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Name: 20240115_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 15, 2024
2944 lines.

In this discussion, Alex Jones talks about the support for Trump by millions of Americans despite his flaws. He also highlights the potential dangers posed by the military-industrial complex and accuses Democrats and the "Deep State" of planning to remove Trump from power. Jones praises alternative media sources such as InfoWars and promotes products that alleviate pain, anxiety, and inflammation.

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Tomorrow's news.
Millions of Americans sincerely love Donald Trump.
They love him in spite of everything they've heard.
They love him often in spite of himself.
They love Donald Trump because no one else loves them.
The country they built The country their ancestors fought for over hundreds of years has left them to die in their unfashionable little towns.
Mocked and despised by the sneering halfwits with finance degrees but no actual skills who seem to run everything all of a sudden.
Whatever Donald Trump's faults, he is better than the rest of the people in charge.
At least he doesn't hate them for their weakness.
Donald Trump, in other words, is and has always been a living indictment of the people who run this country.
That was true four years ago, when Trump came out of nowhere to win the presidency, and it's every bit as true right now.
Trump rose because they failed.
It's as simple as that.
If the people in charge had done a halfway decent job with the country they inherited, if they'd cared about anything other than themselves, even for just a moment, Donald Trump would still be hosting Celebrity Apprentice.
But they didn't.
Instead, they were incompetent, and narcissistic, and cruel, and relentlessly dishonest.
They wrecked what they didn't build.
They lied about it.
They hurt anyone who told the truth about what they were doing.
That's true.
We watched.
America is still a great country, the best in the world.
But our ruling class is disgusting.
A vote for Trump is a vote against them.
That's what's going on in this country.
The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed.
There's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.
As president, I will make it clear.
That the United States will treat cyber attacks just like any other attack.
We will be ready with serious political, economic, and military responses.
They're voting for peace on planet Earth if they vote for Trump.
But if they vote for Hillary, it's war.
We came, we saw, he died.
With her, you'll end up in World War III.
I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran.
Right now, Senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia.
military has just raised the threat level to DEFCON 2.
The U.S.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is still threatening Russia with military action, following unconfirmed reports of further hacking.
It's like she's not even concerned about the repercussions.
Of course not, because she's... Hang on, guys.
Look, there's a really loud noise.
Alright, looks like we're having a little bit of technical difficulties.
We'll try to get Leanne back on in a few minutes.
When the president gives the order, it must be followed.
Good morning. Good morning.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
(audience cheering)
I want you all to know something, Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down, Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax.
Not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me, is because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We are 294 days, 12 hours, 33 minutes, 41 seconds out for the most important election in world history.
There's a lot of huge news.
The quickening is just intensifying every day.
You don't need me to tell you that, but here's the big new talking point.
The very same military industrial complex that Tried to steal the election from Trump in 2016, and that did steal it in 2020, and that used intelligence agencies, not just against Trump, but against his supporters, the American people illegally, is publicly in every news channel, every newspaper.
They opened up yesterday with hundreds of reports, now it's thousands a day.
Saying Donald Trump is a clear and present danger, Donald Trump must be removed, Donald Trump must not be elected, but if he is, they're going to stage a military coup against him.
Everything they've accused Trump of.
Now, they know a lot of the public doesn't understand the Constitution or what a coup is.
A coup is when the military is not under the elected president's command, or prime minister, and moves against that government.
It's against an elected government.
But they spin it and say he's going to use the military against us.
So Senator Blumenthal and a bunch of Democrats are introducing a bill to remove The power to call out the National Guard for Black Lives Matter riots.
They specifically mentioned that.
So translate that.
They're going to have the summer of love, the summer of burning everything down and murdering people en masse and defunding the police, times 10, claim Trump's Hitler, and then basically try to force him from office and have the military and the National Guard not be able to be invoked with the Insurrection Act they've been trying to already use against Trump but have no evidence.
Of course, the Insurrection Act was first set up a long time ago for domestic insurrection, when not when people were trying to declare declaration of independence, but when they are literally trying to overthrow the U.S.
government itself to put in some type of communist regime.
Or many other permutations of that.
But the last time it was invoked was in 1992 with George Herbert Walker Bush during the LA riots that killed masses of people and burned down large parts of one of the United States' most populous cities.
So, it's insane.
So here are the headlines.
It's our headlines and mainstream news headlines.
Democrats in deep state preparing to remove Trump's control of military give elected And then use giant racially motivated mobs or race war to drive him from power.
That's the real fact.
Fears grow that Trump will use the military in a dictatorial way.
If he returns to the White House.
NBC News.
You read the article.
It should be headlined, Democrat Senators Announce Plan to Remove Military Control from the President if Trump Re-elected.
That's a coup when another group of the government that don't have the military war powers transfer it to themselves.
That's how coups usually work is, in some third world country, you'll hear about their Congress or their Parliament, and a group get together, get the military to go under their command, because they buy off the top generals, and then usually they install a general as the new leader.
Maybe Lloyd Austin can rule from his, uh, colostomy bag bed there at the military base.
That's the word.
Austin's been completely eaten up with, uh, flesh-eating bacteria.
Might not make it.
Secretary of Defense.
Fears grow that Trump will use the military in dictatorial ways if he returns to the White House.
Democrats in Deep State preparing to remove President Trump.
from military control and the trigger or waste war to drive him from office.
Legal experts gearing up for feared military takeover by Donald Trump. So they're already
spinning that when he becomes commander in chief, he's a dictator. Oh yeah, an elected
dictator. There you go. Former Trump officials raise red flags over his military plans if he's
reelected. Former Secretary of Defense, senators, and the very same list of Soros operatives that
worked inside the government to block Trump's agenda in his four years in office. 1992,
President George Herbert Walker Bush invoked the Insurrection Act to send active duty troops
in California to quell widespread riots after four police officers charged with meeting Rodney King
were acquitted.
The law was signed by Thomas Jefferson in 1807.
It gives the President the authority to order troops into the interior of the U.S.
to put down rebellion.
However, the use of the law is rare.
In 2020, Tom Cotton suggested using the Insurrection Act to restore order in cities where protests arising from the killing of George Floyd turned violent.
Yeah, mostly peaceful.
Thomas Jefferson is the big Democrat.
But why did he get that passed?
Because the British are experts, and were experts, at fomenting rebellions and funding Native American groups to attack the fledgling United States.
Nothing to say of Americans, but they were always teaming up with the French, or the British, or the Americans, or the colonies.
Constant shifting.
The tribe would come and say, if you don't aid us fighting this tribe, we're going to burn you out.
If you do, we'll give you all this land.
So the reason Native Americans were super hard fighting and, you know, tough people could be defeated over the next 150 years was because they were always fighting each other more than the pale face.
So anytime, you know, you see that or it says the Declaration of Independence, the king won't protect us from savages.
Well, that's that's what the British called Americans living on farms.
The term savage was not even an insult back then.
It simply means people not in the system.
Look up the definition.
I mean, it's like, we don't think of Tarzan as a bad guy, but he's a savage.
Now they want to get rid of the Declaration of Independence because it has the hurtful word savage in it.
Well, we all like Conan the Barbarian.
He's a fictitious savage.
He's a fictional character.
Watch the NFL.
Black or white or brown, they're savage.
You know, we watch boxers.
Our favorite boxers are savage, whether they be black, white, or brown.
Oh, but don't worry, we've got new articles dealing with that.
The Democratic Party and universities and others are calling for restricting breastfeeding as racist.
Everything's evil, ladies and gentlemen, except evil in the system.
But I digress, going into a constitutional history lesson.
When I read these articles, which I'm going to do after the break, They are absolutely insane.
Over-the-top crazy, but it's the very same group that did engage in a soft coup and set up stay-behind networks or leave-behind networks, and I'll explain what stay-behind networks are when we come back, but the very same bureaucratic deep state coup is now saying they're going to defang Trump and then stage riots to remove him from office and he won't be able to call the military.
Just like defunding the police or disarming the American people.
The ultimate crime is Kyle Rittenhouse going to help one of his friends in a town on fire and a convicted pedophile and a bunch of other criminals attack him and with military precision He defends himself and gracefully only blows the arm off of one of them as he's pulling the trigger saying, I'm gonna shoot you, I'm gonna kill you.
He flees, he gets in a stance, the guy tackles him, about to kill him, gun to his head, boom, blows the arm off.
Or pretty much blew it off.
Just like they want you disarmed, whether you're black or white doesn't matter.
Just like they want you with your power cut off and having no resources they can control you.
Now they want the U.S.
military to not be able to do its job, win the Globalist, win Klaus Schwab, win the Davos Group, Minion, George Soros and Alexander Soros now in command.
of their criminal operation trigger the Islamic and race mobs.
And you know they're planning to launch a big Middle East war
and then have the Islamists burn down half of the United States.
That's why the left is allied with the Islamists and the university heads and all of it.
People say, "Oh, you're covered up for Israel. Remove Israel from the equation."
I'm not even thinking about Israel. They got weapons and nukes.
They're not going anywhere.
We've brought in millions of Islamists, tens of millions in Europe,
military age men. And when war goes down with Iran, they're going to start blowing stuff up and burning cities
And they've said they will, and Iran has said they will.
And now, U.S.-owned cargo ship near Yemen hit by missiles as fears grow conflict could spread.
In episode three of Star Wars, and I knew it when I saw the movie, and a few years after it came out, George Lucas, who wrote it, said, no, I'm comparing this to 9-11, and basically saying it was staged as a pretext to go in the Middle East.
Emperor Palpatine is only the senator, stages attacks on his own planet to be a hero, then he becomes the head senator, the chancellor, then he stages attacks on our home planet to declare martial law, and then he kills the rebel forces he controlled.
That's what this is in the real world.
And Lucas said that movie is a parallel of what he saw under Bush.
They're about to do it a lot bigger, but this time to take over the U.S.
If you study Politics throughout history.
You see false flags and staged events over and over again to clamp down on domestic policy and populations.
But I love the crew because they're really tuned into what I'm saying.
They just search engine everything I talk about.
We'll get to that in a moment.
But there's the headline.
Emergency broadcast.
Democrat senators announce plan to stage military coup against Trump.
They've re-elected.
Plus Ukraine calls for peace deal with Russia.
And what the media, the controlled corporate media, is doing is just normalizing, like, oh, there's just a governmental group and the intelligence agencies and the White House and the Senate getting together a plan to make sure if Trump wins, he doesn't use the military when they trigger their communist Soros forces to burn the country down.
To drive him from office, of course, because he's Hitler!
But I mentioned in Episode 3 how Senator Palpatine becomes the Chancellor, then attacks his own government building, With rebel forces he controls to become dictator.
The crew found it.
I remember this article a long time ago.
Gosh, this is like 20 years ago, 19 years ago.
Star Wars inadvertently hits too close to U.S.
Chicago Tribune.
And it's Lucas saying, yeah, this is written off the government staging 9-11.
Doesn't mean Islamists weren't involved.
Doesn't mean that Islamists aren't a real issue.
The point is, it was definitely a stand down bare minimum.
So I thought I'd just show you that because the crew found it.
I'm not just making this stuff up.
But moving on from fiction to reality, here we are.
And I have a clip of Richard Nixon that I meant to play yesterday, I didn't get to, where he basically says he was talking to the Shah of Iran, and the CIA acted like in 1978-79, that early Islamic revolution, that he was actually thrown out by the CIA.
And that they acted like they supported the Shah during the Islamic Revolution in the mid-70s in Iran, but that really the CIA had brought them in there to do it.
And then you see O'Biden sending $6 billion a month before Hezbollah trained Hamas.
And now I told you the day it happened, it was Hamas.
And now Hamas, two weeks ago, took credit and said their commanders were there and ran the whole thing.
Now they've got their Houthi rebels attacking in the Red Sea and the Strait of Hormuz and other areas, international ships, to get the United States and Israel to attack.
But at the highest levels, the globalists are working with Iran to control how big this war gets.
And the war will keep Netanyahu in power, who only has 15% support in the Knesset, And it'll keep the globalists in power in the West and in America, and it'll make the Iranian mullahs, who are like 70 plus percent unpopular, in internal polls with their public, because half of the Iranian population is below the age of 25.
Did you know that?
They don't like their government.
But don't worry, a war will keep all these criminals in power.
A bunch of real troops will die.
A bunch of real money will be expended, but out of it will come the global government,
out of it will become a greater surveillance state, out of it will become a smoke screen
for the new world order.
And Trump doesn't want that, Trump wants peace, and so he's got to be derailed.
Now I've already spent a lot of time on that, let me move into the real issue.
MI6, former MI6 head and the British government have come out against the former and really
true president, currently President Trump, and said he is a danger to the United Kingdom
and a national security threat.
Did you hear that?
So now foreign governments, we know they used MI6 in the fake steel Russiagate PP dossier.
That was complete Willy Wonka fiction.
And so we have Democrat senators preparing legislation.
We have all these big think tanks.
We have the Soros Group.
We have all the usual suspects, the spooks of the CIA and the FBI.
Brennan, Clapper, Mary McCord.
All of them running around saying he's going to be a dictator.
He's going to use the military on us.
So we've got to use the military on him.
We've got to organize inside the military, even if we can't pass a law to have them stop Trump.
So they're openly forming either a legislative coup, which would be a constitutional crisis to have Congress in control of the military.
Or they're just normalizing it to have a group of generals and people they control, which is most of them, at the top, to try to convince our military to go to war with Trump and his supporters, which I've played the clips here on MSNBC and CNN, where they have former Defense Department officials and former CIA operatives saying, we need to have Homeland Security's main mission be Trump supporters and the American people.
So they're openly externalizing their coup Taking over the military, having it wage war with the people, with movies like Civil War coming out, and Leaving the World Forever, produced by Obama, about cyber attacks, and race war, and total societal collapse.
So, we've been really talking about how they plan to stage some type of crisis, and how they're going to try to take control of the military, but what's the big takeaway here?
They're now moving away with Trump set to win by 50% or so in the Iowa caucuses today.
No one's ever won by more than 12 points.
This is like triple that.
It's ridiculous.
They're now beginning to go with plan B and realize all the election fraud in the world won't stop a landslide because the numbers just aren't there.
You get 60, 70%.
The computers can't even create algorithms to fix that.
The dead people voting with illegal stuff in the ballot boxes won't work.
Most experts agree you win by 60% they can't steal it.
65% it's really hard.
70% impossible.
Because of the way the numbers work.
There just aren't that many numbers to do it of registered voters.
He wins a huge majority, there's no way to fix it.
Because there's not that many registered people.
Even though they're manipulating the numbers.
So they are in total and complete panic mode right now.
And now saying, okay, the plan is if he gets in, we'll trigger race war across the U.S.
We'll have a military coup against him and we're moving that way.
And then they normalize it by saying to stop a military coup, we must take control of the chain of command so the president doesn't command the military.
See the inversion?
See the projection?
See the double think?
See the gaslighting?
See the over-the-top fraud?
Trump's going to steal the election.
They stole the election.
Trump's going to surveil and censor you.
They surveilled and censored you.
Trump's going to declare his opposition the enemy.
Trump's going to indict his enemies.
They've done that.
They've done that to us.
In this building.
Prison time for nothing.
Trying to put me in jail.
All the other prosecutions.
They're the ones bringing martial law incrementally into America.
Suspending the Constitution case by case.
And then they say Trump's got to be stopped.
Or he is going to use the military against us when Black Lives Matter burns the country down.
And I've got all these articles here.
The most important is this NBC News one.
And I'm going to come back and I'm going to read this.
But first, I'm going to play a clip by Mike Binns, Executive Director, former State Department official, Responsibilities in Formulating and Negotiating U.S.
Foreign Policy, International Coordinations, and Information Technology Matters.
Mr. Binns founded FFO, a civil society institution, building on his expertise, the role of championing digital freedom around the world and the public sector.
He issued an emergency warning yesterday, just three and a half minutes long.
He got like, 15 million views.
I reposted it.
Once we posted it, 4 or 5 million on our site, but made it explode everywhere else.
And it's beautiful.
I want to get him on the show.
And he's dead on explaining this when we come back.
But this is it.
But again, they don't just have an overnight coup and the military takes out Trump.
They've got to like, oh my God, he's a dictator.
He's going to kill everybody.
