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Name: 20240205_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 5, 2024
3164 lines.

In this passage from InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses a recent Senate bill that allows Biden to do whatever he wants on the border. He talks about open borders and their impact on every state in the US, emphasizing the need for information warfare. The speaker encourages listeners to express their opinions and get involved while promoting his book "The Great Awakening" to defeat globalists. Various products available at Infowars store are also mentioned alongside criticism of mainstream media censorship, views on global economics and conflicts, and promoting mass awakening and spreading truth worldwide.

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How you doing Alex?
Glad to speak with you, a real honor.
I think my thought is kind of correlated to what Ken from Florida was just saying, but I believe Abbott is responding late because he was instructed to.
He's a WEF member and there was a clip the other day where he was asked to denounce Klaus Schwab and he wouldn't.
He was asked twice and refused twice.
And I think there's obviously a connection with the 2020 election.
Trump lost apparently by 7 million.
I believe he actually won by 7 million.
They flipped the numbers, ballots came in late, dead people voted.
People with the same security number voted multiple times.
I believe they knew they lost by 7 million and knew that if he won in 2024, they had to get at least 7 million votes more.
Biden and the Democrats knew they were losing the black and Hispanic voters, so they wouldn't get them there.
So what's next?
Open the border.
Get at least 7 million, double that number to be safe.
They say 20 million have come in.
I heard conservatively it's between 12 and 15, which would cover that amount by two for 2024.
That way they can go to the right talking point about using paper ballots and we won't be able to say they cheated with voting machines.
So once they got their quota of illegals as potential voters, the WEF greenlit Abbott to act patriotically against the crisis.
That's why I think it's taken three years to get to this point.
They got their quota of voters that they feel they need to beat Trump, quote, unquote, legitimately.
And they need all these people to be healthy, alive, and actually here, which is why they're getting all the perks and money, so when they're activated, they've been properly taken care of and ready for the go-ahead.
And that's all I gotta say.
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Tomorrow's news.
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
...his responsibility to enforce the laws of the United States.
I have used a clause in the Constitution that empowers states to defend themselves.
It's Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, where a state can defend itself and its citizens to protect their safety from the imminent danger that we are facing, and from an invasion Of millions of people coming from across the globe into our country who are unaccompanied whatsoever.
And I applaud and thank That the members, the governors, they're with us here today.
We're here with our fellow governors today standing with you and many governors that are not.
Because every state in our country now is a border state.
Because of what we're having.
You think about the fentanyl, the trafficking that's coming.
They're coming to every state in the country.
And every governor's out, you know.
58 million lethal doses of fentanyls that have been detained at this border.
Think about the doses that were not.
Every governor's dealing with that.
51 million dollars in cash.
56,000 pounds of methamphetamine that every state in the country is having to deal with.
This is ruining lives in our states.
It's ruining our communities.
It is taking a toll on our families.
And it is time that something was done about this.
And that is why we are standing here as governors, making sure that that gets done.
Every state in the country is depending on John F. Biden acting.
And if he does not, we will continue to do so.
Mr. Newton, Governor Abbott, and what he is doing.
Each one of us understands the devastating effects that the border policy is having on every one of our states individually.
And we're here to get our tip to Iowa that we want to support Texas and to fight for the safety and security of people all across the country.
This experiment in an open border policy has catastrophically failed America.
This country is in desperate need of leadership as it relates to this issue.
If somebody makes it across the border illegally, the President has the responsibility imposed by Congress to detain any illegal immigrants that come here.
As opposed to detaining any illegal immigrants, Biden instead has let them all loose across the entire country with no ability to accurately determine their whereabouts or what they may be doing.
Over the tenure of Joe Biden, we've had three Houstons cross the border illegally.
All time records.
And we see the dangers every single day.
The governors here have repeatedly called on the Biden administration to step up and do their job.
Most recently, in a joint letter, we asked for the names and identities of people that have crossed illegally into this country.
That request was met with silence.
The average American is at eight.
The number one issue in the United States of America is the broken border and the illegal immigration that Joe Biden has created.
We don't have time to wait until November.
We got lives on the line every single day.
Say that to the parents who have lost a child to deadly fentanyl.
They're throwing a number across the country.
There are lives at risk every single day.
It's like every police officer in every city, in our great state, that understands that they have a daily duty to make sure that their communities are safe, regardless of when elections take place.
We are 273 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, 41 seconds out from the most important election in world history.
I'm coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, broadcasting worldwide, thanks to your support, your prayer, and your word of mouth.
Alright, uh, look.
They just released the quote bipartisan Senate bill that they claim they have the votes for to pass in the House and Senate.
And I got up about 5 a.m.
as I normally do today.
A couple hours of research before my daughter and wife got up.
And I saw the subsections of the bill that Jack Posobiec and others were posting and I went and read most of the thing this morning.
It's a big bill but There are sections in this that even shocked Alex Jones, because I know they're a bunch of criminals.
But it actually says that Biden has the power of a dictator, which shows they would never give this power to Trump.
So they intend to steal the election in nine months.
And it says, for any reason, Biden can declare an emergency and do whatever he wants on the border, including in cities around the country, and giving them unlimited money.
And it gets worse, only the special court in DC, which they totally control, you see all the kangaroo action there, all the rigged show trials there, that that court has the jurisdiction.
And I mean, I sat there and marked up the bill.
There's got to be like 30 things in there that are just jaw-dropping.
The good news is they've been trying to spin this in the last month with different versions.
And they do this thing where they won't show you the version and then they bring it out hours before they try to vote on it.
They've been doing the same crap here.
They try to spin it and say, oh, Trump says don't do the deal because he wants the crisis to continue so he gets elected.
Even Bill Maher's read the law and said Friday on his show on HBO, no, they have all the power.
The president has the power.
Biden has deliberately opened the border.
Which I know you know and I know he said when he was running for office, he said, once I steal the election, technically, he said, once I win, immediately surge the border.
He said it in three different video clips.
By the way, we always show the one for some reason.
Well, you guys, he said it three times that I've seen.
Find me the three times Biden said, surge the border.
He said that in one.
The others he said immediately, come to the U.S., come to the border.
Maybe that's why when you search it, he only said surge once.
But he said three times, when I win, come here, seek asylum.
It's open.
So it's so damning to sit here years later, three and a half years later, and he's running around saying, oh no, that's not what we're doing.
So I've got three stacks on this, and the border is everything because it's so illustrative of how the government is hijacked by criminals and how they don't care about us, and then how they bring in the illegals to then sign them up for welfare, but also make them get jobs.
And they have Democrat Party NGOs and community organizers and law firms own and run these people, and that's why they put Their deportation hearings out on average five years, some are out nine years, is they're gonna control them, and the minute you get Epity as a illegal alien they brought in, as a permanent underclass quote migrant, your ass is deported.
And that's who they deport.
Not criminals, not MS-13, that's all admitted in the legislation, and it's admitted in his orders to the Border Patrol in the last three years.
Just because somebody's a felon, just because somebody As a gang member in MS-13, doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter you've caught them six, seven times.
Doesn't matter they've got three convictions.
You're going to let them go.
But woo boy!
The IRS with no evidence claims you owe a bunch of money and sends you some letter.
No judge, no jury is going to take your house.
So this is something we need to open the phones up today on.
And I have cleared the decks.
We have several guests already booked.
I've moved those guests.
I'm going to take.
I will take.
Hours and hours of calls today, but I'm going to call it speed calls.
Dispense with the pleasantries.
I love you, you love me.
If you want to say you hate me, then go ahead and say that.
But like Limbaugh always said, just ditto.
Because if you go into, oh, you're so great, you're so great, back and forth, we're burning time to cover information here, what you have to say.
So I'm going to go to your calls.
If you want to support us, spread the word about the show.
If you love the show, buy some of the products in 4Store.
Dispense today with us spending half our time in a love fest here.
I love you, too.
You love me?
I want to go to your call.
So the calls are always so good.
If the call is okay, you get 60 seconds.
If I'm really hooked, you get 120.
And that means everybody gets to get on, or at least a lot of you.
So I'm going to give the number out coming up at the bottom of the hour, and we're taking a SH-T load of your calls.
Okay, so Let me just mention some of the headlines here with the border situation.
We've got all the other stuff here as well, but it all ties in.
And then I'm going to drill into the bill.
I've got a copy of it here.
And Chuckie Schumer is having orgasms on television.
He's beside himself.
Oh, Mitch McConnell is the greatest.
Mitch McConnell freezes up every time he's on TV now.
Mitch McConnell's wife is an admitted communist Chinese spy.
It's not just Democrats that are on the payroll.
Like Swallows Well and Feng Feng.
And, or Fang Fang, or whatever her name is.
Or, you know, Dianne Feinstein before she died.
Her chief of staff was a Chinese agent.
It's Republican leadership.
And the Speaker of the House claims this legislation is dead on arrival, but if you look at the votes, it's close.
I've seen enough.
This bill is even worse than we expected and won't come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created.
As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed under this legislation, the border never closes.
They said that.
If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival.
So, this is an illustration of the complete insane arrogance.
I'm going to say this again very slowly, and then I'm going to show you the text.
For any reason, the President can declare an emergency or undeclare an emergency, and has all power over all actions at the border, and can create any funds he wants or direct funds to the cities, and all disputes will be Brought to a special court that he set up in D.C.
I mean, wow.
So, rubber stamp.
Here's some of the headlines.
Don't be stupid.
Trump slams Senate border bill, demands separate package, not tied to foreign aid.
Oh, and it's got all that in it, too.
I forgot.
It's got a ton of money for Israel, ton of money for Ukraine.
He literally said it wouldn't.
It's got billions.
For the NGOs, a couple billion smackers to pay for the UN bureaucrats that are running all this.
We got a good boil down on it on InfoWars.com.
Scandalous Senate deal allows 1.5 million illegals per year, allocates 2.3 billion to NGOs, trafficking them and gives 60 billion to Ukraine.
Trump says only a fool or radical left Democrat would vote for this horrendous border bill, which only gives shutdown authority after 5,000 encounters a day, when we already have the right to close the border now.
Which must be done.
This bill is a great gift to the Democrats and the death wish of the Republican Party.
It takes a horrible job the Democrats have done on immigration and the border, absolves them, and puts them squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans.
Don't be stupid.
We need a separate border and immigration bill.
It should not be tied to foreign aid in any way, shape, or form.
The Democrats broke immigration and the border.
They should fix it.
Make America great again.
I got Bill Maher.
Let's just play this short clip.
Raymond Bill Maher says it's in the law, they don't need a new law, they can control the border.
Let me tell you, we had a crew down there for the last week.
We still got Drew Hernandez down there right now filing reports with the governors and everything.
And when the convoys showed up and reporters showed up, both sides just shut down.
Nobody else showed up.
They got diverted down the road a hundred miles.
It's total coordination.
Here's Bill Maher.
Part two of the acting is Joe Biden saying, you know what, if you just give me a new law, why doesn't, the president can fix this.
He already has the existing laws.
And border patrol will bring that right to your face.
I need a piece of paper from Congress to deal with the border.
No, you already have that.
So you know you lost it.
You know the system's in trouble when Bill Maher is speaking out against you.
You're like, tell us something we don't know.
I know you know this.
The general public doesn't tune in.
Yeah, we reach millions a day.
The general public still thinks that, oh, the border crisis wasn't created by Biden.
More and more are figuring it out, though, and that's important.
So, here's President Biden.
We've reached an agreement on a bipartisan deal that includes the toughest and fairest set of border reforms in decades.
And it includes support for Ukraine and Israel, provides humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people.
Let me do this.
Let me start getting in to the subsections of the bill that I just mentioned.
You know what?
Let's do that in a minute.
I got copies of it right here.
See these subsections?
I'm going to show you this in a minute.
First, let's look at Elon Musk.
Because people say, oh, Elon Musk is getting perfect blah blah blah.
I'm not saying Elon Musk is perfect.
I'm not his apologist.
I don't work for Elon Musk.
But he's reaching 50-something million people a day, saying Biden wants to destroy America and the borders are wide open, and it's totally criminal.
There's CHICOM agents coming across, and the globalists want to depopulate you and your family.
We've got to defeat the globalists.
And I interview him, and he says we need team humanity to stop the global depopulation.
The globalists are going to destroy the Earth and collapse everything.
I'm supposed to just go, well, screw you.
You're not good enough.
I'm not going to sit there when somebody starts swinging way over to our direction.
Again, he was never pointed purely at evil.
But let's just say he was 360 pointed at evil.
We don't want a 360.
We want a 180 to good.
He's already swung like 90%.
So I don't look at gift horse the mouth, folks.
Musk says Dems want illegals to vote, exposes Chinese pipeline in the U.S., calls for arrest of NGOs in epic spree, says they're trafficking children, shows all the Senate reports, says arrest them now, calls for state attorney generals to indict the NGOs, which I've said a thousand times.
The NGOs are smuggling children.
It's still federal law.
You can't do it.
They're unaccompanied.
In fact, the crew sent me another report.
I forgot to give the rest of the crew.
The Border Patrol told us they're so upset because there's hundreds of little kids per crossing a day by themselves.
And they say, I've been told at gunpoint to come here, five, six year olds, and then a van picks them up and drives off with some men.
And the Border Patrol knows that's illegal and says, we want the authority which we have under law to stop this.
Elon Musk, damn him.
He's so horrible.
Stop it, Musk.
Do not call for the arrest of NGOs.
You are not pure enough.
You, you, you should just shut up and not fight the tyranny.
That makes no sense.
But it's all the cause celeb thing to attack Elon Musk.
Okay, great.
I mean, he's just totally almost done a 180 here.
He's almost completely like Alex Jones now.
And I'm supposed to just sit back and say, well, you're not a purist.
You're not, we don't, hey, I'm not even saying trust Musk.
Like Joe Rogan.
I've known Joe 25, 26 years.
God, longer than, I don't know, since 1998.
I've been friends with him since 1999.
Good friends.
And I've seen his evolution.
I know he's pissed.
A lot of people that know him must have had the scenes.
Unless he's put on a giant act, he's completely awake now, folks.
And they're sure as hell coming after him, aren't they?
I've told you forever, you've got to be ready to start winning, folks.
Freedom is popular.
But continuing.
Not everybody started 30 years ago and has always been the antinomial order like me.
Most people don't have that pedigree, folks, and I'm not trying to say I'm holier-than-thou.
It was all because of my family and educating me.
Well, we're educating Joe Rogan and Elon Musk.
So, Musk says Dems want illegals to vote, exposes Chinese pipeline of the U.S., calls for arrest of NGOs, and epic post spree that reached, I said 50 million.
That was like three of the posts reached 50 million.
I think if you count them all, it's like 100 million people.
Man, I wish he'd shut up.
I mean, you're calling for the arrest of the U.N.
smuggling kids?
Man, must!
That guy's bad!
I need to shut him down right now.
I agree with Soros and the E.U.
Fourteen governors, border convoy protest eagle passes.
Open border becomes full-blown national security crisis.
Great job to the convoy organizers.
It's been peaceful.
The Border Patrol's on our side.
The state police, the National Guard, the State Guard, 14 governors showed up, pledging to take action and start prosecuting the smugglers and the NGOs.
Just because Biden waves a wand and says the border's up, it doesn't mean you're allowed to smuggle kids.
Abbott's doing the right thing.
He's not perfect, but he's swinging our way.
Soros isn't perfect.
He's far from perfect.
He's our enemy.
Soros is coming after Musk.
The Globals are coming after Musk.
Musk isn't perfect.
That's what I said about Soros.
We know the whole Soros-Biden-Leptis combine is coming after all these people that are swinging our direction.
And again, they're not perfect.
But it doesn't matter.
Everybody second-guessed the convoy.
Now it's top news.
Now there's 14 governors down there.
That's how we draw attention to that, which will create the solution.
It's how we kill these evil bills, and it's how we create the legislation we need to stop this.
Fourteen governors join border convoy, protests at Eagle Pass on open border, becomes full-blown national security crisis.
Trump doubles down on mass deportations.
Says we gotta do it.
I got the video of that coming up.
But now let's do this.
Let's get into the legislation that Mitch McConnell, a totally compromised globalist, giving it to the State Department, the Soros, the whole New World Order project, is doing.
All right, this is from the bill.
In Wokeness said, holy crap, this might be the worst insane part.
And I didn't just believe these posts.
I went and checked it in the bill this morning.
This is all true.
The bill grants the far left DC court exclusive authority over future immigration disputes.
Only by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia which shall have sole and original jurisdiction to hear challenges whether constitutional or otherwise the validity of this section or any written policy directive within policy guideline written procedures or the implementation thereof issued by the under the authority of a secretary Implementation of this section.
Where do you see bills that say all the other local courts, district courts, federal courts, Supreme Court don't have jurisdiction?
No, it's gotta go to the D.C.
That right there is setting up the D.C.
Elon Musk points out the only term, the only long-term goal of the so-called border security bill is enabling illegal aliens to vote.
It will do the total opposite of securing the border.
And he links to the report on that.
Here's another one.
Not only does the bill codify 1.5 million illegal border crossers into law, but the border emergency that automatically gets implemented with 5,000 crossings per day a week can be overturned by Joe Biden.
And in case the 1.5 million illegals isn't enough, it also locks in green card giveaways through 2030.
And there's the subsections right there of the bill, section 212.
And there's a blow-up of it.
Mandatory activation.
The Secretary shall activate the Border Emergency Authority if, during a period of seven consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more illegals who've encountered each day, or one calendar day, a combined of 8,500 or more aliens.
But it goes on here.
Well, this is the key.
In general, if the President finds this is in the national interest to temporarily suspend the Border Emergency Authority, the President may direct the Secretary to suspend the use of Border Emergency Authority on an emergency basis.
In the case of the decree of the President under subparagraph...
Here it all is, right here.
And I've got the bill, I've got it all right here.
It legalizes everything, and the funding, and sets up special courts, and billions and billions to NGOs, and even more money if the President says in this emergency, or his undeclared emergency, it makes him a dictator over the border.
