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Name: 20240111_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 11, 2024
2864 lines.

In an episode of "The Alex Jones Show," various topics are discussed including fighting against oppressive forces with knowledge, truth, and positivity; immigration policies and border security; a potential WHO treaty; the importance of staying informed, engaged, and proactive. The hosts also address concerns about young children receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, legal fights against lockdowns, corruption in Connecticut, and the two-tiered justice system in the United States. Additionally, Roger Stone shares his thoughts on possible replacements for Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's nominee for president and discusses potential vice-presidential picks for Donald Trump. Throughout the show, InfoWars products are promoted and legal issues surrounding both Trump and Biden are mentioned.

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Dennis Rancourt has a PhD in Physics.
Dennis Rancourt has a PhD in physics.
He is a former tenured full professor and has published over 100 articles in leading science journals.
Rancourt and his team have used all-cause mortality data to prove there have been about 17 million deaths as a result of official COVID-19 measures, but not from COVID, which was a lie.
As far as I can tell from all-cause mortality data that we've been studying extensively for a long time, there's no such thing as a viral respiratory pandemic.
He explains all this in his essay entitled, There Was No Pandemic, which you can find on his sub stack.
There was no pandemic, in the sense that there was not a particularly virulent new pathogen that was spreading and causing death.
That is not what happened.
What happened was huge assaults against vulnerable people by many different methods.
And every time you did that, you caused excess mortality.
And all the countries where they were not doing that, there was absolutely no excess mortality, even if it was a jurisdiction that was right beside the one that was doing this.
Rancourt explains a science of psychological murder that has been officially studied and documented for well over a century.
It wasn't just the spike protein that killed us, it was the whole damn thing.
Psychological stress and social isolation are dominant determinants of an individual's health.
That causes a suppression of your immune system, And you're going to get some kind of infection, cancer, heart disease, and very often the lungs are very exposed to the environments and they're subjected to all the bacteria that you live with all the time, you get bacterial pneumonia.
And it's a huge killer when a society is stressed, meaning all of its individuals are stressed.
The kind of psychological stress that kills you Is when your entire world is turned upside down.
Your whole life you thought you had a place in the world and it's gone.
That will kill you within a very short time.
We always occupy a dominance hierarchy.
A social dominance hierarchy.
That is how we organize our societies because we are social animals.
It is a fundamental truth of how we organize societies.
The stress that is intended to keep you in your place
within that dominance hierarchy is an everyday chronic stress.
And the stressors have to keep changing how they're going to stress you
because you get habituated to the stress.
So they have to randomly hit you with hard things every once in a while to really make sure
you understand what your place is.
That stress is one of the biggest determinants of health.
But we have to admit that medicine itself is a massive killer.
It's a massive cause of premature death of individuals.
Modern Western medicine is officially recognized as the third highest cause of death.
It was designed to be a way of controlling the population.
The role of medicine as an institution in our society is to maintain the dominance hierarchy, is to keep people sick, and to put them in their place.
It's just part of that institutionally.
financed by the Carnegie Foundation and published in 1910, the Flexner Report was used to outlaw natural medicine practices in America.
The Rockefeller Foundation then funded a new kind of medicine, an inverted form of health care that utilized petrochemical drugs and experimental surgery to keep people sick and in many cases, kill the patient.
As Dennis Rancourt has pointed out, this is how societies have been run for centuries.
A declassified document entitled Geomagnetic Factors in Spontaneous Subjective, Telepathic, Precognitive, and Postmortem Experiences, as well as Decades of Trauma-Based Mind Control Research, shows us that the CIA and our governments are well aware of the deadly effects that traumatizing a population can induce.
They are killing us with fear and trauma.
This is known as psychogenic death or psychosomatic death.
It is the phenomenon of sudden death brought about by strong emotional shock.
Chairman of the Department of Physiology at Harvard Medical School, Walter Cannon, called it voodoo death because mind control is the main method used in voodoo rituals.
Which is well understood by our world leaders.
Bill and Hillary Clinton spent their honeymoon in Haiti at a voodoo ritual which Bill claims inspired him to run for political office.
I was particularly intrigued by the voodoo religion.
Voodoo's central ritual is a dance during which spirits possess believers.
On the most interesting day of the trip, I got the chance to observe voodoo in practice.
After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man.
The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned.
The woman, in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off.
By the time we got back from Haiti, I had determined to run for Attorney General.
Greg Reese reporting.
It's Thursday, January 11th, 2020.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and we have a massive four-hour transmission that kicks off now.
We are 298 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, 31 seconds now from this incredibly important election.
Thank you so much for joining us and watching and listening and sharing today.
The quickening's here.
All hell's breaking loose.
I'm going to give you some of the incredible headlines and information and guests that are coming up today.
I first saw this headline very early this morning.
Went and checked it.
Fox News, AP, they're all reporting it.
It's true.
Sweden's defense minister warning to brace for war with Russia.
Sheds public into panic.
Lines grabbing food, gasoline, emergency supplies.
NATO and Sweden have been saying this for weeks.
Russia has laughed and said that's insane.
We have no intention of invading or attacking Sweden.
Obviously, Sweden borders areas close to Russia.
They've said that because of NATO's aggressive stance, they may have to beef up troops, but that they know attacking Sweden would lead to nuclear war.
They have no intention of doing that, but it doesn't matter.
It's all over the news that the Russians, with no evidence, are going to attack Sweden.
This is a major escalation.
We're going to be laying that out and going over that.
Then, Elon Musk has thrown down the gauntlet again.
The World Economic Forum, the EU, the UN are all meeting in Davos starting today on top of a mountain in Switzerland.
And they're saying the most important issue in the world is misinformation and disinformation and silencing, overhead shot please, anyone that stands in the way of their lives.
Elon comes out and says, by misinformation, WF means anything that conflicts with its agenda.
Bingo, bingo, bingo.
And they are coming after Elon.
The World Economic Forum will be discussing Disease X coming up on the January 17, 2024 as part of their annual meeting.
And again, it kicks off with a precursor meeting the week before that officially kicks off coming up in about a week or so.
So we've got all of that information with fresh warning from the World Economic Organization that an unknown disease X would result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic with novel efforts are needed.
As they try to get the UN treaty to take over your borders, your transportation, your medicine, your body, your medical systems, the communications, censorship.
They're rolling out the CBDC cashless society.
They're rolling out the collapse of the borders.
They're rolling out the wars.
They're rolling out The cutting off of the energy.
It's all happening.
And they hyped get ready for disease X months before they released COVID in 2020.
Early 2020.
It was really released a few months before that.
Absolutely incredible.
Germany ponders banning its second most popular political party.
Banning of parties and candidates happening everywhere in the West now, a classic sign of incredible totalitarianism.
The UN has put out new reports saying uncharted territory, doom and total destruction.
We don't hand total control over to them.
They say starvation and mass death, but they're doing it by cutting off the energy, the fertilizer, the fuel to the tractors that till the fields.
You have lived to see it.
We are inside the New World Order, Black Rock Rothschild takeover.
Incredible information.
Constitutional lawyer and good friend of mine, very smart cookie, Robert Barnes is going to be joining us in the second and third hour, riding shotguns with another great lawyer, Viva Free out of Canada.
We'll be covering the 2024 election.
We'll be covering the wars.
We'll be covering the power grabs.
We'll be covering the court cases.
We'll be covering the AGs of states fighting back against the carbon neutral system that no one's ratified here in the U.S., but that'll literally double prices of energy, which we've already seen double in the last five years.
Then, Roger Stone will host the fourth hour on a deep dive on the 2024 election, the Iowa caucus is starting, and so much more.
A jam-packed four hours.
And every segment of this show will be absolutely filled with critical data and information.
Also, the federal government's put out new documents confirming that illegal aliens are voting and they want them to vote in federal elections.
We have the federal documents.
We will continue to go over that.
Chris Christie drops out of the 2024 presidential election.
The word is, and I've got this from other sources and not just Vivek Ramaswamy, that we are about to see the Santas drop out And become the VP of Nikki Haley.
And they believe with those two combinations, they'll have enough to beat Trump in places like New Hampshire.
It's all coming up today, ladies and gentlemen.
And remember, this is a participation sport in the InfoWar.
We have a major crack in the enemy dam with Elon Musk and X. And bringing back freedom to it.
More than any mega site.
Yeah, we got InfoWars, but they're small.
Yeah, we got Rumble.
Compared to X and everybody's got to go to real Alex Jones on Twitter, formerly Twitter, X now, and take the live show feed and email it and text message it and share it everywhere.
So that instead of having a few million viewers today on X, which is awesome, on top of our millions of viewers here on radio stations and InfoWars, it can chain reaction You share it, you tell them to share it, you tell them to tell those they share it with to share it, and it creates a massive effect.
Breaking bombshell!
Elon Musk takes on WEF-UN-EU plan to censor free speech worldwide, take over national medical systems, dissolve borders, and enforce a global CBDC cashless society.
We are live!
At Real Alex Jones on X right now, and instead of the day ending, and there'll be 2 million views on this, we want it to be 10 million.
And if you go to Real Alex Jones, and you follow us there, and you tell others too, and you share it, and say, hey, the people are fighting back.
There's a globalist new order takeover.
And Elon Musk has blown up the enemy gate so we can politically, non-violently, in the info war, enter and free the captives.
This is happening.
This is going down right now.
All right, let me do this.
Let me first get into the situation with Sweden.
We're going to go to break in a few minutes and I'm going to come back.
But I've been watching this very closely.
As other countries begin to join NATO, Russia has said as long as it's not Ukraine or a former satellite of the Soviet Union on our border, you're not going to have an issue.
And they've said we don't care.
And it's ridiculous.
Pull the headlines up.
Russia denies wanting to attack Sweden.
But they are hyping it.
Will they stage some type of false flag and claim Sweden's been attacked?
Hitler started World War II officially in Operation Himmler with subsection Gleiwitz, where they attacked their own German military communications radio base on the Polish border and officially kicked off World War II.
And they would not be hyping all this if they weren't considering it.
We've caught Zelensky twice firing missiles into Poland, but the Poles shot them down and got the tail numbers because the missiles didn't fully detonate.
And they were fired out of Ukraine and they have the radar trajectory.
It sounds insane.
It sounds hard to believe this could happen, but that's how crazy the world has gotten.
As we go to break, please remember, these are the last few days.
I've been so busy with news, I haven't come up with new specials.
It's the biggest special of the year.
It happens at Christmas and the New Year.
We've extended it through to just a few more days.
We're selling out of so many great products that are game-changing.
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We'll be right back.
We're coming to the end of the Bretton Woods Agreement and Bretton Woods II.
At the end of World War II, the dollar began to become the world reserve currency, but after a meeting decades later, Bretton Woods II, and deals with the Arabs to denominate oil, Only in the dollar.
In other nations, to agree, everything shifts with the dollar.
Most of you know that, but for new listeners, I'm bringing it down.
Now, with the BRICS movement, you have 70-plus percent of the population of the world moving on to a new system.
So you have Bretton Woods I, and you have Bretton Woods II in the 70s, Bretton Woods I at the end of World War II, or close to it.
And then the inflation slowly begins and now is accelerating to the end of the old system and the new system.
So the EU, two weeks ago, rolled out its central bank digital currency that tracks and controls everything you do.
Now they start phasing out regular money.
The Chinese have already had it in place for five, six years.
Now I got seven.
Time flies.
The Federal Reserve's got it ready.
Canada's got it ready.
They're tying it in with other systems to give you ESG corporate scores for your political correctness.
Carbon credit scores to track and trace and tax everything you do.
That's why they're following the Central Bank edicts of BlackRock and the WEF through UN agreements to cut off pipelines and cut off productions of milk and beef and chicken.
And they're killing herds all over the world.
It's shutting down farm production and saying organic farming is bad.
To artificially depress the world economy on top of inflation, the worst possible combination, stagflation, beyond stagflation.
Inflation is a pure weapon to vertically consolidate power.
What happened during the couple years of lockdown?
The average billionaire doubled their wealth, the big companies tripled their wealth on average, the average person lost half their wealth, and now 67% of Americans are paycheck to paycheck living in deep debt.
They get richer, you get poorer.
Weaponization of the economy.
So how do they get you not to see that?
They make it about wokeism.
They make it about racial division, religious division.
They implode the third world, flood the first world.
Organize that into a weaponized group.
They create every form of cultural divide in an angrier world, as Klaus Schwab said.
So we're all distracted, divided and conquered, fighting with each other.
People are not starving.
They're being starved.
Millions at risk of famine.
NGOs warn.
So the UN's NGOs are little propaganda bureaus that are owned and run by UN members that go out and get the UN money to go save the third world, who the direct policies of COVID lockdown killed over 80 million people the last four years.
Look it up.
And the UN admits that and gives their own numbers, and those are real numbers.
But they don't say, by the way, it's our policy that did this.
They say the virus did it.
No, they're lockdowns of the third world that were way more intense and much longer than even what you saw in Australia and China.
They have big polls by Gallup and others of the illegals coming in to Europe and the US.
Why are you here?
And the UK, 90 plus percent.
I have no job.
And it's only the military age men that are strong enough to get here.
We're starving.
The women and children are starving to death.
It's not just the 17-plus million they killed with the poison shots.
The real death is shutting off the economy.
The bureaucrats and the corporations control the economy.
As they vertically integrate the economy and consolidate power, they murder people en masse.
And Elon Musk has warned them that if you destroy civilization, you won't be able to have certain redoubts of it, certain city-states that still have it, the Hunger Games model.
It will destroy the elite as well, and anybody that studies history and has common sense knows that.
The wars that are going to come out of the starvation and the inflation are being blamed on global warming.
The viruses that come out of the labs are being blamed on global warming.
The third world hordes being organized by the UN to invade are being blamed on global warming.
The mass starvation is blamed on the virus.
And everywhere we're told it's going to get worse.
Billions are coming.
Al Gore and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.
And the Rothschilds and the Deimos Group and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari say billions are coming to Europe.
A billion are coming to the U.S.
because of climate change.
No, because you cut their economy off because the IMF and World Bank controls the loans and ordered lockdowns.
And because you have orchestrated the climate and the political and corporate and economic and spiritual Ecclesiastical atmosphere of the post-industrial world, which is the UN Treaty, Rio de Janeiro, 1992 for Agenda 21 to be in place by 2020, and they launched operation from beta to full operational in 2000, and now they've...
Had the first level of their booster, using a rocket analogy, set loose, decoupled, and now they're going into the second phase of their booster, which is the collapse of civilization.
The third stage is nasty population, which has already begun.
The collapse is here.
And Trump comes out and says, I hope it happens now instead of when I get in office in 10 months.
No, they're waiting.
Biden has done everything he can while sucking the economy dry to prop it up and to actually authorize emergency oil production and draining of the strategic oil reserve.
He tried to use Venezuelan oil and others when the Arabs cut oil production a year ago to boost prices.
So now he said, okay, you can drill, drill, drill, drill, drill, drill, but only until the election.
And that shows you how scared they are that they know this is all going down.
That shows you the technocrats know they've gone too far.
They're in a very weak position.
Because they were supposed to roll out their New World Order and everybody censored.
But they couldn't shut down Alex Jones because I had supporters.
And people spreading the word.
And now, now they got Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand and Elon Musk to deal with.
Because when the rubber meets the road and the crisis gets so serious, whether you're Joe Rogan or Elon Musk, They finally say, man, this New World Order's real.
This plan to depopulate and enslave the planet's real.
I shouldn't go along with this.
I shouldn't be part of this.
This is insane.
And Elon tells them at the Davos Group and tells them at the WEF meetings, your global government's going to get out of control.
Even if you're successful imploding things, it'll create a world so dangerous, we're all going to die in a nuclear war.
But they're maniacs and they're committed to it.
So you can say Elon's good or bad.
Maybe he just is a realist and wants to survive.
And I can't sit here as a Monday morning quarterback or a backseat driver and say he could have done better here or there.
He goes from doing incredible things the last few years for freedom to doing tip of the spear stuff.
And if you don't know that X is the front line in the fight for free speech, and if you don't know that they're coming after him a thousand different ways, and you sit back as a purist and say, I'm not going to support what he's doing, I'm not going to support his fight for free speech, you are suicidal.
You are crazy.
This is real!
And the Justice Department criminal investigations, and the EU investigations, and the Wall Street Journal hit pieces, that he smoked pot on TV once, and he needs to have his corporate positions taken, it's because they're desperate and they're scared.
Alright, I'm going to hit the war news out of Sweden, and I'm going to tie it into Elon Musk, taking the gloves off, and coming out and saying the whole Davos group, New World Order, is a fraud, that wants to cut off your energy and depopulate your ass.
That's right, we're all Alex Jones now.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's happening.
Two years in the making, and we didn't plan it like this because we didn't know, to release Alex Jones New World Order Wars that's all about fighting Epstein, and Clinton, and Hillary, and the Deep State, and the pedo rings.
Whole levels just dealing with that because that's the truth of how they operate.
And now the game went on Steam, the biggest online platform of video games in the world.
150 million users a week.
And it already shot to number one.
So find the link to Steam at AlexJonesGame.com or search Alex Jones New World Order Wars at Steam and get it for yourself.
It's got an incredible 97% reviews.
We'll put the link to Steam on screen and to AlexJonesGame.com.
Get it there.
We are taking back the culture.
We are taking things back.
This will fund the InfoWar, going into the election in the next 10 months.
The only way we fail is if we don't take action.
and get New World Order Wars by Alex Jones now.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I've already mentioned a lot of the key news.
I don't wanna drill into it.
I had a big guest joining us in the next hour, coming up in about 30 minutes.
So we're coming to the end of a system that they used predatorily with quadrillions of dollars
they printed for themselves while leaving us with a debt to phase that out and bring in through crises
a new global system that's 50 times worse, totally controls your life with central bank
digital currencies, carbon taxes, universal basic incomes, that's salary, austerity, and more.
So here it is, Fox News.
Sweden's defense ministry warning to brace for war sends public into panic.
Swedish defense officials warning to brace for war as the nation nears NATO membership has prompted some panic and caused supplies to fly off the shelves, according to reports.
For a nation for whom peace has been a pleasant companion for almost 210 years, the idea that it is an immovable Constant is conveniently close at hand.
Swedish Civil Defense Minister Karl Oskar Boland said at a FOC meeting, the Society of Defense, the National Conference in Sweden, But taking comfort in the conclusion has become more dangerous than it has been for a very long time, he said.
According to government transcript, many have said it before me, but let me say it as an official capacity.
More plainly, and with naked clarity, there could be war in Sweden.
The commander-in-chief of the Swedish Armed Forces, General Michael Biden, Who visited the Eastern Front of Ukraine in December, also spoke at the conference on Sunday, warning all Swedes prepare mentally for the possibility of war, as the nation is just two steps short of NATO membership.
