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Name: 20240125_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 25, 2024
3235 lines.

The speaker commends 26 governors for standing against Joe Biden and globalists, aiming to preserve American sovereignty and protect borders. He emphasizes the significance of states uniting as per the Constitution and highlights a video game released by Alex Jones that promotes violence against "globalists," causing controversy.

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You can look it up.
They're on the site.
We are the first to break it anywhere.
And that's kind of shameful because it was in UN documents in 2000-2001.
Well now the crisis has come to a head.
Fourteen states have joined with Texas in defiance of the hijacked criminal federal government.
And many of the states are sending their state guard under the state governor's command to aid Texas.
The governor has said that he's going to ignore the lower court ruling, just like Democrats always do, even the Supreme Court itself, because we have a right to self-defense that's in the Constitution in the Declaration of Independence.
Remember a few days ago, that's exactly what I read on air, was the Declaration of Independence, and that is what Abbott cites as well as the Constitution to the United States.
So we have the latest list.
More states are coming on board every few hours.
Operation Lone Star bolsters historic border security mission.
2023, this is directly from the state of Texas and the governor's office.
In total 14 states, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming have stepped up to support Texas efforts and deployed personnel and resources to secure the border.
In President Biden's absence.
That's right, folks.
If you know your next door neighbors and they got two or three little kids and those little kids are running out of the house all day and now it's nighttime and they're in the backyard crying, you go over and you say, where are your parents?
And they say, we don't know.
And you say, well, in the absence of your parents, come on over here.
And if the parents, you start calling around to the family, you go and getting their notebook in the house, normally that'd be breaking the house, but you've got a clear and present emergency and you go get the notebook, phone numbers, you start calling, hey, where are the Browns or where are the Johnsons or where are the Ramirez's?
They say, we don't know, well then you call the police!
The border is not just wide open, the feds are down there catapulting the illegal aliens, or fuel injecting them, supercharging them into the country.
So Abbott has now expanded putting up barbed wire, and so the Democratic Party has officially called, Nancy Pelosi's officially called, I've got all the articles right here, for The president to declare an emergency, which he can do, and nationalize the state guards.
And that gets into how all those laws work.
So, border battle line, Dems call on Biden to seize control of Texas National Guard as GOP allies back Abbott.
So, when this all started kicking up last week, I said, look, Abbott's making a real move here.
And a lot of people criticized me and said, you know, Abbott's been a traitor and went along with some of the lockdowns and we don't like him.
Hey, putting the guard down there to block the border and put up barbed wire and not let the illegals in and to not aid in the processing was a bold move.
Let's not say it wasn't.
And I think we can say again, Alex Jones is right.
This is very real.
Just like the invasion's real.
And so it is public pressure on these governors that has them doing the right thing.
There's a lot of constitutional developments that are obviously going to come out of this, but I've said I don't want a secession, I don't want a civil war, I don't want to dissolve the country.
But the left knows they're putting all of us in a position to where we have a hijacked federal government.
We have to have the states pull out of the union and then have another convention and then reconstitute it again and have the states basically impeach the hijacked federal government.
And that's in the Declaration of Independence.
It's not just our right, it's our duty.
So there's a lot of ways to skin the cat.
or skin a rabbit, as they say. But we're going to be going over all of it here today. Got some big
guests as well on this subject and so much other news.
Tucker Carlson's been on fire.
Got some key clips of him. Please stay with us. It's Thursday, January 25th, 2024.
I'm Alex Jones, your host. And the quickening is accelerating.
Fourteen states have joined with Texas.
Many are sending their guard forces.
Biden is now openly threatening to nationalize the state guards and basically put the republic into a form of martial law.
Now the very same UN NGOs that ran the replacement migration the last 15 years in Europe are running this one.
Infowars was the first in 2004 to write detailed articles on replacement migration.
The first U.N.
documents appear in 2000, 2001.
So again, I'm a little ashamed that, yeah, we were the first, but late.
But now we're here, and we know the enemy blueprint.
If you think a million people coming in every few months is bad, you've not seen anything yet.
The giant U.N.
camps are being expanded all over northern South America into Central America.
The Communist Chinese, along with the U.S.
government, are financing this treason.
Now all of this dovetails in with a whole bunch of mainstream news articles, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Yahoo.
They're all reporting that officially the Democrats are telling Biden to step down and that Obama has basically taken control of the campaign ahead of Big Mike, aka Michael, as Obama calls her, Michael Obama.
Being inserted in at the convention, but the word is Biden is refusing, actually trying to be the president.
Doesn't mean he's a good person, but he's like, I'm not a puppet.
The Obama's working to take Biden out of the race.
Barack telling him to quit.
We're going to be getting to all of that information.
Look, Trump won the last two presidential elections.
We know that.
He's now won New Hampshire three times in a row.
Nobody's ever done that.
And he's going to win in a landslide.
They can't overpower that with mail-in ballots.
They can try it with digital systems.
But when you've got such a huge majority of people voting for Trump, it's very hard to do.
But they are going to try it with everything they've got.
So all of this ties in together.
But it is extremely good news that Abbott Has played a game of chicken with Obama.
And I'm really going to just stop referring to it as Biden.
And Obama is a minion of the globalists too, but he actually calls shots under their orders.
But he's in command.
And by the way, he got elected both times.
He was popular.
He manipulated people.
When people win elections, we'll be honest about it.
But his job was to create division in the name of stopping division for the eventual End of this country as we know it.
So the first thing I want to play is a clip of Biden when he was running for president decades ago saying that he did not want sanctuary cities.
This is Biden in 2007 running against Obama.
Then he joined the team, became the vice president.
Saying sanctuary shitties should be banned.
Let's start with that.
So here is clip 16.
Biden in 2007.
Sanctuary cities should be banned.
We'll get to the clip of him calling for World War III later.
Go ahead.
Would you allow these cities to ignore the federal law regarding the reporting of illegal immigrants and in fact provide sanctuary to these immigrants?
The reason the cities ignore the federal law is the fact that there is no funding at the federal level to provide for the kind of enforcement at the federal level you need.
Pick up the New York Times today.
There's a city not far across the river from my state that imposed similar sanctions.
And what they found out is, as a consequence of that, their city went in the dumpster.
Stores started closing.
Everything started to happen.
And they changed the policy.
Part of the problem is, you have to have a federal government that can enforce laws.
This administration has been fundamentally derelict in not funding any of the requirements that are needed even to enforce the existing laws.
So, Senator Biden, yes or no, would you allow the cities to ignore the federal law?
But he sure as hell does now.
Let's take a look at Boston and see how they're doing after the mayor and others said, oh, let's put them in your houses.
Well, there's nowhere for them.
So they're living at the airport.
They're living in public schools all over the country.
Here's that local report.
They've been there for months.
Camped out.
Inside the airport.
Now, we have to ask ourselves a question.
What are we going to do about this?
Well, first, we have to be aware that it is not the right of Texas and 14 other states to say no to a totally open border with massive human smuggling and drug dealing and fentanyl and all the rest of the insanity going on.
It is not just our right, it is our duty to say no to that.
And Governor Abbott has put out a statement that we have up on Infowars.com that I think is very, very important and that we need to read on air.
But before I get to that statement, I want to play a clip of Abbott.
On Fox News, talking about this, here he says the Biden administration has truly advocated, that means resigned, its responsibility to enforce the immigration laws on the books.
Texas has a constitutional right to defend and protect itself.
We will continue to hold the line.
Here's the clip.
Texas is doing is just very simple.
And that is because the Biden administration has really, truly abdicated its responsibility to secure the border and enforce the laws.
Texas very simply is securing the border.
And so we put up the razor wire that you were talking about, Bill, and we put up all these barricades that actually have denied illegal entry.
And as you pointed out also on that screen, there are criminals coming across our border.
Texas has a right as a state to stop criminals from coming into our state, to make arrests of those criminals.
And we have National Guard as well as Texas Department of Public Safety officers who are there to make those arrests and to deny illegal entry.
And Joe Biden actually does have an option here.
Joe Biden's option is to enforce the laws of the United States and stop this illegal entry.
Instead, Joe Biden has come out and said through the administration, I have the article right here, that they're preparing to try to federalize the state guards, which you can do for a war or an invasion.
But this is to nationalize them.
To aid an invasion.
Did you hear what I just said?
I've got the Constitution.
I printed it off right here.
I covered this on Monday and Tuesday.
I read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution on this.
And I also read the Bill of Rights.
Nine and ten.
And it says, in nine, none of the powers given to the federal government are taken from the states and the people.
Particularly if the federal government doesn't engage in its duty.
So I think it's very, very important to understand that Governor Abbott is 100% in the right here.
And you can say what you want about Governor Abbott.
He's not done as good a job as Trump or even DeSantis.
And I've been a big critic.
But when he starts moving the needle violently, I don't mean that literally, but hard in the right direction, are we going to sit here and bitch about it?
That's the question.
And you need to read his statement.
It's posted on Infowars.com.
But listen to this.
Listen to this letter here, and I'm gonna read this.
The federal government, this is from Governor Greg Abbott, January 24th, this is yesterday, 2024.
The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the states.
The executive branch of the United States has a constitutional duty, that means it's criminal if they don't, to enforce federal laws protecting states, including immigration laws, on the books right now.
It's one of the few things the feds have power.
Control the border, a navy, issue the currency.
President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them.
The result is that he has smashed records for illegal immigration, including masses of kidnapped children.
Despite having been put on notice in a series of letters by the Attorney General and others, one of which I delivered to him by hand, President Biden has ignored Texas' demand that he perform his constitutional duties.
The governor delivered to him by hand.
When he came to Texas, briefly, last year.
President Biden, which means Obama, President Obama has violated his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress.
Instead of prosecuting immigrants for the federal crime of illegal entry, President Biden has sent his lawyers into federal courts to sue Texas for taking action to secure the border.
President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants.
The effect is to illegally allow them en masse parole into the United States.
By wasting taxpayer dollars to tear open Texas border security infrastructure, President Biden has enticed illegal immigrants away from their 28 legal entry points along the state's southern border bridges, where nobody drowns, and into the dangerous waters of the Rio Grande.
Major public safety issue right there.
You have a duty to stop that.
This is so reckless.
And stop right there.
I'm going to go back to the letter in a minute.
By the way, great job, crew, blowing up on screen, because back when my eyes were good, I couldn't read this.
This is so small.
So good job thinking that, realizing I couldn't read it once you gave it to me.
Because I had a bigger copy here earlier that was blown up, and I can't find it.
So they were scrambling, because they could tell I couldn't read that.
Look, let me just stop here.
There's so much to unpack just in what I just read.
But what's in the Carrie Lake audio with the head of the RNC, the head Republican, the
head of the Republican Party in Arizona?
She says, man, I'm really worried they're going to kill me.
He goes, yeah, there's a lot of Mexican mafia in MS-13.
How many times have I told you, and it's come out, that the Democrats are using MS-13 The Mexican Mafia and other cartels to kill people they don't like.
And that's why they're bringing them in and working with them and laundering money with them.
And they use them as muscle on the migrants, the illegals, that don't work slave labor, don't give their kids up for sex slavery, don't sign up the right lawyers to pay them a big percentage of their paycheck that's fenced back in the Democratic Party.
So they're farming these illegal aliens just like they do homeless.
You see these homeless on fentanyl out there?
Some of them are bringing in $100,000 a year or more if they're disabled, and they get a small part of the money they get out of state, local, federal, and other monies and and most of it goes to the NGOs non-governmental
organizations so when you go to UT or Harvard or Yale or any big
university around the country and the hottest thing for over 20 years is not to be a social
worker to be an NGO and Then you get set up in this and put a different community
organizer system. What is Obama?
That guys queue up the clip Obama says we need a domestic security force just as big and just as strong as our military.
Said it in 2007 when he was running for office.
And they even tried to have, we have the videos, of the Obama domestic security force training, where it's literal black kids brainwashed to be racist, chanting, Obama is our leader, we're going to take over America.
Now that program he launched didn't fly.
It's too ridiculous.
But what I'm getting at here is, this is a larger operation.
And this is NGO run.
From the refugee camps, to flying them, or shipping them from overseas, to the refugee camps, to directing them into the country, and then once they get here, they own them, they control them.
And it's totally lawless, it's completely illegal, And when the Border Patrol follows their orders to be the facilitators, they are now aiding and abetting human trafficking.
Yeah, the crew found the clip.
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
Here it is.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong,
just as well-funded.
Now good old boys, and I love them to death, always say, "The moment I..." You know, they don't have to get
politically involved, they don't have to go to the border, they don't have to speak out, they don't
have to donate to political causes.
They just got a whole bunch of guns on their ranch.
Boy, will we ever see you in blue helmets, that's the end of the world for them.
Well, they're not going to send blue helmets.
At least not at this point.
Once the Civil War goes on for a few years, they will, that's official.
7277, look it up.
State Department, Miranda, 7277 and others.
That's not the first wave.
Cut off the energy, dissolve the borders, defund the police, massive crime, devalue the currency, create a race war, demoralize the nation.
So people laughed at Obama.
Oh yeah, you're going to create a domestic security force just as big and just as strong as our military.
What are all the big blue cities doing?
Some of them have cut police by half and then they hire huge social worker NGOs.
People go, well, they're not going to stop crime.
They're not meant to.
They go out and organize the crime and farm the illegals and the homeless and send tens of billions back to the Democratic Party.
So people sit back and laugh at the Democrats.
Oh, they're a bunch of idiots.
No, no, they're not.
This is well thought out.
This is well coordinated.
This is well planned.
And I sit there and I watch Congress have hearings about how do we stop illegal aliens and no discussion how Congress Is still funding 80% on average of the funds for the refugee camps, for the migrant camps, to ship them into our hemisphere and bring them in here.
And other general listeners like, God Alex, you say that every hour, every day, we know that.
Well, the Congress doesn't know it, and the public doesn't know it.
I understand you know that.
I know it too.
So that's where we are.
And think of the genius of an NGO, of a community organizer.
That's what Obama is.
And they cut off the police, they cut off the food, they cut off the energy, they cut off the infrastructure.
But don't worry, There's these federal programs that'll get you your food and your medicine, but you've got to be politically in their group and radicalized and mobilized, and that's what they're doing with the illegal aliens and all these other groups.
So this is a well-thought-out, long-term, strategic plan.
Let's go back, put it back on screen please, where we were.
Great job with the letter from the governor.
Under President Biden's lawless border policies, more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed over, it's 10 million plus, in just three years.
This is more than the population of 33 different states in the country.
This illegal refusal to protect the state Has infected unprecedented harm, inflicted unprecedented harm on the people across the United States.
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the other visionaries who wrote the U.S.
Constitution foresaw the states should not be left to the mercy of a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats from cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border.
This is why the framers included both Article 4, Section 4, which promises that the federal government shall protect each state against invasion, and Article 1, Subsection 10, Clause 3, which acknowledges the state's sovereign interest in protecting the borders, Arizona versus United States, 567 U.S.
567 US 387,419 2012 Scalia J dissenting.
The failure of the Biden administration to fulfill its duties imposed by Article 4, Section
4 has triggered Article 1, Clause 10.
Article 110, Clause 3, which reserves to the state the right to self-defense.
For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article 110, Clause 3, to invoke Texas constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.
The authority in the supreme law of the land supersedes all federal statutes to the contrary.
The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are acting on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the Texas border.
Bravo, Greg Abbott, baby!
That's the shot heard round the world right there.
And I've told people this 5,000 times and I'll say it again.
When things get rough, we're going to think people were against us.
We're going to learn they're actually for us.
And people we thought were for us, we're going to learn they're against us.
And people are going to have times of conscience, when it gets so clear how bad it is, that they're going to join us.
And at that point, when you get real action, we need to not completely trust them and don't turn our backs on them, but don't get in the way of what's going on, because this is good.
And this is real.
And we should be talking about how we're going to back this, and how we're going to support this, because we've been put into a UN country collapsing emergency.
With these tens of millions of people to be organized into a permanent political voting bloc, and political action bloc, and a violent bloc.
And what did the head of the Republican Party threaten Carrie Lake with?
She said, I think they're going to kill me.
I've been getting threats.
He says, yeah, yeah, the cartels will kill you.
Who do you think the cartels work for, boys and girls?
That's why the CIA's been down there going after them, to make sure they're under their control.
And they can use them as plausible liability.
And then some scumbag in prison gives an order over the phone to one of his captains in code to go out and kill a certain person, and he doesn't even know who gave him the order!
So they're geared up for something really big, and you've already seen all the crazy crap they've pulled.
So we're on the edge of history right here.
If you think things are crazy right now, if you think history's happening now, it's just gonna get wilder and crazier from here on out.
But at least people know what's going on, and now 14 states have signed on, and a bunch of the states are sending their National Guard down here, and will they stop it all, or will it be perfect?
But no, at least we're drawing attention to it, and the governor is creating a constitutional crisis where he knows he's in the right To get all the support across the country, and to spotlight that Biden is now, oh Biden, talking about nationalizing the State Guard, which he can only do to stop invasion, so that it'll facilitate an invasion, and then in comes the Supreme Court, and yeah, are they getting blackmailed?
At a certain level, we know they are.
But if they see everything shifting our way, They will flip over to our side.
That's what I explain to people.
A civil war can be averted.
And a hot coup can be averted.
Either direction.
If we admit we're winning hearts and minds, and if we admit the globalist plan is already in deep trouble worldwide, and if we're positive and continue to use exercises like this to illustrate the lawlessness of O'Biden, they're going to be defeated.
Alright, I mean their bold breaking of the border is a big deal and should be easy to stop.
And what Abbott has done, triggering this response by Biden, is the right move and is really smart and we need to support it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today.
The second American revolution is happening now right in front of you.
And you're tuned in Infowars because you're either looking for the truth or you're already a patriot.
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But now is the time to make the decision.
I know there's millions of forms of media out there and all this BS,
and the globalists hope you get lost in all of it.
But notice the globalists, the New World Order, are coming after us
because they realize we've got their number.
Think about it.
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All right, we got a guest coming on for 30 minutes to start of the next hour.
And then I'm gonna take calls for at least an hour and a half.
Open phones coming up in about an hour from now, or just an hour from now.
But I want to say something here, and I really want this to sink in to everybody, okay?
We sit here and we look at this bold New World Order takeover, and all of this crazy, over-the-top criminal activity by the government.
And we say, why are they doing this?
Why is it so reckless?
Why would they destroy such a powerful, rich country that already has given the globalists that hijacked the country the biggest military in the world?
I mean, our military is bigger than all the militaries combined in the world, hardware-wise.
Because it has to fall to bring in the world government.
You can't have people with prosperity, and freedom, and owning guns, and raising their children the way they want, and going to church the way they want, with this system they've got.
We have to go down, and the UN, and the Club of Rome, and the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission, and the WEF, they're all on record saying it!
And finally people are getting this.
I see it everywhere.
Not even looking.
People say, Jones taught us how to do it.
Well, I don't know why I taught you.
I learned from a lot of really smart patriots.
