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Name: 20240221_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 21, 2024
2929 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses topics such as globalist control over energy resources, censorship in social media, the manipulation of information, the impact of AI on society, and the indoctrination of children. He criticizes Google for its bias against white people and traditional values, and mentions how AI systems are being designed to exclude certain groups. Jones also expresses concern over the FAA's decision to hire mentally ill people to fly airplanes and the current state of the American justice system. He encourages listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their store."

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Whew, it's kinda... feels hot.
You feel hot?
Yeah, yeah, it's pretty warm.
Yeah, I think we're all gonna die.
The world's being destroyed.
I think this is it.
Uh, what?
Yep, this is it.
End of the world.
The apocalypse.
I'd say we have, uh, oof, gee, three weeks left to turn this thing around.
The worst part is, it's all your fault.
I can't believe you've done this.
How is this my fault?
Well, you produce carbon dioxide, and there's way too much of that stuff.
Too much?
How much is there?
How much is too much?
Look, I don't even know.
I'm not here to understand vague pseudoscientific talking points.
I'm here to enforce insane restrictions on the basis of those talking points.
Yeah, you know, like, uh, carbon credits, and no gas stove, and you have to eat bugs, and live in a tiny box like a bug, and, uh, injure bloodline, you know, no children or anything, like a... like a bug.
Okay, that is insane, yeah.
Well, it's a crisis, a climate crisis, so we don't have time to think about this stuff.
We're saving the Earth.
From what?
Well, from people.
Like other people, not like you and me, but like...
You know, people.
So you want to eliminate humans.
Well, it's not quite that simple.
Yeah, I feel like that should be a hard no.
Well, no.
See, it's math.
We have this equation, and we're trying to get this number down to zero.
And one of those variables is people.
We're trying to reach zero by multiplying these non-zero numbers by whatever the value of people is.
Yeah, that's right.
We call it net zero.
Okay, because people produce carbon dioxide by existing.
Right, so it's all about switching energy production to carbon neutral sources.
And also not breathing or eating.
I'm sorry, what?
Great news!
We're making big progress.
The oldest and largest power plant in all of England just went 24 hours totally carbon neutral.
They didn't burn a single ounce of coal all day.
What did they burn instead?
What is biomass?
Big, beautiful trees from across the ocean.
See, we cut them down in British Columbia, ship them across the Atlantic, and burn them for fuel.
Wait, so just because you don't burn coal, you're calling that zero emission?
Well, the banks do, yeah.
The banks?
The bank.
The bankers, the international bankers.
They're in charge of all of this because they're so selfless and caring.
Okay, and they're making us give up combustion fuel.
Well, not totally, just like natural gas and coal and stuff like that.
Yeah, but not trees.
Trees are fine.
No, not trees.
All right, that's crazy.
Isn't there any other power generator source?
Like, what about windmills?
Oh yeah, windmills are great.
Yeah, after like 18 years, they're carbon neutral for a couple years.
Plus, when they freeze, you can just keep them spinning with the diesel engine.
Also, they kill a ton of eagles.
Uh, is that a good thing?
I guess not, but we're saving the earth here.
You can't make obelisks without breaking a few eggs, and you can't build windmills without killing a ton of eagles and whales and chopping down two million trees in Scotland.
Okay, wait, so you're burning trees for fuel, but you're also cutting down entire forests to make fields to build windmills?
That's right, and also we're just chopping down trees and straight up burying them in the ground.
It's a new initiative.
I hate trees.
Don't trees, like, absorb carbon dioxide?
No, that's what my giant vacuum machine is for.
It's huge.
Okay, this is, this is getting weird.
Windmills work, though.
Yeah, windmills work great, unless there's, you know, too much wind.
Okay, what about solar panels?
Solar panels, also fantastic, unless there's, you know, too much sun.
Alright, what about nuclear energy?
Alright, well, what about cars?
I mean, cars run on gasoline.
So, what about them?
Actually, every car is going to be electric from now on.
Can the power grid handle that?
Every car being electric?
So, I don't get it.
How are people going to drive?
How are you going to drive when you don't own a car?
What do you mean, I won't own a car?
I mean, how will I get anywhere?
Everybody will share a small amount of cars.
Oh, it's easy.
You'll have an app, like Uber, where you can request a ride and also apply for a transit permit to leave the 15-minute perimeter.
What 15-minute perimeter?
Oh yeah, the one I'm going to put around you.
It's called an Ultra Low Emission Zone.
It's a core aspect of the Sustainability Development Goals.
It's where you can't leave your neighborhood and don't own a car and never fly and can't eat meat.
Look, you're never going to get these laws passed.
Oh, they'll pass.
Just not through law.
No, I'm just going to sort of do it.
See, I don't have to pass a law to make beef illegal.
I'll just buy the cattle farms and shut them down.
See, I control the market with my incredible wealth.
You control the market?
That's right.
So, are you the one that off-shored all of our manufacturing to China?
Yeah, that was me.
China, where there's no environmental controls at all, the number one polluter on Earth?
No, that can't be right.
No, no way.
That would be, that would be crazy.
Watch the full video right now at BAM.video.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
I am Chase Geiser, your host.
Just very briefly this morning, joined by one and only Harrison Smith, one of our favorites here at InfoWars.
Alex Jones is going to be taking over the broadcast any minute.
I'm told that half past the hour he's going to be on the air, so we are filling in for him.
It's an awesome opportunity to be on the Alex Jones Show with this distinguished audience of InfoWarriors everywhere.
So don't be discouraged.
The man himself will be in the studio any minute.
He's fighting the Infowar on another front right now.
Harrison, how are you doing, man?
Oh, just terrible, Chase.
Yeah, it's funny.
Thanks for asking.
Everything's awful.
Right before the show, I was like, hey, how was your show this morning?
The whole world's falling apart.
He's like, oh.
They're abducting people's children in the name of this trans ideology.
And, you know, it is easy to get blackpilled.
Do you feel... Would you consider yourself a blackpilled person or do you maintain optimism?
You know, it's a constant struggle.
I maintain... Here's how I maintain optimism.
When people ask, like, are we screwed?
You know, is it hopeless?
I'm always like, well, I'm not hopeless.
I'm not, you know, my cause isn't lost.
My family will survive.
I've got my storable food.
I've got my way.
No matter what happens with the rest of the world, I'm good.
My family's good.
There's a lot of hope in that.
It feels like we're, you know, I understand we're fighting against the momentum of a society that's been on the wrong path and headed in the wrong direction for literally decades.
So part of me is like, you know, imagining a cruise ship.
We're trying to use a little tugboat to change the trajectory of a cruise ship.
It's not going to happen instantly.
It's going to be a long process.
It's a lot of momentum we're dealing with here, so it's okay that we don't have victory right now.
The cruise ship can be changed, the course can be altered, each new advancement is something to be celebrated.
But then I look and I realize that the shoals are half a mile away, and if we don't change the ship now, if we don't change the direction right now, as fast as humanly possible, then we're not going to make it.
So I don't know.
You know, we've got this story.
I don't know.
Attorney General Ken Paxton sues to end NGOs operations in Texas after discovering potential efforts to facilitate illegal immigration.
Again, half of me is like, heck yeah, this is what needs to happen.
The NGOs are organizing this.
They're funding this.
They're breaking the law.
They need to be held to account.
Thank goodness Attorney General Ken Paxton survived his impeachment and is able to carry this off.
But then there's always that other part of me that's like, oh you're going after one?
What about the other thousands?
Are you going after the UN too?
It's like, any piece of good news, I'm just unsatisfied.
There's so much that has to be done.
Such extreme measures are going to have to be taken to get us back on the right track in enough time to rescue this country and not just have to rebuild from scratch when everything falls apart.
I don't know if that answers your question.
I'm not black-pilled or white-pilled.
I'm just trying to appreciate the good things and still spread awareness of the bad things.
And that was my big takeaway from the show today, was just, what is it going to take?
How much has to happen?
When they're taking children away from their parents after doctoring the kids into transgenderism in schools, how is everybody not awake?
How is everybody not aware this is happening?
So, I honestly don't know at this point.
When I think about The philosophy of inevitable entropy.
Obviously, this is a terrifying notion.
Is this civilization going to collapse just like every other civilization throughout history?
And nobody wants to deal with worrying about whether their kids are going to starve in some post-apocalyptic world.
Nobody wants to deal with the violence and rape and murder and just disorder that would ensue with the collapse of the dollar, for example.
And those are certainly things to worry about and very real threats, if not likely threats, in my opinion.
But what irks me the most, and I think this is sort of my driving force, I don't want to arrive at that environment or that place in our history.
thinking to myself on top of that that I didn't do enough to prevent it. At least
there's some sort of a conscience being clear. Yeah. That I'll have like, "Hey, I
fought. I said." Right? Yeah. That sort of vindication, what's intolerable to me is
the notion that we would arrive at a place like that and I can't imagine
being someone who didn't do anything and just let it happen.
How do you think people are gonna feel psychologically in the event that we
do have a collapse? Do you think they're actually gonna hold themselves
accountable for letting it happen or is everyone just gonna sort of displace the blame?
Everyone does displace the blame. No, I don't think there's going to be a
collapse in the traditional sense unless we go to war with China and they,
you know, shut down our infrastructure which they've proven to be capable of
doing and are also, by the way, sending tens of thousands of operatives into
into our country to await orders as we speak.
So maybe there will be a collapse.
I don't totally disregard the notion, but I see what is much more likely is a South African path that we're going down where things just progressively and incrementally get worse and worse and worse until eventually the lights can't turn on and people are drinking sewage and it's just nothing works.
And so there's no collapse in the sense of today everything works, tomorrow there's no internet and everybody's insane.
Uh, I think it's going to be decades from now, we're going to look around and this country that was once functional and, and for the most part, not totally corrupted.
Uh, it's just going to be, it's going to look like any other third world country.
You know, it's crazy.
When I was at the border with the crew, I was talking to Tim Enlow.
Who was on the air with Alex Jones during some of our reports and he mentioned one of the alarming things about the Chinese nationals that are coming into the United States was you see them lined up coming into the United States and they're all standing at parade rest.
He's like, what kind of illegal migrant or just random civilian stands at parade rest while waiting in line to invade a country?
This is not just some... With their roller backpacks too.
That's important to me.
It's not just civilians, it's formerly military, former military operatives, whether they're from China or other countries.
These people have been involved in conflicts and they are trained soldiers.
Yeah, and they clearly were dropped off there, right?
That's always the shocking thing to me is they have like a $300 roller backpack and they're wearing like galoshes and they're like on their phone and it's like, it looks like somebody waiting in a line at an airport in America.
But they're refugee and asylum seekers.
No, they've been dropped off.
And why wouldn't the Chinese... I mean, imagine being the Chinese government right now and going, wait, our number one geopolitical enemy is America, and we can just send 10,000 people a month there, and they can just disappear into America, and America doesn't even track them?
Like, this is such an opportunity for them, which is being provided on purpose by the people that planned the destruction of the United States in the next World War.
Yeah, well, I think one of the differences, just to sort of frame it in a different way, is when our great-grandfathers, or our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers in your case, came to the United States, They came with their entire family on a boat.
And when our grandfathers stormed the beach at Normandy, they went by themselves.
So the difference between an invasion and immigration is when you immigrate, you bring your family with you to start a new life in a new country.
But when you do an invasion, you leave your family safely at home and you participate in the invasion as just the solo 18 to 34 year old military aged male.
And I am alarmed just seeing all of the young men without their families.
There's the parade rest clip.
Popping into our country, it just seems very, very suspicious, to say the least.
Of course, of course.
I mean, it is a full-fledged, designed invasion.
It could not be more obvious.
It's another thing where it's just like, okay, when do you stop being fooled by this?
When do you realize that asylum or refugee status does not apply to Any of these people.
I can understand you go, okay, yeah, we take asylum seekers and refugees and a couple thousand show up and you go, don't worry, we're America.
We don't prosecute people for their, well, we used to not persecute people for their beliefs.
Come on in.
And then like 10,000 show up and then 100,000.
And we've got 10 million a year crossing.
At a certain point, you should go, okay, hold on.
I don't believe all of you people are refugees.
You're taking advantage of this system.
And you shouldn't be allowed to take advantage of a system.
That's not a controversial belief.
So, I don't know, a hundred million people a year.
It's not like there's any, you know, there's a billion Chinese people.
There's no shortage of people that could come across.
There's nothing to say that this ends at a certain point other than us ending it.
The flow will never stop.
It will continue indefinitely until we decide to stop it and the people that are in charge have decided to encourage it at every opportunity.
Speaking of political persecution, I want to talk a little bit about Julian Assange because I sort of became politically active right after January 6th, 2021.
So I saw what happened on January 6th and after days of seeing how it was covered, how politicians were responding to it, I was so miffed, to say the least, about the mischaracterization of what happened.
First, I thought it was just An example of a fluke number of...
Protesters getting carried away, getting rowdy, and actually breaking the law.
And then it came out with the Ray Epps stuff and some of the great reporting from Darren Beattie and others that this was actually seemingly a PSYOP, an instance of entrapment, where there were a lot of feds operating within the crowd and getting this to happen.
So I was so miffed, that is when I became politically active and started watching InfoWars every day, started actually trying to build a Twitter account and start a podcast and interview influencers.
Okay, we've arrived at a place where I need to get involved.
My vote is not enough.
I want a voice.
That being said, this Julian Assange story goes back many years before I was paying attention politically.
I was trying to start a small business.
I was not spending any time on politics.
Can you, for the sake of myself and the audience, give just sort of a 30,000 foot view of what The Julian Assange story from beginning to end.
I don't mean to throw you a curveball if you're not prepared to answer that question, but what exactly happened with him?
I don't think people even understand why he's in this situation he's in, who he really is.
They might not even remember he was associated with WikiLeaks.
Let's dive in a little bit.
Not really that complicated.
He ran Wikileaks, which was a website that published classified documents that were leaked to them from whistleblowers within the United States government.
And they revealed some very disturbing things, specifically about Guantanamo Bay and about the Iraq War.
And the thing that they have charged him with is saying that he helped and and participated in the
acquisition of classified documents with the help of uh... bradley now chelsea manning so it's
like espionage kind of i a they are charging him under the espionage a nineteen
seventeen espionage charge for the only people
charged under it actually and i mean none of its valid none of its illegitimate he spent
He spent, I think, either six or nine years in the Ecuadorian embassy.
i think uh...
who either six or nine years in the ecuadorian embassy i i don't have all
I don't have all the details right in front of me.
the details right in front of me remember that he he sought asylum with
I remember that.
the ecuadorian embassy uh... he was extradited a couple years ago or taken out of
But he sought asylum with the Ecuadorian embassy.
He was extradited a couple years ago or taken out of the embassy in London
the embassy in london and is now in uh... british custody and right now he's
and is now in British custody.
And right now he's going through his final appeal to fight extradition to the United States.
going through his final appeared appeal to fight extradition to the
united states of the united states has been desperately trying to get custody of
So the United States has been desperately trying to get custody of Julian Assange in order to charge him
julian assange I mean, none of it's valid, none of it's legitimate.
with this espionage charge based on him releasing classified material
that he wasn't allowed to have access to.
But long story short, the man exposed war crimes and is now being punished as if he committed war crimes.
He is a real hero, honestly.
real hero honestly.
He has put himself on the line and is suffering the consequences of standing up against the liars, deceivers, warmongers, and psychopaths that run this country.
And I pray there's some remnant of, you know, the principle of free speech that really started in Britain.
We codified it with the First Amendment, but that was an outgrowth and a continuation of what had been going on in Britain.
I pray that the UK judges Still have respect for that and understand that what Julian Assange did was not illegal.
He published documents just like the New York Times published documents.
Washington Post during Nixon?
That's what he did.
I would love for the crew, if you guys can, to find that clip, because I haven't seen that clip.
This is the first time I'm hearing it.
Just let me know if you find it.
That's fascinating.
was caught on tape saying, "Can't we just drone strike this guy?" I mean, they hate
Julian Assange for the crime of exposing the war crimes that they committed and allowed
to happen.
I would love for the crew, if you guys can, to find that clip, because I haven't seen
that clip. This is the first time I'm hearing it. That's fascinating. Just let me know if
you find it. We'll run it.
Obviously, Assange has been imprisoned of sorts for a number of years now, and I've
heard reports that his treatment hasn't been the best.
Obviously, sometimes he's seeming to not have seen the sun in months, if not years.
Well, he's not at his appeal hearing because he's unwell.
He's not even healthy enough to go to his extradition hearing.
There were even reports and rumors that he wasn't cognitively all there, almost like sort of the madman in solitary confinement.
So my question is, What is worse for him about being in the United States versus where he is now?
It seems like things couldn't get much worse.
Why is he fighting this extradition so hard?
You know, I don't know what the punishment is for what he's being charged with.
It might be death.
So, you know, that would be one thing.
But although he has said that if he is extradited to the United States, well, I shouldn't say This is just something I saw, I didn't actually confirm it, but the rumor is that he basically was like, I'd rather kill myself than go to the United States, so, uh...
You know, that's a pity, but again, that's just a rumor.
I probably shouldn't spread that.
Well, it's crazy because what's happening to Assange seems to be exactly what would have happened to Edward Snowden.
Had Edward Snowden been caught?
And then we have this irony on top of it all that Edward Snowden is seeking asylum from the United States in Moscow while the Kremlin is being accused of this Navalny assassination or death.
What's going on with the hypocrisy there?
Ukraine's killing our journalists.
Moscow is actually giving asylum to genuine asylum seekers, yet we're sort of advocating that we have moral superiority as a nation despite the fact that we've committed every crime that we accuse Russia of.
What's going on?
Yeah, no, it's beyond hypocrisy.
I mean, you know, what I say on my show all the time is you can actually have positive hypocrisy if I smoke but tell you not to smoke.
I'm being a hypocrite, but it's good advice still.
It's actually still correct.
What's going on here is beyond hypocrisy.
Deception at its core.
And it's just, you know, when you've got Biden and everybody going up and shedding crocodile tears for Alexei Navalny, while simultaneously trying to extradite and kill Julian Assange, these people don't believe anything.
None of this is valid or real.
It's all just pure and simple power politics and sending a message to anybody else that might
want to be a whistleblower or a journalist and publish Classified documents that you'll get the Julian Assange
treatment just like
Just like they say you would in Russia, but no it's a it's it's
Pitiful and despicable and yet another thing that I'm surprised more Americans aren't aware of and outraged by
the treatment of Julian Assange I just want to take a minute to remind the audience that Alex Jones will be hosting the show later on in the hour, so we are just filling in while he is fighting the Infowar on another front, but he will be in the studio, so stick with us, folks.
And on that note, I want to dive in even deeper on this Russia-Ukraine-United States dynamic that's playing out.
