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Name: 20240110_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 10, 2024
3353 lines.

In a podcast episode, Alex Jones discusses his turmeric product, fitness journey, fighting against evil men, competition, and World War III. He also covers topics such as Hunter Biden's connection to Joe Biden, the border crisis, pedophilia, and the importance of caution when hiring babysitters. The podcast includes insights from a viewer about banning YouTube channels and exposes tunnels in New York City where bad things are believed to happen to children. The hosts debate on allowing illegals to vote and discuss General Flynn's concerns over Lloyd Austin's absence as Secretary of Defense.

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Some have accused DHS of not enforcing our nation's laws.
This could not be further from the truth.
The majority of all migrants encountered at the southwest border throughout this administration have been removed, returned, or expelled.
A majority of them.
But what about the ones who evade border patrol?
These are no The border crisis in Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras has worsened in recent weeks because the arrival of thousands of migrants has forced the closure of an international bridge to vehicles.
We are doing everything we can within a broken system to incentivize non-citizens to use lawful pathways, to impose consequences on those who do not, and to reduce irregular migration.
Mexican soldiers supervise migration route as illegals rush U.S.
One of the huge caravans that crossed to Eagle Pass in the last days of December.
The migrants showed us the GPS they obtained when leaving a shelter to find a distant location on the Rio Grande.
With respect to your question about the December search, that was certainly an extraordinarily high number of encounters.
It coincides with a time when Mexican enforcement was no longer implemented.
I mean, you see it all over the internet.
Our own military.
Oh, we're going to put the military on the border.
I'm going to explain it again.
We've been there.
We've shot the video.
It's all over the news.
The US military is down there facilitating and running the open border and cutting down barbed wire that the Texas Guard put up and the state police put up.
Does the Biden White House have any intention to tackle this crisis in any meaningful way in the lead up to the 2024 election?
No, on the contrary, they are suing Ken Paxton, Greg Abbott, and the state of Texas for Texas's attempts to put some buoys in the Rio Grande trying to secure Texas's territorial sovereignty against The Mexican drug cartels, and frankly, Hezbollah and some radical Islamic groups that control large swaths, operationally speaking, of the U.S.-Mexico border.
So they're actually, not only are they not trying to mitigate the damage, they're actually throwing fuel right into the fire, trying to make it worse.
So, let's just get that straight.
Oh, there's liberal groups down there!
Running things?
Yeah, you think so?
NGOs, non-governmental organizations.
A group from Venezuela showed up on the doorstep here at the Red Cross recently.
No one knew they were coming, and they claim they were given the address here by agents with the Border Patrol.
Immigrant aid agencies were contacted and helped them find a place to live.
We talked to these asylum seekers who just got off the train.
Everyone had heard that the United States is giving them a direct pass to cross the border.
What happens now?
If you're talking about all these different people that have penetrated, all these different intelligence operative sleeper cells that have penetrated our southern border, what are the kind of extortion points, the pressure points, that are used from within?
This morning we found out from none other than the New York Post that 1,900 migrants from Floyd Benefield are being transferred to James Madison High School tonight at 5 p.m.
for an overnight stay due to inclement weather conditions.
We warned about this.
Floyd Pettifield is susceptible to flooding, storms, winds, etc.
It's not an acceptable place to house people.
But neither are our public schools.
Our schools are not migrant or homeless shelters.
They're places of learning for our children, paid for by our taxpayer dollars.
Our children, our school community, our families should not have to bear the brunt of a migrant crisis.
Is there nothing they won't cover up?
Is there any depth?
Is there any low level that they won't stoop to as they go along with all of this?
Joe Biden has done a remarkable job as President of the United States.
Many of us in the Democratic Party want to make sure that we aren't helping fund traffickers, that we aren't creating a humanitarian disaster.
I'm saying, you know, I need more people in my district, but just for redistricting purposes.
We have the effects of climate change, poverty, increasing level of authoritarianism, the very many challenges that are at the root cause of the displacement of people around the world.
I mean, is there any crime a Democrat leader, a senator, a house member, a president, an agency head, is there any crime that you won't go along with?
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 transmission.
And we are now entering the homestretch into the most important election in world history.
Thank you so much for joining us.
All right.
All hell is breaking loose.
Militarily, economically, in Congress, the impeachment of Mayorkas has begun.
The evil head of DHS that's orchestrated and quarterbacked the implosion at the border, and it's turning into a giant magnet for human trafficking, child trafficking, you name it.
We are 299 days, 12 hours, 52 minutes, 47 seconds out.
Trump came out, we have the clip, was honest.
The country's in great danger of a total crash.
That's what even all the mainline publications admit, that the bubble's gotten so big, they never thought it could get this big.
And he said, I hope I'm not Herbert Hoover, who basically right when he got into office, the Great Depression happened, and then he got blamed for it.
And I've been thinking about that too.
They're planning to do everything they can to prop things up, And then hand an imploded economy, if Trump's able to get through all the election fraud, to the populist movement in America.
We know the globalists love to use economic warfare.
We've got Hunter Biden looking like he's coked out of his brain as usual, showing up at the hearing arrogantly with a bunch of lawyers stomping around, where he was going to be held in contempt, and then storming out again.
Bunch of gangster thugs out of their minds.
Well, they're able to put on a big confidence act, but they are just like a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cut off.
And then you add to all of that, Lloyd Austin is still in the hospital.
He's been there for weeks.
Everything they said was a lie.
He had major cancer surgery on his prostate.
Got a huge infection.
Almost died, they're now admitting.
And he's still in the hospital.
And he violated federal law not telling his deputy, who was also on vacation, that he was even in the hospital.
And of course they didn't tell Congress, they didn't tell the Senate, they didn't tell the White House.
And this guy is number two when it comes to nuclear football.
Total, complete incompetence.
That's what's dangerous about these people is they've got the cruise control on with all these agencies, but there's a runaway train.
Because Lloyd Austin is a puppet.
Joe Biden is a puppet.
But even the globalist bureaucracy itself, because they never get in trouble because the puppets get in trouble, they feel insulated.
From scrutiny, from review, from the hot lights of publicity, and that's how they like it.
When they start a war, or they ship in fentanyl, or they promote pedophilia, they never get the blame.
And the CFR and the WEF and others have talked about the fact that we're discrediting nation states while we use them as weapons to consolidate power and control, and then transfer things to our corporate global dictatorship.
Control by the central bank digital currencies and the ESG.
I remember Bloomberg articles over a decade ago saying technocrats already rule the world and soon people will see that the governments are obsolete and the problem of society will be blamed on governments the next few decades and we'll transfer power over to the corporate consortium of stakeholder capitalism and it'll be a new golden era.
And really it's a bunch of people That are Ponzi scheme operators like Sam Bateman Freed and Bernie Madoff, but to the 10th level, who are totally incompetent themselves.
They didn't run the Jekyll Island scam 110 years ago, 111 years ago, and get control of our banking system.
They didn't actually conquer things like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, who were evil but were competent.
One time I was covering Bilderberg Group and I got a call on my hotel line and said, hey, I'm in the hotel.
I don't know who called me.
He goes, I know what room David Rockefeller's in.
David Rockefeller was like 88 years old at the time.
Already had a bunch of heart transplants.
And I get this call at 4 a.m.
in the morning.
So I get up, drink some coffee, and I call, and I didn't think to record it.
He goes, hello, this is David Rockefeller, and it was, it was him.
And I started having a conversation with him about the new world order, and he said, listen, Mr. Jones, I've really got to go, but I've got some serious things I'm doing.
But the point was, 4 a.m., he picked the phone up.
Henry Kissinger, people like Richard Nixon, worked 18 hours a day.
And that's why they didn't start open wars with Russia or China.
Because yeah, we would quote, back then, beat Russia and China.
I mean, our government was competent back then.
Compared to what they are now, they were super competent.
There was still corruption and problems, but everybody keeps lionizing the military and calling in over the years, saying, man, I wish our military would take care of this.
And Trump thought that too.
Since the 50s, really, but accelerating through the 90s and on to today, you don't become Even a full-bird colonel in most cases, unless you've gone to all the globalist meetings and gone to the Harvard schools where they have their accelerated programming and been sent to NATO, sent to the UN International Court.
Most of the people that you see in government now have served at the UN, including Jack Smith and most of his deputies are former UN prosecutors.
They're globalists.
It's the same thing for our military.
So these guys aren't just incompetent, they literally have been selected because they hate the guts out of this nation.
And General Flynn will tell you that.
He kept his head down, came from a well-known, well, you know, not even well-to-do, grassroots military history and family, a whole bunch of family in the military, great record, he just did his job.
And then when he saw bad stuff going, went public about it, and then you saw how they came after him.
But I would say of the top, quote, brass, maybe 3% of them are half decent.
I mean, they're the worst people in America.
Hell, they ran the poison shots against us.
They poisoned our own military.
So yeah, your son, your daughters, your brother, your sister, your dad was in the military.
They're great people.
And we see the best of people in the military, because they're put under stress.
My family, you know, I was brought up to revere the military as the best institution in America.
But when your country gets captured, the military always becomes the instrument of your enslavement and your doom.
And that's why the Q thing really made me upset, because we're up here exposing all the real globalists, the pedophile rings, their world government plan, going to Bilderberg meetings, covering it, getting arrested, getting their documents, And then the world wakes up to it, and people come along and say, oh, but we're all fine, we're all gonna win, we're invincible, and all of this, and I knew it was BS.
Like, oh, the military's on our side.
No, they're not.
No, they're not.
I mean, I'd say the rank and file, and the non-commissioned officers up to Sergeant Majors and stuff for patriots, until recently.
But they've even gotten rid of them with the poison shots and the bad leadership.
And then you've got Lloyd Austin up there, this is really important, skip the break.
You've got Lloyd Austin up there, who is a woken scumbag, just like General Milley, and that's why they brought him in.
And the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff right now is a globalist.
So, when you hijack a country, you put the bad guys in the military positions of power.
So, our military...
Is training around the clock publicly to confiscate guns and have civil war.
And they've got all the movies and TV shows about being imminent and how wonderful it is when the U.S.
military kills Southerners, Christians, and white people.
And you see the TV ads, you see the trailers, you see the movies.
This is the insane mission they've been given.
And then you see all the headlines.
White people are the main threat.
White people are posing an imminent threat.
I have a stack of mainstream news articles today where they are saying that it is imminent civil war and that right-wing extremism is just off the charts when none of that is true and that we have to absolutely brace for terror attacks by Trump supporters.
Now, we're winning politically.
We're way ahead in the polls.
What Republicans or Conservatives, other than Tim McVeigh, and we know that was a staged event, go out and are going to blow up federal buildings or go kill a bunch of black people at some black college or some black grocery store.
In almost every case, it's feds handling the people, the mentally ill shooters.
And there's been a few cases of this, but they are screaming bloody murder.
That this is imminent.
Here's one of the headlines.
Washington Post, which is the CIA.
Violent political threat surge.
The 2024 begins.
Haunting American democracy.
And then it goes into it.
And what does the CIA do?
What's their main job?
Overthrowing foreign governments.
Well, what's the great danger of having a Praetorian Guard?
You always read about third world countries where the military takes over.
So they keep accusing Trump of trying to have the military take over when we've had our military taken over in a litmus test of a poison mRNA shot that caused the biggest exodus out of the U.S.
military in our history of all the real competent people.
Almost all of them got out.
And then guys, pull it up.
I meant to tell you to do this.
Pull up some of the images of men dressed as women in the military in admiral outfits and general outfits.
Fat men sitting around in dresses, and they're being put in charge of the nuclear stockpile and the nuclear waste dump, when they're not running around stealing people's baggage, women's baggage at the airport.
And there's admirals that have never set foot on a military vessel, saying, Parents are bad.
We're going to take over your children and give them the health care we need.
Yeah, the Admiral's main target is not Chinese vessels in the South China Sea.
His target is your child's penis.
Yeah, put the new deputy head of Space Force up.
It's a creepy dude.
Totally whacked out in a dress.
That's meant to do one thing.
That's meant to get all of the sane people to leave the military.
But then, the type of people they bring in to run all this and do all this now, they don't even want to work!
They want to start wars though with the Russians, and ship a bunch of weapons, and then they're just all too busy to even tell anybody that Lloyd Austin is incapacitated.
They now admit that he was paralyzed, that he had over several gallons of pus in him.
They went in and did surgery on his prostate to remove cancer.
That's in your rectum.
It's one of the most dangerous surgeries out there for infection.
And it spread all over his body and who knows if he'll even make it.
They told you it was an elective thing, it was no big deal.
He was fine, he is fine, he'll be back to work.
Now we learn, for all we know, he's in a coma.
Got a zombie Secretary of Defense, and then everybody under him, three or four deep, is literally PhD political scientists.
They're not engineers.
You know what generals are supposed to be historically, right?
They're supposed to be top engineers.
But no, now they've got political science degrees, which means they know how to push leftist, globalist ideology.
Marxist, Leninist, Saul Alinsky, crap.
They don't have brains for hypersonic missile speeds, or missile tests, or particle beam tests, or fielding forces, or wargaming enemy positions.
They just know how to strut around.
Like, Hunter didn't think when he went and was going to get contempt of Congress, when he just stood up and said, screw all you, this is my testimony.
And this time he marches in like he's a boss, and they get in his face, and he jumps up and leaves like a 12-year-old brat punk.
Just like his daddy.
A pedophile drug addict himself and his drug addict pedophile family.
That's the scum that we've let take over our government and they only want other scum around them.
So, I'm gonna explain to you.
The Pentagon is run by child molesters.
You've seen the big scandals where half their computers have child porn on it.
At the top.
They hate you.
They hate your family.
They hate the border.
Oh, we need the military down at the border.
Oh, don't you worry, sweetie pie.
They're down there getting rid of the whole damn thing right now and catapulting the illegal aliens in and the fresh meat and the 89,000 missing kids in sex slavery.
Yeah, there's the Admiral who has to talk about your children and how at age 7 we need to intervene and not let the parents know that we're opening up a dialogue about your children's sexual identity.
I'm an Admiral.
I'm a creepy man in a dress.
And I'm an Admiral now.
So, I tell you that our military's fried and collapsed.
And that the flag is no longer the American flag.
It is the rainbow flag of surrender to Satan.
Because it is.
I care about our country.
I care about our institutions.
I want stability.
We don't have stability with a bunch of wokest Turds who've been indoctrinated for four to eight years in these New World Order seminaries they call colleges.
You know the numbers are out.
Most statistics now, college grads have the same IQ as a working class person or lower.
They've ruined the institutions.
They fried everything by design.
They poisoned America.
Just like they poisoned leaders in the past, and good presidents, and good kings.
The frontal assault we'll see, but they've physically poisoned us.
They've spiritually poisoned us.
They've economically poisoned us.
We are under attack.
We are losing.
Now, I don't say that to demoralize you.
I'm the type of person that If somebody starts a fight with me and they start whooping my ass, I'm gonna admit, man, I gotta open a can of spinach here and get serious.
That's when you know it's life and death.
I'm not telling you that to demoralize you, because let me tell you, running up the white flag to these people, it'll make it ten times worse.
You have to admit how screwed we are.
You gotta admit we hit bottom.
You gotta admit we're in a world of hurt.
And you gotta reckon order your mind and get it out of the position of, oh, politics and the news is just something over there for people that don't like playing golf or whatever.
I mean, I sit there this morning, I got up really early and left the house, decided to go to breakfast at like 6 a.m.
and I'm sitting there With all these executive type men, 30 up to like 70, it was a group of them, they're all sitting there, some company, you can tell they're all making a couple hundred thousand dollars a year, they all think they're the elite.
It was all white dudes, except for one Hispanic guy.
And all they were talking about was football and kissing each other's ass and giggling and laughing about what vacation they're going on and down at the Baptist Church, what they're doing down there!
Let me tell you, you're overrun!
Your dollar's about to go down!
You're about to have burning cities!
You're gonna have your electricity cut off!
But you know what?
You didn't do anything.
You didn't march or protest.
You're just good Christians that watch UT all day and, you know, you go to church, that's enough.
You don't go stop the abortion.
You don't go stop the devil worship.
Oh no, that's for weirdos like Alex Jones to do.
And so you're gonna lose everything you got.
In fact, I ate my food as fast as I could and I got out of there.
Because where they sat me, I had to sit there and hear like 12 of these guys.
And I mean, I just didn't know they could stack weakness that high.
Because here's the problem.
They were all clean-cut, nicely dressed, talking about work, talking about jobs, talking about making money, but they don't understand that it was their job to save the country and keep us from getting there.
But the Christians and the conservatives and the demonized white people go, okay, I won't be politically involved.
I'm white.
I'll just go out of business and hide at the country club.
I'll just go hide over here and, you know, put my granddaughters in college or my daughters and sons in college.
And then you get little locust turds back.
Because you never instilled anything in your children.
You let the system brainwash them.
I instilled stuff in my children.
I've got three that are, two that are adult, one that's almost adult, another that's six and a half from two wives.
And I got one that's woke.
Not, not super woke, but woke because it's a brainwashing system.
And it's the way it is, folks.
And they're gonna take everything we got, including our souls, if they can Imprint children on pedophilia and leftist garbage and race-based politics like a baby duck.
When a baby duck hatches out of its shell, the first thing it sees, which is usually its mother, it imprints on and it follows for its first six months of life.
And mama protects them and takes them places and lets them sit under to keep them warm.
Well, what we do is, we just let our children hatch out, and then we take them to drag queen story time, or to public schools or colleges, and we let them imprint on these demons.
And it's all psychological warfare, imprinting your children on being easy to conquer and destroy.
Jack Posobiec is coming up.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is coming up.
Jack's next.
I'm just giving you the straight facts here, and I don't think anybody can deny it.
I got a lot of news to cover today, too, but just get it straight.
Nobody's coming to save us.
We gotta do it.
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All right, we'll be right back with Jack Posobiec, who's been nailing it, to tell us what's going on.
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All right, we could not have a more informed, better guest at this time.
You know, you talk about the good guys in our military.
Jack Posobiec from Naval Intelligence has proven himself in the last 10 years to be on the tip of the spear.
Fighting the globalists and just being dead on.
And he came on here a month ago and said they're going to try to put a globalist in Poland.
They're going to try to then set up a dictatorship.
They've been seizing the media.
They've been arresting their political opposition.
And they're trying to set up a new Jan 6.
So Poland is, again, absolutely in a coup right now.
They need this to get Poland behind, accelerating a war and taking on Russia themselves.
This is the detonator for World War III.
Jack Posobiec called this perfectly In the last month, repeatedly on this show when nobody else did.
Jack, tell us what's happening.
Well, Alex, this is unfortunately the worst case scenario that we're seeing unfold.
Look, you and I spoke a couple of months ago saying that they were looking for full on war with Russia.
And then we added to that and we said they're going to use deployments from Poland, potentially NATO force deployments from Poland, again, the country that's right right next to Ukraine in order to escalate this further.
Because they know the Ukrainian government, the Ukrainian military is completely faltering
and failing, Zelensky is going out.
So what are the globalists doing?
Well, the globalists have installed their leader, Donald Tusk, who was the head of the
EU as the new prime minister of Poland.
He didn't win the election.
He lost the election last year.
But they were able to put together a coalition of moderates and independents and all these
fake Soros-type funded candidates and parties and put them together and say he's going to
be the coalition prime minister now.
So what happened last night?
What happened last night was that a couple of Polish members of parliament.
There was a warrant issued for their arrest by the new globalist controlled court.
Those guys went over to the Polish presidential palace and they said, we are going to go to the palace.
We're going to ask for sanctuary here.
The Polish president is still a patriot.
He's still a nationalist.
He's not part of this.
And he said, look, I'm going to pardon these guys.
I'm issuing a pardon and let's wait for this to play out in the courts.
The globalists said, we don't care.
They sent the police in to storm the presidential palace of Warsaw to arrest these two.
These guys are anti-communist, anti-globalist.
They've been anti-communist for decades, going all the way back to the 1980s.
These guys were leaders of the Solidarity Movement.
But Alex, what they've done is they've arrested them, dragged them into the police station.
You got one of them that's going on hunger strike right now.
And now Polish patriots are coming from all over the country.
You saw some images from last night outside the police station where they're holding, these guys are members of parliament, by the way.
They're democratically elected members of parliament being held, like congressmen here in the United States that were arrested.
It'd be like congressmen being arrested in the White House, if you want to understand What they're doing, Alex, is that they're planning now for, and there's, yeah, of course, Donald Tusk, he's Angela Merkel's globalist deputy up there.
What they're planning next is a huge protest of all of this tomorrow in Warsaw.
But this is the warning that I have sent out to the Polish patriots.
You must be on the lookout for provocations tomorrow, because they will send the Ray Epps playbook, they will They will use the same communist playbook that they've been
using for years to go into that crowd, to try to incite violence, to try to tell
people to go into government facilities and they will use it to issue a crackdown and mass arrests
going door to door to all the patriots in Poland the same way that they're doing
right here in the United States after January 6th.