He's going to use the military.
So the military has got to take him out.
Remember what Pelosi said?
The military will frog march him out of the White House.
We're going to find that clip.
Benny Botham has died.
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The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
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All right, we are back.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Monday, January 15 transmission.
So I thought you'd want to hear from a former State Department official and cybersecurity expert who lays out what's really going on, Mike Binns.
They're spinning this as they want to stop a Trump coup if he's elected, having the military under Democrat command.
They're going to introduce a Senate bill to remove military power of the Congress.
That's a congressional coup over the executive branch.
Without any crisis going on, but they say in all these articles and in the release that this group of spooks and senators and former Secretary of Defense William Cohen and others have put out, that there's going to be riots everywhere because Trump's a racist.
And when Black Lives Matter burns the country down, I'm going to read you the article in a moment, that he won't be allowed to call the military out.
Let's show you some footage of the LA riots the last time the troops were called out by George H.W.
I was no fan of him, but that was definitely the time to call the military out.
The police and local authorities were overwhelmed.
That's the only time the feds go in is when the state-level governments have lost control.
All right, so let's go ahead and go to Mike Binns.
He does an excellent job.
Hey, I am standing here, sitting here, looking at this.
Sorry, I have these, uh, I'm at this like yoga retreat thing and I just, Temporary tattoo night.
I don't, I got roped into it.
Uh, but I'm looking at this tweet that says, uh, a network of public interest groups and lawmakers nervous about former president Trump's potential return to power is quietly devising plans to foil any effort on his part to pressure the U S military to carry out his political agenda.
So I made a tweet about this, about this being effectively like an advanced plan to end civilian-run government.
Because the president doesn't pressure the military to do something.
The president, elected by the people, the civilians, sits on top of the chain of command.
He's the commander-in-chief of the military.
He doesn't pressure the military to do something.
He's the boss of the military and he derives the authority of being that boss because he's voted for by the people.
If the military defies the commander in chief, then that is the military unilaterally defying the will of the people.
So I read the article and I wanted to see like what specifically this loose group of lawmakers and nonprofits and, you know, Soros orgs and Yankee Cowboy Alliance mafia people were up to.
And they very specifically, uh, talked about the, the Trump's potential use of the military to stop domestic protests.
Like they, like, I think the entire article was basically focused on this idea that Trump might use the military to stop BLM style protests.
And the groups involved in this, in this plan, like Democracy Forward, were also the same groups involved in the domestic color revolution stuff from the Summer of Love in 2020 and from the planned shutdown D.C.
protests if Trump won the election in November 2020.
So I read this and I think they are planning mass BLM-style color revolution shutdowns in the country.
They know the only way to be able to control something like that Where you've got millions or hundreds of thousands of people in the streets is by having some sort of National Guard type protection of local businesses.
The police are going to be outnumbered.
They're already kneecapped from the police movement.
And so it's very clear that what they're trying to do right now is if Trump were to win the election, the way that they would shut down his entire governance is by having pretty much his entire term, be destabilized by these color revolution type
tactics and to use this, whatever they're devising right now to stop the ability to
stop those protests, even if they're burning down the country, even if people
are getting killed, even if they're occupying federal buildings, even if they're
occupying the White House I mean, I remember, I remember my first week at the White House being run over by BLM and Antifa protesters to the point where a family member of mine who was on the phone at the time thought I'd been killed.
Because of all the craziness going on, and the phone being knocked out of my hand, and the stampede.
I was like Simba, you know, in The Lion King, in this wildebeest stampede.
I had to go hug a Secret Service agent.
That's getting into the White House, as a White House staffer.
And now it looks like they're preparing something worse, and whatever they're chaining up right now, Uh, it's designed for this exact domestic color revolution strategy.
And I highly, highly advise people watch the last 15 minutes.
I'll, I'll pull a clip later today, but the last 15 minutes of the movie bringing down a dictator about the Serbian Oprah revolution, because it illustrates exactly how the state department and the DOD orchestrate ground up people powered protests to drive a democratically elected governments out of power.
And seeing the military connections to this, well, you'll have a lot of deja vu if you watch it.
That's right.
The CIA has overthrown, since they were set up in 1947, over 130 governments.
Last number I saw, that was a few years ago when I researched it again.
So over 130 governments have been overthrown.
One of the last ones was Ukraine nine years ago.
A lot of the ones that have happened we don't even know about, so that number is higher.
This is their specialty.
And you know the problem with any country is its intelligence agencies always, if a country's around long enough, try to take over, and in many cases do.
But they're doing it to protect us from the voters and from Trump, because he wants martial law, he wants to use the military when Black Lives Matter burns the country down.
And there's so many of these clips.
You know, we've got like three-minute, four-minute, five-minute compilations we put together from the 2020 election with Schumer saying, when you get crosswise of the intelligence community, they've got six ways for Sonny to come after you.
And Pelosi saying we're going to frog march him out of the White House.
And one way or another, he's going to be gone.
And they stole the election and then provocateur January 6th.
And then now have used that to brand all populist and patriots as terrorists.
And now they're running around while Biden's still in office, organizing a public stay-behind network.
And a stay-behind network systems were been done throughout history.
But when a country's falling to an outside power, whether it's good or bad, but some of the more modern examples are Operation Gladio.
And when the Soviets began in the 50s and 60s to take over the Eastern Bloc, and try to take over other countries like Italy...
The CIA would go into the political opposition and set up groups, fund them, and have double agents inside the government, so when the Communists took over, they could struggle against the Communists, stage terror attacks, blame it on the Communists, and I'm not defending the Communists, but that's declassified from Operation Gladio, where they'd blow up buses in Italy when the Communists were about to win office, and say the Communists did it.
We're not using this against communists.
That's bad enough to blow stuff up and blame it on communists.
They're going to blow stuff up and blame it on patriots.
So, this is their playbook and Obama and the Defense Authorization Act put a whole bunch of different legislation in the Defense Authorization Act.
The last thing he signed before he left office in January of 2017 To put billions of dollars into these different programs, like countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act.
And those orders went in, and Google, and Facebook, and Twitter, and Apple, and all of them followed suit to then surveil and censor an election medal, claiming it was legal but secret to counter Russians by designating Trump and his key supporters, yours truly, as Russian agents.
So, that's all come out, that's been in Congress, that's admitted.
I told you back at the time it was going on.
Because I had FBI approaching me and saying, hey, we want to give you millions of dollars from this group.
And I've looked the group up and it was, you know, Russian companies in the U.S.
And then I would simply sit there and check who the people were and they didn't even know I don't know they were known CIA, FBI assets who've done stuff with the State Department, you name it.
And then I called them up and I said, after one of the meetings, One was at Trump Hotel, and I said, yeah, I went to the FBI and I gave them all the information on you.
And I told the FBI, I know it's you, but I knew I was telling another office of the FBI what another office was doing.
And of course, most of the FBI offices are just dealing with bank robberies and kidnappings and money laundering and stuff like that.
So most of them are not even bad.
But the point was by doing that, I mean, I went into the FBI.
And I had law firms write letters, and I also wrote letters to the Trump administration.
And I'm like, man, you're in a lot of danger, Trump, because this is like right after he got in office.
I got a lot of people going, man, here's the contract, here's the money, we want to just give you this cash right now.
And I'm like, oh, really?
So you finally can get a Russian agent, right?
And then I'm like, hey, FBI, yeah, I got to report Russian agents.
Of course, they weren't Russian agents, they weren't Russians.
So, that's how long this has been going on, folks.
And believe me, I don't lightly, you know, write letters to the government, letters to the FBI, and then go into the FBI.
And I've had them, you know, you're sitting there and there's five agents in the room, you're all there, talking to them, but that's, and I'm just like, knock it off.
Tell your bosses, leave me alone.
I'm not a damn Russian agent.
I'm an agent of America and everybody knows it.
And they're doing the same thing, ladies and gentlemen, to Trump.
On a bigger scale.
And we are just sitting here watching all of this unfold.
And it's getting more and more and more intense by the moment.
And I love how dumb they think we are.
Like, I looked up the names of these people, and it's like, this individual's done this, this, and that, and worked in clandestine operations where important State Department matters, with heads of State, and with the FBI, and counter-espionage operations, and it's like, it's like, it's like they, but I get it.
They deal with the general public, who's not even stupid, they know all the football scores, they know all about the movies, and People Magazine, I don't know nothing about that.
I know how to look up who somebody is, and if they'd have been a real Russian, I'd have reported their ass to the FBI.
So, and I have had Russians try to infiltrate me as well, I think they were, because the experiences were the same twice it happened.
In New York both times, I was speaking at big events, and there would be a beautiful woman come over, a woman, a movie premier speaking and say, oh, you're so handsome, I want to be with you.
I'm like, nope.
Well, Putin really likes you, why don't you go to dinner with me right now?
And then the handler would come over, some middle-aged man and say, Putin really like you.
You don't want woman?
How about stocks?
Come to Miami with us!
Which is a Russian base in the U.S.
I'm like, nope!
Just like when Henry Kissinger tried to hire me.
Or Roger Ailes at Fox.
No, no, no, no, no!
Not for sale to the CIA.
Not to sell to the FBI.
Not to sell to News Corp.
Not to sell for anybody but Jesus Christ.
God, family, country.
I'm a Christian.
I'm a father, I'm a husband, and I'm an American.
It goes in that order, just like Bolsonaro says.
God, family, country.
I'm gonna say it again.
God, family, country.
You know where my allegiance is?
God, family, country.
Let me say it five more times.
God, family, country.
God, family, country.
A few more times.
God, family, country.
God, family, country.
It's not even hard to say none of these deals when you're committed and you know you're right and you're betting on America and you're betting on your ancestors.
Because my ancestors were on the Mayflower, both sides.
My ancestors were in the Revolutionary War, in command.
My ancestors launched Texas.
And maybe your ancestors weren't.
I bet you don't know who they were.
I bet they were involved in some cool stuff.
The point is, I'm living up to my ancestors.
You know what?
I never met those people, but they're who I am.
I am them.
And I'm not a sellout and a piece of garbage like Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
God, family, country.
That's who I take orders from.
God, family, country.
Let me say it again.
God, family, country.
But you look at all these people that, like Eddie Haskell, and leave it to people that just want a social climate, just want to be in charge, just want to be like, they have nothing.
They're nobodies because they stand for nothing.
There's that, people call it cheesy, but they all love it.
Who sang that country song?
You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Can't be a puppet dancing on a string.
Guys, pull up a country song, you got to stand for something.
I want to go out to break at the end of the hour.
I want to play two minutes of it.
Because we need to get back to that, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me tell you something, I won't sell out with a gun to my head.
You put a gun to my children's heads, and I love them more than anything except God, but that doesn't even control me.
There's no fear because I'm committed.
I'm committed, and I bet on the right team, and we're winning, and we're turning the tide, and we're gonna get Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, we're gonna get Fauci, we're gonna get Obama, we're gonna get Hillary, and they're scared, and they know it, and it ain't the damn Russians coming for you.
It's the American people.
We're going to do it legally and lawfully, but you need to pay for what you've done, and you're damn right I'm coming for you.
And you're damn right you've been surveilling most of my life.
And you're damn right you know where I come from.
And you're damn right to be scared, because I come from the people that created this country, and I've got the spark you fear.
And there's people like me all over this country.
Anyways, I'm going on a rant here.
So, they got Milley, and they got Cohen, the former Defense Department head, the SecDep, and they've got Senator Blumenthal, and Obama, and all the rest of the usual suspects, running around saying Trump's a Russian again, and Trump's gonna have martial law, and Trump's gonna arrest everybody, so we gotta get control of the military and stop him.
They're sticking it out of the open and saying they want a coup!
And what does that tell you?
Their whole new agenda, when Trump's set to get 50% in Iowa, even with all the fraud,
is to say, "We want martial law.
We want civil war.
And we don't want the police or the state or the feds or anybody to be able to lift
a damn finger, and they want to paralyze the president and paralyze the police, that if
cities are burning down and people are being murdered en masse and the White House is being
attacked 50,000 times more intense than what you supposedly saw, the ultimate evil, worse
than Pearl Harbor, worse than 9/11 on January 6th, a million times worse.
What, they killed a few citizens?
Four citizens?
The rest?
Waved them into the building?
No, they're planning and admitting they're planning massive garbage.
Vivek Ramaswamy wants to respond to all the controversies and the things going on.
Look forward to speaking to him at the bottom of the next hour.
That should be definitely interesting and informative.
Glad he's joining us.
We'll talk about all the stuff going on there and Trump's statements and more with him.
I want to, though, before we go to that, read to you their battle plan in CBS, NBC, CNN,
Wall Street Journal, all of it, because they tell you they're playing.
When we have a race war because of racism and Trump and Black Lives Matter is torching the country, they actually say when Black Lives Matter is protesting with BLM and the Islamists and Antifa, Why?
We can't let Trump do anything about that.
He's a dictator.
They're telling you their whole play and pre-programming it right now.
The very same crew that gave us all the fake impeachments and the Russiagate and the Ukraine crap and the George Floyd hype and all of it.
We're going to cover that coming up because it's the big enchilada.
Then massive poison shot news, massive Disease X news, massive Deimos news.
It's all coming up today.
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There's two different versions of it.
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And they're in.
I need to wear one, but it's so cold right now.
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We've got him.
That's a big American shield in the front.
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That is a really nice high quality shirt.
Yeah, there it is.
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That shirt is at InfoWarsTore.com.
And it takes money to take on the New World Order.
But are we not fighting the globalists, ladies and gentlemen?
Are we not taking action?
Is your money not delivering both high-quality products and results against the enemy?
So most of you have never bought products.
Please go now and take action.
This is the second American Revolution.
It's an info war.
Let's go out with it.
You've got to stand for something.
Or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to be your own man.
Not a puppet on a string.
Never compromise what's right.
And uphold your family name.
You've got to stand for something.
Or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to stand for something.
Or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to stand for something.
Or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to stand for something.
Now we might have been better off.
Or you'll fall for anything.
Or on the bigger house.
If Daddy had done more giving in, or a little more backing down.
But we always had plenty, just to live in his advice.
Whatever you do today, you'll have to sleep with tonight.
He'd say, "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string.
Never compromise what's right and uphold your family name.
You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything."
I know that things are different than they were in Daddy's day,
but I still believe what makes a man really has a chance.
You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
You've got to be your own man, not a puppet Ladies and gentlemen, it's happening.
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I'm going to play a bunch of clips of Democrats leading up to 2020 saying they're going to remove Trump.
Now they're claiming he's the one going to remove them, and they want to take control of the military, which is a coup, to stop him from having a coup.
Yeah, that's called doublespeak.
That's called gaslighting.
Here's some of the video.
This is an important announcement.
The lame duck president of the United States is in the throes of profound paranoid delusions, perhaps even hallucinations.
And he must be removed from office as soon as possible via the 25th Amendment or by any other legal means.
Waiting 75 days is no longer possible.
You know, he'll be gone in 70 days anyway, once the Electoral College meets and we have the inauguration.
70 days.
70 days, you can do a lot of damage in 70 days.
He still is the President of the United States.
In two months, he's either getting inaugurated or incarcerated.
Here's the bottom line.
Donald Trump is going to serve another term.
We just don't know whether it will be in Washington or in prison yet.
It is clear that Donald Trump is trying to exercise the power because he can, and he is going to settle scores.
But I'm very concerned what he might do in his remaining 70 days in office.
What damage do you think that Trump will do between losing the election and the swearing, the inauguration of Joe Biden?
Is he going to pull out?
His military?
Is he going to engage us?
He has already alluded to there may be a civil war.
What can be done to stop anything he wants to do in the next 70 days?
Well, if Vice President Pence and the cabinet had an ounce of fortitude and spine and patriotism, I think they would seriously consider invoking the 25th Amendment.
Then we have to be prepared for what he is going to do in the immediate aftermath of such a loss.
And what he'll do for the time period between the election and the inauguration of the next president.
Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out and eventually, I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch.
The United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House, which is just a nice sentence to hear.
The president came out into the White House briefing room and lied.
For 15 minutes, just nonsensical stuff about illegal vote dumps and corrupt election officials and secret democratic counting cabals and I don't know, long form birth certificates probably.
It's all the same.
At the end of that speech, he should have been arrested.
