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Name: 20240109_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 9, 2024
3038 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses the ongoing battle against globalist elites who seek to control humanity. He emphasizes unity, love, and trust in God during difficult times and shares personal stories about spiritual encounters with demonic forces. He encourages listeners to take action against corruption by playing his new video game, New World Order Wars, and purchasing Infowars products for their health and well-being. The podcast features conversations between comedian Jim Breuer and Alex Jones, where they discuss spiritual experiences involving birds as signs from God and the importance of unity among family members amidst attempts by those in power to control people. Eddie Bravo and Joe Rogan also discuss different perspectives on societies and how humanity should unite under the banner of Team Human instead of being misled by false narratives. Alex Jones' video game, New World Order Wars, has become the number one seller on Steam with a 97% positive review rating. The InfoWarStore.com is offering discounts of up to 60% off selected products during their January 2024 sale. The globalists are desperate to censor independent voices and are betting against humanity in their attempt to control the world. If we trust in God and fight for truth, they will be destroyed.

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While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
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And it's time for humanity to stand up in the InfoWars and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
A viral video, "Making the Rounds," has utilized Google Earth's history tool
to show what appears to be mass graves on Epstein's Island that were dug shortly after his arrest in 2006.
In September of 2002, in the center of the island, Google Earth shows that there was nothing but a bare mound of earth.
In March of 2005, the Palm Beach, Florida police began investigating Epstein after a mother reported that he sexually abused her 14-year-old daughter.
In July of 2006, Epstein was arrested by the Palm Beach Police Department on state felony charges of procuring a minor for prostitution.
Hours later, he was released on a $3,000 bond.
A few months later, in November of 2006, Google Earth shows that the previously bare mound has what appears to be mass graves freshly buried on top of it.
During this time, Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Christer is accused of giving Epstein special treatment, and the FBI begin an investigation.
In 2007, federal prosecutors prepare an indictment against Epstein, which is held up in the courts for a year.
In June of 2008, Epstein pleads guilty to one count of soliciting prostitution and one count of soliciting prostitution from a minor.
He is sentenced to 18 months in jail with a secret arrangement with the U.S.
Attorney's Office to not be prosecuted for federal crimes.
Epstein serves most of his sentence in a work release program that allows him to leave jail during the day.
In July of 2009, Epstein is released from jail.
One month later in August, Google Earth shows that what appeared to be mass graves on the mound have been covered over.
In 2013, construction begins on the Mound gravesite.
By 2017, construction of what appears to be a tennis court is completed.
Drone footage shows that the elevation in Google Earth is off.
The newly built tennis court is on a flat plain, surrounded by a dirt berm.
By January of 2018, Google Earth shows that the tennis court has been raised, and the earth beneath appears to have been excavated.
In November of 2018, the Miami Herald begins publishing a series of articles about the Epstein case, which inspires public interest.
In July of 2019, Epstein is charged on federal sex trafficking charges.
One month later, the FBI raid the island.
During this time, Google Earth shows cloud cover obscuring the view of the mound.
On August 10th of 2019, Epstein is reported to have committed suicide in his New York City federal jail cell.
The next available image is a month later, in September of 2019, and shows that the area on the mound is being used as a parking lot for commercial vehicles.
The area is cleared by 2020 and has remained so until today.
In a recent video, corporate media propagandist Megyn Kelly claims that we may be hearing from Jeffrey Epstein himself this year.
We're not done with Jeffrey Epstein.
I can tell you that for a fact.
I can't tell you how I know, but I can tell you for a fact we're going to hear a lot more about Jeffrey Epstein in the coming year.
And you may be even hearing from him directly.
More on that as I'm allowed to tell you.
While most believe that Epstein was murdered, many believe that he is still alive, claiming that images of his alleged corpse appear to be a different person, that the shape of his nose and ears were different.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
It's Tuesday, January 9th, 2020.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and we are hot on the trail of the New World Order.
The Great Awakening is accelerating past light speed now, but the enemy is aware of our victories as preparing to strike back.
We are now entering the center of the fight for the human destiny before we go to the next level,
interplanetary, interdimensional, and beyond.
All right.
We have Jim Breuer, who's one of my favorite comedians, packed stadiums of 50,000 people around the country with his hilarious anti-woke comedy.
I think we all deserve in this crazy time a little bit of fun.
So he'll be with us for at least an hour and a half coming up in the noon hour into the third hour as well.
But we've got a lot to hit before he joins us.
I'll obviously be getting serious with him some and getting his view just as a patriot and a father on what's happening in the world.
So let's talk about it.
Let me just show you a few headlines that all tie together here.
Synthetic generated genomically targeted plagues.
We'll be the future of warfare since a new defense report from the Rand Corporation that sits at the top of the defense establishment pyramid.
You ask how I know what their plans are?
Well, I've been reading the Rand Corporation for 35 years.
And in April, 30 years on air.
We've got their new report, and I read it last night, and it's basically a regurgitation of This report the British Ministry of Defense put out in 2007, revolution flash mobs and brain chips a grim vision of the future.
But this deals with race-specific bioweapons and you can go and find literally hundreds of articles going back more than 20 years attacking me when I talk about government documents where our own Pentagon talks about using race-specific bioweapons and we know Israel We know South Africa, we know the Russians, we know the Chinese have all been working on this for 75, 80 years.
The Japanese were working on it.
Famously, they got caught at the end of World War II, mainly on Australian and British troops they'd captured in China and other areas at the start of World War II.
They were trying to find pathogens that particularly killed white people.
So this is an old story, and it's real, and it's a big deal.
Now, it ties in with the cutting off of nitrogen fertilizer around the world the last couple
years and all the unrest and starvation that's causing in the third world and the cutting
off of the nitrogen in the Netherlands, France, Germany, areas of Asia, Sri Lanka, and the
fact that folks are battling back against that because bioweapons are much more effective
if people have Low nutrition.
That then ties into the giant UN treaty, the latest version that we covered in the last two days, Sunday and Monday.
We covered the sections, all of it, where it literally says the UN will be in charge of all your speech and to the response to any quote, pathogen or threat of pathogen, control of infrastructure, banking, borders, transportation.
It's just a giant power grab.
The Supreme Court ruled two years ago, which is common sense, so the left hates them, that Biden can't be banning fertilizer, or banning pipelines, or banning gas stoves, and trying to ban combustion engines, like California and New York are putting on the books to have no sales of them coming up in the next decade, outside of law.
And then of course those laws themselves are unconstitutional.
How does California say we're going to follow the regulations of the EPA?
That's not a law.
How are they making law?
Well, some good news on that front.
Big story up on redstate.com.
Fifth Circuit delivers smackdown of Biden-DOE efforts to regulate dishwashers, washing machines, and other household appliances.
And just ban anyone that uses gas.
How does he do that?
How do they do that?
And so I raise all that before I get into all the details because it's illegal.
Who died and made the U.N.
But you see, under the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Accords, which were never ratified by Congress, or the Agenda 21 Rio de Janeiro Accord from 1992, never ratified by Congress, the State Department, the Department of Energy, all these federal agencies though, Act as if they're signatories to it.
the boss?
And presidents like Bill Clinton and George Herbert Walker Bush and George W. Bush, bipartisan tyranny and Obama, they still order the executive agencies to follow the treaties.
That's why Trump pulls out of the agreements.
But they're not even treaties, he just pulls out of the agreements.
So it's a constitutional crisis when you have presidents bypassing Congress and making law themselves.
That's when you enter dictator territory.
So Trump was doing the opposite when he was removing the UN from being over the quote, Refugee Migrant Resettlement Treaty, which was never ratified.
So, this is all crap, but through the corporations in BlackRock that controls 88% of the assets in the world, that's official.
They have their new corporate governance system of the ESG, where they create the scoring system, and then if your company, down to even companies that are only 30, 40 million dollar companies, that sounds big to the average person, that's tiny in the aggregate.
I mean, look at Apple, worth trillions.
You then get your banking cut off, and you wonder why you're going to get a loan, you always got it before, and they said, well, there's a scoring system, and we're not allowed to see it.
But you're just being kicked off your banking.
And that happened, we've been debanked, let's not exaggerate, eight, nine times the last 20 years, but we were debanked two years ago from all three of our banks at the same time.
And then one of the banks apologized and had me in.
And I met with them and they said, you're only allowed to look at this with your eyes.
It has watermarks on it.
It's sent to us and we get big trouble.
We show you this, but here's the group out of Boston.
That does the certification, there's three groups, that's the one we use, and they've given you this ESG rating of bad.
And they said the reason is hate.
No judge, no jury, no reason, just they showed me the score, the numbers, the data.
Then I gave it to a DC law firm and they said, yeah, we'll try to get you off this score.
But then they told me, this is a major DC law firm, that the so-called group Out of Boston is the CIA.
Of course, you later saw that in Congress.
The CIA, the Justice Department's involved in the debanking, the censorship, the running of the AI, grids, interfacing with dinosaur media and big tech to censor everybody.
And you see the hundreds of quote spies sign a letter that the Hunter laptop's fake.
I mean, that's them.
And that's what they do.
And they've got access to these databases that are used to block Iran and Hezbollah being able to set up businesses in the U.S.
But instead, they're allowed to set up businesses.
In fact, the deputy prime minister, who's a big globalist, the deputy head of the WEF at the same time, in Canada, got peacefully confronted by a reporter.
It's called a scrum, where you just follow the person.
Kind of like Ezra Levant and others did, famously at Davos for five minutes, you know, talking to Borla of Pfizer.
This reporter did the same thing and just said to her, hey, why, why, why is Hezbollah allowed to openly get to demonstration permits and raise money and operate in the country when it's actually listed as a terrorist group here?
And he didn't touch her, didn't, it didn't matter.
They assaulted him and they've now charged him with assault when on video they attack him.
We're going to go to break and talk about this.
It's in the UN treaty they're putting through that everybody's arrested that does any criticism of the New World Order.
If you criticize anything they're doing, you go to jail.
Kind of like the truckers in Canada, which was again all part of Trudeau saying this is part of an ESG system.
He said we're following the ESGs arresting these people.
It's a UN rule.
Came out in the 1970s, the CIA for decades put out ugly art and ugly culture to make you depressed.
And thinks that you're ugly, and not let you know you're connected to God.
We show you beautiful art, what we were just doing, if you're watching us on TV, of human potential.
And what we are going to build, through God inspiring us, together.
Anything we can imagine, over time, we do.
What Jules Verne's 150 years ago envisioned, all came true.
But there were other futurists like H.G.
Wells that envisioned an elite controlled world that would make Hitler blush in his fiction and non-fiction.
The secret to his time machine and his war of the worlds is, he wrote about this, The non-fiction were allegories of how the establishment sees us.
We are the Eloi, they are the Morlocks.
The globalists are the Martians, coldly looking at us like animals to be enslaved and destroyed.
And I'm simply trying to get people to realize this paradigm and be aware that the future is being built for you, and it's a dystopic future with a world government run by corporations that control the UN, literally cutting off resources and ending civilization for the targeted goal of reducing 8 billion to 500 million.
And now we hit the part of the graph where they begin to try to lower the number.
And you say, well, that's going to be insane.
People are going to fight back.
And because we've got the jump on them, not just myself but countless others for decades exposing the agenda, now that we've gone from beta into operational, we've got a good chance of stopping them.
And that's really the good news that I keep giving you before I hit the rest of this, is I don't cover all this horrible stuff they're doing to make you lose faith or lose hope.
No, it's so we can admit the horror of what we're up against and then sell the public on saying no to it.
And before I hit all this, I just want to be clear.
Right now, Australia, the EU, China already has it, Canada have all announced central bank digital currencies to replace cash and credit cards.
That's a face scan, a thumbprint and or your cell phone or a chip out of the skin.
That's the official Standardized UN Bill Gates funded global policy of the world standard to be used for a social credit score, carbon tax, vaccine passport, universal income.
and they'll want you to go along with all of it and accept it
because they'll get you so poor by cutting off resources and energy
that you'll only be able to live if you're getting this tiny little salary
that you accept and become a domesticated animal.
A pig living in a barn
only gets what it's fed and what its master decides it's going to have.
But when you sell people, especially young people,
the statistics show they don't want to know how to farm on average or drive a car.
They don't even want a relationship.
They can have one in cyberspace.
They're being prepared for obsolescence.
They're being made to be obsolete because people wanting to control their own destiny and who want to build their own systems are diametrically in the way as roadblocks to this global government and to this technocracy.
To this overwrite that is here to end civilization as we know it, drastically reduce our numbers, and then set up a new plan into the future, a totally controlled, programmed technocracy.
And finally, academics, and scholars, and best-selling authors, and real intellectuals, conservative, liberal, you name it, from Brett Weinstein to Danny Wolf, ...are saying I was wrong about the right-wing populists.
They're pro-human.
They're the real liberals.
The fake liberals work for megacorporations and want to build a world that makes the communist Chinese system look like a wonderland.
And you can say, well, who cares if the liberals join us, the RFK juniors and the rest of it?
The point is, they are joining us.
The Elon Musk are joining us.
And I now know the behind-the-scenes stuff.
I'm at liberty to talk about it.
I already knew about it, but now I really know.
Elon Musk is 100% freaked out.
He now knows the globalists do want to depopulate everybody.
He agreed with me about that.
And he says they must be stopped because if they shut down civilization to the general public, it'll shut it down for them as well and will end up destroying them.
And so that's why Musk is 100% against it, because he was never for killing everybody.
But he does want a super high-tech system that is obviously frightening in its implications.
But he wants it to be a human system, and so he now understands that there's no bargaining with these people, there's no playing games.
That's why they're coming after him everywhere, and it's 100% real.
And we have to believe that we can get big people from the system to join us, because we're promoting something that's common sense and beautiful.
Oh, Joe Rogan didn't used to be with us, so I don't trust him, or Vivek Ramaswamy, or... All these people.
Russell Brand.
Almost every person now that was on the enemy team, from Jimmy Dore to Tucker Carlson, is now on our team.
Tucker Carlson, I don't say this to act powerful, apologized to me many years ago and said, I thought you were crazy, I thought you were evil, I couldn't believe the things you predicted, but now I've seen and gone back that it was all true and that you were going off their documents, and I apologized.
I said, Tucker, don't apologize.
It's okay, you were projecting your own goodness on the world.
And let me tell you, people that know Tucker, and I know him very well now, the guy's like Santa Claus.
Just no depressant, nothing but manning.
Nothing but jolly old elf.
Endless energy, hunting, fishing, constantly taking care of his family, opening doors for little old ladies.
Mr. America.
Mr. Boy Scout.
Just like he looks.
It's more ridiculous in person.
Spend days with him.
Unlimited energy.
Unlimited jolliness.
Unlimited humor.
Unlimited stories.
I mean, hanging out with him for days and days.
I've had dinner and hung out with him, and he came and visited us once on Thanksgiving.
But actually spending days and days with him, I was like, my God, I've never been around somebody like this.
It's Santa Claus.
But you see, he just couldn't believe it was actually this evil.
And I give laurels to him because the point is, you're like that.
I know there's listeners everywhere.
Black, white, old, young.
Gay, straight, you name it.
They just want freedom and to be happy.
And you never want to hurt people and you're never mad at somebody because they're successful.
But if you watch the movie based on the best-selling novel from 100 plus years ago, There Will Be Blood, it's based on real oiled men of the time and their attitude.
Maybe find that clip.
Coming back next segment.
And he says, there will be blood, I have a competition in me.
And he's telling the guy he believes is his cousin who he finds out isn't later and kills.
He says, I don't like seeing people do well.
I don't like seeing anybody being happy.
I want to hurt everybody.
I want to dominate everybody.
I can't help it.
And he goes, that's just the way it is.
And when you understand that, you understand why we're so blind to the enemy and why they rule us, is that they are the Morlocks, we are the Eloi.
29 years on air, all I've wanted to do was warn the people about the globalists.
And I've done the best job I can to tell the truth and be accurate, and we are on record as the most accurate there are.
And I've tried to sell products to fund ourselves, unlike other communist revolutionaries that rob banks and kidnap people.
We don't do that.
We try to bring you products that really work.
And ladies and gentlemen, I'm scared of this product.
It's so powerful.
This is the breakdown product, after your cells process it, of folic acid.
Methylfolate with high quality organic.
Alright, so here's what's going on.
a stimulant it energizes your cells and then everything else you take just
You all know it.
supercharges it it's so insane it's foundational energy the strongest
formula out there at info war store.com it doesn't just energize this operation
against the tyrants it energizes you get foundational energy now all right so
here's what's going on you all know it the enemy is now completely operational
But we are supposed to be asleep when they launch this, we're not.
But they don't know what to do.
And they've hired the scum of the earth, generation after generation.
Fifty years ago we had half the top generals and admirals.
They got 99% of them right now.
And you notice it's all come out that Lloyd Austin's been gone for... Hell, two weeks now.
Might not even be alive.
And it turns out they all lied about it.
He didn't even tell the Undersecretary of Defense where he went.
Now they're introducing impeachment against him for it.
This would be like if a brain surgeon in the middle of a brain surgery just walked off and left.
It's malpractice.
Super dangerous.
Secretary of Defense is like the President.
They've got to be available 24 hours a day.