They're running the same exact playbook.
They want you to be afraid.
They want you to say that you're going to fight a civil war.
They want you to get violent, and then that gives them the ability.
And Alex, you of all people called this on January 6th, and I post the video Once a month almost for the past three years of you standing up on that vehicle at January 6th with a bullhorn saying do not go into the Capitol, do not give them exactly what they want because you called it in real time.
Nobody wants to give you credit for that.
I will give you credit for that because we have the video.
You went up there, you said what they were going to do, and now we've seen the mass arrest of patriots all across this country.
The chilling effect that it's had on patriotism and political activism on the right in the United States.
Now they're bringing the same exact thing to Poland and any other country that stands up against the globalist LGBT DEI agenda.
Well, that's right.
That's why people say, why am I so upset about Poland?
Why am I so upset about...
Places like Ukraine are why I'm so worried about Australia.
Because the very same globalist WF operatives admit in Canada, you name it, with the Deputy Prime Minister, this is their plan.
This isn't just Jack Posobiec that called us months ago telling this is happening now.
The President is saying this is a totalitarian takeover.
We just put that on screen with political prisoners.
The former Prime Minister, we just showed a speech with the closed captions there, him saying this is a globalist And people that don't live in a two-party system, and ours is the best house in a bad neighborhood, don't know how bad parliamentary systems are.
Because you can have a Trudeau with 20% of the vote, or a Netanyahu with 15%, but they're able to manipulate with these coalitions and stay in power, and then thwart the will of the people of Israel, or Poland, or Canada.
How do you have somebody with 20% support being there, and then now trying to stage a provocation?
And we know the State Department went in, tried to get Bolsonaro's people to be violent.
But they still took Bolsonaro off the ballot.
They weren't.
You've got Germany about to ban the second largest party.
The globalists are losing, so they're going pure totalitarian.
How do we thread the needle, Jack, and stand non-violently against this tyranny?
But they're trying to put us in a corner.
Look, Alex, and we also have to remember, we're just, what happens Monday?
Monday is the opening of the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Monday, Klaus Schwab will get up there on that stage, surrounded, I call them the Legion of Globalists, where they tried to have me arrested in 2022.
When we went up there, we were on the mountaintop and Savannah Hernandez, the great Savannah Hernandez, came over and filmed the entire thing as they were arresting me with MP5s out, arrested my entire crew.
We're trying to take all of our footage, all of our camera footage.
Look, they know that we are in the animating test for freedom in our world.
Will the globalists win?
Will they be able to escalate this into a World War 3 scenario, using Poland to escalate their troops, their forces into Russia?
What are they doing?
They're cracking down on dissent.
If you are someone who says, I don't want World War 3.
If you're someone who says, I don't want to go to war with a nuclear power.
I don't want my children to be sent to the charnel house of Eastern Ukraine and Donbass.
And I don't want to lose our lives.
Alright, we don't want to lose our lives and our futures.
Over some pissing contest over in the Middle East or Eurasia.
Well, they are going to arrest you.
They're going to come after you.
They're going to crack down on you.
And guess what?
You're going to get the knock on the door.
You're going to get a knock on the door, whether it be the police coming to arrest you, the MP5s in the face like they did.
They're showing here with me and my crew.
They'll try to financially ruin you the way they've gone after people like yourself, Alex, and so many others.
Anyone who stood up to thwart their plans You said it a month ago.
be targeted and they'll do this in country after country.
Why do I say I care about Poland? Not just because of my Polish heritage,
though yes of course I'm a little bit biased. You said it a month ago, you said they
want Poland to get behind the war.
This is a lynchpin. Start over, buddy. I've been calling this from day one in
terms of escalations into Ukraine. What's the next step?
The next step is they take out Zelensky and then they say, oh, this has gone too bad.
It's too unstable.
Now we need a NATO force to stabilize the region.
NATO, a peacekeeping force, a stabilization force, and this will be used and they will send Polish troops and maybe even Romanian troops and other troops from Eastern Europe.
And they say, and then, and then they'll send, and then they'll start to say, and here's what they'll say, Alex, they'll say, we're just sending a couple of Americans, advisors, Trainers and now all of a sudden you're in a situation and we know we've got American Special Forces out there right that came out in the discord leak last year we know there's American Special Forces and really predominantly British Special Forces MI6 forces all over and SAS
the Special Air Service all over Ukraine right now.
But the minute Americans start dying over there, they will say, Americans have been attacked by Russia,
NATO has been attacked by Russia, we must respond.
This is how it escalates to nuclear war, and they will do this to put a pal over all our elections.
And by the way, they're trying to steal our election in the United States even before the election takes place.
They're doing voter fraud before the votes are even cast by trying to determine who can and can't be on the ballot.
You think this is just happening in the United States?
You better think again.
And I interrupted you because this is live and millions are watching it, but I'm going to take a clip of what you say up front.
I'm going to put it on X. It'll probably get 10 million views.
It's so important.
Recap, because I was backing you up saying you said this a month ago.
explained very slowly the region, the history, and then the red lines that NATO and Biden
and Atlantic Monthly and the CFR and the Rand Corporation have put out.
They've said if you attack a NATO member or NATO assets, we'll go to full war with Russia.
Russia's won the war.
They've gotten the security zone they wanted.
But it looks like the establishment isn't going to stop it.
You predicted over and over again, when nobody was talking about it, they're going to cause some type of civil war in Poland.
They're going to send in a NATO force.
Then they are going to say that Russia is meddling in it and that now we need a larger security force.
And now it's all happening like a nightmare.
Speak to that again.
And then the sickening cherry on top.
Lloyd Austin goes in for serious surgery.
They lie about it, don't tell anybody.
Turns out his deputies 3D parole on vacation.
They don't tell anybody.
And this is systemic, total and complete incompetence for those that don't understand the nuclear doctrine.
What happens if Iran attacks a ship?
In minutes, the SecDef has to be there.
He has to advise the president.
And these guys are all a bunch of wokest.
Running around, and I've talked to people at the highest level, so do you.
They are the most incompetent, lazy scum that literally spend all their time trying to focus in and dominate America and purge the military.
The military has never been this weak in modern history.
We are in such a weak position while maniacs are starting a full-scale war with Russia.
Well, Alex, that's exactly right.
And when you look at Lloyd Austin, the infighting and the factionalization that has gone on within this White House.
Look, Lloyd Austin hates Joe Biden.
Joe Biden hates Lloyd Austin.
Blinken has been out there completely at odds with these guys.
That's why you're seeing the lack of information and lack of communication, lack of authorization of the fact that he's hospitalized.
This is a break of the chain of command.
It's a break of the National Defense Authority.
It's a break of the personnel responsibility program.
Because as you say, Lloyd Austin is part of the nuclear launch authority of the United States.
You take him out and then boom, we do not have the ability to forward deploy everywhere we can.
Because if he's incapacitated and Joe Biden's having, shall we say, a Biden moment, now let's actually ask, Who's in charge?
Who's answering the red phone?
Nobody's there.
You think that, and by the way, so I talked about how Davos kicks off on Monday, then you know what Saturday is, Alex?
Saturday is Taiwan's presidential election, and China has already been testing the straits over there, sending balloons over there, keeping an eye on what's going on.
They're looking for provocations to Taiwan just this Saturday, a few days away.
Now we're also, and this is what I've been saying from the start, Going back to Poland, I said look for provocations in Poland.
Look for the false flags in Poland, which they've been trying multiple times now, every time one of these Ukrainian missiles falls down in Poland, every time a couple of farmers get killed by them, they blame it on Russia, they blame it on Russia, they say it's Soviet made, well it turns out they're Ukrainian missiles that are hitting.
They're using false flag attacks, and now they're using, they're ratcheting things up with the escalation, they've got their globalist in power in the parliament, In terms of that side of Polish government, they're having him arrest, again, members of parliament, fellow members of parliament.
That's basically analogous to our congressman saying that I will arrest you even though you're a sitting member of parliament.
That's taken up sanctuary in such storming the presidential palace of Warsaw to go after these guys.
And now for the first time in 35 years since communism, Poland has political prisoners.
Once again, this is all directed by Brussels.
This is a NATO is the arm, the military arm of Brussels.
Everyone needs to understand this, that Poland is the eastern flank of NATO, which abuts
Ukraine, which is the war zone with Russia.
If Poland gets involved, they will claim that NATO is involved.
This is the escalation that they have been seeking since 2022.
This is the escalation they have been seeking to push what they think is going to be a regime
change war inside of Russia.
But unfortunately will actually be the life change war in the United States and in the
world because we're all going to die when this thing goes nuclear.
I said earlier before you came on, we love our military, some of the best people in our culture, the strongest institution, but I was explaining to the listeners that at the top it's a bunch of different factions that already paralyzed it.
Then you've got wokeism that has gotten a lot of the good people out.
There was an excellent article breaking all this down, headline, "U.S. Defense
Chiefs Hospitalization Scandal Reveals Biden Team's Total Incompetence." It shows they're
not even interfacing with the military. And then it breaks down by this former top
CIA analyst. There's a whole bunch of these guys going public, including one of the top
Georgetown political science professors, who's also CIA, Professor Gentry, saying that the real
danger is no one's running the government now because when there's not strong leadership at the top, all
these factions start infighting and basically robbing and stealing. And that's the last
thing you want, while the Pentagon has also put out reports saying, "Look, we're probably going
into a hot war, multi-front, Middle East, Russia, and China."
This is the most dangerous point.
I think in human civilization, and I think you agree with me, Jack, so can you speak to that and how do we get sanity back into place?
How do we protect our families?
How do we protect civilization?
Look, it's very, very simple.
Now, right now, I wish that the House of Representatives We're not focused on these Hunter Biden stunts playing into his political chicanery.
He's filming a movie.
He's running political stunts all over the place.
You need to start impeaching members of the cabinet and you need to run an actual impeachment of Joe Biden.
You must fight fire with fire.
The impeachment of Joe Biden And the impeachment of Mayorkas, and clearly the impeachment of Austin.
Based on all of these things, you can talk about Afghanistan, you can talk for Austin, you can talk about the border.
Obviously with Mayorkas, they've thrown our laws into the shredder, into the meat grinder.
The same place they've sent 500,000 people in Eastern Ukraine and in Donbass.
And then of course, you use Hunter Biden, the Hunter Biden laptop, as the roadmap to impeachment for Joe Biden.
Look, all of this was going on when he was the Vice President.
All of this was going on, selling the office, selling us all out.
That is why we're in this situation.
They need to tie it together.
Because the Hunter Biden scandal is Ukraine.
The Hunter Biden scandal is China.
It's not about Hunter Biden.
It's about the oligarchs that we were being sold out to.
Hunter Biden, I don't care about Hunter Biden.
You know what?
Offer him a deal.
Offer him a deal.
We'll give you 10 years if you flip.
We'll give you 10 years, Hunter Biden, if you flip on your father.
on this crooked family that you're in.
Tell us all the deals.
Tell us what Obama is doing behind the scenes to direct all this.
And maybe, maybe we'll give you a minimum security prison.
We'll see.
But of course, the Republicans don't want to think that way, Alex.
They don't want to think about mutually assured destruction.
They don't want to think about ratcheting up.
They want to say, oh, we want to be civil.
We want to make deals.
We want to make budget deals with Chuck Schumer.
We want to go in and play nice with Joe Biden.
And that is how you are going to get rolled.
That is how we continue to win elections on the right.
But we've lost the country because these people do not have a backbone and they don't want to fight back.
Well that's absolutely right.
People that study empires in decline, and with technology it's accelerating, this is how they usually go.
but they didn't have nuclear weapons before.
So for people that don't live in DC and haven't lived in China
and haven't been in intelligence operations around the world,
there are a lot of great people like you.
They're super smart, dedicated, that we think of literally as James Bond type,
strong, handsome, involved, working hard.
That used to be our military.
That used to be our intelligence systems.
Predominantly, it wasn't a game.
It was a meritocracy.
It was, do you really care about the country?
Are you smart?
Are you tough?
Now it literally is, are you a corrupt scumbag?
How much of you had to guesstimate of the military and the governmental systems
just across the board in general?
We know most of it's been penetrated by Soros.
Most of the law enforcement federally is controlled How much of it is penetrated, and of course there's different factions and I study them, but don't, can't they pull their head out of their butt and realize that they are endangering the entire planet with this reckless behavior and that they literally are piloting a runaway train here into the side of a mountain?
Alex, you gotta understand, these people behind the scenes, they actually believe this.
They actually believe this.
And here's what happened, and this all started during the Obama years, and what they used were the war colleges.
They used the War College of the Army, they used the War College of the Navy, they went across the services, and they said, if you're coming up to rank, so, you're an officer, you make it up to that O4, O5 level, you're about to be given, so O6 is when you're given command.
O6 is when you become a colonel or a captain in the Navy, and then on top of that, of course, a general or admiral.
And so what they do is, they went to the War Colleges and anything that anybody wrote in these War Colleges, any of the dissertations, that was where they found who was playing off of the politically accepted narrative.
And if you weren't on the right narrative when you're writing your dissertations, when you're putting out your thesis, when you're working on your papers, if you didn't adhere to the entire political agenda that was being pushed by the Obama administration at the time, then your career was off-ramp.
You were either given some job up in Alaska, or you were kicked out.
You were basically sent down.
You said you're not going to make rank.
That's how they've been doing it for almost a decade at this point.
That's the bureaucratic coup.
This was the bureaucratic coup, and they used this to create social engineering within our programs.
Then once you had the political cadre in charge of the services, then you could filter it down to recruitment.
You could filter it down to the command level.
You could filter it down to the small unit level, your junior officers.
Now you're using the rank and file to come up and say, look, yeah, we'll send, when there's
combat operations, when they got to send somebody to die over in the sandbox.
Now all of a sudden, you're gonna see these young, white, Christian, male, Trump supporting
people all be asked to get up and go.
Yeah, because we're gonna send you off to fight in some globalist regime change war
in a country you've never heard of against people that have never threatened your family,
don't even have the ability to threaten your family.
We're gonna send you to die over there.
And I've got friends, by the way, that are in harm's way right now in that region.
You wanna talk about the fact that we've got carrier strike groups in the Red Sea right
now trying to keep the Strait of Hormuz open.
They had to run operations just yesterday where they're getting anti-ship cruise missiles
attacked at that shot at them.
They're getting drone shot at them.
And Alex, I gotta tell you, if you don't understand the sinking of the Moskva Slavosijich cruiser
in the Black Sea last year, that's a capital ship of the Russian Black Sea fleet.
That's one of the most powerful ships that Russia had.
Now look, I'm not gonna sit here and say that Russia's had A fantastic Navy over the years because it hasn't.
But the sinking of any capital ship anywhere in the world has not been done in decades.
And the fact of the matter is what it was done by an undersea, basically an undersea drone.
They call them UUVs.
The fact that it could be done in the Black Sea means guess what?
It could be done in the Red Sea as well.
Our destroyers, our cruisers and yes, our aircraft carriers are also now facing the same threat.
We don't have the ability in an environment like this.
Why do you think they keep throwing the drones up every day?
Because they want us busy with the drones, well they could in the sky,
well they can send undersea drones at the same time.
They're gonna overwhelm our defenses and I predict- - I totally agree.
That you are gonna see an undersea drone attack on a US capital ship here very soon.
All right, you just read my mind.
'Cause my next question two minutes ago before you went to undersea drones and other things is,
what about a Black Sea false flag?
They already blew up the Nord Stream pipelines.
Could the globalists blow up some of our ships and then say the Russians did it?
We don't currently have ships in the Black Sea, and this is because of the Montreux Declaration that Turkey is upholding right now.
You're hearing a lot of the British, particularly the Romanians, actually tried to run through the Bosphorus just a couple of weeks ago off of this.
The Montreux Declaration... That's what I meant!
I know the ships are starting to move in there.
Right, they're trying to move in, they're trying to test it, because the Montreux Declaration says that if any two countries of the Black Sea are currently at war, then no third country is able to send vessels in.
Well, in this case, guess what?
That means NATO.
They say that NATO can't get involved because Russia and Ukraine are at war, and Turkey is upholding that because that was after World War I, that was the agreed upon treaty.
They're trying to get around this, and so I would absolutely look for a provocation Uh, not directly within the Black Sea, but in, that's, it's called the Bosphorus, or in the Eastern Mediterranean, that, that opening, that mouth.
That's what I meant when I said it.
Yes, of course.
What we're talking about is, these are your sea lines of communication, these are your choke points.
If you understand the choke points, this is Mahan's theory, this is the British Empire's theory.
The entire British Empire was run on this theory, that if you control the sea choke points around the world, what did I just say?
I said the Suez Canal, alright, the Red Sea, the Strait of Taiwan, the Strait of Malacca, the Black Sea, the Bosporus Canal.
If you are able to control all of the sea choke points, you can control global trade, you can control the world.
This is the backbone of globalism.
When it was set up, not by the Americans, but by the British Empire and the Mahan's theories in the past.
That's why you're seeing the testing and the provocations in all those same exact areas today.
Jack, incredible.
When you came on right before the New Year and did like six shows with us, we probably reached 30 million people and your expertise is really the best out there.
General Flynn's echoing all this and he's a former head of defense intelligence, former national security advisor, but then I see the rest of the generals and people just running their mouth about a coming civil war with Americans.
I don't know if you could do five, 10 more minutes with us.
You got to go.
I understand you've got your own shows, human events, and the great I can, I can.
Because by the way, by the way, that's Admiral Stavridis, the former head of NATO, is saying that NATO ships should just run the Bosphorus.
He said you should just go in there.
So Stavridis had just said this a couple of days ago.
He said you should go do it.
The Russians are going to say now you're breaking the Montreux Treaty, the Montreux Declaration, and that's an act of war.
They would see that as an act of war.
So Stavridis, they want to put in, by the way, they're talking about putting him as the replacement for who?
Here we go.
Lloyd Austin.
They're trying to put NATO and globalist control on everyone.
Do you get it?
The other one of these, by the way, is the Strait of Hormuz, of course, which is the opening to the Persian Gulf.
And so all of these strategic choke points are where you're going to see the provocation.
Stay right there!
We've got to go to break.
They want the provocation.
Stay right there, because when I had General Flynn here last week, after the show, he pulled me aside.
He said, listen, I know the general that was the former head general of the U.S.
and NATO.
And he brought him up and said, they're planning a big war.
We'll be right back.
Benny Botham is dying.
Bring us this information.
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Well, I'm someone of a history, Bob.
I find it really interesting, and I love freedom.
So I know a lot about the world of geopolitics, but Jack Masovic has really lived it all over the world, formerly with Naval Intelligence, and we put out a report just last week on our concern in the Bosphorus and the areas around the Black Sea, just seeing what we were seeing with different U.S.
leaders saying, let's just go in there, let's get in the Russians' face.
We have these treaties and these laws to stop escalation on the RAND Corporation's ladder of escalation.
That's why Biden said over a year ago, we can't send in tanks and F-16s, that's World War III.
Well, they've decided to do it, but they want to make it look like it's some problem in Poland, just like World War II basically officially kicked off in Poland.
So Poland is a key set piece in the middle of this.
Jack Posobiec is really an expert on it.
So Jack, continue.
You're able to go with us until about 20 after.
This is a short segment.
Please continue.
Alex, this is exactly what we're looking at.
You must understand that you just, just take, look, if you've got time out there, you know, take a step back.
And I always do this on Twitter.
We do this on Human Events Daily, which is going to be coming up in a couple, about an hour here as time, uh, where we go through, I call them map breaks.
And I say, just look at a map of the world.
Okay, and look for all those strategic maritime choke points that you can find.
So you're talking that Strait of Hormuz, the Gulf of Suez, which of course is a man-made strait, a man-made choke point between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb.
So that's the Red Sea into the Indian Ocean.
Uh, then you've got your Panama Canal in our hemisphere, the Strait of Taiwan, the Strait of Malacca by Singapore.
Again, all of these areas are the key choke points for global trade.
And so the globalist military forces around the world, which by the way, that's us boys and girls, that's the United States military.
And then NATO is the land arm of this.
And the United States Navy is the sea arm, or at least supposed to be the sea arm.
That's the reason that when you see the ratcheting up of provocations, you say, huh, wait a minute.
Suddenly the Bosphorus, now that's the Bosphorus Strait, that's the Strait, the Bosphorus and Dardanelles going in from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, that's being targeted.
And the former NATO commander, Admiral James Stravitas is saying that NATO should just go in, that they should just throw out the Montreux Convention, they should throw out all of these treaties that have governed this for about a century at this point, and should just go in, declare an act of war, again, on Russia, try to take Crimea.
They're calling for escalation.
So that's escalatory conduct there.
We see the escalatory conduct of the Houthis, which of course are backed by Iran.
And the Red Sea.
And like, Iran's not stupid.
Russia's not stupid.
They know exactly what they're doing.
They're hitting us where it hurts.
Then you go back to the land format of it, and okay, what's your land border?
What's your land choke point?
Oh, what's right next to Ukraine?
