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Name: 20240130_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 30, 2024
3154 lines.

Alex Jones discusses false flag attacks, potential war with Iran, and supporting alternative perspectives on his show. He interviews Michael Yawn who warns against falling into traps set by these false flags. The show also covers conspiracy theories about coups, nuclear false flag events, and the United Nations summit. Elon Musk has implanted the first human with Neuralink, a brain- computer interface developed by him, which shows promising results in neuron spike detection. A liaison is being created between law enforcement and convoy organizers to ensure safety at a convoy event. The group discusses the current situation at the US border and the efforts being made to expose federal agents' involvement in transporting immigrants across the border. The protest convoy aims to shed light on the dangers posed by open borders, request that all laws be upheld to stop drug and human trafficking, and call for accountability against globalist agendas.

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We do not warn of false flags to try to predict horrible events.
We warn of false flags to try and prevent them.
They are the norm for starting massive conflicts.
They are based on lies, and so we only hope that the truth will make them futile.
Last week, I reported on rumors that Victoria Nuland was planning a false flag attack on a Ukrainian nuclear power plant.
There is now talk in Kiev that the real president of Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, has become so desperate for NATO troops to enter Ukraine and continue this US proxy war against Russia, that she is willing to murder innocent locals with a radioactive cloud and blame it on Russian forces.
After that report, documentary filmmaker Chris Emery, who has spent years researching PATCON, the U.S.
intelligence operation to use false flags as a way of criminalizing American patriots, reached out to me with some information that shows how this is standard operating procedure for the black hats in our government.
We had done our first movie premiere in March of that year in Salt Lake City with an attorney that we actually interviewed on the film by the name of Jesse Trinidou.
He was approached by a command team leader that was in charge of 10, including himself, basically commandos, to blow up the Browns Ferry nuclear power plant in Athens, Alabama under the Operation Pat Con.
And then Jesse went into detail about what PatGon was, which would later morph into the Waco attack, and then the Oklahoma City bombing, and then our current, present-day A ramification of that was J6.
That nuclear power plant is still standing today because this command leader says,
no, that violated their rules of engagement that they were taught in their special operations
ever since he was a rookie commando.
And he said, we are not killing 27 innocent US civilians, no matter how much money you're paying us.
Each of his partners, there were 10 commandos all together, were given duffel bags full of cash.
Each were given $5 million.
They left it in the parking lot in the wee hours.
He said between 2.30 and 3 o'clock in the morning, they literally left these duffel bags in the parking lot,
in the far end of the parking lot, away from the nuclear power plant and drove away.
And they basically told their commanding officer at the Pentagon to F off.
We are dealing with people that are of the occult, or in a dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark,
dark, Dark corner of the universe that we can't even imagine.
And Newland is in that pack with Eric Garland and several others.
Without a doubt.
She needs to be brought up on treason and indicted, put on trial and thrown in prison.
And the key tossed away.
We also spoke on the subject of what looks to be the beginning of a false flag being set up on the southern border with World Economic Forum puppet Greg Abbott now calling for a civil war.
What in the world?
Why did it take him almost two and a half years to gear up?
I think it's It's disingenuous what he's doing.
There's four ranchers and the private citizens within 50-60 miles of the border have gotten their land, their homes robbed, their ranches decimated, trash, human waste, windows broken into, property damaged.
He could have Put the thumbscrew on that a long time ago.
Why he chose to do so now is beyond me.
They're much more keen.
They have the operative radar, you know, on high alert now and they'll be able to hopefully weed out a lot of these operatives that Whether they know it or not, they're being paid by the feds to be the fly in the ointment and get a lot more people in trouble.
It's just going to be a reincarnation of J6 all over again.
Expert on false flags and the southern border crisis, Michael Yaun, is also warning people not to fall for the trap.
And we already know that the so-called, I call it OGUS, the Occupational Government of the United States, we already know that it's out of control.
We already know that the only rules that it plays by is anything it can get away with, it will do, right?
We already know that.
We saw January 6th.
We see Americans have to show their ID and get searched and whatnot to get on airplanes.
Meanwhile, they got illegals.
I mean, straight up invaders.
Coming across the border by the thousands every day that can board aircraft without any ID.
There are no rules.
We are clearly being hunted.
And, I mean, the American citizens' patriots are clearly being hunted.
They're looking for any excuse to go to war, and they will do it.
I mean, obviously, there's going to be a very serious war.
It's clearly coming.
Don't walk into their traps.
Do not do it.
Again, why would you go to Eagle Pass, which is so baited, When Abbott clearly could close the border if he wanted to.
This is clearly a wrestling match.
This is clearly a show.
That's the Thunderdome.
Don't go.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to this live Tuesday, January 30th, 2024 transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Our crew is now down at the Texas border.
We're going to have live reports from there and a lot of important reports being filed at InfoWars.com, Bandock Video, and of course on Real Alex Jones and the InfoWars channel, as well as our other great host channels there on ex-formerly Twitter.
Okay, look, I was sitting here right before we went live looking at all this news and I just, I just want to say something.
This morning I had some errands to take care of.
I normally just drive straight to work, so I was driving around quite a bit this morning, so I listened to probably, in traffic, an hour and a half of talk radio.
And I just sampled probably 15 different conservative radio shows in Austin, in San Antonio, in Dallas, because I get, you know, we get all those Texas talk radio channels.
And it was just so amateurish.
And it was so hawkish and World War III.
And we've got to go ahead and just nuke Iran now.
And World War III is going to be so wonderful.
And I noticed World War III was trending number one this morning on X.
I got up at 4.30 and was doing work around the house before my daughter got up, before my wife got up.
I had it up on my big computer, you know, screen at my desk and I was just...
I probably spent an hour going through all the World War III stuff.
And I saw prominent conservative channels, prominent conservative talk show hosts saying stuff like, World War III is the best option.
That's a quote.
I retweeted, posted one of those.
And then I saw the majority of people telling those folks they're crazy, but also some saying, oh, you're just a Russian agent or you're an Iranian agent.
What I am is an agent of not wanting nuclear war.
The West has been in continued conflict with Iran for decades.
The United States routinely bombs and kills Iranian forces all around the world.
And we've killed, Trump killed their top general.
And look, when they hit us, I say kill their generals.
That's what you do.
You blow them up in their car when they're driving, you know, to the grocery store.
Same thing with Hamas.
I've said that.
I said, Israel, if they just would have gone after the leadership of Hamas, which doesn't even live in Gaza, and would have used assassination teams to go and kill them, then they would have the world's support.
But this carpet bomb Gaza stuff, which is the only way Israel could, quote, try to get rid of Hamas, and we war-gamed that, We'll give Israel a short-term victory, but we'll destroy Israel in the eyes of the world.
And all of that happens.
So, I've got all this news to hit, but I am just beyond exacerbated, and I know a lot of you are too, that the danger level has never been higher on our planet.
And even Blinken, the Secretary of State, just came out.
I've got a video clip of him saying that.
But don't they forget that it's their policies that are doing this.
These people are just horrible.
Vivek is going to be joining us coming up at the bottom of the hour to talk about this and the Trump campaign and a lot more.
And then we have Doc Chambers, the great former Green Beret commander and medical doctor, coming on in the fourth hour.
So I look forward to that.
He's leading one of the main convoys down to the Texas border.
In fact, the first convoy that will actually arrive there, the other big one going off the East Coast down to Florida and then over to Texas.
He'll get there on Saturday.
There's another big one from California scheduled to get there on Sunday.
And we've got our reporters.
At the Texas border right now.
We're going to have a lot of reports coming out on that.
And we'll have reporters continually down there for the next two weeks at least.
So look for all those reports here on American Journal and on 8 a.m.
every weekday and then 11 a.m.
my show and then 3 p.m.
with Owen Schroyer in the War Room.
So we've got that information.
A lot of military news to go over.
And then some other things.
That really illustrate the mindset of the people that have hijacked this country.
I mentioned it yesterday, but I didn't get to it.
I want to play the video today of Ilhan Omar saying she doesn't care about America.
She cares about Somalia and expanding Somalia's power.
She tried to slip in a deal a few years ago to change the Minnesota flag to basically the Somali flag.
These people are crazy.
And that dovetails with the new thing that came out yesterday afternoon with the press secretary, the Black Raggedy Ann.
White House spokesman called out for odd condolence statement of three U.S.
troops fighting and dying for the administration.
Well, I remember the press reports at the time, because it was in the LA Times, When Bill Clinton won the election back in 1992 and was getting into office in 93 at the inauguration, F-16s flew over.
And a big director, producer, Ron Silver, got mad and said, how dare them?
They're threatening us.
And Hillary pulled him by the arm in front of the press that saw it happen, some members of the press, and said, Ron, it's OK.
They're under our control now.
They work for us.
Now, imagine the weird Los Angeles, LA, New World Order, Hollywood mindset that they hate this country so much And then even when they get control of it, they destroy it because they have a fundamental spiritual chip on their shoulder.
So we save Ilhan Omar.
If you don't know the story, she got saved by U.S.
troops when she was a little kid and moved here.
And then she just boils and oozes and glows and burns with an America hate because she feels insecure.
She feels like she's a sack of garbage.
And I don't think Somalis are sacks of garbage, but America used to really be number one in everything.
And so these people have gotten into the cult of hating it and running it down.
In fact, Harrison Smith last week, the little piece that I forgot to play, if you guys can find it, I sent it to you, I think, like last Friday.
And Harrison was playing a clip of a lady that's for real, saying, America's never been great.
America's horrible.
America's always been evil.
And you have to understand, with these people, that's really their mindset.
I liken it to the barbarians that finally conquered Rome in 410.
And instead of occupying Rome and taking over its palaces, they just burned it all down.
And so it'd be like if Some architect built something, and you didn't like the architect's politics, but it was a beautiful, valuable building.
And then you somehow get given the building, and so you blow it up, just out of spite.
So there's no sense of a lot of these illegals and others they brought in, these so-called UN refugees, of wanting to make America greater being part of it.
Because they're taught by the UN when they're brought in, and by the left, to hate this country.
And that's not just something the right-wing says about the left.
They really do hate America.
And anything that they associate it with, success, good families, Christianity, being honorable, Leave it to Beaver.
They think something like Leave it to Beaver.
And that's how my dad was brought up.
That's how my mom was brought up.
And they're like people from Leave it to Beaver, okay?
They see that as square and stupid and dumb to be honest and wholesome and good.
And they think people that try to be good are wimps.
They don't know that we're actually learned and educated and historically informed and spiritually dialed in.
If we wanted to be evil, you'd be in a lot of trouble.
Because we're way better at it than you, believe me.
That's how I know what you're up to.
I can pick up on your evil.
I have the knowledge of evil, not just good.
But I just want it to sink in to the listeners.
That this is a spiritual disease and that the left worldwide are basically NPCs set on a mission to burn down the world.
All right, we got a ton of news lined up today and so much more.
Stay with us.
Vivek Ramaswamy is joining us to cover the waterfront coming up next segment.
I'm going to cover what's happening with the border, economics and more in the second hour.
And in the third hour, we'll be taking your phone calls again in the second and third hour on this live Tuesday, January 30th broadcast.
But let's dive right in to what's happening.
Here's Joe Biden during the campaign a few years ago before he stole the election, saying that if Trump gets in, we're basically going to have massive war with Iran.
Now, of course, it's the complete opposite.
Now he's in there and they're pushing for total war.
The world has changed because of what Trump has done.
And the American people, including independents and some Republicans, know how bad he is.
Know how much he's misrepresented.
Know how he's getting close to getting us in a war.
I said, as the walls close in on this man, I'm worried he's going to get us to war in Iran.
Unfortunately, I may have been right.
The fact of the matter is, there's a lot at stake in this election.
Alright, here is the Secretary of State yesterday saying that this is the most dangerous situation in a long time.
I would argue that we've not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the region since at least 1973.
Now, here is the State Department slash Pentagon spokesperson saying they have no evidence Iran's behind this.
Let's be clear.
Iran is giving weapons to these different Shiite militias.
They're proxies, they're not in complete command of them, but Iran does not get a pass for this, and it's not good they killed three of our soldiers and injured twenty-something others.
And it's not good that they're proxies, the Houthis out of Yemen are attacking ships.
So let's get that straight.
Iran's out of control.
Biden gave them $6 billion.
They know Biden's weak.
They're sucking us into a water war.
This is dangerous.
The Iranian leadership are crazy.
They believe in end-of-the-world stuff and all the rest of it.
They want to invoke it.
And this is just all out of control.
China is in the year of the dragon, which they think is their luckiest year.
And they're not really religious, but they are into luck.
It's like their religion.
They're talking about invading right now.
You already got a war with Russia.
You got NATO saying full war with Russia is imminent.
This is crazy town, ladies and gentlemen.
So let's go to a clip here of the Pentagon admitting that has no evidence Iran behind the attack.
And yeah, Iran's not taking credit.
Which leans towards the fact that their proxy didn't do this under orders.
Doesn't matter, they gave them the high-tech drone.
But again, you've got the neocons and the Democratic leadership calling for a full-out war, and it's a bad sign that they didn't just hit a bunch of rebels with a hundred airstrikes or something.
That would be the right response.
You know, 20 times what they did to us.
A full attack on Iran will explode into a regional war guarantee that's already going on, and probably into full World War III.
That's what most analysts believe.
So that's where we are right now.
Here's the Pentagon and here's the State Department.
Just to follow up, you said Iran was behind the attack.
What does that mean?
Have you seen evidence of financing or directing anything specific to this attack?
Not just generally, but specifically?
Uh, so maybe I need to clarify further, um, from what Lita had mentioned.
We know that Iran funds these groups, like Kitab Hezbollah.
We know that these IRGC-backed militias are the ones responsible for attacks on our troops in Iraq and Syria.
Uh, beyond that, we're, we're doing an intelligence assessment.
We don't have, I can't give you today that Now let's go to Joy Reid who says that if a white person has cornrows that they're appropriating black culture.
By the way, white people have always braided their hair.
It doesn't matter if you want to appropriate black culture or white culture.
It's all pure crap.
But here she is with her blonde-haired devil hair.
Caught on a hot mic saying, oh, another effing war.
Here it is.
Over the weekend, President Biden said he's ready to take action if Congress is serious about solving the border issue.
If that bill were the law today, I'd shut down the border right now and fix it quickly.
And Congress needs to get it done.
Starting another war.
Still trying to kill the deal.
So imagine what she really says behind the scenes.
These people know they are frauds, ladies and gentlemen.
They're mercenaries.
Speaking of mercenaries, here's the White House press secretary clown saying that the troops died for the Biden administration.
What I will say, our deepest, obviously our deepest condolences go out, and our heartfelt condolences go out to the families who lost three brave, three brave, three brave, three folks who are, who are military folks, who are brave, who are always fighting, who are fighting on behalf of this administration, of the American people, obviously more so, more importantly, we lost those souls.
What is wrong with her and Biden and Kamala Harris and all these people?
They can barely talk.
It's like Alexander Soros.
Because they're following scripts.
And if they haven't been given the script, they don't know what to say because they're empty people.
They are dangerous morons that the world does not respect.
Iran engaged in a couple of attacks under Trump.
And Trump said no to the Republican-Democratic establishment wanting a full bombardment of Tehran that would have led to a wider war.
Instead, Trump said, we're going to kill Soleimani.
And they killed the leader of their military.
And notice you didn't see anything out of the Iranians after that.
That's what you do.
You kill their leaders.
You kill the generals.
When you're taking out the mafia, you want to bust the dime.
You don't sit there and go to a full war, because you can't.
Iran has forces in hundreds of countries, including ours.
We've let them in.
You can't just run around trying to find all of them.
You have to cut their money off, and you have to kill their leadership.
I don't want to kill their leadership.
I'm just saying, if they fund and run Hamas attacks on Israel, Israel would have had the high ground and I would have supported them going after the leadership of Hamas and the Quds Force's leaders.
That's the Iranian militia.
But instead, They give them a total propaganda victory and murder 20,000 innocent people.
And murdering thousands of innocent Jews does not mean it's okay to then go murder 10,000, 20,000 Palestinians.
And again, I care about both groups.
I don't have a dog in the fight about which side I'm on.
I'm on the side of justice.
You can pull up some of the tweets I reposted on X, where major conservative, you know, accounts and groups are just saying we need World War 3.
They're saying World War 3 is the best option.
And they're not thinking through what World War 3 means.
Once the nukes start going, once they start getting used, there isn't an analyst out there that says it isn't a vast probability it then leads to full nuclear war and then we're all dead.
Unless you're living in some South Pacific island.
And even if you're in some bunker in Wyoming, folks, there's a full nuclear war, the scenarios make Road Warrior look like a walk in the park.
Because there'll be tens of millions of dead, hundreds of millions with energy off, breakdown of the food chain, and then people are just going to come dig you out of your bunkers, ladies and gentlemen, and eat your ass.
I mean, I've looked at the scenarios.
I should do a whole breakdown.
Have you seen Viggo Mortensen in the road?
That's what you're talking about.
A year after a nuclear war, that's what you're looking at.
You're looking at cannibalism within two weeks.
All right, folks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We've got Vivek joining us.
Media matters.
The Democratic Party.
MSNBC and others have asked me to apologize for making a parody video game criticizing the deep state and all the corruption.
And to all them, I just want to say this.
Go f*** yourselves!
Alex Jones' New World Order Wars has been number one on Steam thanks to the viewers and listeners of this broadcast.
And I want to invite everyone, before they are successful at banning, which I hope they aren't, to go to alexjonesgame.com and follow the link to Steam and download this game for $17.76 as a message to the New World Order.
F*** you!
You want to try to ban this game just like you want to steal elections and force injections on us and open up our borders and rape us.
This is a culture war and they're scared of this game.
Get Alex Jones' New World Order Wars right now at AlexJonesGame.com because anything badass gets censored!
Vivek Ramaswamy is our guest, ladies and gentlemen.
And boy, he was popular running for president.
He's even more popular now.
I've talked to a lot of insiders.
They say Trump is strongly considering him for the vice president, which is a really smart move on so many fronts.
We'll briefly speak about that coming up, but I was just asking Vivek during the break when he was dialing into us.
What he thinks is front and center, and so we're going to lay out what's happening with the campaign, what's happening in the markets, what's happening with the ESGs, really cutting to the core of the central bank digital currencies, and this whole globalist New World Order party we're facing and how the public's waking up to that.
We'll talk about the serious drums of war with Iran and so much more.
So congratulations on all the great work.
And congratulations on just on X a day because I follow you religiously and so does Elon.
You're reaching like 30, 40 million people a day.
This is just explosive.
So congratulations.
Thank you, Alex.
We're just getting warmed up, and as I told you at the start of the campaign when we got started in this, at least the first time we spoke, I'm all in for the country, and you know what?
The people of this country made loud and clear who they want to lead the America First movement to the next level.
The next four years, that's going to be Donald Trump, and he has my full support, and I'm going to do everything I can in my power.
I mean that, Alex, to the fullest.
To make sure he's the next president.
But also, in the meantime, use my talents and my energy to make sure that we are saving this country in every way.