Do I have to describe to you why?
Iranians attack a ship.
There's a missile that goes into Poland, we gotta find out who shot it.
Zelensky says it's the Russians, he's already tried this twice, it's not.
Pentagon's gotta track it and say it wasn't.
This is how you start a war, and they're doing it while they've got all these wars going on!
But they're asleep at the switch.
Because globalists create the policy, and the people they put in place are just puppets, but then the globalists themselves aren't even in charge.
You remove the military culture because you are afraid of it, and you don't want the military to actually be competent, but then you're incompetent and don't know how to run the military, and you've got puppets, so now the military is a runaway train.
This has really gotten people's attention, and it's what I keep saying.
The globalists we have in charge didn't steal the world and do it by their skills like their predecessors.
They were evil, but they were competent.
Henry Kissinger and his prime worked 18 hours a day, so did Richard Nixon.
They knew everything they were up to and what they were doing.
And if they went into the hospital for two weeks, it would be told they were going to the hospital, and why?
Because they were in charge.
And they had to tell everybody who else was in charge, and we had to make sure who was in charge and what they were doing.
Now, they had gone two weeks, tells dozens of lies, still in the hospital, won't say why.
It's government by Setterman, and government by Biden, and government by Pelosi, and government by the Vice President Kamala Harris, who literally, it's not like they just pick and choose speeches.
Watch any speech she gives.
The woman is obviously on Xanax, or a bottle of vodka.
She can't string a sentence together.
And they're in charge, folks!
Because the globalists put puppets in with all their orders.
But the globalists, the Rothschilds and others, just own the big indexes.
They own BlackRock.
And it's all this big bureaucracy of corporate guys flying on private jets, going to parties, taking drugs, having sex, partying.
And then just pretending like, oh, we'll release a virus and scare everybody and give them poison shots and they'll never figure it out.
And their own white papers are coming out.
Oh God, the public figured it out.
They're going to get us.
What are we going to do?
Release another one.
No, that's the last thing you should do.
Because here's the thing, I don't want to die even if it ends up destroying you.
Any moron that studied history and geopolitics and military affairs knows you guys have already jackknifed the economy and destroyed the infrastructure for the third world so you could flood us.
And he haven't thought 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th order magnitude effects.
They don't think about what their action does.
They think about, I do this, I indict Trump, and then they'll all turn against him, and then we'll win.
And instead he got 5 times more powerful.
So you indict him more, and he gets 10 times more powerful.
I saw the meme of Popeye with Trump's head on it.
And you know when he finally opens the can of spinach and shoots it in his mouth and... And the spinach is the indictments.
I mean, I said that back at the time!
It's not... Our audience knows that!
You know, saying you can't vote for somebody and you can't have them with a bunch of souped-up, made-up crap's gonna not work?
You know that as an auto mechanic.
You know that as a truck driver.
You know that as a farmer.
As a school teacher.
Because you live in the real world!
So the globalists want to get rid of us, saying we're all obsolete, and sure, we got problems, society's in trouble in general, but the worst people are the establishment.
So, that's where we're at here, ladies and gentlemen.
Hot Mike catches journos laughing and joking about Trump being assassinated at appeals court.
Oh yeah, new thing.
Oh, a Democrat Congresswoman for New York.
I didn't even get to this.
I got to it at the very end of the show, but I'm going to play it coming up next segment.
She goes, I need illegal aliens.
That's how I'm going to win in my district.
I need a pure Democrat district.
That's how we're going to steal the election.
And then Big Mike crawls out from under a rock and says the same thing.
Because they never had to work for what they've got.
And they have nothing but a disdain and an arrogance for farmers, and shopkeepers, and police officers, and firefighters.
They are elitist scum.
They're not elites.
They didn't trailblaze like an Elon Musk.
They just were given power because they were part of the club, and they sit there and they run their mouths, and then start all these wars, and they really thought the Russians were going to coup Vladimir Putin when NATO went to war with him.
Oh, if we kill some Russians, they'll give up.
Oh yeah, that's worked.
We'll just carpet bomb Vietnam, they'll give up.
That worked real well.
The British soldiers in 1776, we'll just arrest all their families and put them on prison ships.
We'll burn down their farms, that'll make them give up.
See, they think we were intimidated by their previous bullying.
We were not intimidated by the bullying.
The public was asleep.
That's why we weren't fighting back.
And now that we're awake, and you're literally punching us in the nose, and killing us, and attacking us, and you're wondering why we get madder and madder, and why nothing works?
Skip the break.
It's because you miscalculated.
Because you haven't opened a history book.
You run around playing golf and partying all day while you pretend you built America and all this power.
No, you hijacked it.
You're like somebody that has never even passed a driver's test, who's 14 years old, getting in a 3,000 horsepower funny car.
You know, a person that's been driving drag racers their whole life for 40 years knows, I'm risking my life.
I'm about to go 350 miles an hour.
This is deadly dangerous.
I got to do this absolutely perfectly and hope nothing fails or I'm dead.
Okay, people that know how the world works know that it's dangerous.
You people get in a...
Multi-horse thousand power rocket!
And you stink, you know how to drive it, and you don't know how to wipe your ass, Big Mike!
We're supposed to bow down to you, because you're like this big eugenics example, and this big example of how the system can do anything to us, and put a tranny, and all this crap.
They think it's a big victory in the military to have a bunch of the commanders be men in dresses.
And to talk to the public with a dude in a dress that looks like a serial killer about your children's reproductive system.
And taking parents out of the equation, because they're being mean to their children, with some creepy dude dressed as a woman in an admiral outfit, a woman's military outfit, telling us about our children.
I mean, these are crazy people.
They're not John D. Rockefeller that actually built his evil empire.
They're not Mayor de Rothschild 210 years ago that actually took over the British Empire.
They have been given all of this, and then because they're mad that we want energy and food and security and a future, and they look at us and they go, we'll just get rid of them.
We don't want to deal with the public anymore.
Let's just give them shots and kill them.
They'll never figure it out.
If you kill 90% of us, the 10% will know, dumbass, and come after you.
I mean, you can't start fights at this level and get away with it.
It's how the universe works.
Here's a clip that is a great condensed version of the robber barons that took over this country 125 years ago.
And their mindset of the public.
So for those of you that see your neighbor with a gorgeous wife, wow, I'm glad America has good-looking people, and I'm glad we make enough money for them to have a big house, a nice car, and I'm glad they're doing well.
I want to aspire to that.
The globalists have all this money and power, but they hate themselves, and they see you doing well.
Just even feeding your children.
Just being able to go on vacation.
And they see it as you're stealing something from them.
They don't want to see anyone doing well.
They have a competition in them that is leveraged up to the 10th power.
Because competition's good.
That's why they don't want you to be competitive.
Because they're hyper-competitive, you understand?
They know you're better than them.
They don't even want you to know the game you're in because you get power to help other people and have a good life.
You are in a hierarchy of dominance to try to build and be a leader and example to others.
They don't get in positions of power and say, let's train young men how to be strong.
Let's train young women how to be strong and good and virtuous.
They don't, no, no, no.
They're threatened by stability because they know anyone wholesome will oppose their evil agenda.
Comprehend that?
Here's a clip from There Will Be Blood.
I have a competition in me.
I want no one else to succeed.
I hate most people.
That part of me is gone.
Working and not succeeding.
All my, uh...
Failures have left me and... I just don't care.
Well, if it's in me, it's in you.
There are times when I... I look at people and I see nothing worth liking.
I want to earn enough money I can get away from everyone.
What will you do about your boy?
I don't know.
Maybe it'll change.
Does your son come back to you?
I don't know.
Maybe no one knows that.
Doctor might not know that.
Where's his mother?
I don't want to talk about those things.
I see the worst in people, Henry.
I don't need to look past seeing them to get all I need.
I've built up my hatreds over the years, little by little.
By having you here, it gives me a second breath.
I can't keep doing this on my own.
With these...
That's so astute.
The globalists teach their minions.
They tried to hire my dad, back when he was top of his class in the mid-1960s, to join their operation.
He got in it, thought he was joining NASA, learned it was a Scientific dictatorship, got out of it, didn't even tell me about it until he saw my film, Endgame.
Came out in 2007 and he said, yeah.
Man, I knew he'd gone to college at 14 and worked with NASA programs and nuclear reactors and got sent around and did all these jobs and then something happened when he was 20 and he got out of it and decided just to be a doctor.
But he went ahead and spilt his guts to me and it was everything I already knew.
But they go and they recruit these people to say, you're part of the best, we're gonna get rid of everybody else.
And there's the analogy from There Will Be Blood, based on a famous novel of another name, where at least you're my kin, and we're going to dominate and enslave everybody else.
And the globalists do have that, where in their own kin, in their own groups, in their own mafias, they at least care about each other on the surface.
But let's say they reduce the world population, the official UNWF agenda 2030 plan, down to three 100, 500, 600 million.
The number is usually 500.
Some estimates are 300 million.
Imagine, that's one of the Georgia Guidestones, imagine you're 500 million people that helped do all this and carry this global extermination out that takes decades by cutting off resources, posing as a savior while it's all unfolding, giving people poison shots.
Do you really think when you're that 500 million people left that You're not going to be gotten rid of because you know where all the bodies are buried and you understand what's going on.
They're lying to that group that they need to help them carry this out before they get the AI and the robots and all the systems in place.
No, no.
And that happens throughout history.
We know in the old Soviet Union or in coups in Rome or anywhere, it's a well-known thing of politics throughout history that the group that helps bring in the outside group that takes over is the first group they kill.
I forget the exact date, but, what was it, 800 years ago?
Look up the fall of Constantinople, I'm going from memory.
But I've read books on it years ago and seen documentaries.
And so it's what, all that's left of Rome is in what is Istanbul today, Turkey.
And they, and they, they, they, they, they, they, they've been attacked dozens and dozens of times for hundreds and hundreds of years, but the Muslims could never take it over.
But finally they got European cannon makers to make cannons.
They bombarded it for a year, but it was traitors inside.
That it made secret deals with the leader of the Islamic group.
God, that was only 600-something years ago.
Yeah, 1453.
So, it was a deal that was made, and then what do you think happened when the leader of the Islamic invasion force took over?
He killed all the traders day one and called him in and said, you think I'm going to leave a trader in this business?
And because it controlled all this corporate, all this trade around what was the known world.
You think I'm going to leave you when you betrayed your emperor and for the last year sold him out?
You are going to be executed today along with your family.
And then he called in.
The few survivors, the emperor literally died in the storming of the city, fighting.
And he said to the people that had survived and their families, take your stuff and leave and go to Western Europe.
Because the traitors were dishonorable and it's the same everywhere.
Yeah, Trotsky and Lenin helped get the Communist in power in Russia.
They get killed, they get taken out.
It's the same story.
You idiots!
I'm talking about our audience, but the left is tuning in.
You think you're part of this great betrayal, this great evil, this great corruption, and that you're gonna get some goodies in the new world order?
You really think the official plan is to just kill people down to 500 million?
You think the globalists would leave the 500 million around that help orchestrate this hell?
By the way, you may think you're tough because you're part of this.
There's a lot of you out there that have joined it.
The Enola Gay dropped at least one of the atomic bombs on Japan.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I remember reading years ago, I saw a documentary about it too, that something like half the crew committed suicide within just a few years.
And they believed they were right, and it was a war, and they were told to do it.
Then they saw the burned children, and the blacked out cities, and the hundreds of thousands dead, and they killed themselves.
And those were good men who believed it was the right thing.
They had a conscience.
I know you don't have a conscience, but still, you have cells.
And your cells aren't pure evil.
Your consciousness, your spirit is.
Your cells don't like you.
You want that in your life?
Being part of this?
You think you're going to live a good life after you take part in all this betrayal, and all this evil, and all this silliness?
No, you're not.
It's going to be just like when the Muslim king took over Constantinople and changed the name to Istanbul, and he said, bring me the traitors.
And they all marched in before him.
It took him a day to pass sentence on them, because he spent time with them each.
And read the... Arabs wrote it up.
Muslims wrote it up.
They said, how dare you betray your emperor!
You're dead!
Right now in your family!
You're a scum!
You can't be trusted!
You're dead!
What's my reward?
I helped to sell out everything!
You think we keep people around like you?
You see, they don't think second, third, fourth, fifth order.
That's why they're weak.
And if the globalists really thought through what they're doing, but they're just so selfish, so greedy, they've got to have control, they were given it by their predecessors, but now they have such a competition in them without any of the attributes that they want instead.
So, Jim Breuer, superstar, comic, I love him to death.
He's coming up.
He'll be in studio with us next hour and part of the next hour.
And then after he leaves us, I'm going to get into all of it.
I mean, the farmers in the Netherlands and Ireland and now Germany taking over saying we don't want gasoline increases, petrol increases, diesel increases.
We don't want carbon taxes.
We don't want to ban our fertilizer.
We're the ones that grow the food.
Leave us alone.
The taxes are so high.
If you raise them, we're going to go bankrupt.
We're working 15 hours a day.
We can barely do it.
Stop it.
And all over the world, the ESGs, the WF, the UN are cutting off the resources saying, you'll eat bugs and like it soon.
And you're like, that'll never happen.
But they've already banned 20% of the cows last year in the Netherlands.
They want something like 80% banned in the next six years.
And you're like, well, who cares about the Netherlands?
The Netherlands is the number two food producer in the world.
And they're doing it all over the world.
Cutting the food off.
Cutting the resources off.
It's insane.
And they want to make us poor.
They want to control us.
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And please get a copy of my book, signed or unsigned, as a fundraiser.
The Great Awakening, part two from the book.
The Great Reset.
And the war for the world.
It's the Great Awakening.
Defeating the globalists and launching the next renaissance.
Alright, we're going to air a few clips of Jim Brewer.
We're going to play clip one and clip two.
And then we're going to come back with him in five minutes.
Stay with us.
Bring us this information.
You can see here the Great Awakening orbiting the Great Reset.
Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
It is protected by a satanic shield, which can be disabled by the Great Awakening.
The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
Alex Jones has volunteered to lead the fighter attack.
Get a signed copy of the Great Awakening today at InfoWarsStore.com!
Oh, the vaccinators.
You were real cocky a couple months ago.
Yeah, I got vaccinated.
Got my second shot April 19th.
I can't get sick from the corona.
I'm vaccinated.
See this bucket of virus?
I'm vaccinated!
I'll even lick metal.
I'm not afraid of anything.
People vaccinated are getting sick.
My cousin's a gay.
What happened?
You need a new booster.
Who wants a shot?
Who wants to see a ball game?
Wave your flipper.
That's for you.
Go see the ball game.
Who wants to work again?
That's for you!
Who wants their kids educated?
What's in the shot?
It's safe!
Don't worry!
Don't worry!
Go ahead!
Go ahead!
skinny kid i've been flying on planes
Get it!
for months [BLANK_AUDIO]
Flying on a plane.
This is when I knew, like, hmm.
Alright, this is so dangerous.
Keep grandma in the basement.
But you can go fly wherever you'd like.
Now here's the best part.
I don't know if you've been flying.
They get you soon as you walk in the terminal.
Make sure you wear your mask at all times.
Do your part.
Stay six foot safe.
You know when that doesn't work?
The minute you board that plane, everyone's like... Come on!
I wanna get overhead space!
Excuse me!
We gotta get on the plane!
Not enough overhead space!
Now, you're on a plane- I'm on a tube!
I'm in a tube!
An enclosed tube!
And then, I'm sitting next to someone right... here!
And right here!
And this person here, I know that he's about three bills, he's got high cholesterol, he's already huffing and puffing.
I'm not used to walking from one terminal to the other.
I've had the gout three times in the last year, but they wouldn't take me because of COVID.
Doctors don't take anyone nowadays unless you're almost dead and they put you on the respirator.
So I said I'm not dying, but I got the gout.
And the mask is keeping him clean, his cheeks are out to here.
*blows air* Oh, let's not forget the air vent above that. He's too high
to- *blows air*
Trust the science!
*screams* I know a doctor! I know a doctor!
I know a doctor!
Facts and figures!
Then they walk up and down the aisles.
It is a federal crime if we catch you with that mask below your nose.
Keep it on at all times or you may never fly again and you may deal with federal punishment.
She's racking up charges instead of miles.
But it's snack time!
You can take them off!
Oh, thank you!
Thank you, science!
Thank you, experts!
I get to eat with no mask on!
We're so safe when we eat peanuts.
Isn't this fun?
Thank God I'm safe!
*fart* *crowd cheering*
*crowd cheering* *crowd cheering*
Well, when you meet somebody you've been watching for over a decade,
you feel like you know him, and I've been trying to get him in here forever,
and he's got sold-out tours all over the country, all over the world.
Jim Brewer is here, one of the top 10 comedians in the world, 30 years, former SNL cast member.
He's a podcaster and just an awesome guy.
And most of his shows are already sold out, but you can go there and find out where he's going to be in a few months and get in to see him.
And I've been trying to get him constantly.
He said, hey, he's ready to come in.
I'm like, wait, he's in Austin?
I didn't know that.
So I'm going to try to get some tickets coming up in a few days when you're at the Moody Center.
I've got a sinking suspicion it's already sold out.
So Jim, great to have you here.