It's Poland again, the same way it was Poland in World War II.
So Poland becomes the land border between NATO and the Russia-aligned areas of the world.
Of course, Ukraine, and they wanted to use Ukraine as not just a testbed for All of the globalist insanity, the financial dealings, the child trafficking, child organ trafficking that they've arrested, but also potentially as a launch pad for regime change operations eventually in Russia.
Because that's what these people want.
And Alex, you and I have talked about this for a long time.
That it's the Trotskyites and the neocons.
They've wanted to take control of Russia for a century at this point, ever since Stalin kicked them out.
And they almost succeeded in 1990 when they were about to take it over through Yeltsin.
And then when Putin got in, he shut down all of that stuff.
So this has been the great game that we see going on really between the British, the Germans, the Russians, and now the Americans.
At the high levels, these are the different factions that we're seeing.
So when I say that all of this escalation is going on in Poland, that's from the Polish-German access.
When I say I'll call about the escalation that are going on at sea, that's the Anglo-American access.
Again, the goal has always been to control of continental Europe, and then through that, the control of the world through global trade.
And for people that don't know, and you use terms like the Great Game, that's the British Empire's name.
So the British Empire doesn't run things.
America inherited the British Empire model of control, and they are 100% trying to escalate for regime change, which Putin's been preparing for for decades.
There's almost no actuarial military analysis where this doesn't... It's all run out of Brussels and Davos.
People need to understand, it's all run out of Brussels and Davos.
And in almost every scenario, it ends in full-scale nuclear war.
So, they are leading us directly on a path with some gamble, maybe 10% they get rid of Putin, and you'll probably get somebody even more hardline than him.
This is madness.
And now he's moved nukes into Belarus.
Stay with us.
Back in 60 seconds.
Well, I've known Jack Masoby for eight years and have always been impressed with him.
But he really knows his stuff, but we don't even have the time, the crew, the energy to do it.
You all heard it.
In the last three months coming on the show and saying, this is going to happen, that's going to happen, this is going to happen, that's going to happen.
And I'm somebody that constantly reads this stuff too, but I want to enable intelligence.
And he wasn't some pencil pusher.
He was all over the world, saw this.
So what he's telling you is straight up doctrine.
Jack, before we went to that little segment there, some stations don't carry it, I was bringing up the different war game scenarios and Rand Corporation reports and NATO reports that I've been reading for decades, and they want to get rid of Putin with regime change.
That's always been their goal.
They don't think they can go into Russia.
They don't think they'll survive a nuclear war.
But in almost every analysis, even if you get rid of Putin, which they think is a very low probability, less than 10-15%, you get someone way more hardcore than him.
And so they've always said, don't do it.
But now they're like, well, let's just gamble.
We're not gambling with money here.
They're gambling with our lives.
I've got children.
I'm fundamentally beyond pissed off at these people, because I've looked at every angle.
You've got children.
And if Russia was in our business and our enemy and something was going on, I would back, you know, whatever needed to be done.
They're not.
We all know that.
They're not expansionists like the Chai Koms that are basically married to the New World Order at the hip.
So I look at this and it's all just about creating a global crisis to bring in their central bank digital currencies, clamp down on domestic groups.
You mentioned they're going to start arresting journalists.
I've got dozens of videos, I haven't even covered, of rebel news just asking a question of the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister, who's the deputy head of the WEF, and they just attack him and arrest him and say, you attacked her, didn't even touch her.
I mean, they're definitely taking the gloves off, and they're desperate, and instead of just backing off and leaving it alone, they already own everything through BlackRock, they just have this Hitlerian, Napoleonic, Genghis Khanian desire for war.
But then you study the actual globalists themselves doing policy.
Almost none of them have ever been in the military.
None of them.
They've all had bodyguards their whole life.
They feel insulated.
They've definitely never killed anybody, certainly not with their bare hands.
And then they're playing at war.
So it's dangerous to have generals in military around the wars, but they seem to be the ones trying to have restraint.
But then the leadership of the political systems want war when they don't even know what it is.
Is that an accurate statement?
Alex is completely accurate.
You know, this is something that when Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations, which came out all the way back in 1776, an auspicious year for the British Empire, if you will, there's a line in there where he talked about how the high powers, and he was talking about the aristocrats and the lords of the day, That to them, this was all a game.
To them, this was all a parlor game to see.
Oh, we're defeating the Tsar in the Eastern marches.
Our troops have them on the run.
This is wonderful.
And, you know, they go back to playing polo and croquet with their friends.
They are never affected by this type of thing.
They're never the ones who they themselves have to actually face the consequences of their actions.
It's their son.
It's our son.
It's our sons and our daughters who get faced with this.
It's our sons who will be sent to the killing fields.
Go look at what they've done to Ukraine over the past two years!
Go look at the cemeteries of Ukraine and in Kiev that are overflowing.
They've had to expand the cemeteries.
Every single cemetery in Western Ukraine has been expanded over the last two years.
They do not care how many bodies they have to put in the ground.
They know what the real numbers are.
They know the hundreds and thousands.
That have died in this war.
They could have had a peace treaty in one month.
They could have had a peace treaty in one month, but who was it, Alex?
It wasn't Zelensky, and it wasn't the Ukrainians who said let's keep fighting Russia.
It was the British!
It was the British and the Americans and it was Boris Johnson who went over to Kiev carrying forth the orders of NATO, the orders of the globalists that said, hey, if you keep fighting Russia, we'll back you.
Yeah, we'll back you as you go to fight and you go die.
We'll back you 100%.
And lose at least 500,000.
And Western Ukraine, all those people who fled, they're never coming back.
They are never coming back to Ukraine.
Ukraine is going to be a broken country.
They're going to be a rump state.
They're going to be in a demographic death spiral.
And these people, Alex, I can only as a Catholic, as someone who believes in God, someone who believes in Christ, I can only describe it as demonic.
A demonic bloodlust that these people have.
For wanting to see this death and carnage play out every day, and then turn around and say that they are the ones defending peace, they are the ones defending freedom, they are the ones who know what's best for us while you're being sent off to die.
And now we've seen the former head general, because I was being told about this by General Flynn last week, I looked it up, it was true, Just coming out two weeks ago in the New York Times saying, and he was the former head U.S.
General of NATO, saying, let's go ahead and just conscript all the women in Ukraine.
So 500,000 dead Ukrainians conservatively, a couple million wounded out of a small country, and now they're saying let's send the women.
This is madness.
Well, and keep in mind that the men that were sent were the 18-24 year olds and then they made it the 18-35 year olds.
Now they're sending people over.
Alex, they're at the point, and people have said this, David Sachs has said this all over the place, where now the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is in their mid-40s.
I've been told that there are battalions over there where the average age is in the 50s.
And you see the videos, we played the video the last time I was on here, of the men who are being sent over because they know it's their own funeral.
They've got some folk singer up there like, you know, like, oh, we're going to bring the morale up.
No, those guys know what's happening.
Those guys know what they're being sent to.
They're being sent to the artillery duels of the killing fields, the charnel houses, and now they're going to send the women over.
So even after the war ends, the question is, Who is going to be still living there?
Who is going to be repopulating the country?
Who is going to be continuing on, right?
At some point, the war is going to end.
You have to come back to an economic situation.
But you see, Alex, this is what it comes down to.
Because to them, the great resource of Ukraine is not the people.
They want the land.
They want the black soil so they can get the GMOs in Monsanto.
And that's a huge aspect of this, by the way, which if we had more time, I would get into it.
And then they want to use it as a launchpad for these regime change operations in Russia.
Just real quick on the black soil, the reason it's so important is because GMOs are banned
throughout the EU. So these Monsanto, these globalist countries, the multinational corporation,
they can't get in there. However, Ukraine is, oh, by the way, not a member of the EU.
So that black soil, the most fertile soil in Europe, the soil that's so powerful, so strong,
you can't even export it from Ukraine. It's completely banned for export. Now, who's buying
up all of the land in Ukraine, all the farmland? Look, it's simple. It's Black Rock. It's Blackstone.
Monsanto is getting in there. Larry Fink, last week, he said, quote,
we're gonna buy Ukraine. We're gonna take Ukraine over.
It's very clear. And when my brother and I went over in 2022, we saw this is lowland area.
It's all farms.
You know, when you're looking at this, it's beautiful farmland in the springtime.
It's absolutely gorgeous.
And what you see that's been done to this place, if they can rape a country like Ukraine that hard, then better buckle up, ladies and gentlemen, because they would do the same to you.
They would do the same to your families.
They do the exact same thing to your children.
They do not have morality.
You have to understand these are people without morality.
These are people who do not believe in God.
These are people who are willing to do anything to maintain their power.
And here's the best part of it.
They're completely incompetent.
Well, that's what I was going to say before you even got on.
I was going to say this is Hunter Biden.
It's a distraction, but it's also a window into the incompetence that Hollywood and the media has Hunter Biden doing stunts.
And that becomes the top story so he can make a TV show while they're threatening World War Three.
And then I see a lot of the different global forces saying, look, we need to go ahead and do a deal before Kissinger died.
He said that we need to de-escalate this.
Russia's won, but then it seems like the other factions are dominant.
No, they're like, no, we're going to go ahead and just keep pushing this.
What can we do?
The millions listening right now and later they'll be watching on X. What can we do to derail this and get peace and de-escalate it?
Well, there's a few things.
Number one, I would say with Joe Biden, you just have to impeach this guy.
I'm not talking about an inquiry, I'm talking about an actual impeachment.
Impeach Joe Biden, open up those proceedings, because the minute you actually open this up, now you've got leverage.
Now you've got leverage on one of the most powerful elements of the globalist-controlled apparatus in the world, and that is the US government.
If you put leverage on the US government and the leader of the US government, not that it is actually Biden, it's actually Obama and a coterie of these other Apparatchiks behind the scenes.
Now you've got leverage on them.
Now you're forced to make the media actually cover this stuff.
Because if you don't, they're going to lie about you.
They're going to put up these fake documentaries like the Hunter Biden piece.
They're going to be running stunts.
By the way, they're laughing in your face.
That's why Hunter Biden's doing that today, because he knows he's untouchable, because Republicans aren't willing to fight back.
He's walking right in there.
And let's be clear.
He's throwing it in your face.
So I think, and we know Marjorie Taylor Greene and a lot of Republicans have said they do want to push for an impeachment.
I think that Speaker Johnson, look, if you want to fight fire with fire, you've got to open this actual impeachment.
Just do it.
Now you've got leverage to fight back.
Obviously, we're in a political year.
So President Trump is going to be on the ballot in 2024.
You've got to fight for that.
You've got to actually go out there and get active in your cities and your communities.
At the same time, you've got to do what's right for your family.
If you want to prepare, if you want to be building your own personal stockpiles of food, of prep gear, whatever you want to have, just basic stuff, regular stuff.
If you want to go next level, you can go next level with it, but I would argue... And communities, let me add this, communities of friends and family that know what's going down.
That's going to be key, because we've got to have a backup plan here, but the reason I go back to this is so as to what you said, because I didn't tell you I was going to say this, and that's what I was going to say earlier is, it's so, and no one's saying this, but I guess you and I, They've sent him in there like a red cape in front of a bull to not talk about the open border, or the dying dollar, or the inflation, or the wars, and then they send him in there just to distract and make it even more about Hunter.
Which goes nowhere.
Now it's not even about Biden, it's about Hunter, and then they divert us off.
I mean, if you tune in to Newsmax, or Fox News, or any of it, it's 80% Hunter, when it should be 90% the border, and World War III, and inflation, and people see this, and it's just a circus.
They should call him out and say, we know you came in here, like a red, you know, red, red cape with a, with a bullfighter and a bull.
They're priming the audience.
They're priming the audience.
This is when I was at Guantanamo Bay, they would say, prime the subject.
So you're priming the subject.
You're saying, show him Hunter, show him Hunter, make him mad at Hunter.
It's an Alinsky tactic to freeze it, polarize it, personalize it.
They're making you focus on Hunter while things like the border, while things like Lloyd Austin, while things like World War Three, while things like Ukraine, while things like China, while things like the globalist.
There's a dragon with ten heads.
We want to get the heart of it, the New World Order, the globalist coup, the military-industrial complex, the side of their country.
want Hunter Biden, you can get him, but you have to understand that I do not want Hunter
Biden in jail.
I want all of them in jail.
I want all of these people out of jail.
Let's be clear.
Let me just say this.
I want all of this done.
He's a, there's a dragon with 10 heads.
We want to get the heart of it.
The new world order, the globalist coup, the military industrial complex, the side of your
He's a dingleberry to the globalists.
I would say a wart on the toe.
He's a dingleberry hanging off its ass.
He's not even part of it.
No, no.
They'll cut him loose the minute that he becomes a liability to them.
They will cut him loose because they know this guy is expendable.
That's why they're using him as a dangle out there.
It's called a Judas Goat operation.
So they're putting him out as the Judas Goat.
They're saying, we don't care if you catch the Judas Goat.
We just want to get everyone to follow after the Judas Goat.
That had to be gross, but it's literally the dragon doesn't want to be looked at.
So it just hung its butt over Congress.
By the way, what's the Judas Goat used for?
The Judas Goat is used to lead the sheep to the slaughter.
In closing, a few minutes left, what should, because people listen to us all over the world, what should the Polish president, who's not the globalist, do with this new installed globalist prime minister?
What should the polls do to be measured?
President Duda, you know, you have to be very careful because you cannot fall into the trap, but at the same time, you need to lead the people.
You need to peacefully lead the people.
Look, Poland, there's one great thing about Poland.
It's that Poland, because of the history of Christianity, because the deep religion there,
the deep faith of the people, they were the first country to throw off communism
back in the 1980s.
Poland can be the first country to throw off globalism the same way.
You must lead the people, you must hold the rallies, you must keep it peaceful,
you must watch out for informants and plants and provocations and lead the people.
I'm talking prayer rallies, I'm talking get people in the streets,
holding up the cross, holding up the flag of Poland, Go make it an information war!
Make it an info war about Poland and about their sovereignty and about how Poland stopped a hundred Muslim invasions at least and we're going to stop the globalist invasion of the new installed Prime Minister.
Make it all about the WUF.
Make it all about the Germans controlling Poland through NATO, through the EU and the Poles will completely reject this.
Alright, a few minutes left.
What else is on your radar with Trump?
You know, Trump came out and said, I think there could be a crash, and I hope it doesn't happen when I get in.
It's true, we're in the crash, and I've really been worried about that, is that Trump somehow gets in, and then we're handed a crash.
Look, one of the reasons that, and we may actually be facing that either way, because one of the reasons that you're seeing the stock market go up so much is because they're juicing it.
They're using the Fed right now, they call it injecting liquidity, injecting liquidity.
So the Fed is out there running as many possible, the money printer is running on overdrive right now to make the economy look good because they're trying to prop up Joe Biden.
That's the same reason the gas prices are artificially being lowered right now.
All of this is a sham.
You can't do this long term.
They're trying to do it long enough to just make it to November because they know.
They understand that the singular most vulnerable, that all of the things that we talked about, the globalist agenda, the single most vulnerable moment for them will be November of 2024.
So November 5th of 2024, when President Donald Trump is on the ballot, and tens of millions of Americans are going out to vote, and there's going to be absentee ballots and all the other stuff and early voting and all the rest of it.
This is the single most Powerful threat to their agenda and to their rule is that if Trump wins right there in America, if you see these other wins, you just have the Argentina wins across Europe, potentially this Taiwan election that's coming up.
If these pro-freedom, pro-nationalist, pro-sovereignty movements break out of the box, then globalism is on its last legs.
There's a reason they're ratcheting up the escalation right now because they know they've only got about 10 months left.
And let's be fair, in just five days, the very first votes of the 2024 election will take place in Iowa.
And so when I say, yeah, I know we're talking about all of these things and the strategic choke points around the world and globalists and Davos and Brussels and Geneva and Poland and all this stuff, but understand, The front line in the war against globalism right now is your own neighborhood.
It's your own town.
It's your own community.
It's your own church.
Because if you can go in there, if you're in Iowa, if you're in New Hampshire, and you're in South Carolina, Nevada, some of these early states, guess what?
You are the front lines.
It's time to stand and be counted.
And the question is, if the people of the United States of America throw off the shackles of globalism, Throw off the shackles of totalitarianism, then we can and will lead the world into freedom the same way we did a century ago.
And so final statement here, I totally agree, and I have a lot of guests on obviously, and I always say, are we winning or losing?
And a lot of them say, no, I think we're losing.
I don't agree.
We've already won the Info War.
It's exponential.
It's tipped.
I want your take on this.
But they tipped their hand.
They have pre-programmed all these movies about martial law, civil war, cyber attacks, racial attacks, false flags.
That they're going to pull something in the next 200 plus days ahead of this election, less than 10 months now.
It's so not even obvious.
They treat us like we're animals.
They're going lowest common denominator.
They're telegraphing.
They're going to go with January 6th to the 10th power.
A, do you agree we're winning?
And B, do you agree they're getting ready, obviously trying to trigger a civil war?
How do we stop it?
And then how do you got to go?
Yeah, just a couple of simple answers there, right?
So Alex, look, I do think we're winning.
You would not see them going full mask off like this if we were losing.
They would not see them using the hard power of their institutions, of the national security state, of the FBI.
They wouldn't be locking up patriots.
They wouldn't be going door to door, mass arresting patriots or anybody who even tweeted about January 6th.
They're talking about going after people who were just walking around On the lawn of the Capitol next.
Owen Schroer, of course, who wasn't even in the Capitol on January 6th.
He gets arrested.
He gets thrown in for two months.
And so there's a reason they're cracking down.
It's because they're losing.
But Alex, I do predict, unfortunately, I do predict that 2024, they are going to unleash violence.
They did this in 2020.
We saw it with the George Floyd riots.
We saw it with the Antifa.
But they're going to introduce violence into the system.
This will be the caustic spark into the powder keg of the election system.
And they will turn around and say by ratcheting this up, ratcheting it up, ratcheting it up,
and then they'll go to their people, and they'll go to the people in the middle, the normies,
the independents, and they'll say all of this will stop if you just vote against Donald
All of the violence, all of the chaos, and by the way, bioweapons, etc.
will be introduced.
All of it will go away if you just don't let Donald Trump take power.
There are trillions of dollars, trillions of dollars at stake against Donald Trump and the patriots of this country actually taking back American sovereignty.
That's right, you cannot overestimate.
The danger of the moment, but just take them trying to bring back the mask and lockdowns.
This week, a bunch of cities, even in the Midwest, tried to bring it back.
It got reversed.
People are seeing through that.
And I just, I just hope people realize how important their voices are.
Jack Posobiec, you're live in about 25 minutes.
Tell people how they find all, or about 35 minutes, all of the great shows you do.
Yes, of course.
We're going to be up at Human Events Daily.
We put that up there on X. You can find it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, Overstream, wherever you guys want to go, Overcast, wherever you want to go and get your podcasts out there.
We do stream live to X. We stream live to Rumble, Getter, Truth Social, any place where you can find freedom.
Alex, what can I say?
We're taking the InfoWars model that you taught Alright Jack, please come back on soon.
Just be everywhere and be out there for free.
Thank you.
By the way, you cannot watch all of our episodes in Spain right now because we did a special
on Franco, who was the anti-communist leader of Spain in 1936, and it has now been banned
in Spain.
So if you know anyone in there, you have to smuggle that episode in.
All right, Jack, please come back on soon.
Thank you.
God bless, Alex.
Folks, it's so real.
I mean, it's so dangerous.
We are in such an incredible inflection point right now.
I just cannot stress enough that we have an incompetent, insane elite that are killing all the controls that the Pentagon, the Rand Corporation, the CIA put in previously.
Like, there are all these things you don't do.
They're doing them all.
And it's desperateness.
And it's not just if we rolled over to them, the Ponzi scheme's over.
They're going to make us all super poor, totally controlled, use liberal wokeism to destroy our families.
It's a fate worse than death.
So we're in a rock and a hard place here.
We can't, there's not even rolling over to this.
There's not even an option to get rid of these people.
And I get really frustrated that the men of America and other countries Think like, oh being a patriot is just like a bumper sticker maybe on your laptop or your car.
Or a 1776 shirt.
That's great.
But you need to know this and you need to spend Hours a day, speaking out, warning people, going to commission meetings, going to city councils, going to school board meetings, and just talking about this.
We need the veterans, who are great people, to go speak out about the New World Order, about the imploded border, about it all.
This is it.
This is the war to capture America fully and turn it into an engine of global domination, which you do not want to be part of.
We're already a great instrument of it, but they don't have full control.
All right, we've got a big guest coming up in about 20 minutes, and we're going to talk about just a lot of the things that are happening in the next segment.
I've got a bunch of other news that ties into this I want to hit, but you just heard nothing but pure truth from Jack.
So everybody out there watching, grab your clips, put them on X Twitter, we'll get them out everywhere.
We'll get them out this afternoon.
It'll be archived at Bandaw Video.
We're live now.