Obviously anytime you point out any hypocrisy or you criticize the United States or Ukraine in any way, you're immediately criticized, especially on Twitter, for being a Putin shill.
Somebody who actually just adores Putin or loves Putin.
I just want to explicitly ask you, in an intentionally sort of ambiguous way, what do you think of Vladimir Putin?
Uh, Vladimir Putin can answer like Trump.
He's a very smart guy.
He's a very smart guy.
He's a killer.
They're all killers.
He's a killer.
You don't get to where you get, you know.
So, I mean, what happened was after the USSR fell and stopped being communist, it was for Several years really just the playground of oligarchs who had been in power already in under communism under capitalism They if anything expanded their exploitation and as far as I can understand it, I'm no historian, but Putin really represented sort of the end of that he did a lot to bring the living conditions of Russians bring their standards up like I mean it
It sounds, this wasn't that long ago, it sounds like forever ago, but like the idea of Russians having, having malls and, you know, washing machines and this sort of stuff.
I mean, they didn't have that under communism.
They didn't have it under the oligarchs and Putin Really stopped the oligarchical exploitation and this was in the late 90s, right?
He was president for a period of time in the early 2000s during the Bush administration.
I believe he retired and then came back.
Right, but he's always sort of been a power player and that's why a lot of people sort of refer to him as like a new czar because he's not actually appointed.
To his position for life, like somebody like Xi Jinping in China, but he basically has total domination of the Russian political system at this point.
And, you know, I talked today, I did a very long segment breaking down Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, and he basically dedicated a whole show to insulting Tucker Carlson for going to Russia to talk to Vladimir Putin.
He's going to Congress to talk to Congress, which is responsible for some of the greatest war crimes.
Yeah, yeah, very true.
So his whole thing was he was like, well, it was communism versus capitalism back in the day, and now the new divide is woke and unwoke.
But my interpretation of that is during the Cold War, American men weren't putting their lives on the line for an economic system.
They were putting their lives on the line to promote the American way, which was Christianity, freedom of thought, against an atheistic, despotic control system that was communism.
And that divide, in many ways, is still the divide we're dealing with.
You know, what America has become is, if you want to, you know, people call it woke, but it's a form of race communism that infests all of our institutions and Russia, whether legitimately or not, portrays itself as Christian and upholding orthodoxy and Christian values and standing up against.
The woke, communistic deconstructionism that America is suffering under.
So it's sort of odd, because it's sort of the same Cold War dynamics, except the positions are switched.
They're now fighting for Christianity.
I mean, you know, we put In God We Trust on our money in the 1950s.
The Pledge of Allegiance didn't have the words Under God until the 1950s.
It was by putting God into these things, it was a signal that this is This differentiates us from the communists.
We believe in God, we are Christian, to oppose the atheistic communism of Soviet Russia.
And so, if you're talking, if the divide is actually a form of communism versus Christianity, then those positions have flipped.
America is now pushing a form of communism around the world and to our own people, and Russia seems to embody a Christian ideal that we've lost.
Well, it's crazy because This goes all the way back to John Locke's Second Treatise of Government.
Had to read it in college.
It's like 80 pages.
If you're interested in politics or political philosophy at all, it's an absolute must read.
If you're not interested in those things, you're going to find it very dry.
But the whole idea of private property rights and how everything we create with our own body, which is given to us by God, is also our property because we produced it with our own will by Activating our body in the world, the work that we do, it all goes back to this notion of God.
And even though many of the founding fathers weren't explicitly Christian, they were all at least a deist.
None of them were, as far as I know, avowed atheists who just denied the existence of God.
They disagreed about the nature of God, whether or not he was involved or sort of like an absent father, but they all believed that God existed and that our rights were given to us at birth by God.
It is incredibly important if we want to uphold the West and the philosophy of capitalism that as a culture we at least generally accept the existence of God because the philosophy sort of falls apart if there is no deity bestowing rights upon you.
If God doesn't exist then who says that you have rights when you're born?
You're just sort of matter in the universe.
Right, and private property is a big part of it.
In other words, the Cold War wasn't a battle between two economic systems.
It was a battle between two philosophies about the basis of what humans are and why we're on Earth, really.
And of course, capitalism is an outgrowth of freedom.
It just is what happens naturally if you give people freedom.
I said on my show earlier today, if you just drop people off in the forest, they would establish private property.
They would establish property lines.
They would start trading with one another for their mutual benefit.
Capitalism is an outgrowth of freedom, not the basis of it.
Great insights there, Harrison.
Stick with us, folks.
We will be back after this short break with more news.
Alex Jones will be hosting the show today.
We were just filling in while he's fighting the Infowar on another front.
So make sure you stay tuned for more on the other side.
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♪ InfoWars ♪ - Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, folks.
I am Chase Geiser, joined by InfoWars host of the American Journal, Harrison Smith.
We are filling in just briefly for Alex Jones.
Alex is set to be in studio in any minute.
He's in the other room in a meeting, fighting the InfoWars on another front.
But as soon as that meeting is over, he will be joining the broadcast and hosting the remainder of the show.
You know, it's interesting looking at that Kissinger video that we just ran.
All of those audio clips about Kissinger from Alex, from callers, those were all from 2001, I believe.
So, when Kissinger died and when it was the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, I believe, coming up.
I made, I can't remember if I made that when Kissinger died or for the anniversary of Pearl Harbor.
I think it was for Pearl Harbor.
I went through the transcripts of all the broadcasts from 2001.
I typed in, I created a tool so you can search by keyword.
Every time that that word was mentioned on the broadcast and I just pulled them all together.
It is amazing how insightful Jones has been in terms of just sort of the way that power conglomerates and what the implications of that are over the course of decades.
How is it?
You've known Jones a lot longer than I have.
How is it, do you think, that he was able to put those pieces together as such a young man?
I mean, that famous clip of him before 9-11, he was 27 years old predicting that Osama bin Laden was going to be blamed, predicting that they were going to fly 747s into the World Trade Center as early as March 6th of 2001.
I was so stupid when I was 27.
He's 27 years old.
Yeah, well, I mean, he'll explain it.
It's because they more or less tell you what they're going to do in their own white papers.
I mean, the thing is that what we're dealing with now is less of a conspiracy in the traditional sense of men in a smoke-filled room making decisions in secret that then get pulled out.
I mean, that get carried out, you know, in public.
That still happens, obviously, but they're more public about it now.
But what we're dealing with now is like a societal conspiracy where Everybody has to be brought on the same page.
That's why they have the World Economic Forum.
That's why they have these confabs, where they all come together and get on the same page, and then their instruments, their puppets, go out and carry out the orders that they're given.
So, they have to publish things.
They have to tell each other what's next.
What are we doing next?
How should you respond to this next?
Whether they call it the lockstep documents... Or disease acts, even.
Disease X, right, they have to get everybody on the same page because it's less of a small group of people, you know, getting in a dark room and manipulating everybody else, but it's almost a nation or globe worldwide conspiracy taking place here.
Uh, you know, one way to be right more often than not is just assume the world is run by insane psychopaths and try to think, if I was a crazy person trying to make things hellish for everybody, what would I do?
And more often than not, that's exactly what's gonna happen.
So again, I think it has to do with just reading the White papers, reading the internal documents, reading the things that these people published for themselves and just didn't expect anybody else to read.
And of course he'll talk to you about his family and the history and growing up, you know, seeing it from the inside to some degree, listening in on conversations as his parents were having.
But in the end, I think it's just about thinking for yourself, being a free thinker, and just going, I'm not going to take anything I hear at face value.
Everything I'm being told, I'm going to question, I'm going to research, I'm going to look into.
And once you start doing that, you almost inevitably come to the conclusions that Alex comes to.
Did you ever see the movie Good Will Hunting?
One of my favorites.
There's that famous scene where Matt Damon's character, who's this mathematical genius, is working for this famous professor of mathematics as part of a probation program, basically, is the plot of the movie.
And you remember that scene where he walks in, he's solved the proof, and the professor's like, oh, that can't be right, because he doesn't understand how he solved the proof.
And that Damon just snaps and goes, you have any idea how easy this is for me?
He lights the paper on fire and he says, you figure it out.
That's how it feels to me since I've been involved at InfoWars.
And I'm sure this may be how you feel and Owen feels and Alex feels.
After you realize the extent of the propaganda and the corruption and the conglomeration of power and globalism, after you realize what's going on, it is so easy to spot Every instance of propaganda to see right through every
single headline. What's astounding to me is how difficult it is for everyone else
their strategies seem so Transparent and stupid and obvious to me what I can't
understand is How effective propaganda actually is it?
It works and it's silly and dumb and obvious and cheap.
Why is it that it works?
It's not just because everybody's stupid, because only half the population is stupid.
Everybody else is average or above.
So why does it work on so many people?
It's, you know, it's a good question.
It's a question I was struggling with today, just the going, how do people not know what's going on?
I mean, how do you get, because you'll get a parent that realizes what their child is being taught in school, the story we had today.
About a Canadian high school sending kids home with just literal gay pornography and just like sex toys.
It's just horrible stuff.
And for every one parent that gets outraged and speaks up and goes to the school board meeting, there's at least nine parents that see what's happening and go, gee, that wasn't like that when I was in school, huh?
And that's it, right? Like that's all, that's the only reaction they have. So normalcy bias I think has a huge,
huge part to do with it.
In other words, people's ability to take something new and just, just that's how it is from now on.
Not question how it got there and where it came from or who's doing it, but it's just that's the way it is now and it's up to me to change my mind to fit with the modern age rather than question it or rebel against it.
So I think normalcy bias has a lot to do with it.
I also think that we have the issue of having to deal with layer upon layer upon layer of deception.
So I was talking to somebody who really hated Trump recently.
And, you know, they didn't mention the trials that he's going through as if they were actually evidence of him doing something wrong.
But she was happy they were happening.
So to them, you know, if you talk about January 6th, it's not so much about January 6th.
You have to go all the way back to 2015 and 16 when, you know, they were spreading lies about Trump supporters being violent at his rallies.
So to these people, what's been seeded in their mind is, okay, Trump violent.
Trump supports violence.
Trump is a Russian agent.
That gets seeded into their brains.
It stays there.
And so then every other lie gets built on top of that, and on top of that, and on top of that.
So what we are trying to do in debunking claims from the mainstream media or showing how something in an article is propaganda, It's not enough just to deal with that.
You almost have to dig down and go back to the root of the lie, which may have been years ago that people have internalized and truly believe now.
So I think that is a is a huge part of and we know that's a huge part of propaganda because the people that do propaganda can explain to you how it works and repetition is a huge part of it.
And you know, Like Russia collusion is sort of the perfect example because it's been undeniably proven to be false.
It is, I mean, they've done the investigations, came up with nothing.
Everything they tried to push has been proven undeniably to be false.
And yet people will still get up on TV and go, well, you know, Russia, you know, Russian collusion that Trump was involved in.
And you're just like, wait, what?
I have to try to disprove this lie from five years ago because you're using it to justify your actions now?
This is insane.
So it's about the persistence, the repetition, and the way that even when proven wrong, they just move on, ignore it, and just act like the lie is still true.
We're coming up on a break here, folks.
Afterwards, Alex Jones is going to be hosting the Alex Jones Show, so make sure you stick with us and don't go anywhere.
In the meantime, make sure you visit InfoWarsStore.com.
I highly recommend Triple Force Plus.
It lights me up like a Christmas tree, one of my favorite products.
But going there is a 360 win because you get great products and you keep InfoWars on the air.
Stick with us for more on the other side.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, folks.
I am Chase Geyser.
Your temporary host for a little while this morning, joined by Harrison Smith.
It's an honor and a pleasure to be with you, Harrison, as always.
Alex Jones will be back in studio and hosting.
The show any minute.
We are just filling in for him while he fights the Infowar on another front.
We've got this breaking story that Letitia James is prepared to seize Trump assets including New York City buildings.
We're going to run the clip here in a minute.
New York Attorney General Letitia James told ABC News on Tuesday that she's ready to have the courts physically seize Donald Trump's properties and other assets if he doesn't pay the full 354 million dollar fine recently handed to the former president in a BS civil fraud case.
It'd be so funny if they seized Mar-a-Lago and sold it and it was proved that it was more valuable than Angron said in order for him to pay off the settlement.
That would be very ironic.
Because of the price, that'd be wild.
So let's run this clip and then we'll talk about it.
Part of the ABC News exclusive tonight after Donald Trump was fined nearly $355 million in his civil fraud case.
Tonight, New York State's Attorney General Letitia James saying she's prepared to seize Donald Trump's assets, including his buildings, if he doesn't pay the money.
ABC's Aaron Katursky, one-on-one tonight with the Attorney General.
Four days after a judge ordered Donald Trump to pay $355 million for a decade of fraud, New York Attorney General Letitia James says she's prepared to do everything she can to make sure the former president pays his fine, including, she told us, seizing the buildings that bear his name.
If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek, you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets.
Trump was held liable for exaggerating his wealth and inflating the value of his real estate, so banks would give him low-interest loans.
Trump insisted the banks like doing business with him.
They said no victim, no one got harmed, the banks got paid back, so no harm no foul.
Why is that not the case in your view?
So financial frauds are not victimless crimes.
He engaged in this massive amount of fraud and it wasn't just a simple mistake, a slight oversight.
The variations were wildly exaggerated and the extent of the fraud was staggering.
Trump said the penalty against him would drive other businesses out of New York.
We'll appeal, we'll be successful, I think, because, frankly, if we're not successful, New York State is gone.
But the state's attorney general told us she's not worried.
And last I checked, tourism is up, and Wall Street is doing just fine.
Okay, that's enough of this clip.
Even with an impending... Can you imagine Letitia James sitting in Trump Tower eating a taco salad, just saying, I love the Hispanics!
That's what she wants.
I mean, we played two compilations today on American Journal of Letitia James before and when she first became Attorney General in New York.
Her entire purpose of getting the office was to go after Trump and she was not shy about it.
It's another one of these things, you go, How transparently corrupt can they be before somebody with good conscience or honor or just something says, this is not right.
I mean, she's up there giving campaign speech after campaign speech.
At one point, she literally says, When I'm Attorney General, I'll go to work in the office, I'll sue Trump, and then I'll go home.
She's like, that's all I'm going to care about.
That's all I'm going to do.
We will get him.
We have to destroy him.
I will target him.
So it's not like speculation.
They're like, oh, this is some corrupt...
persecution, she announced it's a corrupt persecution. She said it, you know, she didn't
come out and say, I'm going to fight fraud. Oh, look, it looks like Trump committed fraud.
She said, I'm going to go after Trump. I'm going to investigate him. I'm going to look
at his financial records. I mean, every aspect of this case is so flagrantly in violation of
not just the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law.
It's, it's outraging, but you can, you can almost see in watching a well-produced ABC news
segment, how people can fall for this.
How, when they present it, and you have some misplaced trust in the American system, you come away with the conclusion that, like, he had a trial, a fair, you know, must have been a fair trial, this is America after all, and, you know, he was committing fraud, so he has to pay for it.
I mean, the way it's packaged, the way it's presented to the American people is so utterly fraudulent in and of itself, but it's well done.
They have this, this almost just a tone that they have as if all of this is business as usual.
And here's the facts, ma'am.
When in reality, every single aspect of this has been arbitrary, capricious, vindictive,
and just utterly fraudulent in legal terms, in my opinion.
So, politicians would love to sit in Trump Tower, I'm sure.
They were getting real strong, late Roman Republic vibes when you had prescriptions where the richer you were, the more likely you were to be put to death and have your goods confiscated.
But, you know, The fact she says Wall Street's doing great, and Wall Street in and of itself is just a hive of corruption and fraud, it just gives it a lot of hold.
Well, and when there's massive inflation, the stock market typically goes up.
Just because the stock market is going up doesn't actually mean that the American people are doing any better.
It's only doing good for people who have...
Money to put into the stock market, but everybody's living paycheck to paycheck.
Credit card debt is astronomically high relative to years past.
Bankruptcies are up 20% year over year.
So yeah, if you're Bezos, things are looking good because the banks get all this money from the Federal Reserve.
They had nowhere else to put it, so it winds up in these Fortune 500 stocks.
Then the stock market blows up and the politicians say, oh, the economy's doing great, but nobody's invested.
I'm not invested in the stock market.
I have been in the past.
I had money in the market when Trump was president because I was making money and I could afford to prepare for retirement.
But I'm an example of somebody that had to pull from savings in order to make ends meet during some of the rougher years of this Biden administration.
So they just constantly lie over and over again.
What baffles me is how they can lie over and over again and get away with it.
Then their opponents actually don't do anything wrong at all, but they're incriminated for it.
I mean, how is it that the propaganda machine is so powerful, so successful, people are so vulnerable to it, that they've actually successfully married the brands of Vladimir Putin to Donald Trump?
So in the minds of the left, they're the same exact person.
Propaganda is extremely effective, especially when it happens on a front like the American media landscape that all says the same thing at the same time in the same way.
It gives people the impression of truth, when in reality it's a coordinated lie.
It's hard to understand.
It honestly is very hard to understand.
We saw Fannie Willis just being an embarrassing, condescending mess, and yet you go on lefty Twitter, and they're like celebrating, and they're like, hell yeah, you go, girl.
And it's like, this woman has provably committed crimes.
Letitia James, provably, knowingly corrupt.
They know this.
Admitting on the stand to having committed campaign finance fraud.
I mean, it's beyond proof.
The text messages, the receipts, I mean, everything about it, they don't care.
And that's really the disturbing part, is that Americans don't care.
It's either they know what's going on, and they don't care because Trump-Hitler, so, you know, Trump is Hitler, so, you know, whatever, who cares, we have to bend a judicial proceeding, we're stopping Hitler.
So they either know what's going on and they're in favor of it, or they're ignorant to it Or like the clip I know Alex played yesterday of Kevin O'Leary talking about this, where they see what happened to Trump and, you know, this goes into the clip we just saw where he says New York is dead.
It's people saying, I'm pulling my investments out, I can't trust New York anymore if they're going to treat Trump like this.
It's not about investments.
It's not about, you know, where to put your money.
It's about the undermining and absolute total destruction of the basic virtues and principles that make our country functional.
So it's more than just about where do we invest money.
It's about You need to stand up to this, to stop this, to not let this set a precedent, not for the future of businesses and fraud and whatever.
Fraudulent people should be, you know, people who commit fraud should be taken to court and punished.
They aren't.
Only Trump is.
But it's about the establishment of a system in which any proceeding can be corrupted, any judicial overreach can be justified by people who want to crush dissent By all means necessary.
That's the real danger.
So it's kind of, it's kind of, it kind of annoys me a little bit to hear these billionaires and millionaires are suddenly very concerned about what happened to Trump because it affects, it may affect their bottom line.
