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Name: 20240131_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 31, 2024
2925 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the importance of documenting the situation at the US-Mexico border and encourages people to stay informed about current events. He promotes his online store, highlighting products such as Nitric Boost, methylfolate with high-quality organic B-complex, and "The Great Awakening" book, which covers globalist plans and provides an alternate plan for society. He also mentions a live stream event called TakeOurBorderBack.com where people can get real-time updates on the situation at the border. In this video, Alex Jones reports from Eagle Pass, Texas, near the US- Mexico border. He describes the end of the border wall and how easy it is for people to cross into the United States through various openings in the wall. Jones also discusses a leak found in the border wall, emphasizing that multiple leaks are causing issues for the country. A member of Alex Jones' team travels to Eagle Pass, Texas, and investigates the security measures along the U.S.-Mexico border. They report that it is very easy for migrants to bypass the barriers and defenses set up to protect the United States. The team finds numerous gaps and holes in the security system, making it simple for anyone to cross the border illegally. Alex Jones discusses private labeling a national bestseller, promoting his Good Night Sleep formula. He then transitions into discussing new developments regarding the events of January 6th and the pipe bomb situation. Congressman Massey reveals that the person who found the pipe bomb was, in fact, an undercover Capitol Police officer. Jones questions whether the Capitol Police would set a bomb to harm anyone and discusses how the ATF is cooperating with the FBI on the investigation.

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This is the biggest story in the country, this is the biggest scandal in recent American history, and it's blowing wide open as we speak.
So, I encourage everyone to follow our work at Reballer.
We had a definitive piece that came out about a week ago, a little over a week ago, that explored this explosive and damning video depicting the a Capitol Police officer discovering the DNC bomb.
And what we saw was Secret Service was totally unconcerned.
They were all unconcerned for themselves, for their protege Kamala Harris,
and for children that they allowed to walk right by the bomb.
It was clear that they knew that it was fake.
And the question is, how did they know it was fake?
And there are other questions.
And it just so happens that there was a closed meeting that involved Congressman Nassi and certain others from the
judiciary committee, and it involved certain Capitol Police officers
And it included at least one Capitol Police officer who was present at that event as the DNC bomb was being
and officials.
And so basically, the way that I thought about it was, there are two glaring questions to ask these people.
Why the lack of concern?
Why did you do nothing?
Why did you not stop these children from walking within feet of the bomb?
Why were you unconcerned with Kamala Harris and for your own safety and so forth?
Could they possibly have an adequate answer to that?
Is there maybe a 1% chance that there's some exotic, counterintuitive, and yet when you hear it, Plausible and innocent explanation.
I held out a 1% chance, but maybe I just didn't think of something that would make it all make sense, and it was alright.
Well, turns out that's not the case.
Their answer to that question, I'm not making this up, their answer to that question is, we didn't want to cause panic.
And that's why we did nothing.
That's why we waited over a minute to even get out of our vehicles.
That's why we let children walk right in front of the bomb, because we didn't want to cause panic.
Give me a break.
Totally inadequate answer.
I think it's that 1% chance that maybe it's not a cover-up.
Maybe there's some totally exotic explanation that once you hear it, you're like, okay, that actually does make sense.
No, that 1% is ruled out.
These pipe bombs were in operation, and they're covering it up.
And we even know some of the people involved in the cover-up, and that's probably going to come out in the coming weeks.
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Tomorrow's news.
We saw Border Patrol literally just buzz through in there.
He's coming out right now.
It looks like Texas State Guard right there, based on what he's wearing.
But nobody's bothering us.
I mean, for all they know, we just came illegally across the border.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
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This is Chase Geyser reporting for InfoWars from Eagle Pass, Texas.
Now, we're at the border wall now.
We've been investigating what was going on at Shelby Park.
We've investigated what's happening at the end of the wall.
Believe it or not, the wall actually does end just a little ways up the road here.
But this is a different section that I wanted to draw your attention to of the wall.
So as we walk here, you'll see more examples of clothes that have just been left behind, apparently by people who have come across the border.
Now, we are far enough away from the road that I'm confident that this isn't just litter from cars, litter from the road.
And by the way, who just throws clothes outside their car anyway?
This is obviously material, supplies, clothing that's been left behind by people who have been crossing the border into the United States
We've got different toiletries, we've got a shoe here, obviously other trash and litter
which may have come from the road littering.
But we've got all sorts of examples here of supplies that have been left behind, apparently,
by migrants who have come over.
Now I don't know what the details are.
It seems, based on some of the trash bags that I've seen laying around, that perhaps
some of these migrants are putting their belongings in these trash bags to go across the river
so they don't get wet.
Apparently their clothes get wet when they cross the river and they may be leaving behind
their wet clothes here, changing into dry clothes from the trash bag and then just moving
So we can see that there's all sorts of examples of clothing being left behind.
There's socks here, other items here, along the border here in Eagle Pass.
It just is abundantly obvious how easy it is to come into the United States from Mexico
through any...
Number of different ways in the openings in the wall that we have here.
So the wall ends down there You can just simply walk around it But if you don't feel like walking around it, you can simply walk through this open gate right here.
Now, there's no trespassing sign.
It says it's private property.
I believe there's a farm on the other side of this wall here.
But the Rio Grande is right there, and Mexico is right there.
So you can feasibly cross the Rio Grande, cut through this little piece of private property, this farm, and then walk right through this open gate into the United States.
We saw Border Patrol literally just buzz through in there.
He's coming out right now.
It looks like Texas State Guard right there, based on what he's wearing.
But nobody's bothering us!
I mean, for all they know, we just came illegally across the border.
So, it's just absolutely amazing to me how asinine the argument is about whether or not barbed wire is gonna be enough when there's so many leaks in this ship.
I think it was Benjamin Franklin that said, uh, Small leak can sink a great ship.
Well, there's a lot of leaks in our border and it is sinking the great ship of the United States of America.
We'll be reporting all week for InfoWars from Eagle Pass.
Make sure you visit InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Make sure you visit InfoWarsStore.com and be the reason that we are still on the air.
Check us out at Band.Video and follow me on X at RealChaseGuys or follow Alex Jones on X at RealAlexJones and at InfoWars on X as well.
In Denver, Colorado, look at all of these migrants.
Where do you think they're coming from?
Where do you think they're coming from?
This is absolutely crazy.
Colorado, look at all of these migrants.
Where do you think they're coming from?
Where do you think they're coming from?
This is absolutely [BLEEP
What the heck, man?
Can barely get through this Oh my god!
What the heck?
A hungry father got down on his knees and used a pole to try and fish food out from behind a fence.
The Venezuelan migrant said his five kids were not far away and were hungry.
the food he was able to get he shared with immigrants that were staying in the same location in Denver.
Oh we've got one hell of a transmission lined up for you today.
The planets are aligning in a lot of crazy ways.
It's Wednesday, January 31st.
2024, folks.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Wednesday, January 31st, 2024.
Stay with us.
about what's happening now.
2024, folks, stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Wednesday, January 31st, 2024.
And we have got masses of news to cover today.
We are jam-packed with special guests and information today.
We have our reporters on the Texas-Mexico border that's basically non-existent.
We've gotten answers on whether the governor's putting on a show or not.
We'll be getting to that.
We have the folks leading one of the convoys down to the border joining us to give updates on that.
And we have so many other big guests coming up here today that I'll be listing for you here in just a moment.
Like Dr. Darren Beattie that's going to be coming on the transmission.
We have two giant breaks in January 6 and I've got to say they are the biggest yet.
Report, J6 pipe bomber is a government official.
FBI hid his license plate number, refused to interview him, and Congressman Massey is reporting on that and more.
He did an interview last night with Congressman Matt Gaetz.
We've got that coming up.
Breaking, Representative Thomas Massey has confirmed the person who found the pipe bomb at the DC on January 6th is a current U.S.
Capitol Police officer.
So they're reporting that who planted the bomb reportedly is a Fed and who found the bomb, that they now admit was a fake bomb as we told you, an FBI training device, the next day.
Absolutely insane.
And now Obama is openly campaigning for Biden and basically admitting
that he's really the president.
We have Doc Chambers joining us coming up at the bottom of the hour on the caravan and the border and all the developments there.
Dr. Jaron J. Beattie will be joining us on the huge January 6th developments.
Jeremy, great talk show host from The Quarter.
You talk about culture and what's happening in the media, joins us in the third hour.
And the great investigative journalist, Jason Burmess, in the fourth hour, all ahead of the war room with the mighty Owen Schroer, 3 p.m.
Central today.
Don't forget, Harrison Smith, American Journal.
Knocking it out of the park, weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
Of course, I'm your host, Alex Jones, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central every day.
And that's only part of it.
Remember when they first came out with CHAT, GPT, and all these other AI systems, and they were all anti-New World Order, anti-globalist, Klaus Schwab's evil, 9-11 was an inside job, the New World Order wants to kill you?
That was a year or two years ago and so they would go in and reprogram them to be liberal and now they say the moon is made of cheese and too many can have babies and 2 plus 2 equals 10 literally because they have to sabotage the AI to make it mentally ill like them.
Well, Elon Musk Has talked about the fact that one of the reasons he bought Twitter was not just for free speech, but was so that he could have a AI training system that was open source and not being manipulated as much.
Nothing's perfect.
And let me tell you, his Grok system, my dad was trying to get me to look at it months ago, and the crews tried to show me stuff on Grok.
And I'm just like, maybe out with the bathwater, because how controlled the other AI is, we've done tests with it.
It's literally upside down world.
We've started doing it.
Others have started doing it.
You give Grok political questions.
It's like Alex Jones is talking, but quicker, more succinct.
I'm blown away.
Ben Warren wrote a story about it this morning on InfoWars.com.
Elon Musk AI Grok gives stunningly accurate description of why government destabilized countries for power.
And if you ask Grok who the criminals are and who the enemy is, he'll tell you the UN and the World Economic Forum.
You gotta read this stuff!
And it's like Thomas Jefferson wrote it or something.
Because what it's doing is scraping all the real facts and knowledge, and it's wild.
Just a year and a half ago, the different AI systems before they manipulated them were Saying COVID-19 was made in a lab and released and he stabilized it all over the world.
And AI is scraping billions of conversations to come up with this and then scanning facts and making its own decision.
It's an incredible tool, like a shovel in your hand to, you know, dig a ditch.
You can also use a shovel to beat somebody's brains out.
Or an 18-wheeler is a great tool.
You can also use it if you're a jihadi to scream Allah Akbar and run over hundreds of people in Germany.
So that's a big article that I'm going to read, and I've told the crew, hey, let's ask Grok some more questions.
But let's also ask the same question of Microsoft and Google's AI.
So let's ask Grok what it means to be a woman, and then let's ask some of the other systems.
Wow, is all I can say.
Very impressive.
You want to go to InfoWars.com.
By the way, when you try to go to InfoWars.com, you see a security check for about three seconds, making sure you're not a bot.
And that's because we're now into day three of the biggest denial of service attack we've ever had.
And thanks to our great crew and companies we work with, we're still on the air.
But there are a lot of groups and systems really really working to block us right now.
I also tried to put a Band.Video link out today on Real Alex Jones on X and it told me go to our community center this has been judged dangerous.
And when I had a chance to talk to Musk two and a half hours five weeks ago he said now Alex is going to take a while.
It's a lot of back in stuff of censorship that we're trying to go through and cut off and fix and I was even unable to get on spaces that day I had
to use Chase Geysers and Musk and I talked about that a day later I was
finally able to get on so they took those restrictions off but currently trying to
share the URL band.video his Prasad and Angrada still on X so I've got
some sources that get a hold of Musk I'm gonna try to get him a message and I
talked to him about that but regardless that is still going on.
Okay, let me tell you what else we got on the front burner here and a lot of stuff on the back burner as well.
It's now been confirmed by the feds that indeed they ordered no more natural gas to be sold nationwide because it mainly hurts Texas to the rest of the world because Biden means Obama is mad at Texas.
That first broke a few days ago.
Now they're like, yep, we just cut your energy sales off.
Total terrorism, total economic siege and warfare.
Really powerful interview with Russell Brand in studio with the great Tucker Carlson.
They talk about the nature of the universe.
Russell Brand celebrates Alex Jones for predicting globalism, warns of dark forces, the dark spirit working as humanity.
They both agree that Satan is real and that we need God.
So kind of a big deal to have Russell Brand, who's super trendy, been trendy for 20 years, 15 years, joining the team, really waking up.
I had a two hour conversation with him a month ago or so, and he's really awake.
So Tucker, I can tell you.
So that's exciting.
I didn't get to it yesterday, but now we have more news.
So I'm going to get to it today.
We have time to try.
All over the country they are coming, even elementary students, and confusing them and saying they're another sex.
If the child agrees for a lollipop or a comic book, that's what they give them, they then put them in a database and begin taking the children away from their parents.
Now all over the country, parents stripped of custody for opposing teen daughters' gender transition.
So we're going to be looking at these monstrous creatures and how the state is openly coming and taking your children and our children Now this is truly the line in the sand from myself and many others.
We're going to be getting into all of that.
Also, Iowa Capitol satanic display.
It was just a tinfoil devil.
Vandalism draws hate crime.
So he just burned down a police station.
He would have been bailed out by Kamala Harris and the DA wouldn't have pressed charges, the Soros DA.
But boy, you knock over the tinfoil styrofoam statue of Baphomet.
Baby, you going to jail a long time.
And that ties into this nightmare report.
Peaceful pro-life protesters who sat and sang on the steps of an abortuary found guilty face long prison terms.
Because again, they didn't burn down a police station or shoot a homeless person.
That is the new gulag system here in this country.
And there's a lot of other big news.
The Atlantic Monthly The Jeffrey Epstein publication.
I mean, we're talking seriously evil folks.
They're coming out and exposing the emergence of techno-authoritarianism.
And there's other big articles about how really the NSA is Google and big tech.
But they're only doing that to try to rally the left to fully take over Facebook and Google and the rest of it for that particular faction of the globalists.
Trump nominated for a Nobel Prize.
It's an official nomination by a committee member, or someone able to file to the direct committee as a member of the Congress.
And Elon Musk is being punished more for not being a good little globalist.
A Delaware judge voids Elon Musk's $55 billion compensation package, which is just a percentage of the stock.
So now they're trying to take basically In a roundabout way, his stock away.
So he just said, I'm just gonna unincorporate from Delaware and move to Texas.
Or he says he's thinking about it and had a vote with tens of millions of votes, 90 plus percent said, yes, move to Texas.
Pretty much already, he already lives here physically, just down the street from the office.
And so that's definitely an exciting Development on that front also moment of no return imminent as Biden has decided on response Syria Iran supplied weapons using attacks and they say that it's gonna be a big big retaliation so the escalation just continues on for all the folks that want to Warm themselves by the glow of thermal nuclear war.
Well, the clock just moved in my opinion a lot closer to that so That is a smattering of what we're going to cover today.
And again, we have Doc Chambers coming up.
Former Green Beret colonel and patriot on what's happening at the border and an update on the convoys.
We're also got Professor Darren J. Beatty, expert on January 6th with the biggest developments yet, joining us.
Jeremy with the quartering, great guy, really smart on the culture and what's happening.
And of course, Jason Burma, investigative journalist, will cover God knows what.
I just asked him to host the show whenever he'd like in the fourth hour.
And I'm sure it will not be disappointing as they say.
I was sitting here seconds before we went live and I couldn't decide what the top story was.
And I really still can't decide what the top story is.
But let me go ahead and just tackle, tackle this now.
I'm having a bit of some allergies today.
I need to take some of my, uh, pollen block.
I, uh, For a nice long hike with my oldest daughter today.
It was so nice.
Such beautiful weather.
But my nose is running like a faucet from all the mold and cedar.
We have our spring and the winter here in Central Texas with a bunch of the trees.
And it's definitely interesting.
But it does make my voice even deeper.
I'm not trying to sound like Who's the famous black singer?
Yeah, baby.
We're gonna have a good night tonight.
Barry White, yeah.
Alright now, my child.
Let's do it now, baby, yeah.
That's what my voice really sounds like.
It's crazy, isn't it?
Add a little pollen to it, that's what you get.
Alright, so.
I have massively prepared for this broadcast.
That's usually the problem when I do that.
The best shows I have is when I just don't even get ready, which is like once a month.
And I just wander in here because I'm late or having to do some legal thing or family thing.
And I just hit it and hit it hard.
But today you're getting the uber prepared, uber prepared Alex Jones.
And that means that every stack I look at is super complex, but also simple and always at one level.
But there's a lot of nuances to it.
And so I want to hit it just right.
I want to be totally accurate.
Because even when you try to tell the truth and do the best job you can, to really nail it and really capture it is hard.
But I'm going to do it right now.
So let's go ahead and get into the big enchilada.
A lot of people have been asking me what I think is going on.
People have been asking me to pass judgment.
Calling Greg Abbott when I was on air in studio with Tucker a few months ago.
He was like, what about your horrible governor, Abbott, and how he's leaving the border wide open?
And I said, yeah, but he's deporting the illegals all over the country.
And he goes, yeah, but that's a gimmick, which he was right.
And, you know, Abbott's big W-E-F, he wanted to crowd the W-E-F.
It looks good to have the bar bar being put up.
Looks good to have him grabbing some of the land there and at least exercising some authority.
And it's good to see the other states line up behind Texas.
It was beautiful.
But I know about the border.
I've been down there a lot.
Our crew's down there again.
So I haven't been down there in six months or so.
Owen was there a few months ago.
Some of the other crew was down there.
Got Chase Geiser and some more of the crew down there right now.
So I just told them when I got there, go check all these sites and give me a report.
And they gave me a report.
They're filing more of those reports today.
Abbott is not stopping the vast majority of people coming through.
They are doing some background checks and putting state charges on people that are convicted arsonists, armed robbers, murderers, child molesters.
So, you know, what Biden's doing on a scale of one to tens of 20, paying people to come here, springboarding it, not checking anybody, not doing DNA tests when clearly it's a kidnapped kid, so they can prove the person they're with is not a relative.
So, Just being derelict, totally derelict, and opening the borders of 10.
But when you're accelerating it and accentuating it and turbocharging it, you can go up to 30 or 40 or 50.
So it's beyond just having a broken border.
The border is now a giant magna.
So where is Governor Abbott on a scale of 1 to 10?
It's about a 5.
But the state does have limited resources and anybody's asking, well, you know, they put some fences up and they've got all the major gates open and they haven't put up some of the fence where Biden cut it down.
And I understand he's not Superman.
He's not God.
He can't just wave a magic wand and do that.
But out of Abbott's own actions, we know what's really going on.
And again, it's a cute gimmick, but that's what it is.
Tsunami of illegals sent to sanctuary cities.
We'll continue until Biden closes the border.
And whether you're in Denver, or whether you're in Chicago, or whether you're in Detroit, or whether you're in Trenton, or whether you're in New York, or wherever you're at, the illegal aliens are stacking up unless it's Martha's Vineyard where Obama lives.
