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Name: 20240219_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 19, 2024
2891 lines.

In this InfoWars episode, Alex Jones talks about potential trucker boycotts of New York City, the war in Ukraine, and the effects of COVID-19 vaccines on human health. He interviews Trucker Jack about the possibility of a boycott due to perceived persecution of President Trump. Additionally, he highlights studies that suggest the COVID-19 vaccines cause increased rates of blood clots and other health issues. Embalmers around the world have reported an increase in people who died from blood clots, miscarriages, and other health problems after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. The passage also mentions a doctor in Australia who was fired for trying to release data on increased rates of miscarriages post-vaccination. Alex Jones discusses the importance of supporting InfoWars by purchasing products from their store, including supplements like Turbo Force, Nitric Boost, and Next Level Foundational Energy.

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Tomorrow's News Today.
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Good morning patriots.
This is Trucker Jake.
There's talk of a trucker boycott of the city of New York to protest the persecution of President Trump.
Now, liberals seem to think that this is a pretty funny idea.
Let me tell you a quick story.
A couple years ago, a Colorado's trucker was involved in a terrible accident, loss of life.
It was tragic.
The Colorado judge sentenced that trucker to 110 years in prison.
Now you decide for yourself whether or not he deserved that prison sentence, but when truck drivers from around America heard about that sentence, they organized a boycott against the state of Colorado.
And within a month, they brought the state of Colorado to its knees.
That judge re-sentenced that trucker from 110 years to 10 years in prison.
The point is, MAGA patriots make this country run.
Liberals, they make our coffee.
This is Trucker Jake.
God bless President Trump.
God bless MAGA America.
God bless our truckers.
Y'all have a blessed day.
What's up, fam?
So, you guys remember this movie?
Kurt Russell.
Remember how the area looked?
In the movie?
That's what New York City is going to look like in the next few months.
So, there's reports now that the truckers all across this country, on Monday, will no longer be accepting any loads to New York.
So, not only have you lost your residence, you also lost New York, New York, New York.
soon to be losing almost all your businesses.
And now you done lost your supply chain.
Good luck.
I wish you guys the best of luck there in New York in the next
coming months.
New York, New York, New York.
With Trump, with Trump.
Now the truckers ain't trying to deliver your produce, your goods.
For three years.
You in New York, better get up out of there.
Y'all think groceries are high now?
Y'all better respect Trump's gangsters.
And y'all better respect that MAGA crowd.
They're not playing.
They're not playing.
As you can see, they're not playing.
Keep on playing around, you're gonna find out, New York.
The people still have the power.
Once the driverless cars and trucks are in place and the robots are in control, the real trouble starts.
But humanity's waking up fast.
That's why they're trying to take out the leadership that's battling the new world order.
That's why they're trying to take out Trump, yours truly, Tucker Carlson, and others.
And that's why, ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your prayers, your support at Infowarsstore.com, and most importantly, Your word of mouth because I'm not doing this to lose and you got all the power when you decide to share this show and share the clips and you're doing it, you're having a big effect.
Alright, we've got a gigantic show lined up today.
So many huge subjects.
We're going to cover them all and we're doing a deep dive with four Coroners, embalmers, you name it, coming on about the massive blood clots killing millions.
And the scientific data and the studies admit it, but these are the actual coroners that are pulling things out of people they've never seen before.
Not to mention all the dead babies.
Stay with us.
It's Monday, February 19th, 2024.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
So thankful that you've all decided to join us today.
We're 259 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, 40 seconds out for the most important election in world history.
And we are live, on air, in defiance of the globalists.
Reaching more people than ever thanks to all of your actions.
Spreading the word about the broadcast, supporting the broadcast, and praying for the broadcast.
All right.
As usual, total information overload.
Absolutely insane.
Over-the-top incredible developments in the Ukraine war, and Congress refusing to put forward the funding, and now the Ukrainian NATO forces in full retreat.
We've got that stack of news.
We also have the huge trucker Protest that's starting, and this was done in several areas of the country in the last decade with total success.
Colorado being one of the biggest examples a few years ago.
Truckers are saying they're not going to deliver food or anything else to New York for years.
And the vast majority of them are linking up and doing it, not through some union, but through a human union of common sense and common defense.
And it is going to absolutely further devastate the globalist hellhole that is New York City.
We're going to be talking about that and how it's a model of peaceful, civil disobedient action that can be duplicated across the board.
The evil Governor Hochul went on radio and said, don't worry to businesses.
We only did this to politically hurt Donald Trump.
We won't do this to you.
Yeah, right.
Clean up on Isle Ingergon.
Hochul attempts to reassure New York businesses they won't suffer Trump's legal fate.
Obscene award against Trump is testing the New York legal system's integrity, Daily Mail.
Does anyone believe this?
New York governor tells businesses they have nothing to fear after Democrat state leaders fleeced Donald Trump for $355 million.
We're talking about another $100 million or $95 million in interest payments.
That's $450 million.
And it just continues on from there.
So that's a very important stack.
San Francisco appoints first non-citizen to its election commission.
Fox is guarding the head house.
He ingested a drug.
Former YouTube CEO's son found dead in UC Berkeley dorm.
Probably a fentanyl.
Very, very sad.
And it's even more sad because the former CEO famously did two different interviews.
Where she said one reason she was banning me off YouTube was because her 15-year-old son wouldn't stop watching Alex Jones.
Well, he obviously wasn't listening to me enough, but he was a listener, he was a fan according to her, and now he's dead at 19.
These globalists think they're immune from their own system.
They're not.
He ingested a drug.
Former YouTube CEO's son found dead in a UC Berkeley dorm.
Very sad.
My son won't quit watching Alex Jones.
It's terrible.
I have to debate him about Alex Jones being bad.
That's why I'm happily banning Alex Jones.
So my son and other children and young people can't see him.
That's basically word for word what she said.
We can dig the clips up.
But, uh, very, very sad.
CIA had foreign allies spy on Trump.
There's more documents coming out on that front.
80% of Americans test positive for chemical found in Cheerios and Quaker Oats that is linked to infertility and gender bending.
We're going to be looking at all of that critical information.
Also, New York PD mocked after unveiling overweight female dance team as crime soars.
National Health Service comes out in the UK and says, trans milk as good as real thing.
Absolute cuckoo for cuckoo puffs.
And so much more.
Now, the big deep dive, and I'm gonna drill into all this in a moment, that we'll be doing in the second and third hour today, is I'm having a bunch of embalmers and undertakers, funeral home operators, come on, And I have three stacks of studies and science and J&J and AstraZeneca and Pfizer and Moderna admitting their injections cause these synthetic giant blood clots.
These big rubbery horrible tuberous things.
And we'll be going over all that, but there's nothing like going directly to the source.
If you're watching on TV, this is a giant clot taken out of a deceased man.
Out of his carotid artery, in the throat, never before seen.
And it's not a normal clot that's red, because it's made of basically other parts of the blood.
It's synthetic.
Richard Hirschman will be joining us, funeral director and embalmer.
And then we have several other embalmers and funeral directors and undertakers coming on to tell you their stories.
And they said it was like a light switch being flipped on.
As soon as the shot started, In January 2021, within weeks, their businesses were booming.
And then they would go in to drain the blood and put in the embalming fluid, the formaldehyde.
So, you know, when you have an open casket in three or four days, your family can come look at you and you're all done up with your makeup and your suit and everything.
Everybody can say bye.
it's nice closure and they never seen these Other clots sometimes were small and red.
But it was rare to see them.
And usually from the death certificate, they died of blood clots.
But just suddenly, it was just all these big white rubbery worm-like things.
And it gets worse.
Their funeral homes are filled with babies.
Because many of the women have miscarriages.
But many of the women go ahead and have the baby, and then a few months later the baby dies of a heart attack, and so a lot of times they'll order an autopsy, or the baby will be sent for embalming, and the baby's full of these tentacles.
And you know, the Pentagon, that's who developed the shots with Bill Gates, and tested it all out under Obama, who ran the directive with Fauci.
They tested all this on rodents, And that's exactly what they found in the studies at the University of Texas, Galveston and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
I've shown you new scientist headlines before COVID about this.
And UT said, this should never be tested on humans.
It cut the life expectancy of mice and rats in half.
And guess how they died?
Giant blood clots.
Oh, and the shots attack the testicles and ovaries of the mice and rats.
So, ladies and gentlemen, this was all developed as a weapon.
And the so-called virus does create a little bit of this in the body.
But in all the studies, it is the shots that then order your body to create the spike protein in mash.
And then it just begins clotting and clotting and clotting and then wherever it lodges in the body, both the spike protein and the nanolipid particles are the same thing, strangely enough, it was all designed, that your body then eats holes in your capillaries, arteries, and veins, and then that causes blood clots.
So they're opening people up with the classic red and black blood clots that are the platelets, that's what causes clots, and They're also pulling out these new things that no one's ever seen.
They've got epidemiologists and pathologists and all these... The head of the German pathologist national group went public a year and a half ago and said, we've never seen anything like it.
It's creating artificial blood clots.
People that are in remission.
The oncologist reporting from cancer, just absolute turbo charging, the word they use, turbo cancer.
So, welcome to the New World Order.
Now these are the clots, your TV viewer, in the bottles that the embalmers in Australia and Germany and France and Ireland and Scotland and England and Canada and the U.S.
and wherever you take the shots, Doesn't matter if it was Virus Vector, J&J, AstraZeneca, doesn't matter if it was mRNA, because the order from the Pentagon to the vaccine makers was, make something that does this.
And they gave them the specs.
And the only difference is the J&J and AstraZeneca fire a live virus in with another virus in it through your cell membrane and order the cell to create the spike proteins.
But with a mRNA, it goes to the surface of the cell and then programs it to do it.
But it does the same damn thing.
So it's like if I shot you in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun, or a .50 caliber rifle, or a .357 Magnum, Or a .40 caliber, it's still not going to feel good.
It all does the same thing.
Different guns, but shooting the spike protein bullet in there.
And then you have the nanolipid particles that are all mixed with it.
Those go all over the body and embed everywhere and help the viral payload survive, is the way scientists describe it.
All I can tell you is, ladies and gentlemen, is this is just horrible.
And we're now three years into this nightmare.
And the UN is up there saying Tedros, the head of the WHO, you better pass my pandemic treaty that takes full control of your country and your borders and your bodies.
Because disease X, Y and Z are coming.
And they're going to be worse.
What nice people they are.
So we've got all of that information.
So ahead of me having these folks with a rubber meets the road that are slicing open the bodies.
Again, thousands of coroners and pathologists and embalmers and undertakers They're all saying the same thing, and I've got four stacks of studies.
But there's nothing like an actual witness to it that posts the videos.
Here, this 47-year-old man died.
He's in good shape.
He's a marathon runner.
Let's see what's in him.
And every damn artery and vein has got big, long, giant, plasticky tubes in them.
And they've never seen one in all their years until the switch got flipped in early 2021 and let the death begin.
Imagine being somebody that works for the establishment and feels safe being part of this.
But see, they've committed a crime so massive, they believe the public won't be able to handle or deal with it.
How do you think the globalists and the pedo cult took over the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts and it seems like every other institution?
They got a pedo raping kids.
It gets embarrassing.
The church sends the pedo to another state.
To cover it up because it'd be embarrassing.
Then they rape more children.
And then pretty soon there's so many victims and so many pedos that they start blackmailing the church to put their people in to positions of power.
So instead of it just being people that cover up for pedos, now the pedos are actually in control.
And it's the same thing with medical tyranny.
That's how corruption works.
Once they get a hospital to take the 53,000 to put some on a ventilator or to cut off therapeutics to help them and to follow the global protocol, they've now been corrupted.
And so you see the reports everywhere of doctors and nurses and hospitals covering up the mass death numbers, trying to cover up the blood clots and the myocarditis and the strokes because they were a party to it.
And at first, most of them didn't know, but see, now, to CYA, they have been part of it, so now they're guilty, ladies and gentlemen.
Now they're consciously parties to it.
And then you get the head statistician, three, four months ago, comes out in New Zealand, who had the national computer, Their country's so small but super high-tech, like Germany or the US or South Korea, that in other countries there's multiple people over it.
And they all confirmed the story.
They said, no, he's the head guy.
He was able to take four databases and lay them over each other that nobody else could do.
And right there in the government database, mass death in men, women, and children immediately when the injections start.
Pure spikes.
And then every time there's a booster, super spikes.
Now we could see when booster programs and things rolled out in other countries and see it spike as well, but he had the actual database where it overlaid deceased, deceased, deceased.
We could just see the raw numbers of death when the shots start.
He could specifically, and he released it, we showed it here, go in and show That it was specifically people that took the shot.
Not magically extra car wrecks or a war or something that wasn't happening.
But specifically, it was the injected.
Unbelievably premeditated.
Incredibly evil.
So people ask how I'm doing all the time, all the attacks we're under, the things we go through, and the rest of it.
I say, I mean, I'm doing absolutely terrible.
I mean, I'm in the same boat as you.
They want me off the air, folks, because they don't want this discussed because it's a sick cult.
And they actually believe that when they kill most of us, they're going to have more material.
It's a zero-sum game.
And Elon Musk has explained to them the actuaries, the numbers.
You start cutting population, things implode.
It's big populations that cradle this diversity of businesses and industry and systems.
That's why they're now paying people 70 plus thousand dollars per child in South Korea.
Because they're only having 1.1 children per couple.
They're dying.
China is now saying, oh, have three kids.
Just five years ago, they'd kill your second kid.
Because it doesn't work.
It's a collapsed civilization.
And this globalist program, ladies and gentlemen, is not going to work.
But still, they go ahead with the operation.
All right.
I have a lot of other news I want to hit.
And I want to drill into here.
There is so much of it here today.
But let's go ahead, since I'm talking about this, give you a little prelude to what's coming up next, next hour.
Let's play clip two of Richard Kirschman removing one of the strange white fibrous clots from the right jugular vein of a dead man.
And then let's air clip one, former Air Force Major Thomas Haviland finds 70% of embalmers report seeing strange blood clots beginning in 2021.
And then I've got another big funeral home director in the UK who they've censored off the internet.
He talks about the miscarriages.
In fact, let's start with six and then go to two.
Funeral Director John O'Looney's message to the doctors and nurses.
They're going to hand them.
Your ass is on a plate.
And then he also gets into the massive... Yeah, let's do this.
Let's play clips of John O'Looney, because they're trying to censor him first.
Play clip five.
And then play clip six.
And then we'll come back to the other clips.
Go ahead.
...regarding baby deaths and baby funerals.
So if you go to the UK Government website, Northampton NHS in detail mentioning children's funerals.
We've never known this happened before.
There's a contract up for tender.
There's another one for Hertfordshire.
There's another one for Hertfordshire, specifically baby funerals, that's been awarded.
Maidstone and Trumbidge Wells, NHS contract awarded.
Leicester Hospitals, NHS awarded.
So, ContractfinderService.gov.uk, notice.
And then look for children's and babies' funerals.
Anyway, WNHS is another one, for those who do not want to have next-of-kin-of-range funerals.
They'll do that for you now.
There is a doctor in Australia called Dr. Luke McClendon.
He leads the fertility services at the Mater Hospital and is the principal investigator for a series of randomized controlled trials.
He's also the president of the Australian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine.
He's the top doctor in Australia in this field and he has been sacked.
Now why has he been sacked?
He got sacked on Friday for not getting the jab and for trying to release his data on miscarriages post the jab.
He has until next Friday to get out of his private practice rooms as he is no longer allowed to practice either in public or in private.
He told me that he has been investigating miscarriages in couples Um, post-vaccination, and he said that normal miscarriage rate is between 5 and maybe as high as 16%.
But he's since been keeping stats since the introduction of the vaccine, and he's found that 74% of women who are vaccinated are now having miscarriages.
Let me say this again.
74% of women are having miscarriages who are vaccinated.
So this would explain totally why these hospitals now want to deal directly with crematoria.
And that vans are taking multiple babies directly to the crematorium, bypassing funeral directors.
I did say I told you so.
I told you so.
Get looking into it, guys.
Get looking into it.
Wake people up, because there are more babies dying now than ever.
And the only thing they have in common is their mums were vaccinated.
This is dread.
Absolutely dreadful.
Good morning, guys.
February the 13th, 2024, and I listened with interest to the live interview of Rishi Sunak doing a question time on GB News.
And it was very interesting to hear him say that all the politicians did was follow doctors' instructions.
So clearly they're about to hand the doctors their arse on a plate.
Now you doctors know what's happened.
I've spoke to you in my funeral home and you've openly admitted you know what's happened and you've known for some time.
Rishi Sunak has openly declared there who he's going to blame.
Who he's pointing the finger at.
So with this in mind, I suggest that you all think very carefully about righting this wrong.
It's not too late to redeem yourself.
Making a pact between you and coming out openly and telling the truth about what happened and what continues to happen with these poisons they recommend still are safe and effective.