If they could have found handcuffs small enough to take him away, they would have.
I promise you, I'm absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.
So do you think the president is a national security threat?
I do.
And the fact, again, that he has the powers of the presidency in his hands is quite worrisome.
This president's gonna try to steal this election.
Come here tomorrow.
We're gonna be talking about the 25th Amendment.
Oh, son of a bitch.
We have a whole other boil down of them saying we're going to remove him one way or the other ahead of the election.
A lot of those clips were from that.
And now they know the landslide is so big because they stole from people what they wanted that they're gearing up.
A coup taking the military under their command.
We've got more of these clips coming up.
And new shocking clips just went live on Infowars.com.
We're pulling them in right now.
You all know Harari at the Davos Group.
Even though it doesn't start for two days, he's there.
Harari admits Trump likely to win 2024 election.
He's the high priest of the WF.
Will be a death blow to the global order.
A death blow to the global order.
That's all coming up ahead of Vivek Ramaswamy in T-minus 26 minutes from now.
Show, wherever you're watching us, on X or on TV stations, cable stations, hundreds of radio stations, please support those stations and tell everybody you know, tune into those stations.
People you don't know, tune in.
If you're at a gas station, hey, Alex Jones is on right now.
Infowars.com forward slash show or RealAlexJones on X. Go to RealAlexJones on X and share those links.
We're reaching, Alex, about 20 million people a day.
No big deal.
Praise God for that, huh?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
A couple surprises.
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's gonna kill this guy.
He defends Vladimir Putin.
Their State Department and CIA officers are coming home.
And at Langley and in Foggy Bottom, CIA and State, they're saying, this is how you defend us?
But again, it's Sunday morning.
Let's be optimistic about the future.
A future that will not have Donald Trump in the White House.
One way or another, ten months from now, we will have an election if we don't have him removed sooner.
But again, he will be impeached forever.
This antagonism is taunting to the intelligence community.
You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this.
What do you think the intelligence community would do if they were murdered?
I don't know, but from what I am told, they are very upset with how he has treated them and talked about them.
Oh, they're very upset so they're going to have to steal the election and have Black Lives Matter, funded by Soros, the State Department, burn the country down.
How dare the American people want this president?
How dare the American people want their jobs back?
How dare the American people want their borders secured?
How dare them not want World War III?
How dare them?
I'm Chuckie Schumer.
Anthony Weiner is my protégé.
All we're trying to do is worship Aleister Crowley, for God's sakes.
So he just joined us.
Vivek Ramaswamy joined us in about 25 minutes.
Talk about all the stuff going on in Iowa and Trump and the rest of it.
But before we go there, I covered this last night some, but I've already told you what's in there.
Would you like me?
Because I'm kind of in a quandary.
Should I just read what they're saying here?
Because I've got like 15 articles.
This is just a small snapshot of it.
Oh, the former Secretary of Defense Cohen, William Cohen, and Senator Blumenthal, and Hillary Clinton, and Obama, and Biden, and Pelosi, and Swallowswell, the Chinese spy, and all of them.
Are saying Trump's gonna use the Insurrection Act when Black Lives Matter burns down America.
They actually say when Black Lives Matter protests his evil.
And he can't have the Insurrection Act.
But let's show some footage from 1992 for TV viewers of the L.A.
riots, the last time it was declared.
And they openly say, we cannot allow this.
We have to take control of the military ahead of him winning.
That's a coup.
When an unelected group Takes control of the executive branch and does this as a coup.
We've already seen a soft coup.
Now they're talking about a hot coup, ladies and gentlemen.
Pretty amazing.
So let's look at the facts here.
Democrats in deep state preparing to remove President Trump.
A military Control if he's elected.
That's martial law.
Democrats in Deep State preparing to remove presidents to control the military if Trump elected.
That's what it is.
Here's the NBC article.
Let me just read some of this to you.
Fears grow that Trump will use the military in dictatorial ways if he returns to the White House.
Will he prosecute thousands of people waved in the Capitol between the velvet ropes?
Will he declare Christians and white people and Trump supporters the number one terror threat like Biden did?
And it goes on from there.
Donald Trump is sparking fears among those who understand the inner workings of the Pentagon that he would convert the nonpartisan U.S.
military that's now awoke into a muscular arm of his political agenda as he makes comments about dictatorship.
He said, I won't be a dictator except I have the power to turn the pipelines back on and control the border.
That was a joke.
That underpin the nation's two-century-old democracy.
Are you liking the Democrats' democracy?
Persecuting him?
A circle of appointees, independent of Trump's political operations, steered him away from ideas.
Now bracing for Trump's political return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers, Soros and Democrats, is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include preserving the military, Pressuring the military to crater to his political needs.
So where's the big lie there?
FOIL efforts to expand presidential powers done no such thing, which could include pressuring the military to crater his political needs.
They go on to say that's the Insurrection Act when Black Lives Matter is protesting, which we all know is mostly peaceful.
Those taking part in the effort told NBC News they are studying Trump's past actions in 2024 policy positions so they can be ready if he wins in November.
That involves preparing to take legal action to send letters to Trump appointees spelling out consequences they face if they undermine constitutional norms like dissolving the border, Democrat lawmakers already know to be adversarial to Trump and are working on a parallel attack.
Also, Trump is planning martial law, which he's not, so they have to have their own martial law plan to counter it, see?
Among the latest understood tools available to the President is the 1992 Insurrection Act.
It was used in 92.
It's from the 1800s.
Vaguely worded, it gives President considerable discretion deciding what constitutes an uprising and which is okay to deploy active-duty military.
Well, the people decide.
They elect him.
Some lawmakers on Capitol Hill worry that Trump might invoke the act to involve the armed forces In the face of domestic protest, in the midterm elections don't go his way.
So they're already talking about 2026.
So for some hypothetical thing they're doing this.
But don't worry, Mr. Anti-Gun that ran the persecution of yours truly, Senator Richard Blumenthal, that claimed he was a combat marine veteran in Vietnam, never went to Vietnam, he was involved in the Congress in a toys for children program, classic.
Senator Richard Stolenvalor Blumenthal, Democrat Connecticut, is crafting a bill that would clarify the act and give Congress and the courts some say in the case.
It's chances of passage are slim, given Republicans control the House and are largely loyal to Trump.
Oh, a law that Congress controls the military.
That's a coup right there.
That's a constitutional crisis.
But just put out there like, oh, it's no big deal.
"There are an array of horrors that could result from Donald Trump's unrestricted use
of the Insurrection Act," Blumenthal said in an interview.
"He's a clear and present danger to our democracy," said William Cohen, a former Republican senator
from Maine, defense secretary in the Clinton administration.
And I don't think people understand what living in a dictatorship would mean.
Oh, where two men can have a baby and you brainwash their sons to cut their genitals off and the border is wide open and the government creates a springboard to invade the country and says illegals will be the new military and police?
You mean something like that?
Or total censorship and surveillance of the people?
Something like that?
So they're mainlining a coup against the people openly and publicly and saying it's to counter an imaginary coup if Trump gets elected.
So the coup is Trump getting elected and they've got to get control of the military ahead of time so Soros funded, New World Order funded, illegal alien, Hezbollah, Hamas, sweetie pies of the establishment can burn down the country.
And meanwhile, there's so much anti-Israel fervor, which doesn't even enter into the equation, that so many conservatives, not just liberals, are supporting Hamas and Hezbollah, throwing bottles, attacking police, knocking down the fences at the White House, Saturday night.
And if you don't support that, you're a Zionist.
Think about that.
We expose that Israel stood down on October 7th.
We expose Netanyahu has like 15% support.
We expose that this is obviously a false flag to start a larger war.
And then we say they brought in all these Islamists as leftist arms to burn down the country when given orders to do so.
And not just the left and the universities and the deputy director of the CIA and the Carnegie Foundation, but much of the right wing attacks me when I say the Islamic hordes brought into this country are a clear and present danger.
They changed the subject to Israel.
This has nothing to do with Israel.
Don't let people change the subject.
This is the left-wing hordes they brought into this country with defunded police, with Black Lives Matter, to burn it down when the CIA and the Arabist in the CIA, like Obama, who ran the Arab Spring, activating the Arab Spring that Al Gore called for.
He said America needs its own Arab Spring.
Take him up to the high side.
Take him up to the top, where the mountains stop.
Let him tell his poor girl lies.
Yeah, lies.
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator.
It's time we got him down to size.
Take him by the hand, put him on a stand.
Gotta love the peshmerga on the left saying Christianity is stolen from Judaism and Islam.
Islam came hundreds of years after Christianity.
This shows you they're at war with Christ, because they know what the real deal is.
*outro music* ♪ I'm the revelator, I'm the ancient balance ♪
Thou is head and shame for predicting everything we're now living, Revelation.
John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator.
Yeah, he is.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
So, fears grow Trump will use the military in dictatorial ways, so we want control of the military, says the Democrats, and they're set to introduce bills to bring the war powers to Congress from the President, which is the definition of a coup.
We've got breaking news that ties into this on Infowars.com.
Find the article there and share it.
WEF advisor Harari admits Trump likely to win 2024 election will be the death blow to the global order and several other clips.
Let's get into it right now.
Let's play the first clip.
Yuval talks about the death of the New World Order.
Are you concerned that Trump might be elected again?
I think it's very likely.
And if it happens, it is likely to be the kind of like the death blow.
to what remains of the global order.
And he says it openly.
Now again, it should be clear that many of these politicians, they present a false dichotomy, a false binary vision of the world, as if you have to choose between Patriotism and globalism between being loyal to your nation and being loyal to some kind of, I don't know, global government or whatever.
Oh, but the New York Times just said last week, I'm crazy.
Globalism doesn't exist.
You know, they define themselves as that.
See, they're not even denying there's a global government now, which they always did.
Now we can have a real discussion about we don't want to be under you.
We didn't elect you.
You're legitimate.
But don't worry.
They got this new spin going like, oh Alex Jones and others and you know, Dr. John Coleman and everybody else, they don't understand what disease X is.
Disease X is just a hypothetical disease the UN says is imminent.
And the WF says it's imminent so pass their treaty.
No, we know it's the cover for the gain of function you're creating that's admitted.
And you claim, oh, the jungles and the climate change is gonna make this happen.
That's why this happened.
No, you made it in a lab.
But Yuval Noah Harari says, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
AI is gonna make the super virus.
So we can blame it on it, not on the people using supercomputers to create these viruses.
They are really trying to cover their ass ahead of what they're about to do.
Everything he's given is a talking point, okay?
Here it is.
The kind of dangers that draw people's attention, like the poster child of AI dangers, is things like AI creating a new virus that kills billions of people, a new pandemic.
So, you hear a lot of people concerned about how do we prevent an AI by itself or maybe some small terrorist organization or even a 16-year-old teenager given an AI a task to create a dangerous virus and release it to the world.
How do we prevent this?
And this is a serious concern and we should be concerned about it.
But this gets a lot more attention than the question, how do we prevent the financial system from becoming so complicated that humans can no longer understand it.
And I see a lot of regulations being at least considered how to prevent AI from creating dangerous new viruses.
And then that creates the AI dictatorship.
So what he tells you is what they're doing to you and poses like he's against it.
So yours, Yuval, talks about the end of human Humanity Upload Brain to Computers, which is the original MI6, before that, British Intelligence, OSS operation, Childhood's End, where the end of humanity is we upload ourselves, but that's all a big lie.
Here it is.
I think we are very near the kind of end of our species.
It doesn't necessarily mean that we'll be destroyed in some huge nuclear war or something like that.
It could very well mean that we'll just change ourselves.
Using bioengineering and using AI and brain-computer interfaces, we will change ourselves to such an extent that we'll become something completely different.
To completely destroy every last single human in the world, it is possible, given the technology that we now command, but it's very difficult.
I think there is a greater chance, and again this is just speculation, nobody really knows, but I think lots of people could suffer terribly, but I think it's more likely that some people will survive and then will undergo radical changes.
So it's not that humanity is completely destroyed.
It's just transformed.
I mean, people like Elon Musk in Neuralink, they tell us it's possible.
I'm still waiting for the evidence.
I don't think it's impossible, but I think it's much more difficult.
If it is possible to directly connect brains and computers and integrate them into these kinds of cyborgs, nobody has any idea.
What happens next?
How the world would look like?
It certainly makes it plausible, if you reach that point, that you could have an inter-brain net.
The same way that lots of computers are connected together to form the Internet, if you can connect also brains and computers directly, why can't we then connect an inter-brain net, which connects lots of brains?
So when DARPA and ARPA set up the Internet in 1960, it was called the Intergalactic Communication System.
And then it was just theoretical.
So he's telling you their religion, their plan, they were given before it got built.
Obviously, you know, inspired by off-world stuff that wants to destroy ourselves, and they're giving us tools to destroy ourselves.
And so these guys just keep hyping it, and telling you, this is the way, you're obsolete, it's all over.
Hey, we have all these bio-weapons, how about we don't release them?
We have nuclear weapons, we don't use them.
How about we just decide to control our development, our evolution, to use his words, and not do this?
They just like, capitulate, you're ugly, it's over, this great calamity's coming, and out of that will come the superhuman.
You see that in all the X-File movies, and they're obsessed with it.
Oh, you get poisoned, you get killed, you become the superhuman.
But 99% of you die.
It's all a delusion, but it's their satanic imprint.
It's their operation.
If Aldo Harari and all of them are satanic robots picking up the transmission, we'll be right back.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are now at the halfway point in the part of the broadcast I am hosting.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Monday, January 15th, 2024 transmission.
Vivek Ramaswamy is connected to us.
He's about to get in the chair, talk about the Iowa caucuses and some of the developments with him here in just a moment.
But getting back to this, you all know our latest interview.
Where he says, if Trump wins, the new world order is going down.
And we've got Klaus Schwab in a new video saying they're losing.
The globalists are losing.
What they're selling is a horrible dehumanization operation.
And it's something that everyone should be against.
But they act like the, quote, evolutionary path, in their words, they have for us is a foregone conclusion.
We have to just accept that.
And I get it.
Radio came around over 100 years ago, and everybody sat around the radio.
And then TV came around in the 40s and 50s, and everybody sat around.
We had TV dinners, and it became the father, the mother, it became the teacher.
And now we all have our little phones programming us.
But that's not the reality, ladies and gentlemen.
That's not the real world.
We don't have to be directed by it.
And now that other people are involved in the media and talking to folks and saying, don't be part of this.
Well, they want to censor us.
Because they don't want you to be able to make a decision about your own future destiny.
And that really is a massive attack on free will.
That's what this is.
This is tyranny.
The devil wants to take your free will.
God wants you to have your free will, but then become enlightened and choose to go
with God's plan.
I want to play a short clip here.
That is very, very important.
Clip four.
This is Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla celebrates learning his vaccine was 90% effective.
And they did this as a staged event.
And then it was 80%, and then 70%, then 65%, then 60%, then 55%, then 41%, and then not effective.
But what's the real takeaway here?
When you watch this with my eyes, or a lot of you are enlightened, your eyes, They claimed it was safe and effective and tested, but here they are saying it's been tested on the public, en masse, and that now it works.
But that itself was a lie, but here they are indicting themselves that it wasn't tested.
We know in the paperwork, the fine print, it wasn't tested.
They could never get gene therapy through because it was always causing so many illnesses and problems.
But here they are saying, now we've tested on the public and it works.
That was a lie too.
But they're admitting it was never tested until it was tested on you as a guinea pig.
Here it is.
We made it!
I love you.
We had a successful vaccine.
I love you.
The efficacy was more than 90%.
Oh my God!
Talk about bad acting.
Result in a success.
And the success looks like...
The biggest scientific breakthrough of the last hundred years.
And now they keep rolling forward with it.
All right, joining us now is Vivek Ramaswamy.
Vivek, thank you so much for joining us.
Iowa is now voting in the caucuses, a lot of big developments, and we really appreciate you coming on with us.
So much going on, obviously because Trump wants to get as many numbers as he can, and you know I support Trump, also love you and think you're doing a great job.
Well look, it's an election, right?
And I think that that probably came from his campaign advisors.
My guess is yesterday he had the B team around him.
Today it was probably the A team.
Yesterday the B team probably advised him to, I think, I don't think it's the friendly fire within our movement helpful, but I'm not going to be sitting here attacking him in response.