You just go to their own documents.
It's all right there.
And yeah, I was particularly blessed that I had super-informed family.
And then right when I got on air, in 1994, within a year of being on air, I got to meet all these incredible OGs, the General Partons, the Ted Gundersons, The Aaron Russo's, the Ola, the Ron Paul's, the G. Edward Griffin's.
And that's how I know all this.
Because that's what I decided to do was worry about powerful mega corporations that already controlled most of the world 30 years ago planning a horrible plan.
I did a review today that's going to air tomorrow on the Mug Club.
For people that sign up at jonescrowder.com, a review of Demolition Man, made in 1993.
And you watch that movie, and beef's banned, and the family's banned, and virtual reality runs your life.
You say, how did they predict this?
Because they're telling you what they were going to build.
They're throwing it in your face, people.
And you don't have to go along with it.
If you simply do not comply, it will fail.
People aren't buying the electric vehicles.
They're not going along with eating the bugs.
They're not going along with the virtual reality.
Zuckerberg spent $24 billion to try to force people into the metaverse, to pay them to use it, and all it made people do was throw up.
So that's the good news.
They're trying to force us to do things that are unpopular, that are unnatural.
The bad news is they've got unlimited fiat money to pay you to do it.
So I got a lot of other news to hit here and a lot to cover ahead of this guest that went down with Brett Weinstein and Michael Yon to the Darien Gap.
He just got back a few days ago.
Tell you about the guest when he joins us.
He's just popping in to give his engineering expertise and science expertise on what he saw and what he thinks.
Yon recommends him, so we're getting him on.
But I just want people to understand.
That's Chris Martinson.
I just want everybody to understand that you are living in an epic time.
And everything we were warned about for decades and decades and decades is now here.
And I'm going to say this again.
There are thousands of different political movements.
There's all these different flavors of BS.
This show studies the actual controllers and their plans.
And also study systems that are pro-human to counter it.
And that's what I do.
I cover the real world.
I cover the reality.
That's why they don't want you tuned in.
That's why they don't want you sharing the links.
Because if you ever figure out what they're up to and how horrible it is for you and your family, you are going to reject it.
And this whole broadcast is about believing in you.
So, I knew when Governor Abbott went down there and blocked illegals at one entry point coming in, that the feds would take the bait and come try to block it.
But the Border Patrol has refused to get in physical confrontation with the Texas Guard, and now Abbott is blocking off more areas of the border, and now 14 states have joined him, and now 7 states are sending troops.
Do you realize the history you're living in right now?
This isn't some movie about the states joining up against the feds like they have coming out next month.
Or all the other TV shows promoting it and branding it as racist and evil and bad.
This is happening under the Constitution and is real and is good.
And will Governor Abbott's operation save us?
But all of this resistance together will.
And this isn't a tiny cut.
This is a big one.
Against the New World Order.
And the fact that all these states piled on now and are sending troops is massively positive.
Now, here's the problem.
If I was the New World Order, if I was the devil, as Paul Harvey would say, what would you do right now?
You'd be activating a group of drugged out wackos.
They've been funding and controlling for years.
You know, they got a bunch of them.
To go set off a truck bomb at a migrant center on the border.
Or a mass shooting.
Or maybe they assassinate Biden because he's refusing to step down.
My mother never gets involved in the politics.
She's a Christian and historian and really smart person and she's just very private.
But my mother for three years That has told me they're going to assassinate Biden to bring in martial law because the spirit has told her.
And she's been very, very direct about it.
And my mother is dialed in and does have the touch.
But you can politically see all this and know that's in the cards, especially now because Biden's refusing to step down.
And there's a lot of kooky psychics on TV and gypsy wagons on the side of the road.
My mother and her grandmother were not like that.
But I'll just tell you something.
I've never been told before on air.
My mother's grandmother in Dallas, Texas, was an extremely famous psychic, secretly, with the establishment, and was one of the advised presidents, you name it.
And she was psychic.
I mean, extremely, okay?
And my mother is extremely psychic.
And let's just say I got a little of that, but I don't just need that, I can politically see it all and then the Holy Spirit's what it is, tells you the rest of what's gonna happen.
But she has had dreams and has been upset for three years, has grabbed me by the arm and said, you gotta tell them they're gonna kill Biden right before the election.
So I told you the story.
It's true.
Now that doesn't mean that's gonna happen because we can change that.
But I read the New York Times and the Washington Post and all of them, there's a boil down right here in Red State, that they're telling him to step down.
And we told you months ago from our sources that was happening.
Now it's mainstream news.
And he's saying, no, I'm the president.
Because they want to get Big Mike ready to put in there.
What's going to happen when they kill Biden and blame it on us?
What are we going to do?
Report, the Obama's working to take Biden out.
Of the race.
Barack telling him to quit.
There have been multiple reports about Barack Obama and his aides being worried about how Biden and his team are conducting their campaign.
Obama has supposedly so worried about the strength of Donald Trump and the Biden campaign wasn't hitting the ground running.
Obama aides put a sharper point to that and just goes on to say that Obama has met with him multiple times and told him to resign, to step down now.
Not even ahead of the DNC.
So we'll talk about it all when we come up in the next segment.
And we're going to open the phones up after this guest leaves us.
Stay with us.
Alright, I've got more news I want to hit here.
There's going to be so much after this special guest leaves us in about 40 minutes.
He joins us in 10 minutes.
I'm going to open the phones up.
It's the last hour and a half here.
But before I go any further, this is very simple.
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I can't take it because I'm already too aggressive.
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Ultimate fish oil, back in stock as well.
Now, Let me tell you what's coming up next hour after the guest leaves us.
He's been at the Darien Gap.
He's a scientist, engineer.
He'll be able to give us his analysis of what's happening.
But then after the guest leaves us, Tucker Carlson nailed it in four short clips.
He said, I'm coming after you're doing Canada.
He spoke to a crowd of over 20,000 people just Absolutely amazing.
It is so awesome to see.
Tucker Carlson is a super patriot rock star.
He says it's genocide.
Tucker slams Canada's assisted suicide program for targeting people whose ancestors built the country.
Well, they do it to people that are wards of the state that don't want to die.
So that's all coming up.
Talk about dystopic.
This is it.
Also, DOJ, under Biden's six-month prison sentence for Trump adviser who defied J6 committee subpoena, just like Hunter, but he's not going to get in trouble.
Also, DOJ, quietly it's now come out, prosecuted the COVID resistance nurses and doctors and others that told the truth.
Many of them got criminally charged.
That's come out.
Big Brownstone Institute report at InfoWars.com.
Then we've got the latest on Carrie Lake and the head of the Republican Party in Arizona resigning after he bribed her and basically threatened her with the cartel operations.
That is coming up.
And then I've got a bunch of crime news.
Whether you're in DC, or whether you're in Chicago, or whether you're in San Francisco, or Oakland, or Seattle, or Portland, or a bunch of other cities, they're closing the majorities of the fast food restaurants, and the Walgreens, and the CVS's, and the Walmarts, and the Whole Foods, because they let Criminals come in and rob and they pass laws in California and in the cities that you can't arrest somebody for stealing under $2,000 to $5,000 depending on the jurisdiction.
What's that designed to do?
Well, the feds have announced they're building government grocery stores in Chicago and about to build them in San Francisco.
It's about annihilating prosperity so they have Total control.
They don't want you to use the power you have in local communities to shop local.
So the first thing they're taking out is the corporations itself.
This is scorched earth.
This is absolute deindustrialization and this is just the beginning of these criminal activities they're engaged in.
Also, Germany has announced, the UK has announced, in the last 24 hours that they're preparing to bring back their selective services and prepare for a draft with a long war with Russia.
And they say their political plan to keep control, France said this last week, their defense minister, Is total war.
That's all coming up.
All right, I'm going to start the next hour here in a few minutes.
But again, we're in a culture war.
I want to encourage everybody to understand we need funds to prosecute this.
Plus, we want to give you great products at the same time.
Go to AlexJonesGame.com.
It went to number one on Steam, but then dropped off.
If we keep it there, it is going to fund so much of what we're doing.
It's a fun game.
It's politically incorrect.
The left's trying to ban it.
MSNBC, CNN, Media Matters, they all... George Soros wants it banned.
Here is a quick breakdown of why they want it banned, and then we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with our number two, totally jam-packed.
Please stay with us.
Two years ago, we began developing this game that came out so much better than we thought it would.
It's now a number one hit.
I imagine the control freak left attacking it.
But I didn't know that right when the game came out, with perfect timing, Elon Musk would release me on X. And the whole world will be waking up and the Davos Group will be confronted at their own events by world leaders calling out their tyranny.
This is the planets aligning.
And now, MSNBC, the corporate press, Media Matters, George Soros, they're all calling for it to be banned.
Is there a way to counter the types of hate that people like Alex Jones promote and now they do in video games?
I mean, this is a party that talks about video games being dangerous for our kids.
And yet here he is with a video game that promotes violence.
You will be silenced.
And celebrates that kind of violence.
You suck, big tech lizard nerd!
Because, let's be honest here, when he is talking about killing globalists, we know what globalists now means for the Republican Party and what that is code for.
Because they understand they're reaching a bunch of young guys who are getting this sort of message beaten into them right now.
Today, I'm playing the unhinged Alex Jones video game.
I saw it was released on Steam, so I'm like, well, that kind of opens the floodgates.
This game is actually really good fun.
This is insane!
Look at all the blood!
Look at all these zombies!
I'll eat your ass!
Okay, so that is what he said.
I'll eat your ass!
I don't know what the characteristics of the game are beyond that he's involved and that it's killing globalists.
This is the kind of thing that will become a normalization lever in teaching people, oh yeah, it's okay to kill the globalists.
This is pretty amazing.
Jump around, jump around.
Alex Jones, you are a hero.
This is supposed to be Justin Trudeau, I think.
Come on, Mark!
Oh, s***!
Mark Zuckerberg, kill me!
Look at him crawling away.
What them dogs gonna do?
They gonna... Oh, they ate his ass!
Find out what they're scared of at alexjonesgame.com Follow the link from there to Steam and download it and share it.
It's 1776.
It funds the info war.
It is key in the culture war.
We need to be engaged and involved in books and films and universities You know, I sit up here and I yell and scream about the New World Order and the globalists.
they ban it. Make it such a big hit, they continue to sh*t their f*cking pants. And
all the control freaks, I want to echo what Elon Musk said to your censorship. Go f*ck
You know, I sit up here and I yell and scream about the New World Order and the globalists
are planning to get rid of the borders and release a virus and have a global power grab
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Take advantage now.
I told you two weeks ago, 14 states would be joining Texas and sending troops to the Texas border.
It would sound unbelievable, wouldn't it?
But now, it's happened.
What a time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
And Harrison Smith, about a year ago, interviewed, and it's actually on the ballot coming up soon, Texas, should we secede?
People that don't know Texas history, recall the Lone Star State.
Because in our treaty to enter the United States, even before the Civil War, we had the right written in to leave the Union and go back to being our own country if we ever wanted to.
Now, I don't want Texas to be its own country.
But if we have to invoke the powers of the states to pull out of the government, to reconstitute it, without having a violent Civil War, and the Democrats are hyping, then that's something that needs to happen.
Here's a clip of nearly a year ago, David Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, made the case for the Tegxit, not the Brexit, the Tegxit, on American soil.
Here it is.
This really is a great solution to so many problems that we see coming out of Washington.
Yeah, look, and Harrison, I'll even pull it back out.
I mean, obviously for us, you know, this is the shortest and quickest way to cut the Gordian knot, you know, to untangle it is to cut it.
When we look at the issues that we're facing here in Texas, whether it's the border crisis, whether it's, you know, taxation policies or monetary policies, Or even corrupt officials in Austin.
The source of much of that can be traced right back to our relationship inside this political and economic union called the United States.
And the way that you cure that is to become a self-governing independent nation and take your destiny in your own hands.
But we have to also, I think, pull this back even further and realize that this movement for self-government and self-determination is really global.
At the end of World War II, there were roughly 54 recognized countries around the world.
And by the end of the 20th century, there were about 192.
Those countries didn't fall from space and the earth didn't get any bigger.
There were people like us who said that they wanted to govern themselves.
Yeah, it's definitely a plan B because if Texas goes, they've done major Pentagon analysis,
they predicted dozens of states would join within one week.
Well, Governor Abbott called the bluff, said he's not pulling the state guard.
Biden says he may nationalize them.
But you nationalize the guard for invasion.
He's doing this to stop Texas and other states stopping an invasion.
And I read the governor's statement earlier, but I want to go out to break and bring in our special guest, who's just at the Darien Gap, with Brett Weinstein and of course the great Michael Young, and to give his great research take as a scientist and an executive on what he's seeing down there, analyzing all of this, the CEO of Peak Prosperity.
Chris Martinson is going to be joining us here in just a few minutes, but I wanted to play this clip.
of the Governor.
I wanted to invite everybody to go to Infowars.com or the State of Texas website and read what the Governor said because it's so important and it's so important to fight for Team Humanity.
All right, we're going to go to this clip and come back and do about 20 minutes commercial-free, 25 minutes with our guest.
And then I'm opening the phones up here today.
You may notice they're in stock.
They were on pre-order a month ago.
I was on with Elon Musk and I said we should call it Team Humanity.
He said, I agree with your plan.
Anti-globalism, Team Humanity, the shirts are now in stock, now shipping, an image of the nuclear family.
Team Humanity, 1776, InfoWars.com.
Here is Governor Greg Abbott, and we'll come right back in just about a minute or two with our special guest.
Texas is doing is just very simple.
And that is because the Biden administration has really, truly abdicated its responsibility to secure the border and enforce the laws.
Texas very simply is securing the border.
And so we put up the razor wire that you were talking about, Bill, and we put up all these barricades that actually have denied illegal entry.
And as you pointed out also in that screen, there are criminals coming across our border.
Texas has a right as a state to stop criminals from coming into our state, to make arrests of those criminals.
And we have National Guard as well as Texas Department of Public Safety officers who are there to make those arrests and to deny illegal entry.
And Joe Biden actually does have an option here.
Joe Biden's option is to enforce the laws of the United States and stop this illegal entry.
Well, Michael Yan, you know, he does an incredible job exposing the U.N.
invasion systems they've set up.
And he went with Chris Martinson, Dr. Chris Martinson, and Brett Weinstein, the scientist.
He's also a scientist.
He's also, both these guys are bestselling authors.
Down to The main U.N.
invasion point in northern South America into Panama.
And what's happening?
So we've got him to the bottom of the hour.
He's a former scientist, Ph.D., Duke, and Fortune 300 executive at SAIC-MBA Cornell.
Dr. Martinson has just been down there for a week and give us his expert analysis.
He has extensive experience analyzing data, thinking strategically, and running businesses.
He is the CEO of PeakProsperity.com, an online community dedicated to building individual resilience and devoting to making sense of the world using logic, facts, and reason.
Chris Martinson accompanied Michael Yaun on his recent trip to the Darien Gap in Panama.
All right, sir, we've got video and photos while you're talking for TV viewers, but radio listeners can just go find us at InfoWars.com forward slash show or on X right now at Real Alex Jones.
Wherever you'd like to begin, Jan really respects you, and I know you are.
I respect you as well.
Give us your expert analysis on what you just saw.
Well, you know, I've been resisting for a while.
Michael's been inviting me down saying, Chris, you have to see this with your own eyes.
You know, I'd seen the pictures.
I'd seen, you know, the death train.
I'd seen all the people coming under the lifted wire, but I had to go to the source.
He'd take me down there, and we rode a long, skinny, dugout canoe four hours up into the jungle, right to one of the first camps where people, when they're coming out of the jungle, You were just there for a week.
people there, Afghans, Venezuelans, and you know basically every nationality. We saw it
and there's no other way to describe this, Alex, this is an invasion that's happening.
You were just there for a week, tell us what you saw.
We saw, hey listen, a lot of you know people yearning to be free but they clearly all had
gotten the message that it was okay.
Now's the time.
We saw people who had been living successfully in other countries, like we met a Haitian who was in Chile.
He'd been there seven years.
He had his five-year-old daughter with him.
He was very well-dressed.
He obviously had a decent life in Chile, but he had decided now's the time now or never get into the United States.
So his daughter, who's five, had never seen, she grew up in Chile, she's Chilean at this point in time.
So we saw all these people encouraged to come up.
We saw NGOs everywhere, Red Cross is there.
There were 61 NGOs, as I know Michael told you about.
And they are just there being very clear.
They want to encourage and create a route, a migrant route.
Once a route is established through the jungle, and a route, by this I mean there's support.
People pull up to these towns, they can buy flip-flops, sleeping gear, headlamps.
People pull up to these towns, they can buy flip flops, sleeping gear, headlamps.
They've got maps where to go next.
They've got maps where to go next.
There's buses lining up.
There's buses lining up.
While we were there, they upped the buses heading north from 40 per day to 200 per day
While we were there, they upped the buses heading north from 40 per day to 200 per day,
'cause that's what they had to do And in a route by this I mean there's support.
'cause that's what they had to do to navigate this incredible flood of people who are coming.
I would say a lot of them, you know, we're on like the second, third wave
of people who are coming.
That means the first wave of Venezuelans were the rich people.
They left, they drove up the price in Panama, say two years ago.
Now we're down to the third wave.
Some of these people, Alex, they don't know how to read and write.
I mean, they really haven't gone to school.
So, this is who we're encouraging to come up, and by the way, no question about it, saw some Chinese people in that camp who had a very strong military bearing and demeanor.
well-muscled, tattooed, had the rigid, you know, posture and the eye contact and none
of them would talk.
The Chinese were super, super closed up.
We couldn't get anything out of any of them.
They all wouldn't divulge a single thing.
So this is, I can't believe we're allowing this to happen.
And doctor, for those that don't study this and know that the Chinese and other groups
are experts, that they send in military forces.
They don't start killing people.
They set up criminal operations, fentanyl, methamphetamine, and they ship the money back.
So they use it to degrade us and demoralize us while they make huge profits.
We've seen clearly, Muckraker got footage a few weeks ago, they were here in studio, large groups of paramilitary officer grade men with the same boots, with the same backpacks, with the same military bearing pouring across.
I mean, this is a major operation.
If somebody is thinking that, no, nobody would send in sleeper cells, that's incredibly naive.
Of course you would, if you had any idea that maybe you'd want to draw on those sleeper cells at some point.
That's just, we just have to accept that.
That's already happened, obviously.
And the second thing is that we know even what they say, like the IOM, you know, the UN agency that's pouring billions into this, They say it very clearly.
They want this equity thing.
They want it.
There are these poor people in these poor countries in migration.
They say they want to harness the power of migration, right?
That's settled science for them.
It's just a good thing.
What does that mean?
Well, they say, oh, well, it helps equalize things because these people come into these rich countries and they send remittances home that starts to equalize stuff.
So they're telling us very clearly in words, documents, deeds.
What they want is they want to make the rich countries poorer and the poor countries richer.
Only nobody voted for this.
Nobody agreed to this.
You didn't.
I didn't.