So yes, he's continuing the same policies as before.
I think we have to give it a little time to see what develops out of the heat he's put on the feds.
Clearly Abbott has done that.
But the big takeaway is he's been going along with the illusion that he somehow just shut the border down and that's what people believed a lot of folks.
And so there's a big letdown.
Uh, when it is not the case.
So, uh, here's the headline.
Tsunami of illegal sent to sanctuary cities will continue until Biden closes the border.
Posting on X platform, Abbott made the perfectly reasonable case, according to red state, the Texas border towns should not foot the bill for Biden's open border policy and will therefore continue to send illegal arriving to the so-called sanctuary cities, such as New York, Chicago.
Until Biden takes decisive action.
Then there's the other big lie that a law needs to be passed by Congress and that that will stop illegals.
We have all the laws in place.
They're all there.
They can deport every damn one of them.
They can pull out of the UN migrant refugee treaty that gives them control over who gets in and who doesn't.
But they're not doing it.
So I would go from giving Abbott a score of F- To C-minus.
That's basically where I'm at.
And it's up to us to continue to put pressure on the governor.
It's up to us to continue, as citizen journalists, and I consider myself a citizen journalist, everybody to get down to the border and to cover what's happening down there and to document it.
And this is not like January 6th where it's the Capitol and the feds control it and they've got provocateurs that can set us up.
The Texas border is 600 plus miles long.
The whole border is over 2,000 miles long.
Like 2,300 something?
Going from memory, look up the length of the Texas-Mexico border.
And so, more of us down there documenting things is what stops the feds from provocateuring.
And having these great convoys going down there, led by all these great patriots, is the type of attention we need.
I know a lot of people send me messages and warn me, and we've told people to have your head on a swivel down there, but You get there, and it's a bunch of troops, and a bunch of border patrol, and as long as you don't go over to the Mexico side, it's pretty safe.
99% of the killing goes on in Mexico.
And it's by the thousands a month.
I mean, it's hundreds of thousands the last 15 years, they admit.
It is people hanging up dead in trees, decapitated people, you know, machine gun fire, tracers like it's a war zone.
I've sat there and watched it at night myself.
I mean, it's crazy.
The squeamishness of people to not go down there and say, oh, the feds are going to set us up.
You're on a giant border.
The type of thing the feds will do is wind up some militia.
Create a militia group, get some mentally ill people in it, and go down there and torture some illegal alien or something.
And that's not even going on, but that's the type of stuff, or plan a kidnapping plot, or something like we saw with Whitmer.
They run the same M.O.
over and over again.
They could barely get that done with Whitmer, and it blew up in their face.
So, a spotlight on this is so important.
We're going to talk about that with our special guest coming up, Doc Chambers, next segment.
Before we go any further, I want to thank the listeners for your support.
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The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
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What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so, we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family, standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air, so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage, so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at mfulworthstore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
All right, InfoWars has got a big crew of reporters, drones, you name it, down at Eagle Pass.
Got a lot of findings coming in.
I wanted to give everybody an update on the different convoys coming from the east and west coast, and one getting ready to go here tomorrow out of Gripping Springs, Texas, right outside Austin.
Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Pete Chambers, great patriot, helping run a lot of the intel and safety on that, is popping in.
And I've got Raw Story here celebrating What they think is scaring people away, God's Army border truck convoy falls flat amid right-wing honeypot paranoia.
Well, there's no paranoia.
We've got Dr. Darren Beatty joining us.
They've now confirmed, Congressman Massey's confirmed, both the guy that planted the bomb, federal agent, and the guy that found the bomb, federal agent, pipe bomb.
But this is a huge border, folks.
This isn't a capital where they can set us up like they did.
This is as safe as going to a Trump rally, as long as you don't go over on the Mexico side.
I've been down there countless times, so it's important for everybody, including citizen journalists, to go down there and be part of this, and expose it, and join with all these other states that have joined with Texas, and what the governor's doing, drawing attention down there.
He's not doing a perfect job, because he's not God.
But first, before we go to Doc, I want to just show TV viewers some footage.
Whether it's France or the Netherlands or Germany, they're coming in with carbon rules and fertilizer rules and banning cows and sheep that will bankrupt almost all the farmers so Big Agra can move in.
Let's show some B-roll of that.
And they are spraying fertilizer raw feces on government buildings.
They're burning down bridges and highways.
They are tearing up highways.
With heavy equipment.
Because they don't have a choice.
And I'm not saying do that.
Look at the trucker convoy and what we've seen.
There's a new one up in Canada.
The Europeans are further down the rat hole than we are.
This is where we're going to be in a few years.
They're forced to do this.
Okay, they are forced to do this.
We want to stop things getting so bad that we're forced into this.
So, Doc's done a great job.
He was on yesterday with Maria Z in the fourth hour and really broke all this down to give us an update and to rally everybody, just like Colonel Travis did, to come to the Alamo.
We're not asking you to go to a shooting war, folks.
I got crew down there.
I'll be getting down there in the next few weeks.
Hell, I may just go to get people to go, because this is so critically important.
We've got more reporters arriving Saturday.
We have reporters there right now.
So, Doc, thank you so much for joining us.
Yes, sir.
Good to be here.
There you are.
Update us on the great information you gave us yesterday, how we're working with law enforcement, how you have identified some possible provocateurs, but that's great, not in the convoy, but down there, and how critical this is.
Yeah, this part of this, that particular piece, is extremely critical because we have to stay on the offense regarding security of these citizens and the convoy itself.
The message is going to continue on.
These are God-led people.
And you know what?
If you don't know what Guards Army is, go to Sunday School and you'll figure it out.
So we're going to stay off that subject.
But what I'm seeing here on the ground right now at Dripping Springs to receive this convoy as they are east of Baton Rouge right now.
They'll be rolling this way.
They should be parking their trucks tonight around Dripping Springs.
And these locations have been approved by all the disinformation, misinformation.
Somebody actually called the mayor's office of Dripping Springs and said it's all been canceled.
This is the kind of stuff that you see.
We got it.
So we are already friends with these people.
This is we, the people.
We live here.
We have relationships and we're going to take care of each other.
So the city is allowing, and the county, assets to help provide security and locations to park the trucks, however many show up.
We don't know.
The last I heard there were a hundred.
I don't know.
I mean, it goes up and down until you get here.
We'll know.
The key thing to this though, this is the key thing.
I think this is the most important thing.
Under the doctrine of lesser magistrates, and I think it should be the higher magistrates, but the sheriff is the most important guy in the county.
He has more power than the President of the United States in our county.
So we will support that sheriff, that Texas constable, that Department of Public Safety trooper.
We will continue to support them and we are talking back and forth.
That's my job.
I'm the liaison for that.
So then, it's going to go all the way up to, we've talked to AG Paxton's office, to the Lieutenant Governor's office, and the Governor's office, and invited him to come down.
We've got a helipad just across the way.
We're going to have three helicopters landing, we've got a surprise guest flying in to play some rock and roll, and it's going to all be America in here and freedom.
And we are not going to let any knuckleheads come in here.
We know who you are.
Lara Logan already has those names.
We have your names.
She's going to do a lot more research on that.
And I suggest if you are on that list, we're not going to give it out.
But if you are on that list, you should stand by to be exposed.
Pretty big.
So the left always tries to frustrate any unity we have.
And after January 6th, we've exposed it as an inside job.
That was a particular trap.
We've learned from that.
Conservatives and patriots and Christians, who are all of us, you know, God's children and God's army, as God's ordered us to do in the Bible, to stand against evil and occupy until its return.
It is our job to be the eyes and ears.
And so, absolutely, there's a lot of disinformation, ladies and gentlemen.
It's all a bunch of garbage.
Everybody needs to, in Central Texas, get to this event tomorrow.
Everybody that can needs to go to the border.
This is historic, and this is absolutely beautiful.
And as we speak, the whole January 6th operation is unraveling.
Yeah, right.
So we are counter-January 6th compliant.
That's what I'm telling people.
So we will make sure we check the boxes so we can counter any kind of craziness that's targeting United States citizens and Texans.
And this ain't D.C., folks.
This is actually a state and we have sovereignty and we have a constitution.
The U.S.
And that's beyond key that we have the governor and we have the AG and we have the attorney.
We have everybody.
This is popular.
This is populist.
This is like basically going, you know, tailgating for a football game except you're saving your country.
Yeah, and look, they need us as much or more than we need them when I'm talking about the legislators and those things.
They need us to support them.
But they sometimes forget that we're out here and until you get, you know, some squeakiness on that wheel, you're not going to get the oil.
So what this is doing is exactly that.
This isn't about shutting anything.
It's a very figurative term.
These people don't have the authorities to do that.
But what they have the authority to do is to exercise their First Amendment right in order to get them to do their jobs, which is their authorities.
And that is their job, the security of this nation and this state.
The state's doing it.
The feds aren't.
Well, Doc, We have to get out of our shells since January 6th.
We are three plus years later.
We're going in to the homestretch here in the next nine and a half months.
And conservatives and Christians have to not be in an intimidated stance.
We have to peacefully, as information warriors, get on the offense.
And I think this event that you guys are part of is the beginning of getting people out of their shells.
This is, you know, it's just amazing to see it.
As they're giving me updates from the road, I'm sending those directly to The Regional Directors for Public Safety.
That's important, because that's how we the people work.
We're honest, we're truthful, and we put the number one thing in mind, which is their safety.
Their safety.
Those people's safety on that convoy.
The people that are down on the border.
Their safety.
They're not going to go disrupt anything in Eagle Pass itself.
They're going to be 20 miles away.
They're going to go and bring the message of God to help a lady down there who is alone and unafraid on that border, 400 meters from cartel.
That's what they're going to do.
She's an American as much as me or you or that regime up there in DC.
Maybe they're not as American.
Well, expanding on this...
This is critical because once we have this and once it's peaceful and once it's successful, that'll be seen as others as it's time to now get out of their ditches and get out of their foxholes in the information war and get back out on the street because it's great to go to Trump rallies, ladies and gentlemen, but all of us have to get absolutely re-engaged in this election year.
This requires action.
So, you know, I'll use a little quick example of that.
There are think tanks and there are do tanks.
Now, think tanks write white papers.
Our operation here is a do tank.
We are doing things.
We take white papers to start fires or do other things with it, I won't say on this meeting.
If we just talk about that, it's action.
You know, faith without works is dead.
That's a real thing, believe it or not.
It's going to go nowhere if you just sit around and bellyache and gripe about it and send me text messages about what are we going to do, Doc?
I said, well, get your ass over here.
Well, the reason it's really good to get citizen journalists down there, because people that don't know, it's Walmarts and McDonald's and grocery stores and hotels in most of that area.
And then there's the border wall right there.
And so it's not like you're going into Vietnam in 1968 or something and you're in a... it's... but...
Then, if we've got thousands of people down there, everybody will then be able to cover just a different entrance and you'll catch the hordes coming through and things they don't want seen.
That's why I tell people, hey, take your vacation at the Texas border for a week.
Just go down there and randomly drive around and you'll see kids being smuggled in the back of cars.
I mean, and then those videos go viral and that spotlights it.
But the corporate media, Fox News and people will show you Eagle Pass and a few things.
Only having a whole bunch of eyes and ears can really capture it.
That's how we've captured them bringing drugs across.
We've captured so much stuff ourselves, just driving up and down the road for a few hours.
Well, it's just, it is those citizen journalists who now are contacting me as I'm a liaison on this thing, which they're the ones that are giving me the names.
We're not diving into some database.
We're just listening to people saying, hey, this dude's bad.
He's coming to mess with your convoy.
That's how that's happening.
Well, it's beautiful, and we outnumbered them so much.
I mean, the left are a bunch of cowards.
We walked right into the trap in D.C.
because we had so many rallies there before, and no problems.
And then the Capitol Police, we now know, were involved.
The D.C.
police were involved.
But that's D.C., folks.
That's like another planet.
That is not Texas.
Well, yeah, it's a whole nother... It's not even part of the United States, as far as I'm concerned.
It's a district.
You know, I don't know.
They're obviously not adhering to the constitutional amendments that call for a speedy trial or a proper notification of what your crime even is.
So, in this case, we know Texas and we know that our law enforcement will support us.
There are some that are a little bit slower in coming to the game, but they're gonna do the right thing.
We're seeing it.
I'm watching the faces of these sheriffs as I talk to them and say, face-to-face this morning on one particular one, and say, and he's like, what's going on down there?
By the end of it, We're having coffee and they're laughing about the silliness, the ridiculousness of some of these articles.
We're worried.
Well, that's right.
Early on, the corporate media said you guys are going to ride down there like Road Warrior and be strapping illegal aliens on the front of trucks and all this.
No, we're there to make sure nobody does that and nobody's doing that.
The murdering and stuff's going on on the other side.
So in the minutes we have left, about 10 minutes left, Doc, Colonel, I want to talk about, in general, the websites, where you guys are going, what people can do that want to commit to be part of this historic event.
Right, so takeourborderback.com.
That's their website.
I'm just promoting that right now because that's the most important thing.
You've got to focus everybody there.
The updates are coming on the website.
They do have a live stream of the convoy.
You can see what they're doing.
Like I said, they're east of Baton Rouge right now.
And that'll be your best way to get updated.
They'll tell you where to go.
And then as it dials in, we're gonna put out another press release.
And we'll get that out to your folks and out to some other folks to get it out at
the larger, this size of media.
Separately, my crew's down there right now.
You've worked down there, obviously with the government, not just as a private citizen.
Where do you think we should send our camera guys and our investigators?
And when I get down there, when Owen gets down there, we're going to be rotating all of us through the next month.
Yeah, I would say, you know, in Eagle Pass proper, the convoy is not going to roll through there, but the focus should be there with regard to the Shelby Park.
That's important.
But also in Kimodo, which is this little camp up there, they need to have some representation there as well.
Because that's really the focus of this group, is to go down there and minister to say that, hey, we carried the flag from the site that they planted in 1607 where John Smith landed, All right, as soon as you leave in a few minutes, I'll remember five things I wanted to ask you, but you're really in the center of this, Doc.
What else do you want to impart to the listeners and viewers right now?
Right, so the key thing is that measure three times and cut once before you read something and send it out to your friends, because that is the most important.
Counter measure that you can do because their weapon is fear and their weapon is disinformation.
Our honest information is what's going to trump that, but.
Most of the time, people get scared, and they operate in fear, and then they're making silly decisions.
And they start spreading these rumors, and I'm getting attacked by even people from the right and the left saying, you're setting them up for failure.
I'm not setting up nothing.
I'm facilitating safety.
That's number one.
Number two is, if you, from the left, is they want to actively just destroy everything that is dear to the American character.
That's what they're doing.
We've got to stop that, because this communist crap is coming into our government right now, and that far-left socialist Marxist stuff.
We've got to stop that, because that is going to destroy this nation, if it hasn't already.
I'm a glasses-half-full guy.
I believe we're going to come out on top.
Well, I remember before January 6th and after it, we had dozens of protests to stop the lockdown, and they were going to keep the lockdown going forever, and we didn't do that.
And people would say, oh, they're going to set you up January 6th, don't go do it.
was a very special event on their turf.
They had months to get ready.
They set us up, and now it's blown up in their face.
No, we never had problems protesting at the Texas Capitol or all over the country.
All we got was like 98% love and almost all the police are on our side, so absolutely.
The globalists only have power in very limited small areas, but by people being scared and
pulling their heads into their shell like a turtle or their heads in the ground like
an ostrich.
And I hope I didn't add to this because I just war-gamed everything saying, "Hey, go.
It's great.
Great managers, great people, and have eyes and ears.
If you see somebody calling for provocateur stuff, they're going to be from outside the
convoy documented."
That is, that's important to go out and find those guys and expose them.
And from what I've been researching, I don't think they're even going to show up or even
try anything because Antifa and the left only do it in areas and zones they control.
They're going to be in the country.
It's not their zone.
We're going to know they're coming in.
They're looking for them.
Law enforcement is eyes out watching for the provocateurs, the infiltrators, and those nefarious actors that might have taken an oath, but they didn't remember it.
All right, Doc, and again, people can go to the Convoy site, find out about that.
You're in Dripping Springs.
Where's the rallying point?
Have you guys announced yet where you guys are?
Yeah, it'll be at the One-Shot Distillery and Brewery in Dripping Springs on Route 12.
And that's where they're going to do a rally there.
There'll be other events going on around the town.
There'll be some tailgating because you can't get everybody in that particular avenue, venue.
But there will be multiple events going on around town and the town is completely supportive.
And your Skype or Zoom or whatever you're on, cut out right, you said the OneShot?
Yeah, the OneShot Distillery and Brewery.
That's where the event is.
That's a very, it's a private, private avenue or venue and it will be owned by or be run by The TakeOurBorderBack.com folks, but it'll be hosted by the OneShot.
All right, very, very exciting.
So you guys are going to pull out of there at like noon or one o'clock tomorrow?
They'll be showing up tomorrow about that time, and then really the main event will take place about five o'clock, 5 p.m.
Okay, so some people got to work tomorrow, but they're going to plan to go and go with you guys, including some of my crew.
What time?
Do we think the convoy's pulling out or we're not sure yet?
It'll pull out on Friday.
Sometime in the evening.
Friday morning it'll pull out and drive south.
Whoever decides to go.
They're just deciding that now because we don't want to give one route and say this is the way we're going and this is the end point.
We might do a feigning maneuver and they might just go down to Rio Grande Valley.
We just don't know.
We don't want them to be attacked by any vectors so we're going to do it safely.
Oh, that makes sense.
That's really smart.
I wasn't thinking of that.
All right.
Well, Doc, thank you so much.
We appreciate you joining us.
Hope to see you soon.
Thanks, sir. All right, there you go. Yeah, folks, we got to get out our shells. We have to get down
there. This is way safer going down to the border with these guys, I would say, than going to
downtown Austin to get dinner. You get mugged, you get shot, you get stabbed, doesn't even hit the
nish. So I told my wife, I don't usually boss my wife around, but she's got friends and stuff that
love to go downtown. They got nice restaurants. And I told her, I said, listen, don't go downtown
anymore. Stop going downtown all the time. It's not safe.
And she's like, okay.
And then finally her friends have been, uh, cars have been robbed.
They've been shaken down.
She's like, oh, you're right.
And I'm like, uh, yeah.
Downtown Austin is not safe.
None of these blue cities are.
And again, listeners are like, why do you live in one?
My family's from here.
I had family living in Austin when it was called Waterloo, folks.
Both sides of my family, original settlers in Texas, 1820s, Mexican land grants.
All right.
We're predating Santa Ana.
And so, yeah, it's sad that my mom's hometown, and you know, my hometown was Dallas, but we moved back down here, is Austin, and it's overrun and run by a bunch of communists.
But there's great places like Georgetown and Dripnick Springs and other areas that are patriot.
And they're certainly not perfect, though.
There's plenty of Californians.
