for the draft?
I mean, there's something dark coming.
Something really dark.
So, pulling back of reserves.
No more emergency funding.
Banks are going to start failing.
Who else is seeing this?
Look at the billionaires of this country, Alex.
This, to me, is one of the scariest things I've seen.
They're all building bunkers everywhere!
They're building bunkers, but they're pulling money out of stocks.
So Jeff Bezos, and we've got the documents here that we can look at, the SEC documents, sold $10.5 billion, billion of his own shares.
hundred pages. It's near the end. You lay it out there, they'll aim it at you. I'll
It's near the end.
lay it out right here. So this is Jeff Bezos, 10.5 billion dollars of his own
shares that he's selling.
He's not the only one, Alex.
They're all doing it.
Yesterday came out that the Walton family, that owns Walmart, selling 4.5 billion dollars of their own shares.
Bill Gates said, well, I'm selling actually everything except my agricultural land.
So he knows food's the key.
So they're running for the exits.
They're running.
So then you've also got Zuckerberg selling half a billion dollars of his shares.
I mean, the list goes on and on and on.
It's like, why are all these billionaires, even Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, selling $150 million worth of his JPMorgan Chase shares?
It's like, these are not small sales.
And when you're that big, you have to register that sale with the SEC for insider trading They're all getting out of dodge.
When these people are narcissists, Alex, and they think we're great and our companies are great and they're huge companies, there's no doubt about it, but they're going to be able to think they can withstand any storm.
And to what end?
So what is this saying?
It's probably saying that they don't think the economy is doing very good.
And every one of those people, Bezos, Bill Gates, you go back a little bit further, Warren Buffett, you know, sitting on piles and mountains of cash.
In his own words, we're going to buy companies at a discount after the stock market collapses and look at Blackstone.
So they're pulling the money out to buy it up later.
To buy it up later.
Just like Rothschild did at the end of the Battle of Waterloo Line when he got the early news by Carrier, Pigeon and Corvette chip saying that Napoleon had won, the stock market crashed 90 plus percent, he bought it up.
See, they know that something is coming.
This action tells me that.
They're getting out of Dodge.
They're selling their own shares.
And this is buy low, sell high.
That's everybody's mantra throughout life.
We want to be wise stewards of what we have.
They're getting out.
So, when you see this and you see the banking system about to fail, that's probably why they're getting out.
Because they know what's coming.
This is going to be much bigger than 2008.
Oh, substantially bigger, because we have way more debt.
Well, what's gold going to do during that?
I think one thing goes straight up.
During all this inflation, I don't see any universe, to me, the safest bet is gold and silver.
Yeah, it's the safest bet.
They do very, very well during times of chaos, uncertainty, turbulence, turmoil, change.
And China and the globalists are all snatching it up.
They're all snatching it up.
And so most of the viewers that have called me from this show, They're saying, "Well, I want gold and silver at home."
Great, we can do that.
Most of them have not known that we can do IRAs.
Precious metals and IRAs, 100-ounce bars, 10-ounce bars, roll over your IRA from Fidelity,
Schwab, whatever you have, and go into an IRA, denominated in physical bars or coins,
and spend your paper.
And then it goes up as gold goes up.
It's the same thing that you would own at home.
It's like a stock.
You'd put in a safe or in a vault.
Yes, sir.
The paper's going up when gold and silver go up, but you're getting out of the system.
You're getting out of a central bank digital currency.
You're getting out of the digital system.
You're getting out of something that's paper that can be manipulated into something that's
real, something that's tangible.
What do you recommend to somebody?
Like, do a mix of physical holding, but also the...
It depends on the person, Alex.
Some people have income needs.
Some people have growth needs.
Some people are close to retirement.
Some are young.
For me, I'm in silver.
Well, I have a clip I sent you, and I don't want to bore people, but maybe we'll play it.
They're asking Larry Fink about Bitcoin.
He's like admitting, oh, it's real.
We're investing in it.
We want to service people.
OK, great.
But he goes, forget Bitcoin.
It's all about gold.
I mean, they know that.
So, so that's the head of the whole enchilada.
Larry Fink had a BlackRock, right?
So, basically saying, yeah, we're basically behind Bitcoin because we want to have a Bitcoin ETF, right?
But yet, in that same clip, he says, but gold is real money.
I mean, that's the paraphrase.
By the way, guys, I sent you that clip.
Do we have that?
Send it after the show started.
OK, I'll send it to you.
I mean, that's that's an amazing clip, Alex, because he talks about real money.
He talks about what's tangible, what's real, what's going to grow, what people should feel safe having.
And it's like, wow, this is this is from the guy who's actually causing the collapse and things.
But you know what?
When he says that it.
A, he's doing the exact same things that central banks are doing.
You know, I've gotten some articles in here about how central banks, the new debt ceiling, the de-dollarization of gold, central banks are buying gold by the thousands of tons.
By the way, since we mentioned the Larry Fink thing out of BlackRock, let's go ahead and have him talk about what he thinks the future is.
Here it is.
I believe, you know, I believe it goes up as if the world is more frightened if people have fearful of geopolitical risk, they're fearful of their own risk.
It's no different than what gold represented over thousands of years.
It is a, it is a, it is a asset class that protects you.
And unlike gold where we manufacture new gold, we're almost at the ceiling of the amount of Bitcoin that we create.
When you hear somebody like Kathy Wood, who was on our broadcast yesterday, say that her base case, base case, is that this turns into a $600,000 of Bitcoin valuation, base case, and a million plus in a super optimistic case.
Are you anywhere in her realm?
I haven't thought about it.
To me, what we are trying to do is offer an instrument that can store wealth.
I think if it gets even close to that high, gold will represent even a bigger value.
And let's be clear, if you think it's digital gold, there's going to be a reference point between gold and Bitcoin.
And by the way, I never take anything Larry Fink says except he's actually very honest.
We're going to make you eat bugs.
We're going to run your life with the ESGs.
He's actually very honest.
I'm not saying I just take whatever he says, but there he is saying, look, it's gold.
I mean, and meanwhile, don't believe him.
The elites are buying it up.
The elites are buying it up, central banks are buying it up, to the tune of thousands of tons.
China has probably 5,000 metric tons of gold.
The European Central Bank has about 10,500.
The Fed has 8,500 tons.
Russia has 1,000 tons.
We're talking about not ounces or pounds, but tons and thousands of tons, right?
So when you look at that, Alex, it's like, Don't listen to what people say.
Watch what they do.
You've been talking about this stuff for decades, right?
It's like... Well, in the past they demonized it.
Now they're admitting gold's gonna... Right.
I don't think they can suppress it anymore with shorting.
Yeah, I don't think they can.
It's like the game is over and they know that they're at that point of critical mass.
And this is why I think they want banks to fail so they can usher in a new system, right?
They've said that.
We're gonna use a crisis?
Swab a set, a crisis is coming, we'll bring in the ESG, bring in the social credit score, bring it in, we're here.
Yeah, and the actions that they're talking about, like the US Congress, there's this memorandum from the US House, talks about Basel III, and it talks about The end result of that is people are going to think, this is really good.
We're going to stave off another banking crisis by having enough capital in reserves that banks aren't going to fail.
But what that does when banks didn't have it and they have to come up with it?
They're going to fail.
And they're going to be bought out by other banks.
So here's the problem.
So back in Silicon Valley days, when those banks failed, who bought Signature Bank, one of the banks that failed, New York Community Bank?
New York Community Bank, now in January, lost $7 billion in market cap.
They're going to get a 70% dividend cut.
So, but why?
Why are they failing and why are they going to probably go into FDIC receivership?
Because imagine, Alex, if you have two glasses of water here on your desk.
One of them is a bunch of fresh water that you're drinking out of.
The other one is a glass full of poison.
It's tainted.
If you just put a few drops of that poison in the fresh water, it contaminates everything.
See, you can have a safe bank that buys toxic assets of another bank, and it makes the entire balance sheet of the new entity toxic.
It's very clear that Rothschilds, the globalists, are running down the West to collapse it.
They think they'll be in control and buy up even more control like Rothschild did in 1815.