Nobody listening to this agreed to this.
But this is what they're doing and they're doing it with unbelievable power and speed.
And now that these routes are established, these NGOs could all disappear and this would continue because now it's a route.
That was my next point is, they're building the bridges, they're building the infrastructures, it's not just big boats bringing them across now.
The infrastructure is now there, so it's not the first waves, you know, that are the people trying to flee, the entrepreneurs, the intelligence assets, the spies.
Now it's the giant unwashed masses.
Yeah, and the point is very clear.
They want to do this because they think it's a good thing.
That somehow this is beneficial.
Nobody ever asked the question, are these people's lives actually better than if we had just given them a few bucks and told them to stay home?
Is this any better than helping the countries where these people actually are?
No, they've got this point of view, Alex, which is This is good thing.
But if it's such a good thing, why do they make them walk this perilous journey?
There was a period of time when up to 10% of people trying to get through the Darien Gap were dying because these are people usually accustomed to warmer climates.
they have to go over a 1300 meter or 4000 foot gap in a mountain line there, it's the
continental divide in that part of the world, and they would lie down on the ground in the
40 degree temperatures and all their body heat would get sucked into the earth and they
would die, right?
These people are getting raped, abused, there are cartels and coyotes and all sorts of criminals
along the way taking money from them, and at the end of it, 3 to 5 thousand dollars
they said is what it would cost them to make this journey once they got into the dairying
gap to get into the US.
Well, that's more than a plane ticket.
Why would you make people go through this Kabuki theater if you just wanted them to come into the country?
It's a very bizarre thing.
It's just like many things that we're seeing these days.
Well, it puts them under the control of the U.N.
refugee centers.
They're given U.N.
cell phones.
They're then told where to go.
They've been brainwashed and put through months of boot camp before they come in.
And they are being distributed to communities all over the place.
So this really, this, Alex, this trip changed me.
Before I was thinking, okay, this is a problem.
Now I actually think this is beyond a problem.
This is like blinking red lights.
I don't even know what we'll do, if or when, it turns out.
Like we've already heard Senator Dick Durbin say, hey, you know what we want to do?
We want to take these people who are illegal immigrants and give them a path to citizenship by putting them in the army.
What a terrible idea.
And Germany just announced they're going mercenary force.
Yeah, this is a larger plan.
Yeah, and then there's, so look at all the overlaps, right?
Obviously Democrats think they get voters out of this, so they like that because it keeps them in power.
Maybe you could get a very compliant military force for who knows what sorts of reasons, but you know, when we saw inauguration in 2021, we saw how National Guard troops were used to keep American citizens away from the inauguration.
Maybe Maybe that didn't go as smoothly as they wanted.
Maybe people, you know, put up a protest there.
I don't know.
But it clearly makes no sense for our country, the United States, or for Europe.
This is an invasion, right?
And that, to me, they're trying to say, oh, this is a racist theory you might have.
It's like, no, no.
There's a culture war at hand.
There's some cultures just don't mix.
There's only so fast a new culture can absorb You're bringing in a permanent underclass they control.
So what is your take on, within just 48 hours, 14 states joining Texas, 7 of them sending troops, Biden threatening to nationalize the state guard.
I mean, this is a constitutional crisis right now.
Absolutely, but bring it on.
We've had a constitutional crisis for a long time.
I'm a huge fan of this.
No, I totally agree.
Abbott's forcing it out in the open.
It's very fashionable to bash Abbott.
Let's do that.
And I've been a big critic, but I mean, this is good, I think, what he's doing.
I've also been a big critic, but this I like.
Let's have the conversation, and if it has to come down to it, let's have the fight.
As Michael explained to me, he said, if you're in Sweden, if you're a male, you really only have two choices left, right?
Get some testosterone and fight, or you gotta flee.
Because at some point, those are your only choices.
That's right, 80% of these are military-age males.
It's not women and children.
So let me ask you this.
What was your views before you went and spent a month on the border in the jungle, on the border of Central and South America in Panama, versus your views now?
Before I thought, well, you know, it just sort of felt like some kind of a democratic thing maybe to get some voters.
Now I understand that this is actually part of a larger plan to completely, if possible, undermine my culture, my country.
I see this now as an official act of people who misguided or however you want to frame what they're thinking, but some of them know exactly what they're doing.
Their intention is very clearly to undermine the country, For some purpose, and if they can destroy it, I think that's within the wheelhouse of possibilities now.
That's how I see it.
This is an intentional act to destroy the country.
Continue, sir, with the time we have left.
We've got about 12 minutes left.
Please continue.
So, look, we've been looking at, ever since COVID, we found out a lot of things, right?
I studied COVID really intensely.
There's very odd things about the mRNA shots, very odd things about, in fact, everything.
The lockdowns, the masks, the distancing, the essential versus non-essential workers, the shots that were neither safe nor effective, that didn't stop transmission.
Every single thing, Alex, that they could have done, they did wrong.
By coin flip, you'd have had to have gotten something right sooner or later, right?
They didn't.
And so, in the context of that, we saw that we had weaponized propaganda and fifth-generation warfare tactics being used against us.
And this fits into that.
So I can't see the immigration issue, the migrant issue, the invasion as separate or distinct from these other efforts.
This is an attack vector.
It's one of the things that they are bringing forward into this country.
Explain attack, for people who don't know this stuff, what's an attack vector?
This is, uh, if you're, if you're gonna attack something, you're gonna, you're gonna come at it from multiple angles, right?
So, you want to weaken everything you can, and, and the, by the time the, you know, if people think of war and warfare, they think, oh, that's when the bullets and missiles fly.
Actually, it's mostly over at that point in time.
What happens first... That's right, the table gets set first.
You're dead on.
Explain that.
So the table is being set.
You want a demoralized, weakened enemy.
I mean, this is old stuff, right?
Sun Tzu talked about this thousands of years ago.
The first thing you want to do is you want to make sure that the people you're invading or the country or battles that you're about to fight have already been fought.
The table's been set.
People are confused.
They don't know what's going on.
And by the way, this is being done within our own country.
So when we look at things like the censorship that happened, getting kicked off of YouTube, I've faced all of this, right?
Just for speaking what I believe to be true, just like you and others, right?
So, they've come at us so that we are basically caught in that communist vice of knowing that there's some invisible line of censorship, but we don't know exactly where it is, right?
Because that's the point.
They want you to take two steps back, or you'll get crushed.
You'll lose your livelihood, your friends won't like you anymore.
They put you off balance.
So, we're facing that and this is very off-balance because think about this, think about the lesson here.
So, you look at these pictures where people are just streaming over the border.
What is a nation without a border?
It's not a nation.
That's what defines a nation is having a border.
So, we don't have a border.
Our children today are confused over whether they're male or female.
How did that exactly happen?
We don't no longer, we lost all the basic principles of public health.
We used to know what herd immunity was.
Lost the definition.
Used to know what a vaccine was.
Lost the definition.
Used to know what a case of versus with was.
Lost the definition.
We're losing all of our words, so that's part of cognitive warfare.
The aim of cognitive warfare is to make it so that you no longer can separate truth from fiction.
It's a fog of war.
It's a fog of war.
You won't trust anything, and particularly this is when they win, when you don't even trust yourself.
Right, so people can see with their own lion eyes that this is an invasion, but they don't call it that.
They say, oh, you must be racist if you think that.
So it's the gaslighting, it's the cognitive confusion, it's the reframing of the world.
It's what they've done to the average liberal, going against their own self-interest but cult-like support.
Absolutely, and it's ridiculously powerful how good this is now, and I've been really impressed.
You know, golf claps for what they've pulled off.
It's really impressive.
We've seen people, I'm sure you've met them, who've completely lost their ability to reason and make sense of the world anymore.
They just say nonsense stuff, right?
OBGYN doctors telling pregnant women it's safe to get this shot when it's never been tested, and the basis of science and medicine is testing and data, right?
It's a bizarre thing.
But here's where we are, and so maybe I should ask you though, I mean, what is the, where are they going with this?
Because the way I look at it, because I study the economy deeply, I study energy, I study all the systems deeply, I think, Alex, they're risking breaking this.
Because I don't think they...
They might not know what they're doing.
I'm very worried where they're taking us.
Look, the globalists admit they're in trouble.
They admit they're losing.
And so they want to double down.
They're talking about a full war with Russia.
And the head French defense minister said last week, this will unify Europe and we'll have a war economy for 50 years.
So this is real 1984 stuff.
And so people look at a corrupt, out of control, dying global regime and they say, oh, look, they're weak.
No, that makes them dangerous.
Very dangerous, because in my life, I mean, let's call them neocons, whatever we call them.
They don't have reverse gear, right?
They only double down, triple down.
So where do we go from here, right?
I, you know, count me among the people who think starting a war with a nuclear superpower is a very bad idea.
I'm not alone in that.
But that's part of fifth generation warfare.
They want you and I and everybody listening to feel like we're alone.
We're not.
That's why Sean Penn came out last year and said, nuclear war is okay.
Let's have one.
It's cuckoo land.
It's totally cuckoo land, but this is where they're going with this, and you can tell that they're going to take us to a very bad spot.
The concern everybody ought to have is that they're going to push this to a point where it breaks, but they know not what they do.
I was just talking with some people in the Christian community who feel very much like they're under attack, like the globalists feel like Christianity for some reason is too much of a bulwark against their Whatever they want.
There's not room for their ideology.
Oh, there's no doubt there's an attack on Christianity.
Netflix and HBO and Amazon all have shows saying Satan's actually the good guy.
Did you know about this?
Yeah, I think I saw some of that.
I haven't watched any of it yet, but maybe I will just to see the ending.
Yeah, we haven't gotten to it yet because there's so much of it.
I've got like seven or eight pro-Satan shows that are produced by all the big companies like Satan's Good, Christians are Bad.
I mean these people are...
Yeah, and they do their little winks, you know.
They like to put that stuff right out in public, of course.
They've got their occult symbology.
They do all of that stuff.
Who knows why?
The concern everybody should have, and the reason I do what I do at Peak Prosperity is I think everybody's got to get individually Ready.
You know, you got to be resilient.
You got to be prepared.
I know you talk about this all the time.
It's, I think, one of the highest services we can do is to tell people, brace for impact because these people in charge, they're going to take this, they'll break this before anything gets better.
Dr. Howells, do you think we counter this?
I mean, looking at the 14 states lined up, troops being sent, I'm concerned that the deep state may stage a false flag, truck bombs, shoot up a bunch of migrants.
I mean, if I was them, they're losing their hearts and minds right now.
I would need something to demonize anybody against open borders.
I would stage a false flag.
I would too, but that's just playing the odds, right?
This is what they've done all through history.
They've always just played the false flags.
The one thing we know is that given a choice between being honest and doing something underhanded, they'll always do the underhanded thing.
It's just, it's by default.
That's their default mechanism.
So, I think everybody needs to be prepared for that.
The way we fight this, though, is first, you have to know what they're doing.
You need the context.
I think it's insufficient to just think, you know, I reject this.
You have to say it out loud.
I do not consent to these people doing what they're doing to our children.
I do not consent to what they're doing in terms of overrunning my country.
That's right.
The first thing you're saying, we see the problem and we don't agree with it.
Um, you know, as I speak it becomes so.
You gotta put it out there and say no, and if we don't do that now, we're gonna be facing a situation where we're gonna actually have to do more than that soon, right?
It's magic, right?
That's what comes next.
And this is what we call an adjustment reaction in the space I'm in.
So an adjustment reaction is you see a huge risk coming, and you do something to prepare for that.
And at the time, it feels like a complete overreaction.
Oh my gosh, I'm a nut!
I have food in my basement.
I got some self-protection.
I got some weapons.
I got some ammo.
What a nut!
When the thing actually happens, you look back and realize this was a complete under-reaction.
That's where we're caught, and I know people are struggling with that.
The guns are a side issue.
It's the political operation that matters.
Because like you said, 9% of the war happens before the shooting.
It's underway.
That war has actually been run for years now.
People need to understand it for what it actually is.
And its aim is your cognitive landscape.
It's your mind.
They win when you are confused about everything.
You feel isolated, alone, and most importantly, this is their main target, you are demoralized.
They have all the power.
There's nothing I can do, and that's when they win.
But that's a lie, because they have a lot of stolen power, but giving in gives them power.
Resisting gives us all the power.
The only way to go is resistance.
There's not even a choice.
Well, absolutely, and what they're afraid of, of course, is the numbers game, right?
Just like the Aztecs of old, when the people finally rose up, there weren't that many priests at the end of the day.
So we read about Davos, right?
Right now, undergoing just this past week, and they said, oh, we want to restore trust, you know?
3,000 people showed up to that.
That's 3,000, right?
That's literally one day's worth of people who came across at Eagle Pass, Texas a week ago, right?
It's tiny, but they want to maintain as if they have all the power, and they don't.
It requires us to consent to giving that power.
Right, right.
It's all a giant confidence game.
So, what would you advise Governor Abbott and others to do right now, Doctor?
Bro, just keep that spine and fortify it with titanium.
Like, it is time absolutely for a showdown.
And I would be looking for a public display.
Something... I wouldn't just be waiting to react to something the federal government did.
I would want to establish myself and establish it because he's already, he's already thrown the gauntlet down.
Hey, you have abdicated your role as a rightful purveyor and keeper of the laws.
Since you didn't do that, we're stepping in and we're doing that.
And I would set a condition that says, and by the way, we are not relinquishing this back to you until you meet these standards.
You just lay it down.
And the feds say, no, we just ignore them.
Well, I'm a little concerned about the Supreme Court being blackmailed, though, with this ruling saying get rid of the barbed wire.
What do you think?
Very high chance.
Look, we have to get to the bottom of who's on the Epstein list and why and all of that, and I believe that there's some Supreme Court members on that list, right?
So, we have to understand what actually happened there.
It's very clear that you can't make sense of some things except they start to make a lot of sense when you understand the blackmail game.
This has been going on for a long time, and I think it's just time for all of us good people out here in America to recognize something.
It's not just there's a little bit of rot in Washington, D.C.
It's not just there's something's a little off.
This game is completely wrong at this point.
Yeah, this is a group that's decided to engage in a high-tech coup.
Here's a short clip, because I want to get it on record, of Biden as candidate Biden saying, when I win, I'll immediately surge the border.
What I would do as president is several more things because things have changed.
I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum.
They deserve to be heard.
That's who we are.
We're a nation that says if you want to flee and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.
I would change the order that the president just changed saying women who were being beaten and abused could no longer claim that as a reason for asylum.
So that's this cover story.
Dr. Chris Martinson, peakprosperity.com.
People can go there, find all your great work, your book, and so much more.
Thank you so much for your time.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to be here.
Love to have you in the studio sometime.
All right, we're gonna go to break.
I got a bunch of news I haven't hit and a bunch of breaking news is coming in right now.
But I want to give the toll-free number out.
I want to take your phone calls on 14 states joining Texas, seven of them, sending troops.
What's Biden and Obama and the globalists gonna do next?
This is wild!
We'll give the number out when we come back.
On the other side, InfoWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today, Bandot Video.
It's where you find all the censored videos.
Bandot Video.
Media matters, the Democratic Party, MSNBC, and others have asked me to apologize for making a parody video game criticizing the deep state and all the corruption.
And to all them, I just want to say this.
Go f*** yourselves!
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F*** you!
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Get Alex Jones New World Order Wars right now at AlexJonesGame.com because anything badass gets censored!
Alright, I want to open the phones up on one subject.
Fourteen states joining Texas, seven of them sending troops to the border.
Texas saying they're going to ignore the feds because the feds are derelict in their duty and the governor quoting the state and federal constitutions, as well as the Declaration of Independence.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
We're taking calls from first-time callers.
We've never got a chance to get on or never were able to get on.
First-time callers on the border and the crisis.
And the fact that...
This is the UN openly running it with the federal government.
What do the states do?
What do you think of what's happening?
What do you think is coming next?
I'm concerned about false flags and so much more.
That is all coming up.
Hey, but you notice what I'm wearing?
It's been in for a few days.
It was pre-ordered before.
I was on over a month ago, like four weeks ago, four and a half weeks ago with Elon Musk on a two and a half hour interview.
He said, the globalists hate us.
They want to depopulate us.
They want to kill us.
And I agree with him.
And I said, well, what do we call that?
And I said, how about Team Humanity?
He goes, I don't know.
He said, I agree with you.
Let's call it Team Humanity.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's a limited edition.
There's two different designs.
It's the nuclear family, a man, a woman, a father, a mother, the little girl, the little boy.
Team Humanity, Infowars.com, 1776 on the back.
It says Team Humanity.
There's another version right there.
I didn't design that one.
I think it's great.
I designed the last one we just showed.
People ask, what is Team Humanity?
What is this?
They distract us.
I'm not saying you're bad because you watch it with sports and movies and all these side issues.
Humanity is under attack and Team Humanity, the term Team Humanity is starting to really Get picked up out there.
So, hey, if you don't even buy the shirt from us as a fundraiser, go make your own shirt.
My point is, I'm wearing it.
It came in today.
It's been in for like five, six days.
They finally got me one because our shipping department warehouse is in Denver, so they had it a week ago.
It's been shipping out, but I just got this a couple days ago, so we got it in.
I'm wearing it right now.
Please get your Team Humanity shirt shipping out now.
Limited edition.
Infowarshaw.com or 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
But the toll-free number to join us live on air for first-time callers is 877-789-2539.
But the toll free number to join us live on air for first time callers is 877-789-2539.
There it is on screen, 877-789-ALEX.
And for the next hour and 20 plus minutes, we are taking your calls live, unfiltered, uncensored.
Just have a good phone.
Agree, disagree.
I just want to hear your ideas.
I love your ideas.
I love the different angles you take us in.
All right, Tucker's always on fire, but he's up in Canada right now.
In fact, get that clip first, we did play yesterday, of him calling Trudeau up and saying, I'm coming up there to liberate your country from you.
Trudeau, that says he wants to be a Chinese dictator.
And then Tucker slams the Canadian government for assisted suicide, targeting people whose ancestors built the country.
Well, it's beyond that, they're targeting people that are wards of the state.
So the state is their ward and they decide to kill them, that's murder.
Also, Tucker Carlson says transgenderism is a humiliation ritual, an attack on Christianity.
Absolutely, it is an attack on humanity.
And another clip, in Canada, Tucker Carlson says the Democrats will do anything to stop Trump, including unspeakable things.
I think that's all true.
Let's play these clips back to back and then we're going to your phone calls.
Thank you for your call. You have reached the media line.
For all urgent requests, please send your request by email.
Yes, hi, I couldn't understand the French part, but it's Tucker Carlson calling from the United
States. And I'd be grateful if you pass a message on to the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
We are coming to liberate Canada.
We are coming to liberate Canada.
And we'll be there soon.
If you're killing 50,000 of your citizens and the government is doing that through the MAID program, and a lot of them are not actually terminally ill, they're just sad, and the government is encouraging them to submit to being killed by the government, and then we'll release the recent statistics.
Like, what is that?
What is that?
