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Name: 20240204_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 4, 2024
1608 lines.

In this speech from the Infowars show on February 4th, 2024, Alex Jones discusses various topics related to crime and immigration in America. He criticizes alleged voter fraud and the Democratic Party's potential collapse, talks about the ongoing crisis at the US-Mexico border, and addresses recent attacks on NYPD police officers. He also promotes his Team Humanity campaign and Minute Man Coffee brand while discussing the importance of supporting humanity against globalist agendas.

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It's Sunday night, February 4th, 2024.
I'm your embattled and emboldened host, Alex Jones.
We are 274 days, 7 hours, 59 minutes, 32 seconds out.
The most important election in world history.
All right, I've got some really good news tonight.
Some very positive things that are happening around the world.
A lot of examples of it that I want to hit early in the first hour.
We also have everything coming into crystal clear focus on what the dissolving of our border is about.
And we already knew it was a global issue and agenda, but the public is now getting wise to it.
Even people like Bill Maher are.
And I've got examples here, and they now admit this.
That the United Nations is running this worldwide.
I know that's really old news for all of you out there, but again, the public is now understanding and that's the beginning of the end for the whole globalist operation.
So we have this big stack.
Biden has now come out and said that he wants to legalize all the illegals on a fast track to vote, even if they're not even citizens.
Now the Democrat cities have already passed laws to have them vote in local elections, which are held in the same ballot as the federal and state elections.
So we've known this has been going on for decades and getting worse and worse.
They're giving out driver's licenses to over 20 states to illegal aliens so they can vote.
But now it's out in the open.
And that's just two of the articles that I have here in this huge stack.
I have a whole stack of articles from New York to Oregon.
To Illinois, where they're throwing 90-something-year-old veterans out of veteran housing and telling them just find some place to go so illegal aliens can stay there.
Now, why is that being done?
They're not just getting new voters.
If you look at the type of welfare programs so that disabled veterans, like this 90-something-year-old guy thrown out of his house this week in New York, Korean war hero, This isn't news conferences, this is admitted, okay?
This is happening all over.
You saw this happen years ago in Europe for the illegal aliens.
In his program to get housing assistance, it just goes through the state.
And so nobody gets an extra cut, but when the illegal aliens are being handled by the NGOs, they get a big slice of it.
So there's massive layers of welfare fraud here, ladies and gentlemen.
And welfare is always dangerous because it domesticates people and it grows the size of the state.
But if we're going to have it, should it be 93-year-old war heroes, or should it be illegal aliens that are beating up police, then getting out with no bail, no bond, and flipping off the news cameras?
So this stack is absolutely critical today, and we're going to be hitting that.
We'll let that first one come back.
Then we got huge election news, even in mainline Democrat skewed polls, where they canvas 15% more Democrats.
They bake that in that Democrats are the dominant party.
Though they're not, they're the dying party.
Despite that, Trump has 20 point lead.
And in battleground states, 5 to 10 points.
I mean, this is full panic mode.
Got a whole bunch of these polls.
And then how it's coming out, the corruption, not just in Georgia with Fannie Willis, but the other illegal political prosecutions that are happening.
Tucker Carlson is in Russia.
I talked to him today.
I didn't realize it was such big news when I talked to him weeks ago and he told me he was going over there, but I didn't say anything about it on air because I know it was an interesting little fact-finding mission he's on.
He's not doing any interviews while he's over there, but I'm not gonna give any secrets out, but I will give you a little bit of what I can tell you about.
People are certainly wanting to know about that, so I talked to him today.
I can fill you in a little bit on stuff that's not secret, but not known yet.
And also we've got just huge news on the China situation, Ukraine situation, and so much more today.
Please stay with us.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
We're going to have a good broadcast today because, well, I'll explain when we come back why.
It's Sunday, February 4th, 2024.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
Very thankful for all of you tuning in here today.
I have a lot of huge news we're going to be tackling tonight.
We have some really, really good news.
I have a whole stack of good news that if we embrace this good news and how this good news has come to us, we will defeat their entire New World Order.
And it's very simple, but it's a decision we have to make.
So at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to be getting into the very good news.
Ladies and gentlemen, but also I'm going to explain the pitfalls.
And it ties into the first story I'll hit at the bottom of the hour.
Canada halts euthanasia, that's the state killing people, for the mentally ill, citing lack of doctors willing to participate.
What happens if we just don't participate in nuclear war?
Drag queen pedophile time.
What if we don't just participate in Hollywood anymore?
Or Bud Light, or any of it?
Well, that's happening.
And we've reached the event horizon, the point of no return, the Rubicon escape velocity, call it whatever you want, that's the point we've reached.
Now, I've been extremely frustrated on the destruction of our border and other wealthy Western countries' borders because we have the UN official replacement migration documents, we have the NGO statements, and the award dinners they have where they sit around and brag about what they're doing, and the big banks and BlackRock giving them hundreds of billions of dollars to break our borders the last few decades.
But now the public's really getting it.
Now there's congressional hearings about the UN funding it and running it with our tax money.
Now, finally, people are getting educated that it's not just the border's broken.
It's been broken by design and been turned into a shotgun to fire illegal aliens into the country and then
what happens to them once they get here they're being exploited and used against everybody but
that's why they're also above the law and can just beat up a cop randomly for no reason.
Six seven people beating him half to death in New York and they're out the next day and
flip everybody off and Alvin Bragg says yeah we're letting them go.
The Soros DA.
Because they want the word to go out with the Latin American organized crime gangs particularly
that you can come here and rob and kill whoever you want as long as it's not a Democrat and
then launder your money through us.
And now even on Fox News, they're explaining that.
So, yeah, you've heard that here a thousand times, probably, or more, if you're a routine listener.
Probably every day, I say it for years.
But now, it's out in the open.
And this is so criminal, there's no way it survives.
I don't even care how corrupt the Justice Department is.
Even their own federal judges, and I've met with some of them, are pissed.
Because they tell them, hey, we've got a five-time convicted pedophile here.
Let him go.
Well, wait, we've got to charge him.
No, let him go.
And Elon Musk is talking about it.
It's all over the news now.
Congress put out a 60 point bulletin on where Biden has directly said, don't DNA test people that are obviously got kidnapped kids.
Takes a day to do it to make sure they're related to them.
Don't stop gang members.
Don't stop convicted criminals.
That's in the news.
You're like, OK, we already know that.
Yeah, because you're the tip of the spear, folks.
You can say, oh, well, kiss our ass.
I mean, it's true.
They don't fear me.
They fear this big audience educating others.
So we have we've hit the point of escape velocity.
So we've got that stack and a bunch of other big news.
Trump, 20 point lead in major polls.
These are skewed, manipulated polls.
In the methodology, they have a lot of manipulations, but the big ones, they had 10, 15 to 20 points.
This newest one, it's 15.
Who's the 15?
I looked up the methodology.
Took me 30 minutes to find it today.
They had 15% more Democrats to it.
That's standard.
As if it's the dominant party, it's the majority party, which it's not.
It's become a secondary party and it's about to become a vestigial, ceremonial party, probably a dead party.
It's been 200 plus years, it's time for it to go bye-bye and for a new party to rise up.
I'm not for a 3-4 party system, I'm not for a parliament system, but we don't have a two-party system.
We have a neocon, leftist, uniparty, waging war against the populist Trump party.
You can say, well, I don't like Trump.
Well, regardless, they see him as representative of this new formation.
So what needs to happen is the Democratic Party gets rejected like cancer.
And then the Republican Party splits into the Christian right-wing versus the Libertarian.
I mean, that's what I've always thought it would split into if we're successful.
That's what most analysts now say.
Yes, I've been a trailblazer for 20 years, saying that should be the goal.
Or you could debate what it splits into.
First, there'll be four or five little new conservative parties, but it'll become dominant in the next decade.
And then you'll have the Republican Party, the grand old party, and you'll have the new party.
And that's basically where we are.
Because the Democrats know that they want to basically outlaw and demonize and they've said sick homeland security on the Republicans.
And it's not the Republicans are perfect.
Half of them are really horrible up at the top, at least, probably 60%.
If you really think about it, maybe more.
But there's a beachhead growing and the constituency is awake and getting more awake by the day and getting more informed by the millisecond.
So I've got a lot for you here, before we get to the really good news.
On the border, quite the stack.
And you'll notice, whether you're in Germany, or France, or the UK, or Canada, or New York City, or Washington State, or California, I got it all right here today.
Without even looking, it's just everywhere.
They're announcing, oh, we're going to give thousands of dollars free a month just on random debit cards.
And we've got a grant from the State Department or a grant from BlackRock.
And so the big banks are literally putting the word out, come here, you'll get government and corporate goody goods.
And then they just busted them.
It's all confirmed.
The state police reports have come out.
It got suppressed for almost three years.
Safe houses all over Michigan, and then they learned they were all over the country, but they bust them in Michigan, but then no charges were made.
Falsifying ballots and voter registration cards, and there were white boards and documents how it was fraud.
Smoking gun open and shut.
Like when the serial killer gets caught with 10 bodies in the backyard and the police bust them and go in the basement and there's videotapes of them torturing the kids?
I mean, you're going to the electric chair, you're getting lethal injection, there's no... the jury's gonna see you killing the kids.
I mean, and they were found in your backyard.
Okay, so, so it's, it's, it's, it's...
Or it's like somebody that's videotaping a joyride when they're on a motorcycle on drugs and they run over a school kid that walked down the street.
You videotaped it.
You were going 150 miles an hour.
You killed the kid.
You're going to prison.
I mean, it's open and shut stuff.
That information we're going to be getting to as well here tonight and and and so much more.
But let's go ahead and start drilling into this the time we have left the next hour and 47 minutes ahead of the awesome Chase Geyser just back from the border yesterday to give you a report tonight 6 p.m.