So this all just broke today, or yesterday, but it happened over the weekend.
They've released the transcript.
We must understand how serious the situation really is and that the people, down to the individual level, are preparing themselves mentally, Biden said, according to the transcript released by the newspaper.
Biden later told the newspaper that his intent is not to worry people.
No, of course not.
My ambition is to get more people to think about their own situation and their own responsibilities, according to BBC.
Neighboring Finland, a recent NATO addition was warned by Russia officials last month that it would be first to suffer should relations further deteriorate.
Well, yeah, if you're going to move NATO weapons in and there's a NATO war, yeah, that's a true statement.
I'm not dealing, you know, on either side of this.
I want peace, but that's common sense.
Here's the BBC article they're quoting.
Swedish alarm after defence chief's war warning.
Swedish minister, commander-in-chief warns a possible war in Sweden.
Swedish ministers warn of war.
The opposition scolds them for their statements.
Russia laughs, says there's not any chance of that unless they attack Russia.
Putin sees no threat from NATO expansion, warns against military build-up on Russian borders.
Why Russia could not invade Sweden even if Sweden is not in NATO?
Big report on that.
Risk of attack on Sweden low while Russian troops in Ukraine, experts say, Sweden to send troops to Latvia though.
Oh, they're going to put people on the Russian border.
And it just goes on from there.
So, you can see who's escalating.
It's NATO, just like they overthrew the Ukrainian government nine years ago.
Soros bragged about it, and then they've had internal conflict, making it all about Russia, and now here we are, two years in, almost two years into Russia invading Ukraine proper.
What an incredibly dangerous situation.
And then we look at Latin America, and we look at North America, and we look at Europe, we look at Asia, we look at Australia.
They're passing laws and regulations to arrest political opposition, to take people off the ballot, to ban entire political parties that are growing from just a few years ago in obscurity to being the second largest party in Deutschland.
That's Germany.
Germany ponders banning the second most popular political party.
Because it's set to be the dominant party.
Similar to U.S.
states attempting to ban Trump from elections, Germany is discussing banning the AFD and its second largest political party.
The SPD won the last federal election and struggled to form a coalition.
That's because they still cannot number with the other parties.
Eventually it came to terms with the Greens and FDP dubbed the Traffic Light Coalition based on the colors of the party flags.
Problems arose from the start because the FDP is pro-business and the Greens are far from pro-business as you can get.
The traffic light has gone from 52% in the election to 33% present today.
FDP's price for jumping into bed is a collapse from 11.5% to 5%.
This puts FDP on the bubble.
It makes a minimum of 5% to be able to be a voting coalition.
So they sold out so that happened.
And that's the moral of the story.
They had a majority and they screwed the pooch.
And then I've got a whole stack of articles here where the EU and the UN are openly coming in and censoring the internet.
We'll be getting to that here coming up in a few minutes.
But the big takeaway here is you have a coalition of the chi-coms And the bureaucrats in the EU, Brussels, with a lot of big tech other than X, most of big tech, all of big tech other than X. People always say, well, what about Rumble?
What about Infowars?
What about Gab?
What about... That's all growing and great, but it's still not X. It's doubled the amount of people in use on it since Musk took it over a year ago.
Because, you know, Facebook's stagnant, Google's totally rigged, they're finally seeing erosion of their support and the use.
So, the longer Musk holds on, the more he puts pressure on them.
And while Musk is taking all the heat as this umbrella, InfoWars can operate.
Rumble can operate.
All the talk shows and all the independent media groups and Human Events and Jack Posobiec and Steve Bannon and just countless others Can now reach, individually, millions a day.
I mean, all those people I mentioned are reaching millions a day, and we're reaching tens of millions on X. I mean, you cannot look at it and deny that Musk is making a real run at these people.
Like, there's nothing but amazement, you know?
But there's not just evil in the universe, folks.
And so it becomes like a purity test of, well, Musk isn't perfect or hadn't been perfect, so I'm not going to support him.
Okay, well, you're not supporting yourself.
You can go on X and you can fight the New World Order and you can warn people and you can use it to then invade other social media and inform people in the war.
This is a seismic shift.
And you should use it.
And then we'll see what Musk does in the future.
But now, Vivek Ramaswamy is... I mean, I got up at 5 a.m.
this morning, and I probably spent an hour I didn't have.
Because I saw him trending with hundreds of thousands of posts about him.
Hundreds of millions of views.
I mean, just rock star.
And he just devastates the media.
Devastates the New World Order.
Devastates the UN.
Devastates the carbon tax.
Devastates the woke.
Devastates the transgender.
Devastates the open border.
You don't ever put genies back in the bottle like that.
You don't.
The bird's out of the cage.
Pull up a Hunter, not a Hunter S Thompson, this other guy.
Pull up a Kurt Vonnegut birdcage lithograph or birdcage painting.
He sent me one before he died.
I talked to him on the phone.
Big lister.
I'm proud of that.
I love Kurt Vonnegut.
My mom was a big fan.
Grew up reading him.
And the anti-war classical liberal.
And he has that birdcage.
The symbol of freedom is just a birdcage with a door open but there's no bird.
You don't do what Joe Rogan's doing.
You don't do what Russell Brand's doing.
You don't do what Tucker Carlson's doing.
You don't do what Vivek Ramaswamy's doing.
You don't do what Elon Musk is doing.
You don't do that and ever get back with the New World Order if you were ever even with them.
And obviously Joe is not part of it and Tucker wasn't part of it.
He just wasn't awake.
You say Musk was part of it, but you don't completely turn against them and then devastate their operations and be one of them.
Their operatives are more like a Chris Christie that acts like he's conservative, or a birdbrain Nikki Haley, or a DeSantis that clearly sold out to them.
I mean, DeSantis is saying, yeah, Trump might become a dictator.
We're living under the attempted dictatorship of this bureaucracy.
So the reason I keep going back to this is, the fights now, and all the prominent people with the big audiences, despite all the censorship, are us!
I saw a clip of Don Lemon's new show, and it was like completely anti-woke, anti-New World Order, because there's a lot of people like him that are mercenaries.
And I mean, if you see Chris Cuomo's new show that has more viewers than CNN did, he sounds like Tucker Carlson.
And I'm not even saying I will ever trust Chris Cuomo.
My point is, is that when we start to win, you better be ready for a bunch of people to run over to our side and be prepared for that and not just say, oh, you're not welcome.
It doesn't mean we don't watch them.
Doesn't mean we turn our back on them.
I want people to know, on the awakening side, we're winning.
On the hearts and minds side, on the peaceful side, we're winning.
But that's the bad news.
Also the good news.
It's a conundrum.
It's a paradox.
In that, the CIA and the New World Order and BlackRock and the globalists, they thought they had this thing in the bag.
Their own internal reports leak going back over a decade ago.
They're in panic mode.
And every time they gotta take the mask off and get really brutal with people and censor and bully and control and dominate and lie, it just pisses more people off.
So, that's the problem.
Winning is the problem, but it's the only solution.
Yeah, it's better to fight them and go through hell than just roll over and they win for sure, but they are now not gonna give up.
They are gonna double down again And they've already pre-programmed what that's going to look like.
Cyber attacks blamed on us.
Racial attacks.
Terror attacks.
False flags.
Direct war with Russia.
Crashing currencies.
Stock market implosions.
And Trump knows that.
Get the clip from yesterday, please.
Where Trump goes, you know, in an interview and says, man, I hope the crash doesn't happen while I'm in.
I hope it happens before.
Because then it gets blamed on the system.
He can come in.
And people will listen to him and he can stop it quickly.
Just like El Salvador in just a year turned it around two years totally.
But he knows how the public's brain works.
If they implode the economy the day he's sworn in, then no one listens to him.
If it implodes before, he can come in and turn it around.
And then they spin it.
Oh, Trump hopes for the crash.
No, he's being a realist.
We're in the induced crash to crash the old system that they use for power and control, their system, to then move into their new system.
Like a fiddler crab doesn't make his own shell, he goes and steals them.
And when he gets too big, he goes and finds somebody else's shell of another, you know, dead creature.
And so they're ready to move on to the next host.
They're ready to move on to the next system.
The Global Carbon Tax, CBDC, ESG, New World Order, WOKISM program.
All you gotta do is be a social justice warrior with a thousand followers and go take kids to Drag Queen Storytime and you'll get a basic income.
You cut your son's genitals off, you get five years free rent.
You let men in boxing beat up women?
Your thing's financed.
Because they want insanity.
They want the cult-like submission.
Because selling collapse, selling depopulation, selling hell is so unpopular, they've got to just make things so confusing and so dystopic you give up.
And there'll be a smaller and smaller group that gets money and funding for selling out humanity.
And as each group gets betrayed that sold out their brothers and sisters, they'll get a little more money for it.
So the smaller and smaller group participating in the subversion finally goes down to zero.
And that's why with censorship, when they censored me and shut me down on all these systems, they did it to one person first so people wouldn't stand up.
And then when they went out to the next person, nobody stood up.
And the next person, because at least you weren't getting hit first.
At least you thought you were buying time by not standing up for yourself.
Whereas if you would have stood up up front, there would have been no way they could have won.
What's the famous preacher, Christian preacher, I forget his name.
Pull up the famous World War II saying.
The famous World War II saying, was it like written on a slave labor camp wall?
First they came for this group and I wasn't part of the group, so I did nothing.
Then they came for that group and I wasn't part of that group, so I did nothing.
Then they came for that group and that group.
And finally when they came for me, there was no body left.
So you've been here from the beginning.
You've understood this.
You've stood the test of time and censorship and demonization and attacks.
Because you understood submission was the surest form of enslavement and that resistance was victory.
But now...
We have to understand that we're entering the final battle here.
And it doesn't mean if we beat the globalists now there's some utopia and things will be perfect.
Things are a mess.
But at least we won't have leaders in every country working under the UN, the globalists, BlackRock, the World Economic Forum, which is the Davos group, set to meet, starting their meeting now, officially meets the 17th.
But their working groups are there now on top of that mountaintop.
And they think you're stupid and they think they can manipulate you and they think they can control you and get you to sign over your life to them to let them give you all the orders and track and surveil and control you and censor you and then you'll feel like you've run under the wings of a mother bird that's going to protect you when it's a predator that is going to destroy you as sure as the sun came up this morning.
So let's look at this news.
We have the UN In coordination with the group a year ago they brought in as an official National Security Council level member and by that they're not the National Security Council but the UN said they are one and signed an agreement that the World Economic Forum is basically their spokesperson that they are joined at the hip at the Secretary General level to implement the same agendas and the Secretary General will work in concert with Klaus Schwab as a equal or as a peer or as a co-president the corporate president
of the UN with the Secretary General.
So here it is.
Climate Report.
Uncharted territory imperils all life on Earth.
I can show you AP articles from 2000 saying by 2006 all the major cities will be underwater on the coast, whole countries will disappear.
And they did it over and over again.
Al Gore in 2007 saying by 2006, it's the same story.
The 2023 State of the Climate Report entering uncharted territory, Oxford.
An environmental and social justice climate mitigation pathway of a planet in peril.
And they say we want climate lockdowns, we want social justice, we want universal basic incomes during this crisis they have created.
The UN climate report with Reuters breaking it down, how there's a global emergency, no food, everything collapsing in the third world, the UN's coming to the savior when they put the policies in.
Scientists outline a bold solution to climate change, biodiversity loss, social justice, injustice.
And what did Elon Musk say about it amongst other things?
Misinformation takes the top spot in the prestigious World Economic Forum Top Global Risk Ranking.
You can type into a search engine.
UN says misinformation, disinformation, number one threat.
Translated, free speech.
People saying no to, hey, we're going to cut the fertilizer off of the farmers and we're going to put taxes on the fuel you use for your tractors on top of the taxes.
People say, we're almost bankrupt already, we feed you, what are you doing?
Well, we don't care.
Because again, they want to say it's climate change, there's no food.
No, it's them shutting down the system.
It was Martin Niemöller that said that.
Lutheran minister.
An early Nazi supporter who was later imprisoned.
We're offending Hitler.
First they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unions and I did not speak out because I was in Trade Unions.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak for me.
So, Elon Musk says, by misinformation, the WEF means anything that conflicts with their agenda.
In the next two years, their number one agenda.
Misinformation and disinformation.
Censorship, surveillance, control.
Number two.
Extreme weather events.
Hyping up every hurricane or tornado and saying it's the worst ever when it's not.
Societal polarization.
Well, they push and divide everybody, and the major universities across the world say blacks and whites shouldn't even be together.
They then talk about the problem of polarization they're creating.
Cyber insecurity.
Well, the globalists launched the cyber attacks and framed people.
Look at Vault 7's CIA release.
So make you insecure.
Remember what Klaus Schwab said, a cyber attack will make COVID look like an inconvenience comparatively.
Number five, interstate armed conflicts.
Yep, using war they fund and control.
Number six, lack of economic opportunity.
So again, number one, misinformation is information.
Number two, extreme weather events.
Number three, societal polarization.
Number four, cyber insecurity.
This is their battle plan.
They're telling you they want to stop, but it's everything they're doing.
Number five, interstate armed conflict.
Number six, lack of economic opportunity as they shut down the world economy and shut off lending.
Number seven, inflation caused by all the big central bank's policies that run the system.
Number eight, involuntary migration.
They implode, they shut off economies, the UN organizes them, they flood the West, and then they pose as a savior.
Number nine, economic downturn, which again, they're engineering with the entire globalist policy.
Oh, number ten, pollution.
But the main target is humans and population.
And then they're hyping disease X that's going to kill way more people than COVID.
And we've got to have a UN global treaty to save you.
Breaking the World Economic Forum will be discussing disease X on the January 17, 2024 as part of their annual meeting in Davos.
With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown disease X could result in 20 times more fatalities than the COVID virus pandemic.
What novel efforts are needed, and we have the UN Treaty to take control of not just your healthcare or your governments, but every facet of your life.
All the treaties, all the control, all the censorship, all the open borders, all the programs, they're all going into place right now.
Continuing, the 19th report that just came out today ahead of the Davos Group that starts their meeting now but officially kicks off on the 17th.
The Global Risk Report, and it details everything I just mentioned here.
When you look at it on its face, a five-year-old would know they're the ones quarterbacking it and exacerbating it as badly as they can.
Global Risk 2024 at a turning point.
And then it looks forward to 2034.
Over the limit.
How we're all going to be dying and dead and we do everything they say.
But then their real policies are instituting total collapse by then and total death.
See, they're the saviors to save you from the project they're running.
They control the opposition to their own operation by saying they're the ones trying to stop it.
You need to read this report.
I scanned over it.
I've X'd it out.
I've tweeted it out.
Posted it on X. We'll be talking about it more.
I have the U.N.
Treaty here in front of me.
I have all the fear-mongering.
I have a big stack of all their censorship and admitting we're going under U.N.
I mean, it's already here.
And then Elon Musk comes out, and not just that tweet I mentioned, but an interview with me three weeks ago, four weeks ago, all the other stuff you've seen.
And you look at the Republican Party, they're not doing one-tenth as much.
Elon Musk is doing, and I gotta tell you, Vivek Ramaswamy is talking about the New World Order and the carbon taxes and the globalist agenda.
Trump, I watched his speeches a little bit, he needs to be on this, that he's not just running against Jack Smith and the Democrats and their attempt to remove him off the ballot, but they are UN-controlled operatives.
Yeah, China was a project of the globalists, so it was used to buy off and control people, but China broke with the U.S.
in the last six, seven years, eight years.
Started about nine years ago.
And they're still evil and bad in the competing system, and basically where we're going.
But it's like an evil twin that split off, or like Stalin and Hitler, who were buddies at the start of World War II, fighting with each other.
The Chi-Coms, the New World Order, it's all one and the same.
But people around the world from China, To Germany, to Russia, to the US, to Mexico, to Brazil, everywhere!
To the UK, to Sweden, to South Africa, to Libya.
We're all under attack by the same globalist policies.
Alright, Robert Barnes, Viva Free are coming on, two great lawyers, really smart cookies, to talk about this and a lot more in Election 2024 and what we can do and all this hyping of war in Sweden.
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While you're at it, get a copy of my book, The Great Awakening, or the other one, The Great Reset.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hour number two.
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All right, Robert Barnes, Viva Free, two really smart lawyers and great pundits are going to join us to cover the waterfront here in just a few minutes.
Remember, this show is a listener participation operation.
When you take the links from Infowars.com forward slash show or RealAlexJones on X and share them, instead of reaching 5 million people, we reach 10 million.
That's a big deal.
We shouldn't take that for granted.
I don't take you for granted.
Thank you so much.
I've got so much to hit here.
I've got Democrats confessing to wanting illegals to vote.
I have the Feds admitting.
I have them admitting it's about the Electoral College.
It's about getting more seats in Congress according to the census.
That's all coming up with our guest.
But Trump said a lot today outside the kangaroo court.
And so I want to play Trump first on wars and then Trump on election interference.
Let's play six, nine, And then Saban where he says he's a Manchurian candidate.
I totally agree.
I think he had very little chaos.
I think most of the chaos was caused by the Democrats constantly going after me.
And remember this.
Remember that with phony Russia, Russia, Russia.
I mean, if you look at Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, everything was phony.
The Pfizer warrants, the lying to Congress.
They had chaos.
They were the ones that caused the chaos.
We didn't have chaos.
We got the biggest tax cuts in history, the biggest regulation cuts in history.
I had no wars.
I'm the only president in 72 years.
I didn't have any wars.
Here we go.
Donald Trump.
It's election interference at the highest level.
It's a disgrace.
It's in coordination with the White House and Joe Biden because he can't win a campaign fairly.
We're going to have a news conference a little bit later on.
As you know, I want to speak.
I want to make the summation.
At this moment, the judge is not letting me make the summation because I'll bring up things that he doesn't want to hear.
And it's a very unfair trial.
Nobody's seen anything like this.
I don't think I've ever seen anything like this.
We have a situation where a statute was used that doesn't give me a jury, so I have no jury.
I really have no rights, and nobody thinks it's constitutional.
Legal scholars are writing about it like it's something they've never seen before.
So, it's interference, it's political interference, and it's something that shouldn't be allowed.
When we had just prior to the China virus coming in, if you don't mind, I'd like to be accurate as opposed to COVID.
It is the China virus.
It came out of Wuhan.
And I said a long time ago in your show, it came out of Wuhan.
They were saying it came out of caves, bat caves, 2,000 miles away, came out of Italy, came out of France.
No, it came out of Wuhan, the labs.
And I don't, and by the way, I don't think It was done.
I think it was done out of incompetence.
That's what I think.
I believe that a scientist went out, said hello to his girlfriend, and that was the end of that.
She died and then people started dying all over the place.
But who knows?
I can tell you one thing.
Who knows?
I got along with President Xi, but I took in $400 billion in tariffs and taxes from China.
And one of the reasons China's not doing so well today is because of those tariffs.
