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Name: 20240213_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 13, 2024
2701 lines.

Alex Jones discusses topics such as hyper-novelty, censorship, election fraud, energy control grids, and the LGBTQAP plus movement. He promotes self-sufficiency, criticizes globalists for gambling with the planet, accuses mainstream media of trying to muzzle the American people, and gain search results control. Jones also discusses the shutting down of final coal power plants, the implementation of a control grid through smart meters and kill switches in cars, and radicalization of the modern LGBTQAP plus movement and its connection to terrorist activities. He encourages his audience to remain determined in their fight against oppression and not be arrogant but authoritative in their pursuit of freedom.

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What we want is a system that liberates individuals as meaningfully and as broadly as possible.
That should be our guide.
That's classically liberal.
It is classically liberal and I believe it is also actually liberal and it is a perfect match for what I find my many conservative friends believe as well.
That this is the metric that we can use to test any system that we put in place.
Does it liberate people or does it constrain them?
If it liberates them meaningfully over the long term, it's a good thing.
What they have recognized is that they have no use for us.
And I wish that was an exaggeration, but you can see this so clearly in what they did to the public over COVID.
I don't think we really have any choice but to rescue Western civilization.
It is the best tool we've got, always has been.
It's not to say that it can't use upgrading here and there, but We have to save it because your children, my children, and all of the grandchildren that we might ultimately have are depending on us to do it.
And the idea of hyper-novelty is that although human beings are the fastest evolving animal species that has ever existed, That is largely the result of the fact that we evolve in a different way.
We are actually able to evolve culturally, which is much more rapid than genetic evolution.
But even though we are the fastest evolving animal species that has existed, the rate of technological change is so fast that even our evolutionary capacity... We can't catch up.
We cannot keep up.
And that is resulting in us being sick, physically, psychologically, socially, and What you're detecting as the collapse of civilization is really a manifestation of many different kinds of hyper-novelty that is making it difficult for us to see what's in our interest.
They are gambling with a planet that isn't theirs to destroy, that is actually, it is the birthright of every living person and it is the entitlement of all the people who will eventually live here.
They are gambling with it and they obviously don't know what they're doing.
It is likely that many of the deaths that occur as a result of these shots, it's the result of the mRNA platform itself.
that anything you loaded onto that platform would produce many of these pathologies
because the platform itself is deeply flawed.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and support the InfoWars.
If you think the awakening we've seen so far is big, this planet and the globalists have not seen anything yet!
We're aware of your activities, trying to muzzle the American people and gaming your search results.
Google is evil!
We now take the challenge, not to censor like you do, but to stand against you and to fight even harder for our birthright that you are trying to steal!
Remember this.
You killed your profession by becoming nothing but mercenaries for the globalists.
And people know that you're fake news, many of you.
Now, with you trying to kill the First Amendment, you're making yourself true villains.
You've declared war on the First Amendment!
You've declared war on free speech!
Since when...
There are hundreds of doctors unable to have press conferences in America and they take it off YouTube, they take it off Google, they take it off Twitter, they take it off Facebook.
There is a giant crackdown that even the New York Times calls it a crackdown on conservatives and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other, just like communist China.
I'm here to expose this fraud.
I'm here, just like the Congress has hearings about me, I go there.
And I get in their face and I expose the truth and that's what I'm gonna do.
We had over 40 million subscribers on Apple.
That was our biggest thing with my three podcasts.
Those were all banned.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, February 13th.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Please stay with us.
Big transmission lined up, back in 60 seconds.
Oh, we've got a lot of powerful information to cover today.
We are 265 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, 33 seconds out from the most important election in world history.
And I intend today to open the phones up again throughout the full transmission.
Wow, I've got to get to all this.
This is all so incredibly important.
They have passed in the Senate the giant Ukraine-Israel bill that they call a border bill.
They say it's going to be stopped at the House.
I don't know.
Chuckie Schumer is beside himself with glee and really thinks that it's going to pass the House.
We've got that information.
We also have incredible clips from both Klaus Schwab and Tucker Carlson at the annual World Government Conference in Dubai.
And Tucker Carlson went into the lion's den and basically repudiated the New World Order.
Klaus Schwab went even further saying, we're going to take over your minds with AI and with microchips.
That's why there's so much criticism of Musk and the whole Neuralink situation.
We've got all of that.
We have a bunch of election fraud news.
This has taken years for all these lawsuits digging in in Michigan and Pennsylvania and Georgia and Arizona and other battleground states to come out and it is amazing.
Well, they're discovering that the Feds were basically running the election fraud.
Of course, I said that day one.
They didn't get all these groups to commit crimes coordinated around the country without being given a green light they were going to be protected.
So we have all that information.
Also, from Australia to the UK to the US to every Western country, the announcements are being made to further shut down the final coal power plants, which mainline analyst groups and the energy coalition say Won't just cause blackouts, you won't be able to run your washing machine, your dishwasher, the air conditioner.
But they say don't worry, all those smart meters they put everywhere, they'll gauge the grid and tell you when you can use it.
I remember 20 years ago reading documents how they were planning this, there was national news stories saying I was a liar.
Well, here it all is.
So I want to get the archivist Does a great job to go dig in and get some of the clips where I predicted this.
The problem is he'll come back with an hour-long clip, which is fine to post a video, but I need a short clip up front.
It's a couple minutes of me predicting it, and then we can just use that on the show, but it's already happening.
So that's a huge area.
Maria Z from Australia.
It's gonna be on the fourth hour with a senator over there because they're trying to pass a law to make it the law that you have to have this just like Biden got a law passed three years ago and they tried to repeal it and it failed to put kill switches in all the new cars to track and control where you go what you do and tax you as well and now California's trying to pass a law to make all cars have it so the control grid Is going into place big time.
There is so much I want to get into today, but there are several stories here out of the gates.
That are bigger than just the stories by themselves.
And what I mean by that is it really shows you the problem in society, but also how to fix it.
And the two stories are this.
One of them is the talking point that is literally everywhere.
I probably saw it without looking.
I was just scanning through news.
A hundred corporate articles, dozens of newscasts.
It was just everywhere.
I didn't watch the newscast, but I read the headline saying Tucker's a traitor.
Trucker's been radicalized in Russia.
Tucker hates America because he says our cities are collapsing.
And he says that Russia is a lot nicer.
Well, Tucker's saying he's sad for America, and wants to fix things, and is saying it's deliberate, the plan to sabotage our country, which we know.
They're literally cutting off the energy, cutting off the police, cutting off the services, while bringing in 22 million illegal aliens the last three years, and telling people to house them, and then giving them government money to keep them.
That's the big part of the equation with all these news articles from Texas and Massachusetts and Illinois and New York and California that are in my stack today.
Played a few yesterday.
Oh, there's such humanitarians!
They're taking a family from Haiti into their house, or a family from Syria, or a family from Mexico, or a family from Venezuela, or a family from Congo.
They're being given taxpayer money as Democrats to sit there and warehouse them like they're foster kids or something.
So we've got all of that.
We've got so much.
And now it's turned out that it is a woman to a man.
The police wouldn't tell anybody, so no one knew.
I looked at it, it looks like a woman to a man.
Turns out I was right.
With the would-be mass shooter that died in a gunfight with off-duty police.
The Lakewood Church shooter identified as woman-to-man trans.
The Iowa High School shooter identified as radical rainbow activist.
The Nashville shooter identified as trans.
Colorado Springs shooter identified as non-binary.
The Denver School shooter identified as trans.
The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans.
One thing is very clear, the modern LGBTQAP plus movement Is radicalizing activists a terrorist?
And it's only getting worse.
Oh, but they're forced to do it because they're downtrodden and the Houston police are being criticized for almost a day for not saying what it biologically was.
And it was a lunatic woman, a known schizophrenic, an illegal alien, who had a giant rap sheet, including torturing her own children.
That's okay.
Because there's plenty of room in the Democrat Party, New World Order, transhumanist tent for every lunatic marching the face of the earth.
So that really shows you how they don't want you to say the problems, and when you point out the problems, you hate America.
But it's the left that says America sucks and should be brought down, and that's why they're making you hate it by bringing it down with a Cloward and Piven 2.0 strategy.
So that's one area I'm going to get to first.
With Tucker and his clips from the World Government Summit.
And I saw some peons saying, oh look, Tucker's at the World Government Summit.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been invited to these things.
He's one of them.
They want to co-op.
This is not working.
What matters is what you say at the conference.
So this idea that just because someone's spoken at the WEF or somebody's spoken at the World Government Conference that's partially sponsored by them is preposterous.
People say, oh look, Trump went to the WEF.
He's one of them.
No, they're absolutely out to get Trump.
He flies in the face of their agenda.
But what a lot of activists aren't ready for, that's why I harp on this, is are you ready to win?
Are you ready to win?
I mean, I'm not the toughest guy around, but I grew up in Dallas, and it was rough.
People fought like the devil there for just almost no reason.
I never started fights, but I always finished them, and I won about 99% of them.
I've been in hundreds of fights.
And I learned real quick, if you don't fight to win, and just fight to literally beat the hell out of somebody, you're gonna lose.
If you sit there and hit somebody, and then see the effect it had, and have something, now you gotta decide to put them on the ground if they're attacking you.
That's the same thing with our movement.
We're not going to physically attack anybody unless we're attacked.
But we've got to fight to win and go for the juggler.
And what the globalists are promoting and pushing is absolute pure evil, flies in the face of common sense and biology, and is like selling people cyanide.
A lot of folks don't want to commit suicide.
They don't want it.
It's like selling sand to people in the Sahara.
We're selling lemonade in the Sahara.
Freedom is popular, so if we just have confidence and promote freedom, we're going to win, people!
You know, I see the comments out there, and it doesn't bother me.
Some people are, or they want to feel like they're the only good person.
I know people are weak-minded.
Oh, Jones is controlled opposition.
He would have never been so successful if he wasn't secretly funded.
I started out on AXS TV 30 years ago in April.
I've done this with my bootstraps and listener support.
But the idea that people sit there and say, you're not good, you should do better, when they've done nothing, Is the mark of losers.
So I want to get everybody on board here to realize that freedom is popular and tyranny sucks.
And if you just get your head screwed on straight and start engaging in real leadership, we've got a good chance of beating this.
but if we don't, I shudder to look down the road and think how bad it's gonna be.
'Cause if you think things are bad now, you've not seen anything.
And again, I don't tell you this a couple times a week to boost my ego.
I tell you this is a report card back to you on your support to this broadcast.
This is really a report card about you, your support, your word of mouth, your prayer.
Keeping us on air, some of you have been listening 30 years, 29 plus years has changed the world.
And whether it's Joe Rogan or whether it's Tucker Carlson or whether it's Russell Brand or whether it's Brett Weinstein,
I had no idea I helped wake him up in 2011.
He told me that on air and in person afterwards or before.
I can't tell you how many people I talked to, including Trump's main advisors and Trump's White House speechwriters, That say, out of all the information and everything that woke us up and got us on this path, you're the largest piece of it.
That means this broadcast, the guest, the documentaries, all of us together.
And I'm just a guy from Texas, folks, that went to community college for a year and saw it was propaganda and decided not to go to UT.
And I'm somebody that said, I'm going to fight for America.
I'm going to stand up.
I'm going to go on AXS television.
I'm going to try to get a radio show, and I'm going to make films, and I'm going to... And I did it!
And I know I'm for real.
I know I'm good.
I'm not perfect.
It's been a learning process.
And I'm way smarter than I was 5 years ago.
And the guy 5 years ago was way smarter than the guy 10 years ago.
And the guy 20 years ago was way more informed than the guy 30 years ago.
This is all a process.
And Tucker talked about his process of awakening in the big talk he did at the World Government Summit.
We're so effective now that the Deimos Group and the World Government Summit and all the rest of these groups want us to come speak at their events because they understand that they're obsolete.
And they've got some hope that, oh, we're like peacocks like them, or we want to go to award shows, that we want to be up on the stage with them.
No, we don't want to be on the stage with you.
We want to be on the stage to convince you to not destroy yourselves because the delusional path that Black Rock and the Rothschilds and the big money is going down is going to fail and destroy them as well as us.
And so, I don't normally play a clip two days in a row, but get the short two-minute Joe Rogan clip with Aaron Rodgers ready again.
Because I get on air, and Joe Rogan's a very private guy about who influences him and who wakes him up and who he talks to.
You never hear Joe talk like that.
And I'm not bragged when I've said it, but I've told you, Joe told me I woke him up.
At different degrees.
He called into my show, we were such close friends even back then, in 2001 on 9-11, to think I was going too far, saying there was bombs in the buildings.
Now he knows that's right.
He's known that for many years.
But what I explain to people is my influence is not just here on air.
My influence is now even more powerful behind the scenes.
And that's a report card to you that your support of this broadcast and what you've done has changed the world.
So we are at the center of the intellectual debate.
We are the most listened to, not by the people, but by the decision makers.
We're listened to at the highest levels of the CIA.
We're listened to at the highest levels of the Special Operations Command in Tampa, Florida.
We are listened to in Russia at the highest levels.
We are listened to in Japan.
I had the Vice President of Japan on once, saying, I woke him up about 9-11.
That was like 12 years ago.
To show you how ignorant I am, I didn't really totally understand Japanese politics.
They don't call it the Vice President.
He was the leader of the party in their parliament.
And I knew who he was and saw he was speaking out against the New World Order.
So I told my producer, call him, get him on.
And he wasn't insulted, but they're all about proper things.
I didn't even introduce him properly when he came on.
I thought, oh, this is a leader of their parliament.
No, it was the Vice President of Japan.
And he came on the show and talked for 30 minutes or an hour about the New World Order.
We ought to find that and put that back out.
So what I'm telling you is, we've been having a giant effect forever.
And that is because of you and your support.
So everything I'm going to cover here today is critical information, but it's also Important to pull back and admit when you're in the lead, when you're the fastest car, when you're a lap ahead of everybody else that we're being gunned for.
So I don't like to set up an announce.
We're the best there is.
This operation, it's not just me.
This little ragtag operation, like it always is in history, is the best there is.
And the enemy knows that and admits that.
In Congress and in their reports, both public and private, and that have leaked, they say Jones is the worst.
He's the prophet of the Liberty Movement worldwide.
He's got to be taken out.
Remember Time Magazine and Newsweek decades ago called me the mad prophet of the Tea Party.
And that really is kind of the archetype I play.
And so we have to sit back and understand that I'm a regular down-to-earth guy.
And I don't put on airs around people.
I'm not on a power trip.
It's the opposite.
And neither do you, but it's not a power trip or an imperious nature you need, and you shouldn't be arrogant around people that you've been right for years or decades.
I'm talking about you, because you're this show.
All right?
You are this show.
You're not like the tail.
You're the whole dog, as I say.
And when you're around neighbors and friends and family and employees and bosses and everybody at church, you're the people, old, young, Hispanic, black, white, beautiful people.
I know you.
I see you on the street.
I run into our listeners, and they can be black or white or old or young.
You've always got electricity in your eyes.
You're alive.
You're not in a coma like the people shuffling around that are zombies.
So we're not a society divided into black and white.
They want to make us divided into that.
We're divided into who's awake and who isn't.
We're divided into who's got the sparkle in the eye and who doesn't.
And that's what we're talking about, ladies and gentlemen, is having that sparkle and being the leaders.
Because I'll be completely honest with you, I have become so anti-ego, and I've lost so much of my ego, that I purposely have suppressed the sparkle in my eye Because to me, to act like that has a little bit of a Hollywood flavor to it.
But they're a copy of that, you see.
They're trying to have the sparkle, a fake sparkle.
And God's really impressed on me.
No, Jones, I want you to bring the sparkle back.
I want you to bring the fury back.
I want you to bring the focus back.
Not the anger, but the determination to others and that spirit the enemy fears.
That is just a tiny ray of light from God's consciousness shining through me and shining through you.
And so, we've already done epic things together because of God working through us.
And I just want the listeners and viewers to know, especially the people that spread the word and pray for us and buy the products and have supported us, that you really have kicked some New World Order arse.
And we really have come incredibly far together.
And we need to recognize that and understand that we have The signet ring of authority.
We have the scepter of resistance.
God chose all of us together for this time.
And it's epic, and it's powerful, and it's beautiful.
But we're in an office at this time.
We've been given this power to resist evil.
So let's recognize we've been given the ball by God.
And let's carry it down the field, and let's not be arrogant, but let's be authoritative and determined and in charge to right the ship.
Because we are the authority, we've proven we're right, we've proven the system is a weapon against us, and we're here to take it back.
Here's a short clip.
You know, it's the Alex Jones was right meme.
Like, do you realize how many times that guy's been right?
Like, how is he so good at predicting all these things that are happening?
Because the guy's balls deep in it all day long.
You could call him right now.
It's like, I'm doing the documents.
I'm reading the research right now.
This is sick.
This is what they're doing.
I talk to him all the time.
This is bland.
We text each other.
Every time something's crazy, I'll text him.
Like, what is this?
And he'll send me all these documents.
He's talking about, uh, I saw something he said the other day about You know, you gotta have somebody in case they turn the power off, turn the water off, do something like that.
Well, there's a lot of people that think that, including me.
Because if I was a foreign government and I wanted to cripple America, I would kill the power grid.
We'd go feral in two weeks.
It would be chaos in two weeks.
As soon as people don't have water and food, and their children are starving, people go crazy.
They start eating dogs, they start shooting deer in their neighborhood, and then that runs out, and they realize they don't know how to keep food good.
You know, when it's hot out, they don't know how to get water, they don't know how to treat water.