Central for Saturday Night Live.
All right.
But this is Alex Jones Sunday Night Info Awards, 4 to 6 p.m.
Been in this slot 16 years.
Thought we would go six days a week, 16 years ago.
Been on 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central since 2000, no, since 1997.
Man, time is just flying by.
Okay, let's start with a little short compilation of Biden, and then we're gonna drill into this big key stack.
So go to clip 11.
I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum.
They deserve to be heard.
A few moments later.
[Crowd chanting "Fight it"]
A few moments later...
Shocking new video shows the lawlessness of Democrat cities colliding with Joe Biden's open borders insanity.
Two NYPD police officers getting outnumbered and savagely beaten by a large group of illegal immigrants near Times Square.
Those cops were just trying to break up a disorderly crowd outside a shelter, trying to arrest one of the illegals, and that's when the mob attacked.
One of the thugs kicking an officer in the face while he's on the ground.
He suffered a cut to his face and the other officer was injured.
Five of those violent suspects were arrested by police later that same night, charged with assaulting a police officer, but four of them already back on the street, released without bail.
Given the unprecedented millions of Biden illegal aliens who are invading our country,
it is only common sense that when I'm reelected, we will begin
and we have no choice, the largest deportation operation in American history.
Why were they released? Why were those first of the pirates released?
>> [inaudible]
You're on behalf of the people.
Sir, you're on behalf of the people. Can you just comment on the situation?
That's Alvin Morag, the Soros DA, the Attorney General, of course.
Chiefs of James and Soros.
Pledged she destroyed Trump, said it was all political.
Here's Korean War veteran Frank Tamaro, 95, sorry I said he was 93, and 53 other residents were kicked out of their New York nursing home on short notice so it could be turned into housing for illegal migrants.
Here's a clip.
It was very disgraceful what they did to the people in the island shores.
They gave us time to get out, but they never said when, and they never said they were going to get us out.
And then one day, there's a thing on the board, a notice on the board, you gotta be out by March 15th.
I think that gave us like a month and a half To find out where we're going to go.
I thought my suitcases were going to be on the curb because I'm not that fast.
If it wasn't for my daughter, they would have been on the curb.
But that's what happened, and that was it.
I said, no, no, no, no, you're not moving me.
And they said, yes, yes, yes, we are.
And everything was done behind closed doors.
We didn't have a chance to actually make any attempt to stop them because there wasn't enough time.
But when Governor DeSantis shipped only two buses to Martha's Vineyard, they were gone in 14 hours.
Now, that's bad enough, and they're kicking people out of their housing as well.
But I can play you countless clips, you remember them all, out of Europe, in Italy, in Germany, little private motels, kicking out the guests, putting the illegals in, not even paying the old man that owned the place, kicking people out of their nursing homes.
This is the plan, ladies and gentlemen, it's pure criminal activity.
And the illegal aliens, MS-13 and others that Pelosi, remember, called all God's children, They have blue cities they go rob in, and they know they'll be let out by the Soros DAs and other prosecutors, and then they run back to other red states where people wouldn't put up with them.
And here is a CNN's Erica Hill stunned speech by report from law enforcement that illegal aliens run crews that operate in New York and do all their stealing, then go to Florida.
Here's the report.
We don't touch our police officers.
We don't touch anybody.
Thank you everybody.
I mean we're hearing a change when it comes to immigration in general from President Biden on down.
Do you hear her talk about that?
It is also directly related to the fact that these were police officers.
Does that have any impact?
Did that change anything?
Well, it's so complicated because, you know, you're a New Yorker, you move through the city every day as I do.
We see these people, we touch these people, they're out looking for work, they're delivering our food, they're at the gas stations and the car wash.
I mean, these are people who came in waves, you know, 170,000 probably to New York City.
But within that group, this hard-working, you know, throngs of people in search of hope and a better life, there is this one percenter, you know, criminal element that looks at a different opportunity here.
These individuals, I went over their rap sheets yesterday, multiple charges, grand larceny, robbery, attempted robbery, grand larceny, grand larceny.
This particular crew operated on mopeds and scooters.
They were doing organized retail theft.
They were doing snatches on the street.
iPhones, iPads, clothing, so on and so forth.
One of them that they are still seeking has 10 charges on one day because he's part of a pattern that's been going on.
I'm looking at the dates that their arrest started, which is probably close to when they got here.
They've only been here a couple of months.
So, what the detectives are telling me is, they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing, then go to Florida to spend the money, and then come back, and I'm like, well, why don't they just stay and steal in Florida?
And they said, because there you go to jail.
Great report.
Keep us posted on this.
Totally speechless.
Crime, violent crime has exploded to levels never before seen, but for three years the FBI has made in over 100 cities, all the major cities, like 127 cities, look it up, it was about three years ago it came out, FBI headline, FBI makes crime statistics from largest cities secret.
And so they don't even show those numbers now, that's how they say, oh crime's gone down under Biden, 0.2%, that was one of the headlines.
Crime down 0.2%.
Just like, oh, inflation's down, prices aren't up.
You heard CNN.
But then you've got so many Democrat lawmakers, state-level, federal, being kidnapped, murdered, shot, carjacked.
Now a high-level former Trump official.
The head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, CFTC, that's a very important agency.
Went to pick up his wife at 7 o'clock at night in DC.
Guy jumps in, shoots him in the head for no reason.
Jumps out, runs and starts carjacking more vehicles, starts shooting at police and gets killed.
Yeah, there's the headline.
Murder rate mystery.
New FBI crime stats don't include New York City, LA.
That's the Bloomberg whitewash.
No, it's over 100 plus cities.
There's Bloomberg though, folks.
You see?
The FBI releases its annual national crime stats.
The data is horribly incomplete.
Oh, even The Guardian says, and I'm going from memory, but going to the articles, it was like 120, let's see how good my memory is, 123 cities.
It was over 120.
Do not, do not give any crime statistics while they defund the police and the rest of it.
And I can tell you, I know Austin cops.
They say, Jones, you're right.
Don't go downtown anywhere after dark.
Don't go to East Austin.
Don't go to Northeast Austin.
They said it is a war zone.
No crime statistics.
No crime statistics.
There's not even statistics that are public.
The police have them on police being assaulted.
You hear about when they're getting killed, though.
There have been a lot of funerals, right?
So, As much as I don't like getting speeding tickets, and I've learned to not really speed, I don't ever see cops in Austin writing tickets anymore.
I mean, never.
They're all just bunkered down, because if they... They've charged a bunch of Austin cops that literally shoot somebody that's shooting at them, and then they go to jail.
You've seen the headlines.
I live in a town, folks, effectively with no police.
You call them, they come right to your house, they're helpful, they're there.
But they just don't respond.
Because the DA is an admitted communist that Jordan Soros put in.
And that's where I live.
Folks, they've had mass shootings in Austin.
And they release the shooters the next day.
Did you hear what I just said?
You're like, really?
I didn't hear about that.
Well, it was barely in the local news.
This is so horrible, folks, because the way we work is if we're not being given the general knowledge, we don't know what's going on.
And we have a weaponized government at war with us.
Now, the cop is not the enemy on average.
The bureaucrat's not the enemy.
But again, I've met with high-level federal judges.
You name it, federal marshals, you name it, Border Patrol.
They had huge whistleblowers this week down there with Chase Geyser and Tim Inlow talking to them.
But they sent me, Border Patrol sent me some really nice gifts.
I appreciate the little police dog they sent to my daughter, my youngest daughter, and some of the commemorative coins they sent me.
And these Border Patrol commemorative coins are anti-Biden.
And I'm told these are passed out all over the place.
So the government is too big, it's out of control.
But it's not the enemy, it's the people that have hijacked it.
And again, it's on record that, and I've got news articles today about it, that they will catch somebody that's got multiple armed robberies, multiple arson, multiple rape, multiple... I mean, one case, I said five, it was four, they caught him the fifth time.
Convictions over the last decade of raping kids.
Things from like El Salvador or something.
I forget.
It was from Central America or South America.
Because the judge said, check this case out.
It's on record.
No one's covered it.
We went and looked it up months ago, six months ago, and showed it to you on air.
I forget all the details.
Then he said, look at this case.
South Texas.
Fifth time he got caught raping kids.
He'd already been convicted four times.
And they went And the Justice Department can tell a federal judge or federal magistrate who can be charged with a felony or can.
And they said, no, you're not charging.
And I have Biden's guidelines that are official here.
Gang affiliations, criminal record, let them go.
Now, let that sink in.
They're not just letting women and children in from the lockdowns they did for several years and destroyed the world.
They're disgorging the criminal element, not just out of Latin America, but out of many other areas of the world, to come here knowing cities where they're above the law.
Why do you think in all these cities in L.A.
or around L.A.
or in California or in New York or in D.C.
or in Massachusetts or in Seattle and around Washington State and in Oregon and Portland, They're closing the Walgreens.
They're closing the Walmarts.
They're closing the Targets.
They're closing the Whole Foods.
They're closing the Kroger's.
They're closing everything.
Because people just walk in and rob everything every day.
And if you try to stop them, you go to jail.
And they pass local Soros laws that, oh, you can steal $3,000 in this town, $10,000 in this town.
This is to make everything shut down and collapse.
It's the Great Reset.
It's the post-industrial world.
So I said at the bottom of the hour, I get into the big positive news.
The positive, this is positive too because people are waking up.
But it'll take me another segment to finish the border stuff.
Because there's just so much here that needs to be, you know, gotten into.
So we're going to be coming back and getting into all of that.
I left my ringer on.
My middle daughter's calling me.
I need to get on the phone with her.
Glad I left my ringer on.
She's a sweetie pie.
We're going to go over at least a screenshot, kind of a snapshot of this because there's just so much.
I've already said all this stuff.
I'm going to show you the articles now.
You can screenshot each article right down the headline or video clip.