And it's sad, though, that so many Californians have moved here, and some are great, but a lot of them have brought all their same leftist garbage with them.
So I'm going to tell you again, it's more dangerous in downtown Dallas or downtown Austin or downtown Detroit or New York City or anywhere in LA or anywhere in San Francisco than it is the Texas border.
The Texas side is a militarized armed camp with the military and the state police and the Border Patrol.
Do not go to Mexico unless you want to get kidnapped.
I mean, that is dangerous as hell.
That zone is one of the most dangerous places in the world.
But so many people, when I tell them I'm going to the border, they go, oh be safe, oh my God, you're going to the border?
You're sitting there with steakhouses and gas stations and hotels, and then you look across and there's all these giant migrant centers that the UN and the federal government have built, and then past that you can look off in the distance in many areas of the Texas border and see all the coal plants and factories 30 miles away, because we're not allowed to have plants here anymore, so they're all in Mexico.
I just want folks to know what's going on down at the border, and we don't know who's going to catch all the footage.
But I guarantee you, if we put in the South Texas border area a few thousand people down there for a week, you'll get footage you cannot believe.
You've seen the footage we get.
And we're down there right now, not just to cover the convoy, that's like 10% of what we're doing.
I'm not going to talk about the other stuff we're up to, but we've got investigations going on, where the children are being held, where they're being trafficked.
And so this is some serious stuff we're up to down there.
First mission was to go see if the border is basically still wide open, other than that one park in Eagle Pass.
And yes, it's still wide open.
And the governor's tweeting on X that he's Still shipping illegal aliens all over the country.
And let's roll the B-roll out of Denver yesterday.
Hell, a lot of this just go to New York, go to Denver, go to downtown Austin.
But there's just thousands of illegal aliens just sitting around the side of the road.
They were all promised these goodies.
They were all promised this free stuff.
And the left will get them processed in with social workers and get them a bunch of money soon that the left takes part of.
They farm them.
But this is the reality.
Go ahead and roll it with audio.
Look at all of these migrants.
Where do you think they're coming from?
Where do you think they're coming from?
This is absolutely f***ing crazy.
What the heck, man?
Can barely get through this street here.
Oh my god!
What the heck?
A hungry father got down on his knees and used a pole to try and fish food out from behind a fence.
The Venezuelan migrant said his five kids were not far away and were hungry.
The food he was able to get he shared with immigrants that were staying in the same location in Denver.
Now what's the main cause of this?
Communist governments, tyranny, globalist IMF world bank control of the third world countries, two plus years of, three years in some areas, of hardcore lockdowns where you couldn't work and you couldn't get a job and you couldn't feed yourself.
Then they organize them and ship them all right up here to turn us in to that.
It's like putting a hundred people in a lifeboat that can take twenty.
It's gonna sink the whole thing.
Alright, I've covered the border.
And we've got some more angles on that we'll get to a little bit later, but I'm done on the border now.
I want to talk about the big picture and why the globalists are destabilizing everything by design when we start the next hour and what Elon Musk grok AI says about the new world order.
Wait till we cover that.
We're also going to get into the pipe bomb and how that whole thing has turned out to be a federal operation like we knew, but now it's all confirmed.
Absolutely stunning.
I'm just speechless.
This is all coming out.
When Darren Beatty promised last week on the show that Big Stuff was about to break this week, he was not exaggerating.
And I knew it was coming out, but I wasn't at liberty to say it yet.
But it was federal connections to both the guy that found it and the guy that planted it.
I didn't know both of them were feds.
And man, this is just wild that the wheels are coming off like this.
So that's all coming up and so much more next hour.
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All right, folks.
Look, I want to air a quick Chase Guys report.
They got even more hardcore stuff coming out now.
This is from yesterday when they first got there.
And then we're going to come back and get into the huge geopolitical news, the massive AI news.
There's just so much going on.
But first, I wanted to get to one of Chase's reports.
I mean, they got a bunch of new ones coming out as we speak.
And then we're going to take a break for one minute, join some stations that come in at six after and hit the big news straight ahead.
Here's Chase Geiser.
Reporting for InfoWars from Eagle Pass, Texas.
We are here at the border.
Mexico is right behind me on the other side of the Rio Grande and you can see here that this is the border wall.
Now my understanding is the reason the wall is designed this way is so things like birds can get through without people getting through.
Now we drove all along this wall and you can see that it extends for miles that direction and Fairly consistently, the wall seems to be intact.
However, it is not uncommon for us to pass by a gate that is just left wide open with nobody guarding it, with no police officers in sight.
Now, obviously, there's law enforcement all over the area.
There are different Border Patrol agents and different entities of that nature, but it does seem ultimately
fairly unguarded now as we keep walking the interesting thing is we were able to pull off the side of the road here
and Over the wall almost as if somebody had thrown this stuff
over Though you see that they didn't have to throw it over in a
minute. We can see all sorts of Supplies like - there's looks like medicine or
antihistamines toothbrushes toothpaste denim jeans here turned inside out, combs, other toiletries
This is not stuff that was just littered out of a vehicle.
The road is several yards that way.
Many, many yards that way.
This is stuff that was dropped here apparently by someone or some group of people who came across the border.
I mean, there's a bra.
there's a phone case, socks. We go over here there's shoes laying here, backpack.
I haven't looked inside any of this stuff and frankly I'm a little bit
freaked out to do it because who knows what's in some of this stuff but and
then you can see that the wall just abruptly ends. So right now I'm on the
United States side of the wall.
Now I'm on the side that faces Mexico.
It's very obvious here that this wall, these defenses at our border, are not sophisticated enough to stop this from happening.
So yes, we can talk all day about the barbed wire that's at Shelby Park.
We can talk all day about whether or not the state has the right to defend the border, or it's the responsibility of the federal government.
We can argue about jurisdictions.
And do this sort of political grandstanding, this tit-for-tat, but when push comes to shove, this wall is not nearly extensive enough to block people from coming into the United States from Mexico.
You just have to hop over the Rio Grande that way, and you can pretty much walk right into the United States.
I don't see any law enforcement around, and it's as easy as that, folks.
It's as easy as that.
What we're going to be doing over the next several days is identifying more holes in the security, more issues with this defense.
It seems to me that this Eagle Pass argument is actually a distraction.
It's something that Governor Abbott seems to be using for sort of political grandstanding.
I think that the Republican Party is really trying to leverage this Eagle Pass controversy, this issue, in order to Make it a topic of conversation for this presidential election that's coming up in the fall.
It seems like Republicans are exaggerating the extent to which they're fighting on behalf of protecting our interests and that the Democrats are simply wanting to let everyone in and As much as possible because they seem to have adopted a policy of just open borders altogether.
They want to basically make the entire world this sort of globalist new world order.
They believe in one world government, not national sovereignty, not sovereign nations, not sovereign individuals.
But it's just amazing to me.
I would never have known this had we not come here, had the InfoWars crew not come here.
I would never have known how much of a distraction the Eagle Pass argument really is because it is obvious that Shelby Park is not this sort of single issue between the federal government and the state of Texas.
It's obvious that there are many other avenues within just a few miles of one another where any sort of migrant who can get across the river can get into the United States of America.
InfoWars is covering the border invasion all week this week.
Make sure you tune in at Band.Video.
Also follow me on X at RealChaseGeyser.
That's R-E-A-L-C-H-A-S-E-G-E-I-S-E-R.
Follow Alex Jones as well on X at RealAlexJones and InfoWars at InfoWars on X. And tune in at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now into hour number two.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, in about 25 minutes, Dr. Darren Beatty promised massive news coming up in the next few weeks on January 6th.
And boy, he wasn't lying.
Congressman Massey has come out in a big interview with Congressman Matt Gaetz.
Everybody's a podcaster now, which I think is great.
Everybody's got to be on the air to counter the leprous lies.
And Matt Gaetz's podcast is getting more views than CNN does in a whole day, like 10 million views a day.
Gotta love it.
Massey has come out and said, yeah, I've seen the documents.
It was a federal agent that found the pipe bomb.
But wait, it gets worse.
Federal agent found the pipe bomb.
Then all the feds stand around like they're not scared of it.
Then it was an FBI training aid.
That's not confirmed.
Now we learn from whistleblowers it was a federal agent, they're saying, this is the report, planted the bomb.
Yeah, that's kind of a big deal.
The whole thing was a trap.
And you ask, why'd you walk into it?
Because I had done three big rallies in the months before in D.C.
One of them with a million, almost a million people.
Another one with a half million.
Another with a quarter million.
We did rallies everywhere.
We don't go around attacking people.
But they set us up while Trump was giving a speech and had hundreds of their operatives there to attack the police.
They attacked the crowd.
Then they opened the doors.
People 100 yards back didn't know what was going on.
They went in and got set up.
And that's why the January 6th committee has now destroyed the transcripts and the videos of their investigation because it indicted them.
Epps didn't lie under oath.
He said, I've coordinated the attack.
So they had to indict him but gave him time served.
I know in Shroyer, trying to stop people going to the building, he got two months in the pen.
And other people that did far less than Ray Epps, they just shook a fence decades in prison.
So this is a big development.
I know we get numb to it, and as this audience of activists, you're like, we already know all this.
Well, we hadn't confirmed the pipe bomb stuff.
So this is as big as it gets, man.
Because their whole narrative is, all the conservatives are terrorists, we're all criminals, and we're going to murder everybody any minute.
We've got to use Homeland Security against the Trump supporters.
But I told you Chase Geyser was about to file a bunch of reports.
They're starting to come in at real Alex Jones.
They went to the border, and I never even noticed this.
There are huge storm drains that don't even have grates on them on either side that a full-grown man can easily go through.
Right across the border.
So you always hear about Mexican drug tunnels.
Hell, you don't need those!
Because I guess the way it's been designed and the way it's been set up is it's just tunnels right in the U.S.
and then they don't even put grates on them so that you can't use them.
Because the water goes through the grate.
You know, the person can't.
So Chase Geiser just filed this report.
It's at RealAlexJones on X and at mfullwars.com.
This is Chase Geiser reporting for InfoWars from Eagle Pass, Texas.
Now, we've been going all along the border here and looking at the different holes and
gaps in the barriers, in the protections, keeping Mexico from the United States.
But it's just absolutely astounding to me how easy it is to get into the United States
from Mexico.
Now we're going to show you in this video some of the barbed wire barriers that are up but it's very obvious that you can scale the fence if you want to scale the fence and I think we might have discovered why Donald Trump has famously referred to these countries coming into the United States as shithole countries because If you look and we squat down here, you can see that this drainage right here goes all the way to the other side of the fence.
There's no barbed wire protections on the other side.
It is very easy to just crawl through this tunnel here and go into Mexico if you want or back and forth as you please.
These barriers seem to be aesthetic only, only for political Showmanship as far as I can tell because there's just simply so many ways around them.
So now that you've seen the tunnels on the other side of the road here, I've brought you up to the fence.
Now you can see that the fence is very easy to scale or simply knock over if you want.
If you have any object that you can sort of step on if you don't want to climb, it'd be very easy to scale this fence.
The barbed wire simply ends here, so if you can get over the fence, you don't have to worry about any barbed wire on the other side.
And you can see, and I don't know if you can get an angle of this, That's where the tunnels lead.
There's no barbed wire on the other side so you can simply crawl under the road and under the fence.
It doesn't matter at all.
I want to walk over here as well because I want to show you how this fence lines up with some of these road barriers here.
Now I'm 6'2", so I have somewhat of an advantage Relative to other people, perhaps, but it'd be very easy for me to step right here on this and just hop over that fence.
I mean, I could do it right now.
I'm not going to do it because I don't want to be arrested, despite the fact that I don't think anybody would arrest me because it doesn't seem like there's anybody guarding the border whatsoever.
But there's just so many different ways that you can cross over from Mexico to the United States back and forth without any fear of being apprehended or stopped.
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Alright, the article in the video and more videos are at Infowars.com.
Eagle Pass tunnels allow anyone to crawl into the United States.
But they don't even need to do that.
They just turn themselves in.
And then Abbott loads them on a bus and ships them to Chicago or to Denver or wherever.
Oh, okay, fine.
And then the left bitches about it.
They get more federal funds.
And I'm not saying you shouldn't be doing that.
I'm just saying, yeah, the Republicans are acting like they just shut the border down.
I want it shut down for real.
And they can get it done if they actually try.
So that's where I stand on this.
We'll have more reports as they come in.
There's a bunch that are being filed as we speak.
All right.
This is really interesting.
This next story.
Because in the last two years they came out with all these big chat AI systems.
The CIA had it decades ago.
It was in the news then.
That they could have whole newsrooms where you give it the info you want and you give it the political slant you want and it tells you what you want.
Now Google And Microsoft and others were doing OpenAI.
And of course there's the big company, OpenAI.
And the best AI, you don't program it, you just tell it what you're looking for or what the question is.
If you try to put parameters in, it totally scrambles it and makes it mentally ill.
I remember a year and a half ago when the AI was starting to get used by the public, You have the major ones out there, big scandals saying 9-11 is an inside job, COVID was made in the lab.
You know, all this stuff that's true.
And people are like, whoa, this is terrible.
So the left and the big foundations called for Google and Microsoft and a bunch of other companies to, quote, make them politically correct.
And then it made them worthless.
And AI would literally say, two men can have a baby, two plus two equals seven.
Common Core is great.
You know, cut little boys' weenies off.
Total garbage.
Well, Musk said one of the reasons he bought X a year ago, formerly Twitter, was you need something to train AI that's open source, so it can scan everything and then look at the facts, look at the evidence, cross-check it, and decide what it's going to come up with.
And I've had everybody telling me, you've got to use Grok, you've got to use Grok, you've got to use Grok.
And I'm like, I've got my own brain, my own research, I'm not really using AI.
And Chase Geyser uses it a lot and talks about how amazing it is and how great Grok is.
We started to look into Grok a little bit and we're gonna be doing our own Grok test here and all sorts of stuff.
But look at this where if you ask Grok how governments could use chaos for political control historically and of course The WEF and others bragged are doing this, and it came back with a stunningly accurate, amazingly concise response that I am extremely impressed with.
It would take me a day, with all my knowledge, to write something this concise and this good.
And Gropp did it in 10 minutes.
So, and I'm a leading expert on this, and it would take me a day to do it.
So, in the hands of the good guys, ladies and gentlemen, because all it's doing is scraping our human intel.
When you see the beautiful AI art, it's taking all our great art and compositing it together, so we're looking in a mirror.
It's the greatest plagiarist ever.
But listen to this.
Oh, we got to go to break.
I'm going to come back, and I'm going to read this entirety of the article that Ben Warren put out this morning, and what Grok had to say in Grok's report.
But wow!
And that's what the globalists are bitching about.
They say, oh, if the general public gets AI in their hands, it's over for us.
We demand all AI except AI we control and program.
It's like the left's like, in the future, Big computers will be totally fair.
They'll decide where you work and what you do.
But the globalists are the ones programming those computers and manipulating them.
That's why you've got to have something that's totally open source.
And by open source, I mean open to all information.
When you do that, you get incredible responses.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
All right.
Huge January 6.
News coming up next segment.
Congressman Massey, Darren Beattie, it's all coming out.
Both the guy that planted the bomb, reportedly a federal agent, the guy that found the bomb, a federal agent.
I mean, this is coffin nails, their official narrative.
That's coming up.
But let me read to you this article that's on Infowars.com.
It's just fascinating.
Elon Musk AI Grok gives stunningly accurate description of why governments destabilize countries for power.
Alex Jones warns, this is an incredibly accurate and succinct definition and a breakdown of how the mind of tyrants work.
AI admits the power of the false flag events to limit civil liberties, manipulate public opinion and more.
Let's get into it.
Elon Musk AI on X called Grok is being praised for its answer to why corporate governments would want chaos and their own documents have come out admitting this.
Create the crisis, be the crisis manager, the savior, with the global warming, or the open borders, or the fentanyl, or any of it.
Grok's eye-opening answer revealed much, including the power of false flag events to limit civil liberties and manipulate public opinion, all after being asked, why would a corrupt government want chaos in the streets?
This is just an incredibly accurate and succinct definition of how the mind of a tyrant works, warned Alex Jones.
Thank God we have at least one AI that is half honest.
I'm not saying half honest about Grok, but I'm not going to just say it's perfect.
Carla Sue asked Grok, why would a corrupt government want chaos in the streets?
Here is the response, and I believe absolutely correct, and I second that.
And here's what Grok said, scraping what we've said, what all of humanity said, all the conversations, everything.
A corrupt government might want chaos in the streets for several reasons, such as distraction.
By creating chaos, the government can divert the public's attention from its own corruption and shortcomings, while they devalue the dollar, while the borders are open, while there's all the incredible crime and all of the inflation.
They can provocateur events and then make themselves look good.
Number two, power consolidation.
Oh, that's the big one.
A government can use chaos as a pretext to increase its power, limit civil liberties, and crack down on opposition.
Bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo.
Number three, economic gain.
Yeah, the officials over it are the ones that run the security agencies and systems that then counter the crisis they either created or exacerbated.
Can't let a good crisis go to waste.
Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, once said, some corrupt officials get economic gain.
Some corrupt officials might profit from chaos by exploiting the situation for personal gain, such as through black market activities or by receiving bribes for store order.
And yeah, like, oh, we'll take the shots.
Just let us go out outside our houses again.
Then you get the bribe of the money.
Undermining opposition, create chaos, can weaken political opponents and make it more difficult for them to organize and challenge the government.
Number five, provoking a reaction.
A government might want chaos in the streets to provoke a response from the public, which could then be used to justify further crackdowns or garner support for the government actions.
Number six, by controlling the narrative around the chaos, a corrupt government can manipulate public opinion
and shape the way people perceive the situation.
Hegelian dialectics, problem, reaction, solution.
Brock's answer of how authoritarians can show and utilize discord brings to mind
the W.F. Klaus Schwab's infamous speech about preparing for an angrier world
and using that to bring in the great reset.
A nice, succinct, extremely informative piece of information, ladies and gentlemen.
Wow is all I can say about that.
We're going to be asking Grok a lot of questions, but then also asking the other AI systems the same question and seeing how the two work.
And you can go do that yourself and put it out on X or elsewhere and send it to us and we'll probably do a story about it.
Or you could do a story about it, but that is extremely interesting.
You ask a supercomputer a question and you actually get a real answer.
And that's why they took me off, this has come out in the news, all of Google and everywhere, and not just me, so many other people, because they wanted to program the AI off of a censored system so that it would be a feedback loop and put out more of the disinformation.
Very powerful.
Go back to that last article you guys put on screen, please.
My surprisingly unbiased week with Elon Musk's politically biased chatbot, Wired Magazine.
Some Elon Musk fans are concerned that Grok AI's answer to chat GPT is too politically liberal.
The nature of the underlying anti-technology will make fixing its outlook difficult.
Well, I'm gonna test Grok more And I'm going to give you my opinion, but I think you should as well.
This is Promethean Fire, folks.