You're awesome.
It's good to see you, Alex.
You're awesome too, man.
I remember watching you for years, and I was the guy like, did you hear what he said happened?
I'm just saying, it's a little weird.
You don't watch the guy?
Nah, nah, nah, he's just wacky.
Is it wacky?
If it happens, is it still wacky?
How wacky is it?
Yeah, this is going to be fun.
This is good.
Let's talk about you up front, because my listeners love you, I love you.
I think you were always doing some political stuff, but mainly just being funny.
But it seems like, I just met you five minutes ago, so I'm going to put words in your mouth, tell me if I'm wrong, that when they, in the last decade, tried to shut down comics first and intimidate people, you were the first to not back down and to say no.
And instead of it making you smaller, it only makes you bigger.
And that's an example of courage.
Is that a proper summation?
Well, I never was political in my whole life, and I still don't consider myself political whatsoever.
I just, I, not political whatsoever, I just went full-blown, in my opinion, what I do common sense, what is so obvious to me in front of me.
Now, if you want to categorize certain subjects, whether it's medicine or whatever I talked about, or transgender or whatever they're doing, If you want to make that politics, in my opinion, that's on you.
But I never, ever was a political comedian, and I'm still not a political comedian.
I don't join teams, man.
I never have.
You know more about the numbers.
I forget all of it.
So much happens.
But before they came after me, they went after comics, it seems.
Well, I didn't have much of an issue with that.
The only time I had an issue with that my whole life, honestly, was when I had a comedy special.
That was the one you were airing.
It was called Somebody Had to Say It.
And I had a deal to distribute it.
And it was going to go online when they were taking the numbers and the pre-orders.
And then I said, Hey, I don't... They started asking, if you show up at the events, you gotta show your VAX card.
And I went, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You know what?
I'm cancelling all gigs that push the Vax card.
And I went on a rant.
Good for you.
Dude, I went on a rant just saying I believe God.
I don't believe the specialists.
I believe my instinct.
I know my faith.
I know my morals.
I don't need a guy with a lab coat telling me if I'm a danger or I'm the one causing issues.
I mean, it was a part of life where I just could not.
Listen, we've all been fooled for billions of years, but I'm just, it's at the breaking point where I want, I, dude, come on.
Are you really?
Come on.
When you hear people going, I just want to get back in a bar, as long as I can get my shot, you know, I don't want, I just don't want to fly.
It's obvious you're being held hostage, and you were one of the main leaders.
It was an example to countless other comics, Joe Rogan and others, who then said, screw you, we're not making our fans that love us take your experimental shot to see us.
Kind of like Rodney Howard Brown, the first preacher to get arrested for still having his church.
You were one of the first guys to stand up, so I admire that.
And I gotta be honest, when it happened, I was shocked.
I was shocked at the reaction, because Alex, I don't, I don't, I'm past trying to want to be a star.
I lived the life.
I met everyone that I wanted to meet and I did everything I wanted to do.
I enjoy my life and living simply.
And the people that reached out, good and bad, really was intriguing to me.
Certain ones were, I felt, threatened.
Like, hey man, you know, you gotta be careful what you're saying.
You gotta push your audience, put a mask on.
I'm like, no, I'm not.
No, that's ludicrous.
And I'd be shocked that they were saying that.
And then there was another whole wave of people that came out of the woodwork that said, hey, you know, we're with you and we're going to unite with you and we stand by you and we're going to lift you up.
Again, I wasn't trying to do anything.
I really, to me, it's just common sense.
It wasn't a political, it's just common sense.
I don't see it in anything else.
So that actually led to me starting a podcast because I had to join a platform where they pay where I can get my money back for my special because the platform dropped me.
They said, hey, listen, we're fans of you, but We're gonna make a billion dollars, we're gonna lose a billion dollars if we air you.
Yeah, because those don't know, it's literally the corporate ESGs through BlackRock pull your advertising for them if they don't do it.
Yeah, and which I understood, I'm like, okay, that's, okay.
By the way, the ESG system is collapsing and BlackRock is basically shutting the division down.
So I don't think you knew at the time, because you did lead it.
It's on record, you're given the credit that you deserve it.
I don't think you knew what you were doing.
You were just doing common sense, but you helped the chain reaction to basically kill the ESG.
Does that feel good?
Yeah, no, it feels good.
I don't need credit.
I don't need credit.
You know, there's a great... I know, but we need people in the future when they try this again and realize, have courage, it's contagious.
Yes, no, I 100% agree.
And I have to say, that moment too, I believe it was Tucker.
Tucker then had me on his show, and I'm anti-news.
I've been anti-news for 20, 30 years.
And I've always lived that.
I don't believe a word they say.
Whatever they've always said, I've always said, what are they really hiding?
What's the little puppet back here while they're showing this?
What's really going on back here?
And even when Tucker went, I'm not going on Tucker.
I remember, no, he's part of news.
And his producer, a young lady there, she's like, no, trust me.
This is a great thing about you standing up and And that was also the beginning, like him putting me there and then some rapper came out and then the floodgates started coming up.
A little bit of a pushback here and there.
Rob Schneider called me with really encouraging words.
The people that came out were pretty powerful.
So you didn't even think about the angles, you just did the right thing.
And George Orwell said, in a world of universal Well, I mean, again, common sense.
I have a good friend that we didn't talk to for years.
We've had a big victory here.
They had like 3% uptake on the new shot they're giving, which they admit doesn't even work.
Well, I mean, again, common sense.
I have a good friend that we didn't talk to for years.
He was so against everything that I was thinking and saying, and he basically told me, he goes,
"You know when I really, really got concerned?
"When I vaccinated my child, "and then my child got COVID."
He goes, that really, that was the first time I started really waking up.
And he goes, and we all got COVID.
And he goes, and I have two shots.
And I go, yeah, well, what do you think of Howard Stern?
I think they said he's had five shots and then he announces he has COVID.
And he said, people that don't take the shot, I have the clip, should be denied medical care.
That's really, I mean, Howard Stern, wow.
How do you go from Mr. Free Speech to like Mr. Idiot?
I can't, you know, Howard's been extremely good to me.
He's had me on.
I know, but I will say...
You know, if I was able to do a show again, that is definitely something I would talk about.
I highly, 100% disagree with what he says.
Well, it's not just that you disagree.
He says he took, I've got it right here, five shots, hit out for three years in his house, and then now he's got it and got really sick.
I know.
But I don't know what goes through their minds.
You know, I went through this, Alex.
I went through the period of I was angry.
I get angry at everyone trying to push this and trying to fight it and all that.
And now I look at everyone that really pushes it as... Stockholm syndrome victims?
It's like... Cult members?
Well, I don't know, like, alright, we're at war.
Would you agree this is sort of, it's a war.
It is a war.
So, if you come back from war, and you've been, your arms are blown off or whatever, to me, this is a mental war, and I see them as casualties of the psychological war, which is what we're in.
In my opinion.
So, I don't hate them anymore.
No, I totally agree.
There are people that were susceptible to the propaganda.
So they're victims.
So I look at them more as, wow, this person is a casualty of the psychological war, and they still have them living in the deepest fear, which is what they pray that is their weapon.
It's the ultimate fear.
You're going to die.
My God, if you were a psychologist, I'd go to you.
I'm not kissing your ass.
This is super deep.
I'm impressed.
Spend a few minutes about your upbringing.
I always love your comedy, but you're super smart.
How the hell did you come up with all this?
What was the background that got you to this point?
Well, my dad was a World War II vet.
Um, you know, I was a late kid.
My mom, my mom was the first one to, she wasn't a, she had big issues with church.
Uh, something happened to her when she was young.
So I, I, I learned to question everything since I was a child.
Like even faith and religion.
She got betrayed and stuff.
What's that?
You saw some lies.
Without a doubt.
A hundred percent.
And I saw even my mom.
Like, we'll take it for instance for my mom.
My mother's first child was born.
My mother's first husband was killed.
He's buried in Luxembourg.
So he came home from the war and then they They got pregnant and married.
He felt he needed to go back.
I think he fought under patent for a little bit.
And he gets murdered six weeks before the war ended.
But where I'm getting at is, here she is.
And she's Lutheran.
He was Catholic.
And this is the 40s.
This isn't really that far long ago.
And she would over and over replay going into a church, a house of God, where you are representing faith and God.
And the priest would not acknowledge that baby or my wife, I mean, my mother, because they weren't Catholic.
I don't have a problem with it.
It's betrayal.
It's a system between us and God.
I totally get what you're saying.
That made me question so many things.
Her dad got up and said, no, no, no, and called the priest out in front of the entire Congregation said you none of you are people of God none of you this this this man had a wife he had a child None of you represent God you're thieves.
You're heathens.
You're you're you're gangsters or whatever he said so And my dad was, you know, World War II vet guy, so between the two of them and their feelings and their emotions, my dad was never caught up in trends or anything like, he was just always, I never understood it.
So I don't know, little kids on the street, they'd always like, you're going to hell because you don't go to church, and I had a deep understanding of a God, I think death will do that to you, or the understanding of death that we're not going to be here long, and it makes you appreciate That we're here not for a little, we're on borrowed time.
That's all I think about, every second.
We're here on borrowed time.
It makes life so much better though when you realize it.
Yes, yes.
So I just question everything.
9-11, everything.
No, but you're right.
It all starts with, I don't care if it's Protestant or Catholic, these churches are run by political groups.
And that's not where you find God.
I'll just say it.
You're not going to find God in almost any church.
You're going to find him anywhere.
You can find God anywhere.
The source, God, is incredible.
If you tap into it, and you tap into, like, you know, God, what do you want me to feel?
And you send out... The salespeople, whoever created the salespeople, they're the demons, in my opinion.
They're like, whoa, this God thing's powerful.
Let's act like we own it.
I mean, what a great way to control society.
It's like he showed up wanting water out of a well, and then he goes, I actually made the water.
You're going to do what I say?
What a great way to control society!
Tell us your secrets!
And then you're able to manipulate people with guilt and their emotions and you're able to say, well those parents are very naive and they'll never believe if we do this, that, that.
They'll never believe because I represent God.
And now they've moved on from the churches and Well, I will tell you this.
I won't say who, but I know a person that their child was seeing a therapist.
are Democrats. So you're going to somebody, they're going to help you, they have a political
A child.
agenda right there.
Well, I will tell you this, I won't say who, but I know a person that their child was seeing
a therapist, a child. This is I think 14, 15 year old child.
And, you know, we're in a part in our lives where you don't, they'll say, if we
really hear something we think you should know, we'll tell you.
That's your child!
One-on-one with an adult, going in secrecy.
And later found out, like, yeah, they were transgendering their child.
Oh, the schools all over the country?
And that kid was 12 years old!
So the therapist child, the therapist, this is, I swear on my life, this is a true story.
No, it's in the news.
It's in the news that in Austin, Texas, it's all over the news, and in Denver, Colorado, they get like seven-year-olds telling me, maybe another sex, they go, okay.
Then they create a file and say, your parents may not like it, and create a whole secrecy operation not letting the parents know that they are corrupting your child.
The devil is a genius.
Keep going.
Well, finish your story.
That's better.
I'm just saying.
I believe you.
It's on record.
Tell us what happened.
It's happening.
Well, you know, once they found out, they changed their course of action, but I wonder how many kids were led in a different direction.
You take your child to a doctor or psychologist, psychiatrist.
They trust them.
You think they're gonna get real help?
No, there's an agenda.
Of course there is!
And it's real, but people don't believe in the boogeyman.
They don't believe humanity is capable of being pure, demonic, satanic evil.
They're waiting for the horns, and they're waiting for a tail, when they don't realize, oh, they got brown eyes.
Oh, sometimes they're Jewish.
Oh, sometimes they're a Christian.
Oh, sometimes they pretend that it doesn't matter.
Donald, the devil manifests to everybody.
Of course!
Of course!
I'm even more impressed!
Keep going!
But so does God!
It's your choice!
You go this way or that way!
You know, it's really... it's... the more we realize...
What truth is and what we're living in is really just this, it's like sitting in a movie theater, but you're getting emotionally attached believing every single thing they're creating for you.
You know, I would sit there and go, my friends and I would go, the Roman Empire never ended, we're still in it.
It's it's it's come on!
It's crazy sitting there waiting all week like your your emotions we live in a time where all your emotions can be manipulated to make you violent, to make you hate, to make you get depressed, to make you kill yourself, to make you change your sex, to change everything and at the end of the day That's your morality, that's your gut, you're basically, they created...
How to push what's built inside of you, your true human spirit.
The programming God gave us.
The spirituality that we're born, all natural, that all beings are born with, with our true agenda, somehow this machine, whoever runs the machine, whatever runs the machine, has stripped that away and put all the specialists, the therapist, the entertainer, and again, what is all that?
False idols.
False idols.
I never understood false idols.
Because it's all, I agree, it's all God already gave us the blueprint, it's our conscience.
We know what we're supposed to do.
And then notice almost all these high priests are going against that.
Well, because there's a lot of money involved.
And if you teach a man to fish, he doesn't eat you anymore.
They want to give us fish, not teach us how to fish.
They want controlled people.
And then they're going to poison the fish.
And then with the poison, they're going to make the medicine to fix you when you get sick from the fish.
And then they can get you to do whatever they want.
But don't they get it blows back on them?
I do think.
I think the times have changed dramatically.
With, thank God, people like you, Rogan, Russell Brand was... Tucker.
Even Jimmy Dore, like everybody's... Yeah, Jimmy Dore.
Jimmy Dore's incredible.
And everyday people.
Everyday people.
This is... Which by the way, we call ourselves everyday.
We're the real people that are dialed in.
We're not God, but we're getting the transmission.
I feel that way a lot of times.
I don't do that.
I just go, what do I do?
That's what I do.
I just ask every day before I came in here, like, just please.
That is so heavy.
I never ask God for anything.
I say, what do I do?
That's what I say.
I say, I don't ask him.
I go, Please let me say exactly what you need to be said.
Please let me be able to do what you need me to do and reach that person that needs to hear it or see it or feel it or think it or be it.
That's where I'm at in life.
Do I hit the point all the time?
No, but that's where I'm at in life.
I never ask for anything because I know Nothing's to be taken for granted.
Everything's a blessing.
This moment's a blessing.
So much can be touched by this very moment.
Well, I'm glad we went back to your roots, because I would imagine... Have you talked about that much?
What do you mean?
Just your roots and what woke your family up and woke you up.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
But my family wasn't all woke up.
They still, you know, I still...
Well, they woke up to the fact that the church was full of crap.
That was a big one.
Well, my dad did, but my mom struggled with faith for a long time.
She held on to God as much as she could.
And she tried to find church, and she found one, guys, but my dad would never go.
My dad would never go.
My dad, my dad was completely out.
Your dad was already dialed in, so he didn't need them.
Right, and he, you know, we go to church and the minute the guy would start talking,
he'd be like, "Dad," you know, my mom, "He's crying, Dad, he's like, "Dad, my God,
"when's he gonna ask for the cash?"
"My God, he's upset about you."
So he'd make it fun of the hat, he'd make it fun of the outfit, he just,
but I'm not sure if my dad believed in some, I asked him point blank before he passed away.
I said, Dad, do you believe there's any good... No.
I don't know about that.
I don't know about that.
Well, because if you're presented with these churches, you'd think there's nothing, but if you ever, like, you get to, you know... Oh, I go on personal experience where things... The Holy Spirit, no, it's real.
Oh, I know, you don't have to explain it to me.
God tells me what's about to happen over and over to show me I'm real.
Bro, I know for a fact, and I gotta say, since I was young, I'm trying to remember the exact moment, but there were moments in my life where It was the, it was that moment where you go, okay, you're going to tap into, you're going to tap into God?
Or the devil.
Or you're going to tap into the devil.
Dude, I remember, I'll tell you what, I don't know if I said this, I tried to remember, I have a couple instances where I challenged the devil.
It didn't turn out very well.
Hold on, this is too powerful.
We're going to break in about 50 seconds.
Jim, I am over-the-top impressed, because I've had the same experiences.
But at least you challenged the devil.
When I was a little bit younger, I never was a devil worshiper.
But I said, devil, show me what you can do.
Oh, I got one for you.
We're going to go to break.
I got one for you.
We're going to talk about it.
We're going to go to break here in like 20 seconds.
Jim Brewer is our guest, jimbrewer.com.
We're going beyond the comedy, folks.
We're going beyond the censorship.
We're going down to when it really matters.
This is hardcore.
Talk about, you know, tune in now.
Millions watching.
I got a sneaking suspicion this is going to get 20 million views on X. Jim Brewer, stay with us.
Bro, I love this.
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When I grow up, I want to lead the human rebellion against the New World Order.
You know, I challenged the devil a lot in my life and found a lot about the devil.
But you can't challenge the devil without God.
All the top comedians in the world, Jim Brewer of JimBrewer.com, baby, just blew us away!
All right, Jim, you got cut off by the break.
We gotta take the local break for local stations.
You said, I made a mistake, or I'm going from memory, I challenged the devil.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, listen, I'm gonna preface this by saying this.
My whole life, for a very long time, and I just started telling people this because I was always afraid to say it, I always, I always saw myself, if I wasn't just doing straight up stand up, as being a, I used to call it a spiritual warrior.