We need these people, like if these people were paying attention or cared, they would recognize what's happening to Trump has nothing to do with the money he's being charged.
It has to do with the corruption of a system.
Hell-bent on destroying any semblance of dissent in the population.
This is the end of the republic if they're allowed to get away with this.
But the billionaires on Wall Street only care about whether or not they'll be charged next.
Sure, it's like, where were you six years ago when they were lying about Russian collusion hoaxes and things like that?
These are the manifestations of those actions.
You're mad about business?
Where were you when the whole system was very obviously corrupt?
Just years ago, and you were happily sitting on the stand of Shark Tank and being Mr. Wonderful.
I'm totally with you.
So we're coming up on a break here.
Alex Jones is going to be hosting any minute now.
We are filling in for Alex as he fights the InfoWars on another front.
In the meantime, I do want to take this opportunity to talk to you a little bit about TurboForce+.
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Victor in Florida, thank you for holding.
Go ahead.
I have to say it really pisses me off to hear when you say that only 2% of the people that listen to this broadcast buy products.
Um, I'm a young man.
I don't make that much money.
I just bought a house.
I just got married.
But I buy the products as much as I can.
I buy them almost every month.
I've bought the iodine, the beets, the methylfolate.
I've just tried it.
It's absurd to me that you people are listening to this guy.
I've listened to you for 10 years.
He puts this show out here for free, and you're not supporting him.
Our country is falling apart, but you've got millions of people listening to you not doing sh**.
Excuse my French, but look look there's a glut of media.
There's so much media.
I'm not blaming the 99% 99% They never buy anything.
It's just these are really good products, and we just had 1% more by the products it would change the whole world so these are really great products to begin with we have the best turmeric out there 95% humanoid and Incredible anti-inflammation.
So good for your whole body.
We have all the other great products at InflammationReport.com.
We have Next Level Foundational Energy with the methylfolate and the B-Complex that supercharges cellular energy.
So it's not a stimulant, but it feels like a stimulant.
Let me ask you, what happened when you took Next Level Foundational Energy?
I've been taking it for, I don't know, a couple weeks now, and in my younger days, I've experimented with stimulants and those things.
It feels nothing like that.
You feel like you're supposed to feel it.
You're supposed to have energy, you know, and that's pretty much it.
It doesn't feel like a stimulant.
You just feel like you're supposed to.
And what it does is, it's the breakdown of folic acid than almost everybody, but particularly some people,
northern Europeans, have a low breakdown of.
So you just give yourselves the direct food that they operate off of and they clean out with.
That's why next level financial energy is so important.
Thank you for the call, Victor, and thanks for the plug.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
I don't know who wants to come to a city like Austin, be told to go out there, swear an oath to protect
and defend this community, protect the people and the lives of this community,
protect the property of this community, to be told, you know what, we're gonna indict you
and potentially put you away for the rest of your life in prison.
The allegations being made against me by Jose Garza is aggravated assault with a deadly weapon by a public servant, first degree felony, which carries a life, potential life sentence.
We were responding to a riot.
You know, people throwing Molotov cocktails at us.
Bottles full of urine.
Bottles full of gasoline.
And they're engaging in criminal activity by obstructing the passage road that goes to the main hospital.
This is the largest, you know, case of, actually of pushed indictments of officers.
First time ever in American history.
This has nothing to do with justice.
It has nothing to do with what I'm doing.
This is simply about politics and the political agenda that is taking place with these radical, liberal district attorneys.
People are really waking up now because George Soros, as a CIA operative, that's what he is, he's the front man for it, didn't just take over several thousand cities and counties where they have the judges and they have the district attorneys, the county attorneys in their pockets.
Now many of the police chiefs, they have these junkets that are on record where they pay for the hotels and airline tickets to the Caribbean and to the Mediterranean and to Europe and to Canada.
We're talking five-star hotels.
And they go to these week-long conferences that are put on by George Soros' organization and sub-organizations.
And they teach them how to engage in criminal activity.
So they're organized crime, racketeering, mafia meetings of the lawyers.
They've got the lawyers, they've got the judges, they've got the PR firms.
So they give them a packet.
They say, this is how it works for lawyers.
They say, we're going to sue Alex Jones, we're going to sue Trump.
And this has come out from whistleblowers.
And then they're given a packet.
This is what you say.
This is what you file.
This is how you do it.
And the judge is going to default Trump.
They're going to default Giuliani.
They're going to default Jones and say that you don't get a trial.
The judge will then find you guilty.
And then we'll have a show trial because the public still expects one on quote damages.
Now, when that worked on me and a bunch of other people in the last five years, They've now said screw that.
We're just gonna have judges say you don't get a jury trial and then say you're guilty on day one of the trial and then have their own trial where you don't get closing statements, you don't get to put forward your evidence, you don't get to say you're innocent.
We begin our report with truth and consequences in two New York courtrooms this week.
The trials begin for Donald Trump and FTX founder Sam Bankman Freed, both of whom face charges.
They committed fraud, building empires out of hyperbole and deceit.
The banks got back their money.
Again, there was never a default.
There was never a problem.
Everything was perfect.
There was no crime.
The crime is against me.
Federal prosecutors have dropped the charge against ex-FTX CEO Sam Bankman Freed that he violated campaign finance rules, according to the New York Times.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted, congrats to Sam Bankman Freed, the Democratic Party's second largest donor behind George Soros, on having his campaign finance fraud charges dropped by the Biden DOJ.
So they've put their people in place.
You have to understand that.
And so it's basically the CIA, but they do it through think tanks.
So the baseline is a bunch of cowards that will follow orders.
But now you're seeing the thoroughbreds of trash, the Fannie Willis's and The Lewis Kaplan's and all the rest of them, the prosecutors, the judges who think you're so stupid that Trump doesn't even get a jury on a case with $400 million.
Again, almost all these billionaires don't have $100 million in their room.
They're just moving forward.
People still thought we were in a free country, but I think now the veil is lifting.
People are waking up to the fact that this is, it's socially society destructing.
This is going to destroy your economy.
It's going to destroy your state.
You want to chase away the people who are actually generating revenue, paying the taxes to keep your social systems in order.
When they leave, when they get chased out, when the government usurps that and squanders it because government can't do crap the way private enterprise can, you're all going to suffer.
And as Trump has said a hundred times, and I'll say it again, they're not trying to get me or Trump.
They're trying to get through us to get to you.
And I look at you and I say, do you understand that they're cutting off our energy?
They're cutting off our fertilizer.
They're imploding our borders.
They're destroying our currency.
They're bringing this country down.
I realize I'm going down on the Titanic with all of you.
People that are boys, that are girls, that are people whose gender might be a little bit of both, or might even be
Some public schools and libraries invite drag queens, some dressed like torn demons, to read to young children.
Parents' rights are limited, and children's rights are put ahead.
So the child has the right to be protected from the parents when the parents behave badly.
Yeah, that child molester gets messed with the wrong preschooler.
What makes you think he's a child molester?
Oh, he's a child molester, believe me.
Every child molester I've ever met looks just like that.
*audio: gay little babies - the new generation* *audio: we're the ones - the new generation*
*audio: convert your children - the new generation* *audio: convert your children - the new generation*
*audio: disco - the new generation* *audio: disco - the new generation*
*audio: disco - the new generation* *audio: san francisco - the new generation*
*audio: san francisco - the new generation* And then you have talk show stars like Joe Rogan who just wing it, who make it up as they go along.
And because figures like Rogan are trusted by people that don't trust real newsrooms, we have a tension, a problem that's much bigger than Spotify, much bigger than any single platform, Kate.
But that's what's at the heart of this... Dammit, everything on TV sucks.
It's Alex Jones.
*Groans* *Screams*
*Groans* *Screams*
We're gonna beat your ass!
Fire! Fire!
It's all war! It's all war!
It's all war!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You piece of sh**!
You f****** damn f******!
Listen, f****** kid!
You f****** crossed the line!
Get that through your f****** damn f****** head!
Stop pushing your sh**!
We're gonna beat your ass!
You just get that through your stinking traitorous heads!
But I will stomp your head in if you start a fight with me, you thug scum!
You think I'm a coward like you?! !
Uh... I... We're... Uh... Whoa!
I just got invited to give the commencement address at Harvard this year.
That's amazing!
I'm gay!
*outro* Hi, who's that?
*laughs* Don't worry-
*siren* *siren*
*siren* *siren*
*siren* *siren*
*siren* *siren*
*explosion* *explosion*
I see you, enemy!
I see you, enemy!
You are my enemy!
You will pay!
Yeah, you think I don't see your face, scum?
You don't think I don't see you?
I see you, you understand me?
I know what you think of me and my family.
I see you, right back!
You understand that?
You understand that?
You will fall!
You will not bring humanity down!
God is going to destroy you!
*Scream* *Pew*
*Gibberish* *Gibberish*
*Gibberish* *Gibberish*
That was cool, the way he like...
Infowars.com *Gibberish*
*Gibberish* *Gibberish*
*Gibberish* *Gibberish*
*Gibberish* *Gibberish*
*Gibberish* *Gibberish*
*Gibberish* That's not really my gun poison, that. Just so you know.
*Laughter* Yeah, a lot of cool NFL Warriors.
We're live, folks.
Hour number two.
Wednesday, February 21st, 2024.
All right, the term gonzo journalism was coined in and around Hunter S. Thompson,
who just seemed to always write himself into his stories.
That's never been my intention, but I'm pretty much always in the middle of whatever stories are going on.
And the reason I wasn't here a couple days last week, and the first hour today, is that I'm in intense legal meetings with all of the bankruptcy of free speech systems and my personal bankruptcy all coming to a head here.
and decide the future of this operation.
And we've got Leticia James announcing that she's gonna go ahead and just seize
all of Trump's assets before the appeal and sell it all off.
They've put a former Bill Clinton operative in as the receiver to oversee all this
and run the Trump companies.
Imagine how that feels.
Well, that's basically the boat we're in.
But every day more people wake up, every day becomes more obvious,
every day we stay on air is a victory against these people who are having to just throw all caution to the wind,
all checks and balances to the wind to do this.
And to say the kangaroo court rulings with no juries and things like that in New York have woken people up is an understatement.
It's really woken people up.
I played that clip yesterday.
I'm going to play it again, actually, after we talk to Robert here a little bit, because I want to get his take on it, with Kevin O'Leary.
In fact, get it ready now, because Barnes is with us the rest of the hour.
I'm going to skip the breaks.
Most of the break's coming up, so we'll have plenty of time to talk to Barnes.
But O'Leary came out, played the three-and-a-half Fox, not the five-and-a-half CNN one, and he just nailed it.
He said, listen, this isn't about Trump.
This is about all checks and balances gone, a weaponized Democratic Party using the legal system to conquer everything.
And look, they've graduated more lawyers in the last 30 years than were in the history of the United States.
Look it up.
Like, Biden's produced more money in the last three years than the whole history of the United States.
I'm not saying all lawyers are bad.
You kind of need to fight fire with fire, but there's very few good lawyers, and they're just a bunch of crooks.
And they're mainly Democrats.
And they know exactly what they're doing.
So they're at war with us through the jurisdictions and systems they've created, or they've hijacked, and it's incredible.
So I wanted to get Barnes' expert take on the election coming up in nine months, and all the incredible persecution, and the Letitia James fiasco, and the E. Jean Carroll debacle, and now the real estate case with Trump.
No jury.
I mean, let that sink in.
Since when are there no juries?
At least in my kangaroo cases that Barnes did a great job covering, also worked on some, they at least had a jury decide how guilty I was.
At least they had a show trial.
I was already guilty, already decided, the judge said so, but they at least still trotted a jury out.
They're not doing that now, so here's O'Leary and we'll go right to Robert Barnes.
This award, I mean, just leaving the whole Trump thing out of it and seeing what occurred here, and I'm no different than any other investor.
I'm shocked at this.
I can't even understand or fathom the decision at all.
There's no rationale for it.
And so let me give you a real-time experience I'm having regarding this, and I'm not the only one.
It doesn't matter what the governor says.
New York Was already a loser state.
Like California's a loser state.
There are many loser states because of policy, high taxes, uncompetitive regulation.
It was already on the top of the list of being a loser state.
I would never invest in New York now.
And I'm not the only person saying that.
And here's a real-time situation.
In development in real estate right now, the hottest asset class is very high-end data centers.
They cost anywhere from two and a half to three and a half billion each.
They're very expensive, they require low power, you need permits, but most of the major institutions in the world need more data centers, and that's why developers like me are doing this.
Now, you need power.
So, New York has Niagara Falls.
Normally, you'd consider that to put in one of these facilities, create 400 jobs, 5 more jobs for each of one of those, for auxiliary services.
I can't go to New York.
So I'm going to Oklahoma, North Dakota, West Virginia.
Governor Stitt, Kevin Stitt, my staff have met with him.
Governor Bergen, the same thing.
Governor Justice.
Those are winner states.
They don't do things like this.
I have to syndicate that debt and all that equity.
We're talking billions of dollars here.
Do you think any foreign institution or any private equity firm or any pension fund would touch New York?
And that's why New Yorkers should be concerned.
The fine people of New York should ask themselves, why are we such a loser state?
How are we going to attract business?
It's not just the existing businesses that are fleeing out to Texas and Florida.
What about new money like this that I'm talking about?
Like a four billion dollar data center?
Not a chance I would put that in New York.
Zero probability.
And so they've got a lot of work to do to find themselves getting out of this situation.
This has all occurred post-pandemic.
Winner states versus loser states.
Look at Tennessee right now.
Fastest growing city in America.
Winner state.
Good policy.
Competitive taxes.
You've got to start thinking about this in the context of winners and losers.
New York.
Mega loser state.
So Kevin, what did you think of Governor Hochul saying, this is like a unique one and done because Donald Trump went too far and was so nefarious.
You guys, if you're just doing what you should be doing, you have nothing to worry about.
But they're very worried about it.
Yeah, we're very worried.
Every investor is worried because where is the victim?
Who lost money?
This is some arbitrary decision a judge made.
This policy and what this says, what does this say about the bar?
The legal bar in New York?
Aren't they going to question this judge?
$355 million and there's dollars as a penalty and there's plus interest at 9% and there's no victim?
What is this?
dollars as a penalty and there's plus interest at 9% and there's no victim?
I mean, I'm sorry, her words fall on deaf ears to everybody.
There's nothing she can say to justify this decision.
And this has nothing to do with Trump.
Nothing to do with Trump.
Forget about Trump.
This is not a Trump situation.
This is a New York problem now.
The whole world is looking at this saying, what are you doing to yourselves?
Well put, Kevin.
All right, constitutional lawyer, patriot, good friend of mine, Robert Barnes, joins us now.
This really is escape from New York.
The truckers are going to shut it down.
Businesses by the thousands are leaving a year now.
Thousands are saying they're going to leave on top of it.
And they're so arrogant, they just move forward.
I've got all these news articles, Democrat Congressmen and women, people saying, screw you, don't, you know, don't come here if you're pro-Trump.
Their cities are already destroyed, but they just keep doubling down, doubling down, Robert Barnes.
How long has the legal system been this corrupt?
And am I wrong to say that as soon as Trump got elected, now, seven years ago, that the establishment went totally crazy and said, okay, the left controls most of the courts and most of the judiciary, and most lawyers are Democrats, so we're just gonna go full Soros model, and we know he has seminars training people how to do this, To weaponize it and militarize it, and now they've done it, but it's totally blowing up in their face.
When I was being given show trials, there was some concern.
People were starting to wake up, but now it's epidemic, people waking up.
I mean, I go out on the street, and again, I'm famous, the average listener's not, that's great, you're private people, you're anonymity.
So a lot of negatives come with being well-known, but the good thing that comes with being well-known is I'm a gauge on how much hate I'm getting.
I mean, I probably shook, let's not exaggerate, 5,000 hands the last year.
Had one person come up and yell at me.
The last two years, maybe three, I was getting yelled at every day five years ago.
I would shake 20 hands before that, but I was getting a lot of hate.
Barnes, it seems that this issue, I mean, look at the black vote now doubling or more for Trump, and they say because they know he's being persecuted.
I think the power structure, I don't think I know, they really have bit off more than they can chew.
Give me your view on that and break down all these insane cases.
Yeah, and what we're seeing, the template was you, just as it was with the social media censorship.
That, you know, what happened to you with social media censorship then went to Trump.
And the whole world woke up to how dangerous it was.
The same thing we talked about in your legal cases.
The political, overt, partisan weaponization of our legal process to create Stasi-style, Soviet-style, Castro-style show trials from which the words originate in America.
And what they did is they got away with it towards you, so they thought, well, we can just do it to Trump now.
And as you note, the problem with that is that the whole world then is put on blast.
The whole world then has to recognize it, has to watch it, has to see it, observe it, understand it for what it is.
And that's what's taking place here.
I mean, all of these trials, as I've been saying, it was true of your cases, it's true of Trump cases, the American justice system is on trial here, and the American people's verdict is that the justice system is failing.
Not that Trump did anything wrong, it's that our justice system is delivering partisan preordained results that are counter basic common sense.
I mean here, for example, you have a total nutcase in E. Jean Carroll.
Everybody knows she's a nutcase.
And the judge keeps letting her sue over and over and over again.
And you have a federal judge lying to the world saying that Trump was found guilty of something that the jury, even a liberal Democratic New York jury, said he was not guilty of.
And now you have a case where there's no damages at all, no harm at all.
Everybody involved in the transaction say they would do it again tomorrow if they could, in the case of these very sophisticated banks.
That what Trump did was normal, usual, and customary.
And yet you have a judge saying he wants to basically bankrupt Trump, and the Attorney General who wants to, well, doesn't even want to wait for the appeal to be resolved before stealing as much of Trump's property as she possibly can.
Someone who got elected to the Attorney General's position, running on the Berea campaign slogan of, show me the man, I'll find you the crime, saying, I will go after Trump.
That she didn't go after- I mean, in New York, you're telling me there's nobody on Wall Street that's actually corrupt in New York?
There's no big banks that are actually corrupt in New York?
Just like the Obama administration.
You know, they went after people that were low-level people and they let all the big banksters off.
Here they target Trump, who's got to be the most innocent guy in the history of New York real estate construction.
They put him under macroscopic, microscopic investigation, and all they can come up with is a nut job to make false claims against him.
And a nut job judge who's had a history of unethical and unprofessional behavior, with a lunatic clerk who has unprofessional political partisan behavior, writing a decision that admits that there was no harm cause to anybody in the transaction, but he's going to steal half a billion dollars from President Trump because he's Donald Trump.
Now what this is, as President Trump truthed out yesterday, is an 8th Amendment violation.
This is an excessive fine under the 8th Amendment to the U.S.
And that has two important aspects.