The truth of the matter is, Alex, I am worried.
I'm worried for Trump.
I'm worried for this country.
You and I have talked about it.
Tucker and I have talked about it.
We have to, as patriots, open our eyes and see the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts.
But this system does want to narrow this down to be a two-horse race between Donald Trump and a puppet who they can control.
That puppet has a name.
It's called Nikki Haley.
They then want to take Trump out one way or another.
And I literally believe they will stop at nothing at this point.
They want to do it in the spring or early summer and then trot their puppet into the White House.
And so I have a duty to this country to make sure that does not happen.
We have a duty to this country to make sure that doesn't happen.
And so, yes, am I going to have some success at the Iowa caucus tonight?
Yes, there's a lot of groundswell of support for what I'm saying.
Am I against Trump's message?
No, I'm not.
Is he against my message?
I don't think he is.
And if so, that's a problem.
But what I do believe is that one way or another we gotta make sure it's an America First candidate that gets in there.
I believe I'm best suited to take this to the next level.
But we don't have the luxury to argue about whether that's Trump or me.
We gotta open our eyes and see that there is a plot hiding in plain sight.
And I refuse to just stand by and watch that happen without calling it out, even though the truth is uncomfortable sometimes.
Last time it was a man-made pandemic and a rigged election.
I didn't mean to interrupt you, but finish what you were saying, and then what is the plot for people that just tuned in?
I think the plot is this.
Last time it was a man-made election and a rigged election.
Man-made pandemic and a rigged election.
This time they're going to stop at nothing.
The plot is this, and it's hiding in plain sight.
The very people paying for the lawsuits to keep Donald J. Trump off the ballot that I'm pushing back against, by the way.
They're the same people who are propping up Nikki Haley.
Literally the same people funding the lawsuits against Trump are among the largest mega donors to Nikki Haley.
So what they want to do is they want to make this a two-horse race between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley.
She's a puppet who they can control.
She'll keep the war machine on and the surveillance state on even more aggressively than Biden.
They then want to narrow it down to those two this spring, knock Trump out one way or another, and at this point, these people will stop at nothing.
And Alex, I mean nothing, to keep this man away, eliminate Trump, and then trot their puppet into the White House.
I'm just going to repeat that for people to see it.
Make it a two-horse race between Trump and Haley.
Eliminate Trump, and then trot their puppet into the White House.
Sure, so you've been fighting to be the guy against Trump, and I'll be honest, I think some of the campaign people get scared because your message is so, you know, similar to Trump's and very articulate that they actually see you as a threat, which is a testament to you.
And I think Trump's obviously going to get the nomination.
He's going to move forward.
I would like to see you at some point Work with Trump so you don't get destroyed, at least at this juncture, like the Santas.
I think you're way smarter.
And I want to be clear.
I think you're for real.
I see this talking point, as I told you when you were here in person a few months ago, that because you're Ivy League, because you're a successful businessman, you're a bad guy.
Well, Elon Musk is super successful and is devastating the enemy.
And no one can deny it.
I've talked to a lot of people close to Trump.
They go, no, Vivek really helped us.
He really attacked Haley.
Overall, you were a big plus.
And so I don't think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater, but at some point, Vivek, and I'm not telling you drop out right now, but I think that we're going to see what happens.
Alex, I got a question for you.
Let's have a conversation because one of the things I love about you is also you're unfiltered, I'm unfiltered, and we can kind of talk openly here.
You're saying Trump's going to win the nomination.
What happens?
I mean, you've raised the possibility and Tucker's raised the possibility.
We all have to be patriots and think in possibilities.
I can see this way this plays out.
I mean, what's the plan exactly?
Let's say, are we going to get back to 12 months from now and look back?
Let's say what I say plays out this spring.
They will narrow this down to a two-horse race between Trump and Haley, and one way or another, we're all human beings, okay?
Let's remind ourselves, not gods, we're human beings.
One way or another, they take Trump out.
What's the plan for this country?
We're going to sit here and watch that train wreck play out?
I have an obligation to this country.
I understand your plan.
Explain to people.
Explain to them.
I get it.
If it's a Trump.
If it's a Trump-Vivic.
Let me say it real quick.
If it's a Trump-Vivic.
the Ramaswamy ticket, then they're scared of both of you, they're scared to get rid
of Trump, they're scared to get rid of you, it's like having a vice president, they're
more scared of than a president, that way it's a unified message going in, we've knocked
her out, you valiantly savaged her, they admit damaged her more than probably even Trump,
I get what you're saying, but explain it to us very simply.
Yeah, I'm going to explain it very simply.
It's a lot harder to take out two than it is to take one.
And I have an obligation to this country to make sure that should that plot play out, it is an America First candidate in that White House.
And I am deeply worried that's exactly what we have in store.
And so me, you know, you say MAGA Patriots may drop out.
You know what?
That's just falling for the trap.
That's literally one more step to be able to get to the place where it's Trump and Haley, they knock Trump out and America first has to live on.
We have to open our eyes and see it.
That's the answer.
I wasn't saying do that.
I get what you're saying.
I know you're doing irrevocable damage and I get that.
And so people need to understand that, yeah, it's like really big race car teams in Formula One or a NASCAR may own three of the cars.
Regardless, one of the teams is going to win.
I think that's what you're saying is that you're basically on Team America, Team America First.
America First has to win.
I get the Formula One or NASCAR analogy, but I think you're a really good communicator.
I think maybe you need to make it extremely clear to people.
Yeah, I'm going to make it as clear as I can as of today, Alex.
I'm not God and I can't tell you what exactly is going to play out, but the plot is hiding in plain sight where the people who are funding the suits against Trump and funding the efforts against Trump are also propping up Haley.
They want to make it Trump versus Haley and then eliminate Trump.
And the way they can't do that is if there is actually another America First patriot in the race.
It's hard to eliminate two.
And they don't have on me right now what they have on him, and I think that it's harder to go after two targets than it is to go after one.
If you try to hit two targets with one arrow, they're going to miss on both.
And so that's the real answer, is we have to make sure America First goes to the next level.
And so I think it would be foolish for us to try to fall straight into that trap by having, you know, people calling on me to support Trump.
No, I'm supporting actual our America First movement by making sure that they don't go with the plot that they have planned.
And I have an obligation to this country to make it so.
And so that's why I've been in this race and I'm going to be in this race until the very end to make sure America First goes to the next level.
I hope I'm wrong about this, Alex.
I mean, I really do.
It's not good for the country if that plays out.
No, but I agree with you.
I agree with you.
That's what we see.
They admit Democrat Party.
Massive funding for Nikki Haley.
They admit they're going to have people be Republican for a day in New Hampshire and vote for her.
Birdbrain is who they're betting on.
The establishment does not like you.
You're saying things that irrevocably damage them.
That's why I have been supportive of the message and what you're doing.
And I think what Trump said Or what his people said is because, I get it, you're very articulate and quite frankly you're so good you're threatening.
They stole the election from him though.
He's amazing.
I want him to be the next president but I don't want you, and I get your point about what's happening currently Vivek, you're amazing, but I also don't want you to get destroyed or hurt in the process with the movement because Trump is very old.
I'm thinking into the future.
I'm never criticizing Trump.
I'm never criticizing Trump and I think that that's And the point is, because he was an excellent president, and I respect his legacy.
And to tell you the truth, Alex, look at who's actually defending against Trump.
I filed an amicus brief with the U.S.
Supreme Court just last week, arguing for why they needed to overturn the disastrous Colorado ruling.
And you know why I did that?
To be really honest with you, I'm not sure the people around him are going to make the best possible arguments to the Supreme Court.
And so I went in and did it myself, personally, and at my own expense and everything else.
Because it's the right thing to do for the country.
But America first has to move forward no matter what.
So Alex, you're laying out what you think is the best case scenario from your view.
What I'm saying is, protect against the worst case scenario.
And you've been around longer than that.
No, I agree, I agree.
To know that you don't view this through rose-colored filters.
It would put them off balance.
It would put them off balance.
If instead of having neocon warmongering opposition, they had you, then they wouldn't know what to do.
I get your calculus.
It actually makes perfect sense.
Here's what I know.
You have, as I said, done real damage to them, and are really exciting.
And so, I simply hope that the Trump campaign itself will not try to turn you into another DeSantis, because you're a totally different league from DeSantis.
I don't think they will.
I mean, Trump and I have a good relationship.
I don't know what his handlers... You know, he has some A-team handlers, and he has some B-team and C-team handlers around him.
It depends on which day.
I think yesterday they had the B team or worse.
Well, that was my next question.
That was my next question.
I think he backed off of it today.
Well, I think that was probably Trump actually.
Trump actually, you know, I think had probably a different view than his own handlers.
But the reality is...
That swamp doesn't just live in the D.C.
bureaucracy, right?
It lives outside of D.C., too.
And one of the things I've tried to do in this campaign is we're actually running lean.
We have actual, when there's, you know, when there's swamp-type creatures that show up, we turn them over and we actually have the right people around me.
And that's the other thing, Alex.
I mean, let's just have an honest conversation.
I'm the only person in this race and in our movement that will tell you point-blank that I will not make Nikki Haley my vice president.
I think you've got a lot of people in the swamp class around Donald Trump telling him to do just that, actually.
And so, you know what?
When you're talking about taking America first to the future, I could think of nothing more damaging than to put a John Bolton or Nikki Haley or whoever of that school in that seat.
No, I agree.
I've said that several times.
That's a legitimate criticism.
He didn't answer that.
I'd answer it directly.
Nikki Haley will not come anywhere near the White House.
Yeah, well, I don't think Trump's the messiah.
I don't think Trump's the messiah, and I think you're right.
His biggest mistake was installing all those people.
So let me ask you this.
Obviously, you talk to Trump sometimes.
Do you want to get on a phone call with Trump and discuss this strategy?
I think he and I have, we're on the same page.
We have a good relationship with one another, same page for the future of the country.
I think that it's hard when you're actually the one they're coming after to accept the range of possibilities that's possible for the country.
But, looking at this from myself on the outside of the Trump situation, but seeing the people who are coming after him, we have to play for all possibilities in this country.
That's what we owe this country.
Oh, you're a much better... You're a much better... Hope for the best.
We have to plan for the worst.
A race between you and Trump would be beautiful to educate everybody.
That would be a win-win.
I don't think Trump should be afraid of that.
That's a win-win for the country.
Let me ask you this in closing.
I know you gotta go.
What else is on your radar in politics, the world?
You've seen the Democrats come out and say they want to take control of the military with a Senate bill so Trump doesn't have a coup.
The Senate trying to take control of the military is a coup.
Yeah, absolutely.
Look, I think that there's something deeper going on in this military-industrial complex we gotta actually open our eyes to.
They've really been able to capture both parties, and so you see now the Ukraine funding, it's flying under the radar.
And so this is one of the strategies that they use, Alex, that we've got to open our eyes to, is boring you into submission.
See, sometimes they come at you, they're devious, but actually the worst strategy of all is boring you into submission.
That's what the CBDC is all about.
The Central Bank Digital Currency.
It's boring.
It's technical.
That's how they're going to get it through the back door.
The Ukraine funding, they thought they would have the argument about this being funding good over evil, but now what they've decided to do in the media is just ignore it.
And then in Washington, D.C., just ignore it.
The puppet politicians ignore it.
The resistance automatically goes away, and they just sneak it in through the back door.
I think that's one of the things we've got to watch out for on our side is the more technical mumbo-jumbo it sounds from ESG to CBDC to even the recent funding for Ukraine kind of making its way through the system through the back door.
The more boring it sounds, the more we have to pay attention to it.
No, I agree.
So in closing, and I know you gotta go, I will say this.
I know history, I know politics.
You can't fake it.
You are the most articulate person out there right now, even more than Trump.
He has a lot of gravitas, a lot of smarts, a lot of things you don't have.
But just overall, you're impressive.
I know you're hurting him.
I know the system's coming after you.
And Vivek Ramaswamy, I appreciate you running for real, unlike Chris Christie and a bunch
of other ones just for campaign money.
You're legitimately running for president, and you have a right to run for president, and the fact that you've been successful in business and are Ivy League is good because you're on our side.
We are starting to win culturally, and when you and Elon Musk and others We're already on our side, writing books years ago, but totally come over in the fight.
We've got to be ready to accept you because I got to tell you folks, they hate him.
You don't say the things he's saying.
If you're if you're fake, it's irrevocable.
So Vivek, how do people find out about your campaign?
Go to Vivek2024.com and you know, if you're inclined, support the future of America first.
That's what we're in this for.
And America first has to win.
That's the answer.
All right.
Thank you so much for the time.
Take care.
Thank you, man.
Yeah, folks, I don't get into this cult of personality stuff and all this cheerleading stuff, and I also don't sit there and say because somebody's Ivy League or somebody worked in biotech that they're just bad.
Let me tell you something right now.
When you see a fake, it's a Mitt Romney.
It's a Chris Christie.
It's a birdbrain Nikki Haley.
They are completely obvious.
They say a few things about transgenderism or a football issue or abortion, but when it comes down to it, they're pro-war, they're pro-open border, they're pro-globalist, they're pro-debt.
Trump's not.
And he proved himself.
Not perfect.
And Vivek is his own man.
Now, that doesn't mean he's perfect.
It doesn't mean I'm putting him up on some pedestal.
But, you know, I've seen all these scientists, prominent scientists, come out and say, okay, the vaccine was bad, it's killing people, and they got a new disease X, they're gonna release on it, we gotta fight them.
And I see people I know and love going, this doctor just three years ago was neutral on the shot, and he's a traitor.
I want to win this, folks.
What do you think happens when we start winning?
I know Joe Rogan.
I know Tucker Carlson.
I talked to Elon Musk.
These people are legitimately pissed and are legitimately showing you they don't like what's happening.
Sure, not everybody's been on air 30 years.
Not everybody's family raised Colonel Travis and was at the Alamo.
I'm not trying to brag, but I mean it's disgust, it's ridiculous how American I am.
You couldn't come up with it.
I never even told you about my family history.
It is absolutely Captain America.
You cannot top it.
No one can.
The whole nine yards.
On and on and on.
Invention of the stock market in England.
You know, related to all the big cheeses before the...
Germans took over England.
I am the West, okay?
I am a man of the West.
I am America, okay?
I know a lot of you are as well.
And anybody who wants to aspire to join us, you're welcome.
And all I'm saying is, we can't be a bunch of purists and sit here and say, well, your family wasn't both sides of the Mayflower and, you know, your ancestors didn't sign the Texas Declaration of Independence and, you know, just the whole, I mean, you can't sit there and say, well, you know, You're Indian, so, and you got an Ivy League degree, and so I don't trust you, or whatever it is.
It just doesn't work like that, folks.
It doesn't work like that.
If you want, and I'm not trying to bring all that stuff up to try to sit here and go, because I don't live off my ancestors.
There's nothing worse than bluebloods and people that sit there and, you know, my great-great-granddaddy did this, and my great-great-granddaddy did that, my great-great-grandma did this.
That's not where I'm at.
I'm just simply saying the opposite of that.
But this, don't worry, Vivek's not going to get the nomination, it's Trump.
And I don't want to see him destroyed like the Santas who did sign on the dark side, did work with the Bushes, did work with Karl Rove, and is done as far as I'm concerned.
It's sad.
I like Vivek because, let me tell you, he's like a weapons system blowing up the enemy.
And let me tell you, again, they don't let you do that if you work for them.
People see the globalists are losing.
You heard Navalo Norihirari saying, quote, their world order is dead.
They're losing, folks.
So we're the winners.
Can we not get out of the position of the underdog and realize we have the initiative?
We have the hearts and minds.
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In the name of Jesus Christ.
Alright, here's what I want to do.
I spent the first hour and a half on the Democrats' openly floating military dictatorship martial law to counter Trump's military dictatorship martial law.
Interspersed with that, I got Disease X, Poison Shot News.
That's super important.
That'll hit next segment.
But I want to give the number out on one subject and one subject only that is so massive.
And that is the deep state ongoing coup against the American people.
And the fact that we want President Trump, and everybody knows it, and he's got plenty of problems, so do I. All of us are sinners.
But the system's scared of him.
The people already elected him.
They stole it.