And Biden wants to cut them.
You know, he got paid off by China, after all, so he wants to help the people that gave him a lot of money.
But he's a Manchurian candidate, in a true sense.
He got money from China.
He got money from Russia.
You remember the debate where Chris Wallace, how is he doing, I wonder?
But Chris Wallace, when I said to Biden, I asked him a question.
I said, how come you got three and a half million dollars from the mayor of Moscow's wife?
And Chris Wallace wouldn't let me ask me.
I said, why are you stopping this?
Now it's turned out to be a big deal.
I got three and a half million dollars from the mayor of Moscow's wife.
I tell you this, we're going to have a success that's so great that I won't have, hopefully, I won't have time for retribution.
There won't be retribution.
There'll be success.
Mr. President.
Yeah, that's the French.
They say the best revenge is living well.
Trump doesn't want retribution.
He wants to win.
And he is a winner.
But those we set outside the courthouse there in New York, the judge has already found him guilty.
There is no jury.
And then he didn't have closing comments because he didn't want that in court.
Both judges did that to me in Connecticut and Texas.
They found me guilty, had a show trial to find out how guilty I was, and then wouldn't even let me defend myself.
That's what they do, folks.
It's rigged beyond anything.
But they still want some trial.
So people think, oh, it's a trial.
No, it's a tyranny.
And it indicts them, not us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're now into hour number two.
I'll be here for another three hours.
And Roger Stone is co-hosting in the fourth hour, a deep dive on the Iowa caucuses, on Chris Christie getting out, the word that Big Mike is going to get in the race, Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom.
Nikki Haley said to have, the word is from Ruben Ramaswamy and others, to have DeSantis leave after the Iowa caucuses and join forces with her against Trump.
All the prosecutions, we're going to be discussing that in the fourth hour, but for the next two hours, or now an hour and 53 minutes, we are going to be looking at The domestic police state.
We're going to be looking at the open borders.
We're going to be looking at policy and law.
And the Feds now, admitting in federal court and in documents, and even New York Congresswoman, Democrats saying, yeah, illegals are voting, yeah, we're getting more Democrat seats in Congress.
From the census apportionment in the voting districts.
We're getting more blue seats.
California's got like six, seven new ones the last few years.
So this is a big deal.
The globalists are making their move on the carbon taxes, making their move on the CBDCs and the ESG corporate governance for the universal...
Credit score.
And for the social credit score.
And for the vaccine passport.
And now they're saying, Deimos, a new disease X is imminent.
It'll kill 20 times what COVID did supposedly.
This is the new world order.
We've got the UN treaty to take over health care and all infrastructure.
The UN treaty to go after free speech.
We've got the UN treaties that are already in place.
Trump pulled out of them.
But Biden signed back onto it.
Congress never ratified.
migration strategy for hundreds of millions to be brought into the West.
We have it all.
We have the battle plans.
And there's nothing more frustrating than seeing this all happen and trying to get even the Republican leadership to understand it.
But there is good news.
And I mentioned this.
Fifth Circuit delivers smackdown on Biden-DOE efforts to regulate dishwashers, washing machines, and all their appliances, banning gas appliances, banning small diesel and gasoline engines.
And what did the courts say?
Well, what did the Supreme Court say two years ago?
You cannot make law outside of Congress.
There is no fourth branch of government sanctioned by the United States Constitution.
Federal bureaucrats just can't tell you what kind of appliances you can have, the court declared.
And why do I mention that?
Well, remember Biden when he first stole the election three years ago?
He said, we're forgiving all debts for years when it comes to renters.
We're just gonna let you stay in housing and not pay rent.
Went on for over six months.
Most renters, most landlords are very small.
They have a job, they've worked hard, they own one property too, they barely can pay the bills.
Oh no, somebody can just squat in your apartment or the house indefinitely.
And the courts still aren't completely corrupt at the Supreme Court level.
They almost got control, they got most of the courts.
They said, you can't Just run over property rights?
But see, they want this crisis.
They're not going to forgive you when you're living in some Berkshire Hathaway apartment, or when you're living in some Black Rock owned apartment.
It's all for the little people, and they admit that.
So, this is a criminal Takeover.
But the good news is, it's all illegal.
So if we simply educate ourselves, and take back our local courts, and take back our system, and kick out all these Soros prosecutors that let hardened criminals out of jail, or people that shoot people out on bond in one day, and then let them go.
If we remove all these people, we can go back to justice.
And that's happening across the country.
So it's a very exciting time to be alive.
We separately have Sweden's defense ministry saying we're going to have war with Russia, creating a panic.
Russia says we don't want Sweden.
Go ahead and join NATO.
Putin says fine.
Ukraine's been part of Russia traditionally.
You can't do that.
So that's a smattering of what we've got.
We've got the election.
We've got the prosecutions.
We've got Trump coming out at the end of the trial where a judge already said he was guilty.
There is no jury.
And then he couldn't even have closing arguments because they want nothing said on the record!
Just like I had judges find me guilty, but at least had a show trial on damages, but then they put a financial expert on for a day, and they tell us, we don't want your bankruptcy filings, we don't want your tax returns, we don't want your bank account.
You can't speak for this day.
And this guy gets up who never examined our books and says, that man's worth $400 million.
He's the greatest businessman I ever saw.
I had $4 million of debt at that time, and $3 million.
At the time of that, I was $1 million in the hole.
Now I'm $4 million in the hole.
Free speech is operating barely in the black.
Thanks for your support.
And I'm sitting there realizing this is just a show trial, and I already knew that, but literally a show trial, worse than stuff they even put on in Nazi Germany or North Korea.
We got two lawyers to talk about that.
And I'm not trying to write myself in the story.
I am the story because I was the beta test.
I had the biggest populist anti-globalist show five years ago, 30 million people a day conservatively.
We're back up to 20 million a day on X. This is seismic.
They knew if they could shut me up, and nobody stood up for me, then they'd have the precedent.
Now you're there.
Now they're coming after Elon Musk.
He's come out, I covered it earlier, and said there's a giant tyranny taking over, and we've got to stop it, and the U.N.
and the Davos Group want tyranny, and they want to shut down anything, any type of speech they don't like.
Here it is right here.
You're like, okay, we already know that.
Tell the Alex Jones audience something we don't know.
You gotta be to the point where you're an adult and you've got a kid and you're 25 and your two-year-old tries to put their hand on a hot stove.
Skip this break.
Just because you know not to put your hand on a hot stove doesn't mean you don't still tell them don't do it.
And the general public is like a child that just woke up.
Instead of leading them off a cliff like corporate media does, we're trying to lead them into being informed and being strong.
And that's the difference between us and corporate media.
We make mistakes, not on purpose, they're rare.
But we're trying to tell the truth, and we want credibility, number one.
We want the truth.
The system doesn't want that, and people now know.
They may not be fully awake, but they know they're being lied to.
And that's why all the top shows, including Robert Barnes and Viva Fry's program, is so incredibly popular and has exploded from being popular to super popular because people have a hunger.
And so the system knows that, so they're coming in with the EU and the Justice Department after Elon Musk.
And I keep going back to Musk because he's Seismically doing more to damage the globalists than Trump even has, because he understands it better than Trump.
So, gentlemen, I didn't talk to you before you came on.
I just asked you to come on last week.
You can both come on today.
We're going to skip some of the breaks so we have more time.
I just threw out a giant pantheon of issues that are all interconnected.
You can take one of those and start there, or you can bring up a totally different subject.
But I can't wait to talk to you today.
And then later on in the next hour, we'll open the phones up for questions for you two great men.
Alex, thanks for having us back on.
Yeah, glad to be here.
Here in New Orleans, we had the argument yesterday as to whether the FDA can even be sued when they illegally authorize the COVID-19 vaccine for little kids.
I mean, to this very day, the only basis for anyone under the age of 12 to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or any of the booster shots is an emergency use authorization.
I mean, here we are, what, four years?
Year four, year five into this so-called emergency?
And yet somehow this is still being allowed as a basis to inject six-month-olds, two-year-olds, toddlers, four-year-olds?
I mean, in some cases, I mean, Jones Health Defense is bringing this claim on behalf of not only parents and children all across the country, but particularly children in Texas, for example, who are in conservatorships.
Who are in fact often vaccinated against their informed consent under this COVID-19 vaccine.
So here in the what the district court ruled in Texas is that nobody can sue.
Nobody can sue the FDA.
The FDA is above the law, beyond the law.
And so we're here before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals saying that cannot be the law.
And we'll find out soon enough whether or not it is or isn't the law.
And if the Fifth Circuit doesn't make a good decision, we'll go to the Supreme Court of the United States.
And I want to say something before we go to Viva Frye here and both of you.
I love how I just threw out 20 topics and you guys came up with one even better.
And that that is you're the man in the arena, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., with lawsuits all over the country, moving forward to expose this experimental fraudulent shot.
And yeah, they got liability, quote, until it's known they lied or engaged in fraud, and then they don't, correct?
So I love how, out of all the topics, you brought up a topic where you are in the arena, because that's really the answer.
And now all the news is coming out of 17 million dead from the shots, conservatively, with the insurance companies admitting it.
I mean, this is really blowing up in their face.
Please continue on that line, and then I want to get Viva's take.
Yeah, I mean, this goes to the core of it, because the reason we're taking this suit is not only about this dangerous shot that you exposed from the very beginning, Alex, but it goes to the, just like your cases were a template for how they're going to treat Donald Trump now that we're witnessing it, for how they're treating January 6th defendants, January 6th defendants was a template for also how they were going to treat Trump.
They're using these cases.
The FDA is trying to claim they can assert emergency power and thereby never be subject to a judicial review ever again.
I mean, like, why are they leaving this emergency tool in place long after no emergency exists?
So that's the reason.
Because they want to prove to the world that they can do this whenever they want.
They can just say emergency, and all of a sudden there's no judicial review, no constitutional rights, no congressional limitations, and they can take your six-month-old and stick an experimental drug in him that is more likely to cause harm than good.
That's why this case is so critical.
It goes way past even COVID.
It goes to, and do we have a, as you've often talked about, it goes back to the Weimar Constitution, if we allow an emergency exception to consume all our rights, we don't have any more rights.
And let's be clear, let's be clear, while you're at the thousand foot view fighting this and the one foot view, we have the UN treaty that the Biden administration is behind, literally set to take over our rights, our health care, Brett Weinstein and others exposing it.
I mean, you cannot overstate the emergency exception over everything, over all of our lives, over transportation, over our country by the UN pandemic treaty.
Absolutely, well just ask VIVA.
I mean, what has happened in Canada?
I mean, eugenics is now official public policy to a certain degree.
Yeah, VIVA, you can really speak to The World Economic Forum says that your leader, Trudeau, is the beta test, is their prototype of this.
The censorship, the riding over protesters with horses, the grabbing people's bank accounts, the locking people in their houses, and this is what the UN wants to do, that basic dictatorship Trudeau talked about.
There's that.
I mean, what Robert's alluding to also is advancing it to the stage of euthanasia, the medical assistance in dying in Canada.
I mean, set aside all of the tyrannical measures the government has imposed, locking people down, stripping us of our charter rights, which are not worth the digital paper that they're printed on.
Canada's now become the Euthanasia, mercy killing, hot spot of the world.
It's now, I think in Quebec, it was at one point in the last year, the third leading cause of death.
This is the government expanding euthanasia to the mentally ill, talking about expanding it to drug addicts.
The population apparently tolerating the idea of expanding it to the homeless.
And it was the third leading cause of death in Quebec.
In Canada, I don't know if people know this, 4.1% of all death in Canada is government-administered euthanasia, mercy killing, or as they like to call it, medical assistance in dying.
I mean, it's tough not to put this all together.
I mean, there's a bunch of... there, and people put them together in terms of identifying what is typically referred to as, like, the globalist agenda of population reduction, a one-world order, like a one-world government, And that's what you have going on in real time in Canada, where you have Klaus Schwab bragging on a mic that he's penetrated the cabinet of Canada and Justin Trudeau.
And you have Canada implementing these measures, which can't be seen any other way.
Inhumane in any other era.
It was a Forbes article.
It comes from Forbes, so not me, saying that Justin Trudeau's euthanasia policy echoes of Nazi Germany.
You have it in real time.
It's in front of everybody's faces, but I think people are too far gone to say enough is enough now because they feel like they've already given up more than they're ever going to get back.
And I'm glad you raised that because I throw in all these topics and then you bring up the fact that They're now telling mentally ill people, now they want minors, so now they're wards of the state.
Oh, we've decided as the ward to kill this child.
I mean, this is outrageous.
Now the liberals want to kill the homeless people.
There's the headline you mentioned, Mr. Fry.
Alex, it's even worse, it's even more sinister than that.
They want to expand euthanasia to drug addicts and the mentally ill while simultaneously legalizing hard drugs to the general public.
There is no other way to avoid connecting those two dots than the government wants you dead, literally, and will facilitate it in a two-pronged approach.
Let's expand euthanasia to the mentally ill, expand it to kids, even if they can't consent, and people joke about post-birth abortion.
As though, you know, that's ridiculous, but can you imagine what euthanizing a child with the absence of the consent of the child is, but only with the consent of the parents?
I mean, it's nothing but post-birth abortion.
But they legalize euthanasia, expand it to the mentally ill drug addicts, while legalizing hard narcotics.
There is no way not to connect those two dots.
Let me ask you both this, then, before we get into all the other angles, and I'm glad you guys went to that, because I don't talk enough about Canada being the world leader in government forced suicide or murder, you know, the new death camps in the hospitals.
Why is the WUF and the UN, and all of them in concerted efforts, going directly to the most dystopic stuff, a mix of Brave New World, 1984, With Silence of the Lambs, why are they just trying to be the most villainous?
Cutting off the energy, banning the cows in the Netherlands, cutting off the fertilizer, dissolving the border, shipping in the fentanyl, transgender pedo time.
I mean, why are they completely like a gun to their head being the most evil people they can imagine?
Robert, you want to field this one?
Well, I mean, I think fundamentally it's about their, they want to see what they can get away with.
Same reason why the Nazis went nuts as soon as they got power.
They want to see everything they can get away with and how quickly they can get away with it and how they can establish precedent that they can do it again.
I mean, the reason, I mean, for example, when I was before the Fifth Circuit yesterday in New Orleans, the courts were like, well, you know, all these vaccine cases that we said were invalid have now been mooted.
So now they're no longer good law.
Well, you know, that's dangerous for the rest of us.
That means they can bring it back at any juncture.
So what they're doing in Canada is what they want to do in the entire world.
And we know this.
And we've seen this.
It's like, I mean, it's Judgment at Nuremberg.
People forget Judgment at Nuremberg, the film, talks about it's the judges that are on trial.
They were the ones who abandoned the Constitution.
They were the ones who abandoned people's rights and liberties in Germany.
They were the ones who could have been the last line of defense instead of the front line of assault.
And we're seeing the same thing here in the United States.
We're seeing the same thing in Canada.
We're seeing the same thing in Europe.
And we're going to continue to because we have to push back.
They're going to the wall because they know 2024 is the most monumental year in our modern history.
That was a perfect answer.
I wouldn't even have said it myself that good.
It's an Overton window.
People don't know what that is.
Maybe you can speak to it.
They want to take us a trillion miles and know that even we claw back, you know, even 90% of that, we're still way into tyranny.
They want to make it as fantastical, that's in their own manuals, the CIA, and so brutal that it demoralizes us and we give up and just absolutely just rip everything apart to see what they can get away with.
But it's not out of strength, it's out of desperation.
It's still a desperate gamble.
My take is that it's also quite related to China's aspirations for global dominance.
I mean, whether or not the WHO is indebted to China or controlled by China, what I've noticed is that all of these policies are directed at the West, and they use and exploit the positions of power of the politicians they have in the West to implement these policies.
Not an accident that, you know, the TikTok algorithms in the West are radically different than the TikTok algorithms in China.
They're pushing all of this stuff to basically devastate and demoralize Western society with the aid and assistance of people who I genuinely believe, and I think we've got decent evidence, They're indebted to, controlled by, or subordinate to such higher powers.
You got Joe Biden, who I wouldn't deny for a second is indebted to or blackmailed by foreign interests to implement these policies in the West.
Demoralize, open borders, allow for an invasion from within.
You got Justin Trudeau, you know, the cabinet has been penetrated already by the globalist interests.
And all of these policies, they're directed at bankrupting, demoralizing, and destroying Western societies.
And I think it's just to facilitate a broader takeover that is being led by, I believe, say, globalist Chinese interests, if I can be so bold.
No, you're right.
And people say, oh, don't just blame the Chinese.
No, no.
They were totally under globalist control.
90% of them didn't have running water or electricity until Nixon made the deal with Kissinger.
And then it was given one side of trade deals built up and then broke in the middle of the
Obama administration and went against the West.
While China still funds Hollywood, still owns most of the major studios, but they're not
in command of the studios, but their hatred of freedom and of Christians and of families
matches that of the folks that do control Hollywood.
China owns Hollywood.
They don't fully control it, but the two groups are together.
And so this is simply a weapon system to bring down the West to make China the more favorable
investment area because we are in collapse.
And then at the same time, I mean, for example, I just received a so-called detention order of Amos Miller's Food, the Amish farmer in Pennsylvania, that appears to be a lawless order.
I mean, well, why are they taking away?
Right now, we have food problems all across America, all across the world, where people don't get the food that they need.
In some cases, people are deprived or have serious nutrition issues.
And yet Amos Miller has some of the best food on the planet, and he's not being allowed to give it to anyone.
He's not being allowed to sell it to people.
He's not being allowed to share it and distribute it to those people who want it.
I mean, what's the basis for Pennsylvania?
There's nothing wrong identified in any of the food.
There's nothing in it that they've sampled that comes back as problematic that I've seen so far.
I mean, it's food that he has one of the best track records of anybody out there in terms of food safety and food desirability.
And yet here you have the state of Pennsylvania prohibiting him from even being able to farm and distribute it to the people who want his food.
That's where we're at in the country.
We've got to that point.
And by the way, I want you to talk about the case for people that don't know the details,
which you'll have heard about it.
Raided by the feds, now raided by the locals.
The border's wide open, human trafficking, but they've got hundreds of people to keep
coming back there, up to 30 or 40 at a time, to harass him for never having a health problem,
for his family for 100 years there selling locals milk and cheese.
And then you see millions of farmers all over Germany, the Netherlands protesting.
They're having their nitrogen cut off, they're being given taxes on their fuel, and they
say, "We make the food, we are barely paying our bills.
What are you doing?"
It's a war on food and a war on prosperity to collapse civilization and out of this hell,
build their new totalitarian system on it.
The WEF admits it.
I mean, it's one of the four pillars of freedom.
Food freedom, financial freedom, medical freedom, and electoral freedom.
If you don't have the means to have your ballot protected, then you don't have the means to control your own government.