Rishi Sunak's about to throw you on the bonfire guys, so that you face the public wrath.
Doctors facing the public wrath for things they've done that politicians like Rishi Sunak have forced them to do.
Doctors, you need to speak out and the time is short.
They're going to usher the who in shortly and then it's going to be too late to say anything.
I suggest you use that intellect that you have to process very carefully what's going to happen in the coming days to doctors.
Now, Rishi Sunak has openly blamed you for injuries and deaths.
You need to speak out, guys.
Your window of opportunity is growing smaller and smaller.
And that's why they took him off the internet, Major Funeral Home Director, because he's calling on people to do the right thing before it's too late.
Man, we've got all the stunning statistics here.
Funny though, England Medical Journal said that it's actually 83% of women have miscarriages that took the shots in the first two trimesters.
If the baby survives into the third, they usually die after they're born.
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Ladies and gentlemen, what we're seeing is a complete takeover, not just of the Internet
of Things, not just the world, but our bodies. And I want to get more into this in a moment.
I also want to hit the big Russian news.
Because suddenly they're saying, okay, Ukraine's being totally defeated.
We've got to get in the war officially.
They're claiming Russia's got secret space weapons, which of course they do, and so does the United States.
They're claiming that Putin's got to be taken out.
They've got all these former and current generals calling for total war.
And they got a big Washington Post, which is the CIA article.
Vladimir Putin riding high before The death of the political dissident says now he may be unstoppable.
When you read the article, it really tells you what they're thinking and what they're up to.
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Believe me, he's good people.
He's my daddy.
Need to go there.
Thank you so much.
All right.
I want to hit the big Russia news, and then I want to hit the border news, and I want to hit the gangster crime wave news.
And we're going to do that before we end the hour.
But since we're teeing this up with all these funeral home directors and embalmers coming on with what they've witnessed and what they've seen, plus we have all the statistics proving they're right, but this is eyes on the ground, you know.
You could have a Coroner or pathologist tell you, you know, that a guy died of three gunshot wounds.
Well, if you're sitting there on the street and watch somebody shot three times and see them fall over and die and stop breathing, you're not a pathologist, you know they're dead.
Well, these embalmers, these funeral home directors, where the rubber meets the road, They have degrees in this, so they know what they see, and they do more autopsies, which is basically what they're doing, than most coroners or medical examiners.
And they're saying the same thing the studies are showing.
So you can't get better witnesses, eyes on the ground, of what's going on.
These are eyewitnesses, and they're all reporting the same thing.
So Gregory's filed a report that goes along this line, what are these weird self-assembling Clots that no one's ever seen that are clear or white when all their clots are black or dark red or purple.
That's what color platelets are.
Everybody knows that.
Blood's red, folks, when it hits oxygen.
So why is it clear white?
Because it's completely artificial.
And it's assembling in the body.
And they've had top scientists and medical doctors come out with all these research groups for three years that have put blood in a petri dish and then put the Pfizer shot or the Moderna shot in and watched it create It's like the movie The Thing, where you get one cell of it and it starts taking over your cells.
It all of a sudden takes you over.
I mean, this is like The Thing, folks.
I did a report three years ago likening this to The Thing.
I forget the name of the report.
Maybe Rob Duke can find it.
But it starts with a clip from The Thing.
We should re-upload that to X. You know, I'm really starting to think about, too, The thousands of reports for the five plus years we were banned off everything but Infowars.com and banned off video, which you can still find everything there.
That's the heart of the rebellion.
And I'm just thinking every day about this report, that report, this report, that report, that no one has seen other than this audience, which has four, five, ten million people.
I mean, full reach, twenty million or so tuned in here and there.
But you know, it's two, three million every day tuned in.
Let's not exaggerate.
That actually tuned in and listened before we got back on X.
Let's not exaggerate, 20 million a day again.
But that's hardcore listeners tuning in a few million.
You're like the missionaries, though, or the ambassadors.
Even when we were banned, we were reaching tens of millions a day with our clips.
But now we're reaching 10 million a day, conservatively, 15, 20 million depending on the day, directly tuning in and getting a big chunk of the show.
Really getting the deep dive.
And if I had to say how many clips are being seen now, There's no way to know it.
I mean, 50 million a day.
So, because of your support, we're reaching a lot of people, so keep it up.
You know who you are out there, and we appreciate you, and we salute you.
Okay, so here's Greg Reese's report.
Hydrogels and COVID vaccine are programmable human interface, and it turns out we have all the patents and all the studies by the very same companies like Moderna that was just created by Bill Gates and others a year before they released the virus.
It's all part of a larger plan.
Here it is.
The following report is from Dr. Anna Maria Mielcia's recent article entitled
Hydrogel Platform Enables Versatile Data Encryption and Decryption.
The building blocks of hydrogels are being found in the COVID vaccine, and hydrogels are being found in the blood of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
They are the so-called blood clots that are being found around the world, and these hydrogels can now be programmed, encrypted, and decrypted.
According to Mielcea, they are the substrate of the brain-computer interface and the primary method of fusing humans with machines, as she described by referencing MIT research in the article, Hydrogel Interfaces for Merging Humans and Machines.
Elements which Mielcea and Clifford Carnicom found with near-infrared spectroscopy in the blood of the unvaccinated exposed to shedding and environmental contamination include hydrogel plastics such as polynes, vinyl, nylon, Kevlar, and spider silk proteins, as well as other nanotechnology signatures such as silicone and sulfur.
This technology hijacks methyl groups which are needed to detoxify and create glutathione in the body.
Hydrogels used for the encrypted programmable technology include polyvinyl alcohol and polycaprolactone.
Both of these hydrogels are listed as stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent for lipid nanoparticle composition.
This suggests that not only those who received the shot have this hydrogel encryption technology in their bodies, but also those who have experienced shedding and environmental contamination, which is just about everyone.
These hydrogels are known to be programmable and encrypted.
This technology can behave as brain storage.
It can store memories and visual information in an individual's brain.
And it can be chemically induced to be securely encrypted and decrypted, allowing for the secure recording and storage of confidential visual information.
This provides a platform for secure financial transactions, which is a requirement for a digital ID.
MIT researchers have discussed how this very same technology can be used to fuse humans with machines.
And while they've had problems working it out in the past, a recent paper has announced they found success using the very same elements found in both the blood of the vaccinated and unvaccinated by Malacia and Carnicom.
In a lecture by Professor Sokrat Kizroev at the University of Miami, it is discussed how advanced materials can be used for interfacing machines and the human brain.
He references a research project funded by DARPA wherein magnetic nanoparticles are key to this technology.
Mielcea has published research that shows how the COVID shots alter torsion fields in the body and produce magnetism.
A review by the RAND Corporation, Brain Computer Interfaces, U.S.
Military Applications and Implications, discuss the convergence of human with machine.
In an interview with Big Pharma whistleblower Karen Kingston, Kingston discusses this self-assembly nanotechnology and how the spike protein is an engineered device, triggered by electromagnetic frequency, and how the quantum dots are gene editing technology.
This nanotechnology appears to be distributed via chemtrails, the food and water supply, medications, and in all of the scheduled vaccines for children.
It has been found by multiple scientists in the blood of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
And the fact that this widespread technology is being ignored while the topic of mRNA is being pushed into the mainstream is of great concern.
Mielsia has shown that the new protocols being sold to the public as a way of reversing the negative effect of the COVID shots have no effect on these hydrogels.
And it would seem that well over a billion people are infected with them.
While many are talking about an archaic implanted computer chip, it seems that the latest breakthrough technology has already been deployed without anyone's consent.
The situation almost seems hopeless, but where there is a will, there is a way.
And now is not the time to hide our head in the sand.
The human body is miraculous, and our potential is endless.
The more people addressing this dire situation, the better chances we have of finding a remedy.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
An incredibly important report.
All right, I want to shift gears now.
I want to shift gears now to crime.
And this is something I'm focused on a little bit every day.
Because all over the world, when they bring in illegal alien groups and
others from third world nations, they commit crimes.
The Soros fact, and it's the same in Europe, Soros funds it there as well.
Prosecutors will not prosecute, in almost any case, brown or black on police.
We're not demonizing all the brown people or even a large minority, but it's a fact that open season has been declared and it's even been admitted.
And you see the sentences.
Somebody shoots dozens of people, they might get a year in jail if they're black.
Now, if a white person does that, it's the end of the world.
I don't care if it's a black person.
Or a white person doing it.
They should be prosecuted.
And you've got white thugs, you've got black thugs, you've got Hispanic thugs, we all know that.
But we saw the Kansas City Chiefs parade for the Super Bowl last week.
And we heard on the news that two white males had shot 20-something people.
And everybody went and looked at the video of people tackling folks.
And it was brown people and white people, you know, tackling the folks that did it.
And it was two gangs shooting at each other.
And of course, they think it's a movie, so they just spray and pray.
Didn't hit who they were shooting at, but hit a bunch of innocent people.
And then the governor came out and said thugs did it.
And they're suppressing the race.
And the mayor of Kansas City, Quentin Lucas, came out on radio and on TV and had the police chief trot out there and say it's racism.
And it's a dog whistle to say thugs.
You know, Bonnie and Clyde were white.
They were thugs.
Charlie Manson was a psychotic thug.
He was white.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a psychotic person that tortured and ate people.
He was what?
He was a monster beyond the thug.
So we need to call monsters, monsters and call thugs, thugs.
And because of gangster rap, it's declassified.
Ice Cube talked about it two weeks ago.
The CIA came to them and said, we're going to boost your music, make it about killing cops and killing each other in the 1980s.
And the CIA provided the crack.
And now the same system and Soros wants to defund the police and give a green light for criminals, but particularly brown criminals, particularly black criminals, to be able to do what they want.
And we know that eight out of ten victims of black crime are black people.
The police aren't responding to calls now, or they're slow responding.
It's causing record deaths in Dallas and Chicago and Miami.
I mean, you know what's going on.
And it's a minority, a very small minority of black males, average age 16, that literally have grown up fatherless, that think it's cool to run around shooting and killing people.
And instead of admitting that and saying, we've got to do something about it, why is the corporate media Covering it up.
I mean, you always know the color of somebody when they don't put their race on the news.
And instead, they'll turn around and say it's a white person.
So this is a larger plan to all get at each other's throats.
I'm exposing it, not to put black people down, but to point out this larger agenda.
Black people are the main victim of the young black gangbangers.
And are there young white gangbangers?
Are there Hispanic gangbangers?
But they tend to kill their own kind.
Look up the statistics.
Whites tend to kill Whites.
Hispanics tend to kill Hispanics.
That's who they know.
It's who they're fighting with.
And Blacks still kill the majority of Blacks, but they're the one group statistically really getting out of the sandbox.
And the segregated killing that's going on and branching out to Hispanics and Blacks and Asians.
Or Whites, Hispanics, and Asians.
So here's a clip of the Kansas City Mayor bitching about the Missouri Governor, Mike Parson, and there's another clip of him trotting out the female police chief.
Nothing against female police chiefs, but that's all they do.
It's like, oh, it's a woman, so it's okay, you know.
And to sit there and try to cover all this up.
So the point is, they said it was white people, and if they wouldn't have done that, I'd have just left it alone.
But again, we're exposing the agenda.
It's not about, I'm trying to get the white team ahead of the other team.
Ice Cube told you what I told you 25 years ago with Professor Griff, a public enemy, fan of the show.
The CIA ran it, and I've sat there with top record executives and top rock and roll stars that told me all this decades ago.
Dave Mustaine was in the meetings when they said, you better do gangster rap.
He said, no way.
So they delisted him.
Um, Billy Corgan told me about it.
Moon names, war names.
I mean, and these weren't off the record meetings, but I'm not going to go further with another major household name rock star back when I quite frankly even had time to go out.
I mean, I get calls from people all the time, major heavy hitters say, Hey, let's go out and, you know, have drinks and dinner.
I go, nope, sorry.
Stay on my family.
They're like, wow.
I'm just like, I just don't care about famous people.
I like them as people because they're patriots, but I just don't do that anymore.
But I used to run around with people, some, you know, when they were in town.
And one time I got taken to somebody's birthday party in Austin.
They were visiting Austin and there was this guy, they said, this is the top producer in the world.
And he was a huge, big old tall guy.
I'm not going to say his name.
He had this gorgeous wife.
And I looked him up later.
I'm like, my God, that's the number one music producer in the world.
And they were all sitting around going, no, no, that's true.
Yeah, the CIA told us to do it, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, those are the meetings I've been in without even trying to be in them.
So this is well known.
What Ice Cube said two weeks ago is true.
So listen to this.
And this is the mayor.
After they said white people did it, I mean, what's the agenda here?
They don't want to clean up the thug stuff.
They don't want to stop it, folks.
Here's the clips.
He's going to join us later on in this program.
After the shooting, he said we can't let some thugs and criminals just take over and ruin what happened.
I gather that's not quite your assessment of what happened that day.
I have respect for the governor.
We get along well.
I disagree strongly with how he would describe that situation.
I certainly do think this was criminal activity.
It was lawlessness.
And I think that that's troubling.
But thugs is a dog whistle.
In the most classic sense.
And I have seen this dog whistle time and again.
There's this kind of giant conservative theory on social media now that the reason that monk shots haven't been shown is because the purported defendants are black.
And if it were a white defendant, we would have just shown them.
That is absolutely preposterous.
There are protections to juveniles.
Our city has a gun violence problem.
Preliminary investigative findings have shown there is no nexus To terrorism or homegrown violent extremism.
This appeared to be a dispute between several people that ended in gunfire.
During the overnight hours, we learned there are 23 victims of yesterday's shooting.
One of our victims, Elizabeth Galvin, 43 years old, died.
We are still learning about her, but know that she is beloved by many.
To her friends and family, [BLANK_AUDIO]
And we are working tirelessly to investigate her murder.
The 22 victims' age range between 8 years old and 47 years old.
At least half of our victims are under the age of 16.
Okay, so let's stop right there.
And the point is, it was a black and Hispanic gang shooting it up with each other.
And that's one of the people that got arrested.
There's your white supremacist, folks.
And all I'm saying is, why the hell would the media say that white people went and shot up the thing?
Why didn't they just say that things got shot up?
Because they want to demonize white people all day, because the majority now in most areas is not white.
The Democratic Party is playing racial politics.
I'm exposing this because the Democratic Party are running racial politics like they always do.
And if there were groups of white people going around targeting black people, I would call it out, and I would expose it, and I would say it's wrong.
And it happens occasionally.
You see it here and there.
But the attacks on white people are epidemic.
Everybody knows it.
And it needs to stop.
But I blame the Democratic Party, and the Great Society, and breaking up the black family, and the CIA and crack and gangster rap for all of it.
Victor in Florida, thank you for holding. Go ahead.
I have to say it really pisses me off to hear when you say that only 2% of the people that listen to this broadcast byproduct.
Um, I'm a young man.
I don't make that much money.
I just bought a house.
I just got married.
But I buy the products as much as I can.
I buy them almost every month.
I've bought the iodine, the beets, the methylfolate.
I've just tried it.
It's absurd to me that you people are listening to this guy.
I've listened to you for 10 years.
He puts this show out here for free, and you're not supporting him.
Our country is falling apart, but you've got millions of people listening to you not doing sh**.
Well, look, look, there's a glut of media.
There's so much media.
I'm not blaming the 99%.
It's 99%.
They never buy anything.
It's just, these are really good products.
And if we just had 1% more by the products, it would change the whole world.
So these are really great products to begin with.
We have the best turmeric out there, 95% humanoid, incredible anti-inflammation, so good for your whole body.
We have all the other great products at InfoWarshaw.com.
I've been taking it for, I don't know, a couple of weeks now, and in my younger days, I've experimented with stimulants and those things.
It feels nothing like that.
You feel like you're supposed to feel it.
You're supposed to have energy, you know, and that's pretty much it.
It doesn't feel like a stimulant.
You just feel like you're supposed to.
And what it does is, it's the breakdown of folic acid that almost everybody, but particularly some people, northern Europeans, have a low breakdown of.
So you just give yourselves the direct food that they operate off of and they clean out with.
That's why next level financial energy is so important.
Thank you for the call, Victor, and thanks for the plug.
All right, we got big guests, funeral home directors, embalmers, undertakers joining us.
We got all the statistics and numbers too about how much these poison shots are taking a lethal toll on the public.
I want to finish up with what I was just covering at the end of the last hour.
Here's a big story from Zero Hedge.
Harvard professor says all hell broke loose when a study revealed no racial bias in police shootings.
In fact, he was speaking at the University of Texas last week.
He's from Harvard.
He's black.
He actually found that police shoot white people per capita more often than they shoot black people.
So, one-to-one, white people, black people.
The police shoot white people more often than they shoot black people.
Because the cops know, even if somebody's waving a gun around at them, if they shoot them, the Soros DA is going to throw their ass in jail.
But if a white person pulls a gun out, they shoot them because they should.
But here's the big breakdown.