Yeah, I mean, and these globalists, Alex, they don't care about health.
They don't care, I mean, or else why would they have vaccines, right?
They don't care about your finances.
They don't care about, they don't want to fix the system.
They care about power.
They care about power.
And they care about war.
And this goes back to like the Rothschilds funding both sides of the Napoleonic Wars, right?
They, they, all they care about is war.
War here, war there.
And when people are operating out of a state of fear because of war, because their banks are failing, their money is going to run out, because they're afraid of their health, because they're afraid of all this stuff, they're going to start giving away their freedoms, Alex.
This is human nature.
And they don't care about anything except themselves, except their money, except how much power they're going to get.
And all of this fear that's permeating our country and the globe, whether it's a new health scare of some kind of disease X or a pandemic, whether it's banks failing, which are going to continue to fail, and there's going to be consolidation that gives them more control.
I mean, you look at all of us, or whether it's Russia and Ukraine.
Dr. Elliott, what do you think the time frame is?
I know you don't want to put numbers on it, but you were here three months ago and you said more banks are going to start failing and it's starting to happen.
What's the time frame here?
I think before November for sure, but I think after March 11th.
Well that's what Trump said, he goes, I hope it crashes before I get in.
He knows it's coming.
Guys, pull that up.
They attacked him.
Trump hopes it crashes before he gets in.
Then they said, oh, he wants it to crash.
No, he can see the writing on the wall.
He says, I hope it crashes before I get in so I don't get blamed and then I can fix it.
He's just being straight up with people.
Yeah, and so I think that's probably the end of the envelope.
The beginning, March 11th of this year when emergency funding stops for banks.
So March 11th you think we enter danger zone?
Yeah, I'm not saying that banks are all going to start failing on March 11th.
But what I am saying, that's when emergency funding ends.
And so therefore, after that point... And they have new rules, they've got to have more reserves.
I mean, they're right there with the policy!
Drain them of reserves, with policy, and then make them have reserves.
Yeah, so what does that mean?
It means late spring, early summer, or all summer, early fall, things are going to start to happening, and oh, just before an election.
This is where it gets- But you can see it!
Raise the interest rate, squeeze, get everybody right to the edge of bankruptcy, and then wait and push it right up to before the election.
Right up before the election.
And this is a monumental year globally for elections.
It's not just America that's having an election.
60% of the world is going to the polls this year.
And to do what?
To vote in a new government.
That's what you do during elections.
Kurt, stand there.
Let's explain this when we come back.
There's no doubt you're wrong.
The question is how bad will it be?
I mean, folks, we just want to be tomorrow's news today.
Yeah, it's the scary news, but at least you know before anybody else.
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Well, here's the bottom line, as they say.
We're coming to the end of the old system.
It's going to happen any month, any day now.
And we're just here covering the facts with Dr. Kirk Elliott.
Kirk, continuing here, people need to get ready.
They need to get prepared.
I know you're getting all the technicals and, you know, Kirk, all the substrata of it, and you continue with that.
But at the same time, you should also talk about your company some.
You know, everything that we're talking about, economic meltdown, banking failures, the reason why we bring that up is to provide people with a solution and hope, right?
Because too many times when people call, it's like, I'm so gripped with fear, I don't know what to do.
But this is where precious metals, in times like this, offer a solution.
And it can bring peace in the midst of the storm, and it can bring not just peace but prosperity, right?
And when you look at what silver has done, for example, since the year 2000, you know,
when we started to really see inflationary pressures hitting,
silver was less than $5 an ounce.
Today it's over $23.
I mean that's up like a 6-8 fold increase during that time frame.
But we're up about 100% over the last three and a half years.
This is a great investment, but don't look at it as just a great investment.
Look at it as a way to maintain and protect your financial privacy and your freedom.
And the world of Big Brother is just, you know, getting huge and you want to have spyware on your bank accounts and ideologically based spending with central bank digital currency and all of that stuff.
When you have something that's private, something that's not a digital entry, something that's not a piece of paper that you can take delivery of or store, you could use it for barter if you need to.
B, when you are at retirement age and you need to start taking required minimum distributions out of your IRAs, you can take physical delivery of the silver or gold that's in your IRA.
Because most of my clients right now, they don't want to take it.
They want to keep it growing and keep it, but you don't have to sell it.
Just take distribution of it out of your IRA.
The same stuff that's stored, you can take delivery of.
So when you're looking at that, you know what we've done, Alex, is we are beating them at
their own game.
When central banks are buying gold, we're not going to ever buy it by the thousands
of tons or even by the hundreds of tons because we don't have trillions of dollars, but we
can certainly buy it by the ounce and we can do the same exact thing that they're doing.
Because don't they buy it at the same price?
Yeah, spot price is spot price all over the world.
I mean, that's everything that's based on now.
Dealers are going to take spot price, they're going to actually buy the metals from the depositories, that's the wholesale price, and then they're going to tack on whatever their sales charges are.
This is a word of warning to everybody.
Not all dealers are created equal, right?
Some of them are going to have massive sales charges when you buy, when you sell, and they're going to sell you things that are high premium, collectible garbage that will never do any good for you.
But with you guys, there's a one-time fee and all the service and all the advice comes with it.
Yeah, it's 8% when you purchase, 0% when you liquidate, 0% ongoing.
I don't care if you have an account with us for 30 years.
You know, I've got clients, Alex, that have been with me for well over 20 years, and we keep managing, you know, helping them, guiding them, and buying and selling, letting them know when it's time to get out of silver, go into gold, get out of gold, go back into silver.
All folks need to know is, and listeners know, there haven't been a gold sponsor in 10 years.
We've had probably 50 offers.
They weren't good.
When you said they're not all created equal, gold and silver are great.
The problem is the people involved in it.
Yeah, that's 100% accurate.
And not only is it the people involved with their unethical sales practices or high premiums or high commissions or unsuitable coins or whatever they're selling.
The gold and silver, not all gold and silver are created equal.
I mean, you've got different rarities and scarcities and sizes and countries of origin and things of that nature.
And maybe if you buy some fancy coin, maybe somebody else will buy it for more.
The point is, if it's bullion, if it's sold at spot, you know you're going to get it.
It's the difference between an investment and a collectible.
You know, if you're a coin collector, like you would be a stamp collector or, you know, card collector or whatever, those are perfectly fine.
If you're an investor, I'm telling you, you should have no business in operating in those markets because they're high premium, high collectible things.
You have to make a market to sell them, meaning some guy's got to get on the phone or some gal, you know, try to pitch somebody on it and hopefully find a buyer.
We're bullion is bullion.
It's a global commodity.
It's used for manufacturing.
Let's quantify that.
Let's say you want to leave the United States and go to New Zealand, and all you've got is a 10 million dollar Rembrandt, and it's a print, and you have the certification, you know it's real.
When you go to New Zealand, the dealer is going to probably make you sell it for a third of what it's worth.
And maybe that's fine.
But then you get into coins and stamps and things, it's even harder.
It becomes very difficult.
See, a lot of the rare coins that are out there that people would pitch, they hear on TV or on podcasts or whatever, they're only marketed by that company that sells them.
So there's not an overall market for them.
If that company fails or goes out of business, you're stuck with this stuff and you're going to have to sell it back to a depository for melt price, basically spot price or worse.
So you never want to do something like that.
Even if we were no longer around, right?
Which we've been around for decades, right?
We're not going anywhere.
But even if we weren't and you had bullion, you could sell it to anybody.
But even if there's a collapse of civilization...
People are going to go away from the digital and it's going to all go to barter.
What trade do you have?
What service do you have?
What food do you have?
What gold do you have?
What guns do you have?
Let's be honest, we're in a collapse.
What liquor or tobacco do you have?
I mean, if I was really ready for a collapse, which I need to get ready for, I'm not.
I've been so busy fighting basically all offense, no defense.
I would just be in gold and silver and guns and ammo and liquor and cigarettes.
I mean, all of those are barter medicines.
All of those... But medicine doesn't last on the shelf.
Gold or silver does.
That's true.
And you're bullish on silver.
I'm very bullish on silver because of where the price is.
Here's the thing, and here's the strategy that I've used for decades, is where is silver compared to gold, right?