Yeah, it's genocide.
That's exactly what it is.
It's killing large groups of people.
And who are those people, by the way?
We don't know.
Because your government hasn't released the stats.
What percentage of those were born in Canada?
I bet right around 100%.
So if you're a government, you have the duty to your citizens, people who are from here, people whose ancestors built the place, not exclusively to them, but primarily to them, to your citizens.
Like, why else do you exist, except to serve your citizens?
And if you're targeting your citizens, how many people who arrived in Canada in the last 10 years have opted into the main program?
I don't know the answer, I'd better answer it.
That's all people who are from here.
Another government brags, oh, we're saving money, because they died.
That's the darkest thing I can imagine.
I bet there's zero conversation about that in this country, because I know this country.
I know what it's like.
It's too horrible.
No one wants to talk about it.
You should talk about it.
But more than anything, you should internalize the message of that, which is they hate me.
They hate me to the point they're willing to kill me, which they are.
And the third thing is, notice the erosion of your most basic civil liberties, not the ones granted to you by the crown, but the ones granted to you by God.
And those would include the freedom of speech, Inalienable.
It could not be taken from you no matter who is in Ottawa.
Your rights remain the same because you were born with them, because you were not a slave, you're a human being.
You have inherent dignity because God made you.
That's just a fact.
That's just a fact.
And if those rights are right, he's failing doing so in the name of public safety,
even as they make the public sphere much more dangerous, which they have, in case you haven't noticed.
Canada has a lot more violent crime now than it did 20 years ago,
have you noticed? Of course you have, you live here.
And they're telling you you can't defend yourself against that crime,
we're going to disarm you, you can't protect your life or your family.
And you're like, "Oh yeah, it's for the public safety, it's just not a big deal, these are weapons."
We're going to have weapons of self-defense, which you need and deserve, as a free person, not a slave.
And then they tell you, you can't complain about it.
And then they're subsidizing the media to the point where all of your big media outlets,
which are disgusting, are state media.
Because if they're from the state past, you watch CBC, I do, occasionally.
I can turn in any hour of the day and I will learn that I am racist for driving an SUV and not being trans.
That's the whole schedule of the CBC program.
So if they're limiting your freedom, To say what you think, which is freedom of conscience, the most basic of all freedom, your freedom to defend yourself and your family against bodily harm, which has got to be a twin to the first one.
If they're taking away your voting power by changing the population of your country, which they are doing, and no one wants to talk about that, Canada has the highest immigration rate in the world per capita.
And some are racist.
That's not racist.
I don't care if you're coming from New Zealand.
I don't care if you're taking the population of Stockholm and moving them to Canada.
If you change the population of the country, you change the country.
And you dilute the voting power of the people who are vested in that country, the people who were born there, who have lived there long term, who understand the history, the culture of the country, who are bought in.
And all of a sudden, their vote means much less.
It's math.
You know, the iPhone makes history irrelevant, that's all about right now.
But it's worth, like, learning some things about history, and here's my recommendation.
Spend, you know, like, an afternoon reading about the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the Spanish Civil War.
By the way, hit pause.
Hit pause.
If you're a TV listener, or TV viewer, you can see this.
If you're a radio listener, you can't.
What is that, 30, 40,000 people?
All packed, look, look, all the way back in the nosebleeds there, Tucker Carlson in Canada.
So is Tucker Carlson bigger since they fired him from Fox a year and a half ago, or is he smaller?
All because there was X, a place he could be heard.
In fact, look up the numbers.
I just said today, 20,000, because I saw a close shot of the central crowd.
Now that's like, that's 30, 40,000 people.
That's bigger than most of the crowds Trump's getting right now.
And again, that's a guy telling the truth.
That shows how popular freedom is as he's up there to liberate Canada.
Remember, he joked before he got fired off Fox a year and a half ago, he said, maybe the U.S., we're gonna go free country, we should invade Canada.
He said, of course, that was a joke, but now he's up there.
Absolutely incredible.
Absolutely amazing.
Absolutely over the top.
I mean, look at this, look at this.
All the way up in the nosebleeds.
And all the way back.
And all the way around.
Think that makes the establishment happy?
Let's continue.
...was a desire not to replace Christianity with reason, as the Jacobins claimed, but to crush and destroy and to humiliate Christians in a way that's very reminiscent of what the Romans did in the first and second centuries.
It's not just like, oh, that's silly and superstitious, we're gonna move on to something better.
We're going to crush you.
It's no!
And we're going to ritually humiliate you.
And that is very much what the trans thing is about.
No one is helped by transgenderism.
You've never met anyone.
I personally feel very sorry for trans people.
I'm not angry at them at all.
I think they are victims of bigger forces.
But to officially promote that is a humiliation ritual designed to put Christians in an untenable position where they have to either swear allegiance to the new state religion, which is transgenderism, or to their ancestral religion, which is Christianity.
It is a loyalty test, and it's meant to humiliate and destroy them.
And let's just be honest about it, we're seeing it.
When Conrad Black ran the media in this country, it was a better time.
That was a wonderful summation of the 2020 election
in which Democrats cheated at scale.
And I hope it plays out in the way that you described.
And in my personal view of it, my views align pretty substantially with Donald Trump's.
Even if they didn't, I would vote for Donald Trump because you can't end 250 years of representative democracy because you don't like a candidate.
You can't indict people for political reasons, which they have done.
And you can't take people off the ballot in the name of democracy when they haven't been convicted of a crime!
I mean, it's like so nuts!
So if you care about the system that your ancestors created, and which was the envy of the world, I mean, half the world, more than half the world, modeled their democracies after our democracy.
So if your democracy is erased because people don't like Trump, it's kind of a profound change, not just in your country, but in the world.
And that's not a good change.
And you just don't want that.
So I absolutely hope that it plays out that way.
I guess part of what I was saying is I don't believe with Trump up eight points or whatever he is now over Biden in the face of four indictments, facing life in prison for non-crimes.
The more you know about it, the more it defies belief.
And I think Conrad Black can explain it fairly well.
He's still leading Joe Biden.
So if the point of the Democratic Party is to hold power, there's nothing ideological with the Democratic Party.
The idea is we should have the power and you shouldn't.
That's it.
They're about to lose power to Trump because Biden is so demonstrably incompetent.
And they're going to make a change of some kind.
That's not acceptable.
So I don't know what that change is going to be, but I spent my life living with them, so I know what they're like.
And there will be a change.
They will not lose to Trump if they can help it.
And I mean it.
And if that means replacing Biden or doing something unspeakable, they will do it.
They're very serious about it.
The other side is much more serious about power than normal people are.
Normal people understand that power is like, we do this, it's like a double-edged thing.
It's nice to have it, but it can also destroy you.
People are, they don't necessarily want power.
I definitely don't want power.
But a certain kind of hollow person needs it above all.
So I just think, beware, they're capable of anything.
And that's why you got the power, Tucker, is you're not looking for it.
So let's put that image back on screen.
If you want to know what keeps King Charles and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and Hillary Clinton up at night, it's that.
30, 40, 50,000 people in Calgary.
He's doing a tour up there.
And he goes to Europe, similar numbers.
How do you think Rupert Murdoch feels now getting the order to fire him?
It's such an epic time to be alive.
And then look at that 20, 30,000, 40,000.
I mean, that's got to be 30,000 at least people.
Because I'm told the people that were there that shot it, they say it kept going back.
But there was like, they weren't even in the total nosebleeds.
It keeps, there's like a whole back area and a side area.
So you're seeing about half of it right there.
And it was whole wings behind it, not just full.
They said it was almost at capacity.
I mean, look at those shots way up in the nosebleeds.
So, if you want to see what victory looks like, it's that.
And imagine being the globalist.
And they're seeing that.
I mean, Bill Gates can't get ten people out to hear him, or they all hate him.
Neither can Klaus Schwab.
Neither can Yuval Noah Harari.
Or O'Biden.
And they see that.
What does that say?
But everybody on the fence who's political, who's worked for the system, they don't totally serve the new order.
They don't even like it, but they're scared.
They see that and they go, wow, that's popular.
I should join that.
I should be part of that.
All right, we got loaded phone lines.
James, Christian, Curtis, Jennifer, John, Amanda, Billy, Ian, Michael, Paul in Hawaii.
We're going to go to all your calls in the order that they were received.
So let's start at the top with James in Oklahoma.
James, your view on the 14 states back in Texas, seven of them sending troops.
What do you think the deep state does next?
Well, thank you for taking my call, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
I'm kind of nervous, so I'm going to try to keep my composure.
This is a necessary escalation, right?
It is an escalation.
All these states saying no to the federal government.
It's a massive, beautiful, beautiful escalation.
Yes, it's very, very, very necessary.
22 million people plus, who knows the real number at this point, have come into our country, and we've been on our heels for a long time.
We're finally digging into the dirt and taking steps forward, and it feels good to win, man.
Well, imagine the pressure on these states to be doing the right thing.
I know, man.
Kevin Spitt, our governor, he stood with them.
I immediately got on his Twitter and started supporting him.
Well, I can tell you behind the scenes, it's the donor class, because most Republican donors aren't globalists, but they still go along with the system.
I can tell you all the money, except the top ones, is saying no to this, because they can see this is a takeover of the country.
That's good, man.
Even though they, like, some, you know, enemy of my enemy sometimes, you know what I mean?
But... Well, it's beyond that.
I mean, there's a lot of establishment people that realize, wait, the old game's over.
Like, you better choose a side right now.
What do you make of Tucker and these gigantic crowds in Canada?
Oh, it's awesome, man.
Remember when Tucker said, uh, we're going to liberate Canada?
That's the first steps right there.
You see it.
And, and, and again, they tried to stop 20, 30,000 protesters with the convoy.
How do they feel now?
How'd their intimidation now?
And now the federal courts ruled against Trudeau.
Man, it's going to be, these next few years are going to be crazy.
I'm just so happy I'm alive during it.
I agree, brother.
Thank you so much for the call.
Great points.
Michael in North Carolina.
You're on the air.
Great to talk to you.
Hi, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I think we should let nature handle this problem.
Every day that they let 800 people into this country, we should turn 800 alligators loose in that river.
See how fast they stop coming across?
I don't think we've got anybody that can wrangle 800 alligators.
You know, the people being brought in are refugees from globalist policies of lockdown.
I'm not even their enemy.
They're just being used as a weapon.
But seriously, what else is on your mind, Michael?
I just think that they're going to form it and make an army against us.
I think that's what their plan is.
At some point in time, they're going to blow the whistle and they're going to congregate and do it.
Well, they're all giving government phones and NGO phones and they are announcing illegal aliens will be the new military and police.
So that's actually true.
That's not speculation.
I'm just concerned for my family, my grandkids, and everybody else.
Brother, I'm concerned too.
Are you heartened by the 14 states lining up with Texas?
I love it.
I wish North Carolina would jump in there, but unfortunately our governor is blue.
Thank you so much, Michael.
Let's talk to folks in Hawaii.
Paul in Hawaii, what's your view on this?
I agree 100% with what What Texas is doing.
Hi, Alex.
I think they have every right to do that.
I think every state should be doing it.
I've heard that in Massachusetts they want to allow people to live in the homes and they're asking citizens to let them into their homes.
I believe there is a law that's against soldiers living in homes early.
There's a law that's quartering troops.
That's right.
That's in the Bill of Rights.
And now we're quartering illegal aliens.
And these people are.
They're going to be troops.
Um, Mark Anthony said that you can judge a tyrant because he sits at a table with foreigners.
He doesn't trust his own kind.
That's why Rome eventually fell was bringing in illegal aliens.
Yeah, it's a ditto.
Um, I've seen it in Europe.
I've seen what's happened over the years.
I've done business over there for years.
Um, and it's, it's really sad.
And the people in charge, like you say, you know, they're digging their bunkers like Mark Zuckerberg here.
Here's the side note.
I haven't seen any federally required literature on the structural geology on what he's building, or the geological aspects to the hydrology of the island of Kauai.
Well that's right, they use hydrology to not only build, as you said, they use these weird water rolls, but I've noticed, I actually heard that from engineers while I was there, he's not following the permitting.
Well, there's federal laws.
Um, there was a book, I think it was written by Rutherford Platt, he was on the commission back in the 80s, regarding building, it's coastal policy, you can look it up, I'm sure they're breaking a lot of federal laws, but I'm sure some of those laws are probably lax because of the state of Hawaii being basically a coastal location.
Think about this.
Yeah, think about this.
The globalists steal everything, set up a society so dangerous they all build bunkers.
Why would they be good stewards of things and build a society where they didn't need bunkers?
It's so stupid!
Well, not only that, it's like they go out in public and they surround themselves with security guards.
I mean, I guess people really want to go after them.
I guess it's crazy.
If you've got that much vitriolic issue with people, you would think that you're doing something wrong, but I guess they can't look in the mirror and reflect.
That's the real issue.
And that has to do with the spiritual aspect that you always speak to, Alex.
Well, they're talking about, Paul, a political realignment in Hawaii.
Is Hawaii waking up?
Unfortunately, we aren't.
You've seen what happened in Maui.
That's been really quelled.
I guess they're really dragging their feet, the insurance companies, to steal the land.
I think what I heard is the people, a lot of the boys that might do something are being paid off.
I think it's all about pay for play, which I think the Chinese learned early on.
You know, I witnessed that when they took over the pharmaceutical company.
A friend of mine used to be the president of the largest pharmaceutical company in Spain, and I asked him what was the biggest problem, and he said cross-contamination of drugs.
And about three years later, I saw him in Germany at a meeting, and I asked him how he was doing.
He said he retired.
They sold the company to China.
And I said, well, what do you think about that problem with contamination that you told me about where about 10% of the product was no good?
And he said, well, they're probably selling it to, you know, Europe and the United States.
Thank you, Paul.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Great points.
Amanda in South Carolina, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, darling.
I want to call on Governor Henry McMaster to get up off his hands and get behind Texas.
Fourteen governors have, your governor hasn't?
No, he's always, like, it wasn't even a month ago these legal gas station drugs were killing people.
Georgia and North Carolina passed laws to put bans on those, and I'm hearing crickets in South Carolina.
Well, I've got to check my map, because my map says South Carolina's joined Texas, but I'll check that.
I hope he has, but I'm calling on him if he happens to do it.
Anything else on your mind?
No, I appreciate it.
I appreciate you.
I love southerners.
It makes people mad everywhere else a woman calls you darling or sweetheart.
The waitress always gets a bigger tip when they do that though.
Let's talk to Ian in Texas.
Ian, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, it's great to talk to you.
Long-time listener, first-time caller, multi-decades.
But wanted to let you know, first off, you need to check out, it's an old movie from HBO, 1997.
It's called The Second Civil War.
It's with Bo Bridges, Bill Hartman, and Dennis Leary.
This, of course, is a hokey kind of, you know, storyline with it, but Um, because of HBO, but it parallels, oh my god, so incredibly with everything that's going on right now.
It is just, it's scary how much it parallels.
Isn't it incredible the times we're living in?
Oh, this is nuts.
I mean, my family has been involved in every single, well, almost every single war this country's ever had.
From, you know, two-minute men to a captain that got a sword directly from Washington, to great-grandfather going up the hill with Teddy Roosevelt, San Juan Hill.
Both sides of the Civil War.
My father, a Marine Corps Uh, I'm Navy Corpsman with Marine Corps, stationed with the 3rd Fleet Marines.
Uh, my other grandfather worked on the atomic bomb.
Hold on, we gotta go to break Ian.
Don't hang up.
Back in two minutes I'll let you finish up.
Yeah, historic stuff happening.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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A lot of products that aren't available.
You know, we're sitting here watching history.
Now it's 15 states.
The articles on Infowars.com are printing it off for me right now.
Now 15 states have lined up behind Texas.
Wow, history is happening now.
Will this save everything?
No, but it's teaching us to stand up and do the right thing and unify with each other.
Alright, Ian, you were getting into your family background, the military, but we've moved in past that now.
You were saying history's happening.
What was your other point?
Yeah, no, history's happening so incredibly fast.
And I think, honestly, the globalists, the only thing they have left, because the momentum is too big, the wave is too big, it's going to smash in just like it did on the Marshall Islands with that giant wave recently.
They're gonna go ahead and they're going to try and either arrest people or they're going to try and attack.
That's the only thing I think they have left.
Yeah, and if they attack, they get in trouble, so they're gonna stage a false flag.
Yeah, yeah, it's not gonna be pretty, but hey, we had to be quitters, I guess you could say, in 1776, and we started our own.
We had to be quitters in 1836 to start our own.
I'm calling from FEMA Region 6 as well over here in Kerrville.
I ain't backing down.
I took down my American flag and put up my Texas flag just because I'll put up the American flag when we're free again.
Well, that's right.
The American flag really is captured at this point.
And so I guess the only way to fly it would be upside down.
Thank you, Ian.
It's not that we're mad at America or ashamed of America.
We've got to be honest where we're at.
That's why you fly flags upside down.
People say, oh, that's disrespectful.
No, that's where your country's at.
You fly it upside down when you're in distress.
Christian in Florida.
Thanks for calling.
Go ahead, Christian.
Hey, Alex.
Good to talk to you, sir.
Long time listener.
First time caller.
I've been listening to you since the days of Aaron Russo.
That way, that far back.
Just, you know, it seems to me like everything's going to plan.
This is the architects, the big new Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger.
This is replacement migration, as you've said a thousand times in concert with the collapse of our currency.
You know, with the formation of the BRICS and reaching critical mass, there's no longer use for the dollar.
We don't trade in oil for the dollar.
And now it's just basically fiat currency that's backed by The U.S.
That being said, I think that this is the false flag.
The replacement migration, the collapse of the dollar, and then, you know, absolute bedlam around the country.
I believe it was said a long time ago that our own government would be the ones that begged the Blue Helmets to come in to put us down because we're going to revolt once we've discovered we've been We've been absolutely betrayed.
Well that's right, the setup is triggering the civil war, which they push us into, even
if it's a peaceful one, they're going to call it violent.
That's why we got all the movies coming out, everything ready for this.
I agree.
They put us into a no-win situation, where we've got to stand up to them, and then they,
but here's the good news, people are seeing through it.
If people see the bigger plan, it won't work.
Yes sir, absolutely.
And you know, this is, this is...
This is tactical.
It's cloward and pitton.
I really think if we can get to the election, we're going to need President Trump to get General Flynn, Cash Patel, Matt Gaetz, Kerry Lake.
I mean, Kerry Lake's situation is a microcosm of the rot, the absolute rot at the top that we have.
We have these politicians that go in worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
And they come out unaccountable and worth billions of dollars.
The AOC went in worth nothing, what's she worth, like 20 million now?
Right, exactly.
Well, and the same thing, you know, I've said it for a long time that Ukraine is nothing but high-tech money laundering.
You know, the money goes to Ukraine and then it comes back in political packs to, you know, the Chuckie Schumers and the Turtle McConnells and the rest of them.
And now they've bitten off more than they can chew.
Yes, sir.
We need a revival of the Republic.