Here's another headline, Red State.
Schumer swoons over McConnell's work on border security bill.
Have never worked so closely.
Because Mitch McConnell is just as senile, maybe even more so and out of his mind than Joe Biden and the rest of these lunatics.
But the good news is Speaker Johnson declares so-called border security deal is dead on arrival.
But that's what they're trying.
That's what they're doing.
And that is what we face as a society and a culture right now.
I've got a short two minute, 48 second fun little piece here.
I put this out on X just right before I went live on air and I said, how did James O'Keefe Get a hidden camera inside the DNC when they're planning the next phony indictments of Trump.
Of course, it's satire.
Anybody can see that's a joke.
It's a funny little piece.
So as depressing and crazy as all this is, it's important to have some occasional fun.
So this is Alvin Bragg.
The Attorney General and Jack Smith and all of them, and it's just a lot of fun.
Fannie Willis, Letitia James.
And then we're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back in the number out and then go through all the other huge news today.
But wow, they want total dictatorial power over the border, which Biden pretty much already has, but he wants people to flip it on and off.
Stay with us.
Let's find a new reason to indict Donald Trump!
We can do it, guys!
Well, it's indictment day.
Alright, guys.
I'm Nancy Pelosi.
Yes, that's Nancy Pelosi.
And I gotta tell you something.
We need to find a new reason.
I can't believe that Nancy Pelosi is here to help me!
You Nancy Pelosi!
I can't believe Nancy Pelosi up in here!
Easy guys!
I put my diaper on just like the rest of you!
One leg in a cypher.
Except once my cypher's on, I impeach Trump!
Alright guys, let's come up with a new idea to incite him.
Now get to work!
Alright people, you heard it!
Let's find a new reason to indict Donald Trump!
We can do it, can I just indict him for less than a year?
Shut up, baby!
That ain't even gonna work!
Hey, hey, hey!
Everybody knows that 2020 was stupid.
Yeah, and indictment is a win.
Oh, you don't want it?
Tell you what it says!
Now that's weird!
I'll make it real this time!
Alright, you guys are making good progress, but...
I could've used a little more indictment.
We're trying, Nancy, but it's hard!
Yeah, it ain't easy to die drunk!
We ain't Nancy Pelosi!
Hey, hey, hey!
You didn't even indict him!
I know!
I sued him!
For what?
Good God!
Being rich?
You got room to talk!
You indicted him because of a pollster!
Hey, hey, hey!
That was good!
I mean, we're making good progress, but, um... We gotta keep trying.
And, Merrick?
Explore the space this time!
Okay, you got it!
I mean, really explore the space!
I need more indictment!
Alright, guys.
If we put our heads together, We might just come up with some- What if we indict him for taking a $10 million bribe from Burisma?
Um, we can't.
Why not?
Because the Bidens already did that!
We should indict him for lying about his business calls with Hunter!
The Bidens already did that too!
We can indict him for smoking crack!
Hey, hey, hey!
That was Hunter!
We should indict him for- Guys, guys!
These are all good ideas, but I gotta be honest.
I need more indictments!
Hey, hey, hey!
We'll keep trying!
Guess what?
I got a fever!
And the only prescription is more excitement!
Let's indict him for keeping classified documents in his closet!
And in his garage!
And in his house!
Let's indict him for lying!
And treason!
Why not?
We can't!
Because those are all things Joe Biden did!
What if the Republicans indict all of us?
The Republicans don't do stuff like that!
Come on guys, I gotta have more excitement!
And once I'm with Trump, you'll all be wearing cold pleated diapers!
Like me?
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of
"Is it pro-human or is it anti-human?"
We start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk. He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage, so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at mfullwestore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
All right, here's what we're doing today, because we're 30-something minutes into the live broadcast.
I'm going to open the phones up on our traditional talk radio, regular landline system, cell phone system, and I'm going to take over an hour of your phone calls.
Then, in the third hour, going to seven to the fourth hour, I'm going to do a Spaces on X, one of the first outlets, not the first big outlet, to do this.
We've been doing it for a few weeks.
Doug Spaces, Elon Musk, a lot of other folks, Jack Spacelbick, you name it.
Roger Stone, General Flynn.
We're going to do a Spaces coming up in the last hour and a half or so of the broadcast today so that folks on X can digitally come into the show.
So that's coming up.
But I want to give the toll-free number out.
And I'm not screening your calls.
We don't screen calls except live on air.
I ask for a clean phone line, that you make your points because the next person.
Respect all your time.
But occasionally I say, it's on a topic.
But I always give you such a broad topic, you can tie anything into it.
What do you make of the border bill?
The bipartisan bill that makes Biden the dictator over the border, that gives billions to NGOs, the UN.
That legalizes tens of millions of people.
Speaker Johnson says it's not going to go through.
But I'm not so sure about that.
Chuck Schumer looks like he's injected heroin or something.
He's so happy saying, oh, this is going to pass.
What do you make of this?
And where do you see this going?
And how does this affect the election?
They've tried to spin it that Trump just doesn't want a bill, he doesn't want to fix it, but Trump's right.
The president has the power to shut this down under law, but they haven't.
Here's a clip of Trump talking about this, and he's since reissued the statement on True Social.
Then we've got, in Chicago, Mayor Brandon Johnson flipping out when he's asked a question, and then we got the neocon Trotskyite.
Bill Kristol flipping out about Tucker Carlson.
It all ties together.
Here are those clips.
And just recently a vicious illegal alien criminal who was wanted for murder all over the planet.
Everybody knew this person.
Not a good person.
Was discovered living as a fugitive right here in Las Vegas.
Isn't that nice?
We have no choice within moments of my inauguration.
We will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in America.
I have children who attend schools who have soccer games, y'all.
You know, you're all asking me as if I'm not a parent in this city.
I get it.
I'm mayor.
I get it.
But you're asking me to give you a date.
And I have to court.
Do you understand that you have not had a mayor like me?
I get that.
I have a wife.
I have children.
They have schedules.
And plus, we still have public safety debt we have to address.
We still have the unhoused that we have to address.
I still have a budget that I have to address.
And I'm doing all of that with a black wife raising three black children on the west side of the city of Chicago.
I am going to the border as soon as possible.
So that's why the globalists put black leaders in.
There's plenty of black conservatives and great black leaders, but they put communist, white-hating, Soros-funded, community-organizing, Obama 10.0 scum in to say, I'm a black man with a black wife.
And so the Democratic Party said, bring the illegal aliens here.
Now your kids are getting kicked out of school.
They're told to go to school.
They're told you've got to, you know, go to school at home now in Chicago and New York and places, virtually, because the illegal aliens have now moved into your schools.
And the illegal aliens are victims in all this too.
So they know exactly what they're doing.
The next clip is Bill Kristol, the famous neocon.
His father was the chief of staff of Trotsky.
Who was the main commander for Lenin and Stalin, who killed tens of millions of Christians, ran the Russian Revolution, but Stalin, after they poisoned Lenin, went after Trotsky, and Trotsky ran to Mexico.
And then Stalin had an assassin kill him with a hatchet.
Or an ice tool, as they call it.
One of those hatchets you cut ice with.
And killed him.
So then they all moved, all these communists that left Russia, that had moved to Mexico, they then moved to Chicago.
And they took over the Chicago Business School with the billions at that time, which is hundreds of billions now, of stolen Russian money and Christian money.
Just like the Nazis ran to South America and Ukraine after World War II and had billions of stolen loot, so did Trotsky.
People ask, why is the Crystal family like royalty?
Well, they were the head of the money.
Just like at the end of World War II, Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush's dad, and George W's dad, and Jeb Bush is your grandfather.
Prescott Bush was the grandfather.
And then the son was George Herbert Walker Bush, and then he was, you know, had the grandsons of this guy, George W. Bush and Jeb Bush and Neil Bush and the rest of them, and they were the head lawyers over all, even the London Guardian, Nazi money around the world.
That's why the Bushes are so powerful.
They're richer than Elon Musk.
But the money's secret.
Well, it's the same thing with the Trotskyites.
They ran off of all the stolen money, because Trotsky ran the Soviet Union.
He was the brain behind it.
And they said, we'll take over the Republican Party.
So they moved to Chicago, took over the Chicago Business School with all their money, and created the neocons we know today.
So here's Bill Kristol.
Who helped lie about the WMDs and helped pass the Patriot Act and the weekly standard and all the rest of it that tried to defeat Trump.
And finally, Crystal's not in control of the Republican Party anymore.
And Crystal wants totally open borders to quote, replace the white people.
So then he comes out against Tucker over the weekend and my response to him got millions of views.
And Crystal said perhaps we need a total and complete shutdown of Tucker Carlson's re-entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.
So he wants illegal aliens to be able to come in Unlimited.
But if Tucker Carlson does what Dan Rather and Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw and Barbara Walters did, interviewing Saddam Hussein, interviewing the Ayatollah Khomeini, They don't want to be able to come back to the U.S.
Oh, it's okay for Megyn Kelly to interview Putin.
It's okay for any... But no, not Tucker Carlson, who's over there right now in Moscow.
I'll leave it at that.
And so, I do believe he's going to get the Putin interview.
I'm going to stop right there.
But here's my response.
Perhaps we need you brought up on war crimes, Bill Crystal.
Bill wants open borders because he is an American hating Trotskyite.
But he wants Tucker Carlson marooned outside the country for the crime of journalism.
Newsflash, scumbag!
Carlson can just walk across the southern border anytime he wants.
The Border Patrol would carry him across the river on their shoulders.
They would throw you in the river.
Two million people read what I had to say about scumbag.
See, scumbag, you're beyond a has-been.
You're a criminal.
He also supported the lockdowns, forced shots, all of it.
If it's evil, you better believe your bottom dollar.
He's supporting it.
Tucker Carlson in Moscow.
Potential interview with a Russian president.
Has liberals and rhinos in meltdown.
Gotta love that Tucker Carlson energy.
So here's a short clip of Crystal talking about open borders.
Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad, as you say, with the white working class, don't you want to get new Americans in who aren't going to be... I'm serious.
You can make a case that this is going on too long and this is too crazy, probably, and I hope this thing isn't being, like, you know, videotaped or ever shown anywhere.
All right, so we're gonna go to break.
Here's the toll-free number.
I should probably give the number.
I don't want to say the phones are open.
877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
We'll take over an hour of calls on the traditional talk radio format,
and then we're doing a Spaces Live on the border crisis.
You get to make your point to millions of folks, and I get to give my analysis as well, 877-789-ALEX.
We'll be right back with your phone calls.
Alright, toll-free number, as I said, is 877-789-2539.
We're loading the phone lines up right now, and I'm going to start going to your calls here in a few minutes.
But I wanted to show TV viewers, you guys try to pull up the digital version of this, because I print these off every day and rarely show them, but there's such cool stuff people repost to the real Alex Jones account on X. I thought I'd show this.
I want to remake this and maybe even make our own poster illustrating this.
Maybe I'll reach out to the artist to try to get the rights to it, but this illustrates everything.
And if you've studied some of the famous medieval wars in Europe and some of the big wars between England and France, there's letters between The kings, who were related to each other, first cousins, multiple cases saying, we're having uprisings here, I've got the Welsh uprising here, I've got these uprising here, let's go ahead and just have a war.
That'll get our domestic populations under control.
And so if you're ready to listen, I'll describe it.
It shows a little white cloth table over to the side, and you see the white king and the White Queen across the table from the Black King and the Black Queen.
They're having a nice dinner with wine and food.
And then right next to them is the chess board.
And all the pieces, black and white, are dead.
It's a real war between us.
A lot of real beefs.
But at the end of the day, they're running it.
This image is one of the most powerful I've ever seen.
You've heard me many times try to describe this.
But whoever made this, and I can't really Read the credit of whoever the artist is.
It's right there.
Totally and completely nailed it.
We're going to turn this into a poster.
This should be hanging in every home, every business.
So that we start figuring this out.
To our own government with the British intelligence, help put the communists in charge.
I saw this image too.
It's Trudeau when he famously dressed up as a Nazi and in blackface.
It's okay when he does it.
He says, let's kill disabled kids.
It's a little sweet girl in a wheelchair, and she says, were you born like this, or did something terrible happen to you?
The point is, he's mentally disabled.
He's the real threat.
What a powerful statement.
Let's kill disabled kids.
Were you born like this or did something terrible happen to you?
All right I got a lot of other news coming up.
There's so much here, so many clips, so much breaking.
But instead of me telling you what's coming up, I'll just intersperse in between your calls over the next hour plus, and then we're doing the third hour.
We'll launch a little bit before people can join on Real Alex Jones and Spaces, so that all those great folks that are tuned in can ask your questions.
All right, via X. Let's go ahead and take calls.
We're talking about, if you just joined us, the unprecedented so-called bipartisan legislation that Schumer hails as just incredible work, and how much he loves Mitch McConnell, to give Biden dictatorial power over the border, to legalize anybody he wants, and do whatever he wants, and give billions to the UN and NGOs to expand the border invasion.
It's like, oh, you want aid for that gunshot wound?
Here, we'll make it bleed less, we'll shoot you 10 times in the head, you'll be dead, there'll be no bleeding.
Oh, your finger's cut?
How about we cut your arm off?
Tara in Alabama, thank you for calling, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I am a huge fan.
This is Tara Massey, first time caller.
I'm so nervous.
Well, welcome.
I wanted to say I was calling on the border bill, I find it to be a joke because we forget that our crisis is the catch and release.
You know, per asylum laws already on the book, we're supposed to detain these people until their asylum case to be heard before the judge.
That's right, and they don't.
They just turn them loose.
They just turn them loose, and that is what's causing the crisis.
So I don't understand how new laws on the book is going to change anything when he doesn't follow current laws.
I am so happy to talk to you.
I hope you know that.
Well, I'm happy to talk to you, but you just, what do you make of even Bill Maher reading the law and saying, actually the laws are on the books, Biden's doing this.
That really shows, this has hit a nerve.
Well, see, I'm going to have to admit this.
I was a Democrat and Biden has turned me Republican because, you know, I have children that have to be raised here.
I'm not a Marxist.
And I see Bill Maher trying to renege on what he said on X right now.
And I used to be a huge Bill Maher fan.
But he said the quiet part out loud.
I don't believe he meant to even say that.
Well, that's the thing.
I mean, 20 years ago, it was hard to be a Republican or Democrat because The Republicans were such warmongers, at least the Democrats acted like they were anti-war.
Now they're even more pro-war, so the Democrats are very easy to say is the most evil party.
They're the lesser of two evils, they're the worst of two evils.
Thank you so much for your call.
No matter how great the calls are, I'm going to move quick here because I promise to get you on air.
That's what makes us informative.
Brad in Kentucky, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, dittos.
I am in Moorhead, Kentucky, and we've been, we've had an influx of illegal aliens here for quite some time.
They occupy basically all the hotels here in town.
And that's key, that's key, because the NGOs get the money, take part of it, then pay for it.
Oh yeah, yeah, and so we're a small university town, we're about 6,400 people in a county About 25,000 people.
So it's very obvious that, you know, these people are not normal travelers.
They travel by van and light buses, and they're constantly moving, constantly in and out.
So I don't know if this is a hub for them or what, but it's definitely out of the ordinary.
And more recently, I've been seeing, normally when you see the The Hispanic-looking people, they're in groups, large groups.
They're in these vans.
But more recently, we've been seeing Asians, and they are like lone wolves.
They're not in a group.
They're by themselves.
They're walking with a backpack.
And they're also in these hotels.
There's no denying it.
We've seen them coming and going.
Absolutely, and it's billions and billions a year, and this bill, two plus billion dollars to accelerate that.
Yeah, it's minding.
It's just beyond upsetting.
Well, they're signing them up to vote, and they're permanently controlling them.
Keep spreading the word, brother.
Tell people about the broadcast, Brad.
Thank you so much.
One more call before we go to break.
You know what?
Actually, I haven't plugged this hour, so I need to plug.
We'll come back with calls.
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Hour number two, straight ahead.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalist.
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You know, when I talk to Tucker Carlson, I talk to him all the time, I never say, hey, can I say this on air or not?
But I just never repeat it.
So I knew he was going to Europe and Turkey and Russia a while back, but I just left it at that.
And I, you know, I had the scoop days ago.
I talked to him and, uh, you know, is he going to interview Putin?
And he gave the answer just a little while ago.
It's now online.
I'll tell you about it next segment.
And it's the same, same answer I had.
So I just, I never provided it because I'd rather just get all the information and not, Not lose those sources, but the fact that there's such up in arms over a top journalist, he's top of English-speaking media, doesn't get bigger than him, he's bigger than actual views now than Joe Rogan.
He's 100% real, 100% awake.
And I could die happy right now knowing that I influenced Tucker in his awakening.
I'm not bragging, it's just one of my greater accomplishments.
So we'll give you that little piece of knowledge coming up next segment.
Let's go to Ken in Florida.
Ken, thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Great to talk to you.
I just want to relate the collapse of the border to the coming up election.
So I just wanted to get your perspective on all these countless criminals coming into the country and different sleeper cells that obviously hate America.
They just want to feed off the system.
When do you think they'll be activated, if ever, or do you think that the Democrats are going to leave World War III on Trump's lap if he wins the election, if they allow him, excuse me, to win the election?
Because I think... Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Let me just stop you, Ken.
I said I would give each caller a minute or two, but your call is too important.
And you hit the nail too good, and so I'm gonna put you on hold.
Don't hang up, okay?
Because a lot of stations don't carry this segment, but we still have a huge internet audience, and so I still do it, but some stations want us to do the first five.
Most stations have news and ads on the first five.
Before I went live on air, I wrote a note.
My problem is I almost never follow my notes.
In fact, it's the opposite of having somebody tell me what to do or a teleprompter.
It's like I tell myself what to do, and then my brain is Like that dog in the movie Up, it sees a squirrel, it's like, squirrel, squirrel.
What this caller just said is beyond key.
And it's what I meant to start the full show with.
And then about 30 minutes before the show, I get a call from a lawyer, and I gotta deal with a bunch of crap, I'm not complaining, and I'm like in the zone, ready to go.