Because it's not overvalued, it's undervalued.
How do I know?
So gold's the benchmark, and if four, it's...
Real price, if it's not equal to what it's supposed to be, you know it's undervalued.
Yes, so you look at historically the average ratio between gold and silver is 20 to 1.
It takes 20 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold.
Today it's close to 90 to 1, which tells us either gold is overvalued or silver is undervalued.
So is gold overvalued?
Because the things that cause gold to go up are unsustainable debt, inflationary pressures, political chaos, geopolitical conflict.
We have all of that.
So gold's going to continue to go up.
So then the second part of that is true is silver is going to catch up.
It's going to outperform and it will act as a multiplier almost on that.
And so over time, as silver outperforms, here's a really amazing strategy, Alex, that I've done numerous times for clients over the years.
No, but I get it.
It's still way undervalued for what it should be.
That's why, even though it's up because of inflation, it's probably, in its probability, going to be what performs the best in the short, mid, and long term because it's so undervalued.
Yeah, and when it does, we'll sell it!
We'll sell our silver if it triples the rate of growth of gold, take those profits, go into gold.
And what did I just do?
I got you three times as many ounces of gold then as what I could have purchased for you today.
So you're predicting, and the evidence is overwhelmingly obvious, way more movement in silver than gold.
More movement upwards.
Yes, sir.
For numerous reasons.
And this is where you can use the globalist agenda against them and take advantage of it.
Because every policy that they have, whether it's... By the way, you'd make more money just selling gold.
I love the fact that's my personal opinion.
I think it's pretty... I'm not that smart, but it's pretty obvious.
Silver's the way to go right now.
I love the fact you're pitching silver because you make less money on it.
Well yeah, we just want buoyant.
I mean, we want to minimize your cost, maximize your ounces, that's one of the keys.
And you want results for the customers.
Absolutely, because I want a lifetime relationship with our clients.
And so when you treat them well, like family, they don't overcharge for things, and you have a strategy where you take care of them, hold their hand through the economy, so when it's time to buy, sell, reallocate, get out of Dodge, do whatever needs to be done, we will always let you know.
See, silver it's used for manufacturing so everyone of these stupid
globalist plans whether it's
you know electric vehicles or fuel cell tech robots you're gonna have a lower
electronics they all use silver so here's the thing it's like hmm
I don't necessarily buy into their agenda but everything that they need to
get their agenda accomplished we actually take advantage of it but here's where we can
have a double-pronged approach
because you can use silver for barter they're creating even more demand
and silver unlike other things like aluminum or gold right it's not
you can't recycle it Once it's used, it's used.
You can't reclaim it.
It's done.
So there's limited supply at COMEX Depositories.
They're running low.
Demand is through the roof.
When you have low supply, high demand, that's Economics 101.
It's a universal law.
Prices go up.
And that's what we're allocating into that.
So what are you, gut level, not a prediction, but you personally, where do you think gold and silver is going in the next year, two years, three years?
Over the next probably two to three years, probably $75 to $100 an ounce on silver.
Now, that's a very conservative estimate compared to most of the economists in this space.
No, I agree, but that's playing it safe.
Yeah, they're saying $600 to $2,500 an ounce is like, okay.
And you can go to... Well, look at real estate.
They were selling two lot.
are two acre lots next to Mar-a-Lago for 45 million three months ago, now they're going
for 200 million because the inflation is going to show up in real estate.
And then it's going to show up later in gold and silver.
So you're not even really protecting yourself, you're just keeping your value by getting
gold or silver.
Yeah, you're keeping your value, maintaining your purchasing power over time.
See, because if you don't, if you don't have an investment, it's more like just survival.
It's an insurance policy against a collapsing currency, but it is growing.
I mean, but this is how everybody should look at it.
I get it's growing, but I'm saying the reason it's going to super grow, let's be honest, is inflation is off the chart.
The problem is your dollar is only losing value.
But if it's real estate, gold or silver, it only goes up.
The problem is real estate is so bureaucratic now.
New York is seizing it.
California is seizing it.
It's dangerous.
It's very dangerous, and over the decades, over the last hundred years, back in the day, gold used to back our currency, right?
And so, when it did... Now, notice it crashes, real estate goes down, gold goes up, silver goes up.
Yeah, yeah, because it's a flight for safety.
People... Let's be clear.
Early on in the inflation, real estate goes up, but when it plunges, that's what Buffett's waiting for, it goes down in value, silver and gold goes up.
Yes, and there's a main fundamental reason why that happens, is real estate should go up during times of inflation, and it does at the beginning, but soon you have to raise interest rates to slow down inflation.
How do you buy a house?
You have to finance it.
And a house is not like little pieces of gold and silver, it's such a big item too.
It's huge that people have to finance and when banks run out of money, when you have to raise interest rates to slow down inflation, it becomes a thing where it's like people can't afford the house, housing prices have to come down to attract more buyers.
Basically, tangible assets like gold and silver that are not debt-based.
See, real estate's a tangible asset, but it's debt-based.
When you don't have to finance it to buy it... Yeah, there's not paper.
There's not a bunch of paper connected to it.
All I know is all the globals are buying up gold and silver and other metals as well, but you stick to gold and silver.
Just gold and silver.
Yeah, I don't like platinum, I don't like palladium.
They're too thinly traded, controlled by communist countries, Russia, South Africa.
And when they do that, and you've got export controls on stuff that's coming out of Russia
because of the conflict with Ukraine, now there's limited supply.
The premiums are going through the roof.
But as soon as this conflict is over, or as soon as it looks like it's over, those export
controls come off, the price comes crashing down, investors are never made whole.
It's just too risky.
So it's simple.
People call you, you've got a great team of amazing folks, and you talk to them, you find
out what their needs are, and you give them a profile, and if they want to work with you
guys, great.
I think it's a very smart move.
What percentage do you think, they used to say 20, 30 percent, what percentage do you
think now people should be in precious metals?
To their comfort level, with this caveat, I don't believe you can over-allocate into
metals right now.
So if you were to say, Kirk, I want to be like you and have, you know, I own my company, right?
But my investable assets, I'm 100% into silver.
So if you say, well, Kirk, I want to be just like you.
It's like, great, that's the right thing to do because everything else is collapsing and falling apart.
But people need to answer this question in their own mind and when they put their head down on the pillow at night,
you have to have peace about your decision and we'll help you get to that point of peace.
But it's like maybe your number's 80% or 50% or 30%.
Whatever that number is, you run to it, you don't look back, you allocate into that strength.
But you know what, even if you said 100%, I want to be like you, Dr. Kirk,
that's like, great, that's actually technically, fundamentally the right answer
because here's the problem that people have, their advisors throughout the decades have been telling
them, oh, you have to have a diversified portfolio.
Diversification is the key to safety.
It's like, no, it's not.
You could diversify into 20 different Titanic's.
They all sink.
Your diversification did you absolutely no good.
The key to safety is simply this, being in the right place at the right time by understanding the trends, the legislative actions, the public policy, the global geopolitical dynamics.
Once you understand that, you over-allocate into strength because diversification is not the key to safety.
Right place at the right time is the key to safety.
Well, all that diversification thing is a black rock.
Vanguard, State Street Deal, because they control all of that, and with that comes the control.
With gold and silver, you're not politically connected now.
They're not using your money against you behind the scenes.
See, it's your out, right?
I'm no longer tied into their system, into their things like Bank for International Settlements, Unified Ledger.
It's like a farmer with a bunch of vegetables he can sell to his neighbors.
They can trade things.
Yeah, they can trade things.
See, if you have something that has a title, a house, brokerage account, checking account, savings account title, you can actually packetize that and tokenize it, is what they call it, into a security instrument that then they can reprogram the owner.
Explain, that's derivatives.
That's derivatives, and this is ever since 2009, they changed the way that financial institutions have to file for bankruptcy.
Some houses are sold a hundred times.
A hundred times.
See, when they can take everything that you own out... Then they play games.
This happened to my friends and family, people in the control room.
They buy a house, it's sold five times in a year, they won't tell you where to send the money, then they foreclose because you didn't send your payment to the right place.