One is it's grounds to invalidate this from ever happening to anyone else again.
That you cannot fine someone where there has been no harm to any identifiable victim.
And then second, it gives the Supreme Court of the United States the ability to get involved in this case because the New York courts have proven themselves untrustworthy and unreliable, even at the appellate level.
And the only question is, are they willing to not only sacrifice the credibility and integrity of the American legal system, are they also willing to sacrifice America's desirability as a place to invest?
Not only these individual states within the country, in terms of New York, Delaware, Illinois, California, all of whom have issued insane verdicts, Delaware against Elon Musk, California in multiple contexts, Illinois in multiple contexts, You shouldn't invest in these states.
You shouldn't be in these states if you can get out.
But if you're a foreign investor, why invest in the United States at all?
You have a Biden administration that's weaponizing the entire legal apparatus.
We're going to see a backlash like we saw with the Russian sanctions.
The sanctions on Russia led to a bunch of foreign investors deciding America is no longer a safe place to do business.
And what happens when they look at what's happening to Trump and decide even more people say, we don't want to do business in America.
By the way, Barnes, you're not just saying that for people that don't know the history.
Saudi Arabia is decoupled from the U.S.
India is.
This is devastating.
The blue cities are already devastated and there's already a flight out of these cities.
And now, I mean, no one invests in Venezuela because, you know, the government will grab your stuff, folks, for no reason.
I mean, I want to think there's a method to their madness.
You know, they have build back better, collapse things, take it over.
But they're collapsing their own power bases.
You've been in these courts.
You know these people.
You've been around the country.
These judges, these whack jobs, these Fannie Willis's, all of them obviously insanely corrupt.
You scratch the surface.
Everything they say about Trump is what they're doing.
Do they have any conscious understanding, second, third, fourth order, what they're doing?
Are they only thinking one dimensionally?
It's what we've been talking about, that we're in one of the most perilous times in American history, in world history, because these people not only have their moral compasses broken, they are intellectually incompetent.
They are like late-generation, late-stage colonial empires.
And that second and third wave of colonial administrators are not only morally corrupt, morally bankrupt, but intellectually daft.
You know, when Hillary Clinton is the kind of people you're putting up, you're not bringing their best.
And so the problem is, that's when we're at the most risk.
That's when the world is at the most dangerous stage.
Because that's what the kind of leadership we had that led to World War I. Where the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, all disappeared within a decade.
You know, they clearly weren't intending for their empires to fall apart, but that's what happens when you have so much intellectual incest and inbreeding that you produce an incompetent and corrupt class, as Tucker's talking about.
It was our ruling class.
Tucker said, I don't have a problem with the ruling class, I have a problem with this ruling class.
This ruling class is incapable and incompetent and dangerous to themselves and others.
And that's what they're proving.
I mean, they should have realized that they couldn't just replicate and repeat what they did to you, to Donald Trump, and get away with it when the whole world was watching when these cases happened.
And that's what I was saying earlier.
I'm just a bellwether.
But people apologize to me.
A restaurant, a gas station, sometimes multiple times, oh my God, you got screwed like Trump.
We didn't understand it.
I get all these emails, all these calls.
I mean, this has really resonated with people, this persecution of Trump.
And now they've got more cases that are going to start unfolding and it's backfiring.
And even the Wall Street Journal, New York Times are admitting, okay, this didn't work out.
Even Axelrod a month ago on National News said this backfired.
Oh completely!
And then you look at the utter embarrassment and disgrace when they put these judges and prosecutors under any degree of scrutiny.
So what you're seeing with Fannie Willis, this is someone who went, here you have the lead prosecutor, the lead law enforcement lawyer in Fulton County in Georgia, one of the biggest counties in Georgia, gets on the stand and commits open, overt, blatant perjury.
Perjury is proven by her own best friend's sworn testimony under oath.
Perjury is proven by the former law partner of her illicit lover, in which she not only engaged in unethical and unprofessional conduct, also engaged in campaign finance fraud and money laundering, but she committed perjury to try to cover up for it, and everybody knows it!
Sat there and said her relationship with him didn't start until 2022 and everybody knew it started back in 2019.
Making up stories about how she was reimbursing in cash.
Everybody knows that's false.
Claiming that she got it from campaign funds and then later trying to claim it was her funds.
Contradicting her own sworn testimony?
This is the person prosecuting President Trump and a bunch of good, honest, honorable people in the state of Georgia, like David Schaffer and others, for a completely made-up case.
Remember, in Georgia, the reason why there was any case brought at all is because Fulton County Courts corruptly failed to hear Trump's election contest in a timely manner.
Trump brought an election contest under Georgia state law.
I was part of that process.
And the courts were required to hear it within 10 days, and they never heard it at all.
And it's only because of the court's corruption, the court's failure, the court's incompetence, that any issue even occurred on January 6th.
And so it's the Fulton County Courthouse that's now on trial as to whether or not it will permit perjurous, lying criminal prosecutors from continuing to prosecute President Trump for made-up crime allegations.
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Alright, constitutional lawyer, really smart historian, good friend of mine, Robert Barnes is riding shotgun with us on this live February 21st, 2024, Wednesday transmission.
Let's pull back now and look at the big view with Russia routing Ukraine, pushing them out of the cities.
Now even the New York Times admits total collapse.
Biden's cognitive abilities are just degrading at a massively sped up rate.
We have more of the show trials getting ready to start against Trump.
We have the timetables there.
We have Trump continuing to surge.
It's backfiring.
We have all the economic issues that are bubbling around and going on.
How do you see this playing out with nine months out to the election?
Just big picture and then drill in different areas of it and then the war on the press we're seeing that really the biggest bellwether isn't even Alex Jones or Donald Trump because we've had our free speech massively attacked by Julian Assange.
No doubt.
I mean, in the UK, they held his hearings before the High Court as to whether or not they're going to allow Julian Assange to be extradited to the United States.
Australia has requested that he be released.
Leading press organizations and free speech individuals across the country have called for it.
Robert Kennedy has said that if he's elected president, the first thing he will do is to pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.
I think it would be useful for Trump to speak out on Julian Assange's behalf.
His corrupt Secretary of State and former CIA director, the testimony came out today in the UK courts that Pompeo was conspiring, just like Hillary Clinton was, to assassinate Julian Assange and thus he shouldn't be extradited to the United States.
But it's also coming out that some of the key members of the courts making these decisions in the UK, we're going to see a common theme here with what's happening with Trump in the United States, is that some of these courts are corrupted.
Some of them are connected to MI6.
Some of them are connected to the very intelligence agencies that were neck deep in the illicit activities towards Julian Assange, but also, as has been confirmed by Michael Schellenberger now and others, was behind Spygate all along.
The Five Eyes spies operation that we were talking about from the very beginning back in February of 2017.
Talking about how they were using the Five Eyes to launder illicit surveillance on President Trump, his campaign, his supporters, and then while he was President of the United States.
This goes to a deep state that is out of control.
The deep state is now weaponizing, as Mike Benz talked about with Tucker Carlson, the deep state is weaponizing everything to manipulate election outcomes and now they're resorting to manipulating the courts themselves.
The courts have become complicit and culpable in this level of manipulation.
And while all of this is going on in terms of President Trump, in terms of Julian Assange, in terms of political freedom in America, we have the case like Amos Miller in Pennsylvania.
That next Friday I'm going to be in a hearing in Lancaster County where they are trying to completely shut down this Amish farmer.
...to issue an injunction that would prohibit him from, get this, from feeding his own pigs, his own food, from his own farm!
Not just prohibiting him from distributing food to his own members, from being able to give it to those people who need it, but from feeding his own family, from feeding his own pigs!
They're saying that they get to decide everything.
So while Bill Gates is busy buying up farmland, they're trying to drive out the Amish farmers who make it in a traditional organic way that has us a lot healthier than what the big corporate agriculture controlled big ag system is today.
So we're facing unique threats.
They're trying to rig the 2024 election, but they're trying to rig it through the court process this time.
They're trying to control our food supply, control our political surveillance, control what we can say in social media.
They're trying to bankrupt every dissident through lawfare.
They're trying to bankrupt every political opponent, like President Trump, through lawfare.
And they're trying to lock him up!
I mean, they keep talking about Navalny, who is just a mid-level grifter, who didn't even go to the level of Lyndon LaRouche in Russian popularity, when right here in America is where the real political prisoners are, and the January 6th defendants, many of whom are still locked up today Three years later without even a trial being held on drummed up charges based on evidence we increasingly realize was fake or planted from the get-go.
We're seeing that in the pipe bomb evidence that Congressman Massey has put out.
We're seeing it in the other evidence from the video footage they've been hiding for years from these criminal defendants.
So President Trump said the other day, we have political prisoners right now and he is the number one political prisoner.
They want to lock him up with a bogus DC case.
They want to lock him up with a bogus Georgia case.
They want to lock him up with a bogus New York case.
Another New York case, going to go to trial in March.
Based on what?
Based on Trump being defrauded by an entrapment scheme of Stormy Daniels and her corrupt, imprisoned lawyer, Michael Avenatti.
I mean, how in the world is that criminal case going forward?
And then on top of that, Still has the Florida case where Jack Smith is trying to hide evidence that incriminates his indictment.
And what's the Biden Justice Department doing?
They're busy indicting their own informants who, because those informants ratted out Joe Biden by claiming that it's another Russiagate, another Russian conspiracy, that any allegation against Joe Biden must just be from Russia.
That, you know, the Russian nukes in space, and then Navalny wasn't working to get that $68 billion to the deep state money laundering machine known as Zelensky in Ukraine, and so now they're resorting to even more desperate measures and desperate attempts.
And that's the great risk that we face, is we have an incompetent deep state, the kind of deep state that led to the abolition of multiple empires in World War I, the kind of deep state that bred the conditions that led to the rise of both fascism and communism in Europe in World War II, a deep state that is so corrosively corrupt, so incestuously inept, that it endangers the freedom and liberty of all of us.
And still, if you look at the different judges and Fannie Willis, They look like super villains.
They're so crazed and smiling and laughing.
They're incredibly stupid, but they're also incredibly arrogant.
Dead reckoning.
How do you see this playing out, knowing that they don't realize they're losing hearts and minds, they don't seem to care, and they're just rolling forward.
Everything they do turns to crap.
Well, remember, think about it this way.
It's like that nut job lawyer that we had to deal with in some of your cases.
And imagine a nutjob like that getting to run the world, being in control of the State Department, being in control of the CIA, being in control of the World Economic Forum, being in control of judicial positions, prosecutorial positions.
I mean, that's what's so extraordinary about the Fannie Willis hearings.
You got to see just how not only corrupt these people are, but how incompetent they are, and how their arrogance far exceeds, as you point out, their intelligence.
The problem for the rest of us is that's when the world is most at risk.
So the key is the public resistance.
They were banking on the belief that their show trials would show well, that Americans would believe in the outcome, and that they would believe in the credibility and integrity of the institutions that produced that outcome.
And instead, all it's done is it's exposed how these institutions have been weaponized in ways that are directly contrary to the intent of these institutions and to any credibility or integrity they could ever have or lend to any case.
This is similar to what happened in your cases.
I mean, if they would have just prosecuted, if they had confidence that their case was legit, then they would have had an honest case with a trial on the merits in front of an honest jury.
They were terrified of that because they knew the facts didn't hold up well.
And that's what's happening in all these other cases.
As people see the E. Jean Carrolls of the world, they say this is ludicrous.
As Kevin O'Leary and others have said, they look at the New York judgment and they're like, how in the world can you be fined nearly half a billion dollars, including interest, when there's no victims of any kind for doing ordinary, everyday, customary business practices?
I mean, one of the ironies is this.
President Trump is likely going to post bond.
He doesn't have to post bond to appeal.
He only has to post bond to prevent them from collecting judgment while his appeal is pending.
But you know what he can use to post bond?
He can use Mar-a-Lago because an independent surety will come in and say that's worth close to half a billion dollars.
So even though the judge pretended it was only worth $18 million, an independent surety is likely to get him a bond-pending appeal because the real market value of that property is closer to half a billion than $18 million.
But our legal system is up against it.
If the Supreme Court of the United States does not step in in these cases, and immunity in other cases, Then we are at great peril.
Our American constitutional liberties are at great danger.
The election is at great risk of being undermined and interfered with again and manipulated again.
And so it's going to be up to ordinary... And Robert, that's my next question and you already led us there.
Look, I'd say on a scale of 1 to 100, Clarence Thomas, corruption-wise, is about a 2.
The Democrats are about, you know, 150.
I mean, oh, flew a few times with rich friends on vacations.
Had a 20-year loan on a coach that he paid off.
I mean, this is them saying things, in my view, that aren't corrupt or corrupt, but according to the very strict rules of the Supreme Court, even if it follows some of the allowances, you could say maybe it's on the line.
But we know the Democrats are totally protected.
The media is not going to cover them.
The Justice Department is not going to do anything.
But all this intimidation on Clarence Thomas, I don't think it's for him.
All these attacks, I think it's to scare the other so-called conservative members to get them in line.
So everything really is hanging on the Supreme Court.
And the Democrats seem pretty confident and full of chutzpah that they've got an ace in the hole.
I'm really concerned about blackmail against the Supreme Court.
I mean, the Supreme Court hopefully will at least step in and say they can't take Trump off the ballot.
No doubt.
That would be first key step number one to protect our constitutional governance in a fair and open election.
But the second is they need to take the immunity case.
They need to say that the president has immunity, that impeachment is a bar to prosecution under double jeopardy principles unless you are convicted for what you are impeached for.
That must be a precondition for presidential indictment.
Otherwise, a president can be extorted by any prosecutor anywhere in the world.
I mean, because what could happen is they could say, if you don't give us what we want as a president, then we'll prosecute you.
We'll indict you.
And we know that from third world countries where the presidents don't have their own separation of powers, immediately the bureaucracy becomes the boss of a captured president or prime minister.
So pulling back from that, What are you expecting to see them to do in lawfare since they've only doubled down?
I guess they're just going to double down again because it's the only power they have?
Yeah, it's the only thing they recognize.
They don't recognize limits.
They don't recognize restraint.
I mean, they're very much like the people who conducted those show trials in the Stasi for the Soviets, for Castro's Cuba, that they don't understand the blowback that they're going to continue to receive.
They can see it in the public opinion polls that they're being unsuccessful there, but they don't understand how much they're endangering their own institutions.
And I think the only thing that could get the Supreme Court to step in is to save the courts from themselves.
And right now the problem is America's legal system is looking... I mean, I'm getting emails and messages from people around the world shocked by the New York case, the latest New York case, saying this is what... Because what most people don't know is foreign investors invest in America because of our legal system.
They believe it's the most impartial, the most predictable, the most rational.
and they're looking at what's happening to Trump and they're like, "Oh!"
Well that's not in China or even Singapore or anywhere.
The government can just come take your stuff.
You've got Hodge Schill, the New York governor, saying, "Oh, don't worry.
This is only selective against Trump," which made people even more scared.
They go, "Oh, you admit it's purely political."
And for people who don't know, we have massive inflation going on.
The Federal Reserve was founded in 1913.
It's accelerated and basically amplified to the 10th power in the last three years.
And so that's why Trump could buy Mar-a-Lago, I forget, for like $10 million, $20 million.
Guys, look at what Trump bought Mar-a-Lago for, you know, back in the late 80s or whatever.
Well, of course now it's worth a half a billion because of inflation.
Hell, I bought a house for a million bucks and, you know, sold it for five times that and used it to fund InfoWars.
But the point is that was only in like four years.
It went up like, I mean, inflation is out of control.
So for the judge to go, without a real estate license or anything in another state, oh look, I say it's worth $18 million because that's what it was valued at 30 years ago, is preposterous.
And anybody in real estate, down to a single family that owns a half million dollar house in the Midwest, they know that that's a load of crap.
They know that, wait, there's no, as you said, no victim?
The banks came and testified.
No, he won his business.
He's one of our best clients.
I mean, of course you value when you're building something that's going to be really valuable.
So you get the money to build it, and then you hope that pans out.
And with Trump, it always panned out.
He's just doing standard, clean, real estate developer operations.
And then now everybody in the real estate business, as you said, worldwide sees that and says, is America closed for business?
Oh, exactly.
I mean, in Mar-a-Lago, I mean, Trump was smart.
He bought up the ocean rights so that he forced Mar-a-Lago to sell to him because he controlled the ocean rights.
But basically, he remade that entire property, and he did so in one of the hottest real estate markets in the entire world.
And so we know the value of Mar-a-Lago because we know neighboring properties that are half the size with half the water rights are right now on the market for $125 million.
No, no, no, no, no.
A two-acre lot?
I think he sold for $40 or $50 million just a month ago.
And so you're looking at his premium property that he has added a premium brand to.
You combine the two and the real estate market in that Palm Beach region, at least a quarter of a billion dollars is what it would sell for.
At least a quarter of a billion.
And he has credible claims that he could get double that for it.
And that's the entire, I mean, that by itself is sufficient, not including all the other
Trump brands.
And truth, even though the SEC tried to interfere with it, finally, they capitulated.
They didn't want to get into a massive legal war and expose how politicized the SEC has
become, going after a lot of crypto companies, trying to treat crypto as a security in order
to be able to wipe out and regulate and monitor and really eliminate as competition, as you're
talking about from the Federal Reserve, independent currency in the form of Bitcoin.
That if you do that kind of dynamic, but they finally folded and truth is now going to go
The stock value alone is independently estimated to be worth $4 billion.
And while we're at it, go back to that article, put it back on screen for TV viewers.
I'm going to read it for radio listeners.
Naples is on the other side of Florida.
It's not the most elite area where Trump is.
Look at the size of that house.
It's not even that big.
This is inflation, folks.
$295 million for that!
Mar-a-Lago is like 15 times bigger than that, with a giant golf course, and the most prestigious people live there, and they're claiming that just sold for $295 million, and then Barnes is saying, conservatively, Mar-a-Lago is worth $250 million.
Look, Trump's got offers that's come out for half a billion right now.
So again, that little rat judge said, I'm charging you myself, no jury, and I'm going to take over your empire and $350 million judgment with $100 million or more in penalties and interest.
Everybody sees through it, Robert.
Oh, no doubt.
And it's the good thing with all of this is like Trump keeps almost accidentally waking up the world to deep state corruption.
That just as, you know, Russiagate and everything that happened to him and the bogus impeachments and the stolen election of 2020, all of that woke up a lot of Americans to problems that you had been warning about for a quarter century or more.
But many Americans were asleep because they hadn't seen it at the scale to which it happened to Trump.
And Trump was just trying to be an independent guy.
Trump wasn't going in there like Bobby Kennedy to actually overthrow the whole power structure.
Trump was just going there to have common sense added to the equation in our foreign policy.