We need our people to hit their knees and ask the Almighty for forgiveness.
And we really got to grab the...
The bull by the horns and we will lose this great country.
And this is, this is the shining city on the hill.
It's the best house in a bad neighborhood.
Yeah, they want this model gone for their new world order.
Thank you so much, Christian.
All right, Billy and others.
60-second break.
I'm coming in hot.
Right back to your phone calls, however you're listening.
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It's all in your hands.
All right, we're now into hour number three, taking your phone calls.
Drew Hernandez coming up.
Now 15 states joining Texas to say no to Biden and his criminal activity dissolving the border.
We've got more on that coming up.
Very, very exciting time to be alive right now.
Now we got Arkansas joining in with the other states.
Let's go ahead and go back to your phone calls.
Billy in California.
Go ahead.
Billy, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
First-time caller, long-time listener from California.
You know, Alex, I think we're being set up, honestly.
I think we're playing right into the hands of the elite.
Well, tell me.
Yeah, no, I mean, you know, what is What do these people really want to do?
They want to bring down the United States.
They want to break the Constitution.
You've been talking about this for 30 years, Alex.
This is the key.
Everything that you've been talking about, everything that they're doing right now is to bring down this country because they can't move forward with their CBDCs, their one world government if the United States is still around.
It doesn't matter who's president.
As long as we are the foundation of freedom, they cannot continue forward.
Sure, so the state standing up and saying the federal government's hijacked, and then saying we're going to defend the border, the division's already there.
How is that bad to have them follow their constitutional duty?
What Texas is doing, and with the state standing up, I'm all for that.
That's not what I'm saying.
Oh, definitely breaking the borders and the UN and all this is definitely how they're trying.
I mean, I agree, that's true.
You know, I just think that their ultimate goal is to break up the United States.
Yeah, but the feds are already breaking up the United States, so these states aren't getting together to, say, break up the U.S.
They're saying the federal government's out of control.
They're standing up for national sovereignty, actually.
No, I agree.
I agree 100%.
But I just think that is the goal, is to get us to fight amongst one another, and then the ultimate goal is to divide the United States.
Yeah, well, that's what the race stuff's about and all of it.
That's true.
So, I mean, I don't think that's what you think.
I think that's known.
But states coming together and saying we're going to defend the border and stand together, that's unity in the country.
That's the opposite of division.
Believe me, they're not happy about this.
I think their ultimate goal is for us to be in a civil war.
Well, no, clearly they want a civil war, but this isn't a civil war to have the states say, we're going to protect the border.
It calls out the fact that the federal government is completely criminal.
So, you know, I wanted to ask you this one question about, you know, Trump, you know, moving forward and all his court cases.
I think they need a boogeyman.
I think they need Biden as Neville Chamberlain, like they did, you know, Pre-World War II.
I don't think any of those guys are going to get assassinated, you know, maybe not until after the election.
But I think they need the boogeyman and the fall guy going forward.
And I, you know, they always say never let a good crisis go to waste.
You know, I've had this conversation with quite a few friends.
I think they're going to flip the script in 2024.
I really do.
I think they're going to.
Maybe rig a few machines saying Trump won by, because they know they can't defeat him because all the polls show that he is in such a big lead.
It doesn't matter if they put Michelle Obama in.
I think he would still crush her.
And I don't think that...
I agree with...
Just hold on a second.
I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but I'm trying to get right at what you're...
Like the states are doing the right thing here.
It's constitutional.
And we know they're trying to put Trump in jail.
And we know they're not all powerful.
We keep thinking about the global, that they're all powerful.
They'll need to stage a false flag and attack some migrants or something.
Or yeah, if Biden won't step down, they can kill him and make him a martyr and supercharge
their campaign.
I think that would be a good move by them.
I'm not calling for it.
But I really see that in the tea leaves.
So I appreciate your call.
I mean, they're the ones put us in this position, folks.
And they don't want the unity of the states together, not trying to leave the country,
but saying, "Protect the country."
Let's go to Jennifer in Tennessee.
Jennifer, thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
Um, I was just wondering on the topic of false black.
I think you're absolutely right.
And I was wondering if you saw the interview from first responder media with somebody who just crossed over the border who said, if you're smart enough, you know who I am, but you, you're really not smart enough.
It turns out he's like a major radical Islamic leader.
I saw that yesterday.
And I'm not seeing too many people, um, put his information out there and I think One of the things that we can do as normal everyday people, I'm in Tennessee, my state is supporting Texas and I'm really happy about that, but one of the things that we can do as normal people is put that guy's face out there.
I agree, I gave the crew the video yesterday there that was, was the illegal immigrant who made ominous remarks towards independent journalists identified as Islamic leader just freed from prison?
And it looks like he is.
So yeah, there's the report, it may or may not be him.
Yeah, and I think it's very coincidental, the timing that he was released and then shows up right at our border.
Oh, there's no doubt they're bringing a bunch of Hezbollah people in.
And I said on October 7th, I said, this is Hezbollah run, and they had a backroom deal with Israel and Hamas that was set up by Israel to do all this.
That's a fact.
Yeah, exactly.
But I think we need to get that out there.
I'm trying, but I'm still shadow banned on Twitter, so I can't.
Well, you can take the article from Man.Video and you can share it on your email.
I do.
I share it everywhere.
But I just think that we need to get his face out there.
Because if people see him and they expose him and they're like, hey look, you know, forward this stuff.
If they see, oh crap, okay, this guy has been exposed, then maybe they'll be less likely to use him as a false flag.
And if we do that often enough, it's going to make these false flag events.
I totally agree with you, Jennifer.
Thank you so much for the call.
We're moving quick to get to everybody here today.
Let's go to Curtis in Florida.
You're on the air.
Mr. Jones, what an honor to speak to you.
Honor's the same.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir, back in 94 when it all started.
But, yes, I'm 62.
I live in Florida.
I grew up in Missouri, or misery, as we call it.
but my dad was back and uh... he was just a farmer you know and uh... and
then he ended up uh... it was strategic air command up in goose bay working with
without a bomb and then all my childhood uh... i was surrounded somehow by
senators and governors and representatives and uh... and i_q_b_m_ missile down the road that my dad used to check on and i
was like we're dead why you going in there how do you get in that
gate that's when you get a little background and then when i was
in high school third uh... researching because i was in debate and ran
across course the c_f_r_ in the trilateral commission and recusing
your own stuff which opened my eyes you know
And so now we're at this crucial point, and I've got, so I met Clarence Carter
on a mountainside in Virginia.
He's a guy that was retiring from Microsoft, and he owned the mountain.
So Cool and Gang used to do special events like that.
So before the band started, I was sitting next to him just having a drink,
before the show started.
And you understand, he's like me.
He's met a lot of famous people, and I'm kind of surrounded by that.
So it's not intimidating.
It's just, you're a person, right?
But I said, "What about the Constitution Bill of Rights?"
And he said, "Those days are long gone."
And we kind of looked down at the ground, shook his head.
I mean, his countenance changed.
And I could tell that really hit him hard, It's like I kind of stuck a knife in him, you know, it's just...
So I just wanted you to know that about him, regardless.
And I think he's under a lot of duress, but I always got the impression he was a good man.
Well, yeah, there's a lot of people that know what's going on who never speak up and stand up because they think it's safer to do.
I mean, look at all these big country music singers and people.
Look at the big effect it had when Kid Rock shot up the Bud Light, or all the great things that, you know, Motor City madman Ted Nugent's done.
We had more Ted Nugent's and less George Strait's.
And I'm not mad at George Strait.
I love George Strait.
But George Strait never says a political word anywhere.
He just sits there and promotes Americana while the country's being killed.
I'm not calling out George Strait.
I just did it a few months ago or a month ago.
I said, where are the George Strait's of the world?
Like take Hank Williams Jr.
He knows all about this.
Well, he got, you know, for a while kicked off the NFL because he made some political comments.
So what?
Am I just singling out country music?
I'm just saying we need people across the board, whether they're doctors or lawyers or military people, to speak up and say no now.
Not just say, oh, those days are long gone.
Well, then what are you accepting?
Because by doing that, you're aiding, and I appreciate your call.
Let's go to John in Texas.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I love you man.
I'm not nervous, I'm just caffeinated.
I've been thinking we should push for the state of Texas to arm our citizens, law-abiding citizens, with AR-15s and a few hundred rounds per adult.
So we can defend ourselves in the event of some sort of Red Dawn event, which looks like it's very possibly going to come.
Well, they were already in the globalist U.N.
replacement migration, Red Donovan.
And that's all fine with me.
I think everybody should be armed.
And we should bring back civil defense, the militias, and the Constitution.
But more importantly, we know the U.N.
camps that are funded by the State Department.
We can have congressional hearings and have that funding pulled.
I don't know.
Go ahead.
I'm just listening to you, man.
Well, what do you think of now 15 states lining up behind Texas?
I think it's awesome.
I'm glad to see it out there.
I'm surprised the news is even publishing it, to be honest.
But I think it's great.
I think we need all the backing we can to at least, you know, for a show of force to try and avoid more conflict.
No, I agree.
Look, there's a normalcy bias in government.
We've been trained to put up with tyranny and corruption for so long, but now it's so outrageous, it's so over the top, the Democrats are using the cartels as their muscle, just like Carrie Lake got threatened with cartels.
Now that guy's had to resign.
There are a lot of people in the system that have been on the fence that are getting off of it and on our side right now.
So we're entering a very serious time right now.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, John.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
But yeah, everybody needs to be armed and ready to protect themselves.
But that's kind of like trying to put the house out, you know, when the house is on fire, trying to put the house out of fire, trying to put out a fire once it's already started.
I mean, it's policy.
You shut off the State Department funding for running the UN Refugee Centers, you get control of the Border Patrol, you impeach Mayorkas, and that's what's ongoing right now.
Spencer in Florida, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to say God bless you and your team for everything you're doing.
God bless you.
I also love the products.
I just got my Turbo Force stuff in.
Anyways, I have family in Marble Falls, so it's kind of close to home for us, but we're in Florida for me and my wife.
And I was listening to Clayton Morris the other day, and he was interviewing Michael Yawn on Redacted, and I was curious on his take about Governor Abbott being a part of the WEF, and what you thought about that.
Yeah, I mean, I respect Michael Yawn.
I don't think Abbott's officially part of it, but I think he thinks that the governor can't be trusted, and I mean, I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, but these actions are good actions, and I'm supporting these actions.
Do you think he could have done it a little sooner though, you know?
Like, I mean, I feel like it's kind of, now he's just got to do it to showboat it.
Well, I mean, we're going to back Texas now, and all these other states are backing it.
I mean, I'm backing it.
Oh, of course.
I've been ready.
Well, look, this isn't going to save things either, but it's going to be action that is.
And it's going to be people waking up to what's going on.
Help, guys, get Michael Yan on tomorrow.
Help, call him right now.
Get him on right now.
We'll go to him right now.
He can give us his take on Abbott.
So, I mean, I've been a big critic of Abbott.
He's been far from perfect.
But we're under total disillusionment of our state.
All the other states are backing us up.
They're sending troops.
They're defying the feds.
And it's a very exciting thing.
So we can say it's a day late, a dollar short.
I'm just simply saying this is a big phenomenon.
This is a big thing happening.
Yeah, I'm just curious because he said he first-hand witnessed that he saw a National Guard pulling illegal aliens out of the water and pulling them up to the side versus returning them.
Yeah, I know.
It would be nice to have him on your show.
Have who on?
Michael Yawn.
He's on all the time.
I was just saying the other day... Did you just hear me say, we'll get him on today?
Yes, sir.
Alright, thanks for calling.
What do you do when you're the state guard down there and there's women and children drowning in the water?
They put up barbed wire to keep him from getting through.
But when they're crawling over the barbed wire, what are you supposed to do?
You're not in that position.
And look, I'm not here to defend Governor Abbott.
That's not my job.
But I'm also the type of guy that when all hell's breaking loose all around us, and things are so crazy, and 15 states have lined up behind Texas and are sending troops, and Biden's saying he's going to federalize the National Guard to stop this, optically this is a big deal, a big wake-up call, a big constitutional crisis.
And so however Abbott got pushed into finally doing the right thing, it is a good thing overall.
I get the other talk show hosts.
They spend all their time about who's the most perfect and who you can totally trust and all this stuff.
And that's fine and dandy.
And I'm not even getting into Michael Young.
I respect him a lot.
I've been a big critic of Abbott.
It's just the whole show is continually about is Abbott good or not?
Or is Elon Musk good or not?
Or is this or that?
We are in a new world order.
We're in a takeover.
They're trying to start World War III.
And I'm simply saying it's great to have all these states doing this.
And it's great to see all this unfolding.
But I can't answer your question about Greg Abbott and who he prays to at 2 a.m.
in the morning.
I mean, I can't do it.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I've been to the border a bunch, I've shown the human trafficking, I've been to Congress, I've exposed it, I'm doing what I can do.
Alright, I appreciate your call.
Billy in Oklahoma, go ahead.
Can you hear me?
I sure can.
Hey, I just called to put a smile on your face and everybody else's.
You ready?
Go ahead.
Can you hear that?
That's a little baby, that's beautiful.
Yes, sir.
I'm not going to take up any more of your time, but I figured everybody could use a smile.
And here you go.
Thank you, God.
And take that, Bill Gates.
You're not depopulating that family.
Thank you, Billy.
Robinson in Chile, calling from another country.
I would have gone to you earlier.
I would have seen that.
I wasn't paying attention.
Go ahead, Robinson.
Hey Alex, one thing I'd like to share with you about the border invasion is how people who are waking up they can see how this is a total global thing.
Because here in Chile we have the exact same invasion you guys are experiencing on the border.
It's the same thing.
Uh, crawling in from the border, aided by the UN, the government, they're being bussed around the country.
It's the exact same thing.
So people can see how these things happen over in different countries.
Oh, it's all run by the UN NGOs.
So whether it's Chile or whether it's the US, cut the funding to the NGOs.
Exactly, and for example, over here, Venezuela was intentionally destroyed, one of the richest countries at the time, and now they have 95% poverty, people living under poverty, and running through the desert and the mountains to get over here, and they're aided by the UN and so on, so it's the same thing.
But one important thing to look for is that this happened, this started to happen here around 10 years ago under Bachelet, President Bachelet, who is now one of the heads of the UN.
So you can see how things happen 10 years before here and then it's happening later in more difficult to control countries like the US for example.
Just later, they use this place as their testing ground.
What do you think of all 15 states now joining with Texas?
I think it's great.
Basically, the state equals the people defending themselves, defending the Constitution.
I hope it doesn't go kinetic, let's say, but it's basic to defend the Constitution and the country, and that's the only way.
Absolutely, because again, the UN has internal groups in each country with government funding that put the illegal aliens on welfare, so it's a group they control and a group they can siphon money off of.
That's just one level of their political control.
Thank you, sir, from Chile.
Let's go to Val in Colorado.
Val, thanks for calling.
Good day, Alex.
Thank you for your love of truth.
Thank you for always reaching out.
And thank you for the listeners for their love of truth, your staff.
Yeah, what was the term he used?
spirit of fear, you guys are a lightning rod and a source of strength to all of us.
So yesterday, Viva Frey made a point that it was pretty impactful because I felt like
this has been coming for a while.
And the point was an insurmountable change in momentum in the public psyche.
Yeah, what was the term he used?
It was a momentum term.
change of momentum or something very close Yeah, exactly.
There's been a change of momentum.
Nothing's perfect.
We're not offering a utopia.
We don't say it's all fixed, but you can feel the momentum is shifting.
Absolutely, and I think that we've gone over a ridge in this respect.
And with that, there's a lot coming at us, Alex.
There's a lot coming at us, and with that is responsibility.
We've got to really start considering, since we're now rising, the responsibility that's going to come with that.
As we overwhelm the spirit of hatred and the spirit of fear that is our enemy, we've got to figure out a way not to become that same spirit, because it's what happens time and time over in history.
We gotta figure out how to stay on the side of love and fearlessness.
No, I totally agree.
While opposing this monster, we can't become the monster.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
While slaying monsters, I forget who said it, while slaying monsters, be careful you don't become the monsters.
That's it, man.
I appreciate the time, Alex.
I wish blessings for you and for your family and everybody that's tuned in.
God bless you all, brothers and sisters.
God bless you, Val.
Thank you.
We're going to go to break in about a minute and a half.
Thank you.
We're going to come back and go to Greg and Brian and Man Come Kind and Steve and Randy and Jeff and Carla and others.
Doing a pretty good job of them, taking a lot of calls.
Please remember, you don't fund us, we don't stay on air.
And it's all up to God.
If God doesn't work through you to fund us, that's fine.
But the new fundraiser shirt that came out a month ago when I was on with Elon Musk for two and a half hours, and he said, I don't know what you call an anti-globalist movement.
I said, how about Team Humanity?
He said, yeah, let's call it Team Humanity.
This is a big deal and it's starting to really get picked up now.
So it's a fundraising shirt.
There's two variants.
I designed this one, the other one got designed by our crew.
It's great as well.
It's got the nuclear family on it.
It says Team Humanity above it.
1776, InfoWars.com.
We'll show you an image there at InfoWars.com.
Please get the shirt.
There's two different designs.
InfoWarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
Please get the shirt.
And yeah, we could sell them.
The shirt costs like $10, $12 to print.
We could sell it for that, but it wouldn't give us funds to operate.
So you get the shirt.
It's high quality, it's a piece of history, and it funds the operation.
It's incredible.
An amazing conversational starter.
Team Humanity t-shirt.
And it's not pre-sale anymore.
So let's get that changed.
It's been in stock for a week.
It's no longer pre-sale.
I told people a month ago it was pre-sale.
It takes two weeks to get a shirt printed.
But these are extra high quality.
It took a little bit longer.
It's been in for six, seven days.
No more pre-sale.
The shirt is now available in two different designs.
Team Humanity.
And I'm asking you To go there, it's up to you to make the decision.
It funds the operation.
It's a piece of history.
Get a Team Humanity shirt.
Now, I want it to be a bestseller.
I want to see them all over the place.
And hey, if you want to come out with your own shirts that say it and sell it, please do.
This is an idea I want to be adopted.
Please, all the other talk show hosts, don't give me credit.
Just go with this.
This is, everybody's a football teamer, a baseball teamer.
No, no, no.
Or the rainbow pedophile flag.
This is Team Humanity, the nuclear family.
Let's celebrate it now.
Get the shirt.
Make the decision.
Defeat the globalists.
The second American revolution is happening now right in front of you.
And you're tuned in to InfoWars because you're either looking for the truth or you're already a patriot.
I'm asking you now to realize we are at the fulcrum, the crossroads, in the fight for human destiny and human future.
Please spread the word about the broadcast.
Please buy great products at FootwearStore.com and please pray for the transmission.
Without you, we're going to fail.
But if you simply take action and spread the word, And pray for the broadcast and buy the products.
You will continue to aid us together in our victory against these tyrants.
But now is the time to make the decision.
I know there's millions of forms of media out there and all this BS and the globalists hope you get lost in all of it.