You can go look it up and it's true.
So just remember that.
That's how the leftist administrative revolution is happening.
Alright folks, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
So much more coming up tonight.
Yeah, we're in rough times, but at least we got a fighting chance and at least people are waking up.
Whether you're black, brown...
White, old, young.
If you love liberty and freedom, we're all brothers and sisters together, folks.
Be sure and follow us on RealAlexJones on X as well and InfoWars.com and Bandai Video.
We'll be right back.
Please stay with us.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage, so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsTore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
I love Alex Jones.
I love Alex Jones.
I love Alex Jones!
This is like one of the most amazing things that I've ever seen.
I think it's the black helicopter turning everyone gay.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
InfoWars.com forward slash go.
So what we're seeing here are hundreds of people, a lot of InfoWars fans.
Basically people have been shouting out to us.
They just see the little InfoWars logo here on the mic.
They've been screaming at us when they holler at us.
We've been running up and talking to them.
Everybody loves Alex Jones.
Everybody's here carving out the time from their hard working schedules to try to come and show support for Trump's re-election and antagonism for this Biden border invasion.
Yeah, what do you have to say to Alex Jones?
Alex Jones is always right!
Amen, amen.
How about you, little fella?
Y'all stay safe.
Y'all stay safe.
I love Alex Jones.
Yeah, he's got good information.
He's a smart man.
I love Alex.
I watch him all the time and he opened my eyes.
He's awesome, man.
Yeah, good stuff.
So good to have him back.
Awesome, absolutely.
Love it.
Yeah, Alex!
War cry!
God bless you.
This is like one of the most amazing things that I've ever seen.
I love Alex Jones.
Yeah, me too.
He's the biggest conspiracy theorist out there and they all come true.
They all come true.
What do you think of Alex Jones?
He's awesome.
He came from Canada to support the convoy.
Thanks for coming.
Appreciate it.
Stay safe.
Take care.
Nice to meet you.
Tell us what you think of Alex Jones.
He woke me up, you know, I was kind of paying attention on the periphery for a while and then he got so demonized I was like, let me start paying attention to this guy.
You know, he's a wild man, but he's directionally correct.
He's our wild man.
And he's inspired me and guys like you have inspired me to get my own little boots on the ground thing going here.
Free Texas news.
Check it out.
God bless you, man.
Love you guys.
Take care.
That's right, man.
What do you think, InfoWars?
I love it!
Listen to it every chance I get.
Yeah, me too.
What do you think, Alex Jones?
He's the man with the plan.
You know, occasionally people want to call him out for being high strung, but you know, if the average person knows what he knows, they should be high strung.
That's absolutely right, man.
Turbo Force Plus, high strung.
Gotcha, buddy!
Tell us what you think of Alex Jones.
I think it's a black helicopter turning everyone gay.
Stay safe out there, buddy.
Alex Jones is awesome, man.
I listen to him at work.
What has this experience been like on this caravan for you?
It's been a lot longer drive than I planned on.
Just lean back and enjoy the ride.
We're from Info Wars!
What are you up to?
Can we get a war cry?
Tell us what you think of Alex Jones.
Hey Alex, what's up brother?
Love you!
Big Alex Jones fan, man.
I was just texting my girlfriend that I'd die a happy man if I see myself on InfoWars.
It's gonna happen, but don't die.
You don't have to die now that it's gonna happen, okay?
Swear to God I texted that about 15 minutes ago man.
No no word of a lie Every single day I listen to you.
I said look man.
I've heard every excuse every reason why people can't get out here You know I'm a busy busy person, but look I We all got something else that we could be doing, but we carved the time out to do it.
It's important.
Nothing else is more important than this right now.
You are the man.
God bless you.
God bless you.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
All right, so the Democrats are not just bringing in replacement voters or replacement population.
They are giving these people cell phones and they're telling them, we will deport you if you don't work where we say, vote how we say, and sign up with these NGOs and these community organizer organizations, those are NGOs, Obama's plan.
for the domestic force bigger than the military, or just as big and just as strong as the military.
If they don't follow their political orders, they're thrown out of the country. And Biden
has now proposed, I have the AP right here, I'll show it to you, letting illegal aliens vote.
And letting illegal aliens in prisons vote. And I hadn't actually read the White House plan.
They also have a legislation.
It got sent to me today and I did read it and it was worse than I thought.
So let me just show you some of these headlines.
This is AP.
Biden to prioritize legal status for millions of immigrants.
And when you read this, Elon Musk put it out and he said, number one, get as many illegals in the country as possible.
Number two, legalize them to create a permanent majority, a one party state.
He goes through the other plans.
Here's Musk.
If you bet you didn't know category, Homeland Security, Mayorkas issued written guidance
making it clear, then Musk linked to it.
The number one, illegal presence alone is not grounds for deportation.
Number two, criminal charges convictions of gang membership alone are not enough for deportation.
That's the official guidelines.
No, they don't let the Justice Department, the judges charge serious criminals.
You bet he's going to be convicted of axe murder to be deported.
Actually, it's worse than that.
That's because every deportation is a lost vote.
We already showed this clip.
Manhattan DA Bragg repeatedly refuses to answer questions why illegal aliens who brutally attacked NYPD officers were released.
And it was the migrant center, the illegal alien center, that called him because of a riot.
So you call the cops, and then they get beat up by a mob, and then the DA doesn't defend them.
Only reason this criminal that killed the head of a major federal agency, shot him in the head, got killed was because he was already carjacking another car and shot at the cops.
And they'll probably try to indict them.
Ex-Trump official dies after being shot in violent DC carjacking.
It is with profound sadness that I wish to inform you of the community of the passing of my husband, Mike Gill, said his wife, Christina Gill, in a statement reported by Fox 5 DC.
His sudden departure has left a void in our lives that can never be filled.
Gill has served as Trump's Chief Operating Officer of the Commodities Future Training Commission, CFTC.
And a married father of three was sitting in his Jeep Cherokee waiting to pick up his wife near Mount Vernon Square on the evening of January 29th when the suspected gunman identified 28-year-old Artel Cunningham, got inside the car and shot him in the head at 5.45 p.m.
You watch all these gang-banging videos, they walk in the liquor store and the clerk gives them the cash and they shoot him in the head and then shoot him five, six more times.
Or they walk over and demand your wallet at the gas pump, you give it to them and they shoot your ass.
Cunningham then fled the scene on foot.
Attempted to carjack another individual unsuccessfully, then approached a man and a woman to bang their keys.
Then he started shooting the police and got shot dead.
This is every few minutes of this episode.
A whole bunch of legislatures in Maryland and Illinois and Washington State, you hear about the carjackings every day of members of the legislature.
You only hear because they're a public figure.
Imagine how bad it is.
It's bad, folks.
Really important, big, thick article on InfoWars.com that you need to go get and you need to share.
In fact, I'm going to have Jamie, who's out there, repost it on the live show feed.
People can find it easier.
Read, House Speaker lists 64 times Biden intentionally undermined border security.
This article has all the receipts right here.
I could put the whole show on this.
Bill Maher says, quote, Biden can fix border now.
He already has the existing laws.
Wow, that's what I said.
That's what Trump said.
Why is he saying that?
Because he doesn't feel safe and he sees everybody's waking up.
Elon Musk weighs in on Biden's strategy.
Get as many illegals in the country as possible.
Create a permanent majority in a one-party state.
Tucker and Brett Weinstein.
Big professor, big scientist, big liberal.
Now totally awake.
Infowars reporting a Chinese military agent invading America.
Saying this is a military invasion.
And he explains it all.
Same equipment, same boots, same everything.
You can tell they're military.
He was down there for a week.
He said it was ridiculous.
Like red dawn.
Marching battalions of foreign troops, military age men.
ICE deports illegal alien wanted for rape released in the U.S.
under Biden.
This is just stuff today.
Now, here's where it gets really important.
This is just today what I came across without even looking.
If I wanted to show you a thousand articles, I could.
DOE to push forward $1.2 billion Biden plan to expand federal college PrepAid to illegal immigrants.
New York City launches $53 million program to issue prepaid credit cards to illegal migrant families.
Nobody gets that.
Not even welfare queens.
And it's the same all over the world.
Germany's introduced prepaid cards for migrants.
I ran across dozens of these articles last few days.
Every blue city you know, every blue city from Denver, to Seattle, to Portland, to LA, to New York, to Chicago, to Miami, is saying, hey, how's three, five, $10,000 a month sound just free?
All taxpayer paid for through NGOs.
Germany introduced prepaid cards for migrants.
Again, this came out today.
It's the same everywhere.
That's the cards they get to get to the country.
Now they give them to them once they're here.
And now they're throwing veterans out of their public housing.
We already played that earlier.
Dr. Phil visits the open southern border.
Says humanitarian crisis unlike anything we've seen before.
What did Biden say?
Said, when I get elected, immediately surge the border.
Oh, because you might be raped as if all of them have been raped.
And then they actually rape them financially and physically rape them once they get here.
And it goes on and on.
Yeah, here's one.
Washington State diverted $340 million in federal COVID funds to migrants via $1,000 checks and debit cards.
Blank cards.
Can you imagine as a citizen, whether you're white, brown, black, old, young, whatever, the government just gives you a random card with no name on it with two, three, four, five thousand dollars, a thousand dollars on it?
What is that?
It's the incentive to get them here.
Indiana schools are installing translation stations for students who don't understand English.
Oh, isn't that nice?
That just wrecks all the education for everybody.
You've all seen the footage.
The illegals, after beating NYPD officers almost to death, flip off Americans upon release one day later.
There's an arrogance.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Meanwhile, Obama advisor Axelrod on CNN admits it's a very successful policy of Republican governors shipping illegal aliens to blue cities because they don't want them.
Alright, so that's that.
I got some positive news I want to hit.