He's got the study linked here.
It's all right there.
By the way, his study was years ago.
The numbers are even worse now.
He found a substantive percentage higher of whites are shot per capita.
Now it's double.
And are some cops out of their mind?
You saw that video last week.
At least if you were tuned in, you did.
Out of Florida, where a cop literally has a mental breakdown, a suspect is in the squad car, in handcuffs.
And the cops start shooting into the squad car, shooting the person in handcuffs?
Completely insane!
There's some lunatic cops out there!
Put them in a mental institution, throw their ass in prison!
But, on average, the police are not out there trying to randomly shoot people.
You know how much trouble they go through when that happens?
It's not like Dirty Harry in the movies.
Police don't want to shoot people.
99% of them.
Occasionally you get a crazy person in there that does want to.
But it's just not true, folks, but we're 350 million people, so the media can cherry pick cases where a cop does something wrong and then put it up there and say, this is everything.
Is our problem really the police or is it crime?
Is our problem really the police or is it open borders?
Is our problem really the police or is it devalued currencies?
Is our problem the police that kill a couple thousand people a year versus 120,000 from fentanyl?
And most of those police shootings are justified.
They get called.
The most common one is the police get called to a domestic dispute.
And mom and dad are drunk.
The kids are running around crying.
Dad just beat the hell out of mom.
Cops pull up.
Dad runs out with a gun.
Starts shooting at the cops and they kill his ass.
That's the majority.
Look up the numbers.
And then next it's police and shootouts of people.
People start shooting the cops, they get shot.
Statistically, police killing innocent people is extremely rare.
But boy, it happens.
And you watch that Florida video, I mean, the cops just walking along, I've been shot, no gun shot, no noise, just falls down, I've been shot.
Starts shooting into the car with the person in handcuffs.
And then goes, well, I thought I was shot, all in like a four minute video.
Yeah, I thought I was shot.
It's a complete lunatic.
But you can't, I mean look, look at this right here.
But you can't sit there and then say that every cop is bad.
And my job is not an apologist for the police.
You just can't take one bad cop out of close to a million police in this country And then say they're all bad, just like you can't take one black thug and say all blacks are thugs, or you can't take one white supremacy group and say all whites are white supremacists.
You judge people individually on the character of their life and the deeds they do, the things they do.
I don't need Martin Luther King Jr.
to tell me that.
I know it's true, he's right, but doesn't that make sense?
Don't you judge people off what they do?
But the Democratic Party doesn't want to do that.
They want to say white people owe reparations.
To make all white people guilty of something.
And people say, well, you're just telling me to get money like Joy Reid said.
Joy Reid makes millions of dollars a year.
She says she deserves money for reparations.
As if, I mean, does Joy Reid owe me money?
All right, in the next two hours, we've got four different funeral home directors and bombers, you name it, coming on the broadcast.
And I have, right here, stack after stack of scientific study and report admitting that all four of the so-called vaccines administered for COVID cause blood clots.
But they cause blood clots like no one's ever seen.
And there's been pathologists and epidemiologists Coroners have gone public from Australia to Germany, the UK to Canada, the US, France, you name it.
And we have the statistics.
But it's one thing for me to show you major studies, and I'll do that.
It's another thing to hear from people on the ground that go out and get a degree in embalming, in the whole process that goes on.
And Richard Hirschman is one of those people.
He's our first guest today.
Funeral director and embalmer.
Richard Hirschman is an embalmer who's concerned about humanity.
He began working in the funeral home business in 2001.
His concern is in the strange clotting issues that began early in 2021.
He first publicly spoke out in 2022 on the Dr. Jane Ruby Show.
He was also the documentary, Died Suddenly, continues to see the strange clotting and just trying to bring awareness to find solutions.
We also have massive miscarriages happening and I've got New England Medical Journal on that and more.
So he's got a tough job folks but somebody's got to do it and they all see the same thing they've never seen before suddenly showing up.
Let's go ahead and roll a short clip here of him removing a giant bizarre white clot Out of a man's, his carotid arteries, carotid artery out of his neck.
And again, no one's ever seen anything like this, folks.
The color, all of it, the size.
And it's like they flipped a light switch and this all starts in 2021.
Here's the clip.
Here's the clip.
What in here?
Could it be wrong?
No, there it is.
Pulling it.
This is the jugular vein.
Pulling it.
This is the jugular vein.
Pulling it.
This is the jugular vein.
Pulling it.
This is the jugular vein.
Pulling it.
This is the jugular vein.
Pulling it.
This is the jugular vein.
Pulling it.
This is the jugular vein.
Pulling it.
Just let her pull this out.
It broke.
It's good.
Anyway, hold on.
I'm going to show how stretchy this stuff is.
I've already squeezed it.
It's very much like a rubber band.
And what I was reading three years ago was the embalmers were trying to get the blood out to put the formaldehyde in.
And they couldn't because it was so gummed up.
Richard Hirschman, thank you so much for joining us.
We've got three other guests coming on that are your similar line of work.
And I just thank you for your courage.
And please tell me about what your observations are.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Just trying to bring awareness in order to help find solutions.
Yeah, the strange clots are, uh, there's a lot of different things that we're seeing in the embalming room that is abnormal.
But these white, fibrous, uh, structures, um, you know, like these things right here, these are, uh, the most alarming things that we're seeing, just like what you saw me pulling out of that juggler vein.
And sir, can you put that back on screen for people again?
Tell them where you got that.
Well, the truth is, you know, I mean, I have, Several samples of these.
These are the strange white fibrous materials that we're seeing.
You know, like this one right here came from an artery.
And it was, if you were to stretch that out, that thing was, I believe, 27 inches long.
We used to never see Clots in arteries in the first place.
They were almost always in the veins, but typical blood clots are red in color, resemble kind of like grape jelly at where it's grape jam.
And when you try to manipulate them, they just simply fall apart.
As you saw in the video, these are a rubbery, almost a firm, you know, almost like a rubber band.
So there's, that's the most abnormal thing that we're seeing.
And in the beginning, we all, just about every one of us, believed there's no way that these could be formed post-mortem because they're so strong.
We're just not used to seeing this kind of stuff.
Now, I want to slow down here.
Because there are coroners all over the world saying they're seeing the same thing.
Australia, to the US, you name it.
And they say, we never saw these before.
How dramatic is that?
And what was the time frame?
Most coroners say by the middle of 2021 they saw it everywhere.
They started seeing it a few months in.
So it's directly, the shots begin, and then professionals that have been doing this decades individually, for thousands of years collectively, there's thousands of people gone public, I mean, this is crazy!
Where's the government?
Where's the CDC?
Where's the FDA?
Where are they?
Well, I know they've got to be aware of what's happening.
It's impossible for them not to know.
I can just tell you my observations.
Towards the end of 2020, we noticed an increase in blood clotting issues.
And of course, we were all Kind of associating that maybe with the virus that was going out there.
But when January of 2021 came, the clotting issues just got far, far worse.
And then a few months into 2021, a lot of times I estimate, you know, May, but it could have been as early as March or April.
But it was definitely no later than June.
Um, these white fibrous materials started or clots were showing up more and more often.
The first time I seen this Alex, I was kind of, um, thinking, well, this is a weird anomaly and you just kind of move on.
But then when you start running into it again and again, as 2021 was moving along, uh, I began becoming very concerned that, uh, something has to be causing this.
And how are the doctors going to know?
Because most all of the bodies that I found these in, they were not autopsied.
So pathologists weren't seeing the bodies that I see.
Yes, we get people, everyone, you know, that are sent off for autopsy on occasion.
Usually that's for some kind of a, you know, they're looking for a foul play, like some kind of a murder scene or, or something like that, or, but, uh, These claws became more and more and more frequent and in the towards the in September of 2021 was the first time I took a photograph of this because as I was asking other morticians and embalmers some of them had 30, 40, 50 years of experience.
If they were there in the funeral home I'd bring them back into the embalming room and ask them about it.
They'd never seen anything but the ones that weren't there I had nothing to show them so the pictures kind of helped You know, I can show these other colleagues, you know, have you guys ever seen this?
And the answer was always no.
So I started gathering the evidence.
I started taking photographs, more photographs in 2021 in the fall.
And in November, yeah, in November of 2021, a lot of people were starting to ask me how often I was seeing this.
And to be honest, You know, I just knew it was a lot.
I didn't know how often, but I started taking notes on my computer at home because I'm a trade embalmer.
And so for tax purposes, you know, I have to keep records of how much money I make.
And so I document everywhere I go and so that I can keep an idea of, you know, separate the money I need for taxes.
So I started making little notes on my computer.
And at that time, it was just under 50% of the bodies.
That I was embalming, I was finding these abnormal clots in them.
That is so incredible.
So you're talking to people that have done it 50 years, they've never seen it.
You flip a switch and suddenly there and now 50% of the bodies.
Now I've seen numbers from other countries and other places.
Were you also seeing an uptick in the amount of business in dead people?
In 2021, absolutely.
Especially in January, it got really, really busy right after the rollout.
We were starting to get a lot of folks that were dying in, you know, unusual.
All the way up, usually deaths are happening in a hospital or under hospice care.
I'm not saying that sometimes people don't die from heart attacks, you know, at home and at work or under, you know, like hospice care or a nursing home.
That happens.
It's always happened.
But we were starting to get more people that were dying that were relatively healthy, that nobody was understanding why they died.
And what's interesting is I've also seen the hospitals began to not really call for autopsies, just pass them through.
Well, because everybody was made to be afraid of this virus.
You know, here we are in the embalming room.
We're handling the body.
We're handling the blood and bodily fluids in preparation for the funeral service.
We got to do what we got to do.
We're handling those.
I don't know why they were afraid to take care of them in a lab to do autopsies and study what's really going on.
It didn't make sense.
But this is still happening, Alex.
It's not stopped.
I have sent A lot of these samples to different doctors like Dr. Ryan Cole and others, even Mike Adams, which you know well, he did an analysis of these and he made it public.
And just to let you know, some of the researchers I've been talking with and sent them samples, as long as others, they have sent and had the same ICP-MS type tests done at other labs outside of the United States and
the results that they're getting they're saying is Lining up exactly with what Mike Adams had found and for
the last question. What the hell is this?
well We're still working on this or I say were but the people
that I know that are still looking at this what they're starting to
Believe is these are some kind of aberrant type proteins which is the vaccine was meant to make the spike protein
and And what they're thinking happened is when they put the mRNA in there, it's changed the sequence in order to create that spike protein.
But if you follow that chain of all of these letters in the, in the RNA, it may be forming other proteins that are, um, that are not intended.
But yet, they're still being formed.
That's right, ordering the body to start self-assembling and producing proteins that then all basically self-assemble.
Yes, Alex.
Even Mike Adams.
Most of us could not possibly believe that these clots could form post-mortem because they're so solid and hard.
But I'm going to show you this right here.
And this is my first relatively recent example.
Let me guess, it keeps growing even when it's unattested?
This formed outside of the body.
Post-mortem, after death.
So what we're thinking is happening is these abnormal proteins floating around in your circulatory system.
Something happens that causes these things to start clumping together.
Think about it almost like if If you take oil and you're mixing it with water, it doesn't want to mix, right?
Well, when you stop stirring or shaking it up, eventually the oil separates out and it binds itself back together.
Absolutely, but let me go back and be clear.
You're saying that last vial you showed assembled outside a body?
This assembled outside of the body.
Go back to it.
So you took a little tentacle and then it grew into that or describe what happened.
No, no, no.
This is huge.
All right, so imagine you've got, um, I had a case that came in that had a very large tube, and I believe it was some kind of like a trans, like a, not a transfusion, but almost like a heart-lung bypass tube, where they take the blood out of the body, usually, you know, from the neck, and it's in a fairly large tube, and it goes and it gets oxygen, and then it's returned back to the body.
When I got the body, it had these tubes still attached to it.
I didn't get the permission to embalm the body for a couple of days, and the blood had separated in that tube, and it separated into these dark spots and this yellowish-looking liquid.
In that yellowish-looking liquid came out these strange clots.
And the thing is, Alex, is the cannula that Where the, where these tubes were connected to the body, they had a, uh, they had a cannula that goes into the vein itself and it's like, almost like a screen, had little small holes in it so that the blood could transfer in and out of the body, right?
Those holes were way too small for these clots to pass through.
So that tells me this had to have formed after the person died.
Either way, Alex, This is proof that there is something in the blood system that's floating around that I'm assuming should not be there.
Now what you just said is key, so I'm a layman but I finally figured it out.
Talk to me like I'm five, I figured it out brother.
You're saying it's all pumping around in the body, once they die it congeals out like blood and water and then that's what we're dealing with.
This is incredible.
Stay right there.
My producers are great, but they overloaded us with amazing people.
I want to bring in a colleague of yours.
I don't know if you know her, but she's in the same business.
Duly licensed funeral service professional, certified crematory operator, over 10 years industry, knows the 2021 lack of...
Discretion in single-point injection increased, or lack of distribution in single-point injection increased, fibrous structures being removed, granular blood, dramatic increase of younger and non-old people dying.
Tell us what you saw, Jamie, and what you think of what Richard was just saying.
Hey Alex, I completely agree with everything Richard just said.
It was around about the same time in 2021 you mentioned there just about the distribution like we were talking about getting the formaldehyde in the body.
Um, in all areas, including under toenails and under fingernails and so forth, um, that this became difficult.
Like it was just the way it was prior to that.
Um, and then of course, when this interruption came, I started asking questions and I, you know, like Richard was asking around in my own area.
and began to listen to other colleagues nearby, and they were experiencing difficulties as well.
So that kind of began my journey of asking why, and what is this?
Where do you think we should go from here, Jamie?
Well, I certainly like the direction that these researchers are going,
those that Richard is working with.
I'm, I'm extremely thankful for them.
Um, because ultimately something is wrong and, um, you know, people need to be aware of that.
And ultimately I'd like to know, you know, what's going on.
Richard, I mean, I could ask you a thousand questions here, but while we have this big audience, what else do you want to impart to the audience and you too, Jamie?
Alex, I want to go back.
I've spoken with people.
I've had cases.
I know that this proof that I have shown that these things can form after death, postmortem.
I've had too many reports of these strange, similar Clots being removed from living people as well.
So I'm not saying that these are only post-mortem.
These are happening anti-mortem.
And if you look at the reports of blood clotting issues around the country, this, I believe it's all related to the same thing.
These researchers are also getting clots that are from living people and they're going to be doing similar analysis To see if they are linked together, if they are very similar.
Again, if they prove that they are, all they're going to be proving is that these abnormal proteins can be soluble and in liquid form, which might be one of the reasons why so many people have issues, but they have a hard time identifying these.
Because if they're in a liquid state, you can go and have a test And they might not see it until it becomes a solid.
Is this the issue?
Is this a reason why we're having a lot of issues with sudden cancers and unknown deaths?
When you look at blood tests, most of the tests now, I believe, they're blood tests that a computer reads off what's in there.
But a computer can only tell you what it's been programmed to tell you.
If these are abnormal or aberrant-type proteins, unknown proteins, Then how will it ever read and give you an answer of what it is?
If we can identify the proteins, then maybe we can find a test to be able to do on people and see if they have these abnormal proteins floating in their blood.
All right.
Well, we've got a bunch of other guests coming on that are in your same line of work, and as you said, embalmers.
Funeral service people are saying this all over the world.
I have stacks of studies where they admit that the mRNA shots are causing blood clots and miscarriages and you know all of this and so to me when I see the FDA report in October 2000 predicting blood clots and myocarditis and strokes and all this It looks pretty premeditated to me.
And you can say, well, they didn't know then.
Well, then why did they say that?
And then why now are they covering it all up?
Just speculating here.
Bottom line, what do you think's going on?
I think they knew that this was an issue and there's a lot of pride.
This is not a political thing left, right.
It has nothing to do with gender or any of that stuff.
Right now, I think It's getting hard to kind of excuse this as not being a premeditated thing, but I think the big one is liability.
They don't want to be liable for what's going on, and they knew this was happening.
Naomi Wolf had a thing where she showed they have FOIAed information that The CDC, the White House, all of them knew of the clotting issues and the myocarditis back in May of 2021.
That's prior to the mandates.
And yet they rolled this out anyway.
Well, by the way, I'm not a medical doctor, but I read a lot of stuff and my dad is.
A tiny little clot, you know, a millimeter long and a half millimeter wide can kill you.
These are gigantic.
This is like over-the-top ridiculous.
I mean, these things are humongous.
That's right.
That's right.
And here's the thing.
Everybody's talking about, well, we've got to have peer-reviewed articles, this, that, and the other.
A lot of us don't understand that, but you know what you can't hide?
Physical evidence.
This is actual evidence of what we're seeing.
The pictures, you don't have to be a medical doctor to look at this and say, This don't look right.
Somebody needs to figure this out.
And why are so many embalmers now speaking about it?
All right, Richard Hershman, very impressive.
I asked my producer to get guests on.