And he thought if he brought all the elites to the table and said, hey, we'll do great policies, you'll have great success.
All of them got richer under him, but see, it was about the power they wanted to control through their globalist committees.
They didn't want an actual president.
And so that's where Mitch made a mistake.
He came in and thought, I'll bring him to the table, we'll make a great business deal.
And now he learned, no, no, no, they don't want America to do well.
I mean, they're power freaks, and they can't afford even the smallest deviation from their control agenda.
Not at all.
They're like true control freaks.
I mean, that's what you've been explaining for a quarter century.
If you get into the mindset of these people, they're obsessive control freaks.
You don't have to read about Bentham's Panopticon or Foucault's surveillance state to understand that, fundamentally, these people are... Think about somebody you knew in your life that was an obsessive control freak.
That's who these power structure people are.
They want to control every... Look at Bill Gates.
He's a personification of this.
You know this guy is an obsessive control freak.
He wants to control every little thing.
To the point that, like the Amos Miller case, they want to control what food you have in your own refrigerator.
Even if it's only 1%.
I mean, the entire farm-to-table market in America is less than 2% of all food supply.
And yet you have the state government of Pennsylvania trying to eliminate even that.
Because they want 100% control.
They're obsessed with the control.
And that's who their mindset is.
And that's why they could not allow Trump to deviate even the most minor amount from their control-driven agenda.
And what it's now being exposed Is now that they've weaponized every aspect of our legal system, they thought they would expose Trump.
What has happened in attacking Trump, they have exposed themselves, and they've exposed the major problems in our legal system.
The corrosive corruption in our courts, in our prosecutorial offices, in the Justice Department.
In ways that now we realize we need institutional reform in order to remedy.
And that's one of the greatest benefits of Trump, has been almost like the movie being there, he's accidentally exposed the deep flaws that you've been talking about for a quarter century and has woken up millions of people around the world to our need for institutional reform so this won't keep happening over and over again.
From all your sources in D.C.
and around the country, because you definitely get around, Robert, what's the big picture?
How's the power structure, the corrupt Duggan power structure, how are they feeling right now?
How's the Justice Department in Mayorkas and the open borders?
I mean, they've got to know how hated they are.
They do to a degree, but they live in their own unbubbled universe to a large extent, and so they're very much like those arrogant elites that led us into the Great Depression, those arrogant elites that led us into World War I. They are people that are disconnected from ordinary Americans.
I mean, they still think the economy's good.
For the working class, for Zoomers, for Millennials, the economy has stunk for four years.
Their expenses, everything, their food, their housing, their education, their entertainment, their transportation, has all cost a lot more than their wages and incomes have gone up.
A lot of their jobs are crap.
Most of the new jobs have gone to immigrants, not to native-born Americans.
We have 7 million illegal aliens in just three years that have come in, creating crime problems all across America and stealing jobs from working-class communities, including working-class minority communities and major urban centers like Chicago and New York and LA.
That's leading to political rebellion.
So they unleash George Soros-style chaos.
And what they don't appreciate and still don't get is that the people around the world and the American people won't take it.
That they're going to continue to push back and they need to push back because it's the only thing that's going to stop them from taking complete control and wrecking everything.
I'm going to get John Harmon in here that takes the calls.
We're going to fire up the phone system after Robert Barnes leaves us.
But bottom line, Robert, we're living in a very interesting time of change.
And it's a very, very exciting moment to be alive, and everything we say and do now echoes through history with an even louder reverberation.
We're in a real critical time of flux, and all the good men and women out there need to realize that now is the time to speak out, now is the time to expose things, because the minds of the public right now are very open to being awakened.
Well, just think, the way people can understand what they think about Trump is how they thought the weaponization of the legal system against you would work.
They thought you would be off the air when the lockdowns happened, when the 2020 election steal happened, when the lawfare against Trump happened.
When they try to create new wars in Europe and in the Middle East at the same time.
When the most corrupt administration in his fraudulency the second and Joe Biden took power.
They expected Infowars to be off the air.
Alex Jones to be bankrupt and busted and gone and quiet and silent.
And the Infowars audience to be eliminated.
And it's because they refuse, the audience refused to go away.
The audience refused to quit sharing the links.
The audience refused to go along with what the lawyers demanded and instead went to places like InfoWars store and bought the products that make them healthier and wealthier as well to be able to keep InfoWars on the air that this independent information is even out there.
That this critical voice that becomes a clarion call to the rest of the world, to other commentators, to other informed individuals, so that we maintain this tip of the spear against this elite power grab that is necessary to preserve and protect our constitutional liberty.
So I encourage people to continue to go to Infowarsstore.com, continue to share the links, because you are collectively, as long as you never forgive, you never forget, and you hold the line, we will be able to protect American constitutional liberty for our grandchildren as well.
Robert, that's the key thing at the end here is, people are waking up, we're starting to win battles, and things are only better if we stay awake and say no, than if we roll over and capitulate, and a lot of really positive things are happening.
Robert Barnes, people can find you by just simply searching your name, or vivabarneslaw.locals.com and at barnes underscore law on X. Robert, talk to you soon.
Thank you so much.
Ladies and gentlemen, sold out for five months.
Glad to be here, Alex.
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Popeye takes spinach.
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Folic acid.
What's in that?
This is the breakdown concentrate of folic acid after the cells break it down.
So this just goes right in there like nitrous oxide in a race car, okay?
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I can't even take this, okay?
Okay, I turn into a psychotic goblin, okay?
But I'm just telling you right now, you want next level financial energy, get it.
All right, we're into our number three today, and what InfoWars is going through is a smaller model of what President Trump's going through.
So I'm very thankful for you all standing with us.
They're tying Trump down with hundreds of lawsuits.
Was it five, six criminal indictments where he's got to constantly show up to all this crap?
And coming up next month, I've got some hearings in federal court, bankruptcy.
Had to make a bunch of decisions, have legal meetings.
I had to go deal with bankruptcy stuff last week for two days.
I had to deal with it this morning.
And I don't let the enemy win.
This is what Trump's doing.
I then come in and do extra shows at night and special reports and Saturday shows.
We've been doing the Sunday Show forever.
Just to counter that, I'm not going to let them win, but Trump's like 78 years old, man, and you've only got to admire his stamina, his energy, his fortitude.
He's certainly not perfect, none of us are, but our shared enemies are coming after President Trump, and he needs your support, and quite frankly, so does InfoWars.
Alright, I got a lot of news, a lot of clips, a lot of big stories to hit.
But I also want to open the phones up in this hour on the weaponization of the legal system and being used against the American people and the Amish and citizens that live near the border being overrun and murdered and killed and the feds not even prosecuting the people that assault them or kill them.
I mean really, what do you, here's my question listeners, what do we do about the weaponized legal system and judiciary?
Because they don't control every jurisdiction but very quickly Soros It hasn't just taken control of almost every city and a lot of small towns, but they've got the judges and the prosecutors and the mayors.
When I say Soros, he's the main mover, the guy that puts his head up above the parapet with his son Alexander.
But I mean, it's worse than you know if you're just a common person, which is great to be common.
Boy, I wish sometimes I was just a regular person in a nine-to-five job and under the radar, but what people are figuring out is They're coming after everybody, and they're cutting off the public's energy, they're shipping fentanyl in, they're devaluing our dollar.
The globalists have it out for America because we were founded as a Christian nation, and a nation that was free and open.
You didn't have to be Christian, but it was founded as that, and it produced so much wealth and so much success and so much power that the globalists have hijacked the country, but they're threatened by the potential re-assurgence.
You ever cut down a tree?
Or maybe a high windstorm comes through and a big, pretty oak tree you got in the backyard breaks and falls down and gets struck by lightning.
And then you saw it off at the bottom and cut it up for firewood.
But then the roots sprout and a whole bunch of little trees come up.
And if you leave them alone, you can then later trim some of the smaller ones, but you'll get two or three trees out of the one tree.
That's really what's happened in the liberty movement is all this persecution has caused and all this cutting down of liberty lovers has actually caused a resurgence at the grassroots.
And that's really where they miscalculated.
So it's an amazing time to be alive.
But that's why the globalists, on one hand, don't calculate that their oppression is going to make people mad and there's going to be blowback.
On the other hand, even when people were asleep, there wasn't a big resistance going on.
The establishment instinctively knew that it could always come back.
And so that's why they're trying to hold our head underwater.
That's why they're doing these terrible things to us.
So we're going to open the phones up for first-time callers on this huge subject of tyranny and judicial reform and where you think it's all going, what you think should happen to President Trump and the war on the free press and their obvious attempts to steal the next election as well.
It's a huge subject area, and I'd love to get your take on it.
And we will take your phone calls here today.
877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX, and we will take your phone calls here today.
I wanted to come back, though, and get into some of Trump's amazing statements last night.
And then we've also got a lot of other news on cutting off the energy, which I know you
know they're doing, but it's next level when I hit this next piece of news.
We've also got Putin standing up against the pedophiles.
Made a cry by the left here in America.
And Iran clearly supplying underwater drones to Yemen.
Now look, I don't want war with Iran, but just because our government's corrupt doesn't mean Iran's good either.
Iran is out of control.
And I'm not saying blow them up.
We're taking your phone calls on weaponized judiciary and the court systems and how do we counter it.
Interspersed with a ton of big breaking economic, military, and cultural news that I'm going to hit here in just a moment.
Bearded trainee slams girls.
High school basketball player into the court.
Team forfeits over injuries.
We're going to be hitting that here in a moment.
A bunch of Trump clips, but I wanted to play this short clip first.
Hello Americans, I'm Paul Harvey.
If I were the devil.
If I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I'd set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please.
To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old, I would teach to pray after me.
Our father, witch art in Washington.
And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect the discipline of Just let those run wild.
Within a decade, I'd have prisons overflowing, I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.
And in his own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct, I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
Ladies and gentlemen, now you know the rest of the story.
I can show you and you've already seen it yourselves an hour-long compilation just a clip after clip of in MMA and boxing and wrestling and weightlifting And in track, and in swimming, in everything, men dominating women's sports.
And in the case of MMA and boxing, men brutally breaking the cheekbones of women.
Why do the women even compete in that?
Why do people buy tickets to that?
Because BlackRockPak said, well we've got video out of Massachusetts, bearded tranny slams girl High school basketball player on the court, team forfeits over the injuries.
What a clown show!
You've got a guy, with a beard, out there beating up girls.
And we call this openness.
We call this progressiveness.
And the left sits there and defends it.
Because if they can get away with this, They can get away with that.
They can get away with anything.
Go ahead and roll it with audio.
[Audio plays]
So, this is America.
A dude with a beard who's about a foot taller than any other girls.
Parents go to this?
Pull your children out, tell the school you're not coming back.
No one should be on that basketball court.
Just like the truckers are not going to deliver to New York, just like the businesses are pulling out of New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, California, Washington, Oregon, Illinois.
There's still a lot of good people in those states, folks, but they're run by absolute crazed demons.
And that dovetails with the latest speech of Vladimir Putin.
It's in Russian, so I'm not going to play it, but I'll read it to you.
Don't touch the kids, Putin tells the, quote, gays.
And that's out of state-run RT, which isn't even strong enough.
It's, don't touch the kids, Putin tells the pedos.
The new definition of the gays is wanting to be with children.
So just a few years ago it was, let us marry.
And Putin says, hey, you want to, you know, As an adult, that's your freedom.
But leave kids alone, and stop attacking the family, and stop recruiting, and stop targeting children, or we're going to throw your ass in prison.
And they say that this is horrible homophobia.
So, liberals and leftists and the LGBTQPS, the P and S's for pedophilia and satanism, they're able to promote it now, As a bandwagon group, that's what's being promoted now.
That's what's being defended.
And, oh, Putin's bad for saying, don't touch the kids.
It's like the Pink Floyd song.
We don't need no education, no dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Hey, teachers, leave them kids alone.
In fact, can you guys queue that song up?
I want to play the intro over there in a moment.
You look at the left on the bottom, and they're mindless, they're zombies, they're out of control.
And you ask, how could they have gotten like this?
The drugs, the culture, black, white, everybody's getting hurt by it.
And you ask, why are the controllers doing it?
Because again, if you'll accept two men having a baby, or Your daughter is in MMA and she goes to a match and a dude that outweighs her by 50 pounds gets in there and breaks her jaw and you put up with that?
Well then there's nothing... There's nothing that you won't put up with.
Yeah, look at this new story on InfoWars.com.
Talk about what AI can be programmed to do.
AI programmed honestly could do a lot of helpful things.
It will still, though, replace humans to a great extent.
Google's woke AI image generator refuses to create white people, period.
Says the existence of white people is bad.
Will not allow the image of a white person.
And this is all run by the big banks.
This is all programmed by a bunch of old white men.
Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Larry Fink, Eric Schmidt.
We do have an old white person problem.
And some are Christian, some are Jewish, some are atheists, some are whatever they are, but it's old white men.
Because they're cold-blooded.
They can look at the numbers and say, well, whites are 7% of the world population.
We'll just brainwash everybody.
The problems in the world are white people.
And then point everybody at the white people that are just in the same boat as everybody else and use racial politics to control everybody.
Absolutely disgusting.
So Google AI will not show white people.
It eliminates white men from searches.
So, you know, you can be an open, free guy, love whoever you want, do whatever you want.
People love each other, get them married.
And then you turn on the TV, and every commercial on every channel is mixed-race couples.
And you say, funny, whether you're great, you want to ban the image of two white people together, okay.
How is there so much control in the media that you got a thousand channels on your dish, or your cable, or your streaming, and you're going through the channels and you never see a white family?
See, first they got rid of the image of a male being a good role model.
In the movies, in the culture, with black people they paid the women not to have men in the house since the 60s.
You saw what that did.
And now, oh, we will never show a white family ever.
Separate why they're doing that from the bigger question, how the hell is there so much control through thousands of companies and hundreds of channels to never show a white family ever?
And now they're announcing they're going to go in and reanimate and use AI to re-edit all the old movies.
And they're doing other stuff, like adding chemtrails to all the old Disney movies and things.
They're adding... Not the condensation trails, those are real too, but the chemtrails, which the CIA former director admits they're doing.
My point is, they're editing out history everywhere and it's part of a larger plan.
So think about that.
Think about that.
And what they really want to do is get rid of everybody's culture.
If two people of different colors care about each other, like each other, want to get married, great.
More power to them.
We only think about this the way the media pitches it.
Why do they never show a same racial couple?
And conservatives focus on why is it, you know, it's not just whites being targeted.
Do you ever think that it also shows black people never together?
That it's somehow bad if black people like black people?
And by the way, that's how genetics works.
I mean, in any species of mammal, people tend to like people that are more like them.
And so what the system's really saying is, we want everybody totally divided, so that there aren't different groups.
A Tower of Babel.
It's in the Old Testament.
Whether you think it actually happened, or whether it's an allegory, They wanted a world government, they wanted all the peoples together in one big tower, one big city.
And God said, I don't want total centralization, because through that you get the spirit of Antichrist.
So God said, none of you can now communicate.
That's what Elon Musk told the World Government Summit last year.
They wanted total unification, where we have chips in our brains and all communicate with each other at the same time.
Even though Elon Musk pushes chips for handicaps and stuff like that, the point was he said, I don't think we need a one world government because then everything is unified by one controlling group.
And then that's called slavery.
So these are some big, big, big issues that need to be discussed.
And when you see it and you witness it, I'm going to again ask the question.
If you can academically debate all day why every couple is mixed race on TV, You can debate where that agenda come from.
Okay, okay.
How did the government and the media get so intertwined, unless it's the independent free internet, how did they ever get so intertwined and so controlled That I don't care what show it is.
You know, my wife and I really don't watch Netflix shows together.
What we do is, and I'm going to start setting the camera up at home and showing this, we'll sit there for an hour after our younger daughter goes to bed.
And we'll just go through the cowboy shows and the science fiction shows and the drama shows and play the trailer.
And in every trailer, the men aren't in charge, all the bosses are women, the hero's a woman, the woman kicks all the men's asses, and of course, that's not the real world.
So ask yourself, why is that that way?
Well, Hollywood has said, we're owned by Black Rock and others, and we're given what's supposed to be in the script, and if we don't have that in the script, we don't get money.
You can say, okay, well fine, let Hollywood extinct itself.
But see, through the ESG system, that's what they call it, it's going to be down to what kind of car you drive, what you eat, where you go, who you associate with, what you do.
That's the social credit score.
And if you want to get independent people under that control, you first got to get all the corporations in line so that they can enforce it on you.
So in today's world, it's never show a man in charge, never show a man competent, never show a man strong, show women kicking all the men's asses.
But then twist it and have biological men kicking women's asses in sports and say they're women.
See, it's all meant to confuse people.
And then never show a white family.
And then now Google AI won't generate you a white man.
You type in, show me a Caucasian man.
Show me a white person.
Won't show you a white person because being white's bad.
I remember just a few years ago, remember it was like 10 years ago now, Google refused to put up a little doodle.
You know, you go to Google.com almost every day.
Let's go to Google.com right now.
Most days, there'll be some weird communist that died, or some socialist, or some trans person, or some pedo promoter.
You know, it's usually something disgusting.
Occasionally it's something, you know, Jacques Cousteau, or something interesting.
Jacques Cousteau was for depopulation.
I saw Jacques Cousteau once.
But they'll never on Easter, never on Christmas, never on Good Friday for Catholics, ever show A Christian doodle, and it gets worse.
Remember than Google six, seven years ago.
Just go to google.com guys, put the front page up please.
See if there's a doodle today.
There's nothing today.
The Google calendars removed all Christian holidays from the calendar.
Now see, that was years ago.
So all I'm saying is, if I went on Google AI and I said, because maybe I was doing a presentation on Black History or Michael Jordan or George Washington Carver or Louis Farrakhan.
I interviewed Louis Farrakhan.
Let's say I want to re-update it with a little AI intro.
We're actually looking to re-release the Louis Farrakhan.
He'll actually look into some of that.
And I go, I type in Louis Farrakhan and I get a White woman.
Or an Indian woman.
I just, I want Louis Farrakhan.
I'd be like, what the hell?
Now imagine the scandal if, and it actually is super censored so they'll probably do it.
If you went and you tried to create an AI image of Louis Farrakhan and it wouldn't show you Louis Farrakhan, you'd say that's, that's wrong.
Because they're, they're blocking somebody out of history.
Well imagine white men The Google AI won't even let you do that, because white men are bad.
Just like, and I've really seen this for a long time, because I don't care as long as they're competent, but they're mainly men.
That's who gets into that type of thing, usually.
They try to make women get into it.
Most of them don't want to do it.
They want to, fine.
I've been on planes with female pilots.
Didn't feel bad.
But they've said, two months ago, the FAA, we're going to start hiring mentally ill people to fly airplanes.