But this is positive too because it's all coming out now.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I mean, I literally, this is like a third of what I've read or looked at the last few days.
This is just a small, small piece here.
I'm gonna hit this positive news, and it's not just this story.
I'm saying this mindset, this response, this action is what we should all be doing.
And you're going to hear me say, you're going to go, well, of course we know that.
Okay, well, it's not being done enough.
Just because you know, if I go jog every day and lift weights, I'll live longer, be healthier, doesn't mean, let me tell you, I know this myself, doesn't mean you actually do it.
Just as we all know, eating our vegetables is good, doesn't mean that we shouldn't keep telling our kids to do it because they're not doing it.
But before I go any further, speaking of eating your vegetables, I'm not perfect and I'm under a lot of stress, but if I didn't have the supplements we have and we promote, I wouldn't be able to continue to be on air.
And when you go to InfoWarsTore.com, you are funding the tip of the spear in the fight against the globalists in an operation that the enemy admits has been the most effective at exposing them.
Because we're fearless and we don't back down.
We got God on our side.
But God needs to work through you.
You've got to make the decision to get great products you already need at InfoWarsTore.com.
And that is a 360 win.
That is common sense.
That is a no-brainer.
The only way we fail is if you don't take action.
So what do we got right now?
Nitric Boost, without me even knowing, became our number three bestseller because people loved it so much.
They had such great effects.
It's got all these natural compounds that clean out the blood, open up your arteries and veins, encapillators, clean out your heart, your brain, everything.
Well, we got an even better manufacturer.
The other one was great, but one that's even better with even higher quality ingredients at a lower price.
So I could never offer Nitric Boost because it cost us so much to make.
We switched to the company that actually makes it for the subcompany.
And now we can offer it for 40% off.
We've never been able to offer it in this entire multi-year history here of success.
It was just a side item we had.
People recommended it.
Oh, it cleans out the blood.
That's a hot product.
Okay, we got it.
It became a bestseller.
And then we're like, God, this thing costs us a lot.
We cannot discount it.
Well, we just said, well, let's look around and get somebody else make the same formula.
Oh, we happened to make some calls and find out who was making it for the other company.
Shall we cut the price by 20% for us?
We just pass it on to you.
So 25% off.
The savings is now yours.
40% off.
Nitric boost.
And even better than the last formula you go, well, why is it?
The same manufacturer, but even better.
Well, they said they'll make it even a little bit stronger for us to get our business.
So, same place as making it, which is being bought by somebody else and sold to us.
Now you get it 40% off to the 25% off.
So, I guess I'm passing you 15%.
We got a savings of 20%.
But the point is, you need to take nitric boost.
It takes a few days to kick in and men will particularly feel it.
I'm going to leave it at that.
You'll be like, I'm six years old.
Why am I waking up in the morning like I'm 18?
Because it opens up all your blood vessels, folks.
Okay, that's nothing but good.
It does it all natural.
Infowarstore.com, Nitric Boost, finally back in stock.
40% off out of the gates and selling out.
We knew it would, did a limited run.
Next level foundational energy.
Methylfolate, the highest organic quality with a key complex of vitamins that supercharge it.
And if you don't know what methylfolate is, it's the breakdown of folic acid that is the total cellular energy, anti-cancer, everything.
It's pure energy for your cells, so it's not like caffeine that stimulates your cells, it's just pure energy for your cells, so it gives, in my experience, so much energy, I can't take it.
I mean, because I've only done cocaine three times.
I've done Adderall two or three times.
I'm honest about this.
In my life, I've tried this and that.
Never injected heroin.
Never been it.
But I'm like, okay, I'll try that once.
I've taken acid before.
I've taken mushrooms before.
But I'm not a drug guy.
I like alcohol and caffeine, and I don't even really do a lot of that.
go back but the point is I'm being honest with you but I don't like
stimulants other than like coffee or some turbo force or whatever because but
but I still gonna be careful with it I can't even take this, folks.
I mean, all you gotta do is get next level foundational energy and just listen to me and just try it.
Now again, it depends on how your cells work.
It's genetic.
Black people, look it up.
Are genetically dominant.
And all that means is, and you can say this in any, well it's not even just in mammals, it's in any species, black is like the code original color.
And if something's got black fur, or black skin, or black whatever, like a killer whale, it's black and white.
That means like, that's, however this works, that's the original coding.
And black people got some of their own genetic issues.
But most black people have like 90%, I've done the research, because I was told about it by scientists, and I was genetically tested and learned about this a few years ago.
They get 90 plus percent processing of methylfolate.
Their cells can take folic acid and turn it into methylfolate.
The more northern European you are, or Japanese, or some northern Chinese, I have great genes.
I've been tested by two different top companies.
But both companies told me the same thing.
One told me this and said, let me do another company and see if this is true.
Totally different company.
They said, there are four genes in your mitochondria.
And I have a bunch of other super genes in my cells, but on this area, I was weak.
I had two and a half of the genes broken.
If you have three broken, you got a big problem.
That's two and a half.
If you have four, you die when you're like a year old.
So, I do not process folic acid.
And so, I'll take like half a capsule, because you can break them open.
Let me show you.
I'll take like, because I can't even take a whole capsule.
I'll do like a green, one of our green drinks in the morning, and I'll take the capsule every morning, and I'll pull it open, and I put half a capsule in my green drink, because when I get what I haven't had, my body goes so crazy, and I'm so focused, I turn into a complete jerk, because I'm, I mean, it's, I'm higher than a kite.
I can't drink coffee on this, most days I don't even take it, because my body has not had this.
So, methylfolate, folks.
I'm Northern European.
I've got two and a half of my four genes broken in my mitochondria.
I do not process folic acid.
Again, you know about, even the old-timers even know about vitamins or minerals, but they knew, you eat a bunch of spinach, you're strong, because it's full of folic acid.
And Popeye's getting his ass kicked by Bluto, or by the Sea Hag, or by, you know, Big Buzzard, and he pops open the, you know, the spinach and he kicks its ass.
Well, what if Popeye couldn't process the spinach?
So I've got to eat basically a giant spinach salad to get what a black person gets eating two leaves of spinach.
And that's basically a way to give an analogy.
It's not completely technical, but that's kind of what it is.
A black person like eats like three or four pieces of that.
They get what they need.
Well, this Popeye needs a whole giant bowl to be able to even get the same thing.
Well, not with this, because it's not folic acid.
It's the breakdown of the folic acid that the cells produce, and it is Popeye.
And I am not a nice person when I'm Popeye.
And I feel like Popeye.
So, I've just had a longer plug.
I shouldn't have done it.
I've got so much news to add.
And we're about to sell all this anyway, so I don't know why I'm plugging it so much.
But when I tell you something's badass, folks, this is the real Popeye stuff right here.
This is it.
Especially if you're white.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
And again, everything's genetic.
It's like black people don't absorb D- vitamin D3 is good.
And then they also need more sun during the winter and have incredible health problems.
So it's all genetic.
I'm not putting down white people here.
White people have got some genetic issues.
Black people have some genetic issues.
It's like sickle cell anemia.
It's black people, not white people.
We're all made the same by God, but a little bit different.
And it all goes back to the past and our ancestors and what they went through and who survived and who didn't survive and all the rest of it.
But while you're at InfoWarsTore.com, I want you to get a Team Humanity shirt about coming together and unifying against the globalists.
I want you to get the new 1776 Gadsden flag design shirt.
These are fundraisers and I appreciate your support.
Okay, I'm gonna stop.
I didn't mean to do a six, seven minute plug.
It's just, it's so exciting.
These products are so good.
And I would not take TurboForce Plus, or BrainForce Plus, or BrainForce Ultra, they're all different nootropics, I would not take them with the methylfolate.
Just do not do it.
And again, most people say, oh, this proprietary brand works so good, it's so incredible, only we have it.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
You can get methylfolate anywhere.
Not all methylfolate's made the same, not all of it's good, but all of it works.
So you may go buy it somewhere else.
Where else do you buy a product and then fund something, selling it through them, such a giant effect?
All right, I'm gonna stop there.
We're gonna go to break in a few minutes, because I could do this now, but I don't have time.
I got a big stack here of positive news.
And again, it's not just good things that are happening.
If we implement this, it's game over for the new world order, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolutely game over.
And it just ties into everything.
We're also going to get into the latest COVID poison shot news, criminal investigations launched by governors, presidents, prime ministers around the world.
We've got a stack of news on that.
What's happened with Tucker Carlson in Russia?
I've kind of got the inside baseball.
I have the whole baseball, but I'm not at liberty to tell you all of it.
I talked to Tucker yesterday and today, and he's really causing a firestorm being over there.
We'll discuss the neocons calling for him to be barred from the United States next hour.
We've also got the big news on Trump.
Dominating Biden.
Biden trailing Trump by 20 points on economy as approval rating plunges.
And what is the deep state going to try to pull to counter that?
We've got the latest Jack Smith news and so much more.
Hour number two tonight.
And I'm just so blessed to be here and so honored because we've come a long way in 30 years of the fight.
And man, things aren't perfect, but at least we're not lying down and taking it.
So again, I cannot express upon you how thankful I am for the crew, how thankful I am to all the listeners and viewers, how thankful I am for my tough family that's been put through hell just because they're my family.
They've targeted my family.
And we're tough.
My family just don't talk about it.
My family actually tells me, don't back down.
Don't even compromise.
Don't even, you know, don't even settle with anybody.
Let's go to war.
I had a meeting with my family today, and they're getting messed with behind the scenes, and my dad and mom just said, you're here to ask us whether, I'm not going to back down or sell out or anything, but you know, at least, and they said, no, no more.
No more.
That's not who we are.
And maybe you said, well, you know, they come after your family, folks.
But that's who these globalist cockroaches are.
And I was just there like, hey, I'm going next level.
I'm going to take the gloves off.