Uh, but when I say your life depends on this, we've got a real good shot at stopping these people.
And Elon Musk has risked his life putting us back on.
And they're not playing games, okay?
So, and they're coming after him publicly and behind the scenes.
So you say what you want about the guy?
That they are pull against him.
The conservative control media, the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, the whole leprechaun control system.
I wouldn't guess we'll have X in a month.
I'm not saying it's going to happen.
I'm just saying don't, don't, don't, don't, don't think that we're out of the woods.
We're far from it.
We're finally awake and in the fight.
So now we got to put the globalists down politically.
All right, we're going to come back and just get a bunch of news.
Let's just go over it all, but my God, we're living inside the New World Order now, folks.
We're in it now.
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We are back live.
I got in the chair about 20 seconds late because I'm working behind the scenes here.
I'm not screwing around during these breaks.
Man, I'm trying to cover the big issues, but we also need to cover all the little side developments and things that are happening to get people to picture what's going on.
So let me tell you what's coming up.
We have Marjorie Taylor Greene joining us with big breaking news in response to Hunter Biden and his stunt.
We also have General Flynn joining us.
I'm hosting all four hours today.
He's joining us coming up in the fourth hour along with MTG.
So she's on the first 30, then Flynn's on the last 30.
It is just a wild, wild, wild, wild, wild, crazy time to be alive right now, ladies and gentlemen.
And I know I keep saying that because it's just spectacular.
They've just staged a NATO coup in Poland, the president says, and they're arresting members of the parliament.
And then the former prime minister says it's a coup.
I have the videos in Polish.
It's on screen right now.
I mean, that alone is just crazy of the implications for water war with Russia.
I mean, that alone, but again, It's not even in the U.S.
There's like three articles.
I search engine it while Jack was on.
We talked last night about covering it when it was happening.
And then I'm thinking there's a whole bunch of articles and there's like almost no news.
That's when you know you're in danger.
And there's 10,000, I mean, seriously, type in Hunter Biden, it's like 10,000 articles a day, Google says, plus, about the stunt.
Him marching in there all pissed and bugging his eyes out, and this is the second time he's done it, and then he storms out, and the Republicans all flap around, oh, let's get him, let's get him!
And I'm not saying he shouldn't get in trouble, but it should be.
We know you're here as a diversion from the World War III and the open borders and the Jeffrey Epstein stuff.
I mean, that's what he's doing.
That's why I'm impressed with Posobiec, because he gets that.
And I mean, a lot of folks don't get what's going on here.
And these tricks they play, if people will just learn the tricks.
It's like in football, you know, where they do the trick plays, where the quarterback, you know, acts like he's throwing the ball, but really he's tucked it, or he hands it off to one guy, but really gives it to another.
I don't know if you're a football guy, you're like, you don't know all the right names.
Damn right, because I forgot it all because it's not going to infect my mind.
I know about false flags and the strain of Hormuz and the Bosphorus.
I mean, I know about, I know about the how many missing children there are that have been brought in in three years by Biden, 89,000.
Many of them that have been found have been in sex slavery or worse, killed.
And I'm not putting other men down.
I'm just telling you, when the power goes off and the Civil War kicks in, which we're trying to stop, the staged Civil War, just remember, but no, all the good old boys, I don't mean real good old boys, but all the establishment types, liberal and conservative, They'll be barking whatever the establishment thing is.
Just take the shot, they'll end the lockdown.
Just round up the political opposition.
Just take the Central Bank Digital Currency app on your phone and they'll get it fixed.
Just get through the crisis.
Just do what the Justice Department says.
And every time we do that, we get more enslaved.
And they've been tightening the noose around our neck for a while.
First, you got to get you up there on the platform and get that around your neck and then start...
Three or four moves, it's around your neck tight.
There's like one more, and it's tight around the neck.
And then there's one more thing to do.
Pull the lever, or kick the lever, and the trap door opens, and you snap your neck.
They're coming in for the death blow.
To end our republic, and they're doing it everywhere, as Jack Posobiec said.
They're setting up tyranny, I'm getting chills right now, everywhere.
So I want to say it again, for the third time today.
You're living in the New World Order.
Everything the generals and the former high-level FBI guys and the former CIA guys and the former KGB guys that defected told you about.
I remember sitting there being like seven years old at the local evangelical church.
Boy, we were churchgoers.
We went to the Baptist Church, and the Methodist Church, and the Evangelical Church.
You know, we'd go to church with family here, family there.
But we were going to church at least, you know, two days a week.
Sometimes three.
Bible studies at the house.
I remember these preachers would come in, and they'd tell us about the New World Order, and the globalist plan for a Mark of the Beast, and how they would turn families against each other, and destroy the fabric of the nation, and how they'd bring in all this.
And I'd be sitting there going, yeah, right.
And then it'd be like, why don't you keep this East German defector out of your house for three months for us?
America was mobilized against the Soviets, and anybody was fighting it.
Now, people were misled back then, nobody was perfect, but Americans were strong, and they were informed, and they were engaged.
Ladies and gentlemen, the average person doesn't know what the hell's going on around them.
And everything I heard at those church services and those Bible studies has already come true, basically.
And then I'm, you're a kid, you kind of, what your parents are telling you, kind of like, oh yeah, all right, maybe it's true, whatever, it's just background noise.
And then, I moved to Austin, already got a job, I'm doing well at 18.
And I go, I'll just take community college, see if I want to go to college.
All communists, all white people are evil.
America's bad.
America sucks.
World government's good.
And I go, man, this is everything I was taught happening.
Well, I better try to get on air.
So I took RTF and tried to get jobs and said I'd work for free.
No, we don't want an intern.
So I said, well, there's Access TV.
We don't want you.
I'll go do that.
Instant success.
God was waiting for me to make the decision.
And there are so many Alex Joneses out there, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, old, young.
You're ready to take the plunge too.
And who knows what leadership you're going to be involved in, whether it's small or large.
Everything together works in God's plan.
In fact, I'd rather in my life to have just a minimal role and have found people better than me at this to support.
But God gave me this position, and I respect it humbly, and I certainly do not wish it on anybody that doesn't know what they're dealing with.
But it's a responsibility.
And I got a lot of news to cover, but I'm kind of pontificating because, I mean, I can cover all this stuff, but it's all symptoms of the disease.
I mean, you already know how bad it is.
But it gets worse every day.
I mean, I have a giant stack, look at it.
It's three inches thick of censorship and journalists being arrested all over the Western world, including America.
Three inch stack.
I've got Pentagon reports saying genetically modified race-specific weapons are about to hit us.
Absolutely nightmarish.
Rand Corporation.
Now I've got... Because, I mean... You have to understand, this is just tip of the iceberg.
I have three reports today, and then a bunch of reports I haven't gotten to, with the federal government admitting that illegal aliens are voting in federal elections.
Now you already know that.
The left denies it.
They got them voting in local elections.
Well, most national elections are also through the election system locally.
And we have Democrats admitting, oh yeah, we need more illegals to get more congressional seats in the blue areas.
Already played those clips a lot the last few days.
Want to see it again?
But it's just like, you already know, the illegal aliens are voting, they're being paid to vote.
You want me to show you ten more pieces of proof?
And then I had that debate Saturday in here with zero-hedge folks, great people, with the leftists they brought in, and man, I realized they're not intellectuals, they're not informed, they just act confident.
We're sitting there before we go live and there's like a *buzzing* and I said, "You guys got text messages coming in. Your
microwave relay is getting into the wire.
You need to keep your phones at least a foot away from the wire."
And the Destiny guy, you know his fake name, blue hair goes, "Hahahahaha, you nut!"
Three minutes to be alive. He goes, "You crazy person!"
Sitting right here. He goes, "That's not a microwave oven!"
And I said, "It's not a microwave oven."
I said it's a microwave relay and it interferes with the equipment.
He started laughing and laughing, and I pulled it up, and he wouldn't even look at Wikipedia that cell phones are microwave relays.
They don't know anything, people.
They're stupid.
But they just act confident.
They're not fit to clean toilets.
Uh, ma'am, I have a question.
Oh, are you Peter Hotez?
I am.
Nice to meet you.
How are you?
Hey, Hillary!
Why is your husband in the empty island?
26 times!
What do you have to say to people who think they're a vaccine injured?
Anything for them?
We have a group called Predator Poachers where we travel the country catching online child predators.
And our work over the past four years has led to arrests in 44 different states and convictions of 31.
And we're hoping to get that number to 45 and 32.
So we'll see, yeah.
I believe in that age is the only number.
As long as you can have friends out there.
So you weren't here to rape, you were just here for consensual stuff?
Like, we had a pedo in Wyoming who came to drink baby's blood, like, essentially adrenochrome.
A woman hanging a little boy up by a rope and slapping the **** out of him.
Was the boy, like, closed?
He was naked?
You were basically here to have sex with who you thought was a 13-year-old and you brought a condom, am I correct?
And those messages were pretty much what you said?
Honestly, how old's Emily?
She told me she was, like, 11.
How does this fantasy come about to where you're fantasizing about, you know, boning an 11-year-old when mom's listening in?
I mean, that's... I don't know where it comes from.
I really don't.
This was such a gratifying catch.
How's it going, sir?
So, basically, Dave, that's your phone right there, right?
Okay, is there anything illegal on that phone?
Like, nude pictures of kids?
Okay, and you said there was like 500, right?
On that phone of yours right there?
Were you here to meet an 11-year-old for sex?
We approach them on camera.
We try to get their confessions on camera.
It works most of the time.
And when we have a combination of, like, you know, phone calls to who they think is this little girl, messages to who they think is this little girl, then they're admitting to sending it and wanting to do all this stuff, plus maybe some other stuff, too, that they admit to.
Turn all that over to law enforcement, and then law enforcement very often does what they need to do and arrests the guy.
So when?
As young as three in some of these groups?
I don't know if it was that young, but... Have you had a guess?
Probably close.
Like four or five maybe?
No kidding.
So Pfizer has the biggest criminal fine in history, so how's it anti-science to not trust them?
I mean, do you think vaccine injuries are real, Peter?
Peter, it's just a question!
Is this really necessary?
Is this really necessary, guys?
Is this really necessary?
I mean, it's not going to be answered.
I have four questions.
I have four questions that didn't get answered.
What the hell?
No, no, no, no, please.
Oh my God.
You know, we have all hell breaking loose around the world, geopolitical issues so much, but I
I wanted Alex Rose and fellow Texan to come up here from Houston and be on with us, former football player,
great patriot in the middle of all this to quote Thomas Jefferson.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men do nothing.
There's a shorter quote, evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
And you Have busted, it's gotta be close to a thousand of these people.
You've been a one man with your crew wrecking machine.
But I wanted, and you also went out and exposed the poison shots, and literally we never heard from the baby Fauci after you confronted him.
They think they're invincible because no one is confronting them.
We don't need to shoot them, in fact we don't want that, turn them into victims.
We need to shoot them politically with the truth, non-violently.
We need to oppose them everywhere.
Everyone needs to be spending hours a day calling Congress, hours a day calling into talk radio, hours a week going to city council and school boards.
The enemy's there.
And they're pathetic.
And when you show up, we win.
So Alex, I saw you getting thrown out and arrested and released for asking Hillary a question, all that.
I wanted to get you on the last week.
You're here now.
You're busy around the country.
But just to talk about yourself and your awakening and your journey, since you've taken action, it's only been a few years, you've had nothing but victory.
And I've seen that with almost everybody else that just takes the step into resisting evil.
You just have incredible victory.
And people sit back and want a perfect plan, or they want some perfect way to fight evil.
No, just say, God, what am I supposed to do?
I want to be good.
And then pick an issue, pick issues.
I mean, talk about, because you're successful.
You're an archetype.
You're something we can idolize, not in a worshipful way, but as a prototype or something we can do, because you've reached billions of people, probably over a billion conservatively, hundreds of millions of views just a year.
And so we should praise the people that have been successful, and look at what they've done.
But tell us about yourself.
Well, I'm 23 years old.
I know I look older, but you know, dealing with lots of child predators can age you in the span of four years.
So I started catching child predators when I was 19 years old, and now I'm 23, and we have 15 people in our group now.
It just started off as one person, myself.
Yeah, what we do is we travel the country catching predators.
We typically pose minors online, anywhere from the ages of like 9 to 13.
And predators from all around the country message us, hoping to have sex with these underage kids they think they're messaging.
And we approach them instead on camera, hoping to get some confessions out of them.
And boy, we have met some sick people doing this.
And so far, we have child predators arrested in 44 different states.
And convictions of 31 of those and it all just started as me just wanting to do it.
Like it took no, I didn't have to like fight anybody.
I didn't have to go through any certification or anything like that.
If you just have something you want to do and you just feel a need, feel that there's something that needs to be done, just go ahead and do it.
That's what I'm going to say to everybody.
Don't wait for orders from headquarters.
Go to the sound of the guns.
I mean, I'm nobody.
I'm still nobody.
And, you know, all it is, you just gotta take that first step to do it because, you know, I think we are World War III, like Alex Jones likes to say, but it's not a war that we're fighting against people with guns and rockets and all of that stuff.
It's just a mental war.
Spiritual culture war.
And all it takes is just disobedience and all it takes is taking initiative.
And if we all can come together and do that peacefully, then I think a lot of good stuff can happen.
And then you meet people like you and you get supported.
You find out there's people looking for action.
Oh, absolutely, and I hope people can replicate what we do, because if we can do it, you can do it.
And that's so perfect.
So many people, until now, people realize this is life and death.
It was territorial.
Who's better?
Who's the bigger host?
Who's got the biggest book?
Who's stopping the New World Order?
And I love that.
You want other people to surpass you, don't you?
Oh, I love that.
I love it.
Yeah, yeah.
People are still caught in this mindset.
And I'm conservative.
I'm all about competition, like a better car, a better mousetrap.
It's not competition taking down evil, it's celebration.
We celebrate each other.
Oh, 100%.
I mean, everybody should strive to be number one, because if male doesn't have competitive spirit, then we already lost the whole war.
But, you know, don't be number one by bringing everybody else down.
Be number one by separating yourself, being above everybody else, but also want everybody else to elevate themselves, too.
We can all get better collectively.
And then celebrate who is number one.
But it's a competition of the truth.
It's not about who's better.
Don't think because you're not going to be an Alex Rosen out of the gates, you shouldn't do this.
Oh, 100 percent.
Because you're in different places, folks.
You never know what God's going to lead you to.
Yeah, 100 percent.
I mean, don't wait.
And, you know, I get a lot of messages on Twitter like, well, how can I get started doing what you're doing?
Or how do I go about doing what you're doing?
My advice to all that is just do it.
It's very easy.
Just go do it.
The Nike slogan, it's true.
Just do it.
No, it literally is the Nike slogan, absolutely.
So, the pedophiles with this Epsi stuff are really, I think they're on their back heel right now.
What do you think?
I think they are too.
You see a lot of celebrities kind of melting down on Twitter about all the stuff coming out.
But we also have to realize that just because these documents are being released, nothing is going to happen to these people.
We still need to keep the gas on them.
Oh, I agree.
And they could just be releasing it as they're rubbing it in our face because sharing it on Twitter doesn't actually change anything. I mean for the longest time I mean I don't
think documents surprise anybody with a brain so we have to make sure we
just keep the pressure on and keep putting like keep calling out these people for
what they are like just because I saw Pete I'm not saying Peter Hotez is a pedophile
by the way just because I saw Peter Hotez in person doesn't mean I'm
the only one that needs to be confronting someone like Peter Hotez. If you see a
celebrity on that Epstein list don't put your hands on them but press them
and call them out for what it is ask them those questions they should feel
pressure. Well let's be clear he doesn't we don't know evidence he rips children
with his genitals Right.
He wants to do it with a shot.
Right, he wants to penetrate people via a needle, to be fair.
Which I think is just as bad.
Yeah, both can have very long term damage.
I agree.
We're going to start the next hour.
There's so much to cover.
I want to hit you with some news and get your take on it.
Do something a little bit different than you do.
You're a smart political guy.
I get your view on things.
But also, how about some of the great stuff you're doing?
All right.
Hour number three is coming up.
Let's do it.
All right.
Then in hour number four, I'm hosting it all.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, General Flynn on huge breaking news and developments.
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All right, we're going to cover a lot of political news, not just child trafficking and the huge demonic appetite for children and the open borders with Alex Rosen, who's one of the most successful, independent, on-the-ground people in just the last few years, getting massive arrests of pedophiles around the country.
But I want to talk about Hunter Biden before we go to the next segment and play your latest clip you're going to premiere here.
Hunter Biden, all the photos, the videos, the diary of his sister talking about, you know, dad probably molested me.
That's classic stuff where I can't believe it.
He probably did in the shower.
She doesn't come out and say it because he's so embarrassed.
He arrogantly keeps going and goading Congress and leaving.
They're almost using him as a distraction and he needs to be exposed, but they're kind of using him as a red cape with a bull.
Yeah, I agree.
I mean, I think there's bigger fish to fry than Hunter Biden.
I think Congress should be going after who's on the Epstein list, first and foremost, and probably a thumb point to themselves, because I bet a lot of people in Congress are into that same type of stuff.
I mean, I think the Hunter Biden issue is kind of beating a dead horse.
But I think Congress, I mean, I haven't heard a single Congressperson, not even MTG, Matt Gaetz, or any of these people, I haven't heard them call out Joe Biden and ask him about the diary of Ashley saying that she took probably inappropriate showers With him as a kid, and that strikes me the wrong way.
And I think anybody that sees Joe Biden in person should ask him that question.
What happened with his daughter?
I'll ask MTG next hour about that.
I agree.
Yeah, I think you should answer for that.
She represents us.
There's a lot we're going to cover in the next hour.
What else is on your radar?
Well, um, shoot, I mean, we have, we just caught this babysitter, um, last month, his name is Dominique Barbagallo, and he's already arrested, so we can name drop him, Dominique, Dominique, Dominique, and he was using Care.com to go find victims that he can go molest, and his preference, uh, his profile was taken down on Care.com, but his preference was taking care of infants and toddlers, and he was messaging who he believed to be a 13-year-old girl, and he didn't have enough in the messages to get him arrested in Pennsylvania, But there was some other stuff that we think we could have got him on, and we interviewed him for like three hours, and he ends up confessing to possessing child pornography as young as infants and toddlers, and to molesting two kids in the past couple months that he was babysitting.
Tell us more about how you busted this guy.
So it was very typical.
He was messaging the fake decoy profile on an app that everybody would know if I were to say it.
And he just was kind of careful with the messaging, but he mentioned that he babysits kids.
And so we wanted to ask him about that.
And we found his address.
His phone number went back to who we thought he was.
And he agrees to get interviewed.
And he had a lot of trust in me to tell me everything.
And I'm glad he did.
And now he's currently in Adams County Jail in Pennsylvania, unless he's bailed out or something like that.
That's the weird thing.
I don't want to say these pedophiles are autistic.
That's not fair to autistic people.
But it seems like these low-level ones, they just like, they'll confess right away.
Well, a few of them do.
This guy, it took three hours to get some stuff out of him.
He was all over the place.
First, he's like, I've never seen any child porn.
Then it's like, oh, one guy sent me this.
Then he just confesses to going on the dark web, watching it.
And he's like, but I've never touched a kid though.
And then he ends up like just confessing to everything.
And then he just, I mean, he was trusting me so much at this point that he actually went into his basement with me.
He picked up his phone.
He thought that I was going to take the child porn off his phone.
So he got back into our car and he hooked up my phone.
He hooked up his phone to the charger, thinking that we were wiping the CP for him.
Then when the cops came, they took the phone, and yeah, now he's in jail for all that child porn.
And soon, I'm sure more charges will be added for the child molestation.
And it's not fair to men, but men do commit most of the violent crime and stuff, and most men aren't pedophiles.
Who hires a male babysitter?
Yeah, I mean, I kind of equated that to, like, leaving your door wide open at night saying that I have, like, 500,000 sitting in my house.
I mean, that's kind of a dumb thing to do to hire a male babysitter.
I mean, he shouldn't be doing it, but, like, woman, it's not—it's okay to stereotype, especially when it comes to male babysitters.
Like, please stereotype.
Well, I was never sexually abused, but when I was about three or four, it's one of my early memories.
They knew the kid across the street, he was like 12 or 13, and he tried to, but then I told my dad, and there was a confrontation, and my dad like beat up the guy's dad and all the stuff, but I mean, so that was my one experience.
One time, a male babysitter, and it turned into my dad beating a guy up.
Oh yeah, I mean, and they start at that age too.
I mean, Dominique also told me that when he was about 12 or 13, he molested his two cousins who were like six and seven.
I'm telling all the stories now, folks, and they're all true.
I remember they called the cops, they didn't do anything.
Well, the guy ran his mouth.
So, anyways, we'll be right back.
60-second break.
Stay with us.
Alex Rosen.
So, Alex Rosen, you just got a guy arrested who basically confesses to trying to target children and toddlers?
Yeah, that's his preference, infants and toddlers.