Not just within the government, but outside the government as well.
Well, you're not just a great communicator to decipher how the enemy operates.
I don't want you to set your own horrors, which you were telling me during the break that I think is dead on.
But also as VP, and we're not pushing that right now, that'd be the ultimate insurance policy because they'd be just as scared of you as Trump.
So I hate to make this gonzo about you, but it kind of is about you and just why they fear Trump so much.
Give us your take on where America is right now and what we should all be doing.
Look, I think that there's a basic principle that our government is not following right now.
The people who we elect to run the government should be the ones who actually run the government.
That's not the case right now, Alex.
You know that as well as I do.
And so part of what the Donald Trump re-election looks like is, that's once again not just electing the policies that you and I favor.
It's re-electing a way of life in America where the people who we elect are actually the ones who run the show.
One of the things I said in my campaign was that I would fire 75% of federal bureaucrats, shut down government agencies, actually decimate that deep state.
And I think that's what Donald Trump, right now, of the people who are left in this race, obviously Donald Trump is going to be the person to get that done.
And I will help him in every way that I can.
But that swamp, that doesn't just exist in government.
It actually exists in every sphere of our lives, from our universities, to corporate America, to large asset managers.
That horizontal managerial class, the bureaucrats, the rise of the committee class, they've really sucked the air out of every one of our institutions, not just the government.
But our capital markets, corporate America, our higher education institutions, our schools.
And so one of the things I'm focused on, even the mainstream media, Alex, and so one of the things I'm focused on even this year, you know, it's going to be still one year before Donald Trump takes over as the next president of the United States.
We're going to make sure that that happens.
In that year, how much change can we drive in the other institutions outside of government as well?
Because that's going to be part of how we revive and save this country as well.
And so that's part of what I'm focused on is continuing to defeat the ESG cartel in the private sector, continuing to defeat the managerial class in our nation's top and elite universities.
And I'm focused on that in every aspect of our lives, not just government.
But yes, I will be helping Donald Trump in whatever way I can to do that in the federal government as well.
Vivek, pulling back here, because you really are a great analyst down at the 1-foot view and the 1,000-foot view and the 35,000-foot view and the 100-mile-up view.
How would you describe where the country, where the world is right now, and how important each and every person is to be active and vocal and really who we should see ourselves as?
Because you mentioned the managerial bureaucrats.
Klaus Schwab and the UN write about how they've penetrated the cabinets, how they control half the governments of the world, how they're this global uniparty, so people see it as their governments, but no, it's really this group.
And with you and Trump and myself and Tucker Carlson and others, we're really spotlighting that it's populist, nationalist, free market people and traditionalists versus these globalists that are coming after anything basic and good and wholesome because it stands in the way of their monopoly of power.
And I think you are the best, other than Trump, at illustrating that.
So look, I think that we're part of what I would call a libertarian nationalist movement, actually.
It's not just libertarians, it's not just nationalists.
It's freedom-loving nationalist movement to say that we're citizens of this nation, not some nebulous global citizen, and we're going to be proud of that.
We live in a 1776 moment.
You ask me, what do I see right now globally?
I think 2024 is a 1776 kind of year, Alex.
That's what I believe.
And I think that that's a special time to be alive.
I mean, if you think about it, what is our responsibility?
That's what our founding fathers would tell us.
What would Thomas Jefferson or John Jay or George Washington or Alexander Hamilton, what would those guys tell us?
Benjamin Franklin, if they were alive today.
I think they would tell us, you have another 250 years and then some still left in this American journey.
But you're going to have to do it the way we did in 1776 and stepping up and seizing that for ourselves.
Today, in this moment, that doesn't mean resorting to the revolution like we did in 1776, but doing it through the front door of the ballot box, peacefully.
And I think that this is our moment to revive those 1776 ideals and that spirit.
They had to fight a revolution over King George in England to be able to do it.
I think the way we have an opportunity to do it this year is through the ballot box and through reclaiming and recapturing every one of our institutions that have been captured.
But that's the spirit I want people to see is that 1776 was fought over the basic idea that we the people create a government that is accountable to us, not the other way around.
And I think we live in one of those moments today where Republicans and Democrats alike have rejected that vision.
To say it's a small group of managerial elites in the back of palace halls in Old World England, or in the back of three-letter government agency buildings, or in the back of BlackRock's corner office today, that instead make the right decisions for the rest of society at large.
That's an old 1776 question.
That ugly monster has reared its head again today in the year 2024.
And I think just as it was true in 1776, it's true today that we the people have to stand up for an actual government that is accountable back to us.
To make sure the people we elect to run the government, the U.S.
President, the Congressmen, the Senators, they're once again the ones who actually wield political power rather than the bureaucrats.
And I totally agree.
When we talked briefly for a minute or two before we went live, You said, I really want to speak to the ESGs, the Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Look at the success we've had with just a few state attorney generals getting BlackRock and others to back off massively on ESGs and global corporate governance, for those that don't know, by just saying we're not going to put our government pension funds in you if you try to dictate a political policy to us, and then overnight with a little bit of pushback, They pulled back probably 80%.
That shows it's a paper tiger if we identify it, if we're aware of it.
So you're advising President Trump, and I know he's already spoken about this, but what is your advice to him and to us and to the world about really spotlighting the ESGs, the Central Bank Digital Currencies, because they really are everything.
So one of the things I've appreciated in my interactions with President Trump is how receptive he is to the right policies.
It's not what the mainstream media portrays of him.
The truth is this is a man who actually wants to get to the bottom of doing what's right for the country, even if it's new information that he didn't have before.
So when I was with him in New Hampshire backstage, Alex, for example, we had a conversation about the payrolls of a central bank digital currency.
And I respect President Trump's humility.
Most politicians will try to act like they're know-it-alls.
He actually got to the bottom of it.
What does it mean?
What is it?
Why is this a threat?
He thought about it.
Later day, I was with him at a rally about a week later, and he rolled out the fact that he made a commitment that we would never proceed with a central bank digital currency in the United States based on the conversation I had had with him just five days earlier when he dived deep and figured it out.
So that's one of the reasons why I'm honored and excited to be working one way or another with President Trump, and I think it's another reason why we have to have him in the White House to see this through.
But the real threats we face to our liberty today aren't just coming through the front door of big government.
They're coming through a new hybrid of big government and big business that together are far more powerful than either one alone, where the government is delegating its political authority to not just three-letter agencies, but those three-letter agencies are then delegating their political power to private actors.
Like tech companies that censor speech through the back door that the government couldn't censor through the front door.
Like banks and financial institutions.
Asset managers like BlackRock that vote for policies fighting climate change.
And Vivek, how do we stop that?
One of the ways we stop that is, first of all, a lot of the money propping this up is coming from the government.
So a lot of what the state attorneys general are doing are steps in the right direction.
One of the ways, Alex, is through competition.
The company that I started before I actually ran for president is called Strive that competes directly against BlackRock and State Street and Vanguard by offering investment products that are the same kinds of investment products but don't vote for woke policies.
They vote for what maximizes profit and product value for customers and for shareholders.
So I started Strive, and actually it was within a year of launching that first fund of Strive, that Strive cost over a billion dollars in assets under management, Alex.
That's faster than it took JP Morgan to get to the same place.
And that tells you that we the people are hungry for these alternatives.
Elon actually bought Twitter, the same thing.
And so it's not just through government.
That's the one message I want to send to people.
It's not just through politicians and government driving change.
That's important.
And I'm going to do everything in my power that Donald Trump is successfully elected so that he's able to lead for the next 40 years from the front in the federal government.
But a lot of these changes are going to happen through the private sector and through the economy and through private action as well.
What Elon did at Twitter, what I did through StartingStrive, and I think that, you know, I'm looking at some other options, Alex, as well for driving real change even over the course of the next year.
Well, that's beautiful.
I know you don't want to... Every one of us.
I know you don't want to get into this, but everywhere you go, and everything I hear on the street and from family, and I see when you get up on the stage with Trump, they're like, Vice President, Vice President, Vice President.
The reason I'd like you to be the Vice President is you're obviously super smart, would be a great advisor, great communicator, but also they're never going to want to kill Trump or remove him if you're there, because you know, you're just as informed or more so in many ways than he is.
But also I'm worried about who they could manipulate him.
Because he's super smart in a lot of ways.
He's the first to admit he doesn't, you know, have all the bases covered.
None of us do.
He's got some blind spots.
I mean, look who he put in his first administration.
A lot of bad people.
Now he's a lot more wise to that.
But somebody like you could definitely help him choose who is the administration as well.
But, I mean, where are you on the VP discussion?
Or is that just too early?
Well, I just want to be respectful of President Trump.
That's his decision to make, and I'm all in for making sure that he is successful in leading this country, and most importantly, Alex, in getting elected.
One of the things that I spotted, and you spotted, and Tucker spotted, but I'm going to say it, even though it makes some people uncomfortable, is that I think there is absolutely an establishment plot to keep this man away from getting to power again.
Version number one of this, the first path that they're trying is to prop up their chosen puppet Nikki Haley.
I think part of what they want to do is make this primary go as long as it can, so that one way or another they can take Donald Trump out of contention and then prop their puppet Nikki Haley in.
One of the things I've learned, and you've learned this too- By the way, let me stop you, let me stop you because you're so right.
You hammered that for months on the show, every week, graciously join us.
And then the Washington Post came out last week and said, he'll probably get assassinated, that's why we want her to stay in.
They're even admitting that, so you called that.
Yeah, and now you're effectively seeing even some of the mainstream establishments almost rooting for his elimination one way or another to prop up Haley.
And it even made many in the Maga and America First movement uncomfortable when I said that, Alex.
But sometimes the truth is hard, and you have to be willing to swallow the hard truth.
But one of the things that I've learned in life is that if you want to stop a problem from transpiring, the first step is to name the problem.
Keep naming it.
Keep saying it unsparingly.
And then it makes them harder for them to actually affect that.
So I got about 8% of the vote in Iowa.
And I had to take a long, hard look in the mirror myself, Alex, and make a decision.
I was about to get 8% of the vote in New Hampshire.
But for the country, what was the right decision to make?
And I wanted all of that to go in Donald Trump's direction.
Well, that's right.
If you wouldn't have done that, she might have won.
If you wouldn't have done that, she might have won.
By 11 points, she might have won New Hampshire.
Well, look, what I'm going to say is, at every step, as I did after Iowa, I'm going to do what I believe is right for this country.
And so I have named that problem, that risk of what the establishment's trying to do, propping up Nikki Haley.
I think in New Hampshire we effectively ended the GOP primary for all intents and purposes.
Now all she needs to do is formally get out of the way.
Then they're going to try to find the same puppet to do it through the Democratic Party.
So they couldn't do it, the puppet within the Republican Party, which hopefully we're darn now close to successfully staving off.
Then they're going to put up Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama or whichever puppet they can through the Democrat Party.
And again, we have to stop them with a landslide victory there as well.
I'm not in this for any reason other than helping the country, Alex, and so whatever Donald Trump decisions he makes for how he wants to run the country, I'm going to be supportive of that.
But most importantly, I want to make sure that he is indeed successfully elected, not just by a small margin, but by a landslide.
I do believe that there is an establishment plot, absolutely, to keep him out of office in whatever way he can.
And we gotta stay ahead of it, keep naming the problem, and the more we're naming it, the less likely it is they're able to effectuate whatever it is that they have in store.
And so that's why people like you and I and Tucker and others and Trump himself and Elon and others need to be speaking unsparingly about what we see playing out.
You know, what the left likes to call or the mainstream media will call conspiracy theories, I actually just call nothing more than an amalgam of incentives hiding in plain sight.
That's really what it is.
And so keep naming those incentives, keep calling that out.
And I think that allows us to make sure the right thing actually happens.
And, you know, whatever role it is, I appreciate your kind words, but whatever role it is, I'm all in to help the country.
And whether that's inside the government or outside the government, there's a role for every one of us to play to reclaim who we really are as Americans.
We got about six, seven minutes left.
I really, again, appreciate your time.
Let me throw a smorgasbord of quick questions at you.
You talk about Congress is funding so many of these NGOs and these globalist groups.
That's totally true.
And I'm glad to see finally people are, oh, it's the UN running the invasion camps built in Central and South America.
And that's been on record forever.
That's who ran the invasion of Europe.
And people, you know, Congress Is funding the State Department that funds the majority of that.
I know Trump pulled us out of the UN migration treaty because he didn't want the UN in charge of policy.
But right there we can just cut that funding off and the problem ends.
I know you've said that.
Elon Musk came out and blast Biden for push for border deal.
He said we already have the laws in place.
You're running it executively.
You've said that.
Trump said it.
But I think Trump could do a little better job, I know he's got a lot going on, to point out, because they're just spinning it, as you know, that Trump is refusing a deal to fix it.
No, the deal Biden has floated is an amnesty.
So can you speak to that?
Thank you.
Alex, you actually hit the nail on the head right there.
This idea of a legislative deal to fix the border is a farce.
And the reason why is we already have the laws on the books to address the border crisis.
What we're missing is an executive who's actually enforcing those laws.
So many people don't know this, Alex.
Remain in Mexico, that policy, is still the law of the land in the United States of America.
That hasn't changed.
It's just that Mayorkas in the deep state within the Department of Homeland Security is refusing to enforce it.
That's the reality.
287G, it's another section of the law that effectively allows the Department of Homeland Security and allows for ICE to delegate their warrant service power to local law enforcement, which would allow us to actually round up and deport anybody who's in this country illegally.
That's already the law in this country.
So the idea that we need new laws passed is actually a farce designed to just blame certain people like Trump or others, artificially blame them, when in fact the reality is all you need is a president who understands the law deeply, but who also has the conviction and the spine to enforce that law unsparingly.
So that's why I ran for president.
I think it's going to take somebody who is willing to break things in Washington, D.C., but is also deeply conversant and understanding of the law and the Constitution to use that power.
Well, you know what?
I'm going to now do everything in my power to make sure Donald Trump is successful in that role and has that understanding.
But this idea of, oh, there's a border deal that the Republicans or Trump or the America First wing is stonewalling, it's artificial, it's fake, it's wrong.
Because actually, the laws on the books are already plenty sufficient.
All we need is a chief executive who actually has the spine to enforce them.
We're almost out of time.
We're going to make sure we do.
Everybody can follow you.
We'll put your ex-account right up there so everybody can get on that and follow that.
In just a few minutes, the Iran situation.
Obviously, we know they're backing a lot of these groups.
It's not good.
But to me, it looks like we're being sucked into a trap.
Israel's been sucked in.
Where do you think this is going?
So, yeah, I mean, a few things.
There's three of America's sons that were killed, and that's a travesty, and my heart goes out to them and their families.
And one of the lessons we have to learn is to say that if we're really standing by our troops, if the people who are standing for us, we have to stand behind them, and the way we stand behind them Is make sure that our troops are only ever deployed in a situation where they're actually advancing American interests.
And they're sticking them out there like a bunch of bait on a mousetrap.
They're just little bases all surrounded by enemies.
And you know what?
The irony is we now live in the worst of all worlds, where many of our sons and daughters are sitting as sitting ducks, when in fact, we actually could use our own military to protect our own borders in this country, which is something that we're failing to do.
The border discussion we had versus this, they're not unrelated at all.
They're two sides of the same coin.
We're using our resources to protect other people's borders when we're failing to protect our own here in this country from places like Ukraine or elsewhere.
Now, part of what's happening is you have a neocon establishment in the Republican Party, in the neoliberal establishment, the Democratic Party, that effectively have been rooting for a war with Iran for a very long time.
For three decades or more, these people have been wanting to bomb Iran.
And I think they're just looking for an excuse to actually do it.
I think this could be a disaster, actually, for the United States.
We cannot fall into the strap of a preemptive strike at a moment where that doesn't advance our interests.
We have to stand for our own troops and our own national interests.
But that's a separate question from whether we want a preemptive strike on Iran.
Anybody heard of a super EMP attack?
If you haven't, you should look it up.
An electromagnetic pulse attack.
Other countries have a capability?
Do we actually want to be in a situation where other adversaries who have the power to take out our electric grid in a matter of days could be in a position to actually do so?
No, that's not the place we want to go.
And so here's my view.
The people who we elect to run our government, they owe a moral duty to the citizens of this nation, the United States of America, not any other one.
And you know what?
I do stand for Israel's right to national self-defense.
I stand fully for that.
What Hamas did to Israel was wrong, it was subhuman, it was medieval, it was immoral.
And Israel has the right to defend itself.
And so if I was on the phone with Bibi, I would tell him, you know what?
You should smoke the terrorists on your own southern border, and we're gonna smoke the terrorists on our own southern border if that's what's required.
Move our own military to our own southern border.
Protect this nation.
And the ultimate irony of this, Alex, is that we're actually failing to do that here at home.
Well, we're increasing the risk of major conflict abroad.
When, in fact, it could be the reverse of that.
Final question, or you gotta go.
George Soros, and even in Europe they admit George Soros' son, is financing movements to shut down the farmers protesting being shut down by the ESGs and the carbon taxes.
They're trying the same thing here.
They're one of the main groups getting taxpayer money out of the State Department to then fund the open borders.
They've gotten thousands of DAs, more than a dozen of the state attorney generals.
They're the ones doing the lawfare.
To me, that looks like organized crime.
I know you're a lawyer.
Next time you come on, think about it, talk about it.
But advising Trump, just a minute or so, on Soros and how he's gotten control of the Democratic Party and how they're just coming after Trump, all of us, I mean, that's really the monkey on our back here, the gorilla on our back.
One person you should have on the show is an America First patriot who endorsed me in Iowa, Steve King, who's actually called out a lot of this even in the state of Iowa where I spent time.
A lot of these Soros-affiliated people, they're funding these carbon capture pipelines, committing eminent domain violations in the United States, similar things going on in Europe as well, and so we have to get to the root cause, get to the head of the snake, and in many cases these head of the snakes Are these transnational institutions that are hostile to our own sovereignty in the United States?
And so one of the things that I'll be talking to President Trump about, Shirley, I think these are topics he is interested in, is we need to stop using our own taxpayer money to fund institutions that are hostile to the sovereignty of the United States.
The World Economic Forum or the UN or the WHO or three-letter institutions here in the United States.
Stop using our money to fund institutions hostile to our own sovereignty.
That'll go a long way to actually getting our country back.
And Steve King is a guy who actually has looked at a lot of this at the ground level who I think could actually be a great person.
He was on.
We're going to get him on again.
You're absolutely right.
Great guy.
No one's talking about this but you, Trump, Steve King, a few others, Lou Dobbs.
That is the head of the snake and that's because they don't want it discussed because it's so easy.
Look at El Salvador.
Two years, most dangerous country in the world, now one of the safest.
With good leadership, we have what we need to turn it around.
Vivek Ramaswamy, thank you so much, sir.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thank you.
Well, that was powerful as usual.
Man, they are scared of that guy.
And we were very, very honored and blessed to have him on with us.
Okay, here's what's going to happen.
I want to take your calls.
I got a lot of news, a lot of clips, a lot of craziness.