It could get real bad, real quick.
We are not self-sufficient, even remotely.
There's small pockets of human beings in this country that are self-sufficient, but if you had to guess how many people could survive off-grid if everything went haywire, it's like 1%.
Which is probably what happens when there's a massive catastrophe, when some sort of a global catastrophic event, like a super volcano or something along those lines.
Another younger, driest situation.
Yeah, it's probably 1% of the people survive.
That's probably what happened back then, too.
Well, that's what I've always said is the reason why, if you go back Look at like ancient Egypt.
Look at how insanely sophisticated they were.
And if you subscribe to the Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson's perspective, which I do, which is that at one point in time, there was an incredibly sophisticated society, probably more sophisticated than we are, that lived in Africa in Egypt, and that those people were probably in a different Joe shows how informed he is.
but far more advanced than we are today.
And then they were wiped out.
And then go after that.
So if you're talking about 11,000 years ago, 11,800 years ago when they got wiped out
and that just, you know, we're down to like 1% of the population.
Think about what history looks like when you go back 4,000 years, 3,000, it's barbarians.
Joe shows how informed he is.
That's Pentagon estimates of one to 5% are totally self-sufficient depending on the region.
It's about 3% on average.
And the other 95% will eat the people and take over their facilities in the first few weeks and then we're down to zero.
And then you look at the globalists turning off the infrastructure saying they're going to cut it off for us and depopulate 95% of us or from 8 million down to 500 million.
So 90 plus percent, and like Professor Dr. Brett Weinstein said, we're in it tomorrow, he said he's analyzed the whole thing, they're gonna all be destroyed too.
Yeah, that's because there is a satanic transmission.
That they're literally receiving, saying, do this.
And when you read their literature, or at the Davos Group, even this year, they had a huge mural of Satan eating babies on the wall while they ate dinner.
A huge thing that they just stared at and loved.
I mean, I'm telling you, call it aliens, but they inter-dimensionally are programming these people to kill everybody.
See, aliens don't fly with flying saucers and blow us up.
They transmit through the time-space continuum and program weak-minded people to serve them.
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50,000 unstoppable watch.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Oh yeah, we're on quite a few 50,000 wide AM stations.
We've still got big audiences.
We love all those listeners.
And remember, when you're listening to radio on AM or FM, or watching TV that's UHF or VHF, it ain't watching you.
20 years ago, 30 years ago, nothing watched you.
TV didn't watch you.
You watched it.
Now it's all two-way, like the Palantir in Lord of the Rings.
It sees both directions.
And I mentioned this earlier, now let me get into both these stories.
I mentioned one of the stories, that if you understand that story, you understand it all.
The demonization of Tucker Carlson for saying, the social contract's broken, our government could have clean, healthy cities, cheap energy.
They don't want it to collapse society.
Russia's different.
Dubai's different.
He points it all out.
It's a decision.
And the left admits that.
And then he's a traitor.
Not for the ones actually doing it.
No, no, no.
The person trying to stop it's the bad guy.
And then look at this Fox News story.
This started about two years ago.
The British Ministry of Defense in MI6 said 1984 is a terrorist manual and should be restricted to people and we should watch people that buy it or read it.
I've got Fox News today saying this.
I know it doesn't sound real.
That's the tyranny level.
But in this latest report, Fox News quotes new press releases By the anti-terrorism groups in the UK, saying, oh, when you read Brave New World, or you read C.S.
Lewis, the screw tape letters, or Tolkien, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, that it makes you not like your current government.
So, we have actual dystopic governments Who used 1984 and other dystopic novels like Brave New World as a blueprint.
And Huxley said it was a blueprint.
His brother ran the UN.
He should know.
He wrote Brave New World in 32.
Admitted it was a real plan in 61.
Brave New World revisited.
And now, if you want to read it, you're a terrorist.
Oh, but if conservatives don't want pro-pedophile books for 10-year-olds in school, we're book-burning.
No, not letting children go in a liquor store, or join the military, or go in a porno shop, is not censoring the porno shop, or the liquor store, or a tobacco shop.
We've decided as a culture, they can't make adult decisions to hurt themselves yet, so we're not gonna let them.
And the whole leftist movement is about getting rid of innocence and getting in there with small children before they've learned to navigate the world and ruining their lives.
So look at this report.
It's a long one.
I'm not going to read the whole eight pages, but whoo!
I mean, the most damning part is the British government saying, these books radicalize people.
Because they're powerful literature.
That teach you to want to stand against evil.
And that teach you to recognize the cut of the jib.
You can look at a ship, back in the sailing days, and tell off that key sail, and how the sails were hung, what type of captain or group you had.
Or if the ship was meant to go fast, or if a crew were slobs.
The cut of the jib.
This teaches you the cut of the jib, and it does it in an entertaining way.
So they can't have all this dystopic, weak entertainment that just lowers your understanding if there's all this fine literature out there.
And so they're at war with fine literature.
Lewis, Tolkien, Orwell, among works tagged as triggers for far-right extremism by anti-terrorism group.
Fox News.
Author Douglas Murray said dogmatic attitude of UK elites has also infected the US.
Well, it's not dogmatic, we're taking over.
Arthur Douglas Murray sounds off in the Rewriting of American History on Fox & Friends, taking down Thomas Jefferson.
But boy, you pull it down, even kill somebody when it falls on them, that's great.
But you knock down a cheap tinfoil bathroom at it at State Capitol, you're going to jail for 10 years.
Because the government values that.
A government anti-terrorism unit in the UK has reportedly flagged key English literature as potential triggers for right-wing extremism, leading one author, well just one author, whose work is on the list to bash the agency's strategy.
Their strategy?
Not a strategy to help us, it's a strategy to enslave us.
Classic authors such as C.S.
Lewis, J.R.R.
Tolkien, George Orwell, Joseph Conrad, and Aldous Huxley were included on the list of potentially problematic texts compiled by Prevent's Research, Information, and Communications Unit, according to The Spectator.
Other authors whose work is allegedly shared by people sympathetic with the far right and Brexit also reportedly includes Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, oh, can't read that, Edmund Burke, oh no!
Thomas Carlyle, Adam Smith, oh my gosh, the invisible hand, and William Shakespeare.
Oh, that William Shakespeare, baby!
Gotta go after that.
They have the prevent duty.
A component of a broad counter-terrorism approach, multi-agency known as CONTEST.
Its primary objective is to deploy preventative measures to decrease the risk of terrorist threats, which encompasses the prevention of individuals from being enticed into terrorist activities.
So bring in 20 million Muslims and let them run around and have pro-Hamas rallies and burn stuff, but boy, don't you read 1984!
Because when you read it, you're gonna go, holy smokes!
We're starting to live this.
This sounds like what I see on the news.
The classic anti-tyranny text of our age are thought crimes.
They're gonna be restricted.
They're gonna be controlled.
They are to be verboten.
And then, America's top journalist, by a long way, nobody in the journalistic space has 10% Of the views and listeners of Tucky.
My daughter likes Tuckers.
She's hung out with him a few times.
Had lunch and breakfast with him.
She calls him Tookie.
Or Tucky.
But the point is, Tucky dares go and report on what's really going on and point out the obvious, so he's the bad guy.
Just like J.R.R.
Tolkien and George Orwell and Aldous Huxley are verboten as well because they come from an age of common sense and can recognize evil.
So when we come back I'm gonna play some clips of Tucker talking about this and what's got the establishment so upset and then We're not taking phone calls today.
We'll do that coming up later in the week.
We're doing a Spaces in the second and third hour today on Real Alex Jones on X. And the great, living legend, super patriot, super brain, G. Edward Griffin will be joining us coming up In the third hour.
And you'll be able to ask questions on Spaces of G. Edward Griffin.
We did a Spaces late last week and took phone calls at the same time.
All right, here in just a few minutes we're going to start simulcasting this live syndicated radio slash TV show on X at Real Alex Jones on X Spaces.
And we're going to take live comments via that system today.
So if you're a regular listener and you're on formerly Twitter, and you want to be part of that,
as soon as that goes live, the next few minutes at Real Alex Jones,
you'll be able to go in there and listen to the show that way, and we'll try to get to as many of your comments
and statements as I intersperse news next hour.
And then GM Rick Griffin's joining us, you'll be able to ask him some questions
or make some statements.
And talk about a living legend.
I mean, best-selling author, filmmaker, back in the '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s.
Just incredible.
Just a living legend.
So, love G. Edward Griffin.
And anytime we can get him on, it's a real treat.
And so, I look forward to that coming up here in just a few minutes.
All right, I got all this other news to add.
Military news, you name it.
But let's get back to what I was talking about with Tucker Carlson.
Why is it that you can take a subway in Moscow, Tokyo, Singapore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and not worry about getting raped?
But not New York, or anywhere else in the U.S.
Tucker Carlson asking the questions MSM refuses to ask, and for that he's being called a traitor.
He went on to talk about what he learned from the Putin interview.
I want to get to some of that.
He talked about how Moscow is so much cleaner and nicer and how it makes him sad.
Remember I told you before the interview broke that Tucker was going to make that main point.
And so there he is now making that point.
I've got two short clips on him talking about that subject.
Go ahead and roll them back to back.
What was radicalizing, very shocking, and very disturbing for me was the city of Moscow, where I'd never been, the biggest city in Europe, 13 million people.
And it is so much nicer than any city in my country.
I had no idea.
My father spent a lot of time there in the 80s when he worked for the U.S.
government and barely had electricity.
And now it is so much cleaner and safer and prettier aesthetically, its architecture, its food, its service, than any city in the United States that you have.
And this is non-ideological.
How did that happen?
How did that happen?
And at a certain point, I don't think the average person cares as much about abstractions as about the concrete reality of his life.
And if you can't use your subway, for example, as many people are afraid to in New York City because it's too dangerous, you have to sort of wonder, like, isn't that the ultimate measure of leadership?
And that's true, by the way, it's radicalizing for an American to go to Moscow, I didn't know that, I've learned it this week, to Singapore, to Tokyo, to Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Because these cities, no matter how we're told they're run, and on what principles they're run, are wonderful places to live.
That don't have rampant inflation, where you're not going to get raped.
Sir, excuse me.
What is that?
Alright, we're now live on Spaces at Real Alex Jones, we'll put it on screen.
And the sizable audience here, let's scroll down please.
So again, when you go to Rel Alex Jones on X, you can find the live link right there.
And you can join us there in your comments and questions and statements live unfiltered.
We'll be on air coming up a little bit into the next hour while I cover news.
And then the icon, the man that saw tomorrow's news decades ago, G. Edward Griffin, will be joining us Coming up here today.
But we're live now on Spaces on X. And what I wanted to do was show the front page of real Alex Jones.
So that I could show them the Spaces post.
So they can read the headline that was there for them.
There it is.
So, this just went live seconds ago.
Alex Jones and G. Edward Griffin discuss breaking world events with you.
It just went up seconds ago.
Please take that if you're on X. Please repost it.
Because that's how we reach more people that don't know what's going on, but whose minds and hearts and souls are ready to receive the truth now.
It's an info war, and we should use every day we're on X, and not take it for granted, to reach new people.
Will us hosting this X save the world?
But will us standing up together over time do it?
All right, let's go to another Tucker clip here.
This is Tucker at the World Government Summit in Dubai, partly sponsored by the WF, in their face, exposing their entire agenda.
Tucker says that the United States, people that run it, are evil for not demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.
And he goes on to say it's wrong what's happening in Ukraine.
They know Russia's already won.
Elon Musk was on with Senator Johnson about this.
And it's time to admit this.
It's time to get this out in the open.
Here's Tucker.
How on earth the United States of America is vetoing the stoppage of fire?
How a country would veto Not to continue war.
How somebody is against stopping a war?
The United States is, for this moment, is the most powerful country in the history of the world.
So if you were to frame this in terms we're all familiar with,
which are the most basic terms, the terms of the family, the United States would be dad, would be the father.
And the father's sacred obligation is to protect his family and to restore peace within his walls.
So if I come home, I have four children, if I come home from work and two of my kids are fighting,
what's the first thing I do, even before I assess why they're fighting,
before I gather the facts and know what's happening?
I stop the fight.
I stop fighting?
So if I come home and I have two kids fighting and I say, Go!
Beat the crap out of them!
I am evil.
Because I violated the most basic duty of fatherhood, which is to bring peace.
Because I have the power.
I'm the only one who can bring peace.
And so if you see a nation with awesome power abetting war for its own sake, You have a leadership that has no moral authority, that is illegitimate.
And I mean that, too.
And I'm not even referring to any specific region or conflict.
I mean generally.
And I'm deeply offended by that.
And it's something that I try to express, and I'm often called a traitor for saying that.
I say that because I believe in the United States.
It's the opposite.
I think it has been a morally superior country.
And if we allow our leaders to use our power to spread destruction for its own sake, that is shameful.
It's a binary, okay?
It's a black and white.
It's a zero and a one.
You are either creating or you're destroying.
You're improving or you're degrading.
And that's how you know whether something is good or bad, whether it's virtuous or evil.
You just judge the fruits!
By its fruits you will know it!
And I'm very distressed and concerned that we are entering an era where this awesome force for good is instead being used for evil.
Tucker in person is as smart as you see on TV or even smarter.
He's great.
He admits he was naive.
He projected his own goodness for decades on the system.
And he's personally apologized to me on air and off air.
It's not about him apologizing to me, but an apologize to you saying I was naive.
He's not naive now.
He says that in the speech at the World Government Forum.
And he says the social contract's broken, the system's at war with us, we have to be the adults in the room, we have to stop this.
This is just common sense.
This is the return of male energy that's not evil trying to destroy you.
This is the return of the Jedi.
And it's happening, and it's beautiful, and it's powerful.
And Elon Musk had Senator Johnson on with him on a Spaces that reached millions and millions yesterday.
And they talked about the war needs to end in Ukraine.
It's a fraud.
They know they've lost.
Our government's doing it.
It's evil.
It's Elon Musk with a U.S.
Senator saying, we're so close to stopping this attempt at World War III.
That's coming up.
We're going to go to break, join some stations that carry the second, third, and fourth hour.
And then we're also on Spaces on X at Real Alex Jones.
That's coming up.
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Hour number two straight ahead, please spread the word however you're watching.
Gunther in Tennessee.
Thanks for calling, Gunther.
Hey, Alex.
Real quick, wanted to plug your Foundational Energy.
First-time caller.
Just started taking that, and boy, three pills, recommended dose, I was bouncing off the walls.
But I tell you, Foundational is the right name for that product, because I'll cut down to one.
It's like you have a baseline of energy that you were missing before that you got back.
Well, I'm glad you mentioned that, because it's Methylfolate, the breakdown of folic acid, and a lot of people, particularly Europeans, don't absorb all of the folic acid.
So it's not a stimulant, it's a totally natural thing that boosts energy that's foundational.
And was I lying to you, or did it not work?
No, it was top-notch.
And I was actually taking Red Pill Plus before, and that's got a little folic acid in it.
I think there was a little buildup from this, but the energy from this was no jitters.
I mean, it's top-notch.
It's a great product.
Well, thank you so much.
Yeah, no, folic acid's great and it's in real red pill, but some can't break it down.
This is the breakdown of it.
That's exactly it.
All right, coming up, I got a ton of breaking big news and analysis and key intel, but I'm gonna just try to cover it quickly.
Then I'm going to start taking your comments here on the syndicated hundreds of radio stations, hundreds of TV stations, cable stations, streaming at Infowars.com forward slash show, Band.video, but also on X, you can see the video stream on Real Alex Jones, but also Spaces gets where we can take your digital calls, basically.
So that's coming up, but I wanted to add to Tucker calling out the globalist their face at the World Government Forum against the wars and all the things that are happening with a really good spaces yesterday that I ended up listening to like an hour of this morning.
I can't wait until Spaces has video.
But Elon Musk and Senator Ron Johnson discussed their opposition to escalating the ongoing bloody stalemate in the war in Ukraine.
This is so important.
This is so on target.
We're going to play this clip.
Take a one minute break and join a bunch of radio stations that Well first of all, I think we all have to understand that Vladimir Putin will not lose this war.
I say it that way as opposed to Ukraine can't win.
Senator Ron Johnson, all I can do is praise both men because in DC you're not hearing
a lot of this even though it's very popular with the people and is common sense.
Here it is.
Well, first of all, I think we all have to understand that Vladimir Putin will not lose
this war.
I say it that way as opposed to Ukraine can't win.
Vladimir Putin will not lose.
Losing to Vladimir Putin is existential to Vladimir Putin.
Russia has four times the population.
They have a much larger industrial base.
Again, I said Russia can produce 4.5 million of those shells a year.
We're not even up to a million a year.
The average age of a Ukrainian soldier right now is 43 years old.
And David, I heard you quote the Time Magazine article.
There are other quotes from some of Zelensky's top aides.
Uh, say that even if the U.S.
and its allies come through with all the weapons they have pledged, quote, we don't have the men to use them, unquote.
So the fact of the matter is, if you're worried about the people of Ukraine, you have to understand that probably about 100,000 of their soldiers have been killed.
Has there been about 100,000 Russian conscripts?
I take no joy in that.
40,000 civilians.
Hundreds of billions of dollars of Ukraine has been destroyed.
The only way this war ends is in a settlement.
And every day that the war goes on, more Ukrainians, more Russian conscripts die, more civilians die, more of Ukraine gets destroyed, they'll have to be built.
So, again, sending $60 billion as added fuel to the flames of a bloody stalemate makes no sense whatsoever.
As evil a war criminal as Putin is, he's not going to lose this war.