Now they know he's about to win in a landslide, which they can't block statistically.
They can only steal small margins of maybe 5 to 10 percent maximum.
So what are they going to pull?
They've told us martial law to counter Trump's martial law that doesn't exist, just like the Russiagate and all the rest of the crap.
When Trump went to North Korea, he showed a DVD, 3D, fancy presentation to Kim Jong-un and said, why don't you just empower your people and build beach resorts and computer manufacturing facilities?
South Korea is the richest country per capita in the world.
What the hell is your problem, son?
And Kim Jong-un came out of the meetings, he saw it crying.
You don't think he's guilty for all the murder him and his father and grandfather have done?
He had a little bit of a soul.
And was gulping and following Trump around like a baby elephant holding its mother's tail.
Trump just wants prosperity, ladies and gentlemen.
The guy is all into positivity, almost to a cult-like level.
And I'm not saying that's a bad thing.
I'm just saying, be honest, he was obsessed.
Who was the founder of self-help?
Came out like 89 years ago, but Trump listened to it on records every day, the power of positivity.
I forget who he is.
He's with all this Tony Robbins and all that's based on it.
And Trump really believes in the power of will.
And he believes it.
And they can't tell him what to do. They can't control him.
That's the good part. The bad part is when he makes a mistake, folks, he ain't admitting it. So
he's a pig. So I'm a pig too.
He's pig-headed, but he's our pig. It's like the Marine Corps sergeant says in "Full Metal
Jacket" that's all based on real stuff that that sergeant, they rewrote the whole movie when they
had the sergeant as technical advisor and the famous gunny sergeant. And he rewrote most of the
movie for him. So this is how it really is. I've talked to Marines. They said, "My God,
it's like a flashback. That is so accurate." And they're sitting there telling Private Joker to
renounce his religious views, and he won't do it. So the sergeant starts beating him.
And when he doesn't beat him, he He promotes him, and he says private Joker is silly and he's ignorant, but he's got guts and guts is enough.
Well, that's Trump.
That's me.
That's all of you.
Dammit, we're not perfect.
We make mistakes, but you know what?
We're trying to do good, and we're not lying, and we are who we are.
It's like Popeye says, I am who I am.
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
There ain't no acts here.
There ain't no jokes.
There ain't no fake garbage.
That's why they tell you all day I'm fake.
But you know in your instincts, in your spirit, I'm not fake.
And you know you're not fake.
And you know we're real.
And you know we don't want to be slaves.
and we're not going along with this crap anymore.
Millions of Americans sincerely love Donald Trump.
They love him in spite of everything they've heard.
They love him often in spite of himself.
They love Donald Trump because no one else loves them.
The country they built, the country their ancestors fought for over hundreds of years, has left them to die in their unfashionable little towns, mocked and despised by the sneering halfwits with finance degrees but no actual skills who seem to run everything all of a sudden.
Whatever Donald Trump's fault, he is better than the rest of the people in charge.
At least he doesn't hate them for their weakness.
Donald Trump, in other words, is and has always been a living indictment of the people who run this country.
That was true four years ago, when Trump came out of nowhere to win the presidency, and it's every bit as true right now.
Trump rose because they failed.
It's as simple as that.
If the people in charge had done a halfway decent job with the country they inherited, if they cared about anything other than themselves, even for just a moment, Donald Trump would still be hosting Celebrity Apprentice.
But they didn't.
Instead, they were incompetent, and narcissistic, and cruel, and relentlessly dishonest.
They wrecked what they didn't build.
They lied about it.
They hurt anyone who told the truth about what they were doing.
That's true.
We watched.
America is still a great country, the best in the world, but our ruling class is disgusting.
A vote for Trump is a vote against them.
That's what's going on in this country.
Emergency broadcast.
Democrat senators announce plan to stage military coup against Trump if re-elected.
Plus, Ukraine calls for peace deal with Russia.
We're covering it all in hour number three today, Monday, January 15th, 2024.
And we are in attack formation.
All right, I'll open the phones up for first-time callers.
I haven't done that in a few weeks.
Specifically on what I covered in the first hour and a half of the show.
A lot of you were listening.
If you weren't listening, please don't call in because you don't know what's going on.
Or maybe you did see all the news headlines.
Maybe you do.
Well they're saying we've got to have a military coup to take control of the military into Congress ahead of Trump getting in because he's going to use the military for martial law.
We've got to have a coup, that's a group outside the executive taking control of the military against the elected government.
That is a coup by its definition.
So perfect inversion, perfect gaslighting, perfect upside-down world, perfect BS by the Democrats.
Yet again, and I played the clips, I showed the news, we've gone over it.
What is your take on this?
We all still need to vote, we all still need to be engaged, but this is a capitulation.
I'm about to win Iowa by 50 points or more.
No one's ever won with more than 12 points.
He's about to win with 50% is what is being estimated.
We'll know tomorrow.
So, what is your take?
Because I love the angles you take us on.
I don't just open the phones up because, oh, we have some listener participation.
You always bring up stuff that I either thought of, I didn't say, or I didn't think of.
So I crave your calls.
Your calls are important.
And they bring in the wild cards that we're missing.
Toll-free number to join us, 877-789-2539.
877-789-2539. 877-789-Alex. 877-789-2539.
First time callers.
And you can talk about anything campaign related.
It's a giant area of discussion.
While your calls come in, I'm gonna hit some poison vaccine news.
Oh my goodness.
You know, I noticed on X this morning, I got up at like 6 a.m., started posting on it while I was cooking my daughter.
Not an empty nest yet.
Got three kids moved out.
I'm getting old, man.
50 next month.
Made my six-and-a-half-year-old daughter normal.
Massive breakfast, because I like one, too.
And while in between that, I'm sitting there while I'm cooking food and flipping pancakes and baking.
Hit next.
And I was putting the post up that by the time I cooked breakfast, had millions of views.
We're blessed to be there.
Can't complain.
Why are you groveling to Elon?
Why are you kissing his ass?
Hey, man, I'm swinging for the fences.
Ain't nobody censoring me right now.
I'm reaching tens of millions a day.
Devastating the New World Order!
And if I don't say, wow, that's trollblazing, then I'm a feckless, useless, unappreciative dumbass.
Oh, Jones now sits there and drinks the musk kool-aid and does whatever.
No, musk doesn't tell me what to do.
I just know I've been unleashed.
I know what I'm putting out is true, and I know it's hurting evil people.
And it's helping good people.
But the point was, I noticed the bots and some of the, not all the commenters, a very small number were like, Oh Jones, you're just a fear monger.
There's not 17 million dead.
You're right, it's like 23 million in the real numbers, but we're being conservative.
You know, there's no spike protein.
You didn't make your body make, there's no HIV spike protein in the COVID shot.
And it made me think, Cause I put out like five, five or six posts on the spike protein.
I just felt to do that.
Cause it hit me like, well, we've been covering this for years that they took the HIV delivery system of the spike protein, super toxic by itself, synthetically reproduced it.
When they inject you with Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, or J&J, all four systems, whether viral, vector, or whether mRNA, make your body create indefinitely the HIV highly toxic spike protein.
It's a crystal.
Similar to what causes spongiform encephalopathy.
So, what I did with these commenters, I only have four or five of them, as I said, I'm not going to post what the spike protein does.
You say I'm a fear monger.
I'm going to let everybody under me post it.
And they post medical reports and scientific reports and Borla admitting it, the media admitting it, and the people that take the vaccine can come up positive for HIV because it picks up the spike protein as that.
But it started making me think, like, how wild Is it that one of the things in this GMO virus that they that inject in with you with the so-called vaccine is HIV?
Spike protein.
And of course there were just thousands of comments just loading it up.
And I spent like 30 minutes reading them and I grabbed a few clips they'd sent that I hadn't seen of congressional testimony other things about it.
So so it's a process but you're damn right I'm a fear monger.
I mean like George Washington was, or Thomas Jefferson, or Benjamin Franklin, or Paul Revere.
You know, the British are landing to invade.
He rode up and down the countryside saying, get your weapons, the British are coming.
He wasn't a fear monger, he was alerting people.
And I will, skip the break coming up, I will never apologize for that.
And darn it, I wish I was wrong about all this.
People weren't saying Alex Jones was right.
But almost everything we said was coming has come true because we're reading our own documents.
But it just shows how crazy it is.
So I thought I'd get to it because there's a bunch of Disease X news and a bunch of other huge news.
COVID-19 shots linked to autism and vaccinated rats.
Major procedure study.
But before I hit this stack, look at the size of that baby and all the videos.
I could do four hours just on that stack easily.
I mean, it's just devastating.
None of it's denied.
Insurance companies say 20-something million have died.
Other scientists and surveyors say 17 million.
Governments internally admit it's the shots that did it.
My God, we've had leaks out of the New Zealand government with their own documents.
And then, I get it.
People want to say this guy's a fear monger.
If they're not on the payroll to say that, most of them aren't actually.
They're doing it because they can't face the truth.
They can't handle the truth.
Like Jack Nicholson says at the end of That movie.
You can't handle the truth, but I do believe you can handle the truth.
Info Wars, because you can handle the truth.
Check out a bunch of these clips.
Here is Dr. Ryan Cole with a bunch of other medical doctors and scientists, like Dr. Peter McCullough.
Explaining to a legislature that the spike protein is the perfect poison protein.
Here it is.
It's like the perfect poison protein, the spike protein.
Does it cause clotting?
Does it cause neurologic harm?
An Italian study showed, 19,000 patients studied, showed that 30%, almost a third, had neurologic harms, whether it was ringing in the ears, whether it was burning, whether it was whatnot, one third.
So as much as we hear about the blood harms, the clotting harms, the heart harms, neurologic harms are way up there.
And the autoimmune harms too.
And that's because we shouldn't... And this is why I'm against this whole technology platform.
Use it on the research level for rare genetic conditions or for targeting certain things.
But when you put something in the body that goes everywhere, And as Dr. McCall mentioned, doesn't have an off switch.
This gene doesn't have an off switch, and it isn't... Now listen, that's a sign that's being honest.
We know about research science.
People that have rare genetic disorders, they're going to kill them.
The doctors come to you and they say, there's about a 10% chance this therapy is going to kill you, but you're going to die in about a year if you don't do it.
Would you like to sign the forms?
And people sign the forms.
That's your choice.
They couldn't get all this stuff approved for 25 years at least.
So they just did this.
That's why Borla said, you know, said famously, Oh, we, we, we started injecting people and it's got a 90% efficacy, which wasn't true.
It works because they hadn't tested it, but they really had on lab animals.
So that was just a cover story.
No, they knew it was going to do this and make all these new sick people for them to treat.
Uh, let's go ahead and play the Albert Borla clip again.
I already played it last hour but it's so important.
Let's play clip 4 and then Bill Gates clip 9 back to back.
We made it!
I love you!
We had a f***ing successful vaccine!
Bad acting.
Bad comedy.
The efficacy was more than 90%.
Oh my god!
Now you know it's all a lie.
And they do full well too.
Resulted in a success.
And this success looks like the biggest scientific breakthrough of the last hundred years.
So we, you know, we'll have to prepare for the next one.
That, you know, I'd say is, uh, will get attention this time.
And he giggles and he laughs about it.
Because it's so cute.
So, let's just look at today's headlines, then we'll go to your phone calls.
Overhead shot, please.
COVID-19 shots link to autism and vaccinated rats.
Young and old.
Neurological disorders.
What did you just hear the scientists testify to the legislature about?
It attacks the brain.
COVID-19 shots link to autism and vaccinated rats.
Grows protein crystals in your brain.
And then, here is the big study.
It's out of the Epoch Times.
Prenatal exposure to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.
BNT162b2 inclusive.
Autism-like behaviors in male.
Neonatal rats.
Insights into WNT and BDNF signaling.
They give it to female rats and they have baby rats that just roll around and never do anything after that because they have a lower blood-brain barrier than female rats.
And they become autistic.
There's a big study for you right here.
Big procedure study.
You want to go read it for yourself.
Isn't that liberal?
They want to get rid of men.
As Jeffrey Epstein said, women will soon rule the world because they're getting rid of men and then women won't have babies.
They'll just be grown in tanks.
UNWF warned the planet the arrival of disease X is imminent.
Majority of Americans think COVID vaccine linked to unexplained deaths.
53% believe the vaccine leads to death, up from 47%.
And then it goes on that 24% of the surveyed said they know someone who has died from the shot.
That's out of a Rasmussen survey.
Gee, I shot myself in the head with a shotgun and it doesn't feel good.
Oh, but it gets better.
Fauci testified, as you know, last week in Congress.
And he said seven times, masks don't work, social distancing doesn't work, we just did it to create fear, of course.
Fauci admits social distancing has no basis.
Juan Lable's hypothesis is not conspiracy theory.
We got Dr. John Coleman, one of the most prestigious and outspoken doctors in the world, saying disease X is them creating gain-of-function weapons.
And all these articles, food is a vaccine delivery system.
They can either genetically engineer fruit or vegetables or animals to create a pathogen, or you can inject it into them, like they do us with the mRNA vaccine, and then we produce it.
Remember, when they say vaccine, That just means something they inject in you.
They've changed the definition.
Five years ago, the definition for a hundred years was giving you a little bit of an attenuated pathogen so your body learns how to defeat it.
Now it just means anything we inject in you.
Food is a vaccine delivery system.
Could mRNA make us superhuman?
Plants as mRNA factories for edible vaccines.
Making edible vaccines in plants so you can't escape it, see?
Grow and eat your own vaccines.
Federal government.
Look at that right there.
Emerging trends in edible vaccine therapy for combating human diseases, especially COVID-19.
Pros, cons, future challenges.
You might want to read that.
That's a big report.
Already going on.
And that leads me next to this before I take your calls with the rest of the news.
They can inject a tomato and make it produce whatever they want, how they design with the tomato's genes.
They can do it to a papaya.
They can do it to a banana.
They can also do it even easier to a pig or a goat or a cow or a human.
What do you think they gave us with these mRNA shots and virus vector shots of the live virus?
They gave you, not a virus, a virus carried it in, in the virus vector shots, not in the mRNA, it's the same system.
They gave you a program to make your body replicate the HIV delivery system, highly toxic, deadly spike protein that your body attacks in your arteries, your brain, your testicles, your ovaries, turbo cancers.
And so, they're not going to inject, they're like, why inject the tomatoes and the lettuce with it, or design it to grow the live stuff, whatever, whatever payload they want to give you, they call a vaccine.
There's hundreds of technologies that we know of.
They make you the generator of it.
They make you the shedder of it.
And I covered all that in post on X today at Real Alex Jones.
I suggest you go there and read them and watch the videos and share them.
But I remember reading, Twenty-six, seven years ago, and I remember reading a scientific journal report on air.
Those listeners would mail me this stuff, they still do, but back then, the internet wasn't really big, so I'd have hundreds of pieces of mail a day sometimes, usually like 50.
The local radio station, you know, was number one and made a lot of money.
Got really mad, because it was just like, every day, open your mail, just buckets of mail.
And all these scientists were sending engineering magazines, you name it, biotech magazines.
And I get on there, and I read an article about how A town in Central Texas, north of Austin, had corn for a development of an HIV vaccine that was growing the whole HIV virus in the corn.
And I read that article, and the program director came in and he said, Alex, that's it.
They don't have corn that grows HIV, because he was ignorant.
And I said, I've got the document right here, and he said, I don't want to see it.
Stop scaring people, it's not true.
And I remember making him look at it.
And I can be aggressive, and I give people space.
And he was a big guy.
And he'd been in the army and the rest of it.
So I go in his office, and I said, hey, listen, I don't appreciate you saying I'm lying.
Here's the damn report.
He goes, you don't tell me damn.
And I said, listen, this is serious.
This is only 30 miles north of Austin, and they're growing this HIV in the corn, and it's in a medical report.
It's pharmacological crops.
I said, just read it.
And he read it, he looked up, and he said, I'm gonna get you fired.
He did a few months later.
But imagine, and I get it, he's hearing they're growing corn with HIV, this guy's a liar, because this guy had a couple kids, was like 30 years old, and he couldn't believe it was true.
I get it.
Like, he's sitting there, and this guy was like involved in the YMCA and kids football and Mr. America, and he's like, America ain't growing no HIV and no corn!