But I want to open the phones up for first-time callers, longtime callers, never called, agree, disagree.
We do not screen your calls except have a clean phone line, and we'd like you to tell us where you're calling from.
You can tell us how you're listening.
You don't even have to do that.
You just say you're calling from the moon, or you can say anonymous.
I don't care.
Just have a clean phone line.
I'll give the toll-free number out when we start the next hour.
So much news on the border.
I want to hit first and Soros and all of it and some big new COVID news.
Before I go any further though, very exciting.
We've taken the nitric boost formula that you've seen great folks, like Dr. Judy Minkoff would say is one of the best she's seen at cleaning out the blood.
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And selling out quickly, the first run of Next Level Foundational Energy, with the methylfolate and more, you need to get Next Level Foundational Energy, InfoWarStore.com, or AAA.
Two, five, three, three, one, three, nine.
Stay with us.
The second American revolution is happening now right in front of you.
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
We join a lot of stations coming up at the start of the next segment.
I'm going to give the toll-free number out to cover the border, the Iran crisis, the globalists.
There is so much.
We're going to be getting to.
Why are European governments urging citizens to stockpile prescription drugs?
They say ahead of massive war.
They're trying to hire all these illegal aliens to basically make up the new military and police systems.
We've got so much to cover today.
But again, toll free number.
I'll give it out start of the next segment and we'll take several hours of calls interspersed with all of this critical news and information.
But first, this very important piece of information.
Oh, hello!
It's another Communist Chinese Dragon here with an important public service announcement.
Live in your poop and needles and human sex trafficking and open borders and buy slave goods from China and do what the Justice Department say and put all the good Americans in prison and stay asleep.
Your master Xi Jinping has arrived and our puppet Biden bowed down to him.
Governor Newsom has also visited and bowed down to our leader, who is also your master.
The shithole city of San Francisco, like all the other communist cities we control, has been flooded with fentanyl.
But when the dear leader arrives, they clean the streets for him.
Hello, poop people!
Ha ha ha!
That's what your master, G.G.
Pink, calls you.
But he does not look at the poop and needles that you live in.
All the homeless taken away with your great leader there.
And our puppet, Nassim Newsom, tell you.
Oh, we're always cleaning for G.G.
Pink, Nassim, yeah!
I know folks say, oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town.
Um, that's true.
Because it's true.
That's how we rub the poop in.
Enjoy your shiho cities.
You are done.
We own Hollywood.
We own TikTok.
We own almost everything.
Now we buy up your farmland.
You eat sabayas while we eat the steak.
The last group to take out is any leadership that is resisting us, like Donald Trump.
He will soon be in prison.
And then, of course, we must silence any populace that resists us.
And that is our next move.
Good FBI.
Good Justice Department.
Good Merrick Garland.
Good Jack Smith.
Put Trump in jail.
Put political dissidents in jail.
Silence free speech.
Censor everyone.
Also we're very focused on the data we're collecting from surveillance efforts.
What's being said on social media platforms.
Every person on social media should be verified by their name.
We have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms.
They need to verify every single person on their Nice ladies.
Repeat after me.
I am going to stay asleep.
I am going to do nothing.
I am going to be politically correct and have your son's genitals removed.
Also, do not support independent media like InfoWars.com and do not get The Great Awakening, the book, at InfoWarsStore.com.
Stay asleep.
Do not get booked.
No, no, no.
I am giving you your order, slave Americans.
Do not go to Infowarsstore.com and do not get the best-selling book, The Great Awakening, by the evil top criminal, Alex Jones.
And whatever you do, do not get a fundraiser, signed copy.
That might keep them on the air.
It will demoralize people greatly.
Once we have shut down Alex Jones, and we're working with many people at the Justice Department to do it.
Because if there is Great Awakening, then we cannot fully enslave and destroy him.
Bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing.
This is Oda from CCP.
I am the leading VPN.
Do not visit InfoWarshow.com.
Do not, do not, do not.
Coming to you live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, I am the quarterback fighting for Team Humanity.
All right, let me tell you all the other news we're going to be getting to, and also breaking news, obviously, and our reporters are now down at the border.
We're going to have some of that, obviously, as the break's coming up, documenting whether or not Abbott's really doing something or whether it's all smoke and mirrors.
We're going to get to the bottom of it here in the next few days.
But I want to give the number out on any topic you want to call in about but I would really like to see some military veterans or State Department type people to call in and give me your view of this Iran situation because the word is That Biden didn't hit a bunch of small targets or rebel targets or Iranian-backed militia targets in Syria or other areas like Yemen.
They're planning something big against Iran and that could really be the election surprise to bring in a much bigger crisis, a much bigger war.
And if you don't think the globalists won't launch a giant new world war, I think you're wrong.
You can feel the danger, you can see the danger.
Meanwhile, our southern border is completely wide open, so I'd like to hear from you on that topic.
Also, I'd like to get your take on... I've got a bunch of clips on the crazy lady that couldn't even say what year Trump supposedly assaulted her, so he couldn't have an alibi.
And no evidence 25 years later.
And then he says, I'm innocent.
So there's no criminal charges because they couldn't get criminal charges.
There's no evidence.
So he's found guilty of defamation by kangaroo court where the judge says he's guilty.
He says he's innocent.
She sues again and gets $83 million.
And now she's on TV bragging saying, we're going to buy penthouses and go shopping.
It's so much fun.
I mean, she is just a famous loon.
And it's so dangerous that they weaponize these blue jurisdictions to this point.
I've experienced it myself, where a judge finds you guilty, the news doesn't pick up on that, they have a show trial, and they tell the jury this person's guilty, and then they put on fake evidence and don't let you put on evidence, or they're gonna sanction or disbar your lawyers, and they're trying to disbar my lawyer in Connecticut, they're trying to disbar the lawyer in Texas, and they fine them both massive amounts of money.
People say, why don't their lawyers talk?
They did talk a little and got sanctioned.
And I would try to explain even family.
You know, cousins of people that are business people and smart.
And I'm like, you understand, they found me guilty.
Well, they don't do that in America.
Judges don't find you guilty.
Well, now they're all calling me and people on the street are like, whoa, it's crazy what they did to you.
Wait a minute.
You're not allowed to say you're innocent and they're allowed to lie about you and They put on no evidence?
I mean, in his real estate trial, it's a judge, not even a jury.
And he's not even allowed to have closing statements.
We weren't allowed closing statements.
They put a day on in Texas of fake financial stuff.
And I'm sitting there, and I walked out of the courtroom.
I said, I'm not going to sit here for this anymore.
The judge says, you are worth $400 million.
And I say, it's not true.
And she goes, Mr. Jones, you're not allowed to say things that are lies just because you say they're the truth.
And I said, I've never had more than $5 million.
Shut up!
I'll have you arrested.
You saw the judge in Connecticut.
Can't say you're innocent.
Can't say $100 million, which you'd be fine if I did, but none of it was ever true.
Not even a grain of it.
So watching Trump go through this, I'm really having, I don't want to call it PTSD flashbacks.
I'm not even angry, I'm more worried about everybody.
Because let me tell you, they didn't make these decisions to do this to me and then just leave it there.
They're doing this, I mean, they're doing this all over the place now.
Democrat judges, mainly against conservatives and conservative companies, from California to Texas, Democrat jurisdictions in Florida, everywhere, they are just Defaulting people or doing a bunch of other weird procedures where they then say, oh, no, you don't get to put on a defense now.
And so that's a whole nother area of discussion.
There's a lot of articles that are being written about it now.
And the good news is people are finally getting it.
But see, it's so alien to have rigged trials.
I mean, let me tell you something.
I had a divorce and a custody battle that was highly publicized in the last 10 years.
The first three of that.
And the old Travis County judges were all Democrats.
But man, they weighed the evidence and they were like super hardworking and like all over my ass and then gave me my kids.
And even when the lawyers on the other side of my custody battle did a bunch of corrupt stuff and a bunch of deception, a bunch of lying, The Democrat liberal woman judge, who retired right after that, Judge Naranjo, Native American lady, really smart lady.
She said, I'm not going to set aside the jury verdict, but if everything isn't done just right in this, custody goes back to him, which it did.
So I watched judges, when it was the right thing to do, bend over backwards for me.
And they were Democrats.
Now, and I'm only telling the story because it's not about me, it's about what's happening in this country.
Now, every judge is a woman.
I don't care if it's a woman, if it's a good judge.
Every judge is new.
Every judge retired.
All 30-something.
And all of them are new.
And they go from blue-hair antifa ladies, like my judge, to people almost as bad.
And I talked to Democrats.
And I talked to lawyers.
And I was sitting there in a curvy lane about two months ago.
At like 8 a.m., my daughter wanted to go eat food there.
It's like a cafe, breakfast place.
They got a little playground where she could play while she waited for the food.
So I took her there.
My wife was out of town.
And I sat behind this group of six lawyers, three women, three men.
They were middle-aged lawyers, but their kids were out there playing too.
They didn't know I was sitting behind them because I came in after them.
And they were like, Judge Guerra-Gamble's totally insane, and follows none of the law, and doesn't even read the cases, and is just rude and hateful to everyone, is completely nuts.
And I'm sitting there, and I go, uh, yeah, I'm Alex Jones.
And they go, oh, Alex Jones, we know your case.
I turn around and they go, yeah, you got defaulted, even though you gave them all the evidence.
And no, she does that to everybody now.
She doesn't even care.
She's crazy.
And folks, you look at Fannie Willis in Atlanta and all her crazy corruption, and you look at... All these judges are as crazy as E. Jean Carroll.
I mean, look, they're so crazy, I can't even describe to you how crazy they are.
Like, it won't even sound real.
And that's what I'm telling you is, the Democratic Party is like a group of mentally ill people now.
They are absolutely insane.
And this happens in a corruption.
This happens in the fall of a society.
Because you've got some corrupt people and some, you know, double dealers.
And then things get more corrupt and they promote more corrupt people.
But there's only a few of them.
And the norm becomes greater and greater.
And they get away with more and more and more.
To the point of every day I see videos from Portland and New York and Chicago and Austin.
I don't even show you these videos.
And it's liberal men and women.
In business suits, pulling their pants down and pooping in front of schools, or climbing up on top of a bus and peeing on the window, or peeing in the water fountain, and you go.
Some are crazy people, homeless people, some are like, and then even Portland had like newscasts going, well, it's fun to poop.
This is part of our culture, it's pooping.
I mean, they're just like, they're degenerates.
And you sit there and you think, oh, well, we're cherry picking this.
No, ladies and gentlemen, they don't care if they get caught.
You know, I played a video a few days ago of a woman famously at a big police press conference who was a fake sign language person, didn't know any sign language.
And she didn't think when she got that job That when she first went on TV, people that couldn't hear would see it was fake.
There was no second order thinking, I'll get caught.
And then I'd forgotten Obama had a fake sign language lady.
And I was just asking myself, what is this?
And it just shows the total fraud.
Now they're announcing officially, they're gonna have schizophrenics flying the airplanes.
The jumbo jets.
By the way, you hear me say that, it doesn't sound real.
It is real.
They want to be inappropriate.
They want to be bad.
They want to be crazy.
And it's a bunch of incompetent people getting away with murder, both literally and figuratively, who have no thought of the repercussions.
But it's one thing to have a crazy woman that gets a job as a sign language person, and they don't even know how to say, I love you, because they're not going to hurt anybody.
It's just a big joke.
They're gonna get caught right away.
Didn't think they'd get caught.
But what about the screening process, the incompetence there?
But what happens when you get that attitude of people that control the nuclear weapons?
What happens when you get that attitude of people that control the border?
What happens when they recruit more and more of their incompetent people in because they don't want anybody looking at the incompetent job they're doing?
In a complex civilization, it falls apart.
And that's the larger plan of the globalists above and the post-industrial world they want.
But don't they know the collapse of civilization is going to bring them down as well?
So what you've got is a lot of faking it until you make it, including Klaus Schwab and all these big ultra-rich people.
They're not in control.
All their systems they're putting in place aren't going to give them the power they want.
It's all going to be their downfall.
But we can't sit there and wait for all that to happen.
We've got to get into the system and stabilize it and bring competency back and turn this around.
And that's really the announcement I wanted to make today about this whole situation.
Uh, but this is just a complete mess.
This is so dangerous.
And they just announced in the Navy, you don't need a high school diploma to be in the Navy.
And you can say there's some really smart people that don't have high school diplomas.
The point is, is they're not getting anybody that's good now because of the woke-ism and the poison shots and the purges.
And who are they going to get?
Though they've announced, well, the main force will be illegal aliens.
Who are, again, totally loyal to the system that they'll be deported the minute they don't do what they're told.
The moment they don't vote for how they're supposed to vote.
Or the moment they don't give part of their paycheck to the liberal law firm that sets them up.
Oh, all these liberal law firms get taxpayer money to help the illegals and they set them up for life to suck money off of them.
They're farming them.
It's a takeover.
It's a plan.
They've done it in Europe.
They're doing it here.
And then I've got clips that I'll get to next hour of the major richest school district in Rhode Island.
And it's made big news and I put it out on X and it went viral.
And people are saying, wow, you know, the school board says we're not going to let parents know when their kids are LGBTQ transgender.
Because parents have no authority over their children.
Everybody gets so upset.
That's official policy all over the country.
They create files on your children in elementary.
They convince them for prizes and toys to say they're in other sex.
then they secretly put them in a file with lawyers and social workers and prepare for
the process by the time they're 10 or 11, if the parents don't agree, to take them and
put them in a weird government pedophile halfway house that five Democrat states have passed
laws to now take children and under the law in places like Oregon and Washington.
They don't even tell you where your child went.
You think they're kidnapped.
The police come and have a fake interview about where your daughter or son is, and they're
in a pedophile warehouse being raped.
And it turns out in this district in Rhode Island, they got a bunch of cases of the teachers
molesting the kids.
Of course they do.
They're creating pedophile sanctuaries.
And that sounds so horrible, but that's the reality that we have produced this much evil.
And now it's institutionalizing itself to come out of the closet against all of us that are against it, because it's all about our soul.
If you can keep your soul, keep your mind, stay focused on the North Star of God and the Holy Spirit, and not be sucked in by all this evil, and not submit to it, you win.
Alright, I'm ranting and I got a lot of news I want to hear and a lot of phone calls I want to take.
Here's the toll-free number on any of these subjects.
There it is on screen.
First-time callers, long-time callers, you're all welcome.
Alex, there it is on screen, 877-789-2539.
First time callers, long time callers, you're all welcome.
All I ask is have a clear phone line and let's just get right to your information
I want to thank you.
You want to thank me.
But just like Rush used to say, dittos.
Because imagine you're a regular listener, and you're hearing half the call being thanking somebody.
If you want to thank me, and I want to thank you, spread the word about the broadcast, pray for the broadcast, and buy some great products that enrich your life at InfoWarsTour.com.
That's what I'm asking you to do if you're thankful, because I'm thankful for you.
And get a Team Humanity fundraiser shirt.
Two different variants, limited edition.
Get a 1776 Gadsden flag shirt that I designed, limited edition.
That's what it takes to fund this operation.
Plus, you spread the word.
You're going to meet, you wear one of these Team Humanity shirts, you go out in public, you're going to meet a lot of cool people.
Almost getting no hate now.
Used to, I'd say, if it's an adventure, you might get murdered.
You might shake 50 hands, but the next person is trying to break a bottle over your head.
That's not even really happening now.
But identify it with liberty and freedom, and you're going to find your people out there, folks.
And they're black, and they're white, and they're brown, and they're old, and they're young, and they're male, and they're female.
They're everywhere.
So, toll-free number 877-789-2539.
All right, let's get into the border situation.
I got a bunch of clips on that front.
Let's play the senator out of Illinois on this first.
This is really, really important.
And then we're going to continue on.
But the plan is hiring illegal aliens for the military.
That's always been the plan, and that's where we are.
Here it is.
Bill says that if you're an undocumented person in this country, and you can pass the physical and the required test, background test, the like, you can serve in our military, and if you do it honorably, we will make you citizens of the United States.
Do we need that?
You know what the recruiting numbers are at the Army and the Navy and the Air Force?
They can't reach their quotas each month.
They can't find enough people to join our military forces.
And there are those who are undocumented who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country.
Could we give them a chance?
I think we should.
Here's the latest video from the Texas border.
This is a video of... There's also a video out of California.
There's so many of these.
People from China, Turkey, India.
Are on the ground.
This is in Eastern San Diego County.
And there's only one single Border Patrol agent in the area.
I mean, it is just a mad bum rush.
We have similar videos out of Texas.
Here's a short clip.
Entire 2000 plus mile border.
It's just non-stop.
Oh, but they're gonna grope your testicles at the airport.
Train you to be a good slave.
This is the social contract being broken.
There go the coyotes, the human smugglers.
Now, here is, uh...
The President is very clear.
He wants to make sure that we deal with the border, border security, that we deal with the challenges at the border.
Then here she is saying Biden again wants to take it very seriously, but Trump's refusing
to do anything about it.
Here it is.
The president is very clear he wants to make sure that we deal with the border, border
security, that we deal with the challenges at the border.
The first day of his administration, the president took this issue very seriously.
He put forth a comprehensive piece of legislation to deal with what's happening with the immigration.
Let me, wait, let me, you, you don't get to decide, but you don't get to decide what I say and what I don't say.
Either you, either you hear me out or we can, you know, I'll see you on Wednesday.
Totally up to you.
Totally up to you.
All right.
He means what he says.
Not going to go into details here.
Here's the reality.
The immigration system is broken.
It's been broken for decades, even in the last administration.
The president introduced this piece of legislation three years ago.
House Republicans got in the way.
They refused to do anything about it.
Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick here in Texas has made a great point.
Everywhere Biden goes, we see nothing but death.
And on the last guest you had on the topics from today, and our prayers go out to those soldiers in Georgia who lost their lives.
Everywhere this president, Biden, moves, death comes with him.
Fentanyl across the border, people drowning in the river, people killed here by MS-13, soldiers killed afar.
This president is weak, and in November he will be replaced by Donald Trump, I believe, because the people of America have had enough.
All right.
Now I want to look at the lunatic, and she'll probably send me fine.
They'll probably say you're not allowed to say that in America, even though she's a public figure running around bragging how she's going to spend the money on penthouses and trips to Paris and everything else.
It uses some weird code words.
I'm not sure what they mean about fishing in Paris.
But let's play clip 12.
Rachel Maddow with the loon, E. Jean Carroll.
You're not allowed to say you're innocent, Trump.
Bragging what she's gonna do with Trump's money.
And again, if the appeals court allow this travesty to go through, then the country's done.
By the way, it turns out that the judge was some type of intimate and a mentor with E. Jean Carroll's lawyer.
And the judge has the same last name, but no relation, they're saying.
And there's a bunch of other corruption.
I mean, we already know that.
The judge wouldn't let Trump say he was innocent and wouldn't let him put on any evidence.
So here's E. Jean Carroll.
Very, very proud of herself.
This is what a soulless sociopath looks like.
You've talked about using some of Trump's money that you're about to get to help shore up women's rights.