And I've got my notes that are actually in my office.
Only five or six things I wrote, and the number one thing at the top was, how does Biden think they're gonna get away with the open borders?
What are they planning to do with the sleeper cells?
And that's how God works.
God wanted me to address this, because I only decided like 10 minutes before the show, no guests.
I said, just get rid of the guests.
They're great, but get rid of them.
I want to talk about this.
This is so important.
Then I get distracted.
I don't cover it.
And Ken in Florida brings it up.
So Ken, stay there.
We're going to take a break.
Come back and elaborate on what you're asking.
Because obviously you're in the zeitgeist.
The force is with you.
The Holy Spirit's with you.
You elaborate a few minutes on your important question.
Because you notice, he was literally tracking everything I was thinking this morning, word for word.
I'm like getting chills when he started talking like, oh, oh, because I was, because I'm literally 30 minutes for the show, I've already gotten ready, I'm prepared.
40 minutes for, I'm literally, say a quick prayer, and I'm saying, what's the most important topic?
What do I do, God?
And I'm sitting there, and I go, how are they going to pull this off?
What are they planning with the illegal aliens and sleeper cells?
That's what I'm supposed to talk about.
I need to explain this, and then I don't do it, and the caller brings it up.
So this is meant to be covered.
I will not get distracted.
I will come back in 60 seconds and I will cover it.
Stay with us.
All right, we're now on to hour number two, and if you just joined us, I went to a caller real quick before the break, Ken in Florida, and he had a question that was what I meant to come on the air with today.
Because I have all these facts, all these stories, all these things, and I'll really be focused on it, really meditating on it, and I'll say, that's the key to cover.
That's what we need to get ahead of.
That's tomorrow's news today.
And then I get on the air and I got all this news and I forget to get to it.
But he really is asking the big question.
So I'm going to let him ask it again and elaborate on it.
Because if you understand this question and you understand the answer, then you've got the entire enemy battle plan.
So I'm going to do my best after he asks the question, and I think he's pretty smart with this question.
He probably has the answer.
I want his question and what he thinks.
I don't want just his question to mean like I'm the Grand Poobah.
It's when we take calls, when we have guests.
And then I'm gonna give you my best dead reckoning on this.
And this subject's so big, it actually gives me a headache.
Because my brain's like, you know, smoking when it comes to this.
Because there's 10,000 points that go into this.
And it's so hard to try to nail it.
Because if you cover all the side issues, you don't nail it.
But they flooded the country with tens of millions.
The real number's 22 million.
Corey, the Border Patrol that have been led in the last three plus years.
And these are brigades of military age men from the Middle East, China, you name it.
How does Biden and the globalists think they're going to bring that in and then let them attack?
And then what is the plan that comes out of that?
But they've even told us what the plan is, and they've telegraphed it in the last few weeks.
Two weeks ago, they had former CIA directors, former Secretaries of Defense, And a bunch of the same spies that ran the soft coup against Trump the last eight years, seven years, come out and tell us what they're going to do.
So, they tell us by what they're preparing, knowing what our response will be.
So I'm going to try my best to nail this in a moment, but this is, I hope everybody's really like slowing down and taking notes and listening because this is key.
Ken in Florida, go ahead and ask your question.
So, um, again, so I was just asking about, you know, the countless criminals in different America hating sleeper cells that are, you know, now being allowed into the country.
Do you see the Democrats playing their Trump card by stealing the election and then activating these sleeper cells because they understand that, you know, Americans know that if Biden wins again, it obviously will be stolen again.
So obviously it'll be, you know, the reaction to that stolen election times two, times 10, times 100.
Or do you see them losing the election, but then Leaving World War 3 and all these proxy wars on the lap of Trump, and then he will have to either escalate or de-escalate the situation that's left by the Democrats.
Or do you even think that they're going to allow Trump to even get to the election?
Because they try to put him in jail, they try to do all these things to stop him to get to that point.
So now we see the collapse of the borders, sleeper cells, you know, forming all around the country.
When will they be activated and how will they be activated?
That's an excellent question.
It sounds like you're a smart fellow.
So tell me what you think.
Well, I think that they've gotten to this point where they're now in desperation.
You know, they're backed up into a corner.
They're panicking.
We're winning in a sense.
But you're fighting an enemy that's on its last legs.
It's willing to do anything.
So I do believe that they're going to try their best.
If they're going to throw Biden out there, they're not going to throw Biden out there with the intention to not steal, not cheat, and not at least try.
So if they do steal the election, they understand the reaction, but they don't care because they feel emboldened because they run the government and they've set up all their three-letter agencies to basically back them up if there is any reaction.
And now you're seeing it In the courts and even in the Supreme Court, that you get no backing for the American people.
So I believe that they're going to try their best to steal the election.
And then I believe that in the period if Trump wins, between the handing over of, you know, and the inauguration, if he wins, then they're going to start escalating warfare and proxy wars.
And then Trump will have to decide if he wants to Escalate war and NATO joining a war with Ukraine and fighting Russia?
Or is he going to, you know, de-escalate the situation and try to, you know, do what he did before with no wars?
But I think at that point, it will be too difficult to stop.
So, I believe that they have all their chess pieces in play just in case they lose and they can't get control of the government this time around.
Well, Ken, I'm extremely impressed because you just said it better than I could.
And so the answer is the Globalists are at war with us.
They have a lot of options, a lot of tracks they're going down.
They haven't made a decision yet on what they're going to do.
That's clear.
They know they're in trouble.
Nothing's working for them, but they're still not going to give up.
They're going to double down.
So I can't tell you what they're going to do because I'm sure of it.
They're not exactly sure what they're going to do yet, but they're pre-programming and preparing all the options.
Tell us about yourselves, you're a really smart caller.
What's your background?
I mean, did you do any research?
What brought you to this?
Because you're really nailing it right now.
What we should all be talking about.
We're in a globalist coup.
America's waking up trying to reject it.
They're planning on clamping down and getting total power.
The sky's the limit.
What are they going to do?
Everybody should be talking about that.
It's not just like they broke the borders.
They're starting World War III and they got pedophile drag queen time and hundreds of thousands of deaths from fentanyl and human smuggling and human trapping and child kidnapping.
That's all just the icing on the cake.
They are going full bore.
And so, you've really done a great job here in describing this.
Yeah, so basically, I'm not gonna lie, you were a great inspiration to me, you know, years back when COVID was, you know, first happening.
I really didn't know anything about anything, and I started doing a lot of research myself.
And even for a little bit, I started my own podcast, but I I got a little discouraged and, you know, life happens and I wasn't able to do it any longer.
But, you know, the research was still there and a lot of the, I guess, the stars aligned and you start to get these feelings.
This vision of what's going to happen into the future.
Well that's right.
Once you focus on the real world, like men can be experts on football or baseball, know everything about their team, but if men start focusing on the real world, most people can really figure it out and do great things.
Thank you for the call.
I could talk for hours about what he just called in about.
But let me try to give a summation.
I'm sitting here this morning, after all this research, all this preparation, for hours, and I just think, what is the most important thing?
And I think to myself, I say, how is Biden going to get away with 22 million illegals in the country, massive sleeper cells, and how are they going to use those and somehow not have the public know they're the ones behind it?
Well, they're out saying they're against the open border now and it's the Republicans' fault.
Now we all know that's a scam and no one's buying it, not even Bill Maher.
But you see their phlegm phlegm.
They think you have no memory.
They think you have no attention span.
But what you do now, because you had an attention span, you were just focused on the Grammys or the Emmys or the Oscars or football, stuff that doesn't matter.
Now you're focused on the real world because you see the danger.
That's when they lose their power.
So, here's how it's going down.
They have a massive Islamic fifth column in this country.
And the Democrat Party's in control of it through the funding of their leadership and right through the Iranians and the six billion Biden gave them and all the rest of it.
That goes back to Obama and the Arab Spring.
So that's the biggest thing is Islamic uprising.
Then they're going to activate Black Lives Matter.
That's why Black Lives Matter got discredited, but more than 15 cities have given them $10, $20, $30 million because the, quote, police were mean to them.
No court cases, no proof.
Well, they were burning down cities that the cops were bad, but they're recapitalizing their own Democratic Party destabilization squad.
So they have Islamists, they have the Black Lives Matter, backed and commanded by Antifa.
They'll use any cop doing something wrong or thing out of context as their pretext.
So what they're saying with the former CIA directors and former Defense Intelligence Agency directors and former, you know, all these major groups, former defense secretaries, they're all out there running around, the Clappers, the Brennans, all of them saying, if Trump wins and we're unable to steal it, We're then going to activate the Islamic sleeper cells and the Black Lives Matter operations and the illegal alien MS-13 hit squads they've got to burn the country down.
And we want executive orders and laws in place before Trump gets in that he's not allowed to use the military and the insurrection act against him.
So that's one slice.
But ahead of that, they've got the illegal aliens and the database that Zuckerberg spent $400 million plus on, of all the dead people, people that moved out of district, to have illegals that are ordered and given voter registration cards and given driver's licenses to go vote or they're deported.
So plan A is to steal the election.
But if that doesn't work, plan B is to turn the Islamists loose, turn the Black Lives Matter loose, turn the Antifa loose, turn the MS-13 loose, And murder and kill and burn and bomb and say it's because of Trump.
He's a white supremacist.
He's created this crisis.
We've got to remove him in a national crisis from power.
So either way, they've telegraphed, they've prepared, they've gotten ready for what they're going to do.
And so that's where we're at right now.
It's a very, very dangerous, crazy position to be in.
But nevertheless, they are preparing all this thinking that we're so stupid, we don't understand the deep state and the globalists are behind all these different facets.
But everybody should be debating and should be discussing a cornered, discredited deep state that's being rejected in a major global, not just domestic, political realignment against the New World Order's policies.
And so the question that the caller and the answer he gave, that was better than mine, postulates is the answer to everything.
And we have to be wargaming what they're planning and what they're going to do.
And that's really where we are.
And of course, it all goes against logic, it all goes against common sense, but you see them on the news.
Oh, the Republicans opened the border.
They won't pass a bill to fix it when they have all the laws in the books.
And we covered the bill last hour.
It makes Biden a dictator.
It makes the president have total control of the border.
And only D.C.
courts can make decisions if it's challenged.
So it's total and complete desperation.
Now, here's the most important part.
They're not just going to have Black Lives Matter and the Muslims and the Antifa and the Mexican Mafia attack the country out of the blue.
They're going to need excuses and attacks on groups.
False flags against Hispanics.
White supremacists attacking Hispanics.
What did we get in the secret documents last week at the Border Patrol?
They said imminent white supremacists are going to come kill Hispanics on the border.
It was all made up to create that narrative.
What did we see?
The Wall Street Journal says, man, Muslims are taking over Michigan, they're calling for jihad, they're electing people that say Hamas is good.
We have an issue.
The mayor of Dearborn says today, got the article right here, Oh my God, we put police at all the mosques.
The white supremacists are going to attack us any minute.
Overhead shot right here.
So what you do is, the globalists will deep state false flag the Muslims.
They'll deep state false flag the black folks.
They'll deep state false flag the Hispanic folks.
They'll kill Biden.
That's on the table.
To take a liability and turn it into a positive.
But we don't want any violence.
To then have, or they'll, a cop will accidentally kill somebody, or they'll die because they're on enough fentanyl to kill five people like George Floyd, and the media will hype it, and then that will be the smoke screen with people bowing down and saying, we'll do whatever you want.
It's all Trump's fault.
So they've got that set up if they can't steal the election, and the landslide's so big they can't do it.
They immediately, while he's president-elect, in the middle of November this year, in nine months, they blow up a black church.
They blow up a federal building.
They shoot a bunch of people at the border.
They attack mosques in Dearborn, Michigan.
And then they blame Trump supporters and the American people, and then the cities burn.
And most of the DAs are controlled.
Remember, General Parton was the head of Air Force Weapons Development.
He secretly ran the Star Wars program.
It was classified, everything.
And he would hammer me on air.
And we were friends, had dinner many times.
He'd say, Jones, they're using a communist blueprint.
Yeah, they're globalists, but When they defund the police, and when they give people get-out-of-jail-free cards, and when they try to end the death penalty, they're letting all the criminals know for their uprising, their takeover.
You may serve a month or six months or a year in jail, but once we take over with a communist uprising, you're gonna be released.
So when they defund the police, and when they stop putting criminals in jail, if they're leftist, you'll know the communist takeover's happening.
And he would give all these examples in Europe and Asia and Africa and Latin America.
I'm like, okay, sir.
He'd say, listen, Jones, you can speculate about all the other angles.
It's a program.
You ought to find those interviews 25 years ago, 20 years ago.
By the way, General Parton's son once contacted us like two years ago, said he'd come on.
That never happened.
We need to get his ass on.
But he was given all the classified briefings.
He was at the highest levels.
On how this would work.
And he knew.
So we need to listen to him.
And I look back on it.
He's absolutely right.
They'd be fun of the police.
Illegal aliens and criminals.
Attack, murder, kill, rape, do whatever they want.
Because they want the message that we're protecting you.
You're all God's children.
MS-13, as Nancy Pelosi said, we'll let you do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want.
Now that's plan B. If Trump is able to win the election and they don't steal it.
Plan A is just steal it and have all these indictments and tie him down from campaigning, but that's backfire.
So, that's where we are.
Alright, I said I'd take a lot of calls.
I want to get back to your phone calls.
But I'm just going to throw this out there because this is how we're on air.
There's a place called InfoWarsTore.com, and it's got incredible books and films and water filtration and air filtration and swimmable foods, and everything's in stock, ready to ship.
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So many of the great products like Rocket Rest and Cabochill and the things not available at InfoWarshaw.com are available at DrJonesNaturals.com.
It's a great sponsor.
If you want to support us and get great products, go to DrJonesNaturals.com and check out the catalog of more than 40 amazing products.
And some of these products are a limited run and I just hope that you'll go there, drjonesnaturals.com.
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But again, infowarestore.com, get a copy, signed or unsigned as a fundraiser, my book, The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists and Launch the Second Great Renaissance, it's all there.
I just spent 15-20 minutes or longer with that caller.
I spent 20 minutes with him.
Because we need to be talking about what the enemy's planning and what they're doing and not just react when they pull it off.
I'm gonna get through all these callers.
Barbara and Tony and Leo and Josh and Jump Boots and Tom and Tanner and Rick and Mike and Chris.
I'm gonna just go BAM, BAM, BAM to your phone calls.
And then we're going to do, we're going to launch it soon, but coming up in about 30 minutes, a Spaces at Real Alex Jones on The World Awakens to the Total Border Collapse.
Globalist openly trying to steal the election.
During the break, I'm going to write the headline for the Spaces.
We'll put it on Real Alex Jones.
Just share it.
You can call in, or you're not calling in, it's link in there.
But speaking of calls, let's do one more call before we go to break.
Barbara in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex, for being the Paul Revere for America.
I really appreciate it.
I've been listening to you since 2015.
So I'll make it quick.
I'll make my point quick.
I'm a first time caller.
My husband and I moved to North Carolina from Southern California.
We're happy to be here.
I think one of the things that you have to consider is what happens to these illegals once they get here.
And my point is, we have to stop the flow of money.
My niece and her husband are both employed by the University of Chapel Hill.
They are receiving grants from the federal government to set up free healthcare, free food, free housing.
They come in through Greensboro, which is the capital.
We have a corrupt governor, Roy Cooper.
Hold on, Barbara.
I told every caller, I'll give you a minute or so, or I'll never get to everybody, but stay there.
Yes, it's all funded by NGOs, and I've spent decades trying to explain it.
Finally people get it.
But the federal government is paying, you're paying for all of this.
And the Republicans are heavily involved as well, so cut the money off.
Stay there, finish your point when we come back.
Then Tony, Leo, Josh, because I'll never get to all of you, don't just cut you off.
Just, boom, make your point.
We'll come right back to you.
And we're about to launch a Spaces on X as well at Real Alex Jones.
Be sure and share that and retweet that now.
We'll be right back.
It's up to you.
Make the spaces huge.
Go and retweet, repost the link when we send it out.
Hey, I got some good news for everybody.
A lot of products not available at InfoWarsTore.com are available at DrJonesNaturals.com.
Just one word, DrJonesNaturals.com.
We'll put that on screen, DrJonesNaturals.com.
Dozens and dozens of silver products, that original super silver toothpaste with the iodine, the nano silver, the tea tree oil.
This is the most incredible toothpaste ever.
It's exclusively available At DrJonesNaturals.com and so many other products you can't get at InfoWarsTore.com or available at DrJonesNaturals.com.
A lot of people.
We've gotten so many calls and emails wanting this toothpaste.
He's produced it again.
It's available again.
A limited run at DrJonesNaturals.com.
And there's so many other great products there on the site.
Be sure and check it out.
There's a lot of products available there that are available at InfoWarsTore.com.
A lot of products that aren't available at infoworkshore.com are available at drjonesnaturals.com.
Non-governmental organization personnel who deliberately and repeatedly broke the law
to facilitate legal immigration should face prosecution immediately.
2.3 million.
2.3 billion dollars in the new bill for the criminals.
Overhead shot please or let's pull up Musk's latest tweet.
His latest post on X. I just put it up on Real Alex Jones.
We're launching a live X event right now for the next hour and a half plus to take comments directly from X viewers.
But people are really waking up.
Even Bill Maher came out Friday and said Biden has all the laws he needs.
He's staging the invasion of this country.
But Barbara in North Carolina got caught up by the break.
She was pointing out family that have Grants University operatives.
The governors, the feds, the UN, they're all funding this, telling the illegals, come here, beat up cops, get out of jail, no bond, you're above the law, free everything.
It's run by our government.
They didn't just open the border.
They're organizing them here to come here.
She got caught up on the break.
Finish up with your family and what they're involved in.
So both my niece and her husband, they're doctors for the University of Chapel Hill.
They're given grant money to set up free health care for the illegals who come in through Greensboro, which is the capital of North Carolina.