She got like five of them.
So I hate to cut you guys off.
And, you know, also amazing job, Jamie, who's protecting our identity.
I want to invite you both back on, both of you, for a full hour very, very soon.
Thank you so much for exposing this.
We're all counting on you.
Thank you.
God bless you.
You're welcome.
Keep up the good work.
God bless you.
You're welcome.
Keep up the good work.
God bless you.
You're welcome.
Keep up the good work.
God bless you.
You're welcome.
Keep up the good work.
God bless you.
You're welcome.
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All right, one of the leading people kind of organizing this and exposing it
has been former Air Force Major Thomas Habelin.
Finds 70% of embalmers report seeing with strange blood clots beginning in 2021,
right after the shots rolled out.
And so they got so many great guests today.
I was confusing, only some are on here, some are on there.
No, they're able to cross over.
So that's great because so much information.
I can't wait to talk to [BLANK_AUDIO]
Former Air Force Major Thomas Haviland.
I feel like I know him.
I've seen so many of his reports.
So he's going to be joining us at Riding Shotgun.
He's put together a big PowerPoint presentation on this.
We'll be going to him here in just a few minutes.
But I wanted to be able to finish up.
With Richard Hirschman, who has gone public now for years, and of course Jamie, who is a funeral service professional, certified crematory operator, who's seen the same things.
And so before I let you guys go, I wanted to have you put out any other information you want, because this is so obviously critical to humanity.
So Jamie, anything else you'd like to add for folks or observations?
Um, yeah, Alex, I would just like to say, um, people need to wake up.
Uh, you know, this is serious.
Um, you know, we don't know what this is.
Uh, we've got to think critically, um, before we just put anything into our bodies.
Um, you know, and I just thank you for having us on here today, allowing us to have a voice.
Thank you.
Let me ask you this though in closing, Jamie.
What do you think should be done about this?
Because it's conclusive.
I work seven days a week.
It's conclusive.
I've been seeing for almost three years, coroners from Sweden, and Denmark, and the Netherlands, and France, and Germany, and Ireland, and Scotland, and New Zealand, and Australia, and Canada, and the U.S., and anywhere these shots are given out, they're going, what the hell is this?
We've never seen this before.
And I've seen some of the funeral home directors.
I've been working 39 years, never seen this.
Now we're seeing record dead bodies, and then they go, funeral home directors go, and I saw one in the UK last year, and they just show all these plots dug up, they talk to the local people at the cemetery, and they go, yeah, we've never seen so many people getting buried.
Then we get the insurance actuary numbers, and it's 20 million dead at least, and record level deaths, worse than World War I and World War II.
I mean, this is not our opinion, but you guys are where the rubber meets the road, and it just, now we see this big a very popular individual who is over in Australia,
funeral director John O'Looney's getting banned off the internet, banned off a bunch of platforms,
as he tells the truth.
How the hell do people in big tech and the system cover up something that's clearly gonna hurt them too?
It's like opening the borders and shipping in fentanyl and making jokes about it, and now the CEO of YouTube,
who's attacked me many times, and he said her son was a listener, so she banned me off YouTube
'cause he was a listener.
His son, her son just died of a fentanyl.
I mean, how do they not know?
I'm kind of ranting here, I'm gonna shut up a minute.
How do they not know that they're gonna have blowback from this?
This is crazy!
Alex, I think you've heard, I think I've heard you say useful idiots.
All right, Jamie.
Well, thank you so much.
I appreciate you joining us.
Finishing up with Richard Hirschman.
Very impressive information, sir.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Alex, again, everybody's waiting for all these, you know, peer-reviewed articles, this, that, and the other.
I think the reason why most of us embalmers are early to notice this Is because we've been dealing with the blood for years.
I mean, we've dealt with typical blood clotting issues in the past.
What we noticed, I know myself, I noticed an obvious change in the blood of the bodies I was working on.
Now, most of the doctors that are out there, I'm not trying to throw any doctors under the bus or anything, but they don't deal, they don't, they don't drain people's blood out and pump formaldehyde in them.
They're not used to what we see.
Even pathologists that might do an autopsy on somebody, they're looking at the actual organs.
They're not flushing out typically the blood system itself.
We are seeing something very highly abnormal.
The big white fibrous clots is obviously the biggest thing that is in everybody's face.
It's the pictures that I've taken that are obvious something's not right.
But it's more than that.
We have what we call dirty blood.
It looks like Sometimes coffee grounds are fine grains of sand that's coming out in the blood where typically blood is red.
It might be a very dark red, but it's not.
It's changed and we noticed it.
We noticed it.
And if these things are also forming postmortem, but they're not only postmortem because we have people that are getting them out while they're still alive, but Because they continue to accumulate post-mortem might be the reason why we noticed this change early.
And, you know, when we started sounding the alarm, all these doctors are saying it's not true.
How can you prove it?
I've showed images.
I've had a few videos that I've put out there, and the one that I posted yesterday, you know, is obvious.
It's right there.
I mean, the evidence is in front of you.
If people don't want to look at it and believe it, fine.
If you want to blame it on anything, go ahead.
Come up with a great explanation.
But just denying it doesn't change anything.
And we don't need to argue about it.
People can sit there and talk about whether these are nanotechnology, whether this is hydrogels, graphene oxide, amyloid proteins, all these arguments about this stuff.
Between the people that are looking into it and they start fighting about it, to me, are they all looking at the same thing just calling it something different?
Powerfully said.
Without studying it.
Powerfully said.
What's that?
Powerfully said.
We've got to study this.
We've got to look into it.
Because they know exactly what's going on.
I go back to that October 2000 FDA report, which they put on their website, saying, we predict all of this, and exactly what they predicted said.
And then the Pentagon, we know, actually created the so-called vaccine before it was even, the virus was released, and they gave it to companies that didn't produce it, and they gave it to our own troops.
This is absolutely out of control.
I want to play one more clip for you before you leave, because I'm not making light of the mass death.
I've lost friends and family.
But I think of the analogy of the 1980s movie The Thing, where you get a few cells of it, it takes over your cells and replicates, and then basically takes over your body and mimics it.
And then I thought, there's an even quicker way to illustrate this, and I'm not saying this is what's happening, but it's like an allegory of how scary it is.
Of a movie in the mid-80s called The Stuff.
And a meteorite crashes, a guy tastes it, it takes over his body, and then they basically, aliens take over your body and they set up facilities to give you the stuff, and then the stuff basically takes your body over, and then finally the government finds out about it and stops it.
Except this stuff just basically kills you, and they have plausible deniability, but it does self-replicate in the body.
Here's a clip from the 1980s B horror movie.
A great new taste sensation.
Lying free now.
But what's your elevation?
Enough is never enough.
Enough is never enough of the stuff.
The stuff.
The taste that makes you hungry for more.
The stuff.
Taste that delivers.
Enough is never enough.
We interrupt this presentation with the following urgent message.
Tonight, America is in grave danger.
We are under alien attack by a popular dessert known as The Stuff.
Here, Jason.
Take some.
Don't eat that!
There is something alive in there.
There's something alive in yogurt.
It's called benign bacteria.
If the stuff is in your house, do not eat it.
If you have it on your shelves, do not sell it.
If you distribute this material, close your doors, make no more sales.
Enough. It's never enough.
Now the reason I show that is not to make light of this, but that could get the public's attention.
This is something causing your body to self-replicate giant blood clots that people in the business habit of embalming have not seen in 50 years.
This is biblical in proportions.
closing comments on that Richard Hirschman. Well, yeah, I, you know, it's interesting.
I know that this has got to be something in the body.
It must be self-replicating, creating these additional proteins that accumulate until it becomes an issue for the individual.
We've got to figure out what's causing this to go on.
How to reverse it?
Do you know of anything?
I guess you're at the rubber meets the road.
All you see is people full of this.
We need top-level scientists figuring out how the hell do we isolate this, find out what it is, and reverse it, right?
We do, and I caution on giving advice because I'm not a medical doctor.
I know there's lots of people like Dr. Peter McCullough, who I respect highly, and Anna Mihaljevic.
There's lots of people that have different therapies, but you're right, we need to figure out something that we can prove it, but we can't prove that it's helping until we can Verify that this protein or whatever this substance is, is being reduced from the body.
And if we don't know what it is, how do we know we're getting rid of it?
All right, we should be putting this on screen.
You are R underscore Hirschman on X. R underscore Hirschman on X. Incredible information.
Joe Rogan called me this week and he said, why don't we have this guy on?
I said, why haven't I?
Why is it Joe?
You want me to get Joe to get you on?
R underscore Hirschman.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Jamie does the same business, but she is obviously private with anonymity, which makes sense.
Thank you so much for the time, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
All right, for the balance of the broadcast, and we've got some other folks joining us, Bill Funk and others, is Thomas Habelin, and he spent 20 years in the U.S.
Air Force, retired the rank of Major.
After that, Tom was a defense contractor working with the Air Force on an additional 16 years.
Tom is an electrical engineer and data analyst, and has worked with fighter aircraft such as the F-16 Falcon, the F-22 Raptor, and the F-117 Stealth Fighter.
After watching Died Suddenly documentary, Tom has conducted not one but two worldwide
embalmer blood clot surveys to investigate the appearances of new and unusual white fibrous
clots in corpses and their potential link to the COVID vaccine as described by embalmers
in the documentary.
So he's taking action.
The results of Tom's surveys are both shocking and disturbing.
And I want to spend the rest of the hour, 15 minutes with him, talk about his awakening,
what he's seeing, covering kind of the general battlescape.
Then we'll start the next hour and he'll really take over the show with a powerful PowerPoint
we're going to do here on air that believe me, the folks behind this do not want to be
So, Tom, thank you so much, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for having me on the show to talk about this very important topic.
It all started for me with the Died Suddenly movie.
I watched that the night that it premiered.
It was the week of Thanksgiving of 2022 and the Monday of that week.
I know there's some problems with the film, but at the 13 minute and 15 second mark in that movie, an amazing statement was made.
An embalmer from the state of Indiana, Mr. Wallace Hooker, I was briefing, lecturing at an Ohio Embalmers Association conference in Columbus, Ohio on the 26th of October in 2022.
And he was lecturing to a room of about 100 embalmers.
And he showed them photographs of these white fibrous clots like, you know, Richard Hirschman showed you and I'll show the audience again here.
He showed photographs of these, Alex, to the audience and he said, by a show of hands, how many of you embalmers are seeing these same strange white fibrous clots?
And he said almost the entire room of 100 embalmers raised their hands yes.
He then asked them, Alex, well, when did you start seeing them?
And they all agreed it was in the middle of 2021 after the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.
So whatever else went on in that movie, I thought that was an amazing statement, right?
And that statement's either true or false.
Either those embalmers raised their hands or they didn't.
So I got up the next morning, Alex, after that movie, and I said, you know, I don't think any reporter's gonna chase after this story.
So I decided myself to call the Ohio Bombers Association.
They're located in Cincinnati, Ohio.
So you felt a conviction to do this?
Yeah, yeah.
I was retired and I had the time to do it.
So I called them and they're about an hour south of me.
I live in Dayton, Ohio.
And I talked to their president, their vice president, and their secretary.
And I asked all three gentlemen, did you happen to be in the room at the time that those embalmers supposedly raised their hands saying they saw the clots?
Well, none of the three of them happened to be in the room at the time.
However, the vice president at that time, who is now actually the president of the Ohio Bulmers Association, said to me, Tom, I'm seeing the white fibrous clots too.
He owns a funeral home about an hour north of me and he doesn't do bulmers.
So boom, you pick up a phone to check if it's real and it's immediately confirmation.
So I know that he corroborated, this official officer of the Ohio Embalmers Association, corroborated the six or seven embalmers in the Died Suddenly movie.
So I said right there and then, hey, I need to do a survey, a nationwide survey, which I then later turned into a worldwide survey to see just how big this phenomenon was.
Please continue.
So that led me to the creation of my first worldwide embalmer blood clot survey that I conducted last year.
And that survey had three main results, Alex.
Of the 179 embalmers that responded around the world to that survey, 119 of them, almost exactly two-thirds, 66%, said they were indeed seeing the white fibrous clots through the end of the year 2022.
The main consensus of those embalmers was indeed that the clot started in 2021 after the rollout of the vaccines.
And maybe the most shocking result, Alex, was that many of the embalmers were seeing these white fibrous clots in up to 50% or more of their corpses.
And that's exactly what Richard Hirschman just said.
And this is speculation, but let's talk about people being scared.
What do you want to bet almost all those other embalmers that they had, you know, obviously any flow of business, dead bodies, they're just scared to respond or scared to say they saw it.
So I would imagine a lot of that, above that 66 percent, of that 37 percent, I would imagine a lot of those folks were just scared to say yes.
Quite possibly.
Quite possibly.
I trusted every answer I got when I did the survey.
By the way, both last year's survey and this year's survey, I ran them as unbiasedly as I could, Alex.
I only asked the embalmers, what did you see?
When did you see it?
And how much did you see?
And what percentage of your corpses did you see these clots?
I never in any, either of my surveys, either last year or this year, ever mentioned the words COVID or COVID vaccine.
I didn't want to leave the witness.
So I only asked the embalmers questions that they could answer.
When and how much?
So, please continue.
In both surveys, I used a two-pronged approach in distributing the surveys, Alex.
We used a tool called SurveyMonkey, and I sent the survey out in a link, in an email, and the top-down approach I used is I sent it to 50 national, regional, and state funeral director associations, each with hundreds of members underneath them, funeral directors and embalmers.
I also then used a bottom-up approach.
I found out the email addresses for over 1,700 funeral homes around the world, And I sent the email to them directly with the link to the survey.
It was really easy to take.
Just click on the link and it took you right there.
This year's survey was 12 questions.
Last year's survey was 7 questions.
Takes only about 3 or 4 minutes for the embalmers to take.
What was interesting though, I was happy this year I got 269 responses to this year's survey, which was great.
It was 90 more responses than I got to last year's survey.
But I actually detected a little bit of a scandal, Alex, going on.
Because when I sent the this year's survey out on the 8th of December, the first day I sent it out to the world, I checked my SurveyMonkey collectors about five days into the survey.
I only had about 14 responses to it.
I said, oh, this is terrible.
I need more responses than this.
So I contacted the 30 U.S.
states that there are funeral director associations that I sent the survey to.
I picked the top 30 U.S.
states by population, including red states and blue states, you know, Ohio, Texas, Florida, but also California, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts.
So I try to be fair that way and not get any red-blue bias.
But when I sent this survey out to them, I called the 30 state funeral director association presidents.
I either talked to their president, their secretary, or somebody else in their office, and I said, hey, could you please forward that survey that I sent to you last week out to all your active embalmers so they can take the survey?
And let me guess, it was blocked by the spam filter?
God bless the Pennsylvania Funeral Directors Association, Alex.
They did exactly as I asked, and I know that because the next day I checked my Survey Monkey collectors.
I had 93 responses from embalmers, Alex, and they were all from one state, Pennsylvania.
I then got up the next day, and I had another 32 responses from embalmers, and again, they were all from Pennsylvania.
So in two days, I got 125 responses from embalmers in just one state.
And it told me two things, Alex.
It told me that, first of all, embalmers, they want to tell you what they're seeing in the embalming room if If they think they have the permission of their funeral director boss or their state funeral director association.
Ah, so what you're saying is you detected the associations have gotten the word, don't answer the survey.
Right, because remember I sent it to 29 other state associations, and what they did probably is deleted my email.
They probably didn't forward it down to the funeral directors in Baltimore to take in the first place.
And that's key.
You send the first survey out and get massive response across the board, but now the system was ready the next time.
So that shows real premeditation by somebody.
Yeah, and I have two reasons why I think that they failed or may have been reluctant, those 29 other states.
Remember, a lot of these Funeral Director Association presidents are funeral directors themselves.
You know, they elect one of their own as the president of their state association.
Well, would you want to participate in the survey if you think there's a link between the COVID-19 vaccines and these white fibrous clots and microclotting and these other issues that we're going to talk about?
If you mandated that all your employees of your funeral home, including your embalmer, take the COVID-19 vaccine, you know, if somebody gets injured, you might be sending yourself for a lawsuit.
Well, that's right.
That's how corruption works, is this attitude of never admitting you're wrong, covering your ass, but you end up losing your ass in the end because everybody, it's like the Chinese, you know, they can't ever really build anything good because they always cover up any problems.
We're not supposed to do that in the West in America, folks.
The other reason I think maybe, Alex, is according to the CDC, about 80% of American adults over the age of 18 took at least the first two COVID-19 vaccines back in 2021.
So there might be a little cognitive dissonance going on with these funeral directors.
They may not want to know the answer to the survey because they may have taken the vaccine themselves.
So there might be some cognitive dissonance going on as well.
That's right.
Some Stockholm syndrome.
They're sticking their head in the sand.
So we're going to go to break here in a few minutes.
We're going to do your PowerPoint.