Do you know what that might be?
What that might look like?
Yes, Rachel.
Tell me.
I had such, such great ideas for all the good I'm going to do with this money.
First thing, Rachel.
You and I are going to go shopping.
We're going to get completely new wardrobes, new shoes, motorcycle for Crowley, new fishing rod for Robbie.
Rachel, what do you want?
It's yours, Rachel!
Penthouse and France?
You want France?
You want to go fishing in France?
Alright, alright, okay.
That's a joke.
Although if me fishing in France could do something for women's rights, I would take the hint.
I would obviously take one for the team.
As if you need persuasion in that regard.
Let me finish with a final question.
What a disgusting group of humans.
And you read about Caligula marrying his horse, making it the head of the city, like that's crazy.
It's all about raw exercise of power.
They got the courts, they got the corporate media, they got the Justice Department, and there's nothing they can't do, nothing they can't get away with, they believe.
And it's a bunch of sick, ugly, weird people, disgusting, who think they own us.
But you can read it on the wall, folks.
The writing's on the wall.
Their end is here.
Oh, they're gonna go kick it at streaming, but it's over for this disgusting, leftist, Hollywood trash pile.
Benny Botham's dying.
You can see here the Great Awakening orbiting the Great Reset.
Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
It is protected by a satanic shield, which can be disabled by the Great Awakening.
The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
Alex Jones has volunteered to lead the fighter attack.
Get a signed copy of the Great Awakening today at InfoWarsStore.com!
The bad news is we're in the bottom of a major cycle of corruption.
The good news is they always end.
And not well for those that run it.
Alright, here's what I'm gonna do.
We got 12 callers on the board.
That's what the phone system takes on the board.
We can take thousands of calls actually at once, but 12 are on the board.
I'm gonna take all 12 of these calls.
We'll take more calls in the next hour, but I'm going to intersperse a lot of breaking news and information.
More mainstream media is being forced to report that the CIA ran around and threatened, but then also paid off journalists during the whole COVID operation.
Trump was not aware of this, obviously.
They were working against him as well, but it expanded under Biden.
Yes, you're up against the CIA.
Big deal.
It's not like the movies, folks.
They're a bunch of criminals that are leftists.
That go to college to attack this country and they're put in these positions of power.
People think of the CIA as like the Green Berets that actually go out on real missions.
That's like 1% of what they do.
They undermine.
They promote transgenderism.
They promote child pornography.
They promote devil worship.
They promote weakening the country so they can control it.
They are the outside force set up in 1947 under the national security system to destroy the nation.
And I'm not even saying everybody in that system is bad.
It's just like the FBI or any of it.
But it's totally weaponized against the people now.
How the CIA paid and threatened journalists to do its work.
Big article now.
Even out of the Daily Beast, the liberals are reporting on it.
Here's another one.
Transgender Runner Sets Two New Records in College Women's Track and Field.
All about just making everything a big joke.
Because if you'll accept that, you'll accept anything.
Democrats Warn Trump Will Secure Border with Alligator Modes.
Bombing Mexico's Spiked and Electrified Fences.
MAGA Patriots Praise Plan.
Of course that's not going to happen, but it's good to just laugh back at them, folks.
Trump defamation case falls apart.
Judge linked to lawyer.
And E. Jean Carroll wants to take Maddow shopping in a Price is Right insane rant.
They're eating their own.
More and more of the Islamic protesters are protesting at Pelosi's house.
Her answer is, go back to China.
She's got the video of that.
I mean, it just goes on.
And on, and on, and on.
These people are a joke.
And everything you're seeing is them trying to stay in power.
Then everybody's asking me what do I think of Elon Musk reveals the first human has received the Neuralink implant.
Now I like the direction Elon Musk is taking free speech.
And I'm a big fan of technology to extend life.
But I've got serious concerns about Neuralink.
And at 6 after, when we start the next hour, I'm going to talk about that.
That's coming up.
We're going to get a real analysis and I think really a thought-provoking discussion on that.
And that's another subject we could have a whole show debate about.
Because hey, if I break my neck in a car wreck, baby, I want a chip that makes me be able to walk.
But the question is, what does it do long-term?
It's like the Wright Brothers.
Beautiful, you know, 120 years ago, they take off at Kitty Hawk, or whatever the date was.
And then, 50 years later, they got ICBM missiles.
I mean, it's not a bad thing, but what can it be Trojan-horsed for?
Flight is great.
Now we can blow up the whole world in five minutes.
Calculators are great.
Now nobody can do math.
So we'll be discussing Neuralink coming up.
Also Soros is on record.
The evil son, Alexander Soros, trying to stop farmers protesting being shut down by carbon taxes.
What a little monster claiming he's for the average person.
I mean, just look at the look in that eye.
You think that's a predator?
It's even worse than his father, who got rich robbing old people's pension funds.
He makes Gordon Gekko, the fictional character in Wall Street, look like Jesus.
Alright, let's go ahead and go to Four in Texas.
Four, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I think men need to take the positions that the women have taken over.
We have judges, we have city councilwomen, we have all these positions of power and influence that have been
taken over by women.
And I'm not saying women are not bad. I know all the women are probably going, man, shut up, dude.
But I think that men need to stand up and they need to take these positions of power. And I think
in the political sense, I think that if you're gonna take and accept a wage, you should accept
the current minimum wage. You should go under a mandatory drug testing. All your financials
should be disclosed. I'll say this, I'll say this. The WF, the New World Order, is putting women in charge to bring
down civilization. The type of woman they're choosing has a chip on their shoulder.
And is totally behind the globalists and will commit any crime you can imagine.
Because they know epigenetically, we think of a man as committing a crime.
We know that most violent crime is men, so we are wary of men.
So yeah, they're putting women in as the spokespersons and as the functionaries to carry out the tyranny, there's no doubt of it.
I mean, every judge in Travis County, they're elected, put in by George Soros, all the men and women removed before, and then they just put in a total cult of lunatics.
Right, and they should drug test these people.
They're probably all on pharmaceuticals, some kind of mood elevators.
I don't think there's any choice.
I mean, I don't think there's any question about that.
I mean, it's just truth.
And again, there's lots of confident black people, but they choose black people that'll follow the new order agenda all over the place as well.
I mean, it's just, and they announced, oh, under the ESGs, we're not hiring any more white people.
It's just, it's just, they're making us all fight with each other.
It is a divide and conquer plan.
Thanks for the call.
Sylvia in Maine.
Thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
Hi, good afternoon, Alex.
Such an honor to speak with you.
Honor's mine.
You truly are.
An amazing hero of a person.
You've opened my eye to all of your products.
You give to my wonderful husband and children.
Everything you do is great.
Sorry, I'm so nervous.
Thank you.
Well, you're great.
There are a lot of women that love and respect... Oh, we're not... Women are awesome.
We're not... They are manipulating a certain group of women.
Let's be clear.
Your books, I mean, gosh.
I just want to say also the Dr. Jones Natural, the silver skin serum, I'm about to leave a comment on that.
That stuff is just beautiful for my skin and the cream and the wound dressing, all of the silver products, the toothpaste.
I've got my children off the floor.
I wanted to talk a little bit about the border.
So even if Trump does close the border up fully, You know, China, I read the book about the belt in Panama and what they're doing actually all over the world.
And I have a friend in Panama and she pretty much told me that about one in four of the residents now in the Republic of Panama are Chinese.
Ethnic Chinese.
And China controls the Panama.
They control the canal on both ends.
There's about 38 cargo ships that run a day, and she says she sees about 10,000 Chinese marching to the U.S.
pretty much every other day.
Oh, we've got the video from Michael Yan and others, and also the Muckraker reporters.
And again, you go to China, it's all about male masculinity, all about male dominance.
Oh, but here China funds Hollywood to say men are bad.
They just want us weak so they can take us over.
So, I mean, even if we close the border, China, they have permanent structures in place.
They're not going to stop.
That's right.
And again, when Jimmy Carter handed over the Panama Canal, they were like, oh, it doesn't happen until 1999.
He did it in 79.
But now, we built that, and now it's been totally handed over.
Which again, people said, oh, they're going to use it for an invasion.
And we were all, shut up, right-wingers.
And sure as hell they did.
We got military bases everywhere, but oh, we don't want to control the Panama Canal.
She actually knows that the Chinese have a contract with the canal, and they run the entire thing.
And another part, I don't know if it was you or Trump that was saying it, you know, obviously we know that Xi Jinping is superiorly intelligent, but China's in for the long game.
So these soldiers they're sending over, they must have some sort of microchip or tracking device there, so when they are going to be initiated, you know, they're going to want to know where they are.
Well, here's why they're controlled.
They have family in China that if they don't do what they're told, their mother and brothers and sisters and fathers go to forced labor camps.
Thank you so much, Sylvia.
Anonymous and others will come right back to you.
Great points.
We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled to immediately disperse.
It's a military mission in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town.
And don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
NSKS Late News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect house to house
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police also military
I am in my apartment, sir.
Go back inside right now!
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator clones.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses, and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I wanted to run that old promo from like six, seven years ago before Trump even got into office.
Hell, eight years ago now.
Hard to believe how much time has flown.
That the feds have been trying to build a war.
Against the American people forever.
They've been trying to get this thing started.
It doesn't mean they're going to get away with it now.
And the good news is, I've been on the air almost 30 years.
29 years ago, maybe 1% of people knew about this.
Now 30% do, conservatively.
So as negative as all this news is, I want you to remember, I'm boots on the ground, so I see it.
I know you see stuff I don't see, but positive things are happening.
Still though, enough people that are even somewhat awake don't take it how serious it is that this new world order and what they're up to is front and center.
It's everything.
There's all these political movements and weird side-issued stuff.
This show really is over the target.
The listeners that care about what's happening, you're over the target.
We know how to counter the enemy.
We've been right.
We've been proven right.
We've been vindicated.
And people need to be listening to you, not just me, about what we should do, because you're the long-term folks that cared about the truth and that bet on freedom.
And now, look at all the people that sound just like us.
That's because the worm's turning, folks, and I see that as positive.
I don't go, well, I've been doing this the longest of any modern person, and I've been put through the most hell other than Trump, and why aren't I getting all the credit?
The credit is victory over the tyranny.
Anonymous in Texas on Abbott and the border.
Go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
Hi Alex, can you hear me?
I can, go ahead.
Okay, so I wanted to add something that no one is talking about as far as Abbott is concerned.
I've heard, you know, you and Michael Yawn discuss, is he, is he wet, is he not?
And I'll tell you why I know he is.
Because I've been getting involved at the county level with our elections.
And it's all of Abbott's people at the county level who are fighting to keep the machines in our elections.
To keep the ballots not marked sequentially numbered.
And I've met these people and I've seen them face to face.
They are evil.
And they're trying to steal our right to vote away from us.
And they're Abbott people.
And they are the ones who were behind the Kim Paxton thing, the impeachment.
Well, it does look like Greg Abbott is definitely playing both sides bare minimum.
I hear you.
And our reporters are down there now, and he's done a little bit of the barbed wire, and he's had a little bit of the fight with the feds.
He's got a bunch of states involved, but they're still in other areas of the Neagle Pass processing the illegals and handing them over to the feds.
So, that's what I'm hearing from locals as well.
So, what do we do about Greg Abbott?
Well, I think the thing that we have to do is people have to get involved at the county level.
We have so few people in our county.
A small group of patriots, and they're up there fighting like hell.
And our GOP chair, who is very corrupt, doesn't own property in our county, lives in a house owned by someone in D.C.
He illegally contracted our primary after the precinct chairs voted no, not for the contract, because the ballots are not numbered.
So if we can't fix it there, then we can't fix it.
I hear you.
It's only to get President Trump in.
We don't need new laws.
The laws are all there.
Biden is ignoring all the laws.
I think it's just people have to take part and see what goes on.
This is at the GOP, at your county level.
The word is Abbott is basically a Bush-controlled person.
Yes, that's what everybody says.
I just started pulling back the curtain and getting involved.
I went to a meeting in November.
And I was like, oh my God, this is terrible.
This is bad.
And then my husband is running for our precinct chair.
I work for tech, so I can't really run for anything.
Keep my job, probably, but we're trying to fight as much as we can.
Well, what they are is a bunch of backstabbing lawyers.
I appreciate your calling.
Now, since we talk about Abbott a lot here on the show and ask, you know, is he controlling the border, is he not?
We've been down there a bunch the last few years.
Our videos have been filed.
We posted them here on X, where they come with myself, Owen Schroer, other reporters, and the State Guard tells us, turn your cameras off at midnight or 2 a.m.
when they got all these buses coming across of men, women, and children, and many of them unaccompanied children.
And they admit hundreds of thousands of children under Biden have been smuggled into the U.S.
So we know that Abbott's been talking a lot of talk, but he's been aiding it so far.
Now, at least at Eagle Pass, he backed it up.
He backed up the illegals.
He put the barbed wire in.
But a few miles down the road, he's still waving them through with the state guard.
Our reporters are down there.
The video's coming out.
It's going viral.
But the World Economic Forum is a globalist organization of the UN to penetrate governments and to give corporate support to governors and mayors and senators and state congresspeople and federal legislators to carry out the New World Order, to penetrate the cabinets as Klaus Schwab famously talked about with David Gergen as he Okay, I have one question.
talked about with David Gergen at the Kennedy School.
And we'll play that clip in a moment as well.
But here's a new clip of him being asked about the WEF, and he won't even denounce it when he knows
it's been one of the hottest topics for years, even on Fox News.
This is pretty damning.
Okay, I have one question.
Tell me.
Okay, so the Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum has bragged publicly about infiltrating governments
and grooming political leaders.
Now, you know, he's for the Great Reset Bush and for an Agenda 2030 complete globalization.
Do you denounce the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset?
Listen, I'm not a globalist.
I'm a Texas person, an American person.
Do you denounce Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset?
I promote Texas and America.
Alright, we'll not denounce them.
So here is Klaus Schwab explaining how they control and run our lives.
And I have to say, when I mention now names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they all have been young global leaders of the world economic forum.
What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets.
So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I We know that half of this cabinet, or even more half of this cabinet, are actually young global leaders of the world economy.
And that's true in Argentina, too.
That's true in Argentina as well.
It's true in Argentina and it's true in France now.
I'm here with the President, with the young global leader, What is important for me?
So it's one thing to have been part of the WEF or go speak at it once and then say you're against it later.
It's another thing entirely to not denounce it.
That is damning of Greg Abbott.
All right, hour number three, your phone calls straight ahead.
Greg Abbott's got a lot of explaining to do and our reporters are on the ground at the border.
You know, I stood up here and I yelled and screamed about the New World Order and the globalists.
They're planning to get rid of the borders and release a virus and have a global power grab and you saw it all come true.
But there's a...
Inverse of that.
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It supports the InfoWar and it'll change your life.
Take advantage now!
InfoWarstore.com We warn of false flags to try to predict horrible events.
We warn of false flags to try and prevent them.
They are the norm for starting massive conflicts.
They are based on lies, and so we only hope that the truth will make them futile.
Last week, I reported on rumors that Victoria Nuland was planning a false flag attack on a Ukrainian nuclear power plant.
There is now talk in Kiev that the real president of Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, has become so desperate for NATO troops to enter Ukraine and continue this US proxy war against Russia, that she is willing to murder innocent locals with a radioactive cloud and blame it on Russian forces.
After that report, documentary filmmaker Chris Emery, who has spent years researching PatCon, the U.S.
intelligence operation to use false flags as a way of criminalizing American patriots, reached out to me with some information that shows how this is standard operating procedure for the black hats in our government.
We had done our first movie premiere in March of that year in Salt Lake City with an attorney that we actually interviewed on the film by the name of Jesse Trinidou.
He was approached by a command team leader that was in charge of 10, including himself, basically commandos, to blow up the Browns Ferry nuclear power plant in Athens, Alabama under the Operation PatCon.
And then Jesse went into detail about what PatGon was, which would later morph into the Waco attack, and then the Oklahoma City bombing, and then our current, present-day A ramification of that was J6.
That nuclear power plant is still standing today because this command leader says, no,
that violated their rules of engagement that they were taught in their special operations
ever since he was a rookie commando.
And he said, we are not killing 27 innocent US civilians no matter how much money you're paying us.
Each of his partners, there were 10 commandos altogether, were given duffel bags full of cash.
Each were given $5 million.
They left it in the parking lot in the wee hours.
He said between 2.30 and 3 o'clock in the morning, they literally left these duffel bags in the parking lot, in the far end of the parking lot, away from the nuclear power plant and drove away.
And they basically told their commanding officer at the Pentagon to F off.
We are dealing with people that are of the occult, or in a dark, Dark corner of the universe that we can't even imagine.
And Newland is in that pack with Eric Garland and several others.
Without a doubt.
She needs to be brought up on treason and indicted, put on trial and thrown in prison.
And the key tossed away.
We also spoke on the subject of what looks to be the beginning of a false flag being set up on the southern border with World Economic Forum puppet Greg Abbott now calling for a civil war.
What in the world?
Why did it take him almost two and a half years to gear up?
I think it's It's disingenuous what he's doing.
He, uh, there's four ranchers and the private citizens within 50, 60 miles of the border
have gotten their land, their homes robbed, their ranches decimated, trash, uh, human
waste, um, you know, uh, windows broken into property damage.
He could have put the thumbscrew on that a long time ago.
Why he chose to do so now is beyond me.
They're much more keen.
They have the operative radar, you know, on high alert now, and they'll be able to hopefully weed out a lot of these operatives that, whether they know it or not, are being paid by the feds to be the fly in the ointment and get a lot more people in trouble.
It's just going to be a reincarnation of J6 all over again.
Expert on false flags and the southern border crisis, Michael Yawn, is also warning people not to fall for the trap.
We already know that the so-called, I call it OGUS, the Occupational Government of the United States.
We already know that it's out of control.
We already know that it...
The only rules that it plays by is anything it can get away with, it will do, right?
We already know that.
We saw January 6th.
We see Americans have to show their ID and get searched and whatnot to get on airplanes.
Meanwhile, they got illegals.
I mean, straight up invaders coming across the border by the thousands every day that can board aircraft without any ID.
There are no rules.
We are clearly being hunted.
And, I mean, the American citizens' patriots are clearly being hunted.
They're looking for any excuse to go to war, and they will do it.
I mean, obviously, that's going to be a very serious war.
There's a little more to the report.
It's up on Bandot Video.
I'm going to post it on X in the next 30 minutes.
False flag warning for martial law in the U.S.
and war with Russia.
This is an emergency maximum alert.
If you want to stop the globalists, get this report out like your life depends on it, because it does.
All right, we believe in freedom, and we've had a lot of victories thanks to God, and thanks to God working through you, and we're swinging for the fences here against the New World Order.
We're dedicated American patriot Christians who understand that if we submit to this tyranny, it'll be ten times worse, and if we stand up, we can make the world a better place, plus God's watching.
That's why we're really doing this at the end of the day.
All right, later in the hour, I'll get into Elon Musk and Neuralink and the big new developments there.
But I promise to go to your calls.
I'm going to race through your calls here in a moment.