So get the concept of what you just said.
They sell it five times.
It's because you give up ownership.
After 2009, we gave up our ownership, unbeknownst to us, of our checking accounts.
Which they're planning with the ESG global collapse.
They want to put us into a new pool to make us have access to the ESG, a new global central digital currency.
They're admitting we give up our rights into this pool.
That's the plan.
That's the plan.
With mortgages, they're planning to do with everything.
And I want this clip up front in the whole interview when we post it.
That's it.
That is that.
God Almighty.
We gave up our ownership and now we're beneficial owners, which means we're the beneficiary.
If they need our money for collateral to pay off their derivatives debt, they can have it because we gave it up.
So now we only get our money if they say, yeah, you can actually have it.
We don't need it right now because they use all of your assets as collateral, which means it's no longer our asset.
You can't use something as collateral that you don't own.
So everything is going to be Skills, gold, silver, guns, property, farming.
That's why Bill Gates is like, I'm out of everything, I'm all farming.
The Chinese are like, we're buying up all the land in Africa, the US, Europe.
And meanwhile, the globalists are going in, taking the farms in Ireland, and in Scotland, and mainly in the Netherlands, and in Asia as well.
They're just taking it for the... I mean, this is... They know it's all going down.
They're going to make it about food.
Why did Putin say seven years ago, Russia's number one mission, he cut their defense budget?
Look it up seven years ago.
Putin cuts defense budget, announces organic farming new national initiative.
He said we'll be the global seller... Putin already moved into food seven years ago!
I mean, this is why Bill Gates didn't sell his bajillions of acres of agricultural land that he has, when he's basically saying, I'm selling everything, except for some of my shares of Microsoft, because I need it for philanthropic costs, right?
So, why?
Because he understands what's going to be important.
He's only putting it into forced injections where he has a guaranteed profit and farmland.
He's putting it into killing people and then having food to feed the survivors.
He kills you with one hand, he feeds the survivors.
I mean, that's what his actions are telling us he's doing.
We got a few minutes left here, Captain Kirk.
I'm sure you've heard that before.
A few times, Dr. Kirk.
No, seriously, though.
I mean, what else do you want to hit here?
This is really important information.
You know, when Putin, you know, you mentioned Putin just now.
When he said he was going to de-dollarize the world, he said that in Tucker's interview.
First, he geared up the food.
That's when you really know he's getting ready to go to the bunker.
Like, food's the number one thing, everybody!
Food's number one.
BRICS meeting last year.
He says we're going to de-dollarize the world.
He said it in Tucker's interview.
They're going to de-dollarize the world.
Alex, they're doing it.
They are taking demand away from the U.S.
They're taking away the petrodollar.
They're taking away... Why did the globalists position us for a fall then?
Why did they position us for a fall?
Because the BRICS nations want to be the world's reserve currency.
They can't be the world's reserve currency.
I don't care if they have- This is a Chinese double cross with BlackRock against us.
I would say so.
They can't be the world's reserve currency if the US dollar is still in the sandbox as the world's reserve currency.
So they can set up all the superstructure, everything that they want- And our own leaders attack Russia to push everyone to this.
See, the one- That's next level thinking.
That is next level thinking.
They're playing a masterful chess game, right?
Now they've got the country's 70% of the world's population.
They've got the political superstructure, the economic superstructure, the manufacturing, the defense and all of that.
Now they just need to get rid of the US dollar.
See, they're doing this.
Concurrently with the parallel.
So they're raising the value of their currencies by trading back and forth and their currency is not the US dollar.
Same time they're doing that they're taking away demand of the US dollar.
They're sinking that ship while raising their own.
It's a brilliant game.
And while they put more.
Sanctions on Russia and blow up Nord Stream to Europe, that just depresses those economies and forces everybody into bricks.
We're on hundreds of radio stations, so I should do this for people that want to know how to get in touch with Dr. Kirk Elliott.
You can call 720-605-3900 and ask any questions.
They're great people that can help you.
They're really wonderful and polite and very nice.
You can give them a call, very helpful.
That's 1-720-605-3900 or K-E-P-M dot com forward slash gold.
K-E-P-M dot com forward slash gold for radio listeners.
K-E-P-M dot com forward slash gold or 720-605-3900 or just search engine Dr. Kirk Elliott as in Captain Kirk.
All right.
We're almost out of time here.
You got a lot of stuff we didn't get to.
What else you want to add?
You know, Evergrande, last thing, we were talking about real estate, commercial real estate collapsing.
You've got all the stuff, you know, Warren Buffett, Blackstone, they want to buy real estate at discounted prices.
China, in China, Evergrande was the largest real estate company in the world.
They just went through bankruptcy.
They had to settle for what?
Their investors get One dollar for every 100 that they invest.
It was a 99% collapse in their bonds.
Ponzi scheme.
I saw three years ago when you called it was going to go down.
Ponzi scheme.
I saw that video.
It was a long time ago.
We saw it coming then.
And see, here's the ramification that's going to happen, which is why I think Basel III, why the bank funding, the bank temp funding program, all that emergency funding.
Because China's the first big domino.
They're the first big domino, but you've got global banks, and what did the bankruptcy court in China say?
It said, oh, it's foreign investors that aren't going to get paid back.
The Chinese investors, we will get them paid back, but they lose 99% of their value.
This is going to have a ripple effect throughout the banking industry.
Which is why we started this show with, I think, banking crisis 2.0 is right amongst us.
It's coming.
And the Evergrande thing, which is now resurfacing after a couple years of when we exposed it before, it's happening, Alex.
These things are happening and it's going to have a ripple effect among the banks.
That's why Trump said, I hope the collapse happens before.
We put the CNN headline up.
They spun it, he hopes for collapse.
And we said, I hope it happens before I get in.
Because he knows it's imminent.
It's imminent?
That's why they're all building bunkers, they're running around scared.
Absolutely, absolutely.
So when you hear all this stuff, just know that the end of the system is at hand, right?
So when you look at reserve currencies throughout the world, most of them last about 80 to 100 years.
80 to 100.
We became the world's reserve currency during Bretton Woods, you know, in 1944.
We're 80 years into this experiment.
Prior to us, it was the United Kingdom.
They were 108 years prior to that.
It was like Spain, Portugal, Netherlands.
They last about 100 years and then they just extinguish themselves.
It's like they get tired.
We're in a giant new turning.
Kirk Elliott, you know me, I mix everything, I keep calling Kirk Elliott.
Kirk Elliott, Dr. Kirk Elliott, is our guest.
Go to KEPM.com forward slash gold or call 720-605-3900 if you want to get a great deal on bullion and great advice.
Thank you so much.
We're going to take this interview.
And we're going to air it in a few weeks.
I'm going to add clips and documents, and I'm going to go back to your previous interviews and show the date where you made predictions and show where it happened.
So that's the next thing we'll do.
And you won't have to fly here to Austin, though.
Awesome, brother.
I love hanging out with you.
All right, we got a guest host coming up.
I got some other news I'm going to hit before they take over.
Stay with us.
InfoWars.com forward slash show and band up video.
Dr. Kirk Elliott, thank you so much.
It's my pleasure.
Great job, crew.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalists.
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All you have to do is check out what I'm saying.
And that's why they run the fake headline against myself and Tucker Carlson everywhere, every day.
Jones admits he's an actor.
Or Tucker Carlson says nobody would take me seriously.
Where did we say that?
We never said that.
They just say we said that.
But where's the clip?
Where's the article?
Where do we say that?
It doesn't exist.
Alex Jones is playing a character and is a performance artist.
Jones is playing a character on his radio show.
The radio rants of Alex Jones are just an act.
He's actually a performance artist.
He's a performance artist.
Alex Jones is a fake.
They're lying to you because they think you're stupid.
And it's all based on the custody battle with my ex-wife five years ago.
And she was trying to put into evidence me dressed up more than a decade before, like the Joker, being sarcastic, saying, take your Prozac, kids.
Take your illegal drugs, too.
You'll die.
It's fun.
So people wouldn't take drugs.
And they wanted to enter that in evidence and say, look, he's insane, telling kids to use drugs.