And also another thing, part of the PSYOP is you talk to them and they tell us, no, they're not illegal, they're legal.
So the liberals are being lied to as well.
They believe they're doing good when in actual they're destroying our country.
Yeah, because they're bringing in a political permanent underclass they control and US citizens are paying for it while our benefits are being cut off.
Right, right.
And what I want to also say, too, is people feel helpless.
Like, what can we do?
You can't just sit back.
So actually, Alex, you inspired my husband and I. We signed up.
We are going to be delegates in our county for North Carolina, and we're going to attend the May primary and vote for Trump.
We're putting in our vote for Trump.
We did something.
Well, talk to your family, because you're right.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Most of the people in NGOs and universities part of this really think they're helping poor people.
They don't know the UN did years of lockdowns and wouldn't let them have their jobs and organize them to bring them here.
They literally, because they're good people, they project their goodness onto this, and that's not what it is.
I agree totally, and I have tried to talk to them, but there's taboo subjects that they won't allow us to speak up in front of them.
It's a very difficult situation, but my husband and I both speak up quite a bit, as much as we can.
Well, thank you so much, Barbara.
Great points.
We're going to go back to your calls, but I want to go to Real Alex Jones on X for TV viewers and radio listeners.
Go to Real Alex Jones on X. We'll post it on screen.
It's the third link down.
We're going to make it the top link or we'll show overhead shot.
Got it right here.
Thank you.
This is Emergency X Spaces.
Border bill gives Biden dictatorial power.
So there it is.
Right now, a lot of folks starting to tune into that.
Let's get that into the hundreds of thousands and millions.
Whether you're on X or not, folks, go to Real Alex Jones, take the link to spaces, send it out and say, it's being discussed right now.
That's how we reach new people.
We just launched it literally seconds ago.
And next hour, I'll be taking questions from X on this incredible subject.
And again, I'll show you the documents again, where the bill says Biden is a dictator and totally controls the border and can do whatever he wants.
I covered it in the first hour, but I'll recap it coming up.
Tony in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes Alex, you know the reason why Republicans never go to the international bridges and set up a press conference, they always go down to the river, set a press conference up in a windstorm to where you can't understand them.
Well if they set a press conference up in front of one of the 28 international bridges coming into Texas and explain to people what's going on there and show them what's going on there, like all the Miles of cars lined up coming into Texas and the thousands of people that walk and drive across our 28 international bridges every day and get on a bus and go to wherever they want to and see they need to explain to people we have an open border policy with Mexico.
They can come and go all they want and most illegals in this country simply just walk across or drive across one of those bridges.
And another thing They never go down there like during school hours and show you all the illegal alien children crossing the bridge, getting on one of our school buses and going to our schools.
They never show you that.
And the only time people swim the river, that's a drug cartel deal.
They take herds of people down to the river.
They only come across with mules.
That's right.
And that's what the state police were telling me.
I actually had them send me something this morning, and I forgot to send this to the crew, but this is why they're so angry.
Is because they have to sit there and watch all this criminal activity happen.
In fact, I'm going to send this to the crew right now.
I mean, this is just disgusting.
Shosha, how do we fix this?
Well, we can't fix it because both sides are crooked.
Our side's crooked and their side's crooked.
Just like I told you, the only reason why any illegal swims that river, it's a game.
They keep you distracted.
The drug cartel takes herds of people down, right?
I've seen this with my own eyes.
And they take them down and they tell them to swim across here.
They'll do that in several places.
And when they swim across, all the attention's on them.
They go 20 miles down the river with D9 dozers, build a temporary road across the border, drive drugs in with thousands of people.
Well, it sounds to me like you live down there and know what you're talking about.
Maybe we should get your name and number off here and you can be our advisor down there.
I guess you live down there?
No, but I've been down there a million times.
I've got some film footage that will blow your mind.
Well, can you, Rob D., just R-O-B-D, Rob D., we get millions and millions of emails a year, but Rob tries to get through them all.
If you just email Rob D., R-O-B-D, his initial, Rob D., robd at Infowars.com, why don't you send us that footage, brother?
Oh, I'll definitely do it.
Well, tell us what the footage is, it'll blow our mind.
Well, see, I was with a group here in Houston for years, and we'd go to the illegal alien day labor sites, and this was years ago.
I'm an old crippled man now, so I can't get out and fight like I used to.
I was in the road every day.
But the Antifa rats would show up, we'd sit up at an illegal alien day labor site, and the Antifa rats would show up.
And the communists and the communist leaders there in Houston, and the illegals in there that attack us.
Oh man, when we went to San Antonio, you gotta see that.
I exposed LULAC for the rats they are.
I exposed a lot of these people.
And people don't understand what's going on when they get into our country.
They're so well organized, it'll blow your mind.
Oh, I know.
They got most of them are university professors and people dressed up.
They're a little masked.
Oh, yeah.
David Rona Smith, the ones that used to attack us, they were the heads of the leaders of the Communist Party there in Houston.
Well, he's a professor at the College of the Mainland.
Oh, I know.
I love how we finish each other's sentences, brother.
Tony, we're not making this up.
And I'm glad at least people now know it's taken us a decade.
At least they know the U.N.' 's running it now with our own tax money.
Oh, oh, oh, 100 percent!
Our government is so evil and so corrupt, I always tell people, you know where the number one Satan temple in the world is?
They never get it right, and I say it's Washington, D.C., the nation's capital.
That's Satan's number one temple in the world.
And then it falls down, and people don't even realize Satan's temple runs the, uh, The abortion clinics, Planned Parenthood.
I've been to those.
I've been to people protesting those and you walk up there and them women are so evil and so full of hate and so full of the demon.
They sit there and tell you they want to kill their children and they're going to suggest all women kill their children.
You know how evil that is?
We've got the videos.
I've been there.
I know.
You've got to go to an abortion clinic and protest and let a little Satan show up and hiss at you and say, we're killing babies for Satan.
Well, and another thing, Alex, just go to an illegal alien day labor site here in Texas anyway, there's thousands of them, and sit up with American flags or whatever and protest it, and see what happens.
The other side's gonna come out in a matter of a minute.
Because they're managing them as slaves, Tony, thank you.
More calls straight ahead in the next hour, only 15 minutes away, 18 minutes away, I'm taking your comments.
All right, we're in the middle of my live Monday, February 5th, 2024 transmission.
And the entire next hour into the next will be live feeds from X on X Spaces at Real Alex Jones.
Go to Real Alex Jones, it's right at the top, share it.
And we're gonna reach more people there as well today.
So please share that live feed.
We're taking phone calls right now.
Something the establishment absolutely hates.
But before I do that, This is a video I was sent by a Border Patrol source this morning, and we were talking to the Border Patrol down there.
You know, we had huge breaking news and whistleblower information about a fake white supremacist attack the feds used to create fear, and how they diverted the illegal aliens and took them out of the camps and moved them, and how they wanted to use the NSA against the American people.
All that broke last week here.
Our reporters just got back Saturday night.
But this is now happening.
Around 50 migrants arrived at Eagle Pass border.
Group was separated into multiple lines, unaccompanied minors, unaccompanied children, families, and adult males.
Let's show my post on X, just a few minutes ago.
And Border Patrol gives a crying child water and another agent broke into tears while loading them onto a truck.
Because these are little children separated, they're now confirming, that are over and over again being brought back in every month and are kidnapped and are controlled.
That's your government.
The Border Patrol are good people.
They're upset they're giving us information.
But this is why so many are resigning because it tears their guts out.
Here's a clip of the video they don't want you to see.
Three little children, massive amounts, being just handed over to white vans.
The Border Patrol's ordered to do.
And the Border Patrol breaks down in tears, because they know they've been ordered to facilitate human smuggling.
They can't check who they are.
They can't do DNA testing.
This is the video live.
On X right now.
If you're on Spaces and are just getting the audio, and I've seen complaints, well, Spaces will have videos soon, but we're on X with the live video feed.
Share that from the show today.
It's the second link at Real Alex Jones.
This is what they don't want you to see.
They have tears in their eyes.
This is so sick.
This is so evil, and the Border Patrol's been a great source for us exposing all of that.
This was sent to us today by, this link was sent to us today by the Border Patrol wanting us to cover this.
This is just one small thing that's happening each day there out of thousands of things that are happening.
That is the footage right now at Real Alex Jones on X. Share it right now.
The system is counting on you not sharing it but people are ready to wake up.
It says key intel and I reposted it.
Get it out.
Alright, let's go back to your phone calls, then X comments coming up.
Josh in California, thanks for holding, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Pleasure to speak with you, a real honor.
I think my thought is kind of correlated to what Ken from Florida was just saying, but I believe Abbott is responding late because he was instructed to.
He's a WEF member and there was a clip the other day where he was asked to denounce Klaus Schwab and he wouldn't.
He was asked twice and refused twice.
And I think there's obviously a connection with the 2020 election.
Trump lost apparently by 7 million.
I believe he actually won by 7 million.
They flipped the numbers, balance came in late, dead people voted.
People of the same security number voted multiple times.
I believe they knew they lost by 7 million and knew that if you run in 2024, they had to get at least 7 million votes more.
Biden and the Democrats knew they were losing the black and Hispanic voters, so they wouldn't get them there.
So what's next?
Open the border, get at least 7 million, double that number to be safe.
They say 20 million have come in.
I heard conservatively it's between 12 and 15, which would cover that amount by two for 2024.
That way they can go to the right's talking point about using paper ballots and we won't be able to say they cheated with voting machines.
So once they got their quota of illegals as potential voters, the WEF, Greenlit, Abbott to act patriotically against the crisis, That's why I think it's taken three years to get to this point.
They got their quota of voters, but they feel they need to beat Trump, quote unquote, legitimately.
And they need all these people to be healthy, alive, and actually here, which is why they're getting all the perks and money.
So when they're activated, they've been properly taken care of and ready for the go-ahead.
And that's all I got to say.
Perfectly said, sir.
God bless you.
Amazing, Josh.
Thanks for holding to say that.
Wow, what incredible callers.
Can't wait to talk to the folks on X Spaces.
Tanner in Texas, welcome.
So all the callers have been very interesting today.
Good point.
All I want to say is this.
I use the analogy of the Titanic.
The iceberg has been struck.
There's nothing we can do about it.
What we need to do is realize, hey, we've got to get ready.
We've got to get prepared.
Women and children on lifeboats.
Let's go.
Let's get off this thing.
No matter how you want, they're going to do what they're going to do unless everyone stops paying taxes, unless everyone just stands up and stops.
You gotta get ready.
I live in a 1,200, 1,500 population in a West Texas town.
Yeah, I'm doing everything that I can, because the only thing, the only guarantee my kids have is a future of uncertainty.
And that's all I can give them.
But I'm going to give them the best leg up that I can.
So everyone's just got to get ready.
Have a guard in your backyard.
Go volunteer at your volunteer fire department.
Feel the pulse of your community so you can gauge Who's listening?
Who's interested?
I mean, there's normalcy biased everywhere.
But that's what we can do on a microcosm scale.
It's small victories every single day.
And that's what we have to do to push forward to win this thing.
Perfectly said, Tanner.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, you got to get ready because the government's at war with us.
It's gone.
They're human trafficking children by the millions.
I mean, it's just pure evil.
Tom in California.
Thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, nice to talk to you.
I got a question to ask you at the end.
I'll make this quick.
You know, when these people tell us the truth, like you'll eat bugs and know nothing, or you'll live in a tiny house, you'll eat GMOs, you'll take our guns, you know, disease X. Well, we don't like it when they tell us the truth.
So then they tell us all their lies.
The weather wars, the chemtrails, the shock, the Biden, the Maui fires, the food processing plants.
The fires in Canada, the border, the Ukraine bio labs, the money laundering, Israel, UFOs, the secret technology, the child trafficking, the Ohio derailment, January 6th, the crooked judges, the stolen election.
You know, if we don't do something, I think it's too late.
When you talk about no violence, when the violence happens, it'll be against our own American people and each other.
Here's my proposal.
Either we get off our duff, and I hope they don't get a dock at the door for this, but we need to overthrow the government.
And if we can't do it, the American people, us, if we can't do it, then let's ask Russia to help us.
Russia doesn't have any real power.
Well, let's be clear.
China basically runs the US.
But we have to admit we're under attack.
And we have to admit this is going down.
People have to get past their normalcy bias, as you were saying and others were saying.
And we have to realize that history is happening right now.
But yeah, we have organized evil waging war against us, brother.
And we're in a lot of trouble.
I appreciate your call.
We're in the new world order now, folks.
We're inside of it now.
And you saw the Border Patrol.
If you were just watching on TV, watching on InfoWars.com, ForgeLessShow, or on X, You saw the Border Patrol crying as they just hand little kids over to perfect strangers.
And they know they're aiding and abetting crime.
They're begging us to do something.
You got evil organized against us.
This is organized evil.
It's 100% real.
We got Rick, Mike, and Chris.
Rick, Mike, and Chris.
I'm going to go to you.
The no more calls on our phone line.
Everybody else will be from X spaces at Real Alex Jones.
And that'll also be simulcast for people that are like, I'm on X, I can't see the video.
It's on X, the video feed's there too.
So you're simulcast on a video feed and an audio feed.
I know Elon's working on making X-Spaces video too, that's great, but they haven't got that yet, so we're doing it here first.
So, you wanna take action, everybody listening, go to InfoWars.com forward slash show, share that link with your friends, your family, your neighbors, strangers, email list.
Text messages, but also go to Real Alex Jones and take the X's account, the X's feed, and share that and share the feed from Real Alex Jones, the video feed that's also there.
And will this one event save the world?
No, but this action together with others will.
Hour number three and your comments, live feeds, uncensored from X's spaces and phone calls, the people speak straight ahead.
Many Buffaloes die.
Bring us this information.
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Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
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The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
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Get a signed copy of the Great Awakening today at InfoWarsStore.com.
All right, good old-fashioned talk radio slash internet TV slash X Spaces.
All now happening.
We got a whole bunch of questions from folks on X that want to go live on air.
That's coming up as soon as I finish with Rick, Mike, and Chris.
So let's talk to Mike in California.
Your take on the so-called border bill that gives Biden dictatorial power over the US.
Oh, um, yeah, this border bill, I think, um, I look at it as like they're signing on, it's like they're a declaration of demonet.
You know, if you're, if you're tied onto this, if you're connected to this bill in any way, they just need to know that they will not be voted for.
It's, it's a way that they can just tell on themselves.
It's like these last three years.
That's a perfect way to say this person's a traitor.
I mean, and you know how hard it is to get in Trump's ear about who's good and who's bad and who we need to look out for.
But these last three years have been a blessing because they've told on themselves.
And this is kind of the final, you know, they're signing on to this, to the New World Order demonic, you know, criminal cabal.
And it's great.
It's like God's timing is so beautiful that it just lays out all of the things that they've done.
And we'll be able to see in their own words, their own actions, you know, how demonic they are.
Perfectly said, my friend.
Oh, and thank you so much for getting Dr. Kirk Elliott on this weekend.
I called you about three weeks ago asking about pensions and what you think might happen, and just watching the Saturday broadcast and looking forward to you guys connecting again this week.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, brother.
We're doing our best.
Thank you so much.
Rick in Mississippi, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
It's a little off topic, but I just got to know what your opinion is on it.
So the drone that killed the three U.S.
servicemen, they said they thought it happened to be a U.S.
drone, but they got confused.
I got thinking about it.
I wonder if that drone was led to Afghanistan.
That's a really great question, because they got $87 million of equipment, including thousands of drones.
Was it a repurposed U.S.
drone that identifiers on it that somebody else got?
I thought that actually when I saw that, because they admit they thought it was a U.S.
So, you know, it makes perfect sense.
You know, everybody's out and open now.
Why else would they leave all that stuff in Afghanistan if it wasn't to start another war?
Great points.
What do you make of the open border right now on this bill?
I don't think any bill's going to change anything.
They've got their agenda, they're going to do it.
Whether it's against the law or against the law, they don't care.
They're above it.
You know that Democrats don't get prosecuted.
So, any bills that get put forward is just lip service.
It's just something for us to get riled up about and argue about at the barbershop.
Until America fully wakes up, I don't think about 10% is woke right now.
Until everybody wakes up and realizes, you know, what's going on.
Bills don't matter.
Well said, Rick.
Thank you so much for calling.
All right, let's go to Chris in Indiana.
Go ahead, Chris, and we're going to X Comments.
A minute and a half.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Stuart Fonte, D.O.
Presently Bear.
We have mutual friends.
We walked in some of the same circles.
I believe you know some of my former friends down in Fort Bragg.
I lost my job down there because of the facts, but I'm a free agent now.
I heard you were thinking about heading down to the border.
Uh, I would like to offer my services.
I know security is expensive.
You won't have to pay me a dime.
I'll be part of the team.
I'll send you my DD-214, anything that you need to show who I am.
ID, references.
I know Doc Chambers.
I was the personal medic for General McChrystal.
I worked for Petraeus.
Executive protections, training, all of that stuff.
I got my own military working dog.
I got my own drone, my own mobile command center.
You name it, man.
If you need me, I'll hop in the truck and head down there right now.
Well, brother, we're not really hiring because we don't have any funds, but we do need more security.
We don't want people to work for us.
You don't need to hire me.
That's fine.
Give us your name and number and we'll give it to Tim Inlow, our security head.
Thank you so much, sir, and God bless you.
I appreciate you calling.
All right.
I love this city.
one minute break and come back with comments from X Spaces.
Appreciate all the callers, hate to cut you off, that's how we got to like
30 phone calls the last couple hours. Now we're gonna take comments from X Spaces
in one minute, stay with us.
I'm from Moscow.
I love this city.
It's beautiful.
Thank you.
It's really, yes, yes.
What do you do in Russia?
I just wanted to see.
So I wanted to talk to people and look around and see how it was doing.
And it's doing very well.
I think maybe interview Putin?
Why are you visiting Moscow with American media?
I don't know.
They're crazy.
Really crazy.
It's crazy.
Really crazy.
I should say. Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy. Really crazy.