What is that about?
That's about getting away with anything.
It's about creating precedent so crazy that anything will go.
All right, I'm going to go to break.
I'm going to come back with Dean and James and Lily and Jen and Rick and Tony and Zach and Anthony and Mary and Alan.
Or Eileen, sorry.
And that'll be it for the calls.
I'll get to every one of you.
And again, when they say, oh, we've got all these women pilots now, it's all about, oh, they're in the group, and it's all real liberal, and it's, oh, it's all women pilots, and only women are allowed.
See, it's all segregating into groups that the corporations then control.
Because they don't want women and men together.
They don't want families together.
They don't want people that are proud of their white culture, not because they're racist, but because they're proud of themselves.
There are black movements that are out there where they talk about how black women can't hardly get a husband because nobody wants to get married and they're too busy changing some other color because they've been told that.
And there's major black movements saying, hey, we should, you know, be proud of ourselves and proud of the fact we're black.
And look, if people love each other, I'm not attacking you.
I'm saying Why is it being force-fed?
Because there's an agenda here, people.
It's that simple.
And you've got to ask yourselves why that is.
And I don't like my children.
I got four children.
One's 21, 19, 16, and almost 7.
And I want them to be proud of the fact they're human, proud of the fact they have European ancestors, a little bit of Native American.
And I want them to be proud of being Americans and Christians and white.
But also proud of everybody else in their heritage, and if they like somebody or love somebody, and that's the thing, that's what they want to do, that's fine.
But it shouldn't be imprinted on them this guilt that the Earth's dying, kids are all bad, you're killing the Earth, there's too many people, the world's gonna end, that really screws kids up.
And then the culture openly teaches as young as fifth grade that it's inherently bad because you're white.
Some innocent white child is hearing that.
But imagine the black kids in there, or the mixed kids in there.
And they're hearing, white people are bad, but I was told we should all judge people off of what they stand for, and what they do, and what they produce.
And now you're hearing the opposite.
That really screws up children.
And it's evil.
And it's not being done to create unity or indiscrimination.
It's being done by a ruthless globalist because it will destroy society.
It will destroy civilization.
I got a lot more to get to, but I want to take your calls first.
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Media matters, the Democratic Party, MSNBC and others have asked me to apologize for making a parody video game criticizing the deep state and all the corruption.
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Go f*** yourselves!
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In the final equation, everything coming out of Hollywood, everything coming out of the corporate media, everything coming out of D.C., is meant to destroy you and your family.
So it's real simple.
You can study this 24-7 like I do and fight it all the time and be a super expert at it, or you can just realize everything you've ever been told is a lie by these people, and they're out to get you, and whatever they say, don't leave a damn word of it.
I mean, it's real simple.
And I got one more article I want to hit here, and then I'm going to your calls.
Look, I beat a dead horse on this, but if you want to know if your government's out to get you, all you gotta know is this, okay?
Biden killed the Keystone Pipeline that would have cut gas prices 50 cents on average and created hundreds of thousands of jobs after it was built.
He banned all new oil exploration, gas, he cut off thousands of permits to repair pipelines around the country.
India gets 40 bids for commercial coal mines.
So America can't use coal.
America can't mine coal.
But India has now surpassed China in production.
Nothing against the Indians.
I just want us to have a few jobs.
And so our companies have moved there, where they get cheap energy and coal.
And they go, oh, we can't burn it here.
It's bad for the environment.
India doesn't have scrapers on their coal-fired plants.
You look at one of our coal-powered plants for Europe, I mean, it's a big complex building with all these tubes and things, because nothing comes out but water vapor and carbon dioxide.
It's clean, as a whistle.
Not China, not India, not Mexico.
So the left, who's in bed with the globalists and has all the factories, they forcibly move everything overseas, where there's no environmental controls, kill all our clean stuff, And then say it's for the earth.
It's just, if people had a basic understanding of energy, they would know this wasn't true.
New Delhi.
India has received a total of 40 bids for some of the 32 commercial coal mines that were available for auctioning in December.
The government has a statement on Monday adding the bids will be open February 20th.
To the world's largest, or second largest coal user.
After China.
And they're boosting it and building more coal power plants.
We cannot compete.
And that is a boot on our neck, folks, that affects you no matter what color you are.
When they cut your energy off, they're killing you.
They're cutting the fertilizer off around the world.
And I keep explaining this, and you're going to wonder why food prices explode, and why there's crime, and why it's horrible, why the third world collapses.
It's all being done administratively!
But you turn on the TV and it's all about how white people are bad.
What the hell does the white guy down the street that's an insurance salesman have to do with the new world order cutting off your power?
Yeah, there's coal mines in India.
All right, let's go to the calls.
I'm going to shut up now.
Anthony in Los Angeles, thanks for holding it on the air.
Go ahead.
God bless you.
First off, thank you for all your incredible service to humanity.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
I wanted to get into something that I read a while back, and it's the Key of Solomon.
It was written in 900 B.C., and it talks about the five cursed nations.
And what's interesting about those five cursed nations is that they are groups of people.
The aggressors, the violent ones, the cowards, the voluptuous ones.
I would say that those are the pedophiles and those are in the child sex.
And then the anarchists.
And if you think about what's happening now, basically, you know, 2,000 years later, it's interesting.
And you talked about the judicial system.
Well, if someone doesn't stand up with a spine, they're either compromised or they're cowards.
I don't know how else to actually look at it.
And I think there needs to be To borrow your term, a great awakening with people so that they understand some of these aspects, so that they can fight through them.
Because wisdom is priceless.
It's not painless, but it's priceless.
And if we look at what we're up against, we're up against the forces of darkness, and it's the forces of light that win.
God wins.
We've seen that in World War I, we've seen it in World War II, and this is a global aspect now.
And when you say nations, it's satanic nations of people with kindred spirits.
So they can be black, they can be white, they can be brown.
What he's saying is there's the armies of Satan categorize themselves into groups according to what sin they like the best.
Absolutely, 100%.
And that's why this is, again, it's, you think about humanity, and we have a higher nature and a lower nature.
You can have a black guy and a white guy and an Asian woman, they're all Antifa, they're all into Satanism, they're all into Communism, they're all into perversion.
They're different colors, but their spirit's the same.
Well, it's, they're individual souls, but they're operating through their lower nature.
That's why we have free will.
No, no, no, you're right, you're right.
They're different people.
What I'm saying is they're resonating to the same satanic spirit, though.
It's like energies attract like energies, opposites repel.
I mean, it's a law of nature.
It's a law of consequence.
If I throw a ball at a wall, the ball's going to bounce back.
The only termination is, where's the wall?
So what do you think is going to happen with the corrupt judiciary and Trump?
With Trump, I mean, for me...
The guy's amazing, you know what I mean?
I remember hearing an interview with him in the White House.
And so what do you think about that chair behind the desk?
Because that chair just stays warm for 48 years.
And I was like, wow, that makes sense.
Because for 48 years, the Democrats elected and then their populace is happy.
For 48 years, a Republican is elected and their populace is happy.
He came in and disrupted the whole situation.
I do think that he will overcome this because he is backed by the forces of light.
I absolutely believe that.
I think that we need to, he needs to get in front of the Supreme Court so that they can actually understand where we're at as a nation and within history of where we're at because this is the tipping point.
And if we lose the judiciary, I mean look at politics.
Look at law, look at education, look at like the seven fields of human endeavor.
I mean, there's so much of that lower nature.
People need to fight that tyranny.
We need to fight the lower nature, fight those five accursed nations within, so they can become more godlike.
I could talk to you all day.
I'm going to jump to everybody here.
Thank you, sir.
Great points.
Mary in Pennsylvania, thanks for calling.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for all you do.
What I'd like to say is that we wrestle against these dark forces, and they are dark forces.
It's one thing, nobody's above the law, okay?
But nobody should be a target of the law and using the color of law to take away people's rights.
And Fannie Willis and all of them, but also Letitia James, they said, we're running for office to get Trump.
I mean, Letitia James said that, and then there's no victim.
And people say, well, it's cruel and unusual.
I agree with you.
Even if he did something wrong, he didn't do anything wrong.
He has one of the best investment records out there.
There's no victims.
And the only victim is us people, us Americans.
The American jurisprudence in this country is a shamble.
It's a shame.
I'm outraged.
You're right.
And let me tell you, I've experienced it.
They are hiring the worst people they can.
I mean, they are just hiring horrible demons.
And we've got to pray for Trump.
He's under such attack.
People say, oh, he's not perfect.
Well, you know what?
Our enemies are coming after him.
And that's 100% real.
God bless you.
God bless you, Mary.
Thank you.
Aline in Washington.
Thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First, I wanted to say your products are fantastic.
I've been ordering for well over 10 years and I just order everything.
I keep Vitamin Mineral Fusion on hand.
I take it every day I drink it.
I have Winter Sun.
I buy the zinc and vitamin C tablets.
I buy the X2 and X3.
I bought all the vitamins that I can get for my son.
Let me say this Eileen, let me thank you.
You're the reason we're still on air.
So thank you so much.
Oh and I've got both your books signed and I've ordered extra books that I've given away.
I ordered t-shirts and give them away to friends and family.
I have to say you just have the greatest products and this has been something that I've been doing for well over 10 years.
And I just, please stay in business.
I appreciate your fight, because you being on air has just given me incentive to hang in there.
I live in a state where we're ruled by people who don't have our best interests in mind.
I mean, I can't wait until we can get rid of Inslee and get rid of the couple senators we've had.
You know, the tennis shoe senator and all that.
We need to get rid of these people and get new ones.
And believe me, I vote.
I vote.
And it's sad because here we have mail-in ballots only.
And I worry that my votes are not, you know, counted correctly.
But the second thing I wanted to say to you is President Trump, it just breaks my heart what they're doing to him.
It's so bad.
These people, I don't even know where these people come from or how they get appointed to these offices.
New York is a pit.
and I, you know, I just feel terrible. I mean, I...
Well, you know how they do it. Look, look, look, there's...
Nobody's ever been perfect. There's always been problems, but
when you have scientifically organized corruption by Soros and the CIA and others,
they'll get a few of their people in, then they'll kick the good people out, bring more bad in,
and we've now reached the tipping point where they've just kicked almost all the good people out,
including the top of the military, and brought in the really bad people.
So that's why they're making their move, is because they've got their people in place now.
So the corruption has been successful.
It is, and it's just horrible.
They've been, for years now, you know, 25 years, 30 that I know of, they've been brainwashing our children that have, you know, gone to school, and it's so sad.
It just makes me wonder about my granddaughter and how things are going to be for her.
Well, just talk to her about the world, let her know up front there's evil people in control of the government, explain what they're going to try, so she'll know ahead of time when they try it.
I try, I try.
Believe me, I don't keep my mouth shut.
And I talk to friends and, you know, everybody I can, you know, but it's hard to find like-minded people.
I've been listening to you for 20 years and I just appreciate you.
I can't even tell you how much you've affected, you know, my life.
Well, Aline, I appreciate you.
And I'm going to stay on air as long as I can, and God bless you.
But if they kill me, or put me in prison, or shut me down, there's a big body of our work out there, and it's evergreen.
Because what I talked about 10 years ago is now here.
What I talked about 20 years ago is now here.
What I talked about today will be happening in two years.
So this body of work, this testament, this information is there.
And I'm not saying they're going to shut us down.
It's all in God's plan.
But just remember, the body of work and our guests and our crew is there.
Save it to hard drives.
Keep it there.
Because as things get worse and worse, this information will become more and more powerful as people realize how dead on it was.
Thank you, sweetheart.
All right, Tony in Texas, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
First of all, God have mercy on us all.
At what point in this country did we just Allow this satanic filth just to control everything.
It just blows my mind.
Sir, like I just said, and I'm not giving us a pass.
You're right.
We all let it happen.
We were all guilty to some extent.
Like Viva Vendetti says, we're all guilty, but there are those more guilty and they will be held accountable.
They use stealth and deception and have gotten their people in almost all the corporate and governmental positions of power.
So this is a coup.
So it's like, why did we let this happen?
They did it by deception, sir.
Yeah, you're exactly right.
And Alex, what I really called in about, we need to really start talking about what's going on here in Texas.
I mean, this massive invasion has been going on into Texas for over 30 years.
I agree.
Tucker says it's 10 million.
Barnes is a great guy, said 7 million.
The real Border Patrol numbers are 22 million since Biden got in.
Lord have mercy.
And you know, one thing, people, here's how I compare things.
If you combine Illinois and New York together, Texas still has 20 times the illegal aliens that they do.
And you know, in Detroit it gets, what, 100,000 and they're up there whining and crying?
Well, how do you think we feel in Texas?
We've been paying for this massive invasion forever.
Texas is a sanctuary state, and I can prove that.
Look what Texas gives illegal aliens.
Just think about, and nobody talks about it.
They give them birth certificates, they let them go to our hospitals, our schools, they give them in-state tuition, they give them welfare, driver's license, car insurance, they can buy a car, they can drive a car, and the list goes on forever.
This is a sanctuary state.
There's no getting around that.
And the politicians in Austin, which I call them a bunch of globalist Bush boys, They never talk about that.
They never tell you what the check they write each year.
No, you're right, you're right, you're right.
The Bushes, the Blue Blood Republicans, they're just as bad as the Democrats.
And you're absolutely right, sir.
God bless you, and I appreciate your call.
All right, let's go to Lily in Tennessee.
Go ahead, Lily.
Hi, thank you, Alex, so much.
And God bless you, sir.
I just kind of wanted to just say something about Letitia James.
With charging Trump over a $300 million bond just to appeal what's going on, just to appeal his court case, it's almost as if it's a pay-to-play situation.
And that's not how our law system should work.
It's not how our government or judicial system should work.
And I would kind of wonder if people could get together, all the people that have been affected by her policies, Who have been hit in New York, who have been injured by criminals, and then these criminals are arrested and they're just set free to walk away.
I wonder if there's a way that they can all get together and maybe do civil suits against
this woman to kind of get her under the thumb of having to have these big fines judged against
like brought up against her.
Well, if we had a Justice Department that wasn't completely corrupt quarterbacking all
this, she'd be indicted for all the massive amounts of money she magically made since
she got elected a few years ago.
But because of that, she's been greenlit to commit all these crimes.
But you got the truckers that are going to stop delivering things to New York, got the businesses leaving, they forget we've got a lot of ways to execute power that's non-violent, civil disobedience against them, and it's happening.
So, I just think to everybody, New York City, A New York state, and quite frankly, California, any of these places, are no-go zones.
We should give them zero support.
They are no-go zones.
And I think that the people that are unfortunate enough to still live up there in New York and Connecticut and all these other places, I think they really need to band together and say, we can't do this anymore, and we have to make them pay.
Well, they are.
They are.
Look, look, look, look, look, look.
New York's really red.
So is California.
It's election fraud.
We know that.
So, that's really the problem we're facing.
It is.
And I really appreciate you, Mr. Jones.
It is.
I mean, Alex, sir, you're awesome.
You don't have to call me, sir.
You're amazing.
Listen, Lily, I appreciate you supporting us.
We're in this together.
We're all under attack.
I'm doing this via self-preservation.
And don't thank me.
It's not a heroic act to stand up for myself.
That's what you're doing as well.
God bless you.
All right.
Zach in North Carolina.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Zach.
Hey, Alex.
I just wanted to call.
And first, I want to say thank you.
And I appreciate you doing everything you're doing to expose these globalists.
In an effort to save this country.
I did have one quick question.
I was just curious to see if you knew about the two redacted names that were supposed to be exposed on the Epstein files.
I don't know who those names are.
I don't know.
Other than that, man, I just want to say thank you for all you do.
And I mean, obviously anybody with any amount of common sense knows that this is a political persecution of President Trump and it's terrible.
Also, I did have one more question.
What do you think about the Chinese nationalist who just got elected to the elections board in California?
You know, I meant to play that clip on Monday and Tuesday.
I forget her name, but it shows her name on the news.
She's a Chinese national, basically an illegal alien, who's on the election board now.
And that's all just them pissing in our face.
And it just shows.
All these blue states and blue cities are letting illegal aliens vote.
Remember, they were just denying that a few years ago.
So yeah, it's all about election fraud.
And even though the illegals don't vote right away, they're counting the census so the blue states get more congressional seats.
It's Kelly Wong.
Yes, San Francisco's first non-citizen the elections commissioner, championing immigrant rights.
Kelly Wong?
So, I mean, guys, I sent you the clip two days ago.
We just pulled the video up.
I sent you of a Kelly Wong being sworn in.
I mean, if I'm not mistaken, that's just unconstitutional on its face, is it not?
They're doing it on, yeah, two men having a baby doesn't exist.
X and Y chromosomes are real.
No, no, I mean, I'm serious.
It's about San Francisco lets illegal aliens vote.
And it's total fraud, and again, the Justice Department will not prosecute it.
Great points, thanks for the call.
Did you guys find the quick Kelly Wong clip?
Of her being sworn in?
Alright, well, when you find it, let me know, because I sent it to you Monday.
But yeah, it's on the news, like, isn't it great?
The first non-citizen as the Election Commission.
It's just, what can they do to you to break your will?
What can they do to you to just overwhelm you where you'll accept anything?
This is a process of normalcy bias conditioning you to give up.
Learned helplessness.
Don't do it.
Go ahead and roll the clip.
Here it is.
So there she is, in Chinese.
I read the transcript, that's why I know what she said.
Rather than being sworn in, she's going to make sure all the illegal aliens can vote.
John in Massachusetts, you're on the air, go ahead.
as a member of parliament to influence the policy.
Hey Alex.
So there she is in Chinese.
I read the transcript, that's why I know what she said.
We're having her sworn in, that she's going to make sure all the illegal aliens can vote.
John in Massachusetts, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
First time caller, thank you for all you do.
Long time supporter, you guys have the best product.
Thank you.
You make the comment in the past, or all the time, about how they cannot steal the election if it's a landslide.
And I'm going to explain one possible scenario that nobody has ever talked about, but you have to think of it this way.
So if the election happens tomorrow, and Donald Trump wins, He wins every single state.
There's ballots falling from the sky.
There's boxes filled with ballots with his name all over them.
You see where I'm getting at?
So these people that are putting the ballots in the boxes, all they're going to do is change the name to Donald Trump's name.
He wins the election.
Oh wait, there's an election fraud here.
This guy's a criminal.
He's an election denier.
We need to bring in the Justice Department.
We have to see what's going on here.
I didn't think of that.
Yeah, if he wins, they'll claim it's fraud by Trump.
That's a good point.
So they're just going to change the names on the ballot, put his name there, and they're not going to turn it over.
I mean, you can see that they don't seem to care if they're going to roll out this guy again.
That's an interesting idea.
I haven't really thought of that.