They're like, well, you better.
Alright, well, good.
I just wanted to talk to you.
They're like, well, you shouldn't even ask us about something like that.
We expect you to attack these people.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalist.
And people can't identify who's a patron and who isn't.
We want to identify as pro-human and anti-globalist.
We want to let people know we're 1776 Part 2.
That's why I designed this amazing 1776 red, white, and blue Gadsden flag shirt so you can support the Info War and meet like-minded people everywhere when you wear it.
When you wear these shirts, it creates an amazing amount of energy and it's quite the adventure.
So get your 1776 shirt right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
And get your Team Humanity InfoWars Limited Edition shirt right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is antithetical, the complete opposite of what the globalists are pushing.
So get both the Team Humanity and the 1776 Gadsden Snake Shirts, limited edition, at infowarestore.com right now.
Spread the word, meet like-minded people, and fund the 1776 revolution worldwide.
Come home with your shields or on them.
That's what the Spartan women would tell their men when they went out to battle.
They would carry in dead men, two men holding a shield with a dead man over it.
I just love my family telling me, come back with your shielder on it.
I'm just like, okay, making sure.
So I'm taking the gloves off.
They're like, we don't even expect you to ask us that.
We're fully behind you.
That feels really good, folks.
And it's good to have all you behind me as well.
I'm behind you.
You better damn well believe that.
Very, very honored to be here.
Very, very blessed.
And I appreciate you all putting up with me.
I'm certainly not perfect, far from it.
Okay, you know, some stations don't carry this segment, but a lot do.
And after I cover this next big topic, next segment, I'm going to get to this.
So I want to air a piece of this.
Now, I put a bunch of these out on X at Real Alex Jones today, four or five of these.
This is just one of them.
But they've got big pulls.
Major Gallup polls, NBC polls, you name it, all showing Trump 20 points behind in a national election, 5 to 7 to 10 points in battleground states.
Remember, they're oversampling Democrats.
And so it's way worse than that.
But they've got their little tricks up their sleeves.
So I'm going to be getting to that.
The biggest election fraud evidence of 2020 has now come out.
The FBI has been sitting on it for three years.
But now the information is out.
We're going to be getting to that as well here today.
And as I said, the great Chase Geyser did a great job with the crew.
I'll give them a better job than I've done sometimes when I'm down there.
But we've always done a great job.
There's so much to cover, you really can't miss.
But the whistleblowing information they got was huge.
It was a big story, but it should have been a lot bigger.
The NSA rebelling, not wanting to turn on face scanning stuff against citizens.
The Fed's putting out a fake, the FBI put out a fake terror alert, the white supremacists were going to attack the illegal aliens, and the Border Patrol, and it was the Border Patrol telling us this is all fake.
I mean, that is a huge story, Tim Inlow and Chase Geiser and the rest of the crew broke down there, so great job.
But here's one of these reports on Biden being in deep trouble.
We begin with our brand new NBC News poll, which brings more warning signs for President Biden and his re-election campaign.
One of our pollsters tells us we are looking at a, quote, presidency in peril.
With the general election just nine months away, President Biden has declined on every measure since 2020, is struggling with key elements of his base, And now trails former President Donald Trump by wide margins on the issues voters say are most important to them.
Joining me now to take us through the numbers is national political correspondent Steve Kornacki.
Steve, these are some truly stunning numbers.
They really are, Kristen, and let's just start with the bottom line.
When you ask folks, hey, if it's the general election and it's Trump versus Biden in our poll, Donald Trump now leads Joe Biden by five points.
Compare that to the last time we polled back in November.
Trump was ahead then, but it was only by two points.
It's even more significant when you look at it this way.
Over time, we have been testing for five years now.
Going back to 2019, a Biden-Trump matchup.
Remember, 2019, 2020, Joe Biden led.
He led big in every single one of our polls.
For the first time in November, Donald Trump pulled ahead in our poll, and now at five points, this is the biggest lead NBC has ever had in 16 polls for Donald Trump over Joe Biden.
And of course, undergirding all of this is this question of, he is the incumbent Joe Biden.
We asked voters, what do you think of the job he's doing?
And look at that, Kristen, 37% approved, and now 60%.
And we should say that is the lowest approval rating since former President George W. Bush's second term.
Yeah, and put that in further context, too.
Bush's second term wasn't running for re-election.
Here's the presidents who were running for re-election in our poll starting their re-election year.
What was their approval rating?
Bush was over 50.
He won.
Obama was almost at 50.
He won.
Trump, four years ago, was 46.
He lost.
Look how low Biden's number is compared to those predecessors at this point.
numbers all much bigger than President Biden. It shows you the improvement Biden has to
make here in the coming months. The issues that are driving this too, the economy, no
surprise we've been talking about it, but look at that advantage for Trump, 22 points
and securing the border here folks, a very important Trump with a 35.
We are now into our number two of this live Sunday transmission.
It's 5 o'clock and 6 minutes, 26 seconds.
Alright, let's talk about positive news.
20 years ago, 1% of people knew about the New World Order.
Nobody knew about the Great Reset and their plans.
We did.
That's about it.
A few other talk show hosts.
Some of you listeners were informed.
You were involved.
Look how far we've come.
So as negative as things are, because now we're inside the New World Order, we're not in Kansas anymore, at least we've got a fighting chance.
So there's a lot of these articles and a lot of these reports that I want to get to, and people are really getting this.
But here's a big one.
Klaus Schwab and the UN are there to implement the BlackRock World Government takeover.
And they want to euthanize old people, they want to kill babies even after they're born,
they want the power of life and death over everybody with their poison shots and all
the rest of it.
So in the last few years, Trudeau, and it's been on the local news there, has pressured
people, "Oh, you've got a bad spine, you're 56 years old."
It's one case we played a few months ago.
We'll give you a year of welfare and a year of pain pills, but we won't give you a surgery.
And we want you to sign a form to kill yourself, we'll kill you.
So this isn't just government-assisted suicide, this is the government pushing you and trying to make you commit it, and saying you're a bad part of society.
It's like a 10-year-old clip, but they've had similar shows here in the U.S.
It was in the Netherlands, it was a Down syndrome man.
He was a really high-functioning and smart person.
Or somebody cognitively quote with Down syndrome.
And they're sitting there telling him, well you cost three times more than the average Dutch citizen in our socialized system.
So you think socialism is protecting the weak people, but they're not.
They're kicking the old people out of nursing homes, out of their government housing, veterans out of the housing.
Same thing in Europe for the illegal aliens.
Because they want the replacement migration, but also the UN and the NGOs, when they sign them up under this emergency program, they get a bunch of money off the top.
They don't off the old programs.
So it's all just cold-blooded fraud.
So they incentivize hurting people, like if you intubate somebody with a respirator, a ventilator, you get $53,000.
And people looked at Germany, and Australia, and New Zealand, and France, and the UK, and they go, funny, if you adjust their numbers, it's $53,000 there.
Globally prepared, globally directed evil to sell the medical system on killing people.
So Trudeau's come out with TV ads and Hollywood productions and how wonderful it is to be killed and you have all these wards of the state, children and adults, that are mentally ill, that are schizophrenic, that are brain damaged, out of their minds.
Well, you're not a productive member of society.
We're going to kill you!
Because you see, you can say, oh, I'm 75, I've got bone cancer, I'm in incredible pain, I don't want to spend all my money and my family's money.
On trying to, you know, live.
I want to commit suicide.
And people that push that would say, hey, I'm an adult, it's my right.
And listen, I don't want to legalize suicide because it leads to government-pushed suicide and forced euthanasia.
But I'm not going to sit there and judge somebody if you're in incredible pain, you've been fighting cancer for two years, and you take a bunch of pain pills and drink a bottle of vodka.
I mean, I'm not going to be, but that's your choice.
That's between you and God.
Is it really a moral sin to commit suicide?
I don't know.
I could never imagine committing suicide.
And I would never do it.
But I've not been in that position yet.
So I'm not judging people.
But they act like it's this right to die.
But Jack Kevorkian admitted in his writings he was into death and loved killing people and painted all these weird paintings of babies coming out of women's vaginas and demons eating babies.
Type in the art of Jack Kevorkian, it's almost all demons and devils eating children.
So he was held up there as kind of this Greta Thunberg, this angel, this wonderful person, but really he was part of a cult of death.
But then in Canada, in the last few years, you've seen it, I almost feel bad not doing a whole show on it.
In fact, we should.
They said, we're going to kill people that are depressed.
We're going to kill people that are brain damaged.
We're going to kill people that have Down syndrome.
We're going to kill people that are schizophrenic because we're the wards.
They don't have their rights.
Their guardian is the government.
So the government is the guardian.
The government, like you're taking care of your mom or dad, they're 90 years old, nursing home, you're their guardian.
Now, could you decide to have them killed?
No, you couldn't and you shouldn't.
Here's some Jack Kevorkian art.
You can't make this up, folks.
It's like a devil and a bunch of schizophrenics.
Scroll through it.
I mean, it's babies coming out, demons eating babies.
Type in Jack Kevorkian art, demons eating babies.
You can't make this up.
So, what's happening here?
Well, if we'll kill the unborn and then now a bunch of states pass laws to kill them after they're born, remember the governor of Virginia, saying we'll only make the decision to kill the baby after it's born.
Now the state comes in and says, we are the wards, we are the chaperones, we have the power of attorney.
What's the term?
We'll pop my head in a minute, I'm teleprompter free here.
It's such a simple term.
We're their guardians.
We control them.
They have been found incompetent.
There it is.
They have been found incompetent by the state.
The state's taking care of them.
And you can sit back cold-bloodedly and say, fine.
Kill that autistic kid.
Kill that Down syndrome 20-year-old.
Kill that depressed person.
What do they contribute?
Do you feel safe?
You think God likes that?
But you don't want to do that.