Meaning, to be able to touch lives through spirituality and God, but not, no, I don't, and I don't wanna, I wanna come off going, I know the Bible, really, I don't.
You know, not dogma.
I don't know it whatsoever and I don't have anything against it. I'm not saying it's not wrong, but I'm just
saying from experiences and and and peeling away the layers of how
Deep this really is and how things are truly connected that so with that said
to the point where even I'm putting together now for the first time my life because
I keep saying it for over 20-something years Alex I really want to do a type of and I don't like the word
hegemonial because it lumps into a certain category of telling stories
That are so real, so spiritual, so deeply God-embedded, that they'll touch lives.
So... Well, let me just interrupt you.
One of the times I did... I'm going to interrupt you.
Even Joe Rogan, I wouldn't call him an atheist, but he knows the system's corrupt.
He's like, I don't know about God.
He's talking about God and believing it now.
Because it's so obvious it's good versus evil.
It's good versus evil.
It always has been good versus evil.
So I'll give you... This was a weird one.
So I decided I'm going to write a book.
And at the time, everyone wanted me to write this book, like, you know, put the Sunday Live stories in there.
When you were half-baked, you know, tell all the funny Dave Chappelle stories, which I have plenty stories.
That's my, I tell stories.
But what I really wanted to put out were these deep spiritual stories that I thought would impact people.
That's your core.
And that's always been my core throughout everything I did.
You know, I get tempted, and then I run to God like, I don't know what to do, I thought being in Hollywood was the thing I wanted, and well, okay, you're out of there.
I thought, save my marriage!
So, I've always anchored God with my decisions.
A wise decision.
Well, trial and error.
It doesn't feel good when you do the other side.
I don't care what anyone says.
Oh, I've tried it.
Everyone tries it!
You convince yourself!
I've served Satan for three years.
Say that again?
Not on purpose, but I was under Satan's control for three years, like about 14, 15, 16.
Got more women, more power, more everything.
It was insane.
But it was all diseased and depressed and horrible.
I never went there, thank God.
Thank God.
This happened to me since I was very, very young.
Oh, everybody gets tempted, yeah.
Those people, the devil knows, people that are talented, he really comes after you.
Oh, so I tell everyone, I went, listen, the more your light beams out of you, the more the dark is going to come and try to smack... I always go, do you watch Star Wars?
What does Darth Vader do the whole time?
Find me that Skywalker!
The good side.
Find me!
There's another Jedi!
Find his old place.
Destroy his old self.
Get that Jedi!
Get that Jedi!
We can rule the world!
That is the... The Jedi are relentless!
We must destroy them all!
Find me that Jedi!
That's another great movie.
So I'm going to write a book, and in the book I'm going to write my stories.
Well, I'm writing this thing, and I've got my regular stories,
but I'm writing the spiritual stories, all right, God and all this stuff,
and how this happened, but then this happened, 'cause ask God, da, da, da, da, da,
and here's a great story.
Now, when I got to the hotel, I was doing some comedy festival in Vegas,
and we were staying at Caesars or something, and all the big names are there.
I got my wife there, and I'm telling you, on my life. On my- on my- The demons were throwing
themselves at you. No.
I'm telling you this is a true story.
No, no, no.
It sounds crazy, but I'm telling you I have nothing to sell but the truth right here.
And the book doesn't even exist.
I'm not even going to try to do the book.
You can't get any more.
So I have a notebook, and I'm writing all this stuff, and on the flight I already wrote about 12 pages.
I've never written this much in my life.
Back in both sides of the page.
You're inspired!
Oh my god, my fingers are dented and they hurt.
My wife's like, can we go downstairs and do our nails?
I go, I took my notebook, because that's all I want to do is write in my notebook, and I went to the window.
In Caesar's Palace, and I said, I'm in the devil's den, and you can't stop what I'm about to put out there.
Because what I did was before that, I was trying to hide it.
God forbid someone came in, I didn't want anyone to steal my notebook.
Which to me is already a crazy thought.
Who's breaking into a suite in Caesar's Palace to steal a notebook?
Oh yeah!
No, and I'm like, I know I'm gonna change lives with this one.
So I'm putting it in the drawer, I'm putting it in between the bedsheets, and I went, what am I doing?
What am I afraid of?
So I went to the window, and I said, I challenge you to try to stop me.
And I put it, it was a long table in there, it was like a big living room, so I put it on the table right next to the window.
My wife and I then went downstairs, you know, nails.
We come back up, I don't know, an hour and a half, two hours later, and we come in.
She said she was taking a shower, going to get ready for dinner and then the show.
And I went to go write.
And when I opened the book, it was the pages, it was blank.
So I'm like, wow.
Oh no, dude.
So I'm like, wait a minute.
So I'm going through every page and it's completely blank.
So now I'm going, I'm looking at all the places.
There was a safe and I was going to fold it, but I didn't want to fall.
So maybe I left it in the safe.
Like I'm not, I'm going crazy right now.
I'm going crazy.
And I'm, I'm asking my wife, I said, D where, Did you rip pages out?
Sure, no.
I said, where's the book?
You left it on the table.
I said, well, it's empty.
Oh, that's impossible.
That's stupid.
So now I go, I'm completely confused.
So I'm, I go out, I'm looking in the garbage.
And then I went into the hallway and to my left, to the right with the elevators, to the left, there was a, uh, the maid's cart.
And the maid comes out of the room and I said, do you, do you know anything?
And she couldn't speak English and she had, I'm not saying she was demonic.
I didn't know your story.
That's how the devil works through someone to make them do it.
And she, she had the darkest eyes and she went, Oh, Oh, sorry.
I throw out and went, what?
What are you talking about?
I throw out, like you... Why would you go terror... Exactly, she's influenced.
I was about to guess, I bet a maid tore it out.
She tore the pages out!
That's the possession, it's the avatar, it's what it is.
And there's nothing you can convince me... No, it operates through humans.
Otherwise... I was going to guess that.
In fact, I didn't want to interrupt you, I was going to say, I bet a maid tore it out.
A maid tore it up?
And I had to go down in the... The old Alex would have interrupted you and stolen the thunder.
But wow, yeah, no, that's exactly how it works.
But that moment, that moment, Alex, I went... And what I thought was like, I felt God going, well, do you still have the drive?
Do you still... I'm like, no, no, dude, you're way more powerful.
I ain't gonna let that happen.
I ain't never gonna challenge that again.
Just stick to the mission.
Well, the devil's not on me present, but he can read the thoughts.
So the challenge, he got it.
He got the challenge?
There's no reason for me to challenge.
There's no reason for me to challenge.
No, I've learned to totally ignore the devil.
Have you ever had a debate with the devil?
It's not good.
No, no.
And every single time, I'll tell you what, I know I got plenty.
I got plenty.
Well, keep telling us, brother.
So there's another one.
Believe me, I'm not going to tell my story if people can handle it.
Oh, now I want to hear it.
Oh, it's bad.
Okay, okay, okay.
Well, I mean, I didn't do anything bad, but I mean, it was Eyes Wide Shut stuff.
Oh, okay.
Oh, okay.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, I know how real it is.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, that's hardcore.
Well, the devil doesn't have omnipresence, but can put it up together with the future.
So the devil tried to get me early.
So... I felt the same way.
And it was very intense.
And the first time I really, really saw him, I was tripping.
I felt the same way.
I was on mescaline.
And it was like late eight.
Which lowers the veil.
I was low, and I did not enjoy it.
And I told my friend, I said, "I need to go home."
And I'll never forget, he dropped me off, and he goes, "Listen, whatever you do..."
I used to do this as a bit, but it's real.
And he basically said, whatever you do, don't look in the mirror.
He goes, you just don't look in the mirror.
Go in your room.
You're not going to you're not going to go to sleep.
You're going to be up for a while.
Try not to watch TV.
Try to be silent.
I was like two in the morning, three in the morning.
And of course, I keep looking at the mirror.
And then when I got in the mirror, the the blacks of my eyes and I saw ice.
I'm surprised you didn't see Baphomet.
A goat?
See what?
No, I didn't see that.
No, what'd you see?
I saw the devil, the demon, in me, and he was laughing because he was like, I'm gonna getcha.
And at that moment, I'm looking in the mirror and I went, oh no, no, no, no, oh no, no, no.
What did the demon look like?
It was just dark.
It was me, but a darker, evil, heavy... Like moonlight on you?
I'm going to say it was more... Glowing or shining?
It wasn't shiny, it was dark.
Well, it's a dark shining.
It's what I would call it.
It's like the light goes out and it goes back in.
I just remember looking in the mirror and at that moment going, oh no, no, no.
No, I'm a God guy.
You ain't winning.
No, no, no.
You're not winning this.
I'm team God.
The good news is like the Charlie Daniels song, Devil Went Down to Georgia.
When the devil gives you a challenge, don't take it.
I'm going to follow God's direction.
Just say no.
Don't even have a conversation with the devil.
There's no reason to.
There's no need to.
All you need to do is talk to God.
You don't need to talk to the devil.
The devil's always going to be there to push you and nudge you in a certain direction.
Don't open up a conversation with the devil.
I agree with that.
100% no.
So, there's been many, many, many times where it could have easily gone in that direction.
But that's self-awareness.
Other people go, oh, that's because you were tripping on drugs and blah, blah, blah.
Well, I'm going to tell a story I haven't told, Jim Breuer, just because you told this.
You want me to tell a story about the devil?
Yeah, yeah, I want to hear this.
Alright, this is a true story.
Alright, we live in a golf course in Rockwall on a lake, and they hadn't built houses on the last level up.
We were up on a hill where they hadn't built houses up there yet.
So they're building these houses up there, and I'm not on drugs, not on alcohol, marijuana, anything.
I wasn't a big drug guy.
I tried a few things here and there.
I'm just really thinking about the future and the way Satan approaches you, if it's the devil, demons and different things, but it's pride.
And I was having these visions of power and these great things I would do and these things.
I'm like 14 years old and I'm in my bed at night, like 10 o'clock and I can't sleep and I feel like I'm being tempted by the devil.
So I go outside at night, I walk around the neighborhood, and I go up on top of one of these houses they're building right down the street, about two doors down.
So here's my parents' house.
Here they are building two houses.
And I go up and I sit on the wood on top of a house they're building.
So the scaffolding's up, the wood superstructure's there.
And I'm sitting there and the devil is like, just join me and all your confusion will be over and I will empower you and you're gonna get all this power and it's gonna be incredible.
It's like this vision of pride.
And I said, okay, devil, if you're real, take my hand.
And I put my hand out in the dark on top of the house.
I've been out for hours, it's like 2 a.m.
now, and my father, running up the top of the house in his underwear, reaches his hand into mine and says, no, God loves you.
So he'd been woken up by this.
The Holy Spirit runs out of the house, down the street in his underwear, old-fashioned white underwear.
My dad climbs up like a gorilla, grabs my hand, and says, no, Jesus is real.
God loves you.
That's true.
That happened right at the satanic conversion point.
That's how I know God's real.
My dad never did that.
He never watched me at night.
He'd let me do whatever I wanted.
I could leave, do whatever I wanted.
I had jobs, everything.
I was like 10 years old.
But that night, my dad literally woke up, ran out of the house, knew where I was.
He didn't see me on some rooftop down the street.
Literally like a gorilla, ran up the thing and grabbed my hand and said, no, Jesus loves you.
Literally, as my hand goes out to Satan, Do you?
Literally, the moment, he's like panting, exploding up the thing for the moment.
I mean, that's, God's real, man.
That's a, that's a powerful moment in time if you recognize it.
You recognized it.
Many people don't recognize that.
But my dad's asleep in the house at 2 a.m.
How does he know to run on the house?
How does he know?
Run up the back of the house.
And even... In his underwear.
Even if he woke up in his underwear.
Yes, even if he just got up.
He's like, hey, where's the little out?
Why is he not in the bed?
Oh my God.
He's about to make a deal with the devil.
That's heavy.
That's heavy.
Swear to God.
That's true, folks.
That's how real this is.
It's amazing.
I got tears in my eyes.
No, it is.
Well, that's that's a great word, by the way.
I feel like humans, we've been taught That anything we believe is deeply spiritual, or from a higher light, or a higher being, or energy, or godly, we're so afraid to mention it because we've been trained, oh that's weird, that's crazy, that's culty, but at the end of the day, no, it's beautiful, it's powerful, it's what we are.
It was totally psychic!
When things happen like that, well, even that word, it's become, it's psychic.
That is telepathic.
It is, it is from... And that happened?
Everybody watching knows deep down that happened.
This isn't Stephen King fiction.
This happened.
Oh yes!
It's happened multiple times.
I mean, I ain't going to small, in smaller times where the first time I was really going to be introduced to Hollywood, I had We, I had a TV show, we were spinning off of Home Improvement, I was the new big shot in town, it was me, Dave Chappelle, and the show's called Buddies, and after Tuesday Night, they already, they already recorded one show, our commercials were playing, but I knew
Immediately, my marriage was going to come to an end.
I knew, I felt the dark of, oh, I'm in Hollywood and this is what to do.
I felt it.
And it comes after your wife is what it does.
It was going to break us up immediately.
I did.
And I thought, oh, well, maybe I'll just live two lives.
And I got on my knees.
I sobbed and I begged God to please Get me out of this situation.
I'm not going to do well.
I don't know how I'm going to... And even Dave Chabelle ran off, too.
Was that before this happened?
This is 19... Which is normal.
It's like, you're like, the devil's coming, man.
It's like, you know... This is 1994.
And, you know, I'm still really young.
We just got married, blah, blah, blah.
And I dropped to my knees and I begged God, please get me out of this situation.
How do I get out of a TV show?
How do I get out of this situation?
How do I get out of Hollywood?
On my life, the next day we're at the read-through and they're like, you know, we're going to have heavy read-throughs for this week's episode, blah, blah, blah, go home.
I had a bunch of friends at the hotel.
We're going to watch the premiere.
The premiere's on this week.
I'm on the cover of TV Guide.
And my manager calls me and he goes, hey man, come down to my room.
I go down the room.
I go, what's up?
And he goes, yeah, They let you go from the show.
I said, what?
What do you, what do you, what do you?
He goes, yeah, they, I don't know why, they just, they just let you go.
Did you spiritually make the decision?
What the f- It's all contracts.
I'm telling you, I swear to God on my children, I literally go, okay, Satan, show me you're real, put my hand out, and at that exact instant my father grabs and says, no, God loves you.
The exact, not like one-tenth of a second, I'm like, boom!
It's real.
And think how awesome that is.
We do live forever.
We are spiritual beings.
There's nothing to worry about, folks.
We're eternal.
It's like, it's real, people!
I got a story for you.
I got a story for you.
And again, a lot of people, they don't know, they don't know.
When my dad died, this is another whole, this made me go into another whole dimension.
I got, I got the, I begged God my whole life, please God, let me hold my dad.
Let me, let me be with my, I don't want my father being alone when he leaves this world.
Because this man, to me, this guy was a sacrifice.
They talk, I hear him sacrifice, Jesus, yes Jesus, sacrifice.
There's millions of us that are sacrificed.
This guy grew up, ten brothers and sisters, his mom was dead when he was three.
He was an amazing soul.
He is.
Oh, and never complained!
This man was in the war for three years.
He never talked about, he never yelled, it was always good.
So with that said, I beg God, please, I don't want this man to die alone.
Whatever I get in life, no matter who I get to work with, whatever money I make, I just want to be there for my father when he goes.
Well, God granted me that.
I get to hold this man to the last breath and it's powerful.
We all lose people.
Um, it was, it was a couple months later, right?
And I have a, I have a, you know, you have a meltdown, you know, when you're crying, you know, when you lose someone and you make me cry right now, dude, and you get the mouth open, nothing coming out the, no one understands that pain unless you're, you're, unless you're in it or you, or you've experienced it.
So my sister dies two months later, but it's, yeah, it's a big mess, right?
I'm in my living room, and I'm asking God, I say, God, please, I know, I know he's in a safe place, and I'm not asking for the answers, but when I die, do I feel him?
Am I able to see him?
Am I able to, is there, I'm not gonna ask you to give me a sign.
All my life, all my life, As I'm going through this, I'm going, what is it like, the window in the next room starts tapping!
So I walk to the window, and this bird, it's a cardinal.
I was about to say bird.
I gotta stop right now.
I'm starting to interrupt you so you can finish the story.
I am in my kitchen two days ago.
Right when the sun comes up at 7 a.m., we're already cooking my daughter breakfast with my wife's out of town, and I'm sitting there and I said, God, is there going to be payment to the enemy?
Are they going to get defeated?
Are they going to be destroyed?
I live on a hilltop, never seen this before.
A hawk shoots through like a laser beam right through the pillar outside and runs over and grabs a squirrel right as I say, God, will we defeat the enemy?
And this hawk goes...
Right through and grabs a squirrel right in front of me.
And I knew that was a place from God, and you just used a bird analogy.
I swear to God.
Oh no, no, no.
Now you just started me on something else now.
You gotta remind me about the hawk story.
I've got a hawk story that's gonna blow your mind.
So first of all... It's like hawks and eagles are dialed in.