And my lawyer went, when Jack Nicholson plays the part of the Joker, no one thinks that's really Jack Nicholson.
So yeah, when I've been Cobra Commander.
Hail Cobra!
Or Optimus Prime.
Autobots, let's roll!
Or the Joker, because I can do imitations of them all really good.
Don't act so surprised, globalist.
Or Darth Vader.
You didn't think you could silence the American people, did you?
Do I really think I'm Barth Vader?
Do I think I'm Optimus Prime, Bubble Commander, The Joker?
And clearly, no reasonable person would think, when I'm doing satire, that what I'm saying is what I really think.
No one believes the Babylon Bee.
It's not trying to lie to you, it's being sarcastic.
Buy the Vaccinate Me Elmo doll today.
It's required by the CDC.
But they play those games.
And that's why I don't joke around as much as I used to.
Even though I tell people, okay, this is a joke, this isn't serious, they clip it out and they say, no, this is what he really believes.
Every day when I leave work, I do this.
That man's a threat to this country.
And they go, look, he admitted in court he's an actor.
Well, yeah, I was an actor in Scanner Darkly.
I was an actor in Waking Life.
I was an actor when I was Cobra Commander.
But it doesn't mean that Alex Jones, the talk show host, up here reading news articles to you isn't a real thing and isn't something I'm actually saying.
And you know that!
You're insulted right now.
I'm even explaining that to you.
And so am I. But that's who these people are.
You don't know the power of the dark side.
Am I really Darth Vader?
Nick Alex Jones seems really talented.
He's smart.
He's funny as hell.
He's truly funny.
I'm kind of retarded.
Now that I've done those imitations, those little jokes, do you now not listen to what I say about other things when
I show you a powerful news article by Dr. Joseph Mercola on InfoWars.com?
It has all the cited information, the latest tragedy, sudden adult death syndrome.
No, that's a real thing.
That's something happening in the real world.
And that's what we're breaking down here today.
I am Alex Jones, and I am the guy on this show every day.
I am an American and that's what I promote is freedom and justice and liberty and they
can't stand it.
Many botherments die.
Bring us this information.
You can see here the Great Awakening orbiting the Great Reset.
Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
It is protected by a satanic shield, which can be disabled by the Great Awakening.
The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
Alex Jones has volunteered to lead the fighter attack.
Get a signed copy of the Great Awakening today at InfoWarsStore.com.
All right, I want to make a final point here before I hand the baton to the amazing Gerald Salinde, the top trends forecaster in the world.
It's come out what we already knew in documents that the NSA and the CIA targeted us for harassment and to be terrorized.
Dan Mangino, former Secret Service agent, exposed that over the weekend.
We've delivered, we've stood up, we've fought hard.
And the globalists fear what we're doing because we're telling the truth and their operation cannot succeed if we're still here on air.
So it's very simple.
We've already had major victories.
The fact that I'm still on air is a major victory, and the globalists can't believe it.
And whether they shut me down in this incarnation or not, I'm sorry for the crew.
I'm trying the best I can, but Soros is behind the scenes.
I'm about to break major news the next week on that.
It's so big.
I'm just still trying to figure out how I'm going to break this down.
We've won the hearts and minds.
They're trying to change history.
They're trying to demonize populism.
It's not going to work.
But InfoWars now needs your support more than ever.
Are we not delivering?
Guys, pull up Gladiator, the Are You Not Entertained clip.
I'm going to play that.
I'm going to talk about it when it ends.
Gerald will take over, but get it ready.
A short two-minute scene.
We have dominated.
We have won.
We've woken the people up.
You have support in this broadcast.
Our guests, this whole operation, it's not me, it's Gerald Cilente, it's David Icke, it's Tucker Carlson, it's all the guests on this show.
It's this family of what we've done.
They fear this because they hate you.
They fear you.
But I need your support.
And I know, it's like Obi-Wan Kenobi, I know if they destroy me, like Colonel Travis falling at the Alamo, That it only makes us bigger.
But I'd like to stay around and keep fighting.
And I don't think you want to just see us be thrown into a bug zapper.
And Colonel Travis has no heirs.
He had one son who became kind of a parting animal and then never went anywhere.
But my family did raise Colonel Travis's son.
His last letter is to my family in Gonzales, Texas.
We did raise him.
My direct ancestors are on my paternal side, maternal side.
And so I am, not just with that, I'm not trying to bring up Texas lore, but if I start getting
into Texas lore, it's ridiculous.
I'm related to the leaders of the Texas revolution, which was very successful.
I am blessed to be in this position, but I am in an Alamo situation.
I'm sending out the letters.
I'm letting you know.
It's like a tough grandpa, you know.
And he's like, yeah, grandson, I got cancer.
I love you.
Don't know how long I'm going to hang on.
Maybe, well, you know.
And two weeks later, hey, grandpa's dead.
He's sitting there in the backyard mowing the lawn, looking great.
He's dead two weeks later.
Any time, folks, we can go down.
I'm just telling you right now.
I've had to tell the crew.
And it's amazing.
I want to make it to 30 years to April.
That's kind of a benchmark.
And I think we'll make it to that.
And we'll probably make it further.
We can make it another 10 years.
I don't know, but I'm telling you, the straights are dire.
But the t-shirts, the books, the films, they're all in stock.
The supplements, they're ready to ship now.
And it's key to this operation, whatever comes next, that we get funds in there now.
So we have products you need.
Go to drjonesnaturals.com for all the silver products you can't get at InfoWars store.
The Super Blue Original Toothpaste, not available for years, back in stock, limited supply, with the nano silver, with the iodine, with the tea tree, with all the organic.
Ingredients like the peppermint, all of it.
It's incredible.
Use a tiny dot on your toothpaste.
On your toothbrush.
You don't need a big thing of this.
It's not full of crap.
It's concentrated.
DrJonesNaturals.com and the Wound Gel, the Immune Gargle, and a whole bunch of other supplements that are incredible are available.
Super blue.
Go peruse it at DrJonesNaturals.com and know you helped fund the Second American Revolution while getting great products.
At InfoWarsStore.com.
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Next-level foundational energy.
And of course, we have Nitric Boost, which we could never do more than 25% off because of who we were getting it from.
It was a great company.
We learned who they were making it with.
We went to them and got a discount, 40% off on Nitric Boost to clean out your blood.
All available at InfoWarsStore.com.
So my analogy of our fight against the New World Order in our 30 years, almost 30, I see that as a checkered flag.
I'm not giving up, but that's a real mark.
Is your support of this broadcast.
And I see the archetypal image of the great film Gladiator when he's First March is out there and kills the guys in like 30 seconds.
They say you gotta do it a little bit slower.
It's been the guests.
It's been the host.
It's been my friends.
It's been the crew.
It's this family.
It's not me.
Is this scene.
We did this.
I mean the enemy recognizes it.
And then we'll go to...
A little bit of The Duke Arrives is a great introduction to Gerald Celente, but let's roll this scene, and Gerald Celente will take it over on the other side, but all of you did this.
This scene is archetypal, or an allegory, or analogous, or a parable to what you've done and what Gerald Celente's done.
Here it is.
And Gerald Salenti will be proper that a Roman comes on right after this.
But here it is. Stay with us.
whatever happens to us.
This is an analogy.
We did this together.
We literally ran the tables.
We slaughtered the hell out of them.
And we have done nothing but victory.
And they know it.
They can smell their defeat.
So whatever they do, it doesn't matter.
We already have victory.
I'm right where I wanted to be.
I've done everything I wanted to do for 30 years.
I'm so blessed to be here no matter what happens.
This could be the end soon.
Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Is this not why you are here?
[Glass breaking]
Ah, you know that, that really says it all.
And, you know, I tell my friends, people don't get it.
You know, I'm a lucky guy.
I'm a Napolitano.
Born in the Bronx, 1946.
America's at the hype.
Born to be free.
And what they just showed on InfoWars, I say to all my friends, I said, the difference between then and now, It's that people lost their fight.
Guys aren't fighters anymore.
I mean, there are a few of us.
You know, there are people that tune into InfoWars.
You're fighting for freedom.
Freedom, peace, and justice.