Our colleagues here just aren't willing to accept that reality, and they're living in a fantasy world, thinking that Ukraine can win this thing.
They can't.
David, that's exactly right.
I think that is an excellent summary of the situation.
When I raised this point, people, of course, accused me of being some sort of prudent apologist, when in fact, my companies have probably done more to make...
I mean, it's such an absurd accusation.
than anything.
I mean, SpaceX has taken away two-thirds of the Russian launch business.
The Starlink has overwhelmingly helped Ukraine.
I mean, it's such an absurd accusation.
My concern is exactly what you articulated.
If you have an extended war of attrition, every day that goes by, there are Ukrainian
boys that are – and not even boys anymore because they're running out of boys – that
You're losing, Ukraine is losing people every day.
And if you're going to spend lives, it must be for a purpose.
And not just, you know, a mile here, a mile there.
In fact, a mile back and forth.
The lines aren't moving.
So just every day, people die.
For what purpose?
And as you said, there is no way in hell that Putin is going to lose.
If he were to back off, he would be assassinated.
And for those who want regime change in Russia, they should think about who is the person that could take out Putin?
And is that person likely to be a peacenik?
Probably not.
They're probably going to be even more hardcore than Putin if they took him out.
We are now into our number two live.
We're on radio stations across the country, TV and cable stations.
We're at InfoWars.com forward slash show for all the live streams.
Not just my show, but other great InfoWars shows that have been heavily censored that the establishment fears for a reason.
Owen Schroer, Harrison Smith, Chase Geyser, and so many others.
And I want to start taking your Comment your questions from Spaces Live at Real Alex Jones.
Alex Jones and G. Edward Griffin talk world events and take your questions and comments.
That's the feed.
G. Edward Griffin joins us coming up in the next hour.
But before I do that, I want to play a couple of clips from the World Government Summit that's going on right now in Dubai.
Remember, if you talk about world government, the ADL says you're anti-Semitic.
What does that have to do with it?
They just inject that to make it about Jews.
So Jews get persecuted and the ADL gets more money.
Totally disgusting.
But WF founder Klaus Schwab says the transition of humanity into the intelligence era has begun.
Now, our IQs are dropping, our sperm counts have dropped 90 plus percent, cancer rates have exploded, life expectancy's gone off the edge of a cliff since Klaus Schwab and the UN and Bill Gates' injections.
Are we really getting smarter with the way the technology's been deployed?
And the answer is no.
I'm not against technology, but the way it's been deployed.
So I saw a couple clips that I wanted to play for you.
And one of them, and this is real video, is college students in the UK walking up to a four-way stop, but there's a sidewalk there.
It's a T in the road on a four-way.
And they stop because they see a red light, but they're on the sidewalk.
And that's what's going on with young people, is they're so programmed by their phones, by the internet culture, that that's the real world to them, so they see a flashing light, they don't even think, hey, I'm on the sidewalk, I can keep walking, that doesn't affect me.
And that ties into a video that I posted yesterday that's got like 7 million views from New York City in the 1930s, and you look at how skinny and incredibly healthy the people are there, and you ask what changed.
I'll talk about that in a moment, but go ahead and roll this clip.
Fucking traffic lights are red so they've stopped fucking walking for a student.
It's not a sidewalk, man.
Now, that's young people that have been programmed by their
phones and flashing lights.
I've got another clip of folks playing billiards to show you what the human brain can do when it trains itself and it focuses.
With one hit, on a second try, And they do this all the time.
He knocks all the balls in with one ball.
Again, humans are capable of such incredible heights when we train, when we're focused.
But when we just lazily go through our lives like millennials, to a great extent, or Gen Z, We see these type of effects, but notice the skill is in the third dimension on a pool table.
It's not in some metaverse.
Here it is.
Now that's an extraordinary situation.
It hasn't phased in.
Look at this!
Different break.
Each time he's broke off, he's left out straight red to the right corner.
Well, he hasn't done it this time.
You won't see- [outro music]
Alright, and you can say, "Well, not everybody can do that,"
or "They sped the video up," whatever, it doesn't matter.
The point is, humans do amazing things.
120 years ago, the Wright Brothers fly, and decades later, we've got jet airplanes.
And decades after that, we're landing on the moon.
Now, I'm going to go to your comments from X here in a minute about the nature of the world, incredible developments, Tucker Carlson in Russia, all the things that are unfolding, the open borders, the Senate deal for Ukraine and Israel as a border package.
But here is some video.
I know we're on a lot of radio stations, so it's kind of a bummer for you.
But for TV viewers, you can see this.
This is New York City on the side of the street in the 1930s.
Look at this.
The people are all super healthy in super great shape.
They all look like Calvin Klein models, basically.
And they were eating big old steaks and pies at lunch and dinner and smoking cigarettes and guzzling bourbon.
Though they are at a newspaper stand.
But what happened?
And I've got clips in the 1990s.
I want to show that clip from yesterday that shows an outside party I guess in New York City, of people, there it is.
Go ahead and roll it with audio from the start.
So there they are, with a DJ outside, mid-1990s.
What's happening there?
No one has a screen.
No one is looking down at their phone.
You go to a modern outdoor party, black, white, doesn't matter, almost no one's talking, they're all on their phones.
So this is incredibly unhealthy.
So what did this?
The pesticides in the food, the additives, the fluoride, now the GMO, the 5G, the screens, we're dying.
And I'm not sitting up here on some high horse.
But the point is, is that I eat half of what my grandfather said, and I don't eat a bunch of processed crap, and I'm bigger than they were.
What's going on?
Well, we're in an unhealthy environment, folks, and the globalists know they're doing that.
So I want to play a short clip for the Dr. Brett Weinstein huge two-plus hour interview.
So I'll have breaking news and analysis at the start of the show tomorrow.
11 a.m.
Then I'm going to premiere the Dr. Brett Weinstein interview.
Very smart, very impressive guy.
Groundbreaking stuff.
The discussion I had with him on Sunday.
I taped it Sunday.
So I want to play this and then I'm going to go right to your comments, live, unfiltered, from the X Spaces.
Here it is.
What we want is a system that liberates individuals as meaningfully and as broadly as possible.
That should be our guide.
That's classically liberal.
It is classically liberal and I believe it is also actually liberal and it is a perfect match for what I find my many conservative friends believe as well.
That this is the metric that we can use to test any system that we put in place.
Does it liberate people or does it constrain people?
If it liberates them meaningfully over the long term, it's a good thing.
What they have recognized is that they have no use for us.
And I wish that was an exaggeration, but you can see this so clearly in what they did to the public over COVID.
I don't think we really have any choice but to rescue Western civilization.
It is the best tool we've got, always has been.
It's not to say that it can't use upgrading here and there, but We have to save it because your children, my children, and all of the grandchildren that we might ultimately have are depending on us to do it.
And the idea of hyper-novelty is that although human beings are the fastest evolving animal species that has ever existed, That is largely the result of the fact that we evolve in a different way.
We are actually able to evolve culturally, which is much more rapid than genetic evolution.
But even though we are the fastest evolving animal species that has existed, the rate of technological change is so fast that even our evolutionary capacity... We can't catch up.
We cannot keep up.
And that is resulting in us being sick physically, psychologically, socially, and What you're detecting as the collapse of civilization is really a manifestation of many different kinds of hyper-novelty that is making it difficult for us to see what's in our interest.
They are gambling with a planet that isn't theirs to destroy, that is actually, it is the birthright of every living person and it is the entitlement of all the people who will eventually live here.
They are gambling with it and they obviously don't know what they're doing.
It is likely that many of the deaths that occur as a result of these shots, it's the result of the mRNA platform itself.
that anything you loaded onto that platform would produce many of these pathologies
because the platform itself is deeply flawed.
All right, the interview drops tomorrow 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Real Alex Jones on X. I want to go to some of the spaces, live unfiltered comments and statements or questions.
Jim Griffin's coming up in about 42 minutes, 43 minutes from now.
But The globalists admit they're mad scientists and they say out of all of these crazy experiments, they believe they're going to find all these secrets that allow them to live longer or live forever and have all this power, but they themselves are some of the biggest idiots that are out there.
They've just inherited all this stolen wealth to the robber barons and the corrupt systems.
And that's what we're talking about in this larger discussion right now and tomorrow.
There is a real craziness in the establishment, because there was a default since the 60s, but mutually assured destruction did not do certain things militarily, because all the experts agreed around the world it would cause nuclear war.
They're just doing it.
They don't care.
Biden a year ago says we can't send F-16s and Abrams tanks, that's World War III.
He does it anyways.
Oh, you can't bolt the North Stream Pipeline, that's an act of war against Europe.
They still do it.
They're breaking all the rules And they think they can cut off the resources to us to depopulate us and that that won't affect them.
And we have to say, hey, what have I said a thousand times?
We're having an open discussion about the real issues.
We're calling you out.
We're not going to sit here where you just deny what's going on.
We know you're the bad guys and we don't want you in control anymore.
And we're going to start the process of exposing you and removing you and promoting a pro-human plan B to what you've been up to.
And that's what the big interview tomorrow is about.
And we cover the waterfront.
And Dr. Brett Weinstein has a lot of courage to come on the show.
And he's a very articulate guy.
I like him.
He's very informative.
And he admits we helped wake him up.
So that's what this is all about.
Okay, let's punch up the spaces.
A lot of times we take calls here on the show.
Been doing it for 20 plus years.
27 years I've been on talk radio.
We love the old-fashioned telephone line.
We still do that.
We'll still keep doing that.
But sometimes, a couple days a week, we're gonna do spaces.
So let's go to the great Chase Geiser, InfoWars fellow talk show host and reporter and analyst in the control room helping oversee and honcho this Spaces.
Give me your comments just on the general developments in the world for a few minutes, Chase, and then tell us who's up first here.
Well, first of all, I want to say how awesome it is that you had, it was Brett Weinstein on this.
I always mix them up with his brother.
this weekend because he is an absolutely phenomenal virologist.
And I don't know if you had a chance to talk to him at all, but there's a very interesting backstory that I've heard
his brother tell about him,
about some of the research that he did that was seemingly stolen many,
many years ago about how toxic our pharmaceuticals really are.
He's done a lot of amazing research in the realm of mice and how the
pharmaceuticals that we test on the mice are exaggerating the extent of,
of, of some of the symptoms and the,
the basically the way the mice are bred is.
Is not conducive to accurate results in these studies that we use the mice for to test pharmaceuticals to ensure that they're safe.
So there's a lot of fascinating stuff with that.
But as far as the world is concerned, it's just like the first time you ever came in my office, Alex.
I won't forget it.
Because a lot of people ask me whether or not you're the same in real life or whether or not you're putting on a show.
I said, first time Alex Jones walked in my office, the first thing he said is, things are getting crazy out there.
And that really just sums it up.
The audacity of these globalists is absolutely astounding to me.
And I do think that we're winning, but the InfoWars is never lost or won.
You're either winning it or losing it.
And it feels good to be winning it right now on InfoWars.
Absolutely, in this space is, because I told you I want to start doing spaces here, was your idea.
And they're like, hey, let's do one today.
Well, J. Edward Griffin's coming up.
Let's just talk about world events, Tucker and Russia, all the other craziness.
The British intel agencies, Fox News reports, want to restrict and track who reads 1984, The Lord of the Rings, Brave New World.
And Shakespeare amongst those.
I mean, the bad guys don't want you reading Shakespeare or Orwell because it lets you see that they are the bad guys.
I mean, I don't know how you could indict yourself worse, Chase.
I agree, and it's interesting that you mention that because this is the first time it's occurred to me, but...
In my opinion, the best art, whether it's music, movies, paintings, whatever, whatever medium, says something about the human condition.
And the globalists want you more and more detached with what it means to be a human being.
And so it's interesting that you mention some of these sort of iconic examples of cinema or art, like Shakespeare, for example, because Even though it's sort of this old medium with these sonnets and the iambic pentameter that he uses and things like that, it still touches our hearts today and they just want us out of touch with that.
It's like the movie Equilibrium where they don't want us to have any sort of emotional response or really understand what it means to be human.
They don't want us to have any emotional response to any stimulus that didn't come from them.
That's right.
Absolutely insane.
Alright, so this is kind of a big general open discussion about the state of craziness in the world.
Who do we go to first here, Chase?
Let's talk first with Lindsay RN.
Lindsay RN, go ahead and unmute yourself and say whatever you have to say.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Chase.
I'm Lindsay House.
I am a confirmed, diagnosed, and documented vaccine-injured person.
I was mandated to get it as a nurse, and we have built our own community here on SPACES, where they're Vaccine Injured Lounge.
And what we've done since the government has abandoned us for the past three years is we have built our own community, and we have been talking about what we've been seeing in us that they're not researching.
So I wanted to bring forth to you guys some findings that we've been seeing in us for the past three years that the media will not tell you, and that the truth of the matter is we survived bioweapons.
And we are currently still in the trials because they have not pulled these shots off the shelves.
So until they do, I'm going to read my notes because I have short-term brain loss, memory issues from the shot.
That's one of my ailments.
So, I am currently being tested for DNA integration, Alex.
And, um, I'm one of the few ones right now, but, um, currently the... By the way, for those that don't know, they admit it's gene therapy and actually pollutes your DNA.
Yes, so that's what we're testing on me.
So I'm lab rat number one.
That's what I've been calling myself.
I shouldn't, but that's what the reality is.
So once those results do come back, I will let you know, but they're still in process.
I did have a cytokine panel and a spike protein immune panel done recently to prove that I am one of the ones that is a confirmed vaccine injured spike protein factory.
So what that means is my body We'll keep producing spikes and will not stop.
The way we got these results was we tested my Labs in 2022, all three of my monocyte lines were transfected with vac spike protein.
We have done the testing as well to determine the difference between vac spike and virus spike.
By the way, there's another test I know they can do where it shows that people are getting blood clots after the shot.
In fact, I know some big Canadian labs and German labs will test someone's blood before, give them the mRNA shot, and then something like 65% of them end up getting the blood clot reading back After they take it.
Never, ever before seen.
And so what you're talking about is just such a reality here.
And what's crazy is they know exactly what they're doing.
So we cleared the monoxide lines last year in June.
So that's when I started to progress.
I'm currently 40% functional, which means that I'm basically bed bound and house bound.
I'm really sorry to hear that, but you're a nurse.
I'm sure you know The spike protein that all of the virus vector shots, the mRNA shots, whether it's AstraZeneca, J&J, Moderna or Pfizer, this is all mainline literature folks, this is not debated, they all make your body create a spike protein and now the evidence shows it keeps producing, but here's the interesting part, what is that spike protein?
I'm sure because you're a victim of it you know, where did they get the spike protein to weld onto this virus?
Where did it come from?
They made it.
It's the HIV spike protein.
Yeah, we're seeing vaids, so we're seeing lots of false positives.
It's officially, they admit, they inject in you the official HIV virus fragment.
It's officially the spike protein.
Also in the vials was, besides the DNA, was the SV40 cancer promoter.
And pseudouridine, and of course the lipid nanoparticles.
That's right.
So that's what we're... Well listen, I didn't know who you were, but you know what you're talking about.
I want to hear about you.
So hopefully, guys, put a note.
I want to reach out to her and get her on as a guest.
We're gonna try to get to a lot of people here today.
I'll tell you this real quick, Alex.
We're seeing brain shrinkage on our one-year follow-up of our MRI scans, and we're seeing decreased sperm counts in our young.
I have two 20-year-olds that have zero sperm counts.
I have been telling men, vaxed and unvaxed, to get their sperm counts checked.
Please, guys, this is important because they're trying to destroy our youth with myocarditis, dementia, and Sterilization is what they're doing.
No, it's all fact and what's incredible is the life expectancy is plunging, the fertility is plunging, and people that have taken the shot can slough it on to us.
It is just absolutely horrific.
I'm gonna get your contact info and I'm gonna get you on the show, okay?
I'd be glad to.
God bless you, thank you so much.
Chase, we're going to break.
People are like, why are there breaks?
We're on radio stations, old media.
That's why when they banned me five years ago off of the internet, we were able to stay on air because of our hundreds of affiliates.
And yes, talk radio has declined.
It's not as big as it was, but it's still there.
And so it's very precious.
That's why we take the breaks.
I've been skipping the network breaks that are for us in network TV and radio, but we run the local breaks.
Chase, tell me who we're going to next when we come back.
We're gonna go to Don Murgis next when we come back.
Alright, we're gonna go to break.
We're going to come back.
You just heard that lady's incredible testimony.
I don't know who she is, but everything she said was true.
We're finishing each other's sentences.
That's what they don't want to be heard.
So boost her information.
Take this once it's archived.
Take it while it's live right now.
Share it off Real Alex Jones.
Take the spaces and let's reach a lot more people.
You can also find the feed if you're not on X at Real Alex Jones that you'll find at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage, so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at MFORSTORE.COM, and I thank you all for your support.
Well, Adrian Dittman, who we had on last week on Spaces, it sounds just like Elon Musk, is listening, but not joining us yet, so... It's pretty crazy.
And of course, I've been on Spaces with Elon, I got like 20-something million views before the real Elon, but it's definitely interesting.
Okay, we've got Chase Geiser, fellow talk show host here, helping orchestrate, or kind of be the traffic cop on this.
We're taking live comments about the nature of the world, the craziness, what's going on.
It's kind of a free flow of consciousness, a community soapbox, but not the local park in front of the city council, but digitally here at InfoWars.com and on Spaces.
Chase Geiser, who's up next?
John Murgis.
John, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you've got to say.