Well, hawks and eagles are also the closest to God.
They're the ones that fly.
A lot of Americans say that too.
Yes, that's where I've learned that from.
I got a great story for you!
This is incredible!
This is amazing!
So the Cardinal, it's a Cardinal, right?
Now listen, there's a little part of me weirded out.
Is this just a bird?
Is this just a coincidence?
Would this be happening if I wasn't going through this whole spiritual thing two minutes ago?
So while I'm doing that, and the bird's just looking at me, you know, it's chirping, and I keep walking away, and then it would come up against the window again, right?
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Then my parents came home.
Well this bird, this cardinal now, shows up every day where I held my dad where he died.
In that room, he starts at the crack of dawn and he goes around the house all the way to
the window seat.
And this is going on every single day.
So now you ask people, and you're not sure, you know, is this weird?
Is it just a bird?
You know, one person... You ask God for a message.
God works through all these things.
Well, you know, and you talk to one person like, oh, you know, it's just a bird, and he sees his reflection, he's territorial, and you go, all right, maybe... But before you told the bird story, I was about to tell the hawk story.
Oh, dude, I got a hawk story.
Alright, we're gonna... No, we're gonna... This is... Stay there.
Our number... Our number three... These are awesome stories.
Oh, wow.
Jim Brewer is our guest.
Those are awesome stories.
This is awesome.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Thank you.
For what you did three years ago today.
Since that day, more than 1,200 people have been charged with assault on the Capitol.
Nearly 900 of them have been convicted or pled guilty.
Collectively, to date, they have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison.
When I said how many agents or assets of the government were present on January 5th and January 6th and agitating in the crowd to go into the Capitol and how many went into the Capitol, can you answer that now?
I don't know the answer to that question.
You've had two years to find out?
By the way, that was in reference to Ray Epps, and yesterday you indicted him!
Isn't that a wonderful coincidence?
On a misdemeanor!
Meanwhile, you're sending grandmas to prison!
You're putting people away for 20 years for merely filming!
Some people weren't even there!
You've got all the goods on in 10 videos, and it's an indictment for a misdemeanor?
The American public isn't buying it!
Three years later, the tide of tyranny is turning.
January 6th, defendants like Jake Lang have taken their case to the Supreme Court, where tyranny should no longer have a foothold.
Jake, you are overdue for a trial now by well over a thousand days.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial, without unnecessary delay.
What has been said by the prosecution or your defense team regarding your Sixth Amendment rights?
Myself and all the January Sixers, John, have been completely denied our constitutional rights.
The right to due process has been just absolutely Devastated.
They have withheld exculpatory evidence, evidence that'll help exonerate you from the Jan Fixers.
They've elongated my trial out to September 9th of 2024.
That'll be three years and nine months a political prisoner held hostage by Joe Biden's corrupt Department of Justice and FBI Gestapo.
Um, and they have even obfuscated the nature of the people who are accusing me of doing crime against them.
Only supplying their first and last initial of their name and not giving any sworn witness testimonies or any hospital records or reports from any alleged injuries.
They've done this to me and 1,250 other January 6th persecuted American patriots that have been charged criminally from January 6th.
The Jan Sixers look like we're going to be getting a huge wave of relief where the potential to overturn the 1512 obstruction of Congress 20-year maximum felony 330 Jan Sixers, including myself, have been charged with it and Donald Trump.
And so if the Supreme Court steps in and drops this charge, what we're going to see is hundreds of January Sixers who are currently behind bars are going to be given basically a huge jail spring that same day because this is the blanket political charge.
It's been weaponized and over broadly applied.
To force people into plea deals and to give people elongated prison sentences.
And so if this charge gets dropped, hundreds of Jan Sixers will go free that same day.
And it'll be a massive day of vindication for the January 6th community and our family members that miss us very much.
And in the case of Jeremy Brown, a retired U.S.
Army Special Forces Master Sergeant, the impulsive setup of our nation's defenders in the name of tyranny is finally seeing the light of day.
They claim that they found classified documents related to a soldier held in Afghanistan, is that correct?
Right, that document that they actually charged and convicted me of.
I actually left out for them to find.
So that document that they actually convicted of me, they didn't even indict me on that document until after my original trial date had already passed.
They did not want that document exposed, which is why I left it there to be exposed, because that document is not classified.
That document, I typed myself on my own personal computer.
Joe Biden and his handlers have demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt that they are the very antithesis of the American Republic for which it stands.
An important note when it comes to our prosecutions about those who remained outside the building.
We have used our prosecutorial discretion to primarily focus on those who entered the building or those who engaged in violent or corrupt conduct on Capitol grounds.
But, if a person knowingly entered the restricted area without authorization, they had already committed a federal crime.
2024 is the year the J6 political prisoners will be freed.
John Bowne reporting.
Alright, one of the top comedians in the world, Jim Brewer, is in studio.
The planets have aligned!
I told the story about my dad.
You told the story about the demonic influence.
You challenge the devil.
You lay your notebook down in Vegas.
You go for a few hours.
You come out.
It's ripped out and God even shows you, leads you right to the maid who said, I don't know why I did it.
I was commanded to do it because she didn't have God in control of her.
It's avatars just like, you know, the movies that they put out Avatar.
This is what's going on.
There's good influence, there's bad influence.
We are transceivers.
That's why the sixth sense is true.
It's why butterflies can fly to Canada, to Mexico and back.
There is an electromagnetic thing going on.
And you were just talking about experiencing this.
And then countless times here, I've never heard these stories from you.
I'm literally about to finish your sentence, but I show up to be nice, and I'm like, hey, a bird just did this.
You're like, oh, it's all about that.
So God doesn't just work through humans.
God can influence and show us things, but so can the devil.
And this is electromagnetic.
It's chemical.
We have these rods and cones in our brain that are dialed into the sun, the star, the moon, all life around us.
It's women's sixth sense.
It's there.
So Jim Breuer, continue.
Yeah, so quick with the Cardinal story.
So, this thing now shows up every day.
It kind of becomes a joke in the house.
You know, one person goes... Right at the moment you're praying, God, show me.
It comes right to the window where your dad died.
Yeah, and I said, what I was praying, just to make everyone clear, I'm not saying show me, I was basically saying, is there, can you show me, what do we feel?
Is there an existence when we leave?
I miss my dad, I want to see him again.
And the window starts to happen.
I go there as a cardinal.
I start looking at him.
I'm a little freaked out.
Like, would this be here?
Would this be happening?
Is he just... What is going on?
And every time I walk away, he would go against the window like this.
Like, coming up against... So, you know, like, is it?
No, it can't be.
Now, he starts showing up every day in the room where I held my dad and he passed away.
And every day... Now, this is October.
He comes every day through the entire winter.
Every day through the spring.
Every day.
One year goes by.
We film this thing.
The kids are now making a joke.
I swear to God, I'm not even trying to be funny.
The kids will go, Grandpa, can you not tap on the window?
It's a weekend.
We don't have school.
You know, so it becomes kind of a funny thing.
But in my in my heart, I'm like, is that my fault?
Because I'm still not healed.
From my father.
You never truly heal, but I'm not...
I know he's gone, but we all go through, we know they're gone, we know we have to move on, but we're still not 100%.
If I heard a Johnny Cash song, because that was a deep connection.
Any Johnny Cash song.
We were big Johnny Cash guys, my dad and I. I would just cry.
That was my first concert.
My dad and mom brought me Johnny Cash, Long Island.
So, Johnny Cash was huge.
I'd just cry.
If I see an elderly person being wheeled, I'd instantly cry, because in those last days, Wheel them around and clean them.
It was beautiful.
So I had all these triggers still.
A year and a half goes by every single day.
Not complete.
We go to Turks and Caicos on a vacation.
We're there.
I remember it like yesterday.
I'm looking at beautiful water.
And we're in this area where no one really stays.
And I have one of the worst, mouth-open, worst breakdowns again.
And I say, oh my God, I am so sorry that I held on to my father that long.
I said, Dad, please, you can go.
You can go.
I need to grow up.
I need to understand this is what life is.
I am so sorry I held on to you that long.
I'm going to grow up as a man, as a person, and I'm okay.
I promise you I'm not going to cry anymore.
I'm not going to cry, I promise you.
I'm just going to laugh, and I'm going to bring your spirit in, and everything's good.
Okay, now, it's that week, and it's the first time I see an elderly person.
I don't cry.
I'm like, oh, okay.
I'm feeling much better.
I see someone being wheeled at the airport.
I feel much better.
I go home.
My father-in-law is watching the house.
We got cats, and my wife's very specific how you watch the cats and how you clean them.
I get it.
So I walk in, and he meets us, and he grabs my bag, walking up the stairs in the foyer, and the first thing he says to me, hey, you know that bird left?
I said, what do you mean?
What are you talking about?
He goes, you know the Cardinal that comes around every day?
I noticed in the middle of the week, it was like quiet.
And then I've noticed like he hasn't been around.
And I, I was overwhelmed with giddiness because in my heart of hearts, I went, oh my God.
I let my father go.
That bird had to, and that bird never, we didn't have a cardinal in our yard.
We used to always, I never saw it again.
Never saw it again.
What's the hawk story?
Okay, so I'm on a hike and I get a spiritual awakening when I see a hawk, okay?
Now I don't really think much of it and I go tell my friend.
My friend who's on the road with me is comedian Joe Sibb.
And Joe Sibb's from California.
He's like, kid, did I ever tell you my hawk story?
I went, no, no, no.
Long story short, he's going through a spiritual thing.
He meets up with a Native American.
The Native American brings him on a hike.
And through that hike, he explains how the hawk is your spiritual guide.
When you see a hawk, You sit, you be silent.
That's a spirit visiting you.
That's a spirit.
It's a guider.
That's your spiritual guidance, right?
Now, I got this story.
Now, before I went, this was before I left on this trip, I became friends with a man whose wife passed away.
He come into this coffee shop and He didn't want to live anymore.
It was really, it was very horrible.
And he'd come to this coffee shop, and we were working on him.
I was working on him, like, I'm gonna, listen.
We'd tell him stories, trying to heal him.
I said, listen, I'm going away for a couple days.
Don't, don't get back into sorrow.
We're on a good path now, right?
So we come back, I come back, finding out that the hawk is your spiritual guider, and it brings, you know, it's bringing you good luck.
He's crying, coming to the coffee shop, he's crying!
He's sobbing.
I said, what happened?
I thought we were good!
And, you know, all the other guys like, Rob, tell Jim what happened.
He goes, well, I was driving home and I was thinking of my wife, who died, and where I was coming down the hill and I saw the most incredible sunset I've ever seen in my lifetime.
I almost started crying, it was so beautiful.
And it was the outline of a tree in a distance, but on top of the tree was the outline of a hawk.
And I said, well, that sounds amazing.
That's beautiful.
And he goes, I know, but then I thought hawk kills things.
So I went, no, no, dude, let me tell you.
No, maybe that was your maybe that was your wife telling you, I'm OK.
Look at how angelic this is.
Look at how beautiful this is.
Everything's amazing.
So now he feels better about it.
Now I go home to my wife.
My wife's more.
Bible, Jesus.
Okay, in that world.
So I tell the story, and she's like, you know, you really shouldn't tell stories like that.
You should really push Jesus.
And I'm like, you know, the guy got healed for a second.
Does it really, like, can you really give a little credit here?
Long story short, she makes me feel not confident about the hawk thing.
Then the hawk shows up.
Dude, I'm pissed.
I go to this field called Chubb Park in Chester, New Jersey.
I grab a bucket of baseballs, and I start smacking the baseball.
I'm like, I know I spiritually touched this guy, and I know it was from God.
Why would I talk about Hawking?
Why would I talk to Joe Sibb?
Why would Joe Sibb tell me this spiritual story?
And then I come home, and he sees a hawk, and he thinks... God keeps telling you.
So, I'm... Alex, I'm hitting the baseball, and I go, God, This is like a sitcom!
I got the bat in my hand, I go, God, was I not right?
Like, please tell me the hawk thing, and I did the right thing.
I open my eyes, and on my kid's life, on my life, there's the biggest hawk sitting about 50 yards from me, just staring at me on a fence.
Well, that's the thing, they're super in tune.
They're like, they're not even, they're just pure vessels.
That's insane!
But, you know, and other people are like, so you think you have the power to, you know, all this incredible, but yeah, no, we are so deeply connected.
I said this story over 20, deeply connected, go ahead.
Yeah, yeah, no.
I mean, it's not about me.
I'm just a vessel.
It's like a hawk.
I've been on air for at least 29 years, but for at least 25, It was after my show at a local AXS TV, at a local radio show too.
I'm at this restaurant when it's closing, at the chicken fried steak, drinking a nice tea.
And like the walls pulled out.
It was like, God's like, here's your mission.
This is gonna happen.
You're gonna do this.
You're gonna trigger this whole awakening of the new world order.
You're gonna get persecuted.
But after that, it's gonna be even bigger.
But you've got to be ready.
And it like, and I've told this for 20 plus years.
Listen, I've heard this probably a thousand times.
Literally, I tell it like every week.
And it happened.
Like, that's God.
This is not a game, folks.
That's what happened to me, COVID.
He said, stop being scared.
I need... Jim, what did I give you?
What did you ask for?
You said you wanted to work.
You wanted to be on TV.
You're on TV.
You said one day you want to work with Nicholson and De Niro and Pesci.
You did that.
You said you wanted to hang out with your favorite team, the Mets.
God gives you everything.
It's true.
It's like, boom, boom.
He said, you said you wanted to hold your father to the end.
I can use a little help.
That's what I, and I went, oh my, you know what?
Just tell the story.
Because God believes in us, we've got to believe in God.
Yes, yes.
And at the end of the day, is it really that difficult?
No, we're on a planet in space.
It's all crazy!
It's all crazy!
It was all built for us as a test!
So we could look out into infinity and photograph hundreds of billions of galaxies and say, what is this?
What is it?
You think we're supposed to wake up?
You just woke up in this because there's nothing going on?
The left tells you, this is nothing!
Don't look at it!
You're nothing!
You're a little worm!
No you're not!
That's the thing.
Something really powerful made you and put you in this for a test.
But Alex, that's in my belief, what I've been shown, humans, we are the most powerful healers, God said, I made you in my image.
The power we have that has been stripped away from us in this world we live in, that was created by whatever it was.
It wasn't good.
It was demonic.
We were fine until the demon showed up and started pushing us into, you need to go to school.
Like you said, I'm going to just say this.
It's not the last place you find God is church.
I'm not trying to attack churches, but these are men, on average, trying to be God.
And so where do they go to try to play God?
I'm sorry, it's not a church.
There are some good churches, but I'll just say it.
Your early indictment of that, your father's indictment is so true, we can't let that be used against God.
Christ said, look at the Pharisees up there praying in front of everybody.
He goes, you pray at midnight by yourself.
That's right.
And there's no money involved.
There's no money involved.
We should have the power to lift each other up spiritually, in a godly manner, to look after each other, with no money involved.
Whether it's for the church... That's when Christ pulled out his whip.
He kicked the money changers over.
Because to get in the synagogue, they had to pay money.
There's nothing that drives me crazier.
It makes me foam at the mouth I'm angry when I see people pretending they're representing God and leading humans in a direction that's going to turn them away.
That is the ultimate demonic scene.
Here's my baby.
His daddy died in World War II.
I want God.
She's coming to a church to get it.
They say, no, because you're not the right faith.
She would have joined it right away if they gave it to her.
They had to tell her, no, you don't get it.
Because guess what?
You can't give it.
They don't have it.
Your funky hat doesn't make you the leader.
God didn't say, I grant you a hat to be a leader.
And now you represent me, the Lord.
And I'm not saying there's people out there that aren't in it.
God works through everything.
But I'm not going to tell another bird story.
It's a little sound made up.
I'm going to stop right there.
But I really feel like I should.
Me too.
I've seen a lot of people.
And I've been around a lot of people now that I'm 50 years old.
But my dad's dad, like he'd walk into a room, like all attention was on him.
Black hair, he was part Comanche, big blue eyes, super badass, died at 50 years old.
So, or like 55, whatever it was.
So I'm like five years old and he's dying in East Texas and he died right there while I was there.
And I go in the room and he grabs my hand, he says, "I love you so much."
He died like five minutes later.
He said, I want you to know I'm always going to be with you.
So if you hear, like when you're out in the woods or whatever, behind a bush, a little bird, that's me.
And it's so, I think it's just archetypal.
There's something about birds.
And when we read this in a book, folks, we didn't mean to do this.
We didn't talk before this, did we?
No, I never met you in my life.
Jerry Jones, my dad's dad, Dallas Cowboys owner.
Literally said, when you hear a little bird in the bush, I'm always watching, I'm always there.
And that was his metaphor.
He said whatever you want, but he was led to say that so much, it's just a cherry on top.
Well, think of how many times you meet someone.
And they say something that strikes you so powerfully, but you talk yourself out of that moment.
You're like, well, you know, that couldn't really mean anything.
It hits you.
We've been trained to not take those nuggets that can enhance you spiritually and get you closer to God.
We've been trained that you're only supposed to get it in certain ways.
And it's not.
It's all right in front of us.
And that's what the devil is.