All right. So listeners have been asking me, I've been flooded by phone calls from the media. Is Tucker Carlson
really in Russia?
Yeah, he's there.
He told me weeks ago he was going to go to Turkey and then probably go to Russia, and obviously that's off record, so I didn't talk about it at the time.
He's been wanting a Putin interview.
He got threatened by the NSA.
They later admitted the NSA was spying on Tucker.
He got really upset about that.
Obviously, as a big journalist, you want big interviews.
And in this modern age, they say, well, don't go interview somebody that the U.S.
is, quote, in a fight with.
Well, our reporters have interviewed Saddam Hussein, the Ayatollah Khomeini, all these people.
So, now that Tucker said it there, that's what he talked about when I talked to him a few days ago.
He said, man, Moscow's really nice.
People are really happy.
They're doing really well.
And I said, are you going to interview Putin?
He said, I don't know yet.
I'm trying.
So basically, that's where this is.
That's where this is going on.
You just saw him now.
Somebody in a hotel lobby or passageway asked him about it, and that's why he's there.
But since when in a free country can not one of our top journalists, the top journalist, go to interview somebody?
That shows you how serious this police state is.
And we've got this ex-post I did that's got over 2 million readers.
With Bill Kristol, the neocon, his dad was the main agent of Trotsky and the communists.
He says, perhaps we need a total and complete shutdown of Tucker Carlson re-entering the United States until the country's representatives can figure out what is going on.
Oh, the representatives are destroying us.
So I said, perhaps we need you brought up on war crimes.
He helped ensure the whole Iraq war, part two.
Bill wants open borders because he's an anti-American Trotskyite.
But he wants Tucker Carlson marooned outside his country with a crown of journalism.
Carlson can just walk across the southern border anytime he wants.
The Border Patrol would carry him on their shoulders across the river.
They would throw you in the river.
So, that's where we are in this country.
Not supposed to talk to our adversaries.
Unless it's Fang Fang, you know, having sex with Swallow's Well.
All right, we are also not just taking calls on talk radio here, we are also now, and we've done this a few times before, five or six times, we're doing a Spaces on X, taking your live questions and comments on air, unfiltered.
Not censoring you.
You're up there on the board.
Some people may blow up and cuss.
We're gonna go to you.
We gotta hang up on them.
Some people probably have a question.
We don't know what they're gonna say.
This is raw.
So Chase Geyser, great InfoWars talk show host, is in there running the space.
This is unfiltered.
This is gonna happen on the phone.
He's ready to start going to people that'll respond to Biden's border bill.
That literally gives the president dictatorial power over the government and funds the UN NGOs to accelerate the invasion.
We're taking those comments now.
Chase Geyser.
Let's hear first from Good Logic.
Good Logic, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you got to say if you're there with us.
Welcome, Good Logic.
Are you able to hear his stream?
If you're not able to hear him, I'm going to reconnect real quick.
Look, this happens on New Technology.
Let's move on to the next person.
If Good Logic's not there... Am I connected in?
Do you hear it?
I can hear you, Chase.
You're Good Logic.
Alright, let's try one more time.
Can you hear him now?
Good Logic, go ahead.
Good Logic, go ahead and unmute yourself and try again.
Oh, he left.
We're going to add... We're going to add Based Boys Media as a speaker.
Based Boys Media, are you there?
Go ahead and unmute yourself and speak.
Spaceboys Media, are you there?
Alright, looks like he is out.
Let's just stop here for a moment.
This is going to happen with any new technology.
We've done four or five of these I know of.
They've all gone very well.
And of course we're doing this now on the big main show and it's not working.
Everybody on X Spaces.
We are taking your comments live on my big show right now.
So you need to be focused on the control panel.
And if it doesn't work, we're not upset.
It'll probably be a Yahoo News story.
Oh my God, Alex Jones falls face on X's Spaces.
No, we innovate.
It's what we do.
But for everybody on Spaces, we're talking to you.
I know you're not used to talk radio where somebody goes to you and you talk to millions.
We want to expand this into the internet.
We want to bring talk radio to the internet.
We want to innovate.
We want to empower people.
Chase Geyser, who's up next?
Ivan Reikland.
Ivan Reikland, go ahead and unmute yourself.
Let's see if we can get your feed.
How about Base Boys Media?
Let's try Base Boys Media.
Go ahead and unmute yourself.
Let's see if we can get your feed.
Yeah, it's been glitching, but it's okay now.
here let's try Erickson report. Erickson report asked to speak a while ago and
we're gonna try to get him in. He's connecting right now as soon as you are
connected go ahead and unmute yourself Erickson. Do you have anything that you'd
like to share with the space? Erickson can you share anything with the space
that you have? Go ahead. Yeah it's been glitching it's been yeah it's been
glitching but it's okay now. Hello Alex. For the people in the space in the space
here Alex and I had individual TV shows in Austin Texas back in the early days.
Oh my God, is this Greg Erickson?
Is this Greg Erickson?
You know it's me.
I recognize your voice.
I remember you, brother.
Go ahead.
The only thing I have to say, Alex, is solutions.
The only solution I see to this new world disorder is the masses, the people, the global consciousness, global evolution.
And I don't think anything's going to change in this world till the people rise up.
Globally, so please folks get out there and start waking people up.
We don't have much time.
We got a small window of opportunity here.
Agenda 2030 is coming before 2030.
The WEF and the UN announced it, so we got a small window of opportunity.
Get out there and start waking up people.
Greg, you know, I knew you 29 years ago.
Some of the first shows I did were with you and Jeff Davis.
You're a great talk show host, anti-war, way ahead of the curve.
I miss you so much.
I miss your voice.
And I'm just glad to, I want to get you on as a guest.
And so, you know, send me a private message on X. What do you, spend a few minutes here, Greg Erickson, because as soon as I heard your voice, I knew who you were, about, isn't it crazy we warned of this 30 years ago and now it's all here?
Yeah, yeah, it's pretty wild.
Alex, you and I don't view everything the same, but we're both in this.
Everybody in these spaces, we're all in this together.
I have different views from you about what's going on, but here we are.
I started broadcasting.
Well, you can say whatever views are.
I just think you're a great guy.
I know we debated a few things.
You're more of a UFO guy sometimes, whatever.
But just what is your view, Greg?
You're not censored right now.
I know Greg Erstin, 29 years.
Greg, I would talk to you probably in 20 years or 15 years.
What is your view on what's happening in the world right now?
Well, in 2020, the globalists did a global takeover of the planet in 2020.
While everybody was looking for toilet paper, they completely missed that it was a global takeover.
Well, they're going to do it again.
They're going to take over again.
It could be a cyber attack.
It could be a million things.
But they are coming after us.
No doubt about it.
So, we're here talking.
What do you want to say about the world right now?
I think that's pretty much it for now, Alex.
Alright, Greg.
Well, I miss you, buddy.
And so, send me a private message on X, okay?
All righty then.
Man, I knew that guy like 29 years ago.
Some of the first shows I did was with Greg Erickson.
Great guy, great guy.
It's so good to hear his voice.
You know, as you get older, you get more nostalgic.
It's just like, it's just so great to hear his voice.
All right, we tried like seven, eight people before Greg Erickson got on.
Let's try it again.
We're here on Spaces on X.
We got Chase Geiser running the console.
Who's up next, Chase?
Alright, we are gonna try good logic.
I think we solved our little technical issue, our little hiccup there.
Good logic.
Try to unmute yourself and speak.
We should be able to hear you now.
Is my audio good now?
All good.
All right, finally.
All right, so I'm a New York attorney turned conservative podcaster, and I was covering this bill yesterday and breaking it down, and I want to separate some fact from fiction.
I want to start by pointing out that the Uniparty never lets a good crisis go to waste because they saw that the southern border is something that even Democrats are freaking about.
So they said, let's create a bill calling it "Emergency Southern Border Crisis" and
use that as an opportunity to send $60 billion to Ukraine.
How those two are related, God only knows.
Or I guess Congress can figure that out, because like I said, never let a good crisis go to
But this bill is such a disaster.
But there's one red herring that I think the right is complaining about, where they talk
about the 5,000 people per day.
That is a red herring.
and I want to separate fact from fiction.
The only thing that the left is correct about when they talk about this bill is that it would go into effect right away because they say we'll count the last six calendar days and and it could theoretically go into and if there was 5,000 day coming in there in that case the bill would come in.
That's the only thing that's actually accurate.
Nothing else they're saying about this bill is accurate.
This is how terrible it is.
They say that it can only the Emergency Powers Act to shut down the border Still must allow 1,400 people minimum to cross per day with no maximum, which theoretically means they can keep letting in 5,000, 7,000 people a day.
It literally puts no maximum on it.
Even if they did put a maximum on it, which is not anywhere in the bill, the fact is that they say you can only have this bill be in effect for year, for eight months out of the second year, and for six
months out of the third year. It's like we must keep our border open for a certain
number of months per year.
But it also says, it also says anytime the president wants to say the
emergency's over, he can do whatever he wants.
A hundred percent, hundred percent.
Although it seems to imply that he can only do it for 45 day periods at a time.
That he has the power to just take it off whenever he wants for 45 days at a time.
The point being, and this is the humiliating thing, because if this actually was any kind of shutdown, you have to ask yourself, why do we need a new bill to shut down the border?
We already have laws on the books that are designed to shut down the border.
All this bill does is it's an admission That this government, this administration, has the power to shut down the border.
They just don't want to.
They hate you.
They don't care about you.
No, I totally agree.
We want to get on as many people as we can.
Great points.
Thank you so much.
We're again, syndicated show on over 200 radio stations, bunch of TV stations, InfoWars.com forward slash show, banned on video, even when we get banned on X, you can find us at InfoWars.com forward slash show, so mark that down in your brain, InfoWars.com forward slash show, but so far we're not, we thank Elon for that, but let's go back to commenters.
Who's the next person, Jason?
Let's hear next from Nick Sartor.
Nick Sartor.
Go ahead and unmute yourself, Nick.
Oh, looks like he's, there he is.
Nope, I'm here.
Yeah, so, Alex, I know one of the biggest, we did your show, I guess back in September, I was on your show talking about Maui.
And I'm actually here right now, but when we see this border bill, this quote-unquote border bill, that is obviously it focuses more on Ukraine and Israel than it does the border, but You know, on the other hand, it just, it enrages me to think that we're going to send $60 billion to Ukraine, $14 billion to Israel, and we still can't get any aid out here for these people.
Well, that's right.
No aid for Maui, where they're stealing the property.
But that's what's happening is, and then the border bill gives Biden dictatorial power.
It's all a screw job.
They create a crisis, then they hold you hostage.
No, that's it.
That's exactly what it is.
And I mean, it told me every... Before I even saw the text of the bill, I knew that it was going to be a train wreck just because Joe Biden was backing it.
I mean, it tells me all I need to know.
I mean, the guy has been working and working and working to try to keep the border wide open.
Why would I believe that, you know, if he's not going to use his powers to do it anyway, why would I believe... I mean, this bill is just... It's a...
It's a farce.
It's just so that he can say he did something.
Everything they do is just pissing.
Like giving us poison shots that erase our immune systems.
They claim protect us from a virus they created in a lab.
Everything they do is a giant lie.
Great points, thank you.
Thank you so much.
Up next, Chase Geyser.
Alright, next up, let's hear from Derek Brose.
Derek Brose, are you with us?
Go ahead and unmute yourself.
I am.
Thanks for having me.
I live in Mexico.
I live just splitting the border between Rio Colorado and Baja California.
And so I speak to a lot of people around here and I spoke on your show a couple days ago, Alex, maybe a week ago, and was mentioning that the Mexican military here is training for a massive influx of Americans coming in this direction.
And it's an important thing to note.
No, that's beyond huge.
And I've seen that even in the news.
The Mexican military is preparing, like Ron Paul said 15 years ago, the border walls for citizens, not for illegals.
So start over and flesh that out.
Yeah, 100%.
You know, I've been saying for years that that border wall is to keep you in, not to keep people out.
And that's obvious of what we're seeing right now.
But we've got massive Chinese nationals.
And keep in mind, I mean, this is just a question.
You know, you've got Governor Greg Abbott that is busing and flying people, all of these migrants.
All over the country into strategic places.
I mean, is that part of the plan as well?
What the hell is going on when you've got the Mexican military?
And I wanted to get them on video, Alex, and I will.
But, you know, down here, you've got to be really careful at who you record.
And, you know, you can't be a journalist down here because you just don't know.
And so I talk to them personally one-on-one, get that message, put it out, and then I try to gain some leverage with some of the leaders as I understand who they are.
But I'm going to have a lot more of this coming up here in a short while.
Well, beautifully done, sir.
We appreciate you.
Any other points you want to add?
No, I just want to add everybody be vigilant right now.
I mean, just pay attention to what's going on around you.
Stop listening to the media.
This emergency border bill that gives Biden dictator power.
I mean, it was quite obvious that he said, I'll shut down the border as long as you pass this bill.
He already has that ability.
So asking for them to pass that, clearly there was something else in there.
I mean, people just need to pay attention.
Yeah, he's holding us hostage.
He's holding us hostage.
Anything he does is more power.
Great points.
Thank you so much.
All right, Chase, who's up next?
Let's hear from Jim Pfaff next.
Jim Pfaff, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you got to say.
Thanks for that.
Hey, Alex, I spent eight years on Capitol Hill as the Chief of Staff for two different members of Congress, and I gotta tell you the craziness behind this effort, which is just a lot.
James Lankford, whom I know and I like him personally, but he comes out and says that people are lying about this.
That could not be further from the truth.
As Derek pointed out just a moment ago, Joe Biden has the ability to shut the border down anytime that he wants to, and he won't do it.
This entire thing is a ruse, the typical ruse that these members of Congress do all the time to try to push something in that they want.
Entirely against the will of the American people.
There's a price to pay for this, but we definitely have to take this thing down or else it's going to become law and then no one's going to want to change it back.
That's how they play this game in Washington, D.C.
Do you believe Speaker Johnson when he says the bill's dead on arrival?
Well, I think I do believe him, because I don't think he can pass it anyway, frankly.
There are Republicans... So why is Schumer so pleased?
Schumer's pleased because there is a chance that Johnson will let this through.
And he believes that they can push the narrative enough to shame these people who only get shamed by other people in D.C.
They don't get shamed by the will of the American people.
They're shamed by the people they trust.
That's key.
Why do they only care about the pressure of D.C.
when it's so unpopular?
Well, because that's what everything that they do on a day-to-day basis once they become members of Congress is related to what people will say about them one-on-one in D.C.
at Capitol Hill Club or wherever they happen to go.
And that's the problem.
They're a shame factor.
In fact, I remember when we went up, I went up there in the Tea Party movement with Congressman Tim Healscamp.
Amazing points.
And what he was constantly told was, "Hey, dude, you got to take the tough votes."
But the tough votes weren't the ones that are following the Constitution and doing things
The tough votes were the ones where they were demanded to go against the will of their constituents.
That's the game that's played, and people buy into it far too quickly once they get
up there.
Amazing points.
Thank you for being part of this.
This is a special edition of the Cities of the Future.
Thank you.
Chase Geyser, who's up next?
Let's hear from Frank L. DaSilva.
Frank, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you got to say.
Hello Alex, everybody in the space.
Alex, I've been aware of you since before Waco.
You've done Done some fascinating work over the years and this is a good segue into your friend that was, you know, you were trying to kind of get back in touch with your friend.
The American people are not stupid.
Everything from fellow journalists to citizen journalists that are down there on the border.
This kind of thing has been going on for, you know, 40 plus years.
And the people behind a lot of this is, of course, our own intelligence services, i.e., are you familiar with the CMA, the Civilian Material Association?
That was pretty much running the border back when you were young coming up, right?
And Gene Hassenfuss, this whole connection between CIA, running guns, running drugs, that whole... This is a complete intel operation, obviously.
The American people know it, intuitively, if not, you know, completely intellectually.
So, just going forward, there's been a hashtag that's been floating around Twitter for quite a while, called General Mobilization.
I want to know your feelings If we are going to stop these issues at our border, this is not a border that is controlled and owned by any federal government.
This is our border.
And what do you feel about a general mobilization?
I don't know what general mobilization is.
That would be the government in a war, mobilizing the people.
I mean, we already see a bunch of truckers down there, 14 governors, you know, at the border right now saying what's happening is wrong.
That's all great attention to this, but I don't know the specifics.
All right.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I just wanted to get on and give you some kudos and just hang in there.
Oh, by the way, mention more about Western Civilization, will you please?
It's under attack, brother.
We're all about Western Civilization.
All right.
We're in a live X Spaces simulcast in full wars.com for slash show.
Quick break.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Media matters, the Democratic Party, MSNBC and others have asked me to apologize for making a parody video game criticizing the deep state and all the corruption.
And to all them, I just want to say this.
Go f*** yourselves!
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And I want to invite everyone, before they are successful at banning, which I hope they aren't, to go to alexjonesgame.com and follow the link to Steam and download this game for $17.76 as a message to the New World Order.
F*** you!
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Get Alex Jones New World Order Wars right now at AlexJonesGame.com because anything badass gets censored!
You know I see a comment with a live show feed on X that gets millions of views a day I see.
People say, why are there ads on here?
Well, remember, there's still talk radio.
Remember when TV and radio, it didn't watch you, you watched it?
You just dialed in to UHF, VHF, AM, FM, shortwave, and you watched TV, you listened to radio, it didn't watch you.
So I get all the young people, middle-aged folks aren't on talk radio anymore.
I'm an old guy now, I'm 50.
I've been on air for 30 years, coming up in April.
I started out on talk radio.
We're still on AM and FM stations across the country.
Still have big audiences.
It's not as big as it once was, but it's still substantive.
And when they tried to take us off the air five years ago, with the deplatforming, thank God there was still talk radio left.
That's how we stayed on air and people could go find the live streams on those local talk stations.
And the left got a list of our stations.
They called and threatened them.
Some dumped us.
But most of them said, you know, they threatened us.
We got you on late night.
We're going to put you on prime time because of this threat.