But notice the globalists, the New World Order, are coming after us because they realize we've got their number.
Think about it.
Infowars is the tip of the spear.
If you want to support the tip of the spear, that decision is up to you.
Please support us now at Infowars.org.
We're getting a lot of calls on air and a lot of calls off air saying, hey, Greg Abbott went along with the lockdowns partially and he's done a lot of other wimpy stuff.
We don't like him.
So what are you doing saying this is a good thing?
Well, these are politicians, so they blow which way the wind blows.
Like a weather vane.
So there's massive pressure against the open border.
It's the number one issue.
People see the invasion happening.
And he's down there defying the feds and has gotten 15 states to back him.
And they're sending troops down here.
That creates a giant political crisis and points out that Biden's a total traitor.
That is only positive.
You know, when Christ was crucified, the whole Bible's a lesson.
And he's got the murderer and the thief on either side of him.
And one of them doesn't believe in God and says, I don't want to be healed, and I don't want to be forgiven.
The other one does, and Christ says, tonight, you'll be with me in paradise.
And I'm not judging Greg Abbott.
I don't know if he's good or bad.
He's certainly a lot better than Democrats.
And it doesn't matter.
He has got the guard down there.
He started at one spot.
The feds are threatening to throw him out.
Now the Border Patrol refuses to follow Biden's orders.
Biden's about to probably federalize the state guards of the country, which is going to push this absolutely in front of the Supreme Court.
Accelerate it!
And what's going on is illegal.
If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Biden, we know they're compromised and they're going to rule against Trump.
But we're not sitting here on the defense taking it anymore.
We're demanding action!
And are all these other governors bad?
Most of them are probably good that have joined us.
I don't know.
Alabama just joined.
They're sending troops.
This is big.
We'll beat the border covering.
Drew Hernandez is hosting today.
He's about to go down there this weekend.
So, all this is unfolding.
And so I can't sit here and wave a magic wand and say, I know who's perfect and I know who isn't.
I know I love God.
I know I want justice.
I know I'm not for sale.
But I'm not going to sit there when we see all this in motion and then say, well, you know, I don't know about that guy.
Because it's exposing the open border.
It's drawing attention to it.
Biden doesn't like that.
This is a positive thing overall that's happening.
And I use the cheesy analogy of, you know, Star Wars or Return of the Jedi.
It's episode six, where Darth Vader's watching Palpatine kill his own son.
And he still has some good in him.
And he says, why am I destroying my own future?
And he decides to throw Palpatine down the reactor shaft.
I'm not saying, even though he is crippled like Darth Vader, that Greg Abbott's Darth Vader, he's not that powerful in the archetype.
But I'm saying, are you mad at Darth Vader when he throws Palpatine down the mine shaft?
Because that's what's starting to happen.
He's not thrown down at you, but he's got him over the edge.
I mean, we're in the right, folks.
This human smuggling's illegal.
These open borders are sick.
It's all—Congress sits there on their hands like they don't know what's going on while they fund—the State Department funding 80% of this.
Roll the clip from Return of the Jedi.
But regardless, ladies and gentlemen, the New World Order is destroying our country right in
front of us.
And these 15 states, what's happening is exactly what they fear.
The globalists are not all powerful.
And we have to stop acting like they are, they're not.
I've been doing this 30 years, and I'm telling you, they're pathetic.
What they count on is you not being awake and you not being engaged.
A woman, famously in a newspaper article, I forget where, but you can look it up, asked Thomas Jefferson, she said, what is the level of tyranny That the elites would bring upon us.
And he said, the level of tyranny is what we will accept.
And she said in the full article, she said, what do you mean?
He goes, there's always more evil people ready to replace the last elite.
So there's no end to evil because it always just gets more radical until we stop it.
You got to have good men and women that say no.
And this is a process, ladies and gentlemen.
But most of these politicians, even though a lot of them are on our side, they don't want to destroy the country.
You don't think Greg Abbott really has a heart on for America and Texas?
You think he really won't?
But he sits there like a coward and plays games.
But when he sees everybody pissed, and everybody he knows getting in his face saying, do something, and now he does something, he gets all the support, what do you think he's going to do?
Let him be the hero, folks!
Get behind it!
That's how you win wars!
You think our Revolutionary War was perfect?
You don't think it was full of traitors?
It was.
Benedict Arnold, we found out who he was.
We'll find out who the traitors are, don't you worry, and they'll be held accountable.
But we have the initiative, just like Viva Frye said, and I forget the term the caller reminded me, it was, uh, unstoppable momentum?
No, that was not what he said.
What was it?
It's, you can see, folks, Tucker Carlson goes to Canada, day one, and 30-something thousand people pack an arena.
Probably 50,000.
No one can find the number.
What's the capacity of that thing in Calgary?
The thing's got capacity.
Everywhere Trump goes, I don't say this to act like, oh, I'm so popular.
I go out in public, all I get is love.
So does Trump.
Biden gets nothing but hatred because they're not popular people.
Freedom is popular.
We can do this together.
But we've got to stop acting like we're the losers.
We're the winners.
Let's get the network break.
Craig in Florida.
You're on the air.
Thanks for rolling.
Go ahead.
Well, let's not let it be death of a salesman, Alex, because you are the consummate salesman.
You know what you're selling?
And your fire is what we all love, man.
We're addicted to it.
I know you're a humble guy.
You don't like to hear it, but You're a patriot.
You are the number one patriot on the front line.
My question about this whole thing is, what happens if this brews up to a separation of states here?
Because we got Amy Comey Barrett that just let us down in the Supreme Court.
Crazy, right?
What's your take on where we go from there?
We got Johnson, who's doing nothing.
No tapes released from J6, nothing.
He's another... No, I mean, look, look, look, look.
I mean, we got this head of the RNC in Arizona caught trying to bribe people and threaten them.
Look, and he just went down.
Yeah, I've heard it.
So, I mean, here's the deal.
Look, we didn't look for a fight, but if you're walking on a parking lot at night and some dude knocks you upside the head for no reason, you don't know if you're going to win, but you're going to go ahead and beat the hell out of him, right?
So, I say that politically.
I don't know how all this is going to end.
I've said this a thousand times.
I don't know how it's all going to end, but we're already in the fight, brother, and so that's all I know.
They are leverages that we separate.
You know, Texas already had a model for separation.
Well, here's the deal.
I don't like the breakup of the country, but it's already gone.
We're already under U.N.
So yes, I have said this for decades.
I would be for the states pulling out of the compact to reestablish the republic under the original Bill of Rights Declaration of Independence Constitution.
I mean, I agree.
I mean, I would actually support, right now we got 15 states.
They can just say, we no longer represent the feds.
We're not going to shoot you, we're not going to kill you, we're not going to have a civil war like the liberal media says.
We're going to politically say, we no longer are under your control, and then we can have our own constitutional convention, and another 10 states will join us, and we'll just frog march those people out there, and have a new election, and it's game over.
It's got to happen.
That's a peaceful coup, by the way.
A peaceful countercoup.
Well, here's the thing.
Everybody thinks they need federal taxes.
They use that for political control.
They print all the money they want, brother.
And again, I don't want a secession.
I don't want a civil war.
I don't want... The federal government is captured.
So, whatever peaceful mechanism we've got, I don't even want to get rid of the agencies and stuff, most of them.
They can be repurposed and retooled and repeopled.
But they're hijacked now, does that make sense?
Yeah, and you know, hopefully there's going to be more than 15 states here if we cause some ruckus and put pressure on everyone's states.
No, I agree, and we don't realize how much power we've got.
Yeah, they don't like phone calls.
They don't like any of it.
And they don't like the fact that Tugger Carlson has 50,000 people at his rally.
Right, well... I mean, Tugger calls the leader of Canada and says, I'm coming to free your country, and 50,000 people show up.
You think they like that?
Listen, all 15 of these states, you should contact them, you should try to rally in those 15 states to show how much support there is for what each one of those states is doing, and then ricochet it out to other states, put the pressure on them.
Hey, all you do is send them a video of Tucker in Calgary and say, America wants this too, you dumbasses.
And just stops.
And then when the dumbasses get on board with us, we can't go, well, you used to not be perfect.
We gotta invite them over.
Let's go.
Let's win.
That's how you win a war.
Listen, on another note, I'm a spark plug.
I gave a couple of incredible money-making ideas.
Oh, Mr. Cross-screener.
I don't know how you do that.
I can't do that live here on air.
So just send me an email.
I appreciate you.
All right, let's go to Jeff in Alabama.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Glad to have Alabama join Texas.
Yeah, I love Alabama Joint Text.
In fact, if you look back to the 60s, you could actually follow the same thing that Wallace did, in some sort, standing just a few miles down the road at the University of Alabama, where the Alabama National Guard was actually called in under the president to activate, take the charge away from Governor Wallace.
So, what that did, of course, is shine a light.
I love what Abbott's trying to do here.
He's shining the light so that the whole nation can understand... I'm going to stop.
I'm going to stop.
I'm going to interrupt.
You said it.
This is only good what Abbott did, so let's not take it away.
He's shining the light and pointing out the crisis that is there, and a bunch of people want to second-guess him, and I'm tired of it.
Yeah, I am too, but he is doing exactly what he needs to do because he's forcing the hand of the U.S.
government To come forward and say, okay, there is a problem, but we're going to activate your guard unit, your state guard, and try to take powers away from me.
Hey, that's playing into the hands of the Texans.
Explain that, explain that, because you're dead on.
Okay, I really believe that's showing the whole world that the government is inept on defending our national border down in Texas, and of course, all the way up through California.
I spent 26 years in the military, still serving in a capacity right now.
You know, served in Panama over 10 years of my career, so I eat the same dirt that Michael Young's eating down there right now, and probably Pete Chambers.
But I see that America is waking up to the fact that if we don't stand up like Texas is doing right now, We're going to lose what little bit we got left.
And I'm not going to second guess it when it's got all these states behind it and it's constitutional.
I'm going to see what happens.
No doubt.
No doubt.
And it is constitutional.
Number one job of the President of the United States is to protect the country.
And he's completely inept on doing that.
That's the first thing in the Constitution is to defend the border.
No doubt.
No doubt.
So what do you think is going to unfold?
Because I'm seeing huge support being thrown behind Texas right now.
I'm really proud of everybody.
Yes, just in the last few days you had these states coming forward and opening up.
And I'm hoping to see more.
I'm hoping it forces the hand of the U.S.
government to act.
I think we're just about too late as far as the $10 million that has already crossed the border.
I don't know the answer.
Well, nobody's going to complain about state taxes for deportation.
our next president that comes in. Other than we need to find these people and
send them back. Well nobody's gonna complain about state taxes for
deportation. Right. What state, who wouldn't pass a 5% extra tax for a year
to deport every one of these people? I know and our military, our military had
made us go to a couple of years now.
I mean, we've had the smallest military in 80 years right now, and it kills me.
You know, I was enlisted for 14 years and then become an officer, a retired officer, and it kills me to see this military like this.
You're right, we don't even need more money to do this.
I'm just saying, nobody's going to stand in the way of state taxes, emergency taxes to create task force and kick these people out.
And I'm sad for the people they brought here.
Most of them aren't even bad, but they've been used as a weapon to take the country down.
They gotta go.
No doubt.
And the thing about it is, I think it may backfire on them because these people are coming across, the majority of the families that actually come across, I mean, they're God-fearing people for the most part.
It's just the individuals, there's more and more people coming across the borders, and it's not family-oriented.
Well, that's the issue, is they use these first groups to break our will, and then they bring in Unlimited.
That's why we've got to ship them back so that more don't come.
It's got to be done.
It's got to be done, no doubt.
I agree.
We've got big hearts, we love everybody, but, sorry, you came here illegally, your ass is getting shipped back.
No doubt.
No doubt.
Great points, Jeff.
Thank you so much.
And look, folks, I'm not here in some Greg Abbott worship fest.
We got 15 states behind us.
I told you a week ago this was real.
This is pissed off the out-of-control feds.
This is getting the public's attention.
And we are going to force the feds to overplay their hand.
They're going to nationalize the State Guard.
And then it's off to the races.
In Georgia, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
First thing I want to say, thank you for Prostagard.
I love that product.
I'm down to my last two bottles, so if you could get it back in stock.
I know me, among a lot of other info warriors, would greatly appreciate that.
The thing I wanted to stress to everybody is that their ultimate goal here is depopulation.
So what I'm afraid of is that the power goes out, And they use all of these military-age men organized into gangs, military forces.
Oh hell, they're having them join the military and the police.
There's no question that's what's going on.
Well, not even legitimately, but you have major power outage events go on like they've been pre-programming.
That's going to be the signal to all of these groups to loot, pillage, just go through city by city and depopulate.
That's the ultimate goal here, everyone, is they want depopulation.
And the report for 2025 that says that the United States will experience a severe reduction in population.
You're talking about the Deagle report.
People say, well, that's horrible.
They want a post-industrial world.
They can sabotage America.
They can sabotage the whole world.
You're dead on about that.
That's my biggest fear, Mr. Jones, with all these people they're bringing in, is that it's a Trojan horse.
They don't need to storm the beaches of the Carolinas or California.
They already have their army inside of the country.
And when the power goes out, that will be the ghost light for all of these groups.
Oh, anytime someone tries to unelect a leftist in Europe, they have the Muslims burn down the cities.
So yeah, you're not speculating.
This has happened.
I appreciate your call.
I'm going to go back to your calls and finish up here.
Head of Drew Hernandez is reporting on the border, taking over here.
Head of Owen Schroer, 3 p.m.
Central today.
He's always got great analysis information.
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All right, Randy in Colorado.
Randy, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Yeah, Alex, I love you, man.
Thank you for the warning about the vaccine.
You saved a lot of us there.
I just wanted to say, you know, conspiracy theorists, conspiracy realists like yourself, we predicted the alien invasion, didn't we?
But we didn't predict that it would be an illegal alien invasion.
Well, the whole UN plan is implode the third world with UN policies that they control and then flood us with these poor people.
That's it.
That's it.
You know, I have a message for the satanic, globalist, pedophile deep state.
We see you.
We see you.
You've already lost.
We have God on our side.
We have Alex.
We have so many people on our side.
We have God.
We won.
They know that we won, and that's why they're hoping our replacements, right?
2.0 Americans.
They're going to try to do something crazy.
We've got to be ready.
We gotta be ready.
Well, I think it's clear.
They're gonna false flag migrants.
If I was them, and I wouldn't do this myself, I'm saying, and get in their brain, they're gonna blow up or shoot a bunch of illegal aliens, and anybody that's for, you know, controlling the border is now a terrorist.
I mean, you can see what's going on.
Hold the line.
Don't attack.
Stay peaceful.
Obviously, none of us are gonna attack the Border Patrol, the illegal aliens.
We feel sorry for them.
But I'm saying the deep state is gonna do that.
People should be ready for that.
That's right.
That's right.
You nailed it.
I mean, that's what I'm saying.
We've got to make it known that we are not violent.
We are peaceful.
We love God.
We love the rule of law.
We're patriots.
And anyone who comes against us, you know, the satanic globalists, these people are sick.
You know, they've got to go.
They know they're... They are sick.
Thank you, Randy.
I'm going to move quick for everybody.
Let's go ahead and go to Steve and then Mankind.
Steve in Oklahoma.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, everybody get the products.
They're amazing.
I 100% support Texas and what Abbott's doing.
I think all 50 states should join in.
And I really think with all the Boeing incidents going on, I think they're going to do something with Trump's plane, like you said before.
And Biden, he's faking it.
He said back in 2020 in December, I'm seeing him.
He'll get a disease, and then he'll, and then tomorrow he'll become president.
Yeah, remember he said, he goes, if the people in charge get tired of me, I'll just get a disease and retire.
He did that right when he got elected, or stole the election.
Yeah, yeah, it was in December 2020.
Well, what do you make of all these states now that have lined up with Texas?
It's awesome.
All 50 need to join.
I know it's not going to happen because there's a lot of blue states.
By the way, it's now 17.
I was saying 15 30 minutes ago.
It's 17 states, brother.
I think.
That's my wife.
All 50 should join.
We know it's not going to happen, but we always got to watch our six, because who knows what they got up their sleeves.
Well, I love how North Texas was the first place to join Texas.
By the way, I love Oklahomans.
There's a little bit of a rivalry, but everybody knows it's North Texas.
Or you can say it's North Oklahoma.
But yeah, it's beautiful, brother.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, no, that's the first big movement we've seen.
That scares the globalists down to their short hairs.
19 now.
Man, it is moving quick.
Let's read them.
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia.
Written sanctuary cities for America.
Mankind and Arizona.
You're on the air.
Thanks for rolling.
Humanity is rising and is awake!
Alex, no weapon formed against this shall prosper.
Because we pledge our lives... Oh, but Greg Abbott's not perfect.
It has nothing to do with him.
I know.
I hear a lot of these guys trying to call in, but again, they're not using their heads first.
They kind of want to just say something to be a part of the conversation, because obviously, you know, you judge a tree by its fruit.
And when somebody's doing something good against this New World Order, that should be celebrated.
Hey, all I know is I've been real for 30 years, and these people always say I'm not real.
I know for damn sure I'm real.
And I've been listening to you for at least 25 years, and that's all I want to say is that everybody in this nation right now is pledging their lives, their fortunes, and our sacred honor to take this republic back, because that's what's going to happen!
I need to hear your war face!
Your war face!
Mankind is divine!
We're going to get through this.
We're already winning by being non-violent.
We just need to stay the course.
No, but I'm worried.
I'm worried, mankind.
You know they're going to blow some stuff up.
I definitely do.
That's actually one of the main things that I've been putting out on my media outlet as well, is preparedness and not to fall for the false flags that we know are coming.
And don't be scared of it, but be prepared for it.
What's your media outlet?
I want to check it out.
Oh, it's prophetic.net, that's P-R-O-P-H-E, T as in Tango, C as in Charlie, dot net.
Alright, don't hang up, don't hang up.
I'm only going to give you a minute or two, and I'm going to go to George, Michael, and Carla, and then I'm going to hand the baton to the great Drew Hernandez, who's about to go to the border, and show our weebs what we're in for.
Hour number four, straight ahead, in the War Room with Owen Schroeder, 3 p.m.
You know, I stood up here and I yelled and screamed about the New World Order and the globalists, they're planning to get rid of the borders and release a virus and have a global power grab, and you saw it all come true.
But there's a...
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Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
But that was the old war.
We've been losing for a long time.
Now we're going to start winning.
Hernandez coming up and I'll finish with these four calls.
Ma'am Kyle, you're making some great points.
Finish your point.
Yeah, absolutely.
Again, just want everybody to continue to stay vigilant and stay peaceful, because as you see, by our non-violent following in the ways of Martin Luther King or Gandhi, and of course Jesus, these are the results that you get.
That's how you change mankind.
That's how you change the culture, is through means like this.
And yes, we have a difficult time ahead of us, but again, everybody that's listening to this show, I'll make this real quick.
There's one other issue we need to focus on.
your time to be prepared for this.