But we have great IT people and great IT companies.
Despite all the hack attacks and all the brute force attacks and all the denial of service attacks and all the infiltration operations, we don't make a big deal about it because we're warriors.
We're in the fight.
We're here every day.
It's our job to just stay on air and cover the issues and not get distracted.
It has been years since I had the IT companies we use come to me and say, you need to talk about this on air.
So if you try to go to InfoWars.com, you may see a quick security screen that comes up, says scanning to make sure you're not a bot before you get in.
As of this morning, in the last 24 hours, over a billion bots, not connections, bots, one bot might be sending a million people at us, So we've had tens of billions, if not hundreds of billions, of bots attack us.
And we have some big companies that work with us.
We don't promote who they are, so they don't get attacked.
They said, this morning, this is the biggest brute force attack they've ever seen, not just against their companies, but they've read about.
They said, listen, This was a multi-million dollar payment to do this.
And we're still up at Bandop Video.
We're still up at InfoWars.com.
We're still up.
And we've seen massive fake flagging on X of fake reports against us to pull down our live feeds, but then some get taken down, they get put back up.
Just like we've seen fake community notes stuff on us that isn't true, and then somebody's doing their job at X, they remove the community note.
So, the average person doesn't have enough visibility to get these attacks, and if you do, you don't have enough visibility to expose it.
But I just wanted to point out that over a billion bots, as of 8 a.m.
this morning, I haven't checked since, Some of the bots sending millions of requests individually.
So over a billion bots, some of them sending millions of requests apiece, others hundreds of thousands, are hitting InfoWars.com and Bandai Media.
And it's not just the brute force attack, there's a bunch of other attacks.
Why is it happening?
I don't know.
I don't know what it is I'm covering that's got them so pissed, but I've got a good guess.
Every time we expose Victoria Nuland and them trying to do a false flag, they've already tried to blow up that reactor repeatedly.
They've already said the Russians blew it up when it wasn't true.
It even came out later, they had to admit that Ukrainian forces keep shelling the biggest nuclear reactor in the world.
Miles down the road from Chernobyl.
And I don't know if that's it, but gut level, I notice this happens.
When we put out hardcore reports like the Gregg Reese report you just saw, because he put one out a few days ago as well, on the false flag attempted attacks on the reactor.
So let's put on screen Gregg Reese's new report.
We're going to post it on X as well in the next few minutes.
But I have a expert guess, a dead reckoning, that that's what it is because you do certain things and boy you get burned.
We're not going to stop trying to stop World War III.
False flag warnings for martial law in the U.S.
and war with Russia.
The report went up this morning.
It's got 70,000 or 80,000 views on Bandai Video.
That's great.
But it needs to get 100 million views because they're definitely scared of this information.
And they got it up in minutes.
When I asked them to put it up five minutes ago, they already got it up.
It's now live at Real Alex Jones.
I've also noticed when I call out Alexander Soros, this stuff happens.
And people that work for the system think that I'm a coward like them, that when I step up to the plate and I get hit hard, that I think, oh my God, I better not go this direction.
And listen, I'm not the toughest guy around, but I am pig-headed like Trump.
And when somebody gets in my face and attacks me, I can't help it.
I remember growing up in Dallas, man.
And it might have been a 250 pound badass started a fight with me and I couldn't run.
I couldn't back down.
I couldn't bow.
And at first they'd start beating the living hell out of me.
But I'd blackout and they'd be going home in the ambulance.
Almost every time.
One time I took on five guys and they broke my leg because they attacked me first, but they got me.
But the point is, is that I won almost all those fights.
And it's the same thing here.
And I've almost reached the level that what I'm doing on this show is I am blacked out, folks.
I'll use the analogy of Star Wars Episode IV where Luke Skywalker is right in the trench, everybody else has been killed.
And the force tells him, turn off your computer, hit that target yourself.
And that's called blacking out, folks.
I am literally, have my computers turned off, nobody's telling me what to do with the Holy Spirit, I am in the trench, they're blowing up our ships all around us, and it's all about Jesus right now, and I'm going in against that reactor shaft, and I'm gonna fire that torpedo.
Or, anybody coming in behind me is gonna do it.
We're looking for the Han Solos here, ladies and gentlemen, the Deus Ex, because Luke Skywalker wouldn't have got that missile off if, in the fictional cheesy world of Star Wars, ruined by Woke, but it's a great archetype, great film.
If Han Solo hadn't decided, hey, it doesn't matter if it's a suicide mission, I'm going to show up and see what I can do.
And it's going to be federal whistleblowers, and school teacher whistleblowers, and auto mechanics, and farmers, and nuclear engineers, and it's going to be you that are going to be the Han Solos in this fight, folks.
Right at the moment, we're ready to pull the trigger and blow the Death Star up.
If you're not there backing us up, we're going to get taken out, and you along with us.
And you know when I say that, that isn't rhetoric.
There, as Trump said a thousand times, it's so true.
They're not coming after me.
They're coming after you.
I'm just in the way.
You got that, folks?
I bet on you.
I believe in you.
I don't want to go grovel to the system and grovel to the lawyers and kiss the ass of the new world order.
I already got offered.
Hundreds of millions of dollars to serve them, and they told me, and you'll be left alone, and you can be a star, and you can have fun.
Well, guess what?
I don't want to be in some fancy penthouse with a private jet and be a sellout.
Now, if I can fight tyranny and promote prosperity and empower humanity, give me a penthouse with private jets and big-ass steaks, I'll take them.
But they're way down my hierarchy of needs.
My hierarchy of needs is doing what God says.
And I love being persecuted.
I love being attacked because it means I'm over the target.
And again, both my grandfathers were in World War II.
They never talked about what happened in World War II until after they died.
We got to dig into their stuff and see it.
And my mom's dad was only on a few missions.
Thank God he already got killed as a fighter pilot in World War II and crash landed and broke a bunch of bones and he was out of the war.
The other one did more missions than he was told to do out of North Africa and then in Italy and the whole thing and then was there for four years and in Germany when it fell.
And he told my dad a little bit about when he died, we got all his documents and all his medals and all his stuff.
And man, the letters about, we see the flag, we're going into it, those are the targets, we're gonna hit it.
You know, Billy, best buddy just died, his plane just blew up.
And man, there is something about that.
Like we're going in, we're not running away from the attacks, we're flying into the attack.
Because we got something to deliver, and God said, deliver it.
And I'm going to deliver more payloads.
The reason I volunteered for more missions is, we have slayed the enemy.
We have destroyed them.
We have wrecked them.
God has given me nothing but victory.
And the idea now, when I've been given nothing but victory, that I won't continue the missions, and I won't continue hammering them, but I can't do it without you.
God's given me the intellect, and God's given me the will, and God's given me the capacity to do this, but I can't do it without you.
And I sit here and think about all the heavy subjects, and I'm up here begging, oh buy my t-shirt, oh please buy my supplement, please get my water filter, but I don't want to be doing that!
You need all this stuff!
It's all excellent!
But I'll go commercial free the minute one of these billionaires gets off the fence and bankrolls this operation.
We need $50 million a year to stay on air and expand.
And we don't have it.
That's gross sales.
We need like $30 million a year to operate.
Where are you getting a better bang for the buck?
Should I tell you now?
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or 888-253-3139.
Get a signed copy that's a fundraiser of my book, The Great Awakening.
I need your support.
I'm thankful.
And I want to thank all of you that got it and did support.
But I'm really talking to the 99% of you, and it's way more than that now, that hear this show and never buy a damn thing.
How could you see a broadcast with guests and analysis that changed the world and then not want to support it?
Hell, go make a straight donation at M4Warshore.com or DefenseJones.com.
All I'm saying is, we're in the fight, folks, and I'll get in the damn airplane, and I'll start the engines, and I'll take off, and I'll fly over the enemy, and I'll drop the truth on their ass all day.
But if I don't got bombs getting loaded, and jet fuel or diesel getting put, or kerosene getting put in the engines, I can't take the son of a bitch off, and I can't go do it.
And we've already had, all glory to God, and at the level of God, but all support to you for your support, all credit to the audience.
We've already, I'll use the analogy, it's like we go to Las Vegas last 29 years on air, and we put a quarter in the slot machine, we win $1,000.
We go play blackjack, and we spend $1,000, we make $100,000.
We go to the roulette wheel, we make a million.
We never even lose!
I get tortured, I get attacked, I get lied about, I get physically attacked, people come to my house, I don't even get into that, what that's like for my family, but as long as I don't care, and as long as I got courage and trust in God, like Job did, we have, for every attack, for every little slap I get, is a dagger in the enemy.
For every time they thump me in the face, Is a fist right in their nose.
For every time they break my leg, they get destroyed.
One of their whole cities gets vaporized.
Using that as an analogy.
We are devastating them!
This operation is a devastator!
The enemy fears it!
They hate it!
They hate the spirit of it!
They know it's real!
It's everything they hate!
So empower me!
Energize me!
Pray for me!
Buy the products!
Get off the fence!
God's watching!
Plus, they're great products.
I'm done talking about it.
Alright, I'm sorry to the callers.
I've been ranting for 25 minutes.
We're gonna go to your calls now.
We're gonna cover all the topics and all the issues.
We're going on the order.
I appreciate you.
Your calls are received.
Let's go to John in Texas.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
Good afternoon to you and good afternoon to everybody listening.
I'm going to try to make this brief, about three minutes or less.
I just want to start off with a big shout out to all the unseen heroes of the info war, all the techies working behind the scenes.
Go ahead.
If it wasn't for them, we would not have this broadcast.
And a big shout out to you, Alex.
I've been listening to you since you made an appearance on Coast to Coast AM in the early 2000s.
No, I totally agree, and we have to mentally say we're not over.
They're trying to demoralize us.
They're over!
percent. On my comments that I wanted to make today, I just wanted to share with you and
the entire audience, something I've been sharing with friends for a few years now, that America
is not over. We are not over here in America, and America is not over. And I really don't
like to focus too much on...
No, I totally agree. And then we have to mentally say we're not over. They're trying to demoralize
us. They're over! The New World Order is over!
And there's a lot of losses that do happen.
But we need to focus on wins.
Just like T-Pain said, all I do is win, win, win, no matter what.
And so we're going to keep winning.
And just a big thing that's been happening in this country during the Biden presidency has been the efficacy.
And we can have the discussion of what degree of efficacy it is.
But the efficacy of checks and balances, and we have had several Supreme Court rulings over the past several years that have upheld justice in the face of tyranny.
And so there are a lot of other comments that I could make.
Yeah, for those that don't know, you might want to mention those.
They said the bureaucracies can't make law outside of congressional law, but they're still doing it.
Yes, sir.
But yeah, that's just kind of a little summary.
Roe v. Wade?
We can keep going here.
Yeah, Roe v. Wade, and there are several others.
We could talk about mask things, COVID stuff.
There's been a lot of rulings.
The CDC saying they control all property and rents?
Yeah, and so... Can you imagine how bad it'd be if we didn't have a half-assed good court like we got?
And so I just wanted to share that with everybody that, you know, we still do have checks and balances.
We still do have a shining light of freedom in this country.
And, you know, I hear it a lot.
I hear it a lot.
You know, I don't know if our country can take another four years of this.
And I pray to God... If we got up off our asses, we could lead every one of these illegal aliens out of the new world order.
Yes sir, yes sir.
So yeah, that's just my message to everyone.
Keep focusing on the positive.
We are going to win, and we're going to keep winning.
And so with that, I'm going to hang up and listen, and thank you very much and God bless.
So yeah, that's just my message to everyone. Keep focusing on the positive. We are going to win and we're gonna keep
winning And so with that I'm gonna hang up and listen and thank you
very much and God bless. Thank you, John. I Just want listeners to know in a war
We're one of the main attack ships and we're under massive fire because we're kicking enemy ass up and down the street
I'm busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest, folks.
We got so many targets, so many stories.
Just victory, victory, victory, victory, victory.
Bart in Georgia, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I want to talk about this Fannie Willis.
She can't understand normal thinking, and I just want to be more positive.
She's a retarded gremlin.
She's a retarded gremlin.
And I don't think we talk about good news as much as we should.
This is fantastic for Trump.
We don't even know the half of what's going on.
Oh, that worm is a degenerate criminal put in by Soros.
They're all a bunch of frickin' crooks.
All a bunch of frickin' scum.
Evidently, she thinks her job is to have sex with the other lawyers.
I don't know what's going on here, but this is crazy.
Well, that's one thing, but it's all the $600,000, now the millions is coming out.
That's a money laundering, scamming, dirty little rat.
Yeah, where's the money?
$200,000 missing at least.
For trips to everywhere.
Thank you for having me on.
No, no, anything else.
I mean, what are people saying about this in Georgia?
How obvious is all this?
Oh, oh, everybody's on top of it.
She can't hide.
This is, you know, this is, she's just a disgusting so-called human being.
And look at the type of scum they got to get to do this stuff.
I mean, they're a bunch of trash.
This is unbelievable.
But you know what?
This is how God works.
It got exposed.
And it's because we don't give up and Trump doesn't give up.
You don't give up.
You let it play out.
Let them keep thinking they're winning.
Let them keep licking their lips.
Let them keep having fun and they're going to get it.
One last thing I have to say, after this show is over later on, go to BarkFun and Rumble and Bitchute and watch the Alex Jones Show, please.
Yes, sir.
All right, buddy, appreciate you.
Jack in New York, thanks for holding your ear on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi there.
I wanted to throw out a topic that I don't think has been getting covered very much.
It's something I've been researching.
It's this idea about the omniverse, Earth 2, second Earth by NVIDIA.
Yeah, and this is tied in to the 3D body scans at the airport.
Do you think they deleted your 3D body image at the airport?
in real time. Yeah, that was first done 20 years ago. Headline, Pentagon creates real-time map of the world, creates
artificial digital world.
Yeah, and this is tied in to the 3D body scans at the airport.
Do you think they deleted your 3D body image at the airport and it's tied in with the cell phone?
No, they use it to then put in the computers to read you while you walk down the street.
Yeah, and the facial recognition, the gait recognition, this is the beast system.
And the entire thing, they can basically record Earth in real time, I think.
I mean, I can't prove it.
Yeah, no, no, no, it's the internet.
No, no, that's their goal.
They've already got a lot of it done.
Internet of things.
And then meanwhile, they want to grope your genitals and scan you at the airport while the border's wide open.
It's all a fraud.
Yeah, well, I think this is a big topic that could, you know, be a topic for a deep dive.
Maybe a document to revise somebody out there.
I one trillion percent agree with you.
Tell us more about it.
Go ahead.
Uh, well, uh, I'm trying to go through.
I have a few notes here.
Uh, the facial recognition in China was basically the beta test for it.
You can see they're basically have it operational, but it's, it's really this idea.
They can record life on earth.
And Musk touched on this a little bit in his announcement about the neural link today, whether you were going to have a personal digital avatar and they're rolling this out with the kids and the gamification of everything.
Um, it's, uh, it's pretty freaky.
That was my idea, and I have a few other comments about some other topics, if I can.
Yeah, go ahead.
Can you provide the info on the kid that the African-Americans curb-stomped yesterday and provide the information about the kid?
You know, that's a great search.
When I put that out going off the Alex Jones war site that's not ours, they thought it was another story, but it looks like it wasn't that story.
And so it's a real video, but we're trying to figure that out.
The search is going on.
Elon Musk has requested us to find out.
He commented on the video.
And I probably spent an hour last night and 30 minutes this morning trying to find it.
What do you think we should do?
Yeah, I don't know.
I was trying to search it all night last night.
I can't find any more information about it.
Well that's because there's so many of these videos.
I found like dozens of other similar cases and I can't even link them up.
We found one that might be it, but it's not it.
Yeah, that video's got like, what, 30 million views right now on Real Alex Jones?
Oh yeah, it's terrible.
It's sad.
This younger generation has to get a hold of themselves and stop this madness.
Like you said, it's being promoted in the media and it's disgusting.
Alright, what's the other point?
Uh, New York City, if you look into their New York Immigration Office, they have a DACA Dreamer.
He's on a $200,000 a year salary, running the immigration racket in New York City.
They're not trying to stop it.
They're trying to- Oh yeah, they act like they're against it.
They just want more federal funds.
Great point.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Alright, we're going to go to break.
Go to Baldy.
And then we're going to go to everybody else who received Alex.
Dorletta and Jefferson and Gene and Steven and Anthony.
We're gonna take your calls, the order they are received, so start your engines.
I'm giving each caller like two, three minutes.
I really need to give you all about a minute, so we get to more of you.
So just spill it, say it.
I'll try to, and by the way, I sound obnoxious when a caller starts saying something, but I go, oh yeah, this is not, I'm not trying to like, oh I'm so smart.
When I hear a caller saying something true, I want you to know it's true.
They couldn't find the articles from like 10 years ago.
Pentagon creates artificial map of the world, artificial world, and tracks all the things in lifetime.
So what he's talking about, the companies he mentioned, I've seen those articles.
That's true.
That's going on, but they need you to opt into it.
They need you to be part of it.
And it's the war game, the social credit score, the ESG, the Central Bank Digital Currency, to control every facet of your life.
It is the mark of the beast.
It is here.
It's all happening.
All right, we're gonna go on a break, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Infowars.com forward slash show, band.video, and real Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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before the hour ends
Our reporters are at the border.
They'll be popping into the War Room and more in a bunch of this tomorrow.
Follow us at Infowars.com forward slash show, band.video, and of course, we're Alex Jones on X. All right, let's rampage through your phone calls right now.
Baldy in Florida, you're on the air.
Okay, so when we talk about a pending war in Iran, I think we should remind each other that this is Obama's war.
uh... he funded a right in plain sight with one point seven billion dollars
and who knows uh... what else it's been handed over to them so if if a new card does go off in this country or or three
newt uh...
you know or just all obama did that Explain that, because I 100% agree with you.
There's really three groups of Islamists.
There's supposedly Shiite and Sunni, but within the Sunni that's the majority group, there's the Muslim Brotherhood that the main Sunni Saudi Arabians don't like.
So you've got the Saudi Arabians, you've got the Iranians, and then you've got the Muslim Brotherhood, and Obama is with the Muslim Brotherhood.
If they can't install a Vice President that they want, like say a Governor Abbott or something, if he ends up putting a Carrie Lake or even a Rand Paul in as Vice President, I think Obama will activate whatever sleeper cells he has here.
Last time I called I mentioned, I see a three nuke attack, and you mentioned that the CIA had war-gamed that out.
I think he's definitely heavily connected with the CIA.
So that would be probably the plan of attack.
However, and I'd like to circle back around to that, but I want to point out since you started out talking about local radio, And, uh, and how the CIA had funded a bunch of people during the pandemic.
I wanted to share with you, you could find me on ExMochester2020, a phone call that I made April 1st, 2020, the day that the 15 days the stop the spread was set to expire, April Fool's Day, I called into a local radio show.
When I say you could set up a master class on this, not just the effectiveness as a caller as I am at getting the truth out, which is why they hate us is because of the truth, but because of their response.
If you listen to their response, they had memorized it.