So it backfired on them.
But we're here now simulcasting on X. And it's a talk radio format on the Internet.
So that's why there's ads.
And so that's why we're doing this.
But it is your support keeps us on air.
We're not fun about Soros, The Globalist, The New World, we're fun about you.
Got great products at InfoWars4.com.
All right, Chase Geiser, great talk show host, great InfoWars crew member.
He's one that said months, a month ago, we should be on X with Spaces, did one with Elon, and a bunch of other people, General Flynn, Jack Posobiec, Andrew Tait, the list goes on and on.
Patrick McDavid.
So now we're doing some of these here.
And our plan is soon to just do it all the time.
That way we don't just have regular callers, we can also go to X and take your calls.
So we got over 100 people have questions right now on X. And so, we'll try to get through some of those.
Who's up next?
Let's hear from Based Boys Media.
Based Boys Media, go ahead and unmute yourself and speak.
Hello, can you guys hear us loud and clear?
Go ahead, brother.
Alright, so, I mean, I'll say the obvious here.
I mean, this is obviously a total opposite of securing the border.
It's a $118 billion package that, with doing the math, it's 17% of this is aid to the border.
And it's clear that this is more of a foreign aid package rather than, you know, attempt to... Exactly.
Hold us hostage with the border.
Give $2.3 billion to the UN for NGOs.
It's horrible.
Yeah, and you know, this is what they're going to do.
They're going to get the illegals to vote.
I think this is the biggest card that the left is going to play or the corrupt politicians in D.C.
are going to play to keep Trump out of office.
And you know, many people have asked me personally is what can we do To prevent that, and I don't see many Republicans making an initiative to, you know, restore elections and have elections.
Well, the earlier caller said it.
Why are all these old Republicans only concerned about the beltway or dinosaur media?
The dinosaur media is dead.
Everybody hates it because they're blackmailed and they're intimidated.
It's not just they care about mainstream media.
They're blackmailed.
And, you know, I mean, That's why, you know, platforms like me and platforms like you, Alex, that are viewer funded are going to be the, you know, the new wave of media.
But to really just, I keep it simple.
Take local action.
Influence anybody and everybody.
Even if you don't know somebody that's not in political space, somebody that doesn't care, you have to get them involved because we've got our backs up against the wall with the election.
Because if we don't do anything, they're going to register illegals.
It's super easy to get these illegals' IDs.
Yeah, they're all doing it.
Here's the good news and the bad news.
Stuff's going to get so bad now, people don't want to be behind the curve.
You're almost behind the curve now.
You know, I'm 30 years ahead of it.
Other people are way more ahead of me.
You better get ahead of this.
This isn't like some talk show with random information.
This is the real world right now.
This is the future.
And people better dial in now.
They better get it now.
Because things are going to get so bad, folks, you'll have no way to deny it.
Yeah, you gotta keep pushing forward and stop being distracted by, I mean, who cares who's in the Super Bowl this weekend?
We have got to border protect and we've got to restore our sovereignty in this nation.
I mean, it's that simple, but some people just don't care.
Well, great point, sir.
How did people find you again?
So we're on Baseboys Media and we stream on Rumble Monday through Friday at 8 p.m.
Well, all you guys out there and gals of the future, Chase, you are such a gentleman.
You did a great job at the border.
You're in there running the spaces.
We've got to hook it through a phone to do it.
So we've got to have somebody in there to run it.
You're doing it.
You volunteered.
But spend a few minutes yourself on where you think America is as a patriot, as a father, what your prognosis is.
So it's really easy to be blackpilled as far as I'm concerned, especially since working at InfoWars, we're following the news every single day, every single headline that comes out, every single broadcast, and it's so easy when you see the plans of the New World Order and the Globalists just manifest.
And they've literally published what they're going to do via the news, via the documents, via the meetings and the streams that they have at Davos.
They tell you exactly what they're going to do, so it's so easy to be blackpilled.
But if I've come to learn one thing, There's nothing that guarantees the victory of Globalists or the New World Order more than losing hope and giving up.
And so, I don't want to be the reason that the Globalists or the New World Order wins because I just decided that they're going to win and it's hopeless.
And so, one of the things I love about InfoWars is despite all of the onslaught that we faced, the orcs at Helm's Deep, so to speak, we stand tall as the remaining 300 looking over the wall.
And we fight back.
And as long as one American, in my opinion, as long as one American has America still in their heart, then America can exist again in the world.
Exactly, because even if the globalists took over completely, people are going to want that freedom again.
We have to continue.
This is our most powerful time ever, folks, because now it's not beta testing, it's out in the open.
Anything else?
We've got a bunch of speakers.
No, I mean that's it.
Do you want me to go to the next person?
Yes, sir.
Okay, let's hear from Aisha.
Aisha, please forgive me if I'm pronouncing your name incorrectly.
Go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you've got to say if you're still there.
If not, we'll move on to the next speaker.
Aisha, are you there?
Yeah, I'm here.
You're welcome.
Thanks, Chase.
And thanks, Alex.
I appreciate you guys.
I agree with you guys.
This is a very important time for a million different reasons.
I have eyes on the border crisis and what I'm seeing in Chicago.
We have 29,000 migrants and our airports, our bus stations, our streets are not just stricken and polluted with people with nowhere else to go.
By the way, I don't mean to interrupt you, Asia, but that's the number they're telling you.
It's probably a million in Chicago.
I know.
I'm trying to be very careful about what I say, because I'm a conservative brown female, so I get eaten alive.
I hear you.
Go ahead.
Sorry to interrupt.
No, thank you.
And, you know, a week ago it was negative 29 degrees here.
Cook County is now fining the transportation systems that come in because we don't have any input, awareness, or scheduling on when the buses are going to come.
And they just keep coming.
People are waiting outside in negative zero degree temperatures.
That's so un-American to me.
It's war.
It's just, it's unspeakable.
I'm born and raised in Chicago and I've never seen anything like this.
Well, you're ground zero for the takeover of America.
I'm with you.
What else do you want to add, Asia?
One of the things that I like about what you talk about is the questions that you ask.
You ask brilliant questions.
So earlier you asked somebody about why Schumer's so optimistic.
Why do you think he is?
Because he's already hurt America bad and he has this spirit against us and
he got all the blackmail and he sees Mitch McConnell doing he tells him and he's just
he's just he's just pure evil.
All right Asia thank you so much.
Great questions, great comments.
Chase, next person.
Let's hear next from Diligent Denison.
Diligent Denison, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you got to say.
All right, thank you, Chase, and thank you, Alex.
Thank you both for all of your hard work.
Yeah, I want to talk about the elephant in the room a little bit.
You know, we saw Tucker with Dr. Weinstein this last week highlighting an embedded migrant story within the mass economic migration.
He said it's clearly a military invasion.
Clearly a military invasion.
I'm curious.
I know you guys have been on the border.
Are you seeing any Chinese nationals at the Texas border?
They're all over the place.
Countless videos, countless reports.
Yeah, I mean, China is invading us.
I don't know what the plan is exactly, but it's going down.
Yeah, it's really hard to get any kind of public officials to even speak on this.
It's like they don't dare utter the word China, even though there's clearly... Oh, an earlier caller from my show made the point, the governors always get below the highways, the bridges, because the highway's wide open when the illegals come across.
They act like, oh, it's not official.
No, it's official.
And I'm wondering if they're not skipping Texas and going into California, will they be welcomed with open arms?
I talked to Drew Hernandez this morning.
He got basically chased by drug cartels.
He's in California.
It's exactly what you're saying.
We shifted him there.
Yeah, it's something that we all need to be concerned about.
This isn't a political issue.
It's a national security issue.
Thank you, Alex, and thank you, Chase.
Great point.
Chase, comments on that?
Yeah, well, as far as Chinese nationals are concerned, it was interesting because when we were at the gate of Shelby Park, We noticed that there were some Chinese national journalists that rolled up in Denali and they got out and they spoke broken English.
They actually helped us out a little bit.
We asked them a couple of questions, but China is very much watching what's happening on our border and the fact that they've taken such an interest in something that should be irrelevant to them as a nation overseas is very alarming to me.
Next up.
Dead right.
Let's hear from the Honey Badger.
Honey Badger, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you got to say.
Hey, thanks so much.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak, Alex.
So it is to my understanding that this bill that's getting floated also includes $60 billion to Ukraine.
And taking a step forward from that, when we're talking about California, it was at the beginning of January, I believe, the number was something like 50,000 people had flooded San Diego from various parts of the world.
And of course, you know, That this being a sanctuary state, those people, you know, the mayor of San Diego, etc., is basically blaming, and this is interesting, basically blaming the federal government for not giving us enough money to house these people.
So you can understand how unfair that is to states that are not sanctuary, etc., but $50,000, and at that time it was counted It was 128 well-dressed young Chinese men that had come over the border and they were just front and center, locked up, very clean.
Didn't really look like they needed asylum for any reason.
So we had been sounding this alarm and I know a lot of people in San Diego, including people that are on the Board of Supervisors, etc., had been trying to sound this alarm and they were shut down and removed before even saying anything.
We can show you 100 videos of 500, 1,000 Chinese men coming across.
But you try to fly from Austin to Dallas, they want to grab your testicles to make sure you're not a terrorist.
It's all a power trip.
It's all a power grab.
It's over-the-top evil.
So, have you spoken at all about the amount of money, again, the $60 billion more to Ukraine?
Yeah, there's like tens of billions to Israel, $60 billion to Ukraine.
It's not a border bill.
$2.3 billion to the NGOs, the UN, makes Biden a dictator over the border.
Yeah, I talked about it the first hour.
I only did the last hour and a half on spaces because I didn't want everybody to sit there on hold while I talked.
I got it, thank you.
So, thank you for having this show because certainly people wouldn't be aware if you weren't speaking about it because they certainly aren't speaking about it in the mainstream.
Well, thank you.
I want to ask you, everybody, take the best clips of this, repost it on your ex-accounts.
The power is you.
When you take action, nothing can stop you.
Thank you.
Senate, we've got a Senate candidate that's in requesting to speak and been very patient with us.
Go ahead and unmute yourself, Thomas, and share what you got to share.
Hey, so thanks, Chase, and thanks, Alex.
First, I want to apologize.
I just had jaw surgery last week.
You know, I'm running against Senator Lindsey Graham here in South Carolina in 2026.
I've spent the last four months down here on the border in Arizona, and I've caught hours and hours of video and documentation.
Again, country. And you know it's interesting Alex because just
two days ago when I was down in Lukeville at the border there, I got approached
in the middle of the night as we were being receiving an influx of these
illegals coming into our country and the CBP officers came up to me and
told me I wasn't authorized to be on the border road, that they
closed it down to the American people. So that's an insult in this 60 billion
dollar budget that is being included in this package. Going to the Ukraine,
that has nothing to do with our southern border. It has nothing to do with
securing our southern borders whatsoever. So this is an insult against the American
people in general and we need to do something about it. So Alex, Chase, thank you
for your time. I appreciate it. Thank you. Up next, let's hear next from
Adrian Dittman. Adrian Dittman, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you got
to say and then we'll move on to other speakers. Go ahead Adrian.
Oh yes, hello.
So something I would like to know is, there are many theories as to why the border crisis is being perpetuated the way that it is.
What do you think is the reason?
There are many theories I've already had since Title 42 lifted.
As a matter of fact, I was one of the first people on Spaces to say That these people are being brought in for a multitude of reasons, one of which are potentially to saturate, say, the voting market, if you want to think of it that way.
What do you think?
Well, first I want to say you sound like Elon Musk, and you're absolutely right.
The Democrats admit they're bringing in a permanent voting bloc, but they also sign up and control and then skim the welfare and payments they get, like almost people, off the top.
You want to comment on that, Chase Geyser?
Yeah, I was managing the space here, Alex.
I'm sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention to respond in a cognitive way.
Well, let him ask the question again.
You're saying they're bringing these people in to be voting block.
I think that's admitted.
Oh, yes, yes, absolutely.
Well, the thing that's so interesting about it is they're moving people from, like, Texas to sanctuary cities, which are primarily Democratic states.
And so what's going to happen is the census is going to roll around, and these Democratic states are going to have all these people counted as citizens who aren't really citizens, and it's going to increase the number of representatives they have in the House of Representatives, as well as the number of Electoral College votes that they get.
So there's going to be a disproportionate Democratic representation in our federal government.
And almost no one's talking about that.
We have Republicans, you know, talking about, oh, is the border broken?
It's broken by design.
We have Democrats out of New York, Illinois saying, oh, don't worry, we're getting more blue seats out of this.
Do you want to go on to the next speaker?
I see Malcolm Flex is in here.
He is somebody who I respect personally.
He'd be a great speaker.
Go ahead, Malcolm, and unmute yourself and say what you have to say to the group.
Don't know if you guys can hear me properly again.
Computer loves that.
No, you sound good.
Go ahead.
So, again, this is one of those interesting situations because, I mean, right now what you're looking at, number one, with the border bill, but also just with the massive influx of migrants is a multi-layered hedge.
Number one, you've got individuals that exist within the CCP, which, again, we don't know what kind of compromise they have on the Biden administration coming in.
Because there are several Chinese nationals.
Yes, some of them may be fleeing the CCP, but you know, there's an equal part number of operatives coming in.
Well, let's explain that.
They hold their families hostage and say, this is on record, your mom and dad are in a forced labor camp.
Your brother and sister go here and ship in fentanyl or do what we say or do this or they're dead.
Exactly and that's dangerous because number one China's already made clear their ambitions to take South China Sea and we've already seen that these that a lot of individuals that are beholden to the CCP can actually set up Extrajudicial police departments beholden to the CCP within the United States.
That happened.
By the way, a new viewer doesn't believe that.
They already caught the last two years hundreds, including Austin where I live, secret CCP police stations grabbing and torturing Chinese in America.
So they're the enforcement network here for those people.
You've got that issue.
You've got- No, I wasn't trying to- I wasn't trying to just- I wasn't trying to trump you and say, yeah, I know what you're talking about.
I was just backing you up, brother.
You're dead on.
No, no, I- Definitely.
Keep going.
No, no, definitely.
And there's just so many other- There's so many other parts to this.
But, you know, one thing- Yeah.
The one thing that I definitely will say is going to also be an issue is, you know, given the destabilization in the Middle East, you've got several other individuals coming in from these countries that we're currently declared hostile against as well.
But then on the front, when it comes to the South American, the individuals from South America, they're coming from the countries typically that have a more authoritarian government, and birthright citizenship still exists.
So it's not only the short game of the census seeding, but then you have to look at when they have kids, those kids eventually will grow up to become single issue voters, and we have not done anything towards birthright citizenship.
And if you think that's going to be easy when redistricting happens, I got another thing to tell you.
So, then these kids will become single-issue voters.
They're in Democrat population centers where they're receiving, you know, their families are subsidized by this welfare.
So, of course, they're going to vote in favor of what is helping them.
They're a captured population.
Incredible points.
Thank you so much, sir.
Wow, amazing caller.
Not a caller, it's a connector.
I hate to cut that commenter off, but let's move the next person.
Let's hear next from AlphaWarrior.
AlphaWarrior is another Patriot whom I respect quite a bit.
He's requested to speak for quite some time here.
AlphaWarrior, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you gotta say, and if we don't hear from you in a couple of seconds, we'll move on to the next.
Good morning, good afternoon, you guys.
Thanks for having us.
Question, what possibility do we have that these illegals that are coming across the border have some type of illnesses or bioweapons in them already?
And if that's the case, what can Americans do to protect themselves from this and the rest of the country?
That's right, they're telling us there's an imminent bioweapon about to hit us and take our rights.
This is the perfect cover.
Give me your take.
I feel like, you know, why try to transfer a device or vials when you can just have these people that are already, you know, packed with it, or they're already sick with it.
They come in, they spread out these camps, these camps are getting sent to all the different states in our country, and all of a sudden you're getting these new viruses that we haven't seen in decades, or even stuff that's new, and it's getting to the American population.
Perfectly said.
Thank you for the comment.
Chase, guys, what's your take on that?
Yeah, well, one of the things that was really interesting when we were at the border, not only did we notice clothes and backpacks that were strewn all over the wall from people crossing the border, changing into dry clothes, and then just leaving their wet clothes and belongings behind, but I noticed there were prescription medications, just like the little pill packs where you punch the pill through the aluminum, all over the place.
And one of the ones that I picked up and looked at was Cipro, so that's an antibiotic.
We looked it up.
It was just interesting.
These people are coming over here sick.
They're on antibiotics.
They're leaving their drugs, literally, strewn about with their backpacks and their socks and their underwear and their jackets and their jeans all over the border.
So there's definitely an onslaught of just sick people coming into our country, Alex.
All right.
Chase Geyser, stay there.
We got to go to break because we're on talk radio.
We have breaks.
Remember old-fashioned TV and radio folks?
We're still on that.
We got the great Gerald Cilente, top French forecaster coming up in about 15 minutes.
We'll continue the spaces until the show's over in an hour and five minutes.
But it won't be comments then, you'll just get the stream of what Gerald Cilente said.
If you want to see the video, you'll go to InfoWars.com forward slash show.
You'll go to RealLogShowZoneX.
We got a video feed up there, you'll see it.
But I want to come back.
For 15 minutes.
We'll skip the next network break so Celente gets his time.
Celente will take over at 15 after.
We're going to go to break here in a moment.
We're going to come right back with more comments live from X. Uncensored, you're just on the board.
We're putting you up.
This is what the system doesn't want.
This scares them so much.
And this is the bridge of old-fashioned talk radio into the future.
Very, very excited to be here.
Hell, maybe I'll just take off the next week.
I've got a lot of stuff behind the scenes I've got to deal with.
And maybe I'll just have Chase host the show.
A little bit of a prelude you're getting right now.
Before I make the decision, we'll just do X every day and take calls for four hours.
I think that's what people want to hear.
I think that's what they want.
No, no.
I made the decision.
I'll fill you guys in and come up in a minute with what I've got to deal with.
Because I've got to decide.