So guys, the limit, keep God close to your heart, folks.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go to Carla in Virginia.
Carla, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I'll make this real quick.
There's one other issue we need to focus on.
I think this border thing is horrendous and it's just terrible.
It's just terrible.
But this WHO thing coming up in May, we need to start pounding that again.
Because if that, those amendments go through, we're done.
It won't matter.
Well, for those that don't know, they've got the UN pandemic treaty to take over our nation, our health care, our bodies.
And I would say done on paper, but we're not going to follow their orders.
But yeah, I mean, I totally agree.
It's all a UN.
People say the UN is not powerful.
No, it is.
The globalists set it up.
Our country set it up.
Our traders set it up to transfer power to it.
So absolutely, we've got to stop the pandemic treaty.
It's got to be hit.
This issue has to be hit just as hard as the border because it's in tandem.
I totally agree.
These people coming across the border are going to be used against us if that treaty goes through.
Well, we're fighting it and I hear you 100% agree.
Thank you so much.
George in New Mexico, go ahead, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Yeah, so I was listening to the show today and an exciting time, like you said, to be alive and, you know, it's good to see a little bit of unity.
In the states joining together, you know, especially when it's fueled by, you know, we the people, you know.
And it's unfortunate, you know, your guest speaker today kind of broke it down on what they're actually seeing down there.
You know, I don't think a lot of people realize the extent of the different dangers that we face, you know, with that crisis down there, you know, so.
I agree with you.
I think, you know, in whatever way we can come together, it ain't even really about the message.
It's just about the message, you know.
The message is we need a border.
We need sovereignty in our nation, you know.
And the danger that it imposes to our nation, you know.
So God bless Texas for leading the way, you know.
And it's unfortunate that right next door in my state, you know, my governor here, Michelle Lujan Grisham, She's doing the exact opposite.
You know, the border's wide open over here and everybody's welcoming.
You know, she declined the National Guard down here.
You know, unfortunately, it's an embarrassment to the nation, but God bless the other states for leading the way, you know?
Well, at least she's showing us who she is.
Yeah, absolutely.
A lot of people are starting to wake up.
You know, see her tyrannical policies and things that she's trying to impose over here, you know, especially around the Second Amendment.
They're trying to take the guns and she got rebuked on that.
Great point, George.
Thank you so much.
I'm gonna go to break.
Got one more call.
Michael in North Carolina, then Drew Hernandez takes over for the balance of the hour.
We'll skip a couple of breaks to get some time back.
Please remember, ladies and gentlemen, The War Room with Owen Schroer coming up 3 p.m.
Central today in 55 minutes, 22 seconds from now.
And we've got live coverage of everything happening at InfoWars.com.
Band on video and Real Alex Jones on X.
It's Thursday, January 25th, 2024.
We're into hour number four, and the great Drew Hernandez is set to take over here in mere minutes.
But I promise to get to every call on the board.
So final caller, our tail gunner from North Carolina.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Love you, brother.
Yes, sir.
Love you, too.
I'm calling to make this real short.
Go ahead.
I'm calling on our governor, North Carolina Cooper, regardless of party affiliation, to send the National Guard.
If our state's attacked by illegals, once we dispose of them, we will be looking to hold him responsible.
So I'm asking him to get off his hands and join the rest of the state and send the National Guard down to Texas.
What do you make of that?
It was 15 states when I started the show three hours ago.
Now 19 states back in Texas.
What do you think about that?
I think that's super.
So, you know, I think your governor is doing the right thing.
I'm behind him 100%.
Well, God bless you, brother.
What else is on your mind?
I've got all your products.
I've been a listener 18 years.
First time caller.
Not telling people to get off their medication because it might not work for everybody, but I'm a recovering drug addict, and I almost died from it, and God set me free from it.
I've been on your products, and I've felt better than I ever felt in my life.
I got off all the medications they had me on, and it's truly blessed me, and it's helped me a lot.
Your products are very good products.
Michael, thank you for taking that step to support us.
Thank you.
Look, we have millions of viewers a day, conservatively.
Three, four million.
That's a low number.
It's much higher, but let's say four million.
Less than 1% of our byproducts.
We could hire more reporters, have crew everywhere, be doing incredible stuff, but we need listeners to say, hey, I'm going to go to infowarrestore.com and I'm going to get a book, I'm going to get a film, I'm going to get water filtration, I'm going to get some supplements.
They're all excellent, they all have great results, and you fund the operation.
I want to thank the last caller for his support.
I want to encourage everybody to go to infowarrestore.com.
And one of our sponsors is drjonesnaturals.com.
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He's a big sponsor of ours.
A lot of the products that aren't available at m4shore.com are available at drjonesnaturals.com.
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War for the World.
And now in stock, now shipping, the Team Humanity t-shirts with the nuclear family.
So instead of worshipping football, these distractions, we talk about what God made
as humans.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
I want everybody to get it.
Please make the decision to fundraise for us and keep us on air and get the shirt.
Team Humanity, two different versions.
We're going to skip this break.
Coming up, Drew Hernandez takes over now.
All righty, Alex Jones.
Thank you, guys.
Welcome to the fourth hour of the most banned transmission in the universe, the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
Many thousands, millions of patriots getting behind the Lone Star State, Texas, leading the charge.
And yes, I'm seeing all over X. I'm seeing all over the news.
A lot of people are very skeptical as to what Governor Greg Abbott's intentions are.
However, The movement itself should be able to trump and eclipse whatever those intentions may be.
One thing I want to warn the Infowarriors and patriots worldwide on when it comes to what's taking place with these current developments is take a look at the current trend that we've been seeing for the past three years.
There's been an installed narrative of Trump supporters being right-wing MAGA Republican domestic terrorists, violent threats to democracy.
And then post January 6th and that operation that sealed the deal for them to carry that narrative all the way into the end zone touchdown score and they're all doing their touchdown dances.
That gave them the ability to seal a narrative where they could install that and sear that in the minds of the psyche of millions of not only Americans, but human beings worldwide through their propaganda and their fake news media channels, social media, you name it.
So I think we've learned, I think we've learned, and I understand how a lot of people are skeptical of politicians, as you should be, and their actions.
But at the same time, it shouldn't discourage us from exercising our First Amendment to peacefully gather and protest and express our grievances against a federal government, let alone a rogue, criminal, authoritarian federal government.
So I think the movement And I think the word for today is to be wise as serpents as we are dealing in the future when it comes to mass gatherings, when it comes to mass protests.
I never want to encourage Americans Or I'll say it differently.
I never want to discourage Americans from exercising their First Amendment right because that is how we win.
That is how America itself survives.
That is how America itself, that is American culture.
And so with the truck convoys that are upcoming in the next week that are going down to the different locations in the southern border, Yuma, Eagle Pass in Texas, etc.
in California as well.
We're seeing this all over X. A lot of people are saying, well, is this a Fed op?
How many Feds are going to infiltrate this operation?
And I understand how people are thinking this way.
And you should be skeptical of mass movements in the United States, but you shouldn't be discouraged to participate, to exercise your First Amendment right.
You should just be extremely wise and calculated and have your eyes wide open and be extremely watchful.
As to who you're getting involved with, and as to who is around you, and as to who really is trying to encourage acts of violence, or who really is trying to encourage acts that could be used and weaponized.
They did the same thing with the trucker convoy in Canada a couple of years ago, where they totally tried to weaponize that movement, paint them as Nazis and domestic terrorists and threats to everybody in Canada.
And fast forward a few years later, and now it's all coming out to the public and the general public of Canada.
Well, actually, they had rights to be able to freely express themselves and protest the government because they weren't violent in any way, shape, or form.
And so I think that is the future.
And I think as we move forward as a movement, the Great Awakening is not only aware to Deep State, is not only aware to the New World Order, is not only aware To their long-term operations, but understanding false flag events.
Not just from the perspective where you're watching Alex, or you're watching Owen, or Harrison, myself, or you name it on InfoWars, or your favorite based American truly red-pilled and anti-globalist, you know, radio or TV show host that has the ability to break down these globalist, you know, operations that are carried out over years, but also having the ability to identify these things on the ground.
And I think we kind of saw that in, you know, the operation with January 6th, where people on the grounds weren't quite realizing just exactly what was happening.
And we have to learn from our mistakes.
We have to learn from what has happened in the past, so we don't re...
Offend or we don't re do those mistakes again as we move forward into the future because listen, I'll tell you this thing because people out there might be like, I think you're being a little paranoid.
No, no, no, no.
I think we have every right to be overly cautious about who exactly that we're dealing with.
I mean, the most Recent, modern, perfect example of deep state infiltration and operations is what happened with Carrie Lake and the leak of the audio tape and the Republican plant that was attempting to bribe her to stand down and not run for Senate and offer a large sum of money.
Uh, for her to just, you know, get out of the way for a couple years because she's too powerful.
She's too influential.
And they can't have that right now, especially in Arizona.
And this is happening every single day.
This has been happening for thousands of years.
This is not just a problem in American politics.
Uh, this is, uh, this is globalism.
It's a satanic evil operation.
That's what that is.
That approaches people and attempts to get them to stand down for a large sum of... Alex has even talked about this.
I've done several interviews with Alex on various different shows and a lot of us have had these encounters.
I've had my own encounters where people try to get me to stand down and people try to get me to sacrifice my Christian beliefs and my Christian values, which is my reality, for the sake of a large paycheck and for the sake of having a connection to a large network of Influential people in the media and all you got to do is just really tone down speaking out for traditional biblical marriage.
If you just do that, everything will be fine.
Don't you understand?
And I've had to walk away.
Large deals.
I've had to walk away from large opportunities.
I'm like, this stuff is absolutely a reality.
And the reason why I bring up these examples in connection with where we are going moving forward as a movement We should be seeing hashtag stand with Texas trending all over.
This is a call out to the info war.
This is a call out to the info warriors, not just on X, all of social media, get it trending.
Hashtag stand with Texas.
Hashtag stand with Texas.
We have multiple states, multiple governors getting behind the state of Texas for the simple reason and the core reason of defending American sovereignty.
It's not American democracy.
Yes, it's our constitutional republic, but this is American sovereignty.
This is American... I think, honestly, that is the best way to describe what this is all about right now.
It's the sovereignty and the autonomy of not only the states, not only the states of the Union, but it's the sovereignty And the autonomy of the individual as well.
Because this is what they attempt to violate on a daily basis.
That's why they're weaponizing through lawfare.
That's why they're weaponizing with Soros plants and DAs and crooked justices and judges and prosecutors.
They're weaponizing the DOJ.
They have weaponized the three-letter intelligence agencies.
They're weaponizing the military.
It's all woke and gay and homosexual.
The furthest thing away from American strength.
Even the airplanes are all woken gay, okay?
And they're blowing out like mid-flight, alright?
You got huge holes blowing out in the middle of an airplane.
But meanwhile, Alaskan Airlines is more concerned with having little miniature, you know, gay pride rallies in the freaking terminals, okay?
Like, this is what the ESG, this is what the New World Order, total infiltration of total satanic, like, just completely pushing degeneracy On a worldwide cultural scale in every single influential channel and institution in humanity.
So back to the topic of what's going on with Texas.
I'm all for the gathering, the First Amendment peaceful protest to express in unison Because that's the United States of America.
We are not a mob rule.
We are not unified around a single individual.
The only individual we should be unified around is the Lord Jesus Christ.
That's it.
Because he's the only perfect one that can handle and distribute perfect unity.
But we are the United States of America and we are bound by the Constitution.
We're not a democracy.
We're not a mob rule.
That's why the Democrats are pushing that so aggressively.
And that's why this goes back to my point.
They're desperate, guys.
Okay, Joe Biden is nothing.
Joe Biden is empty.
Kamala Harris is a woke, retarded diversity hire that nobody can take serious.
I don't know if you guys saw their first rally of the campaign of 2024.
I think it was the same day of the primary.
Of course you didn't see it, because who the hell is watching a Biden rally, okay?
The most staged thing is very similar I don't know if you guys watched Nikki Haley's so-called cringe victory speech at the New Hampshire primary.
Just the fake cheers and the fake koo-rahs and the fake support in the background just over the top after every little thing she said.
Obviously, the same thing going on with Nikki Haley is the same thing going on with the Biden, the Biden regime, Kamala Harris, the Uniparty fully operated.
What am I saying?
What I'm saying is this, is that signals to me total desperation because they have no authentic support in this country.
And we know that.
So when you get these entities that have to result to acts and operations, whether it's psychological or kinetic ground operations through the feds or the intelligence agencies, maybe even the military, obviously the media, this is being run every single day.
When these people get desperate, you start getting some 9-11 ops, okay?
You start getting some Pearl Harbor ops.
You start Gulf of Tonkin ops.
You start getting some serious operations where they are effective.
And they do roll them out.
And these people are masters at not only psychological operations, but they're masters of operations on the ground and manipulating and infiltrating political movements that are effective.
To turn public opinion against them to make them look like they're the domestic terrorists.
While at the same time, they're importing the third world and you literally have Islamic terrorists infiltrating this country every single day.
But somehow the mainstream narrative is, well, no, those are the good guys.
They just want a better life and live the American dream.
Even though we say that's white supremacist and racist and it needs to go away.
But anyways, don't mind that.
That's just doublespeak.
No, you need to take a look at the MAGA Republican right wing domestic terrorists.
Doesn't matter.
They're all white supremacists, like when Drew Hernandez is brown.
Doesn't matter, white supremacist.
Well, you got a black guy that loves Trump and he's MAGA.
It doesn't matter, he's a white supremacist, because it's all ideology.
So as they go forward in this mode of desperation, my warning and my encouragement and my advice right now to the movement, and who am I?
I'm just a voice in the wilderness, dude.
I'm just giving my opinion.
I'm just trying to give my advice because I care about America.
I care about the Infowar.
I care about the Infowarriors family.
I care about the future of myself and my children and my children's children.
And I could clearly see how advanced and sophisticated these people really are, especially after January 6th, especially after 9-11, especially after these very sophisticated government operations that have been successful, by the way, have been carried out.
We have to be on the lookout for what's next.
And like I said, I do not want to discourage people from exercising their First Amendment right.
However, what I will say is be very critical about just exactly your surroundings, eyes wide open, being able to identify on the ground when there's these anomalies of individuals attempting to get violent against police.
Or individuals attempting to spark violence against other individuals or provocateurs.
I've seen these people operate, guys.
I covered the 2020 riots.
I covered, I've been around undercover with Antifa, Black Lives Matter.
I've heard how these people talk behind the scenes and they've been trained and they know what they're doing.
And this goes with provocateurs that I've seen show up at protesters.
A protest that just stand around and wait for the right moment of some kind of conflict or a debate going on between two people and they get in the way and they push someone into a police officer and before you know it an unlawful assembly is called.
This is the kind of stuff I want to encourage people whenever you're out in the general public Especially gathering for these political purposes for the United States of America, which isn't political, it's just this is reality for us, to be on the lookout for these type of operations.
And here's why, okay?
Here's why.
And like Alex was saying earlier, which I totally agree with, is that I do think that they will launch some kind of false flag using these illegals.
I refrain from calling them migrants because we don't even know Who the hell these people are, guys.
Okay, I have some serious connections with some of the Texas National Guard, some of the Border Patrol agents, guys literally on the Rio Grande River, okay?
That text me every single day, send me the numbers of the gotaways, the illegals that are coming in every single day.
And anytime I talk with these guys, it's worse than the reported numbers.
It doesn't mean that they're being deceptive about the numbers that they're reporting.
It's just that those are the numbers that they could confirm, that's it.
But they're way over, and they don't even know who they are.
They have no idea who the hell these people are at all, at all.
The only thing they got, the only thing they got down there is if an illegal comes in or attempts to come in that already has a prior record, that already has a prior record of offense or deportation.
That's it.
That's it.
And we have entire generations of people that have never set their eyes on the United States of America.
We have no idea who they are.
That's why Trump came out so aggressively in 2016, said they're not sending their best, they're sending asylum.
Excuse me, they're sending literally people that belong in literal asylums, the psychotic, the rapists, the serial killers.
Okay, so they probably, they already are.
Take a look at the narrative.
They already are weaponizing these people psychologically in the media by painting them as victims and they've done this in Europe and in France and in Germany where they are victims seeking a better life and anybody that's attempting to speak out against their arrival or their occupation is simply xenophobic and they go as far to say that's un-American.
Because we are a melting pot and we believe in immigration because that's the United States.
But they've psyoped people to even go along with that narrative because they're calling illegal, okay, mass replacement migration, they're calling that legal immigration.
They use this terminology, by the way.
The EU does this as well, by the way, and the United Nations whenever they're addressing the issue of mass migration.
So with all this said, it just, you know, analyzing this and watching the world and watching the direction of the deep state in my culture here in the United States of America, that's been totally weaponized against anyone that stands for America.
It's inevitable.
It's inevitable that some kind of operation is on the horizon, especially in the year 2024.
Here's why.
And this goes back to my point.
Biden is useless, has no support.
Kamala Harris is useless and retarded and has no support.
Nobody takes them serious.
They have to synthetically prop up audiences to cheer for them.
They're so desperate that they're going to their 2022 midterm narrative, where this election is about a woman's right to choose.
That's not even like Right now, the biggest two issues in the United States of America, a lot of exit polling in the caucuses in Iowa, the caucus in Iowa, and the New Hampshire primary, and many polls in the United States of America are all concluding two things, that the top issues are what?
The economy and immigration.
The economy and immigration.
These are the top two issues in this election.
So really think about it.
This administration has nothing other than the false narrative that MAGA are right-wing extremist racist white supremacists that are a threat to our entire existence.
So, to me, this is my opinion, I'm not calling for this.
It only makes sense to me that there has to be some kind of event.
There has to be some kind of event, some kind of false flag, that is in correlation with that issue.
That they could use, they could harness, repackage and weaponize against the entire movement.
The indictments against Trump, not working.
The indictments against Trump only made him more powerful, okay?
Like, he's like literally Obi-Wan Kenobi.
They've struck him down God knows how many times, and he's just like, he's continuing on and he's not stopping anytime soon.
The only thing that's gonna stop Trump is like, an assassination, I'm not calling for this, or if they just straight up put him in like, Gitmo, or his age, okay?
All of these attacks, since he came down the escalator in 2015, have only made him more powerful.
We all know that.
So as they get desperate, they're going to increase their efforts.
They're very sophisticated.
So I think the movement, eyes wide open, head on a swivel, man.
Because in their moments of desperation, they have to roll something out.
That's in correlation with what's going on with the top two issues in this nation.
And they are the ones who have caused this.
So these are masters of propaganda and operations, weaponizing against humanity.
So be on the lookout.
I have a lot more to say about this.
We have a break coming up, guys.
So make sure, don't go anywhere.
If you guys are watching on X, share the broadcast, band.video, infowarestore.com, support the broadcast.
We'll be right back.
Do not go anywhere.
Media matters, the Democratic Party.
MSNBC and others have asked me to apologize for making a parody video game criticizing the deep state and all the corruption.
And to all them, I just want to say this.