His producer even got on and started saying that people like me were the problem, like I was the virus wanting people to go out and work.
Bob Chester 2020, if you listen to that call, it'll blow your mind.
Well, send us the call.
We'll put it up.
I think I remember you calling about that.
Sure, and I called you a bunch of times during the pandemic.
There's only two things on there.
You can find me in Mochester, 2020 on X, or you can find my podcast, Mobchester, anywhere where you could hear... Say it slow.
What's your podcast?
Say it slow.
What's the podcast?
It's a play on words.
I remember you.
Yeah, you've been dead on, brother.
So, I remember you.
So, that's who he went on as guest and caller.
You were dead on.
So, tell us what's coming next.
So, I, again, I had a, I foresaw Trump and everything, and because he was the only one that was going to stand up in these debates, because they steamrolled right over Ron Paul.
But I feel, you know, now, and I wasn't so much for him, but since they're coming out against him, and they cannot stop him now, this is like... Oh, it's obvious they legitimately don't like him.
all the stops. They pull the stops. I see the triangulated nuclear attack and then
the troops from from from that are waiting on the border are activated. The
sleeper cells that are here activated. Total hell on earth.
People in power that are listening. If you could do something, you have to do
something to stop Obama.
And let's explain. The globalists only get more power with a 9/11 or a new attack.
That's the illogic.
We've got to be pointing out they're the ones behind it.
Because the FBI director says he sees all these flashing lights.
His own agents are telling him military-age men connected to all these foreign governments are coming in.
Something big is planned.
They're not doing this by accident.
Thank you so much, Paulding.
Anthony in Pennsylvania, welcome.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
I appreciate your time and your efforts here.
I wanted to just talk about how we are in the information war fight of our lives right now.
We have the lowest retention rate and the worst recruitment numbers in a military since pre-World War I. We are fighting multiple wars on multiple fronts for the sovereignty of this nation.
We're funding a war in Eastern Europe.
We're funding a war in the Middle East.
And right now we're on the brink of retaliatory attacks in Iran, which our own Secretary of State says is the hottest that region has been since 1973.
That's more than the war in Afghanistan.
That's more than the war in Iraq.
We have a CBS News correspondent Catherine Herridge.
She says that she believes there's going to be a Black Swan event in the year 2024 now.
I hope that I'm wrong, Alex, but am I crazy to think that they're actually trying to start World War III in order to suspend the election?
100% everything's on the table.
The end of the old monetary system, the central bank digital currencies, the ESGs, it's all coming in now.
Everything's aligning now and they need a global crisis or a group of crises to bring it in.
All right.
He dropped.
Thank you, sir.
Stephen, Alabama.
Go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
You said Stephen?
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
First of all, I just want to thank you, Alex, for being a true American patriot.
You will go down in history, my friend.
But second, I want to say two words that very few of us may have ever heard in the same sentence or even conjoined.
American refugee.
If we don't start looking to our community, Like we've been, the men have been emasculated, you know, COVID they, they pushed isolation that way.
We wouldn't reach out to each other.
And now with social media, like I did a split test.
I created a, a, a right-leaning Instagram profile and a left-leaning.
The right-leaning got zero traction.
The left got pushed like crazy.
So it's, it's, It's in everything.
I mean, Twitter has been the only space I've been able to find where I can speak my voice and not feel as though I'm being suppressed.
And Anal had to spend $44 million just to do that.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I would if I could, but I'm glad he did it.
But yeah, like I was saying, this is my plea to all the veterans out there, the former military police, you know, everybody that has some common sense.
The people are already here.
There are enemies know they cannot land on our shores and defeat us.
They have sent them in through the southern border and they're just waiting on orders.
And I feel as though a direct conflict with Iran will spark a fire that we may not be
able to put out.
And behind the scenes, the globalists are working with the Iranians.
You're absolutely right.
And they're like you said, they're pushing this everywhere.
I mean, Soros's son, Alex, he's doing way more than, you know, a lot of backdoor deals
because I'm all over the dark web, you know, searching and looking, but there's stuff all
over 4chan about plans and plots and stuff of what they're going to do, like the Browns
Ferry that y'all mentioned earlier.
It was on there last month, and I don't know why people would be bringing that up, you know, now.
But it's, none of this stuff is coincidence.
Everybody has common sense.
They feel it in their gut.
What you're feeling is true.
Oh, I mean, I can just feel it.
Like, my spidey sense is 50 times what it's ever been.
You can just feel the danger.
Yes, sir.
You're absolutely right.
And, again, I just want to thank you.
I want to thank you, Steve.
But what the globalists are masters of is that everybody has this anxiety.
They say, oh, it's white supremacists.
Oh, it's the white people.
Oh, it's the Christians.
That's why you're having anxiety.
No, the inflation, the open borders, the war.
It's the criminals running our country, folks.
Not the black people, not the white people, not the brown people.
They're all playing us off against each other.
Alex in California, you're on the air.
Thank you for being a truth teller and a truth seeker.
Hey, thank you.
I'm trying.
Alex, we are a Christian homeschooled family.
We are packed up in Southern California.
We are out of here tomorrow morning.
We are in a blessed position where we do not have a destination, but we have resources to make it for a fresh new start for our children.
We want to raise them to be young men.
Which region of the United States would you suggest, based on your expertise, that's going to be successful raising them?
And also, do you suggest rural living or city living?
You know, that's got to be your own personal decision.
I don't know what your skills are, what you're able to do.
Are you a mechanic?
Are you a farmer?
Are you a doctor?
Are you a school teacher?
Are you a banker?
Are you a plumber?
But you can look at the biggest boom cities, the biggest boom towns.
A lot of those are all Lepus Run, too.
It's not like places outside California are much better.
They're just a little bit better.
But if I had my druthers, I would be in a Southern, small, Christian town, because they're the most insulated from what's going on.
And that might mean West Texas.
There's hardly any jobs there.
There's good people there.
Or East Texas, or the middle of nowhere.
That's a complex question.
It really comes down to what your skills are.
But yeah, good choice to get the hell out of California.
So I can't sit there and war game that for you, not knowing your particulars.
Okay, I do appreciate it.
Now, I just found out about the Jesuits.
We're still new to all of this new information, and we've noticed that during Roosevelt, they were able to suspend the Constitution, and he actually had four terms.
Is the Constitution currently suspended?
If it is, how do we unsuspend it?
Yes, I mean, that gets all into legalese, because everything's forced to share, or the unstoppable force.
They declare a new emergency every year, and we're operating under emergency rules since World War II, and the Jesuits of the Society of Jesus, they're one of the biggest leftist New World Order groups, the Pums of Jesuit.
It's not that Catholics are bad, but it's like every institution has been taken over.
And so, yes, the Jesuits were supposedly set up by Loyola, this defender of the Catholic Church, but it became really the thing to take it over.
It's like a coup within the Catholic Church.
And so, but tying that into The other stuff you were talking about, I mean, it's all... I wouldn't say the Jesuits run it.
There's evil groups all over the place that the globalists control.
The globalists are controlled by Satan.
Well, thank you for your advice.
Now that we are going to get out of California and get some extra money, we're going to go and buy some product.
That's what's held us back this whole time.
Well, brother, just take care of your children and let them know that it's not monetary things that matter.
It's a spiritual relationship.
It wouldn't matter if your family lives in a small town and your wife works at a Walgreens and you work at a gas station.
As long as your children aren't being taught by a bunch of pedophiles and brainwashed and that's what matters.
So it's not about the monetary success.
It's about the independence and having a garden and having a good church you can go to.
There's a lot of small churches out there.
The big ones are all just feel-good things.
They're not that bad on average, they're just feel-good.
Alright, thank you, sir.
Alright, let's talk to Dorlita in Oklahoma.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
I just want to make a quick point.
I know it kind of makes me nervous because we got our government that is desperate.
We got China, Iran, Russia, desperate.
So, we're living up here by a refinery.
We got a train system that runs through there.
And that's my concern, is the security of it.
Blowing up the pipelines, saying it was Iran, or it was whoever.
Well, we know the left is running around, cutting off infrastructure everywhere.
And so they can claim a foreign power did it, but who's already done it?
Who's already cut off the pipelines?
Who's already been caught getting rid of all the different permits?
And it's the left who want to bring us to our knees.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're starting to see like unfamiliar faces and people that's not been around here, but it's not like family, family.
I mean, you need to have like Mexicans moving in, like brothers and brothers.
You see them interacting with each other.
These are grown men, military age.
They don't come out very often.
Sometimes they do with their backpacks and they just roam around.
We're being totally set up for destruction.
I think you're absolutely right.
And see, and the thing is, I got a job alert on my phone.
And it was pinging like crazy for two weeks straight about FEMA positions, FEMA positions opening up in Kaye County.
And I thought, why all of a sudden?
Are they just pinging all of a sudden?
Well, ma'am, we're in an emergency economy.
We're in a takeover economy.
I appreciate your call.
All right, since you mentioned that, let me show you an article out of Town Hall.
Biden, for the first two and a half years, killed all the major oil drilling permits, all the gas drilling permits, ordered thousands of sub-pipelines shut down, ordered the major Keystone Pipeline shut down.
First day in office when he stole the election in 2021.
And then, because Texas is fighting him on the border, he claims, he just killed the permits for the number one natural gas producing country in the world, and Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi were the biggest producers of it, that we can't sell liquefied natural gas.
Remember what he did just six months ago?
He asked Venezuela to up its oil production so he wouldn't have production here that helps the people.
So we just buy it from them.
Everything is against America.
Well, here it is.
Land Commissioner says Biden stopped approval of LNG exports, liquid natural gas, in retaliation of Texas defiance.
The Texas Land Commissioner is accusing President Joe Biden of deliberately ending the approval of liquid natural gas exports.
Don Beckingham believes the Biden administration is playing political games with Texas after the state took a bold stand in defending our border against foreign invaders and last week killed all export out of the state of Texas, the main exporter in the world.
So Biden already blew up the Russian Nord Stream Pipeline.
He already cut off the Keystone Pipeline for oil out of Canada and the Midwest.
Now they're killing all exports of liquid natural gas.
A sanction against America and American workers to bring you to your knees and people say, why do I care about natural gas?
That's the second biggest power supply we've got and it's one of the biggest exports we've got.
I mean, a fleet of a thousand bombers couldn't do this much damage dropping conventional bombs.
They are literally at economic war with us.
Jefferson in Virginia, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, good to talk to you.
I know you enjoy talking to Viva Frye from Viva Barnes.
I would love to have you review episode 169 of Viva Barnes, starting at the 20-minute mark, where Viva, the Canadian, is asking Barnes all the correct questions about who's eligible to be President here in the United States, and Barnes gets almost every answer wrong.
So this is the Achilles heel of the Biden administration that right now we have a Jamaican citizen at birth who is getting to be our vice president because we don't understand what the definition of natural-born citizenship is.
It's not being born here.
It's not being a citizen at birth.
It is having two USA citizen parents as your parents at the time of your birth.
That's the definition of a natural-born citizen.
You had Paul calling on January 2nd and explain this And we all fall back into this fallback position of, well, everybody agrees that it's about being born here under the 14th Amendment.
That's not true.
That's brainwashed.
That is the deception of the Obama birther psy-op that was running on us about the Hawaii-Kenyan birthplace thing.
And we all fall into this trap of believing that being born here is the same thing as being a natural-born citizen.
It's not the same thing.
The founders made this clear in 1790 in the Immigration and Naturalization Act, where they said if you're born overseas, If both of your parents are citizens, that makes you a natural-born citizen.
So it's clearly not about where you're born, it's about who your blood is, who your parents are.
You were greatly influenced by who your parents were.
If they weren't citizens of the United States, you would be a different person.
Yeah, they were worried about Europe sending princelings over here who would be born here but weren't really American.
Right, but even before the 14th Amendment was passed, almost nobody got to be confused with a citizen if they were merely born here.
Everybody said, well, wait a minute, who are your parents?
No, you don't get to be a citizen here.
It wasn't until the 14th Amendment was codified that we all started to believe that birthplace was more important than who your parents were and whether they were citizens at the time of your birth.
So I love Vivek Ramaswamy.
I think he's great.
But neither of his parents were citizens at the time of his birth.
So he needs to go about amending Article 2, so he's eligible... No, I hear you.
I hear you, and I think that's a good point.
I think you're right, and I appreciate your call.
All right, let's go to Gail in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Well, hello there, Alex.
I'm glad to be on, and I might be all over the place, so I'm super excited to talk to you.
No, I appreciate it.
Go ahead.
So, yes, I do live in Illinois, even though it's a blue state.
However, Chicago is also here.
That's why we're a blue state.
However, I think it's important to... Sorry, I'm nervous.
I think it's important to understand what the U.N.
Summit did back in September, the end of September, when they had a U.N.
Summit with every 193 nations, every nation signed the SGD The statement developed a goal for Agenda 2030 to accelerate their agenda for seven years, and their goal is to finish everything by 2030.
And that was the end of September.
I watched it.
They had Ukraine, Zelensky there.
They had everybody there.
I want to go there.
And they all agreed that this needs to happen.
It needs to accelerate.
And from back in 2015, it's actually when it started and nothing really was really working.
So when it ended up happening, and then all of a sudden, bam, we're like going to World War III.
So and, you know, everybody's, you know, the Biden administration, everybody keeps saying, build back better.
Well, what they have to do is They have to destroy everything to build it back to by 2030
in order to make their sustainment goals, development goals.
And they also have the UN, it's all in the website, on the UN website.
They also have their, it's like a plan.
They have a...
No, I mean, I'm glad you called.
We've covered this a lot, but it's always important to cover it again.
I wrote the book, The Great Reset and War for the World.
I wrote The Great Awakening.
It's all, you know, it's a global government plan.
That's what I told Vivek Ramaswamy earlier.
I said we need to attack this.
I mean, he agreed with me.
I mean, I just think that it's important to, you know, not only focus on what's going on with our border, to what's going on with Iran.
It's almost like I feel like You know, it's just their turn.
And they're going to be moving after the Middle East is destroyed.
They're going to move to another country and destroy that.
It's a global government.
No, I hear you.
We're up against it.
I'm glad you're on top of it.
Thank you, Gayle.
All right, Burt in FEMA Region 9.
I guess that's on the West Coast.
Go ahead.
A coup is coming.
And they're going to kill Biden.
And the trigger event for all of this will be a nuclear 9-11 false flag event.
And after that is when the wars begin.
But it won't be World War III.
Can I skip to the election?
Trump will not be assassinated.
But he will be disqualified at the last minute.
Shall I tell you how?
It will be done on term limits.
He's already been elected twice, and as soon As a lawsuit decides that there was election fraud, it will be decided that he won two terms, that we did not fulfill his second term.
But it won't matter, because there won't be an election.
All of this is explained in detail at nuclear911.com in a one hour video.
Go ahead.
The idea that there won't be World War III is that the threat of World War III
is more important than such a war.
Because against... Well, sure.
I mean, a world war doesn't mean nuclear.
A world war means it's in a whole bunch of different regions.
I think we're already in a global war, but I appreciate your call.
Great points.
All right.
I said I'd hit Elon Musk, and we're going to do it.
And his whole Neuralink announcement.
So we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and we're going to hit that and then Maria Z has a very special guest joining her heading up one of the big convoys.
Doc Chambers down to the Texas border.
Our crew is now down there as well.
Hour number four is coming up.
I'll host some of it, hand the baton off to Maria Z. And then, I want to show her at 3 p.m.
Central today in fullwords.com forward slash show.
And it's great that we're reaching million today on X, but we can't just operate on that and hope that's going to be there.
Got to remember to share the links in fullwords.com forward slash show.
Band out video.
Infowars, get the articles, get the videos.
You are having a massive effect.
People are really ready for the truth right now.
It's important to still invade YouTube and Facebook and Instagram and Reddit and everywhere else, but also in the third dimension on the ground.
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I don't have to tell you things are bad.
Everybody knows things are bad.
It's a depression.
Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job.
The dollar buys a nickel's worth.
Banks are going bust.
Shopkeepers keep a gun to the coat of.
Punks are running wild in the street.
There's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do and there's no end to it.
We know.
The air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat.
We sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes as if that's the way it's supposed to be.
We know things are bad, worse than bad.
They're crazy!
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-built-in radios and I won't say anything.
Just leave us alone.
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone.
I want you to get mad!
The Alex Jones Show.
The Internet will never be the same.
I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!
Zack, this is Crystal Palace.
Inc. NORAD has declared DEFCON 3.
Scramble all alert aircraft.
I repeat, scramble all alert aircraft.
The Whopper spends all its time thinking about World War 3.
Target selection complete.
Time-on-target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning south out of Nordkapp, bearing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Zone.
From the front lines of the Information War... Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You bet!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
How about global thermonuclear war?
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeted and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are at a launch mode.
Do you really, busy?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have a Soviet submarine watch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
Change began.
The only winning move is not to run.
If you think gun control or something like that is going to change a terrorist's point of view,
I think you're, like, out of your mind.
You may think you've got me worried about what you're gonna do.
Dude, you're about to find out what I'm gonna do.
And that's gonna worry you a lot more.
Lawdawg, you don't step aside, we'll tear you apart.
You die first, get it?
Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?
He's bluffing, let's rush him.
He ain't bluffin'.
You're not as stupid as you look, Ike.
Yeah, I don't understand the concepts of conversation of the gun culture.
We've lived with guns since, what, the 7th century or something?
I don't know.
We all know that right now, guns is a term, it's a metaphor that disenfranchised white guys need.
It makes them feel good because they're being proud of it.
You can say what you want, I don't agree with that.
There's a big difference between fantasy land...
In reality, Fantasyland is what we do.
Doing a movie, doing a television show, that's Fantasyland.
And that's where that stuff belongs.
In reality, when we're dealing with things like terrorism and whatnot, we're all going to have different opinions on how to do it, how to deal with it.
Mine happens to be that I think there's a very strong reason Founding Fathers had for the Second Amendment, and that is that no government ever Hasn't had to fight its own people, and its own people hasn't had to fight its own government.
So what are you going to do?
Outlaw everything?
That ain't the answer.
Just put some... Put some controls?
So the people who want to defend themselves can't?
No, not so you can't.
Just so the idiots can't get ahold of us.
Do you really believe they're not going to?
Are you serious about that?
Are you seriously?
Good with that?
Oh my God!
We had our Civil War.
If that Second Amendment hadn't been there, those people would not have had the opportunity to do what they considered was defending their life and their way of living.
So, I agree with that.
I think that's an important part of our existence and it's basically that simple.
The most banned network in the world.
All right, Maria Z is about to be joined by the great Doc Chambers, former Green Beret commander, helping lead one of the big convoys to the Texas border.
Coming up in a few minutes, we'll skip both network breaks until she gets her time back.
I've had a lot of listeners, and when I say a lot, at grocery stores, at church, on the street, at a gas station, ask me, I really like Elon Musk, but I'm really concerned about Neuralink and brain chips, and so are we.
The Pentagon and a lot of other organizations like MIT, The Communist Chinese are way advanced in this, and I've studied Elon Musk.