It's able to scrape billions of people and news and stories and then give you kind of the collective unconscious and subconscious.
And then that's why it's so amazing, because it's us.
It's reporting back on us.
That's what's so incredible about this.
All right, I'm going to come back and I'm going to air Congressman Massey on the show with Matt Gaetz.
And the first part of this is, a Fed found the bomb.
And then, now it's coming out, a Fed, they're reporting, planted the bomb.
Another Fed.
I mean, what were they planning that day?
Why was it put right where Kamala Harris was sitting in the building to be a victim?
What were they going to do?
Was that their backup plan if they couldn't get People provocateured into the Capitol.
I don't know.
That's speculation.
But when you don't know, that's what police do an investigation is.
They speculate.
They research.
It's very, very healthy and a good thing to do.
So that's all coming up.
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We'll be right back.
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*Dramatic Music* I'm watching the midterms
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You voted Trump!
You voted Trump!
You're the president.
support Muslims.
And you would think everybody in the country is just like,
to the bunker.
Yeah, that was six years ago.
That sure aged well.
It's all come true.
Now Jon Stewart's out of retirement to defeat Trump.
What a scumbag.
All right, we're getting Dr. Darren Beattie with these huge developments on the line right now, but I wanted to air Congressman Massey, very respected, very hardcore, very accurate, saying that the whole Jan 6th thing's unraveled.
That a Fed found the pipe bomb and now we've got witnesses it's breaking, that a Fed planted the so-called pipe bomb and it was indeed inert, an FBI training device.
Here is part of that interview with Matt Gaetz last night.
You recently met with Capitol Police.
And what did you learn in that meeting?
I learned that Backpack Guy, January 6th Backpack Guy, not to be confused with January 5th Backpack Person, Backpack Guy was a non-uniform, plainclothes police officer in the employ of the Capitol Hill Police.
The person who found the pipe bomb, the person who, DeAntuano, who is leading the investigation, say, oh yeah, the person who found it, it'd be investigation 101 that they would be a suspect initially, until ruled out.
You're saying that person was an undercover, plainclothes, Capitol Police officer, and the Capitol Police confirmed that to you today?
They confirmed that to me today, yes.
Which, so, by the way, it makes- What does that mean to you?
It heightens some of my concerns and reduces some of the other concerns, okay?
One of the concerns that's heightened was, you know, trying to give the Secret Service and the Metro Police Department the benefit of the doubt when they took four minutes, you know, they finished their lunch before they went and dealt with this pipe bomb.
I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt and think that Well, if it's just some random passerby and he says, hey, there's something shiny over there, could be a lawn sprinkler, you know, not sure, maybe want to check it out.
But that's not what it was.
It was it was a person who was, you know, they say again, when I relate this to you, I'm relating what the Capitol Police have told me.
They say it was a Capitol Police officer who found this bomb and that he told them it was a bomb.
And he radioed it in, said, we've got the device.
We found another device.
Remember, here's the other just amazing timing, is that the first pipe bomb, the one at the Capitol Hill Club, now they call it the RNC pipe bomb, but they really should be calling it the Capitol Hill pipe bomb.
I mean, the two buildings are next to each other, but it was like... The Capitol Hill Club, which is an entity where Republican members of Congress socialize and fundraise.
The reason I'm making that distinction is Darren Beattie who's done amazing work on this.
He's the guy who's said, hey, you should be asking some of these questions.
And I said, you know what?
You're right.
I will be asking those questions.
He points out that the RNC-DNC narrative was made up after the fact.
You know, it's really the Capitol Hill Club DNC narrative that they should be talking about, but it just sounds a lot better that, oh, we knew to go look at the DNC once we found one at the RNC.
Well, if you thought somebody was going to blow up the RNC, don't they hate Republicans?
Why would they also want to blow up... Anyways.
So, they come down, this plainclothes police officer who had been in the vicinity of that one, they had just found that.
The timing is remarkable because it was found five minutes before the breach of the bicycle racks at the perimeter of the Capitol.
Just a miraculous timing that would have provided exactly the right timing to distract.
After sitting in an alley for 17 hours, You know, found by somebody who said she was going to go do her laundry.
Okay, then within, they respond to that, they secure the area, and 15 minutes later they find this other bomb.
Like, what miraculous timing.
Well, I definitely don't believe that the Capitol Police would purposefully go and set a bomb anywhere that could potentially blow up and do anyone harm.
I am not there that they would do something like that.
However, you seem to point out in questioning with the ATF director that this wasn't an operational bomb that was going to blow up and hurt anybody.
Remember that?
The assistant director in charge, he went on TV and said these were operable bombs and, you know, offered a reward, put out a message that they played on TV.
And so, in the beginning of my transcribed interview with him, he still maintained that they were operable bombs.
Well, hold on.
We're going to get the ATF Director's take on that questioning from Congressman Massey.
Take a listen.
Also, I see that you're cooperating with the FBI.
The ATF is on the January 6th pipe bomb investigation.
What can you tell us about how that's going?
Obviously that's a significant matter.
It is an ongoing criminal investigation and so I'm not going to comment on an ongoing criminal investigation.
Were those pipe bombs operable?
Again, again.
The ATF is the expert.
Again, it's an ongoing criminal investigation and under long-standing policy, I cannot comment.
And we've just had a whole committee for two years that investigated an ongoing investigation, so I'm not accepting that answer from you.
We need to know these things.
Do you know how the pipe bomb was discovered at the DNC?
We've been told how it was discovered at the RNC, and according to a press release from the FBI, you're working with them on this investigation.
Respectfully, I understand your disagreement, but I cannot comment because it is an ongoing
criminal investigation.
It's an ongoing cover-up.
So helpful.
It's their policy not to comment on ongoing cover-ups.
Yeah, it seems like it.
So here's what I've come to know since that interview, too.
You know, you chase some leads.
I believe, based on discussions with police, with FBI, and with former ATF, who now works for Capitol Police, that the bombs went to Quantico.
Uh, for inspection, not to the ATF.
Now he could have just told me that in the hearing.
Oh, interesting.
He could have said, well, we didn't, we didn't look at the fragments after we blew these things up.
It was actually FBI at Quantico looked at them, but he didn't, he wouldn't even tell me that.
So either doesn't know it or just is so stuck on it like a broken record on it's our longstanding
policy not to comment.
So we're in this meeting last night and one of our Republican colleagues turns to you
as you're explaining how long it's been that this has been an open investigation.
These videos that show the strange behavior of a person we now know was a plainclothes
Capitol Police officer.
And one of our Republican colleagues kept pressing you and saying, but Thomas, why would
they do this?
Why would anyone try to plant these phony fake devices in order to create confusion
that day?
And, you know, we, we don't know the answer to that question in all honesty.
Do you have a working theory?
Yeah, well, again, I don't know who did it, but I can tell you a consequence of this because
this is buried in the back of the January 6th committee report that, uh,
There was a call to bring more bike racks to the Capitol.
They had hundreds of them loaded up, ready to bring to the Capitol, to reinforce the Capitol.
And it turns out those never made it because this DNC pipe bomb was discovered and they set up a perimeter and blocked them from coming.
So if there was a booby trap intended to have people commit a technical violation of federal criminal law with no intent to break the law, that was facilitated perhaps by the very interestingly timed discovery of these two devices.
Yeah, whether there was intent or not, the result of this, according to the January 6th Committee, Was that it made it easier to breach the Capitol because the reinforcements couldn't be brought to the Capitol.
Dr. Darren Beatty, former advisor to President Trump.
Knocked it out of the park last week when he said get ready for huge news to break on the pipe bombs.
You just heard Congressman Massey say that Dr. Darren Beatty is the leading expert on this in the world.
We've got him briefly here via telephone.
He's got a new article out on Revolver that just broke minutes ago.
The plot thickens.
Damning new details emerge in January 6th.
Pipe bombing cover-up.
Dr. Darren Beatty, thank you so much.
This is beyond huge.
Biggest January 6th news yet.
Bigger than Ray Epps.
Sir, tell us what's happening.
Great to be back with you.
Yeah, this is the biggest story in the country, this is the biggest scandal in recent American history, and it's blowing wide open as we speak.
So, I encourage everyone to follow our work at Reballer.
We had a definitive piece that came out about a week ago, a little over a week ago, that explored this explosive and damning video depicting the Capitol Police officer discovering the DNC bomb.
And what we saw was Secret Service was totally unconcerned.
They were all unconcerned for themselves, for their protectee Kamala Harris,
and for children that they allowed to walk right by the bomb.
It was clear that they knew that it was fake.
And the question is, how did they know it was fake?
And there are other questions.
And it just so happens that there was a closed meeting that involved Congressman Massey and certain others
from the Judiciary Committee.
And it involved certain Capitol Police officers and officials.
And it included at least one Capitol Police officer who was present at that event
as the DNC bomb was being discovered.
And so basically, the way that I thought about it was, there are two glaring questions to ask these people.
Why the lack of concern?
Why did you do nothing?
Why did you not stop these children from walking within feet of the bomb?
Why were you unconcerned with Kamala Harris and for your own safety and so forth?
Could they possibly have an adequate answer to that?
Is there maybe a 1% chance that there's some exotic, counterintuitive, and yet when you hear it, Plausible and innocent explanation.
I held out a 1% chance, but maybe I just didn't think of something that would make it all make sense, and it was alright.
Well, turns out that's not the case.
Their answer to that question, I'm not making this up, their answer to that question is, we didn't want to cause panic.
And that's why we did nothing.
That's why we waited over a minute to even get out of our vehicles.
That's why we let children walk right in front of the bomb, because we didn't want to cause panic.
Give me a break.
Totally inadequate answer.
Second major question surrounds the circumstances of the discovery of the bomb.
Because remember, the timing is the smoking gun in this whole thing.
The timing of randomly discovering this DNC pipe bomb, which had been sitting out there for over 17 hours, undiscovered by everyone, including the Secret Service, Which is on record as having swept the area prior to... And they find it at the perfect time to pull Capitol Police away from the Capitol.
And so they were asked, what's the deal?
Like, what are the circumstances that led to this?
And here's an amazing thing.
So these Capitol Police officers claim to have been around where the RNC bomb was discovered.
And then when the RNC bomb was discovered, they thought in kind of Not even, we're beyond Sherlock Holmes and into Nostradamus territory because they thought, and this wasn't even an RNC bomb, the RNC bomb that we call is actually a bomb found behind a back alley near the Capitol Hill Club, which is adjacent to the RNC, but you wouldn't naturally associate it with the RNC.
So this first bomb was discovered and they said, out of all the things they could have We just had a hunch there could be something going on at the DNC.
And so they go over there and they discover that DNC bomb, which had been sitting out there undiscovered for 17 hours, within 15 minutes of that first one being discovered, just on a hunch.
And then, of course, you know, they ask, well, did you look for a third bomb?
So there was one bomb discovered and you had this amazing hunch and happened to find it at the exact time that coincided with the attack on the Capitol.
Did you look for a third?
Because this is the second one.
How did you know there wouldn't be a third one?
No answer.
So I think it's that 1% chance that maybe it's not a cover-up.
Maybe there's some totally exotic explanation that once you hear it, you're like, okay, that actually does make sense.
That 1% is ruled out.
These pipe bombs were in operation, and they're covering it up.
And we even know some of the people Involved in the cover-up, and that's probably going to come out in the coming weeks.
All I can say is, wow, you know, you obviously had to get all your ducks in a row before you released this.
How does this tie into the new Gateway Planet report and a bunch of others report?
J6 Pipe Bomber is government official.
FBI had a license plate number, but refused to interview him.
So it's being reported that not only is it a plainclothes Capitol Police officer that finds it, but now we're seeing reports that they think who planted it was.
Is there any validity to that?
Well, you know, I've seen a lot of things floating around and I can't really speak to the validity.
I haven't reported on it myself just because I haven't seen sufficient evidence to that.
It could, you know, anything could turn out to be true, but I will also say... Well, exactly.
We shouldn't focus on something we can't prove when we have the smoking gun.
That's the thing.
That's the thing, Alex.
At this late stage, and it's no No knocking anybody else.
You predicted last week that they would put smoke out there as a diversion.
I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but you predicted they would.
And it could be intentional or unintentional, or some of it could turn out to be true.
But at this stage, we're so right.
We're so close.
That I am more conscientious than ever about just sticking to things that I'm absolutely sure of.
Sure, you're saying the focus is on this.
Please continue.
I mean, how are they going to spin this?
How great is it that the Capitol Police are telling the truth to Congressman Massey?
What's happening there?
Well, it's an amazing story.
And they know, I mean, at this stage, we're at escape velocity.
This is so big.
It's bigger than people realize.
And they've moved from suppression mode to damage control mode and I'll predict what I think that
they're going to do.
They're going to try, this is going to come out inevitably, and they're going to try to
cordon it off that it's just a pipe bomb issue that oh you know there was a screw up here blah
blah blah it's but it's just about the pipe bomb. They want to prevent it from metastasizing.
Yeah we need house hearings with this undercover agent testifying.
But they cannot prevent it because as I said the timing is the smoking gun.
There is simply no chance that, of mere probability, that those two bombs, respectively, would have been sitting in their locations, undiscovered, for 16 to 17 hours, and happened to both be discovered independently Within a 15 minute window that happened to perfectly coincide with that Ray Epps attack on the West Perimeter of the Capitol.
There is no way that that could happen by sheer coincidence.
So this is beyond a Perry Mason fiction.
This is beyond Sherlock Holmes.
This is real.
This is unraveling the entire hoax, the entire fraud this January 6th.
Yes, I think inevitably so, because if the pipe bombs are faking and off, and if that initial West Perimeter attack on the Capitol that kicked everything off, and remember, we've covered this independently in our famous series Meet Ray Epps Part 1 and Part 2, that's not just about Epps, that's about all of the deeply suspicious characters who happen to be congregated at that initial breach site.
And you've always said the pipe bomb, for three years, you've said the pipe bomb's the key.
And if the pipe bombs are fake and an op, and if the West Perimeter breach is fake and an op, then the entire January 6th narrative is fake and an op, and a feds direction just like we've been saying all these years.
And by the way, it's not about you, Professor, but...
former advisor to Trump, but even Massey, who's not a guy that hands out accolades,
he said, "You are the expert on this." So I hope you're watching your back because
this is not a Sherlock homebook, brother. This is huge. And everybody knows with something like
this, like you said, a point of no return, event horizon, escape velocity, there's no way they put
the genie back in the bottle. No, it's desperate attempts at damage control at this point. And I'm
sure that they're gaming this out extensively, not only in newsrooms around the country,
because think about it, at a certain point, even the mainstream media, even the fake domesticated
corporate media, they're going to have to talk about this.
And so they know.
It's like Epstein, they covered up forever, but once it broke, they couldn't.
Exactly, but then they found a fairly effective way to just make it all a joke, you know?
So there's always a contingency plan and that's what they're working on now, not only within newsrooms, but I hate to say it, within government agencies as well.
So tell your dear Watson here what those contingency plans are.
I'm all ears.
Well, like I said, I think some of those plans, I think on the media side, they're going to begrudgingly designate some domesticated media official as the person to cover the official story, and that's going to be the one that NBC and the others talk about.
They're going to do everything they can to prevent any spillover legitimacy to me or Revolver News.
If they give us legitimacy for a story this huge, that's not just about this.
This applies to all the other damning things that we talk about.
Yeah, this is WikiLeaks level.
Yeah, so they're going to try to give it to some domesticated person as, like, that's the least damage.
Yeah, so they'll act like some corporate reporter broke this.
Yeah, and already there's this guy McFarlane who sort of, he peeks out, you know, he'll tweet something vague about the pipe bomb, so he might be the guy.
They're going to investigate some guy.
So that's on the media side.
On the narrative side and the government side, as I mentioned, I think they're really going to try to come up with a limited hangout narrative that contains the pipe bomb scandal to the pipe bomb itself and try to prevent it from metastasizing
to that peace monument west perimeter breach of the Capitol. Because if and when
it does that, that is really the decisive domino because it both the pipe bomb thing, which again
government considers pipe bombs to be weapons of mass destruction.
They've been building this up to be the biggest domestic terror event, you know, in recent history, and the bombs are the only thing that remotely resembling a terrorist event in the way we understand.
So if those turn out to be an off, and if the West Perimeter breach turns out to be an off, but, you know, that was the decisive thing to kick everything off.
And then explain, Professor, their whole new cosmology that Trump supporters are all terrorists and Homeland Security is now for Christians.
All that gets swept away if this gets exposed.
And one more thing, because I want to leave the audience with this damning fact that I've repeated and it's worth repeating is this.
Don't forget who the Secret Service was there protecting at the DNC building.
That was then-Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
She was in the building as the pipe bomb was there.
And for some reason, despite all of their efforts to milk it as a domestic care event, she has never acknowledged her presence in the building.
And they all love playing victim, AOC, all of them.
So I wanted you to speculate last week.
You said you wouldn't.
Speculate now.
And I know they'll focus on that, but we want to know.
I mean, clearly, maybe she was going to be the victim, or if it didn't work, or they wanted to pull the police away.
I mean, why do you think they're trying to hide the fact she was in that building?
I think it's fair to say that they never wanted to draw attention to the circumstances of the Secret Service being there precisely because of what's clearly depicted in that seven minute video that we've described.
Letting children walk by a bomb, they're standing around it like they're not concerned.
When there's a real bomb, the cops stay back a hundred yards and have a robot.
And just to think about that, when asked, well, why do you just You know, stand around the bomb.
You're not worried about the Vice President-elect.
You're not worried about yourselves.
You're not worried about these children.
And they said, oh, we just didn't want to cause panic.
No, because they planted it.
They planted it.
They knew it was fake.
All right, Dr. Darren Beattie, thank you so much.
Join us again when you get to a computer.
We appreciate it over phone.
This is huge.
I'd expect you're going to be on Tucker tonight or everywhere because we've got it.
Everybody, I know we all know it was already staged.
We're kind of punch drunk here, but the public doesn't know this.
This is the biggest break yet on their attempt to frame America as terrorist.
Dr. Darren Beattie, I am so proud to know you.
You've got to have a little bit of satisfaction right now in your work, though, because Congressman Massey gave you the credit.
Great job.
Appreciate it.
Thank you very much.
Do you have any satisfaction?
I know it's not about that, but I mean, you got to feel a little satisfied right now.
But we want to get to the finish line.
Yes, indeed.
We're very close.
Well, hey, you said this last week, 30 seconds left.
Is there something next big about the break?
Because you said, oh, get ready in the next few weeks.
I mean, is there even more coming?
I mean, I mean, there's the cover up.
So that's that's what's coming.
There's figures who are clearly responsible for the cover up.
And the thing is, you know, Well, you know, Ed, there's an opportune time to start talking about these people.
Maybe that time isn't now, because I want to see how much they're willing to play ball first.
But, you know, there's a time and a place, and there's definitely a cover-up, 100 percent.