Chase, Alex, thank you so much.
Alex, I've been a listener since 1999.
Not only a listener, but I'm also a customer.
I'll tell you, without the Survival Shield X2, I don't know what I would do.
I ordered it in bulk.
But what I wanted to say is that with everything that's been going on in this world, it's been a great, great advantage.
To have Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and so many other people understand that you have been right all these years.
Alex, you've been right about 95 to 97 percent of everything that's happened.
And I believe a lot of people have been awakened by your words and your wisdom.
Well, thank you, brother.
I just studied the Globalist's own documents, their own admissions, because they're basically in control of the world to a great extent.
They want full control, so my job's easy.
I just got to research what they're doing, and everybody else can do it.
And now that Elon's investigating, and Tucker's investigating, and Joe Rogan's investigating, and Russell Brand's investigating, and notice almost every popular talk show host Is covering the New World Order now.
That shows I think we're winning.
I know we're winning hearts and minds.
I don't know if we're winning getting back the infrastructure, but Elon taking over X has been a big start to that.
It's been a big beachhead in the fight for free speech.
We are winning, Alex, and we've got to keep on the good fight.
Down here in Sarasota, Florida, I know you're familiar with the area.
I live not too far from the Amish area, where you're very familiar with.
These people know how to live.
Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits.
No processed foods whatsoever.
That is what's killing.
Those videos of the 30s, the 20s, the 30s, the 40s.
As you say, people were smoking, eating bacon, eating fatty meat.
And they were healthy.
We are unhealthy.
We live in an unhealthy society.
And as you say, it's been done on purpose.
They are slowly... It's the slow kill, as you say, Alex.
We are slowly being killed.
By the way, I didn't coin that term.
Soft kill, slow kill is a Pentagon term for 40 years.
It's what the globalists say they're doing.
They kill you and you never knew it hit you.
And my heart goes out, I have to say, to Lindsey.
I'm unvaccinated when they came out, and I told my family, and nobody in my family is vaccinated.
Because right when it came out March 1st of 2020, we were notified right here at Doctors Hospital in Sarasota that they had the first case of COVID known in Florida.
In Sarasota.
And I hear the vaccination.
I'm waiting for President Trump to finally admit that it was a mistake when he does this.
I agree with you.
I will believe in him more and in his words more.
But as you know, he still has not admitted that it was a mistake to push this vaccine.
Look at the people that have been injured, people who have died.
It's unacceptable, Alex.
Thank you so much for joining us.
That's right.
And Bill Gates and the UN say imminent new virus.
They want new lockdowns.
They want a rematch.
They want to try the power grab, take over all over again.
Thank you so much, sir.
Chase, who's up next?
Well Alex, let's have Adrian Dittman say a few words.
He did accept the invite to be a speaker.
It wouldn't be the same without him.
I just wanted to listen, but I mean, yeah, sure.
I guess if we're going to ask a few questions about AI, I'd definitely be down for that.
I tend to want to stay out of the medical things as much as possible.
Sure, I do venture into fields of controversy, but those are a few things that I have limits for.
Those being one, to the extent of what I could say, This was a huge emergency and it was very anti-scientific on multiple fronts.
I still remember when this first came out and I read about it.
At first I thought everything was perfectly fine and I think this would really work out and I think this is a really cool tech.
And then there were things that just didn't add up.
You know, if you're a blacksmith, you look at, say, a piece of metal or anything and you say, this is not welding up all together.
It's like, this is not welding together all true.
What's going on here?
There has to be something missing or there's something in there that doesn't make sense in the argument or in the information.
And so I looked at it and I said, Well, what is missing?
And then I read through, say, the actual scientific documents, and that's when things started to make a lot of sense in a way that I didn't expect.
So it was definitely a huge amount of failure.
And something I think was really fascinating to me was there were arguments from specialists saying that you have to be specialized in a certain field in order to make argumentations for the science in that field.
Now, this argument was put forth by people who are not in the field of virology.
So you had non-virologists tell us about virology.
That doesn't make sense.
So you say, you cannot say anything about a certain field unless you're an expert in there.
And then there are people in other fields, experts in other fields, really, really amazing people that then tell you things outside of their field.
Absolutely, and then everything they told us about COVID and the shot being 95% effective,
it wasn't true.
What do you think, Adrian, about attempts, I don't know if you've seen it, with Tedros, the UN and Bill Gates and all them, saying, oh, a new virus is coming, we want to try this again, but also saying lockdowns were good to slow down civilization, so we need more of them.
But from all the numbers I've seen, if civilization starts collapsing, It's very hard to start over again, so I don't understand, that's kind of two questions, why the ruling establishment wants to try to block human development when I think our only hope is accelerating it.
This is actually a really interesting take.
I think AI definitely fits into this.
It's a lot of fear.
There are a lot of things that I personally cannot understand, and this is why I don't have an opinion on them.
Because unless I truly get it, to the extent that I personally could even do something with that knowledge, like actual utility, then I will not speak on it.
I think one of the best scale models for why people are scared is it's almost like an existential crisis.
I think AI for that is a perfect scale model.
You can understand how it works.
You can understand how to build it.
And then if you do that, you understand the very nature of fear and how we ourselves fear, say, advancements, even though we're not necessarily aware of it, to a certain degree.
Like, we're going to be replaced, or this thing's going to be better than us, or I want to control where history goes and make sure that wherever history goes is going to be advantageous for me and anyone who comes after me.
So, like, this is just a standard human condition.
The biggest problem right now is actually information warfare, ironically enough.
The biggest warfare being to remember.
I agree.
History, it's being thrown away.
So there's this guy, I know, he's a really interesting person, his name is Brian Rommel, and he's doing this thing where he goes to several universities and institutions And he essentially does dumpster diving.
They are throwing away an untold amount of historical data.
Just throwing it away.
And there's some really useful stuff that they're just throwing away.
And it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Even the Have you ever just wandered around and said, hey, you know what, this thing that I've just said, this thing that I've just explained to my kid, you know, how to be a better person, this ought to have been filmed or written down somewhere.
It was, and then it's thrown away.
It's stuff like that.
And he's going to take that and internalize it into his own AI, thereby legally training models because he can't just like steal content like everyone else, even though technically, say, if you were to do Well, I'm not a tech expert, but I know this.
They are memory hauling so much data.
Google is totally controlled for years now.
And so thank God for Wayback Machines and all of that, so we can actually see what was originally said versus how they change articles, how they manipulate things.
I only see more knowledge as a service.
I mean, look at the burning down of the Library of Alexandria, they say was the greatest Horrible event for information ever.
And from what I've seen, since I read about what you're talking about, all these universities, all these groups are just dumping data and books and material and raw research and incredible stuff is literally just being incinerated and deleted and destroyed.
And it's crazy.
And the knowledge base is actually going down for the general public.
Yeah, this is actually, I think this tragedy is even greater because it's not that the Library of Alexandria was burnt by adversaries.
Well, I mean, in this case, this information is not being burnt by adversaries, it's burnt voluntarily.
Which, it's just, it blows my mind.
Let me ask you a question about this article on Fox News.
I don't know if you saw it, but I also saw it in other publications.
This is confirmed.
British intelligence says C.S.
Lewis, J.R.R.
Tolkien, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Shakespeare and others are dangerous because people read it and then see that in today's world and think the power structure is corrupt.
So we literally have British intelligence saying, watch out and control who reads these things about tyranny because it's helping them recognize dystopia.
Is this not an incredible red flashing light?
That if intelligence agencies want to get rid of William Shakespeare and George Orwell because it makes us recognize from great literature tyranny and then we look around and see it, this is like driving down the road at 100 miles an hour at night with a blacked out windshield and no GPS.
This sounds just so obviously tyrannical.
Yeah, I actually read that article.
It's really interesting.
When I read that, it kind of reminded me of this movie I once watched.
It's not really a known movie.
What was it called again?
Yeah, Equilibrium.
It's a really interesting movie.
It's basically like The Matrix, but more dystopian in a real-world sense, so to speak, where basically there came a point where they said, oh, we had World War III, that cannot ever happen again, so we're going to make everyone emotionless and burn any and all art.
We're just going to become machine-like people, soulless, and thereby we could never have conflict.
And this exact thing happened.
You know, somebody said, hey, I'm going to keep this book.
I'm going to read this book.
And then they started discarding all these ideas and notions about what the world was, then became rebellious in a sense.
So I think that actually makes a lot of sense, because at the end of the day, all actions are predicated upon how much knowledge you have.
And so if you know what the world looks like, And you can change your perspective on it, you can function completely differently.
Anyone is just, I think, about one degree of separation from being able to impact the world in ways that they've only ever dreamt of.
They're only one degree away.
But getting there and shifting that is often, it's sometimes really simple, it's other times really dangerous, and then other times still very, very difficult.
So, yeah, knowledge is obviously power and everybody knows this.
Well, you seem to be really informed on top of things.
What is your view on Tucker Carlson and the World Government Summit?
I know Elon Musk last year said we don't want a centralized government because when it makes mistakes it's even worse and it knocks out competition, it gets rid of the firewalls.
I think he used the Tower of Babel analogy and now they're freaking out over Tucker simply pointing out that he loves America and he's been here his whole life, born here, but that a lot of our cities are complete crap holes.
Like San Francisco and that it's being allowed to happen by design.
He's being called a traitor for pointing that out.
What's your view on the destruction of Europe and the Western world and why it's I think it's obvious that the technocrats somehow think this is a good thing.
Hang on a sec, can you repeat that last part?
I just disconnected from my Wi-Fi and I had like about 30 seconds.
Sure, it seems like Tucker said that he goes all over the world, the cities are amazing and healthy and clean, and he looks at America, and when he was a young man it was the same, it was clean and nice and good, and now it's totally lawless and out of control.
Why would an establishment want to defund the police and allow all this open drug use and destroy society.
Do you think that's on purpose or is that by accident?
And why is it happening to the West?
In general, what did you think of Tucker's world government summit speech?
I think for however many words people give off, even Tucker included, it's still...
There's something that none of us understand.
I think that it doesn't make any sense.
Dominating people still requires people to dominate.
So, why are people killing people?
It doesn't make any sense to me.
There has to be some sort of other, deeper logic.
Because if you are doing something this fanatical, there's a reason.
And there's probably a very good reason, too.
Now, I'm not saying that what is happening is good at all, but what I'm saying is there has to be some sort of reason so convincing, so logical, and so...
It has to have such a massive impact in the mind that it justifies these extreme actions.
And I want to know what the reasoning is.
I agree.
In fact, I just interviewed Dr. Brett Weinstein, who's obviously really popular and I think really smart, very impressive.
And he said he's analyzed it and the establishment Yeah, that's a really good point.
only knows how to destroy stuff, but in the process they're destroying the civilization in which
they're going to live and it's going to be so destructive the money they have won't even be worth
Won't even be useful because there won't be places to spend it
That's a really good point yeah, I like that Well, you always bring up interesting points
We're glad that you were here.
You're welcome to ride along as long as you like or keep commenting or we can move on to other folks if you'd like to get back to the work you're doing.
But in general, are you optimistic about the future?
What do you think of the 2024 election and the indictments against Trump backfiring?
And then what do you think the entrenched establishment will do because they failed so far?
Do you think they'll double down or will they just give up?
I mean, I can't speak for people trying to do charity, but if I was a tyrant, I wouldn't double down just yet.
I would need to play it very calmly.
But there are signs, and I think they're already beginning to double down.
You know that an establishment is exceedingly weak Based on how much violence they use.
The more violence, the weaker.
Because that's when they know that the power is waning, so we have to put it under an iron fist.
This is why you use the iron fist.
You don't want to use it because you want to control people via convincing their brains in a logically argumentative way.
But if you don't have the ability to do that, violence is often much more effective.
And so I think violence could come soon in some capacity or another.
I don't know what that is.
I don't think many of us will be able to anticipate it.
Potentially, Alex Jones here, you make a really crazy prediction that then probably turns out to be true.
I don't know.
I'm just entertained on the internet.
As for the elections, I'm staying out of that.
I'm not touching that thing with a 12-foot pole.
I'm probably not even going to be speaking on spaces at all when that starts happening because God help us all.
No, I hear you.
Let me ask you this.
Because I interrupted you earlier.
You were saying there's got to be some logic to the establishment trying to destroy the system which gives it power.
And sure, they see it as knocking out any competition, creating a crisis so bad that only they can put the pieces back together, but most analysts look at that and say, you won't put the pieces back together.
So, what do you think, speculating, the deeper, twisted, dark logic could be?
What is the method to the madness?
Because you alluded to that.
The method to the madness, as in, what I think the purpose is.
That's a logical reasoning, right?
Your connection broke up for a second.
You said, what I think the method of the madness is.
Please continue.
Is that what you want me to do?
Yes, that's my question.
I'll give a theory on what I think about it.
Honestly, I honestly can't parse it.
There's many things that I could parse, but that's not one of those things.
I just, I simply don't understand.
It's just like when people are blindly destructive.
I mean, it's ironic because I play a video game called Diablo in which I mindlessly destroy enemies.
But, I mean, I don't think that these people see humanity the same way I see those demons as virtual enemies.
So, I mean, I just can't understand it.
It doesn't make sense to me.
As much as I could potentially formulate a theory, I'd have to think on it more.
And even then, if I knew an answer that I think is accurate enough, I probably would not speak those words.
Well that's what Dr. Weinstein said, and we're airing the interview tomorrow here on X. He just said he's looked at every angle and none of it makes sense.
And it really doesn't, but then you read Klaus Schwab saying we're going to destroy everything and build back better and you'll own nothing and like it and you'll eat bugs.
Why the hell would they be...
Bill Gates is saying you're gonna drink sewage and love it and why are they pushing dystopia as if it's a good thing?
Is it some nihilistic thrill or some vandalism because they already have all the money and power?
Or is it just easier to be destructive?
I think it's definitely easier to be destructive.
Have you ever tried building something?
It's hard.
You know, it breaks, it fails, it pisses you off.
You could easily just look at the world and say, fuck all these people, or there's a majority of people here that aren't really being very useful, and say, okay, these people have to die, or we have to get rid of these numbers because they're just useless eaters, or we could say, hey, what can I do to people because I think humans themselves are very modular
in terms of the mind. If you have a proper attitude, you can literally learn almost
anything and will definitely have a use for you, right? That's the idea. Even if you
look at companies like Tesla, for instance, by the way that they hire, they don't just
hire based on talent or skill.
They also hire based on attitude because you could have a bit of talent and skill and also
really good attitude and you'll be taught the rest.
If you apply this model to the rest of humanity, then you'll find that everyone has a lot of potential.
Sure, there will be many who lack in certain fields, and you don't want to put them in those fields, obviously.
But I think it's more of a skill to try and identify where these people are useful, as opposed to saying these people aren't useful at all.
Um, so it's easier to say these people aren't useful, but it's harder to say, how can I use these people?
What can I give them that is useful to their lives?
What can I use from them that is also utility to me?
So, yes, it's very easy to destroy.
You can go out there right now and take anything, an inanimate object, like, say, a glass on your table, and you can smash it, and now you've broken it.
You've committed an action.
It is spectacular as fuck.
You probably want to do it again, because it's awesome, and it releases a lot of tension.
But at the end of the day, making the glass is a lot more complex.
Now also hyperscale that.
Now you're having some real fun.
Now you have to deal not only with the problems of manufacturing the glass itself, but you also have to deal with the machines that make that glass appear in the way that it is, right?
You just totally nailed it, and that's what they say.
The world's too complex, it's too dangerous.
Let's just depopulate, make it really simple, so we can rule everyone.
They're admitting that they are completely incompetent, and they're saying from the beginning, humanity's worthless, and are approaching it from that position.
which then because they control so much the money and influence is creating a feedback loop to build destruction
which they think is going to get rid of us when it's going to create a political, cultural, military, economic black
hole that will obviously destroy us all.
Well, wherever Adrian Dittman is at, he's having some connection issues.
And boy, he doesn't just sound just like Elon Musk verbally, he really sounds like Elon Musk.
Chase, did we lose him?
He's back.
He's back.
Well, listen, I don't know how long you can stay here, but you're cut out again.
Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, Adrian, you're cut out again.
Go ahead and finish your point.
Yeah, I'll have a few more seconds and I really need to go.
Ironically enough, I do also work in manufacturing.
The funny thing is, yeah sure, I sound like him and I also behave like him in certain ways because I have similar condition and I also do similar work.
The way I like to look at myself, because I just don't understand the concept either,
for why I exist, I like to say that I'm a memetic response to the simulation.
I just need to exist.
I have no idea why, but I'm having a lot of fun doing so.
I wonder if you're an advanced AI of Elon.
I mean, a lot of people have said this.
They've also said, hey, what if this is like just some guy augmented with a neuro-like chip?
And I say to them this really funny cryptic message and I say, well, I mean, if that were the case, I don't think I'd know myself.
Maybe I'm talking to Grok right now.
Maybe I'm talking to Grok right now.
Am I talking to Grok?
Have you used Grok?
I love it.
It's a great game.
I love it.
It's a great game.
It's amazing.
I know you gotta go.
We're on the radio.
We gotta go to break.
Thank you so much, Adrian Detman.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalists.
And people can't identify who's a patron and who isn't.
We want to identify as pro-human and anti-globalists.
We want to let people know We're 1776 part two.
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Well, we just had Elon Musk dome to plume with us again right after we asked him to join.
He joined.
Can't make that up.
We are living in the future.
And look on screen if you're a TV viewer on X's, you're getting audio.