If you don't have the means to decide what goes into your body in terms of medicine, you don't control your own body.
If you don't have the means to control what goes into your own body for food, then basically you're indistinguishable from cattle and chattel.
Because if they control and dictate what you put into your body, then what do you control?
What do you own?
Who are you?
Other than a slave of the system, of the government, and of the interest that it protects and promotes.
And that's what they're trying to do.
Each one of these, they're trying to attack either our financial freedom, our political freedom, our medical freedom, or our food freedom.
Because they want control of it.
I mean, why is Bill Gates in the business of buying up so much farmland?
Why is Bill Gates having all this fake food that he wants to stick down our throats?
Is it a coincidence he's the same guy who wants to push vaccines on a so-called vaccines on everybody?
Is it a coincidence he's the same guy who uses the Rockefellers as his example that he wants to export to the rest of the world?
So this goes all the way back to the same globalist elite driven agenda over centuries that they wanted to have complete control.
They want us in a physical, psychological, spiritual cage and they're going to do everything possible.
Gentlemen, I'm always impressed.
This was an incredible 20 minutes we just did.
Viva Free.
Viva Fry.
I love calling him free because in German it means free.
And so I just love that.
So I keep calling him free.
That's in my head.
I love the guy.
I know him well.
I keep Viva Free.
Viva Fry.
Robert Barnes.
Trade Ahead.
We're going to talk about how we stopped this.
The election.
The borders.
So much more.
Stay with us.
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Before the people of the world, let it now be noted that here in our decision this is what we stand for.
[End of Audio]
And the value of a single human being.
Where were we?
Where were we when Hitler began shrieking his hate and righteousness?
Where were we when our neighbors were being dragged out in the middle of the night to duck out?
Where were we when they cried out in the night to us?
Were we deaf?
I'm gonna go the limit.
And not you, not the Pentagon, not God on his throne is gonna make me do it.
Who do you think you're talking to?
Who the hell do you think you're talking to?
My husband was a military man all his life.
He was entitled to a soldier's death.
He asked for that.
That he should be permitted the dignity of a firing squad.
You know what happened.
He was hanged with the others.
It is easy to condemn the German people to speak of the basic flaw in the German character that allowed Hitler to rise to power.
But at the same time, comfortably, ignore the basic flaw of character that made the Russian sign pacts with him, Winston Churchill praise him, American death threats, profit for him!
There's nothing like your trying to make it sound.
Stop it!
Did you sit on his lap?
Stop it!
What else do you admit to, Mrs. Farmer?
What else?
I want that you tell me, was she feeble-minded?
My mother!
I feel it is my duty to point out to the tribunal That the witness is not in control of his mental processes.
I know I'm not!
Since that day!
I've been, past I've ever been.
Well, Robert Barnes mentioned judgment in Nuremberg, but if you actually read the
transcripts of it, The Nazi defense was eugenics in England and the United
States, which was true.
He got his ideas from us.
Eugenics started in England in the 1850s with Galton, Wedgwood, and the Huxley families.
Later wrote, their grandchildren brave new world and created the UN.
So they're another branch of this operation.
And I'm glad Viva Frye raised the eugenics in Canada.
I mean, it's the worst in the world now.
They're killing massive numbers of people, third largest cause of death.
The government is.
And they tell people that have back pain or are depressed, you'll get another year of funds, but then we want you to sign this form to kill yourself, and they pressure them into killing themselves.
Now they want to do it to children and the mentally ill and the homeless.
And again, it's liberal.
It's loving.
We've got so many other topics to cover, but I want you guys to finish up with that, and then you can bring up any subject you want.
I've got dozens I want to get into.
I want to talk about, what would you call this time we're living in as well?
You wrote the book after it, I call it The Great Awakening, because I think we're almost getting there.
Just to touch on something Robert touched on, and Alex, Canada, they put out a draft regulation, some federal regulation, to give credits to farmers who reduce cow farts.
I mean, this is literally, what the government is doing is crippling a country like Canada For the benefit of a country like China that is not reducing any emissions whatsoever, but they feel good doing it.
And also what Robert's talking about, you know, the Fed's going after local farmers on the basis that government knows best.
Before COVID, I never understood how a society could descend into an era like Nazi Germany, where they would literally turn their neighbors in or close their eyes when their neighbors are being hauled off.
I now can totally understand how that happens in a society.
Until now, I could never understand how you had under socialism or communism, mass starvation Until I see what the government is trying to do now, literally, reduce the food supply because they claim the food supply which feeds the world is causing environmental issues and they want to nationalize, basically farming, minimize it, reduce it.
I now can see how mass starvation can occur even in today's day and age when you follow idiotic government policy and government that basically wants to nationalize all private enterprise and have full control over everybody's life.
I mean, if you look at what totalitarians do at siege, but particularly communists, Lenin and Stalin, they cut off the food for control, just like China did with the Cultural Revolution, the Great Leap Forward, and Klaus Schwab talks about cutting off resources, then they claim it's global warming or man-made climate change doing it, and they admit they're doing it to cause a revolution and end the society we had.
That's it.
This is insane.
You've got him photographed in his own office, Klaus Schwab, with a bust of Lenin.
Yeah, you can go further with this.
I mean, I was just reading the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, which has now illegally and unlawfully searched and seized the food at Amos Miller's, a bunch of food at Amos Miller's Farm.
And I was looking, what the law requires in Pennsylvania is that you're not allowed to seize any food unless you can show after five days that the food is adulterated or misbranded in some meaningful manner.
And so I was like, what's the basis for this?
None of this food was for commercial sale locally.
Some of it was for other people who was other people's food simply being stored at Amos Miller's Farm.
And none of it was dangerous in any way, shape, or form.
And they've had the chance to sample and test now.
Apparently, they've come back with nothing that shows any problem with the food.
So I read the order, like how are they prohibiting him from, how are they prohibiting the people who own that food from eating it?
As they just issued an order doing.
It says that because we the state of Pennsylvania didn't give you a particular license or permit to be a food establishment, now that makes the food adulterated!
It's utter nonsense.
Adulterated food by law in Pennsylvania means something has been added to it that makes it unsafe for human consumption.
They're now saying adulterated is if it doesn't have the Pennsylvania approved label from before.
That's not what it means.
I mean, that's how crazy they're taking our And Robert, meanwhile, if you look at what's happening, they're allowing the adulteration of food everywhere.
The FDA would always make sure they weren't putting out fake honey or fake olive oil.
Now it's almost all fake.
So they're launching a revolution against independent farming, which is the most basic way to take control of people.
Absolutely, and the Amish are the ultimate alternative control group.
They're the group that's outside of big tech, they're outside of big food, they're outside of big pharma, they don't send their kids to the public schools.
So consequently, we get to see what would life be like if we lived the way our founders did.
And what do we see with the Amish?
They have much lower rates of cancer, much lower rates of autism, much lower rates of a wide range of diseases, much lower rates of obesity, much lower rates of anxiety, much lower rates of depression, much higher rates of self-reported satisfaction in their jobs, their careers, their lives, much higher levels of family unity, much higher levels of all the things we desire as good as human beings.
So that's why they're going to try to... Amos Miller's great crime was trying to export the Amish way of life to everyone else through food.
And that's why they don't want the Amish to exist.
And they're going to use the Amish as their own example, try to take them out.
Try to remove their ability to... Because if it catches on, I already drink Mennonite, which is like Amish light.
They still have cars and stuff.
I already eat Amish eggs almost all the time at home.
I have some right over here in the refrigerator.
I ask her to grab them.
I drink Amish or Mennonite milk.
And when they do have it, I get Amish beef and it's delicious.
And they can't imagine that because, again, energy.
You cut off fuel to machines and fertilizer to crops.
And you cut off the food.
You're cutting the energy off to the planet.
Viva Fry.
How do we stop this?
I don't want to be too optimistic.
I mean, I think people are starting to wake up.
People are starting to say enough is enough.
Even those who might have been on board a few years ago.
And, you know, it's Ruhu Nabadu or Nuhu Rabadu.
It says when you fight corruption, it fights back.
People can Google it.
People are awakening in a way that they have never awakened before, in my personal view.
Which explains why the next war being waged is on the dissemination of information and the democratization of information.
The internet was never really this much of a concern.
2016, you know, they started to realize that they had to tamp down on disinformation because it was people talking on the internet that got Trump elected.
Yeah, they were arrogant before, which was really the golden age.
They didn't know how big it was, but now they do know they're in trouble.
Now they know they're in trouble, and if you want to look to the test country to the north, Canada, what do you do about it?
Well, first of all, you buy off the media, literally, like people don't necessarily fully appreciate CBC, Radio-Canada, state news agencies.
They're funded to the tune of $1.2 billion.
Let me interrupt you, I'm going to shut up for 10 minutes.
Explain to us, Canada is so key because the WF, the UN, and MEN, Other than Australia, it is the perfect test ground of what they want to do here.
So a lot of people say it's this weird built-in selfishness.
Who cares what happens in Canada or Australia?
It's the beta test they admit for all of us.
We better look at it.
First of all, who cares about Canada?
Let's just hypothetically assume Canada becomes a vassal for China.
You'll go from not being concerned about the Mexican border to being very concerned about the Canadian border.
But just as far as a litmus test, like an experiment goes, a polite, disarmed population that is at the mercy of a tyrant.
That's what it's going to look like.
How does it work?
I mean, A, you disarm the population, you criminalize guns, and don't even really resolve the gun violence problem, which only gets worse and worse the more laws and regulation that come down on small arms.
Set that aside.
Trudeau nationalizes media.
You got CBC, Radio-Canada, although the law existed pre-Trudeau, so I can't blame him entirely, but he certainly bought them off.
You got state media that is funded by taxpayer dollars, which is partisan to a point that it makes Pravda look almost neutral.
It makes RT look totally objective.
Then you got the government offering bailouts to print media because print media is flailing and dying because nobody wants it, nobody likes it.
So you buy off the print media with a $600-$800 million bailout.
Then you buy off digital media with COVID ads, with government ads.
You know, toe the narrative or we pull our ads.
Then you enact legislation such as the Online Streaming Act, which is going to create Canadian content requirements on independent creators.
It's going to regulate the internet the way the Canadian government already regulates television and radio.
Then you come in with the link tax.
Did I say that one already?
No, I said the Online Streaming Act.
Then you come in with the link tax, which basically is the government saying, Google and Meta, or Meta and whichever ones they are, Facebook, Meta, Google, they've got to pay a tax to outlets to whom they link through.
What ends up happening is Google then says, okay, well, we'll pay a hundred million dollars a year into this pool, and the government's gonna decide which news outlets get their apportionment of the link tax.
They buy off all media, control, censor the internet, and this is how they maintain control of the populace, and you damn well better be paying attention south of the border.
And let's be clear, they're already doing it before the agreements are signed.
Google, for at least five, six years, is totally controlled, feeds you fake links.
I mean, it is crazy.
Well, I don't know how that works.
All I know is that this was a surreptitious way of funding digital media that the government could not do directly.
Make this rubbish law, the Online Streaming Act, the Link Tax.
I forget what the name of the law is.
And you basically get big enterprise to give.
It's piddly.
What is that to Google?
It's $100 million.
What is that to failing CBC, CTV, Global News?
It's everything.
It allows them to get a leg up and tamp down.
Sure, so dying media, dying corporate media is also censoring, helping spotlight, fake fact-checking.
We know this relationship.
So I want to shift gears to other topics, but in closing on this subject, I'm going to ask you again, because this is key.
Are the globalists winning right now?
I think they're losing.
Both of you, can you speak to Elon Musk and the wild card that he brings to this?
Robert, take this one away.
Sure, yeah, I mean, I think Elon Musk is an independent actor, and he's continued to prove his capacity as an independent actor.
And the biggest gap, you pointed this out, the biggest gap between Elon and the entire globalist elite establishment is that Elon believes we need to have population growth, that we need to celebrate humanity, not suppress humanity, not reduce the number of humans in the world, but increase it.
He's made a little contribution of his own accord in that regard.
So he believes humans are good because we could build something that's anti-human.
Why not decide to build it the way we want?
Not just say, oh robots, humans are done, you've all know Harari.
No, no, no, no.
We decide we're building a human future.
He's ultra-humanist in that respect.
He believes the foundation of the future of happiness for the world is more human beings, more humanity.
And he believes free speech, free thought, free debate, free ideas are also a critical and essential and integral component of that.
And that's where he has a deep divide between him and the globalist elite.
That's the core of the divide.
So Elon Musk is pro-humanity.
Speak to that because I'm going to put this clip out on X. And it's true.
I can't deny it.
If it's real, I'm going to back it.
He is literally the number one champion of pro-humanity.
I wish Trump would pick up on what Elon's saying.
Absolutely, because when Elon is one of the only people in the entire political elite, if you will, someone with institutional influence or power, who's saying, well, this population shrinkage is bad.
We don't want to be reducing the number of humans that exist.
We need to be increasing the number of humans that exist.
We have a population problem.
We have a labor replacement problem.
Places like China, places like Japan that have gone along with this globalist agenda are now experiencing it economically.
And you're right, and China has abandoned one child.
Yes, exactly.
And so I think what you're saying is Musk is a key person saying to protect humanity, we must celebrate humanity.
In order to celebrate humanity, we need more humanity, not less humanity.
And that is the big gap between him and the Bill Gates's of the world, him and the George Soros's of the world.
And let's not forget, George Soros tried to short Tesla's stock.
So, you know, I mean, Musk has been oppositional to this entire elite establishment in certain four key areas of human growth.
Because what you've often said, it's not about Republican, Democrat, Independent, this, that, or the other.
It's about, are you pro-humanity or are you anti-humanity?
And in that battle, Elon Musk is a critical ally on the pro-humanity side.
I want your take on that, but I want to show you this, because this is mine.
This is the refrigerator.
It's been there for like a week.
I've been so busy, I forgot to get it because I'm almost out of it.
These eggs made by Mennonites in Bastrop, you know, that run it.
When I was a kid, eggs never broke up when you split them.
They weren't all runny.
Now they feed chickens crap.
Almost all the new corporate eggs are just crud.
These things are dark orange.
They're delicious.
They're good for you.
This was bought from the evil Amish, basically.
And just look at them.
And it was less price in the store, and it's delicious.
And how scared are they that I go to a farm or send a crew member to get this for me?
This is revolution.
Energy is revolution.
This right here, folks, this is revolution right here.
I bet the yolks are ultra-rich, ultra-yellow.
Who was it that said the most revolutionary act you can do is grow a tomato?
They're orange.
My body knows this was the eggs I got 30 years ago.
The new eggs they feed those chickens are like weird runny.
They're not even good because they're not real eggs.
This is a real egg.
That's amazing.
They don't want people to be independent.
You understand going back to Waco, going back to Ruby Ridge, the government does not want people to be independent and not reliant on the government.
As far as Elon goes, Alex, you were the last test for Elon to prove whether or not he was genuinely pro-free speech in the meaningful sense.
A year ago, I remember giving Elon a bit of a hard time because, you know, you can't say your pro-free speech and then not bring back Alex Jones onto the platform.
I genuinely think he misunderstood the reasons for your deplatforming, and once he understood everything after that Tucker Carlson interview, the writing was on the wall.
Elon, in as much as people can be skeptical, be skeptical of everybody, but you judge people by their actions, not by their words.
And Elon says, if you think you're going to blackmail me with money, go F yourself, and then makes the act of go F yourself by bringing you back on.
He is value added, and certainly you can tell that he's Their enemy, by the way, they're going after him.
Investigations, lawsuits, all of the lawfare that they use against Trump, that they used against you.
So you know that he's a threat to the institution, to the powers that be, and thus far he's been succeeding in his mission.
Well, that's right.
Both of you guys, huge on X, were challenging him constantly.
I didn't think he would do it because it's a bridge so far.
Right after he said, go F yourself, he did this and The criminal investigations, the EU investigations, within a week happened.
He said, I know I'll be attacked.
I may go to jail for this.
He said that.
I'm ready to go to jail for free speech.
And then he freed me.
You can't deny that.
That was big.
Well, and what are you one of the leaders on?
I mean, people may know you as a free speech advocate, as a populist advocate, but you have been the global leader against globalism and pro-humanity on the humanitarian front for forever.
And that's where he is now taking the lead, and he recognized in you, not an adversary, but an ally.
He recognized it and he needs as many allies and we all need as many allies as we can get in an age in which we're going up against this corrupt, corrosive, globalist structure that wants to strip us of our basic rights and liberties and undo everything the American Revolution birthed.
And so if we're going to keep the American Revolution alive, we're going to keep American liberty alive, we need to form allies wherever we can get them.
How do we get behind Elon?
Exactly so!
Because he's obviously on our team now.
Instead of being, oh, you know, thanks for giving us back our free... How do we get behind Elon?
Well, I think we celebrate the same causes and issues that he deeply cares about.
He deeply cares about protecting humanity.
He deeply cares about counteracting this population control freak agenda.
Counteracting these woke lunatics that contaminated and indoctrinated his own child against him, against that child's own best interest, against that child's own humanity.
Wokeism at core.
By the way, people don't know about that.
His firstborn son they've got, they're transgendering, they're about to cut him up.
That was too far for him, which I agree like, you get my flesh, you attack my flesh, you're attacking me.
They did that to any of our children.
I mean, Viva got to experience it firsthand in Canada.
That when they come for your kids is when they really radicalize you.
Yeah, we're gonna euthanize your kids.
It's just like, God, it's so evil.
Yeah, I mean, or in the case of, I mean, he had to experience his kids not being able to go to a bowling alley unless certain people had certain permissions, unless certain people put out their papers.
I mean, you know, when you experience Canada's is how you experience... Same thing happened to Joe Rogan.
He's totally on our side now because living in California.
By the way, it glitched out a second ago, so I missed half of what Barron said was my experience in Canada, but I got the bowling part.
Vaccine passports?
They're gonna tell me what I gotta put in my kid.
And by the way, out of Quebec, where I had a red line, I said, if they cross this line, I'm done.
They passed a law that removed parental supremacy from the Youth Protection Act.
And so now a government bureaucrat gets to decide what's in the child's best interest above and beyond the parents' desires.
It's madness, but how do you support Elon Musk and Twitter?
I genuinely believe we're coming to the point now...
Where economics will win out.
I don't know who has the purchasing power when it comes to political demographics, but I suspect I do.
And advertising dollars is how these platforms survive.
Support the advertisers, and do not support the ones that don't support Elon Musk.
Some of these stupid companies say they're going to pull their ads from Twitter.
Don't buy their product.
Vote with your feet, vote with your dollar, and use the platforms.
Twitter, use them, support them, and support those who advertise on them.
By the way, Viva Fry, you're totally right.
We still have the power now.
That's why they want the CBDC, the ESG, the social credit score, because then they'll have the power.
We still have the power.
We've got to use the power of how we vote with our dollars.