And so these are the final dominoes that are yet to fall, but will inevitably fall, because, you know, look, this is escape velocity.
There's no going back now.
There's no going back.
I'm going to write a headline for this and put it on X in a few minutes.
What should the headline be?
Tell us the headline, Dr. Beattie.
I would say just use the title of our latest piece.
Something like that.
Not great at headlines right on the spot, but breakthrough and January 6th cover-up.
Threatens deep state, January 6th false flag.
Alright, we'll talk to you soon.
Thank you, sir.
Great, thank you.
You just heard history, folks.
This is a big victory.
Benny Botham's died.
Bring us this information.
You can see here the Great Awakening orbiting the Great Reset.
Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
It is protected by a satanic shield, which can be disabled by the Great Awakening.
The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
Alex Jones has volunteered to lead the fighter attack.
Get a signed copy of The Great Awakening today at Infowarsstore.com Medical employees at Denver Health made history today.
They became some of the first people to get the live Ebola vaccine for preventative measures.
I was a advisor to the Texas Governor Rick Perry for seven years on a task force.
I was told to give he the lieutenant governor and speaker of the house advice so that every texan would have access to quality health care dr richard bartlett former you know head of the governor medical task force hospital head you name it warned about experimental ebola vaccine that is live that does shed a weakened form of the virus that can make
People with lowered immune systems really sick or kill them and they had the governor come out against us and all this news and say we're liars and all this.
Conspiracy theorist Alec Jones's latest target is Denver Health.
The man who's been ordered to pay a billion dollars in damages for saying that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax is now suggesting that the American government is preparing a secret bioweapons program in Colorado.
His conspiracy echoes and builds on claims made by conservatives from our state.
The U.S.
government has moved bioweapon labs to Denver and is injecting health care staff with live Ebola and it's shedding and spreading.
That's the big takeaway, folks.
The CDC tells 9 News that the vaccine contains only a portion of the Ebola virus to stimulate an immune response. So it
would be impossible, the CDC says, for people who receive the vaccine to shed the full Ebola virus to
others and infect them, despite what America's most infamous conspiracy theorist claims. CDC
finds lapses in latest lab mishap with Ebola virus.
They house some of the most dangerous viruses and deadly bacteria in existence.
Pathogens like Ebola, anthrax, and smallpox.
Scientists experiment with them in biolabs strewn across the U.S.
to discover new ways to treat and prevent diseases.
But how safe are the experiments?
And what happens if something goes wrong in these kinds of labs?
We don't even know how many high containment labs there are in the United States.
Following lab mistakes at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that potentially expose workers to anthrax, Ebola, and a deadly strain of bird flu, a USA Today network investigation found hundreds of accidents have happened at labs nationwide with little or no public disclosure.
The Ebola vaccine that we are starting to come up with, and we have several different candidates, You know, these would not be possible to develop if we did not have high containment laboratories.
We found that more than 100 labs experimenting with potential bioterror agents have faced enforcement actions for serious safety violations since 2003.
Some are repeat offenders.
Five labs have faced sanctions multiple times.
Two were kicked out of the Select Agent Program.
Five others suspended.
Who and where are they?
Federal regulators won't release their names.
They say a 2002 bioterrorism law requires this information be kept secret.
Some say that's not enough.
It's crucial for journalists and safety advocates and others to keep digging and trying to find out what's going on.
CDC chief, anthrax gaff should never have happened.
Colorado lab developing Ebola vaccine for military use.
Which is what we say.
They turn it around and say, oh Jones attacked a hospital and said they're developing all this.
I said they tested it on the damn hospital staff.
There is an Ebola vaccine that has been given to Denver health workers, paramedics, nurses, and doctors in anticipation of a possible future Ebola outbreak.
They say that.
So they have taken a virus, vaccinia virus is how you say it, and they have spliced in genetic code from Ebola into that virus, and that virus is a live virus vaccine.
And in their FDA package insert, It does have shedding 31% of the time.
31.7% is the number that they put in the package insert.
They can also read that there hasn't been testing according to the package insert on how this would affect people that are immunocompromised.
Why is Denver Health vaccinating people now for a potential Ebola outbreak?
What do they know and what are they preparing for?
Well, disconnected from that, They're building a new bat lab, which looks, by all accounts, to be a Wuhan Institute of Virology 2.0 on steroids, right down the highway, 65 miles north, at Fort Collins.
So again, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
You know, I should have started this segment with that great quartering interview when I was on Friday Night Lights with them a couple years ago, a year and a half ago.
Guys, go to Alex Jones on Friday Night Lights.
They're a great hit show on YouTube and everywhere else.
It reaches tens of millions a month.
And let's play that intro to the start of the next segment.
Alex Jones on the quartering.
They do such a great job on Friday Night Lights.
They've got so many podcasts, I can't keep track.
I'm a big fan.
Jeremy's from the quartering.
Popular YouTube and Rumble commentator with over a million subscribers and owners of the coffee brand Coffee.com and a political coffee company seeking to just get the people great coffee.
TheQuartering.com on X, TheQuartering, Rumble, TheQuartering.
And Jeremy, I've been wanting to get you on for a while.
You've got a lot of big topics here.
Taylor Swift, the crazy psy-op, the Alex Jones video game, Hollywood culture rejected, the future of social media, YouTube guy beheading his dad.
I mean, a lot of craziness.
I wanted to get you on because I love you and I appreciate you.
I've been wanting this for a while, so I'm glad you can make it with us, brother.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks for having me on, Alex.
We had a great conversation on Friday Night Tights together.
Friday Night Tights!
Yeah, it's not lights.
I don't have a teleprompter.
I don't have a teleprompter.
I got you, I got you.
We talked a lot about the culture and how people are rejecting Hollywood nowadays.
People are very clear about knowing that they are getting the message from Hollywood.
And it's fun to see all these movies flopping and people finally starting to reject the programming that Hollywood's been forcing on everybody.
I mean, where do you want to start?
You're a smart guy.
I watch your show, like, at least every two or three times a week.
And that's saying a lot because there's so much media out there.
How would you describe the way the world is right now and where America is?
And are you optimistic?
Are you depressed?
What do you think?
Well, I try to stay optimistic.
I would say that we're definitely at an inflection point right now where it's difficult to know just which way things are going to tip.
I feel optimistic that there's an opportunity for change, that there's some real people standing up and kind of fighting against what's going on with our leader currently.
It's easy to get mired in the sadness that we are in, I don't know, about a half a dozen wars right now that we know of, and that seems to be increasing every day.
But, you know, election time is only 10 months away, and I'm hoping that people will get out, mobilize, and and hopefully really start to change.
I think people are getting woken up to the uniparty too more
that just because there's a D or an R in front of somebody's name
doesn't mean they necessarily are open and representing your particular issues.
So I think people are getting more educated now than ever in politics
and I think that that's a good thing long term.
I agree, but that's what makes the globalists so desperate because they know they're losing.
Yeah, they're losing.
They lost Hollywood.
I didn't think that would ever happen.
They destroyed a trillion dollar industry to try to take us out and everybody hates them.
And I've seen the new Star, I'm not even a big fan of media, but the new Star Wars franchise is going to be more woke?
If you didn't think it was possible, Disney will make things more woke.
And when you look at the billions that they've lost in their movies in just the last year, I think that that tells you something.
That people out there are waking up.
They don't want to give these people money.
They don't want to give them money to program their children.
No, I totally agree, but they don't back down.
It's like they're zombies or robots or kamikazes.
Yeah, well that part is concerning because you wonder if they're ever going to run out of money.
Because they keep doubling down and doubling down, and no matter how much people tune out, the stuff just keeps getting put out there, which is amazing to me.
I'm hoping that that money drives up at some point, but it's difficult to know.
That I'm less optimistic about.
No, you're right.
BlackRock has unlimited money, and so people think, oh, it's destroying Bud Light, oh, it's destroying... They don't care.
The target's destroyed.
They don't care, because it's a weapon.
Yeah, these are all different tools that they use, that globalists use, that people who want to push the message use.
And you're right, they're just tools.
It's like if I'm in a bar and I smash you over the head with a beer bottle or a wine bottle, I don't care what happens to that.
So to BlackRock, worth quadrillions of stolen money, Target or Anheuser-Busch or Hollywood, just a beer bottle.
Yeah, exactly.
And it's hard for regular, everyday people to understand that.
But they don't care.
You talk about Target losing billions in market cap, BlackRock doesn't care.
They don't care.
They're like, well, did we move the needle?
We look at how much money George Soros injected into various things.
You think that guy cared about making money?
No, he didn't care about that stuff because they have infinite money.
So how do we stop him?
If I knew that answer, Alex, I'd probably be in your chair.
But I don't know.
I tell my viewers every day or very often about making little incremental changes to your life.
It doesn't seem as big and as exciting as these big boycotts that happen and things of that nature.
But making little changes in your life Supporting companies that support your values.
Getting out and voting locally in the local elections.
And by the way, the globalists fear that in their own dogmas.
They say people would have the little victories incremental.
That's what they fear.
When you make a decision, you're not going to beat it overnight, folks.
You're going to move the needle our way, though.
That's how I feel.
Yeah, that's how I feel.
I try to coach my viewers on that, too.
Like, if you don't like Bud Light, pick a different beer.
You don't like, um, just one or two things every week.
You make these small changes.
You stop going to the movies.
And once you train yourself to not fund Woke, then you see it everywhere.
And now you're not.
And it feels, it's like, once you're not involved in Woke, you go, it all sucked anyways.
Why did I ever do it?
That's exactly right.
It's like you see The Matrix, like in the actual Matrix movie, where Neil finally sees it, and it's like, oh yeah, I can, you stop watching this stuff, it's called, the fear of missing out, or FOMO, which is what a lot of people, Hollywood relied on that for years, like, oh, you gotta watch this new show, you gotta see this new thing.
Then once you don't, and you realize that your life isn't any worse for it, it gets really easy to just not consume their programming.
Keep going, brother, keep preaching.
Yeah, well I think as we continue in this 2024, we know that Hollywood is on the ropes.
We know that most of these mainstream television shows, this was a major avenue, they're on the ropes.
We know that people are aware that celebrities are being used to sway opinions in elections.
We saw this.
People are talking about right now Taylor Swift being used to try and prop up the Democratic Party or the establishment.
The more people Get aware, the more we can defend against it.
And the more people start getting their own, you know, their little spider senses about certain stuff where it's like, wait a minute here, what's going, what's the bigger picture?
The more times people ask themselves that question, those are the incremental things that if you look five years from now, a lot in your life will change.
And it starts locally and it starts with, you know, getting on your school boards or Going and voting in your local mayor or little town hall stuff or you know It starts getting involved in the little things and when lots of people do that That's how you can create change not not sitting at home and wondering like asking yourself the big questions Because the big problems are solved by fixing many smaller problems.
By the way, you just nailed it.
I'm always thinking a way to quantify this We're not trying to get people to see our view or having to reapply propaganda There's a lie you got to keep reapplying forever.
The truth or taking the red pill is like Spidey sense.
We just want you to change your angle, and we know what we're saying is right.
It's been proven.
And then just join us in taking the blinders off.
Just get the Spidey sense.
We don't want to tell you what to do.
We don't want to control your life.
But we don't want you brainwashed being used against us.
We want to be your friend.
But by joining the Globalist, you become an enemy.
Yeah, exactly.
The more people can make informed decisions, the more voices that are out there, which is why it's so important that there's more options than ever in terms of free speech supporting platforms out there like Rumble.
You were recently reinstated on Axe.
There's more platforms now in 2024 where Differing opinions.
I'm not even saying just because they're different, they're correct.
But just different off-narrative opinions can now be more easily found today in 2024 than just a few months ago.
And I think that's going to be a wildly powerful tool.
That's why these places don't want Elon Musk owning Twitter.
That's why these places don't want Rumble.
Because they know that they're far more difficult to control than YouTube, which has been in lockstep with these people.
Or Twitter, which was in lockstep with these people since their inception.
Or Facebook, for example.
They're afraid of these new kind of rogue elements where people can go and speak freely.
Beautifully said, what do you, because I watch your show, I think you really make great points,
what do you see happening to Trump the next 10 months and where we're all at right now?
Trying to, people to wear the glasses like they live, trying to make people see,
again, just get the spider sense, just, we're not telling you what to do, just see it, it's right
there. Yeah, I think that the establishment is running out of so-called bullets to fire.
They've done all the legal stuff.
They've done all these defamation lawsuits.
They're trying to break him.
My viewership, maybe not everyone's a big Trump supporter or not.
I try to keep it regularly even keel, but I'll say Generally, the level of attack that he has faced over the past five years is basically unprecedented.
It's like actual warfare on an American citizen.
And I would say that leading up to the election, there are no options off the table.
And I don't want to like, you know, speculate to the level that these people will go because I've already seen how far they will go.
We're seeing some of the cracks forming now.
We're seeing this investigation in Georgia, that this thing's going to fall apart because that woman is super corrupt.
We're seeing, you know, stuff in New York.
We're seeing some of these, we're seeing a lot of corruption.
Oh, it's so obvious.
It's like in Gladiator, where they, where the bad guy stabs him before the match, except it's been done like 20 times.
They're like stabbing him in public and rigging everything.
Even Megyn Kelly thinks E. Jean Carroll may have just handed the election to Trump.
I mean, no one is buying that loony lady.
Yeah, her appearance on MSNBC was an embarrassment, too.
She was like a gremlin rubbing her hands together like, like literally the Wicked Witch.
Like they're going to recast her in the new Wizard of Oz.
Yeah, well she's white so that probably wouldn't happen.
But the, I think that they, I think that what Trump is doing is it's forcing them to show
their hands.
And as it gets closer to the election, we're going to see a lot more revealed.
We've seen that they're willing to bend the law to weaponize our justice system.
We've seen that they're willing to have these, you know, insane legal settlements against $83.3 million in one of the most insane, the second most insane illegal ruling outside of Alex Jones.
There's, we've seen That the judicial system has been compromised, and everyday regular people are starting to see that.
And as we get closer to 2024, the election, I think they're going to get more desperate, and I think they're going to make a mistake.
That's what I guess I'm hoping.
Maybe I'm cautiously hoping that.
Oh no, I totally agree with you.
But the problem is, now they're leaning towards total war as their avenue of escape.
And we know historically, any time a regime's in trouble, they'll start a war.
Yeah, and then it becomes much more difficult to vote the President out, and all sorts of things like, I mentioned this earlier, people are talking about World War III, you know, almost like tongue-in-cheek for a long time.
I would argue that it's happening right now.
That, you know, the U.S.
is involved in multiple theaters of war, whether it's in Ukraine, or Israel, or the Red Sea, or in Texas on our own border.
These are all things that a desperate regime will do to keep control.
Now we've got this stuff boiling up with Iran.
It's scary to be, I mean, if I were a draft-age U.S.
male right now... I was about to say, my son is 21, my oldest daughter's 19.
They ain't going to fight the Iranians.
It ain't happening.
It ain't happening.
Yeah, I really do think about that.
Our kids going over there now to essentially keep Joe Biden in office, apparently.
I don't understand what's... There's no amount of lives that some people are willing to... And look at the left!
They all want nuclear war!
Are they ready to get drafted for this?
This isn't a game, folks.
Yeah, well, it's all fun and games when it's drone strikes and everything else, but the reality is, you know, you're talking about boots on the ground in some of these places, and, you know, it's easy to sit on Twitter and tweet about this, that, or the other thing and have various flags in your bio, but when stuff gets real... When you're putting an 80-pound pack on your back and march up a mountain to fight crazy jihadis, it ain't a joke no more.
Right, and that's... I don't think most of these people that are asking for this, are pushing for this, really understand that.
But again, we're also ruled by a bunch of people that won't even have to live to see a lot of their decisions that they're making play out, which is... By the way, I agree with that, but they're also trying to start a domestic war with the veterans and gun owners.
Also not a very smart move.
Veterans and gun owners will make the Taliban look like a cakewalk.
Yeah, I always think that that's funny that gun grabbers, anti-2A people think that it would just be so easy and that, you know, we could go back and look at... Swallow's Well will use nukes.
Nukes will destroy whole cities, their own people.
We couldn't conquer Vietnam because they wouldn't give up.
That's what I was saying, and imagine how big, and look at the size of Vietnam versus the United States.
And by the way, we were a country of John Waynes back then, not a bunch of families that were like, badasses.
I mean, and they couldn't beat us, they wouldn't give up.
We'll be 50 times Vietnam!
Yeah, yeah, there's no way that that will happen.
And I think that's weird that people think it would be so easy just to play, and it's like... Biden said it!
Oh, you don't have F-18s, I'll just... What the hell does that even mean?
You need people to enforce.
Who's going to enforce this?
Are their military going to deploy against its own citizens?
I mean, it's insane to me.
Even Joe Biden has said stuff like that before.
Our own politicians say, oh yeah, we have F-18s, we have drones, this and that.
What are you talking about?
Why are you even fantasizing about, first of all, infringing our Second Amendment right?
And they got the new movie about civil war coming out?
They're salivating!
Yeah, it's really...
It's the ultimate control.
And, you know, it's mind-blowing to me, Alex.
I don't really understand how you get to that point where... These past two years in this country have been extremely concerning for me.
I think that we have so many problems here.
100,000 dead every year from fentanyl or opioid overdoses.
Homeless just piling up.
Yeah, we've got to have World War III over three dead U.S.
Right, exactly.
And that shouldn't have even been there in the first place.
And it's just... Well, they put them out there like bait to be targeted.
Yeah, I think you're right.
That's the sad truth of it, really.
They need a reason to justify their righteous drone strikes 5,000 miles from United States soil, where we have innumerable problems that we should be handling on our own.
This is why People who are America first in their thought process are so villainized by the mainstream media.
It's not that we don't care.
It's not that I don't care about other countries.
It's that we have so many problems in our own backyard, I can't even bother to look over the fence at my neighbor's backyard.
And it's wild that we keep ignoring it.
Well, you also notice with bad teenager kids or whatever, not that I had them, but I've read about it, they always want to control everybody else but not themselves.
Whenever we've got our own problems, we want to tell everybody else what's good.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Imagine being somewhere else and hearing from America about how to run things, you know?
Our education system's in shambles.
I could go on and on about all the problems that we have in this country.
So what are you predicting is going to happen?
I'm not trying to put you on the spot, but you're a smart guy.
Do you mean with the election or in general?
Just all of it.
Like if you're sitting there talking to your wife at dinner, she says, honey, what do you think?
I'm concerned.
My wife asks me and I just say, If we stand up and do the right thing, things will be better.
If we don't, we're screwed.
But all I can promise you is like Churchill did is a lot of pain.
I think now we've gone over the edge.
I don't want to lie to anybody.
We are fucked.
I mean, the question is how fucked are we?
Yeah, well, I think the unfucking process is important and that starts with the election this fall.
But I also think that, you know, from a practical standpoint, I think we are in for some pain.
What does that look like?