God, they even found the article about it.
Yeah, there you go.
We're growing HIV in corn.
Wow, you guys found it.
This was a few years before that.
From 2000.
That's Wired Magazine.
And that's it.
He wasn't even a bad guy.
He just heard some guy on the radio.
That everybody was talking about, there was this young whippersnapper, you know, 25 years old, 26 years old, and number one, and number one in the ratings, all the newspapers, and this son of a bitch is a liar.
He was all the time like, I quit lying about that, there's nobody planning this, there's nobody planning that, and it was because he couldn't admit it.
He couldn't deal with it.
The night my ex-wife broke water, 22 years ago, I had finished editing a documentary, and I wanted to celebrate with a six-pack of beer and a pizza.
There was a pizza place about two miles away.
She broke water at like 2 a.m.
that morning.
And I pull in right as they're closing, and I get the pizza, I'm gonna go get a six-pack of beer.
And this guy pokes me in the back, right around the same time.
I've told the story 50 times, you've heard it.
You're an old timer listener.
I turn around and say, yeah, he goes, I used to like you, but you're a liar.
They don't have part spider, part goats to create body armor, and they ain't got corn that's part grasshopper.
You're just scaring people.
And I said, well, poke me again, I'm going to break your arm.
I did.
And the guy did it again, so I started shoving him back.
He goes, and I said, how do you know?
He goes, I've got a biology degree.
He goes, UT 1977 or whatever it was.
And I said, when?
It was in the seventies.
And I just went, man, I can't help you.
I can't help you get out of my way.
Now at that time, he could have search engine spider goats and he'd have known it.
That was the year 2002.
But that's really the problem we've got with this broadcast, is people hear all this stuff.
They got mice that are part human, and they got a disease that kills 100% of them, and they hear that, and this guy's just fear-mongering.
Because I get it.
You don't want to deal with it.
Because if you dealt with it, you'd be like me, and start a radio-TV network to fight it.
And you'd be pissed off.
Like, last night, I was beside myself.
Because, man, I know they're getting ready to do it again.
They killed a bunch of my friends and family.
I'm pissed off.
I'm sorry it's this way.
I'm sorry this is going on.
I'm sorry it's true.
I didn't tell the crew, hey go search for HIV growing in corn.
By the way, here's the good news.
You know what happened after I broke that?
It was later in the news again, I think Wired again, they sent in Pentagon teams in spacesuits to flame throw it and put bulldozers in and removed it.
See, it was even in the news they were doing it, but the Pentagon didn't even know and didn't even care, and our show made the Pentagon go destroy it.
Well, now they don't even care.
Now they inject the HIV into you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Many bothoms died.
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All right, I've still got more news to hit, but I want to get through all your calls.
I'll take a little bit of Gerald Celente's time in the next hour.
And again, I'll just finish up what I was saying last segment.
When I was 25, 26 years old, reading all these documents and Going to the library and double-checking it was all real and making calls to Congress.
I get people thought I was lying.
But we don't have time now.
This stuff's all out in the open, folks.
And so that's why I'm so blessed to be here with you.
And people aren't discounting what we say now.
They're not just saying we're liars.
That's why we've got to be really careful to be as accurate as we can.
And that's what we're doing.
So I appreciate you all keeping us on air.
It's been one hell of a fight.
And it's just crazy to be 50 years old and be doing this 30 years.
I'll be 50 next month on February 11th.
And in the middle of April, it'll be 30 years on air.
And I don't normally celebrate stuff.
I'm not gonna celebrate my 50th birthday.
I don't celebrate my birthdays.
I'm a big boy.
But we gotta have something like a 30th anniversary.
Because that's a big deal, folks.
And we changed the world.
And it's the audience of activists You're the only reason we've been successful.
You did this, and we have changed the world for the better.
The globalists admit, you've all know Harari today, they're losing.
The death blow to the world order, the global government is here.
They got those bumper stickers, they stick on gas pumps with high gas prices saying, I did that, with Biden pointed at it.
I want you to get this in your head, and I want it to sink into the bottom of your brain.
You did this.
You backing us did this.
And it isn't about celebrating you.
It's about you knowing you did it.
We bet on each other.
I bet on you.
And every time I get, I wouldn't call it depressed, I get in a rage like last night.
I try to control it.
I'm a lot better than when I was young.
And I just start getting so mad, I go, look.
God, I'm so angry.
And God goes, look how far we've come.
Just stop it and turn it over to me.
God's in control.
I can't fix this myself.
I just got to do what God says.
And you're the same way.
Don't get upset.
Don't get mad.
We're not covering all this to get people angry.
We're doing it so we know what's going on.
And let me explain something.
When I'm telling you that, there's one finger pointed at you.
There's three pointed back at me.
Half the time I'm up here talking, folks, I'm talking to myself.
Because if you think you're pissed off, man, I just, I'm so tired of these people.
We're gonna beat them.
We're gonna beat them.
The children demand it.
They've been crying out to God, and all of us fighting these tyrants is God's answer.
We gotta be pure vessels.
We gotta be strong.
We gotta be, we gotta have what it takes to go all the way, and we're gonna do it.
And I've got the problem of not being a coward.
And I'm not wanting to fight.
I've got the problem of like getting mad at myself.
Jones, you've got to get these people off our backs.
You've got to do it!
Every day, every minute, I think about how I beat these people.
I'm like, I can't get them off our backs!
It should be so easy!
We'll get them though, don't you worry.
We're real close now.
We're really close right now.
You can feel it right now.
You can feel their fear.
So, whatever comes, comes, folks.
But those of us on the front line should be blessed and honored to be in this fight.
All right, I'm gonna shut up!
I'm gonna take your calls, I'm gonna skip this break.
Membrane in Canada, you're on the air.
What do you think about them trying to declare martial law ahead of Trump?
Ah, well, this is Membrane.
My superpower is I have a membrane.
It's powered by Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra.
I think with all the talk about cyber attacks and hacking and stuff like that, wouldn't the ultimate judo move to demand, like Roger Stone was saying last night, demand paper ballots?
I mean, I know I'm calling from a joke country of Canada, but at least we have paper ballots.
We have hand-counted paper ballots by humans in an election box that doesn't go on a truck and go across state or provincial lines.
We have voter ID.
I mean, we can run a federal election campaign in 40 days.
There's still time.
So I'd like to ask you, what do you think the one state is that we could get a governor or someone to say, pay for your ballots in 2024?
Argentina went to paper ballots and they elected patriots.
So, that's a long process depending on the jurisdiction.
But 100%, everybody else is doing it.
Our own State Department rules say it should be done that way.
According to our own State Department rules, we have one of the worst elections in the world.
I agree with you.
We need ballot integrity.
You just bingoed it.
I have an idea on how to do this.
I have several ideas.
I'd love to brainstorm.
What is the problem?
The states have passed laws on the voting machines.
The counties have purchased the machines.
They're in place.
So in this cycle, I know the law on it.
It's a patchwork of laws, but we're not going to change the machines in the next 10 months.
Well, I think maybe we should take the Peter Venkman approach and just target one state And go to the governor and just be like, uh, hey, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
Nothing happens.
But if I'm right, Randy, you will have secured the ballots of millions!
No, you're right.
I mean, like, end-of-the-world stuff, dogs and cats living together.
Oh, a Ghostbusters quote?
I love you.
Thank you for the call.
Ghostbusters never gets old.
Why can't they make a good classy movie like that again?
Ghostbusters is like the Godfather.
In its cheesiness, it's perfect.
Alright, let's go to Kevin in Texas.
Kevin, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, good to talk to you.
I've been listening for over 20 years, since I was 16 years old.
I've been buying the products over the years, so I appreciate all that stuff.
I'm 37 now.
I appreciate you, brother, keeping us on the air.
Yes, sir.
And I got two points I want to touch on.
First one is regarding their, you know, saying that Trump's going to pull a coup.
Of course, these guys are always projecting what they're going to do or that what they want to do.
So, of course, they're going to be pointing at everybody else while they're doing exactly that.
Oh, they say we want a military coup so that he doesn't do a coup.
Furthermore, they want to keep everybody in fear.
That's one of their number one tools.
As long as they keep this populace in fear, they're hurting our immune systems, they're making people make irrational decisions, they're making people at each other's throats.
So that's their number one tool that they have against us, okay?
But I want to touch on this other point regarding the election situation.
And unfortunately, every time we do get someone elected that we're really hopeful for, It seems that they're still getting a little bit of their agenda down the road here.
Yeah, that's the problem is, is we hold them back but 90%, but they still getting 10% every time.
So they get 5 feet, we push them back 4 feet.
Yes, and while I love Trump, and you know, Vivek seems awesome, we just gotta be really scrutinizing of them.
Oh, I don't think Vivek or Trump are gonna save us.
Right, exactly, and I'm just like, okay, What would they do if they were, if we were them, would we not try to infiltrate with people saying, oh, we're your best friend, we're going to do all these wonderful things, and they'll do just enough to make us say, oh, thank you so much.
See, he's done all this, but then what happens at the end?
Oh, they get us, you know?
Well, let me tell you, I've watched The Globalist too closely.
No one teaches people how the scam works.
No one undermines the fake institutions.
Trump and Vivek are real.
It doesn't mean they're perfect.
But by real, they're their own men.
They do not like Trump or Vivek.
And don't worry, folks.
Vivek's not going to get it from Trump.
I just don't want to see him destroyed like the Santas.
We need more good candidates in the future.
I appreciate your call.
One percenter in Kansas City.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I'm kind of lost.
I've done everything that I possibly could.
I need your advice.
I mean, I buy products.
I share your posts.
And I've come to where I just cast my cares upon God.
And He cares for me.
And, you know, I was reading Psalm 1.
He laughs at these people.
These people think that they're doing damage, they're only damaging themselves.
So, I think the best thing to do is take everything to God in prayer, and listen to what God tells you to do next.
No, I agree, and I don't try to be prideful.
But I can't help my fallen self.
I keep wanting to do it myself and getting mad at myself instead of giving it to God.
And I think what you're saying is everything.
We have to fight hard, be totally passionate, be engaged, but realize God's got it, and just have faith.
And look how far God's taken us so far.
So I totally agree with you.
And you know, the most important thing about prayer is to listen.
Listen to God's answer back to us.
What's crazy is I get all these communications from God all the time, and half the time I don't remember an hour later.
It's sort of ethereal, you get it?
It's so complex you gotta write it down.
But you're right, listen to God.
Yeah, yeah.
Alex, God's on your side, buddy.
And that's the most important thing.
Believe me, I know that and it's an awesome thing.
None of this is me, none of this is you, it's all God.
Believe me, I know that.
I mean, it happened again this morning, and I appreciate your call.
I don't have an electric clock in the room, don't have, you know, turn my phone off, put it in the drawer.
My watch is on the bathroom counter.
And God said, get up, and it's going to be 540 when you walk out the kitchen on the digital clock.
And it's happened hundreds of times, more than, God just constantly does it.
I get up, I walk in the kitchen, it's 540.
And it's just like, wow.
And God just does that over and over and over again.
But you can't duplicate it.
If I try to, like, wake up and show it to some film crew or something, God doesn't allow it to be seen.
It's just so amazing.
Like, I know you're real.
I know you're real.
I've already seen it.
I know it.
It's like, I'll do it again.
Get up.
Nope, don't take a piss.
Go right in the kitchen, because it'll be 541.
It's 540.
Get in there.
I walk in.
It's 540.
And the voice is like, go now.
No, don't go piss.
Literally, this is God.
Don't go to the bathroom first.
Go to the kitchen.
Look at the microwave.
It's 540.
I'm like, yes, sir.
I know, I know.
It was like, it'll be 540.
Strike me out if this didn't happen.
This happened today again.
I just go... And like, okay, 540.
Thank you, sir.
I knew it would be there.
Can I go pee now?
And the average leftist doesn't have that connection.
They think this is a lunatic.
Because all they've got is satanic energy.
They don't sit there and have literally God like, you know, let me give you a little pep talk again.
I want you to make sure I'm real.
That's what God does.
God always takes me right to the edge.
Total bankruptcy.
Total failure.
About to shut down.
Didn't know what to tell the crew a month ago.
Elon Musk puts us back on X and it brings in just enough money to stay on air.
And that's why I sit back and I go, why don't I just start listening to God?
So yeah.
Hey, I challenge... It doesn't matter.
It's so crazy.
It's just wild.
I mean, I know God's real.
I woke up.
I'm like, oh my God, I slept this long.
You know, I'm not trying to be gross.
It's true.
I gotta take a piss.
I was like, nope.
Go to the kitchen.
Okay, I'm saying 540, 540.
Okay, 540.
Like a penguin, like 540, 540.
It's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I was real.
That's like world-changing event happened once.
Since I was a kid, this happened.
Wake up, go look at the clock.
I want you to know I'm real.
It's like a transmission, but it's live time.
It happens over and over and over and over and over and over.
I mean, if I said a thousand times, I'd be conservative.
I told you about it last week.
Hadn't happened in a few months.
Happened this morning.
What is that?
Let's go to Scott in Virginia.
Scott, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Powerful Alex Jones, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
First and foremost, Alex, I want to say God bless you.
I'm praying for you and for your family.
I hope you find peace in these crazy times that we are living in.
I pray for that too, brother.
I wanted to share a piece of advice with your audience, whether or not they have seen it or have not seen it already.
I encourage every listener to go and listen to episode 911 of the Joe Rogan Experience.
That was the first time I ever heard your voice.
That was seven years ago when you first woke me up when I was a sophomore in college.
And if anybody wants to find answers to what's going to happen in this upcoming election year, history is the best teacher, my friend.
Go back.
And listen to the things that you were calling out before they even happened.
I mean, talk about hindsight 2020.
It's not me.
Well, it's gone.
I'm just a receiver.
What did you hear in that episode?
From what you were talking about with how you were already explaining that the plan of the globalists was to release a virus that was going to totally usher in this Globalist takeover, among many other things.
You know, Alex Jones was right, has been heard so often, frequently.
But if people are worried as what's coming up, all they have to do is listen to you and mobilize and get prepared.
And listen, I have a lot of friends that are my age.
I'm younger.
I'm only 26 years old.
I got a lot of friends my age, they're conservative, but they, you know, they fall into the media trap thinking, you know, oh my goodness, Trump is controlled opposition, and that is falling into their trap.
They want to bombard us with so much propaganda.
That we can't tell what's up from down.
Yeah, they want us to believe there's nothing good or at least nothing in opposition to them.
The globalists don't control hardly anything but the top people.
They're not that powerful.
We convince ourselves they're powerful.
Right, but their actions speak louder than words.
And look at it from both sides.
What are the actions Trump has done?
Trump has fought to lower taxes.
Trump has fought to raise the child tax credit.
Trump has fought to secure the border.
Trump has fought to end these endless wars.
What have the liberals done?
They have fought to censor and control speech.
Oh yeah, they claim Trump's going to censor.
All they've done is censored.
All they've done is use intelligence agencies against the people.
And this is the greatest blessing, and this is why I thank God, and this is what we need.
I think this is the most important thing for us to do as the Republicans in this upcoming election.
We can't devour ourselves, and we have to realize that we are winning.
Ron DeSantis is a fantastic candidate.
Vivek Ramaswamy is a fantastic candidate, and we need to build up our own party rather than tear them down.
Say what you will about the Democratic Party and how evil they are, but they do one thing, and that is stick together.
I hear you, I hear you, and I appreciate your call.
Nathan in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alexander Emmerich Jones.
Paul Revere, 2.0, my hero.
Well, you're my hero, Nathan.
What's on your mind?
What's up with all this grasping in the backseat, sir?
What's all this, what?
Yeah, graphene oxide.
It's just full of poison.
Have you heard of the Thousand Talons Program?
Well, there's a gentleman called Charles M. Lieber who is a part of that program, a nanoscientist who studied at Harvard.
He was arrested by the FBI with his Oh yeah, I remember the guy, Busset, working with the Chinese with bioweapons.
Yeah, I remember that about three years ago.
You'd be interested to look at his patents.
I believe they're still posted.
He has a bunch of nanotech patents.
I believe they're testing compatibility of nanotech With humans.
Yes, sir.
I don't think that's a question, that's what they meant to say.
Martial law.
Yes sir.