But the state, the loving liberals do, because this person is under their control.
They have the power of attorney.
They've been declared incompetent.
The state is their guardian.
And so, they announced two years ago, starting last year, that they were going to start killing at least 10,000 people a year in Canada as this globalist test.
You type it in, Canada now the test case for government forced euthanasia.
And they did a survey of the entire country, the article's right here, and they could not find one doctor
that would say, "We're their guardian and we're going to decide to kill them?"
It's one thing if we can convince somebody, and they try to intimidate them, hey, just agree to commit suicide in a year or two, we'll give you a lot of freebies, you can go on a trip and see your mom, that's what they tell them.
It's in Germany, it's in France, it's in England, it's in the US.
And they come to them, and nurses have talked about it, doctors have, the patients have, they're like, listen, I was in a car wreck, my back shattered, I just want this fixed, I don't want to kill myself, but they keep guilting me and saying I can't get welfare anymore.
Oh, but there's all this welfare for the illegal aliens.
There's all this money, 200 billion for Ukraine.
They want the precedent for the state to decide who's essential and who isn't.
You saw that during the COVID garbage.
Oh, you're in the media, you're essential.
Or oh, you're a cop, you're essential.
Or you're a bureaucrat, you're essential.
But oh, you're somebody else, you're not essential.
They're telling you you're non-essential.
You don't matter.
You don't exist.
You don't have value.
So, they couldn't find anybody in Canada Even all their leftists, when the rubber met the road, they said, I'm not going to kill kids.
We're not going to go along with this.
We're not going to be part of this.
And as big as the euthanasia and government forced death and government forced suicide, which is an oxymoron, it's government murder.
It's genocide.
It's Hitler.
As big as that is, it's only a microcosm.
Just refuse pedophile drag queen time.
Just refuse the open borders.
Just refuse Hollywood.
Just refuse anything they push and just say no and speak out against it and don't comply and get in the face of people and it'll go away!
But there's not been pushback to this, so that's why this has gotten so crazy.
I have a special guest on tomorrow that I'll tell you about tomorrow at 11 a.m.
to cover this subject.
But this is humanity finding its soul again, and this is so positive.
So here's the article.
Canada halts euthanasia.
But I got video clips, though.
Trudeau and his minister said, though, we're only pausing it.
And what did they say before I even read the article?
I knew what it would be.
We're creating other options.
And it's pods.
Where you get in a pod, and the oxygen's sucked out, they chain you down.
They're the wards, but now they can't get doctors to do it, so now they're gonna have technicians do it.
And they take you in a van to some place, you get chained down, they put you in a pod, and they suck the oxygen out.
Now notice the left doesn't want Capital punishment for child murderers and cop killers, but oh, they want it for the Down Syndrome person whose parents died, who's 35 years old, has a sweet soul, has friends, likes to go to the park and feed the ducks.
We're gonna kill him.
Because we're his ward.
We're his shepherd.
Well, God's gonna damn you to hell.
Yeah, there's, there's, there's, Canada is now contracting for pods.
Canada has frozen a plan to expand the assisted suicide program to include people suffering from mental illness, so they can get mentally ill people to agree to this, or they, as their ward, do it.
Health Minister Mark Holland said, and Justice Minister Afi Varani has announced, among the reasons for the postponement, they cited a lack of medical professionals, especially psychiatrists, willing to evaluate patients before the lethal injection.
Canada legalized euthanasia after the Supreme Court ruled 2015 that it required people to cope with the intolerable suffering and tantamount to violating the public's rights.
In 2021, the Superior Court of Quebec demanded the government expand the criteria to those suffering from grievous and irredeemable conditions such as depression and other mental health issues.
The law's separate provisions for people with mental illnesses were originally postponed for two years, but now have gone into effect.
Speaking to reporters on Monday following a session of special parliamentary committee looking into the issue, Holland explained, it's clear from the conversation we've had the system is not ready.
We need more time.
On Thursday, Canada's Health Minister released a statement clarifying that the expansion, originally slated for March 17th of this year, that's a month and a half away, of this year, had been postponed until 2027.
It is hoped that by then, regional health care providers will be better prepared to administer euthanasia to the mentally ill, with clear guidelines developed.
In the meantime, the document added, Canada is already among the countries with the most liberal laws, also liberal, regarding euthanasia and assisted suicide, with a procedure available to terminally ill and chronically ill people.
However, plans to extend the practice to the mentally ill have proven controversial, with members of the opposition, Conservative Party, accusing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, government, of preparing a culture of death.
Here's some of the TV ads they're running about how beautiful it is to kill yourself.
They give you a big party, they make you a celebrity, you get to go on a trip, you get to party for a few months, just like in Soylent Green in the early 1970s, a fictional vision of the future.
Cue up our old Soylent Green three-minute piece, guys.
It's got David Nye in it, and myself and Darren McBrain.
In that, you get a great drug, you get, in the actual, I guess the book it's based on, I never read it, but I saw a synopsis, you get a big bonus for a year, and then you get given a great drug, and you see what the earth used to look like, and all this beautiful stuff they never show you anymore, and then they kill you.
This is literally the plan.
Because if we won't stand up for the Down Syndrome people, and the unborn babies, and the born babies, and depressed people they're manipulating, then none of us are safe, ladies and gentlemen.
None of us.
I've got some other examples of positive things happening.
You're like, how is it positive that we just barely backed this off three, four years?
Well that's why they rebrand it and try to find more people to do it and other articles bring in companies that are indemnified by the government like the vaccine makers and technicians do it.
Yeah, Soylent Green's made out of us giving up our soul.
It's made out of people.
Here's this important piece.
Guys found it really quick, thank you.
Because we don't really, I come in here, here's the clips, here's the articles, but half the time I'm like, pull this up, pull that up.
And then I'm talking about stuff, they're typing it in.
You can do the same thing the crew does.
You can sit here and write notes of what I say, and look it up for yourself.
And then ask yourself, why would you want to be part of a death cult like this?
Why would you want to give up on human humanity?
We have unlimited resources, we have unlimited systems that we know in complex economies, the more we take care of old people and handicaps, the more powerful and successful we are and the bigger our civilization.
So they do the inverse.
Put homeless on drugs.
Make it totally depressing.
Bring in illegals.
Let criminals run wild.
To make you think a social safety net is bad.
To make you think being involved in helping others is bad.
So you give up and say, fine, release a bioweapon.
Kill the third world.
Stop assaulting us with them.
We can turn Africa and Latin America, it's already happening, Latin America, into jewels.
You'll be wanting to move there.
They won't be able to move here.
We can empower these people.
We can do unlimited things.
That's what God wants us to do.
But we can't give in to the leftist guilt and say we're bad because we're Christian or we're white or whatever.
We have to recognize that the globalists are manipulating that to create an anti-human system against everybody, no matter what color you are.
We've broken their code.
We know their operation.
We know how to defeat them.
I've got more positive news.
I'll get to it in a moment, but here's that piece I talked about.
Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals.
*sniff* Soylent Green, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
But now, children are literally being passed through the furnace in order to fuel hospitals in the UK.
They're being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and prosperity.
What is the secret of Soylent Green?
The powdered flesh from dead babies.
Some people believe they can cure disease.
Because of its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply.
Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
The federal court ruled that the shareholders of PepsiCo, big Bilderberg Group company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So enjoy the flavor!
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death penalties and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
...is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient, would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way.
The scoops are on their way.
I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life.
You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
We gotta stop them!
That is the secret of Soylent Green.
Come on!
Silent breeders, people!
Next thing they'll be breeding is like cattle, for food.
You gotta tell 'em.
And again, there's all these arguments for this you can have.
And they do this in high schools and colleges.
They do the spaceship game, the life raft.
Oh, there's only enough food and water on the life raft for five people, but there's ten people.
Who do we decide lives?
Who dies?
And once they get you in that mindset, you decide to have a non-zero-sum game.
Or a zero-sum game.
Not a win-win situation, but how do I hurt somebody else to get ahead?
And then once they cut you out, and you're like, well, let's get rid of those non-essentials.
Let's get rid of those Down syndrome children.
Let's get rid of them.
Once they've gotten you to do that, and they can replace you with robots, but they'll get you later, you don't stand up for yourself.
You don't stand up for other people.
It's a zero-sum game.
There's only so many pieces of the pie, and now you'll be all alone when they come for you.
This is a seduction they're engaged in.
And I see the globals.
They've stolen the money, they've got all the power, all these new technologies are coming out, they want to live forever, they see billions of people, they don't want to manage it, they don't want to deal with it, and they want to sell us the Earth's ending, and we hate ourselves, and humans are bad, and climate change, and just hope we just say, okay, we'll do whatever you say, just euthanize us.
They're turning off your life force.
They're turning off your will to survive, and they're getting you to sign on to their death cult.
And that's what this is.
I'm gonna put that report out tomorrow on X, but I'm gonna shoot a little outro too, and just point out, we cut that probably 12, 13 years ago.
And I'm just gonna come out and say, where are we now?
And I'd like to see other people online Put out their new versions of this, because it's not just about Alex Jones being up here leading this.
Everything I do is about you realizing, whether you're black or Hispanic or white or old or young, if you get this and you understand this and we unify behind Christ, behind love and behind justice, we transcend what color we are and we beat this.
But that doesn't mean the left says transcend color and do whatever we say.
Open borders, euthanasia, drag queen pedophile.
New world order.
Because we all want to come together.
We all actually want to take care of each other, but they manipulate that instinct and say, well, then kill yourself.
Roll over.
Give up.
And I've got so many other examples of solutions and positive stuff happening just today.
Because it's going to get bad.
It's going to get crazy.
It's going to get very obvious how bad the New World Order is.
And they hope by then, social credit scores, cashless societies end, so much censorship that you're drugged out and poisoned and don't know what to do.
But instead, we're contending.