The American way.
I'm a fighter.
You know, I taught close combat for many years.
I'm a very passionate, kind man.
But don't F with me, man.
You got the wrong guy.
And the reason why I see it, why we are stuck in the situation we are, is that the men aren't fighting.
And I'm not saying to get in a violent fight, by the way.
You only attack the attacker.
That you learn, the first things I was taught.
You don't go after somebody.
If they're coming at you, poof, then you knock them out.
You go, you, you don't knock them out, you kill them.
I'm a little guy, man.
You're gonna come at me, I'm gonna kill you.
So I'm not saying that has to happen.
But the fight has to happen.
And here's the difference.
If you have a fight for freedom, you tell a little clown boy face to face, like little Lindsey Graham, you little jerk.
I had enough of your crap.
I hear you spewing out this baloney.
You're nothing but a piece of garbage.
Oh, Little Cottonmouth.
Oh, I know.
Oh, you were in the service.
You like to do that trip?
Man, that's your trip.
ain't mine.
You talk to these guys man to man.
As we'd say in the Bronx, and I can't use the proper language, because I'm still in kindergarten, so you have to speak with proper language.
You call these guys out man to man, they wouldn't know whether to pee or poo.
And of course, those aren't the two words I would use.
Little Chuckie Schumer, don't talk to me like that!
Don't talk to me like that!
What Alex Jones said about supporting InfoWars And fighting for our freedom.
We are at the most critical time in my lifetime.
Alex has been doing this for 30 years.
I've been trend forecasting now for 44 years.
Began in 1980.
And I've been in a different place to tell you a bit about his history.
A little bit of mine again.
Born in the Bronx.
Five kids living, two brothers, three brothers in one bedroom, two sisters in another bedroom, my parents in the other bedroom.
And my father started making it.
Moved to Yonkers.
Got into construction.
My father didn't graduate, he didn't finish the 10th grade.
My second cousin, Nick Miola, he said, you know, your father, he said, what he learned to do was to read plans.
My father, I was the shortest, I was a premature baby, my father was over six feet.
Handsome guy.
He said, your father would get all dressed up, lay out the plans, and then go ahead, and he'd get the job.
So we moved up.
But, We became our own person.
I get in a fight with my father, may he rest in peace, and he'd say to me, in not a nice way, you little S.O.B.
What do you think I'm telling you what I'm telling you because I want you to be like me?
I want you to become yourself.
And then what I would repeat, what I'm hearing on television, the news, About 17 years old.
He'd say to me, Papagallo!
Stop repeating what everybody else is saying and think for yourself.
And then when I get upset about all the people that weren't doing anything,
he says, son, people have little minds.
They'll keep doing what they're told to do.
Goes back to what Alex Jones is saying about InfoWars and why you need to support it.
So as a trend forecaster, I began my career running political campaigns, working on political campaigns in Westchester County, the richest county in America.
And they sent me up to Albany.
I was the assistant to the Secretary of the New York State Senate at 26 years old.
The job I quit was Again, when I was a little kid, and something that would happen, my mother, may she rest in peace, would look at me and say, it was something went on, I'm looking at it, and she said to me, I hate cowards.
I hate cowards.
And that's all these guys and girls working in the government, they're just a bunch of cowards.
We'd be BSing my buddies and I. Brian Donahue, may he rest in peace, his wife, Mary Donahue, became the assistant lieutenant governor under Pataki.
New York.
We'd be hanging out in the back of the chamber.
And my buddies would, when a senator would walk in, they'd follow him to his desk, pull out the chair and help him sit down.
And I said, what's the matter, man?
Cat can't sit down by himself?
You need some help?
Gerald, if you have that kind of an attitude, you're not going to make it here.
Yeah, I'm not going to make it here.
I quit.
I quit after a year.
They couldn't believe it.
Goes back to what Alex Jones is showing in that video.
You gotta fight.
No, you don't fight like that.
That was the Roman times.
It's a different fight now.
It's a man-to-man fight with passion.
What these little politicians don't understand is that they're public servants.
You got it?
You work for me.
You little clown, you've been sucking off the public you-know-what for all your life.
Who are you to tell me what to do?
And that's what we have to do.
We have to unite under that InfoWars banner, my occupied piece.
And we have to unite to fight against the demonic people that are running our country into ruin.
And again, I'm opposed to both sides, the repulsive kids and the Democraps.
Oh, the Democraps want more war?
Stealing more of our money as our nation goes to crap to keep funding the Ukraine war.
The repulsive kids and Democrats want to steal more of our money to give it to Israel, one of the richest countries in the world.
I think they're like the 15th, 18th richest country.
So they could keep slaughtering the Palestinians.
And stealing more land.
Oh, they're taking 3,000 more settlements?
What are you talking to?
What's this settlement crap?
You're stealing the land in violation of the Geneva Convention and Article 242.
And save your baloney that God gave you this land.
How about, I don't believe in your God.
Can you handle that?
Can you handle that?
I won't tell you what God to believe in.
Don't tell me what God to believe in.
So here we have the politicians On both sides, warmongering little freaks.
On the repulsive inside, you got all the Lindsey Graham craps.
And on the demo crap side, you got the little Chuckie Schumer.
Two little boys that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.
Gutless, gutless little clowns telling you what to do.
And going back to what InfoWars just showed, That's the fight that we have to have.
It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men and women.
Samuel Adams.
Last week I was talking about How the United States should not be involved in any of these foreign entanglements.
I was looking for it and I couldn't find it.
It was George Washington's farewell address.
A real man.
Oh, not like, hey, where's, uh, hey Lloyd Austin, where are you these days, huh?
Oh, you were hiding in the hospital last time.
You didn't tell us.
Oh, I was Secretary of Defense.
A guy that loved to murder people over in Iraq.
Oh, no, Celenti, I also went to Afghanistan to kill them.
Oh, our Secretary of Defense that Biden brought in that was the former head.
Excuse me, former on the board of directors of Raytheon, the second largest defense contractor.
Yeah, that Lloyd Austin.
Who would I would say, man to man, you are a disgrace.
You are a disgrace to the founding fathers because little Lloyd Austin Blimpo Boy calls people like me, referring to because I launched Occupy Peace, basically saying we're immoral and we're isolationists.
Because we don't want, I don't want to spend my money that I work hard for to go to the military industrial complex and the murderers around the world.
Could you handle that?
Oh, you're an isolationist.
I got some.
I'm not an isolationist.
I attack the attacker.
Got that?
You all are every one of you scum, repulsive kids and Democrats that are stealing our money as our country is rotting in front of us.
Oh, Take your money, give it to the migrants.
Oh, take your money.
Here we go.
Explaining a plan to give migrants debt cards.
New York program to become $10,000.
Under the city's contract with the provider, the provider.
Some what clown group that gives these guys money as as political donations.
Mobility Capital Finance, a card can hold $10,000.
$10,000. Yep. $10,000. So going back to George Washington, it is our true policy to steer
clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. This is his farewell
address. A real man that fought, a real man that fought as a general, not like you portray
us or betrayed us.
Not like you Lloyd Austin, a real man that fought.
It is our true policy, right?
Observe good faith and justice toward all nations.
Cultivate peace and harmony with all.
The nation which indulges toward another and habitual hatred like we've been taught to hate Russia and Iran.
And North Korea.
Or an habitual fondness like we enjoy to love Israel.
They have the right to defend themselves.
Nobody else does.
Nobody else does.
Oh, and Ukraine.
Oh, yeah.
The most corrupt nation in Europe.
An article in our Trends Journal back in 2014 about how corrupt it was and how the United States overthrew it.
Oh, yeah.
The nation that indulges toward another in habitual hatred or in habitual fondness is in some degree a slave to its animosity or to its affection.
A passionate attachment of one nation for another Provides a variety of evils, sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no common interest exists.
Oh, what are you talking about?
If those Russians take the world, the whole world will go down!
And infusing into another the anemones of another betrays the former, Into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification.
And here we are!
Here we are!
World War III's begun!
Don't worry about it!
Everything's gonna be fine!
You got clowns running the show!
They know just what to do!
So, support InfoWars.