Tell us what you're going to present.
Yeah, I'm going to present slides that show through the year 2023.
We asked the involvers again, what are you seeing in terms of white fibers, clots, micro clotting and some other issues that we'll talk about after the break.
And again, how do people find your amazing work?
Well, the Children's Health Defense has done a wonderful article.
That's the publication that comes out of, it's called The Defender.
It's Children's Health Defense.
Oh, we love them, yeah.
Also, I did a very good YouTube video with famous UK doctor John Campbell on the 7th of February.
The people can watch on YouTube.
That's about an hour long presentation.
Where we go into detail about the results of the survey.
And by the way, he's so respected.
He admits he got conned.
He admits there's mass death now.
That guy reaches 10, 15 million people a week.
They're really scared of him.
Yes, they are.
Because he actually, at the beginning of the whole thing, he was somewhat promoting the vaccines.
And then when he started seeing the data go sideways, he had enough integrity to make the change over and say, hey, wait a minute.
There's something wrong with these shots.
They're actually killing and injuring millions around the world.
So God bless John Campbell.
Well, that's right, because I hear this thing where, oh, you know, Dr. Brett Weinstein's now on our side, or this person came over, and people are like, oh, they're a traitor, they were wrong.
It takes more integrity, morally, to admit you're wrong later.
That's a sign of integrity, not the opposite.
We need to have a big tent and get people to admit they're wrong and let people in the system know they can come over to us so we can stop this.
Amen, Alex.
We cannot throw those people aside.
Because, you know, I understand they were duped.
The powers that be were telling us the shot was safe and effective.
And that mantra just caught people off guard.
People trusted.
They didn't want to kill Grandma.
But boy, they made a big mistake.
All right, stay there, sir.
Taking these shots.
We're going to break in about a minute.
We're going to come back and we're going to, we got a short little break that comes up.
Some stations join us, but we're going to get right into your PowerPoint.
This is so important.
We'll also link up to the Dr. Campbell interview as well.
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Hour number three, two minutes away.
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What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
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And I thank you all for your support.
Tomorrow's news.
You know, is there something to worry about with medicines?
That is, might some of them have side effects?
Do we need safety testing?
I mean, and we're taking things that are, you know, genetically modified organisms, and we're injecting them in little kids' arms.
We just shoot him right into the vein.
(suspenseful music)
(static crackling)
(suspenseful music)
(static crackling)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
Holy cow.
It changed immediately.
Didn't it?
Holy cow.
Instantly cleared.
I've never seen anything do that.
And I don't mean to sound sensational, I just... Right.
I haven't.
Never seen anything do that.
Never seen anything do that.
Look at that.
That's the Pfizer, right?
Both of them.
Look at that.
Okay, so we'll first take the normal one.
This is the regular without anything on it.
You can see little platelet clumps up in here, throughout, and then a couple of white cells in the background.
Well, that looks pretty decent.
Like you're going to live forever, Dale.
Alright, good to know.
Alright, let's see what the Moderna looks like.
So again, we'll start kind of out at that thicker edge first.
And work our way towards, which should be the thinner portion of the prep.
The question is, where'd all the cells go?
They're gone.
It pushed them back into a big giant clump over at the edged clump.
And again, is that the charge on the particles?
I don't know.
But where we put that drop, there are no red cells there.
I was gonna say, as they come out, it's almost like they're, you know, getting leathered, bleaching clear.
Bleaching clear, some of them are folded, and some are, what do we call it, crenulated, a little crinkled.
But yeah, I mean, that whole edge is, like, bleached.
So this is the J&J.
That's totally different.
It's like a nuclear bomb went off.
It doesn't matter.
Yeah, it's disordered, isn't it?
And then there's a little more of that stacking, that rouleau, here.
And again, look at all this clumping here out on the edge of it.
It just, yeah, like you said, like a nuclear bomb went off, it just congealed it.
And again, that's not spike, that's just the lipid nanoparticle.
So these are becoming more spherical, and you're losing that donut in the middle of your red cell.
What's happening here is slightly from the outside of the cell in, causing those cells to balloon up slightly, because now you've got a subtle osmotic shift here.
And all of these are supposed to be, you know, Again, isotonic.
These are supposed to be balanced with the pH of the body.
You shouldn't be seeing this kind of reaction.
It shouldn't be damaging to the cells of the body right away like this.
So here's that first visor.
And these were the ones where we just put a drop on and the whole thing just cleared.
This is where all that fluid went.
And again, like that J&J, just caused immediate dispersion and clumping.
And those don't look very red to me either.
Oh, and look at this.
Those little spikies.
Those are called echinocytes.
So, it instantly changed the pH interior.
These are little blubs of protein on the membrane of the red cell, because the red cell has involuted, and then those proteins on the surface, they don't have room to go.
It's like flattening a ball of some sort, and it's kind of all baggy, but, you know, so all these little fingers, that is not spike protein.
So that's another myth I wouldn't mind dispelling.
I mean, it's crazy, because it's done it to so many.
We didn't see that on the other ones, right?
All right, Tom Haviland has done an incredible service to humanity.
He died suddenly a few years ago, and he is a former defense contractor and former U.S.
Air Force major that did data analysis, and he went out and did surveys with the Mortuaries with the funeral homes with the embalmers and found shocking information.
60 plus percent almost 70 percent did find these weird white tuberous clots they'd never seen before and half of the bodies they saw had them from those numbers.
So we already kind of broke that down.
People are joining us millisecond to millisecond here.
You can find him on X and we'll be putting that up on screen while he's speaking.
But I have his Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey.
He's done several of these now.
United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia.
Conducted December 23rd to January 2024.
And he's done a PowerPoint for us.
So I'm gonna do my best to just sit back now and let him go through that.
Sir, please go ahead and give us a presentation and thank you.
Sure, Alex.
On this year's survey, like I said, I ran it from the 8th of December of this last year through the 8th of January.
And as soon as I had it finished, I wrapped up the results and I sent the presentation that I'm about to show you to the FDA, CDC, and NIH, just like I did last year.
When I had the results of the USA portion of the survey done last year, I sent it off to the FDA.
They had a meeting of their Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee on the 26th of January of last year, 2023.
And they actually had an hour set aside for oral presentations.
I asked to speak at that meeting.
But there was a lottery ensued.
There were 20 speakers selected.
I wasn't one of them.
But I did submit my results in a written format, Alex, last year, about a full week before that meeting took place.
And I did get a tracking number from the FDA.
But throughout the entire year, Alex, I heard nothing from the FDA or the CDC.
So, I'm not holding my breath this year, but as soon as I had the results of this current survey that we're about to see, I sent those off the very next day on the 9th of January to the FDA, CDC, and NIH.
And, you know, in hopes that they'll do something about it this year.
But I'm not holding my breath.
And it's not like you're doing this alone with your great, you know, background in data analysis with the Air Force and then with the defense contracting work.
We have just huge articles, stories, epidemiologists, pathologists around the world talking about this phenomenon.
We have giant stacks of studies saying it's causing blood clots, but Then you come out send them all this data and crickets that
that really shows what's going on here So so let's start with the latest survey
Okay in
The first question we asked in the survey this year by the way was what state you from
We allow the embalmers to stay anonymous, but we want to know where they're from.
One of the reasons why, Alex, is we want to check for regionality.
There's the bad batch theory that maybe some batches were sent to, you know, bad batches were sent to some locations and other batches were clean sent to other locations.
Unfortunately, we did not get enough responses to the survey to really determine anything about the bad batch theory.
So, if you go to the next slide, you'll see question two.
We asked the embalmers, how long have you been an embalmer?
And as you see there, the pretty long bar there at the bottom, most of the embalmers that respond to the survey have over 20 years of experience.
And this is a great thing, right?
They know what the blood looked like before the years of COVID.
They know what it looks like in the year of COVID, 2020, but we had no vaccines yet.
And then they also know what the blood looks like from 2021 to present, when we had both the COVID virus and the vaccines.
So this is a good thing.
Average of 15 years experience.
Next slide.
We then ask the embalmers, how many corpses do you normally embalm per year?
As you can see there, the average is about 100 corpses per year, two a week.
Embalmers like Richard Hirschman, who you just had on the show, Richard is very prolific.
He's a trade embalmer, so he contracts with about a dozen funeral homes, and he'll do well over 300 bodies a year, sometimes many more, and often two or three bodies a day.
So these embalmers that respond to the survey, they know what they're seeing, they know what dead bodies usually look like, Next slide.
We then asked the embalmers.
Did you see the white fibers clots in the year 2023?
Look at that Alex!
197 of the 269 embalmers that responded to our survey, 73% are still seeing these white fibers clots in the year 2023.
That's about the same percentage as 2022 when about 67% said they saw the clots.
So it's not a good thing as we get further and further out from most people taking their last jabs in 2021.
We're still seeing a lot of these white fibers clots the embalmers are.
Next slide.
So the next question we ask in bombers is, well, in what percentage of your corpses are you seeing these white fibrous clots?
If you average all the bars there, including the green bar where 63 embalmers said they saw no clots, average that into the rest of the bars, you get a weighted average of about 20% of the corpses in 2023 containing these white fibrous clots.
That's down from an average of 30% in the year 2022.
You know, that's not necessarily a good vindication though for the vaccines.
Like I said, most people took, 80% of Americans took the vaccines back in 2021.
But as you know, only about 20% of Americans took the bivalent omicron booster in the fall of 2022, and only about 15% or less of Americans took the XBB1.5 booster that came out this last fall.
So you might expect, if the vaccines are the cause of these white fibers clots, you might expect the percentage to go down as we get further and further away from people taking their last jabs way back in 2021.
And as I said before, you know, embalmers have never seen this phenomenon prior to the years of COVID or the vaccines.
If you look over there on the left, you'll see 48 of the embalmers saw the white fibrous clots between 21 to 40% of their corpses.
Another 29 embalmers saw these white fibrous clots between 41 to 60% of their corpses.
And there was 11 embalmers that saw these white fibrous clots between 61 to 80% of their corpses in 2023.
So, it's telling me this is not a rare phenomenon, Alex.
These things are prevalent.
You're absolutely right.
Please continue.
Next slide.
As Richard Hirschman mentioned, one of the other things we had the embalmers talk about with me this year is the phenomenon of microclotting.
If you go to the next slide, you'll see that.
I'm not seeing it on my screen.
Question six.
Back up one.
We asked the, uh, as the embalmers say, they don't call it microclotting, Alex.
They call it what looks like coffee grounds or dirty blood in the drainage coming off the corpse as they're trying to put the formaldehyde in.
Which they say they've never seen.
I mean, they have seen a little bit in the past.
It's very, very rare, but they have seen it in the past.
But look at that number, Alex.
212 embalmers out of the 269 that responded.
79%, almost 80% of the embalmers saw this phenomenon in 2023.
Sure, and I'm sure you're the expert.
I was just going off, I've seen a lot of them on the internet saying, I've been working 15 years, never seen this, but you're saying some have seen it, maybe guys that have worked 20 years, 30 years.
If you go to the next slide, you'll see, I have a note there that says they've typically seen it in the past in less than 5% of their corpses.
You see down there in the lower right-hand corner.
And some of the embalmers I've talked to said they've seen it before in chemotherapy patients with heavy chemo, when those corpses come in.
But if you average the bars all together again, including the green bar, where 49 embalmers said they saw none, you get a weighted average of 25% of the corpses in 2023 containing these coffee grounds or dirty blood.
So that's at least a five times a quintupling of what they used to see prior to the years of COVID and the vaccines.
Again, if you look to the left, you'll see 58 of the embalmers saw this microcloning phenomenon between 21 to 40% of their corpses.
32 embalmers are seeing the dirty blood, coffee grounds in 41 to 60% of their corpses.
And the 16 embalmers saw between 61 to 80% of their corpses.
So this is, and this could be just as dangerous as those large white fibrous clots.
As we said, it can block off the exchange of oxygen in the lungs.
It happens at the small capillary levels.
And then the carrying of that oxygen to all the major organs of the body.
But if a tiny one gets in your brain, you're going to have a stroke.
They can definitely lead to stroke.
They also can lead to things like brain fog.
It's no wonder people might be having brain fog if they're not getting enough oxygen going to their brains.
A lot of people are also having trouble with their eyesight, and we know there's a lot of small capillaries that feed the eyes, and if it's being blocked by this microclotting, it can cause blindness or impaired vision.
So it's a serious problem.
Next slide.
One of the things the We checked on last year was the grape jelly clots.
And these are traditional clots, by the way.
As I think Richard Hirschman told you earlier, embalmers before COVID only saw two types of clots.
Grape jelly clots, which are just like grape jelly.
They're dark, you know, purple color and they dissolve easily in your hands.
And then they've also seen what's called chicken fat clots for forever.
Those are yellowish, small, and they tear very easily.
Much, much different than these large white fibrous clots that, you know, that then are really tough and rubbery and elastic.
So we asked the embalmers, what percentage of your corpses had the grape jelly clots this year?
And you'll see, yeah, you see the grape jelly blob there at the top of that photo there.
Those are typical.
What it's attached to is not typical.
The white fibrous clot at the bottom, yeah.
So Involver said they saw the grape jelly clots in 40% of the corpses this year.
They also said that they are more like grape jam than grape jelly.
They're thicker and that's been that way since the since the rollout of the vaccines as well.
So then our next question, if you go to the next slide, you'll see well what was it prior to the years of COVID and the vaccines?
And if you go to question 9, you'll see that the percentage was 30%.
So they did see grape jelly clots before the years of the pandemic in about 30% of the corpses, but that's risen now to about 40% of the corpses.
And we'll put slide 9 up there, but let me just stop for a moment.
We'll hear about one rabies case in a kitten and it's national news.
We'll hear about some new smallpox that killed one guy in Alaska and it's top news, but then we have over half the embalmers saying they're seeing a clot they've never seen and we have the CDC admitting these shots cause blood clots and it's crickets from the media.
That is unprecedented.
I mean, that is such a scandal that there's some little thing pops up.
It's all over the news, but something massive.
We're not supposed to talk about it.
It is shocking, isn't it?
Because we've got, like you say, we've got this brand new thing of these white fibers clots.
We've got five times as much microclotting as we've ever seen before.
We've got a rise in grape jelly clots from 30% to 40% of corpses.
And that's all happening together.
So it's just, it's horrific what's going on, Alex.
And you know what?
I think it's actually caused a lot of psychological damage for the embalmers seeing this horror story.
And you know, because they're afraid to speak out.
They've seen what happens if doctors speak out against the vaccines.
They see them getting their licenses pulled, their certifications taken away from them.
And they don't want to rock the boat for their funeral home.
They want to keep their jobs, you know.
And like I said, they may be in a bad position because maybe their employer mandated they get the jabs.
So, you know, it's just a horrific situation.
And I'm very thankful to the embalmers that did speak out.
The 269 that did take the survey.
People like Richard Hirschman, John O'Looney.
The embalmers that came out very early on this and have a good conscience to try to warn the American public and the people of the world.
They've got a soul and it's a worldwide UN treaty, biomedical takeover.
I saw earlier when I had the other guest on, Richard Hirschman, I was talking about The individual you just mentioned in Australia, and you were nodding your head at how they're censoring him.
I mean, they are really trying to shut this down right now.
And of course, I'm talking about... John O'Looney?
John O'Looney, yeah.
The British Institute of Embalmers has actually sent out an email to their membership saying they are not to communicate with John O'Looney.
Who's a member of the British Institute of Embalmers.
It's just, it's horrific what's happening.
And there's a tremendous suppression for reasons we talked about before the break, but it's something else.
Another thing we asked in the survey, by the way, John, going back, yeah, if we go to the next question.
Yes, the embalmers have told us that they're seeing a phenomenon of more infant deaths now.
And this is a really sad area, right?
I guess the good news is, is the no bars you can see there is longer.
69% of the embalmers said they did not see an increase in infant deaths in the year 2023 compared to the years before COVID.
But there were 21% who did.
And I think one of the reasons why that yellow bar is fairly long is some of the embalmers have told me, Alex, that there seem to be more cremations of infants these days than ever before.
And so if there's any evidence of clotting or any problems in the child, then that evidence obviously is being destroyed with a cremation.
Also, the hospitals these days... Yeah, let's slow down and talk about that, because while you've been talking, Tom Haviland, data analyst for me with the Pentagon, I literally have five stacks of studies and CDC admissions and FDA admissions that it causes clots.
So let's just get this straight.
They pulled the J&J shot years ago because of clotting.
That is not debatable.
We're not up here speculating.
We're just simply covering the magnitude of these new forms of clots and the huge death we're seeing.
So while you're talking, we'll continue with your PowerPoint.
I'm going to be showing some of these articles.
Go ahead.
Yeah, because you're right, in April of 2021, they temporarily paused the J&J shot for blood clotting issues, particularly with pregnant women.