We're made in the image of God by these incredible creatures that have to be demonized and attacked and herded and made to fight each other and told we're crap because it doesn't want us to realize our potential.
What do you think, Jim, the mess—because I can think about God's mission for us in this war game, in this test, which I think everybody pretty much agrees this is a test.
What is—have you had, like, dreams about the next level, or what God wants us to do?
I agree.
I do.
I do.
And this is what I keep coming to.
Just like I said before, this is a war.
It's a spiritual war.
And what the devil did is do everything in his power to divide so he can conquer.
And as we move forward, as angry as we get, as forceful as we want to be, we have to look at, I feel like we have to look at all the victims.
I'm not going to lie, when I still see someone wearing a mask, I'm like, We shouldn't be mad.
They're a victim.
They are casualties of this world psychological war.
I've told listeners, I said we should not make fun of these people.
And I still do it myself, but it's like they're just, it's disgusting.
It's horrifying, but as we move forward, I truly believe unless you are presenting a godly spiritual speech, plan, political statement, you are not the one.
We have to address them with love.
Love, understanding, and laughter.
We've got to humble ourselves with laughter.
Let me say this.
I've been trying to get you on for two years.
You were busy.
I know.
The planet's aligned today.
This was meant to happen.
Oh, I know it was.
We could have a discussion about political correctness and clips and fun stuff, but this has all been really amazing.
Well, I can't thank you enough.
We're still going for a while longer.
I'm just saying, do you sense that?
A hundred percent.
I didn't know what I was getting into today.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
I didn't know where we were gonna go.
I didn't know what was... Well, I pledged you everything I told you is true.
And that's when I knew God was a hundred percent real because I'm being influenced by the devil.
And the devil's, you know, it was attacks.
The devil was running, being attacked constantly.
And then physically, like, you know, The strength to like overpower men much bigger than me and stuff and it was it was literally demonic the thing in the mirror all that so it's insane what happened super hot college chicks when I'm like 14 taking me to houses like you know like eyes wide shut stuff running out of it you know there's no cell phones in when a farmhouse getting picked up like a fine devil you showed me you're real God doesn't show me he's real show me and I'll join you and my dad is picks up on it comes and saves me you know I mean it's like it was like that moment like whoa
Don't you feel that sense though?
I remember when you tap into those senses.
There were probably like a thousand angels there.
Not for me, but the mission I was going to carry out.
They were like making that happen.
God literally did that.
Made my dad get out of bed, go out in the middle of the street, houses, way down the road.
Never he knew I went on top of some house at night.
Go find me.
He was like, God's real, man.
It's like a butterfly knows how to get, you know, hatched in Mexico, fly to Canada, fly all the way back to the same tree.
I know.
What is that?
What can you, is that science?
It's God.
What is that?
They can never, ever define that.
But what we should be doing as a culture, I agree, is dialing into that.
Everything should be about that.
If you were taught that from school, it's almost like when you watch, um, When you watch Star Wars, one of my all-time favorite scenes, I don't know word for word, Yoda is teaching children class.
And I don't know, Obi-Wan, young Obi-Wan comes in, he lost a planet, right?
And he comes, I don't remember which one it is, he comes in, he's like, I know this galaxy exists, but I went to the main archive and they don't, I just, She said it doesn't exist, but I know it exists because, and he went, children, Obi-Wan has lost a galaxy.
And they said, look, there's a gravitational pull here, it's here, it's hidden here.
Well, yeah, and the kid said, well, that means someone, you know, well, someone must have erased it from the archives.
And then they said exactly where it was, but he said something like, ah, The mind of the child, so pure, so still innocent, so incredible.
And it's just like that, it's like that Supertramp song.
What the heck song is that?
Where, when I was young the birds were singing and everything seemed so wonderful.
Let's come back from break with a logic song.
What's it called?
Oh my God!
My daughter just sent me to school and it's so simple.
Because they're with God then?
Yeah, it was so simple.
They haven't been pulled away.
You were attached to... And that's why they're targeting him now.
Yeah, so you take a child at that age, put him in school, put him in class, oh he doesn't concentrate, give him a pill.
Now he shall learn what we shall instruct to them and they will be enslaved forever.
It's that simple.
Well, I'll tell the story again because it's totally real.
Not a minute later, not two minutes later, as I go, fine devil, show me you're real, my dad grabs my hand.
Come on!
The second, like, boom!
He goes, God loves you, Jesus loves you, we care about... He didn't know what I was doing.
I was like...
It's the most incredible point in my life.
Yes, and afterwards you freak and it keeps you up for hours.
What was that?
What are you trying to understand what that was?
You know what it was.
I'm in the moonlight with my dad in his underwear on top of the house.
He's like, come on, let's go to bed.
You know what it was.
You're just sitting there.
It's like, what is this?
Yes, but you know what it was, except for we're not taught That.
But again, just like God sends a bird to show us he's real, he literally woke my dad up, woke... In fact, I'm gonna ask my dad, he's never been on air before, he's very private, super zen, like guru, like next level.
I'm gonna ask him to come on the air and tell a story.
That would be amazing.
It's so embarrassing I've never even asked him a story.
No, I told a good friend of mine, one was a psychologist, the other one was a theologist, and they laughed at me when I told the bird story.
They were like, so you, and I remember him going, so you think your energy and the bird, you think you have the power that, you're talking about your dad, and he was laughing at me.
Cut to this person lost, you want to tell the story in a little bit?
Yeah, yeah.
But there's power in your father loving you.
That's interdimensional.
It's a vortex.
We'll be right back.
Jim Breuer's our guest.
Over the top.
Back in three minutes.
Over the top.
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Check the game out.
It's epic.
It's a conversation starter.
It's definitely funny as hell.
Defeat Big Tech Cucks.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
No way!
Oh, I destroyed him!
I beat him!
I thought you did computers, libtard.
Is it too late for an entry into Jeff Keighley's Game Awards?
I'm buying the game.
Game of the Year?
I mean, clearly.
Oh, it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, oh, they'd be singing so happily, oh, joyfully, oh, playfully, watching me.
But then they sent me away to teach me how to fly.
We're entering that time where all the world can see, and that's what threats in.
I mean, you were going to be all about comedy today.
We never talked.
And then we came here together and just blew it away.
Yeah, man, this is fun.
This is not what I was expecting.
I love this.
Because this is what I want the world to see.
God's in control.
Yes, I love this.
This is good.
This is really good.
People need this.
People need this right now to know The power they have within them.
And I'm not being religious.
I'm being real.
We have the resources, which is why your brain is occupied 24-7.
There's a reason why.
Here's a computer.
Here's a school.
Here's the news.
Here's entertainment.
You wake up, your TV's on, your radio's on, you're on your phone, anything.
You're in your classroom, you're at the work, everything.
Then you come home.
You will never, ever take...
When we had time to just be beings.
Spiritual, healing, powerful beings.
And connect.
That's what's been... All these savages.
These savages with their feathers and Amazon backwoods people.
Who's more backwoods?
Or the ones going, let's release another disease and don't need a needle?
That's some cynical, pure demon, evil mutt.
We need to go to war!
Anyone that screams, we need to murder, we need to kill, Sorry, that comes from a demon point of view.
We're a demon or godly?
Godly or demon?
I don't care if you're a political or not.
No, team human or team demon.
Keep going.
If you're a democrat and you just hate Trump, but you will blindly follow your party or any side.
That's an Eddie Bravo thing.
Team human, team demon.
Yes, I like that.
Eddie Brown was genius.
Dude, he's funny.
Good guy.
He had a sketch idea.
I laughed so damn hard.
I'll let him talk.
No, he won't mind if we tell it.
He wanted to do, and I got frustrated because I don't have a show, and I'm like, where do you do this?
He wanted to do a sketch called the Illuminati Award Show.
It was So funny.
We should get him here in a few months.
We'll have it here.
We're going to the Illuminati War Museum.
I haven't heard about it, but I'm guessing what it is.
Can I play?
Bro, it's hilarious.
And the nominees go for the greatest disease to try to pull off.
Yes, all of it.
What do you see about the power structure collapsing right when they were supposed to have all their control?
years ago but happened again like this week the award shows now in Hollywood
the comedians gonna go you're degenerate pedophiles because they get their done
Hollywood's collapse what do you see about the power structure collapsing
right when they were supposed to have all their control all right well that
this is a deeper I'm under the impression listen when I don't even know
where to start there I feel the first, what was it, Weinstein?
Whether you hate Trump or love Trump, I saw it at, now this is just a long distance view of what I watched.
No one cared about politics till he showed up.
When I say no one, the average person, like, oh, you voted for so-and-so?
I can't stand them.
All right, well, are we going to dinner?
That was the first time where I saw such hatred.
The general public got engaged.
Such hatred!
So what I would do was just watch from a distance because I'm not emotionally involved with conservative and liberal and Republican.
I'm not, I'm not, I don't join teams.
I'm not emotionally invested in it because all teams have bad players.
I'm not going to follow a team just because I've got the jersey and I've been a Democrat.
That's to me, that's such a small minded thing to do to yourself.
So with that said, in my head, I saw him.
Do I believe that people just, here, he was gonna run for president.
You gotta be crazy if you think that.
I mean, it's a fact that you're appointed, like, okay, we need you to run for president.
Now, when he came along, all I could think about was, I just kept listening to what he kept saying over and over and over.
Fake news, sex scandal, fake news, sex scandals, sex scandals, fake news.
And some of the things he was saying, you know, with the trafficking, no one talks about, he put human trafficking out there.
We're going to go after human trafficking, we're going after sex trafficking.
But now it's huge.
He put it out there.
And there's a lot of things we've all known for a long time.
Now, whether you hate him or not, it doesn't matter.
But that's the first time, when he... When Weinstein first went down, I went, oh.
Oh, because he was going at... He would say, Antonero, he ain't that good.
And people were like, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Glenn Close, whoa, whoa, whoa!
She's won a lot of awards!
He went after a system.
That's been in control since the beginning of time.
And whether you, you know, people are like, nothing's happening.
When you look at the foundation of, let's just say news, corporate news media, if corporate news, if seven, if before Trump, they said they're nine foot aliens in Miami, we all be like, oh my God!
And now we're like, wait a minute, what?
Because nobody believes.
So in just the small amount of time that he came in, it's just America.
It's the world.
It's the web where this system that was built for, this is how powerful truth can be.
I'm saying, I'm not saying Trump was like the bellwether or the signpost that the system's dead.
The system's dead.
The news went from, you won't believe everything we see to eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Every major athlete.
I mean, who heard of the Illuminati?
So how do they strike back?
What are they going to do?
That I have no clue.
I've heard the alien invasions.
I've heard everything.
But I agree with you, Mr. Burr.
We're at the end of their system.
And instead of singing, they're all powerful, we should just dial into God and create the new system.
It's a time for a new story.
And the new story, let's make it beautiful.
Let's make it, you are, what is it, human or, what does Eddie Bravo say?
Team human or team demon.
Team human or team demon.
And that's, it's really that simple.
I was on the Elon Musk three weeks ago and he said, I don't know what you call it, they want to depopulate us, they want to kill civilization.
I said, how about Team Human?
He said, yeah, that's a good name.
Team Human or your Team Demon.
If, I don't care if he's your president, I don't care, if they come out and say, we're going to kill your own Team Demon.
If you come out and say- We're gonna start a war, Team Demon.
You're Team Demon!
We're gonna cut the farmers off, Team Demon.
You're Team Demon!
It's real simple, I- Exactly.
Case closed!
It's that simple.
You're either Team Demon or Team Human.
But the problem- what they've gone away with for so long is they They go after the innocent, which is the climate change and all that.
Everyone that's anti-gun... They teach children to hate themselves, like they're killing the Earth.
Right, but even people that believe in the climate... Are you a climate denier?
No, I'm a questioner.
Um, they go after your vulnerability and your heart.
So, even now, I don't get mad at anyone and go, climate change is real and if we don't start building... Okay, so what happened in the 70s?
When they said, if I... Global freezing.
If I said, if I... No, they said in 1990, it'll all be frozen.
It'll be, we'll be... Correct.
Underwater by 2000.
They used Spock.
Remember Spock?
They had him in the documentary.
In ten years, it'll be all the Ice Age will come back.
Now think... Guys, pull up Leonard Nimoy in 1972.
Leonard Nimoy predicts a new Ice Age.
Yeah, it's perfect.
Now think... And Al Gore said in 2000, 2000... In three years, we're underwater.
Now... None of it was true.
Yes, now think of this though.
Think of how much airtime they got.
Think of how much billions of dollars of your money, my money, your money that you're working for every day.
Think of how much buildings they created, how many universities they made, how much funding of your money went into that.
Because it gives you control.
And they made horrible mistakes!
On purpose.
Guys, pull up Leonard Nimoy predicts ice age.
Here it is, get it ready, get it ready with audio.
This is hilarious.
Roll it, roll it, roll it.
If we are at least eight times in the past million years, it has advanced and retreated with clockwork regularity.
If we are unprepared for the next advance, the result could be hunger and death on a scale unprecedented in all of history.
What scientists are telling us now is that the threat of an ice age is not as remote as they once thought.
During the lifetime of our grandchildren, Arctic cold and perpetual snow could turn most of the inhabitable portions of our planet into a polar desert.
In 1977, the worst winter in a century struck the United States.
And they called the 70s for a UN treaty, then they switched in 1990 to global warming, now it's just climate change.
Well I agree with climate change, it's always changing.
It changes every day.
That's what climate does.
They use brilliant words to mess with your head.
Yeah, climate change.
Climate change.
And to make you think you're bad because you exist, give them authority over your life.
If someone came in and said, hey man, I paid you to go do a study, and you came back, and not only were you wrong, which yes, 100% they did on purpose, not only were you wrong, Is my first thing to go, okay, here's another billion dollars, go, go, go, you made that one wrong, but go figure out the next one.
So you went from freezing to now we're all gonna... It's all about there's a crisis, give your authority to us.
A fear!
What, sire, what else can we get the people to fear so we can control them for destinies and centuries?
What do you think of King Charles saying we need a military operation to cut off carbon that'll kill billions?
Team Demon.
Team Demon.
Alright, I played this before you came on.
I'm not asking you to do it, but if you want to.
Can you do the bird bit again?
Climate change!
Climate change!
Climate change is real!
You're a denier!
New Strand!
Another Vax!
Need a Vax!
That is what humanity is.
And then the seal's like, I'll take the shot.
Who wants to go to the ballgame?
And we got the seal to flap its flipper because he loves going to his ballgame.
You want to be educated, don't you?
Yeah, you'd take the shot and you'd be 18.
Timber, I'm going to be honest with you.
I've been on air 29 years in April 30.
I actually think this is the best thing we've ever done.
I'm not lying.
Come on.
You've done a lot of stuff.
Is this not top 10?
What do you think?
I, anytime we go in the direction we went today, anytime I can talk faith, real spirit, like real honest stuff, I'm not trying to sell it, just, we're trying to help humanity.
Tell me your top 100?
I would give you, I'll give you top 5.
Top 5, maybe top 3.
I'm not just saying that, I feel it today.
Maybe top 2.
I feel it today.
Maybe top 2.
I had a real good one, maybe top, maybe top ever.
No, but seriously, I was going to have you add a whole list of your comedy clubs, we're talking about censorship, and then you're like, I've been trying to get you on for years, and it's all about God, man.
It's above the system.
So when we think above the system, whether you believe it or not, Our founders, much of them were atheists, but they were like, but government's God, if we make it God, we make God in charge because that makes the people in charge.
Well, I gotta be honest with you.
I, like I said, I didn't know what I was walking into.
I didn't know.
I have conspiracy thoughts.
Let me ask you, we never talked before you came here.
I've been asking you on for years to my producer.
What'd you think was going to happen here?
Um, I thought maybe we'd go, I thought it'd be more, uh, News related, and what's my thoughts, and what's the real deep theory that you think of that?
What do I think of the Hasidic Jews that they just found in the tunnels and they were running in tunnels?
That's crazy, like coming out of the tunnel?
What do I think?
They got envy.
It's like in...
I don't know.
love whenever we have the mineshaft cap like well the Russians have underground
tunnels we gotta have them I think that's what it is I don't know and I
had envy of Hamas's tunnels I have no clue what this is but it's it's
fascinating so I thought it was gonna be more of that and I was I was ready to
I'm like, I can go.
I can go.
I have my theories.
If he wants to go, he's going to go 9-11.
Okay, I'm ready.
I'm ready to put it out there.
But I think he already knows how I feel.
I thought it was going to be more of that.
And like I said, before I walked in here, I was in the green room and I said, God, please.
Whatever you want to come out, please.
What people really need to hear, please.
How did that, because I only met you once you were on the set, two minutes before.
I know, I just met you.
And I literally myself said, I said, God just, whatever this is, do it.
And I'll be honest with you, and I don't know what you're like with him.
This has only happened maybe one other time with me.
And that was towards the end of a Glenn Beck interview.
And it was very powerful, and I was able to put out And he too, I didn't meet.
I never met him.
We just sat down and went.
And towards the end, and at the end of it, he said, Jim, please tell me you're gonna do a whole thing on this.
People need to hear what you just talked about with God and the funny and the powerful, the stories.