So, in the middle of this, we have to admit that he will exist.
Tell us about who this scumbag is again.
So his name is Dominic Barbagallo.
He lives in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and he currently lives, his address right now is the Adams County Jail, unless they want to pay the 10k to bail him out, which I don't think they will, I hope.
And, yeah, he targets infants and toddlers through Care, well, used to target infants and toddlers through Care.com, and he is a serial child predator.
Here's a short clip of that.
So you were babysitting someone and you played with them?
Okay, how long ago is this?
Um, probably like three months ago.
Three months ago?
Who were you babysitting?
It wasn't like, um, uh, this woman.
She, uh, she's divorced.
She has four kids.
Okay, okay.
Um, how old was the kid?
Who is it?
Boy or girl?
It was a boy.
What's his name?
Sorry, um, just give me a second.
What's the, uh, who are you babysitting for?
What's her name?
We'll start with that.
Um, sorry, I've only done it like five times, so I, I don't... Yeah.
I don't remember her name, um... No, no, we're gonna have to get her name.
No, I, just, just hold a second.
Sure, sure.
What's her last name?
How did, uh, how did y'all meet?
And, uh, her, so you said a three-month-old or a three... Three-year-old.
Okay, what, what... I just touched him.
He, he was, like, grabbing himself.
Did you put your head on his penis?
What did you do to it after that?
That's it.
I just... If there was a camera on you when you did that, would saying you jacked him off be accurate?
I mean, I was going like that, so yeah.
I mean, you can't really... I don't really jack off.
But you were rubbing it.
You were doing this motion with his penis?
Yes, with my finger, not with my hand.
I am sorry to have to play this type of stuff, but it was Jocelyn Elders, the Surgeon General nominee in 1993 of the Clintons, that said, we reach down and do it for the babies.
That's how she sounds when she talks the clips out there.
And this is a cult.
If they can get your children to be sexually active and imprint on an adult, they can then politically program them how they want.
That's why they're doing this.
And here he is admitting to you, but this is a separate issue.
I want you to talk about the nightmare, how you're not, which I admire you doing this, how you're not wailing on it because you're a huge guy and I know you're pissed off.
I can tell.
What's wrong with these women, if what he's saying is true?
How the hell does a woman hire a man, 'cause 99% of men are pedophiles,
but that's where most of 'em are.
It's like, well, my street isn't very busy, so I tell my three-year-old to play
in the middle of the road.
Well, a car's gonna come.
Like, you're online hiring men that want their preferences babies?
Yeah, so he would tell me, and the full three-hour video's gonna be
on a Rumble Predator, pre-art Predator Poachers on Rumble soon.
It's free to subtest.
You can watch it there soon.
Um, he--
He was telling me how the people that he would kind of go after, it would all be single moms, so it wouldn't be moms with a male in the house, like he said he had a friend, I'll just call her C, I'm not going to say her name, but he had a friend who he says is very good friends with her, she's a single mom, she has like four different baby daddies, none of them are really around in the kids' lives.
So, he volunteers to babysit, and he befriends the mom, and he's been friends with her for over 20 years, he said.
So, he picks his targets very carefully.
That's what they do, they groom the parents.
Oh, 100%.
It doesn't start with manipulation of the kids.
And even then, when he molested that three-year-old, he said he looked for cameras all around the house, and he did it in the only room where there's no cameras, which is the bathroom, when he was changing the kid's diaper.
So, these people are crafty.
I mean, you know, the guy looks like an idiot, but he's not.
You know, they're very clever, in a way.
Wow, I just got another article.
Former President of North Northern British Columbia Pride Organization charged with committing child sex crimes.
And they keep busting the LGBT leaders raping kids.
Yeah, I remember that drag show in Milwaukee.
Even in Houston where I live, there was a... Even in Houston where I live, there was a drag queen in the library who was a sex offender.
But yeah, I mean, it's not surprising.
I mean, anybody volunteering to be around children doing dances in front of them and wanting to introduce them to sexually themed events is obviously going to be a pedophile.
It's just common sense.
Well, yeah, I mean, look, we've all heard about pedophiles showing up at parks while you're having a barbecue and the police arrest them.
Imagine, you're at a park.
And men in clown outfits show up and want to shake their ass in front of your kids.
It's a pedophile.
These liberal women take their children to sit on their laps and bounce up and down, and then they lay on the ground, the kid gets on top of them.
It's all a sick fetish of pedophilia.
Yeah, I mean, there's no reason for it.
If a guy wanted to coach girls volleyball and had no daughter on the team, everybody would look at him weird.
But if a guy wants to go dance sexually around three-year-old kids, nobody bats an eye at that.
It's weird.
Like you said, it's mainly single women that don't know what... I mean, men are good as a guardian.
And it's not fair.
I mean, I would never like... If my wife said, hey, I'm trying to get a babysitter so we can go out to the movie.
I got this 40-year-old dude coming over.
I'd say, we're getting divorced.
I mean, it would be like... Yeah.
By the way, you're not getting custody.
Right, yeah, no, a hundred percent.
I mean, that's like, I mean, that's like literally, I mean, I don't even know.
That's like the worst possible thing.
They don't want, but that's liberal women.
They don't want roles in things.
There's roles.
Sure, women can be astronauts and CEOs, but there aren't men that are biologically drawn to take care of kids.
Women aren't.
It's sick.
Sure, a father takes care of his children, but random men out of the internet, here, come take care of my sons and daughters when they're babies.
Yeah, I know when I have kids, I mean, I've already discussed this with my girlfriend, I mean, I am going to change my kids' diaper, but I don't want to.
So, if a guy's volunteering to change your kid's diaper for $12 an hour, that's probably not the best idea.
Exactly, both my wives said to push me to change diapers.
I haven't actually been chewed out for it, it's true.
Yeah, if any guy is happy about doing that, like, don't date them or let them around within 500 feet of your kids.
And if your husband loves to cook, that's fine, I love to cook.
My wife's a great cook, but I'm even better.
But the point is, my dad's a great cook, so is my mom.
But yeah, if somebody wants to change the diaper, you got a problem.
Yeah, 100%.
So, what are they doing?
Why do you think this epidemic, has it always been here, or is it worse?
Well, you know, I think there's the same rate of pedophiles.
Obviously, we have more population now than we did in like 1950 or something.
I think there's the same amount of pedophiles, but the internet gives them a chance to offend 24-7.
Because back in like 1950, if some guy's a diddler, he can't just go on the internet and go watch child porn and go message kids.
He'd have to wait for his opportunity in person.
So I think a lot of these people, like Dominique for example, he would probably not have any recent victims if he wasn't using Care.com to go find his victims.
So I think the internet is the Wild West for them and I think it enables a lot of them to commit more crimes than they would if the internet wasn't there.
But on the flip side, someone like Dominique who molested his cousin when he was a kid, now can get exposed because of the internet.
So it's either a kill or be killed situation for these pedos there.
And to them, they're all over the web like putting lines in the water.
It's like they're fishing.
Yeah 100% and a lot of them use their real names online and I just think they've been doing it for so long that they just don't even care anymore.
And that's how you're able to bust them like every day with your team that just came in the last few years or 23 out of action.
Instead of getting a two-year-old, they get you on the other line.
Oh yeah, yeah.
They're not too happy.
They try to pull up a little, they pull up a big guy.
Oh, it's even better we have the live decoy too.
We've got a soccer coach in Connecticut, a 72-year-old girl soccer coach.
And he came to meet our live decoy at Walmart.
He thought he had a real 13-year-old girl right in front of him.
And then I come with like a brown paper bag saying, hey Tony, let's go talk about it.
And he's like, awww.
And then we just go outside and he gets like arrested.
You're a really nice, jolly giant, but you are a big guy in person.
I think that kind of intimidates them.
Because I'm a big guy and I look small compared to you.
I think that kind of like, it's like, this isn't the little girl I was looking for.
It's like... Yeah, no, definitely not.
I mean, nowadays I can identify as that if I really wanted to, but... You're a five-year-old girl, yeah.
Well, yeah, but...
Yeah, no, I think that's the reason they don't run.
You know, when you have a bigger size.
But you come at them in a non-aggressive way.
They just kind of respect the authority.
Well, because the bad cops, you're big and mean, but the good cops, you're being nice.
You kind of got good cop and bad cop built into one person.
Oh, 100%.
And, you know, just come at them in a non-judgmental way, but a firm way, and a lot of them seem to open up.
Well, because I've watched a lot of your videos.
We've had you on a bunch, but I've watched hundreds of them.
They all seem to fold.
Um, there's a few that don't, but yeah, for the most part they do.
Um, you just got to kind of, you just got to kind of, kind of like have to apply pressure on them, and you know, with these pedophiles, they don't take responsibility for anything, so you always got to like put the blame on them when you're questioning, or put the blame on them.
Oh, you heard him.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, the baby wanted me to rape him.
Oh, I mean, we, we've heard an excuse from a sex offender in Washington named Gene Clywer.
He's, he got arrested, but he, his thing was with a two-year-old boy, or girl, I don't, I'm not sure, but he blamed the two-year-old for touching his penis.
Like, that's how they operate.
Well, you could put an electric cord in his hand and grab it.
You could give a baby a teaspoon of cyanide, it's gonna tell you.
Yeah, no, 100%.
So they say, they say, well, I put mine in their mouth, they did it.
Well, it's a baby.
No, yeah, they're genuinely shameless with what they, with how they rationalize what they do.
By the way, I rarely play clips twice in a row, but let's play that clip one more time, folks, because you hear him.
He blames the baby, the toddler, for the fact that when he sexually assaults him, he claims, as if it's even true.
That's what Nambla says, though.
It's a man-boy love.
They deserve it.
They need it.
You like it.
Yeah, we had a, I had a pedophile email me that watches the channel, like, he is a fan of the channel, he of course stays anonymous, but he emailed me basically saying that kids are sexual at six years old and that it's all, it's society's fault for making it this way, for making, for putting the stigma on pedophilia.
It's, it's really sick.
And here's what's going on.
Humans have these genes and these genetics and these things, which then activated puberty.
Just because there's something there, It's like I go to a gas station to buy gasoline.
It doesn't mean I go burn somebody's house down.
Children are not of age.
They're not in puberty.
And so someone can come abuse and manipulate that and children are trusting of adults.
So it's beyond rape.
Yeah, it is.
It tortures their soul, and it damages them in more ways than one, like the amount of people that we've caught that were abused as kids, and through that learned behavior.
It's a sad cycle that happens.
Well, my concern is they've set up networks, which is great.
I'm glad you're doing it.
It's kind of the low-hanging fruit.
The higher-level, more intelligent pedophiles, from your research, what's going on there?
Like the CIA stuff?
The orphanages, we know what's going on.
Yeah, we get a lot of people that message us saying, hey, can you catch this family member of mine?
He did this to me when I was a kid, or he did that to that.
And they give us their Facebook, and they don't even bite on the Facebook.
They don't even use social media to go access kids.
The clever ones just keep it in person, sadly, and there's really no way for us to go get them.
But I had noticed from research in the news that the higher level, smarter pedophiles do use sometimes the minions.
Have you, I call it Count Dracula, Renfield, have you found any Renfields?
Well, kind of.
So we caught this couple, we caught this couple in University City, Missouri.
They came like an hour from an hour away from Union and the husband sent his wife to go pick up who she thought was going to be an 11-year-old girl and to mask, to basically mask what was going to be happening.
She had her two toddlers with her in the backseat to go pick up this 11-year-old kid.
So for a whole hour, we were questioning her.
The two toddlers were in the backseat just crying, not knowing what was going on.
And, you know, seeing their parents get arrested in front of them is just terrible.
I never saw that.
Where's that video?
It should be on Rumble.com.
Predator Poachers on Rumble.
P-R-E-D-A-T-O-R space P-O-A-C-H-E-R-S.
If you type in Predator Poachers, University City, that video will be on there.
William and Rachel.
And they're going through the court process right now and they're in big trouble.
So on your Rumble, Predator Poachers.
Predator Poachers, University City.
It should be a few pages back.
Yeah, so we'll get that.
I want to play that coming up.
So, I study criminology.
It's so fascinating.
But, you know, usually most violent crimes are men.
But it does, just as a layman, I don't have any numbers on this, but I see it, like women are being more inducted into this now.
Or it seems like, for at least the first time in modern history, women are more engaged.
Is that wrong?
It's that actually does seem to be the case.
We've had more, I mean just this past year we've caught two sets of couples and all four of them were arrested and it seems like not only are the women being inducted into it, it seems like they're also into it as well.
I mean... Well that's what I meant, yeah, because I mean I see the reports in the news like couples doing this, like what?
Yeah, yeah.
No, the women are just as culpable as the men.
I mean, you know, I try to play the angle with Rachel that, oh, well, your husband's manipulating you.
That wasn't even the case.
I wish there was more stuff on her background, but it turns out she dated two other pedophiles, and so she's attracted to those types of men.
And that's what she is.
Was she abused?
I believe she might have said that in the video, I don't quite remember.
Have you ever seen the big articles out of Germany and even New Yorker Magazine, the one where they place kids with 30,000 pedophiles and we're trying to create a new culture?
I haven't seen that.
Yeah, yeah, we can pull it up.
And they were trying to create, where if you create enough pedophiles, enough mass of them, they will then infect society and take it over.
I mean, that makes sense.
Oh yeah, 100%.
So then that would mean that they are getting stronger.
And now we're only learning about them because they're like, they're coming out of the closet.
That's true, because, you know, you couldn't just come out of the closet in the 50s and say, I'm a pedophile, because everybody would look at you weird.
Well, you'd get killed.
Yeah, you'd get killed.
And now there's whole communities of it online where you can just be anonymous, where you can just discuss this openly and in a non-judgmental way.
And people are congregating with this type of stuff.
Well, from my research, I think that's well known, the people that on average engage in sexual abuse had it themselves, so they kind of imprinted on that, that's what they think sex is.
Yeah, that's what they know and learn, but it's also not an excuse because... No, I don't think... No, no, no, no.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
But it sucks though because they're not given, they're not really given a good shake in life, but I mean we have a lot of people that watch the channel and it's happened to them, that's the last thing they'd ever do.
Well, it's like if somebody teaches a pit bull to buy kids, you still put the bull down.
Or like if you say, oh, I was born in Nazi Germany when Hitler got in power in 33, and now I'm a Hitler youth on the front lines, you're going to get taken out too.
They're just products, that's what I'm saying.
Yeah, that's the thing.
I'm less concerned about the reasoning and more concerned about what they're doing.
We can't focus on rehabbing criminals.
We've got to focus on making sure they can't create any more victims.
I know you've seen this because you're all over it, but have you seen all the Salon articles and Atlantic Monthly, which is owned by the wife of Steve Jobs that's constantly hung out at Epstein Island, and just New York Times, all of it, the pro-pedophile stuff?
No, I don't click all those sites.
I don't want to be dinged as a pedo at all.
No, no, what I'm saying is, like New York Times.
I mean, virtuous pedophiles.
Pedophiles are people too.
Have you seen all that?
I have seen that stuff, and I think it's the biggest load of crap.
I think that... Well, obviously it's a load of crap.
I'm just saying, they are literally... I mean, I don't even look for this stuff.
And they've got articles about... They've got federal cases where Satanism says, we bring babies a term, we kill them.
It's our sacrament.
Did you know they introduced federal cases on that?
I did not.
I don't know, it doesn't even sound real.
And where they've got groups literally saying that this is our right to do this, and that pedophilia is just another persuasion.
What I'm saying is the mainline culture is pushing this now.
Yeah, no, I mean, even that TED talk from a few years ago where they were saying, like, a minor attracted person, this and that, it's slowly seeping into the normal population because we're even seeing people that are messaging us that would never read the New York Times or never read Salon that they're calling themselves minor attracted persons and all of that, and it's starting to satiate in America, and it's not a good thing.
But see, you're a guy that...
I forget the story, like you were seeing a news article or whatever it was, you said, oh this isn't true, and you went online, threw a line in the water, said you were a little girl or whatever it was, right?
Yeah, a little boy.
And somebody instantly hit it, right?
Yeah, no, it's hard to comprehend how big of an issue it is until you try it.
Like, I mean, literally, if you just make it a profile, it doesn't even matter how real it looks, if you make a profile on any app you can think of and say you're 14 or something, you'll get endless messages.
But it came out just recently, like, there's lawsuits by states now, like, Facebook is feeding these people.
The algorithm, I think, is doing people no favors.
Yeah, absolutely.
And once they see that one suggested pic of a kid, it just shows more and more to them.
And then they go down the rabbit hole and they join these child-born groups.
Alright, we found this video.
Tell us again where this is.
We're going to play this video of a woman there, thinking she's picking up an 11-year-old girl.
It's on Rumble.com.
Predator Poachers.
P-R-E-D-A-T-O-R space P-O-A-C-H-E-R-S.
Alright, here's the video.
It's free to sub.
Play it.
Between his work schedule and my work schedule, it's just so much faster and so much easier.
Yeah, it's a Groupon pretty much.
in my work schedule.
It's just so much faster and so much easier.
Well, if you don't mind.
Yeah, it's a Groupon pretty much.
So I can reach you like this.
And it's so much easier instead of like breaking our back, bending over our top, you know?
After all of the showers, she loves going in the water.
I hope you're not feeding her soap.
Okay, just saying.
And we just want to have a conversation.
And I don't want anything to get in between you and your kids at all.
I understand you're good parents.
Yeah, that's fair.
That's fair.
And, you know.
Alright, well, go ahead and turn around.
Nah, I'm just kidding.
Hey, what's up, William?
See, I was ticklish as a kid, so, you know.
This is an hour video where she admits it all.
Let's skip to the end where she gets arrested.
And by the way, you're doing a great job, but I would tell people they should go to your channel.
I'm sure you don't mind.
Our audience is awesome.
They could do quick boil downs and repost it on X. I'll retweet it.
Oh, absolutely.
It's like I didn't even know about this and I've watched hundreds of your videos.
Yeah, no.
I mean, these people... I mean, Rumble has a limited reach.
Share these people.
YouTube hates us, so spread it anywhere you can, please.
Well, this woman's a ghoul.
Let's go to the end.
Here it is.
Alright, well, she said her mom leaves her on the weekends all by herself and everything like that, or at the end of the month or whatever, so... That looks like a lawyer right now.
You know, I was like, you know what, if you want to come hang out with us, you know, but she... She seems like somewhat of a troubled kid, man, so I really, you know, just kind of... Wait, so how old is she?
How old is she?
No, I'm literally just curious, like, how old is she?
Oh, I don't know.
Well what did she tell you? Did she tell you guys an age or what did she tell you guys?
Her Facebook profile says she's 23.
But what age did she say?
He's trying to pick up an 11 year old.
Do you have an 11-year-old?
Okay, so were you hoping they'd be friends with each other?
I'm not even comfortable with leaving my own 11 year old at home on a weekend.
Do you have an 11 year old?
I have this 11 year old.
I mean, yeah.
I'm going to give it back to her to use.
So were you hoping they'd be friends with each other?
Like, yeah.
I mean, that would be something to do.
I'm playing with my dudes.
Give her something to do, man.
Well, I mean, were you guys thinking, like, is your 12 year old a son or a daughter?
Were you thinking, like, this could be, like, someone her own age you had to run with or something like that?
They can't say Shane.
They've got to do it.
So you guys were aware she was 11 then, but you guys didn't have no ill intentions or anything?
In this video, he talks about a two-year-old touching his penis and stuff like that.
Well, I mean, didn't she tell you, Eleven, though, in the very beginning?
I really don't remember.
I was just talking on the phone, dude.
So, um, who are you talking to?
If you don't mind, uh...
So that's, uh, some overlay footage from the video, um...
So that's William. So, William was on the phone at first, 'cause he was sending the wife to go do his deed.
And then when his wife gets caught up, he's like, "Oh crap, I'm coming."
So then he ends up showing up, like, midway through the video, and then they both get arrested.
Which is a classic pedophile using a woman or child.
Yeah. Oh, 100%.
They just send them out to the front lines and the pedophiles don't care about anybody but themselves, even their own wives.
Well, he'll do well in prison.
Oh yeah, we have a phone call with him in prison.
He's already like complaining and kind of frantic about some stuff, so it's pretty funny.
It doesn't even seem real.
Your wife with two babies?
You're trying to get a 11-year-old girl?
Yeah, and unfortunately, one of his kids committed suicide after all this stuff came out, and he said that with that kid that committed suicide, well, like, he committed suicide after the video, but with that kid he said he, like, jacked off with him when he was underage and stuff like that.
Like, he, I think he just damn well... So he had children from previous parents?
Or previous wives?
Folks, I'm sorry to have to be covering this, but...
You know, this is what is in Hunter Biden's or Joe Biden's daughter's diary.
And this is what they don't want you to know.
Then you ask, why would somebody destroy America?
Why would they start war?
Why are they so evil?
Why would they give us poison shots?
Because for a lot of these old pedophiles, it's the newest thing, folks.
They love it.
Hurting people is what they do.