I've got to explain to viewers and listeners what's happening behind the scenes and where InfoWars is.
I'll say it again.
You think your grandparents will be there forever and one day they die?
You think your folks will be there forever and one day they're dead?
This operation cannot operate without you.
I need your word of mouth.
I need you to share the articles and videos.
The Enemies of Freedom hate this broadcast and I need you to go to InfoWarsTore.com and get incredible products that will empower your life.
Like Next Level Foundational Energy.
I spent an hour about what it does.
Nitric Boost that cleans out your blood and vasodilates and there's so many things.
Those products are 30 to 40% off.
Those sales are about to end.
Get a Team Humanity shirt inspired by my Elon Musk interview.
Get a 1776 Gadsden flag shirt I designed.
Whatever you do, please support us.
We're only here because of your support.
I thank the supporters, but I want to encourage those that haven't bought products, do it now!
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage, so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at mfullworthstore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
All right, 15 minutes left.
Got a one-minute break coming up to join some stations.
Chase Geiser is riding shotgun with us.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Chase Geiser, who's up next?
Let's hear from our one and only Timothy Lassley.
Timothy Lassley, go ahead and unmute yourself.
Let's hear what you got to say.
Alex, how's it going?
I really appreciate you taking on this massive dilemma and We've got to recognize there's a globalist takeover to defeat it.
That's the first part of the battle.
than through the information war.
So I encourage, and I don't know about you, but when you think about a decentralized movement
across the United States, like a million town march where everybody just gets together
and has no fear of the government and no longer can give excuses and may say
about what they need to do in the United States in order to win our country back peacefully.
We've got to recognize there's a globalist takeover to defeat it.
That's the first part of the battle.
Anything else?
Well, I just would really like to encourage everybody to go out and be neighbors to one another
and start talking about what Alex is talking about.
And so you can break through the algorithm because the algorithm is built around you.
You think you're getting connections.
You think you're getting traction in your social media.
I guarantee you, you're not.
You're just getting, we're in a box right now.
So in order to get out of that box, in order to get more exposure to the truth, Gotta go out there and be... No, I agree.
We gotta do what Chase Geyser just did with Drew Hernandez and Tim Inlow.
They did a great job at the border.
We reached tens of millions of people.
Knocked it out of the park.
Thank you so much.
Up next... Let's hear from Free Speech Studios.
They've been waiting patiently a long time to chat.
They've got a good following.
Let's hear what you have to say, Free Speech Studios.
Yes, thank you for having me on.
Can you hear me?
So Alex, in the state of Texas, the Biden administration is running 150 illegal alien camps for children.
We went undercover at one of them, and we have the NGO supervisors for the night shift and for the day shift telling us their names, their faces, their roles, and describing the entire process.
Well listen, I want to link up with you because we want to go back to the border and show the NGO centers with the kids.
So give us, Chase knows who you are, but we want to go with you in the next few weeks down there.
Alright, excellent.
Tell us more about it and we're going to get your contact info.
Chase has got it.
I want to work with you.
Thank you so much, Alex.
I also have a source that's high-ranking in the National Guard.
I can provide that to you guys.
We have, essentially, live access to everything that's happening.
This source is extremely reliable and has been sharing everything that's happening, including the political theory.
Yeah, because they feel terrible about what's happening.
So, Chase, you know how to contact this guy, right?
Alright, so tell us what you're seeing.
So, we've been doing a lot of reporting on the border.
We were there when, after the governor signed the order banning CBP from Shelby Park, we were there that very next morning.
And so, we caught them on camera handing the illegals to DPS, and then DPS handed the illegals to CBP.
I went live on National News with Grant Stinchfield.
I told him the border is secure because I didn't know what had happened to those people.
I thought that they might be deported, but then my source in the National Guard called me after and he said, you just lied to the American people.
I trust you.
Let me tell you the truth about what's happening.
CBP is right outside of the park.
We just handed these people over.
Yes, they're charging them with trespassing, but none of these people are being detained very long.
They are handed to CBP and released into the country, Alex.
Absolutely huge.
I'm looking at new footage that the caller talked about earlier of San Diego with 50,000 illegal aliens there in San Diego alone.
We're going to cover this when we come back, but I mean this is just full-on insane asylum.
And that's where Drew Hernandez is right now.
Honey Badger called earlier.
50K undocumented strangers have flooded the San Diego border since September.
Look at that.
Alright, we will get in contact with you.
We will get down there.
All these closed Walmarts, you name it, it's all happening.
But we're going to show you this footage when we come back, ladies and gentlemen.
Wow, look at that.
That's San Diego right now.
I mean, this is war, folks.
All right, back in 60 seconds.
All right, in about 10 minutes, I'll hand the baton to the great Gerald Celente, Top Trends Forecaster.
He'll finish out the hour.
We'll continue that on Spaces.
Everywhere else, we'll cut the feed, and Owen Shroyer takes over in about 55 minutes at InfoWars.com for his last show with the War Room.
All right, Chase Geiser, who's up next?
Let's hear from Spunky Conservative Patriot, who has been waiting patiently.
Spunky, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you gotta say.
If we don't hear from you in a couple seconds, we'll move on.
Go ahead, Spunky.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Chase.
Thank you so much for having me.
I wanted to speak from the concept of an educator.
I wanted to remind everyone that these illegals are coming into our schools.
They are not only being housed in schools and then displacing American students and causing them to go back to virtual learning.
But in other places, they're actually coming into the classrooms.
These kids have not had their shots.
They have not had immunizations.
So they are bringing things like hepatitis and tuberculosis and exposing our students to that.
And they're exempt from the shots, as you pointed out.
Yes, exactly.
And so people need to go boots on the ground to their local school boards to protest this peacefully and let them know that if anyone needs to be secluded, why not let those children be virtually taught instead of making our American children be the But that's key technocracy.
They use the AI to make everybody go home while all the infrastructure, the schools, the gymnasiums, like in Chicago, no more football.
Sorry, illegal aliens live there now.
This is literally a takeover.
It's so insane.
I just want to speak from an educator's standpoint because it's bullshit, basically.
That's all.
It is BS.
Thank you so much.
Next up.
Let's hear next from BAM Investor.
All right.
BAM Investor, go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you have to say.
Hey guys, so a big fan, been following you since the late 90s, Alex.
First off, I've got three stories directly from San Francisco.
I'll let you guys choose.
Would you rather hear a story about... Go ahead, tell your stories.
Go ahead, just tell them.
Okay, this will be quick.
So first story about how broken things are and the way the sanctuary cities work together.
I heard a woman screaming one day, looked out the window, there was a guy beating and kicking the skinny woman on the ground, who's a homeless person that was dying of cancer.
I run down...
Spook the guy away, call the cops.
He's walking around the neighborhood.
Finally, he goes to the lowered parking deck underneath a hotel.
I follow him to the edge.
Bad looking dude, tattoos on the face, sort of a Hispanic Mike Tyson build.
Cops come, total stud cop, goes down to the parking deck, dark parking deck with a flashlight, finds this guy hiding under a car, brings him back up, cuffs him, puts him against the wall.
So I identify him, say, yeah, there's the guy.
He was, you know, beating this woman.
She's too scared to press any charges, so she just wants to leave him alone.
They go over to the woman.
So it ends just like New York with them flipping everybody off?
I mean, exactly.
So then they say, will you press charges?
I say, yeah, I'll press charges.
He calls everything in.
He calls the guys.
You know, they give them this ID in San Francisco, even though they're, you know, illegal.
Turns out he's got outstanding warrants from Florida and Texas for assault.
So I said, yeah, I'll go to court and I'll, you know, this guy's a bad guy.
I'll go to court or whatever.
The guy talks to some people at headquarters, pulls me around the corner, says, hey, Jim, we appreciate the hell out of what you're doing.
But this guy, they're not going to prosecute him.
He's going to know your address.
You're married.
Your wife won't be safe.
I said, so what's going to go on?
Well, so that's just like they told Kerry Lake when they said, we want to pay you off for that run.
She said, well, I'm not going to back down.
They go, well, the Mexican mafia will get you.
Then I say, so what's going to go on?
Oh, absolutely.
You're going to deport him back to either Texas or Florida, right?
Because they've got outstanding warrants for assault charges.
He says, no, man, when you're a sanctuary city, it's like a hot potato.
And they're not, they don't want the person and the liability and the cost.
And so he un-cuffed this guy and he just walked away.
Now, I can tell you guys one other quick story.
I don't want to hog the time, but if you want to hear a story about... We want to hear the stories.
Keep telling us.
Okay, so Alex, I have a personal friend, and he doesn't want to be known publicly, so I'm not going to say his name.
But the most upstanding guy you'll ever meet, okay?
He's a Christian from Lebanon, came to the United States back during the Civil War under political asylum, okay?
Works his way up different jobs across the United States, ends up here in San Francisco, scratches together enough money to buy a corner store, okay?
Owns the corner store.
Is like the mayor of the city.
All the women around town bring their kids here while they're growing up.
Everybody loves him.
So then all of these famous families from San Francisco act like they love the guy.
The Feinsteins knew him and went and got yogurts from him.
The Pelosi family knew some.
London Breed comes over like a grifter and takes photographs in front of the store because a historic store that's been in continuous operation for a hundred years.
Everyone wants to grift.
The guy's never had his citizenship.
He spent tens of thousands of dollars with a lawyer just to be able to fill out the paperwork and be able to stay here.
Never even had a speeding ticket in his life.
And they will not give this guy citizenship.
They told him... No, that's it.
If you do it legally, they don't let you because they want you as a permanent underclass.
They can control.
Amazing points.
Thank you.
Let's get Chase Geyser's quick take on that.
Yeah, it's just, it's absolutely asinine, the lack of justice that we have when justice is needed and the amount of lawfare we have when there is no justice that is needed.
Alright, how many more people do we have wanting questions on X?
Only 90, Alex.
Alright, I apologize to everybody.
Gerald Cilente, great trends forecaster, was already supposed to be on 10 minutes ago.
He's about to take over.
We'll continue the spaces.
After the rest of the hour, you can hear him, the great points he has to make.
But we will do more spaces here.
A couple days a week when we take calls.
Some days only make you wait while we take calls.
We'll go right to spaces and we will take your comments live on air.
Chase Geiser, thank you so much for the great job.
We really appreciate you and the crew.
Thank you.
All right, I'm about to hand the baton to Gerald Salenta, the Top Trends Forecaster.
Hope everybody on Spaces will stay with him, everybody else out there watching.
But when you get excited about the broadcast, when you share the links, it changes the world.
So take clips out of this last few hours you think are most important, repost them.
They want to shut the show down because they're scared of what we're doing.
And please support the broadcast.
Please go to m4warriorstore.com.
Get TurboForce.
Get Next Level Financial Energy.
Get Nitric Boost.
It's all there.
On the site, right now, and are great products that keep us on air.
But whatever you do, realize that laying down only makes it worse.
Standing up only makes it better.
And we're so appreciative to the crew and everybody else for today's broadcast.
We'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, in about 57 minutes.
Owen Schroer takes over the war room, weekday mornings.
Hey, thank you so much, Alex.
Journal all at Infowars.com/show which they censored over the web but you can
take the X-Feeds from real Alex Jones and the rest of it and share those. We
got a real fighting chance. All right we're skipping this break. The next
time we're going to give Gerald his time back. The great Gerald Cilente takes over
now. Hey thank you so much Alex and again thank all the staff for all that you're
doing and it's so important to go to Infowars every day.
Again, we cover the world.
So the Israel war going on, we go to Jerusalem Post, Ahanetz, Times of Israel, then we go to ISNA, IRNA, Tehran Times, want to see what they're saying, Al Jazeera, and we go to InfoWars.
And there's a very important article that's on InfoWars now about what's going on over there with the airstrikes and how It just keeps ramping up.
Seven U.S.-trained fighters killed in drone attack on occupied Syrian oil field.
Again, this article is on Infowars.
So, what does it say?
It says, a key and a very evident theme out of the Red Sea is that the U.S.
has lost deterrence and perhaps never had it to begin with.
Despite over a dozen waves of large-scale Western coalition attacks on Houthi positions, the Yemeni Shia rebels We're battling more attacks on commercial shipping as we reported.
So, going on, number one, American trained fighters in occupied Syrian oil.
Oh, America?
That's illegally there?
Siri didn't do anything to us.
What's wrong with you, Salenti?
We're getting ISIS-es!
Don't you believe the crap we're spewing out?
What's the matter with you?
What, did you lose your brain, Salenti?
You don't believe what scum politicians tell you to swallow?
Why, how dare you?
We can give any excuse we want to go in any country and do what we want.
Oh, let me get this straight over here.
Seven U.S.
Oh, but the Houthis, they're Iran-backed militants.
Oh, wait a minute.
The United States illegally in Syria, how about seven U.S.
trained militants killed who have no right being there?
So let's shut the hell up!
America has every right to be there.
What do you think we invaded Iraq for?
What do you think we got rid of Gaddafi in Libya?
What do you think we did that for?
Why do you think that there are American trained, gotta get the proper language here, fighters killed in drone attacks on occupied, isn't that a nice word?
Occupied Syrian oil field.
How about illegally stolen?
Why do you think we went to those Middle East countries?
Because their major export was broccoli?
You got it?
Oh, you forgot about Halliburton and that murderous little... I can't use the proper word.
So I'll be proper because I don't want to get this bad.
Penis Cheney?
You're the former head of Allenburton?
That became the warmonger under little George E. Bush?
We're gonna get that guy!
He got weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda!
Outright lie!
How come these people aren't in jail?
You're 0.001 over the drinking limit.
Skin on your head!
Repeat the alphabet backwards.
You're going to jail!
But America could kill anybody.
Look at this.
Oh, they always have his daughter out there.
Another little nothing.
It's one big club and you ain't in it.
Who wants to hear the crap?
Spewing out of little girlie Chaney's mouth, just like I say, crap!
Spewed out of penis Chaney's mouth!
These are the clowns running the world!
They got a little Katso Macron over there with his fake hair over there in France.
Brings that little jerk over there, 35 year old guy, hoping I'm gay.
Hey, gay used to mean happy, man.
Having a good time.
I don't care who you are!
Got it?
I like chicks.
Why, how dare you say that!
Look what's going on!
How stupid, how ignorant, how gutless can the people be to swallow the crap spewing out of the mouths of politicians!
Little pieces of scum!
Oh, oh, oh, I forgot in case you don't know.
Ran, worked on major political campaigns in Westchester County.
That's how I began my career.
Was the assistant to the secretary of the New York State Senate.
Picked up Ronald Reagan two days before he's announcing he's running against Gerald Ford.
Put on a brunch with 16 of our board directors in Chicago.
Been with the prime, the uh, Prince of Norway did a gig talk back in the day when USA Today was a big newspaper with another clown boy major from the UK.
They say throw an F and a C in that UK.
I've been with them.
I know what these politicians are.
They're the people I hated in high school and college that wanted to be class president and head of the student council.
So going back to this article, An InfoWars.
It's the same with Iran-aligned groups in Syria and Iraq after the Pentagon on Friday hit 85 targets with 120 bombs.
Oh, oh.
It just keeps getting worse because Israel just again bombs away in Syria.
So Israel, the United States, they can bomb any party they want in any country.
But hey!
Anybody else does it, you're a militant!
So going back to this, again, tracking trends is the understanding of where we are, how we got here to see where we're going.
pins blame for deadly drone strike on Iran-backed militias.
This is, again, this is going back to last Wednesday.
Iran-backed militias.
But American-backed militias, they're just fine.
They're just dandy.
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq and an umbrella group of Iran-backed militias.
On and on they keep using this language.
So that's Wednesday.
Then, what happens?
Keeps going.
Exclusive US-believes drones that killed soldiers was Iran-made.
The United States has assessed that Iran manufactured the drone.
And then we have that arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, murderous U.S.
Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin.
In Iraq, slaughtering people.
In Afghanistan, slaughtering people.
And him.
Defense Secretary whose former job was sitting on the Board of Directors of Raytheon, the second largest defense contractor in America.
He goes on to say, Austin said he didn't know whether Iran knew about the attack ahead of time, but added that, in his view, it doesn't matter.
Quote, how much Iran knew or didn't know, we don't know, but it really doesn't matter.
Because Iran sponsors these groups.
Iran sponsors these groups?
So it doesn't matter?
Oh, but America sponsors those guys that just got caught dead in the oil field that America's occupying in Syria.
Oh, it's okay to sponsor them.
It's okay to sponsor the IDF.
Oh, and where they get another $17 billion of our money?
Oh, you're talking about the refugee problem?
Oh, we can't even stop that?
The country's rotting in front of us?
Another $17 billion to go slaughter people?
But going back to here, so it's okay for them because they sponsor the group so they're allowed to be bombed.
It goes on.
It funds these groups.
Oh yeah, like the United States funds Ukraine, funds Israel, funds the militants in all these other different countries because they're getting ISIS's.
Well, that's different.
But when Iran sponsors somebody, we can bomb them.
Keeps going.
And in some cases, it trains these groups on advancing conventional weapons.
You mean just like the United States and NATO train Ukrainian troops to use the weapons that we're doing, the IDF?
idea, but it's different.
Shree Gat.
The hypocrisy of this.
The hypocrisy.
Because you listen to Biden when they said, asked by a reporter, Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. Dead man in your eyes, Mr. President.
And don't forget to salute.
You gotta look up to the President.
Oh yeah, the big news is that Prince Charles has prostate cancer.
Big, big story, front page on the Cartoon News Network.
My friend's got prostate cancer.
His sister died in November.
You got friends and relatives and loved ones and... THEY DON'T MEAN ANYTHING!
What the hell's the matter with you, Solenti?
It's His Majesty!
It's the President!
Yeah, look at him dressed up in all this drag!
Look at the silly, stupid drag!
I'm surprised he got prostate cancer because they're royalties and they don't pee or poo!
They're much better than me or you!
So going back to the horrendous amount of what's going on, and by the way, again, a load of articles in your Trends Journal about the censorship going on, and even CNN came out Bigger article in The Guardian, how they're being controlled and only allowed to sell the Israeli side.