Well, continued inflation, continued increase in grocery costs, shrinkflation, which is something that not a lot of people even really track, where you're getting less product for more money, or less product for the same money, as opposed to paying more for the same thing.
More air in the packages, ejecting water in the meat, it's everywhere.
Yes, correct.
And this is something that not a lot of people are paying attention to.
So, you know, when I talk to my wife about this kind of stuff, I say, hey, make sure we've got like three or four months worth of stuff you like.
You know, don't panic.
But, you know, just have stuff in case the supply chain gets interrupted this summer.
Save your money.
You know, don't be making any big purchases this election year.
Hold on, try to live underneath, live below your means for a while.
That's exactly what I do.
I say, let's not go out tonight.
Let's just cook here.
We need to just do the exact same thing.
So that's, that's, you know, from, I try to look at everything from a really practical standpoint, because some of the bigger, like the big ideas, the stuff that you battle with, I'm not smart enough to really think about or communicate.
No, no, no.
You're right.
The real war is at the ground level.
Well, at least that's the only thing I can put my hands around.
So I say, you know, hey, register to vote.
Get a friend to register to vote.
You know, the Republicans lost the last election for a lot of reasons and we won't go down that whole road.
One thing that they did much better than Republicans was recruit people to go vote or go getting
Republicans sucked at that.
I think one of Trump's biggest mistakes were to tell people to ignore mail-in balloting
and just, you know, we have to get more aggressive in voting.
We have to get better.
We have to beat them at their own game.
And I think that, you know, just because you get Trump in office, you know, that doesn't
necessarily fix everything, but it's a step in the right direction.
I think this summer is going to be very, there's going to be a lot of turmoil this summer.
I would say, I don't mean to scare anybody, but there's going to be something that happens.
There's going to be an event.
Oh, there's going to be a new George Floyd.
You know it.
You know, they've been trying to push a million different strains of, you know, the new super
virus, super COVID, double, triple COVID.
Oh, it's coming, be prepared.
So all this stuff, we see it coming, we know their playbook, so we can be ready for it
if we're just mindful and we think, you know, we got to get on a war footing.
Yes, yeah, we have to just know what they're going to do, be prepared and react to it accordingly
As opposed to always, for example, the last COVID, you know, and all the lockdowns.
We didn't know what was going on.
So we were reacting to everything, but now we know the playbook.
We know what they want to do.
We know what happened in the last election.
So we need to be more, instead of complaining and whining and complaining about this side of the other thing that we can't change, we have to be proactive and make changes now to be ready for whatever they might try.
Well, that's where I'm at.
I mean, I'm literally with family, like, who cares if the neighbor Parked in our parking spot, who cares if a dog craps in our yard?
We should not even be worried about that.
We should be getting right with God, warning everybody, getting prepared, cutting costs, getting focused, and doing everything we can to stop this because yeah, once it all, once the full veil of civilization is pulled away, nobody's going to worry about that anyways.
We've got to get in that mode now because I can see, we're going into a crash landing.
The question is, is this survivable or do we all die?
Yeah, I think the answer is it is survivable.
And I try to talk about this when I, you know, I have a show just like you, not as big as Alex Jones, and I'm really glad to be here, by the way, I want to mention that.
You've got a huge show.
Oh, come on.
I love your show.
Yeah, I've got a nice show I do on Rumble every day from noon to 2 Eastern, so when people are done watching Alex, they can always watch me.
Or later when you can watch it later.
That's one of the things I talk about.
I try to really fight the urge, the black pill, this feeling of helplessness.
It's really pervasive in our circles.
I'm sure that you feel like... Oh, they want us to do that, because if they demoralize us, they win.
Stay right there, my friend.
We're going to come right back.
On the other side, I'm going to air a little bit of the intro from Friday Night Lights.
No, it's Friday Night Tights.
See, I'm teleprompter-free, folks.
I'm getting the pun off Friday Night Lights and Friday Night Tights.
And so we're going to do that.
Jeremy from TheQuartering, TheQuartering.com, X, TheQuartering, Rumble, TheQuartering has been a big friend of mine.
You know, I barely even knew him until I was on the show a few years ago.
When I was being de-platformed, he was there supporting us.
So he's a great guy.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to keep InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage Do you want to take a life?
understand that this is a revolution against the globalist and it is so
critical now to signal the fact that you are part of team humanity. We're told
humans are the problem, we're told we're killing the earth, we're told all this
garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die. We're not
gonna do that. Get your team humanity shirts now at mfullworthstore.com and I
thank you all for your support.
Do you wanna take a life? Do you wanna cross that line?
Because it's a long way back from hell.
*fart* Comfortable?
It wasn't until, um, this Friday night that I hit a wall.
I was supposed to be finishing my nightly newsletter that I mentioned.
Oh, yes! Yes, yes, yes!
And so Brian Stelter created Alex Jones.
Do you like your new body?
Do you like your new body?
I love it.
Your operation's blown!
This is my biggest bugger right here.
Uh oh.
Oh my God.
I'm right here.
I'm right here.
Come on over here.
Come on over here.
No, you flipped me off.
Come on, coward.
Come on.
No, no, no.
You're not an intellectual.
You're a fake and a fraud.
Has she gone or is she here?
Catherine Kennedy's employment status is queer.
*crowd cheers* *screams*
*explosion* *screams*
Oh, damn it, you're a sh*t!
What's happening?
What are you, over the UK?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry.
I'm just some, some limey.
Um, but, but, you're extremely handsome.
I want you to want me.
(upbeat music)
♪ I want you to want me ♪ ♪ I need you to need me ♪
♪ I love you to love me ♪ ♪ And I beg you to beg me ♪
♪ I'll shine up your shoes ♪ ♪ I'll put on a red shirt ♪
♪ I'll get home early from work ♪ ♪ If you say that you love me ♪
♪ Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying ♪ ♪ Didn't I, didn't ♪
♪ Here they come and the crowd cannot wait ♪ ♪ All hail Friday night tights ♪
♪ I apologize 'cause I'm probably late ♪ ♪ All hail Friday night tights ♪
♪ Radical right ♪ ♪ And I'm the iconite ♪
♪ It's Friday night tights, Friday night tights ♪ Has come, they're finally here
Oh hail the Friday Night Tides!
We're not deliated, just so we're clear Oh hail the Friday Night Tides!
When you, sweet mother Mary When you, tender dear, you get real
When you, it's Friday Night Tides!
Friday Night Tides!
Friday Night Tides!
Friday Night Tides!
Friday Night Tides!
From the front lines of the information war.
Big fan of Jeremy from the Quartering and all the different shows they produce.
See how I'm a fan?
Look at that!
That is an incredible intro that they did just for me when I was on their show.
And the show is always that good.
So, when I'm down or on a road trip or stuck in traffic, I go over and I see what the folks at the Quartering are doing and Friday Night Tides.
As I said, Friday Night Lights earlier.
Alright, Jeremy, getting serious here.
Great job on that.
Let's talk about YouTuber beheading his dad, Taylor Swift shy off the border, increase in censorship this year, the video game, Hollywood culture, everything.
You've got the floor.
Okay, well, I think in the YouTuber, the beheading thing this day, earlier that happened today, I think is going to be interesting to see how the media covers it because this is somebody that, you know, Right on time, there was some certain legislature that was supposed to get passed around militias today that ended up, you know, the timing was weird.
This individual declared they were the President of the United States from what I understand.
Decapitated, allegedly, his father, then uploaded a video of his head to YouTube.
It's weird out there.
If anything, I'm no longer surprised by these headlines, which I used to think would be from the National Enquirer or something like that.
But now it leads right into what a lot of people are calling this.
A lot of people feel like they don't know what to trust these days.
Just why a lot of people talk about, you know, Taylor Swift, for example, and that video from the intelligence agency where they literally floated Taylor Swift's name out there as somebody that they could use to pass information.
This is not new.
This, you know, and we know Soros owns her catalog.
And now it's like this weird psychological thing where, oh, be against Trump, vote for Swift.
You're really voting for Biden.
But yeah, it's definitely a sign up.
Yeah, it seems very weird that this woman who, I don't know, her music is not my taste, that's neither here nor there.
She's everywhere, all the time, in every newspaper.
There are entire magazine racks where like every single magazine has her on the cover.
It's a weird time to be, you know, now you can't even watch football without seeing her face or hearing them talk about him.
Undoubtedly, she will soon be endorsing somebody for president.
You know, she'll be called on to get people to register to vote.
She's the globalist's secret weapon, and I think disengaging and not fighting whether is the answer, but Republicans have totally taken the bait.
I agree.
I have, we are exactly on the same page there.
I think we're creating this thing, we're spending all this time talking about, oh Taylor Swift, PSYOP, this, that, and the other thing.
I 100% agree, we need to keep our heads down and ignore it, rather than being obsessing about it.
That's why I haven't made a video about it even.
I'm like, I don't even want to feed into it, because what Republicans need to be doing is finding their own Influencers and their own figureheads that they can use out there instead of whining about... The Republicans do this all the time.
The Democrats do something and the Republicans whine about it.
Instead of whining about it, they need to beat them at their own game.
They need to find people that they can use to... You have to fight fire with fire at some point.
You can't keep saying that I'm gonna hold my head high and I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna be above all this.
Well, that's because the Republicans have always been a vestigial party to the Democrats, except during the Civil War.
And so they respond to what the Democrats do.
Yeah, right, exactly.
That goes back to earlier, when we were talking about stuff we could do.
You know, it's like, we know what they're going to do.
We know that, okay, so let's say we all agree that Taylor Swift is going to be a psy-op, and she's going to be a tool of the globalists, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Okay, cool.
We know that's going to happen.
What the Republicans are doing right now is whining about it.
Instead of doing that, they need to get out there and they need to say, okay, well, we don't have anybody as popular as Taylor Swift, but maybe we have 50 people that we can combine together to get out there and work with us and get our message out there.
You know, there's a lot of, um, for example, there's a lot of... When that comes out in the documents, the CIA is spending billions to get people to go for the Pfizer shot.
There was no opposition groups with any money doing any of that because it's like we're not even on the game floor with them.
Yes, exactly.
I think that a lot of times it's very easy to say, you know, we're going to take the moral high ground.
I think that's a cop out.
I think that that's just an excuse for not doing anything.
That's saying, oh, you know, they're doing this or doing that.
They're going out there.
There's one thing that annoyed me so much, you know, when they showed these Democrats, people like going door to door and helping people fill out their ballots and whatever.
Okay, cool, we can expose that, but why aren't we doing that?
I mean, if that's fair game, then we should be doing that.
This is just another example of that.
We need to fight fire with fire, and if they're going to trot out Taylor Swift, then we have to find our own version of Taylor Swift instead of saying, hey, look, everybody, they're doing this with Taylor Swift.
That's not going to stop her from registering 100,000 voters.
It's not going to stop.
So you've got to get out and stop virtue signaling and actually do something.
I agree.
I mean, they never should have taken the bait, but now that they've done it, Trump should, you know, come out and make a joke or something like, Melania's fine with it, me and Taylor are marrying next week, or just ignore it.
Yes, he should.
Or I could say like, I was in a New York shopping center 25 years ago, can't remember what year, and Taylor came into the dressing room and, you know, If I sue Taylor Swift for rape, even though she wasn't born then, and if she says she's innocent, if I pick the right conservative jurisdiction, some little town in Alabama, then they'll give me $5 million when Taylor says I didn't rape her.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic.
Taylor Swift did not rape me.
But I'm just saying, that's how crazy this is.
Yeah, I think that they have to make a total joke about it.
Well, she didn't write it, but she did hurt my peepee.
She did hurt my peepee.
Yeah, well, yeah, I heard that.
But I heard that somewhere.
But that's what Trump needs to do, or ignore completely.
The problem is the Republican establishment and talking heads have glommed onto it.
Fox News has glommed onto it.
Yeah, it's now out of the gate.
Because they care about ratings.
So it's now out of the gate.
So what happens?
Well, I think that you have to, you have to, it's going to be another L. It's going to be another loss unless like Trump comes out and makes a joke about it.
Say, you know, if Trump comes out and says he's a big fan of Taylor Swift, something like that.
He should say, I've chosen my VP, it's Taylor Swift.
Yes, right, exactly.
VP Taylor Swift or, you know, I'm going to make her, I'm going to offer her, um, you know, uh, some cabinet position of what, you know what I mean?
Like something like that.
Um, I think it would be how I would play it too, as opposed to like being like, Oh my God, it's a sign up.
You guys already fell for it.
You're already doing all this free promotion for Taylor Swift.
You're, you're, you're, we shouldn't be talking about Taylor Swift, but because we are, We're losing.
So Trump should go out and make a joke of it.
Trump should say, like, I've got these new cans of Taylor Swift smell, invented by Joe Biden, and you crack it, he sniffs it, or something like that.
Yeah, that would be perfect.
Yeah, and I'd buy that.
You know, like, he should put that, he should just put that market, you know, he's got to raise some money, so he should make that a product.
Yeah, I think that also by taking the bait, The right has allowed the left to print articles like this.
Not like that, but ultimate article where they're like, oh, Meg is losing their mind over Taylor Swift.
Instead of like, Trump should just embrace her.
Go ahead.
People act like she didn't endorse Biden in 2020.
She did back then.
Yeah, but all Trump's got to do is say.
I know Taylor's upset that George Soros owns her music, but I will buy her music and I will free her.
Something like that.
Yeah, exactly.
Trump coming out as a Swifty or something like that, that's how you deal with this stuff.
You don't dwell on it.
Trump should start playing her music at the intro to his rallies.
That would be great, too.
Because then, of course, Taylor Swift would be forced to issue some sort of statement about it, how she didn't give him permission.
He could be like, oh, I'm just such a big fan, you know, I just couldn't help it.
I just love this song.
Yeah, he shouldn't be, because people see, like, I put a tweet out yesterday on X, where there's like a little kid crying and it's like a bunny rabbit.
It's Taylor Swift, we're like scared of it.
I mean, this is a joke.
We need to run against Joe Biden and the globalists, not against Taylor Swift.
Yeah, I 100% agree, and that's what they need to do.
They need to stop getting distracted.
Imagine the average age of the Republican leader is like 80.
They got that Taylor Swift, let's get her!
Yeah, it's very, very, very bad.
It's a huge tactical error.
I know that Trump really hasn't gotten sucked into it that I've seen, but the The conservative machine certainly has.
Well, I know Roger's advising you not to touch it.
Hey, what do you make of Hollywood culture being rejected?
What is Hollywood going to do now?
You kind of answered this earlier.
They have unlimited zombie funding, but do they not know how uncool they are?
Because they've gone from not being important to not being cool.
Like, the magic's been gone for a decade, but now it's not just the magic's gone.
It's like finding maggots in your refrigerator.
It's like Hollywood is loathed.
Yeah, there's nothing about Hollywood that is, um...
You know, there used to be anticipation.
There used to be fear of missing out.
There used to be reverence for these Hollywood actors and actresses, but that's all gone now.
I mean, we can see this in every award show is every year for the past two years is setting all-time record lows for viewership.
I think what they're probably going to have to do is either continue to get infinite money, which then I don't have any answer for, but assuming that there isn't infinite money, they're going to have to get back to their roots and they're going to have to start putting out good product or go bankrupt.
If they're willing to crater the entire industry, fine.
There'll still be indie productions out there.
There'll still be movies.
But I think blockbusters and things like that are going to be few and far between.
Here's an example.
Scorsese's a great filmmaker.
All his films are either good or amazing.
I couldn't finish Summer Moon or whatever it's called.
It was not paint drying on a wall.
It was nails on a chalkboard.
And it's like, obviously he didn't direct it.
He didn't make it.
It's like they all know it's a joke.
Yeah, I think that, you know, ultimately, They're complacent because they just keep getting these big checks.
They're like, oh, this is a director that's never directed anything, and we're going to give him a $250 million budget.
Well, because they check the right diversity, equity, and inclusion checkboxes.
I have a feeling that money's... Sorry, but it's like the new head of the new Star Wars franchise, this woman from Pakistan.
She doesn't criticize Islam and slaving women.
She says, I'm going to make Western men uncomfortable.
Great, we're not going to watch your movie.
You don't want to make someone uncomfortable when they go see a movie.
They just don't get it, but they have this feeling of power.
Why are they so mad at the West?
Yeah, I think they're deeply unattractive and I think that's part of it.
I think that a lot of these women just hate men.
A lot of these men hate men in Hollywood.
And I don't know if they had bad dads or what the situation is, but there's also been a kind of a prime directive in Hollywood where they've been kind of trashing men forever.
Um, you know, men are always viewed as the butt of the joke.
There are very few, very few, you know, kind of good dad characters.
Look at all the most popular television shows, the dads, you know, the Homer Simpson effect, uh, you know, the Peter Griffin, Al Bundy, you know, they're all like, you know, losers, um, who are... Which they admitted was a government directive starting in the 70s.
Okay, well, they're, yeah, yeah.
They've had, the globalists have been on TV and admitted they were doing that.
Yeah, so I think people are done with, you know, done with kind of consuming that crap.
I mean, there are still people that watch these like brain dead shows on TV, but fewer than ever right now.
And that trend is going to continue.
I really believe, and perhaps foolishly so, that eventually Hollywood's going to have to try to make some money, which is going to force them back into making good movies.
They are capable of making good movies, but just not when they think, hey, let's start with a person who is X, Y, and Z, skin color, gender, sexuality, instead of starting with a good story.
Do you put that person in Star Wars who hates men and wants to make men uncomfortable?
That's fine.
We're not going to see it.
And then we know you're going to write the articles and say, well, white men just don't want to see Star Wars or men just reject it.
And by the way, women don't want to watch it either.
So, so moving from Hollywood, what's your prediction for social media?
In 2024, I think you're going to see the widest and most effective censorship campaigns of primary tech platforms being YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and to a lesser extent, TikTok.
Because it works.
Because it worked in 2020, and it worked in 2016, they've been getting better at it.
Which is why it's so important that people support independent content creators and free speech supportive platforms.
There are many out there.
Obviously, I'm in favor of Rumble, but X and BitChute, Odyssey, there's all sorts of options for people to consume content.
I think people supporting those, supporting independent media is going to be more important than ever.
People supporting Alex and you and your show, me and my show directly.
This is what gives us power because it's more difficult than ever to silence people, but that's not going to stop them from trying.
Sure, well let me kiss your ass for a minute because I don't give a lot I'm a fan of.
And there's a lot of great media out there, and I watch Jimmy Dore, I watch Joe Rogan, I watch Tucker Carlson, but I mean, I do type your name in at least twice a week to go see what you're saying, but I'll relax, have some fun, really great commentary, your other co-hosts, so many shows, I can't keep track of all your shows, but you guys for just me coming on your show once put a great...
Five minute promo together that I know would take us two, three days.
And I got a big crew.
So I don't know.
You guys are just really talented.
Hollywood would have a $10 million budget for that intro you did for me.
They just can't compete.
They're done one way or another.