Continue to shop at InfoWarsTore.com.
Continue to shop at Amos Miller's Organic Farm.
Continue to push back against these people.
Because we have the real power.
Why are they going crazy and trying to shut down Amos Miller?
Because the ordinary person in America refuses to let them do it.
Because they continue to go there and support him.
Continue to go to Amos Miller Organic Farm and get what they need.
Continue to go to the fundraiser by Lancaster Patriot that's up at Give Send Go and support him so he can stay economically afloat.
The same is true of InfoWars.
The lawyers admitted it when they said, look, these lawsuits aren't designed to actually recompense anybody.
These lawsuits are designed to shut Alex Jones down.
So please, everybody, stop going to InfoWareStore.com and reward our political law fair so we can take him off the air.
By the way, they said that at the end of the Connecticut rigged case.
They said, we don't want money.
He said, listeners, we're going to shut Alex Jones down.
A year ago.
13 months ago.
Don't support him.
And there they are with their own clients claiming they want money.
No, it's all about silencing people.
And here's the thing.
The line they can't get through is the ordinary person that's the front of the line.
That's the InfoWars audience.
That's the Amos Miller supporters.
That's the Trump backers.
These are the people they can't get through.
We are the front line.
So if you never forgive, never forget, and you hold the line, then they will not be able to take us out.
All right, all right.
Viva Fry, stay there.
You got a lot to say.
And then I want to get into 2024, the wars.
I want to open the phones up, take some calls for you guys.
So we're going to go to break.
But real quick, how do people find you guys' great show you do?
VivaBarnesLaw.Locals That's it.
That's where you can get all the content, all the information, all the links, everything else.
Or just search engine Robert Barnes Viva Fry podcast, you'll find it.
All right, we'll be right back.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
29 years on air, all I've wanted to do was warn the people about the globalists.
And I've done the best job I can to tell the truth and be accurate, and we are on record as the most accurate there are.
And I've tried to sell products to fund ourselves.
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I want total capitalism.
I want total laissez-faire freedom.
But the globalists have a deal with China to shut down all the other economies because they can control the world.
We're not going along with it.
Viva Frye, lawyer, talk show host.
Got a short segment here, a long segment's coming up.
I want to get into Trump, the elections, all the craziness, but you were trying to make a point when we went to break.
Turn your mic on.
No, that was me.
That was me, sorry.
I was just going to make a comment that I was watching MSN coverage of Trump's, you know, closing arguments or the closing arguments that he didn't give.
And a journalist, I think it was CBS, says Trump's team didn't give closing arguments because the judge, quote, revoked permission for Trump to give closing arguments.
Whether or not there's more nuance to what happened, the insanity that mainstream media is now trying to create the new normal, where closing arguments in a trial is now a matter of permission that a judge can unilaterally revoke.
Alex, we've said it before, they've Alex Jones-ed Donald Trump in this case, and people really need to understand How obscene and absurd it is.
You got Judge N. Goron, who has all the tools to deny a substantive trial on the merits through a summary judgment.
And so what you have is a trial on guilt and quantum, just like they did with you, except with you, they got it through default verdict for alleged failure to comply with discovery.
By the way, I'm glad you raised this, because we're going to recover this in the next segment.
Some stations don't cover this.
I was going to lead the interview with this, because I'm watching.
The judge finds him guilty, he says before.
There's no jury.
Now the judge finds him guilty.
Even though it's ceremonial, he says you have no speech to even say anything on the record.
That's beyond a fake trial, isn't it?
Absolutely, I mean it's basically, yes, I mean, well we warned everybody, we said you
can think whatever you want about Alex Jones.
What they're doing to Alex Jones and Infowars is what they're going to do to the rest of
They're now doing it to the President of the United States.
That it's weaponized lawfare, they're denying him his basic right to due process of law,
they're denying him his right to a trial by jury.
They're denying him a right to a trial on the merits.
That's what they stripped from you.
And I always ask people, it's like when I was before the Fifth Circuit yesterday, about the FDA wanting to dodge a trial on the issue of the safety or efficacy of their vaccine.
If their vaccine is so safe, why is it they're so scared of an open trial in front of a federal court?
Why is it that they're, I mean, I would welcome that if I thought my vaccine was really safe, really effective, really necessary, really useful.
The same is true here.
The same is true in your cases.
If you are so in the wrong, why were they so scared of a trial on the merits?
Well, if Donald Trump has done something so bad, why are they so scared of a trial on the merits?
Why are they so scared of an actual jury trial?
Because they know they're in the wrong.
They know there is no basis for what they're doing.
These show trials would make the Cuban and Stasi and Soviet show trials look like an honest trial by comparison.
They're an embarrassment to America, they're an embarrassment to the rule of law, and they're an embarrassment to justice in America.
And, you know, at some point, we need a judgment in Nuremberg Part 2.
Some of these rogue judges that are ignoring their constitutional oaths, they need to be the ones subject to trial.
They want to get up there and grandstand like they did in the D.C.
Circuit about Trump's presidential immunity when the only guy to to actually ever use foreign US military to assassinate his
political opponents, his name Barack Hussein Obama, then it's time that we have broader
sense of consequence.
Maybe we need to return to those judgment in Nuremberg and everybody that's been complicit
in the violation of our rights and liberties put on trial for that violation.
Viva Fry, I'm gonna come back to you after one minute break, but I wanna ask a question,
I don't know the answer to.
Trump derangement syndrome, whatever it is.
We know Soros has these big meetings and parties and conferences, but how did they get, not just here, but around the Western world, the lawyers to become weaponized and do all this with the judges?
Because it's just unprecedented.
It's like overnight, courts had problems before, but now courts are doing things they never did in the past.
They are just, a judge found Trump guilty in New York?
Excuse me.
I was eating a piece of pizza during the break.
He's going to rule on Trump after he already said Trump's guilty?
It's just, it's all hoping the public's not paying attention.
Back in 60 seconds.
Alright, we got two really smart political analysts and pundits and lawyers, Robert Barnes and Viva Frye, and they keep bringing it up so I'm going to play the clip.
Trump has had this civil trial where the judge finds him guilty.
There's no jury.
Since when did that happen?
And Trump continually can't put on his own defense.
Now he can't have closing arguments.
And it's just like all the other trials we're seeing.
When did this start?
Because now it's everywhere.
And how do we respond to it?
Because here's Trump saying, I'm already found guilty by this judge.
He says I'm guilty up front.
We have the show trial.
I can't put on evidence.
But they still want the vestigial image of a trial.
Here's a clip from. >> Well, thank you very much. As you know, we consider this an
unconstitutional witch hunt.
It's election interference at the highest level. It's a disgrace. It's in coordination
with the White House and Joe Biden because he can't win a campaign fairly. And we're
going through it. But it is indeed a terrible witch hunt.
We're going to have a news conference a little later on.
As you know, I want to speak.
I want to make a summation.
At this moment, the judge is not letting me make a summation because I'll bring up things that he doesn't want to hear.
And it's a very unfair trial.
Nobody's seen anything like this.
I don't think they've ever seen anything like this.
We have a situation where a statute was used that doesn't give me a jury, so I have no jury.
I really have no rights, and nobody thinks it's constitutional.
Legal scholars are writing about it like it's something they've never seen before.
So it's interference, it's political interference, and it's something that shouldn't be allowed.
So I am hoping to speak and to help my lawyers reveal all of the Let's stop right there.
I mean, like Trump says, it's true.
Never before seen.
Now it's everywhere, though.
Where judges find you guilty, then they decide how guilty.
And there are political hacks that tell their students, oh, I'm going to go after Republicans, I don't care about juries, and all the rest of it.
Where does this end?
Viva Frye, Robert Barnes.
Alex, it's actually one step more insidious than that.
And Robert, I know where Robert's going to go with where this goes, and I'll leave him take that.
It's not just they put on a bogus show trial on the damages.
What it does, and anybody who lived through your sham of a kangaroo court trial knows, In retrospect, people think that there was a trial.
People's fake memories of the events are to the effect that, well, Alex Jones had a trial, and then you tell them that, no, he didn't have a trial on the merits, and they don't understand it because their memory, which has become part of their identity, is to the effect that he had a trial, he was found liable, because it was civil, after a trial, which never happened.
In three years from now, Depending on how the next year writes out, people are going to say, well, Trump had a trial.
No, he didn't.
He didn't have a trial because the judge came to this finding by summary judgment, came to the conclusion that there was no need for a jury trial because of some rule of procedure that would have denied him a jury trial anyhow.
And the month and a half trial was only on the culpability?
And then people are going to say, well, he had a month and a half trial.
He presented his defenses.
No, he didn't.
And people watching this month and a half trial or listening to it, On the damages are saying, how the hell is he guilty in the first place?
Well, too late.
He's already been found guilty.
And now in retrospect, people are going to think he had a fair trial or a trial at all.
That's that's the long term goal of this to create false memories in the populace.
It's a fake impression.
It's a show trial.
It's what show trial originates.
You remember that, Alex.
That's where the term comes from.
Something that looks like a trial, but actually isn't.
That's what we're seeing.
They've just taken it to a whole new level.
They've just taken it to a whole new scale.
And they tested it out in your case, and now they're doing it to the president, and they figure they can do it to Donald Trump.
They can do it to anybody, anywhere.
And it is, you'll probably remember the first Total Recall movie with Schwarzenegger.
Remember how they doctored the tape to make it look like he ordered things that were exactly the opposite of what he ordered to create a fake impression, a fake memory, a fake story, a fake narrative?
That's what they're doing.
They have all the, I mean, from your trial in Austin, remember all the movie cameras that were inside that people didn't get to see?
They were staring down at the jurors and they were staring down at everyone else.
They got all mad because I said this is a trial that's literally a show trial because there's literally a Broadway kind of stage theater taking place with actual movie crews inside the courtroom.
And the judge putting her makeup on?
I mean, it was ridiculous.
It's an embarrassment to the rule of law.
It's meant to be a fake trial that's disguised as a real trial to deceive the American people into believing one.
It's like the election cases in 2020.
How many times have you heard, all of the election cases were all thrown out of court on the merits.
All lie!
Anybody who went through it knows that no signature match check ever occurred.
If a signature match check had occurred, the election results would have been thrown out and Donald Trump would have either been declared the president or we would have had another runoff election.
So that's the reality that they're trying to disguise and hide and with all of these show trials.
But these show trials are truly an embarrassment.
The key is the American people are waking up to how bogus and fake these show trials are.
I totally agree.
So let me ask you about this.
I'm surprised the appellate courts haven't done something.
Where is the Supreme Court?
I mean, this is just open lawlessness, just like the FBI has destroyed its credibility, the Justice Department.
Now the judiciary is burning down in front of our eyes.
What do you expect the Supreme Court to do?
They have to step in.
If they don't, they will permanently impair the credibility and integrity of the entire judicial branch as a branch of government.
And maybe it's the case that our judicial branch just doesn't live up to its constitutional expectation and obligation.
Maybe we need to reconsider how we apportion power in America.
I think fundamentally we need to reinstate real power of juries, including to determine the law as well as the facts, if we're going to return to the meaning of the original Seventh Amendment of the U.S.
But putting that aside, if the judiciary is going to save itself for any future role that has any confidence of the American people, the Supreme Court of the United States must step in and put an end to these charades.
Let me ask you about this question then.
Your prediction.
I think the Supreme Court must overturn this.
It's so naked.
Even senior analysts admit taking off the ballot and all this is a fraud.
But if they don't, then what is Trump's recourse?
What is our recourse?
Look, I'll make the prediction.
Prediction is they're going to overturn the, or they're going to set it straight as relates to all the removal of Trump from the ballots.
If they don't, I won't use the words, but if they don't, I don't know what the outcome or the potential outcomes would be because where do people turn when the courts have failed them, when politicians have failed them, when the institution has failed them, and has created a country in which 70 plus million people are not having their voices heard on the most important issue, who they get to elect.
I mean, I don't know where it would go from there.
As you say, Alex, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
We just need to return to the Constitution that established and consecrated 1776.
If our courts won't do it, then we'll have to figure out other ways.
So it's a Declaration of Independence.
We'll have exhausted all other remedies.
Absolutely, that's exactly right.
And so the courts are either going to save themselves, or they're going to destroy themselves.
But it's going to be in the power of the Supreme Court to do so.
And I have confidence, and at least hope, that they will do the right thing.
That they will step into the gap, that they will recognize how nuts this is.
They'll recognize, I mean, look at what's going on in the Georgia case!
It turns out the prosecutor is banging another prosecutor and shows up with a divorce petition.
And giving them money!
Oh yeah, giving him tons of cash.
It's like a different kind of sugar mama relationship going on there.
And then it comes out they were meeting at the White House.
I mean, these people can't even figure out how to coordinate a conspiracy in a way that doesn't get exposed within a week or two.
Well, that ties into Lloyd Austin.
Weeks in the hospital, lying about it.
It just reeks of total incompetence.
Just to throw one thing in here though, and it's gonna add a little bit of Blackpill cynicism.
You know, remember when Sussman literally billed the Clinton campaign to meet with the FBI to give them the bogus dossier report, and he still gets acquitted in DC.
I mean, you literally have this outside prosecutor hired unlawfully, allegedly, by Fannie Willis.
They happen to be schtuping each other.
She happens to be paying him upwards of a million dollars a year, going on lavish vacations, allegedly.
And he literally bills, what was it?
$2,000, two $2,000 days, eight hour days to meet with White House counsel.
And you have Joe Biden who says, I know nothing about my son's business.
We're not involved in any of these prosecutions.
Meeting with the state prosecutors, it's corruption of the highest order.
It's insane.
Meanwhile, I have federal filings right here, and I have clips of Democrat congresspeople saying, oh, we need illegal aliens.
They're going to give us more Democrat districts.
And I've got a federal filing here out of Arizona where they say, yeah, illegal aliens can vote in federal elections.
Let's play this clip.
This is a New York congresswoman, federal congresswoman, saying the quiet part out loud.
This is Congresswoman Clark.
Here it is.
I'm from Brooklyn, New York.
We have a diaspora that can absorb a significant number of these migrants.
And when I hear colleagues talk about the doors of the inn being closed, no room in the inn, I'm saying, I need more people in my district just for redistricting purposes.
And those members could clearly fit here.
They're out in the open now, they don't even care.
Who was it that just said that they'll make illegals, you know, police and military?
I mean, this is how you import a demographic for vote, for voting, political demographic, and you create your own private police force and military that is loyal to the government and not to the people.
Sure, take illegals, fast-track them for citizenship, knowing how they'll vote, and then put them in charge of military and policing.
What could possibly go wrong?
So let me ask you this, Viva Frye and Robert Barnes, both lawyers, smart guys, talk shows.
You got families, you're sitting there watching this.
We've got less than 10 months out from this.
What do you think is going to happen?
But what Aviva points out is that basically these are scab citizens, right?
Like scab labor tries to break a strike.
These are scab, not real citizens trying to break America.
And it's not them doing it, it's them doing it at the behest and behalf of the establishment.
Elon Musk asked in particular whether that Congresswoman's statement is legal.
And it's only legal because the Wright Law is not being enforced and because Trump's attempts to make sure our redistricting was only done based on citizen population was not enforced by the courts.
Credit to Congressman Thomas Massey who has proposed legislation and if necessary a constitutional amendment so that all future apportionment is based on citizenship.
Not based on importing immigrants for you to represent unlawfully, in my view, before the United States Congress.
But I think, I mean, I think we're going to see the Supreme Court has to step in as long as the American people stay awake, as long as the American people stay engaged and involved, as long as the American people are doing things like supporting InfoWars at InfoWarsStore.com, getting products they like and need, going to Amos Miller Organic Farms, supporting him there.
supporting independent content creators across the board, independent information,
then the information is going to continue to get out there and the American people are going to
continue to stay awake and they are the ultimate check on all of this. They are the ultimate basis
by which we can get the courts to do the right thing, other government actors to do the right
thing, and hopefully get an honest election. And if we get an honest election, we'll get a very
different president come 2025. And I think that's going to be essential. >> I agree with him.
I was gonna say, in Canada, they're talking about doubling the population by the end of
the century. And 97% of population growth now is fueled through immigration, partially because
they're inducing the population to kill itself, literally.
The Great Replacement, or no, sorry, the Replacement Theory, or the Great Replacement, I don't know what it's called, which is written off as a racist theory.
It's Replacement Migration Official UN Policy.
It's not a racist theory because it's not a racial theory.
It's a political theory and it's real and they're implementing it.
Import the votes.
Import the politics.
And you can basically control future elections.
You can steal a country from its people.
I say from within or from without.
But it's not a theory because it's confirmed, but it's not racist because it's not racial.
It is purely political and we're living through it right now.
300,000 illegal immigrants crossing a border in a month?
What does that do to a country?
Oh, promise them citizenship, fast track to citizenship, amnesty, policing, military, citizenship, and you know how they're going to vote.
It is the political replacement of America and it's in effect right now.
This is modern warfare.
People say, oh, if U.N.
troops come, I'll fight them.
They don't come, they take over the treaties, they take over the borders, they take over the medical response, they take over the censorship.
It's all over the news, the U.N.
runs the censorship.
We are under a U.N.
coup that our own criminal government set up to transfer power to.
I want to open the phones up for questions for Viva Fry and Robert Barnes here.
On this live Thursday, January 11th broadcast, the toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
Uncensored, unfiltered, you're on air to millions of people, 877-789-Alex-877-789.
Two, five, three, nine.
But we're still like nine minutes to break.
Gentlemen, other areas, Ukraine, the Middle East, the dollar, the EU rolling out their central bank digital currency.
I mean, it's all happening now.
Can you speak to that?
I think tomorrow or coming up next week in Iowa, I expect Ron DeSantis to be out of the race.
No doubt.
That he's not even going to finish in the top two in Iowa.
He got suckered by... George Soros described it over a year ago.
Soros said the goal was to get DeSantis to go in to destroy himself as well as to try to damage Trump.
And you predicted that.
Hold on.
Since you bring that up, I'm going to play that.
Vivek, who's amazing.
I think he's on with Roger in the fourth hour.
But here's Vivek Prediction from today.
It's got like 20 million views on X right now.
Here's Vivek Prediction.
Clip two.
Next up, Santa's joined Nikki Haley.
Here it is.
The system wants to narrow this down to a two-horse race between Donald Trump and a puppet who they can control.
And it has become increasingly clear that puppet is not a Democrat.
It's not even Gavin Newsom.
It's Nikki Haley.
It's in our own party.
Well, today, one more step in that plot unfolds.
Chris Christie drops out.
Next up, I'm going to make a prediction.
You're actually going to see Ron DeSantis join Nikki Haley's ticket.
He's going to be her VP.
The whole game, it's hiding in plain sight.
Whatever it takes.
And this system will stop at nothing.
And I mean nothing.
To eliminate Donald Trump from contention.