Well what else do you think, because I asked the question for everybody, they're saying
martial law ahead of Trump getting in, I mean that's a pretty big deal, the callers have
kind of hit that but not really talked about it, that's pretty wild.
Martial law, well I mean until Trump comes out and denounces the vaccine I think he's
part of the problem.
I agree he needs to.
Thanks for the call.
We're going to move quick now.
Kahlua in Alabama.
You're on the air.
I can't... Kate?
Or Kal-El.
It's Kal-El.
Kal-El, go ahead.
In Alabama.
Hey, so just real quick, I just want to say I started off liking Donald Trump because I saw a lot of the good he was doing in the country despite the media attacking him.
And as time went on and the election was clearly stolen from him, and the Epstein stuff started to get talked about more, I started doing some more research, and not too sure exactly what the Black Book is, but I saw that Trump's first wife and his brother Robert were on there, and I started looking into them.
And I found it very odd that they both died the same exact way.
They both had a tragic fall down some steps or whatever.
And so I'm thinking that's weird.
And I start looking into that more, and I now have a video saved on my phone.
While Trump was president, a journalist asked him what he thought about the Jelaine Maxwell case.
He said he wished her well, and he wasn't aware of anything to do with Prince Andrew being involved, and it seemed like he wanted to protect her, but also protect himself in a way, and that's kind of what led me away from... No, I saw that.
I saw that when he said it.
Guys can pull it up.
Trump wishes Ghislaine Maxwell well.
I think he was trying to change the subject, but yeah, that was a weird statement when he said it.
Yeah, that really threw me off, and so I'm not saying Trump's involved with that, because a lot of people have been trying to push that, like he was there and all this other stuff.
I don't really believe that.
Well, there's no evidence of that.
Yeah, I just find it weird that it seems like he's scared to go after those people, and I'm not sure exactly why that would be.
And then you play the Noah Harari video today, and I just find it weird that he would try to warn us, because that's kind of a warning from him.
Or a threat.
Yeah, yeah, kind of like a warning or a threat.
So I'm still, I don't know, I'm on the fence between Ramaswamy and Trump, but I'm paying very, very close attention to everything Trump is doing because I mean, he does have the power to change a lot of the stuff going on in this country, but clearly he can't do it alone.
I mean, we all need to be together in this.
He didn't say it, but thank you for the call.
No, I hear you.
Great points.
You know, he did say that about Ghislaine Maxwell.
We should find that club.
Very disturbing.
In fact, if I talk to Trump, I'll ask him about why did you say you wish her well?
What did that mean?
Caleb in Indiana, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
I just had a quick question.
I know not many people have been touching on the Trump martial law situation, but I was kind of curious if you could maybe guess for me, you know, what do you think would get dropped on the public first?
Do you think it would be a disease X new COVID variant?
Or do you think That martial law would be dropped upon the people first.
Well, I mean, they could have martial law with the new disease.
What do you think?
I think they're gonna have a race war.
That's what they say in their own documents.
They would have a race war that if Trump gets elected and calls out the National Guard, then they say he's a dictator and burn the cities down.
I believe the patriots are in control.
And I just, you know, I feel very urgent, very passionate.
And I just wonder, you know, when do people start to step up and fight back?
Well, I'm glad one caller brought up a subject I raised.
I mean, what do you make of these unprecedented statements by Democrats?
Did it really come as any surprise?
I mean, I don't know how invested in this stuff people are, but I'm 25 years old, you know, and I feel insanely strong about this, but I get to a point where it makes me so angry that I just wonder, how can people not wake up to this?
It's right in front of you.
You can see it clear as day, and people are still just, I mean, blind as a bat.
Well, they're on autopilot, but we're changing that.
Thank you for the call.
Joey and Ryan, I'm gonna take your calls.
And then... Gerald Cilente was on with me... Last week is gonna be taken over for a powerful hour ahead of...
The War Room today at 3 p.m.
Owen has the week off richly deserved.
I think it's Chase Geyser.
Owen's back.
It's Monday.
He's back.
So Owen is back in about an hour and four minutes.
From now at InfoWars.com forward slash show and everywhere else that Owen is heard.
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All right, hour number four.
Straight ahead, a few more calls, then we hand the baton to Gerald Cilente.
We started producing over two years ago with a top independent video game maker, New World or Worse.
And it got behind.
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Next segment, I want the crew to pull up real Alex Jones on X. I've been fact-checked about disease X. They say it's not real.
No, we said that they're hyping all their gain-of-function, saying there's an imminent virus about to be released, so how can they have a vaccine already for something they don't know what it is?
But that's how they spend stuff, folks.
I put a video out explaining that.
A five-year-old can understand it, and they put that disinformation out.
Joey in Arizona and then Ryan in Kentucky.
Go ahead, Joey.
Alex, what's going on, man?
It's Joey Vontez.
How are you?
Good to talk to you, brother.
Go ahead.
You as well.
Hey, I have a show on Rumble called Fight the Stops.
I'd love to have you on, man, but I'm a billboard artist, Christian artist.
The COVID era pushed me over the edge and removed that fear for me of speaking out, of losing opportunities, bills, and all that, right?
And my focus today that I want to hit, Alex, I know you talked about, you know, potentially a martial law situation, but I want to focus on the fact that there's distractions all around us.
We not only have the distraction within the GOP now, not only from dissent, this is probably going to drop off and become Haley's VP, but we can talk about Vivek and the situation there, including, you know, this weird World Economic Forum, Young Global Leaders 21 accreditation.
That then he casts off when it's no longer, you know, serving his purpose, sues them, and how in the heck did in 90 days he flip around and get a lawsuit with money and a written apology from the World Economic Forum?
So then you talk about the GOP, Alex, but I think the distractions on the other side are comparable as well with the Democratic side, right?
You have the fact that they're gonna install Michelle Obama, they're gonna pull up Newsom as the VP, And all of this hysteria, I believe, is going to be created to make widespread panic, cause people to rise up, fight, which will then bring in what you mentioned, potential martial law, which then Congress can institute that bill that they've introduced for Disease X, and all of this will conglomerate into one thing.
But here's the key to this, Alex.
Now, we can look at the distractions, we can point out all the things that are wrong.
But I think in your books, The Great Reset, and also your second book that I just picked up as well, you outline the details of how we fight back.
And I think that's the key, is we need to focus in not only on identifying the psyops, But how we can wake people up and then institute things that are measurable, actionable measures to take back our country.
Yeah, turn back on the Keystone Pipeline.
Control the border.
Demand peace in the Ukraine.
There's a lot of stuff we can do.
And I look at our Declaration of Independence.
It says that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, what is it?
It's the right of the freaking people to abolish it.
Beautiful points.
Call me back, Joey.
Great caller.
I'll try to find your show.
Ryan in Kentucky, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Nice first-time caller from the great city of Independence, Kentucky.
Thomas Massey District.
But what I'm wondering is, if they put a martial law, what's going to happen when we don't follow it?
Well, they're not going to call it martial law.
It's, oh, the military is under Democrat control to stop a dictator, which is a coup.
They're actually saying this all over the news, which shows how crazy they are.
But, like, the thing is, like, it's got to scare the shit out of them just knowing that 60% of us won't really go with it.
Well, they just want to marshal law to remove Trump or not let him call the National Guard during riots.
They're telling their plan now.
They already think they're going to lose.
It's just crazy that they're doing this.
So would you say that the main target then would be, once Trump's gone, it's pretty much every breathing patriot out there?
Yeah, the government is hijacked by criminals.
It's declaring war on the people.
That's what they've done.
Hey, you're fighting a good fight, and people are listening.
Brother, I am so humbled you're tuned in.
I'm so appreciative to you.
This is not strength with the enemy.
This is their weakness, they're doing this.
Hey, and somehow, man, your voice has reached my mom, which is crazy.
So, separate from you, she knows about the show now?
Yep, 100%.
She's telling lots of people, too.
That's beautiful.
What's your mom's name?
My mom's name is Melissa.
Is she in Kentucky?
Yes, sir.
Melissa, you got a great son, Ryan, little king, there in Kentucky.
We love you and appreciate you, Melissa.
All right, I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna hit this clip with Trump.
All right, the great trends forecaster Gerald Cilente is about to take over for the rest of the hour.
Then Owen Schroer is back after a week of well-deserved rest with family to host The War Room at 3 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com forward slash show.
But a caller called in and reminded me of a really creepy clip of Trump.
And I'm not saying Trump's involved with Jeffrey Epstein, there's no evidence of that.
But still, I remember being shook up by this clip and talking about it like three years ago.
When Ghislaine Maxwell first been arrested or four years ago, whatever it was.
And so since he mentioned it, I thought we'd pull it up.
And it doesn't mean that I'm saying Trump's bad.
I'm just saying, yeah, he mentioned the clip.
It's real.
Here it is.
Ghislaine Maxwell is in prison and a lot of people want to know if she's going to turn in powerful people.
I know you've talked in the past about Prince Andrew and you've criticized Bill Clinton's behavior.
I'm wondering, do you feel that she's going to turn in powerful men?
How do you see that working out?
I don't know, I haven't really been following it too much.
I just wish her well, frankly.
I've met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach.
But I wish her well, whatever it is.
I don't know the situation with Prince Andrew, just don't know, not aware of it.
And the Prince Andrew thing was breaking up the time, but Trump should be asked that question again.
Now this is all out there in the open.
All right, the last three hours, Gerald's a big newshouse, he knows about this. I haven't
talked to him but I'm sure he does.
We covered, he's got a full slate, he's got his own stuff he wants to cover, but I want to ask Gerald,
as I hand the baton to him, because I really respect his view,
what he makes of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, all of them saying,
Trump plans to be a dictator and declare the Insurrection Act during Black Lives Matter riots if he gets elected.
We want Congress to pass a law stripping him of the power of the military, which is a coup.
When a group outside the presidency grabs the military, that's a coup.
What does he make of that?
To me that seems Sounds like an insane development.
Oh, the phone's up for an hour.
Really, no callers brought it up at one or two.
I wanted callers to give me their view, but I know Gerald will actually give me his take.
I respect his take, and he takes over now.
Gerald Cilente.
Thanks so much, Alex.
It's great being on, by the way, and I really appreciate it.
As I said, the media, they're nothing more than prostitutes.
They're media whores that get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and government whoremasters.
So, and by the way, someone corrected me and they said that's not the correct title.
A prostitute, at least you get what you paid for.
Yeah, I mean, I can't get anything from this.
So let's go back to Trump getting elected.
And as you know, you know, it's not who I like, who I dislike.
It's as a trend forecaster, it's what we see and what is.
And we were the first magazine, and I know you were right on top of it as well, to call Trump a winner in May of 2016, when all the media said he was going to lose.
So then what happens?
He gets elected.
Rather than USA Today saying, you know, new president, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, the new president has 16 lawsuits, or something like that.
Right away, The press was negative because the press is controlled basically by a lot of it, the government.
Look at the people.
Where is Trump's former spokesperson, Psaki?
Oh, she's with MSNBC.
It's one after another.
You look at the list.
So it's not a media, it's the government.
Telling you what to do.
And this is the media is basically controlled by those people who hate people that speak for freedom.
As you well know, I used to be on Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox, CNN, all the time.
But when I came out against the Afghan war, bye bye bye.
A rock war?
I said we wouldn't win.
How dare you say that?
So going back to what the media is doing against Trump, it's been continual.
And again, I'm not a Trump fan, and I call it like it is, but it was disgusting.
Again, the whole thing about, you know, impeachment.
I said, this is totally stupid crap.
I mean, they're not gonna get the votes.
You don't have them.
You got too many Republicans in the Senate.
They're not going to impeach him.
This is stupid.
And then there was the Russians made him win.
We said right from the beginning, putting the facts in.
So this is what they do.
These are the people in control of the government.
So that's the deal.
And that's why they're doing it.
They don't want anybody else in.
And again, the Biden administration is only continuation of the Obama administration.
And people say, you know, they're going to take Trump out.
We're going to put in Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, whoever they put in, it's the same club.
So it's not going to make any damn difference.
And again, to me, the only way I see this country changing is with a new third party.
You know, I got my issues with Trump, what he did to Venezuela, with putting that little clown boy Guaido in there and saying he's the president.
And who does he bring in?
A warmongering little freak like Bolton?
You know, to keep promoting this and the assassination of Soleimani, an Iranian in Iraq, and moving Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel, to Jerusalem and getting all this money.
I'm totally opposed to that because I'm totally opposed to war.
Unless my country's attacked, I'm a fighter.
I'll be out there.
But if you're not bothering my country, leave me alone.
I won't tell you what to do in your house.
Don't tell me what to do in my house.
Oh, no, no!
We're run by the military-industrial complex and we'll tell everybody what they should do in their house.
We're bringing freedom and democracy.
Again, one of our top trends, as I went on with you, is World War III has begun.
And now you got this clown Biden I decided we're gonna bomb Yemen.
Who the hell are you to decide?
Oh, go to InfoWars, everybody.
Article there by Dr. Ron Paul.
The man that I respect the most in America.
The last person that I voted for president in 2012.
And you got this great article up there.
And Ron Paul from the Liberty Report Matter of fact, I had the honor to be on with him last week.
And so you could go there and see the interview.
And Ron Paul rips this apart.
Biden has no right to do this.
We're going to war.
So it's a freak show.
And the freaks are running the show.
Again, how stupid, how ignorant, how gutless.
Can you be to look up to a Mitch McConnell?
Get in your face!
Adam Schiff!
Little Chuckie Schumer!
Lindsey Graham!
I do a podcast every week with Judge Napolitano.
The Gerald Cilenti Channel.
He calls Nikki Haley Lindsey Graham in high heels.
Another war manga.
The only way I see this changing is a new third party.
We got the same criminal group, a crime syndicate, that's been running this show since the Civil War.
So that's what I see going on.
And the media is totally controlled.
Again, that lousy piece of scum crap, every time he got caught with his pants down, bombs away over Baghdad.
Yeah, Bill Clinton.
Federal Communications Act 1996.
Wiped out all the small media.
You got five companies that control some 92% of the media.
So of course they're going to go after Trump.
They hate him.
Because Trump does a lot of things that are against what they want.
So again, that's why you support InfoWars.
Again, there's another article in InfoWars that was up this morning that's very important that I'm going to talk about when we get back.
So support InfoWars because they're supporting you.
And again, it's about that fraud Fauci.
I can't stand that guy.
Oh, you must be anti-Italian, because that's the kind of crap they say.
If I hate the Israeli war, they say, you must be anti-Jewish.
No, I'm not anti-Italian.
I hate Fauci.
Got it?
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
You know, as I was saying, you know, there was an article earlier today about Fauci, about how they made up standing six feet apart.
Again, I said this in the beginning, how stupid can you be?
Right where I am up in Kingston, right across the street, by the way, is the county office building.
This is where Kingston was the first capital of New York State.
And the Constitution, British burnt the place down.
The Constitution, that's why they moved it to Albany, the capital.
That was written for New York State, over 70% of America's Constitution comes from their Constitution.
So anyway, There's a parking lot over there, right across the street.
When the COVID war was going on, adults, adults, little girls and boys still in kindergarten, painting on the street, on the sidewalk, before you go into the parking lot.
Big circles every six feet.
There's that for the farmer's market that they have on Saturday.
The farmer's market used to be in the street on Wall Street over here, but they put it in the parking lot because COVID came.
Like there's a difference, right?
That counted the people going into the parking lot.
And then when you went to the vendors, they had circles every six feet.
Because everybody with a brain that votes for the establishment parties, with the exception of about, now you're seeing the number, 43% of Americans saying they're independent.
Swallow this crap.
Operation Warp Speed.
Get the jab, right?
Stand six feet apart because all the boys and girls know that the wind blows directly in straight lines and stops at six feet.
So you're outside, you got circles every six feet going in.
Count the amount of people in the parking lot.
It's all air around you everywhere.
And that's going to make a difference.
They make up a number.
And you stand six feet in front of everybody else in the vendor.
You're not, the air's not blowing around anywhere else.
Your chances of getting the COVID outside were one in 10,000.
According to the data.
But people swallow the crap.
The crap swallowers, they tune into the mainstream media.
That's why you subscribe to the Trends Journal, and that's why you go to InfoWars.
Because we don't do that.