It's G. Edward Griffin, the filmmaker, the best-selling author, the icon of fighting the New World Order.
And we got a lot of folks on X that want to ask him questions or make statements.
And we'll be getting to all of you that are being patient.
Some stations join us in six minutes.
We got a one-minute break coming up.
But G. Edward, you're looking great.
You're a hard man to get on.
Last time we talked, I Skyped into your great conference.
Up in Iowa.
But wow, where do you want to start today?
Because I've got to ask a lot of questions.
You know I have no trouble talking.
But give us a little prelude to what you want to talk about today.
Well, I can talk about just about anything, and I do better on things I don't know much about, because I can bluff my way through.
But somebody has suggested, in fact, our mutual friend John Richardson, Jr., suggested that we talk about cancer, which is one of my earlier interests in this movement, the red pill movement, as I like to call it.
Where things are not at all what we thought they were.
So, but I'm open to anything, but we could talk about cancer.
Nobody's talking about that much anymore except in relationship to how the cancer is on the rise following all of these vaccines.
That's an interesting topic.
Yes, sir.
Let's speak to that and then you'll be great, I know, with wildcard quick comments or questions, okay?
Oh, that's fine.
I prefer that, actually.
All right, well, we're going to do that with you in a moment.
But separately, for people that don't know who you are, most people do, spend a few minutes telling us about your illustrious career.
Because if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have it.
I'm telling you, you're a living icon.
When I kiss your ass, it's true.
I mean, you're not just the oldest living OG original gangster in the fight, you were one of the most prolific ever, if not the most prolific, that inspired the entire modern liberty movement.
So we're talking to Elvis here right now.
I love it.
A living icon.
Well, it's better than being a dead icon, I guess.
So, well, I don't know.
I guess we mentioned, I mentioned the word cancer a little while ago.
People who know me because of my work relating to banking and money because of the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, may not know that an earlier book has almost been as popular, sold almost as many copies.
It's on this topic of cancer research and therapy called World Without Cancer.
the story of vitamin B17.
And it was very popular back in the 60s.
We sort of launched a movement challenging the medical establishments,
theories and therapies for cancer.
And I discovered, because of some very fortunate combinations, I met with a very close friend of mine
who was a doctor, by the way, and he sort of instructed me on the fact
that he was using a non-orthodox treatment very successfully in the control of cancer.
And the medical establishment was down in his.
Back his neck telling him to stop doing it or they're going to take away his license.
He didn't stop doing it because he was saving lives and they took away his license.
That was John Richardson Sr.
As I mentioned his son a moment ago.
So that's when I got into the topic because John asked me if I would help him write an article for a newspaper or a magazine so he could explain to the world that what he was doing was really based on science.
It was very effective.
It was most certainly more effective than anything orthodox treatments had to offer.
So I stupidly said, sure, John, I'll help you with that.
I thought it would be about a 10 day assignment and I'd have to learn a few facts and we could write the article and move on to something more interesting.
Well, I had no idea, Alex, when I started listening to him and then doing some research on my own, I had no idea how much voltage was in that wire that I was about to grab hold of.
And I discovered that this is one of the big topics of our millennium.
The fact that cancer is not anything at all like we have been told it is.
Well, tell us what it really is straight ahead.
We're going to join some stations and we're going to take all these wild card comments for G. Edward Griffin.
Stay with us.
Well, he's the best selling author of The Creature from Jekyll Island.
And he made all these documentary films back in the 60s and the 70s and the Yuri Bezmenov interviews and just he's as prolific as I've been.
In the last 30 years, but even more prolific because he's been around for 60 years doing it, G. Edward Griffin, redpillexpo.org, redpilluniversity.org, and he sent us some points.
I've been begging him to come on.
We decided to do a Spaces Today since some of your comments are coming up here pretty soon.
Recent explosion in turbo cancers, King Charles, Toby Keith in the news, 50-year anniversary of original publishing of World Without Cancer.
Which is directed to Ernest Cribbs and Dr. John A. Richardson and so much more.
We're going to show a trailer for Madeline Meriden's documentary, Save Your Life.
We're also going to talk about the next Red Pill Expo coming up in June.
Pre-launch of Operation World Without Cancer.
And, G.Edward, we really appreciate you being here.
So let's just give us the condensed boil down.
Everybody can find your deep dive on your website and your books on what's really going
on with cancer.
The more money we spend on cancer, the worse it gets.
And boy, just as soon as those shots started, it went straight up to worldwide records.
Now they're saying everybody's going to get it.
G. Edward Griffin, what's really going on with cancer?
Well, what's going on with cancer today is that the aggravation of highly toxic so-called
vaccines, pseudo vaccines, has caused a breakdown in the body's immune system.
And so people are more vulnerable to cancer than they ever were.
Now what is cancer?
Your question earlier was right on target because that's where you have to start with this thing.
Most people think that cancer is caused by something and the idea that we're still looking for germs or viruses or something like that so that they can treat it with vaccines.
That's why they're always looking for germs or viruses so they can sell us drugs or vaccines or something very expensive to kill these bugs.
That's why the whole medical establishment is off track because they're looking for bugs that we can treat with medicines which are very profitable.
Now, to clear that away and say, well, what really is the cause of these diseases?
You find out that most of the chronic, in fact, all of the chronic diseases, that means they're in your body, they're not really going away, you can't cure them, you're stuck with them for your life.
the chronic diseases all the time.
None of those are caused by bugs or viruses or anything like that.
Caused by deficiencies of something.
And cancer is in that category.
Cancer is not caused by something.
It's caused by the lack of something.
Just like a scurvy is not caused by a scurvy bug.
It's caused by the lack of what we call vitamin C.
And all the way down you get pernicious anemia and a lot of diseases which in olden times
they thought that they were caused by bugs.
Scurvy is a good example.
They thought that since the sailors got scurvy while they were at sea for long periods of time,
which means they weren't eating green things.
They weren't eating vegetables and things that contain vitamin C. Well, they thought that the sailors were contracting scurvy from bugs that were in the dark holds of damp ships.
And so they were trying to always get rid of those dirty old bugs.
Well, of course, it wasn't that at all.
Well, so the same thing is true of cancer.
Cancer is primarily a deficiency disease and it could be caused by several deficiencies, but there's one in particular that's most active and that's a deficiency in something that's called amygdalin.
It's a chemical that's been known for over a hundred years.
It's in the pharmacopoeia over a hundred years ago.
It's been used All this time for various medical conditions.
It's a very non-toxic substance.
It's found in 1400 edible plants.
But the problem is that most of those plants we do not eat because they are bitter to the taste.
And so we prefer the sweet foods or the refined foods.
And so isn't it interesting that we find out that in all the cultures of the world where they had the least amount of cancer, They're usually the most primitive cultures where people don't have access to sweet or refined foods and they eat stuff right off of the trees or pulled out of the roots.
And so in these societies where cancer is very, very low or non-existent completely, you always find that the native diet is rich in this substance called amygdalin.
And so you take these people like them, like the Hunza, the Hunza cuts from I saw some studies out of Brazil where the people in the bush never got cancer, but as soon as they moved them out of the jungle to the city, suddenly it's just as bad as U.S.
to other countries and they contract cancer like everybody else.
As soon as they start eating the same diet as other people.
I saw some studies out of Brazil where the people in the bush never got cancer but as
soon as they moved them out of the jungle to the city suddenly it's just as bad as US
That's exactly correct.
They find that everywhere.
And that's what much of my book was about, is the empirical evidence that this theory is correct.
The aboriginal Eskimos are the same way.
These people, traditionally, you know, they live up in an arid area.
There's snow there a lot of the time.
Where on the earth are they getting all this green stuff that's got amygdalin in it?
Because they never had cancer.
And all of a sudden, they're being employed by the U.S.
military up at the dew line in Up at the northern region so they can build radar systems to defend ourselves against...
You know, incoming missiles across the polar caps, and the Eskimos are working for the military now, eating the same food that the soldiers are eating in the Quonset huts, and the Eskimos start coming down with cancer.
It's just everywhere you look, you see that.
So we know that it's directly related to diet.
And when you research it further, you find out that the primary element in the diet that's responsible for that phenomenon is called amygdalin.
Now, what is that?
Well, it's a simple molecule.
It's made up of four parts.
If I can remember this correctly, it's been a long time since I've gone through the chemistry of it, but I think it's got one part of sugar, glucose.
It's got two parts, one part of cyanide.
Let's don't forget that because there's a big scare on that part.
Oh, you're taking cyanide?
You're crazy, man.
Well, it's got cyanide in it.
It's got benzaldehyde in it.
And benzaldehyde by itself is Very toxic.
So who in the heck would want to eat something with all these poisonous things and call it a cancer cure?
And they use that propaganda actually to discourage people from even inquiring about it.
Well, the fact of the matter is, yes, it does have cyanide in it in combination with other components, but that doesn't make it cyanide.
It makes it cyanide something else.
Like, for example, vitamin B12 is cyanocobalamin.
It's got cyanide in it, and we'd all be dead if we didn't eat the cyanide.
But it's the molecules bound to something else.
That's correct, yes.
And it's not really cyanide until it's a free, all isolated element, and that means it's a gas.
Cyanide is a gas.
but when it's locked in a molecule, it's a vitamin, or it acts like a vitamin.
So those are the things I had to learn, and we find that it's a natural product.
And by the way, this is all in the mainline literature now, but you wrote about this 40, 50 years ago,
and my dad didn't know who you were until he read your book in the 90s,
but he worked at MD Anderson Cancer Research Facility when he was in plan two at UT as a research student.
I remember being a little kid, him saying apricot seeds, and that the seeds of cherries had cyanide,
and I was asking him, "Why are you eating the seeds?"
And he said, "Well, it's bound molecularly "as a safe form of cyanide, but it's anti-cancer."
So my dad separately knew that from the people at MD Anderson,
and he was at MD Anderson 50-something, 55 years ago.
So it shows they've known this stuff that you reverse-engineered.
They're just not letting the public know because David R. Jones, Dr. David R. Jones, my dad knew it.
Yep, a lot of people knew it.
As a matter of fact, it's written in the literature, written in the scientific literature.
It's written in the medical literature.
So a lot of researchers in the medical field, orthodox medicine, knew it.
But it was not profitable to talk about it.
Because you can't make any money selling apricot seeds.
But you can make a lot of money selling a very toxic chemotherapy or performing a very expensive... Was my dad right about cherry seeds?
He said the same thing about them.
Oh, well, cherry seeds are loaded with this amygdalin.
In fact, as I said... He told me, he said, I was told by the top cancer scientist in Houston that they all ate cherry seeds.
I guess that was the thing for that.
Well, cherry seeds have it.
They're very hard to break open, those little hardened seeds.
You find it in apple seeds.
If you chew an apple seed, you'll get a bitter taste in your mouth.
That's what we're looking for.
And people say, Papoulias!
Who eats the seeds of an apple?
Well, that's what I learned when I wound up researching this thing.
Cancer is not a disease that you get.
You're bitter to the taste, but that's what you're looking for.
Well, that's what I learned when I wound up researching this thing.
Cancer is not a disease that you get.
It's something you get because of something you don't eat primarily.
Now, there are other factors that aggravate that, of course, but that's the main element.
Once you understand that, you realize that the whole medical approach to cancer is wrong, wrong, and wrong, but it's profitable, profitable, and very profitable.
And there you have, in a summary, what the problem is in cancer.
It's a money-making machine and not a health machine.
I'm going to have the crew, anybody can do this, type in FDA list of probable adverse reactions from mRNA COVID vaccine, heart attacks, blood clots.
Well, what are they trying to do is a different question from how can you predict what the effect is going to be.
So how did they know and put it out before they rolled the shots out?
I know you like to go with just the facts, but put on your speculation cap here,
the legendary Jim Griffin with us right now, and give us the 35,000 foot view.
I mean, what are they really trying to do here?
Well, what are they trying to do is a different question from how can you predict what the effect is going to be?
Let's start with the more important question, and that is what are they trying to do?
Well, I think they're trying to To convert the human race literally this is a stream statement, but it's true They're trying to compute the human race into a bunch of robots bunch of robotoids so that they'll be like zombies They'll be programmable in their attitudes their thinking their physical actions everything that becomes like If you want to make a comparison to the aliens from outer space you know all the stories about the flying saucers come down and that the creatures come down out of these things and some of them are tall and very human looking and then they got the little greys they call them.
This is the literature and they're all little tiny things and they got funny looking heads and big eyes and they're not humans but they act like them.
Very much like humans, but they're robots.
They don't think for themselves.
They're smart.
They can do tasks.
They can do what they're told, but they never object.
They obey, and they just don't have the capacity to rebel, and that's the ideal.
I think what these elitists are trying to create on Earth is the realization of that vision of these little gray people.
They want to convert humans into tall pink or brown or black I mean, I remember reading one of your books about this in a documentary.
I forget the names.
of disobeying or disagreeing.
I think that's what they're up to.
It's mad powers, all it is.
Total mad scientist out of control.
What I mean, I'm going to read one of your books about this, this documentary, I forget
the names.
What do people, because you're the cutting edge of this still today, what do people need
to research or find to understand more of this?
Well in the medical field, I think cancer is a good place to begin because right now
Now it's, you're talking about a pandemic.
Cancer is the world's greatest pandemic.
When I wrote my book, World Without Cancer, I think it was published in 1974, if I remember correctly.
Fifty years ago!
The ratio of healthy to cancer people, cancer ridden people, was four to one.
In other words, you had one out of every four people was going to come down with cancer in their lifetime.
Now, the statistics are one out of every two and it's expected very soon to be one out of every one.
So that's how far it's gone with all of the money they spent.
Billions and billions of dollars looking for a cure for cancer.
It's just gotten worse because they are not looking for a cure for cancer.
What they're looking for is something that appears to be a cure for cancer, but which is very, very profitable to administer.
I come back to that.
I have to say it even though it's unpopular and it sounds crazy to most people but the modern western medicine formula or the idea of treating diseases is not to cure them because if you cure a disease you just lost your customer.
The idea is to perpetuate the disease and keep the patient operational so he can continue to work, but he needs your product every day.
Absolutely, and listen, the world's come so far with you 50 years ago exposing this that I don't think it's actually unpopular or shocking.
I think people get that.
My question was, how do people, what's the best work you've done on this?
Where do people go to find out more of your research on this?
Well, I guess it sounds a little bit egotistical, but I would say start with my book, World Without Cancer, because it's not just the story of what we're talking about and the record of it and the names and dates and places, but the footnotes are very rich with sources, medical documents, articles in the paper.
And it's evergreen!
You wrote it 50 years ago and it's totally true today.
It's very true, totally true today, yes.
In fact, even more true today than I thought it was when I wrote it.
Where's the best place to get your book, The World Free of Cancer?
Oh, thanks for that plug.
My staff is always saying, Ed, you never plug your books.
Okay, try, I guess the best place is realityzone.com.
You'll find World Without Cancer and the Little Cyanide Cookbook.
We've got a cookbook we put out loaded with recipes rich in cyanide bearing plants.
And you'll all find it in realityzone.com.
All right, so we're going to put that up on screen for your lower third, realityzone.com.
Love that site.
All right, you are gracious to be on with us today.
We are on X Spaces right now.
There's a lot of folks that want to just talk about the general crazy world and want to get your take on it.
And we really appreciate you.
And towards the end, we'll also play that trailer that you sent us to talk a little bit more about what's really happened with cancer.
What a public service announcement.
That's what we love, people that are tomorrow's news.
50 years ago.
Not just tomorrow's news today, or tomorrow's news a year early, but 50 years early.
Wow, like you've got a time machine.
G. Edward Griffin with us right now.
Chase Geyser, tell us who's up first here.
So we have Jake Chansley as a speaker in the space, otherwise known as the Q Shaman.
He sent a direct message saying that he read World Without Cancer while he was in prison.
So we're going to go ahead and let him say what he's got to say.
He's got a couple of questions about it.
And go ahead, Jake, unmute yourself and say what you've got to say.
Well, it looks like Jake might have stepped away.
So let's just move on to Jason Burmas.
Jason, what is going on, man?
Go ahead and unmute yourself if you're listening and say what you have to say.
Jason Burmester on the air.
Go ahead.
Here we go.
Yeah, you muted me, dude.
Sorry, I got you unmuted.
You're good.
OK, so Jake was muted, but I'm on now.
It's Burmese.
Just let everybody in.
OK, Alex, first of all, J. Edward Griffin, living legend.
That's why he was a part of the documentary film that you produced, Invisible Empire.
You know, beyond just cancer, globalism, so much more.
J. Edward Griffin is the man.
I was actually at that Red Pill conference out in Des Moines.
Still a workhorse and more relevant today than ever.
The reason I was on the space is this Dittmer situation.
You know, Alex, I listened to your debate with David Icke on Friday, and I was in and out, and I was on the road, and when I tuned back in and quote-unquote Dittmer was on, obviously I was convinced that that was Elon Musk.
You know, after I started doing some research, you know, he held like a six-hour space after that of what or who this is, I'm just blown away because to me there's only two possibilities.
Dittmer is either, like you said, an advanced AI or a surrogate for Musk that is kind of playing a part.
And I think that also there's this interchangeable quality where he could also act like a dummy account for Musk himself.
In other words, Musk has access to Dittmer, obviously, and it could be... Yeah, yeah, Jason, let me just tell you, let me just tell you, it's Elon Musk.
I can tell you that for sure.
Well, Alex, are you aware that they actually did a space together in July where they had like a 20-plus minute conversation?
Yeah, but he's able to do that because he goes back and forth and does it.