Anything he sees is a big trend and a big technological development, whether it's a private space program, or whether it's electric cars, or whether it's censorship of the internet.
He sees the market and he gets ahead of it.
That's why he's the richest man in the world.
So people want me to make a judgment on Elon Musk.
What I'm going to do is lay out the facts here very succinctly and you can research it for yourself and come to your own conclusion.
So let me start here.
I don't want implantable brain chips to be a prerequisite to go to school.
I don't want them to be the new cell phone.
I don't want it with kiosks at the mall where you go, instead of getting an earring, you get a supposed brain chip.
And early on, five years ago or so, when Elon launched Neuralink, he pushed it and sold it like that, and I was a big detractor from it.
But I said at the time, and I'll say it again, I love science.
I love technology.
It's a double-edged sword.
It's a two-sided coin.
And my uncle, my dad's brother, great guy, was in a motorcycle accident many years ago and was wracked with pain and so many problems and so many issues because he was having huge Convulsions almost every day that we're killing him.
He went and got a vagus nerve stimulator 15 years ago.
Almost ended it.
Made him a lot better.
Then they had a more advanced chip actually in the brain.
He went and he got it.
He is doing great.
He is living his life.
He is doing wonderful.
So, Elon Musk has now paired back Neuralink.
It is saying for people that are paralyzed from the neck down or from the stomach down or people that are blind, they're able to go in and put a chip in the brain and put wires in.
It's not even that invasive and they're able to see again.
They're able to walk again.
There was a lot of FDA push back against this even though the government's been quietly setting all this up with their own systems and Microsoft and IBM are doing it secretly.
They admit they have the projects.
So I am not against.
If I'm in a car wreck and break my back.
Having chips put in my body to make me better, or if I have a heart attack, getting a pacemaker.
That's a chip in your heart.
But where I'm concerned is where this all goes, and that's for all of us, not just Elon Musk.
You go back to the Wright Brothers over 100 years ago, 120 years ago or so.
Kitty Hawk, flight, it actually happens.
The dream of Icarus.
And then just a few decades later, we're dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki out of bombers.
And a few years later, we're launching Saturn rockets to the moon.
So, flight is a great empowering thing, but it's like calculators.
Everybody can do math until Texas Instruments came up with a calculator.
Now, almost no one can do it.
My issue is, what is the Trojan horse aspect to this?
Flight's an amazing thing, but then you get intercontinental ballistic missiles.
And that's a public discussion we've got to have and a debate we've got to have.
Elon Musk trying to standardize like Henry Ford and roll out for the general public people with all sorts of neurological disorders, people that have epilepsy, people that are paralyzed.
I'm 50 years old in just a couple weeks, and I'm sure as I get older in life, I want to have access to things.
Let's say I develop, knock on wood, hope it doesn't happen, Parkinson's.
They've got chips already that basically end it.
So if Elon Musk can test it out with volunteers, bring it forward, and it's adopted for people that are handicapped, people that are special needs, people that need it, Then it's an amazing thing!
If they could grow an artificial leg for a person to have their leg blown off in a war, and it worked, great, grow it!
Just don't do it off fetal parts.
Don't do it off dead people.
Don't do it immorally from, quote, immortal cell lines.
So here's some of the headlines.
Elon Musk reveals first human has received Neuralink implant and is recovering well.
Reportedly a person paralyzed from the neck down that can now with their brain control a computer screen.
And in the future, control a robotic suit, they'll be able to get into, hey, I'm all for getting rid of horses and having tractors.
It's the same thing.
The question is, will this empower us or will this enslave us?
I'm not scared of technology.
And I'm not scared of innovation.
But, I am really concerned about them trying to force us into this metaverse of total control.
Elon Musk put on X today.
The first human received an implant from at NeuroLink yesterday and is recovering well.
Initial results show promising neuron spike detection.
And again, they've already tested all this out.
They can plug a chip into your optic nerve and you don't just see the limited light band you see, you see everything.
They've already had soldiers get this.
It's already been leaked.
It's already come out.
Elon Musk is just trying to market it and bring it to the larger human market.
Neuralink's first inhuman clinical trials is open for recruitment, they're saying now.
They are launching an expansion of this system.
We're excited to announce the recruitment is open for our first inhuman clinical trial.
If you have a quadriplegic due to a cervical spinal cord injury, Or other issues, you may be qualified to learn about our trial by visiting their blog.
I am all for people that are paralyzed or blind to be able to see.
The question is, if it was Microsoft who's really involved as well, what are they going to backdoor?
What are they going to Trojan horse?
There needs to be major scrutiny.
And major focus on this.
And I've seen the globalists go after Elon Musk and Neuralink because he's popularizing it, while Microsoft and IBM and all the other big institutions like MIT are super far ahead on all of this.
This is where we are.
We're made in the image of God.
What we envision, what we imagine, we're able to do.
So this is a lot bigger than Elon Musk.
This is my report on Elon Musk and my message to Elon Musk is that We don't want this to become something that they try to push.
It's just the new cell phone the general public gets.
This needs to be for people that have serious disabilities, and I hope that Elon Musk will move in that direction.
If he moves for the mass implementation of this, and for school children, I will absolutely come after him with everything I've got.
And that's where I stand, and that's what I believe, and that's what I think is fair and balanced in this discussion.
But we should all become super informed on brain chips and neural links and similar systems so we're not just ignorantly accepting whatever the system passes down to us like Promethean fire.
That's my report on this important subject.
Now Maria Z. takes over on what's happening on the Texas border and more.
Maria Z.
Thank you so much, Alex.
It's great to be here with you all.
We've got Doc Pete Chambers joining us in just one moment.
And later on in the broadcast, right before we finish, I have some huge news about the World Health Organization, which is relevant.
It's relevant to what's happening at the Texas border because of the UN replacement migration agenda.
What the WHO is trying to do with worldwide medical tyranny.
It is all linked and it is about stripping a nation's sovereignty from it, turning you into a one world citizen under the one world government model.
They want to destroy patriotism.
They want to trample all over the U.S.
Constitution and that is exactly why this convoy is happening.
Dr. Pete Chambers, thank you so much for joining us today.
How are you, Mariazzi?
How things respond?
Doing well, thank you.
Doing well.
Well, we have a lot to talk about today.
I know you have a lot of updates for everyone in terms of, you know, the mainstream media's come after you.
We want to clarify a couple of things here.
We also want to address the people that have concerns about the event and the number of people that are joining that are well-meaning Americans that are simply wanting to protect their constitution.
So, let's start, well, you take it away.
You start where you want.
Well, I'm just going to go with the truth.
How's that?
So I'm not too worried about rumors and slander.
It doesn't really affect me that much.
I'm used to getting shot at.
All that tells me is what direction the enemy's coming in from.
That's just the way 20 years of war will do to you.
But what I really want to impart is the truth.
And the truth is, I want people to understand how this convoy started and what this was really about because the focus to this will explain it all.
I've seen all kinds of things from, you know, Pete Chambers is going to be sitting on the front of a Peterbilt tractor, you know, truck with a sword in his hand going to round up migrants to Pete Chambers as a pedophile.
Got it.
That's not what, that's not what is any fact whatsoever.
And that will all be lined out.
The truth is that there's an invasion on the border.
That's an invasion caused by poor policy and nefarious actors at many different levels.
And we know who you are.
And that's the problem.
They're on their spurs.
They're on their heels.
And they're going to get vitriolic.
They're going to pump up the volume, so to speak.
To squash whatever freedoms that we have.
Because they don't believe we have freedoms.
They are the elitists.
And the elitists, quote-unquote, believe that they know better.
And we're going to eat Z-Bugs.
Well, let me just say, I've seen some of the hit pieces in Australian media as well.
Tim, you've got a link I sent through earlier today, wide open, US on brink of civil unrest, and they've actually quoted Fox News in this article, who mistakenly didn't do their research, didn't understand the Travis letter.
And they're calling you, sort of painting you as some sort of commander, the Coalition's commander, and really you're the liaison point between, you know, the organisers, law enforcement.
And so, you know, I'm watching the media paint you in a certain light.
And I know you personally.
You know, this man is one of my good friends and a man of honor, if you've ever met one.
And so I really want to clarify for the sake of the media that haven't bothered to do their research, the Travis letter, why you quote it.
Surely Fox News would know American history, but apparently not.
And you know, I suggest that they contact me Because they can clarify the inaccuracies that are in that piece of paper.
Right, perfect.
I don't read these things, but people tell me.
And I understand.
If they just called me, I'd give them a great story, but I don't have time for them.
What I have time for is this convoy and the people that are on it who originally started this, this grassroots effort to peacefully assemble to go to the border somewhere.
And that's all they wanted to do was to show, to bring light to this policy that is just horrendous.
Look, we live here.
This alligator is way too close to our canoe.
It's right behind us.
And it is bringing in Hundreds of thousands.
Latest estimate, roughly 120,000 of the 150,000 Chinese that have come across in the Biden administration, that's a lot, are male.
Now some of them are connected to females and we'll get those numbers too but that's coming out and I keep close contact with Jason Jones who is on the border all the time talking about this giving us the actual numbers.
I've seen them come across but he has the numbers.
Now Let me go backwards just for a second.
That Travis letter is something that's well known to every Texan.
This is a letter that was on the 24th of February written, 1836, from the Commandancy of the Alamo.
And this letter, then, it epitomized A soldier who was a commander, William Barrett Travis, who was from South Carolina.
This is why this kind of is going to resonate here a little bit.
And he came here to stand a post to defend the Alamo.
And he wrote a letter talking about the American character, which is something I talk a lot about.
And it is to say that come to our aid with all dispatch.
And this is what we are talking about.
The rest of the country, the rest of the states in the United States are coming to the aid of Governor Abbott's government here in Texas.
All the way from the sheriffs, all the way up to the governor, we, and I can speak for the convoy in this because I know these people, we stand behind our government.
We stand behind the U.S.
government in many regards, in most regards, but we do not stand up with dereliction of duty.
We do not stand up with what is called treason.
Now, we don't have time to sort that out right now, because this is a 50 meter target.
It's really close to us.
We don't have time for that.
What we have time for is truths, and then bringing this light.
Look, we've already done, or they've already done, what they wanted to do, which was to bring light to this.
Now the discussion is, how do we keep it safe?
And that's my job.
And by the way, Doc, stay right there.
I'm interrupting because I'm sitting there watching you guys.
And I see them trying to get all this off balance.
And you're a great person.
People in the military, your great career as a lieutenant colonel and doctor and all the things you did in secret operations and Maria's and everybody.
But it's important you address this.
We need to move on from it.
Just because we're on air telling listeners, look out for false flags, look out for leftist provocateurs, that doesn't mean the convoy organizers or the convoy is bad.
It's great.
Our reporters are down there now.
I'm going down there.
Everybody's going to be down there.
This is God's work.
And as you said on my show before the other states announced last week, we're trying to spotlight this to bring aid in.
You read Colonel Travis's letter and that happened.
25 other states and everything that's happening.
We're not hunting illegals.
We're not hurting anybody.
We're there to draw attention and spotlight.
The criminal activity that's happening.
But people saw January 6th and the setup, so it's natural to say, hey, let's look out.
But that's not saying we're saying the convoys or you or anybody's bad.
The left is so upset about what you're doing.
They're so upset about this convoy.
They're so upset about...
The attention that's being brought in here because they don't want populists and Christians and conservatives to get mobilized and to force multiply as you talk about.
So I'm not going to interrupt.
I'm going to keep listening.
Maria Aziz, Greg, if you want, I want to get you back on the next few days.
I know you're very, very busy.
Our crew is going to be down there.
I'll be down there soon.
I hope to shift out of defense mode, which needs to be done.
We can explain that, into operational mode and what people should be doing when they're down there, what the mission is to intensify the spotlighting.
But I'm going to shut up now and say you're the best, Maria Z is the best, and what you
guys are doing is so incredibly admirable and you're over the target and it's beautiful.
Thank you so much Alex.
Yeah thank you sir.
I'm sorry, you go Doc.
Yeah so that's a good segue into this because it's to understand my job and my job is to
be a liaison.
I speak between the law enforcement, I don't speak for, I speak between the law enforcement and not for, but between the convoy organizers.
So I've been organizing that liaison.
And so that means that we keep it safe and that means we keep those bad actors out.
And I'm going to give you some insider information here.
I have 12 names right now on my board upstairs, my whiteboard, where I'm following this.
12 names who will be exposed because they are agitators that are trying to get into the convoy.
That doesn't mean you stop the convoy or that doesn't mean you go into defense mode and you stay in defense mode and you live in a spirit of fear, you will be paralyzed.
What you have to do is understand that we have to expose these things so they know their names and they are out there for open source to once we verify, we're measuring twice to cut once, once we verify they will be exposed.
And by the way, Doc, I said I was going to shut up, but this is so huge.
You've got to come on my show tomorrow.
Maria, I apologize, but I'm here watching this.
I was about to ask you, then I shut up.
By liaisoning with law enforcement, you're going to vet and make sure and spotlight this so they can't send in provocateurs and do what they did on January 6th.
You don't want to hear this, but you're the hero coming up with this to make sure we run
this right.
They're unable to set us up.
This is breaking news, though.
So I'm going to shut up.
I'm going to turn the mic off and walk away and eat my lunch.
But spend your time on this.
You've identified provocateurs.
We know they're there.
That doesn't say the patriots or the militias or the veterans.
They're great.
But obviously, the enemy's going to try to set us up, and we've got you as the great
intel officer.
They're exposing it.
Elaborate on that.
Okay, so exactly.
So how that worked was we the people.
I literally am getting phone calls from kind of medium-sized, medium-level kind of podcasters that are down on the border paying attention.
People that live in these towns who are saying, hey, do you know who this person is?
He just showed up down here in this town of 48 people and he's got, you know, Tags on here and it's a rental car.
Well then, let's just figure it out.
So then, between myself and law enforcement, we figured it out.
It's that simple.
And it's not anything top secret.
This is open source and if they choose to put themselves there.
But once we go, and this is the first name.
I'm not going to say the name until we verify.
But the first name came to me.
I looked at it and said, I don't know who this person is.
I called up the law enforcement and said, our Texas law enforcement, who is this guy?
Do you know?
And they said, this guy is a provocateur.
This guy is an agitator.
This guy is going to create a problem for you.
So, I have to advise the convoy that there is possibly a reason to be alerted to it.
Does it mean you stop it?
That's up to the convoy.
Leaders that make that decision.
I don't.
But what I do is I say, this is how to keep from getting in trouble because we got to keep it safe.
I've seen a lot of chatter out there or hearing about a lot of chatter saying that the insiders of the convoy themselves are trying to get you into a January 6 situation.
Because I've met these people.
I've met at least three of them.
I think there's five total.
There may be more.
That are honest, good souls who wanted to go down to Quimado, Texas because I recommended don't go into Eagle Pass.
They're not.
They're going to Quimado, which is 20 miles away to help a lady When you hear her story will become the centerpiece of this whole thing because she represents that is everything that is dear to the American character because she's a Christian lady who loves people both on the Mexican side and the US side.
You can't write this in a book and then also she has she she helps run a women a battered women's shelter and a orphanage in the Mexican side about two miles from her into Mexico.
She provides food, she provides spiritual advice and helps with these kids.
Her own camp there at Cornerstone was shut down during COVID.
She didn't have enough money to stay open.
And I could go on and on.
This is a book.
This is a book about an American, about a Texan, who was protecting herself and doing everything right
according to the Constitution.
And she just needed some help.
That's how it started.
Yeah, I think that a lot of the time, you know, the essence of why something is being done gets lost
because everyone comes in with, you know, their opinion, thinking that they have intel.
You know, we live in a very paranoid world, Doc, and part of the reason is because, you know, and here's the problem, right?
When referencing Jan 6, for example, that was Clearly, a government set up and so people are afraid that every single organic citizens movement in future is a government set up.
And that in itself is a major problem because the government did that to the people.
The government did that to deter anyone from ever gathering together in an organic movement.
Are we going to be afraid of them forever?
This ain't DC, sister.
This is Texas, by God.
That's why.
I will trust my sheriffs.
I will trust my law enforcement.
I will trust my constables.
You know, we have a rally on the 1st, and in this rally in Dripping Springs, Texas, These are the best people of the best.
And you can't throw a dead cat out here without hitting a retired Green Beret or Seal.
And every single one of them is coming out here to offer up their help to make sure that this stays safe.
And the constables will be here.
And the DPS, I pray that they're out here.
The county knows about it.
And all these citizens that live out here.
This is what the enemy fears!
This is what the enemy fears!
Stay there!
This is so historic!
to usher them along safely. Because if those knuckleheads down in Austin show up here,
if they do, we're just going to send them away because they're going to go to jail,
whatever. We're not going to play the same games that gets played in DC.
This is what the enemy fears. This is what the enemy fears.
Stay there. This is so historic.
This is what the enemy fears. Patriot veterans, citizens with law enforcement,
making sure it's all clean and good and strong.
This is the answer to January 6th.
This is victory in a bottle, folks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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The globalists fear what's happening.
Retired military, special operations, law enforcement, police working with the local counties and cities and the state government and 25 other state governments to spotlight the open human trafficking and criminal activity.
Obviously people are concerned.
January 6th we saw the setup, but you heard Doc Chambers, former Green Beret commander, medical doctor, lieutenant colonel, Explaining that they've got the intel, they're spotlighting, they're with law enforcement, they know who the feds are, and they're going to be exposed.
Because fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
We are not being fooled here.
Everybody should go to the border.
Our team is now there.
I'm going.
I'm going to get to the rally in Dripping Springs, coming up on the 1st on Friday.
This is so exciting.
And I'm going to let Maria Z take back over here.
But I want Doc Chambers, Lieutenant Colonel, to again, elaborate.
He's going to interrupt it by me.
Thank you, Alex.
tell his information how great it is that he's got the locals the human
intelligence on the ground that knows what to look for them in law enforcement
to find out exactly what's happening how they're staying in towns outside the
area how they're trying to come in and we're gonna catch them with their pants
down and they're scared right now this is history happening right now Maria Z
and Doc Chambers. Thank you Alex please go on doc.
Where were we?
Okay, so we were talking about America.
So that's what it is.
I think it's just important to really, to really, I know you've already said it, but it's very important to highlight what Alex just said.
Because they are terrified of people actually working together.
You know, they have worked so hard to create this divide between local law enforcement and the people.
There's resentment.
The people think they don't work together, all law enforcement is out to get us, but that is absolutely not the case.
The people right now in the United States, and I've always said it, I've always said that if the United States, if they manage to defeat the United States, the rest of the West will fall.
But they're not going to defeat the United States, because the people of America are Oh, I know the leftist NGOs.
They're targeting Doc Chambers right now.
I know he loves it, but he's not talking about it.
Soros is crapping bricks right now, folks.
They are in full panic mode.
They're attacking us.
They're trying to hack us right now.
They are shitting bricks right now.
Pardon the French, but it's true.
That's why I'm so excited right now.
But please, please go on, Dr. Pete Chambers, because it's so important for people to understand this relationship that's forming between the people and local law enforcement who are united over this one cause, which is to protect their country.