Thanks for making me think of it.
But Hillary and the Democrats have already telegraphed what they're going to do.
They're going, if he wins by just a landslide, they're going to activate race riots and then say that Trump is a racist.
And if he calls the military out, claim that he's a dictator.
So that's where they're going.
But how do we stop that?
Because they're the criminal enterprise.
How do you stop the criminal enterprise that has the Justice Department and everybody else on their side?
It would be very hard to overturn that.
That's the situation we're in.
You're in Massachusetts.
What do you make of this man with a beard playing girls basketball, slamming the girl on the ground?
Oh, it's disgusting.
What they do around here, I mean, thankfully I'm in a more rural area that has a little bit of common sense, but Um, if you go towards the city, you don't even want to be there.
You just go there to, you know, if you have to, but it's just.
All right, sir.
Thank you so much for the call, John.
We're going to go to Tammy in the short next segment.
I'll hand the baton to the guest host, Owen Schroer.
I'll be live at 3 p.m.
That's an hour and five minutes.
But let me show you this article out of the New York Post.
And whether you're in Germany or Italy or France or the UK or Canada or the U.S.
or Australia, it's the same global model, same NGOs.
And they get taxpayer money out of the State Department That's in the new Ukraine-Israel border bill.
Billions more to pay for this.
Here it is.
Inside Mayor Adams' migrant debit card boondoggle, no big bank, no bid bank, is 50 million border crossers, up to $10,000 each on debit cards.
And they gave them debit cards to get here.
Now, do you get a debit card when they're foreclosing on your house?
Or when you got a tax bill?
I sure... No, I don't.
Because they're using this as a magnet to suck the illegals in here.
It takes money to make money, as the old adage goes, and apparently it also takes money.
About $53 million to give money away.
Earlier this month, the Post broke the story that Mayor Eric Adams is giving out prepaid cash cards to migrants.
Not to citizens.
Not to veterans.
Not, not, not single mothers.
Unusually for the mayor, Adams didn't publicize the story himself.
His administration for nearly a month has failed to connect several public misconceptions about it.
So Adams is acting like he's against open borders when he's helping run the whole thing.
We're gonna go to break, come back, finish up with Tammy.
I got a Jon Stewart clip I meant to get to two days ago.
We're gonna play as well.
Where he's demonizing Tucker saying we got feces and needles everywhere.
That he hates America because he said that.
No, that's how you fix it is admitting the problem.
How dare Tucker go to Russia and show how clean it is and how nice it was.
He's a traitor and John Stewart says it's a symbol of freedom how much we suck.
These people are sick.
It's easy for him, worth $150 million, and his brother runs the New York Stock Exchange, to sit up there and tell us how we're all bad.
How about Jon Stewart takes some illegal aliens in his house?
Don't hold your breath.
Jon Stewart is an enemy of this country.
Alright, hour number four.
Just minutes away.
Tammy in Seattle, stay there, going right to you.
In a few other tidbits of news, I'm Alex Jones.
Band on video.
Many brothels die.
You can see here the Great Awakening orbiting the Great Reset.
Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
It is protected by a satanic shield, which can be disabled by the Great Awakening.
The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
Alex Jones has volunteered to lead the fighter attack.
Get a signed copy of the Great Awakening today at InfoWarsStore.com!
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand That this is a revolution against the globalists and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the earth.
We're told all this garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at mfullworthstore.com and I thank you all for your support.
All right, Kate Daly's taking over here in about 10 minutes.
I got another call to hit and a couple of news stories.
I want you to take over the balance of the hour ahead of Owen Schroer at 3 p.m.
Central, one hour from now.
Tammy in Seattle, thanks for holding your hotel, Gunnar.
Go ahead.
Hi, Mr. Alex Jones.
I have a question.
I'm a little lost when it comes... Trump got a judgment against him, but if there's no... if there's no victim, where does he pay that money to?
He pays it to the Democrats in New York City.
In the form of cash?
That's the way it works.
They want to destroy him.
As a message, anybody else that stands up against him.
And another thing, I love the game of chess that you and Bannon and Rogan and everybody, Cash Goods Hell, are putting together.
You're fun to watch.
So, thank you.
Well, thank you.
There's a lot of great talk show hosts, a lot of great people.
Kate Daly's one of them.
She's about to take over.
Let me just say this here.
Look, humanity goes through cycles and we go through corruption and decadence and collapse and then rebirth and rebuilding and golden age and then corruption sets in again.
It goes in circles.
Everybody knows the meme.
It's totally true.
Bad times make Strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times.
And that's really where we are.
And the disconnected globalists and black rocks with all their stolen trillions, they're a bunch of Bernie Madoff types.
They think, because they use psychology, that they'll be able to stay out of this and play us off against each other and have division.
But even if a small minority wakes up, which has already happened, a large minority's not awake.
And does it imply it's game over?
So they've already lost.
They're not going to get away with this.
They admit they're hitting the panic mode and people are waking up to them and they're absolutely freaking out.
But we want to survive the collapse that's coming.
And there's a lot of ways the collapse can happen.
We're already in the collapse.
I don't know every permutation of it or every way it's going to unfold.
Only God knows that.
But it's going to be spectacular.
And so just realize we're in a world of hurt.
And make preparations for it and realize that the Jon Stewart's and the Anderson Cooper's and the Barack Obama's and the Fareed Zarkaria's and the Sadiq Khan's And the Hillary Clintons, and the Disney Corporation, and all of them are literally psychotic, criminal, evil people that only care about themselves, and that are trying to dumb you down, and poison you, and put you in debt to make you controllable.
They have nothing but avarice for the general person.
And when you understand that you're up against that, it isn't demoralizing.
You now understand why things are so bad, and you realize it's simple.
The vast majority of people are going to be hurt by the New World Order.
So you have to convince people as things get worse that the globalists are the ones that are executing it and orchestrating it.
I know that's common sense to all of us, so that they stop listening to them and they realize they're the source of the problems.
When you read the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Club of Rome, and Dabos Group documents, they talk about, it's key the public never figure out we're doing this to them.
That's why they want us all killing each other off of what color we are.
But if we simply understand that they're the ones orchestrating it, they're done.
I know I restate that constantly, but the UN gets up every day and says, we need billions at UNICEF.
The world economy is collapsing.
The COVID virus caused the world to starve.
The third world's collapsed.
No, the COVID virus didn't kill hardly anybody in the third world.
They didn't take the shot.
What killed them was the shutdown because the IMF and World Bank controls almost all the Latin American, African and Asian countries and Middle Eastern countries.
And they told him, you can't produce food, you can't work, you can't have your jobs, you can't export, for years!
And that destabilized and collapsed the countries, and that's why we're being overrun by military-age men.
So it starts there, like anybody can figure out that the COVID virus didn't cause tens of millions to starve to death, the lockdowns did, and it caused the collapse.
So just continue to see everything's like that.
The globalists don't just exacerbate crises, they engineer most of them, and then pose as the saviors.
But as soon as you know that, it's game over for them.
We're now into hour number four.
The great Kate Daly takes over here in just a few minutes, but I wanted to hit this final story.
It's been out for a few days, but the Jon Stewart's been out for a few days, but now for Reid Zarkaria, the Bilderberg Group member, the pet minion journalist of the New World Order, where the globalists go to, you know, spill their guts like Soros did five years ago.
Yes, I overthrew Ukraine.
Yes, we overthrew Russia.
We're trying to get Russia to invade Ukraine.
He comes out and says, Our cities are expressions of democracy.
Open borders, fentanyl, needles, crime, death.
And that's the same thing that Jon Stewart said.
So it's talking points.
How dare Tucker go to Russia and point out clean and nice and almost no crime and grocery stores full of food for a third of the price of ours.
Russia doesn't have the inflation.
They have some, but not like ours, because we're being screwed deliberately.
Putin, five years ago, said our number one national mission is organic food.
We're the number one exporter worldwide.
We're banning GMOs.
And we're banning sexualizing children.
He said, quote, keep your hands off the children in a speech yesterday.
I covered it earlier.
So let's just play them back to back.
Here's Fareed Zakaria, and then here's out of retirement, Desperately trying to stop Trump, Jon Stewart, a fake man of the people.
Carlson also marvels at the grandeur of a subway station.
Contrasting Moscow's subways favorably with New York's of course.
Now while it's true that Moscow's subways are excellent, the stations are so grand because they were built by Joseph Stalin at huge public expense to showcase the superiority of Soviet Communism.
In contrast, New York's subways are a product of capitalism, having been built and operated through public-private partnerships of various kinds, which are more budget-conscious.
American cities are expressions of democracy, places where people have to negotiate differences and find ways to live together.
That makes them messier and dirtier and sometimes chaotic.
But perhaps that is what has made these cities so vibrant and innovative, and why they have been at the forefront in making America the country that leads the world in economics, technology, culture, and power.
Once upon a time, American conservatives praised America's organic communities, rooted in freedom and choice, built bottom-up, not top-down.
But the new populist right despises these cities.
And that disgust is in part a rejection of modern pluralistic American democracy itself.
Increasingly, they are dazzled by the clean and orderly ways
of dictatorships, populist authoritarians, and absolute monarchies.
After all, say what you will about Putin, he makes the subways run on time.
So what does Stalin have to do with our cities were clean and nice just 10 years ago,
and now they've fallen apart?
And homelessness and the hell.
What does that have to do with the Russians?
It's not a symbol of American freedom.
They've run us down.
We have the cleanest, best cities ever.
The globalists are creating top-down systems.
We don't have Joseph Stalin today.
We have Larry Fink.
We have King Charles promoting world government, cutting off our resources.
And you can't CNN yesterday.
Oh, you shouldn't be able to fly anywhere.
You're carbon footprint, we're gonna ban meat, and you will eat the bugs.
And then when you juxtapose it to another country, they say, oh, you're a traitor.
I'm gonna finish up with this clip from Jon Stewart, and then we'll go to Kay Daly.
Because the difference between our urinal-caked chaotic subways and your candelabra-ed beautiful subways is the literal price of freedom.
But the goal that Carlson and his ilk are pushing is that there's really no difference between our systems.
In fact, theirs might be a little bit better.
The question is, why?
Why is Tucker doing this?
Here's why.
It's because the old civilizational battle was communism versus capitalism.
That what drove the world since World War II.
Russia was the enemy then.
But now they think the battle is woke versus un-woke.
And in that fight, Putin is an ally to the right.
He's their friend.
Unfortunately, he is also a brutal and ruthless dictator.
So now they have to make Americans a little more comfortable with that.
I mean, liberty is nice, but have you seen Russia's shopping carts?
And Tucker would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling assassins.
In a statement to the New York Times, Carlson said, quote, it is horrifying what happened to Navalny.
The whole thing is barbaric and awful.
No decent person would defend it.
No decent person would.
All a bunch of snipped out of context garbage.
They're running America in the ground.
All they can do is point at Russia and say it's all Russia's fault.
It's totally disgusting.
Remember, it's the left that's got Men competing in women's sports and trying to abort all our babies.
All right, Kate Dowley takes over.
Kate, thank you so much for being here.
Thank you, Alex Jones.
Really appreciate you and giving me the opportunity to do this, too.
I have a lot of questions, as you know, and I'm going to bring up some of these questions and I want to draw some very interesting conclusions here.
So these are some questions that I have.
If they could leave the earth, Why are the billionaires building bunkers?
Makes no sense, right?
Why is Trump running again if he knows for a fact that it's rigged?
Something doesn't make sense here.
Those with military backgrounds run as part of a campaign to show you that they are going to be amazing in office.
It's not once worked out for us.
We've never received any liberty from anyone running that was part of the military.
Why is that?
That the main goal of the trans movement, right, is to normalize that you don't have any identity at all, even gender.
That you are a nothing, nothingness.
And so why not become a transhumanist, part machine, because you don't have an identity anyway.
That's a true goal.
Why in 2024 are they using every excuse in the book as to why we can't go back to the moon?
Did you notice it keeps getting delayed?
Celebrity trips to the moon alone over the last 50 years could have funded NASA.
All of that money that could have been paid.
Why didn't that happen?
And now they're saying they can't get good food.
It doesn't have, you know, something in it to make the astronauts sick, and they don't have enough insulation for warmth.
That was right on NASA's website.
Interesting, right?
But they didn't have those worries back in 1969.
Why is Zelensky so excited to rebuild his country to become a smart city country and won't shut up about it in the press?
Why is that?
Boy, he seems awfully excited.
Awfully excited about this war that's bringing him a lot of laundered money that can help him build a smart country.
Why is that?
Why are public-private partnerships, as you saw in the last clip that Alex just played, so normalized now, despite the fact that it shows we're rolling into full communism?
This is the mechanism.
But if they use the term, Public-private?
We stomach it better.
It makes it sound like we're shaking hands on it.
Like we want it, somehow.
It means that government owns it all.
Not capitalism.
The government.
Companies like BlackRock and Raytheon have never been private.
We all know this.
So it's a public-public partnership.
And we need to start saying so.
Why is Google's graphic processor called Adreno?
And then Google's web browser is called Chrome?
I've heard that term somewhere.
So all these little obvious things right in front of us, right?
But it's really hard to grab the curiosity to start really asking some of the hard questions.
But I came across this because I'm always interested in how deep the lies go.
And if you want to know about this, the rest of this hour, it's going to be how deep do the lies go?
Really how deep?
I was watching a clip about Gates and Jobs, okay?
Steve Jobs vying for number one and the competition between them and that no one ever bought the other company to show their dominance, right?
Because these are two guys that wanted to dominate.
So why do they both still exist?
Usually that doesn't happen, right?
Look at the media companies.
Look at the dominance showed in buying up all the media companies, okay?
So that was kind of a strange thing.
Did the Apple logo have more to do with the coming on of intelligence, right?
To go back to your scriptures, right?
But for nefarious purposes, of course, with this forbidden fruit, more than it had to do with an apple orchard that Jobs worked at in a commune, okay?
And what about Microsoft Windows?
Was it named for the ability to have a window in every home and every person?
Things to think about anyway.
So, this is going to be really interesting.
I want to show you a comparison.
Now, before on the Alex Jones Show, I actually talked about Bill Gates' career and how strange it was.
Because it is, okay?
The whole way that he got into Microsoft is very, very strange.
And you should be asking a lot of questions about it.
But I want to show you this for just a moment.
Jobs and Bill Gates, okay?
Jobs and Bill Gates were both born in 1955.
Now, realize I'm not a coincidence theorist like the leftists are, okay?
But I thought, okay, they're both born in the same year.
Could be nothing.
Bill met Paul Allen in high school, right?
Bill was several years younger than Paul.
In fact, Bill looked like he was 11.
And Paul, actually, I think was almost pretty much sporting a beard at 16.
So Bill was 13 and Paul was 16.
Odd ages to be buddies.
Do you remember at 13 being friends with a 16-year-old that could drive and date?
All right.
Steve Jobs met Woz when he was 14.
But Woz was four years older than Jobs.
Woz was 18.
But they hung out.
I thought it was kind of odd.
Usually it doesn't really happen much.
Usually you kind of stay within your little group of friends because at 14 you're trying to find who you really are and your friends kind of give you that.
Now the bio says they met after high school, but the boy that introduced them said Jobs was 14 at the time and that they became friends.
Every single picture, let's go back to Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
Every single picture is Paul at the computer actually doing something and Bill sitting next to him either mugging for the camera or watching him work.
That was weird.
Every picture of Jobs, Steve Jobs and Woz, Woz is at the computer working and Jobs is just sitting next to him.
Again, mugging for the camera or watching him work.
Hmm, seems like Paul Allen and Woz are doing all the actual work there.
At 15, Jobs made a phone call to a CEO at Hewlett-Packard and got him on the phone somehow, because you know all CEOs answer the phone, right?
And impressed him so much in just a few minutes, this 15-year-old, okay, that he was offered a summer internship off of that one phone call.
That seemed a little strange.
I've never known anybody that's actually happened to.
So that was a little weird.
Bill Gates formed a relationship at the age of 18 with CEO of IBM, right?
Or I'm sorry, 20 of IBM.
Because you know, CEOs like to talk to 20 year olds who have never even been, have never done anything or actually been in business at all with no track record whatsoever.
And then of course, offer to do business with them because you know that doesn't work, right?
But then you know that The IBM CEO also served on the United Way board as Bill's parents, and it makes a little more sense now.
The bios described Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as very good at marketing, but neither one actually invented a computer or a system, ever built one, or ever marketed anything.
I mean, my gosh, they were pretty young, 18 and 19, when this was said about both of them.
Bill went off to Harvard, and Paul Allen, being older, left college supposedly to follow Bill Gates to Harvard to be close to him.
Moved across the country, actually.
You know, Bill Gates from Washington, right?
And so he moved there to work there and be close to Steve Jobs.
Because, you know, when somebody's that many years older, what do you want to do?
Hang out with a freshman in the dorms.
Makes sense, right?
Of course it doesn't.
Bill Gates stayed at Harvard while Paul Allen went down to New Mexico and started Microsoft.
Let me say that again.
Bill Gates stayed at Harvard at his young, fresh little age of 18, 19, okay?
While Paul Allen, the guy actually that did the work at the computer, went down to New Mexico and actually started Microsoft Company.
What was strange was, Allen put himself as the second banana.
Why would you do that?
You're doing all the work.
And the scrawny kid that looked like he was 12 is up at Harvard, not even invested in the company.
I find that kind of strange.
Puts himself as second banana, the vice president, with Bill as little Billy Boy as CEO, even though Billy Boy was only just turning 20 and away at school and had no prior experience and Alan was the inventor.
The inventor, well, I should say inventor's a little strong.
He was just, you know, putting a different system, a change on the Altair computer.
So Steve Jobs, same thing, went off to a religious commune in India for almost a year and then another year in a commune in Portland on an apple orchard.
While Waz, you know, four years older, came back from college, eerie similarity there, started Apple.
And Woz, even though he's older, did all the work and Steve Jobs is at a commune, made himself the second banana too.
Made himself the VP.
With Steve as CEO, even though Steve had no prior experience, no real marketing ability, even though that's all we heard, and Woz was the inventor.
Eerily strange, isn't it?
After Jobs went into his religious hiatus, Atari, of all companies, offered him a job, even though he had no real skills to work there.
You know, you've gotten jobs before at companies where you absolutely had zero skill as a punk kid to work there?
Nah, it doesn't happen.
So, I found that was strange because Jobs actually had to get Waz's help to actually do the job that Steve Jobs was paid for at Atari.
Bill Gates got a job at Honeywell part-time while going to school as a older teeny bopper with no actual skills right out of high school.
Both Alan and Woz put together mock-ups, not actual products, that actually worked, right, to acquire really big investment money from investors.
These non-working prototypes, and did I say non-working?