Go to The Guardian, look at the article.
Look at this clown show.
And look at all the little guys dressed up and dragged behind them.
Look at this!
How can you be?
What is it, Halloween?
Here you got it.
Biden says, I do hold them responsible because they are supplying weapons to the people who did it.
So how about, how about holding America responsible for supplying the weapons to the people who did it?
Why isn't anybody talking about this?
I love how this cat comes out with his sunglasses on all the time, and it takes them off, says three words, and that's the end of it.
And what happened to the State of the Union address?
Did he ever give any?
This guy's out of his mind, right in front of you.
And again, I'm not a Trump fan either.
I don't like anybody there.
Trump is totally, totally pro, pro, pro, pro what's going on in Gaza.
And again, his son-in-law... What the hell is the guy's name?
I forgot.
The one who came and stayed over at his parents' house over there.
Yeah, so he's totally... I'm an American.
Oh, and they're calling this the little Lindsey Graham.
Yeah, there he is.
Uh, little Lindsey Graham called it a religious war.
Oh, and then they just passed this other act.
If you're a Palestinian marrying an Israeli, you don't become a citizen.
It's an apartheid state according to Human Rights Watch and a number of others.
So they're calling this a religious war.
Hey, what if I, the deacon of the Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice, don't believe in your religion?
How dare you not?
This is the little clown.
How could people listen to little Lindsey Graham and they put that little slime ball on the media all the time?
All the time.
Here we got it.
Religious war.
Why are we fighting it?
It's none of our business.
I don't want to get involved in religious war, and just like they sold the baloney, World War I forward, we're bringing freedom and democracy to these countries.
This isn't even about freedom and democracy.
It's a religious war.
Why are we involved?
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalist.
And people can't identify who's a patron and who isn't.
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Great being on the Alex Jones Show again.
Oh, the Wall Street Journal, I think it's the Wall S.H.
something Journal.
Oh, they've just fired 20 more employees.
Oh, what's the LA Times, where they're losing 30, $40 million a year, firing employees.
The Washington Compost, oh, the Washington Post firing employees.
You're not getting journalism anymore.
And that's what you're getting from InfoWars, what you're not getting anywhere else in so many different ways.
So you really want to support them.
And by supporting InfoWars, you're supporting yourself.
And they got these great products coming on sale again, you know, to take advantage of it before they get sold out.
And the one they have now is this, uh, it's a great product.
It's the, uh, nitric boost.
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So over the last 12 months, there hasn't been a more dynamic, more important product in the InfoWars store than nitric boost.
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So you're boosting you and you're boosting InfoWars.
And we all need that boost.
Because it's getting really, really bad here.
EU approves $54 billion package to keep bloodying the killing fields in Ukraine.
Hey, as all you Europeans, the high cost of energy, inflation, Ah, Germany, you're in a recession!
Keep sending that money!
Who cares about the plantation workers of Slavelandia in a country near you?
We gotta keep those wars going.
And then you look at the picture that they put up of these guys in the EU to push this through.
A bunch of little jerks, slobby looking characters that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.
It's a cartoon!
No, it's a political system.
By the way, I also taught American politics and campaign technology, how to run political campaigns, and I taught it at St.
John's University.
So I know a thing or two about this stuff.
The people that are in the UN, the United Nothings, all of these stupid groups are little slime balls that suck their way into the system, that can't get a job in the real world.
Oh, there's another name for them at different levels.
Pieces of crap.
That become the most arrogant anywhere, anyplace, as soon as they get in there and they suck their way up to the top by bowing down and bending over.
Yeah, so they are the worst.
So, going back, and as we're looking at this, oh, Eurozone economy flattens as Germany and France falter.
Oh, this is the Financial Times.
Look, Europe is still recovering from the lingering energy shock.
Oh, wait a minute.
During recession, fourth largest country in the world, Germany, largest economy in the world, fourth largest, largest in Europe, they're actually in a recession.
France, right behind them, Baltering.
And they sent $54 billion, not million, billion dollars to keep the war machine going.
World War III has begun.
People better get this in their head.
Oh no, did you see the Grammys last night?
Oh, and I put on a concert with Ella Fitzgerald at the Atlanta Convention Center where I work for a trade association.
Took over the Superdome, put him on for D.R.
Yeah, I gotta watch this crap on the Grammys.
Grammy, go up!
Anyway, Germany's economy is flying 0.3%, dragged down by falling investment, blah, blah, blah.
And they send more money to go kill people.
This is what's going on.
So, now, it goes to the economy.
The markets are down today.
Because McDonald's sales are down.
Maybe people are eating less crap than McDonald's sales.
Again, the markets go up and down.
It's just a couple of big companies go up and down.
So the big news is, are they going to lower interest rates?
And now the guess has gone down.
It's only about 34% say they're going to lower them when they meet again in March.
We're forecasting there's going to be a lowering of interest rates.
It's going to be dramatic.
Because they're going to pump up the economy to keep Biden in place.
And that's all it's about.
Because the people running the government of the Federal Reserve, the former Fed head, Ms.
Fatsha Brut, Janet Yellen, is now our U.S.
Treasury Secretary.
All right?
So they want to keep those in power.
And Trump is saying if he gets in, he's going to throw out power.
So they're going to do everything they can to keep the economy going, boosting it by lowering interest rates.
But what happened today?
The mortgage rates now are up to, oh, back to 7%.
And now we're moving into the spring, only a couple of months away, and you've got mortgage rates that high, it ain't going to be good for the housing market.
And then, most importantly, Again, high interest rates.
How about all those commercial business loans?
Yeah, they're only interest-only loans, by the way.
So now the interest rates go up as you have to renew your lease, your mortgage on the properties, the buildings, office buildings.
And what's one of our top trends for 2024?
Banks go bust.
That's right.
What was the top trends, some of them in 2023?
Office building bust.
Oh, and Middle East meltdown.
We warned this was going to happen.
Right there, in black and white, January 3rd, 2023.
The office building bust is being downplayed by the major media.
What is affecting banks?
They're keeping it as low as it can go.
By not reporting what in the world is going on.
And this is serious.
There's some articles over here.
This is important.
Chinese investors snap up gold as real estate and equities disappoint.
All things are connected.
I'm talking about the office building bust.
They got a bust going on in China, the likes of which we've never seen.
They launched the COVID war on Chinese Lunar New Year, January 20th.
Excuse me, January 2020, in celebration of the Year of the Rat, Chinese Lunar New Year.
Their economy's gone to crap.
It was overbuilt to begin with, because when murderers, every time they got caught with his pants down, Bill Clinton bombs away over the back, brought China into the World Trade Organization.
Officially, two weeks after 9-11 under little George Bush, China's GDP from 1970 was almost a flat line going up a little bit.
2001, a straight line up.
It was overbuilt.
Anytime there's a boom like that, they're always overbuilt.
So it was a bad situation.
But then three years of zero COVID policy got locked down in China and destroyed the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people.
It's destroyed The Chinese economy, so the people are buying gold.
Yeah, China's real estate struggles are far from over.
So this is an article in the Wall Street Journal that barely notes how bad the banking crisis is about to become.
Real estate turmoil hits office towers.
Rents at the highest end buildings have been failing, while the rate of leasing has been slowing.
Tenants have become more sensitive to the costs and whirl of higher interest rates and lingering concerns about a possible economic slowdown.
More companies have accepted the reality of hybrid work schedules.
So there you got it.
They're talking about this company goes on that asking rents of prime spaces in 16 U.S.
markets declined.
It goes on that the share of leasing activity is falling among Premier Towers.
The office properties that CoStar defines as five-star buildings accounted for 8% of the market in 2022 and 2023, down from 10% in 2019.
Meanwhile, you ready?
2022 and 2023, down from 10% in 2019.
Meanwhile, you ready?
New leases in five-year buildings, five-star buildings, on average, 43% smaller than in 2019.
In the fourth quarter, 62% of companies offered some form of remote work.
According to Scoop, on average, those companies with hybrid strategies required workers in the office 2.5 days a week.
You read that?
Okay, let's go back.
62% of the companies are saying you can only come to work 2.5 days a week.
So what do I need all this office space for?
I don't need 10 stories, only give me three.
I got people sitting in these cubicles that hate the damn thing anyway.
They don't want to commute.
It costs them too much time and too much money.
Now I'm the office, the build owners of the building.
How am I going to pay my loan?
You're not.
You're not going to pay.
A couple of banks last week, all over the world, from Tokyo to Switzerland to the United States, started reporting less dough coming in because of this.
Barely made the news.
Because here's what's important about all this.
When the banks crash and all you have to do is go back to When the Silicon Conman Valley Bank went bust last year, First Republic, Signature, what did that do to the equity markets?
They were in turmoil.
That was only three banks.
You're going to see hundreds, hundreds of banks starting to go bust.
Because you're going to see thousands And tens of thousands of officers leaving, paying less rent, and the people that own the buildings defaulting on their loans.
This is barely, barely, barely reading the media.
Again, that whole article I just read you, not one word about that.
Again, that's why you get the Trans-German, because you get a history before it happens.
We warned about the office building bust when they launched the COVID war and told everybody to go home.
We said, people aren't going to go back to work.
They're staying home week after week, month after month, year after year, commuting an hour and a half each way, and now they're home.
It costs you all that dough, by the way, and expenses to commute.
And I said, I don't want to do this anymore.
I'm not going to do this.
They realize they're throwing their lives away by commuting all this time.
So we knew this was going to happen.
Not a word.
Totally, totally blacklisted from the mainstream media.
And I used to be on everybody, all over the place.
The Oprah, Today Show, Good Morning America, NPR.
One after another, don't want to hear the truth.
There is no journalism.
It is all, all, all God.
CNN staff says network's pro-Israeli slant amounts to journalistic malpractice.
Again, this is the article that I suggest you read in The Guardian.
I'm mentioning this because it covers all the fields.
The bigs own everything.
So whether it's lying us into the wars, as the toilet paper record, the New York Slime did, that Saddam Hussein, he's getting them aluminum tubes.
You know, he's going to shut them up, yeah.
A lot, a total lot.
It's saying it right here.
Go to this Guardian article.
It is very important, not reported in America.
And they're also saying that on this war going on over there, That if it is not approved by the Jerusalem station and CNN, you can't go through and everything that has to be said.
Journalists in CNN newsroom and the U.S.
and overseas say broadcasts have been skewed by management edicts and a story approval process that has resulted in highly partial coverage of the mass massacre on 7 October.
And Israel's retaliatory attack on Gaza.
This is a quote.
The majority of news since the war began, regardless of how accurate the initial reporting, has been skewed by a systemic and institutional bias within the network toward Israel, said one CNN staffer.
Ultimately, CNN's coverage of Israel-Gaza war amounts to, quote, journalistic malpractice.
And they go on in this article to even talk about how they did the same thing during the COVID war.
And the guy that's now running CNN, who just got there at the top, From the British Broadcasting Network, BBC.
He said the dispute rolled over for months before BBC.
This is how this guy ended up firing a reporter because Israel told him to.
This is the guy running CNN.
The Cartoon News Network.
Again, that's why you subscribe to InfoWars.
You go to InfoWars and you go to the Trends Journal.
And, yeah.
Yeah, they go, so much CNN fear.
That its coverage of the Gaza War is damaging a reputation built upon its reporting of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
But others say the Ukraine war may be part of the problem because editorial standards relax in the network and many of the journalists identify clearly with one side, only Ukraine.
Particularly at the beginning of the conflict.
Yeah, CNN faced similar acquisitions Accusations of partiality in the wake of the 9-11 attacks in 2001.
All right?
It's all you're getting in the media.
They're prostitutes.
They're media whores that get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and government whoremasters.
They also go on to talk about Jake Tapper and his language being so pro-Israel.
And Anderson Cooper not responding to fake information or biased information coming from the Israelis.
And a whole story about the beheadings.
Remember that?
They were beheading babies.
Oh yeah, like they told us with the first Iraq war, that the Iraqis were going there with bayonets and stabbing babies in incubators, throwing them on the floor.
It was told to the Congress by an actress.
No proof.
Remember Biden said he saw the photos?
And they came out and said, no, they didn't see the photos.
But the people got the message right.
Israel has not... Again, whole article's here.
They have not provided one picture of what was going on.
Oh, and then about the rape too.
You know, they always do this.
Again, how many people died today?
Today, you go to euronews.com.
About 60 or 70 Palestinians were killed on Sunday.
Men, women, and children.
Oh, but three Americans were killed on a Jordanian border in Syria.
What are we doing over there?
What are we doing over there?
Three Americans killed.
You can bomb the hell out of anybody you want.
But you can kill anybody else as long as we don't like them.
The hypocrisy of this.
Again, going back to gold and what China's doing.
Again, all things are connected.
Very important.
Now hear this.
I don't know.
Gregory Manorino is saying, and he's the only one I know other than myself, and we didn't collude on this.
We said it separately.
And again, he has great articles in the Trends Journal.
Trader's Choice is his company.
When did America start bombing?
Syria and Iraq.
Two countries in which we have no right being there and the Iraqis are very angry at this.
They did it right after the equity markets closed on Friday.
So it didn't affect gold prices, didn't affect oil prices, and didn't affect the equity markets.
In my book, Trend Tracking, Bob at the Megatrends Time Magazine.
Right now, Washington takes, releases data that is damaging to them, or takes actions like they did right after the markets closed on Friday.
Because on Saturday, it's the least watched and read news day of the week.
So already the people don't know what's going on in the world.
And now they're blanked out on Saturday and over the weekend.
That's when America launched these.
And now the little Joseph Goebbels' great-great-grandson, this guy Sullivan from the National Security Agency, looks like a little, looks like a Goebbels' relative, Jake Sullivan, saying more is going to come.
In the Bronx we used to say, payback's a bitch.
The more wars America launches, there's going to be retaliation.
Before I went on the air, we're talking about all those people coming over the border.
They're going to come over the border.
You got it.
They're going to do something.
There'll be a big event and everybody will gather around Biden, just like they gathered around little Georgie Bush to fight the enemy.
World War III has begun.
There's going to be a major event, false flag or real, that's going to make it quote official.
And again, you think about this, America and all its wars, you can't stop people from coming over the border.
Again, Occupy Peace, the movement I started a decade ago.
Close all the bases overseas.
Bring home the troops and secure the homeland.
Again, 2014 I began this.
And put the troops to work rebuilding our third world infrastructure.
And if you want to go to war, let the people vote.
We're the ones that pay for the war with our money and our lives.
Look at these little jerks.
One after another saying we've got to bomb more of Iran.
Little Lindsey Graham, that cotton mouth over there.
One jerk after another.
More war, no peace.
Oh God we trust.
What God you talking about?
Oh, I'm little Mikey Johnson.
I'm the House Speaker.
Both my grandfathers were in World War II.
They never talked about what happened in World War II until after they died.
We got to dig into their stuff and see it.
And my mom's dad was only on a few missions.
Thank God he already got killed as a fighter pilot in World War II.
And crash landed and broke a bunch of bones and he was out of the war.
The other one did more missions than he was told to do out of North Africa and then in Italy and the whole thing and then was there for four years and in Germany when it fell.
He told my dad a little bit about we died.
We got all his documents and all his medals and all his stuff.
And man, the letters about, we see the flag, we're going into it.
Those are the targets.
We're going to hit it.
You know, Billy, best buddy, just dies.
Plane just blew up.
And man, there is something about that.
Like we're going in.
We're not running away from the attacks.
We're flying into the attack.
Because we got something to deliver and God said, deliver it.
And I'm going to deliver more payloads.
The reason I volunteered for more missions is we have slayed the enemy.
We have destroyed them.
We have wrecked them.
God has given me nothing but victory.
And the idea now, when I've been given nothing but victory, that I won't continue the missions and I won't continue hammering them, but I can't do it without you.
Where are you getting a better bang for the buck?
So I tell you now, Nitric Boost became a bestseller because Dr. Judy Mikovitch talked about it
and what a great product it is.
She has nothing to do with it, but it's got all the ingredients she says, one of the best
formulas she's seen to clean out your blood and empower your heart and brain and your
Young, old, everybody should be on it.
And now we even went to a bigger manufacturer, they got an even higher quality, stronger
version that just came in today on the 18-wheeler and it is nitricboostinfowarsstore.com or
You need Nitric Boost.
It's there.
I wish we'd done a bigger run.
Next Level Foundational Energy, Methylfolate, all the B-Complex.
It's available.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Get a signed copy that's a fundraiser of my book, The Great Awakening.
I need your support.
I'm thankful.
And I want to thank all of you that got it and did support.
But I'm really talking to the 99% of you, and it's way more than that now.
That hear this show and never buy a damn thing.
We're in the fight, folks.
And I'll get in the damn airplane, and I'll start the engines, and I'll take off, and I'll fly over the enemy, and I'll drop the truth on their ass all day.
But if I don't got bombs getting loaded, and jet fuel, or diesel, or kerosene getting put in the engines, I can't take the son of a bitch off, and I can't go do it.
And we've already had, all glory to God, and at the level of God, but all support to you for your support, all credit to the audience, we've already I'll use the analogy.
It's like we go to Las Vegas last 29 years on air, and we put a quarter in the slot machine, we win $1,000.
We go play blackjack, we spend $1,000, we make $100,000.
We go to the roulette wheel, we make a million.
We never even lose!
I get tortured, I get attacked, I get lied about, I get physically attacked.
People come to my house, I don't even get into that, what that's like for my family.
But as long as I don't care, and as long as I got courage and trust in God, like Job did, we have, for every attack, for every little slap I get, is a dagger in the enemy.
For every time they thump me in the face, Is a fist right in their nose.
For every time they break my leg, they get destroyed.
One of their whole cities gets vaporized.
Using that as an analogy.
We are devastating them!
This operation is a devastator!
The enemy fears it!
They hate it!
They hate the spirit of it!
They know it's real!
It's everything they hate!
So empower me!
Energize me!
Pray for me!
Buy the products!
Get off the fence!
God's watching!
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