And so to come here, and I'm not gonna lie to you, Alex, I'm in a transition.
And what I mean a transition is this pulls me more.
I love doing comedy.
I love making people laugh and I and I know God wants me to be funny, but he wants me also to put these two people need to be connected.
So let me I was about to say this before I do what you say because I'm in the same spirit.
Everybody got a little touch of God to prove God was there.
God just wants to show you.
God kind of cheats, because He gives us free will, but He kind of cheats and shows He's there.
He's our Father.
But now things are so close, the quickening's here.
I've had probably 10 experiences like this in 30 years on air.
And I've had 5 of them in the last month.
So what's happening is the quickening.
It's going to get where it's every day, every hour, every minute.
I hope so.
Can you imagine when you're like every second?
No, that'd be amazing!
Because it's a good feeling!
Well, they claim AI is going to give us all, oh, omnipresent, no, no, no, no, no.
As soon as they make these moves against us, God's gonna go, boom!
Because it's Newtonian physics.
For every action, there's an opposite-equal reaction.
So as evil rises, good rises.
You see what I'm talking about?
I do, and I actually even... I know I keep comparing with Star Wars.
That's a good analogy.
I do believe... Well, Joseph Campbell, it's Union Psychology, which is the basis of archetypes.
It's a good yardstick.
Well, it's that force.
It's the force where you're able to move.
We are!
I'm able to go home.
I know I am.
Go home.
I need Alex to feel this.
And if it's on that show, we'll feel it.
We'll understand it.
It's like when you have someone you haven't talked to in a while.
I really should call this person.
I've done this.
I'll think of someone.
And the point is there's a lot of people, the dark side knows this, and their whole job is to keep the light side from knowing it.
Because I'll run into this like...
You know, a lot of people call it schizophrenic, but they don't because they know it's true.
Someone leftist pulls up behind me and tries to push hate at me.
I just go, I love you.
They just shut down immediately.
And that's what I do.
I go, I love you.
I just go, hey man, boom, you're trying to stab me in the heart, go ahead and do it.
Because these demons attacking your sleep, just go stab me right now.
Just do it.
They don't hate you.
They hate their own fear of opening up themselves to face something.
Exactly, because they block God off.
They hate what's in you.
And so when they attack me, like I've learned this, like any attack I go through...
I know it's part of God's plan, so it only makes us more successful.
I'm like, this is a, the Bible says your attacks are blessings.
I'm like 15 reading that, I'm like, this sounds like crap.
I'm like, now it's like, wow, oh God.
I'm like, wow, this is really bad.
Something really good's about to happen.
It always does.
It's like, wow, this really hurts God.
God's like, yeah, well, get ready.
You're a thousand, you're a thousand percent correct.
As a matter of fact, my wife, who Like I said, she goes to church, she's more powerful.
She'll give me little nuggets.
And again, we don't go on the same path.
But she'll give me nuggets.
I say you're on the same path, there are different points of it.
Yeah, yeah, we're on the parallel.
She's on Route 42, I'm on Route 53, and we're running parallel.
But I'm like, I'm taking a walk through the woods, and she's going to the church, and whatever she's doing.
That's where I go to find God's words.
Yes, I love it.
Well, you're next back.
I'll take you.
I know spots on the Greenbelt.
Nobody knows.
We'll go for a walk in the woods.
I'd love that.
Let's do it together.
I'd love that.
You name the time.
I got places nobody knows about.
I'll make time.
I live in them.
At least two hours a day.
All right.
That's my recharge.
Big secret.
We need that.
Yes, we all need that.
I was going to say, she'll give me nuggets when we're attacked.
I, there's always little petty attacks in your life that we can make, either big attacks, like I'm going through something very minor right now.
Very minor, being attacked, it's an unnecessary energy.
Just making a joke!
You can do it just from that!
Making a joke and all, some people are like, oh dang!
That's what I tell my enemies, I go, your attacks will become material.
That's what happens to me, it's non-stop material.
It never, never ends.
We had a few minutes left.
One of the best interviews I've ever done.
Jim Brewer, people can visit you on your website, jimbrewer.com.
Closing two-minute comment.
I gotta say, this is one of the greatest experiences that I've ever had.
Me too.
I want to thank you for that.
I shared stuff I never did before.
I did too.
And I think we all, we're going to go into, the madness is going to really kick it in.
The distractions are going to kick it in.
And I truly, truly believe until we find Team Human, where we can find that humanity together in one another, stop talking politics, stop talking this, stop, it's all professional wrestling on a whole different level that you're never going to understand.
It's either are you morally doing the right thing, or a teen human, we need to connect and start looking after each other spiritually and in a humane way to start moving forward.
Or else we are doomed.
But I do believe the world knows this, they feel it, and they're already on it.
We are doomed.
I really believe that.
I believe good, amazing things are happening.
I agree.
It's a fact.
The quickening's here, for evil and good, for every action there's an opposite-equal reaction.
We're part of that.
Yeah, it's amazing to be alive.
And if we accept the power God's given us, and just humbly do our job, we're gonna win.
Oh, I truly believe that.
A thousand percent.
And I may not be here to see it, but I'm okay with that.
I'm okay with that.
Because I know eventually it'll happen.
Well, that's why you're so funny, because you're tuning into The Source.
You gotta be.
It's not that hard to tune in.
You just gotta give it a little, just give it a little energy.
Give the same energy you're gonna watch the game this weekend.
Well, this is God's game and God gives us free will and loves to see good win.
We're gonna win.
We're gonna win!
We're already winning.
We're winning!
This was a big victory.
Jim Burr, I'm impressed.
Alright, we got a fourth hour guest coming in.
I forget who it is.
Always great.
Maria Z is taking over from New Zealand and Australia.
Jim Brewer, I love you.
We're going to talk after the show ends.
War Room in one hour.
Alex Troyer is on a well-deserved week of rest.
So either Chase Geiser or Hers is best doing that.
This is going to go up on Axis and get 50 million views.
29 years on air.
All I've wanted to do was warn the people about the globalists.
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Hello Americans, I'm Paul Harvey.
If I were the devil.
If I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please.
To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old I would teach to pray after me.
Our Father, which art in Washington.
And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull or non-interesting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect the discipline of Just let those run wild.
Within a decade, I'd have prisons overflowing, I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.
And in his own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct, I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
Now you know... the rest of the story.
If, by Rudyard Kipling.
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
If you can dream and not make dreams your master, If you can think and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with triumph and disaster, And treat those two impostors just the same, If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build them up with worn-out tools,
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss And booze and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the will which says to them, hold on If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch, if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but a nun too much, if you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
And, which is more, you'll be a man, my son.
The Bill of Rights is a stumbling block on the way to shutting down speech that the left doesn't like, at least in government.
But there's a new avenue for those who would like to censor what you say and think, and that's corporations.
The left have wised up to this.
If you want to stop someone from telling the truth, use companies to do it.
The social media giants.
And they are.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
So far the most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
There is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist, but this week, Alex Jones' content will be a little harder to find.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press working with big tech.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
The most banned network in the world.
In a free country, everyone can be heard.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be heard.
[Loud static]
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
The satanic New World Order is betting against humanity.
They're betting on our weakness.
They believe they can destabilize civilization.
And bring us down to the ashes of history.
The trap they've laid for us will be their destruction, not ours.
If we trust in God, and if we are valiant, and have courage to speak the truth, and not comply, and engage in civil disobedience, and not join the masses, who have decided that they are the scum of the earth, who have decided they will join with this soulless corporate system.
As for Infowars, We are going to steadfastly continue to fight in the information war with our weapon, the truth, against the enemies of humanity.
And we put our faith, and we put our trust, and we put our destiny in the hands of God.
Because it's been said a trillion times, if God be with us, who can be against us?
Welcome to 2024 and I am dubbing this the year of accountability.
Just in the last few months alone, we have seen whistleblowers coming out.
We've seen a trove of people waking up to this insane agenda.
And in regards to the whistleblowers, I'm incredibly, incredibly grateful for the guests that we have today.
I want to play you a short clip.
Most of you know who Ted Macy is by now, but if you don't yet, have a look at this clip.
So you may have seen my wife's recent post, and I want to elaborate on that and give an example as to why reinstatement back pay and apologies isn't enough.
So in July, Undersecretary Cisneros acknowledged the DMAT data, the database working properly, and also acknowledged things such as myocarditis rising 151%.
So what I did, I went in today.
I'm doing the same thing, 5 year average, however I'm comparing it to 2022.
And I only am using fixed wing pilots and helicopter pilots.
Active duty.
So we got hypertensive disease, 36%.
Ischemic heart disease, 69%.
Pulmonary heart disease, 62%.
Heart failure, 973%.
Pulmonary heart disease 62%, heart failure 973%, other forms of heart disease 63%, cardiomyopathy
So that was Ted Macy, an absolute hero, not only for his service already to the people of the United States and the people of the world, but coming forward with this DMED data.
To expose just how deadly this has been for the US military.
And now we have the Military Accountability Declaration that's just been signed by current and active and former service members, 231 in total.
And so today joining us is Ted Macy's wife, Mara Macy.
I am so honored to have her here today, Mara.
Thank you so much for being here with us.
Thank you for having me, Maria.
It's an absolute honour and thank you as well.
Being the wife of a military serviceman, particularly one of this integrity and honesty, is not something that I personally take lightly.
So I'm very, very glad to be speaking with you.
Talk to us about this exposure that Ted did and this data that he basically made known to the world.
Well, Ted has been fighting to get this out for over a year since the DMEDD data was released by the original whistleblowers and the DoD claimed that there was a glitch in the data.
And then they claimed that they fixed it.
That's when Ted went in to, you know, make sure it was actually fixed.
And when he saw all these problems, he decided to come forward and he went to Senator Ron Johnson's office to become a whistleblower for this data.
And there is a lack of Desire to get to the bottom of what is going on and why these increases have happened.
And Ted isn't trying to imply that he knows the cause so much as he is trying to imply that we should be looking into the source of this cause, which we can clearly see our government and our DoD is not intent on doing.
With what he has seen personally with the people who have been coming to his office and kind of using him as a tool for catharsis and their own struggles, whether it be with their own personal health or with the health of a loved one, they knew Ted was the only guy in the whole clinic that did not take the shot.
And they knew he was a safe person to talk to without feeling like they would be targeted by their own, whether they were GS employee, government employee, or whether Part of the military.
They knew that they could talk to Ted and he wouldn't judge them or look at them any way differently.
So he basically got to the end of the rope because he has seen so many people suffer from several different diagnoses and we just want answers.
And the only thing that we can think of is if they aren't investigating it, why aren't they investigating it unless they know what's causing it?
He wants answers.
So it does lead us to believe one thing.
We just don't We don't want to say we know for sure.
He doesn't want to say he knows for sure.
I can appreciate that.
That's the honest way to do things.
You raise the safety signal.
You say, OK, guys, what is going on here?
Let's investigate.
And you don't make accusations until you're certain.
But the failure to investigate is a clear signal that there's a cover-up going on here.
We've seen with Barry Young in New Zealand, the New Zealand whistleblower, the guy that had the paper dose data, he was the sole data administrator for this data, showing a clear correlation between the COVID injections and the deaths that were occurring immediately after injection.
The data is undeniable.
And instead of this guy being hailed a hero by the government, oh thank you so much for letting us know about these concerns and the fact that there is a serious problem here, he gets He gets arrested, he gets raided by the police, and he gets persecuted for notifying the public that, hey, there's something seriously wrong here.
And so, I mean, it's unbelievable how whistleblowers have been treated.
Can you just expand on some of what Ted has found from the data?
So there have been increases in things not only that we would suspect would be related to the shot, according to You know, well-known data myocarditis is a side effect.
So we're not even just talking myocarditis or blood cardiovascular issues.
We're talking about things like boating accidents, domestic violence, slip trips, and falls.
So we're looking at the fact that why are these other things also going up?
Especially if the DMET data has been corrected.
It has been sleep apnea is huge right now.
Everything is up.
Why is everything up?
We've got to go to break in a few seconds.
I really want to continue this on the other side of the break because there are a myriad of safety signals here.
And so very, very important.
Don't go anywhere.
We're here with Mara Macy.
We'll be right back after this break.
And we're back here with Mara Macy, wife of Ted Macy, an incredible man of integrity who has exposed the DMED data.
I'm not sure if we've lost Mara's connection there.
She's actually in the middle of a storm, so I think the team may be hooking her back up right now.
But we're really living in an era Where the whistleblowers are vilified instead of being celebrated.
We're living in an era where, you know, the case of Barry Young, for example, he gets raided, he gets arrested.
He's put the data out there showing that the government is responsible through these death shots.
For killing all of these people in New Zealand and not, you know, not telling the world about the safety signals as a bare minimum.
Let's just say, as a bare minimum, not telling the world about these safety signals and covering it up.
And he brings that evidence to the world and he gets raided and arrested and put on trial.
It's absolute insanity.
And the people that have done this all, again, as a bare minimum, Have lied to the public and pushed illegal mandates and we're going to talk about those illegal mandates on the service men and women, Mara, in a moment because they were illegal.
But these illegal mandates, the people that push this are currently still walking free and the one who's brought forward the evidence is under persecution.
So please go on with what you were saying before the break, Mara, and if we lose you, we'll call you back due to the storm.
You were saying all of the various safety signals that Ted was raising an alarm on.
Yeah, and another one that is up are new cases of cancers, which ironically We've just had our sec def out of command for four days without telling anyone, including the president, that he was having a surgery.
And I guess we just found out that it was a surgery related to some form of colon cancer.
So I'm not going to speculate that the two are together, but here we have a man who's supposed to be in charge.
And if anyone else under his command had done such a You just took off and didn't tell anybody that they were going to be out and they were AWOL, they would be in huge trouble.
But meanwhile, someone who does in his position, they get away with things.
This is the problem with the corruption in our government and there is absolutely no transparency or accountability and that feeds right into the fact that we can't get the source for what these increases are being caused by.
Yes, absolutely.
And I mean, let me just ask, the data that Ted found, was it in accordance with the timeline of the rollout of the injections?
So what he did was intentional.
He followed the model that the original DMED whistleblowers followed, which was you took the five years prior from 2016 to 2020 in order to get an average that was not related to any form of COVID or COVID shot.
And then he skipped the year 2021 and did the data from 2022.
So that way you can get an idea of whether or not we're comparing apples to apples or apples to oranges.
They're not all straight.
We've gotten a lot of pushback by people that are saying you're trying to imply that there's a 900% increase in X, Y, and Z and it's not necessarily the way you paint it because it could be the same person that goes in for all of the appointments.
Well, that's not relevant because the five previous years that we averaged out, it's the same idea.
We're not claiming these are all individual new person cases.
It is the amount of times someone went to the ER or to the doctor to have this particular instance looked at and was diagnosed with a particular diagnosis.
So, we are comparing apples to apples.
Yes, I use examples.
If you went to The doctor, those five years prior, averaged out for tonsillitis an average of five visits per year, and then that went up to an average of 20 visits per year.
It doesn't matter if it's a new case or not, you're still comparing the same idea of the amount of cases.
Not necessarily the amount of people, but the amount of cases, and those are increasing.
So, I do want to be clear about that because he gets a lot of pushback for that online, and he has never claimed that it is an individual person It's interesting to me, Mara, that there is so much pushback on whistleblowers.
This is the fascinating part, because whistleblowers come out, they give the public the information that something's very wrong here, and instead of the public taking that information and investigating further, they want to defend I mean, who is it that's pushing back this much?
And again, why is there no investigation as to the clear increase that we're seeing here?
Well, I think at this point we know we can't trust our governments.
And I say governments, plural, because it seems to be a worldwide problem.
I think that the pushback that we're getting from the people that want to believe That the information the government is pushing is accurate is because pride is a hell of a drug and people don't like to admit they're wrong.
I mean, there are things that people struggle with and I'm sorry is one of them, but also I was wrong is very high up on that list and it's just.
It's a shame because we want to teach our children better.
We want to teach our children to be able to own their actions.
But I think society we have seen slip.
We don't have accountability.
We have a society filled with entitlement.
And people don't want to have to say, listen, I did you wrong.
That includes regular people.
I had people in my family that were telling my husband, you need to take that shot because you're going to lose your job.
And I really, I don't expect them to say, I'm sorry, I was wrong about that, or I'm sorry, I put pressure on you.
But at the same time, If we just understand that they said they wanted forgiveness in that one article a couple months ago, that we should forgive them for trying to shove it down our throats.
If we want forgiveness, then we have to, as a society, learn to lessen our pride and be more humble about when we are wrong.
Yes, let me just add there that I think there should be no forgiveness for those who pushed this and knew what it was going to do to people.
In terms of the everyday people that, you know, that were fooled.
Totally different story.
Always welcomed them with open arms and someone who was was fooled that wants to come out and say, I really screwed up here and this is serious and now we need to hold those accountable.
who did this to us, you know, that's a different story.
But to just ask for that forgiveness while you're still asking, telling children that
this is safe for them after we've seen a myriad of dissident doctors coming out, you know,
real experts in cardiology.
Dr Peter McCullough, a good friend of mine, who has from the beginning said something
is very wrong here.
We now have geneticists saying something's wrong with the human DNA.