Then, you get on an airplane, you better wear that mask or we'll throw you off.
But, if you're sitting around other people, and now you're eating and drinking, you can take the mask off.
Of course, COVID knows.
COVID knows.
When you're eating and drinking, it doesn't bother you.
It's from your Trends Journal.
Facing the Truth, Part 2.
More evidence.
Masks are ineffective.
That's right.
Facts are right there.
This past 21 May, before they became wear your mask advocates, the New England Journal of Medicine published this on their site.
Quote, we know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little if any protection from infection.
Public health authorities define a significant exposure to COVID-19 as face-to-face contact within six feet With a patient symptomatic of COVID-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes, the chances of catching COVID-19 by passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal.
In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.
One article after another we kept publishing, showing that this is a fraud.
Again, they mentioned in the New England Journal of Medicine, six feet.
And by the way, don't forget to sanitize your hands.
Just before you masturbate because you don't want to catch COVID.
And remember the little ugly, ugly, ugly clowns, like up in Canada, the health ministers, Lola, Lola, L-O-L-A, Lola, that clown playing.
He was the head of the defense, the health organization in Pennsylvania.
Now he works for Trump.
Rachel Levin, Richard Levin, Lola.
Look, no sex, don't have any sex!
Look at the crap they made up.
You know why?
They're crap heads.
Handwashing mania create more germs.
Study Fine Organization published an article, handwashing is clogging up sinks with nasty disease causing bacteria.
Goes on and on and on to say how useless they were.
And then another article we had on the COVID war.
This is May 18th, New Trends Journal, 2021.
Celebrity sellouts sell COVID vax.
A whole long article on all these, quote, celebrities.
The commercial begins with movie actor Spike Lee sitting on the steps of a Brooklyn brownstone with the words, vaccinate the block.
Written in white in the center of the screen.
It cuts to Lee who's wearing a mask, walking past other mask residents sitting on stoops, engaged in conversation.
Quote, this is our block, our place, our people, he says.
Lee said nobody should be denied the COVID vaccine because of their dress, income, Or skin color.
He then ties in his partnership with Uber, the ride-hailing company, and says the company is, quote, donating tens of millions of rides to those who need it most so they can access to the vaccination.
Many of the endorsements have been part of a paid campaign, as we've reported, that some $50 million is being pumped in by the aid council.
To sell the public on getting the COVID jab.
Eva Longoria and Mark Cuban joined President Biden's quote.
We can do this live, which encouraged young people to get the jab.
Yep, on and on and on, on and on and on.
And they sold us the COVID war.
And I mention that because just as people marched off to the COVID war, Look how they support the Ukraine war.
And now we got the Israel war.
Nope, we got World War III.
And if we don't stop it, bye-bye.
Oh, no, no.
Listen to what your celebrities say.
What celebrities?
You don't pee, what celebrities?
You know how to play somebody else?
Anyway, stay tuned.
We're going to talk a lot about the economy.
What's next and what you might want to do?
Hey, I got some good news for everybody.
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And there's so many other great products there on the site.
Be sure and check it out.
There's a lot of products available there that are available at InfoWarsTore.com.
A lot of products that aren't available.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
As I said, you know, I go to InfoWars' site to see what they're reporting on.
You know, we go around the world as trend forecasters, you know.
And InfoWars puts up a lot of information that you can't find anywhere else in terms of important things that are happening in, quote, what used to be the news.
And again, going after Fauci, the fraud, this guy There are three things in my life that really changed the feeling and emotion.
The first was the AIDS scare, brought to you by Fauci.
Fauci freak.
By the way, before I forget, this is the same clown Fauci wrote about it in the Trends Journal that said, People shouldn't shake hands.
Not during COVID and not after.
Now people go like this.
That's the new handshake.
I got a new handshake for you.
What the hell was I talking about?
The Fauci, um... Oh, three things that changed my life.
It was wild times, man, before the AIDS scare.
It was fun times.
Not, not, don't call me, you know, by the way, the word gay, when you listen to the music back into the, you know, up until, you know, the 60s, 70s, gay meant being happy.
So now if you say gay, you only say it one way, you know.
Anyway, say it either side.
I got gay friends, so take it easy.
I don't want to hear about this crap.
The people that were dying from AIDS were gays and people overdosing on drugs.
Sperm can't go into the bloodstream.
We'll end the story right there.
And by the way, that was reported in the Wall Street Journal.
All my friends believe the Fauci age scare.
The whole thing changed.
That was number one.
Brought to you by a piece of arrogant scum, Anthony Fauci.
And again, I'm Italian.
He's Italian, but I think he's a Sicilian.
So, you know, we're not too sure about that.
But anyway, so I'm not anti-Italian, just like I'm disgusted with what Israel's doing.
I'm not anti-Jewish, so save it.
Number two that destroyed my lifetime.
The War on Terror.
Young people have no idea how life changed after the War on Terror.
You used to be able to go into any building you ever wanted.
In New York City, anywhere.
Nobody was there that was, oh God, you know, you go up there, you go to the office, you, you know, salespeople used to go selling stuff.
Not anymore.
Show me identification, who you're seeing, bop, bop, bop, bop.
Now you get felt up on the airplane.
Now I won't go through those radiation things, so they feeling me up.
Find anything up there?
Took, went to war, Robbed us of our rights.
One thing after another from the COVID war.
I used to love to fly back in the day.
I was flying first class 1974.
I'm going from Las Vegas to Chicago.
I used to live in Chicago.
Chicago to Las Vegas.
We were putting on a trade show there.
First class air.
They rolled down a roast.
Would you like a roast?
And they're cutting it.
Or would you like lobster Thermidor?
Now they give you a glass of wine and a plastic glass.
And some crappy food.
Used to brag about the food.
COVID war.
Number three.
Brought to you by Fauci.
Fauci, Bush, and Fauci.
Three things that changed my life.
COVID, everything is different now.
Nightlife is totally gone up here where I am.
All the vibe is gone.
All the vibe, everybody, people walking around with masks.
Now masks has become a thing.
It's become the new abnormal.
Anyway, on to the economy.
Of course, the markets are closed today.
Martin Luther King Day.
And Where are they going?
It's a guessing game.
Nobody know.
Because it's a rig game.
You look at the data coming in.
And again, to me, it's on the verge of collapse.
Just to make that clear.
And the Israel war and the Ukraine war and the United States getting involved in it now, World War III is expanding.
But your bets play in the military-industrial complex, guys, that you make money in that one.
And again, oil prices, if Iran's dragged into this, oil prices, which now bring crudes below $80 a barrel, this thing's going to almost double in price, go up to about $130.
That's going to crash the economy.
And it's going to crash the equity markets.
But there are other things that are going to crash the equity markets.
And it's going to be one of our top trends for 2024.
Banks go bust.
Before I get into that, when I was on with Alex, one of our top trends is
EUFU. Oh, excuse me, EV, electric vehicles, EVFU.
They're not getting it.
The sales are way down.
So this came out.
Rental firm Hertz Global Holdings is selling 20,000 electric vehicles, including Teslas from its U.S.
fleet, about two years after a deal with the automaker to offer vehicles for rent.
And another sign that EV demand has cooled.
Your Trends Journal said it first.
And then you look at what's going on as we're looking at the economy.
56 million Americans have been in credit card debt for at least a year.
We are seeing pockets of trouble.
Altogether, card balances from CNBC now total almost 1.1 trillion dollars.
Over the past two years, Americans' credit balances have skyrocketed 40%.
Said an analyst, Ted Rossman with Bankly.
Then you look around the world.
Up to 30% rise in German insolvencies, projected for the year.
But again, the little people are taking a hit.
IMF warned today, That AI could hit almost 40% of jobs worldwide and worsen overall inequality.
Paying rent still a problem for 24% of the renters.
It's Fox.
The world's five richest men have more than doubled their vast wealth since 2020.
According to Oxfam.
So all we are a plantation workers of Slavelandia.
The rich are getting richer.
And everything's going to go down very big.
And when I come back, I'm going to talk about why we're going to see the banking banks go bust a top trend.
Why this is going to be a golden year for gold.
And why When the economy fails, when all else fails, they take you to war.
Biden couldn't win a race to the bathroom.
When we go to war, people rally.
And as for Trump, by the way, I supported Trump wholeheartedly when he got elected.
I believed in what he did.
But then I didn't like things that he was doing.
And that's why I pulled away from it, just to make that clear.
You know?
Uh, his tax deal only enriched the rich and his never did the infrastructure deal.
And, um, I don't like what he did with Venezuela or Iran, just to make it clear.
So I'm not allegiant.
The only one, as I said, the last person I look up to is Dr. Paul Craig, Ron, Ron Paul, excuse me, and Paul Craig Robson.
And go to that Ron Paul's channel and see the interview I did with him.
It's really good.
I think.
I'm very honored to be on.
So we're going to be right back and talk more about what in the world is going on and what to do.
It's always great being on the Alex Jones Show and I really thank, thank them for all that they do, the whole team, how hard they work to give you what they're giving you.
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Again, it says it keeps saying it's a 360 win.
You get to super high quality products and we help launch InfoWars to the next level.
You know, I mentioned earlier about the, um, all the jobs that are going to be cut off for AI.
One of our top trends last year was AI, we own you.
We said, this is real.
You know, I was the guy that came out and called the dot com bus, you know, a trends journalist somewhere back in 2000 and 1999.
The Trends Journal was a quarterly.
Now it's a weekly.
This week was 190 pages and you could listen to it.
And you get a real discount when you go to jonestrends.com.
We've given you, nobody else has given you a trend forecasting.
Nothing anywhere close.
If you could find it, let me know.
Because we want to help you prepare, prevail and prosper in these really dangerous times ahead.
So going back to AI and what they're saying, all these jobs are going to be lost.
This is very different than the dot-com bust.
We wrote, dot-com overload will short-circuit many high expectations for huge profits in internet commerce, entertainment, and a wide array of dot-com services.
Following the holiday season, many of today's high-flying internet stocks, the hottest IPOs, and newly emerging IPO wannabes We'll have begun their deep descent from their overvalued heights.
We said it would crash by the second quarter of 2000.
It crashed in March of 2000.
It did.
America went into a recession.
Little Georgie Bush, the daddy's boy, was elected president.
People couldn't stand them.
But when all else fails, they take you to war.
We got the war on terror.
So now, going back to AI, Very different than the dot-com.
This is real.
And you know, just a quick story.
When the first chat came out, I've been writing now for, you know, selling books, trend tracking, Trends 2000, magazine since 1991.
I'm pretty good at writing.
I wrote this article, I said to my guy, stick this into chats, see what they have to say about it.
He gave me some great things to improve it.
Now you know what happens?
It goes into chat.
The language you're using isn't proper.
And the message that you're conveying is not the right way to do it.
Again, AI, we own you.
And we got a technocracy king over here that running Our technocracy section, Joe Duran.
You can get one of his books.
You can see I'm not BSing you.
Look at the size of this thing.
Be human.
There's a couple of books.
You go to Amazon.
Joe Duran.
And he writes a lot of our technocracy stuff.
And he did this article for one of our top trends for 2024.
The synthetic evolution.
That's right.
It's all fake.
And it's all devolving.
It's a whole new world.
Ain't my trip, man, I'll tell you that.
I don't carry a cell phone.
If my life depended on it, I wouldn't know how to use one.
I did work for the cellular telecommunications industry going back into the early 90s, when they had boxes.
These things, boxes, big thing in the trunk of a car with an aerial going out the trunk of the roof for cell phones.
I've been studying radio frequency radiation since then.
They hardly report it anymore.
One of the articles that came out a few years ago from the University of California at Berkeley, if you're on a cell phone for 17 minutes a day for 10 years, your chances of getting a brain tumor only increase by 60%.
They were banning them in France because They're little kids because your brain shield is thin.
So anyway, going back to your top trends.
But now, of course, everybody.
One of them, again, is the synthetic devolution.
This thing's going down big.
And again, as I keep saying, the only way I see it changing is with a renaissance.
Bring back Ali Rahman al-Antique and the manner of the Romans and the ancients to describe the quality of their work.
And the renaissance followed the black plague.
The people were hip to the scene.
They were killing themselves.
They're filth.
So went back to the past to bring it great.
And to me, it's go back to America's past.
And, uh, you know, I see that from my parents' generation, may the rest in peace.
My dad was born like about 1909 and my mom about 1910.
And you see the dignity and grace of the people back then.
My aunts and uncles, how they dressed.
And my father worked at a fish store, you know.
My uncles were, you know, laborers.
They had dignity.
And they worked their way up.
That was the other thing.
But all those days are gone.
And to me, we have to bring back that spirit of America.
So going back to the economy, again, I love, it's a great, Soundies, and look it up on YouTube, Soundies, black music from the 40s.
You should see the way these women are dressed.
Hot, cool cats, man, the guys.
And now it's a slob show.
Slob show.
So going back where the economy is going and what to do.
It's going to, a lot of this is going to depend on I don't see women wearing dresses anymore.
You're wearing dungarees.
A lot's going to depend on where this war is going.
And Netanyahu's saying nothing's going to stop us.
We're going to keep going.
We're going to keep going.
Again, I don't want to hear you.
Save your crap.
Swallow what you want.
Don't tell me you're destroying a whole place.
Bombing it to the ground because you're looking for Hamas, all right?
Take it easy.
Somebody else wants to swallow that crap, fine.
Don't give it to me.
And he's making it very clear that this thing is going to go on.
And by the way, this is the definition of genocide.
Because they have that, that, and they're saying, you know, that that thing, They're bringing Israel up against charges on genocide.
The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group and all the facts are there when you look at and listen to the South African lawyer's claim of why this is genocide and he has the videos and the tapes up there from the people saying it and we've been writing it as well.
He said that Gaza Strip, we evac... He wants to evacuate everyone.
You know.
So listen.
Thanks for having me on.
Support InfoWars.
They're supporting you.
We got great information there.
And if you want to read history before it happens, you want to subscribe to the Trends Channel.
Go to jonestrends.com.
I'm telling you, there's no magazine like it that comes close.
And we're doing everything we can to help you.
And last, with InfoWars, the more people we have supporting us, the more that we can do.
And we're giving you everything that we can.
Trends Journal, jonestrends.com, and get these great products from InfoWars.
It's a 360 win.
And we all gotta win together.
We cannot hide away from human population growth.
The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.
The problem is that the population is growing the fastest where people are less able to deal with it.
All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if there was the size of population that there was 500 years ago.
When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population... and reduce population... So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero.
Nobody has the balls to come out and say, just say, look, 85% of you have to go.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
Now that's back from high school algebra, but let's take a look.
What would you call the debate and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
That sounds good.
You just literally have to have kids or there's no next generation.
You know, I'm super pro-human for Team Humanity here, and I just think we want to make sure that people have a positive view of the future.
Don't predict the future.
Be the future.
Yes, the guy who came up with this, but the best way to predict the future is to create it.
We've got to make a good showing.
Team Human.
I recently had a chance to talk to Elon Musk live on air for more than two and a half hours.
And he talked about how the globalists want to destroy civilization and depopulate humanity and how evil that is and how he's had 11 children to challenge that.
It was incredible.
And he said, I don't know what we should call this movement.
I said, why don't we call it Team Humanity?
And he agreed with me.
I've been talking about Team Humanity.
It's my concept to counter the globalists that humanity is horrible and evil and bad for a long time.
But now more than ever with Elon Musk behind it, if all of you get behind it, we can build
momentum against King Charles and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and Jane Goodall and the New
World Order that wants us all to hate ourselves and turn off our life force and crawl into
our graves and leave the planet for them.
We're not going to do that.
So we have a limited edition, two different versions, Team Humanity shirts at InfoWarsTore.com
that are historic, that are limited edition, and are fundraiser shirts to keep InfoWars
in the critical year of 2024 on the air.
We're reaching tens of millions of new people a day just because of X. And I'm so thankful to Elon Musk and so thankful to all of you in the core of the InfoWar that have kept us on air.
So get the shirt.
Support the InfoWar and know that you are on Team Humanity.
Everybody else runs around and spends hundreds of dollars for a football jersey.
For a football team?
Okay, fine.
But this is the jersey for Team Humanity.
This really counts.
Get your Team Humanity shirts right now at InfoWarStore.com.