But strangely, Alex, they brought that shot back just a few weeks later, and they let people continue to take that J&J shot through the rest of 2022, excuse me, through the rest of 2021, until they finally then in, I think, May of 2022, They told people, "Hey, if you're going to get any boosters,
don't get the J&J shot.
Take the Moderna or the Pfizer one instead."
But they let that shot come right back on the market after only a several week pause,
which I think was just devastating.
Because like you say, the evidence was showing, their own evidence was showing that that J&J
shot was causing clotting.
Please continue.
And so the next natural question we asked for the 20% of the embalmers who said that
they did see the increase in infant deaths in 2023 compared to the years prior to COVID,
you go to the next slide, question 11, you'll see that if you average all those bars together
except for the blue bar, if you start with the yellow bar and go down and average all
those together, it becomes a 25% increase in infant deaths in 2023.
Compared to the pre-COVID years for just those that 20% of embalmers who did see the increase.
So that's alarming in and of itself, right Alex?
That's incredible!
A 1% should be investigated.
And then I look at the New England Journal of Medicine two years ago, found in the first two trimesters an 80 plus percent increase in miscarriage.
But the baby gets tougher and bigger, it still lives, then a lot of times it dies after.
I mean, you look at this.
This is just... I get why people can't face this.
It's so astounding.
It's so Hitlerian.
It's so over the top.
It's just hard to process.
Yeah, and Dr. James Thorpe, as you see, he's been tracking this as OBGYN, and he's seen just a tremendous increase in miscarriages, fetal demises, stillborns, SIDS, and it's just horrific.
And as we know, they have found the spike protein from the vaccine in the mother's breast milk going from the mother to the infant.
They've also found the spike protein from the vaccine and delivered placentas that the woman delivers after she delivers the child.
So it seems pretty clear that the vaccine spike protein from the vaccine is getting through from the mother to the infant.
So this is just disastrous.
And then on top of it they want to vaccinate your six-month-old.
So it's just horrific what's going on.
So the last question we asked this year was question 12.
And we didn't get a chance last year, Alex, to ask about age stratification, so we made that a point to do that this year.
So we asked the embalmers, have you seen an increase in any type of clot, whether it's grape jelly, white fibrous, or microclotting in the year 2023 for any particular age groups, plural.
So this particular question, we allow them to mark multiple answers.
You know, for all the groups they saw that in.
No surprise here that the longest bars are for the elderly age groups.
You see the longest bar there for the 66 to 80-year-old group.
And you expect that, you know, as people get older, you start to have plaque problems, cholesterol buildup in their vascular system.
But what disturbs me, Alex, is that 36 to 50-year-old bar.
That's a pretty long bar.
89 of the embalmers said they saw an increase of clotting in that particular age group.
And what's interesting about this is it dovetails very closely with the work from Edward Dow of the insurance data.
He's taken a close look at the UK and USA death and disability data, and he has seen a tremendous increase in that particular age group.
It basically exploded, Alex, in the year 2021, in the third quarter of 2021, when the vaccines were mandated for a lot of workers in that particular age group.
So the information I'm getting from the answer from the embalmers is dovetailing very closely with the death and disability data that's been collected by Edward Dowd.
People in that 36 to 50-year-old age group, Alex, you don't normally associate them with having heart attacks and strokes at that age.
Usually you don't start having heart attacks and strokes until you're in your late 50s, early 60s.
But we're seeing a lot more died suddenlies in that category of 36 to 50-year-olds.
This is quite alarming.
Let me ask you this.
We'll continue in the next segment and have another guest pop again but ride shotgun with us.
As an American, as just a patriot, what do you think's really all behind this and what can we do to stop it?
Because they're coming back with a UN treaty to take over medical care, our countries, our bodies.
Tedros just said last week at the World Government Summit, the head of the WHO, that yeah, more diseases are coming, you better give in to us.
This is so obviously a depopulation plan, but also about corrupting the medical system so they'll follow orders in the future.
And I understand the horror is extreme, so people have trouble dealing with this, but The horror of going along with this is far worse.
How do you see this playing out?
What can we do?
You're a man of action.
What should we do next?
Well, you know, CDC and FDA have failed us.
They're supposed to protect the American citizens and they've just been a rubber stamp for big pharma on these products.
Our Congress has let us down with the exception of a few people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Senator Ron Johnson, Rand Paul.
Just a few have made this a big issue.
So I always tell people, you know what?
You're the last line of defense, the citizen.
You just have to say no to these products.
And that's why I'm calling for a moratorium on them.
I think they're not safe and effective.
And I think the data clearly shows that.
And that we need to pull back.
And what's really shocking, Alex, is they're getting ready to pump out a whole bunch of these mRNA-based lipid nanoparticle delivery type products in the next
couple years.
You know, they've got a single shot, an RSV shot, they want to use a technology for the flu shot.
Moderna's got about 40 of these things in the pipeline that they're ready to put onto the world.
And, you know, not just hundreds of millions of people, but actually billions of arms.
Well, that's right. Bill Gates, along with Fauci and others, went on a bunch of C-SPAN shows in 2016, '17, '18, '19.
we're gonna use a new virus out of China.
I played the clip, folks, many times.
And we're going to blow up the old regulatory system and just have vaccines made to order.
But a vaccine, then they changed the definition of vaccine to anything we put in your body.
So yeah, this is a revolution.
Yeah, it's crazy.
You know, and people may be asking themselves, well, I'm not seeing a bunch of excess mortality.
You know, there's been about 10% excess mortality in highly vaccinated countries.
My expectancy has gone down for the first time in 100 years.
You know, what's strange about it, Alex, is we don't see any excess mortality in the African countries where they had very little uptake on the jab.
That should tell people something.
But people on their daily life, they probably don't see this 10% excess mortality.
It's very subtle.
Here in the United States, we're a country of 300 million people.
About 3 million of us died every year before the pandemic.
So a 10% excess mortality we've had the last three years is 10% of 3 million people.
Well, that's 300,000 extra people dying a year.
But at the individual level, you see maybe 11 people dying this year as opposed to 10.
That's 10% excess mortality too.
Are you really going to notice 11 people dying this year versus 10 dying last year?
Probably not, right?
But when you aggregate that 10% up to large populations, you wind up with 300,000 extra Americans dying every year.
That's what's happening here.
That's why it's subtle at the individual level, but on the mass population scale level, it's huge.
All right, Tom Haviland, stay right there.
We'll be back in a few minutes.
And we have another guest that's witnessed this joining us.
Stay with us.
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You know, this is not a entertainment show.
It's not a sports show.
It's not a Netflix review show.
I'm living here in the real world, where pathologists, coroners, undertakers, embalmers, all over the world are coming out and saying, we're seeing things we've never seen.
We're seeing mass death.
We're seeing record death.
We have the insurance company actuaries, and we have whistleblowers out of the New Zealand government at the highest levels.
And I'm just sitting back, knowing this is happening, and it's surreal.
Because the average person just thinks, oh this show is just another view, it's some guy on the radio talking about all this.
No, this is 100% real.
The miscarriages, the turbo cancers, the drop in longevity, in how long we live.
This is all real.
Tom Haviland?
Spent 20 years in the U.S.
Air Force, retired as a major, a defense contractor in data analysis, saw this, said, I'm going to check it out, made phone calls, then did studies.
Did surveys, and is now here exposing it, and his work is reaching hundreds of millions of people.
And we have another guest who's going to ride shotgun with you in a moment, who's another one of the witnesses to all of this, but Tom Haviland, what else do you want to get across to the audience right now, and what do you see as a solution to counter this?
Because they're trying, as you said, they've got 40-something plus new mRNAs coming out, saying no review, it's all safe, but no review.
What the hell's going on here?
Yeah, as I said earlier, you are the last line of defense.
One of the stories I had, one of the embalmers from the Die Suddenly movie is both a funeral director and an embalmer, similar to the job I told you earlier about who's the president now of the Ohio Embalmers Association.
And this woman who runs this other funeral home, Uh, said that whenever she finds the clots, Alex, she always asks the family of the deceased, Hey, did your loved one happen to take the COVID-19 vaccine?
And she says, 100% of the time, Alex, without fail, the answer is yes.
So I know that's just one, one person is anecdotal, but it's a pretty shocking thing to discover.
And further proof that, you know, I think it's primarily the vaccines that are causing this phenomenon, because most of the embalmers said they did not start seeing this phenomenon until 2021, in the middle of that year, about six months after the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.
So, let's be clear.
Let's be clear, I asked the crew to find it just seconds ago.
Remember all the pharmacists?
Every drug they ever had, whether it was Valium, whether it was steroids, whether it was, you know, opioids.
Every drug has a data sheet that comes with it.
They opened it up, it was totally blank.
Yeah, they didn't want to tell you what was in the bag.
And they also don't want to tell you, they don't want to give us the vaccination data of these people either that passed away.
It'd be nice for us to see the people that we find the white fibrous clots in and then compare that to their vaccination records.
So then we can get very strong data that might correlate the vaccines to the dead bodies with the clots.
But surprisingly, none of the U.S.
states want to release that information to their states.
Like I said, I think it's because most of the states push the vaccines, right, on their people.
So if They see that the vaccines are causing this death and destruction, then it implicates them as the people who actually promoted the vaccines.
So that's part of the problem here as well.
It's not a good situation.
No, I agree, Tom.
Here's the problem.
I don't even call us conservatives, but winners, alphas, successful people.
We get attacked in life.
We learn from it.
We move past it.
We don't live in the past.
We just say, hey, that made me stronger.
Nietzsche, that which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.
The left's all into being victims constantly, and that's their ideology.
But the globalists know populists Or Alpha's weakness is that we will just move on from an attack.
Well, as you said, they're planning global treaties, taking over our bodies, all these new poison shots.
We've got to realize we're the victims of a giant, megalomaniacal, mad scientist bio-war, and we better get upset about this to stop the next event, not reorganize, move forward.
That's a good, adaptive thing in humans.
But that's in our previous development.
We've got to recognize this was just a probe It's just like if aliens flew by and like blew up Chicago or blew up Moscow or blew up Tokyo, we wouldn't just say, oh, well, they're not coming back.
We'd mobilize to deal with if they came back.
We've just been hit with a major test and we need to get ready for the next big attack.
You're right, Alex.
You know, I think, unfortunately, I think Americans pretty much failed that test the first time.
80% of the people, they bought in and they actually took the vaccines.
The good news is, Alex, is they're waking up.
Like I said, only 20% of people took the bivalent Omicron booster in the fall of 2022.
Only 15% of the people took the latest XBB 1.5 booster, so they're figuring it out.
You know, they probably got two or three jabs.
They caught COVID anyways, once or twice, so, hey, the jab's not working.
You're hearing about all these nasty side effects like myocarditis, you know, nerve damage, turbo cancers, and now these white fibrous clots as well, and this micro clotting.
No, I agree we're winning the hearts and minds.
So you're a smart cookie.
You only go off data.
I get that.
But speculate as an American, as a veteran, as a patriot.
You're a smart guy.
The globalists aren't going to give up.
What do you think they're going to try next now?
And then what do we do?
Well, you know, they've already talked about disease X. They've talked about it possibly being more lethal than the COVID.
You know, the COVID actually, I think, wound up killing about a case fatality rate of about 0.3 percent, which was much less than the 3 or 4 percent they were telling us when the pandemic kicked off.
They used that fear to get people to take the shots.
And it wound up that they were off by a factor of 10.
The actual case fatality rate is only about 0.3%.
And I think a lot of that was probably due to lousy medical treatment.
They had denied ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine early on, and also the hospital protocols stink as well.
They put you on remdesivir, then slap you on a ventilator, and you had a 50-50 chance of living or dying.
So I'm very disappointed in the medical system.
And you know, I think they're captured too, Alex.
You know, they've got a whole system of carrots and sticks.
The Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, for example, they'll pay doctors who get 75% of their patients to take the vaccine.
$250 per injection for every injection they get.
Oh yeah, nobody, like, my wife asked me the other day, she said, why is Walgreens giving free flu shots?
It's a federal program.
I go, they're not.
These people are being paid.
I saw a number for every 200 and like 10, I forget the number, 200 and something kids that a pediatrician gives them the COVID shot, they get like $100,000.
I mean, this is crazy.
This is a bounty.
They're not doing this because they love us.
Yeah, and then there's also on the other end, there's sticks, right?
If they speak up and talk anything negative about the vaccines, they'll have their licenses pulled, their board certifications taken away from them.
So, they're in a system that's corrupt.
And, you know, people are probably coming in with vaccine injuries, and they're being gaslit and said, hey, it's something else, it's all in your head.
Or they try to diagnose it as something else, anything but the vaccine, you know.
But I think a lot of these doctors need to grow a conscience and start coming out and speaking out about what they're seeing.
Because we know they're seeing what people are reporting when they go in with all these complications and injuries from the vaccines.
I agree.
You're a hard guy to get a hold of.
I mean, you did great studies.
You're all the best.
But how do people contact you to get you on their shows or how do they find your material?
They can come to me straight at Thomas Haviland at SBCGlobal.net.
I'm willing to talk to anybody, especially embalmers.
I want to know what you're seeing in the embalming room, whether you're seeing the clots or not.
I want to know.
You're another amazing, interesting American.
I know you're just doing your duty, and saw this and said, I want to see if it's true.
You die suddenly, and you've investigated, and you say you're just doing your duty, but tell us a little bit before we go to this next guest about yourself.
Like, what brought you to this point?
Because you're the exception.
Most people just kind of ignore reality as if, well, I'm not supposed to interface with that.
I just go with the flow.
But we're not just people in a river going one direction.
We control our environment if we exercise our destiny, our Our power.
Yeah, you have more power than you think.
You're absolutely right, Alex.
It all came to a head for me in October of 2021.
I was a defense contractor working at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and Joe Biden came out with the mandates for the vaccine in September, and I got an email from a three-star Air Force general at the Air Force Base telling us, the military, the government civilians, and us defense contractors, of which I was one, what dates you had to get the shot by or else get kicked out.
So, I had done a lot of research.
Our CDC was putting out lousy information.
I was checking what the UK was doing, and they had a document called SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern, Technical Briefing No.
23, dated 17 September of 2021.
And in Table 5 of that document, on pages 19 and 20, you can see- Hold on, stay there, stay there.
We'll be right back.
The globalist population is miscalculated.
It's blown up in their face, but they're getting ready for another attack.
I wish this wasn't true, but it's the reality.
All right, finishing up with Tom Haviland, a great data analyst.
Tom, you were finishing a point about the British report you saw.
Go ahead.
That document from Public Health England, their version of the CDC, had a table five in that technical briefing number 23.
It showed hundreds of thousands of breakthrough cases, Alex, of COVID amongst the fully vaccinated by the early fall of 2021.
So, you know, the data was showing that it was, you could catch COVID and transmit to others regardless of getting the shot or not.
So it was unethical to put a mandate on people to take the shot when it didn't stop transmission of the virus.
And also, it was just unethical, right?
It violated all the tenets of the Nuremberg Code.
So it was, I refuse to take the shot.
In fact, I sent an email back to this Air Force three-star general saying, shame on you.
Instead of standing up for our right to decide for ourselves whether or not to take an experimental drug, You chose to spend your time trying to guilt us into taking the jab.
Shame on you.
And I didn't just send the email to him, Alex.
I CC'd all 30,000 people that work at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.
I knew what was going to happen.
I got a call a half hour later from my boss of the defense contractor company I work for, and I was fired from my $165,000 a year job as an electrical engineer at the base for shaming the general in front of the entire base.
But it was worth it.
None of the colonels, none of the generals were pushing back on these unlawful mandates from Joe Biden.
I consider these people to be either cowards or tyrants, Alex.
Well, that's right.
Because of people like you, we've now backed them off a certain degree.
It's to take more courage to survive this.
Thank you so much, Tom Haviland.
We'll talk to you soon.
God bless you.
Thanks, Alex, for having me.
Wow, there's so many great men and women like him out there that are now being activated by the tyranny.
We're going to win this, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got to have the communication systems to counter them.
All right, our last guest today before Gerald Celente takes over is Bill Funk.
He's a licensed funeral director and bomber for 30 years.
He has owned a funeral home for the last 20 years and retired recently and is doing the trade in balming currently.
He noticed a significant change in the blood around 2022 where the blood was filled with microclots which he called coffee grounds.
He also noticed large fibrous white clots in the blood.
He noticed a change in the injection embalming fluid.
The extremities are harder and harder to do at one point injection.
So you can't even pump it into people, folks.
Prior to the vaccines, 95% of bodies only needed a one-point injection.
95% of bodies need more than two injections points to the clot blocking the arteries and veins which were making embalming practices harder and more time-consuming.
So for 30 years he's embalming people and boom the shots start and he can't even do that.
I mean this is just... Folks, they have already killed us basically.
He wants to state that all of his changes have been since the vaccines and not COVID.
So, Bill Funk, you're on the phone.
You've got the floor.
Thank you.
Tell us what you witnessed.
Thanks, Alex.
Appreciate it.