Non-working prototypes for both Apple and Microsoft were so amazing, I mean amazing, that both companies launched from non-working inventions by men that were so-called 20 years old.
Both companies hardly invented computers.
Gates and Allen got there first by modifying an existing operating system.
The basic language was originally created in 1964 at Dartmouth, right?
I should say Dartmouth.
Both companies started in 1975.
So both were born in 55.
Both were, both companies were born in 1975.
In 1955, both companies were born in 1975.
They were both 20 years old with no experience.
But they were both CEOs of these soon to be very, very big and very well financed rival
Both companies had older, more accomplished men with CIA backgrounds fostering their growth.
I don't know if people realize this.
Jobs and Waz had the Homebrew Computer Club.
It wasn't a club of 20-year-olds like you're imagining.
What it was, was a Stanford CIA club of 40-year-olds that got together and they happened to be in this club.
A lot of fostering going on there.
Gates and Allen teamed up with the inventor of the Altair.
He was actually the father of the home computer, Ed Roberts, the real father of the personal computer, who had been working for the military and CIA and intelligence.
Ed had almost 300 employees and was selling Altairs, right?
But right after 20-year-old Bill showed up finally from Harvard, and they had just started Microsoft months before, Ed, in that first year, left computers to farm and gave up his whole passion and company.
Wow, you see that every day.
So that Bill Gates could be the star?
The first several employees of Apple also left quietly for careers that had nothing to do with computers.
And so did Paul Allen.
Really strange, right?
So that what?
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates could be the stars?
Apple was, like I said, not named for the fruit, but maybe rather the Garden of Eden.
The intelligence acquired through eating the tempting apple and windows was named after creating a window into every life and home.
I don't know if people ever associate that or get that.
Both companies attracted a team of older, accomplished former NASA employees.
Because you know, when you're 40 and 50 years old, you want to go work for a 20 year old that has never done anything or a 20 year old that has lived in a commune.
Job security.
They were military contracts, defense contractors and payroll all in the first year of the operation.
I mean, my gosh, they had more money than they knew what to do with for their startup.
And Bill Gates even brought his company in the first few years over to Japan
to create an outlet over there.
Boy, have you ever met a 20 year old that started a business and was able to get
that successful that quickly?
But for some reason, Mr. Commune Jobs and Billy Gates, who was known to be pretty autistic at the time,
were able to form both companies at the same time, oust all their competition, right,
of older people that had been in the industry for far longer
and both were praised for their ability, talented marketing, and keen business sense.
I know, you're probably, what?
Yeah, keen business sense, even though they'd never both started any company or actually really been a part of a company.
Hey, going to Harvard doesn't mean you're going to be so successful at everything you do.
Waz's father was Lockheed Martin, CIA government contractor.
Steve Jobs' biological father was CIA.
His adopted dad lived in an affluent neighborhood, surrounded by defense contractors and engineers and government intelligence, but claimed that he was a blue-collar guy, which never made sense.
And Bill Gates' father was known as Deep State with ties to Planned Parenthood, United Way, Rockefeller, Soros, and his mother a big banking exec with United Way as well.
They seem pretty hooked up.
Both Paul Allen and Waz, even though they actually helped with the invention, stepped away to allow Gates and Jobs to lead, and I thought that was actually really strange.
Both appointing themselves as second bananas?
Did you ever realize that both of their stories about how they got into the business were so similar?
I was kind of shocked by this because when I was doing the deep dive into this, I thought, it's a little too weird, okay?
It's a little too weird to have older guys that you wouldn't normally hang out with in high school because at that time, maturity-wise, you're miles apart.
But for some reason, some oddball reason, these two guys that even left and went to college came back for their little CEOs, their little 20-something CEOs.
And these CEOs were pushed into the game so hard and so fast with major funding that it makes one's head spin.
Both companies have major backdoors installed into their products and give the government unfettered access to them.
Why is that?
Hmm, maybe it's called a public-public partnership.
Because both companies were started and funded by our government with CIA money and Jobs and Gates pushing the narrative so that they look like they're private companies in major competition, by the way, run by guys who started their companies under humble beginnings in basements.
How often have you seen the picture?
Of Steve Jobs's garage, which is so funny to me because they might have tinkered there, but for sure, these companies were given loads of money.
Because when you go into business, you never start out with capital.
And at the age of 20, no one believes in you enough to give you that kind of capital.
So humble beginnings, not so much.
Connected through their families, sure.
Propped up to be CEOs?
And why didn't they ever absorb each other?
I think it's pretty obvious now, actually.
I think they were never meant to.
The government always wanted to have it look like a competition while running both companies behind the scenes.
Just like they do Facebook.
Just like they do with everything.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the hour from the Kate Dally Show.
So glad to be with you.
You want to have a little fun?
Sam Mendes told everybody that he was going to come out with a four-part series in 2027, in about three years, about the Beatles.
And I was laughing because of the fact that I've done some pretty big deep dives on the Beatles, and I'll never be able to not see what I see when I see that band.
So I want to talk about them for just a moment, because how far do the lies go?
How co-opt were we in the 1960s?
I've talked a lot about The transgender movement is eerily similar to the 60s movement of the women's rights movement, okay?
And we were told all at once to be very angry and that men weren't fulfilling our needs, so we had to go into the corporate world so that now all of us, right, all of us adults could be working adults that figured into their tax base.
It was done for a lot of reasons.
But Gloria Steinem, different CIA operatives were told to go on the college campuses and just get everybody really irate.
We had TV shows that made us all irate and they're doing the transgender movement just like they are the 60s movement when they tried to heighten the cause for the women's lib movement because all through history we weren't We weren't angry, right?
And good men always put good women on pedestals and vice versa.
So we really didn't have that issue, but they made it into a national issue.
So we were very co-opted in the 60s without realizing it.
But how deep do the lies go?
So every time I see, I see Hollywood setting out to kind of Force feed us a story like Harriet Tubman.
When Harriet Tubman came in at the end of the Underground Railroad, she was in the last 15 years of an 80-year movement done by the white Quakers that's never talked about.
I'm always skeptical.
I always go in going, okay, why do they have to keep pushing this?
Why do we have to keep seeing stories on Marilyn Monroe, or the JFK assassination narrative, or Harriet Tubman narrative, or the Beatles narrative?
And when I say Beatles narrative, just listen, okay?
The Beatles signed a five-year contract with Brian Epstein, okay?
In 1962, after singing a song that they did not write, the song was My Bonnie, My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, okay?
It was a long-time folk, you know, lullaby in which we all know they did not write.
In fact, Brian Epstein, their manager, had never signed a band, had not been in the industry at all in dealing with bands, but their first record of the song, My Bonnie, wasn't even produced in London, but it was produced in Hamburg, Germany.
You don't ever get to hear about that, do you?
Never once did the Beatles ever demonstrate that they were A, good musicians, or B, could actually write music and write it to the tune of the Beatles music, which the catalog is so diverse, so interesting.
So it looks like a savant wrote it, right?
I mean, you've got a lot of different songs there with a lot of different lyrics.
Very fascinating.
So they signed this contract in 1962 with a guy who was never proven to do anything Depending on and then he they got you know a portion of the of the proceeds right Epstein got a portion of their proceeds which were to come.
It was very interesting because the whole thing was done in a MI6.
building like a, like a cafe and it was done on the top floor of this cafe.
So Brian Epstein takes them in and at the time they were wearing blue jeans and they were kind of rude on stage and didn't have a look.
And within a couple of months, Brian Epstein transformed them with the matching outfits, matching haircuts, matching everything and gave them what we know today as the Beatles.
All right.
The Beatles didn't do this on their own, nor did I think they even want to.
So Brian Epstein doesn't even sign his portion of the contract, which was very strange, I think.
And the Beatles signed, but not him.
And they had this management company called NEMS Enterprises, right?
So there's more interesting things.
Alistair Taylor was also known as the band, as Mr. Fix-It.
He was the personal assistant to the Beatles' manager, Brian Epstein.
Where have you heard Fix-It person before?
Oh, I don't know.
Intelligence agencies?
So, anyway, let's go back to Love Me Do.
Love Me Do, their first single, only reached 17 on the charts.
What was fascinating was, just because it reached 17, this is an unknown band that actually started in Germany and ended up in London, even though they were from London, and starting out with a band manager that had never done anything before, within two years we're on the Ed Sullivan Show, breaking out, as the media put it, as this new Fab Four.
Your favorite new band.
The band you love.
Do you see something going on here?
I think pretty much we were told that we loved this band and that they were the fab four and that they were the latest rage, okay?
By the media.
And of course, the creation of Northern Songs, the publishing company that would control the copyrights to all their music, anything recorded between 63 and 73 is kind of interesting.
By the way, Brian Epstein died at a very young age of 32 while succumbing to drug abuse.
Okay, so of course we have the Sgt.
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club band, and people don't even, I think, put together two and two on this.
But what I thought was kind of interesting was the fact that this was an MI6 guy.
This was a British secret service that cropped up in 1947, and of course He taught the band to play.
Sergeant Pepper was an MI6 agent, right?
And so it was Major John Pepper, head of the BSC in 1947.
So according to Wikipedia, according to all these sources, it was an SIS cover organization of the United States.
So it was another name for MI6, the British equivalent of the CIA.
Why'd they do a song about him?
Look on the cover.
Why are all those people on the cover?
It's very strange.
So Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play.
What band?
What do you mean to play?
Very interesting.
Because the Beatles were sort of conjured up.
They were not a band that was organic or natural or you see bands that have to go for years playing before they even get noticed.
Not these guys.
All they did was record a song that had already been written a very long time ago, and that seemed to be enough.
Now think about that for just a second.
That seemed to be enough to thrust them into the limelight as the Fab Four.
So fascinating.
Massive propaganda campaign?
I think so.
And of course, the Beatles, they weren't doing so well, 1966.
But what's kind of interesting about this, because they were playing to a lot of empty halls at the same time, right?
And of course, the quote, we're more popular than Jesus now.
That was a big mistake.
Because of course, people didn't take it well.
A lot of people got a bad taste in their mouth from that alone.
So there was a repackaging and what's interesting is the music never sounded the same after 1969.
I wonder why that is when the band broke up.
Now, look at the manufactured inventions of, say, the Beatles, the Stones, Grateful Dead, right?
Were they created by the Tavistock Institute?
The Holy Grail, right?
So, Theodore W. Adorno, was he the songwriter for all the Beatles music that sounded so different and varied and diverse?
I mean, talk about catchy tunes.
You've never written a song before and then all of a sudden you get together and after a couple of months you're able to spill out song after song after song that sounds different?
You know, all bands have a sound.
The Beatles have a sound.
All of the sounds within the Beatles are very varied, very diverse, and I mean catchy lyrics like you've never heard it before.
Did Theodore Adorno write their music?
He was the director of the Frankfurt-Tavistock Social Engineering School, which I'm sure has been talked about a lot on this particular show, right?
Is it, uh, is it really, uh, this guy who was trained as a classical musician who wrote their music and it was all filtered down through Paul who couldn't read a note of music, by the way?
In fact, in fact, the only real musician, was it George Harrison?
They say John was a poet.
What poems did he write?
I'm so curious.
He could strum a few chords.
He wasn't a very great drummer, but, you know, he could bounce along to the music a little bit.
And, of course, you kind of look at all of this, they were knighted, so that gives me kind of a clue, right, as to maybe their background a little bit more.
The Beatles, after they started to decline, were brought back into the new age culture of drugs.
Pushing LSD, pushing the new age, pushing Buddhism.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the hour.
And this is so fascinating.
When you start to see how co-opted the 60s really are, you really start to kind of pick up on how deep the lies go.
I thought it was interesting, too.
You know, of course, lots of bands have admitted that they have CIA roots or were put into the bands.
And of course, you have that wonderful little Laurel Canyon when the 60s sprung up that just churned out, man, folk star after folk star.
I mean, my gosh, that was a busy time for music when music hadn't changed that much over the decades before it, okay?
So you know that there were many, many problems with the narrative of Laurel Canyon, the narrative of all of this, because I just don't think it happens that way.
I'm not a coincidence theorist, and so I just can't imagine that you have that many coincidences.
But I do want to mention just a few things about Tavistock because the arrival of the Beatles introduced to America, and boy, were they pushing to get them over to America.
It wasn't like people were clamoring to get them here, but all of a sudden we had the media pushing to get the Beatles here.
Very strange.
And words such as rock.
In relation to music sounds, teenager, the word teenager, cool, discovered, pop music, we're all a lexicon of a disguised coding, actually signifying the acceptance of drugs, right?
All accompanied by the Beatles.
It just happened that the second the Beatles arrived on the scene to be discovered by teenagers, okay?
Incidentally, the word teenagers was not used Just before the Beatles arrived on the scene.
That was courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, which has actually been behind so much of what Rockefeller Organization has pushed being a part of that.
So Tavistock and Stanford Research Center created all these trigger words which came
into usage like rock music, trigger words like, I mean, they were constantly talking
about breakaway young population groups persuaded by the social engineering, right?
But it was so strange what a number they did on us because if you really go back to their
music right with a little help from your friends, code words for drugs, for being cool, Tavistock
jargon came into being.
So I do find it really, really strange that we got all this music.
I think Theo Adorno hired people to write the music.
I think it was given to the Beatles.
You didn't see really any of them do a whole lot.
If you look at the song, Imagine, the lyrics are very communistic.
Imagine a world where we don't own anything and we don't have borders.
But because it's played so nicely on shows like American Idol and The Voice, when people do it to compete, we think, oh, what a beautiful song.
But the lyrics are extremely communistic.
You have the Rolling Stones, you have Bob Dylan, you have all of these people with very suspect pasts.
If you really want to look into their pasts, I've done deep dives on all of them and it's very interesting how they rose to the level of fame without there actually being like a backstory to it.
Usually you can see the story and it makes sense and when things don't make sense, everyone should start asking questions.
That's the time to do it.
But I did find it interesting because having been born in the 60s, you know, I didn't realize the word teenager hadn't been used.
I didn't realize that we didn't have a lot of this wording, you know, really taking root like it did all at the same time when these artists were pushed onto us by the media.
We were told constantly that this was our favorite group, that they were all the rage.
Now think about how many bands, how many times you've seen that, how many times they've actually done that to us.
Notice now that we don't have bands anymore, we have single artists.
Are they easier to control?
Like your Taylor Swifts, are they easier to control?
I'm going to guess that they are, actually.
I'm going to guess that they are.
The Super Bowl, I'm sure you saw it, and Taylor Swift's money shot at the end, the only shot that the media actually put out there.
So that was kind of interesting too.
But I did want to talk just a little bit about the beginning of the Super Bowl and the NFL.
The NFL actually was sort of born out of gambling.
It was born, a football organization, was actually born out of the 1920s in Canton, Ohio, and it was born out of the illegal and legal Proceedings, right?
By none other than the Mafia.
So many Mafia ties, okay?
And those that ran it actually had ties to Al Capone and ties to the Chicago... They purchased the Chicago Cardinals, which is now the Arizona Cardinals, and several owners were tied to the mob.
In 1967 is when they started the Super Bowl, and Lamar Hunt was the son of a gambler.
Haroldson Hunt.
Haroldson Hunt is an interesting figure in our society, but Lamar actually said that he's named it the Super Bowl because his child had a bouncy ball, a super bouncy ball, and so he named it the Super Bowl.
Just an interesting tidbit right there.
But Haroldson Hunt was actually The poker winnings that he had won and his dealings with the mob, he actually went into the Texas oil fields and was accused of financing the JFK assassination.
See how we're coming back full circle?
Also, he was the one, reportedly, that funded the career of LBJ.
LBJ was really not too thrown out, not too sad over the assassination of JFK.
We'll say that.
And Mafia and the CIA, huge ties, Haroldson Hunt, right?
So, accusations of game fixing.
There were players back in 1963, Hornig and Karras, that were accused of this.
Joe Namath had a bar of bookies and mobsters that they would go to quite regularly.
And he would not drop it.
They asked him to drop it because they wanted the face of the NFL to look a certain way.
The image, the public image of the NFL.
And so he actually just retired instead of losing that business or getting rid of the business.
Lots of organized crime along the way, which is kind of interesting when you really look at the NFL, because the NFL, the image was such that they banned ads about gambling, Las Vegas and all the such, but they had the game in Las Vegas.
And so how did it finally land there, right?
Very, very fascinating there.
And so there are not laws in place for the NFL.
There are no, because they own the business, there are no laws in place against fixing.
They can fix it at any time and they're not breaking any laws because they own their own organization.
So a 30 second ad 1967 was $42,000.
A 30 second ad in 1967 was $42,000.
And now it's five to six million, even $7 million.
In 1984, it wasn't a thing until 1984.
Of course, you had the Farrah Fawcett commercials and all the rest, but it wasn't a thing until 1984 when Ridley Scott debuted Apple.
Come in full circle.
1984 commercial, a woman running through a bleak world, right?
And here was the big debut of Macintosh.
Um, so then commercials became all about messaging.
And even in that 1984 commercial, they had a reference to, you guessed it, 1984.
And the movie, the book.
Um, and so rumors, there's all kinds of rumors on all kinds of things.
Uh, but I will add that used to be marching bands, but it wasn't until 1993, Michael Jackson performed at halftime and it became a very, very big deal to include the celebrity status.
But the image was still, they still had to uphold the image.
And there were a lot of, like I said, ties, right?
The NFL was convinced, they said to the public, that gambling would lead to corruption.
But psychologically, did you know they create the superfan?
Because if a fan gambles on the game, if a fan bets on the game, It's actually studied and they will watch more games, watch them longer and stay tuned to it.
But the psychology of it is actually about creating ties and bonds to the teams.
And people that don't gamble on it are 10 times more likely to turn off the games when nothing's at stake.
But while betting on the games, of course, they become they become very invested in the team, very invested in all of these things.
But the fact that it came back to Vegas or the fact that it arrived in Vegas, are all bets off now?
Is it basically like saying, OK, we're out in the open now?
All of our gambling, all of our ties, the whole creation of the NFL.
I think that it's kind of a stance to finally go, we're not going to hide this anymore.
The betting, illegal, legal betting are all a part of the NFL, always have been, which people don't really realize, and the fact that it kind of started with these kinds of individuals as well.
They always wanted to hide it.
They're not hiding it anymore.
It's kind of like Google with Adreno and then Chrome and all kinds of different little things like this.
I don't think they hide it anymore.
I don't think they want to.
How deep do the lies go?
I think we're just getting started, actually.
I think there's so many deep dives on this stuff that would make our heads spin, actually.
And when you really start to look at the 60s, the lone gunman cropped up, all of these different things cropped up.
Was that a product of intelligence?
I think so.
100%, I think so.
So we'll just keep on doing those deep dives.
Thanks again for listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
So glad to be with you today.
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