It's disgusting.
But the same people who have said they're not going to actually take a principled stand against Trump's removal from the ballot.
Haley and DeSantis are both in that category.
Do the math, people.
That's next up.
Ron DeSantis is after Iowa.
Everybody, including Chris Christie, apparently got a phone call from Ron DeSantis.
Panicked was the word that Chris Christie used.
This is the way the plot's going.
Ron may not know this.
Ron DeSantis may not know this, but that's what his donors are going to make him do.
That's what's coming next.
Ron DeSantis will become Nikki's VP.
Whether or not Ron knows it, it's not really his choice.
He's not the one in charge of that decision.
And then the plot continues.
We have to open our eyes and not fall into their trap.
Our America First agenda cannot end.
Our movement cannot end with Donald Trump when they take him out from contention.
And if you think this system is going to even let this man get anywhere near the White House, We need to open our eyes.
We need to do the right thing for our country.
They are selling us the rope today that they're going to use to hang us tomorrow.
Do not fall into the trap, people.
And that's why I'm here.
Vivek Fry, Robert Barnes, do you think he's right?
and what will they do to take Trump out?
This has been part of a coordinated campaign.
I'm just gonna say, if he ends up being right, I don't know how long he gets to call himself
the smartest man in the room, but he gets to call himself the smartest man in the room
for a certain period of time.
It makes sense.
The only thing I think he's too cynical about is, he says they're not going to stop at anything to prevent Trump from getting rid of the White House.
That's what I told him!
I told him last week, I said they'll get you too!
What are you, what are you?
And I think that's what the, we'll see if they're able to continue to prevent him from doing it.
Oh, absolutely!
Go ahead, Viva.
That's if they're gonna stop at nothing for Trump and he gains enough popularity, they'll come after him too.
And now that we've seen how they do it, oh, just let's go reassess some of Vivek's previous filings and see if he over-inflated some assets so we can try and indict him.
We've seen how they've done it with Trump.
They can fabricate crimes out of whole cloth.
Show me the man, I'll show you the crime.
Lavrentiy Beria.
They'll go after Vivek.
And if he starts making too much sense and starts getting too much traction, it might happen sooner than later.
Vivek is another example that they have too many NEOs in the system.
He's another one like Elon Musk.
Elon Musk is his own NEO in the system that's unraveling their ability to control.
As long as more and more people... Well that's right, in the Matrix there's only one NEO and a bunch of Agent Smiths.
There's actually millions of NEOs now.
And that's what we need to continue to be.
As long as the ordinary person, everybody who goes to Infowarsstore.com is their own version of a Neo.
Everybody who supports Amos Miller and Amos Miller Organic Farm is somebody that is their own version of a Neo.
The more Neos, the more Edward Snowdens, the more Julian Assanges, the more Alex Jones.
You know the meme, I am Alex Jones, with a bunch of people that are Alex Jones going through the system.
I am Neo.
I am Spartacus.
That is the way in which the whole system unravels.
It needs control, and it can't get control as long as we don't give it to them.
The globalists are losing, but they're going to keep doubling down.
They're pre-programming race war, false flags, cyber attacks.
They got all these movies coming out about civil war.
What do you think is going on there?
I think you're right.
I mean, a good way to look at film is to look at it's either preconditioning us or it's warning us, right?
I mean, remember your friends that did the Lone Gunman Show, the X-Files spinoff, that warned us about what was coming with 9-11, that you were warning at the same time.
Sometimes it's a warning.
Sometimes it's preconditioning.
So to try to decipher between the two, look at the overall message of the film.
But it often is educational and informative and something we should pay attention to.
You look to who's producing it and that'll give you a decent indication as to whether or not it's persuasion versus foreshadowing or a warning.
And now I just forgot what I was going to say.
Now I'm going to ask you both, if you could talk to Trump, which I know Robert does, other people do around here, but what would your advice be to Trump right now?
Well, credit to him to continue to double down.
I mean, to double down on exposing this entire law fair for what it is, expose the system for what it is, refuse to be affected, refuse to be impacted, refuse to let the threats get to you.
Make them escalate.
If they're going to escalate, they're going to do what they're going to do.
You can't control that.
Don't worry about it.
When Tucker asked him, are you worried about death?
He's like, no.
When they asked Robert Kennedy Jr., are you worried about death?
He said, my father and my uncle understood there are worse things in the world than physical death.
Moral death, spiritual death, soulful death, these things are worse.
And as long as Trump maintains that mindset and mentality, not to be afraid to continue to go forward, he has the backing of millions and millions of people, not only in America, but increasingly around the world.
And as you talk about, anybody who wants peace in Ukraine needs Donald Trump in the White House.
Anybody who wants peace in the Middle East needs Donald Trump in the White House.
Anybody who doesn't want global war needs Donald Trump in the White House.
Anybody who doesn't want the financial system to completely collapse needs Donald Trump in the White House.
So continue to support him.
We are the front line.
We are the key.
The American Revolution succeeded because ordinary people like my great-grandparents participated in it.
As long as you continue to be on the front line in every way you can, we will be able to win this.
That's right.
We're going to break here soon, but in calls, but Viva, you wanted your advice, Trump.
I'm not sure that I'm in a position to give Trump any advice.
All that I know is that whatever he does, he's going to get flack for it.
He can never do the right thing.
He'll always get criticized.
And so the only thing is keep doing what I think you keep doing what he thinks is effective and keep doing what he thinks is true.
And the people will mobilize peacefully behind the movement and hopefully, you know, yield the results that many of us think ought to have been yielded back in 2020.
I think it's clear, though, the establishment's losing and scared right now.
What do you think?
I tend to agree.
And they do say that the cornered animal is the most dangerous.
The problem is that they still control a lot of the big levers.
And so they still have some tools in their arsenal.
And the bigger problem I think is that I genuinely think they would almost be happier ruling over the ashes.
Oh, I agree.
No, Build Back Better is we're going to roll over ashes.
It's not a... I don't think it's your opinion.
I think that's their plan.
Alright, one more time.
We're going to come back and take calls.
How do people find your great podcasts, guys, your live shows?
Viva Barnes Law.
Robin, I'll do it first.
Barnes is Barnes underscore Law on Twitter.
Robin, what is your Twitter handle?
Winter is coming.
Everybody, everything is there at viva-barnes-law.locals.com.
Alright, you guys are awesome. We'll be right back. Stay with us.
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Well, coming up in April, in a couple months, I've been on air 30 years.
And I remember talking to the old-timers, including my family, and they said, the New World Order is being built in the shadows, but when they launch it, and when it goes from test to operational, that'll be when we're gonna get them.
So we've gotta go out and warn people ahead of it, they're not gonna listen, most of them, until they launch it operational.
And man, the people telling me this were like, former high-level FBI, former heads of Air Force Weapons Development, you know, you name it.
When I was first getting on air, because there weren't a lot of people that had talk shows, and I was blessed to immediately, after a few years of AXS TV, have the top talk show in Austin.
Top ratings all over the news.
I had like Jay Leno making jokes about me in like 1997.
And I was putting films out, and we were selling, you know, hundreds of thousands of VHS and DVD tapes, and people were copying them, and millions were going out, and we were just blessed to be there up front.
But all the old-timers said, when the enemy launches their operation, the public's going to get it, but we've got to have them ready.
They're not going to listen until they get hit.
And now, I saw those old-timers, I guess now I know why they were.
You know, the head of the FBI and a whole section of it, or the head of Air Force Weapons Development, because they were smart.
And they were playing the long game.
And here we are in the long game, folks.
We're inside the new order.
So I want to go to calls with these great lawyers and great talk show hosts and good friends of mine, Viva Fry and Robert Barnes, and just ask them, what does it feel like to be in this historic moment?
Where it's all out in the open now, I mean, and the Great Awakening's here, and it's just so crazy, and I wish there was some path where the globalists would just back off and realize they're gonna lose, but I got a gut suspicion they're not gonna give up, so I gotta go back to this.
How would you quantify this time?
Any other key points?
And then I'm gonna go to these phone calls.
Robert, start this one.
Well, I think we live in a time that's equal to 1776, and it's going to shape not only the future of America, but the future of the world, and what each one of us does in this context.
We have to make smart, tactically wise decisions, strategically wise decisions.
As my great-great-granddaddy said, it was at Bunker Hill, don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.
That same advice is still true now.
That we have to be tactically wise and morally principled and continue to act in the right way to make sure the American Revolution and the humanitarian principles it unleashed for the world stay alive because we're facing a true terminal potential threat to liberty and freedom, not only here, but globally and for humanity itself.
That's what's at stake in 2024.
in 2024. 2024 is the biggest year since 1776 for the future of freedom in the world.
A warning there, don't screw up people, don't succumb to your darkest desires or the doom
pill and act out of despair.
If a dude is in a crowd telling you to go into the Capitol, chances are they're a fed.
If someone's encouraging you to do something illegal, chances are they're a fed because
they want you to screw up, they want you to do something bad.
Killing a bunch of people on the enemy side only helps them.
We don't want that.
This is an info war.
Because this is a modern form of war.
It's propaganda.
They're having to provocateur violence.
Do not be involved in any... Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The force is used for knowledge and defense, never for attack.
I love it, and the video of you from 2021 saying, don't go to the Capitol, it's a trap, it's a setup, have proved prophetic.
So that's it.
Be good, be honest, pursue the truth.
Don't succumb to your darkest desires, because that's what they want, that's what they're waiting for.
And if they have to fabricate it, they will, but make them fabricate it instead of you succumbing.
Let me ask you this, we'll go to calls.
Gut level, I think we're going to win.
It's going to be bloody, it's going to be nasty.
The area of flux is do we lose billions of people or hundreds of millions or do we, you know, go through some time simulation and fix this easily?
I think right now we're going to win.
The question is how nasty is it going to get?
No doubt.
I mean, there's going to be some tough times ahead, but stay focused, stay centered, stay optimistic.
I mean, that's one of the great gifts that Trump has.
Trump's optimism is what empowers him to do often what he does.
That, you know, focus on the bright side.
Listen to the better angels of our nature.
Listen to the brighter light.
That's why they hate him because he did listen to that famous self-help guy, I forget his name, when he was a kid.
The record's over and over again.
He had to buy them repeatedly.
It's on record because they would wear out.
He just believes in positivity.
Absolutely, and you can see how it empowers you.
If you go in believing you can make it true, you can in fact make it true.
So stay focused on the positive.
Remember, there are people around the world who share your same objectives and beliefs and ideas and ideals.
They go to InfoWarsStore.com every day and support products.
They go to Amos Miller Organic Farm.
They do these things to keep us alive.
We have lots of friends.
We have lots of allies.
We're finding out in the Vivecs and the Elons.
We have some powerful allies in our cause.
So continue to march forward, continue to be confident.
And as it gets darker, I agree, as it gets darker, we're going to see the double agents, the Benedict Arnolds.
Some of them we thought were great are going to turn against us, but we'll have a greater number that were on the fence that are going to turn for us.
And just so, stay on the right side.
And if you stay on the right side, hold the line.
Never forget, never forgive, like Braveheart, hold that line, and we are going to be able to succeed in the end.
All right, Viva Frye, quick comment, we're going to call us.
Oh, I was going to say, we have to win.
I mean, I'm not trying to be like melodramatic.
People, when I was at the Ottawa trucker protest and I said, well, you know, if things fall here, you're going to go back to your country.
And they say, I have nowhere to go from here.
When countries fall, you don't go back to them.
America is the last beacon on that hill.
And if it falls, there's nowhere else to go.
So democracy, in the meaningful sense, must prevail.
And three things cannot long be hidden.
The sun, the moon and the truth.
So fingers crossed.
And the Bible says, you know, nothing hidden will ever stay hidden.
It will be brought to light today.
Let's go to Larry in New York.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Larry.
Hey, hi, thanks for having me.
Yeah, following up on the Matrix analogy, I think the Muslim immigration situation kind of reminds me of the Witch of the Matrix.
She was like the Colonial Times version of the Matrix in the third rendition of the virtual reality.
Most people don't know about it because she only appeared in the path of the video game.
But the reason I'm bringing this up Is because the game has symbology.
The only way to defeat the witch was by unleashing the banshee to scream at her.
This is why I'm not freeing the speech.
Regardless of what you're saying, even if you're just screaming, is the ultimate weapon.
It's kind of like how Tucker Carlson was saying that speech is more powerful than a gun.
I used to disagree, but after seeing activists speaking their minds like on InfoWars, I would say that's true.
So writing a book is more effective than using a gun.
What you're saying, Alex, is right.
Don't storm the Capitol.
So in the game, the witch was, like, killed by the Colony of Time's prisoners, the Matrix, through protest, not by using guns.
Well, I forget who said the pen is mightier than the sword, but we looked that up.
Maybe it was Shakespeare, but it really is ahead of time.
Once the Civil War and the Bedlam starts, then that goes to the side.
Anybody that says, I'm going to fight the UN, they're not going to come as soldiers.
They're going to come with treaties and control.
We're here.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, is the pen mightier than the sword, Viva Frye?
I immediately think of two movies, Casino and The Running Man, where someone used the pen as a sword, but by and large, it's more effective, but it's true.
Once it's time for the sword, the pen, you set it aside.
We're not there yet, and if anyone jumps the gun, pun intended, and goes right to the sword when the pen is going to be more effective, it'll be counterproductive, not productive.
Well, that's right.
The pen forms the whole battle space.
We'd like it to win the war and not go to swords, but regardless, pens are more powerful.
Absolutely, and people should remember, if our voices didn't matter, our opinions didn't matter, our ideas didn't matter, our actions didn't matter, they wouldn't go to all these great lengths to try to control what we think and do.
Well, that's right.
It's the saying, nobody knows who said it.
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
Let's go to Kim in Louisiana.
Thanks for calling.
Hi, thanks for taking my call.
Go ahead, Kim.
It's about the border.
You know, we know according to our Constitution that No, I agree, but it's very hard.
That's one of the few powers the Feds have for the states to deport people, and then the Feds are suing them.
People have been criticizing Abbott.
secure our border. And when they fail to do that, it should fall back to the state. If
the governors and sheriffs fail, it falls to the people. At what point do we stop watching
this influence and do something?
No, I agree, but it's very hard. That's one of the few powers the feds have for the states
to deport people. And then the feds are suing them. And people have been criticizing Abbott.
I've been mad at him for lockdowns, but Abbott's kind of grown a small pair of testicles compared
to no testicles before. You guys want to comment on that? I mean, it is an emergency. So if
the feds advocate their responsibility and are AWOL, what do the states do?
I'll leave that second part to Robert. But can you just imagine the irony that the feds
do not enforce immigration laws?
The states, the border states, the ones that are dealing with the crisis, try to enact their own legislation, and the Feds sue the states for not doing what the Feds are doing because it's of the sole exclusive jurisdiction of the Feds.
And then the Democrats bust them back saying, stay in Texas!
And when DeSantis ships them somewhere, that's human trafficking.
They can't take them, but they can ship them back to the border states because it's their problem.
Ma'am, anything else?
Yeah, I mean, judicially, it's tough right now.
Kim, real quick, finish, then Barnes is going to respond.
Go ahead, Kim.
I want to say you're fighting a good fight.
Barnes in Louisiana.
My mom worked for the federal magistrate for 22 years.
And you know, the FDA, the CDC, they were just instituted by Congress as a think tank That's the best comment today.
on predicted crap legislation. They were never given the ability to mandate or
make rules. You know, where did that go wrong? That's the best comment today.
They were their advisory to Congress who made them lawmakers. Yeah, there's
supposed to be a labeling agency to make sure that late that if you you bought
some corn it was corn in the can not kidney beans.
And instead, now they're our super doctor, our super scientist, our super everything.
And notice now they admit, most olive oil, most honey, it's not even that.
I mean, 20 years ago, you'd go to jail for that.
They don't even care about real stuff anymore.
Yeah, I mean, the USDA food pyramid has been one of the worst designed food advice ever given in the history of man.
I mean, during the time the USDA and the FDA has acquired more power, we've suffered more disease and shorter life expectancy.
Tim, great points.
Thank you so much.
Renee in Canada, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey guys, good afternoon.
My comment is to the WHO treaty and all of the subdued media coverage around it.
I mean, they've already come at us with these poison shots.
I mean, I've got tons of family and friends that are, you know, vaccine injured and they're basically going to try and take control and already bragging about disease acts.
And I'm wondering, You know, when is the tide going to turn with vaccine injuries?
And, you know, they're giving it to young kids now.
That's a great point.
Keep going.
I mean, literally, I've read the treaty.
I've had experts on.
Even Brett Weinstein says it's breathtaking.
You can't believe it.
Total takeover of everything.
UN global domination.
And then Congress is barely talking about it.
I agree.
It drives me crazy.
Yeah, I mean, then, you know, the fact that they're giving these to infants and stuff like that, I mean, you know, an infant can't speak for themselves.
They can't, you know, convey... It's totally fucked up.
It's totally screwed up.
It's disgusting.
I don't know where we're going to go from there, but to your point earlier about people waking up, I think a lot of people are waking up, and we are taking the fight to the globalists.
I mean, it's a big deal, and people need to realize that.
You got a question for Aviva Fry or Barnes?
Uh, no, you guys are great.
Great point you made though, so give us a little more knowledge.
Well, I mean, how did they become legal for the shots?
How did they become legal for pregnant people?
How did they become legal for little kids?
They have an emergency declaration, but it's a fraud.
Barnes, you can speak to that.
Yeah, that's exactly what happened.
We have an emergency use authorization statute that's designed to respond to a bioweapon.
That's where the law came in.
It came in under the Anthrax scare.
Remember Robert Mueller was implicated in all that?
Remember that?
There was actually a government insider who was behind all of it the whole time.
But the Anthrax scare led to the PREP Act, which led to Congress saying that, hey, what happens if we face a bioweapon attack?
Well, we need some emergency authority to be able to have some countermeasures.
Somehow, that's what this all is.
And then our own government with the UN attacks us for the power.
I mean, it was a massive power grab.
You read the statute, the statute doesn't even talk about, it talks about an emergency for U.S.
citizens living abroad in response to a national security.
And yet that statute is being used to force vaccine, COVID vaccine.
And now they want an official U.N.
treaty to run everything.
We've got to kill this treaty.
Thank you.
That's why we got to get Trump in.
Thank you, Renee.
Jennifer in Georgia, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Jennifer, you're on the air.
Jennifer's gone.
Let's go to Gary in Nevada.
Gary, you're on the air.
Yes, can you hear me?
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Yeah, I'm an attorney.
I've been studying the Constitution now basically my entire professional career.
I graduated back in the mid-80s.
I've been listening to you guys.
I'm a big fan of Robert Barnes.
I just wanted, one of the biggest pet peeves I've got is every time I hear the word democracy, I think that we're just, you know, we're just showing- Yeah, we're a constitutional republic.