Just since the vaccines came out, myself and other of my colleagues have noticed just a huge change in embalming our practice anyway.
We're seeing the micro-clots or the coffee-grown blood.
And we're also seeing the white fibrous clots.
I was asked 10 days ago to be on a podcast for the first time, and like I told them, I can tell you 100% every single body that has had the vaccines compared to not.
Tell us what you're seeing.
We're just seeing the coffee ground blood.
We're also seeing the white fibrous clots in the arteries and in the veins.
Like you pointed out, my injections prior to 2022, 95% of the time we would do a one-point injection, which means some of us use the neck area, some use iliacs, some use femorals.
And I was a carotid guy.
I've always done that for 30 years.
And all of a sudden now the fluids that we use for embalming aren't going into arms, hands, legs.
So we're doing 2, 3, 4, 5 point injections just to get the fluid where we need it to go in order to preserve and to disinfect the body.
So to be clear, you've been doing embalming, you can go in the neck, you can go in the leg, you can fill somebody up almost all the time in one spot and now most of the time you can.
Massive change, just huge.
100% of a turnaround, yes.
It went from 95% one point injections prior to the vaccines to now I'm 95%
raising more than one vessel.
What are the other people in the embalming business saying?
All of the colleagues that I talked to see the same thing.
God almighty. Yeah, a lot of us are afraid to speak up
just because losing our jobs or having the government or whatever look into our lives
No, I agree, but if a big percentage of us stand up, not even a majority, they can't get us all.
Well, right, for sure.
Yep, and that's why I agreed, you know, ten days ago to go.
Richard asked me if I would go on a podcast with him, first time ever.
I have never talked to Tom Haviland, ever.
Until last week, I said hello to him.
That was it.
And then actually, I sent some pictures to Richard last night and said, look, I just got back from vacation.
First body I've done and look at all this.
And he says, how do you feel about Alex Jones tomorrow?
I said, fine, I have no problem with it.
I did one.
Might as well do two.
So it's just It's absolutely crazy what we're seeing.
Uh, like I said, I've been doing it 30 years.
Um, and all of a sudden, a friend of mine, just to give you a little background, sent me the video of Died Suddenly, you know, a couple years ago when it first came out, and I refused to watch it because I had noticed a change in the embalming.
I noticed the dirty blood.
I noticed these bigger clots, these big jelly clots, and I was trying to figure out what the heck is going on.
And so I refused to watch the video just because I didn't want it to, I guess, taint what I was seeing or, you know, I just didn't want it to affect what I was seeing.
I wanted to figure it out for myself.
And after a few months, I finally Well, that's right.
It's a giant crime going on with Bill Gates that says he wants to depopulate us, but now he's got a shot to protect us.
And it's so obvious, and I get it's horrifying.
Who wants to believe this?
Nobody was talking about it.
Well, that's right.
It's a giant crime going on with Bill Gates that says he wants to depopulate us, but now
he's got a shot to protect us.
And it's so obvious.
And I get it's horrifying.
Who wants to believe this?
But it's real.
And, um, you know, prior, I owned my own funeral home for the past 20 years, and I just started doing trading, balming like Rich Hirschman.
And, uh, just a few weeks ago, uh, one of the owners that I embalmed for called me up and he says, Hey, I got a question, uh, on the person you just embalmed.
And I said, let me guess.
You're going to ask me if they were full o'clock.
And he was like, just silence on the phone.
And he says, How did you know?
And I said, well, that's the only reason anybody ever calls me anymore other than come do an embalming.
I said, let me guess, the wife wants to know if the vaccine caused her husband's death.
And he says, well, what do you think?
I said, 100%.
I said, he was just full.
Completely full.
And he's like, I can't even believe he knew what I was going to ask you.
I said, what's happening?
It's almost a daily basis I see this.
They know it makes the body congeal protein and kills you.
And who knows who it does it to or why, but they knew exactly what they were doing.
Pulling back from this, I've seen the insurance actuaries that were down as the whistleblowers, all that, now it's in the news.
The live expectancy is dropping dramatically for the first time in modern history.
But when I pull back and I look at that, I wonder how the establishment thought they'd ever get away with it, because they may get away with it currently not going to prison, Nuremberg too, but this is everywhere.
I go to the grocery store, people bring this up.
I go to church.
I mean, people are really, really getting this and really understanding it.
It's just speculating, except for all the clots you see.
What do you think's really going on?
Well, I do believe that there's a reason that People are dying, okay?
Whether it's depopulation or whatever, the people that are involved are obviously trying to run everything.
But like you, I go on vacation and people ask me what I do for a living and I tell them and immediately the first thing they want to know about is what do you think about the shots?
What do you think about, you know, everything, you know?
And I just say, listen, I can tell you Probably 99 to 100 percent.
Everybody I embalm that has had the vaccine compared to the ones that haven't.
I said I can guarantee you every single time I can tell you who's been vaccinated and who hasn't.
All right, Bill Funk, a few more segments with you.
I noticed that Tom Haviland's staying with us, so if he wants to pop in, he can welcome or he can listen.
We love all you guys, and we love all the guests we've had on Like Jamie today.
Bill Funk is our guest.
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Alright, Bill Funk is a licensed funeral director and bomber, approximately 30 years, and he's talking about just clear light switch turns on, all these crazy tumors, all these crazy blood clots never before seen.
Please continue, and we also have Tom Haviland riding shotgun with us.
He's welcome to pop in with any observations, so take him live as well, but please continue, Bill.
Yeah, I'm just... I guess at first I was shocked, what I was seeing, and No, it's unfortunately normal.
I see it almost daily.
That's another question I had.
I know you're not a statistician, so you're dead reckoning, but that's the most accurate thing in the universe.
We know it exploded in 2021, 2022, but now people aren't taking the shots as much.
Are you still seeing as much of the blood clots and the bizarre structures as you saw before, or is it tapering off?
No, it's not tapering off for me anyway.
It's still, I would say it's actually worse now than it has been.
And that's where the morbidity numbers show it's all time high, so it shows this stuff clearly continuing to grow.
Yeah, I took care of an 84-year-old man last night and I'm absolutely full of him.
Wow, Tommy, you want to pop in here?
Yeah Alex, I had an experience too.
I went down and visited Mr. Richard Hirschman last August and I was down there for an interview that we did actually with Cheryl Atkinson, the famous TV reporter that does that show.
Former top CBS investigative journalist, yeah.
Unfortunately, our interviews have not aired yet.
I think there might be some pressure from the channels that Cheryl's show is on are sponsored by Pfizer and Big Pharma, so they may not want Cheryl to run those episodes.
But I was down there the day before, and Mr. Hirschman took me around to about three of the funeral homes that he embalms at.
Like I said, he's a trade embalmer.
And every single person at those funeral homes said, oh yeah, Tom, we're seeing the clots too.
They'll tell you privately, Alex, but they won't come out publicly.
So God bless people like Richard, people like Bill, people like John O'Looney that have put their careers on the line and their reputations at stake to come out and say what they're seeing.
Because there's horror going on in the embalming room, but very few are speaking out about it because they are afraid.
But it's happening.
Wow, it so help.
It just makes my head spin.
Bill, what else do you want to add?
Um, nothing really.
It's just I want people to understand that if you've had the vaccinations, which I am vaccinated, okay?
I took the first two and then saw what the heck was going on and said never again.
But you can't, like me personally, I can't sit here and worry about what my blood looks like or what's in my blood because it's too late.
I can't fix it, right?
If I drop over, I drop over, and it was on my own accord that I took the shot.
So, you know, for people to worry about it is kind of mute.
It doesn't do you any good to worry about it.
I have one of my best friends, 62 years old, no pre-existing conditions whatsoever, not a diabetic, not high blood pressure, pretty healthy man.
February last year, get a call from his wife.
He just dropped over in the bathroom.
He's totally left side paralysis, massive stroke, and they don't think he's going to live.
Will you come back to take care of him?
And I was in Florida at the time.
I said, you bet I will.
I'll be on a plane tomorrow.
And she called me a little later and said they did surgery.
They got some clots out.
Everything seems to be okay.
And a week later he was discharged and all of his left side came back pretty much.
He's probably about 95% right now.
And, uh, He came over, oh probably a month after he got out of the hospital and he was helping me in my pull bar and doing a motor on my boat and I said, do you know what caused your stroke?
And he looked at me like he was just looking at me weird and I said, did they tell you what caused your stroke?
And he's like, well, no, I don't have any pre-existing conditions.
I don't have anything.
I said, well, do you want me to tell you?
And his wife was standing next to us and I said, you got the boosters, didn't you?
And he says, well, yeah.
And I said, that's what caused your stroke.
Stay there, stay there.
We've got to join some stations that join us.
People say, we're on the internet, why are we having ads?
We're on radio stations, folks.
Remember that?
Hundreds of them.
We'll be right back in 60 seconds.
When my dad was 14 years old, he was top of his class.
My grandmother put him in all these advanced studies.
He was winning awards across the country.
He was doing anti-communist broadcasts.
He was 15 on top radio stations in Dallas.
And he got recruited by a program launched by Eisenhower, but Kennedy was in by then, and he thought he was joining NASA.
He went to UT when he was 15 years old.
They put him in a cancer research facility in Houston, MD Anderson.
He never told me a lot of it until my film Endgame in 2007 was coming out.
And my mom and dad came by the office.
We were going to a ballet recital for my oldest daughter, who was like three years old then.
And he watches the two and a half hour film and my mother goes, David, is this accurate?
And he goes, yeah.
And for the next 30 minutes said, yeah, they got me in this program.
And then I was at UT.
And after three years, they called me in and said, well, you and these other six people around the country are the top prospects.
We want to carry out eugenics.
We want to carry out a world government.
And my dad said, no, thank you, and went and decided to be a doctor.
That's my dad.
They did that across the board, folks, and that's what this is.
It's a cult.
And it's going to take people speaking out against it to stop it.
Bill Funk is a licensed funeral director and bomber for 30 years.
And that's where we are.
He's owned funeral homes, you name it, and is a bomber currently.
You were making some powerful points for the break.
Cut you off, Charles Flint.
They set to take over.
I want to get to Tom Haviland's final comments as well, but what else do you want to get across to the viewers and listeners?
Yeah, I was just finishing up my story with my buddy.
He had a doctor's appointment a week later with a neurologist and the surgeon, and I said, well, you asked him what caused your stroke.
So he did, and both of them said that there's no test that they can prove that the vaccine caused it, but their business has increased 30% since the vaccine, and yes, the vaccine caused your stroke.
And so he called me on his way home and said, I'm only going to tell you this once, you were right.
And I didn't even know what he was talking about.
And I said, what do you mean I'm right?
And he says, you're right about the vaccine causing my stroke.
And I said, they actually admitted that?
And he says, yep, to me and my wife's face.
They admitted that the vaccine caused my stroke.
So it's not only killing people, it's also having stroke effects on people that were perfectly healthy.
Well, the main target's old people because they don't want to pay them Social Security,
but this is a much larger plan to corrupt the medical system.
From your just, as an American citizen, as a hard-working guy, what do you think's really
going on here, Bill, and how do we counter this?
It's definitely a population problem that they're trying to get rid of a bunch of people,
and I don't have the slightest clue other than keep the information flowing about what's
happening to try and change it, but I think these people are thoroughly entrenched in
every aspect of our lives, so I'm not sure how we can change it.
We're going to have to dig them out.
You know, anybody can type in, migrants exempt from COVID shots, Reuters, AP, all of it.
Because, quote, the UN didn't want the liability of people they control taking the shots.
How illustrative is that for you, Tom Haviland?
Yeah, it's not a good situation, Alex.
And you know, these white fibrous cloths, they're an equal opportunity killer.
Richard Hirschman said a couple weeks ago he had to embalm a young girl out of respect for the family.
I won't say her exact age, but she was a teenager.
And Alex, she was riddled with the cloths.
And then just a couple days later, he did a 31-year-old.
So this is an equal opportunity killer.
It's not just amongst the The elderly.
I totally agree, it just seems like that's who they targeted.
You're right, it's just wiping out the young people.
The heart attacks, the myocarditis.
What was interesting in both the surveys I did, Alex, at the end of the survey we had an optional comments box where we allowed the embalmers to expound upon what they were seeing in the embalming room if they wished to.
It was not mandatory, it was optional.
But as I said earlier, I never mentioned the words COVID or COVID vaccine anywhere in the survey instructions nor in the survey questions themselves.
But despite that, many of the embalmers talked about the vaccines in their responses to the surveys, either Implicating the vaccines as the cause of these clots or defending the vaccines as not causing the clots.
So I thought that was very interesting that the embalmers had their own opinions going in about.
In fact, there were some naysayers that said, hey, the clots don't exist at all.
Well, that's hard to refute when you actually have the physical evidence in the bottle here.
There was other embalmers that said, hey, these clots have always existed before COVID.
But surprisingly, if you go back and look in the medical literature, you can't find these clots.
You can see grape jelly clots.
You can find chicken fat clots.
But you'll never see in the old medical books anything resembling these white fibers.
And the good news is the globalists expected this to go smoother.
It's not.
They bit off more than they can chew.
Tom Haviland, thank you so much.
We'll talk to you soon.
And Bill Funk, thank you so much.
Anything else you'd like to add, Bill?
No, I just appreciate you listening to what I had to say.
Thank you.
All right, guys.
Well, thank you.
The great Gerald Salente is set to take over.
We're going to break here in a moment.
This is so real, people.
We have the insurance actuaries.
I have three stacks of medical reports and the FDA admitting it causes blood clots.
This is irrefutable.
But it is off the chart massive.
So you all know about this.
I know about this.
Don't have that normalcy bias that we all know about this, we think everybody knows.
The public is awake now to the truth.
They're not awake to the full program, but they're awake to hear the truth.
The climate is the best it's ever been to wake people up fully and stop this.
So please, we're going to archive this interview at Band.Video.
We'll post it to X. Thank God that's still there.
I might look at a gift horse in the mouth.
And share the living daylights out of it like your life depends on it, because it does.
I don't have headlines sensational enough to describe this last two hours.
Reality is way stranger than fiction.
Depopulation, this is communism, Nazism, whatever you want to call it, hidden behind the medical system, hidden by the Black Rocks, hidden by the controllers that want to be able to get away with anything they want.
And if they get the medical system to go along with this, they can get away with anything.
So Gerald Cilente is set to take over.
Please remember, I need you to make the decision to back us while we back you.
I need you to make the decision to share the links in the articles.
You're everything, you're not just part of it.
I'm the tail, you're the dog.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm handing the baton for the next 45 minutes, the amazing top trends forecaster, Gerald Celente, and then the war machine, Owen Schroyer, 3 p.m.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I've been listening to Alex and what he's been saying about, you know, the latest article that came out from Bloomberg.
Largest COVID vaccine study yet finds links to health conditions.
Then he goes on to also talk about Dr. Jones' naturals and the importance of getting them.
This is the first book I worked on, Natural Healing, in 1988.
Was it 36 years ago?
Nobody was talking about this.
So going back to the COVID war, and that's what the politicians called it.
Because every time they say they're fighting a war, the little imbeciles and morons follow them off.
Again, don't believe me?
How stupid could you be to believe the crap spewing out of a little boy's mouth?
A little daddy's boy, born on 3rd base, little Georgie Bush.
We're gonna get that guy Osama Bin Laden dead or alive!
Starts the war on terror.
Only over 80% of the people swallow the crap.
When you go to war, they believe it.
They called it a COVID war.
We're going to war.
We're going to war.
So you go back to your Trends Journal.
The COVID war broke out in China on Chinese Lunar New Year, January 2020, the year of the rat.
That's right.
And you remember those People walking down the street and all of a sudden, oh god, I'm dead!
Yeah, remember that?
Remember that crap?
Remember they were building up all these health emergency places?
Oh, you remember that stuff?
No, you probably remember, how could you forget this?
The arrogant little daddy's boy.
The number two clown that closed down America.
First it was that little garcon Gavin Newsom.
Oh my god, he worked for the Getty Gang!
Oh, he's a lawyer, and I'm just a piece of scum!
I'm locking down everybody while I party at the, uh, what is that?
That place where there's $400 a plate while he locks everybody down.
You forgot the ships that they brought up in the Hudson River?
The emergency ships?
Oh, you forgot when they closed down Javits Center?
To make room for all the people that were gonna die of COVID?
He had a laundry, something laundry it was called.
French laundry or dirty laundry up in California where Gavin Newsom went.
Yeah, so that little Andy Cuomo locked down everything.
They locked down everything!
We were the first magazine to say, this is BS.
The headline, two weeks after the COVID wars launched in China, of your Trends Journal, coronavirus.
106 dead in China.
And the next line was 1.4 billion still alive.
What are you telling me this crap?
The reason China did that, again, I used to be on Hong Kong TV in 2019, when there were protests going on that you couldn't stop.
I'm on these shows like 20 minutes, TV shows.
And I say to the guy, look, Frank, what's going to happen?