It's all a big troll.
Well, I would love to have an opportunity to debate Dittmer on many subjects.
Alex, you're killing it.
The show is more interesting than ever.
Keep it up.
Well, thank you.
Now, we had a technical problem.
This is a new technology.
It was doing quite well.
G. Edward Griffin, give us your brief take on Elon Musk.
Totally unscripted, say whatever you want, obviously.
And then we do have the Q Shaman, Jacob Chonsley, back on.
We had him muted, we're sorry.
But go ahead, G. Edward, your take on Elon Musk.
Well, that's a tough one because I have to preface it by saying I'm a very skeptical person.
Oh, okay.
And because I may have questions or I'm a little skeptical about some things, doesn't mean that I have any inside information and that I'm even on the right track.
But I've learned over the years that anytime that there's a lot of money or a lot of power in an institution, that institution is a magnet for the predator class.
And that's why governments and large corporations and even church organizations, wherever there's a concentration of money and power, you find that the leaders of those institutions tend to be corrupted.
And some of them are very, very good at imitating the real thing.
And I have fallen for most of that stuff over the years, but the older I get, the slower I get to accept the validity of all of these good intending people, especially if they are the chosen leaders of an institution that's very powerful and has a lot of money.
So for that reason only, I'm very slow to accept Mr. Musk or anybody else for that matter, whether it's Mr. Musk or Mr. Trump or one of the candidates for office, they're all seeking a leadership position in an institution that has a great deal of money and power.
I think that's very well said, and I totally agree with that statement.
We should trust and verify, but expanding on that, or verify then trust, Expanding on that, what do you think of the turn he's made?
Because a lot of pro-globalist stuff, a major turn.
And I think I see a big awakening happening personally.
So I think a lot of people are going to kind of jump over to our side, but what
do you make of some of the good things he's done, or you think that's just bait?
Well, it's, I don't think it's just bait, but I think it could be just bait.
That's the whole point I'm trying to make.
I'm not so willing to say, gee, I like what he said or what he did, because I know how the opposition works.
They have to do good things.
They have to appear to be genuine.
They have to actually strike a few blows against their own side.
Otherwise, no one would accept them.
Well, there are two ways people will accept a false leader.
One is, as I just said, because they do some good things along the way and people are so hungry for those tidbits of good moves.
We're all looking for victories.
So that's one.
And the other, of course, is that it's part of a strategy that That they want to be leaders so that they are leaders.
They know that we're going to oppose them.
I mean, let's face it, the opposition, whatever you want to call it, has a great deal of smarts and a great deal of assets, a great ability.
They'll make the military look like child's play in terms of creating scenarios.
What do we do if that happens?
They knew long ago that as they progress toward their final Deadline their goals that the opposition us would be very upset by it and we would there'd be a great pushback So do they wait around and say gee I wonder what that pushbacks gonna be like and who's gonna who's gonna do it No, they said I tell you what let us provide the pushback
Let's be the leader of our opposition.
And to do that we have to do all good things.
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.
So naturally if you see somebody who does a lot of good things and you like it, but you see them also doing several seriously bad things, you better slow down.
All right, Jeb, we're done.
Stay there.
To all the people complaining on X, we have breaks.
We're on hundreds of radio stations.
Remember the old media?
That's why when they tried to censor us, we were able to stay on air.
We're still there.
When they shut me off the internet, I was still on talk radio.
Quick break, coming right back with Jeb Griffin and some big folks on X to have some questions.
Media matters.
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Alright, we got a bunch of big ex-accounts who have questions for the great G. Edward Griffin, living legend.
He really is, even though he doesn't like that.
But he wanted to say one more thing.
During the break he was like, listen, I'm not here for division.
I don't, you know, know whether Elon's good or bad.
And I said, you can just repeat it on air, but I said, well, it seems to me one way or another, everybody's starting to jump ship with the Liberty Movement.
Bare minimum that's happening.
Even if they're having to act like they're with us, it shows how far we've gone.
Can you repeat what you said?
I mean, not word for word, but we were talking during the break.
Well, yeah, we were just talking earlier about how does a controlled op operative work?
And it's pretty clear they even have write manuals on it in the military and the CIA and and other intelligence agencies around the world.
They all follow pretty much the same rules.
And that is that the strongest one of the strongest weapons that you can have is to control your own, your own, the opposition.
Put up leaders that your opposition would be baited into accepting as a genuine leader when in fact they're not.
Their role is to become the leader of the opposition so that they can look good and try hard and everything looks good, but at the very end they pull their punches and they lose.
That's how it works.
So I'm not saying that anybody in particular is in that category.
What I am saying is that now that I know what that strategy is, I'm very cautious about it,
and I start to examine before I just accept something at face value because I know how the rules of the game work.
Now that you know that that's a card in the hand or a arrow in the quiver, you're looking for it.
That's right, I want to be sure that it's not pointed at me, that's all.
And so I'm a little slower to jump on the bandwagon than most people, and I think it's wise
because we're in a war, and in war, the enemy has no limitations on what strategies they use.
There's you know In warfare, according to our enemy, there's only one immoral act in war, and that's to lose, so that everything else is a game.
And once you understand that's the rule that they're playing by, you better be very cautious at what they're doing.
I totally agree.
I want to go back to these X Spaces comments where people are holding and I'm being disrespectful a little bit, but you didn't know you were coming on for this.
You've been very gracious to do this, but...
Quick comment, I know Tucker's for real, great guy, known him for 10, 11 years.
I must think Putin's a great guy, but he just said, "Look, your power structure, your presidents
don't run anything.
I don't even want to work with you, you don't want to work with us."
I thought that was a pretty powerful interview.
People thought it was a dud.
I thought it was quite revealing.
A few minutes on Tucker Carlson and Putin in general, where do you think that's going?
Well, where is it going?
I don't know.
I watched the whole thing, as you probably did too, word for word.
It was very long and tedious, but I kind of felt that Putin had the upper hand all the way.
He was an accomplished jujitsu master, whereas Tucker was like a new student compared to Putin, who was so smooth and very calm and everything.
And Tucker didn't call him on many of his lies.
I mean, when Putin came out and said, well, you know, here in Russia, we've never fought against religion.
We're open to all different religions and so forth.
Oh, come on!
That should have been a chorus from the choir saying, no, that's not true, Mr. Putin.
That whole the communist revolution from that way forward until fairly recently, people were tortured and executed for their religion, for their religions and so forth.
But no, Tucker didn't question it.
Just let it go by.
And a lot of people who don't know the history thought, well, gee, I guess Russia is not so bad after all.
And of course, Russia is not Russia.
It's the leaders like Putin, the people at the top that Participated in that torture and mass murder and so forth.
So anyway, I just thought that it was, unfortunately, it was a propaganda coup, but not for our side, unfortunately.
Well, I mean, I think you're absolutely bringing up a lot of really good topics here, and that's why we want you on here, is to have an open, absolute, real debate, so that we don't get snookered.
And the more we're informed, the more we're not naive, the bigger effect we're going to be able to have.
Now, let's boom, boom, boom.
We're skipping the next break coming up.
Let's go to questions for the great J. Edward Griffin, or statements.
Are people disagree?
We're totally unfiltered here, folks.
You're on the air with J. Edward Griffin.
Go ahead.
Tell us what's next, Chase.
Go ahead, Jake.
Awesome, thank you.
What an honor it is, Mr. Griffin.
I was reading your book in prison and thinking to myself, my God, I wish I could talk to this man at some point.
And God is good, man.
God is good.
So let me just first start by saying thank you for all of your hard work.
I read portions of The Creature from Jekyll Island, and I kind of have a question or two that combines what both of these books are proposing.
So what, but I'm going to kind of explain what it is that I got from it and then kind of direct it back at you as a question, kind of like, am I on the right track and can you expand on this idea?
So the monetary system is a false value system.
It's a debt-based currency that is being controlled by less than 1% of the population.
And it's basically like exploiting the natural world to create this like artificial world in which these less than 1%ers that control the central banking system have full spectrum dominance and they profit off of everything from our lives.
But at the same time, this system is also creating things like cancer in this parasitic relationship with humanity and with the environment, and thus they're making profit off of disease and stuff like that as well.
So my question is then, how is it that like the Rockefellers and the other, you know, less than 1% of families are moving to control all of the socioeconomic and geopolitical systems?
Is it because from what I read in your book, World Without Cancer, it's things like the bureaucracy, the FDA, the NIH, the universities, the nonprofits, the foundations.
And they're basically like the carrot on the stick.
And the government is like the sharp end of the stick.
Basically using the government's monopoly on the initiation of force to reinforce these corporations monopolies over our resources and our labor and our currency and then also follow up to that is If oil and water do not mix, and most of our medications from the Rockefellers and the big pharma are oil or petroleum-based, then is it possible that these pharmaceutical drugs are creating problems for which they prescribe us more and more medications that keep us... Okay, Jacob, it's great to have you here.
I want to get a lot of people on.
What is your specific... are those your questions for G. Edward Griffin?
Yeah, yeah, that's it.
Yeah, that's it.
So, like, how are they using the incentivization, the de-incentivization to move us where they want us to go?
And is the government and the universities and these non-profits also to blame?
Is it getting worse and worse?
Well, yeah, that's the military industrial complex that Eisenhower set a technological lead and control in a unified research position.
Thank you, Jacob G. Edward.
Well, I think that to simplify and boil down that question into the two major components is this.
We tend to look at the various components of the story.
We look at, oh, here's what the government does, and this is what the banks do, and this is what the medical establishment does.
We tend to overlook the fact that over the passage of time, all of these various components have been blended into one.
They have different facades, maybe a front door, side door, and a back door, and there's a different sign over each door, but what's on the inside of that building is all the same people, and they work together, and you can see them moving from one door to the next, the revolving door syndrome, as they like to call it.
We have the head of the Federal Reserve, for example, which is supposedly a government institution.
People think it is, but it's not.
But, you know, they come from the banking fraternity.
And we've got the control of the FDA comes from people who are inside the pharmaceutical industry.
And so these people really, they don't see themselves as being separate anymore.
They're all part of the big happy family and they put on different hats depending on what door they go in and out.
But they all have the same goals and the same idea that they're going to control mankind and milk the average bloke for whatever they can get out of him.
And they want to keep him alive as long as possible, but they want him sick.
Because as long as he's sick, he'll be paying most of what he earns for the medications to keep him functioning so he can continue to work and send his taxes and buy the products from these guys inside the building with the many doors.
Now that's my simplification of these two issues that you raised.
No, no, it's an excellent boil down.
So that's about it.
It's simple when you look at it, but you have to realize that these are not separate entities anymore.
It's a classic definition of fascism in which business and government are combined into one.
All right, Greg Cardone, very, very popular account on Axe.
I don't know if he's still there.
He's been holding a while, but let's see if he's there.
Go ahead.
I am here, Alex, and I just want to say, man, you're an inspiration to me, and I appreciate everything you're doing at InfoWars, and I'm there supporting you every day.
Appreciate you showing us how to stand up for freedom.
Thank you.
You're talking to G. Edward Griffin.
Go ahead.
Do you have a question or comment?
No, man.
I just love what you guys are doing.
I appreciate it.
I'm here to listen, and if I can add something of a contribution, it's to be courageous despite whatever the cost might be.
God bless you, brother.
We're certainly... G. Edward Griffin, let me ask this before we go to more questions.
How crazy is it you've been doing this for over 60 years, and when you were talking about it, maybe 1% knew about it.
I mean, it's mainstream now, fighting the New World Order.
It's like the main political opposition globally to the globalists.
Do you disagree with that statement or not?
I mean, we've really come a long way.
Well, no, I don't disagree at all.
In fact, I'm glad you brought it up because, as I mentioned a little bit earlier, Our opponents could see that this was coming long before we thought about it.
They knew that there would be a pushback and they knew that there would have to be some way to deal with it.
So naturally they don't wait for it to happen and then figure out what to do with it.
They probably, at least if I were at the boardroom with these top conspirators and they asked me what I thought we should do to finish the job and enslaving the world, I would say, well, We know there's going to be pushback.
Let's provide the leaders for the pushback and make them do a good job.
But make sure they don't win.
That's all.
So that's that's how I see it.
So I think we should take encouragement from the fact that there is a great awakening, as we like to call it, because it's it's necessary that that happens.
But at the same time, we should be very cautious and a little bit suspicious.
I'm going to say, I think we shouldn't be so gullible.
We should be cautious and think, what would our opponents be doing right now?
Would they just be waiting for that to happen?
Or would they be taking advantage of it and providing our leaders for us?
No, I totally agree with that statement, but at the same time...
There's so many hundreds of millions of people awake now that are becoming their own speakers.
I don't think the globalists can stop this.
Even if they killed the opposition or bought off the opposition, there'll just be more standing right in the place.
I see exponential awakening happening.
Well, I share that view too, Alex, and I don't want to be too pessimistic.
I'm just trying... I like to call it cautious, but...
Well, just to give you an example.
Now we're back to Mr. Musk.
And I'm not picking on him because I hope he's exactly what we want him to be.
But I remember when he came out and he brought up Facebook and he said, well, I'm opposed to censorship.
That's wonderful.
That's great.
How's this guy that's in close with all of the great political leaders and the corporate
leaders and he's got money coming from grants from all these institutions that are on the
other side, how come he's going to go against all this when all of his buddies and his money
flow and he's being bailed out by tax dollars and everything?
How does he go against that unless they allow it?
That's a good question.
He said, we're going to put an end to censorship.
And I remember this statement.
He said, now, I will not allow censorship in the new system unless, of course, it's against the law.
Well, that blew it right away.
That sounded reasonable.
Well, we don't want to go against the law, do we?
Well, we might have to go against the law because they're passing laws right now to make censorship legal.
And I'm not a Musk apologist, but then he said six months later, I may have to go to jail for free speech now because they're passing bad laws.
It's easy to say that.
That's what I would do if I were a false leader.
I would say that.
All right.
No, no, I hear you.
Keep going.
I think we just have to ask questions and be a little cautious and look not only at what a person is doing today, but what did they do 10 years ago?
I hear you.
Powerfully said, Jim McGriffin.
Who's up next?
We love you, brother.
Philip's had his hand raised for some time.
Go ahead, Philip.
Unmute yourself and say what you got to say.
Thank you.
Good morning or good afternoon, fellow conspiracy theorists.
They're trying to erase us.
It is the Great Awakening.
They're trying to erase us.
Elon Musk is on our team now.
He's posting about the border on Twitter.
They can't stop it.
They're trying to delete our history and erase the humankind.
They're trying to erase us.
So what can you do?
Stay healthy.
Print and buy as many books as you can because they're trying to delete our history online.
Be skeptical about AI and have as many children as possible.
Don't say, oh, I can't afford it.
Do it and then deal with the consequences.
Work harder.
Don't let them delete us.
Thank you, everybody.
Do you ever want to comment on those statements?
I guess I do.
I'm afraid to... I've gotten into a track here today.
I'm going to lose a lot of friends.
But this gentleman just said some very encouraging things.
I liked everything.
But I was thinking skeptically, you know.
He said, as many children as possible, because that's what we have to do.
And I thought, yes, so we can send them to the government schools and convert them into idiots.
Having children is not the answer.
It's training the children and educating the children with the right principles.
It's not just having children.
It's not just numbers in revolt.
It's what are they thinking?
This is a war for the mind, as you keep saying, Alex.
And we're just talking about numbers instead of ideas.
No, I got it.
He says the left doesn't want us to have children.
Your point is take it to the next level, educate them, inform them, make them ready for what they're facing.
Who's up next here, Chase Geyser?
Let's hear from Frank L. DaSilva.
Frank, go ahead and start speaking whenever you're ready.
Hey gentlemen, Alex, Chase, Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Griffin, you are extremely hot today.
I know everybody in this space is loving you.
Alex, thanks a lot for bringing these voices to bear for our people.
I wanted to segue earlier about your discussion with Brett Weinstein.
Brett Weinstein is a qualified voice, but he's not Team Western.
He is an outlier, and I would really I encourage you, Alex, to bring on Dr. Ricardo Duchesne or Dr. Kevin McDonald, Frank Salter, or Jared Taylor.
We really do need to hear some of these, quote, OGs that have been around for a long time that don't have any axes to grind other than the truth.
So you are a trailblazer, Alex.
I mean, this venue on axe is superb and I appreciate it.
But once again, give us some of the more Not mainline, but the old school Team Western kind of spokesman that will add to Mr. Griffin.
For instance, Mr. Griffin, I was hearing your name when I was a lad, along with Eustace Mullins, John Stoner, none dare call it treason, and of course Gary Allen, none dare call it conspiracy.
So you guys have been following keynotes for at least two generations.
And kudos to all of you.
And once again, Alex, thanks a lot for bringing this to everybody's attention.
You bet.
I mean, look, Brett Weinstein is a very interesting guy.
He said we must save Western civilization.
I did the interview Sunday.
It airs tomorrow.
Writing a lot of clips to it.
It doesn't mean every guest I have on, I agree with everything they have to say.
We have a lot of guests.
I mean, I wish I was like Tucker's old show on Fox when he could get all the liberals on.
I mean, I want to have debates.
I want to have discussions.
I want to talk about all this stuff with those folks.
Who would you say in the last hundred years, G. Edward Griffin, the most influential promoter of Western civilization and Renaissance and freedom has been?
The most innovative and effective promotion in the last hundred years.
Who's the champion of liberty?
Who's in your lifetime, or even before that, who's been the best spokesman for freedom?
Is she ever Griffin?
I wish I could say that, but I can't.