Well, we are a republic, and a lot of conservatives say that, Alex, but they still don't know what they're talking about.
You know, it's, when we, when we Tell everybody that we're a constitutional republic, we don't have any idea what we're talking about because democracies are, you know, Madison explained it very clearly.
Mob rule!
Well, it is mob rule, and that's what we have.
And, you know, the states were set up to be a double security for the, you know, against federal encroachment.
But when we moved, well, with the 17th Amendment, Making Senators popularly elected and when we started going with popular elections with... No, I agree with you.
Our republic guards the rights of the minority and I understand that, so... But a lot of people use the term democracy saying, why is the WF running things?
That at least gets the public to wake up.
You're not running your own life, so... I mean, what should we do?
Well, and like I said, you know, the earlier caller talked about the pen being mightier than the sword.
I've been writing about this on my own.
You know, Substack and Facebook for years have been trying to write to help people to
know what they can do.
I mean, we definitely have the right to declare independence because of the long train of
abuses that we've got going with our federal government right now.
The state, though, I think the best thing to do, because what happened when we started
going pop, you know, with the democracy bent on things and started popularly electing the
president and the senators, we, you know, we basically took the power from the state
You know, who are supposed to be a check on the federal government, and we gave it to the political party.
So I imagine you support Congress to summon an amendment to not let states get new congressional districts out of illegals.
So that's basically what's happening.
I appreciate your call.
Robert Barnes, leave a comment on that.
We've got to restore the power of the people and restore the power of government at the most local level in order for our Constitution to work the way it was intended.
Comments on democracy?
Go ahead, go ahead.
People make the distinction between a democracy and a constitutional republic.
People using the terms interchangeably.
The problem is today we're on the borderline of not being either a democracy or a constitutional republic in the States.
Certainly not in Canada.
We are subjects being governed by a political elite who are sheltered from their own decisions.
That's right, by stockholders or shareholders as they say in the globalist program.
We are no longer, and we're being conditioned to think that nationalism, because it has the Nazi connotation, is a bad thing.
Subordinate our own national interests to international globalist interests.
You got Cori Bush on Twitter saying, we don't have, we need, you know, universal healthcare in America.
Yeah, the DOJ has said that they're going to go after more January Sixers.
still don't have their homes. I mean, we have been conditioned to think that protecting
national interests and national pride is a bad thing, and it's all part of the demoralization.
Let's move quick through calls. Mike in Tennessee, you're on the air than wild. Go ahead, Mike.
Yeah, the DOJ has said that they're going to go after more January Sixers. I was hoping
the attorneys could walk us through what we are now. They're saying anybody outside the
building which means me. Oh yeah.
What's that signify?
Yeah, and I saw you there too, my friend.
So, help us.
You know, we're Christian folk.
We live paycheck to paycheck, Mr. Barnes.
If we get a knock on the door, how do we proceed from there?
I mean, if you're walking down there, you listen to the speech.
You go down there, the barriers are not even up, the cops are waving you in, you're talking to them, they're not saying that you can't go on the ground.
You go on the ground, and now they're gonna come after you?
Like, what do we do if we get a knock on the door?
Walk us through the entire process of what to do and what not to do.
Well, don't talk to them, number one.
You know, never talk to the cops.
I mean, unfortunately, especially the feds, they're completely unreliable.
Assert your right to counsel.
Try to protect yourself at each stage in terms of being informed about your rights.
Don't ever underestimate that.
The power of being self-educated is as critical as anything else.
Our constitutional republic was built on that.
It was built on people listening and learning.
Well, it's like I took the 5th on January 6th committee, not because I was guilty, they wanted to set me up, but they couldn't stand it.
I mean, the problem they're going to have is people like you went down there to keep people out of the Capitol and said so and it's right on tape.
And everybody that went down there that day did not commit a crime.
There's no evidence that people saw any signs that said this was trespassed.
The security guards were doing just the opposite.
They removed the security barriers.
They removed all of it.
So in my view, 99.9% of the people that were there that day committed no crime.
Sure, but the big issue is they want to expand it on and on and on with the federal offices of the Capitol Police, and they're branding all Trump supporters as terrorists.
This just shows it's all they've got, Robert.
And their goal is ultimately to criminalize being a Trump supporter.
That's their goal, ultimately.
To say everybody who's a Trump supporter is an insurrectionist.
Mike, God bless you.
Appreciate your call.
Wild in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Freedom Friends.
I have a question for Robert Barnes and Diva Fry regarding No one really talks about it.
The implications of the Indian Native American reservations on the border by Eagle Pass, the Kickapoo Indian Reservation and other Indian reservations making money and getting paid in drugs to bring over illegal immigrants en masse.
I spoke with drone operators who are working for RFK and they said almost double the numbers we are getting Uh, from border security are coming in through the reservations and what type of military aspects we could have according to the law.
And there's very specific treaty based relationships between the Indian tribes in the United States federal government and the state governments that control what they can and cannot do in those circumstances.
And so the, I mean, the bigger problem is the federal government has no interest or incentive under the Biden administration of enforcing our immigration laws.
Again, as Viva mentioned, they're suing the states.
And as you mentioned, Alex, they're suing the states to prohibit the states from enforcing our immigration laws.
So we need systematic and systemic reform.
Part of the impeachment of Joe Biden should be over his, as Stephen Miller said yesterday, his illegal complicity and his criminal complicity in the massive illegal immigration into the United States of people who illegally do not belong here and are violating our laws and threatening our liberties.
But the caller's right.
They're using the reservations to do it, which are incredibly corrupt, not the people there.
You could have a state blockade of the reservations until they stop, but a larger issue is we need Congress to impeach Mayorkas.
I mean, I think that's a good step.
We gotta have some proactive action or we're not gonna have a country in two years.
Does that answer your question, Wild?
Oh, it sure does.
You know, it's at the point where it's an invasion over immigration now.
Oh, the border doesn't exist.
It's now a springboard, an invasion port.
All right, we got George, we got Darryl, we got Chad.
Thank you.
We'll try to do five more minutes, quick questions, and we start the next hour.
And then Roger Stone's going to take over with all the latest on Iowa, politics, Trump, everything next hour.
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almost out of time. I want to try to jam some calls in here, but I want to get
closing comments from our guests, Biba Fry and Robert Barnes.
George in Connecticut wants to talk about legal fighting against lockdowns.
Go ahead and make your point or ask your question.
You're on the air.
Yeah, I'm in occupied Democratic territory of Connecticut, which you can all understand that.
Oh, yeah.
So I'm in senior housing and they're trying to implement the old mass ban bait.
They're closing down our little gym here so that people can stay healthy.
Oh, I told people in August it's coming back everywhere.
So, I'm wondering, what ways can I maybe hit them with some sort of legal avenue to say, look, open up the gym.
That creates more problems.
Yeah, so you live in senior housing, they're closing your gym, you pay for.
It's an excuse to pull back services.
Go ahead, Barnes will answer, but go ahead.
Yeah, they're trying to bring back the lockdowns everywhere now, as I've told people.
to the point where you have to be like in a prison.
That's basically what I'm getting at.
Yeah, they're trying to bring back the lockdowns everywhere now, as I told people.
Barnes, what do we do about this?
Yeah, well, that's why we continue to bring those suits back to the time even after the rules and restrictions
We continued to fight them because we knew that they were going to try to do this again.
Try to do it all over again.
So it depends on the circumstances or situation as to what your rights are.
Sometimes your property rights are being improperly taken.
Sometimes your rights... Well look at St.
They brought it back for two days and had to reverse it last week.
Sometimes you have religious rights to object.
Sometimes you have rights to object based on your medical health.
But what about he pays for that gym?
Why can't he use it?
I think he could.
I think that any effort to deprive him of that is depriving him of a property right.
It may be a contract breach.
It may be issues that relate to ADA or Senior Citizens Protection, which has separate laws that protect it.
So usually there's a way to seek legal relief.
But let me ask this question.
They're clearly trying to bring it back.
Mail-in ballots are still there, but they want the fear, right?
Oh, completely.
And control.
It's all about control.
It's always about control.
So sir, any other questions?
I mean, Connecticut is just super corrupt as we know.
Probably one of the most corrupt states in the country, if not the most.
But yeah, it's just pure hysteria.
Get the seniors together.
Sign a petition.
Demand your rent back.
They're not giving you a service you paid for.
Bottom line, I think they want to basically scare us into taking more shots, which I think the word's out on just about everybody that this is detrimental.
Well that's it.
They're doing it to make you take the boosters.
You cut to the chase, yeah.
Yeah, so that's what I think is going on, and I certainly don't want that to happen because, let's face it, then they're shedding, and then even though I didn't take the shots, other people will be shedding off on me or when I get in the elevator, so then they're putting my health at danger.
Well, I'm not telling you what to do, but he was a layperson.
You file a lawsuit on him or threaten him, that'll take money away.
They're just being told by their corporate owners, their ESG, to do it.
So just say, hey, I paid for that damn gym, you're not going to close it.
Good idea, thank you very much.
You're smarter than I am, I mean, but it really is a royal screwjob, isn't it?
Viva Fry, closing comments.
It's to induce terror.
The only problem for the caller, I suspect, that he might not have enough public support.
Maybe he does.
If there's enough support of enough of the residents, you might be able to get somewhere.
I suspect the problem is a lot of people are like, yeah, I want to be safe, I want to stay home.
Yeah, they want to lock them up and give them no services, and then next, not let their family come, and next put them on ventilators.
They want to lock you down.
They want prisoners.
They want captives.
They want hostages.
That's exactly the case.
And the only way that that doesn't happen is that we collectively continue to resist in every way we possibly can.
I mean, listen to that.
A man at a retirement home that pays for it, you can't work out because we're keeping you safe.
What a load of shit.
I mean, that is so obviously bullshit.
And it worked so well for the first three years.
Go back to masks, then go back to isolation, as if the isolation didn't kill countless people.
So yeah, it worked so well the first time.
Let's do it again.
It's insanity, doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
Yeah, he can pull up all the articles admitting the isolation killed tons of people.
That's a great point.
All right, guys.
Incredible job.
Sorry to Daryl and Chad.
I'll call you back tomorrow.
Give us your name and number.
We've got Roger Stone loaded for bear.
Big special in the election.
Huge breaking intel.
Talks to Trump every day.
Gentlemen, thank you so much.
He's coming up.
Amazing two hours.
It's been fantastic.
Glad to be here.
And everybody, continue to go to InfoWarsTore.com.
Continue to support Amos Miller.
Continue to fight the right cause because you are the resistance.
You are the key.
As long as you hold the line, we can all hold the line and protect liberty for the future.
Areva Frye, where do we find you?
EvaBarnesLaw.Locals.com for everything and thank you Alex.
We'll come back anytime we like.
Thank you so much.
All right, the great Roger Stone takes over for the Balance of the Hour, then the War Room 3 p.m.
Central with Harrison Smith sitting in for Owen Schroer who's taking some well-deserved time off with family after prison for his speech.
Wow, so much to talk about, so much to cover.
With the persecution of Trump, with that staged trial in D.C., the judge already found him guilty.
No jury.
Wouldn't even let him have closing arguments, as if it's even a real trial.
So insane.
The Iowa caucus, the word is they're getting ready to have people step down.
Chris Christie already has.
Roger Stone's got the inside scoop of the Stone Zone right now.
Roger Stone.
Alex, thanks for having me in for the Alex Jones Show.
It's always great to be here.
I feel like I'm back home because the 16 months in which I co-hosted The War Room with Owen Schroyer, I have to honestly say, it's the happiest time of my life.
Well, you're hosted now, brother.
I'll be listening.
Love you.
Thank you, Alex.
Folks, as he just said, if you're unfamiliar with me, I'm Roger Stone.
You have to have been living under a rock.
I begin you today on a somber note.
My sister's son, my nephew, tragically passed away yesterday at age 38 of a fentanyl overdose.
So now this fentanyl epidemic, which is being aided and abetted by the policies of the Biden administration, has hit my family directly.
So I ask you to join me and everyone in my family in praying for my late nephew, praying for my sister and her family.
This comes as a horrific shock to us, as you might imagine.
Folks, we have a two-tiered justice system in this country.
You don't need to look any further than the treatment of Hunter Biden to see that.
Now, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, both strong supporters of President Donald Trump, Both declined to testify before the January 6th committee.
They were very promptly referred to the Justice Department by House Democrats.
They were charged, they went to trial, and Steve Bannon faces a $6,500 fine and I think a six-month prison sentence.
Peter Navarro faces a $100,000 fine.
$100,000 fine and perhaps as long as several years in prison.
They are both at this moment, free pending appeal.
But what of Hunter Biden?
Hunter Biden basically first flirted with a demand to the House Oversight Committee that he would refuse to testify.
Then he demanded that his testimony be in public.
And then when he finally showed up yesterday, As soon as Marjorie Taylor Greene, the firebrand America's first congresswoman from Georgia, was to question him, he fled along with his multi-million dollar sugar daddy, a fellow named Kevin Morris, an attorney out of Hollywood who has bankrolled
Hunter Biden paying his past due federal taxes, as well as financing the use of the highest priced lawyers in Washington, specifically Abby Lowell.
This is a particular interest to me, because on the internet you constantly see people saying, well, Hunter Biden paid his taxes, Roger Stone didn't pay his taxes.
Well, let's be very clear, Hunter Biden failed to report Between eight and ten million dollars of income.
My wife and I never failed to report anything.
Hunter Biden had a number of tax charges against him, were allowed to expire by the U.S.
Attorney in Delaware.
In my case, even though my taxes were about to expire, having been 10 years old, and we having made payments on them every month for six years without missing a payment, I will have to pay $2 million to the IRS, three quarters of which is interest and penalty.
But what of Hunter Biden?
It is amazing to me that the House Oversight Committee has actually produced Solid bank records and evidence that not only did Joe, but Jim Biden, other members of the Biden family, receive millions of dollars from China, from Ukraine, from Romania.
If that is not a high crime and misdemeanor, I really don't know what is.
Yet yesterday, when he was to testify, when Marge Greene just began to warm up, he actually physically fled.
I did think it was somewhat comical when my good friend Ivan Reikland, who has a great show at worldviewtube.com, asked a hunter on his way out what kind of crack he preferred.
It was a pretty comical moment, but it does illustrate the fact that we have a two-tiered justice system.
What will happen now?
In other words, will the Biden Justice Department, once they get a referral, which I presume they're going to get from House Republicans to hold Hunter in contempt, will he go to trial?
And if he went to trial, if they even charge him, Would he be convicted by a D.C.
I mean, having faced a D.C.
jury and D.C.
prosecutors and a D.C.
judge, all of whom were extraordinarily hostile, would a D.C.
jury actually hold Hunter Biden liable for his actions?
Or is he subject to a different set of laws?
The whole thing is really quite extraordinary.
By the way, if you have any doubt whatsoever about the multiple crimes of Hunter Biden, I urge you to go to MarcoPoloUSA.org.
Now, that is a free website.
It is a non-profit organization where Garrett Ziegler, who has worked in the Trump White House, one of the most dynamic young conservatives I know, has painstakingly posted and published every single page of Hunter Biden's famous website, or pardon me, famous laptop.
And he has annotated it with footnotes to make it all very understandable.
Several weeks ago, I actually got a subpoena from Hunter Biden's lawyers.
I was kind of baffled by this because, well, everything I know about Hunter Biden's laptop, I read in the New York Post or in Breitbart News.
But this is based on some percoctus theory of Kevin Morris that because Dr. Keith Albo is a friend of mine, because he Treated Hunter Biden for some of his issues that the Albo cloned Hunter Biden's laptop gave that the fruits of that to me.
I gave them to my lawyer, Tyler Nixon, who in turn gave them to Rudy Giuliani.
It's a fairy tale, folks.
It's fiction.
It's a fraud.
It's fake news, is exactly what it is.
But in this case, I guess I'm kind of used to it.
Now I have to go out and raise the money to hire a Delaware-based lawyer.
Hunter Biden is part of the unrivaling of the Biden presidency.
It's why, in my opinion, the Democrats are preparing to replace Joe Biden as their candidate.
Something that I have predicted for some time.
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Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, and I am sitting in for Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show.
For some time, I have predicted that Joe Biden will not be the nominee of the Democratic Party next November.
First of all, the rules have already been rigged to wrap up the nomination for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris early.
This is the principal reason why Robert F. Kennedy departed the Democratic nomination process, because he saw, as it was against Bernie Sanders, the rules are rigged for the establishment candidate.
But it's important to note that the way the Democratic National Convention is organized, the superdelegates have a disproportionate amount of power.
These are delegates who are publicly elected officials and party elected officials who are selected by no one other, of course, than themselves.
So even if Joe Biden's name is on the ballot in the primaries and caucuses, In the beginning and middle of this year, he could still at any time withdraw his candidacy on the basis of health.
My sources in the Democratic Party, yes, I do have some and they're excellent, they tell me that when President Barack Obama met with President Joe Biden for lunch this past week, that Obama gave Joe the word that he's going to be leaving.
This is not surprising based on three factors.
First of all, of course, there's the inability of Joe Biden to perform as a candidate.
He clearly seems confused, befuddled, doesn't know how to get off the stage, reads the stage directions out loud.
There are other times when he appears amped up, like in that We've seen that record.
It is record inflation, which is devastating the working families of America.
for the accomplishments of his administration and tried to make the
next election about Donald Trump.
When any election involving an incumbent is about the record of the incumbent.
We've seen that record.
It is a record inflation, which is devastating the working families of America.
It is record gasoline prices.
They may be manipulated now in anticipation of an election by.
by draining our strategic petroleum reserves.
But I think most Americans understand they're going to return to the historic highs
that we saw last year.
Then of course, there is the epic rise in the cost of basic groceries,
a 76% increase in the cost of basic groceries.
And that's if you can find them.
'Cause when I go to the grocery store, I find many of the shelves to be empty.
Supply chain issues were told.
Issues that we didn't have under President Donald Trump.
So I was one of the first people in the country to say that not only will the nominee not be Joe Biden, but the nominee will be, yes, you heard it here first, Michelle Obama.
Let's roll my prediction.
Now, as a veteran of many years in American politics, I'm going to tell you something somewhat shocking.
Joe Biden will not be the nominee of the Democratic Party in 2024.
Kamala Harris will briefly become president.
But the only way in their party they can replace a woman of color is with another woman of color.
And yes, you heard it here first.
The Democratic nominee for president will be Michelle Obama.
They have already rigged their primaries.
The reason that they have cancelled the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary is to put South Carolina, a state where a majority of the Democratic primaries are African, primary voters, are African Americans.
And they will allow Gavin Newsom to purchase the vice presidential nomination, but the Obamas will hold him up for six or eight hundred million dollars to do so.
You heard it here first.
When Steve Bannon says it in three weeks, remember I said it first.
I've slightly revised my view here.