We're fighting.
What's a contender?
It means, yeah, this person might win the boxing match.
Yeah, they're up against the champion, but this guy's a contender.
This lady's a contender.
We are contenders for the future of humanity.
And we're not just contenders now, we're now in the position to win.
And I'm not like these globalists that promise some utopia.
But I promise you this, the system we're trying to set up together is not a dystopia by design of lies and fraud and deception and the lack of prosperity.
The universe is big.
This is an expansionist vision.
This is a vision of us doing incredible things, but it's got to be done through rigid competition, and rugged individualism, and a commitment to truth.
And that's so much better than what the globalists are offering.
Let me tell you, Bill Gates and his banana titties can burn in hell, and he's not my doctor.
And he's our enemy.
And I know one thing, King Charles and the rest of his pedophile ilk, they're not fit to be toilet attendants.
And so I know one thing, they shouldn't be in charge and they're not going to be in charge much longer.
We're identifying them and they're going down.
Stay with us.
MSNBC and others have asked me to apologize for making a parody video game criticizing the deep state and all the corruption.
And to all them, I just want to say this.
Go f*** yourselves!
Alex Jones' New World Order Wars has been number one on Steam thanks to the viewers and listeners of this broadcast.
And I want to invite everyone, before they are successful at banning, which I hope they aren't, to go to AlexJonesGame.com and follow the link to Steam and download this game for $17.76 as a message to the New World Order.
F*** you!
You want to try to ban this game just like you want to steal elections and force injections on us and open up our borders and rape us.
This is a culture war and they're scared of this game.
Get Alex Jones New World Order Wars right now at AlexJonesGame.com because anything badass gets censored!
Alright, tomorrow Ezra Levant of Rebel Media, who's an expert on the euthanasia cult and the globalist testing ground that's Canada, will be joining us.
But here's the bottom line, and a few other examples, there's so many, I'll cover it more tomorrow because I've got other news to hit here.
But they can find no doctors, no psychiatrists to aid in killing mentally ill people in Canada.
Now you'd think they couldn't find anybody, but they sure tried.
And now they're stopping the program.
Let's just reject it all.
Let's just say no.
Oh, we're going to put men in girls sports, in martial arts?
UFC hasn't done it, but they've got big martial arts international where a man gets in an arena and beats a woman to death.
I mean, they've had cases where they've killed people.
It's like, okay, well, he's allowed to.
And then all the new top runners, all the top swimmers, they're murdering logic people.
Don't go to those events.
Don't support those groups.
You're like, well, why are these different affiliations and different organizations letting men compete in cycling against women or boxing or wrestling or mixed martial arts or because The big corporate sponsors, the ESG's, the Black Rock Money, they're paying them.
If we can get the public to let men compete against women, and say two men can have a baby, they're murdering logic.
They're getting you to give in to something that's preposterous.
What happened three years ago?
When they sent the FBI and had helicopters land in Virginia at the public school?
And the FBI said we're criminally investigating parents that come and protest at school boards and it turned out Biden was running it all and the Justice Department and Merrick Garland.
They had transgenders raping girls over and over again in the schools and they were covering it up.
And it turned out Obama was behind the scenes trying to suppress it.
Why would Obama be involved in Virginia and a couple public schools suppressing rape of girls?
Because their whole agenda comes down when we finally stand up.
But if we accept men raping girls and men and women's sports, powerlifting, everything, Swimming.
We'll put up with anything!
You know, it's the old saying, when I say jump, you better say how high.
Well, if you sign up for the Marine Corps to go through boot camp, that's an admitted cult to get men ready to follow orders.
So they tell you!
Do ridiculous stuff.
Say ridiculous things.
That's a cult.
I'm not saying it's a bad cult.
It's a cult of war from thousands of years of training from different cultures to get men to charge into machine gun nests.
They're using mind control way more hardcore on our children than they use on 20 year old men that volunteer
for the United States Marine Corps.
Let that sink in.
And I'm not picking on the Marine Corps, but we know that that's... The most brainwashing goes on in the Marine Corps, boys and girls.
That's not a lie.
They shave your head, they kick your ass, they make you do all sorts of weird-ass stuff, and you say, why are you making me do something stupid?
Because I told you to!
But if you're a transgender and the Marine Corps came out six months ago, you don't have to show up for formations, drills, events.
You're just a man in a dress.
Because they want to demoralize the Marine Corps.
It's a sick cult coming in and taking over our American cult.
Yeah, training men to charge machine gun nests takes some brainwashing.
Let's admit that's what it is.
And you can say it's bad.
Maybe it is.
But it's our brainwashing.
And it's men.
How do you get men to go for six months in a submarine and go through all this stuff?
You gotta psychologically test them.
But they're not trying to pressure men to get more out of them.
They're trying to pressure you to make you a failure!
And that's a big difference.
Nietzsche said, that which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.
But they're not torturing you to make you stronger like the Marine Corps does or the Army does.
They're torturing you to break you and make you weak so they control you and that is sick beyond belief.
And I reject every damn bit of that at every level of that.
Now look, I got like 15 examples of this and I'll try to cover more tomorrow because I got some other big positive news and some fun news I want to hit.
But just look at this article.
This is out of red state.
San Francisco school goes woke and pays the price.
So the school is already failing.
San Francisco funded it all over their school system.
Instead of teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic, they taught that white people are inherently evil, read the article, and are inherently bad to mainly black and Hispanic classes.
Now they went from 60% failure, look it up, to 90% failure, total failure.
Well, that's the plan.
All these kids know is they hate white people.
But now the funding's being pulled, everyone's leaving the schools, the blacks and Hispanics don't, they go, I want my kids to know how to read and write and get a job not to hate white people.
People are saying, I'm not going to euthanize little kids.
I'm not going to send my kid to a drag queen story time with a convicted pedophile.
I'm not going to euthanize little kids.
People are just saying, this is crazy.
People are hitting bottom and they're saying, I'm not part of this.
I'm not going along with this.
Here's another one.
Louisiana man who was arrested for making jokes on Facebook, now laughing all the way to the bank.
They charged him.
They had to drop the charges.
He just joked and said, hey, they're arresting everybody ahead of the shot.
Is the Sheriff's Department going to kill us next?
They arrested him like we're in England and charged him.
And then he fought back and didn't roll over.
And then it's won a giant judgment.
Another victory.
And I've got so many.
I see hundreds of articles a week.
I mean, I saw like 15 today.
No one's buying EVs.
The EV market's collapsing.
I'm not against an electric vehicle.
But they don't work in cold weather.
They're way more expensive.
It's a scam overall.
And people are rejecting that.
The power of your choice is changing the world.
Here's another one.
Slovakia Prime Minister orders investigation into COVID-19 response and vaccines over 21,000 excess deaths since 2020.
And it's criminal investigations in Scotland.
In Australia.
And in Germany.
My point is, it's happening.
And then we've got all these cases of athletes and others having heart attacks after the shots.
People are rejecting this.
People are saying no.
People, despite all the political correctness and all the pressure, are saying, we see through this and we are not bowing down to this anymore.
All right, let me talk about this now.
I already mentioned this earlier, I played some of the newscasts, but this is a big deal.
And I'm gonna just condense it and then cover the new news.
The methodology of modern polling is gaslighting.
Push polling, there's a lot of different systems.
But they'll call you up on the phone and rig the question, do you support Trump and white supremacism?
They won't ask, who are you voting for for president?
They'll say, do you support Biden helping black people?
Or do you support white supremacism that Trump's been connected to?
That's one of the ways they manipulate the question.
Or they just sample 15% more or more of Democrats than Republicans, knowing they're going to say, I'm going to vote for Biden.
And then that creates the illusion.
But in all the major polls, hundreds of them, Trump is winning between 10 and 30 points nationwide, and between 5 and 10 points in the 8 battleground states.
So despite all their brainwashing, and all their propaganda, and all their New World Order garbage, Biden's now trailing Trump by 20 points on economy as approval rating plunges NBC poll shows.
We'll go to break.
We'll come back and talk about how they plan to grab victory from the jaws of defeat straight ahead.
And then I got some fun stuff I'm gonna hit.
I'm gonna tie Taylor Swift into Donald Trump.
Into Elvis Presley, into Adolf Hitler, into Alex Jones.
Did you hear that?
I'm going to tie the election and Joe Biden to Taylor Swift.
Into Trump, into Biden, into Elvis Presley, into Hitler.
It's fun.
And Tucker in Moscow.
Stay with us.
Alright, final segment in this hour.
Chase Geyser back from the border.
Loaded for Bear.
6 to 8 p.m.
Sunday live.
Coming up now.
Please watch it.
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And this is an InfoWar.
And you are the dog.
We're the tail.
So get this link out.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And RealLifeShows on X. Okay.
Look, I'm no rocket scientist, but I also wasn't born just yesterday.
I didn't fall off a turnip truck.
As they say, I was born in the dark, but it wasn't last night.
And so a few months ago, I went on air a couple times and I said, listen, Taylor Swift is owned by George Soros.
He bought her catalog.
He controls her.
She's a political operative.
And she's a young, beautiful woman.
And Biden's this old, creepy devil.
And if they can exacerbate the media, there's this fight between conservatives and Taylor Swift, which wasn't going on.
And conservatives, because they get a lot of traffic and a lot of coverage by the media, start covering it.
It's like those famous memes.
I should have told the crew to do it, but we can do it in post later and post it to InfoWars.com and Bandai Video, where you've got Raiders of the Lost Ark, that first scene with Indiana Jones, and he's there in the temple, he's got the bag of sand and the gold idol, and he wants to shift the bag of sand that he'd read was the right weight to the idol, but it's not the right weight, the big boulders start coming in.
Well imagine, there's Joe Biden right there, he's totally unpopular and losing everywhere, and everybody knows he's a puppet of Obama, but that they could shift Taylor Swift in to that position there, and oh, this young beautiful woman, First it's Trump, then the PSYOPs there.