We need them desperately at this time.
Hey, I got some good news for everybody.
A lot of products not available at InfoWarsStore.com are available at DrJonesNaturals.com.
Just one word, DrJonesNaturals.com.
We'll put that on screen, DrJonesNaturals.com.
Dozens and dozens of silver products, that original super silver toothpaste with the iodine, the nano silver, the tea tree oil.
This is the most incredible toothpaste ever.
It's exclusively available At DrJonesNaturals.com and so many other products you can't get at InfoWarsStore.com or available at DrJonesNaturals.com.
A lot of people.
We've gotten so many calls and emails wanting this toothpaste.
He's produced it again.
It's available again.
A limited run at DrJonesNaturals.com.
And there's so many other great products there on the site.
Be sure and check it out.
There's a lot of products available there that are available at InfoWarsStore.com.
A lot of products aren't available.
And then fullershort.com are available at drjonesnaturals.com.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as I said, do everything you can to support InfoWars.
I mean, their people work so hard to give you what they're giving you.
And the articles they're putting up and the information they're providing.
And again, not only with Alex, I mean, the same thing going on with me in terms of getting blacklisted.
You know, we're being shadow banned.
I do interviews with Judge Andrew Napolitano every Wednesday on the Gerald Cilenti Channel, the Trends Journal Channel.
And we do podcasts every Tuesday and Thursday about what in the world is going on in the Trends Journal and giving you what you can.
And we're shadow banned.
People are telling us they're not getting, you know, the notices that we're not getting on anymore.
So truth is dead.
And censorship is the new way.
And to see what's happened to this country breaks my heart.
It's so disgusting.
Again, I'm an American.
I want to be free.
Don't tell me what to do.
Love it or leave it.
No, you leave it.
To show you how bad things have gone, and you may have heard me say this before.
Again, I'm... I'm, you know... I'm born in 1946.
1946 and where I lived on Allerton Avenue and Boston Post Road.
One store after another, all locally owned.
One after another.
This is what's going on now.
Again, from grocery stores to hardware stores, to drug stores, to stationary stores.
They're all chains.
The hardware chain slows, one after another.
Home Depot.
We own it.
Push the hardware people out.
Drug stores.
We got Walgreens, we got CVS.
Rite Aid can't even make it anymore.
We got more power.
Stationery stores.
Hey, you got staples.
What's also very important, too, is that you have a lot less now types of different products.
Because when you had many, many, many different private owners of stores, you had a variety of products to get.
Now you don't have them.
You only get a few from the bigs.
And grocery stores.
There's an article Just came out about how, um, where is it here?
About how the, uh, they're coming out against the merger of a number of these grocery stores.
What did I do with it?
Just had it.
Anyway, Kroger and another one.
They're all merging.
And this is some of the headlines.
Stellantis chief Tavaris pockets 56% pay increase to take home.
This is Financial Times.
The chief executive of Stellantis remuneration rose 56% to $36.5 million in 2023,
making him one of the industry's highest paid bosses after a year
when tough pay negotiations with U.S.
unions hit the company's profitability.
Blackstone's CEO, Schwarzman, collected $896.7 million last year.
and 96.7 million dollars last year.
Oh, but it was down 30 percent from his 1.27 billion a year earlier.
This is how disgusting it's all become.
Now here it is.
government sues to block largest supermarket merger in history.
It's murder.
The Federal Trade Commission on Monday today sued to block the $25 billion deal between Kroger and Albertsons.
So, all we are are plantation workers of Slavelandia.
You got it?
Look at the money these billionaires are making.
Oh, Schwarzman, I know, they have, you've named a school after you, yeah, or something in the university, because you give away, hey, hey, Gatson, where are all you billionaires putting your money for peace?
Not a penny for peace, not a penny for peace, because we're just pieces of crap.
We're just pieces of crap.
We're just doing it for ourselves.
Richer and richer.
Bigger and bigger.
F you.
We're in charge.
You mean nothing.
The numbers don't lie.
Oh, only 63% of the plantation workers of Slavelandia are living paycheck to paycheck.
Goes back to the equity markets.
You can't call where these things are going!
You're totally rigged!
You got 1%!
That owns 54% of all the equities in the U.S.S.A.
The United Soviet States... No, it shouldn't be Soviet.
It's more like fascism.
You know, an Italian guy I don't like a lot, Mussolini, called the merger of state and corporate powers fascism.
Fascist Communist USA.
They own everything.
They own the media.
They own the drug companies.
Oh, they're not drug companies.
They're big pharma.
They own high-tech.
They own the banking system.
I've had it with both parties!
I know a lot of people like Trump.
I don't like him.
I believed him in the beginning.
Oh, and he's totally pro-Israel.
You know the Pompeo thing?
That Israel could keep stealing all the land under the name of settlements.
It's okay.
Got a hundred million dollars from Sheldon Adelson.
Moving embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Yeah, anyway, I don't like any of them.
And I don't support RFK Jr.
anymore because he's so pro-Israel and so-called Palestinians basically spoil people.
We need a new system.
I want direct democracy.
You want to go to war?
Let the people vote.
Do away with the tax system!
A little warmongering freak, Woodrow Wilson, who gave us the Federal Reserve income tax in World War I, made this crap up of federal income tax.
Do away with it!
Let the people vote!
Let the people vote!
We are united for peace and freedom!
I got some little jerk-off clown telling me what to do!
Pelosi out of her mind, Mitch McConnell!
You couldn't get a worse cartoon image of a clown!
Biden, I can't walk in a straight line!
Oh, I'm a Democrat.
I'm a repulsive kid.
Grow up!
Nothing will change with the current crime syndicate in control.
They're murderers and thieves.
By their deeds, you shall know them.
Hey, I'm Jamie Dimon!
I'm too big to fail!
You can lose your house.
Who cares?
Oh, wait a minute.
Oh, they got that Shaggy Schwartzman, Blackstone.
Oh, they bought up all those houses, didn't they?
You're in the panic of 08 hit.
Hey, but I didn't make a billion dollars last year!
I was 130 million off!
We have to unite.
Do everything you can.
The products that you... You got a 360 win.
You buy the products.
You're helping InfoWars.
You're helping yourself.
We're gonna come right back.
We're gonna take a break.
A lot more to talk about.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And, again, it's so important, everything Alex is talking about and the rest of the crew, about losing our freedom and peace and justice, and we have to unite to make it happen.
And one of the ways you make that happen, one way, of course, is you subscribe to the Trends Journal.
We're giving you what nobody else in the world is giving you.
We're Trends Analysis, Trend Forecasts, what in the world is going on, what's next and what to do.
And you go to jonestrends.com and you get a break and you get a big discount.
And of course, hardly anything to subscribe here.
This is an example of the crap with what they have now.
This is the toilet and you get the great products.
They got that bodies coming out and you get 40% off and you need that bodies at a time when things are so tight like this, man, you got to ease that bot up.
And that body has a 40% off.
It's back in stock.
So you better get it now before it gets lost and people buy it all out.
You won't be able to get it.
And it's it's used as a medical medicinal herb.
It's for thousands of years.
This would be going on.
It has turmeric in it, which is one of the most studied ingredients known today.
So they pair this with black pepper.
So bodies is turmeric supplement to take advantage The Power of Turmeric with over 95% of its active ingredients.
This is great stuff.
And again, you get 40% off.
It comes with powerful ingredients inside the bottle of bodies.
And again, don't wait.
And again, you better get it now because it's going to get out of stock.
This stuff comes and it goes.
So go to InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsStore.com.
I was mentioning about the Trends Journal.
We're giving you what nobody else says.
This is, and again, for, it's less than, of course, $2.50 a week.
And it's almost 200 pages a week.
You only can read what you want.
It's a magazine.
No ads.
Nobody tells us what to do.
You can listen to it too.
Yeah, this is the toilet paper record.
Supreme Court could reshape social media.
Are the sites more like malls or the news?
Ukraine's CIA alliance deepened over a decade.
Florida man is in on the joke and ready to make a game of it.
Now look at this.
What do I got a notice for?
Whitmer's test.
Can she deliver state for Biden?