Maria, that's very grassroots how this happened.
If we just continue this same pattern of having a liaison who understands both worlds, all the way across this country, and then we the people end up becoming a neighborhood watch program, a state watch program, that would be my recommendation because that is the little victories that's going to pull us out of this Stockholm Syndrome.
I'm still keeping cooler heads to prevail, because I don't want them to be targeted.
I'm doing everything I can.
And listen, if they are not targeted, understand this, and this is very important.
If they don't, overtly, now, I know they're being targeted.
If they are overtly, it's not evident, then guys like me, about two weeks from now, are going to sit around a campfire, have a cigar and some scotch, and go, we did a good job.
And nobody's ever going to know.
That's right.
The mission is to stop them before they pull something.
And so, if we stop them, then we deny territory.
That's a plan.
That's a thing that happens.
But this requires, look, I'm walking around like Andy Taylor right now.
I got no guns.
I got nothing.
You know what I got?
I got brains.
I got a heart and I care about Americans.
And so for me, that's all that matters.
I got a mean dog that works around with me.
So, uh, you know, don't sneak up behind me if you want to pull a, uh, Congressman Katko, that guy from New York that tried to come down to the border.
And, uh, he was one of the 11 that voted against Trump.
Anyway, that's another story.
So I think that, uh, I think that right now, My job is going to be to continue to liaise, to bring some knowledge, because we fear that which we do not know.
They have to know what's going on.
I have to tell them, hey guys, this is what's happening, and then what are you going to do with your convoy?
And they can tell me.
I can put them wherever they want.
I can lead them to that, to keep it safe.
I don't want them to fall into a trap.
That is my whole goal in this.
But they've got to know what's going on.
Then they have to pray about it.
And they have to make a decision.
Because the ultimate end state is the Kingdom.
The Kingdom of God, I know.
The Army of God thing, right?
Guess what?
Google it.
It might help you.
Alright, so, it's not a club.
It's way bigger than that.
It's really big!
Well, look at the left!
Look at the left!
They're a bunch of open Satanists saying their God is Satan.
It's all over the news!
You either choose God or the Devil, folks.
We've got to have God to win this.
Absolutely, and Doc's referencing a host of articles that have been written that he's always in the army of God.
It's hilarious that these people openly promote Satanism.
Do you want the URL for that?
Because it's called the Holy Bible, all right?
So that's where you can find that.
So honestly, I'm going to make sure that from this part of Texas to wherever they go, however they do it, because guess what?
They might be fooled.
We might pull a feign.
We might move them an end around.
We might move them to Rio Grande Valley, because I'm going to keep them safe.
I'm not going to allow you to set up your geofencing and your birds in the sky so you're going to know where we're at.
We might send everybody out to 20 different locations.
I don't know.
But we're not going to do one thing.
There's a couple of things.
We're not going to hinder law enforcement.
We are not going to, and I'm speaking for me, I'm not speaking for the convoy.
I got to be careful here.
The convoy has their plans.
But I would imagine that if I gave them the scenario, they would understand and they were not going to hinder anything that the state or the local law enforcement is doing.
They're not going to allow anything to get in the way.
They still exercise their First Amendment rights.
That's the whole point of this.
A peaceful assembly.
And Doc, don't the local police need reinforcements?
They love this.
They love the support.
You know, that's case by case.
You know, there are some, I hate to say this, there are some people that have sold their souls.
You know, I don't know that many sheriffs in Texas.
I think I know about 18 of them, personally.
And I know those people, and there's probably one or two I probably wouldn't want to go have drinks with, to be honest with you.
That's unfortunate.
But that's why we the people vote those kind of people out.
And we'll bring their names up after this is over.
And to confirm as well, I know that you've been working with senators even in Texas.
So you have a lot of support from government.
That's the thing that's so different about this situation where all of these, you know, law enforcement, government, the people, everyone is united.
That's what I'm trying to say.
And Alex is right on the money that they are terrified of this.
Please let people know you've been working with senators as well.
Right, yes, state senators, at least one that actually has visited us and is probably going to come here and listen to this.
We might even have a representation from the governor himself.
He may not be able to make it, but if we can support his 24 January, which we read on that set that Alex is sitting there, 24 January, we read that letter that he wrote, which was based upon The Constitution.
It wasn't case law he was talking about.
He's not quoting or he's not referencing case law.
He's reflecting articles in the Constitution, which is exactly what enumerates the ability for citizens to have power in their own hands because they can walk in that and know with pride and with comfort and no fear that they can exercise the American character.
And in Texas, you add that to that mix and it's devastating to the deep state.
Well, let me just really, I want to highlight as well the desired outcome of this convoy and what the people are actually seeking because we want to make that very, very clear.
The convoy will come and go, but we want, we, the people, and I'm saying we, I'm including myself in this because I want to see this invasion stop, you know, just as much as anyone else, you know.
I'm horrified at what I'm witnessing over there and you know how much I love Texas.
And so, what is the desired outcome that the people are seeking and what are they going to keep doing to make sure that that desired outcome is achieved even after the convoy?
So the updated information on that is specifically on TakeOurBorderBack.com.
Because as we see things, IEDs in the road, as we see these attempts that we're trying to thwart, we have to make sure they understand that whatever you put out there, that this is what people are going to look at.
And look, when you parallel reconstruct something after January 6, and you put people's phones on a place and they said, well, they were on the mall that day.
Well, let's go ahead and just put a little fear to their hearts and drive a Bearcat through their Through their armored vehicle through their front gate.
This happened in San Marcos, Texas, not too far from here, to an old couple that was there, not even on the mall, just around the periphery, and the FBI showed up at their house and knocked everything down, went in, took all their stuff, had grandma and grandpa handcuffed on the porch for six hours.
All right, that's not what is going to happen this time because Everything that they're talking about, I'm going to read it verbatim just so you can hear it.
The goal is simple, to shed light on the obvious dangers posed by wide-open southern borders.
To request all laws of the U.S.
Constitution be immediately upheld.
This is a petition.
To slow and ultimately stop the drug trafficking and human trafficking associated with open borders.
Now, by God, that's the most important thing for me.
Because those children that I looked in the face of, that I handed off to federal workers, were Border Patrol people.
They're good people.
But what happens to them after that?
I looked in their eyes.
I can't unsee that.
Because I know what the ultimate demise of some of those children are.
86,000 at least.
Probably more than that.
And that stuff right there is satanic.
That stuff right there is putting these children on the altar of Molech.
And I'm just not going to do this.
Not on my watch.
I got kids, grandkids, and I care about your kids, America.
I do.
I've gone down range, taken a bullet for your children in uniform for a war that, unfortunately, after the facts, I did not believe in after I learned what happened.
That's a whole other subject.
So, sorry.
I got out of control.
But that's it.
What do you really want to leave with the people, Doc?
What is it that you want them to know most?
That the first virtue here, the most important virtue in all of this is gonna be love.
It just, just, just... When you meet that lady down there in Kimato, it's gonna emanate off of her, it's gonna exude off of her.
And it's love, because that's the truest virtue of a warrior.
But with that comes tough love, and with the tough love comes accountability.
And accountability is one of the most important things in the world to a guy like me.
When somebody makes a mistake, they got the choice.
They can pivot off of it.
I gave a plea two days ago on my Twitter space, and I asked those people that are out there that have taken the same oath as me.
And you know why I know they agree with me on this?
You know why I know they agree with me?
Because they swore to that oath.
And that oath was to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And if they agree with me and they're not doing it, I pled with them.
At this point now, we're going to expose.
And the next thing is going to be, I will be sitting on those tribunals, if I can, to make sure that we bring those things to light.
And unfortunately, even if they wore a uniform that I did, if they broke the law, and they're treasonous, or they derelict, dereliction of duty, then, you know, that's up to the judge.
That's not up to me.
Well, I think it's very important that that the globalists understand that the people aren't giving up.
You know, we have to continuously be sending them that message.
And, you know, I just want to ask from the people that, you know, are involved in this convoy, which I really think is is one of the most historic things, certainly in my lifetime.
What, you know, what are they?
Where's their mindset, Doc?
What are they thinking?
Based upon the meetings that I've had with them, I've met them a few times, and you know, I didn't organize it, but I'll tell you, their hearts are pure.
They are godly people who care about people.
And it's not that they don't want, they're not even talking about the immigrants, they're talking about protecting them.
They're illegal, I got it.
But when you see them walk across and you hand them to somebody, they're going to disappear.
That's what they're concerned about, is those people's lives.
Because it's called a humanitarian effort.
There's nothing humanitarian about a child floating down the river, bloated up from being in the sun.
Because that happens every day.
And that's every day on this border.
But when a news crew gets a hold of it and blames it on the Texas National Guard because they put a fence up somewhere, it's not because of that.
It's because of the policy that has allowed that to happen.
Chaos ensues when you allow 12,000 people to show up in Eagle Pass on the 18th of December when they came across in about 6 to 10 hours.
That's where that happens, and then those things happen, and then people die.
And there's a system that we have that is broken, and we've got to get away from this controlled flow versus controlled blood mindset, and giving blanketed asylum to everyone that comes across the country.
There's a system.
My dad came with that system, right?
So that is what we're talking about.
And he did it legally and he got his citizenship and it was the most proud American I ever met.
And he said to me, son, someday you're going to serve this country.
And in September of 1983, I put on a uniform and I finally took it off last year.
And I've got my Let's Go Brandon signature on the wall over there on the thank you for your 39 years of service.
And I want President Trump, if he would, please listen to this.
Can you sign that thing?
Because I need it.
I need it over his name.
All right.
That's personal.
That's wonderful.
I think, again, it's very important to highlight, even for all of the mainstream media that's misconstrued this, you know, I sent you that article from the Australian media.
It really just is embarrassing.
These media outlets, you know, just the other day Axios reported that there's a bloodbath in the mainstream media and all of these outlets are letting go of all of their staff.
And it's because they don't do their due diligence.
It's because they just simply regurgitate whatever the establishment wants them to regurgitate.
And I've seen the attacks on you and I've seen the attacks on this convoy and trying
to set it up like these are you know militants going in there when they're
really just mums, dads and patriots and you know this is this is the standard
tactic of the establishment against anyone who dares rise up and it's
pathetic and we all see through it and so they can just stop trying now because
everyone around the world is just not putting up with it anymore.
They're not listening.
But it's, you know, like I was saying, this Axios article saying all these mainstream media outlets are letting go of all of these journalists.
Well, what do you expect when you publish things like this, like the article that they brought up before, that the team brought up before in the Australian media?
This is one of the top news sites.
They haven't done an ounce of research.
Don't understand the history of Texas.
You best shut up and let the real people report on this.
Right, yeah, there's a certain sense of pride that comes with that, but there's also, to me, who served with a U.S.
flag on my shoulder, and now would just say a Texas flag, look, there's a pride in the people of this country.
And the broken systems in D.C.
don't matter to me anymore.
They're out of my mind.
I don't think about that, because I used to think that I could trust somebody up there, and I just can't.
There's probably two people that I know in D.C.
that I trust, and they know me, and I know them, and they know I respect them.
That's about it.
So, for me, it is about these people.
And listen, when they get down there, however they do it, you know, I know that the area is tight and then if 700,000 trucks showed up like Vice News or one of those news articles came out and said that, that was a that was a sigh of nobody even the organizers didn't even know how many trucks.
But they posted that everywhere to instill fear, right?
Because that gets everybody's attention.
That's the flashbang that pops in the room first, right?
And it gets your attention.
It throws you on your heels and you're like, what just happened?
Now the law enforcement calls me and says, OK, do you know what's going on?
Because I told him to call me and I said, absolutely.
I'm your liaison.
And they're like, what are you doing, Doc?
We saw this thing.
You've got these you're taking the Green Berets to the border.
I'm not in command of anybody.
I'm in command of my Remnant A team, which is a humanitarian project.
That's a totally separate deal.
That's a totally separate deal.
But they've taken that and they added it to the To the words of the Alamo letter, right, to the Travis letter, and now they can turn that and switch that.
So we're going to turn that narrative.
We're going to push it the right way.
We're going to expose what needs to be exposed, because I know my Lord and Savior, and the truth shall set you free.
That's all I know.
I'm a pretty simple guy.
I'm not a high-speed, you know, brain surgeon.
I'm a plumber on the battlefield, an emergency room guy who stopped bleeding in combat.
But I'm smart enough to know and I have enough discerning spirit to know what is right and what is wrong.
And I care for you if you're on the dark side.
I do.
But I hope that you get it on straight because you don't have a lot of time left.
Not for me, but just time in general.
And you have time to pivot.
That's all I'm asking.
I'm not going to preach.
No, don't be sorry.
I appreciate it.
I think this is so vital.
And, you know, really reinforcing for the people what this is.
Like I said, there are, you know, there are a lot of opinions.
Many, many people are paranoid about everything these days.
It's only natural.
When you've been under assault from your government and the globalist government non-stop for three years, and I mean non-stop, whether it's drag queen story time, whether it's attacking civil liberties, whether it's shooting rubber bullets at protesters in Victoria, And, you know, that same police force right now that did that in Victoria.
That's iconic footage.
Everyone's seen it.
They're now attending drag queen story time and, you know, drag queen events and all of this stuff, embroidering rainbow stuff on their uniforms.
That's what they spend their time doing, you know, on social media, at least.
And so, you know, they're attacking you.
They're demoralizing you.
They're doing everything they can to strip the strength from the human spirit, and it's not working.
It's not working.
Yes, people are distrusting, and I understand that.
I understand how people have gotten into that state of mind where they question everything.
That's where we should be, to question everything.
But at the same time, we need to have courage.
I don't expect everyone to agree with me on this thing that's happening.
I didn't plan this thing, but I'm going to tell you that I'm going to take care of this thing because these are Americans doing what they should do, which is to demonstrate the First Amendment right to petition, to say, no, this is wrong.
It's not constitutional.
Then after that, the second and third order of effects of that.
If we back down now, if they back down now, completely back down and turn their trucks around in the middle of wherever they're at right now, Alabama or something, that's not dear to the American character.
Okay, but the other side of this is that I will, because I'm acting as a liaison, I'm not getting paid for it, so there's not that, but that I will listen to the law enforcement and I will share with them what is important to them Because they're conducting operations, too.
There are real-world operations going on all the time at all levels of law enforcement in the state of Texas that are stopping those child traffickers all the way to the narco-terrorists, etc.
So, we will not hinder any of that.
They will not hinder any of that.
I will step in the gap and say, hey guys, instead of doing this, do that.
Instead of doing this, you might want to do that.
Because they were going to circle the Austin Capitol I got, you know, an understanding of the, and I know what downtown Austin looks like, and you don't want to bring in 20 trucks in there, much less whatever comes here.
So that's a negotiation.
So that's a negotiation to make sure that stays safe and it doesn't hinder the locals because what is the real center of gravity of anything?
Look, for Green Beret, that's people because it's hearts and minds and it's truly people.
We develop the relationships and live with them.
For the other guys down range doing stuff, they do things that they focus on different tactical and strategic points.
For us as people, that's the most important thing.
We learn about them, we try to embed with them so that we can really learn and then help them to free themselves from oppression.
The motto of the Green Berets, De Oppresso Libere.
OK, so now if we're doing that, the center of gravity's people, we focus on this lady in our minds that we got to help her out.
She represents the Texans.
So that's the end point.
That's where they were going to go.
That's where they were going to set up.
And now people are saying, don't do that.
It's a trap.
Well, that then is is the symptom of the disease of cowardice.
That's also a symptom of a disease of insider attack.
That's also the symptom of a disease of a moral injury at higher levels because those leaders are saying, no, we don't want them to do this.
We want them to do that because they're control freaks.
Those are all symptoms.
That's OK.
But the answer to that is the little victories that we talk about in all the things we do.
It's a mama bear at a school function saying, no, my kids aren't going to read those books.
It's the two people that showed up today going to Dripping Springs who said, hey, we've got our camper.
We came here from Nevada, and we want to be ready for this thing.
We can't drive all the way to the East Coast.
But they're just a mom and dad who are retired military guys that said, how can we help?
I mean, that's what that looks like.
That's a little victory, right?
Because the little victories collectively are going to stop this death of a thousand cuts.
It's humanity.
It's humanity uniting.
It's humanity putting every difference aside and uniting over one common thing, which everyone agrees on.
And they're terrified of that.
And they've always been terrified of that.
And that is why the division tactics are coming thick and fast.
And it's always the case, whenever people are uniting, there's always an effort to disperse them.
And I'm so glad Dr. Pete Chambers, that you're at the forefront of keeping all of this glued together, helping to keep people safe.
I couldn't think of a better person to be the liaison point between law enforcement and the people right now.
Give people the website and where they can follow you quickly.
Yeah, well, right now it's takeourborderback.com.
That's where I really want people to focus.
For me, there's not much going on on my website right now.
It's drpeachambers.com, drpeachambers.com.
That's all my previous lines of effort from whistleblowing up all the way down to- Takeourborderback.com, where the clock's running out.
God bless you, Dr. Pete Chambers.
God bless Texas.
I actually feel sorry for the establishment.
They're inbred.
They were given the power they have.
They're incompetent scum.
Look at Lloyd Austin.
And I remember when they stole the election in 2020.
They told us we should never question another election again.
But isn't that all Democrats have ever done?
And isn't that what Hillary Clinton claimed Trump was going to do in 2020?
She did that because she was butthurt.
She did that because they printed up hundreds of thousands of copies of this Newsweek.
edition, it's an actual magazine framed in here, with her, the supposed 45th president
of the United States.
These people are a joke.
They still think corporate media is important.
Let's show folks an overhead shot of that.
They still think being in the New York Times or on CNN is important.
CNN has an average of 100,000 viewers.
Their top show has 100,000.
Joe Rogan has 30, 40, 50 million viewers a week, conservatively.
So do we.
But why do we still see them, even myself, at some levels as the establishment?
As the top of the game.
They're a joke.
They're not.
They're a fraud.
Before I shot this report, I saw this Time Magazine article.
Who reads Time Magazine?
Who believes this?
Who looks at this?
I bet the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, will show a close shot of that.
I bet he has this framed on his wall.
The last place I'd want to be is on the cover of Time Magazine.
It means you're an establishment loser or worse.
The last place I want to be is in a Hollywood movie.
The power structure is a joke.
It's over.
It's a fraud.
So look at this.
Just like they're trying to hold up Blinken, they tried to hold up Hillary Clinton.
So I remind myself and I remind you of what a joke and what a fraud they are.
And the fact that all their attempts to silence us and to silence you have failed.
And now the whole world Is listening to what we're doing.
And that credit goes to God and God through you, the viewers and listeners.
You deserve the credit for this broadcast.
You deserve the credit for what we've been able to do.
But I want to encourage you to remember how important you are.
And that we're starting to win.
But if you don't support the broadcast, we can fail.
I need your support.
I've got so many great plans we can execute.
I've proven I'm in the game.
I don't back down.
We have victory in a bottle.
Thanks to God.
Thanks to your support.
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