Winter is coming.
Ophelia is just the entrance to this thing. It goes down many floors into hell. We'll be back with Alex Rose and
Winter is coming.
stay with us.
Winter is coming. Winter is coming. Winter is coming.
Winter is coming. Winter is coming. Winter is coming.
Winter is coming.
Winter isn't coming.
Winter is here.
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You know, we're doing God's work here, folks.
Not because we're heroes, but because it's the right thing to do.
You know, Alex, I've been watching your work for years.
Not just this, on the tyranny, the poison shots, all of it.
And what I have noticed, and I'm not criticizing you, is you need to do it.
You need to put out the whole hour or two hour event.
You're not covering something up.
You're showing what really happened.
What I tend to watch, because I'm busy, what I see every day is you're prolific.
And I get aging.
People say, I'm turning 50 next month.
They go, you look older than that.
Well, man, I mean, this isn't a game.
It really gets to you.
You care.
You, people need to support you.
You got a 15-person team now.
You got to do synopses, you know, the boil downs.
You didn't know what a boil down was.
It just means, in media parlance, you know, a five-minute clip.
Because you're telling me the stuff they say, and you tell me, I go see the videos, they're there, about molesting babies, raping babies, all this stuff, and admitting they wanted to rape this girl, and now he's going to prison for it.
I believe it's in the tape.
It's just we can't air an hour here.
This is like insane.
No, we definitely need to make some more viewer-friendly clips, I think.
But yeah, we're busy all the time.
We did 25 of these in 18 days.
I want to be clear, it's key that you put the whole thing out.
This is an investigation.
So they'll say you're covering things.
I agree, you've got to put the whole thing out.
But hey, it's not your job.
Everybody should go to your site right now and just try to plow through it, folks.
It's a rabbit hole of hell.
And then just decide what you're going to put.
People can put it out.
Oh yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, just go find our stuff and post whatever you want.
Okay, I... How many of these... How many people have you busted?
Um, definitely I think over 600 at this point.
In, uh, four years.
Can you imagine if more people did what Alex Rosen has done?
Yeah, I think more people should do it.
Just make sure you all do it the right way and try to get them arrested.
Don't just yell in their face for 10 minutes and let them go because they'll just go do it again.
But I even watched some of your earlier videos.
You were so professional from the beginning.
I guess it's a gift.
Yeah, I mean, from 2021 on, we definitely were more professional, but in 2019, yeah, we were just kind of reckless, but yeah, starting in 2021, we definitely... What are those videos like?
Well, in 2019, we would just kind of cash and release them in Houston, Texas, but the cops wouldn't really do anything, so we were just screaming Walmart at them, but we were only 19 years old ourselves.
I mean, we definitely matured over the past couple years, but... So it's in the trenches?
It's not an overnight success story?
No, it's in the trenches for sure.
I mean, YouTube's banned our channels like seven times.
Which, what does that tell you?
Well, it's pretty obvious that YouTube defends predators.
I mean, they even made rules specifically tailored to predator-catching channels when there's only like ten on the platform.
Out of millions of channels, they make rules for only ten channels.
YouTube is very pro-peto, and it's pretty naive to think otherwise.
Well, that's because if you'll do that, the devil's got you.
Yeah, no, a hundred percent.
I mean, I don't know what's going on in Silicon Valley, but it's just kind of weird they have just the nuke, they press the nuke button on channels exposing like convicted child molesters.
What do you think of Elon?
Oh, well, Elon has done some pretty good stuff.
I think we still shouldn't trust him.
I think we should celebrate the good he does and criticize him for the bad.
He's made some pretty head-scratching decisions, but I think he's done mostly good stuff, but always stay vigilant around these types of people.
Yeah, I'm not here to defend anyone.
When you're running something that big, it's hard to know who's in control.
It is hard to know who's in control.
We just got to take it in stride.
We just can't put our trust in any man.
We got to put our trust in God.
Alright, I've been asking a lot of questions and I got some other news I want to hit you with and get your take on because you're an interesting person.
But what else are you looking at right now?
What's your main message to people?
Well, main message to people is don't be a sideline sitter, be a doer.
If you see something, if you see a politician that can go be pressed, be pressed.
If you have a question for somebody, if you want to get something done in your community, then go ahead and do it.
Actually, that's what we're doing right now.
Our next big thing that we want to do, if y'all go to predatorpoachers.com, just predatorpoachers.com, It's our website.
We're going to be starting a petition for the state of Pennsylvania to get this law changed to where DEQA evidence can't be charged.
And if we're posing as a minor, they can't get arrested for talking to that minor.
So that's why we had to get Dominique on child porn and child molestation, because we couldn't get them on just posing as a minor.
Well, in Texas, they can get gotten posing as a minor.
So if y'all go to predatorpoachers.com, sign up for free, so y'all are ready for the petition to drop, and we're going to hopefully get this law changed here in Pennsylvania.
You're, man, impressive.
I'm sure you've seen the numbers in the congressional hearings two months ago, where the head of the program at DHS said, no, they're covering up, we're trying to stop it.
Mayorkas is not letting us do it, he's being impeached right now.
87, 89,000, the number's gone over 90 now.
Missing children in the last three years.
Like, where are they?
That's a very good question.
I mean, we just saw the tunnels in New York City in that synagogue, and I'm not saying that's the only place where people could be going, but I think that story popping up, I think that's probably replicated thousands of times.
Yeah, the bizarre image of an Orthodox Hasidic Jew climbing out of a gutter We don't know.
I mean, I don't know.
Do you have any intel on what's happening down there?
I have no intel, but I think a soiled mattress and a high chair should speak enough for what it probably is.
Like, I think it's... I think it's disgusting and I think it's a lot more common than we think.
Or than we can comprehend.
So, subterranean vaults with... There is a dirty mattress and high chairs.
Yeah, and it's very common.
Why would you have a child in some tunnel dug under New York City?
Why would you have a child in New York City in the first place?
I don't know, but definitely a tunnel is very, uh, weird.
I just can't imagine digging a tunnel and raping kids.
It's just so weird.
Yeah, no, it's, uh...
And they're going to show you, like, those people, if they are doing that, those people aren't the ones on social media targeting children.
They just keep... Well, I respect you, because I saw the thing online, hey, I bet this is kids.
I'm like, yeah, it's probably drug dealing or, you know, something had, you know, but you're saying your nose smells.
Yeah, I don't, I don't, I can't see an orthodox Jew dealing drugs, but unfortunately I can, I think that, all I'm going to say is that dealing drugs is I think the last thing that one of them would do, so I don't think they're into that stuff.
But you think they could be?
I think religious leaders from any religion can be that way.
Yeah, Oprah was involved in that big cult that was raping kids.
Yeah, of course.
Oprah, The Rock, all those people.
I mean, when kids go missing at the border, I don't think... I mean, yeah, where do they go?
And, I mean, it is bad.
I mean, I talked to a border patrol agent a couple months ago.
We just visited the border in Yuma, Arizona, and he just said it's basically just a crap show, and it just happens over and over and over again.
Well, because you are an on-the-ground expert, so start over with New York.
Because I wasn't going to go there, but I did see the dirty mattresses and the high chair.
You are on the ground, first look, you're not conclusively saying, but gut level, as an investigator, what are you seeing with these tunnels?
Well, yeah, I think a high chair and a soiled mattress, I don't think good things are happening to kids in those tunnels.
And if it was anything like changing their diaper, Anything innocent like that, why would it have to be happening in a tunnel when they all live in either apartments or homes?
It doesn't make any type of sense.
It's so demonic!
Yeah, it is demonic.
It's them doing it themselves, but it's like they're possessed or pushed to go do it.
You know, I was studying Mesoamerica.
It's so interesting.
Every culture's done this.
Every culture, whether it's Germanic, Jewish, Mesoamerican, Africa, they found it.
Before the Aztecs took over, the Mayans would hide the human sacrifice and build deep tunnels under the ground and do it.
Well, history repeats.
Isn't this weird?
What makes them want to dig a hole and kill a kid?
I don't understand why they would do something like that.
I want to go eat enchiladas.
Yeah, me too.
I want to help children.
It never gets old.
I don't understand it.
Yeah, I mean, children are literally like the best people on earth.
I mean, they're just so nice and innocent and, um, the fact that there's... I want to take them to the zoo or a movie.
Yeah, exactly.
Like, the last thing you should want to do... Look at the soil mattress.
That looks like blood.
Yeah, it looks like either feces or blood.
Oh my God, that looks like a... I'll coin a term, a rape patch.
Oh man, yeah, maybe.
Yeah, there's no excuse.
That doesn't look too good.
You got a like subterranean thing where there's like baby stuff and dirty mattresses?
Yeah, and if anybody's in New York City, why don't you just go ask themselves what it is?
I mean, don't wait for me or Alex Jones to figure it out.
You guys right now living in New York City can go to that same synagogue with peacefully non-violent and just go ask them what's going on there.
And if they stumble over their words, we probably have an answer.
Where'd the kids go then?
I don't know.
I don't even think... I don't know.
I think they should be asked that.
I think somebody should go ask them that.
I can't even handle it anymore.
I don't even get it.
It's like another language to me.
Yeah, we can't share society with people that just do that.
Like I said, with that petition, let's get that stuff signed so we can make sure that pedos go to jail for a very long time because they always re-offend again.
Well, let's get back to these subterranean pits.
I mean, what are dirty mattresses and baby apparel doing in a pit under the city?
I don't know.
I mean, why did they flip out so bad when the police came?
Yeah, I don't know.
I mean, it really just sounds like they were being caught.
I mean, there's a similar level of defensiveness that I see when I go confront predators themselves.
I mean, they just try to cover up, justify it, or whatever.
And it looked like with them, they weren't even trying to justify it.
They were just trying to, they were just going crazy.
I don't even know what they said about it.
Guys, show the footage of the guy climbing out of the hole in the ground.
I mean, you can't make this up.
I don't even know what to say at this point.
Is civilization, what is this?
Is civilization even salable?
Um, I think it needs to get a lot worse before it gets better at this point.
I think the normies need to realize that this stuff is real and I think we have a long way to go to that.
Well there is a certain percentage of people of every group that just want to do whatever's bad.
Yeah, yeah.
They just want to follow the trends and they want to be included.
And I think that's what we want with the pedos too.
They have a community that doesn't judge them and they just roll with that.
I mean, it's a cult mentality no matter how you look at it.
Look at that.
Oregon Traffic Rabbis arrested over a massive crime ring.
Oh my god.
I mean, just what?
Yeah, that's...
It's disgusting, and I think if anybody's in New York City, go to where that synagogue is and go ask them questions, very respectfully, but we should hear from them themselves what it is.
My desires are like, hey, let's play a card game and we make a big salad and Uh, meatballs or something.
Like, I call my mom and say, hey mom, want to come over Sunday?
We make me a big, you know, like, I don't understand, like, why don't they just like food or sunsets or like a football game or just like, why are you not happy?
It doesn't make sense.
Why do you want to rape a kid?
And that's the thing too.
Like so many women are so hot and like, Oh my God.
I mean, like there's so many hot women out there and why they would, I don't know.
It's just an evil that, I mean, even catching these people, it's an evil that I can't comprehend.
I can't ever really put myself in their shoes.
I can empathize with them, you know, pretend.
Well, that's the thing.
I'm married, so I'm with my wife, and it's great.
I'm not attracted to children, but way before that, like, there's women everywhere.
But exactly.
Why are you attracted to women?
Yeah, I don't know.
I mean, who doesn't like just some nice proportions?
It's baffling to me.
I just can't comprehend it, man.
I mean, even go to the gym yesterday.
There's just so many hot women there.
I don't know, man.
I don't know.
Well, the Bible says that this is going to happen in the end times.
I just wonder what's going on, because I just can't, I can't, like, it's work, beyond even pedophilia, there's the flirting with nuclear war, like, they like it, it's like a, anything really evil, they just, it gets them excited.
Yeah, I mean, um, yeah, I mean, we see tons of articles like, oh, threatening nukes with this, threatening nukes with that, and I don't know, I think a lot of these journalists can get off to some fear porn, and, I don't know, do you think we're in the end times?
I mean, I think we're definitely at the crossroads.
And all I know is, is that, is that, I remember my uncle was a great guy.
I ran Contra, Army, all the stuff.
And he got out of it, never told me the details, but he said, no, I got out of it in the late 80s because they were trafficking kids out of Guatemalan orphanages and we knew about it and the government was involved.
I said, what were they doing?
He said, we don't know the specifics, but it was bad.
And so this is not some new thing with trafficking kids.
I want to know where they're going.
Yeah, and I think... I mean, are they going to underground New York?
They might be.
I mean, if there's any whistleblowers watching, or potential whistleblowers, I mean, say something.
I think a lot of people get too caught up in, like, you know, the Nazis were the only ones to ever follow orders in the history of man.
Everybody else is good.
We have order followers now to this day who don't want to say anything.
Rick Linklater said that to me when he first put me in Waking Live.
He said, you know, Alex, the Nazis were bad, right?
I go, yeah.
He goes, but isn't it Hitler's little uniform becomes this perfect thing that he's the only evil, so we don't recognize all the new evil?
Oh, 100%?
Percent or many!
Yeah, no, exactly.
Like, just because something is not Hitler and, you know, obviously Stalin and Mao were way worse than Hitler, but just because something's not Hitler doesn't mean that, doesn't mean there's no evil.
And I think a lot of people in America don't realize that because, you know, people have their cheeseburgers, porn and video games.
They just ignore all the stuff going around, going around around them.
Like, you know, yeah, we're talking about the tunnels right now, but everybody watching, you're gonna forget about it in two days, okay?
So you gotta remember that.
This isn't just entertainment, this isn't NFL, this is real.
Yeah, it's real.
Like, obviously, you're an entertaining guy, I mean, I love watching you, but like, you give me real stuff to go off of, and from that information... You do too.
Yeah, from learning about Peter Hotez from InfoWars, I went ahead and went to go confront Peter Hotez.
So, you know, take what these, I mean, not just us, but, you know, if we're giving out good info here, you know, do something with it.
Be a difference.
Not violently, don't break any laws, but be a difference.
Don't think you can't just because you're not sitting on this side of the screen.
Like, go do something yourself because it's going to take a lot of us.
Because, look, I was at a Palestinian protest yesterday.
I don't care about Israel or Palestine, but, you know, Palestine protests are a bunch of peons.
Um, they're all useless.
They're not fulfilled in life.
They're leftist.
They're miserable.
Yes, they're leftist.
So just because I don't like everything Israel's doing doesn't mean I then own into this group.
So they're all miserable and not fulfilled.
But a lot of people watching right now are fulfilled, have families, and have a happy life.
So if these unfulfilled peons can go make a difference and cause noise, why can't smart, high IQ people like us go ahead and make a difference?
I think you just said it.
There's fulfilled and unfulfilled.
And unfulfilled people are like, well, maybe if I rape a child, I get fulfilled.
That's what it is.
That could be.
It's like the Dracula archetype.
He's got to take the blood to be fulfilled.
He's got to be a predator.
Whereas you just love God and love everything God gave us.
You're totally fulfilled.
Yeah, exactly.
Find happiness in something good.
All right.
Well, I can ask a lot of questions.
I got a lot of news here, but...
What do you think should happen with America in the election in only 290-something days left?
Oh gosh.
If I had to put money on it, I would say Trump's probably going to win at this point.
I think a lot of people like Trump more than Biden.
I mean, even if you go to a Walmart and you ask the Walmart workers, you know, who are you voting for, Trump or Biden?
They're going to say, oh yeah, man, I like my boy Trump.
So I think a lot of people that otherwise weren't political are going to be voting for Trump.
I don't know if it's part of some script or some part of like, you know, some puppet game going on, but I think Trump's going to win regardless, and I hope he's sincere in what he says.
Yeah, well, I was about to say, like, this office is in the bad part of town because it's cheaper.
I'll go to a gas station, a bunch of poor black people, Hispanics, all, we love Trump, we love Trump.
I mean, you see it happening.
Yeah, you do see it happening.
Like, I don't think a single normie who's non-political, just like, yeah, I'm just a Joe Biden supporter.
Like, everybody's like, yeah, man, Trump was cool, man.
Yeah, everything was better under Trump.
Which it was, but I hope Trump is not some demon.
I really do.
You know, I know, I know Trump.
He's, he's, they'll try to manipulate his weaknesses against him, but he means, that's why they don't like him, because he means well.
Let's play that clip I had for the start of the show, I never played in the last two and a half hours.
Almost three hours.
We're doing the whole fourth hour coming up with General Flynn.
MTG's up with us first.
Alex Rosen here with us right now.
Massive information.
But let's play that clip of Trump, Biden saying, Trump wants a depression, a crash, ahead of time.
No, no, no, no.
You can't deny the bubble's popping.
Trump's honest saying, I hope I'm not Herbert Hoover who got elected right when the depression started that he got blamed even though his policies were against it.
Trump's being honest about that.
Here's the clip.
An economy that's incredible.
We have an economy that's so fragile.
And the only reason it's running now is it's running off the fumes of what we did, what the Trump administration did.
It's just running off the fumes.
And when there's a crash, I hope it's going to be during this next 12 months.
Because I don't want to be Herbert Hoover.
The one president, I just don't want to be Herbert Hoover.
But what they've done is incredible.
What they're doing.
With all of this money, the trillions and trillions of dollars of waste.
So Trump cut right to it.
They've imploded it.
They're propping it up till I get in.
I was thinking this days ago and then he's had this clip last night.
I was thinking the same thing.
They're going to hand him the depression.
That could be the case, because they handed him the depression, and a Republican isn't going to win for probably a very long time.
But then again, I mean, it's pretty hypocritical to say Trump wants a depression.
I mean, um... No, he's saying they're doing this to us, and I... Yeah, yeah, no, 100%.
Because if it happens before he gets in, he can change policies and fix it.
But the public works like, if it happens the day after he's elected, they'll blame him.
No, 100%.
And it's hypocritical, that's what I was saying, it's hypocritical to think that Trump actually wants a depression.
But as far as I know, a lot of leftists were probably celebrating when Trump had to deal with all the COVID lockdowns and this and that, which I think he handled horribly, by the way, but they were definitely celebrating that Biden would probably win.
He got conned.
Yeah, well.
And I don't even want to defend Trump.
I'm saying what I really believe happened.
You think he got conned?
Well, he wanted, he was trying to get all the hydroxychloroquine, all the ivermectin.
He was everything.
Just get it going.
Because they were telling him, they told him, sir, we can't open things until there's a vaccine five years.
Well, we're not doing that.
So he was going to be the savior, not knowing the medical system was so murderous.
That makes sense.
I mean, he used to be anti-vax, but... Yeah, I'm not an apologist to him, but I know they legitimately hate him, and they had this before Trump got in, they had this at the CDC cooked up and ready.
It was on the shelf, they were ready.
Why do you think Trump still endorses the vaccine to this day?
He is, his strength against them is his weakness with us.
He'll never admit he's wrong.
Well do you think that's a sign of a good leader though?
It is generally, but he doesn't push it anymore at least.
I mean I've had arguments, I'm going to leave it at that.
And then Trump's like, fine, screw you, if you're going to keep doing this, I'm right.
And I sit here with this lesser of two evils.
I don't believe in lesser of two evils, but I do believe in a lesser of worse outcomes.
But I'm honest about the audience.
I mean, folks, you want Gavin Newsom?
Because that's who they got ready.
So you think Gavin Newsom's going to replace Joe Biden before 24?
Yeah, no.
They're definitely trying, but Biden's dug in with his bureaucracy.
They're like, screw it, we'll have a guy who can't even talk up there.
They'll have a guy like 89 years old when he leaves office to be wins.
They don't care.
Yeah, no.
I mean, everybody's a meat grinder to the Democrats.
Well, it's like Fetterman.
They like a guy that can't talk, because they'll blame it all on him.
You see, when it all goes down, oh, Biden did it.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I mean, Fetterman said some pretty funny stuff recently, though.
I mean, do you think Dr. Oswald has said Chinese should be buying land in America?
I mean, Fetterman said that.
Oh, no, no.
Fetterman's definitely taking a populist tack.
Yeah, yeah.
It's so funny to see, because he's pissing off so many leftists, and he's just so dumb that it's just funny at this point.
I don't even, you know.
But that's the prototype of what they want.
The global sub-right, they want dumb politicians they control.
Well, yeah, and I think they kind of messed up with Fetterman.
Nixon wasn't perfect, but he was the president.
That's when they got rid of him.
Like, that guy was in charge.
They don't want that.
Well, I think that's the thing with Fetterman.
They want dumb people like, you know, Sheila Jackson Lee.
She's my Congress lady from Houston.
They're dumb.
But I think Fetterman's too dumb that he can't even be bought.
Like, he's just too dumb.
He can't even follow script.
And he'll become a regular guy.
He'll be like, screw this.
He's like, no, you're not supposed to be saying that.
Yeah, he's just like some like regular low IQ guy.
He's like, wait, yeah, of course Johnny should be buying land.