Give me some time.
This might take me a little while.
Can we come back to that?
I have to think about it.
Because there are a lot of people that come to mind, but most of them didn't have the traction.
They didn't have the audience.
I think of Dan Smoot, for example, is one of the people that most affected me at my very early age.
Dan Smoot... Exactly!
It's not who's the biggest later, it's who triggers the biggest thing.
Well, I'll put Dan Smoot out there then, right now, because that's, at least because that was a profound impact on me.
I read all of the Dan Smoot reports.
I still have them bound in my library.
He put something out every week, I think it was, and it was an in-depth analysis of some very urgent issue, and he taught me how important it was to do your research.
Now, I hear you.
What did you think of Alexander Shultz and Edgerton?
Did he really help take down the Soviet Union?
I think so, yes.
I don't want to say a lot of people, but there were many people who wrote good books on this topic.
Solzhenitsyn's book, of course, became a world classic and was read by so many people.
Yeah, I think it was the exposure, the number of people that were influenced by it.
So those two have to go together, the substance and the exposure, the quantity of the exposure together have to be working together.
Damn right.
All right, who's up next, Chase?
Let's go next to David Hill.
David Hill's had his hand raised for quite some time.
David, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say if you're still with us.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Hey, first, just want to say thank you, Alex.
Appreciate you.
Appreciate the opportunity to come up.
And I have become a fan through this app.
So I'm just going to say congrats to Elon as well.
I do believe that was Elon earlier on his burner phone.
You stopped playing tricks on us?
Well, listen, I have two questions and they're both quick questions.
One is, you know, I'm pretty much the guy that for years kind of kept my head down, kind of kept pushing forward with my work, with my business, didn't pay a lot of attention to all the other stuff going on.
And obviously it's hard to ignore, right?
At this point.
So if I'm trying to say this the right way.
So if, for instance, let's say you're like, You watch CNN News.
Not telling anybody to watch CNN, but if you watch CNN News, and then you're listening to that perspective, and then you turn on Fox News, it's exact polar opposite.
It's almost like it's crazy how different it is.
It's like the exact opposite.
And then you come on this app, you can go to one room, and then the next room over is Palestine, and the next room is Israel.
It's the exact opposite, right?
How do we even know?
How does someone know what's truth anymore?
What should we be listening to?
Should we be listening to your show, Alex?
Should we be listening to Edward Griffin, the doctor?
He's telling us, hey, check out this thing that's going to help with cancer.
I mean, how do we even know what's truth anymore and what's not truth?
Well, you've got to do basic research and you've got to check out the facts.
I appreciate your comment.
You really got a lot of the public that's not well-researched in anything, so they're just like lambs of slaughter.
But everything Giambert talked about 56 years ago has come true.
What I talked about 30 years ago has come true.
So you got to go with who's credible, but also do your own research.
Giambert, that's a good way to close this out.
What would you say to him in this ocean?
You're saying question everything, but it also gets to a point where people believe nothing because they question so much.
Well, I think your answer was very good, Alex.
You've got to look at the long view.
You can't just look what's in the news today or what somebody said or did in the last week or month or even year.
Find out what they did 10 years ago, 20 years ago, if you can.
And if they don't have that track record and you can't see their trail that they left behind them, you better be very, very, very careful.
Just be cautious.
So that's all.
We're living in very dangerous times.
And this is not the time to be taking opium.
Or hopium as they call it.
Because we hope that we found a leader at last.
We gotta quit looking for leaders and become the leaders ourselves and our local communities.
Not depend on somebody else to tell us what to do, what to think, and how to march.
We have to build the movement from the ground up and take a long view of history.
Not just the news for today.
Griffin, thank you so much.
Please join us again.
We'll talk to you again very, very soon.
Thank you, Alex.
Good luck to you.
We're all in it together.
Thank you.
Maria Z. is coming up, but I'm going to take a few more comments real quick.
She's got a senator on from Australia.
They're announcing that the smart meters are going to control your house and turn your air conditioning and heat off.
I mean, the technocracy is here.
And so I'm just opposing the whole globalist program, trying to motivate and rally as many people as I can.
And I see the general public wanting freedom and more and more people coming over to our side.
So that's what's very, very exciting.
But what an amazing hour with G. Edward Griffin.
Now, hour number four is straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Benny Botham has died.
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InfoWars.com for Slash Show.
Dr. Brett Weinstein is on with us tomorrow.
Already taped the interview.
Look for that.
Connect those dots.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, have you seen Klaus Schwab recently at the World Government Summit?
He's talking about Black Swan.
The new Black Swan event will come for you this year.
We might be a new pandemic.
And then we have everybody talking about the disease X and then we got the WHO.
I think they're really desperate, bro.
I think they're really trying to push this new pandemic.
And whatever they're going to roll out, I think it's going to be legit.
I don't think it's going to be a fluke like the COVID.
I think this one's really actually going to help you.
Yeah, that's what Bill Gates is bragging about.
He goes, oh, this next one's going to be much worse.
You'll certainly pay attention to this one.
Like a super villain.
Oh, it'll kill billions.
You'll pay attention to the next one.
So he's literally sitting there coming in his pants talking about new pandemics.
Yeah, I meant to get to those clips today.
I didn't.
I have those clips.
We're going to have more government whether you like it because the next virus will be much worse.
I don't know, man.
I just find it super creepy.
I just find it super creepy that they sit there and say all this stuff, man, and they got the World Government Summit, and he's like, the black swan who don't know what it is, maybe the pandemic, oh, you never know.
Maybe power outage.
Maybe cyber attack, it come for you now.
It will make the COVID look like fun convenience, aha!
But you will eat some bugs.
No, I hear you.
So, I just want to believe that there's members of the establishment and the general public that don't want to destroy ourselves.
I've got to believe that once we expose the globalists and their psychotic plan, people will say no to it.
But they're satanic, dude.
They're literally influenced by a satanic force.
No, I know, but I see the constant comments that I'm controlled, or Tucker is, and I know we're not, or Joe Rogan is.
I've known Joe Rogan 26 years.
God, I'm getting old.
It's 26 years.
Been friends since 1999.
Since 1998.
25 years.
And so I just know I'm for real.
And so to me, I kind of want to believe, okay, other people don't want to commit suicide.
Other people don't want the end of the world.
I mean, I see Elon.
Swinging way towards us.
He's doing irrevocable damage to them.
Well, that's to prove he's good.
Okay, well... He's doing irrevocable damage.
What do you think?
Yeah, I mean, I agree with you.
I agree about, like, Tucker and Rogan and all these people.
So, I mean, I'm with you.
But I'm also with Ike at the same time.
Because David was making, like, really good points about Putin and stuff.
We shouldn't really be white knighting Putin so hard.
And listen, I had G.Edward on.
I had G.Edward on.
I knew it.
He criticized Putin all of it.
My point is we spend all our time policing who's real.
And trying to find out like an inquisition who's real instead of who's promoting good ideas.
Who's exposing globalism?
I agree with you man, but then like when you got Putin like really in bed with China and he's saying the same thing that Klaus is saying.
They both say that China is the future.
So... No, I agree.
Hey, I went on national Russian TV in the last week twice and said I think Putin's making a big mistake with China and Putin shouldn't have a cashless society and so I 100% agree.
I'm not on Team Putin, I'm on Team Humanity.
No, I totally agree with you Alex, but I'm not going to sit here and discount the good things that they do either, but as we've been saying, G. Edward was saying as well, Any little thing that doesn't jive with you needs to be analyzed as well, because that's... No, I agree, but I can analyze other people all day, and that's all anybody does is analyze who's good and who's bad.
I'm going to cover hard topics, hard issues, hard subjects like glyphosate in the water, or open borders.
I'm going to spend most of my time on hard issues to get the public to wake up and say no to it.
All right, I'm out of time.
A great X Spaces.
Maria Z takes over with huge breaking news now at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
If you're watching on X Spaces and want to see it all, go to InfoWars.com forward slash show and Bandai video.
It's wonderful to be here with you all today.
I've got a very special guest joining me in just one moment.
He's a senator from Australia.
He's been on with us before talking about the New World Order and how Australia fits into all of this.
And he's joining us today again with breaking news.
This is happening right now in our country.
Cutting off power or limiting power to people's homes.
This is absolutely shocking.
And I dare say something that we will start to see a lot more of, not just in Australia, but in every single country.
We'll talk more on that after Senator Roberts, after his time is up.
He's with us for a limited time today.
Senator Malcolm Roberts, thank you so much for joining us.
We appreciate your time.
The work you're doing, it's wonderful.
Well, we really appreciate you.
For anyone that doesn't know, it's very early in the morning where Senator Roberts is.
I wish that more politicians set the example that he does.
He's getting up at 6am to be on here to talk to the world about what's happening in Australia.
And I've said many, many times, if we had more senators, more people in Parliament like him, we would definitely not be in this mess.
One of the most honest people that I know.
So, Senator Roberts, we saw this news break.
You spoke about it in Parliament.
Energex Remotely cutting power to 170,000 air conditioners six times in a month.
And this is to do with the Peak Smart program.
Talk to us about how you became aware of this and what is actually going on here.
Don't you just love the terms?
Peak smart.
And there's another one here.
Peak smart rewards.
So what's going on is that there are two words that drive the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.
Control and wealth transfer.
That's actually three words, but two topics.
Control and wealth transfer.
This is about control of your electricity supply, Maria.
Control of your electricity supply.
Control of everyone's electricity supply.
They interfered with 170,000 air conditioners six times, six times in the past two months.
They turned down remotely the air conditioners or switched them off.
Because they're wanting to protect the electricity grid.
They have buggered the electricity grid because of their solar and wind.
The solar and wind are there to transfer wealth to globalist parasites, to large corporations that are pushing these things in and they're only making money out of the subsidies that mums and dads and small businesses are paying.
And the other thing that they're doing is that they're transferring wealth to China and also to parasitic billionaires in our country who are living off the solar and wind subsidies.
What they're doing is destroying the electricity grid.
It's making it unstable.
And so now they have to protect the electricity grid from their own damage.
And that's what they call now the Peak Smart Scheme.
The, as you just mentioned, the Peak Smart Rewards.
So you get $400 off for your air conditioner if you allow, if you allow them to control it.
That's what's going on.
Control and wealth transfer.
Well we reported, Z Media reported some time ago on the fact that they shut Liddell Coal Power Plant, that's a power plant in the state of New South Wales, and when they shut it they had to borrow power from the Queensland and the Victorian plants, those are two other states in Australia, to power the homes that Liddell used to power.
And so they are systematically shutting down the power supply without having The backup for it, that is required to continue supplying enough power to the people.
And so now, team, if you can bring up the second link that I've sent through Energex, Peak Smart Events, and have a look at what they say.
Every now and then the network reaches a point of extreme stress, such as during a heatwave when households and businesses across southeast Queensland switch on their air conditioners at the same time.
Peak stress.
Senator Roberts, are we living in prehistoric times here, for goodness sake?
We're certainly heading back to prehistoric times.
Maria, they're talking about alternative or new generation sources for generating electricity, solar and wind.
What they really mean is control over your electricity generation.
They're not interested in changing the generation source, they're interested in controlling it.
That's what they want.
They want to control your energy.
They've said these things.
Henry Kissinger said, if you control the energy, if you control the food, and if you control the money, you control the continent.
And he was referring to the 48 states.
But it's the same in Australia.
That's what they're after.
And parasitic billionaires, the late Murray Strong, for example, initiated global warming, climate change claims, all false, all fabricated.
No evidence for it, and he said he had two aims in life.
One was to put in place an unelected socialist global governance, and the other one was to de-industrialize Western civilization.
De-industrialize Western civilization!
He said it from his own mouth, and we've had senior bureaucrats from the UN, especially those pushing climate change agenda, saying that it's not just climate, it's control of society.
That's what they want.
This is a new agenda, and they're going to de-industrialize Send us back to the caves, exactly as you said.
It's absolutely unbelievable.
I've been tracking some of their commentary over the years and we will go into a particular report published by AROP in conjunction with C40 Cities after where your time is up, where they talk about Limiting dairy to zero litres per year.
Limiting meat to zero kilograms per year.
Limiting travel.
These are all published plans.
You can view yourself, anyone can view them in their own documents.
But it's interesting because of the ways in which they are convincing people to do this.
For example, you mentioned the Peak Smart Air Conditioner Rewards.
So they give people a $400 cash back For incentivising them to get these smart meters and then they use those smart meters to turn them off.
This is exactly what they do in South Africa.
Yes, that's correct.
What the World Economic Forum and the UN do is that they give you an incentive to do something to make life easier in the short term and then you suffer under the control later on.
Or what they do is they beat you into it or they terrify you into it.
COVID was a wonderful example of that.
COVID was low to moderate in severity.
Our own Chief Medical Officer said that.
And yet they use fear to terrify people into getting an untested experimental gene therapy based treatment that is now killing tens of thousands of people in this country.
So what we've got, and millions over the world, so what we've got is the use of fear, the use of control, the use of threats, the use of bullying, and the use of attractions to make life easier.
They've got Emergency backstop mechanism, Maria, so that if you've swallowed their rubbish about solar panels and put some on your roof, which is a massive take-up in this country because of the subsidies that initially went out, subsidies that have been cut back dramatically now that they've got a lot of people on solar, and if you've got a solar panel on your roof generating solar power, and it's called an emergency backstop mechanism, if the grid becomes unstable because of these things,
And there's low demand for electricity, then they can just stop your solar panels creating electricity and putting it into the grid.
And not only that, stop the solar panels on your roof generating power for your own damn house!
That's how they're coming at it.
So they want to control every aspect of our use of power, and if you control every aspect of use of power, you control what people can do.
That's what they want.
And it's not my words, it's their words.
Well, I want to clarify what this is.
This is a state-run energy company.
It's being sold to people by, you know, by telling them that, oh, you're going to have cheaper electricity because it's moved to the state.
You know, we're not going to have it run by overseas corporations.
But this is exactly what they did in South Africa.
And I'll touch on this a little bit later in the broadcast.
They moved everything to a state-run energy company who then started telling them, oh, we're going to cut your energy off remotely.
We're going to cut off your applications remotely.
And what you just said about solar, team, I'm not sure if you have the link that I sent through.
Maybe we'll bring it up after the break.
They say new solar PV connection requirements and they literally tell you there that they can turn off your inverter energy systems.
Remember the years where governments were incentivising people to get solar?
They're telling us we need to move away from electricity and fossil fuels, which is a made-up term, and now they're shutting off solar power.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
Oh no, it's all believable, because you've just got to remember the three words.
And wealth transfer.
What they're doing is the parasitic billionaires are making lots of money off subsidies that mums and dads pay for through their electricity prices.
That's destroying our jobs, by the way, Maria.
It's exporting jobs to China.
Because the number one cost component in manufacturing these days is no longer labour.
It's electricity.
So when you drive up the price of electricity, and Australia has gone under these UN World Economic Forum policies, From being the cheapest producer of electricity thanks to our coal-fired power stations,
To amongst the most expensive power generation in the world.
Senator Roberts, we've got to go to break.
We've got to go to break.
We'll be back in just a moment with Senator Malcolm Roberts talking about what they are doing to our power in Australia.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be back.
We're here with Senator Malcolm Roberts from Australia.
Welcome back.
He is a formidable force working to secure Australia's freedom against the globalists.
He's been doing a phenomenal job since the time of COVID and long before.
And he's joining us today to talk about how a state-run energy company has begun cutting the power or restricting the power to 170,000 people in Australia.
Tim, if you can bring up the PeakSmart events page Energex.
It says that peak smart air conditioners receive signals from our network when we experience unusually high demand.
The signal tells the air conditioner to drop into an energy efficient mode similar to an economy setting.
So this is happening already in Australia.
It's as though we're living in the third world and Senator Malcolm Roberts is here to talk to us about it.
So I want to ask you, Senator Roberts, what can we do about this?
Because I predicted quite some time ago that this would start becoming more widespread.
Yes, so do we.
But the first thing we can do is to refuse to fit a smart meter.
I believe that it's our power, our right, to stop them fitting smart meters, stop them controlling electricity, to wake up to the fact that they will put incentives on for people to fit smart meters.
And we just have to say no.
I know a resident in central Queensland that did that with a trial meter and they said, OK, sure.
So you have control over your power supply.
So that's one thing we can do.
We can also get in touch with our elected representatives, state and federal, and ask them to stop these control mechanisms.
And the other thing is to make sure that people are well informed about the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, because they formed an alliance in 2018.
The World Economic Forum is driven largely by Marie Strong, who died in 2015, the climate change rubbish that's underpinning all of this.
And he was one of the co-founders of the World Economic Forum.
They formed an alliance in 2018.
So it's very important to understand what's driving this globally, what's driving it at the national and state levels in this country, and speak to your elected members of representatives and tell them you pay their damn wages and they're there to represent you, so do that job.
Speak up against this global control.
I have to agree with you.
I think the climate, if you will, for lack of a better word, really is... the people are ready to start holding their politicians accountable and their so-called elected officials accountable.
I mean, these people say that, you know, they've been duly elected by the people and then they behave as though They're there to do whatever they want to do with people's hard-earned tax dollars.
And so I think that there needs to be a demand worldwide.
Senator Roberts, I had a conversation some time ago with a great group from New Zealand who were meeting with their local council and they actually formed relationships with that local council, got their attention and were able to give a presentation on what smart cities were really about.
Not everyone Inside of these, you know, government institutions, whether it be local, state or federal, is corrupt.
They just don't know.
They're not educated on these matters.