Go f*** yourselves!
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Hashtag stand with Texas the battle for American sovereignty.
That's what this is about.
This is why every state in the union needs to support what Texas is doing by leading the charge.
Well, welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
I want to invite you guys to support me on my own Rumble channel.
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That's 11 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time.
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You know what I'm saying?
Just go to Rumble.com slash Drew Hernandez.
Rumble.com slash Drew Hernandez.
Follow me on X at Drew H Live.
And also, yes, as Alex mentioned earlier, I will be going down to the formerly known southern border in Texas, not this weekend, but the next weekend, on behalf of InfoWars, band.video, InfoWarsStore.com, and that's only made possible by you guys.
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Alright, continuing with my thoughts.
Because this is kind of like a long, drawn-out thought.
You know, listening to Alex the past, you know, couple hours on this subject of Texas leading the charge, and I understand people don't trust Abbott, but I've been getting text messages from guys down on the Rio Grande, Border Patrol agents.
Behind the scenes, they kind of feel the same way, I've been hearing.
But however, they do believe it's the right move.
That's kind of like the inside stuff I can give you.
I can't disclose who they are, because got to protect their identities.
What I am hearing on the inside is that they do kind of think obviously this should have been done a lot earlier, but at least the right move was finally made.
And like I said, I personally don't trust Abbott, but I think the move was right.
Do I think that the move Was a little too late?
I think millions of people could have been prevented by a move like this early on.
However, I will say this.
I will say this, okay?
There are several on-the-ground border reporters that are down there all the time, a lot of my friends, and that actually are in Mexico.
I mean, you know, you guys have guys like Michael Yan, Ben Burquam, Oscar Blue, just to name a few, Jorge Ventura, Julio Rojas, there's, you know, the crew is always down there, you know, Bill Malusian with Fox.
And what I'm hearing from a lot of the guys down there, from some of them, is that there are caravans on the way.
Some of them have just left the southern border of Mexico.
They're en route to the southern border of the United States right now.
In route directly to Texas to this location.
So what I'll say is this, to the American people, and especially to the state of Texas, and those that may be skeptical of Greg Abbott.
And I understand why Michael Yawn is skeptical, because what I'm also hearing as well from Border Patrol on the ground is the illegals are now being spread out.
This location, Shelby Park, they're being spread out to come in through different locations.
But the stand is necessary.
So I'll say this, I'll say this, to give Abbott the benefit of the doubt.
What I'll say is this, let's see what happens when the next wave of caravans come.
Because they're on the way, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll see what happens when the next wave of caravans come.
Will the line be held?
Will Governor Greg Abbott hold this line and continue to hold this line and defy this tyrannical, criminal, rogue federal government?
It's because it's been kind of quiet.
And there are more caravans en route on the way.
What day will they touch down?
We're not sure, but that's why we're going to go down next weekend to cover especially what's going on with the convoy as well.
But we will see how the state of Texas and what I mean by the state of Texas is how Governor Greg Abbott will handle the next wave.
Of illegals.
I'm talking like a wave of like thousands.
I'm talking about these massive caravans that are en route.
And I think from there we'll really see, okay?
Because like I said, Governor Greg Abbott making the right decision, holding the line for Texas, defying a rogue federal criminal government by drawing that line, by obeying and defending the state with Constitution right out in front of you.
That's the right move.
But will that be upheld when the next wave of illegals comes.
And then we'll really see how the federal government responds at that point.
And that's kind of, I'm just being honest with you guys.
That's what I'm watching.
That's what I'm watching.
However, yes, we need the public support.
United States of America getting behind Texas, supporting Texas, standing behind the Constitution, defending ourselves from a rogue, tyrannical federal government.
That is the right move.
That is the right move, and that's where we need to be right now.
So this brings me back to my point with what I think this rogue criminal federal government is going to roll with in the future, because that's their track record.
They need something, guys.
They really need something.
They don't have anything.
There's no substance.
There's no message accompanying the Biden campaign right now.
Nothing other than the power of women.
They're gonna know the power of women soon.
It's your right to choose to slaughter and kill your baby in and outside of the womb.
That's what we're going for in 2024 against Trump.
I think that's the surface level.
There's a reason why They've been demonizing Americans, especially fully accelerated that the past, I would say, seven to ten years.
And there's a reason why they ran the J6 op, and there's a reason why they've been going with the MAGA Republican right-wing domestic terrorist, putting J6ers and Gulags in D.C., and now going after people that were outside on the Capitol lawn.
Okay, weaponizing the federal government against people that were there on the Capitol outside?
On the Capitol lawn, on the grounds, hundreds of feet away?
I could have just been sitting there chilling, smoking a cigarette, I don't know, eating a sandwich.
This is what I'm trying to tell you guys.
It's like, these are acts, these are rogue criminal acts of serious desperation and paranoia.
That's why they're getting this way, because they know they're losing.
They're losing the grip of the minds of millions of people, not just in America, but worldwide.
And as they get more desperate, and as they get more paranoid, The sophistication of their operations is going to increase.
And I think that's what we're going to have to face in 2024.
So I just want to put that out there.
I want to put that out there now for the movement, especially with this convoy coming out.
I don't want to discourage people from peacefully protesting because we need that.
That's what they fear, by the way.
That's why they have to infiltrate it.
That's why they have to subvert it.
That's why the feds have to get in and make it violent.
Because they hate the First Amendment.
Why do they hate it?
Because it is peaceful.
Why do they hate it?
Because it shows that a truly democratic and a truly constitutional republic can function peacefully, respectfully, and maturely.
That could happen.
And they know that, and they hate that, and they fear that.
That's why they have to get in with their plants, with their feds, and their infiltrators.
And cause acts.
Really view it that way.
I think that's the best way to put it.
Whenever you guys are out on the ground, you're at a protest, you're at some kind of political gathering, no matter where you are, you see these strange anomalies of violence or fighting or some kind of confrontation with police officers.
They may not necessarily be feds or sent by the federal government, but they very well may be an antifa Infiltrator or some kind of radical political communist agitator that will get arrested but get a pass.
That stuff is fully operational, especially now in 2024.
Don't encourage people to be on the lookout for that, no matter where you're at, especially in America, because they need something, guys.
They're in this mode of desperation Where even their psychological lies through the media, that's not sticking.
They need something kinetic.
They need something tangible.
They need something they could point to and say, see, that is what we were telling you guys about.
That's undeniable.
And that's why you need to turn your back on everything that that represents in their own spinned narrative and propagated, twisted, perverted definition of what we are as Christians MAGA, The Great Awakening, Info Warriors, Patriots, you name it, correct?
And these are sophisticated levels of psychological operations, also on the ground, that I think, you know, the Patriot of the future has to be able to identify.
Especially with the use of technology and AI and bots and algorithms on social media, propping up narratives.
In order to get people to believe something that causes them to move and act on it, just like they ran the operation on people in the past on social media.
And they pointed to that as hubs of right-wing domestic terrorism.
They did the same thing with Parler.
Guys, they've already done this, okay?
And this was only, what, three years ago?
Going on four years ago?
Like, what makes us think that they won't increase these levels of operations, especially right now where they already have?
Okay, this replacement migration agenda and operation, it's not something that we have to look out for anymore.
It's not something that we have to be ready for.
It's not something that, okay, well, now we know what it is.
We're assured that it's real because they've rolled it out in France and Germany and Europe and several different countries in the East.
No, this, this, this, it's already happened.
Okay, it's already happened.
It's already being carried out on a daily basis.
And there are millions of people that do not belong here in this country and they will be activated as well.
Dude, look what they did in France just last year.
Drew, how do you know that?
It's been happening in Germany and Ireland.
You have all of these Muslim women in Ireland complaining that, you know, the Irish men are disrespectful and their culture is just really disrespectful because they joke too much.
You guys have seen the clips.
It's like, well, that's why they're sent there.
These illegals are sent there to destroy the culture because they've been sent to replace the culture by replacing the population that has adopted and created and cultivated and preserved that culture.
You understand?
And so America is already going through that sequence.
And this is why Trump is imperative, and this is why they need to stop Trump.
Because Trump has already made himself clear.
I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I have in the primary, this circus of a primary.
Trump is the only one that has come out and really made it very clear.
Mass deportations immediately.
Mass deportations immediately.
I don't even think Vivek got that aggressive.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I may be wrong on that one, but I didn't really listen to that guy a lot.
It's Trump's year.
You know what I'm saying?
It's Trump 2024.
Everyone had to fall in line.
Thankful they did.
Vivek fell in line.
DeSantis fell in line.
Nikki Haley can't fall in line because she's a Uniparty operative.
She's a political prostitute.
But when it comes to this issue of illegal immigration, there should be a zero tolerance policy, mass deportations.
And that's why I support Trump for 2024 because that's exactly where we need to be.
Because that's exactly where we're at right now.
But until we get there, because we're months out, until we get there, we are months out away from this election.
The Democrat, the Uniparty, the establishment, and the global regime, they need an event.
They need an event that they can point to that corroborates the narrative they've been cultivating for the past seven years.
That all of us are right-wing domestic terrorists, and it all becomes a reality.
They had one at J6, and they need another one in 2024.
And I think it's safe to say it will probably coincide along with what's going on with illegal immigration and the migrants.
I mean, really think about how dangerous this is getting.
Like, you have these These Muslims that are coming in, and this was mentioned by one of the callers earlier and Alex, I think it's on Bandot video where this guy is at the southern border and to me it sounded like a threat to a journalist.
Oh, you'll find out who I am.
You'll know who I am.
And you'll know who I am.
I'm way better than just living off of benefits.
You'll find out who I am.
Okay, and you literally have illegals.
You have Haitian illegals, I think it was in Boston.
I'm pretty sure the crew could find this somewhere.
I think it was in Boston, a Haitian illegal literally raped an autistic girl and then murdered her.
And then elsewhere, you have illegals that are raping the mentally and physically disabled in this country.
This is just like scratching the surface.
And there will be no justice for them.
That's part of the depopulation.
Okay, there will be no arm of the law that will come in because, by the way, those two stories I just cited, those are two individuals that already had prior offenses, and the organizations within these respective states called for the deportation and the arrest of this individual, but was denied and they stayed in the United States to re-offend again.
See, that's by design, guys.
And like, what's it really gonna take, honestly?
Like, what's it really gonna take?
And this is why it's so essential to get behind Texas right now.
It doesn't matter what your political affiliation is.
It really doesn't matter.
You think these illegals, you think Klaus Schwab cares whether you're a Democrat or Republican?
Give me a break.
You think someone like Bill Gates gives a damn whether you're a part of the DNC or whether you're a part of the GOP?
You think these very powerful elites and these globalist psychopaths and sociopaths You think people like John Kerry give a damn whether you identify as a conservative or a liberal?
They don't care at all!
All they care about is... Are you going along with us or not?
I don't care what jersey you got on.
I just care about... Where do you stand on this issue?
Are you with us or are you against us?
That's how simple it is.
Like quite literally what Jesus said, you're either for me or you're against me.
The satanic globalist elite are the same way.
You're either for them or you're against them.
There really is no middle ground.
That's why this whole uniparty, two-party system psyop is a problem because it's confusing people and it's causing people to believe that this simulated reality of two sides of a functioning Democratic Constitutional Republic are actually debating in the public town square and that's why things change and we may not always get what we want but at least we're still functioning as a nation and we have the ability to come to the table and debate ideas and progress one way or progress another way but at least we're moving forward as Americans.
That's not what America is right now.
In case you haven't noticed, okay?
Like, these people don't give a damn.
They don't care what you identify as.
They just want to know, are you with us or are you against us?
You could claim to be a Christian, but what are you actually about?
You could claim to be anything, but what are you actually about?
And this is why people are so skeptical of Governor Greg Abbott.
I get it with his WEF connections.
I understand it.
I get it.
It makes sense to me.
And I think we should be, because we as Americans have been so psyoped for so long, and part of the Great Awakening, I think, is going to accompany a level of discernment and skepticism with anyone that claims to be on your side.
I get that!
And I'm not going to shame anybody for thinking that, because that makes sense to me.
Like, we've been lied to for so long!
Anyone that, you know, steps to the table and claims to be, I'm on your side!
I'm here!
Here I am!
But their actions haven't been aligning with that for the past few years, but all of a sudden it does.
Maybe because it's an election year.
Maybe because it gives Abbott the appearance of being politically aligned with the frontrunner of the Republican Party, which is Donald J. Trump, which is on the trajectory in a free and fair scenario of winning the presidency and really dropping the hammer on illegal immigration with mass deportations.
Maybe, maybe.
And maybe this will be a move for more support for Greg Abbott for a reelection upcoming in a midterm scenario.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know the man's motives.
All I know is that this is the right move.
And I'm talking to some Border Patrol agents behind the scenes that feel the exact same way.
And I think right now this move needs to be supported.
And right now acts of peace Need to be where we need to be.
And people can sit there and say, oh, you're cucking out, dude.
Like, we just like, no, I think the move here, if we're strategically playing chess here, not checkers, is through peace, if we move the strong arm, if we move the abusive power of the feds through acts of peace, that really is going to send a message to the masses.
Because nobody likes to see innocent people getting absolutely destroyed over nothing.
And I think this move, we have an opportunity to do this right here with what's going on in Texas.
So I do encourage people if you get involved with any protests, especially in 2024, remain peaceful.
Because right now we have a desperate, that's what they need that.
That's the point here.
This rogue criminal federal government, they need a spark of violence.
And they will turn that into an absolute worldwide controlled wildfire.
And I think strategically, if we gave that to them this year, it would hand them huge, huge Media, narrative power, psychological operations would be carried out everywhere.
It would give them more excuses to weaponize the feds and have public perception where it's received and accepted.
You understand?
That's why when they went with the J6 trials and they went with the J6 political prosecution of those that have been sent to DC gulags and they went with the operation to seek and Arrest and convict anyone involved with all of this.
I think it's very clear.
I think it's very clear that as they continue, that that is what they need to do.
And I think right now, if we give them another one, it's only going to make them more powerful.
And I think an act of peace right now, which makes total sense to me, because it only shows like it forces their hand, it forces Their hand of authoritarian power over an act of peace to where the viewer and the watcher can only conclude, well, the individuals that have an issue with simply protecting their own sovereignty, that warrants to aggressive force from the federal government.
I think that's a huge red pill moment for people.
I really do.
I think that's really hard to argue with.
And they're already trying to spin that narrative, by the way.
That's why Democrats and Democrat Republicans, excuse me, Democrat congressmen, excuse me, are already calling Beto O'Rourke, that Beto and cuck, is already calling for Biden to come in and drop the hammer.
Come in and drop the hammer.
They literally want Biden to send the military.
That's what they want.
They want Biden to send the military, okay, to seize control of the Texas National Guard, to seize control All right, of the autonomy of the state of Texas.
That's what they want.
Am I saying just let them do that to us?
What I'm saying is, let the optic be shown that that's how far they're willing to take it.
And then watch the public support really get on board with the United States of America.
And like I said, don't get it twisted.
I'm all for self-defense.
We oppose tyranny at all costs.
But I think If we play this smart, if we allow them to play their hand of continuing to show how far they're really willing to go with their authoritarian, full-blown Big Brother government overreach, I think that's why you're seeing so many governors, I don't know who, it's probably over 25 states since I've been talking, that have all been getting on board supporting Texas for what?
Supporting Texas For their own state autonomy.
Their own sovereignty as a state.
And this is what I want people to understand.
If you're a normie out there, maybe you just, you know, you came in on X. Or maybe you did find InfoWars.com, banned that video.
Who knows?
Maybe someone shared a link with you.
Like, really think about this.
To all your normie friends out there.
Maybe clip this and send it to them.
Like, just because you don't live in Texas, or just because you don't live in Arizona, or California, New Mexico, you name it.
Doesn't mean you're not a border state, or even the northern border states in the United States of America.
We are all border states.
Like, that's how America really has to start thinking.
I mean, look how much this is really affecting every single one of us.
These people are being sent everywhere.
To Boston, they're being sent to the inner cities, to the inner states of the United States of America, spreading fentanyl.
They're murdering Americans.
They're raping autistic girls and then murdering them.
Raping the mentally disabled and the physically disabled?
How bad does this really have to get?
I think that's the question.
Shouldn't this just be prevented?
Shouldn't this just be stopped?
Shouldn't we just cut the root of the problem?
Shouldn't we just cut the head of the dragon and just stop it immediately?
Like, does it really have to get that bad to where your family gets hit?
Because it will!
There's no, there's no running away from this.
Just ask the blacks in Chicago that are all pissed off.
If there's anyone that knows the reality of replacement migration, I'll tell you who knows.
Just go have a conversation with the blacks in Chicago.
They know damn well this is real.
Alright guys, we got Owen Schreyer and the War Room is coming up next.
After the break, do not go anywhere.
My name is Drew Hernandez.
Follow me on X, AdDrewHLive.
I'll see you guys on the next one.
Two years ago, we began developing this game that came out so much better than I even thought it would.
It is now a number one hit.
I imagined the control freak left attacking it.
But I didn't know that right when the game came out, with perfect timing, Elon Musk would release me on X. And the whole world will be waking up and the Davos Group will be confronted at their own events by world leaders calling out their tyranny.
This is the planets aligning.
And now, MSNBC, the corporate press, Media Matters, George Soros, they're all calling for it to be banned.
Is there a way to counter the types of hate that people like Alex Jones promote and now they do in video games?
I mean, this is a party that talks about video games being dangerous for our kids.
And yet here he is with a video game that promotes violence.
You will be silenced.
And celebrates that kind of violence.
You suck, big tech lizard nerd!
Because, let's be honest here, when he is talking about killing globalists, we know what globalists now means for the Republican Party and what that is code for.
Because they understand they're reaching a bunch of young guys who are getting this sort of message beaten into them right now.
Today, I'm playing the Unhinged Alex Jones video game.
I saw it was released on Steam, so I'm like, well, that kind of opens the floodgates.
This game is actually really good fun.
This is insane!
Look at all the blood!
Look at all these zombies!
I'll eat your ass!
Okay, so that is what he said.
I'll eat your ass!
I don't know what the characteristics of the game are beyond that he's involved and that it's killing globalists.
This is the kind of thing that will become a normalization lever in teaching people, I mean, it's okay to kill, it's okay to kill the globalists.
This is pretty amazing.
Jump around, jump around.
Alex Jones, you are a hero!
This is supposed to be Justin Trudeau, I think.
Oh, come on, Mark!
Oh, sh**!
Mark Zuckerberg, kill me!
Forget him crawling away.
What them dogs gonna do?
They gonna... Oh, they ate his ass!
Find out what they're scared of at alexjonesgame.com Follow the link from there to Steam and download it and share it.
It's 1776.
It funds the info war.
It is key in the culture war.
We need to be engaged and involved in books and films and universities Hollywood and everywhere and we are so get Alex Jones New World Order Wars right now before they ban it make it such a big hit they continue to shit their pants and all the control freaks I want to echo what Elon Musk said to your censorship go fuck yourselves