Wait, someone's offering me money?
I don't even know what they're talking about.
Like, I just think he's so out.
And he's like, we shouldn't be sending illegals to New York.
Yeah, his mind's gone.
I know.
He's more right-wing than Dr. Oswald.
I freaking love it.
I love it.
That's because his mind's completely gone, and see that?
But look at Lloyd Austin.
Like, he's completely out of his mind.
He should probably maybe be dead.
Who knows?
Is Lloyd Austin, like, dementia-type?
Well, he had a prostate surgery, and gallons of fluid that had now been taken off, and he got major infection.
The point was they kept it secret.
And didn't even tell people the nuke codes.
So when you've got nuclear weapons, you can't have the President of the Secretary of Defense incapacitated.
Or it's got to be handed over.
It's like a train conductor.
That's why you have two pilots in a plane.
Pilot, autopilot.
Well, in a country, you can't have the leader or the guy in charge of the nukes to just not tell people, by the way, I'm going to be in the hospital for two weeks.
Bye bye.
So who do you think is running the country right now?
I mean, it's a consortium of corporations and bureaucracies, and they like that because they don't get to blame.
I know who is.
They can just say it's Biden or Lloyd Austin and the Stars of Atomic Mass.
Look at this.
But then the truth is, if someone isn't in charge, no one is.
So the bureaucracies act like they're in charge, they're puppets, but they're not even in charge.
See how that works?
You can't not have a real leader in charge if they're in charge.
You're trying to like, policies, well policies take weeks for these lawyers and bureaucrats to create.
So they're handing new policies, well Lloyd Austin only gets one like every two weeks.
So he's off, knowing there's no oversight, he does what he wants.
So there's no immediacy to the power structure.
There's no immediate decision-making.
It's the worst form of government.
It's fabulously dangerous.
Yeah, and hopefully we only have one more year of this before the adults get in charge again.
Let's hope.
Alex Rosen, thank you so much.
Marjorie Taylor Greene's coming up.
General Flynn's coming up.
We're going to cover all of the insanity and the war buildup and what's happening with the economy.
And they're saying right-wingers are going to blow everything up.
White supremacists are everywhere.
They're hiding under your chair.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, as long as leftists are stupid, right-wingers are going to be blowing up on social media, making fun of you guys.
But hopefully we can actually get some stuff changed in person because that's what matters.
Well, that's my deal.
I don't want to defeat leftists.
I want them to grow up.
Yeah, but that's defeating them though, because they wouldn't be leftists anymore.
Yeah, join us!
Yeah, that's how you win!
Alright, Alex Rosen, people can find your work everywhere.
Thank you.
Predator Poachers.
Yes, Predator Poachers on Rumble.
P-R-E-D-A-T-O-R space P-O-A-C-H-E-R-S on Rumble.com.
You can see here the Great Awakening orbiting the Great Reset.
Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
It is protected by a satanic shield, which can be disabled by the Great Awakening.
The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
Alex Jones has volunteered to lead the fighter attack.
Get a signed copy of The Great Awakening today at Infowarsstore.com Some have accused DHS of not enforcing our nation's laws
This could not be further from the truth.
The majority of all migrants encountered at the southwest border throughout this administration have been removed, returned, or expelled.
A majority of them.
But what about the ones who evade border patrol?
The border crisis in Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras has worsened in recent weeks because the arrival of thousands of migrants has forced the closure of an international bridge to vehicles.
We are doing everything we can within a broken system to incentivize non-citizens to use lawful pathways, to impose consequences on those who do not, and to reduce irregular migration.
Mexican soldiers supervise migration route as illegals rush U.S.
One of the huge caravans that crossed to Eagle Pass in the last days of December.
The migrants showed us the GPS they obtained when leaving a shelter to find a distant location on the Rio Grande.
With respect to your question about the December surge, that was certainly an extraordinarily high number of encounters.
It coincides with a time when Mexican enforcement was no longer implemented.
Our own military.
I mean, you see it all over the internet.
Oh, we're going to put the military on the border.
I'm going to explain it again.
We've been there.
We've shot the video.
It's all over the news.
The US military is down there facilitating and running the open border and cutting down barbed wire that the Texas Guard put up and the state police put up.
Does the Biden White House have any intention to tackle this crisis in any meaningful way in the lead up to the 2024 election?
No, on the contrary, they are suing Ken Paxton, Greg Abbott, and the state of Texas for Texas's attempts to put some buoys in the Rio Grande trying to secure Texas's territorial sovereignty against the Mexican drug cartels and, frankly, Hezbollah and some radical Islamic groups that control large swaths, operationally speaking, of the U.S.-Mexico border.
So they're actually, not only are they not trying to mitigate the damage, they're actually throwing fuel right into the fire trying to make it worse.
So, let's just get that straight.
Oh, there's liberal groups down there running things.
Yeah, you think so?
NGOs, non-governmental organizations.
A group from Venezuela showed up on the doorstep here at the Red Cross recently.
No one knew they were coming, and they claim they were given the address here by agents with the Border Patrol.
Immigrant aid agencies were contacted and helped them find a place to live.
We talked to these asylum seekers who just got off the train.
Everyone had heard that the United States is giving them a direct pass to cross the border.
What happens now?
If you're talking about all these different people that have penetrated, all these different intelligence operatives, sleeper cells that have penetrated our southern border, what are the kind of extortion points, the pressure points, that are used from within?
This morning we found out from none other than the New York Post that 1,900 migrants from Floyd Benefield are being transferred to James Madison High School tonight at 5 p.m.
for an overnight stay due to inclement weather conditions.
We warned about this.
Floyd Pettifield is susceptible to flooding, storms, winds, etc.
It's not an acceptable place to house people.
But neither are our public schools.
Our schools are not migrant or homeless shelters.
They're places of learning for our children, paid for by our taxpayer dollars.
Our children, our school community, our families should not have to bear the brunt of a migrant crisis.
Is there nothing they won't cover up?
Is there any depth?
Is there any low level that they won't stoop to as they go along with all of this?
Joe Biden has done a remarkable job as President of the United States.
Many of us in the Democratic Party want to make sure that we aren't helping fund traffickers, that we aren't creating a humanitarian disaster.
I'm saying, you know, I need more people in my district just for redistricting purposes.
We have the effects of climate change, poverty, increasing level of authoritarianism, the very many challenges that are at the root cause of the displacement of people around the world.
I mean, is there any crime a Democrat leader, a senator, a house member, a president, an agency head, is there any crime that you won't go along with?
Alright, there is a procedural vote going on in the House of Representatives right now.
Dealing with the impeachment of Mayorkas, the head of DHS.
MTG will join us as soon as that vote is done.
In the next five minutes or so, General Flynn joins us at the bottom of the hour on this incredible Window into the incompetency of the military ruling class in this country.
Everybody thinks it's so wonderful and they're globalist almost to a man.
And that is Lloyd Austin being gone for weeks and weeks and lying about it.
And no one even knows if he's even not in a coma right now.
So that's just how they operate.
Keeping everybody in the dark while they start all these giant wars.
Incredibly dangerous situation.
But I've got a bunch of border clips I want to play.
Dealing with the impeachment of Mayorkas.
Here's Congressman Coons, a Democrat, saying he hopes the Democrats have not created a humanitarian disaster by saying, come up here, the border's open.
They have, but this is good news.
Because you've got to ask the question, do they have any bottom?
Do they have any soul?
I mean, we're talking about millions of people Coming across every few months.
We're talking about the federal numbers every couple months, the size of Denver coming in.
And I have all these clips, Democrats have more documents today, I haven't even gotten to yet, where the feds admit, yeah, we're doing this for redistricting.
We're doing it for Democrats to get more districts.
They admit it.
I played the videos last few days, but they admit it in documents.
And they go, oh, there's no illegals voting.
They're not just getting the congressional districts down to go blue or creating new blue districts.
They are voting in federal elections.
I had that debate Saturday, and I'm like, hey, the illegal aliens vote.
Well, only in local elections.
I go, almost all local elections are on the midterm and general election ballots.
So are people like Ed Krasenstein and others that uninformed?
I think the answer is yes.
So I told the story today.
We're sitting there in these chairs, right where I'm sitting, and we're about to go live, three minutes before, and there's like a bzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz.
I go, guys, that's your text message that's coming in.
Because it only turns on the tower when it sends a message.
Or when your phone sends a message.
When you send an email or go to a video, it sends a message.
It's a microwave relay system.
And they all, he starts laughing and they go, microwave oven?
I go, no, no, it's a microwave relay system.
You got to keep it away from the cord.
They just laughed at me and like, you're so stupid.
Like they don't know where electricity comes from, how you get packages of beef or chicken at the store.
They don't, they don't know what fertilizer is.
They don't know nothing folks.
It's not just they can't run a buck or get a trot line or fight or shoot a gun.
Those of us that just grew up like this think, like, this is normal.
I know how to drive a tractor.
I know how to drive an 18-wheeler.
I know how to fight for my life.
I know how to hurt people.
I don't want to.
They don't have any fundament.
Like, I'm like, how's this work?
Cell phones are really neat when they came out, you know, 40 years ago.
I want to learn about them.
They think it's weird to know that.
And they just laugh arrogantly.
Oh, we can have war with Russia.
Sean Penn, whoever said nuclear war's not a good thing?
He said, well, it's totally survivable.
Let's have one.
Has he read the battle plans?
Has he read all the analyses and war games?
They all end horrible.
I mean, we're talking end of the world.
It'll make Viggo Mortensen's The Road and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome look like a cakewalk.
It'll make World War II look like a happy day.
Happy making time.
But they think we're weird.
Because we know how stuff works.
They think it's weird you know how to build a house.
Or grow food.
And they're definitely threatened by the fact you can kick ass.
At the end of the day, the leftist is a weird, nerdly, cowardly creature that is angry at masculinity.
So they think if you can lower masculinity, Look, he's so proud of the guy coming to visit his wife who now left him.
He thinks, like, swinging gets you more girls.
No, it uh... I mean, you can't, you can't make this up.
You can't make this up.
And he doesn't know this is a microwave relay system.
It's hilarious to him to know science.
He doesn't read books on quantum mechanics.
He just pretends and acts powerful.
Like Joe Biden.
Like any of these people.
He doesn't want to know how things work.
He doesn't want responsibility.
All right, let's... I got a bunch of these clips we're waiting for MTG.
Skip the break.
Let's play...
Let's play the Democrat Congressman saying, I hope we're not creating a humanitarian disaster.
Now they want to act like they didn't do it.
Then let's play clip 4.
Clip 8 and 9 are people angry.
They're throwing kids out of their public schools, middle schools, high schools, for illegal aliens.
They say, don't worry, you can learn from home now.
And then I've got more here.
Let's play that.
Clip 18 with the press secretary.
Here it is.
Many of us in the Democratic Party want to make sure that we aren't helping fund traffickers, that we aren't creating a humanitarian disaster in our hemisphere and at our southern border.
We disagree between Republicans and Democrats about what policies will most likely achieve that outcome, but there is a broad awareness that the huge numbers of folks who are transiting Central America and coming through Mexico to our southern border is just not sustainable.
However, I want to close by reminding everyone that we're here today, not only because House Republicans are determined to hold Secretary America's accountable, but because more than 200 House Democrats voted on November the 13th to refer articles of impeachment to our committee.
We're now acting in a bipartisan way, I suppose, in taking up those very articles.
Stop right there.
So you pay property taxes for a public school and they announced the kids aren't going to school now.
I have a right to, that's why, that's why, cuz I'm an agitated mother, that's why.
Stop right there.
So you pay property taxes for a public school, and they announced the kids aren't going to
school now.
They're being taken out to learn from home with a computer controlling them.
And the illegal aliens are being brought in.
God knows what with them.
That's the game plan, baby!
That's the New World Order!
And it's just getting started.
We already saw this in Europe.
Let's hear from the press secretary about what she thinks about the border.
What is happening at the border is something that's been happening for decades and we need to address it.
Yeah, it's like having a scratch, and now they cut your leg off.
Yeah, we've been bleeding for a long time, but now we're really, really, really, really bleeding.
And it's a bunch of incompetent, many mentally ill people.
Take a look at them right here.
Lloyd Austin.
Joe Biden.
Who then convince themselves it's all part of some larger plan.
How they're defeating America while they try to use America to dominate the world.
These are disgusting criminals.
Look at this.
Federal documents.
Arizona allows non-citizens to vote in federal elections.
Hot air.
And the hot air shows screenshots of the documents.
On the federal website, a person is not required to submit proof of citizenship with the voter registration form, but further, to do so means the person will only be eligible to vote federal elections Known as being federal-only voter.
A federal-only voter will become eligible to vote full ballot in a federal, state, county, or local election if he or she later provides valid proof of citizenship to appropriate county recorder official.
And that's the federal government on that.
Here's more of the documents.
Important information on proof of citizenship.
And he goes on to say, you don't need it to vote.
And we already know all this.
But let's play that clip from the debate Saturday, where they're like, oh, illegals aren't voting.
I go, in local elections?
Oh, well, that, but what's wrong with that?
And I go, yeah, but then they can vote in all the other elections, because most of the elections are federal, state, local.
And their answer is, okay, what's wrong with that?
And one of them goes, well, that's a bad idea.
They don't know, folks.
Again, I'm not trying to be mean to them.
They don't know.
Because they're the ones saying, why are we getting interference with the microphones?
What's that noise?
I go, it's your phone next to the thing.
My phone's not ringing.
It's a microwave relay.
It's just, it's picking up the microwave.
The microwave, it's a microwave.
I'm going to cook my cheeseburger with it.
I'm just like, dude, it's, it's, it's, everybody knows that in engineering.
They sit there in their little apartment with their little iPad.
They do a video and act like they know stuff.
They didn't build studios.
They don't have engineers.
I'm not being mean to them.
They're children.
But they have a confidence act, ladies and gentlemen.
And they don't know what a microwave relay network is.
And then when I printed them a Wikipedia on cell phones being microwave relays and how they can interfere with equipment, they just got real quiet on kind of looked down and said, let's just do the debate.
Let's do the debate.
Because see, to them, like, especially a man, like, you know, a bigger guy, whenever they're threatened by that, like going, yeah, that's a microwave relay, just move it away.
It's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I only get orders from the man coming to my house to date my wife, literally.
The media told me the virtue is my husband letting a man into my house to date me.
He's like, I don't want to know about microwave relay towers.
I want to know about a man coming to visit my wife and take her away from him.
And I'm not being mean.
That's what the Destiny guy thinks is powerful because CNN told him, invite your wife's boyfriend over.
Let me give you a little loose flash.
If you give your girlfriend or wife to another man, she thinks you don't want her, she thinks at a biological level you're a cuck, you're a beta, so she leaves you, and she does.
But he wanted to prostrate himself.
Not prostate himself, prostrate, and bow religiously, like they would give their children to Moloch as a sign of total subservience to the system.
They showed the video earlier.
It's cute, it's fun, it's a viral video.
Now your wife's gone.
Just like your country, and your world, and everything else.
And the New York Times, the Huffington Post, they don't just tell you pedophilia is great, they tell you swinging is great.
And of course, in 90% of the time, it ends up in a broken relationship.
I was talking to one of the crew members in their neighborhood.
A whole block was swingers.
They all divorced each other and moved into each other's houses.
And then now they're all there.
So, that's the open destruction of the family.
That's their larger plan.
Alright, we saw some crazy stuff today.
We saw Hunter Biden try to bait everybody.
Like last time, he has a press conference and says, Here to testify, but he was outside.
The day he marches in, and MTG, and we'll add it in post later, post the text and stuff, she's got to go in a minute.
She brings up real questions and he throws a fit and leaves.
I think, I know, they're baiting people.
To make him the top story and to make it about this movie he's making.
I want to see Hunter Biden in trouble, but I really see this as kind of the red cape with the matador to the bull.
MTG, Congresswoman from Georgia, thank you so much for joining us.
What do you make of this fiasco that you were front and center to see?
Well, I think it's exactly what you just pointed out.
It's all about Hunter's movie.
And what will be evident on his movie is he's terrified of me.
And they didn't want my word shown on the movie that they're making.
Hunter Biden was trying to create a scene today.
He's trying to play the victim so he can portray that in the movie that he's making, but he can't play victim.
He broke federal law by evading the subpoena that we had sent to him.
His attorneys negotiated with our committee, with Oversight Committee, On when he would come in on the very day he was supposed to show up for his deposition.
He went and had a press conference on the Senate side of the Capitol because Eric Swalwell had set it up and made the reservation for him to do that.
And we're investigating Eric Swalwell for colluding with Hunter Biden to break federal law.
So these are very serious crimes.
And Alex, I want to go a step further.
I'm on the Oversight Committee right now.
I just stepped out.
We're having votes on our contempt of Congress charge against him.
But the reason why he ran out of the room when I started speaking to him is because I was going to bring up the Mann Act violations that we have evidence of him committing.
That's human trafficking.
Hunter Biden, and we have all the evidence, not only on his laptop, but we have it in bank reports in the Treasury, and we have bank statements to prove it.
And evidence because he uploaded the evidence on porn sites where he paid prostitutes, flew them across state lines, and then had sex with them and uploaded the evidence onto porn sites.
He didn't want me to address him with that.
Also, he did not want to hear my words bringing up how he has literally broken the law, violating, he never registered as a foreign agent, but took payments and millions and millions of dollars on behalf of his father.
selling out his father's political power.
This is the most corrupt family in United States history.
And we saw that Hunter Biden is nothing but a coward today.
And he was terrified of me and he ran out of the oversight room.
So it wouldn't be caught on their little camera that they had duct taped to some
sort of device that they were filming him today.
Well that's my next question.
What did he think he would do?
Not showing up at the first hearing, doing a stunt, and then now showing up and as soon as you ask him a serious question, he turns and runs.
I mean, and he looked like, he looked like he was on a lot of cocaine like Tony Montana at the end of Scarface.
He was, he did.
He looked like he was on drugs.
His eyes were very wild.
He shifted his eyes a lot.
I think he's trying to play the victim of Republicans, but he can't play the victim.
The Trump family, Eric, Don Jr., Ivanka, they all had to come in and they sat for these subpoenas and were questioned for over eight hours each by Democrats here on Democrat-controlled committees.
The Trump family obeys the law, and that's the clear difference in the Biden family.
And Hunter Biden has a serious history of drug use.
I don't know if he was on drugs today, but I definitely question it.
And it was evident in his behavior and the way he looked.
Well, I mean, you can't be blamed for saying he's probably on drugs.
The media yelled at him as he left.
He's a known crackhead.
What's his favorite crack?
I know you gotta go.
Join us again soon.
But in closing, what comes next for Hunter Biden?
And then just a quick take on what do you make of Lloyd Austin?
Weeks and weeks missing.
Nobody in command of the nuclear codes.
I mean, this scandal's really got people's attention, finally.
And it should.
Well, there's all these wars going on, and they're asleep at the switch.
Runaway train.
An airplane with no pilot?
I mean, the analogies are legion.
What's next for Hunter and then Lloyd Austin?
Well, I'll tell you right now, today we'll be voting on the committee to hold Hunter Biden in contempt.
Then we have to have a vote on the House floor.
We have the vote for that.
But as far as Lloyd Austin is concerned, that's one of the most dangerous things that has happened.
But it shows you the Biden administration is not capable of the power that they are holding right now.
The lack of communication with the Secretary of Defense is unforgivable.
That should be in communication every single day.
At all hours of the day, there should be communication between the Secretary of Defense and the President and many others because of the important, very powerful job that he holds.
And as this administration and others are trying to move us towards World War III, Alex, They want the war in the Middle East.
They want the war with Iran.
The fact that Lloyd Austin was laid up in ICU and his staff was lying about it means that every single one of them should be fired.
Lloyd Austin should be removed from his position immediately.
And I would argue that others should be fired because of the fact that they all covered it up.
This is a town where there are no secrets.
The secrets are not kept.
And the fact that they're all pretending they didn't know he was in ICU, I think that's another lie.
I think they did know, and they're trying to put blame on him or put blame on others.
I think we have a serious problem, Alex.
We're living in some of the most dangerous times.
And I'll tell you something, it's going to get worse.
It is absolutely going to get worse the closer we get to November 2024.
They're calling me, I gotta run, go vote, and thank you for all that you do, and I hope I can come back on your show soon.
As soon as you can, let us know.
Thank you.
Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Go back to that video of him and the stupid face mask and the officers.
These are clowns, people.
Doing a PSYOP to scare the public.
Oh, it's not enough to wear a mask, or two masks, or three masks.
Wear a face visor.
And then now he's in the ICU from a bacterial infection.
It's a clown show.
It's a joke.
Alright, General Flynn is set to join us.
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Now I really wanted to get General Flynn on.
He's very busy.
He's only on for like 15 minutes.
on Austin, 'cause he used to have the Defense Intelligence Agency, he used to be the National
Security Advisor.
How big is it to have a head of the Defense Department just disappear for weeks and lie
about it?
'Cause that could be a coup right there.