And the Republicans have bought the lie, they've bought into the fraud, but they're starting to get that they've done it.
And they're starting to understand, let's just leave Taylor Swift alone.
Here's a headline.
How the Biden regime is using the Taylor Swift op to foment a cultural color revolution to undermine the 2024 election.
Great report out of Gateway Pundit.
It kind of condenses what I've already said, but it's true.
Read it.
Just ignore her.
Move on.
They said, oh, Taylor Swift doesn't like you.
Oh, Taylor Swift.
Oh, we hate Taylor Swift.
And all the young people here is, why don't you like Taylor Swift?
She's super popular.
She's the number one musician in the world right now.
She's the Beatles today.
She's owned by Soros.
She's like Greta Thunberg.
She's an actress.
She does what she's told.
Move on from her.
Throw out the trash.
So Trump comes out to counter it and says, hey, people think I look like Elvis as a joke.
He puts it on True Social and Biden seizes on that and says, no, you're not Elvis.
That's a really smart thing by Trump's PSYOP operation, which is not hurting people.
It's using fun memes against the enemy.
I know they are.
That was a really good move.
So now, weirdest campaign ever, Trump leads Latinos and Trump says, I look like Elvis and Biden completely freaks out and says, no, no, you don't look like Elvis.
So, and Trump is kind of an Elvis character, wild hair, wild, flamboyant, super popular, you know, amazing ladies, man.
It's true.
So, so this is a great sign up.
And the great news is the left's taking the bait immediately.
They got Taylor Swift.
We'll just resurrect Elvis Presley.
But I don't want my audience like that.
That's great for the general people that haven't, you know, woken up yet.
And what Trump's doing isn't bad, but it's the counter to Swift.
We're here to give you tomorrow's news today and say, here's the trick, as if you didn't already see it.
Biden says it's the weirdest campaign ever.
Trump suggests he's an Elvis lookalike.
So Trump knows exactly what he's doing.
Then this comes out today.
And I think it's really interesting.
Because the most demonized person ever is Hitler.
You know, I don't like Hitler, thought he was bad.
But that said, so many people that have been called Hitler don't even support Hitler's views.
I've been called Hitler tens of thousands of times that I know of.
I mean, so many times I came to be track of it.
So, folks used AI To merge the faces of, first off, Elon Musk, Barack Obama, I'm starting up at the upper left-hand corner, Elon Musk, Barack Obama, The Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro, Vladimir Putin, King Charles,
By the way, I posted this on X. It was a test to see if you could get it.
I made a hundred on this because I didn't read the cheat sheet first.
I said, well, that's clear.
That's Elon Musk.
Number one.
Number two is Barack Obama.
That's Hitler.
Number three is Ben Shapiro.
Number four is Vladimir Putin.
That's Hitler.
Right there in the middle is King Charles.
And who is that?
Number six.
Who is that?
And then you've got Benjamin Netanyahu.
Then you got Biden, and then you got Trump.
Now, people are completely freaking out right now, and they're doing this with AI.
They're saying, who looks the most like Hitler?
I don't want to look like Hitler, but the little joke was, my grandfather's almost completely German.
He's dead, obviously, great guy.
Didn't have black hair, had blonde hair, but his face looked like Hitler's.
It's a classic German face.
The point is, is that they merged my face with Hitler, and people thought, by the millions on X, that that was the real Hitler right there.
Now that's Alex Jones' photo, but it matches the classic Hitler photo.
So, I'm going to introduce a new conspiracy theory here today for everybody.
I'm not Bill Hicks, the comedian that died in 1993.
That's been said everywhere, it's been in Rolling Stone magazine, it's been in the New York Times.
I'm not Bill Hicks, but I am a clone of Adolf Hitler.
I am Adolf Hitler.
It's true, folks.
The truth is out.
It's been exposed.
They've done the face scans.
I am Adolf A. Lois Hitler.
I'm a clone of Hitler on a Texas diet.
Now, I'm being completely sarcastic, and that's satire.
You'll see headlines everywhere tomorrow.
Jones says he's a clone of Hitler, just like I read Jonathan Swift's Modest proposal three years ago.
And I said, if lockdowns continue and we cut off the third world's food, they're going to flood us.
And if there's a road warrior scenario, the Pentagon says within 15 days, most people become cannibals, about 90%, 10% commit suicide.
And I said, I'm not committing suicide.
If society collapses, I'll eat my neighbors.
But I said it was satire, but I was talking about a real issue.
So no, I'm not Bill Hicks.
I'm not Adolf Hitler.
But the media doesn't care.
They're liars.
It's fine.
They're going to say that Alex Jones says he's a clone of Adolf Hitler.
And then now, all the different AI groups and all the different organizations, they're all going to start looking at my face and Hitler's face.
And of course, with genetic similarities, there's so many similarities with anybody, and my mom's basically 90% German.
And they're gonna believe that I'm really the clone of Adolf Hitler.
Because that's Alex Jones, with a Hitler hair job, and a Hitler mustache, and people thought, oh, they did a big test, millions of views, oh, that's Hitler!
Millions responded and said, that's Hitler.
That's not Hitler, folks.
That's Alex Jones with a Hitler haircut.
But that's the craziness.
I way more match Hitler than I match The comedian that died in 1993.
But I have sat there, in restaurants, on the street, and literally, probably 50 times or more, I'm sitting there, hey Bill, hey Bill, hey Bill, well somebody's saying Bill five times, you finally turn around and go, oh I knew it was you!
And I look, Hicks is a Welsh name, he had dark hair, I don't, he looks like 90% like me?
But in genetics, that's like, you get like a breed of German Shepherd, they all look exactly the same.
But the point is, I don't even look that much like Hitler, but that's the mental illness that's out there, and people have to learn to decipher from that, and see the truth.
So, the big question is, am I Bill Hicks, or am I a clone of Adolf Hitler?
That's the real question.
That's why I wear the beard, folks.
It's why I have a different hairstyle.
Because I am a clone of Hitler.
Not Bill Hicks.
I am a CIA experiment.
I am a genetic clone of Adolf Alois Hitler, folks.
And a secret CIA project.
There it is right there.
No, none of that's true.
And that's why AI is so dangerous and why people can't have common sense in their own research.
They could fall for anything.
But worse, the corporate media will run with this and say Alex Jones claims he is Adolf A. Lois Hitler.
All right, we had some fun tonight.
The point is, Trump's saying, no, Taylor Swift is Biden, I am Elvis.
It's a beautiful move.
Now the left's going, no, you're not Elvis.
People think Elvis when they think Trump.
Now they'll think Hitler when they think me.
Well, Hitler's so popular now, I guess it's okay.
But I still don't like Hitler.
I think Hitler was bad.
I think, I think Ye was wrong.
Alright, Chase Gosar's coming up.
Both my grandfathers were in World War II.
They never talked about what happened in World War II until after they died.
We got to dig into their stuff and see it.
And my mom's dad was only on a few missions.
Thank God he already got killed as a fighter pilot in World War II.
And crash landed and broke a bunch of bones and he was out of the war.
The other one did more missions than he was told to do.
Out of North Africa and then in Italy and the whole thing.
And then was there for four years and in Germany when it fell.
And he told my dad a little bit about when he died.
We got all his documents and all his medals and all his stuff.
And man, the letters about, we see the flag.
We're going into it.
Those are the targets.
We're going to hit it.
You know, Billy, best buddy, just died.
His plane just blew up.
And man, there is something about that.
Like we're going in.
We're not running away from the attacks.
We're flying into the attack.
Because we got something to deliver and God said deliver it.
And I'm going to deliver more payloads.
The reason I volunteered for more missions is we have slayed the enemy.
We have destroyed them.
We have wrecked them.
God has given me nothing but victory.
And the idea now, when I've been given nothing but victory, that I won't continue the missions and I won't continue hammering them, but I can't do it without you.
Where are you getting a better bang for the buck?
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And now we even went to a bigger manufacturer and got an even higher quality, stronger version
that just came in today on the 18-wheeler.
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You need Nitric Boost.
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I wish we'd done a bigger run.
Next Level Foundational Energy, Methylfolate, all the B-Complex.
It's available.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Get a signed copy that's a fundraiser of my book, The Great Awakening.
I need your support.
I'm thankful.
And I want to thank all of you that got it and did support.
But I'm really talking to the 99% of you, and it's way more than that now.
That hear this show and never buy a damn thing.
We're in the fight, folks.
And I'll get in the damn airplane, and I'll start the engines, and I'll take off, and I'll fly over the enemy, and I'll drop the truth on their ass all day.
But if I don't got bombs getting loaded, and jet fuel, or diesel, or kerosene getting put in the engines, I can't take this son of a bitch off, and I can't go do it.
And we've already had, all glory to God, and at the level of God, but all support to you for your support, all credit to the audience, we've already I'll use the analogy.
It's like we go to Las Vegas last 29 years on air, and we put a quarter in the slot machine, we win $1,000.
We go play blackjack, we spend $1,000, we make $100,000.
We go to the roulette wheel, we make a million.
We never even lose!
I get tortured, I get attacked, I get lied about, I get physically attacked.
People come to my house, I don't even get into that, what that's like for my family.
But as long as I don't care, and as long as I got courage and trust in God, like Job did, we have, for every attack, for every little slap I get, is a dagger in the enemy.
For every time they thump me in the face, Is a fist right in their nose.
For every time they break my leg, they get destroyed.
One of their whole cities gets vaporized.
Using that as an analogy.
We are devastating them!
This operation is a devastator!
The enemy fears it!
They hate it!
They hate the spirit of it!
They know it's real!
It's everything they hate!
So empower me!
Energize me!
Pray for me!
Buy the products!
Get off the fence!
God's watching!
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