There was a time when I believed that Biden would actually resign the presidency.
I no longer believe that because since that time, the legal problems for him, his son, his brother, and other members of the Biden crime family have gotten exponentially worse.
So Joe Biden cannot afford to give away the legal authority to pardon himself, his brother, other members of the family.
Therefore, I believe that he will remain as president, but simply announce that for reasons of health, he will not run again.
Now, as I said in that clip, Kamala Harris is a giant problem for the Democrats.
They recognize that she is utterly unelectable.
She doesn't have dementia, but she makes even less sense than Joe does.
And this week, she finally showed herself.
Let's run that.
The things that keep me up because you don't have control over them.
And you wonder, where are people, where are we in this?
You know, where are our hearts?
What's going to happen in this next election?
I am terrified about what could possibly happen because our leaders matter.
Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit.
It affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted.
Again, I think Michelle Obama following the exact trajectory of her husband.
Before he ran for president, Barack Obama headed a voter registration program called Project Vote.
Today, Michelle Obama has founded, is running a voter registration program called When We All Vote, supported with a $26 million check from none other than George Soros.
Barack Obama wrote two biographies, Dreams for My Father and The Audacity of Hope.
Now Michelle has written two largely fabricated biographies, Becoming and The Light We Carry.
Barack Obama rose to national prominence when he gave the keynote speech at the 2024 Democratic National Convention.
And who gave the keynote at the 2020 Democratic National Convention other than Michelle Obama?
My good friend Joel Gilbert has an excellent book on this and a companion documentary called Michelle Obama 2024.
So I suspect even as we sit here on the Alex Jones Show, there's internecine warfare going on inside the Democratic Party.
Because Dr. Jill Biden has no intention of leaving.
She loves the trappings and the pomp and ceremony of being first lady.
And of course, Joe needs the legal protection of the presidency from which he can essentially allow The legal crucifixion of his chief opponent, President Donald Trump, whose trail to the Republican nomination, I think, is going to get a bit more complicated, but is still inexorable.
With the withdrawal of Governor Chris Christie, the dynamics of the Republican race have shifted slightly, but I stick to my prediction.
Here's how it will go down.
They will go to Kamala Harris.
They will promise her a U.S.
Supreme Court nomination should they win the presidency and hold control of the Senate.
And she, too, will elect not to run, realizing her chances of a lifetime appointment to the U.S.
Supreme Court are much better than her prospects to win a general election against a surging Donald Trump.
When that happens, remember you heard it here on the Alex Jones Show from Roger Stone.
In the meantime, we will be right back.
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Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone, pinch-hitting for Alex Jones.
Unless you've been living under a rock, you saw allegations this week from Mediaite, a left-wing fake news site owned by former NMSNBC talking head Dan Abrams, that alleged that they had found an audio that was four years old, in which I allegedly threatened to assassinate two Democratic politicians.
The problem is, of course, that they posted no such audio, and they wouldn't let me listen to any such audio, despite the fact that they asked for a comment.
Here's what I said.
Since I never said those words, any audio you produce would have to be an AI fabrication.
Of course, NBC reported that as Stone claims audio is AI fabrication.
I haven't even heard such an audio.
If they have it, they should produce it.
This is more fake news clickbait BS from the same Trump derangement syndrome ridden left-wing fake news media outlets who said I was a Russian spy.
Now let's get back to the news.
People tune in to my Sunday show and to the Stone Zone and when I'm here on InfoWars, well, because they're interested in politics.
As Mel Brooks said in the History of the World Part 1, politics, politics, politics.
And it's in my blood.
That's why I have been intently watching the situation surrounding the upcoming Iowa caucuses and the upcoming New Hampshire primary, which will be followed in very close order by the Nevada primary and caucuses, and then the South Carolina contest, which is a primary in which any party, any person of any party may vote.
It is very interesting to see that Chris Christie dropped out of the contest even before the vote next Monday night in the Iowa caucuses.
Let's take a look.
My goal has never been to be just a voice against the hate and the division and the selfishness of what our party has become under Donald Trump.
It's also been to win.
The nomination and defeat Joe Biden and restore our party in our country to a new place of hope and optimism in this country.
I've always said that there came a point in time in this race where I couldn't see a path to accomplishing that goal that I would get out.
And it's clear to me tonight that there isn't a path for me to win the nomination.
Which is why I'm suspending my campaign tonight for President of the United States.
I know, I can see it from some of the faces here, that I'm disappointing some people by doing this.
People who believe in our message and believe in what we've been doing.
I also know, though, it's the right thing for me to do.
Because I want to promise you this.
I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be President of the United States again.
And that's more important than my own personal ambition.
There you have it, folks, essentially an admission that Chris Christie's candidacy
was a negative force.
He had no bigger picture vision for America.
He is running out of peak, largely over the fact that he never got a cabinet position from President Donald Trump.
Now, it's significant for this reason.
Although Chris Christie was running in single digits nationally, and running in single digits, low single digits, in Iowa pertaining to next week's caucuses, he'd actually reached about 12% in New Hampshire, where liberal republicism has some greater historical significance.
And as he withdraws from the race, a sophisticated analysis of the polling, both public and private, indicates that the vast majority of his votes move to Governor Nikki Haley.
Now, let's be very clear.
I had Vivek Ramaswamy, who I pre-recorded for my WABC radio show this weekend, who I think laid it out pure and simple.
Nikki Haley is the Uniparty neocon candidate for president.
They are pinning all their hopes on her because they have realized that Joe Biden cannot get reelected and even switching out Michelle Obama, Democrats may find themselves at an extraordinary disadvantage.
So when you analyze what happens, here is the media's dream scenario.
Iowa is a caucus.
A caucus is very different than a primary.
A caucus is different in the sense that in a primary, a voter goes in, either marks their ballot in a machine or in a few rare locations on paper, and they depart.
Not so with a caucus.
A caucus requires your supporter to show up on an extraordinarily cold night and sit in a drafty fire hall or public school or other location for a meeting that could last an hour or longer.
Therefore, you want to have intensity and loyalty among your supporters.
Now, in the history of the Iowa caucuses, no one has ever won by more than 12 points.
I will say this.
With ruthless efficiency and extreme discipline, have built one of the very best voter identification and turnout operations in the history of the Iowa caucuses.
Every precinct in the state has not one but two co-captains to oversee the operation to locate and turn out Donald Trump's voters.
And in recent weeks, Trump has actually increased his lead in the polls.
What will be all important, of course, is who is second.
Now, Governor Ron DeSantis has spent a small fortune, I would argue, coordinating illegally with a super PAC to try to build an on-the-ground operation, but you can't turn out votes that you don't have.
You can't turn out people you haven't convinced.
So, despite a superhuman effort to essentially live with his wife in Iowa, to visit all 99 counties, some would argue to the dereliction of his duties here in Florida, he has still floundered as a distant second.
And in every poll, Nikki Haley is either climbing up his back or she has slightly surpassed him.
Now, Haley has no organization on the ground, unlike Donald Trump, unlike presumably Ron DeSantis.
So she is counting on a multi-million dollar media campaign that is financed by some of the biggest liberals in the Democratic Party.
How incidental that Larry Fink, the founder of LinkedIn, Who is a major Democrat contributor to Joe Biden, is a major funder of Nikki Haley.
How extraordinary that Reid Hoffman, a funder of the E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump in New York, also A man who, according to records released last week, visited Epstein's Island numerous times.
Why is he giving to Nikki Haley?
Folks, Nikki Haley is the, she's kick Cheney in heels.
She is the neocon, uniparty, endless foreign war candidate for president.
And they're putting all their chips on her.
Here's how this will get reported if it goes down as I think it might.
The headline would be Nikki Haley beats Ron DeSantis in Iowa upset.
That's the headline.
The subhead in much smaller type.
Donald Trump comes in first as expected.
You see what I'm talking about.
An effort to downplay a well-deserved victory for Donald Trump.
Pardon me if I've been here before, in 1980, when I was working for Governor Ronald Reagan.
Reagan had a 20-point lead going into the Iowa caucuses, but he took them for granted, only dropping in for a handful of large public events, doing no hand-to-hand campaigning.
And George H.W.
Bush, at that point a former ambassador to the UN, who had lost two U.S.
Senate races in Texas, Snuck up on him by visiting all 99 counties and building a meticulous organization.
Reagan had built no comparable organization.
Trump has not made that mistake.
He was in Iowa for multiple stops, pressing the flesh and speaking to massive crowds just a week ago.
But with these caucuses coming up Monday night, he's headed back to Iowa, taking nothing whatsoever for granted.
The real question will not be Trump's margin, although no one has ever won, as I said, by more than 12 points.
And therefore, if Trump exceeds that, I would say that he's the big winner of the night.
But the media will seek to collapse the candidacies of Ron DeSantis, unless he is second, and to boost the candidacy of Nikki Haley, whether she's second or a close third.
Now, that takes us to an eight-day gap between Iowa and New Hampshire.
Those are eight crucial days.
Once again, the Trump Organization has built an excellent voter identification and turnout operation in the state, second to none.
Trump has visited New Hampshire regularly, is expected to return there between the primaries, although they have not yet announced his schedule.
What they hope is, if you look at the internals of this polling, the vast majority of Chris Christie's votes, where he actually had about 12%, they moved to Haley.
Vivek Ramaswamy, who gets about 5% of the vote, remains in the race, and his vote is pretty intense.
Otherwise, those votes would probably go to Donald Trump.
But unlike in the rest of the country, if Ron DeSantis underperforms in Iowa, his support collapses in New Hampshire.
But in most states, Donald Trump gets 80 to 90 percent of it, except in New Hampshire, where it splits down the middle.
I'm still predicting a Trump victory but get ready for a mainstream media onslaught trying to convince you of a Nikki Haley surge.
We already saw this late this week where a CNN poll showed showed Nikki Haley only trailing by four,
where a New Hampshire college, New Hampshire State University poll,
I believe it was, showed the gap at seven.
Yet another poll showed the gap as wide as 20.
So this is how I see the primaries and the caucuses unfolding.
What are the factors in between the two states, in between the two contests are incredibly important.
Now, I will remind you, in 2016, that Donald Trump did not win the Iowa caucuses because of a last minute dirty trick in which there was a text message sent to every Republican household in Iowa telling voters that Dr. Ben Carson, who had a An excellent organization and good standing in the polls, among evangelicals particularly, had dropped out of the race.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz was able to slip by Donald Trump.
Trump himself would admit that in 2016 he wasn't nearly as well organized as he is today, but Trump was a red-hot national phenomena back then.
One of the major factors in him being a phenomenon was his appearance here on InfoWars and the support of Alex Jones, which was extraordinarily important within the context of the Republican nomination.
I wrote about this in my book, The Making of the President 2016, how Donald Trump orchestrated an American revolution.
So, what happens then?
Well, I think that New Hampshire could develop into a dogfight, in which the mainstream media does as much as possible to try to anoint Nikki Haley.
Vivek Ramaswamy himself said this, that the Deep State, the Uniparty, the political establishment, really wants to take this down to one candidate versus Donald Trump, and it appears that Nikki Haley is their nominee.
Did the town hall late this week benefit Donald Trump?
I think it did.
He handled that extraordinarily well.
It did, yet again, get larger ratings than the debate, which was essentially between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, where they just traded pot shots.
DeSantis is not a great debater, but he's a better debater than Nikki Haley.
So, we then would go to the Nevada contest after New Hampshire.
Now, Nevada is interesting.
Nevada has a primary, but that primary is a beauty contest.
It's a preferential primary, but it does not award delegates.
And remember, delegates are who nominate the candidate for president.
Therefore, you have the same time as the primary.
The state party has determined that they will select their delegates through a caucus system.
It's a caucus system that requires organization.
It's a caucus system in which it's not even sure at this juncture that Nikki Haley is going to compete.
Now we go to what I believe is Trump's firewall.
That would be South Carolina.
South Carolina, where Donald Trump enjoys the extraordinarily strong support of Governor Henry McMaster and his organization, as well as the Lieutenant Governor, a large number of those in the Republican establishment.
It's interesting that South Carolina is the one state where Trump both dominates the Republican establishment and has an enormous constituency among the America First conservatives outside the Republican structure.
So his lead in South Carolina, a state that has a rich military history, I think is durable.
The media will try to do everything they possibly can, but the latest poll showed Trump leading in Nikki Haley's home state by almost 30 points.
This is why the media will endeavor to create this impression of a pro-Nikki Haley surge.
I think that is largely, frankly, a confection.
So that's how I see this rolling out.
I'm entitled to speak more about it as I look at more and more polling information.
But I still believe Donald Trump is the man to be.
In the meantime, the deep state The Uniparty, the military-industrial complex, call them whatever you like, they are scared to death about Donald Trump.
That's because their entire campaign of lawfare, a veritable tsunami of lawfare, has backfired badly with the American people.
Now, it's counterintuitive, normally speaking, when a candidate for public office is charged with a crime, either at the state or the federal level, while support for their candidacy evaporates, their money evaporates, and they are soon out of the race.
I think the attacks on Donald Trump, first in Florida in the so-called documents case, where a judge has previously ruled that under the Presidential Documents Act, That the President of the United States is entitled to do anything he wants with his documents.
They actually ruled that Bill Clinton was allowed to keep some of his documents in a sock drawer in his home.
The judge in that case, Amy Berman Jackson, the same judge who presided at my Soviet-style show trial.
But once again, as we spoke earlier in the show, we have a two-tiered justice system.
Then of course you have the The Georgia proceedings, big news in the Georgia proceedings this week, where Fannie Wills, the prosecutor for Fulton County, has been exposed as paying her romantic interest boyfriend $645,000, which is actually COVID funding for his prosecution of President Donald Trump and others.
This is an extraordinary development that I think undermines the entire South Carolina, pardon me, the entire Georgia indictment.
At the same time, you have extraordinary revelations coming out about additional fraud in the Georgia elections.
So if the indictment is premised on the fact that Trump knew that he had lost Georgia and conspired with others to steal a slate of electors, while that is based on a fundamental premise that I believe may yet be proven false.
I don't believe that Trump lost Georgia.
We have a situation in Fulton County alone where the state Supreme Court has ordered the county to turn over 150,000 paper ballots for examination because there's a high probability that they're pre-printed fraud, but the county has refused to do so.
I saw that Mike Roman, a man I do not know, but who evidently worked for Donald Trump, has moved for dismissal of the charges against him.
He is one of those charged with Trump on the basis of this corruption with Fannie Wills.
It is just one aspect of this tsunami.
Looking in New York now, we have the valuation trial, this one's particularly egregious, where there is no victim, where Letitia James, the Soros-funded state attorney general, is prosecuting Trump, claiming that he overvalued certain assets so that he could borrow money.
Money that he borrowed at high interest rates, money which he paid back, money that made the banks $40 million in interest.
There are no victims.
No one has ever been prosecuted under this law.
How coincidental.
Today, Judge Ngaran, who's overseeing that trial, announced that Trump would not be allowed to make final arguments himself.
And as of this moment, I have not heard The final judgment in that case, but Letitia James is trying to fine Donald Trump $370 million and destroy his business enterprise.
The American people see through this.
Then finally, the hottest parlor game in Washington, D.C.
and all the capitals is the selection of a vice president.
This whole idea that Donald Trump is going to take Nikki Haley, folks, that's a fugazi.
That's false.
That's not true.
That is a rumor being fanned by Ron DeSantis.
But here's Donald Trump last night.
Who would be in the running for vice president?
Well, I can't tell you that really.
I mean, I know who it's going to be.
Give us a hint.
I'll give you, we'll do another show sometime.
Well, what about any of the people who you've run against?
Would you be open to mending fences with any of them?
Oh sure, I will.
I've already started to like Christy better.
I will.
Christy for Vice President?
I don't see it.
I don't see it.
That would be an upset.
Christy for Vice President.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to announce.
I do want to get to this other question.
There is Donald Trump, who is the ultimate showman, understanding that that little piece of news will always dominate coverage.
Now, I've had no conversations with the President about this specific issue.
If he has a short list, well, he's keeping it entirely to himself.
Hasn't shared it with me, hasn't shared it with anyone I know.
But until you see how these contests play out, it's a little hard to determine exactly what you need or require in a running mate other than someone who is fully qualified to take over the job in the event of an emergency.
President Richard Nixon once told me in selecting a running mate for Vice President, don't look for someone who can help you.
There is no one who can help you.
Just seek someone who will not hurt you.
So this remains an open question.
If you read online or somebody tells you that Trump is taking Haley, I must tell you I think that's highly improbable.
I don't speak for Donald Trump.
I don't claim to.
But their worldviews, particularly on foreign policy, are so antithetically different.
And then there is the simple question of Nikki Haley breaking her word.
She looked Donald Trump in the eye and said that if he ran, she would not run.
And now she's not only running, but viciously attacking him.
Anyway, this is Roger Stone.
It's been my privilege to sit in here for my good friend Alex Jones.
I wish you a great weekend.
And I can't tell you how much I love being back.
Infowars. In the meantime folks, please remember to go to the Infowars.com store
because we got to keep the lights on here. There are many great specials and many
great products that keep Infowars as the tip of the spear when it comes to
proselytizing for the truth in our constitutional republic.
We cannot hide away from human population growth. The negative impact of
population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly
The problem is that the population is growing the fastest where people are less able to deal with it.
All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if there was the size of population.
That there was 500 years ago.
When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population... And reduce population... So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero.
Nobody has the balls to come out and say it and just say, look, 85% of you have to go.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
Now that's back from high school algebra, but let's take a look.
What would you call the debate and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
That sounds good.
You just literally have to have kids or there's no next generation.
You know, I'm super pro-human for Team Humanity here, and I just think we want to make sure that people have a positive view of the future.
Don't predict the future.
Be the future.
Yes, the guy who came up with this, but the best way to predict the future is to create it.
We've got to make a good showing.
Team Human.
I recently had a chance to talk to Elon Musk live on air for more than two and a half hours.
And he talked about how the globalists want to destroy civilization and depopulate humanity and how evil that is and how he's had 11 children to challenge that.
It was incredible.
And he said, I don't know what we should call this movement.
I said, why don't we call it Team Humanity?
And he agreed with me.
I've been talking about Team Humanity.
It's my concept to counter the globalists think humanity is horrible and evil and bad for a long time.
But now more than ever with Elon Musk behind it, if all of you get behind it, we can build
momentum against King Charles and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and Jane Goodall and the New
World Order that wants us all to hate ourselves and turn off our life force and crawl into
our graves and leave the planet for them.
We're not going to do that.
So we have a limited edition, two different versions, Team Humanity shirts at InfoWarStore.com
that are historic, that are limited edition and are fundraiser shirts to keep InfoWars
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So get the shirt.
Support the InfoWar and know that you are on Team Humanity.
Everybody else runs around and spends hundreds of dollars for a football jersey, for a football team.
Okay, fine.
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