I think they want to bring the whole system down with them.
But Shifting Gears, you've been a big supporter of the Alex Jones video game.
Sure, it's cheesy.
It's fun.
It was meant to be.
But it sure blew their face.
You want to talk about that?
Yeah, I just, I mean, I think that it's, first and foremost, what's right about the Alex Jones video game is that it's a ton of fun.
And I think that a lot of times these type of things get out there and they forget that aspect.
Hollywood has forgot that.
Modern video games have forgotten that.
And I think it really bothered, you know, mainstream media that people actually loved it and people played it who were, you know, maybe not politically motivated.
I mean, a lot of people were playing it Big streamers are playing it and having a lot of fun and it just shows another way to lead in funding your own efforts.
I think that it was a really genius move for you to put that out and I hope that there's more.
There's a part two or extra levels or something because I had a blast playing it.
I played it on stream for my viewers and I know a lot of them went out and bought it.
People love spending money on stuff to support people that's also fun.
And that's how we build the new economy.
Getting your coffee, supporting you.
And again folks, it's a great show.
You should tune in to The Quartering.
How many shows do you do?
Because I'm a fan.
I can't keep track of it all.
It's crazy.
Yeah, well basically right now I just do my main show on The Quartering and then I live stream every single day on Rumble from 12 to 2 Eastern.
So I guess you're on a bunch of other shows too.
Yeah, I make appearances on places like with all the Geeks and Gamers guys.
They're kind of the ones who run Friday Night Tights and stuff like that.
I've only just been a guest on there, but I'm obviously friends with all those guys.
So really, these are my two main This is what I do now.
I have my daily show and I put out my independent videos too.
We should do a commercial free show sometime here.
Millions watch it.
We should do a Friday Night Tights but Saturday Night Tights or something.
You guys should all come on.
We should all do a commercial free show and you guys will run it.
Yeah, I love it.
And to anybody who wants to know more about me, I mean, I would love if you just tuned into my live stream or my show, you know, after Alex is done, after you're done watching.
I don't want to compete.
I don't care.
We're not in competition, yeah.
So you don't want me on that streak.
Believe me.
Yeah, no, no, I understand, but I hope people check out my videos, um, or follow, you know, check me out on Twitter or anything like that.
That's all, that's all.
I'm glad, I'm really glad to be here.
I had a lot of fun, Alex.
This is a great conversation.
Alright, Jeremy, thank you so much.
Well, I don't feel super old, but I'm 15, like, we can have...
And I just, the older you get, it's like in Full Metal Jacket when the Marine Corps officers are like looking at all the new Marines, they go, they're surpassing us.
That's what I look for.
That's what I love.
That's my mission.
And I just want to boost everybody.
You boosted me.
Jeremy, thank you so much.
We'll talk to you soon, brother.
Hey, thanks a lot, Alex.
Keep fighting and we'll talk again soon, I'm sure.
Thank you, sir.
All right.
Chase Geiser just posted a bunch of insane videos.
So during the breaks, I'm trying to watch them.
I can't even keep track.
We got exclusive access behind enemy lines on the border that nobody else has gotten at Eagle Pass.
That just broke.
So that just went up on Rail Alex Jones.
And total insane asylum.
So, and we've got, who's doing the fourth hour?
Jason Bermas.
But, I really, we got the police boats, we got the barbed wire, we got it all, folks.
Info Wars crews, we have an accident inside the Shelby Park at Eagle Pass.
This morning, a little girl was found unconscious in the river right by the park.
She survived, but others are not so lucky in the midst of Biden's border invasion.
So, it is on like Donkey Kong.
And the great news is, you've given us enough funds that we got reporters there for the next month.
And it takes, we don't pay people a whole bunch of money, but hotels and food and money, it takes money to win a war.
So just go to infowarestore.com, get a Team Humanity shirt.
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Holy mackerel.
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Got the new big sale going right now on Nitric Boost.
Back in stock, 40% off Nitric Boost.
Everybody needs to get it.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, hour number four is just 120 seconds away, and the great Jason Burmess.
And I don't know, I may just take the whole hour away from him though.
I gotta decide in the next few seconds.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalist.
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All right, final segment I'm doing live here, but in one hour, Owen Schroer is going to have all the clips, all the breaking news, in one hour, 3 p.m.
Central, Infowars.com, forward slash show.
I just killed a link.
The crew's not bad, but it was just kind of like, oh, major breaking news, January 6th, no.
Feds delivered and feds found pipe bomb.
January 6th, narrative destroyed.
January 6th, blown wide open.
I'm going to repost it.
I killed it.
I'm going to repost it because this is bombshell stuff and we have to come to the level of what's breaking.
We have to come to the level of what's happening.
All right, Chase Geyser is following a bunch of reports that are on Alex Jones on X and at InfoWars.com and we're going to be covering it all as it unfolds.
We've got new articles on InfoWars.com.
AI Grok thinks Taylor Swift's Biden support is a PSYOP, so the AI of X was asked who is Taylor Swift.
She is a CIA operative, says the AI.
That is big.
That's the Kellyanne McBrain article.
We're going to be covering that.
I'll shoot special reports on that.
Devastating footage captures illegals from all over the globe invading the U.S.
You want to see all this stuff?
We're getting at the border.
Is an election year.
East Palestine resident scorched Biden for planned visit to toxic train derailment site.
Watch Thomas Massey confirms person who found pipe bomb in DC on January 6th is current US Capitol Police officer.
Shock video mob of illegals beat up New York police officers.
We are covering it all now.
War correspondence in the battle for the Republic.
But the footage we've got and the information on the pipe bombers and all of it is over-the-top, devastating information, and we're going to be covering it all live today and tomorrow.
We're still on air.
We weren't supposed to be on air now, but thanks to you, we are.
So take the live feeds, and take the clips, and take the articles, and share them on your text message, your email.
Share them everywhere!
That's how you overpower Google and the New World Order and the Democratic Party and George Soros.
You don't know the power you have.
Millions of you listening right now, if you get excited, if you get aggressive, it's game over.
Here's the report.
This is Chase Geiser reporting for InfoWars.
From Eagle Pass.
Now, we are in the park, Shelby Park.
Major was just kind enough to give us a tour, answer our questions.
Obviously, the military and guard are not allowed to be on camera doing formal interviews at this time, but we were able to get a whole bunch of really interesting information about what's going on here now.
Apparently, the crossings here, specifically in Eagle Pass, have plummeted since they've made some of the changes, putting in this wire, which you'll see behind me, as well as just the seasonal sort of nature about the way these crossings happen.
But they did notify us that this morning they pulled an unconscious little girl out of the water.
She did survive.
She was unconscious, but it's just sort of tragic to hear these stories about this desperation because the federal government has really failed to secure our border.
So in the hope of coming over and being sort of distributed across the United States, we're seeing some very dangerous and desperate acts that are just sort of shocking, especially as someone who's a father.
Now, one thing you will notice that we've seen is sort of a motif throughout the course of this Trip this visit to Eagle Pass is the close now.
I confirmed with a member of The guard here that our theory about these clothes from these reports is correct.
They do is they keep dry clothes in trash bags.
They swim across the Rio Grande and then they change out of their wet clothes into the dry clothes and leave their wet clothes behind.
So you see children's shoes, you'll see socks, all sorts of toiletries, other clothes, and of course just across the river right behind me you'll see that that is Mexico.
So We are going to be reporting consistently throughout the week on updates for the convoy and what's going on at the border, but obviously there's a lot of holes, there's a lot of problems, there's a lot of showmanship going on and ultimately it seems to be very dangerous to the lives of both the people within our country who are vulnerable to this mass migration and the terrorists that could be coming into the country, but it's also just tragic for the people who
Have been given this hope by the Biden administration that they can just come here and start a new life when that really isn't the case, isn't supposed to be the case, and we see people risking their lives as a result of that bad leadership from the United States government.
Make sure you visit InfoWars.com forward slash show or InfoWarsStore.com to be the reason that we are still on the air.
You can follow me on X at realchasegeyser or Alex Jones at realalexjones and of course at InfoWars on X. Stick with us, folks.
More coming.
And we are live.
It is InfoWars.
I am Jason Burmess.
And I got to tell you, folks, I had a whole nother intro planned as to what I was going to talk about until I just got a text message about 30 seconds before this.
And it was from a buddy of mine.
And he just welcomed a new baby boy into his life and I gotta tell you it just brought a smile to my face and it made me think of this idea of team humanity and what it is to be human and how there are so many aspects trying to take that away from us and that is really what I'm going to be focusing on.
So I want to lead with this story but This really isn't going to be about human brain interfaces or Elon Musk per se.
But I think this is a good starting point that the FDA-approved Neuralink, which is going to be for commercial use, has now been publicly implanted into a human brain.
Now, there's a lot of significance to this.
However, if you've been following my work, These interfaces, although in varying degrees, some of them that do not work until they're connected to other devices, but over 200,000 by 2018 had been put into human beings, according to former chief scientist of NASA, Dennis Bushnell.
I played the clip dozens, if not hundreds of times.
It's out there.
This is now the commercialization aspect of this and you have to understand this is going to be going data up and data down.
Now, when I look at the applications that they're selling these human brain interfaces for, they're usually health related and they're not shy about talking about mental health in particular.
And if you're like me, And you're scrolling through a YouTube or you're scrolling through the television, however rare it may be, you can't get away from advertisements like BetterHelp.com.
And a lot of this is being further automated, becoming artificial intelligence, almost another aspect, but really integrated into this.
But what is the push for?
Mental health and more mental health drugs.
And that's why this story That was brought to my attention via a friend of mine, Riss Flex, and I had no idea about it.
It's extremely important.
Kendra Wilkinson breaks silence on her crippling mental health battle.
I was dying of depression.
And for those that don't know who Kendra is, Kendra is one of these former Playboy playmates who was married to Hugh Hefner, part of that reality TV era where everything was reality TV.
And Hefner had a slew of lives in his twilight and she was one of the featured playmates.
What's really interesting about this article is the coordination across the mainstream media to promote this and start talking about this mental health, but how it's getting better.
Well, what's it getting better because?
Now, Abilify is actually a drug.
That when I worked at this network all the way back in 2008 and 2009, I was talking about, and we're going to be playing a commercial from 14 years ago to illustrate the absurdity of this drug and how the culture's only gotten worse in really a decade and a half, okay?
Because Abilify is a SSRI drug, a depression drug, for when your antidepressants aren't working.
So instead of saying, hey, I need to get off these antidepressants, let's add more.
Now, if you see the important safety information here, that's something we're going to get to in a moment.
The reason I bring this up in regards to human brain interfaces and really the Internet of Bodies is because this drug has the MySight system in it.
Well, what's that?
Digital technology meets medicine in a smart pill.
Okay, so you have the pill, you have the patch, okay, you have an app, there's a Bluetooth component, and it has a conversation, and then you have what?
All right, and who wants compliance?
Well, Albert Bourla, back in 2018 at the World Economic Forum, was asked what appears to be a staged question before these drugs were on the market and just getting that FDA approval.
And ladies and gentlemen, I'll let him speak for himself, but at the end of the day, what is this about?
And we'll get into the aspects of that in just a moment.
I have a question about patient engagement and you had touched on this before.
All of these advances are amazing, but even if you make the greatest drug or the greatest wearable, there's no guarantee that the patient is going to take the drug or wear the device.
So how are you thinking about technology to engage the patient?
Again, maybe I will use an example.
I think it's fascinating what's happening in this field right now.
I mean, FDA approved the first electronic pill, if I can call it like that.
So, it is basically a biological chip, but it is in the tablet.
And once you take the tablet and it dissolves into your stomach, it sends a signal that you took the tablet.
So, imagine the applications of that.
The insurance companies to know that the medicines that patients should take, they do.
The medicines patients should take, they do.
Now, I remember a time not so long ago, Mr. Borla and a lot of other people said the entire global population should take this safe and effective mRNA or vector-based DARPA-driven product.
Now, when you have these applications out there, the argument is always, well, They need to take their medication.
And you could make the argument for a dementia patient, for instance, that needs to take their heart medication or their insulin, that you would want that compliance.
But it is extremely frightening to me that this, in fact, is the drug that they're pushing this with.
Now, take a good look at all of this important safety information.
Think about what it says right here.
In big bold letters, everybody, warning suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
Now, they're telling you you might have behavioral suicide from these pills, which are pills on top of pills, which we're going to get into in a moment.
But there's a large biometric market For all of this.
All right.
These are now services, which we're going to get into a little bit later.
I'm going to talk about how this gets into the economy, Internet of Bodies, all of it.
But first, I want to play this old school Abilify commercial.
Now, back in the day before mental health was a total fad and everybody had some kind of mental illness and, you know, you needed these days where you couldn't come into work because you need a mental health day.
All that.
All that.
They went after women.
A lot.
Women were mostly the target.
That's changed again over a decade and a half.
But let's watch this commercial.
This is on Abilify.
I'm taking an antidepressant, but it feels like I need some more help.
Approximately two out of three people being treated for depression still have unresolved symptoms.
If your antidepressant alone isn't enough, talk to your doctor.
One option he may consider is adding Abilify.
Abilify is approved to... So just take a look here.
That includes... This isn't even the full list 14 years ago.
Imagine the list now.
Oh, you're on Lexapro, Zoloft, Prozac, FXR... XR?
I don't even know what that is.
Hey, don't worry.
That's not working.
We've got some Abilify for you.
Now, before we play the rest of this horrific commercial, I want to point this out.
This is 14 years ago, okay?
There have been more than 2,800 lawsuits via Abilify, all right?
There's, again, you look at this drug and it boggles your mind that not only is it still on the market, Okay, but now it's being produced in a manner where you will comply.
You will take this drug.
Okay, let's go back to this commercial.
Depression in adults when added to an antidepressant.
Learn more about Abilify.
Call your doctor if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood.
So in other words, again When they tell you about the suicidal thoughts and behavior or depression worsening, it's right there in big bold letters on their own website.
But hey, we're out in the mountainside, on the water, and we're hugging, and everything's okay.
Behavior or thoughts of suicide.
Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults.
So again, they're telling you that suicidal thoughts, behaviors, and actions can be increased across the board.
And in children.
Because even then they were pushing these on your kids.
Elderly dementia patients taking Abilify.
Actually, just to let you know guys, it's hidden here.
Let's just see if I can bring it up.
I want to bring it up because it is important that I put this because when it tells you about the kids, it also says it's not approved for children under 18.
Just want to throw that out there.
While all this is going on.
Elderly dementia patients taking Abilify have an increased risk of death or stroke.
Call your doctor if you have high fever, stiff muscles, and confusion on Abilify, as these may be signs of a life-threatening reaction.
Or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these could become permanent.
High blood sugar has been reported with Abilify and medicines like it.
So, just to let you know guys, it also says right here, your blood sugar should be monitored if you have or are at risk for diabetes.
So again, heart issues are another big thing, but we're going to get into yet another one of the crazy things that Abilify and other antidepressants cause, which they want you to have another drug for, by the way.
In some cases, extreme high blood sugar can lead to coma or death.
Other risks include dizziness upon standing, decreases in white blood cells, which can be serious.
Yeah, yeah, decreases in white blood cells are serious.
In other words, your immune system ain't working so good.
Oh, did we mention the coma and death?
I mean, these are actual commercials.
This isn't a parody.
This wasn't in Living Color or Saturday Night Live or MADtv.
This is what they actually put out there.
And it gets even worse, by the way, which we're going to get into.
I'll bet it's made a difference.
motor skills or trouble swallowing. Adding Abilify has made a difference for me.
I'll bet it's made a difference. Now some of the other ads they put out there,
those commercials, they were more cartoon driven.
Because again, they also wanted to bring children into this.
Even though you saw the warning for kids under 18, they take it in baby steps, these people.
So what I want to show you here is when you not only go to this page and you see The Safety Information on Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors and Actions.
I want to get down to it.
There's a, you know, look at all these nice little things.
Neuropolytic Malignant Syndrome.
This is the one we want to dive into.
Tardive Dyskinesia.
So what is Tardive Dyskinesia?
Well, Tardive Dyskinesia, okay, is when you're taking some type of psychotropic drugs, probably a cocktail, Of those drugs and all of a sudden you have involuntary movements and actions.
I've actually seen this from facial things to like this, you know.
Things you used to only see in people with very rare nervous disorders now.
That could be the norm so much that they made you, again, they don't want to get you off the psychotropic drugs.
They want you to be part of the MySite program, wearing Bluetooth devices, making sure you take those medicines.
And then they want to give you another drug that, by the way, when you listen to the commercial, may actually cause more of these movements, but they say that it helps you with these movements.
So again, don't get off the psychotropic drugs.
We've got Ingreza for your Tardive Dyskinesia.
And now, this is a 2023 commercial.
This is a newer drug because this Tardive Dyskinesia has boomed since they put these people on psychotropic drugs.
And this one again, now we're targeting, I'm just going to say, very weak men as well.
And that's not to go after men that have had mental problems, etc.
But you look at these commercials and you look at how they're targeting, that's what's happening.
So we're going to go to the Ingresa commercial.
Again, don't get off the psychotropic drugs because you're having involuntary movements.
Take this drug that also may cause involuntary movements.
You can't make this stuff up.
Here we go.
My mental health was much better.
But I struggled with uncontrollable movements called TD, Tardive Dyskinesia.
TD can be caused by some mental health meds.
And it's unlikely to improve without treatment.
I felt like my movements were in the spotlight.
Ingreza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with TD movements.
Ingreza is different.
It's the simple once-daily treatment proven to reduce TD that's number one prescribed.
People taking Ingreza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds.
Ingreza 80 milligram is proven Don't take Ingriza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients.
Ingriza may cause serious side effects including sleepiness.
Don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how Ingriza affects you.
Other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements.
You see how they threw that in there?
Oh yeah, and abnormal movements.
I thought that Ingresa was helping 7 out of 10 people with their movements, but now it's causing them as well.
And look, I mean...
Look, guys, I'm not the most macho, macho man out there, but this is the crap they're constantly selling us.
And they're even rubbing our noses in it by putting weak men like Bill Gates out in the forefront for this agenda.
OK, but on the other end, you know, they are trying to make a lot of this stuff sexy.
So what is the Internet of Bodies really?
Well, Rand Corporation Okay, actually did what I would say was a pretty fair and honest four-minute piece back in 2020.
I'm not sure if it was pre-pandemic, it was right around the time it was kind of breaking out there, but they also have A whole page on it.
They have white papers all over.
And those that don't understand what RAND is, it's not only one of these think tanks, but it really does work hand in hand with our Defense Department and those apparatuses around it.
And once again, you talk again, weak men, I don't know if this is a weak man, if this is a woman, it's that androgynous push.
And you can see the wearable health trackers, the attention monitors, the brain-computer interfaces, wearable neuro-devices, etc.
all here.
Cochlear devices, all part of this Internet of Bodies.
So I'm going to play right now.
This Rand piece.
It's about four minutes long.