Who knows who the Secretary of Defense is?
We'll talk about it with a great patriot.
We had an amazing interview in the studio last week.
General Flynn, straight ahead, stay with us.
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All right, we're connecting General Flynn right now on the Lloyd Austin crisis, which just shows runaway train, nobody piling the plane into the side of a mountain.
It's really gotten the public's attention.
It should.
People at least know you can't have the Secretary of Defense missing for weeks into a black hole and all these lies to Congress.
It just shows that we don't even know who's running the government right now.
So we're getting General Flynn on right now, but I wanted to play this clip to illustrate who's bragging how they control the governments.
You can say, well, this is Klaus Schwab a couple years ago with David Gergen exaggerating his power.
No, he says we penetrate half the cabinets.
And if you look at Brazil and Germany and France and the UK and Sweden and hell, the US and Canada, More than half the people in the cabinet are WEF alumni.
And they're following the policies.
I mean, they say you will eat the bugs a couple years ago, and dozens of top manufacturers are forcing it into the batter on fried chicken you buy.
Cereal you eat.
It's just full tilt.
We're going to get rid of the cows in the Netherlands.
Boom, it happens.
We're going to cut nitrogen's fertilizer 30%.
It happens.
They're the mouthpiece of BlackRock and the ESG and the New World Order.
So yeah, they are penetrating the cabinets.
And that's who we've got to deal with.
And people say, well, the Chinese are the worst, or Israel, or all these foreign governments are involved meddling in our politics.
But BlackRock controls 88% of world money and investments.
And they are the ones establishing the cash society.
You can talk about Larry Fink all day and, you know, what his You know, background is whatever.
I'm identifying who's taking over.
We can debate all day what group it is.
Let's just oppose it taking over.
And we can get people behind that.
So here's, here's David Gergen with Klaus Schwab talking about who's hijacked our cabinets.
But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on.
So if he penetrates the cabinet, penetrates the cabinet, penetrate, penetrate, penetrates the cabinets.
So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I We know that half of this cabinet, half, half, half, half of this cabinet, or even more half of this cabinet are for our actually young noble leaders of the world economy.
Or even more half of this cabinet are for our actually young noble leaders of the world economy.
All right, General Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, former National Security Advisor to President Trump, graciously on a busy schedule, joins us for just 15 minutes to talk about Lloyd Austin.
Now, I've been covering this since last Friday when it broke.
People that don't know military doctrine, I'm not a former top general.
You know, though, he's number two in the nuclear football.
And it's a big deal when a president or a defense secretary or even a top general goes in.
They got a vet who's under them.
And I looked it up.
Three deep under him are political scientists, not even engineers or actual military men or women.
So, this is so dangerous and they've lied to us every step of the way, so I couldn't think of a better guest to explain why this is such an issue than General Flynn.
General, I would imagine, and I never asked you this, if you went in for some surgery when you were head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, which is senior, but not even at the highest level, but next highest level, you would get court-martialed if you didn't tell Congress and didn't have people confirmed under that, just under constitutional issues.
Talk about a coup.
This is just like bureaucratic idiocy or coup by incompetence.
What would you call this, General Flynn?
I would call it extremely dangerous to our national security.
First of all, Alex, thanks for letting me come on for a few minutes here, and I appreciate you and your audience's patience with me.
You know, when I moved as head of Defense Intelligence Agency, I moved probably with You know, there was 25 people at a minimum that knew where I was moving, what I was doing.
The Secretary of Defense has about 300.
He cannot move, he cannot do anything without approximately 300.
And that's being conservative, knowing what he's up to and communications over to the White House, communications to the Department of State, communications to the intelligence community when the Secretary of Defense moves because he's got Not only access, but he's got decision-making authorities for so much.
That's number one.
Number two, what's clearly happening is the White House is throwing Austin under the bus.
Biden will probably back him, but that's only for now until I think more and more pressure comes to bear.
The other thing, just for people in your audience to know, As a National Security Advisor, I was also read in on the, basically, the football, the nuclear football.
I sat right there with President Trump when we got briefed on the whole thing and we had the full laydown of all of the rules and requirements and the people that are involved in that, and the Secretary of Defense is one of them.
This is so outrageous that not even his Undersecretary, his Deputy Secretary, knew.
So what this is telling us is that we've got a group of people that are running the national security for our country, foreign and domestic, and I want to emphasize domestic, that are so dangerous and so unaware of their global responsibilities.
You know, at the same time that Secretary Austin was out of commission, we were attacked in the Middle East We were under attack in the Middle East.
Many of our ships, many of our men and women who are serving over there, probably at least a dozen times, if not more, during this past week when he was quote-unquote out of commission.
And of course, the Deputy Secretary wasn't even aware.
So, when our men and women are under attack out there, and I mean, these are big things.
We're talking about missiles being fired at our ships at sea.
This is just incredible.
So, like I said, The Secretary of Defense cannot move without and cannot do anything without about 300 people knowing where he is supposed to be at any given time.
That's everything from security to communications packages to the ability to launch nuclear weapons if and when required.
I mean, this is so We're in a place now, and I caught the very tail end of what you were talking about there with Klaus Schwab, is I always like to bring it back around to this global alliance that's formed against the United States of America.
When they see weakness, when they see a big piece of rare prime rib in the water, these sharks start to swirl around it.
Man, for the last three years, we've had nothing but red meat and blood circling in the waters with the sharks, and those sharks are in the likes of people like Klaus Schwab.
The Chinese Communist Party, the Russians, Iran.
I mean, we are looking at a global alliance that is formed against the United States of America, and it represents roughly now about 70 to 75 percent of the world's population.
So these are not small things.
These are not small matters.
And when somebody like Secretary of Defense Austin goes out of commission and nobody knows That's total baloney, Alex, and your audience knows it, everybody knows it.
Now, the next big question is, who and when will somebody be held accountable?
When will these people be held accountable?
That's what the American people are demanding.
And my next question to you is, we don't even know who's in charge.
And by the way, I was going to use the blood in the water with sharks, and then you used the rib in the water.
I mean, with the Taiwanese election about to happen, with the coup in Poland, this is In non-war time, this would be incredibly dangerous.
Just doctrinally, I'm not a general, and I know there's a cardinal failure of leadership of somebody who could advise the president for nuclear war, and then his next in command wasn't told he was having surgery.
She just stayed on vacation.
The people under her aren't even military people.
They're a bunch of politicos.
This is frightening.
These are a bunch of... This is very frightening.
These are a bunch of politically appointed people, and frankly, I've known Walt Austin for many, many years.
And he is way out of his league right now.
And we, you know, you always heard, your audience will remember that they always say, well, you know, we need to get the adults back in the room.
Well, I'm going to tell you what, we got major problems, folks.
We do not have any adults.
We don't have anybody in the room.
In fact, they're not even there.
They're missing in action.
Never mind the fact that the Secretary of Defense was not only missing, but you know, you could use the acronym AWOL, right?
Absent Without Leave.
So many men and women that serve in our military That they have to continually report into their commands and into their leadership what they're doing on a minute-by-minute basis, yet the Secretary of Defense is out of action and out of action during a really critical global period of uncertainty.
And we are facing probably one of the greatest moments in our history of uncertainty right now.
I mean, the level of Let me put it this way, John F. Kennedy wasn't perfect, but he didn't sleep for almost weeks during the Cuban Missile Crisis, neither did LBJ, neither did Nixon, that's why they age so much.
I've read their, depending on, they're up 20 hours a day, because they better be, but now they're just like gone for weeks, nobody cares.
How could they even, how could you even do something like this while you're starting major wars with Russia?
Yeah, and while there's no way in the world, so the answer is there's no way in the world that this could happen without people knowing about it.
And then willfully and intentionally doing exactly what it is that they're doing.
They are.
They are tearing apart the institutions of our country.
They are tearing apart one of the what I believe one of the one of the last institutions that still maintains a modicum of integrity.
And that's our and that's our men and women who serve in our military.
but we know we have woke sort of corporate leadership at the top, and that includes Secretary of Defense Austin.
These people are putting our country in danger by their own personal behavior
and their own personal actions.
And the fact that the deputy secretary was on vacation and these people, when you look around in the Pentagon
and you look around at some of the people that are running our Department of Defense right now,
if most Americans would be so upset because these people have no business,
I mean, nevermind being around military, running our military, running our armed forces,
this is such a dangerous period of time.
And we just saw an example of how dangerous it is with the behavior and the actions of Secretary Austin,
his deputy, and frankly, the behavior and the actions of the administration over in the White House
and the way that they responded to this thing.
Austin should resign or be fired immediately.
We need leadership in this White House and in this Pentagon.
The last thing I'd say, Alex, is that most people don't pay as close attention as you or I, but Secretary of State Blinken was just over meeting with Abbas, the head of the Palestinian organization.
They wouldn't even put up a U.S.
flag while he sat there next to him.
They didn't even put up a damn U.S.
That's how much they care less about the leadership of the United States.
Well that was my next question because the globalist power structure wants to be taken
so seriously while they hate America.
But then on every front they erode American power, American prestige.
So I know we don't know exactly what happened yet.
There's impeachment inquiries beginning and all the rest of it.
But does it mean Biden's not in charge?
We know he's a puppet.
Does it mean Austin's not in charge?
Why would he have his whole 300 people do this?
Was it his orders not to do it?
And then he got really sick.
I mean, it just shows they're turning off every default that through all these wars and all this experience kept us safe.
They're just going against whatever The previous people put in place that we know led us through a lot of bad stuff.
It just seems like they're in rebellion against common sense.
I don't know.
Well, they're in rebellion against common sense, but really, and this is where I want your audience and I want everybody to understand, we have power Through social media right now.
We have power through digital soldiers.
We have power through the means that we can communicate on these various platforms and continue to expose these people.
Expose their arrogance.
Expose their failures.
Expose their weaknesses.
We need to keep doing this and we're going to have to fight through this.
This is how we're going to have to stand against this because they, this, and I say this and I mean it.
When we heard the phrase, build back better, when Biden was running for President of the United States prior to the 2020 election, the phrase, build back better, what that means, Alex, and what that means to your audiences, that means that they have to destroy everything and then they are going to build it back better in their image.
This is a globalist agenda.
It is a globalist phrase.
Words matter.
Their actions matter.
When you see people like Barack Obama and his former, you know, his wingman, not former, his wingman, Eric Holder out yesterday, when you see these guys out making statements and doing big speeches, you know that they are afraid that they've been busted.
We have got to keep busting them, we have got to keep exposing them, we've got to keep reminding the American people that we are in a fight for the struggle of this country and it is really No, I agree.
sort of they, that's the they, the globalists out there, these globalist elite represented
by the Karl Schwab's of the world and people who are just, I would call them American patriots.
You know, I love the phrase that General Ulysses S. Grant, you know, basically said, there's
only, you know, there's only two parties in this country.
Those are patriots and traitors.
And that's the way I feel right now, talking to you.
No, I agree.
I know you've got to go, but just in closing, as negative as this is, it's really finally
caught people's attention that the Secretary of Defense is talking to the White House.
So they're lying and they, they lied about everything and they didn't tell the White
House and, and they've got an adjunct that doesn't even know what she's doing and has
no military background basically.
And it's just another political hack.
Because we've always admired our military and we know it's one of the best examples of American culture and my family brought me up to love the military and you're a great example of that.
But just to sit back and realize that at the tops of our military, closing comment, I know you don't have a number on this, but I know they give them papers, they find out who's a globalist, they mainly promote people that are globalists.
How many do you think of the top staff of the military are fully on board with the globalists and just how many are mailing it in and how many patriots we got?
You know, we have about, we have too many four stars, but we have, you know, I think the number is somewhere between three and 400, maybe closer to 400 four stars.
We have, we have like, you know, at the height of World War II, we had probably like 25 at World War II, and we were fighting the hordes in the Pacific and in Europe.
And, you know, we have, we have hundreds of three and four stars.
I would say of that number, we're probably looking at about 75 to 80% that have drank the Kool-Aid.
And that's scary.
It's a scary thought.
I would say, and I believe this because I've talked to enough of them, the rank and file still matter.
And the rank and file are the ones that are sort of down in the bowels of the deck plates there.
And they are still running the engines of our military.
And given the right leadership, they will rise to the occasion.
But we've got to... Like our federal government, our military is going to require a cleansing and a reculturalization That is designed and purposely tasked to fight and win our nation's wars.
You know, if and when called, right?
And the key word there is to win!
I mean, we have got to stop participating in these endless wars, Alex.
And people like Austin, he's not the guy to lead it.
That's very clear after this past week.
And frankly, who he allowed to be his deputy, who has no business being running any part of the Department of Defense.
Well, I mean, look, I just sit here as somebody that studies history.
I'm not in the military, but I study and I talk to experts like you.
They can try to dominate America and purge the military locus, but then that weakens the military.
And then even if they're evil people like Stalin and Hitler, they were both evil.
They've got to know the adversaries see that as weakness.
So they're so focused on Americans and civil war and beating Trump that they're going to lose the whole world to more serious adversaries because they're such lightweights.
I mean, they really do seem like they're mailing it in.
No, you talk about this, but there's a global alliance that's formed against us.
And, you know, you can put an acronym to it, BRICS plus five, now it may be the BRICS plus 20 in the next three or four months.
I mean, this is representative of like, like I said, I'm not kidding, like 75 to 80% of the global population of nation states that are now formed against us because They smelled blood in the water and they took advantage of it as soon as they saw this administration start to act the way that they were going to act, and they've been acting.
And this latest calamity of errors by our Secretary of Defense just Just reinforces to our enemies and our adversaries that they're on the right path, they're on the track to take this country over.
And trust me folks, trust me audience, this is not, I'm not kidding, this is not a, you know, politics as usual, we're gonna turn this thing around in another election.
We've got big problems and people better wake up.
No, I agree, but here's an analogy and you gotta go.
Imagine you're driving down the highway at 70 miles an hour on a bus.
And you look up and there's no bus driver.
And then for two weeks there's no bus driver.
Well, it wrecks just the people on the bus get hurt.
This is nuclear weapons, our entire military, all these wars, and they won't even tell us where the person was.
It shows that they are disconnected and just arrogant and need to be relieved from command.
And they're desperate.
I think that some of these people are desperate, and they do need to be relieved.
They need to be relieved, but they're not... Don't expect accountability from this administration.
Don't expect accountability from this Department of Justice.
Don't expect accountability from the people over in the Department of Defense.
They are not going to hold themselves to account.
They are not.
These people are... They are purposeful, they are intentional, and I want Americans To realize this, this is a form of a, well, this is what I say now, Alex.
We are either going to be the United States of America, or we're going to become the United Socialist States of America, and that means communism with American characteristics.
And that's the direction that we're heading if we don't wake up and get People to understand that everybody's got to play a role here in basically the retaking of our country.
And we do that.
We have to do that peacefully.
We have to do that constitutionally.
We have to do that through our elected officials.
We have to place new demands and everybody out there that has a skill or a talent needs to step into a new role.
And the destiny of this country is going to be determined by the people that I'm speaking to right now.
Whatever it is that you can do for this country, like JFK said, it's not what you know, the country can do for you. It's what you can do
for this country. And right now, people need to stand up and start thinking about what more
they can do for this country.
Well, I'm somewhat of a people watcher. And I can say this is really captured people's attention,
because we have this mythical thing in the military. And a lot of times, you know, it's true.
But just to show that he's asleep at the switch and no one will say you did it.
So I say both Biden and Austin should be taken out of office because it's insane.
The guys over the nuclear football are both completely out of their minds and who knows what's going to happen to Austin.
We're not even knowing what's... I heard he was like deathly ill from this infection.
We don't know.
This guy's taken all the vaccines likely.
He's probably done it a couple of times.
I mean, that's another aspect that we haven't touched on, but that's for a conversation for another day.
The health of this man, who knows what the health of this man is?
Who knows where he's at?
Have you seen him?
I haven't seen him step to a podium yet to even say that I'm in charge of the Department of Defense.
Don't worry about it.
The buck stops with me, at least here at this level.
That's right.
When Reagan got shot, there was instantly a demand about who was in charge.
And now, people need to realize that in Russia, maybe you don't know who's in charge, but in a free country, you do.
GeneralFlynn.com, they can find your new book, Fifth Generational Warfare and AI, GeneralFlynn.com, and on Twitter at General Flynn.
We'll get this video out soon.
We're live right now.
Thank you so much for coming on.
God bless, Alex.
God bless you.
Thank you.
I don't have words to describe how dangerous this is.
I mean, this is complete insane asylum behavior.
I mean, look, my wife's out of town visiting her dad who had a heart attack again and the rest of it.
So I got a nanny for like six, seven hours a day.
She goes, I got to get there.
And imagine if I got there, the nanny leaves and then she goes take the bathroom and she comes back out.
I'm gone for hours.
She's six years old.
She's panicked.
But at least there's not nuclear weapons at my house.
You get off the school bus and you go in your house, your mom and your daddy are gone.
And I'm not saying the military is our mommy and daddy.
I'm saying they got the nuclear weapons.
It's all going on.
It's one thing for them to oversee the destruction of the border and all the rest of it, but now they don't care.
They're scum.
Because evil people are incompetent.
And they've hired incompetent people to destroy the country, but they want to control it.
No, you can't have that attitude.
You can't like halfway strangle somebody underwater.
You go all the way.
And so they just don't care.
And Lloyd Austin's a piece of crap.
Biden's a piece of crap.
All of them are pieces of crap.
All right, the war room's coming up.
Owen's got a week off to serve.
I think it's Harrison Smith doing it, right?
So in about three minutes, we got a break.
And Harrison Smith's going to be doing the war room.
I'm gonna take all these amazing clips, stay with MTG, General Flynn.
Um, Jack Vesuvius, off the chart, good stuff, man.
That guy's like, talking about telling the future.
It's all going to go on X. You heard Flynn.
We've got an opportunity right now while Musk is doing this.
What do you want to say about Musk to really fight him?
You got to make this stuff go viral now.
We are in such a danger zone, but God's given us a chance, this critical point to take the country back, because we're paying attention.
We're not sleeping on the job.
We're working hard.
We're doing our study.
We're engaged.
We're not, you know, screwing around here.
It's like when I'm going to go out of town for a week.
I tell them the week before I'm going out of town.
Get this guest host.
This is what I want.
This is a media show.
This is not nuclear weapons with all these wars going on.
All right, I'm going to break in 20 seconds.
Free shipping has to end in the next few days.
Double Patriot points.
Next level financial energy.
We're selling on HGH Max Boost.
We've got Turbo Force back in stock.
It's all discounted, but these sales, I've been so busy.
I actually got the new sales here, but I don't have time to read them to you yet.
40% off Winter Sun, 25% off Turbo Force Plus, 25% off X2 Selling Out, 40% off Azovage Selling Out, 40% off DNA Force Plus Selling Out, 40% off Ultra 12, 50% off Real Red Pill Plus, 50% off Dyno Sleep Support, and so much more at InfoWarshore.com.
We cannot hide away from human population growth.
The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.
The problem is that the population is growing the fastest where people are less able to deal with it.
All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if there was the size of population.
That there was 500 years ago.
When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population... And reduce population... So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero.
Nobody has the balls to come out and say it and just say, look, 85% of you have to go.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
Now that's back from high school algebra.
But let's take a look.
What would you call the debate and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just team humanity?
Yeah, team humanity.
That sounds good.
You just literally have to have kids or there's no next generation.
You know, I'm super pro-human for team humanity here.
And I just think we want to make sure that people have a positive view of the future.
Don't predict the future.
Be the future.
Yes, the guy who came up with this, but the best way to predict the future is to create it.
We got to make a good showing.
Team Human.
I recently had a chance to talk to Elon Musk live on air for more than two and a half hours.
And he talked about how the globalists want to destroy civilization and depopulate humanity and how evil that is and how he's had 11 children to challenge that.
It was incredible.
And he said, "I don't know what we should call this movement."
I said, "Why don't we call it Team Humanity?"
And he agreed with me.
Now, I've been talking about Team Humanity.
It's my concept to counter the globalists that humanity is horrible and evil and bad
for a long time.
But now more than ever with Elon Musk behind it, if all of you get behind it, we can build
momentum against King Charles and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and Jane Goodall and the New
World Order that wants us all to hate ourselves and turn off our life force and crawl into
our graves and leave the planet for them.
We're not going to do that.
We have a limited edition, two different versions, Team Humanity shirts at InfoWarStore.com that are historic, that are limited edition, and are fundraiser shirts to keep InfoWars in the critical year of 2024 on the air.
We're reaching tens of millions of new people a day just because of X. And I'm so thankful to Elon Musk.
I'm so thankful to all of you in the core of the InfoWar that have kept us on air.
So get the shirt.
Support the InfoWar and know that you are on Team Humanity.
Everybody else runs around and spends hundreds of dollars for a football jersey.
For a football team?
Okay, fine.
But this is the jersey for Team Humanity.
This really counts.
Get your Team Humanity shirts right now at InfoWarStore.com.