You mean Whitmer who gave us the COVID war and locked down the place?
A limited state for Biden?
How much of this information is trend worthy?
Again, these are my books.
Trend Tracking, far better than Megatrends Time Magazine.
Trends Journal, international bestseller.
I know a thing or two about trends.
I've been writing the Trends Journal since 1991.
Ukraine's CIA alliance deepened over a decade.
Yeah, no kidding.
Again, The Trends Journal, 2014, the United States overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych.
Oh, and that clown guy, Zelensky, oh, he ran as a peace candidate.
A piece of crap candidate.
The most corrupt nation in Europe.
And, by the way, the poll that came out a few months ago, the people in Ukraine War was number one issue.
89% corruption is the major issue.
That's the Ukrainian people.
So, then you go to the Wall Street Journal, but they're not spelling it right.
There's an S and H and I in there and another letter.
Kiev remains defiant after two years.
Hey, who are you talking to?
A sixth grader over here?
I don't care who remains defiant.
Who's going to win or lose?
I'll go back to your Trends Journal two weeks, excuse me, two days before Russia's invasion.
We said there's no way in the world that Ukraine's going to beat the Russians.
If Napoleon couldn't do it, marching against him Moscow, marching to Moscow from Poland with 420,000 troops in 1812, and came back with 10,000.
If Hitler, under Operation Barbarossa, which killed over 25 million, 25 million Russians, couldn't defeat them, and the Russians were the first to defeat the Germans, what makes you think Ukraine's gonna beat them?
But all the media back then, in America and the West, Sold a lie that Ukraine could beat them.
Hey, you remember the counter-offensive?
Yeah, remember our Trends Journal cover?
Don't count on the counter-offensive, what bs this is?
We're going back here.
Trump's primary win deepens his hold on GOP nomination.
No kidding.
Like somebody was going to beat him from the beginning?
Oh, the Koch brothers, they took their money away from Nikki Haley?
How stupid could you have been to give it to her in the first place?
There's no way that anybody's going to beat Trump in the Republican Party.
NVIDIA's rivals see shifting AI market as a boom.
Totally a boom.
Again, you go back to your Trends Journal, when it used to be a quarterly.
There's a story, .com this.
Fall of 1999, we warned that there'd be a .com bust.
It's right here.
Dot-com overload will short-circuit many high expectations for huge profits in internet commerce, entertainment, and a wide array of dot-com services.
Following the holiday season, many of today's high-flying internet stocks, the hottest IPOs, and the newly emerging IPO wannabes will have begun a deep descent from their overvalued heights.
We forecast a dot-com bust.
AI is real.
One of our top trends for 2023 is AI We Own You.
And each week in the Trends Journal, we have Joe Duran, which this guy knows about technocracy more than anybody I know of.
This is one of his books, Be Human.
We go on and we have special section, special section in each week's Trends Journal on AI.
This is real.
So we tell you, we don't say what we like, what we don't like.
We give you the analysis, the articles that they're writing about.
Then we give our trends analysis and trend forecast, so you know it's not propaganda coming out of their mouths.
This is what they say, this is where we see it going.
So when you're subscribing, if you want to invest, we don't tell you what to do.
We don't give financial advice.
But I want to go on with this.
Adjusted natural gas prices fall to lowest level in decades.
This is a slowdown in the economy.
This is five dollars a day.
So going on and wrapping up, we're running out of time.
Russia must win this war.
Canada's true dope.
All right.
Well, we know that Russia can must win this war.
Ukraine must win this war against Russia.
This is what he said today.
Visiting Ukraine.
A lot of people are going to Ukraine.
He urged NATO countries to raise their military spending and send more weapons and ammunitions to Ukraine.
He spoke in Warsaw with a little jerk, Tusk.
And then you had little Chuckie Schumer, Senator from New York, Quote.
Everyone we saw from Zelensky on down made this very point clear.
a pecker about that big that loves war, Chuckie Schumer, sucking off the public ear.
Quote, everyone we saw from Zelensky on down made this very point clear. If Ukraine gets
the aid, they will win the war and beat Russia. And the Bronx used to have a saying, BS has
its own sound.
It's disgraceful.
And it just came out.
Zelensky reveals Putin wanted Donbass ceasefire.
President Zelensky, Vladimir Zelensky, who's also, you can see the video, Google it up.
Zelensky plays the piano with his penis.
That's Zelensky, a comedian, has acknowledged that his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, urged him to stop the hostilities in Donbass in 2019.
He added that he had strong concerns at that time that diplomacy would freeze the conflict, but not resolve it.
Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Zelensky gave the account of his face-to-face meeting with Putin in Paris on December 2019.
Over 15,000 people were being slaughtered in the Donbass region by Ukraine.
And Zelensky lied his way into office as a peace candidate, just like America's Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner, Barack Obama, lied his way into office as a peace candidate.
You forgot the Afghan tube surge?
Hey, Qaddafi, you gotta go.
Assad gotta go.
That's the clowns running the show.
So support InfoWars.
InfoWars supporting you.
We must unite for peace.
All I do is research, research trends, and I see what is having the best effects, what
is having the best reviews.
So a couple years ago, I saw different formulas out there that are known to create compounds
in the blood that flush out the body and that create what they call vasodilation, opening
up the arteries, opening up the veins, which is so important, not just for young people,
but especially older people.
And so then I had Dr. Judy Mikovits, who's such a renowned scientist and a whistleblower.
She said, I love your formula.
It's one of the best out there.
And so this product, Nitric Boost, became a bestseller.
Well, we decided to soup it up and make it even stronger.
So it's the original formula.
It's a little bit stronger.
Now Nitric Boost is available at InfoWarsStore.com.
Because the problem was the supplier we had couldn't supply enough.
We were selling out very, very quickly, but now we've got a big supply of nitric
boost in stock, ready to ship at info war store.com.
And when I talk about vasodilation and the nitric oxide is a potent vasco
dilator, many can help relax and widen blood vessels.
This can lead to increased blood flow and improve circulation, which is
critical to various body functions.
So ladies and gentlemen, it funds the info war.
It's an amazing product.
So we have the new and improved, super powerful Nitric Boost back in stock, ready to ship for 40% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
This is a true win-win.
This has the very same effect as some of the male enhancement things out there, but totally naturally.
This does it in a natural way, and not that I need those products, but I've tried them.
I've been to the doctor.
They give you a prescription of it, and I've tried the top brands, the two top brands.
And I'm not even trying to say that's what this is.
That's off-label.
That's not what this is even for.
This is a supplement.
But it is incredible what it does for your body.
So get this amazing product now in stock, ready to ship.
Nitric Boost today at InfoWarsStore.com for 40% off.
You fund the InfoWar.
It's so good for your body.
Get it while you can.
Well, nitric oxide is a key.
It's made by our own bodies again.
It's made by L-citrulline and L-arginine, the amino acids.
So we're fed.
You can get it from beet powder and other things.
The nitric oxide relaxes The endothelium, the vasculature, it relaxes the vein.
It's a natural blood pressure.
In fact, I use the two.
Your InfoWars, I keep that on my shelf.
And I feed myself the Cardio Miracle, which is straight food.
It's a different formulation than that one.
And the two together are a one-two punch.
So you get in your food the ability to make what you need and no more.
You've looked at our formula.
You like it?
I did and I do.
I'm not a scientist like you.
What do these compounds do creating nitrous oxide?
What does it do?
It relaxes the vasculature.
So the clot will go through and not restrict.
It allows it to relax.
It lowers the blood pressure, has the toxic synthetic lipid nanoparticles similar to the one in the
COVID shot.
We saw athletes dropping dead on the field, passing out, falling down, all the things.
Why is it particularly the athletes?
They're operating at such a high level in their mitochondria.
This is an energy production, oxygen necessary disease.
Because athletes are running, they're constricted, they're working so that the blood flows and it doesn't flow.
Which is why your nitric oxide product, that new product, I hope you'll show it.
Because that's a very important thing to have for acute events.
It does all under the tongue, give you an instant relaxing of your endothelium, your vasculature.
So get Nitric Boost today at InfoWarsStore.com for 40% off.
Get it while you can.