Mr. Salenti, we're not going to stop.
We're not going to let the Chinese take over.
Hong Kong, a city of 7.5 million people, over a million people were taken to the streets in protest.
COVID war came.
Get back in your house.
State of emergency.
Can't go out and protest.
China took over.
Let's go back to the Vax.
It came out.
96% efficacy rate.
That's right.
That's what they sold it as.
We detail this in your Trends Journal like no other magazine in the world.
Nothing comes close to it.
And then you had those arrogant little boys, the Kimmel clown.
One after another.
Selling the Vax.
The whole section.
And this is an article, by the way, that came out on MACRA, M-A-R-C-A dot com.
And this is December 30th of last year, so not too long ago.
Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelsey is coming in for a world of hate after it emerged he may have paid and paid $20 million to endorse The controversial Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19.
When you consider that he makes $14 million per season for his work in the NFL, to get $20 million for those commercials is quite a remarkable amount of money.
And again, the article on InfoWars that they put out from Bloomberg Largest COVID vaccine study yet finds links to health conditions.
No kidding.
Oh, but wait a minute, Salenti!
Bloomberg published it, so it has to be true!
If you believed all those other facts from Dr. Joseph Mercola, who got banned from YouTube, and others that said, hey, these vaccines They're dangerous and they're not doing what they said they were.
Why do you believe in misinformation?
That's right.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
You're a conspiracy theorist if you don't swallow government crap.
Don't grow up.
Be a little clown.
Oh, me Gerald Cilenti?
I had a big rally here.
July 4th, I believe this is the July 4th weekend.
It was in 2020 when everything was locked down.
Everything was locked down.
I had a Peace and Freedom Rally.
We all died at the rally.
That's right.
The little clown newspaper up here, the Daily Freeman, Daily Piece of Crap.
Oh, they really took after me.
Oh, yeah.
For having that rally.
But when I have other peace rallies, Scott Ritter, Bill Giraldi, Judge Napolitano, not a peep, but I had a peace rally, don't force me to get the vax.
You want to get the vax, get the vax.
Why would I want to get the first gene therapy inoculation ever injected into the human body?
Oh, the Operation Warp Speed.
I think you've got to be warped to get the warp speed.
I'm not telling you what to do, but don't tell me what to do.
And I gotta make this straight.
I'm from a different place in a different time.
Don't tell me what to do.
I'm a Napolitano, born in the Bronx, 1946, at the height of America, right after World War II.
The spirit is high.
Don't tell me what to do.
I won't tell you what to do.
No more.
You must do what we tell you to do.
I'm a little piece of political crap.
I'm a witness with me.
You're up in Michigan.
Oh, no, no.
I'm a little dwine.
A little clown boy over there in Ohio.
You do what I tell you.
How about that little scumbag Murphy over there in Jersey?
Oh, the Hogan clown.
Oh, yeah, he was governor.
Now he's running for senator of Maryland.
One after another.
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Again, what they're talking about now, this is blacklisted.
wars now.
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You know, I want to go on with this.
I wasn't going to talk about this today.
I had a lot of other things to talk about, like the ship that just got attacked by the Houthis and Israel saying that there's no two-state solution.
I don't know the health of Palestinians who keep stealing their land in the name of settlements in violation of the Geneva Convention and Article 242 of the United Nations.
You know, so we're going to talk a lot about that.
What's going on in the economy?
And what to watch for, because we're really in very, very serious times.
But I wanted to talk about this because this COVID war changed the country and changed the world.
The damage it's done is incalculable.
And again, one of our top trends is banks go bust.
And it's because of the COVID war that they call the pandemic now.
It was not a pandemic where you had the Black Plague.
What, about 60% of Europe was wiped out?
Only 99.93% of the people on the planet, from when the COVID war began to when it ended, died of the virus, the coronavirus.
Out of those, the vast majority, as the data showed, had pre-existing comorbidities, like 2.3, if pre-existing comorbidities are higher.
And then, in the United States, where they force kids, don't go to school, go home, now they're all messed up mentally.
Again, the damage of the COVID war.
The data, they stopped it last June, June 2023.
Out of 73 million, 1 to 17 year olds, under 2,000 died of the COVID.
Yet, they forced them to get to jail.
And according to the CDC, 61% of the 1 to 17 year olds that were hospitalized were obese.
Yeah, no kidding.
Again, if I'm elected, if I was elected president, I'd have a fat tax.
The more you pay them, the more you weigh, the more you pay.
Eating all this crap and you're driving up the cost of everything.
How about getting in good health?
How about natural healing?
Again, the Dr. Jones naturals.
Natural healing.
They never talked about that during the COVID war.
Don't build up your vitamin D. I mean, I take 20 supplements of vitamins a day.
I haven't been sick in five years.
Knock on wood.
They don't talk about that because this is who runs the country.
The military industrial complex.
The drug dealers.
That they call big pharma.
The Bankster Bandits and Big Tech.
They're in control.
They run the show.
Oh, the Bankster Bandits?
It's Facha Bruto.
They have Janet Yellen, the former Fed head, and now our Treasury Secretary.
You got it.
Oh, the Big Tech?
We'll tell you what to say.
If you don't believe what we say, what the government tells us to say and do, then you believe in misinformation and you're a conspiracy theorist.
So I'm going to go back to this.
By the way, that clown Cuomo, this is from March 2020.
March 20th, 2020.
From the CNN.
Cuomo orders all non-essential New York workers to stay home.
Cuomo acknowledged that these actions will cause disruption.
It will cause businesses to close.
And he said, I accept full responsibility.
If someone is unhappy, if someone wants to blame someone or complain about someone, blame me.
There is no one else responsible for this decision.
In other words, I'm in charge, follow my orders.
If he came to me and told me what to do, man to man, I'd say, F you!
Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?
Oh, by the way, don't believe that?
You can get this at trendsjournal.com.
Hey politicians, who the eff are you to tell me what to do?
Hey politicians, got it?
A finger speaks a thousand words.
Civil fines and mandatory closures to businesses that don't comply
with the new mandate will be enforced beginning on February.
Here's just some of it.
Just some of the stuff.
This is an arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant little boy.
Hey, I'm the judge.
Here comes the judge.
Toilet paper record, New York Times.
August 24th, 2021.
Two judges tell defendants to be vaccinated.
The defendant was charged with a number of minor crimes, all minor crimes, right?
Including drug possession.
Oh, you mean when he had the stuff from one of the big drug companies?
Oh, no, no, no.
That's legal.
You know, anyway.
And shoplifting.
He was prepared to plead guilty and the prosecutor agreed.
But a Bronx judge Approving the deal added his own condition.
The defendant had to get the COVID-19 vaccination.
A week later, a Manhattan judge made the same order, this time of a woman seeking bail before the trial.
Judge Rakoff, I think it's jerk off, I think they spelt it wrong, agreed That it fell to him.
It fell to him!
Don't you know who I am?
I'm a political clown that became a judge!
I'm Rakoff!
You do what I tell ya!
You're in America!
Chuck Rakoff argued that it fell to him to determine whether a person seeking release Represented a danger to the community.
You ready?
Quote, the unvaccinated, he wrote, did pose a danger given their, quote, enhanced risk of infecting others, innocent people, and even potentially causing their deaths.
Can you imagine this?
Can you imagine this?
And the masses fell for it.
And all the ones that got the jab hate, hate those who didn't get the jab.
And again, this study that came out with Bloomberg is nothing, nothing compared to the scores of studies that kept coming out.
This is just a little bit A little tiny bit in the Trends Journal and how we were covering it.
Just some of the headlines.
COVID-19 vaccines essentially worthless within nine months.
The COVID-19 vaccines that were sold during the COVID war as a panacea for the outbreak with a 94 to 96 percent efficacy rate.
All right?
That's how they sold it.
Again, we only put the data in.
The data that's reported by the mainstream, by the way.
Another article.
Arrogant COVID war champ, Steven Van Zandt, who got the shot and got COVID, now selling Ukraine war.
Remember all these little celebrities selling the crap?
Get the vax, die from COVID, read the story.
A new study found that 58% of the Those in the U.S.
who died from COVID-19 in August, and this is from November 29th, that's my birthday date, 2022.
Who died from COVID-19 in August, had followed the government orders and received their vaccination or a booster jab.
COVID clown show!
John Kerry becomes latest fully vaxxed drug pusher to come down with virus.
Pfizer CEO brags he's happy he got jabbed and got COVID.
Again, one article after another.
So what's coming out now is very old news.
top health head becomes COVID home run king against COVID second time.
Xavier Becerra.
There's a whole load of them.
What else you got here?
Ready for this?
This is the headlines from your Treasury Journal.
Pfizer drug lord pushing yearly COVID jab calls those who won't swallow BS criminals.
America clown show number two.
How low can you go?
Pinhead Penn.
It's that guy Penn.
Declares vaccines should be mandatory.
That little boy of nothing.
Vax smart.
You're stupid.
As we have been reporting, so-called actors, people who can memorize scripts and play someone who they're not, Have been elevated to national heroes in the battle to fight the COVID war.
See Celebrity Sellouts Sell COVID Vax.
18 May 2021.
Trends Journal.
And this is an example.
We noted how Piers Morgan gone a little clown boy.
Again, I'm going through.
There are tons of them here.
I want to give you the highlights of how bad this is.
How terrible it's been.
and kid rock all yeah yeah UCLA doctor no jab no job call the police
Dr. Christopher B. Rake, an anesthesiologist at UCLA, was escorted out of his workplace on Monday for trying to enter the building without being vaccinated for COVID-19, according to the report.
Imagine this, a doctor.
The school said in a statement that all in-person employees must be vaccinated.
America's Clown Show, how low can you go?
Kimmel and Stern call for death of the unvaxxed.
Howard Stern, the arrogant shop jock, has joined a country of comedy elites, publicly equating the COVID-19 vaccine with freedom and or ridiculing and expressing their contempt for those who see vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and other restrictions as abridgments of freedom.
Trans Journal had reported Many of his similar remarks, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Mick Jagger and Bill Gates, blood brothers.
Mick Jagger became a world-renowned rock star with the Rolling Stones.
Now he's one of the lead rockers, reportedly mocking those who don't want to line up and get vaccinated.
Jagger teamed up with another rock celebrity, David Grohl of Nirvana and the Foo Fighters.
Write, perform a song that aims to get people vaccinated.
Again, on and on and on and on and on.
Totally disgusting.
And again, this is April 14th, 2020, Trends Journal.
In Italy, where it is now known that 99% of the people who died from COVID-19, and that was the first country to lock down after China.
Had significant health issues before contracting it.
And the average age of those who died was 79.5 years of age.
Last Friday, Premier Minister Giuseppe Conte, you can take that O out and put a U in there somewhere, extended one of the most severe lockdowns in the world.
On and on.
In Colombia, A citizen can leave his or her house the same number of days as the number on the person's national identity card.
In Serbia, the government has banned dog walking after 5 p.m.
In New Zealand, Prime Minister Arden has told citizens to behave as if they have coronavirus, eliminating all physical contact with anyone outside the house or living space.
And we have the numbers.
As of last Saturday, Four people have died from the virus in a country of 4,800,000.
On and on.
So, the damage that this COVID war has done is incalculable.
Physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially.
We're going to have the biggest banking crisis the likes of which we've never seen in modern history.
They're barely talking about it.
Because of the COVID war, people started working at home.
And as they're working at home, day after day, week after week, year after year, they're saying, I'm commuting an hour and a half each way to work.
I'm not doing anything.
Getting up at five in the morning, wasting my life driving the city, costing me all this money.
I'm not doing anything.
And again, I say this over and over again.
If you're the employer, you don't see 300 people in little cubicles and you're paying for all this space.
Yes, stay home, come in a couple of days a week.
I don't want to pay all this rent.
There's going to be an office building bust.
They're going to be defaulting on the loans.
All your data's in the Trends Journal.
Trillions of dollars of commercial real estate loans are coming up.
French Laundry.
That was the place with the clown Gavin Newsom.
Like it's a $400 plate.
Having parties while everybody's locked down.
Going back to the office building bust is going to cause the banking bust.
It's also going to hurt The tax revenues coming in from cities because that's where they get a lot of your money from.
And all the business, many of the businesses that depended on commuters, gone out of business or going out of business.
This is serious and it's global.
Germany is in a recession.
Japan is in a recession.
China's economy.
Oh, they're bragging now.
You know, they just had another Lunar New Year, the Year of the Dragon.
Oh, yeah, spending went up over pre-COVID 2019 levels.
Yeah, gone up.
It's a temporary boost.
You got a real estate bust there that's going to bring down the country in a big way.
Their debt-to-GDP ratio is like, oh, about 300%.
Oh, by 300%.
300, that's the GDP ratio.
It was overbuilt to begin with when they had the boom, when they brought into the World Trade Organization.
And then after locking down for three years, zero COVID policy, they destroyed the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people.
And again, you got to keep making the connections.
All things are connected.
Tracking trends is an understanding of where we are, how we got here and where we're going.
So as I mentioned earlier, Oh, they just bombed the Houthis, just knocked out a British ship, and the guys had to leave the ship in the Red Sea.
And they're doing this, they're making it very clear that they're doing this, and won't stop doing it until Israel stops slaughtering the people in Gaza, which is now over 30,000.
You go over the news during the weekend, You look at the front pages of the media papers.
Barely a word about it.
Got, got them right here.
The, um, toilet paper record.
Where do I put it?
About that guy that, uh, all about that.
No, no, no, Vani.
Thorn in Putin's side, dies in Arctic prison.
Trump must pay $355 million in fines for Saturday's New York Times.
Russia loses a potent voice against the war.
Trump is set to favor limits for abortion.
Biden sees rift in towns stung by derailment.
Not a word about the mass slaughter going on in Israel.
Of the Palestinians, which by definition is genocide in Gaza.
And it's day after day, page after page, about this guy, yeah, Navalny, sharpest thorn in Putin's side, dies in prison.
Page after page.
Hey, how about Julian Assange, huh?
How about, how about that reporter, the American reporter that was killed by the Ukrainians?
Eh, they don't count.
Day after day, that is the news.
And that's why, by the way, you subscribe to the Trends Journal.
Because we're giving you news you can use, history before it happens.
Here, today's Toilet paper record, the New York Times, Monday.
Scenes of Armageddon as Ukrainian city falls.
A ranch family border crisis is right outside the back door.
Here we go.
Russia targets those grieving Nalvani's death.
US disquieted as Russia eyes arms in space.
Russia, Russia, Russia, and of course, going after Trump as they do every day.
In real estate, a certain name is losing lust.
That's about Trump.
Not Armageddon?
How about the Armageddon in Gaza?
And America is now saying it will not support a ceasefire.
So then you gotta put everything together here.
You saw the new data coming out about America's going deeper in debt.
The country rotting in front of our eyes, taking a ride on Amtrak's third world, New York City's a night in Calcutta, the subways.
Migrants flooding into the country.
Businesses going out of business.
63% of people living paycheck to paycheck.
But more money Going to the military-industrial complex to be sent over to Ukraine and Israel to keep bloodying the killing fields.
Stealing our money to do this.
Oh, today's President's Day.
How about honoring a real president by the name of George Washington?
Who warned the American people in his farewell address Do not become a slave to any country, and you will do it if you love a nation or hate a nation.
I had it right here somewhere, all this stuff.
And he goes on to make it very, very clear that we have no right being in these foreign entanglements that have been going on, he said, for centuries.
Again, don't love a nation, don't hate a nation, If you do, either one, you became a slave to them.
This is President's Day.
Hey, all you little boys and girls in Congress, how about honoring a true man that fought for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, rather than a clown show running in front of everybody's eyes?
So again, support us.
We're supporting you.
Go to TrendsJournal.com.
You get a real break if you go to Jonestrends.com.
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The endothelium, the vasculature, it relaxes the vein.
It's a natural blood pressure.
In fact, I use the two.
Your Info Wars, I keep that on my shelf.
And I feed myself the Cardio Miracle, which is straight food.
It's a different formulation than that one.
And the two together are a one-two punch.
So you get in your food the ability to make what you need and no more.
You've looked at our formula.
You like it?
I did, and I do.
I'm not a scientist like you.
What do these compounds do creating nitrous oxide?
What does it do?
It relaxes the vasculature, so the clot will go through and not restrict.
It allows it to relax.
It lowers the blood pressure, has the toxic Um, synthetic lipid nanoparticles similar to the one in the COVID shot.
We saw athletes dropping dead on the field, um, passing out, falling down, all the things.
Why is it particularly the athletes?
They're operating at such a high level in their mitochondria.
This is an energy production, oxygen, um, necessary disease because athletes are running They're constricted, they're working so that the blood flows and it doesn't flow, which is why your nitric oxide product, that new product, I hope you'll show it, because that's a very important thing to have for acute events.
It does all, under the tongue, give you an instant relaxing of your endothelium, your vasculature.
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Get it while you can.