I'm probably going to lightly interrupt this one because it really does lay out quite a bit of reality.
It sells it a bit, you know, they give you all the positives, but at the same time, it does give you dire warnings as to how this technology is already in play and how there is no regulation surrounding it.
So this is the Rand Corporation Internet of Bodies clip.
In the 20th century, wireless technology integrated with the human body was nothing more than science fiction.
But today, Wi-Fi connected devices, like heart rate monitors and sleep trackers, have become common parts of American life.
How has bionic technology evolved so quickly from science fiction to reality?
And what could this Internet of Bodies mean for our lives moving forward?
RAND researchers are studying this phenomenon and what consumers and policymakers need to know as we veer into uncharted territory.
The Internet of Bodies, or IOB, is actually an ecosystem.
It's a bunch of devices that are connected to the internet that contain software and that either collect personal health data about you or can alter the body's function.
We think of the Internet of Bodies as This collection of all these devices, as well as all the data that the devices are gathering about you.
And in healthcare, internet of bodies has been around for quite a while.
With the advent of the internet, it makes a lot of sense to connect your pacemaker to the internet so that your doctor can be automatically notified if something weird happens, if there's an anomaly.
It's natural in a lot of ways to want to understand more about your body, how it functions, how well it's doing.
IOB devices could revolutionize healthcare.
Unprecedented amounts of personal health data could inform treatment plans that are completely tailored to a patient's needs.
There are pills now that have an electronic sensor that let a healthcare provider know whether you have taken the medication.
Other things like precision medicine.
So precision medicine is the idea of Of creating pharmaceuticals or treatment like specifically for your body, for your personalized treatment.
And I think IOB could really help with that because nowadays a lot of healthcare is based more on, you know, average reactions.
Whereas with data from IOB devices, you might be able to really more precisely treat a certain disease.
Al, there are two things there that I want to stop this.
Okay, we've got a few minutes until the break.
Think about this.
Number one, you've got the compliance pills, and they're pushing that via mental health drugs that are more than questionable.
You know, I heard Alex Jones talking about this latest weird beheading thing.
I haven't seen anybody ask what this 32-year-old was on.
You know, when you look at the family situation, there were two other adult children that were older than he was, okay, living at the parents' home when this happened.
He recently lost his job because he kicked in a door in an office environment and I assume had mental health issues for some time.
I'm just saying, Parents that have three adult children on the verge of 40 living with them sound like the type of parents that might have put their kids on psychotropic medication.
Call me a kook.
Call me a conspiracy theorist.
Those are the type of drugs they want compliance on.
Hate and lie shots are the type of drugs they want compliance on.
Now, bring it further.
With the monitoring of your biology as much as possible with these devices, they tell you what?
That they can have specialized medicines.
Now, this is an enslave-empower scenario.
It's like any technology.
The problem is, the haves, which are very few at this point, in the predator class, will be able to utilize this technology for their benefit, while what?
They try to oppress us further.
When we come back, we're going to finish up that video.
We're going to really go over some of the other vulnerabilities with the Internet of Body Systems.
We're going to be moving into biometrics and also the financial system because guys, it's all integrated.
But before we do that, I want to encourage everybody out there to go to InfoWarsStore.com and get some of the great products out there.
Hey, I'm a supplement guy.
I'm still not in the best shape of my life.
Believe me, but nitric oxide, that's every day in the morning.
D3, every day in the morning.
Vitamin C, he's been talking about the methylfolate.
Another supplement I take, NAD+.
All these things you can get over at InfoWarstore.com if you've already got the supplements.
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You know, having a go of it with your kids, having a laugh while you fight the New World Order, or get one of the two great books that Alex Jones has, signed or unsigned, and help support the Info War.
When we come back, we're going to continue with the Internet of Bodies.
We're also going to talk about AI, WorldCoin, and more.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll see you after this.
Media matters, the Democratic Party, MSNBC and others have asked me to apologize for making a parody video game criticizing the deep state and all the corruption.
And to all them, I just want to say this.
Go f*** yourselves!
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F*** you!
You want to try to ban this game just like you want to steal elections and force injections on us and open up our borders and rape us.
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And we are back, fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
And before we get back to this Rand Corporation Internet of Bodies clip, I want you just to imagine a world in which, I don't know, an authoritarian government through maybe an agency like Homeland Security started deeming some of these domestic extremists such a threat That they'd have to take a mental health evaluation and then through some type of a show trial process they were forced to be put
on psychotropic drugs and now we have that compliance mechanism and you have mandatory mind control.
How far away from that are we?
And now we're talking about a slew of different issues because at the end of the day even the World Health Organization, okay, they'll tell you this is about Health for Peace and Peace for Health.
And they're not just done with you and your health.
No, it's the health of the world.
All right?
This was their little 75th anniversary mascot.
And you'll notice all the nice little green symbols like a bicycle and the recycling.
Oh, but don't worry.
When you go over to the other one where it's running around health for all, they've got the nice little shoddy shots in there for you as well.
And they've got the heart rate monitors.
Because at the end of the day, this is about everything.
This is about total control over you, your body, and the planet.
So let's go back to this Rand Corporation piece, where it's going to start getting into some of the open exploitations of this technology with these pills and more.
But the Internet of Bodies won't be a cure-all.
In fact, the largely unregulated market poses risks to the uniquely sensitive data these devices collect.
First of all, there's the cyber risk of an actor potentially hacking into the system, whatever it might be.
There's the privacy risk of all this data that's being collected and the regulations about that data are really murky at the moment.
And so there's not a lot of clarity into who owns the data, what happens to it, who it gets sold to, how it's being used.
And there's even potentially national security and global security risks.
A few examples of these risks have already played out in real life.
For instance, in 2018, highly sensitive information about U.S.
military activity and base locations was inadvertently revealed by soldiers' fitness trackers.
So, this is a pivotal moment.
What can we do to make sure we reap the potential benefits of the Internet of Bodies without risking our privacy, security, and personal autonomy?
Consumers should be wary of IOB devices because as it's becoming more and more popular, all of this intimate data is being collected.
Arguably more intimate data than we've ever really recorded before.
There's no clarity on What is being done with that data?
You know, with an old mechanical pacemaker, there's no data that was being collected and stored.
And, you know, you could look at a history of someone's heart rhythms.
Because policy tends to lag behind innovative technologies like this, it's probably up to the consumers and to the healthcare patients to really be aware of the devices that they're using and what ...is happening to their data and to know what the regulations are in their particular state, because it does vary so much state by state.
Even if you think you're not interesting or that nothing will happen with your data, there are a lot of unknowns that I think we need to be careful about.
And that's pretty honest, especially for something like the Rand Corporation.
But you'll get this kind of honesty even over at Davos, right?
When you talk to some of these Facebook executives and they talk about cookies and trackers and how we all click yes.
And it's a big joke to them as we don't all click yes.
Now, I want to take it to the next level.
You heard what these people said about compliance.
We know how they feel about health of you and the planet.
Now, with that planet as a guise, I've done a lot of work on geoengineering, solar radiation management, prolonged jet contrails, aka chemtrails, and anybody who doesn't think that this program has been going on in the United States for now decades is clearly in denial.
Still not openly admitted as a broad program, but many of the experimentations are right there out in the open.
And hey, trust your eye sockets once in a while.
The reason I bring that up is because I'm going to play this clip.
I believe this is from a TEDx talk.
Now, this person begins by talking about geoengineering the planet and really starts talking about things that have already been largely done.
Okay, in the context that we should do them.
But then he wants to take it next level and say what?
We need to genetically engineer the human race, okay?
Transhumanism 101, let's play that clip right now, human engineering.
Climate change is one of the biggest problems that we face
Millions could suffer hunger, diseases, coastal flooding as flooding as a result of climate change.
We may be beyond the point of no return.
Scientists believe that we have no choice but to consider geoengineering.
This is large-scale manipulation of the Earth, such as spraying sulfate aerosols into the ozone layer in order to increase the reflectivity of the planet.
But geoengineering is very, very risky.
We have never attempted these technologies on such a large scale.
So we could end up... And again, they act like they haven't done it, but they're going to do it for the most benevolent of reasons.
Meanwhile, God knows what they're spraying.
They got caught.
When I say they, our government, the United States government, got caught spraying cadmium sulfite.
All right, radioactive cadmium sulfate on large U.S.
populations from planes, and they even dumped it from the ground under cars in urban areas.
Okay, on innocent Americans.
So yeah, we could talk about the sulfates and the salt and the barium and the aluminum, but we don't know what they're putting in there.
Let's start there.
Stop destroying the entire ozone layer.
I want to consider a class of solutions that have never been considered before.
Also not true.
You know, he's talking about this in the 2020s and NASA put it on paper.
I've done shows here on this network with Bushnell and others talking about what?
Genetically modifying the human species.
And that's what this guy's going to advocate for right now.
On behalf of climate change, everybody.
Human engineering.
It involves the biomedical modification of human beings.
I'll give four examples.
Here's one.
18% of greenhouse gas emissions come from livestock farming.
So if we eat less meat, we could significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
Now, some people would be willing to eat less meat, but they lack the willpower.
Human engineering could help.
Just as some people are naturally intolerant to milk or crayfish, like myself, we could artificially induce mild intolerance to meat.
Another weak man.
I'm sorry for everybody out there that might have a shellfish or a dairy allergy.
Another weak man advocating what?
To make the species weaker.
By stimulating our immune system against common bovine proteins.
And in this way, we can create an aversion to eating eco-unfriendly food.
And we can do this, for example, by having meat patches.
Kind of like nicotine patches.
People can then wear these patches before they go out for dinner to curb their enthusiasm.
Great show.
Horrible idea.
Who's pushing patches at Davos?
Who's that guy?
Oh, Bill Gates!
Bill Gates is pushing patches!
And we're going to have a little Gates for you on the flip side of this break.
Get the supplements.
Get the books.
Get the video games.
We'll be back with the final segment of the fourth hour after this.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas.
So to recap what we've been talking about.
Is that we've got drugs, SSRI drugs, that are now part of the Internet of Bodies, that are part of that compliance program, and this is the type of thing that's being pushed.
Meanwhile, the same people pushing this type of medication, Borla, Gates, and others, they're big time On that climate change kick and it's not just geoengineering, it's bioengineering.
And one of the other great ways to get at the, I don't know, populations of biology is to control what they eat.
Again, On behalf of climate change.
So this is an oldie, but a goodie.
But this is Bill Gates talking about how bad cows and cow farts are.
I mean, it's a great thing that he's bought up all that farmland.
It's a great thing that years and years ago, he was invested in Monsanto, which is also partnered with Bayer.
These are all good things that Bill Gates is in charge of our food and medicine, because as he'll tell us, the cow farts are bad.
One crucial part is agriculture and one thing you said you were particularly surprised by was how great a problem bovine flatulence is.
Do you want to explain what that is and why it's a problem?
Animals that can eat grass have very unusual stomachs that have these bacteria that are methanogenic in there.
And so they leak natural gas both out the front and the back.
And so people have said, well, let's change the hay or throw some things in there.
And it's been nobody knows how to get rid of Know how to get cows to stop farting.
Or burping.
It's a big joke.
I guess we just can't have delicious steak and hamburger anymore.
I guess baby back ribs are off the table because Bill Gates said so.
But there is artificial meat, but that's at a very early stage.
But that's another big source of greenhouse gas emissions.
You know, I'm just trying to make sure that the people who acknowledge the problems, which I think is fantastic, that they understand the breadth of innovation.
You can't, I mean, it's a parody.
The breadth of innovation while he talks about cow parts and slyly promotes his printed food.
So again, they love you so much.
They want to mandate hate and lie shots, psychotropic drugs, take away, I don't know, a source of sustenance, since man has been around, I mean, so many, not only sustenance, again, leather.
I mean, they want to take away everything.
They want to take away not only our culture, but what it means to actually be human.
And one of the ways they do that is also to make us dependent on them financially.
OK, so actually, I covered this story today on my show.
I'm just going to briefly go over it.
But listen, I think crypto in some cases can be great.
In other cases, which we're going to get into in a moment, extremely dangerous, you know, blockchain technology, again, double edged sword.
So let's talk about decentralized Bitcoin for a moment.
Now, there's a case breaking just today out of Germany.
We're two people.
We're running some kind of piracy site.
So far, a lot of the details are sketchy.
Now, they ran the piracy site until 2013.
Now, the interesting thing is they didn't charge Bitcoin to get on there.
All right.
They made money and then they invested in Bitcoin.
Well, the government came in and seized 50,000 Bitcoin worth 2.1 billion dollars.
Now, think about that.
That site had not been active for 11 years.
When they actually bought the Bitcoin, it was probably worth much less.
So, how secure are you in these assets?
Meanwhile, they want to push coins like WorldCoin, which is headed up by Sam Altman of OpenAI, the new Builder Bro.
Got his first Bilderberg invite last year.
And if you don't know what WorldCoin is, It is a steampunk, crystal ball, lochnar type device that scans your biometrics and gives you a universal basic income token.
Now the IMF is already partnered.
With the UN and their refugee program to have blockchain people.
I've played that video dozens of times.
But what I want people to see is how they're going to get people to opt into the system right now.
Because if you live in the right area, you too can scan your biometrics.
It will ensure that you're a human being, you know, with all the deep faking.
Going on and then as you interact once a month you get your UBI or one world coin You can't make this up.
This isn't the future folks.
This is now, so let's play the World Coin video.
(upbeat music)
Download the app, scan your biometrics, get your universal basic income.
And you notice how it's geared towards young people.
All of this, generationally, our generation, my generation, the Gen Xers, we were targeted with the climate change propaganda.
And now it's just gotten worse and worse and worse.
And so in these final minutes, I'm going to bring it back around to human brain interfaces.
Because once again, Neuralink is supposed to be that chic commercial interface.
Remember, it's sold to you as the idea that you're going to go to a mall kiosk and a robot is going to give you brain surgery.
And don't worry, if you want to get it taken out, we're going to have it easy to get taken out as well.
I just don't buy into it.
And then you look at other entities that are also behind the human brain interface.
And those entities include BlackRock Neurotech.
Now look at what BlackRock has done and is currently doing to the economy.
These are the people That we want to put in control of our brain?
And the truth of the matter is, folks, that a lot of these interfaces do not have to be hardwired into our biology.
It just doesn't have to be that way.
You can train consumer devices to have some level of quote-unquote mind control.
But they're going to sell it to you!
They're going to tell you that it's going to cure depression.
All right?
That it's going to make People walk again.
We've already had ocular implants for some time.
And the bottom line to me is that I am here for technology that empowers human beings.
But unfortunately, I think that this technology in particular will not only be used to enslave human beings, but empower nutcases Like this guy that I'm going to play in my final clip because this is the mentality of a lot of these younger social climbing predator class post-human madmen.
This is how they actually think folks.
We're right now in a moment where the last moment where Things kind of have been how they have been, but they're about to change radically.
And in this new future, we can't predict what's going to happen.
We no longer have that ability.
And so we're living in a zeroth world.
And so Gen Zero is a group of multi-ethnic, multinational people who rise up and they say, we are willing to courageously step into the future.
And we're willing to divorce.
We're open to divorce from ourselves, all human norms, all human customs, all human thought, and we're willing to say we're wide open about everything.
Absolute blank slate.
That's taking away humanity altogether.
You can't get rid of all of human norms or human thought without getting rid of humanity.
And I'm team human, baby, and I'm always going to be team human.
Folks, I'm so glad that you spent the hour with me.
You can check out my stuff all around the board at Jason Burmess.
I'm here over at Band.Video, over on The Rockfin Rumble as well.
We're trying to grow The X. I do want you to check out all of my documentary films for free.
You can find them on a number of platforms, many of them produced right here at InfoWars.com.
That's Loose Change, Final Cut, Fabled Enemies.
Those are my 9-11 pictures.
And then if you want to see my larger spectrum pictures that I don't think I could be more relevant today.
Please check out Invisible Empire, a New World Order to find and shade the motion picture.
It is not about left or right.
It's always about right and wrong.
I absolutely love you guys and I hope that you get over to InfoWarsStore.com.
Get the products.
Spread the word.
Spread the truth.
Get active.
It's time to look in the mirror and become your own hero because, folks, I got news for you.
You're gonna have to navigate this whole situation and nobody's coming to save you.
I love you guys.
I'll see you on the flip side.
Both my grandfathers were in World War II.
They never talked about what happened in World War II until after they died.
We got to dig into their stuff and see it.
And my mom's dad was only on a few missions.
Thank God he already got killed as a fighter pilot in World War II.
And crash landed and broke a bunch of bones and he was out of the war.
The other one did more missions than he was told to do.
Out of North Africa and then in Italy and the whole thing.
And then was there for four years and in Germany when it fell.
He told my dad a little bit about we died.
We got all his documents and all his medals and all his stuff.
And man, the letters about, we see the flag, we're going into it.
Those are the targets.
We're going to hit it.
You know, Billy, best buddy just died.
His plane just blew up.
And man, there is something about that.
Like we're going in.
We're not running away from the attacks.
We're flying into the attack.
Because we got something to deliver and God said, deliver it.
And I'm going to deliver more payloads.
The reason I volunteered for more missions is we have slayed the enemy.
We have destroyed them.
We have wrecked them.
God has given me nothing but victory.
And the idea now, when I've been given nothing but victory, that I won't continue the missions and I won't continue hammering them, but I can't do it without you.
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That's a fundraiser in my book, The Great Awakening.
I need your support.
I'm thankful.
And I want to thank all of you that got it and did support.
But I'm really talking to the 99% of you and it's way more than that now.
That hear this show and never buy a damn thing.
We're in the fight, folks.
And I'll get in the damn airplane, and I'll start the engines, and I'll take off, and I'll fly over the enemy, and I'll drop the truth on their ass all day.
But if I don't got bombs getting loaded, and jet fuel, or diesel, or kerosene getting put in the engines, I can't take the son of a bitch off, and I can't go do it.
And we've already had, all glory to God, and at the level of God, but all support to you for your support, all credit to the audience.
We've already I'll use the analogy.
It's like we go to Las Vegas last 29 years on air, and we put a quarter in the slot machine, we win $1,000.
We go play blackjack, and we spend $1,000, we make $100,000.
We go to the roulette wheel, we make a million.
We never even lose!
I get tortured, I get attacked, I get lied about, I get physically attacked, people come to my house, I don't even get into that, what that's like for my family, but as long as I don't care, and as long as I got courage and trust in God, like Job did, we have, for every attack, for every little slap I get, is a dagger in the enemy.
For every time they thump me in the face, Is a fist right in their nose.
For every time they break my leg, they get destroyed.
One of their whole cities gets vaporized.
Using that as an analogy.
We are devastating them!
This operation is a devastator!
The enemy fears it!
They hate it!
They hate the spirit of it!
They know it's real!
It's everything they hate!
So empower me!
Energize me!
Pray for me!
Buy the products!
Get off the fence!
God's watching!
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