And again, I know that you're not inferring, or that Ted's not inferring that this is necessarily from the shots, but the timeline that this has happened, and I refer to, for example, Dr. Teresa Long as well, It's clear to us that there is a clear correlation here.
I want to ask you right after this short break, Mara, about whether Ted's faced any repercussions and what your family's going through.
I know that you're also running in the state of Florida for Congress, so I want to talk to you about that as well in the next segment.
God, why are governments not looking at this?
Why are governments not responding accordingly to whistleblowers?
And instead, you know, we see a trove of legacy media outlets attacking the whistleblowers.
It's just unbelievable to me.
Don't go anywhere.
We're here with Mara Macy.
We'll be back after this short break.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm Maria Z of Zmedia.com and we are live with Mara Macy.
Mara, before the break I said I wanted to ask you about whether you or Ted have faced persecution for coming out with this data.
Talk to us about what's happening now.
So Ted is under investigation.
It was announced a month ago that he was going to be investigated by his chain of command.
And immediately his lawyer contacted his command and said, I would like to know what it is exactly that Ted did wrong so we can ensure that Ted does not do it again.
About five days later, they gave him a letter, which is basically an acknowledgement and a waiver of rights for what he's being suspected of.
So it's kind of like our Miranda rights.
It says in it that he is suspected of an Article 92 violation, which is failure to obey a direct order or regulation, and an Article 133, which is a conduct unbecoming an officer.
So the day that he was handed this paperwork, he asked the investigating officer if he could tell him exactly which regulation or order he failed to obey, and that officer did not have the exact Order or regulation and he asked what conduct was unbecoming and he didn't have the answer to that either.
Ted didn't really read the paper.
He said, I'm not going to sign this without talking to my lawyer and I'm not going to talk to you without talking to my lawyer.
At this point, the command already knew he had a lawyer.
So he said, that's fine.
You know, you can return it tomorrow.
So the following day, Ted goes back with the paper after we discussed at home.
Again, we didn't read it because we knew we weren't going to be moving forward with signing their paperwork without the lawyer and without the lawyer having spoken to the command.
So he goes back and he says to the investigating officer, I will not be signing this paper.
Would you like it back?
I've made copies.
And he said, you know, you should just sign it.
It's just an acknowledgement of what you've been suspected of doing.
And Ted said, I will talk to my lawyer, and he took it back home.
At that, I decided that I was going to read it.
I read it.
It is a direct waiver of his rights.
It says that if you sign it, you are waiving your right to an attorney.
In addition to that, his right to an attorney that is listed is listed as being able to provide his own civilian attorney, which he is doing, or to have a military attorney provided to him, or the option of both.
He opted for the option of both after a discussion with his attorney.
His attorney and him called the JAG office in order to get a military attorney to get on the case with them.
And they told him and his lawyer that they would not be joining any case until he's actually charged with a crime.
It is listed on that sheet that it is actually a right for him to use that attorney.
So as to what they can use for an excuse for not having an attorney consult with his attorney, Davis Yance, is beyond me.
But yes, Ted doesn't have access to his work computer.
He's essentially doing work that he would have some of his subordinates do.
But the plus side is everything.
Ted's been in the military for 22 years.
He formerly was an enlisted sailor and is now an officer.
So he understands both sides and he has a great relationship with those people that work below him.
So he doesn't mind being with them.
He doesn't think he's better than them.
As a matter of fact, everything he's doing is in order to protect them and to protect essentially our Constitution and our rights here in America.
Is this, can I ask Mara, is Ted restricted at the moment until he goes through this process?
This is, you know, why he's not here with us today essentially?
So we wanted to give the command some time to clarify exactly what Ted did wrong so that we could ensure that he does not do it again.
We wanted to make sure that we were being thorough as to not violate regulations or orders, but the fact that they have not come up with anything as of yet tells me that what they're doing is they're trying to find something rather than having something solid that can really stick.
I don't think they'll find anything.
Ted doesn't He doesn't abuse his office.
He doesn't do anything that he shouldn't be doing.
So if there is something that he has done that he shouldn't have done, they should I asked Ted personally, as his spouse, to kind of lay low until we had a better idea.
But since it's been a month and the command has not even gotten back to our lawyer, to Ted's lawyer, and I find that to be very irresponsible.
So at this point, I side with Ted and I think Ted should be able to just He's probably going to be a little bit more active again, because if they're not going to tell him what he's done wrong, then he can't fix it.
So he's going to continue being who he is and doing what's right and speaking out for what's right.
Well, I'm encouraged to hear that.
Again, if he's, you know, done something that's unbecoming of a service member, but they can't actually identify that, then, you know, I appreciate that he's trying to do the right thing here, but they can't even tell him what the right thing is.
It's unbelievable.
That's right.
And my question is, Mara, what's so unbecoming of warning the American population that something is seriously Something serious has happened to the military.
That's actually very becoming of a service member.
You're supposed to protect your national interests.
You're supposed to protect your nation.
And if half your, you know, I can't say half, if a huge portion of your military is sick, there's something wrong.
And this is a threat to national security.
So I think what he's doing is perfect.
But let's wait and see what they say.
We'd love to have Ted back on.
As soon as he starts speaking out again.
I want to talk to you, Mara, about you running for Congress as well.
I know that you're doing that in District 5, I believe in Florida.
What's led to your decision to do this?
Well, this is actually the second time I ran.
The first time was in 2022, and it really came down to when our military members were reaching out to Congress over trying to stop the shop mandate within the military, and they weren't getting responses at all.
And if they got responses, they basically were being told there was nothing that Congress could do for them.
And it was very disheartening at that point.
Some Marco Rubio here in Florida, he's a senator, and he actually wrote back to one service member saying, take the shot.
Essentially, that's what it said.
Take the shot.
If these people are reaching out to our government, our government is failing to protect our service members who protect us.
So I said, you know what, Ted?
They're going to kick you out.
We spoke about this in great length after the shot mandate because they were saying they were going to kick everyone out and he thought he'd be on the way out by January of 2022.
So he was considering getting in the race himself and an injunction out of Texas prevented the Navy from kicking him out.
And he looked at me and I looked at him and we realized that it was going to be me that ran for the seat.
And so I got into the race with about two and a half, three months before the primary.
I didn't really know anyone because we had moved to Florida during COVID right around when it started and it's hard to meet people as a military spouse never mind you throw in some mandates on top of that but I got out there and I worked my butt off for two and a half months and and I made a lot of great connections granted I didn't win that last race but it was an open primary and Democrats were allowed to vote and of the educated voters many Democrats had said that they were going to vote for the incumbent because he was more moderate than I am so
He also, I should add this in, he personally had been reached out to by four military families that we knew of.
Two of them were told that he couldn't do anything for them and two others just did not receive a response at all.
So come around to this year and I was really hoping to kind of continue working behind the scenes to expose the corruption that goes on in our Florida government, our Republican Party in particular.
And it turns out that John Rutherford has made some pretty bad moves and people wanted to see him primaried.
So I knew that it was best if I got back in the race.
So that the Republican Party of Florida doesn't try to trick the people, which they will still likely do, and put in another candidate that is going to be just the same as John Rutherford, and pretend that that candidate is someone who will actually stick up for our rights and do the right thing.
So I knew that it was me again, and I think this time around we are on a lot better footing, and I will continue to work against corruption here in Florida and on the national level, even if I am elected to that seat.
We've got to go to break.
I want to talk about some of the scathing remarks that I've heard you make of government and why I think you're a great candidate.
We'll be back after this short break with Myra Macey.
You know, I should have told everyone about this right at the start of the broadcast.
The state of Victoria here in Australia, Melbourne, you know all those all those images that you always see out of Australia where the police were bashing protesters, shooting at them with rubber bullets and absolutely abusing every human right, you know, of these of these protesters, these innocent Unarmed protesters.
That always comes out of Melbourne in Australia where they did the Melbourne experiment.
The UN boasts about this.
I've spoken about this on this broadcast many times.
And Melbourne, New South Wales and Victoria at the moment in Australia are on alert for COVID.
They've been told you should start wearing masks again.
I mean, this is the insanity that they're still trying to push in the state of South Australia.
They've reintroduced that you've got to wear a mask when you go into an aged care facility or you can't actually go into an aged care facility in some places.
They're isolating these elderly people yet again.
They are trying to continue this madness and this is why InfoWars is so important.
Please go to InfoWarsStore.com today and support this broadcast because the day may come very soon where they start to squash Uh, platforms in Australia, platforms in the UK with the Online Safety Act that they've got over there.
It's going to be very difficult for independent media to continue once they start squashing these people.
Your support of InfoWars means that the world's best truth tellers are able to come here And tell the American people and the people all over the world the truth about what's happening.
And we have one of those truth tellers with us today, Mara Macy, wife of Ted Macy.
You were saying before the break, I said I wanted to mention some of the scathing remarks you've delivered to government and how really it's just a uniparty.
It doesn't really matter who you vote for.
These people aren't serving the public.
But what I am seeing, Mara, is more people like you.
Saying this is the year for accountability.
This is the year we're actually going to make a difference.
People are becoming more politically involved and we really have a chance now of getting honest people into politics.
Would you agree with that statement?
I would agree with it, but I would also encourage anybody who is an American voter to go and follow the money because we oftentimes get to a booth to make our, especially a primary.
Let's be clear.
Elections are won in primaries.
By the time you get to the general election, you're voting for a letter.
But your candidate is likely listed on that ballot during your primary, and you have to find out which one of those actually represents you and your views.
Because most of the time, it's the person with the most money who's established and backed by the Uniparty that is going to get that vote, because people don't educate themselves on their candidates.
Yeah, I would agree with you.
And I think, you know, someone may say all the right things and then they get into office and they do none of what they said they were going to do.
It's only really a handful of people that you can say, OK, this one's actually trying to do something here.
And so I think that it's absolutely vital.
Again, remind people where you're running.
Florida District 5, correct?
Yes, Florida Congressional House seat for District 5 and that's Jacksonville area.
It's a very, it's a city so it's a big district and we've got a battle against us.
The incumbent has been in office for six years and he was the sheriff here in Jacksonville prior to that so he has a long history here.
He's got a lot of friends that don't Watch social media, podcasts, or even they don't even go on social media.
They rely on mailers, they rely on signs, they rely on TV ads, and that is not something grassroots campaigns have money to do.
So it is very important that we reach our neighbors, our family, and our friends.
I agree with you and now's the perfect time to build those local relationships and people are realising something's wrong.
They're not in that fierce state of the COVID madness.
They're primed to start to hear.
I mean, I know people in my Telegram channel, that's Z Media, everyone, Z with three E's, media, all one word, are saying in there, you know, definitely people are starting to listen to me and family members that previously didn't want to hear anything that I had to say.
We are starting to pay attention.
So I think that we are really, really primed for action by not only the American people, but people all over the world.
In the last five minutes, Mara, I want to talk to you about the military accountability letter, American petition by We The People.
Guys, if you can bring up militaryaccountability.com.
I just interviewed Lieutenant Colonel Pete Chambers on media blackout this week.
That show is doing incredibly well, by the way.
We've got 1.5 million views in the first day on X, so if you haven't seen that, check it out.
But militaryaccountability.com, this is a group of 231 service members and veterans ignited a new spark of liberty through a declaration of military accountability.
I know that you signed this declaration also.
Mara, talk to us about it.
I believe I'm the only signature that is actually not a service member, a veteran.
I am a spouse, obviously, of a Navy active duty officer.
I've been in this community for over 20 years and this is my community.
These are my people.
This is basically a very focused accountability declaration made by people to go directly
towards the military aspect of our government.
Because our whole government, as we've discussed, needs accountability.
But in this particular instance, this one was really geared towards the military because
of the fact that we need to have a strong service.
We need it is, as you said, it is a national security issue.
And if we don't have the people to serve and the people are not healthy, and we're allowing leadership to get away with breaking laws, we can't expect anybody to have the integrity to follow laws themselves.
Yeah, I just look at the second paragraph here.
This petition intends to kindle that spark of liberty into a massive flame.
To that end, we hereby pledge our support for the Declaration of Military Accountability and intend to expand this pledge to include holding accountable all those in government authority who have abused their positions in unlawful and corrupt ways.
I mentioned I interviewed Lieutenant Colonel Chambers on Media Blackout this week.
He's an amazing man, former Green Beret, a special flight surgeon, a dear friend of mine, just an absolute heart of gold this man.
Gave an informed consent briefing to 3,000 soldiers and subsequently, you know, I think it was 2,996 didn't go ahead with the shots because he gave them a real informed consent briefing and that resulted in him being relieved of his duties.
I mean, this guy comes out, tells the military the truth, says, guys, this is actually, you're taking a risk here.
Which, by the way, everyone knew when they came out and said, our health minister at the time, Greg Hunt, came out and said, this is the largest human trial ever.
This is an experiment.
They said it out loud.
And so all he was doing was really telling the soldiers this, but apparently there was something wrong with doing that.
And so we've seen this continued persecution of anyone who speaks out.
Just tell us, Mara, is Ted very motivated?
How is he seeing things in the next couple of minutes?
Ted retires in October and I do want to say Dov Chambers is an amazing man and I have said, I have actually posted on social media that if all men were like Dov Chambers this world would be a far better place.
Ted is very motivated to retire so that he can carry on with his mission to help our government and to begin The next steps of what his career might turn into.
I mean, he is a health administrator by education and by obviously the military trade.
But I think he's looking towards some more hands-on roles of being able to get into the government and help transform the way that that functions.
Similar to what I'm doing now, maybe not on this particular level but but somewhere in there because he knows he sees we do this all the time together we dig into the money we see how our government is controlled not by the people but by the lobbyists and the special interest groups and we need to we need to change that so he is on board more just as much as the author of that
That declaration, that's Commander Rob Green, who wrote a fantastic book called Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines, came out in July on Independence Day, actually.
And with the help of Brad Miller and Major Grant Smith, they really tweaked the language of that military accountability pledge in order to really reflect how we are all feeling and what we really truly plan to do.
This is not going to happen overnight, Ted knows that, so October is not too far off.
In order to begin this fight, because we're in it for the long haul.
Mara, we've got about 40 seconds left.
Let people know where they can find you and Ted on X, I presume?
Ted is on X at Ted underscore Macey, M-A-C-E-I-E.
I'm at Mara Macey, and we're pretty responsive.
So if you want to send us a direct message, that's fine.
It might not be immediately, but we will respond.
We will respond.
Omara, I'm just so, so grateful.
I'll thank Ted via you for his service and thank you both for being a shining light in this.
We are so grateful for people like you and Ted and we need more of you in this world.
Thank you everyone for tuning in today.
Please share this and let people know that 2024 is the year of accountability and we have brave people fighting back.
I'm Maria Zee and I'll see you next week.
God bless.
Ladies and gentlemen, two years ago I went to two separate high-end health clinics where I get my blood tested every few years and also get EKGs and things in my heart.
And I noticed that at both the facilities, the hottest thing with top medical doctors was methylfolate.
And they said, listen, we've tested your genes.
I did it at two different places.
Two expensive tests, not like, you know, 23andMe and all this.
And they both came back and showed where my genes are outstanding and where they're not.
And a lot of Northern Europeans have two to three of the four genes operating with the mitochondria, the most basic part of the cell, broken.
I had the first three broken.
Two completely, one halfway broken, and then the third is fully operational.
So I get something like 12% of the energy that goes into my cells comes out.
And there's other parts of my cells that operate 100%, which is mutant level.
So I'm like weak in other areas, like Superman and others.
And that's how most people are.
You're really strong in some things, weak in others.
I didn't listen to them.
And then about a year ago, I was back for another checkup and the nurse practitioner said,
"Alexi, you're not taking methylfolate, you need to."
She said, "You can get our brand, that's souped up with some B vitamins and things,
where you can get it anywhere, but you really need to get it."
I said, "Okay, give me a bottle."
So much energy, 'cause it's the foundational.
It's not like a stimulant where you take it and then you're bouncing off the walls from that
just 'cause it gets your brain hopping.
This is the foundational energy makes all the other energy stronger.
Now, you're supposed to take two or three of these tablets a day.
I would kill people with it.
I mean, literally, it makes me feel like I'm 15 again, just bouncing off the walls.
Super, not even mean, but just aggressive.
So I take maybe a half of one a day, okay?
We went out, got the very best methylfolate, the very best B-complex that supercharges it, my dad did, Dr. Jones Naturals, now exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com.
Believe me, Believe me, and a lot of black folks have the genes broken and Hispanics as well, but white people particularly, and Jews as well, anybody with European blood has big problems when it comes to
the folic acid going into the cells and then your cells turn it into methylfolate.
This is just what the mitochondria end up operating off of.
So you give them the direct methylfolate with the bee and it's boom baby boom. So the
product is foundational energy methylfolate and bee complex and it's a big dose of it.
It's at InfoWarsTore.com.
It is high-end, and it funds the InfoWars.
So it powers the InfoWars, and it powers you.
Experience it.
If it doesn't blow you away, it means you don't have this gene problem.
But even people that have all the genes for this, still it gives you a lot of energy.
But if you don't have it, it's like a new lease on life.
Get it now at InfoWarsTore.com.