And so, you know, it's worthwhile building those relationships.
Do you think that politicians, at least in Australia, are more willing to listen to people?
Do they understand that people are waking up to this agenda and they're no longer going to support it?
Most politicians, state and federal level, Maria, are ignorant, stupid and gutless.
They won't speak up.
We've got to understand that the two parties, I've said that in the Senate, okay, so it's nothing new.
I'll say it to people's faces.
There's only a handful of Senators in our 76 Senators Chamber that actually know what's going on.
And of those, only some of them will talk, and some of them are throttled down by their parties.
The power of a party is to silence the majority of their members.
The Labour Party, which runs the government at the moment, along with the Greens, the anti-human Greens, and the Teal Senator, David Pocock, funded by one of these billionaires who are making a lot of money off solar and wind subsidies, they come in here and talk about climate, no evidence, no evidence whatsoever, and then they Put out the policies for parasitic solar and wind.
Parasitic malinvestments that are destroying our country.
And then what we have is the Liberal Nationals quietly introducing every major policy on energy and climate in this country's history.
Every one of them was introduced by the Liberal National Party.
Then Labor comes in and drives it up.
So what we've got is parties that control their members.
No one in the Labor Party dares speak up against this This nonsense, this globalist, parasitic behaviour.
And yet some of them agree with me and they tell me to keep going.
They honestly tell me, they look me in the eye and say, keep going mate, you're doing great work.
They're not setting me up, they are wanting that because they won't speak.
In the Liberal National Party we have a couple of senators, a few senators, who speak up on this.
So what we've got to do is make sure that people realise that's the other thing they can do.
Vote for a different party.
Instead of voting for Labour or Liberal, Tweedledee or Tweedledummer, vote for an independent third party that's been exposing this.
One Nation, for example, and I'll be proud to say this, One Nation's leader and founder Pauline Hanson first started talking about UN Agenda 21 in 1996.
That's almost 30 years ago.
I started speaking about it publicly when I first became aware of it.
We have to educate more Members of Parliament and get them to start speaking up.
But most, as I said, are ignorant, stupid and gutless.
And they don't want to know because they'd rather sit there collecting their cushy cash.
Yeah, I have to absolutely agree with you.
So Senator Roberts is just describing, for those who aren't aware of how Australia's political system works, it's much the same as every other country.
It's a two-party system.
He's talking about Labour, which is sort of like the Democrats over there.
I mean, it used to be, you know, that Labour was really for the people and now they're just pushing everything anti-human according to the agenda.
and then your Liberal Party, which you would think would be the Democratic Party, is actually
more the conservative side.
And that's how it works.
But Senator Roberts is actually an independent, and so he's outside of that two-tier politics
system, and I think that's why he's been so effective.
And so, you know, I think that it could be Senator Roberts' solution to be looking for more independent candidates in future and not just depending on the two-party system.
We need people who are going to speak up against this.
We've got about a minute and a half left on the clock, Senator Roberts, before you need to leave us.
Tell the people what they need to be really looking for in their leaders when they're looking to elect them.
For a start, Maria, I'm not strictly an independent.
I'm with the One Nation Party.
We've only got two members in Senate, but we've now got members of Parliament in five of the state and federal parliaments, so we're growing.
Apologies, I meant independent from the main two parties is how I meant it, but thank you for clarifying.
What we've got to do is be aware of people who speak up, so be aware of it and reward those people that speak up.
Politicians are paid by the citizens.
Politicians' job is to represent the views of their constituents, which are the people.
So we look for, first of all, someone who knows what they're talking about, who's got values of honesty and values, the Christian values, that they will guide their behaviour in the Chamber and speak out for them.
People who are intelligent enough to go and do the research and disciplined, disciplined enough to go and do the research, get the facts.
And they've got the guts to stand up and say things even though they might not be popular.
And to call people out, to call the globalists out.
And to educate ourselves about the issues.
They're the fundamental things.
Values, policies that actually work for the country and work for the people, not for the globalist parasites.
And also good standards of behaviour.
That's the basics.
Well, Senator Roberts, you certainly display all of those.
We're very, very grateful for you.
You can follow Senator Malcolm Roberts at XMRROBERTSQLD.
And I encourage everyone to follow his work.
He's amazing.
Thank you so much, Senator Roberts.
We'll be back right after this break to continue on with this agenda.
It's where it's heading next.
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and then volkswater.com are available at drjonesnaturals.com I really hope that people understand just how serious this
is that a state-run energy company is cutting the power to people's air conditioners.
Now, it may seem like a trivial thing.
Yes, it's the middle of summer in Australia, and oh well, it's just a minor inconvenience.
But the goal of the World Economic Forum and the UN is to starve you, to make you sick, to make sure that you don't have enough energy, so that you are weak and powerless against their power structure.
This is not a joke.
This is the beginnings.
Of ultimate tyranny, which does involve denying you the right to energy.
And they've published all of their goals to try and to say that they're going to do this.
Now, the reason I'm so alarmed about this is because last year, I saw that South Africa was about to start, was about to go to a private energy company, a state-run energy company, And in Australia, they were talking about, in Victoria, they were talking about going to a state-run energy company.
And I said, if we do this, we're going to turn into South Africa.
And what do you know, Queensland does.
South Africa doesn't only experience We're going to play that news clip in a moment.
South Africa doesn't only give the power to this remote energy company to turn off any of your appliances, your smart appliances inside your home.
They have scheduled rolling blackouts that last up to 10 hours and if you think this only happens in third world countries, well no it doesn't everyone, because it started here in Australia.
Take a look at this news clip from South Africa.
Eskom may soon have the power to turn off individual appliances in your home.
This will be made possible through the installation of smart meters.
The utility plans to fit them in every home within four years.
But being a smart meter and if I compare A few years ago when we used what we call ripple controls, that was a blunt instrument.
So you would get, your gears would be switched off at five in the morning.
Sometimes if it doesn't work, it's six in the morning.
So it was a blunt instrument.
But smart meters can do that, but at least being smart, it will not allow The operator, system operator, whether it's a local, city power or national control, to do that at a time when it inconveniences the customer.
Eskom, may soon.
Okay, so it won't allow them.
Yes, we have the ability to turn off your power remotely.
Yes, we can turn off your appliances remotely.
It's because the grid can't cope with the energy demands.
Well, the grid can't cope because you keep shutting down coal power plants, lying to the people, calling it fossil fuels to make them think that it's a dinosaur method that's a limited resource, when it's absolutely not.
And you say that you're not going to do it at a time that's inconvenient, but they've just done it here in Australia, a Western country, in the middle of summer, turning off power to 170,000 air conditioners remotely.
So don't tell me that smart meters and smart appliances won't be weaponized against the people to make sure it's not an inconvenience to them.
Because I'm seeing it in my country.
Team, if you can bring up the link, it's a Fox Business Report, Washington State Democrat bill, would jail people for violating ban on gas leaf blowers.
Don't think this is only Australia that they're trying this nonsense on.
Because of the climate, if you use a gas leaf blower, you're going to go to jail?
Now, I don't know where this is at.
This is from December of last year.
This is happening in the United States as well.
It may not be at the point where they're turning off your power remotely, but they sure do maybe want to jail you for using a gas leaf blower.
This is a very, very serious, dark agenda.
And I know that the audience and the viewers of this broadcast understand that.
But, you know, when we talk about the Great Awakening and we talk about the fact that people are waking up, sometimes we have to remind people of just how far these maniacs want to take this.
There's a bit of motivation to make sure that you don't stop the fight.
Because as more and more people become receptive to this information, become receptive To learning and absorbing and, you know, in the state of mind where they can absorb just how evil the New World Order is, we have to bring these things up again.
And so I want to play a video, a short clip from an interview that I conducted with Germ Warfare, Jeremy Nels from South Africa.
This was last year where he told me about these rolling blackouts.
And don't think that this is limited to South Africa.
Take a look at this.
We are currently experiencing extremely intense roading blackouts.
About 8 to 10 hours per day of no electricity.
What's the time now?
As I'm recording with you, it's just past nine o'clock in the morning.
I've already had two hours of no electricity.
I'm going to probably be having another six to eight hours today of no electricity.
And we have apps.
on our phones that tell us when our power is going off.
And over the years, it's gradually intensified.
And in the last two years, it's become extremely intense.
And so we have what's called stages of blackouts.
Stage one would be obviously very minor, perhaps one, meaning one hour per day.
If you can think of it like that, it's not exactly accurate, but more or less.
We are now averaging between stage 6 and stage 8, which would imply 6 to 8 hours more or less of no electricity per day.
And it's scheduled.
So do you see how it started with You know, even the categorisation of stages.
Stage one is very minor and over the years it's gotten worse.
And so you could equate this to the minor inconvenience of 170,000 people in Australia having their air conditioners turned off remotely.
That would be a stage one inconvenience.
Very minor.
Albeit in the middle of the hot Australian summer.
But as Jeremy was saying, Over the years it's gotten worse and now we're at the point pretty consistently of having anywhere between 8 to 10 hours of blackouts per day.
When I did that interview with him, as you saw, two hours already he'd had no power.
He's a really positive guy and he was saying we've become accustomed to it and we plan around it.
I don't know about you, I don't want that life.
So it's not just about, oh, I won't take any more injections or I won't, I won't eat their GMO food.
It's about people needing to take back control of our right to energy.
I mean, I don't know.
I was absolutely shocked with this story.
The fact that this is happening in a Western nation is beyond me.
It's beyond me.
Tim, can you bring up the ARAP report?
It's an attachment, a PDF that I sent through, The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5 Degree World, C40 Cities.
Now this report, published in conjunction with C40 Cities, Arup is a consulting firm with ties to Hillary Clinton, and they published a report some time ago now, talking about how we're, what we're going to do How we're going to manage the future of urban consumption moving forward.
And this report, which we will look at after the break, breaks down areas of your life where they are going to control how much you can eat, how much you can drink, where you can go to, how far you can move.
How many times you can travel in a three year period.
And it's really interesting because they have the way that the New World Order wants to have its system set up is the one world government really removing a lot of middle government, which is kind of like what Malay is doing, which is why I'm so alarmed by it.
Javier Malay.
Removing middle government and basically having AI in the middle and then the councils at the bottom managing the rest.
So in these smart cities, in these ghettos that no doubt will have limited power as well as they force people into them.
So right after the break, we're going to go through this report.
I want to show you the insane future that they have planned for you and ask humanity, when you let them do this, are we going to let them do this?
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be right back.
If you want to see how the New World Order is planning on running countries in the future, look up Ukraine24, the official fundraising platform of Ukraine.
And you can see sponsors like Deloitte, Uber, and many others that are sponsoring this rebuilding of Ukraine.
And it's interesting, I exposed this video some time ago, and I think they pulled it down from their YouTube.
Maybe I'll bring it next time I'm on here.
I've still got it on one of my broadcasts.
Of what Ukraine plans to do post-24.
And it includes making sure, removing all government, no bureaucracy, replacing everything with AI, digital currency, digital everything.
They say, this Ukraine24 platform says, Ukraine became the first world to fully digitize itself, including digital cash, digital government, so on and so forth.
That means AI government.
And so it's very interesting when you consider The top-down approach that the New World Order wants, where you have your main leaders, the top, you know, one world leader.
I don't think that's coming just yet, but that's the goal.
And then no one sort of in between.
That's why they want you to hate your world leaders at the moment.
They actually want you to hate your prime ministers, your presidents.
They want you to hate them, they want you to be so disgusted by them that they reach, that people reach the point of demanding a one world leader, some one guy that's going to come and save us all.
And of course that'll be the Antichrist when it happens.
But, and I'm talking about the one world leader specifically, but the ways in which they're going to bring people to that point of desperation include cutting off your power, limiting your food, telling you what you can and can't eat.
And they've actually published these plans.
And they plan on destroying society as we know it.
This is so important for people to understand.
Tim, if we can pull up page 38 of this report, which actually shows you, you know, here in Australia, I'm not sure what's happening in the United States, but here in Australia, at least, we've had the construction industry absolutely decimated post-COVID.
And this report from ARUP, The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5 Degree World, says that they will reduce the demand for new buildings.
It actually tells you that they are going to reduce the amount of steel and cement and
also reduce the amount of new buildings.
They plan on switching materials, which, you know, if there are better materials to be
used, of course people will be for that, but they plan on reducing the amount of construction
So pay attention to all the high-rise smart city buildings that are coming now while they have the opportunity to build, before they corral everyone into these little concentration camps known as smart cities.
On page 40 of this report, and let me just clarify as well what this is, You've got a progressive target for 2030 and you've got an ambitious target for 2030.
They've outlined two different targets in this report.
So, Tim, if you can bring up page 40, this talks about what they're going to do with food.
Now, this is going to be managed, they say, by councils, local councils, like mayors, okay?
And there are many, many mayors and council heads that are already signed up to C40 and signed up to what they call the Global Covenant of Mayors.
It's very, you know, It's really magic language making a covenant, this global covenant of mayors that have all agreed to go ahead with this agenda.
You can go onto their website, you can see exactly which counties, or councils, sorry I should say, or which regions are already signed up to this.
But they say the progressive target is 16 kilograms of meat per person per year.
So that's a bare minimum How far they're going to enforce this.
That's the minimum, that you will only be allowed 16 kilograms.
The ambitious target, which they are incentivized for, likely financially, it does talk about the fact that they will receive incentives for reaching these targets, these council heads, these heads of these smart cities, okay?
Zero kilograms of meat consumption.
So, their ambitious target is to have you consuming zero kilograms of meat per year.
Then you go to the progressive target for dairy.
90 kilograms dairy consumption, whether it be milk or a derivative equivalent per person per year.
And the ambitious target is zero kilograms of dairy consumption.
And that 2,500 calories that they plan on giving you, I can assure you, isn't going to be nutritious food.
Look at Codex Alimentarius.
And read how they planned, back in the 60s, the United Nations, through Big Food and Big Ag, to call poisons, nutrients and call nutrients, poisons.
Swapping out The definition of these terms to introduce more poisons into your food so you can bet your bottom dollar that two and a half thousand calories will be made up of things that are not good for you.
On page 42, this part freaks people out when I talk to people that aren't aware of the agenda.
They really freak out at the clothing aspect of how they plan on controlling what the people can and can't buy.
Page 42, team.
The progressive target for 2030... I'm not seeing it up on screen.
I'll let everyone know what it is.
The progressive target for 2030 is eight new clothing items per year.
Here it is.
And the ambitious target is three new clothing items per year.
That means that in your little smart city, you are only allowed to purchase three new clothing items per year.
You can have one and a half pairs of socks.
No more, no less.
One and a half pairs of socks.
Peasant, that's all you get.
If you look at page 44, they say zero private vehicle ownership by 2030.
This is also outlined in the UN100 Remaking the World Towards the Age of Global Enlightenment document.
No one will be owning a car.
That's what they want.
And of course, if you have a central bank digital currency linked to your digital ID, all of this is possible.
People go, they'll never be able to enforce that.
Oh, yes, they will.
If you have a digital ID, which is your social credit score, and a central bank digital currency, which can be programmed to be turned off should you even think about buying meat.
Because it senses what you're thinking and feeling, right?
This is Bill Gates' patent 060606.
It knows exactly what you're doing inside the AI World Society.
So if you even try to drink a bit of milk, it'll turn off your CBDC.
It's very, very serious.
It reports in real time to the maniacs that are controlling this.
So they want zero private vehicle ownership.
And one more page before I go to a quick clip.
Page 46.
The progressive target is one short-haul return flight of less than 1,500 kilometres every two years per person.
The ambitious target, which is where they really want to go, is one short-haul return flight less than 1,500 kilometres every three years per person.
1,500 kilometres in miles.
Let me just look that up really quickly.
Kilometres in miles.
That is 932 miles, ladies and gentlemen, for our American viewers.
That is how much they say you will be able to travel every three years.
How far can you get?
900 miles.
Will you ever go overseas again?
Think about all those people who got injected so they could travel.
You get to live out your life in the Metaverse, team.
Can you please pull up that clip of the World Economic Forum quickly so that they can see exactly what these people plan on doing to them?
There's going to be people of means who are going to travel, and then there's going to be people, maybe, who are of lesser means, who might actually be able to use an Oculus or a Magic Leap or some other kind of device to travel to the same place, but from their own couch.
But in many ways, it's actually going to create even more distance.
Between those those two people that psychologically and I think that we've experienced this through social media in many ways It's brought people closer in certain ways, but actually created this Remarkable divide because there's it's even more visible actually the divide in certain ways Yeah, so the elites will be able to travel.
We've created this divide and we're going to slowly transition you into the metaverse where, because you're not allowed to travel more than 900 miles every three years, you're going to visit your loved ones in your lounge room through a hologram inside your smart city where you're not allowed to eat meat and you're not allowed to have any dairy.
People, I hope you understand why I've shown you Everything that they want to do to us today, considering that in Australia, as we started off with this broadcast, we are already starting to cut off power to people's homes.
This is so serious.
These people are not playing around.
And so we must resist this with every fibre of our being.
And I know, I know that people are waking up.
And so this is why I'm reminding you, this is your battle call.
Do not stop resisting.
Do not stop fighting.
Because none of us want this future.
And we are not going to allow this future.
That may be their vision, but here is ours.
Our vision is freedom.
The freedom to do what we choose with our bodies.
The freedom to access energy.
Freedom of technology.
And freedom of bodily autonomy.
Thank you so much for joining me today.
Again, I'm Maria Zee of ZeeMedia.com.
Support InfoWars and share this everywhere.
God bless.
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